Proposed Papertilizer To Local Planters in Carbon Public Market

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The study aims to determine the feasibility of producing a fertilizer from waste paper called 'Papertilizer' for local planters in Carbon Public Market in Cebu City, Philippines.

Environmental pollution from fertilizer and waste, as well as the large amounts of waste paper produced.

Fertilizers can pollute the environment and damage soil nutrients while waste paper ends up in landfills despite being recyclable. The paper industry also produces large amounts of pollution.



Math and Research Cluster
1st Semester, A.Y. 2019-2020




A Research Paper in


(Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department)

University of San Jose – Recoletos,Magallanes St., Cebu City, Philippines 6000


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Academic Strand of





The Carbon Public Market is the biggest public market in the Queen City of the

South. You can find just about anything here, from meat to vegetables, slippers

to shoes, and bags to souvenir items. Carbon Public Market is basically the place

where you can find anything and everything you need. In this study, the

researchers’ aim to determine the feasibility of product implementation of

“Papertilizer”, a fertilizer made out of waste paper for the Local Planters. This

study uses quantitative research design and questionnaires that are answerable

by strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree ranging from 1 to 4. The

data gathered by the researchers was analyzed through quantitative analysis by

determining the total frequency of each question from each respondent. There

are individual aspects namely; Marketing, Technical, Management, Financial,

Legal and Socio- Economic Aspect. It was concluded with the aid of this aspects

that the study is feasible and possible to actualize.

Keywords: Fertilizer, Waste Paper, quantitative research design, Aspects

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Rationale of the Study

Environmental pollution resulting from fertilizer losses, industrial wastes, and

domestic waste is one of the biggest problems the human race is facing.

Fertilizers can greatly increase crop yields, but some can also cause

environmental pollution and damage the balance of nutrients in the soil (DENR,

2018). Meanwhile, discarded paper is a major component of many landfill sites

though it is one of the major recyclable materials. According to the Global Forest

Resources Assessment 2015 (FRA 2015) and Food and Agriculture Organization

(FAO) of the United Nations, nearly 4 billion trees or 35% of the total trees cut

around the world are used in paper industries on every continent. Paper is the

third largest industrial polluter to air, water, and studies show that it releases well

over 100 million kg of toxic each year. (Villarete, 2001)

The paper industry in the Philippines plays an important role in the

industrialization program of the country, contributing to the growth of the

economy and providing employment opportunities to thousands of workers

(ISTEAC). Unfortunately, it also contributes to (19%) of the total municipal solid

waste production. Waste paper is the second most produced solid waste in the

Philippines. Meanwhile, Cebu City has developed into one of the most urbanized

areas of the Central Philippines. However, the booming urban and economic

expansion in the city had led to a steady rise in consumption and the resulting

production of waste. Although there is no accurate data available on waste

generation in the city, present estimates suggest that Cebu produces about 17%

of paper waste per day in 2016, based on national calculations, which consider

average per capita waste generation to comprise 500 grams/person in provincial

capitals (IGES). Waste collection in Cebu City is the responsibility of both city

government and barangay but as a citizen of Cebu City, we want to help in

elimination of waste paper by turning it into a fertilizer which can develop an

innovative product for agricultural industry.

We developed a product called “Papertilizer” which is a substitute fertilizer made

out of waste paper. Its primary function can enhance the germination of certain

plants just by the use of waste paper (ModabberAhmed Khan 2013). The

approach of this product is to avoid the use of chemical fertilizer causing

environment pollution and damage the balance nutrients in soil, while providing

an excellent medium for the recycling of waste paper.

In this polluted world that we live in, people nowadays are looking for ways that

will help achieved sustainable community. We envision a profitable business and

an effective and efficient product. “Papertilizer” is a product molded by the

advocacy of the researchers towards achieving global sustainability.

1.1Statement of Objectives

“Papertilizer” is a product that will hit two stones in one shot. It is not just

targeting the elimination of waste paper in the community but also creating an

alternative product to avoid environmental pollution to the agriculture industry.

The objective of the study aims to contribute a way in eliminating paper waste in

the community of Cebu City, to develop an innovative product as a substitute

fertilizer for the solution to environmental pollution in the agriculture industry, and

provide local planters a cheap and effective fertilizer. Our main focus is not just

having a profitable business but also raising an awareness that paper really

matters. We want to promote our advocacy through providing PMB or Paper

Matter Bins that will be utilized to the main campus of University of San Jose-


1.2 Scope and Significance of the Study

The main focus of this study is to give awareness to Local Planters that there is

an alternative fertilizer that cannot harm our environment. This fertilizer can also

help in the germination of a plant. The making of the feasibility study will be good

for one month which will start on August 31, 2019 until October 2019.

“Papertilizer”is a fertilizer that is made out of paper that can reduce

environmental pollution especially to the agriculture industry. By this we can

achieve sustainable environment for the community.

1.3 Business/Program/Innovation Concept and Target Market/Beneficiaries

The “Papertilizer” is a manufacturing business. The researchers are the ones

who will find raw materials and create it into our proposed product. The

production of the product is still developing. Its process is to be created, therefore

it’s a start-up. Subsequently we are partners in our proposed product, thus our

business is form of Partnership.

The target markets for the product are the local Planters in Carbon Public

Market. In this partnership, our product would be sustainable and continue to be

known not just in Cebu but hopefully in the world.

“Papertilizer” or Paper Fertilizer has the main ingredient of waste paper that other

fertilizer product do not have. The product can be in different forms in regards to

how our customer want it as well as it is sealed in a ziplock paper bag that comes

with different sizes. The product is a pure, natural, no chemicals added and safe

to use kind of fertilizer. We used nitrogen-rich scraps which we ourselves have in

our respective houses and unused paper. The customers may get a discount if

they will come with waste paper, ranging from 5% to 10% discounts. We are also

providing PMB or Paper Matters Bins. The researchers will be providing those

bins to the Main Campus of University of San Jose-Recoletos to gather waste

paper and eventually to public schools.

2.0 Review of the Related Literature and Studies

Intensive agriculture involving the use of chemical fertilizers in large amount has

no doubt, resulted in manifold increase in the productivity of farm commodities

but, adverse effects of these chemicals are clearly visible on soil structure,

quality of water, food and fodder. Research studies are being conducted to find

solution to avoid these hazardous effects and to obtain higher yield with quality

agricultural production. In this context, literature pertaining to the importance of

waste paper as a substitute fertilizer, theory, problems and innovation of the

product are discussed.

In the perspective of the theory “Ecological Modern Theory (Obach, 2017), It

aims for advance ecological sustainability due to the fact that organic agriculture

is developing towards the generation which social movements, entrepreneurs,

market forces, and the state gather together to achieve ecological sustainability.
In support of the theory, the potential of implementing organic farming may lead

in achieving social aspects like job opportunities and rural development

(ShettyR.K, 2007). Organic farming is arising in achieving towards social aspects

and benefits (Kokate, Kharde, Ahire, 2007)

A substance is added to the soil to Improve plant growth, it is called Fertilizer.

Throughout the generation, fertilizer technology continue to developed

significantly due to the fact that the chemical needs of growing plants were

discovered. Modern synthetic fertilizers are composed mainly of nitrogen,

phosphorous, and potassium compounds with secondary nutrients added. The

quality and quantity of the food available today are significantly improved by

synthetic fertilizers. The purpose of the fertilizer is to replace the chemical

components that are taken from the soil by growing plants. However, they are

also designed to improve the growing potential of soil, and fertilizers can create a

better growing environment than natural soil. Typically, fertilizers are composed

of nitrogen, and potassium compounds. Thus, the primary component that is vital

for the plant growth is the nitrogen. Nitrogenis use in the synthesis of proteins,

nucleic acids, and hormones. Plants also need phosphorus, a component of

nucleic acids, phospholipids, and several proteins. Plants are marked by reduced

growth when they are nitrogen deficient. Plants also need phosphorus, a

component of nucleic acids, phospholipids, and several proteins. These

components are necessary to drive metabolic chemical reactions which are

necessary to provide the needed energy (Advameg, Inc., 2019).

The excessive amount of nitrogen in soil can negatively affect organisms that are

nearby bodies of water like for example, a fish. Thorough knowledge about

chemical fertilizers and how they work are needed In order to fully understand its

effect. Chemical fertilizers are created using inorganic materials, which undergo

chemical treatments. The formulations are precise and deliberate, depending on

its intended use, and they are relatively cost-effective (Buckler, 2017), Farmers

can produce more and high-quality crops in short term and but can also lead to

poor quality crops in the long term when using Chemical Fertilizers. However,

chemical fertilizers have aided farmers in increasing crop production since the

1930's. While chemical fertilizers have their place increasing plant nutrients in

adverse weather conditions or during times when plants need additional

nutrients, there are also several harmful effects of chemical fertilizers. Some of

the harm chemical fertilizers may cause include waterway pollution, chemical

burn to crops, increased air pollution, acidification of the soil and mineral

depletion of the soil. The use of chemical fertilizers on crops can have adverse

effects on waterways caused by chemical run off of the excess fertilizer (Hunt,


Deforestation is one of the major issues of the environment. In the past four

decades, the consumption of paper has risen up to 400%. It can’t be denied that

Paper has a very significant impact on the environment that affected different

kinds of aspects in the industry. High consumption of waste paper is due to

technological advances such as printing press and other businesses which

created high availability of disposable paper (world atlas,

2013).Furthermore,paper has the components of toxic inks, dyes, chemicals that

are potentially carcinogenic. These chemicals contaminate water when buried in

landfills. Moreover, when it rots or is composted, it emits methane gas which is

25 times more toxic than carbon dioxide. To produce 1 kilogram of paper, 324

liters of waters are used. It was stated that 48 kilograms per person is the annual

paper consumption worldwide. Each year, About 4 million tons of office papers

are discarded. Paper consumption has increased by about 400 percent in the

past four decades. Furthermore, Paper production can cause air, water, and land

pollution (Manila Times, 2016).

The researchers came up with a product that will address these problems.The

primary component of Paper is plant fibers. To develop a Nitrogen-Rich

Fertilizers, Paper is combined with other nitrogen-rich materials such as kitchen

scraps like coffee grounds, vegetable peels, eggshells and orange grinds.

Another component of Paper is carbon which is applicable for compost pile

(Edwin Thomas, 2019).Moreover,the effects of wastepaper in the growth of

Chinese cabbage has been evaluated in composting experiments (Khan,

2013). Incorporating wastepaper into the soil improves soil organic matter,

moisture content, physical conditions and the arable layer.Paper is composed of

fibers that are tangled together; they start to separate from each other when

water is introduced.This is because water molecules consist of oxygen and

hydrogen atoms, which form hydrogen bonds with cellulose fibers, thus

weakening their own hydrogen bonds in the process (Science ABC 2016).

Sustainability means “development that meets the needs of the present without

compromising the ability the future generations to meet their own needs” (World

Commission on Environment and Development, 1987). This considers the

economic, environmental and social consequences of a product. Thus, the

utilization of waste paper for an environmentally friendly fertilizer can address the

physical, chemical, and biological degradation of agricultural soils resulting from

indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers.

3.0 Conceptual/Theoretical Framework

Proposed “Papertilizer” to the Local
Planters in Carbon Public Market

Waste Paper as a Substitute Fertilizer

Technical Marketability Management Legal and Financing Socio-

Aspect Aspect Aspect Taxation Aspect Economic
Aspect Aspect

Equipment, Audience Organizational Source of

Labor, demand and Structures Privacy Funds Government
production Preference Rights and
and process business
Human Personal Community
SHS Funds
Biologist Resource
and Natural

Figure 1

3.1Conceptual Background
The technical study of the product comprises product description, product

process, equipment and materials, product layout. It discusses what are the

ingredients and equipment’s needed and where will the researchers going to put


The marketability aspect covers the general business condition, competitive

condition, target market, demand, supply, product, pricing, promotion, and

packaging. This area talks about the structured questionnaire floated to the

respondents and the result determines the demands and preferences for the

researchers to know whether the product will penetrate the target market.

The management aspect shows the form of ownership, structure of the business,

and job analysis. While, legal aspect ensures legit approvals and privacy rights

and business permits.

The socio-economic aspect shows the contribution of the study to the

government, community and environment. This area proves that the business

existed not only for profit purposes, but also for the improvement of the welfare of

the people,

The study examines the possibility that proposed “Papertilizer” is feasible toLocal

Planters in Carbon Public Market.This includes assessment in identifying the

effectiveness and efficiency to the beneficiaries. It is believed that these concepts

will enhance and maximize the aim of the study and to address the problems.

Finally, feedback will be established in the evaluation process and conclusions

will be made.

3.2Research Design and Method

The quasi-experimental design was used in this study with the aid of a

researcher-made questionnaire. This involves two groups, the experimental

which contains “Papertilizer” and controlled group which contains an organic

fertilizer. Pre-test and post-test were used to determine if there is significant

difference on the plant. In a pre-test design, the independent variable is

measured once before the treatment is implemented and in post-test design the

dependent variable is measured once after it is implemented.The methods that

were utilized by the researcher were Researcher- made Questionnaires. By this

method of data gathering helped the researchers in conceptualizing and

assessing this study. The respondents in this study are the Local Planters.The

researchers will conduct a survey to Local Planters in Carbon Public Market.The

qualification of the chosen respondents is that they are more engage with

growing of plants and recognize what’s the best fertilizer for a plant.The

researchers believe that the respondents are capable in contributing data

regarding with the effectiveness and efficiency of the product. By this experiment

the researchers would know the effectiveness and efficiency of their product.

3.3Research Instruments and Procedures

This study made use of quantitative approach; as stated above; the researchers

conducted an interview and handed out questionnaires for theLocal Planters in

Carbon Public Market.After giving the questionnaire, the data gathered will be

subjected to statistical treatment using weighted percentage to summarize,

analyse, and interpret the results of controlled and experimental group. The

paired T-test of significance will be used to determine the significant difference

between the post-test and pre-test results. In calculating the t-statistics, the

researcher will use the formulaT = , where d́ is the mean difference of the
SE ( d́)

data gathered and SE( d́ ) is the standard error of the mean difference. Hypothesis

we’re tested at 0.05 level of significance. In order for the product to be effective,

the researchers first decompose the waste paper so that it would be easily

homogenize with water and land. In decomposing the paper the researcher first

shred the paper into bits, after pour a two inch layer of dirt at the bottom of a

bucket. Add a layer of paper, and then another layer of dirt. Alternate until all the

paper is in the bucket. Add in food peelings and other biodegradable leftovers

(no meat or dairy.);lastly place the bucket outside in a safe location. Turn the dirt

and paper once a week. After the process the decomposed paper can be used

as fertilizer already. Sterilization follows in order to kill harmful bacteria.

Through observing the experimented materials the researchers would be able to

know if the product was efficient and effective for the respondents to use. The

plant to be tested is Cabbage. Cabbage sufficiency in Cebu City is about 25.5

percent. With our product, the researchers can contribute to successful growth of

the said crop.Hence, the interpreted data would wrap up the main purpose of the


4.1 Company Profile

The researchers progresses by furnishing the study with real-time exposure to the

locale of the study in gathering the data and interpreting them. Furthermore, this

chapter introduces the goal of the research and the mission that is set to guide the

workload of the researchers. This will also give attention to the technical,

marketability, management, financial, legal aspect that will be discussed in this

chapter. Finally, the elements that are present in this chapter will all bring us to the

conclusion and recommendations that shall follow hereinafter this chapter.

Proposed Product Logo:

Figure 2- Product Logo


The product logo is designed with a paper at the center with the product name

“Papertilizer”. It is molded by the advocacy of the researchers, Red Dragons. This is

an emphasis that the researchers want to educate the community regarding the

issues that our environment is facing especially with waste paper. The logo is also

with the Recycling Cycle which means we want to strongly implement the purpose of

recycling waste paper and its significant impact towards global sustainability. The

product is created to target the elimination of waste paper and offer the Local Planters

an innovative product to avoid the use of chemical fertilizer.


“Papertilizer” is envisioned to be a product molded by the advocacy of the

researchers towards achieving global sustainability for the future.


To develop an innovative product that will not just target the elimination of waste

paper in the community but also contribute a way to avoid environmental

pollution in the agricultural industry.

To promote the advocacy of recycling waste paper towards the community.

To respond to the need of promoting Feasibility Research Project as a tool to

generate and improve knowledge through thorough assessment of data and

provision of recommendations.


Provided by the vision-mission of this study, this research seeks to develop

camaraderie and strong relationship between the research team and the Local

Government of the Locale of the study, to foster lenient and legal proceedings in the

pre, post and during the product implementation and data gathering, to engage the

target respondents about our product “Papertilizer” andto educate the community

about the environmental pollution cause by waste paper.

Core Values:

Purpose- The product is essential in reusing waste papers into something useful.

Aspire- The product aims to achieve clean environment free from pollutions.

Preserve-The product preserves the resources (trees) especially waste papers.

Eco-conscious-The product was inspired by the researcher’s advocacy (paper


Reduce- To reduce waste papers, to make waste papers into fertilizer.

Sustain- The product aims to have a sustainable and clean environment.


For the strength of Carbon Public Market, the place has variety of local products which
cater the needs of the students, workers and etc. The sellers also offer affordable price
that fits to the budget of the community. For the transportation, motorcycles, horse
carriages and jeeps are evident roaming around and also accessible around the city.
Almost all of the people in the city prefer to buy their daily needs and necessities in
Carbon Public Market.


For the weaknesses, improper garbage disposal and sanitation that impact the quality of
product they are selling are present in Carbon Public Market. People can easily notice
that the place is surrounded by garbage, insects, animals that make the place
unorganized and messy. There is no assurance that the market offers clean and safe


Carbon Public Markets’ location is widely known for having affordable vegetables,
plants, and flowers in Metro Cebu. In Carbon Public Market most planters do not use
chemical fertilizer, since it is expensive for them. The researchers have taken this
opportunity to offer those planters and consumers the affordable and efficient fertilizer.


In Carbon Public Market, preferences of the Local Planters regarding fertilizers to use
are different. Due to this competition is evident because of the demand of the product
“Papertilizer”. In addition, the loyalty of the sellers to their suppliers is also a threat to the
researchers. Since the product is new, most sellers are afraid to take risk to try a new

Figure 3- Swot Analysis

4.2 Marketing Aspect

The marketing aspect will cover the following: Market demand and preference

analysis and Marketing Mix Decisions. For the business to prosper, it should be

given time and effort. The proponent of this business must have the desired

creativity so as to be able to provide quality product to its customer. The

fulfilment of the needs and wants of its target market must be the key objective of

the business. In every project, marketing aspect is well-thought-out the most

important since it requires inconspicuous analysis of the business total demand.

Marketing Demand and Preference Analysis

In this context, the researchers further explained the data they have

accumulated through the questionnaires they gave to the Local planters in

Carbon Public Market. The researchers gathered 195 respondents as the sample

size. It is important that the researchers are aware of pre-existing demands for

products and services on the market. The researchers will be giving out

questionnaires in order to determine the demands of the consumers. Data

gathered from the questionnaires would help the researchers to provide

information such as the extent that planters are willing to acquire the product.

Thus, this important information will allow the researchers to properly plan market

strategies that would appeal to the demand of the consumers.

The researchers decided to give out questionnaires in Carbon Public Market

about “Papertilizer”. It has been observed by the researchers that the target

market consist of consumers that uses fertilizer especially

planters.Theresearchers utilized stratified random sampling method in

conducting the questionnaire to 195 respondents in Carbon Public Market.

Respondents Total Population Sample Size (n)

Cabbage Sellers 380 195
TOTAL 380 195

Table 1

Number of Respondents

Table 1.1 illustrates the current Local Planter’s population of Carbon Public

Market. The sample size was 195 based on the Slovin’s Formula.

Slovin’s Formula


N=Total Population


1= Constant Number

The researchers created questionnaires ranging from 1 to 4: strongly agree,

agree, disagree and strongly disagree. The data gather was analysed and

interpreted further with the help of percentage rate. It was also calculated and

interpreted the data of the questions by gathering the weighted average score of

the answers. Hence, interpreted through parameters of limits listed below:

Parameters of Limits Interpretation

3.28-4.00 Strongly Agree

2.52-3.27 Agree

1.76-2.51 Disagree

1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree

Response Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 107 54.87
Agree 83 42.56
Disagree 3 1.54
Strongly Disagree 2 1.03
TOTAL 195 100
Table 2

Frequency of Respondents

(Statement: Fertilizers are important to the growth of the plant)

It is evidentin the table that 107 respondents strongly agree the statement that

Fertilizers are important to the growth of the plant and 83 respondents who agree

to it. However, there are 3 respondents who disagree and 2 respondents who

strongly disagree. . Respondent’s idea regarding with the statement is that

plants need to be fertilized because most soil does not provide

the essential nutrients required for optimum growth.  All nutrients in our food

originally comes from the soil thus fertilizer maintains fertility making farmers

grow healthy and nutritious crops. But some respondents stated that fertilizers

are expensive and they don’t have any idea how to properly use i.

Response Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 155 79.48
Agree 31 15.90
Disagree 7 3.59
Strongly Disagree 2 1.03
TOTAL 195 100
Table 3

Frequency of Respondents

(Statement: I like to use fertilizer)

It shows 155 respondents strongly agree to the statement using a fertilizer and

31 respondents agree. However, 7 respondents disagree and 2 strongly disagree

with the statement. The preference of using a fertilizer varies from different

respondents. Their idea about the statement is that fertilizers are expensive and

“some” fertilizers can’t be trusted based on their experience regarding with its

outcome. Some respondents also do not understand the use of fertilizer.

Response Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 3 1.54
Agree 27 13.85
Disagree 52 26.67
Strongly Disagree 113 57.95
TOTAL 195 100

Table 4

Frequency of Respondents

(Statement: I prefer to use Chemical Fertilizer)

It shows that 3 respondents strongly agree with the idea of using chemical

fertilizer and 27 agree. On the other hand, 52 respondents disagree and 113

strongly disagree. The respondent’s idea about the statement is that chemical

fertilizer contains higher concentration of nutrients however it is non-renewable

which can damage the plants and the soil.

Response Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 129 66.15
Agree 60 30.77
Disagree 4 2.05
Strongly Disagree 2 1.03
TOTAL 195 100
Table 5

Frequency of Respondents

(Statement: I prefer to use Organic Fertilizer.)

It shows that 129 respondents strongly agree with the idea of using Organic

Fertilizer and 60 respondents agree. Meanwhile, there are 4 respondents who

disagree and 2 respondents who strongly disagree with the idea. Their idea

about using Organic Fertilizers is that it does not kill beneficial microorganisms in

the soil and have immense benefits for the soil and crop production. However,

some respondents disagree due to the fact the some organic fertilizers are fake

and usually do not provide enough nutrients for the soil.

Table 6

Frequency of Respondents

(Statement: I would like to use a fertilizer made out of waste paper.)

Response Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 134 68.72
Agree 49 25.13
Disagree 9 4.62
Strongly Disagree 3 1.54
TOTAL 195 100

The table shows that 134 respondents strongly agree of the idea of using a

fertilizer made out of waste paper and 49 agree. Meanwhile, 9 respondents

agree and 3 respondents strongly disagree. The respondents’ perspective

regarding with the statement is that they were amazed that there is a fertilizer

made out of waste paper and some respondents disagree because it might be

not effective.

Table 7

Frequency of Respondents

(Statement: I prefer to use a fertilizer that did not undergo chemical


Response Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 118 60.51
Agree 66 33.85
Disagree 8 4.10
Strongly Disagree 3 1.54
TOTAL 195 100
It shows that 118 respondents strongly agree about using a fertilizer that did not

undergo chemical production and 66 respondents agree to it. On the other hand,

8 respondents disagree and 3 respondents strongly disagree. The respondents’

idea to the statement is that fertilizer that undergoes chemical production acts

fast and absorb into plants much more quickly than fertilizer that did not undergo

chemical process. However, some respondents prefer the growth and safety of

the outcome of a plant or crop.

Table 8

Frequency of Respondents

(Statement: I support a product that will help our environment.)

Response Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 117 60
Agree 58 29.74
Disagree 7 3.59
Strongly Disagree 13 6.67
TOTAL 195 100
The table shows that 117 respondents strongly agree to the idea of supporting a

product that will help our environment and 58 respondents agree to it. However,

there are 7 respondents who disagree and 13 respondents who strongly

disagree. Some respondents are aware of the environmental issues our world is

facing and they want to support products that will help the environment.

Table 9

Frequency of Respondents

(Statement: I like personalized and unique form of Fertilizer.)

Response Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 139 71.28
Agree 51 26.15
Disagree 3 1.54
Strongly Disagree 2 1.02
TOTAL 195 100
It shows that there are 139 respondents who strongly agree with the idea of

personalized form of fertilizer and 51 respondents agree to it. On the other hand,

3 respondents disagree and 2 respondents who strongly disagree. The frequency

of respondents who strongly agree and agree are higher than disagree and

strongly disagree regarding with personalized form of fertilizer. This implies that

the business must ensure that the product caters to the need and demand of the

consumers and achieve higher marketability in the target market.

Table 10

Frequency of Respondents

(Statement: I prefer to use fertilizer that can be trusted.)

Response Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 80 41.02
Agree 85 43.59
Disagree 29 14.87
Strongly Disagree 1 0.51
TOTAL 195 100

The table shows that there are 80 respondents who strongly agree with the idea

of trusted fertilizer and 85 respondents who agree to it. However, there are 29

respondents who disagree and 1 respondent who strongly disagree about trusted

fertilizer. A trusted product is one of the reasons why consumers will buy that

certain product. This implies that the business shall gain the trust of the

consumers that the product is effective and can be trusted at all cost.

Table 11

Frequency of Respondents

(Statement: I prefer a fertilizer that has a retail market price of 50.00)

Response Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 115 58.97
Agree 63 32.31
Disagree 14 7.18
Strongly Disagree 3 1.54
TOTAL 195 100

It shows that 115 respondents strongly agree with the retail price of 50.00

regarding with fertilizer and 63 respondents agree on it. On the other hand, 14

respondents disagree on the idea and 3 respondents strongly disagree. This

implies that the proposed retail market price meets consumers’ preference and


Statement Weighted Mean Interpretation

3.51 Strongly Agree
1. Fertilizers are important to the
growth of the plant.

2. I like to use fertilizer 3.74 Strongly Agree

3. I prefer to use chemical fertilizer. 1.17 Strongly Disagree
4. I prefer to use organic fertilizer. 3.62 Strongly Agree
5. I would like to use fertilizer that is 3.61 Strongly Agree
made out of waste paper.

6. I prefer to use a fertilizer that did 3.53 Strongly Agree
not undergo chemical process and
safe to use for plants.
7. I support a product that will help 3.43 Strongly Agree
our environment.
8. I like personalized and unique form 3.68 Strongly Agree
of Fertilizer.
9. I prefer to use a fertilizer that can be 3.27 Agree
10. I prefer a fertilizer that has a retail 3.49 Strongly Agree
market price of 50.00 pesos.
Average Weighted 3.30 Strongly Agree

Table 12: Summary of Findings


“Papertilizer’s” Questionnaires show the responses of Local Planters in Carbon

Public Market with regards to the proposed product.The highest weighted mean

in the summary of findings is the 2 ndstatement which is (I prefer to use fertilizer)

with 3.74 and interpretation of strongly agree. The lowest weighted mean in the

summary of findings is the 3 rdstatement which (I prefer to use chemical fertilizer)

with 1.17 and interpretation of strongly disagree. Most of the interpretation is

strongly agreed except for 3 rdstatement which is strongly disagreed and 9 th

statement which is agreed. Thus, the average weighted mean for all the

statements is 3.30.


There are statements created to meet the demand and preference of the

consumers regarding with the product. The response of the consumers shows

that they prefer a fertilizer that will satisfy their needs and preferences. The

researchers able to identify from their responses to the statements which they

strongly agreed is that the first main thing they want for the product is to be an

organic fertilizer. Second, the consumers strongly agreed to use a fertilizer that is

made out of waste paper. The consumers are completely aware about the

environmental issues that our world is facing thus they strongly agreed to support

a product that will not harm the environment. Third, consumers are more likely to

purchase something when the benefits that it will reap are clearly laid down. This

is supported by the fact that they strongly agree that the product will not undergo

chemical processes and ensure safety usage for the plants. Fourth, they strongly

agree to personalized and have a unique form of fertilizer as well as it can be

trusted. Lastly, consumers strongly agree with the retail market price of Php50.00

and do not have any suggestions about other prices. This implies that the

consumers agreed to purchase a product when the benefits are clearly presented

to them.


The statements given and the responses of the consumers imply that they will be

going to purchase the product if “Papertilizer” is able to satisfy their needs and

preference. The researchers may conclude that the product’s main feature must

be organic since target market strongly agreed to it. The consumers also look for

other features such as, personalized form of fertilizers, did not undergo any

chemical process, can contribute a way in helping the environment and the

affordability of the product.

Marketing Mix Decisions

In this context, the marketing mix covers the 5Pc’s; Product, Place, Price,

Promotion and People are discussed.


“Papertilizer” is a fertilizer made out of waste paper. This product targets the

elimination of waste paper and contributes a way to avoid environmental pollution

to the agricultural industry. This product is organic, no-chemical added, and safe

to use fertilizer. It is affordable among all fertilizers and can be used at homes,

schools, farms and lands.

Figure 4: Product Model


The researchers have chosen Carbon Public Market as the official place for the

business. This is the same address of locale of the study since it is nearby

University of San Jose-Recoletosand has easy access that may affect the over-

all operations of the business. The store is located near the sellers of plants and

vegetables making it accessible for employees and customers. The convenience

of its location allows east transactions thus enabling the business to be more

efficient and effective in its services.

Figure 5: Business Locations

Display of Layout

Since the business will be selling “Papertilizer”, a wooden circular rack will be

the designated area of the products that will be situated inside the shop.

Figure 6: Display of Layout


“Papertilizer” will be sold at a market price of Php 50.00. The ingredients of the

product are waste paper and nitrogen rich-scraps which do not require minimum

capital. The product offers affordability among other fertilizers.


In this context, the purpose of promotion will be discussed. This will set the

activities planned out by the business to effectively communicate its products to

the market. The purpose of this context is to make the product appealing to the

market showing the consumers that it fits their interests and satisfies their

needs.It has been decided that the researchers will be using the following for the



In order to promote “Papertilizer” and to be known easily, Senior High School

Students from University of San Jose-Recoletos will undergo seminar about our

product. The researchers will ask asked partnership with the Senior High School

Department. There will be room to room seminar that will inform the students

about its purpose, goals, and over-all about the business.

Figure 7: Layout

PMB or “Paper Matter Bins”

The researchers will be providing “Paper Matter Bins” to public and private

schools. These Bins will be utilized only for the waste paper of the teachers and

students. Wherein, they will be oriented with its purpose and goals. Through

PMB or “Paper Matter Bins”, students and teachers will be informed about the

proceeds of their waste paper. These Bins will be the way for them to be one of

the advocates of the environment.

Figure 8: “Paper Matter Bins”

Online Advertising

Focusing on boosting image on social media would prove effective to the

business. The researchers have decided to create pages on Facebook and

Instagram considering that the target market ismillennial.

Figure 9:Facebook and Instagram


To reach customers and maintain healthy relationships with them, the

researchers have decided on “Hands-on” Selling. Consumers will buy directly to

the shop and it will be paid on time on the buying. This is acted by the

responsibilities of the sales agent acting as the main “marketers” of the business.

4.3 Technical Aspect

Product Service Description

“Papertilizer” is a product that is created with waste paper. It targets the

elimination of waste paper and contributes a way to avoid environmental pollution

in agricultural industry. It offers to the consumers the researcher’s advocacy. This

product promotes that there is still value in “waste” such as paper. “Papertilizer”

is a revolutionary step in achieving global sustainability as the product is made

out of waste paper. It is pure, natural, and no-chemical added and safe to use

fertilizer. The business is also providing bins that are made out of waste paper.

These bins will be provided to University of San Jose-Recoletos to gather waste

paper. PMB or “Paper Matters Bins” is not just a way to gather waste paper but

also to spread the advocacy towards global sustainability.

Product or Service Uses and Features

The unique exterior design of “Papertilizer” allows consumers to find it appealing

and different among other fertilizers. The pre-made “Papertilizer” is a “leaf” form.

The product comes with different shapes and can be personalized based on the

consumers demand. Its package is made of paper designed with the logo of the

business. The sized varies to the demands and preference of the consumers. It

may comein different sizes such as small, medium and large. The use of this

product is to improve the germination and growth of the plant. It’s easy to apply

to the soil and there’s no hassle when it comes to the container. The product also

ensures safe and effective outcomes to the plant.

The buyer may get 5%-10% discount if he\she will buy together with a waste

paper. This allows the business to collect more waste paper as well as in

exchange of the discount that the consumer will get.

Process Flow and Capacity

The figure below shows the process of ordering and selling of the product.

The first step in the process flow is the Data Gathering which includes order

placement to the seller and personalization of the product. The Data Gathering

will take 3 days to ensure correct information and details of the products. The

business must ensure that the demand and preference of the consumer are

clearly stated so that there will be no cancellations of order. Second step is the

order processing that will take 2 days. In this step, the business will be

generating the product designed from the demand of the consumers. Within 2

days, products shall be delivered directly to the shop for pick-up.

However, the business is also offering pre-made products. This ensures those

consumers who don’t want personalization. The figure below shows the process

of selling of the product.

4.4 Management Aspect

This context tackles about the entire organizational arrangement of the business.

The management aspect suggests a clear and precise identification of duties and

responsibilities, flow of authority, and manpower level of requirement. This

contains the organizational chart and the qualifications of the people involved the

formation of the business organization structure.Management must be able to

plan all activities, for the business to become dynamic and competitive business

over and done with human resource, financial capability and new technologies.

Organizational Chart

The Organizational structure serves as guidance for a business to become

flexible, competent and ready for growth by means of the coordination of the

individuals of the business. Each individual in the business has a specific job

descriptions and duties, task and responsibilities that help govern the success of

the business to be able to become profitable and achieve the goals of the

business. It is vital for a business to ensure excellent organizational structure to

promote success.

Shown in the structure in the Figure below, each individual duties and

responsibilities are distinguished as assurance of the production capability,

profitability and sustainability of “Papertilizer” Enterprise.

Job Qualifications and Functions

The Over-all Head of businesschecks and communicates with the other

committees concerning the progress of the work. Part of the task of the over-all

head is to give updates to the rest of the committees and give reminders as well.

It also decides on the nature of the business and ensures its profitability and

marketability. The head will make the executive decisions and has the final say

on proposals done by the various heads. And most importantly, looks out for the

opportunities to grow and expand the business.

The Accountant of the business is assigned to monitor and facilitate the entire

flow of sales in the business. Qualifications includes: Bachelor’s degree in

business, accountancy, marketing, and economics.

The Sales Agents are assigned to initiates the selling of the products to the

customers, coordinating sales efforts with marketing programs, works with

customers to find what they want, create solutions and ensure a smooth sales

process and most importantly, maintaining positive business relationships to

ensure future sales.

4.5 Legal Aspect

In starting up a business it is a must to look at the legal aspect which will have a

great impact on the future of the company. In this part of research, the important

documents that will make the company possible for running a business will be


Permits Needed

 Barangay Clearance

 BIR Registration


 Barangay Clearance and Sanitary Permit

 Mayors’ Permit


 Phil Health

1. Barangay Clearances’

Government office:Ermita Barangay Hall

Address:Noli Me Tangere St., Ermita Cebu City

Function/Purpose: One of the must have Applying for Barangay Clearance

certifies that the person is a good resident


These are few requirements that are needed to acquire Barangay Clearance:

 Application form

 Application fee ( this varies per barangay )

 Recent Community Tax Certificate for Cedula


1. Go to the location of Barangay Hall. Inform the officer that you are

applying for Barangay Clearance

2. State your reason for applying for Barangay Clearance (ID

Requirement, employment, Postal ID, etc.)

3. Present your certification Cedula or Community Tax Certificate. You

can get it from the Barangay.

4. Pay for the application and processing fees.

5. Wait for the officer for the release of you clearance.

2. BIR Registration

Government office: Bureau of Internal Revenue

Address: BIR regional office bldg.Archbishop Reyes Avenue

Function/Purpose:The Bureau of Internal Revenue permit is mandated by law

to assess and collect all national internal revenue taxes, fees and charges, and

to enforce all forfeitures, penalties and fines connected therewith, including the

execution of judgements in all cases decided in its favour by the Court of Tax

Appeals and the ordinary courts (Sec. 2 of the National Internal Revenue Code of



 Primary Registration

o Application for Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

o Application for Registration Update

 Secondary Registration

o Registration of Book of Accounts

o Application for Authority to Print Receipts & Invoices

o Application for Authority to Use Computerized Accounting Systems

and/or Components thereof/Loose-leaf Book of Accounts

o Application for Permit to Use Cash Register Machine (CRM) and/or

Point of Sales Machine (POS)

Submit completed registration form together with the following:

 Certificate of Registration form DTI.

 Barangay Clearance.

 Mayor's Business Permit.

 Proof of Address such as Contract of Lease (if rented) or Certificate of

Land Title (if owned)

 Valid IDs,if applicable.


1. Accomplish BIR Form 1903 as follows:

 SEC Certificate of registration

 Mayors permit

 Contract of lease
To be submitted if applicable:

 Certificate of Authority

 Franchise Agreement

 Proof of registration/ permit to operate

2. Pay the Annual Registration Fee (500 pesos) to the authorized Agent

Banks of the concerned RDO

3. Pay the Documentary Stamp Tax on Subscription and Lease (BIR

Form 2000)

3. DTI

Government office: Department of Trade and Industry

Address: DTI Cebu Provincial Office, crossing Lozada bldg. Corner Osmenablvd

Function/Purpose:Securing this permit will guarantee the business owner to

have the legal and exclusive right to use their chosen trade name or business

name within its validity. Securing this one also means no other business can use

the same trade name as yours, be it in barangay, city or municipality, region or

country depending in your business location.


These are the needed documents for a partnership company:

 Name verification Slip

 Written undertaking to change

 Articles of Partnership

 Registration form for Partnership with a foreign equity


1. Go to their office address as stated above or in any DTI office.

2. Present the requirements including the two copies of dully

accomplished application form signed by the owner and an original

copy of one photo-bearing national issued Identification Document (ID)

with signature.

3. Pay the registration fee according to your target business scope:

 P200 for Barangay

 P500 for Municipality or City

 P1000 for Regional

 P2000 for National

And an additional P15 for documentary stamp tax

4. Wait for the certificate to be released

4. Sanitary Permit

Government office: Cebu City Hall

Address:Dr. Jose P. Rizal St. Cebu City, Cebu

Function/Purpose:One of the must have of planning a business is to have

barangay clearance or Certificate of Residency. This permit will certify a person if

he/she have a good moral character and a law abiding citizen of the

barangay.This will ensure that the regulation of facilities meet the physical and

structural requirements for sanitary operations. This will be accomplishing

through reviewing the new or renovated facilities and reviewing and clearing

various licences for business. This will also observed the standard of sanitary

code of the Philippines.


● filled out Application form

●Health certificate for employees

● (If needed) DOH clearance


1. File the application form and complete your necessary requirements.

2. Pay the fees

3. Present the official receipt to the Sanitary Staff for the recording of O.R

number (Inspection and Evaluation)

4. Claim you permit after a day to the staff.

5. Mayors’ Permit

Government office: City Hall

Address:Cebu City Hall near Sto. Niño

Function/Purpose:This permit will be issued to any person who wishes to

establish, operate or conduct a business. The permits will be place in the

principle of business, so that anyone can see, can certify the legality of business.


● Barangay Clearance

● Certificate for SEC Registration/Articles of Partnership (for partnership)

●Public Liability Insurance(for restaurants, mall, Cinema, etc.)

●Authorization letter of owner with ID

●Lease contract/Tax Declaration

●SSS (Certification/Clearance)

●CTC (Community Tax Certificate/CEDULA)


1. You need to go to the BPLO or Business Permit and Licensing office in your

city, but first fill out the application form that will be given to you. It is for


2. Go to the Engineering Department to get the assessment for building fee. You

will be asking to submit your building occupancy and permit, your business

location, and your building area in square meters.

3. Directly proceed to the Electrical Department to get a Certificate of Electrical

Inspection. In order to get a certificate Engineer will come visit and inspect the

area. After the approval, you will pay an inspection fee at the City Treasure's

office in your City Hall.

4. Then proceed to the Health and Sanitary office to secure a Health and

Sanitary Permit.

5. After go to the office of Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator to

get a Zoning Clearance. You will be asked to pay depending on the project type

and cost.

6. Next one is Bureau of Fire and Protection to secure a Fire permit. All business

needs to have fire extinguishers depend on the floor area. The BFP will only sign

if they are done inspecting the area and with zoning clearance.

7. Go back to BPLO to show that you have completed the process. They will

verify it again and you will be asked to pay the following:

 Your Business (contractor/services/wholesaler/retailer)

 Mayor's Permit form

 Sanitary fee

 Service fee

 Local Fire Inspection fee

 Business plate

8. Lastly wait within 1-3 days for your permit to be release.

6. SSS Online Registration

Function/Purpose: SSS or Social Security System is a social insurance

program in the Philippines. This provides health and retirement benefits for all

employed Filipinos may it be self-employed or an employee.

Government Office: Social Security System

Address: UCPB, UCPB Building, Osmeña Boulevard, Cebu City, 6000, Cebu


 NSO birth certificate

 Marriage certificate (if married)

 Birth certificates of Children (if you have children)

If you do not have birth certificate:

 Baptismal certificate

 Driver's license

 Passport

 Professional Regulation Commission card

 Seaman's book


1. Go to the SSS website. Fill in all the details and submit

2. After filling out the details, a link will be sent to your email. Click the link and fill

out the form.

3. After completing the form, a SSS number will be generated for you. Click the

"Generate SSS number" button, and you will receive an option to print your

Personal record and SS number slip. This will also sent to your email

4. Print the Personal record form, SS number slip, and SSS number application

confirmation email body that was sent to you by the number.

5. After bring these to the nearest SSS branch in your area.

7. Phil Health Card

Function/Purpose: The Phil Health card or Philippine Health Insurance

Corporation is owned by government and controlled corporation (GOCC). The

purpose of this is to ensure the health of Filipinos through social health insurance

regardless of social status. This can be used at any hospitals to subsidize their


Government Office: Phil Health Local Insurance Office (LHIO)

Address: General Maxilom, Avenue Ext.


 Two (2) accomplished copies of the Phil Health Member Registration

Form (PMRF)

 Two (2) latest 1×1 ID pictures.

 Two valid IDs or a photocopy of your NSO Birth Certificate.


1. Fill-out two (2) copies of the Phil Health Member Registration Form

2. Submit PMRF to the nearest LHIO together with the following documents:

 Two (2) 1x1 latest ID picture,

 Two valid IDs; and

Any of the following documents:

 For SSS pensioners:

 Photocopy of Death, Disability and Retirement (DDR) indicating the date

of retirement and effectiveness date of pension

 Photocopy of the Retiree/Pensioner Certification indicating the

effectiveness date of retirement

 For GSIS pensioners:

 Photocopy of Certification/Letter of Approval of Retirement indicating the

effectiveness date of retirement

 Photocopy of Service Record issued by the employer showing rendered

services of not less than 120 months

 Photocopy of Certification/Retirement Gratuity from the employer

indicating services of not less than 120 months

 Photocopy of retirement voucher issued by GSIS

For Uniformed personnel of AFP, PNP, BJMP and BFP:

 Photocopy of General/Special or Bureau Order indicating effectiveness

date of retirement

 Photocopy of Certification/Letter of Approval of Retirement from the GSIS

indicating services of not less than 120 months

 Photocopy of Statement of Services issued by previous employer showing

service of not less than 120 months

 GSIS Disability Pensioner / SSS Permanent Total Disability Pensioner

before March 4, 1995:

 Photocopy of Death, Disability and Retirement (DDR) indicating the date

of retirement and effectiveness date of pension

 Photocopy of Disability Pensioner Certification issued by SSS/GSIS

indicating effectiveness date of pension or the period of coverage for

disabled pensioner.

SSS Survivorship Pensioner before March 4, 1995:

 Photocopy of Death, Disability and Retirement indicating the type of

survivorship in nature and the effectiveness date of pension

 Photocopy of Survivorship Pensioner Certification indicating the

effectiveness date of pension

 Other individuals who are not under the abovementioned categories:

 Photocopy of official receipts of premium payments to Phil Health

 Any other documents indicating the months of premium payments to Phil


 Await Member Data Record (MDR) and Phil Health ID Card

4.6 Financial Aspect

Initial Capitalization and Source of Funds

Establishing a business shall ensure capital and funds first. Capital plays a

significant role in a business and needs to be secure.Business capital refers to

the financial assets needed for a business to produce the goods and/or services

it offers to its customers. Thus, Capital is necessary for a business to maintain its

operations. Funds allow business to operate and gain profit in return which

sustains the operations of the business.

As a manufacturing business, given an initial capital of Php100,000 which will be

maximized to over-all operations of the business that includes expenses. The

amount is broken down according to the following cost stated in the Estimated

Project Cost below:



Pre-Operating Cost

Business Plan 1 5,000.00

Permits and Licenses 2 3,640.00
Advertising Expense 3 650.00 9,290.00

Furniture and Fixtures 4 12,900.00 12,900.00

Salaries and Wages 5 37,500.00

Office Supplies 8 3,500.00
Cleaning Materials 9 500.00
Utilities Expense 7 3,800.00
Employee Benefits 6 880.00 46,180.00

Purchases 20,000.00 20,000.00

Total Cost 88,370.00

Contingency Plan 10% 11,630.00
Total Project Cost 100,000.00

Total Estimated Project 100,000.00


 Pre-Operating Expenses (1 year projection)


Business Plan Cost 5,000.00
Permits And Licenses 3,640.00
Advertising Expense 650.00 9,290.00


Note 1

Business Plan Cost

Particular Quantity Unit Cost Amount
Bookbinding 2 Pcs 250.00 500.00
Printing 500 Pcs 2.00 1,000.00
Photocopy 500 Pcs 1.00 500.00
Food and 2,000.00
Grammar and 1,000.00 1,000.00
Plagiarism Test
TOTAL 5,000.00

Note 2

Permits and Licenses

Particulars Amount
BIR Registration 500.00
Mayor’s Permit 2,000.00
Barangay Permit 500.00
Barangay Clearance 50.00
Sanitary Permit Fee 90.00
DTI 500.00
TOTAL 3,640.00

Notes 3

Advertising Expense

Particular Quantity Unit Cost Amount

Flyers 100 Pcs 5.00 500.00
Business 50 Pcs 3.00 150.00

Total 650.00

○ Operating Expenses (1 year Projection)


Salaries and Wages 450,000.000

Employee and Benefits 10,560


Notes (Monthly Projection)

All total amounts per expense are multiplied to 12 (no. of months in a year) in

order to get the 1 year projection total amount stated correspondingly above.

Note 4

Furniture and Fixtures

Particular Amount
Wooden Rack 12,900.00
Total 12,900.00

Note 5

Salaries and Wages

Particular No. Of Monthly Rate Amount

Sales Agents 3 7,500.00 22,500.00
Accountants of the 2 7,500.00 15,000.00

Total 37,500.00

Note 6

Employee Benefits

Particular Total
SSS 680.00
PhilHealth 100.00
HDMF 100.00
Total 880.00
Note 7

Utilities Expense

Particular Amount
Water 500.00
Communication 2,500.00
Electricity 800.00
Total 3,800.00

Note 8

Office Supplies

Particular Amount
Journal Notebooks 500.00
Pencils 300.00
Others 700.00
Total 1,500.00

Notes 9

Cleaning Materials

Particular Amount
Detergents 300.00
Mops/Rags 200.00
Total 500.00

Contingency Plan

As a business venture, it is required to have a lot of control over your financial

health. Committing to best business practices can ensure positive growth and

prosperity. But unexpected circumstances can occur and derail day-to-day

operations. Crises such as natural disasters, injuries or death, sudden windfall of

cash, cyber-attacks, equipment failure and fraud can unhinge the stability of the

company. That’s why it’s important to have a comprehensive contingency plan in

place to limit the risk of financial loss.

A financial contingency plan refers to your course of action in times of financial

crisis. In particular, it should focus on allocating finances and resources. For

small and large businesses alike, a financial contingency plan acts as a lifeline

when the health of your company is at risk.

Particular Total
Human Resource 5,000.00
Equipment 5,000.00
Packaging 300.00
Other Fees 1,330.00
Total 11,630.00

4.7 Socio-Economic Aspect

The chapter includes the socio-economic benefits of the proposed project.

Nowadays, it is important that entrepreneurs should realize the worth of

innovating and starting a business that would largely contribute to the socio-

economic development of the country. In this business, the researchers consider

the whole part of the business especially the social impact in the community.

The Government

A balanced relationship between the government and businesses is required for

the welfare of the economy and the nation. The main goal of businesses is to

make profit and governments’ goal is to ensure economic stability and growth.

Both of them are different but very co-dependent. This business is expected to

give a great contribution to the government in the form of taxes. The tax payment

from the business would help the localities as well as the economy. The purpose

of this taxable income is to provide the government necessary economic capital

in order to create projects that could benefit the society.“Papertilizer” Enterprise

will able to employ individuals who are tasked to participate in the production of

the fertilizer and the packaging process.

The Community

Unemployment is first and foremost an economic and social problem since it

brings about costs for the unemployed as well as the society as a

whole.“Papertilizer” Enterprise would lead to the creation of employment

opportunities for the community that will help lessen the unemployment of the

community. Because of the production process for the product, the business will

require manpower. This will lead to employment for the community. Getting

employed is a prerequisite to a productive, socially recognized and overall

realization of human labor; it’s an existentional basis that people use to build on

their financial and social security and find their integral place in society.

The Environment

“Papertilizer” targets the elimination of waste paper and contribute a way to avoid

environmental pollution to the agricultural industry. The product is safe, natural,

no-chemical added and the packaging is 100% made of paper. The product itself

is made out of waste paper added by nitrogen-rich scraps. The main ingredient of

the product contributes to the goals of sustainable development by reducing

waste paper in the community.

5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation

A feasibility analysis is used to determine the viability of an idea, such as

ensuring a business is legally and technically feasible as well as economically

justifiable. It tells us whether a business is worth the investment or not. The

business shall involve feasibility in all aspects: Marketing, Technical,

Management, Financial, Legal and Socio- Economic Aspect. Marketability wise,

based on the questionnaires, the business is feasible due to the fact that the

given benefits regarding from the product are strongly agreed by the consumers.

The product has met audience demand and preference. Thus, the promotion of

the product is also feasible with the aid of Room by Room Seminar, PMB or

“Paper Matter Bins”, and Online Advertising. It is possible to attract the interest of

the target market. The business was able to produce organization chart for the

overall operations of the business as well as for the financial aspect with the list

of expenses. In regard with the permits, it is also feasible since locations where

to gather the permits are accessible.

The completion of these aspects concretely shows that the business or product

implementation is feasible in Carbon Public Market.The researchers have arrived

to the conclusion that the product is feasible and possible to actualize.


1. Improving Product Packaging.

The researchers might provide unique and variety of designs to make the

product more appealing to the target market.

2. Providing New Product Ingredients.

The researchers might provide innovation such as adding new ingredients

that might improve its quality and effectiveness.

3. Developing new and effective promotional strategies.

The researchers might able to develop new and effective promotional

strategies in order to maintain its marketability and consumers’ interest.

4. Strengthening Partnership with other businesses.

The business might gain more support and reach its goals through

partnering with other business. The researchers might merge “Papertilizer”

with other business with the same goal as achieving global sustainability.

5. Maintaining “Papertilizer’s” Advocacy.

Strengthening the advocacy of the product shall be sustained throughout

the years. The business shall be able to create different branches around

Cebu City and other places in the Philippines.

6.0 References


The Effects of Slow-Release Fertilizer Using Wastepaper on Growth of Chinese

Cabbage , 1–5. Retrieved from


The Hidden Dangers of Chemical Fertilizers. (2017, December 7). Environmental


Online Websites

Britannica, T. E. of E. (n.d.). Fertilizer. Retrieved from

Dead trees: How much are we consuming? (2016, February 22). Retrieved from

Deforestation: Facts, Causes & Effects. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Environmental impact of paper. (2019, September 25).Retrieved from .

Harmful Effects of Chemical Fertilizers. (2016, August). Retrieved from

How Paper Is Made · Idaho Forests Products Commission. (2017, January 27).
Retrieved from .

How to Make Fertilizer Out of Paper. (n.d.).Retrieved from

(n.d.). Retrieved from


UN World Commission on Environment and Development, ed., Report of the

World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future.
(n.d.). Retrieved from



(2010, August 30). Retrieved


Appendix A: Research Design Proposal and



Math and Research Cluster
1stSemester, A.Y. 2019-2020

Course Title Practical Research 2
 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Academic Strand  ABM (Accountancy, Business, and Management)
 HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences)
 TVL (Technical-Vocational, and Livelihood)
Proposed “Papertilizer” to Local Planters in Carbon Public
Research Title
Team Name Red Dragons
Name of Members in alphabetical order (FN MI. LN)
Ancajas, Juliana Marie Gocotano, Kenjyll
Proponents Arsolon, Wayne Brylle Misa, Therese Ann Faustina
Baluarte, Conelyn
Enjambre, Fergus
Duration June 2019 – October 2020
Rationale Environmental pollution resulting3 the balance of nutrients in
the soil. Mismanagement of fertilizer used in conventional
agriculture is a well-known in efficiency of plant nutrient use,
which leads to financial losses for farmers, poses a risk to the
environment, and represents a waste of energy.
Meanwhile, Discarded paper is a major component of many
landfill sites though it is one of the major recyclable materials.
According to Ritesh K at Quora website (August 25, 2016),
nearly 4 billion trees or 35% of the total trees cut around the
world are used in paper industries on every continent. That
equates to about 2.47 million trees cut down every day. The
amount of paper and paper products used is so enormous that
the environmental impact of the pollution caused by it is also
very significant. Paper is the third largest industrial polluter to
air, water, and studies show that it releases well over 100
million kg of toxic pollution each year.
According to the Integration of Solid Waste Management Tools
in Specific European and Asian Communities (ISTEAC) , the
paper industry in the Philippines plays an important role in the
industrialization program of the country, contributing to the
growth of the economy and providing employment opportunities
to thousands of workers. Unfortunately, it also contributes to
(19%) of the total municipal solid waste production. To help the
waste generation in the country. Waste paper is the second

most produced solid waste in the Philippines, contributing
address the indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizer, we
developed a product called “Papertilizer” which is a substitute
fertilizer made out of waste paper. It’s not just a plain fertilizer
because it can also develop a plant just by the use of waste
paper. The approach of this product is to avoid the use of
chemical fertilizer causing environment pollution and damage
the balance nutrients in soil, while providing an excellent
medium for the recycling of waste paper.
Cebu City has developed into one of the most urbanized areas
of the Central Philippines. However, The booming urban and
economic expansion in the city have led to a steady rise in
consumption and the resulting production of waste. According
to IGES (Institute for Global Environmental Strategies)
Although there is no accurate data available on waste
generation in the city, present estimates suggest that Cebu
produces about 17% of paper waste per day in 2016, based on
national calculations, which consider average per capita waste
generation to comprise 500 grams/person in provincial capitals.
Waste collection in Cebu City is the responsibility of both city
government and barangay but as a citizen of Cebu City, we
want to help in elimination of waste paper by turning it into a
fertilizer which can develop a plant and contributing an
innovative product for agricultural industry.
“Papertilizer” or Paper Fertilizer has the main ingredient of
waste paper that other fertilizer product do not have. The
product can be in different forms in regards to how our
customers want it, this gives them ownership of the product.
The product is sealed in a ziplock paper bag that comes with
different sizes. “Papertilizer” is a product that will hit two
stones in one shot. It is not just targeting the elimination of
waste paper in the community but also creating an alternative
product to avoid environmental pollution to the agriculture

Objectives This research study aims to meet the following:

1. Developing an innovative product as a substitute
fertilizer for the solution to environmental pollution in the
agriculture industry.
2. Contributing a way to eliminate paper waste in the
community of Cebu, City.

3. Providing local planters a cheap and effective fertilizer.

This section provides an overview of key information which is

developed in greater detail in the following pages. Aim for
clarity and simplicity in this part. Too much detail here gets in
the way of the main ideas. The Elevator Test – Can you
explain your basic business idea in the time it takes to get from
the lobby to the 5th floor?

The “Papertilizer” is a manufacturing business, since we are

the ones who will find raw materials and create it into our
proposed product. The status of our “Papertilizer” as of the
moment is developing. Its process is to be created, therefore
it’s a start-up. Subsequently we are partners in our proposed
product, thus our business is form of Partnership. Our product
is a Fertilizer that is made out of waste paper or as we call it
“Papertilizer”. Our product consumers are local farmers.

In this polluted world that we live in, people nowadays are

looking for ways that will help achieved sustainable community
or society. Thus we are looking for solutions that could help and
certainly could not harm our environment. In our proposed
Business Concept
product we are considering how our product affects our
environment and how we could help eradicate our wastes,
especially our paper wastes. The success in this business will
be achieved if our product is effective and efficient in our
society. As ABM students we are taught about the business
structures, forms, and concepts. Thus, this helps us to
understand how the business works. Our knowledge, skills, and
capabilities are more than enough reason to develop this kind
of business. Our product will definitely allure customers for the
reason our products’ specialties are, it is made out of wastes
paper, and it can be in different form in regards on how our
customers want it. It is package in a paper bag that comes with
different sizes. The customers may get a discount if they will
come with a waste paper. “Papertilizer” is also innovative,
Eco-friendly, safe, and a helping tool for individuals who want to
contribute to the sustainability of our environment. We can be
successful in this business because, we are using waste paper
and we have lesser competitors. This product helps in creating
another life. We chose the right business in the right community
to achieve global sustainability.
The target market for the product “Papertilizer” or Paper
Fertilizer is the community specifically farmers, families, and
Target Market sellers of plants and public schools who are advocate of

Specify what you offer to your customers. Discuss its
functionalities and features. How do you create your
competitive advantage?
What we really offer to our customer is our advocacy, we are
the advocate in our own product. We want to show the world
that there's still a certain value in what we called "waste", paper
for example. We wanted to raise an awareness that we really
need to start changing our ways and involve ourselves in
changing the world. “Papertilizer” is a pure, natural, no
chemicals added and safe to use kind of fertilizer. We used
nitrogen-rich scraps which we ourselves have in our respective
houses and unused paper. Being an eco-friendly product as
Product/Service Offerings well as its cheaper from other fertilizer is our competitive
advantage towards the other products. Our product also comes
with different forms depending on how our customers want it. It
is pack in a ziplock paper bag and comes with different sizes.
The customers may get a discount if they will come with waste
paper, ranging from 5% to 10% discounts.
We are also providing bins that are made out of paper. We will
be providing these bins to schools, both public and private
schools so that we can gather waste paper. PMB or “Paper
Matters Bins” is not just our way to gather waste paper but also
to spread our advocacy towards our goal with this product.

Tabular /
Statistical Graphical
Respondents / Treatment / Presentatio
Needed Data Remarks Analytical Tool n
(if applicable) (if
Company Profile
Company's / / Members of the
name, company

Tabular /
Statistical Graphical
Respondents / Treatment / Presentatio
Needed Data Remarks Analytical Tool n
(if applicable) (if
Members of the
missions, / /
Product / Service Description
Functions and
features, Paired t-
quality, / / / Local Farmers test/percentage table
method of count
and Percentage Table and
/ / / Local Farmers
Disadvantage count graph
Marketability Aspect
Public and Percentage
timely, / / graph
Private Schools count
Wants and Public and Percentage
/ / Graph
needs, pricing Private Schools count
Technical Aspect
/ / / Biologist
/ / / Biologist
Management Aspect
Management Human
on operations, / / Resource
personnel Management
/ / Resource
Legal and Taxation Aspect
Privacy rights, / / Department of
business Environment and

Tabular /
Statistical Graphical
Respondents / Treatment / Presentatio
Needed Data Remarks Analytical Tool n
(if applicable) (if

permit Resources (DEN

Department of
Certificate to Environment and
operate, Natural
/ / /
barangay Resources (DEN
clearance R)

Financing and Financial Aspect

needed, / / / Personal Funds G
source of
Return of
/ / / Personal Funds
Legend: I – Interview, O – Observation, D – Document Analysis, Q – Questionnaire

Name Designation Signature Date

Proposed: Conelyn Baluarte Team Leader
Ms. Erica Mae L.
Endorsed: Instructor
Abelgas, LPT
Mr. John Nicko M.
Cluster Head
Coyoca, LPT
Mrs. Helmae E. Tapanan Principal

Appendix B: Internal Data Gathering Letter


Senior High School Department
Math and Research
1st Semester, A.Y. 2019-2020

September 15, 2019

Principal, Senior High School Department
University of San Jose-Recoletos


Cluster Head
Math and Research

Dear Ma’am Tapanan:

The researchers (Red Dragons) from Blessed Philip of Piacenza in the University
of San Jose-Recoletos, Main Campus was approved during their proposal
defend last August 30, 2019.The researcher’s study or product is “Papertilizer”,
A fertilizer that is made out of waste paper. The researchers offered “PMB” or
Paper Matter Bins that will be distributed in Main Campus. Senior High students
(Grade 12) are required to put their waste papers, unused papers or scratch
papers in the said bins.
In addition, the distribution of paper bins can greatly help the researchers in
collecting waste papers, since waste papers is the main ingredient. By collecting
waste paper, the Researchers can officially start their experiments and
production of their product. Furthermore, the researchers can also start their
gathering of data, conducting the post test, pre-test and paired t-test.

The researchers from the Main campus extend its heartfelt gratitude towards the
faculties and all research advisers for the successful proposal defend. We, the
researchers are aiming for your full participation towards our objectives in this
Truly yours,
Team Captain, Red Dragons; 12-Bl.PHILIP OF PIACENZA
Noted by: Approved by:
Appendix C: External Adviser
Data Gathering Letter Principal, Senior High School


Math and Research
Senior High School Department
Math and Research
1st Semester, A.Y. 2019-2020
Research Adviser

September 15, 2019

To whom it may concern,

We are students from University of San Jose-Recoletos would like to notify your
good office that our research team would like to request your notice and approval
to let us conduct interviews at Carbon Public Market. Our research study is
“Proposed Papertilizer to Local Planters in Carbon Public Market” which
aims to develop an innovative product that will not just target the elimination of
waste paper but also to avoid environmental pollution in the agricultural industry.

The researchers (Red Dragons-12-Blessed Philip of Piacenza) would like to ask

for you deepest support towards our goals in this study. The interview that will be
conducted at Carbon Public Market will help the researchers in assessing and
gathering data needed for the study.

We like to thank you for your consideration from reading the letter and we hope
to receive a positive response.


Truly yours,

Team Captain, Red Dragons: 12-BL.PHILIP OF PIACENZA
Noted by: Approved by:
Research Adviser Principal, Senior High School


Math and Research Cluster Head
Appendix D: Research Adviser Request Letter
Math and Research Cluster Head
Senior High School Department
and Research
st Research Adviser
1 Semester, A.Y. 2019-2020

August 11, 2019


Cluster Head
Math and
University of San Jose – Recoletos

Dear Sir:

We are students of Grade 12- Blessed Philip of Piacenza with our instructor of
our Practical Research 2 class, Ms. Erica Mae Abelgas.

We are writing this letter for the reason of notifying your good office that our
research team would like to request Ms. Phoebe Cabrera to be our Research
Adviser. The title for our research paper is PROPOSED “PAPERTILIZER” TO
Phoebe Cabrera can help us deliver a research paper that is academically rich
and of publishable status.

Thank you for your unwavering support for achieving the good quality of our

research paper. Adelante!

Yours truly,


Research Team Leader, RED
[email protected]
Notedby: Approvedby:
Appendix E: Research Statistician Request Letter

Ms. Phoebe Cabrera Ms. Erica Mae Abelgas

ResearchAdviser Research Instructor
Senior High School Department
Math and Research
1st Semester, A.Y. 2019-2020

November 25, 2018


Cluster Head
Math and
University of San Jose – Recoletos

Dear Sir:

We are students of Grade 12-Blessed Philip of Piacenza with our instructor of

our Practical Research 2 class, Ms. Erica Mae Abelgas
We are writing this letter for the reason of notifying your good office that our
research team would like to request Mr. Marvin Pacana to be our Research
Statistician. The title of our research paper is PROPOSED “PAPERTILIZER” TO
can help us deliver a research paper that is academically rich and of publishable

Thank you for your unwavering support for achieving the good quality of our

University of San Jose-Recoletos
research paper. Adelante! Senior High School Department
Magallanes Street, 6000, Cebu City, Philippines
Yours truly,
Good Day! (Maayong Adlaw)
We are Team
Research researchers that RED
Leader, need your help through answering the following questions.In
DRAGONS our research,
BLESSED we are asking for your cooperation to answer the questions.
These following
OF PIACENZA questions are needed in assessing and gathering data which are useful in
our study.
[email protected]
Girl (Babae)
Approved by:
Boy (Lalake)
Appendix F: 1. Importante ang fertilizer sa pagpadako
Sample Sa tanom.
Answered Mr. Marvin Pacanaare important to the growth
(Fertilizers Ms. Erica Mae Abelgas
Questionnaire Research of
Statistician Research Instructor
the plant.)
2. Ganahan ko mogamit og fertilizer.
(I like to use fertilizer.)
3. Ganahan ko mogamit og chemical
(I prefer to use chemical fertilizer.)
4. Ganahan ko mogamit og organic nga
(I prefer to use organic fertilizer.)
5. Andam ko mogamit og fertilizer nga gi-
nama sa papel.
(I would like to use a fertilizer made out
of waste paper.)
6. Ganahan kog fertilizer nga walay sagol
nga chemical og walay negatibo nga
epekto sa tanom.
(I prefer to use a fertilizer that did not
undergo chemical process and safe to
use to plants.)
7. Mo suporta kos produkto nga mo ta-
bang sa atong environment.
(I support a product that will help our
8. Ganahan kog personalized nga hulma
sa fertilizer.
(I like personalized and unique form of
9. Ganahan ko og fertilizer nga makasali-
gan.(I prefer to use fertilizer that can
be trusted.) 69
10. Ganahan kog fertilizer nga barato o ang
presyo kay 50.00.
(I prefer a fertilizer that has a retail market

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