Geo Factsheet: How Do Countries Achieve Optimum Populations?

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Geo Factsheet

January 1997 Number 4

How Do Countries Achieve Optimum Populations?
Optimum population has been defined in a number of ways but commonly it involves the concept of an ideal population living and working
in a given area. The number of people in that area will be in close balance with the resources available. Such a definition implies that a
state of equilibrium will exist between population and resources. If the population is below the optimum population then the area will be
under-populated, whereas if numbers exceed the optimum population then the area can be said to be over-populated.

Exam Hint - The strongest candidates will

be expected to provide an accurate
Case study: China
definition of optimum population and to
provide evidence that they understand the Fig 1. China's Population
difficulties of making such a definition. 1950-2025
Equally important is the need to achieve a
balance between the two sides of the
optimum population equation - population 1,500
control and management of resources.


Optimum population is often described in

economic terms, commonly as the population 1,100

which, given available resources and skills in a

particular area, produces greatest GNP or Gross
National Product. The implication is that if the 900
population is either below or above the optimum
population, total GNP/income per capita/
standard of living would be lowered. This is an
over-simplistic measure since the crude size of a
population does not provide an accurate estimate 500
of its economic output. This can be dramatically 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
affected by factors such as the age structure, sex
structure and educational level of the population. (year)
Equally, indices such as GNP may not provide
an accurate picture of the standard of living of
the entire population - high GNPs can hide large Between 1949 and 1990 China’s population • Increased use of contraceptives and
sectors of a population which may not even have increased from 540 million to 1,134 million abortion.
the basic necessities of life. people and now has an annual increase of
14 million people. • Increased emphasis on the economic and
From an environmental perspective, it is clear health benefits of fewer children
that maximum economic output of any one Food production has been increased by:
renewable resource (e.g. minerals such as zinc, • Glory certificates given to couples with
copper, iron) or energy sources such as coal, oil • Pooling together of labour, land and one child increased financial rewards,
and gas, is unsustainable since, by definition, equipment into co-operatives and then access to jobs and educational benefits
such resources are finite. The process of communes. provided the family promised to have no
maximising economic output will result in further children. This one child per family
widespread environmental degradation. • Increasing mechanisation - increased use policy, introduced in 1979 aimed to
Interestingly, recent evidence has highlighted the of fertilisers and pesticides, introduction decrease national population growth to 0
fact that it is not the impending exhaustion of of high yielding varieties, better irrigation, by the year 2000, stabilising the population
non-renewable stock resources such as coal and greater use of multi-cropping. at 120 million.
oil which poses the greatest threat but the chronic
degradation of non-renewable flow resources such Population control has been acheived by: • In 1995 the Chinese Government
as air, water and soil which more seriously introduced a eugenics law under which
weakens the usefulness of this definition. Despite • Government advice and pressure, couples who wish to marry must undergo
these problems, many countries seem to have “Later, longer, fewer” referring to screening for certain genetic diseases,
accepted the concept of optimum population marriage, the interval between births and infectious diseases and mental disorders.
and have embarked upon population control the number of children respectively was Carriers of “inapproporiate” genes are only
methods - usually in order to reduce population vigorously communicated through the allowed to marry if they agree to
rather than increase it - in an effort to balance the co-operative and commune system. sterilisation or long-term contraception.
total population against the resources that are

How Do Countries Achieve Optimum Populations? Geo Factsheet

Population Control The slogan “Development is the best contraceptive” has lost some of its impact; in many countries
such as Africa real increases in income per capita show no correlation with birth rates or the family’s
Case Studies In Asia perceptions of ideal family size. Higher levels of education, particularly of women, do seem to be
Many countries in South East Asia have positively linked not only with declining fertility (See Fig 2a and b) but with declining mortality
adopted ambitious population programmes rates and a general increase in health. Increasing the educational level of women has proved to be
since the 1960s. extremely effective in improving reproductive health as education helps rural women to move away
from traditional roles into paid work. Further children are then seen as a threat to this freedom and
In 1966 Singapore established a five-year as a cost in terms of the potential earnings lost.
rolling programme of measures actively
promoting the two-child family norm. Fig 2a. Variations of Fertility Rate Fig 2b. Percentage of Women Who
Contraceptives were widely distributed and
abortion and sterilisation were legalised. with Female Literacy (1990) Practise Contraception (Selected
Sterilisation was promoted as the most effective developing countries)
contraceptive method for those who had
completed their families. Delivery charges in
government hospitals were graduated according
(births per woman, total fertility rate)

to the number of children the family had 10 BOTSWANA

already had and preferential treatment in choice 8
of primary schools was given to the first three
children per family. No priority was given to 6
public housing for large families. 4 SENEGAL
By 1975 the fertility rate had dropped to
replacement level and child spacing became 0 ZIMBABWE
the main policy objective. The total fertility 0 20 40 60 80 100
rate had dropped from 4.7 children in 1965 to 10 30 50 70 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
1.4 in 1986. This below replacement -level of
Secondary School or more
fertility would of course have meant that the (percent of adult females who are literate)
12 Primary School
country would have experienced negative
population growth and in 1987, in response to
Source: UN Population Division 1992 12 No Education
based on data from 93 countries
this threat, a new policy encouraging marriage
and child-bearing under the slogan “Have three
or more if you can afford it” was adopted.
Incentives such as tax rebates and subsidised ‘The Small Family by Choice Project’ (India)
child care were implemented. The Northern India states of Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh were identified as
high need (higher than average birth and death rates) and low practice (contraception). The main
problem was that the status of women was very low, early marriage and child-bearing were the norm
In Vietnam the socialist government and the strong preference for sons was reflected in the low literacy and poor health of women.
established a family planning programme By setting up integrated projects (for example, focusing on increased contraception, better nutrition
encouraging women to have their first child and increasing literacy at the same time) at the community level (i.e. local people were trained to run
after the age of 22, (urban women) or 19, (rural the projects) rapid progress was made (See Fig 3).
women); to have only one or maximum two
children and to ensure that a space of at least
five years should exist between the first and
Fig 3. Success Of The Project
second child. Only 5% of the total female
population (36 million) are over reproductive area
(acceptors of contraception)


In the Philippines the government introduced
widespread legislation to encourage families to
8,000 123123123
have fewer children. Income tax reductions
were limited to the first four children, paid 6,000
maternity leave was abolished after the fourth 123123123123
child and couples using contraceptives were 4,000
rewarded with lower interest rates on rural bank
loans for any kind of agricultural development.
From the year 2000 half a million women will Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
be added annually to the cohort of reproductive 1992 Demographic features: (month)
age. Inter-communal family planning centres,
communal health clinics and women-status Madhya Pradesh
improvement programmes are all aimed to
overcome this potential threat. Couples who
agreed to undergo IUD insertion were exempted Population Density Female per Female Mean age at
from the normally requisite month per year of (m) 1000 males literacy rate marriage
corvee labour. Violations of such family
State: Madhya Pradesh 66.1 149 932 23.2 16.6
planning policies resulted in loss of bonuses and
family allowances. National Average 844 267 929 39.4 18.3

How Do Countries Achieve Optimum Populations? Geo Factsheet

Increasing The Supply Of decreased, even when taking inflation into

account, but this is precisely the opposite of Exam hint - students can usually gain
Other Resources what would have happened if such materials were credit for a detailed explanation of a very
small number of relevant case studies or
becoming scarcer. Effectively, humans have
Agricultural innovations since Malthus’s time for a more superficial explanation of
increased the availability of such resources by: several. However, the key point is that case
have dramatically increased food production.
studies should illustrate the main points
However, the supply of even apparently finite 1. Developing much more sophisticated and should be of explicit relevance to
resources such as metals has ben increased. There techniques (such as radar imaging) the title.
have been many gloomy predictions over the for locating mineral deposits.
last 30 years that stocks of non-renewable
resources such as metals and fossil fuels would 2. Recycling minerals.
have been seriously depleted by the present day Acknowledgements;
but this has not been the case. Neomalthusians 3. Resource substitution e.g. where one metal This Geo Factsheet was researched and
such as Paul Ehrlich have often underestimated has been substituted for another or, for written by Kevin Byrne.
humans’ ability to effectively increase the amount example, where plastic has been substituted
of resources available. Over the last 15 years the for metals. This effectively prolongs the life Geo Press
market price of almost every valuable metal has of such metals. 10 St Pauls Square
B3 1QU
AFRICA: At its most basic, this is illustrated in the belief,
held by many groups, that ancestors live through Geopress Factsheets may be copied free of
Too many people or too few? children. charge by teaching staff or students, provided
Higher fertility rates and large and growing that their school is a registered subscriber.
Exam hint - many students write as if populations have been blamed for decades for
Africa was one country...! the environmental degradation and economic No part of these Factsheets may be reproduced,
and social problems which many African stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in
countries have faced. The phrase “population is any other form or by any other means, without
Under-developed countries often have high the ultimate problem” summarises the views of the prior permission of the publisher.
fertility rates. Children represent net economic Malthus and his present day followers
gains to families since they contribute more (Neomalthusians). However, economists such as
through their work than they cost in terms of Julian Simon and economic geographers such
ISSN 1351-5136
food, clothing and welfare etc. Children provide as Ester Boserup have argued the opposite case;
security, particularly to women during old age, that the real problem in many African countries
and in many African countries this is is that there are simply not enough people to act
particularly important given the traditional roles as a stimulus to the types of technological
which women carry out; food and water advances which transformed the agricultural
gathering, in particular, become increasingly systems of developed countries. “Necessity is the
difficult for elderly women and these roles are mother of invention” sums up Boserup’s views
often transferred to the children. In many which are based upon certain assumptions, the
African countries, children are also seen as an Exam hint - The strongest candidates
most important of which is that such populations will realise that there is conflicting
essential way of maintaining cultural continuity. have access to technological change. The evidence for conflicting views.
contrasting consequences of Neomalthusians and
followers of Boserup are summed up in Fig 4.
Fig 4. Neomalthusians
a ck
e feedb
Positive feedback

^ k Deforestation

^ ^

k Population kDemand for firewood kSoil degradation lLand fertility l Food



^ kCultivation of

marginal land Positive feedback



“Increasing population leads to environmental degradation which limits further population growth”
Exam hint - Wherever possible,
Boserupians (after Ester Boserup, a Danish economist) candidates should try to explain
rather than merely describe. Why
does declining land fertility lead
kTechnological to increasing deforestation?
k Population kDemand for firewood kAgricultural kFood Production


^ intensification
Positiv kMulticropping
e feedba

“Necessity is the mother of invention”. “Increasing population drives agricultural productivity which allows further increase in population”.

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