Modelado y Co-Simulación de Vehículos Híbridos Una Gestión Térmica

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Applied Thermal Engineering 180 (2020) 115883

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Modelling and Co-simulation of hybrid vehicles: A thermal management T


Ruoyang Yuana, , Tom Fletcherb, Ahmed Ahmedovb, Nikolaos Kalantzisb, Antonios Pezouvanisb,
Nilabza Duttac, Andrew Watsonb, Kambiz Ebrahimib
School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, UK
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, Loughborough University, UK
Thermal & Aerodynamic Systems Engineering, Jaguar Land Rover, Gaydon, Warwick, UK


• Overviews the current developments in modelling tools for thermal management of hybrid vehicles.
• Co-simulation enables whole vehicle model architecture development with reduced costs.
• Thermal subsystem model and optimisation further request the development of fast running models.
• Heat retention modelling work shows effectively reducing CO emissions and 2.5% fuel savings.


Keywords: Thermal management plays a vital role in the modern vehicle design and delivery. It enables the thermal analysis
Thermal energy and optimisation of energy distribution to improve performance, increase efficiency and reduce emissions. Due
Multi-disciplinary optimisation to the complexity of the overall vehicle system, it is necessary to use a combination of simulation tools.
Holistic vehicle model Therefore, the co-simulation is at the centre of the design and analysis of electric, hybrid vehicles. For a holistic
vehicle simulation to be realized, the simulation environment must support many physical domains. In this
paper, a wide variety of system designs for modelling vehicle thermal performance are reviewed, providing an
overview of necessary considerations for developing a cost-effective tool to evaluate fuel consumption and
emissions across dynamic drive-cycles and under a range of weather conditions. The virtual models reviewed in
this paper provide tools for component-level, system-level and control design, analysis, and optimisation. This
paper concerns the latest techniques for an overall vehicle model development and software integration of multi-
domain subsystems from a thermal management view and discusses the challenges presented for future studies.

1. Introduction and finishing with model validation and optimisation. At each stage,
early results feedback to the previous stage to refine the development.
1.1. The role of modelling and simulation in the modern vehicle design Different departments tend to use application-specific modelling en-
vironments across the vehicle development cycle [1,4]. As a result,
Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) holds a central position in components of a system are designed in relative isolation from one
modern automotive development and testing, which has allowed en- another [3,5,6] which can lead to integration issues [2], and often
gineers to create and simulate virtual representations of physical sys- duplication of work.
tems [1] and make observations which are applicable in the physical A collection of components designed independently does not ne-
world. As a result, better designs of components and systems can be cessarily constitute an overall optimal system design. True system
achieved while the need for physical prototypes is reduced [2,3]. For performance is often only evaluated and validated once a physical
example, Fig. 1 draws a CAE design iteration diagram of a vehicle: it prototype of the system is available for testing, thus leaving design
starts from overall system specifications, followed by virtual system defects to be detected at later stages of system development and in-
development, component subsystem testing, powertrain simulation, creasing development costs significantly [3,6].

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Yuan).
Received 28 May 2020; Received in revised form 24 July 2020; Accepted 10 August 2020
Available online 14 August 2020
1359-4311/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 180 (2020) 115883

Nomenclature OEM original equipment manufacturer

PHEV plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
ABS anti-lock braking system PTC positive temperature coefficient
AC air-conditioning RDE real driving emissions
AFR air fuel ratio S2S surface-to-surface
ANN artificial neural network TMS thermal management system
BCU battery control unit VCI vehicle communication interface
BEV battery electric vehicle VDC vehicle dynamics controller
BISG belt-integrated starter generator VHDL VHSIC hardware description language
CAE computer aided engineering VHSIC very high-speed integrated circuit
CFD computational fluid dynamics VSC vehicle supervisory control
CISG crank-integrated starter generator WLTP worldwide harmonised light vehicle test procedure
CIMG crank integrated motor generator g the acceleration due to gravity
CS co-simulation k thermal conductivity
CVT continuously variable transmission β thermal expansion coefficient
ECU engine control unit ρ density
EMS energy management system L representative dimension
FMI functional mock-up interface ΔT temperature difference
FMU functional mock-up unit ν kinematic viscosity
FPGA field-programmable gate array ε internal energy density

FRM fast running model u velocity vector
HTC heat transfer coefficient f particle number density
HVAC heating ventilation and air-conditioning t time

LBM Lattice-Boltzmann method x position
ICE internal combustion engine q heat flux
ICOS Linux based network operating system Gr Grashof number
IHE internal heat exchanger Nu Nusselt number
TXV thermostatic expansion valves Pr Prandtl number
ME model exchange Ra Rayleigh number
MiL model in loop
NEDC new European drive cycle

Fig. 1. CAE design process of modern vehicles to help obtain the optimum energy management strategy.

Another disadvantage of the traditional design method is its non- take place prior to the commissioning of a physical prototype thus re-
flexible sequential nature of design flow. The modern approach in ve- ducing development costs and contributing to more robust products
hicle systems design involves taking advantage of the connectivity of [3,6,7]. As such, a holistic vehicle simulation allows for concurrent
the different application-specific CAE environments, used throughout development and testing of components and control code thus reducing
an automotive company, to set up a holistic vehicle simulation. This the development duration [5,8–10]. One of the areas in which the
takes into account the effect of the interaction between components in holistic vehicle simulation approach is most significant is in thermal
system performance and robustness, thus enabling the engineers to analysis and management, which has become an integral part of
carry out a system design validation within their preferred software, modern hybrid vehicle design and delivery.
and at an early design stage by following a synergistic component de- The following sections will address the importance and discuss the
sign flow. Such an approach allows for confident design validation at an latest model development for the thermal management of hybrid ve-
early stage and the realization of truly optimal system designs not hicles, which is the focus of this review. This paper does not consider a
possible under the sequential system design. Design defects are detected single hybrid architecture in particular, but instead will highlight dif-
early in the development cycle and as a result, most design revisions ferences between micro/mild/full hybrids where appropriate.

R. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 180 (2020) 115883

1.2. Thermal management of hybrid vehicles under-hood heat retention modelling and its potential CO2 emissions
benefits may be studied using combined low-order modelling and high-
There has been significant attention on the thermal management on fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) [24–28]. As the different
electric hybrid vehicles focusing solely on the batteries thermal man- vehicle subsystems are developed and tested under application-specific
agement [11–14] and associated safety concerns [15]. Since the per- modelling and simulation environments, the effect component inter-
formance and life of most commonly used batteries are sensitive to action has on system level either requires the duplication of work or is
temperature, so a battery thermal management system is required to neglected entirely. However, it should be considered in order to reduce
effectively balance the heat generated during the battery charging and development costs and duration, and to improve overall system design
discharging process in order to maintain its operating temperatures and [29–31].
ensure the uniform distribution of temperatures across the battery unit. An example of an integrated vehicle thermal model diagram is
Active and passive cooling methods with air, liquid, and phase change shown in Fig. 2, consisting of vehicle powertrain model, thermal fluids,
material [15], as well as emerging techniques ideas such as thermo- and vehicle body subsystems. (1) The powertrain subsystem consists of
electric cooler, thermo-acoustic and magnetic refrigeration [16] are IC engine, transmission, electrical drive system (motor, battery pack,
addressed in detail in the recent reviews [11–13,15,16], and although inverter) and driveline models, discussed below in section 2. The
covered briefly, they are therefore not the focus of this review. powertrain subsystem models the dynamic characteristics such as en-
Instead, we consider two other important aspects to consider from a gine and transmission warm-up, engine stop-start, and gearshifts and
thermal management perspective of hybrid vehicles: the heat balance outputs the overall vehicle performance over legislative and real-world
and integrated thermal energy efficiency associated with both me- driving cycles. The powertrain subsystem is primarily concerned with
chanical and electrical components of powertrain, and the thermal the mechanical and electrical domains, but also contains all control
management associated with the climate control of the cabin. logic. (2) The thermal fluids subsystem, discussed in section 3, models
Optimised thermal management allows hybrid vehicles to achieve im- the performance of the thermal fluids within the different cooling sys-
proved performance, increased efficiency, and a reduction in emissions tems, such as a vehicle HVAC system, powertrain cooling system, and
by optimising heat balance of the engine, transmission, battery, and cabin thermal system. The thermal fluids subsystem focusses on 1D
motor temperatures, while maintaining fast full-climate control of the hydraulic and thermal modelling providing temperature information to
cabin. However, simultaneous thermal management of the above ve- the vehicle model and receiving heat rejection data as feedback. (3) The
hicle components requires an elevated level of communication between vehicle body subsystems include the cabin and the under-hood models.
the respective component design teams who will each have their own The former models the climate control of the cabin and the latter
software packages and methodologies suitable for their particular models the cool-down and heat retention behaviours of vehicle engine
component. bay compartments during vehicle static soak to provide predictions of
engine structure, coolant and oil, and transmission structure and oil
temperatures while the vehicle is stationary. The fluid temperatures
1.3. Model development and co-simulation approach predicted from the heat retention model are fed back to the powertrain
and thermal fluids models as initial conditions. The under-hood model
The simulations of the previously mentioned various vehicle can be a detailed 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model
thermal aspects usually target the optimisation of the component level running sequentially with the rest of the model.
efficiency but are not able to predict how the overall vehicle efficiency
will be affected with much accuracy. For instance, battery thermal
models coupling electrochemical models with thermal models were 1.4. Previous reviews and focus of this work
developed [17–19] to simulate the heat generation and the energy
balance in detail, however, this tends to be isolated from interactions Several existing reviews already covered for the thermal manage-
with other thermal attributes of the vehicle. Vehicle and powertrain ment of individual components such as the battery [11–16], vehicle
models [20] tend to focus on the evaluation of mechanical components cabin [32] and for the control strategies of hybrid vehicles [33].
over various legislative drive-cycles, using simplified lumped masses to However, there is a lack of review on the thermal management of the
simulate component warm-up and its subsequent effect on engine and hybrid vehicle as a whole system, especially from a modelling ap-
transmission efficiency. They also tend to neglect details such as the proach. The thermal performances of the vehicle powertrain, battery
climate control of the cabin entirely. Engine modelling techniques tend unit and the cabin are highly interdependent and should not be isolated
to focus on steady-state mapping points but may use simplified vehicle for the evaluation. The platform to support the co-simulation and its
and transmission models for optimisation over similar drive-cycles, efficiency need to be addressed. This paper therefore aims to provide an
duplicating the work of the powertrain models, but allowing more overview of the existing methods and the modelling tools used for the
detailed analysis of the engine behaviour. Heating, Ventilation, and Air thermal energy management of hybrid vehicles, with a particular focus
Conditioning (HVAC) system models tend to simulate thermal fluids in on the requirement for holistic vehicle modelling.
heating circuits and refrigerant loops, using a 1D and 3D fluid model- The remainder of this paper is organised as follows; Section 2 ex-
ling approach to simulate and evaluate performance [21–23]. Finally, amines the latest techniques for vehicle powertrain modelling,

Fig. 2. Integrated vehicle thermal model.

R. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 180 (2020) 115883

particularly looking at the effect of engine and transmission warm-up the drag due to aerodynamics, etc.). For this reason, forward-facing
on fuel consumption and emissions over legislative and real-world vehicle powertrain models may also be referred to as “Dynamic” models
driving scenarios. Section 3 focusses on under-hood heat retention [60]. Then, as with the backward facing model, the resultant vehicle
modelling, a comparatively new area of research with the possibility of speed is passed backwards through the driveline to ultimately define
reducing real-world emissions significantly by reducing the number of the engine speed [55]. The torque and speed of the engine can then be
cold starts. Section 4 describes methodologies for vehicle thermal used to estimate fuel consumption, emissions etc.. Although forward
fluids, including models of liquid cooling circuits, multi-phase re- facing models are more representative of the real world, they can
frigerant circuits and cabin modelling. Section 5 reviews holistic produce less reliable results [55]. This is because the coupling between
modelling and co-simulation techniques which can be used to simulate speed and torque, flowing in opposite directions through the power-
multi-domain problems such as thermal energy management in a hy- train model, usually requires much smaller sample times to ensure
brid vehicle. stability. Additionally, the requirement to tune the driver model greatly
increases the complexity. Different models or settings for the driver can
2. Hybrid vehicle powertrain model significantly affect the results [51].
Acausal models are neither inherently backward facing, nor forward
High-level vehicle attributes such as fuel consumption, emissions, facing because the causality is only defined when they are initialized
and battery utilization are predicted using vehicle powertrain models before simulation. They work by using a physically orientated model-
by simultaneously evaluating hydraulic, thermal, mechanical, and ling approach describing the system using physical equations and in-
electrical vehicle subsystems. Fig. 3 shows an example of a hybrid ve- terfaces [52]. For example, an electrical interface will consist of nu-
hicle powertrain model layout. The co-simulation add-on in the figure merical connections for both voltage and current. Each of these
refers to the possible capability of integrating various subsystem models connections can be either inputs or outputs to the component de-
developed in separate platforms, which will be discussed in section 5. In pending on the flow of information in the system as a whole. This al-
this section we discuss the realisation of vehicle powertrain model to lows the same basic model to be used for both forward-facing and
simulate the mechanical and electrical vehicle subsystems for legisla- backward-facing simulations depending on the inputs given [54].
tive [34–36] and other drive-cycles in order to calculate high-level Acausal models tend to be slightly more complex and time-consuming
vehicle attributes such as fuel consumption [37,38], emissions [39], to develop and validate, but there are a number of software packages
and battery utilization [40]. such as openModelica [54,55], Dymola [52,53,65], Simscape Driveline
[52], and AMESim [66–68] which are available with pre-defined in-
2.1. Current development in vehicle powertrain models terfaces, component models, and even example systems to alleviate this
issue. The major advantage of this type of model is that systems and
Vehicle powertrain models typically simulate longitudinal motion of components can be re-used much more readily and for many different
the vehicle using a vehicle speed reference which varies over time. This purposes.
reference can be a legislative drive-cycle [41,42], real world logged
data [43,44] or custom traces to simulate particular conditions such as
vehicle acceleration or gradeability tests [45,46]. Vehicle powertrain 2.2. Application to legislative drive cycles’ simulations
models are generally separated into three categories; backward facing
[47,48], forward facing [49–51] and acausal models [52–54]. Traditionally, backward-facing simulation has dominated power-
Backward facing models assume that the vehicle follows the re- train model development due to its faster speed and highly repeatable
ference speed perfectly [55] and calculates the force required to do this results. This has made it suitable for large-scale Design of Experiment
using a model of the vehicle drag [56]. The tractive force and speed of (DoE) and optimisation tasks which are common tasks for systems in-
the vehicle is then used to calculate the wheel speed and torque [57], tegration and Vehicle Supervisory Control (VSC) development
and the information flows backwards through the model to calculate [49,55,69]. However, in recent years, legislative changes, particularly
the required engine torque and speed which are then used to estimate the introduction of the Worldwide Light Transport test Protocol (WLTP)
the fuel consumption and emissions [58]. Because the vehicle speed is and Real Driving Emissions (RDE), has pushed researchers to focus
directly imposed and the required torque is calculated from the im- more on forward-facing and acausal approaches. This is because highly
posed speed, these models are also commonly referred to as kinematic dynamic drive-cycles are more sensitive to the driver-vehicle interac-
models [59,60]. The advantage of this type of model is that they are tion and therefore it has become much more important to capture the
relatively simple [61], and fast running [62,63]. driver behaviour within the simulation model [70]. This has also led to
Forward facing models are more representative of what happens in significant volumes of research into driver models [71], particularly
the real world [61,64]. A driver model (usually Proportional-Integral incorporating model-based feed-forward control and “look ahead”
(PI) control based [64]) uses the vehicle speed reference and feedback functionality [72]. Backward-facing models are still relevant, however,
from the modelled vehicle speed to control the torque demand of the because they can be used to “play-back” logged data precisely, where
engine (and the demands to the brakes and clutch). The engine re- the driver behaviour is captured within the reference vehicle speed
sponds by outputting a torque which flows forward through the trans- [55].
mission, driveline and wheels to produce a tractive force which causes
the vehicle to accelerate (after accounting for losses in the driveline and

Fig. 3. Powertrain Model.

R. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 180 (2020) 115883

2.3. New aspects for the powertrain modelling 2.4. Development of the powertrain warm-up simulation

The highly dynamic properties of the WLTP and RDE tests have also Legislative emissions tests often require starting the vehicle from
driven further innovation in powertrain modelling [36]. Historically, “cold” [95]. This typically means that the vehicle is required to stand in
vehicle powertrain models would consistent of relatively simplistic a pre-conditioning chamber for a period of time at a fixed initial tem-
models (e.g., mapped engines [73]) so that they can be quickly created, perature to allow the engine, transmission, fluids and catalyst to settle
parameterized, validated and simulated in a variety of configurations to this initial temperature. For vehicles sold in the EU this initial tem-
for component sizing and control optimisation exercises [74–76]. perature is 14 °C [34], which represents the annual average tempera-
However, dynamic characteristics of the engine response have become ture across the EU, and the vehicle must be kept at this temperature for
much more important due to the events such as engine and transmission a minimum of 24 h before the engine is started. Internal combustion
warm-up [53,77,78], engine stop-start [79,80], tip-in [81], and power- engines operate most efficiently at 90–100 °C and therefore, this is the
on gearshifts occurring more frequently during the tests. These events temperature range to which they are controlled during normal opera-
can account for a substantial proportion of the emissions if not properly tion. The period of time after engine start-up and before the engine and
managed by the powertrain and vehicle supervisory control modules transmission have reached normal operating temperature is referred to
and therefore it is vital to include them in the vehicle powertrain model as the “warm-up period”.
by using more advanced component models [78]. These types of models The warm-up period in particular can account for a considerable
also tend to require a forward facing or acausal modelling approach due proportion of the engine emissions, mainly due to increased friction in
to their dynamic nature. the engine and transmission as the result of low oil temperatures and
Added to this increasing complexity of powertrain is the introduc- poor emissions aftertreatment due to low catalyst temperatures [96].
tion of electric machines in vehicle powertrains, from mild hybrids to Additionally, lambda sensors also require heating before they produce
fully electric vehicles. With the intensified effort to reduce emissions fast and accurate results [97] so there is usually a period of time after
most OEM’s are now continually increasing the level of electrification to engine start up where the air–fuel ratio is controlled without feedback
some degree. Mild hybrid vehicles can be as simple as employing a belt- from the lambda sensor (open loop Air Fuel Ratio, AFR) which itself can
integrated starter generator (BISG), replacing traditional alternator and result in increased fuel consumption and high levels of emissions. For
conventional starter motor [82]. These powertrain designs usually help Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) which can run without the engine
through automated engine stop-start and kinetic energy recovery started, it is also possible for the catalyst temperature to drop below the
through regenerative braking [82,83]. Thermal management of these light-off temperature during a journey [97].
BISG’s are usually air-cooled solutions [84]. Modelling of the propul- At the systems level, engine and transmission warm-up is usually
sion system for BISG mild hybrid vehicle can be limited to forward captured using simplistic lumped mass models based on empirical data.
facing or acausal modelling approaches due to the relevance of thermal These models can be quickly and easily tuned to match experimental
management noise factors being very limited [85]. With increasing results, but due to their simplicity and reliance on empirical data they
level of electrification many OEM’s are moving towards a crank-in- are not very useful for assessing design changes to the fluid circuits
tegrated starter generator (CISG) [85]. These CISG propulsion systems and/or engine control strategy. This issue is exacerbated by the fact that
employ an electric machine which are generally thermally managed by experimental testing of the engine warm-up is a very time-consuming
water or oil [86]. CISG propulsion systems provide the vehicles with and expensive process due to the fact that the vehicle must be allowed
increased capacity of torque to supplement the internal combustion to cool back to ambient temperature in between each test [98]. As a
engine and also a degree of electric-only driving at extremely low ve- result, it is typically only possible to perform a maximum of 4 warm-up
hicle speeds or engine off coasting [86]. CISGs also offer the vehicle a tests per vehicle per day.
greater flexibility of increased engine-off idling due to migration of One way of alleviating this issue is through experimental techniques
higher electrical loads to the alternate electric systems in the car [86]. such as rapid cool-down. Rapid cool-down involves externally chilling
Modelling of CISG propulsion system can be managed solely within the powertrain fluids and circulating them through the powertrain to cool
electrical energy domain or may need to employ co-simulations for the engine and transmission structure. At the same time, air is passed
modelling the efficiency change of such electrical machines due to its through the exhaust to cool the catalytic converter and lambda sensor.
thermal management, as discussed later in this review paper [87,88]. Using rapid cool-down has allowed automotive Original Equipment
As the level of electrification of vehicle increases towards full hy- Manufacturers (OEMs) to perform 13–17 warm-up tests in a 24-hour
bridisation (both plug in and non-plug in versions) the type of electrical period [99], however care must be taken to ensure that all latent heat
machine changes from CISG to crank integrated motor generator has been extracted and that the vehicle has not been modified sig-
(CIMG). The electric and thermal behaviour are significantly more nificantly to allow this process to be performed. It should also be
challenging to model due to the increased level of kinetic energy re- mentioned that forced induction of fresh air over the catalyst may also
generation, increased function of providing vehicle propulsion in fully affect its absorbed oxygen state [100], and potentially resulting in bias
electric drive and the migration to higher voltage levels to provide the to the results.
necessary power required for vehicle propulsion [8]. The control In contrast, simulation is highly suitable for assessing the effect of
system modelling of this type of propulsion system is also increasingly design and control strategy changes during warm-up. This is because
challenging due to the increased level of complexity of providing power the simulation can be started from the exact same conditions every
to wheel in internal combustion engine only, combination of internal time, producing much more repeatable results [101]. Additionally, si-
combustion & electric and electric only energy source [83,87–90]. mulation offers the advantage that the component prototypes do not
As vehicles become more efficient, there is less wasted heat from the need to be produced physically in order to be tested [101]. However,
powertrain available for powertrain warm-up and cabin climatic con- this requires much more detailed models of the thermal management
trol. As a result, it is becoming increasingly important to include pre- components than the traditional lumped mass approach [91].
viously neglected systems such as the powertrain cooling circuit and One way to achieve this is to use a 1D fluid modelling approach
cabin environment in the design of the vehicle model [91,92]. This incorporating the major components in the engine coolant path. This
issue is compounded in fully electric vehicles which are already sub- already is typically performed by component design teams using soft-
jected to constraints on the available stored energy. For example, in ware such as Dymola [53], KULI [102,103] or GT Suite [104,105]. In
Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs), the load generated by the HVAC this way, the system dynamics of the coolant fluid flow and heat
system can significantly affect the vehicle’s range [93,94]. transfer paths can be captured in higher detail because these models are
based on physical characteristics of the cooling circuit components.

R. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 180 (2020) 115883

However, these models tend to be relatively slow to simulate over radiation, convection and conduction based on which the averaged
legislative duty cycles; taking in the order of around 5 h in order to cabin air temperature distribution is simulated. A generic representa-
simulate the approx. 30-minute WLTC [106]. This makes them un- tion of a cabin lumped mass structure is illustrated in Fig. 4.
suitable for system-level evaluations of the effect of component sizing
DoE, and control strategy optimisation without using advanced simu- 3.2. Link with the vehicle heating ventilation and air-conditioning system
lation techniques such as model reduction [92], surrogate models and
co-simulation [53,107]. The main purpose of an automotive HVAC system is to regulate the
There is also a significant volume of work modelling of the oil cir- temperature, air-flow speed, humidity and cleanliness of the air within
cuit in the literature. This work involves modelling the friction in both a vehicle cabin. The HVAC system must be able to create and maintain
the engine [92,108] and transmission incorporating things such as comfortable conditions for the passengers in the cabin. The vehicle
bearing friction models [109], pistons liner contact [110], valvetrain HVAC system consumes significant amount of energy. At present the
lubrication, friction in the gear mesh [111], torque converter efficiency overall consumption of fuel relevant to passenger vehicles HVAC sys-
and torque losses due to pumping requirements. These models tend to tems is between 10 and 15 % [118]. As a result, the rise of the fossil
use similar methodology to the coolant circuit with the added com- fuels prices and stricter global regulations on vehicle exhaust emissions
plexity that the relevant properties of the oil, such as viscosity, are reduction are driving forward performance optimisation on automotive
much more variable with temperature [112]. HVAC systems. The accurate calculation of the cabin thermal load has a
In addition to the ICE, there has been considerable work on the noteworthy influence on the performance of vehicle energy consump-
thermal management of batteries [11,13,16,113] and the modelling on tion prediction models, especially in extreme temperature environ-
batteries performances [12,14,15], including detailed electrochemical ments. Cabin heating is also a significant issue for full and plug-in hy-
modelling of batteries internal reactions and the heat generation, the brid vehicles in particular due to electric only operation and the lack of
external battery cooling modelling focusing on the heat removal pro- waste heat from the combustion engine.
cess and the uniformity of the temperature distributions of the batteries
[15]. Various battery thermal management models are discussed in
3.3. Cabin thermal load
detail in the following reviews [15,113].
More advanced warm-up models incorporate 3D models of various
Some of the first automotive AC compressors were driven directly
components coupled with the 1D coolant or oil circuits. These models
by the engine via a mechanical connection such as a system of pulleys
typically use computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models of major fluid
and clutches. Those early designs did not allow for compressor speed
pathways such as the engine coolant jacket [114], oil sump [112] or
control. The AC system sizing was done via the peak cabin thermal load.
radiator, of air pathways such as an engine under-hood model [25,115],
The AC systems thermal loads were determined mainly by the reference
and/or finite element models of the solid engine structure [116] and/or
data graph method, which is not a precise approach but can be applied
battery [117]. Unfortunately, these models tend to be much slower to
as a rough approximation method [119]. Due to vehicle design stan-
simulate than 1D or lumped mass models and are therefore not typically
dardisation, the cabin volume can be roughly determined by the vehicle
suitable for evaluating a large number of design or control strategy
type, passenger capacity and other design factors. Thus, experimental
modifications using co-simulation.
data related to different standardised vehicle types can be implemented
A summary of the current powertrain simulation techniques is
to determine the thermal load in similar scenarios. This approach is
shown in Table 1.
easy to pick up, but the obtained results can be treated only as in-
dicative data.
3. Vehicle body thermal model However, the cabin thermal load prediction should not be con-
strained only to peak value approximations. Transient and real-time
The vehicle body thermal model consists of the cabin thermal model conditions should also be considered, which will result in the devel-
and under-hood heat retention model. Table 2 summarizes the main opment of flexible theoretical models closer to the real-life conditions.
simulation methods of the vehicle body thermal model and their re- The continuous improvement in the field of automotive energy ef-
lative advantages and disadvantages. ficiency and savings has led to the development of thermal insulation
materials with enhanced properties and pronounced thermal inertia
3.1. Cabin thermal model intensity. Thus, the steady-state heat transfer modelling approach fails
to model the cabin thermal load with high accuracy.
The vehicle cabin is the main plant for the Heating, Ventilation and There are variable unsteady methods that can be applied to model
Air Conditioning (HVAC) system. It should be able to simulate the dynamic thermal (heating and cooling) loads. The methods can be se-
dynamic change of the cabin heat load. A simplified 1D vehicle cabin parated into two major groups. The first one encompasses the approx-
generally is modelled as a lumped mass single moist air volume. The imate differential equations solution solving approach to obtain the
heat load on the cabin accounts for solar load acting on the cabin ex- thermal load approximation [120]. The second one covers the dynamic
terior surfaces (windows, roof, doors, etc.), metabolic loading from thermal load calculation techniques like the transfer function coeffi-
passengers, ambient conditions (air temperature, altitude and hu- cient technique [121] and the response-factor technique [122].
midity) and the vehicle’s drive cycle. The heat balance is calculated via Solmaz et al. [123] developed an hourly cooling load model of a

Table 1
Summary of Powertrain Simulation Techniques.
Technique Examples Advantages Disadvantages

Backward facing [47,48,56–63] Easy to implement, fast simulation, repeatable results Quasi-steady state, no driver behaviour, control strategy neglected/
Forward facing [49–51,64] Suitable for highly dynamic cycles or real-world driving, Slower to simulate than above, less repeatable, highly sensitive to driver
easy to implement model, control strategy
Acausal [52–55,65–68] Same model can be used for forward/backward facing Requires acausal simulation software (SimScape/Modellica)
Co-Simulation [28,53,102–105] Suitable for multi-domain simulation, high fidelity results Slowest to simulate, high model development effort,

R. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 180 (2020) 115883

Table 2
Summary of vehicle body thermal modelling methods.
Model output Modelling method Advantages Disadvantages

Vehicle Cabin Compartment Data-driven (empirical) [21,119] Simple, allows for real time modelling and control Compromised prediction accuracy, can give
Thermal Load applications unrealistic output, dependent on test data,
performance prediction stability problems
Steady State Physics-based Relatively simple, close representation of the Iterative processing needed, in depth
(mathematical) [23,124,125,148] modelled system knowledge of the system and the involved
Dynamic Physics-based (mathematical) High fidelity, close representation of the modelled Complex, Iterative processing needed, in depth
[22,28120–122,126,150] system knowledge of the system and the involved
processes, compromised flexibility
Finite volume method [170,171] High fidelity, accurate numerical predictions Computationally demanding, slow, not
suitable for fast response modelling in vehicle
thermal load fluctuations
Underhood heat-retention Steady 3D CFD method [24] / coupled 1D 3D CFD - Solving the buoyancy-driven convection 3D CFD / Coupled – computing resources
model [24–28,112,131] – 3D transient modelling flow in detail; visualizing thermal leakage.1D demandingSolely 1D – error in predict heat
[25–28,112,131] thermal modelling - Fast-runningCoupled 1D-3D – transfer coefficients & cooldown trajectory can
informative & cost effective be misleading

Fig. 4. Generic Cabin Element Subsystem Layout.

passenger car based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN) concept. The the mean temperature and the relative humidity in the passenger
authors designated seven neurons to act as input signals for the input compartment. Pokorny et al. [126] made a cabin model which simu-
layer of the model. The used inputs are day of the year, hour of the day, lates for the energy balance between the cabin and the outdoor en-
longitude, latitude, hourly mean ambient air temperature, hourly solar vironment conditions. The model considers the effects of the thermal
radiation. The model has a dynamic steady-state nature, the ambient conduction, convection and radiation. The model results were validated
temperature and the vehicle velocity are time dependant. The main against test data for Skoda Felicia Combi passenger vehicle under dif-
drawback of the model is the simplifying assumptions related to the ferent ambient conditions and drive cycles. The results comparison
thermal inertia of the different cabin elements. Thus, the thermal showed that the model can correctly estimate the test mean air tem-
conduction through the cabin elements is compromised. perature.
A low fidelity and dynamic steady-state thermal model was created Besides the consideration of the external thermal load, the cabin
and tested by Marcos et al. [124]. The model was validated for three thermal performance is closely related to the refrigerant system, which
distinct scenarios: parked and unoccupied vehicle while outdoors, will be further addressed in section 4 -thermal-fluids modelling.
parked and unoccupied vehicle while indoors and running vehicle with
a single person in the cabin (the driver). The dynamic steady modelling 3.4. Underhood heat-retention model
approach yielded better results and proved that the model can be used
for cabin thermal load estimation. Torregrosa-Jaime et al. [125] built a Within the new and more realistic fuel economy test, named WLTP
transient lumped-mass thermal model of a passenger vehicle cabin via a (Worldwide harmonized Light-duty vehicle Test Procedure), the testing
steady-state heat transfer approach. The authors were able to calculate vehicles are required to be placed under the natural soak condition at

R. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 180 (2020) 115883

14 °C ambient environment for 9 h cool-down, to reflect the real-world using discrete Boltzmann equations governing the dynamics of particle
situation of vehicle under parking, in between the first and the sub- distribution functions. It tracks the motions of macromolecules through
sequent WLTP drive tests at 23 °C and 14 °C ambient temperature re- space and time to simulate flows of gases and liquids. The aerodynamic
spectively [127]. Engine or vehicle thermal encapsulations will help flow field resolved by the CFD, which includes the near wall fluids
keep the heat retained within the under-hood region and keep the fluid properties such as air temperatures, mass flow rates and HTCs calcu-
temperatures of the engine coolant and of the oil in the engine and lated from the CFD, were usually subsequently seeded into a separate
transmission components at a higher level throughout the vehicle soak heat transfer model, such as a 1D thermal engine model as boundary
stage [128]. The heat retention from the soak is beneficial to sub- conditions to obtain the transient thermal cool-down behaviours of the
sequent cold start WLTP drive-cycle tests due to the reduced friction engine solids and internal fluids.
loss with increased oil temperatures, therefore provides benefits on To accurately predict the internal fluids’ transient thermal cool-
both CO2 emissions and fuel economy. The elevated coolant tempera- down behaviour during the soak conditions of 9 h, flow - thermal
ture, on the other hand, helps the engine warm up to its operational coupled modelling approaches were applied by several studies
conditions quicker, reducing cold-start fuel consumption. This section [25,26,112] featuring a detailed 3D CFD flow simulation to solve the
reviews the software capability and the state-of-the-art CAE methods of natural convection flow and a relative fast running thermal solver to
the heat retention modelling of the vehicle under-hood region during take account of the combined heat transfer process including thermal
the thermal soak. The importance of the development of the CAE radiation and conduction effects as well as the convection effect. The
methods for the heat retention analysis lies in that it enables the flow and thermal solvers exchange data frequently at regular time in-
thermal encapsulation design being embedded into the early vehicle tervals to obtain transient thermal solutions for engine-bay solids and
design stage for improving fuel consumption and reducing CO2 emis- the internal liquids (i.e. coolant, engine oil and transmission oil). The
sions in a timely and robust manner, aiding the development of modern computing costs of coupled 3D transient flow – thermal simulations are
low-carbon vehicles. usually found to be expensive [25,26]. It was reported of around 5000
However, there are several challenges associated with modelling the CPU-hrs and 20,000 CPU-hrs for coupled simulations of 5 min’s and
heat transfer process of the vehicle under-hood. (1) Firstly, it is a 30 min’s soak (physical time), respectively [26]. To overcome the
transient process consisted with buoyance-driven convection, thermal computing resource restriction, a standalone fast running thermal
radiation and heat conduction. High-fidelity computational fluid dy- model of the vehicle under-hood was used [26] following the high-fi-
namics simulation is often needed to calculate the air flow and the delity coupled models to finish the simulation of the entire soak period.
associated convective heat transfer around the engine bay when vehicle A simulation cost of 24 CPU-hrs was used for the 9 h standalone thermal
undergoes the soak stage [24–26]. The flow solver is then combined cool-down simulation. This demonstrated a coupled – standalone soft-
with a thermal solver [25,26] to calculate the thermal solutions with ware integration for simulating buoyancy-driven heat transfer in a ve-
account of convection, conduction and/or radiation effects. The hicle under-hood region during thermal soak with satisfied accuracy
thermal distribution of the engine bay components interacts with the and efficient computing time.
air flow, determining the accurate prediction of the fluids and metal A different coupled approach numerically for the buoyancy-driven
temperature cool-down trajectories. (2) Secondly, the efficient design of flow and the heat retention in the under-hood region of the full-geo-
the thermal encapsulation requires that the CAE method to take ac- metry passenger car was investigated by Minovski, et al. [112]. It fea-
count of the complexity of the under-hood components geometries and tured a combining 3D steady-state CFD simulation in STAR-
is able to accurately model the buoyancy-driven transient heat transfer CCM + with 1D thermal modelling in GT-SUITE. The 3D CFD was in-
process as well as the thermal radiation and conduction process. This is itialised with the temperatures of engine solids calculated at the end of
often found challenging with the conventional CFD methods. (3) Fi- the 1st WLTP cycle by the 1D engine thermal model in GT-SUITE. Heat
nally, the trade-off between the computing cost and the prediction ac- transfer coefficients computed by the steady 3D CFD simulation of
curacies of the key fluids and components also become one of the buoyancy-driven flow were fed into the 1D thermal representation of
considerations of the CAE modelling for the under-hood thermal heat conduction in the engine solids. Next, a 1D engine thermal simu-
modelling under the soak stage. lation was started for 20 s physical time, during which the heat transfer
One of the main factors and challenges to take account of when coefficient due to natural convection and radiation were taken as
modelling the heat transfer process of the vehicle under-hood region constants. Following the transient heat transfer 1D modelling, the
during the static soak conditions is the thermally induced natural temperature of solids were updated and re-mapped onto the 3D steady
convective heat transfer modelling driven by buoyance. It usually re- flow models to calculate the buoyancy flow. Radiation effects were
quires a CFD flow solver to resolve the flow dynamics adjacent to the taken account in the CFD model as well. In this study an overall com-
engine solids’ surfaces and the convective heat transfer coefficients at puting cost of 24,000 CPU-hrs was required for a 16 hrs simulated drive
the metal - air interfaces [26]. A similar heat transfer phenomenon cycle.
driven by the buoyancy effect also occurs for the oil inside the engine
oil sump during the vehicle cool-down period. Numerical simulation on 3.5. Benefits for CO2 emissions and fuel economy
the temperature stratification, indicated a strong spatial variation of the
oil temperature inside the sump [112], suggesting that the usage of One major consideration for under-hood heat retention analysis and
reduced-order simulation tools for the thermal cool-down prediction encapsulation designs is the potential benefits on engine friction loss
could be invalid, nevertheless that the non-turbulent flow regime in the reduction at the engine cold start, on CO2 emissions reduction and on
oil sump allows a cost-effective computational modelling method to be fuel saving. Recent studies (experimental [130] and CAE [131]) have
carried out to analyse the free convection laminar flow. evaluated encapsulation designs and found around 6–10 °C temperature
There are in general two approaches for solving the buoyancy- increases at the end of the 9 h soak of the engine coolant and oils from
driven convection flow. One is a steady 3D CFD method based on the the vehicle mounted encapsulation concept design. A 3 g CO2/km
solution of steady-state Navier-Stokes equations for continuity, con- benefit was noted with the concept design [130] for the 14 °C ATCT
servation of momentum and energy [112], in which the heat radiation WLTP cycle. Researchers have also linked the encapsulation heat re-
flux on the buoyancy-driven flow is taken account of using the surface- tention analysis to 1D longitudinal vehicle dynamic model and 1D
to-surface (S2S) radiation model. The alternative approach is an un- mapped engine performance model to predict the consequent fuel
steady full-scale 3D CFD method using a particle-based Lattice-Boltz- consumptions and CO2 emissions during a WLTP drive-cycle [112]. The
mann Method (LBM) [129]. The LBM approach is an inherently tran- vehicle simulation was implemented in GT-SUITE. At ambient tem-
sient flow solver, which models fluid at a fundamental kinetic level perature of 5 °C, a 2.5% fuel savings was found for the encapsulation

R. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 180 (2020) 115883

with high degree (97%) of coverage at engine-starts occurring 2 hrs vehicle design procedure and costs. Some of key capabilities that are
after key-off. Although improvement in the heat transfer prediction in desirable in a 1D fluid model including the simulation of (1) the re-
the coolant jacket at low flow rates was pointed out of the 1D thermal frigerant loop identifying the refrigerant temperature and pressures at
engine model, which was suggested lead some discrepancy between the various locations, (2) the coolant circuits including engine and trans-
simulation results and the test data of the coolant and oil temperatures mission warm up response, (3) air temperatures at the evaporators
at the beginning (0–20 min) of the vehicle soak. This added uncertainty outlet, (4) the cabin compartment temperature distribution during
to the prediction of the fuel consumption saving for the second WLTP warm-up, heating, and the steady-state, as well as the evaluation of the
drive cycle. Further improvement and investigation are required to be HVAC system power consumption under various drive cycles.
able to accurately obtain the understanding of encapsulation heat re-
tention benefits to the CO2 emissions and fuel economy. 4.1. High temperature coolant circuit (powertrain cooling)

4. Thermal fluids modelling The high-temperature coolant circuit is responsible for rejecting the
thermal losses from conventional powertrain components such as the
Thermal-fluids models simulate coolant and oil fluid behaviour and engine and transmission which typically operate in the range of
refrigerant loops for performance evaluations during vehicle warm-up, 90–110 °C. Since the early 20th century, the overall system design has
and simultaneous heating or pull-down of the cabin temperature. Fig. 5 changed relatively little, consisting of the components to be cooled,
shows a diagram on an overall vehicle model indicating the thermal- radiators and fans to pull air through the radiators. In the early 2000 s,
fluids (blue and red arrows) flow connections to the vehicle powertrain the introduction of electric fans and pumps [132] (rather than those
and to the vehicle body (cabin and under-hood) via the high-tem- mechanically driven by the engine) attracted research interest due to
perature (HT) coolant circuit, the low-temperature (LT) coolant circuit, their ability to reduce fuel consumption and emissions by reduction of
refrigerant / AC subsystem. their output power [133] during conditions when limited air or coolant
A wide variety of computational software and tools allow for the flow rates are required to meet cooling demand, for example switching
development of simulation models of different fidelities according to off the radiator fan at high speed [134].
the needs and the stage of the development process. The virtual models More recently, further gains have been made using complex control
are used for system-level design and optimisation, as well as for com- algorithms [135] to control electronic thermostatic valves (eValves)
ponent-level design and sizing. The most common tools used for virtual [136], auxiliary pumps, and radiator vanes to restrict cooling and to
model development are the 1D and the 3D CFD approaches. Although actively move heat between various components. In particular, this has
less computational demanding compared to the 3D CFD approach, the realised a reduction in the engine and transmission warm-up time, re-
main drawback of the 1D modelling is the considerable number of as- ducing fuel consumption and emissions [137,138] even further as dis-
sumptions and simplifications that need to be made. On the other hand, cussed in Section 3.
the 3D CFD [170,171] modelling accounts for complex flow structures
and the interaction of detailed pressure, temperature and velocity 4.2. Low temperature coolant circuit (power electronics, motors, batteries’
fields. The 1D modelling can be set up to run in real-time, or even faster cooling)
than real-time, whereas in the case of 3D CFD, the models tend to run
many times slower than real-time. Power electronics and electric motors tend to operate most effi-
With co-simulation in mind, this review focuses on the 1D CFD ciently at lower temperatures than combustion engines at approxi-
lumped mass modelling approach of passenger cars’ coolant circuits for mately 50–70 °C [139], and batteries tend to require even lower tem-
vehicle warm-up, heating, hot soak and pull-down conditions, re- peratures around 20–40 °C [140]. As such, many hybrid vehicles tend to
frigerant loops, and HVAC system, which are essential to the perfor- operate with either two or even three independent cooling circuits. Low
mance evaluation of a vehicle thermal fluid system in the real world. temperature fluid circuits, operating around 60 °C, tend to require
The overall 1D CFD simulation analysis allows for the evaluation of larger radiators than high temperature circuits due to the smaller
the performance of the fluid systems and enables the optimisation of temperature differential between the coolant and ambient conditions.
individual components and the overall system during the vehicle design However, brushless DC motors and the associated power electronics are
stage. The development of a 1D model can lead to reductions in the highly efficient and therefore their overall cooling requirements are

Fig. 5. Thermal-fluids flow connections in the overall vehicle model.

R. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 180 (2020) 115883

much smaller than a similarly sized combustion engine and in fact can structural changes to the active material, are increased with elevated
often be air-cooled [141]. Additionally, in extreme conditions the temperatures. Conversely, low temperatures can be an issue too. In
motor peak power output can easily be reduced to manage the tem- particular, lithium metal plating occurs when lithium metal directly
perature, albeit with a corresponding loss of performance. reacts with the electrolyte, resulting in resulting in an associated mass
Battery cooling circuits, operating around 30 °C, will often require reduction of the electrolyte. Lithium metal plating is caused by in-
refrigerant based cooling so that the battery temperature can be re- homogeneous distribution of current and potential often as a result of
duced below ambient conditions (which may reach up to around 50 °C operating the battery at high load in a low temperature environment
in extremely hot climates). As such, battery cooling circuits are often [147]. In summary, Vetter et al. [147] suggest that the internal battery
integrated with the cabin air conditioning (AC) refrigerant circuit [53]. temperature should be maintained below 60 °C in order to limit SEI
However, cooling of the batteries is not the end of the story. In cold decay and should never exceed 80 °C in order to prevent thermal run-
climates, the high-power batteries may require pre-heating [142] be- away. Zhang et al. [145] demonstrate significant increases in capacity
fore they can output a useful current, this is due to reduced chemical loss and internal resistance when cycling Lithium Iron Phosphate bat-
kinetics. Based on experimental studies, Zhang et al. [143] report that teries at 0 °C and −10 °C (20% and 25% respectively after 600 cycles)
the usable capacity of a Li-Ion chemistry battery can drop to less than when compared to operation at 45 °C and 25 °C (around 15%).
80% at 0 °C compared with the nominal capacity under room tem-
perature (25degC) and only 65% of the battery nominal capacity is
4.3. Refrigerant subsystem
usable below −10 °C. Tourani et al. [144] used correlated electro-
chemical models to show only 5% of the nominal capacity is accessible
A generic representation of a refrigerant subsystem is shown in
at –33 °C. Typically for hybrid vehicles, this requires limiting the use of
Fig. 6. All refrigeration components must be calibrated with their re-
the batteries until they have been heated by waste heat from the
spected geometry and performance data. The compressor and thermal
combustion engine, but battery electric vehicles may require some
expansion valves models are performance based. The heat exchanger
source of external heat input such as resistive or positive temperature
models are geometry and performance based. The modelled refrigera-
coefficient (PTC) heaters. The use of which may reduce the overall
tion network represents a cooling subsystem. The single cooling sub-
range [14].
system includes one evaporator situated in the front section of the base
In addition to the consideration of optimum performance and op-
line vehicle. The vehicle speed is defined in accordance with the desired
erating temperatures of batteries, the ageing of the batteries is another
drive cycle. The inputs to the model are compressor speed and dis-
important aspect, which is closely related to the temperature, requiring
placement, condenser inlet conditions (air flow rate, temperature and
for the optimum thermal management. The ageing of the batteries,
relative humidity), evaporator inlet conditions (air flow rate, tem-
particularly the degradation of the Solid Electrolyte Interface (SEI) is
perature and relative humidity).
significantly affected by elevated temperatures. The SEI simultaneously
prevents corrosion of the charged electrode and limits reduction of the
electrolyte, but over the lifetime of the battery, it will gradually pene- 4.4. Overview of the numerical approaches
trate into the pores of the electrodes and separator causing an increase
in internal resistance [145]. The kinetics of this reaction are accelerated As discussed previously, utilising CFD can deliver theoretically and
by high temperature and excessive heat can even result in exothermic numerically accurate solutions, however, the main drawback of which
side reactions causing catastrophic failure of the cell (“thermal run- is the long computational time which is not able to meet the required
away”). Even without thermal runaway, degradation of the SEI is fast response in vehicle thermal load fluctuations. In contrast reduced
considered to be the most significant cause of capacity loss in modern order models are favourable towards vehicle-level engineering calcu-
electric vehicles [49,146]. Similarly, the chemical kinetics of other lations and performance prediction of dynamic AC thermal loads due to
ageing methods, such as solvent co-intercalation (due to over-charging their fast response. One of the earliest CAE studies of thermal-fluids
[146]), current collector corrosion (due to deep-discharge [146]) and system is done by Davis et al. in 1972 [21]. The authors have developed
a simulation package for air conditioning system analysis based on

Fig. 6. Cooling subsystem components layout.

R. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 180 (2020) 115883

analytical procedures. The theoretical model is validated against test 5. Model architecture and Co-Simulation methodology
data. Limperich et al. [22] developed a vehicle refrigeration cycle
model via the application of Dymola and Modelica software. The re- A numerical model is fit for purpose when its level of detail ade-
searchers have conducted an evaporator validation at the system’s quately meets certain requirements [2]. Very detailed models can be
component level. Several compressors with different parameters were developed if subsystems of different domains and disciplines, each de-
tested via the New European Drive Cycle (NEDC) and their refrigeration veloped in area-specific software, are integrated into a single global
cycles theoretical results were compared. model using co-simulation and/or model integration techniques
Austin and Botte [23] developed an integrated approach to combine [1,4,8]. Most modern simulation environments support the connection
air conditioning and cooling circuits. The vehicle cabin thermal load to other environments [4] via one or more methods, thus combining the
evaluation has evolved from a steady-state peak value calculation ap- strengths of the associated environments [9,10]. The integrated models
proach to a real-time fully dynamic approach. The steady-state heat incorporate the full dynamic behaviour of the system. This allows the
transfer estimation approach offers simple to calculate algorithms, but engineers to implement a truly holistic approach in the early-stage
the resulting accuracy is compromised. Li et al. [148] developed a design and concept validation of subsystems and thus is highly suited to
steady-state thermal AC system model. The model considers the effect thermal modelling of drive-cycles. In terms of the controller develop-
of the passenger cabin, ambient conditions, in-cabin conditions, vehicle ment, engineers can front-load control software development and
speed (drive cycle), air volume, solar load and number of passengers. testing using real-time co-simulation[151], in which case models are
Kiss et al. [149] developed a MATLAB/Simulink transient vehicle AC exported to, and simulated on, a real-time computer.
model comprised of a cooling network and cabin subsystems. The re-
frigeration network uses a finite volume approach for the governing 5.1. Integration interfaces
equations formulation. The refrigerant network layout is structured by
1D pipe blocks linked via 0D volume blocks. The cabin subsystem has In terms of model interchangeability, model integration interfaces
been modelled as a simple lumped air/water vapour volume with in- are divided into two main groups:
cluded interior thermal mass and cabin structure. The researchers re-
ported that the model is capable of handle the fast transients that occur a. Proprietary interfaces are specific to a certain combination of
in an automotive AC system. Comparison of the numerical data with global/local environments. For example, most automotive simula-
steady state test data shows a good fit between them, with average tion environments feature proprietary interfaces that connect spe-
refrigerant mass flow error of 3.1%. The model can be integrated into cifically to Simulink. Usually, such interfaces connect the two plat-
vehicle models for the purpose of overall vehicle energy analysis and forms via a virtual server and each model is simulated in its original
optimisation. platform. During simulation, the two platforms exchange data via
A Dymola-based electric vehicle thermal management model con- the virtual server [4,152,153].
sisting of multiple sub-models like battery, cabin, heat pump and heat b. Tool agnostic interfaces are supported by a wide array of commer-
pump control unit models was created by Jeffs et al.[150]. The model cial software packages and therefore they promote global model
allows for the automated connection and disconnection of various interchangeability. The Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) is cur-
thermal management systems, control heat flows according to ambient rently the most widely supported model integration specification
conditions, demand and operational regimes of the components, thus and Functional Mock-up Units (FMUs) with distinct characteristics
explore different control strategies and their effect over the vehicle can be tailored to the user’s needs. In addition to the FMI, the
performance especially in cold climates. The authors had tested the MATLAB S-function can be considered a tool agnostic interface
model over several test cases consisting of multiple scenarios. The si- when real time computer simulation is considered.
mulation results have not been compared to test data.
Future work and challenges with thermal-fluids and the associated Co-simulation interfaces can also be classified with respect to their
HVAC modelling lie in the development and the validation of combined numerical solver configuration as shown in Fig. 7. The two main ca-
high fidelity-1D HVAC system model, which features a modular struc- tegories are summarised as follows:
ture for robust alterations and adjustments to different vehicle archi-
tectures (conventional, EV, HEV). Research the application of the a. Model Exchange (ME) enables the user to export a model from one
neural network approach for Fast Running Model (FRM) conversion platform and simulate it in another platform using the host plat-
and enable the 1D HVAC model to be co-simulated with vehicle models form’s numerical solver. The simulation in this case takes place on a
would also be desirable. single solver under a single simulation time step (barring any ad-
Key modelling techniques of the thermos-fluid simulation are vanced solver configuration in the host environment).
summarized in Table 3, as well as their performances. b. Co-Simulation (CS) involves the simulation of each integrated sub-
model by its own dedicated, domain-specific solver [151]. A global
solver manages the simulation order and model communication.

Table 3
Summary of Thermo-Fluid Simulation Techniques.
Technique Examples Advantages Disadvantages

Lumped Mass [21–23,28,106,123–126,148,150] Straight-forward implementation, consideration of a Low fidelity, minimal consideration of control strategy, no
wide range of components, suitable for optimisation thermal distribution across components
1D CFD [22,23,28,120,122,124–126,148,150] Higher fidelity, relatively fast simulation, can still be Slower than above, significant correlation effort required,
used for optimisation (within reason), detailed usually based on empirical data, minimal consideration of
consideration of control strategy interaction with dynamic aspects of powertrain
3D CFD [26,27,170,171] Highest fidelity, consideration of localised ‘hot-spots’, Slow to simulation, not possible to perform optimisation,
complex flow structures interactions, advanced fluid often considering only a small number of specific test cases
thermal behaviour prediction
Co-Simulation [28] Concurrent high-fidelity consideration of thermo-fluids High development effort, slow simulation time
and powertrain performance

R. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 180 (2020) 115883

Fig. 7. Tree diagram of commonly encountered model integration methods in the automotive sector.

Fig. 8. Diagrams on solver configuration for different integration methods.

R. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 180 (2020) 115883

This general family of model integration methods allows for each control unit (ECU) specification. For this purpose, they setup a co-si-
connected (local) sub-model to run under a different solver and si- mulation using vehicle communication interface (VCI) to integrate
mulation time step that is most suitable in handling the stiffness of software, hardware, and mechanical components modelled in C lan-
the individual sub-model. guage, VHDL, and MATLAB respectively into a MATLAB global simu-
lation. Li et al. [154] co-simulated a CarSim vehicle dynamics model
The numerical solver configuration of each model integration with a Simulink anti-lock braking system (ABS) controller capable of
method is shown in Fig. 8. FMI for ME models (Fig. 8A) are simulated targeting the optimal tyre slip ratio for a given tyre pressure. The si-
on the solver of the host environment. If the host solver is suitable to the mulation results of the novel ABS controller were compared to the re-
imported model, this method can be very accurate and fast running. In sults of a baseline simulation with a conventional ABS controller. Xie
addition, the model file size is smaller (due to the lack of integrated et al. [155] setup a co-simulation between an AMESim vehicle model
solver code) and the model can run without the need for an installation equipped with a dual state continuously variable transmission (CVT),
of the original platform. The potential drawback of this method is the and a MATLAB/ Simulink transmission control unit and torque con-
fact that different domains are often better simulated under different verter controller model. The co-model was validated on a typical drive
solvers and time steps. All other integration methods involve a multi- cycle for passenger cars. Reyneri et al. [6] developed a test bench for
solver simulation. The multi-solver model integration methods are fuel injection systems. The test bench comprised of a co-simulation
subdivided into two main categories. In the first category, the numer- between the hardware model running in FPGA, the software model
ical solver of the original platform is embedded within the exported running on a PC, and the physical electromechanical parts. The elec-
model (FMU CS Standalone or S-function) and the local simulation tromechanical components were modelled using a trained neural net-
takes place within the host platform using the original solver. This work and used with the software and hardware models to co-design
method tends to result to a faster co-simulation when compared to any injection control. Maharun et al. [152] built a plug-in hybrid electric
platform coupling method. In addition, co-simulation is possible vehicle (PHEV) co-model by means of integrating an ADAMS/Car ve-
without the need for an installation of the original platform. The main hicle model with a Simulink model representing the Energy Manage-
disadvantage of this method, in particular for the FMU CS standalone is ment System (EMS), the Fuzzy Vehicle Dynamics Controller (VDC), and
the large file size that in some cases may complicate file storage and the electrical components. The co-simulation was used to evaluate the
sharing. In the second category, the associated platforms are coupled EMS and VDC in terms of the improvement in fuel consumption and
via a virtual server and each model is simulated on its original platform. vehicle handling characteristics respectively. Wu et al. [2] investigated
The main advantage of this method is that in the cases of the proprie- the potential for shift quality and fuel efficiency improvement co-
tary interface and the ICOS (Linux based network operating system) ordinated engine and gearbox control has for vehicles. Simulink served
interface, the models are “white-box” (i.e., open and accessible) and as the global simulation environment. The co-simulation involved a
this allows for a fast development time as no recompilation of the local Simulink engine and shift controller model, a GT-Power engine model,
model is needed. Another advantage that characterizes all platform and an AMESim torque converter – transmission – vehicle dynamics
coupling interfaces is the small file size. The disadvantages of platform model. Mikelsons et al. [1] carried out a functional validation of the
coupling options are the relatively slow simulation speed and the need ECU with the use of a co-simulation between a CarMaker vehicle dy-
for the presence of installations for all the associated software. namics model, a GT-Suite powertrain model and the investigated ETAS
All interfaces discussed above have a good to excellent support from EVE yaw rate controller model. Models were exported to FMU and co-
engineering software companies. The FMI standard is the most sup- simulated in AVL Model.CONNECT. Casoli et al. [7] designed an op-
ported integration interface with respect to both import and export timal fluid power circuit and engine combination and a control strategy
capability while also being supported by many real-time environments. for increased fuel economy of mobile machinery using a co-simulation
FMI ME can be particularly useful when a model is to be shared in of a Simulink ICE model and an AMESim fluid power circuit model. The
“black box” form and the model is compatible to the solver used in the AMESim model was exported to an S-function and then imported to
host model. FMI CS standalone is suitable when simulation speed must Simulink. Li et al. [156] tested the performance of a Fuzzy ESP control
be high (e.g. optimisation), and the model must be shared in a black box strategy in terms of vehicle handling stability by co-simulating an
form with a user that may not have a full installation of the software but ADAMS/CAR multibody dynamics vehicle model and a Simulink ESP
has a solver license of the original software. MATLAB S-function is controller model. Özener et al. [157] optimized the speed profile of city
highly popular in applications in which high simulation speed of a black busses for a given route and for interstation route segments with respect
box model running in MATLAB/Simulink environment is the main to fuel consumption and emissions using a co-simulation of an IPG
priority. Export to S-function is supported by a large number of simu- Truck Maker 3D articulated bus model & road model connected to an
lation environments. The S-function can be directly imported to AVL Cruise drive train model. Models were integrated via the use of a
MATLAB/Simulink target and to a large number of real-time compu- dedicated co-simulation interface. Eckert et al. [153] optimized gear
ters. When there is a need to make fast changes to the associated models shifting strategy with respect to fuel consumption and vehicle perfor-
and observe the response, such as during model development, pro- mance using a co-simulation between an ADAMS multibody dynamics
prietary platform coupling interfaces are the most suitable solution. vehicle model and a Simulink longitudinal dynamics model. Khan et al.
Finally, it should be noted that most software packages make it very [9] used a co-simulation between an ADAMS multibody dynamics 3D
simple to transfer from one type of interface to another. Therefore, vehicle model and an LMS AMESim driveline model with a powertrain
development can take place using platform coupling and then the in- controller to predict vehicle Noise, Vibration, and Harshness. The
terface switched to model exchange or standalone co-simulation for models were integrated via exporting the ADAMS model to FMU and
faster performance in optimisation tasks once the model development importing the FMU into the AMESim model. Karvonen et al. [158]
has matured. studied the current and voltage harmonics induced on the DC bus of an
electric drive by switching events using a co-simulation between an
5.2. Co-simulation ANSYS Maxwell magnetic component model of the electric machine,
and an ANSYS Simplorer model of all other components of the electric
The following constitute to the increasing popularity of co-simula- machine as well as the drive. Klein et al. [10] developed a model in loop
tion across several disciplines involved in the development cycle of (MiL) vehicle model co-simulation on dSpace VEOS. The co-simulation
vehicles and there are numerous published studies from the automotive consisted of a vehicle dynamics model in dSpace VSM, a GT Power fast-
sector proving the usefulness of the concept of model integration. Le running engine model, an automatic double-clutch transmission model
Marrec et al. [5] carried out functional validation of the initial engine in Simulation X (exported to FMU CS), a vehicle model in ASM Tool

R. Yuan, et al. Applied Thermal Engineering 180 (2020) 115883

Suite, and a transmission control unit in Simulink. Following the vali- between traditionally separate teams and a massive reduction in the
dation of the concept on the MiL, the GT-Suite engine was replaced by a computation intensity of various CFD and 1D flow models.
real engine on a dyno and an Engine in Loop test cell was commissioned
with the purpose of studying the effects of varying engine parameters
on a real engine. Fletcher et al. [25] developed a co-simulation of an 6.1. Future work and challenges
engine test cell by integrating a GTDI Ricardo WAVE RT engine model
within a Simulink StateFlow chart-based test cell controller and PCM Future challenges in vehicle powertrain modelling revolve around
model using the dedicated Simulink block, and used the co-simulation two major step changes in the automotive industry as a whole. Firstly,
to develop an automated engine calibration validation tool. Zhang et al. changes in legislation have shifted the focus of powertrain development
[12] developed co-simulations of vehicle suspension durability rigs. from steady state analysis at a few key engine operating points to a
The co-simulation comprised of an ADAMS mechanical components wide-ranging dynamic analysis (inclusive of human–machine interac-
model, and a Simulink hydraulics and control elements model. The co- tion) which is much more representative of real-world driving. In effect,
simulation was controlled using Remote Parameter Control Pro Soft- the onus to minimise real-world emissions has been shifted from gov-
ware by opening a virtual server connection between ADAMS and Si- ernment testing agencies to automotive OEMs by the removal of many
mulink. of the loopholes surrounding historic legislation and the persistent
The main characteristics of the model integration standards dis- possibility for comparison to real-world independent testing [28].
cussed above are presented in tabulated form in Table 4. Secondly, the increased complexity and interconnectivity of modern
powertrains has pushed automotive companies to consider a much
more holistic view of the vehicle. It is no longer acceptable to design
6. Summary individual components in relative isolation, but instead the interaction
between engine, motors, battery and auxiliary systems needs to be
This paper reviews the state-of-the-art numerical approaches for the considered in much more detail and at an earlier stage in the produc-
virtual holistic thermal and energy management of hybrid vehicles, tion process [51].
including the overall model architecture, longitudinal vehicle power- At the management level, these changes are presenting logistic
train, engine warm-up, heating ventilation and air-conditioning, challenges due to the requirement for highly interdisciplinary working
thermo-fluids, cabin and under-hood heat retention models. groups with representatives from many teams within the company.
The overall system design by co-simulation modelling for thermal These groups require stronger technical communication pathways to be
analysis and energy management is addressed to provide connections forged due to the increased levels of collaboration between teams
between subsystem models which captures, in sufficient detail, the in- which were previously only linked at a managerial level (“silos of en-
teraction between mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and thermal do- gineering” [124]). Therefore, novel working processes are being de-
mains. The development of a cost-effective holistic vehicle co-simula- veloped, such as virtual teams [125], in order to cope with this new
tion platform is overviewed in terms of simulation time and running challenge.
costs, as well as capability of calculating vehicle fuel consumption and On the technical level, the requirement for higher fidelity power-
emissions across a wide range of operating conditions. train systems modelling is pushing the limits of computational effi-
The aim of the under-hood heat retention analysis is to predict the ciency. Previously simplified holistic models must incorporate much
thermal cool-down behaviour of the engine bay compartments and the more detail and a wider range of components including the cabin cli-
key fluids within. It provides a thermal analysis tool that enables the matic control [91], engine cooling as well as increasingly complex
design of thermal encapsulations to be embedded into early stage of the hybrid components such as batteries, motors, and power electronics. At
vehicle design, which gives the potential of elevating fluids tempera- the same time, they are still required to run significantly faster than
tures of engine coolant, engine oil and transmission oil to help reduce real-time in order to perform parameter sweeps, design-of-experiment
the friction loss associated with engine cold start. The heat retention analysis, and optimisation techniques. Not only does the increased fi-
model analysis and encapsulation optimisation thus lead to the benefits delity tend to result in increased simulation times, but it also increases
of CO2 emissions reduction and fuel economy. development time and effort, which is itself exacerbated by the fact that
The holistic vehicle model development will enable the thermal no single hybrid powertrain architecture currently dominates. As a re-
energy management for hybrid vehicles and push forwards low-carbon sult, advanced modelling techniques such as acausal physics-based
transport technologies in a time- and cost-efficient way, satisfying fu- modelling [48,49], model reduction [87] and co-simulation
ture legislative requirements. However, there are significant challenges [51,105,113] are becoming increasingly important, if not necessary.
required in order to make a holistic thermal vehicle model possible Key recommendations for further work are centred around the ef-
including the requirement for increased levels of communication ficient use of co-simulation and acausal models in order to minimise

Table 4
Popular model integration standards and associated characteristics.
Model Integration Interfaces
Criteria FMU ME MATLABS-function FMU CSStandalone FMU CSPlatform ICOS[168,169] Proprietary PlatformCoupling
[159–161] [7,162–167] [9,159] Coupling[8,9,53,159] Harness[2,10,152,154,155]

Support by software Very High Very High Very High Very High High (Virtual High
Simulation Speed Very High Very High Very High Ranges from Slow to Ranges from Ranges from Slow to High
High Slow to High
ModelConfigurability Poor Poor Poor Poor Excellent Excellent
Simplicity inProcedure Setup Simple Simple Simple Simple Very Simple Very Simple
Multiple solvers No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Weak coupling capability No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Installation of original No No No Yes Yes Yes
Model Access Black Box Black Box Black Box Black Box White Box White Box
Model file size Small Small Very Large Very Large Small Small

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