PGP Final Draft
PGP Final Draft
PGP Final Draft
Goal: 3c: Applying Think-pair-share (p. 97, -Teacher Associates These strategies will Week 1: I will
student Wiliam) is a formative -Embedded allow myself and my provide my TA with
How will I assessment assessment strategy formative teacher associate to my professional
integrate and where teachers asks assessment gain insight as to goals. We will then
multiple forms evaluation questions and students textbook (Dylan where the student’s discuss how and
of formative practices: write down their Wiliam) level of understanding when we will
assessment provide answers. Students are -Classroom and is at. Teachers will then incorporate either
into my accurate, then placed in pairs to library be able to identify if strategies into the
teaching constructive discuss their responses. they can move forward classroom.
practicum? and timely Teachers are able to into the next concept
feedback on listen to discussions, or if they need to Week 2: My TA and I
student which allows for spend more time on will integrate a form
learning understanding of where the current one. of formative
the students are at with assessment (either
their learning. Either a whole group the exit slip or the
Eventually, students can or partial group lesson think-pair-share). We
discuss their responses could be another will then reflect on
with the whole class. strategy depending on whether this was an
how many students effective strategy or
Another strategy is the revealed they were not.
use of an exit slip struggling from the exit
where each student slips. This strategy Week 3: If either
receives a piece of could be used strategy was
paper and has to write frequently (2-5 times successful we could
down either a word or per week). incorporate the same
simple interpretation of form of formative
what was taught in If at least two-thirds of assessment
class. This will vary the class has an frequently (2-5 times
depending on the grade adequate level of per week) if not we
level and class. This can understanding a partial could try an
be done during, before, group lesson could alternative strategy.
EDUC3505 PGP Template Griffioen 2020
Taken from Professional Learning Tool – University of Lethbridge Faculty of Education
Inquiry Question 2
Reflection at Midway Point:
Achievements In Progress Future Considerations
Inquiry Question 3
Reflection at Midway Point:
Achievements In Progress Future Considerations