I Eat He/she Eats I Am Eating: Positive

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Present I eat I don’t eat Do I eat? Como

Simple He/she eats He/she doesn`t eat Does he/she eat? Come
Present I am eating I am not eating Am I eating? Estoy comiendo
Continuous Comeré

Past Simple I ate (I) I didn`t eat Did I eat? Comí/ Comiera
I worked (R) I didn’t work Did I work? Trabajé/Trabajara
Past I was eating Was I eating? I wasn’t eating Estaba comiendo
Continuous You were eating Were you eating? You weren’t Comía
Present I have eaten I haven’t eaten Have I eaten? He comido
Perfect He has eaten He hasn’t eaten Has he eaten?

Past I had eaten I hadn’t eaten Had I eaten? Había comido

Perfect hubiera comido
Future I will eat I will not eat Will I eat? Comeré
Simple I won’t eat

Future I will be eating I won’t be eating Will I be eating? Estaré comiendo


Future I will have eaten I won’t have eaten Will I have eaten? Habré comido

Be going to I am going to eat I am not going to Am I going to eat? Voy a comer


Conditional I would eat I wouldn’t eat Would I eat? Comería


Perfect I would have I wouldn’t have Would I have Habría comido

Conditional eaten eaten eaten?

Infinite To eat Comer

Gerund Eating Comiendo

Past Eaten Comido


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