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Volume 4, Issue 1, 2019

P-ISSN: 2672-2984
E-ISSN: 2672-2992

Factors Affecting the Study Habits of Grade Eleven Students in

One National High School in Pangasinan, Philippines
Maria Angelica Salcedo-Relucio
Department of Education

Abstract – Due to the increasing nature of the below-average academic performance of the Grade 11
students of Senior High School in the first and second quarter, the School Head gathered all the teachers in
the SHS Department and conducted a brainstorming regarding the performance of the students. This study
sought to determine the factors affecting the study habits of the 11th Grade of the Senior High in Maticmatic
National High School, S.Y 2017-2018. In this study, a mixed-method approach was concurrently embedded.
The included participants in this study were the Grade 11 students of Senior High School. Females are the
most respondents of this research most of the respondents have low monthly family income. For the study
habits of the students in Grade 11, most of the respondents sometimes do a reading, and the majority of them
never take down notes. Over-all, the respondents have poor study habits which led them to have poor
academic performance. Also, the majority of the respondents do not do home works at home and do not read
their notes during school hours. Lastly, the Majority of the respondents strongly agreed that home
environment, peer pressure and social media addiction, work and financial instability and family stress are
the most factors that affect the study habits of the grade 11 students. The researcher recommends parents to
improve the level of control and care of their children, show more interest and concern in the academic work
of their wards by way of providing a conducive atmosphere for studies, proving materials for studies and
helping students in their studies.
Keywords – study habits, senior high school, department of education
INTRODUCTION the quizzes and exams. It was then observed that Senior
Academic performance is an important High School students do not practice a habitual study.
indicator for a successful student in the future (Junio - Students who have poor study habits receive low grades
Pachejo & Allaga, 2013; Orlanda-Ventayen, 2019). The in school, thus, a good study habit is a prerequisite for
students’ performance can be measured in the test good academic performance.
results or in the general average every quarter or Due to the increasing nature of the below-
semester, and it is a strong basis for the graduation of average academic performance of the Grade 11 students
every student. of Senior High School in the first and second quarter,
The Philippines is one of the new implementers the School Head gathered all the teachers in the SHS
of the Senior High School education program. Department and conducted a brainstorming regarding
Pangasinan, as one province in the country, abide by the the performance of the students. It was not indeed on
law and mandates of the Department of Education the teaching strategies of the teachers since the school is
(Tucay, 2015). Maticmatic National High School is one equipped with the things needed by the teachers and
of the Barangay High Schools in Sta. Barbara, students. The researcher then suggested that excellent
Pangasinan. As of this School Year 2017-2018, it has performance is needed for the student to form good
546 and 102 students in Junior and Senior High School study habits. It was then thought by the researcher the
respectively. The school believed that in order to have possible factors or indications of the study habits of the
more improvements aside from its physical students that might lead them into this situation (Crede
development is to have directly linked with students’ & Kuncel, 2008).
academic performance.
With regards to the condition of Grade 11 Statement of the Problem
students in Senior High School, some of them have the This study sought to determine the factors
level of below average in their academic performance in affecting the study habits of the 11th Grade of the Senior
the first semester. Despite the remedial classes that the High in Maticmatic National High School, S.Y 2017-
teachers are doing, there were still students who failed 2018.

Volume 4, Issue 1, 2019
P-ISSN: 2672-2984
E-ISSN: 2672-2992

The following were the main objectives of the 12 students who garnered 79 below as their general
study: (1) What are the general characteristics of the average in the same quarter.
Grade 11 Senior High School Students? (2) What are
the current study habits of students and how they affect Procedures of Data Collection
their grades? (3) What is the relationship between study In order to obtain adequate data on factors
habits and academic performance of SHS Students in affecting the study habits of Grade 11 students, the
Maticmatic National High School? researcher used questionnaires and interviews. The first
The study was carried out at Maticmatic step towards collecting the necessary data was making
National High School and the target respondents were face to face contact with the target respondents in order
Grade 11 of the Senior High Department. Descriptive to introduce the purpose of investigation and facilitating
design was used in order to get the view of respondents conditions for the data collection activities.
on their level of agreement with given statements on Next, the researcher arranged a time and place
factors influencing their study habits. In this study, the to make contact with the respondents. Accordingly, the
qualitative results were embedded or nested to the distributions of the questionnaires and the interview
quantitative results. schedule were fixed on which an agreement has been
made. Then, the questionnaire papers were distributed
Scope and Delimitation to the respondents. After distributing 24 questionnaires,
The scope of this study was for the Grade 11 the researcher carried out the interviews with them.
Senior High of Maticmatic National High School. Its
main objective was to determine the factors affecting Methods of Data Analysis
the study habits of the target respondents. It also sought The data were collected from the above-
the general characteristics of grade 11 students, their mentioned participants and were analyzed through a
current study habits, the frequency of studying their quantitative approach, statistically using descriptive
lesson and the relationship between study habits and statistics such as frequency distribution, Likert scale
academic performance. This research study does not and the qualitative approach (narrative description of
include the other students’ issues but only in their study data) that was embedded in the quantitative findings.
habits. The researcher made use of questionnaires and
interview-survey to gather valid and reliable PRESENTATION
information. Presentation and Interpretation of Data
This part discusses the data analysis and
METHODOLOGIES findings from 24 questionnaires completed by the Grade
Research Design 11 Senior High School Students. The purpose of this
In this study, a mixed-method approach was study was to determine the factors affecting the study
concurrently embedded. According to Creswel habits of Grade 11 students. This study also identified
(Carpenter & Creswel, 2007; Creswel, 2008), the the: (1) General Characteristics of the Chosen Senior
concurrent embedded strategy of mixed methods can be High School Students; (2) Current study habits of
identified by its uses of one data collection phase, students; (3) Frequency to which student studies lesson
during which both quantitative and qualitative data are and (4) Relationship between study habit and academic
collected simultaneously. Therefore, in this study, the performance of SHS Students in Maticmatic National
qualitative results were embedded or nested to the High School.
quantitative results. Descriptive Survey was the design The researcher divided the discussion of this
used in this study in order to depict the participants in section into 5 parts. Part I discusses the general
an accurate way. characteristics of the SHS Students as respondents in
order to strengthen the details for Part II which is all
Participants about their current study habits. Meanwhile, the
The included participants in this study were the frequency time of study will be the focus of Part III. We
Grade 11 students of Senior High School. It has a total need to identify their current study habits and frequency
population of 50 students but the target respondents time of studying their lesson in order to determine the
were only 24 composed of 12 students whose general possible factors affecting study habits which will be
average in the second quarter is 80 above and the other discussed in Part IV. And in order to ascertain the

Volume 4, Issue 1, 2019
P-ISSN: 2672-2984
E-ISSN: 2672-2992

relationship between study habits and academic siblings attending school and the general average for the
performance, Part V will thoroughly discuss it. first semester. Thus, 24 copies of the questionnaire were
distributed to the Grade 11 students of Maticmatic
General Characteristics of SHS Student National High School, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan and
The participants of the study were characterized were completed and returned.
in terms of their sex, monthly family income, number of
Table 1. Summary of Students’ Background
Categories Characteristics N %
Sex Male 11 45.83
Female 13 54.17
Monthly Family Income P 16,000 Above 4 16.67
P 10,000-P 15,000 5 20.83
P 5,000-P 9,000 15 62.50
Number of Siblings Attending School 7 above 0 0
4-6 13 54.17
1-3 11 45.83
First Semester-General Average 87 above 3 12.50
83-86 7 29.17
79-82 6 25.00
75-78 8 33.33
The results in Table 1 show that the majority of responsibility as a child. Thus, 33.33% of the
the respondents (54.17%) are females. With regards to respondents got an average between 75-78 in the first
the monthly family, income majority has P5,000- semester.
P9,000. These parents of the respondents do not have a
stable job. Based on the interview, these students have Current Study Habits
built low self-confidence because of financial stability. Study habit tells a person how much he
Instead of studying at home, they lend their time in will learn, how far he wants to go and how much he
helping their parents to sell some stuff and do wants to earn. These all could be decided with the help
household chores. Especially in this study, most of the of one’s study habits. But as everybody knows, students
respondents have siblings attending the school have varieties of study habits. Thus, the researcher
(54.17%). Mostly, they are elders and obliged to do the asked different questions about the current study habits
chores at home or assist their parents. It was then clear of the respondents.
that they do not have quality time to read their notes or
study their lessons once they arrived at home because of

Table 2 Summary of Study Habits of the Students

Items F %
1. How often do you read? Always 9 37.50
Sometimes 11 45.83
Never 4 16.67
2. Do you take down notes? Always 3 12.50
Sometimes 9 37.50

Never 12 50.00

3. How often do you review your lectures? Always 6 25.00

Volume 4, Issue 1, 2019
P-ISSN: 2672-2984
E-ISSN: 2672-2992

Sometimes 13 54.17
Never 5 20.83
4. Do you memorize the important details in your Always 6 25.00
Sometimes 12 50.00
Never 6 25.00
5. Do you scan or do skimming method if you have Always 5 20.83
Sometimes 14 58.33
Never 5 20.83
6. Do you make a review schedule during your Always 3 12.50
quarterly exams?
Sometimes 17 70.83
Never 4 16.67
7. Do you review in advance before the quarterly Always 0 0
Sometimes 13 54.17
Never 11 45.83
8. Do you make a review schedule during your Always 0 0
quarterly exams?
Sometimes 12 50.00
Never 12 50.00
9. Do you make a peer/group review? Always 4 16.67
Sometimes 14 58.33
Never 6 25.00
10. Is your classroom inviting in learning? Always 9 37.50
Sometimes 12 50.00
Never 3 12.50
11. Do you focus well on what the teacher is Always 8 33.33
Sometimes 13 54.17
Never 3 12.50
12. Do you prepare for classes beforehand and Always 5 20.83
review what you’ve learned?
Sometimes 9 37.50
Never 10 41.67
13. Do you make use of gadgets during the week of Always 17 70.83
Sometimes 7 29.17
Never 0 0
14. Do you study while watching TV or listening Always 13 54.17
music at home?
Sometimes 9 37.50

Volume 4, Issue 1, 2019
P-ISSN: 2672-2984
E-ISSN: 2672-2992

Never 2 8.33
15. Do you study while using smartphones in school Always 14 58.34
or even at home?
Sometimes 8 33.33
Never 2 8.33

The table from the previous page shows the According to them, they cannot focus on their studies
current study habits of the Grade 11 student- without smartphones. The mindsets of the students of
respondents. It was evident that the students have poor this generation are far different.
study habits that led them to poor academic
performance too. Fifty percent of the respondents do not Frequency Time of Study
take down notes or even read their lectures beforehand. According to some researches, when it comes
Scanning or even skimming methods are just sometimes to studying, managing your time is one of the utmost
applicable to 58% of the respondents. All the positive importance. Determine how much time spent studying
study habits are just sometimes and never applicable to is enough, which varies from student to student. Hence,
these students. But studying while using gadgets and this research study determines how much time are the
other electronic devices are true to all of the students. respondents spending on studies.
Table 3 Summary of Frequency Time of Study
Items f %

More than 30
min. but less 0 0
than 1 hour
1. How much time do you spend doing homework on
weekdays? Up to 30
11 45.83

I don’t study. 13 54.17

During Vacant 5 20.83


2. How much time do you spend reading your notes

during school hours? Less than 10 8 33.34

I don’t study. 11 45.83

30 minutes 2 8.33

Less than 10 9 37.50

3. How much time do you spend reading your notes minutes
once you arrived at home?
I don’t study. 13 54.17

20-24 Hours 2 8.33

4. On average, how many hours do you study for finals?
5-10 Hours 4 16.67

Volume 4, Issue 1, 2019
P-ISSN: 2672-2984
E-ISSN: 2672-2992

3 Hours 7 29.17
I don’t study. 11 45.83
2 weeks 1 4.17
1 week 6 25.00
5. How far in advance do you start studying for finals?
Days before 9 37.50

Night Before 8 33.33

As shown above, the research findings showed granted. With this, the researcher dug for the reasons of
that less study hour results in poor grades and these students why do they have poor study habits.
performance. Fifty percent of the respondents said that
they do not do their homework on weekdays. Doing Factors Affecting Study Habits of Grade 11 Senior
homework is one strategy that can retain a lesson into High School Students
one’s mindset. Reading notes or lectures is also The Grade 11 Senior High School
essential in education but 45.83% of the respondents do Students have poor study habits and do not spend too
not study at all. Their technique in reviewing is also much time studying. These acts had led them into a
ineffective since 37.50% start studying days before the situation that had affected their academic performance.
final exam. Others will just study in school during the With this, the researcher determined the factors or
vacant time and 45.83% do not even scan their notes indications that can affect their study habits.
beforehand. It was then alarming that these students do
not give importance in studying and just taking it for
Table 4 Summary of Factors Affecting Study Habits of Respondents
Items Scales
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
F % f % f % f %

1) Competence in English Subject 45.8

0 0 0 0 13 54.17 11

2) Hectic Class Schedules 0 0 0 0 10 41.67 12

3) Class Size 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 100

4) Learning Facilities 0 0 3 12.50 11 45.83 10

5) Teacher’s Role in the Class 0 0 2 8.33 13 54.17 9

6) Extracurricular Activities 2 8.33 4 16.67 13 54.17 5

7) Family Stress 18 75.00 6 25.00 0 0 0 0

Volume 4, Issue 1, 2019
P-ISSN: 2672-2984
E-ISSN: 2672-2992

8) Work and Financial Instability 19 79.17 5 20.83 0 0 0 0

9) Peer Pressure and Social

20 83.33 4 16.67 0 0 0 0
Media Addiction

10) Home Environment 21 87.50 3 12.50 0 0 0 0

There were two types of factors being work and financial instability which gathered 79.17%
enumerated in the table above, these are the internal and and family stress which accumulated 75% of the total
external factors. It was then evident that the internal respondents.
factors such as competence in English, hectic class
schedule, class size, learning facilities and teacher’s role Relationship of Study Habits and Academic
in the class are not strong factors that can affect the Performance of Student
study habits of the grade 11 students. But the factors This part of the research will ascertain the
that strongly affect the students’ study habits are from relationship between study habits and academic
the external factors such as home environment which performance of the grade 11 senior high school
garnered 87.50% of the respondents, followed by peer students.
pressure and social media addiction which has 83.33%,

Table 5 Summary of the Relationship of Study Habits and Academic Performance of Student
Study Habits Expected Explanation
1. Study hours after school Positive It is assumed that more study hours
hours. results in good grade and
2. Group study among the Positive It is assumed that brainstorming
peers during vacant time and about the lesson among your
after class. classmates will help you to learn
3. Setting up and following Positive It is assumed that time management
time table at home. will guide you to spend your time
for study at the same time family
work related.
4. Less Hour for Social Media Positive It is assumed that nowadays, too
Usage. much use of smartphone and any
social media gadgets will decrease
your time for study at the same time
it makes you to become forgetful
and prone to mental block.
5. Facing the problems Positive It is true to all that problems are
regarding home environment present to anyone. You just need to
and planning. become stronger and face the
challenges and not easily to be

Volume 4, Issue 1, 2019
P-ISSN: 2672-2984
E-ISSN: 2672-2992

Table 5 reveals the positive relationship of good The respondents strongly agreed that home
study habits and academic performance of Grade 11 environment which garnered 87.50%, peer pressure and
students in Maticmatic National High School. These social media addiction which has 83.33%, work and
students’ study habits have a big impact to achieve a financial instability which accumulated 79.17% and
positive outlook of life at the same time excellent family stress which has 75% are the most factors that
performance in school. affect the study habits of the grade 11 students in
Maticmatic National High School.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION There is a positive relationship between the
Females are the most respondents of this action study habits of students with their academic
research which has 54.17%. According to the results, performance. As good study habits are true to all
62.50% of the target respondents have a P 5,000-P students who would like to become excellent in
9,000 monthly family income. Those who have siblings academic performance. As a result of this study, the
attending school accumulated 54.17% and 33.33% of study habits of students have been affected by a lot of
the respondents have 75-78 as general average in the factors. Social media has an impact on the academic
first semester. The Philippines is one of the late performance of students (Rambe, 2011), it is a
implementers of Senior High School in the Southeast challenge for every educator to divert the mindset of
Asian country (Sarmiento & Orale, 2016), and consider every student such as the application of social media in
as one of the low-income countries in the world education (Casama Orlanda-Ventayen & Ventayen,
(Patalinghug, Manuela Jr., Lizares, & Patalinghug, 2017).
2017) as shown in the low monthly family income of
students, despite the figure, financial difficulties may CONCLUSIONS
have effect to the study habits of senior high school The researcher concludes that the majority of
students. the Grade 11 students in Maticmatic National High
For the study habits of the students in Grade 11, School do belong to below-average family based on
45.83% of the respondents sometimes do the reading, their monthly family income. Moreover, most of them
and 50% of them never take down notes. They just have siblings attending school which the researcher
sometimes review their lectures which gathered arrived in the conclusion, that they are facing work and
54.17%, and 50% are just sometimes memorizing the financial instability which led the students to withdraw
important details in their lesson. The majority of them their focus in studying.
do always make use of gadgets when they are studying. The researcher also found out that the
Over-all, the respondents have poor study habits which respondents are practicing wrong and poor study habits.
led them to have poor academic performance (Credé & Since the majority of the respondents never do studying
Kuncel, 2008). Millennials nowadays are hook on the at home and do not spend their time wisely in school.
use of gadgets, interventions were proposed by Based on the results, the researcher revealed
researchers such as gamification (Apas & Ventayen, that less study hour results in poor grades and
2019) of learning, home support program (Suiza, performance. The majority of the respondents do not
Ventayen, & Arquillano, 2019) and other means in have a time table for study and have other distractions
order to achieve and adjust based on the needs of the such as family stress and addiction to social media.
learners. The factors that strongly affect the study habits
The time they spend studying is quite bad as of Grade 11 students are home environment, peer
54.17% do not do home works at home and do not read pressure and social media addiction, work and financial
their note during school hours. Most of all, 37.50% of instability and family stress. These factors do belong to
the respondents are studying their lesson day before the the external factor which the students are now facing.
exam. They did not spend their time wisely in studying There is a positive relationship between the
their lessons. Parents that impose discipline may have study habits of the students with their academic
an influence on the study habits of students, some performance. Therefore, the researcher concluded that
researchers suggested that strong self-discipline study habits are a prerequisite for good and outstanding
contributed to better study habits (Duckworth & academic performance of the grade 11 students in
Seligman, 2005). Maticmatic National High School.

Volume 4, Issue 1, 2019
P-ISSN: 2672-2984
E-ISSN: 2672-2992

RECOMMENDATIONS Methods Approaches. SAGE Publications,

The researcher recommends parents to improve 2008.search Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and
the level of control and care of their children, show Mixed Methods Approaches. In sage publications.
more interest and concern in the academic work of their Duckworth, A. L., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2005). Self-
wards by way of providing a conducive atmosphere for discipline outdoes IQ in predicting academic
studies, proving materials for studies and helping performance of adolescents. Psychological
students in their studies. Science. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-
It is also a suggestion that it is necessary for 9280.2005.01641.x
parents and teachers to maintain a warm and cordial Junio -Pachejo, S., & Allaga, W. A. (2013). Academic
relationship with their children and students irrespective Predictors of the Licensure Examination for
of their financial problem. Teachers’ Performance of the Rizal Technological
The researcher recommends that there should University Teacher Education Graduates (Vol. 4).
be a group study hour on the class time table.The Retrieved from www.asianjournal.com,
amount of time used in studying must increase in order Orlanda-Ventayen, C. C. (2019). Impact of English
to devote more time to quality study both at school and language courses and English proficiency on
at home to prevent poor academic performance academic performance of junior business
currently being experienced by the Grade 11 students of administrators. Asian EFL Journal, 24(4.1).
Maticmatic National High School. Patalinghug, E., Manuela Jr., W. S., Lizares, R., &
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SSRN. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2912238
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