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The key takeaways are that binary options allow trading of stocks, currencies, and commodities in a simple up or down format. Strategies for success when trading binaries as well as potential issues with addiction to online trading are discussed.

Binary options are a type of options contract where the payoff is either some fixed amount of compensation if the option expires in the money, or nothing at all if the option expires out of the money. They allow a trader to predict if the underlying asset will rise above or fall below a specified price by a specified time.

Ten important strategies are discussed for achieving success when trading binaries, including spotting scams, understanding advantages and disadvantages, and keeping key factors in mind. Specific strategies involve technical analysis, risk management, and choosing appropriate expiration times.

How To Make Serious Money With

Binary Options

Things You Need To Know Before You Start

Trading Binary Options

Todd Williams


The Online Trading Addiction Cure

How to Regain Control of Your Life and Overcome
an Addiction to Online Trading

Jeff Roberts
Table of Contents

How To Make Serious Money With Binary Options

What Is Binary Trading?
What You Need To Know Before Trading Binary Options
The Advantages & Disadvantages of Binary Trading
Spotting A Scam
Ten Important Strategies You Need To Keep In Mind To Make Serious Money With Binary
Other Books By Todd Williams:

The Online Trading Addiction Cure

Online Trading VS Gambling
How Online Trading Works
Types of Online Trading
Online Trading to Gambling
Why Does Online Trading Feel So Good?
Reasons Why Online Trading is Addicting
The Passionate Trader versus the Trading Addict
At What Point Does Online Trading Become Addictive & Suck You In?
6 Adverse Effects of the Addiction to the Online Trader
3 Effects of the Addiction to the Friends & Family of the Online Trader
Powerful Steps To Overcome Online Addiction
The Withdrawal Process
Reasons why you have to stop this online trading addiction
Six Things You Must Do To Save Your Life
A New Version Of Yourself – Without Needing To Trade
Highly Recommended Money Making Books

Copyright 2014 by Globalized Healing, LLC - All rights reserved.

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How To Make Serious Money With
Binary Options

Things You Need To Know Before You Start

Trading Binary Options

Todd Williams
The purpose of this book is to show you how to make money trading Binary
Options. Binary Options are a popular investment instrument for trading
stocks, commodities and currencies. Trading Binaries is very simple and
straightforward; all you need to do is decide which of the two directions the
asset will move, up or down. The great new is that binary options have
quite a high profit potential.
Binary options allow even beginners the opportunity to succeed with
financial trading. Actually people that have minimum financial track record
can easily make money by learning how to trade options online.
This book features the in and outs of binary options as well as strategies
needed to achieve success in trading binaries - potentially earning a lot of
Before we get too far, I highly recommend watching this video because it
will show you a Binary Option Software Program that guarantees you
money (and I am talking about A LOT of money) in 30 days. Click here to
take a look.
What Is Binary Trading?

Binary trading option, also called digital option, all-or-nothing-option, or

fixed return option, is a type of option where one has only two means of
payoff; you can either take a fixed amount of the asset or nothing at all. The
trade will either rise or fall, or in binary trading language “call” or “put”.
For starters, there are two types of binary trading options available – cash-
or-nothing and asset-or-nothing. However, there are four other options
regularly traded in the market, these are double-one-touch/double two-
touch, asset-or-nothing, no-touch and one-touch. Binary trading option is a
type of option that follows European style options, meaning they worked
only on their expiration date not before or after.
Binary trade option is one example of exotic option. It is a trading option
that delivers unique characteristics making it complex and unmanageable.
In terms of functionality, binary trade options appear to be simple to use
and interpret. One thing to remember is that compared to traditional trading
where the payout increases along with the stock value, in binary trading, a
fixed amount is identified and that will be the only payout through and
Binary training method also provides instant results since it is conducted on
a web-based environment. You can do it within your own home using a
regular desktop computer or laptop. This trading option is simple and
straightforward and learning how to trade is easy.

How does it work?

When trading binary options, you need to specify a fixed payout that will be
picked up by the traders when certain conditions are met. Just like in sports
betting, you can easily determine if it is a “win” or a “loss”. In the case of
binary choices, the price will increase or decrease, based on what type of
option was chosen. Below are some examples of binary trade options, with
a brief explanation of how they are done and how much are their payouts.
Cash or nothing option
The cash or nothing option is the most common, if not the most traded
binary options. Most traders, and those who are just about to start, use this
option. In cash-or-nothing trading option, an exercise price or the asset
price is given. This is the value of the asset when trading starts that day.
You need to choose whether, at the end of the trading day the asset price
will finish higher or lower than the initial price. In other words you need to
predict whether the price will rise or fall by the end of the trading day. A
correct prediction means you can earn the money allotted for the asset.
Although the profits depend on the agreed price, this could usually range
from 170%-190% of your original premium. If in case one miscalculates,
and assumed wrong, or the price stayed the same, you can still find some
sort of a refund. There are some trading companies that offer a 10-15%
refund, but only for out of money trades. This option is the easiest to use,
which is why it is considered the most profitable.
Asset or nothing Option
The asset-or-nothing option follows roughly the same principles as the
cash-or-nothing option; the only difference is that there is no payoff unless
the price of the underlying asset increased. This means that there is no
option for “put” or a fall in an asset or nothing option. If the asset’s value
increased, one will receive the amount that corresponds to the new price of
the asset. So even though you need to wager an amount, the earnings will
be based on the actual price and not your bet.

Other Types of Binary Option Trades

Touch Options
No-touch option
The no-touch option is the exact opposite of one touch option. In this
option, the trader needs to determine what amount his chosen asset
will not reach on the date that he will determine. This is considered
the riskiest among the binary options because one needs to anticipate
what will happen to the market over a certain period of time. Profit
becomes larger as the time frame becomes longer although the risk
remains higher as time progresses.
One touch option
Another type of binary trade option is the “one-touch” option. Unlike
when doing the cash or nothing option or the asset or nothing option,
in the “one-touch” option one needs to forecast if the monetary value
of an asset will reach an identified price before the expiry time. With
this option one needs to identify the barrier or the price that needs to
be reached, when it will be reached and how much will the payout be.
That in mind, a correct prediction will give one a full payout while a
wrong choice will lose one the full premium set initially. This type of
option can make the most money possible – an increase of around
250-400% of the original amount.
Double no-touch option / Double one-touch option
Following the idea of one touch option, in a double touch option one
needs to determine a value that the asset will touch during the course
of a time frame the trader selected as well. The only difference is
that in a double one-touch option, one needs to determine two values
that he thinks the asset will reach before the maturity date. If the asset
is able to reach one of the two predetermined values, he will receive
the full payout; failure will mean loss of all premiums.
The double no-touch option on the other hand follows the concept of
no-touch option. This time, however, two points are identified as
unreachable. One will only get the payout when the time lapses and
none of the points are reached.
Target Bet Option
Target binary option operates on the concept of predicting if the market will
end in a positive range or a negative range.
Positive targets. A positive target implies that one speculates that an
asset will end up within a positive range.
Negative target A negative target implies that one speculates that an
asset will end up within a negative range
Ladder Bet Option
This is a type of binary trading option where the trader is given a price
range arranged in equal intervals – just like staircases or ladders. Here, one
needs to identify several price levels as well as several periods. A trader
earns when the assets he chose have, “climbed” the ladder’s steps at certain
times he also set.

Tunnel Bet Option

In this option, a trader buys a contract. This contract states a price range. A
trader either chose to believe that the asset’s value will stay in that range or
breaks through and passes the same range. Tunnel bet option is also known
as In/Out option.
There are two variants of the in/out option. One is stays between/ goes
outside. The other is ends between/ends outside. In a stays between/ goes
outside variation, “stay between” means that price has to stay within the
barrier set and should not touch the barriers while a “goes outside” as the
name implies, require the value to touch the barriers before the trade expires
in order to end in a profit. The ends between/ends outside variation on the
other hand requires that the values of an asset be within the barrier or
strictly be outside the top or the bottom barrier on trade expiration.
What You Need To Know Before Trading Binary

1. Know your terms

Before jumping into the proverbial river called binary trading, you must
familiarize yourself first with the terms used in this trading platform.
Besides learning about the kinds of binary trades (see chapter 1) you must
also know how to use the language that professional traders use so you
actually have an idea of what’s going on.
At the money. This is the term used by binary traders use to describe
breaking even. This happens when the value of the asset ended up the same
as when it opened. When this happens the money is returned to the trader in
Call Option. A call option implies that the trader believes that the asset he
chose will increase upon the specified time. The increase can be as small as
a tenth of a cent, as long as the value increases the call is honored. If called
correctly, then you will make a profit. And if you guessed wrong, then you
lose all of the money that you wagered.
Expiry date. This refers to the time and date that the trader sets for when
the binary option will expire. When this time comes, the price is examined
to determine if one is “in the money” or “out the money”. The expiry date
can be as short as 15 minutes, or it can take as long as a week, maybe even
longer, depending on your choice. The longer the time allotted, the higher
the premium earned, but the risks will be higher as well.
In the money. Winning the trade is referred to as being “in the money”. If a
trader predicted that the value will increase, and it did, or if he predicted a
decrease, and it happened, then he wins. This is considered a successful
trade; hence it is “in the money”.
Out the money. This is the opposite of “in the money”. A wrong prediction
of the rise or fall of an asset’s value will mean that one is “out the money”.
Pips. Pips refer to a unit of measurement. This is the measurement that
tracks the increase or decrease of the value of the assets.
Put option. This is the exact opposite of the call option. In this case, the
trader predicts that the value of the asset in question will decrease before
the time is reached. Just like in a call option, an increase of a tenth of a cent
means a profit for the trader.
Strike price. Strike price refers to the price point where the outcome of
binary trade is decided. This is identified by the trader himself.
Touch option. In touch point, any trader just needs to decide if the asset’s
value will reach a specific mark, either below or above the opening price by
the end of time. If the asset touches that point by the end of trade additional
premium will be given to the trader.
2. Know the trend
After familiarizing yourself with the trading terms, you should also
familiarize yourself with the financial market. One’s success in predicting a
“call” or a “put” is based on how one interprets the movement of the trade,
and not relying on mere chance. Keep in mind that events, news, and
controversies can affect assets and their values. These issues can affect the
market trend. Read financial news, watch financial shows and listens to
trade advice. One should focus on those that determine the possible trading
commodities. Not being prepared means a 50% chance of losing. A return
rate of below 100% is an indicator that one can lose money in the long run.

3. How much money is needed?

Most people would agree that one needs to hold at least $1000 as trading
capital, or $3000 if one wants to hold a really good stab at it.

4. Know what options to Buy

Part of preparation is knowing what to trade. Do not just go out to the
market and take everything you want and add it to your portfolio.
Familiarity with an asset can prove to be an advantage to the trader. Start
with the popular and stable stocks. Just like in traditional trading, focusing
on blue chips turned out to be beneficial to everyone. A great deal of
information about these assets is readily available for traders, and you need
to make use of as many resources as you can to increase your chances of

5. Know your Tools

Many trading companies assist their customers by providing them with
tools to do their own research and analysis. Make sure to take advantage of
such opportunities. One should learn how to read a graph or a chart of a
certain asset. These can give one an idea of a trend of an asset. Most
brokers have their own tools they use. Make sure to check out what can
give the most accurate result.

There are several charts you could look at. Some are as follows:

- Bar Charts – these includes all of the basic and standard

trading information one needs to know. It indicates the opening price,
closing price, the highs and the lows of an asset.

- Candlestick chart– same as a bar chart, candlesticks show the

standard trading information such as high, low, open and close price
of a stock. It is color coded to show whether the stock ended below
the open price or above it.

- Line Chart- The line chart only provides the close price of
an asset on a day-to-day basis. This could be helpful in assessing
whether the price will increase or decrease the following day.

6. Know the Signals

Binary option signals help traders identify opportunities for profit before
they actually happen. Companies that provide such service makes sure that
their customers can get all the information they need regarding an asset, like
what to buy, when to buy, and how much to buy are provided. These
companies also make sure that their clients are updated through any means
possible. They get in touch with their clients through, but not limited to
SMS, phone calls, Skype and such.
There are three types of Binary option signals providers in the market today.
1. Automatic Trade software provider – This is the newest option
provided for traders. This option uses software that could
communicate with the trading platform. This way, trades could
be triggered automatically.
2. Partial-Manual-Trade Providers – In this category, binary option
signals provides trade alerts that are not clear-cut. They are just
mere heads-up as to what will happen in the trade market. The
decision on trading is still left with the trader
3. Full-Manual Trade Providers – this leaves the entire decision up
to the trader. The company will provide the price – for buying
and selling – as well as when to buy or to sell. The provider
sends the information to the trader through different means of
communication possible, and then waits for the decision of their
client trader. The only problem is if delivery of the signals comes
across delays, the implementation of the trade will also be
delayed. In addition to this, there is an issue about the accuracy
of the signals and win-rates for the trade.

7. Learn how to manage risk

Unlike stock or foreign exchange trading where one can cut his loss when
necessary, the binary trade option it is all-or-nothing. The rule of thumb
when it comes to binary trading is that you should expose only 5% or less
of your capital. Do not just shove everything out in the market, then hope
and pray it works to your advantage.
The Advantages & Disadvantages of Binary

Trade anywhere, anytime
Binary trading option makes use of an online trading platform that is
accessible via desktop, laptop and even mobile phones. This gives traders
convenient access and real time updates on his or her stocks. Even when
traveling, you can easily check up on your trading options and make
decisions on the fly. Assets included in binary trading are internationally
traded. This means that trading through this option is a 24/7 affair.

Any market condition is trade able.

Traditional trading platforms require an increase in stock before you can
make a profit. When the market is experiencing a downfall, then your
money will get put on hold. You need to wait until the market is up again
before you can withdraw your earnings. And, if worst comes to worst, the
value of your stocks won’t rise again, and you just have to cut your losses
and try again.
In binary trading, you can make money not just when the prices are on the
rise, you can also earn even when the prices are falling. These opportunities
equal greater profit earning potentials.

Minimal Investment
With binary trading most brokers allow their clients to trade with as little as
$1 in their account. You can start with a small amount; remember to only
trade using money that you can afford to lose.

Easy and Simple Trading via Binary option is as easy as 1, 2, 3:

1. Select your asset and the expiry date.
2. Choose your position; either call (increase) or put (decrease).
3. And then choose the amount you want to wager
Once done all you need to do is sit back and wait for the result.

A Wide Array of Choices

Binary trade option offers a wide range of locally and internationally
traded; you only need to choose the ones that appeal to you. But do make
sure that you check your options carefully.

Less Risk
Since only a minimal amount of money is required, you will only be risking
as much as you can afford. When you choose an option, there will always
be a potential for gain, and for loss as well. Keeping this is in mind will
allow you to calculate the risks and figure out an amount that you are
comfortable betting with.

High rewards and Fast Returns

Traders can set their own time frame. The time frame can range from 15
minutes or up to a week. Within this period one can already see the returns
of their premiums. Return rates, on average, ranges between 70 to 88%.
Continuous return rates like this can make a substantial if not high return of
investment for any trader.

No Time for Practice
Unlike traditional trading platforms where you can practice before the
actual trading, in binary trading no simulated trading support is given by
brokers to their traders. There may be companies that offer demo accounts,
but they are very few and far in between. Traders enter the market without
any practice. You basically learn as you go.
No Trading Tools
Charts and tools are not readily available for a binary options trader; you
have to put out a request for them. Technical analysis is also not available
for binary trading. Traders are kept virtually in the dark when using this
type of trading platform.
Tools, charts and technical analyses are important tools of any trader. This
can help predict a trend, when to stop or when to continue. Tools are
particularly useful when one uses the “touch options” – one-touch, double
one-touch, double no-touch, or no-touch. Chart analysis, technical analysis
and trending lines can help predict what values the asset can reach or what
values it will not reach over a period of time.

Studying Financial Assets and Markets on your own is hard work.

Since no studies, charts and analysis are available for any one’s perusal,
studying for this type of trade requires working from scratch. Studying is
very important if one wants to reap the benefits in the long run. Careful
planning and strategy making can maximize your income while haste
makes waste.
An inexperienced trader may find it difficult to review stocks especially
when it is not aware what it needs to look for. If he does find resources to
help him, theory alone cannot help him that much. Practice or practical
application is also important to put into action the theory one finds.

People Tend To Become Overconfident

Binary option gives one the ease of activation, deposit and transfer. Sounds
good right? Wrong. This ease of access makes one lenient if not careless.

Legality issues
Some jurisdictions considers online gambling illegal, and they also happen
to consider binary options trading as a form of online gambling. So you
cannot really trade legally in some states.
Too many choices
Since binary trading caters to local and international assets one can be
overwhelmed with the choices. One cannot rely on the general movement
of the stock market for it does not reflect individual movements as well. An
increase in the stock market is not an assurance that individual stocks will
increase as well. 459 words
Spotting A Scam

The rule of thumb in binary trading is that when it sounds too good to be
true, then it will most likely be a scam.
What is a Scam?
A scam is defined as a dishonest way of obtaining money or anything of
value. A fraudulent scheme usually applies confidence tricks and
misrepresentations. They often promise a high rate of return bordering on
the impossible. This is more common in binary trading.

Common Binary Trading Scams

1. Blocked Trades - Although temporary blockage is not unusual to any
brokerage a constant blockage is a sure sign that something is wrong with
the company. A brokerage just like any bank operates on the idea that not
all its clients will withdraw their money at the same time. However, if this
ever happens, the bank and the brokerage should be able to provide enough
money to cover all outflows of cash. For banks, their respective central
banks assist if the bank is undercapitalized. For brokerage however, there is
no such insurance.
If your brokerage is constantly falling short of their payouts to you and your
fellow clients it is a sign your broker is undercapitalized and unfortunately
it won’t be long before your broker goes down with all of your hard-earned

2. Bonus Scams - Bonuses are not necessarily bad things, and indeed some
of them are given. One should really understand the principles behind
deposit bonuses. Bonuses supposedly work both ways; the trader would
benefit so does the broker. A would be trader is enticed to join the trade
with an offer of an incentive. This incentive supposedly increases the
trader’s capital, giving him a longer string for his portfolio. A bigger capital
means an increased trading frequency. This is what makes bonuses work for
both trader and broker.
However, this scam makes withdrawing impossible or unrealistic.
Sometimes, for the trader to be able to get the bonus he must provide
additional capital out of his own pocket.

3. Account Closure for No Valid Reason

A broker that changes terms and conditions on a regular basis is a sure sign
that something is wrong. One should be wary of a broker that is not
Having no one to regulate the rules mean the trader’s money is at the mercy
of the broker. The brokers are creating rules every now and then and before
one knows it their hard-earned money may not be returned to them because
of unjustified reasons.

4. Vague regulatory statements

Some brokerages come up with regulatory statements to make them appear
regulated and legal. Some also place their head offices in areas with lax
regulations then place some in areas with a solid regulatory body to make it
appear as if their operations are legal.
You need to check the statements and if there are questions ask. A company
that cannot provide a satisfactory answer to clarification is not a trustworthy
company and thus, you should move on to the next broker.
How Can You Avoid Being Scammed?
One should practice due diligence before investing their hard-earned money
to someone else. In addition to that here are some lists of tips on how to
avoid scam artists.
1. Be Realistic
When trying to find a broker to help you with your binary trading needs,
look for one that does not offer an early retirement or one that promises
money will come into your pockets day in and day out. Trading binary
options is not as easy as they make it sound. Binary option is all about fun.
Money may come in, but money from this option will not make you a
millionaire any time soon. You can make a few thousands a month, but that
requires great predictive power, research and analysis of short-term market

2. Stay away from companies that guarantee big profits

Binary trading is a game of chance. There are two sides to a coin. No one
can guarantee profit let alone big ones. Some examples of fraudulent offers
are as follows. Read the comment after each example as well:
Profit of $2500 a day, every day – earning depends on your
wager. In order for you to earn that high you must bet high as
A binary market’s major benefit is that there is no probability
of losses – wrong. The market, wherever it is located, is
If the market moves up or down you will get a profit- this is
possible, but you do need to bet both options at the same time to
achieve this.
Do your research
One should find a reputable binary option broker. There are a lot of sites
online that provide a list of reliable binary brokers. Check their background,
trading history, and feedback from satisfied clients. Wall Street or NYSE
might provide you such info as well.

Avoid companies that have a sketchy history

They asked you to share your money with them why wouldn’t they share
their history with you? Make sure you get every detail in written form.
Everything should be above board not under.

Looks can be deceiving

Most scammers and con artists invest on their looks. A good-looking man
or woman is hard to resist right? Beautiful women or gorgeous men
explaining they are from Wall Street claiming they trade binary options
there are somewhat comforting to a degree. Not. Wall Street traders do not
buy binary options, they sell them. Successful traders trade in millions,
binary trading ranges within thousands.

No risk? No way
A firm that promises no risks with their trade is not being honest with their
client. Everything is a risk. The goal is not to remove risk, but minimize it.

Be careful with your transactions

If anything goes wrong a bank record, a physical address and valid
registered credentials is the key to recovering your money just in case.
Never transact online when no assurance is given to you to the validity of
the business. Bank transfers are safest since opening an account requires a
thorough checking of a possible account holder.
Ten Important Strategies You Need To Keep In Mind
To Make Serious Money With Binary Options

The first five chapters of this eBook covered the basics of binary trading.
Preparation is the key to success in this trade. And, of course it wouldn’t
hurt if one gets a hold of tips and tricks from the masters themselves.
Compiled in this chapter would be the top tips and tricks of this trade. Learn
it, work it and practice it. However, these are only supplemental. One
should practice due diligence when doing some of these tips
1. Avoid trading binary options when feeling emotional. This logic
applies to almost every endeavor of man. An emotional person is an
unreliable person.

2. Do homework. Make sure to view the graphs, the charts and all
the analyses for a long period. Try to define a pattern if any and learn
to interpret the signs. Do all of this BEFORE you begin trading.

3. The first sign of a win is all you need. Once the mark is reached
TAKE IT. Do not aim higher or let your stocks linger. You can try
doing it some other time.

4. Listen to what others are saying. Keep yourself updated and

aware of drastic changes in the news. Understand the root cause that
way you can corner the market when it rises or falls.

5. If you are unsure about a trade, do not buy into it. Gut feeling
is not an option when trading. Choose your assets wisely. Although
new assets are tempting always choose first the most common.
Common assets are most likely discussed in forums more often and
through such discussion you can learn a lot. Use this information to
your advantage.
6. Start small and slow. Do not let a win make you feel
indestructible. Employ some sense of self-control. Be grateful with
what you earned and do not bite more than you can chew. Avoid
long-term binary options until you are ready for it. Choose an hour-
long trade or the shorter 60 seconds to maximize profit and minimize
7. Do not expect to get rich quick. A make rich quick scheme may
prove problematic in the long run. Again, this is a subject of careful
reading, analyzing and researching, not sheer luck.
8. Timing is an important factor in binary trading. One needs to
be able to act fast and should allot time for trading. Do not leave your
short terms open and leave while the iron is hot. Do not invest when
the market is volatile or jumpy. A jumpy market can cause great
profits, but as the same time great losses too.
9. Know all the strategies. Some of them are briefly described as
Trading with technical analysis – This strategy uses charts,
graphs and the likes. This strategy follows the principle that “the
market remembers”. This implies that what happens in the past
can happen in the present and will happen in the future.

Trading with trader’s tendency indicators- this is normally

provided by your broker. This report shows the percentage of
traders buying and selling the asset. You need to be careful with
this report though for this is not a clear indicator of increase or
decrease of the value of an asset. Not because everyone else said
so means that it is correct. Try forming your own opinion.

Trading with fundamental analysis – This strategy focuses on

economic statistics as well as the overall economic climate to
predict changes in asset values.

Trading a la martingale. – The martingale is a method of betting

wherein the initial investment is increased every time there is a
loss until such time that a gain or a win is achieved. This
follows the concept of break even. Most experienced trader does
not recommend this strategy to beginners and masters alike.
10. Learn how to have fun. It lessens the pressure of earning, makes
trading simple and less stressful.

Thank you again for downloading this book!

I hope this book was able to help you to understand the tricks of binary
trading option. As simple as it may sound this type of trading option just
like any trading option is risky. Better be prepared than be caught off
The next step is to put into action the list of things mentioned here. To sum
it up, remember these steps:
1. Select the asset and the time.
2. Choose your position. You either call (increase) or put
3. Choose the amount you want to wager
4. Just wait for the result.
Start slowly and ease your way to the top. Make sure to do your research
well. Do not just jump in just because someone said so. When in doubt, you
should ask, do your research and study. This book plus your own diligence
can make binary trading option your milking cow in no time. Good luck
with trading.
Thank you for the download and good luck!
Books By Todd Williams:
1. The Highly Effective Fundraising Guide - Learn How To
Make Fundraising Fun, Easy, And Profitable

2. How To Make Serious Money With Binary Options - Things

You Need To Know Before You Start Trading Binary Options
3. How to Make Money Using Facebook Advertising - An Easy-
Guide to Minimize the Work and Maximize Your Profits
Using FB Marketing Tools

4. Start Making Money Fast With Currency Trading: A Step-

By-Step Guide To Understanding Forex

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Copyright 2014 by Globalized Healing, LLC - All rights reserved.

The Online Trading Addiction Cure

How to Regain Control of Your Life and Overcome

an Addiction to Online Trading

Jeff Roberts
Table of Contents

The Online Trading Addiction Cure

Online Trading VS Gambling
How Online Trading Works
Types of Online Trading
Online Trading to Gambling
Why Does Online Trading Feel So Good?
Reasons Why Online Trading is Addicting
The Passionate Trader versus the Trading Addict
At What Point Does Online Trading Become Addictive & Suck You In?
6 Adverse Effects of the Addiction to the Online Trader
3 Effects of the Addiction to the Friends and Family of the Online Trader
Powerful Steps To Overcome Online Addiction
The Withdrawal Process
Reasons why you have to stop this online trading addiction
Six Things You Must Do To Save Your Life
A New Version Of Yourself – Without Needing To Trade
Highly Recommended Money Making Books
Copyright 2014 by Globalized Healing, LLC - All rights reserved.
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You’ve already heard my story about how I got addicted to online trading. I
have to admit that it was fun and so easy to do…yet it was so hard to stop.
Long story short, I was on the verge of losing my relationship, ruining my
career, and felt like I had reached rock bottom in a matter of months. I
discovered and learned ways to control it and overcome my addiction,
which I’m about to share with you.
In this book we will clear the path so you don’t NEED to gamble with
online trading. You’ll be presented with strategies that are proven to work
and will cut you clean of your addiction. It will allow you to have the power
to regain control of your life so that if you want to stock trade online, you
can (with full control), or you can completely stop cold turkey – like I did.
This book goes into detail about the strategies, techniques, and methods to
help overcome your addiction to online stock trading and gambling. It talks
about addictions to trading binary options with day trading and the tempting
60-second trades. Most importantly it provides you with ways to “cure” it,
and regain control of your life.
Online Trading VS Gambling

The buying and selling of stocks originated from floor trading to phone
transactions. However, neither of those methods are still popular today.
Today, online trading (or E-trading) is the most common method for
exchanging stocks. Fast computers and high-speed internet have opened the
doors to this ease of access. These have increased the number of people
who can use it. Unlike before, you do not have to be rich to enter the world
of online trading. Even commoners can invest in stocks.
Online trading is very convenient. With just a few clicks, people can easily
participate in buying and selling stock activities online. In addition, the
process of registering is very easy. You only have to find an online platform
or an online broker to be able to start. Here is a systematic guide on how to
start online trading.

How Online Trading Works

First, you need to determine how long you will be trading. Do you prefer
short-term or the long-term investments?
Long-term investments require knowledge on cash flow, earnings, book
value, return on earnings, etc. These concepts are fundamentals when it
comes to stock analysis. On the other hand, if you want to enter "swing
trading" or short-term investment, you should also know the technicalities
of stock trading. This information is essential in order to decrease the risk
of losing.
Upon deciding on whether you prefer short term or long term investments,
you then will need to follow the steps below.
1. Find an online broker.
2. Choose an account to register.
After you have registered, find an online platform where you can create
transactions. A tip is to research before you invest. There are sites available
where you can check the credibility of the platform. However, you can
never tell how it works unless you really use it.
The next step is to place an order. Here is an example on how trading takes
place in NASDAQ.
1. Place the order.
2. A database will receive the order.
3. The database looks for the best price among all the available markets.
4. After finding the perfect match, the parties will receive a confirmation.
5. Regulatory bodies will check the stock's performance.
6. Data is analyzed by NASQAD.
7. Last, after agreeing upon the terms and price, the buyer and the seller will
receive a notification from the broker about signing the contract.
Usually, it takes one second to place an order and the whole transaction for
about one minute. This is the reason why people are so engrossed with
online trading. It is definitely fast and exciting.

Types of Online Trading

There are three types of online trading:
1. Day Trading
Based in its name, day traders only place their bets on intraday basis.
They do not let it sit overnight because of the higher risk of losing.
Aiming to earn quick profits, these traders observe the fluctuations
throughout the day and grab the best deal they can get.
Momentum Trading
2. Swing Trading
Day traders and swing traders are quite similar. The only difference is
that, swing traders can hold their position in the stock market for
more than one day. In addition, swing traders base their bets on
predicting short-term fluctuations. The downside is there is a higher
risk of losing in overnight trades.
3. Position Trading
This is the same as swing trading, but position traders can hold their
bets from a day to several days or months depending on the
movement of stocks. They will wait for a huge rise in stocks before
they get it.

Online Trading to Gambling

Technology has been a great help for people who love to invest in stocks.
With only few clicks, you will be able to conduct research about the
company you want to invest in. Plus, you have a wide variety of options.
You can think it over and get back to the trading platform when you are
ready while monitoring the rise and fall of stocks is in real time.
Because it is more accessible, people are attracted to investing. This creates
a more strong hold to trading - making it more possible for people to get
Online trading only becomes a form of gambling if people keep on
investing on high risk bets. Consistent failure means they are already
addicted. They do not think before they act. They simply love the feeling
they get from it - the excitement from the uncertainty. They do not research.
They make decisions based on their gut feeling.
Why Does Online Trading Feel So Good?

Making money is very easy in online trading. You place your order in about
a second and you can immediately reap what you have invested within
minutes. It doesn’t matter if sometimes, you lose. What is important is that,
the more you keep playing, the higher your chances of winning.
That is the reason why many online traders became online gamblers. They
keep investing and placing orders to earn a lot of money. The downside is
some online traders keep sliding down the slope – frequently placing orders
and eventually draining all their resources. These people become so
obsessed that they forget how to weigh their options and make wise
decisions. They have lost control of themselves. Adverse effects may
happen if they do not stop. They are not only putting their lives to waste but
they are also affecting the lives of their family members and friends by
always being unavailable and uncontrollable.

Reasons Why Online Trading is Addicting

How can online trading be addictive to people who are aware of the pros
and cons of the situation? The answer is simple: they are addicted to the
feeling they get from it. People who become addicted to online trading are
those who find high-risk decisions exciting. But, that is not the sole reason.
There are many other causes of addiction depending on the person’s
personality and the situation. Here are 5 major reasons why people get
addicted to online trading.
1. Easy
In Chapter one, you learned that joining online trading is very easy.
With a few clicks, you can create an account, register, fund your
chosen account, and then place an order. The process can take place
in less than an hour. Plus, the trading itself happens within a minute.
If a manager of a specific company works hard to be a billionaire, a
wise online trader can also level with the manager's earnings by
having a good strategy and waiting for the prices to rise.
2. Fast
Not only that the process is easy, but it can also raise your money
quickly. By following the simple procedure, you can place an order
and wait for it to profit. If after a minute the market went up, and you
are satisfied with your profit, then you can sell it immediately.
3. Happiness
People tend to stick to the things that make them happy even if it’s
dragging them down. It is the excitement from the unknown and the
risk from placing their investments without thinking it over that
makes them stay.
4. Relieves Stress and other Unpleasant Emotions
If you are trading because you wanted to relieve yourself of stress,
then it is a strong reason for you to stick to it. Since it is fun and
exciting, it will definitely soothe you and divert your attention.
5. Diversion from a Problem
Finally, aside from relieving you of stress, it can be a good diversion
from a problem. Placing bets and waiting for it to profit can occupy
your mind and reject unwanted thoughts.

The Passionate Trader versus the Trading Addict

There are two kinds of traders: the Passionate and the Addict. Both are
dedicated to online trading, but their purpose and decision making strategies
are very different. A passionate trader can handle his or her trades well,
calculate the risk and base his or her decision depending on the flow of the
market. On the other hand, a trading addict bases his or her decisions on
emotions. Addicts do not analyze the situation logically, rather they place
an order on high risk companies because of the excitement they get from it.
At first look, they may not seem different at all, but as you thoroughly
analyze them, you’ll clearly see the pattern of their behavior.

Passionate Trader
A passionate trader takes his or her time to think about the decisions to be
made. Every single detail counts so he or she is not careless in deciding.
This trader is also called the wise trader – aware of the options and the pros
and cons of the situation. The goal of a passionate trader is to make money
with the optimum possibility wherein risks and losses are avoided.

Trading Addict
On the other hand, a trading addict is someone who places their stocks
without analyzing the situation. If they feel like placing an order, buying
and selling stocks, they will do it – without any hesitation. It is as if they
are standing on a vast ground of sand. Nothing is permanent. If there is a
sand storm, they’ll be easily washed away by it without even noticing what
happened. They are blinded by their purpose, which is to easily make
money by taking high risk investments.
With these descriptions, you can’t really tell whether a person is a
passionate trader or a trading addict unless you closely observe how they
trade. However, the trading addict creates a situation wherein everybody,
including his or herself will soon be damaged.
At What Point Does Online Trading Become
Addictive & Suck You In?

There is a very thin line between online traders and online gamblers. Most
are trading to profit immediately without analyzing the market or the pros
and cons of their decisions. They are not only negatively affecting
themselves, but also affecting others as well. Sooner or later, they will reap
what they have sown – an evil seed that will bear an evil fruit.

6 Adverse Effects of the Addiction to the Online

Soon, the boomerang will definitely hit you. If you are gambling for profit
and continuously betting the wrong way, then, you’ll be surprised on how
fast you’ll be eaten by the quicksand you have created. The effects of
addiction to an online trader are very adverse. You can’t undo it. It will
gradually pull you down.
1. Draining Finances
The most obvious effect is on the financial aspect. If you are an
addict, you place bets without even thinking about the risks and it
will most likely drain your resources. High risk investments have
probabilities of less than 50%, meaning lesser chances of winning.
This can result in continuous losing and you’ll surely end up with an
empty pocket.
2. Health Effects
Eye strain and back pain are two common problems of an online
trader. Long hours of sitting in front of the computer will strain the
eyes. It will also cause back pain because of long hours of sitting and
waiting for the stock market to rise.
3. Sleep Deprivation
If you are addicted to trading, day traders as an exception, you will be
a bit paranoid on how the market will fluctuate overnight so you keep
thinking about it. You will not be able to sleep well. It may worry you
and keep you awake overnight. This will leave you sleep deprived.
Your immune system will also weaken because of the continuous
lack of sleep.
4. Decreased Productivity
Addiction will also eat away all the time you have. In this case, you
will not be able to do anything aside from trading. You don’t want to
miss a second without placing an investment. You keep track of
what’s happening every second. It occupies mind and your life.
5. Poor Work Performance
If you have a job, you’ll definitely sacrifice it for online trading. You
won’t be able to give your one hundred percent to your work.
Between office hours, you’ll see yourself checking on the stock
market. Trading would be the only thing that matters.
6. Isolation
Imagine this: if 24 hours a day, 7 days a week your main focus is
trading, then you’ll eventually become isolated from the people who
care about you. You will not seek for any attention or security, for
that matter, because the most important in the world is to trade and to
7. Detachment from the World
The end point of being an addict is the detachment from the reality.
You’ll be lost in the world of trading and it will be hard for you to
come back.

3 Effects of the Addiction to the Friends and

Family of the Online Trader
1. Time
Relationships with family and friends will soon wither and die
because you lack time to hang out with them. You are so occupied
that you focus all your energy in that sole activity – trading.
2. Attention
The family should come first no matter what. But if you are an
addict, even talking to your spouse and your children would be a
burden. You do not want to be disturbed by anyone when you are
trading. Your attention is focused on whether you’ll win or lose.
3. Financial Support
If you are really an addict to online trading all your resources will be
drained. This will result to drainage of money to support the family.
In some cases, an online trading addict will steal from the family’s
money and use it in trading. In the long run, the family will also
suffer from poverty because of you.

Now, you need to know the signs of being addicted. The following is a
quick list:
You spend most of your time placing bets.
You do not do anything productive.
You cannot detach yourself from the computer screen. It is hard
to distract you.
You keep on placing bets without considering the consequences.
You enjoy the feeling of placing high-risk bets.
You bet because of impulse and gut feeling.
You love uncertainty.
You keep losing and still place more bets, not realizing how
much you have lost.
If you suspect that you are already a trading addict, then, continue reading
this book. The succeeding chapters will discuss different strategies to aid
you in overcoming your addiction to online trading and how to get your life
back immediately.
Powerful Steps To Overcome Online Addiction

As with any kind of addiction, you first need to find the root of the
addiction and stop it immediately. Assess yourself. Where did this addiction
come from? How did I acquire it? What makes me do it over and over
again? Think about it very hard so you can control yourself from doing it.
Here are some things you have to do before you start the withdrawal
1. Take a time out.
Stop doing anything. Look for a place where you can sit and
meditate. A refreshing park will do. Find a place where there are less
people. A place where you can sit by yourself, think and talk to
yourself. In this way, you will be able to evaluate what happened.
2. Take a deep breath.
Before you start the withdrawal process, breathe and think of the
things you have sacrificed – family and friends. Think about the
things you have done to yourself. Did you become a good person or
not? Did you become productive? Are you happy?
3. Ask yourself these questions.
What happened? What have you done? What are the effects? Can you
still regain your life?
Of course you can still take control of your life. You merely have to be
courageous enough to fight the addiction. Have a strong mindset. Set goals
and aim to accomplish them.
Now that you have done the meditating process, you are ready to start the
withdrawal process.

The Withdrawal Process

The following are tips you can use to help you stop your online trading
1. Close all your accounts and get help.
The first thing you have to do is to stop trading. If you continue to
face the computer and look at the stock market, nothing will happen.
Total detachment is needed to be able to flush it out from your
Go the website where you have registered. Sell all your stocks. Get
all your money and close the account as soon as possible. This will
also lessen the risk of exposing your money to the fluctuating market
and increasing the risk of bankruptcy.
2. Take a breather and get away from your computer. Have a
vacation and enjoy doing other things.
Get away from the source as much as possible. If you can abandon
your computer for a few weeks, then do so. Try doing other
productive activities, such as sports or playing an instrument, travel if
you have money. Do the best you can to pull yourself away from any
trading activity.
3. Distract yourself by prioritizing other things.
After you have gone on a vacation or to a camp, then it’s time to
focus all your energy on other things. If you are working, try to focus
on your work and be at your best performance. Prioritize your family
and friends. Give yourself time for you to bond with them and make
up for the time lost because of the online addiction.
What can be your reasons why you are addicted to online trading? Is it the
money? Emotions? Excitement? Love for the uncertain? Taking risks?
Well, take this risk. Let go of your addiction.

Reasons why you have to stop this online trading

If you are still not convinced as to why you have to withdraw from online
trading, the following reasons will help you further understand the situation.
1. It drains all your resources. If you continue to invest on high risk
transactions and you keep losing, you will become bankrupt. It
will drain all your money. Do not let this addiction drag your life
to the ground. Do not let this be the reason for your fall.
2. You are not the only one affected. Your family members are also
involved. Instead of helping in the household, you are becoming
a burden. You are unproductive. If you continue this, you will
not only lose money but also the people who care about you.
3. It affects your health. Long hours of computer use will strain
your eyes. Your immune system will also weaken because you
are always up at night. You keep worrying about the stock
market fluctuations. Do not sacrifice for something that may not
last long. Invest on the sure stuff.

What you have to do

1. Prioritize
What is most important to you? Is it money? Is it your family? What are
your values? What matters most?
Get a pen and some paper. Write a random list of things that you care about
the most. Is it your job? Family? Hobbies? Traveling? Making money? Be
as specific as possible so you can pinpoint what exactly you want. On a
separate sheet of paper, number it from one to ten and rank the 10 most
important things to you - number one as the highest priority. Post it near
your bedside or the calendar, or anywhere that will catch your attention.
This will remind you every day that there are more important things in life
than online trading.

2. Practice Controlling the urge

Practice is the ultimate cure for addiction. Practice controlling your
emotions. If you feel like going online and checking the investments,
distract yourself. Look for other things you wanted to do, things you enjoy
doing. Keep yourself distracted. This strengthens your ability to control
your urges. Keep in mind the things you have listed in number one.
3. Mind over matter.
You have to think about the things that matter the most. Control your
actions by thinking about your priorities. You are capable of doing that. The
brain is created to control every part of your body.
If it happens that you feel the urge to trade. Close your eyes and take a deep
breath – inhale, exhale for 5 minutes. You will be surprised that the feeling
will pass after that. You’ll be able to do other things without even thinking
about trading again.

4. Give yourself rewards for having controlled yourself.

Don't be afraid to treat yourself for a job well done. Give gifts. Eat your
favorite dish from your favorite restaurant. Go on a vacation. Or you can set
a reward system for yourself. For example, if you did not even think about
trading today, you can have lunch in a first class diner. This is one form of
discipline and showing love for yourself.

5. Love yourself.
Pamper yourself by going to the spa or having a massage. Being too
dependent to online trading loses your sense of identity. By having some
“me” time, you’ll return to your old self soon.

6. Find communities or support groups that will inspire you to

overcome this addiction.
Some organizations and health institutions offer rehabilitation services for
addiction. If you become a part of a support group, you’ll realize that you
are not alone. You will be inspired to let go of this addiction and get back to
controlling yourself.

7. Plan the future. Set goals.

If you are really serious with changing your future, set goals so you will
always be reminded that you need to fix the present to be able to
accomplish your goals.
After following these steps, the next thing to do is to regain control. Having
an addiction is not easy. It is hard to stop but it is harder to maintain the
detachment. Some fail at this stage. They had a great start, but after a few
months, they go back to trading.
Six Things You Must Do To Save Your Life

If you can overcome addiction, it is a sign that you can regain control of
your life. Do not let the urge to trade hinder you from becoming a
successful person. Maintaining an addiction-free life may be hard but you
can do it by just holding on to your goals.
Here are the tips on how you can regain the control. Do these steps before
your life becomes lost.

1. Acceptance
You have to accept that you are in a difficult situation and you need a
big change in your life. The moment you realize this, don't let it slip
away. You have to make yourself believe - you needed to change.

2. Evaluate
After you have accepted the fact that you are really addicted, the next
thing to do is to evaluate. What have you done wrong? Is the
addiction really worth it? Are you even happy about what happened?

3. Set goals
Have a self-assessment. This is the time to talk to yourself. Evaluate
the things you have done. Now, do not dwell on the negative, but
rather, on the positive. You are just having a bad day, not a bad life so
do not feel bad about yourself. After this evaluation, set goals. In this
situation, change is needed so you have to see yourself 5 to 10 years
from now. How do you see yourself? Are still going to be an online
gambler? What are your dreams? Do you want to succeed in life?

4. Rebuild Intrapersonal
Now, it is as if you don't know yourself. Get a piece of paper and jot
down the bad habits you want to throw away, the positive traits you
want to retain, and the traits you want to develop. After you finish
writing, tear the part where you have listed the bad habits, throw it in
the trash. Retain your good habits, develop it and never forget it. It is
good to have a good talk with yourself.

5. Live each day like your ideal self.

Let go of the bad habits and practice it. The more you think about the
traits, the more it is developed and injected to your system. So, if you
flush out gambling, keep telling yourself that you want it out. You
don't want it in your system.

6. Make a checklist
It is good to see a list of your goals. In addition, it is the best if one
by one you tick the boxes. Little by little, you see your goals are
becoming real. These goals are tangible. You can really do this. You
will gain confidence to yourself and you'll regain your life.

Life does not end in gambling. You have to be strong to overcome it. You
still have the chance to be successful. Do not lose hope.
Do not be controlled by your emotions. You should be the one to take
control of them. Online trading addiction is not a big dilemma. You just
have to be strong-willed to overcome it.
What is your attitude towards your goals? Towards yourself? Do you really
want to change?
You can still open doors for opportunities or rather opportunities are still
open for you. All you have to do is to acknowledge them and to choose
which ones will benefit you and your family. Choose the ones that are best
for you.
A New Version Of Yourself – Without Needing To

Now that you have arrived at this point, you are ready to face the future.
You are now free from the addiction. You can now live your life to the
fullest without anything holding you back. Start a new life and never ever
go back to trading again.

Quick Tips to Remember:

If you do feel like you can go back to trading, here are tips you have to
remember before you register and place your investments.

1. Do not rush.
If you have decided to go back to trading, do not do this immediately. Let a
year or two pass before you register to this activity again. After the
withdrawal stage, never do anything related to trading because this would
only trigger another addiction. Keep on striving to live a healthy life.

2. Make restrictions
If you have already scheduled the day that you will register and create an
account, make sure to make a list of all the restrictions you should have. For
example, you can only trade during after office hours. Set the highest
amount that you are going to invest so that you will not be carried away by
your emotions when trading. This is the best way to control yourself from
getting your old life back.

3. Set a time limit. Make a schedule.

Before you start placing an order, set a specific time of the day when you
can trade. One suggestion is by trading for only 2 hours after your office
hours. This will limit the possibility to make abrupt decisions because you
are already tired from work and you’ll just have to check and wait for the
market to rise.

4. Be patient.
If you are really promising to be a wise trader, you have to be patient.
Placing investments without thinking will only drag your life down again.
Wait for the right timing. Let it stay in the market until it profits. Don’t be
paranoid that all your money will be lost. The market is fluctuating,
sometimes it rises, and sometimes it falls. So, you simply have to wait for it
to earn.

5. Stop if you feel like going back.

If you feel the urge to trade every minute of every day, it is better stop
immediately. If you continue, you will only be repeating the process again.
Do not be blinded by the perks you think you can get from trading. These
are temporary, stick to something that would last long.
Getting back into trading will be really risky and might ruin your life again.
So the best thing to do is abstinence. Never go back to that old life you had.
There is a lot more in store for you in the future. Do not waste the
opportunity to change and be the person you really wanted to be.
Addiction to trading will bring you nowhere. Returning is like exposing
yourself in a bowl of fire or running inside a cave of snakes. It is really
dangerous and will only result to death. It will make you feel empty, hollow
and alone. You don’t deserve to suffer so do not open the doors to trading

Sometimes you do things without realizing it’s destructive to your health

and life. You keep doing it until you’ve finally lost everything. That’s the
time when you’ll realize what you have done. Do not wait for that point to
come. As soon as you have recognized your addiction to online trading,
stop it. Seek help and admit that you are addicted.
Overcoming addiction is hard but with the right mindset, you can get your
life back again and gain control of your future. With this guide, you will
definitely live happier – without this addiction.
Think about the things you really wanted to do. What are your plans for the
future? What are your plans for your family? Imagine yourself 10 years
from now. How are you? What are you doing? Are you still trading? Do
you have a lot of money? These things will set the goals you have to
accomplish today. Always remember that, whatever you do in the present
will affect your future.
Now that you have finished reading the book, you can now go on with your
life. Make wise decisions and detach yourself from online trading addiction.
Hopefully, this book has helped you to overcome addiction and to gain
control of your life today.
Thank you for the download and good luck!
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