A Meta-Analysis of Breastfeeding and Osteoporotic Fracture Risk in The Females

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Osteoporos Int

DOI 10.1007/s00198-016-3753-x


A meta-analysis of breastfeeding and osteoporotic

fracture risk in the females
X. Duan 1 & J. Wang 1 & X. Jiang 1,2

Received: 23 June 2016 / Accepted: 19 August 2016

# International Osteoporosis Foundation and National Osteoporosis Foundation 2016

Abstract analysis, breastfeeding was associated with a decreased

Summary Our meta-analysis included 12 studies from risk of osteoporotic fracture in case-control study (RR =
PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science. Finding indicated 0.70, 95 % CI 0. 49– 0.99) and postmenopausal
breastfeeding may well reduce the risk of osteoporotic women (RR = 0.66, 95 % CI 0.47–0.93). In dose-response
fracture. analysis, osteoporotic and hip fracture risk decreased by
Introduction Several epidemiologic studies have 0.9 and 1.2 % for each month increment of breastfeeding,
investigated that breastfeeding is associated with short-term respectively.
bone loss in the women, but the long-term effect on Conclusions Our meta-analysis revealed that breastfeeding
osteoporotic fracture risk remains unclear. Thus, we may well reduce the risk of osteoporotic fracture. More cohort
conducted this meta-analysis to explore the potential studies with large sample sizes are needed to confirm the
association between breastfeeding and osteoporotic conclusion.
fracture risk in the females and possible dose- response
relationship between them. Keywords Breastfeeding . Hip fracture . Lactation
Methods We searched PubMed, Embase, and Web of . Meta-analysis . Osteoporotic fracture
Science (ISI) up to April 2016 for relevant articles
associated between breastfeeding and osteoporotic
fracture. Pooled relative risks (RRs) with 95 % confidence Introduction
intervals (CIs) were calculated with a random-effects
model. Dose-response analysis was per- formed by Osteoporotic fracture occurs after a fall from a standing
restricted cubic spline. height or less, without major trauma. The most common
Results Twelve articles including 14,954 participants were osteoporotic fracture comprises fractures on the proximal
identified. The pooled RRs of osteoporotic hip and forearm femur (hip), verte- brae (spine), and distal forearm (wrist) [1].
fracture for the highest vs lowest duration of breastfeeding As fragility fracture, osteoporotic fracture is associated with
were 0.84 (95 % CI 0.67–1.05), 0.72 (95 % CI 0.52–0.99), high morbidity, mortali- ty, and huge financial burden of
and 0.82 (95 % CI 0.56–1.19), respectively. In subgroup healthcare in the elderly, espe- cially in postmenopausal
women. Therefore, osteoporotic frac- ture has been an
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this important public health concern in our aging society. It is
article (doi:10.1007/s00198-016-3753-x) contains supplementary estimated that annual incidence of osteoporotic fracture was
material, which is available to authorized users.
9.0 million worldwide, 61 % of whom were in women [2].
* X. Jiang
Hip fracture is the most serious osteoporotic frac- ture, with an
[email protected] estimated annual incidence of 2.6 million by the year 2025
[3]. In Korea, the costs of osteoporotic fracture among
Department of Epidemiology and Health Statistics, school of women older than 50 years were 66.2 billion Korean won
public health of Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong from 2002 to 2004 [4]. In the USA, annual costs of
Province, People’s Republic of China osteoporotic fracture among women older than 55 years were
Department of Epidemiology and Health Statistics, the 5.1 billion dollars from 2000 to 2011 [5]. Given the total
Medical College of Qingdao University, 38 Dengzhou Road, burden, it is vital to investigate the preventive measures of
Qingdao, Shandong 266021, People’s Republic of China
osteoporotic fracture.
Osteoporos Int

Osteoporotic fracture is influenced by combined effects case report; (3) participants were men, children, or adoles-
of inheritance, anthropometric factors, nutrient, and cents; and (4) articles reported on fractures due to fall
lifestyle [6–9]. Besides that, fracture is influenced by greater than standing height or severe trauma. And we have
gynecological and reproductive history among women added the above exclusion criteria in our meta-analysis.
[10]. Breastfeeding is an essential reproductive function In our meta-analysis, the searching and screening of all
among women, protecting mater against many diseases, retrieved studies were reviewed by two investigators
such as cancer and diabetes. [11–14]. As is known to all, indepen- dently. If the two investigators met bilaterally, it
breastfeeding has a deleterious effect on bone mass during was resolved by discussing with the third one.
lactation. After at least 6 months of lactation, 5–10 %
transient bone loss was found in the mother [15, 16], but it Data extraction
recovered completely after weaning [17, 18]. Moreover,
several epidemiologic studies indicated that prolonged Information from each study was extracted by two
breastfeeding was associated with increased bone mineral investigators independently, including first author’s name,
density (BMD) and lower prevalence of osteo- porosis in publication year, country of study population, follow-up years,
postmenopausal women [19, 20]. However, the long-term study design, age range, diagnostic method, location of
effects of breastfeeding on maternal bone health are still fracture, sample size, num- ber of cases, RRs (we presented
uncertain. Several studies suggested that breastfeeding was all results with RR for simplic- ity) with corresponding 95 %
a risk factor of osteoporotic fracture in the women [21, 22]. CIs, and adjustment for covari- ance. For dose-response
Several studies found that breastfeeding protected against analysis, the number of cases and par- ticipants (person-years)
osteoporotic fracture [23, 24], whereas others showed no and RR (95 % CI) for different durations of breastfeeding
as- sociation between breastfeeding and osteoporotic were also extracted. The median or mean level of different
fracture [25, 26]. We conducted this meta-analysis to durations of breastfeeding was assigned to the cor- responding
explore the potential association between breastfeeding and RR for every study. And units of breastfeeding time were
osteoporotic fracture and possible dose-response converted to month among different studies. If the upper
relationship between them. boundary of the highest duration of breastfeeding was not pro-
vided, we assumed that the boundary had the same amplitude
as the adjacent category. If available, we extracted
Methods multivariate- adjusted RRs with corresponding 95 % CIs.

We referred to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Statistical analysis

Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines for
reporting of meta-analysis [27]. Pooled measure was calculated as the inverse variance-
weighted mean of the logarithm of RR with 95 % CI to
Search strategy assess the strength of associations between breastfeeding
and osteo- porotic fracture. The I² statistic was used to
The available English literatures were searched in PubMed, evaluate hetero- geneity, and the random effect model
Embase, and Web of Science (ISI) up to April 2016. (REM) was used to calculate pooled RR with 95 % CI.
Search terms were as follows: Breastfeeding, lactation, Meta-regression analysis was used to analyze the sources
breastfeeding, and fracture. The following were search of heterogeneity. Subgroup analysis was conducted
strategies in PubMed: (((Breastfeeding) OR lactation) OR stratified by continent, study design, menopausal status,
breast feeding) AND fracture. Moreover, we also manually and whether adjusted for age and body mass index (BMI).
reviewed the reference lists of relevance articles for Influence analysis was performed with one study removed
additional studies. at a time to assess whether the results could have been
affected markedly by a single study. Funnel plot and
Eligibility criteria Egger’s test were used to examine publication bias.
For dose-response analysis, a two-stage random-effects
Studies were included if they met the following criteria: (1) dose- response meta-analysis was performed to compute the
study design was cohort or case-control studies; (2) the trend from the correlated logRR estimates across duration
exposure of interest was breastfeeding; (3) the outcome of of breastfeeding. In the first stage, a restricted cubic spline
interest was osteoporotic fracture; (4) relative risk (RR), odds model with three knots at the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles
ratio (OR), or hazard ratio (HR) with 95 % confidence of dura- tion of breastfeeding was estimated using
interval (CI) was pro- vided; and (5) the objects of study were generalized least- square regression, taking into account the
women. If data were duplicated, we chose the most recent and correlation within each set of published RRs. Then the study-
complete article. specific estimates were combined using the restricted
Exclusion criteria are as follows: (1) articles were pub- maximum likelihood method in a multivariate random-
lished in other language rather than English; (2) study effects meta-analysis. A P value for
design was cross sectional, clinical or animal experimental
study, or
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