2008fy03 04proposedpc 1 9th Phase130803
2008fy03 04proposedpc 1 9th Phase130803
2008fy03 04proposedpc 1 9th Phase130803
The Secretary to Government of NWFP,
Sports, Culture, Tourism, Archaeology
& Museums and Youth Affairs Department,
Dear Sir,
Reference the ADP 2003-2004 regarding the captioned subject.
This Corporation has prepared its PC-I in light of the allocation in the
ADP 2003-2004 for the 9th phase of the umbrella Scheme namely “TOURISM
DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES IN NWFP PHASE-IX” for an amount of Rs. 6 million for
consideration by the Departmental Development Working Party meeting. The PC-I is
enclosed herewith for signature and forwarding the same to PE&D and Finance Departments
respectively alongwith working paper. After signatures of the Administrative Secretary the
PC-I and Working Paper is to be photocopied by this corporation for distribution among
members of the DDWP please.
Yours faithfully
Encl: as above.
Endorsement No. and date even.
by the public sector in partnership with the
private sector on sustainable basis.
(iii) If the project is proposed to be financed out of block provision for a program indicates:
Rs in Million
Total Block Provision Amount Already Amount proposed Balance
(FY 2003-04) committed for the project Available
6.000 6.000 00.000
5. Relationship of the project with the objectives of the sector. Indicate the contribution of
the project, quantified it possible, to the targets in the Five-Year Plan.
The proposed scheme is in line with the tourism policy of the Federal Government, it
also encompasses the directives of the provincial government. The project aims to
sensitize and raise the awareness level of general public besides involving the private
sector in making tourism a viable source of income at the grass root and small
entrepreneur level. The projects in Tourism Sector are sub-divided into three
categories namely small, medium and large. The STC directly implements the small
scale tourism promotional activities while medium and large are offered to the private
sector on partnership basis.
Local Rs. 0.0M Rs. 0.0M
Foreign Exchange NONE NONE
Rs. 0.0M Rs.0.0M
The objectives of the project are to make tourism an income generating source
for the local communities and entrepreneurs. The project would contribute
positively in improving the quality of life in NWFP through the increased flow of
tourists and it is expected that resultantly poverty will be decreased. Local
entrepreneurs would benefit from awareness raising and demonstrative effect
through the small scale tourism development activities which will help support
this sector as an industry. The over all goal is to achieve in the long run the
establishment of a sound tourism industrial base that provides job opportunities
and income to the public at large.
Whole of NWFP.
The whole of Pakistan as well as foreign tourists and especially the populace of
The Project aims to raise the awareness level in term of development of tourism
as an income generating source at the grassroots and entrepreneurial level
through small scale developmental activities.
The sub-projects under this umbrella PC-I are meant for social mobilization and raising
awareness among the general public for taking up tourism as a source of income
generation. The umbrella scheme namely TOURISM DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES
IN NWFP PHASE-IX is expected to increase the flow of domestic and international
tourists leading to a substantial raise in the (Gross National Product and Gross
Domestic Product) income level of the people. The proposed scheme is expected to
create job opportunities during the execution of the small scale development activities
besides providing employment during maintenance and operation. The proposed
facilities after completion would provide catering to additional tourists resulting in
additional income and indirectly through multiplier effect employing more work forces
with sale of more local produce of the local tourism industry. The entrepreneurs and
the communities both would be brought together through the small scale
demonstrative and catalytic activities that are proposed under the scheme. This would
also inculcate among the local the fact that tourism is a source of income generation
and poverty alleviation, therefore, it is expected that their attitude would be tourist
The proposed scheme is in line with the tourism policy of the Federal
Government as well as the present provincial government. The project is a
continuation of the previous 8 phases under the umbrella scheme namely
Tourism Development Activities in NWFP. It aims to raise the awareness level
of general public besides involving the private sector in making tourism a viable
source of income at the grass root and small entrepreneur level using the small
scale development activities as a means for involvement of the masses. The
Sarhad Tourism Corporation since its inception had been holding seminars
short training course, publishing of promotional printing material, commissioning
of information centers, recreation facilities, conduct of feasibilities participation
in National, International and local fairs as catalyst with small scale tourism
related activities for the development of tourism in NWFP. These small scale
activities should act as a spring board to attract private sector and mobilize
small scale entrepreneurs as well as general public towards tourism
Basically these are yearly small scale activities to be conducted through out the
province in a planned manner divided over the 12 months spread over one
calendar year and or financial year since for every year a PC-1 is prepared in
light of the actual ground realities. It aims at involving the private sector in
making tourism a viable source of income at the grass root and small
entrepreneur level. These activities are directly or indirectly aimed at boasting
tourism as tool for income generation at the grass root and entrepreneurial level
using technique of demonstration and effect.
The STC is a provincial public sector organization financed through the Tourism
Department purely from the Provincial Government funds. Commercial viability in
implementation and operations has been taken into consideration while devising the
cost estimates in August 2003 from open market. No subsidies are involved. Additional
revenue is expected to accrue due to increased flow of tourist. It is also expected that
tourism activities has multiplier effect such as employment for the local through sale of
local handicrafts, food stuff etc to the tourist and is not calculate-able at this stage due
to demonstrative nature of the scheme. These activities are part of the development
strategy to make tourism a viable source of income at the grass root level by involving
it in small scale developmental activities of the project under consideration. It is also
expected that it will contribute towards enhancing the image of Pakistan.
The NWFP has rich cultural heritage, diverse ethnicity, ancient civilization remains as
well as lush green panoramic views including snow capped mountains that are to be
promoted as tourists destination. These are products in terms of tourism and needs to
be publicized as well as brought into the knowledge of the local populace through
grassroots awareness rising and at the same time making it known to the rest of the
world in order to attract them to visit a tourist friendly NWFP and Pakistan. Generally
Tourism Projects are considered to be viable because their economic internal rate of
return (EIRR)/ financial internal rate of return (FIRR) are normally higher than 15% and
above in normal circumstances. The project aims to raise the awareness level by
involving masses at the grass root level. It simultaneously also aims to involve the
private sector in making tourism a viable source of income at the grass root and small
entrepreneur level. The entrepreneurs and the communities both would be brought
together through the small scale demonstrative and catalytic activities that are
proposed under the scheme. This would also inculcate the notion of tourism as source
of income generation with a relationship of understanding between the tourist and local
populace. Cross cultural interaction is expected to create harmony at the local, national
and international levels. This Corporation has formulated its PC-I in light of its priorities
for current year and funds available with the Provincial Government for 2003-04 under
the umbrella scheme namely Tourism Development Activities in NWFP Phase.
The target group is the local population, local entrepreneurs as well as both
domestic and international tourists through the participation of masses at the
grass root level. It interalia is meant to depict NWFP and Pakistan as tourist
friendly regions in the growing global industry of tourism.
(c) Relationship with other programs in the same sector and in other sectors.
Indicate whether coordination with other sectors has been ensured.
13. Give date when capital expenditure estimates were prepared. If prepared more than
one year a go, confirm if they are still valid.
The estimates in the PC-I are based on a flat open market rate as of August 2003 for
projected estimated amount of Rs. 6 million.
Give year-wise break-down of capital cost covering the whole of the investment period,
as indicated below:
Rs. in million
Total at
Item official rate I year II year and
of exchange subsequent years
-------- -------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------
Local FEC Import Total Local FEC Total Local FEC Total
NIL NIL NIL NIL 6.000 NIL 6.000 10% Increase over
previous year ADP
Allocation for subsequent
August 2003 open market rates for moderate quality of works. The Sarhad Tourism
Corporation has proposed a projected estimated expenditure of Rs. 6 M spread over
one year with the request that it may be increased by 10% over the present allocation
in the subsequent ADP's. Details included in PC-I at Serial No18(b).
16. Estimates of annual recurring (O&M) expenditure after completion of project according
to format in Annexure-2. Also indicate source of financing.
Rs. in million
-------- ------- -------- --------- ----------
===== ===== ===== ===== ======
17. Unit cost for each category of service or output and how it compares with cost in other
projects, completed.
Unit costs for each category of service or output are on the lower side and by
comparing with costs in other similar projects of Ministry of Tourism or Pakistan
Tourism Development Corporation these are rational. The following is the name of
activity and its cost moved against the allocation of Rs.6.000 million reflected at S#
1157Code#961013 in ADP2003-2004 under Umbrella scheme namely “Tourism
Development Activities In NWFP Phase-IX” with a projected total estimated cost of
Rs.6.500M for 2003-04 and for subsequent phases an increase @ 10% over the years
in future /ADP:
Acquisition of 05 kanal of land each at Shahi & Bin Shahi Valley for tourism
1. 1,870,000.00
promotion @ Rs. 200,000/- per kanal respectively.
Acquisition of 05 kanal of land at Laramsar Top for Huts, Camping & Trekking
2. 1,000,000.00
@ Rs. 200,000/- per kanal.
3. Shandoor Polo Festival 7-9 July 195,000.00
4. Kalash Autumn & Spring Festivals. 200,000.00
5. Establishment of Tourist Complex at Dongagali Base Camp 885,000.00
6. Jashn-e-Chitral to be celebrated in collaboration with local tourism industry. 100,000.00
7. Kumrat Festival to be celebrated in collaboration with local tourism industry. 100,000.00
8. Kalam Festival to be celebrated in collaboration with local tourism industry. 100,000.00
Commissioning of Tourist Complex on plot of the STC / Tourism Deptt located
9. 885,000.00
on main GT Road at Kund.
10. World Tourism Day 65,000.00
11. Promotion of Winter Sports through skiing at Malam Jabba. 100,000.00
12. One week exhibition of Handicrafts at Kund Park 100,000.00
13. Arrangement of Food Festival at Sardaryab. 100,000.00
14. Boat Cruising in Lower Swat Canal. 100,000.00
15. Quarterly Newsletter / Magazine 100,000.00
16. Camping / trekking at Naran / Lake Saifulmaluk / Lalazar. 100,000.00
TOTAL Rs. 6,000,000.00
18. (a) Give expected income statement (profit and loss accounts) for five years with
realistic assumptions. Rate of depreciation and salvage value of property
should be given.
The sub-projects under this umbrella PC-I not profit oriented but are meant for social
mobilization and raising awareness among the general public for taking up tourism as
a source of income generation. Therefore it is expected that proposed investment will
result in increase the flow of domestic and international tourists leading to a substantial
raise in the level of the people. The proposed scheme is expected to create job
opportunities during the execution of the small scale development activities besides
providing employment during maintenance and operation. The proposed facilities after
completion would provide catering to additional tourists resulting in additional income
and indirectly through multiplier effect employing more work forces with sale of more
local produce of the local tourism industry. The entrepreneurs and the communities
both would be brought together through the small scale demonstrative and catalytic
activities that are proposed under the scheme. This would also inculcate among the
local the fact that tourism is a source of income generation making then more tourist
Acquisition of 05 kanal of land each at Shahi & Bin Shahi Valley for
tourism promotion @ Rs. 200,000/- per kanal respectively.
2.1 Acquisition of 05 kanal of land at Laramsar Top for Huts, 1,000,000.00
Camping & Trekking @ Rs. 200,000/- per kanal.
Total 1,000,000.00
5.1. Dining hall 25'x25'=625'@Rs.500 312,500
5.2 Ladies Cabin 16'x12'=192'@Rs.500 96,000
5.3 Retiring room 14'x12'=168'@Rs.500 84,000
5.4 Kitchen 12'x12'=144'@500 72,000
5.5 Bathrooms(5nos) 5(5'x7')=175'@500 87,500
5.6 TIC Room 12'x18'=216'@Rs.500 108,000
5.7 Leveling/Dressing lumsump 25,000
Electrification, Sanitation, water supply, installation and distribution
5.8 100,000
Sewerage ETC.
(The PER SFT Rate of Rs.500 includes Electrification, Sanitation, water
supply, installation and distribution etc. and the land is the owned by the
Total: 885,000.00
8.2. Transportation 25,000.00
8.3. Souvenirs 10,000.00
Establishment & Operation of Tent village & Information Center
8.4. 15,000.00
during the Kalam Festival
8.5. Prizes for the players 15,000.00
8.6. Event filming & photography Mini Exhibition 15,000.00
Total: 100,000.00
12.2. Transportation 25,000.00
12.3 Installation of Stalls for the exhibition 25,000.00
12.4 Souvenirs for the gusts and Prizes for the participants 15,000.00
12.6 Event filming & photography / Opening & Closing Ceremonies 15,000.00
Total: 100,000.00
13.4 Establishment & Operation of Tent village 40,000.00
13.5 Event filming & photography / Opening & Closing Ceremonies 15,000.00
Total 100,000.00
II (a) Likely sources and amount of foreign exchange cost of the project.
21. Risk Analysis:
(b) A detailed review of the project cycle and likely events which may delay the
project and means of addressing those delays.
(c) Likely events which may delay the project and measures to meet these events.
22. Annual phasing of physical work and financial requirements for the project.
11. Promotion of Winter Sports through skiing at Malam Jabba. 100,000.00
12. One week exhibition of Handicrafts at Kund Park 100,000.00
13. Arrangement of Food Festival at Sardaryab. 100,000.00
14. Boat Cruising in Lower Swat Canal. 100,000.00
15. Quarterly Newsletter / Magazine 100,000.00
16. Camping / trekking at Naran / Lake Saifulmaluk / Lalazar. 100,000.00
TOTAL Rs. 6,000,000.00
(a) Socio-economic benefits which are likely to accrue as a result of the project.
The projects at any level in the tourism sector are able to operate at 15% rate of
return and are generally regarded as viable to the extent that does not pose any
threat to the environment. It is expected that the project would enhance the
local capacity of the small entrepreneurs and communities to earn additional
income by starting up small scale tourism industry related activities such as
small guest houses, eating places, handicrafts shops and better understanding
of the tourist product and demand for national and international tourists.
(ii) If so, please provide detailed mechanism for involving the beneficiary of the
completed project output.
As in (i) above.
All possible measures are taken to promote sustainable tourism and cultural
heritage. Emphasis on raising the awareness level of general public and
entrepreneurs in order to take care of environmental aspects is the underlying
notion of the scheme. Since these are small scale activities which do not involve
any complex processes, therefore, no major negative impact is expected.
Yes Please. The principles of carrying on these small scale activities slowly in the short
term through medium term with more and more involvement on the part of
communities, the entrepreneurs, the private sector and the tourism corporation /
department as well as others have been taken into consideration.
27. (a) Manpower required by gender.
For Execution For Operation
Total First Number
Man-Months Year of
and Number execution only
----------- -------- ---------
(1) Professional
and Technical
(2) Administrative
Executive and
(3) Clerical
(4) Service
(5) Skilled
(6) Unskilled
(7) Others.
The present staff strength of STC would take care of the execution and operation
except contractual/ daily wages staff required for the execution of the sub components
wherever the need is.
Not valid as STC has appropriate staff for carrying out such activities and
wherever required the different available foras of NGO’s, private sector,
communities as well as public sector would be utilized to over-come any
(d) Approximate number of persons required to be trained per year (locally and
aboard) and the kind of skills to be learnt.
The Details are given at serial No. 18-b above and the abstract is given below:
Acquisition of 05 kanal of land each at Shahi & Bin Shahi Valley for tourism
17. 1,870,000.00
promotion @ Rs. 200,000/- per kanal respectively.
Acquisition of 05 kanal of land at Laramsar Top for Huts, Camping & Trekking
18. 1,000,000.00
@ Rs. 200,000/- per kanal.
19. Shandoor Polo Festival 7-9 July 195,000.00
20. Kalash Autumn & Spring Festivals. 200,000.00
21. Establishment of Tourist Complex at Dongagali Base Camp 885,000.00
22. Jashn-e-Chitral to be celebrated in collaboration with local tourism industry. 100,000.00
23. Kumrat Festival to be celebrated in collaboration with local tourism industry. 100,000.00
24. Kalam Festival to be celebrated in collaboration with local tourism industry. 100,000.00
Commissioning of Tourist Complex on plot of the STC / Tourism Deptt located
25. 885,000.00
on main GT Road at Kund.
26. World Tourism Day 65,000.00
27. Promotion of Winter Sports through skiing at Malam Jabba. 100,000.00
28. One week exhibition of Handicrafts at Kund Park 100,000.00
29. Arrangement of Food Festival at Sardaryab. 100,000.00
30. Boat Cruising in Lower Swat Canal. 100,000.00
31. Quarterly Newsletter / Magazine 100,000.00
32. Camping / trekking at Naran / Lake Saifulmaluk / Lalazar. 100,000.00
TOTAL Rs. 6,000,000.00
A-II Materials, Spares and Supplies and equipment for operation of the Project.
Local Foreign
Quantity Rate Cost Quantity Rate Cost
per unit Per unit
The Materials, Spares , Supplies and equipment for the project’s, sub-schemes will be
obtained on case to case basis which does not involve more the 10% of the total cost
of the project at a given time.