Washington, D.C PDF
Washington, D.C PDF
Washington, D.C PDF
The Washington
The Smithsonian National Cathedral
Institution is another must‑see in Washington,
operates 19 museums and a zoo. D.C. It is truly a magnificent and
The majority of these museums breathtaking building, built in
are located on the Mall. One of a neogothic style which makes it look
The Jefferson Memorial the museums is the National like it is from somewhere in Europe
is dedicated to the third president, Thomas Museum of the American during the Middle Ages. Construction
Jefferson, who is known for his contributions Indian which is shown in started in 1907 and was only
to the Declaration of Independence. The the photo and on the map. completed in 1990, taking 83 years
memorial is situated by the Potomac River to finish. This limestone cathedral,
and the place became a popular bathing area where several past presidents’
for the locals in the late 19th century. funerals have been held, is the sixth
largest cathedral in the world.