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The practice of mental concentration leading ultimately through a succession

of stages to the final goal of spiritual freedom, nirvana. Meditation occupies a
central place in Buddhism and combines, in its highest stages, the discipline
of progressively increased introversion with the insight brought about by
wisdom, or prajna.

The object of concentration (the kammatthana) may vary according to

individual and situation. One Pali text lists 40 kammatthanas, including
devices (such as a colour or a light), repulsive things (such as a corpse),
recollections (as of the Buddha), and the brahmaviharas (virtues, such as

Four stages (called in Sanskrit dhyanas; Pali jhanas) are distinguished in the
shift of attention from the outward sensory world: detachment from the
external world and a consciousness of joy and ease; concentration, with
suppression of reasoning and investigation; the passing away of joy, with the
sense of ease remaining; and the passing away of ease also, bringing about
a state of pure self-possession and equanimity.

The dhyanas are followed by four further spiritual exercises, the samapattis
("attainments"). They are described as: consciousness of infinity of space;
consciousness of the infinity of cognition; concern with the unreality of things
(nihility); and consciousness of unreality as the object of thought.

The stages of Buddhist meditation show many similarities with Hindu

meditation (see Yoga), reflecting a common tradition in ancient India. The
Buddhists, however, describe the culminating trancelike state as transient;
final Nirvana requires the insight of wisdom. The exercises that are meant to
develop wisdom involve meditation on the true nature of reality or the
conditioned and unconditioned dharmas (elements) that make up all

Meditation, though important in all schools of Buddhism, has developed

characteristic variations within different traditions. In China and Japan the
practice of dhyana (meditation) assumed sufficient importance to develop into
a school of its own (Ch'an and Zen;), in which meditation is the most essential
feature of the school.

Canon of the Physical Proportions of a Great Being

The image of Buddha, who was called The Greatest Yogin of all Times,
expresses serene quiescence. The harmony of his physical proportions is the
expression of great beauty. The required measurements are laid down in the
canon (or standard pattern) of Buddhist art, which corresponds to ideal
physical proportions. The span is the basic measure, i.e. the distance from the
tip of the middle finger to the tip of the thumb of the outspread hand. This
distance corresponds to the space between the dimple in the chin and the
hair-line. Each span has twelve finger-breadths. The whole figure measures
108 finger-breadths or 9 spans corresponding to the macro-micro-cosmic
harmony measurements.

The perfect proportions of a Buddha, the graciousness of his physical form,

represent one of the ten qualities or powers of a Buddha. They are the
characteristics of the physical harmony and beauty of a Great Being, and are
described in Story of the Life of Buddha Shakyamuni. There are thirty-two
major and eighty minor characteristics. The lines of the eight-spoked on the
soles and palms of a Buddha are among them. The appearance and the
measurements of a Buddha are perishable and a worldly conception: they
describe the ideal picture of a Heavenly Body. They are not subject to change
like growth, sickness and death, which can only affect the earthly incarnation
of a Buddha.

Examining the canon of the body of a Buddha, one realises that every detail
represents harmonious proportions. Everything, the spot between the
eyebrows, marking the eye of wisdom, as well as the tip of the nose, has its
own special place. The nose has its specific length, just as the ears have their
own characteristically exaggerated length. The symbol of a Buddha's greatest
enlightenment is the so-called enlightenment-elevation on the top of the head,
described in old texts as that which emerges out of the head of an enlightened
saint. It is the visible symbol of the spiritual generative power that strives
towards heaven and passes into the immaterial sphere.
The ideal proportions of any image of the Buddha are described in books on
iconography. The canonic prototype shows the seated Buddha with his legs
crossed and the soles of his feet visible. This yoga-posture has a pre-
Buddhist tradition in India, appearing for the first time on the seals of
Mohenjodaro in the third millennium BC. This yoga-posture hides the lower
part of the body. The broad shoulders are emphasised in early Buddhist
sculptures of Mathura. These characteristics, and the slightly almond eye of
Buddha Sakyamuni, hint at his descent from the Licchavi clan, related to the
Proto-Tibetans by kinship and blood. Before the final domination of the Indo-
Europeans, these Licchavis ruled in northern India and the Himalayan
regions. Their principalities had democratic constitutions with equal rights and
no discrimination of sex or race. Buddhism and its founder must be
considered on the basis of this social structure which is confirmed in the
oldest texts as well as in the modern Oxford History of India.

Physical Marks

Ushnisha, the Enlightenment Elevation above the fontanelle; is the flame-

topped elevation on the head of the Buddha, defined as that which emerges
from the head of a Fully Enlightened One.

Urna, the mark in the centre of the forehead, called the Eye of Wisdom, also
depicted as a Bundle of Rays or fine hairs between the eyebrows.

The lower part of the body is covered by the Diamond-Seat (Vajrasana). This
is the meditation pose (Dhayanasana) of utmost concentration with the legs
crossed so that the soles are visible.

The Subtle Energy-Spheres of the Body

The Enlightenment-Centre, the Top of the Head or fontanelle above the upper
cerebrum, called Sphere of the Thousand-petalled Lotus (SAHASHRARA-
CAKRA) The cerebral centre of thinking and conscious-power, called

The cerebral centre of thinking and conscious-power, called Command-

Centre (AJNA-CAKRA), the forehead between the eyebrows; ascribed to

The guttural centre or subtle Sphere of Speech (VISHUDDHA-CAKRA) at the

base of the throat.

The cardiac plexus, the emotional Sphere of the Inner Voice (ANAHATA-
CAKRA), called the Source of the Heart, situated in the central region of the
thorax or chest.

The solar plexus with the gastric plexus, called `the brain of the belly', Fiery-
lustrous or Navel-Centre (MANIPURA- CAKRA) in the region of the loins and
connected with the lumbar plexus.
The sacral plexus, called Root-Centre
(MULADHARA-CAKRA) or Secret Place, being
the root of all streams of vital energy (NADIS) in
the region of the rump-bone or sacrum.

The human body is the receptacle of the power

of thinking described as a bundle of energy and
pervaded by the so-called breath of life flowing
in subtle streams throughout the body.

A Wisdom Archive on Chakra and Chakras

Chakras are energy centres which govern the subtle, psychosomatic aspects
of our inner being. This Sanskrit term means wheel or disk, and when the
chakras are awakened, they turn in a clockwise direction. The chakras open
up like flowers and pour out their qualities re-establishing our inner balance
and restoring our health and form.

Of the many chakras within the human body, seven have been identified as
major. Chakras are first mentioned in the Vedas, ancient Hindu texts of
Indigo Children - Indigo Child - Crystal Children

In the spiritual community, there are many who anticipate the Emergence of a
Golden Age to come. An important part of this awakening that is occuring is
the coming of Children with an awakened Consciousness. These childrens
have been called the Indigo children.

Are the Indigo children, (variously called the Indigo children, Crystal Children,
the Children of Oz) the ones who will launch humanity into a new era of
consciousness, laying the groundwork for the emergence of a Golden Age?

"The Indigo Child is a boy or girl who displays a new and unusual set of
psychological attributes, revealing a pattern of behavior generally
undocumented before. This pattern has singularly unique factors that call for
parents and teachers to change their treatment and upbringing of these kids
to assist them in achieving balance and harmony in their lives, and to help
them avoid frustration."

Lee Carroll & Jan Tober

In an epic poem, Savitri, the late master Sri Aurobindo of India vividly
describes a coming new race of humanity emerging on Earth. Was he
reffering to the Indigo Childrens?

"…I saw them cross the twilight of an age, The sun-eyed children of a
marvelous dawn, Great creators with wide brows of calm, The massive
barrier-breakers of the world, Laborers in the quarries of the
gods… The architects of immortality."

Enlightenment - Spiritual
The Wisdom Archives for Spiritual Enlightenment
Spiritual Enlightenment - Articles, videos, interviews, experiences
and much more.

A wisdom archive for Spiritual Enlightenment with articles,

interviews and personal experiences of enlightenment.
Spiritual Enlightenment and Spiritual Awakening is the
primary goal of almost all spiritual practices, traditions and religions and for
any spiritual seeker. There are many names for this awakened state of
Consciousness depending on what culture and tradition we belong to.

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in

time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as
something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his
consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our
personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task
must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of
compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its

- Albert Einstein

Gaia Hypothesis
A Wisdom Archive on The Gaia Hypothesis
Gaia Hypothesis
The Gaia Hypothesis proposes that our planet functions as a single organism
that maintains conditions necessary for its survival. The truly startling
component of the Gaia hypothesis is the idea that the Earth is a single living
entity with the capacity of self regulation.sense that the Earth is more than a
sphere of rock with a thin layer of air, ocean and life covering the surface. We
feel that we belong here as if this planet were indeed our home. Long ago the
Greeks, thinking this way, gave to the Earth the name Gaia or, for short, Ge.
In those days, science and theology were one and science, although less
precise, had soul. As time passed this warm relationship faded and was
replaced by the frigidity of the schoolmen. The life sciences, no longer
concerned with life, fell to classifying dead things and even to vivisection. Ge
was stolen from theology to become no more the root from which the
disciplines of geography and geology were named. Now at last there are
signs of a change. Science becomes holistic again and rediscovers soul, and
theology, moved by ecumenical forces, begins to realise that Gaia is not to be
subdivided for academic convenience and that Ge is much more than just a
prefix. “

Chakra Meditation
In Basic

If you have been reading my other pages on these issues

this page becomes a very natural extension...
in case you surfed in from else where however
here are the links to related pages..


Chakras as they relate to the Craft

The Cabal and its relation to the Craft

There are other issues that relate....

linked to the above pages...
that you might be interested in.

That done... on with the tactics and ideas ,

of the how and why of Chakaric meditation.
First off why?
In the practice of the Craft,
one draws Earth energy,
through the Chakra centers of the body
and uses it to power the ritual .

Therefore the reason for this page,

as one must be in control of ... and in tune with,
these energy centers to do this well..

And the best way to do that is Meditation on the Chakras.

This fine tunes these centers into top form

and incidentally you right along with them.

Allow me to explain
These centers are related to our physical and emotional life.
See above link Chakras for more details
on the related centers.

Focus on these centers allows you

to make them work for you.

When you call on the power in the Craft,

if the Chakras are aligned and you are in tune with them ,
the flow is that much easier and more powerful.

Why such colors, in that order

and why do these things
make Craft work better/easier ?

A little science fact for ya.. :)

Light is a portion
of the electromagnetic spectrum surrounding us.

The light frequencies are recognized as color

through the eyes and brain.
When white light hits a prism
it is seen as seven rainbow colors

It should come as no surprise

that the human body
has seven main chakras,
that vibrate harmoniously
with these seven color frequencies.

The list of things that relate go on and on....

so you can believe or not
as you please but this works....
for your health, well being
and the serious work of the Craft...
which is why your reading this right?

Here is a simple little exercise

to get you started :
Put on some comfortable clothes,
sit down in a comfortable position, on the floor
( its best to brace your back against something..
they even sell special "chairs" for this but anything
that will support your back will do..)

And make the mind and body still..

( for a good description on how
to do that see my Meditation page. )
Once you have achieved a relaxed state ,
breathing comfortably
then try this image:

Imagine that there is a pole running through your body,

and attached to this pole ,
like a row of lights ,are your Chakras.
The objective, make each one light up with the right color.
Number one, think sexy... grounded... reality....
they all work as they are all correct...think red.. fire..... heat...
until you can feel the thing heat up...feel the redness spread
throughout your pelvis.. ..for me I know I have woken it up when
it feels like I am sitting on a heating pad on low.. :)

Number two think golden glow, think stoking the furnace,the

coals on the grate,the place of digestion which runs it all,with
energy ,until you can feel the flow to the body of the glow of
energy like warm lava flowing about.

Number three, think of the yellow of sunshine, the comfort of a

good meal, the feel of warmth on your face on a lazy day... until
you feel the quite flow of energy from this center spill out over
you like the sunshine in a window.

Number four, think of the green of growing things, the growth of

love in the heart, the spinning of passion for a lover, for
life..until you feel the energy of this center,ray outward towards
your hands/feet/head.

Number five, think of the blue of cool water,

the color of sky and the voice which is the instrument of the
with words we communicate think of it vibrating softly like the
vocal cords do...until you feel a buzz in that area...

Number 6 the color purple .. the center of the mind..

think of lightning, strobe lights,all in purple, the color of the
stormy sky...
until you feel your mind electrified...

Number 7 is the higher self ... the crown above your head .
..whose color is indigo..the last color of the spectrum is all
colors at from the end the beginning back to
bright white and upwards,out of your head

See the indigo fade to shinning white light...

running around your head like a halo

( now you know why the old masters painted religious icons
with halos..
and kings who where considered the divine on Earth with a
"crown" )


See them run up the pole faster and faster..

until they are one stream of white light

Breath in
Drawn the energy from the ground,
Breath out
Run that energy thur the chakras
Out the top of your head
like a whale breaths air from the deep.
Keep doing this until you can run this flow
independent of the breath
and sustain a continuous flow of energy
through the chakras and out..

No direction yet for it.. just learning to do it at all...

this is very cleansing to the body
and healing as well so its good for you.

I just want you to get the feel for it...

as this is what one does....
at speed and without thought....
when doing ritual.

Only at this point you are trying to do it deliberately

which is very different than instinct.

It is a good thing to work with each center, alone,

and become familiar with them.

There is great healing work

that be accomplished in such a manner
which is a common use of Chakric energy.

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