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Current Transformer



Current transformers

Principle of operation of CT

A current transformer is defined as “as an instrument transformer in which the secondary current is
substantially proportional to the primary current (under normal conditions of operation) and differs
in phase from it by an angle which is approximately zero for an appropriate direction of the
Current transformers are usually either “measuring” or “protective” types.

Some Definitions used for CT:

1) Rated primary current:

The value of primary current which appears in the designation of the transformer and on which the
performance of the current transformer is based.

2) Rated secondary current:

The value of secondary current which appears in the designation of the transformer and on whichthe
performance of the current transformer is based.
Typical values of secondary current are 1 A or 5 A. In the case of transformer differential protection,
secondary currents of 1/ root 3 A and 5/ root 3 A are also specified.

3) Rated burden:

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The apparent power of the secondary circuit in Volt-amperes expressed at the rated secondary
current and at a specific power factor (0.8 for almost all standards)

4) Rated output:

The value of the apparent power (in volt-amperes at a specified power (factor) which the current
transformer is intended to supply to the secondary circuit at the rated secondary current and with
rated burden connected to it.

5) Accuracy class:

In the case of metering CT s, accuracy class is typically, 0.2, 0.5, 1 or 3.

This means that the errors have to be within the limits specified in the standards for that particular
accuracy class.
The metering CT has to be accurate from 5% to 120% of the rated primary current, at 25% and 100%
of the rated burden at the specified power factor.
In the case of protection CT s, the CT s should pass both the ratio and phase errors at the specified
accuracy class, usually 5P or 10P, as well as composite error at the accuracy limit factor of the CT.

6) Current Ratio Error:

The error with a transformer introduces into the measurement of a current and which arises from the
fact that actual transformation ratio is not equal to the rated transformer ratio. The current error
expressed in percentage is given by the formula:
Current error in % = (Ka(Is-Ip)) x 100 / Ip
Where Ka= rated transformation ratio ,Ip= actual primary current, Is= actual secondary current when
Ip is flowing under the conditions of measurement

7) Accuracy limit factor:

The value of primary current up to which the CT complies with composite error requirements. Thisis
typically 5, 10 or 15, which means that the composite error of the CT has to be within specified limits
at 5, 10 or 15 times the rated primary current.

8) Short time rating:

The value of primary current (in kA) that the CT should be able to withstand both thermally and
dynamically without damage to the windings, with the secondary circuit being short-circuited. The
time specified is usually 1 or 3 seconds.

9) Instrument security factor (factor of security):

This typically takes a value of less than 5 or less than 10 though it could be much higher if the ratio is
very low. If the factor of security of the CT is 5, it means that the composite error of the metering CT
at 5 times the rated primary current is equal to or greater than 10%. This means that heavy currents
on the primary are not passed on to the secondary circuit and instruments are therefore protected. In
the case of double ratio CT’s, FS is applicable for the lowest ratio only.

10) Class PS X CT:

In balance systems of protection, CT s with a high degree of similarity in their characteristics is

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required. These requirements are met by Class PS (X) CT s. Their performance is defined in terms of
a knee-point voltage (KPV), the magnetizing current (Imag) at the knee point voltage or 1/2 or 1/4 the
knee-point voltage, and the resistance of the CT secondary winding corrected to 75C. Accuracy is
defined in terms of the turn’s ratio.

11) Knee point voltage:

That point on the magnetizing curve where an increase of 10% in the flux density (voltage) causes an
increase of 50% in the magnetizing force (current).
The ‘Knee Point Voltage’ (Vkp) is defined as the secondary voltage at which an increase of 10%
produces an increase in magnetizing current of 50%. It is the secondary voltage above which the CT
is near magnetic saturation.

12) Core balance CT (CBCT):

The CBCT, also known as a zero sequence CT, is used for earth leakage and earth fault protection.
The concept is similar to the RVT. In the CBCT, the three core cable or three single cores of a three
phase system pass through the inner diameter of the CT. When the system is fault free, no current
flows in the secondary of the CBCT. When there is an earth fault, the residual current (zero phase
sequence current) of the system flows through the secondary of the CBCT and this operates the relay.
In order to design the CBCT, the inner diameter of the CT, the relay type, the relay se ing and the
primary operating current need to be furnished.

13) Phase displacement:

The difference in phase between the primary and secondary current vectors, the direction of the
vectors being so chosen that the angle is zero for the perfect transformer. The phase displacement is
said to be positive when the secondary current vector leads the primary current vector. It is usually
express in minutes

14) Highest system voltage:

The highest rms line to line voltage which can be sustained under normal operating conditions atany
time and at any point on the system. It excludes temporary voltage variations due to fault condition
and the sudden disconnection of large loads.

15) Rated insulation level:

That combination of voltage values (power frequency and lightning impulse, or where applicable,
lightning and switching impulse) which characterizes the insulation of a transformer with regard to
its capability to withstand by dielectric stresses. For low voltage transformer the test voltage 4kV, at
power-frequency, applied during 1 minute.

16) Rated short-time thermal current (Ith):

The rms value of the primary current which the current transformer will withstand for a rated time,
with their secondary winding short circuited without suffering harmful effects.

17) Rated dynamic current (Idyn):

The peak value of the primary current which a current transformer will withstand, without being

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damaged electrically for mechanically by the resulting electromagnetic forces, the secondary
winding being short-circuited.

18) Rated continuous thermal current (Un)

The value of current which can be permi ed to flow continuously in the primary winding, the
secondary windings being connected to the rated burdens, without the temperature rise exceeding
the specified values.

19) Instrument security factor (ISF or Fs):

The ratio of rated instrument limits primary current to the rated primary current. The times that the
primary current must be higher than the rated value, for the composite error of a measuring current
transformer to be equal to or greater than 10%, the secondary burden being equal to the rated
burden. The lower this number is, the more protected the connected instrument are against.

20) Sensitivity

Sensitivity is defined as the lowest value of primary fault current, within the protected zone, which
will cause the relay to operate. To provide fast operation on an in zone fault, the current transformer
should have a ‘Knee Point Voltage’ at least twice the se ing voltage of the relay.

21) Field Adjustment of Current Transformer Ratio:

The ratio of current transformers can be field adjusted to fulfil the needs of the application. Passing

more secondary turns or more primary turns through the window will increase or decrease the turns

Actual Turns Ratio = (Name Plate Ration- Secondary Turns Added) / Primary Turns.

Types of Current transformers (CT’s)

According to Construction of CT:

1) Bar Type:

Bar types are available with higher insulation levels and are usually bolted to the current caring

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Bar type current transformers are insulated for the operating voltage of the system.
Bar-type CTs operate on the same principle of window CTs but have a permanent bar installed as a
primary conductor

2) Wound CT’s:

Capacity: There are designed to measure currents from 1 amp to 100 amps.
the most common one is the wound type current transformer. The wound type provides excellent
performance under a wide operating range. Typically, the wound type is insulated to only 600 volts.

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Since the load current passes through primary windings in the CT, screw terminals are provided for
the load and secondary conductors. Wound primary CT’s are available in ratios from 2.5:5 to 100:5.
Wound CTs have a primary and secondary winding like a normal transformer. These CTs are rare
and are usually used at very low ratios and currents, typically in CT secondary circuits to
compensate for low currents, to match different CT ratios in summing applications, or to isolate
different CT circuits. Wound CTs have very high burdens, and special a ention to the source CT
burden should be applied when wound CTs are used.

3) Window:

Window CTs are the most common. They are constructed with no primary winding and are installed
around the primary conductor. The electric field created by current flowing through the conductor
interacts with the CT core to transform the current to the appropriate secondary output. Window
CTs can be of solid or split core construction. The primary conductor must be disconnected when
installing solid window CTs. However, split core CTs can be installed around the primary conductor
without disconnecting the primary conductor

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Ring Core CT’s :

Capacity: There are available for measuring currents from 50 to 5000 amps

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(h ps://electricalnotes.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/untitled5.png)

Size: with windows (power conductor opening size) from 1″ to 8″ diameter.

Split Core CT’s:
Capacity: There are available for measuring currents from 100 to 5000 amps.
Size: with windows in varying sizes from 1″ by 2″ to 13″ by 30″.
Split core CT’s have one end removable so that the load conductor or bus bar does not have to be
disconnected to install the CT.

4) Bushing

Bushing CTs are window CTs specially constructed to fit around a bushing. Usually they cannot be
accessed, and their nameplates are found on the transformer or circuit-breaker control cabinets.
The bushing type is typically used around the bushing on circuit breakers and transformers and may
not have a hard protective outside cover.
Donut type current transformers are typically insulated for 600 volts. To ensure accuracy, the
conductor should be positioned in the center of the current transformer opening.

According to Application of CT:

1) Measuring CT:

The principal requirements of a measuring CT are that, for primary currents up to 120% or 125% of
the rated current, its secondary current is proportional to its primary current to a degree of accuracy
as defined by its “Class” and, in the case of the more accurate types, that a specified maximum phase
angle displacement is not exceeded.
A desirable characteristic of a measuring CT is that it should “saturate” when the primary current
exceeds the percentage of rated current specified as the upper limit to which the accuracy provisions
apply. This means that at these higher levels of primary current the secondary current is less than
proportionate. The effect of this is to reduce the extent to which any measuring device connected to
the CT secondary is subjected to current Overload.
On the other hand the reverse is required of the protective type CT, the principal purpose of which is
to provide a secondary current proportional to the primary current when it is several, or many, times
the rated primary current. The measure of this characteristic is known as the “Accuracy Limit Factor”
A protection type CT with an A.L.F. of 10 will produce a proportional current in the secondary
winding (subject to the allowable current error) with primary currents up to a maximum of 10 times
the rated current.
It should be remembered when using a CT that where there are two or more devices to be operated
by the secondary winding, they must be connected in series across the winding. This is exactly the
opposite of the method used to connect two or more loads to be supplied by a voltage or power
transformer where the devices are paralleled across the secondary winding.
With a CT, an increase in the burden will result in an increase in the CT secondary output voltage.
This is automatic and necessary to maintain the current to the correct magnitude. Conversely, a
reduction in the burden will result in a reduction in the CT secondary output voltage.
This rise in secondary voltage output with an increase in burden means that, theoretically, with
infinite burden as is the case with the secondary load open circuit, an infinitely high voltage appears

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across the secondary terminals. For practical reasons this voltage is not infinitely high, but can be
high enough to cause a breakdown in the insulation between primary and secondary windings or
between either or both windings and the core. For this reason, primary current should never be
allowed to flow with no load or with a high resistance load connected across the secondary winding.
When considering the application of a CT it should be remembered that the total burden imposed on
the secondary winding is not only the sum of the burden(s) of the individual device(s) connected to
the winding but that it also includes the burden imposed by the connecting cable and the resistance
of the connections.
If, for example, the resistance of the connecting cable and the connections is 0.1 ohm and the
secondary rating of the CT is 5A, the burden of the cable and connections (RI2) is 0.1 x 5 x 5 = 2.5VA.
This must be added to the burden(s) of the connected device(s) when determining whether the CT
has an adequately large burden rating to supply the required device(s) and the burden imposed by
the connections.
Should the burden imposed on the CT secondary winding by the connected device(s) and the
connections exceed the rated burden of the CT the CT may partly or fully saturate and therefore not
have a secondary current adequately linear with the primary current.
The burden imposed by a given resistance in ohms [such as the resistance of a connecting cable] is
proportional to the square of the rated secondary current. Therefore, where long runs of cable
between CT and the connected device(s) are involved, the use of a 1A secondary CT and a 1A device
rather than 5A will result in a 25-fold reduction in the burden of the connecting cables and
connections. All burden ratings and calculations are at rated secondary current.
Because of the foregoing, when a relatively long [more than a very few meters] cable run is required
to connect a CT to its burden [such as a remote ammeter] a calculation should be made to determine
the cable burden. This is proportional to the “round trip” resistance, i.e. twice the resistance of the
length of twin cable used. Cable tables provide information on the resistance values of different sizes
of conductors at 20o C per unit length.

2) Protective CT:

The calculated resistance is then multiplied by the square of the CT secondary current rating [25 for
5A, 1 for 1A]. If the VA burden as calculated by this method and added to the rated burden(s) of the
device(s) to be driven by the CT exceeds the CT burden rating, the cable size must be increased [to
reduce the resistance and thus the burden] or a CT with a higher VA burden rating must be used, or
a lower CT secondary current rating [with matching change in the current rating of the device(s) to
be driven] should be substituted

Nomenclature of CT:

1. Ratio: input / output current ratio

2. Burden (VA): total burden including pilot wires. (2.5, 5, 10, 15 and 30VA.)
3. Class: Accuracy required for operation (Metering: 0.2, 0.5, 1 or 3, Protection: 5, 10, 15, 20, 30).
4. Accuracy Limit Factor:

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5. Dimensions: maximum & minimum limits

6. Nomenclature of CT: Ratio, VA Burden, Accuracy Class, Accuracy Limit Factor.
7. Example: 1600/5, 15VA 5P10 (Ratio: 1600/5, Burden: 15VA, Accuracy Class: 5P, ALF: 10)
8. As per IEEE Metering CT: 0.3B0.1 rated Metering CT is accurate to 0.3 percent if the connected
secondary burden if impedance does not exceed 0.1 ohms.
9. As per IEEE Relaying (Protection) CT: 2.5C100 Relaying CT is accurate within 2.5 percent if the
secondary burden is less than 1.0 ohm (100 volts/100A).

1) Current Ratio of CT:

The primary and secondary currents are expressed as a ratio such as 100/5. With a 100/5 ratio CT,
100A flowing in the primary winding will result in 5A flowing in the secondary winding, provided
the correct rated burden is connected to the secondary winding. Similarly, for lesser primary
currents, the secondary currents are proportionately lower.
It should be noted that a 100/5 CT would not fulfil the function of a 20/1 or a 10/0.5 CT as the ratio
expresses the current rating of the CT, not merely the ratio of the primary to the secondary currents.
The rated secondary current is commonly 5A or 1A, though lower currents such as 0.5A are not
uncommon. It flows in the rated secondary load, usually called the burden, when the rated primary
current flows in the primary winding.
Increasing or Decreasing Turns Ratio of CT:
Increasing Number of Turn: Increasing the number of primary turns can only decrease the turn’s
ratio. A current transformer with a 50 to 5 turn’s ratio can be changed to a 25 to 5 turn’s ratio by
passing the primary twice through the window.
Increasing or Decreasing Turns Ratio:
The turn’s ratio can be either increased or decreased by wrapping wire from the secondary through
the window of the current transformer.
Increasing the turn’s ratio with the secondary wire, turns on the secondary are essentially increased.
A 50 to 5 current transformer will have a 55 to 5 ratio when adding a single secondary turn.
Decreasing the turn’s ratio with the secondary wire, turns on the secondary are essentiallydecreased.
A 50 to 5 current transformer will have a 45 to 5 ratio when adding a single secondary turn.
Decreasing the turn’s ratio with the primary, accuracy and VA burden ratings are the same as the
original configuration.
Increasing the turn’s ratio with the secondary will improve the accuracy and burden rating.
Decreasing the turn’s ratio with the secondary will worsen the accuracy and burden rating.
When using the secondary of a current transformer to change the turn’s ratio, the right hand rule of
magnetic fields comes into play. Wrapping the white lead or the X1 lead from the H1 side of the
transformer through the window to the H2 side will decrease the turn’s ratio. Wrapping this wire
from the H2 side to the H1 side will increase the turn’s ratio.
Using the black or X2 lead as the adjustment method will do the opposite of the X1(white) lead.
Wrapping from the H1 to the H2 side will increase the turns ratio, and wrapping from the H2 to the
H1 side will decrease the turns ratio.

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2) Burden of CT:

Common burden ratings of CT: 2.5, 5, 10, 15 and 30VA.

The external load applied to the secondary of a current transformer is called the “burden”.
The burden of CT is the maximum load (in VA) that can be applied to the CT secondary.
The burden can be expressed in two ways.
The burden can be expressed as the total impedance in ohms of the circuit or the total volt-amperes
(VA) and power factor at a specified value of current or voltage and frequency.
Formerly, the practice was to express the burden in terms of volt-amperes (VA) and power factor, the
volt-amperes being what would be consumed in the burden impedance at rated secondary current
(in other words, rated secondary current squared times the burden impedance). Thus, a burden of
0.5Ωimpedance may be expressed also as “12.5 VA at 5 amperes,” if we assume the usual 5-ampere
secondary rating. The VA terminology is no longer standard, but it needs defining because it will be
found in the literature and in old data.

Burden for Measuring CT:

Total burden of Measuring CT = Sum of Meters Burden in VA (Ammeter, Wa meter, Transducer

etc.) connected in series to the CT secondary circuit + Connecting Secondary Circuit Cable Burden
in VA.
Cable burden = I2 x R x2 L, where I = CT secondary current, R = cable resistance per length, 2L is the
tro &fro distance of cable length L from CT to metering circuits. If the proper size and short length of
wire is used, cable burden can be ignored.
The CT secondary circuit load shall not be more than the CT VA rating. If the load is less than the CT
burden, all meters connected to the measuring CT should provide correct reading.
In the case of Measuring Current transformer, the burden depends on the connected meters and
quantity of meters on the secondary i.e. no of Ammeters, KWh meters, Kvar meters, Kwh meters,
transducers and also the connection cable burden (I2 x R x2 L) to metering shall be taken into
Note Meters burden can be obtained from manufacturer catalogue.
Selected CT burden shall be more than the calculated burden

Burden for Protecting CT:

In the case of Protection CTs the burden is calculated in the same way as above except the burden of
individual protective relays burden shall be considered instead of meters. The connecting cable

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burden is calculated in the same way as metering CT

Total burden of Protection CT=Connecting cable Burden in VA + sum of Protective relays Burden
in VA.
All manufacturers can supply the burden of their individual devices. Although not used very often
these days, induction disk over-current devices always gave the burden for the minimum tap se ing.
To determine the impedance of the actual tap se ing being used, First Square the ratio of minimum
divide by the actual tap se ing used and, second multiply this value by the minimum impedance.
Suppose an impedance of 1.47 + 5.34j at the 1A tap. To apply the relay at the 4A tap the engineer
would multiply the impedance at the 1A taps se ing by (1/4)2. The impedance at the 4A tap would
be 0.0919 + 0.3338j or 0.3462 Z at 96.4 power factor.
The CT burden impedance decreases as the secondary current increases, because of saturation in
the magnetic circuits of relays and other devices. Hence, a given burden may apply only for a
particular value of secondary current. The old terminology of volt-amperes at 5 amperes is most
confusing in this respect since it is not necessarily the actual volt amperes with 5 amperes flowing,
but is what the volt-amperes would be at 5 amperes
If there were no saturation. Manufacturer’s publications give impedance data for several values of
over current for some relays for which such data are sometimes required. Otherwise, data are
provided only for one value of CT secondary current.
If a publication does not clearly state for what value of current the burden applies, this information
should be requested. Lacking such saturation data, one can obtain it easily by test. At high saturation,
the impedance approaches the DC resistance. Neglecting the reduction in impedance with saturation
makes it appear that a CT will have more inaccuracy than it actually will have. Of course, if such
apparently greater inaccuracy can be tolerated, further refinements in calculation are unnecessary.
However, in some applications neglecting the effect of saturation will provide overly optimistic
results; consequently, it is safer always to take this effect into account.
It is usually sufficiently accurate to add series burden impedances arithmetically. The results will be
slightly pessimistic, indicating slightly greater than actual CT ratio inaccuracy. But, if a given
application is so borderline that vector addition of impedances is necessary to prove that the CTÕs
will be suitable, such an application should be avoided.
If the impedance at pickup of a tapped over current-relay coil is known for a given pickup tap, it can
be estimated for pickup current for any other tap. The reactance of a tapped coil varies as the square
of the coil turns, and the resistance varies approximately as the turns. At pickup, there is negligible
saturation, and the resistance is small compared with the reactance. Therefore, it is usually
sufficiently accurate to assume that the impedance varies as the square of the turns. The number of
coil turns is inversely proportional to the pickup current, and therefore the impedance varies
inversely approximately as the square of the pickup current.
Whether CT is connected in wye or in delta, the burden impedances are always connected in wye.
With wye-connected CT the neutrals of the CT and of the burdens are connected together, either
directly or through a relay coil, except when a so-called zero phase-sequence-current shunt is used.
It is seldom correct simply to add the impedances of series burdens to get the total, whenever two or
more CT are connected in such a way that their currents may add or subtract in some common
portion of the secondary circuit. Instead, one must calculate the sum of the voltage drops and rises in
the external circuit from one CT secondary terminal to the other for assumed values of secondary
currents flowing in the various branches of the external circuit. The effective CT burden impedance
for each combination of assumed currents is the calculated CT terminal voltage divided by the
assumed CT secondary current. This effective impedance is the one to use, and it may be larger or
smaller than the actual impedance which would apply if no other CTÕs were supplying current to
the circuit.
If the primary of an auxiliary CT is to be connected into the secondary of a CT whose accuracy is

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being studied, one must know the impedance of the auxiliary CT viewed from its primary with its
secondary short-circuited. To this value of impedance must be added the impedance of the auxiliary
CT burden as viewed from the primary side of the auxiliary CT; to obtain this impedance, multiply
the actual burden impedance by the square of the ratio of primary to secondary turns of the auxiliary
CT. It will become evident that, with an auxiliary CT that steps up the magnitude of its current from
primary to secondary, very high burden impedances, when viewed from the primary, may result.
Burden is depending on pilot lead length
For Metering Class CTs burden is expressed as ohms impedance. For Protection-class CTs burden
is express as volt-amperes (VA).

VA Applications
1 To 2 VA Moving iron ammeter
1 To 2.5VA Moving coil rectifier ammeter
2.5 To 5VA Electrodynamics instrument
3 To 5VA Maximum demand ammeter
1 To 2.5VA Recording ammeter or transducer
Burden (VA) of copper wires between instrument & current transformer for 1A and 5Asecondary’s

Cross CT 1 Amp Secondary Burden in VA (Twin Wire)

(mm2) Distance

10 meter 20 meter 40 meter 60 meter 80 meter 100 meter

1.0 0.35 0.71 1.43 2.14 2.85 3.57

1.5 0.23 0.46 0.92 1.39 1.85 2.31

2.5 0.14 0.29 0.57 0.86 1.14 1.43

4.0 0.09 0.18 0.36 0.54 0.71 0.89

6.0 0.06 0.12 0.24 0.36 0.48 0.6

Cross Section(mm2) CT 5 Amp Secondary Burden in VA (Twin Wire)


1 meter 2 meter 4 meter 6 meter 8 meter 10 meter

1.5 0.58 1.15 2.31 3.46 4.62 5.77

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2.5 0.36 0.71 1.43 2.14 2.86 3.57

4.0 0.22 0.45 0.89 1.34 1.79 2.24

6.0 0.15 0.30 0.60 0.89 1.19 1.49

10.0 0.09 0.18 0.36 0.54 0.71 0.89

CT Burden Calculation:

The Actual burden is formed by the resistance of the pilot conductors and the protection relay(s). The
resistance of a conductor (with a constant cross-sectional area) can be calculated from the equation:
R =ƿxL / A
where ƿ = resistivity of the conductor material (given typically at +20°C) ,L= length of the conductor ,
A = cross sectional area
If the resistivity is given in µΩm, the length in meters and the area in mm2, the equation 1 will give
the resistance directly in ohms.
Resistivity: Copper 0.0178 µΩm at 20 °C and 0.0216 µΩm at 75 °C

Burden of CT for 4 or 6 wire connection:

If 6-wire connection is used, the total length of the wire, naturally, will be two times the distance
between the CT and the relay. However, in many cases a common return conductor is used as
shown in figure then, instead of multiplying the distance by two, a factor of 1.2 is typically used. This
rule only applies to the 3-phase connection only. The factor 1.2 allows for a situation, where up to
20% of the electrical conductor length, including terminal resistances, uses 6-wire connection and at
least 80% 4-wire connection.

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Example: the distance between the CT and the relay is 5 meters the total length is 2 x 5 m = 10 meter
for 6-wire connection, but only 1.2 x 5 m = 6.0 meter when 4-wire connection is used.

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Burden of the relay:

Example: The Distance between the CTs and the protection relay is 15 meters, 4 mm2 Cu conductors
in 4-wire connection are used. The burden of the relay input is less than 20 mΩ (5 A inputs).
Calculate the actual burden of the CT at 75°C , the input impedance is less than 0.020 Ω for a 5 A
input (i.e. burden less than 0.5 VA) and less than 0.100 Ω for a 1 A input (i.e. less than 0.1 VA):

ƿ = 0.0216 µΩm (75°C) for copper conductor.

R =ƿxL / A ,R = 0.0216 µΩm x (1.2 x 15 m) / 4 mm2 = 0.097 Ω

Burden of CT = 0.097 Ω + 0.020 Ω = 0.117 Ω.

Using CTs of burden values higher than required, is unscientific since it leads to inaccurate reading
(meter) or inaccurate sensing of fault / reporting conditions.
Basically, such high value of design burden extends saturation characteristics of CT core leading to
likely damage to the meter connected across it under overload condition. e.g. When we expect
security factor (ISF) to be 5, the secondary current should be restricted to less than 5 times in case
primary current shoots to more than 5 times its rated value.
In such an overload condition, the core of CT is desired to go into saturation, restricting the
secondary current thus the meter is not damaged. However, when we ask for higher VA, core doesn’t
go into saturation due to less load (ISF is much higher than desired) which may damage the meter.
To understand the effect on Accuracy aspect, let’s take an example of a CT with specified burden of
15 VA, and the actual burden is 2.5 VA:15 VA CT with less than 5 ISF will have saturation voltage of
15 Volts (15/5×5), and actual burden of 2.5 VA the saturation voltage required shall be ( 2.5/5 x 5) 2.5
Volts against 15 Volts resulting ISF = 30 against required of 5.
Example: Decide Whether 5A,20VA CT is sufficient for following circuit

(h ps://electricalnotes.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/untitled7.png)

(h ps://electricalnotes.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/untitled10.png)

Total instrument burden = 2 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 4 = 13V A.

Total pilot load resistance = 2 x 0.1 = 0.2 ohm.
With 5A secondary current, volt-drop in leads is 5 x 0.2 = 1 V.
Burden imposed by both leads = 5A x 1 V = 5V A.
Total burden on CT = 13 + 5 = 18V A.
As the CT is rated 20V A, it has sufficient margin.

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3) Accuracy Class of CT:

The CT accuracy is determined by its certified accuracy class which is stamped on nameplate. For
example, CT accuracy class of 0.3 means that the CT is certified by the manufacturer to be accurate to
within 0.3 percent of its rated ratio value for a primary current of 100 percent of rated ratio.
CT with a rated ratio of 200/ 5 with accuracy class of 0.3 would operate within 0.45 percent of itsrated
ratio value for a primary current of 100 amps. To be more explicit, for a primary current of 100A it is
certified to produce a secondary current between 2.489 amps and 2.511 amps.
Accuracy is specified as a percentage of the range, and is given for the maximum burden asexpressed
in VA. The total burden includes the input resistance of the meter and the loop resistance of the wire
and connections between the current transformer and meter.
Example: Burden = 2.0 VA. Maximum Voltage drop = 2.0 VA / 5 Amps = 0.400 Volts.
Maximum Resistance = Voltage / Current = 04.00 Volts / 5 Amps =0.080 Ohms.
If the input resistance of the meter is 0.010Ω, then 0.070Ω is allowed for loop resistance of the wire,
and connections between the current transformer and the meter. The length and gauge of the wire
must be considered in order to avoid exceeding the maximum burden.
If resistance in the 5 amp loop causes the burden to be exceeded, the current will drop. This will
result in the meter reading low at higher current levels.
As in all transformers, errors arise due to a proportion of the primary input current being used to
magnetize the core and not transferred to the secondary winding. The proportion of the primary
current used for this purpose determines the amount of error.
The essence of good design of measuring current transformers is to ensure that the magnetizing
current is low enough to ensure that the error specified for the accuracy class is not exceeded.
This is achieved by selecting suitable core materials and the appropriate cross-sectional area of core.
Frequently in measuring currents of 50A and upwards, it is convenient and technically sound for the
primary winding of a CT to have one turn only.
In these most common cases the CT is supplied with a secondary winding only, the primary beingthe
cable or bus bar of the main conductor which is passed through the CT aperture in the case of ring
CTs (i .e. single primary turn) it should be noted that the lower the rated primary current the more
difficult it is (and the more expensive it is) to achieve a given accuracy.
Considering a core of certain fixed dimensions and magnetic materials with a secondary winding of
say 200 turns (current ratio 200/1 turns ratio 1/200) and say it takes 2 amperes of the 200A primary
current to magnetize the core, the error is therefore only 1% approximately. However considering a
50/1 CT with 50 secondary turns on the same core it still takes 2 amperes to magnetize to core. The
error is then 4% approximately. To obtain a 1% accuracy on the 50/1 ring CT a much larger core
and/or expensive core material is required
Accuracy Class of Metering CT:

Metering Class CT

Class Applications
0.1 To 0.2 Precision measurements

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0.5 High grade kilowa hour meters for commercial grade kilowa
hour meters
3 General industrial measurements
3 OR 5 Approximate measurements

Protective System CT Secondary VA Class

Per current for phase 1A 2.5 10P20 Or 5P20

& earth fault 5A 7.5 10P20 Or 5P20

Unrestricted earth 1A 2.5 10P20 Or 5P20

fault 5A 7.5 10P20 Or 5P20
Class PX use relay manufacturers
Sensitive earth fault 1A or 5A
Class PX use relay manufacturers
Distance protection 1A or 5A
Differential Class PX use relay manufacturers
1A or 5A
protection formula
High impedance
Class PX use relay manufacturers
differential 1A or 5A
High speed feeder Class PX use relay manufacturers
1A or 5A
protection formula
Motor protection 1A or 5A 5 5P10
Accuracy Class of Le er of CT:

Metering Class CT

Accuracy Class Applications

B Metering Purpose

Protection Class CT

C CT has low leakage flux.

T CT can have significant leakage flux.

H CT accuracy is applicable within the entire range of secondary

currents from 5 to 20 times the nominal CT rating. (Typically
wound CTs.)

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L CT accuracy applies at the maximum rated secondary burden

at 20 time rated only. The ratio accuracy can be up to four
times greater than the listed value, depending on connected
burden and fault current. (Typically window, busing, or bar-
type CTs.)
Accuracy Class of Protection CT:

Class Applications
10P5 Instantaneous over current relays & trip coils: 2.5VA
10P10 Thermal inverse time relays: 7.5VA
10P10 Low consumption Relay: 2.5VA
10P10/5 Inverse definite min. time relays (IDMT) over current
10P10 IDMT Earth fault relays with approximate time grading:15VA
5P10 IDMT Earth fault relays with phase fault stability or accurate time
grading: 15VA
Accuracy Class: Metering Accuracy as per IEEE C37.20.2b-1994

Ratio B0.1 B0.2 B0.5 B0.9 B1.8 Relaying Accuracy

50:5 1.2 2.4 – – – C or T10
75:5 1.2 2.4 – – – C or T10
100:5 1.2 2.4 – – – C or T10
150:5 0.6 1.2 2.4 – – C or T20
200:5 0.6 1.2 2.4 – – C or T20
300:5 0.6 1.2 2.4 2.4 – C or T20
400:5 0.3 0.6 1.2 1.2 2.4 C or T50
600:5 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.2 2.4 C or T50
800:5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.2 C or T50
1200:5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 C100
1500:5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 C100
2000:5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 C100
3000:5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 C100
4000:5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 C100

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Important of accuracy & phase angle

Current error is an error that arises when the current value of the actual transformation ratio is not
equal to rated transformation ratio.
Current error (%) = {(Kn x Is – Ip) x 100}/Ip

Kn = rated transformation ratio, Ip = actual primary current, Is = actual secondary current

Example: In case of a 2000/5A class 1 5VA current transformer

Kn = 2000/5 = 400 turn, Ip = 2000A, Is = 4.9A

Current error = ((400 x 4.9 – 2000) x100)/2000 = -2%

For protection class current transformer, the accuracy class is designed by the highest permissible
percentage composite error at the accuracy limit primary current prescribed for the accuracy class
Accuracy class includes: 5P, 10P

By phase angle

Phase error is the difference in phase between primary & secondary current vectors, the direction of
the vectors to be zero for a perfect transformer.
You will experience a positive phase displacement when secondary current vector lead primary
current vector.
Unit of scale expressed in minutes / cent radians.
Circular measure = (unit in radian) is the ratio of the distance measured along the arc to the radius.
Angular measure = (unit in degree) is obtained by dividing the angle subtended at the center of a
circle into 360 deg equal division known as “degrees”.
Limits of current error and phase displacement for measuring current transformer (Classes 0.1 To 1)

Accuracy +/- Percentage Current (Ratio) +/- Phase Displacement at % Rated Current
Error at % Rated Current
Minutes Centi radians

5 20 100 120 5 20 100 120 5 20 100 120

0.1 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 15 8 5 5 0.45 0.24 0.15 0.15

0.2 0.75 0.35 0.2 0.2 30 15 10 10 0.9 0.45 0.3 0.3

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0.5 1.5 0.75 0.5 0.5 90 45 30 30 2.7 1.35 0.9 0.9

1.0 3 1.5 1 1 180 90 60 60 5.4 2.7 1.8 1.8

limits of current error and phase displacement for measuring current transformer For special

Accuracy +/- Percentage Current (Ratio) +/- Phase Displacement at % Rated Current
Error at % Rated Current
Minutes Centi radians

1 5 20 100 120 1 5 20 100 120 1 5 20 100 120

0.2S 0.75 0.35 0.2 0.2 0.2 30 15 10 10 10 0.9 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3

0.5S 1.50 0.75 0.5 0.5 0.5 90 45 30 30 30 2.7 1.3 0.9 0.9 0.9

limits of current error for measuring current transformers (classes 3 and 5)

Accuracy +/- Percentage Current (Ratio)

Class Error at % Rated Current

50 120

3 3 3

5 5 5

Class X Current Transformer:

Class X current transformer is use in conjunction with high impedance circulating currentdifferential
protection relay, eg restricted earth fault relay. As illustrated in IEC60044-1, the class X current
transformer is needed.
The following illustrates the method to size a class X current transformer.
Step 1: calculating knee point voltage Vkp

Vkp = {2 x Ift (Rct+Rw)}/ k

Vkp = required CT knee point voltage, Ift = max transformer through fault in ampere

Rct = CT secondary winding resistance in ohms, Rw = loop impedance of pilot wire between CT and

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K = CT transformation ratio

Step 2: calculate Transformer through fault Ift

Ift = (KVA x 1000)/ (1.732 x V x Impedance)

KVA = transformer rating in kVA , V = transformer secondary voltage, Impedance = transformer


Step 3: How to obtain Rct

To measure when CT is produce

Step 4: How to obtain Rw

This is the resistance of the pilot wire used to connect the 5th class X CT at the transformer star point
to the relay

In the LV switchboard. Please obtain this data from the Electrical contractor or consultant. Weprovide
a table to Serve as a general guide on cable resistance.


Transformer Capacity: 2500kVA

Transformer impedance: 6%
Voltage system : 22kV / 415V 3phase 4 wire
Current transformer ratio: 4000/5A
Current transformer type: Class X PR10
Current transformer Vkp : 185V
Current transformer Rct : 1.02½ (measured)
Pilot wire resistance Rw : 25 meters using 6.0mm sq cable
= 2 x 25 x 0.0032 = 0.16½
Ift = (kVA x 1000) / (1.732 x V x impedance) = (2500 x 1000) / (1.732 x 415 x 0.06)= 57,968 (Say 58,000A)
Vkp = {2 x Ift (Rct+Rw)} / k= {2 x 58000 (1.02+0.16)} / 800= 171.1½.

4) Accuracy Limit Factor:

Standard Accuracy Limit Factors: 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30.

Accuracy of a CT is another parameter which is also specified with CT class. For example, if a
measuring CT class is 0.5M (or 0.5B10), the accuracy is 99.5% for the CT, and the maximum
permissible CT error is only 0.5%.
Accuracy limit Factor is defined as the multiple of rated primary current up to which the transformer
will comply with the requirements of ‘Composite Error’. Composite Error is the deviation from an
ideal CT (as in Current Error), but takes account of harmonics in the secondary current caused by
non-linear magnetic conditions through the cycle at higher flux densities.
The electrical requirements of a protection current transformer can therefore be defined as :
Selection of Accuracy Class & Limit Factor.

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Class 5P and 10P protective current transformers are generally used in over current and unrestricted
earth leakage protection. With the exception of simple trip relays, the protective device usually has
an intentional time delay, thereby ensuring that the severe effect of transients has passed before the
relay is called to operate. Protection Current Transformers used for such applications are normally
working under steady state conditions Three examples of such protection is shown. In some systems,
it may be sufficient to simply detect a fault and isolate that circuit. However, in more discriminating
schemes, it is necessary to ensure that a phase to phase fault does not operate the earth fault relay.
Calculation of the Accuracy limit factor
Fa=Fn X ( (Sin+Sn) / (Sin+Sa) )
Fn = Rated Accuracy Limit Factor, Sin = Internal Burden of CT secondary Coil
Sn= Rated Burden of CT (in VA), Sa= Actual Burden of CT (in VA)

Example: The internal secondary coil resistance of the CT(5P20) is 0.07 Ω, the secondary burden
(including wires and relay) is 0.117 Ω and the CT is rated 300/5, 5P20, 10 VA. Calculate the actual
accuracy limit factor.
Fn = 20 (CT data 5P20), Sin = (5A)2 × 0.07 Ω =1.75 VA, Sn = 10 VA (from CT data),
Sa = (5A)2 × 0.117 Ω = 2.925 VA
Accuracy limit factor ALF (Fa) = 20 X ((1.75+10) / (1.75+2.925)) =50.3

Selection of CT:

1) Indoors or Out Door:

Determine where CT needs to be used. Indoor transformers are usually less costly than outdoor
transformers. Obviously, if the current transformer is going to be enclosed in an outdoor enclosure, it
need not be rated for outdoor use. This is a common costly error in judgment when selecting current

2) What do We need:

The first thing we need to know that what degree of accuracy is required. Example, if you simply
want to know if a motor is lightly or overloaded, a panel meter with 2 to 3% accuracy will likely suit
for needs. In that case the current transformer needs to be only 0.6 to 1.2% accurate. On the other
hand, if we are going to drive a switchboard type instrument with 1% accuracy, we will want a
current transformer with 0.3 to 0.6 accuracy. We must keep in mind that the accuracy ratings are
based on rated primary current flowing and per ANSI standards may be doubled (0.3 becomes 0.6%)
when 10% primary current flows. As mentioned earlier, the rated accuracies are at stated burdens.
We must take into consideration not only the burden of the load (instrument) but you must consider
the total burden. The total burden includes the burden of the current transformers secondary
winding, the burden of the leads connecting the secondary to the load, and the burden of the load
itself. The current transformer must be able to support the total burden and to provide the accuracy
required at that burden. If we are going to drive a relay you must know what relay accuracy the
relay will require.

3) Voltage Class:

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You must know what the voltage is in the circuit to be monitored. This will determine what the
voltage class of the current transformer must be as explained earlier.

4) Primary Conductor:

If you have selected a current transformer with a window you must know the number, type and size
of the primary conductor(s) in order to select a window size which will accommodate the primary

5) Application:

The variety of applications of current transformers seems to be limited only by ones imagination. As
new electronic equipment evolves and plays a greater role in the generation, control and application
of electrical energy, new demands will be placed upon current transformer manufacturers and
designers to provide new products to meet these needs

6) Safety:

For personnel and equipment safety and measurement accuracy, current measurements on
conductors at high voltage should be made only with a conducting shield cylinder placed inside the
CT aperture. There should be a low electrical impedance connection from one end only to a reliable
local ground. An inner insulating cylinder of adequate voltage isolation should be between the shield
cylinder and the conductor at high voltage. Any leakage, induced or breakdown current between the
high voltage conductor and the ground shield will substantially pass to local ground rather than
through the signal cable to signal ground. Do not create a “current loop” by connecting the shield
cylinder to ground from both ends. Current flowing in this loop will also be measured by the CT.

7) CT output signal termination:

The CT output coaxial cable should preferably be terminated in 50 ohms. CT characteristics are
guaranteed only when CT is terminated in 50 ohms. The termination should present sufficient
power dissipation capability. When CT output is terminated in 50 ohms, its sensitivity is half that
when terminated in a high-impedance load.

Installing of CT:

Measurements must have the same polarity to keep the power factor and direction of power flow
measurements accurate and consistent.
Most CTs are labelled that shows which side of the CT should face either the source or the load.

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Primary Side : The Primary of CT is marked with H1 and H2 ( or only marking dot on one side)
The label “H1” or dot defines the direction as flowing current into the CT (H1 or the dot should face
the Power source side). H2 side to load facing direction
Secondary Side: The Secondary (The output wires) of CT is marked with X1 and X2.
X1 corresponds to H1, or the input side.The X1 secondary terminal is the polarity terminal. The
polarity marks of a current transformer indicate that when a primary current enters at the polarity
mark (H1) of the primary, a current in phase with the primary current and proportional to it in
magnitude will leave the polarity terminal of the secondary (X1).
Normally CT’s should not be installed on live services. The power should be disconnected when the
CT’s are installed. Many times this is not possible because of critical loads such as computers,
laboratories, etc. that cannot be shut down. Split core CT’s should not be installed on live un
insulated bus bars under any conditions.

Modification of Primary & Secondary Turns Ratio:

The nameplate current ratio of the current transformer is based on the condition that the primary
conductor will be passed once through the transformer opening. If necessary, this rating can be
reduced in even multiples by looping this conductor two or more times through the opening.
A transformer having a rating of 300 amperes will be changed to 75 amperes if four loops or turnsare
made with the primary cable.
The ratio of the current transformer can be also modified by altering the number of secondary turns
by forward or back-winding the secondary lead through the window of the current transformer.
By adding secondary turns, the same primary amperage will result in a decrease in secondaryoutput.
By subtracting secondary turns, the same primary amperage will result in greater secondary output.
Again using the 300:5 example, adding two secondary turns will require 310 amps on the primary to
maintain the 5 amp secondary output or 62/1p = 310p/5s.
Subtracting two secondary turns will only require 290 amps on the primary to maintain the 5 amp
secondary output or 58s/5p = 290p/5s. The ratio modifications are achieved in the following manner:
To add secondary turns, the white lead should be wound through the CT from the side opposite the
polarity mark.
To subtract turns, the white lead should be wound through the CT from the same side as the polarity

1) Modifications in Primary Turns Ratio of CT:

The ratio of the current transformer can be modified by adding more primary turns to the
transformer. By adding primary turns, the current required to maintain five amps on the secondary
is reduced.
Ka = Kn X (Nn/Na)
Ka= Actual Turns Ration.
Kn=Name Plate T/C Ratio.
Nn=Name Plate Number of Primary Turns.
Na=Actual Number of Primary Turns.
Example: 100:5 Current Transformers.

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(h ps://electricalnotes.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/untitled8.png)

2) Modifications in Secondary Turns Ratio of CT:

Formula : Ip/Is = Ns/Np

Ip = Primary Current , Is = Secondary Current , Np = No of Primary Turns, Ns = No of Secondary
Example: A 300:5 Current Transformer.
The ratio of the current transformer can be modified by altering the number of secondary turns by
forward or back winding the secondary lead through the window of the current transformer.
By adding secondary turns, the same primary current will result in a decrease in secondary output.
By subtracting secondary turns, the same primary current will result in greater secondary output.
Again using the 300:5 example adding five secondary turns will require 325 amps on the primary to
maintain the 5 amp secondary output or: 325 p / 5s = 65s / 1p
Deducting 5 secondary turns will only require 275 amps on the primary to maintain the 5 amp
secondary output or: 275p / 5s = 55s / 1p
The above ratio modifications are achieved in the following manner:

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(h ps://electricalnotes.files.wordpress.com/2011/04

Current Transformer Ratio Modification:

Number of Primary
CT Ratio Modified Ratio

100:5A 2 50:5A

200:5A 2 100:5A

300:5A 2 150:5A

100:5A 3 33.3:5A

200:5A 3 66.6:5A

300:5A 3 100:5A

100:5A 4 25:5A

200:5A 4 50:5A

300:5A 4 75:5A

A primary turn is the number of times the primary conductor passes through the CT’s window. The
main advantage of this ratio modification is you maintain the accuracy and burden capabilities of the
higher ratio. The higher the primary rating the be er the accuracy and burden rating.
You can make smaller ratio modification adjustments by using additive or subtractive secondary
For example, if you have a CT with a ratio of 100:5A. By adding one additive secondary turn theratio
modification is 105:5A, by adding on subtractive secondary turn the ratio modification is 95:5A.
Subtractive secondary turns are achieved by placing the “X1” lead through the window from the H1
side and out the H2 side. Additive secondary turns are achieved by placing the “X1” lead through
the window from the H2 and out the H1 side.
So, when there is only one primary turn each secondary turn modifies the primary rating by 5
amperes. If there is more than one primary turn each secondary turn value is changed (i.e. 5A
divided by 2 primary turns = 2.5A).

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The following table illustrates the effects of different combination of primary and secondary turns:



1 -0- 100:5A

1 1+ 105:5A

1 1- 95:5A

2 -0- 50:5A

2 1+ 52.5:5A

2 2- 45.0:5A

3 -0- 33.3:5A

3 1+ 34.97:5A

3 1- 31.63:5A

Advantages of using a CT having 1A Secondary:

The standard CT secondary current ratings are 1A & 5A,The selection is based on the lead burden
used for connecting the CT to meters/Relays.5A CT can be used where Current Transformer &
protective’s device are located within same Switchgear Panel.
1A CT is preferred if CT leads goes out of the Switchgear.
For Example if CT is located in Switch Yard & CT leads have to be taken to relay panels located in
control room which can be away.1A CT is preferred to reduce the load burden. For CT with very
High lead length, CT with Secondary current rating of 0.5 Amp can be used.
In large Generator Circuits, where primary rated current is of the order of few kilo-amperes only,5A
CTs are used, 1A CTs are not preferred since the turns rations becomes very high & CT becomes

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Danger with Current Transformer:

When a CT secondary circuit is closed, current flows through it, which is an exact proportion of the
primary current, regardless of the resistance of the burden. In the CT have a ratio of 1OOO/5A and to
have 1OOOA flowing in the primary is carrying exactly 5A.

(h ps://electricalnotes.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/untitled9.png)

If the secondary terminals S1 and S2 are short- circuited, there is no voltage between them.
If now the short-circuit be replaced by a resistance of, say, 0.5 ohm the same 5A will flow through,
causing a volt-drop of 2.5V and a burden of 5 x 2.5 = 12.5V A. If the resistance were increased to 5
ohms the terminal voltage with 5A flowing would rise to 25V and the burden to 125V A.
The greater the resistance, the greater would be the voltage and burden until, as it approached
infinity (the open-circuit condition), so also in theory would the voltage (and burden) become
infinite. This cannot of course happen in practice because the CT would saturate or the terminals
flash over due to the very high secondary voltage between them. But it does show the danger of
open-circuiting the secondary of running CT. lethal voltages can be produced at the point of opening.
This is why CT secondaries are never fused.
The danger from an open-circuited CT is twofold. It can produce lethal voltages and so is a very real
danger to personnel. The high voltage across the secondary winding could also cause insulation
failure in that winding, leading at best to inaccuracy and at worst to burn- out or fire.
Before ever an instrument or relay is removed from the secondary loop of a running CT (if such a

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thing had to be done), the wires feeding that instrument must first be securely short- circuited at a
suitable terminal box or, be er, at the CT itself. Similarly, if a running CT is ever to be taken out of
circuit, it must first be firmly shorted. CTs with 1 A secondary’s are more dangerous than those with
5A, as the induced voltages are higher.
Ammeter resistance is very low ,the current transformer normally works short circuited.
If for any reason the ammeter is taken out of secondary winding then the secondary winding mustbe
short circuited with the help of short circuit switch .
If this is not done, then due to high m.m.f. will set up high flux in the core and it will produces
excessive core loss which produce heat and high voltage across the secondary terminals
Hence the secondary of current transformer is never left open

Sizing of CT for Building:

New construction: size the CT to handle about 80% of the circuit breaker capacity. If the building is
served by a 2000 amp breaker, use 1600 amp (2000 x 0.8) CT’s.
Older buildings: the peak demand can generally be determined from the power company or from
past billings. In this case add 20 to 30% to the peak demand and size the CT’s for this load. If the
peak demand was 500 kW, the peak current on a 480/3/60 system would be 500,000 / (480 x 1.73 x 0.9
pf) = 669 amps. This assumes a 0.9 power factor. (Peak current would be higher with a lower power
Factor.) Use CT’s about 20% larger. 800:5 CT’s would be a good selection.
For older buildings with no demand history, size the CT’s the same as for new construction. Where
possible, use multi-tap CT’s so that the ratio can be reduced if the maximum load is much less than
80% of the breaker size.
CT’s that are used to monitor motor loads can be sized from the nameplate full load motor amps.

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About Jignesh.Parmar (B.E,Mtech,MIE,FIE,CEng)

Jignesh Parmar has completed M.Tech (Power System Control), B.E(Electrical). He is member of
Institution of Engineers (MIE) and CEng,India. Membership No:M-1473586.He has more than 16 years
experience in Transmission -Distribution-Electrical Energy theft detection-Electrical Maintenance-
Electrical Projects (Planning-Designing-Technical Review-coordination -Execution). He is Presently
associate with one of the leading business group as a Deputy Manager at Ahmedabad,India. He has
published numbers of Technical Articles in “Electrical Mirror”, “Electrical India”, “Lighting

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India”,”Smart Energy”, “Industrial Electrix”(Australian Power Publications) Magazines. He is

Freelancer Programmer of Advance Excel and design useful Excel base Electrical Programs as per IS,
NEC, IEC,IEEE codes. He is Technical Blogger and Familiar with English, Hindi, Gujarati, French
languages. He wants to Share his experience & Knowledge and help technical enthusiasts to find
suitable solutions and updating themselves on various Engineering Topics.

146 Responses to Current Transformer

bias says:
June 16, 2011 at 5:08 pm
great and excellent topic

Rajesh SBV says:
June 19, 2011 at 3:45 pm
Nice and informative. Thank you very much. May your tribe increase.


SBV Rajesh.

Manish says:
July 18, 2011 at 3:43 am
Very very informative and comprehensive note on CTs
Many many thanks for this..
Do post more of this -may be on PTs


sanjeev Kumar says:
May 3, 2015 at 7:17 pm
dear sir ,
i have a question , how i can decide the CT ratio in Ring Main Unit (HT Panel ) for protection
of 630KVA Transformer and what are factors on bases CT Ratio can be calculated .

javad ahamed says:

July 29, 2011 at 11:05 am
very easy understanding, useful and informative
thanks for your technical sharing
javad ahamed

Randolph Essandoh says:
October 26, 2011 at 3:01 pm

28 of 47 19-08-2020, 10:28
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Could you please send me more information about advantages and disadvantages of 1A CTs over 5A
CTs and relative costs. Thanks

Nivedita says:
October 29, 2011 at 10:45 am
This is useful as well as informative. What I am looking for is ” is it possible to convert 5 amp to 1000
or 4000 amp through current transformer or through any transformer. Please write to me on
[email protected].

Sarath Chandra Sai says:
October 30, 2011 at 6:44 pm
By studying these data i learn new more things about ct”s and most of my doubts are clarified.Thank
you very much.

Yoganand says:
November 23, 2011 at 9:26 am
How to calculate phase angle error for CT…Specification are 1:500 Turns ratio, 5A input current, 50
ohms purely resistive burden and 30 ohms winding DCR. Can anybody help this with formula….

Robin Mathew Assistant Engineer Kerala State Electricty Board Pathanamthi a RelaySubdivision
December 3, 2011 at 5:37 pm
while wiring CTs of transformer panel for metering circuit where should the CT wire be starred.. ie
facing the bus or transformer side? Tell me for both import and export.. mail me in
[email protected]

Robin Mathew Assistant Engineer Kerala State Electricty Board Pathanamthi a RelaySubdivision
December 3, 2011 at 5:45 pm
How to calculate the fault MVA in 66kV & 11kV side of two 66/11kV, 10MVA transformers with %Z
=10.068 each for se ing REF relay at both 66kV & 11kV sides. Let fault MVA at 66kV feeder be

Milind Ingale, Asst. Engg. Pragatielectricals.Pvt Ltd. says:
January 26, 2012 at 3:33 pm
good discription on CT. Pl. give suggestion how to reduce ratio error and vk out in CT.

ATUL says:
January 31, 2012 at 3:09 pm
how to find out knee value of ct ratio 2500/5 VA 15 , CLASS=PX RCT(75 C)=.45 OHMS VK=105V

kishore says:

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February 6, 2012 at 6:23 am

how can we calculate ct ratings ?its any formula ?

February 12, 2012 at 6:17 pm
very good information.can you clear my doubt.
If i inject 100A current through P1 of CT primary,What is the angle i can expect in P2 side of
primary.It will come same 0 degree or 180 shift.(not in secondary)please write me
[email protected]
What is the advantages of we metione p1 and p2

pradip says:
March 1, 2012 at 8:13 am
very very good one dear

Zulfiqar says:
March 20, 2012 at 4:43 am
Could you please send me more information about advantages and disadvantages of 1A CTs over 5A
CTs and relative costs. Thanks

Charliemuney says:
March 20, 2012 at 11:45 am
Great one.Thanks for the information

Mahendra says:
March 30, 2012 at 12:40 pm
Very Good.
Could you send me information about how to calculate core’s ID,OD,Heights.

Arun Kumar Singh says:
May 7, 2012 at 6:37 am
Please tell that just by measuring the winding resistance of the Secoundary of a CT is it possible to
tell weather it is PS or 5P20 calss CT. if yes what is the theory of the same?

gordon says:
May 7, 2012 at 8:10 pm
Do you have any info of Zenox and tie-in resistors in LTC?

nikhil says:
August 7, 2012 at 4:35 pm

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if ratio angle error is more,what will happen

Hanh says:
September 27, 2012 at 6:48 pm
can you tell me pls:
With a 300/5 CT ratio, how much is the secondary current if we inject 180 A into primary
windingsWhat is the ratio of a 1A current transformer if there is 450 amps are flowing in the primary

Jignesh.Parmar says:
September 28, 2012 at 4:55 pm
Not ge ing Point !!!
Normally CT Ratio is 300/5=60 if your inject current is 180A than your current in CT primary side
is 180/(300/5)=3A

ali says:
October 22, 2012 at 1:36 pm
what happens if 600A is applied to 300/5A ct

Abhijeet says:
November 23, 2012 at 10:27 am
Thank u very much Jignesh Sir. Your’s notes on CT is really useful for my project work for selection
of CT.

ashish says:
January 13, 2013 at 1:36 pm
i want learn all type of current transformer (b.p.l/cbct) . if some coaching available pls tell.

Ravi Kumar says:
February 1, 2013 at 5:33 pm
sir can u tell me more about yard CT and ohm CT.

rajesh says:
February 21, 2013 at 7:59 pm
Respected Sir, How to Test BURDEN of CT ( Ratio-60/5,VA-10,Cl-1).

Abhijit says:
May 12, 2013 at 6:20 am

Such a good information, thanks for sharing the knowledge.


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Manikandan says:
May 24, 2013 at 9:40 am
Dear Jignesh.Parmar,
Please help me, how to reduce Phase angle error in current transformer.. and please tel me the
formula for calculating phase angle error in current transformer..

manohar says:
June 18, 2013 at 10:52 am
why multiple taps required on primary of CT, like 220kV, 2000-1000/1-1-1A? wht is the reason
behind this?

S. Satyanarayana Rao says:
June 23, 2013 at 1:57 pm
sir i want worked examples of metering core current transformer

Handie Rikie says:
June 30, 2013 at 6:41 pm
Dear Sir , thank you for the good Information.

i have some Problem.

i use the CT 200:5 and my kwh meter is 5 A, but i get Differences occur measurement results with the
results of calculations about 30%, maybe you can help me provide information

Srini says:
July 6, 2013 at 11:40 am
Thanks a lot Sir.

Isuru says:
July 15, 2013 at 3:56 pm
Just what I needed. Perfect! and thanks!

G.L.Agarwal says:
July 23, 2013 at 5:58 am
what should be knee point voltage of primary current transformer as the above calculation is
secondry current transformer.

trajasekar says:
July 30, 2013 at 3:51 pm
sir why we short the Ct seconary terminals


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Patel Vasant says:

August 30, 2013 at 11:00 am
Hello sir…
It’s is such a usefull article…
But sir, can u plz tell me, exactly what is Insrument Security Factor…???
In details…
And how to it is used in design calculations of current transformer…???

john says:
September 4, 2013 at 5:38 pm
hi sir can you please tell me if you can connect a kw/h meter and a ammeter on the same ct and if
you can how much must the va be

parth says:
September 5, 2013 at 6:37 am
excellent piece of information. i tried many books but couldn’t find the information the way i wanted
but here every thing is available for CT’s. thanks parth

parth says:
September 5, 2013 at 6:40 am
HI jignesh. can you please post anything on your blog which shows how to select CT ratio for earth
fault and sensitive earth fault protection from a single line diagram???

K.Sri Rama Prasad says:
September 9, 2013 at 10:34 am
Dear Mr.Jignesh,
Thanx for a very useful information about CTs
K.Sri Rama Prasad, IBTPLtd,Tuticorin, T.N

Thomas says:
September 17, 2013 at 1:03 am

Information Known:
300 MVA Transmission Line
CT Ratio 2000/5
Voltage – 138kV

What CT ratio would I pick for my protective relays?


max says:
September 19, 2013 at 8:01 am
thanks for the valid info

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Balaji says:
September 21, 2013 at 5:25 pm

Can you tell me importants of star points of secondary and its earthing.

And please tell why we short/earth some time S1 or some time S2 of all phase

P N V SURESH says:
October 12, 2013 at 11:31 am
good information provided for me

nisha chodankar says:
November 6, 2013 at 3:44 pm
very good

Mohd. Arif Khan says:
November 20, 2013 at 9:05 pm
thanx for the usefull information…

mehulkumar says:
December 26, 2013 at 7:37 am
I read on CTs but Iwant to know about meggering of a CTprimaryor secondary. what happens if we
megger a CT

anurag says:
January 1, 2014 at 4:52 am
Hello sir, I am looking for core design formula of ct and pt. May you please help me.

eko says:
January 21, 2014 at 5:12 am
thanks for information.
what is difference between multicore and multi ratio ?

Sunil Bhargava says:
April 8, 2014 at 5:17 pm
very valuable preliminary information

Pritesh says:

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June 8, 2014 at 4:18 am

Nice artical it cover most of topics regarding ct

kannan says:
July 22, 2014 at 2:56 pm
how can a same ratio CTs have different value of resistance

Vishnu Gandhi says:
August 1, 2014 at 3:29 pm
Very nice article. I have a question , What will be accuracy of protection CT in metering zone. Many
panel ammeters are connected to secondary of protection CT.

aditya regundwar says:
August 4, 2014 at 5:47 am
very very informative article. thank you so much..

Prashant Vanavale says:
August 4, 2014 at 9:08 am
how to calculate I.S.F.?

huy says:
August 7, 2014 at 2:25 am
can tell me about accuracy class 1.0 and 3.

Dhaval Tamakuwala says:
October 9, 2014 at 6:41 am
Really useful Article… Thanks
I want to know more about Current transformer at metering side.(CT used inside panel meters).
what are major difference between external CT & metering CT? Design considerations?etc.

Current Transformer has primary 1 turn and secondary side multiple turns.
What will happen if voltage is applied on secondary side of the CT, If primary has only 1 number of
turn. will it induce current in primary? any formula? example?

Once again thanks for topic

Jim says:
October 13, 2014 at 10:46 pm
Can CT have dual accuracy? I have a 138kV circuit breaker with a bushing CT class” C800 & 0.3B1.8″

kwame kulafe says:
November 17, 2014 at 2:36 pm
please help me find the short circuit current for 11KV and 33KV current transformer

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Vishnu Gandhi says:
November 27, 2014 at 10:34 pm
Very nice information Jagdish. Please help for my following two issues.
1. Can I use 50:5 CT in place of 10:1 CT for core balance? What is key difference between two ? 2. In
our all 4 kV panels we have ammeters coonected on secondary of protection CT. What is accuracy of
protection CT in metering zone? Any rough Idea.

dsnegi says:
November 29, 2014 at 10:52 pm
how current direction is defined in CT

Mahdi says:
June 19, 2018 at 1:46 pm
Please tu peux comprendre comment calculer le courant du TC

rushabh says:
January 5, 2015 at 2:27 pm
very good sir,

thanks a lot.

chandra kumar mangal says:
January 15, 2015 at 1:15 pm
your ct leacture is good for maintenance engg&purchase tks sir

Boopathi says:
January 18, 2015 at 7:28 am
Nice and useful information. Thank you very much.

Danushka.K.K says:
January 22, 2015 at 7:13 am
If it is possible to connect 2 CTs parallel (S1 into S1) and then to the power analyzer,to measure a
shared load of two sides of a common busbar set…?,

February 5, 2015 at 11:54 am
thank you very much sir

yuvarajan says:
February 28, 2015 at 10:47 am
how to find minimum current energised in the CT.

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March 3, 2015 at 7:12 am
Dear Parmar : we are indebted to you for the information you have collected and made available to

P. Manoj Kumar Patro says:
April 28, 2015 at 12:50 pm
Dear Sir,

Please tell me there is one one customer is required PF test terminal in case of CT, what is the
meaning for the same. It is applicable in oilcooled CTs?

sowmya says:
April 29, 2015 at 7:19 pm
Dear Sir, kindly clarify in simple lay man terms.
Current through CT meter via Transformer from the main lines.

I have a current transformer with 1 main meter outside the building and a control panel having 5 CT
meters with black round coils inside the building. I want to know, A) when current pass through the
Transformers, will the current be reduced or be the same and after that B) when current pass through
the CT meters with black round coils, will the current be reduced or be the same. C) in the above
process will the reading of the main meter be same or different, from the total reading of all the 5 CT

sowmya says:
April 30, 2015 at 7:52 am
Dear sir, kindly clarify is simple layman words,
Current through CT meter via Transformer from the main lines.
I have a current transformer with 1 main meter outside the building and a control panel having 5 CT
meters with black round coils inside the building. I want to know, A) when current pass through the
Transformers, will the current be reduced or be the same and after that B) when current pass through
the CT meters with black round coils, will the current be reduced or be the same. C) in the above
process will the reading of the main meter be same or different, from the total reading of all the 5 CT

elektm says:
May 20, 2015 at 1:07 pm
Please help, I need to install 100A CT KWH meter, so which size of the CT i need to use?

ravisankar says:
July 11, 2015 at 5:55 am
Shared good knowledge about basics of CTs. Thank you and request you to please share some
knowledge about stress shield connection oh high rating window type CT

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jigyesh sharma says:
July 22, 2015 at 1:21 am
How to decide the shorting neutral point in CT secondaries for differential protection?

ranga says:
July 24, 2015 at 7:38 am
vvvvvv good

Atif says:
July 28, 2015 at 7:49 pm
Sir can you provide such a useful and comprehensive information about PT ? I could’t found such
article in this website.

shraddha rasal says:
July 31, 2015 at 3:42 am
Dear Sir,

This is very informative and useful information of CT.Thank u so much. It clears my all confusion
about CT.

Manikandan says:
August 18, 2015 at 6:51 am
Dear Jignesh.Parmar,
Please help me, how to reduce Phase angle error in current transformer.. and please tel me the
formula for calculating phase angle error in current transformer..

Om Du Sharma says:
August 20, 2015 at 8:46 pm
Dear Shri Parmar Ji

Excellent information on CT. Thank you very much.

Aijaz says:
August 27, 2015 at 10:47 am
Dear sir, can we have core 1 rated output 1A and core 2 rated output 5A of same CT?

Ramses Antillon says:
September 1, 2015 at 5:07 am
Dear Mr. Parmar,

Thanks for your very good explanation of current transformer theory.

I have an technical inquiry related to field testing of multi ratio current tranformers.

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Current Transformer | Electrical Notes & Articles https://electricalnotes.wordpress.com/2011/04/16/current-transformer/

A couple of weeks ago I performed turns ratio tests to a 2000:5, 230kV inductive current transformer.
The results of the tests were a Li le strange, since the results of test of the secondary tap ends (X1-X5
corresponding to 2000:5) were satisfactory, but at the same time, I did get very high deviations after
testing some of the middle taps of the secondary winding. For instance, taps corresponding to 800:5
or 600:0, provided deviations above 70% from nominal ratio.

Could you provide some comments about the posible reasons for the results obtained on these tests.

arjun says:
October 7, 2015 at 4:40 am

Satyabrata Sahoo says:
October 15, 2015 at 1:20 pm
Very helpful article with each bit of basics….

ishfaqmayo says:
December 8, 2015 at 5:45 pm
very good

Jithu says:
December 14, 2015 at 9:08 am
this is awesome. very well explained. thank you

December 21, 2015 at 12:44 pm
Dear Mr. Jignesh and all other experienced guys
Please explain if a low voltage CT can be used on a 13.8KV or 15KV insulated cable,

please give some electrical standard references too.

harish says:
January 15, 2016 at 6:55 am
dear sir can we connect 1 amp meter with CT if CT ratio of 100/5

leon says:
April 27, 2017 at 7:56 am
no it is undersized meter the CT ratio of 100:5 therefore the maximum is 5A not 1 A.

Mahbub says:
January 28, 2016 at 11:28 am
Thanks for knowledge contribution

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Vishal Jain says:
March 13, 2016 at 7:33 am
Dear Sir,
I would like to know, is it possible in any circumstance to connect 3P4W, HT, 0.2s meter with 0.5s
class CT with secondary 5A?? Will the accuracy be within limits? Please let me know sir

akhilesh shahi says:
March 18, 2016 at 4:15 pm
Plz send tha toroidal core metering and other ct formulas .

siddendra says:
March 25, 2016 at 4:11 am
Dear jignesh sir, i want to contact you . please give me your contact no

fathihadloul says:
April 12, 2016 at 2:34 am
Thank you its great and helpful article with each bit of basics

Armin says:
April 22, 2016 at 4:02 am
Dear Jignesh sir your content is very brief and informative, can you post some material on CT sizing
for TPY class CT as well.

April 22, 2016 at 8:14 am
Great full information.
can i get the complete calculation for composite error of the Current and Voltage Transformer. please
give me.

Pradeep Kumar says:
May 5, 2016 at 6:48 am
The current transformers are of great use to measure the line current special transformers. They are
of great use these days. Thanks for explaining in brief about them and their types!!

May 15, 2016 at 10:10 am

Rudra says:
June 5, 2016 at 5:58 am

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What is the significance of S in 0.2s metering current transformers and what is the necessity of this
type of CT’s.

Rudrendra says:
June 14, 2016 at 6:02 am
What is meant by “S” in 0.2s metering C.T’s

Andrei says:
June 22, 2016 at 1:10 pm
Dear Sir,

Can you tell me how can I calculate the FS and ALF for a current transformer, if I know: Rct at 75
degree, Uknee and Iknee ?

dhanraj chouhan says:
June 25, 2016 at 9:32 am
why does magnetizing reactance (Xm) of CT become zero during saturation of CT core?

June 25, 2016 at 8:38 pm
I am interested in current monitoring using a CT. Request if you can help me find the correct CT with
Core and windings to monitor 220V mains line and the output needs to fed to an Arduino board. I
understand this requires safety issues die to high secondary winding and voltage. Also the voltage
needs to be regulated to bring it to DC 0 to 5 V level for my project. Can you please help me?

July 13, 2016 at 2:09 am
How to select the CT Size. Primary side 11kv supply with 750 KVA Transformer .

Avi says:
July 13, 2016 at 3:06 pm
Sir, if the primary current of ct (300/5) exceeds 300 A, what will happen(with burden within range of
It will show the reading in ammeter or not?

Imran says:
July 30, 2016 at 12:32 am
Dear sir
Thanks for sharing your technical expertization. I have a question, sir how can we decide area of core
for metering (nano crystal / m3, zdkh) or protection (crgo, m4) for any given burden and ratio.
Er. Imran

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Amita says:
August 12, 2016 at 1:06 pm
how can we differentiate protective ct from measuring ct by simply looking at both.
and CB connected after it operates at primary or secondary current of protective CT.

zondi says:
August 31, 2016 at 1:34 pm
thanks for useful information , people like you are still needed in engineering perspective as asset to
share their knowledge using this platform and i learned a lot from this informatoin.

ebrahim says:
September 5, 2016 at 11:40 am
sir,if CT is feeding a metering ckt we be er to have which option sir

A. higher safety factor (FS)value

B. lower safety factor (FS)value
C. No effect
D. safety factor (FS) depends on CT ratio

pls answer sir

Akshay Rajendra Raut says:
September 28, 2016 at 4:31 am
Just i can say is THANK YOU Sir.

Shahbaz says:
September 28, 2016 at 10:29 pm
Well explained

santosh says:
October 3, 2016 at 7:16 am
how can measure current in Y phase by using CT in R & B phase only

saikathota says:
October 18, 2016 at 11:09 am
what is difference between ct ratio 400/5+5 and 400/5-5???

henry says:
November 24, 2016 at 10:00 pm
thank you very much sir…

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Ma says:
December 21, 2016 at 3:34 am
I enjoyed reading the comments more than the article hahaha! Great read though.

Prateek Shukla says:
January 13, 2017 at 3:43 am
Explain to find out the protection of ACB breaker from formula i.e OverCurrent/UnderVoltage/Short
Circuit/Earth Fault/Instantaneous.
Please send me the formula by which all these parameter find out.

Prateek Shukla

shoaib ashraf says:
January 30, 2017 at 10:03 am
i want to implement proposed solution of mal functioning of Differential relay.
can u help me by providing circuit diagram how a source(220AC) and then step up and step down
transformers and CT and PT and Load and arduino and relay connected for project …
looking kind response

balaji says:
March 1, 2017 at 5:46 pm
what happens when i apply more than 500 v on Secondary of Current transformer

Hiten Patel says:
March 12, 2017 at 5:45 pm
Sir i have 4 ampere variac which is handling volatages through wire which is going to connect with
Heater (100W). I want to use CT type Ammeter (0-5 ampere range) in between Variac and Heater in
series. I am not from electrical background, I am confused in which type of Current transformer i
have to use and what about the turn ratio and all that????? Plese help me Sir….

MUTHU says:
March 13, 2017 at 7:39 am
How to find the electromagnetic force created by rated dynamic current in current

Prashant Vanavale says:
May 3, 2017 at 11:21 am


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Zahid Syed says:

April 4, 2017 at 7:52 am
Can you please advise for 66kV statistical metering if CT has 0.2 class, VTs have 0.5M class. Will this
be ok or do we require 0.2 class for the VTs to comply with metering parameters.

imran says:
April 22, 2017 at 5:47 am
kindly let me know ? what does it mean 100/5 = 10 here the multiplying factor is 10 instead of 20 ?
what will me my multiplying factor ?

leon says:
April 27, 2017 at 7:50 am
Good morning everyone. I have a GE multilin 239 motor protection relay and one of the features is to
protect the motor above 75A. meaning this relay is designed for high current motor protection. The
secondary current has two option 5A or 1A meaning the maximum current going to the 239 relay is
just 5A. if the F.L.A of a motor is 75 amperes and the CT ratio is 75:5 normally we will use CT to step
down the current from 75A to 5 A. What about if I have a motor which has a very low F.L.A of 2A.
do I need to use CT to step down the current or should I connect it directly to the 239 relay using the
5A maximum? please answer it because I have a debate here with my colleagues they said it is still
needed but in my opinion the F.L.A. of 2A does not need CT anymore since I have an option to
choose the 5A maximum but if the FLA is more than 5A that’s the time I have to use CT because the
maximum is only 5 amperes.


Ugo says:
May 20, 2017 at 6:59 am
do you know a Formula for secondary CT resistance estimation? Thank You

Ashis says:
June 1, 2017 at 4:45 am
Measuring CT ratio 200 :1 & Energy Meter is 5 Amps if connect this any problem

Rudra says:
July 16, 2017 at 8:52 am
Can be connected by accuracy will be different

Deepak says:
June 1, 2017 at 3:10 pm
How can we combine the effect of two different CT installed at two differeny source so as to get
desired output.


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Rajesh says:
June 28, 2017 at 1:03 am
Very nice

vinod kumar says:
July 1, 2017 at 5:21 pm
Thanks a lot sir
for sharing this essential knowledge.

aswajithasokan says:
July 18, 2017 at 8:19 pm
Good information’s thanks

thabiso says:
August 16, 2017 at 9:06 am
Hi. am looking for current electrical ct wiring diagram, with ratio 400/5 10VA, IEC 44-1, BS 7626,
class 10p10. as soon as possible. your help will highly be appreciated thanx.

Thabiso @ Sedibeng Transformers

Deepak Jondhale says:
August 22, 2017 at 4:27 am
Sir,what is the difference in the functioning of Round CT & Square CT?

engyounes2014 says:
September 11, 2017 at 9:36 pm
more explanation about :
power flow direction (P1,P2)
Terminal (secondary winding) identification (S1,S2,….)

Satish Lamba says:
October 3, 2017 at 5:08 am
Sub: short time rating test on CT with Multitap on secondary side.

I have a CT 100-50/1A Low Voltage window type metering CT with s1-s2 50 turns and s2-s3 with 50
turns for accuracy of clas 0.5
which needs to be tested for 25 Ka for 3 secs.

Regarding connection on the secondary, the standards say that the seconday winding(s) should be
short circuited. In this particular case:

a.) Are only s1-s3 terminals to be shorted or ( keeping s2 not shorted with s1 and s2)
b.) All s1, s2 and s3 are to be shorted.

Assuming that the core size used is very large and the core does not saturate at both 50/1 or 100/1a,

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Current Transformer | Electrical Notes & Articles https://electricalnotes.wordpress.com/2011/04/16/current-transformer/

would like to know the current value in both the cases.

For case a, it is evident that current in secondary will be 25000/100=250A. For case b, am confused
whether current is s1-s2 portion of the winding will be 25000/50=500a or 250a as in case a above.

Would appreciate response and also the interpretation of the standards.

Hamza Sohail says:
October 19, 2017 at 8:51 am
Excellent Man !! Keep it up.

January 31, 2018 at 2:40 am
Impeccably Excellent

Ezzat Bekhiet says:
March 22, 2018 at 2:07 pm
If I had a 5p20 CT which accuracy class C class or T class should i select for testing it

Turan Abdurahman says:
June 25, 2018 at 7:30 am
how we can increase knee point voltage of current transformer?
thanks for helping.

Bappadityo Goswami says:
November 2, 2018 at 2:08 pm
Nice work

AKHIL S M says:
August 26, 2019 at 12:05 pm
Dear Sir,
When we calculate the burden for the CT as you said we will be adding the VA burden of its loads,
such as ammeter etc. The VA of those loads will be different or same for 1A CT and 5A CT ?

Effiong Ibok says:
February 12, 2020 at 7:41 am
very good write up.
please I want more lite on MF on CT And PT


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