CSS Chronicles September
CSS Chronicles September
CSS Chronicles September
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International 3
1 The Kashmir Conundrum: Policy options for Pakistan 4
2 Yemen: The forgotten war 8
3 Has COVID 19 killed globalization? 15
4 UAE-ISRAEL peace deal; features, significance, 20
implications, and policy options for Muslim Ummah
National 30
1 New Political Map of Pakistan: Significance and Implications 32
2 The New Provinces Conundrum 37
3 Suspending Judicial Review in Times of Emergency 42
4 Will the Single National Curriculum (SNC) really end the 46
educational apartheid in Pakistan?
5 The Facade of Islamophobia 51
Nearpeer Diaries 54
General Ability 83
CSS Magazine edition 2
Chapter 1
The Kashmir Conundrum:
Policy Options for Pakistan
Abdul Samad Khan
CSS Magazine edition 2 Chapter 1
Kashmir is a burning issue. Its solution is indispensable for durable peace- a solution that is in line with wishes
and aspirations of the people of Kashmir. Kashmir emerged as an independent kingdom under the leadership
of Duralabverdhan of the Korkot dynasty in the7th century A.D. It used to be a powerful kingdom which
conquered a bulk of surrounding areas. This was the time when the Arabs invaded the Indo-Pak sub-continent.
The same region saw the rule of many conquerors in the 19th century. Ladakh was conquered and annexed
into the state in 1834. Baltistan was annexed after being conquered by the Dogras in 1840. The Anglo-Sikh war
lasted from 1845 to 1856 and ended with the decisive victory of the British. As a result, the Valley of Kashmir
was annexed by the East India Company under the Treaty of Lahore. However, soon after the Valley was sold
to Gulab Singh for 7.5 million rupees under the Treaty of Amritsar. Thus, the forthcoming few decades of the
Valley saw unlimited atrocities and hostilities committed against the Muslim population of the area by the Sikh
rulers. With the Partition of the subcontinent, the princely states were given the choice to accede to either
India or Pakistan on the basis of geographic contiguity or religious majority or to remain independent if they
desired . Hari Singh delayed accession to Pakistan intending to retain the independent status of Kashmir. This,
along with the previous atrocities, prompted the local people to rise against him. The uprising was joined by
the tribesmen of the former FATA. Hari Singh being afraid called for Indian support and was told it would only
be extended after Kashmir’s accession to India. The Instrument of Succession was signed on 25th October,
1947, and Indian troops landed in Kashmir two days later. Following the insurgency, India took the matter to the
United Nations on 1st January ,1948. The UNSC passed a resolution which called for a free and fair plebiscite to
let the Kashmiri people decide their future with their own will. The said resolution was passed on 24th April,
1948. The upcoming four resolutions called for the demilitarization of the region. The free and fair plebiscite
has not held to date. While the table for negotiations has been set, none have reached a viable conclusion.
A year ago,India unilaterally withdrew the special status of the Kashmiris assured to them by the Indian
Constitution in Articles 370 and 35A. The stated intent was to mainstream the Kashmir and revive it
economically; but these were badly failed since the whole Kashmir has been under siege since the withdrawal
of its special status. The unilateral revoke was followed by the National Register of Citizens, the Citizenship
Amendment Act and the biased domicile law to change the demography of the illegally occupied region. All this
was done by the fascist and racist government of the BJP. Pakistan's new political map vows to resolve the
dispute via the UNSC's Resolutions.
Pakistan has various avenues to exploit for bringing about a longstanding solution to the Kashmir saga. One
cannot turn a blind sight to the bulk of problems Pakistan is facing. A Sinking economy is one of them.
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It would not be out place to say that the main driving force
behind Pakistan’s diplomatic failure in Kashmir is its deplorable
economic conditions. China can support Pakistan’s narrative
vis-a-vis Kashmir under the banner of UNSC resolutions.
Russia has been a close partner to India on dint of Indian
purchasing power and having one of the largest consumer
markets in the world. Pakistan may get Russian support
through the implementation of trust building measures to
terminate the trust deficit. It can be made possible only with
the extension of military and economic cooperation.
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Pakistan needs to promote its soft image to counter the Indian narrative of Pakistan being a terror- sponsoring
state. It is one of the main driving forces behind the week position of Pakistan on the international front
vis-a-vis Kashmir. India has one of the strongest lobbies in the world which is consistently pushing India's
Kashmir narrative in the West. Pakistan should also promote its soft image via tourism, extending peace
gestures as in the case with the Kartarpur corridor, encourage the return of sports to grounds and highlighting
internationally recognised achievements in the field of tourism. The UN’s Secretary General visit to Pakistan
and his offer for playing the role of a mediator in the Kashmir dispute, along with Pakistan's compliance with
14 out of 27 points given by the FATF are additional highlights which show the improvement of Pakistan in its
security sphere. Moreover, Pakistan also passed various FATF related bills in the past days to comply with its
FATF’s demands.
Likewise, the implementation of confidence building measures can also give Pakistan an edge. Pakistan should
take regional players on board to pressurize India to show seriousness in the resolution of the Kashmir dispute.
In a nutshell, Kashmiris have not breathed in an independent atmosphere since the decolonisation of the
Indo-Pak sub-continent. The region has been a flashpoint between the two nuclear neighbours and the
disputed has left hundreds of thousands innocent Kashmiris dead and injured. The conundrum needs to be
resolved as an imperative for the regional and global peace.
The writer is an analyst of current affairs and has done his MA in English
Literature and Linguistics from NUML, Islamabad Pakistan.
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Chapter 2
Yemen: The Forgotten War
Anmol Iftikhar
CSS Magazine edition 2 Chapter 2
Labelled as the ‘worst humanitarian crisis in the world’ by the United Nations and characterized as ‘entirely
man-made’, the ongoing crisis in Yemen continues to drag on unabated. The conflict in Yemen seems
forgotten considering the worldwide severe humanitarian catastrophes back in 2011 & 12. However, since the
conflict escalated in 2015, it became one of the worst humanitarian crises in recent history and has no end in
sight. Thousands of people were killed even more displaced and the country faced tremendous food insecurity
as well as the world’s largest cholera outbreak. International interests played a major role and made it a proxy
war between Saudi Arabia and Iran. This all happened at the expense of the civilian population. Therefore, it is
urgent to analyze the actors involved, their interests within the conflict and furthermore searching for
possibilities to overcome it because if not now, than never.
Conflict Synopsis:
Since the end of civil war of 1994, ‘tribal identity’ has become an
important factor regarding matters of fulfilling state functions and
organizing civil life. In 2011, the Arab Spring reached Yemen, and the
calls for the resignation of President Saleh, who ruled the country
for over 30 years, became loud and violent.
With hindsight, severe mistakes were made. Briefly, despite the fact
that civil society, the youth, women, and tribes were involved in the
process, only their elites really participated. The population felt
that their interests were not represented, and on crucial points like
the division of the state, the southern issue and the transfer of
power, there was no agreement possible.
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Domestic & International Actors in the Crisis:
On the domestic level for Hadi-faction, there is the internationally recognized external political and military
backing. The southern separatists (Al-Hirak) are divided on south should be independent. This fragmentation
is propelled by some of the external actors i.e. Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Thus, it is arguable that at least here,
the conflict changed from being a local towards becoming a regional one. Further, there is involvement by the
United Nations Security Council (SC), since it passed Resolution 2216 which unambiguously supports the Hadi
On March 25, 2015, responding to the request by the ousted President of Yemen, Saudi Arabia launched a
military operation named ‘Decisive Storm’ against the Houthi rebels in a coalition with GCC countries with
support from the USA, UK, Pakistan and Turkey.
b.) UAE: The UAE, a vocal opponent of the Muslim Brotherhood, is training special task force units in South
Yemen to fight AQAP and extremists. It has established close cooperation with Al-Hirak, and is prepared to
contribute to the realization of its political programme. Since they came to power in some regions in South
Yemen, they blew up local Sufi religious centres, handed all the major mosques over to the Wahhabis and are
using the administrative bodies to persecute and eliminate opposition members.
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Problems & Possibilities to overcome the conflict:
I. Current Situation:
Since August 2015, Yemen crisis succumbed to a grave humanitarian situation.
Still in 2020, the conflict in Yemen shows no real signs of abating as it enters its sixth year, and civilians from
across the country and generations continue to bear the brunt of military hostilities and unlawful practices of
state and non-state armed groups alike.
By the end of 2019, it was estimated that over 233,000 Yemenis would be killed as a result of fighting and the
humanitarian crisis. Meanwhile, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has documented
more than 20,000 civilians killed and injured by the fighting since March 2015. A man-made humanitarian crisis
has spiraled with approximately 16 million people waking up hungry every day.
4 out of every 5 people in Yemen need lifesaving aid in what is the world’s largest humanitarian crisis.
Ending the war is the only solution. Yemenis desperately need peace - Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary
General, 2020.
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With Yemen crisis grave threat to domestic as well as
regional instability, it urgently requires to follow the
above mentioned future steps to avoid an end-sight
to this ongoing terrible crisis on every possible level
i.e. military, economic, & humanitarian. Lessons
learned from past negotiations should therefore be
the inclusion of communities, local mediators and
interlocutors, addressing growing divisions within
municipalities, and letting local organizations and
traditional leaders help overcome obstacles, since
they are already present and accepted in the society.
As well as, vital roles must be played by international
organizations to settle up peace agreements and
make sure global justice order retains.
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CSS Magazine edition 2
Chapter 3
Has COVID 19 Killed
Kamil Mushtaq
CSS Magazine edition 2 Chapter 3
Globalization faced numerous blows in the past, and the global community is no stranger to the debate of the
decline of globalization. This can, certainly, be accredited to the lack of collaboration and consensus on
transnational and cross border problems in the past. The failure of United Nations and other regional
organizations to combat terrorism and bring global peace is one manifestation, climate change catastrophe
being another. Similar pattern of failure can also be observed in the financial institutions like IMF, World Bank,
World Trade Organizations etc. which were established with the purpose to eradicate gross economic
inequalities, global poverty, food insecurity; however, these institutions led to further economic stagnation of
the third world. Despite of all harsh realities, repeated failures and certain shortcomings, it continues to
emerge out as ultimate victor. The UK Brexit, being the most recent example, proved the skeptics wrong who
had labeled the major incident as the fracture point of the globalism; however the global community continues
to remain intermingled despite of such a huge setback. Needless to say, it takes more than a mere pandemic
to bring an end to what seems to be ultimate fate of the global society.
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There is a certain faction of skeptics, however, who believe that the process of de-globalization, a term
coined by many international relations scholars, started way earlier than the arrival of the novel pandemic,
and there’s no denying that fact. The global society was already on a move towards revival of populism based
order, as can be witnessed in the context of the rise of certain nationalist leaders on the realm of global
affairs: Putin in Russia, Trump in USA, Modi in India and many others in different parts of the globe. This not
only depicts their subsequent rise to the uppermost echelons of power but also expresses the nationalist
sentiments of the voting masses, clearly showing signs of transformation in outlook in the context of how
international community shapes up in future. Still, there remain certain questions unanswered: Is the
process of de-globalization inevitable or can it be prevented? Has COVID 19 accelerated the process? Will
globalized community find a way out? Such questions take birth, every now and then, because of gross
disparities of globalization in its delivery of prospects, and to say that the pandemic will bring about the
downfall of what seems to be the ultimate fate of the international society would be a bold statement. Major
testing events in the past like financial crisis of 2008 and the recent UK Brexit bear testimony of its ultimate
triumph despite of certain downsides; however, it did make global community start looking for an
alternative, to ensure equity at least. So, in answer to the stated question, the globalization would continue
to dominate in future, but it, surely, won’t run unchallenged, owing to inefficacy to tackle the crises times.
Thus, in a nutshell, Covid-19 looks like a “bend but won’t break crisis” for globalization. International flows are
plummeting, but globalization — and opposition to globalization — will continue to present business
opportunities and challenges in the future. However, the drivers of globalization need to curb the reverse
process of de-globalization by ensuring plurality of ideas at international platforms and corporations. Now is
the time for them to show their value by harnessing the best of the world’s capabilities to end the pandemic
and bolster the recovery.
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CSS Magazine edition 2
Chapter 4
UAE-ISRAEL Peace Deal;
Features, Significance,
Implications, and Policy Options
for Muslim Ummah
CSS Magazine edition 2 Chapter 3
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What Israel can offer to UAE? not possible till the conflict is resolved in the light
Israel is technologically rich in sectors like biotech, of UNSC resolutions and Palestinians are given a
healthcare, defense, and cyber-surveillance. UAE separate homeland. Iran said that UAE had betrayed
has already purchased Israeli technological weapons Islam. Muslim world seems to be split at this point.
like spyware for surveillance purposes. It has vast oil The economic interests of the nations have pushed
reserves, per capita GDP of almost $40,000 and back the concept of an Ummah.
recently it became the first Arab state to send a
mission to Mars. So what are the policy options for Muslim
Ummah now?
Israel's political and economic interests: The annexation of the west bank by Israel is illegal
It's been Israel's strategic goal to establish relations and violates United Nations Security Council
with Middle Eastern states. It could just a start of (UNSC) resolutions. Its resolution no. 242 was
normalization of economic relations with the UAE adopted after the 1967 Arab Israel war between
which is most likely to be followed by Bahrain, Israel, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. It asks Israel to
Oman, and Morocco. Saudi Arabia is unlikely to withdraw its troops from the territory occupied
follow this path anytime soon. But All Arab countries during the war. It is also illegal under international
will be very cautious in their approach to a Peace law and the 4th Geneva convention which states
agreement with Israel considering their decades of that Israel can't shift its population to occupied
hostility. territory. Also, any country can't annex territory
Palestinian response:
Palestine has rejected this peace deal and considers
it a betrayal by an Arab ally and that Israel is getting
its benefits without any discussion on seized land by
Israel. On part of Palestine, it reflects a bad faith by
the US, Israel, and UAE, since Israelis and Emirates
have been discussing normalization of relations
even before the Abraham Accord.
Response of “UMMAH":
Iran, Qatar, and Turkey have criticized this Agree-
ment while Turkey even threatened that it can
withdraw its ambassador from Abu Dhabi. Muslim
world seems divided at this stage. Some Muslim
countries have accepted the deal and some Muslim
countries have termed it unacceptable and a stab in
the back of Palestinians. Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey
have rejected the Abraham Accord and said any
diplomatic or economic relationship with Israel is
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CSS Magazine edition 2
CSS Magazine edition 2
Chapter 1
New Political Map of Pakistan:
Significance and Implications
Chapter 1
Fact Check:
Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan unveiled new political map of Pakistan on August 5, 2020, one year after
the fateful Indian move to divide, and unionize the territory of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
This move was not only a reaction to Indian overtures of August 5, 2019 whereby India withdrew special status
and privileges extended to the people and territory of Jammu and Kashmir by the revocation of article 35A and
370 of the Indian Constitution.
In a fit of retaliation, exactly a year after the Indian launch of demographic apartheid in Jammu and Kashmir,
Pakistan retorted by issuing a new political map underscoring new politico-strategic realities.
Pakistan’s federal Cabinet approved the new map. Map was a consensual construct something uncommon for
the turbulent political kaleidoscope of Pakistan.
PM Khan claimed that the launch of new political map “is a first step in that direction (of making Kashmir part
of Pakistan)”.
CSS Magazine edition 2
Indian Response:
Indian rejected the new political map. Indian
authorities termed the new political map “an exercise
in political absurdity”. Indians stressed that “…these
ridiculous assertions have neither legal validity nor
international credibility.” Indian External Affairs
Ministry in a statement labelled Pakistani actions as
“its obsessions with territorial aggrandizement
supported by cross-border terrorism”.
Pakistani Response:
Pakistan’s foreign office in response retorted, “India
cannot create a smokescreen for its illegal and
unacceptable actions in Indian Occupied Jammu and
Kashmir. It is preposterous for a country that is
compulsively expansionist, and a brazen practitioner
of state terrorism, to level charges against others.”
New map lends a fresh strategic thinking in the cloudy mist surrounding status of illegally annexed areas of
Jammu and Kashmir (including Ladakh) post abrogation of article 370 and 35A. It strikes down Indian claims
over Azad Kashmir, Gilgit Baltistan and Aksai Chin.
New map does not declare Kashmir to be a part of Pakistan rather it reaffirms Pakistan’s belated claim over the
territory of Kashmir under Indian occupation. However, Pakistan’s claims are not unqualified rather
contingent upon the exercise of right of self-determination by the people of Kashmir. Pakistan is hopeful that
whenever an impartial plebiscite is held, people of Kashmir would choose accession with Pakistan.
New political map is a step in a new direction setting quite a departing tone from Pakistan’s earlier efforts
whereby it extended olive branch to India either through Kartarpur diplomacy or setting free Abhinandan.
Qureshi claimed that this map is a signal to the unarmed youth of Kashmir living under the threat of Curfew,
and slaughter that Pakistan stands with them.
August 5, 2020 exhibited a marked difference from the previous days as Pakistan expressed solidarity with the
people of IIOJ&K in an overwhelming manner by observing “Youme Istehsal”. This reflects new resolve of
Pakistan’s political and military leadership.
By laying claims over Junagadh, Pakistan has devised an offensive plan of action.
Hindu while responding to the situation wrote, “It is quite evident that Pakistan has followed Nepal.
Kathmandu had issued a map to emphasise its illegal claims on Lipulekh, Limiyadhura and Kalapani in India’s
Uttarakhand on 21 May 2020. It is not mere coincidence that both Pakistan and Nepal are close allies of Beijing
with the latter pumping in money in form of infrastructure aid to prop up both regimes.”
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This new move has emboldened Pakistani position on disputed valley and Ladakh. Although previously
Pakistan resorted to a much benign tone after August 5, 2019. This new move has a lens of definitive
retribution and would exacerbate already tense situation between the two neighbors.
Way Forward
Pakistan has always been trying to solve the Kashmir issue
peacefully. What Pakistan can do in the present scenario is to
use electronic and print media, along with diplomatic and
political platforms, to further the implications of the Kashmir
The new political map is an attempt by Pakistan to make India
realise that it will not compromise on Kashmir. While Pakistan
has enough military capability to engage India in the
battlefield, the only reason for abstention is to avoid any
nuclear conflict or inflicting suffering on the millions of
people in the region.
In short, the world in general and the Muslim world in
particular need to pacify the situation in Kashmir through
plebiscite according to the UN resolutions, which gives the
Kashmiri people the right to self-determination.
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CSS Magazine edition 2
Chapter 2
The New Provinces Conundrum
Chapter 2
The cry for the creation of new provinces is not a new one as we have been, time and again, experiencing it for
a long time. The demand for the Hazara province rose during 80s and 90s and still goes on. Bahawalpur and
Multan too, were princely states in the united India and the latter has gird up its lions since long to declare as
a separate province. The demand for the Jinnahpur province has also succeeded in securing its place in the
race for the formation of the new provinces.
The formation of new provinces can get nod only if they are initiated and invoked by the genuine demands:
administration, population, area and the division being on the basis of resources. The cry for new provinces
surfaces in order to ease the administrative conundrum or to make the distanced area short so as to
accomplish the needs of the people easily.
Contrary to the above, the demands for the establishment of the new provinces in Pakistan are triggered by the
ethno-lingual forces. The demand for the Saraiki province is totally based on the language and ethnicity. The
cry for the formation of the Jinnahpur province is on air for the motive of the promotion of Urdu Speakers. The
people of Hazara community are raising their voices for the formation of the Hazara province just because they
were not mentioned anywhere in the amended name of KPK. Their demand for a new province is not based on
deprivation and injustices as Hazara is comparatively more developed than the southern KP. The demand for
the Bahawalpur province is prompted by the narrative that the southern Punjab has been exploited by the
central Punjab.
The law of the land (Constitution) prescribes the formation of the new provinces under its Article 239[4] which
states that any alteration to the boundary of a province would be allowed and permitted only after the passage
of a bill with two-third majority of the provincial members of the concerned province and then the bill would
be referred to the governor to refer it further to the president who would send it to the federal legislature for
further deliberation and for the final voting.
The formation of new provinces is not even a herculean task. Nigeria moved to almost 17 provinces from its,
just, four provinces. Similarly, Indian states’ tool surged to 29. Afghanistan has almost 34 states. All these are
most probably for easing the business of administration.
Therefore, if making new provinces is not a hard nut to crack, then why Pakistan fails in doing away with it is
because of variant reasons. The politically oriented hurdle hinders the way to the formation of new provinces.
The major party(s,ies) in Punjab is not in favour of making new provinces out of Punjab. The logic behind this is
that Punjab secures almost 141 seats in the lower House of the Parliament which means that if to command
majority in Punjab, you are in a better position to form the government. Moreover, the party system in Punjab
is deplorable which pushes the strong electable ahead who can easily be manipulated by the cunning
politicians. Similarly, the major party in Sindh-PPP- puts the demand for the creation of new provinces to
death or aside as it will reinvigorate the demand for the Jinnahpur province. This was the main reason on dint
of which it deliberately set aside somewhere at the committee stage the bill for the formation of the Janoobi
Punjab as a new province in 2012. Likewise, the major political party of KP(PTI) too, is not backing the demand
for the new provinces as it will reinforce and resurface the demand for the Hazara province.
Apart from the said political hurdles, the cry for The next factor which is a hindrance in the way to
the establishment of new provinces is also being the new provinces is the opposition of the civil
curbed by the opposition of the establishment bureaucracy. It despises the notion of the creation of
which would stand by it only if it is based on the the new provinces on account of its basis not being
administrative basis rather than being instigated by laid on the administrative purpose but on the
the ethno-lingual factors which are primes inter ethno-lingual motive. The establishment of the new
pares in bringing about the national disintegration. provinces will split the powers of the chief
Adding to the said, the demand has lost the nod of secretaries which would not hold water for the
the establishment because of its huge financial bureaucrats.
implication under which the poverty-stricken
country like Pakistan cannothold its breath up.
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Another question that may surge here is whether Pakistan is able to come across this new establishment.
Although the formation of the new units may ease the doing of administration, yet the capacity of the maker
must be taken into account. Pakistan is facing a bulk of challenges now ranging from its deteriorating economy
to the new pandemic- coronavirus. It must be made clear here that the enactment of the new provinces may
cost enough stretching from the building up of the different buildings to the transmission of the records.
In a nutshell, the formation of the new provinces is suggested only on the basis of the administrative objectives
instead of ethno-lingual bases. “It will be in the best interest of Pakistan and its national integration if
democratic concerns like economic growth, social development, welfare and good governance are given
priority rather than the religious, ethnic, linguistic, caste to be the valid bases for conceding the demands for
new provinces”.
The writer is an analyst of current affairs and has done his MA in English
Literature and Linguistics from NUML, Islamabad Pakistan
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CSS Magazine edition 2
Chapter 3
Suspending Judicial Review in
Times of Emergency
Waqar Orakzai,
Advocate High Court Abbottabad
Chapter 3
Lot of measures taken today will become a fixture of life. That is the nature of emergencies. They are fast
forward of historical events. During the fight against Covid -19 Governments around the world have taken
drastic measures and adapted policies to clog the spread of this contagious diseases. The strategies and
guidelines reformed during this epidemic fight has raised urgent questions of constitutional rights and judicial
review. In response to the pandemic, which has taken over more than 685k lives around the world,
governments at all levels have enacted a host of policies that potentially threaten constitutional rights or butt
against structural limits on government power.
Actions challenging some of these policies in different parts of the world, arguing that they violate the Free
Exercise of Religion and Free Speech , freedom of trade and business , right to life, , separation of powers
principles, laws are inconsistent with the rights envisaged in the constitution and other provisions of federal
and provincial laws. How should we treat these claims? In particular, how should courts treat them? Similarly,
in Pakistan the apex Court challenged the policies of the Government . The court remarked that Why the
Legislatures cannot function when all the other institutions are functioning. The court further observed that,
this becomes more important when the passing of the executive orders to deal with the pandemic has
trampled and affected the fundamental rights of people” .
In light of these questions, these are some difficult questions which needs answer and this article might not
cover it completely because of the complexity of the matter. Whether normal judicial review should be
“suspended” during the ongoing pandemic.
In reviewing such challenges, should courts opt for “normal,” relatively non-deferential judicial review? Or
should they give the government broad deference, so long as there is a minimally plausible emergency
rationale for the challenged policy? The latter approach which should be called as the “suspension model,” and
offer three powerful considerations that count against it.
First, they emphasize that the suspension idea implicitly assumes that the crisis will be temporary, with civil
liberties and limitations on government power soon to be restored. But in reality, the crisis may go on for a long
time, especially if no effective vaccine or treatment is developed for the disease. The seemingly “temporary”
suspension could easily become a “new normal.” It is noted that this is a special danger with the coronavirus
crisis because it could easily last for a long time, and because restrictions on civil liberties—in the form of
mandatory closure and “social distancing” measures—are “central” to the policy response to the crisis. Mass
lockdowns that force millions of people to “shelter in place” and abjure most normal commercial and social
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Finally—and in my view most importantly—the suspension model entirely fails to account for the importance
of an independent judiciary in a crisis. The judiciary, they write, is “perhaps the only institution that is in any
structural position to push back against potential overreaching by the local, state, or federal political branches.”
Emergency situations are precisely when government power is often most likely to be abused. Rigorous judicial
review can help prevent constitutional rights against assertions of emergency powers whose necessity is
dubious, and whose claimed rationales often perpetual.
There is a long history of abuses of emergency powers, often legitimized by an over-deferential judiciary. The
1944 Korematsu case, in which the US Supreme Court upheld the internment of Japanese-Americans during
World War II, is a particularly notorious example, long seen as “overruled in the court of history,” that the
Supreme Court finally repudiated in 2018 as “gravely wrong the day it was decided.”
In many countries around the world, authoritarian leaders are using the pandemic as an excuse to expand their
power and crush dissent. But it would be naive to imagine we are immune from the tendency of governments
to exploit crises for their benefit. To the contrary, we too have a long history of crises being used to undermine
constitutional rights, subvert limits on government power, and target unpopular minorities.
One standard critique of non-deferential judicial review in such situations is that judges may lack the
specialized expertise needed to assess emergency policy. Few if any judges have expertise in epidemiology or
public health. But anti-coronavirus policies are, in most cases, enacted by politicians who themselves are not
experts. They can, of course, rely on advice provided by such experts. But the same is true of judges exercising
the power of judicial review, who routinely consider testimony and other evidence submitted by scientists and
other experts of various kinds.
If the government’s policies really are based on strong scientific evidence, then they should be able to prove
that in court, without any special judicial deference. Robust judicial review can actually incentivize the
government to improve the quality of the evidence it relies on, to provide greater specificity in its explanations
of the purposes restrictions on civil liberties are intended to achieve, and to take greater care to ensure that
those restrictions do not go too far.
If lack of technical expertise were a justification for suspending normal judicial review, it would apply to a vast
range of cases, not just challenges to public health policies. The same rationale can be (and often is) used to
justify broad deference in the fields of immigration, national security policy, and almost any other government
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action that addresses a complex issue. In many of these fields too, the government can and does claim that its
constitutionally questionable policies are necessary to save lives, and that those policies are based on
specialized expertise that courts are not qualified to assess.
The current emergency situation is the right time to bring judicial reforms. There will undoubtedly be parties
who take advantage of the present pandemic to needlessly delay hearings in courts or arbitrations. As such,
applications for permission to proceed by way of video or telephone conferencing may well become necessary
and common place. If parties are not taking this step themselves, or there is illegitimate opposition to a request
of this nature, Courts or Tribunals are generally within their powers to make appropriate orders to permit this.
The current crisis will cause inevitable disruption to some dispute resolution proceedings. Video-conferencing
is a technology available to mitigate some of that disruption while causing minimal prejudice to the parties. The
law generally provides for it and technology makes it possible. The only thing that remains is for parties to
embrace its use and dispel the perceptions of its inadequacy.
Waqar Orakzai
Advocate High Court Abbottabad
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Chapter 4
Will the Single National
Curriculum (SNC) Really End the
Educational Apartheid in Pakistan?
Maham Babar
Chapter 4
The incumbent government has laid down a vision that emphasizes on the provision of a fair and equal
opportunity of high quality education to every child across the state, as enshrined in article 25A of the
constitution. The policy further aims to develop social cohesion, national integration and appreciation of
different cultures and religions. It focuses on developing critical thinking abilities and outcome based
approach with a focus on emerging international trends. The objectives enshrined are holistic development
of children and one system of education for all in terms of curriculum, medium of instruction and
Although, the recently announced educational policy may have the vision the whole Pakistan foresees but
the chosen ladder would not lead to the destination. Not surprisingly, it has already stepped into the state of
controversies. The federal government appears to be quite keen in resolving the educational disparities and
resulting discriminatory system but only superficially. If reviewed closely, it has multiple fissures. The policy
lacks substance and clarity. It misses on substantial policy guidelines and initiatives that would end the
educational apartheid in Pakistan. The developing contention is that the prerequisite for attaining uniformity
in education is not a single national curriculum.
Some argue that the Single National Curriculum is the foundation of the educational policy. But the question
arises then why set a vision that has a scope so extended? Setting up an ambitious goal needs a well thought
out and serious plan that has enough power to reach out and outshine. Single National Curriculum is a
fraction of what could be done to foster uniformity in education. The differences are not only based on
curriculum but gender, religion, geography, socio-economic status and the overall disparities in the
educational system of Madrassas, public and private institutions. Therefore, the foundation on which this
edifice is to be constructed is in itself faulty.
The crucial issue that still remains in the grey area is related to the mainstreaming of the Deeni Madaris. The
new policy objectives and stratagem falls short in defining the curriculum for the Madaris. The inclusion of
critical thinking, modern education and science still remains an untouched area. Although, Musharraf’s
Madrassa reforms (2002) included secular subjects, but the dearth of quality teachers and lack of formal
course outline failed to resolve the issue. Under the new policy, the students still are away from quality
teachers, technology, science and critical thinking. These children cannot get the same facilities of quality
schooling as other children in the private schools. Hence, their assessment (matric/intermediate exams)
could not be termed as fair when such disparities are part of the pedagogical system. A single national
curriculum would seldom help in eliminating discrimination because equality in the syllabus does not
guarantee equality in access to education.
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The goal is provision of quality education to all but Madrassas and low cost private institutions still remain
unregulated under this framework. They offer cheap education but at the cost of quality. These institutions
continue to exploit the poor families - who wish for a better future for their children.
Furthermore, the vision and policy objectives stress on social cohesion, national integrity and respecting
other religions without any mention of a religious curricula for the non-Muslims. The non-Muslims have not
been offered any courses that could help them study their religion. In 2016, Ethics was introduced as an
alternate subject for Islamiat, but schools fail in providing teachers for the subject. Many teachers are even
reluctant to recite Quranic verses in front of non-Muslim students; who are interested in studying Islam.
In addition, the Single National Curriculum violates the rights as the non-Muslims have to read the Islamic
text in shape of Hamd, Naat and other ascriptions in books of Urdu and other subjects. Article 22(1) of the
constitution safeguards particular rights of religious minorities. It says; “No person attending any
educational institution shall be required to receive religious instruction, or take part in any religious
ceremony, or attend religious worship, if such instruction, ceremony of worship relates to a religion other
than his own.”
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The policies must painstakingly focus on the increase in the overall literacy rate of the country. This involves
an even upgrade and not any selective measure that abandons a huge number in the lurch. It would require
to include the out of school children, women, minorities and revamping of the entire educational system to
enhance quality teaching across all educational institutions. The provinces must be provided with
infrastructure, teachers and funds that could provide the masses with opportunities to develop a bright
future. Policy guidelines must be set to educate women to reduce the prejudices in the attainment of
education. Furthermore, the religious minorities must also be a part of the National Education Policy to
eliminate educational apartheid in Pakistan. This would lead to a tolerant and pluralistic society that
promotes coexistence and social cohesion. Thus, an inclusive approach must be followed to transform the
existing educational system that is based on equality and fair opportunities for all.
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In Spotlight
Student Contributor
of the month
The Facade of Islamophobia
M Hamza Ahmed
Chapter 2
The Facade of
This is November 2001. Four hijacked jets are there in the air of New York. One of them has been crashed
before hitting the target. Two are slammed in the twin towers. The last one is rammed into the pentagon.
This is the short story for the deadliest attacks which the world calls the 9/11 attacks. This incident changed
fate of the identity of Islam. The use of the term “Islamophobia” skyrocketed after this event. This term
was first used in the 1970s, but it got tremendously notorious after 9/11. What does this term mean?
According to Merriam Webster, Islamophobia means: “Irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against
Islam or the people who practice Islam”. Contrarily, the world has deviated from the original meaning of this
word. Contemporarily, this particular term is being used to tarnish the image of Islam. There are chauvinistic
entities in the world who are deliberately doing so. This is due to certain misconceptions. I have tried to
debunk them and eliminate the fallacies from the minds of the people.
To begin with, there is a misconception between two words that culminates the notion that Islam legitimizes
the extremism. The first word is ‘Qitaal’ and the second one is ‘Jihaad’. Both words are totally different in
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nature as people consider them the same and develop a beleaguered impression of Islam. The term ‘Jihaad’
literally means: “to resist”. According to Islam resistance is always in the name of Allah and for the oppressed
among his people. It does not mean to fight. The second word ‘Qitaal’ literally means: “to fight”. Islam strictly
prohibits the fight among the people. Islam does not allow extremism at any cost as it is the religion of
moderation in all aspects of life. Islam allows ‘Jihaad’ but after certain circumstances and conditions. Allah
says in Qu’ran, Chapter 4, Verse 75: “And what is (the matter) with you that you do not fight in the cause of
Allah and (for) the oppressed among men, women, and children”. Hence, the message of Islam is obvious and
it strictly forbids extremism at any level.
Furthermore, people, who mostly belong to the west, glean the image of Islam from those who carry out
terrorist activities. They consider them the representatives of Islam. However, those culprits have maligned
the image of the most peaceful religion. The portrayal of Islam should not be derived from them as they are
not the ones who represent this religion. The representative of Islam is the Holy Qu’ran and the world ought
to judge and procure its image from this holy book. The terrorists kill people in the name of Islam to achieve
their political benefits; however, Islam prohibits the killing of mankind. Allah says in Qu’ran, Chapter 5, Verse
32: “whosoever kills a person...it is if he had slain the whole mankind”. This is the pure message of Islam. The
world should consider Qu’ran and the teachings of our last prophet Muhammad(PBUP) in order to formulate
the image of Islam.
Keeping in mind the given justifications, we can ascertain that the term ‘Islamophobia’ is being used
erroneously. This term should be changed with ‘Muslimophobia’ in order to call upon those who practice
extremism. The so-called Muslims of the militant groups do not even deserve to be called Humans, then how
one can obtain the message of Islam from them. There is an urgent need to shift this paradigm and a new
normal should be introduced. A similar gesture has been shown by an American Scholar, Gary Wills, in his
book: “What the Qu’ran Means and Why it matters”. He argues, “Our enemy in this world is far less localized
than it was in the World War-2 and the Cold War. Terror is a tool, not a country. Declaring war on it is less
like normal warfare, country versus country, there is no VE Day or VJ Day in such wars...living with fear is
corrosive...the less we know the reality of Islam, the more we will fight shadows and false emanations and
our apprehensions. Ignorance is the natural ally of fear. It is time for us to learn about real Islam beginning
with its source book-The Qu’ran”.
The time is ripe for the world to enhance its understanding of the worthy religion Islam. The term
Islamophobia is a façade that should be replaced with another term that would hit those who are using Islam
for their political and economic gains.
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Another nuance of this debate refers to women's
rights. Some argue that Islam does not allow women
empowerment at all. This type of narrative has been
emanated from the clergymen who belong to those
militant groups. Those clerics are opined: Islam
does not allow women to go out, to get educated, or
to work et cetera. This type of rhetoric has added
the fuel to the fire and the portrait of Islam has
further aggravated. Nonetheless, Islam was the first
religion that talked about women’s rights. Before
Islam, there existed certain misogynistic trends
during the age of ignorance such as female
infanticide, burning alive, and other egregious
practices. Islam talked about the dignity, prestige,
and the rights of women centuries before the
western waves of feminism. This proves that Islam
is more modern than the so-called champions of
modernity when it comes to women’s rights.
We can reap some examples from the life of our Prophet Muhammad(PBUH). Our Prophet(PBUH)
considered education as a religious obligation for the genders. He(PBUH) educated his daughter and his wife
during his lifetime. The first wife the Prophet(PBUH), Hazrat Ayesha(R.A) was a successful businesswoman.
Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) would always stand up in respect of his daughter. This is the exact portrayal of
Islam. The world just needs to have a firm understanding of Islam and change the old normal.
What are the obligations of the government of Pakistan in this regard? First, I would like to quote the speech
of Prime Minister Imran Khan in the session of The United Nations General Assembly-which was lauded by
the majority. He explained, comprehensively, Islamophobia but he was unable to debunk the misconceptions
and mistaken use of the term. He could have emphasized the notion that some people are tainting the image
of Islam under the ambit of this word. Second, Pakistan, Malaysia, and Turkey agreed to fight against the
rising global trend of Islamophobia during the UNGA session in 2019. They also decided to launch a TV
channel to educate people for the sake of this cause. Yet this trilateral ambition has to see the light of the
day yet. The government of Pakistan can launch a channel on a national level to burnish the picture of Islam.
Third, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation can be used effectively to whiten the spots on Islamic
messages. The government ought to ask Muslim states to collaborate and take steps in order to shift that
sleazy narrative. Last, social media can be used influentially in this motive as it has empowerment people to
practice their right to freedom of speech and an explicit narrative should be added to our national
conversation. A massive campaign can be launched with the help of the government and civil society to clear
the worldly misconceptions. If steps are taken consciously for this cause, the suffering of the whole Ummah
can be reduced drastically as the Muslims are specifically subjected to antagonism.
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CSS Magazine edition 2
Essay of the
Globalization has created more
problems than solutions
Globalization has created more
problems than solutions
1. Introduction
5. Conclusion
Picture an era marked with rapid flow of information and technology, capital, goods, services, rapid movement
of people and intensification of social interactions, an era with time space compression and
interconnectedness of the world, stretching activities across all spheres of the globe. Such ever increasing
global integration of economy, politics, culture and societies –referred to as Globalization- has connected the
world for more than four decades now. But it has impacted the world in both positive and negative ways.
Although Globalization has multitude of benefits, the problems created by it surpass its delivered fruits.it has
exacerbated many problems in the integrated world including mounting inequality, spread of disease as
pandemic, rise of populism and is deteriorating trust in global institutions. Multifaceted problems that have
been created by globalization in all spheres –economic, social, political - outweigh its benefits. Indeed,
globalization has created more problems than solutions.
Foremost, as evident from coronavirus pandemic of 2020, Globalization has been the ultimate cause of spread
of coronavirus so quickly. Due to globalization, the disease spread from China throughout the world and
became a pandemic. The interconnectedness of world through roads, railways, oceans and especially airways
accelerated the spread of coronavirus and its conversion into a pandemic as people moved from one place to
another and carried the virus along with them. This presents a negative side of the coronavirus that in case of
a contagious disease it can create havoc in the world, along with putting immense pressure of the health and
medical system and infrastructure of especially developing and under-developed countries, which are scarcely
able to provide basic health facilities to its citizens. Therefore, globalization carries with it the problem of
acting as a threat to human health security.
Similarly, spread of free market capitalism owing to globalization has created income inequality across the
world. It was thought that world in the form of global village will uniformly enmesh all the countries with
respect to financial and income equality. However, this is simply not the case. The rich benefit
disproportionately from global growth. Free flow of goods, global commerce and foreign direct investments
mostly benefit the Capitalist class and exploits labors with low wage, and the surplus goes in the hands of the
elite class. According to Forbes, world’s 45 percent wealth is in the hand of 1 percent Billionaires across the
globe. This example is evident of the fact that Skewed distribution of income in global political economy
ensures that income inequality remains entrenched in the globalized world.
Moreover, Global financial institutions are imposing neo-imperialism on countries by pushing them into debt
trap. After the world wars, these prestigious institutions like IMF and World Bank were formed for the relief of
developing countries. It was aimed to grant those loans and foreign aid so that those countries could get rid of
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viscous cycle of poverty. In contrast, these some 200 million customers. Control of such
institutions are serving corporate interests, organized crimes is hard as we can see that Pakistan
imposing their self-interest policies and harsh is still struggling with Money laundering ant
conditions of loans on countries, thus creating terrorism financing to control them under the
sphere of influence – neo-imperialism- on them. instructions of FATF. Therefore, globalization has
Our own country comes in this umbrella. For created the problem of spread of transnational crime
instance, Pakistan received its 22nd bailout package which is extremely difficult for countries to solve.
from IMF in 2019 and has never come out of the debt
trap despite these loans and grants .Hence, global Another factor that manifests the problems created
financial institutions have dragged countries in by globalization is the rise of populists across the
viscous cycle of debt trap world promoting their nationalist agendas. With
increasing income inequality, strain on resources of
Furthermore, Globalization has accelerated great countries, migration and other socio-cultural factors
power competition owing to economic owing to globalization, populists have risen to
interdependence and global trade. It was anticipated exploit public sentiments. The rise of the new
that dependence of economies of countries on each populism is seen to be drawing its strength from
other would deter them from rivalry and those left behind by globalization: working class and
containment of each other. Instead, this integrated laborers. For example, make America great again and
global economy has been unable so far to satiate BREXIT are great examples of consequences of
great powers, rather it is exacerbating the populism. This phenomenon is undermining the very
competition between them as they are forming foundation of globalization as populist policies are
various strategic alliances and blocs against each against Global trade and global political institutions.
other. For instance , competition of China and Therefore, the menace of populism is adding to the
America in South China sea and Indo-pacific is a problems created by globalization.
living example of efforts of each power to contain
other bringing with it dangers for other developing Similarly, cultural globalization has intensified
countries. Both the powers are building their naval religious, ethnic and civilization identities, instead of
and military bases in these strategic zones to secure homogenizing the cultures of the world. Since some
their interests. Thus, globalization is exacerbating decades, spread of ideas and norms of west, and
great power competition instead of fostering peace eroding cultural identities have been resulting in
and cooperation between them. backlash against Globalization. Samuel Huntington,
in his historical theory: “ Clash of civilizations” , has
One of the other issues peculiar to globalization is said that “ the fault lines between civilizations will be
that it has led to spread of transnational organized the battle lines of the future, which means that the
crime. Crime has also benefited from technological cultural and religious identities of people will be the
advances accompanying globalization. Today’s main cause of conflict in the 21st century. The world
transnational criminals are involved in range of can truly witness that increasing globalization has
interconnected activities of organized crime. Money led to shrinking of the world with eroding cultural
laundering, cybercrimes, and illegal drug trafficking identities. The result of this is emerging ethnic and
are one of the most important beneficiaries of religious groups. Moreover, anti-Americanism is also
globalization. For example, according to an estimate growing in the world, a historic example of which is
by United Nations, one of the world’s largest Iranian revolution of 1979. So, globalization has
transnational economic enterprises is illegal global created problems in the form of ethnic and religious
drug trade of worth about 400 billion dollars with backlash rather than integrating cultures together.
CSS Magazine edition 2
In addition, Globalization has been increasing the gap between elites and poor of societies. While the
bourgeois and skilled people benefit exponentially from the Industrial and information revolution, the poor
people in societies suffer because of not being skilled enough in latest industrial or technological skills. For
instance, Digitalization is occurring all across the world; various works previously done by manpower or
manually are now being replaced by Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. The author of the
book “21 lessons for 21st century” contends that confluence of InfoTech and biotech would be the biggest
threat to human employment in coming years. As technology will progress by leaps and bounds and the people
who wouldn’t be at par with a good technological skills would be left unemployed. This means that
Globalization is creating more problems than solutions by leaving the poor or have not’s in an abysmal situation
, thus widening the income inequality gap.
Regretfully, Globalization has made mankind vulnerable to the menace of environmental degradation and
climate change. As Global world got enmeshed in global trade and commerce; industrialization and
advancement in agriculture also grew. This was aimed at the flow of capital across the world and betterments
of living standards on the whole. But the solution of this poverty problem came at the expense of deteriorating
climate conditions. Global warming is increasing, droughts, heat waves, sea level rise and extreme climate
change conditions are a threat to human security in all respects. According to United Nations, a 2 degrees
increase in global temperature due to Global warming would put unbearable stress on our ecosystems , food ,
water and human security and we are left with just 11 years to limit a catastrophe. Therefore, it goes without
saying that impacts of globalization on climate change and environmental degradation make us see a dark side
of Globalization.
In the above paragraphs, a holistic view of the problems created by globalization were presented.it is now
imperative to shed a light upon its blessings also so that the other side of globalization can be explored.
However, still, globalization currently poses more problems than solutions/blessing.
It goes without saying that globalization has contributed to transmission of knowledge, technology, and skilled
labor all over the world. There is an ever increase in the interdependent trade between people accompanying
transfer if technology. Globalization brings a key benefit—it stimulates the spread of knowledge and
technology, helping spread growth potential across countries. Investments in education, human capital, and
domestic research and development are thus essential to build the capacity to absorb and efficiently use
foreign knowledge. An example of this fact is that every year , millions of students go to study abroad to
acquire higher education , many universities now provide online degrees and high skill certificates. This
transmission of knowledge, culture, and skills couldn’t be achieved without the blessings of Globalization.
Another blessing of Globalization lies in the fact that it has integrated women into the socio-economic fabric
of societies. Rising female labor force participation has been one of the most remarkable economic
developments of the last century. Before Globalization, there were only a few women contributing towards the
well-being of their families and overall growth potential of their countries. With ever increasing spread of
knowledge and service jobs all over the world, skilled women have now been able to work online, acquire higher
education and in various other means. This has also contributed to increasing gender equality in the world. For
instance, according to World Bank data, Women employment rate has increased upto 20 percent in last 5 years
in Pakistan. Thus, it goes without saying that globalization is acting as an enabler of women empowerment.
Regional connectivity is also a blessing of globalization. Owing to globalization, countries with similar foreign
policy goals are able to connect more rapidly through road, oceans, skilled labor, and technology transmission.
Pakistan is also all set to benefit from the aspect of globalization as BRI and CPEC initiatives have injected a new
spirit in the ideas of regional connectivity. Moreover, with globalization, it is easier for countries to invest
through Foreign direct investment and go joint collaboration construction programs such as pacific region
connectivity program and agreement between countries for development of ports and other infrastructure
programs. Thus, globalization has led to regional connectivity in long run.
Indeed globalization has come up with many positive sides ; however, its downsides and problems pose serious
problems to humanity and overshadow its blessings.
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In the wake of various problems created by globalization that supersede its solutions, several methodologies
must be adopted to revamp globalization and lessen its problems. Most necessary of them are global solidarity
and cooperation mechanisms to counter common threats to humanity: pandemic, climate change, nuclear
proliferation. Global political and financial institutions need to be empowered at this need of the hour. Today’s
challenges need inclusive multilateralism at all levels. For instance, in dangers like pandemic and climate
change, all countries need to show mutual cooperation under the umbrella of Global political institutions and
need to work on 2030 Sustainable development goals. The 2030 agenda symbolizes the world’s commitment to
collaborate on efforts to address humanity’s biggest challenges. However, these efforts will only be successful
when underpinned by an inclusive collaboration among governments, regional cooperation organizations,
economic and political entities, scientists, industry, private sector and civil society.
Similarly, good governance at all levels is mandatory accompanying social inclusion at all levels. Developing
countries should especially carve out a process of governance based on strengthening democracy, improving
service delivery, ensuring accountability, and upholding the rule of law. When good governance , social
inclusiveness , and human development is lacking in a country , sometimes violent upheavals are seen as a
result or sometimes there is a threat of division of a country into ethnic or other faultiness. Good governance
bridges the gap between the elite and the poor, brings social justice and social equality at all levels, and rapid
service delivery. In this case, the problems created by globalization can be overcomed by a country if it is
internally strong.
In a nutshell, though global integration of economy, politics, cultures, and global social connectedness has
benefitted the world in many respects, yet it has also created much havoc stretching all spheres of mankind.
Moreover, the problems created by globalization surpass the number of solutions by it. On one hand ,
globalization of economy and global interdependence has widened inequality gap across countries; on the
other hand , globalization has disrupted security situation of the world in the form of transnational crimes ,
vulnerability to climate change ,and has also acted as a threat to human health security as seen in the form of
recent coronavirus pandemic. Prudent measures at all levels are needed to contain the problems of
globalization and convert them into blessings which include empowering global financial and political
institutions along with good governance at all levels and global solidarity mechanisms. IN sum, problems
created by globalization exceed the solutions and measures need to be taken to rectify the problems posed by
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Press Review
CSS Magazine edition 2
Press Review
Amendment Act, and the infrastructure projects already
construction of Ram Mandir in there, Bangladesh is now seeking
Ayodha have sparked a diverse another $6.4 billion for new
Can Pakistan
array of skepticism from Dhaka. projects, and $1 billion for Teesta
river management.
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mistreatment of the Bengalis from reject the 1970 elections, in turn violence that eventually led to the
1947 to 1971, resulting in the two orchestrating the separation of Bengali genocide of 1971 – one that
wings that fought together for Bangladesh; Pakistan’s continued Pakistan is yet to recognize.
Partition of India separating from history of civilian leaders
one another within 24 years. That undermining democracy to gain “Bangladeshis across the board
bloody divide in 1971 delineated proximity to power has since feel that Pakistan needs admit its
many of Pakistan’s paradoxes that included Nawaz Sharif, Benazir mistakes of the past, acknowledge
have been rooted in the country’s Bhutto, and now Imran Khan. that its army had perpetrated a
existence, but remain, genocide and apologize for the
unaddressed, in the national Similarly, Pakistan’s paranoid, atrocities committed,” Ali Riaz,
ethos. jihadist, and India-centric security professor of political science at
policy is also rooted in events Illinois State University and
The 1971 war helps explain why a leading up to 1971. The 1965 nonresident senior fellow at
majority launched a separatist Operation Gibraltar incorporated Atlantic Council, said while talking
movement, and why despite losing two military strategies that have to The Diplomat.
an entire wing Pakistan never had been engraved in Rawalpindi’s
to alter its name. It reminds us General Headquarters: the use of “With emerging global dynamics,
how the two epicenters of the non-state mujahideen and a focus there are various possibilities. But
Pakistan movement, Uttar on strategic depth. without the acknowledgement
Pradesh and Bengal – the latter and apology of Pakistan for its
where the Muslim League was Leaving its eastern wing open as heinous crimes in 1971, the road
founded in 1906 – are no longer in bait in the build up to the 1965 leads to nowhere,” he added.
Pakistan. It underlines how the war, Bhutto, then foreign minister,
1940s separatist movement that hoped to lure India to the east, While military dictators like
claimed that the Muslims of the while it was to be forced to fight Zia-ul-Haq and Pervez Musharraf
Indian subcontinent are “one on two fronts near Assam if China have acknowledged the events of
nation” has since divided them moved in. While India 1971, Pakistan’s leaders as a whole,
almost equally into three separate counterattacked on the western and the state officially, has failed
states. wing instead, and China never to accept the gravity of its crimes.
moved in across multiple In recent years, the death
More critically for Pakistan, its Indo-Pak military engagements, sentences issued by Bangladesh’s
divorce from Bangladesh unveiled the alienation of Bengalis and International Crimes Tribunal for
the implosive fault lines that have Pakistan’s obsession with strategic 1971 war crimes have sparked
only deepened since 1971. For depth were permanently etched. condemnation from Pakistan. This
instance, the military’s dominance The fixation with strategic depth in turn is seen as Pakistan’s
in Pakistan – and then in has since evolved into Pakistan’s resistance to accept the war
Bangladesh – is rooted in efforts regional security policy, crimes from 1971, let alone
to deny the democratic principle exemplified by its support for apologize for them.
of “one person one vote,” because jihad in Afghanistan and Kashmir.
it was feared that it would result “Indeed an apology is long
in the Bengali majority ruling over Pakistan’s usurpation of overdue. I think the SAARC
the two wings of Pakistan. Balochistan’s resources, its Charter should be implemented in
labeling of Pashtun nationalism as letter and spirit,” said historian
As a result, civilian leaders in the “treason,” the military’s Ishtiaq Ahmed, the author of
then-West Pakistan were more occupation of territory, and its “Pakistan: The Garrison State,
keen on enjoying certain perks undermining of democracy are all Origins, Evolution, Consequences
under military hegemony than reminiscent of the state’s (1947–2011),” while talking to The
letting East Pakistan have the marginalization of Bengalis. The Diplomat.
majority say in running of the growing number of Baloch missing
country. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had persons and extrajudicial killings Where China and Turkey might be
collaborated with the military to are a similar throwback to the providing the opportunity for
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Pakistan to sit with Bangladesh deciding to lift its lockdown at a “There is a very large number out
again, it must do so with sincerity time when the country was there that needs to be protected
and self-reflection. That will not recording a daily average of over from the virus,” said National
only help Islamabad formulate 5,000 cases, with local Command and Operations Center
progressive bilateral ties, it might transmission accounting for at (NCOC) chief Asad Umar.
also ring a timely reminder to least 90 percent of the spread.
undo many of the same errors of Epidemiologist Dr. Rana Jawad
the past. By mid-August, the global COVID Asghar interprets the findings to
tally crossed 23 million, with over be in line with global studies
For while opportunistic alliances 810,000 deaths. Pakistan’s suggesting 11 to 20 percent of the
can be temporarily beneficial, numbers remained relatively low, population in most countries have
Pakistan is currently at a at around 292,000 infections and been exposed to the virus.
crossroads that could lead to over 6,200 deaths in a population
formulation of a more durable of 220.4 million. While the world “The 11 percent could also
unity based on mutual respect and recorded more than 4 million represent the most vulnerable of
inclusivity. The failure to embrace infections and over 200,000 the population and the remaining
such a self-identity in 1947 led to deaths in the past three weeks, may not be susceptible to the
South Asia’s goriest post-Partition Pakistan contributed around virus,” he added, while expressing
crimes in 1971. 12,000 cases and less than 250 doubts over the seroprevalence
deaths to that tally. study’s accuracy.
Collective self-reflection might
also help undo the contrasting, The government reopened the The Mystery of the
but tangible, Islamization economy in phases and in doing Flattened Curve
damaging the two states. Indeed, so achieved the impossible by
the divisive ideology that couldn’t flattening the curve. But, as the The scientist-recommended
keep the east and west wing saying goes, things are not always strategy to contain the spread has
together is now separately what they seem. been lockdowns, testing, and
impairing Bangladesh and contact tracing. But it is nearly
Pakistan. A seroprevalence study, impossible to get a developing
conducted in July by the Health country where two-thirds of the
By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid, The Diplomat Services Academy (HSA) in population relies on daily wages
collaboration with multiple to stay at home.
partners including the Agha Khan
How Did
University Hospital and World “There is a universal
Health Organization, estimated 11 acknowledgment that the virus’
Pakistan percent of Pakistanis have
developed COVID-19 antibodies
spread can be slowed down
through behavioral change in the
Flatten the while 89 percent remain at risk. society,” said Umar. “It can be
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and applied a sophisticated contrast, Pakistan has a young dangerous to compare crude
tracking system that ran through population and a social construct fatality rates across countries.
the ground to apex level. that vetoes elderly placements in “Some of it has to do with the
group homes. infected people. In South Korea,
“At one point, we had over 10,000 particularly in the beginning,
contract workers and more than It is not astounding, then, that the many of the people infected were
3,000 contact tracing teams. It study found seropositivity more quite young, [and] therefore didn’t
became an integral part of our common in young adults and have as many underlying
strategy coupled with smart significantly less in children and conditions that could progress to
lockdowns in high-risk areas and older adults. It was also more severe disease or death.”
hotspots and SOP compliance. prevalent in urban areas than
Those in violation were fined or rural. Recently, speculation around
sealed.” genome mutations increased
“The youth steps out to work and when South Korea identified a
Despite the SOPs (standard the population in cities is dense,” genetically mutated coronavirus
operating procedures) and smart reasoned Asghar. “Our social from a case imported from
lockdowns, a walk through circles aren’t as expansive as Pakistan.
Karachi’s streets on a those in the West. An ordinary “A change in DG41G mutation was
midsummer’s evening in mid-July citizen’s social network stays first identified in February. This is
showed business as usual. within the bounds of his a predominant strain in Europe,
neighborhood.” North America, and it has come
“For the first three months, we back into Asia again,” explained
saw a significant change in Ashgar believed the high Kerkhove. “More than 75,000 full
behavior. People wore masks and temperature and humidity during genome sequences are available
maintained social distancing. summers also helped slow down publicly and globally from
Once the cases slowed down, we the spread. countries all over the world.”
saw less adherence to the SOPs,” She added that a
said Umar. What about India, where cases WHO-constituted research group
This was followed by Eid-ul Adha have topped 3 million? “Their is looking at each of the changes
celebrations, which also fueled testing capacity is way ahead of and mutations to see which are
local tourism with thousands ours,” he interjects. He pointed important. “It isn’t just to identify
driving to the mountains during out that social stigma around the a change but to see whether it
the holidays. The curve, however, virus and the fear of government means the virus could potentially
continued on a downward intervention had prevented many behave differently.”
trajectory. families from getting tested.
Asghar, the epidemiologist, said Notably, the HSA study strikes
he had found the high cases tally One theory for Pakistan’s luck down the possibility of herd
and death toll projections for suggests the majority of the immunity in Pakistan. “The classic
Pakistan incredulous. “Outbreaks country’s cases are mild due to requirement is for 70 percent of
don’t behave in such a way,” he locals having high tolerance and a the population to develop
explained. “If there is an outbreak strong immune system. Asghar, antibodies either through
in a city, it doesn’t mean every however, disagrees. “Pakistan may exposure or vaccination,”
person living in the city will get have fewer cases but its mortality explained Asghar.
infected.” rate (2.13 percent) is higher than
India’s (1.8 percent),” he noted, Whether the COVID-19 antibodies
The worst-hit countries have an adding that the infection rate can prevent reinfection is also a
average age of 35-45 with a high depends on multiple factors such puzzle waiting to be solved. “The
mortality rate in the geriatric as the host body and environment. science is not clear on how long
population due to the virus’ this immunity will last or effective
spread in old-age homes. In WHO COVID-19 technical lead Dr. it will be,” Umar said.
Maria Van Kerkhove says it is
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Prepared, Unprepared:
What’s Next?
24 hours to ensure the patient
does not have a chance to infect Good
more people. If our test results governance
“We’re down to targeted actions come back after days with no
because the daily tally is low. contact tracing then we are just
We’re homing in on precise areas wasting time and resources.”
to prevent a large-scale spread,” ONE of the world’s oldest written
stressed Umar. “Our current focus “One Big Wave” constitutions, the Massachusetts
is to ensure people practice their constitution of 1780, decreed that
religious beliefs without Technically, the first wave needs
when the government fails the
endangering themselves or to end for the second to begin.
people, “the people have a right
others.” While some countries, such as
to alter the government, and to
China and Germany have
take measures necessary for their
Although the seroprevalence managed to bring down the
safety, prosperity and happiness”.
study deems reopening schools a number of infections, others like
This implied a right to revolution.
risk due to the low seropositivity the United States, India, and Brazil
When the social contract
rate in children under 10 years of are still struggling to control the
between the rulers and the
age, the government is adamant spread.
governed is weakened or breaks,
students must return to violent upheavals follow.
classrooms. Meanwhile, countries that
flattened the curve and began
It is in this context that, 73 years
“Tremendous amount of efforts relaxing restrictions are seeing a
after winning our independence,
have gone into it. Experts have surge in infections.
there should be serious
been mobilized to develop introspection on the relationship
training programs for both But the WHO has maintained that
between the Pakistani state and
teachers and students,” said Umar. the coronavirus is unfolding in
society. Jinnah helped create a
“But we will continue to optimize one big global wave with no
new state, but its citizens could
until the very day school starts.” evidence that a change in season
not uphold and sustain the values
has an effect over its spread. It
that formed its basis — equal
Recalling Iran’s second spike in has also predicted the pandemic
rights, rule of law and
infections, Umar said the will go on for a long time.
sovereignty of the people —
government is very much aware of hampering our progress as a
the risk and plans vigorous For a country with a frail
democratic, enlightened polity.
monitory to prevent a surge. “If it healthcare system, a prolonged
Frequent military rules and
does happen, we are adequately pandemic may prove to be
successive inept civilian
prepared for it,” he added. catastrophic – specially with 89
governments have resulted in a
percent of its population at risk.
lack of trust between state and
Asghar, however, argued the society.
By Niha Dagia, The Diplomat
government needs to expand
disease surveillance systems to There should be serious
detect clusters and contain introspection on the relationship
outbreaks on district levels. between the Pakistani state and
“When you rely on hospital and society.
lab data, you discover an outbreak
three or four weeks after it has While important to admit past
occurred. It is too late.” mistakes, it is more important to
move beyond blame and towards
He recommended the government the serious task of nation
have field epidemiologists building. We have no choice but
conduct tests and contact tracing. to work together to carve out a
“Results should be available within charter of governance, based on
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Reforms Committee. (vi) Conservatives abhor identity Given that our ethnic identities are
Security of tenure of police politics and expect all to still strong, and will remain so,
commanders must be ensured in assimilate into the dominant ethnic politics could only abate if
federal and provincial identity. Even some liberals see it the state dealt with all fairly and
departments. (vii) Civilian and as dividing class-based solidarity, devolved power. The 18th
military intelligence agencies undoing ideological politics, and Amendment did this only partially
must work within a legal emerging from elite intrigue. This inter-provincially, while ignoring
framework legislated by ideal view came from the West intra-provincial ethnic gripes. Its
parliament, and monitored by an where ideological politics fruits have been undone partly by
IG appointed by parliament under dominates for contextual reasons. the great undoing of democracy
a statutory framework of It arose there with increased since 2018 via controversial polls,
oversight. (viii) Fundamental urbanisation as whole families crackdown on the media and
rights must be jealously shifted to cities and bread earners opposition, establishment sway and
safeguarded; freedom of worked in industry. informal recentralisation, all of
expression must not be muzzled, which may fan ethnic woes again
and no one should be illegally Also, most Western states were even provincially.
detained or tortured by any then highly homogenous. So
segment of the security apparatus. labour class-based politics Our three main parties — the
emerged naturally. But despite PML-N, PPP and PTI — are on the
Such a charter of governance, higher mobility, education and surface non-ethnic and national.
though limited in scope, would incomes, identity politics has a But the top three or four leaders of
nudge our republic from key role in many Western each belong mainly to one
authoritarianism to egalitarianism; countries like the US, as ethnicity, a trend increasing over
from totalitarianism to immigration and political sway of time. Dynastic hold dictates this in
humanitarianism; from oppression weak identity groups has the PPP and PML-N. But oddly,
to magnanimity; from fear to increased. Biden’s choice of even the PTI lacks a truly national
trust; from dual standards to unity Kamala Harris reflects this trend. top leadership. Each practises
of purpose. Above all, it is a ethnic politics often, though the
message to our leaders not to rule Could a mass party unite people PTI less so.
but to govern. They should pay across ethnicities?
heed to Goethe’s words: “It is bad A look at each province reflects the
governments, not bad people, who Developing countries are highly extent of ethnic politics. Punjab is
cause revolutions.” diverse and rural. Even migrant the hegemon others resent. Much
labour usually leaves family back earlier, it voted in the ‘outsider’ PPP
The writer is a former IG Police and author in villages, which are deep regularly. But ‘insider’ PML-N and
of The Faltering State and Inconvenient reservoirs of ethnic content. PTI are now firm pets. Aggrieved
Truths. Regular visits back to villages keep ethnic minorities exist in each
Published in Dawn
ethnic identities strong among province. But only in Punjab is the
migrants. But some think we are minority (Seraiki) seen as politically
moving towards post-ethnic and economically inferior to the
politics. Can this be true for us majority. Yet oddly, sub-provincial
politics? when it is not for the rest of South
Asia or the West? Ethnic politics
ethnic politics is the weakest in
Punjab as a popular Seraiki party
holds firm in diverse Saarc has never won big in South Punjab.
IDENTITY has defined Pakistani
countries like India, Sri Lanka,
politics for long. Even the drive for
Nepal and Afghanistan, the first Sindh has always voted for the PPP
it was based on identity politics. But
two being politically the most in fair polls and will continue to do
after 1947, ethnicity replaced faith,
developed. But in both, a perverse so in the foreseeable future.
as many ethnic groups found their
majoritarian identity politics now Regional ethnic tensions are the
interests being ignored, as with
prevails, which instead of greatest in Sindh. Mohajirs dumped
Muslims earlier.
assimilating minorities, segregates their long-term local favourite
and marginalises them.
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Arabia for
have ended. It is only a reflection of have enough support from the
the MQM’s implosion, international community and
establishment ploys, and the
community’s calculus, right or
Pakistan? angering the Saudis at this point
may have serious repercussions.
wrong, that their woes may be Qureshi’s China visit, although
better addressed by voting for the Islamabad needs both Riyadh and having taken place for
PTI. Even in Karachi, a city-wide Beijing for its domestic as well as previously scheduled foreign
political identity hasn’t emerged. foreign imperatives. minister level talks, aims to get
Chinese support on two levels
KP has been the most open to Just before leaving for China last immediately: financial and
voting for ‘outsider’ parties. Yet week on a two day official visit to diplomatic. The big question is
rumblings of Pakhtun nationalism attend the second round of the whether China can once again
can be heard, though mainly in China-Pakistan Foreign Ministers’ rescue Pakistan given the
ex-Fata via the PTM. Then there is Strategic Dialogue, Foreign latter’s excessive reliance on
the Hazara belt which rarely votes Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi Saudi Arabia.
in synch with the Pakhtun belt. In termed his visit “important“and
Balochistan, local parties usually that he had a discussion with Over the years, Pakistan has
hold sway in fair polls. A civil war Prime Minister Imran Khan before received an abundance of Saudi
driven by ethnic woes rages on. leaving. The visit came just days financial aid and oil payment
Ethnic politics is alive nationally after Chief of Army Staff (COAS) deferments. Riyadh bailed out
and a post-ethnic identity hardly General Qamar Javed Bajwa and Islamabad on a number of
seen. This is an added reason for the ISI head General Faiz Hameed occasions — it provided 50,000
devolution besides its were denied an audience with barrels of free oil per day to
administrative logic true globally. Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Pakistan for a year when the
Bin Salman during their visit to country came under sanctions
Our polls have never been won via the Kingdom. The COAS and ISI after the 1998 nuclear tests. The
issues-based politics but by chief’s Saudi Arabia visit was a Kingdom also lent a hand to
patronage and cult politics. Even damage-control effort after Pakistan when Pakistan’s foreign
the 1970 polls were won more by Qureshi criticized the Saudi currency reserves were
cultist politics around Zulfikar Ali government and threatened to dwindling steeply by giving $1.5
Bhutto’s slogans and charisma. circumvent the Kingdom by billion in 2014. Likewise in 2018,
Could a mass party unite people calling an Organization of Islamic Saudi Arabia provided $3 billion
across ethnicities via class-based Cooperation (OIC) meeting to Pakistan in foreign currency
solidarity? It is easier to mobilise separately. During this whole support for a year to address its
through the crude pull of cult, episode, Qureshi has remained balance-of-payments crisis, and
patronage, ethnic or right-wing the key player, claiming his Beijing a one-year deferred payment
bigoted politics than liberal visit strengthened the facility for import of oil worth
intellectual politics. Aspiring “All-Weather Strategic up to $3 billion. Last year, the
groups will first have to come up Cooperative Partnership” between Saudi Crown Prince visited
with workable solutions and China and Pakistan. Pakistan and signed a number of
communicate them widely in their agreements including one to set
lingo. Neither seems likely soon. Pakistan,already tangled with up an $8 billion refinery and
Until mass politics emerges, ethnic tough domestic problems ranging petrochemicals complex in the
politics is a useful second-best from unbridled inflation to coastal city of Gwadar.
option for addressing at least some hours-long power outages and Furthermore, more than 2.7
societal inequities. threatening economic indicators, million Pakistani expatriates live
might not have afforded to offend in Saudi Arabia who send back
Niaz Mustafa, published in Dawn the Saudis. But Qureshi’s billions in remittances — $2.7
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billion alone in fiscal year 2019-20 issues on multiple occasions. Last Pakistan and China. China’s
— contributing to capital inflow fall, Pakistan dropped the plan to continuous support to Pakistan
to the cash-strapped country. attend Kuala Lumpur Summit. on Financial Action Task Force
Ostensibly due to pressure from (FATF) steps, unlike the Saudis,
On the other hand, China is Riyadh, Pakistan didn’t attend the provides breathing space to
termed an all-weather friend of summit to which Saudi rivals Iran, Islamabad. Beijing has fully
Pakistan that has maintained Turkey, and Qatar were invited to supported Pakistan on the
cordial and working relationship attend but not the Saudis. There country’s call against India’s
with Islamabad through thick and were, however, elements of rifts decision to effectively abrogate
thin. Like the Saudis, China has between the two sides when in Article 370 of the Indian
also extended financial support to 2015 the Pakistani parliament Constitution (pertaining to
Pakistan more than once, and lent rebuffed the Kingdom’s call for Kashmir’s autonomous status).
support during tough times. military involvement in the Since August 5 last year when
Saudi-led coalition fighting New Delhi announced this
In 2018, China agreed to provide Houthi rebels in Yemen. Quite decision, China has repeatedly
Pakistan $6 billion in aid to recently, Saudi Arabia’s shying supported Pakistan’s Kashmir
minimize Pakistan’s dependence away from calling a special OIC stance. China has also urged India
on the IMF bailout package. In meeting on Kashmir irked to show restraint along the
July 2020, Pakistan received $1.3 Pakistan. Deepening Saudi India-Pakistan Line of Control.
billion in commercial loan from Arabia-India relations have also
China, helping Islamabad achieve annoyed Islamabad. Pakistan’s bold move to shout at
the foreign exchange reserve the Saudis, so to speak, seemingly
target of around $12 billion by the Given the numbers involved, we hasn’t worked and the Saudi cold
end of fiscal year 2019-20. During can safely assume China can help shoulder indicates the Kingdom
the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Pakistan financially even if the cannot be the brother Pakistan
China has so far provided aid Saudis don’t for various reasons. wants it to be, at least on the
worth $4 million to Pakistan along However, there have been Kashmir issue. And then again,
with a large quantity of medical numerous calls warning Pakistan the whole situation puts Beijing in
equipment. To avoid defaulting on to avoid being caught in Chinese the limelight by having
international debt obligations, “debt traps.” Besides, Pakistan supplanted Riyadh as Islamabad’s
Pakistan recently once again cannot get oil from China nor can main backer, at least for now.
turned toward China. Reportedly, China accommodate millions of Pakistan cherishes Chinese
a few weeks ago Pakistan took a Pakistani workers in its country. financial support,
$1 billion loan from China to repay Both factors leave policymakers in socio-economic ventures, and
the same amount to Saudi Arabia. Islamabad in limbo on ways to diplomatic backing. Yet parting
keep foreign money coming in ways with Saudi Arabia cannot
Saudi Arabia has often supported form of both remittances and aid. serve Islamabad well at this point
Pakistan on foreign policy issues when it needs not only to avoid
including generous support Recently, Pakistan’s diplomacy has FATF blacklisting but diplomatic
during the 1971 Indo-Pakistani relied more on China than on isolation too.
War when it pushed India to Saudi Arabia given the latter’s
return Pakistan’s prisoners of war. foreign-policy preferences and By Ameena Tanvir, The Diplomat
The two Muslim states furthered geographical detachment from
their engagements during the South Asia. On the other hand,
Cold War years with the Saudis China — because of its extended
providing funds to thousands of regional interest — sees Pakistan
madrassas and supporting as a connecting link to the warm
Pakistan’s Kashmir stance. waters of the Indian Ocean and a
balancer against Indian
Pakistan, on its part, also stood by hegemonic designs. This is a
the Saudis on foreign policy win-win situation for both
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reform) one key failing has been 10. One year after India scrapped it could be that the talks are
the inability — or perhaps Article 370 and reoccupied delayed again. The past year has
unwillingness — to delink occupied Kashmir, Pakistan is been a rollercoaster ride for
accountability from political searching for actionable clarity in negotiations, with optimism and
agendas. If Pakistan’s governance its Kashmir policy. Symbolic pessimism, progress and
has to match basic constitutional gestures are insufficient. This setbacks.
requirements, NAB laws must be must change. Target: We should
reformed. PTI will have control of have a proactive policy spelt out It has been almost a year since US
the Senate in March 2021 and can and in full operational mode by President Donald Trump
legislate its priorities. Target: NAB Aug 14, 2021. abandoned his planned gathering
Ordinance must be reformed by No more shallow rhetoric please. at Camp David with
Aug 14, 2021. Let’s get to work. representatives of the Taliban to
8. This week government and hammer out the final details of a
opposition achieved a rare By Fahd Husain, Dawn cease-fire agreement. After this
consensus in passing FATF meeting was abruptly canceled
legislation. This may be one of the due to continued militant attacks,
few times that parliament actually Bumps on the it took many months more for the
road to Afghan
worked like it is supposed to, US and the Taliban to sign an
instead of being a forum for agreement in Doha in February.
screaming matches. The
government must now grow out
peace Also, complicating matters was
of its container mode and build the presidential election in
consensus in order to push The news coming out of Afghanistan last September. The
forward a progressive legislative Afghanistan is often bleak, but the results of the poll were not
agenda, especially since it will recent announcement of the start finalized until last February, with
control the Senate too. Target: of peace talks next month offers a President Ashraf Ghani declared
The government should map out glimmer of hope. the winner. Then it took several
a legislative to-do list that should weeks more for President Ghani
be passed into law by Aug 14, 2021. Abdullah Abdullah, chairman of and his main political rival,
the High Council for National Abdullah, to come to a
9. Earlier this week, a large Reconciliation and Kabul’s leading power-sharing agreement.
number of prominent women peace negotiator, said that
journalists issued a statement discussions with the Taliban will After the US-Taliban deal in
saying government officials were begin sometime in September. At February it was hoped that
‘instigating’ online attacks against the same time, Pakistani Prime intra-Afghan talks would begin in
them. This is only the latest Minister Imran Khan invited Oslo the following month. But this
example of vulnerabilities faced Abdullah to Islamabad to discuss has been delayed for two reasons.
by women and minorities in cooperation between the two First was the continued Taliban
Pakistan (a number of minorities countries to help bring an end to attacks against Afghan forces that
have been gunned down in the hostilities. breached the spirit of the peace
last few weeks). Nothing could be process itself.
more urgent for a government While Pakistan’s overtures when
inspired by Madina ki riyasat to it comes to the Taliban will always Second, there was a disagreement
afford protection to the be viewed with skepticism, the between the Afghan government
vulnerable segments of society. fact that this invitation was and the militants on the issue of
Target: PTI government should extended to Kabul at all is prisoner swaps. This resulted
have a list of policies and encouraging. from the ambiguous wording in
legislation for women and the agreements the US made with
minorities ready and enforced by A considerable amount of time the Taliban and Afghan
Aug 14, 2021. and a lot of patience have been government in February.
needed to get to this point — and
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In recent months, the issue has decentralized to speak with one journey to this point has been a
slowly been resolved. Over the authoritative voice. Even if there long one, so it must be assumed
summer about 400 Taliban is some sort of pact with the the peace process itself will also
prisoners remained in Afghan Afghan government, there could be lengthy.
government custody. In early still be a continuing insurgency in
August, a Loya Jirga, or tribal areas of the country. There will be ups and downs,
council, was convened to settle cease-fires and attacks, optimism
the matter. In the end the Loya There is also the threat of the and frustration. But the Afghans
Jirga agreed that it was in the so-called Islamic State Khorasan will eventually figure it out. The
interest of peace to release the (IS-K). The extremist group has rest of the world must be patient
remaining captives. been responsible for some of the and supportive along the way.
The impact of the coronavirus most atrocious attacks in recent
pandemic is further complicating months in Afghanistan. Many Luke Coffey is director of the Douglas and
the peace process as Afghanistan disgruntled Taliban fighters who Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy at
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The temple construction in appropriate ancient Sanskrit localities and regions of India.
Ayodhya, just like the spiritual texts to construct an
constitutional amendment that "Aryan" race identity. From the colonial to
revoked the Indian-administered the post-colonial
Kashmir's limited autonomy, is a The reformers were answering
calculated move by the Modi British criticisms of Indic A century ago, the arrival of
government to consolidate the polytheisms as "beastly" and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
new majoritarian polity in India. "superstitious". They on the political scene provided a
enthusiastically embraced the solution to the reformers'
Today, we are witnessing the final colonial view of Muslims being dilemma. Gandhi claimed that his
stages of the project to remake wholly separate from Hindus, religion as much as that of most
India into a Hindu nation, but ignoring the accommodations and "Hindus" was Sanatan Dharma,
little is being said about the intermixing over centuries that the perennial faith, not the
fabulous falsehoods and cunning had produced shared ritual, new-fangled textual abstractions
sleights of hand that this intellectual, sartorial, culinary, put forward by the reformers.
ambitious project was built upon. and musical traditions between Caste, he argued, was a necessary
the two groups. evil in the subcontinental life. It
Colonial origins could neither be wished away nor
As the reforming Hindu men reformed out of existence.
The word "Hindu" is a Persianate worked to draw sharp lines
derivative of "Sindhu", Sanskrit for between "Hindus" and "Muslims", A hierarchical society, suggested
the Indus River. Only during the newly emerging print media Gandhi, could learn to be humane
India's colonial encounter in the became their accomplice. The and to avoid excesses. Vertical
19th century did "Hindu" become adoption of the Nagri script by hierarchies could be held
an ascriptive label for a wide reformist groups such as the Arya together by horizontal alliances
range of practices and ideas Samaj contrasted with the shared between those of similar rank,
across South Asia that do not fall orality of a public sphere defined whether at the top or the bottom.
within the three world religions by the Hindustani language. Hindu and Muslim elites could be
labelled "Islam", "Christianity", and Devanagari, the divine Nagri as it tied together by common
"Buddhism". But this term defined became known, also started to be interests of peace and prosperity
by negation did not mean much used alongside Urdu and English just as the Hindu and Muslim
to those located within a mosaic in the new world of print masses were held together by
of Indic ritual and philosophical technology, helping reformists in shared solidarities of class and
traditions that lacked a holy book their efforts to create a distinct occupation.
based on divine revelation. Hindu identity.
The Gandhian solution to the
Scholars have attributed the Then, as it is now, the chief problem was largely embraced by
invention of "Hinduism" as much obstacle to transforming India the anti-colonial movement in
to men from dominant castes who into a Hindu nation was the caste India led by the Congress party.
sought to reform and remake a system which divided society into Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who led
colonised society as to colonial strict hierarchical groups. To the campaign for a separate state
missionaries. These 19th-century accommodate the lower orders of of Pakistan, had also endorsed the
reformers sought to go back to society, the conservatism of the Gandhian solution in British
ancient texts such as the Vedas or Brahmins, the traditional priestly India, but he was prescient to
the Upanishads to propose a class who sit atop the rigid caste realise that its appeal would wane
de-ritualised, quasi-monotheistic hierarchy, had to be diluted. But steadily with modernisation once
creed for a modern India. Such a to de-brahminise Hinduism would the fortunes of Indian Muslims
move mimicked the textualist have dissolved the abstract new were placed at the mercy of a
methods of the Protestant polity of the reformers' consolidated Hindu majority.
Reformation, and the then imagination into a melange of
fashionable European efforts to lived traditions across the
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The principal critics of the In response, the Bharatiya Janata At least for now, the Hindu
Gandhian solution - anti-caste Party (BJP), particularly under rashtra is a highly personalised
thinkers such as Bhimrao Ramji Modi, has revived Savarkar's regime, almost a cult, in which
Ambedkar and theorists of Hindu vision of Hindutva as a political Modi is the state and
nationalism such as Vinayak religion, albeit in a distinctly countenances no opposition, not
Damodar Savarkar - preferred a populist vein. One's religious even from the judiciary or the
modern and egalitarian solution beliefs and practices matter less central bank. Civil society, the
to the problem faced by the in Hindutva than an absolute media and academia are treated
19th-century reformers. Both commitment to a Hindu "rashtra" with suspicion because they
Ambedkar and Savarkar sought or polity. The fractalised selves of breed dissent. Through a mix of
equality in politics and society, post-liberalisation have been carrot and stick, the media have
not hierarchy. Yet Ambedkar brought together by the been compelled to voice
reposed his faith in new centripetal force of electoral propaganda, and prominent
constitutional liberalism derived rituals, digital media, and a new journalists, activists, and
from the French and American Hindu state, all of which offer an academics have been arrested or
constitutions. Savarkar insurgent sense of equality. bullied into silence.
endeavoured, by contrast, to
create a new political religion, Political Hinduism The electoral system is now
called Hindutva (Hindu-ness) to dominated by a single political
unify India along the lines of the Rhetorically, the Hindu rashtra is party committed to Hindutva,
Italian Risorgimento. opposed to discrimination based namely, the BJP. Other parties,
on caste for political Hindus. including the Congress, have been
In the early decades after Modi's own humble origins and compelled now to speak the
independence, the Congress his rise to power are presented as language of Hindutva and
governments balanced the clinching evidence of a new acquiesce in the new political
hierarchical accommodationist egalitarian modernism. But, in religion.
view proposed by Gandhi with practice, Hindutva is willing to
modernism rooted in equal accommodate the everyday Oddly enough, we know little
citizenship regardless of caste or oppressions that define Indian about the ritual lives and personal
faith. This was an era in which all society. In effect, some are more beliefs of Modi or his
were equal citizens of India, even equal than others. Conservatism predecessors. The new political
Kashmiris, even if long-standing is now couched increasingly in religion of Hindutva seems to
social hierarchies remained intact. the modern semantics of class define itself almost entirely by
Elite Muslims and Christians ("rich" and "poor") rather than in negation vis-a-vis the Muslim (or
featured prominently in public life traditional caste terms. Christian) Other. Other Indic
just as they had done in the traditions defined traditionally in
colonial era. Those who do not identify as opposition to Hinduism -
political Hindus - Muslims, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism - are
With economic liberalisation and Christians, leftists, anti-caste simply seen as Hindu offshoots.
neoliberal globalisation since activists - are the new objects of
1980, the old hierarchies have discrimination and exclusion. In The territorial boundaries of the
been shaken up. The myriad principle, if individuals from these nation are sacralised in Hindu
castes that constitute Indian groups embrace Hindutva, they, India. Nowhere is this more
society have been shattered into too, would be considered political apparent than in Kashmir, where
infinitesimal fragments, which Hindus. The lines are, in sum, long-standing legal arrangements
have given rise to fractalised permeable, and everything is have been forcibly undone. These
identities vying for equality at the negotiable in the new Hindu violent rituals of integration are
expense of each other. The polity. meant to build communitas
centrifugal force in pursuit of among political Hindus, the true
equality in public life led to citizens of the new polity. Settler
dissensus, not a new national colonialism is now expected to
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11. Present ages of Sameer and Anand are in the 11. The sum of the present ages of a father and his
ratio of 5 : 4 respectively. Three years hence, the son is 60 years. Six years ago, father's age was five
ratio of their ages will become 11 : 9 respectively. times the age of the son. After 6 years, son's age will
What is Anand's present age in years? be:
A. 24 A. 12 years
B. 27 B. 14 years
C. 40 C. 18 years
D. Cannot be determined D. 20 years
E. None of these
1.C 2.B 3.D 4.C
5.C 6.D 7.D 8.B
9.B 10.A 11.A 12.D
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2. The first “Muslim Nobel Laureate” was 8. How many member states are there in the
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)?
A. Anwar Sadat
B. Shirin Ebadi A. 57
C. Abdul Salam B. 58
D. None of these C. 59
D. None of these
A. China
B. Pakistan 10. The “Cold War” period between the Soviet Union
C. USA and the United States and their particular allies
D. India was
A. 1947–1991
5. The collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist B. 1945–1989
Republics (USSR) was due to C. 1962–1991
D. None of these
A. Economic Failure
B. Perestroika and Glasnost
C. Nationalist Movements 11. NPT is an abbreviation for
D. All of these
A. National Proliferation Treaty
B. New Proliferation Treaty
C. Non–Proliferation Treaty
D. None of these
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12. AFP is the news agency of 18. The largest Province of Pakistan in terms of the
land area is:
B. France A. Punjab
C. USA B. Sindh
D. None of these C. Balochistan
13. The oldest “Satellite Site” in the world is 19. All India Muslim Students Federation was
located in founded at:
A. Kazakhstan
A. Calcutta
B. Russia
B. Dhaka
C. Lahore
D. None of these
D. Ali Garh
A. I.K Gujran
17. Baluchistan got the status of province in:
B. Shastri
C. Indira Gandhi
A. 1970
D. None of these
B. 1971
C. 1930
D. 1935
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25. Gupta Dynasty ruled over most of India from 30. The crystal structure of water is:
320 BC to:
A. Hexagonal
A. 575 BC B. Pentagonal
B. 510 BC C. Octagonal
C. 475 BC D. None of these
D. 550 BC
28. Which of the following was the first organic 25. D 26. A 27. D
compound to be synthesized in the laboratory?
28. D 29. B 30. A
A. Citric acid
B. Formic acid
C. Lactose
D. Urea
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