MYP Unit Planner: Stage 1: Integrate Significant Concept, Area of Interaction and Unit Question

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The key takeaways are that structure dictates function in atoms and molecules, and understanding molecular structure can explain macroscopic properties. Models and laboratory simulations are important for understanding abstract concepts.

The main concepts covered include atomic structure, ion formation, molecular geometry, intermolecular forces, and how these relate to physical properties of substances.

The assessment strategies used are a lab to investigate relationships between ionic charge and conductivity, using concepts to explain differences in physical properties of compounds, and assessing criteria like knowledge, inquiry, and attitudes in science.

MYP unit planner

Unit title Atoms and Chemical Bonding

Teacher(s) Ben Damaso

Subject and grade level Grade 10 Chemistry – MYP 5

Time frame and duration 5 weeks

Stage 1: Integrate significant concept, area of interaction and unit question

Area of interaction focus Significant concept(s)

Which area of interaction will be our focus? What are the big ideas? What do we want our
Why have we chosen this? students to retain for years into the future?

ATL— Students will be engaged in Structure dictates function.

organizing information, collaborating, and
communicating. They will also be asked to
develop models, reflect on them and
transfer skills learned.

MYP unit question

How does structure relate to function?
How can knowledge of an element’s atomic structure and electron
arrangement be used to predict the type of compounds it will form and
the spatial arrangement of molecules they form?
How can our understanding of spatial arrangement of
molecules/particles and the nature of forces that exist between
molecules/particles be used to explain the physical properties of
variety of different molecules/substances?

What task(s) will allow students the opportunity to respond to the unit question?
What will constitute acceptable evidence of understanding? How will students show what they have understood?

 in a lab activity plan, design, and perform an experiment to investigate the relationship of ionic charge
of an ion to its conductivity in solution
 lab activity - investigate intermolecular forces of simple alkanes and alcohols by using the LabQuest
temperature probe to monitor the relative rates of evaporation
 given data about two related compounds, use concepts of molecular geometry, molecular polarity, and
intermolecular forces to explain why these compounds differ in certain physical properties

Which specific MYP objectives will be addressed during this unit?

B) Communication in Science; C) Knowledge and Understanding of Science;

D) Scientific Inquiry; E) Processing of Data; F) Attitudes in Science

Which MYP assessment criteria will be used?

B) Communication in Science; C) Knowledge and Understanding of Science;

D) Scientific Inquiry; E) Processing of Data; F) Attitudes in Science

Stage 2: Backward planning: from the assessment to the learning activities

through inquiry
What knowledge and/or skills (from the course overview) are going to be used to enable the student to respond to the unit
What AERO standards/skills are to be addressed? How are they unpacked to develop the significant concept(s) for stage 1?

9.12.h Understand that ions are formed by the gain or loss of electrons.
9.12.i Explain how molecular and ionic structure determine the properties of substances.
9.12.j Describe the structure of an atom, and explain why its electron configuration determines how the
atom can interact with other atoms, and how atoms form ionic or covalent bonds.

Approaches to learning
How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and general approaches to learning skills?

Students will organize data and ideas about chemical structure; students will collaborate to complete group
investigations and will communicate their findings appropriately. Students will reflect upon the theme of
“submicroscopic properties” and “macroscopic observations” and how the two are related in the work they
carried out during this unit. Students will have opportunities to transfer skills and models to novel

Learning experiences Teaching strategies

How will we use formative assessment to give students feedback
How will students know what is expected of them? Will during the unit?
they see examples, rubrics, templates?
What different teaching methodologies will we employ?
How will students acquire the knowledge and practise
the skills required? How will they practise applying How are we differentiating teaching and learning for all? How have
these? we made provision for those learning in a language other than their
mother tongue? How have we considered those with special
Do the students have enough prior knowledge? How will educational needs?
we know?

 in a lab demo - compare reactivity of alkali  Sheet with common structures

metals and halogens as evidence of electron
arrangement  Models, computer simulations and 3-dimensional
 explain the trends in a plot of atomic radius vs
atomic number  Group work

 in a group activity examine a set of physical  Guided Inquiry.

data for various elements and then predict
the position of a number of unidentified
elements on periodic table
 in a group activity complete periodic aliens
activity using principles of periodicity found in
the periodic table
 in a lab activity compare conductivity and MP
of ionic and covalent compounds
 in group activity - use molecular model kits
and computer graphics (chem sketch) to
examine the 3-D arrangement of simple
 as a class demo, investigate the solubility of
iodine in water vs other solvents such as
hexane or a series of alcohols
 explain everyday occurrences by applying
concepts of polarity and intermolecular forces

What resources are available to us?
How will our classroom environment, local environment and/or the community be used to facilitate students’ experiences during
the unit?

Textbook, multimedia resources that accompany text.

Molecular modelling kits and access to molecular modelling software
Scientific American (Sept. 1998) The Evolution of the Periodic Table
Education in Chemistry (March 1999) Mendeleev – The unsung hero
LabQuest, temperature and conductivity probe
Models of characteristic 3-dimensional molecular shapes.
Assorted ionic and covalent compounds; assorted polar and non-polar solvents.
Conductivity meters, thermometers, Bunsen burners, plastic strips for charging, burettes, glassware,

Ongoing reflections and evaluation

In keeping an ongoing record, consider the following questions. There are further stimulus
questions at the end of the “Planning for teaching and learning” section of MYP: From
principles into practice.
Students and teachers
What did we find compelling? Were our disciplinary knowledge/skills challenged in any way?
What inquiries arose during the learning? What, if any, extension activities arose?
How did we reflect—both on the unit and on our own learning?
Which attributes of the learner profile were encouraged through this unit? What opportunities were there for student-initiated

Possible connections
How successful was the collaboration with other teachers within my subject group and from other subject groups?
What interdisciplinary understandings were or could be forged through collaboration with other subjects?
Were students able to demonstrate their learning?
How did the assessment tasks allow students to demonstrate the learning objectives identified for this unit? How did I make
sure students were invited to achieve at all levels of the criteria descriptors?
Are we prepared for the next stage?

Data collection
How did we decide on the data to collect? Was it useful?
The bulk of this unit included a lot of abstract concepts the understanding of which relied heavily on the use of models and
illustrative laboratory simulations. It was clear in the unit how macroscopic observations can be explained using ideas about
sub-microscopic interactions (at the atomic, ionic and molecular level). A couple of whiz-bang demonstrations were done to
introduce this relationship, and this quite engaged students into active learning. The design labs used likewise fostered risk-
taking atmosphere. I figured that in my attempt to design inquiry-driven labs, a good scaffolding of concepts is needed in such a
way that ideas are introduced and explored, rather than forced through to attain the goals of the labs.
Some issues on assessment surfaced especially for Criterion C – Knowledge and Understanding. While I try to classify
questions and problems as proposed by the subject guide, I had to confer with some colleagues on how to assess
achievements in which some students could get their way through unfamiliar problems but not necessarily score well on
recalling and understanding the basic concepts. Some assessments likewise prove to be quite complicated that I did not quite
manage to give prompt feedbacks. I surmise that for really abstract concepts, short but continuous assessments would be more
suitable than assessments with a huge bulk of coverage. This will strengthen further the culminating assessment or task for the

Figure 12
MYP unit planner

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