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J Bus Ethics (2013) 118:287–301

DOI 10.1007/s10551-012-1580-3

The Benefit Corporation and Corporate Social Responsibility

Janine S. Hiller

Received: 21 August 2012 / Accepted: 19 November 2012 / Published online: 6 December 2012
 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2012

Abstract In the wake of the most recent financial crisis, Abbreviations

corporations have been criticized as being self-interested BC Benefit Corporation
and unmindful of their relationship to society. Indeed, the BEP Benefit enforcement proceeding
blame is sometimes placed on the corporate legal form, CSR Corporate social responsibility
which can exacerbate the tension between duties to
shareholders and interests of stakeholders. In comparison,
the Benefit Corporation (BC) is a new legal business entity Introduction
that is obligated to pursue public benefit in addition to the
responsibility to return profits to shareholders. It is legally a In the wake of the most recent financial crisis, corporations
for-profit, socially obligated, corporate form of business, have been criticized as being self-interested and unmindful
with all the traditional corporate characteristics combined of their relationship to society. The corporate form has
with societal responsibilities. Considering the history and been called an ‘‘ailing,’’ or ‘‘broken,’’ ‘‘social technology’’
perception of shareholder primacy in United States law, it (Metcalf and Benn 2012; Sovacool 2010) and an entity
is argued that this new business structure is an ethical step with ‘‘legal personality, but presumably no interest in
toward empowering socially committed commercial enti- humanity’’ (Munch 2012, p. 170). Indeed, the blame is
ties. The contribution of this research is to provide a fun- sometimes placed on the legal form, to the extent that it has
damental base of knowledge about the new legal form of been argued that, ‘‘the corporate form now threatens human
business, the BC, upon which further study may rely. First, survival’’ (Metcalf and Benn 2012).
the legal history of the corporation is briefly reviewed in Although corporate law is but one element in the com-
order to provide context to the relationship of the corporate plex relationship between business and society, it is often
form to society, including exploration of the premise that overlooked and sometimes misunderstood. Because the
shareholder wealth maximization is its best and only pur- business entity called a corporation is a creation of the law,
pose. Second, the BC is described in detail, and state not existing separately in nature, it can be modified to meet
statutes are compared. Third, the BC is placed within the the needs of society; corporate law scholarship is therefore
context of corporate social responsibility. Finally, oppor- relevant to the debate of how the social responsibility of a
tunities for future research are discussed. business relates to corporate duties. The Benefit Corpora-
tion (BC) is a new legal entity, created by recent legislation
Keywords Benefit Corporation  Business law  in nine states. The primary distinction of a BC is that it is
Corporate social responsibility  Director duties legally obligated to pursue a public benefit in addition to its
responsibility to return profits to the shareholders. It is
legally a for-profit, socially obligated, corporate form of
business, with all of the traditional corporate characteristics
J. S. Hiller (&)
but with required societal responsibilities.
Department of Finance, Insurance and Business Law,
Virginia Tech, Mail Code 0221, Blacksburg 24061, Virginia The purpose of this article is to bring focus to the corporate
e-mail: [email protected] law dimension of corporate responsibility. Considering the

288 J. S. Hiller

history and perception of shareholder primacy in United purpose, and because the corporation was performing a
States law, it is argued that this new business structure is an quasi-governmental role, limited liability accompanied the
ethical step toward empowering socially committed com- corporate form (McBride 2011; Sprague 2010).
mercial entities. The contribution of this research is to pro- During industrialization, the number of incorporation
vide a fundamental base of knowledge about the new legal petitions submitted to state legislatures escalated to an
form of business, the BC, upon which further study may rely. unmanageable number. In order to handle the increased
First, the legal history of the corporation is briefly reviewed requests for incorporation, the first general incorporation
in order to provide context to the relationship of the corporate statute was passed by New York in 1811 (Deskins 2011).
form to society, including exploration of the premise that Yet at this point, the incorporation documents were still
shareholder wealth maximization is its best and only pur- required to state with specificity the purpose of the cor-
pose. Second, the BC will be described in detail, and state poration. Eventually, beginning with Delaware and New
statutes will be compared. Third, the BC will be placed Jersey, states began liberalizing the incorporation purpose
within the context of corporate social responsibility (CSR). requirement until the statement of ‘‘any and all legal pur-
Finally, opportunities for future research will be discussed. poses’’ was sufficient to describe the relationship between
the nascent corporation and society (Sprague 2010). While
the administrative approval of corporate charters increased
History and Evolution: The Corporate Form and its efficiency and was no longer subject to the decision of an
Relationship to a Social Purpose elected legislature, the more uniform incorporation and
approval process weakened the corporate-society link.
The evolution and design of the BC is inextricably linked
to, and responds to, an existing paradigm of maximization Shareholder Primacy and Wealth Maximization
of profit as the legal purpose of a corporation, whether or
not this legal limit is real or perceived. A brief review of A century after the first general incorporation statute, the
the history of the corporate form and its evolution through Delaware court’s decision in Dodge v. Ford provided the
stages of development until the BC statutes of today is legal basis for a corporate metamorphosis; shareholder
essential to an understanding of how this new legal form primacy and profit maximization as an explicitly recog-
relates to social responsibilities of the firm. nized legal doctrine. The often-quoted decision stated;
A business corporation is organized and carried on
Early Connections Between Corporate Purpose
primarily for the profit of the stockholders [emphasis
and Society
added]. The powers of the directors are to be
employed for that end. The discretion of directors is
A corporation is created under state law (versus federal).
to be exercised in the choice of means to attain that
Although some of the elements of the corporation could be
end, and does not extend to a change in the end itself,
created privately without a statute, through a contract
to the reduction of profits, or to the nondistribution of
between owners and managers, the sina qua non of cor-
profits among stockholders in order to devote them to
porate existence, limited liability and separate existence, is
other purposes (Dodge v. Ford 1919)
purely a statutory construct. Today, every state has an
incorporation statute; if a business follows the standardized While a review of cases since Dodge v. Ford is beyond the
requirements and files the proper paper work, it will scope of this article, under today’s corporate law, it is fair to
automatically be granted corporate standing. It was not say that the principles of exclusive shareholder primacy and
always so. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth sole profit maximization are limited; corporate decision
centuries, a corporation could exist only as a result of an makers have much greater latitude than Dodge v. Ford would
individual state legislative act; that is, each and every suggest (Munch 2012; Schoenjahn 2012; Snierson 2011).
business was required to individually petition the legisla- To determine whether a corporate director is liable for a
ture for approval to act as a corporation. In addition, a decision that does not maximize shareholder wealth, a
corporation was granted existence and limited liability only court will determine if the director breached his fiduciary
in order to perform a stated public function (Deskins 2011; duty, by applying the business judgment rule. The business
McBride 2011). judgment rule is a relatively easy standard for a director to
Based on individual petitions, legislatures granted state meet for ordinary business decisions, requiring that he or
approval for independent corporate status in order that she be informed and act in the good faith honest belief that
the entity might perform public functions such as build- the decision is in the best interest of the corporation (Clark
ing roads, providing water, and the like. There was a close and Babson 2012; Resor 2012). In a takeover or change of
connection between corporate purpose and societal control decision, the business judgment rule is applied in a

Benefit Corporation and CSR 289

more stringent manner. In the 1986 case of Revlon v. the precedent as a ‘‘muted embrace,’’ thereby diminishing
McAndrews, a Delaware court held that when a business the effect of those decisions (ebay, p. 32). The court pon-
sale is the topic of directors’ decisions, the interests of dered that ‘‘Perhaps the most mysterious thing about cra-
stakeholders are not to be weighed against those factors in igslist’s continued success is the fact that craigslist does not
favor of the shareholder profit (Haymore 2011). The expend any great effort seeking to maximize its profits or to
dilemma faced by the owners of Ben & Jerry’s when monitor its competition or its market share’’ (eBay, p. 8).
selling their business is well known; they felt compelled to Thus, the Delaware court declined to uphold the craigslist
sell to the highest bidder, Unilever, rather than seek to sell poison pill because the preservation of perplexing (to the
to an entity who pledged to preserve their commitment to court) community building had no rational relationship to
socially responsible practices. The owners stated that shareholder profits. Requiring some rational connection to
‘‘corporate law made them do it’’ (Murray 2012, p. 14). profit, the court stated that ‘‘Directors of a for-profit Dela-
This statement was never tested in court because the ware corporation cannot deploy a rights plan to defend a
owners did sell to the highest bidder; whether the sale was business strategy that openly eschews stockholder wealth
necessary under the business judgment rule is challenged maximization—at least not consistently with the directors’
by Page and Katz (2012), who argue that it is not corporate fiduciary duties under Delaware law’’ (eBay, p. 35). Thus, in
law that is the most significant restraint on a corporation’s at least specific circumstances under Delaware law, the duty
social mission, but its leaders and financial limitations. to deliver wealth to shareholders is primary. (In contrast, BC
However, online responses to the Page & Katz article legislation, as seen in later discussions, can rebalance the
(including an opinion from an attorney for Ben & Jerry’s preference of profit over community, and may explicitly
original owner) disagree with the idea that corporate law overrule the profit maximization principle.)
played an insignificant role in the decision to sell. The
online debate offers evidence that in practice corporate law Constituency Statutes and Public Welfare
shareholder primacy matters; while it may not be the sole
limitation to implementation of a social purpose, it does Although Delaware is not among them, 33 states have
significantly affect decision making. adopted what are known as ‘‘constituency statutes.’’ These
A recent Delaware case involving eBay and craigslist statutes allow directors, in the exercise of their fiduciary
provides further insight into corporate law’s emphasis on duties, to take into consideration broader interests than
shareholder wealth creation. This case is particularly merely profit maximization for shareholders. The statutes
important because of the influence of Delaware corporate vary, but most were passed in response to takeover situations
law on other states and because of the large number of such as the one faced by craigslist, and allow directors to
corporations that are chartered in Delaware. consider the effects of the sale or merger on employees and
eBay invested in craigslist, becoming one of three communities, among other third parties (Conaway 2012;
shareholders; the other two owners were the two original Gelter 2009; Lacovera 2011). It is important to note that
founders. The three shareholders also constituted the three- constituency statutes permit, but do not require, that other
member board of directors. A conflict emerged between the interests be considered, and do not clearly provide for con-
profit focus of eBay and the community focus of craigslist sideration of these interests without regards to those of
founders. As the pressure for profits by eBay became more shareholder wealth enhancement (Tyler 2010).
acute, a complicated series of events led the two founding In addition to constituency statutes, some state corporate
craigslist directors, as a majority, to adopt several corporate statutes explicitly provide that a corporation may use their
governance measures as defensive tactics to a takeover. One resources, such as making a donation, for nonprofit or
tactic was a poison pill designed to preserve the corporate public good purposes. A standard that is recommended by
culture of craigslist into future generations, and thwart the the American Law Institute integrates the two concepts,
profit maximization approach of stockholders such as eBay. profit and public good, by providing that while the purpose
eBay sued, alleging that the majority directors violated their of a corporation should be ‘‘the conduct of business
fiduciary duties by passing the anti-takeover provisions, in activities with a view to enhancing corporate profit and
essence preferring community building over profit. The shareholder gain,’’ that in any case a corporation ‘‘May
Delaware court applied an intermediate legal review of the devote a reasonable amount of resources to public welfare,
anti-takeover provisions, using a standard that required the humanitarian, educational, and philanthropic purposes’’
two board directors to prove that they acted in a ‘‘good faith (Clark and Babson 2012). Yet, this recommendation to
pursuit of a proper corporate purpose.’’ (eBay Domestic allow reasonable resources to be used for public welfare
Holdings, Inc, v. Newmark 2010, p. 34) Although preser- does not specifically allow a corporation to choose a social
vation of corporate culture had been judicially recognized as purpose above the profit enhancing duty, and what is a
a proper purpose in previous cases, this court characterized reasonable amount is subject to dispute.

290 J. S. Hiller

Summary can become a BCorp. How is B Lab different than other

standard setting organizations, and why would an entity
While constituency statutes allow the corporate consider- choose to become a BCorp? B Lab seeks ‘‘systemic change’’
ation of broader factors than profit, and state statutes often (B Lab: The Nonprofit behind B Corps; http://www.bcor
specifically allow for charitable gifts, it is unclear how far a poration.net/The-Non-Profit-behind-B-Corps) in two ways:
corporation may go to promote social goals, so that it has by differentiation of socially positive actions from marketing
been said that ‘‘The traditional corporate model limits the ploys, and by providing a solution for ‘‘existing corporate
way in which socially responsible entrepreneurs can use law that demands that business prioritize shareholder value
the corporate vehicle to advance social good’’ (Deskins maximization to the exclusion of the value created for all
2011, p. 1061). stakeholders.’’ It acts in three ways: providing a certification
There are conflicting viewpoints as to whether, and to for ‘‘good companies,’’ encouraging responsible investment
what extent, the business judgment rule allows extensive by providing ratings that can be used by investors, and pro-
director flexibility to make decisions that diverge from moting a new legal business entity that will be more socially
wealth maximization for shareholders, or whether the purposeful, accountable, and transparent (B Lab: The Non-
corporate law maxim of shareholder primacy as illustrated profit behind B Corps; http://www.bcorporation.net/The-
in the Delaware courts is a significant restraint on corporate Non-Profit-behind-B-Corps).
consideration of a social purpose (Tyler 2010). Variations To become a BCorp, a business must complete an
of these viewpoints have been debated for decades and assessment and submit supporting documents to BLab,
cannot be reprised in full here; what is important for the revise articles of incorporation as necessary (depending on
discussion of BCs is that shareholder primacy principles the state of incorporation), agree to the terms of member-
continue to populate corporate thinking in the United ship (a term sheet), and pay fees based on size. In order to
States, (Kelly 2009) legal support remains, and perceptions earn the designation, a company must earn 80 points out of
of the extent of corporate law doctrine have affected approximately 200 in the assessment. The number and kind
practice and the business environment. In sum, of assessment questions depends on the type of business
and its size. For example, a manufacturing company would
Although the vibrancy of shareholder primacy has at
be required to answer more questions about their rela-
times been called into question as a matter of law,
tionship with suppliers than a service firm. If a business
both boardrooms and courts have taken the normative
earns the BCorp certification, it is subject to a random
call for shareholder wealth maximization increasingly
annual review. (http://www.bcorporation.net/Certification-
to heart. There is little doubt that the revolution has
not only substantially affected legal theory but also
The process of certification generates a B Report that
legislation, court decisions, and corporate behavior
includes several broad categories: Governance, Workers,
(Bodie 2012, pp. 1033–1034).
Community, and Environment. These categories contain
further subcategories: Governance includes Transparency
and Accountability; Workers includes Compensation
Evolution of the BC and Comparison with the BCorp
Benefits and Training, Ownership, and Work Environment;
Community includes Products and Services, and further
The distinction between a BCorp and a BC is fundamental,
enumerated Community Practices; and Environment
and is extraordinarily important to an understanding of the
includes Products and Services, and further enumerated
corporate law–CSR link. While the two types and their
Environmental Practices. If a business earns 60 % of the
legal effect are unique, the close history and similar ter-
available points in a Category, then it is highlighted as an
minology can cause confusion, and potentially misplaced
Area of Excellence for that business. The BCorp ratings
criticism. Therefore, the following section describes the
and report are made publicly available on the website.
BCorp before turning to a more detailed analysis of the BC.
A business that is a BCorp is not a different legal entity,
but a member of a voluntary association subject to an
BCorps assessment and ratings standard that supports corporate
responsibility in several key areas of business endeavors.
Founded in 2007, the BLab organization promotes socially The BCorp intersects with corporate law at the point that
aware business practices by providing an opportunity for a changes to articles of incorporation, or limited liability
business to voluntarily adopt responsible standards of deci- company, or partnership documents (for simplicity, further
sion making. By voluntarily joining and meeting a certain reference will be to incorporation) are required. Depending
level in socially responsible standards set by B Lab, a cer- on the state and its relevant incorporation and statutory
tification entity, a business (whether or not it is a corporation) provisions, a company may need to amend its articles of

Benefit Corporation and CSR 291

incorporation in unique ways; there are five differing In sum, by agreeing to the relevant term sheet provi-
variations that depend on the state statute. For example, the sions, the BCorp entity enters into a private contractual
basic articles amendment for a corporation in a state with a agreement to act as required to consider broader stake-
constituency statute is the following: holder interests. Note, however, the language in the pre-
ceding paragraph; the term sheet recognizes that state law
In discharging his or her duties, and in determining
may not allow stakeholders to be considered above or at
what is in the best interests of the Company and its
par with shareholder profit, and that BC legislation would
shareholders, a Director shall consider such factors as
be necessary to legally change the corporate director’s
the Director deems relevant, including, but not lim-
duties (Haymore 2011). B Lab has been the primary pro-
ited to, the long-term prospects and interests of the
moter of BC state statutes, and has encouraged Model BC
Company and its shareholders, and the social, eco-
legislation for adoption by state legislatures.
nomic, legal, or other effects of any action on the
In comparison, if the business is incorporated as a BC
current and retired employees, the suppliers and
under an applicable state statute, then no private agreement
customers of the Company or its subsidiaries, and the
is needed because the stakeholder framework is included in
communities and society in which the Company or its
the BC statute. Thus, although the genesis of the Business
subsidiaries operate, (collectively, with the share-
Corporation movement evolved from the nonprofit group,
holders, the ‘‘Stakeholders’’), together with the short-
the legally created BC is independent from the Bcorp.
term, as well as long-term, interests of its share-
A business may choose to be a BC without being a BCorp
holders and the effect of the Company’s operations
and without being certified by BLab.
(and its subsidiaries’ operations) on society and the
economy of the state, the region and the nation…
Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Director is enti- The Benefit Corporation
tled to rely upon the definition of ‘‘best interests’’ as
set forth above in enforcing his or her rights here- At this time, nine states have adopted a BC statute: Cali-
under, and under state law and such reliance shall not, fornia, Hawaii (Hawaii’s statute is called a Sustainable
absent another breach, be construed as a breach of a Business Corporation law), Louisiana, New Jersey, New
Director’s fiduciary duty of care, even in the context York, South Carolina, Vermont, and Virginia. State adoption
of a Change in Control Transaction where, as a result of a BC statute seeks to address head-on the shareholder
of weighing other Stakeholders’ interests, a Director primacy and profit maximization standards and to change the
determines to accept an offer, between two compet- duties of directors and officers to include social and envi-
ing offers, with a lower price per share. (http://www. ronmental considerations. In other words, a goal of the leg-
bcorporation.net/index.cfm/fuseaction/content.page/ islation is to create a new understanding of corporate identity
nodeID/ee7101cb-575f-47b6-8771-6bff1ca4be01) by building consideration of social and environmental con-
siderations ‘‘into the corporate DNA’’ (W. Clark, personal
The key language in this required amendment is the
communication). State statutes are primarily based on the
inclusion of the consideration of stakeholders in the fidu-
model law that is proposed by B Lab, therefore the following
ciary duties of directors. In the 13 states without constit-
discussion will focus on the model act provisions first, then
uency statutes, the BLab declares;
describe significant differences between the states.
Since your state does NOT currently have a corporate The BC must be founded as a C corporation under
statute that explicitly allows directors to consider the established state law. The entity must follow all incorpo-
interests of stakeholders (often called a ‘constituency ration steps, and the entity is subject to all other relevant
statute’), the best we can do together is to build the statutes that relate to the formation and governance of a
language of the B Corp legal framework into your for-profit corporation. Therefore, a BC is legally a for-
Term Sheet for B Corp certification. profit, corporate entity that has also voluntarily chosen to
The Term Sheet commits your company to consider adopt a statement in its articles of incorporation that it is a
stakeholders to the extent possible within the current BC; it is then subject to the additional specific duties and
corporate laws of your state; to support BC legislation purposes set forth in the benefit statute.
when we move forward in your state; and, once The primary aspects of the statute may be divided into
legislation becomes law, to adopt BC status by the five areas: (1) the purpose of the corporation to provide
end of your next 2-year certification term (http:// a public benefit, (2) the independent third-party standard
www.bcorporation.net/index.cfm/fuseaction/content. to annually review corporate public benefit, (3) the duties
page/nodeID/index.cfm/fuseaction/content.page/node of directors to consider a broader spectrum of interests
ID/a922196d-bd14-4b3d-a7bc-6a23e030e263). beyond shareholder profit, (4) transparency, and (5)

292 J. S. Hiller

enforceability by means of a benefit enforcement pro- comprehensive by assessing the factors that are the subject of
ceeding (BEP). the annual benefit report. The third party must be independent,
and not have any ‘‘material ties’’ to the BC or its subsidiaries or
Public Benefit specified ties/interlocking relationships to industry standard
groups. Having significant ties to the business is measured by
A BC must deliver a general public benefit (Model Act, current ties or ties within 3 years, and connections with family
§201a). A general public benefit is defined as, ‘‘A material members. A 5 % stock owner is presumptively a material tie
positive impact on society and the environment, taken as a with the BC. The standard must be credible because it is
whole, assessed against a third-party standard’’ (Model designed by an expert and uses a ‘‘balanced multistakeholder
Act, §102). It is significant that materiality and the holistic approach’’ (Model Act, 102(a)) with a public comment period
view of corporate operations are applied to determine of at least 30 days. The standard setting must be transparent,
whether a corporation provides a general public benefit. At therefore information about the criteria used, the relative
times, corporations have been accused of ‘‘greenwashing,’’ weights given to those criteria and any development and
by emphasizing an action or product in public relations or revisions must be publicly available. In each of these areas
advertising, rather than disclosing the total effect that the related to the third-party standard, the Model Act contains
business or product has on the environment (Cotton and further detail that serves to increase the objectivity of the
Lasprogota 2012; Clark and Babson 2012; Deskins 2011; process, procedure, and outcome.
Murray and Hwang 2011). The subversion of corporate The BC may choose any third-party standard that meets
responsibility, more broadly with societal issues as well as the requirements. The White Paper issued by the B Lab
the environment, is addressed in part by the requirement attorneys who crafted the model statute calls the third-party
that the BC report on the totality of its operations. standard the ‘‘heart’’ of the model law (Clark and Vranka
In addition to the general public benefit, a corporation 2012, p. 18) yet perhaps the ‘‘most contentious and misun-
may also adopt a specific public benefit (§201b). The core derstood.’’ The White Paper notes that there is a list con-
list of specific benefits in the model statute contains: the taining over 100 rating standards from which a business is
promotion of or preservation of the environment, health, free to choose and that Global Reporting Initiative, Green-
arts, science, and knowledge, as well as providing jobs or Seal, Underwriters Laboratories, ISO2600, and Green-
products for low-income or underserved communities America would fit the third-party standard requirement
(Model Act, §102a). There is also a specific public benefit (Clark and Vranka 2012, p. 24). The description of the third-
category for ‘‘any other particular benefit on society or the party standards body was written based on the ‘‘criteria used
environment’’ (Model Act, §102(a)(7)). by international standards organizations’’ and by the Federal
State statutes are substantially similar to the model act; Trade Commission (Clark and Vranka 2012, p. 25).
however, there are three states, Maryland, New Jersey and While all states require a third-party standard, there is
Vermont, that tie the general public benefit to the accom- significant variation in the extent of the third-party statutory
plishment of one or more of the specific public benefits. requirements (see Table 1); only South Carolina follows the
BCs in these states will be required to deliver not only a Model Act precisely. Because the third-party standard is an
general public benefit, but also one or more of the specific integral definitional element of the statute, and is utilized by
public benefits. Louisiana, South Carolina, and Vermont the benefit director and the corporation to make annual
add more explicit language describing environmental reports, the differences warrant further analysis.
benefits, presumably to make clear that there are multiple Six states do not include the provision on credibility, or
avenues to preservation and improvement. An interesting, the details to determine independence (although indepen-
unique provision is South Carolina’s inclusion of providing dency is required). Five states do not require the standard
educational opportunities to low-income or underserved to be comprehensive. Louisiana does not require the third-
communities. Except for Louisiana, all states include the party standard to be transparent, although any financial
specific benefit category of ‘‘any other particular benefit.’’ conflict of interest must be disclosed. Interestingly Mary-
land, the first state to pass BC legislation, refers to the
Third-Party Standard third-party assessment of ‘‘best practices’’ in corporate
social and environmental performance.
A BC must choose a recognized, independent, comprehen- The third-party standard that is used by a BC is the first
sive, credible, and transparent third-party standard to make an step toward an objective review of performance, and the
annual report ‘‘defining, reporting and assessing corporate variations in states could affect the effectiveness of this
social and environmental performance’’ of the business in review. It could also lead to a problem for investors and
creating a general and (where applicable) specific public shareholders, who will need to look more closely at the
benefit (Model Act, §102(a)). The standard must be state of the BC to determine the reliability of the report.

Benefit Corporation and CSR 293

Director Duties shareholder profits) of a person or group takes precedence.

None of the mandatory considerations takes precedence
If the independent standards are the heart of the BC, then over any other, unless the articles of incorporation give
the duties of the directors and officers breath life into the priority to an element that will aid the accomplishment of a
entity, as they impose an obligation to consider the benefit public benefit.
purpose in decision making. An essential word is ‘‘must.’’ Four state statutes are substantially the same as the
The directors and officers are not merely allowed, but are Model Act. Hawaii, however, limits the required consid-
obligated, to consider not only the shareholders but also the erations to the shareholders and the accomplishment of
employees, suppliers, customers, community, and societal general and specific public benefits, while four states edit
factors, the local and global environment, the short- and the list of mandatory considerations in some way. An
long-term interests, and the accomplishment of its general important distinction is that Hawaii and Maryland do not
and any special public benefit in their operation of the include a non-priority of considerations section. This calls
company. The model provisions explicitly provide that into question whether profit maximization and shareholder
consideration of these stakeholders is in the best interest of primacy are still in effect in these two states, and how the
the BC, thereby broadening the traditional concept of stakeholders’ interests will fare in the balance (Table 2).
directors’ legal fiduciary duties beyond shareholders of the
corporation. Transparency
Directors are also given authority to take into consid-
eration other appropriate factors and interests that they find There are two annual reports that relate to the accom-
relevant. In weighing the interests, no interest (including plishment of the public benefit and the directors’ duties to

Table 1 Third-party standard

State Statutory Comparison with Model Act

California §14601(g) Similar except deletes ‘‘recognized’’ standard, inserts ‘‘overall’’ social and environmental performance.
Hawaii §420D-12 Similar, except:
inserts ‘‘overall’’ social and environmental performance
Requires independence, but does not include specific factors
Does not include ‘‘credibility’’ section
Louisiana §1803(A)(12) Similar, except:
Deletes the transparency portion. Includes a subsection requiring disclosure of any financial connection between
third party and corporation that would indicate a conflict of interest.
Assessment applies to producing general and specific public benefit
Maryland §5-6C-01(e) Similar, except:
Does not include ‘‘comprehensive’’ standard
Assessment of ‘‘best practices’’ in corporate social and environmental performance.
Does not include elements, but does state requirement of third-party independence
Does not include the ‘‘credibility’’ section
New Jersey §14A:18-1 Similar, except:
Does not include ‘‘comprehensive’’ standard
Does not include elements to determine independence, but does require independence of third party from the BC
Does not include the ‘‘credibility’’ section
New York §1702(g) Similar, except:
Assessment is of ‘‘general public benefit’’
Does not include ‘‘comprehensive’’ standard
Does not include elements to determine independence, but does require independence from the BC
Does not include the ‘‘credibility’’ section
South §33-38-130(9) Same as Model Act
Vermont §21.03(a)(8) Same as New Jersey
Virginia §13.1-782 Same as New Jersey

294 J. S. Hiller

consider stakeholder interests. First, the model act requires require the benefit report to be filed centrally in a state office,
that a BC have a Benefit Director who is independent and and five states require that only the most recent benefit report
who has the duty to make an annual benefit compliance be posted on the corporation’s website. Central filing of the
report to the Board of Directors. This compliance report reports, and the comprehensive posting of reports, serves the
states whether the corporation ‘‘acted in accordance’’ with public by increasing the ease of access both in the short and
its public (and where applicable, specific) benefit purpose, long term. Without the model transparency provisions, past
and whether the directors met their duty to consider the reports may be unavailable and comparisons between BCs
interests of stakeholders. If there is a failure to meet these will be more difficult (Table 3).
obligations, the report must contain an explanation of the
circumstances. Second, the Benefit Director’s compliance Enforcement
report is part of the broader Annual Benefit Report com-
piled by the corporation, sent to shareholders, and made The Model Act creates a BEP that is the only means to
publicly available. In addition, this report includes a bring a legal action to enforce the duty of the corporation to
description of how the corporation succeeded in the pursuit deliver a general and/or specific public benefit and to
of a public benefit, any factors that hindered the accom- enforce a director’s benefit duties (Model Act, §305a).
plishment of the purposes, and an ‘‘assessment of the With regards to standing to file a lawsuit, the BC can file
overall social and environmental performance’’ (Model suit directly, or a derivative suit may be filed either by a
Act, §401(a)(2)) using the third-party standard. shareholder, director, 5 % equity owner of a parent com-
The Annual Benefit Report is sent directly to the pany, and others who may be indicated in the articles of
shareholders (either at the same time as the annual report or incorporation or the bylaws. No person who is the benefi-
within 120 days of the end of year), and all reports are ciary of a public purpose has the right to bring an action
posted on the corporate website. If there is no website, then (Model Act, §305b).
upon a request, a copy of a current report must be furnished There is a split in state statutes on the subject of
without charge. Furthermore, a copy of the benefit report enforcement. Three states do not include a BEP. Pre-
must be filed at the appropriate state agency. The wide- sumptively, the duties can be enforced under existing state
spread distribution and public availability of the benefit derivative action laws, however, only in one state is this
report serves the purpose of transparency. explicitly stated. In some states, the BC cannot bring a
Four states differ significantly by not including the direct action; only the shareholders and directors may
requirement of a Benefit Director. Five state statutes do not institute the derivative suit (Table 4).

Table 2 Director standard of conduct

State Statutory Reference Comparison with Model Act

California §14620 Substantially the same

Hawaii §420D-6 Must consider:
General and specific public benefits
May consider:
Remainder of list that is mandatory & discretionary under Model Act
Does not contain ‘‘no priority’’ statement
Louisiana §1821 Same as Model Act
Maryland §5-6C-06 Similar; does not contain mandatory consideration of:
Short-term/long-term interests
Ability to accomplish benefit purpose
Does not include ‘‘no priority’’ statement
Does not include discretionary considerations
New Jersey §14A:18-6 Same, but does not include consideration of ability to accomplish benefit purpose
New York §1707(a) Same as Model Act
South Carolina §33-38-400 Same, but does not include consideration of ability to accomplish benefit purpose
Vermont §21.09(a) Same, but does not include consideration of ability to accomplish benefit purpose
Virginia §13.1-788A Same as Model Act

Benefit Corporation and CSR 295

Table 3 Annual Benefit Report

State Statutory reference Comparison with Model Act

California 14630(b) Timing: same

Posting/copies: same
State filing: no
Hawaii §420D-8 Timing: within 120 days of year end
Posting/copies: same. Also, website posting of draft for public comment period.
State filing: no
Louisiana §1831(B) Timing: same
Posting/copies: same
State filing: no
Maryland §5-6C-08(2) Timing: within 120 days of year end
Posting/copies: same, except only most recent report.
State filing: no
New Jersey §14A:18-11(6) Timing: same
Posting/copies: same except only most recent, no copy provision.
State Filing: yes
New York §1708(b–e) Timing: within 120 days of year end
Posting/copies: same except only most recent, no copy provision
State filing: yes
South Carolina §33-38-500(B–E) Timing: same
Posting/copies: same
State filing: same
Vermont §21.14 Timing: same, except shareholders must have opportunity to review and approve/reject.
Posting/copies: same except posting of only most recent report.
State filing: no
Virginia §13.1-793 Timing: same.
Posting/copies: same except posting of only most recent report.
State filing: yes

CSR and the BC a government regulation or mandate. Management of

externalities is explicit in the definition of a general public
How should the BC be viewed through a CSR lens? benefit as the purpose of the corporation. Externalities are
Because there are multiple and diverse approaches to CSR addressed by the requirement that the corporation provide
(Aguinis and Glavas 2012), the six-factor integrated net positive benefit to society. The directors’ fiduciary duties
framework of CSR by Crane et al. (2008) is used to eval- include the requirement to consider stakeholders; the
uate whether choosing the new benefit form of business can employees, customers as beneficiaries of a benefit, com-
be considered under the umbrella of socially responsible munity, and societal factors. The BC is also required to
corporate actions. The Crane factors to analyze whether consider the local and global environment. It is not required,
actions are characterized under CSR include whether (1) however, that stakeholders, have direct input. Being a BC
actions are primarily voluntary, (2) externalities are means that these statements are included in the Articles of
addressed, (3) multiple stakeholders are considered, (4) Incorporation, showing that these are fundamental values.
environmental and social interests are integrated, (5) CSR CSR is integrated into the fabric of the BC by annual
is adopted into value systems, and (6) CSR is operation- reporting and the existence of the benefit director, thereby
alized (more than merely charitable acts). As seen in meeting the elements of value adoption and operationaliza-
Table 1, adopting the BC form clearly meets the six-prong tion. Clearly, according to these factors, the BC is a form of
vision for socially responsible corporate action (Table 5). business that implements and supports CSR.
Forming a BC is a voluntary action; a business chooses to The goal of this research is to define, explain, and
operate as this legal form, either at incorporation or later by compare the types of BC statutes so that the corporate
the action of the board of directors and shareholders. It is not law aspect of CSR is understood and included in future

296 J. S. Hiller

Table 4 Enforceability: standing and the BEP

State Statutory reference Comparison with Model Act

California §14623(b) Standing: same as Model Act

§14623(a) BEP: substantially same as Model Act, except includes reasonable plaintiff expenses in certain cases
Hawaii §420D-10 Standing: Shareholders and Directors only
No BEP: may bring direct and derivative action to enforce public benefit and directors duties
Louisiana §1825(B) Standing: direct action included, only shareholders and Benefit Director have derivative standing
§1825(A) BEP: substantially same as Model Act
Maryland No specific provisions addressing standing
New Jersey §14A:18-10(b) Standing: substantially same as Model Act
§14A:18-10(a) BEP: substantially same as Model Act
New York Standing: no provision
South Carolina §33-38-440(C) Standing: same as Model Act
§33-38-440(A) BEP: substantially similar to Model Act
Vermont §21.13(b) &(c) Standing: only shareholder/director (not BC), otherwise substantially similar to Model Act
§21.13(a) BEP: substantially similar
Virginia §13.1-793(B) Standing: substantially same as Model Act
§13.1-793(A) BEP: Same as Model Act

Table 5 Crane CSR and BCs

Crane CSR model Benefit corporation

Voluntary Choice of entity, no legal mandate

Externalities Net benefit to society takes into account broad impacts
Stakeholders Fiduciary duty to consider affect on stakeholders, but no direct input/review by stakeholders required
Environment/social Fiduciary duty to consider environment and community, but no direct input/review required
Value systems In the articles of incorporation, appointment of benefit director/officer
Operationalization Annual report is required and available

research. Applying Crane’s integrative approach clearly (2012). The theory of Shared Value argues that businesses
shows that the BC meets a baseline test for inclusion in should consider profit more broadly than the financial
CSR research. While a complete review of the differing bottom line, and includes societal benefits as value crea-
CSR theories is beyond the scope of this paper, a few tion, recognizing that a business is affected by, and can
possibilities for further comparison and discussion can be contribute to solving, social challenges (Porter and Kramer
noted. 2011). The Impartial Spectator Test proposes that CSR
The moral and ethical case for CSR has been described actions be viewed through an objective, third-party lens in
the ‘‘pure’’ case for business acting responsibly; it is the order to further align profit and social benefits (Szmigin
right thing to do as a member of society (Osuji 2011). In and Rutherford 2012). The BC may be viewed as a hybrid
comparison, the ‘‘business case’’ for CSR, also called the form (Reiser 2011) that promotes the integration of profit
instrumental view of CSR (Osuji 2011), includes consid- and social purpose in the way similar to a shared value
eration of the effect that CSR has on business profitability. framework. It includes an objective third-party standard
In addition to ethical reasons, CSR can be used as a that is similar to the Impartial Spectator approach. Because
strategy to increase reputation and therefore financial gains the BC form in its model version does not require that the
(Bondy et al. 2012; Metcalf and Benn 2012; Osuji 2011). profit motive be primary and allows for flexibility in con-
Recent examples of efforts to bridge the gap between these sidering stakeholder, societal, and environmental interests,
two viewpoints include the Shared Value approach sug- it could be considered to be supporting the ethical approach
gested by Porter and Kramer (2011) and the Impartial to CSR. However, because it is a for-profit entity, it could
Spectator Test suggested by Szmigin and Rutherford support the business case for CSR. How the BC flexibility

Benefit Corporation and CSR 297

and dual mission fits within a theory of CSR requires function for which it was not designed. Operation as a BC is
further study and analysis. totally voluntary, and there is no public financial support for,
or against, this for-profit entity. There are no state or federal
Criticisms of BCs and CSR proposals to grant BCs a tax-exempt status, and it is highly
unlikely that any will emerge. Although there has been some
Skepticism about whether the BC can deliver on its discussion that tax benefits might be granted, at this point any
potential for socially responsible behavior exists, despite such development is highly speculative.
the newness of the legal form. Criticism is voiced around While the corporation does not have the same duty to
three main issues: a concern about the BC as a for-profit stakeholders as a government would have to its citizens, the
perversion of CSR, whether BCs are undermining public lack of explicit stakeholder input is accurate and deserves
functions without accountability, and the risk that a private further study; however, the BC is obligated to consider
entity (BLab and BCorp) is promoting the adoption of the stakeholder interests. The avenues for considering stakeholder
statutes for private self-interest. interests may be varied and dependent on the entity; it is
The BC form builds corporate responsibility into the probable that some corporations will do this better than others.
lifeblood of the organization, seeking to create a business It is incorrect, though, to presumptively conclude that the BC
that both makes a profit, and considers social and envi- form is a sham for the purely self-seeking corporation.
ronmental impacts. Despite this positive approach, concern Finally, André (2012) has criticized BCs because BCorp
exists more broadly that institutionalization of CSR in members gain financially by their association, and because
multinational entities, and the blurring of profit and non- the uniformity of state legislation indicates a subtext for
profit purposes, may result in the co-opting of CSR for self-interest. These arguments miss the mark on several
profit generating, strategic business purposes rather than levels. A BC is distinct from a BCorp, and the third-party
for the realization of stakeholder interests (Baur and Sch- standard required under BC legislation is not limited to the
mitz 2012; Bondy et al. 2012). Rather than a choice BCorp standard. There are many types of third-party
between profit or societal interests, the balance could be standards and evaluators that can be used. If a corporation
viewed as a continuing dynamic searching for equilibrium uses the BCorp standard, the financial benefit is derived
and meaning (Sabadoz 2011). In the United States that from the networking and support between like-minded,
dynamic has been thwarted by the premise of shareholder socially responsible businesses and is part of the business
and profit primacy, in comparison to other countries where case for CSR. From a purely ethical CSR viewpoint, then,
consideration of stakeholders’ interests is integrated by law this would be worth investigating as a motivating factor.
into corporate duties (Mickels 2009). The legal and orga- However, it is a goal of the BC legislation to prevent self-
nizational point of the BC is to free a US corporation from interested greenwashing, by requiring the company to
the strictures of the shareholder primacy, profit maximi- provide a general public benefit, defined as a ‘‘material
zation paradigm. The concern that the BC might gain positive impact’’ on society, and by the reporting and
public acceptance, and perhaps even ‘‘undermine the very transparency requirements (Clark and Vranka 2012). With
free-market economy that their advocates suggest they these provisions in effect, it is less likely that a business
embody’’ (André 2012, p. 15) is unfounded. The goal in could market itself as socially responsible in one area or
creating the new legal form is to, ‘‘mak[e] it easier for the project and yet fail to deliver more broadly in its rela-
next generation of entrepreneurs and investors to build tionship to its stakeholders. Whether this framework is
businesses that seek to create value for both shareholders effective is a concern that bears further monitoring and
and society.’’ (Clark and Vranka 2012, p. 6) research. It is important to also note the way in which
Second, the BC has been criticized as a ‘‘corporate cen- corporate law is promulgated in the United States, in order
tric’’ organization that will ‘‘control the process of CSR for to counter the implication that there is something sinister
themselves and not for the citizenry as a whole,’’ so that they about the significant conformity between states’ legislation.
may be held ‘‘accountable to each other rather than to soci- Uniformity of state law is not unusual with regards to
ety’’ while performing governmental functions. (André corporate entities; in fact it is a common occurrence. For
2012, p. 15). But rather than taking on a governmental example, the American Bar Association proposes uniform
function, the BC is created within the concept of a market- corporate laws in the Model Business Corporation Act, and
driven business entity. It is for profit, and it is designed with the National Conference of Commissioners on State Laws
this and a public benefit purpose. A public benefit does not writes proposed uniform laws for partnerships and limited
refer to a governmental function but to the footprint of a liability companies. States often consider and adopt sub-
corporation being a positive value to society. While one may stantially similar business entity laws. The same is true for
disagree with the wisdom or effectiveness of the approach, it the BC, although at this early stage of adoption there are
would be erroneous to attempt to fit the BC into a public significant variations between state statutes.

298 J. S. Hiller

Summary: BCs and CSR (1 %), Sole Proprietorships (1 %), and a BC (1 %), Lim-
ited Liability Companies (22 %) and traditional Corpora-
In summary, as a review of legal history shows, corporate tions (66 %), predominated (8 % were undetermined).
directors are impacted by the wealth maximization principle Figure 1 shows the comparison. From these observations,
and may be unwilling to consider wider social impacts in we may ask future questions about whether a BC form is a
their decisions because of the potential legal liability of realistic choice for a larger, publicly held company.
meeting this standard. BC legislation provides at least a Among the manufacturing companies studied, the Food
partial solution to this situation by allowing corporations to and Beverage category was the largest (37 %); however,
legally choose to consider a broader stakeholder view. The non-consumer goods (14 %), building materials (16 %),
BC fits into an integrated framework of CSR because it is and health and beauty (13 %) were represented in signifi-
voluntary, takes externalities into account in assessing cant numbers. The diversity of products manufactured by
affects on society, considers stakeholders, social and envi- BCorps was striking. It leads to the theory, which should be
ronmental concerns, is part of a corporation’s value system tested by future study, that the Business Corporation form
as part of the articles of incorporation, and is operationalized can be utilized by entities in virtually any industry (Fig. 2).
by annual assessment and reporting requirements. The BC
will need to be further analyzed with regards to CSR theories. Early BC Adopter Comparison
While the lack of direct stakeholder input deserves further
study, a corporate duty to consider these interests and pro- Two companies were identified in the press as first adopters
vide an overall materially positive impact on society miti- of the BC form: Greyston Bakery and Pategonia. Greyston
gates against greenwashing. was first in line to register as a BC in New York, and
Pategonia did so on the first day the option existed in
California. While both are manufacturing companies, the
Discussion and Future Research Questions profiles of the two businesses are quite distinct. Pategonia
sells outdoor clothing and equipment, and has led efforts in
The potential impact of the new form, the BC, is unknown. environmental issues and corporate responsibility for many
It could revolutionize the corporation–society link, or it years, seeking to use environmentally friendly materials
could have little to no effect on the operation of large and and donating 1 % of its profit to environmental causes.
complex corporate entities that dominate commerce. The Pategonia’s owner stated
evolution and adoption of the BC should be closely mon-
Benefit corporation legislation creates the legal
itored and its effect on CSR should be studied. This dis-
framework to enable mission-driven companies like
cussion provides two brief examples, and suggests future
Patagonia to stay mission-driven through succession,
research questions.
capital raises and even changes in ownership by
Information about the type of business that chooses to
institutionalizing the values, culture, processes and
operate in the BC form will help us understand what effect
high standards put in place by founding entrepreneurs
this legal change might bring to the relationship between
(Lifsher 2012)
business and society. Because the data on BCs are sparse at
this point in time, BCorp data are used as a proxy about
Bcorp Legal Entities
what type of business might choose to operate in the cor-
porate benefit form. Next, a comparison is drawn between 1 1
two leading adopters of the new BC form.

C Corp
BCorp Review
A snapshot of BCorp adopters can shed light on what type 17
of business may decide to incorporate as a BC. Information
Sole Prop.
was collected about 78 companies in the manufacturing
industry listed as members by the BCorp website. Data Benefit Corp.
were collected about the legal entity, type of business 50
(product), and whether the business is privately or publicly 1
held. The initial results show that companies are almost
exclusively privately held. Only one company could be
confirmed as a subsidiary of a firm that is publicly traded in
Australia. While there were Limited Liability Partnerships Fig. 1 BCorp legal entities

Benefit Corporation and CSR 299

Product Type BC form, and how does individual leadership impact the
decision? Is the BC form utilized by the traditional cor-
poration, or is it primarily used to promote access to capital
Food & Beverage for entities that would previously have operated as non-
29 Building profit entities? Can a publicly traded company successfully
6 Health & Beuty adopt the BC status and what affect would it have on
Consumer Goods: other corporate governance? How are fiduciary duties impacted?
How are daily corporate decisions affected? How do
investors respond to a BC form, and is it compatible with
Nonconsumer: other
raising capital?
10 The differences in state statues will create a laboratory
13 within which different approaches to transparency,
reporting standards, accountability, and director/officer
Fig. 2 BCorp product lines fiduciary duties to stakeholders can be studied and com-
pared. For example, Hawaii and Maryland do not include a
specific provision stating that no consideration (including
While Pategonia is committed to social responsibility and profit) takes consideration over another. Will BCs in these
the environment, it is a for-profit corporation that sells states weigh stakeholder interests as strongly as BCs in the
consumer goods. It does not perform a public function at its other states? And, three states do not include a BEP: is a
core, but nevertheless seeks to operate in a way that adds specific method of enforcement important for BCs to take
value to society. the weighing of interests seriously, or will greenwashing
In comparison, Greyston Bakery focuses on development occur more often in these states? As new states consider
of employees and the community, and is owned by a non- adopting BC statutes, information from this research can
profit foundation. While it produces a product, brownies, and inform and shape future statutes and strengthen attempts to
its largest customer is Ben and Jerry’s, Greyston’s mission is link for-profit business with socially and environmentally
community based, training and then hiring members of the sustainable practices.
community to be bakers. Its motto is ‘‘We don’t hire people While a BC addresses the real or perceived legal duty to
to bake brownies. We bake brownies to hire people’’ (Lieber increase shareholder wealth above all else, the form also has
et al. 2011). This motto supports its core purpose of the potential to impact business strategy, ethical decision-
‘‘empowering low-income people,’’ rather than the produc- making, and the very face of for-profit business. Managers
tion of the product itself. (Lieber et al. 2011) and directors in a BC will be required to internalize and
While both Pategonia and Greyston Bakery act in institutionalize a commitment to monitor the impact of its
socially responsible ways, Pategonia is focused on deliv- business on society, consider the import of their actions more
ering the best product possible in the most environmentally broadly, and make tough ethical decisions between con-
sustainable manner (Pategonia, BCorp.), while Greyston’s flicting interests (Page and Katz 2011; Taylor 2011). The
mission is to be a leading social entrepreneur (Greyston, lessons learned from future study of the BC form of business
Social Mission). Strikingly, there is room within the can be used to compare and weigh actions of and decisions in
umbrella of the BC status for both entities. In future the traditional business corporation.
research, it will be important to achieve a more fine-
grained understanding of the types of businesses that suc-
ceed in the role of a socially responsible business entity by Conclusion
means of operating as a BC, and whether commonalities
and distinctions can be identified. Whether the BC form will change the face of commerce
and the relationship between business and society, and
Further Research Questions whether it will effectively promote corporate responsibil-
ity, is yet to be seen. However, corporate law has stymied
The BC is an innovative and new legal form of business full consideration of social and environmental consider-
that modifies the profit maximization and shareholder pri- ations because of shareholder primacy and wealth maxi-
macy corporate law paradigm. There are now new and mization duties. BC statutes free directors from the limiting
exciting opportunities to study the impact of this effort to effect of this paradigm, and furthermore obligate them to
integrate interests of business and society. consider stakeholder interests. The legal integration of
Some basic questions include: What is the most signif- profit and responsibility within the BC links it with CSR
icant motivating factor for an existing business to adopt the theories, and future study will elucidate these particular

300 J. S. Hiller

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