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O.level Physics P1 Mock

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Physics 1

General Revision

Physics 1
March 2020 Ordinary Level


One hour 30 minutes


1. Use an HB pencil through out this paper.

2. Do not open to this booklet until you have been ask to do so
3. Insert the information required in the space provided on the answer sheet using an HB pencil.
4. There are 50 questions on this paper and you are to answer all of them. You will score two marks for each
correct answer. No mark will be deducted for incorrect answers of for questions not answered.
5. For each question there are four suggested answers: A, B, C and D. When you have selected your answer to
a question find the question number on the answer sheet and draw a horizontal line across the letter to join
the square brackets for the answer you have chosen using the HB pencil. For example if you think the
answer to question 1 is B then mark B as shown on the answer sheet, thus:
[A] [B] [C] [D]
6. Write only one answer for each question. If you change your mind about an answer, then carefully erase the
first mark then mark your new choice.
7. Avoid spending too much time on any one question. If you find a question difficult, move to the next one.
You can come back to the more difficult question later.
8. All rough work should be done in this booklet.
9. Non programmable, cordless and noiseless calculators are allowed.
10. Where necessary, you may consider the acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 m/s2

Turn Over
SECTION I (26 questions)
DIRECTIONS: Each of the questions or incomplete statements in this section is followed by four suggested
answers. Select the best answer for each question.

1. A trolley of fixed mass undergoes an acceleration of 5 m/s2 when a force of 15 N is applied. Assuming no
external force acts on the system, what force will give the trolley an acceleration of 3 m/s2?
A) 12 N B) 9N C) 15 N D) 20 N

2. A heavy gun is used to fire a small bullet. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A) The forces exerted on each other are equal and opposite.
B) The momentum of the gun is greater than that of the bullet since the gun is very heavy.
C) The recoil velocity of the gun is very much smaller than the velocity of the bullet since its mass of the
gun is much larger.
D) Before explosion, the momentum of the system is zero.

3. A car of mass 900 kg is travelling at a speed of 10 m/s. What is its momentum?

A) 4500 kgm/s B) 45 000 kgm/s C) 90 000 kgm/s D) 9 000 kgm/s

4. Fig. 1 shows how the displacement of a car varies over a period of 10 s


0 10 t/s
Fig. 1
The speed of the car at 10 s is
A) 2 ms-1 B) 10 ms-1 C) 20 ms-1 D) 30 ms-1

5. The end A of the tape in fig. 2 is attached to a trolley and it runs through a ticker timer as the body moves in
the direction BA
.A . . . . . . .. B

Fig. 2
What information about the motion of the object is revealed by the dots?
A) The body is accelerating.
B) The body is moving at constant speed.
C) The body is decelerating.
D) The information on the tape is not enough to give the type of motion.

6. What energy conversion does a green plant make?

A) Light energy to chemical energy
B) Light energy to Food energy

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C) Chemical energy to Heat energy
D) Solar energy to chemical energy

7. 300 cm3of gas is enclosed in a container at constant pressure and its temperature is raised from 288 K to
303 K. What is the new volume?
A) 600 cm3 B) 285 cm3 C) 316 cm3 D) 150 cm3

8. When a density bottle of mass 20 g is filled with water the mass becomes 50 g and when filled with another
liquid the mass is 65 g. The density of the liquid is

A) 1.5 g/cm3 B) 0.67 g/cm3 C) 1.3 g/cm3 D) 0.76 g/cm3

9. The pressure exerted on a solid surface depends on

A) Contact Area only B) Force only C) contact area and force D) volume

10. Fig. 3 shows part of a hydraulic brake system. Which of the following remains unchanged in the master
cylinder and in the slave cylinder?

Effort Load

master cylinder slave cylinder Fig. 3

A) force B) pressure C) work D) power

11. In a city A the barometer reads 750 mmHg and in another city B, it reads 730 mmHg. Which of the
following is true?
A) City B is at a higher altitude than city A.
B) City A and city B are both at sea level but city B is further in land than city A.
C) City A and city B are both at the same altitude but city A is hotter than city B.
D) City A and city B are at the same altitude but the barometer is faulty.

12. Brownian Motion can be observed in

A) Any state of matter
B) Liquids only
C) Gas only
D) Fluids only

13. What is the approximate diameter of an atom?

A) 10-9 m B) 10-14 m C) 1010 m D) 10-1 m

14. Why would atoms of smoke in air move in an irregular manner?

A) They collide with themselves.
B) Of the unequal bombardments with air molecules.
C) The glass cell is strongly illuminated.
D) The microscope makes it visible.

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15. Fig. 4 shows a battery of two 3 V cells. What is the voltage between P and Q?

Fig. 4

A) 0 V B) 1.5 V C) 6 V D) 3 V

16. A device rated at 1200 W is operated from a 220 V supply. Which of the following fuses will best fit in its
plug for proper functioning?
A) 6 A B) 5 A C) 10 A D) 4 A

17. Which of the following is not a unit of power?

A) watt B) kilowatt C) kilowatthour D) joule per second

18. Which of the following changes will not improve on the efficiency of a transformer?
A) Laminating the core.
B) Wiring with thick copper wires.
C) Using soft iron as the core.
D) Using d.c. instead of a.c.

19. In which direction should the conductor in fig. 5 be moved so that current flows in the direction AB?

A Fig. 5
A) Upwards B) North to south C) South to north D) Downwards

20. Which of the following uses an electromagnet?

A) Transformer B) Loudspeaker C) magnetic relay D) D.C. motor

21. Given the nuclides in fig. 6.

Key: proton = . neutron =

Fig. 6
Which 2 nuclides are isotopes?
A) B and C B) A and B C) B and D D) C and D

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22. A G-M tube is opened in an environment in the absence of any obvious radioactive source and in 5
successive seconds, the following readings are recorded. 5, 10, 25, 15 and 20 counts per minute. These
readings are called
A) Back ground radiation.
B) Background Count.
C) Pre experimental counts
D) Initial count rates

23. The decay of Thorium 232 is shown below?

z X + 
The values of A and Z are respectively

A) 232 and 88 B) 228 and 88 C) 230 and 86 D) 230 and 92

24. In fig.7 what is the frequency of the wave?

24 m/s

0.04 m Fig. 7
A) 6 Hz B) 8 Hz C) 2 Hz D) 600 Hz

25. All electromagnetic waves have the same ______________ in vacuum.

A) Speed B) Wave Length C) Frequency D) Intensity

26. Fig. 8 shows a ray of light incident on a reflecting surface AB. What is the value for the angle of

40 º
A B Fig. 8

A) 50 º B) 40 º C) 60 º D) 45 º

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SECTION II (06 questions)
DIRECTIONS: For each of the questions in this section one or more of the response(s) given is/are correct.
Decide which response(s) is/are correct and choose

A if 1, 2 and 3 are ALL correct

B if 1 and 2 ONLY are correct
C if 2 and 3 ONLY are correct
D if 1 ONLY is correct

1, 2 and 3 ALL 1 and 2 ONLY 2 and 3 ONLY 1 ONLY
correct correct correct correct
27. Which of the following phenomena is evidence that light travels in straight lines?
1. Eclipse.
2. Shadows.
3. Mirages.

28. Which of the following changes when waves move from shallow to deep water?
1. Frequency
2. Wave length
3. Speed

1, 2 and 3 ALL 1 and 2 ONLY 2 and 3 ONLY 1 ONLY
correct correct correct correct

29. A radioactive source has a half life of 24 hours. This means after 24 hours
1. The original count rate will decrease to half the value.
2. The original number of atoms will reduce by half.
3. The mass will decrease by half of its original value.

4 I3
30. Fig. 10 shows a circuit. 5 A I1 2
1. I1 = 5 A .
2. V = 10 V. I2 6
3. I3 = 5 A 24 V

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Which of the above is/are correct Fig. 10

31. Which of the following descriptions best fits a solid?

1. Particles are closely and regularly packed.
2. Particles vibrate randomly about fixed positions.
3. Inter molecular forces are very strong.

32. A positively charged rod is brought close to but not touching the cap of a gold leaf electroscope and there is
a decrease in divergence. The electroscope may be
1. Negatively charged.
2. Uncharged.
3. Positively charged

SECTION III (08 questions)

DIRECTIONS: The questions in this section are grouped. Each question in a group is related to a common theme.
Select the best answer.
Questions 33 to 35: Fig. 11 shows two identical metal spheres A and B, each suspended on woollen thread
and given a charge.

+ 100 C - 200C Fig. 11

33. Which of the following will occur when the spheres are brought close to each other?
A) The spheres will move towards each other.
B) The spheres will move apart.
C) The spheres will move towards each other and then separate after contact.
D) The spheres will move towards each other and stick together.

34. What will be the final charge on sphere A if they are made to touch?
A) 50 C B) – 50 C C) 150 C D) – 100 C

35. A wire is connected between A and B. Which of the following is true?

A) Current will flow from A to B because B is at a lower potential than A.
B) Current will flow from B to A because B has more charges than A.
C) Current will flow from B to A because current is due to the flow electrons.
D). Current will flow from A to B because current always flow from the positive of the battery to the

Questions 36 to 38: An object of height 6 mm is placed 24 cm from a converging lens of focal length
12 cm.

36. Which of the following describes the image?

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A) Virtual and Inverted.
B) Real and. Inverted
C) Virtual and Upright.
D) Real and Upright.

37. How far is the image from the lens?

A) 6 cm B) 12 cm C) 18 cm D) 24 cm

38. This object – lens arrangement can be used in a

A) Lens camera.
B) Slide projector
C) Photocopier.
D) Periscope.

Question 39 to 40: A torch uses two dry cells, each having energy capacity of 25 joules. The amount of heat
dissipated by the bulb is 12.5 joules.

39. What form of energy do the dry cells contain?

A) Light Energy B) Chemical Energy C) Electrical Energy D) Heat Energy

40. The bulb produces heat and light only. The amount of heat produced is
A) 12.5 J B) 37.5 J C) 50 J D) 62.5 J

SECTION IV (10 questions)

DIRECTIONS: Each group of question below consists of four lettered headings, followed by a list of numbered
questions. For each numbered question select the one heading which is most closely related to it. Each heading
may be used once, more than once or not at all.

Questions 41 to 44: The graphs below show how one quantity, y may vary with another quantity, x
y y y y

x x x x
A) B) C) D)

y x
41 Pressure of fixed mass of gas at constant temperature Volume
42 Half life of a radioactive sample Time
43 Voltage across an ohmic conductor Current Through The Conductor
44 Velocity of a parachute falling in air Time

Questions 45 to 47. Below are some electromagnetic waves

A) Gamma Rays B) Infra-Red Radiation
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C) Visible Light D) Ultraviolet Radiation
Which wave?
45. Has wavelength in the order of 10-7 m.

46. Can be detected by a thermometer.

47. Comes from a radioactive nucleus.

Questions 48 to 50: Below are some common forces.

A) Gravitational Force B) Up Thrust C) Viscous Drag D) Frictional Force

Which of the above forces

48. Is a non contact force?

49. May be responsible for the low efficiency of machines?

50. Makes objects in fluids appear lighter?


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