Performance and Tuning For Oracle WebLogic Server

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This document discusses monitoring and tuning performance for Oracle WebLogic Server.

This document is intended for people who monitor performance and tune components in a WebLogic Server environment.

Factors that can affect performance include hardware resources, JVM settings, application code and configuration, system load and resource consumption.

Oracle® Fusion Middleware

Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

11g Release 1 (10.3.6)

June 2013
This document is for people who monitor performance and
tune the components in a WebLogic Server environment.
Oracle Fusion Middleware Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server, 11g Release 1 (10.3.6)


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Preface ............................................................................................................................................................... xiii

Documentation Accessibility ................................................................................................................... xiii
Conventions ............................................................................................................................................... xiii

1 Introduction and Roadmap

1.1 Document Scope and Audience................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Guide to this Document ............................................................................................................. 1-1
1.3 Performance Features of this Release....................................................................................... 1-2

2 Top Tuning Recommendations for WebLogic Server

2.1 Tune Pool Sizes............................................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Use the Prepared Statement Cache .......................................................................................... 2-2
2.3 Use Logging Last Resource Optimization............................................................................... 2-2
2.4 Tune Connection Backlog Buffering ........................................................................................ 2-2
2.5 Tune the Chunk Size .................................................................................................................. 2-2
2.6 Use Optimistic or Read-only Concurrency ............................................................................. 2-2
2.7 Use Local Interfaces .................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.8 Use eager-relationship-caching ................................................................................................ 2-3
2.9 Tune HTTP Sessions ................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.10 Tune Messaging Applications................................................................................................... 2-3

3 Performance Tuning Roadmap

3.1 Performance Tuning Roadmap................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.1 Understand Your Performance Objectives ...................................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Measure Your Performance Metrics ................................................................................. 3-2
3.1.3 Monitor Disk and CPU Utilization.................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.4 Monitor Data Transfers Across the Network .................................................................. 3-3
3.1.5 Locate Bottlenecks in Your System ................................................................................... 3-3
3.1.6 Minimize Impact of Bottlenecks ........................................................................................ 3-3
3.1.7 Tune Your Application ....................................................................................................... 3-3
3.1.8 Tune your DB ....................................................................................................................... 3-4
3.1.9 Tune WebLogic Server Performance Parameters ........................................................... 3-4
3.1.10 Tune Your JVM .................................................................................................................... 3-4
3.1.11 Tune the Operating System................................................................................................ 3-4
3.1.12 Achieve Performance Objectives ....................................................................................... 3-4

3.2 Tuning Tips.................................................................................................................................. 3-4

4 Operating System Tuning

5 Tuning Java Virtual Machines (JVMs)

5.1 JVM Tuning Considerations...................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Which JVM for Your System? ................................................................................................... 5-2
5.2.1 Changing To a Different JVM ............................................................................................ 5-2
5.3 Garbage Collection ..................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.3.1 VM Heap Size and Garbage Collection ............................................................................ 5-2
5.3.2 Choosing a Garbage Collection Scheme........................................................................... 5-3
5.3.3 Using Verbose Garbage Collection to Determine Heap Size ........................................ 5-4
5.3.4 Specifying Heap Size Values.............................................................................................. 5-5
5.3.5 Tuning Tips for Heap Sizes ................................................................................................ 5-5
5.3.6 JRockit JVM Heap Size Options......................................................................................... 5-6 Other JRockit VM Options .......................................................................................... 5-6
5.3.7 Java HotSpot VM Heap Size Options ............................................................................... 5-7 Other Java HotSpot VM Options ............................................................................... 5-7
5.3.8 Automatically Logging Low Memory Conditions ......................................................... 5-8
5.3.9 Manually Requesting Garbage Collection ....................................................................... 5-8
5.3.10 Requesting Thread Stacks................................................................................................... 5-8
5.4 Enable Spinning for IA32 Platforms ........................................................................................ 5-8
5.4.1 Sun JDK ................................................................................................................................. 5-8
5.4.2 JRockit.................................................................................................................................... 5-9

6 Tuning WebLogic Diagnostic Framework and JRockit Flight Recorder

6.1 Using JRockit Flight Recorder................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Using WLDF ................................................................................................................................ 6-1
6.2.1 Using JRockit controls outside of WLDF to control the default JVM recording ........ 6-2
6.3 Tuning Considerations............................................................................................................... 6-2

7 Tuning WebLogic Server

7.1 Setting Java Parameters for Starting WebLogic Server ......................................................... 7-1
7.2 Development vs. Production Mode Default Tuning Values ................................................ 7-2
7.3 Deployment ................................................................................................................................. 7-3
7.3.1 On-demand Deployment of Internal Applications......................................................... 7-3
7.3.2 Use FastSwap Deployment to Minimize Redeployment Time..................................... 7-3
7.3.3 Generic Overrides................................................................................................................ 7-3
7.4 Thread Management ................................................................................................................. 7-3
7.4.1 Tuning a Work Manager..................................................................................................... 7-4
7.4.2 How Many Work Managers are Needed? ....................................................................... 7-4
7.4.3 What are the SLA Requirements for Each Work Manager? .......................................... 7-4
7.4.4 Tuning Execute Queues ...................................................................................................... 7-4
7.4.5 Understanding the Differences Between Work Managers and Execute Queues ....... 7-4
7.4.6 Migrating from Previous Releases .................................................................................... 7-5

7.4.7 Tuning the Stuck Thread Detection Behavior ................................................................. 7-5
7.5 Tuning Network I/O.................................................................................................................. 7-5
7.5.1 Tuning Muxers ..................................................................................................................... 7-6 Java Muxer..................................................................................................................... 7-6 Native Muxers............................................................................................................... 7-7 Non-Blocking IO Muxer .............................................................................................. 7-7
7.5.2 Which Platforms Have Performance Packs?.................................................................... 7-7
7.5.3 Enabling Performance Packs.............................................................................................. 7-8
7.5.4 Changing the Number of Available Socket Readers ...................................................... 7-8
7.5.5 Network Channels............................................................................................................... 7-8
7.5.6 Reducing the Potential for Denial of Service Attacks..................................................... 7-8 Tuning Message Size.................................................................................................... 7-9 Tuning Complete Message Timeout.......................................................................... 7-9 Tuning Number of File Descriptors........................................................................... 7-9
7.5.7 Tune the Chunk Parameters .............................................................................................. 7-9
7.5.8 Tuning Connection Backlog Buffering .......................................................................... 7-10
7.5.9 Tuning Cached Connections ........................................................................................... 7-10
7.6 Setting Your Compiler Options ............................................................................................. 7-10
7.6.1 Compiling EJB Classes ..................................................................................................... 7-10
7.6.2 Setting JSP Compiler Options ......................................................................................... 7-10 Precompile JSPs ......................................................................................................... 7-11 Optimize Java Expressions....................................................................................... 7-11
7.7 Using WebLogic Server Clusters to Improve Performance............................................... 7-11
7.7.1 Scalability and High Availability ................................................................................... 7-11
7.7.2 How to Ensure Scalability for WebLogic Clusters....................................................... 7-12
7.7.3 Database Bottlenecks........................................................................................................ 7-12
7.7.4 Session Replication ........................................................................................................... 7-13
7.7.5 Asynchronous HTTP Session Replication..................................................................... 7-13 Asynchronous HTTP Session Replication using a Secondary Server................ 7-13 Asynchronous HTTP Session Replication using a Database .............................. 7-14
7.7.6 Invalidation of Entity EJBs .............................................................................................. 7-14
7.7.7 Invalidation of HTTP sessions ........................................................................................ 7-14
7.7.8 JNDI Binding, Unbinding and Rebinding..................................................................... 7-14
7.7.9 Running Multiple Server Instances on Multi-Core Machines.................................... 7-15
7.8 Monitoring a WebLogic Server Domain............................................................................... 7-15
7.8.1 Using the Administration Console to Monitor WebLogic Server ............................. 7-15
7.8.2 Using the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework................................................................ 7-15
7.8.3 Using JMX to Monitor WebLogic Server....................................................................... 7-15
7.8.4 Using WLST to Monitor WebLogic Server ................................................................... 7-16
7.8.5 Resources to Monitor WebLogic Server ........................................................................ 7-16
7.8.6 Third-Party Tools to Monitor WebLogic Server .......................................................... 7-16
7.9 Tuning Class and Resource Loading .................................................................................... 7-16
7.9.1 Filtering Loader Mechanism ........................................................................................... 7-16
7.9.2 Class Caching .................................................................................................................... 7-17
7.10 Server Migration with Database Leasing on RAC Clusters............................................... 7-17

8 Tuning the WebLogic Persistent Store
8.1 Overview of Persistent Stores ................................................................................................... 8-1
8.1.1 Using the Default Persistent Store..................................................................................... 8-1
8.1.2 Using Custom File Stores and JDBC Stores ..................................................................... 8-2
8.1.3 Using a JDBC TLOG Store.................................................................................................. 8-2
8.1.4 Using JMS Paging Stores .................................................................................................... 8-2 Using Flash Storage to Page JMS Messages.............................................................. 8-3
8.1.5 Using Diagnostic Stores ...................................................................................................... 8-3
8.2 Best Practices When Using Persistent Stores .......................................................................... 8-3
8.3 Tuning JDBC Stores .................................................................................................................... 8-4
8.4 Tuning File Stores ....................................................................................................................... 8-4
8.4.1 Basic Tuning Information ................................................................................................... 8-4
8.4.2 Tuning a File Store Direct-Write-With-Cache Policy ..................................................... 8-5 Using Flash Storeage to Increase Performance ........................................................ 8-6 Additional Considerations .......................................................................................... 8-6
8.4.3 Tuning the File Store Direct-Write Policy ........................................................................ 8-7
8.4.4 Tuning the File Store Block Size ........................................................................................ 8-7 Setting the Block Size for a File Store......................................................................... 8-8 Determining the File Store Block Size ....................................................................... 8-9 Determining the File System Block Size.................................................................... 8-9 Converting a Store with Pre-existing Files ............................................................... 8-9
8.5 Using a Network File System.................................................................................................... 8-9
8.5.1 Configuring Synchronous Write Policies ...................................................................... 8-10
8.5.2 Test Server Restart Behavior ........................................................................................... 8-10
8.5.3 Handling NFS Locking Errors ........................................................................................ 8-10 Solution 1 - Copying Data Files to Remove NFS Locks ....................................... 8-11 Solution 2 - Disabling File Locks in WebLogic Server File Stores ...................... 8-12 Disabling File Locking for the Default File Store........................................... 8-12 Disabling File Locking for a Custom File Store ............................................. 8-13 Disabling File Locking for a JMS Paging File Store....................................... 8-13 Disabling File Locking for a Diagnostics File Store....................................... 8-14

9 DataBase Tuning
9.1 General Suggestions ................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.2 Database-Specific Tuning .......................................................................................................... 9-2
9.2.1 Oracle..................................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.2.2 Microsoft SQL Server .......................................................................................................... 9-3
9.2.3 Sybase .................................................................................................................................... 9-3

10 Tuning WebLogic Server EJBs

10.1 General EJB Tuning Tips......................................................................................................... 10-1
10.2 Tuning EJB Caches................................................................................................................... 10-2
10.2.1 Tuning the Stateful Session Bean Cache........................................................................ 10-2
10.2.2 Tuning the Entity Bean Cache......................................................................................... 10-2 Transaction-Level Caching....................................................................................... 10-2 Caching between Transactions ................................................................................ 10-2

vi Ready Bean Caching ................................................................................................. 10-3
10.2.3 Tuning the Query Cache.................................................................................................. 10-3
10.3 Tuning EJB Pools...................................................................................................................... 10-3
10.3.1 Tuning the Stateless Session Bean Pool ......................................................................... 10-3
10.3.2 Tuning the MDB Pool....................................................................................................... 10-4
10.3.3 Tuning the Entity Bean Pool ........................................................................................... 10-4
10.4 CMP Entity Bean Tuning ........................................................................................................ 10-4
10.4.1 Use Eager Relationship Caching .................................................................................... 10-4 Using Inner Joins ....................................................................................................... 10-5
10.4.2 Use JDBC Batch Operations ............................................................................................ 10-5
10.4.3 Tuned Updates.................................................................................................................. 10-5
10.4.4 Using Field Groups .......................................................................................................... 10-5
10.4.5 include-updates................................................................................................................. 10-6
10.4.6 call-by-reference................................................................................................................ 10-6
10.4.7 Bean-level Pessimistic Locking ....................................................................................... 10-6
10.4.8 Concurrency Strategy....................................................................................................... 10-7
10.5 Tuning In Response to Monitoring Statistics....................................................................... 10-8
10.5.1 Cache Miss Ratio............................................................................................................... 10-8
10.5.2 Lock Waiter Ratio ............................................................................................................. 10-8
10.5.3 Lock Timeout Ratio .......................................................................................................... 10-9
10.5.4 Pool Miss Ratio.................................................................................................................. 10-9
10.5.5 Destroyed Bean Ratio..................................................................................................... 10-10
10.5.6 Pool Timeout Ratio ......................................................................................................... 10-10
10.5.7 Transaction Rollback Ratio............................................................................................ 10-10
10.5.8 Transaction Timeout Ratio ............................................................................................ 10-11
10.6 Using the JDT Compiler........................................................................................................ 10-11

11 Tuning Message-Driven Beans

11.1 Use Transaction Batching ....................................................................................................... 11-1
11.2 MDB Thread Management ..................................................................................................... 11-1
11.2.1 Determining the Number of Concurrent MDBs .......................................................... 11-2
11.2.2 Selecting a Concurrency Strategy................................................................................... 11-2
11.2.3 Thread Utilization When Using WebLogic Destinations ........................................... 11-3
11.2.4 Limitations for Multi-threaded Topic MDBs................................................................ 11-3
11.3 Best Practices for Configuring and Deploying MDBs Using Distributed Topics .......... 11-4
11.4 Using MDBs with Foreign Destinations ............................................................................... 11-4
11.4.1 Concurrency for MDBs that Process Messages from Foreign Destinations............. 11-4
11.4.2 Thread Utilization for MDBs that Process Messages from Foreign Destinations ... 11-4
11.5 Token-based Message Polling for Transactional MDBs Listening on Queues/Topics . 11-5
11.6 Compatibility for WLS 10.0 and Earlier-style Polling ........................................................ 11-6

12 Tuning Data Sources

12.1 Tune the Number of Database Connections ........................................................................ 12-1
12.2 Waste Not.................................................................................................................................. 12-2
12.3 Use Test Connections on Reserve with Care ....................................................................... 12-2
12.4 Cache Prepared and Callable Statements............................................................................. 12-2

12.5 Using Pinned-To-Thread Property to Increase Performance ............................................ 12-3
12.6 Database Listener Timeout under Heavy Server Loads .................................................... 12-3
12.7 Disable Wrapping of Data Type Objects .............................................................................. 12-3
12.8 Advanced Configurations for Oracle Drivers and Databases........................................... 12-3
12.9 Use Best Design Practices ....................................................................................................... 12-3

13 Tuning Transactions
13.1 Logging Last Resource Transaction Optimization.............................................................. 13-1
13.1.1 LLR Tuning Guidelines.................................................................................................... 13-1
13.2 Read-only, One-Phase Commit Optimizations ................................................................... 13-2

14 Tuning WebLogic JMS

14.1 JMS Performance & Tuning Check List ................................................................................ 14-1
14.2 Handling Large Message Backlogs ....................................................................................... 14-3
14.2.1 Improving Message Processing Performance .............................................................. 14-3
14.2.2 Controlling Message Production.................................................................................... 14-5 Drawbacks to Controlling Message Production ................................................... 14-5
14.3 Cache and Re-use Client Resources ...................................................................................... 14-5
14.4 Tuning Distributed Queues.................................................................................................... 14-6
14.5 Tuning Topics ........................................................................................................................... 14-7
14.6 Tuning for Large Messages .................................................................................................... 14-7
14.7 Defining Quota......................................................................................................................... 14-7
14.7.1 Quota Resources ............................................................................................................... 14-8
14.7.2 Destination-Level Quota.................................................................................................. 14-8
14.7.3 JMS Server-Level Quota................................................................................................... 14-9
14.8 Blocking Senders During Quota Conditions........................................................................ 14-9
14.8.1 Defining a Send Timeout on Connection Factories ..................................................... 14-9
14.8.2 Specifying a Blocking Send Policy on JMS Servers.................................................... 14-10
14.9 Tuning MessageMaximum................................................................................................... 14-10
14.9.1 Tuning MessageMaximum Limitations ...................................................................... 14-11
14.10 Setting Maximum Message Size for Network Protocols.................................................. 14-11
14.11 Compressing Messages ......................................................................................................... 14-11
14.12 Paging Out Messages To Free Up Memory ....................................................................... 14-12
14.12.1 Specifying a Message Paging Directory ...................................................................... 14-12
14.12.2 Tuning the Message Buffer Size Option...................................................................... 14-13
14.13 Controlling the Flow of Messages on JMS Servers and Destinations ............................ 14-13
14.13.1 How Flow Control Works ............................................................................................. 14-13
14.13.2 Configuring Flow Control ............................................................................................ 14-14
14.13.3 Flow Control Thresholds ............................................................................................... 14-15
14.14 Handling Expired Messages................................................................................................. 14-15
14.14.1 Defining a Message Expiration Policy ......................................................................... 14-16
14.14.2 Configuring an Expiration Policy on Topics .............................................................. 14-16
14.14.3 Configuring an Expiration Policy on Queues............................................................. 14-17
14.14.4 Configuring an Expiration Policy on Templates........................................................ 14-17
14.14.5 Defining an Expiration Logging Policy ....................................................................... 14-18
14.14.6 Expiration Log Output Format ..................................................................................... 14-18
14.14.7 Tuning Active Message Expiration .............................................................................. 14-19

14.14.8 Configuring a JMS Server to Actively Scan Destinations for Expired Messages .. 14-19
14.15 Tuning Applications Using Unit-of-Order......................................................................... 14-20
14.15.1 Best Practices ................................................................................................................... 14-20
14.15.2 Using UOO and Distributed Destinations .................................................................. 14-20
14.15.3 Migrating Old Applications to Use UOO ................................................................... 14-20
14.16 Using One-Way Message Sends .......................................................................................... 14-21
14.16.1 Configure One-Way Sends On a Connection Factory............................................... 14-21
14.16.2 One-Way Send Support In a Cluster With a Single Destination ............................. 14-21
14.16.3 One-Way Send Support In a Cluster With Multiple Destinations .......................... 14-22
14.16.4 When One-Way Sends Are Not Supported ................................................................ 14-22
14.16.5 Different Client and Destination Hosts ....................................................................... 14-22
14.16.6 XA Enabled On Client's Host Connection Factory .................................................... 14-22
14.16.7 Higher QOS Detected..................................................................................................... 14-22
14.16.8 Destination Quota Exceeded......................................................................................... 14-23
14.16.9 Change In Server Security Policy ................................................................................. 14-23
14.16.10 Change In JMS Server or Destination Status .............................................................. 14-23
14.16.11 Looking Up Logical Distributed Destination Name ................................................. 14-23
14.16.12 Hardware Failure............................................................................................................ 14-23
14.16.13 One-Way Send QOS Guidelines ................................................................................... 14-23
14.17 Tuning the Messaging Performance Preference Option .................................................. 14-24
14.17.1 Messaging Performance Configuration Parameters.................................................. 14-25
14.17.2 Compatibility With the Asynchronous Message Pipeline........................................ 14-26
14.18 Client-side Thread Pools....................................................................................................... 14-26
14.19 Best Practices for JMS .NET Client Applications............................................................... 14-26

15 Tuning WebLogic JMS Store-and-Forward

15.1 Best Practices ............................................................................................................................ 15-1
15.2 Tuning Tips............................................................................................................................... 15-1

16 Tuning WebLogic Message Bridge

16.1 Best Practices ............................................................................................................................ 16-1
16.2 Changing the Batch Size ......................................................................................................... 16-1
16.3 Changing the Batch Interval................................................................................................... 16-2
16.4 Changing the Quality of Service............................................................................................ 16-2
16.5 Using Multiple Bridge Instances ........................................................................................... 16-2
16.6 Changing the Thread Pool Size.............................................................................................. 16-2
16.7 Avoiding Durable Subscriptions ........................................................................................... 16-3
16.8 Co-locating Bridges with Their Source or Target Destination .......................................... 16-3
16.9 Changing the Asynchronous Mode Enabled Attribute ..................................................... 16-3

17 Tuning Resource Adapters

17.1 Classloading Optimizations for Resource Adapters .......................................................... 17-1
17.2 Connection Optimizations...................................................................................................... 17-1
17.3 Thread Management ............................................................................................................... 17-2
17.4 InteractionSpec Interface......................................................................................................... 17-2

18 Tuning Web Applications
18.1 Best Practices ............................................................................................................................ 18-1
18.1.1 Disable Page Checks......................................................................................................... 18-1
18.1.2 Use Custom JSP Tags ....................................................................................................... 18-1
18.1.3 Precompile JSPs................................................................................................................. 18-2
18.1.4 Disable Access Logging ................................................................................................... 18-2
18.1.5 Use HTML Template Compression ............................................................................... 18-2
18.1.6 Use Service Level Agreements........................................................................................ 18-2
18.1.7 Related Reading ................................................................................................................ 18-2
18.2 Session Management ............................................................................................................... 18-2
18.2.1 Managing Session Persistence ........................................................................................ 18-3
18.2.2 Minimizing Sessions......................................................................................................... 18-3
18.2.3 Aggregating Session Data ............................................................................................... 18-3
18.3 Pub-Sub Tuning Guidelines ................................................................................................... 18-4

19 Tuning Web Services

19.1 Web Services Best Practices .................................................................................................... 19-1
19.2 Tuning Web Service Reliable Messaging Agents ................................................................ 19-2
19.3 Tuning Heavily Loaded Systems to Improve Web Service Performance ....................... 19-2
19.3.1 Setting the Work Manager Thread Pool Minimum Size Constraint ......................... 19-3
19.3.2 Setting the Buffering Sessions ......................................................................................... 19-3
19.3.3 Releasing Asynchronous Resources .............................................................................. 19-3

20 Tuning WebLogic Tuxedo Connector

20.1 Configuration Guidelines ....................................................................................................... 20-1
20.2 Best Practices ............................................................................................................................ 20-2

A Using the WebLogic 8.1 Thread Pool Model

A.1 How to Enable the WebLogic 8.1 Thread Pool Model ......................................................... A-1
A.2 Tuning the Default Execute Queue ........................................................................................ A-2
A.2.1 Should You Modify the Default Thread Count? ............................................................ A-2
A.3 Using Execute Queues to Control Thread Usage.................................................................. A-3
A.3.1 Creating Execute Queues................................................................................................... A-4
A.3.2 Modifying the Thread Count ............................................................................................ A-6
A.3.3 Tuning Execute Queues for Overflow Conditions ........................................................ A-6
A.3.4 Assigning Servlets and JSPs to Execute Queues ............................................................ A-7
A.3.5 Assigning EJBs and RMI Objects to Execute Queues .................................................... A-8
A.4 Monitoring Execute Threads .................................................................................................... A-8
A.5 Allocating Execute Threads to Act as Socket Readers ......................................................... A-8
A.5.1 Setting the Number of Socket Reader Threads For a Server Instance ........................ A-9
A.5.2 Setting the Number of Socket Reader Threads on Client Machines ........................... A-9
A.6 Tuning the Stuck Thread Detection Behavior........................................................................ A-9

B Capacity Planning
B.1 Capacity Planning Factors ........................................................................................................ B-1

B.1.1 Programmatic and Web-based Clients ............................................................................ B-2
B.1.2 RMI and Server Traffic....................................................................................................... B-2
B.1.3 SSL Connections and Performance .................................................................................. B-2
B.1.4 WebLogic Server Process Load......................................................................................... B-3
B.1.5 Database Server Capacity and User Storage Requirements ......................................... B-3
B.1.6 Concurrent Sessions ........................................................................................................... B-3
B.1.7 Network Load ..................................................................................................................... B-4
B.1.8 Clustered Configurations .................................................................................................. B-4
B.1.9 Server Migration ................................................................................................................. B-4
B.1.10 Application Design............................................................................................................. B-5
B.2 Assessing Your Application Performance Objectives .......................................................... B-5
B.3 Hardware Tuning ...................................................................................................................... B-5
B.3.1 Benchmarks for Evaluating Performance ....................................................................... B-5
B.3.2 Supported Platforms .......................................................................................................... B-5
B.4 Network Performance ............................................................................................................... B-5
B.4.1 Determining Network Bandwidth ................................................................................... B-6
B.5 Related Information .................................................................................................................. B-6


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guide—Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server.

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1Introduction and Roadmap

This chapter describes the contents and organization of this guide—Performance and
Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ Section 1.1, "Document Scope and Audience"
■ Section 1.2, "Guide to this Document"
■ Section 1.3, "Performance Features of this Release"

1.1 Document Scope and Audience

This document is written for people who monitor performance and tune the
components in a WebLogic Server environment. It is assumed that readers know
server administration and hardware performance tuning fundamentals, WebLogic
Server, XML, and the Java programming language.

1.2 Guide to this Document

■ This chapter, Chapter 1, "Introduction and Roadmap," introduces the organization
of this guide.
■ Chapter 2, "Top Tuning Recommendations for WebLogic Server," discusses the
most frequently recommended steps for achieving optimal performance tuning for
applications running on WebLogic Server.
■ Chapter 3, "Performance Tuning Roadmap," provides a roadmap to help tune your
application environment to optimize performance.
■ Chapter 4, "Operating System Tuning," discusses operating system issues.
■ Chapter 5, "Tuning Java Virtual Machines (JVMs)," discusses JVM tuning
■ Chapter 6, "Tuning WebLogic Diagnostic Framework and JRockit Flight Recorder
Integration," provides information on how WebLogic Diagnostic Framework
(WLDF) works with JRockit Mission Control Flight Recorder.
■ Chapter 7, "Tuning WebLogic Server," contains information on how to tune
WebLogic Server to match your application needs.
■ Chapter 8, "Tuning the WebLogic Persistent Store," provides information on how
to tune a persistent store.
■ Chapter 9, "DataBase Tuning," provides information on how to tune your data

Introduction and Roadmap 1-1

Performance Features of this Release

■ Chapter 10, "Tuning WebLogic Server EJBs," provides information on how to tune
applications that use EJBs.
■ Chapter 11, "Tuning Message-Driven Beans," provides information on how to tune
Message-Driven beans.
■ Chapter 12, "Tuning Data Sources," provides information on how to tune JDBC
■ Chapter 13, "Tuning Transactions," provides information on how to tune Logging
Last Resource transaction optimization.
■ Chapter 14, "Tuning WebLogic JMS," provides information on how to tune
applications that use WebLogic JMS.
■ Chapter 15, "Tuning WebLogic JMS Store-and-Forward," provides information on
how to tune applications that use JMS Store-and-Forward.
■ Chapter 16, "Tuning WebLogic Message Bridge," provides information on how to
tune applications that use the Weblogic Message Bridge.
■ Chapter 17, "Tuning Resource Adapters," provides information on how to tune
applications that use resource adaptors.
■ Chapter 18, "Tuning Web Applications," provides best practices for tuning
WebLogic Web applications and application resources:
■ Chapter 19, "Tuning Web Services," provides information on how to tune
applications that use Web services.
■ Chapter 20, "Tuning WebLogic Tuxedo Connector," provides information on how
to tune applications that use WebLogic Tuxedo Connector.
■ Appendix A, "Using the WebLogic 8.1 Thread Pool Model," provides information
on using execute queues.
■ Appendix B, "Capacity Planning," provides an introduction to capacity planning.

1.3 Performance Features of this Release

WebLogic Server introduces the following performance enhancements:
■ Section 8.4.2, "Tuning a File Store Direct-Write-With-Cache Policy"
■ Section 8.5, "Using a Network File System"
■ Section 6, "Tuning WebLogic Diagnostic Framework and JRockit Flight Recorder

1-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Top Tuning Recommendations for WebLogic


This chapter provides a short list of top performance tuning recommendations. Tuning
WebLogic Server and your WebLogic Server application is a complex and iterative
process. To get you started, we have created a short list of recommendations to help
you optimize your application's performance. These tuning techniques are applicable
to nearly all WebLogic applications.
■ Section 2.1, "Tune Pool Sizes"
■ Section 2.2, "Use the Prepared Statement Cache"
■ Section 2.3, "Use Logging Last Resource Optimization"
■ Section 2.4, "Tune Connection Backlog Buffering"
■ Section 2.5, "Tune the Chunk Size"
■ Section 2.6, "Use Optimistic or Read-only Concurrency"
■ Section 2.7, "Use Local Interfaces"
■ Section 2.8, "Use eager-relationship-caching"
■ Section 2.9, "Tune HTTP Sessions"
■ Section 2.10, "Tune Messaging Applications"

2.1 Tune Pool Sizes

Provide pool sizes (such as pools for JDBC connections, Stateless Session EJBs, and
MDBs) that maximize concurrency for the expected thread utilization.
■ For WebLogic Server releases 9.0 and higher—A server instance uses a self-tuned
thread-pool. The best way to determine the appropriate pool size is to monitor the
pool's current size, shrink counts, grow counts, and wait counts. See Section 7.4,
"Thread Management". Tuning MDBs are a special case, please see Chapter 11,
"Tuning Message-Driven Beans".
■ For releases prior to WebLogic Server 9.0—In general, the number of connections
should equal the number of threads that are expected to be required to process the
requests handled by the pool. The most effective way to ensure the right pool size
is to monitor it and make sure it does not shrink and grow. See Section A.1, "How
to Enable the WebLogic 8.1 Thread Pool Model".

Top Tuning Recommendations for WebLogic Server 2-1

Use the Prepared Statement Cache

2.2 Use the Prepared Statement Cache

The prepared statement cache keeps compiled SQL statements in memory, thus
avoiding a round-trip to the database when the same statement is used later. See
Chapter 12, "Tuning Data Sources".

2.3 Use Logging Last Resource Optimization

When using transactional database applications, consider using the JDBC data source
Logging Last Resource (LLR) transaction policy instead of XA. The LLR optimization
can significantly improve transaction performance by safely eliminating some of the
2PC XA overhead for database processing, especially for two-phase commit database
insert, update, and delete operations. For more information, see Chapter 12, "Tuning
Data Sources".

2.4 Tune Connection Backlog Buffering

You can tune the number of connection requests that a WebLogic Server instance
accepts before refusing additional requests. This tunable applies primarily for Web
applications. See Section 7.5.8, "Tuning Connection Backlog Buffering".

2.5 Tune the Chunk Size

A chunk is a unit of memory that the WebLogic Server network layer, both on the
client and server side, uses to read data from and write data to sockets. A server
instance maintains a pool of these chunks. For applications that handle large amounts
of data per request, increasing the value on both the client and server sides can boost
performance. See Section 7.5.7, "Tune the Chunk Parameters".

2.6 Use Optimistic or Read-only Concurrency

Use optimistic concurrency with cache-between-transactions or read-only concurrency
with query-caching for CMP EJBs wherever possible. Both of these two options
leverage the Entity Bean cache provided by the EJB container.
■ Optimistic-concurrency with cache-between-transactions work best with
read-mostly beans. Using verify-reads in combination with these provides high
data consistency guarantees with the performance gain of caching. See Chapter 10,
"Tuning WebLogic Server EJBs".
■ Query-caching is a WebLogic Server 9.0 feature that allows the EJB container to
cache results for arbitrary non-primary-key finders defined on read-only EJBs. All
of these parameters can be set in the application/module deployment descriptors.
See Section 10.4.8, "Concurrency Strategy".

2.7 Use Local Interfaces

Use local-interfaces or use call-by-reference semantics to avoid the overhead of
serialization when one EJB calls another or an EJB is called by a servlet/JSP in the
same application. Note the following:
■ In release prior to WebLogic Server 8.1, call-by-reference is turned on by default.
For releases of WebLogic Server 8.1 and higher, call-by-reference is turned off by
default. Older applications migrating to WebLogic Server 8.1 and higher that do
not explicitly turn on call-by-reference may experience a drop in performance.

2-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tune Messaging Applications

■ This optimization does not apply to calls across different applications.

2.8 Use eager-relationship-caching

Use eager-relationship-caching wherever possible. This feature allows the EJB
container to load related beans using a single SQL statement. It improves performance
by reducing the number of database calls to load related beans in transactions when a
bean and it's related beans are expected to be used in that transaction. See Chapter 10,
"Tuning WebLogic Server EJBs".

2.9 Tune HTTP Sessions

Optimize your application so that it does as little work as possible when handling
session persistence and sessions. You should also design a session management
strategy that suits your environment and application. See Section 18.2, "Session

2.10 Tune Messaging Applications

Oracle provides messaging users a rich set of performance tunables. In general, you
should always configure quotas and paging. See:
■ Chapter 8, "Tuning the WebLogic Persistent Store"
■ Chapter 14, "Tuning WebLogic JMS"
■ Chapter 15, "Tuning WebLogic JMS Store-and-Forward"
■ Chapter 16, "Tuning WebLogic Message Bridge"

Top Tuning Recommendations for WebLogic Server 2-3

Tune Messaging Applications

2-4 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Performance Tuning Roadmap

This chapter provides a tuning roadmap and tuning tips for you can use to improve
system performance:
■ Section 3.1, "Performance Tuning Roadmap"
■ Section 3.2, "Tuning Tips"

3.1 Performance Tuning Roadmap

The following steps provide a roadmap to help tune your application environment to
optimize performance:
1. Section 3.1.1, "Understand Your Performance Objectives"
2. Section 3.1.2, "Measure Your Performance Metrics"
3. Section 3.1.5, "Locate Bottlenecks in Your System"
4. Section 3.1.6, "Minimize Impact of Bottlenecks"
5. Section 3.1.12, "Achieve Performance Objectives"

3.1.1 Understand Your Performance Objectives

To determine your performance objectives, you need to understand the application
deployed and the environmental constraints placed on the system. Gather information
about the levels of activity that components of the application are expected to meet,
such as:
■ The anticipated number of users.
■ The number and size of requests.
■ The amount of data and its consistency.
■ Determining your target CPU utilization.
Your target CPU usage should not be 100%, you should determine a target CPU
utilization based on your application needs, including CPU cycles for peak usage.
If your CPU utilization is optimized at 100% during normal load hours, you have
no capacity to handle a peak load. In applications that are latency sensitive and
maintaining the ability for a fast response time is important, high CPU usage
(approaching 100% utilization) can reduce response times while throughput stays
constant or even increases because of work queuing up in the server. For such
applications, a 70% - 80% CPU utilization recommended. A good target for
non-latency sensitive applications is about 90%.
Performance objectives are limited by constraints, such as

Performance Tuning Roadmap 3-1

Performance Tuning Roadmap

■ The configuration of hardware and software such as CPU type, disk size vs. disk
speed, sufficient memory.
There is no single formula for determining your hardware requirements. The
process of determining what type of hardware and software configuration is
required to meet application needs adequately is called capacity planning.
Capacity planning requires assessment of your system performance goals and an
understanding of your application. Capacity planning for server hardware should
focus on maximum performance requirements. See Appendix B, "Capacity
■ The ability to interoperate between domains, use legacy systems, support legacy
■ Development, implementation, and maintenance costs.
You will use this information to set realistic performance objectives for your
application environment, such as response times, throughput, and load on specific

3.1.2 Measure Your Performance Metrics

After you have determined your performance criteria in Section 3.1.1, "Understand
Your Performance Objectives", take measurements of the metrics you will use to
quantify your performance objectives. The following sections provide information on
measuring basic performance metrics:
■ Section 3.1.3, "Monitor Disk and CPU Utilization"
■ Section 3.1.4, "Monitor Data Transfers Across the Network"

3.1.3 Monitor Disk and CPU Utilization

Run your application under a high load while monitoring the:
■ Application server (disk and CPU utilization)
■ Database server (disk and CPU utilization)
The goal is to get to a point where the application server achieves your target CPU
utilization. If you find that the application server CPU is under utilized, confirm
whether the database is bottle necked. If the database CPU is 100 percent utilized, then
check your application SQL calls query plans. For example, are your SQL calls using
indexes or doing linear searches? Also, confirm whether there are too many ORDER BY
clauses used in your application that are affecting the database CPU. See Chapter 4,
"Operating System Tuning".
If you discover that the database disk is the bottleneck (for example, if the disk is 100
percent utilized), try moving to faster disks or to a RAID (redundant array of
independent disks) configuration, assuming the application is not doing more writes
then required.
Once you know the database server is not the bottleneck, determine whether the
application server disk is the bottleneck. Some of the disk bottlenecks for application
server disks are:
■ Persistent Store writes
■ Transaction logging (tlogs)
■ HTTP logging
■ Server logging

3-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Performance Tuning Roadmap

The disk I/O on an application server can be optimized using faster disks or RAID,
disabling synchronous JMS writes, using JTA direct writes for tlogs, or increasing the
HTTP log buffer.

3.1.4 Monitor Data Transfers Across the Network

Check the amount of data transferred between the application and the application
server, and between the application server and the database server. This amount
should not exceed your network bandwidth; otherwise, your network becomes the
bottleneck. See Section 4, "Operating System Tuning."

3.1.5 Locate Bottlenecks in Your System

If you determine that neither the network nor the database server is the bottleneck,
start looking at your operating system, JVM, and WebLogic Server configurations.
Most importantly, is the machine running WebLogic Server able to get your target CPU
utilization with a high client load? If the answer is no, then check if there is any
locking taking place in the application. You should profile your application using a
commercially available tool (for example, JProbe or OptimizeIt) to pinpoint
bottlenecks and improve application performance.

Tip: Even if you find that the CPU is 100 percent utilized, you should
profile your application for performance improvements.

3.1.6 Minimize Impact of Bottlenecks

In this step, you tune your environment to minimize the impact of bottlenecks on your
performance objectives. It is important to realize that in this step you are minimizing
the impact of bottlenecks, not eliminating them. Tuning allows you to adjust resources
to achieve your performance objectives. For the scope of this document, this includes
(from most important to least important):
■ Section 3.1.7, "Tune Your Application"
■ Section 3.1.8, "Tune your DB"
■ Section 3.1.9, "Tune WebLogic Server Performance Parameters"
■ Section 3.1.10, "Tune Your JVM"
■ Section 3.1.11, "Tune the Operating System"
■ Section 8, "Tuning the WebLogic Persistent Store"

3.1.7 Tune Your Application

To quote the authors of Oracle WebLogic Server: Optimizing WebLogic Server Performance:
"Good application performance starts with good application design. Overly-complex
or poorly-designed applications will perform poorly regardless of the system-level
tuning and best practices employed to improve performance." In other words, a poorly
designed application can create unnecessary bottlenecks. For example, resource
contention could be a case of poor design, rather than inherent to the application
For more information, see:
■ Chapter 10, "Tuning WebLogic Server EJBs"
■ Chapter 11, "Tuning Message-Driven Beans"

Performance Tuning Roadmap 3-3

Tuning Tips

■ Chapter 12, "Tuning Data Sources"

■ Chapter 13, "Tuning Transactions"
■ Chapter 14, "Tuning WebLogic JMS"
■ Chapter 15, "Tuning WebLogic JMS Store-and-Forward"
■ Chapter 16, "Tuning WebLogic Message Bridge"
■ Chapter 17, "Tuning Resource Adapters"
■ Chapter 18, "Tuning Web Applications"
■ Chapter 19, "Tuning Web Services"
■ Chapter 20, "Tuning WebLogic Tuxedo Connector"

3.1.8 Tune your DB

Your database can be a major enterprise-level bottleneck. Database optimization can be
complex and vender dependent. See Section 9, "DataBase Tuning".

3.1.9 Tune WebLogic Server Performance Parameters

The WebLogic Server uses a number of OOTB (out-of-the-box) performance-related
parameters that can be fine-tuned depending on your environment and applications.
Tuning these parameters based on your system requirements (rather than running
with default settings) can greatly improve both single-node performance and the
scalability characteristics of an application. See Chapter 7, "Tuning WebLogic Server".

3.1.10 Tune Your JVM

The Java virtual machine (JVM) is a virtual "execution engine" instance that executes
the bytecodes in Java class files on a microprocessor. See Chapter 5, "Tuning Java
Virtual Machines (JVMs)".

3.1.11 Tune the Operating System

Each operating system sets default tuning parameters differently. For Windows
platforms, the default settings are usually sufficient. However, the UNIX and Linux
operating systems usually need to be tuned appropriately. See Chapter 4, "Operating
System Tuning".

3.1.12 Achieve Performance Objectives

Performance tuning is an iterative process. After you have minimized the impact of
bottlenecks on your system, go to Step 2, Section 3.1.2, "Measure Your Performance
Metrics" and determine if you have met your performance objectives.

3.2 Tuning Tips

This section provides tips and guidelines when tuning overall system performance:
■ Performance tuning is not a silver bullet. Simply put, good system performance
depends on: good design, good implementation, defined performance objectives,
and performance tuning.

3-4 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning Tips

■ Performance tuning is ongoing process. Implement mechanisms that provide

performance metrics which you can compare against your performance objectives,
allowing you to schedule a tuning phase before your system fails.
■ The object is to meet your performance objectives, not eliminate all bottlenecks.
Resources within a system are finite. By definition, at least one resource (CPU,
memory, or I/O) will be a bottleneck in the system. Tuning allows you minimize
the impact of bottlenecks on your performance objectives.
■ Design your applications with performance in mind:
– Keep things simple - avoid inappropriate use of published patterns.
– Apply Java EE performance patterns.
– Optimize your Java code.

Performance Tuning Roadmap 3-5

Tuning Tips

3-6 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Operating System Tuning

This chapter describes how to tune your operating system. Proper OS tuning improves
system performance by preventing the occurrence of error conditions. Operating
system error conditions always degrade performance. Typically most error conditions
are TCP tuning parameter related and are caused by the operating system's failure to
release old sockets from a close_wait call. Common errors are "connection
refused", "too many open files" on the server-side, and "address in use:
connect" on the client-side.
In most cases, these errors can be prevented by adjusting the TCP wait_time value
and the TCP queue size. Although users often find the need to make adjustments
when using tunnelling, OS tuning may be necessary for any protocol under
sufficiently heavy loads.
Tune your operating system according to your operating system documentation. For
Windows platforms, the default settings are usually sufficient. However, the Solaris
and Linux platforms usually need to be tuned appropriately.

Operating System Tuning 4-1

4-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server
Tuning Java Virtual Machines (JVMs)

This chapter describes how to configure JVM tuning options for WebLogic Server. The
Java virtual machine (JVM) is a virtual "execution engine" instance that executes the
bytecodes in Java class files on a microprocessor. How you tune your JVM affects the
performance of WebLogic Server and your applications.
■ Section 5.1, "JVM Tuning Considerations"
■ Section 5.2, "Which JVM for Your System?"
■ Section 5.3, "Garbage Collection"
■ Section 5.4, "Enable Spinning for IA32 Platforms"

5.1 JVM Tuning Considerations

The following table presents general JVM tuning considerations for WebLogic Server.

Table 5–1 General JVM Tuning Considerations

Tuning Factor Information Reference
JVM vendor and version Use only production JVMs on which WebLogic Server has been
certified. This release of WebLogic Server supports only those
JVMs that are Java SE 5.0-compliant.
See "Supported Configurations" in What's New in Oracle WebLogic
Server for links to the latest certification information on various
Tuning heap size and For WebLogic Server heap size tuning details, see Section 5.3,
garbage collection "Garbage Collection".
Choosing a GC (garbage Depending on your application, there are a number of GC
collection) scheme schemes available for managing your system memory, as
described in Section 5.3.2, "Choosing a Garbage Collection
Mixed client/server JVMs Deployments using different JVM versions for the client and
server are supported in WebLogic Server. See "Supported
Configurations" in What's New in Oracle WebLogic Server for links
to the latest supported mixed client/server JVMs.

Tuning Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) 5-1

Which JVM for Your System?

Table 5–1 (Cont.) General JVM Tuning Considerations

Tuning Factor Information Reference
UNIX threading models Choices you make about Solaris threading models can have a
large impact on the performance of your JVM on Solaris. You can
choose from multiple threading models and different methods of
synchronization within the model, but this varies from JVM to
See "Performance Documentation For the Java Hotspot Virtual
Machine: Threading" at

5.2 Which JVM for Your System?

Although this section focuses on the Java SE 5.0 JVM for the Windows, UNIX, and
Linux platforms, the JRockit JVM was developed expressly for server-side applications
and optimized for Intel architectures to ensure reliability, scalability, manageability,
and flexibility for Java applications. For more information about the benefits of using
JRockit on Windows and Linux platforms, see "Introduction to JRockit JDK" at
For more information on JVMs in general, see "Introduction to the JVM specification" at

5.2.1 Changing To a Different JVM

When you create a domain, if you choose to customize the configuration, the
Configuration Wizard presents a list of JDKs that WebLogic Server installed. From this
list, you choose the JVM that you want to run your domain and the wizard configures
the Oracle start scripts based on your choice. After you create a domain, if you want to
use a different JVM, see "Changing the JVM That Runs Servers" in Managing Server
Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server.

5.3 Garbage Collection

Garbage collection is the VM's process of freeing up unused Java objects in the Java
heap. The following sections provide information on tuning your VM's garbage
■ Section 5.3.1, "VM Heap Size and Garbage Collection"
■ Section 5.3.2, "Choosing a Garbage Collection Scheme"
■ Section 5.3.3, "Using Verbose Garbage Collection to Determine Heap Size"
■ Section 5.3.4, "Specifying Heap Size Values"
■ Section 5.3.8, "Automatically Logging Low Memory Conditions"
■ Section 5.3.9, "Manually Requesting Garbage Collection"
■ Section 5.3.10, "Requesting Thread Stacks"

5.3.1 VM Heap Size and Garbage Collection

The Java heap is where the objects of a Java program live. It is a repository for live
objects, dead objects, and free memory. When an object can no longer be reached from

5-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Garbage Collection

any pointer in the running program, it is considered "garbage" and ready for
collection. A best practice is to tune the time spent doing garbage collection to within
5% of execution time.
The JVM heap size determines how often and how long the VM spends collecting
garbage. An acceptable rate for garbage collection is application-specific and should be
adjusted after analyzing the actual time and frequency of garbage collections. If you
set a large heap size, full garbage collection is slower, but it occurs less frequently. If
you set your heap size in accordance with your memory needs, full garbage collection
is faster, but occurs more frequently.
The goal of tuning your heap size is to minimize the time that your JVM spends doing
garbage collection while maximizing the number of clients that WebLogic Server can
handle at a given time. To ensure maximum performance during benchmarking, you
might set high heap size values to ensure that garbage collection does not occur during
the entire run of the benchmark.
You might see the following Java error if you are running out of heap space:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError <<no stack trace available>>
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError <<no stack trace available>>
Exception in thread "main"

To modify heap space values, see Section 5.3.4, "Specifying Heap Size Values".
To configure WebLogic Server to detect automatically when you are running out of
heap space and to address low memory conditions in the server, see Section 5.3.8,
"Automatically Logging Low Memory Conditions" and Section 5.3.4, "Specifying Heap
Size Values".

5.3.2 Choosing a Garbage Collection Scheme

Depending on which JVM you are using, you can choose from several garbage
collection schemes to manage your system memory. For example, some garbage
collection schemes are more appropriate for a given type of application. Once you
have an understanding of the workload of the application and the different garbage
collection algorithms utilized by the JVM, you can optimize the configuration of the
garbage collection.
Refer to the following links for in-depth discussions of garbage collection options for
your JVM:
■ For an overview of the garbage collection schemes available with Sun's HotSpot
VM, see "Tuning Garbage Collection with the 5.0 Java Virtual Machine" at
■ For a comprehensive explanation of the collection schemes available, see
"Improving Java Application Performance and Scalability by Reducing Garbage Collection
Times and Sizing Memory Using JDK 1.4.1" at
■ For a discussion of the garbage collection schemes available with the JRockit JDK,
see "Using the JRockt Memory Management System" at
■ For some pointers about garbage collection from an HP perspective, see
"Performance tuning Java: Tuning steps" at

Tuning Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) 5-3

Garbage Collection

5.3.3 Using Verbose Garbage Collection to Determine Heap Size

The verbose garbage collection option (verbosegc) enables you to measure exactly
how much time and resources are put into garbage collection. To determine the most
effective heap size, turn on verbose garbage collection and redirect the output to a log
file for diagnostic purposes.
The following steps outline this procedure:
1. Monitor the performance of WebLogic Server under maximum load while running
your application.
2. Use the -verbosegc option to turn on verbose garbage collection output for your
JVM and redirect both the standard error and standard output to a log file.
This places thread dump information in the proper context with WebLogic Server
informational and error messages, and provides a more useful log for diagnostic
For example, on Windows and Solaris, enter the following:
% java -ms32m -mx200m -verbosegc -classpath $CLASSPATH
-Dweblogic.Name=%SERVER_NAME% -Dbea.home="C:\Oracle\Middleware"
-Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=%STARTMODE%"%WL_HOME%\server\lib\weblogic.policy" weblogic.Server
>> logfile.txt 2>&1

where the logfile.txt 2>&1 command redirects both the standard error and
standard output to a log file.
On HPUX, use the following option to redirect stderr stdout to a single file:

where $$ maps to the process ID (PID) of the Java process. Because the output
includes timestamps for when garbage collection ran, you can infer how often
garbage collection occurs.
3. Analyze the following data points:
a. How often is garbage collection taking place? In the weblogic.log file, compare
the time stamps around the garbage collection.
b. How long is garbage collection taking? Full garbage collection should not take
longer than 3 to 5 seconds.
c. What is your average memory footprint? In other words, what does the heap
settle back down to after each full garbage collection? If the heap always
settles to 85 percent free, you might set the heap size smaller.
4. Review the New generation heap sizes (Sun) or Nursery size (Jrockit).
■ For Jrockit: see Section 5.3.6, "JRockit JVM Heap Size Options".
■ For Sun: see Section 5.3.7, "Java HotSpot VM Heap Size Options".
5. Make sure that the heap size is not larger than the available free RAM on your
Use as large a heap size as possible without causing your system to "swap" pages
to disk. The amount of free RAM on your system depends on your hardware
configuration and the memory requirements of running processes on your

5-4 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Garbage Collection

machine. See your system administrator for help in determining the amount of
free RAM on your system.
6. If you find that your system is spending too much time collecting garbage (your
allocated virtual memory is more than your RAM can handle), lower your heap
Typically, you should use 80 percent of the available RAM (not taken by the
operating system or other processes) for your JVM.
7. If you find that you have a large amount of available free RAM remaining, run
more instances of WebLogic Server on your machine.
Remember, the goal of tuning your heap size is to minimize the time that your
JVM spends doing garbage collection while maximizing the number of clients that
WebLogic Server can handle at a given time.
JVM vendors may provide other options to print comprehensive garbage
collection reports. For example, you can use the JRockit JVM -Xgcreport option
to print a comprehensive garbage collection report at program completion, see
"Viewing Garbage Collection Behavior", at

5.3.4 Specifying Heap Size Values

System performance is greatly influenced by the size of the Java heap available to the
JVM. This section describes the command line options you use to define the heap sizes
values.You must specify Java heap size values each time you start an instance of
WebLogic Server. This can be done either from the java command line or by
modifying the default values in the sample startup scripts that are provided with the
WebLogic distribution for starting WebLogic Server.
■ Section 5.3.5, "Tuning Tips for Heap Sizes"
■ Section 5.3.6, "JRockit JVM Heap Size Options"
■ Section 5.3.7, "Java HotSpot VM Heap Size Options"

5.3.5 Tuning Tips for Heap Sizes

The following section provides general guidelines for tuning VM heap sizes:
■ The heap sizes should be set to values such that the maximum amount of memory
used by the VM does not exceed the amount of available physical RAM. If this
value is exceeded, the OS starts paging and performance degrades significantly.
The VM always uses more memory than the heap size. The memory required for
internal VM functionality, native libraries outside of the VM, and permanent
generation memory (for the Sun VM only: memory required to store classes and
methods) is allocated in addition to the heap size settings.
■ When using a generational garbage collection scheme, the nursery size should not
exceed more than half the total Java heap size. Typically, 25% to 40% of the heap
size is adequate.
■ In production environments, set the minimum heap size and the maximum heap
size to the same value to prevent wasting VM resources used to constantly grow
and shrink the heap. This also applies to the New generation heap sizes (Sun) or
Nursery size (Jrockit).

Tuning Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) 5-5

Garbage Collection

5.3.6 JRockit JVM Heap Size Options

Although JRockit provides automatic heap resizing heuristics, they are not optimal for
all applications. In most situations, best performance is achieved by tuning the VM for
each application by adjusting the heaps size options shown in the following table.

Table 5–2 JRockit JVM Heap Size Options

TASK Option Description
Setting the -Xns Optimally, you should try to make the
Nursery nursery as large as possible while still
keeping the garbage collection pause times
acceptably low. This is particularly important
if your application is creating a lot of
temporary objects.
The maximum size of a nursery cannot
exceed 95% of the maximum heap size.
Setting initial and -Xms Oracle recommends setting the minimum
minimum heap heap size (-Xms) equal to the maximum heap
size size (-Xmx) to minimize garbage collections.
Setting maximum -Xmx Setting a low maximum heap value compared
heap size to the amount of live data decrease
performance by forcing frequent garbage
Setting garbage -Xgc: parallel
Performs adaptive -XXaggressive:memory To do this, the bottleneck detector will run
optimizations as with a higher frequency from the start and
early as possible then gradually lower its frequency. This
in the Java options also tells JRockit to use the available
application run. memory aggressively.

For example, when you start a WebLogic Server instance from a java command line,
you could specify the JRockit VM heap size values as follows:
$ java -Xns10m -Xms512m -Xmx512m

The default size for these values is measured in bytes. Append the letter 'k' or 'K' to the
value to indicate kilobytes, 'm' or 'M' to indicate megabytes, and 'g' or 'G' to indicate
gigabytes. The example above allocates 10 megabytes of memory to the Nursery heap
sizes and 512 megabytes of memory to the minimum and maximum heap sizes for the
WebLogic Server instance running in the JVM.
For detailed information about setting the appropriate heap sizes for WebLogic's
JRockit JVM, see "Tuning the JRockit JVM" at
jvm/jrockit/webdocs/index.html. Other JRockit VM Options

Oracle provides other command-line options to improve the performance of your
JRockit VM. For detailed information, see "Command Line Reference " at

5-6 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Garbage Collection

5.3.7 Java HotSpot VM Heap Size Options

You achieve best performance by individually tuning each application. However,
configuring the Java HotSpot VM heap size options listed in the following table when
starting WebLogic Server increases performance for most applications.
These options may differ depending on your architecture and operating system. See
your vendor's documentation for platform-specific JVM tuning options.

Table 5–3 Java Heap Size Options

Task Option Comments
Setting the New -XX:NewSize As a general rule, set -XX:NewSize to be
generation heap size one-fourth the size of the heap size. Increase
the value of this option for larger numbers
of short-lived objects.
Be sure to increase the New generation as
you increase the number of processors.
Memory allocation can be parallel, but
garbage collection is not parallel.
Setting the maximum -XX:MaxNewSize Set the maximum size of the New
New generation heap Generation heap size.
Setting New heap size -XX:SurvivorRatio The New generation area is divided into
ratios three sub-areas: Eden, and two survivor
spaces that are equal in size.
Configure the ratio of the Eden/survivor
space size. Try setting this value to 8, and
then monitor your garbage collection.
Setting initial heap size -Xms As a general rule, set intial heap size
(-Xms) equal to the maximum heap size
(-Xmx) to minimize garbage collections.
Setting maximum heap -Xmx Set the maximum size of the heap.
Setting Big Heaps and -XX:+UseISM See
Intimate Shared Memory -XX:+AggressiveHeap

For example, when you start a WebLogic Server instance from a java command line,
you could specify the HotSpot VM heap size values as follows:
$ java -XX:NewSize=128m -XX:MaxNewSize=128m -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -Xms512m -Xmx512m

The default size for these values is measured in bytes. Append the letter 'k' or 'K' to the
value to indicate kilobytes, 'm' or 'M' to indicate megabytes, and 'g' or 'G' to indicate
gigabytes. The example above allocates 128 megabytes of memory to the New
generation and maximum New generation heap sizes, and 512 megabytes of memory
to the minimum and maximum heap sizes for the WebLogic Server instance running
in the JVM. Other Java HotSpot VM Options

Oracle provides other standard and non-standard command-line options to improve
the performance of your VM. How you use these options depends on how your
application is coded.
Test both your client and server JVMs to see which options perform better for your
particular application. See

Tuning Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) 5-7

Enable Spinning for IA32 Platforms
-140102.html for more information on the command-line options and environment
variables that can affect the performance characteristics of the Java HotSpot Virtual
For additional examples of the HotSpot VM options, see:
■ "Standard Options for Windows (Win32) VMs" at
■ "Standard Options for Solaris VMs and Linux VMs" at
The Java Virtual Machine document provides a detailed discussion of the Client and
Server implementations of the Java virtual machine for Java SE 5.0 at

5.3.8 Automatically Logging Low Memory Conditions

WebLogic Server enables you to automatically log low memory conditions observed
by the server. WebLogic Server detects low memory by sampling the available free
memory a set number of times during a time interval. At the end of each interval, an
average of the free memory is recorded and compared to the average obtained at the
next interval. If the average drops by a user-configured amount after any sample
interval, the server logs a low memory warning message in the log file and sets the
server health state to "warning." See "Log low memory conditions" in Oracle WebLogic
Server Administration Console Help.

5.3.9 Manually Requesting Garbage Collection

You may find it necessary to manually request full garbage collection from the
Administration Console. When you do, remember that garbage collection is costly as
the JVM often examines every living object in the heap. See "Manually request garbage
collection" in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.

5.3.10 Requesting Thread Stacks

You may find it necessary to display thread stacks while tuning your applications. See
"Display thread stacks" in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.

5.4 Enable Spinning for IA32 Platforms

If you are running a high-stress application with heavily contended locks on a
multiprocessor system, you can attempt to improve performance by using spinning.
This option enables the ability to spin the lock for a short time before going to sleep.

5.4.1 Sun JDK

Sun has changed the default lock spinning behavior in JDK 5.0 on the Windows IA32
platform. For the JDK 5.0 release, lock spinning is disabled by default. For this release,
Oracle has explicitly enabled spinning in the environment scripts used to start
WebLogic Server. To enable spinning, use the following VM option:

5-8 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Enable Spinning for IA32 Platforms

5.4.2 JRockit
The JRockit VM automatically adjusts the spinning for different locks, eliminating the
need set this parameter.

Tuning Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) 5-9

Enable Spinning for IA32 Platforms

5-10 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning WebLogic Diagnostic Framework and

JRockit Flight Recorder Integration

This chapter provides information on how to tune WLDF integration with JRockit
Mission Control Flight Recorder: WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) provides
specific integration points with JRockit Mission Control Flight Recorder. WebLogic
Server events are propagated to the Flight Recorder for inclusion in a common data set
for runtime or post-incident analysis. See "Using WLDF with Oracle JRockit Flight
Recorder" in Configuring and Using the Diagnostics Framework for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ Section 6.1, "Using JRockit Flight Recorder"
■ Section 6.2, "Using WLDF"
■ Chapter 6.3, "Tuning Considerations"

6.1 Using JRockit Flight Recorder

The version of Oracle JRockit that is provided with WebLogic Server includes a
component called JRockit Flight Recorder (JFR), a performance monitoring and
profiling tool that provides configuration options for controlling the events generated
by the JVM. For more information about JFR, see "Introduction to the Flight Recorder"
in Oracle JRockit JRockit Flight Recorder Run Time Guide.
You can enable JFR at runtime to take JRA recordings from the JRockit Management
Console. You also have the option of turning off the JFR and recordings at the JRockit
JVM level from the java command line using:
$ java -XX:-FlightRecorder

Note: If you use the -XX:-FlightRecorder option to disable JFR,

it disables all JRA support, including the ability to turn on JRA at

6.2 Using WLDF

WLDF provides the Diagnostic Volume attribute to set the amount of code
coverage that is enabled and the amount of data provided in the events that are
generated for the covered code. The volume can be adjusted using the WebLogic
Console, see "Configure WLDF diagnostic volume" in Oracle WebLogic Server
Administration Console Help. You can also set the volume using WLST. The following
code example sets the volume to Medium:
. . .

Tuning WebLogic Diagnostic Framework and JRockit Flight Recorder Integration 6-1
Tuning Considerations

. . .

JRockit and WLDF generate global events that contain information about the recording
settings even when disabled. For example, JVM Metadata events list active recordings
and WLDF GlobalInformationEvents list the domain, server, machine, and
volume level. You can use WLDF Image capture to capture JFR recordings along with
other component information from WebLogic Server, such as configuration.
The Diagnostic Volume setting does not affect explicitly configured diagnostic
modules. By default, the Diagnostic Volume is set to Low. By default the JRockit
default recording is also Off. Setting the WLDF volume to Low or higher enables
WLDF event generation and the JVM events which would have been included by
default if the JRockit default recording were enabled separately. So if you turn the
WLDF volume to Low, Medium, or High, you get WLDF events and JVM events
recorded in the JFR, there is no need to separately enable the JRockit default recording.

6.2.1 Using JRockit controls outside of WLDF to control the default JVM recording
You can enable the JVM default recording (or another recording) and continue to
generate JVM events regardless of the WLDF volume setting. This allows you to
continue to generate JVM events when WLDF events are off.

6.3 Tuning Considerations

In most environments, there is little performance impact when the Diagnostic
Volume is set to Low and the most performance impact if Diagnostic Volume is set
to High. The volume of diagnostic data produced by WebLogic Server needs to be
weighed against potential performance loss.

Note: There is a known issue that can cause a potentially large set of
JVM events to be generated when WLDF captures the JFR data to the
image capture. The events generated are at the same timestamp as the
WLDF image capture and are mostly large numbers of JIT compilation
events. With the default JFR and WLDF settings, these events are seen
only during the WLDF image capture can be ignored. The expectation
is that the VM events generating during Diagnostic Image capture
should have little performance impact, as they are generated in a short
window and are disabled during normal operation.

6-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

7Tuning WebLogic Server

This chapter describes how to tune WebLogic Server to match your application needs.
■ Section 7.1, "Setting Java Parameters for Starting WebLogic Server"
■ Section 7.2, "Development vs. Production Mode Default Tuning Values"
■ Section 7.4, "Thread Management"
■ Section 7.5, "Tuning Network I/O"
■ Section 7.6, "Setting Your Compiler Options"
■ Section 7.7, "Using WebLogic Server Clusters to Improve Performance"
■ Section 7.8, "Monitoring a WebLogic Server Domain"
■ Section 7.9, "Tuning Class and Resource Loading"
■ Section 7.10, "Server Migration with Database Leasing on RAC Clusters"

7.1 Setting Java Parameters for Starting WebLogic Server

Java parameters must be specified whenever you start WebLogic Server. For simple
invocations, this can be done from the command line with the weblogic.Server
command. However, because the arguments needed to start WebLogic Server from the
command line can be lengthy and prone to error, Oracle recommends that you
incorporate the command into a script. To simply this process, you can modify the
default values in the sample scripts that are provided with the WebLogic distribution
to start WebLogic Server, as described in "Specifying Java Options for a WebLogic
Server Instance" in Managing Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server.
If you used the Configuration Wizard to create your domain, the WebLogic startup
scripts are located in the domain-name directory where you specified your domain. By
default, this directory is MW_HOME\user_projects\domain\domain-name, where
MW_HOME is the Middleware Home directory containing the Oracle product
installation, and domain-name is the name of the domain directory defined by the
selected configuration template.
You need to modify some default Java values in these scripts to fit your environment
and applications. The important performance tuning parameters in these files are the
JAVA_HOME parameter and the Java heap size parameters:
■ Change the value of the variable JAVA_HOME to the location of your JDK. For
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdk160_11

Tuning WebLogic Server 7-1

Development vs. Production Mode Default Tuning Values

■ For higher performance throughput, set the minimum java heap size equal to the
maximum heap size. For example:
"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -server –Xms512m –Xmx512m -classpath %CLASSPATH% -

See Section 5.3.4, "Specifying Heap Size Values" for details about setting heap size

7.2 Development vs. Production Mode Default Tuning Values

You can indicate whether a domain is to be used in a development environment or a
production environment. WebLogic Server uses different default values for various
services depending on the type of environment you specify. Specify the startup mode
for your domain as shown in the following table.

Table 7–1 Startup Modes

Choose this mode when . . .
Development You are creating your applications. In this mode, the
configuration of security is relatively relaxed, allowing you to
auto-deploy applications.
Production Your application is running in its final form. In this mode,
security is fully configured.

The following table lists the performance-related configuration parameters that differ
when switching from development to production startup mode.

Table 7–2 Differences Between Development and Production Modes

Tuning Parameter In development mode . . . In production mode . . .
SSL You can use the demonstration You should not use the
digital certificates and the demonstration digital
demonstration keystores provided certificates and the
by the WebLogic Server security demonstration keystores. If
services. With these certificates, you do so, a warning message
you can design your application is displayed.
to work within environments
secured by SSL.
For more information about
managing security, see
"Configuring SSL" in Securing
WebLogic Server.
Deploying Applications WebLogic Server instances can The auto-deployment feature is
automatically deploy and update disabled, so you must use the
applications that reside in the WebLogic Server
domain_name/autodeploy Administration Console, the
directory (where domain_name is weblogic.Deployer tool, or the
the name of a domain). WebLogic Scripting Tool
(WLST). For more information,
It is recommended that this
see "Understanding WebLogic
method be used only in a
Server Deployment" in
single-server development
Deploying Applications to Oracle
WebLogic Server.
For more information, see
"Auto-Deploying Applications in
Development Domains" in
Deploying Applications to Oracle
WebLogic Server.

7-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Thread Management

For information on switching the startup mode from development to production, see
"Change to Production Mode" in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console

7.3 Deployment
The following sections provide information on how to improve deployment
■ Section 7.3.1, "On-demand Deployment of Internal Applications"
■ Section 7.3.2, "Use FastSwap Deployment to Minimize Redeployment Time"
■ Section 7.3.3, "Generic Overrides"

7.3.1 On-demand Deployment of Internal Applications

WebLogic Server deploys many internal applications during startup. Many of these
internal applications are not needed by every user. You can configure WebLogic Server
to wait and deploy these applications on the first access (on-demand) instead of
always deploying them during server startup. This can conserve memory and CPU
time during deployment as well as improving startup time and decreasing the base
memory footprint for the server.For a development domain, the default is for WLS to
deploy internal applications on-demand. For a production-mode domain, the default
is for WLS to deploy internal applications as part of server startup. For more
information on how to use and configure this feature, see On-demand Deployment of
Internal Applications in Deploying Applications to Oracle WebLogic Server.

7.3.2 Use FastSwap Deployment to Minimize Redeployment Time

In deployment mode, you can set WebLogic Server to redefine Java classes in-place
without reloading the ClassLoader. This means that you do not have to wait for an
application to redeploy and then navigate back to wherever you were in the Web page
flow. Instead, you can make your changes, auto compile, and then see the effects
immediately. For more information on how to use and configure this feature, see Using
FastSwap Deployment to Minimize Redeployment in Deploying Applications to
WebLogic Server.

7.3.3 Generic Overrides

Generic overrides allow you to override application specific property files without
having to crack a jar file by placing application specific files to be overridden into the
AppFileOverrides optional subdirectory. For more information on how to use and
configure this feature, see Generic File Loading Overrides in Deploying Applications
to WebLogic Server.

7.4 Thread Management

WebLogic Server provides the following mechanisms to manage threads to perform
■ Section 7.4.1, "Tuning a Work Manager"
■ Section 7.4.4, "Tuning Execute Queues"
■ Section 7.4.5, "Understanding the Differences Between Work Managers and
Execute Queues"

Tuning WebLogic Server 7-3

Thread Management

■ Section 7.4.7, "Tuning the Stuck Thread Detection Behavior"

7.4.1 Tuning a Work Manager

In this release, WebLogic Server allows you to configure how your application
prioritizes the execution of its work. Based on rules you define and by monitoring
actual runtime performance, WebLogic Server can optimize the performance of your
application and maintain service level agreements (SLA).
You tune the thread utilization of a server instance by defining rules and constraints
for your application by defining a Work Manger and applying it either globally to
WebLogic Server domain or to a specific application component. The primary tuning
considerations are:
■ Section 7.4.2, "How Many Work Managers are Needed?"
■ Section 7.4.3, "What are the SLA Requirements for Each Work Manager?"
See "Using Work Managers to Optimize Scheduled Work" in Configuring Server
Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server.

7.4.2 How Many Work Managers are Needed?

Each distinct SLA requirement needs a unique work manager.

7.4.3 What are the SLA Requirements for Each Work Manager?
Service level agreement (SLA) requirements are defined by instances of request classes.
A request class expresses a scheduling guideline that a server instance uses to allocate
threads. See "Understanding Work Managers" in Configuring Server Environments for
Oracle WebLogic Server.

7.4.4 Tuning Execute Queues

In previous versions of WebLogic Server, processing was performed in multiple
execute queues. Different classes of work were executed in different queues, based on
priority and ordering requirements, and to avoid deadlocks. See Appendix A, "Using
the WebLogic 8.1 Thread Pool Model.".

Note: Oracle recommends migrating applications to use work


7.4.5 Understanding the Differences Between Work Managers and Execute Queues
The easiest way to conceptually visualize the difference between the execute queues of
previous releases with work managers is to correlate execute queues (or rather,
execute-queue managers) with work managers and decouple the one-to-one
relationship between execute queues and thread-pools.
For releases prior to WebLogic Server 9.0, incoming requests are put into a default
execute queue or a user-defined execute queue. Each execute queue has an associated
execute queue manager that controls an exclusive, dedicated thread-pool with a fixed
number of threads in it. Requests are added to the queue on a first-come-first-served
basis. The execute-queue manager then picks the first request from the queue and an
available thread from the associated thread-pool and dispatches the request to be
executed by that thread.

7-4 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning Network I/O

For releases of WebLogic Server 9.0 and higher, there is a single priority-based execute
queue in the server. Incoming requests are assigned an internal priority based on the
configuration of work managers you create to manage the work performed by your
applications. The server increases or decreases threads available for the execute queue
depending on the demand from the various work-managers. The position of a request
in the execute queue is determined by its internal priority:
■ The higher the priority, closer it is placed to the head of the execute queue.
■ The closer to the head of the queue, more quickly the request will be dispatched a
thread to use.
Work managers provide you the ability to better control thread utilization (server
performance) than execute-queues, primarily due to the many ways that you can
specify scheduling guidelines for the priority-based thread pool. These scheduling
guidelines can be set either as numeric values or as the capacity of a server-managed
resource, like a JDBC connection pool.

7.4.6 Migrating from Previous Releases

If you upgrade application domains from prior releases that contain execute queues,
the resulting 9.x domain will contain execute queues.
■ Migrating application domains from a previous release to WebLogic Server 9.x
does not automatically convert an execute queues to work manager.
■ If execute queues are present in the upgraded application configuration, the server
instance assigns work requests appropriately to the execute queue specified in the
■ Requests without a dispatch-policy use the self-tuning thread pool.
See "Roadmap for Upgrading Your Application Environment" in Upgrade Guide for
Oracle WebLogic Server.

7.4.7 Tuning the Stuck Thread Detection Behavior

WebLogic Server automatically detects when a thread in an execute queue becomes
"stuck." Because a stuck thread cannot complete its current work or accept new work,
the server logs a message each time it diagnoses a stuck thread.
WebLogic Server diagnoses a thread as stuck if it is continually working (not idle) for a
set period of time. You can tune a server's thread detection behavior by changing the
length of time before a thread is diagnosed as stuck, and by changing the frequency
with which the server checks for stuck threads. Although you can change the criteria
WebLogic Server uses to determine whether a thread is stuck, you cannot change the
default behavior of setting the "warning" and "critical" health states when all threads
in a particular execute queue become stuck. For more information, see "Configuring
WebLogic Server to Avoid Overload Conditions" in Configuring Server Environments for
Oracle WebLogic Server. To configure stuck thread detection behavior, see "Tuning
execute thread detection behavior" in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console

7.5 Tuning Network I/O

The following sections provide information on network communication between
clients and servers (including T3 and IIOP protocols, and their secure versions):
■ Section 7.5.1, "Tuning Muxers"

Tuning WebLogic Server 7-5

Tuning Network I/O

■ Section 7.5.2, "Which Platforms Have Performance Packs?"

■ Section 7.5.3, "Enabling Performance Packs"
■ Section 7.5.4, "Changing the Number of Available Socket Readers"
■ Section 7.5.5, "Network Channels"
■ Section 7.5.6, "Reducing the Potential for Denial of Service Attacks"
■ Section 7.5.7, "Tune the Chunk Parameters"
■ Section 7.5.8, "Tuning Connection Backlog Buffering"
■ Section 7.5.9, "Tuning Cached Connections"

7.5.1 Tuning Muxers

WebLogic Server uses software modules called muxers to read incoming requests on
the server and incoming responses on the client. WebLogic Server supports the
following muxers:
■ Section, "Java Muxer"
■ Section, "Native Muxers"
■ Section, "Non-Blocking IO Muxer"
WebLogic Server selects which muxer implementation is using the following criteria:
■ If the Muxer Class attribute is set to weblogic.socket.NIOSocketMuxer or
-Dweblogic.MuxerClass=weblogic.socket.NIOSocketMuxer flag is set,
the NIOSocketMuxer is used.
■ If NativeIOEnabled is false and MuxerClass is null, the Java Socket Muxer
is used.
■ If NativeIOEnabled is true and MuxerClass is null, native muxers are used,
if available for your platform.
Client applications use the Java socket muxer. Java Muxer

A Java muxer has the following characteristics:
■ Uses pure Java to read data from sockets.
■ It is also the only muxer available for RMI clients.
■ Blocks on reads until there is data to be read from a socket. This behavior does not
scale well when there are a large number of sockets and/or when data arrives
infrequently at sockets. This is typically not an issue for clients, but it can create a
huge bottleneck for a server.
If the Enable Native IO parameter is not selected, the server instance exclusively
uses the Java muxer. This maybe acceptable if there are a small number of clients and
the rate at which requests arrive at the server is fairly high. Under these conditions, the
Java muxer performs as well as a native muxer and eliminate Java Native Interface
(JNI) overhead. Unlike native muxers, the number of threads used to read requests is
not fixed and is tunable for Java muxers by configuring the Percent Socket
Readers parameter setting in the Administration Console. See Section 7.5.4,
"Changing the Number of Available Socket Readers". Ideally, you should configure
this parameter so the number of threads roughly equals the number of remote
concurrently connected clients up to 50% of the total thread pool size. Each thread

7-6 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning Network I/O

waits for a fixed amount of time for data to become available at a socket. If no data
arrives, the thread moves to the next socket. Native Muxers

Native muxers use platform-specific native binaries to read data from sockets. The
majority of all platforms provide some mechanism to poll a socket for data. For
example, Unix systems use the poll system call and the Windows architecture uses
completion ports. Native muxers provide superior scalability because they implement
a non-blocking thread model. When a native muxer is used, the server creates a fixed
number of threads dedicated to reading incoming requests. Oracle recommends using
the default setting of true for the Enable Native IO parameter which allows the
server to automatically select the appropriate muxer to use. See "Enable native IO" in
Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.
With native muxers, you may be able to improve throughput for some cpu-bound
applications (for example, SpecJAppServer) by using the following:

where xx is the amount of time, in microseconds, to delay before checking if data is

available. The default value is 0, which corresponds to no delay. Non-Blocking IO Muxer

WebLogic Server provides a non-blocking IO implementation that may provide
enhanced performance for some applications. See "Enable NIOSocketMuxer" in Oracle
WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.

Note: The Certicom SSL implementation is not supported with

WebLogic Server’s non-blocking IO implementation
(weblogic.socket.NIOSocketMuxer). If you need to enable
secure communication between applications, Oracle supports
implementing JSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension). For more
information, see "Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)" in Understanding Security
for Oracle WebLogic Server.

7.5.2 Which Platforms Have Performance Packs?

Benchmarks show major performance improvements when you use native
performance packs on machines that host WebLogic Server instances. Performance
packs use a platform-optimized, native socket multiplexor to improve server
performance. For example, the native socket reader multiplexor threads have their
own execute queue and do not borrow threads from the default execute queue, which
frees up default execute threads to do application work
To see which platforms currently have performance packs available:
1. See "Supported Configurations" in What's New in Oracle WebLogic Server to find
links to the latest Certifications Pages.
2. Select your platform from the list of certified platforms.
3. Use your browser's Edit > Find to locate all instances of "Performance Pack" to
verify whether it is included for the platform.

Tuning WebLogic Server 7-7

Tuning Network I/O

7.5.3 Enabling Performance Packs

The use of NATIVE performance packs are enabled by default in the configuration
shipped with your distribution. You can use the Administration Console to verify that
performance packs are enabled. See "Enable native IO" in Oracle WebLogic Server
Administration Console Help.

7.5.4 Changing the Number of Available Socket Readers

If you must use the pure-Java socket reader implementation for host machines, you
can improve the performance of socket communication by configuring the proper
number of socket reader threads for each server instance and client machine. See
"Tuning the number of available socket readers" in Oracle WebLogic Server
Administration Console Help.

7.5.5 Network Channels

Network channels, also called network access points, allow you to specify different
quality of service (QOS) parameters for network communication. Each network
channel is associated with its own exclusive socket using a unique IP address and port.
By default, requests from a multi-threaded client are multiplexed over the same
remote connection and the server instance reads requests from the socket one at a time.
If the request size is large, this becomes a bottleneck.
Although the primary role of a network channel is to control the network traffic for a
server instance, you can leverage the ability to create multiple custom channels to
allow a multi-threaded client to communicate with server instance over multiple
connections, reducing the potential for a bottleneck. To configure custom
multi-channel communication, use the following steps:
1. Configure multiple network channels using different IP and port settings. See
"Configure custom network channels" in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration
Console Help.
2. In your client-side code, use a JNDI URL pattern similar to the pattern used in
clustered environments. The following is an example for a client using two
network channels:

See "Understanding Network Channels" in Configuring Server Environments for Oracle

WebLogic Server.

7.5.6 Reducing the Potential for Denial of Service Attacks

To reduce the potential for Denial of Service (DoS) attacks while simultaneously
optimizing system availability, WebLogic Server allows you to specify the following
■ Maximum incoming message size
■ Complete message timeout
■ Number of file descriptors (UNIX systems)
For optimal system performance, each of these settings should be appropriate for the
particular system that hosts WebLogic Server and should be in balance with each
other, as explained in the sections that follow.

7-8 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning Network I/O Tuning Message Size

WebLogic Server allows you to specify a maximum incoming request size to prevent
server from being bombarded by a series of large requests. You can set a global value
or set specific values for different protocols and network channels. Although it does
not directly impact performance, JMS applications that aggregate messages before
sending to a destination may be refused if the aggregated size is greater than specified
value. See "Servers: Protocols: General" in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console
Help and Section 14.15, "Tuning Applications Using Unit-of-Order". Tuning Complete Message Timeout

Make sure that the complete message timeout parameter is configured properly for
your system. This parameter sets the maximum number of seconds that a server waits
for a complete message to be received.
The default value is 60 seconds, which applies to all connection protocols for the
default network channel. This setting might be appropriate if the server has a number
of high-latency clients. However, you should tune this to the smallest possible value
without compromising system availability.
If you need a complete message timeout setting for a specific protocol, you can
alternatively configure a new network channel for that protocol.
For information about displaying the Administration Console page from which the
complete message timeout parameter can be set, see "Configure protocols" in the
Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help. Tuning Number of File Descriptors

On UNIX systems, each socket connection to WebLogic Server consumes a file
descriptor. To optimize availability, the number of file descriptors for WebLogic Server
should be appropriate for the host machine. By default, WebLogic Server configures
1024 file descriptors. However, this setting may be low, particularly for production
Note that when you tune the number of file descriptors for WebLogic Server, your
changes should be in balance with any changes made to the complete message timeout
parameter. A higher complete message timeout setting results in a socket not closing
until the message timeout occurs, which therefore results in a longer hold on the file
descriptor. So if the complete message timeout setting is high, the file descriptor limit
should also be set high. This balance provides optimal system availability with
reduced potential for denial-of-service attacks.
For information about how to tune the number of available file descriptors, consult
your UNIX vendor’s documentation.

7.5.7 Tune the Chunk Parameters

A chunk is a unit of memory that the WebLogic Server network layer, both on the
client and server side, uses to read data from and write data to sockets. To reduce
memory allocation costs, a server instance maintains a pool of these chunks. For
applications that handle large amounts of data per request, increasing the value on
both the client and server sides can boost performance. The default chunk size is about
4K. Use the following properties to tune the chunk size and the chunk pool size:
■ weblogic.Chunksize—Sets the size of a chunk (in bytes). The primary situation
in which this may need to be increased is if request sizes are large. It should be set
to values that are multiples of the network's maximum transfer unit (MTU), after

Tuning WebLogic Server 7-9

Setting Your Compiler Options

subtracting from the value any Ethernet or TCP header sizes. Set this parameter to
the same value on the client and server.
■—Sets the maximum size of the chunk
pool. The default value is 2048. The value may need to be increased if the server
starts to allocate and discard chunks in steady state. To determine if the value
needs to be increased, monitor the CPU profile or use a memory/ heap profiler for
call stacks invoking the constructor
■ weblogic.PartitionSize—Sets the number of pool partitions used (default is
4). The chunk pool can be a source of significant lock contention as each request to
access to the pool must be synchronized. Partitioning the thread pool spreads the
potential for contention over more than one partition.

7.5.8 Tuning Connection Backlog Buffering

You can tune the number of connection requests that a WebLogic Server instance will
accept before refusing additional requests. The Accept Backlog parameter specifies
how many Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connections can be buffered in a wait
queue. This fixed-size queue is populated with requests for connections that the TCP
stack has received, but the application has not accepted yet. For more information on
TCP tuning, see Section 4, "Operating System Tuning."
You can tune the number of connection requests that a WebLogic Server instance will
accept before refusing additional requests, see "Tune connection backlog buffering" in
Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.

7.5.9 Tuning Cached Connections

Use the http.keepAliveCache.socketHealthCheckTimeout system property
for tuning the behavior of how a socket connection is returned from the cache when
keep-alive is enabled when using HTTP 1.1 protocol. By default, the cache does not
check the health condition before returning the cached connection to the client for use.
Under some conditions, such as due to an unstable network connection, the system
needs to check the connection's health condition before returning it to the client. To
enable this behavior (checking the health condition), set
http.keepAliveCache.socketHealthCheckTimeout to a value greater than 0.

7.6 Setting Your Compiler Options

You may improve performance by tuning your server's compiler options.

7.6.1 Compiling EJB Classes

Use the weblogic.appc utility to compile EJB container classes. If you compile Jar
files for deployment into the EJB container, you must use weblogic.appc to generate
the container classes. By default, ejbc uses the javac compiler. You may be able to
improve performance by specifying a different compiler (such as IBM Jikes) using
the -compiler flag or using the Administration console. For more information, see:
■ "Implementing Enterprise Java Beans" in Programming WebLogic Enterprise
JavaBeans for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ "Configure compiler options" in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.

7.6.2 Setting JSP Compiler Options

The following sections provide information on tuning JSP compiler options:

7-10 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Using WebLogic Server Clusters to Improve Performance

■ Section, "Precompile JSPs"

■ Section, "Optimize Java Expressions" Precompile JSPs

In the weblogic.xml file, the jsp-descriptor element defines parameter names and
values for servlet JSPs. Use the precompile parameter to configure WebLogic Server
to precompile your JSPs when WebLogic Server starts up. See the jsp-descriptor
element in Developing Web Applications, Servlets, and JSPs for Oracle WebLogic Server.
If you receive the following error message received when compiling JSP files on a
UNIX machine:
failed: Not enough space

Try any or all of the following solutions:

■ Add more RAM if you have only 256 MB.
■ Raise the file descriptor limit, for example:
set rlim_fd_max = 4096
set rlim_fd_cur = 1024 Optimize Java Expressions

Set the optimize-java-expression element to optimize Java expressions to improve
runtime performance. See jsp-descriptor in Developing Web Applications,
Servlets, and JSPs for Oracle WebLogic Server.

7.7 Using WebLogic Server Clusters to Improve Performance

A WebLogic Server cluster is a group of WebLogic Servers instances that together
provide fail-over and replicated services to support scalable high-availability
operations for clients within a domain. A cluster appears to its clients as a single server
but is in fact a group of servers acting as one to provide increased scalability and
A domain can include multiple WebLogic Server clusters and non-clustered WebLogic
Server instances. Clustered WebLogic Server instances within a domain behave
similarly to non-clustered instances, except that they provide failover and load
balancing. The Administration Server for the domain manages all the configuration
parameters for the clustered and non-clustered instances.
For more information about clusters, see "Understanding WebLogic Server Clustering"
in Using Clusters for Oracle WebLogic Server.

7.7.1 Scalability and High Availability

Scalability is the ability of a system to grow in one or more dimensions as more
resources are added to the system. Typically, these dimensions include (among other
things), the number of concurrent users that can be supported and the number of
transactions that can be processed in a given unit of time.
Given a well-designed application, it is entirely possible to increase performance by
simply adding more resources. To increase the load handling capabilities of WebLogic
Server, add another WebLogic Server instance to your cluster—without changing your
application. Clusters provide two key benefits that are not provided by a single server:
scalability and availability.

Tuning WebLogic Server 7-11

Using WebLogic Server Clusters to Improve Performance

WebLogic Server clusters bring scalability and high-availability to Java EE applications

in a way that is transparent to application developers. Scalability expands the capacity
of the middle tier beyond that of a single WebLogic Server or a single computer. The
only limitation on cluster membership is that all WebLogic Servers must be able to
communicate by IP multicast. New WebLogic Servers can be added to a cluster
dynamically to increase capacity.
A WebLogic Server cluster guarantees high-availability by using the redundancy of
multiple servers to insulate clients from failures. The same service can be provided on
multiple servers in a cluster. If one server fails, another can take over. The ability to
have a functioning server take over from a failed server increases the availability of the
application to clients.

Note: Provided that you have resolved all application and

environment bottleneck issues, adding additional servers to a cluster
should provide linear scalability. When doing benchmark or initial
configuration test runs, isolate issues in a single server environment
before moving to a clustered environment.

Clustering in the Messaging Service is provided through distributed destinations;

connection concentrators, and connection load-balancing (determined by connection
factory targeting); and clustered Store-and-Forward (SAF). Client load-balancing with
respect to distributed destinations is tunable on connection factories. Distributed
destination Message Driven Beans (MDBs) that are targeted to the same cluster that
hosts the distributed destination automatically deploy only on cluster servers that host
the distributed destination members and only process messages from their local
destination. Distributed queue MDBs that are targeted to a different server or cluster
than the host of the distributed destination automatically create consumers for every
distributed destination member. For example, each running MDB has a consumer for
each distributed destination queue member.

7.7.2 How to Ensure Scalability for WebLogic Clusters

In general, any operation that requires communication between the servers in a cluster
is a potential scalability hindrance. The following sections provide information on
issues that impact the ability to linearly scale clustered WebLogic servers:
■ Section 7.7.3, "Database Bottlenecks"
■ Section 7.7.4, "Session Replication"
■ Section 7.7.5, "Asynchronous HTTP Session Replication"
■ Section 7.7.6, "Invalidation of Entity EJBs"
■ Section 7.7.7, "Invalidation of HTTP sessions"
■ Section 7.7.8, "JNDI Binding, Unbinding and Rebinding"

7.7.3 Database Bottlenecks

In many cases where a cluster of WebLogic servers fails to scale, the database is the
bottleneck. In such situations, the only solutions are to tune the database or reduce
load on the database by exploring other options. See Chapter 9, "DataBase Tuning" and
Chapter 12, "Tuning Data Sources".

7-12 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Using WebLogic Server Clusters to Improve Performance

7.7.4 Session Replication

User session data can be stored in two standard ways in a Java EE application: stateful
session EJBs or HTTP sessions. By themselves, they are rarely a impact cluster
scalability. However, when coupled with a session replication mechanism required to
provide high-availability, bottlenecks are introduced. If a Java EE application has Web
and EJB components, you should store user session data in HTTP sessions:
■ HTTP session management provides more options for handling fail-over, such as
replication, a shared DB or file.
■ Superior scalability.
■ Replication of the HTTP session state occurs outside of any transactions. Stateful
session bean replication occurs in a transaction which is more resource intensive.
■ The HTTP session replication mechanism is more sophisticated and provides
optimizations a wider variety of situations than stateful session bean replication.
See Section 18.2, "Session Management".

7.7.5 Asynchronous HTTP Session Replication

Asynchronous replication of http sessions provides the option of choosing
asynchronous session replication using:
■ Section, "Asynchronous HTTP Session Replication using a Secondary
■ Section, "Asynchronous HTTP Session Replication using a Database" Asynchronous HTTP Session Replication using a Secondary Server

Set the PersistentStoreType to async-replicated or async-replicated-if-clustered to
specify asynchronous replication of data between a primary server and a secondary
server. See session-descriptor section of Developing Web Applications, Servlets, and
JSPs for Oracle WebLogic Server. To tune batched replication, adjust the
SessionFlushThreshold parameter.
Replication behavior depends on cluster type. The following table describes how
asynchronous replication occurs for a given cluster topology.

Table 7–3 Asynchronous Replication Behavior by Cluster Topology

Topology Behavior
LAN Replication to a secondary server within the same cluster occurs
asynchronously with the "async-replication" setting in the
MAN Replication to a secondary server in a remote cluster. This
happens asynchronously with the "async-replication" setting in
the webapp.
WAN Replication to a secondary server within the cluster happens
asynchronously with the "async-replication" setting in the
webapp. Persistence to a database through a remote cluster
happens asynchronously regardless of whether
"async-replication" or "replication" is chosen.

The following section outlines asynchronous replication session behavior:

■ During undeployment or redeployment:

Tuning WebLogic Server 7-13

Using WebLogic Server Clusters to Improve Performance

– The session is unregistered and removed from the update queue.

– The session on the secondary server is unregistered.
■ If the application is moved to admin mode, the sessions are flushed and replicated
to the secondary server. If secondary server is down, the system attempts to
failover to another server.
■ A server shutdown or failure state triggers the replication of any batched sessions
to minimize the potential loss of session information. Asynchronous HTTP Session Replication using a Database

Set the PersistentStoreType to async-jdbc to specify asynchronous replication of data to
a database. See session-descriptor section of Developing Web Applications, Servlets,
and JSPs for Oracle WebLogic Server. To tune batched replication, adjust the
SessionFlushThreshold and the SessionFlushInterval parameters.
The following section outlines asynchronous replication session behavior:
■ During undeployment or redeployment:
– The session is unregistered and removed from the update queue.
– The session is removed from the database.
■ If the application is moved to admin mode, the sessions are flushed and replicated
to the database.

7.7.6 Invalidation of Entity EJBs

This applies to entity EJBs that use a concurrency strategy of Optimistic or
ReadOnly with a read-write pattern.
Optimistic—When an Optimistic concurrency bean is updated, the EJB container
sends a multicast message to other cluster members to invalidate their local copies of
the bean. This is done to avoid optimistic concurrency exceptions being thrown by the
other servers and hence the need to retry transactions. If updates to the EJBs are
frequent, the work done by the servers to invalidate each other's local caches become a
serious bottleneck. A flag called cluster-invalidation-disabled (default false)
is used to turn off such invalidations. This is set in the rdbms descriptor file.
ReadOnly with a read-write pattern—In this pattern, persistent data that would
otherwise be represented by a single EJB are actually represented by two EJBs: one
read-only and the other updatable. When the state of the updateable bean changes, the
container automatically invalidates corresponding read-only EJB instance. If updates
to the EJBs are frequent, the work done by the servers to invalidate the read-only EJBs
becomes a serious bottleneck.

7.7.7 Invalidation of HTTP sessions

Similar to Section 7.7.6, "Invalidation of Entity EJBs", HTTP sessions can also be
invalidated. This is not as expensive as entity EJB invalidation, since only the session
data stored in the secondary server needs to be invalidated. Oracle advises users to not
invalidate sessions unless absolutely required.

7.7.8 JNDI Binding, Unbinding and Rebinding

In general, JNDI binds, unbinds and rebinds are expensive operations. However, these
operations become a bigger bottleneck in clustered environments because JNDI tree

7-14 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Monitoring a WebLogic Server Domain

changes have to be propagated to all members of a cluster. If such operations are

performed too frequently, they can reduce cluster scalability significantly.

7.7.9 Running Multiple Server Instances on Multi-Core Machines

With multi-core machines, additional consideration must be given to the ratio of the
number of available cores to clustered WebLogic Server instances. Because WebLogic
Server has no built-in limit to the number of server instances that reside in a cluster,
large, multi-core servers, can potentially host very large clusters or multiple clusters.
Consider the following when determining the optimal ratio of cores to WebLogic
server instances:
■ The memory requirements of the application. Choose the heap sizes of individual
instance and the total number of instances to ensure that you're providing
sufficient memory for the application and achieving good GC performance. For
some applications, allocating very large heaps to a single instance may lead to
longer GC pause times. In this case the performance may benefit from increasing
the number of instances and giving each instance a smaller heap.
■ Maximizing CPU utilization. While WebLogic Server is capable of utilizing
multiple cores per instance, for some applications increasing the number of
instances on a given machine (reducing the number of cores per instance) can
improve CPU utilization and overall performance.

7.8 Monitoring a WebLogic Server Domain

The following sections provide information on how to monitor WebLogic Server
■ Section 7.8.1, "Using the Administration Console to Monitor WebLogic Server"
■ Section 7.8.2, "Using the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework"
■ Section 7.8.3, "Using JMX to Monitor WebLogic Server"
■ Section 7.8.4, "Using WLST to Monitor WebLogic Server"
■ Section 7.8.6, "Third-Party Tools to Monitor WebLogic Server"

7.8.1 Using the Administration Console to Monitor WebLogic Server

The tool for monitoring the health and performance of your WebLogic Server domain
is the Administration Console. See "Monitor servers" in Oracle WebLogic Server
Administration Console Help.

7.8.2 Using the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework

The WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF) is a monitoring and diagnostic
framework that defines and implements a set of services that run within WebLogic
Server processes and participate in the standard server life cycle. See "Overview of the
WLDF Architecture" in Configuring and Using the Diagnostics Framework for Oracle
WebLogic Server.

7.8.3 Using JMX to Monitor WebLogic Server

WebLogic Server provides its own set of MBeans that you can use to configure,
monitor, and manage WebLogic Server resources. See "Understanding WebLogic

Tuning WebLogic Server 7-15

Tuning Class and Resource Loading

Server MBeans" in Developing Custom Management Utilities With JMX for Oracle
WebLogic Server.

7.8.4 Using WLST to Monitor WebLogic Server

The WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) is a command-line scripting interface that system
administrators and operators use to monitor and manage WebLogic Server instances
and domains. See "Understanding WebLogic Server MBeans" in Developing Custom
Management Utilities With JMX for Oracle WebLogic Server.

7.8.5 Resources to Monitor WebLogic Server

The Oracle Technology Network at provides product
downloads, articles, sample code, product documentation, tutorials, white papers,
news groups, and other key content for WebLogic Server.

7.8.6 Third-Party Tools to Monitor WebLogic Server

Oracle partners with other companies that provide production monitoring and
management tools.

7.9 Tuning Class and Resource Loading

The default class and resource loading default behavior in WebLogic Server is to
search the classloader hierarchy beginning with the root. As a result, the full system
classpath is searched for every class or resource loading request, even if the class or
resource belongs to the application. For classes and resources that are only looked up
once (for example: classloading during deployment), the cost of the full classpath
search is typically not a serious problem. For classes and resources that are requested
repeatedly by an application at runtime (explicit application calls to loadClass or
getResource) the CPU and memory overhead of repeatedly searching a long system
and application classpath can be significant. The worst case scenario is when the
requested class or resource is missing. A missing class or resource results in the cost of
a full scan of the classpath and is compounded by the fact that if an application fails
to find the class/resource it is likely to request it repeatedly. This problem is more
common for resources than for classes.
Ideally, application code is optimized to avoid requests for missing classes and
resources and frequent repeated calls to load the same class/resource. While it is not
always possible to fix the application code (for example, a third party library), an
alternative is to use WebLogic Server's "Filtering Loader Mechanism".

7.9.1 Filtering Loader Mechanism

WebLogic Server provides a filtering loader mechanism that allows the system
classpath search to be bypassed when looking for specific application classes and
resources that are on the application classpath. This mechanism requires a user
configuration that specifies the specific classes and resources that bypass the system
classpath search. See "Using a Filtering Classloader" in Developing Applications for
Oracle WebLogic Server.
New for this release is the ability to filter resource loading requests. The basic
configuration of resource filtering is specified in
META-INF/weblogic-application.xml file and is similar to the class filtering.
The the syntax for filtering resources is shown in the following example:

7-16 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Server Migration with Database Leasing on RAC Clusters


In this example, resource filtering has been configured for the exact resource name
"x/y" and for any resource whose name starts with "z". '*' is the only wild card pattern
allowed. Resources with names matching these patterns are searched for only on the
application classpath, the system classpath search is skipped.

Note: If you add a class or resource to the filtering configuration and

subsequently get exceptions indicating the class or resource isn't
found, the most likely cause is that the class or resource is on the
system classpath, not on the application classpath.

7.9.2 Class Caching

WebLogic Server allows you to enable class caching for faster start ups. Once you
enable caching, the server records all the classes loaded until a specific criterion is
reached and persists the class definitions in an invisible file. When the server restarts,
the cache is checked for validity with the existing code sources and the server uses the
cache file to bulk load the same sequence of classes recorded in the previous run. If
any change is made to the system classpath or its contents, the cache will be
invalidated and re-built on server restart.
The advantages of using class caching are:
■ Reduces server startup time.
■ The package level index reduces search time for all classes and resources.
For more information, see Configuring Class Caching in Developing Applications for
Oracle WebLogic Server.

Note: Class caching is supported in development mode when

starting the server using a startWebLogic script. Class caching is
disabled by default and is not supported in production mode. The
decrease in startup time varies among different JRE vendors.

7.10 Server Migration with Database Leasing on RAC Clusters

When using server migration with database leasing on RAC Clusters, Oracle
recommends synchronizing all RAC nodes in the environment. If the nodes are not
synchronized, it is possible that a managed server that is renewing a lease will
evaluate that the value of the clock on the RAC node is greater than the timeout value
of leasing table. If it is more than 30 seconds, the server will fail and restart with the
following log message:
<Mar 29, 2013 2:39:09 PM EDT> <Error> <Cluster> <BEA-000150> <Server failed
to get a connection to the database in the past 60 seconds for lease renewal.
Server will shut itself down.>

See "Configuring Time Synchronization for the Cluster" in the Oracle Grid Infrastructure
Installation Guide.

Tuning WebLogic Server 7-17

Server Migration with Database Leasing on RAC Clusters

7-18 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

8Tuning the WebLogic Persistent Store

This chapter describes how to tune the persistent store, which provides a built-in,
high-performance storage solution for WebLogic Server subsystems and services that
require persistence.
■ Section 8.1, "Overview of Persistent Stores"
■ Section 8.2, "Best Practices When Using Persistent Stores"
■ Section 8.3, "Tuning JDBC Stores"
■ Section 8.4, "Tuning File Stores"
■ Section 8.5, "Using a Network File System"
Before reading this chapter, Oracle recommends becoming familiar with WebLogic
store administration and monitoring. See Using the WebLogic Persistent Store in
Configuring Server Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server.

8.1 Overview of Persistent Stores

The following sections provide information on using persistent stores.
■ Section 8.1.1, "Using the Default Persistent Store"
■ Section 8.1.2, "Using Custom File Stores and JDBC Stores"
■ Section 8.1.3, "Using a JDBC TLOG Store"
■ Section 8.1.4, "Using JMS Paging Stores"
■ Section 8.1.5, "Using Diagnostic Stores"

8.1.1 Using the Default Persistent Store

Each server instance, including the administration server, has a default persistent store
that requires no configuration. The default store is a file-based store that maintains its
data in a group of files in a server instance's data\store\default directory. A
directory for the default store is automatically created if one does not already exist.
This default store is available to subsystems that do not require explicit selection of a
particular store and function best by using the system's default storage mechanism.
For example, a JMS Server with no persistent store configured will use the default
store for its Managed Server and will support persistent messaging. See:
■ Using the WebLogic Persistent Store in Configuring Server Environments for Oracle
WebLogic Server.
■ Modify the Default Store Settings in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console

Tuning the WebLogic Persistent Store 8-1

Overview of Persistent Stores

8.1.2 Using Custom File Stores and JDBC Stores

In addition to using the default file store, you can also configure a file store or JDBC
store to suit your specific needs. A custom file store, like the default file store,
maintains its data in a group of files in a directory. However, you may want to create a
custom file store so that the file store's data is persisted to a particular storage device.
When configuring a file store directory, the directory must be accessible to the server
instance on which the file store is located.
A JDBC store can be configured when a relational database is used for storage. A JDBC
store enables you to store persistent messages in a standard JDBC-capable database,
which is accessed through a designated JDBC data source. The data is stored in the
JDBC store's database table, which has a logical name of WLStore. It is up to the
database administrator to configure the database for high availability and
performance. See:
■ When to Use a Custom Persistent Store in Configuring Server Environments for
Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ Comparing File Stores and JDBC Stores in Configuring Server Environments for
Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ Creating a Custom (User-Defined) File Store in Configuring Server Environments for
Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ Creating a JDBC Store in Configuring Server Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server.

8.1.3 Using a JDBC TLOG Store

You can configure a JDBC TLOG store to persist transaction logs to a database, which
allows you to leverage replication and HA characteristics of the underlying database,
simplify disaster recovery, and improve Transaction Recovery service migration. See
"Using a JDBC TLog Store" in Configuring Server Environments for Oracle WebLogic

8.1.4 Using JMS Paging Stores

Each JMS server implicitly creates a file based paging store. When the WebLogic
Server JVM runs low on memory, this store is used to page non-persistent messages as
well as persistent messages. Depending on the application, paging stores may generate
heavy disk activity.
You can optionally change the directory location and the threshold settings at which
paging begins. You can improve performance by locating paging store directories on a
local file system, preferably in a temporary directory. Paging store files do not need to
be backed up, replicated, or located in universally accessible location as they are
automatically repopulated each time a JMS server restarts. See JMS Server Behavior in
WebLogic Server 9.x and Later in Configuring and Managing JMS for Oracle WebLogic

Note: Paged persistent messages are potentially physical stored in

two different places:
■ Always in a recoverable default or custom store.
■ Potentially in a paging directory.

8-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Best Practices When Using Persistent Stores Using Flash Storage to Page JMS Messages

You can often improve paging performance for JMS messages (persistent or
non-persistent) by configuring JMS server paging directories to reference a directory
on a locally mounted enterprise-class flash storage device. This can be significantly
faster than other technologies

Note: Most Flash storage devices are a single point of failure and are
typically only accessible as a local device. They are suitable for JMS
server paging stores which do not recover data after a failure and
automatically reconstruct themselves as needed.
In most cases, Flash storage devices are not suitable for custom or
default stores which typically contains data that must be safely
recoverable. A configured Directory attribute of a default or custom
store should not normally reference a directory that is on a single
point of failure device.

Use the following steps to use a Flash storage device to page JMS messages:
1. Set the JMS server Message Paging Directory attribute to the path of your
flash storage device, see Section 14.12.1, "Specifying a Message Paging Directory."
2. Tune the Message Buffer Size attribute (it controls when paging becomes
active). You may be able to use lower threshold values as faster I/O operations
provide improved load absorption. See Section 14.12.2, "Tuning the Message
Buffer Size Option."
3. Tune JMS Server quotas to safely account for any Flash storage space limitations.
This ensures that your JMS server(s) will not attempt to page more messages than
the device can store, potentially yielding runtime errors and/or automatic
shutdowns. As a conservative rule of thumb, assume page file usage will be at
least 1.5 * ((Maximum Number of Active Messages) * (512 + average message body
size)) rounded up to the nearest 16MB. See Section 14.7, "Defining Quota."

8.1.5 Using Diagnostic Stores

The Diagnostics store is a file store that implicitly always uses the Disabled
synchronous write policy. It is dedicated to storing WebLogic server diagnostics
information. One diagnostic store is configured per WebLogic Server instance. See
"Configuring Diagnostic Archives" in Configuring and Using the Diagnostics Framework
for Oracle WebLogic Server.

8.2 Best Practices When Using Persistent Stores

■ For subsystems that share the same server instance, share one store between
multiple subsystems rather than using a store per subsystem. Sharing a store is
more efficient for the following reasons:
– A single store batches concurrent requests into single I/Os which reduces
overall disk usage.
– Transactions in which only one resource participates are lightweight
one-phase transactions. Conversely, transactions in which multiple stores
participate become heavier weight two-phase transactions.
For example, configure all SAF agents and JMS servers that run on the same server
instance so that they share the same store.

Tuning the WebLogic Persistent Store 8-3

Tuning JDBC Stores

■ Add a new store only when the old store(s) no longer scale.

8.3 Tuning JDBC Stores

The following section provides information on tuning JDBC Stores:
■ Under heavy JDBC store I/O loads, you can improve performance by configuring
a JDBC store to use multiple JDBC connections to concurrently process I/O
operations. See "Enabling I/O Multithreading for JDBC Stores" in Configuring
Server Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ When using Oracle BLOBS, you may be able to improve performance by tuning
the ThreeStepThreshold value. See "Enabling Oracle BLOB Record Columns"
in Configuring Server Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ The location of the JDBC store DDL that is used to initialize empty stores is now
configurable. This simplifies the use of custom DDL for database table creation,
which is sometimes used for database specific performance tuning. For
information, see "Create JDBC stores" in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration
Console Help and "Using the WebLogic Persistent Store" in Configuring Server
Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server.

8.4 Tuning File Stores

The following section provides information on tuning File Stores:
■ Section 8.4.1, "Basic Tuning Information"
■ Section 8.4.2, "Tuning a File Store Direct-Write-With-Cache Policy"
■ Section 8.4.3, "Tuning the File Store Direct-Write Policy"
■ Section 8.4.4, "Tuning the File Store Block Size"

8.4.1 Basic Tuning Information

The following section provides general information on tuning File Stores:
■ For basic (non-RAID) disk hardware, consider dedicating one disk per file store. A
store can operate up to four to five times faster if it does not have to compete with
any other store on the disk. Remember to consider the existence of the default file
store in addition to each configured store and a JMS paging store for each JMS
■ For custom and default file stores, tune the Synchronous Write Policy.
– There are three transactionally safe synchronous write policies:
Direct-Write-With-Cache, Direct-Write, and Cache-Flush.
Direct-Write-With-Cache is generally has the best performance of these
policies, Cache-Flush generally has the lowest performance, and
Direct-Write is the default. Unlike other policies,
Direct-Write-With-Cache creates cache files in addition to primary files.
– The Disabled synchronous write policy is transactionally unsafe. The
Disabled write-policy can dramatically improve performance, especially at
low client loads. However, it is unsafe because writes become asynchronous
and data can be lost in the event of Operating System or power failure.
– See Guidelines for Configuring a Synchronous Write Policy in Configuring
Server Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server.

8-4 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning File Stores

Note: Certain older versions of Microsoft Windows may incorrectly

report storage device synchronous write completion if the Windows
default Write Cache Enabled setting is used. This violates the
transactional semantics of transactional products (not specific to
Oracle), including file stores configured with a Direct-Write
(default) or Direct-Write-With-Cache policy, as a system crash
or power failure can lead to a loss or a duplication of
records/messages. One of the visible symptoms is that this problem
may manifest itself in high persistent message/transaction
throughput exceeding the physical capabilities of your storage device.
You can address the problem by applying a Microsoft supplied patch,
disabling the Windows Write Cache Enabled setting, or by using
a power-protected storage device. See and

■ When performing head-to-head vendor comparisons, make sure all the write
policies for the persistent store are equivalent. Some non-WebLogic vendors
default to the equivalent of Disabled.
■ Depending on the synchronous write policy, custom and default stores have a
variety of additional tunable attributes that may improve performance. These
include CacheDirectory, MaxWindowBufferSize, IOBufferSize,
BlockSize, InitialSize, and MaxFileSize. For more information see the
JMSFileStoreMBean in the Oracle WebLogic Server MBean Reference.

Note: .The JMSFileStoreMBean is deprecated, but the individual

bean attributes apply to the non-deprecated beans for custom and
default file stores.

■ If disk performance continues to be a bottleneck, consider purchasing disk or

RAID controller hardware that has a built-in write-back cache. These caches
significantly improve performance by temporarily storing persistent data in
volatile memory. To ensure transactionally safe write-back caches, they must be
protected against power outages, host machine failure, and operating system
failure. Typically, such protection is provided by a battery-backed write-back

8.4.2 Tuning a File Store Direct-Write-With-Cache Policy

The Direct-Write-With-Cache synchronous write policy is commonly the highest
performance option that still provides transactionally safe disk writes. It is typically
not as high-performing as the Disabled synchronous write policy, but the Disabled
policy is not a safe option for production systems unless you have some means to
prevent loss of buffered writes during a system failure.
Direct-Write-With-Cache file stores write synchronously to a primary set of files
in the location defined by the Directory attribute of the file store configuration. They
also asynchronously write to a corresponding temporary cache file in the location
defined by the CacheDirectory attribute of the file store configuration. The cache
directory and the primary file serve different purposes and require different locations.
In many cases, primary files should be stored in remote storage for high availability,

Tuning the WebLogic Persistent Store 8-5

Tuning File Stores

whereas cache files are strictly for performance and not for high availability and can be
stored locally.
When the Direct-Write-With-Cache synchronous write policy is selected, there
are several additional tuning options that you should consider:
■ Setting the CacheDirectory. For performance reasons, the cache directory
should be located on a local file system. It is placed in the operating system temp
directory by default.
■ Increasing the MaxWindowBufferSize and IOBufferSize attributes. These
tune native memory usage of the file store.
■ Increasing the InitialSize and MaxFileSize tuning attributes. These tune
the initial size of a store, and the maximum file size of a particular file in the store
■ Tune the BlockSize attribute. SeeSection 8.4.4, "Tuning the File Store Block Size."
For more information on individual tuning parameters, see the JMSFileStoreMBean in
the Oracle WebLogic Server MBean Reference. Using Flash Storeage to Increase Performance

You can gain additional I/O performance by using enterprise-class flash drives, which
can be significantly faster than spinning disks for accessing data in real-time
applications and allows you to free up memory for other processing tasks.
Simply update the CacheDirectory attribute with the path to your flash storage
device and ensure that the device contains sufficient free storage to accommodate a
full copy of the store's primary files. See the CacheDirectory attribute in the Oracle
WebLogic Server MBean Reference. Additional Considerations

Consider the following when tuning the Direct-Write-With-Cache policy:
■ There may be additional security and file locking considerations when using the
Direct-Write-With-Cache synchronous write policy. See Securing a Production
Environment for Oracle WebLogic Server and the CacheDirectory and
LockingEnabled attributes of the JMSFileStoreMBean in the Oracle WebLogic
Server MBean Reference.
– The JMSFileStoreMBean is deprecated, but the individual bean attributes
apply to the non-deprecated beans for custom and default file stores.
■ It is safe to delete a cache directory while the store is not running, but this may
slow down the next store boot. Cache files are re-used to speed up the file store
boot and recovery process, but only if the store's host WebLogic server has been
shut down cleanly prior to the current boot (not after kill -9, nor after an
OS/JVM crash) and there was no off-line change to the primary files (such as a
store admin compaction). If the existing cache files cannot be safely used at boot
time, they are automatically discarded and new files are created. In addition, a
Warning log 280102 is generated. After a migration or failover event, this same
Warning message is generated, but can be ignored.
■ If the a Direct-Write-With-Cache file store fails to load a wlfileio native
driver, the synchronous write policy automatically changes to the equivalent of
Direct-Write with AvoidDirectIO=true. To view a running custom or
default file store's configured and actual synchronous write policy and driver,
examine the server log for WL-280008 and WL-280009 messages.

8-6 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning File Stores

■ To prevent unused cache files from consuming disk space, test and development
environments may need to be modified to periodically delete cache files that are
left over from temporarily created domains. In production environments, cache
files are managed automatically by the file store.

8.4.3 Tuning the File Store Direct-Write Policy

Deprecation Note: The AvoidDirectIO properties described in this

section are still supported in this release, but have been deprecated as
of 11gR1PS2. Use the configurable Direct-Write-With-Cache
synchronous write policy as an alternative to the Direct-Write

For file stores with the synchronous write policy of Direct-Write, you may be
directed by Oracle Support or a release note to set weblogic.Server options on the
command line or start script of the JVM that runs the store:
■ Globally changes all stores running in the JVM:

■ For a single store, where store-name is the name of the store:

■ For the default store, where server-name is the name of the server hosting the

Setting AvoidDirectIO on an individual store overrides the setting of the global option. For example: If you have two stores,
A and B, and set the following options:

then only store B has the setting AvoidDirectIO=true.

Note: Setting the AvoidDirectIO option may have performance

implications which often can be mitigated using the block size setting
described in Section 8.4.4, "Tuning the File Store Block Size."

8.4.4 Tuning the File Store Block Size

You may want to tune the file store block size for file stores that are configured with a
synchronous write policy of Direct-Write (default), Direct-Write-With-Cache,
or Cache-Flush, especially when using Direct-Write with
AvoidDirectIO=true as described in Section 8.4.3, "Tuning the File Store
Direct-Write Policy" or for systems with a hard-drive-based write-back cache where
you see that performance is limited by physical storage latency.
Consider the following example:
■ A single WebLogic JMS producer sends persistent messages one by one.
■ The network overhead is known to be negligible.

Tuning the WebLogic Persistent Store 8-7

Tuning File Stores

■ The file store's disk drive has a 10,000 RPM rotational rate.
■ The disk drive has a battery-backed write-back cache.
and the messaging rate is measured at 166 messages per second.
In this example, the low messaging rate matches the disk drive's latency (10,000 RPM
/ 60 seconds = 166 RPS) even though a much higher rate is expected due to the
battery-backed write-back cache. Tuning the store's block size to match the file
systems' block size could result in a significant improvement.
In some other cases, tuning the block size may result in marginal or no improvement:
■ The caches are observed to yield low latency (so the I/O subsystem is not a
significant bottleneck).
■ Write-back caching is not used and performance is limited by larger disk drive
There may be a trade off between performance and file space when using higher block
sizes. Multiple application records are packed into a single block only when they are
written concurrently. Consequently, a large block size may cause a significant increase
in store file sizes for applications that have little concurrent server activity and
produce small records. In this case, one small record is stored per block and the
remaining space in each block is unused. As an example, consider a Web Service
Reliable Messaging (WS-RM) application with a single producer that sends small 100
byte length messages, where the application is the only active user of the store.
Oracle recommends tuning the store block size to match the block size of the file
system that hosts the file store (typically 4096 for most file systems) when this yields a
performance improvement. Alternately, tuning the block size to other values (such as
paging and cache units) may yield performance gains. If tuning the block size does not
yield a performance improvement, Oracle recommends leaving the block size at the
default as this helps to minimize use of file system resources. Setting the Block Size for a File Store

Deprecation Note: The BlockSize command line properties that

are described in this section are still supported in 11gR1PS2, but are
deprecated. Oracle recommends using the BlockSize configurable
on custom and default file stores instead.

To set the block size of a store, use one of the following properties on the command
line or start script of the JVM that runs the store:
■ Globally sets the block size of all file stores that don't have pre-existing files.

■ Sets the block size for a specific file store that doesn’t have pre-existing files.

■ Sets the block size for the default file store, if the store doesn’t have pre-existing
files: BlockSize=block-size

The value used to set the block size is an integer between 512 and 8192 which is
automatically rounded down to the nearest power of 2.

8-8 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Using a Network File System

Setting BlockSize on an individual store overrides the setting of the global option. For example: If you have two stores, A and
B, and set the following options:

then store B has a block size of 8192 and store A has a block size of 512.

Note: Setting the block size using command line properties only
takes effect for file stores that have no pre-existing files. If a store has
pre-existing files, the store continues to use the block size that was set
when the store was first created. Determining the File Store Block Size

You can verify a file store's current block size and synchronous write policy by
viewing the server log of the server that hosts the store. Search for a "280009" store
opened message. Determining the File System Block Size

To determine your file system's actual block size, consult your operating system
documentation. For example:
■ Linux ext2 and ext3 file systems: run /sbin/dumpe2fs /dev/device-name
and look for "Block size"
■ Windows NTFS: run fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo device letter: and look
for "Bytes Per Cluster" Converting a Store with Pre-existing Files

If the data in a store’s pre-existing files do not need to be preserved, then simply
shutdown the host WebLogic Server instance and delete the files to allow the block
size to change when the store is restarted. If you need to preserve the data, convert a
store with pre-existing files to a different block size by creating a version of the file
store with the new block size using the compact command of the command line store
administration utility:
1. java
2. Type help for available commands.
3. Storeadmin->compact -dir file-store-directory
See "Store Administration Using a Java Command-line" in Configuring Server
Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server.

8.5 Using a Network File System

The following sections provide information on using a WebLogic Perstistent Store with
a Network File System (NFS):
■ Section 8.5.1, "Configuring Synchronous Write Policies"
■ Section 8.5.2, "Test Server Restart Behavior"
■ Section 8.5.3, "Handling NFS Locking Errors"

Tuning the WebLogic Persistent Store 8-9

Using a Network File System

8.5.1 Configuring Synchronous Write Policies

NFS storage may not fully protect transactional data, as it may be configured to
silently buffer synchronous write requests in volatile memory. If a file store Directory
is located on an NFS mount, and the file store’s Synchronous Write Policy is anything
other than Disabled, check your NFS implementation and configuration to make sure
that it is configured to support synchronous writes. A Disabled synchronous write
policy does not perform synchronous writes, but, as a consequence, is generally not
transactionally safe. You may detect undesirable buffering of synchronous write
requests by observing high persistent message or transaction throughput that exceeds
the physical capabilities of your storage device. On the NFS server, check the
synchronous write setting of the exported NFS directory hosting your File Store. A
SAN based file store, or a JDBC store, may provide an easier solution for safe
centralized storage.

8.5.2 Test Server Restart Behavior

Oracle strongly recommends verifying the behavior of a server restart after abrupt
machine failures when the JMS messages and transaction logs are stored on an NFS
mounted directory. Depending on the NFS implementation, different issues can arise
after a failover or restart. The behavior can be verified by abruptly shutting down the
node hosting the Web Logic servers while these are running. If the server is configured
for server migration, it should be started automatically in the failover node after the
corresponding failover period. If not, a manual restart of the WebLogic Server on the
same host (after the node has completely rebooted) can be performed.

8.5.3 Handling NFS Locking Errors

Note: You can configure a NFS v4 based Network Attached Storage

(NAS) server to release locks within the approximate time required to
complete server migration. If you tune and test your NFS v4
environment, you do not need to follow the procedures in this section.
See your storage vendor's documentation for information on locking
files stored in NFS-mounted directories on the storage device.

If Oracle WebLogic Server does not restart after abrupt machine failure when JMS
messages and transaction logs are stored on NFS mounted directory, the following
errors may appear in the server log files:

Example 8–1 Store Restart Failure Error Message

MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a z> <Error> <Store> <BEA-280061> <The persistent store "_
WLS_server_soa1" could not be deployed:
[Store:280021]There was an error while opening the file store file "_WLS_SERVER_
... Error from fcntl() for file locking, Resource temporarily
unavailable, errno=11

This error is due to the NFS system not releasing the lock on the stores. WebLogic
Server maintains locks on files used for storing JMS data and transaction logs to
protect from potential data corruption if two instances of the same WebLogic Server

8-10 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Using a Network File System

are accidentally started. The NFS storage device does not become aware of machine
failure in a timely manner and the locks are not released by the storage device. As a
result, after abrupt machine failure, followed by a restart, any subsequent attempt by
WebLogic Server to acquire locks on the previously locked files may fail. Refer to your
storage vendor documentation for additional information on the locking of files stored
in NFS mounted directories on the storage device. If it is not reasonably possible to
tune locking behavior in your NFS environment, use one of the following two
solutions to unlock the logs and data files.
Use one of the following two solutions to unlock the logs and data files:
■ Section, "Solution 1 - Copying Data Files to Remove NFS Locks"
■ Section, "Solution 2 - Disabling File Locks in WebLogic Server File Stores" Solution 1 - Copying Data Files to Remove NFS Locks

Manually unlock the logs and JMS data files and start the servers by creating a copy of
the locked persistence store file and using the copy for subsequent operations. To
create a copy of the locked persistence store file, rename the file, and then copy it back
to its original name. The following sample steps assume that transaction logs are
stored in the /shared/tlogs directory and JMS data is stored in the /shared/jms

Example 8–2 Sample Steps to Remove NFS Locks

cd /shared/tlogs
mv _WLS_SOA_SERVER1000000.DAT _WLS_SOA_SERVER1000000.DAT.old
cp _WLS_SOA_SERVER1000000.DAT.old _WLS_SOA_SERVER1000000.DAT
cd /shared/jms

With this solution, the WebLogic file locking mechanism continues to provide
protection from any accidental data corruption if multiple instances of the same
servers were accidently started. However, the servers must be restarted manually after
abrupt machine failures. File stores will create multiple consecutively numbered.DAT
files when they are used to store large amounts of data. All files may need to be copied
and renamed when this occurs.

Tuning the WebLogic Persistent Store 8-11

Using a Network File System Solution 2 - Disabling File Locks in WebLogic Server File Stores

Note: With this solution, since the WebLogic Server locking is

disabled, automated server restarts and failovers should succeed. Be
very cautious, however, when using this option. The WebLogic file
locking feature is designed to help prevent severe file corruptions that
can occur in undesired concurrency scenarios. If the server using the
file store is configured for server migration, always configure the
database based leasing option. This enforces additional locking
mechanisms using database tables, and prevents automated restart of
more than one instance of the same WebLogic Server. Additional
procedural precautions must be implemented to avoid any human
error and to ensure that one and only one instance of a server is
manually started at any give point in time. Similarly, extra precautions
must be taken to ensure that no two domains have a store with the
same name that references the same directory.

You can also use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to disable WebLogic file
locking mechanisms for the default file store, a custom file store, a JMS paging file
store, and a Diagnostics file store, as described in the following sections:
■ Section, "Disabling File Locking for the Default File Store"
■ Section, "Disabling File Locking for a Custom File Store"
■ Section, "Disabling File Locking for a JMS Paging File Store"
■ Section, "Disabling File Locking for a Diagnostics File Store" Disabling File Locking for the Default File Store Follow these steps to disable file
locking for the default file store using the WebLogic Server Administration Console:
1. If necessary, click Lock & Edit in the Change Center (upper left corner) of the
Administration Console to get an Edit lock for the domain.
2. 2.In the Domain Structure tree, expand the Environment node and select Servers.
3. In the Summary of Servers list, select the server you want to modify.
4. Select the Configuration > Services tab.
5. Scroll down to the Default Store section and click Advanced.
6. Scroll down and deselect the Enable File Locking check box.
7. Click Save to save the changes. If necessary, click Activate Changes in the Change
8. Restart the server you modified for the changes to take effect.
The resulting config.xml entry looks like:

Example 8–3 Example config.xml Entry for Disabling File Locking for a Default File Store

8-12 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Using a Network File System

</server> Disabling File Locking for a Custom File Store Use the following steps to disable
file locking for a custom file store using the WebLogic Server Administration Console:
1. If necessary, click Lock & Edit in the Change Center (upper left corner) of the
Administration Console to get an Edit lock for the domain.
2. In the Domain Structure tree, expand the Services node and select Persistent
3. In the Summary of Persistent Stores list, select the custom file store you want to
4. On the Configuration tab for the custom file store, click Advanced to display
advanced store settings.
5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and deselect the Enable File Locking check
6. Click Save to save the changes. If necessary, click Activate Changes in the Change
7. If the custom file store was in use, you must restart the server for the changes to
take effect.
The resulting config.xml entry looks like:

Example 8–4 Example config.xml Entry for Disabling File Locking for a Custom File
</file-store> Disabling File Locking for a JMS Paging File Store Use the following steps to
disable file locking for a JMS paging file store using the WebLogic Server
Administration Console:
1. If necessary, click Lock & Edit in the Change Center (upper left corner) of the
Administration Console to get an Edit lock for the domain.
2. In the Domain Structure tree, expand the Services node, expand the Messaging
node, and select JMS Servers.
3. In the Summary of JMS Servers list, select the JMS server you want to modify.
4. On the Configuration > General tab for the JMS Server, scroll down and deselect
the Paging File Locking Enabled check box.

Tuning the WebLogic Persistent Store 8-13

Using a Network File System

5. Click Save to save the changes. If necessary, click Activate Changes in the Change
6. Restart the server you modified for the changes to take effect.
The resulting config.xml entry looks like:

Example 8–5 Example config.xml Entry for Disabling File Locking for a JMS Paging File
</jms-server> Disabling File Locking for a Diagnostics File Store Use the following steps to
disable file locking for a Diagnostics file store using the WebLogic Server
Administration Console:
1. If necessary, click Lock & Edit in the Change Center (upper left corner) of the
Administration Console to get an Edit lock for the domain.
2. In the Domain Structure tree, expand the Diagnostics node and select Archives.
3. In the Summary of Diagnostic Archives list, select the server name of the archive
that you want to modify.
4. On the Settings for [server_name] page, deselect the Diagnostic Store File
Locking Enabled check box.
5. Click Save to save the changes. If necessary, click Activate Changes in the Change
6. Restart the server you modified for the changes to take effect.
The resulting config.xml entry looks like:

Example 8–6 Example config.xml Entry for Disabling File Locking for a Diagnostics File

8-14 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

9DataBase Tuning

This chapter describes how to tune your database to prevent it from becoming a major
enterprise-level bottleneck. Configure your database for optimal performance by
following the tuning guidelines in this chapter and in the product documentation for
the database you are using.
■ Section 9.1, "General Suggestions"
■ Section 9.2, "Database-Specific Tuning"

9.1 General Suggestions

This section provides general database tuning suggestions:
■ Good database design — Distribute the database workload across multiple disks
to avoid or reduce disk overloading. Good design also includes proper sizing and
organization of tables, indexes, and logs.
■ Disk I/O optimization — Disk I/O optimization is related directly to throughput
and scalability. Access to even the fastest disk is orders of magnitude slower than
memory access. Whenever possible, optimize the number of disk accesses. In
general, selecting a larger block/buffer size for I/O reduces the number of disk
accesses and might substantially increase throughput in a heavily loaded
production environment.
■ Checkpointing — This mechanism periodically flushes all dirty cache data to disk,
which increases the I/O activity and system resource usage for the duration of the
checkpoint. Although frequent checkpointing can increase the consistency of
on-disk data, it can also slow database performance. Most database systems have
checkpointing capability, but not all database systems provide user-level controls.
Oracle, for example, allows administrators to set the frequency of checkpoints
while users have no control over SQLServer 7.x checkpoints. For recommended
settings, see the product documentation for the database you are using.
■ Disk and database overhead can sometimes be dramatically reduced by batching
multiple operations together and/or increasing the number of operations that run
in parallel (increasing concurrency). Examples:
– Increasing the value of the Message bridge BatchSize or the
Store-and-Forward WindowSize can improve performance as larger batch
sizes produce fewer but larger I/Os.
– Programmatically leveraging JDBC's batch APIs.
– Use the MDB transaction batching feature. See Chapter 11, "Tuning
Message-Driven Beans".

DataBase Tuning 9-1

Database-Specific Tuning

– Increasing concurrency by increasing max-beans-in-free-pool and

thread pool size for MDBs (or decreasing it if batching can be leveraged).

9.2 Database-Specific Tuning

The following sections provide basic tuning suggestions for Oracle, SQL Server, and
■ Section 9.2.1, "Oracle"
■ Section 9.2.2, "Microsoft SQL Server"
■ Section 9.2.3, "Sybase"

Note: Always check the tuning guidelines in your database-specific

vendor documentation.

9.2.1 Oracle
This section describes performance tuning for Oracle.
■ Number of processes — On most operating systems, each connection to the Oracle
server spawns a shadow process to service the connection. Thus, the maximum
number of processes allowed for the Oracle server must account for the number of
simultaneous users, as well as the number of background processes used by the
Oracle server. The default number is usually not big enough for a system that
needs to support a large number of concurrent operations. For platform-specific
issues, see your Oracle administrator's guide. The current setting of this parameter
can be obtained with the following query:
SELECT name, value FROM v$parameter WHERE name = 'processes';

■ Buffer pool size —The buffer pool usually is the largest part of the Oracle server
system global area (SGA). This is the location where the Oracle server caches data
that it has read from disk. For read-mostly applications, the single most important
statistic that affects data base performance is the buffer cache hit ratio. The buffer
pool should be large enough to provide upwards of a 95% cache hit ratio. Set the
buffer pool size by changing the value, in data base blocks, of the db_cache_
size parameter in the init.ora file.
■ Shared pool size — The share pool in an important part of the Oracle server
system global area (SGA). The SGA is a group of shared memory structures that
contain data and control information for one Oracle database instance. If multiple
users are concurrently connected to the same instance, the data in the instance's
SGA is shared among the users. The shared pool portion of the SGA caches data
for two major areas: the library cache and the dictionary cache. The library cache
stores SQL-related information and control structures (for example, parsed SQL
statement, locks). The dictionary cache stores operational metadata for SQL
For most applications, the shared pool size is critical to Oracle performance. If the
shared pool is too small, the server must dedicate resources to managing the
limited amount of available space. This consumes CPU resources and causes
contention because Oracle imposes restrictions on the parallel management of the
various caches. The more you use triggers and stored procedures, the larger the
shared pool must be. The SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter specifies
the size of the shared pool in bytes.

9-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Database-Specific Tuning

The following query monitors the amount of free memory in the share pool:
SELECT * FROM v$sgastat
WHERE name = 'free memory' AND pool = 'shared pool';

■ Maximum opened cursor — To prevent any single connection taking all the
resources in the Oracle server, the OPEN_CURSORS initialization parameter allows
administrators to limit the maximum number of opened cursors for each
connection. Unfortunately, the default value for this parameter is too small for
systems such as WebLogic Server. Cursor information can be monitored using the
following query:
SELECT name, value FROM v$sysstat
WHERE name LIKE 'opened cursor%';

■ Database block size — A block is Oracle's basic unit for storing data and the
smallest unit of I/O. One data block corresponds to a specific number of bytes of
physical database space on disk. This concept of a block is specific to Oracle
RDBMS and should not be confused with the block size of the underlying
operating system. Since the block size affects physical storage, this value can be set
only during the creation of the database; it cannot be changed once the database
has been created. The current setting of this parameter can be obtained with the
following query:
SELECT name, value FROM v$parameter WHERE name = 'db_block_size';

■ Sort area size — Increasing the sort area increases the performance of large sorts
because it allows the sort to be performed in memory during query processing.
This can be important, as there is only one sort area for each connection at any
point in time. The default value of this init.ora parameter is usually the size of
6–8 data blocks. This value is usually sufficient for OLTP operations but should be
increased for decision support operation, large bulk operations, or large
index-related operations (for example, recreating an index). When performing
these types of operations, you should tune the following init.ora parameters
(which are currently set for 8K data blocks):
sort_area_size = 65536
sort_area_retained_size = 65536

9.2.2 Microsoft SQL Server

The following guidelines pertain to performance tuning parameters for Microsoft SQL
Server databases. For more information about these parameters, see your Microsoft
SQL Server documentation.
■ Store tempdb on a fast I/O device.
■ Increase the recovery interval if perfmon shows an increase in I/O.
■ Use an I/O block size larger than 2 KB.

9.2.3 Sybase
The following guidelines pertain to performance tuning parameters for Sybase
databases. For more information about these parameters, see your Sybase
■ Lower recovery interval setting results in more frequent checkpoint operations,
resulting in more I/O operations.

DataBase Tuning 9-3

Database-Specific Tuning

■ Use an I/O block size larger than 2 KB.

■ Sybase controls the number of engines in a symmetric multiprocessor (SMP)
environment. They recommend configuring this setting to equal the number of
CPUs minus 1.

9-4 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning WebLogic Server EJBs

This chapter describe how to tune WebLogic Server EJBs for your application
■ Section 10.1, "General EJB Tuning Tips"
■ Section 10.2, "Tuning EJB Caches"
■ Section 10.3, "Tuning EJB Pools"
■ Section 10.4, "CMP Entity Bean Tuning"
■ Section 10.5, "Tuning In Response to Monitoring Statistics"
■ Section 10.6, "Using the JDT Compiler"

10.1 General EJB Tuning Tips

■ Deployment descriptors are schema-based. Descriptors that are new in this release
of WebLogic Server are not available as DTD-based descriptors.
■ Avoid using the RequiresNew transaction parameter. Using RequiresNew
causes the EJB container to start a new transaction after suspending any current
transactions. This means additional resources, including a separate data base
connection are allocated.
■ Use local-interfaces or set call-by-reference to true to avoid the overhead of
serialization when one EJB calls another or an EJB is called by a servlet/JSP in the
same application. Note the following:
– In release prior to WebLogic Server 8.1, call-by-reference is turned on by
default. For releases of WebLogic Server 8.1 and higher, call-by-reference is
turned off by default. Older applications migrating to WebLogic Server 8.1
and higher that do not explicitly turn on call-by-reference may experience a
drop in performance.
– This optimization does not apply to calls across different applications.
■ Use Stateless session beans over Stateful session beans whenever possible.
Stateless session beans scale better than stateful session beans because there is no
state information to be maintained.
■ WebLogic Server provides additional transaction performance benefits for EJBs
that reside in a WebLogic Server cluster. When a single transaction uses multiple
EJBs, WebLogic Server attempts to use EJB instances from a single WebLogic
Server instance, rather than using EJBs from different servers. This approach
minimizes network traffic for the transaction. In some cases, a transaction can use
EJBs that reside on multiple WebLogic Server instances in a cluster. This can occur

Tuning WebLogic Server EJBs 10-1

Tuning EJB Caches

in heterogeneous clusters, where all EJBs have not been deployed to all WebLogic
Server instances. In these cases, WebLogic Server uses a multitier connection to
access the datastore, rather than multiple direct connections. This approach uses
fewer resources, and yields better performance for the transaction. However, for
best performance, the cluster should be homogeneous — all EJBs should reside on
all available WebLogic Server instances.

10.2 Tuning EJB Caches

The following sections provide information on how to tune EJB caches:
■ Section 10.2.1, "Tuning the Stateful Session Bean Cache"
■ Section 10.2.2, "Tuning the Entity Bean Cache"
■ Section 10.2.3, "Tuning the Query Cache"

10.2.1 Tuning the Stateful Session Bean Cache

The EJB Container caches stateful session beans in memory up to a count specified by
the max-beans-in-cache parameter specified in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml. This
parameter should be set equal to the number of concurrent users. This ensures
minimum passivation of stateful session beans to disk and subsequent activation from
disk which yields better performance.

10.2.2 Tuning the Entity Bean Cache

Entity beans are cached at two levels by the EJB container:
■ Section, "Transaction-Level Caching"
■ Section, "Caching between Transactions"
■ Section, "Ready Bean Caching" Transaction-Level Caching

Once an entity bean has been loaded from the database, it is always retrieved from the
cache whenever it is requested when using the findByPrimaryKey or invoked from
a cached reference in that transaction. Getting an entity bean using a non-primary key
finder always retrieves the persistent state of the bean from the data base. Caching between Transactions

Entity bean instances are also cached between transactions. However, by default, the
persistent state of the entity beans are not cached between transactions. To enable
caching between transactions, set the value of the cache-between-transactions
parameter to true.
Is it safe to cache the state? This depends on the concurrency-strategy for that bean.
The entity-bean cache is really only useful when cache-between-transactions
can be safely set to true. In cases where ejbActivate() and ejbPassivate()
callbacks are expensive, it is still a good idea to ensure the entity-cache size is large
enough. Even though the persistent state may be reloaded at least once per
transaction, the beans in the cache are already activated. The value of the cache-size is
set by the deployment descriptor parameter max-beans-in-cache and should be
set to maximize cache-hits. In most situations, the value need not be larger than the
product of the number of rows in the table associated with the entity bean and the
number of threads expected to access the bean concurrently.

10-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning EJB Pools Ready Bean Caching

For entity beans with a high cache miss ratio, maintaining ready bean instances can
adversely affect performance.
If you can set disable-ready-instances in the entity-cache element of an
entity-descriptor, the container does not maintain the ready instances in cache. If
the feature is enabled in the deployment descriptor, the cache only keeps the active
instances. Once the involved transaction is committed or rolled back, the bean instance
is moved from active cache to the pool immediately.

10.2.3 Tuning the Query Cache

Query Caching is a new feature in WebLogic Server 9.0 that allows read-only CMP
entity beans to cache the results of arbitrary finders. Query caching is supported for all
finders except prepared-query finders. The query cache can be an application-level
cache as well as a bean-level cache. The size of the cache is limited by the
weblogic-ejb-jar.xml parameter max-queries-in-cache. The
finder-level flag in the weblogic-cmp-rdbms descriptor file,
enable-query-caching is used to specify whether the results of that finder are to
be cached. A flag with the same name has the same purpose for internal relationship
finders when applied to the weblogic-relationship-role element. Queries are
evicted from the query-cache under the following circumstances:
■ The query is least recently used and the query-cache has hit its size limit.
■ At least one of the EJBs that satisfy the query has been evicted from the entity bean
cache, regardless of the reason.
■ The query corresponds to a finder that has eager-relationship-caching
enabled and the query for the associated internal relationship finder has been
evicted from the related bean's query cache.
It is possible to let the size of the entity-bean cache limit the size of the query-cache by
setting the max-queries-in-cache parameter to 0, since queries are evicted from
the cache when the corresponding EJB is evicted. This may avoid some lock contention
in the query cache, but the performance gain may not be significant.

10.3 Tuning EJB Pools

The following section provides information on how to tune EJB pools:
■ Section 10.3.1, "Tuning the Stateless Session Bean Pool"
■ Section 10.3.2, "Tuning the MDB Pool"
■ Section 10.3.3, "Tuning the Entity Bean Pool"

10.3.1 Tuning the Stateless Session Bean Pool

The EJB container maintains a pool of stateless session beans to avoid creating and
destroying instances. Though generally useful, this pooling is even more important for
performance when the ejbCreate() and the setSessionContext() methods are
expensive. The pool has a lower as well as an upper bound. The upper bound is the
more important of the two.
■ The upper bound is specified by the max-beans-in-free-pool parameter. It
should be set equal to the number of threads expected to invoke the EJB
concurrently. Using too small of a value impacts concurrency.

Tuning WebLogic Server EJBs 10-3

CMP Entity Bean Tuning

■ The lower bound is specified by the initial-beans-in-free-pool parameter.

Increasing the value of initial-beans-in-free-pool increases the time it
takes to deploy the application containing the EJB and contributes to startup time
for the server. The advantage is the cost of creating EJB instances is not incurred at
run time. Setting this value too high wastes memory.

10.3.2 Tuning the MDB Pool

The life cycle of MDBs is very similar to stateless session beans. The MDB pool has the
same tuning parameters as stateless session beans and the same factors apply when
tuning them. In general, most users will find that the default values are adequate for
most applications. See Chapter 11, "Tuning Message-Driven Beans".

10.3.3 Tuning the Entity Bean Pool

The entity bean pool serves two purposes:
■ A target objects for invocation of finders via reflection.
■ A pool of bean instances the container can recruit if it cannot find an instance for a
particular primary key in the cache.
The entity pool contains anonymous instances (instances that do not have a primary
key). These beans are not yet active (meaning ejbActivate() has not been invoked
on them yet), though the EJB context has been set. Entity bean instances evicted from
the entity cache are passivated and put into the pool. The tunables are the
initial-beans-in-free-pool and max-beans-in-free-pool. Unlike stateless
session beans and MDBs, the max-beans-in-free-pool has no relation with the
thread count. You should increase the value of max-beans-in-free-pool if the
entity bean constructor or setEnityContext() methods are expensive.

10.4 CMP Entity Bean Tuning

The largest performance gains in entity beans are achieved by using caching to
minimize the number of interactions with the data base. However, in most situations,
it is not realistic to be able to cache entity beans beyond the scope of a transaction. The
following sections provide information on WebLogic Server EJB container features,
most of which are configurable, that you can use to minimize database interaction
■ Section 10.4.1, "Use Eager Relationship Caching"
■ Section 10.4.2, "Use JDBC Batch Operations"
■ Section 10.4.3, "Tuned Updates"
■ Section 10.4.4, "Using Field Groups"
■ Section 10.4.5, "include-updates"
■ Section 10.4.6, "call-by-reference"
■ Section 10.4.7, "Bean-level Pessimistic Locking"
■ Section 10.4.8, "Concurrency Strategy"

10.4.1 Use Eager Relationship Caching

Using eager relationship caching allows the EJB container to load related entity beans
using a single SQL join. Use only when the same transaction accesses related beans.

10-4 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

CMP Entity Bean Tuning

See "Relationship Caching" in Programming WebLogic Enterprise JavaBeans for Oracle

WebLogic Server.
In this release of WebLogic Server, if a CMR field has specified both
relationship-caching and cascade-delete, the owner bean and related bean are
loaded to SQL which can provide an additional performance benefit. Using Inner Joins

The EJB container always uses an outer join in a CMP bean finder when eager
relationship-caching is turned on. Typically, inner joins are faster to execute
than outer joins with the drawback that inner joins do not return rows which do not
have data in the corresponding joined table. Where applicable, using an inner join on
very large databases may help to free CPU resources.
In WLS 10.3, use-inner-join has been added in
weblogic-cmp-rdbms-jar.xml, as an attribute of the weblogic-rdbms-bean, as
shown here:
This element should only be set to true if the CMP bean's related beans can never be
null or an empty set.
The default value is false. If you specify its value as true, all relationship cache query
on the entity bean use an inner join instead of a left outer join to execute a select query

10.4.2 Use JDBC Batch Operations

JDBC batch operations are turned on by default in the EJB container. The EJB container
automatically re-orders and executes similar data base operations in a single batch
which increases performance by eliminating the number of data base round trips.
Oracle recommends using batch operations.

10.4.3 Tuned Updates

When an entity EJB is updated, the EJB container automatically updates in the data
base only those fields that have actually changed. As a result the update statements are
simpler and if a bean has not been modified, no data base call is made. Because
different transactions may modify different sets of fields, more than one form of
update statements may be used to store the bean in the data base. It is important that
you account for the types of update statements that may be used when setting the size
of the prepared statement cache in the JDBC connection pool. See Section 12.4, "Cache
Prepared and Callable Statements".

10.4.4 Using Field Groups

Field groups allow the user to segregate commonly used fields into a single group. If
any of the fields in the group is accessed by application/bean code, the entire group is
loaded using a single SQL statement. This group can also be associated with a finder.
When the finder is invoked and finders-load-bean is true, it loads only those

Tuning WebLogic Server EJBs 10-5

CMP Entity Bean Tuning

fields from the data base that are included in the field group. This means that if most
transactions do not use a particular field that is slow to load, such as a BLOB, it can be
excluded from a field-group. Similarly, if an entity bean has a lot of fields, but a
transaction uses only a small number of them, the unused fields can be excluded.

Note: Be careful to ensure that fields that are accessed in the same
transaction are not configured into separate field-groups. If that
happens, multiple data base calls occur to load the same bean, when
one would have been enough.

10.4.5 include-updates
This flag causes the EJB container to flush all modified entity beans to the data base
before executing a finder. If the application modifies the same entity bean more than
once and executes a non-pk finder in-between in the same transaction, multiple
updates to the data base are issued. This flag is turned on by default to comply with
the EJB specification.
If the application has transactions where two invocations of the same or different
finders could return the same bean instance and that bean instance could have been
modified between the finder invocations, it makes sense leaving include-updates
turned on. If not, this flag may be safely turned off. This eliminates an unnecessary
flush to the data base if the bean is modified again after executing the second finder.
This flag is specified for each finder in the cmp-rdbms descriptor.

10.4.6 call-by-reference
When it is turned off, method parameters to an EJB are passed by value, which
involves serialization. For mutable, complex types, this can be significantly expensive.
Consider using for better performance when:
■ The application does not require call-by-value semantics, such as method
parameters are not modified by the EJB.
■ If modified by the EJB, the changes need not be invisible to the caller of the
This flag applies to all EJBs, not just entity EJBs. It also applies to EJB invocations
between servlets/JSPs and EJBs in the same application. The flag is turned off by
default to comply with the EJB specification. This flag is specified at the bean-level in
the WebLogic-specific deployment descriptor.

10.4.7 Bean-level Pessimistic Locking

Bean-level pessimistic locking is implemented in the EJB container by acquiring a data
base lock when loading the bean. When implemented, each entity bean can only be
accessed by a single transaction in a single server at a time. All other transactions are
blocked, waiting for the owning transaction to complete. This is a useful alternative to
using a higher data base isolation level, which can be expensive at the RDBMS level.
This flag is specified at the bean level in the cmp-rdbms deployment descriptor.

Note: If the lock is not exclusive lock, you man encounter deadlock
conditions. If the data base lock is a shared lock, there is potential for
deadlocks when using that RDBMS.

10-6 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

CMP Entity Bean Tuning

10.4.8 Concurrency Strategy

The concurrency-strategy deployment descriptor tells the EJB container how to
handle concurrent access of the same entity bean by multiple threads in the same
server instance. Set this parameter to one of four values:
■ Exclusive—The EJB container ensures there is only one instance of an EJB for a
given primary key and this instance is shared among all concurrent transactions in
the server with the container serializing access to it. This concurrency setting
generally does not provide good performance unless the EJB is used infrequently
and chances of concurrent access is small.
■ Database—This is the default value and most commonly used concurrency
strategy. The EJB container defers concurrency control to the database. The
container maintains multiple instances of an EJB for a given primary-key and each
transaction gets it's own copy. In combination with this strategy, the database
isolation-level and bean level pessimistic locking play a major role in determining
if concurrent access to the persistent state should be allowed. It is possible for
multiple transactions to access the bean concurrently so long as it does not need to
go to the database, as would happen when the value of
cache-between-transactions is true. However, setting the value of
cache-between-transactions to true unsafe and not recommended with the
Dababase concurrency strategy.
■ Optimistic—The goal of the optimistic concurrency strategy is to minimize
locking at the data base and while continuing to provide data consistency. The
basic assumption is that the persistent state of the EJB is changed very rarely. The
container attempts to load the bean in a nested transaction so that the
isolation-level settings of the outer transaction does not cause locks to be acquired
at the data base. At commit-time, if the bean has been modified, a predicated
update is used to ensure it's persistent state has not been changed by some other
transaction. If so, an OptimisticConcurrencyException is thrown and must
be handled by the application.
Since EJBs that can use this concurrency strategy are rarely modified, using
cache-between-transactions on can boost performance significantly. This
strategy also allows commit-time verification of beans that have been read, but not
changed. This is done by setting the verify-rows parameter to Read in the
cmp-rdbms descriptor. This provides very high data-consistency while at the
same time minimizing locks at the data base. However, it does slow performance
somewhat. It is recommended that the optimistic verification be performed using
a version column: it is faster, followed closely by timestamp, and more distantly
by modified and read. The modified value does not apply if verify-rows is set to
When an optimistic concurrency bean is modified in a server that is part of a
cluster, the server attempts to invalidate all instances of that bean cluster-wide in
the expectation that it will prevent OptimisticConcurrencyExceptions. In
some cases, it may be more cost effective to simply let other servers throw an
OptimisticConcurrencyException. in this case, turn off the cluster-wide
invalidation by setting the cluster-invalidation-disabled flag in the
cmp-rdbms descriptor.
■ ReadOnly—The ReadOnly value is the most performant. When selected, the
container assumes the EJB is non-transactional and automatically turns on
cache-between-transactions. Bean states are updated from the data base at
periodic, configurable intervals or when the bean has been programmatically
invalidated. The interval between updates can cause the persistent state of the
bean to become stale. This is the only concurrency-strategy for which

Tuning WebLogic Server EJBs 10-7

Tuning In Response to Monitoring Statistics

query-caching can be used. See Section, "Caching between


10.5 Tuning In Response to Monitoring Statistics

The WebLogic Server Administration Console reports a wide variety of EJB runtime
monitoring statistics, many of which are useful for tuning your EJBs. This section
discusses how some of these statistics can help you tune the performance of EJBs.
To display the statistics in the Administration Console, see "Monitoring EJBs" in Oracle
WebLogic Server Administration Console Help. If you prefer to write a custom monitoring
application, you can access the monitoring statistics using JMX or WLST by accessing
the relevant runtime MBeans. See "Runtime MBeans" in Oracle WebLogic Server MBean

10.5.1 Cache Miss Ratio

The cache miss ratio is a ratio of the number of times a container cannot find a bean in
the cache (cache miss) to the number of times it attempts to find a bean in the cache
(cache access):
Cache Miss Ratio = (Cache Total Miss Count / Cache Total Access Count) * 100

A high cache miss ratio could be indicative of an improperly sized cache. If your
application uses a certain subset of beans (read primary keys) more frequently than
others, it would be ideal to size your cache large enough so that the commonly used
beans can remain in the cache as less commonly used beans are cycled in and out upon
demand. If this is the nature of your application, you may be able to decrease your
cache miss ratio significantly by increasing the maximum size of your cache.
If your application doesn't necessarily use a subset of beans more frequently than
others, increasing your maximum cache size may not affect your cache miss ratio. We
recommend testing your application with different maximum cache sizes to determine
which give the lowest cache miss ratio. It is also important to keep in mind that your
server has a finite amount of memory and therefore there is always a trade-off to
increasing your cache size.

10.5.2 Lock Waiter Ratio

When using the Exclusive concurrency strategy, the lock waiter ratio is the ratio of
the number of times a thread had to wait to obtain a lock on a bean to the total amount
of lock requests issued:
Lock Waiter Ratio = (Current Waiter Count / Current Lock Entry Count) * 100

A high lock waiter ratio can indicate a suboptimal concurrency strategy for the bean. If
acceptable for your application, a concurrency strategy of Database or Optimistic will
allow for more parallelism than an Exclusive strategy and remove the need for locking
at the EJB container level.
Because locks are generally held for the duration of a transaction, reducing the
duration of your transactions will free up beans more quickly and may help reduce
your lock waiter ratio. To reduce transaction duration, avoid grouping large amounts
of work into a single transaction unless absolutely necessary.

10-8 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning In Response to Monitoring Statistics

10.5.3 Lock Timeout Ratio

When using the Exclusive concurrency strategy, the lock timeout ratio is the ratio of
timeouts to accesses for the lock manager:
Lock Timeout Ratio =(Lock Manager Timeout Total Count / Lock Manager Total Access
Count) * 100

The lock timeout ratio is closely related to the lock waiter ratio. If you are concerned
about the lock timeout ratio for your bean, first take a look at the lock waiter ratio and
our recommendations for reducing it (including possibly changing your concurrency
strategy). If you can reduce or eliminate the number of times a thread has to wait for a
lock on a bean, you will also reduce or eliminate the amount of timeouts that occur
while waiting.
A high lock timeout ratio may also be indicative of an improper transaction timeout
value. The maximum amount of time a thread will wait for a lock is equal to the
current transaction timeout value.
If the transaction timeout value is set too low, threads may not be waiting long enough
to obtain access to a bean and timing out prematurely. If this is the case, increasing the
trans-timeout-seconds value for the bean may help reduce the lock timeout ratio.
Take care when increasing the trans-timeout-seconds, however, because doing so can
cause threads to wait longer for a bean and threads are a valuable server resource.
Also, doing so may increase the request time, as a request ma wait longer before
timing out.

10.5.4 Pool Miss Ratio

The pool miss ratio is a ratio of the number of times a request was made to get a bean
from the pool when no beans were available, to the total number of requests for a bean
made to the pool:
Pool Miss Ratio = (Pool Total Miss Count / Pool Total Access Count) * 100

If your pool miss ratio is high, you must determine what is happening to your bean
instances. There are three things that can happen to your beans.
■ They are in use.
■ They were destroyed.
■ They were removed.
Follow these steps to diagnose the problem:
1. Check your destroyed bean ratio to verify that bean instances are not being
2. Investigate the cause and try to remedy the situation.
3. Examine the demand for the EJB, perhaps over a period of time.
One way to check this is via the Beans in Use Current Count and Idle Beans Count
displayed in the Administration Console. If demand for your EJB spikes during a
certain period of time, you may see a lot of pool misses as your pool is emptied and
unable to fill additional requests.
As the demand for the EJB drops and beans are returned to the pool, many of the
beans created to satisfy requests may be unable to fit in the pool and are therefore
removed. If this is the case, you may be able to reduce the number of pool misses by
increasing the maximum size of your free pool. This may allow beans that were

Tuning WebLogic Server EJBs 10-9

Tuning In Response to Monitoring Statistics

created to satisfy demand during peak periods to remain in the pool so they can be
used again when demand once again increases.

10.5.5 Destroyed Bean Ratio

The destroyed bean ratio is a ratio of the number of beans destroyed to the total
number of requests for a bean.
Destroyed Bean Ratio = (Total Destroyed Count / Total Access Count) * 100

To reduce the number of destroyed beans, Oracle recommends against throwing

non-application exceptions from your bean code except in cases where you want the
bean instance to be destroyed. A non-application exception is an exception that is
either a java.rmi.RemoteException (including exceptions that inherit from
RemoteException) or is not defined in the throws clause of a method of an EJB's home
or component interface.
In general, you should investigate which exceptions are causing your beans to be
destroyed as they may be hurting performance and may indicate problem with the EJB
or a resource used by the EJB.

10.5.6 Pool Timeout Ratio

The pool timeout ratio is a ratio of requests that have timed out waiting for a bean
from the pool to the total number of requests made:
Pool Timeout Ratio = (Pool Total Timeout Count / Pool Total Access Count) * 100

A high pool timeout ratio could be indicative of an improperly sized free pool.
Increasing the maximum size of your free pool via the max-beans-in-free-pool
setting will increase the number of bean instances available to service requests and
may reduce your pool timeout ratio.
Another factor affecting the number of pool timeouts is the configured transaction
timeout for your bean. The maximum amount of time a thread will wait for a bean
from the pool is equal to the default transaction timeout for the bean. Increasing the
trans-timeout-seconds setting in your weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file will give
threads more time to wait for a bean instance to become available.
Users should exercise caution when increasing this value, however, since doing so
may cause threads to wait longer for a bean and threads are a valuable server resource.
Also, request time might increase because a request will wait longer before timing out.

10.5.7 Transaction Rollback Ratio

The transaction rollback ratio is the ratio of transactions that have rolled back to the
number of total transactions involving the EJB:
Transaction Rollback Ratio = (Transaction Total Rollback Count / Transaction Total
Count) * 100

Begin investigating a high transaction rollback ratio by examining the Section 10.5.8,
"Transaction Timeout Ratio" reported in the Administration Console. If the transaction
timeout ratio is higher than you expect, try to address the timeout problem first.
An unexpectedly high transaction rollback ratio could be caused by a number of
things. We recommend investigating the cause of transaction rollbacks to find
potential problems with your application or a resource used by your application.

10-10 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Using the JDT Compiler

10.5.8 Transaction Timeout Ratio

The transaction timeout ratio is the ratio of transactions that have timed out to the total
number of transactions involving an EJB:
Transaction Timeout Ratio = (Transaction Total Timeout Count / Transaction Total
Count) * 100

A high transaction timeout ratio could be caused by the wrong transaction timeout
value. For example, if your transaction timeout is set too low, you may be timing out
transactions before the thread is able to complete the necessary work. Increasing your
transaction timeout value may reduce the number of transaction timeouts.
You should exercise caution when increasing this value, however, since doing so can
cause threads to wait longer for a resource before timing out. Also, request time might
increase because a request will wait longer before timing out.
A high transaction timeout ratio could be caused by a number of things such as a
bottleneck for a server resource. We recommend tracing through your transactions to
investigate what is causing the timeouts so the problem can be addressed.

10.6 Using the JDT Compiler

The JDT compiler can provide improved performance as compared to Javac. For this
■ Both JDT and Javac is supported in the EJB container. JDT is the default option.
■ You can set up to use different compilers in appc and WLS. For:
– appc, use -compiler, such as -java weblogic.appc -compiler javac ...
– WLS, use the ejb-container tag in config.xml file. For example:
If you use JDT in appc, only the -keepgenerated and -forceGeneration command line
options are currently supported. These options have the same meaning as when using

Tuning WebLogic Server EJBs 10-11

Using the JDT Compiler

10-12 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning Message-Driven Beans

This chapter provides tuning and best practice information for Message-Driven Beans
■ Section 11.1, "Use Transaction Batching"
■ Section 11.2, "MDB Thread Management"
■ Section 11.3, "Best Practices for Configuring and Deploying MDBs Using
Distributed Topics"
■ Section 11.4, "Using MDBs with Foreign Destinations"
■ Section 11.5, "Token-based Message Polling for Transactional MDBs Listening on
■ Section 11.6, "Compatibility for WLS 10.0 and Earlier-style Polling"

11.1 Use Transaction Batching

MDB transaction batching allows several JMS messages to be processed in one
container managed transaction. Batching amortizes the cost of transactions over
multiple messages and when used appropriately, can reduce or even eliminate the
throughput difference between 2PC and 1PC processing. See "Transaction Batching of
MDBs" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Programming Message-Driven Beans for Oracle
WebLogic Server.
■ Using batching may require reducing the number of concurrent MDB instances. If
too many MDB instances are available, messages may be processed in parallel
rather than in a batch. See Section 11.2, "MDB Thread Management".
■ While batching generally increases throughput, it may also increase latency (the
time it takes for an individual message to complete its MDB processing).

11.2 MDB Thread Management

Thread management for MDBs is described in terms of concurrency—the number of
MDB instances that can be active at the same time. The following sections provide
information on MDB concurrency:
■ Section 11.2.1, "Determining the Number of Concurrent MDBs"
■ Section 11.2.2, "Selecting a Concurrency Strategy"
■ Section 11.2.3, "Thread Utilization When Using WebLogic Destinations"
■ Section 11.2.4, "Limitations for Multi-threaded Topic MDBs"

Tuning Message-Driven Beans 11-1

MDB Thread Management

11.2.1 Determining the Number of Concurrent MDBs

Table 11–1 provides information on how to determine the number of concurrently
running MDB instances for a server instance.

Table 11–1 Determining Concurrency for WebLogic Server MDBs

Type of work manager or
execute queue Threads
Default work manager or varies due to self-tuning, up to
unconstrained work manager Min(max-beans-in-free-pool,16)
Default work manager with Min(default-thread-pool-size/2+1,
self-tuning disabled max-beans-in-free-pool)
This is also the default thread pool concurrency algorithm for
WebLogic Server 8.1
Custom execute queue Min(execute-queue-size, max-beans-in-free-pool)
Custom work manager with varies due to self-tuning, between
constraint min-thread-constraint and

Transactional WebLogic MDBs use a synchronous polling mechanism to retrieve

messages from JMS destinations if they are either: A) listening to non-WebLogic
queues; or B) listening to a WebLogic queue and transaction batching is enabled. See
Section 11.5, "Token-based Message Polling for Transactional MDBs Listening on

11.2.2 Selecting a Concurrency Strategy

The following section provides general information on selecting a concurrency
strategy for your applications:

Note: Every application is unique, select a concurrency strategy

based on how your application performs in its environment.

■ In most situations, if the message stream has bursts of messages, using an

unconstrained work manager with a high fair share is adequate. Once the
messages in a burst are handled, the threads are returned to the self-tuning pool.
■ In most situations, if the message arrival rate is high and constant or if low latency
is required, it makes sense to reserve threads for MDBs. You can reserve threads by
either specifying a work manager with a min-threads-constraint or by using
a custom execute queue.
■ If you migrate WebLogic Server 8.1 applications that have custom MDB execute
queues, you can:
– Continue to use a custom MDB execute queue, see Appendix A, "Using the
WebLogic 8.1 Thread Pool Model."
– Convert the MDB execute queue to a custom work manager that has a
configured max-threads-constraint parameter and a high fair share

11-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

MDB Thread Management

Note: You must configure the max-threads-constraint

parameter to override the default concurrency of 16.

■ In WebLogic Server 8.1, you could increase the size of the default execute queue
knowing that a larger default pool means a larger maximum MDB concurrency.
Default thread pool MDBs upgraded to WebLogic Server 9.0 will have a fixed
maximum of 16. To achieve MDB concurrency numbers higher than 16, you will
need to create a custom work manager or custom execute queue. See Table 11–1.

11.2.3 Thread Utilization When Using WebLogic Destinations

The following section provides information on how threads are allocated when
WebLogic Server interoperates with WebLogic destinations.
■ Non-transactional WebLogic MDBs allocate threads from the thread-pool
designated by the dispatch-policy as needed when there are new messages to
be processed. If the MDB has successfully connected to its source destination, but
there are no messages to be processed, then the MDB will use no threads.
■ Transactional WebLogic MDBs with transaction batching disabled work the same as
non-transactional MDBs except for Topic MDBs with a Topic Messages
Distribution Mode of Compatibility (the default), in which case the MDB
always limits the thread pool size to 1.
■ The behavior of transactional MDBs with transaction batching enabled depends on
whether the MDB is listening on a topic or a queue:
– MDBs listening on topics: — Each deployed MDB uses a dedicated daemon
polling thread that is created in Non-Pooled Threads thread group.
* Topic Messages Distribution Mode = Compatibility: Each deployed MDB
uses a dedicated daemon polling thread that is created in the Non-Pooled
Threads thread group.
* Topic Messages Distribution Mode = One-Copy-Per-Server or
One-Copy-Per-Application: Same as queues.
– MDBs listening on queues — Instead of a dedicated thread, each deployed MDB
uses a token-based, synchronous polling mechanism that always uses at least
one thread from the dispatch-policy. See Section 11.5, "Token-based
Message Polling for Transactional MDBs Listening on Queues/Topics".
For information on how threads are allocated when WebLogic Server interoperates
with MDBs that consume from Foreign destinations, see Section 11.4.2, "Thread
Utilization for MDBs that Process Messages from Foreign Destinations".

11.2.4 Limitations for Multi-threaded Topic MDBs

When the topicMessagesDistributionMode is Compatibility, the default
behavior for non-transactional topic MDBs is to multi-thread the message processing.
In this situation, the MDB container fails to provide reproducible behavior when the
topic is not a WebLogic JMS Topic, such as unexpected exceptions and
acknowledgement of messages that have not yet been processed. For example, if an
application throws a RuntimeException from onmessage, the container may still
acknowledge the message. Oracle recommends setting max-beans-in-free-pool
to a value of 1 in the deployment descriptor to prevent multi-threading in topic MDBs
when the topic is a foreign vendor topic (not a WebLogic JMS topic).

Tuning Message-Driven Beans 11-3

Best Practices for Configuring and Deploying MDBs Using Distributed Topics

Non-transactional Foreign Topics: Oracle recommends explicitly setting
max-beans-in-free-pool to 1 for non-transactional MDBs that
work with foreign (non-WebLogic) topics. Failure to do so may result
in lost messages in the event of certain failures, such as the MDB
application throwing Runtime or Error exceptions.
Unit-of-Order: Oracle recommends explicitly setting
max-beans-in-free-pool to 1 for non-transactional
Compatibility mode MDBs that consume from a WebLogic JMS
topic and process messages that have a WebLogic JMS Unit-of-Order
value. Unit-of-Order messages in this use case may not be processed
in order unless max-beans-in-free-pool is set to 1.

Transactional MDBs automatically force concurrency to 1 regardless of the

max-beans-in-free-pool setting.

11.3 Best Practices for Configuring and Deploying MDBs Using

Distributed Topics
Message-driven beans provide a number of application design and deployment
options that offer scalability and high availability when using distributed topics. For
more detailed information, see Configuring and Deploying MDBs Using Distributed
Topics in Programming Message-Driven Beans for Oracle WebLogic Server.

11.4 Using MDBs with Foreign Destinations

Note: The term "Foreign destination" in this context refers to
destinations that are hosted by a non-WebLogic JMS provider. It does
not refer to remote WebLogic destinations.

The following sections provide information on the behavior of WebLogic Server when
using MDBs that consume messages from Foreign destinations:
■ Section 11.4.1, "Concurrency for MDBs that Process Messages from Foreign
■ Section 11.4.2, "Thread Utilization for MDBs that Process Messages from Foreign

11.4.1 Concurrency for MDBs that Process Messages from Foreign Destinations
The concurrency of MDBs that consume from destinations hosted by foreign providers
(non-WebLogic JMS destinations) is determined using the same algorithm that is used
for WebLogic JMS destinations.

11.4.2 Thread Utilization for MDBs that Process Messages from Foreign Destinations
The following section provides information on how threads are allocated when
WebLogic Server interoperates with MDBs that process messages from foreign

11-4 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Token-based Message Polling for Transactional MDBs Listening on Queues/Topics

■ Non-transactional MDBs use a foreign vendor's thread, not a WebLogic Server

thread. In this situation, the dispatch-policy is ignored except for determining
■ Transactional MDBs run in WebLogic Server threads, as follow:
– MDBs listening on topics — Each deployed MDB uses a dedicated daemon
polling thread that is created in Non-Pooled Threads thread group.
– MDBs listening on queues — Instead of a dedicated thread, each deployed MDB
uses a token-based, synchronous polling mechanism that always uses at least
one thread from the dispatch-policy. See Section 11.5, "Token-based
Message Polling for Transactional MDBs Listening on Queues/Topics"

11.5 Token-based Message Polling for Transactional MDBs Listening on

Transactional WebLogic MDBs use a synchronous polling mechanism to retrieve
messages from JMS destinations if they are:
■ Listening to non-WebLogic queues
■ Listening to a WebLogic queue and transaction batching is enabled
■ Listening to a WebLogic Topic where:
– Topic Messages Distribution Mode = One-Copy-Per-Server and transaction
batching is enabled
– Topic Messages Distribution Mode = One-Copy-Per-Application and
transaction batching is enabled
With synchronous polling, one or more WebLogic polling threads synchronously
receive messages from the MDB's source destination and then invoke the MDB
application's onMessage callback.
As of WebLogic 10.3, the polling mechanism changed to a token-based approach to
provide better control of the concurrent poller thread count under changing message
loads. In previous releases, the thread count ramp-up could be too gradual in certain
use cases. Additionally, child pollers, once awoken, could not be ramped down and
returned back to the pool for certain foreign JMS providers.
When a thread is returned to the thread pool with token-based polling, the thread's
internal JMS consumer is closed rather than cached. This assures that messages will
not be implicitly pre-fetched by certain foreign JMS Providers while there is no polling
thread servicing the consumer.
In addition, each MDB maintains a single token that provides permission for a given
poller thread to create another thread.
■ On receipt of a message — A poller thread that already has the token or that is able
to acquire the token because the token is not owned, wakes up an additional poller
thread and gives the token to the new poller if the maximum concurrency has not
yet been reached. If maximum concurrency has been reached, the poller thread
simply releases the token (leaving it available to any other poller).
■ On finding an empty queue/Topic — A poller tries to acquire the token and if
successful will try to poll the queue periodically. If it fails to acquire the token, it
returns itself back to the pool. This ensures that with an empty queue or topic,
there is still at least one poller checking for messages.

Tuning Message-Driven Beans 11-5

Compatibility for WLS 10.0 and Earlier-style Polling

11.6 Compatibility for WLS 10.0 and Earlier-style Polling

In WLS 10.0 and earlier, transactional MDBs with batching enabled created a dedicated
polling thread for each deployed MDB. This polling thread was not allocated from the
pool specified by dispatch-policy, it was an entirely new thread in addition to the
all other threads running on the system. See Section 11.1, "Use Transaction Batching".
To override the token-based polling behavior and implement the WLS 10.0 and earlier
behavior, you can either:
■ At the server level, set the weblogic.mdb.message.81StylePolling system
property to True to override the token-based polling behavior.
■ At the MDB level, set the use81-style-polling element under
message-driven-descriptor to override the token-based polling behavior.
When using foreign transactional MDBs with the WLS 8.1-style polling flag, some
foreign vendors require a permanently allocated thread per concurrent MDB
instance. These threads are drawn from the pool specified by dispatch-policy
and are not returned to the pool until the MDB is undeployed. Since these threads
are not shared, the MDB can starve other resources in the same pool. In this
situation, you may need to increase the number of threads in the pool. With the
token-based polling approach for such foreign vendors, the thread's internal JMS
message consumer is closed rather than cached to assure that messages will not be
reserved by the destination for the specific consumer.

11-6 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

12Tuning Data Sources

This chapter provides tips on how to get the best performance from your WebLogic
data sources.
■ Section 12.1, "Tune the Number of Database Connections"
■ Section 12.2, "Waste Not"
■ Section 12.3, "Use Test Connections on Reserve with Care"
■ Section 12.4, "Cache Prepared and Callable Statements"
■ Section 12.5, "Using Pinned-To-Thread Property to Increase Performance"
■ Section 12.6, "Database Listener Timeout under Heavy Server Loads"
■ Section 12.7, "Disable Wrapping of Data Type Objects"
■ Section 12.8, "Advanced Configurations for Oracle Drivers and Databases"
■ Section 12.9, "Use Best Design Practices"

12.1 Tune the Number of Database Connections

A straightforward and easy way to boost performance of a data source in WebLogic
Server applications is to set the value of Initial Capacity equal to the value for
Maximum Capacity when configuring connection pools in your data source.
Creating a database connection is a relatively expensive process in any environment.
Typically, a connection pool starts with a small number of connections. As client
demand for more connections grow, there may not be enough in the pool to satisfy the
requests. WebLogic Server creates additional connections and adds them to the pool
until the maximum pool size is reached.
One way to avoid connection creation delays for clients using the server is to initialize
all connections at server startup, rather than on-demand as clients need them. Set the
initial number of connections equal to the maximum number of connections in the
Connection Pool tab of your data source configuration. See "JDBC Data Source:
Configuration: Connection Pool" in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console
Help. You will still need to determine the optimal value for the Maximum Capacity
as part of your pre-production performance testing.
For more tuning information, see "Tuning Data Source Connection Pool Options" in
Configuring and Managing JDBC Data Sources for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Tuning Data Sources 12-1

Waste Not

12.2 Waste Not

Another simple way to boost performance is to avoid wasting resources. Here are
some situations where you can avoid wasting JDBC related resources:
■ JNDI lookups are relatively expensive, so caching an object that required a
looked-up in client code or application code avoids incurring this performance hit
more than once.
■ Once client or application code has a connection, maximize the reuse of this
connection rather than closing and reacquiring a new connection. While acquiring
and returning an existing creation is much less expensive than creating a new one,
excessive acquisitions and returns to pools creates contention in the connection
pool and degrades application performance.
■ Don't hold connections any longer than is necessary to achieve the work needed.
Getting a connection once, completing all necessary work, and returning it as soon
as possible provides the best balance for overall performance.

12.3 Use Test Connections on Reserve with Care

When Test Connections on Reserve is enabled, the server instance checks a
database connection prior to returning the connection to a client. This helps reduce the
risk of passing invalid connections to clients.
However, it is a fairly expensive operation. Typically, a server instance performs the
test by executing a full-fledged SQL query with each connection prior to returning it. If
the SQL query fails, the connection is destroyed and a new one is created in its place.
A new and optional performance tunable has been provided in WebLogic Server 9.x
within this "test connection on reserve" feature. The new optional performance tunable
in 9.x allows WebLogic Server to skip this SQL-query test within a configured time
window of a prior successful client use (default is 10 seconds). When a connection is
returned to the pool by a client, the connection is timestamped by WebLogic Server.
WebLogic Server will then skip the SQL-query test if this particular connection is
returned to a client within the time window. Once the time window expires, WebLogic
Server will execute the SQL-query test. This feature can provide significant
performance boosts for busy systems using "test connection on reserve".

12.4 Cache Prepared and Callable Statements

When you use a prepared statement or callable statement in an application or EJB,
there is considerable processing overhead for the communication between the
application server and the database server and on the database server itself. To
minimize the processing costs, WebLogic Server can cache prepared and callable
statements used in your applications. When an application or EJB calls any of the
statements stored in the cache, WebLogic Server reuses the statement stored in the
cache. Reusing prepared and callable statements reduces CPU usage on the database
server, improving performance for the current statement and leaving CPU cycles for
other tasks. For more details, see "Increasing Performance with the Statement Cache"
in Configuring and Managing JDBC Data Sources for Oracle WebLogic Server.
Using the statement cache can dramatically increase performance, but you must
consider its limitations before you decide to use it. For more details, see "Usage
Restrictions for the Statement Cache" in Configuring and Managing WebLogic JDBC.

12-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Use Best Design Practices

12.5 Using Pinned-To-Thread Property to Increase Performance

To minimize the time it takes for an application to reserve a database connection from
a data source and to eliminate contention between threads for a database connection,
you can add the Pinned-To-Thread property in the connection Properties list for the
data source, and set its value to true.
In this release, the Pinned-To-Thread feature does not work with multi data sources,
Oracle RAC, and IdentityPool. These features rely on the ability to return a connection
to the connection pool and reacquire it if there is a connection failure or connection
identity does not match
See "JDBC Data Source: Configuration: Connection Pool" in the Oracle WebLogic Server
Administration Console Help.

12.6 Database Listener Timeout under Heavy Server Loads

In some situations where WebLogic Server is under heavy loads (high CPU
utilization), the database listener may timeout and throw an exception while creating a
new connection. To workaround this issue, increase the listener timeout on the
database server. The following example is for an Oracle driver and database:
■ The exception thrown is a ResourceDeadException and the driver exception
was Socket read timed out.
■ The workaround is to increase the timeout of the database server using the
listener.ora: INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_listener_name=180

12.7 Disable Wrapping of Data Type Objects

By default, data type objects for Array, Blob, Clob, NClob, Ref, SQLXML, and Struct,
plus ParameterMetaData and ResultSetMetaData objects are wrapped with a
WebLogic wrapper. You can disable wrapping, which can improve performance and
allow applications to use native driver objects directly. See Using Unwrapped Data
Type Objects in Configuring and Managing JDBC Data Sources for Oracle WebLogic Server.

12.8 Advanced Configurations for Oracle Drivers and Databases

Oracle provides advanced configuration options that can provide improved data
source and driver performance when using Oracle drivers and databases. Options
include proxy authentication, setting credentials on a connection, connection
harvesting, and labeling connections. See "Advanced Configurations for Oracle
Drivers and Databases" in Configuring and Managing JDBC Data Sources for Oracle
WebLogic Server.

12.9 Use Best Design Practices

Most performance gains or losses in a database application is not determined by the
application language, but by how the application is designed. The number and
location of clients, size and structure of DBMS tables and indexes, and the number and
types of queries all affect application performance. See "Designing Your Application
for Best Performance" in Programming JDBC for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Tuning Data Sources 12-3

Use Best Design Practices

12-4 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning Transactions

This chapter provides background and tuning information for transaction

■ Section 13.1, "Logging Last Resource Transaction Optimization"
■ Section 13.2, "Read-only, One-Phase Commit Optimizations"

13.1 Logging Last Resource Transaction Optimization

The Logging Last Resource (LLR) transaction optimization through JDBC data sources
safely reduces the overhead of two-phase transactions involving database inserts,
updates, and deletes. Two phase transactions occur when two different resources
participate in the same global transaction (global transactions are often referred to as
"XA" or "JTA" transactions). Consider the following:
■ Typical two-phase transactions in JMS applications usually involve both a JMS
server and a database server. The LLR option can as much as double performance
compared to XA.
■ The safety of the JDBC LLR option contrasts with well known but less-safe XA
optimizations such as "last-agent", "last-participant", and
"emulate-two-phase-commit" that are available from other vendors as well as
■ JDBC LLR works by storing two-phase transaction records in a database table
rather than in the transaction manager log (the TLOG).
See "Logging Last Resource Transaction Optimization" in Programming JTA for Oracle
WebLogic Server.

13.1.1 LLR Tuning Guidelines

The following section provides tuning guidelines for LLR:
■ Oracle recommends that you read and understand "Logging Last Resource
Transaction Optimization" in Programming JTA for Oracle WebLogic Server and
"Programming Considerations and Limitations for LLR Data Sources" in
Configuring and Managing JDBC Data Sources for Oracle WebLogic Server. LLR has a
number of important administration and design implications.
■ JDBC LLR generally improves performance of two-phase transactions that involve
SQL updates, deletes, or inserts.
■ LLR generally reduces the performance of two-phase transactions where all SQL
operations are read-only (just selects).

Tuning Transactions 13-1

Read-only, One-Phase Commit Optimizations

■ JDBC LLR pools provide no performance benefit to WebLogic JDBC stores.

WebLogic JDBC stores are fully transactional but do not use JTA (XA) transactions
on their internal JDBC connections.
■ Consider using LLR instead of the less safe "last-agent" optimization for
connectors, and the less safe "emulate-two-phase-commit" option for JDBC
connection pools (formerly known as the "enable two-phase commit" option for
pools that use non-XA drivers).
■ On Oracle databases, heavily used LLR tables may become fragmented over time,
which can lead to unused extents. This is likely due to the highly transient nature
of the LLR table's data. To help avoid the issue, set PCT_FREE to 5 and PCT_USED
to 95 on the LLR table. Also periodically defragment using the ALTER
TABLESPACE [tablespace-name] COALESCE command.

13.2 Read-only, One-Phase Commit Optimizations

When resource managers, such as the Oracle Database (including Oracle AQ and
Oracle RAC), provide read-only optimizations, Oracle WebLogic can provide a
read-only, one-phase commit optimization that provides a number of benefits – even
when enabling multiple connections of the same XA transactions – such as eliminating
XAResource.prepare network calls and transaction log writes, both in Oracle
WebLogic and in the resource manager.
See "Read-only, One-Phase Commit Optimizations" in Programming JTA for Oracle
WebLogic Server.

13-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning WebLogic JMS

This chapter explains how to get the most out of your applications by implementing
the administrative performance tuning features available with WebLogic JMS.
■ Section 14.1, "JMS Performance & Tuning Check List"
■ Section 14.2, "Handling Large Message Backlogs"
■ Section 14.3, "Cache and Re-use Client Resources"
■ Section 14.4, "Tuning Distributed Queues"
■ Section 14.5, "Tuning Topics"
■ Section 14.6, "Tuning for Large Messages"
■ Section 14.7, "Defining Quota"
■ Section 14.8, "Blocking Senders During Quota Conditions"
■ Section 14.9, "Tuning MessageMaximum"
■ Section 14.10, "Setting Maximum Message Size for Network Protocols"
■ Section 14.11, "Compressing Messages"
■ Section 14.12, "Paging Out Messages To Free Up Memory"
■ Section 14.13, "Controlling the Flow of Messages on JMS Servers and Destinations"
■ Section 14.14, "Handling Expired Messages"
■ Section 14.15, "Tuning Applications Using Unit-of-Order"
■ Section 14.16, "Using One-Way Message Sends"
■ Section 14.17, "Tuning the Messaging Performance Preference Option"
■ Section 14.18, "Client-side Thread Pools"
■ Section 14.19, "Best Practices for JMS .NET Client Applications"

14.1 JMS Performance & Tuning Check List

The following section provides a checklist of items to consider when tuning WebLogic
■ Always configure quotas, see Section 14.7, "Defining Quota."
■ Verify that default paging settings apply to your needs, see Section 14.12, "Paging
Out Messages To Free Up Memory.". Paging lowers performance but may be
required if JVM memory is insufficient.

Tuning WebLogic JMS 14-1

JMS Performance & Tuning Check List

■ Avoid large message backlogs. See Section 14.2, "Handling Large Message
■ Create and use custom connection factories with all applications instead of using
default connection factories, including when using MDBs. Default connection
factories are not tunable, while custom connection factories provide many options
for performance tuning.
■ Write applications so that they cache and re-use JMS client resources, including
JNDI contexts and lookups, and JMS connections, sessions, consumers, or
producers. These resources are relatively expensive to create. For information on
detecting when caching is needed, as well as on built-in pooling features, see
Section 14.3, "Cache and Re-use Client Resources."
■ For asynchronous consumers and MDBs, tune MessagesMaximum on the
connection factory. Increasing MessagesMaximum can improve performance,
decreasing MessagesMaximum to its minimum value can lower performance, but
helps ensure that messages do not end up waiting for a consumer that's already
processing a message. See Section 14.9, "Tuning MessageMaximum."
■ Avoid single threaded processing when possible. Use multiple concurrent
producers and consumers and ensure that enough threads are available to service
■ Tune server-side applications so that they have enough instances. Consider
creating dedicated thread pools for these applications. See Section 11, "Tuning
Message-Driven Beans."
■ For client-side applications with asynchronous consumers, tune client-side thread
pools using Section 14.18, "Client-side Thread Pools."
■ Tune persistence as described in Section 8, "Tuning the WebLogic Persistent Store."
In particular, it's normally best for multiple JMS servers, destinations, and other
services to share the same store so that the store can aggregate concurrent requests
into single physical I/O requests, and to reduce the chance that a JTA transaction
spans more than one store. Multiple stores should only be considered once it's
been established that the a single store is not scaling to handle the current load.
■ If you have large messages, see Section 14.6, "Tuning for Large Messages."
■ Prevent unnecessary message routing in a cluster by carefully configuring
connection factory targets. Messages potentially route through two servers, as they
flow from a client, through the client's connection host, and then on to a final
destination. For server-side applications, target connection factories to the cluster.
For client-side applications that work with a distributed destination, target
connection factories only to servers that host the distributed destinations
members. For client-side applications that work with a singleton destination,
target the connection factory to the same server that hosts the destination.
■ If JTA transactions include both JMS and JDBC operations, consider enabling the
JDBC LLR optimization. LLR is a commonly used safe "ACID" optimization that
can lead to significant performance improvements, with some drawbacks. See
Section 13, "Tuning Transactions."
■ If you are using Java clients, avoid thin Java clients except when a small jar size is
more important than performance. Thin clients use the slower IIOP protocol even
when T3 is specified so use a full java client instead. See Programming Stand-alone
Clients for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ Tune JMS Store-and-Forward according to Section 15, "Tuning WebLogic JMS

14-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Handling Large Message Backlogs

■ Tune a WebLogic Messaging Bridge according Section 16, "Tuning WebLogic

Message Bridge."
■ If you are using non-persistent non-transactional remote producer clients, then
consider enabling one-way calls. See Section 14.16, "Using One-Way Message
■ Consider using JMS distributed queues. See "Using Distributed Queues" in
Programming JMS for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ If you are already using distributed queues, see Section 14.4, "Tuning Distributed
■ Consider using advanced distributed topic features (PDTs). See Developing
Advanced Pub/Sub Applications in Programming JMS for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ If your applications use Topics, see Section 14.5, "Tuning Topics."
■ Avoid configuring sorted destinations, including priority sorted destinations. FIFO
or LIFO destinations are the most efficient. Destination sorting can be expensive
when there are large message backlogs, even a backlog of a few hundred messages
can lower performance.
■ Use careful selector design. See "Filtering Messages" in Programming JMS for Oracle
WebLogic Server.
■ Run applications on the same WebLogic Servers that are also hosting destinations.
This eliminates networking and some or all marshalling overhead, and can heavily
reduce network and CPU usage. It also helps ensure that transactions are local to a
single server. This is one of the major advantages of using an application server's
embedded messaging.

14.2 Handling Large Message Backlogs

When message senders inject messages faster than consumers, messages accumulate
into a message backlog. Large backlogs can be problematic for a number of reasons, for
■ Indicates consumers may not be capable of handling the incoming message load,
are failing, or are not properly load balanced across a distributed queue.
■ Can lead to out-of-memory on the server, which in turn prevents the server from
doing any work.
■ Can lead to high garbage collection (GC) overhead. A JVM's GC overhead is
partially proportional to the number of live objects in the JVM.

14.2.1 Improving Message Processing Performance

One area for investigation is to improve overall message processing performance. Here
are some suggestions:
■ Follow the JMS tuning recommendations as described in Section 14.1, "JMS
Performance & Tuning Check List."
■ Check for programming errors in newly developed applications. In particular,
ensure that non-transactional consumers are acknowledging messages, that
transactional consumers are committing transactions, that plain javax.jms
applications called javax.jms.Connection.start(), and that transaction
timeouts are tuned to reflect the needs of your particular application. Here are
some symptoms of programming errors: consumers are not receiving any

Tuning WebLogic JMS 14-3

Handling Large Message Backlogs

messages (make sure they called start()), high "pending" counts for queues,
already processed persistent messages re-appearing after a shutdown and restart,
and already processed transactional messages re-appearing after a delay (the
default JTA timeout is 30 seconds, default transacted session timeout is one hour).
■ Check WebLogic statistics for queues that are not being serviced by consumers. If
you're having a problem with distributed queues, see Section 14.4, "Tuning
Distributed Queues."
■ Check WebLogic statistics for topics with high pending counts. This usually
indicates that there are topic subscriptions that are not being serviced. There may
be a slow or unresponsive consumer client that's responsible for processing the
messages, or it's possible that a durable subscription may no longer be needed and
should be deleted, or the messages may be accumulating due to delayed
distributed topic forwarding. You can check statistics for individual durable
subscriptions on the administration console. A durable subscription with a large
backlog may have been created by an application but never deleted. Unserviced
durable subscriptions continue to accumulate topic messages until they are either
administratively destroyed, or unsubscribed by a standard JMS client.
■ Understand distributed topic behavior when not all members are active. In
distributed topics, each produced message to a particular topic member is
forwarded to each remote topic member. If a remote topic member is unavailable
then the local topic member will store each produced message for later
forwarding. Therefore, if a topic member is unavailable for a long period of time,
then large backlogs can develop on the active members. In some applications, this
backlog can be addressed by setting expiration times on the messages. See
Section 14.14.1, "Defining a Message Expiration Policy."
■ In certain applications it may be fine to automatically delete old unprocessed
messages. See Section 14.14, "Handling Expired Messages."
■ For transactional MDBs, consider using MDB transaction batching as this can yield
a 5 fold improvement in some use cases.
■ Leverage distributed queues and add more JVMs to the cluster (in order to add
more distributed queue member instances). For example, split a 200,000 message
backlog across 4 JVMs at 50,000 messages per JVM, instead of 100,000 messages
per JVM.
■ For client applications, use asynchronous consumers instead of synchronous
consumers when possible. Asynchronous consumers can have a significantly
lower network overhead, lower latency, and do not block a thread while waiting
for a message.
■ For synchronous consumer client applications, consider: enabling prefetch,
using CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE to enable acknowledging multiple consumed
messages at a time, and using DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE instead of AUTO_
■ For asynchronous consumer client applications, consider using DUPS_OK_
■ Leverage batching. For example, include multiple messages in each transaction, or
send one larger message instead of many smaller messages.
■ For non-durable subscriber client-side applications handling missing ("dropped")
messages, investigate MULTICAST_NO_ACKNOWLEDGE. This mode broadcasts
messages concurrently to subscribers over UDP multicast.

14-4 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Cache and Re-use Client Resources

14.2.2 Controlling Message Production

Another area for investigation is to slow down or even stop message production. Here
are some suggestions:
■ Set lower quotas. See Section 14.7, "Defining Quota."
■ Use fewer producer threads.
■ Tune a sender blocking timeout that occurs during a quota condition, as described
Section 14.8, "Blocking Senders During Quota Conditions.". The timeout is tunable
on connection factory.
■ Tune producer flow control, which automatically slows down producer calls
under threshold conditions. See Section 14.13, "Controlling the Flow of Messages
on JMS Servers and Destinations."
■ Consider modifying the application to implement flow-control. For example, some
applications do not allow producers to inject more messages until a consumer has
successfully processed the previous batch of produced messages (a windowing
protocol). Other applications might implement a request/reply algorithm where a
new request isn't submitted until the previous reply is received (essentially a
windowing protocol with a window size of 1). In some cases, JMS tuning is not
required as the synchronous flow from the RMI/EJB/Servlet is adequate. Drawbacks to Controlling Message Production

Slowing down or stopping message processing has at least two potential drawbacks:
■ It puts back-pressure on the down-stream flow that is calling the producer.
Sometimes the down-stream flow cannot handle this back-pressure, and a
hard-to-handle backlog develops behind the producer. The location of the backlog
depends on what's calling the producer. For example, if the producer is being
called by a servlet, the backlog might manifest as packets accumulating on the
incoming network socket or network card.
■ Blocking calls on server threads can lead to thread-starvation, too many active
threads, or even dead-locks. Usually the key to address this problem is to ensure
that the producer threads are running in a size limited dedicated thread pool, as
this ensures that the blocking threads do not interfere with activity in other thread
pools. For example, if an EJB or servlet is calling a "send" that might block for a
significant time: configure a custom work manager with a max threads
constraint, and set the dispatch-policy of the EJB/servlet to reference this

14.3 Cache and Re-use Client Resources

JMS client resources are relatively expensive to create in comparison to sending and
receiving messages. These resources should be cached or pooled for re-use rather than
recreating them with each message. They include contexts, destinations, connection
factories, connections, sessions, consumers, or producers.
In addition, it is important for applications to close contexts, connections, sessions,
consumers, or producers once they are completely done with these resources. Failing
to close unused resources leads to a memory leak, which lowers overall JVM
performance and eventually may cause the JVM to fail with an out-of-memory error.
Be aware that JNDI contexts have close() method, and that closing a JMS connection
automatically efficiently closes all sessions, consumers, and producers created using
the connection.

Tuning WebLogic JMS 14-5

Tuning Distributed Queues

For server-side applications, WebLogic automatically wraps and pools JMS resources
that are accessed using a resource reference. See "Enhanced Support for Using
WebLogic JMS with EJBs and Servlets" in Programming JMS for Oracle WebLogic Server.
This pooling code can be inefficient at pooling producers if the target destination
changes frequently, but there's a simple work-around: use anonymous producers by
passing null for the destination when the application calls createProducer() and
then instead pass the desired destination into each send call.
■ To check for heavy JMS resource allocation or leaks, you can monitor mbean stats
and/or use your particular JVM's built in facilities. You can monitor mbean stats
using the console, WLST, or java code.
■ Check JVM heap statistics for memory leaks or unexpectedly high allocation
counts (called a JRA profile in JRockit).
■ Similarly, check WebLogic statistics for memory leaks or unexpectedly high
allocation counts.

14.4 Tuning Distributed Queues

If produced messages are failing to load balance evenly across all distributed queue
members, you may wish to change the configuration of your producer connection
factories to disable server affinity (enabled by default).
Once created, a JMS consumer remains pinned to a particular queue member. This can
lead to situations where consumers are not evenly load balanced across all distributed
queue members, particularly if new members become available after all consumers
have been initialized. If consumers fail to load balance evenly across all distributed
queue members, the best option is to use an MDB that's targeted to a cluster designed
to process the messages. WebLogic MDBs automatically ensure that all distributed
queue members are serviced. If MDBs are not an option, here are some suggestions to
improve consumer load balancing:
■ Ensure that your application is creating enough consumers and the consumer's
connection factory is tuned using the available load balancing options. In
particular, consider disabling the default server affinity setting.)
■ Change applications to periodically close and recreate consumers. This forces
consumers to re-load balance.
■ Consume from individual queue members instead of from the distributed queues
logical name. Each distributed queue member is individually advertised in JNDI
as jms-server-name@distributed-destination-jndi-name.
■ Configure the distributed queue to enable forwarding. Distributed queue
forwarding automatically internally forwards messages that have been idled on a
member destination without consumers to a member that has consumers. This
approach may not be practical for high message load applications.

Note: Queue forwarding is not compatible with the WebLogic JMS

Unit-of-Order feature, as it can cause messages to be delivered out of

See "Using Distributed Destinations" in Programming JMS for Oracle WebLogic

Server and Configuring Advanced JMS System Resources in Configuring and
Managing JMS for Oracle WebLogic Server.

14-6 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Defining Quota

14.5 Tuning Topics

The following section provides information on how to tune WebLogic Topics:
■ You may want to convert singleton topics to distributed topics. A distributed topic
with a Partitioned policy generally outperforms the Replicated policy
■ Oracle highly recommends leveraging MDBs to process Topic messages, especially
when working with Distributed Topics. MDBs automate the creation and servicing
of multiple subscriptions and also provide high scalability options to
automatically distribute the messages for a single subscription across multiple
Distributed Topic members.
■ There is a Sharable subscription extension that allows messages on a single topic
subscription to be processed in parallel by multiple subscribers on multiple JVMs.
WebLogic MDBs leverage this feature when they are not in Compatibility
■ If produced messages are failing to load balance evenly across the members of a
Partitioned Distributed Topic, you may need to change the configuration of your
producer connection factories to disable server affinity (enabled by default).
■ Before using any of these previously mentioned advanced features, Oracle
recommends fully reviewing the following related documentation:
– "Configuring and Deploying MDBs Using Distributed Topics" in Programming
Message-Driven Beans for Oracle WebLogic Server
– "Developing Advanced Pub/Sub Applications" in Configuring and Managing
JMS for Oracle WebLogic Server
– "Advanced Programming with Distributed Destinations Using the JMS
Destination Availability Helper API" in Configuring and Managing JMS for
Oracle WebLogic Server

14.6 Tuning for Large Messages

The following sections provide information on how to improve JMS performance
when handling large messages:
■ Section 14.9, "Tuning MessageMaximum"
■ Section 14.10, "Setting Maximum Message Size for Network Protocols"
■ Section 14.11, "Compressing Messages"
■ Section 14.12, "Paging Out Messages To Free Up Memory"

14.7 Defining Quota

It is highly recommended to always configure message count quotas. Quotas help
prevent large message backlogs from causing out-of-memory errors, and WebLogic
JMS does not set quotas by default.
There are many options for setting quotas, but in most cases it is enough to simply set
a Messages Maximum quota on each JMS Server rather than using destination level
quotas. Keep in mind that each current JMS message consumes JVM memory even
when the message has been paged out, because paging pages out only the message
bodies but not message headers. A good rule of thumb for queues is to assume that
each current JMS message consumes 512 bytes of memory. A good rule of thumb for

Tuning WebLogic JMS 14-7

Defining Quota

topics is to assume that each current JMS message consumes 256 bytes of memory plus
an additional 256 bytes of memory for each subscriber that hasn't acknowledged the
message yet. For example, if there are 3 subscribers on a topic, then a single published
message that hasn't been processed by any of the subscribers consumes 256 + 256*3 =
1024 bytes even when the message is paged out. Although message header memory
usage is typically significantly less than these rules of thumb indicate, it is a best
practice to make conservative estimates on memory utilization.
In prior releases, there were multiple levels of quotas: destinations had their own
quotas and would also have to compete for quota within a JMS server. In this release,
there is only one level of quota: destinations can have their own private quota or they
can compete with other destinations using a shared quota.
In addition, a destination that defines its own quota no longer also shares space in the
JMS server's quota. Although JMS servers still allow the direct configuration of
message and byte quotas, these options are only used to provide quota for destinations
that do not refer to a quota resource.

14.7.1 Quota Resources

A quota is a named configurable JMS module resource. It defines a maximum number
of messages and bytes, and is then associated with one or more destinations and is
responsible for enforcing the defined maximums. Multiple destinations referring to the
same quota share available quota according to the sharing policy for that quota
Quota resources include the following configuration parameters:

Table 14–1 Quota Parameters

Attribute Description
Bytes Maximum and The Messages Maximum/Bytes Maximum parameters for a quota
Messages Maximum resource defines the maximum number of messages and/or bytes
allowed for that quota resource. No consideration is given to
messages that are pending; that is, messages that are in-flight,
delayed, or otherwise inhibited from delivery still count against the
message and/or bytes quota.
Quota Sharing The Shared parameter for a quota resource defines whether
multiple destinations referring to the same quota resource compete
for resources with each other.
Quota Policy The Policy parameter defines how individual clients compete for
quota when no quota is available. It affects the order in which send
requests are unblocked when the Send Timeout feature is enabled
on the connection factory, as described in Section 14.6, "Tuning for
Large Messages".

For more information about quota configuration parameters, see QuotaBean in the
Oracle WebLogic Server MBean Reference. For instructions on configuring a quota
resource using the Administration Console, see "Create a quota for destinations" in the
Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.

14.7.2 Destination-Level Quota

Destinations no longer define byte and messages maximums for quota, but can use a
quota resource that defines these values, along with quota policies on sharing and

14-8 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Blocking Senders During Quota Conditions

The Quota parameter of a destination defines which quota resource is used to enforce
quota for the destination. This value is dynamic, so it can be changed at any time.
However, if there are unsatisfied requests for quota when the quota resource is
changed, then those requests will fail with a

Note: Outstanding requests for quota will fail at such time that the
quota resource is changed. This does not mean changes to the message
and byte attributes for the quota resource, but when a destination
switches to a different quota.

14.7.3 JMS Server-Level Quota

In some cases, there will be destinations that do not configure quotas. JMS Server
quotas allow JMS servers to limit the resources used by these quota-less destinations.
All destinations that do not explicitly set a value for the Quota attribute share the
quota of the JMS server where they are deployed. The behavior is exactly the same as
if there were a special Quota resource defined for each JMS server with the Shared
parameter enabled.
The interfaces for the JMS server quota are unchanged from prior releases. The JMS
server quota is entirely controlled using methods on the JMSServerMBean. The quota
policy for the JMS server quota is set by the Blocking Send Policy parameter on a JMS
server, as explained in Section 14.8.2, "Specifying a Blocking Send Policy on JMS
Servers". It behaves just like the Policy setting of any other quota.

14.8 Blocking Senders During Quota Conditions

■ Section 14.8.1, "Defining a Send Timeout on Connection Factories"
■ Section 14.8.2, "Specifying a Blocking Send Policy on JMS Servers"

14.8.1 Defining a Send Timeout on Connection Factories

Blocking producers during quota conditions (by defining a send timeout) can
dramatically improve the performance of applications and benchmarks that
continuously retry message sends on quota failures. The Send Timeout feature
provides more control over message send operations by giving message produces the
option of waiting a specified length of time until space becomes available on a
destination. For example, if a producer makes a request and there is insufficient space,
then the producer is blocked until space becomes available, or the operation times out.
See Section 14.13, "Controlling the Flow of Messages on JMS Servers and Destinations"
for another method of flow control.
To use the Administration Console to define how long a JMS connection factory will
block message requests when a destination exceeds its maximum quota.
1. Follow the directions for navigating to the JMS Connection Factory: Configuration:
Flow Control page in "Configure message flow control" in the Oracle WebLogic
Server Administration Console Help.
2. In the Send Timeout field, enter the amount of time, in milliseconds, a sender will
block messages when there is insufficient space on the message destination. Once
the specified waiting period ends, one of the following results will occur:
■ If sufficient space becomes available before the timeout period ends, the
operation continues.

Tuning WebLogic JMS 14-9

Tuning MessageMaximum

■ If sufficient space does not become available before the timeout period ends,
you receive a resource allocation exception.
If you choose not to enable the blocking send policy by setting this value to 0,
then you will receive a resource allocation exception whenever sufficient space
is not available on the destination.
For more information about the Send Timeout field, see "JMS Connection
Factory: Configuration: Flow Control" in the Oracle WebLogic Server
Administration Console Help.
3. Click Save.

14.8.2 Specifying a Blocking Send Policy on JMS Servers

The Blocking Send policies enable you to define the JMS server's blocking behavior on
whether to deliver smaller messages before larger ones when multiple message
producers are competing for space on a destination that has exceeded its message
To use the Administration Console to define how a JMS server will block message
requests when its destinations are at maximum quota.
1. Follow the directions for navigating to the JMS Server: Configuration: Thresholds
and Quotas page of the Administration Console in "Configure JMS server
thresholds and quota" in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.
2. From the Blocking Send Policy list box, select one of the following options:
■ FIFO — All send requests for the same destination are queued up one behind
the other until space is available. No send request is permitted to complete
when there another send request is waiting for space before it.
■ Preemptive — A send operation can preempt other blocking send operations if
space is available. That is, if there is sufficient space for the current request,
then that space is used even if there are previous requests waiting for space.
■ For more information about the Blocking Send Policy field, see "JMS Server:
Configuration: Thresholds and Quota" in the Oracle WebLogic Server
Administration Console Help.
3. Click Save.

14.9 Tuning MessageMaximum

WebLogic JMS pipelines messages that are delivered to asynchronous consumers
(otherwise known as message listeners) or prefetch-enabled synchronous consumers.
This action aids performance because messages are aggregated when they are
internally pushed from the server to the client. The messages backlog (the size of the
pipeline) between the JMS server and the client is tunable by configuring the
MessagesMaximum setting on the connection factory. See "Asynchronous Message
Pipeline" in Programming JMS for Oracle WebLogic Server.
In some circumstances, tuning the MessagesMaximum parameter may improve
performance dramatically, such as when the JMS application defers acknowledges or
commits. In this case, Oracle suggests setting the MessagesMaximum value to:
2 * (ack or commit interval) + 1

For example, if the JMS application acknowledges 50 messages at a time, set the
MessagesMaximum value to 101.

14-10 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Compressing Messages

14.9.1 Tuning MessageMaximum Limitations

Tuning the MessagesMaximum value too high can cause:
■ Increased memory usage on the client.
■ Affinity to an existing client as its pipeline fills with messages. For example: If
MessagesMaximum has a value of 10,000,000, the first consumer client to connect
will get all messages that have already arrived at the destination. This condition
leaves other consumers without any messages and creates an unnecessary backlog
of messages in the first consumer that may cause the system to run out of memory.
■ Packet is too large exceptions and stalled consumers. If the aggregate size of the
messages pushed to a consumer is larger than the current protocol's maximum
message size (default size is 10 MB and is configured on a per WebLogic Server
instance basis using the console and on a per client basis using the
-Dweblogic.MaxMessageSize command line property), the message delivery

14.10 Setting Maximum Message Size for Network Protocols

You may need to configure WebLogic clients in addition to the WebLogic Server
instances, when sending and receiving large messages.
For most protocols, including T3, WLS limits the size of a network call to 10MB by
default. If individual JMS message sizes exceed this limit, or if a set of JMS messages
that is batched into the same network call exceeds this limit, this can lead to either
“packet too large exceptions” and/or stalled consumers. Asynchronous consumers can
cause multiple JMS messages to batch into the same network call, to control this batch
size, see Section 14.9.1, "Tuning MessageMaximum Limitations."
To set the maximum message size on a server instance, tune the maximum message
size for each supported protocol on a per protocol basis for each involved default
channel or custom channel. In this context the word 'message' refers to all network
calls over the given protocol, not just JMS calls.
To set the maximum message size on a client, use the following command line

Note: This setting applies to all WebLogic Server network packets

delivered to the client, not just JMS related packets.

14.11 Compressing Messages

A message compression threshold can be set programmatically using a JMS API
extension to the WLMessageProducer interface, or administratively by either
specifying a Default Compression Threshold value on a connection factory or on a JMS
SAF remote context. Compressed messages may actually inadvertently affect
destination quotas since some message types actually grow larger when compressed
For instructions on configuring default compression thresholds using the
Administration Console, see:
■ Connection factories — "Configure default delivery parameters" in the Oracle
WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.

Tuning WebLogic JMS 14-11

Paging Out Messages To Free Up Memory

■ Store-and-Forward (SAF) remote contexts — "Configure SAF remote contexts" in

the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.
Once configured, message compression is triggered on producers for client sends, on
connection factories for message receives and message browsing, or through SAF
forwarding. Messages are compressed using GZIP. Compression only occurs when
message producers and consumers are located on separate server instances where
messages must cross a JVM boundary, typically across a network connection when
WebLogic domains reside on different machines. Decompression automatically occurs
on the client side and only when the message content is accessed, except for the
following situations:
■ Using message selectors on compressed XML messages can cause decompression,
since the message body must be accessed in order to filter them. For more
information on defining XML message selectors, see "Filtering Messages" in
Programming JMS for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ Interoperating with earlier versions of WebLogic Server can cause decompression.
For example, when using the Messaging Bridge, messages are decompressed
when sent from the current release of WebLogic Server to a receiving side that is
an earlier version of WebLogic Server.
On the server side, messages always remains compressed, even when they are written
to disk.

14.12 Paging Out Messages To Free Up Memory

With the message paging feature, JMS servers automatically attempt to free up virtual
memory during peak message load periods. This feature can greatly benefit
applications with large message spaces. Message paging is always enabled on JMS
servers, and so a message paging directory is automatically created without having to
configure one. You can, however, specify a directory using the Paging Directory
option, then paged-out messages are written to files in this directory.
In addition to the paging directory, a JMS server uses either a file store or a JDBC store
for persistent message storage. The file store can be user-defined or the server's default
store. Paged JDBC store persistent messages are copied to both the JDBC store as well
as the JMS Server's paging directory. Paged file store persistent messages that are small
are copied to both the file store as well as the JMS Server's paging directory. Paged
larger file store messages are not copied into the paging directory. See Section 8.2, "Best
Practices When Using Persistent Stores".
However, a paged-out message does not free all of the memory that it consumes, since
the message header with the exception of any user properties, which are paged out
along with the message body, remains in memory for use with searching, sorting, and
filtering. Queuing applications that use selectors to select paged messages may show
severely degraded performance as the paged out messages must be paged back in.
This does not apply to topics or to applications that select based only on message
header fields (such as CorrelationID). A good rule of thumb is to conservatively
assume that messages each use 512 bytes of JVM memory even when paged out.

14.12.1 Specifying a Message Paging Directory

If a paging directory is not specified, then paged-out message bodies are written to the
default \tmp directory inside the servername subdirectory of a domain's root directory.
For example, if no directory name is specified for the default paging directory, it
defaults to:

14-12 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Controlling the Flow of Messages on JMS Servers and Destinations


where domainname is the root directory of your domain, typically

c:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\domainname, which is
parallel to the directory in which WebLogic Server program files are stored, typically
To configure the Message Paging Directory attribute, see "Configure general JMS
server properties" in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.

14.12.2 Tuning the Message Buffer Size Option

The Message Buffer Size option specifies the amount of memory that will be used to
store message bodies in memory before they are paged out to disk. The default value
of Message Buffer Size is approximately one-third of the maximum heap size for the
JVM, or a maximum of 512 megabytes. The larger this parameter is set, the more
memory JMS will consume when many messages are waiting on queues or topics.
Once this threshold is crossed, JMS may write message bodies to the directory
specified by the Paging Directory option in an effort to reduce memory usage below
this threshold.
It is important to remember that this parameter is not a quota. If the number of
messages on the server passes the threshold, the server writes the messages to disk
and evicts the messages from memory as fast as it can to reduce memory usage, but it
will not stop accepting new messages. It is still possible to run out of memory if
messages are arriving faster than they can be paged out. Users with high messaging
loads who wish to support the highest possible availability should consider setting a
quota, or setting a threshold and enabling flow control to reduce memory usage on the

14.13 Controlling the Flow of Messages on JMS Servers and Destinations

With the Flow Control feature, you can direct a JMS server or destination to slow
down message producers when it determines that it is becoming overloaded. See
Section 14.11, "Compressing Messages".
The following sections describe how flow control feature works and how to configure
flow control on a connection factory.
■ Section 14.13.1, "How Flow Control Works"
■ Section 14.13.2, "Configuring Flow Control"
■ Section 14.13.3, "Flow Control Thresholds"

14.13.1 How Flow Control Works

Specifically, when either a JMS server or it's destinations exceeds its specified byte or
message threshold, it becomes armed and instructs producers to limit their message
flow (messages per second).
Producers will limit their production rate based on a set of flow control attributes
configured for producers via the JMS connection factory. Starting at a specified flow
maximum number of messages, a producer evaluates whether the server/destination is
still armed at prescribed intervals (for example, every 10 seconds for 60 seconds). If at
each interval, the server/destination is still armed, then the producer continues to
move its rate down to its prescribed flow minimum amount.

Tuning WebLogic JMS 14-13

Controlling the Flow of Messages on JMS Servers and Destinations

As producers slow themselves down, the threshold condition gradually corrects itself
until the server/destination is unarmed. At this point, a producer is allowed to increase
its production rate, but not necessarily to the maximum possible rate. In fact, its
message flow continues to be controlled (even though the server/destination is no
longer armed) until it reaches its prescribed flow maximum, at which point it is no
longer flow controlled.

14.13.2 Configuring Flow Control

Producers receive a set of flow control attributes from their session, which receives the
attributes from the connection, and which receives the attributes from the connection
factory. These attributes allow the producer to adjust its message flow.
Specifically, the producer receives attributes that limit its flow within a minimum and
maximum range. As conditions worsen, the producer moves toward the minimum; as
conditions improve; the producer moves toward the maximum. Movement toward the
minimum and maximum are defined by two additional attributes that specify the rate
of movement toward the minimum and maximum. Also, the need for movement
toward the minimum and maximum is evaluated at a configured interval.
Flow Control options are described in following table:

Table 14–2 Flow Control Parameters

Attribute Description
Flow Control Enabled Determines whether a producer can be flow controlled by the JMS
Flow Maximum The maximum number of messages per second for a producer that
is experiencing a threshold condition.
If a producer is not currently limiting its flow when a threshold
condition is reached, the initial flow limit for that producer is set to
Flow Maximum. If a producer is already limiting its flow when a
threshold condition is reached (the flow limit is less than Flow
Maximum), then the producer will continue at its current flow limit
until the next time the flow is evaluated.
Once a threshold condition has subsided, the producer is not
permitted to ignore its flow limit. If its flow limit is less than the
Flow Maximum, then the producer must gradually increase its flow
to the Flow Maximum each time the flow is evaluated. When the
producer finally reaches the Flow Maximum, it can then ignore its
flow limit and send without limiting its flow.
Flow Minimum The minimum number of messages per second for a producer that
is experiencing a threshold condition. This is the lower boundary of
a producer's flow limit. That is, WebLogic JMS will not further slow
down a producer whose message flow limit is at its Flow
Flow Interval An adjustment period of time, defined in seconds, when a producer
adjusts its flow from the Flow Maximum number of messages to
the Flow Minimum amount, or vice versa.

14-14 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Handling Expired Messages

Table 14–2 (Cont.) Flow Control Parameters

Attribute Description
Flow Steps The number of steps used when a producer is adjusting its flow
from the Flow Minimum amount of messages to the Flow
Maximum amount, or vice versa. Specifically, the Flow Interval
adjustment period is divided into the number of Flow Steps (for
example, 60 seconds divided by 6 steps is 10 seconds per step).
Also, the movement (that is, the rate of adjustment) is calculated by
dividing the difference between the Flow Maximum and the Flow
Minimum into steps. At each Flow Step, the flow is adjusted
upward or downward, as necessary, based on the current
conditions, as follows:
The downward movement (the decay) is geometric over the
specified period of time (Flow Interval) and according to the
specified number of Flow Steps. (For example, 100, 50, 25, 12.5).
The movement upward is linear. The difference is simply divided
by the number of Flow Steps.

For more information about the flow control fields, and the valid and default values
for them, see "JMS Connection Factory: Configuration: Flow Control" in the Oracle
WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.

14.13.3 Flow Control Thresholds

The attributes used for configuring bytes/messages thresholds are defined as part of
the JMS server and/or its destination. Table 14–2 defines how the upper and lower
thresholds start and stop flow control on a JMS server and/or JMS destination.

Table 14–3 Flow Control Threshold Parameters

Attribute Description
Bytes/Messages Threshold When the number of bytes/messages exceeds this threshold,
High the JMS server/destination becomes armed and instructs
producers to limit their message flow.
Bytes/Messages Threshold When the number of bytes/messages falls below this
Low threshold, the JMS server/destination becomes unarmed and
instructs producers to begin increasing their message flow.
Flow control is still in effect for producers that are below their
message flow maximum. Producers can move their rate
upward until they reach their flow maximum, at which point
they are no longer flow controlled.

For detailed information about other JMS server and destination threshold and quota
fields, and the valid and default values for them, see the following pages in the
Administration Console Online Help:
■ "JMS Server: Configuration: Thresholds and Quotas"
■ "JMS Queue: Configuration: Thresholds and Quotas"
■ "JMS Topic: Configuration: Thresholds and Quotas"

14.14 Handling Expired Messages

The following sections describe two message expiration features, the message
Expiration Policy and the Active Expiration of message, which provide more control

Tuning WebLogic JMS 14-15

Handling Expired Messages

over how the system searches for expired messages and how it handles them when
they are encountered.
Active message expiration ensures that expired messages are cleaned up immediately.
Moreover, expired message auditing gives you the option of tracking expired
messages, either by logging when a message expires or by redirecting expired
messages to a defined error destination.
■ Section 14.14.1, "Defining a Message Expiration Policy"
■ Section 14.14.7, "Tuning Active Message Expiration"

14.14.1 Defining a Message Expiration Policy

Use the message Expiration Policy feature to define an alternate action to take when
messages expire. Using the Expiration Policy attribute on the Destinations node, an
expiration policy can be set on a per destination basis. The Expiration Policy attribute
defines the action that a destination should take when an expired message is
encountered: discard the message, discard the message and log its removal, or redirect
the message to an error destination.
Also, if you use JMS templates to configure multiple destinations, you can use the
Expiration Policy field to quickly configure an expiration policy on all your
destinations. To override a template's expiration policy for specific destinations, you
can modify the expiration policy on any destination.
For instructions on configuring the Expiration Policy, click one of the following links:
■ Section 14.14.2, "Configuring an Expiration Policy on Topics"
■ Section 14.14.3, "Configuring an Expiration Policy on Queues"
■ Section 14.14.4, "Configuring an Expiration Policy on Templates"
■ Section 14.14.5, "Defining an Expiration Logging Policy"

14.14.2 Configuring an Expiration Policy on Topics

Follow these directions if you are configuring an expiration policy on topics without
using a JMS template. Expiration policies that are set on specific topics will override
the settings defined on a JMS template.
1. Follow the directions for navigating to the JMS Topic: Configuration: Delivery
Failure page in "Configure topic message delivery failure options" in the Oracle
WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.
2. From the Expiration Policy list box, select an expiration policy option.
■ Discard — Expired messages are removed from the system. The removal is not
logged and the message is not redirected to another location.
■ Log — Removes expired messages and writes an entry to the server log file
indicating that the messages were removed from the system. You define the
actual information that will be logged in the Expiration Logging Policy field in
next step.
■ Redirect — Moves expired messages from their current location into the Error
Destination defined for the topic.
For more information about the Expiration Policy options for a topic, see "JMS
Topic: Configuration: Delivery Failure" in the Oracle WebLogic Server
Administration Console Help.

14-16 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Handling Expired Messages

3. If you selected the Log expiration policy in previous step, use the Expiration
Logging Policy field to define what information about the message is logged.
For more information about valid Expiration Logging Policy values, see
Section 14.14.5, "Defining an Expiration Logging Policy".
4. Click Save.

14.14.3 Configuring an Expiration Policy on Queues

Follow these directions if you are configuring an expiration policy on queues without
using a JMS template. Expiration policies that are set on specific queues will override
the settings defined on a JMS template.
1. Follow the directions for navigating to the JMS Queue: Configuration: Delivery
Failure page in "Configure queue message delivery failure options" in the Oracle
WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.
2. From the Expiration Policy list box, select an expiration policy option.
■ Discard — Expired messages are removed from the system. The removal is not
logged and the message is not redirected to another location.
■ Log — Removes expired messages from the queue and writes an entry to the
server log file indicating that the messages were removed from the system.
You define the actual information that will be logged in the Expiration
Logging Policy field described in the next step.
■ Redirect — Moves expired messages from the queue and into the Error
Destination defined for the queue.
■ For more information about the Expiration Policy options for a queue, see
"JMS Queue: Configuration: Delivery Failure" in the Oracle WebLogic Server
Administration Console Help.
3. If you selected the Log expiration policy in the previous step, use the Expiration
Logging Policy field to define what information about the message is logged.
For more information about valid Expiration Logging Policy values, see
Section 14.14.5, "Defining an Expiration Logging Policy".
4. Click Save

14.14.4 Configuring an Expiration Policy on Templates

Since JMS templates provide an efficient way to define multiple destinations (topics or
queues) with similar attribute settings, you can configure a message expiration policy
on an existing template (or templates) for your destinations.
1. Follow the directions for navigating to the JMS Template: Configuration: Delivery
Failure page in "Configure JMS template message delivery failure options" in the
Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.
2. In the Expiration Policy list box, select an expiration policy option.
■ Discard — Expired messages are removed from the messaging system. The
removal is not logged and the message is not redirected to another location.
■ Log — Removes expired messages and writes an entry to the server log file
indicating that the messages were removed from the system. The actual
information that is logged is defined by the Expiration Logging Policy field
described in the next step.

Tuning WebLogic JMS 14-17

Handling Expired Messages

■ Redirect — Moves expired messages from their current location into the Error
Destination defined for the destination.
■ For more information about the Expiration Policy options for a template, see
"JMS Template: Configuration: Delivery Failure" in the Oracle WebLogic Server
Administration Console Help.
3. If you selected the Log expiration policy in Step 4, use the Expiration Logging
Policy field to define what information about the message is logged.
For more information about valid Expiration Logging Policy values, see
Section 14.14.5, "Defining an Expiration Logging Policy".
4. Click Save.

14.14.5 Defining an Expiration Logging Policy

The following section provides information on the expiration policy.
The Expiration Logging Policy parameter has been deprecated in this release of
WebLogic Server. In its place, Oracle recommends using the Message Life Cycle
Logging feature, which provide a more comprehensive view of the basic events that
JMS messages will traverse through once they are accepted by a JMS server, including
detailed message expiration data. For more information about message life cycle
logging options, see "Message Life Cycle Logging" in Configuring and Managing JMS for
Oracle WebLogic Server.
For example, you could specify one of the following values:
■ JMSPriority, Name, Address, City, State, Zip
■ %header%, Name, Address, City, State, Zip
■ JMSCorrelationID, %properties%
The JMSMessageID field is always logged and cannot be turned off. Therefore, if the
Expiration Policy is not defined (that is, none) or is defined as an empty string, then
the output to the log file contains only the JMSMessageID of the message.

14.14.6 Expiration Log Output Format

When an expired message is logged, the text portion of the message (not including
timestamps, severity, thread information, security identity, etc.) conforms to the
following format:
<ExpiredJMSMessage JMSMessageId='$MESSAGEID' >
<HeaderFields Field1='Value1' [Field2='Value2'] … ] />
<UserProperties Property1='Value1' [Property='Value2'] … ] />

where $MESSAGEID is the exact string returned by Message.getJMSMessageID().

For example:
<ExpiredJMSMessage JMSMessageID='ID:P<851839.1022176920343.0' >
<HeaderFields JMSPriority='7' JMSRedelivered='false' />
<UserProperties Make='Honda' Model='Civic' Color='White'Weight='2680' />

If no header fields are displayed, the line for header fields is not be displayed. If no
user properties are displayed, that line is not be displayed. If there are no header fields
and no properties, the closing </ExpiredJMSMessage> tag is not necessary as the
opening tag can be terminated with a closing bracket (/>).

14-18 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Handling Expired Messages

For example:
<ExpiredJMSMessage JMSMessageID='ID:N<223476.1022177121567.1' />

All values are delimited with double quotes. All string values are limited to 32
characters in length. Requested fields and/or properties that do not exist are not
displayed. Requested fields and/or properties that exist but have no value (a null
value) are displayed as null (without single quotes). Requested fields and/or
properties that are empty strings are displayed as a pair of single quotes with no space
between them.
For example:
<ExpiredJMSMessage JMSMessageID='ID:N<851839.1022176920344.0' >
<UserProperties First='Any string longer than 32 char ...' Second=null Third=''

14.14.7 Tuning Active Message Expiration

Use the Active Expiration feature to define the timeliness in which expired messages
are removed from the destination to which they were sent or published. Messages are
not necessarily removed from the system at their expiration time, but they are
removed within a user-defined number of seconds. The smaller the window, the closer
the message removal is to the actual expiration time.

14.14.8 Configuring a JMS Server to Actively Scan Destinations for Expired Messages
Follow these directions to define how often a JMS server will actively scan its
destinations for expired messages. The default value is 30 seconds, which means the
JMS server waits 30 seconds between each scan interval.
1. Follow the directions for navigating to the JMS Server: Configuration: General
page of the Administration Console in "Configure general JMS server properties"
in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.
2. In the Scan Expiration Interval field, enter the amount of time, in seconds, that you
want the JMS server to pause between its cycles of scanning its destinations for
expired messages to process.
To disable active scanning, enter a value of 0 seconds. Expired messages are
passively removed from the system as they are discovered.
For more information about the Expiration Scan Interval attribute, see "JMS Server:
Configuration: General" in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.
3. Click Save.
There are a number of design choices that impact performance of JMS applications.
Some others include reliability, scalability, manageability, monitoring, user
transactions, message driven bean support, and integration with an application server.
In addition, there are WebLogic JMS extensions and features have a direct impact on
For more information on designing your applications for JMS, see "Best Practices for
Application Design" in Programming JMS for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Tuning WebLogic JMS 14-19

Tuning Applications Using Unit-of-Order

14.15 Tuning Applications Using Unit-of-Order

Message Unit-of-Order is a WebLogic Server value-added feature that enables a
stand-alone message producer, or a group of producers acting as one, to group
messages into a single unit with respect to the processing order (a sub-ordering). This
single unit is called a Unit-of-Order (or UOO) and requires that all messages from that
unit be processed sequentially in the order they were created. UOO replaces the
following complex design patterns:
■ A dedicated consumer with a unique selector per each sub-ordering
■ A new destination per sub-ordering, one consumer per destination.
See "Using Message Unit-of-Order" in Programming JMS for Oracle WebLogic Server.

14.15.1 Best Practices

The following sections provide best practice information when using UOO:
■ Ideal for applications that have strict message ordering requirements. UOO
simplifies administration and application design, and in most applications
improves performance.
■ Use MDB batching to:
– Speed-up processing of the messages within a single sub-ordering.
– Consume multiple messages at a time under the same transaction.
See Chapter 11, "Tuning Message-Driven Beans".
■ You can configure a default UOO for the destination. Only one consumer on the
destination processes messages for the default UOO at a time.

14.15.2 Using UOO and Distributed Destinations

To ensure strict ordering when using distributed destinations, each different UOO is
pinned to a specific physical destination instance. There are two options for
automatically determining the correct physical destination for a given UOO:
■ Hashing – Is generally faster and the UOO setting. Hashing works by using a hash
function on the UOO name to determine the physical destination. It has the
following drawbacks:
– It doesn't correctly handle the administrative deleting or adding physical
destinations to a distributed destination.
– If a UOO hashes to an unavailable destination, the message send fails.
■ Path Service – Is a single server UOO directory service that maps the physical
destination for each UOO. The Path Service is generally slower than hashing if
there are many differently named UOO created per second. In this situation, each
new UOO name implicitly forces a check of the path service before sending the
message. If the number of UOOs created per second is limited, Path Service
performance is not an issue as the UOO paths are cached throughout the cluster.

14.15.3 Migrating Old Applications to Use UOO

For releases prior to WebLogic Server 9.0, applications that had strict message ordering
requirements were required to do the following:
■ Use a single physical destination with a single consumer

14-20 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Using One-Way Message Sends

■ Ensure the maximum asynchronous consumer message backlog (The

MessagesMaximum parameter on the connection factory) was set to a value of 1.
UOO relaxes these requirements significantly as it allows for multiple consumers and
allows for a asynchronous consumer message backlog of any size. To migrate older
applications to take advantage of UOO, simply configure a default UOO name on the
physical destination. See "Configure connection factory unit-of-order parameters" in
Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help and "Ordered Redelivery of
Messages" in Programming JMS for Oracle WebLogic Server.

14.16 Using One-Way Message Sends

One-way message sends can greatly improve the performance of applications that are
bottle-necked by senders, but do so at the risk of introducing a lower QOS
(quality-of-service). Typical message sends from a JMS producer are termed two-way
sends because they include both an internal request and an internal response. When an
producer application calls send(), the call generates a request that contains the
application's message and then waits for a response from the JMS server to confirm its
receipt of the message. This call-and-response mechanism regulates the producer, since
the producer is forced to wait for the JMS server's response before the application can
make another send call. Eliminating the response message eliminates this wait, and
yields a one-way send. WebLogic Server supports a configurable one-way send option
for non-persistent, non-transactional messaging; no application code changes are
required to leverage this feature.
By enabling the One-Way Send Mode options, you allow message producers created
by a user-defined connection factory to do one-way message sends, when possible.
When active, the associated producers can send messages without internally waiting
for a response from the target destination's host JMS server. You can choose to allow
queue senders and topic publishers to do one-way sends, or to limit this capability to
topic publishers only. You must also specify a One-Way Window Size to determine
when a two-way message is required to regulate the producer before it can continue
making additional one-way sends.

14.16.1 Configure One-Way Sends On a Connection Factory

You configure one-way message send parameters on a connection factory by using the
Administration Console, as described in "Configure connection factory flow control" in
the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help. You can also use the WebLogic
Scripting Tool (WLST) or JMX via the FlowControlParamsBean MBean.

Note: One-way message sends are disabled if your connection

factory is configured with "XA Enabled". This setting disables
one-way sends whether or not the sender actually uses transactions.

14.16.2 One-Way Send Support In a Cluster With a Single Destination

To ensure one-way send support in a cluster with a single destination, verify that the
connection factory and the JMS server hosting the destination are targeted to the same
WebLogic server. The connection factory must not be targeted to any other WebLogic
Server instances in the cluster.

Tuning WebLogic JMS 14-21

Using One-Way Message Sends

14.16.3 One-Way Send Support In a Cluster With Multiple Destinations

To ensure one-way send support in a cluster with multiple destinations that share the
same name, special care is required to ensure the WebLogic Server instance that hosts
the client connection also hosts the destination. One solution is the following:
1. Configure the cluster wide RMI load balancing algorithm to "Server Affinity".
2. Ensure that no two destinations are hosted on the same WebLogic Server instance.
3. Configure each destination to have the same local-jndi-name.
4. Configure a connection factory that is targeted to only those WebLogic Server
instances that host the destinations.
5. Ensure sender clients use the JNDI names configured in Steps 3 and 4 to obtain
their destination and connection factory from their JNDI context.
6. Ensure sender clients use URLs limited to only those WebLogic Server instances
that host the destinations in Step 3.
This solution disables RMI-level load balancing for clustered RMI objects, which
includes EJB homes and JMS connection factories. Effectively, the client will obtain a
connection and destination based only on the network address used to establish the
JNDI context. Load balancing can be achieved by leveraging network load balancing,
which occurs for URLs that include a comma-separated list of WebLogic Server
addresses, or for URLs that specify a DNS name that resolves to a round-robin set of
IP addresses (as configured by a network administrator).
For more information on Server Affinity for clusters, see "Load Balancing for EJBs and
RMI Objects" in Using Clusters for Oracle WebLogic Server.

14.16.4 When One-Way Sends Are Not Supported

This section defines when one-way sends are not supported. When one-ways are not
supported, the send QOS is automatically upgraded to standard two-ways.

14.16.5 Different Client and Destination Hosts

One-way sends are supported when the client producer's connection host and the JMS
server hosting the target destination are the same WebLogic Server instance;
otherwise, the one-way mode setting will ignored and standard two-way sends will be
used instead.

14.16.6 XA Enabled On Client's Host Connection Factory

One-way message sends are disabled if the client's host connection factory is
configured with XA Enabled. This setting disables one-way sends whether or not the
sender actually uses transactions.

14.16.7 Higher QOS Detected

When the following higher QOS features are detected, then the one-way mode setting
will be ignored and standard two-way sends will be used instead:
■ XA
■ Transacted sessions
■ Persistent messaging
■ Unit-of-order

14-22 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Using One-Way Message Sends

■ Unit-of-work
■ Distributed destinations

14.16.8 Destination Quota Exceeded

When the specified quota is exceeded on the targeted destination, then standard
two-way sends will be used until the quota clears.
One-way messages that exceed quota are silently deleted, without immediately
throwing exceptions back to the client. The client will eventually get a quota exception
if the destination is still over quota at the time the next two-way send occurs. (Even in
one-way mode, clients will send a two-way message every One Way Send Window Size
number of messages configured on the client's connection factory.)
A workaround that helps avoid silently-deleted messages during quota conditions is
to increase the value of the Blocking Send Timeout configured on the connection
factory, as described in Section 14.11, "Compressing Messages". The one-way messages
will not be deleted immediately, but instead will optimistically wait on the JMS server
for the specified time until the quota condition clears (presumably due to messages
getting consumed or by messages expiring). The client sender will not block until it
sends a two-way message. For each client, no more than One Way Window Size
messages will accumulate on the server waiting for quota conditions to clear.

14.16.9 Change In Server Security Policy

A change in the server-side security policy could prevent one-way message sends
without notifying the JMS client of the change in security status.

14.16.10 Change In JMS Server or Destination Status

One-way sends can be disabled when a host JMS server or target destination is
administratively undeployed, or when message production is paused on either the
JMS server or the target destination using the "Production Pause/Resume" feature. See
"Production Pause and Production Resume" in Configuring and Managing JMS for Oracle
WebLogic Server.

14.16.11 Looking Up Logical Distributed Destination Name

One-way message sends work with distributed destinations provided the client looks
up the physical distributed destination members directly rather than using the logical
distributed destination's name. See "Using Distributed Destinations" in Programming
JMS for Oracle WebLogic Server.

14.16.12 Hardware Failure

A hardware or network failure will disable one-way sends. In such cases, the JMS
producer is notified by an OnException or by the next two-way message send. (Even
in one-way mode, clients will send a two-way message every One Way Send Window
Size number of messages configured on the client's connection factory.) The producer
will be closed. The worst-case scenario is that all messages can be lost up to the last
two-way message before the failure occurred.

14.16.13 One-Way Send QOS Guidelines

Use the following QOS-related guidelines when using the one-way send mode for
typical non-persistent messaging.

Tuning WebLogic JMS 14-23

Tuning the Messaging Performance Preference Option

■ When used in conjunction with the Blocking Sends feature, then using one-way
sends on a well-running system should achieve similar QOS as when using the
two-way send mode.
■ One-way send mode for topic publishers falls within the QOS guidelines set by
the JMS Specification, but does entail a lower QOS than two-way mode (the
WebLogic Server default mode).
■ One-way send mode may not improve performance if JMS consumer applications
are a system bottleneck, as described in "Asynchronous vs. Synchronous
Consumers" in Programming JMS for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ Consider enlarging the JVM's heap size on the client and/or server to account for
increased batch size (the Window) of sends. The potential memory usage is
proportioned to the size of the configured Window and the number of senders.
■ The sending application will not receive all quota exceptions. One-way messages
that exceed quota are silently deleted, without throwing exceptions back to the
sending client. See Section 14.16.8, "Destination Quota Exceeded" for more
information and a possible work around.
■ Configuring one-way sends on a connection factory effectively disables any
message flow control parameters configured on the connection factory.
■ By default, the One-way Window Size is set to "1", which effectively disables
one-way sends as every one-way message will be upgraded to a two-way send.
(Even in one-way mode, clients will send a two-way message every One Way Send
Window Size number of messages configured on the client's connection factory.)
Therefore, you must set the one-way send window size much higher. It is
recommended to try setting the window size to "300" and then adjust it according
to your application requirements.
■ The client application will not immediately receive network or server failure
exceptions, some messages may be sent but silently deleted until the failure is
detected by WebLogic Server and the producer is automatically closed. See
Section 14.16.12, "Hardware Failure" for more information.

14.17 Tuning the Messaging Performance Preference Option

Note: This is an advanced option for fine tuning. It is normally best
to explore other tuning options first.

The Messaging Performance Preference tuning option on JMS destinations enables you
to control how long a destination should wait (if at all) before creating full batches of
available messages for delivery to consumers. At the minimum value, batching is
disabled. Tuning above the default value increases the amount of time a destination is
willing to wait before batching available messages. The maximum message count of a
full batch is controlled by the JMS connection factory's Messages Maximum per
Session setting.
Using the Administration Console, this advanced option is available on the General
Configuration page for both standalone and uniform distributed destinations (or via
the DestinationBean API), as well as for JMS templates (or via the TemplateBean
Specifically, JMS destinations include internal algorithms that attempt to automatically
optimize performance by grouping messages into batches for delivery to consumers.

14-24 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning the Messaging Performance Preference Option

In response to changes in message rate and other factors, these algorithms change
batch sizes and delivery times. However, it isn't possible for the algorithms to optimize
performance for every messaging environment. The Messaging Performance
Preference tuning option enables you to modify how these algorithms react to changes
in message rate and other factors so that you can fine-tune the performance of your

14.17.1 Messaging Performance Configuration Parameters

The Message Performance Preference option includes the following configuration

Table 14–4 Message Performance Preference Values

Administration MBean
Console Value Value Description
Do Not Batch 0 Effectively disables message batching. Available messages
Messages are promptly delivered to consumers.
This is equivalent to setting the value of the connection
factory's Messages Maximum per Session field to "1".
Batch Messages 25 (default) Less-than-full batches are immediately delivered with
Without Waiting available messages.
This is equivalent to the value set on the connection
factory's Messages Maximum per Session field.
Low Waiting 50 Wait briefly before less-than-full batches are delivered
Threshold for with available messages. `
Message Batching
Medium Waiting 75 Possibly wait longer before less-than-full batches are
Threshold for delivered with available messages.
Message Batching
High Waiting 100 Possibly wait even longer before less-than-full batches are
Threshold for delivered with available messages.
Message Batching

It may take some experimentation to find out which value works best for your system.
For example, if you have a queue with many concurrent message consumers, by
selecting the Administration Console's Do Not Batch Messages value (or specifying "0"
on the DestinationBean MBean), the queue will make every effort to promptly
push messages out to its consumers as soon as they are available. Conversely, if you
have a queue with only one message consumer that doesn't require fast response
times, by selecting the console's High Waiting Threshold for Message Batching value
(or specifying "100" on the DestinationBean MBean), then the queue will strongly
attempt to only push messages to that consumer in batches, which will increase the
waiting period but may improve the server's overall throughput by reducing the
number of sends.
For instructions on configuring Messaging Performance Preference parameters on a
standalone destinations, uniform distributed destinations, or JMS templates using the
Administration Console, see the following sections in the Administration Console
Online Help:
■ "Configure advanced topic parameters"
■ "Configure advanced queue parameters"
■ "Uniform distributed topics - configure advanced parameters"

Tuning WebLogic JMS 14-25

Client-side Thread Pools

■ "Uniform distributed queues - configure advanced parameters"

■ "Configure advanced JMS template parameters"
For more information about these parameters, see DestinationBean and
TemplateBean in the Oracle WebLogic Server MBean Reference.

14.17.2 Compatibility With the Asynchronous Message Pipeline

The Message Performance Preference option is compatible with asynchronous
consumers using the Asynchronous Message Pipeline, and is also compatible with
synchronous consumers that use the Prefetch Mode for Synchronous Consumers
feature, which simulates the Asynchronous Message Pipeline. However, if the value of
the Maximum Messages value is set too low, it may negate the impact of the
destination's higher-level performance algorithms (e.g., Low, Medium, and High
Waiting Threshold for Message Batching). For more information on the Asynchronous
Message Pipeline, see "Receiving Messages" in Programming JMS for Oracle WebLogic

14.18 Client-side Thread Pools

With most java client side applications, the default client thread pool size of 5 threads
is sufficient. If, however, the application has a large number of asynchronous
consumers, then it is often beneficial to allocate slightly more threads than
asynchronous consumers. This allows more asynchronous consumers to run
WebLogic client thread pools are configured differently than WebLogic server
thread-pools, and are not self tuning. WebLogic clients have a specific thread pool that
is used for handling incoming requests from the server, such as JMS MessageListener
invocations. This pool can be configured via the command-line property:
where n is the number of threads
You can force a client-side thread dump to verify that this setting is taking effect.

14.19 Best Practices for JMS .NET Client Applications

The following is a short list of performance related best practices to use when creating
a JMS .NET client application:
■ Always register a connection exception listener using an IConnection if the
application needs to take action when an idle connection fails.
■ Have multiple .NET client threads share a single context to ensure that they use a
single socket.
■ Cache and reuse frequently accessed JMS resources, such as contexts, connections,
sessions, producers, destinations, and connection factories. Creating and closing
these resources consumes significant CPU and network bandwidth.
■ Use DNS aliases or comma separated addresses for load balancing JMS .NET
clients across multiple JMS .NET client host servers in a cluster.
For more information on best practices and other programming considerations for JMS
.NET client applications, see "Programming Considerations" in Use the WebLogic JMS
Client for Microsoft .NET.

14-26 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning WebLogic JMS Store-and-Forward

This chapter provides information on how to get the best performance from
Store-and-Forward (SAF) applications. For WebLogic Server releases 9.0 and higher,
JMS provides advanced store-and-forward capability for high-performance message
forwarding from a local server instance to a remote JMS destination. See
"Understanding the Store-and-Forward Service" in Configuring and Managing
Store-and-Forward for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ Section 15.1, "Best Practices"
■ Section 15.2, "Tuning Tips"

15.1 Best Practices

■ Avoid using SAF if remote destinations are already highly available. JMS clients
can send directly to remote destinations. Use SAF in situations where remote
destinations are not highly available, such as an unreliable network or different
maintenance schedules.
■ Use the better performing JMS SAF feature instead of using a Messaging Bridge
when forwarding messages to remote destinations. In general, a JMS SAF agent is
significantly faster than a Messaging Bridge. One exception is a configuration
when sending messages in a non-persistent exactly-once mode.

Note: A Messaging Bridge is still required to store-and-forward

messages to foreign destinations and destinations from releases prior
to WebLogic 9.0.

■ Configure separate SAF Agents for JMS SAF and Web Services Reliable Messaging
Agents (WS-RM) to simplify administration and tuning.
■ Sharing the same WebLogic Store between subsystems provides increased
performance for subsystems requiring persistence. For example, transactions that
include SAF and JMS operations, transactions that include multiple SAF
destinations, and transactions that include SAF and EJBs. See Section 8, "Tuning
the WebLogic Persistent Store".

15.2 Tuning Tips

■ Target imported destinations to multiple SAF agents to load balance message
sends among available SAF agents.

Tuning WebLogic JMS Store-and-Forward 15-1

Tuning Tips

■ Increase the JMS SAF Window Size for applications that handle small messages.
By default, a JMS SAF agent forwards messages in batches that contain up to 10
messages. For small messages size, it is possible to double or triple performance
by increasing the number of messages in each batch to be forwarded. A more
appropriate initial value for Window Size for small messages is 100. You can then
optimize this value for your environment.
Changing the Window Size for applications handling large message sizes is not
likely to increase performance and is not recommended. Window Size also tunes
WS-RM SAF behavior, so it may not be appropriate to tune this parameter for SAF
Agents of type Both.

Note: For a distributed queue, WindowSize is ignored and the batch

size is set internally at 1 message.

■ Increase the JMS SAF Window Interval. By default, a JMS SAF agent has a
Window Interval value of 0 which forwards messages as soon as they arrive.
This can lower performance as it can make the effective Window size much
smaller than the configured value. A more appropriate initial value for Window
Interval value is 500 milliseconds. You can then optimize this value for your
environment. In this context, small messages are less than a few K, while large
messages are on the order of tens of K.
Changing the Window Interval improves performance only in cases where the
forwarder is already able to forward messages as fast as they arrive. In this case,
instead of immediately forwarding newly arrived messages, the forwarder pauses
to accumulate more messages and forward them as a batch. The resulting larger
batch size improves forwarding throughput and reduces overall system disk and
CPU usage at the expense of increasing latency.

Note: For a distributed queue, Window Interval is ignored.

■ Set the Non-Persistent QOS value to At-Least-Once for imported

destinations if your application can tolerate duplicate messages.

15-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning WebLogic Message Bridge

This chapter provides information on various methods to improve message bridge

■ Section 16.1, "Best Practices"
■ Section 16.2, "Changing the Batch Size"
■ Section 16.3, "Changing the Batch Interval"
■ Section 16.4, "Changing the Quality of Service"
■ Section 16.5, "Using Multiple Bridge Instances"
■ Section 16.6, "Changing the Thread Pool Size"
■ Section 16.7, "Avoiding Durable Subscriptions"
■ Section 16.8, "Co-locating Bridges with Their Source or Target Destination"
■ Section 16.9, "Changing the Asynchronous Mode Enabled Attribute"

16.1 Best Practices

■ Avoid using a Messaging Bridge if remote destinations are already highly
available. JMS clients can send directly to remote destinations. Use messaging
bridge in situations where remote destinations are not highly available, such as an
unreliable network or different maintenance schedules.
■ Use the better performing JMS SAF feature instead of using a Messaging Bridge
when forwarding messages to remote destinations. In general, a JMS SAF agent is
significantly faster than a Messaging Bridge. One exception is a configuration
when sending messages in a non-persistent exactly-once mode.

Note: A Messaging Bridge is still required to store-and-forward

messages to foreign destinations and destinations from releases prior
to WebLogic 9.0.

16.2 Changing the Batch Size

When the Asynchronous Mode Enabled attribute is set to false and the quality of
service is Exactly-once, the Batch Size attribute can be used to reduce the
number of transaction commits by increasing the number of messages per transaction
(batch). The best batch size for a bridge instance depends on the combination of JMS
providers used, the hardware, operating system, and other factors in the application

Tuning WebLogic Message Bridge 16-1

Changing the Batch Interval

environment. See "Configure transaction properties" in Oracle WebLogic Server

Administration Console Help.

16.3 Changing the Batch Interval

When the Asynchronous Mode Enabled attribute is set to false and the quality of
service is Exactly-once, the BatchInterval attribute is used to adjust the amount
of time the bridge waits for each batch to fill before forwarding batched messages. The
best batch interval for a bridge instance depends on the combination of JMS providers
used, the hardware, operating system, and other factors in the application
environment. For example, if the queue is not very busy, the bridge may frequently
stop forwarding in order to wait batches to fill, indicating the need to reduce the value
of the BatchInterval attribute. See "Configure transaction properties" in Oracle
WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.

16.4 Changing the Quality of Service

An Exactly-once quality of service may perform significantly better or worse than
At-most-once and Duplicate-okay.
When the Exactly-once quality of service is used, the bridge must undergo a
two-phase commit with both JMS servers in order to ensure the transaction semantics
and this operation can be very expensive. However, unlike the other qualities of
service, the bridge can batch multiple operations together using Exactly-once
You may need to experiment with this parameter to get the best possible performance.
For example, if the queue is not very busy or if non-persistent messages are used,
Exactly-once batching may be of little benefit. See "Configure messaging bridge
instances" in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.

16.5 Using Multiple Bridge Instances

If message ordering is not required, consider deploying multiple bridges.
Multiple instances of the bridge may be deployed using the same destinations. When
this is done, each instance of the bridge runs in parallel and message throughput may
improve. If multiple bridge instances are used, messages will not be forwarded in the
same order they had in the source destination. See "Create messaging bridge instances"
in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.
Consider the following factors when deciding whether to use multiple bridges:
■ Some JMS products do not seem to benefit much from using multiple bridges
■ WebLogic JMS messaging performance typically improves significantly, especially
when handling persistent messages.
■ If the CPU or disk storage is already saturated, increasing the number of bridge
instances may decrease throughput.

16.6 Changing the Thread Pool Size

A general bridge configuration rule is to provide a thread for each bridge instance
targeted to a server instance. Use one of the following options to ensure that an
adequate number of threads is available for your environment:

16-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Changing the Asynchronous Mode Enabled Attribute

■ Use the common thread pool—A server instance changes its thread pool size
automatically to maximize throughput, including compensating for the number of
bridge instances configured. See "Understanding How WebLogic Server Uses
Thread Pools" in Configuring Server Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ Configure a work manager for the weblogic.jms.MessagingBridge class. See
"Understanding Work Managers" in Designing and Configuring WebLogic Server
■ Use the Administration console to set the Thread Pool Size property in the
Messaging Bridge Configuration section on the Configuration: Services page for a
server instance. To avoid competing with the default execute thread pool in the
server, messaging bridges share a separate thread pool. This thread pool is used
only in synchronous mode (Asynchronous Mode Enabled is not set). In
asynchronous mode the bridge runs in a thread created by the JMS provider for
the source destination. Deprecated in WebLogic Server 9.0.

16.7 Avoiding Durable Subscriptions

If the bridge is listening on a topic and it is acceptable that messages are lost when the
bridge is not forwarding messages, disable the Durability Enabled flag to ensure
undeliverable messages do not accumulate in the source server's store. Disabling the
flag also makes the messages non-persistent. See "Configure messaging bridge
instances" in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.

16.8 Co-locating Bridges with Their Source or Target Destination

If a messaging bridge source or target is a WebLogic destination, deploy the bridge to
the same WebLogic server as the destination. Targeting a messaging bridge with one of
its destinations eliminates associated network and serialization overhead. Such
overhead can be significant in high-throughput applications, particularly if the
messages are non-persistent.

16.9 Changing the Asynchronous Mode Enabled Attribute

The Asynchronous Mode Enabled attribute determines whether the messaging
bridge receives messages asynchronously using the JMS MessageListener
interface at
ml, or whether the bridge receives messages using the synchronous JMS APIs. In most
situations, the Asynchronous Enabled attributes value is dependent on the QOS
required for the application environment as shown in Table 16–1:

Table 16–1 Asynchronous Mode Enabled Values for QOS Level

QOS Asynchronous Mode Enabled Attribute value

Exactly-once1 false

At-least-once true
At-most-once true
If the source destination is a non-WebLogic JMS provider and the QOS is Exactly-once, then the
Asynchronous Mode Enabled attribute is disabled and the messages are processed in synchronous mode.

See "Configure messaging bridge instances" in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration

Console Help.

Tuning WebLogic Message Bridge 16-3

Changing the Asynchronous Mode Enabled Attribute

A quality of service of Exactly-once has a significant effect on bridge performance.

The bridge starts a new transaction for each message and performs a two-phase
commit across both JMS servers involved in the transaction. Since the two-phase
commit is usually the most expensive part of the bridge transaction, as the number of
messages being processed increases, the bridge performance tends to decrease.

16-4 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning Resource Adapters

This chapter describes best practices for tuning resource adapters.

■ Section 17.1, "Classloading Optimizations for Resource Adapters"
■ Section 17.2, "Connection Optimizations"
■ Section 17.3, "Thread Management"
■ Section 17.4, "InteractionSpec Interface"

17.1 Classloading Optimizations for Resource Adapters

You can package resource adapter classes in one or more JAR files, and then place the
JAR files in the RAR file. These are called nested JARs. When you nest JAR files in the
RAR file, and classes need to be loaded by the classloader, the JARs within the RAR
file must be opened and closed and iterated through for each class that must be
If there are very few JARs in the RAR file and if the JARs are relatively small in size,
there will be no significant performance impact. On the other hand, if there are many
JARs and the JARs are large in size, the performance impact can be great.
To avoid such performance issues, you can either:
1. Deploy the resource adapter in an exploded format. This eliminates the nesting of
JARs and hence reduces the performance hit involved in looking for classes.
2. If deploying the resource adapter in exploded format is not an option, the JARs
can be exploded within the RAR file. This also eliminates the nesting of JARs and
thus improves the performance of classloading significantly.

17.2 Connection Optimizations

Oracle recommends that resource adapters implement the optional enhancements
described in sections 7.14.2 and 7.14.2 of the J2CA 1.5 Specification at Implementing these
interfaces allows WebLogic Server to provide several features that will not be available
without them.
Lazy Connection Association, as described in section 7.14.1, allows the server to
automatically clean up unused connections and prevent applications from hogging
resources. Lazy Transaction Enlistment, as described in 7.14.2, allows applications to
start a transaction after a connection is already opened.

Tuning Resource Adapters 17-1

Thread Management

17.3 Thread Management

Resource adapter implementations should use the WorkManager (as described in
Chapter 10, "Work Management" in the J2CA 1.5 Specification at to launch
operations that need to run in a new thread, rather than creating new threads directly.
This allows WebLogic Server to manage and monitor these threads.

17.4 InteractionSpec Interface

WebLogic Server supports the Common Client Interface (CCI) for EIS access, as
defined in Chapter 15, "Common Client Interface" in the J 2CA 1.5 Specification at The CCI defines a standard client API
for application components that enables application components and EAI frameworks
to drive interactions across heterogeneous EISes.
As a best practice, you should not store the InteractionSpec class that the CCI
resource adapter is required to implement in the RAR file. Instead, you should
package it in a separate JAR file outside of the RAR file, so that the client can access it
without having to put the InteractionSpec interface class in the generic
With respect to the InteractionSpec interface, it is important to remember that
when all application components (EJBs, resource adapters, Web applications) are
packaged in an EAR file, all common classes can be placed in the APP-INF/lib
directory. This is the easiest possible scenario.
This is not the case for standalone resource adapters (packaged as RAR files). If the
interface is serializable (as is the case with InteractionSpec), then both the client
and the resource adapter need access to the InteractionSpec interface as well as
the implementation classes. However, if the interface extends, then
the client only needs access to the interface class.

17-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning Web Applications

This chapter describes Oracle best practices for tuning Web applications and managing
■ Section 18.1, "Best Practices"
■ Section 18.2, "Session Management"
■ Section 18.3, "Pub-Sub Tuning Guidelines"

18.1 Best Practices

■ Section 18.1.1, "Disable Page Checks"
■ Section 18.1.2, "Use Custom JSP Tags"
■ Section 18.1.3, "Precompile JSPs"
■ Section 18.1.4, "Disable Access Logging"
■ Section 18.1.5, "Use HTML Template Compression"
■ Section 18.1.6, "Use Service Level Agreements"
■ Section 18.1.7, "Related Reading"

18.1.1 Disable Page Checks

You can improve performance by disabling servlet and JDP page checks. Set each of
the following parameters to -1:
■ pageCheckSeconds
■ servlet-reload-check-secs
■ servlet Reload Check
These are default values for production mode.

18.1.2 Use Custom JSP Tags

Oracle provides three specialized JSP tags that you can use in your JSP pages: cache,
repeat, and process. These tags are packaged in a tag library jar file called
weblogic-tags.jar. This jar file contains classes for the tags and a tag library
descriptor (TLD). To use these tags, you copy this jar file to the Web application that
contains your JSPs and reference the tag library in your JSP. See "Using Custom
WebLogic JSP Tags (cache, process, repeat)" in Developing Web Applications, Servlets, and
JSPs for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Tuning Web Applications 18-1

Session Management

18.1.3 Precompile JSPs

You can configure WebLogic Server to precompile your JSPs when a Web Application
is deployed or re-deployed or when WebLogic Server starts up by setting the
precompile parameter to true in the jsp-descriptor element of the weblogic.xml
deployment descriptor. To avoid recompiling your JSPs each time the server restarts
and when you target additional servers, precompile them using weblogic.jspc and
place them in the WEB-INF/classes folder and archive them in a .war file. Keeping
your source files in a separate directory from the archived .war file eliminates the
possibility of errors caused by a JSP having a dependency on one of the class files. For
a complete explanation on how to avoid JSP recompilation, see "Avoiding Unnecessary
JSP Compilation" at

18.1.4 Disable Access Logging

Setting the access-logging-disabled element can eliminate access logging of the
underlying Web application, which can improve server throughput by reducing the
logging overhead. See container-descriptor in Developing Web Applications,
Servlets, and JSPs for Oracle WebLogic Server.

18.1.5 Use HTML Template Compression

Using the compress-html-template element compresses the HTML in the JSP
template blocks which can improve runtime performance. If the JSP's HTML template
block contains the <pre> HTML tag, do not enable this feature.
See jsp-descriptor in Developing Web Applications, Servlets, and JSPs for Oracle
WebLogic Server.

18.1.6 Use Service Level Agreements

You should assign servlets and JSPs to work managers based on the service level
agreements required by your applications. See Section 7.4, "Thread Management".

18.1.7 Related Reading

■ "Servlet Best Practices" in Developing Web Applications, Servlets, and JSPs for Oracle
WebLogic Server.
■ "Servlet and JSP Performance Tuning" at
ance_p.html, by Rahul Chaudhary, JavaWorld, June 2004.

18.2 Session Management

As a general rule, you should optimize your application so that it does as little work as
possible when handling session persistence and sessions. The following sections
provide information on how to design a session management strategy that suits your
environment and application:
■ Section 18.2.1, "Managing Session Persistence"
■ Section 18.2.2, "Minimizing Sessions"
■ Section 18.2.3, "Aggregating Session Data"

18-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Session Management

18.2.1 Managing Session Persistence

WebLogic Server offers many session persistence mechanisms that cater to the
differing requirements of your application, including Async-replicated and
Async-JDBC modes. The session persistence mechanisms are configurable at the Web
application layer. Which session management strategy you choose for your application
depends on real-world factors like HTTP session size, session life cycle, reliability, and
session failover requirements. For example, a Web application with no failover
requirements could be maintained as a single memory-based session; whereas, a Web
application with session fail-over requirements could be maintained as replicated
sessions or JDBC-based sessions, based on their life cycle and object size.
In terms of pure performance, replicated session persistence is a better overall choice
when compared to JDBC-based persistence for session state. However,
replicated-based session persistence requires the use of WebLogic clustering, so it isn't
an option in a single-server environment.
On the other hand, an environment using JDBC-based persistence does not require the
use of WebLogic clusters and can maintain the session state for longer periods of time
in the database. One way to improve JDBC-based session persistence is to optimize
your code so that it has as high a granularity for session state persistence as possible.
Other factors that can improve the overall performance of JDBC-based session
persistence are: the choice of database, proper database server configuration, JDBC
driver, and the JDBC connection pool configuration.
For more information on managing session persistence, see:
■ "Configuring Session Persistence" in Developing Web Applications, Servlets, and JSPs
for Oracle WebLogic Server
■ "HTTP Session State Replication" in Using Clusters for Oracle WebLogic Server
■ "Using a Database for Persistent Storage (JDBC Persistence)" in Developing Web
Applications, Servlets, and JSPs for Oracle WebLogic Server

18.2.2 Minimizing Sessions

Configuring how WebLogic Server manages sessions is a key part of tuning your
application for best performance. Consider the following:
■ Use of sessions involves a scalability trade-off.
■ Use sessions sparingly. In other words, use sessions only for state that cannot
realistically be kept on the client or if URL rewriting support is required. For
example, keep simple bits of state, such as a user's name, directly in cookies. You
can also write a wrapper class to "get" and "set" these cookies, in order to simplify
the work of servlet developers working on the same project.
■ Keep frequently used values in local variables.
For more information, see "Setting Up Session Management" in Developing Web
Applications, Servlets, and JSPs for Oracle WebLogic Server.

18.2.3 Aggregating Session Data

This section provides best practices on how to aggregate session data. WebLogic
Server tracks and replicates changes in the session by attribute so you should:
■ Aggregate session data that changes in tandem into a single session attribute.
■ Aggregate session data that changes frequently and read-only session data into
separate session attributes

Tuning Web Applications 18-3

Pub-Sub Tuning Guidelines

For example: If you use a a single large attribute that contains all the session data and
only 10% of that data changes, the entire attribute has to be replicated. This causes
unnecessary serialization/deserialization and network overhead. You should move
the 10% of the session data that changes into a separate attribute.

18.3 Pub-Sub Tuning Guidelines

The following section provides general tuning guidelines for a pub-sub server:
■ Increase file descriptors to cater for a large number of long-living connections,
especially for applications with thousands of clients.
■ Tune logging level for WebLogic Server.
■ Disable Access Logging.
■ Tune JVM options. Suggested options: -Xms1536m -Xmx1536m -Xns512m
■ Increase the maximum message. If your application publishes messages under
high volumes, consider setting the value to

18-4 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning Web Services

This chapter describes Oracle best practices for designing, developing, and deploying
WebLogic Web Services applications and application resources.
■ Section 19.1, "Web Services Best Practices"
■ Section 19.2, "Tuning Web Service Reliable Messaging Agents"
■ Section 19.3, "Tuning Heavily Loaded Systems to Improve Web Service

19.1 Web Services Best Practices

Design and architectural decisions have a strong impact on runtime performance and
scalability of Web Service applications. Here are few key recommendations to achieve
best performance.
■ Design Web Service applications for course-grained service with moderate size
■ Choose correct service-style & encoding for your Web service application.
■ Control serializer overheads and namespaces declarations to achieve better
■ Use MTOM/XOP or Fast Infoset to optimizing the format of a SOAP message.
■ Carefully design SOAP attachments and security implementations for minimum
performance overheads.
■ Consider using an asynchronous messaging model for applications with:
– Slow and unreliable transport.
– Complex and long-running process.
■ For transactional Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) consider using the Last
Logging Resource transaction optimization (LLR) to improve performance. See
Section 13, "Tuning Transactions".
■ Use replication and caching of data and schema definitions to improve
performance by minimizing network overhead.
■ Consider any XML compression technique only when XML
compression/decompression overheads are less than network overheads
■ Applications that are heavy users of XML functionality (parsers) may encounter
performance issues or run out of file descriptors. This may occur because XML
parser instances are bootstrapped by doing a lookup in the

Tuning Web Services 19-1

Tuning Web Service Reliable Messaging Agents

file (JAXP API). Oracle recommends setting the properties on the command line to
avoid unnecessary file operations at runtime and improve performance and
resource usage.
■ Follow "JWS Programming Best Practices" in Getting Started With JAX-WS Web
Services for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ Follow best practice and tuning recommendations for all underlying components,
such as Section 10, "Tuning WebLogic Server EJBs", Section 18, "Tuning Web
Applications", Section 12, "Tuning Data Sources", and Section 14, "Tuning
WebLogic JMS".

19.2 Tuning Web Service Reliable Messaging Agents

Web Service Reliable Messaging provides advanced store-and-forward capability for
high-performance message forwarding from a local server instance to a remote
destination. See "Understanding the Store-and-Forward Service" in Configuring and
Managing Store-and-Forward for Oracle WebLogic Server. The following section provides
information on how to get the best performance from Store-and-Forward (SAF)
■ Configure separate SAF Agents for JMS SAF and Web Services Reliable Messaging
Agents to simplify administration and tuning.
■ Sharing the same WebLogic Store between subsystems provides increased
performance for subsystems requiring persistence. For example, transactions that
include SAF and JMS operations, transactions that include multiple SAF
destinations, and transactions that include SAF and EJBs. See Section 8, "Tuning
the WebLogic Persistent Store".
■ Consider increasing the WindowSize parameter on the remote SAF agent. For
small messages of less than 1K, tuning WindowSize as high as 300 can improve

Note: WindowSize also tunes JMS SAF behavior, so it may not be

appropriate to tune this parameter for SAF agents of type both.

■ Ensure that retry delay is not set too low. This may cause the system to make
unnecessary delivery attempts.

19.3 Tuning Heavily Loaded Systems to Improve Web Service

The asynchronous request-response, reliable messaging, and buffering features are all
pre-tuned for minimum system resource usage to support a small number of clients
(under 10). If you plan on supporting a larger number of clients or high message
volumes, you should adjust the tuning parameters to accommodate the additional
load, as described in the following sections:
■ Section 19.3.1, "Setting the Work Manager Thread Pool Minimum Size Constraint"
■ Section 19.3.2, "Setting the Buffering Sessions"
■ Section 19.3.3, "Releasing Asynchronous Resources"

19-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning Heavily Loaded Systems to Improve Web Service Performance

19.3.1 Setting the Work Manager Thread Pool Minimum Size Constraint
Define a Work Manager and set the thread pool minimum size constraint
(min-threads-constraint) to a value that is at least as large as the expected
number of concurrent requests or responses into the service.
For example, if a Web service client issues 20 requests in rapid succession, the
recommended thread pool minimum size constraint value would be 20 for the
application hosting the client. If the configured constraint value is too small,
performance can be severely degraded as incoming work waits for a free processing
For more information about the thread pool minimum size constraint, see
"Constraints" in Configuring Server Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server.

19.3.2 Setting the Buffering Sessions

The reliable messaging and buffering features use JMS queue sessions to send
messages to the reliability/buffer queues. By default, WebLogic Server allocates 10
sessions for buffering which enables 10 clients to enqueue messages simultaneously
onto the reliability/buffer queue.
For asynchronous request-response, the request and response portion of the
communication exchange count separately, as two clients. In this case, the default pool
of sessions can support five simultaneous asynchronous request-response clients. To
accommodate the number of concurrent clients you expect in your application, set the
following parameter to twice the number of expected client threads:

19.3.3 Releasing Asynchronous Resources

When using the asynchronous request-response feature, WebLogic Server persistently
stores information about the request until the asynchronous response is returned to the
client. These resources remain in the persistent store until they are released by a
background thread, called the store cleaner.
Often, these resources can be released sooner. Executing the store cleaner more
frequently can help to reduce the size of the persistent store and minimize the time
required to clean it.
By default, the store cleaner runs every two minutes (120000 ms). Oracle recommends
that you set the store cleaner interval to one minute (60000 ms) using the following
Java system property:

Tuning Web Services 19-3

Tuning Heavily Loaded Systems to Improve Web Service Performance

19-4 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning WebLogic Tuxedo Connector

This chapter provides information on how to get the best performance from WebLogic
Tuxedo Connector (WTC) applications. The WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC)
provides interoperability between WebLogic Server applications and Tuxedo services.
WTC allows WebLogic Server clients to invoke Tuxedo services and Tuxedo clients to
invoke WebLogic Server Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs) in response to a service request.
See "WebLogic Tuxedo Connector" in Information Roadmap for Oracle WebLogic Server .
■ Section 20.1, "Configuration Guidelines"
■ Section 20.2, "Best Practices"

20.1 Configuration Guidelines

Use the following guidelines when configuring WebLogic Tuxedo Connector:
■ You may have more than one WTC Service in your configuration.
■ You can only target one WTC Service to a server instance.
■ WTC does not support connection pooling. WTC multiplexes requests though a
single physical connection.
■ Configuration changes implemented as follows:
– Changing the session/connection configuration (local APs, remote APs,
Passwords, and Resources) before a connection/session is established. The
changes are accepted and are implemented in the new session/connection.
– Changing the session/connection configuration (local APs, remote APs,
Passwords, and Resources) after a connection/session is established.The
changes accepted but are not implemented in the existing connection/session
until the connection is disconnected and reconnected. See "Assign a WTC
Service to a Server" in Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.
– Changing the Imported and Exported services configuration. The changes are
accepted and are implemented in the next inbound or outbound request.
Oracle does not recommend this practice as it can leave in-flight requests in an
unknown state.
– Changing the tBridge configuration. Any change in a deployed WTC service
causes an exception. You must untarget the WTC service before making any
tBridge configuration changes. After untargeting and making configuration
changes, you must target the WTC service to implement the changes.

Tuning WebLogic Tuxedo Connector 20-1

Best Practices

20.2 Best Practices

The following section provides best practices when using WTC:
■ When configuring the connection policy, use ON_STARTUP and INCOMING_ONLY.
ON_STARTUP and INCOMING_ONLY always paired. For example: If a WTC remote
access point is configured with ON_STARTUP, the DM_TDOMAIN section of the
Tuxedo domain configuration must be configured with the remote access point as
INCOMING_ONLY. In this case, WTC always acts as the session initiator. See
"Configuring the Connections Between Access Points" in the WebLogic Tuxedo
Connector Administration Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ Avoid using connection policy ON_DEMAND. The preferred connection policy is
ON_STARTUP and INCOMING_ONLY. This reduces the chance of service request
failure due to the routing semantics of ON_DEMAND. See "Configuring the
Connections Between Access Points" in the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector
Administration Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ Consider using the following WTC features: Link Level Failover, Service Level
failover and load balancing when designing your application. See "Configuring
Failover and Failback" in the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector Administration Guide for
Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ Consider using WebLogic Server clusters to provide additional load balancing and
failover. To use WTC in a WebLogic Server cluster:
– Configure a WTC instance on all the nodes of the WebLogic Server cluster.
– Each WTC instance in each cluster node must have the same configuration.
See "How to Manage WebLogic Tuxedo Connector in a Clustered Environment" in
the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector Administration Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ If your WTC to Tuxedo connection uses the internet, use the following security
– Set the value of Security to DM_PW. See "Authentication of Remote Access
Points" in the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector Administration Guide for Oracle
WebLogic Server.
– Enable Link-level encryption and set the min-encrypt-bits parameter to
40 and the max-encrypt-bits to 128. See "Link-Level Encryption" in the
WebLogic Tuxedo Connector Administration Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ Your application logic should provide mechanisms to manage and interpret error
conditions in your applications.
– See "Application Error Management" in the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector
Programmer’s Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.
– See "System Level Debug Settings" in the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector
Administration Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ Avoid using embedded TypedFML32 buffers inside TypedFML32 buffers. See
"Using FML with WebLogic Tuxedo Connector" in the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector
Programmer’s Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ If your application handles heavy loads, consider configuring more remote Tuxedo
access points and let WTC load balance the work load among the access points.
See "Configuring Failover and Failback" in the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector
Administration Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.

20-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Best Practices

■ When using transactional applications, try to make the remote services involved in
the same transaction available from the same remote access point. See "WebLogic
Tuxedo Connector JATMI Transactions" in the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector
Programmer’s Guide for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ The number of client threads available when dispatching services from the
gateway may limit the number of concurrent services running. There is no
WebLogic Tuxedo Connector attribute to increase the number of available threads.
Use a reasonable thread model when invoking service. See Section 7.4, "Thread
Management" and "Using Work Managers to Optimize Scheduled Work" in
Configuring Server Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ WebLogic Server Releases 9.2 and higher provide improved routing algorithms
which enhance transaction performance. Specifically, performance is improved
when there are more than one Tuxedo service requests involved in a 2 phase
commit (2PC) transaction. If your application does only single service request to
the Tuxedo domain, you can disable this feature by setting the following WebLogic
Server command line parameter:

■ Call the constructor TypedFML32 using the maximum number of objects in the
buffer. Even if the maximum number is difficult to predict, providing a reasonable
number improves performance. You approximate the maximum number by
multiplying the number of fields by 1.33.

Note: This performance tip does not apply to TypedFML buffer type.

For example:
If there are 50 fields in a TypedFML32 buffer type then the maximum number is
63. Calling the constructor TypedFML32(63, 50) performs better than
If there are 50 fields in a TypedFML32 buffer type and each can have maximum 10
occurrences, then call the constructor TypedFML32(625, 50) will give better
performance than TypedFML32()
■ When configuring Tuxedo applications that act as servers interoperating with
WTC clients, take into account of parallelism that may be achieved by carefully
configuring different servers on different Tuxedo machines.
■ Be aware of the possibility of database access deadlock in Tuxedo applications.
You can avoid deadlock through careful Tuxedo application configuration.
■ If your are using WTC load balancing or service level failover, Oracle recommends
that you do not disable WTC transaction affinity.
■ For load balancing outbound requests, configure the imported service with
multiple entries using a different key. The imported service uses composite key to
determine each record's uniqueness. The composite key is compose of "the service
name + the local access point + the primary route in the remote access point list".
The following is an example of how to correctly configure load balancing requests
for service1 between TDomainSession(WDOM1,TUXDOM1) and

Tuning WebLogic Tuxedo Connector 20-3

Best Practices

Table 20–1 Example of Correctly Configured Load Balancing

ResourceName LocalAccessPoint RemoteAccessPointList RemoteName

The following is an example an incorrectly configured load balancing requests. The

following configuration results in the same composite key for service1:

Table 20–2 Example of Incorrectly Configured Load Balancing

ResourceName LocalAccessPoint RemoteAccessPointList RemoteName

20-4 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

AUsing the WebLogic 8.1 Thread Pool Model

This chapter describes how to use and tune WebLogic 8.1 thread pools. If you have
been using execute queues to improve performance prior to this release, you may
continue to use them after you upgrade your application domains to WebLogic Server
Oracle recommends migrating from execute queues to using the self-tuning execute
queue with work managers. See "Using Work Managers to Optimize Scheduled Work"
in Configuring Server Environments for Oracle WebLogic Server.
■ Section A.1, "How to Enable the WebLogic 8.1 Thread Pool Model"
■ Section A.2, "Tuning the Default Execute Queue"
■ Section A.3, "Using Execute Queues to Control Thread Usage"
■ Section A.4, "Monitoring Execute Threads"
■ Section A.5, "Allocating Execute Threads to Act as Socket Readers"
■ Section A.6, "Tuning the Stuck Thread Detection Behavior"

A.1 How to Enable the WebLogic 8.1 Thread Pool Model

Oracle provides a flag that enables you to disable the self-tuning execute pool and
provide backward compatibility for upgraded applications to continue to use
user-defined execute queues.
To use user-defined execute queues in a WebLogic Server 10.x domain, you need to
include the use81-style-execute-queues sub-element of the server element in
the config.xml file and reboot the server.
1. If you have not already done so, stop the WebLogic Server instance.
2. Edit the config.xml file, setting the use81-style-execute-queues element
to true.
3. Reboot the server instance.
4. Explicitly create the weblogic.kernel.Default execute queue from the
Administration Console.
5. Reboot the server instance.
The following example code allows an instance of myserver to use execute queues:

Example A–1 Using the use81-style-execute-queues Element


Using the WebLogic 8.1 Thread Pool Model A-1

Tuning the Default Execute Queue


Configured work managers are converted to execute queues at runtime by the server

A.2 Tuning the Default Execute Queue

The value of the ThreadCount attribute of an ExecuteQueue element in the
config.xml file equals the number of simultaneous operations that can be performed
by applications that use the execute queue. As work enters an instance of WebLogic
Server, it is placed in an execute queue. This work is then assigned to a thread that
does the work on it. Threads consume resources, so handle this attribute with
care—you can degrade performance by increasing the value unnecessarily. WebLogic
Server uses different default values for the thread count of the default execute queue
depending on the startup mode of the server instance. See "Specify a startup mode" in
Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Help.

Table A–1 Default Thread Count for Startup Modes

Server Mode . . . Default Thread Count . . .
Development 15 threads
Production 25 threads

Unless you configure additional execute queues, and assign applications to them, the
server instance assigns requests to the default execute queue.

Note: If native performance packs are not being used for your
platform, you may need to tune the default number of execute queue
threads and the percentage of threads that act as socket readers to
achieve optimal performance. For more information, see Section A.5,
"Allocating Execute Threads to Act as Socket Readers".

A.2.1 Should You Modify the Default Thread Count?

Adding more threads to the default execute queue does not necessarily imply that you
can process more work. Even if you add more threads, you are still limited by the
power of your processor. You can degrade performance by increasing the value of the
ThreadCount attribute unnecessarily. A high execute thread count causes more
memory to be used and may increases context switching, which can degrade

A-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Using Execute Queues to Control Thread Usage

The value of the ThreadCount attribute depends very much on the type of work your
application does. For example, if your client application is thin and does a lot of its
work through remote invocation, that client application will spend more time
connected — and thus will require a higher thread count — than a client application
that does a lot of client-side processing.
If you do not need to use more than 15 threads (the development default) or 25 threads
(the production default) for your work, do not change the value of this attribute. As a
general rule, if your application makes database calls that take a long time to return,
you will need more execute threads than an application that makes calls that are short
and turn over very rapidly. For the latter case, using a smaller number of execute
threads could improve performance.
To determine the ideal thread count for an execute queue, monitor the queue's
throughput while all applications in the queue are operating at maximum load.
Increase the number of threads in the queue and repeat the load test until you reach
the optimal throughput for the queue. (At some point, increasing the number of
threads will lead to enough context switching that the throughput for the queue begins
to decrease.)

Note: The WebLogic Server Administration Console displays the

cumulative throughput for all of a server's execute queues. To access
this throughput value, follow steps 1-6 in Section A.3, "Using Execute
Queues to Control Thread Usage".

Table A–2 shows default scenarios for adjusting available threads in relation to the
number of CPUs available in the WebLogic Server domain. These scenarios also
assume that WebLogic Server is running under maximum load, and that all thread
requests are satisfied by using the default execute queue. If you configure additional
execute queues and assign applications to specific queues, monitor results on a
pool-by-pool basis.

Table A–2 Scenarios for Modifying the Default Thread Count

When... And you see... Do This:
Thread Count < number of CPUs CPUs are under utilized, Increase the thread count.
but there is work that could
be done.
Thread Count = number of CPUs CPUs are under utilized, Increase the thread count.
but there is work that could
be done.
Thread Count > number of CPUs (by CPUs have high utilization, Tune the moderate number of
a moderate number of threads) with a moderate amount of threads and compare
context switching. performance results.
Thread Count > number of CPUs (by Too much context Reduce the number of threads.
a large number of threads) switching.

A.3 Using Execute Queues to Control Thread Usage

You can fine-tune an application's access to execute threads (and thereby optimize or
throttle its performance) by using user-defined execute queues in WebLogic Server.
However, keep in mind that unused threads represent significant wasted resources in
a WebLogic Server system. You may find that available threads in configured execute
queues go unused, while tasks in other queues sit idle waiting for threads to become

Using the WebLogic 8.1 Thread Pool Model A-3

Using Execute Queues to Control Thread Usage

available. In such a situation, the division of threads into multiple queues may yield
poorer overall performance than having a single, default execute queue.
Default WebLogic Server installations are configured with a default execute queue
which is used by all applications running on the server instance. You may want to
configure additional queues to:
■ Optimize the performance of critical applications. For example, you can assign a
single, mission-critical application to a particular execute queue, guaranteeing a
fixed number of execute threads. During peak server loads, nonessential
applications may compete for threads in the default execute queue, but the
mission-critical application has access to the same number of threads at all times.
■ Throttle the performance of nonessential applications. For an application that
can potentially consume large amounts of memory, assigning it to a dedicated
execute queue effectively limits the amount of memory it can consume. Although
the application can potentially use all threads available in its assigned execute
queue, it cannot affect thread usage in any other queue.
■ Remedy deadlocked thread usage. With certain application designs, deadlocks
can occur when all execute threads are currently utilized. For example, consider a
servlet that reads messages from a designated JMS queue. If all execute threads in
a server are used to process the servlet requests, then no threads are available to
deliver messages from the JMS queue. A deadlock condition exists, and no work
can progress. Assigning the servlet to a separate execute queue avoids potential
deadlocks, because the servlet and JMS queue do not compete for thread
Be sure to monitor each execute queue to ensure proper thread usage in the system as
a whole. See Section A.2.1, "Should You Modify the Default Thread Count?" for
general information about optimizing the number of threads.

A.3.1 Creating Execute Queues

An execute queue represents a named collection of execute threads that are available
to one or more designated servlets, JSPs, EJBs, or RMI objects.
To configure a new execute queue using the Administration Console:
1. If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration
Console, click Lock & Edit.
2. In the left pane of the console, expand Environment > Servers.
3. On the Summary of Servers page, select the server instance for which you will
configure an execute queue.
4. Select the Configuration > Queues tab and click New.
5. Name the execute queue and click OK.
6. On the User-Defined Execute Queues page, select the execute queue you just
7. On the execute queue Configuration tab, modify the following attributes or accept
the system defaults:
Queue Length—Always leave the Queue Length at the default value of 65536
entries. The Queue Length specifies the maximum number of simultaneous
requests that the server can hold in the queue. The default of 65536 requests
represents a very large number of requests; outstanding requests in the queue
should rarely, if ever reach this maximum value.

A-4 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Using Execute Queues to Control Thread Usage

If the maximum Queue Length is reached, WebLogic Server automatically doubles

the size of the queue to account for the additional work. Exceeding 65536 requests
in the queue indicates a problem with the threads in the queue, rather than the
length of the queue itself; check for stuck threads or an insufficient thread count in
the execute queue.
Queue Length Threshold Percent—The percentage (from 1–99) of the
Queue Length size that can be reached before the server indicates an overflow
condition for the queue. All actual queue length sizes below the threshold
percentage are considered normal; sizes above the threshold percentage indicate
an overflow. When an overflow condition is reached, WebLogic Server logs an
error message and increases the number of threads in the queue by the value of
the Threads Increase attribute to help reduce the workload.
By default, the Queue Length Threshold Percent value is 90 percent. In most
situations, you should leave the value at or near 90 percent, to account for any
potential condition where additional threads may be needed to handle an
unexpected spike in work requests. Keep in mind that Queue Length Threshold
Percent must not be used as an automatic tuning parameter—the threshold should
never trigger an increase in thread count under normal operating conditions.
Thread Count—The number of threads assigned to this queue. If you do not
need to use more than 15 threads (the default) for your work, do not change the
value of this attribute. (For more information, see Section A.2.1, "Should You
Modify the Default Thread Count?".)
Threads Increase—The number of threads WebLogic Server should add to
this execute queue when it detects an overflow condition. If you specify zero
threads (the default), the server changes its health state to "warning" in response to
an overflow condition in the thread, but it does not allocate additional threads to
reduce the workload.

Note: If WebLogic Server increases the number of threads in

response to an overflow condition, the additional threads remain in
the execute queue until the server is rebooted. Monitor the error log to
determine the cause of overflow conditions, and reconfigure the
thread count as necessary to prevent similar conditions in the future.
Do not use the combination of Threads Increase and Queue Length
Threshold Percent as an automatic tuning tool; doing so generally
results in the execute queue allocating more threads than necessary
and suffering from poor performance due to context switching.

Threads Minimum—The minimum number of threads that WebLogic Server

should maintain in this execute queue to prevent unnecessary overflow
conditions. By default, the Threads Minimum is set to 5.
Threads Maximum—The maximum number of threads that this execute queue
can have; this value prevents WebLogic Server from creating an overly high thread
count in the queue in response to continual overflow conditions. By default, the
Threads Maximum is set to 400.
8. Click Save.
9. To activate these changes, in the Change Center of the Administration Console,
click Activate Changes. Not all changes take effect immediately—some require a
10. You must reboot the server to use the new thread detection behavior values.

Using the WebLogic 8.1 Thread Pool Model A-5

Using Execute Queues to Control Thread Usage

A.3.2 Modifying the Thread Count

To modify the default execute queue thread count using the Administration Console:
1. If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration
Console, click Lock & Edit.
2. In the left pane of the console, expand Environment > Servers.
3. On the Summary of Servers page, select the server instance for which you will
configure thread detection behavior.
4. On the Configuration > Queues tab, select the execute queue for which you will
modify the default thread count.
5. You can only modify the default execute queue for the server or a user-defined
execute queue.
6. Locate the Thread Count value and increase or decrease it, as appropriate.
7. Click Save.
8. To activate these changes, in the Change Center of the Administration Console,
click Activate Changes. Not all changes take effect immediately—some require a
9. You must reboot the server to use the new thread detection behavior values.

A.3.3 Tuning Execute Queues for Overflow Conditions

You can configure WebLogic Server to detect and optionally address potential
overflow conditions in the default execute queue or any user-defined execute queue.
WebLogic Server considers a queue to have a possible overflow condition when its
current size reaches a user-defined percentage of its maximum size. When this
threshold is reached, the server changes its health state to "warning" and can
optionally allocate additional threads to perform the outstanding work in the queue,
thereby reducing the queue length.
To automatically detect and address overflow conditions in a queue, you can configure
the following items:
■ The threshold at which the server indicates an overflow condition. This value is set
as a percentage of the configured size of the execute queue (the QueueLength
■ The number of threads to add to the execute queue when an overflow condition is
detected. These additional threads work to reduce the size of the queue and
reduce the size of the queue to its normal operating size.
■ The minimum and maximum number of threads available to the queue. In
particular, setting the maximum number of threads prevents the server from
assigning an overly high thread count in response to overload conditions.
To tune an execute queue using the WebLogic Server Administration Console:
1. If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration
Console, click Lock & Edit.
2. In the left pane of the console, expand Environment > Servers.
3. On the Summary of Servers page, select the server instance for which you will
configure overflow conditions behavior.
4. Select the Configuration > Queues tab, select the execute queue for which you
will configure overflow conditions behavior.

A-6 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Using Execute Queues to Control Thread Usage

5. Specify how the server instance should detect an overflow condition for the
selected queue by modifying the following attributes:
Queue Length—Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous requests that
the server can hold in the queue. The default of 65536 requests represents a very
large number of requests; outstanding requests in the queue should rarely, if ever
reach this maximum value. Always leave the Queue Length at the default value of
65536 entries.
Queue Length Threshold Percent—The percentage (from 1–99) of the
Queue Length size that can be reached before the server indicates an overflow
condition for the queue. All actual queue length sizes below the threshold
percentage are considered normal; sizes above the threshold percentage indicate
an overflow. By default, the Queue Length Threshold Percent is set to 90 percent.
6. To specify how this server should address an overflow condition for the selected
queue, modify the following attribute:
Threads Increase—The number of threads WebLogic Server should add to
this execute queue when it detects an overflow condition. If you specify zero
threads (the default), the server changes its health state to "warning" in response to
an overflow condition in the execute queue, but it does not allocate additional
threads to reduce the workload.
7. To fine-tune the variable thread count of this execute queue, modify the following
Threads Minimum—The minimum number of threads that WebLogic Server
should maintain in this execute queue to prevent unnecessary overflow
conditions. By default, the Threads Minimum is set to 5.
Threads Maximum—The maximum number of threads that this execute queue
can have; this value prevents WebLogic Server from creating an overly high thread
count in the queue in response to continual overflow conditions. By default, the
Threads Maximum is set to 400.
8. Click Save.
9. To activate these changes, in the Change Center of the Administration Console,
click Activate Changes. Not all changes take effect immediately—some require a
10. You must reboot the server to use the new thread detection behavior values.

A.3.4 Assigning Servlets and JSPs to Execute Queues

You can assign a servlet or JSP to a configured execute queue by identifying the
execute queue name in the initialization parameters. Initialization parameters appear
within the init-param element of the servlet's or JSP's deployment descriptor file,
web.xml. To assign an execute queue, enter the queue name as the value of the
wl-dispatch-policy parameter, as in the example:

Using the WebLogic 8.1 Thread Pool Model A-7

Monitoring Execute Threads

See "Creating and Configuring Servlets" in Developing Web Applications, Servlets, and
JSPs for Oracle WebLogic Server for more information about specifying initialization
parameters in web.xml.

A.3.5 Assigning EJBs and RMI Objects to Execute Queues

To assign an EJB object to a configured execute queue, use the new
dispatch-policy element in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml. For more information, see the
weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Deployment Descriptor.
While you can also set the dispatch policy through the appc compiler
-dispatchPolicy flag, Oracle strongly recommends you use the deployment
descriptor element instead. This way, if the EJB is recompiled, during deployment for
example, the setting will not be lost.
To assign an RMI object to a configured execute queue, use the -dispatchPolicy
option to the rmic compiler. For example:
java weblogic.rmic -dispatchPolicy CriticalAppQueue ...

A.4 Monitoring Execute Threads

To use the Administration Console to monitor the status of execute threads:
1. If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration
Console, click Lock & Edit.
2. In the left pane of the console, expand Environment > Servers.
3. On the Summary of Servers page, select the server instance for which you will
configure thread detection behavior.
4. Select the Monitoring > Threads tab.
5. A table of the execute queues available on this server instance is displayed.
6. Select an execute queue for which you would like to view thread information.
7. A table of execute threads for the selected execute queue is displayed.

A.5 Allocating Execute Threads to Act as Socket Readers

For best performance, Oracle recommends that you use the native socket reader
implementation, rather than the pure-Java implementation, on machines that host
WebLogic Server instances (see Section 7.4, "Thread Management"). However, if you
must use the pure-Java socket reader implementation for host machines, you can still
improve the performance of socket communication by configuring the proper number
of execute threads to act as socket reader threads for each server instance.
The ThreadPoolPercentSocketReaders attribute sets the maximum percentage
of execute threads that are set to read messages from a socket. The optimal value for
this attribute is application-specific. The default value is 33, and the valid range is
Allocating execute threads to act as socket reader threads increases the speed and the
ability of the server to accept client requests. It is essential to balance the number of
execute threads that are devoted to reading messages from a socket and those threads
that perform the actual execution of tasks in the server.

A-8 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Tuning the Stuck Thread Detection Behavior

A.5.1 Setting the Number of Socket Reader Threads For a Server Instance
To use the Administration Console to set the maximum percentage of execute threads
that read messages from a socket:
1. If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration
Console, click Lock & Edit.
2. In the left pane of the console, expand Environment > Servers.
3. On the Summary of Servers page, select the server instance for which you will
configure thread detection behavior.
4. Select the Configuration > Tuning tab.
5. Specify the percentage of Java reader threads in the Socket Readers field. The
number of Java socket readers is computed as a percentage of the number of total
execute threads (as shown in the Thread Count field for the Execute Queue).
6. Click Save.
7. To activate these changes, in the Change Center of the Administration Console,
click Activate Changes.

A.5.2 Setting the Number of Socket Reader Threads on Client Machines

On client machines, you can configure the number of available socket reader threads
in the JVM that runs the client. Specify the socket readers by defining the following
parameters in the java command line for the client:

A.6 Tuning the Stuck Thread Detection Behavior

WebLogic Server automatically detects when a thread in an execute queue becomes
"stuck." Because a stuck thread cannot complete its current work or accept new work,
the server logs a message each time it diagnoses a stuck thread.
WebLogic Server diagnoses a thread as stuck if it is continually working (not idle) for a
set period of time. You can tune a server's thread detection behavior by changing the
length of time before a thread is diagnosed as stuck, and by changing the frequency
with which the server checks for stuck threads. Although you can change the criteria
WebLogic Server uses to determine whether a thread is stuck, you cannot change the
default behavior of setting the "warning" and "critical" health states when all threads
in a particular execute queue become stuck. For more information, see "Understanding
WebLogic Logging Services" in Configuring Log Files and Filtering Log Messages for
Oracle WebLogic Server.
To configure stuck thread detection behavior:
1. If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration
Console, click Lock & Edit.
2. In the left pane of the console, expand Environment > Servers.
3. On the Summary of Servers page, select the server instance for which you will
configure thread detection behavior.
4. On the Configuration > Tuning tab, update as necessary:

Using the WebLogic 8.1 Thread Pool Model A-9

Tuning the Stuck Thread Detection Behavior

Stuck Thread Max Time—Amount of time, in seconds, that a thread must be

continually working before a server instance diagnoses a thread as being stuck.
Stuck Thread Timer Interval—Amount of time, in seconds, after which a
server instance periodically scans threads to see if they have been continually
working for the configured Stuck Thread Max Time.
5. Click Save.
6. To activate these changes, in the Change Center of the Administration Console,
click Activate Changes. Not all changes take effect immediately—some require a
7. You must reboot the server to use the new thread detection behavior values.

A-10 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

BCapacity Planning

This chapter provides an introduction to capacity planning. Capacity planning is the

process of determining what type of hardware and software configuration is required
to meet application needs adequately. Capacity planning is not an exact science. Every
application is different and every user behavior is different.
■ Section B.1, "Capacity Planning Factors"
■ Section B.2, "Assessing Your Application Performance Objectives"
■ Section B.3, "Hardware Tuning"
■ Section B.4, "Network Performance"
■ Section B.5, "Related Information"

B.1 Capacity Planning Factors

A number of factors influence how much capacity a given hardware configuration will
need in order to support a WebLogic Server instance and a given application. The
hardware capacity required to support your application depends on the specifics of
the application and configuration. You should consider how each of these factors
applies to your configuration and application.
The following sections discuss several of these factors. Understanding these factors
and considering the requirements of your application will aid you in generating server
hardware requirements for your configuration. Consider the capacity planning
questions in Table B–1.

Table B–1 Capacity Planning Factors and Information Reference

Capacity Planning Questions For Information, See:
Is WebLogic Server well-tuned? Section B.2, "Assessing Your Application
Performance Objectives"
How well-designed is the user application? Section B.1.5, "Database Server Capacity and
User Storage Requirements"
Is there enough bandwidth? Section B.1.7, "Network Load"
How many transactions need to run Section B.1.6, "Concurrent Sessions"
Is the database a limiting factor? Are there Section B.1.5, "Database Server Capacity and
additional user storage requirements? User Storage Requirements"
What is running on the machine in addition Section B.1.7, "Network Load"
to WebLogic Server?

Capacity Planning B-1

Capacity Planning Factors

Table B–1 (Cont.) Capacity Planning Factors and Information Reference

Capacity Planning Questions For Information, See:
Do clients use SSL to connect to WebLogic Section B.1.3, "SSL Connections and
Server? Performance"
What types of traffic do the clients generate? Section B.1.2, "RMI and Server Traffic"
What types of clients connect to the Section B.1.1, "Programmatic and Web-based
WebLogic Server application? Clients"
Is your deployment configured for a cluster? Section B.1.8, "Clustered Configurations"
Are your servers configured for migration? Section B.1.9, "Server Migration"

B.1.1 Programmatic and Web-based Clients

Primarily, two types of clients can connect to WebLogic Server:
■ Web-based clients, such as Web browsers and HTTP proxies, use the HTTP or
HTTPS (secure) protocol to obtain HTML or servlet output.
■ Programmatic clients, such as Java applications and applets, can connect through
the T3 protocol and use RMI to connect to the server.
The stateless nature of HTTP requires that the server handle more overhead than is the
case with programmatic clients. However, the benefits of HTTP clients are numerous,
such as the availability of browsers and firewall compatibility, and are usually worth
the performance costs.
Programmatic clients are generally more efficient than HTTP clients because T3 does
more of the presentation work on the client side. Programmatic clients typically call
directly into EJBs while Web clients usually go through servlets. This eliminates the
work the server must do for presentation. The T3 protocol operates using sockets and
has a long-standing connection to the server.
A WebLogic Server installation that relies only on programmatic clients should be able
to handle more concurrent clients than an HTTP proxy that is serving installations. If
you are tunneling T3 over HTTP, you should not expect this performance benefit. In
fact, performance of T3 over HTTP is generally 15 percent worse than typical HTTP
and similarly reduces the optimum capacity of your WebLogic Server installation.

B.1.2 RMI and Server Traffic

What types of server traffic do the clients generate? If you are using T3 clients, most
interaction with the server involves Remote Method Invocation (RMI.) Clients using
RMI do not generate heavy traffic to the server because there is only one sender and
one listener.
RMI can use HTTP tunneling to allow RMI calls to traverse a firewall. RMI tunneled
through HTTP often does not deliver the higher degree of performance provided by
non-tunneled RMI.

B.1.3 SSL Connections and Performance

Secure sockets layer (SSL) is a standard for secure Internet communications. WebLogic
Server security services support X.509 digital certificates and access control lists
(ACLs) to authenticate participants and manage access to network services. For
example, SSL can protect JSP pages listing employee salaries, blocking access to
confidential information.

B-2 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Capacity Planning Factors

SSL involves intensive computing operations. When supporting the cryptography

operations in the SSL protocol, WebLogic Server can not handle as many simultaneous
The number of SSL connections required out of the total number of clients required.
Typically, for every SSL connection that the server can handle, it can handle three
non-SSL connections. SSL substantially reduces the capacity of the server depending
upon the strength of encryption used in the SSL connections. Also, the amount of
overhead SSL imposes is related to how many client interactions have SSL enabled.
WebLogic Server includes native performance packs for SSL operations.

B.1.4 WebLogic Server Process Load

What is running on the machine in addition to a WebLogic Server? The machine may
be processing much more than presentation and business logic. For example, it could
be running a Web server or maintaining a remote information feed, such as a stock
information feed from a quote service.
Consider how much of your WebLogic Server machine's processing power is
consumed by processes unrelated to WebLogic Server. In the case in which WebLogic
Server (or the machine on which it resides) is doing substantial additional work, you
need to determine how much processing power will be drained by other processes.
When a Web server proxy is running on the same machine as WebLogic Server, expect
anywhere from 25 to 50 percent of the computing capacity.

B.1.5 Database Server Capacity and User Storage Requirements

Is the database a bottleneck? Are there additional user storage requirements? Often the
database server runs out of capacity much sooner that WebLogic Server does. Plan for
a database that is sufficiently robust to handle the application. Typically, a good
application's database requires hardware three to four times more powerful than the
application server hardware. It is good practice to use a separate machine for your
database server.
Generally, you can tell if your database is the bottleneck if you are unable to maintain
WebLogic Server CPU usage in the 85 to 95 percent range. This indicates that
WebLogic Server is often idle and waiting for the database to return results. With load
balancing in a cluster, the CPU utilization across the nodes should be about even.
Some database vendors are beginning to provide capacity planning information for
application servers. Frequently this is a response to the three-tier model for
An application might require user storage for operations that do not interact with a
database. For example, in a secure system disk and memory are required to store
security information for each user. You should calculate the size required to store one
user's information, and multiply by the maximum number of expected users.

B.1.6 Concurrent Sessions

How many transactions must run concurrently? Determine the maximum number of
concurrent sessions WebLogic Server will be called upon to handle. For each session,
you will need to add more RAM for efficiency. Oracle recommends that you install a
minimum of 256 MB of memory for each WebLogic Server installation that will be
handling more than minimal capacity.
Next, research the maximum number of clients that will make requests at the same
time, and how frequently each client will be making a request. The number of user

Capacity Planning B-3

Capacity Planning Factors

interactions per second with WebLogic Server represents the total number of
interactions that should be handled per second by a given WebLogic Server
deployment. Typically for Web deployments, user interactions access JSP pages or
servlets. User interactions in application deployments typically access EJBs.
Consider also the maximum number of transactions in a given period to handle spikes
in demand. For example, in a stock report application, plan for a surge after the stock
market opens and before it closes. If your company is broadcasting a Web site as part
of an advertisement during the World Series or World Cup Soccer playoffs, you should
expect spikes in demand.

B.1.7 Network Load

Is the bandwidth sufficient? WebLogic Server requires enough bandwidth to handle all
connections from clients. In the case of programmatic clients, each client JVM will have
a single socket to the server. Each socket requires bandwidth. A WebLogic Server
handling programmatic clients should have 125 to 150 percent the bandwidth that a
server with Web-based clients would handle. If you are interested in the bandwidth
required to run a web server, you can assume that each 56kbps (kilobits per second) of
bandwidth can handle between seven and ten simultaneous requests depending upon
the size of the content that you are delivering. If you are handling only HTTP clients,
expect a similar bandwidth requirement as a Web server serving static pages.
The primary factor affecting the requirements for a LAN infrastructure is the use of
replicated sessions for servlets and stateful session EJBs. In a cluster, replicated
sessions are the biggest consumer of LAN bandwidth. Consider whether your
application will require the replication of session information for servlets and EJBs.
To determine whether you have enough bandwidth in a given deployment, look at the
network tools provided by your network operating system vendor. In most cases,
including Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Solaris, you can inspect the load on the
network system. If the load is very high, bandwidth may be a bottleneck for your

B.1.8 Clustered Configurations

Clusters greatly improve efficiency and failover. Customers using clustering should
not see any noticeable performance degradation. A number of WebLogic Server
deployments in production involve placing a cluster of WebLogic Server instances on a
single multiprocessor server.
Large clusters performing replicated sessions for Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) or
servlets require more bandwidth than smaller clusters. Consider the size of session
data and the size of the cluster.

B.1.9 Server Migration

Are your servers configured for migration? Migration in WebLogic Server is the
process of moving a clustered WebLogic Server instance or a component running on a
clustered instance elsewhere in the event of failure. In the case of whole server
migration, the server instance is migrated to a different physical machine upon failure,
either manually or automatically.
For capacity planning in a production environment, keep in mind that server startup
during migration taxes CPU utilization. You cannot assume that because a machine
can handle x number of servers running concurrently that it also can handle that same
number of servers starting up on the same machine at the same time.

B-4 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

Network Performance

B.1.10 Application Design

How well-designed is the application? WebLogic Server is a platform for user
applications. Badly designed or unoptimized user applications can drastically slow
down the performance of a given configuration from 10 to 50 percent. The prudent
course is to assume that every application that is developed for WebLogic Server will
not be optimal and will not perform as well as benchmark applications. Increase the
maximum capacity that you calculate or expect. See Section 3.1.7, "Tune Your

B.2 Assessing Your Application Performance Objectives

At this stage in capacity planning, you gather information about the level of activity
expected on your server, the anticipated number of users, the number of requests,
acceptable response time, and preferred hardware configuration. Capacity planning
for server hardware should focus on maximum performance requirements and set
measurable objectives for capacity.
The numbers that you calculate from using one of our sample applications are of
course just a rough approximation of what you may see with your application. There
is no substitute for benchmarking with the actual production application using
production hardware. In particular, your application may reveal subtle contention or
other issues not captured by our test applications.

B.3 Hardware Tuning

When you examine performance, a number of factors influence how much capacity a
given hardware configuration will need in order to support WebLogic Server and a
given application. The hardware capacity required to support your application
depends on the specifics of the application and configuration. You should consider
how each factor applies to your configuration and application.

B.3.1 Benchmarks for Evaluating Performance

The Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation, at,
provides a set of standardized benchmarks and metrics for evaluating computer
system performance.

B.3.2 Supported Platforms

See "Supported Configurations" in What's New in Oracle WebLogic Server for links to the
latest certification information on the hardware/operating system platforms that are
supported for each release of WebLogic Server.

B.4 Network Performance

Network performance is affected when the supply of resources is unable to keep up
with the demand for resources. Today's enterprise-level networks are very fast and are
now rarely the direct cause of performance in well-designed applications. However, if
you find that you have a problem with one or more network components (hardware or
software), work with your network administrator to isolate and eliminate the problem.
You should also verify that you have an appropriate amount of network bandwidth
available for WebLogic Server and the connections it makes to other tiers in your
architecture, such as client and database connections. Therefore, it is important to

Capacity Planning B-5

Related Information

continually monitor your network performance to troubleshoot potential performance


B.4.1 Determining Network Bandwidth

A common definition of bandwidth is "the rate of the data communications
transmission, usually measured in bits-per-second, which is the capacity of the link to
send and receive communications." A machine running WebLogic Server requires
enough network bandwidth to handle all WebLogic Server client connections. In the
case of programmatic clients, each client JVM has a single socket to the server, and
each socket requires dedicated bandwidth. A WebLogic Server instance handling
programmatic clients should have 125–150 percent of the bandwidth that a similar
Web server would handle. If you are handling only HTTP clients, expect a bandwidth
requirement similar to a Web server serving static pages.
To determine whether you have enough bandwidth in a given deployment, you can
use the network monitoring tools provided by your network operating system vendor
to see what the load is on the network system. You can also use common operating
system tools, such as the netstat command for Solaris or the System Monitor
(perfmon) for Windows, to monitor your network utilization. If the load is very high,
bandwidth may be a bottleneck for your system.
Also monitor the amount of data being transferred across the your network by
checking the data transferred between the application and the application server, and
between the application server and the database server. This amount should not
exceed your network bandwidth; otherwise, your network becomes the bottleneck. To
verify this, monitor the network statistics for retransmission and duplicate packets, as
netstat -s -P tcp

B.5 Related Information

The Oracle corporate Web site provides all documentation for WebLogic Server.
Information on topics related to capacity planning is available from numerous
third-party software sources, including the following:
■ "Capacity Planning for Web Performance: Metrics, Models, and Methods". Prentice
Hall, 1998, ISBN 0-13-693822-1 at
■ "Configuration and Capacity Planning for Solaris Servers" at
sp?userid=36YYSNN1TN&isbn=0133499529&TXT=Y&itm=1, Brian L. L.
■ "J2EE Applications and BEA WebLogic Server". Prentice Hall, 2001, ISBN
0-13-091111-9 at
■ Web portal focusing on capacity-planning issues for enterprise application
deployments at

B-6 Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server

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