(Yap, Jun Zen Ralph V.) - NSTP 1

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Community Extension Center

Roxas Extension, Digos City
Telefax: (082)553-2914


Name: Jun Zen Ralph Yap Score: ___________

Subject & Section: NSTP 1 - 0308 Instructor: Mr. Jonathan
Course & Year: BSA – 3rd Year Date: October 24, 2020

Directions: Make an evaluation of yourself by answering the following

questions and write it in narrative form:

1. Who am i?
Most of the people living in this world have unique characteristics
possessed that are shared to everyone. Unfortunately, I am included in the
unlucky individuals having simpleton characteristics. I am a person who
has nothing but family and sufficient food to eat regularly. I have only
things that are necessary for living. Even though I don’t have anything that
others have, I am still continuing to live freely and work hard for my future
and for my family. In terms of educational status, I am just an average
person not blessed with any talent but I always think and set in my mind
that ‘talent beats determination’ so my journey still is still going on putting
all I have on the line just to achieve my dreams and be successful in the
future. Aside from being determined, my parents taught also to be mindful
of expressing feelings and be kind to others regardless of any
circumstance. These things are the wonderful treasure I received from
them. I am very lucky to have them as my parents. Even though I am not
excellent in academics, they still proud of me for what I have achieved and
who I am. Similarly, I am very proud of myself and satisfied for what I have
possessed and achieved.

2. What are my strengths and weaknesses?

I would like to mention first my strengths before my weaknesses. My
strengths in life that always gives me encouragement to continue living in
this world and finding out my purpose in life are Almighty God, my family,
and my goal/dream in the future. God is always the one that I can count on
every time I get frustrations and odds situation in life since He is the only
one that only understands and listens to me for what I was going through in
life. For me, He is, truly and indeed, exceptional. He is my savior whenever
I got adversities in life. I am truly grateful to Him in every way because He
always gives me motivation and hope to live in this world. My family is the
second strength in my life. Every decision I made in life, they are always
there to support me. Even though, it is hard for me to achieve it, they still
Community Extension Center
Roxas Extension, Digos City
Telefax: (082)553-2914

stay on my side supporting to what I wanted to be in the future. I am very

lucky having this kind of family in life. Because of them, I will work hard
until I got into my dreams in order to help them back for what they gave to
me while I was in my journey in achieving my dreams. When the time that I
became successful in life, I will give them everything they want just for the
support they gave to me since then. The third one is my goal or dream. My
dream in life is to become a professional accountant or Certified Public
Accountant. Although this profession is really hard to get since the earlier
examinations got lower passing rates than the preceding years. This
difficulty existed in this profession makes myself motivated and gives me
willingness to achieve it. I always remind myself that this hardship I
encountered in the journey of becoming CPA is just temporary sacrifice for
the permanent blessing in the future.
These strengths mentioned above are also my weaknesses. I am
God-fearing individual. I easily get weak or I describe myself disrespectful
whenever I forgot praying before eating, sleeping and after waking up in
the morning. Whenever religious related topics are being discussed, I am
very susceptible on it in the sense I usually get into that situation. My
second weakness is my family. Whenever I see my family hurt or crying, I
also get hurt. Due to the fact that we are a close-knit and affectionate
family, I have become very attached to them emotionally. The third one is
my dream. I easily get discouraged whenever I got low scores in exams
and quizzes. I really think that I couldn’t achieve it since my performance is
not enough. Although these weaknesses may affect my entire life, I am still
grateful on it since it actually helps me transformed into a better one.

3. What are my goals and aspirations in life?

My goals and aspirations in life are to be a professional accountant
and be successful in life in order to help my parents uplift their life status
and having my own great family. Achieving these things need a
determination and strong willpower. In my current situation, I still need to
do more hard work in my school works because the journey of becoming a
professional accountant requires self-sacrifices and commitment.
Sometimes you are having sleep deprivation in order to get passed in
every examination. Besides, eating sessions also may be affected because
you only think on how to pass to the examination and the only choice to be
done is study harder than before. Although I’m getting these worst
situations in life by just achieving my goals, I am not thinking any doubt on
it since my family is expecting me and they always support me in hard
times. I am very grateful that this is what I’ve been through this time. Not
only my family that are supporting me in odd situations but also God and
Community Extension Center
Roxas Extension, Digos City
Telefax: (082)553-2914

my loved who always there for me giving such motivations and listening to
my worries and doubts. Such things need to do are praying always and
giving time to God. Before when I was not that kind of fond with God, my
life was really miserable and hopeless. I wish nothing but only satisfaction
in life. But once I encountered God and submitting myself to Him, things
changed. Everything becomes easy and full of good surprises. From being
nothing to something that is genuine. I always look up to Him and relying to
Him when I am in doubt. With Him, all the impossible things including my
goals and aspirations will be achieved and gotten easier.

4. How can I achieve or maintain high self- esteem?

Although I have low self-esteem in life and getting easily
embarrassed in every situation I am into, I am still trying to be someone
that doesn’t feel uncomfortable to any circumstance. Sometimes I do some
techniques like putting away my doubts physically and mentally since I
haven’t had a nice and well-structure physical structure and not good
intellectually, making time to clarify my values since loving yourself is
essential to continue living in this world, shifting my focus from outcomes to
growth since I am conscious type of person I usually think that whatever
things I do I always end up trash and nothing is beneficial to anyone,
eliminating negativities in life, cultivating a habit of gratitude, managing my
expectations, spending more time to my friends, and learning to be
assertive. These things are only few techniques I use in life to maintain my
high self-esteem but it is you on how you manage it properly as long as
you don’t put anyone in disadvantages, so apply it.

5. Can I be a self- actualized person?

It depends on an individual if he/she’s going to be a self-actualized
person since every individual has unlimited needs and wants in life.
Nothing tangible and intangible things could satisfy their hunger in
everything they want and need. But everyone can be a self-actualized
person if anything received by a certain person can make him/her satisfied
personally. Such thing can be also achieved if an individual’s actualization
of full personal potential is achieved which usually occurs after the basic
bodily and ego needs have been fulfilled. But for me, it is long way to go to
achieve self-actualization and years to spend since I am having difficulty of
being satisfied on anything I received. Sometimes I feel happy when
receiving items from someone and seldom gets sadness because I didn’t
like the items given. But I gradually realize as time passes by that nothing
is good if you don’t have self-satisfaction since everything is temporary and
Community Extension Center
Roxas Extension, Digos City
Telefax: (082)553-2914

could easily vanish. Currently, I am still doing my best and extent to my

capacity to achieve self-actualization in life. Getting used of every situation
I’m into is what really needed in accomplishing it.


Name: Jun Zen Ralph Yap Score: ___________

Subject & Section: NSTP 1 - 0308 Instructor: Mr. Jonathan
Course & Year: BSA – 3rd Year Date: October 24, 2020

Becoming a Better Version of Me


Write an essay using the title, Becoming a Better Version of Me! I believe everyone
wishes to be a better each day as we learn new things!

Try to reflect, look at yourself in the mirror, figure out what you really wanted to be
in the future. How can you achieve your goals in mind? Share your ways on how you
think you can achieve your goals to become a better version of yourself in the

Write 4 paragraph essay with at least 5 sentences each paragraph.

Becoming a Better Version of Me

I’m always questioning myself about where and when I even do start making
myself improved to have a better version since my personality and other
characteristics are really terrible compared to others. I am not sociable and I can’t
bear with longer conservation to others. When there is such an event in the school, I
would rather be seated in the place where I feel comfortable than with other people
so that no one can bother me for getting into the event. I feel peace when no one
is around with me. I am a loner with terrible characteristics. Although it represents
negative on my part and will destroy the ambiance when I am in the crowded place,
I still like this part of myself.

However, I realize from time to time that I need to make an improvement to

myself in order to achieve my goals in life. It’s really hard for me to deviate from
what I used to be since I am not easily able to adapt the new things I wanted to
Community Extension Center
Roxas Extension, Digos City
Telefax: (082)553-2914

learn. The essence of making self - improvement is that it becomes my mechanism

to survive in everyday living like communicating to others in order to have a job and
earn income for the food we eat in the future and interaction to others for mutual
understanding to a certain situation. Besides, it also serves as a helping tool to get
known what is really necessary in daily living. By doing so, it also helps in boosting
my self-confidence to deal with others.

I have two dreams that I wanted to achieve in life; (1) to become a Certified
Public Accountant and (2) to be successful in order to support and pay for what my
parents have done sacrifices on me during the course of my success. My first dream
is really difficult to achieve because it really needs perseverance and determination
to become a CPA. Aside from that, being knowledgeable and possessing excellent
characteristics are also needed on it. In my current status, I haven’t possessed any
of one above. But making self-improvement can really make the impossible to
possible one. Though I wasn’t born with a talent on anything, I want to prove to all
that through determination and changing personality to a better one, you can
achieve what you wanted in life.

On the other hand, before becoming a successful in life, I have to prioritize

first myself on how to fix my personality and characteristics. I need to change my
perceptions on things to match on the objectives in life. By that, positivity and good
things will come. I don’t need to worry in dealing with all the problems encountered
in life since I have optimistic mind. After I became successful in life, I want to pay
back my parents for what they did to me like sacrifices and unending support during
the course of my success. At the same time, it also helps me in transforming to a
better self and to continue what I wanted in the future.

Upload your file through my Gmail: [email protected] with

folder name: Ex: (ARENDAIN, JONATHAN E.)-NSTP 1

Deadline of until October 24, 2020.

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