Verb Tenses Extra Practice

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Complete the sentences with am/is/are/do/does/don’t/doesn’t.

1. Excuse me __________you speak English?

2. Where is Ann? I __________know.
3. What’s funny? Why _________you laughing?
4. What _________your sister do?
5. It ________raining. I _________want to go into the rain.
6. Where ________you come from?
7. How much _______it cost to phone to Canada?
8. George is a good tennis player but he ___________play very often.

Present Simple or Present Continuous?

1. Excuse me, _______________(you/speak) English?
2. Where’s Tom? He _____________(have) a shower.
3. I _____________(not watch) television very often.
4. Listen! Somebody ____________(sing).
5. Sandra is tired. She ____________(want) to go home now.
6. How often _____________(you/read) the newspaper?
7. Excuse me but you ____________(sit) in my place.
8. I’m sorry. I ______________(not understand.
9. It’s late. I _____________(go) home now. _____________(you/come) with me?
10. What time _____________(your father/finish) work?
11. You can turn off the radio. I ___________(not listen) to it.
12. Where is Paul? In the kitchen. He ____________(cook) something.
13. Martin ____________(not/usually/drive) to go to work. He ____________
14. Sue _____________(not/like) coffee. She ___________(prefer) tea.
Translate into English.
1. Eva está tocando el piano.
2. Normalmente bebo té, pero ahora estoy bebiendo café.
3. ¿Qué haces? Estoy estudiando.
4. Puedes apagar la radio. No la escucho.
5. ¿Qué hacen Juan y Luisa? Están viendo la tele.
6. ¿Qué hacen Agustín y Laura? Son médicos.
7. Me gusta esa canción. ¿Quién canta?
Complete with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.
1. Carol ___________(break) her arm last week. It all ____________(happen)
when she ___________(paint) her room. She __________(fall) off the ladder.
2. The train ___________(arrive) at the station and Paula ____________(get) off.
Two friends of her, John and Jenny, _____________(wait) to meet her.
3. Yesterday Sue ___________(walk) along the road when she___________(meet)
Jim. He __________(go) to the station to catch a train and he
___________(carry) a bag. They _____________(stop) to talk for a few
4. What ____________(you/do) when the phone _________(ring)? I __________
(watch) television.
5. Was Jane busy when you went to see her? Yes, she ____________(study).
6. What time _____________(the post/ arrive) this morning? It
___________(come) while I ___________(have) breakfast.
7. Was Margaret at work today? No, she ______________(not come) today. She
was ill.
8. How fast ____________(you/drive) when the police __________(stop) you? I
don’t know exactly but I _____________(not drive) very fast.
9. ________________(your team/win) the football match yesterday? No, the
weather was very bad, so we ___________(not play).
10. How _____________(you/break) the window? We ___________(play) football.
I _____________(kick) the ball and it ____________(hit) the window.
11. _____________(you/ see) Jenny last night? Yes, she ___________(wear) a nice
12. What _____________(you/do) yesterday at 2 o’clock in the morning? I was
13. I ____________(lose) my key last night. How ______________(you/get)into
your room? I ___________(climb) in through a window.

Translate into English.

1. Cuando Jack llegó estábamos viendo la televisión.
2. ¿Llovía cuando saliste?
3. Nevaba cuando me acosté.
4. El teléfono sonó a las siete, pero yo me estaba duchando.
5. Cuando abrimos la ventana vimos que estaba lloviendo.
6. Susana se durmió mientras Rafa tocaba el piano.
7. Estaba leyendo un libro cuando Miguel se fue.

Past Simple or Present Perfect?

1. I ____________(lose) my key. I can’t find it.
2. ________________(you/see) Ann yesterday?
3. I ______________(finish) my work at 2 o’clock.
4. I’m ready now. I ____________(finish) my work.
5. What time ______________(finish) work?
6. Sue isn’t here. She ____________(go) out.
7. Jim’s grandmother ______________(die) in 1989.
8. Where____________(you/be) last night?
9. My friend is a writer. He ____________(write) many books.
10. We____________(not have) a holiday last year.
11. I ____________(play) tennis yesterday afternoon.
12. What time ______________(you/go) to bed last night?
13. ____________(you/ever/meet) a famous person?
14. The weather __________(not be) good yesterday.
15. My hair is wet. I _____________(just/wash) it.
16. I __________(wash) my hair before breakfast this morning.
17. Kathy travels a lot. She _______________(visit) many countries.
18. Is Sonia here? No, she ____________(not come) yet.
Translate into English.
1. He perdido mis gafas. ¿Las has visto?
¿Cuándo han llegado estos libros? La semana pasada.
2. Estudié alemán dos años pero ahora estudio inglés.
3. Javier se fue a Japón hace dos años y vive allí desde entonces.
4. ¿A qué hora te has levantado?
5. ¿Has estado alguna vez en Inglaterra? Sí, fui a Cambridge el año pasado.
6. ¿Cuádo habéis visitado a laura y Bruce? La semana pasada.
7. ¿Montse ha vuelto de los Estados Unidos? Sí la vi ayer.
8. Compré esta televisión hace un mes y se ha estropeado.
9. He leído todos esos libros.

Present Simple and Present Continuous.

1. _____________(you/speak) English? Yes, a little.
2. Sometimes we ______________(go) away at weekends.
3. It’s a nice day today. The sun _____________(shine).
4. Hello, Ann. Where ____________(you/go)?
5. How often ___________(you/go) on holiday?
6. Emily is a writer. She ___________(write) books for children.
7. I never ___________(read) newspapers.
8. Helen is in her office. She ____________(talk) to somebody.
9. What time ______________(you/ usually/have) dinner?
10. John isn’t at home at the moment. He ____________(visit) some friends.
11. Would you like some tea? No thank you. I ____________(not drink) tea.

Past Simple and Past Continuous.

1. It ____________(rain) when we ____________(leave).
2. When I arrived at the office, Jane and Paul _____________(work) at their desks.
3. I ____________(open) the window because it was hot.
4. The phone ____________(ring) while Sue ____________(cook) the dinner.
5. I ___________(hear) a noise outside, so I ___________(look) out of the
6. Tom ____________(look) through the window when the accident
____________ (happen).
7. Richard had a book in his hand but he __________(not read) it. He
____________ (watch) TV.
8. Catherine bought a magazine but she ___________(not read) it. She didn’t have
any time.
9. I _____________(finish) my meal, _________(pay) the bill and ____________
(leave) the restaurant.
10. I _____________(see) Kate this morning. I _____________(walk) along the
street and she _____________(wait for the bus.

Present and Past

1. You can’t turn off the TV. I ____________(not watch) it.
2. Last night Jenny __________(fell) asleep while she _____________(read).
3. Listen! Somebody ______________(play) the piano.
4. Have you got my key? No, I ______________(give) it back to you.
5. David is very lazy. He ______________(not like) hard work.
6. Where ______________(your parents/ go) for their holidays last year.?
7. I ___________(see) Diane yesterday. She ___________(drive) her car.
8. _______________(you/watch) television very often?
9. What _______________(you/do) on Sunday at 3 p.m.?
10. Andy isn’t at home very much. He _____________(go) away very often.
11. I _____________(try) to find a job at the moment.
12. I’m tired this morning. I _______________(not sleep) very well last night.

Present Perfect and Past Simple.

1. Do you like London? I don’t know, I _____________(never/be) there.
2. Have you seen Ann?
3. Yes, I ____________(see) her a moment ago.
4. That’s a nice sweater. Is it new? Yes, I ______________(buy) it last week.
5. Are you tired this morning? Yes, I ______________(go) to bed late last
6. Do you want the newspaper or can I have it? You can have it. I
______________ (already/read) it.
7. Are you enjoying your new job? I _____________(not start) yet.
8. The weather isn’t nice today, isn’t it? No, but it ____________(be) very nice
9. Was Linda at the party yesterday? I don’t think so. I ____________(see) her
10. Is your son still at school? No, he ____________(leave) it two years ago.
11. Is Sylvia married? Yes, she _____________(be) married for five years now.
12. Have you heard of George Washington? Yes, he ____________(be) the first
president of the United States.

Present, Past and Present Perfect.

Choose the right answer.
1. ________________? No, she is on holiday.
Does Sue work? /Is working Sue? /Is Sue working?/ Does Sue work?
2. Where _________________? In a village near London.
Lives your uncle/does your uncle live?/ your uncle lives/does live your uncle
3. I speak Italian but ______________French.
I speak not/I’m not speaking/ I doesn’t speak/ I don’t speak.
4. Where is Tom? _________________________________.
He’s having/he have/ he has/ he has had
5. Why_________________you angry with me yesterday?
Were you/ was you/ you were/ have you been
6. My favourite film is Cleo’s dream. I ______________four times.
I’m seeing/ I see/ I saw/ I’ve seen
7. Liz is from Edinburgh. She _______________there for all her life.
Is living/has lived/ lives/lived
8. My friend _______________for me when I arrived.
Waited/has waited/ was waiting/ has been waiting.
9. How long ____________English?
Do you learn/are you learning/you are learning/have you been learning.
10. Martin is English but lives in France. He has been there_______________
For three years/since three years/ three years ago/during three years
11. What time _________________? About an hour ago.
Has Ann phoned/Ann has phoned/did Ann phone/is Ann phoning
12. What________________when you saw her?
Did Sue wear/was Sue wearing/has Sue worn/ was wearing Sue
13. I saw Liza at the station when I was going to work this morning but
she______________ me.
Didn’t see/don’t see/hasn’t seen/ didn’t saw

Present Past and Future.

1. A: _____________(you/go) out last night?
B: No, I ____________(stay)at home.
A: What _______________(you/do)?
B: I ____________(watch) TV.
A: _______________(you/go) out tomorrow night?
B:Yes, I _________________(go) to the cinema.
A: Which film ______________(you/go) to see?
B: I ___________(not know). I ______________(not decide /yet).

2. A: Are you on holiday here?

B: Yes, we are.
A: How long _________________(you/be) here?
B: We _____________(arrive) yesterday.
A: And how long _________________(you/stay)?
B: Until the end of the next week.
A: And ____________________(you/like) it here?
B: Yes, we________________(have) a wonderful time here.

3. A: Oh! I ________________(just/remember). Jill _______________(phone)

while you were out.
B: ____________________(she/always/phone) when I’m not here.
__________________ (she/leave) a message?
A: No, but she _______________(want) you to phone her as soon as
B:OK, I __________________(phone) her now.
A: ________________(you/know) her number?
B: It’s in my address book. I ______________(get) it for you.

4. A: I _________________(go) with Steven and Chris this evening.

_____________ ___________(you/want) to come with us?
B: Yes, where ____________(you/go)?
A: To the Italian restaurant in North Street.
_________________(you/ever/eat) there?
B: Yes, I _______________(be) there once. In fact I ____________(go)
there last night but I’d love to go again.
A: I ________________(lose) my glasses again.
________________(you/see) them?
B: You _____________(wear) them when I ___________(come) in.
A: Well, I _______________(not wear) them now, so where are they?
B: ___________________(you /look) in the kitchen?
A: No, I ______________(go) and look now.

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