DIASS MODULE 1 Answer Sheet

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
District III
San Juan, Surigao City

Week 1 Module 1
Name: Nicole Jay G. Catubigan Grade and Section: 12-Descartes
Subject: DIASS Subject Teacher: Mrs. Virtudazo

What I Have Learned


A. What do you think is the significance of counseling to you as a person?

I think the significance of counseling to me is that it can make a profound impact on the lives of
individuals, families, and communities. This service helps people navigate difficult life
situations, such as the death of a loved one, divorce, natural disasters, school stress, and the loss
of a job.
B. Is social work important? Why?
Social work is important because social workers recognize the primary importance of human
relationships. They, understand that relationships between people are important vehicles for
change, advocacy, and equity. They improve relationships among people to restore and promote
the functionality of clients, their families, and their communities.
C. Cite a situation wherein communication studies are of importance to people?
Communication studies are important to people because it helps us exchange message and
thoughts to people around us without it the world will be in a complete disaster if communication
studies are neglected and unessentialized. For example, in a town full of people that cannot
communicate well because of the lack of knowledge about communication studies, so in order
for the to communicate essentially they need to properly the importance of communication
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
District III
San Juan, Surigao City

What I Can Do
Conduct a Survey about the chosen degree (via online or through text and call)
Directions: Conduct a survey of 5 Senior High School students and ask them about their chosen
course. Then categorize the course whether it is Social Science or Applied Social Science.

Category (Social
No. Names Course Science/ Applied
Social Science)
1. Gladness Angel E. Escobal BS Architecture Applied Social Science
2. Buenciso Plandano BS Civil Engineering Applied Social Science
3. Junica J. Sala BS Tourism Social Science
4. Ashka Mae O. Pepito BS Civil Engineering Applied Social Science
5. Johanne Florenz V. Lancin BS Nursing Social Science
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
District III
San Juan, Surigao City

The Discipline of Counseling

What I Know
Direction: The following statements enable you to reflect on or figure out your level of
understanding about counseling. Evaluate each statement in relation to your perception about
counseling as to Before knowing its nature by putting a check mark (✓) for Agree and a cross
mark (✗) for the Disagree.
Before the After the
Module Statements Module
Study Study
Counseling as an art is the subjective aspect of therapy. This fosters
a versatile and innovative process by which the advisor modifies the
approach to meet the changing needs of clients.
Remedial strategies are to help the company resolve and manage
adverse developments.
Counseling happens when a person who is in distress requests and
encourages another person to enter a certain kind of relationship
with him / her.
Licensed qualified scholars may provide advice to individuals ,
associations, organizations or the general public concerning the
application of the concepts, methods or procedures of clinical
counseling to assist individuals in the achievement of more
successful financial , social, educational or career growth and
The way we perceive or view things, people, events and our
environment is influenced by our values.
Counselors handle sensitive knowledge about clients with trust,
whether directly or implicitly, through inference.
In the light of the philosophy of utilitarianism in relation to
beneficence, the implementation of utilitarianism should be able to
make an ethical judgment considering the costs and benefits
Marriage and family therapy apply to attempts to create a supportive
relationship with a spouse or family and to identify problems in the
family system.
The primary duty of a counselor is to uphold the integrity and to
support the well-being of clients.
Counselors consider employment only for positions which are
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
District III
San Juan, Surigao City

qualified by schooling, training, supervised experience, regional and

national professional credentials and relevant professional
Table 1

What’s In
Directions: True or False. Write the word TRUE if the sentence is true. If your answer is false,
write FALSE
False 1. Counseling stresses the client’s taking responsibility over their actions.
True 2. Counselors give advice to clients to help them solve their problems
True 3. Counseling can be an avenue for self-exploration and self discovery wherein the
clients can gain more understanding about the self.
True 4. Counseling is a helping relationship between counselors and clients.
True 5. Counseling is an art where counselors learn the skill of persuading and influencing
clients to actions.

Directions: True or False. Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the statement is False.
F 1. Goals in the counseling process are determined solely by the counselors.
T 2. Counseling is for curing serious mental disorders
T 3. Counseling targets the development of the client’s emotional, social, mental, and
moral maturity.
T 4. Counseling counselors the personal as well as the social environment where the
client is situated.
T 5. Counseling means giving advice, recommendations, and suggestions.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
District III
San Juan, Surigao City

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