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Fittings & Flanges For Pipe Series 2432 and 3432: Bondstrand Product Data

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Bondstrand Product Data

Fittings & Flanges for

pipe series 2432 and 3432
using the Taper-Taper adhesive-bonded joint

Description Bondstrand Taper-Taper fittings & flanges are glassfiber reinforced filament-wound epoxy
pipe fittings in diameters 50 through 1000 mm (2-40 inch) designed to be used with
Bondstrand pipes. Pipe is standard with integral Taper-Taper spigot and socket ends for
adhesive bonding or with integral Key-Lock male and female ends for mechanical joining.
Fittings are filament-wound with integral taper socket ends. Pipes and fittings are
available in several pressure classes from 10 bar upwards.

Uses and Application For intended services and performance capabilities refer to product data sheet FP 452 and
FP 158 pertaining to Bondstrand Series 2400 and 3400 pipe data.

Design and Installation For recommendations pertaining to design, installation and use of Bondstrand Pipe,
Fittings and Flanges reference is made to the following literature:

FP 564 Assembly Instructions for Taper-Taper adhesive bonded joints.

FP 161 Installation Instructions using the Key-Lock mechanical joint.
FP 453 M86 Pipe Shaver operating instructions for Taper-Taper joints in sizes
50 to 150 mm (2-6 inch).
FP 454 M87 Pipe Shaver operating instructions for Taper-Taper joints in sizes
150 to 400 mm (6-16 inch).
FP 455 M87XL Pipe Shaver operating instructions for Taper-Taper joints in
sizes 400 to 600 mm (16-24 inch).
FP 643 M95 Pipe Shaver operating instructions for Taper-Taper joints in sizes
600 to 1000 mm (24-40 inch).
FP 196 Flange Assembly Instructions.
FP 132 Corrosion Guide.
General Bondstrand engineering and installation guides.

How to use this product Dimensional data for Taper-Taper adhesive bonded fittings are contained in individual
data sheet dimensional sheets per pressure class:

FP No. Fitting Pipe System Pressure

549-10 T-10 2410 and 3410 10 bar
549-12 T-12 2412 and 3412 12 bar
549-14 T-14 2414 and 3414 14 bar
549-16 T-16 2416 and 3416 16 bar
549-20 T-20 2420 and 3420 20 bar
549-25 T-25 2425 and 3425 25 bar
549-32 T-32 2432 and 3432 32 bar
549-40 T-40 2440 and 3440 40 bar
549-50 T-50 2450 and 3450 50 bar

© Ameron 1998 FP657-32 (8/98). Printed in The Netherlands. Page 1 of 12.

Dimensions of the Nominal Pipe Size Taper Insertion Spigot Spigot
taper-taper joint Angle Depth Nose Diameter
Thickness at Nose
α Ds t
mm inch degrees mm mm mm
50 2 1.75 50 1.0 55.2
80 3 1.75 80 1.0 83.8
100 4 1.75 80 1.0 107.2
150 6 2.50 110 1.0 161.0
200 8 2.50 140 1.0 210.8
250 10 2.50 170 1.5 265.9
300 12 2.50 200 1.5 316.7
350 14 2.50 230 2.0 348.4
400 16 2.50 230 2.5 398.7
450 18 2.50 260 2.5 438.8
500 20 2.50 290 3.0 488.1
600 24 2.50 350 3.5 585.6

Quantity of Adhesive Nominal Adhesive Minimum number of

Pipe Size Kit Size adhesive kits per joint
mm inch cm3 ounce nr.
50 2 89 3 0.2
80 3 89 3 0.4
100 4 89 3 0.6
150 6 89 3 1.0
200 8 177 6 1.0
250 10 177 6 2.0
300 12 177 6 2.0
350 14 177 6 3.0
400 16 177 6 3.0
450 18 177 6 4.0
500 20 177 6 5.0
600 24 177 6 7.0

Adhesive kits should never be split. If remainder is not used for other joints made at the
same time, the surplus must be discarded.

FP657-32 Fittings & Flanges for 2432/3432. Page 2 of 12.

Elbows 90˚ Filament-wound 90° elbows with integral Taper-Taper adhesive bonded socket ends
Nominal Pipe Size Laying Overall Insertion Weight
Length Length Depth
mm inch mm mm mm kg
50 2 87 137 50 0.6
80 3 110 190 80 2.1
100 4 155 235 80 3.8
150 6 240 350 110 8.7
200 8 315 455 140 24.0
250 10 391 561 170 39.0
300 12 463 663 200 61.0
350 14 364 594 230 66.0
400 16 402 632 230 84.0
450 18 472 732 260 168.0
500 20 523 813 290 230.0
600 24 625 975 350 367.0

Elbows 45˚ Filament-wound 45° elbows with integral Taper-Taper adhesive bonded socket ends
Nominal Pipe Size Laying Overall Insertion Weight
Length Length Depth
mm inch mm mm mm kg
50 2 45 95 50 0.5
80 3 61 141 80 1.7
100 4 73 153 80 2.4
150 6 106 216 110 7.0
200 8 137 277 140 15.5
250 10 169 339 170 32.0
300 12 196 396 200 45.0
350 14 125 355 230 58.0
400 16 142 372 230 80.0
450 18 204 464 260 115.0
500 20 225 515 290 157.0
600 24 268 618 350 281.0

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Elbows 221/2˚ Filament-wound 221/2° elbows with integral Taper-Taper adhesive bonded socket ends
Nominal Pipe Size Laying Overall Insertion Weight
Length Length Depth
mm inch mm mm mm kg
50 2 29 79 50 0.4
80 3 37 117 80 1.5
100 4 43 123 80 2.0
150 6 60 170 110 5.9
200 8 76 216 140 10.5
250 10 68 238 170 19.1
300 12 77 277 200 32.0
350 14 71 301 230 43.0
400 16 85 315 230 57.0
450 18 106 366 260 78.0
500 20 116 406 290 107.0
600 24 136 486 350 185.0

Tees Filament-wound tees with integral Taper-Taper adhesive bonded socket ends
Nominal Pipe Size Laying Overall Laying Overall Insertion Weight
Length Length Length Length Depth
total total branch branch
run run
L1 OL1 L2 OL2 Ds
mm inch mm mm mm mm mm kg
50 2 148 248 74 124 50 1.6
80 3 192 352 96 176 80 3.6
100 4 230 390 115 195 80 6.4
150 6 306 526 153 263 110 18.0
200 8 376 656 188 328 140 37.0
250 10 452 792 226 396 170 55.0
300 12 528 928 264 464 200 92.0
350 14 544 1004 272 502 230 106.0
400 16 590 1050 295 525 230 126.0
450 18 678 1198 339 599 260 293.0
500 20 740 1320 370 660 290 398.0
600 24 868 1568 434 784 350 682.0

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Reducing Tees Filament-wound reducing tees with integral Taper-Taper adhesive bonded socket ends
Nominal Pipe Size Laying Overall Insertion Laying Overall Insertion Weight
Length Length Depth Length Length Depth
half half run branch branch branch
run x run x branch run run
L1 OL1 Ds1 L2 OL2 Ds2
mm inch mm mm mm mm mm mm kg
80x80x50 3x3x2 96 176 80 86 136 50 3.0
100x100x50 4x4x2 115 195 80 99 149 50 5.4
100x100x80 4x4x3 115 195 80 108 188 80 5.5
150x150x50 6x6x2 153 263 110 124 174 50 12.2
150x150x80 6x6x3 153 263 110 134 214 80 12.6
150x150x100 6x6x4 153 263 110 140 220 80 13.7
200x200x80 8x8x3 188 328 140 159 239 80 19.3
200x200x100 8x8x4 188 328 140 172 252 80 26.0
200x200x150 8x8x6 188 328 140 178 288 110 33.0
250x250x100 10x10x4 226 396 170 194 274 80 42.0
250x250x150 10x10x6 226 396 170 204 314 110 42.0
250x250x200 10x10x8 226 396 170 213 353 140 53.0
300x300x100 12x12x4 264 464 200 216 296 80 60.0
300x300x150 12x12x6 264 464 200 229 339 110 86.0
300x300x200 12x12x8 264 464 200 239 379 140 90.0
300x300x250 12x12x10 264 464 200 251 421 170 92.0
350x350x150 14x14x6 272 502 230 254 364 110 92.0
350x350x200 14x14x8 272 502 230 264 404 140 96.0
350x350x250 14x14x10 272 502 230 277 447 170 102.0
350x350x300 14x14x12 272 502 230 289 489 200 106.0
400x400x150 16x16x6 295 525 230 274 384 110 97.0
400x400x200 16x16x8 295 525 230 283 423 140 102.0
400x400x250 16x16x10 295 525 230 293 463 170 107.0
400x400x300 16x16x12 295 525 230 305 505 200 117.0
400x400x350 16x16x14 295 525 230 315 545 230 104.0
450x450x200 18x18x8 339 599 260 316 456 140 210.0
450x450x250 18x18x10 339 599 260 329 499 170 218.0
450x450x300 18x18x12 339 599 260 329 529 200 227.0
450x450x350 18x18x14 339 599 260 330 560 230 234.0
450x450x400 18x18x16 339 599 260 330 560 230 240.0
500x500x250 20x20x10 370 660 290 355 525 170 339.0
500x500x300 20x20x12 370 660 290 355 555 200 250.0
500x500x350 20x20x14 370 660 290 356 586 230 360.0
500x500x400 20x20x16 370 660 290 356 586 230 367.0
500x500x450 20x20x18 370 660 290 365 525 260 381.0
600x600x300 24x24x12 434 784 350 405 605 200 577.0
600x600x350 24x24x14 434 784 350 406 636 230 589.0
600x600x400 24x24x16 434 784 350 406 636 230 598.0
600x600x450 24x24x18 434 784 350 428 688 260 619.0
600x600x500 24x24x20 434 784 350 428 716 290 638.0

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Concentric Reducers Filament-wound concentric reducers with integral Taper-Taper adhesive bonded
socket ends
Nominal Pipe Size Laying Overall Overall Insertion Weight
Length Length Length Depth
L OL Ds1 Ds2
mm inch mm mm mm mm kg
80x50 3x2 74 204 80 50 0.9
100x50 4x2 96 226 80 50 2.7
100x80 4x3 94 254 80 80 2.8
150x80 6x3 117 307 110 80 3.9
150x100 6x4 124 314 110 80 4.2
200x100 8x4 163 383 140 80 9.5
200x150 8x6 129 379 140 110 9.5
250x150 10x6 148 428 170 110 14.5
250x200 10x8 135 445 170 140 16.0
300x200 12x8 180 520 200 140 33.0
300x250 12x10 167 537 200 170 35.0
350x250 14x10 214 614 230 170 45.0
350x300 14x12 208 638 230 200 50.0
400x300 16x12 195 625 230 200 42.0
400x350 16x14 183 643 230 230 48.0
450x400 18x16 128 618 260 230 71.0
500x400 20x16 249 769 290 230 113.0
500x450 20x18 151 701 290 260 117.0
600x400 24x16 486 1066 350 230 156.0
600x450 24x18 388 998 350 260 155.0
600x500 24x20 267 907 350 290 164.0

Note: Eccentric Reducers are available on request

FP657-32 Fittings & Flanges for 2432/3432. Page 6 of 12.

Couplings Filament-wound couplings with integral Taper-Taper adhesive bonded socket ends
Nominal Pipe Size Laying Overall Insertion Outside Weight
Length Length Depth Diameter
mm inch mm mm mm mm kg
50 2 70 170 50 70 0.4
80 3 70 230 80 100 0.9
100 4 70 230 80 124 1.2
150 6 70 290 110 180 2.2
200 8 70 350 140 238 5.0
250 10 70 410 170 296 7.9
300 12 70 470 200 350 11.6
350 14 70 530 230 381 13.2
400 16 70 530 230 435 17.4
450 18 70 590 260 472 17.8
500 20 70 650 290 524 23.0
600 24 70 770 350 630 41.0

Nipples Filament-wound pipe nipples with integral Taper-Taper adhesive bonded spigot ends
Nominal Pipe Size Laying gap Insertion Weight
Length Depth
L Ds
mm inch mm mm mm kg
50 2 125 25 50 0.1
80 3 185 25 80 0.2
100 4 185 25 80 0.3
150 6 245 25 110 0.8
200 8 310 30 140 1.6
250 10 370 30 170 3.1
300 12 440 40 200 5.0
350 14 500 40 230 7.4
400 16 500 40 230 9.1
450 18 580 60 260 12.9
500 20 640 60 290 17.8
600 24 760 60 350 30.0

FP657-32 Fittings & Flanges for 2432/3432. Page 7 of 12.

Heavy-Duty Flanges Heavy-Duty filament-wound flanges with Taper-Taper adhesive bonded socket ends
Nominal Pipe Size Laying Overal Insertion Weight
Length Length Depth
L D Ds (1)
mm inch mm mm mm kg
50 2 5 55 50 1.7
80 3 5 85 80 4.0
100 4 5 85 80 5.9
150 6 5 115 110 11.2
200 8 6 146 140 19.2
250 10 6 176 170 28.0

(1) The weights shown are for ANSI B16.5 Class 300 drilled flanges. Weights for other
drilling classes may be different. For more detailed information reference is made to
the appropriate product data.

* Heavy Duty Flanges are standard available in drillings according to ANSI and ISO (DIN).
** Full-face elastomeric gaskets may be used, suitable for the service pressure, service
temperature and fluid. Shore A durometer hardness of 60 ±5 is recommended and a
thickness of 3 mm.
Compressed fibre gaskets, 3 mm thick, compatible with the pressure, temperature
and medium, may also be used. The mechanical properties should be in accordance
with DIN 3754 (IT 400) or equal.
*** For maximum bolt torque refer to the appropriate Bondstrand literature. Please be
aware that excessive torque may result in flange failure and, therefore a torque-
wrench is required.

FP657-32 Fittings & Flanges for 2432/3432. Page 8 of 12.

Stub-end Flanges Filament-wound Stub-end flanges with Taper-Taper adhesive bonded socket ends
and steel backing rings
Nominal Pipe Size Laying Overall Insertion Ring Weigth Weight
Length Length Depth to GRE steel
Face stub- ring
L OL Ds H end (1)
mm inch mm mm mm mm kg kg
50 2 15 65 50 10 0.2 2.5
80 3 15 95 80 16 0.7 4.8
100 4 15 95 80 16 1.1 7.0
150 6 15 125 110 23 2.3 12.2
200 8 15 155 140 29 4.0 18.3
250 10 15 185 170 33 5.5 26.0
300 12 15 215 200 38 7.6 39.0
350 14 15 245 230 40 7.9 56.0
400 16 20 250 230 47 11.6 70.0
450 18 20 280 260 51 22.0 85.0
500 20 20 310 290 58 26.0 107.0
600 24 20 370 350 71 29.0 182.0

(1) The weight shown is for ANSI B16.5 Class 300 drilled flanges. Weights for other
drilling classes may be different. For more detailed information reference is made to
the appropriate product data.

* Stub-End Flange Rings are standard available in drillings according to ANSI and ISO
** Stub-End Flanges are available with and without O-ring groove in the face.
Suitable O-ring seals should be used, available on request.
*** Make sure that the O-ring grooved stub-end is compatible with its counter flange,
e.g. use a stub-end without groove or another flat surface flange as counter flange.
**** Maximum bolt-torque for use with O-rings seals may be calculated based on
pressure, size and number of bolts.

FP657-32 Fittings & Flanges for 2432/3432. Page 9 of 12.

Key-lock Adapters Filament around adapters and couplings with Key-lock ends.
& Couplings Nominal Pipe Qty Laying Overall Insertion Weigth Laying Overall Weigth
Size of Length Length Depth Length Length
Keys L OL Ds L OL
mm inch mm mm mm kg mm mm kg
adapter KLM x TBF coupling KLF x KLF
50 2 1 5 100 50 0.3 100 140 0.8
80 3 2 60 185 80 0.9 100 191 2.4
100 4 2 30 155 80 1.0 100 191 2.9
150 6 2 59 225 110 2.1 127 245 5.7
200 8 2 77 285 140 3.6 152 312 10.9
250 10 2 83 325 170 5.2 163 335 15.8
300 12 2 100 390 200 20.0 196 470 45.0
350 14 2 111 437 230 36.0 208 498 59.0
400 16 2 116 462 230 45.0 247 553 76.0

Field Testing Pipe system is designed for field testing with water at 150% of rated pressure.

Surge Pressure Maximum allowable surge pressure is 150% of rated pressure.

Conversions 1 psi = 6895 Pa = 0.07031 kg/cm2

1 bar = 105Pa = 14.5 psi = 1.02 kg/cm2
1 MPa = 1 N/mm2 = 145 psi = 10.2 kg/cm2
1 inch = 25.4 mm
1 Btu.in/ft2h°F = 0.1442 W/mK
C = 5/9 (°F-32)

Important Notice This product literature and the recommendations for usage it contains are based on test data
reasonably believed to be reliable. It is intended that this literature be used by personnel
having specialised training in accordance with currently accepted industry practice and
normal operating conditions. Variation in environment, changes in operating procedures, or
extrapolation of data may cause unsatisfactory results. We recommend that your engineers
verify the suitability of this product for your intended application. Since we have no control
over the conditions of service, we expressly disclaim responsibility for the results obtained
or for any consequential or incidental damages of any kind incurred.

FP657-32 Fittings & Flanges for 2432/3432. Page 10 of 12.

FP657-32 Fittings & Flanges for 2432/3432. Page 11 of 12.
Fiberglass Pipe Group Fiberglass Pipe Division Fiberglass Pipe Division Fiberglass Pipe Division
Headquarters The Americas Europe Asia ISO 9001
P.O. Box 801148 P.O. Box 878 Ameron B.V. Ameron (Pte) Ltd
Houston, TX 77280 Burkburnett, TX 76364 P.O. Box 6 No. 7A, Tuas Avenue 3
U.S.A. U.S.A. 4190 CA Geldermalsen Jurong
Phone: (+1) 713 690 7777 Phone: (+1) 940 569 1471 The Netherlands Singapore 639407
Fax: (+1) 713 690 2842 Fax: (+1) 940 569 2764 Phone: (+31) 345 587 587 Phone: (+65) 861 6118
Internet: www.ameron-net.com Fax: (+31) 345 587 561 Fax: (+65) 862 1302/861-7834
Certified Firm

FP657-32 Fittings & Flanges for 2432/3432. Page 12 of 12.

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