Microsoft Excel: Create A Basic Spreadsheet: Assignment Instructions

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CSC 110: Introduction to Computers Learning Unit 8: Excel Assignment

Microsoft Excel: Create a Basic Spreadsheet

To complete this assignment, you will need to use the “Excel Assignment Data: Spreadsheet” Excel file
provided in MyHills. Using that file, follow the instructions provided below.

This assignment uses worksheet basics, such as entering data, formatting data, and basic formulas.
Work through the instructions provided below and submit your completed assignment to the appropriate
spot by the due date provided in the Course Schedule.

Assignment Instructions:
Open Excel file: lu08_excel_spreadsheet_expense_data.xlsx

1. Insert one row at the top

a. In cell A1, type: Expense Report
b. Merge and Center cells A1:I1
c. Bold the text
d. Apply a fill color (of your choice) to that cell

2. Rename the worksheet “Expense Report”

3. Insert a header with your name.

4. Freeze row two by freezing panes in row three (be sure you’re in Normal View).

5. Apply “All Borders” to cells A1:I15.

6. Bold the column headings

7. Apply a “Bottom Double Border” to cells A9:I9 (the Total row)

8. Use the AutoSum function to calculate the totals in cells H4:H8, and B9:H9.

9. Use the AutoSum drop-down to calculate the Averages in cells I4:I9. Format as a Number with
zero places after the decimal.

10. Enter a formula to calculate the tax row (with the exception of the Average column) using an
Absolute Reference for the 6% tax rate (which is found in the cell below the tax row).

11. Use the AutoSum function to calculate the same columns for the “Grand Total” row.

12. Use the AutoSum drop-down to calculate the same columns to figure the “Maximum” and
“Minimum” expenses (do not include Total or Grand Total rows in calculations.)

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CSC 110: Introduction to Computers Learning Unit 8: Excel Assignment

13. Format all monetary values (cells B4:H15) to “currency” with zero places after the decimal.

14. Adjust column widths as necessary.

15. Choose two rows and/or columns (within the table) to shade.

16. Set page orientation to landscape.

17. Save your completed Excel file as your last name in all lowercase letters.
(For example, Janet Learner would save her file as “learner.xlsx”) Attach your completed file to
the appropriate spot in MyHills and submit by the due date provided in the Course Schedule.

© Indian Hills Community College

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