Work Immersion
Work Immersion
Work Immersion
Other countries are able to learn more advanced subjects and they are able to learn
them properly. The reason why other countries are ahead of us in the educational
aspect is because of the K12. K12 is a prolonged educational program that allows
the students to learn more advanced subjects. Adding K12 to the curriculum in the
Philippines has enhanced the education of the country because schools will not need
to quicken the learning process of the students, will learn more advanced subjects
And a part of this K-12 curriculum is work immersion. Work immersion is valuable
where realism is essential. Students are required to complete such hours of training.
work immersion, a supervisor guides the trainee through tasks and processes for
them to know how to perform the obligation and to what standard. Work immersion
program provides them additional manpower without expecting salary to pay back.
Student trainees can bring fresh ideas, and if even given such opportunity to speak
sessions that will possibly help for the productivity of the company.
It is a better way to enhance the skills of the students and to secure their career
choice, having their experience in their chosen field will make it easier for them to
recognize the career path that they will take. In addition having an experience is an
advantage because they already have the essential knowledge on what they are
the field you have chosen and discovering your other talents and abilities.
Choi, a Korean Missionary Methodist Church. Pastor Choi started his mission work
His fervent prayers and passion for education led to the construction of its first
support his mission work in the province of Tarlac. In partnership with some pastor
and educators from the United Methodist Church in the Philippines, APCSI officially
operated in June 2005 intially offering Pre-school to Grade two. Every year then,
course offering were added until it reached up to Fourth Year High School in the
school year 2011-2012. The school became a reality with DepEd’s granting of a
individuals, agencies and universities who shared with its vision and mission. A lot
of things were not easily done but through all these time, APCSI is a living testimony
of God’s amazing grace and how the powers of prayers work in every human being
and endeavor.
committed to be a shining light in the community for the glory and honor of our
living God.
and individual difference, working together in making the world a peaceful place in
faith in God, equipped with a Christ-like character and imbued with a sense of
To develop skills and attitudes that will help the student grow into an
To help the student gain an understanding of his own culture and the
cultures of other countries and develop an appreciation for the finer things in life-
To keep the student aware of his social responsibilities and prepare him to
take his rightful place in the world by encouraging his involvement in the different
To provide a program that will foster in the child awareness of the value of
Reverence for the LORD is the foundation of true wisdom. The rewards of
We believe that all students are unique for they develop and mature in
We believe that the best students have to actively take part in the teaching
learning encounters inside and outside of the classroom for them to learn the
We believe that teaching and learning can be best accomplished through the
an understanding process that takes place that takes place in the home, school and
II. We believe that the purpose of APCSI is to set up academic and community
learning center with the high expectations for student’s performance, design to
Ms. Vi Briza E. Guiran - High School Focal Person, - School Nurse - Grade 12 Integrity
Ms. Franchesca Marie Ela Sapasap - SHD Subject Teacher - Librarian - Guidance
Mrs. Jessa Mae M. Galang - SHS Subject Teacher - Grade 10 Adviser - High School