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ArduinoExcel 3.

rev 1.0

by Roberto Valgolio
Arduino Excel (former Arduino Excel Commander) is a powerful interface
between Arduino and MS Excel that supports data exchanging in both directions.

Excel can represent real time data and charts or it can be used as an extern
database to overcome Arduino memory limitations. The main purposes are:
• sensors data harvesting and consolidation
• email alerts sending
• support for advanced applications (eg: 3D printers, CNC tools, robotic
The tool is typically used in prototypes but even in some professional applications
for scientific experiments or industrial data harvesting accomplished with cheap

The main features are:

• data writing to any worksheet / cell
• data retrieving from any worksheet / cell
• email sending for alarms or notifications
• CSV files writing
Up to four Arduino can be connected at the same time thru USB ports.

The logic is built in the Arduino sketch with simple instructions like:
// write the x variable value to worksheet 'Example' range 'B5' with two
digits as decimals
myExcel.write("Example", "B5", x, 2);
// get the value from worksheet 'Test' range 'A3' and put it in y variable
ret = myExcel.get("Test", "A3", y);
Find more documentation in the sketch supplied as example.

History: the project started in 2015, at beginning 2020 about 5000 users have
worked with it especially in education but even in scientific or industrial
environments. Top user countries are USA, Brazil, UE.

Coming soon: a new pro version with TCP an MQTT protocols is under study as
an interface to SQL databases, stay in touch.

Contacts: if you have questions or you are interested on professional

developments please contact [email protected]; students, makers,
hobbyists are welcome and supported provided they have a basic knowledge on
Arduino and C++.

ArduinoExcel [email protected]
First step
• download the setup procedure from
• rename Arduino_Excel_Setup.eee to Arduino_Excel_Setup.exe
• IMPORTANT: launch Arduino_Excel_Setup.exe as Admnistrator (click the
exe with the right mouse button and choose 'Run as Administrator')

Second step (Arduino side)

• reopen the Arduino IDE if it were already opened
• if you have Arduino Due or Intel Edison comment the line 17 in
Arduino\libraries\rExcel.h: //#define ATMEL_COMPATIBLE
• open Documents\Arduino\Arduino_Excel_30 and compile the sketch
Arduino_Excel_30.ino in your Arduino projects (you can see output
strings thru the serial monitor set at 115200)

Third step (Excel side)

• open Documents\Arduino_Excel\Arduino_Excel_30.xls (the file can be
located where you like)
• allow macro execution (needed only at first run)
o Office 2003
▪ on menu Tools, Macro, Protection, select Low as protection
level (this allows VBA code to work)
▪ on menu Tools, Macro, Trusted Sources tab, set 'Trust access
to Visual Basic Project'
o Office 2013 or following
▪ on File, Options, Trust Center, Trust Center Settings, Macro
▪ Allow all Macro and check 'Trust access to the VBA project
object model', for more details see Appendix A of this
• close Excel app and reopen it
• now check the VBA environment
o press the keys CTRL and ‘a’, if you get an error please refer to
Appendix B of this document

Now you’re ready to go!

The installation procedure set the following folders and contents:

Documents\Arduino_Excel Arduino_Excel_30.xls
Documents\Arduino\Arduino_Excel_30 Arduino_Excel_30.ino
Documents\Arduino\libraries\rExcel library

ArduinoExcel [email protected]
Getting started
• connect an Arduino board to a USB port of your PC (up to four Arduino
can be connected at the same time)
• open Arduino_Excel_30.xls
• press the keys CTRL and ‘a’, you should see the launch form (1)

• select a link (a connection with an Arduino if more are present)

• select the port name
• select the port speed
• press Connect button

after some seconds you should see data from Arduino.

See the sketch for examples an modify them for your purposes. You can use a
modified copy of Arduino_Excel_30.xls but note that it isn't a generic Excel file
because contains the code (macro) to interact with Arduino.

if CTRL ‘a’ key pressing doesn’t work open menu Show, click on Macro icon, Show macro,
select CommanderRunA and press Run button, press Options button to define a launch key as
you like

ArduinoExcel [email protected]
Software Architecture
The standard interaction between systems is based on Excel acting as server
and Arduino as client. Note that for Excel we mean a workbook with special code
(macro) running.

Excel workbook
Arduino sketch
(with code)

rExcel library ArduinoExcel.dll

The rExcel library defines the API for data interchange, ArduinoExcel.dll instead
is to manage COMs and message queues since Excel VBA hasn’t specific
instructions for them.

ArduinoExcel [email protected]
Arduino Excel API
In order to make easy and clean the Arduino programming an API was
implemented in rExcel library. See the following reference and the sketch
supplied as example for practical uses.

// class for Excel data exchange

#include <rExcel.h>
rExcel myExcel;

up test if Excel is connected

syntax bool up();
parameters none
return true if Excel connected
example if (myExcel.up()) { ...

write write a value in a cell (Excel range form)

syntax bool write(char* worksheet, char* range, int value);
bool write(char* worksheet, char* range, long value);
bool write(char* worksheet, char* range, float value, int decimals);
bool write(char* worksheet, char* range, char* value);
parameters worksheet destination worksheet
range cell reference (range form)
value value to write
decimals number of decimals
return true if successful
example float x = 12.34;
myExcel.write("Example", "B5",x, 2); // write the value from x variable
to worksheet 'Example' cell 'B5' with two digits as decimals

writeIndexed write a value in a cell (Excel cells form)

syntax bool writeIndexed(char* worksheet, unsigned int row, unsigned int
column, int value);
bool writeIndexed(char* worksheet, unsigned int row, unsigned int
column, long value);
bool writeIndexed(char* worksheet, unsigned int row, unsigned int
column, float value, int decimals);
bool writeIndexed(char* worksheet, unsigned int row, unsigned int
column, char* value);
parameters worksheet destination worksheet
row row number
column column number
value value to write, special keywords %date% and %time%
decimals number of decimals
return true if successful
example int idx;
float a0 = 12.34;
myExcel.writeIndexed("Example", 11, 1,"%date%"); // write %date%
(that will be converted in current date) to worksheet 'Example' row '11'
column '1'
myExcel.writeIndexed("Example", 11, 2,"%time%"); // write %time%
(that will be converted in current time) to worksheet 'Example' row '11'
column '2'
myExcel.writeIndexed("Example", 11, 3, idx); // write the content of idx
to worksheet 'Example' row '11' column '3'

ArduinoExcel [email protected]
myExcel.writeIndexed("Example", 11, 4, a0, 2); // write the content of
a0 to worksheet 'Example' row '11' column '4' with two digits as decimals

send send a free string

syntax bool send(char* data);
parameters data a string \0 terminated
return true if successful
example myExcel.send(“hello\0”);
note the specific function Excel side must be customized

get read a value from a cell (Excel range form)

syntax bool get(char* worksheet, char* range, char* buffer);
parameters worksheet source worksheet
range cell reference (range form)
buffer buffer for received info
return true if successful
example char value[32];
myExcel.get("Test", "B5", value); // get a value from worksheet 'Test'
cell 'B5'
int x = atoi(value); // convert value and put it in a int variable

getIndexed read a value from a cell (Excel cells form)

syntax bool getIndexed(char* worksheet, unsigned int row, unsigned int
column, char* buffer);
parameters worksheet source worksheet
row row number
column column number
buffer buffer for received info
return true if successful
example char value[32];
myExcel.getIndexed("Test", 5, 2, value); // get a value from worksheet
'Test' row '5' column '2'

clear clear cell(s) (Excel range form)

syntax bool clear(char* worksheet, char* range);
parameters worksheet source worksheet
range cell reference (range form)
return true if successful
example myExcel.clear("Example","A11:E70"); // save the workbook

save save the workbook

syntax bool save();
parameters none
return true if successful
example; // clear cells in A11:F70 area of 'Example' worksheet

mail send a mail

syntax bool mail(char* recipient, char* recipientCc, char* subject, char*
body, char* attach);
parameters recipient
attach only keyword %log% (no path or filename)
return true if successful
example myExcel.mail("[email protected]","","Test","Hello!","%log%"); // send a
mail with the configured logfile as attach

ArduinoExcel [email protected]
log write info in the configured log file (see Parameters worksheet)
syntax bool log(char* info);
parameters info string with arguments semicolon (;) separated
return true if successful
example // write on log the values of idx and rnd
char floatValue[8];
char info[16];
dtostrf(rnd, 3, 2, floatValue); // trick because in Arduino sprintf() doesn't
represent floats
sprintf(info,"%d;%s", idx, floatValue); // info must separated by
semicolon, be careful on info lenght
note date and time are automatically added for each writing

read waits for data from Excel (Arduino server mode)

syntax int read(char* worksheet, char* range, unsigned int* row, unsigned
int* column, char* buffer, char mode);
parameters worksheet source worksheet
range cell reference (range form)
return number of read chars
example // input task
// Arduino acts as server waiting data from Excel
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
if ((ret =, range, &row, &column, value, 'R'))
> 0) {
// write here your code
range[0] = 'H';
myExcel.write(worksheet, range, value); // only as proof that works
else {
// input clearing
note this function is for advanced users

clearInput clear chars on serial port

syntax void clearInput();
parameters none
return none
example myExcel.clearInput();

ArduinoExcel [email protected]
When an API function is called, the rExcel library builds a specific message and
send it to Excel that process the message and respond with acknowledgement
or not. If not acknowledgement the function does some retries before to give

The data exchange is based on readable CSV strings terminated with NewLine

The type of messages and their formats are:

• XLS,command,[arg1],[arg2],[arg3],[arg4],[arg5]
• LOG,infoSemicolonSeparated
• EML, recipient,recipientCc,subject,body,attach

For details about the message management see rExcel library and the code in
Arduino_Excel_30.xls (open the file and press ALT F11 to get the programming

At present no checksum or other protocol controls are performed anyway the

code in Excel verifies the formal structure of the messages and refuse if
something is wrong.

ArduinoExcel [email protected]
Programming tips

Arduino sketch and rExcel library

The supplied sketch Arduino_Excel_30.ino gives examples and comments for all
API function. For more info refer to Arduino API chapter.
It works with all Arduinos.
Important: never insert delay() in your sketch because it can alter the
communication between Arduino and Excel.

About rExcel library some things are highlighted:

#define comment this define if your Arduino isn't Atmel

ATMEL_COMPATIBLE compatible like Arduino Due or Intel Edison
XLS_BUFFER_SIZE = 32 buffer size for input, may be small if your app
reads strings from Excel
XLS_TIMEOUT = 500 reading timeout ms
XLS_MAX_TRIES = 1 protocol tries, set 1 for up() function

The above values are tested for most applications, change them only for special

Excel VBA code (macro)

Said that the most programming is at Arduino level, here some tips about the
Excel side.

VBA hasn’t two important features for this app: COMs management and timed
In order to overcome the first lack, a specific DLL was developed for COMs
management within a separate process plus a message queue to store incoming
messages. This software is protocol independent except for message ending that
must be NewLine.
Without timed events a continuous loop looks for queued messages, check and
performs all requests. This is the heart of the app, for more details get access
to the programming environment and see the ReadingLoop() function in
The loop ends when all connections are closed.

All software has a lot of comments so they should be self-explaining for


ArduinoExcel [email protected]
Appendix A – macro enabling
Click on File, Options

click on Trust Center, Trust Center Settings

click on Macro Settings

click 'Enable all Macros' and check 'Trust access to the VBA project object

ArduinoExcel [email protected]
Appendix B
May happen that your Excel VBA (Visual Basic Application) hasn’t configured
some component called “reference” so check as follows:
• press ALT F11
• click on Run menu and then Restore (this reset the error status)
• click on Tool menu and then on Reference, should appear this form

example from Office 365

• compare the checked items with yours

• If missing some reference find it across the list (if you have an old Office
may be you find “Microsoft Office 11.0 Object Library” instead of
“Microsoft Office 16.0 Object Library”)
• check the references as needed
• press OK button
• press now CTRL ‘a’ to check if all is ok, an application form should appear
• go back to Getting Started chapter

ArduinoExcel [email protected]

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