Qatar: Minister Hails Barwa Real Estate Projects

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Gulf Times

12 Monday, October 26, 2020


Abdulla bin Jobara al-Romaihi and Ramez al-Khayyat signing the

contract in the presence of HE Salah bin Ghanem bin Nasser al-Ali,
Hassan al-Thawadi, Saad bin Ahmed al-Mohannadi, and Moutaz
al-Khayyat. PICTURE: Noushad Thekkayil Officials and dignitaries at the launch of the two projects yesterday. (Supplied picture)

Minister hails Barwa

real estate projects
Barwa’s Madinatna, Barahat Right, and below: A furnished
Al Janoub projects add value mock-up of the Madinatna
Qatar’s property market, says project. PICTURE: Noushad
minister Thekkayil

By Peter Alagos
Business Reporter

arwa Real Estate’s latest
initiative will highlight the
company’s commitment
to creating value and adding a
human dimension to real estate
projects, by continuously con-
tributing to the highest standards
of sustainability, HE the Minister
of Culture and Sports Salah bin
Ghanim bin Nasser al-Ali has
He made the statement yes-
terday during the launch cere-
mony of Madinatna, a residential
city for families, and Barahat Al
Janoub, a workers accommoda-
tion project.
The two upcoming projects are
located in Al Wakra city.
Barwa’s upcoming projects
consolidate the principles of its After the signing ceremony, Barwa officials accompanied HE al-Ali and other VIPs on a tour of a furnished
strategic partnership with the
Qatar government, HE al-Ali
full-scale mock-up of the Madinatna project. PICTURE: Noushad Thekkayil

Barwa will provide innovative so- for Delivery & Legacy secretary- the local market for such projects
Barahat Al Janoub fully integrated
Further, he assured that Barwa lutions and services to different general Hassan al-Thawadi, Pub- and supporting Qatar’s prepara-
will continue to develop pioneer- segments of the Qatar communi- lic Works Authority (Ashghal) tions to host the 2022 FIFA World From Page 1 773,457sq m, with a design in- Al Wakra Central Market on Me-
ing residential cities and create ty, with residential environments president Dr Saad bin Ahmed al- Cup.” spired by Arab homes with saieed Road, and is near develop-
sustainable communities, which that meet the highest standards Mohannadi, and UCC chairman Ramez al-Khayyat expressed The retail outlets and other courtyards. mental projects and sustainable
reflect the growth in population and specifications, required by Moutaz al-Khayyat. gratitude to Barwa for having services at Barwa Village will also It will consist of 1,404 G+2 facilities such as the Al Wakrah
and urban development across the local market for residential Al-Romaihi stressed that confidence in UCC. serve the project due to the close units equipped with smart city logistics district, Umm Al Houl
Qatar, and aligned with Qatar housing and maximising share- Barwa is keen to create support He also affirmed the compa- location of the two cities, as well technology, offering 16,848 Free Zone, Hamad Port and Ha-
National Vision 2030. holders’ returns.” Qatar companies that are expe- ny’s dedication towards execut- as its proximity to Mesaimeer rooms, each accommodating up mad International Airport, in
Barwa Real Estate acting group During the event, al-Romaihi rienced in the field of real estate ing the project on time, and with city and Masaken Mesaimeer, Al to four persons. addition to facilities in Al Wakra
chief executive Abdulla bin Jo- and UrbaCon Trading and Con- development. the highest safety and quality Wakra Hospital and all recrea- Barahat Al Janoub will accom- city such as hospitals and stadi-
bara al-Romaihi said: “Madi- tracting (UCC) managing direc- He said: “All Barwa projects standards. tional facilities in Al Wakra city, modate approximately 67,360 ums.
natna and Barahat Al Janoub will tor Ramez al-Khayyat signed a being developed for workers are After the signing ceremony, including beaches and parks. people, providing residents with Barahat Al Janoub is con-
provide residential communities contract awarding the construc- part of the directives of our wise Barwa officials accompanied HE On the other hand, Barahat Al various service facilities, such nected to the highway network,
with designs inspired by tradi- tion works of the two projects to leadership, aspiring for Qatar to the Minister and other VIPs on Janoub will be a fully integrated as hypermarkets, retail stores, which adds value to the distinc-
tional Qatari architecture and UCC. demonstrate a distinctive model a tour of a furnished full-scale city for workers in Al Wakra city, mosques and other public serv- tive location of the project and
equipped with the latest smart The signing ceremony was in terms of taking care of workers mock-up of the Madinatna following the highest interna- ices, bringing the total built-up “provides an extra privilege for
city technologies. held in the presence of HE al-Ali, and providing them with a high- project for a glimpse into the final tional standards of implementa- area to approximately 750,742sq companies looking to accom-
“These modern, sustainable who is also chairman of Barwa standard living environment, as realistic perspective of residen- tion. m. modate their workers in an inte-
residential cities developed by Real Estate, Supreme Committee well as bridging the demand in tial units there. The project extends over The project is located next to grated city”.

Main Bu Sidra Roundabout

upgrade works complete
he Public Works Authority Street, along with enhancing
(Ashghal) has announced traffic flow along Al Furousiya
the completion of the Street and Al Sailiya Road, which
main upgrading works at Bu Sidra are characterised by heavy traffic
Roundabout. movement.
In a press statement yesterday, The newly-upgraded inter- Rashed al-Marri
Ashghal said the works include section also serves several edu-
converting the roundabout into cational and health institutions, Right: The signalised
a signalised intersection and car- and facilitates access to estab- intersection is open to traffic.
rying out infrastructure upgrade lishments such as the Muaither
works. Sports Club, the Barwa Al Sailiya Sidra Intersection. the Ta’heel initiative, which was Once complete, the infra-
The recently-developed sig- Compound, the Aspire Zone The upgrade works included launched in 2017. structure services’ enhancement
nalised intersection is now open Foundation, Villaggio, and Hyatt expanding the intersection and Materials and elements sup- works will cover the upgrade
to traffic and the infrastructure Plaza. increasing the number of lanes plied by local manufacturers in- of the surface and stormwater
works are now 80% complete, as Al-Marri added that the new on Al Sailiya Road from three to cluded sewage, surface water and drainage system over a length
part of the Road Improvements intersection also connects sur- five lanes in each direction, and rainwater drainage pipes, and of 3.4km, and provide a treated
Works for Junctions & Rounda- rounding areas such as Fereej Al eventually to seven on comple- lighting poles and luminaires. sewage effluent (TSE) network,
bouts in Various Areas of Greater Manaseer, Bu Sidra, Muaither, tion of all the works. The local Qatar component and protecting electricity and
Doha, Phase 8. Baaya, and Al Aziziyah. On Al Sedaira Street and Ras now accounts for 80% of the telecommunications service
Rashed al-Marri, project engi- He also said that the comple- Laffan Street, lanes will be in- project. lines.
neer in Ashghal’s Roads Projects tion of the upgrading works at creased from three to four lanes Further to converting the The road will also have direc-
Department’s West Area Section, the intersection and the expan- in each direction. roundabout into a signalised in- tional signs and markings.
highlighted the importance of sion of its lanes have signifi- Al-Marri said that local ma- tersection, the project’s scope of To encourage a healthy life-
upgrading the Bu Sidra Rounda- cantly enhanced traffic flow and terials and manufacturers were works will include the upgrade of style, the projects will feature
bout into a signalised intersec- reduced congestion in the area, relied upon for most of the 2km of roads and the provision of pedestrian and cycle paths
tion. especially as the project is aimed project works, in line with the a new service road, in addition to alongside Al Sailiya Road as well
It links Al Waab Street, Al at improving vehicular capacity Public Works Authority’s sup- the installation of a new lighting as landscaping works and plant-
Sedaira Street, and Ras Laffan at the intersection known as Bu port for local manufacturers and system for the service roads. ing of trees.

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