Lounici Ali Blida University 2015/2016 Ksentini Rafik Academic Writing Assignment Three

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Academic Writing
Assignment Three

French Algerian Acculturation

Many people define culture as the combination between language, religion and social norms
making it a distinctive form of identity. A large number of others identify themselves and their
cultures retrospectively to their parents’ lineage and are therefore associating the word ‘culture’ to
customs. Acculturation on the other hand refers to the influence of one culture on another; thus,
creating what is called a ‘hybrid’ culture. The aim of the following essay is to discuss the impact of the
French culture, namely the French language, on Algerian bureaucracy and its administrative
procedures as well as the modifications brought upon the Algerian popular dialect; it will also show
how a new form of language has emerged as a result of this influence.

It is well known among Algerian citizens that the red tape affairs are carried out in both
Arabic and French language. Most Algerian documents, if not all, carry a duality of language; since
French is the second language in Algeria, it is quite evident that the majority of legal papers exist in
both versions and sometimes in a blended version of the two languages within the same document. As
an example, the Algerian ID clearly displays the name in both French and Arabic. French documents
are often compulsory for administrative procedures. Many national enterprises require résumés and
recommendation letters written exclusively in the French language. The French language has also
influenced the oral aspect of the Algerian community tremendously.

After a colonial period which lasted more than a century, the Algerian dialect has been greatly
influenced by the French language. Both colonizers and colonized had to communicate with one
another; consequently, a language of compromise has been created. To illustrate, one might mention
the inability for Algerians to sustain a full conversation without the presence of French terminology.
Algerian people have also developed the tendency to use French vocabulary in an atypical syntax; that
is to say, applying Algerian syntax ruling on French words, such as, ‘ntelephoner’or ‘nconnecter’
instead of ‘telephoner’ and ‘connecter’ which is Algerian for ‘I call’ and ‘I surf on the net’. Nowadays,
Algerians use a mixture of French and Arabic in their daily speech.

French language is present among the Algerian society in both written and oral forms.
Whether in legal documents or familiar discourses, its influence still remains significant. The French
occupation of Algeria is undoubtedly the main reason behind this cultural impact; ergo, the Algerian
inhabitant has partially lost touch with his own culture and thereby his own language. Although the
current Algerian speech may not represent a pure form of language, it has nonetheless given birth to a
particular set of utterances unique to the Algerian individual, granting him a new language, hence, a
new culture.

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