ResSimCh7 PDF
ResSimCh7 PDF
ResSimCh7 PDF
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Applying Single-Phase Upscaling to a
Two-Phase Problem
2.3 Improving Single-Phase Upscaling
2.3.1 Non-Uniform Upscaling
2.3.2 Well Drive Upscaling
2.4 Introduction to Two-Phase Upscaling
2.5 Steady-State Methods
2.5.1 Capillary-Equilibrium
2.6 Dynamic Methods
2.6.1 Introduction
2.6.2 The Kyte and Berry Method
2.6.3 Discussion on Numerical Dispersion
2.6.4 Disadvantages of the Kyte and Berry
2.6.5 Alternative Methods
2.6.6 Example of the PVW Method
2.7 Summary of Two-Phase Flow
3.1 Upscaling at Wells
3.2 Permeability Tensors
3.2.1 Flow Through Tilted Layers
3.2.2 Simulation with Full Permeability
3.3 Small-Scale Heterogeneity
3.3.1 The Geopseudo Method
3.3.2 Capillary-Dominated Flow
Learning Objectives
• Become familiar with two-phase dynamic upscaling (the Kyte and Berry
Method), and understand the advantages and disadvantages of applying dynamic
• Know how to upscale from the core-scale to the scale of a geological model,
taking account of fine-scale structure and capillary effects.
Permeability Upscaling
1.1 Introduction
Reservoir modelling often involves generating multi-million cell models, which
are too large for carrying out flow simulations using conventional techniques. The
number of cells must therefore be reduced by “upscaling” (Figure 1). Some quanti-
ties, such as porosity and water saturation, are easy to upscale, because they may
be averaged arithmetically. However, other quantities – notably permeability – are
much more difficult to upscale.
Full-field model
Geological model
Figure 1
Upscaling Example
Ak eff ∆P
µ ∆x (1)
where Q = total flow, A = area, keff = effective permeability, μ = viscosity, and ΔP/Δx
is the pressure gradient.
In Figure 1, the geological model on the left is a fine-scale model with 20 million cells,
and the coarse-scale model on the right consists of about 300,000 cells. Each of the
coarse-scale cells contains an effective permeability. An example of fine-scale and
coarse-scale grids is shown in the 2D model in Figure 2. An effective permeability
is calculated for each coarse-scale cell, either by averaging the fine-grid values, or
by performing a numerical simulation.
Figure 2
The upscaling procedure
In this section of the upscaling course, we assume that there is only one phase present
– water or oil, and that we have steady-state linear flow. We show how simple aver-
aging may sometimes be used to estimate upscaled parameters, and then move on to
methods which involve numerical simulation. This is followed by a set of examples
which demonstrate how errors may arise, and how to avoid them.
4 × 0.15 + 6 × 0.20
φ= = 0.18.
When averaging the water saturation, we need to take the porosity into account. In the
previous example, suppose the water saturation was 0.5 in the blocks with porosity of
0.15, and 0.4 in the blocks with porosity 0.2, then the average water saturation is:
Permeability Upscaling
4 × 0.15 × 0.5 + 6 × 0.20 × 0.4
Sw =
4 × 0.15 + 6 × 0.20
0.3 + 0.48 0.78
= = = 0.433.
1.8 1.8
P1 P2
Qi ki, ti
Figure 4
Along-layer flow ∆x
Consider a set of (infinite) parallel layers of thickness, ti and permeability ki, where i
= 1, 2, .. n (the number of layers). The effective permeability of these layers is given
by the arithmetic average, ka.
∑t k i i
k eff = k a = i =1
∑t i
i =1 (4)
(Equation (4) may be proved by applying a fixed pressure gradient along the layers.)
Example 1
x 1 t1 = 3 mm, k1 = 10 mD
Figure 5 2 t2 = 5 m
mm, k2 = 100 mD
A simple, two-layer model
Suppose we have two layers as shown in Figure 5. The effective permeability for
flow in the x-direction is given by Equation (4), and is:
3 × 10 + 5 × 100 530
ka = = = 66.25 m
3+5 8
∆Pi ki, ti
Figure 6
∆x Across-layer flow
For flow perpendicular to the layers, the effective permeability is given by the har-
monic average, kh:
∑t i
k eff = k h = i =1
n .
i =1 k i (5)
(Equation (5) may be proved by assuming a constant flow rate through each layer.)
Example 2
Equation (5) may be used to calculate the effective permeability for flow across the
two layers in the model shown in Figure 5, i.e. flow in the z-direction.
3+5 8
kh = = = 22.86 mD
3 10 + 5 100 0.35
From Examples 1 and 2, we see that the permeability is different in different direc-
tions. In reservoirs with approximately horizontal layers, the arithmetic average
may be used for calculating the effective permeability in the horizontal direction,
and the harmonic average may be used for calculating the effective permeability in
the vertical direction.
Assuming that we are averaging over many correlation lengths, permeability should
be isotropic (same in the x-, y- and z-directions). The effective permeability for a
random permeability distribution is proportional to the geometric average, which is
given by:
Permeability Upscaling
ln( k i )
k g = exp i =1
Correlation Length
Figure 7
A correlated, random
permeability distribution
(white = high permeability,
dark = low permeability)
The results given below have been derived theoretically for log-normal distributions,
with a standard deviation of σY, where Y = ln(k). The results depend on the number
of dimensions:
k eff = k g (1 − σ 2Y 2)
k eff = k g
k eff = k g (1 + σ 2Y 6)
in 1D
in 2 D
in 3D
} (7)
These formulae are approximate, and assume σY is small (< 0.5). (You are not required
to know the proof.) The 1D result is an approximation of the harmonic average.
Note that the results do not depend on the correlation length of the field, provided it
is much smaller than the system size.
Also note that ka > kg > kh, and the effective permeability always lies between the
two extremes: ka and kh.
Example 3
Figure 8
A random arrangement
of the permeabilties in the
simple example 75 cells of 10 mD 125 cells of 100mD
75 + 250
= 10
= 101.625 = 42.17 mD.
1/ α
n α
∑ ki
k p = i =1 ,
where α is the power. The value of the power depends on the type of model, and
must be calibrated against numerical simulation (Section 1.4).
Also, sometimes, engineers use a combination of the arithmetic and harmonic aver-
ages, e.g. they take the arithmetic average of the permeabilities in each column and
then calculate the harmonic average of the columns.
• Parallel layers
• Correlated random fields
Since averaging is very quick, it is frequently used as an approximation for the effec-
tive permeability in more complex models.
Permeability Upscaling
q xin + q zin = q xout + q zout . (9)
x qzin
Darcy’s law is used to express the flows in terms of the pressures and permeabilities.
For example, if the grid blocks in Figure 9 are of length Δx and height Δz (and unit
width in the y-direction), then:
q xin = −
k x, i −1/ 2, j ∆z Pi , j − Pi −1, j )
µ ∆x (10)
where kx,i-1/2,j is the harmonic average of the permeabilities in the x-direction in blocks
(i-1,j) and (i,j). (You now should know now why the harmonic average is used here.)
The other flows are calculated in a similar manner.
(T x , i −1 / 2 , j )
+ Tx, i +1/ 2, j + Tz, i , j −1/ 2 + Tz, i , j +1/ 2 Pi , j
− Tx, i −1/ 2, j Pi −1, j − Tx, i +1/ 2, j Pi +1, j
− Tz, i , j −1/ 2 Pi , j −1 − Tz, i , j +1/ 2 Pi , j +1
=0 (11)
Note that the boundary conditions are applied to each coarse grid cell in turn, and
they may not be a good approximation to the pressures which would arise in a fine-
grid simluation. This leads to errors in the results. Upscaling errors are discussed
in Section 1.5.
P1 P2
Figure 10
Fixed pressure, or no-flow,
boundary conditions
no flow through the sides
The pressure is fixed on two sides of the model, and no flow is allowed through the
others sides of the model. This type of boundary condition is suitable for models
where there is little cross-flow: for example, models with approximately horizontal
layers, or a random distribution. These are the most commonly applied boundary
conditions. Figure 11 illustrates how an effective permeability may be calculated
in the x-direction.
Pressure= P1 Pressure= P2
on left face y
on right face
Area, A
Flow Rate, Q z
Figure 11
The calculation of effective
permeability using no-flow
boundary conditions
1. Solve the steady-state equation to give the pressures, Pij, in each grid block.
2. Calculate the inter-block flows in the x-direction using Darcy’s Law. (See
Equation 10.)
3. Calculate the total flow, Q, by adding the individual flows between two y-z
planes. (Any two planes will do, because the total flow is constant.)
4. Calculate the effective permeability for flow in the x-direction, using the
k eff , x A( P1 − P 2)
µL (12)
Repeat the calculation for flow in the y- and z-directions, to obtain keff,y and keff,z.
Permeability Upscaling
have an infinitely repeated pattern of flows and pressure gradients. In the example
shown in Figure 12, there is a net pressure gradient in the x-direction. The blocks
are numbered i = 1, 2, ..nx in the x-direction, and j = 1, 2, .. nz in the z-direction.
P(i,0) = P(i,nz)
Figure 12
P(0,j) = P(nx,j)+∆P P(nx+1,j) = P(1,j)-∆P
Periodic boundary
conditions P(i,nz+1) = P(i,1)
One advantage of using periodic boundary conditions, is that fluid can flow through
the sides of the model. This method can be used to calculate a full tensor effective
permeability (Section 3.2).
P1 P2
P1 P2
Figure 13
Linear pressure boundary
P1 P2
a) b)
0.06 0.06
0.05 0.05
Permeability Upscaling
a) small σ, small λ b) large σ, small λ
Figure 16
Models with different
Permeability (mD)
standard deviations and
correlations lengths 0 50 100 150 200
fine-scale model
single cell
Figure 17
Comparison of one-stage
and two-stage upscaling
The accuracy of scale-up is affected by the correlation length and standard deviation
of the distribution, and we use the method shown in Figures 10 and 11 to demonstrate
this effect. Instead of generating many fine-scale models with different correlation
lengths, we create 1 fine-scale model, but upscale by different factors – so that the
Figure 18b and c show examples of coarse-scale models with scale-up factors of 5
and 50. In each case the ratio of two-stage upscaling to single-stage upscaling was
calculated. The results are plotted in Figure 19. The results are least accurate when
the scale-up factor is 10 – 50, i.e. when the coarse block size is 1 – 5 times the cor-
relation length. Also, the error increases with the standard deviation of the model,
as one might expect.
a) b) c)
Figure 18
a) Fine-scale model with
400 x 400 cells; b) coarse-
scale model with 80 x 80
Permeability (mD) cells; c) coarse-scale model
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 with 8 x 8 cells
sigma = 1.00
sigma = 0.75
sigma = 0.50
Figure 19
2 1
1.00 The ratio of k eff k eff for
0 20 40 60 80
Scale-up Factor different scale-up factors
• Upscaling will be least accurate when the coarse cell size is comparable to, or
slightly larger than the correlation length.
• Upscaling errors increase as the standard deviation of the model increases.
Permeability Upscaling
1.5.3 Upscaling of a Sand/Shale Model
Upscaling errors are largest in models where there are high permeability contrasts.
Unfortunately, high permeability contrasts frequently occur in reservoir rocks. For
example, we often require to model the following:
All these cases are difficult to model. As an example, we consider a sand/shale model,
where the shale has zero permeability. Figure 20 shows the fine-scale model, which
has to be upscaled to 3 coarse blocks, as shown. Since there is a shale lying across
each coarse block, each coarse block will have zero permeability in the z-direction
(vertical). However, fluid can flow through the model vertically, as shown. This
error arises because the coarse block size is similar to the characteristic length of the
shales. Upscaling would be more accurate, if the coarse block size was much larger,
or much smaller than the shales. Alternatively, using a “skin” or “flow jacket” will
increase the accuracy of upscaling (Section 1.4.2, Figure 14).
Figure 20
Sand/shale model
2.1 Introduction
Often we need to simulate two-phase systems, e.g. a water flood or a gas flood of an
oil reservoir, or an oil reservoir with a gas cap or an aquifer. The aim of upscaling
in this case is to calculate a coarse-scale model which can reproduce the flow rates
of the different fluids. The coarse model should also provide a good approximation
to the saturation distribution in the reservoir with time.
The paths which the injected fluid takes through the reservoir depends on the forces
Therefore, the balance of forces should be taken into account during upscaling.
Before learning how to upscale two-phase flow, we show the effects which geologi-
cal heterogeneity may have on hydrocarbon recovery.
Consider the following simple model (Figure 21), with alternating horizontal layers of
100 mD and 10 mD (referred to as facies 1 and facies 2). We assume that the model
is filled with oil and connate water initially, and simulate a water flood, by injecting
at uniform rate at the left side, and producing from the right side (at constant bottom-
hole pressure). The density of the two fluids is the same for this example, so that
there are no gravity effects. Figure 22 shows the relative permeabilities and capillary
pressures, and Table 1 lists the properties of the 3 cases simulated with this model.
100 mD
10 mD
Figure 21
Simple layered model for
demonstrating viscous and
capillary effects
12 0.9
krw 1 Pc 1
10 kro 1 Pc 2
krw 2 0.7
Cap Pressure
8 kro 2 0.6
Rel Perm
Figure 22
4 0.3
0 0
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 and capillary pressure
Water Saturation Water Saturation
Permeability Upscaling
Figure 23 shows the distribution of oil saturation after the injection of 0.2 PV, for
Cases 1 and 2. Both cases use only a single relative permeability curve and the flow
regime is viscous-dominated. Water flows faster along the high permeability layers,
as one would expect. However, notice that this effect is reduced when the porosity
of facies 2 is reduced.
Figure 23
The oil saturation for Cases
1 and 2, after the injection Oil Saturation
of 0.2 PV
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
In Case 3, both relative permeability and capillary pressure tables are used. These
curves are typical of a water-wet rock: the capillary pressure is much higher in the
low permeability facies, and the connate water saturation is higher. In this case, water
is imbibed along the low permeability layers, and also there is cross-flow from the
high permeability layers to the low permeability ones (Figure 24). Due to the effects
of capillary pressure, the front is nearly level in the two facies.
Figure 24
The oil saturation for Case
3, after the injection of 0.2 Oil Saturation
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
0.3 Case 1
Case 2
0.2 Case 3
Figure 25
0 Cumulative recovery and
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Pore Volumes Injected
watercut for Cases 1 - 3
In the next example, graded models are used, as shown in Figure 26. There are two
versions: Case 4 with permeability increasing upwards (referred to as coarsening-up)
and Case 5 with permeability decreasing upwards (referred to as fining-up). The
permeabilities range from 200 mD to 1000 mD, the porosity was kept constant at
0.2, and the first relative permeability curve was used. In this model, however, the
densities of the fluids were different: the density of water was set to 1000 kg/m3 and
that of oil was set to 200 kg/m3.
a) Coarsening-up b) Fining-up
1000 mD 200 mD
Figure 26
The graded layer models for
200 mD 1000 mD
Cases 4 and 5
Again a waterflood was performed, and the results are shown in Figure 27. Since
water is more dense than oil, water has a tendency to slump down. In Case 4 (coars-
ening-up), this tendency is reduced by the fact that the viscous forces tend to move
the fluid faster in the upper layers. However, in Case 5 (fining-up), the slumping
effect is reinforced by the viscous force moving fluid faster along the lower layers.
This means that the breakthrough time is earlier in Case 5 than in Case 4, as shown
in Figure 27. The effective absolute permeability in these two models is the same,
but the two-phase flow effects are different, due to the effect of gravity. (If the den-
sity of water equalled the density of oil, the recovery and watercut curves would be
a) Coarsening-up a) Fining-up
Figure 27
Oil Saturation The oil saturation after the
injection of 0.2 PV in the
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 graded layer models
Permeability Upscaling
0.5 1.0
Fractional Recovery
0.4 0.8
Water Cut
0.3 0.6
Case 4
0.2 0.4 Case 5
Figure 28 0.1 0.2
Figure 29 (left side) shows a very heterogeneous 2D model, with correlated random
permeabilities. The permeability distribution was ln-normal (i.e. natural logs), with
a standard deviation of 2.0 The model is assumed to be in the horizontal plain. The
details of the model are given in Table 2. The model was upscaled using the pres-
sure solution method with no-flow boundaries. Three different scale-up factors were
used, and the coarse-scale models 1 and 3 are also shown in Figure 29 (middle and
right side).
Figure 29
Fine- and coarse-
scale models used for
demonstrating the effects
of applying single-phase
upscaling to a two-phase log10(k)
problem -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Relative Permeability
0.4 Figure 30
The relative permeability
curve used for the random
0 model. (Capillary pressure
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Water Saturation was set to zero)
Fractional Recovery
ups 5x5
ups 7x7
ups 15x15
Figure 31
Comparison of recovery for
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Pore Volumes Injected different scale-up factors
The model was modified by reducing the standard deviation to 0.2 (lowering the
permeability contrast), and the simulations were repeated with the low heterogeneity
model. The recovery is shown in Figure 32 for the scale-up factor of 15 x 15. As
expected, the errors are smaller for the low heterogeneity model.
Fractional Recovery
lo het fine
lo het coarse
hi het fine
hi het coarse
Figure 32
Comparison of recovery for
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 models with different levels
Pore Volumes Injected of heterogeneity
In addition, the errors caused by using only single-phase upscaling, are larger when
the coarse block size similar to the correlation length. Also, the upscaling error tends
Permeability Upscaling
to be larger in unstable floods (injected fluid is of lower viscosity than the in situ
fluid) than in stable floods.
b) C
rs e1 c) Coar
c) Coar
se 2
Figure 33
Model with a high
permeability streak
Figure 34 shows the recovery for these models. It can be seen that the model with
uniform coarse cells (Coarse 1) gives very inaccurate results, and the model which
maintains the high permeability streak (Coarse 2) is much more accurate.
Fractional Recovery
0.15 fine
coarse 1
0.10 coarse 2
Figure 34
Recovery and watercut
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 for fine- and coarse-scale
Pore Volumes Injected
Several methods for performing non-uniform upscaling have been developed. For
example, Durlofsky et al. (1996, 1997) first carry out a single-phase simulation. Then
they use the inter-block flows to determine the coarse block boundaries. Smaller
coarse blocks are assigned to regions where there are high flow rates.
P1 P2
Figure 35
Local and global boundary
Local Global
Permeability Upscaling
PΙ − PΙΙ (13)
Where q denotes the fine-scale flows (Figure 36) and PI and PII are the (pore-volume
weighted) average pressures in coarse cells I and II.
Figure 36
Upscaling transmissibility Ι ΙΙ
Upscaling is also performed at the wells, using the method described in Section
3.1. This method produces very accurate single-phase upscaling, which leads to an
increase in the accuracy of two-phase flow at the coarse scale.
Many tests on upscaling methods have been carried out using the model generated
for the 10th SPE comparative solution project, which was on upscaling (Christie and
Blunt, 2001). This model is referred to as the SPE 10 model (Figure 37a). We use
layer 59 (Figure 37b) as an example of well drive upscaling, because this layer is
particularly heterogeneous. There is an injection well at the centre and production
wells in each corner.
a) b) P1 P2
P4 P3
Figure 37
The SPE 10 model, and log10(k)
layer 59 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Layer 59 was upscaled using the WDU method and also the conventional method
with local boundary conditions. Figure 38 shows the oil saturation distribution. It
can clearly be seen that the WDU method reproduces the results of fine-scale model
much better than the conventional approach. This is because appropriate boundary
conditions have been applied to the model.
Figure 38
Comparison of oil
saturation distribution
in fine- and coarse-scale
simulations of Layer 59 of
0.20 0.35 0.50 0.65 0.80 the SPE 10 model
k f = k abs k rf (14)
Where “f” stands for fluid – oil, gas or water. Generally, we assume that both the
absolute and the relative permeabilities are homogeneous and isotropic at the smallest
scale ( k x = k z ). As we upscale, the absolute and relative permeabilities may become
anisotropic ( k rx ≠ k rz ). To obtain effective (or pseudo) relative permeabilities, the
absolute permeability must be scaled-up separately. Then the pseudo relative perme-
ability is calculated as follows:
k rf , x = k f , x k abs, x (15)
Permeability Upscaling
In a steady-state upscaling method, we assume that within a short interval of time the
zone of interest is in a steady-state, but we allow the fluid saturation to change gradu-
ally, so that a full range of saturation is obtained. At steady-state, the water saturation
does not change with time, i.e. ∂Sw/∂t = 0, so the continuity equation becomes:
∇ ⋅ u f = 0, (16)
∇ ⋅ ( k f ⋅ ∇Pf ) = 0. (17)
• Capillary equilibrium,
• Vertical equilibrium (gravity-dominated flood)
• Viscous-dominated steady-state
The advantage of steady-state methods is that they turn two-phase upscaling into a
series of single-phase upscaling calculations. This means that steady-state methods
are feasible for models with large numbers of grid cells. (See, for example, Pickup
and Stephen, 2000; and Pickup et al, 2000.)
2.5.1 Capillary-Equilibrium
Assume that the injection rate is very low, gravity forces are negligible, and that the
fluids have come into capillary equilibrium with a coarse-scale cell. This means that
the saturation distribution is determined by the capillary pressure curves.
1. Choose a Pc level.
kabs (mD)
100 Figure 39
20 Model with horizontal
hi lo
Cap Pressure
8 0.6
Rel Perm
hi 0.4
0.2 hi Figure 40
0 0 Relative permeability and
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Water Saturation Water Saturation capillary pressure curves
Using the arithmetic and harmonic averages (Section 1.3), the effective permeability
k x = 60.00 k z = 33.33
kw (mD) ko (mD)
0.13 50.0
Since the layers are of equal width, the average saturation is Sw = 0.39. The effective
phase permeabilities are then calculated using the arithmetic and harmonic averages.
Then the relative permeabilities are calculated using Equation 15.
Permeability Upscaling
k wx = 0.081 k rwx = 0.081 / 60.00 = 0.00135
k wz = 0.051 k rwz = 0.051 / 33.33 = 0.00153
k ox = 29.8 k rox = 29.8 / 60.00 = 0.50
k oz = 16.1 k roz = 16.1 / 33.33 = 0.48
Note that the kv/kh ratio ( = k z k x ) is different for oil and water:
k w, z k w, x = 0.63 k o, z k o, x = 0.54
Effective relative permeability curves may be derived by repeating this calculation for
a range of capillary pressure values (Figure 42). The capillary-equilibrium method
is useful as a quick method for upscaling small-scale models (Section 3.3). However,
it is only valid in cases where the flow rate is very low.
0.6 krox
Rel Perm
0.3 krwz
0.2 krwx
Figure 42 0.1
Effective relative 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
permeability curves Water Saturation
2.6.1 Introduction
For dynamic (or non steady-state methods), we need to perform a two-phase flow
simulation on a fine grid. There are basically two types of dynamic method:
k ro k rw
λt = λo + λw = + .
µo µw (18)
qw q
fw = = w
qo + qw qt (19)
Again there are a number of variations of this method, the most commonly used
being that of Stone (1991).
i=1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5 ∆z
Figure 43
Model used for describing
Pseudo calculated
for this coarse block DX
∆Z the Kyte and Berry Method.
The thickness of the model
is Δy
The diagram shows two coarse grid blocks, each of which is made up of 5 x 5 fine
blocks. The equations below show how to calculate the pseudo relative permeabilities
and capillary pressure for the left coarse block.
1. Calculate the effective absolute permeability in the area shown in Figure 44,
i.e. half way between the two coarse blocks.
i=3 i=7
Figure 44
The area used for
calculating the effective
absolute permeability
Kyte and Berry approximate the effective permeability using the arithmetic average
in each column, and then taking the harmonic average of the columns. The area
between the two coarse blocks is used, for reasons explained below.
Permeability Upscaling
∑ ∆z k
j =1
j ij
ki =
∆Z (20)
where Δzzj and ΔZ are the thicknesses of the fine and coarse blocks, respectively. (In
this case, all the blocks are of equal size.)
kI = 7
∑ ∆x i ki
i=3 (21)
where Δxi and ΔX are the lengths of the fine and coarse blocks, and k I is the required
effective absolute permeability.
The pseudos are then calculated, at certain times during the simulation. (These are
the times at which the restart files are written in the Eclipse simulation.)
j =1 i =1
φ ∆x i ∆z j
w , ij ij
Sw = 5 5
∑ ∑ φ ∆x ∆z ij i j
j =1 i =1 (22)
3. Calculate the total flow of oil and water out of the left coarse block (Figure 45).
q f = ∑ q f 5, j ,
j =1 (23)
where qf5,j is the flow of fluid “f” from fine block number (5,j).
Figure 45
Calculation of the total flow j=5
4. Calculate the average phase pressures in the central column of each coarse
block. In this example, we use the fine blocks in columns 3 and 8, the shaded
areas in Figure 46.
Figure 46
j=5 The cells used for averaging
I II the phase pressures
In the Kyte and Berry method, the pressures are weighted by the phase permeabilities
times the height of the cells (which in this case are all the same size). This is so that
more weight is given to regions where there is greater flow. However, there is no
scientific justification for using this weighting. In the first coarse block (numbered,
I), the average pressure is:
j =1
3j (
k rf 3 ∆z 3 j Pf 3 j − gρf (D3 j − D) )
P fI = 5
∑k 3j k rf 3 ∆z 3 j
j =1 (24)
where D3j is the depth of cell (3,j) and D is the average depth of coarse cell I. The
term gρf(D3j - D ) is to normalise the pressure to the grid block centre. The average
pressure for coarse block II is calculated in the same manner, but using column 8
instead of column 3. The pressure difference is then calculated as:
∆P f = P fI − P fII . (25)
5. The pseudo rel perms are then calculated using Darcy’s law. Firstly, calculate
the pseudo potential difference. (Potential is defined as Φ = P-ρgz, so that the
flow rate is proportional to ∇Φ .)
∆Φ f = ∆P f − gρf ∆
∆D, (26)
where ΔD is the depth difference between the two coarse grid centres. Then:
−µ f q f ∆X
k rf =
∆Zk I ∆Φ I (27)
P c = P oI − P wI (28)
The Eclipse PSEUDO package can be used for calculating Kyte and Berry
Permeability Upscaling
2.6.3 Discussion on Numerical Dispersion
One advantage of pseudo-isation methods, such as that of Kyte and Berry is that they
can take account of numerical dispersion. When a simulation is carried out using a
larger grid, the front between the oil and water becomes more spread out. However,
the Kyte and Berry method counteracts this effect by calculating the flows on the
down-stream side of the coarse block, instead of the middle. This is illustrated by a
simple example. Figure 47 shows an example of input relative permeability curves
(“rock” curves).
Perm Rel
If the water saturation is Sw = 0.5, the rock curves show that there is a small amount
of oil and water flowing. However, when the average saturation, Sw , is 0.5 in the
coarse block, the distribution could be as shown in Figure 48.
water block
Figure 48
Example of the water
saturation in a coarse block
Since the water has reached only half way across the coarse block, there should be no
water flowing out of the right side. The Kyte and Berry method calculates the pseudo
relative permeabilities using the flow on the downstream side of the coarse block, to
prevent water breaking through too soon. The pseudo water relative permeability
curve is moved to the right, relative to the rock curves, as shown in Figure 49.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Figure 49
Water Saturation Example of pseudo relative
permeability curves
Because of the first two disadvantages, i.e. negative, or infinite rel perms, pseudos
obtained from packages like the PSEUDO must be vetted before using at the coarse
scale. Often “odd” values of relative permeability are set to zero.
Good reviews of various methods for calculating pseudos are presented in Barker
and Dupouy (1999) and Barker and Thibeau (1997).
Note that dynamic upscaling methods, such as that of Kyte and Berry are difficult
to apply in practice. Ideally, a fine-scale two-phase flow simulation is required for
each coarse-scale cell (plus a “flow jacket”), and this is time consuming. Also, it is
difficult to determine the correct boundary conditions to use, so the results may not
be accurate.
If a pseudo is calculated for each coarse cell, in each direction, there may be 10,000s
of pseudos in the coarse-scale model. The number of pseudos must be reduced, by
grouping similar pseudos together.
Permeability Upscaling
Pseudo relative permeability curves depend on a number of factors, including:
Because of these problems, two-phase upscaling is rarely used for upscaling from a
geological model to a full-field simulation.
Both these methods share the same problems discussed in Section 2.6.4, namely,
they are difficult to apply in practice.
Figure 50 shows the oil saturation for the fine-scale simulation, a coarse-scale simulation
using the WDU method (Section 2.3.2), and a coarse-scale simulation using pseudos
Figure 50
The oil saturation
distribution for the fine-
scale model of layer 59 and
the coarse-scale models
Soil obtained using the WDU
and the PVW methods
0.20 0.35 0.50 0.65 0.80
Well Rate (m3/day)
Local Figure 51
The oil recovery rate for
well P4 for the fine-scale
10 model and coarse-scale
models obtained using
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
the WDU, PVW and local
Pore Volumes Injected upscaling methods
It can be seen in Figure 51 that both the WDU and the PVW methods agree well with
the fine-scale simulation. However, the results from the single-phase upscaling with
local boundary conditions are poor. This example shows that two-phase upscaling
is not necessarily always more accurate than single-phase upscaling.
• Two-phase upscaling is time consuming and not always robust, so is rarely used
by engineers.
• Usually, only single-phase upscaling is performed.
• But, heterogeneity interacts with two-phase flow, and tends to produce dispersion of
the flood front, which is not taken into account using single-phase upscaling.
• So, single-phase upscaling may give rise to errors, especially when there is
a large scale-up factor, and the reservoir model is very heterogeneous (large
standard deviation).
Permeability Upscaling
• Errors in single-phase upscaling may be reduced by using non-uniform upscaling,
or well-drive upscaling.
• Ideally, two-phase upscaling should be performed to take account of two-phase
• Steady-state upscaling is relatively quick to apply, and is feasible for large
models. However, it is only valid in limited cases, e.g. when the fluids are
approximately in capillary equilibrium.
• Dynamic methods are potentially more accurate.
• The Kyte and Berry (1975) Method was described as an example.
• Dynamic methods can compensate for the effects of numerical dispersion.
• Dynamic methods are difficult to apply in practice.
This course has, so far, focussed mainly on common methods for upscaling a geo-
logical model for full-field simulation. Most of the single-phase upscaling methods
presented may be found in geological packages, such as IRAP/RMS and Petrel. (The
WDU and TW methods which were developed at Heriot-Watt are not available in
commercial packages.) However, there are a number of other important issues which
should be taken into account when upscaling. In this section, we cover these issues
in a variety of additional topics:
• Upscaling as Wells
• Permeability Tensors
• The Geopseudo Method
• Uncertainty and Upscaling
A grid block in the simulator is much larger than the diameter of a well, and the
pressure calculated for a block containing a well is different from the actual bottom
hole pressure. These are related by:
(Pw − Pb )
where Pw is the well-bore pressure and Pb is the pressure of the block. Iw is the well
index, given by:
Iw =
ln( ro rw ) (30)
Durlofsky et al. (2000) put forward a method for upscaling in the near-well region.
Others have put forward similar methods. The method is only approximate, but
improves the accuracy of coarse-scale simulations. The first step is to calculate
effective single-phase permeabilities, using one of the conventional methods (e.g.
periodic boundary condition applied to each block in turn). Then, a fine-scale single-
phase simulation of the well block and surrounding blocks is carried out (Figure 52).
From the results, the total flows out of the coarse-scale well block, and the average
pressures in the coarse blocks are calculated. These are used to calculate upscaled
transmissibilities between the coarse-scale well block and the surrounding blocks,
and a coarse-scale well index.
T3 T1
Figure 52
Near-well upscaling (after
Durlofsky et al., 2000)
This method improves the accuracy of upscaling at well, and it is also incorporated
into the well drive upscaling method (WDU), described in Section 2.3.2.
A pressure gradient has been applied in the x-direction. This will obviously give
rise to a flow in the x-direction. The fluid takes a path through the medium, so that
it expends a minimum amount of energy. There will be a component of flow up the
high permeability, and only a small amount of flow across the low permeable layer,
as shown. This gives rise to a net flow in the z-direction, or cross-flow. Here, the
term cross-flow is used to describe flow perpendicular to the applied pressure gradi-
ent. When calculating the effective permeability of this model, we need to take this
cross-flow into account. This may be done using a tensor effective permeability, k ,
Permeability Upscaling
k xx k xy k xz
k = k yx k yy k yz
k zx k zy k zz
The first index applies to the flow direction, and the second to the direction of the
pressure gradient. For example kxy is the flow in the x-direction caused by a pres-
sure gradient in the y-direction. The terms kxx, kyy, kzz are known as the diagonal
terms. These are the terms which are usually considered – the horizontal and vertical
permeabilities, kh and kv, respectively. The other terms, which describe the cross-
flow, are the off-diagonal terms.
u=− ⋅ ∇P,
µ (32)
1 ∂P ∂P ∂P
u x = − k xx + k xy + k xz
µ ∂x ∂y ∂z
1 ∂P ∂P ∂P
u y = − k yx + k yy + k yz
µ ∂x ∂y ∂z
1 ∂P ∂P ∂P
u z = − k zx + k zy + k zz
µ ∂x ∂y ∂z (33)
In Sections 1.3.1 and 1.3.2, we studied flow along and across horizontal layers. The
model in Figure 5 is repeated here (Figure 54), showing the arithmetic average for
the effective permeability for along-layer flow and the harmonic average for across
layer flow.
sca le coar
ar se--sca
se scale
Figure 54 x t1 = 3 mm, k1 = 10 m
D 66.2
66 .25
.2 5 mD
66.25 0
0 222.886
or in 3D:
Figure 55
x' Layers tilted at an angle of
z' θ to the horizontal
This model is essentially the same as the one in Figures 4 and 6, although the layers
have are repeated, and they have been tilted. In the frame of reference defined by the
x ′ and z′ axes, the effective permeability may be calculated using the arithmetic and
harmonic averages as before. However, in the x-z co-ordinate system, the effective
permeability should be represented by a full tensor. The terms of the tensor may be
calculated from the arithmetic and harmonic averages, as follows:
This formula is obtained by rotating the co-ordinate axes through an angle θ. (You
are not required to know the proof.) This example is in 2D, so only the kxx, kxz, kzx
and kzz are shown. Further rotations may be carried out around the x ′ or z ′ axes to
obtain a full 3D tensor.
Note that:
Example 5
Suppose the example in Figure 54 is rotated by 30º (Figure 56), and calculate the
effective permeability tensor.
Permeability Upscaling
Figure 56
Layered model tilted by 30º z 30o
55.40 18.79
k= .
18.79 33.71
In 2D, a 9-point scheme is required to take account of cross-flow. This means that
there are 9 terms in each of the pressure equations, as illustrated in Equation (35).
The coefficients, ai, in Equation (35) depend on the transmissibilities between the
blocks. There are several different methods of discretisation which give slightly dif-
a) b)
i-1,j-1 i,j-1 i+1,j-1
i-1,j i,j i+1,j
Figure 57
i-1,j+1 i,j+1 i+1,j+1 a) 9-point scheme for 2D.
b) 27-point scheme for 3D
Often the off-diagonal elements of the permeability tensor (kxy, etc) are negligible,
so the limitations of using a 5-point (2D) or a 7-point (3D) scheme are not serious.
In layered systems, the size of the off-diagonal term may be gauged from Equation
(34) in Section 3.2.1:
This is a maximum for θ = 45º, and increases as (ka – kh) increases. Therefore, full
permeability tensors become more important as the angle of the lamination or bed-
ding increases, and as the permeability contrast increases.
0 Seismic data Para-
Vertical thickness (m)
1 Flow model
0.01 Probe
0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 1 10 100 1000 10000 Figure 58
Horizontal length (m)
Length scales
Permeability Upscaling
For convenience, we consider upscaling as two separate stages (Figure 59). Stage
1 is upscaling from the smallest scale at which we may treat the rock as a porous
medium (rather than a network of pores), up to the scale of the stochastic geologi-
cal model, i.e. from the mm – cm scale to the m – Dm scale. Stage 2 is upscaling
from the stochastic geological model to the full-field simulation model, which has
already been described.
Stage 1
Geological Model
~ 107 blocks
Figure 59
Two separate stages of
upscaling. (Geological Stage 2
model taken from “Tenth Upscaling
SPE Comparative Solution
Project: A Comparison of
Techniques”, by Christie Simulation Model
and Blunt, 2001.) ~ 104 blocks
In the finest-scale model, the grid cells may be a mm cube, or less. If we upscale to
blocks of 50 m x 50 m x 0.5 m, we are upscaling by a factor of at least 5 x 104 in the
horizontal directions and 500 in the vertical.
Figure 60
Illustration of the
Effective Perm Pseudo Rel. Perm Curves
Geopseudo Method
Figure 61
Example of capillary-
Oil Saturation dominated flood in a
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 layered model
When the flow is across the layers, as in Figure 62, the effects of capillary pressure
are even more striking. This figure shows the same small-scale model of sedimen-
tary lamination. When the injection rate is low (average frontal advance rate of
0.3 m/day), the flood is capillary-dominated (Figure 62a), water (black) has been
imbibed into the low permeability layers leaving oil trapped in the high permeability
laminae (grey). As the injection rate is increased, the oil has more viscous force and
can overcome the capillary forces leading to less trapping of oil (Figures 61b). In
the case of Figure 62c, the flood is viscous dominated and all the movable oil has
been displaced by water.
Permeability Upscaling
a) b) c)
Figure 62
Examples of across-
layer flow. a) capillary
Oil Saturation
dominated, b) intermediate,
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
c) viscous-dominated
Figure 63 shows a model of sedimentary ripples. Kyte and Berry pseudos were cal-
culated for the model using four different flow rates. There is a factor of 10 between
each flow rate, with rate 1 being the fastest. Figure 64 shows the resulting pseudos
(from Pickup and Stephen, 2000).
Figure 63
3 cm, 54 cells 10 mD
A model of ripples (based
on the Ardross Outcrop, 1 cm, 200 mD
18 cells
near St. Monance in Fife,
0.9 0.9
0.8 rate 1 0.8 rate 1
rate 2 rate 2
Relative Permeability
Relative Permeability
1. At high rates, the pseudos are shifted to the right. This is to compensate for
numerical dispersion.
2. At very low flow rates (rate 4), the flood is capillary-dominated, and the oil is
trapped. The pseudo oil relative permeability goes to zero around Sw = 0.46.
Ringrose et al. (1999) give a list of guidelines for when Geopseudo upscaling may
be necessary:
However, it is now recognised that there are many uncertainties in the reservoir
modelling, and instead of concentrating on a few detailed models, geologists and
engineers are starting to generate thousands of models in order to characterise the
effects of uncertainty. These models must be coarse so that the simulations can run
very quickly.
These changes mean that, in future, people are less likely to follow the “traditional”
upscaling approach. However, if the effects of fine-scale structure are ignored, this
Permeability Upscaling
will lead to errors in the predicted recovery. It is therefore very important to understand
the effects of possible sub-grid heterogeneity on absolute and relative permeability,
and to include these effects, when necessary. This is an area of active research at
Heriot-Watt University.
• Permeability upscaling is often inaccurate, particularly when the coarse cell size
is comparable, or slightly larger than the correlation length of the permeability
distribution, and when the standard deviation is large.
• The regions around wells should be treated as a special case, because the flow
is radial. The well index and the transmissibilities around the well block should
eb upscaled.
Permeability Upscaling
Barker, J. W. and Thibeau, S., 1997. “A Critical Review of the Use of Pseudo Relative
Permeabilities for Upscaling”, SPE Reservoir Engineering, May, 1997, 138-143.
Barker, J. W. and Dupouy, P., 1999. “An Analysis of Dynamic Pseudo-Relative Per-
meability Methods for Oil-Water Flows”, Petroleum Geoscience, 5 (4), 385 - 394.
Christie, M. A., 1996. “Upscaling for Reservoir Simulation”, J. Pet. Tech., November
1996, 48, 1004-1008.
Christie, M. A. and Blunt, M. J., 2001. “Tenth SPE Comparative Solution Project: A
Comparison of Upscaling Techniques”, presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation
Symposium, Houston Texas, 11 – 14 February, 2001.
Corbett, P. W. M., Ringrose, P. S., Jensen, J. L. and Sorbie, K. S., 1992. “Laminated
Clastic Reservoirs - The Interplay of Capillary Pressure and Sedimentary Architec-
ture”, SPE 24699, presented at the 67th Annual Technical Conference of the SPE,
Washington, DC, 4 - 7 October, 1992.
Durlofsky, L. J., Behrens, R. A., Jones, R. C. and Bernath, A., 1996. “Scale Up of
Heterogeneous Three Dimensional Reservoir Descriptions”, SPEJ, 1, 313-326.
Durlofsky, L. J., Milliken, W. J. and Bernath, A., 2000. “Scaleup in the Near-Well
Region”, SPEJ, 5 (1), 110 – 117.
Huang, Y., Ringrose, P. R. and Sorbie, K. S., 1995. “Capillary Trapping Mechanisms
in Water-Wet Laminated Rocks”, SPE RE, 10 (4), 287 – 292.
Kyte, J. R. and Berry, D. W., 1975. “New Pseudo Functions to Control Numerical
Dispersion”, SPEJ, August 1975, 269-276.
Ringrose, P. S., Sorbie, K. S., Corbett, P. W. M. and Jensen, J. L., 1993. “Immiscible
Flow Behaviour in Laminated and Cross-bedded Sandstones”, J. Petroleum Science
and Engineering, 9(2), 103-124.
Ringrose, P. S., Pickup, G. E., Jensen, J. L. and Forrester, M. M., 1999. “The Ardross
Reservoir Gridblock Analog: Sedimentology, Statistical Representivity, and Flow
Upscaling”, in Reservoir Characterization – Recent Advances, eds R. Schatzinger
and J. Jordan, AAPG Memoir 71, p 256 – 276.
Stone, H. L. 1991. “Rigorous Black Oil Pseudo Functions”, SPE 21207, presented
at the 11th SPE Symposium on Reservoir Simulation, Anaheim, CA, February, 17-
20, 1991.
Weber, K. J. and van Geuns, L. C., 1990. “Framework for Constructing Clastic Res-
ervoir Simulation models”. JPT, October 1990, p 1248 – 1297.
Zhang, P., Pickup, G. E. and Christie, M. A., 2005. “A New Upscaling Approach
for Highly Heterogeneous Reservoirs”, presented at the SPE Reservoir Simulation
Symposium , February 2005.