English 8 Q1M1 Trial

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Quarter 1 – Module 1
Finding word meanings that reflect local
culture by noting context clues
Quarter 1 – Module 1
Finding word meanings that reflect local
culture by noting context clues
Introductory Message
Welcome to the English – 8 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Determining
the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by noting context
A lot of words are unknown to you but this should not hinder you from improving your
vocabulary. One must never cease from learning even if there are barriers that hinder
the road to success.
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in
the module.

What I Know This part includes an activity that aims to

check what you already know about the
lesson to take.

What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link

the current lesson with the previous one.

What’s New In this portion, the new lesson will be

introduced to you in various ways such the
description of words and short activity.

What is It This section provides a brief discussion of

the lesson. This aims to help you discover
and understand new concepts and skills.

What’s More This comprises activities for independent

practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the
answers to the exercises using the Answer
Key at the end of the module.
What I Have Learned This includes questions or blank
sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.

What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will

help you transfer your new knowledge or skill
into real life situations or concerns.

Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your

level of mastery in achieving the learning

Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given to

you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned. This also tends retention of
learned concepts.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the


The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.
We hope that, through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
Upon reading a certain text, there are times that you encounter words that
are unfamiliar which hinder you to understand what you are reading. But,
what are the ways that you do to unlock the meanings of these unfamiliar words?
In this module, you will learn several techniques in determining word meanings
through context clues while learning the about different places’ local culture .
At the end of the module, you are expected to:

1. Determine the meanings of the unfamiliar words through context clues;

2. Enumerate the techniques in determining word meanings;
3. Find clues in the sentence to determine the meaning of a word.

Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word in each sentence. Write
the letter of the correct answer on your notebook.
1. The best way to prevent the transmission of corona virus disease is to wash
hands regularly and observe social distancing.
a. spread c. suppress
b. cure
2. The corona virus disease that has now spread to over large number of countries
is now characterized as pandemic by the World Health Organization.
a. safe
b. prevalent over a a whole country or the world
c. harmful effect
3. Many Filipinos are encouraged to stay at home as strict quarantine measures
observed to slow down the spread of the corona virus disease.
a. To access social media
b. To socialize
c. To isolate or keep oneself away from other people
4. It is believed that until an effective vaccine is found, the new normal is likely to
stay indefinitely.
a. distinct
b. endless
c. specific
5. The world feels apocalyptic as news of rising infections all around the world and
climbing death tolls envelop us.
a. extremely grieving
b. glad and hopeful
c. showing or describing the total destruction and end of the world, or
extremely bad future events

Lesson Determining the meaning of words and

1 expressions that reflect the local
culture by noting context clues

There are variety of techniques one can use to determine the meaning of the
unfamiliar word.
Learning the meaning of words from the context of your reading material can be the
most useful strategy to increase your vocabulary comprehension. Using the context that
surrounds an unknown word helps to reveal its meaning.
Analyzing the word’s structure and properties is a vocabulary strategy that you can use
to figure out the word’s meaning. When you approach an unknown word, you can guess
at its meaning by breaking down the parts of the word.
And, the most common to improve your vocabulary is to carry a pocket dictionary to
look up new words as you encounter them.
Among the aforementioned techniques, which one do you use?

Now, try to read the sentence below and look at the underlined word.
Filipinos are known to be hospitable because they welcome their guests so well.
Can you determine the meaning of the word “hospitable” without using a dictionary or
other resources?
What do you think the meaning of the word “hospitable”? What technique did you use to
identify its meaning?

Let’s discuss the concepts!
You do not have to use the dictionary every time you come across an
unfamiliar word in whatever you are reading. One way of identifying the meaning of a
new word or unfamiliar word is to look at the context in which the word is used.
Context means the parts of a sentence or of a paragraph that appear before or
after the word. To identify or at least get a hint at its meaning, one has to go over the
whole context or sentence as the clues may be suggested by the surrounding words.
These words are known as context clues.
Furthermore, punctuation marks such as comma (,), dash (─), parentheses (),
are aslo signals that a context clue may be given. Words and phrases such as who is,
or, in other words, that is, are also signals to look for.


a. The Indonesians were able to sail by using their invention which is known as
A “proa” is used “to sail”; therefore, it is a “canoe/boat”
b. The principal asked the boys to explain precisely, or exactly what they intended
to do with the tin cans.
The word or is in the context clues for the meaning of the word precisely
which means exactly.
c. Celestial bodies, including the sun, moon, and stars, have fascinated man
through the centuries.
“Celestial” objects are those in the sky or heavens.
Independent Activity 1
Identify the meaning of the underlined word by writing the clues or hints on your
The mountain pass was a tortuous road, winding and twisting like a
snake around the trees of the mountainside.
Answer: winding and twisting
1. His emaciation, that is, his skeleton-like appearance, was frightening to see.
2. Flouroscopy, examination with a flouroscope, has become a common practice.
3. Flooded with spotlights – the focus of all attention – the new Miss Philippines
began her year-long reign. She was cynosure of all eyes for the rest of the
4. The Russians are skillful at sending cryptic messages, open to many
5. They say that Korean actors and actresses are charismatic; most of them are
very attractive.

Independent Assessment 1
Determine the meaning of each word by using context clues. Write the letter of your
answer on your notebook.
1. My brother said, “I just freed myself from a very loquacious history professor. All
he seemed to want was an audience.”
a. Pretentious c. Talkative
b. Grouchy d. Worried
2. There is no doubt that the idea of living in such a benign climate was appealing.
The islanders seemed to keep their vitality and live longer than Europeans.
a. Tropical c. Dangerous
b. Favorable d. Harmful
3. There is a large demand all over the United States for plants indigenous to the
desert. Many people in Arizona have made a good business of growing and
selling cacti and other local plants.
a. Native c. Foreign
b. Necessary d. Alien
4. After the Romans left, a millennium and a half passed before people again lived
in such comfort. Churchill wrote, “From the year 400 until the year 1900 no one
had central heating and very few had hot baths.”
a. A decade c. 1000 years
b. Many years d. A century
5. Many years before, Caesar’s men had tried and failed to invade Britain. No doubt
this contributed to the xenophobia of the Romans. They were cautious about
strangers who entered their country.
a. Honesty c. Kindliness
b. Fear of foreigners d. Cleanliness
6. We knew he couldn’t hold out much longer, because he had been doomed from
the beginning. One night he met his ineluctable fate.
a. Forgotten c. Hidden
b. Unavoidable d. Happy
7. Katie appeared infallible in math class because she had never gotten a problem
wrong. The word infallible in this sentence means _____.
a. Incorrect c. Never wrong
b. Mistaken d. Wrong
8. Phyllis felt elated when she won the race. The word elated in this sentence
means ___________.
a. Happy c. Tired
b. Miserable d. Sick
9. The insidious burglar was able to sneak into the house without being heard or
seen. The word insidious in this sentence means __________.
a. Clumsy c. Sneaky
b. Loud d. Strong
10. The tornado annihilated the whole town to the point that nothing was left
standing. The word annihilated in this sentence means
a. Constructed c. Saved
b. Created d. Destroyed

Independent Activity 2
Identify the meaning of the underlined unfamiliar words by looking for clues in the
statement. Write the letter of the correct answer on your notebook from the given words
a) authoritative d) huge
b) honor e) container
c) command f) top

1. Just at sundown, when his day’s work was ended, he took a quantity of
unwhitened rice which is principal food for poor, cooked and dried it, and tying it
in a square cloth, swung and bundle around his neck along with a gourd filled
with cool, sweet water. Then he lifted his helpless old mother to his back and
stated on his painful journey up the mountain.

2. The poor farmer loved his aged mother with tender reverence, and the order
filled his heart with sorrow.

3. Shinano was governed by a despotic leader who though a warrior, had a great
and cowardly shrinking from anything suggestive of failing health and strength.
This caused him to send out a cruel proclamation. The entire province was given
strict orders to immediately put to death all aged people.

4. No one ever thought a second time about obeying the mandate of the governor,
so with many deep hopeless sighs, the youth prepared for what at that time was
considered the kindest mode of death.
5. One path or another, it mattered not. On he went, climbing blindly upward – ever
upward towards the high bare summit of what is known as Obatsuyama, the
mountain of the “abandoning of aged”.

Independent Assessment 2
Identify the meaning for each underlined word as it is used in context. Write your
answers on your notebook.
1. His lucid lectures, along with his clearly presented explanations, made him a
popular professor.
2. Their vociferous chatter made me wish I had ear plugs.
3. The Great Flood of Noah’s day was caused by incessant rain that fell for 40
days and nights.
4. The ambiguity of Joe’s directions made it almost impossible to find his house.
5. The job candidate’s background was impeccable – good references and many
years of experience, but the company did not give her the job.
6. The tranquilized grizzly bear was lethargic enough for the scientists to safely
examine his teeth and tattoo his ears.
7. She told her friend, “I’m through with blind dates forever. What a dull evening! I
was bored every minute. The conversation was absolutely vapid.”
8. During those first bewildering weeks, the thoughts of a college freshman drift
back to high school where he was “in,” knew everyone, and felt at home. A
feeling of nostalgia sweeps over him.
9. Christmas is a time when Dad reverts to his childhood. I really think he looks
forward to Santa’s visit more than any other member of the family. Mom says that
he’ll always be a child during this season.
10. A wonderful 98-year-old woman is working day and night to knit scarves to send
as gifts for the soldiers. What a selfless person she is!
Fill in the blanks.

(1) ______________ means the parts of a sentence or of a paragraph that appear (2)
________ or (3)_________ the word. To identify or at least get a hint at its meaning,
one has to go over the whole context or sentence as the clues may be suggested by the
surrounding words. These words are known as (4) __________________.
Furthermore, (5) ______________ such as comma (,), dash (─), parentheses (), are
aslo signals that a context clue may be given. Words and phrases such as who is, or, in
other words, that is, are also signals to look for.

List some of the words and their definitions that you have learned from the lesson.

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.
Construct your own sentences using the following words on your notebook.
1. Impeccable

a. Sentence:___________________________________________________

2. Vapid

a. Sentence___________________________________________________

3. Selfless

a. Sentence___________________________________________________

4. Lucid

a. Sentence___________________________________________________

5. Cryptic

a. Sentence __________________________________________________

6. Annihilated

a. Sentence___________________________________________________

7. Benign

a. Sentence ___________________________________________________

8. Charismatic
a. Sentence ___________________________________________________

9. Revert

a. Sentence ___________________________________________________

10. Reverence

a. Sentence ___________________________________________________

Read the short selection and make predictions. Choose the best answer by
writing the letter on your notebook.

A Note on African Literature

African literature is rich in oral traditions. Oral traditions are messages passed down
through speech or song and may take the form of folktales and fables, epic histories
and narrations, proverbs or sayings, and songs. They help people make sense of the
world, teach children and adults about important aspects of their culture, and guide
social and human morals -- giving people a sense of place and purpose.
Oral traditions have a strong influence on modern African literature. The most
successful African writers know what to do with the oral tradition, and understand how
its structures and images can be transformed to a literary mode. They place their
literary works into the forms of the oral tradition.
Some of the first African writings to gain attention in the West were slave narratives,
which described vividly the horrors of slavery and the slave trade. As Africans became
literate in their own languages, they often reacted against colonial repression in their
writings. As Africans began demanding their independence, more African writers were
published. They often shared the same themes: the clash between indigenous and
colonial cultures, condemnation of European suppression, pride in the African past, and
hope for the continent's independent future.
1. What does literature mean?
a. Written works c. Performances
b. Paintings d. Livelihood
2. What does oral mean?
a. Written c. Manifested
b. Spoken d. Performed
3. What does literate mean?
a. Able to dance c. Able to read and write
b. Able to speak d. Able to survive
4. What does clash mean?
a. Agreement c. Understanding
b. Conflict d. Harmony
5. What does transform mean?
a. To stay the same c. To think
b. To change d. To meditat
Guess the meaning of the underlined words by matching Column B with Column A.
Write the letter of the correct answer on your notebook.
1. Poor Farmer Chevez labors sixteen hours a day and a. reduce
never has time for a vacation. He deserves better!
Everyone should have at least one day a week for rest and
2. If you don't curtail your spending, you'll be broke in no b. hidden
time at all!
3. No word must ever leak out about this military action! It c. works
has to be a clandestine operation in order to succeed.
4. I like that store. All the employees strive to make the d. carry out
customers feel right at home.
5. I looked at the plans for your new house. This is e. cancel
earthquake country. You need to fortify the frame or you’ll
have a disaster with the first tremor.
6. “I am going to rescind the permission I gave you to use f. secret
my toys!” T. J. announced angrily. “I thought you would
take good care of them, but I was wrong!”
7. No one suspected that Jerry was a spy. On the surface g. clearly different
he behaved like any normal citizen. When his covert
activity was discovered and announced to the world, we
were all shocked.
8. If your plan fails, we’ll have to find someone who can h. strengthen
devise a better one.
9. The reporter insisted that the letter he used was i. disagreement
authentic. He said that he had shown it to many experts
before he used it in his story.
10. Brea and Elizabeth are having a dispute over which j. try
radio station to play at work. It would be so much simpler if
they both liked the same kind of music.
11. Put this medicine on your arm and rub it into your skin k. real
until it's invisible. It will inhibit the infection's attempt to
12. Fortunately, the explosion diverted the asteroid from a l. create
course that would have sent it hurdling into our planet.
13. It’s a wonder to me how anyone can still be undecided m. trespasser
about this election. These two candidates are certainly
distinct. Each would lead our nation in opposite directions.
14. Our new alarm system will wake up the entire n. change of direction
neighborhood if an intruder gets in the house.
15. Your plan looks good. I hope it will really work. It’s time o. beautiful
to implement it and see if it’s as brilliant as you claim.
p. slow down

For each underlined word, use the context clues or the words that surround it
to find the meaning. Choose your answer from the words in parentheses.
Write your answer on your notebook.

The water-clock marks the hour in the Tachungsz’, in the Tower of the Great Bell: now
the mallet is lifted to smite the lips of the metal monster.
1. A mallet is _______ (a hammer, an axe, a saw)
2. To smite is to _______ (hit, touch, caress)

All the little dragons on the high-tilted eaves of the green roofs shiver to the tips of their
gilded tails under that deep wave of sound.
3. Shiver means to _______(to fall on one’s knees, to tremble at the loud sound, to run

All the green-and-gold tiles of the temple are vibrating; the wooden goldfish above them
are writhing against the sky.
4. writhing means ________ (twisting, pointing, leading)

Therefore, the worthy mandarin Kouan-Yu assembled the master-moulders and the
renowned bell smiths of the empire, and all men of great repute and cunning in foundry
5. cunning means _______ (innocent, expert, skillful)



1. E
1. A 1. Skeleton-like appearance
2. B
2. Examination with a
2. B flouroscope 3. A
3. Focus of all attention 4. C
3. C 5. F
4. Open to many
4. B interpretations
5. Very attractive ASSESSMENT 2
5. C 1. Very clear / Easy to understand
2. Expressive
WHAT I HAVE 3. Continuous / Without stopping
LEARNED 1. C 4. Something that is not clear
1. Context 2. B 5. Flawless / Of great condition
2. Before 3. A 6. Dull / Inactive
3. After 4. C 7. Boring
4. Context Clues 5. B 8. Pleasure and sadness that is
5. Punctuation 6. B caused by remembering
Marks 7. C 9. To come or go back
8. A 10. Unselfish
1. A
1. A hammer
2. B
WHAT I CAN 3. C 2. Hit
DO 4. B
3. Tremble at the loud
Answers May 5. B
Vary sound
1. C 9. K
4. Twisting
EdHelper. Context Clues Worksheets (Context Clues: Explanation). Retrieved August 4,
2020 https://www.edhelper.com/language/Context_Clues602.html
Englishlinx. Context Clues Worksheet. Retrieved August 4, 2020
Filipino Hospitality: A Trait We Can All Take Pride. Retrieved image August 4, 202
LM Gr 8 English. April 2017. Accessed August 4, 2020 file:///C:/Users/pc/Downloads/LM
Mdc.edu. Context Clues. Retrieved August 4, 2020
Merriam-Webster. Retrieved August 4, 2020. https://www.merriam-webster.com/
Reading Comprehension Module 2

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