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Three-phase asynchronous motor

H-compact PLUS
Type 1RN45664FV90-Z
N-W71215016010001 / 2008

Operating Instructions / Installation Instructions • 01.2011

These sample operating instructions were created for
a machine of type IM B3 with rolling-contact bearings.

Operating instructions are created individually for a

specific order. This is the reason why customized

operating instructions may vary in some details from

this example.

h-compact plus

26.01.2011 09:52
Introduction 1

Safety information 2

Description 3
Three-phase asynchronous motor
Preparations for use 4
H-compact PLUS
1RN4 Assembly 5

Electrical connection
Operating Instructions
Installation Instructions
Start-up 7
Operation 8

Maintenance 9

Spare Parts 10

Disposal 11

Appendix A

Technical data and drawings B

Quality documents C
This documentation pertains to
N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Type 1RN45664FV90-Z
Additional documents D

Notes E

Edition 01.2011
Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

with a safety alert symbol, indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

without a safety alert symbol, indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the corresponding information is not taken into account.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be
used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property
Qualified Personnel PL
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation for the specific task, in particular its warning notices and safety
instructions. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying
risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or
approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be adhered to. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.

All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of the Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described.
Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in
this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.

Siemens AG order number: 0001215016-000010 Copyright © Siemens AG 2009.

Industry Sector Ⓟ 01/2011 Technical data subject to change
Postfach 48 48
Table of contents

1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................11
1.1 About these instructions..............................................................................................................11
2 Safety information.......................................................................................................................................13
2.1 Information for those responsible for the plant............................................................................13
2.2 The five safety rules:...................................................................................................................13
2.3 Qualified personnel......................................................................................................................14

2.4 Safe handling...............................................................................................................................14
2.5 Electromagnetic compatibility......................................................................................................16
2.6 Interference immunity..................................................................................................................16

Influence on the mains power supply through a strongly irregular torque...................................16
Electromagnetic fields when operating electrical power engineering installations......................16
Preparations for use...................................................................................................................................19
4.1 Safety-related aspects to consider when configuring the plant...................................................19
4.2 Ensuring cooling..........................................................................................................................19
4.3 Interlock circuit for anti-condensation heating.............................................................................20
4.4 Noise emission............................................................................................................................20
4.5 Rotational speed limit values.......................................................................................................20
4.6 Voltage and frequency fluctuations during operation..................................................................21

4.7 System-inherent frequencies.......................................................................................................21

4.8 Torsional loading of the shaft assembly due to faults in the electrical supply.............................22
4.9 Switching high-voltage motors.....................................................................................................22
4.10 Transport and storage.................................................................................................................23
4.10.1 Checking the delivery..................................................................................................................23
4.10.2 Lifting and transportation.............................................................................................................24
4.10.3 Storage........................................................................................................................................26
4.10.4 Protection against corrosion........................................................................................................28
4.10.5 Protecting the cooling water circuit during storage......................................................................28
5 Assembly....................................................................................................................................................31
5.1 Preparations for installation.........................................................................................................31
5.1.1 Requirements for installation.......................................................................................................31
5.1.2 Testing the insulation resistance.................................................................................................32
5.1.3 Testing the insulation resistance.................................................................................................32
5.1.4 Preparing the mating faces..........................................................................................................34

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Table of contents

5.2 Lift the machine to where it will be installed, and position it........................................................35
5.2.1 Preconditions for correct alignment and secure attachment ......................................................35
5.2.2 Checking the load handling attachments.....................................................................................35
5.2.3 Removing the rotor shipping brace..............................................................................................36
5.2.4 Removing anti-corrosion protection.............................................................................................36
5.2.5 Mounting the output elements.....................................................................................................37
5.2.6 Lifting the machine......................................................................................................................38
5.2.7 Putting the machine down...........................................................................................................40
5.2.8 Draining condensation.................................................................................................................40
5.2.9 Roughly aligning the machine.....................................................................................................41
5.3 Installing the machine..................................................................................................................41
5.3.1 Safety instructions for installation................................................................................................41
5.3.2 Selecting bolts.............................................................................................................................42

5.3.3 Preconditions for smooth, vibration-free operation......................................................................42
5.3.4 Aligning the machine to the driven machine and attaching it to it...............................................43
5.4 Connecting the supply lines.........................................................................................................44
5.4.1 Connecting the cooling water supply...........................................................................................44

Tightening torques for screw and bolt connections.....................................................................46
Electrical connection...................................................................................................................................49
Safety instructions relating to the electrical connection...............................................................49
6.2.1 Selecting cables..........................................................................................................................49
6.2.2 Terminal designation...................................................................................................................50
6.2.3 Terminal box................................................................................................................................50
6.3 Connecting the grounding conductor...........................................................................................50
6.4 Connecting the machine for a specific direction of rotation.........................................................51
6.5 Bringing cables into the terminal box and routing them...............................................................51
6.6 Connecting cables with cable lugs..............................................................................................52
6.7 Connecting aluminum conductors...............................................................................................53

6.8 Internal equipotential bonding.....................................................................................................53

6.9 Stepless mating face for sealing in the terminal box cover.........................................................53
6.10 Performing connection operations...............................................................................................54
6.11 Connecting the auxiliary circuits..................................................................................................54
6.11.1 Selecting cables..........................................................................................................................54
6.11.2 Bringing cables into the auxiliary terminal box and routing them................................................54
6.11.3 Derating of the degree of protection of the auxiliary terminal box...............................................55
6.11.4 Internal equipotential bonding in the auxiliary terminal box.........................................................55
6.11.5 Completing connection work in the auxiliary terminal box...........................................................56
7 Start-up.......................................................................................................................................................57
7.1 Measure the insulation resistance...............................................................................................58
7.2 Testing the cooling of the machine..............................................................................................58
7.3 Greasing the roller bearings prior to commissioning...................................................................59

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7.4 Preventing overvoltages when switching high-voltage motors....................................................59

8 Operation....................................................................................................................................................61
8.1 Safety notes during operation......................................................................................................61
8.2 Switching off the anti-condensation heating................................................................................62
8.3 Switching on the machine............................................................................................................62
8.4 Regreasing roller bearings..........................................................................................................62
8.5 Switching off................................................................................................................................63
8.6 Switching on again after an emergency switching-off.................................................................63
8.7 Stoppages...................................................................................................................................63
8.7.1 Avoidance of formation of condensation within the machine......................................................63

8.7.2 Avoidance of frost and corrosion damage to the air-to-water heat exchanger............................63
8.7.3 Avoidance of damage to roller bearings during stoppages.........................................................64
8.7.4 Measurement of the insulation resistance after an extended stoppage......................................64
Decommissioning the machine....................................................................................................65
Re-commissioning the machine..................................................................................................65
Electrical faults............................................................................................................................66
Mechanical faults.........................................................................................................................66
8.10.3 Rolling-contact bearing faults......................................................................................................67
8.10.4 Cooling system faults..................................................................................................................68
9 Maintenance...............................................................................................................................................69
9.1 Inspection and maintenance........................................................................................................69
9.1.1 Safety instructions for maintenance............................................................................................69
9.1.2 Inspections in the event of faults.................................................................................................70
9.1.3 First service after installation or repair.........................................................................................70
9.1.4 Main service................................................................................................................................71
9.1.5 Servicing the air-to-water heat exchanger...................................................................................71
9.1.6 Servicing the roller bearings........................................................................................................72

9.1.7 Regreasing intervals and types of grease for operating rolling-contact bearings........................72
9.1.8 Cleaning the cooling air ducts.....................................................................................................73
9.1.9 Cleaning the air-to-water heat exchanger...................................................................................74
9.1.10 Maintaining terminal boxes..........................................................................................................74
9.1.11 Measuring the insulation resistance during the course of maintenance work.............................74
9.2 Corrective Maintenance...............................................................................................................75
9.2.1 Repair preparation.......................................................................................................................75
9.2.2 Disassembling the machine.........................................................................................................75
9.2.3 Upper part of the enclosure.........................................................................................................76
9.2.4 Assembling the rolling-contact bearings......................................................................................77
9.2.5 Repairing the rolling contact bearings with labyrinth ring............................................................78
9.2.6 Repairing the rolling contact bearings with V ring.......................................................................79
9.2.7 Air-to-water heat exchanger........................................................................................................80
9.2.8 Seal the motor.............................................................................................................................81
9.2.9 Installing felt rings for the inner bearing seal...............................................................................81

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Table of contents

10 Spare Parts.................................................................................................................................................83
10.1 Ordering data...............................................................................................................................83
10.2 Using commercially available spare parts...................................................................................83
10.3 Stator and rotor............................................................................................................................84
10.4 Upper part of the enclosure.........................................................................................................85
10.5 Rolling-contact bearings, drive end.............................................................................................86
10.6 Rolling-contact bearings, non-drive end......................................................................................87
10.7 Terminal box type 1XD1..............................................................................................................88
11 Disposal......................................................................................................................................................89

11.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................89
11.2 Preparing for disassembly...........................................................................................................89
11.3 Dismantling the machine.............................................................................................................89

Disposal of components..............................................................................................................90
Reduction of hazardous materials content..................................................................................91
Tightening torques for screw and bolt connections.....................................................................91
B Technical data and drawings......................................................................................................................93
B.1 Electrical data..............................................................................................................................93
B.2 Machine dimension drawing........................................................................................................99
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor.......................................................................................101
B.4 Dimension drawing of shaft.......................................................................................................123
B.5 Motor rating plate.......................................................................................................................124
B.6 Data sheets...............................................................................................................................126

B.6.1 PT100 bearing thermometer......................................................................................................126

B.6.2 PT100 cold air thermometer......................................................................................................132
B.6.3 PT100 hot air thermometer........................................................................................................138
B.6.4 Winding PT100..........................................................................................................................144
C Quality documents....................................................................................................................................151
C.1 Declaration of incorporation of partly completed machinery......................................................151
C.2 Final inspection certificate.........................................................................................................167
C.3 Routine test certificate...............................................................................................................173
D Additional documents...............................................................................................................................179
D.1 Speed sensor............................................................................................................................179
D.2 Air-to-water heat exchanger......................................................................................................182
D.3 Separately driven fan.................................................................................................................189
D.4 Leakage-water sensor...............................................................................................................201

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E Notes........................................................................................................................................................205


Table 3-1 Machine design ..........................................................................................................................17

Table 5-1 Stator winding insulation resistance at 25 °C..............................................................................33
Table 5-2 Tightening torques for bolted connections with a tolerance of ±10%..........................................46
Table 6-1 Terminal designations using the 1U1-1 as an example...............................................................50
Table 6-2 Determining the cross-section of the grounding conductor.........................................................50
Table 8-1 Electrical faults .........................................................................................................................66

Table 8-2 Mechanical faults .......................................................................................................................66
Table 8-3 Rolling-contact bearing faults ...................................................................................................67
Table 8-4 Cooling system faults ...............................................................................................................68
Table 9-1
Table 10-1
Table 10-2
Table 10-3
Suitable greases for roller bearings down to ‑20 °C....................................................................72
Spare parts - Stator and rotor......................................................................................................84
Spare parts - Upper part of the enclosure...................................................................................85
Spare parts for rolling-contact bearings, drive end......................................................................86
Table 10-4 Spare parts for rolling-contact bearings, non-drive end...............................................................87
Table 10-5 Spare parts for terminal box 1XD1..............................................................................................88
Table A-1 Tightening torques for bolted connections with a tolerance of ±10%..........................................91


Figure 5-1 Schematic representation of alignment of the machine to the driven machine...........................43
Figure 9-1 Dismantling the labyrinth ring......................................................................................................78

Figure 9-2 Position of the locating setscrews on the labyrinth ring on the outer bearing cap.......................78
Figure 9-3 Dismantling the V ring and adjacent protecting ring....................................................................79
Figure 9-4 Installing V ring with adjacent protecting ring..............................................................................80
Figure 10-1 Stator and rotor............................................................................................................................84
Figure 10-2 Upper part of the enclosure.........................................................................................................85
Figure 10-3 Rolling-contact bearings, drive end.............................................................................................86
Figure 10-4 Rolling-contact bearings, non-drive end......................................................................................87
Figure 10-5 Terminal box 1XD1......................................................................................................................88

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Introduction 1
1.1 About these instructions
These instructions describe the machine and explain best practices in machine handling, from
initial delivery to final disposal of the equipment.
Read these operating instructions before you handle the machine to become familiar with its
design and operating principles and thus ensure safe, problem-free machine operation and
long service life.
If you find any mistakes or have suggestions for improvements, please contact our

Service Center.

Text format features

The warning notice system is explained on the rear of the inside front. Always follow the safety
instructions and notices in these operating instructions.
In addition to the safety-related warning notices which you must read, you will find the text in
these operating instructions is formatted in the following way:
1. Handling instructions are always formatted as a numbered list. Always perform the steps
in the order given.
● Lists are formatted as bulleted lists.
– Lists on the second level are hyphenated.

A Note is an important item of information about the product, handling of the product or the

relevant section of the document. Notes provide you with help or further suggestions/ideas.

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Safety information 2
2.1 Information for those responsible for the plant
This machine has been designed for use in industrial plants in accordance with Directive
2006/42/EC ("Machinery Directive"). Commissioning in the European Community is forbidden
until the plant into which the machine will be installed has been shown to conform with this
directive. Please observe the country-specific regulations when using the machine outside the
European Community.
Follow the local and industry-specific safety and setup regulations.

The persons responsible for the plant must ensure the following:
● Planning and configuration work and all work carried out on and with the machine is only
to be done by qualified personnel.

● The operating instructions must always be available for all work.
● The technical data as well as the specifications relating to the permissible installation,
connection, ambient, and operating conditions are taken into account at all times.
● The specific setup and safety regulations as well as regulations on the use of personal
protective equipment are observed.
Use the services and support provided by the appropriate Service Center for planning,
installation, commissioning, and servicing work.

In the individual chapters of this document, you will find safety instructions that must be obeyed
absolutely, for your own safety, to protect other people, and to avoid damage to property.
Observe the following safety instructions for all activities on and with the machine.

2.2 The five safety rules:

For your personal safety and to prevent material damage when working on the machine, always
observe the safety instructions and the following five safety rules, according to DIN VDE 0105.
Apply the five safety rules in the order stated before starting work at the machine.

Five safety rules

1. Disconnect the system.
Be sure to disconnect auxiliary circuits, e.g. anti-condensation heaters, etc.
2. Protect against reconnection.
3. Make sure that the equipment is at zero voltage

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Safety information
2.4 Safe handling

4. Ground and short-circuit

5. Cover or enclose adjacent components that are still live.
When work has been completed, remove these measures in reverse order.

2.3 Qualified personnel

All work at the machine must be carried out by qualified personnel only. For the purpose of
this documentation, qualified personnel is taken to mean people who fulfill the following
● Through appropriate training and experience, they are able to recognize and avoid risks
and potential dangers in their particular field of activity.

● They have been instructed to carry out work on the machine by the appropriate person

2.4 Safe handling PL

Workplace safety depends on the attentiveness, care, and common sense of the personnel
who install, operate, and maintain the machine. In addition to the safety measures cited, as a
matter of principle, the use of caution is necessary when you are near the machine. Always
pay attention to your safety.
Also observe the following to prevent accidents:
● General safety regulations applicable in the country where the machine is deployed.
● Manufacturer-specific and application-specific regulations
● Special agreements made with operator
● Separate safety instructions supplied with the machine
● Safety symbols and instructions on the machine and its packaging

Live parts
Electric machines contain live parts.
Fatal or severe injuries and substantial material damage can occur if the covers are removed
or if the machine is not handled, operated, or maintained properly.
● Always observe the "five safety rules (Page 13)" when carrying out any work on the
● Only remove the covers using the methods described by these operating instructions.
● Operate the machine properly.
● Regularly and correctly maintain the machine.

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Safety information
2.4 Safe handling

Rotating parts
Electric machines contain dangerous rotating parts.
Fatal or severe injuries and substantial material damage can occur if the covers are removed
or if the machine is not handled, operated, or maintained properly.
● Only remove the covers using the methods described by these operating instructions.
● Operate the machine properly.
● Perform regular maintenance on the machine.
● Secure free-standing shaft ends.


Hot surfaces
Electric machines have hot surfaces.

Fatal or severe injuries and substantial material damage can occur if the covers are removed
or if the machine is not handled, operated, or maintained properly.
● Allow the machine to cool before starting work on the machine.
● Only remove the covers using the methods described by these operating instructions.
● Operate the machine properly.
Hazardous substances
Chemical substances required for the setup, operation and maintenance of machines can
present a health risk.
Poisoning, skin damage, cauterization of the respiratory tract, and other health damage may
● Read the information in these operating instructions and the product information supplied
by the manufacturer.

● Observe the relevant safety regulations and wear the personal protective equipment

Flammable substances
Chemical substances required for the setup, operation and maintenance of machines may
be flammable.
Burns and other damage to health and material may result.
● Read the information in these operating instructions and the product information supplied
by the manufacturer.
● Observe the relevant safety regulations and wear the personal protective equipment

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Safety information
2.8 Electromagnetic fields when operating electrical power engineering installations

2.5 Electromagnetic compatibility

This machine is designed in accordance with IEC / EN 60034 and, when used as prescribed,
it satisfies the requirements of European Directive 2004/108/EG on electromagnetic

2.6 Interference immunity

The machine fulfills the requirements regarding interference immunity in conformity with IEC /
EN 61000‑6‑2.
When using machines with integrated sensors (PT100, PTC thermistors), the manufacturer of
the overall plant must himself ensure sufficient interference immunity by selecting suitable
sensor signal leads and evaluation units.

2.7 Influence on the mains power supply through a strongly irregular torque
A strongly irregular torque, for example with the drive of a reciprocating motor, forces a non-
sinusoidal motor current. The emerging harmonics can have an impermissible influence on
the mains power supply via the connection lines.
2.8 Electromagnetic fields when operating electrical power engineering

Interference with electronic devices caused by electromagnetic fields when operating
electrical power engineering installations
Electromagnetic fields are generated during operation of electrical power engineering

installations. Electromagnetic fields can interfere with electronic devices,

resulting in malfunctioning of those devices. The operation of heart pacemakers can be
impaired, potentially leading to damage to a person's health or even death. It is therefore
forbidden for persons with heart pacemakers to come into the vicinity of the machine. Data
may be lost from magnetic or electronic data media. As the operator of the installation, you
must take the following measures:
● Ensure that the personnel working in these areas are adequately protected from any harm
by making appropriate arrangements, such as erecting identifying markings, safety
barriers and warning signs and giving safety talks.
● Observe the nationally applicable health and safety regulations.
● Do not carry any magnetic or electronic data media with you.

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Description 3
This electrical machine is designed for driving rotating machines in industrial environments
and also for energy conversion. It is characterized by a high level of safety, long lifetime, and
overall reliability.
For details of the machine supplied and the permissible operating conditions, refer to the

"Technical data and drawings" (Page 93) section in the Appendix of these Operating
The machine was designed in accordance with the ordering party's specification and may only
be used for the contractually agreed purpose.

Explosion hazard
This machine is not designed for use in hazardous areas. An explosion can occur if the motor
is switched on in these areas. This can result in death, serious injury, or material damage.
Never operate this machine in hazardous areas.

Machine design
The regulations and standards underlying the design and testing of this machine are stated

on the rating plate. The machine design basically complies with the following standards:

Table 3-1 Machine design

Feature Standard
Ratings and operating performance IEC / EN 60034‑1
Degree of protection IEC / EN 60034‑5
Cooling IEC / EN 60034‑6
Type of construction IEC / EN 60034‑7
Noise emission IEC / EN 60034‑9
Vibration severity grades IEC / EN 60034‑14

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Rating plate
The rating plate shows the identification data and the most important technical data. The data
on the rating plate and the contractual agreements define the limits of proper usage.

The rotor is designed as a squirrel-cage rotor. The number and design of the shaft extensions
are shown and described in the dimension drawing and associated text.

The cooling system is designed as a closed, internal cooling circuit. The cooler integrated in

the upper part of the enclosure is an air-to-water heat exchanger with a pipe system. The heat
lost from the machine is dissipated via the cooling pipes to the cooling water flowing in the
pipes. Shaft-mounted fans facilitate the circulation of the cooling air. The connections for the
cooling-water lines are located on a longitudinal side of the upper part of the enclosure.
Supplementary devices
Temperature sensors are integrated in the stator winding to monitor the winding temperature.
Various supplementary devices can be integrated or mounted, depending on the order. These
include, for example, anti-condensation heating to prevent condensation or temperature
sensors for monitoring bearings.

Anti-condensation heating

The machine is fitted with anti-condensation heating. The connection data are listed on an
additional plate on the machine.

Leakage-water sensor
The leakage-water sensor is fitted in a tray in the bottom of the heat exchanger enclosure and
provides additional security in the event of leakage from the air-to-water heat exchanger.

See also
Additional documents (Page 179)

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Preparations for use 4
Good planning and preparation of machine applications are essential in terms of keeping
installation simple and avoiding errors, ensuring safe operation, and allowing access to the
machine for servicing and corrective maintenance.
This chapter outlines what you need to consider when configuring your plant in relation to this
machine and the preparations you need to make before the machine is delivered.

4.1 Safety-related aspects to consider when configuring the plant
A number of residual risks are associated with the machine. These are described in the chapter

titled "Safety information" (Page 13) and in related sections.
Take appropriate safety precautions (covers, barriers, markings, etc.) to ensure the machine
is operated safely within your plant.

Observing the operating mode

Observe the machine's operating mode. Use a suitable control system to prevent overspeeds,
thus protecting the machine from damage.

4.2 Ensuring cooling

The materials used in the heat exchanger are chosen to suit the water conditions for which
the heat exchanger was ordered. The exchanger cannot necessarily be used under different
water conditions.

Danger of corrosion
If the water quality is unsuitable, the air-water heat exchanger may suffer corrosion and fail.
If the water fails to satisfy the quality stated on the order, please contact the manufacturer.
Contact the Service Center.

In the case of a heat exchanger built for chemical purification (closed cooling-water circuit),
the water quality recommended in the operating instructions provided by the exchanger's
manufacturer must be observed.

See also
Additional documents (Page 179)

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Preparations for use
4.5 Rotational speed limit values

4.3 Interlock circuit for anti-condensation heating

If the anti-condensation heating is operated while the machine is running, this can increase
the temperatures inside the machine.
● Install an interlock circuit that switches off the anti-condensation heating once the main
machine is switched on.
● Only operate anti-condensation heating when the machine is switched off.

See also
Switching off the anti-condensation heating (Page 62)

4.4 Noise emission
When the motor is in operation it exceeds an A-weighted noise pressure level of 70 dB(A),
measured to ISO 1680.

When assessing the noise level of the system, make due allowance for the noise emissions
from the machine. If necessary, take suitable noise protection measures for personnel.

4.5 Rotational speed limit values

Vibrations due to resonance
At over-critical speeds, machines encounter resonance within certain speed ranges. Such
vibrations can reach impermissibly high levels. This can result in death, serious injury, or
material damage.
● The controller must ensure that those speed ranges are blocked when the converter is in

operation. Refer to the "Electrical Data" section in the appendix for details of the blocked
speed ranges.
● The blocked speed ranges must be run through rapidly.

Permissible speed
Excessive rotational speed can lead to serious damage to the machine. This can result in
death, serious injury, or material damage.
The controller must ensure that operation at impermissible speeds is prevented. Refer to the
"Electrical Data" section in the appendix for details of the speeds.

See also
Technical data and drawings (Page 93)

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Preparations for use
4.7 System-inherent frequencies

4.6 Voltage and frequency fluctuations during operation

Unless stated otherwise on the rating plate, the permissible voltage fluctuation is ± 5% and
the permissible frequency fluctuation is ± 2% in accordance with IEC / EN 60034‑1 Range A.
Any fluctuations that are permissible beyond these ranges are stated on the rating plate, e. g.
voltage fluctuation ± 10% in accordance with IEC / EN 60034‑1 Range B.
The following applies: Under practical operating conditions a machine may sometimes have
to be operated outside the limits of Range A. Exceptions of this sort should be limited with
regard to the values that arise, how often and for how long they occur. Where possible and
within a reasonable time take corrective actions such as reducing the power. Such actions can
avoid thermal aging leading to a reduction in the service life of the machine.


Exceeding the tolerances
Exceeding the permissible tolerances for voltage and frequency can lead to an impermissibly
high temperature rise in the windings and thus cause long-term damage to the machine.

4.7 System-inherent frequencies

System-inherent frequencies
The system consisting of the foundation and machine set must be configured and matched
in such a way that no system resonances can arise and result in the permissible vibration
levels being exceeded.
Excessive vibrations can damage the machine set.
DIN 4024 must be taken into account when constructing the machine foundation. The limit
values to DIN ISO 10816-3 must not be exceeded.

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Preparations for use
4.9 Switching high-voltage motors

4.8 Torsional loading of the shaft assembly due to faults in the electrical
In the event of faults in the electrical supply, such as grid switching with a residual field or short
circuit at the terminals, excessive air gap torques can arise which can lead to additional
mechanical torsional loadings on the shaft assembly.

Serious damage to the machine
If the configuration does not correctly recognize the mechanical torsional loadings of the shaft
assembly, this can lead to serious damage to the machine. This can result in death, serious
injury, or material damage.
When planning the system, make due allowance for the maximum air gap torques that can

occur. This data can be found in the "Electrical Data" in the appendix.


See also
The system planner is responsible for the entire shaft assembly.

Technical data and drawings (Page 93)


4.9 Switching high-voltage motors

Switching overvoltages
If vacuum circuit breakers and vacuum contactors are used, what are known as multiple
restrikes can occur when the machine is switched off. This depends on various factors, such

● arc-extinguishing principle of the switch,
● size of the motor,

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Preparations for use
4.10 Transport and storage

● length of the power supply cable,

● system capacitance, etc.

Switching overvoltages
In some cases, multiple restrikes can result in switching overvoltages which are too high
for the insulation of the motor stator winding. This occurs when high-voltage motors with
starting currents IA ≤ 600 A are disconnected during startup or following a blockage.
The peak voltages which arise as a result can damage the winding insulation.
If you are using vacuum circuit breakers and vacuum contactors, use an appropriate surge
suppressor, such as the Siemens 3EF (zinc oxide varistor with spark gap).

This current limit corresponds to the following upper power limits, depending on the relationship

between the starting current IA and rated current IN and on the voltage dip (up to approximately
20%) while the motor is starting up:
● Approximately 750 kW at Un = 3 kV
● Approximately 1500 kW at Un = 6 kV
● Approximately 2500 kW at Un = 10 kV
A limiter to ground is installed in the switchgear between the circuit breaker and the cable
termination for each of the three conductors. The level of protection for the motor windings is
sufficient given the correct choice of limiters (rated motor voltage/response voltage).

4.10 Transport and storage


4.10.1 Checking the delivery

The components are assembled on an individual basis. When you take receipt of the delivery,
please check immediately whether the scope of the delivery matches up with the
accompanying documents. No claims relating to defects/items missing from the delivery will
be accepted if they are submitted at a later date.
● Report any apparent transport damage to the delivery agent immediately.
● Immediately report any apparent defects/missing components to your contact partner.
These Operating Instructions are part of the scope of delivery; keep them in a location where
they can be easily accessed.

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Preparations for use
4.10 Transport and storage

4.10.2 Lifting and transportation

● Persons driving cranes and fork-lift trucks must hold appropriate licences.
● When lifting the machine, use only approved and undamaged sling guides and spreaders
of sufficient rated capacity. Check these before using them. The weight of the machine is
shown on the rating plate.
● When lifting the machine, refer to the information on the lifting plate or in the "Technical
Data and Drawings":
– Comply with the specified spreading angles.
– Do not exceed the maximum lifting acceleration and lifting speed specified on the lifting
plate. Lift the machine without jerking it.
Acceleration a ≤ 0.4 g
Speed v ≤ 20 m/min

● When lifting, use only the load handling attachments on the stator casing, such as load
stands or eye bolts.

Transporting or lifting the motor
The machine or the machine set may be lifted and transported only using the load handling
attachments at the intended positions. Otherwise it may tip over, slip in the direction of
lifting or fall.
Death, serious injury, or material damage can result.
1. Only use the load handling attachments on the stator frame to lift the motor.
2. Use suitable rope guiding or spreading devices. You will find the weight of the motor
on the rating plate.

Center of gravity when transporting or lifting the motor
If the center of gravity of a load is not located centrally between the attachment points,

the motor can tip over or slip out of the lifting equipment when it is being transported or
This can result in death, serious injury, or material damage.
1. Always take account of the center of gravity when transporting or lifting the motor. The
motor's center of gravity is indicated in the relevant dimension diagram.
2. Comply with the handling instructions on the machine when transporting it. If the center
of gravity is not located centrally between the attachment points, then position the
hoisting hook above the center of gravity.
3. Be aware of the possibility of different loads on the sling ropes or lifting straps and the
carrying capacity of the lifting equipment.

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Preparations for use
4.10 Transport and storage

The machine is equipped with a rotor shipping brace which protects the rotor against damage
due to it being shaken during transport or storage.

Transport damage if the rotor shipping brace device is not used.
The machine can be damaged if it is jolted during transport. Material damage can result.
Make sure you read the notes below.

● Always transport the motor with the rotor shipping brace supplied. It must be securely
attached during transportation. Only remove it just before pulling on the drive element.

● If the machine has to be transported after the drive element has been pulled on you must
take other appropriate measures to fix the axial position of the rotor. Please refer to the
illustration below.


Roller bearing or journal bearing machine with Machine with journal bearings without a
coupling coupling

Roller bearing machine without coupling (sleeve ①, screw and washer ②)

Rotor shipping brace with and without a coupling

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Preparations for use
4.10 Transport and storage

● Machines with an oil-injection interference fit and a center hole ≥ M56 have an adapter
installed between the shaft and the shipping brace.
● Tighten the shaft screw on the rotor shipping brace to the following torques.
Thread in the shaft end Tightening torque Preload
M20 70 Nm 40 kN
M24 150 Nm 60 kN
M30 230 Nm 80 kN
M36 350 Nm 110 kN

Tightening torque for the central shaft screw on the rotor shipping brace and preload for other methods
of securing the rotor

Place the machine in a secure and raised position
In order to obtain easy and safe access to the underside of the machine, place the machine
in a secure and raised position.

Never remain under a suspended load
If the lifting gear or load handling attachments were to fail, the machine could fall.
This can result in death, serious injury, or material damage. Never remain under the machine
when it is raised.

4.10.3 Storage
If the machine is not going to be commissioned immediately after delivery, ensure it is stored


Seizure damage to bearings
If the machine is stored incorrectly there is a risk that the bearings will suffer damage while
out of use. Examples of resulting damage can include brinelling and corrosion.
Read the following storage instructions.

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Preparations for use
4.10 Transport and storage

Preconditions and preparations

● Only store goods in undamaged packaging. If goods are delivered in damaged packaging,
unpack them and store appropriately according to the nature of the goods.
● Repair any damage to the packaging before putting the equipment into storage insofar as
this is necessary to ensure proper storage conditions.

General instructions for storage

Wherever possible, store the machine in a storage room. The place of storage must satisfy
the following general conditions:
● Select a sufficiently sized dry and horizontal place of storage that is above flood level and
free of vibration (veff ≤ 0.2 mm/s).

– The place of storage must be well ventilated and offer protection against extremes of
– The floor of the place of storage must be sufficiently strong. The maximum permissible

floor loading or storage compartment loading may not be exceeded.
– The place of storage must be dry, dust-free, frost-free, and vibration-free.
● Ensure that the temperature remains stable in the range from 10 °C (50 °F) to 50 °C (120 °F).
The room temperature should be approx. 10 °K above the outside temperature. The relative
humidity of the air should be less than 60 %. The temperature should not fall below ‑20 °C.
● The ambient air must not contain any harmful gases.
● Protect the motor from shocks and humidity.
● Position machines, devices and crates on pallets, wooden beams or foundations that
protect them against rising damp.
● Ensure that the air circulation under the equipment is not impeded.
– Place wooden spacer blocks between the covers and the motor.
– Covers or tarpaulins must not trail on the floor around the machine.

Storing outdoors
For outdoor storage, the following additional conditions must be satisfied:
● The ground must be sufficiently strong. Prevent the motor from sinking into the ground.
● Covers or tarpaulins used to protect the equipment against the weather must not make
contact with the surfaces of the equipment. Otherwise air circulation under the stored items
will be prevented.

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Preparations for use
4.10 Transport and storage

Protection against humidity

● If a dry storage area is not available, then take the following precautions:
– Wrap the machine in humidity-absorbent material and then wrap it in film to create an
air-tight unit.
– Place a humidity meter inside the film wrapping.
– Inspect the motor regularly.

Long-term storage
If you are storing a machine for more than six months, you must check its condition every six

months. Store the machine in accordance with the specifications in the chapter titled
"Storage (Page 26)".
● Check the motor for damage.

● Carry out any necessary maintenance work.
● Document all preservation measures taken so that they can be reversed before the
machines are put back into service.
● Make sure that the storage conditions are such that condensation cannot form in the motor.
● Provide a constant source of low heat to the motor windings, along with forced air ventilation.

4.10.4 Protection against corrosion

If the machine is stored in dry conditions, then take the following anti-corrosion measures:
● Storage up to six months:
Apply a coat of corrosion protective compound to all accessible bare metal parts such as
the exposed shaft extension, flange or machine feet.

● Storage for longer than six months:

Apply a coat of anti-corrosion compound which provides long-term protection, e.g.
Tectyl 506.
● Inspect the machine regularly and apply an additional coating of corrosion protection if

4.10.5 Protecting the cooling water circuit during storage

Anti-freeze protection
The machine is delivered with the cooling water ducts empty of cooling water, so as not to run
the risk of frost damage.

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Preparations for use
4.10 Transport and storage

Protecting the cooling circuit against corrosion

You protect the cooling circuit against corrosion when the machine has already been in
operation and is then placed in storage or put out of operation.
1. Read the information in the operating instructions supplied by the manufacturer of the
2. Discharge the cooling water ducts fully and purge with air to ensure that they are completely
3. Flush the cooling water ducts with anti-rust emulsion.

See also
Additional documents (Page 179)


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Assembly 5
When carrying out any work on the machine, observe the general safety instructions
(Page 13) and the specifications contained in DIN EN 50110‑1 as regards working safely with
and on electrical machines.

5.1 Preparations for installation

5.1.1 Requirements for installation

The following requirements must be satisfied prior to starting installation work:
● Staff have access to the relevant installation instructions and operating instructions.
● The machine is unpacked and ready for mounting at the installation location.

Further Information
Further machine-specific information for installation can be found in the "Technical data
and drawings" (Page 93) section.

Measure the insulation resistance of the winding before starting installation work
Wherever possible, measure the insulation resistance of the winding before starting
installation work. If the insulation resistance lies below the specified value, take

appropriate remedial measures. These remedial measures may necessitate the machine
being removed again and transported.

See also
Testing the insulation resistance (Page 32)

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5.1 Preparations for installation

Heat-resistant mounting parts
The motor components get very hot during operation. High temperatures can damage
mounting parts such as the cable insulation.
● Temperature-sensitive parts such as normal cables or electronic components must not
rest against or be attached to these.
● Only use heat-resistant mounting parts. The connecting cables and cable entries must be
suitable for the ambient temperature.

5.1.2 Testing the insulation resistance
Before starting up a machine for the first time, after an extended period in storage or out of

use, or in the context of maintenance work, measure the insulation resistance of the winding.
This measurement provides information on the condition of the machine:
● Is the insulation dirty or damp?
● Must the windings be cleaned or dried?
● Can the machine be put into operation?
Detailed information on testing insulation resistance and the value criteria can be found in the
"Testing the insulation resistance" section.

See also
Testing the insulation resistance (Page 32)

5.1.3 Testing the insulation resistance

Hazardous voltage at the terminals
During and immediately after measurement of the stator winding insulation resistance,
hazardous voltages can be present at some terminals. Contact with these can result in death,
serious injury or material damage.
If any power cables are connected, check to make sure line supply voltage cannot be
delivered. Once you have measured the insulation resistance, discharge the winding by
connecting the ground potential.

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5.1 Preparations for installation

Measure the insulation resistance

1. Before you begin measuring the insulation resistance, please read the manual for the
insulation resistance meter you are going to use.
2. Disconnect any connected main-circuit cables from the terminals before measuring the
insulation resistance.
3. Wherever possible, measure the insulation resistance of the winding to the motor casing
at a winding temperature of 20 to 30 °C. Other values for the insulation resistance apply at
different temperatures.
4. When measuring, wait until the final resistance value is reached. This happens after
approximately 1 minute. Then read off the insulation resistance.

Limit values of the stator winding insulation resistance
The following table indicates the measuring circuit voltage and the limit values for the minimum
insulation resistance and the critical insulation resistance of the stator winding.

Table 5-1

Measuring circuit voltage

Stator winding insulation resistance at 25 °C

Rated voltage
VN < 2 kV
500 V
Rated voltage
VN ≥ 2 kV
500 V
Minimum insulation resistance with new, 10 MΩ 100 MΩ
cleaned or repaired windings
Critical specific insulation resistance after a 0.5 MΩ/kV 5 MΩ/kV
long operating time

Note the following:


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5.1 Preparations for installation

● If the measurements are performed at winding temperatures other than 25°C, the measured
value will need to be converted to the reference temperature of 25°C in order to be able to
compare the values with the table above.
– The insulation resistance halves every time the temperature rises by 10 K.
– The resistance doubles every time the temperature falls by 10 K.
● Dry, new windings have insulation resistance of between 100 and 2000 MΩ, or possibly
values that are even higher. Insulation resistance close to the minimum value could be due
to humidity and/or dirt accumulation.
● Over its operating lifetime, the motor winding insulation resistance can drop due to ambient
and operational influences. The critical insulation resistance value for a winding
temperature of 25 °C can be calculated, depending on the rated voltage, by multiplying the
rated voltage (kV) by the specific critical resistance value.

Critical resistance for a rated voltage (VN) of 3.3 kV:
3.3 kV x 5 MΩ/kV = 16.5 MΩ

Critical insulation resistance reached or undershot
If the critical insulation resistance is reached or undershot, this can result in damage to
the insulation or voltage flashovers.
Dry the windings, or thoroughly clean and dry them (remove the rotor first).
● If the clean windings have not cooled to 25°C, a lower insulation resistance value will
be measured. The insulation resistance can only be properly assessed after
conversion to the reference temperature of 25 °C. Allow the windings to cool to 25°C
or convert the insulation resistance using 25°C as the reference temperature.
● If the measured value is close to the critical value, you must check the insulation
resistance at suitably frequent intervals.

Limit values of the anti-condensation heating insulation resistance

The insulation resistance of the anti-condensation heating with respect to the machine housing
should not be lower than 1 MΩ when measured at 500 V DC.

5.1.4 Preparing the mating faces

● Ensure that the foundation faces are flat and clean.
● Check the dimensions of the mounting-foot holes. The data on this can be found in the
"Technical data and drawings (Page 93)" section.

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5.2 Lift the machine to where it will be installed, and position it

See also
Removing anti-corrosion protection (Page 36)

5.2 Lift the machine to where it will be installed, and position it

5.2.1 Preconditions for correct alignment and secure attachment

Detailed specialist knowledge of the following measures is required in order to correctly align
and securely fit the equipment.
● Preparing the foundation

● Selecting and mounting the coupling
● Measuring the concentricity and axial eccentricity tolerances
● Positioning the machine
If you are not familiar with the prescribed measures and procedures, then you can make use
of the services offered by the local Service Center.

5.2.2 Checking the load handling attachments

Inspect the load handling attachments such as the load stands, lifting eyes and ring bolts and
also the lifting gear, before lifting and transporting the machine:
● Inspect the load handling attachments on the machine for possible damage. Replace any
load handling attachments that are found to be damaged.
● Check before use that the load handling attachments are correctly secured.
● When lifting the machine, use only approved and undamaged lifting gear of sufficient rated

capacity. Check these before using them.

The machine can be dropped
If the load handling attachments and lifting gear are damaged or not correctly secured,
the machine may be dropped during lifting and transportation. This can result in death,
serious injury, or material damage. Inspect the load handling attachments and lifting gear
before use.

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5.2 Lift the machine to where it will be installed, and position it

5.2.3 Removing the rotor shipping brace

If a rotor shipping brace is attached to the machine, remove it at the last possible moment,
for example, when you are ready to push on the output or drive element.

Machines with an oil-injection interference fit and a center hole ≥ M56
An adapter is installed between the shaft and the rotor shipping brace on machines with an
oil-injection interference fit and a center hole ≥ M56. Remove this adapter together with the
rotor shipping brace.

See also
Lifting and transportation (Page 24)

5.2.4 Removing anti-corrosion protection PL

Machined, bright surfaces of machine parts and small components such as screws, bolts,
wedges, feather keys, and dowel pins, are treated with an anti-corrosion agent.
Carefully remove the anti-corrosion agent and immediately start the installation work.
Bright surfaces on machine parts
● Use petroleum, petroleum ether, or a similar solvent or detergent to remove the anti-
corrosion coating from the machined surfaces of machine parts and from small components.

Paintwork damage

Make sure that the detergent or solvent does not come into contact with any painted
surfaces, as this could damage the lacquer.

● Use a suitable solvent to soften thick layers of anti-corrosion agent. Then push the softened
layers off using a piece of hardwood approximately 10 x 10 x 1 cm. Do not sand the
protective coating down or scrape it off.

Do not use metal tools.
Do not use metal objects such as scrapers, spatulas, or plates to remove the anti-corrosion
as this could damage the surfaces of the machine parts.

● Lightly oil the depreserved surfaces.

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5.2 Lift the machine to where it will be installed, and position it

Thread and fastening parts

● Remove the anti-corrosion protection from bolts and tapered pins.
● Use the appropriate tap or cutting die to shave the tapped holes of machine parts and
threads of screws, etc. See the drawings for the relevant male and female thread
● Use dry compressed air to purge the shaved tapped holes.
● Lightly oil the depreserved threads.

Burrs and pressure marks

● Check the machine parts, as well as fastening and fixing elements, for burrs or pressure
marks. Use a smoothing file to carefully remove any such burrs/pressure marks.

● Only whetstones may be used to smooth finished surfaces.

5.2.5 Mounting the output elements

Balance quality
The rotor is dynamically balanced. For shaft extensions with featherkeys, the balancing type
is specified using the following coding on the face of the drive end of the shaft:
● "H" means balancing with a half feather key
● "F" means balancing with a whole feather key.

Pushing on the power output elements

● Prerequisites:
– The coupling and/or the output element must be appropriately dimensioned for the

operating case at hand.

– Comply with the coupling manufacturer's instructions.
– Make sure that the balancing type of the transmission element correctly matches the
type of balance of the rotor.
– Use only ready drilled and balanced transmission elements. Check the hole diameters
and the balancing status before pulling them on. Thoroughly clean the shaft extension.
● Pulling on:
– Warm up the transmission elements to expand them before pulling them on. Select the
temperature difference for the heating process to suit the coupling diameter, fit and
material. See the coupling manufacturer's instructions.
– Power output elements may only be pushed on or pulled off with the correct equipment.
The transmission element must be pulled on in one continuous operation via the front
thread holes in the shaft or pushed on by hand.
– Do not strike it with a hammer, as this would damage the bearings.

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5.2 Lift the machine to where it will be installed, and position it

Shaft extensions with feather key

To maintain the balancing quality, you have the following options:
● If the transmission element is shorter than the feather key with balancing type "H", then you
must machine off the section of feather key protruding from the shaft contour and
transmission element in order to maintain the balance quality.
● If the transmission element is drawn up on to the shoulder of the shaft, you must ensure
that the part of the coupling groove where the feather key is not inserted is taken into
consideration when balancing the coupling.

The feather key can fall out
The feather keys are only locked against falling out during shipping. If a machine with two

shaft extensions does not have an output element on one shaft extension, the feather key
can fall out during operation.
Death or serious injury can result.

● Do not operate the machine unless the transmission elements have been pulled on.
● On shaft extensions without output element, make sure that the feather key cannot fall
out and shorten it by approximately half for balance type "H".
5.2.6 Lifting the machine
● Persons driving cranes and fork-lift trucks must hold appropriate licences.
● When lifting the machine, use only approved and undamaged sling guides and spreaders
of sufficient rated capacity. Check these before using them. The weight of the machine is
shown on the rating plate.

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5.2 Lift the machine to where it will be installed, and position it

● When lifting the machine, refer to the information on the lifting plate or in the "Technical
Data and Drawings":
– Comply with the specified spreading angles.
– Do not exceed the maximum lifting acceleration and lifting speed specified on the lifting
plate. Lift the machine without jerking it.
Acceleration a ≤ 0.4 g
Speed v ≤ 20 m/min
● When lifting, use only the load handling attachments on the stator casing, such as load
stands or eye bolts.

Transporting or lifting the motor

The machine or the machine set may be lifted and transported only using the load handling
attachments at the intended positions. Otherwise it may tip over, slip in the direction of
lifting or fall.

Death, serious injury, or material damage can result.
1. Only use the load handling attachments on the stator frame to lift the motor.
2. Use suitable rope guiding or spreading devices. You will find the weight of the motor
on the rating plate.

Center of gravity when transporting or lifting the motor
If the center of gravity of a load is not located centrally between the attachment points,
the motor can tip over or slip out of the lifting equipment when it is being transported or
This can result in death, serious injury, or material damage.
1. Always take account of the center of gravity when transporting or lifting the motor. The
motor's center of gravity is indicated in the relevant dimension diagram.
2. Comply with the handling instructions on the machine when transporting it. If the center

of gravity is not located centrally between the attachment points, then position the
hoisting hook above the center of gravity.
3. Be aware of the possibility of different loads on the sling ropes or lifting straps and the
carrying capacity of the lifting equipment.

Place the machine in a secure and raised position
In order to obtain easy and safe access to the underside of the machine, place the machine
in a secure and raised position.

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5.2 Lift the machine to where it will be installed, and position it

Never remain under a suspended load
If the lifting gear or load handling attachments were to fail, the machine could fall.
This can result in death, serious injury, or material damage. Never remain under the machine
when it is raised.

5.2.7 Putting the machine down

1. Before putting the machine down, check the following at the intended destination:

– The mating faces must be clean.
– The anti-corrosion protection paint has been removed from the mating faces, such as
the machine feet, flange, ...

See also

There is no condensate present within the machine.
2. Put the machine down slowly and carefully, avoiding any impacts.

Removing anti-corrosion protection (Page 36)

Draining condensation (Page 40)

5.2.8 Draining condensation

Under the following conditions it is possible that condensate may accumulate within the
● Wide fluctuations in the ambient temperature, such as direct sunshine combined with high

atmospheric humidity
● Intermittent operation or load fluctuations during operation

Damage due to condensate
If the stator winding is damp, its insulation resistance will be reduced. This can result in
voltage flashovers, which can seriously damage the windings. Condensate can also cause
rust to form within the machine.
Ensure that condensate can drain away.

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5.3 Installing the machine

Ensure that condensate can drain away

In the end shields on the drive end and non-drive end, water drainage holes are situated lower
down and opposite the regreasing devices. They are sealed with small plugs or screw plugs.
Depending on the type of installation, the water drainage holes are located at the bottom.
1. Regularly remove the screw plugs or the plugs, to allow the condensate to drain away.
2. Then re-fit the screw plugs or the plugs, so that the machine's degree of protection is

The degree of protection is reduced
The degree of protection of the machine is nominally reduced to IP44 when a plug or
screw is removed.


Roughly aligning the machine
The transmission element such as a coupling half has already been pulled on.
Roughly aligning the machine
● For horizontal positioning, push the motor sideways across the foundation. When doing so,
ensure that the axial position is maintained.

5.3 Installing the machine


5.3.1 Safety instructions for installation

Use the correct fixing accessories.
If screws of an incorrect property class have been selected or if they have been fastened to
an incorrect tightening torque, they may break or become loose. This will cause the machine
to move, which could damage the bearings. The rotor could smash into the machine
enclosure and machine parts could be flung out of place. This could result in death, serious
injury, or material damage.
● Comply with the required property classes for screwed connections.
● Tighten the screwed connections to the specified tightening torques.

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5.3 Installing the machine

Align the machine to the driven machine carefully
If the machine has not been properly aligned, this will mean the fastening parts are subjected
to stress/distortion. Screws may become loose or break, the machine will move, machine
parts could be flung out of place. This could result in death, serious injury, or material damage.
● Carefully align the machine to the driven machine.

Do not damage mounting parts

Mounting parts such as temperature sensors or speed sensors are attached to the machine
and could be ripped off or destroyed as a result of improper handling. This could lead to
machine malfunctions, extending even to total loss of the machine.

● Where necessary, use suitable steps when performing installation work on the machine.
● Do not stand on cables or attachments during installation. Do not use attachments as
5.3.2 Selecting bolts
● Unless specified otherwise, use fixing bolts with at least strength class 8.8 to ISO 898‑1 to
ensure that the machine is fastened and the torque-generated forces are transmitted
● When selecting the bolts and the design of the foundation, take into account the maximum
forces occurring in the case of a fault such as short circuit or system transfers in phase
opposition. Values for the foundation forces can be found in the "Technical Data and
Drawings" section.

See also
Technical data and drawings (Page 93)

5.3.3 Preconditions for smooth, vibration-free operation

Preconditions for smooth, vibration-free operation:
● Stable foundation design as per DIN 4024
● Precise alignment of the machine
● Correct balancing of parts to be fitted to the shaft end.
● ISO 10816‑3-compliant vibration velocity

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5.3 Installing the machine

5.3.4 Aligning the machine to the driven machine and attaching it to it

1. Refer to any instructions for aligning the driven machine and those of the coupling
2. Align the machines with coupling output to the driven machine in such a manner that the
center lines of the shafts are parallel with no offset. This ensures that no additional forces
affect their bearings during operation.
3. For the vertical positioning (x→0) place thin shims under the complete machine feet. The
number of shims should be kept as low as possible, i.e. stack as few as possible. This also
prevents the machine being subjected to any stress/distortion. Use the existing tapped
holes for the forcing-off bolts to raise the machine.
4. When positioning the machine, ensure that a uniform axial gap (y→0) is maintained around
the coupling.

5. Fix the machine to the foundation. The choice of fixing elements depends on the foundation
and is the plant operator's responsibility.




Figure 5-1 Schematic representation of alignment of the machine to the driven machine

Machine expansion
When performing alignment, make allowance for the thermal expansion of the machine
due to rising temperature. Information about this can be found in the "Technical data and
drawings" section within the "Explanatory text for the machine dimension drawing" section.

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5.4 Connecting the supply lines

See also
Technical data and drawings (Page 93)
Tightening torques for screw and bolt connections (Page 46)

Details about the alignment accuracy can be found in the "Technical data and drawings"
section within the "Explanatory text for the machine dimension drawing" section.

See also
Technical data and drawings (Page 93)

5.4 Connecting the supply lines

When carrying out any work on the machine, observe the general safety instructions
(Page 13) and the specifications contained in DIN EN 50110‑1 as regards working safely with
and on electrical machines.

5.4.1 Connecting the cooling water supply

Please refer to the operating instructions provided by the manufacturer of the cooler in the
"Supplementary instructions (Page 179)" section. Refer to the rating plate on the motor or the
text on the dimension drawings in this documentation for the operating data of the air-to-water

Cooling water connection pipe
If the cooling water cannot flow freely, the machine will not be cooled properly. The machine
will overheat, which could result in material damage or even a write-off.
● Remove the flange cover plate.
● Insert the gaskets correctly.

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5.4 Connecting the supply lines

The arrangement, type and size of the connecting flanges are specified in the dimension
drawing. If the connection end has to be changed, the location of the cooler and cover can be
changed accordingly.
● For the pipes, select materials with the required chemical composition in accordance with
the water conditions. You must also consider the pressure load and compatibility with the
materials from which the cooler is made.
● Route and support the water pipes so that the connecting flanges are not exposed to
excessive stress or strain or vibration loads. If possible, arrange the pipes so that the cooler
can be removed when the machine has been fully assembled. The amount of space
required to do this is shown on the machine dimension drawing.
● Before connecting the pipes, flush them in order to remove any deposits and foreign bodies

that might otherwise enter the cooler. Should there be a possibility of the cooling water
containing dirt and foreign bodies, suitable filters must be installed in the cooling-water feed

Filling and venting the cooler

1. After making the flange connections, open the vent plug and fill the cooler with water until
all the air inside the cooler is expelled.
2. Then retighten the vent plug and check the tightness of the cooling-water supply system
by carrying out a pressure test.
The maximum test pressure must not be exceeded; refer to the heat exchanger rating plate
or the "Technical data and drawings" for the relevant data.

After conversion work

When reinstalling components after conversion work has been performed, you must ensure
that a proper seal is in place between the upper part of the enclosure and the cooler and/or
between the upper part of the enclosure and the shrouding cover.

The machine is not operated straightaway.

If the machine is not subsequently put into operation, carry out the measures described in the
"Stoppages" section.

See also
Technical data and drawings (Page 93)

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5.4 Connecting the supply lines

5.4.2 Tightening torques for screw and bolt connections

Bolt locking devices

● Nuts or bolts that are mounted together with locking, resilient, and/or force-distributing
elements must be refitted together with identical, fully-functional elements. Always renew
keyed elements.
● When screwing together threads secured with a liquid adhesive, use a suitable medium
such as Loctite 243.
● Always use suitable securing devices or removable adhesives (e.g., Loctite 243) when
installing fixing bolts with a clamping length of less than 25 mm. The clamping length is
taken as the distance between the head of the bolt and the point at which the bolt is screwed

Tightening torques

Table 5-2
depending on the thread size.
The bolted connections with metal contact surfaces (end shields, bearing cartridge parts,
terminal box parts bolted onto the stator frame) should be tightened to the following torques,

Tightening torques for bolted connections with a tolerance of ±10%.

Case M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24 M30 M36 M42 M48 M56
A 1.2 2.5 4 8 13 20 40 - - - - - - - Nm
B 1.3 2.6 4.5 10 20 34 83 160 280 620 1080 1700 2600 4200 Nm
C 3 5 8 20 40 70 170 340 600 1200 2000 3100 4700 7500 Nm

The tightening torques in the different rows apply to the following cases:
● Case A
Applies to electrical connections in which the permissible torque is normally limited by the
bolt materials and/or the current carrying capacity of the insulators, with the exception of

the busbar connections in case B.

● Case B
Applies to bolts screwed into components made from lower-strength materials (e. g.
aluminum) and to bolts of strength class 8.8 to ISO 898-1.
● Case C
Applies to bolts of strength class 8.8 or A4-70 to ISO 898-1, but only to bolts screwed into
components made from higher-strength materials (e. g. gray cast iron, steel or cast steel).

Non-standard tightening torques
Please refer to the relevant sections and drawings for all other tightening torques
(electrical connections and bolted connections for parts with flat gaskets).

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5.4 Connecting the supply lines

See also
Lifting and transportation (Page 24)


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Electrical connection 6
When carrying out any work on the machine, observe the general safety instructions
(Page 13) and the specifications contained in DIN EN 50110‑1 as regards working safely with
and on electrical machines.

6.1 Safety instructions relating to the electrical connection

Correct fixing accessories and tightening torques

If you use fixing elements made from the wrong material or apply the wrong tightening torque,
this could impair current transfer or cause connecting parts to become loose.
This could result in material damage to the machine or even in total failure, which could in
turn lead indirectly to material damage to the system.
● Tighten the screwed connections to the specified tightening torques.
● Observe any specifications regarding the materials from which fixing elements must be
● When performing servicing, check the fastenings.

6.2 Preparation

6.2.1 Selecting cables

Take the following criteria into account when selecting the connecting cables:
● Rated current
● Rated voltage
● Where necessary, the service factor
● System-dependent conditions, such as ambient temperature, routing type, etc.
● Requirements to IEC / EN 60204‑1

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Electrical connection
6.3 Connecting the grounding conductor

6.2.2 Terminal designation

With the terminal designations according to IEC / EN 60034‑8, the following definitions apply
to three-phase machines:

Table 6-1 Terminal designations using the 1U1-1 as an example

1 U 1 - 1 Designation
x Index for pole assignment on pole-changing motors where applicable. A lower
index signifies a lower speed. Special case for split winding.
x Phase designation U, V, W
x Index for winding start (1) or end (2) or if there is more than one connection per
x Additional indices for cases in which it is obligatory to connect parallel power feed

cables to several terminals with otherwise identical designations

6.2.3 Terminal box

The type designation of the terminal box for connecting the power cables can be found in the
"Technical specifications" section. An illustration can be found in Chapter "Spare parts"
(Page 83).
The maximum conductor cross-section that can be connected and the permissible cable
external diameter are listed in the "Technical data and drawings" section. The connecting
cables can be sealed and secured at every entry point into the terminal box, using the sealing
insert supplied.
The terminal box can also be rotated through increments of 90° corresponding to the
connection direction. After they have been moved, check that the winding conductors are still
correctly routed.

See also

Technical data and drawings (Page 93)

6.3 Connecting the grounding conductor

The cross-section of the machine grounding conductor must comply with the installation
regulations and also with IEC / EN 60204-1.

Table 6-2 Determining the cross-section of the grounding conductor

External conductor cross-section S Cross-section of the grounding conductor [mm²]

S ≤ 16 mm² S
16 mm² < S ≤ 35 mm² 16 mm²
S > 35 mm² S/2

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Electrical connection
6.5 Bringing cables into the terminal box and routing them

There is a hexagon bolt with flat and spring washer on the stator frame at the designated
connecting point for the grounding conductor. This is suitable for connecting multi-core
conductors with cable lugs or straps with appropriate conductor ends.
When connecting the grounding conductor, ensure the following:
● The connecting surface is bare and protected against corrosion using a suitable substance,
e.g. acid-free Vaseline
● The flat and spring washers are located under the bolt head.
● The maximum permissible clamping thickness of 10 mm for the cable lug or strap is not
● The minimum required screw-in depth and the tightening torque for the clamping bolt are
listed in the table below. The screw-in depth and tightening torque differ depending on
whether cable lugs or ground terminals are used:

Bolt Screw-in depth Tightening torque
M12 x 25 > 16 mm 38 Nm
M16 x 35 > 20 mm 92 Nm

Tightening torque of bolts with cable lugs

Screw-in depth
> 9 mm
> 12 mm
Tightening torque
8 Nm
20 Nm
M10 > 15 mm 40 Nm
Tightening torque of bolts with ground terminals

6.4 Connecting the machine for a specific direction of rotation

If the machine has one shaft extension or two shaft extensions with different diameters, the
direction of rotation when looking at the front of the single or the thicker shaft extension is
defined as follows:

● If you are connecting power supply cords with a phase sequence of L1, L2, L3 at U, V, W,
the resulting rotation will be clockwise.
● If you swap two connections, e.g. L1, L2, L3 at V, U, W, the resulting rotation will be
On motors which are only allowed to run in one direction, the rating plate shows an arrow which
indicates the permitted direction of rotation, and it also specifies the terminal connections in
the required phase sequence.

6.5 Bringing cables into the terminal box and routing them
A plate is bolted to the terminal box enclosure via a rectangular cutout through which the
connecting cables enter. Normally, this cable entry plate is supplied without tapped holes for
the cable glands, so you can adapt the number and size of the cable glands to the operating

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Electrical connection
6.6 Connecting cables with cable lugs

Bringing cables into the terminal box and connecting them

Proceed as follows:
1. Unscrew the cable entry plate.
2. Drill the required number of holes or tapped holes in the required size into the cable entry
3. Mount the cable entry plate and the cables with the cable glands onto the terminal box.
4. Connect the ends of the cables to the terminals in accordance with the circuit diagram.
The circuit diagram can be found in the terminal box cover and in "Technical data and
drawings" in the appendix.
Refer to the "Connecting cables..." section for more information.

6.6 Connecting cables with cable lugs
1. Select the cable lugs according to the required cable cross-section and stud size.

The cable cross section that can be connected is determined by the type of cable lug. The
range of external diameters for the connecting cable is limited by the cable entry that is
used. For data on this, see the "Explanatory text for the dimension drawing" in the appendix.
2. Remove the insulation from the conductor ends so that the remaining insulation reaches
almost up to the cable lug. Fasten the cable lug to the end of the conductor.
3. Insulate the cable lug sleeves where necessary to ensure minimum air clearances are
Voltage Minimum air clearance
Up to 6.6 kV 60 mm
Up to 11 kV 100 mm
Up to 13.8 kV 140 mm

Minimum air clearances for bare electrically live parts

4. Screw on the cable lug with a tightening torque of 40 Nm.

See also
Technical data and drawings (Page 93)

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Electrical connection
6.9 Stepless mating face for sealing in the terminal box cover

6.7 Connecting aluminum conductors

If you are using aluminum conductors, comply in addition with the following:
● Use only cable lugs that are suitable for connecting aluminum conductors.
● Immediately before inserting the aluminum conductor, remove the oxide layer from the
contact areas on the conductor and/or the mating piece, by brushing or filing.
● Then grease the contact areas immediately using neutral Vaseline in order to avoid re-

The aluminum flow is determined by contact.
The aluminum flow is determined by contact following installation. The connection with

the clamping nuts can loosen as a result. The contact resistance would increase and the
current-carrying be impeded; as a consequence the terminal box and the surrounding
components could burn. This could result in material damage to the machine or even in
total failure, which could in turn lead to indirect material damage to the system.

Retighten the clamping nuts after approximately 24 hours and then again after
approximately four weeks. Make sure that the terminals are de-energized before you
tighten the nuts.

See also
The five safety rules: (Page 13)

6.8 Internal equipotential bonding

The equipotential bonding between the ground terminal in the terminal box enclosure and the
machine enclosure is established via the terminal box fixing bolts and an additional grounding
cable on the outside. The contact points for the equipotential bonding connection between the

terminal box cover and the terminal box enclosure are bare metal and protected against

6.9 Stepless mating face for sealing in the terminal box cover
The sealing face of the terminal box cover is formed by the terminal box enclosure and the
cable entry element. Therefore make sure these parts are correctly aligned, so as to ensure
the seal and hence the degree of protection.
Align the cable entry support and the cable entry plate to the terminal box enclosure so that
the sealing surface between the terminal box and the terminal box cover form a flat face. There
must be no steps in the sealing area.

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Electrical connection
6.11 Connecting the auxiliary circuits

6.10 Performing connection operations

1. Before closing the terminal box, please check that:
– The electrical connections in the terminal box are tight and in full compliance with the
specifications above
– The motor is connected so that it rotates in the direction specified
– The inside of the terminal box is clean and free of any cable debris, dirt and foreign
– All gaskets and seals are intact
– The pressure relief device is intact Depending on the type of terminal box being used,
the pressure relief device can be implemented either by sealing the slots or by using a
pressure relief diaphragm.

Any damage may only be repaired after prior discussion with the person responsible for
the safety of the installation and only by using original parts.
2. Close the terminal box.
See section "Tightening torques for screw and bolt connections (Page 91)" for the

6.11 Connecting the auxiliary circuits

tightening torque of the fixing bolts for the cover.
6.11.1 Selecting cables
Take the following criteria into account when selecting the connecting cables for the auxiliary
● Rated current
● Rated voltage
● System-dependent conditions, such as ambient temperature, routing type, etc.

● Requirements to IEC / EN 60204‑1

6.11.2 Bringing cables into the auxiliary terminal box and routing them
The type designations of the mounted auxiliary terminal boxes, their arrangement, and the
relevant connection terminals are documented in the "Technical data and drawings" section.
The information required to connect the auxiliary circuits is provided in the terminal diagram
located on the inside of the terminal box cover and in the "Technical specifications" section.
For data on the conductor cross-sections that may be connected, see the "Explanatory text
for the dimension drawing" section.

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Electrical connection
6.11 Connecting the auxiliary circuits

Adapting the cable glands

A plate is bolted to the terminal box enclosure via a rectangular cutout through which the
connecting cables enter. The dimensions can be found in the appendix, in the "Explanatory
text for the machine dimension drawing" section.
Normally, this plate is supplied without threaded holes for the cable glands. This enables you
to adapt the number and size of the cable glands to the rated conditions.
Use only cable glands that are suitable for the degree of protection of the auxiliary terminal
1. Open the auxiliary terminal box and undo the cable entry plate screws.
2. Drill the required number of holes or threads in the required size of the cable gland into the
cable entry plate.

3. Mark the cables if necessary for subsequent assignment.
4. Pull the cables through the cable glands and the entry plate, and connect the cables.
5. Fit the cable entry plate.

See also
of protection. PL
6. Make sure that the seal on the screwed sockets for the cable glands satisfies the degree

Technical data and drawings (Page 93)


6.11.3 Derating of the degree of protection of the auxiliary terminal box

Normally the cable entry plate is supplied undrilled.

Derating of the degree of protection if the cable entry plate is drilled

In special versions the cable entry plate can be supplied with tapped holes for connection of
cable entries and conductor entries. This requires derating of the IP degree of protection of
the auxiliary terminal box.
● Close the openings for operation, using suitable sealing elements such as sealing plugs,
cable entries and conductor entries.

6.11.4 Internal equipotential bonding in the auxiliary terminal box

The equipotential bonding between the PE terminals in the relevant auxiliary terminal box
enclosure and the machine enclosure is established via a fixing bolt in each auxiliary terminal
box enclosure. The contact point underneath the bolt head is bare metal and protected against

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Electrical connection
6.11 Connecting the auxiliary circuits

6.11.5 Completing connection work in the auxiliary terminal box

1. Before closing the auxiliary terminal box, please check that:
– The cables are connected in accordance with the terminal diagram.
– The cables are arranged so that they do not come into contact with the machine, and
the cable insulation cannot be damaged.
– The inside of the terminal box is clean and free of any cable debris, dirt and foreign
– The cable glands are firmly tightened, are suitable with respect to the degree of
protection, type of cable routing, permissible cable diameter, etc., and have been
mounted in full compliance with specifications and regulations
– The tapped holes in the terminal plate have been sealed using cable entries or sealing

plugs that achieve the respective degree of protection.
– Any unused entry points are sealed. The sealing elements are firmly screwed in i. e.
they can only be removed with a tool.

being used.
– All of the seals/gaskets and sealing surfaces of the terminal box are in good condition
– The clamping screws and any screw clamps are fully tightened, even if they are not

2. Close the auxiliary terminal box using the cover supplied for this purpose. See section
"Tightening torques for screw and bolt connections (Page 91)" for the tightening torque
of the fixing bolts for the cover.

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Start-up 7
When carrying out any work on the machine, observe the general safety instructions
(Page 13) and the specifications contained in DIN EN 50110‑1 as regards working safely with
and on electrical machines.

Once the system has been correctly installed, you should check the following prior to

Checks to be carried out prior to commissioning
The following list of checks to be performed prior to commissioning does not claim to be

specific situation on-site.

● The machine is undamaged.

complete. It may be necessary to perform further checks and tests in accordance with the

● The machine has been correctly installed and aligned, the transmission elements are
correctly balanced and adjusted.
● All fixing screws, connection elements, and electrical connections have been tightened to
the specified tightening torques.
● The operating conditions match the data provided in accordance with the technical
documentation, such as degree of protection, ambient temperature, etc..
● Moving parts such as the coupling move freely.
● If the second shaft extension is not in use, its feather key is secured to prevent it from being

thrown out, and cut back to roughly half its length if the rotor has balancing type "H"
(standard type).
● All touch protection measures for moving and live parts have been taken.

● The grounding and equipotential bonding connections have been made correctly.
● The machine is connected so that it rotates in the direction specified.
● Appropriately configured control and speed monitoring functions ensure that the motor
cannot exceed the permissible speeds specified in the technical data. See also the system-
specific documentation.
● The minimum insulation resistance values are within tolerance.
● Minimum air clearances have been maintained.
● Any supplementary motor monitoring devices and equipment have been correctly
connected and are fully functional. Refer to the "Technical data and drawings" section for
more information.

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7.2 Testing the cooling of the machine

● The values for "Alarm" and "Shut down" at the monitoring equipment are set to the values
listed in the "Explanatory text for the machine dimension drawing" section.
● All brakes and backstops are operating correctly.

● The bearing insulation should be executed as shown on the plates.

7.1 Measure the insulation resistance

Before starting up a machine for the first time, after an extended period in storage or out of
use, or in the context of maintenance work, measure the insulation resistance of the winding.
This measurement provides information on the condition of the machine:

● Is the insulation dirty or damp?
● Must the windings be cleaned or dried?
● Can the machine be put into operation?

See also
Detailed information on testing insulation resistance and the value criteria can be found in the
"Testing the insulation resistance" section.

Testing the insulation resistance (Page 32)


7.2 Testing the cooling of the machine

● Check that the machine cooling is available for commissioning.

See also

Preparations for use (Page 19)

● The cooling water supply is connected and ready for operation.

● The cooling water supply is switched on. The data can be found on the rating plate.
● Cooling water is available in the configured quality and quantity.

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7.4 Preventing overvoltages when switching high-voltage motors

7.3 Greasing the roller bearings prior to commissioning

● Regrease the roller bearings prior to commissioning if the machine has been out of
operation for more than a year. The shaft must rotate so that the new grease can be
distributed across the bearings.
● Regrease the roller bearings prior to commissioning in the following circumstances:
– When the machine has been in storage in favorable conditions, e.g. in dry rooms that
are free of dust and vibrations. This applies to the period between delivery and
commissioning, or longer periods of stoppage.
– If the machine has been in storage in unfavorable conditions for more than two years.

Pay attention to the instructions on the lubricant plate.

Preventing overvoltages when switching high-voltage motors

Overvoltages resulting from switching operations

Regardless of the motor size and the arc-extinguishing principle of the switch being used (i.e.
even in the case of oil-free, SF6 or air break switches), you must bear the following in mind
when commissioning high-voltage motors/switchgear for high-voltage motors from 3 kV to
13.8 kV:

Overvoltages caused by shutting down the machine during startup
Shutting down the machine during startup can cause overvoltages, which may cause damage
to the machine.
● Avoid shutting down the machine during startup by, for instance, checking for errors in

the starting control or for excessively sensitive protection settings.

● Keep shutdowns during startup for checking the direction of rotation or other tests to an
absolute minimum.

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Operation 8
8.1 Safety notes during operation
When carrying out any work on the machine, observe the general Safety instructions
(Page 13) and the specifications contained in DIN EN 50110‑1 with regard to working safely
with and on electrical machines.

All terminal boxes must be closed

Terminal boxes contain live electrical parts. Death, serious injury, or material damage can
result if terminal box covers are removed.
When the machine is in operation, the terminal boxes must remain closed at all times.

Terminal boxes may be opened only when the machine is stopped and de-energized.

Do not remove covers when the motor is running

Rotating or live parts are dangerous. Death, serious injury, or material damage can result if
the required covers are removed.
All covers that are designed to prevent live electrical or rotating parts from being touched,
ensure compliance with a particular degree of protection, or that are required for ensuring
proper air flows and hence effective cooling must be kept closed during operation.

Faults in operation
Deviations from normal operation such as increased power consumption, temperatures or

vibrations, unusual noises or odors, tripping of monitoring devices, etc., indicate that the
machine is not functioning properly. This can cause faults which can result in eventual or
immediate death, serious injury, or material damage.
● Immediately inform the maintenance personnel.
● If you are in doubt, immediately switch off the motor, being sure to observe the system-
specific safety conditions!

Fire hazard
Certain parts of the motor may reach temperatures above 50 °C. Touching them can result
in burns.
● Check the temperature of the parts before touching them and take appropriate protective
measures if necessary.

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8.4 Regreasing roller bearings

Risk of corrosion due to condensate
Humid air can condense inside the machine during operation as a result of intermittent duty
or load fluctuations. Condensate can collect inside the motor. Damage such as rust can result.
1. Depending on the environmental and operating conditions, remove the condensate plugs
or screw plugs to drain the water.
2. When you have finished, reattach the condensate plugs or screw plugs.
If the machine is equipped with condensation drain holes and drain plugs, the water can
drain off automatically.

8.2 Switching off the anti-condensation heating

Only operate anti-condensation heating when the machine is switched off
If the anti-condensation heating is operated while the machine is running, this can increase
the temperatures inside the machine. This can result in material damage.
● Make sure that the anti-condensation heating is switched off before the machine is
switched on.
● Only operate anti-condensation heating when the machine is switched off.

See also
Interlock circuit for anti-condensation heating (Page 20)

8.3 Switching on the machine

1. If at all possible, run the machine without load and check that it is running smoothly.
2. If it runs perfectly, connect a load.
3. If this is possible using the available measuring equipment, check the bearing and stator
winding temperatures.

8.4 Regreasing roller bearings

● Refer to the regreasing instructions for the roller bearings on the lubricant plate.

See also
Transport and storage (Page 23)

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8.7 Stoppages

8.5 Switching off

If the controller does not switch off the air-to-water heat exchanger automatically, switch it off
when the machine is stopped.

8.6 Switching on again after an emergency switching-off

Check the motor before restarting the driven machine after an emergency switching-off.

8.7 Stoppages

The stoppage is a shutdown for a period of time, during which the machine is stopped but
remains at the location of use.

Under normal ambient conditions, e. g. the stopped machine is not exposed to vibration, no
increased corrosion loadings, etc. in general, the following measures are necessary during

8.7.1 Avoidance of formation of condensation within the machine

● If the controller does not do this automatically, switch on any anti-condensation heating
during stoppages. This will avoid the formation of condensation.
● Do not switch on the anti-condensation heating until at least one hour after the motor has
been switched off. This prevents damage to the winding insulation.

8.7.2 Avoidance of frost and corrosion damage to the air-to-water heat exchanger

● For avoidance of frost and corrosion damage completely drain the water from the air-to-
water heat exchanger. Then blow air through it to dry it.
● If the heat exchanger cannot be drained because standby capability is required at short
notice, protect the cooling circuit against frost and corrosion damage. To do this, add
suitable additives to the cooling water.

These additives may affect the heat transport capability. Operate the motor only with the
contractually agreed water quality.

For avoidance of deposits, the cooling water circuit must then be kept running. So as to be
certain of excluding the possibility of formation of condensation within the machine, the anti-
condensation heating should also remain switched on.
● Comply with the heat exchanger manufacturer's instructions for cooling system servicing
in the operating instructions.

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8.7 Stoppages

See also
Additional documents (Page 179)

8.7.3 Avoidance of damage to roller bearings during stoppages

Extended stoppages at the identical or almost identical resting position of the roller bearings
can lead to damage such as brinelling or formation of corrosion.
● During stoppages, regularly start the machine up for a brief period once a month, or at least
turn the rotor over several times.
If you have uncoupled the machine from the driven machine and secured the rotor with a
rotor shipping brace, then remove this before turning the rotor over or starting the machine

Make sure that the resting position of the roller bearings after the rotor has been turned
over is different from what it previously had been. Use the fitted key or the coupling halves
as reference markers.

See also
Start-up (Page 57)
● During re-commissioning, refer to the information in the "Commissioning" section.

Greasing the roller bearings prior to commissioning (Page 59)


8.7.4 Measurement of the insulation resistance after an extended stoppage

Before starting up a machine for the first time, after an extended period in storage or out of
use, or in the context of maintenance work, measure the insulation resistance of the winding.
This measurement provides information on the condition of the machine:
● Is the insulation dirty or damp?

● Must the windings be cleaned or dried?

● Can the machine be put into operation?
Detailed information on testing insulation resistance and the value criteria can be found in the
"Testing the insulation resistance" section.

See also
Testing the insulation resistance (Page 32)

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8.10 faults

8.8 Decommissioning the machine

Damage as a result of an extended period out of service
If the machine is going to be out of service for longer than six months, then perform the
necessary measures for anti-corrosion protection, preservation, packaging and drying.
Otherwise damage to the machine will result.

Make a record of the measures that you perform upon taking it out of service. This information
will be useful upon re-commissioning.

See also
Protection against corrosion (Page 28)
Protecting the cooling water circuit during storage (Page 28)

Lifting and transportation (Page 24)
Storage (Page 26)

8.9 Re-commissioning the machine

When you re-commission the machine, proceed as follows:
● Study the record made when the machine was decommissioned, and reverse the measures
that were taken for conservation and storage.
● Perform the measures listed in the "Commissioning" section.

See also

Start-up (Page 57)

Decommissioning the machine (Page 65)

8.10 faults

Damage to the machine caused by faults
Correct the cause of the fault as described in the respective remedial measures section.
Repair any damage to the machine.

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8.10 faults

8.10.1 Electrical faults

In the event that electrical faults occur while operating the motor with a converter, please also
refer to the converter operating instructions.

Table 8-1 Electrical faults

↓ Motor fails to start

↓ Motor accelerates sluggishly
↓ Rumbling noise during startup

↓ Rumbling noise during operation
↓ High temperature rise during no-load operation
↓ High temperature rise with load




↓ High temperature rise of individual winding sections
Possible causes of faults

Interrupted phase in the supply cable

Interrupted phase in the feeder cable
after switching on
How to remedy
Reduce the load.
Check the switches and cables.
Check the switches and cables.

X Mains voltage too low, frequency too Check the power supply conditions.
X Mains voltage too high, frequency too Check the power supply conditions.
X X X X X Stator winding incorrectly connected Check the winding connection.
X X X X Winding short circuit or phase short Determine the winding resistances and insulation
circuit in stator winding resistances. Make repairs following consultation
with the manufacturer.

8.10.2 Mechanical faults

Table 8-2 Mechanical faults

↓ Grinding noise
↓ Radial vibrations
↓ Axial vibrations
Possible causes of faults How to remedy
X Rotating parts grind Establish the cause and realign the parts.
X Stator or coupling not balanced. Disconnect the stator or coupling and rebalance.
If the machine has two shaft ends, and a transmission element is
only fitted to one end, secure the fitted key at the other end to
prevent it from being thrown out. If the rotor has balance type "H"
(standard type), the fitted key must be cut back to roughly half of its

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8.10 faults

↓ Grinding noise
↓ Radial vibrations
↓ Axial vibrations
Possible causes of faults How to remedy
X Rotor out of true, shaft bent Consult the manufacturing plant.
X X Poor alignment Align the machine set; check the coupling. (1)
X Coupled machine not balanced Rebalance the coupled machine.
X Shocks from coupled machine Investigate the coupled machine.
X X Uneven running of gear unit Fix the gearing.
X X Resonance of the overall system Stabilize the foundation following consultation.
comprising motor and foundation
X X Changes in foundation Establish the cause of the changes and eliminate them if necessary;

realign the machine.
Take any changes into account when warming up the machine.

8.10.3 Rolling-contact bearing faults

Damage to rolling-contact bearings can be difficult to detect in some cases. If in doubt, replace
the bearing. The manufacturer must be consulted before the bearing is modified in any way.

Table 8-3 Rolling-contact bearing faults

↓ Bearing overheats
↓ Bearing "whistles"
↓ Bearing "knocks"
Possible causes of fault Remedial measures

X Felt rings pressing on shaft Fit the felt rings better or replace them with new ones.
X High coupling pressure Align the machine more accurately.
X Belt tension too high Reduce the drive belt tension.
X Bearing contaminated Clean the bearing or replace it. Check the seals.
X Ambient temperature higher than 40 Use high-temperature grease.
X X Insufficient lubrication Grease the bearings as instructed.
X X Bearing canted Check the fitting of the bearing. Adjust the outer ring.
X X Insufficient bearing play Only after consultation with the manufacturer: Fit a bearing with
greater play.
X X Bearing corroded Replace the bearing. Check the seals.
X Too much grease in bearing Remove surplus grease.
X Wrong grease in the bearing Use the correct grease.
X Friction marks on raceway Replace the bearing.

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8.10 faults

X Scoring (brinelling) Replace the bearing. Avoid any vibration at standstill

X Excessive bearing play Only after consultation with the manufacturer: Fit a bearing with
lower play.

8.10.4 Cooling system faults

The following table shows the possible causes of and remedial measures for faults on water-
cooled machines.

Table 8-4 Cooling system faults

↓ High temperature rise

↓ Water leaking
Possible causes of faults How to remedy
X Reduced cooling Check the cooling water flow, increase the amount of cooling water if

Cooling water flow rate too low
Inlet temperature too high
Cooling water supply switched off
Cooling water contains frost or anti-
corrosion additives
Clean the air-to-water heat exchanger.
Set the correct upstream temperature.
Switch on the cooling water supply.
Use cooling water of the agreed quality.

X X Defective cooling water pipes / defective Locate the leaky section and seal it or consult the manufacturer.
cooling water connection

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Maintenance 9
9.1 Inspection and maintenance

When carrying out any work on the machine, observe the general safety instructions
(Page 13) and the specifications contained in DIN EN 50110‑1 as regards working safely with
and on electrical machines.

9.1.1 Safety instructions for maintenance

Perform maintenance work on the machine only when it is stopped
Electric machines have live parts and rotating parts. Fatal or serious injuries and substantial
material damage can occur if maintenance work is performed on the machine when it is not
stopped or not de-energized.
● Perform maintenance work on the machine only when it is stopped. The only operation
permissible while the machine is rotating is regreasing the roller bearings.
● When performing maintenance work, comply with the five safety rules (Page 13).

Damage resulting if the machine is not maintained
If the machine is not maintained it can suffer damage. This can cause faults which can result
in eventual or immediate death, serious injury, or material damage.

Perform regular maintenance on the machine.

Personal protective measures when working with compressed air
When cleaning with compressed air, dust, metal chips, or cleaning agents can be whirled up.
Injuries can result.
When cleaning using compressed air, make sure you use suitable extraction equipment and
wear protective equipment (safety goggles, protective suit, etc.).

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9.1 Inspection and maintenance

Cleaning with compressed air
If cleaning is performed using compressed air, chips of metal can be blown into the winding
head. This can damage the insulation, and result in clearances and creepage distances less
than the minimum allowable. This may cause damage to the machine extending to total failure.
When cleaning with compressed air, ensure there is adequate extraction.

Operating conditions and characteristics can vary widely. For this reason, only general
intervals for inspection and maintenance measures can be specified here.

9.1.2 Inspections in the event of faults

● Perform an inspection immediately in the event of faults or exceptional operating conditions
indicating an electrical or mechanical overload, e.g., overload, short circuit.

9.1.3 First service after installation or repair

Perform the following checks after approximately 500 operating hours or 1 year, whichever
comes first:
● While the motor is running, check that:
– The stated electrical characteristics are being observed
– The permissible bearing temperatures are not being exceeded
– The smooth running characteristics and machine running noise have not deteriorated
● Once the machine has been shut down, check that its foundation has no indentations or


Further checks
Further checks may be required if so specified in supplementary instructions (Page 179)
or in accordance with the plant-specific conditions.

If you detect any deviations during the inspection, you must rectify them immediately.
They may otherwise cause damage to the machine.

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9.1 Inspection and maintenance

9.1.4 Main service

Perform the following checks after approx. 16,000 operating hours or at the latest after 2 years:
● While the motor is running, check that:
– The stated electrical characteristics are being observed
– The permissible bearing temperatures are not being exceeded
– The smooth running characteristics and machine running noise have not deteriorated
● Once the machine has been shut down, check that:
– The motor foundation has no indentations or cracks
– The machine is aligned within the permissible tolerance ranges
– All the fixing bolts/screws for the mechanical and electrical connections have been

securely tightened
– The winding insulation resistances are sufficiently high
– Any bearing insulation that has been fitted is as shown on the plates and labels.

– Cables and insulating parts and components are in good condition and there is no
evidence of discoloring

If you detect any deviations during the inspection, you must rectify them immediately.
They may otherwise cause damage to the machine.

● With the machine stopped, check the condition of the cooling system:
– The cooling system is in good condition.
– The pressure drop between entry and exit has not increased appreciably.


If during the service you detect any impermissible deviations from normal conditions,
you must rectify them immediately. They may otherwise cause damage to the machine.

9.1.5 Servicing the air-to-water heat exchanger

At every inspection, check to see whether there is leakage water in the upper part of the
1. Remove the appropriate stopper in the upper part of the enclosure.
2. If water flows through the opening, then determine the cause and deal with it. This may be
3. Replace the stopper in the upper part of the enclosure.

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9.1 Inspection and maintenance

9.1.6 Servicing the roller bearings

When inspecting rolling-contact bearings, it is generally not necessary to dismantle the
machines. The motor only has to be dismantled if the bearings are to be replaced.

9.1.7 Regreasing intervals and types of grease for operating rolling-contact bearings

Regreasing intervals
The regreasing intervals for roller bearings in operating hours and the grease types are stated
on the machine's lubricant plate. Regardless of the actual number of operating hours reached,
the machine must be regreased at least once a year. The lubrication information can be found

on the lubricant plate.


Observe the regreasing intervals for the roller bearings
The regreasing intervals for roller bearings are different from the servicing intervals for the
machine. Failure to regrease the roller bearings at the specified intervals can result in them
sustaining damage.
Grease types
For the standard operating range, a grease for temperatures down to ‑20 °C is normally used
for the initial greasing of roller bearings. If the machine has been ordered for use in the
extended temperature range of below ‑20 °C, the permissible type of grease is indicated on
the lubricant plate. The following high-quality greases for roller bearings are suitable and tested
for temperatures down to ‑20 °C.

Table 9-1 Suitable greases for roller bearings down to ‑20 °C


K3N greases
ARAL / Aralub 4340
DEA / Glissando 30
ESSO / Beacon 3
ESSO / Unirex N3
FUCHS / Renolit FWA 220
SHELL / Alvania RL3

These greases have lithium soap as the thickening agent and mineral oil as the base oil. They
exceed the standard requirements of DIN 51825 in several important respects and are,
therefore, compatible with the specified greasing intervals.

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9.1 Inspection and maintenance

If other K3N greases are used that may only fulfill the minimum requirements laid down in
DIN 51825, the greasing intervals have to be halved.

Damage due to mixing grease types
If greases and oils with different soap or oil bases are mixed, then the lubricating properties
may no longer be guaranteed.
Mixing low-temperature grease with normal temperature grease can cause lumps to form in
the lubricant. The consequence can be damage to the roller bearings due to overheating.
Never mix greases that have different thickening agents and different base oils.

The spent grease chamber is designed to accommodate the spent grease for a computed

the outer bearing cap.

rated working life of 40,000 operating hours.
● Remove the spent grease before you start regreasing. To remove spent grease, loosen

When the spent grease chamber is full, the spent grease must be removed before
regreasing; otherwise it will escape into the interior of the machine. Escaping oil at the
bearing or oil escaping during regreasing is an indicator that the spent grease chamber has
been over-filled.
● Clean the grease nipples before regreasing and then gradually press in an appropriate type
and amount of grease, as described on the lubricant plate.
The shaft must then be rotated so that the new grease can be distributed throughout the
roller bearing. The roller bearing temperature rises sharply at first, then drops to the normal
value again after the excess grease has been displaced out of the bearing.

Rotor can fall out

If the motor is in a vertical position, the rotor can fall out while work is being performed on
the locating bearing. This can result in death, serious injury, or material damage.
Support or unload the rotor when carrying out work with the machine in a vertical position.

9.1.8 Cleaning the cooling air ducts

For the machine to be sufficiently cooled, the components in the cooling circuits (e.g. grids,
ducts, ribs, and tubes) must be free of dirt.
● Clean the cooling circuits regularly and remove all dirt.
● Clean the grids or cooling fins to remove any dirt and dust.

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9.1 Inspection and maintenance

9.1.9 Cleaning the air-to-water heat exchanger

● Clean the air-to-water heat exchanger in accordance with the heat exchanger
manufacturer's (Page 179) operating instructions. These instructions specify the conditions
to be complied with and describe the available cleaning methods.

9.1.10 Maintaining terminal boxes

The machine is de-energized.

Checking for tightness
● Terminal boxes must be regularly checked for tightness, damaged insulation, and tight
terminal connections.
● If dust or humidity have infiltrated the terminal box, this should be cleaned and dried
(particularly the insulators).
Check all the seals and sealing surfaces and address the cause of the leakiness.
Checking that insulated supports are fixed in place during operation at increased operating temperatures
If the terminal box of type 1XF..., 1XE... or 1XD... is exposed to an increased operating
temperature of between 100 °C and 120 °C, the fixing bolts of the insulated supports on the
back of the terminal box may become loose.
Check the fixing bolts and, while performing other general servicing work, re-tighten them every
three to five years.

9.1.11 Measuring the insulation resistance during the course of maintenance work
Before starting up a machine for the first time, after an extended period in storage or out of
use, or in the context of maintenance work, measure the insulation resistance of the winding.
This measurement provides information on the condition of the machine:
● Is the insulation dirty or damp?
● Must the windings be cleaned or dried?
● Can the machine be put into operation?
Detailed information on testing insulation resistance and the value criteria can be found in the
"Testing the insulation resistance" section.

See also
Testing the insulation resistance (Page 32)

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9.2 Corrective Maintenance

9.2 Corrective Maintenance

When carrying out any work on the machine, observe the general safety instructions
(Page 13) and the specifications contained in DIN EN 50110‑1 as regards working safely with
and on electrical machines.

9.2.1 Repair preparation

The rotor can tilt or fall off.

If the machine is in a vertical position, the rotor can fall off or tilt over while work is being
performed on the locating bearing. This can result in death, serious injury or material damage.
Support or unload the rotor when carrying out work with the machine in a vertical position.

Attaching a rotor
The centerings in the shaft extensions have reset threads. Eyebolts conforming to DIN 580
are not suitable for attaching the rotor as only a small number of thread grooves are used.
Depending on the weight of the rotor and the direction of the load, other suitable elements
(with a length of engagement > 0.8 x thread diameter) should be used.

9.2.2 Disassembling the machine


1. The drawings and parts lists do not contain any detailed information about the type and
dimensions of fixing elements. For this reason, you should establish this information when
dismantling them and make a note of it for the purpose of reassembly.
2. Before pulling off any parts that have been screwed on, replace two of the fixing bolts at
the top with excessively long or threaded bolts. This ensures that the part is supported after
it is pulled off.
3. Use forcing-off bolts or suitable devices to disassemble parts and components attached to
the motor shaft.
4. Before lifting off the upper part of the housing, loosen the equipotential bonding conductor
and the fixing bolts on the stator housing. Only use the lifting lugs welded onto the upper
part of the housing to lift it. The weight of the upper part of the housing can be found in the
"Technical specifications" section.

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9.2 Corrective Maintenance

Rotor can fall out
If the motor is in a vertical position, the rotor can fall out while work is being performed on
the locating bearing. This can result in death, serious injury, or material damage.
Support or unload the rotor when carrying out work with the machine in a vertical position.

See also
Transport and storage (Page 23)

9.2.3 Upper part of the enclosure

To make disassembly and assembly of the air intake cowl easier, remove the upper part of
the enclosure. The weight of the upper part of the enclosure can be found in the "Technical
Data and Drawings" section.

Remove the upper part of the enclosure only when the machine is in a horizontal position.
The upper part of the enclosure can fall down
The bracket stops the upper part of the enclosure from falling. If the bracket is removed when
the machine is in a vertical position, or if the machine is placed in a vertical position without
the upper part of the enclosure secured by the bracket, the upper part of the enclosure can
fall. Death, serious injury, or material damage can result.

Remove the bracket only when the machine is in a horizontal position.

1. In machines of vertical construction type, remove the bracket for the upper part of the
enclosure when the machine is horizontal.
2. Do not remove the fixing screws on the machine enclosure until then.
3. When assembling the machine, replace the bracket before the machine is placed in a
vertical position. Lock the bolts.

● Only use the lifting lugs welded onto the upper part of the housing to lift it. Remove the
warning plates from the lifting eyes; after completing the work, restore them to the lifting
● Before lifting off the upper part of the housing, loosen the equipotential bonding conductor
and the fixing bolts on the stator housing.

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9.2 Corrective Maintenance

● Fit the air intake cowl before the upper part of the enclosure. Only fit the upper part of the
enclosure and the air intake cowl when the machine is in a horizontal position.
● Do not change the arrangement of the flexible components underneath the bolt heads.
● Apply a soluble adhesive to the set screws e.g. Loctite 243. Tighten the set screws so that
the joins with the stator housing are tight all the way round.
● Only use the hoisting lugs welded onto the upper part of the enclosure to lift it. Remove the
warning plates from the lifting eyes; after completing the work, restore them to the lifting
● After putting it down, secure the equipotential bonding conductors and the fixing screws on
the stator housing.

● When securing, ensure that the tensioning straps and the spherical disks are arranged

9.2.4 PL
Assembling the rolling-contact bearings
1. Before installing the bearing, place the parts to be attached to the shaft inside the bearing.
2. Extreme caution and attention to cleanliness are vital to installation.
3. Preparatory to fitting them, heat up the roller bearings in oil or air depending on the size of
the bearing. This ensures ease of assembly.
4. Push the inner ring of the rolling-contact bearing onto the shaft. Avoid any heavy blows
that might damage the bearing.
5. After cooling the bearing down, ensure that it is resting against the shaft shoulder.
Otherwise, axial vibrations may occur. Use a feeler gauge to check this.
6. Fill the bearing to the top with the specified lubricating grease.

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9.2 Corrective Maintenance

9.2.5 Repairing the rolling contact bearings with labyrinth ring

Apply a protective coating to the shaft in front of and underneath the labyrinth ring to prevent
corrosion; the three locating setscrews are secured with adhesive (e.g. Loctite 243).

Figure 9-1
Dismantling the labyrinth ring

1. Mark the components of the bearing units so that they can be assembled correctly.
2. Remove the protective coating from the shaft in front of the Iabyrinth ring.
3. Unscrew the three radially arranged setscrews that ensure axial retention of the ring.
4. Screw suitable bolts or screws into the radial threads for pulling off. Be aware of the length
of the thread, in order to avoid catching on the shaft or damage to the thread.
5. Warm the labyrinth ring as you pull it off.


3 mm

Figure 9-2 Position of the locating setscrews on the labyrinth ring on the outer bearing cap

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9.2 Corrective Maintenance

1. Apply a soluble adhesive to the three set screws such as Loctite 243) and screw them
partially into the labyrinth ring.
2. Apply a coating of anti-corrosion agent to the shaft in the vicinity of the labyrinth ring.
3. Before the anti-corrosion agent or the adhesive harden, push the labyrinth ring onto the set
screws up to about 3 mm away from the bearing cap and turn the set screws to secure
them. Check that the tips of the set screws engage with the keyway with a short axial
The correct axial position is obtained when the locating setscrews screwed into the keyway

9.2.6 Repairing the rolling contact bearings with V ring

The V ring for the outer bearing seal is fitted with a protecting ring.



Figure 9-3 Dismantling the V ring and adjacent protecting ring

1. Mark the components of the bearing units so that they can be correctly assembled.

2. When dismantling the V ring, do not dismantle the pressed-in protecting ring.
3. Remove the V ring and bearing cap/end shield from the shaft.
4. Using an appropriate tool, push out the protecting ring. Make sure you do not distort the
shape of the ring when you are doing this.

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9.2 Corrective Maintenance

1. During installation, ensure that the seating on the shaft is not greased, but that the axial
sealing surface is greased.

① Auxiliary disk for assembly purposes

② Greased
③ Grease-free

Figure 9-4 Installing V ring with adjacent protecting ring

2. The V ring is in the correct axial position when the end face of the bearing cap is flush with
the outer edge of the V ring. Use an appropriate auxiliary installation disk for this purpose.

3. If a protecting ring made from sheet metal has been fitted in the bearing cap to protect the
V ring, when installing the ring, ensure that it is still has sufficient pretension and that one
of its two slots lines up with the water drain slot toward the bottom of the bearing cap or
end shield.
9.2.7 Air-to-water heat exchanger

1. Follow the instructions supplied by the heat exchanger manufacturer (Page 179).
2. Shut off the feed and return pipes and use the discharge device to empty the heat

3. Disconnect the water pipes and the connections for the leakage water electrodes (if fitted).
4. Release the tensioning straps on the air-to-water heat exchanger.
5. Slide the heat exchanger slightly out of the upper part of the enclosure. The lifting eyes are
then accessible; attach a lifting gear to them to pull the heat exchanger out further. Use
suitable strap guiding or spreading devices for this.
6. There are two holes on the guide strip of the air-to-water heat exchanger for points at which
to secure it. Secure the heat exchanger with an additional sling rope and pull it out as far
as the center. Suspend the heat exchanger from the attachment point on the guide strip.

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9.2 Corrective Maintenance

7. Pull the air-to-water heat exchanger out beyond the second hole and suspend it from there.
8. When the heat exchanger has been pulled all the way out, suspend it from the lifting eyes
at the rear and put it down carefully.

The connecting flanges on the air-to-water heat exchanger are not suitable for lifting or
The connecting flanges are not strong enough to bear heavy loads. The heat exchanger
can fall. This can result in death, serious injury, or material damage.
● Do not stand the heat exchanger on the connecting flanges for the cooling water pipes.
● Do not suspend the heat exchanger from them.

1. Using the hoisting lugs, lift the air-to-water heat exchanger and push it into the upper part

of the enclosure. Secure it with an additional attachment with the hole on the guide strip.
The guide strip on the heat exchanger stops it from sliding sideways when it is pushed in.
2. When the air-to-water heat exchanger is fully in, tighten the tensioning straps. When
securing, ensure that the tensioning straps and the spherical disks are arranged correctly.
3. Connect the water pipes and the connections for the leakage water electrodes (if fitted).
Bleed the heat exchanger via the depressurization device.
4. Open the feed and return pipes.

9.2.8 Seal the motor

Extreme caution and attention to cleanliness are vital to installation.
● Clean bare joints between parts such as housings, bearing shields and bearing bushes,
and remove old sealant material.

● Smear bare joints between parts with non-hardening, permanently flexible sealant, such
as "Hylomar M". Follow the manufacturer's application and safety instructions when doing
● Check all sealing elements, such as those on the terminal boxes, for elasticity, aging or
damage, and renew them if they are no longer effective.

9.2.9 Installing felt rings for the inner bearing seal

Some motors have felt rings fitted on the inner bearing cover at the non-drive end. The felt
ring prevents dust and grease from entering the interior of the machine.

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9.2 Corrective Maintenance

● Before installing new felt rings in the bearing cover, soak them in hot oil (approximately
80°C), such as DIN 51517‑C100 lubricating oil.
● Dimension the felt ring so that the shaft can move freely, but is still tightly enclosed by the
● Place the felt ring into its notch on the bearing cap and push the bearing cap onto the shaft.


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Spare Parts 10
10.1 Ordering data
When ordering spare parts, in addition to the precise designation of the spare part, specify the
motor type and the serial number of the motor. Ensure that the spare part designation matches
the designation in the spare part lists and add the associated part number.

Bearing shield, drive end (Part 5.00)

Motor type 1RN4
Serial number N-W71215016010001
The machine type and the serial number are indicated on the rating plate and in the technical

data, and are also embossed on the drive end of the shaft.
The graphical representations in this chapter show schematic diagrams of the basic versions.
They are used for spare parts definitions. The supplied version may differ in details from these

When ordering rolling-contact bearings, in addition to the bearing identification code, the
supplementary specifying code is also necessary for the bearing version. Both of these codes
are stamped on the lubricant plate and specified in the motor documentation, or can also be
taken from the installed bearings.

Insulating rolling-contact bearings
If roller bearings with an insulated outer ring are installed, use insulated roller bearings of the

same type as spare parts. This will prevent any damage being caused by bearing currents.

10.2 Using commercially available spare parts

You can use commercially available, standard components, but ensure that they have the
same construction type, dimensions, strength class etc.

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Spare Parts
10.3 Stator and rotor

10.3 Stator and rotor



Figure 10-1 Stator and rotor

Table 10-1 Spare parts - Stator and rotor

Part Description Part Description


8.00 Rotor, complete 10.40 Non drive end air guide panel, two-part (optional)
8.10 Shaft 10.53 Special hoisting lugs
8.15 Internal fan, complete 10.53.1 Hexagon bolt
8.16 Fan impeller 10.74 Cover with seal
8.17 Fan impeller (shrunk on) 10.75 Intermediate plate with seal
8.20 Rotor core with winding 20.04 Auxiliary terminal box
10.00 Stator frame with core and winding 20.04.1 Seal
10.03 Bushing plate (snapped in) 20.04.2 Spacer disc
10.30 Drive-end air guide panel 20. 51 Entry plate with seal
10.36 Fixing elements

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Spare Parts
10.4 Upper part of the enclosure

10.4 Upper part of the enclosure


Figure 10-2 Upper part of the enclosure

Table 10-2 Spare parts - Upper part of the enclosure

Part Description Part Description


8.13 Screw 30.20 Cooling-air thermometer, optional

8.14 Washer 30.30 Leakage-water sensor, optional
8.15 Sleeve 30.40 Air-to-water heat exchanger
8.16 Spring kit 30.41 Seal
16.10 Seal 30.42 Clamping clip
16.30 Equipotential bonding conductor 30.42.1 Spherical disk, DIN 6319-C10.5
30.10 Housing 30.45 Cover
30.11 Sealing plug 30.42.1 Spherical disk, DIN 6319-C10.5
30.12 Sealing plug with seal (tapped hole for cooling-air 30.45 Cover
30.13 Sealing plug with seal (tapped hole for leakage-
water sensor)

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Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 85
Spare Parts
10.5 Rolling-contact bearings, drive end

10.5 Rolling-contact bearings, drive end

Figure 10-3 Rolling-contact bearings, drive end
Table 10-3 Spare parts for rolling-contact bearings, drive end
Part Description Part Description
3.00 Rolling-contact bearing unit (locating bearing) 3.45 Compression springs
3.16 Labyrinth ring 3.50 Bearing housing
3.16.1 Grub screw DIN 914 / ISO 4027 3.60 Inner bearing cover
3.20 Outer bearing cover 3.80 Grease nipple
3.30 Retaining ring 3.81 Hexagon head threaded sleeve
3.35 Grease slinger 3.82 Grease supply tube

3.40 Deep-groove ball bearing (locating bearing) 5.00 End shield, drive end
3.41 Cylindrical-roller bearing 5.67 Sealing plug

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86 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Spare Parts
10.6 Rolling-contact bearings, non-drive end

10.6 Rolling-contact bearings, non-drive end

Figure 10-4 Rolling-contact bearings, non-drive end
Table 10-4 Spare parts for rolling-contact bearings, non-drive end

Part Description Part Description

4.00 Rolling-contact bearing unit, insulated (floating 4.51 Insulating washer
4.16 Labyrinth ring 4.52 Insulating ring
4.16.1 Grub screws DIN 914 / ISO 4027 4.55 Screws - insulating tubes

4.20 Outer bearing cover 4.56 Screws - insulating washers

4.21 Outer bearing cover (end cover) 4.60 Inner bearing cover
4.30 Retaining ring 4.80 Grease nipple
4.35 Grease slinger 6.00 End shield, non-drive end
4.40 Cylindrical-roller bearing (floating bearing) 6.67 Screw plug
4.50 Bearing housing

[ID 158]

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Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 87
Spare Parts
10.7 Terminal box type 1XD1...

10.7 Terminal box type 1XD1...





Figure 10-5 Terminal box 1XD1

Table 10-5 Spare parts for terminal box 1XD1

Part Description Part Description

20.20 Enclosure 21.30 Bushing for primary current, complete
20.28 Seal 21.43 Pin insulator, large

20.30 Cover 21.44 Pin insulator, small

20.43 Pressure relief diaphragm 22.30 Connecting bar for primary current
20.50 Entry plate 22.92 Hexagon bolt and conical spring washer

See also
Tightening torques for screw and bolt connections (Page 91)

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88 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Disposal 11
11.1 Introduction
Protecting the environment and preserving its resources are corporate goals of the highest
priority for us. Our worldwide environmental management system to ISO 14001 ensures
compliance with legislation and sets high standards in this regard. Environmentally friendly
design, technical safety and health protection are always firm goals even at the product
development stage.
Recommendations for the environmentally friendly disposal of the machine and its components

are given in the following section. Be sure to comply with local disposal regulations.

11.2 Preparing for disassembly

Disassembly of the machine must be carried out and/or supervised by qualied personnel with
appropriate expert knowledge.
1. Contact a certified waste disposal organization in your vicinity. Clarify what is expected in
terms of the quality of dismantling the machine and provision of the components.
2. Follow the five safety rules.
3. Disconnect all electrical connections.
4. Remove all liquids such as oil, water, …
5. Remove all cables.
6. Deatch the machine fixings.
7. Transport the machine to a suitable location for disassembly.
Refer also to the information in the section headed "Maintenance".

11.3 Dismantling the machine

Dismantle the machine using the general procedures commonly used in mechanical

Machine parts can fall
The machine is made up of heavy parts. These parts are liable to fall during dismantling. This
can result in death, serious injury, or material damage.
Secure the machine parts being dismantled to prevent them falling.

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Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 89
11.4 Disposal of components

11.4 Disposal of components

The machines consist for the most part of steel and various proportions of copper and
aluminum. Metals are generally considered to be unlimitedly recyclable.
Sort the components for recycling according to whether they are:
● Iron and steel
● Aluminum
● Non-ferrous metal, e.g. windings
The winding insulation is incinerated during copper recycling.

● Insulating materials
● Cables for printers with
● Electronic waste

Process materials and chemicals

Sort the process materials and chemicals for recycling according to whether they are for
● Oil
● Grease
● Cleaning substances and solvents
● Paint residues
● Anti-corrosion agent
Dispose of the separated components according to local regulations or via a specialist disposal
company. The same goes for cloths and cleaning substances which have been used while
working on the machine.

Packaging material
● If necessary, contact a suitable specialist disposal company.
● Wooden packaging for sea transport consists of impregnated wood. Observe the local
● The foil used for water-proof packaging is an aluminum composite foil. It can be recycled
thermically. Dirty foil must be disposed of via waste incineration.

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90 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Appendix A
A.1 Reduction of hazardous materials content

Reduction of hazardous materials content ("Reduction of hazardous substances")

Based of the latest technology, we are replacing environmentally hazardous materials with
non-hazardous materials. In doing so, safety in operation and handling will take priority at all

A.2 Tightening torques for screw and bolt connections

Bolt locking devices PL

● Nuts or bolts that are mounted together with locking, resilient, and/or force-distributing
elements must be refitted together with identical, fully-functional elements. Always renew
keyed elements.
● When screwing together threads secured with a liquid adhesive, use a suitable medium
such as Loctite 243.
● Always use suitable securing devices or removable adhesives (e.g., Loctite 243) when
installing fixing bolts with a clamping length of less than 25 mm. The clamping length is
taken as the distance between the head of the bolt and the point at which the bolt is screwed

Tightening torques

The bolted connections with metal contact surfaces (end shields, bearing cartridge parts,
terminal box parts bolted onto the stator frame) should be tightened to the following torques,
depending on the thread size.

Table A-1 Tightening torques for bolted connections with a tolerance of ±10%.

Case M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24 M30 M36 M42 M48 M56
A 1.2 2.5 4 8 13 20 40 - - - - - - - Nm
B 1.3 2.6 4.5 10 20 34 83 160 280 620 1080 1700 2600 4200 Nm
C 3 5 8 20 40 70 170 340 600 1200 2000 3100 4700 7500 Nm

The tightening torques in the different rows apply to the following cases:

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Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 91
A.2 Tightening torques for screw and bolt connections

● Case A
Applies to electrical connections in which the permissible torque is normally limited by the
bolt materials and/or the current carrying capacity of the insulators, with the exception of
the busbar connections in case B.
● Case B
Applies to bolts screwed into components made from lower-strength materials (e. g.
aluminum) and to bolts of strength class 8.8 to ISO 898-1.
● Case C
Applies to bolts of strength class 8.8 or A4-70 to ISO 898-1, but only to bolts screwed into
components made from higher-strength materials (e. g. gray cast iron, steel or cast steel).

Non-standard tightening torques

Please refer to the relevant sections and drawings for all other tightening torques
(electrical connections and bolted connections for parts with flat gaskets).

See also PL
Lifting and transportation (Page 24)

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92 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings B
B.1 Electrical data


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Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 93
Technical data and drawings
B.1 Electrical data

Three-Phase-Inductionmotor with Squirrel Cage Rotor

Operationing and Installation Data:

-power P N: 4000 kW Torque class : KL
-voltage U N: 3160 V Connection : Y
-frequency f N: 38.7 Hz Class of rating : S1
-current I N: 835 A Absolute altitude : <1000 m ab.s.l.
-speed n N: 1150 1/min Coolant temperature(Water) : 30 °C
-torque M N: 33217 Nm
Power factor cosϕ : 0.90 Therm. class (design/util.) : 155 (F) / 155 (F)

Standard: IEC/EN 60034-1

Tolerances: IEC/EN 60034-1

Ratings above apply to sinusoidal supply voltage.
Operation with Converter: MASTERDRIVES / SINAMICS

Calculated Start-Up Data (Sinusoidal Supply):

Motor voltage U/UN

PL 1.00

Breakdown torque MK/MN 2.20


Calculated Partial Load Data (Sinusoidal Supply):

P/PN 1.25 1.00 0.75 0.50

cos ϕ 0.89 0.90 0.89 0.85
η [%] *) 96.4 97.0 97.5 97.7

Additional Technical Ratings and Information:

Moment of inertia (motor): 105 kgm2

Rotor material: E-CU

Base frequency: 3160V at 38.7Hz; No-load current: I0 = 190A

Speed range: 100...1150rpm, M = const.; 1150...1800rpm, P = const. = 4000kW
Speed range: 1800rpm, P = 3800kW; 2184rpm, P = 3400kW

*) Efficiency without fan losses

Date 23.07.2007
Name DÖLLER Electrical Data Sheet
I DT LD I O EM Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z

AB 31.10.2008 JORDAN
SIEMENS AG Order No. 1215016 / 010 - E001
IND. Text Date Name BB148559

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94 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.1 Electrical data

Three-Phase-Inductionmotor with Squirrel Cage Rotor

Operationing and Installation Data:

-power P N: 4000 kW Torque class : KL
-voltage U N: 3160 V Connection : Y
-frequency f N: 38.7 Hz Class of rating : S1
-current I N: 835 A Absolute altitude : <1000 m ab.s.l.
-speed n N: 1150 1/min Coolant temperature(Water) : 30 °C
-torque M N: 33217 Nm
Power factor cosϕ : 0.90 Therm. class (design/util.) : 155 (F) / 155 (F)

Standard: IEC/EN 60034-1

Tolerances: IEC/EN 60034-1

for cold motor condition
for warm motor condition
running motor

allowable operating time [s]




0 1 2 3 I/IN 4

Thermal copper time constant (short-term load variation): 6.0 min

Thermal time constant (long-term load variation): 20 min
Thermal time constant for cooling down (standstill): 140 min

Date 23.07.2007
Name DÖLLER Thermal Limit Curve
I DT LD I O EM Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z

AB 31.10.2008 JORDAN
SIEMENS AG Order No. 1215016 / 010 - E002
IND. Text Date Name BB148559

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Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 95
Technical data and drawings
B.1 Electrical data

Three-Phase-Inductionmotor with Squirrel Cage Rotor

Operationing and Installation Data:

-power P N: 4000 kW Torque class : KL
-voltage U N: 3160 V Connection : Y
-frequency f N: 38.7 Hz Class of rating : S1
-current I N: 835 A Absolute altitude : <1000 m ab.s.l.
-speed n N: 1150 1/min Coolant temperature(Water) : 30 °C
-torque M N: 33217 Nm
Power factor cosϕ : 0.90 Therm. class (design/util.) : 155 (F) / 155 (F)

Standard: IEC/EN 60034-1

Tolerances: IEC/EN 60034-1

Trans. Torque in Air Gap: M(t)/MN = Σ (M/MN x e x sin(2π x f x t + ϕ))
3-pole terminal short circuit
M/MN τ/s-1 f/Hz ϕ/grad

Mmax/MN = 4.97 at t = 7.4ms
2-pole terminal short circuit
M/MN τ/s-1
PL 0.00


-0.08 -66.11 0.00 90.00
2.73 -12.62 38.43 177.82
1.44 -33.06 1.24 19.37
2.96 -45.67 37.18 157.88
1.37 0.00 77.40 -3.38
0.59 -12.62 38.97 90.93
1.46 -33.06 76.16 -19.17
Mmax/MN = 6.51 at t = 9.2ms

The value of the mechanical torque of the whole shafting can only be determined by using the above
transient torques in a torsional analysis calculation(The plant manufacturer is responsible for
torsional vibrations analysis!).
Date 23.07.2007
Name DÖLLER Transient Torques
I DT LD I O EM Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z

AB 31.10.2008 JORDAN
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IND. Text Date Name BB148559

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
96 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.1 Electrical data

Three-Phase-Inductionmotor with Squirrel Cage Rotor

Operationing and Installation Data:

-power P N: 4000 kW Torque class : KL
-voltage U N: 3160 V Connection : Y
-frequency f N: 38.7 Hz Class of rating : S1
-current I N: 835 A Absolute altitude : <1000 m ab.s.l.
-speed n N: 1150 1/min Coolant temperature(Water) : 30 °C
-torque M N: 33217 Nm
Power factor cosϕ : 0.90 Therm. class (design/util.) : 155 (F) / 155 (F)

Standard: IEC/EN 60034-1

Tolerances: IEC/EN 60034-1

Foundation load

The foundation load is caused by the maximum dynamic torque and the machine mass.
The forces occur alternately on either side irrespective of the direction of rotation

Transfer of vibrations from surrounding equipment has to be avoided by appropriate layout of

foundation. According to DIN 4024 Part1 the natural frequencies fn of the foundation after erection
of the machine must have the following differences to the operating frequencies fm(at DOL operation:
rotational frequency, double rotational frequency and double power frequency; at converter operation:
rotational frequencies, double rotational frequencies and double fundamental frequencies):
1st harmonic of natural frequency of the foundation: f1>=1,25 fm or f1<=0,8fm
higher harmonics of natural frequency: fn>=1,1 fm or fn<=0,9 fm

The plant manufacturer is responsible for the design of the foundations!


compressive force FA = 188 kN
(FB) FB tensile force FB = 96 kN

(forces on one side of the machine)

Date 23.07.2007
Name DÖLLER Foundation load
I DT LD I O EM Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z

AB 31.10.2008 JORDAN
SIEMENS AG Order No. 1215016 / 010 - E004
IND. Text Date Name BB148559

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Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 97
Technical data and drawings
B.1 Electrical data

Three-Phase-Inductionmotor with Squirrel Cage Rotor

Operationing and Installation Data:

-power P N: 4000 kW Torque class : KL
-voltage U N: 3160 V Connection : Y
-frequency f N: 38.7 Hz Class of rating : S1
-current I N: 835 A Absolute altitude : <1000 m ab.s.l.
-speed n N: 1150 1/min Coolant temperature(Water) : 30 °C
-torque M N: 33217 Nm
Power factor cosϕ : 0.90 Therm. class (design/util.) : 155 (F) / 155 (F)

Standard: IEC/EN 60034-1

Tolerances: IEC/EN 60034-1

Resistances, Reactances (Calculated Values per Phase)
Values (p.u.) refered to ZN ZN = UPH / IPH : 2.185 Ω

at slip
Stator-leakage reactance
Rotor-leakage reactance
PL R1 / ZN :
X1 / ZN :
: s = 0.0095

R2' / ZN :
X2' / ZN :
XH / ZN :
RE / ZN :
The resistances apply to the warm machine.
The rotor-resistances / -reactances refer to the stator.

R1 X1 X2'


Time Constants, Currents

Magn. no load time constant : 2.32 s
No load-/rated current : 0.23
Power factor (s=1) : 0.18

Moment of inertia (motor) : 105 kgm²

Date 23.07.2007
Name DÖLLER Equivalent-Circuit Diagram
I DT LD I O EM Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z

AB 31.10.2008 JORDAN
SIEMENS AG Order No. 1215016 / 010 - E005
IND. Text Date Name BB148559

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98 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.2 Machine dimension drawing

B.2 Machine dimension drawing


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Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 99
Technical data and drawings
B.2 Machine dimension drawing


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100 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor

B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor


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Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 101
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor

Legend for machine dimension drawing

Type of construction IM B3

Degree of protection IP 55

Method of cooling IC 86W

Total weight 9.20 t

Weight of cooler housing (incl. cooler) 0.64 t

The lifting lugs are designed to carry the weight of machine only.
No lifting of machine allowed together with base frame, adaptorplate
or sole plates !

Weight of rotor 2.40 t

Balancing of rotor:
dynamically balanced without half-coupling

DR = Direction of rotation

KE = Cooling water inlet

KA = Cooling water outlet

SP = Center of gravity
PL Clockwise or Counter-clockwise

WA = Shaft extension DE
XA = Relief groove DE

LB = Lifting lug (self-aligning)

Earthing connection

1 Terminal box for stator system connection

Type 1XD15---3AA

3 Terminal box for auxiliary circuits


Type 1XB9014

5 Separate terminal box for anti-condensation heater

Type 1XB9014

10 Rolling contact bearing DE

Type 6330MC4

11 Rolling contact bearing NDE

Type 6330MC4

Date 30.07.2007
Name Berr Details for machine
Checked. Spa dimension drawing
Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
Siemens AG Ident-No 1215016/010-M002 modified
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102 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor

18 Separate driven fan

19 Pulse generator

30 Air to water cooler

33 Ventilation plug

34 Drain plug

35 Leakagedetector


Date 30.07.2007
Name Berr Details for machine
Checked. Spa dimension drawing
Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
Siemens AG Ident-No 1215016/010-M003 modified
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Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 103
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor

Additional instructions for project work

DR = Direction of rotation (facing drive end DE):

The machine is suitable for both directions of rotation.

Clockwise rotation: connection of the system phases in the

positive sequence of the machine terminals U V W.

Counter-clockwise rotation: connection of the system phases in the

positive sequence of the machine terminals V U W.


WA = Shaft extension DE

Centering hole DS M30x63

XA = Radius DE R 1,6

Date 30.07.2007
Name Berr Details for machine
Checked. Spa dimension drawing
Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
Siemens AG Ident-No 1215016/010-M004 modified
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104 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor

Earthing connection:
max. admissible conductor cross-section 250 mm2


Date 30.07.2007
Name Berr Details for machine
Checked. Spa dimension drawing
Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
Siemens AG Ident-No 1215016/010-M005 modified
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Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 105
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor

1 Terminal box for stator system connection

Type 1XD15---3AA
Manufacturer SIEMENS
Material Steel
Cable entry (removable) not drilled


Date 30.07.2007
Name Berr Details for machine
Checked. Spa dimension drawing
Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
Siemens AG Ident-No 1215016/010-M006 modified
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106 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor


Date 30.07.2007
Name Berr Details for machine
Checked. Spa dimension drawing
Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
Siemens AG Ident-No 1215016/010-M007 modified
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Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 107
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor

3 Terminal box for auxiliary circuits

Type 1XB9014
Manufacturer BERNSTEIN
Material Aluminium-based alloy
Plate for cable entry (removable) not drilled
max. admissible conductor cross-section 4 mm2


Date 30.07.2007
Name Berr Details for machine
Checked. Spa dimension drawing
Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
Siemens AG Ident-No 1215016/010-M008 modified
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108 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor


Date 30.07.2007
Name Berr Details for machine
Checked. Spa dimension drawing
Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
Siemens AG Ident-No 1215016/010-M009 modified
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Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 109
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor

Connections for:

● Bearing thermometer (resistance thermometer Pt100; 100Ω at 0 °C)

Quantity per bearing 1

Guide values for adjustment of tripping temperature for bearing thermometers

Initial adjustment before starting for disconnection T0 = 110 °C
Adjustment acc. to measured values for warning T1 = T + 5 K ≤115 °C
for disconnection T2 = T + 10 K ≤120 °C
Advice: T = Temperature in condition of persistence (°C)

● Embedded winding thermometer (resistance thermometer Pt100; 100Ω at 0 °C)

Quantity 6

Thermometer with
connection-No. in phase

PL 20:1R1
Guide values for adjustment of tripping temperature for Embedded winding thermometers
Initial adjustment before starting for disconnection T0 = 140 °C
Adjustment acc. to measured values for warning T1 = T + 10 K ≤150 °C
for disconnection T2 = T + 15 K ≤155 °C
Advice: T = Temperature in condition of persistence (°C)

● Cold air thermometer (resistance thermometer Pt100; 100Ω at 0 °C)


Quantity 1

Guide values for adjustment of tripping temperature for cold air thermometer
Initial adjustment before starting for disconnection T0 = 60 °C
Adjustment acc. to measured values for warning T1 = T + 10 K ≤ 70 °C
for disconnection T2 = T + 15 K ≤ 75 °C
Advice: T = Temperature in condition of persistence (°C)

Date 30.07.2007
Name Berr Details for machine
Checked. Spa dimension drawing
Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
Siemens AG Ident-No 1215016/010-M010 modified
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N-W71215016010001 / 2008
110 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor

● Warm air thermometer (resistance thermometer Pt100; 100Ω at 0 °C)

Quantity 1

Guide values for adjustment of tripping temperature for warm air thermometers
Initial adjustment before starting for disconnection T0 = 90 °C
Adjustment acc. to measured values for warning T1 = T + 10 K ≤ 100 °C
for disconnection T2 = T + 15 K ≤ 105 °C
Advice: T = Temperature in condition of persistence (°C)

35 Leakage water sensor

Type GVAG-2VK1-40/40-ISOL.10/10
Manufacturer ZIMMER
Quantity 1

Further details see technical instructions for operation and maintenance of manufacturer


Date 30.07.2007
Name Berr Details for machine
Checked. Spa dimension drawing
Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
Siemens AG Ident-No 1215016/010-M011 modified
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Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 111
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor

5 Separate terminal box for anti-condensation heater

Type 1XB9014
Manufacturer BERNSTEIN
Material Aluminium-based alloy
Plate for cable entry (removable) not drilled
max. admissible conductor cross-section 4 mm2


Date 30.07.2007
Name Berr Details for machine
Checked. Spa dimension drawing
Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
Siemens AG Ident-No 1215016/010-M012 modified
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N-W71215016010001 / 2008
112 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor

Anti-condensation heating
220-240 V 605-720 W

zul. Bereich / perm. range

200-264 V 490-870 W
DEZ 3110

Date 30.07.2007
Name Berr Details for machine
Checked. Spa dimension drawing
Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
Siemens AG Ident-No 1215016/010-M013 modified
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Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 113
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor

10 Rolling contact bearing DE

Type of bearing according to DIN625 6330MC4

Grease, lubrication data and coolant temperatures

according to instructions or lubricating data plate

Only rolling contact bearings with a cage centered by the rolling elements are admitted !

● Bearing with flat grease nipple according to DIN 3404 A M10x1

The bearing is installed insulated.

Insulation shall not be bridged during operation !

For shaft extension DE an insulated coupling is required!

● Bearing with nipple type 32000 for monitoring device SPM



Betriebsstunden / Operating hours

Fettmenge / Quantity of grease
Lager D-Seite / D-end bearing Lager N-Seite / N-end bearing

1000 h
40 g

je Schmierstelle während des Laufes einpressen

at each lubrication point. Press in during operation.
LUBCON Thermoplex
DEZ 1250


Date 30.07.2007
Name Berr Details for machine
Checked. Spa dimension drawing
Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
Siemens AG Ident-No 1215016/010-M014 modified
AE 03.11.2008 Berr Nbg Vo
Index Text Date Name WORD-Textgenerator V.1.0.0

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
114 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor

Supplement to operating instructions DE

Bearing: Groove ball bearing (guide bearing).


Parts list:
1 Groove ball bearing DIN 625 5 Outer bearing cap
2 Bearing housing 6 Bearing sealing ring
3 Inner bearing cap 7 Circlip
4 Grease slinger

Advises for mounting:


All items of the main operating instructions of machine are valid generally.

Date 30.07.2007
Name Berr Details for machine
Checked. Spa dimension drawing
Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
Siemens AG Ident-No 1215016/010-M015 modified
AE 03.11.2008 Berr Nbg Vo
Index Text Date Name WORD-Textgenerator V.1.0.0

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 115
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor

11 Rolling contact bearing NDE

Type of bearing according to DIN625 6330MC4

Grease, lubrication data and coolant temperatures

according to instructions or lubricating data plate

Only rolling contact bearings with a cage centered by the rolling elements are admitted!

● Bearing with flat grease nipple according to DIN 3404 A M10x1

The bearing is installed insulated !

Operation with shaft grounding device only !

● Bearing with nipple type 32000 for monitoring device SPM


Date 30.07.2007
Name Berr Details for machine
Checked. Spa dimension drawing
Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
Siemens AG Ident-No 1215016/010-M016 modified
AE 03.11.2008 Berr Nbg Vo
Index Text Date Name WORD-Textgenerator V.1.0.0

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
116 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor

Supplement to operating instructions NDE

Bearing: Groove ball bearing, spring-loaded.


Parts list:
1 Groove ball bearing DIN 625 5 Outer bearing cap
2 Bearing housing 6 Compression spring
3 Inner bearing cap 7 Circlip
4 Grease slinger

Advises for mounting:


All items of the main operating instructions of machine are valid generally.
In addition for this special bearing design observe the following instructions:

For axial thrust of the bearing the original number and spring-load of the
compression springs are mandatory!

Date 30.07.2007
Name Berr Details for machine
Checked. Spa dimension drawing
Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
Siemens AG Ident-No 1215016/010-M017 modified
AE 03.11.2008 Berr Nbg Vo
Index Text Date Name WORD-Textgenerator V.1.0.0

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 117
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor

18 Separate driven fan

Type 2CF6450-1EG01-0JF7
Type of motor 1LA6131-2AA61-Z
Manufacturer mdexx Magnetronic Devices
Rated voltage 400 V D / 690 V Y
Rated current 14.7 / 8.5 A
Frequency 50 Hz
Rated power 7.5 kW


Date 30.07.2007
Name Berr Details for machine
Checked. Spa dimension drawing
Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
Siemens AG Ident-No 1215016/010-M018 modified
AE 03.11.2008 Berr Nbg Vo
Index Text Date Name WORD-Textgenerator V.1.0.0

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
118 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor

19 Pulse generator
Type HOG16 D 1024 I-HTL
Number of pulses per rotation 1024

with integrated device for shaft grounding

For further details see technical instructions of manufacturer


Date 30.07.2007
Name Berr Details for machine
Checked. Spa dimension drawing
Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
Siemens AG Ident-No 1215016/010-M019 modified
AE 03.11.2008 Berr Nbg Vo
Index Text Date Name WORD-Textgenerator V.1.0.0

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 119
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor

30 Air to water cooler

Type QLNE-150-060-3-0-02-01-7-2
for chemical cleaning
Manufacturer COILTECH
Weight (without filling) 0.13 t
KE/KA Connection flange for cooling water DIN2633 - DN50
with counter flange
Quantity of cooling water 260 l/min
Cooling water inlet temperature 30 °C
Cooling water outlet temperature 38 °C
Pressure drop < 0.5 bar
Operating pressure max. 8 bar (watertemp. max. 65°C)
Testing pressure 11 bar

Further details see technical instructions for operation and maintenance of manufacturer


Date 30.07.2007
Name Berr Details for machine
Checked. Spa dimension drawing
Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
Siemens AG Ident-No 1215016/010-M020 modified
AE 03.11.2008 Berr Nbg Vo
Index Text Date Name WORD-Textgenerator V.1.0.0

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
120 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor

General instructions

Recommendation for fixing the machine on a steel foundation

4 Fastening screws ISO 4017 / M42x160 - 8.8 - A3L
4 Washers DIN 125 / 45 - 100HV- A3L
4 Jacking screws ISO 4017 / M24x100 - 8.8 - A3L
Required tightening torque of the fastening screws MA = 1700 Nm (±15%)

Increase of shaft height at operating temperature 0.17 mm

Attention !
Limiting values for oscillations according to DIN ISO 10816-3
must not be exceeded!

Attention !
Feeding the motor by converter, high-frequency harmonic currents in the
motor supply leads can give rise to electromagnetic interference emission, the
magnitude of which depends on the converter design (type, interference sup-
pression measures, manufacturer). In order to avoid exceeding the limit values

Painting system
Nominal thickness of coat
according to EN 50 081 with a converter/motor drive system, the EMC data
provided by the converter manufacturer should always be observed !

standard paint finish acc. to TU-IK 029

60 µm

Date 30.07.2007
Name Berr Details for machine
Checked. Spa dimension drawing
Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
Siemens AG Ident-No 1215016/010-M021 modified
AE 03.11.2008 Berr Nbg Vo
Index Text Date Name WORD-Textgenerator V.1.0.0

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 121
Technical data and drawings
B.3 Notes on dimension drawing of motor

Alignment accuracy for couplings:

PL ■

Date 30.07.2007
Name Berr Details for machine
Checked. Spa dimension drawing
Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
Siemens AG Ident-No 1215016/010-M022 modified
AE 03.11.2008 Berr Nbg Vo
Index Text Date Name WORD-Textgenerator V.1.0.0

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
122 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.4 Dimension drawing of shaft

B.4 Dimension drawing of shaft


N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 123
Technical data and drawings
B.5 Motor rating plate

B.5 Motor rating plate


N-W71215016010001 / 2008
124 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.5 Motor rating plate


Date 25.04.2008 BB148559

Exam. KLEINOD_H Name plate
A & D LD IO EM Type 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z
SIEMENS AG Ident. No. 1215016/010 L1

IND. Text Date Name

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 125
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

B.6 Data sheets

B.6.1 PT100 bearing thermometer


N-W71215016010001 / 2008
126 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

Instrumentation for H-compact / H-compact PLUS motors Order code

Monitoring bearing temperature by means of 2 resistance thermometers Pt 100 A 40
Standard- and Ex-
rolling contact bearings design

Resistance thermometer
Type Resistance thermometer 1 x Pt 100 / e x 6 / M10x1
Measuring element 1x Pt 100 Ohm at 0°C to DIN EN 60751 class B
With efficient heat transfer, electrically insulated from protective tube
Nominal length e = 20, 50, 100 mm; dependent on the engine type
Diameter d1 = 6 mm
Protective tube Made of stainless steel, shrunk-sleeve-insulated if no ceramic-insulated-
bearings are used

Connection 2-wire up to terminal box
2-wire, Three-wire circuit or Four-wire
Connecting cable, Length /
Cross Section/ Insulation 3,5 m / 0,5 … 1,5mm² / Silicone Insulated H-compact

Design / Measuring range

Terminal housing
5m/ 0,5 … 1,5mm² / Silicone Insulated H-compact PLUS
(St: -40 °C to 150 °C)
(Ex:) -40 °C to 125 °C
Permitted thermometer current max. 5 mA
Nickel-plated brass
Screw fitting Sliding, with union nut, according to DIN 3852-B
Certificate for Ex-proof application PTB 00 ATEX 2127X

Instrument of vibration-resistant design, i. e. for vibratory loads f = 2 to 80 Hz and an acceleration of 0,7*g

Manufacturer EPHY-MESS GmbH

Johannes-Gutenberg-Str. 2-6
D-65719 Hofheim-Wallau
Tel. +49 (0) 6122 / 92 28 0

Date 19.07.04
Name Walla
Monitoring bearing temperature
Exam. Pitka 2 resistance thermometers Pt 100
AB 01.10.05 Dimi Sheet
Stat. Info Date Name A5E00338583A 1/5

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 127
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

Instrumentation for H-compact / H-compact PLUS motors Order code

Monitoring bearing temperature by means of 2 resistance thermometers Pt 100 A 40
Standard- and Ex-
rolling contact bearings design

Resistance thermometer
The temperature detector in the resistance thermometer is a wire winding (measuring shunt) made of platinum;
is resistance changes at a function of temperature in accordance with a specific, repeatable set of basic values.
The changes in the resistance are transferred in the form of current changes.

The measuring shunts are double-wound and adjusted to 100 Ω ± 0,1 Ω at 0°C. The basic resistance values (i.
e. the correlation between the resistance and the temperature) and the permissible deviations are defined in
DIN EN 60751.

Basic values and max. permissible deviations to DIN EN 60751for Pt 100 (Platinum) (extract)

Basic values Max. permissible deviation from basic values

Table 1 Table 3
°C Ω °C Ω Class Max. deviation in °C
PL B (*)

(*) Three-wire circuit

0,3 + 0,005 * (t)
(t) is the numerical value of the temperature in °C
without taking its sign in to account

Table 4
30 111,67 160 161,05
°C Ω
40 115,54 170 164,77 5,0 2,5
50 119,40 180 168,48
60 123,24 190 172,17
70 127,08 200 175,86 2,0
4,0 Class B (°C)

Important: Resistance thermometer may 3,5

be tested only with single knob measuring
3,0 1,5
bridge in „Wheatstone-circuit“!

Table 2 2,0 1,0


Class B (Ω)
Initial adjustment
before starting for Tmax=120°C 1,0 0,5

0 0
Warning (acc. to
T1 = T + 5K -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
measured values)
Disconnection (acc.
T2 = T + 10K
to measured values)

T is the normal operating temperature of

the engine on installation site.

Date 19.07.04
Name Walla
Monitoring bearing temperature
Exam. Pitka 2 resistance thermometers Pt 100
AB 01.10.05 Dimi Sheet
Stat. Info Date Name A5E00338583A 2/5

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
128 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

Instrumentation for H-compact / H-compact PLUS motors Order code

Monitoring bearing temperature by means of 2 resistance thermometers Pt 100 A 40
Standard- and Ex-
rolling contact bearings design

Location diagram:
Location at the machine

1 2


Resistance thermometer
PL 1 = Resistant thermom eter
2 = Terminal box

Date 19.07.04
Name Walla
Monitoring bearing temperature
Exam. Pitka 2 resistance thermometers Pt 100
AB 01.10.05 Dimi Sheet
Stat. Info Date Name A5E00338583A 3/5

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 129
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

Instrumentation for H-compact / H-compact PLUS motors Order code

Monitoring bearing temperature by means of 2 resistance thermometers Pt 100 A 40
Standard- and Ex-
rolling contact bearings design

Cable installation (H-compact-plus)


Cable installation (H-compact)

auxiliary terminal box

stator housing

Clip range: Snap Clip: Cable gland: Metal tube:

material: steel material: steel
M20 x 1,5 Steel band,zinc-
Brass nickel plated

Date 19.07.04
Name Walla
Monitoring bearing temperature
Exam. Pitka 2 resistance thermometers Pt 100
AB 01.10.05 Dimi Sheet
Stat. Info Date Name A5E00338583A 4/5

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
130 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

Instrumentation for H-compact / H-compact PLUS motors Order code

Monitoring bearing temperature by means of 2 resistance thermometers Pt 100 A 40
Standard- and Ex-
rolling contact bearings design

Circuit diagram

Connection of bearing thermometer:

-30 1R1 2R1


1R2 2R2


Terminal strip
-30:1R2 -30:2R2

-30:1R1 -30:2R1




Date 19.07.04
Name Walla
Monitoring bearing temperature
Exam. Pitka 2 resistance thermometers Pt 100
AB 01.10.05 Dimi Sheet
Stat. Info Date Name A5E00338583A 5/5

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 131
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

B.6.2 PT100 cold air thermometer


N-W71215016010001 / 2008
132 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

Instrumentation for H-compact PLUS motors Order code

Monitoring cold air temperature by means of resistance thermometer Pt 100 A 44
Standard- and Ex-

Resistance thermometer
Type Resistance thermometer 1 x Pt 100 / e x 6 / M10x1
Measuring element 1x Pt 100 Ohm at 0°C to DIN EN 60751 class B
With efficient heat transfer, electrically insulated from protective tube
Nominal length e = 100 mm
Diameter d1 = 6 mm
Protective tube Made of stainless steel
Connection 2-wire up to terminal box

2-wire, Three-wire circuit or Four-wire
Connecting cable, Length /
Cross Section/ Insulation 5m/ 0,5 … 1,5mm² / Silicone Insulated
Design / Measuring range St: -40 °C to 150 °C

Terminal housing
Screw fitting
Ex: -40 °C to 125 °C
Permitted thermometer current max. 5 mA
Nickel-plated brass
Sliding, with union nut, according to DIN 3852-B
for Ex-proof application PTB 00 ATEX 2127X
Instrument of vibration-resistant design, i. e. for vibratory loads f = 2 to 80 Hz and an acceleration of 0,7*g

Manufacturer EPHY-MESS GmbH

Johannes-Gutenberg-Str. 2-6
D-65719 Hofheim-Wallau
Tel. +49 (0) 6122 / 92 28 0

Date 06.07.04
Name Walla Monitoring cold air temperature
Exam. Pitka
Resistance thermometer Pt 100
AB 01.10.05 Dimi SIEMENS AG Sheet
Stat. Info Date Name A&D LD I O A5E00325742A 1/5

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 133
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

Instrumentation for H-compact PLUS motors Order code

Monitoring cold air temperature by means of resistance thermometer Pt 100 A 44
Standard- and Ex-

Resistance thermometer
The temperature detector in the resistance thermometer is a wire winding (measuring shunt) made of platinum;
is resistance changes at a function of temperature in accordance with a specific, repeatable set of basic values.
The changes in the resistance are transferred in the form of current changes.

The measuring shunts are double-wound and adjusted to 100 Ω ± 0,1 Ω at 0°C. The basic resistance values (i.
e. the correlation between the resistance and the temperature) and the permissible deviations are defined in
DIN EN 60751.

Basic values and max. permissible deviations to DIN EN 60751 for Pt 100 (Platinum) (extract)

Basic values Max. permissible deviation from basic values

Table 1 Table 3
°C Ω °C Ω Class Max. deviation in °C
PL B (*)

(*) Three-wire circuit

0,3 + 0,005 * (t)
(t) is the numerical value of the temperature in °C
without taking its sign in to account

Table 4
30 111,67 160 161,05
°C Ω
40 115,54 170 164,77 5,0 2,5
50 119,40 180 168,48
60 123,24 190 172,17
70 127,08 200 175,86 2,0
4,0 Class B (°C)

Important: Resistance thermometer may 3,5

be tested only with single knob measuring
3,0 1,5
bridge in „Wheatstone-circuit“!

Table 2 2,0 1,0


Class B (Ω)
Initial adjustment
before starting for T0 = 60 °C 1,0 0,5

0 0
Warning (acc. to
T1 = T + 10 K ≤ 70 °C -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
measured values)
Disconnection (acc.
T2 = T + 15 K ≤ 75 °C
to measured values)

T is the normal operating temperature of

the engine on installation site.

Date 06.07.04
Name Walla Monitoring cold air temperature
Exam. Pitka
Resistance thermometer Pt 100
AB 01.10.05 Dimi SIEMENS AG Sheet
Stat. Info Date Name A&D LD I O A5E00325742A 2/5

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
134 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

Instrumentation for H-compact PLUS motors Order code

Monitoring cold air temperature by means of resistance thermometer Pt 100 A 44
Standard- and Ex-

Location diagram:
Location at the machine

Cold air thermometer

PL Terminal box for auxillary circults

Resistance thermometer

Date 06.07.04
Name Walla Monitoring cold air temperature
Exam. Pitka
Resistance thermometer Pt 100
AB 01.10.05 Dimi SIEMENS AG Sheet
Stat. Info Date Name A&D LD I O A5E00325742A 3/5

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 135
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

Instrumentation for H-compact PLUS motors Order code

Monitoring cold air temperature by means of resistance thermometer Pt 100 A 44
Standard- and Ex-

Cable installation








NDE Isolierschlauch

Resistance thermometer
Cable end connected at auxiliary terminal box according to circuit diagram


Rooting of cables together with connecting cables bearing PT100

Auxiliary terminal box

To pass the cable round the wire

Insulating sleeving

Cable tie

Mounting side according to dimension drawing

Date 06.07.04
Name Walla Monitoring cold air temperature
Exam. Pitka
Resistance thermometer Pt 100
AB 01.10.05 Dimi SIEMENS AG Sheet
Stat. Info Date Name A&D LD I O A5E00325742A 4/5

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
136 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

Instrumentation for H-compact PLUS motors Order code

Monitoring cold air temperature by means of resistance thermometer Pt 100 A 44
Standard- and Ex-

Circuit diagram

Connection of cold air thermometer

-70 R1



Terminal strip
PL -70:R2




Date 06.07.04
Name Walla Monitoring cold air temperature
Exam. Pitka
Resistance thermometer Pt 100
AB 01.10.05 Dimi SIEMENS AG Sheet
Stat. Info Date Name A&D LD I O A5E00325742A 5/5

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 137
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

B.6.3 PT100 hot air thermometer


N-W71215016010001 / 2008
138 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

Instrumentation for H-compact PLUS motors Order code

Monitoring warm air temperature by means of resistance thermometer Pt 100 A 45
Standard- and Ex-

Resistance thermometer
Type Resistance thermometer 1 x Pt 100 / e x 6 / M10x1
Measuring element 1x Pt 100 Ohm at 0°C to DIN EN 60751 class B
With efficient heat transfer, electrically insulated from protective tube
Nominal length e = 100 mm
Diameter d1 = 6 mm
Protective tube Made of stainless steel.
Connection 2-wire up to terminal box

2-wire, Three-wire circuit or Four-wire
Connecting cable, Length /
Cross Section/ Insulation 5m/ 0,5 … 1,5mm² / Silicone Insulated
Design / Measuring range (St: -40 °C to 150 °C)

Terminal housing
Screw fitting
(Ex: -40 °C to 125 °C)
Permitted thermometer current max. 5 mA
Nickel-plated brass
Sliding, with union nut, according to DIN 3852-B
for Ex-proof application PTB 00 ATEX 2127X
Instrument of vibration-resistant design, i. e. for vibratory loads f = 2 to 80 Hz and an acceleration of 0,7*g

Manufacturer EPHY-MESS GmbH

Johannes-Gutenberg-Str. 2-6
D-65719 Hofheim-Wallau
Tel. +49 (0) 6122 / 92 28 0

Date 20.07.04
Name Walla Monitoring warm air temperature
Exam. Pitka
Resistance thermometer Pt 100
AB 01.10.05 Dimi SIEMENS AG Sheet
Stat. Info Date Name A&D LD I O A5E00338628A 1/5

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 139
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

Instrumentation for H-compact PLUS motors Order code

Monitoring warm air temperature by means of resistance thermometer Pt 100 A 45
Standard- and Ex-

Resistance thermometer
The temperature detector in the resistance thermometer is a wire winding (measuring shunt) made of platinum;
is resistance changes at a function of temperature in accordance with a specific, repeatable set of basic values.
The changes in the resistance are transferred in the form of current changes.

The measuring shunts are double-wound and adjusted to 100 Ω ± 0,1 Ω at 0°C. The basic resistance values (i.
e. the correlation between the resistance and the temperature) and the permissible deviations are defined in
DIN EN 60751.

Basic values and max. permissible deviations to DIN EN 60751 for Pt 100 (Platinum) (extract)

Basic values Max. permissible deviation from basic values

Table 1 Table 3
°C Ω °C Ω Class Max. deviation in °C
PL B (*)

(*) Three-wire circuit

0,3 + 0,005 * (t)
(t) is the numerical value of the temperature in °C
without taking its sign in to account

Table 4
30 111,67 160 161,05
°C Ω
40 115,54 170 164,77 5,0 2,5
50 119,40 180 168,48
60 123,24 190 172,17
70 127,08 200 175,86 2,0
4,0 Class B (°C)

Important: Resistance thermometer may 3,5

be tested only with single knob measuring
3,0 1,5
bridge in „Wheatstone-circuit“!

Table 2 2,0 1,0


Class B (Ω)
Initial adjustment
before starting for T0 = 90 °C 1,0 0,5

0 0
Warning (acc. to
T1 = T + 10K ≤ 100 °C -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
measured values)
Disconnection (acc.
T2 = T + 15K ≤ 105 °C
to measured values)

T is the normal operating temperature of

the engine on installation site.

Date 20.07.04
Name Walla Monitoring warm air temperature
Exam. Pitka
Resistance thermometer Pt 100
AB 01.10.05 Dimi SIEMENS AG Sheet
Stat. Info Date Name A&D LD I O A5E00338628A 2/5

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
140 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

Instrumentation for H-compact PLUS motors Order code

Monitoring warm air temperature by means of resistance thermometer Pt 100 A 45
Standard- and Ex-

Location diagram:

Location at the machine

Warm air thermometer

PL Terminal box for auxillary circults

Resistance thermometer

Date 20.07.04
Name Walla Monitoring warm air temperature
Exam. Pitka
Resistance thermometer Pt 100
AB 01.10.05 Dimi SIEMENS AG Sheet
Stat. Info Date Name A&D LD I O A5E00338628A 3/5

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 141
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

Instrumentation for H-compact PLUS motors Order code

Monitoring warm air temperature by means of resistance thermometer Pt 100 A 45
Standard- and Ex-

Cable installation








NDE Isolierschlauch

Resistance thermometer
Cable end connected at auxiliary terminal box according to circuit diagram


Rooting of cables together with connecting cables bearing PT100

Auxiliary terminal box

To pass the cable round the wire

Insulating sleeving

Cable tie

Mounting side according to dimension drawing

Date 20.07.04
Name Walla Monitoring warm air temperature
Exam. Pitka
Resistance thermometer Pt 100
AB 01.10.05 Dimi SIEMENS AG Sheet
Stat. Info Date Name A&D LD I O A5E00338628A 4/5

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
142 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

Instrumentation for H-compact PLUS motors Order code

Monitoring warm air temperature by means of resistance thermometer Pt 100 A 45
Standard- and Ex-

Circuit diagram

Connection of warm air thermometer

-71 R1



Terminal strip





Date 20.07.04
Name Walla Monitoring warm air temperature
Exam. Pitka
Resistance thermometer Pt 100
AB 01.10.05 Dimi SIEMENS AG Sheet
Stat. Info Date Name A&D LD I O A5E00338628A 5/5

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 143
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

B.6.4 Winding PT100


N-W71215016010001 / 2008
144 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

Instrumentation for H-compact / H-compact PLUS motors Order code

Monitoring winding temperature by means of 6 embedded resistance thermometers A 65
Standard- and Ex-
Pt 100 without surge arresters design

6 Embedded resistance thermometer in the stator windings slots

Type NWT-C-PT100/B/2- ...
Detector Pt 100: Platin 100 Ω at 0°C to DIN EN 60751 Class B
Connection 2-wire up to terminal box
2-wire, Three-wire circuit or Four-wire
Detector dimensions 3 x 8 x 100
Feeder length / Insulation /
Material Size of Leads 5 m / PTFE / 0,56mm²

Field of application Non-hazardous areas and hazardous areas Zone 1 and 2

Mounting position 2 embedded resistance thermometers per phase, installed at points

assumed to be the hottest in the winding, disturbed evenly around periphery

Feeder resistance
Measuring current

between outer and inner coils.
requires adjustment
suggested: 1 to 2 mA
max: 10 mA
for Ex-proof application PTB 02 ATEX 2024 U (Manufacturer EPHY-MESS)
Manufacturer EPHY-MESS GmbH
Johannes-Gutenberg-Str. 2-6
D-65719 Hofheim-Wallau
Tel. +49 (0) 6122 / 92 28 0


H. Heinz Meßwiderstände GmbH

Goethestraße 16
D-98716 Elgersburg

Tel. +49 (0) 3677 / 46 28 0

Date 07.07.04
Monitoring winding temperature
Name Walla 6 embedded resistance thermometers Pt 100
Exam. Pitka without surge arresters
AB 01.10.05 Dimić SIEMENS AG Sheet
Stat. Info Date Name A&D LD I O A5E00325743A 1/5

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 145
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

Instrumentation for H-compact / H-compact PLUS motors Order code

Monitoring winding temperature by means of 6 embedded resistance thermometers A 65
Standard- and Ex-
Pt 100 without surge arresters design

Resistance thermometer
The temperature detector in the resistance thermometer is a wire winding (measuring shunt) made of platinum;
is resistance changes at a function of temperature in accordance with a specific, repeatable set of basic values.
The changes in the resistance are transferred in the form of current changes.

The measuring shunts are double-wound and adjusted to 100 Ω ± 0,1 Ω at 0°C. The basic resistance values (i.
e. the correlation between the resistance and the temperature) and the permissible deviations are defined in
DIN EN 60751.

Basic values and max. permissible deviations to DIN EN 60751 for Pt 100 (Platinum) (extract)

Basic values Max. permissible deviation from basic values

Table 1 Table 3
°C Ω °C Ω Class Max. deviation in °C
PL B (*)

(*) Three-wire circuit

0,3 + 0,005 * (t)
(t) is the numerical value of the temperature in °C
without taking its sign in to account

Table 4
30 111,67 160 161,05
°C Ω
40 115,54 170 164,77 5,0 2,5
50 119,40 180 168,48
60 123,24 190 172,17
70 127,08 200 175,86 2,0
4,0 Class B (°C)

Important: Resistance thermometer may 3,5

be tested only with single knob measuring
3,0 1,5
bridge in „Wheatstone-circuit“!

Table 2 2,0 1,0


F to B F to F Class B (Ω)
Initial 1,0 0,5
before starting T0 = 120°C T0 = 140°C 0,5
0 0
-200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Warning (acc. °C
T1 = T+10K T1 = T+10K
to measured
≤ 135 °C ≤ 150 °C
(acc. to T2 = T+15K T2 = T+15K
measured ≤ 140 °C ≤ 155 °C
T is the normal operating temperature of
the engine on installation site.

Date 07.07.04
Monitoring winding temperature
Name Walla 6 embedded resistance thermometers Pt 100
Exam. Pitka without surge arresters
AB 01.10.05 Dimić SIEMENS AG Sheet
Stat. Info Date Name A&D LD I O A5E00325743A 2/5

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
146 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

Instrumentation for H-compact / H-compact PLUS motors Order code

Monitoring winding temperature by means of 6 embedded resistance thermometers A 65
Standard- and Ex-
Pt 100 without surge arresters design

Installation and routing of cables (H-compact PLUS)

④ ⑥ ②


PL ④ ②


③ ①

① Embedded resistance thermometer

② Connected cable is covered by insulating sleeving and mounted with PE-fabric tape at welded perforated
steel sheet
③ Insulating sleeving
④ End of cable connected according to circuit diagram at auxiliary terminal
⑤ Auxiliary terminal box
⑥ Insulating plug

Date 07.07.04
Monitoring winding temperature
Name Walla 6 embedded resistance thermometers Pt 100
Exam. Pitka without surge arresters
AB 01.10.05 Dimić SIEMENS AG Sheet
Stat. Info Date Name A&D LD I O A5E00325743A 3/5

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 147
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

Instrumentation for H-compact / H-compact PLUS motors Order code

Monitoring winding temperature by means of 6 embedded resistance thermometers A 65
Standard- and Ex-
Pt 100 without surge arresters design

Installation and routing of cables (H-compact)


① Embedded resistance thermometer


② Connected cable is covered by insulating sleeving and mounted with PE-fabric tape at welded perforate steel
③ Insulating sleeving
④ End of cable connected according to circuit diagram at auxiliary terminal
⑤ Auxiliary terminal box
⑥ Main terminal box

Embedded Resistance Thermometer


Date 07.07.04
Monitoring winding temperature
Name Walla 6 embedded resistance thermometers Pt 100
Exam. Pitka without surge arresters
AB 01.10.05 Dimić SIEMENS AG Sheet
Stat. Info Date Name A&D LD I O A5E00325743A 4/5

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
148 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Technical data and drawings
B.6 Data sheets

Instrumentation for H-compact / H-compact PLUS motors Order code

Monitoring winding temperature by means of 6 embedded resistance thermometers A 65
Standard- and Ex-
Pt 100 without surge arresters design

Circuit diagram

Connection of 6 embedded resistance thermometers

Terminal strip
-20:1R2 -20:2R2 -20:3R2 -20:4R2 -20:5R2 -20:6R2
-20:1R1 -20:2R1 -20:3R1 -20:4R1 -20:5R1 -20:6R1




Date 07.07.04
Monitoring winding temperature
Name Walla 6 embedded resistance thermometers Pt 100
Exam. Pitka without surge arresters
AB 01.10.05 Dimić SIEMENS AG Sheet
Stat. Info Date Name A&D LD I O A5E00325743A 5/5

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 149
Quality documents C
C.1 Declaration of incorporation of partly completed machinery


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Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 151
Quality documents
C.1 Declaration of incorporation of partly completed machinery


N-W71215016010001 / 2008
152 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Quality documents
C.1 Declaration of incorporation of partly completed machinery

Übersetzungen der Originalsprachversion / Translations of the Original language version

Declaration of incorporation of partly completed machinery
(in accordance with Annex II, Part 1, Section B of EC Directive 2006/42/EC Machinery Directive)

Manufacturer: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives I DT LD
Address: P.O. Box 4743 Vogelweiherstrasse 1-15
D-90025 Nuremberg D-90441 Nuremberg

Product denomination: The product name can be found on page1 of the document, underneath the address.

For the product denominated above, we confirm the following:
- The application and observance of the following specified health and safety requirements according to
Annex I of Directive 2006/42/EC, see page 1.
- Compilation of the relevant technical documentation in accordance with Annex VII, Section B of
Directive 2006/42/EC

We herewith engage to ensure that the person named below is authorized to compile the relevant technical
documentation and to present it on duly reasoned request to the relevant national authorities when necessary.
Name: see page 1
Address: see page 1
Form of presentation: see page 1
The product denominated above is exclusively intended for incorporation into a machine. Commissioning of the
partly completed machine shall be prohibited until an EC Declaration of Conformity to Directive 2006/42 EC,
Annex II, Part 1, Section A for a machine is available.

We confirm that the above-mentioned product is in conformity with the following standards:
DIN EN ISO 12100-1, -2 (Output date 2004-04-01)
DIN EN 60204-1 (Output date 2007-06-01), -11 (Output date 2001-05-01)
DIN EN ISO 14121-1 (Output date 2007-12-01)

This declaration certifies the conformance with the directives specified, but is no guarantee of quality or
guarantee of durability in accordance with Section 443 of the German Civil Code (BGB).

The safety instructions of the product documentation supplied must be complied with.

The signatures of the authorized persons can be seen on page 1 of the document.

Déclaration d'incorporation d'une quasi-machine
(selon Annexe II, Partie 1, Paragraphe B de la Directive Européenne 2006/42/CE relative aux machines)
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft: Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Gerhard Cromme, Managing Board: Peter Loescher, Chairman, President
and Chief Executive Officer; Wolfgang Dehen, Heinrich Hiesinger, Joe Kaeser, Barbara Kux, Hermann Requardt, Siegfried Russwurm, Peter
Y. Solmssen. Registered offices: Berlin and Munich; Commercial registries: Berlin Charlottenburg, HRB 12300, Munich, HRB 6684
WEEE-Reg.-No. DE 23691322
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N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 153
Quality documents
C.1 Declaration of incorporation of partly completed machinery

Fabricant : Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives I DT LD
Adresse : Postfach 4743 Vogelweiherstr. 1-15
DE-90025 Nürnberg DE-90441 Nürnberg
La désignation du produit se trouve en page 1 du document, en dessous de l'adresse.
Pour le produit désigné, nous certifions ce qui suit :
- L'application et le respect des prescriptions en matière de sécurité et de protection des personnes mentionnées ci-
dessous selon Annexe I de la Directive 2006/42/CE, see Page 1.
- L'établissement de la documentation technique pertinente conformément à l'Annexe VII, Paragraphe B de la
Directive 2006/42/CE
Nous déclarons par la présente que la personne désignée est habilitée à constituer la documentation technique pertinente et
à la remettre aux autorités nationales compétentes sur demande dûment motivée.

Le produit désigné est exclusivement conçu pour l'incorporation dans une machine. La mise en service de la quasi machine

est interdite tant que la déclaration CE de conformité à la Directive 2006/42/CE, Annexe II, Partie I, Paragraphe A n'est pas

Nous confirmons la conformité du produit susmentionné aves les normes suivantes : voir page 1.
La présente déclaration atteste la conformité aux directives mentionnées, mais ne saurait tenir lieu de garantie de propriétés
ni degarantie de durabilité au sens du paragraphe §443 BGB du code civil allemand.
Respecter les consignes de sécurité figurant dans la documentation produit fournie.
Les signatures des personnes habilitées sont en page 1 du document.

Declaración de incorporación de una cuasi máquina
(según anexo II, parte 1, sección B de la Directiva 2006/42/CE (directiva relativa a máquinas)

Fabricante: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives I DT LD
Dirección: Postfach 4743 Vogelweiherstr. 1-15
D-90025 Nürnberg D-90441 Nürnberg
El nombre del producto puede leerse en la página 1 del documento, debajo de la dirección.
Por la presente certificamos lo siguiente para el producto mencionado:

- La aplicación y respeto de los requisitos de seguridad y salud contemplados en el anexo I de la Directiva

2006/42/CE que se indican seguidamente, see Page 1
- La elaboración de la documentación técnica pertinente según el anexo VII, sección B de la Directiva 2006/42/CE
Por la presente confirmamos que la persona que se indica a continuación está facultada para elaborar la documentación
técnica pertinente y transmitirla a las autoridades nacionales cuando éstas lo soliciten con la debida justificación.

El producto mencionado está destinado exclusivamente para su incorporación en una máquina. Se prohíbe la puesta en
servicio de una cuasi máquina hasta que se presente una declaración de conformidad CE con la Directiva 2006/42/CE,
anexo II, parte 1, sección A de la máquina final en la cual vaya a ser incorporada.
Por la presente confirmamos la conformidad del producto arriba indicado con las normas: ver página 1.

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft: Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Gerhard Cromme, Managing Board: Peter Loescher, Chairman, President
and Chief Executive Officer; Wolfgang Dehen, Heinrich Hiesinger, Joe Kaeser, Barbara Kux, Hermann Requardt, Siegfried Russwurm, Peter
Y. Solmssen. Registered offices: Berlin and Munich; Commercial registries: Berlin Charlottenburg, HRB 12300, Munich, HRB 6684
WEEE-Reg.-No. DE 23691322
I DT LD Copyright () SIEMENS AG 2009 All rights reserved VQ 1013-5-0910 Seite 3 von 15

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
154 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Quality documents
C.1 Declaration of incorporation of partly completed machinery

La presente declaración certifica los requisitos de las mencionadas directivas que se han aplicado y cumplido, pero no
representa una garantía de propiedad o durabilidad según el §443 del Código Civil alemán.
Es necesario respetar las consignas e instrucciones de seguridad que figuran en la documentación que
acompaña al producto.
Las firmas de las personas autorizadas pueden verse en la página 1 del documento.

Dichiarazione di incorporazione di quasi-macchine
(sec. Allegato II, Parte 1, Sezione B della Direttiva CE 2006/42/EG Direttiva Macchine)

Fabbricante: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives I DT LD
Indirizzo: Postfach 4743 Vogelweiherstr. 1-15
D-90025 Nürnberg D-90441 Nürnberg
La denominazione del prodotto è riportata a pagina 1 del documento, sotto l'indirizzo.

In riferimento al prodotto indicato si dichiara quanto segue:
Applicazione ed osservanza dei requisiti essenziali di sicurezza e di tutela della salute citati di seguito secondo
l'Allegato I della Direttiva 2006/42/CE, see Page 1.
La documentazione tecnica specifica pertinente è stata compilata secondo quanto prescritto nell’Allegato VII,
Sezione B della Direttiva 2006/42/EG.
Con la presente ci assumiamo l’impegno di conferire alla persona nominata qui di seguito l’autorizzazione a compilare la
documentazione tecnica pertinente e di trasmetterla su richiesta adeguatamente motivata alle singole autorità nazionali.
Il prodotto indicato è destinato esclusivamente all’incorporazione in una macchina finale. La messa in servizio
della quasi-macchina è vietata finché non è munita della dichiarazione di conformità CE alla Direttiva
2006/42/EG, Allegato II, Parte 1, Sezione A per macchine.
Con la presente confermiamo la conformità del prodotto sopra nominato con le norme seguenti: vedi pagina 1.

Questa dichiarazione certifica la conformità con le direttive indicate, ma non costituisce una garanzia di qualità
o di durata ai sensi dell’articolo 443 BGB (codice civile tedesco).
Vanno osservate le avvertenze di sicurezza contenute nella documentazione di prodotto allegata.

Le firme delle persone autorizzate sono riportate a pagina 1 del documento.


Försäkran för inmontering av en ofullständig maskin
(enligt bilaga II, del 1, avsnitt B i EG-direktiv 2006/42/EG maskindirektiv)

Tillverkare: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives I DT LD
Adress: Postfach 4743 Vogelweiherstr. 1-15
D-90025 Nürnberg D-90441 Nürnberg
Produktbeteckningen kan läsas på sida 1 i dokumentet under adressen.
För den märkta produkten intygar vi följande:
- Följande nämnda säkerhetsoch hälsoskyddskrav enligt bilaga I i direktivet 2006/42/EG tillämpas och uppfylls, see
Page 1.
- Upprättandet av de speciella tekniska dokumenten enligt bilaga VII, avsnitt B i direktiv 2006/42/EG

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft: Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Gerhard Cromme, Managing Board: Peter Loescher, Chairman, President
and Chief Executive Officer; Wolfgang Dehen, Heinrich Hiesinger, Joe Kaeser, Barbara Kux, Hermann Requardt, Siegfried Russwurm, Peter
Y. Solmssen. Registered offices: Berlin and Munich; Commercial registries: Berlin Charlottenburg, HRB 12300, Munich, HRB 6684
WEEE-Reg.-No. DE 23691322
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N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 155
Quality documents
C.1 Declaration of incorporation of partly completed machinery


Härmed intygar vi att den i det följande nämnda personen är befullmäktigad att sammanställa de relevanta
speciella tekniska dokumenten och vid behov efter motiverad begäran förmedla dessa till platserna i de
enskilda länderna.
Den märkta produkten är uteslutande avsedd för inmontering i en maskin. Idrifttagandet av den ofullständiga maskinen är
förbjudet tills en EG-försäkran om överensstämmelse med direktivet 2006/42/EG, bilaga II, del 1, avsnitt A för en maskin
Vi försäkrar överensstämmelsen av den ovan nämnda produkten med standarderna: se sidan 1.

Denna försäkren intygar överensstämmelsen med de nämnda direktiven men är inte någon beskaffenhets- eller

hållbarhetsgaranti enligt §443 BGB.
Säkerhetsanvisningarna i den bifogade produktdokumentationen ska beaktas.

Underskrifterna för de befullmäktigade personerna finns på sida 1 i dokumentet.



Puolivalmisteiden liittämisvakuutus
(EY-konedirektiivin 2006/42/EY liitteen II osan B mukaan)

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives
Postfach 4743 Vogelweiherstr. 1-15
D-90025 Nürnberg D-90441 Nürnberg
Tuotenimi on asiakirjan sivulla 1 osoitteen alla.
Vakuutamme, että nimetty tuote:
- Seuraavassa mainittujen turvallisuus- ja terveysvaatimusten soveltaminen ja noudattaminen direktiivin 2006/42/EY
liitteen I mukaisesti, see Page 1.
- noudattaa direktiivin 2006/42/EY liitteen VII osassa B annettuja erityisten teknisten asiakirjojen laatimista koskevia
Sitoudumme siihen, että jäljempänä mainittu henkilö on täysivaltainen laatimaan erityiset tekniset asiakirjat ja tarvittaessa
perustellusta pyynnöstä toimittamaan ne kansallisille viranomaisille.

Nimetty tuote on tarkoitettu vain koneeseen asennettavaksi. Epätäydellisen koneen käyttöönotto on kielletty
siihen asti kunnes koneella on direktiivin 2006/42/EY liitteen II osan 1 kappaleen A mukainen EY-
Vakuutamme, että edellä mainittu tuote on seuraavien standardien mukainen: ks. sivu 1.

Tämä vakuutus todistaa tuotteen noudattavan mainittuja direktiivejä mutta ei anna takuita laadusta tai kestävyydestä (§443
Tuotteen mukana tulevien asiakirjojen sisältämiä turvallisuusohjeita on noudatettava.

Valtuutettujen henkilöiden allekirjoitukset ovat asiakirjan sivulla 1.

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft: Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Gerhard Cromme, Managing Board: Peter Loescher, Chairman, President
and Chief Executive Officer; Wolfgang Dehen, Heinrich Hiesinger, Joe Kaeser, Barbara Kux, Hermann Requardt, Siegfried Russwurm, Peter
Y. Solmssen. Registered offices: Berlin and Munich; Commercial registries: Berlin Charlottenburg, HRB 12300, Munich, HRB 6684
WEEE-Reg.-No. DE 23691322
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N-W71215016010001 / 2008
156 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Quality documents
C.1 Declaration of incorporation of partly completed machinery

Erklæring til montering af en ufuldstændig maskine
(iht. bilag II, del 1, afsnit B i EF-direktivet 2006/42/EF Maskindirektiv)

Producent: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives I DT LD
Adresse: Postboks 4743 Vogelweiherstr. 1-15
D-90025 Nürnberg D-90441 Nürnberg
Produktbetegnelsen kann læses på side 1 i dokumentet under adressen.
Vi bekæfter følgende i forbindelse med det betegnede produkt:
- Anvendelse og overholdelse af efterfølgende nævnte sikkerheds- o gsundhedskrav iht. bilag I i direktivet

2006/42/EF, see Page 1.
- Oprettelse af speciel teknisk dokumentation iht. bilag VII, afsnit B i direktivet 2006/42/EG

Hermed forpligter via os til at give den efterfølgende nævnte person fuldmagt til at oprette relevant teknisk dokumentation og

i tilfælde af behov overdrage den til enkelte statslige myndigheder efter anmodning.

Det betegnede produkt er udelukkende beregnet til montering i en maskine. Ibrugtagning af den ufuldstændige maskine er

forbudt, indtil der foreligger en EF-overensstemmelseserklæring til direktivet 2006/42/EF, bilag II, del 1, afsnit A til en

Vi bekræfter overensstemmelsen af den ovennævnte produkt med normerne: se side 1.

Denne erklæring attesterer overensstemmelsen med de nævnte direktiver men er dog ingen egenskabs- eller
holdbarhedsgaranti iht. §443 BGB.
Sikkerhedshenvisningerne i den medleverede produktdokumentation skal overholdes.

Underskriften fra de berettigede personer kan ses på side 1 i dokumentet.

Verklaring inzake de inbouw van een onvolledige machine

(volgens bijlage II, Deel 1, lid B van de EG-richtlijn 2006/42/EG Machinerichtlijn)

Producent: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives I DT LD
Adres: Postfach 4743 Vogelweiherstr. 1-15
D-90025 Nürnberg D-90441 Nürnberg
De productbenaming staat vermeld op pagina 1 van het document, onder het adres.
Voor het vermelde product bevestigen wij het volgende:
- De toepassing en de naleving van de volgende genoemde vereisten inzake veiligheid en gezondheid volgens
Bijlage I van de Richtlijn 2006/42/EG, see Page 1.
- De opstelling van speciale technische documenten volgens Bijlage II, lid B van de Richtlijn 2006/42/EG.

Hiermee verbinden we ons ertoe dat de hierna vermelde persoon gemachtigd is om de relevante, speciale technische
documenten samen te stellen en om deze indien nodig op gemotiveerd verzoek aan de staatsinstanties te bezorgen.

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft: Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Gerhard Cromme, Managing Board: Peter Loescher, Chairman, President
and Chief Executive Officer; Wolfgang Dehen, Heinrich Hiesinger, Joe Kaeser, Barbara Kux, Hermann Requardt, Siegfried Russwurm, Peter
Y. Solmssen. Registered offices: Berlin and Munich; Commercial registries: Berlin Charlottenburg, HRB 12300, Munich, HRB 6684
WEEE-Reg.-No. DE 23691322
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Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 157
Quality documents
C.1 Declaration of incorporation of partly completed machinery


Het vermelde product is uitsluitend voor de inbouw in een machine bedoeld. De inbedrijfstelling van de onvolledige machine
is verboden tot een EG-conformiteitsverklaring volgens de Richtlijn 2006/42/Eg, Bijlage II, Deel 1, hooofdstuk A voor een

machine voorhanden is.

Wij bevestigen de conformiteit van het hierboven genoemde product met de normen: zie pagina 1.

Deze verklaring bevestigt de overeenstemming met de genoemde richtlijnen, maar geeft

geen garantie betreffende de gesteldheid of een houdbaarheidsgarantie volgens § 443 van het BWB.
De veiligheidsaanwijzingen van de meegeleverde productdocumentatie moeten in acht worden genomen.

De handtekeningen van de geautoriseerde personen zijn te zien op pagina 1 van het document.

Declaração para a montagem de uma máquina incompleta
(conforme Anexo II, Parte 1, Ponto B da Directiva CE 2006/42/CE relativa a máquinas)


Endereço: Postfach 4743

D-90025 Nürnberg
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives
Vogelweiherstr. 1-15
D-90441 Nürnberg

A designação do produto pode ser consultada na página 1 do documento, por baixo do endereço.
Relativamente ao produto designado atestamos o seguinte:
- A aplicação e observância dos seguintes requisitos impostos à segurança e saúde, em conformidade com o anexo
I da Directiva 2006/42/CE, see Page 1.
- Elaboração da documentação técnica específica em conformidade com o Anexo VII, ponto B da Directiva
Pela presente nos responsabilizamos que a pessoa em seguida designada possui plenos poderes para elaborar a
documentação técnica específica e relevante e, se necessário, para transmitir as mesmas às entidades dos Estados-
Membros, caso seja justificadamente solicitada.

O produto designado serve exclusivamente para montagem numa máquina. A colocação em funcionamento da máquina
permanece interdita, até ser apresentada uma declaração de conformidade CE relativa à Directiva 2006/42/CE, Anexo II,

Parte 1, Ponto A relativamente a uma máquina.

Atestamos a conformidade do produto acima designado com as normas: ver página 1.

A presente declaração certifica a conformidade com as directivas designadas, no entanto, não constitui uma garantia de
qualidade ou de validade nos termos do §443 do BGB (código civil alemão).
As indicações de segurança da documentação do produto juntamente fornecida têm de ser respeitadas.

As assinaturas das pessoas autorizadas encontram-se na página 1 do documento.

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft: Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Gerhard Cromme, Managing Board: Peter Loescher, Chairman, President
and Chief Executive Officer; Wolfgang Dehen, Heinrich Hiesinger, Joe Kaeser, Barbara Kux, Hermann Requardt, Siegfried Russwurm, Peter
Y. Solmssen. Registered offices: Berlin and Munich; Commercial registries: Berlin Charlottenburg, HRB 12300, Munich, HRB 6684
WEEE-Reg.-No. DE 23691322
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Quality documents
C.1 Declaration of incorporation of partly completed machinery

Δήλωση για την εγκατάσταση ενός ημιτελούς μηχανήματος
(σύμφωνα με το παράρτημα II, μέρος 1, ενότητα B της οδηγίας 2006/42/ΕΚ σχετικά με τα μηχανήματα)

Κατασκευαστής: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives I DT LD
Διεύθυνση : Postfach 4743 Vogelweiherstr. 1-15
D-90025 Nürnberg D-90441 Nürnberg
Η ονομασία προϊόντος είναι διαθέσιμη στη σελίδα 1 του εγγράφου, κάτω από τη διεύθυνση.
Για το ως άνω αναφερόμενο προϊόν βεβαιώνουμε τα εξής:
- Η εφαρμογή και τήρηση των παρακάτω απαιτήσεων ασφάλειας και υγείας συμφωνεί με το παράρτημα I της

Οδηγίας 2006/42/ΕΚ, see Page 1.
- Σύνταξη της ειδικής τεχνικής τεκμηρίωσης σύμφωνα με το παράρτημα VII, μέρος B της οδηγίας 2006/42/ΕΚ
Δια της παρούσης βεβαιώνουμε ότι το παρακάτω άτομο είναι εξουσιοδοτημένο να καταρτίσει τον οικείο τεχνικό φάκελο και
αν χρειαστεί να τον διαβιβάσει, μετά από δεόντως αιτιολογημένο αίτημα των εθνικών αρχών.

II, μέρος 1, ενότητα A για το μηχάνημα.

Το αναφερόμενο προϊόν προορίζεται αποκλειστικά για εγκατάσταση σε ένα μηχάνημα. Η έναρξη λειτουργίας του ημιτελούς
μηχανήματος απαγορεύεται πριν την προσκόμιση δήλωσης συμμόρφωσης ΕΚ ως προς την οδηγία 2006/42/ΕΚ, παράρτημα

Βεβαιώνουμε τη συμμόρφωση του παραπάνω προϊόντος με τα πρότυπα: βλ. σελίδα 1.

Η δήλωση αυτή επιβεβαιώνει τη συμμόρφωση με τις αναφερθείσες οδηγίες, ωστόσο δεν αποτελεί εγγύηση για τις ιδιότητες
του προϊόντος ή
τη διάρκεια ζωής του σύμφωνα με το §443 BGB.
Τηρείτε τις οδηγίες ασφαλείας που αναφέρονται στη συνοδευτική τεκμηρίωση του προϊόντος.

Οι υπογραφές των εξουσιοδοτημένων ατόμων βρίσκονται στη σελίδα 1 του εγγράφου.

Deklaracja dotycząca wbudowania niekompletnej maszyny
(zgodnie z załącznikiem II, część 1, ustęp B Dyrektywy WE 2006/42/WE w sprawie maszyn)

Producent: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives I DT LD
Adres: Postfach 4743 Vogelweiherstr. 1-15
D-90025 Nürnberg D-90441 Nürnberg
Oznaczenie produktu należy odczytać ze strony 1 dokumentu, pod adresem.
Dla oznaczonego produktu potwierdzamy, co następuje:
- Zastosowanie i przestrzeganie niżej wymienionych wymagań w zakresie bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zdrowia zgodnie
z załącznikiem I dyrektywy 2006/42/WE, see page 1.
- Sporządzenie specjalnej dokumentacji technicznej zgodnie z załącznikiem VII, ustęp B Dyrektywy WE 2006/42/WE
Niniejszym zobowiązujemy się, że niżej wymieniona osoba upoważniona jest do zestawienia istotnej, specjalnej
dokumentacji technicznej i przekazania jej w razie potrzeby na uzasadnione żądanie instytucji poszczególnych państw.

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft: Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Gerhard Cromme, Managing Board: Peter Loescher, Chairman, President
and Chief Executive Officer; Wolfgang Dehen, Heinrich Hiesinger, Joe Kaeser, Barbara Kux, Hermann Requardt, Siegfried Russwurm, Peter
Y. Solmssen. Registered offices: Berlin and Munich; Commercial registries: Berlin Charlottenburg, HRB 12300, Munich, HRB 6684
WEEE-Reg.-No. DE 23691322
I DT LD Copyright () SIEMENS AG 2009 All rights reserved VQ 1013-5-0910 Seite 8 von 15

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 159
Quality documents
C.1 Declaration of incorporation of partly completed machinery


Oznaczony wyrób przeznaczony jest wyłącznie do wbudowania w maszynie. Uruchomienie niekompletnej maszyny jest
zabronione do momentu przedłożenia dla maszyny Deklaracji zgodności WE do Dyrektywy 2006/42/WE, załącznik II, część

1, ustęp A.
Potwierdzamy zgodność wyżej wymienionego produktu z normami: patrz strona 1.

Niniejsza deklaracja potwierdza zgodność z wymienionymi dyrektywami, nie jest jednak gwarancją jakości lub trwałości
zgodnie z §443 niemieckiego kodeksu cywilnego (BGB).
Należy przestrzegać wskazówek dotyczących bezpieczeństwa zawartych w dostarczonej dokumentacji wyrobu.

Podpisy osób uprawnionych widoczne są na stronie 1 dokumentu.



Adresas: Postfach 4743

D-90025 Nürnberg
Ne iki galo sukomplektuotos mašinos montavimo deklaracija
(pagal 2006/42/EB Mašinų direktyvos II priedo 1 dalies B skirsnį)

„Siemens Aktiengesellschaft“
Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives
Vogelweiherstr. 1-15
D-90441 Nürnberg

Gaminio pavadinimą galima rasti 1-jame dokumento puslapyje po adresu.

Patvirtiname, kad šiam gaminiui:
- Toliau nurodytų saugos ir sveikatos reikalavimų pagal Direktyvos 2006/42/EB I priedą naudojimas ir laikymasis, see
- buvo parengti specialūs techniniai dokumentai pagal 2006/42/EB direktyvos VII priedą B skirsnį.
Šiuo mes patvirtiname, kad toliau nurodytas asmuo yra įgaliotas parengti svarbius specialius techninius dokumentus ir,
prireikus, pagrįstu reikalavimu pateikti juos atskirų valstybių įstaigoms.

Nurodytas gaminys skirtas tik montuoti į mašiną. Ne iki galo sukomplektuotą mašiną draudžiama pradėti eksploatuoti tol, kol
mašinai nebus suteikta EB atitikties deklaracija pagal 2006/42/EB direktyvos II priedo 1 dalies A skirsnį.

Mes patvirtiname, kad pirmiau nurodytas gaminys atitinka šiuos standartus: žr. 1 psl.

Šia deklaracija patvirtinamas atitikimas nurodytoms direktyvoms, tačiau nėra kokybės arba tinkamumo naudoti garantija
pagal Vokietijos Civilinio kodekso (BGB) 443 str.
Būtina atkreipti dėmesį į saugos nuorodas, pateiktas pristatytoje gaminio dokumentacijoje.

Įgaliotųjų asmenų parašai matomi 1-ajame dokumento puslapyje.

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft: Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Gerhard Cromme, Managing Board: Peter Loescher, Chairman, President
and Chief Executive Officer; Wolfgang Dehen, Heinrich Hiesinger, Joe Kaeser, Barbara Kux, Hermann Requardt, Siegfried Russwurm, Peter
Y. Solmssen. Registered offices: Berlin and Munich; Commercial registries: Berlin Charlottenburg, HRB 12300, Munich, HRB 6684
WEEE-Reg.-No. DE 23691322
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160 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Quality documents
C.1 Declaration of incorporation of partly completed machinery

Iekārtas sastāvdaļas iebūvēšanas deklarācija
(saskaņā ar EK Direktīvas 2006/42/EK par mašīnām II. pielikumu, 1. daļu, B punktu)

Ražotājs: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives I DT LD
Adrese: Postfach 4743 Vogelweiherstr. 1-15
D-90025 Nürnberg D-90441 Nürnberg
Produkta nosaukums ir izlasāms dokumenta 1.lappusē, zem adreses.
Attiecībā uz minēto izstrādājumu mēs apliecinām, ka:
- Šādu tālāk minēto drošības un veselības prasību piemērošana un ievērošana saskaņā ar Direktīvas 2006/42/EK I.

Pielikumu, see Page 1.
- ir ievērotas speciālās tehniskās dokumentācijas atbilstoši Direktīvas 2006/42/EK
VII. pielikumam, B punktam

Ar šo mēs apliecinām, ka zemāk minētā persona ir tiesīga sastādīt nepieciešamās speciālās tehniskās dokumentācijas un
vajadzības gadījumā pēc pamatota pieprasījuma nodot tās atsevišķām valsts institūcijām.

Norādītais izstrādājums ir paredzēts vienīgi iebūvēšanai citā iekārtā. Iekārtas sastāvdaļas ekspluatācijas sākšana ir aizliegta
tik ilgi, līdz ir pieejama visas iekārtas EK deklarācija atbilstoši Direktīvas 2006/42/EK II. pielikumam, 1. daļai, A punktam.

Mēs apliecinām augstāk minētā izstrādājuma atbilstību kvalitātes standartiem: skatīt 1. lpp.

Šī deklarācija apliecina atbilstību minētajām direktīvām, tomēr tā nav uzskatāma par aprakstīto īpašību vai derīguma termiņa
atbilstības garantiju atbilstoši Vācijas Civilkodeksa (BGB) 443. pantam.
Ievērot klāt pievienotajā izstrādājuma dokumentācijā sniegtās drošības norādes.

Pilnvaroto personu paraksti ir redzami dokumenta 1. lappusē.

Deklaratsioon mittetervikliku masina paigaldamise kohta
(EÜ direktiivi 2006/42/EÜ Masinate direktiiv lisa II, osa 1, lõigu B alusel)

Tootja: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives I DT LD
Aadress: Postfach 4743 Vogelweiherstr. 1-15
D-90025 Nürnberg D-90441 Nürnberg
Tootenimetuse leiate käesoleva dokumendi leheküljelt 1, aadressi alt.
Me kinnitame nimetatud toote kohta alljärgnevat:
- Alljärgnevalt mainitud ohutus- ja tervisekaitsenõudeid rakendatakse ning järgitakse vastavalt direktiivi 2006/42/EÜ
lisale I, see Page 1.
- Direktiivi 2006/42/EÜ lisa VII, lõigu B alusel spetsiaalsete tehniliste dokumentide koostamist

Käesolevaga võtame endale kohustuse, et alljärgnevalt nimetatud isik on volitatud koostama olulise tähtsusega spetsiaalseid
tehnilisi dokumente ning neid põhjendatud nõudmise korral üksikute riikide ametkondadele edasi andma.

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft: Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Gerhard Cromme, Managing Board: Peter Loescher, Chairman, President
and Chief Executive Officer; Wolfgang Dehen, Heinrich Hiesinger, Joe Kaeser, Barbara Kux, Hermann Requardt, Siegfried Russwurm, Peter
Y. Solmssen. Registered offices: Berlin and Munich; Commercial registries: Berlin Charlottenburg, HRB 12300, Munich, HRB 6684
WEEE-Reg.-No. DE 23691322
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N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 161
Quality documents
C.1 Declaration of incorporation of partly completed machinery


Nimetatud toode on ette nähtud eranditult masinasse paigaldamiseks. Mittetervikliku masina käikuvõtmine on keelatud seni,
kuni masina kohta on olemas direktiivi 2006/42/EÜ, lisa II, osa 1, lõigu A alusel EÜ vastavusdeklaratsioon.

Me kinnitame ülalnimetatud toote vastavust normidele: vt lk 1.

Käesolev deklaratsioon tõendab kooskõla nimetatud direktiividega, ei kujuta endast aga omadusi või vastupidavust
sätestavat garantiid §443 BGB (Saksa tsiviilseadustik) alusel.
Kaasapandud tootedokumentatsioonis äratoodud ohutusjuhistest tuleb kinni pidada.

Allkirjaõiguslike isikute allkirjad on toodud ära käesoleva dokumendi leheküljel 1.

Prohlášení o zabudování neúplného strojního zařízení
(podle Přílohy II, část 1., odstavec B Směrnice o strojních zařízeních 2006/42/ES)


Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives
Postfach 4743 Vogelweiherstr. 1-15
D-90025 Nürnberg D-90441 Nürnberg
Označení výrobku je uvedeno v dokumentu na straně č. 1 pod adresou.
Pro uvedený výrobek potvrzujeme následující:

- Aplikace a dodržování níže uvedených požadavků na ochranu zdraví a bezpečnost podle Přílohy I směrnice
2006/42/ES, see Page 1.
- Sestavení zvláštní technické dokumentace podle Přílohy VII, odstavec B Směrnice 2006/42/ES

Tímto se zavazujeme, že níže uvedená osoba je zplnomocněna sestavovat relevantní zvláštní technickou dokumentaci a
v případě potřeby a na odůvodněnou žádost ji předat úřadům jednotlivých zemí.

Uvedený výrobek je určen výlučně k zabudování do strojního zařízení. Zprovoznění neúplného strojního zařízení je
zakázáno do té doby, dokud pro strojní zařízení nebude k dispozici ES prohlášení o shodě k Směrnici 2006/42/ES, Příloha

II, část 1., odstavec A.


Potvrzujeme shodu výše uvedeného výrobku s normami: viz strana č. 1.

Toto prohlášení osvědčuje shodu s uvedenými směrnicemi, neposkytuje však záruku na kvalitu a životnost podle §443
německého občanského zákoníku (BGB).
Nutno dodržovat bezpečnostní pokyny uvedené v dodané dokumentaci k výrobku.

Podpisy oprávněných osob v dokumentu jsou patrné ze strany č. 1.

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft: Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Gerhard Cromme, Managing Board: Peter Loescher, Chairman, President
and Chief Executive Officer; Wolfgang Dehen, Heinrich Hiesinger, Joe Kaeser, Barbara Kux, Hermann Requardt, Siegfried Russwurm, Peter
Y. Solmssen. Registered offices: Berlin and Munich; Commercial registries: Berlin Charlottenburg, HRB 12300, Munich, HRB 6684
WEEE-Reg.-No. DE 23691322
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162 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
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C.1 Declaration of incorporation of partly completed machinery

Prehlásenie o zabudovaní neúplného strojového zariadenia
(podľa Prílohy II, časť 1., odsek B Smernice o strojových zariadeniach 2006/42/ES)

Výrobca: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives I DT LD
Adresa: Postfach 4743 Vogelweiherstr. 1-15
D-90025 Nürnberg D-90441 Nürnberg
Označenie výrobku je uvedené v dokumente na strane č. 1 pod adresou.
Pre uvedený výrobok potvrdzujeme nasledovné:
- Aplikácia a dodržiavanie nižšie uvedených požiadaviek na ochranu zdravia a bezpečnosť podľa Prílohy I smernice

2006/42/ES, see Page 1.
- Zostavenie osobitnej technickej dokumentácie podľa Prílohy VII, odsek B Smernice 2006/42/ES

Týmto sa zaväzujeme, že nižšie uvedená osoba je splnomocnená zostavovať relevantnú osobitnú technickú dokumentáciu a

v prípade potreby a na základe odôvodnenej žiadosti ju odovzdať úradom jednotlivých krajín.

Uvedený výrobok je určený výlučne na zabudovanie do strojového zariadenia. Sprevádzkovanie neúplného strojového
zariadenia je zakázané do doby, kým pre strojové zariadenie nebude k dispozícii prehlásenie ES o zhode so Smernicou
2006/42/ES, Príloha II, časť 1., odsek A.
Potvrdzujeme zhodu hore uvedeného výrobku s normami: pozri strana č. 1.

Toto prehlásenie potvrdzuje zhodu s uvedenými smernicami, neposkytuje však záruku na kvalitu a životnosť podľa §443
nemeckého občianskeho zákonníka (BGB).
Je nevyhnutné dodržiavať bezpečnostné pokyny uvedené v dodanej dokumentácii k výrobku.

Podpisy oprávnených osôb v dokumente sú zrejmé zo strany č. 1.

Nyilatkozat nem teljes gép beépítéséhez
(a gépekről szóló 2006/42/EK sz. EU-irányelv B fejezet, 1. rész, II. melléklete szerint)

Gyártó: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives I DT LD
Cím: Postfach 4743 Vogelweiherstr. 1-15
D-90025 Nürnberg D-90441 Nürnberg
A termékmegnevezést a dokumentum 1. oldalán, a cím alatt olvassa el.
Nevezett termékkel kapcsolatban igazoljuk a következőket:
- Az alább megnevezett biztonsági- és egészségi követelmények alkalmazása és betartása a 2006/42/EK irányelv I.
melléklete szerint, see Page 1.
- A 2006/42/EK irányelv B fejezet, VII. melléklete szerinti speciális műszaki dokumentumok elkészítését

Ezúton kötelezettséget vállalunk arra, hogy az alább megnevezett személy fel van hatalmazva arra, hogy a fontos, speciális
műszaki dokumentumokat összeállítsa és szükség esetén, megalapozott kérésre az egyes állami helyeknek átadja.

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft: Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Gerhard Cromme, Managing Board: Peter Loescher, Chairman, President
and Chief Executive Officer; Wolfgang Dehen, Heinrich Hiesinger, Joe Kaeser, Barbara Kux, Hermann Requardt, Siegfried Russwurm, Peter
Y. Solmssen. Registered offices: Berlin and Munich; Commercial registries: Berlin Charlottenburg, HRB 12300, Munich, HRB 6684
WEEE-Reg.-No. DE 23691322
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N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 163
Quality documents
C.1 Declaration of incorporation of partly completed machinery


A nevezett termék kizárólag egy gépbe történő beépítésre szolgál. A nem teljes gép üzembe helyezése mindaddig tilos, míg
a 2006/42/EK irányelv A fejezet, 1. rész, II. melléklet szerint az EK megfelelőségi nyilatkozat egy gépre rendelkezésre nem

Ezennel kijelentjük, hogy a fent nevezett termék megfelel a következő szabványoknak: lásd az
1. oldalt.

Ez a nyilatkozat tanúsítja a nevezett irányelveknek való megfelelőséget, de semmilyen minőségi- vagy tartóssági garanciát
nem jelent a Német Polgári Törvénykönyv (BGB) §443-a szerint.
A csatolt termékdokumentációban szereplő biztonsági utasításokat figyelembe kell venni.

A jogosult személyek aláírásai a dokumentum 1. oldalán láthatók.

Izjava za vgradnjo nepopolnega stroja
(v skladu z dodatkom II, del 1, poglavje B ES-direktive za stroje 2006/42/ES)


Naslov: Postfach 4743

D-90025 Nürnberg
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives
Vogelweiherstr. 1-15
D-90441 Nürnberg
Oznako proizvoda je treba razbrati na strani 1 dokumenta, pod naslovom.
Za označeni proizvod potrjujemo naslednje:

- Uporaba in upoštevanje naslednjih navedenih varnostnih in zdravstvenih zahtev v skladu z dodatkom I Direktive
2006/42/ES, see Page 1.
- Izdelavo specialne tehnične dokumentacije v skladu z dodatkom VII, poglavje B Direktive 2006/42/ES

S tem v zvezi se zavezujemo, da je v nadaljevanju navedena oseba pooblaščena za sestavljanje relevantne specialne
tehnične dokumentacije in po potrebi za prenos ustreznih zahtev na mesta posameznih držav.

Opisani proizvod je predviden izključno za vgradnjo na stroj. Zagon nepopolnega stroja je prepovedan tako dolgo, dokler ni
predložena ES izjava o skladnosti z direktivo 2006/42/ES, dodatek II, del 1, poglavje A za stroj.

Potrjujemo skladnost zgoraj navedenega proizvoda s standardi: glej stran 1.


Ta izjava potrjuje skladnost z navedenimi direktivami, vendar pa ni garancija za samo sestavo ali garancija za vsebnost v
skladu z §443 BGB (nemški civilni zakonik).
Treba je upoštevati varnostna opozorila priložene dokumentacije proizvoda.

Podpisi pooblaščenih oseb so razvidni iz strani 1 dokumenta.

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft: Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Gerhard Cromme, Managing Board: Peter Loescher, Chairman, President
and Chief Executive Officer; Wolfgang Dehen, Heinrich Hiesinger, Joe Kaeser, Barbara Kux, Hermann Requardt, Siegfried Russwurm, Peter
Y. Solmssen. Registered offices: Berlin and Munich; Commercial registries: Berlin Charlottenburg, HRB 12300, Munich, HRB 6684
WEEE-Reg.-No. DE 23691322
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N-W71215016010001 / 2008
164 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Quality documents
C.1 Declaration of incorporation of partly completed machinery

Declaraţie de încorporare a unei maşini incomplete
(conform Anexei II, Partea 1, Secţiunea B din Directiva CE referitoare la maşini 2006/42/CE)

Producător: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives I DT LD
Adresa: Postfach 4743 Vogelweiherstr. 1-15
D-90025 Nürnberg D-90441 Nürnberg
Descrierea produsului este prezentată pe pagina 1 a documentului, sub adresă.
În legătură cu produsul menţionat confirmăm următoarele:
- Utilizarea şi respectarea normelor de siguranţă şi sănătate specificate în continuare, conform anexei I din Directiva

2006/42/CE, see page 1.
- Elaborarea documentaţiei tehnice speciale conform Anexei VII, Secţiunea B din Directiva 2006/42/CE

Prin prezenta ne angajăm să împuternicim persoana numită în continuare cu elaborarea documentaţiei tehnice speciale şi,

dacă este necesar, transmiterea acesteia la cererea îndreptăţită a autorităţilor naţionale.

Produsul menţionat este destinat exclusiv pentru încorporarea într-o maşină. Punerea în funcţiune a maşinii incomplete este

interzisă atâta timp cât nu există o Declaraţie de conformitate CE conform Directivei 2006/42/CE, Anexa II, Partea 1,
Secţiunea A pentru maşina respectivă.

Confirmăm conformitatea produsului mai sus menţionat cu următoarele norme: vezi pagina 1.
Această declaraţie atestă conformitatea cu directivele menţionate, însă nu reprezintă o garanţie a caracteristicilor sau
durabilităţii, în conformitate cu art. 443 din Codul Civil German (BGB).
Trebuie respectate indicaţiile de siguranţă din documentaţia livrată cu produsul.

Semnăturile persoanelor autorizate apar pe pagina 1 a documentului.


Siemens Aktiengesellschaft: Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Gerhard Cromme, Managing Board: Peter Loescher, Chairman, President
and Chief Executive Officer; Wolfgang Dehen, Heinrich Hiesinger, Joe Kaeser, Barbara Kux, Hermann Requardt, Siegfried Russwurm, Peter
Y. Solmssen. Registered offices: Berlin and Munich; Commercial registries: Berlin Charlottenburg, HRB 12300, Munich, HRB 6684
WEEE-Reg.-No. DE 23691322
I DT LD Copyright () SIEMENS AG 2009 All rights reserved VQ 1013-5-0910 Seite 14 von 15

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 165
Quality documents
C.1 Declaration of incorporation of partly completed machinery

Декларация за монтаж в една неокомплектована машина
(съгласно приложение II, част 1, раздел B на EО-директива 2006/42/EО Директива за машините)

Производител: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft

Sector Industry Drive Technologies Large Drives I DT LD
Адрес: Postfach 4743 Vogelweiherstr. 1-15
D-90025 Nürnberg D-90441 Nürnberg
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съгласно приложение I на директива 2006/42/EО, see page 1.
- Изготвянето на специална техническа документация съгласно приложение VII, раздел B на EО-директива

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Обозначеният продукт е предназначен изключително за монтаж в машина. Пускането в експлоатация на

неокомплектованата машина е забранено, докато не е налице EО-декларация за съответствие към директива

2006/42/EО, приложение II, част 1, раздел A за машината.

Ние потвърждаваме съответствието на горепосочените продукти със стандартите: виж страница 1.

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Siemens Aktiengesellschaft: Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Gerhard Cromme, Managing Board: Peter Loescher, Chairman, President
and Chief Executive Officer; Wolfgang Dehen, Heinrich Hiesinger, Joe Kaeser, Barbara Kux, Hermann Requardt, Siegfried Russwurm, Peter
Y. Solmssen. Registered offices: Berlin and Munich; Commercial registries: Berlin Charlottenburg, HRB 12300, Munich, HRB 6684
WEEE-Reg.-No. DE 23691322
I DT LD Copyright () SIEMENS AG 2009 All rights reserved VQ 1013-5-0910 Seite 15 von 15

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
166 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Quality documents
C.2 Final inspection certificate

C.2 Final inspection certificate


N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 167
Quality documents
C.2 Final inspection certificate

Test Certificate Induction Machine

Prüfzertifikat Asynchronmaschine

Rated Data / Bemessungsdaten

Voltage / Spannung 3160 V Duty type / Betriebsart S 1

Frequency / Frequenz 38,7 Hz Temp. Class / Wärmeklasse 155(F)'P'
Current / Strom 835,0 A Utilization / Ausnutzung F
Power / Leistung 4000 kW Site altitude / Aufstellhöhe <1000 m
Speed / Drehzahl 1150 min-1 Cooling medium / Kühlmittel Water / Wasser
Direct. of rotation / Drehrichtung cw/ccw / Re+Li -temp. / -temp. 30 °C
Power factor / Leistungsfaktor 0,90 Quantity of / -menge 260 l/min

Type / Typ MOT Type of const. / Bauform IM B3
Torque class / Läufer Klasse KL Type of prot. / Schutzart IP 55
Connection / Schaltung Y Weight / Gewicht 9,2 t

Standards / Vorschriften: EN/IEC60034-1

Certification No / Bescheinigungs-Nr.:

We confirm, that the machine(s) has(have) been manufactured in acc. with the standards and the specified test
have been carried out. The machine(s) was (were) found to be in order and has(have) been released for dispatch.

Wir bestätigen, dass die Maschine(n) gemäß den angegebenen Vorschriften hergestellt ist(sind) und die
vorgeschriebenen Prüfungen durchgeführt wurden. Die Maschine(n) wurde(n) für in Ordnung befunden und der
Versand freigegeben.
Remarks / Bemerkungen:

Witnessed [ ] Reviewed [ ] Stamp / Stempelung

Date / Datum Signature /

Index Remark / Bemerkung Date / Datum Name / Name

Date / Datum: 27.06.2008 Index

Name / Name: Hohenberger ABNAHMEPRÜFZEUGNIS
Release / Freigabe: Hohenberger EN 10204 3.1

SIEMENS AG Type : 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z Page / Seite

System Test Center FNr.: 1215016010001 ABN / 1

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
168 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Quality documents
C.2 Final inspection certificate

Test Certificate Induction Machine

Prüfzertifikat Asynchronmaschine

Calculated efficiency and power factor / Berechnete Wirkungsgrade und


P/PN 5/4 4/4 3/4 1/2

cos ϕ 0,89 0,90 0,89 0,85

η/% 96,4 97,0 97,5 97,7

Calculated start up data / Berechnete Hochlaufdaten

Locked rotor torque Pull-up torque Breakdown torque Locked rotor current
U/UN Anzugsmoment Sattelmoment Kippmoment Anzugsstrom



Reference data / Bezugsdaten

Frequency Voltage
Current Power

Speed Torque Temperature

Frequenz Spannung Strom Leistung Drehzahl Drehmoment Temperatur
Hz V A kW min-1 Nm °C

39 3160 835,0 4000 1150 33202 20,0


Date / Datum: 27.06.2008 Index

Name / Name: Hohenberger ABNAHMEPRÜFZEUGNIS
Release / Freigabe: Hohenberger EN 10204 3.1

SIEMENS AG Type : 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z Page / Seite

System Test Center FNr.: 1215016010001 ABN / 1

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 169
Quality documents
C.2 Final inspection certificate

Test Certificate Induction Machine

Prüfzertifikat Asynchronmaschine

T e st co nt ent s / Pr üf u mf an g P ag e / Dat e / P as s ed /
S eit e Dat u m E rf o lg r.

Overspeed test 4 18.06.2008



Date / Datum: 27.06.2008 Index

Name / Name: Hohenberger ABNAHMEPRÜFZEUGNIS
Release / Freigabe: Hohenberger EN 10204 3.1

SIEMENS AG Type : 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z Page / Seite

System Test Center FNr.: 1215016010001 ABN / 1

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
170 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Quality documents
C.2 Final inspection certificate

Test Certificate Induction Machine

Prüfzertifikat Asynchronmaschine

No-load test / Leerlaufprüfung Short circuit test / Kurzschlussprüfung

Frequency Voltage Current Power Input Power factor Frequency Voltage Current Power Input Power factor
Frequenz Spannung Strom Leistungsaufn Leistungsfaktor Frequenz Spannung Strom Leistungsaufn Leistungsfaktor
Hz V A kW Hz V A kW

Rotor standstill voltage / Läuferstillstandsspannung

Measured values / Messwerte Calculated values / Berechnete Werte

Frequency Voltage Voltage Frequency Voltage Voltage
Frequenz Spannung Spannung Frequenz Spannung Spannung
Hz U1-V1/V K-L/V Hz U1-V1/V K-L/V

Shaft voltage / Wellenspannung

mV (eff)
mV (peak)
Overspeed test / Schleuderprüfung




Accessories / Zubehör Direction of rotation / Polarisation index / Polarisationsindex


1 min 10 min Index

nA nA Index

High voltage test / Spannungsprüfung

Stator winding ETD Heater Attachment Rotor winding

Ständerwicklung ETF Heizung Anbauteile Läuferwicklung

Insulation resistance test / Isolationswiderstand

Stator winding ETD Heater Attachment Rotor winding

Ständerwicklung ETF Heizung Anbauteile Läuferwicklung

Remarks / Bemerkungen:

Date / Datum: 18.06.2008 Index

Release / Freigabe: Hohenberger EN 10204 3.1

SIEMENS AG Type : 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z Page / Seite

System Test Center FNr.: 1215016010001 ABN / 1

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 171
Quality documents
C.2 Final inspection certificate


N-W71215016010001 / 2008
172 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Quality documents
C.3 Routine test certificate

C.3 Routine test certificate


N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 173
Quality documents
C.3 Routine test certificate

Test Certificate Induction Machine

Prüfzertifikat Asynchronmaschine

Rated Data / Bemessungsdaten

Voltage / Spannung 3160 V Duty type / Betriebsart S 1

Frequency / Frequenz 38,7 Hz Temp. Class / Wärmeklasse 155(F)'P'
Current / Strom 835,0 A Utilization / Ausnutzung F
Power / Leistung 4000 kW Site altitude / Aufstellhöhe <1000 m
Speed / Drehzahl 1150 min-1 Cooling medium / Kühlmittel Water / Wasser
Direct. of rotation / Drehrichtung cw/ccw / Re+Li -temp. / -temp. 30 °C
Power factor / Leistungsfaktor 0,90 Quantity of / -menge 260 l/min
Type / Typ MOT Type of const. / Bauform IM B3

Torque class / Läufer Klasse KL Type of prot. / Schutzart IP 55
Connection / Schaltung Y Weight / Gewicht 9,2 t

Standards / Vorschriften: EN/IEC60034-1

Certification No / Bescheinigungs-Nr.:

We confirm, that the machine(s) has(have) been manufactured in acc. with the standards and the specified test
have been carried out. The machine(s) was (were) found to be in order and has(have) been released for dispatch.

Wir bestätigen, dass die Maschine(n) gemäß den angegebenen Vorschriften hergestellt ist(sind) und die
vorgeschriebenen Prüfungen durchgeführt wurden. Die Maschine(n) wurde(n) für in Ordnung befunden und der
Versand freigegeben.
Remarks / Bemerkungen:

Witnessed [ ] Reviewed [ ] Stamp / Stempelung

Date / Datum Signature /

Index Remark / Bemerkung Date / Datum Name / Name

Date / Datum: 17.06.2008

Name / Name: Günter Schmitt ABNAHMEPRÜFZEUGNIS
Release / Freigabe: Günter Schmitt EN 10204 3.1

SIEMENS AG Type : 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z Page / Seite

FNr.: 1215016010001 STK / 1

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
174 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Quality documents
C.3 Routine test certificate

Test Certificate Induction Machine

Prüfzertifikat Asynchronmaschine

Rout in e t es t / St ü c kp rüf u ng P ag e / Dat e / P as s ed /

S eit e Dat um E rf o lg r.

Resistance measurement of windings 3 16.06.2008

Widerstandsmessung der Wicklungen
Resistance measurement of temperature detectors 3 16.06.2008
Widerstandsmessung der Temperaturfühler
Resistance measurement of heater 3 16.06.2008
Widerstandsmessung der Heizung
No-load test 4 16.06.2008

Short-circuit-test 4 16.06.2008
Check of accessories 4 16.06.2008
Kontrolle des Zubehörs
Check of direction of rotation
High voltage test
Measurement of insulation resistance
Messung der Isolationswiderstände
PL 4



Vibration measurement at no-load 5 16.06.2008
Schwingungsprüfung im Leerlauf

Date / Datum: 17.06.2008

Name / Name: Günter Schmitt ABNAHMEPRÜFZEUGNIS
Release / Freigabe: Günter Schmitt EN 10204 3.1

SIEMENS AG Type : 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z Page / Seite

FNr.: 1215016010001 STK / 1

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 175
Quality documents
C.3 Routine test certificate

Test Certificate Induction Machine

Prüfzertifikat Asynchronmaschine

Resistance measurement of windings / Widerstandsmessung der Wicklungen

Resistance Terminal Measured at Calculated to Remark

Umgerechnet auf
Widerstand Klemme Messung bei 15,1°C Bemerkung

Stator winding 1 U1 – V1 0,03233 0,03296

Ständerwicklung Ω U1 – W1 0,03233 0,03296
V1 – W1 0,03232 0,03295

Stator winding 2 U2 – V2
Ständerwicklung Ω U2 – W2
V2 – W2

Rotor winding
Läuferwicklung Ω

Resistance measurement of temperature detectors

Widerstandsmessung der Temperaturfühler
PT100 PT100 PT100 PT100 PT100 PT100
Stator winding / Ständerwicklung Ω
105,8 105,8 105,9 106,0 105,9 106,0

PT100 PT100
Inlet and Outlet air / Einluft und Ausluft Ω
106,7 106,9
DE-Bearing / AS Lager Ω Oil inlet / Öl Ein Oil outlet / Öl Aus
NDE-Bearing / BS Lager Ω Oil inlet / Öl Ein Oil outlet / Öl Aus

Resistance measurement of heater / Widerstandsmessung der Heizung 79,3 Ω

Remarks / Bemerkungen:

Date / Datum: 16.06.2008

Name / Name: Karlheinz Kalb ABNAHMEPRÜFZEUGNIS
Release / Freigabe: Günter Schmitt EN 10204 3.1

SIEMENS AG Type : 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z Page / Seite

FNr.: 1215016010001 STK / 1

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
176 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Quality documents
C.3 Routine test certificate

Test Certificate Induction Machine

Prüfzertifikat Asynchronmaschine

No-load test / Leerlaufprüfung Short circuit test / Kurzschlussprüfung

Frequency Voltage Current Power Input Power factor Frequency Voltage Current Power Input Power factor
Frequenz Spannung Strom Leistungsaufn Leistungsfaktor Frequenz Spannung Strom Leistungsaufn Leistungsfaktor
Hz V A kW Hz V A kW
50,0 4083,8 177,9 32,7 0,03 50,0 918,7 801,7 147,4 0,12

Rotor standstill voltage / Läuferstillstandsspannung

Measured values / Messwerte Calculated values / Berechnete Werte

Frequency Voltage Voltage Frequency Voltage Voltage
Frequenz Spannung Spannung Frequenz Spannung Spannung
Hz U1-V1/V K-L/V Hz U1-V1/V K-L/V

Shaft voltage / Wellenspannung

mV (eff)
mV (peak)
Overspeed test / Schleuderprüfung

Hz min-1 s

Accessories / Zubehör Direction of rotation / Polarisation index / Polarisationsindex


1 min 10 min Index

checked / geprüft checked / geprüft nA nA Index

High voltage test / Spannungsprüfung

Stator winding ETD Heater Attachment Rotor winding

Ständerwicklung ETF Heizung Anbauteile Läuferwicklung
7320 1500 1500

Insulation resistance test / Isolationswiderstand

Stator winding ETD Heater Attachment Rotor winding

Ständerwicklung ETF Heizung Anbauteile Läuferwicklung
> 250 > 500 > 1 > 100

Remarks / Bemerkungen:

Date / Datum: 16.06.2008

Release / Freigabe: Günter Schmitt EN 10204 3.1

SIEMENS AG Type : 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z Page / Seite

FNr.: 1215016010001 STK / 1

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 177
Quality documents
C.3 Routine test certificate

Test Certificate Induction Machine

Prüfzertifikat Asynchronmaschine

Vibration test / Schwingungsprüfung

Shock pulse / SPM

Measured values / Messwerte Position Vibration velocity / Schwinggeschwindigkeit (*) Shock pulse / SPM (**)
Frequency Voltage Current Power Input Power factor Radial ↔ Radial Axial ⊗ dBcsv dBmsv
Frequenz Spannung Strom Leistungsaufn Leistungsfakt.
Hz V A kW mm s-1 mm s-1 mm s-1 db(sv) db(sv)
50,0 4082,7 177,4 32,86 0,03 0,28 0,30 0,55 16,0 27,0
0,26 0,55 0,50 13,0 20,0








(*) Elastic mounting / Elastische Aufstellung

(**) DE: dBi = 23,0 dB

NDE: dBi = 23,0 dB

Shaft vibration / Wellenschwingung

Run out / Mechanischer Auslauf

Measured values / Messwerte

Power Input
Power factor

Shaft vibration /
cw / Rechts

ccw / Links

Run out
cw / Rechts

ccw / Links









Remarks / Bemerkungen:

Date / Datum: 16.06.2008

Release / Freigabe: Günter Schmitt EN 10204 3.1

SIEMENS AG Type : 1RN4 566-4FV90-Z Page / Seite

FNr.: 1215016010001 STK / 1

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
178 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Additional documents D
D.1 Speed sensor


N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 179
Additional documents
D.1 Speed sensor

HÜBNER Digital-Tachos
Drehimpulsgeber / Incremental Encoders
Montage- und Betriebshinweise
Installation and operating instructions

HOG 16 HOG 161


Wichtige Hinweise Important Notice

■ Digital-Tachos (Drehimpulsgeber) sind opto-elektronische Präzisions- ■ Digital-Tachos (incremental encoders) are opto-electronic precision speed
messgeräte, die mit Sorgfalt nur von technisch qualifiziertem Personal measurement devices which must be handled by skilled personnel with

gehandhabt werden dürfen. care.

■ Das Gerät HOG 16 entspricht der Norm EG-Richtlinie 94/9/EG für ■ The device HOG 16 complies with the EU standard 94/9/EG for poten-
explosionsgefährdete Bereiche. Der Einsatz ist in den Kategorien tionally explosive atmospheres. They can be use in categories
3 D und 3 G zulässig. Die einzelnen Temperaturbereiche entnehmen Sie 3 D and 3 G. Please take the individual temperature range from the
bitte den Datenblättern. detailed specifications.

■ Die Geräte werden nach der Qualitätsnorm DIN ISO 9001 gefertigt. ■ The devices are manufactured according to quality standard
EG Konformitätserklärung gemäß Richtlinie 89/336/EWG Artikel 10 sowie DIN ISO 9001, EU Declaration of Conformity meeting Council Directive
Anhang 1 (EMV-Richtlinie). 89/336/EEC art. 10 and annex 1 (EMC Directive).

■ Die Drehmomentstütze muss rechtwinklig zur Welle spannungsfrei ■ The torque arm should be mounted perpendicular to the shaft without
montiert werden. stress.

■ Es wird empfohlen, das Hübner-Kabel HEK 8 zu verwenden oder ■ Hübner cable HEK 8 is recommended. As a substitute a shielded twisted
ersatzweise ein geschirmtes, paarig verseiltes Kabel. Das Kabel sollte in pair cable can be used. It should be layed unpatched and with some
einem Stück und getrennt von Motorkabeln verlegt werden. Der Kabel- distance to the power cable of the drive. Normally the cable shield is
schirm wird in der Regel an der Verschraubung des Digital-Tachos und am connected to the cable screw and the receiver.
Empfänger angelegt.
Kabelabschluss: HTL: 1 ... 3 kW, TTL und R: 120 W. Cable terminating: HTL: 1 ... 3 kW, TTL and R: 120 W.

■ Zur Gewährleistung der angegebenen Schutzart sind nur ■ To maintain the specified degree of protection of the device the correct
geeignete Kabeldurchmesser zu verwenden. cable diameter must be used.

■ Ausgänge nicht auf Betriebsspannung legen: ■ Do not connect outputs to supply voltage:
!!! Zerstörungsgefahr !!! !!! Danger of Damage !!!
Spannungsabfälle in langen Leitungen berücksichtigen (Ein- und Please, pay attention to possible voltage drop in long cable leads ( input
Ausgänge). and output).

■ Die zu erwartende Lebensdauer der Geräte hängt von den Kugellagern ab, ■ The expected operating life of the devices is governed by the ball bearings,
die mit einer Dauerschmierung ausgestattet sind. which are manufactured with a permanent lubrication.

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
180 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Additional documents
D.1 Speed sensor

Digital-Tachos / Encoders

Schleifring für
HOG 16 Wellenströme
Slip ring for
shaft eddy currents
Labyrinth seal
Option Æ28, 35, 38

Wellendichtung Length variable
Länge variabel

Shaft seal Kabel


HOG 161
Erdungskabel 195 mm
Earthing cable
x9 mm
Gelenkkopf DIN 648, Baureihe K
Rose joint to DIN 648, Type K
Æ 5-13
M4 - ISO 4762
Clamping screw

Klemmring für
Clamping ring
for a split
Length variable
Länge variabel


Æ 5-13
Erdungskabel 195 mm
Earthing cable
Æ6 x9 mm
Gelenkkopf DIN 648, Baureihe K
Rose joint to DIN 648, Type K

HOG 16 / HOG 161

Klemmenkasten Impulse / Umdrehung
* Æ H7 Counts per turn
Terminal box
38-46 600
38-70 1 024, 2 500

Ausführliche Datenblätter der einzelnen Geräte stellen Detailed specifications of all individual products
wir Ihnen gern zur Verfügung. are available.
hog16-hog161_mb - 03A1

HÜBNER ELEKTROMASCHINEN AG Technische Änderungen und Liefermöglichkeiten vorbehalten.

D-10924 Berlin, PB 61 02 71 · D-10967 Berlin, Planufer 92b Technical modifications and availability reserved.
Tel.: +49 (0) 30 - 6 90 03 - 0 · Fax: +49 (0) 30 - 6 90 03 - 1 04 Zusätzliche und aktuelle Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Website.
eMail: [email protected] · http://www.huebner-berlin.de Additional and up-to-date information can be found on our website.

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 181
Additional documents
D.2 Air-to-water heat exchanger

D.2 Air-to-water heat exchanger


N-W71215016010001 / 2008
182 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Additional documents
D.2 Air-to-water heat exchanger

Closed Circuit Coolers, type QLNE

For applications of air cooling in electrical machines.

The cooler is made of 1/2” Copper- or Copper-Nickel tubes with a circuit sized for the conditions of
the cooling water. The tubes are mounted in a bundle of aluminum plate fins. The fins on the tubes
give an increased heating surface to compensate for the low heat transfer coefficient on the air



The tubes are mechanically expanded into the aluminum fins as to give absolute contact with the
two materials. The pitch between the fins is selected for the conditions of the air flow.
The cooler is made with a Manifold Header for distribution of water into each circuit. This type of
Header gives the possibility to select an optimized water circuit with counter flow of the water,
relative to the air flow.
The tubes are joint to the Header by a brazing joint, made with a Silver Alloy selected for each base
metal. The brazing joint is designed acc.to the requirements in ASME VIII and AD-Merkblatt. The
brazing operation is performed by personnel qualified acc.to ASME IX or EN 287. Each cooler is
pressure tested with air under water to detect any leakages and to verify the strength of the finished
The cooler is designed to withstand vibrations, shock loads and thermal movements.

The Manifold Header is equipped with a drain- or ventilation plug. The use depends on how the
cooler is installed. Optional a connection for a Safety Valve can be foreseen.

A cover is mounted onto the front and the back side of the cooler, to protect the Manifold Headers
and the return bends against any mechanical damage.

The type of design is shown on drawing P3402142.

Fläkt Coiltech AB

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 183
Additional documents
D.2 Air-to-water heat exchanger

Code key
Copper Tubes: ∅ 12.7 x 0.65 mm
ASTM B68 C12200 Air Cooler QLNE-aaa-bbb-c-d-e-f0-g-h
Copper-Nickel Tubes: ∅ 12.7 x 0.65 mm
Length parallel to tubes (cm )
ASTM B111 C70600
Aluminum Fins: Thickness 0.15 mm Width perpendicular to tubes (cm)
AA 8079
Number of tube rows
Copper Fins: Thickness 0.12 mm
ASTM B152 C12200 Fin pitch
Pipe Flange Hub: Red Brass 0 = 1.75
CuSn5Pb5An5 1 = 2.0

Pipe Flange Ring: Zinc plated steel 2 = 2.5
EN 10025-S235 JRG2 3 = 3.0
Zinc Plated Frame work: Steel thickness 2 mm
Number of water passes
EN 10142-DX51DZ275
2, 4, 6 or 8

Technical Data
Design Pressure:
Design Temperature:
Test Pressure: 21 bar(e)

16 bar(e)
PL Material combination, Tubes - Fins
1 = Copper
2 = CuNi 90/10
- Aluminum
- Aluminum
6 = Tinned Copper - Tinned Copper
7 = Copper
8 = CuNi 90/10
9 = Copper
0 = CuNi 90/10
- Tinned Copper
- Tinned Copper
- Copper
- Copper
The cooler can be cleaned internally by using a
The material in the Manifold Header is
temporary increased water flow or by using a
Steel painted.
temporary induced chemical cleaner.
Such a chemical cleaner could be Sulphamic Acid or Installation type
Potassium Hydroxide. 1 = In-duct installation
3 = Hatch installation, connection outwards
No matter what kind of chemical cleaner that is used,
it may not be aggressive to Copper alloys or Silver Pipe Flange Size
alloys. 1 = DN 32 DIN 2633 PN16
2 = DN 50
4 = DN 80
6 = 1 1/4” ANSI B16.5 150 Lb
The cooler is delivered packed in a wooden case. 7 = 2”

9 = 3”

This is a Preliminary Print

Rights to modifications are reserved.

Fläkt Coiltech AB
Telephone: +46 121 19100
Fax: +46 121 14850 SPECIFICATION QLNE01EN-0020A

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
184 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
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D.2 Air-to-water heat exchanger


1.Description the pipework. Venting should be performed regulary

during the initial period of operation.
Technical description, see Design and Calculation Adjust the water flow to the required value. If the
Data for the supplied cooler. flow is too low, the cooling capacity of the coil will
be impaired and deposits may occur on the insides
2. Safety of the tubes. If the flow is too high, the cooling
capacity will be increased, but erosion may occur on
The cooler may only be used in a system which is the inside of the tubes and in the bends.
secured for the maximum allowable pressure as
An advantage of the closed circuit cooler is the
shown on the rating plate as ”MWP ( bar )”.
possibility of adding corrosion inhibitors

When storing a spare cooler or a used cooler, the fin (e.g.polyphosphates) to the system.
surface must be protected to prevent
damage to the coil or personal injury. 4. Recommanded water quality
The cooler must also be completely drained
of water to avoid freezing or corrosion pH: > 7.5

damage to the tubes. The coil should be blown
through with air, to be sure the coil is completely

If the cooler is not removed from the installation, the

plug in the drain connections may not be mounted
because water may leak into the cooler through
leaking shut off valves.
By machine stop for a period longer than a week, the
Chlorid (Cl-):
Sulfid (S2- ):
Mangan (Mn2-)
Fluorid (F)
Sulfat (SO42- ):
Ammoniak (NH3):
Bicarbonates (HCO3-)
< 1500 µS/cm
< 100 mg/l
< 0.05 mg/l
< 0.2 mg/l
< 0.05 mg/l
< 100 mg/l
< 10 mg/l
70 - 300 mg/l
Suspended material: < 20 mg/l
cooler must be drained to avoid any corrosion of the Silica (SiO2): < 75 mg/l
tubes. HCO3- / SO42- : > 0.6
HCO3- / Cl-: > 1.7
3. Starting up The water should be used in a closed circuit.
Fluctuations in oxygen content should be avoided.
The cooler is designed with a counterflow water
circuitry. The direction of the air flow is important.
The waterinlet should be at the opposite side of the
airinlet !

The supply and the return pipes should be flushed

before they are connected to the cooler.
If the pipework is pressure tested with the cooler
connected, the test pressure may not exceed the
value specified on the rating plate.
During pressure testing and when starting-up the
system, back off the vent plugs to release any air in


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D.2 Air-to-water heat exchanger


5. Maintenance

• Cleaning on the water side

The cooler may be internally cleaned by using a

temporary increased water flow or by using a
temporary induced chemical cleaner. The chemical
cleaner may not be aggresive to any material used in
the cooler.
A cooler made of copper alloys may be cleaned by

using Sulphamic Acid or Potassium Hydroxide.

• Cleaning on the air side

1. The fin surface can be blown clean with pres-
surized air. However, care must be taken to

ensure that the air jet is kept perpendicular to
the fin surface and of a 150 mm distance bet-
ween the nozzle and the fin surface. If a high
pressure jet is administered from any other
angle, fin deformation is likely to result.
2. The fin surface can also be cleaned with hot
water and detergent. If detergent is used it may
not be aggressive to copper or aluminum. Any
possible remains of detergent must be removed
by rinsing, to prevent new dust from bonding to
the fins.
If the aluminum fins are damaged, they may be
straightened by use of a fin comb made of Nylon.
Ordering code QLAZ-20.

6. Spare parts
The warranty does not cover damage to the cooler
caused by incorrect installation or freezing.
When ordering a spare cooler the Manufacturing

Number and the Type Code shown on the rating

plate of the original cooler have to be provided.

Fläkt Coiltech AB
Telephone: +46 121 19100
Fax: +46 121 14850 INSTRUCTION QLNE11EN

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186 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
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D.2 Air-to-water heat exchanger



Kühler für Kühlluftkreis, vorzugsweise für

elektrische Maschinen, zum Anschluß an einen
geschlossenen Wasserkreis.
Technische Kenngrössen, siehe Auslegungs- und
Berechnungsdaten des gelieferten Kühlers.
Die erforderliche Wassermenge und die zulässige
Eintrittstemperatur des Kühlwassers sind vom
Maschinenhersteller dem Maschinenbetreiber
anzugeben, z.B. auf dem Typenschild der

elektrischen Maschine.
Die Zu- und Abführrohrleitungen sollten vor dem
Der max. zulässige Betriebsdruck im
Anschluss sauber gespült werden.
Kühlwasserkreis ist auf dem Kühler-Typenschild
angegeben. Bei einer Druckprüfung des Leitungsnetzes, in dem
der Kühler eingebaut ist, darf der Prüfdruck den auf

2. Sicherheitshinweise
Der Arbeitsdrück im Kühlwasserkreis darf den max.
zulässiger Druck, angegeben auf dem Typenschild
“MWP (bar)”, nicht überschreiten.
Wenn eine Ersatzkühler oder ein ausgebauter
Kühler gelagert wird, soll die berippte Fläche
dem Typenschild des Luftkühlers angegebenen max.
Druck nicht überschreiten.
Kühler bei geöffneter Entlüftungsschraube mit
Wasser füllen bis die Luft restlos aus dem Kühler
verdrängt ist. Die Entlüftung soll am Anfang des
Betriebes merhfach wiederholt werden.
Zum Betrieb die vorgeschriebene Wassermenge
einregeln. Zu geringe Wassermenge setzt die
abgedeckt werden um Schaden am Kühler oder Kühlleistung herab und das Risiko auf
persönliche Verletzungen zu vermeiden. Ablagerungen an den Innenseiten der Rippenrohren
Vor dem Ausbau den Kühler komplett entleeren um vergrössert sich. Eine zu hohe Wassermenge bringt
Gefrier- oder Korrosionsschaden zu vermeiden. Um zwar höhere Kühlleistung, kann jedoch zu Erosion in
Sich zu vergewissern dass der Kühler komplett den Rohre führen.
entleert ist, soll Luft durch der Kühler geblasen Ein Vorteil des geschlossenen Kreislaufes ist die
werden. Möglichkeit des Hinzufügens von
Wenn ein entleerter Kühler nicht vom Korrosionsinhibitoren (z.B. Polyphosphaten) .
Wasserkreislauf getrennt wird, darf die
Entleerungsschraube nicht wieder montiert werden, 4. Empfolene Wasser Qualität
da der Kühler sonst, bei undichtem Absperrventil,

erneut mit Wasser gefüllt werden kann. pH: > 7.5

Leitfähigkeit: < 1500 µS/cm
Falls die Maschine länger als eine Woche stillgelegt
Chlorid (Cl-): < 100 mg/l
wird, soll der Kühler entleert werden um Korrosion
Schwefel (S2- ): < 0.05 mg/l
der Rohre zu vermeiden. Besteht Frostgefahr ist der
Mangan (Mn2-) < 0.2 mg/l
Kühler unmittelbar nach dem Abschalten der
Fluorid (F) < 0.05 mg/l
Maschine zu entleeren.
Sulfat (SO42- ): < 100 mg/l
Ammoniak (NH3): < 10 mg/l
3. Inbetriebnahme Bikarbonate (HCO3-) 70 - 300 mg/l
Der Kühler ist ausgelegt für Gegenstrom- Stoffe in Suspension: < 20 mg/l
wärmeübertragung. Die Richtung des Luftstromes SiO2: < 75 mg/l
ist wichtig. Der Wassereintritt soll sich gegenüber HCO3- / SO42- : > 0.6
der Lufteintrittseite befinden ! HCO3- / Cl-: > 1.7
Das Wasser soll in einem geschlossen Kreislauf
eingesetzt werden.
Schwankungen in Sauerstoffgehalt sollen vermieden


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D.2 Air-to-water heat exchanger


5. Wartung

• Reinigung der Wasserseite

Die Kühlerrohre können gereinigt werden durch

Erhöhung der Wassermenge während einer
gewissen Zeit oder Zusetzung eines chemisches
Reinigungsmittels. Das Reinigungsmittel muss
geeignet sein für die Kühlerwerkstoffe.
Kühler aus Kupferlegierungen können gereinigt

werden mit Kaliumhydroxid oder Sulfamic-Säure.

• Reinigung der Luftseite

1. Den Luftkühler mit Druckluft sauberblasen.

berippte Fläche geblasen werden mit einem

Abstand von 150 mm zwischen Düse und den
Anm.: Der Druckluft soll senkrecht auf die

Rippen um Rippendeformierung zu vermeiden.

2. Die berippte Fläche kann auch gereinigt werden
mit heissem Wasser und einem Reinigungs-
mittel. Das Reinigungsmittel darf nicht aggresiv
sein für Kupfer oder Aluminium. Der Kühler
soll nach Reinigung mit Wasser gespült
Eventuelle Rippendeformierung kann gerichtet
werden mit einem Rippenkamme aus Nylon
(Bestell.Kode: QLAZ-20)

6. Ersatzteile
Der Garantie umfasst keine Schäden der Kühler
durch inkorrekte Installation oder Gefrierschaden.
Bei Bestellung eines Ersatzkühlers die
Herstellungsnummer und die Typenbezeichnung
(angegeben auf dem Typenschild) des

Originalkühlers angeben.

Fläkt Coiltech AB
Tel.: +46 121 19100
Fax: +46 121 14850 INSTRUCTION QLNE11GE

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
188 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
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D.3 Separately driven fan

D.3 Separately driven fan


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D.3 Separately driven fan

Radialventilator Betriebsanleitung
Operating Instructions

Notice d‘utilisation
Centrifugal Fan

Ventilateur centrifuge
2CF / 2CS

Ausgabe / Edition : 11.99 Bestell Nr. / Order No : BRW 05 V 428

 Siemens AG 1999 All Rights Reserved

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
190 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Additional documents
D.3 Separately driven fan


1 Warnhinweise............................4 1 Precautions..............................4 1 Instructions de sécurité ..........4

2 Beschreibung............................5 2 Description................................5 2 Description................................5

2.1 Allgemein......................................5 2.1 General.........................................5 2.1 Généralités ................................. .5

2.2 Anwendungsbereich......................5 2.2 Application.....................................5 2.2 Domaine d‘application...................5

2.3 Förder- und Drehrichtung..............5 2.3 Direction of Rotation and Delivery.5 2.3 Sens du flux et de rotation............5

3 Transport / Lagerung................6 3 Transport / Storage...................6 3 Transport / Stockage................6
3.1 Transport.......................................6 3.1 Transport.......................................6 3.1 Transport.......................................6

3.2 Langzeitlagerung...........................6

4 Montage.....................................6

5 Inbetriebnahme.........................7
5.1 Elektrischer Anschluß...................7
3.2 Long Time Storage........................6

4 Installation.................................6

5 Commissioning.........................7
5.1 Electrical Connection....................7
3.2 Stockage longue durée ...............6

4 Montage.....................................6

5 Mise en service.........................7
5.1 Câblage électrique........................7
5.2 Probelauf.......................................8 5.2 Test Run........................................8 5.2 Essai.............................................8

6 Betrieb und Wartung................9 6 Operation and Maintenance.....9 6 Fonctionnement/maintenance.9

6.1 Ventilator.......................................9 6.1 Fan................................................9 6.1 Ventilateur.....................................9

6.2 Motor.............................................9 6.2 Motor.............................................9 6.2 Moteur...........................................9

7 Reparatur.................................10 7 Repair.......................................10 7 Réparations.............................10

7.1 Ventilator.....................................10 7.1 Fan..............................................10 7.1 Ventilateur...................................10

7.2 Motor...........................................11 7.2 Motor...........................................11 7.2 Moteur.........................................11

7.3 Ersatzteile...................................11 7.3 Spare parts..................................11 7.3 Pièces de rechange....................11

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D.3 Separately driven fan


---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------

Diese Betriebsanleitung enthält aus Gründen In the interest of clarity these instructions do not Pour des raisons de clarté, cette notice ne
der Übersichtlichkeit nicht sämtliche contain detailed information regarding all types contient pas d’informations détaillées
Detailinformationen zu allen Typen des Produkts of the product, nor can they take into concernant chaque type de produit et ne prend
und kann auch nicht jeden denkbaren Fall der consideration every conceivable type of pas en compte chaque cas de montage, de
Aufstellung, des Betriebs oder der mounting, operation or servicing. fonctionnement, ou de mise en service.
Instandhaltung berücksichtigen.

Sollten sie weitere Informationen wünschen oder Should you wish further information or you Vous souhaitez de plus amples informations ou
sollten besondere Probleme auftreten, die in encounter special problems which these vous rencontrez des problèmes, que ces

dieser Betriebsanleitung nicht ausführlich genug instructions do not deal with in adequate detail, instructions ne traitent pas, contactez votre
behandelt werden, können Sie die erforderliche contact your local SIEMENS-dealer for required fournisseur local SIEMENS pour les
Auskunft über die örtliche SIEMENS- information. informations requises.
Niederlassung anfordern.

Außerdem weisen wir darauf hin, daß der Inhalt

dieser Betriebsanleitung nicht Teil einer früheren
oder bestehenden Vereinbarung, Zusage oder
eines Rechtsverhältnisses ist oder dieses
abändern soll.

Sämtliche Verpflichtungen von SIEMENS

ergeben sich aus dem jeweiligen Kaufvertrag,
Note too that the contents of these instructions
are not part of a previous or existing agreement,
commitment or legal relationship and are not
intended to alter such.

All obligations on SIEMENS part are based on

the individual purchase contract, which also
Notez également que le contenu de cette notice
d‘utilisation n’est pas une partie d’un accord
précédent ou existant, d’un engagement, ou
d’une relation légale. Cette notice n’entend pas
le modifier.

L’ensemble des obligations de SIEMENS est

basé sur chaque contrat de vente, qui contient
der auch die vollständige und allein gültige contains the complete and sole valid warranty également la réglementation complète de
Gewährleistungs-regelung enthält. agreement. garantie et uniquement valable.

Diese vertraglichen
Gewährleistungsbestimmungen werden durch The details provided in these instruction do not Les détails fournis dans cette notice
die Ausführungen dieser Betriebs-anleitung add to or detract from these contractual warranty n’élargissent pas et n’entravent pas les
weder erweitert noch eingeschränkt. stipulations. stipulations contractuelles de garantie.

Hersteller: Manufacturer: Fabricant:

Siemens AG Siemens AG Siemens AG

Richard-Dunkel-Str. 120 Richard-Dunkel-Str. 120 Richard-Dunkel-Str. 120

28199 B R E M E N 28199 B R E M E N 28199 B R E M E N


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192 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
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D.3 Separately driven fan




Dieses Gerät enthält gefährliche This device contains dangerous voltage Cette machine contient des tensions et
Spannungen und gefährliche rotierende and dangerous rotating parts. des parties rotatives dangereuses.

Nichtbeachtung der Warnhinweise kann Failure to heed the warnings may there Le non respect de cet avertissement de
deshalb schwere Körperverletzungen oder fore result in severe injury or serious danger peut causer de lourdes lésions
erheblichen Sachschaden zur Folge haben. damage of the machine. corporelles ou provoquer de sérieux

dégâts sur la machine.
Nur entsprechend qualifiziertes Personal Only appropriately qualified personnel Seules des personnes qualifiées
sollte an diesem Gerät oder in dessen should work on or near this device. devraient travailler sur, ou à proximité de,
Nähe arbeiten. la machine.

Dieses Personal muß gründlich mit allen These persons must be thoroughly familiar Ces personnes doivent être à la base
Warnhinweisen und Instandhaltungs-
maßnahmen gemäß dieser Betriebs
anleitung vertraut sein.

Der einwandfreie und sichere Betrieb

dieses Gerätes setzt sachgemäßen
Transport, sachgemäße Lagerung,
Aufstellung und Montage, sowie
sorgfältige Bedienung und Instandhaltung
with all warnings and maintenance actions
according to these instructions.

Satisfactory and reliable operation of this

device requires proper transportation,
appropriate storage, mounting and
installation as well as careful operation
and maintenance.
familiarisées avec les avertissements de
cette notice.

Le fonctionnement sûr et irréprochable de

cette machine exige un transport, un
stockage, un montage adéquats ainsi
qu’une utilisation et une maintenance
Sicherheitsanforderungen gemäß Safety requirements acc. VDMA 24 167 Les mesures de sécurité sont à respectées
VDMA 24 167 sind einzuhalten. or equivalent must be adhered to. selon VDMA 24167


Ventilatoren müssen mit einem den Fans must be fitted with a guard Les ventilateurs doivent être équipés
Bestimmungen entsprechenden complying with the regulations governing d’une protection contre les contacts,
Berührungsschutz ausgestattet sein. hazard protection. d’après les réglements correspondants.
(siehe DIN EN 294). (see DIN EN 294) (voir DIN EN 294)

Werden keine Schutzvorrichtungen If no guards are ordered, protection Si aucun dispositif de sécurité est

mitbestellt, so muß der Schutz gegen against contact with live or moving parts commandé, une protection contre le
Berührung im Betrieb durch die Auslegung while the fan is running must be provided contact doit être réalisée sur l’installation,
der Anlage, in die der Ventilator eingebaut by the equipment in which the fan is dans laquelle le ventilateur est monté.
wird, gewährleistet sein. installed.

Beim Einbau des Berührungsschutzes While fitting the guard by the user, all the Si une protection est réalisée par
durch den Anwender müssen die gültigen relevant regulations regarding hazard l’utilisateur, celle-ci doit respecter la
Arbeitsschutz- und Unfallverhütungs protection and similar matters must be réglementation sur la protection des
vorschriften eingehalten werden. adhered to. travailleurs et sur la prévention contre les
Abdeckungen, die das Berühren von All covers and guards which prevent live Tous les capots, qui empêchent un contact
elektrisch aktiven oder rotierenden Teilen or moving parts of the machine beeing avec des composants électriques ou avec
verhindern oder die zur richtigen Luft touched, or are essential to correct air des pièces en rotation, ou qui sont
führung und somit zum ordnungsgemäßen flow and proper running, must not be essentiels pour la bonne conduite du flux
Betrieb erforderlich sind, dürfen während opened or removed while the machine is d’air, ne doivent pas être ouverts ou retirés
des Betriebes nicht geöffnet oder entfernt in use. pendant le fonctionnement.

Bei Nichtbeachtung können Tod, schwere Failure to observe these precautions could Le non respect de ces précautions peut
Körperverletzung oder erheblicher Sach- result in death, serious injury or severe causer la mort, des blessures graves, ou
schaden die Folge sein. material damage. des dégâts matériels sérieux.

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D.3 Separately driven fan


2.1 Allgemein 2.1 General 2.1 Généralités

Der Ventilator wird komplett mit Motor The fan includes its motor and is delivered ready Le ventilateur comprend son moteur et est livré
betriebsbereit ausgeliefert. to use. prêt à l’emploi.

Gehäuse und Laufrad des Ventilators sind aus Casing and impeller are made of steel-sheet. Le bâti et la roue ont été réalisés à base de tôle
Stahlblech gefertigt. métallique.

Alle Stahlblechteile sind Epoxydharzbeschichtet; All steel-sheet parts are epoxy resin powder Toutes les parties en tôle sont recouvertes d’une

standardmäßig in der Farbe RAL 7032. coated, usually in the color RAL 7032. poudre résine epoxy, habituellement dans la
Andere Farben bei Bedarf. Other colors on request. couleur RAL 7032.
Autres couleurs sur demande.

Das Laufrad ist dynamisch gewuchtet gem. The impeller is dynamically balanced acc. to La roue est équilibrée dynamiquement selon la
DIN ISO 1940 T1 in Auswucht-Gütestufe: DIN ISO 1940 T1 in quality class: norme DIN ISO 19740 T1 en classe de qualité:

Laufrad Ø 200 - 450:

500 - 1600:

gewährleistet eine gleichbleibende

G 6.3
G 2.5

Eine Qualitätssicherung nach DIN ISO 9001

Impeller Ø
PL200 - 450:
500 - 1600:
G 6.3
G 2.5

A quality management acc. to DIN ISO 9001

ensures a steady quality of manufacturing.
Roue Ø 200 - 450:
500 - 1600:
G 6.3
G 2.5

Un certificat de qualité selon DIN ISO 9001

garantit une qualité de fabrication durable.
2.2 Anwendungsbereich 2.2 Application 2.2 Domaine d‘application
Umgebungstemperatur: Environment temperature: Température environnante:
-30°C bis +40°C -30°C to +40°C / -22°F to 104°F De -30°C à +40°C / de -22°F à 104°F

Betriebstemperatur: Operating temperature: Température de fonctionnement:

-30°C bis +80°C -30°C to +80°C / -22°F to 176°F De -30°C à +80°C / de -22°F à 176°F

Die geförderte Kühlluft darf nur schwach The air passing through may be only lightly L’air froid circulant dans le ventilateur peut être
chemisch aggressiv und leicht staubhaltig sein. chemical aggressive and lightly dusty. seulement légèrement poussiéreux et faiblement

aggressif chimiquement.

2.3 Förder- und Drehrichtung 2.3 Direction of Rotation and 2.3 Sens du flux et de rotation
Der Ventilator saugt axial an und bläst radial The fan takes in in axial direction and blows out Le ventilateur aspire axialement et refoule
aus. in radial direction. radialement.

Die Drehrichtung ist durch einen The direction of rotation is indicated by an arrow Le sens de rotation est indiqué par une flèche
Drehrichtungspfeil am Gehäuse angezeigt. on the casing. sur le bâti.

Bei falscher Drehrichtung ist der Motor In case of wrong sense of rotation reverse the En cas de mauvais sens de rotation, inverser
umzupolen. polarity of the Motor. deux pôles du moteur.

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D.3 Separately driven fan


3.1 Transport 3.1 Transport 3.1 Transport

Bei Wareneingang ist die Sendung unverzüglich As soon as the fan unit is received it should be A la réception du produit, vérifier si l’ensemble
auf Vollständigkeit gem. Bestellumfang und examined to ensure that it is complete as est complet, conforme au bon de commande, et
Unversehrt-heit zu überprüfen. ordered and that it has suffered no damage in si il a subi des dommages pendant le transport.
Falls Schäden vorliegen, ist eine If any damage is discovered it should be En cas de dommages, le signaler et le rapporter
Schadensmeldung durchzuführen und der reported immediately and the transport company à la compagnie de transport.
Transportunternehmer zu verständigen. notified.

Bei Ausführung ohne Gehäuse muß das Laufrad If ordered without casing, the impeller is to be Pour une commande sans bâti, la roue doit être

beim Transport vor Beschädigung geschützt protected against damage during transport. protégée contre d’éventuels dommages pendant
werden. le transport.

3.2 Langzeitlagerung 3.2 Long time storage 3.2 Stockage longue durée
Beträgt die Zeit von der Lieferung bis zur
Inbetriebnahme des Ventilators mehr als 4 Jahre
bei günstigen Lagerungsbedingungen; (d.h.
Aufbe-wahrung in trockenen, staub- und
erschütterungs-freien Räumen) oder mehr als 2
Jahre bei ungünstigen Bedingungen, ist eine
regelmäßige Inbetriebnahme (mindestens 30
Minuten alle 6 Monate) durchzuführen.
If the unit is to be stored for more than 4 years
under favourable conditions (storage in a dry
place free from dust and vibrations) or for more
than 2 years under adverse conditions prior to
commissioning, the fan is to be put into
operation occasionally (at least 30 minutes
every 6 month).
Si le ventilateur doit être stocké entre la livraison
et la mise en service, plus de 4 ans dans de
bonnes conditions (stockage dans un endroit
sec, dépourvu de poussière et de vibrations), ou
plus de 2 ans dans des conditions défavorables,
une mise en service régulière doit être effectuée
(mise en marche 30 min tous les 6 mois).

Andernfalls sollten vor der Inbetriebnahme die Otherwise the ball bearings of the motor should Par ailleurs, les roulements du moteur devraient
Lager des Motors erneuert werden be replaced before putting into operation. être renouvelés avant la remise en marche.


Die Einbaulage des Ventilators (Achse The mounting position of the fan (Axis horizontal La position de montage (horizontal ou vertical)
horizontal oder vertikal) richtet sich nach der or vertical) depends on order.The fan may only dépend de la commande. Le ventilateur ne
Bestellung. Der Ventilator darf nur in der Lage be used in the mounting position it is ordered devrait fonctionner que dans la situation, pour
betrieben werden, für die er bestellt wurde. for. laquelle il a été commandé.

Die Befestigung erfolgt mittels Schrauben durch It is to be fixed by bolting through the holes in La fixation se fait au moyen de boulons et des
die Bohrungen im Gehäuse. the housing. alésages dans le bâti.

Für einen ordnungsgemäßen Betrieb ist For proper running it is essential to have an Pour un fonctionnement correct, un écart
zwischen Laufrad und Einströmdüse ein rundum even gap all round between impeller and inlet régulier entre la roue et la buse d’entrée, ainsi
gleichmäßiger Spalt sowie eine Überdeckung nozzle and a coverage of appr. 0,05 x diameter qu’un recouvrement d‘approximativement 0,05 ×
von ca. 0,05 x Laufrad-durchmesser of impeller. diamètre de la roue.

Ein Anheben des Ventilators am Laufrad ist Do not lift the fan at the impeller (only for Ne pas soulever le ventilateur par la roue
nicht zulässig (nur für Ventilator ohne fans without housing). (seulement pour les ventilateurs sans carter).

The fan will only be able to achieve ist
Die volle Förderleistung wird nur erreicht, La pleine puissance du ventilateur sera
wenn das Laufrad frei angeströmt wird. maximum delivery if there is an seulement atteinte, si l’air est aspiré
unobstructed flow of air to the impeller. librement, sans être obstrué.

d.h. in axialer Richtung muß ein freier Abstand that means, in axial direction a free distance of C‘est-à-dire que dans la direction axiale, une
von mindestens 1x Einströmdurchmesser min. 1x inlet-diameter is required. distance libre d’au min. 1x diamètre d’entrée doit
eingehalten werden. être respectée.

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D.3 Separately driven fan



Beim Anschließen des Motors an das Netz When connecting the motor to the power Lors du câblage du moteur au réseau
sind sowohl die einschlägigen supply system it is essential to follow the électrique, suivre les instructions
Errichtungs- und Sicherheitsvorschriften appropriate installation instruction and d’installation, les règles de sécurité, et les
(z.B. DIN-EN ,VDE) als auch die den safety rules (e.g. DIN-EN , VDE ) as well précautions concernant la bonne
fachgerechten Einsatz von Werkzeugen as the regulations governing the correct utilisation des outils et des vêtements de
und persönlichen Schutzausstattungen use of tools and the wearing of protective protection.
betreffenden Vorschriften zu beachten. clothing.

Alle Arbeiten nur im spannungslosen The machine must always be disconnected Pour tous travaux, la machine doit
Zustand ausführen. from the power supply toujours être débranchée du réseau.
before any work is carried out on it.

VDE- und Sicherheitsbestimmungen The relevant VDE rules and safety Les règles VDE et les règles de sécurité

Bei Nichtbeachtung können Tod, schwere

Körperverletzung oder erheblicher Sach-
schaden die Folge sein.
regulations must be adhered to.

Failure to observe these precautions could

result in death, serious injury or severe
material damage.
doivent être respectées.

Le non respect de ces précautions

pourrait conduire à la mort, à des
blessures graves, ou à des dégâts
matériels sérieux.

5.1 Elektrischer Anschluß 5.1 Electrical Connection 5.1 Câblage électrique

Der elektrische Anschluß ist von einer Fachkraft The electrical connections is to be made by a Le câblage électrique doit être réalisé par une
des Elektrohandwerks durchzuführen. skilled and qualified electrician. personne qualifiée.

Vor dem Anschließen des Ventilators ist zu Before connecting the Fan, check if: Avant de câbler le ventilateur, vérifier que:
überprüfen ob:

- Netzspannung und -frequenz mit den Angaben - line voltage and frequency correspond with the - la tension et la fréquence du réseau coïncident
auf dem Typenschild übereinstimmen. data on the rating plate. avec les indications sur la plaque d’information.

- die Querschnitte der vorgesehenen Anschluß- - the cross-sections of the connecting cables to - la section des câbles prévus convient au

leitungen unter Berücksichtigung der be used are suitable for the rated current of the courant nominal du moteur.
einschlägigen Errichtungsbestimmungen dem motor according to pertinent installation codes.
Nennstrom des Motors angepaßt sind.

1. Schutzleiter an den Schutzleiteranschluß 1. Connect the protective conductor to the 1. Connecter le câble de protection avec la prise
anklemmen. protective terminal. de protection.

2. elektrischen Anschluß gemäß Schaltbild 2. Make electrical connections in accordance 2. Établir les connexions électriques selon le
vornehmen. with wiring diagram. schéma de câblage.

Falls der Ventilator mit angebautem Stecker If the fan is delivered with connected plug it is to Si le ventilateur est livré avec une prise mâle
ausgeliefert wird ist zu prüfen, ob die be checked if the connection of the pins in the intégrée, vérifier que les dispositions des fiches
Pinbelegung des Steckers mit der Pinbelegung Plug is the same than in the Jack. des prises mâle et femelle coïncident.
der Buchse übereinstimmt.

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D.3 Separately driven fan

5.2 Probelauf 5.2 Test Run 5.2 Essai

Vor dem ersten Probelauf ist zu kontrollieren, Before the first test run check if: Avant le premier test, vérifier que:

- der Ventilator ordnungsgemäß montiert und - the fan has been installed and aligned - Le ventilateur a été monté et aligné
ausgerichtet ist; properly; correctement;
Insbesondere ist ein umlaufend gleichmäßiger Especially an even gap all round between Particulièrement, un écart régulier entre la roue
Spalt zwischen Laufrad und Einströmdüse impeller and inlet nozzle is to be ensured et la buse d’entrée est à respecter.

- alle Befestigungselemente sowie die - all fastening elements and the electrical - Tous les éléments de fixation ainsi que les
elektrischen Anschlüsse fest angezogen sind connections have been tightened properly connexions électriques sont correctement

- die Erdungs- bzw. Potentialausgleichs- - the earthing and equipotential connections to - Les branchements des phases et de la terre
verbindungen ordnungsgemäß zum Netz the mains have been made properly sont corrects.
hergestellt sind

- der Luftstrom durch keine Deckklappen,

Abdeckungen o.ä. beeinträchtigt bzw.
unterbunden ist

- sich keine Fremdkörper im Ventilatorgehäuse

- the air flow is not impeded or blocked by any
flaps, covers etc.

- no foreign bodies are in the fan-casing

- Le débit d’air n’est bloqué par aucun clapet,
couvercle, etc...

- Aucun corps étranger se trouve dans le

- alle Berührungsschutzmaßnahmen für - all shock protection measures for moving or - Toutes les protections contre des élements
bewegte oder spannungsführende Teile live components have been carried out électriques et les parties en rotation sont
durchgeführt sind présentes.

Vor dem ersten Einschalten durch Drehen von Before powering up the fan for the first time, Après la première mise en route, faire tourner la
Hand feststellen, ob das Laufrad frei dreht. rotate it by hand to ensure that the impeller is roue à la main pour vérifier le libre mouvement.
revolving freely.

Motor kurz ein- und ausschalten, um die Switch on the motor for a brief period in order to Allumer et éteindre le moteur, pour comparer le
Drehrichtung des Ventilators mit dem compare the sense of rotation with the direction sens de rotation du ventilateur avec la flèche.
Drehrichtungspfeil zu vergleichen. arrow.

Bei falscher Drehrichtung ist der Motor In case of wrong sense of rotation the polarity of En cas de mauvais sens de rotation, changer la
umzupolen. the motor has to be changed. polarité du moteur.
( Falsche Drehrichtung des Motors führt zur ( Wrong sense of rotation will overload the motor ( un mauvais sens de rotation du ventilateur
Über-lastung und vorzeitigem Ausfall. ) and leads to misuse failure. ) entraîne une surcharge du moteur et une
défaillance prématurée. )

Laufruhe prüfen. Check the smooth running. Vérifier le fonctionnement à vide.

Die Schwingschnellen dürfen die Maximalwerte The vibrations may not exceed the values acc. Les vibrations ne doivent pas dépassées les
gem. DIN ISO 1940 T1 nicht überschreiten. to DIN ISO 1940 T1. valeurs maximales DIN ISO 1940 T1
( Siehe Punkt 2.1 ) ( See Pt 2.1 ) (voir §2.1)

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D.3 Separately driven fan




Vor Beginn der Wartungsarbeiten am Before beginning any maintenance work Avant de commencer les travaux de
Ventilator, speziell vor Öffnen des on the fan, especially before opening the maintenance sur le ventilateur,
Klemmenkastens, ist das Gerät vom Netz terminal box, ensure that the unit is particulièrement avant l’ouverture du
zu trennen und gegen Wiedereinschalten disconnected from the power supply and boîtier électrique, débrancher la machine
zu sichern. the power switch is locked to prevent it du réseau, pour éviter tout démarrage

from being reclosed. involontaire.

Bei Nichtbeachtung können Tod, schwere Failure to observe these precautions could Le non respect de ces précautions
Körperverletzung oder erheblicher Sach- result in death, serious injury or severe pourrait conduire à la mort, à des
schaden die Folge sein. material damage. blessures graves, ou à des dégâts
matériels sérieux.

6.1 Ventilator
Der Ventilator ist grundsätzlich wartungsfrei.

Lediglich Schmutz- und Staubablagerungen auf

Laufrad und Motor, insbesondere im Spalt
zwischen Laufrad und Einströmdüse können die
6.1 Fan PL
The Fan is basically maintenance-free.

Only deposits of dirt or dust which might have

collected on the impeller or the motor and
especially in the gap between impeller and inlet-
6.1 Ventilateur
Le ventilateur est à la base exempt de
Seulement des dépôts de saleté et de poussière
qui ont pu s‘accumuler sur la roue ou le moteur,
particulièrement dans la fente entre la roue et la
Funktion des Ventilators stören und sind in nozzle can be harmful to proper operation and buse d’entrée, peuvent perturber le
regelmäßigen Abständen je nach örtlicher must be removed at regular intervals depending fonctionnnement du ventilateur. Ils doivent donc
Verschmutzung zu entfernen. on local soiling. être enlevés régulièrement.

Dabei ist darauf zu achten, daß das Laufrad Take care of even cleaning of the impeller, as Prendre soi de nettoyer la roue pour éviter un
gleichmäßig gereinigt wird, da unregelmäßige uneven deposits may lead to unbalance. déséquilibre.
Ablagerungen zu Unwuchten führen können.

Ist der Ventilator mit Kondensat- If the fan is ordered with drain holes, they are Si le ventilateur est commandé avec des
Ablaufbohrungen bestellt, so sind diese mit sealed with plastic plugs. alésages de drainage pour la condensation,
Plastikstopfen verschlossen. ceux-ci sont bouchés par des capsules
Je nach örtlichen Gegebenheiten sind diese Depending on local environment -especially at plastiques.
-insbesondere bei längeren Stillstandszeiten- longer times of standstill- these holes have to be En fonction des conditions locales, -
kurz zu öffnen um evtl. angefallenes opened occasionally to drain condensed water. particulièrement pour une longue période
Kondenswasser zu entfernen. d’arrêt- les capsules doivent être retirées pour

laisser l’eau de condensation couler.

6.2 Motor 6.2 Motor 6.2 Moteur

Motor durch gelegentliche Sichtkontrolle sowie Give the motor a visual check occasionally and Vérifier visuellement de façon occasionnelle le
bei jedem Auswechseln der Kugellager also check it electrically and mechanically every moteur et le contrôler mécaniquement et
elektrisch und mechanisch überprüfen. time the bearings are changed. électriquement lors des changements de

Die dauergeschmierten Wälzlager des Motors The greased-for-life bearings of the motor must Les roulements graissés à vie sont à changer
sind nach spätestens 40 000 Betriebsstunden be replaced after 40 000 hours run or 5 years après 40 000 heures de fonctionnement ou 5
oder 5 Jahren zu ersetzen. operation time at the latest. ans.

Bei Stillstandszeiten von mehr als 6 Monaten At times of standstill for more than 6 month, the En période d’arrêt de plus de 6 mois, le
muß der Ventilator mindestens 30 Minuten in fan needs to be operated for at least 30 minutes ventilateur doit fonctionner au moins 30 minutes
Betrieb genommen werden um Eindrücken der to avoid brinelling of the bearing balls, to reduce pour éviter le collage des roulements, la
Wälzlagerkugeln sowie Bildung von condensed water in the motor and ensure a condensation dans le moteur, et garantir une
Kondenswasser im Motor zu vermeiden und steady lubrication of the bearings. lubrification constante des paliers.
eine konstante Schmierung der Lager

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D.3 Separately driven fan



Vor Beginn jeglicher Arbeiten am Before beginning any work on the fan Avant tous travaux sur le ventilateur,
Ventilator ist das Gerät vom Netz zu ensure that the unit is disconnected from débrancher la machine du réseau pour
trennen und gegen unbeabsichtigtes the power supply and the power switch is éviter tout démarrage involontaire.
Einschalten zu sichern. locked to prevent it from being reclosed.

Vor dem Hineingreifen muß das Laufrad Touch the impeller only at standstill. Ne toucher la roue qu‘à l’arrêt.
zum Stillstand gekommen sein.

7.1 Ventilator 7.1 Fan 7.1 Ventilateur
Das Laufrad ist mit einer Abziehvorrichtung von Remove the impeller only by using a puller tool La roue peut être démontée de l’axe du moteur
der Motorwelle abzuziehen nachdem die mittlere
Befestigungsschraube entfernt wurde.

Beanspruchung der Lager durch harte Schläge

auf Rad oder Motorwelle ist zu vermeiden.

after the central screw is removed.

Avoid stressing the bearings by hammer strikes

on impeller or motor shaft.

avec un dispositif d’extraction, après avoir retiré
la vis centrale de serrage.

Eviter d’endommager les paliers en frappant sur

la roue ou sur le moteur avec un marteau.


Zum Befestigen einer handelsüblichen Abzieh- To attach a commercial puller tool, a groove in Une rainure circulaire est prévue dans le moyeu
vorrichtung ist eine ringförmige Nut in der the impeller hub is intended. de la roue pour la prise de l’outil d‘extraction.
Laufradnabe vorgesehen.


Von der Verbindung Laufrad - Nabe sind 2 Remove 2 opposite screws from the connection Sur la liaison moyeu-roue, deux vis doivent être
gegen-überliegende Schrauben zu entfernen um impeller - hub to attach the puller tool. retirées pour la prise du dispositif d’extraction.
die Abziehvorrichtung zu befestigen.

Die Verbindung Laufrad - Nabe nicht Do not loose the connection impeller - hub Ne pas desserrer complètement la liaison
komplett lösen. completely. moyeu-roue.
Nach Trennen von Laufrad und Nabe muß After separating impeller from hub the Après démontage de la roue et du moyeu, la
das komplette Laufrad neu gewuchtet complete impeller unit needs to be roue complète doit être de nouveau

werden. rebalanced. rééquilibrée.

Vor dem Aufziehen Welle, Paßfeder und Nabe Before reassembling clean shaft, featherkey and Pour le remontage, nettoyer et légèrement
säubern und leicht einfetten. hub and grease these parts lightly. graisser l’axe, la clavette, et le moyeu.

Das Aufziehen des Laufrades erfolgt zweck- For reassembling use a threaded rod. Utiliser une tige filetée pour le remontage.
mäßigerweise mit Hilfe einer Gewindestange.
Nach dem Aufstecken des Laufrades wird diese Put on the impeller as far as possible and screw Enfoncer la roue sur l’axe le plus loin possible et
bis zum Anschlag in den Motorwellenstumpf ein- the threaded rod into the motor shaft. Pull up the visser la tige filetée sur l’axe. Visser la roue avec
geschraubt und mit Hilfe einer Mutter und der impeller with a nut and the shaft end washer. une rondelle et un écrou.
zum Laufrad gehörenden Druckscheibe

Danach mit Laufradbefestigungsschraube, Fix it with the screw, shaft end washer and new Placer les vis de fixation de la roue, la rondelle
Druck-scheibe und neuem Sicherungselement screw locking element. et un nouvel élément de blocage.

Bei der Remontage ist ein umlaufend At re-installation ensure an even gap all round Au remontage, vérifier que l’écart entre la roue
gleichmäßiger between impeller and inlet nozzle. et la buse d’entrée est identique partout.
Spalt zwischen Laufrad und Einströmdüse


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D.3 Separately driven fan

7.2 Motor 7.2 Motor 7.2 Moteur

Falls zwecks Reparaturarbeiten der Motor If the motor has to be taken out due to Si le moteur doit être démonté pour des travaux
ausgebaut werden muß, muß zuvor das Laufrad maintenance work, the impeller has to be de maintenance, la roue doit être retirée en
abgenommen werden. Hierzu siehe Punkt 7.1 removed first. premier.
See Pt. 7.1 voir §7.1

Wir empfehlen umfangreichere
We recommend that more extensive
Nous recommandons de laisser intervenir
Wartungsarbeiten und eventuell maintenance or repairs should preferably be SIEMENS pour d’éventuelles réparations et
erforderliche Reparaturen in einer SIEMENS- carried out by a SIEMENS repair workshop. une maintenance plus complète.

Reparaturwerkstatt durchführen zu lassen.

7.3 Ersatzteile

Ersatzteile auf Anfrage unter Angabe der

kompletten Ventilatorbezeichnung (Typ) und der
Fabriknummer. (Beides dem Leistungsschild am
Ventilatorgehäuse zu entnehmen.)
7.3 Spare parts

Spare parts on request by naming the complete

Fan-type and the serial No.
(Both to be found on the rating plate on fan
7.3 Pièces de rechange

Pièces de rechange sur demande en spécifiant

le type et le numéro de série du ventilateur.
(Les données se trouvent sur la plaque du bâti
du ventilateur.)

Siemens AG Siemens AG Siemens AG

Richard-Dunkel-Str. 120 Richard-Dunkel-Str. 120 Richard-Dunkel-Str. 120
28199 B R E M E N 28199 B R E M E N 28199 B R E M E N


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D.4 Leakage-water sensor

D.4 Leakage-water sensor


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D.4 Leakage-water sensor

Basic Functions RN
NR Max-Min Control – 2 Switch Points (e.g. Pump Down, Draining)
Min-Max Control – 2 Switch Points (e.g. Pump Up, Filling)
With the power supplied and no probe electrodes are immersed in the media,
With the power supplied and no probe electrodes are immersed in the the relay is released. By that, the terminals 1 and 2 are shortened. As soon as
media, the relay is activated. By that, the terminals 1 and 3 are that the media level rises to reach the upper electrode (5) tip, the media is
shortened. As soon as the media level rises to reach the upper electrode (5) conducting it with the REF-Probe (6). The relay will be energised and the switch-
tip, the media is conducting it with the REF-Probe (6). The relay will be de- over-contacts of the relay will connect the terminals 1 and 3. After that the level
energised and the switch-over-contacts of the relay will connect the has dropped down below the bottom point, all electrodes are free, the relay is
terminals 1 and 2. After that the level has dropped down below the bottom de-energised and drops the contact.
point, all electrodes are free, the relay is activated again.
Copyright © 2007/2008 - Zimmer Automation GmbH

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Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z
Function diagram

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Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z

For both operation modes
For the use as single point steering, only one switch level is monitored, then the terminal 4 (Min. electrode) will remain unused.
For the dual level controllers, the terminals 1-8 of the 2nd device are numbered as 11-18 in the lower part of the controller.

The desired switching level threshold is acquired through the difference in the length of the Min. and the Max. electrode.
The electrode connected to the REF terminal, must be as long as the longest other probe rod.
In connection with the use of conductive vessels, the REF-Probe can be substituted by a connection between terminal 6 and the container.
Terminals 1 (11) to 3 (13):
Unrelated to the kind of power supply for the system, the terminal 1 can be wired up to any type of current / voltage withup to 250 Volt (AC or DC) above any other connection of the system.
This voltage is feed out through the Terminal 2 (12) or 3 (13) and may be loaded with up to 6 ampere

D.4 Leakage-water sensor
Additional documents
Additional documents
D.4 Leakage-water sensor


Version 1 – Level Probe with stainless steel housing
Electric interface through terminal screws in the probe head. Cable feed out through a M16 gland, for protection class IP 65.

• Electrode length available 5 to 4000mm

(please specify with your order)
• 1 - 7 electrodes
• For heavy-duty
• All parts which may touch the medium are
made from physioligically harmless materials
(with Polyolefin coating)

• For conductive filling level acquisition

Technical data
Mounting method:
Mounting orientation:
Case temperature:
Media temperature:

Media pressure:
max. +110°C
max. +120°C
(Polyolefin max. 100°C)
max. 10 bar
PL Probe-head material:

Electrode material:

Sealing ring:
V2A / 1.4305 Cover and
Cable gland brass, nickel-plated
V4A / 1.4571
(optional HAC-C4; Titanium)
Kynar (optional Polyolifin)
Size Electrodes Standard-Model Size Electrodes Standard-Model

1/2“ 1 GVAE - 1VK1 1 1/2“ 2 GVAI - 2VK1

1/2“ 1 (2)* GVAE - 1VK1R 1 1/2“ 3 GVAI - 3VK1
1/2“ 2 GVAE - 2VK1 1 1/2“ 4 GVAI - 4VK1
1“ 2 GVAG - 2VK1 1 1/2“ 5 GVAI - 5VK1
1“ 3 GVAG - 3VK1 1 1/2“ 6 GVAI - 6VK1
1“ 4 GVAG - 4VK1 1 1/2“ 7 GVAI - 7VK1

To order the Polyolifin-coated version insert „P“ instead of „K“ – e.g. „GVAE - 1VP1“.
* Single pole probe with the reference connection tied to the mounting for use in electrical conductive vessels,

functionality is the very same as for a bipolar probe.


Mounting bracket Material V2A / 1.4301
Cable gland Material V2A / 1.4301
Junction cable with numeric labeled wires

FON +49 (0)40 / 797 150 -0 FAX +49 (0)40 / 797 150 -29 E-Mail [email protected] www. zimmer-automation.com

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Notes E


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Connecting cables
Selection of, 49, 54
A With cable lugs, 52
Connecting the auxiliary circuit, 54
Air gap torques, 22
Cooling, 18, 19
Air-to-water heat exchanger
Cooling system
Cleaning, 74
faults, 68
Leakage water, 71
Cooling water
Servicing, 71
Connection, 45
Aligning, 41
Filling and venting, 45
Prerequisites, 35
Cooling water supply, 58
Alignment accuracy, 44
Correct usage, 18

Aluminum conductors, 53
Corrosion protection, 29, 63
Anti-condensation heating, 18, 20, 62, 63
Corrosion protection measures, 28
Insulation resistance, 34
Cross-section of the grounding conductor, 50
Anti-corrosion agent, 79
Removing, 36
Anti-freeze protection, 28, 63
Applications, 17
Initial inspection, 70
Labyrinth ring, 78
Damage during transportation, 23
Danger of corrosion, 19
Degree of protection
Outer bearing seal, 78 Derating, 55
Sealing, 81 Delivery, 23
Upper part of the enclosure, 77 Direction of rotation, 51
V ring, 80 Disassembly
Auxiliary terminal box, 54 Outer bearing seal, 79
close, 56 Upper part of the enclosure, 76
V ring, 79
B Chemicals, 90
Components, 90
Balance quality, 37

Bearing insulation, 58
Bearing seizure damage, 26
Blocked speed ranges, 20
Bolt locking device, 46, 91 Electrical faults, 66
Bracket, 76 Electromagnetic compatibility, 16
Electromagnetic fields, 16
Emergency switching-off, 63
C Emitted interference, 16
Equipotential, 53
Cable entry plate, 51
Internal, 55
Cable glands, 52
Equipotential bonding conductor, 76
Aligning, 55
Exceeding the tolerances, 21
Cable lugs, 52
Explosion hazard, 17
Center of gravity, 24, 39
Checks to be carried out prior to commissioning, 57
Condensate, 40, 62

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faults Leakage water, 71
Cooling system, 68 Leakage-water sensor, 18
Electrical, 66 Lifting eye, 24, 39
Mechanical, 66 Live parts, 14
Faults, 61 Long-term storage, 28
Inspection , 70 Lubricant plate, 72
Rolling-contact bearing, 67
Feather key, 38
Felt ring, 81 M
Five safety rules, 13
Fixing, 49

Aligning to the driven machine , 43
Flammable substances, 15
Putting the machine down, 40
Foundation forces, 42
Securing, 42
Frequency fluctuation, 21
Machine design

General inspection, 71
Grounding cable, 53
Grounding conductor, 51
PL IEC, 17
Machine expansion, 43
Machinery Directive, 13
Mechanical faults, 66
Minimum air clearances, 52
Mounting parts, 32
Mounting-foot hole dimensions, 34
Hazardous substances, 15
High-voltage motor Noise emission, 20
Switching, 22, 59 Noise pressure level, 20
Hoisting lug, 24, 38, 76, 77
Hot surfaces , 15
Operating mode, 19

I Output element, 37
Insert cable, 52 Over-critical machine, 20
Inspection Overspeeds, 19
Faults, 70 Overvoltage, 59
Roller bearings, 77
Insulated roller bearings P
Spare part, 83
Precision alignment, 43
Insulation resistance
Property class, 42
Anti-condensation heating, 34
Putting the machine down, 40
Critical, 33, 34
frequently, 33
Limit values, 33
Interference immunity, 16
Interlocking circuit Qualified personnel, 14
Anti-condensation heating, 20

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210 Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z

Switching off, 63
Anti-condensation heating, 63
R Switching on the motor, 62
Switching overvoltages, 22
Rating plate, 18
System resonances, 21
Re-commissioning, 65
System-inherent frequencies, 21
Reduction of hazardous materials content, 91
Regreasing, 62, 73
Regreasing interval, 72
Initial inspection, 70 Terminal box, 50
Residual risks, 19 close, 54
Resonance, 20 Maintaining, 74
RoHS, 91 Terminal designation, 50
Roller bearings Tightening torques, 49

Assembly, 77 Bolted connection, 46, 91
faults, 67 Rotor shipping brace, 26
Greases, 72 Torsional loadings, 22
Greasing, 59 Transporting, 24, 39
Rolling-contact bearings
Inspection, 72
Replacement, 83
Rotating components, 15
Rotor shipping brace, 25
Remove, 36
PL Type of balancing, 37

Vibration values, 21
Voltage fluctuations, 21
Safety information
Flammable substances, 15
Hazardous substances, 15
Hot surfaces, 15
Live parts, 14
Rotating components, 15
Safety instructions

Maintenance work, 69
Sealing, 53
Selection of bolts, 42
Shaft assembly, 22
Spare parts
Terminal box 1XD1, 88
Spare parts ordering, 83
Speed, 20
Spent grease chamber, 73
Stator winding insulation resistance , 32, 58, 64, 74
Stoppages, 63
Air-to-water heat exchanger, 63
Roller bearings, 64
Storage, 27
Storage location, 27
Supplementary devices, 18
Surge suppressor, 23

N-W71215016010001 / 2008
Siemens AG Operating Instructions 5.01 1RN45664FV90-Z 211

AB 1215016-010-001-U301 (1RN45664FV90-Z)
AE 1215016-010-001-U202 (1RN45664FV90-Z)
AE 1215016-010-001-U201 (1RN45664FV90-Z)
AA 1215016-010-001-U391 (1RN45664FV90-Z)
AA 1215016-010-001-U102 (1RN45664FV90-Z)
AA 1215016-010-001-U103 (1RN45664FV90-Z)
AB WELLENMASSBILD 1RN4 566-4,Y85,6330+6330
AA U710 BETRIEB.ANLTG Impulsgeber H76 HOG 16
AA BA Leckwasserüberwachung H08 (EN)
AA U726 BETRIEB.ANLEITG Fremdlüfter Siemens CF CS
AB Instrumentendatenblatt Lagertherm. PT100 WL A40 (EN)
AB Instrumentendatenblatt Kaltluft-PT100 A44 (EN)
AB Instrumentendatenblatt Warmluft-PT100 A45 (EN)
AB Instrumentendatenblatt 6Nut-PT100 A65 (EN)
AB Einbauerklärung 1R.4/6, 1S.4/6 (U157)

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