Edge Computing in Autonomous Driving
Edge Computing in Autonomous Driving
Autonomous Driving:
Opportunities and Challenges
This article surveys the designs of autonomous driving edge computing systems. In
addition, it presents the security issues in autonomous driving as well as how edge
computing designs can address these issues.
ABSTRACT | Safety is the most important requirement for gent performance and energy constraints on the edge side.
autonomous vehicles; hence, the ultimate challenge of design- With V2X, more research is required to define how vehi-
ing an edge computing ecosystem for autonomous vehicles is cles cooperate with each other and the infrastructure. Last,
to deliver enough computing power, redundancy, and secu- safety cannot be guaranteed when security is compromised.
rity so as to guarantee the safety of autonomous vehicles. Thus, protecting autonomous driving edge computing systems
Specifically, autonomous driving systems are extremely com- against attacks at different layers of the sensing and comput-
plex; they tightly integrate many technologies, including sens- ing stack is of paramount concern. In this paper, we review
ing, localization, perception, decision making, as well as the state-of-the-art approaches in these areas as well as explore
smooth interactions with cloud platforms for high-definition potential solutions to address these challenges.
(HD) map generation and data storage. These complexities
KEYWORDS | Connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs);
impose numerous challenges for the design of autonomous
edge computing; heterogeneous computing; security; vehicle-
driving edge computing systems. First, edge computing sys-
to-everything (V2X); vehicular operating system.
tems for autonomous driving need to process an enormous
amount of data in real time, and often the incoming data from
I. I N T R O D U C T I O N
different sensors are highly heterogeneous. Since autonomous
driving edge computing systems are mobile, they often have
The design goal of autonomous driving edge computing
very strict energy consumption restrictions. Thus, it is imper-
systems is to guarantee the safety of autonomous vehicles.
ative to deliver sufficient computing power with reasonable
This is extremely challenging, as autonomous vehicles
energy consumption, to guarantee the safety of autonomous
need to process an enormous amount of data in real
vehicles, even at high speed. Second, in addition to the edge
time (as high as 2 GB/s) with extremely tight latency
system design, vehicle-to-everything (V2X) provides redun-
constraints [1]. For instance, if an autonomous vehicle
dancy for autonomous driving workloads and alleviates strin-
travels at 60 miles per hour (mph), and thus about 30 m
of braking distance, this requires the autonomous driving
system to predict potential dangers up to a few seconds
Manuscript received February 10, 2019; revised April 6, 2019; accepted before they occur. Therefore, the faster the autonomous
May 5, 2019. Date of publication June 24, 2019; date of current version
August 5, 2019. (Corresponding author: Jie Tang.) driving edge computing system performs these complex
S. Liu and B. Yu are with PerceptIn, Fremont, CA 94539 USA. computations, the safer the autonomous vehicle is.
L. Liu and W. Shi are with the Department of Computer Science, Wayne State
University, Detroit, MI 48202 USA.
Specifically, autonomous driving systems are extremely
J. Tang is with the School of Computer Science & Engineering, South China complex; they tightly integrate many technologies, includ-
University of Technology, Guangzhou 510330, China (e-mail:
ing sensing, localization, perception, decision making,
Y. Wang is with Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202 USA, and also with as well as the smooth interaction with cloud platforms for
the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
high-definition (HD) map generation and data storage [2].
100190, China.
These complexities pose many challenges for the design
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JPROC.2019.2915983 of autonomous driving edge computing systems, just to
0018-9219 © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
1) Sensing: Normally, an autonomous vehicle consists of on this combination for localization for three reasons:
several major sensors. Since each type of sensor presents 1) the accuracy is only about one meter; 2) the GNSS
advantages and drawbacks, the data from multiple sensors signal has multipath problems, which means that the
must be combined. The sensor types include the following. signal may bounce off buildings and introduce more
a) GNSS/IMU: The global navigation satellite system noise; and 3) GNSS requires an unobstructed view of the
and inertial measurement unit (GNSS/IMU) system helps sky so it fails to work in closed environments such as
autonomous vehicles localize themselves by reporting both tunnels.
inertial updates and a global position estimate at a high Cameras are used for localization. The pipeline line of
rate, e.g., 200 Hz. While GNSS is a fairly accurate local- Vision-based localization is simplified as follows: 1) by tri-
ization sensor at only 10 Hz, its update rate is too slow to angulating stereo image pairs, a disparity map is obtained
provide real-time updates. Now, although an IMU’s accu- and used to derive depth information for each point; 2) by
racy degrades with time and thus cannot be relied upon matching salient features between successive stereo image
to provide accurate position updates over long periods, frames in order to establish correlations between feature
it provides updates more frequently—at, or higher than, points in different frames, the motion between the past
200 Hz. This should satisfy the real-time requirement. two frames is estimated; and 3) by comparing the salient
By combining GNSS and IMU, we provide accurate and features against those in the known map, we derive the
real-time updates for vehicle localization. current position of the vehicle [5].
b) LiDAR: Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) is LiDAR is used for localization, relying heavily on a parti-
used for mapping, localization, and obstacle avoidance. cle filter [6]. The point clouds generated by LiDAR provide
It works by bouncing a beam off surfaces and measuring a “shape description” of the environment, but it is hard
the reflection time to determine distance. LiDAR is used to to differentiate individual points. By using a particle filter,
generate HD maps, localize a moving vehicle against HD the system compares a specific observed shape against the
maps, detect obstacles ahead, and so on. known map to reduce uncertainty. To localize a moving
c) Cameras: Cameras are mostly used for object vehicle relative to these maps, we apply a particle filter
recognition and object tracking tasks, such as lane detec- method to correlate the LiDAR measurements with the
tion, traffic light detection, pedestrian detection, and more. map. The particle filter method has been demonstrated to
To enhance autonomous vehicle safety, existing imple- achieve real-time localization with 10-cm accuracy and is
mentations usually mount eight or more cameras around effective in urban environments.
the car, and we use cameras to detect, recognize, and
track objects in front, behind, and on both sides of the 3) Perception—Object Recognition and Tracking: In recent
vehicle. These cameras usually run at 60 Hz and, when years, we have seen the rapid development of deep learn-
combined, generate around multiple gigabytes of raw data ing technology, which achieves significant object detec-
per second. tion and tracking accuracy. A convolution neural network
(CNN) is a type of deep neural network (DNN) that is
d) Radar and Sonar: The radar and sonar system is
widely used in object recognition tasks. A general CNN
used for the last line of defense in obstacle avoidance.
evaluation pipeline usually consists of the following layers:
The data generated by radar and sonar show the distance
1) the convolution layer uses different filters to extract
from the nearest object in front of the vehicle’s path. When
different features from the input image. Each filter con-
we detect that an object is not far ahead and that there
tains a set of “learnable” parameters that will be derived
may be a danger of a collision, the autonomous vehicle
after the training stage; 2) the activation layer decides
should apply the brakes or turn to avoid the obstacle.
whether to activate the target neuron; 3) the pooling layer
Therefore, the data generated by radar and sonar do not
reduces the spatial size of the representation to reduce the
require much processing and are usually fed directly to
number of parameters and consequently the computation
the control processor—not through the main computation
in the network; and last, 4) the fully connected layer
pipeline—to implement such urgent functions as swerving
connects all neurons to all activations in the previous
and applying the brakes.
layer [7].
2) Perception—Localization: The perception subsystem Once an object is identified using a CNN, next comes
consumes incoming sensor data to understand the vehi- the automatic estimation of the trajectory of that object as
cle’s environment. The main tasks in autonomous driving it moves—or, object tracking. Object tracking technology
perception include localization, object detection, object is used to track nearby moving vehicles, as well as people
tracking, and so on. crossing the road, to ensure the current vehicle does not
While GNSS/IMU is used for localization, GNSS pro- collide with moving objects. In recent years, deep learning
vides fairly accurate localization results but with a slow techniques have demonstrated advantages in object track-
update rate; IMU provides a fast update with less accu- ing compared to conventional computer vision techniques.
rate results. We use Kalman filtering to combine the By using auxiliary natural images, a stacked autoencoder
advantages of the two and provide accurate and real-time is trained offline to learn generic image features that are
position updates [4]. Nonetheless, we cannot solely rely more robust against variations in viewpoints and vehicle
positions. Then, the offline-trained model is applied for A more detailed review is found in [1]. The Nvidia PX
online tracking [8]. platform is the current leading GPU-based solution for
autonomous driving [12]. Each PX 2 consists of two Tegra
4) Decision: In the decision stage, action prediction,
systems-on-chip (SoCs) and two Pascal graphics proces-
path planning, and obstacle avoidance mechanisms are
sors. Each GPU has its own dedicated memory, as well as
combined to generate an effective action plan in real time.
specialized instructions for DNN acceleration. To deliver
One of the main challenges for human drivers when navi-
high throughput, each Tegra connects directly to the Pascal
gating through traffic is to cope with the possible actions of
GPU using a PCI-E Gen 2 × 4 bus (total bandwidth:
other drivers, which directly influences their own driving
4.0 GB/s). In addition, the dual CPU-GPU cluster is con-
strategy. This is especially true when there are multiple
nected over the gigabit Ethernet, delivering 70 Gb/s. With
lanes on the road or at a traffic change point.
optimized I/O architecture and DNN acceleration, each
To make sure that autonomous vehicles travel safely in
PX2 is able to perform 24 trillion deep-learning calcula-
these environments, the decision unit generates predic-
tions every second.
tions of nearby vehicles and then decides on an action
Texas Instruments’ TDA provides a DSP-based solution
plan based on these predictions. To predict the actions
for autonomous driving. A TDA2x SoC consists of two
of other vehicles, we generate a stochastic model of
floating-point C66x DSP cores and four fully program-
the reachable position sets of the other traffic partici-
mable vision accelerators, which are designed for vision
pants and associate these reachable sets with probability
processing functions. The vision accelerators provide eight-
distributions [9].
fold acceleration on vision tasks compared to an ARM
Planning the path of an autonomous, responsive vehicle
Cortex-15 CPU while consuming less power [13]. Similarly,
in a dynamic environment is a complex problem, especially
CEVA XM4 is another DSP-based autonomous driving com-
when the vehicle is required to use its full maneuvering
puting solution. It is designed for computer vision tasks
capabilities. One approach would be to use deterministic,
on video streams. The main benefit for using CEVA-XM4 is
complete algorithms to search all possible paths and utilize
energy efficiency, which requires less than 30 mW for a
a cost function to identify the best path. However, this
1080p video at 30 frames/s [14].
requires enormous computational resources and may be
Altera’s Cyclone V SoC is one field-programmable gate
unable to deliver real-time navigation plans. To circum-
array (FPGA)-based autonomous driving solution, which
vent this computational complexity and provide effective
has been used in Audi products. Altera’s FPGAs are opti-
real-time path planning, probabilistic planners have been
mized for sensor fusion, combining data from multiple sen-
utilized [10].
sors in the vehicle for highly reliable object detection [15].
Since safety is of paramount concern in autonomous
Similarly, Zynq UltraScale MPSoC is also designed for
driving, we should employ at least two levels of obsta-
autonomous driving tasks [16]. When running CNN tasks,
cle avoidance mechanisms to ensure that the vehi-
it achieves 14 images/s/W, which outperforms the Tesla
cle will not collide with obstacles. The first level is
K40 GPU (4 images/s/W). Also, for object tracking tasks,
proactive and based on traffic predictions. The traffic
it reaches 60 frames/s in a live 1080p video stream.
prediction mechanism generates measures like time-to-
MobilEye EyeQ5 is a leading application-specified inte-
collision or predicted-minimum-distance. Based on these
grated circuit (ASIC)-based solution for autonomous
measures, the obstacle avoidance mechanism is triggered
driving [17]. EyeQ5 features heterogeneous, fully pro-
to perform local path replanning. If the proactive mech-
grammable accelerators, where each of the four accelera-
anism fails, the second-level reactive mechanism, using
tor types in the chip is optimized for their own family of
radar data, takes over. Once the radar detects an obstacle
algorithms, including computer-vision, signal-processing,
ahead of the path, it overrides the current controls to avoid
and machine-learning tasks. This diversity of accelerator
the obstacle [11].
architectures enables applications to save both computa-
tional time and energy by using the most suitable core
B. Vehicular Edge Subsystem for every task. To enable system expansion with multiple
EyeQ5 devices, EyeQ5 implements two PCI-E ports for
The vehicular edge subsystem integrates the above-
interprocessor communication.
mentioned algorithms together to meet real-time and
reliability requirements. There are three challenges to
2) Real-Time Operating Systems: A real-time operating
overcome: 1) the system needs to make sure that the
system (RTOS) is a special operating system intended to
processing pipeline is fast enough to consume the enor-
serve real-time applications, such as industrial, automo-
mous amount of sensor data generated; 2) if a part of
tive, aviation, military, and so on [18]. QNX is a popular
the system fails, it needs to be robust enough to recover
commercial RTOS widely used in the automotive indus-
from the failure; and 3) the system needs to perform all
try. The QNX kernel contains only CPU scheduling, inter-
the computations under energy and resource constraints.
process communication, interrupt redirection, and timers.
1) Hardware Architecture: First, we review the exist- Everything else runs as a user process, including a special
ing computer architecture for autonomous driving tasks. process known as proc that performs process creation
is, the artificial simulation of the scene and the real scene 3) Model Training: The second application this
still has some differences. There are still many unexpected infrastructure needs to support is offline model training.
events in the real scene that cannot be simulated in a sim- As we use different deep learning models in autonomous
ulator. Therefore, if real traffic data are used to reproduce driving, it is imperative to provide updates that will
the real scene, better test results will be achieved compared continuously improve the effectiveness and efficiency of
to the artificial simulation of the scene. these models. However, since the amount of raw data
However, the major problem of replaying real-world generated is enormous, we would not be able to achieve
data is the computing power required to process it. In fast model training using single servers.
order to reproduce the scene of every section of the real One effective way to achieve high performance is
world on the simulator, the autonomous vehicles need to through the utilization of heterogeneous computing and
collect the information of each section of the road. This high-throughput storage systems. As described in [23],
amount of data cannot be processed on single machines. Liu et al. integrated a distributed computing platform,
In addition, in each scene, it is further broken down into a heterogeneous computing acceleration layer, and a dis-
basic fragments and rearrange the combinations of these tributed storage layer together to deliver an extremely
fragments to generate more test cases. However, this would high-performance and high-throughput distributed train-
generate even more data and add more burden to the ing engine. Specifically, to synchronize the nodes, at the
simulation platform which is already stressed. end of each training iteration, this system summarizes
all the parameter updates from each node, performs cal-
2) HD Map Generation: As detailed in [25], HD maps culations to derive a new set of parameters, and then
are generated in the following steps. broadcasts the new set of parameters to each node so
Pose Estimation: For map data collection vehicles, getting they start the next iteration of training. It is the role of
accurate poses (location and orientation) of the vehicles is the parameter server to efficiently store and update the
key to generating HD maps. If the poses of the vehicles col- parameters.
lecting map data are inaccurate, it is impossible to produce
precise maps. Once we have the accurate poses of the data- III. I N N O V AT I O N S O N T H E V E H I C U L A R
collecting vehicles, and with accurate sensor installation COMPUTING EDGE
information such as how the sensors are mounted and their
In this Section, we review the latest progress in the
relative angles to the vehicle frame, we could calculate the
design of edge computing systems for autonomous driving
accurate poses of the generated point clouds.
applications. First, we start with benchmark suites avail-
Map Data Fusion: Once we have accurate poses, the next
able for evaluating edge computing system designs. Sec-
step is map data fusion. Map data here includes LiDAR 3-
ond, we review different approaches in designing com-
D point clouds and camera images. In this step, multiple
puter architectures for autonomous driving workloads.
scans of point clouds are calibrated and then aligned to
Third, we describe the designs of runtime layers for effi-
generate denser point clouds, and the generated point
cient mapping of incoming workloads onto heterogeneous
clouds and captured images are then registered to each
computing units. Fourth, we discuss the designs of middle-
other. This way, we could use the point clouds to get
ware for binding different autonomous driving functional
the 3-D location of objects and use the registered images
modules. Last, we present three examples of autonomous
to extract semantic information. Note that, point clouds
driving edge computing systems.
accurately provide 3-D positions but usually do not allow
semantic information extraction, while on the other hand,
images are great for semantic information extraction. A. Benchmark Tools
By combining point clouds and captured images, we allow To improve a computing system, the most effective tool
both accurate poses extraction and semantic information is a standard benchmark suite to represent the workloads
extraction. widely used in the target applications. The same princi-
Three-Dimensional Object Location Detection: For basic ple applies when it comes to designing and improving
road elements whose geometry and precise locations are edge computing systems for autonomous vehicles. Cur-
important (e.g., lane boundaries, curbs, traffic lights, rent research in this area is divided into two categories:
overpasses, railway tracks, guardrails, light poles, speed data sets and workloads. KITTI [26], [27] was the first
bumps, even potholes, etc.), we need to register their benchmark data set related to autonomous driving. It is
precise 3-D locations and geometries in the HD maps. composed of rich vision sensor data with labels, such
Semantics/Attribute Extraction: At last, we extract as monocular/stereo image data and 3-D LiDAR data.
semantics and attributes from captured data and integrate According to different data types, it also provides a ded-
these into the HD Maps. The semantic information includes icated method to generate the ground truth and to cal-
lane/road model construction, traffic signs recognition and culate the evaluation metrics. KITTI was built for evalu-
their association with lanes, the association of traffic lights ating the performance of algorithms in the autonomous
with lanes, road marking semantics extraction, road ele- driving scenario, including but not limited to visual odom-
ments, and so on. etry, lane detection, object detection, and object tracking.
In addition to KITTI, there are some customized bench- the area of benchmarking for autonomous vehicle work-
mark data sets for each algorithm, such as the Technical loads, but currently, CAVBench serves as a good starting
University of Munich Red Green Blue-Depth (TUM RGB- point to study edge computing systems for autonomous
D) [28] for RGB-D simultaneous localization and mapping driving.
(SLAM), PASCAL3D [29] for 3-D object detection, and As autonomous driving is still a fast developing
the MOTChallenge benchmark [30], [31] for multitarget field, we hope to see continuous effort to incorporate
tracking. These kinds of data sets serve as very good data more dynamic workloads and data to cover emerging
sources for stressing edge computing systems. autonomous driving usage scenarios. In addition, stan-
Another class of related benchmark suites is designed dardized scoring methods are required (but still missing)
to benchmark the performance of novel hardware archi- to rank different edge computing systems based on differ-
tectures and software framework, which usually consists ent optimization metrics.
of a set of computer vision kernels and applications.
The San Diego Vision Benchmark Suite (SD-VBS) [32]
and MEVBench [33] both are performance benchmark B. Computing Architectures
suites for mobile computer vision system. SD-VBS provides Once we have standard benchmark suites, we start
single-threaded C and MATLAB implementations of nine developing suitable architectures for autonomous driving
high-level vision applications. MEVBench is an extended workloads. Liu et al. [1] proposed a computer architec-
benchmark based on SD-VBS. It provides single-threaded ture for autonomous vehicles which fully utilizes hybrid
and multithreaded C++ implementations of 15 vision heterogeneous hardware. In this work, the applications for
applications. However, these two benchmarks are prior autonomous driving are divided into three stages: sens-
works in the field, so they are not targeted toward hetero- ing, perception, and decision-making. The authors com-
geneous platforms such as GPUs and did not contain novel pared the performance of different hardware running basic
workloads, such as the deep learning algorithms. SLAM- autonomous driving tasks and concluded that localization
Bench [34] concentrates on using a complete RGB-D SLAM and perception as the bottlenecks of autonomous driving
application to evaluate novel heterogeneous hardware. computing systems, and they also identified the need for
It takes KinectFusion [35] as the implementation and pro- different hardware accelerators for different workloads.
vided C++, OpenMP, OpenCL, and CUDA versions of key Furthermore, the authors proposed and developed an
function kernels for heterogeneous hardware. These efforts autonomous driving computing architecture and software
are a step in the right direction, but we still need a compre- stack that is modular, secure, dynamic, high-performance,
hensive benchmark that contains diverse workloads that and energy-efficient. By fully utilizing heterogeneous com-
cover varied application scenarios of autonomous vehicles puting components, such as CPU, GPU, and DSP, their
(like the MAVBench [126] for micro aerial vehicle system prototype system on an ARM Mobile SoC consumes 11 W
benchmarking) to evaluate the autonomous driving edge on average and is able to drive a mobile vehicle at 5 mph.
computing systems as we mentioned above. In addition, the authors indicated that with more comput-
CAVBench is a released benchmark suite specially devel- ing resources, the system would be able to process more
oped for evaluating autonomous driving computing system data and would eventually satisfy the need of a production-
performance [36]. It summarizes four application scenar- level autonomous driving system.
ios on CAVs: autonomous driving, real-time diagnostics, Similarly, Lin et al. [37] explored the architectural
in-vehicle infotainment, and third-party applications, and constraints and acceleration of the autonomous driving
chooses six classic and diverse real-world on vehicle appli- system. The authors presented and formalized the design
cations as evaluation workloads, which are SLAM, object constraints of autonomous driving systems in performance,
detection, object tracking, battery diagnostics, speech predictability, storage, thermal, and power when building
recognition, and edge video analysis. CAVBench takes four autonomous driving systems. To investigate the design
real-world data sets as the standard input to the six work- of the autonomous driving systems, the authors devel-
loads and generates two categories of output metrics. One oped an end-to-end autonomous driving system based on
metric is an application perspective metric, which includes machine learning algorithmic components. Through the
the execution time breakdown for each application, help- experiments on this system, the authors identified three
ing developers find the performance bottleneck in the computational bottlenecks, namely, localization, object
application side. Another is a system perspective metric, detection, and object tracking. To design a system which
which is the Quality of Service–Resource Utilization curve meets all the design constraints, the authors also explored
(QoS-RU curve). The QoS-RU curve is used to calculate three different accelerator platforms to accelerate these
the matching factor (MF) between the application and the computational bottlenecks. The authors demonstrated that
computing platform on autonomous vehicles. The QoS- GPU, FPGA, and ASIC-accelerated systems could effec-
RU curve is considered as a quantitative performance tively reduce the tail latency of these algorithms. Based
index of the computing platform that helps researchers on these acceleration systems, the authors further explored
and developers optimize on-vehicle applications and CAVs the tradeoffs among performance, power, and scalability
computing architecture. We hope to see more research in of the autonomous driving systems. Their conclusion is
that although power-hungry accelerators like GPUs pre- channels as well as the IMU; 2) a direct IO architecture
dictably deliver the computation at low latency, their to reduce off-chip memory communication; and 3) a fully
high power consumption, further magnified by the cool- pipelined architecture to accelerate the image processing
ing load to meet the thermal constraints, significantly frontend. In addition, parallel and multiplexing processing
degrades the driving range and fuel efficiency of the techniques are employed to achieve a good balance
vehicle. Finally, the authors indicated that computational between bandwidth and hardware resource consumption.
capability remains the bottleneck that prevents them from Based on publicly available data, for processing four-
benefiting from the higher system accuracy enabled by way 720p images, DragonFly+ achieves 42 frames/s
higher resolution cameras. performance while consuming only 2.3 W of power.
Interestingly, in their pioneering architectural explo- In comparisons, Nvidia Jetson TX1 GPU SoC achieves
ration work, the authors discussed above both concluded 9 frames/s at 7 W and Intel Core i7 achieves 15 frames/s
that localization and perception are the computing bottle- at 80 W. Therefore, DragonFly+ is 3× more power efficient
necks and heterogeneous computing is a feasible approach and delivers 5× of computing power compared to Nvidia
to accelerate these workloads. For localization accelera- TX1, and 34× more power efficient and delivers 3× of
tion, Tang et al. [38] proposed a heterogeneous architec- computing power compared Intel Core i7.
ture for SLAM [38]. The authors first conducted a thorough For perception acceleration, most recent research has
study to understand visual inertial SLAM performance focused on the acceleration of deep convolutional neural
and energy consumption on existing heterogeneous SoCs. networks (CNNs). To enable CNN accelerators to sup-
The initial findings indicate that existing SoC designs port a wide variety of different applications with suffi-
are not optimized for SLAM applications, and systematic cient flexibility and efficiency, Liu et al. [41] proposed a
optimizations are required in the IO interface, the memory novel domain-specific instruction set architecture (ISA) for
subsystem, as well as computation acceleration. Based on neural network accelerators. The proposed ISA is a load-
these findings, the authors proposed a heterogeneous SoC store architecture that integrates scalar, vector, matrix,
architecture optimized for visual inertial SLAM applica- logical, data transfer, and control instructions, based on a
tions. Instead of simply adding an accelerator, the authors comprehensive analysis of existing neural network accel-
systematically integrated direct IO, feature buffer, and a eration techniques. The authors demonstrated that the
feature extraction accelerator. To prove the effectiveness proposed ISA exhibits strong descriptive capacity over a
of this design, the authors implemented the proposed broad range of neural network acceleration techniques and
architecture on a Xilinx Zynq UltraScale MPSoC and were provides higher code density than general-purpose ISAs
able to deliver over 60 frames/s performance with average such as x86, Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline
power less than 5 W. These results verify that the pro- Stages (MIPS), and GPGPU.
posed architecture is capable of achieving performance and Realizing that data movement is a key bottleneck for
energy consumption optimization for visual inertial SLAM CNN computations, Chen et al. [42] presented a dataflow
applications. to minimize the energy consumption of data movement
Similarly, to solve the localization computing problem, on a spatial architecture. The key is to reuse local data
Zhang et al. [39] proposed an algorithm and hardware of filter weights and feature map pixels, or activations,
codesign methodology for visual–inertial odometry (VIO) in the high-dimensional convolutions, and minimize data
systems, in which the robot estimates its ego-motion (and movement of partial sum accumulations. The proposed
a landmark-based map) from the onboard camera and dataflow adapts to different CNN shape configurations and
IMU data. The authors argued that scaling down VIO to reduces all types of data movement by maximally utilizing
miniaturized platforms (without sacrificing performance) processing engine (PE) local storage, spatial parallelism,
requires a paradigm shift in the design of perception algo- and direct inter-PE communication. Through the CNN
rithms, and the authors advocated a codesign approach configurations of AlexNet, evaluation experiments show
in which algorithmic and hardware design choices are that the proposed dataflow for more energy efficient
tightly coupled. In detail, the authors characterized the than other dataflows for both convolutional and fully
design space by discussing how a relevant set of design connected layers.
choices affects the resource-performance tradeoff in VIO. Also, memory access latency and throughput are often
Also, the authors demonstrated the result of the codesign bottlenecks for neural network computations. One tech-
process by providing a VIO implementation on specialized nique that has the potential to be used for the main
hardware and showing that such implementation has the memory is the metaloxide resistive random access memory
same accuracy and speed of a desktop implementation (ReRAM). Moreover, with the crossbar array structure,
while requiring a fraction of the power. ReRAM performs matrix–vector multiplication more effi-
Besides academic research, PerceptIn has released ciently and has been widely studied in accelerations of
a commercial production SLAM system titled CNN applications. To accelerate CNN computations from
DragonFly+ [40]. DragonFly+ is an FPGA-based real-time the memory side, Chi et al. [43] proposed a processor-
localization module with several advanced features: in-memory (PIM) architecture to accelerate CNN appli-
1) hardware synchronizations among the four image cations in ReRAM based main memory. In the proposed
design, a portion of ReRAM crossbar arrays is configured the performance and energy efficiency of computer
as accelerators for CNN applications or as normal memory vision algorithms on on-chip FPGA accelerators and GPU
for larger memory space. The microarchitecture and cir- accelerators. Many studies have explored the optimization
cuit designs are provided enable the morphable functions of deep learning algorithms on embedded GPU or FPGA
with an insignificant area overhead. Benefiting from both accelerator [52], [53]. There have also been many
the PIM architecture and the efficiency of using ReRAM projects on optimizing computer vision related tasks
for CNN computation, the proposed design achieved sig- on embedded platforms. Honegger et al. [54] propose
nificant performance improvement and energy savings, FPGA acceleration of embedded computer vision. Satria
demonstrating the effectiveness of CNN accelerations from et al. [55] perform platform-specific optimizations of
the memory side. face detection on embedded GPU-based platform and
We have seen much recent progress on acceleration reported real-time performance. Vasilyev et al. [56]
localization and perception functions, with many stud- evaluate computer vision algorithms on programmable
ies focused on reconfigurable fabrics [44]–[48]; how- architectures. Nardi et al. [57] present a benchmark suite
ever, with limited chip area, it is inefficient to integrate to evaluate dense SLAM algorithms across desktop and
one accelerator for each perception and localization task. embedded platforms in terms of accuracy, performance,
Therefore, the efficient utilization of reconfigurable fab- and energy consumption. However, these designs did not
rics is a major challenge for autonomous driving edge consider the complexity of integrating the various kinds of
computing design. For instance, the object tracking task workloads into a system and only focus on mapping one
is triggered by the object recognition task and the traffic task to different accelerators.
prediction task is triggered by the object tracking task. The Other existing designs focus on scheduling for hetero-
data uploading task is also not needed all the time since geneous architectures with one accelerator that has been
uploading data in batches usually improves throughput broadly studied for single-ISA multiprocessors, such as
and reduces bandwidth usage. To optimize for chip area asymmetric multicore architectures, i.e., big and small
and power consumption, one way is to have these tasks cores, and multi-ISA multiprocessors such as CPU with
time-share an FPGA chip in the system. It has been demon- GPU. On the single-ISA multiprocessor side, much work
strated that using partial-reconfiguration techniques [49], has been done at the operating system level to map work-
an FPGA soft core could be changed within less than a few load onto most appropriate core type in run time. Koufaty
milliseconds, making time-sharing possible in real time. et al. [58] identified that the periods of core stalls is a
In the near future, as more autonomous driving work- good indicator to predict the core type best suited for
loads and usage scenarios emerge, we look forward to the an application. Based on the indicator, a biased schedule
designs of more accelerators targeted for these workloads. strategy was added to operating systems to improve system
Also, we expect to see more exploration studies on the throughput. Saez et al. [59] proposed a scheduler that adds
cache, memory, and storage architectures for autonomous efficiency specialization and thread-level parallelism (TLP)
driving workloads. In addition, hardware security for specialization to operating systems to optimize throughput
autonomous driving is of utmost importance. Within a and power at the same time. Efficient specialization maps
decade, the research community and the industry shall be CPU-intensive workloads onto fast cores and memory-
able to come up with a “general-purposed” architecture intensive workloads onto slow cores. TLP specialization
design for autonomous driving workloads. uses fast cores to accelerate a sequential phase of parallel
applications and use slow cores for the parallel phase to
C. Runtime Systems achieve energy efficiency. On the asymmetric multicore
With heterogeneous architectures ready for autonomous architectures side, Jiménez et al. [60] proposed a user-level
driving tasks, the next challenge is how to dispatch scheduler for CPU with GPU like system. It evaluates and
incoming tasks to different computing units at runtime to records the performance of a process on each PE at the ini-
achieve optimal energy efficiency and performance. This tial phase. Then, based on this history information, it maps
is achieved through a runtime layer. Designing runtime the application onto the best suited PE. Luk et al. [61]
for heterogeneous autonomous driving systems is a whole focus on improving the latency and energy consumption of
new research area with tremendous potentials, as most a single process. It uses dynamic compilation to character-
existing runtime designs focus on either mapping one ize workloads, determines optimal mapping, and generates
algorithm to one type of accelerators or on scheduling for codes for CPUs and GPUs.
homogeneous systems or heterogeneous systems with a Unlike existing runtime designs, Liu et al. [62] proposed
single accelerator. PerceptIn Runtime (PIRT), the first runtime framework
Several existing designs focus on mapping one deep that is able to dynamically map various computer vision
learning or computer vision workload to heterogeneous and deep learning workloads to multiple accelerators and
architectures: Hegde et al. [50] propose a framework to the cloud. The authors first conducted a comprehensive
for easy mapping of CNN specifications to accelerators study of emerging robotic applications on heterogeneous
such as FPGAs, DSPs, GPUs, and Reduced Instruction Set SoC architectures. Based on the results, the authors
Computer (RISC) multicores. Malik et al. [51] compare designed and implemented PIRT to utilize not only the
on-chip heterogeneous computing resources but also the interpreter, or executed as autonomous processes in
cloud to achieve high performance and energy efficiency. “remote” mode, either in another thread, another process,
To verify its effectiveness, the authors have deployed a machine on the local network, or a machine on a
PIRT on a production mobile robot to demonstrate that distant network.
full robotic workloads, including autonomous navigation, RT-middleware is a common platform standard for dis-
obstacle detection, route planning, large map generation, tributed object technology based robots based on dis-
and scene understanding, are efficiently executed tributed object technology [66]. RT-middleware supports
simultaneously with 11 W of power consumption. the construction of various networked robotic systems
The runtime layer connects autonomous driving soft- through the integration of various network-enabled robotic
ware and hardware, but there are several upcoming chal- elements called RT-components. In the RT-middleware,
lenges in the design of runtime systems for autonomous robotics elements, such as actuators, are regarded as RT-
driving. First, as the computing system becomes more components, and the whole robotic system is constructed
heterogeneous, the runtime design becomes more com- by connecting these RT-components. This distributed archi-
plicated in order to dynamically dispatch incoming work- tecture helps developers to reuse the robotic elements and
loads. Second, as more edge clouds become available, boosts the reliability of the robotic system.
the runtime system needs to be cloud-aware and able to OpenRDK is an open-source software framework for
dispatch workloads to edge clouds. Third, the runtime robotics for developing loosely coupled modules [67].
shall provide a good abstraction to hide all the low-level It provides transparent concurrency management, inter-
implementations. process via sockets, and intraprocess via shared memory.
Modules for connecting to simulators and generic robot
drivers are provided.
D. Middleware The above-mentioned middleware projects mostly
Robotic systems, such as autonomous vehicle systems, focused on providing a software component management
often involve multiple services, with a lot of dependencies framework for mobile robots and they were not used in
in between. To facilitate the complex interactions between autonomous vehicles. On the other hand, ROS has been
these services, to simplify software design, and to hide widely used in autonomous vehicle development [21],
the complexity of low-level communication and the het- mainly due to the popularity of ROS amount robotic devel-
erogeneity of the sensors, a middleware is required. opers and the richness of its software packages. However,
An early design of robotic middleware is Miro, a distrib- as discussed in Section II, at its current state, ROS is not
uted object-oriented framework for mobile robot control, suitable for the production deployment of autonomous
based on Common Object Request Broker Architecture vehicles as it suffers from performance, reliability, and
technology (COBRA) [63]. The mirocore components have security issues.
been developed under the aid of Adaptive Communications PerceptIn Operating System (PIOS) is a developed
Environment, an object-oriented multiplatform framework extremely light-weighted middleware to facilitate the com-
for OS-independent interprocess, network, and real-time munications between services on production low-speed
communication. Mirocore provides generic abstract ser- autonomous vehicles [68]. PIOS builds on top of Nanomsg,
vices like localization or behavior engines, which is applied a networking library written in C that allows for easy
on different robot platforms. Miro supports several robotic integration of shared memory, transmission control pro-
platforms including Pioneers, B21, robot soccer robots, and tocol (TCP)/IP, in-process messaging, and web sockets
various robotic sensors. while retaining efficiency [69]. Compared to ROS, PIOS
ORCA is an open-source component-based software is extremely lightweight, able to achieve a startup memory
engineering framework developed for mobile robotics with footprint of merely 10 KB, which is negligible comparing
an associated repository of free, reusable components to 50 MB of ROS startup footprint.
for building mobile robotic systems [64]. ORCA’s project OpenEI [70] is a lightweight software platform to equip
goals include enabling software reuse by defining a set of edges with intelligent processing and data sharing capa-
commonly-used interfaces; simplifying software reuse by bility. Due to the computing power limitation, weak data
providing libraries with a high-level convenient application sharing, and collaborating, the deployment of artificial
program interface (API); and encouraging software reuse intelligence (AI)-based algorithms has faced many chal-
by maintaining a repository of components. lenges. The goal of OpenEI is that any hardware, such
Urbi is open-source cross-platform software used to as Raspberry Pi, will become an intelligent edge after
develop applications for robotics and complex systems deploying OpenEI.
[65]. Urbi is based on the UObject distributed C++ The middleware layer facilitates communication
component architecture. Urbi includes the urbiscript between different autonomous driving services, but we
orchestration language, a parallel and event-driven script summarize several challenges. First, the middleware
language. In this design, UObject components are plugged should impose minimal computing overhead and memory
into urbiscript as native objects to specify their interactions footprint, thus making it scalable. Second, as some
and data exchanges. UObjects are linked to the urbiscript autonomous driving services may stay in edge clouds,
the middleware should enable a smooth edge client environment. Novel applications such as AutoVAPS benefit
and cloud communication. Third and most importantly, from it [72]. AutoVAPS is an Internet-of-Things (IoT)-
the middleware should be secure and reliable to guarantee enabled public safety service, which integrates body-worn
the quality of service and autonomous vehicle safety. cameras and other sensors on the vehicle for public safety.
HydraOne is an indoor experimental research and
education platform for edge computing in CAVs scenar-
E. Case Studies
ios [127]. HydraOne is a full-stack research and education
To simultaneously enable multiple autonomous driving platform from hardware to software, including mechanical
services, including localization, perception, and speech components, vision sensors, as well as computing and com-
recognition workloads on affordable embedded systems, munication system. All resources on HydraOne are man-
Tang et al. designed and implemented Π-Edge, a complete aged by the Robot Operating System [76], and the data
edge computing framework for autonomous robots and analytics on HydraOne is managed by OpenVDAP, which
vehicles [68]. The challenge of designing such a system is a full-stack edge based platform [71]. HydraOne has
include the following: managing different autonomous three key characteristics: design modularization, resource
driving services and their communications with minimal extensibility, and openness, as well as function isolation,
overheads, fully utilizing the heterogeneous computing which allows users to conduct various research and educa-
resources on the edge device, and offloading some of the tion experiments of CAVs on HydraOne.
tasks to the cloud for energy efficiency.
To achieve these, first, the authors developed a run-
IV. I N N O V AT I O N S O N T H E V 2 X
time layer to fully utilize the heterogeneous computing
resources of low-power edge computing systems; second,
the authors developed an extremely lightweight middle- One effective method to alleviate the huge computing
ware to manage multiple autonomous driving services and demand on autonomous driving edge computing systems
their communications; third, the authors developed an is V2X technologies. V2X is defined as a vehicle commu-
edge-cloud coordinator to dynamically offload tasks to the nication system that consists of many types of communica-
cloud to optimize client system energy consumption. tions: V2V, vehicle-to-network (V2N), vehicle-to-pedestrian
OpenVDAP is another real-world edge computing (V2P), V2I, vehicle-to-device (V2D), and vehicle-to-grid
system which is a full-stack edge-based platform including (V2G). Currently, most research focuses on V2V and V2I.
vehicle computing unit, an isolation-supported and While conventional autonomous driving systems require
security and privacy-preserved vehicle operation system, costly sensors and edge computing equipment within the
an edge-aware application library, as well as task vehicle, V2X takes a different and potentially complimen-
offloading and scheduling strategy [71]. OpenVDAP allows tary approach by investing in road infrastructure, thus
connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) to dynamically alleviating the computing and sensing costs in vehicles.
examine each task’s status, computation cost, and the With the rapid deployment of edge computing facilities
optimal scheduling method so that each service could be in the infrastructure, more and more autonomous driving
finished in near real time with low overhead. OpenVDAP is applications have started leveraging V2X communications
featured as a two-tier architecture via a series of systematic to make the in-vehicle edge computing system more effi-
mechanisms that enable CAVs to dynamically detect cient. One popular direction is cooperative autonomous
service status and to identify the optimal offloading des- driving. The cooperation of autonomous driving edge
tination so that each service could be finished at the right computing system with V2X technology makes it pos-
time. In addition, OpenVDAP offers an open and free edge- sible to build a safe and efficient autonomous driving
aware library that contains how to access and deploy edge- system [73]. However, the application and deployment
computing-based vehicle applications and various common of cooperative autonomous driving systems are still open
used AI models, thus enabling researchers and developers research problems. In this section, we discuss the evolution
to deploy, test, and validate their applications in the real of V2X technology and present four case studies of V2X
for autonomous driving: convoy driving, cooperative lane latency of safety-related applications required is less than
change, cooperative intersection management, and coop- 500 ms. However, with the assumption that a long-term
erative sensing. evolution (LTE) communication system is greatly further
developed, cellular systems are a good choice for sparse
vehicle networking.
A. Evolution of V2X Technology Meanwhile, several research projects have focused on
In the development of V2X technology, many researchers warning applications based on V2V communication. Wire-
have contributed solutions to specific challenges of V2X less local danger warning (WILLWARN) proposed a risk
communication protocols. The intervehicle hazard warn- detection approach based on in-vehicle data. The warning
ing (IVHW) system is one of the earliest studies to take the message includes obstacles, road conditions, low visibility,
idea of improving vehicle safety based on communication and construction sites [82]. Unlike other projects focus-
[74]. The project is funded by the German Ministry of Edu- ing on the V2X technology itself, WILLWARN focuses on
cation and Research and the French government. IVHW enabling V2X technology in some specific scenario such
is a communication system in which warning messages as the danger spot. Suppose some potential danger is
are transmitted as broadcast messages in the frequency detected in a specific location, but there is no vehicle
band of 869 MHz [75]. IVHW takes a local decision- within the communication range that supports the V2X
making strategy. After the vehicle receives the message, communication technology to share the warning mes-
it will do relevant checks to decide whether the warning sage [83]. To share warning messages, WILLWARN pro-
message is relevant and should be shown to the driver. The posed a decentralized distribution algorithm to transmit
majority of the research efforts have been made on the the warning message to vehicles approaching the danger
design of relevance check algorithms. However, as IVHW spot through V2V communication. The project Network
takes a broadcast mechanism to share the message, on Wheels (NoW) was one work which takes the idea
there is a huge waste in both bandwidth and computing of FleetNet to build vehicle communication based on
resources. 802.11 WLAN and ad hoc networking [84]. The goal of
Compared with the broadcast message in IVHW, ad hoc NoW is to set up a communication platform to support both
networking is a better solution to support multihop inter- mobility and Internet applications. For example, a hybrid
vehicle communication [76]. FleetNet is another research forwarding scheme considering both network layer and
project taking the idea of vehicle communication [77], and application layer is developed. Also, security and scalability
it is based on ad hoc networking. In addition, the FleetNet issues are discussed in NoW.
project also wants to provide a communication platform As the infrastructure also plays a very important part
for Internet-protocol-based applications. FleetNet is imple- in V2X technology, several efforts focus on building safety
mented based on the IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN system applications based on the cooperation with infrastructure.
[78]. For V2V communication, if two vehicles are not SAFESPOT is an integrated project that is aimed at using
directly connected wirelessly, it would need other vehicles roadside infrastructure to improve driving safety [85].
to forward the message for them. Designing the routing Through combining information from the on-vehicle sen-
and forwarding protocol is a major challenge. In order sors and infrastructure sensors, SAFESPOT detects danger-
to meet the requirements for adaptability and scalability, ous situations and shares the warning messages in real
FleetNet proposed a position-based forwarding mecha- time. Also, the warning forecast is improved from the
nism. The idea is to choose the next hop to forward the milliseconds level to the seconds level, thus giving the
message based on the geographical location of the vehicle. driver more time to prepare and take action. Five appli-
CarTALK 2000 is also a project working on using an ad cations are discussed in SAFESPOT, including hazard and
hoc communication network to support co-operative driver incident warning, speed alert, road departure prevention,
assistance applications [79]. There is a major challenge cooperative intersection collision prevention, and safety
for ad hoc-based routing in V2V communication because margin for assistance and emergency vehicles [86].
the vehicle network topology is dynamic and the number In 2007, a nonprofit organization called the Car 2 Car
of vehicles is frequently changing [80]. In order to solve Communication Consortium (C2C-CC) was set up to com-
the problem, a spatial aware routing algorithm is proposed bine all solutions from different former projects to make
in CarTALK 2000, which takes spatial information like a standard for V2X technology. Since 2010, the focus of
underlying road topology into consideration. Compared work on V2X technology has moved from research topics to
with FleetNet, CarTALK 2000 achieves better performance the real environment deployment of the whole intelligent
as it uses spatial information as additional input for routing transportation system (ITS). One of the most popular
algorithm. Another similar part of CarTALK 2000 and deploy projects is simTD [73], targeted on testing the V2X
FleetNet is that they are both based on WLAN technology. applications in a real metropolitan field. In simTD , all
AKTIV is another project that is the first one tried to apply vehicles connect with each other through dedicated short-
cellular systems in driving safety applications [81]. One range communications (DSRC) technology that is based on
of the reasons that FleetNet and CarTALK 2000 project IEEE 802.11p. Meanwhile, vehicles also communicate with
built their system based on WLAN technology is that the roadside infrastructure using IEEE 802.11p. The system
architecture of simTD is divided into three parts: the ITS and a cloud server are used to coordinate and manage the
vehicle station, the ITS roadside station, and the ITS vehicles and convoys to go through crossroads safely. One
central station. Applications for testing in simTD include convoy control algorithm in [90] only exchanges dynamic
traffic situation monitoring, traffic flow information and information of the nearby vehicle rather than for all the
navigation, traffic management, driving assistance, local vehicles within a convoy. This design makes the algorithm
danger alert, and Internet-based applications. easy to converge.
Cellular V2X (C-V2X) is designed as a unified connec- Cooperative lane change is designed to make vehi-
tivity platform which provides low-latency V2V and V2I cles or convoys to collaborate when changing lanes. Proper
communications [87]. It consists of two modes of commu- cooperative lane change cannot only avoid traffic accidents
nications. The first mode uses direct communication links but it also reduces traffic congestion [91]. MOBIL [92] is
between vehicles, infrastructure, and pedestrian. The sec- a general model whose objective is to minimize overall
ond mode relies on network communication, which lever- braking induced by lane changes.
ages cellular networks to enable vehicles to receive infor- Cooperative intersection is also helpful for safe driving
mation from the Internet. C-V2X further extends the com- and traffic control. The World’s Smartest Intersection in
munication range of the vehicle and it supports the higher Detroit [93] focuses on safety and generates data that
capacity of data for information transmission for vehicles.
pinpoint areas where traffic-related fatalities and injuries paper from 2018, the service scenarios include intelli-
are reduced. Effective cooperative intersection manage- gent driving, HD map, V2Cloud cruise assist, and several
ment is based on the coordination mechanism between extended services like finance and insurance. In addition,
V2V and V2I. the white paper discusses the service requirements in
Cooperative sensing increases the autonomous vehicle terms of data source, the volume of data generated in the
sensing range through V2X communication. Meanwhile, vehicle, target data traffic rate, response time, and required
cooperative sensing also helps in cutting the cost of build- availability.
ing autonomous driving. As vehicles rely more on the
sensors deployed on roadside infrastructure, the cost of C. Challenges
on-vehicle sensors is reduced. In the future, sensor infor-
In order to guarantee the robustness and safety of
mation may become a service to the vehicle provided by
autonomous driving systems, autonomous vehicles are
the roadside infrastructure.
typically equipped with numerous expensive sensors and
V2X networking infrastructure is also a very impor-
computing systems, leading to extremely high costs and
tant aspect of cooperative autonomous driving. Hetero-
preventing ubiquitous deployment of autonomous vehi-
geneous vehicular network (HetVNET) [94] is an initial
cles. Hence, V2X is a viable solution in decreasing the costs
work on networking infrastructure to meet the communi-
of autonomous driving vehicles as V2X enables information
cation requirements of the ITS. HetVNET integrates LTE
sharing between vehicles and computation offloading to
with DSRC [95] because relying on the single wireless
RSUs. There are several challenges in achieving coopera-
access network cannot provide satisfactory services in
tive autonomous driving. Here, we discuss the challenges
dynamic circumstances. In [96], an improved protocol
and our vision for application scenario of cooperative
stack is proposed to support multiple application scenar-
decision and cooperative sensing.
ios of autonomous driving in HetVNET. In the protocol,
the authors redefined the control messages in HetVNET to 1) Cooperative Decision: The challenge of cooperative
support autonomous driving. decisions is handling the dynamic changing topology
Similarly, the vehicular delay-tolerant network (VDTN) with a short-range coverage of V2X communications. The
[97] is an innovative communication architecture, which design of VDTN is a good hint to solve this challenge.
is designed for scenarios with long delays and sporadic Effective proactive handover and resource allocation are
connections. The idea is to allow messages to be for- potential solutions. Also, the coming 5G wireless com-
warded in short-range WiFi connections and reach the munication [101] also provides a way to handle this
destination asynchronously. This property enables VDTN challenge.
to support services and applications even when there is
2) Cooperative Sensing: The main challenge of coopera-
no end to end path in current Vehicular Ad hoc Network
tive sensing is sharing the information from infrastructure
(VANET). Dias et al. [98] discuss several cooperation
sensors to autonomous vehicles in real time, and the other
strategies for VDTN. The challenge for cooperation in
challenge is to dynamically trade off the cost of infrastruc-
VDTN is how to coordinate the vehicle node to share their
ture sensors and on-vehicle sensors. For the first chal-
constrained bandwidth, energy resources, and storage with
lenge, the promising edge computing technology is used to
one another. Furthermore, an incentive mechanism that
solve the problem [71] because edge computing enables
rewards or punishes vehicles for cooperative behavior is
the edge node(vehicle) and edge server(infrastructure) to
conduct computation and compression to provide real-
In order to support seamless V2X communication, han-
time performance. In addition, the tradeoff of cost on
dover is also a very important topic for V2X networking
infrastructure sensors and on-vehicle sensors will be deter-
infrastructure. Due to the dynamic changing of the net-
mined by the automobile market. Both the government
working topology and the relatively small range of the
and companies will invest much money to support edge
communication coverage, the handover mechanism in a
cellular network is no longer suitable for VANET. Based on
proactive resource allocation techniques, Ghosh et al. [99]
propose a new handover model for VANET. With the help V. V E H I C U L A R E D G E S E C U R I T Y
of proactive handover, cooperative services are migrated The previous sections reviewed innovations in an edge
through RSUs with the moving of the vehicle. Hence, computing infrastructure to make autonomous driving
proper designing of proactive handover and resource allo- computing more efficient in terms of performance
cation is essential for developing reliable and efficient and energy consumption. As mentioned above, each
cooperative systems. autonomous vehicle is equipped with or supported by
The development of edge computing in the automotive dozens of computing units in the edge and cloud to process
industry is also very inspiring. Automotive Edge Comput- the sensor data, to monitor the vehicles’ status and to
ing Consortium (AECC) is a group formed by automotive control the mechanical components. Hence, the security
companies to promote edge computing technologies in threats against these computing units are of paramount
future automobiles [100]. According to an AECC white concern. Specifically, the attacks targeting autonomous
vehicles could cause terrible traffic accidents, threatening Yan et al. [106] have successfully spoofed and jammed
both personal and public safety. In this Section, we review these two kinds of sensors in the Tesla Autopilot system
recent advancements in the security of autonomous vehi- via the specific signal generator and transmitter.
cles, including sensor security, operating system security,
control system security, and communication security. These B. Operating Systems Security
security problems cover different layers of the autonomous
One widely used autonomous vehicle operating system
driving edge computing stack.
is ROS. Attackers target ROS nodes and/or ROS messages.
A. Sensors Security In the ROS running environment, there is no authentica-
tion procedure for message passing and new node creation.
The autonomous vehicles are equipped with various sen-
The attackers use the IP addresses and ports on the master
sors (camera, GNSS, LiDAR, etc.) to enable the perception
node to create a new ROS node or hijack an existing
of the surrounding environments. The most direct security
one without further authentication [107]. If service on
threats against autonomous vehicles are attacks against
the node keeps consuming system resources, for example,
the sensors. With this attack method, attackers generate
memory footprint or CPU utilization, it will impact the
incorrect messages or completely block sensor data so as to
performance of other normal ROS nodes, even crashing the
interfere in the autonomous driving without hacking into
whole autonomous driving system. The attackers also use
the computing system. According to the working principle
the controlled ROS node to send manipulated messages to
of sensors, the attackers have many specific attack methods
disturb other nodes running and output.
to interfere, blind, or spoof each of them [102].
For the attacks on ROS messages, the first security threat
A camera is the basic visual sensor in autonomous
is message capture. The attackers monitor and record every
driving systems. Modern autonomous vehicles are usually
ROS message topics via the IP address and port on the mas-
equipped with multiple cameras with the same or different
ter node. The recorded data are stored in the ROS bag file,
lenses [1], [26]. In general, many autonomous driving
and the attackers play the ROS bag file to resend history
perception workloads take camera images as inputs, for
ROS messages, which will affect current ROS messages
example, object detection and object tracking. The attack-
communication [107]. The message passing mechanism of
ers place fake traffic lights, traffic signs, and traffic objects
ROS is based on the socket communication so the attackers
(cars or pedestrians) to spoof autonomous vehicles and
sniff the network packets to monitor and intercept the ROS
let them make the wrong decisions [103]. The cameras
messages remotely without hacking in the master node
are also interfered with infrared so the attackers use high-
[108], [109]. The attacks on ROS messages do not need
brightness IR laser to blind the cameras, thus preventing
to start or hijack a ROS node, but the security threat level
these cameras from providing effective images for the
is not lower than the attack with the ROS node method.
perception stage [103], [104].
Autonomous vehicles use GNSS and inertial navigation
system (INS) sensors to update vehicles’ real-time loca- C. Control Systems Security
tions. Typical attacks against GNSS sensors are jamming In modern vehicles, many digital devices and
and spoofing. The attackers could use out-of-band or in- mechanical components are controlled by electronic
band signals to intentionally interfere with the function of control units (ECUs). The ECUs are connected to each
the GNSS receiver [105]. They also deploy GNSS trans- other via the digital buses, which form the in-vehicle
mitter near the autonomous vehicles to deceive the GNSS network. Controller area network (CAN) is the primary
receiver by replicating original signals and providing false bus protocol in the vehicle [110]. CAN is the typical bus
locations [103], [105]. In addition, the INS sensors are topology; there is no master/slave node concept in the
sensitive to magnetic fields, so an extra and powerful CAN bus so any node connected to the CAN bus can send
magnetic field could effectively interfere with the INS a message to any other node. Thus, the CAN network
sensors to produce incorrect orientation of the vehicles usually uses the priority to control accesses to the bus. The
under attack. CAN network is isolated to the external network, but the
LiDAR provides point clouds of the vehicle’s surround- attackers hack the digital devices in the vehicle to attack
ings to generate 3-D sensing data of the environments. the CAN and ECUs indirectly, which is very dangerous to
LiDAR measures distance to a target by illuminating the vehicle and the public.
the target with pulsed laser light and measuring the There are many attack surfaces of the CAN bus. First is
reflected pulses. A smart surface that is absorbent or reflec- the onboard diagnostics (OBD)-II port, which is used for
tive deceives LiDAR sensors to miss real obstacles in vehicle status diagnostics, ECU firmware update, and even
traffic [102], and light laser pulse illuminating the LiDAR vehicle control. The OBD-II port is connected to the CAN
could also manipulate the data sensed by the LiDAR, bus, so the attackers use the OBD-II device and diagnostic
deceiving the LiDAR to sense objects in incorrect posi- software to sniff the message on the bus or control the
tions and distances [103]. For ultrasonic sensors and vehicle [111], [112]. The attackers easily gain access to
radars, which are mostly used for passive perception and the CAN bus through OBD-II ports. Second is the media
the last line of defense for the autonomous vehicles, player (e.g., CD player) in the vehicle. The media player
needs to receive the control message from the driver and V2X network but with different manifestations. DoS and
send the status to the screen (UI), so the media player distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks are two basic attack
usually has a connection to the CAN. The attackers easily methods on the Internet. In V2X networks, every node is
flash the malicious code to a CD; when the driver plays an attacker or a victim, causing various traffic problems
the CD, the malicious code attacks the CAN bus [113]. [118]. If the infrastructure is the victim, it cannot provide
In addition, the attackers utilize the Bluetooth interface real-time service for the nearby vehicles. In contrast,
in the vehicle. Modern vehicles support Bluetooth connec- if the vehicle is the victim, it cannot receive the messages
tions to smartphones. The attackers use smartphones to from the infrastructure or cloud, and the DoS attack
upload malicious applications via Bluetooth to take over also interferes with the performance of other tasks on the
the CAN bus, or they sniff the vehicle status via Bluetooth. vehicle, causing unacceptable latency of some autonomous
It is important to note that the attackers use this interface driving applications [102].
to attack the vehicle remotely. In V2X networks, the attackers create multiple vehicles
Once the attacker hijacks the CAN bus, there are secu- on the road with the same identity or remain anonymous,
rity threats to the CAN network [111]. First is broadcast which we call the Sybil attack [119]. The Sybil attack
trouble. The CAN message is broadcast to all nodes, and may enforce the vehicles running on the road to make
the attackers capture and reverse-engineer these messages way for the fake vehicles and prevent other vehicles from
and inject new messages to induce various actions. Second driving on this road because they are deceived to think
is a denial-of-service (DoS) attack. The CAN protocol is there is a traffic jam. Information forgery is also a common
extremely vulnerable to the DoS attack because of the lim- attack; a vehicle changes its identity or sends fabricated
ited bandwidth. In addition to message flooding attacks, messages to V2X networks, thus preventing itself from
if one hijacked node keeps claiming highest priority in being detected or to shirk their responsibilities [120].
the network, it will cause all other CAN nodes to back There are many other traditional network threats, such
off, and the whole CAN network will crash. Last is no as a replay attack and a block hole attack, but the attack
authentication fields. The CAN message does not contain method is similar to the threats mentioned above.
the authentication fields, which means that any node sends The V2X network brings new types of network nodes,
a packet to any other node without an authentication such as the infrastructure and pedestrian so it will have
process so the attackers use this to control any node in new threats that are rare on the traditional Internet. The
the CAN network. first one is about privacy. The communication between
V2P and V2I may be based on some short-range protocol
D. V2X Security (Bluetooth low energy (BLE) and DSRC); if access authen-
With V2X, vehicles access the Internet to obtain tication is not strict, privacy of drivers and pedestrians will
real-time traffic data (e.g., real-time map and weather be exposed [121]. The second one is about infrastructure.
data) or leverage the cloud computing for autonomous If infrastructure (RSU) has been attacked and fake traffic
driving [23], and the vehicle also communicates with other information is broadcast, it influences the running state of
nodes in the V2X network via some emerging technologies the nearby vehicle.
(e.g., DSRC and LET-V) [114]. This V2X network creates
many new application scenarios for the CAV, but it also E. Security for Edge Network and Platforms
brings more security problems to the vehicles [115]–[117]. Security is a critical topic for edge computing, so sev-
The traditional Internet and ad hoc networks suffer eral works on security for the edge computing system in
from many security threats, which may occur in the some general scenarios may provide solutions for security
problems in CAV scenarios. The related work is divided into in utilizing heterogeneous computing architectures for
two categories: network in edge and running environment autonomous driving workloads, more research is required
for edge computing. to improve the edge computer architecture for autonomous
Bhardwaj et al. [122] proposed ShadowNet, which driving. The aim is to deliver more computing power with a
deploys the edge functions on the distributed edge limited chip area and energy budget. Third, with the evolu-
infrastructure and aggregates that information about the tion of computer architectures, we need to design runtime
IoT traffic to detect an imminent IoT-DDoS. ShadowNet layers for efficient mapping of the incoming dynamic work-
detects IoT-DDoS ten times faster than existing approaches loads. Fourth, a reliable, robust, and production-quality
and also prevents 82% of traffic to enter the Internet middleware is still missing to bind various autonomous
infrastructure, reducing security threats. Yi et al. [123] driving services together. For large-scale deployment of
summarized the method that uses the software-defined autonomous vehicles, we hope to see more production-
network (SDN) to solve edge network security problems, quality full-edge computing systems that incorporate inno-
such as network monitoring and intrusion detection and vations in these layers.
network resource access control. This kind of work will V2X enables information sharing between vehicles and
help us solve the related network threats in CAV scenarios. computation offloading to RSUs. Hence, V2X not only
Ning et al. [124] evaluated several trusted execution alleviates the stress on edge computing systems but also
environments (TEEs) on heterogeneous edge platforms, provides redundancy for sensing, perception, and decision
such as Intel SGX, ARM TrustZone, and AMD SEV, and tasks. Therefore, we see V2X as an effective way to improve
deployed the TEEs on edge computing platform to effi- the safety of autonomous vehicles. Yet, several technical
ciently improve the security with a low-performance over- challenges remain such as how the edge computing sys-
head [124]. Kernel level resource auditing tool (KLRA) tems on different vehicles cooperate to make sensing and
[125] is a KLRA for IoT and edge operating system security. planning decisions, and how to share the information from
KLRA takes fine-grained events measured with low cost infrastructure sensors to autonomous vehicles in real time,
and reports the relevant security warning the first time as well as to dynamically trade off the cost on infrastruc-
when the behavior of the system is abnormal with this ture sensors and on-vehicle sensors. With more research
device. This kind of work will help us solve the security exploring V2X technologies, we hope to see more industrial
problems in the operating system on CAVs. standards emerging to define how vehicles cooperate with
each other and with the infrastructure.
VI. C O N C L U S I O N The safety of autonomous vehicles is at risk if security
Safety is the most important requirement for autonomous is compromised at any level. As each autonomous vehicle
vehicles; hence, the challenge of designing an edge com- is equipped with numerous sensors and computing units,
puting ecosystem for autonomous vehicles is to deliver an attacker targets one of the sensors, the computing sys-
enough computing power, redundancy, and security to tems, the control systems, or the communication networks
guarantee the safety of autonomous vehicles. In this paper, to confuse, blind, or even take over control of the vehicle
we reviewed recent advancements and presented chal- under attack, leading to catastrophic accidents. Hence,
lenges in building edge computing systems for autonomous the challenge is to guarantee security at all levels of the
vehicles, mainly in three categories: edge computing sys- stack. Although in recent years there have been some
tem designs, V2X applications, and autonomous vehicle interesting proposals regarding protecting the security of
security. autonomous vehicles, such as sensor fusion, more research
In edge computing system designs, we face a system- is required before we deploy autonomous vehicles on a
atic challenge for delivering more computing power with large scale. We hope to see more research on defining
reasonable energy consumption, to guarantee the safety of attack surfaces against autonomous driving edge com-
autonomous vehicles, even at high speed. First, as more puting ecosystems and proposals to protect autonomous
autonomous driving edge computing workloads emerge, vehicles from these attacks. Most importantly, we urgently
we need to continue developing standard benchmarks need industrial security verification standards to certify
to more accurately evaluate edge computing systems. whether an autonomous vehicle is secure enough to run
Second, although we have seen some recent progress on public roads.
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Shaoshan Liu (Senior Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree Dr. Tang is a Founding Member and the Secretary of the IEEE
in computer engineering from the University of California at Irvine, Computer Society Special Technical Community on Autonomous
Irvine, CA, USA, in 2010. Driving Technologies.
He was a Founding Member of Baidu USA, Sunnyvale, CA,
USA, and the Baidu Autonomous Driving Unit, where he was
in charge of system integration of autonomous driving systems.
He is currently the Founder and CEO of PerceptIn, Fremont, CA, Bo Yu (Member, IEEE) received the B.S. degree in electronic
USA, a company focusing on providing visual perception solutions technology and science from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China,
for autonomous robots and vehicles. He has authored or coau- in 2006, and the Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Microelectronics,
thored more than 40 high-quality research papers. He holds more Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2012.
than 150 U.S. international patents on robotics and autonomous He is currently the CTO of PerceptIn, Fremont, CA, USA, a com-
driving. He is also the Lead Author of the best-selling textbook pany focusing on providing visual perception solutions for robotics
Creating Autonomous Vehicle Systems, which is the first technical and autonomous driving. His current research interests include
overview of autonomous vehicles written for a general computing algorithm and systems for robotics and autonomous vehicles.
and engineering audience. His current research interests include Dr. Yu is a Founding Member of the IEEE Special Technical
computer architecture, deep learning infrastructure, robotics, and Community on Autonomous Driving.
autonomous driving.
Dr. Liu co-founded the IEEE Special Technical Community
on Autonomous Driving Technologies to bridge communications
between global autonomous driving researchers and practition-
ers and serves as the Founding Vice President. He is an ACM
Distinguished Speak and an IEEE Computer Society Distinguished
Speaker. Yifan Wang received the B.S. degree in electronic information
engineering from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, in 2014. He is
currently working toward the Ph.D. degree at the Institute of Com-
Liangkai Liu received the B.S. degree in telecommunication engi- puting Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
neering from Xidian University, Xi’an, China, in 2017. He is cur- His current research interests include computer architecture,
rently working toward the Ph.D. degree at Wayne State University, edge computing, and connected and autonomous vehicles.
Detroit, MI, USA.
His current research interests include edge computing, distrib-
uted systems, and autonomous driving.