Caritas MADDO - Strategic Plan 2007 2011 - July 2007

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Caritas MADDO

(The Development Commission of Masaka Diocese)

Five Year Strategic Plan: 2007-2011

Programme for Spearheading Sustainable Development
for Poverty Reduction and Improved Life in Masaka
Caritas MADDO
Masaka Diocese
P O Box 14 Masaka
Ddungu Wing, Kitovu Cathedral Road
Tel: 256-481-420976
Email: [email protected]
July 2007
Caritas MADDO Strategic Plan 2007-2011

Overview of Program.................................................................................................iii

List of Acronyms......................................................................................................iii

List of Acronyms.......................................................................................................iv


Executive Summary................................................................................................vii

1.0 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................- 7 -


2.1 Country Profile............................................................................................- 7 -
2.2 Profile of the area Masaka Diocese covers.................................................- 8 -
2.3 Natural Environment...................................................................................- 8 -
2.4 Water Resources Availability: Demand and Usage....................................- 9 -
2.5 HIV/AIDS.....................................................................................................- 9 -
2.6 The Dimensions of Poverty in Masaka......................................................- 10 -
2.7 National Poverty Strategies.......................................................................- 11 -

3.0 BACKGROUND: Reviewing the Past Five Years.....................................- 11 -

3.1 Overview of Strategic Plan 2001-2006......................................................- 11 -
3.2 Critical Analysis of The Masaka Synod V on Development.....................- 12 -
3.3 Rapid Community Assessment...................................................................- 13 -
3.4 Critical Analysis of the Health Function...................................................- 15 -
3.5 General Implementation Gaps in the SP (2001-06)..................................- 15 -
Caritas MADDO Strategic Plan 2007-2011

4.0 ANALYSIS OF ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES........................................- 16 -

5.0 The Current State of the CBO Sector at Grassroots Level.......................- 17 -

6.0 Summary of Key Issues relevant to the New Strategic Plan.....................- 18 -

7.0 THE NEW STRATEGIC DIRECTION (2007-2011)................................- 19 -

7.1 Vision.........................................................................................................- 19 -
7.2 Mission.......................................................................................................- 19 -
7.3 Organisational Values...............................................................................- 19 -
7.4 Goal...........................................................................................................- 19 -
7.5 Objectives...................................................................................................- 19 -
7.6 Target Population......................................................................................- 24 -
7.7 Other Components.....................................................................................- 24 -

8.0 Monitoring and Evaluation:.........................................................................- 24 -

9.0 Financing.......................................................................................................- 25 -

10.0 Sustainability Issues....................................................................................- 26 -

Annex1: Organizational Chart for Caritas MADDO:...................................- 27 -

Annex 2: The Logical Framework (2007-2011)................................................- 30 -

Annex 3: Budget..................................................................................................- 55 -
3.1: Budget Notes....................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.2 Budget Summary.............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Caritas MADDO Strategic Plan 2007-2011

Overview of Program
Program Goal:
Improved Standards of Living for all
people living in Masaka

Intermediate Results:
Food security and poverty reduction
through increased production and
productivity; decreased morbidity

Program Output 1 Program Output 2 Program Output 2 Program Output 4 Program Output 5 Program Output 5
Households Communities Improved Diocesan Good governance The spirit of Strengthened
empowered to enabled to avoid Health Services and human rights for assisting the needy institutional capacity
effectively practice preventable diseases all promoted in our communities to implement
sustainable agro- promoted activities
economic activities

Cross cutting Issues: HIV/AIDS Mainstreaming, Gender mainstreaming

Components Components Components Components Components Components

 Agricultural  Increase access  Improve quality  Democracy  Mobilize local  Strengthen
Extension to safe water and quantity of monitoring contribution structures
 Input Supply and sanitation services  Promote  Analyze  Better policies
 Agricultural  Improve  Improve participation in problems of and systems
Marketing hygiene and management politics, vulnerable  Well motivated
 Rural Savings sanitation  Continuously  Unchain groups staff
and Credit behaviour assess service widows and  Devise  Empower
 Appropriate  Promote and act orphans from strategies to Parishes to co-
Technology Immunization exploitation and support implement
 Natural  Promote better discrimination vulnerable
Resources nutrition groups
Management  Prepare for vi
Caritas MADDO Strategic Plan 2007-2011

List of Acronyms
ABY Abstinence, Be Faithful Project for the Youth HRMIS Human Resources Management Information System
AIDS Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome HUMC Health Unit Management Committee
CBO Community Based Organisation IMF International Monetary Fund
CEDAW Convention for Elimination of Discrimination Against IMR Infant Mortality Rate
Women LC Local Council
DHB Diocesan Health Board LEDEWO Legal Defence for Widows and Orphans
DHU Diocesan Health Unit MADDO Masaka Diocesan Development Organisation
GDP Gross Domestic Product MDG Millennium Development Goals
GNP Gross National Product MFI Micro Finance Institutions
HC Health Centre MHCP Minimum Health Care Package
HIV Human Immuno-deficiency Virus MIS Management Information System
HOD Head of Department MMR Maternal Mortality Rate
HOSEAP Household Support to Eradicate Absolute Poverty MMT Middle-level Management: Technical
HRM/D Human Resources Management/ Development
MOV Means of Verification PHH Post Harvest Handling
MR Mortality Rate PNFP Private Not for Profit
MSC Masaka Social Centre PO Program Officer
NGO Non Governmental Organisations PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
NMR Neonatal Mortality Rate ROM Results Oriented Management
NRM Natural Resources Management SAMADI Sustainable Agriculture for Masaka Diocese
OSID Organisational Strengthening and Institutional SHUPO Sickness, Hunger and Poverty Alleviation
Development SMA Senior Management: Administration
OVC Orphans and Vulnerable Children UCMB Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau
PEAP Poverty Eradication and Alleviation Program UNDP United Nations Development Program
PHC Primary Health Care WASIP Water, Agriculture and Sanitation Integrated

Caritas MADDO Strategic Plan 2007-2011

The strategic plan is a result of reflection, consultations and Sincere gratitude and appreciation to all local partners and the staff of
discussions by community partners, collaborating Caritas MADDO not only for the active participation in the process of
organizations/individuals, development partners and Caritas developing this plan, but also the support in the work of the
administration and staff. Caritas MADDO has no adequate words to organisation all over the diocese.
thank the funder Aidlink who is always willing to support the
organisation in its road to self reliance. Indeed Caritas MADDO is If there is anything at all that we have achieved in 25 years, it is no
very appreciative for the support of Aidlink who funded this process. other than the Bishop’s plan and efforts. The work of the office of the
Bishop can be compared to a coach of a team who recruits and selects
Caritas MADDO recognises the contribution of the many community players, trains them, sends them, watches them while playing, directs
partners who support the work of the organisation based on a spirit of them and again plans for the success of his team.
volunteerism. Volunteers scattered in all corners of our Diocese have
always been supplementing scarce resources both in various ways, be We thank the Bishop and all staff in the chancery for the good work
it time, social and financial terms. Caritas MADDO is indeed very you do for us. Lastly Caritas MADDO thanks Mr. John Kizito and his
grateful for their work. team for the work well done as the facilitator of this whole exercise.

Caritas MADDO Strategic Plan 2007-2011

This five year strategic plan has been prepared with the participation progressively identify nascent Community Based Organizations and
of key Caritas MADDO stakeholders including administration, staff, groom them to co-implement programs at the community level and
beneficiaries and resource persons from other development carry on when the organization moves to other areas. We hope to
organizations that collaborate with Caritas MADDO. This process invest more in organizational strengthening and Institutional
was externally facilitated. It is a forward looking strategic plan that development support to community based organisations as an
embodies the aspirations of the organization to contribute to an important strategy in the implementation of our programme and
inclusive world and the improvement of the livelihoods of the people nurture the growth and development of strong vehicles for
in the districts of Masaka, Kalangala, Ssembabule, Rakai and development initiatives in Masaka Diocese.
Sustainable development can only be achieved through the process of
The programme components outlined in the plan are built on empowerment and capacity building/development of all stakeholders
achievements and adjustments based on key issues arising from that are involved. This ensures a participatory development process
various learning processes within the programme in the past. and leads to need-driven development rather than demand driven
Important development issues within the organizational and Ugandan
context are integrated as cross-cutting issues. Despite the The Chinese have a proverb which says; “If a snake bites you it is an
achievements Caritas MADDO has made there remains glaring accident. If the same snake bites you twice you are fool”.
challenges in improving livelihoods of the rural men and women in Stakeholders will be right to blame us – Caritas MADDO staff if we
Masaka Diocese. fail to improve our performance after supporting us with a lot of ideas
in this exercise. We promise to aim higher and we appeal to all our
Erstwhile, the main strategy has been direct support to individuals, partners and stakeholders of Masaka Diocese in your respective
the programme has evolved over time based on the wealth of capacities, to support us in making the implementation of strategies
experience the organization has gained. In the next five years, Caritas detailed herein a success.
MADDO intends to progressively groom and reach the beneficiaries
through Community Based Organizations/institutions. Caritas Fr. Raphael Semmanda
MADDO, together with the Community administrations will Development Coordinator

Caritas MADDO Strategic Plan 2007-2011

Executive Summary
After five years, it was important for the organisation to undergo a
deep reflection and analysis of its core purpose and mode of operation. Caritas MADDO will disseminate skills in sustainable agriculture
Quite a number of issues emerged form the critical self assessment practices and technologies: Agro forestry; modern crop and animal
that guided this strategic plan. For instance a need to correct existing management; environmental protection; appropriate technology;
management anomalies was identified and in order to be more management of small IGAs and food processing and preservation.
effective, there is need to find a way continuously re-assessing the Caritas MADDO will also support farmers add value to farm products
organisational resources and revitalising them. for better income.

It was also found important to redefine Caritas MADDO’s coverage Under social services the organisation will endeavour to uplift the
and consider decentralization of some aspects e.g. Caritas MADDO socio-economic barriers of the socially handicapped and marginalised
facilitating Community-based initiatives rather than compete with members of society through provision of basic amenities, counselling,
them All organisation documents and policies need to be reviewed and education and protection of widows’ and orphans’ rights. Caritas
updated. All Caritas MADDO focal areas and programs should MADDO will sensitise the community on the spirit of assisting the
include cross cutting areas of HIV/AIDS, environment, and not needy in their communities. The organisation will also offer both
forgetting gender issues which does not seem to be the case now. curative and preventive health services. It will also be of prime
importance to improve community access to water and better
Inspired by the vision to see the people of Masaka Diocese attain sanitation.
holistic development through stimulating and directing sustainable
development Caritas MADDO will stimulate and direct sustainable Strategically, Caritas MADDO will gradually change the operational
development among the people of Masaka diocese regardless of framework from direct implementation to supporting and working in
religious affiliation, with the goal of improving the standards of living partnerships with parishes and local organizations implementing
for their standards of living. programmes at the grassroots.

This Plan will focus on the following major focal areas: Ensuring Caritas MADDO, through the program officers, will design a
Food security, increasing peoples’ incomes through sustainable comprehensive monitoring and evaluation framework based on the
agribusiness; Organisational Strengthening and Institutional indicators during project development and operational planning,
Development; Preventive and curative health for development; regularly visit projects and sub projects and hold quarterly meetings
promotion of human Rights and Good Governance Strategies; and with parish-based partner organisations.
Promote the value of working together to assist the needy in our
communities. Gender and HIV/AIDS will be mainstreamed in all

Caritas MADDO Strategic Plan 2007-2011

1.0 INTRODUCTION MADDO like a deep rooted tree that is firm and cannot be easily
It is not easy to define “Development” just because it is a multi- blown down by the wind it has up to this time stood firm to stand
dimensional process which involves a lot of economic and social challenges. In 2000 the name was changed to Caritas MADDO to
systems, including customs and beliefs. However, we can borrow a promote the spirit of giving and receiving as related to love,
definition by Kotze D.A. (1997) when he defines it as “a positive compassion and solidarity.
social, economic and political change in a country or community”.
In other words, development is concerned with positive change in Since that time – a period of 26 years now – Caritas MADDO has
existing human societies and the success of development efforts is depended much on funding from Northern NGO’s in Europe and
measured by the results seen in history. USA.

Development work can be said to have started with the creation of Caritas MADDO has accordingly supported infrastructure
the world. As we read in the book of Genesis 1:1 – 31 we see God development of most of the diocesan projects and parishes in all
accomplished everything. During the time of Jesus Christ our Lord sectors.
we see a magnetic touching hand in trying to see that human beings
enjoy life in full. This is explicitly seen when Jesus healed the sick
(Matt. 14/ 34-36); Jesus fed the hungry (Matt 14/ 13-21). Since 2.1 Country Profile
that time Christianity has spearheaded development in all sectors of
human development all over the world. We remember very well Uganda is a landlocked country in East Africa. Its borders are
here in Africa with the arrival of missionaries they instituted three formed by Lake Victoria on the south and south east, Kenya on the
main key components in human development:- the introduction of east, Sudan in the north, the Democratic Republic of Congo and
alphabetical literacy; healing ministry through hospitals, and Rwanda to the west and Tanzania in the south. The estimated
promotion of human dignity by condemning all forms of slavery. population number is 28.2 million with an average annual growth
rate of 3.4%1 Despite strong economic growth, averaging around
In 1981 driven by the need and professional desire to stimulate more eight per cent per annum over the past decade, Uganda remains
development a separate office for social services and development amongst the world’s twenty most poorest countries.
(SSD) was instituted in Masaka Diocese. With support from
international and national donors, the organization has initiated Almost all of Uganda’s social indicators remain below the average
projects in the sectors of agriculture, animal husbandry, water and for sub-Saharan Africa. Uganda’s population is largely
sanitation, medical care, environmental protection, care and the characterized by low levels of literacy particularly among women
protection and support of orphans and widows. It was never (83% of men, and just 59% of women), high morbidity (28%), high
assumed it would be easy going. It was not until 1988 the name maternal and infant/child mortality rates (505/100,000, 88/1000 and
MADDO (Masaka Diocesan Development Organization) was born. 1
Uganda Bureaux of statistics 2006-09-07
69/1000 respectively), poor child nutritional status (39% stunting), beans, groundnuts, sweet potatoes and cassava) with livestock
poor access to health facilities (6 km on average) and poor quality of products accounting for another 19%.
health services, low accessibility to safe water (15% of the
population do not have access to safe water), and high/stagnating Although Masaka’s agricultural sector is slowly growing, farm
HIV infection rates (6.5% of the adult population), with high productivity and indeed income is still very low and vulnerable to
unemployment and underemployment leading to low income and drought, flooding, plant pests and diseases and changes in
poverty. agricultural commodity prices. The area’s main cash export
commodities include coffee and fish. Traditionally exclusive food
Uganda’s per capita income is US $330, which is far below the crops are now produced both for domestic consumption, and cash.
average for sub-Saharan African countries (US$470). Uganda is
ranked 141st out of 162 poorest countries on the UNDP Human 2.3 Natural Environment
Development Index. Life expectancy has dropped to 43 years, down Masaka Diocese has an abundant natural resource base, though the
from 48 years in the mid-1980s. quality of these resources is steadily declining under serious threat
from degradation due to population pressure, over grazing,
2.2 Profile of the area Masaka Diocese covers deforestation, siltation of water bodies, clearing and drying of
Masaka Diocese covers the southern part of Uganda on the shores of wetlands, and poor agricultural practices including over-use of
Lake Victoria a few degrees south of the Equator, covering five agrochemical. These environmental problems are exacerbated by
administrative districts, namely, Masaka, Rakai, Kalangala, poverty, uncoordinated policies and poor enforcement of
Lyantonde and Ssembabule, comprising of 48 mainly rural Catholic regulations.
Declining soil fertility and productivity of land, land degradation,
Masaka’s2 economy is heavily dependent on agriculture. About depletion of fish species and stocks, wetlands encroachment and
80% of the labour force is engaged in agriculture, many of whom reclamation, and pollution of water sources all contribute
are subsistence-level farmers. Agricultural output comes almost significantly to increased economic vulnerability and poverty for the
exclusively from these smallholders, 80% of whom have less than already poor populations, Environmental degradation imposes
two hectares of land each. Most residents of Masaka owe their severe costs on the poor: their heavy dependence on environmental
survival to the informal agricultural sector and most wage earners resources means they are highly vulnerable to sudden shocks and
depend on their small plots for home food supplies. Food crop changes in their physical environment. With a lack of alternative
production is by far the most important economic activity, choices, poor people resort to further exploitation of natural
accounting for 64% of agricultural GDP (including bananas, maize, resources for activities such as firewood, brick making, charcoal
burning, craft making, and stone quarrying. Although these
activities provide safety nets for the poor, they are environmentally
2 In this discussion, Masaka is equivalent to Masaka Diocese unfriendly and unsustainable. These activities fetch low returns,
which mean that people have to repeatedly exploit the natural Rakai, Lyantonde and Ssembabule have faced serious droughts
resources, which leads to depletion. Forests in Masaka Diocese are which have led to the drying of the semi permanent sources making
disappearing at a rate of 2% per year. it hard for the communities to access water. Some of the individuals
have to walk up to 2 to 3 kilometres to get water for domestic uses.
Although the government has in place a legislative framework and
regulatory system for environmentally sound development and Water in the households is mainly used for Cooking, laundry and
responsible use of natural resources, institutional weaknesses have watering livestock. In most cases the quality and quantity of water
undermined enforcement. In addition, policies intended to eradicate determines the sanitation and the kind of development project a
poverty pay insufficient attention to poverty-environment linkages, household can engage in.
and fail to promote the development of affordable and sustainable
choices to the poor that would help reduce negative environmental 2.5 HIV/AIDS
practices. This scourge which started to manifest itself in this country in this
area is still prevalent with adverse effects on human resources,
2.4 Water Resources Availability: Demand and Usage national resources and household incomes. An estimated 1 million
In the Diocese, rural households have an average of 7 to 10 people Ugandans, mainly from the economically productive age groups,
putting the daily demand to at least 50 litres of water per day. have died of AIDS since the beginning of the epidemic, another 1
Accelerated demand will most likely occur with the increased farm million-plus are currently living with HIV/AIDS. Food insecurity,
activities putting the demand at 120 litres of water per household per degraded livelihoods, increased vulnerability and adverse socio-
day. The main source of water for the communities in the area is the economic impacts have been identified in many instances as both
few water bodies, swamps and natural springs and wells. In some of factors and consequences of HIV/AIDS. Some of the most
the drier areas of Rakai, Lyantonde and Ssembabule, many residents significant social and economic consequences include:
thrive on water collected in water dams and valley tanks which  Reduced labour supply and productivity, especially amongst the
collect run off water during the rainy seasons and run dry towards most productive segment of the population, resulting in the loss
the dry season. of skilled labour and the agricultural knowledge base that is
particularly critical in rural areas.
Rakai, Lyantonde and Ssembabule are water stressed areas with an  High opportunity costs, including the loss time and money
annual average rainfall of 916mm received in two rainy seasons attending to the sick, poor job performance by those already
separated by a three to four months dry season. Recent geological infected, and the cost of burials.
studies have shown that the Rakai, Lyantonde and Ssembabule area  Increased dependency rations due to the large number of orphans
has a two aquifer system the top most being at a minimum depth of left behind placing excessive burdens on remaining individuals
at least 45 to 75 metres. When one further drills in the overburden (often the elderly) and on household economies.
one encounters more fractured zones at 90 to 120 metres such
aquifers have a satisfactory water potential. Over the last 5 years
 Loss of assets as household resources and land are liquidated to
meet medical and other costs. Ill health and disease are the most frequently cited causes of poverty
 Low investment in the agricultural sector as limited household in Uganda’s Participatory Poverty Assessment reports, but ill health
resources are diverted to caring for the sick and for funeral and disease are also recognized as consequences of poverty. Lack
expenses. of access to quality health and education services, poor nutritional
 Reduced market production due to loss of agricultural labour and practices and limited nutritional choices, lack of information, lack of
lack of agricultural inputs. resources to take action, the impact of HIV/AIDS, and continuing
high fertility and high population growth rates particularly in
2.6 The Dimensions of Poverty in Masaka Masaka Diocese are all inter-dependent contributing factors in this
Despite Uganda’s considerable economic recovery over the past 17 cycle of poverty.
years, there is still widespread poverty especially in the rural areas
and, progress against poverty has been slow. Limited access to land ranks second among the most frequently
cited causes of poverty. Amongst the poor and most vulnerable
Poverty in this context is a lack of basic needs and services such as sectors of the population, land ownership is decreasing significantly
food, clothing, bedding, shelter, basic health care, education and as a result of problems linked to large families, evictions, internal
communication, in addition to the lack of opportunities for survival migration, and gender inequities. And where land is available, lack
and employment, and lack of productive assets such as land and of access to markets, low market prices, the impact of pests and
farm tools3 disease, and vulnerability to drought and other extreme climatic
conditions are highlighted as key factors leading to poverty.
Poverty in Masaka Diocese is characterized by lack of skilled
labour, limited land for cultivation, lack of production inputs, low For women, the lack of control over productive resources remains
literacy particularly amongst women. Other manifestation of one of the root causes of poverty. Although women are responsible
poverty include malnutrition, high morbidity and infant mortality, for the vast majority of agricultural production in Masaka Diocese, it
low household income, poor housing and poor general living is the male head of household who controls land ownership, the
conditions, few livelihood opportunities, social exclusion, and lack crops and livestock produced from women’s labour, and the
of access to information and to social and other public services. financial gains from a market sales, and women often have little or
Poor households are not able to deal with problems of poverty on no say in household decision-making. This situation is even worse
their own because of structures and conditions within society and in widow/orphan headed households. These households are often
the economy. In rural areas, poverty is particularly associated with even more impoverished because in-laws take over the land and
lack of productive assets, locally known as ‘capital’ assets when a husband dies.

Adapted from Uganda Participatory Assessment Report, 2005
2.7 National Poverty Strategies among commissions in order to streamline and professionalize
Rosy as the national statistics may paint the picture, the economic Diocesan planning.
reforms programmes implemented by the Uganda government over
the last twenty years have not had profound impact on the A Caritas MADDO Board of Directors was to be set up to provide
livelihoods of the majority of Ugandans. The limited economic policy and programme direction to organizational development and
growth that has been achieved has largely contributed to filling gaps programming issues of MADDO as the supreme management and
caused by years of chaos and economic decline. Uganda’s policy making organ of Caritas-MADDO.
revenue/GDP ratio of 11.3% is one of the lowest in the world, well
below the sub-Saharan average of 18%. In order to professionalize and strengthen management an Executive
Management Committee (EMC) was planned to be instituted with
Recognising these shortcomings, a new phase of economic reform the following technocrats; Diocesan Director, Director to strengthen
was launched in 2000. The strategy, The Poverty Eradication and institutional capacity to internalize and broadly define modern
Alleviation Program (PEAP) provides an overall framework for programme and management principles with a national and
development by promoting rapid economic growth and structural international outlook.
transformation to ensure good governance and security, to directly
increase the ability of the poor to raise income, and to directly A competitive remuneration structure was proposed and a
increase the quality of life of the poor. This program fits snugly in corresponding staff development strategy structure was strongly
the MDGs. advised.

3.0 BACKGROUND: Reviewing the Past Five Years The Program was segmented into a crossed set of three thematic
areas, which entails: -
3.1 Overview of Strategic Plan 2001-2006
The critical programme areas of the last five years included i) Economic empowerment:
redefining MADDO as the implementing agency; Parishes as the  Sustainable agriculture;
intermediary agencies; Households as the target groups organised  Financial intermediation
under sub-parishes. Hence programme and project designs and  Entrepreneurial skills development and appropriate technology;
implementation were to take into account the three levels and and
necessary organisational and programme interventions with clearly  Small-scale enterprises development and institutional (focal-
defined easy to monitor indicators. points) development.

The Inter-Commission Planning and Coordinating Committee was (ii) Social Services
planned to be instituted within the broadened mandate of the  Public heath and health institutions support;
Diocesan Pastoral Executive Committee to strengthen linkages
 Community water supply and sanitation improvement The Synod noted that Masaka Diocese strives hard to put in place
services; development strategies not only for Catholics, but all people to
 HIV-AIDS interventions; enable them to enjoy good health, access all basic necessities in their
 Gender mainstreaming and family support day to day lives and to fulfil their obligations both to the church and
 Community welfare development state.

(iii) Advocacy and Networking It was noted that this Southern Central part of Uganda that makes up
 Policy analysis and advocacy; Masaka Diocese used to be an economically vibrant area and was
 Political participation and human rights; fast growing. This area used to be the food basket of the country. A
big chunk of the national coffee production came from this area in
 NGOs empowerment and networking;
the 1950s and 1960s. Not anymore and the area has been overtaken
 Publicity and information dissemination; and
by the western region as the food basket of Kampala. The
 Transparency and Accountability monitoring. participants of the Synod attributed this scenario to the following
iv) Support-Areas:
 Ignorance
 Data generation; processing and dissemination;
 A heavy disease burden especially HIV/AIDS
 Transport and logistical support; and
 Negative attitudes towards development especially among
 Pastoral orientation the young
 Lack of knowledge on the utilization of the available
The crosscutting thematic areas included evangelization and gender
resources to create wealth
mainstreaming and the core programme area is poverty reduction
 Lack of planned development strategies
within a national and international perspective. The theme of the last
strategic period was “Caritas MADDO in a challenging World”  An increasing dependency syndrome. Many people are used
to being given from donors
3.2 Critical Analysis of The Masaka Synod V on Development  Getting used to poor living conditions
Every about 10 years, the Diocese of Masaka convenes a council of  Lack of a saving culture
all stakeholders (the religious, the clergy, the laity and the youth) in  Poor utilization of the scarce resources
the Diocese to review the previous period and chart the general  Poor or lack of markets for agro produce
framework for the next period. During the last Synod which  Lack of industrialization
convened in August 2003, a number of issues were raised about  Lack/no modern machinery
development and the performance of Caritas MADDO that are  Rampant environmental degradation and rampant sale of
pertinent to this strategic planning. natural resources and assets like land/forest
 Lack of entrepreneurial skills on the side of management of  Considering employing lay people to manage some Diocesan
some diocesan projects Commissions and departments
 Putting projects in the hands of competent people to run them
The Synod also noted that many training workshops have been properly
provided and development projects started by Caritas MADDO;  Revamping cooperatives for development. A special committee
nonetheless these initiatives have not been as productive as for this purpose should be established
expected. The developmental support is not well distributed and the  Putting emphasis on micro projects which the poor can sustain
criteria for distribution is not clear. Furthermore the impact of these e.g. piggery, horticulture and micro businesses
widely spread projects is very minimal.  Making sure that the Diocese has a good policy of staff
development in the different departments
The synod made note of some outstanding bottlenecks to  Making Masaka Social Centre a fully fledged hotel
development. These included:  Every parish should have arrangements to generate income and
 Failure to carry forward projects initiated by predecessors food (Parish Strategic Plans)
 A lot of church land is not surveyed. It could be lost  Planting at least 1300 acres of tree in five years
 How to carry on projects started in the wake of the ever-  Closely monitoring inflows and outflows and provide reports to
increasing donor fatigue the Diocese through the right forums
 Lack of seriousness in the way some projects are done  Urging all Christians to wake up and work for development to
 Some global thinking that detracts some followers uplift their standards of living
 Environmental degradation in the area
 Big increases in the number of children needing help 3.3 Rapid Community Assessment
 The current educational system overemphasizing academics at As part of the process of developing this strategic plan, Caritas
the expense of vocational education MADDO utilised the services of an external resource person to carry
out some rapid assessment of its performance in the beneficiaries at
3.2.1 Synod Suggestions parish level. Below are results of this assessment.
The synod made some suggestions towards more enhanced
development. Among them were: 3.3.1 Community Perception of Caritas MADDO
 Looking for startup development capital from MFIs The Rapid assessment found a considerably fair knowledge about
 Instituting a forum for integrating staff and managers of all Caritas MADDO in the community. The organisation is generally
Commissions known as the Masaka Diocese establishment that facilitates
 Always involving the local stakeholders when starting a project integrated human development. Nevertheless the community
in any parish, and at all project levels planning, management, perception of Caritas MADDO was not found to be uniform. Some
monitoring and evaluation people’s perception of MADDO was found to be limited to the
services they either have received themselves or have seen being distribution of inputs and identification of beneficiaries of the
done by the organisation. usually limited support is not clear. The community also opined
strongly that the organisation has eventually spread itself too thin…
The strongest community perceived presence of Caritas MADDO that impact is minimal. Caritas MADDO virtually works in all the
projects is the agricultural interventions followed by the promotion parishes in the Diocese…an area traversing 5 districts. This has led
of good governance and human rights. Caritas MADDO support of to the fact that many times handouts are extremely insufficient.
needy groups of widows and orphans in protection of their property There is need to rethink the mode of implementation and reach more
rights and education and basic needs and protection of water sources people with the same resources
and health education for HIV/AIDS were also mentioned by many
Follow up monitoring is not sufficient and efficient, because it is
Caritas MADDO has, reportedly, led a revolution in the agricultural centralised and charged on the same people who plan, implement
sector. Farmers have benefited from modern farming methods and evaluate the projects. It is not enough.
training and now practice better methods of farming with the result
that they now get better yields leading to increased food security and 3.3.2 Community Suggestions (verbatim)
some income from their farms.  Caritas MADDO should always plan with the beneficiaries
before embarking on any project for best results
According to the community the Water and Sanitation sector is also  More monitoring and follow up of interventions should be done
Caritas MADDO’s star because there are very few NGOs dealing in  The organisation should mobilise resources and inputs e.g. seeds
this crucial issue in Masaka Diocese. Another star is the promotion and planting materials from nearby farmers. Some planting
of participation in the democratization process through the good materials from afar reach the farmers in very poor shape. This
governance, making the community more politically literate. Caritas could be achieved by grooming model farmers or mother
MADDO touches and benefits all people in the catchment area gardens in the community
regardless of race, religion. This characteristic has made Caritas  Caritas MADDO should be elaborate in carrying out their work,
MADDO very popular and influential across the population instead of jumping here and there with few and insufficient
projects. Set priorities for the different areas e.g. piggery in
Furthermore the community avows that Caritas MADDO was quite Bukoto, brick making in Butende, carpentry in Kyamuliibwa,
spot-on to target the agro economy to alleviate poverty and depending on the comparative advantage and identified need of
strategies are fitting snugly not only in the PEAP goals, but also the each area
MDGs. They are dead right because agriculture in Masaka Diocese  Provide microfinance to enable farmers to effect the knowledge
80% of people directly live off the agro economy acquired in the trainings
Nevertheless the community contends that projects are many times
started without proper needs assessment. In addition, the criteria of
 Caritas MADDO should promote the culture of better utilisation Quite a number of Units could attract the nearby sister institutions to
of available resources through strategies like saving and improve on access, staff productivity and sustainability. It is
prioritisation a little bit more among its beneficiaries unfortunate to find that some of the nearby sister institutions are
 Finally Caritas MADDO should sensitise the community about seeking services from private practitioners allegedly looking for
its work better terms, when at times the service provided at these units is
more expensive and of less quality as compared to that in diocesan
The community were asked to mention and prioritise the needs they units.
would have wanted Caritas MADDO to intervene in. The priority
needs and in order of priority were given as follows: Masaka Diocesan Units need to tap opportunities that accrue from
1. Support of OVCs getting integrated into the public sector health service delivery
2. Support of Poverty reduction systems. Many Diocesan Health Units would benefit from the
3. HIV/AIDS support supervision carried out by local government officials to
4. Water improve.
5. Provision of agricultural knowledge and inputs
6. Access to marketing for agro products At the top of the Health Services of the Diocese is a board. The
7. Control of other diseases diocesan Health board is composed of able men and women
8. Environmental Hygiene specialised in a wide range of disciplines with vast experience. This
Board was duly instituted through newly adapted and adopted policy
3.4 Critical Analysis of the Health Function documents, that is, the Diocesan manual of employment and the
To make the health services more accessible for the less privileged, constitution for the Diocesan Health Office.
most of the units have made an effort to reduce the user fees.
However Caritas MADDO’s efforts to maximize the use of available 3.5 General Implementation Gaps in the SP (2001-06)
resources have not yielded results. Some of the strategies and activities planned for in 2001-2006 could
not take place. These were examined and the reasons that led to their
Most of the units have relatively good structures. It is only three non-implementation identified. Due to funding gaps some policies
units with structures below the minimum standards. Also most of the and systems were not established.
units have the basic equipments, however the following equipment
are still needed: 7 microscopes, 19 solar power systems, 6 delivery Generally parishes were not taken up as intermediary agencies. The
beds, 142 Hospital beds, and 19 solar power systems. The overall organisation has maintained the direct implementation approach
quality of care has declined since 2004 due to decline in the number
of qualified staff, lack of motivation on the side of the medical staff, Some programs identified as crucial in the last strategic plan were
and due to lack of the necessary equipments. not prominently taken care of. These include economic
empowerment through Financial intermediation, Policy analysis and
advocacy; CBOs empowerment and networking; Publicity and The mechanisms to work with lower level church structures i.e.
information dissemination; and Deaneries, Parishes and sub parishes are clearly well-defined in the
synod booklet and the last strategic plan but are not fully utilised in
4.0 ANALYSIS OF ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES the project cycle. Lower level structure have largely been used for
The strategic planning process further analysed Caritas MADDO mobilisation.
with a purpose of finding out the strengths, challenges and gaps
(diseases) that need “therapy”. There is a structural mismatch between the organizational capacities
and service-delivery demands. The Diocese is so big with a
Caritas MADDO has a strong historical background, as pioneer of skeleton coordinating office and support staff. There has been no
development for the rural poor in Southern Central Uganda, which realistic relationship and appraisal of organizational capacities vis-
makes it credible at, local, national and international levels. It has avis programme development. The organization is donor-project
access to information about external environment and strong links driven not built on internal capacity development arrangements.
with different actors in the external environment. Its programs are The skills base and staff-size are inadequate to cope with
compliant with PEAP, MDGs and NEPAD goals organizational- corporate development demands. This mode of
operation is therefore dysfunctional and weak. This phenomenon is
Caritas MADDO’s Core Competences: not news to Caritas MADDO. It was observed during the strategic
a. Technical skills enhancement in agriculture development and planning in 2001, but nothing was done to address it.
for food security.
b. Infrastructural development for safe and clean water and Caritas MADDO has a relatively well-trained work force and has
hygienic environments instituted recruitment systems and training programmes. Compared
c. Strategic planning, programme reviews, developing to other Diocesan Commissions it has a better remuneration
monitoring and evaluation systems. structure and terms and conditions of service. It has a relatively
d. Supporting group dynamic and growth and leadership strong management team with realistic planning and implementation
capacity development. processes. This team has contributed to the growth and programme
expansion of MADDO. There are basic skills in agriculture
Caritas MADDO also has a strong asset base and its strategic model management, development work, social services, health, water and
supports the various projects sanitation.

The management and policy making organ (the board) is in place Nevertheless, in the absence of a HRM/D policy, and a fully fledged
but without a governing document informing it of its functions and HR manager there is lack of adequate and effective job-selection
roles, it is certainly not a well-constituted management organ to criteria, manpower development strategies, and job-evaluation and
initiate and review policies and policy execution. appraisal systems. Whereas there is a procedure for recruitment it
appears that there is no indexing of selection criteria indicating job-
specification, qualifications, expertise, age and professional The vital function of Caritas MADDO in coordinating all diocesan
experience. The officer in-charge of personnel could be better programmes since it is the core manager of external –funding is not
utilized in other areas (Water and Sanitation) where he is more well developed. It’s planning and coordinating functions for all
relevant and qualified. There is no consistent staff development donor-funded projects have not been fully developed except with
policy. Therefore the capacity building needs of the staff are not respect to recommending projects and accounting to donor. Some
regularly identified, planned and/or budgeted for as a basis for sectors are so much decentralized to the extent that there is no
developing an efficient work force. There does not seem procedure supervisory, planning and reporting linkage like in case of hospitals
for job-description reviews. Outputs for tasks are not stipulated and and health-centres, and projects managed by religious organizations.
there are no performance indicators set against which performance There is need to re-define these functions with respect to corporate
can be evaluated. The systems for promotion, dispute and discipline development, programming efficiency and coordination of
settlement and contract terms are a disincentive to job-stability and programmes.
motivation. There do not seem to be mechanisms for grievance
expression and constructive criticism. There are limited 5.0 The Current State of the CBO Sector at Grassroots Level
opportunities to build up possibilities, for horizontal and vertical There is a multitude of Community Based Organisations (CBOs) in
mobility. the Diocese including privately initiated ones, faith-based
associations, community associations and other interest groups.
Mechanisms for staff performance measurement and assessment are Nevertheless their capacity to co-deliver services with Caritas
weak. This is further weakened by the poor remuneration MADDO is quite limited. Many of them only go as far as providing
mechanisms and centralization of authority. The staff remuneration relief services to their members during emergency and unexpected
is so poor relative to pay-rates in the NGO sector whereby in most occurrences like funerals. The springing up of CBOs has been
cases it is less than 30% of comparative rates elsewhere contributed to by the liberalization policy, which encourages the
private or informal sector to take up more roles and support
All the projects under MADDO have had some kind of external government in development process.
evaluations, which has strengthened the programming processes and
organizational capacities. External reporting and accountability is Many of the Diocesan parishes and associated CBOs however are
efficient and tracking of resources is well balanced. confronted with a number of problems that constrain them from
playing steadfast roles of promoting development to effectively
Sufficient infrastructure development for office facilities is in place. contribute to poverty reduction. They are characterized by:
The organization has a relatively efficient transport system with
enough vehicles for the current programmes and running computers  Insufficient leadership and managerial skills and systems
and communication equipment. required to operate.
 Insufficient understanding of operating principles and
 Unclear tasks, roles position in the society, limited coverage and MADDO has spread itself too thin to have any meaningful impact.
variable quality of work resulting into difficulties for CBOs to It is therefore pertinent to redefine Caritas MADDO’s coverage and
develop their identity. consider decentralization of some aspects. The operational area of
 Unclear policies, systems and procedures Caritas MADDO needs to be reviewed, as the organization had
 Many do not have impact on society; do not have local support stayed “long” in some areas; and seems to be doing more in some
base or clear constituency. parishes than others. The criteria of this coverage is not clear.
 Inadequate technical and functional skills required in executing Caritas MADDO should carry out organizational mapping to
development programmes identify which organization is where and doing what to avoid
 Internal relations are bureaucratic, not creative. duplication of efforts and competition yet trying to achieve similar
 Weak sustainability strategy goals and objectives.

However there are some nascent ones that can be groomed to co- At the grassroots, many other development-focused initiatives have
implement activities with Caritas MADDO emerged over the years. In fact some parishes are already receiving
their foreign financial aid through Caritas MADDO. This is a
6.0 Summary of Key Issues relevant to the New Strategic Plan positive development, and a window of opportunity. Caritas
MADDO should position itself as a facilitator and mentor and not a
In light of the above analysis Caritas MADDO is still relevant in a
competitor to such initiatives.
changing environment. However the environment has changed
considerably from what it was at the time of formulation of the last
All organisation systems and policies should be reviewed and
Strategic Plan in 2001. It has brought forth fresh local and global
updated to be in line with the contemporary NGO, national and local
challenges that impact on the issues that Caritas MADDO is trying
government legal framework. This especially pertains to- human
to address thus necessitating the organisation to engage differently.
resource management and development; systems of finance,
The organisation had to undergo a deep reflection and analysis of its
networking, guidelines on beneficiary recruitment , monitoring and
purpose, mandate and procedures.
evaluation, phase out and phasing in, fundraising, communication
and impact assessment among others.
There is need to correct existing management anomalies by
strengthening the policy making body of the organisation. The
Further still there is need for development of a staff capacity
board, through strategies like formation of board sub-committees to
enhancement plan – In-house, External training/courses, attachments
support the staff in the planning and budgeting of organization
for exposure and experience sharing. The plan should be based on
the current and the core/immediate needs of the organization
especially based on the organization’s strategic plan and planned
In an attempt to cover the whole diocese as widely as possible,
human resources audit.
without growing commensurately in terms of capacity, Caritas
All Caritas MADDO focal areas and programs should include cross  Equal opportunity to all
cutting areas of HIV/AIDS, environment
7.4 Goal
7.0 THE NEW STRATEGIC DIRECTION (2007-2011) Improved Standards of living for the people living in Masaka
In order to work towards better livelihoods for men and women in Diocese
Diocese, the Caritas MADDO program contributes to the PEAP
Pillar Two by working to improve agricultural production at 7.5 Objectives
household level. It also contributes to PEAP Pillar 4 by This Caritas MADDO Strategic Plan will focus on the following
strengthening democracy promoting corrupt free leadership and major focal areas: (these encompass running programs and planned
human rights. Furthermore, the program contributes to PEAP Pillar strategies to address emerging issues)
5 by provision of healthcare, increasing access to safe water, 1. Food security, increased incomes through sustainable
investing in children’s education to increase their skills and options agribusiness
to give them an opportunity to lead a better life. 2. Gender Mainstreaming
3. HIV/AIDS Mainstreaming
This program contributes to the MDGs too, especially to reduce 4. Organisational Strengthening and Institutional Development
extreme poverty and hunger 5. Preventive and curative health for development
6. Human Rights and Good Governance Strategies
7.1 Vision 7. Promote the value of working together to assist the needy in
To see the people of Masaka Diocese attain holistic development our communities

7.2 Mission 7.5.1 Focal Area: Food Security, Increasing Incomes

To stimulate and directing sustainable development among the through Sustainable Agribusiness
people of Masaka Diocese regardless of their religious affiliation. Objective 1: Increase the capacity of poor resource beneficiary
households to effectively practice sustainable agro-
7.3 Organisational Values economic activities
In the next five years, Caritas MADDO’s will be guided by the Objective 2: Increase food security and environmental
following values: conservation practices at household level
 Transparency efficacy and cost efficiency
 Enhancing people’s capacities Support will be provided to organised farmers
 Belief in mutual co-existence with all humankind organizations/associations to have the capacity to effectively provide
 Synergising, respecting each other’s contribution, realizing services to individual farming households in their areas of
and appreciating that we need each other operations to access agricultural inputs, to improve their farming
practices, increase their agricultural based income, taking into  Support the farmers acquisition of agribusiness skills
considerations different and complimentary roles of male and  Facilitate farmers linkage to national, regional and international
female farmers in order to ensure food security and increased markets and better negotiations with traders
income.  Advocating for improvement in market infrastructures and
favourable prices for farmers produce
Emphasis will be in the following areas:  On changing economic power relationships between farmers and
traders Agricultural Extension
 On retaining food stocks for food security at household level
 Support of participatory extension approaches with an important  On women’s involvement in decision making and income
role of farmer organizations as intermediaries benefits
 Search for new partnerships between government extension  Collaboration with research institutes
system and CBOs/NGOs as well as farmer organizations On
farmer to farmer learning and exchange Rural Savings and Credit
 On improved access to extension systems based on cost sharing  Support rural savings mobilization through sensitisation and
and revised roles of extension agents and farmers supporting the opening of savings accounts
 Revitalise traditional crops, in addition to new crops  Support and encourage specialized financial intermediaries to
 Collaboration with research institutes provide appropriate credit to resource poor but developmental
beneficiaries particularly households where the women team up Input Supply strongly with men.
 Support of farmer controlled input supply schemes
 On increased access to resource-by poor farmers to improved Appropriate Technology
seeds and basic tools  Support of appropriate technology development and
 On sustainability of input-supply schemes through improved dissemination in agricultural production and post harvest
management and accountability activities and agro-processing
 On low-cost labour saving technologies Agricultural Marketing  On added value technologies for agricultural produce
 Support of farmer controlled collective marketing schemes
 On improved harvest and post harvest handling of produce Natural Resources Management
 Promotion of small scale agro processing and value addition to  On sustainable intensification of cropping systems through
produce improved soil protection and fertility management practices
 On research, collection and dissemination of market information  Support of improved environmental management and protection
to farmers practices through promotion of alternative income generating
activities and sustainable land-use methods e.g. afforestation,  Caritas MADDO will empower both staff and community with
energy saving cooking systems HIV/AIDS related information and support in order to reduce
 Participatory Implementation Monitoring vulnerability.
 Collaboration with research institutes  Adequate budgeting and planning for HIV/AIDS intervention
over long periods;
7.5.2 Focal Area: Gender Mainstreaming  Consideration of long-term implication on human resources.
Objective 3: Caritas MADDO and partner parish programs are  Development of a staff health policy (promoting HIV/AIDS
gender responsive education – prevention, care, confidentiality) and medical
insurance scheme;
The capacity of Caritas MADDO and partners at parish level will be  Anticipation of employee absenteeism, illness death, staff
continuously strengthened to ensure that gender is mainstreamed in turnover, recruitment costs and time and demands on employee’s
Caritas MADDO and participating organisations policies and benefits
programs Establish collaboration with AIDS service organizations to provide
information and other therapy (involving prevention, care and
7.5.3 Focal Area: HIV/AIDS Mainstreaming treatment).
Objective 4: Caritas MADDO and partners programs and
strategies HIV/AIDS responsive 7.5.4 Focal Area: Organizational Strengthening and
Institutional Development
Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS is hoped to reduce the vulnerability of Objective 5: Caritas MADDO and participating parishes have
people at risk or affected and it enables care, treatment and support sustainable requisite organisational capacity to carry
of those affected by HIV/AIDS. Mainstreaming will take a multi- out activities
sectoral approach; at the work place, within the organization,
programmes and collaboration with AIDS service organizations. Caritas MADDO Level
This will improve the ability of the organization and staff to
anticipate, minimize and cope with illness and death associated with Management
the pandemic. The board, which is the policy making body will be strengthened by
clearly documenting its role (more than the outline in the Synod
Caritas MADDO HIV/AIDS intervention will focus on two strategic booklet) and mainstreaming the management of the various health
areas: creating and maintaining awareness and mitigation. The core services and functions. Management sub-committees will be
strategy will emphasize: revitalised to support the management in the fundraising, budgeting
 Staff and community awareness (regular updates on HIV/AIDS and planning of organization programs. The Synod V provides for 6
trends and implications); management committees as follows:
1. Social and Economic Development Committee organizations and other actors to engage in development work. The
2. Cooperative Committee present staff will be the core resource persons in the implementation
3. Health Management Committee of this strategic plan. Occasionally however, input will be drawn
4. Social Welfare Committee from external resource persons especially in specialties where in
5. Transport Committee house skills are limited.
6. Projects Committee
Nevertheless Caritas MADDO is a learning organization that
The Synod is however silent on the functions of these committees. evolves in a quickly changing environment. In this regard, the
The functions of each of these board sub-committees will be laid organisation will ensure that its personnel get the opportunity to
down in the cardinal organisation document to be prepared develop along with the organization. Opportunities for training will
be offered. And the personnel policy will, as much as possible, take
Policies and Systems into account the possibilities for personal growth and development
All organisation documents and policies will be reviewed and inside the organization. Caritas MADDO will continuously adjust
updated to be in line with the contemporary NGO, national and local its human resource needs and strengthen its capacity to be able to
government legal framework. This especially pertains to- human implement the programme and adjust its roles and strategies.
resource management and development (recruitment, staff
induction, appraisal, knowledge and skills development, Equipment:
remuneration, other benefits, etc). All job descriptions and key result Caritas MADDO will not have heavy investments in equipments
areas for all staff will be reviewed; and an organization skills and required for implementation. Currently Caritas MADDO has ample
knowledge audit carried out to identify who suits where among the pool of programme vehicles, computers, photocopiers, internet e-
current team. mail connection and fax as basic facilities for effective programme
implementation. This equipments will eventually though need
Other relevant management policies and systems e.g. partnership, replacement due to wear and tear and gradually they will have to be
finance, networking, monitoring and evaluation, fundraising, replaced and new ones added especially as the programme expands.
communication etc. will be put in place in this strategic period
OSID: Community Based Organisations at Parish level
Human Resources Caritas MADDO will facilitate nascent Community Based
The implementation of this strategic plan can only be realized Organisations/Initiatives at parish level to improve their
through a motivated and capable staff who share the vision of organizational effectiveness to provide relevant, gender responsive
Caritas MADDO. Caritas MADDO has a team of qualified and and quality services to other members of the community through an
experienced professional. The team has been completely built to integrated, group centred approach, which addresses the identified
facilitate technical, organization/institutional learning and issues in a systemic and sustainable way. This will be by:
development and to effectively mobilize, network with Civil Society
 Strengthening the strategic and operational capacities at parish Funding of personnel expenses and other institutional costs will
and CBOs and promote better understanding of organizational require prior discussions with parish leaders to discuss strategies to
change processes for improved operational performance in terms reduce external financial dependency and to elaborate internal
of clear managerial aims, governance by rules, norms and financing of personnel and overhead costs.
collective values.
 Organizational support to strengthen the internal organization, For programs involving micro-credit, funds for credit programmes
managerial skills in administration, financial management as in the form of revolving credit funds will not be provided directly to
well alternative financing and strategic planning capacity parishes. Instead, Caritas MADDO will assist in linking CBOs with
through facilitation of organizational analysis and training of specialized credit institutions.
professionals and decision-makers;
 Increasing the means and prospects of individuals, groups and 7.5.5 Focal Area: Preventive and Curative Health for
organizations for better quality of their service delivery and clear Development
impacts at grassroots level. Objective 6: Contribute to the well being of the people through
 Facilitating structural change of institutions in order for them to increased access to health services both curative and
adapt to the changing development context and become preventive
 Promotion of equal participation in development by men and Objective 7: To increase access to sustainable safe water and
women. sanitation facilities rural poor communities
 Enhancing capacity of parishes and associated CBOs to Under the Health program, Caritas MADDO will improve the
meaningfully participate in development work. functioning of the Diocesan Health Services through, sustainability,
better range and quality of services; improved governance,
 Punctual methodological support to parishes and associated
management, and accountability structures; the capacity of the
CBOs to start relationships with organizations with the potential
frontline service providers will be continuously assessed and
to develop into effective partnerships.
remedial action taken
 Orient beneficiaries and CBOs towards savings and credit

Financial support to Community Based Initiatives: The Diocese will improve net working within the diocesan health
institutions as well as improve data and information management
Caritas MADDO will remit financial and in-kind resources to and research.
support activities in which parishes have comparative advantages for
impact. Partnerships for specified periods will be working In order to increase access to sustainable safe water and sanitation
relationship with Caritas MADDO. facilities rural poor communities regardless of religious affiliations,
Caritas MADDO will continue to improve the skills of beneficiary
communities to manage protected public water point sources in their
areas. Communities will be supported to access nearby protected The organisation will continue to mobilise people to help one
water point sources; to adopt the right hygiene and sanitation another and not always look for aid externally. Caritas MADDO
behaviour coupled with acquiring sanitary latrine facilities in all will continue to collect and coordinate aid for the poor, the needy
homes. Caritas MADDO will establish and train community based and orphans. Caritas MADDO will also organise the Annual Caritas
institutions which are able to operate and maintain water supply and Day in Masaka Diocese, on which a major part of the local
sanitation facilities in a sustainable way, especially through contribution is raised.
collecting rainwater to run throughout the dry days.
It will also be a major strategy to study and analyse the problems of
7.5.6 Human Rights and Good Governance Strategies vulnerable population groups like street children and prostitutes and
Objective 8: To unchain widows and orphans from exploitation devise strategies to support them out of their destituteness. The
and discrimination organisation will liaise with the education commission to support
needy orphans’ access education.
Objective 9: To promote good governance and leadership that
addresses gender concerns Under this component, Caritas MADDO will spearhead the
Diocese’s preparedness for disasters.
Caritas MADDO will promote good governance and leadership
through democracy monitoring from a gender perspective; 7.6 Target Population
promoting effective peoples engagement in multi-party politics and The target groups will continue to be resource poor people in the
increasing women’s participation in politics, strategic leadership and Diocese. These are beneficiaries with limited access to resources
decision-making such as capital, land, and other services such as credit, extension,
input-supply and marketing.
The organisation will also endeavour to unchain widows and
orphans from exploitation and discrimination, Caritas MADDO 7.7 Other Components
intends to protect and prevent violation of widows’ rights and Caritas MADDO will continue to provide the people of Masaka and
discrimination against widows and girl children. Marginalised beyond with prime but affordable conference facilities in Masaka
groups will continue to be provided with opportunities to take Social Center. This facility will be operated as any other
control of their lives, and live meaningful livelihoods. commercial hotel in Masaka town and contribute to the
sustainability of the organisation
7.5.7 Promote the value of working together to assist the needy
in our communities 8.0 Monitoring and Evaluation:
Objective 10: Increased access to social services and welfare for Caritas MADDO has employed the Logical Framework model in
disadvantaged and vulnerable groups formulating projects out of this strategic plan. This will streamline
the monitoring and evaluation as all the main components of the 9.0 Financing
program have been presented in a logical way. Monitoring will be a Currently Caritas MADDO’s budget is 78% donor financed and
process activity and will take the following forms: only 22% locally funded. It is noted that for quite a long time to
 All project outputs will be continuously monitored. date Caritas MADDO has been funded greatly by foreign grants.
Comprehensive but user friendly tools will be developed for that That funding has never been constant; they fluctuate year after year
purpose. Relevant records of quantitative and qualitative data as it is indicated below. Local contribution has always been far
concerning activities of the various programs will be kept below 50%.
 Regular Field visits by Caritas MADDO programme staff to
ensure that planned activities are taking place, monitor the 9.1 Donor Funding As A Fraction Of Caritas MADDO Budget For
institutional changes agreed upon and that resources are utilized 5 Years – Flash Back
for the intended purpose.  2001/2002 57.9.3%
 Quarterly meetings between Caritas MADDO and parish  2002/2003 65.20%
partners to review the progress of work against work plans and  2003/2004 72.50%
programme purpose. These meetings will examine  2004/2005 60.72%
completed/uncompleted activities, outcomes and cost-  2005/2006 78.26%
effectiveness on an ongoing basis. It is on the basis of these
meetings that new interventions may be designed. The strategies contained herein will also be financed from the same
 Review workshops will be held once a year with each sources but progressively the organization will work towards
Community Based Organisation to measure progress towards the increasing the local contribution by utilizing locally available
achievement of the agreed results. Participatory techniques resources and cutting down on handouts and increasing on cost
(timelines, flowcharts, and self-assessment) will be used in this sharing. Where and when possible, contributions towards the cost
exercise. of services will be carefully established and maintained Caritas
 Quarterly and annual reports; narrative and financial reports will MADDO will fully explore the possibility of user fee, however
be produced by partners and will be analyzed/ discussed with small. One option is to institute a stratified service. Something that
Caritas MADDO. able beneficiaries are encouraged to pay for and those who cant do
not. The proceeds will be reploughed into the program or other
Both Caritas MADDO and parish partners will give due projects. Nevertheless income-generating activities are strengthened
considerations for drawing lessons and experiences for institutional and new ones like MADDO Diaries are being established. Income-
learning and programme improvement. For this, participatory generating activities are strengthened and new ones like MADDO
evaluation exercises will be conducted after five years for parish Diaries are being established.
partners and Caritas MADDO.
10.0 Sustainability Issues all project levels: planning, management, monitoring and evaluation.
The organisation is going to embark on new sustainability strategy All projects will be need-based rather than demand based. Program
of grooming viable Parish- Based Institutions to co-implement the priorities will always be identified by communities. In order to
projects on behalf of MADDO. Caritas MADDO will progressively increase ownership and build capacity, the approach used by
work closely with each parishes for a considerable period of time MADDO will be to facilitate rather than directly implementing
preferably five years but certainly not exceeding ten years, unless project activities. A critical element in any community program is
under exceptional circumstances. Collaboration with some parishes the community structure. Volunteers will always be identified by
may be for shorter periods on specific activities. the parishes

For each Parish, the date for disengagement of support shall will be Caritas MADDO has developed capacity over many years. The
discussed, determined and explicitly stated from the beginning. It organization already has some resources that can bring in some
will also be continuously discussed at every stage of the programme income. These include commercial trucks, a warehouse, and the
cycle, particularly during monitoring and evaluation. However, Masaka Social Center. The proceeds of these resources will be re-
Caritas MADDO will facilitate the partners to generate resources ploughed into developmental projects. Plans will be made to sell its
and access support from other development agencies. expertise to other programs in form of training, planning, monitoring
and evaluation. Also, in the community, Caritas MADDO will
No project will be complete without a comprehensive sustainability always avoid to start things that the community might find difficult
strategy. Furthermore, In order to propagate community ownership, to continue. For instance the organization will always find it more
all projects will be conceived in a participatory manner. Caritas easier to utilize less sophisticated and less expensive technologies,
MADDO will attentively and actively listen to the beneficiaries at materials and logistics.
Annex1: Organizational Chart for Caritas MADDO:


Development Coord
Auditor Assist. Dev’t Co

Senior Program Offic

PO-Finance PO- Water PO- PO-Heal

& Admin. and Organisational
Sanitation Development


Accountant Transport HIV Desk
Cashiers Receptionists PHC
Bookkeepers Storekeeper


Annex 1.1 Policy Making Organ planned for and cost effectively. The Coordinator will be the
The supreme authority of Caritas MADDO is vested in the Board of fulcrum of all external communications to and from Caritas
Directors, which is the policy making body. The board will provide MADDO. He is the spokesperson of the organization.
policy and programme direction to the organization on behalf of the
appointing authority. The board may establish sub committees from The Assistant Coordinator and the Management Team (MT) will
among its membership, and where need be co-opted members as support the Coordinator in these functions. The MT will be
well as task forces to handle special assignments on its behalf. The constituted by all Program Officers, Manager Social Center, the
Synod V provides for 6 committees as follows: Social and Development Coordinator, Assistant Development Coordinator, the
Economic Development Committee; Cooperative Committee; Senior Program Officer and the Senior Internal Auditor. The
Health Management Committee; Social Welfare Committee; deliberations of MT will inform middle level managers, senior
Transport Committee and Projects Committee administration and even the board. Each Program Officer will
produce and present a brief monthly report about his/her own
Annex 1.2 Senior Management: Administration program to the MT. The report will entail planned activities,
achievements, challenges, strategies to overcome them and plans for
The Day to day administration of Caritas MADDO will be the
the new month.
charge of the Development Coordinator as the Chief Executive
Officer. The Development Coordinator will provide technical,
Anne 1.3 Middle Level Management: Technical
moral, pastoral guidance in addition to exemplary leadership to all
members of staff. This responsibility will also cover putting in place The technical officers (Program Officers) will be the frontline
and maintaining a well-motivated staff. managers as per program. Program Officers will be the Chief
Executives of each given program. The POs will be responsible for
The Coordinator will be responsible for designing medium strategies programming, formulating proposals, work plans and budgets;
for the organization operations, taking into account of the changing overseeing the implementation of work under each program.
socio-economic environment in the Diocese and country and then Although the organization will continue to work in an integrated
facilitate program re-formulation if need be; technical back stopping manner, all projects and project components of for example
and on-going monitoring and evaluation of operations HIV/AIDS will be the charge of the PO/Health.

The Coordinator will also perform secretarial duties for the board, Each PO will have an assistant. It is not necessary to hire new faces.
prepare technical papers and reports and call for all scheduled and The assistant may be identified among the existing staff. It is
impromptu meetings as required. important that the PO is involved in identifying his/her assistant.

The Coordinator will ensure constructive collaboration and The Senior Program Officer will be responsible for overall
synergies are established with relevant stakeholders. The coordination of the program, manage personnel issues, ensure
Coordinator will ensure that deadlines with stakeholders, especially adequate monitoring and compliance to plans, ensure that deadlines
donors are always met and resources are utilized for what they were are met and resources are expended in accordance with work plans

and budgets, and documentation i.e. reports are made on time, them at the early stage. The findings of all assessments will be
integrated and disseminated to the relevant stakeholders. The SPO presented and discussed with CBO managers
will also ensure that the crosscutting issues of HIV/AIDS and  Develop capacity building programs of both the identified
gender are mainstreamed. CBOs, and Caritas MADDO depending on the gaps identified
 Monitor the institutional development of selected partner CBOs
The new proposed structure of PO-Organizational Development will
be responsible all Institutional Development both at Caritas Annex 1.4 Senior Internal Auditor
MADDO and partner CBO levels. Specifically the POOD will; This structure will support the work of the senior management
 In collaboration with the board, oversee the development of administration and the board to examine and analyse all
missing policies and organizational documents, e.g. constitution, transactions, documents and reports and relay independent findings
partnership policy etc... to the relevant management level. The auditor may make inspections
 Identify gaps for organizational strengthening within Caritas at any time and submit unsolicited reports to whatever level, as he
MADDO deems necessary at any time without risking to be accused of not
 Identify CBOs for partnering with Caritas MADDO observing protocol.
 Assess the capacities of CBOs in all aspects before partnership.
This will focus on the CBOs working knowledge of the Annex 1.5 Community
communities that Caritas MADDO is targeting. This will be Each program will reach the beneficiaries through the Diocesan
intended just to understand the potential partner CBOs from the Parishes
beginning. If there are pertinent issues it is intended to tackle

Annex 2: The Logical Framework (2007-2011)
Ensuring Food Security, Increasing Incomes through Sustainable Agribusiness
Objective 1 Indicator Means of verifications Assumption
Increase the capacity of poor resource 70% of farmers trained in sustainable Annual program reviews Favourable weather
beneficiary households to effectively agriculture are practicing farming that conditions prevail
practice sustainable agro-economic is characterised by minimum use of
activities off farm inputs, recycling of products Incentives for production
and no crop stunting. using sustainable agricultural
practices prevail
70% of farmers trained in sustainable
agriculture are practising soil and
water conservation using mulching,
trenching crop rotation at the
Output 1.1 Indicator Means of verifications Assumption
Knowledge and skills of farmers At least 90% of trained farmers have Annual program reviews Female members will be able
households in sustainable agriculture gained knowledge and skills in Evaluation Reports to participate effectively in
strengthened sustainable agriculture all training increased
security of land tenure
Activities Timing Expected Results MOV
1.1.1 Carry out training needs 2007, 2009 Training needs of each parish Reports of needs assessment
assessment on sustainable is documented.
1.1.2 Update existing training 2007, 2009 Training manual for Training manual
materials and develop new sustainable agriculture for
ones developed
1.1.3 Conduct a training of trainers 2007-2011 5 TOT per partner parish Training report
(TOT) for farmers in
sustainable agriculture
1.1.4 Train farmers in sustainable 2007 -2011 At 100 farmers trained per Training reports
agricultural practices. parish
1.1.5 Establishment of Demo. farms 2007 -2011 At least one demonstration Demonstration farms
established per parish
1.1.6 Conduct refresher courses for 2008 -2011 5 TOT per partner parish Training reports
farmers’ TOTs on new
1.1.7 Collect and disseminate 2007 0nwards Information collected and Documented info available
information on sustainable disseminated annually with farmers
agriculture practices to partner
1.1.8 Establishment of resource 2009 -2011 At least each partner parish Resource centres in use
centres at parish level has a resource centre
1.1.9 Train farmers groups 2008 and 2010 5 TOT per partner parish Training reports
leaderships in information
1.1.10 Facilitate study tours/exchange 2007-2011 Participating farmers go for at Study tour reports
visits for farmers least 1 study tour/exchange
visit to research institutions or
agricultural shows per parish
1.1.11 Provide technical backup and 2007-2011 At least 2 visits per parish a Monitoring reports
monitor year
Output 1.2 Indicator Means of verifications Assumption
Participating farmers in the parishes 50% of trained farmers practise new Annual program reviews Researchers will be willing
actively involved in development and agricultural technologies (tools and to involve our farmers in
distribution of planting material planting materials) technology development
Activities Timing Expected Results MOV
1.2.1 Make an inventory of 2007 -2011 An inventory of technologies Updated inventory of
agricultural technologies made by 2008 and updated agricultural technologies
available in Uganda every year
appropriate in this region
1.2.2 Translate inventory into local 2007-2011 Inventories translated into Popularised version of the
languages and disseminate to Luganda and Lunyankole inventories
participating parishes
1.2.3 Train TOT in Participatory 2007 -2011 5 Tots per parish PTD training reports
Technology Development4
1.2.4 Train farmers organisations in 2007 -2011 5 groups per parish Annual program reviews
1.2.5 Facilitate participating farmers 2007 -2011 At least one technology Annual program reviews
to access and evaluate identified and evaluated per
technologies according to need parish per year
1.2.6 Facilitate collaborating 2007 -2011 At least 1 show (green or dry) Annual program reviews
parishes to disseminate per parish per year
technologies through
demonstrations (green and dry
1.2.7 Facilitate farmers to multiply 2007 -2011 At least 2 new technologies Activity reports
technology according to need multiplied per parish per year
Monitoring and evaluation
1.2.8 Monitor the performance of 2007 -2011 The performance of the PTD Annual program reviews
PTD program monitored every year
1.2.9 Document and share 2007 -2011 Journal of experiences in PTD Documented information on
experiences about PTD within shared amongst stakeholders PTD developed
Caritas MADDO and with annually
other stakeholders
Output 1.3 Indicator Means of verifications Assumption
Increased information sharing between At least 90% of the participating Annual program reviews Stakeholders effectively
researchers TOTs, farmers and the parishes have strong collaboration collaborate and provide
agri-business sector with research extension providers information
Activities Timing Expected Results MOV
1.3.1 Establish linkages with agric. 2007 -2011 Collaboration established with Meeting minute and reports
research institutions DATIC of collaborative activities
1.3.2 Identify progressive parishes 2007 -2011 At least 5 parishes (one per List of parishes
to collaborate in the district) identified for
implementation of research collaboration
extension linkages
1.3.3 Facilitate parishes to mobilize From 2007-2009 Parishes mobilise on average List of groups
farmers groups to participate in at least 5 farmer groups and 3

Participatory Technology Development (PTD)
research extension agribusiness entrepreneurs
1.3.4 Sensitise participating parish 2007 and 2008 At least one workshop on Workshop reports
farmer groups agricultural systems held each
year per parish
1.3.5 Facilitate farmers to learn the 2007 -2011 15 members of the Reports of study tours
importance of research participating parish farmers
extension through study tours groups
to research stations,
agricultural shows
1.3.6 Facilitate information 2007 -2011 All participating parish Group reports
exchange among farmers farmers have shared
through farmer to farmer visit information through at least
one exchange visit to other
innovative farmers
1.3.7 Document and disseminate 2007 -2011 Indigenous knowledge and Documentation available
farmers experiences between research experiences from
indigenous knowledge and farmers documented and
research disseminated
1.3.8 Conduct research stakeholders 2007 -2011 One central research workshop Workshop report
workshops to share information each year to share experiences
and experiences
1.3.9 Monitor the research extension 2007 -2011 The performance of the Monitoring report
program research extension program
1.3.10 Document and disseminate 2007 -2011 The research program Documented information
experiences about the program documented and experiences
to Caritas MADDO partners shared amongst stakeholders Research Extension reports
Objective 2 Indicator Means of verifications Assumption
Increase food security and At least 80% of households of Annual program reviews Favourable weather
environmental conservation practices participating farmers are food secure
at household level as indicated by 80% of the children No outbreak of disease
not being stunted
Output 2.1 Indicator Means of verifications Assumption
Knowledge and skills of partners on 80% of participating farmers report Annual program reviews Beneficiaries effectively
appropriate Post Harvest Handling improved harvesting, storage and attend trainings
(PHH) and processing techniques drying, and that minimises wastage
strengthened and quality loss
Activities Timing Expected Results MOV
2.1.1 Train farmers groups in PHH 2007 -2011 All participating farmers Evaluation reports
and processing techniques groups have knowledge and
skills in PHH for their major
2.1.2 Train collaborating parish 2007 -2011 Farmers gain knowledge and Training reports
farmer groups and participating skills in agribusiness
farmer groups on agribusiness management by 2011
2.1.3 Facilitate farmers to organise 2007 -2011 At least 70 % of participating Annual program reviews
themselves into groups for farmers groups market their
collective marketing produce collectively

2.1.4 Facilitate Caritas MADDO 2007, 2009 Staff update their knowledge Annual program reviews
staff to participate in refresher and skills in appropriate PHH
courses on PHH and and processing
2.1.5 Document and disseminate 2007 -2011 Relevant information on Documented PHH
relevant information on PHH appropriate PHH and information
and processing techniques processing of farmers produce
documented and disseminated
by 2010
Output 2.2 Indicator Means of verifications Assumption
Knowledge and skills of farmers on At least 80% of the members of parish Annual program reviews Adequate and appropriate
appropriate energy sources and their partners have access to appropriate energy sources affordable
utilisation strengthened energy sources and sustainably utilise by farmers
Activities Timing Expected Results MOV
2.2.1 Collect information on 2007 - 2007 Information on appropriate Documented information on
appropriate energy sources and and sustainable energy sources sustainable energy sources
their utilisation methods and their utilisation collected
and updated every year
2.2.2 Facilitate training for Caritas 2007, 2008 Caritas MADDO staff update Training reports
MADDO staff on sustainable their knowledge and skills in
energy appropriate energy sources and
2.2.3 Train partners in parishes on 2008 -2011 70% of participating parishes Monitoring and evaluation
sustainable energy sources gain knowledge and skills in reports
sustainable energy sources and
utilisation methods
2.2.4 Document and disseminate 2008 -2011 Experiences on the utilisation Documented information
farmers’ experiences on of appropriate energy sources
sustainable energy sources documented and disseminated
to all farmers organisations
Output 2.3 Indicator Means of verifications Assumption
Member of participating parishes have 80% of members of participating Annual program reviews Favourable MFI rates
increased access to micro finance farmers groups have been linked to a
services for off farm activities micro finance institution and have an MFIs are willing to work
off farm IGA with poor resource farmers

Beneficiary farmers have increased

their income evident in ability to meet
basic need such as paraffin, dressing,
school fees and healthcare
Activities Timing Expected Results MOV
2.1 Conduct TOTS for community 2007, 2009 2 TOTs per parish Annual program reviews
resource persons in
entrepreneurial and business
2.2 Collect and disseminate to 2007 -2011 Information disseminated Documented information
partners existing sources of every year
2.3 Establish collaboration with 2007 -2011 75% participating local Signed collaborative
MFI to provide services to development associations agreements
members of local development collaborating with at least 1
associations microfinance institution
2.4 Document and share 2007 -2011 Experiences on working with Workshop report
experiences on working with MFIs documented and
MFIs disseminated to all farmers
Gender Mainstreaming
Objective 3 Indicator Means of verifications Assumption
Caritas MADDO and partner CBOs Policies, programs, procedures, budgets, Program documents and Stakeholders appreciate as
programs are gender responsive and practices in Caritas MADDO and reports an important element for
participating parishes all show development
commitment to promote equal
opportunities for both men and women
Output 3.1 Indicator Means of verifications Assumption
Capacity of Caritas MADDO and Caritas MADDO and 70% of its parish Annual program reviews Male stakeholders who are
partners at parish level in gender partners acquire more skills and the majority of stakeholders
issues strengthened knowledge in gender mainstreaming and appreciate gender
this is evident in their attitudes and mainstreaming and
practices participate in trainings
Activities Timing Expected Results MOV
3.1.1 Conduct training needs 2007/08 Gender training needs Needs assessment report
assessment for Caritas assessment report highlighting
MADDO staff, participating the gaps and possible
parishes interventions
3.1.2 Develop suitable materials 2007 Tailor made gender training Training manual
for gender training materials developed for Caritas
MADDO by end of 2008
3.1.3 Facilitate gender training for 2008 -2011 Staff and partners of Caritas Training report
Caritas MADDO staff and MADDO equipped with
participating CBOs gender mainstreaming skills Monitoring report
3.1.4 Strengthen gender analysis 2008 -2011 Staff and partners of Caritas Training report
skills through refresher MADDO update their gender
training workshops analysis skills
Output 3.2 Indicator Means of verifications Assumption
Gender mainstreamed in Caritas Caritas MADDO and participating Policies and program Stakeholders value gender as
MADDO and participating partner partners are implementing gender documents an important element for
parishes’ policies and programs responsive policies and programs development
Activities Timing Expected Results MOV
3.2.1 Review all Caritas MADDO 2007 Gender gaps in all policies of Policy review reports
policies and programs to Caritas MADDO and parish
identify gender gaps partners identified
3.2.2 Update and mainstream 2008 Gender mainstreamed in all Engendered policy
gender in all Caritas policies and systems documents
MADDO policies
3.2.3 Facilitate parish partners to 2008 -2011 90% participating parish Partners engendered
mainstream gender in their partners have mainstreamed program reports
systems gender in their systems
3.2.4 Facilitate partners to 2007 -2011 90% participating parish Monitoring reports
implement their engendered partners implementing
policies and programs engendered policies and their
3.2.5 Monitor and evaluate the 2007 -2011 At least one monitoring and Monitoring and evaluation
implementation of partners evaluation visit made to each reports
gender mainstreamed policies parish every year
and programs
3.2.6 Organise reflection meetings 2007 -2011 At least one reflection meeting Minutes of reflection
for partners to discuss and held with partners every year meetings
share experiences on gender
3.2.7 Document and share 2007 -2011 Experiences on gender Documentation
experiences on gender mainstreaming documented
mainstreaming within Caritas and shared at least once a year
3.2.8 Network with organisations 2007 -2011 Collaboration established with Records of networking
with competencies in gender at least 5 institutions activities
3.2.9 Establish Gender 2007 -2011 Caritas MADDO and all GDD reports
Disaggregated Data system stakeholders use disaggregated
data system Evaluation reports
HIV/AIDS Mainstreaming
Objective 4 Indicator Means of verifications Assumption
Caritas MADDO and partners By 2009, policies, programs, procedures, Program documents and All stakeholders and
programs and strategies HIV/AIDS budgets, and practices in Caritas reports partners appreciate
responsive MADDO and participating CBOs all HIV/AIDS as an important
show commitment to reducing the impact issue for development
of HIV/AIDS among staff and
Output 4.1 Indicator Means of verifications Assumption
HIV/AIDS mainstreamed in Caritas All policies and programs are HIV/AIDS Progress reports, Other health sector service
MADDO policies and programs responsive Policy documents providers extend their
Annual Program Reviews service to the beneficiaries
Activities Timing Expected Results MOV
4.1.1 Sensitise Caritas MADDO 2007 -2011 One sensitisation workshop Sensitisation workshop
staff and parish-based held for all staff and partners reports
partners on HIV/AIDS each year
4.1.2 Collect gender 2007 -2011 All program reports of CM Monitoring reports
disaggregated data on and partners contain gender
HIV/AIDS and how it disaggregated data on
impacts CM programs and HIV/AIDS and impact
partners programs
4.1.3 Review all Caritas MADDO 2007 HIV/AIDS responsiveness Caritas MADDO policy and
policies and programs to gaps identified in all Caritas programs review reports
identify HIV/AIDS gaps MADDO policies and
and concerns programs
4.1.4 Monitor and evaluate the 2007 -2011 1 visit to each parish per year Monitoring reports
mainstreaming of to monitor HIV/AIDS
HIV/AIDS in CM and mainstreaming
partner organisations
CM programs reviewed Review report
annually assess HIV/AIDS
4.1.5 Document and share 2007 -2011 Experiences documented and Documentation and
experiences on HIV/AIDS shared every year information shared
Output 4.2 Indicator Means of verifications Assumption
Caritas MADDO and partner Caritas MADDO and each parish Annual program reviews partners appreciate
parishes network with HIV/AIDS effectively collaborating with at least one HIV/AIDS as an important
organisations HIV/AIDS organisation and shown in issue for development
communications, minutes of meetings
and activity reports
Activities Timing Expected Results MOV
4.2.1 Identify institutions and 2007 -2011 At least one institution Minutes of meetings
organisations dealing with dealing with HIV/AIDS is
HIV/AIDS identified for collaboration at
each parish level
4.2.2 Collaborate with 2007 -2011 Caritas MADDO and each of Collaborative agreements
organizations and the parish partners
institutions dealing with collaborates with at least one Annual program reviews
HIV/ service provider to access
prevention counselling and
Organisational Strengthening and Institutional Development
Objective 5 Indicator Means of verifications Assumption
Caritas MADDO and participating Activities are implemented as planned Annual program reviews Effective partnership
parishes have sustainable requisite and cost effectively between Caritas MADDO,
organisational capacity to carry out partner parishes and
activities networks
Output 5.1 Indicator Means of verifications Assumption
Partner parishes have the 70% of Partner parishes successfully Annual program reviews Parish leaders are open and
organisational and institutional implemented their action plans willing to accept
capacity to manage their programs institutional change
Partner parishes have management
systems; plan and review activities ; and
reports are timely and accurate
Activities Timing Expected Results MOV
5.1.1 Carry out organisational and 2007 -2011 At least 5 parishes undergo an Organisational audit
institutional audit for the organisational audit per year reports of each
parish capacities organisation
5.1.2 Develop elaborate parish 2007 -2011 Capacity building program Capacity building plan
leadership capacity building elaborated
5.1.3 Facilitate organisational 2007 -2011 Every participating parish Reports of organisational
strengthening and facilitated to undergo and institutional
institutional development organisational change process for development exercises
processes for all partners development
5.1.4 Carry out baseline surveys for 2007-2009 Socio-economic information in the Survey reports
the new partner parishes areas of operations for the new
through a participatory partner parishes established
5.1.5 Facilitate strategic and action 2007 -2011 Every participating parish has in Copies of farmers strategic
planning for those partner place an elaborate strategic plan plans
5.1.6 Facilitate the development of 2007 -2011 Every participating parish has an Monitoring systems
participatory monitoring and elaborate monitoring and
evaluation systems for evaluation system
participating partners
5.1.7 Provide specific training in 2007 -2011 All participating partner parish Training reports
such areas identified in 5.1.1 leadership trained in areas like
governance, management, group
dynamics according to need
5.1.8 Train partners in participatory 2008 and 2010 One training conducted in 2008 Training report
approaches and 2010 attended by key
development personnel from
partner parishes
5.1.9 Train partners in knowledge 2008 and 2010 One training conducted in 2008 Training report
management and 2010 attended by key
development personnel from
5.1.10 Support partner parish 2007-8 Every partner parish has in place Management systems and
leaderships to develop effective systems and procedures procedures
systems and procedures for for development activities
effective program
5.1.11 Hold partner parishes 2007-2011 Partners learn form each other and Partner Meeting reports
meetings to share experiences improve on program
and information about each implementation
others program
5.1.12 Follow up partners programs 2007-8 Every partner parish visited once Follow up, review and
implementation and provide annually evaluation report
Output 5.2 Indicator Means of verifications Assumption
Caritas MADDO has adequate At least 80% of planned activities Personnel files and staff Adequate resources to
capacity for implementing this implemented assessment reports implement the program
strategic plan mobilised
All requisite Caritas MADDO staff in Annual program review
place and competent enough to There is no significant
implement the programs staff turnover
Activities Timing Expected Results MOV
5.2.1 Institute a professional 2007 Human Resources Manager in  Organisational structure
Personnel officer place  Staff List
5.2.2 Conduct human resources 2007-2011 Human resources audit conducted HR audit report
audit in 2007 and 2009
5.2.3 Carry out internal 2007 and 2009 Internal reflections and Internal reflection reports
organisational learning and organisational learning processes
change processes on a regular conducted quarterly
5.2.4 Review and adjust the human 2007 Comprehensive and competitive Reviewed Human
resources policy Human Resources Policy in place resources policy
5.2.5 Conduct/attend refresher 2007 -2011 By 2011 every staff member has Feedback training reports
courses to equip staff with the undertaken at least 2 short courses
necessary contemporary in line with their work
knowledge and skills
5.2.6 Formulate cardinal 2007 Clear organisational document Constitution or whatever
organisational terms of spelling out the organisational name CM might choose to
reference values, vision, mission, mandate, call it
roles and functions of the all
stakeholders from the board to the
community level
5.2.7 Formulate partnership policy 2007 Partnership policy formulated and Partnership policy
operational detailing how Caritas
MADDO will be start, nurture and
wean partnerships
5.2.8 Review and adjust existing 2008 All existing policies have been Updated policies
policies reviewed and updated
5.2.9 Develop a comprehensive 2007 -2011 Caritas MADDO resource centre Existence of resource
resource centre in place and operational centre
5.2.10 Hold stakeholder meetings to 2007 -2011 The organisation strategy reviewed Updated strategic plan
adjust the program to the and updated annually
changing context
5.2.11 Conduct operational planning 2007 -2011 Action plans with clear targets and Annual Action plans
workshop for Caritas outputs laid down for each of the
MADDO program key strategies annually
5.2.12 Carry out regular staff 2007 -2011 Appraisals organised for all staff Appraisal reports
appraisals once annually
5.2.13 Document, publish and share 2008 -2011 At least one newsletter every year Copies of documentaries
work experiences with produced
stakeholders, partners and
other Caritas agencies in
other Dioceses
5.2.14 Carry out annual program 2007 -2011 Progress of program Annual program review
review implementation established and report
strategies reviewed
5.2.15 Institute a scholarship fund 2007 -2011 Functional scholarship fund Annual program review
for staff report
Output 5.3 Indicator Means of verifications Assumption
Capacity of parish partners to 80% of the parish partners have Annual program review Parish partner realise the
mobilise and manage financial transparent financial systems in place importance of financial
resources strengthened management
Activities Timing Expected Results MOV
5.3.1 Conduct needs assessment on Annually Detailed assessment of financial Needs assessment report
financial management among needs for all partners carried out
identified parish partners
5.3.2 Design a training curriculum From 2007 -2011 A detailed training curriculum fro Training curriculum
based on identified needs financial management training in
5.3.3 Train partners in book- From 2007 -2011 All parish partners trained in Training report
keeping bookkeeping
5.3.4 Prepare financial guidelines From 2007 -2011 All parish partners have financial Partner financial
for parish partners for CM guidelines for CM operations guidelines
5.3.5 Monitor and assess internal Continuous from 2007 One discussion with management Minutes of the discussion
control systems and provide of each parish partner per year on
backup support on financial internal controls
management issues for each
parish partner
5.3.6 Conduct training on Continuous from 2007 At least one centralised training Training report
alternative funding for parish per two years
5.3.7 Establish a donor database 2008 A popularised version of donor Lists of donors
and disseminate information database in place and distributed
to parish partners
5.3.8 Coordinate and facilitate Annually External audits conducted for External audit reports
external audits for parish partners with substantial funding
partners with substantial
Preventive and Curative Health for Development
Objective 6 Indicators MOV Assumptions

Contribute to the well being of the Reduced morbidity from major causes Annual program reviews Resources and facilities
people through increased access to of ill health and reduction in disparity continue to be available
health services both curative and
Output 6.1 Indicators MOV Assumptions
Improved sustainability, range and Presence of operational independent Annual program reviews Staff realise the
quality of their services for body management structures and systems importance of the
and soul strategy
Budgets are strictly followed and
reports available on time
Activities Timing Expected Results MOV
6.1.1 Cooperate with public 2007-2011  Routine Immunisations carried HMIS
health authorities to out Annual program reviews
revitalise and maintain  Mass immunisation drives
primary health care  Distribution of malaria control
6.1.2 Improve access to - and 2007-2011 The standard units of out put has Progressive reports
equity in – health care for increased or taken a neutral trend.
vulnerable groups are
actively pursued by health
6.1.3 Implement quality of care 2008-2009 Establish at least criteria for Criteria in place
and management parameters quality of care and management
in the process of for accreditation
6.1.4 Enhance the capacity to 2008-2011 At least 20 Pilot Spiritual “Hope” Spiritual teams in place
provide Pastoral Care of the teams have been formed and
Sick trained in 20 parishes.
6.1.5 Enhance capacity to provide 2008-2009 At least three units in Masaka Annual program review
basic mental health care report provide of mental health
6.1.6 Increase the capacity to 2008 Provision of NFP is reported in Annual program review
provide Natural Family 50% of health centres level 3
Planning (NFP) in our units
has been
6.1.7 Ensure that units comply All units have the basic
with Emergency Obstetric equipments to provide the EMOC
Care criteria services.
6.1.8 Improve accounting 2008 Improved financial management Improved financial
practices and transparent and sustainability reports
financial accountability in
Masaka Diocesan units
6.1.9 Train HUMC to assess 2008 HUMC trained to assess financial Training report
financial sustainability of sustainability of own units and
own units decide upon the scope of the care
package offered
6.1.10 Institute standard financial 2007 The financial management Guidelines in resource
management guidelines/manuals are in use in centre and partners
guidelines/manuals the Diocesan Health units
6.1.11 Ensure efficient utilisation 2007-2011 HUMC are making efficient use Financial reports are
of resources of their resources consistent with budgets

Objective 7 Indicator Means of verifications Assumption

To increase access to sustainable By end of 2011, 70% of targeted Annual program review Beneficiaries put into
safe water and sanitation facilities communities have access to safe water. practice what they learn
rural poor communities
Output 7.1 Indicator Means of verifications Assumption
Improved skills of beneficiary By end of 2011, 40% of targeted Annual program review Beneficiaries put into
communities to manage protected communities can testify to maintaining practice what they learn
public water point sources in their a safe water chain right from the source
areas. to the household
Activities Timing Expected Results MOV
7.1.1 Strengthen the knowledge 2007-11 At 5 TOTs trained per parish Activity reports
and skills of the community
to maintaining safe water
through health education
7.1.2 Equip the community with 2007-11 At 100 members of the Activity reports
Operation and maintenance community trained per parish
skills and knowledge
7.1.3 Follow up monitoring and 2007-11 One visit per target parish per Activity reports
technical support year
Output 7.2 Indicators MOV Assumptions
Communities supported to access at least 60%of households in target Annual program review Resources are available
nearby protected water point parishes can obtain water within 1.5
sources km
Activities Timing Expected Results MOV
7.2.1 Protect water sources as the 2007-11 20 water points per year Activity reports
situation warrants
Output 7.3 Indicators MOV Assumptions
To uplift awareness of to adopt the 80% of target communities have and Annual program review People appreciate the
right hygiene and sanitation use latrines proper importance of managing
behaviour human waste
Activities Timing Expected Results MOV
7.3.1 Carry out training needs 2007-2009 Household knowledge, attitudes Report of needs
assessment on household and practices of the community assessment
sanitation on sanitation of each parish is
7.3.2 Develop tailor made 2007-2009 Training manual for sanitation Training manual
training materials
7.3.3 Conduct a training of 2008 5 trained TOTS gain knowledge Training report
trainers (TOT) for parish and skills in sanitation
partners in sanitation
7.3.4 Train communities to 2007 -2011 80% Beneficiaries trained in Annual program review
strengthen their knowledge proper hygiene and sanitation
and skills for proper behaviour
hygiene and sanitation
7.3.5 Conduct refresher courses 2008 - 2011 5 TOTs update their knowledge Training reports
for parish TOTs on hygiene on Water and sanitation every
and sanitation year.
7.3.6 Collect and disseminate 2007 0nwards Information on Water and Library list for Caritas
information on Water and sanitation collected and MADDO and CBOs
sanitation practices to parish disseminated at least once a year
partners Progressive reports

7.3.7 Facilitate study 2007-2011 Each beneficiary visits at least Study tour report
tours/exchange visits for one other household to learn
hygiene and sanitation about better sanitation
Output 7.4 Indicators MOV Assumptions
Strengthen household capacity to 70% of targeted households have Annual program review Beneficiaries put new
collect rainwater and maintain a access to water due to exploitation of knowledge into practices
safe water supply throughout the rainwater
dry days
Activities Timing Expected Results MOV
7.4.1 Strengthen the knowledge 2007-2011 80% of targeted beneficiaries Training report
and skills of the community trained in management of
to trap rainwater through rainwater
affordable appropriate
7.4.2 Equip the community with 2007-2011 In each target community 5 TOTs Training report
Operation and maintenance trained
skills and knowledge pf the
rainwater catchments
Human Rights and Good Governance Strategies
Strategic objective 8 Measurable indicators MOV Assumptions
To unchain widows and orphans Reduction in cases of exploitation and Annual program review Political security
from exploitation and discrimination No cultural and social
discrimination interruption
Output 8.1 Indicators MOV Assumption
Strengthen capacity to protect and Number of human rights activists Annual program review Social and political
prevent violation of widows’ trained security in the program
rights and discrimination against areas
widows and orphans
Activities Timing Expected results MOV
8.1.1 Situation analysis to 2007 Research conducted and findings Analysis Report
identify existing forms of documented and disseminated
violation of widows’ rights through radio talk shows,
and discrimination against booklets, newspaper articles and
widows and orphans workshops

8.1.2 Empower the public on 2007 – 2008 Key community stakeholders e.g. Training Report
CEDAW and widows’ local leaders, school community,
rights police enlightened on widows’
and girl children rights
8.1.3 Empowering women to 2008– 2011 Women leaders trained to handle Training Report
demand and protect their issues of discrimination against
rights at all levels widows
8.1.4 Remedial measures taken 2007– 2011 Vulnerable orphans supported in  Activity Reports
to enable vulnerable school  Statistics of
orphans and children access beneficiaries
8.1.5 Provide legal protection and 2008– 2011 Orphans and widows represented Annual program review
defence against property to ensure justice to their property
and personal rights to
widows and orphans
8.1.6 Establish community 2007– 2011  The writing of wills promoted Annual program review
structures capacity to  Activists trained in protection
undertake activities in of widows and orphans rights
protection of widows and  Committees of widows and
orphans orphans volunteers formed
Objective 9 Indicator MOV Assumption
To promote good governance and Positive changes influenced (in terms of Annual program review Absence of political
leadership that addresses gender policy, budget and program) at local interference , conducive
concerns governmental level environment for
Output 9.1 Indicator MOV Assumption
Strengthened democracy Election monitoring reports with gender Annual program review Absence of political
monitoring from the gender disaggregated data interference , conducive
perspective as precursor for environment for
development operations
Activities Timing Expected results MOV
9.1.1 Carry out civic education 2007-2011 The target community sensitised Activity report
on civic duty
9.1.2 Skills development for 2007-2009 Monitoring capacity for Training report
monitoring with a gender monitoring government programs
perspective and democracy in place
9.1.3 Monitoring institutions that 2007-2011 Activities of Electoral Analysis reports
are supposed to foster Commission, District and sub
democracy county Councils , political parties
and courts of law monitored
9.1.4 Election monitoring 2007-2011 All elections closely monitored Analysis reports
9.1.5 Advocate for policies that 2007-2011 Increased gender concerns in the Annual program review
promote good governance promotion of good governance
and for the enforcement of and leadership
the existing policies but
addressing gender concerns
Output 9.2 Indicator MOV Assumption
Citizen’s effective engagement in  No of people participating in Annual program review Continued conducive
multi-party politics enhanced electoral processes at all levels policy environment
 Increased debates on issues like where there is freedom of
corruption, misappropriation of speech
public funds, government programs
Activities Timing Expected results MOV
9.2.1 Conduct consultations to 2007 – 2011 Consultative meetings conducted Minutes of meetings and
identify pertinent issues and information about multi-party issues identified
party politics documented
9.2.2 Educate citizens about 2007 – 2011 Civic education seminars,  Seminar reports
multiparty politics, decision posters/fliers made and distributed  IEC materials
making and the electoral available at resource
process centres and at partner
9.2.3 Capacity building of 2007 – 2011  Infomercials, Radio Numbers of IECs
citizens on leadership to programmes about citizens materials produced
enable them hold their and multi-party politics and
leaders accountable drama skits conducted
 Information sharing
Promote the value of working together to assist the needy in our communities
Objective 10 Indicators MOV Assumptions

Increased access to social services Numbers of beneficiaries Annual program reviews People realise that real
and welfare for disadvantaged and development will come
vulnerable groups form changed attitudes
Output 10.1 Indicators MOV Assumptions
Increased local contribution to Positive change in the amounts Annual program reviews People realise that real
initiatives like Caritas MADDO raised by the Diocese on Caritas development will come
development program day form changed attitudes
10.1.1 Sensitise the community 2007-2011 Wider cross-section of People in Annual program reviews
about the work of Caritas Masaka Diocese and beyond aware of
MADDO what Caritas MADDO stands for and
10.1.2 Mobilise people to assist the 2007-2011 Increased incidences of community Annual program reviews
disadvantaged and vulnerable self-help initiatives
people in their own
10.1.3 Mobilise the community for 2007-2011 Increasing collection for development Annual program reviews
self help on Caritas Day
Output 10.2 Indicators MOV Assumptions
Strengthened institutional capacity to Increased number of Annual program reviews Facilities and resources
respond to problems of the interventions to support the available
disadvantaged groups needy
Activities Timing Expected Results MOV
10.2.1 Carry out studies to analyse 2007-2011 Problems of vulnerable groups like Study reports
problems of the vulnerable street children, single mothers,
groups orphans documented
10.2.2 Devise strategies to respond 2007-2011 Interventions to support : Number of Projects
and support the vulnerable  Orphans developed
and disadvantaged  AIDS patients
 Street children
 Youths
 Single mothers
 Prostitutes
10.2.3 Prepare for disaster 2007-2011 Potential for disaster foreseen and Availability of resources
prepared for, including but not limited
to, storms, hurricanes, earthquakes,
locusts and God forbid, war
Annex 3: Budget
The following assumptions were made concerning financial resources for this strategic plan
 Each intervention will be implemented in 25 parishes
 Investments will include purchase of 3 four wheel drive vehicles, 6 motorcycles and one boat
 This plan does not include salaries and wages

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