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Mr. Nadeem Haider is a senior disaster risk management/development professional with over 17 years of
inter-disciplinary advisory and management experience. Mr. Haider has worked with range of development
and humanitarian partners including public authorities, bilateral and multilateral funding agencies, UN
organizations, INGOs and others. Through these years, Mr. Haider has worked in varied contexts such as
South, Southwest & Central Asia (Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan),
Eastern Europe (Moldova), Middle East and Horn of Africa (Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya).
The portfolio of functional expertise include policy, strategy and programme planning/management,
research, monitoring and evaluation, training and resource development (including knowledge management),
advocacy, partnership and networks management, and representation. Mr. Haider brings varied exposure
and expertise in disaster risk management including post disaster/conflict relief/recovery/rehabilitation,
integrated rural/urban development, social protection and assistance (human/child rights & protection),
public sector & civil society capacity development and networking, governance reforms, education/health
management, cultural preservation & promotion. Mr. Haider has worked as manager/advisor (consultant),
while managing/coordinating inter-disciplinary, multi-cultural teams both nationally and internationally.
Mr. Haider has worked extensively in the domain disaster risk management (DRM including conflict
management) and humanitarian assistance programmes and stakeholders. Mr. Haider brings sound
understanding of concepts, principles, and approaches that underpin DRM (including climate change
adaptation/mitigation) and humanitarian assistance (for post disaster relief, recovery and
rehabilitation, conflict and security affected communities and displaced/refugees) actions. Mr. Haider
brings familiarity with international frameworks and conventions that guide DRM and humanitarian
programming such as IHL, HFA, SDRMF, Sphere Standards, One UN reforms, UN Humanitarian Reforms and
Cluster Approach, CCA/CCF approaches and instruments and others. Mr. Haider remained engaged with all
key actors that form humanitarian architecture such as UN agencies, Red Cross/Crescent Movement, INGOs,
hence brings familiarity with the mandates, approaches, operational systems, and coordination mechanisms.
Mr. Haider is member of (UNDP) first cohort of DRR Mainstreaming Master Trainers, IFRC South Asia Region
FACT team and brings distinctive trainers portfolio of having conducted hundreds of training courses in DRM
for public sector staff, CSOs members and volunteers, and communities. Furthermore, Mr. Haider has
developed multiple training packages, knowledge documents and operational manuals for DRM actions.
Mr. Haider is member of multiple professional and academic networks, and communicates with varying
fluency in languages spoken across Pakistan e.g. Urdu, Potohari, Punjabi, Saraiki, Hindko. Also, Mr. Haider
speaks multiple international languages such as English, Dari/Persian, Russian, Arabic, Hindi.

Mr. Haider has developed country, regional and organization specific DRM/preparedness plans e.g. Crisis
Preparedness Plan (UNDP Iran country office), Business Continuity Plan, NDMA Pakistan regional DRM plans
for Azad Kashmir, Northern Areas (currently Gilgit Baltistan), child protection in emergency strategies,
Pakistan Red Crescent Society DRM policy and plans, and other. Mr. Haider brings hands on experience in
rolling out humanitarian response systems like activation of DM plan & clusters/working groups, security
management plans, transition of UNCT and RC roles HC offices and others. Moreover, bring familiarity with
UN system & Red Cross Movement/IFRC support mechanisms e.g. SURGE teams, UNDAC/FACT teams (UN &
Red Cross systems), ERU, CERF and Flash/Humanitarian Appeals.
Mr. Haider brings inter-disciplinary training background i.e. international/political studies, anthropology
and management. Mr. Haider has certification in social entrepreneurship, a joint programme of LUMS
(Pakistan) and McGill University Canada. Moreover, have successfully completed multiple
thematic/functional courses both nationally and internationally.

Feb 07 - To date Founding Managing Director AAN Associates
AAN Associates, Islamabad (Pakistan) based consulting house has a broad portfolio of successful projects with
public sector agencies, bilateral and multilateral donors, UN and non-profit entities (INGOs/NGOs). The job
profile entails identification of potential consulting opportunities/clients, regular liaison with potential clients,
preparation of EOIs &proposals, pre-contract negotiations, contract development & management, recruit&
manage multi-disciplinary consulting teams, oversight and quality assurance of consulting work, and where
required, provide consulting support. The portfolio of consulting assignments (for which I worked either as Lead or
Support Consultant) are as under,

Research, Monitoring & Evaluation:

 Technical oversight for the „Evaluation of Community Based Child Centered DRR (CB-CCDRR)
Programming in Pakistan‟ developed by Save the Children Denmark (SCD) in collaboration with Danish
International Development Agency (DANIDA) (Govt. of Denmark). (Oct 2014 – December 2014).
 Lead Consultant for Save the Children’s „Situational Analysis and Advocacy Strategy for Disaster Risk
Reduction in Afghanistan‟. The study is commissioned to examine the institutional capacity of government
agencies at national, district and provincial levels to mainstream integrated DRR taking a systems
approach. (Jan 2014 –March 2014).
 Team Lead for End of Term Evaluation of USIP‟s „Seven (7) Small to Medium Scale Grants for Countering
Extremism and Promoting Peace and Religious Tolerance (CEPPRT) in Pakistan‟ (Mar – Aug 2014).
 Team Lead for „Evaluation of Danish Refugee Council – Afghanistan-Pakistan Cross Border Refugees,
Returnees and IDPs Assistance Programme (DANIDA funded) in four provinces of Afghanistan and 12
Refugee Villages in KP province Pakistan‟ (Sep – Nov 2013).
 Team Lead/Research Advisor for national research project titled “Gendering of Flood Early Warning
Systems in Pakistan”, commissioned by UNWOMEN Pakistan (Oct 2011 – Apr 2012).
 M&E Advisor for CDCP Phase II (Post Floods Livelihoods Recovery Cash Grants/Watan Card
Programme – 2011-12) for Deloitte - Pakistan, who have secured the Operational Audit/Monitoring
contract for the Phase II.Developed “Logical Framework Matrix for Citizen Damage Compensation
Programme Phase II - 2011-12”.
 Team Lead for Third Party Evaluation of Malteser International (German INGO)Pakistan Flood
Relief/Recovery Projects in Kohistan District of Khyber Paktunkhwa Province(Jul – Aug 2011).
 Team lead/Assessment Team for „Post Monsoon Floods (2010) Rapid Health Damage and Needs
Assessment‟ for Merlin (Aug 2010).
 Team leader for Oxfam (GB) funded and SPO managed Midterm Evaluation of “Earthquake Recovery
Programme AJ&K”(Jan-Feb 10).
 Team Lead for Technical assistance to Provincial Disaster Management Authorities (PDMA) of KPK for
„Development of Strategic Plan for Child Protection in Emergencies‟ on behalf of UNICEF Pakistan. (Jan
14 –March 2015).

Policy and Strategic Development:

 Team Lead for Technical assistance to Provincial Disaster Management Authorities (PDMA) of KPK for
„Development of Strategic Plan for Child Protection in Emergencies‟ on behalf of UNICEF Pakistan. (Jan
14 –March 2015).
 Team Lead for Technical assistance to FATA Disaster Management Authorities (FDMA) for
„Development of Strategic Plan for Child Protection in Emergencies’ on behalf of UNICEF Pakistan.
(Jan 14 – March 2015).
 Team Lead of multi-disciplinary team and developed Pakistan Red Crescent Society‟s National Disaster
Risk Management Policy, Strategy and Action Plan 2009-13. The consulting assignment entailed
literature review, consultations with PRCS/IFRC Disaster Management Task Force, IFRC delegation,
NDMA and UN agencies (2008).
 Disaster Risk Management (Strategic Planning) Expert for development of Provincial Disaster Risk
Management Plans for Azad Kashmir and Northern Areas (currently GB) of Pakistan with National
Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) (2007-8).
 UNDP Crisis Prevention & Recovery (CPRU) Unit and State Disaster Management Authority (2007-8).
Training & Resource Development:
 Lead Researcher/Editor for Oxfam GB and National Disaster Management Authority „Successful Case
Studies/Post Disaster Best DRM Practices‟ produced as part of knowledge management documentation
by DRM partners with NDMA Pakistan in the lead (Jun-Jul 2015).
 Technical expert for development of „Advocacy Toolkit for Mine Risk Education‟ for PDMA KP and
FDMA FATA, produced with the assistance of UNICEF Pakistan. The toolkit features animation series,
children games, women pictorial manual, posters and others (2014).
 Moderator for Session on „DRR Governance, Early Warning Systems and Climate Change and
Community Based DRR‟ during „Documentary Festival 2013 on Re-Branding Disaster Risk Management‟
for Focus Humanitarian Assistance, an affiliate of the AKDN (Dec 2013).
 Multiple training consulting with SUNGI, German Agro Action, IRC, and development of Emergency
Response Operations Manual for Oxfam Partners in Pakistan (2007-8). Have trained over 500 staff
and facilitated multiple national and international workshops for development partners.
 Team Lead for „Disaster Response Operational Manual‟ for Oxfam GB Consortium (national NGOs)
Partners (lead by SUNGI Foundation) and Oxfam Novib Consortium (national NGOs) Partners (lead
by Doaba Foundation) (2008 and 2012).

May 09 - Aug 09 Country Director (Interim) Danish Refugee Council Yemen

Worked as Interim Country Director and managed multiple grants (EC AENEAS, DANIDA, UNHCR, ECHO) for
relief and recovery assistance to Somalian, Eritrean and Ethiopian refugees. The role involved oversight of
country office, programme design & management focused on refugees registration (at refugee camps in Southern
Yemen), protection monitoring and assistance, livelihoods and integration assistance, coordination and assistance
in refugee camp management (to UNHCR), research and repatriation, linkages development with refugee
diaspora in Europe and America and engagement in repatriation & resettlement of refugees. Also, it involved
Secretariat hosting of Mixed Migration Task Force in Yemen, training and capacity building of local border,
customs, police, judiciary, foreign office officials, partnership management with EC delegation, UNHCR, Yemeni
Red Crescent. The country office had over 50 staff members including expats. The role involved oversight of sub-
contracts and grants given to local civil society organization.

Feb 08 - Mar 09 Disaster Reduction Advisor UNDP Iran

Provided advisory support to UN system agencies and UNCT (Country Team) on DRM policy and institutional
issues. Worked as Technical Advisor for joint UNDP-Govt. of Iran DRM Programme 2005-9 (USD 6 million) and
rendered advice on design, management and M&E of programme interventions –key components included urban
earthquake risk management at sub-national level, school/health infrastructure safety and preparedness,
application of IT tools for DRR (web portals, community of practices, knowledge networks, dis-inventar) & public
sector institutional development and coordination. Coordinated and developed joint projects with UN agencies as
to demonstrate harmonized planning, aid effectiveness and delivery as ONE UN e.g. urban earthquake risk
management project for Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan, and UNDP- UNISDR project for
institutionalization of Iran National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction and public awareness on DRR. Facilitated
UN inter-agency collaboration as Coordinator for UN Interagency Thematic Group on Sustainable Development,
Environment & Energy and Disaster Management (more than 10 resident UN agencies were member). Formulated
draft UNDP Crisis Preparedness Plan, made contributions to UNDP Iran Business Continuity Plan (BCP)and UN
system wide preparation of Avian Influenza Pandemic Preparedness (with WHO Iran in lead). Undertook
assessment mission and developed drought/DRR mainstreaming project for ongoing UNDP-GEF funded Lake
Uromiyeh Programme. Took initiative for Iran‟s inclusion into upcoming BCPR/UNDP funded Global Programme on
Climate Change Adaptation and prepared initial documentation. Organized training/information sessions for
UNDP/UN staff members for general awareness on DRR approaches and principles and integration into UN
mandated practice areas. Member of UNDP first Cohort of Master Trainers trained under Pilot DRR
Mainstreaming Training Programme. Contributed to UNDAF Iran review, planning of CCA/UNDAF 2008-9,
provided technical inputs to CCA 2008-9 as UN system lead technical advisor on DRR/DM issues. Also
contributed to UN Iran chapter of UN system Global Assessment Report 2008-9.

Jul 05 – Dec 06 Country/Programme Manager HelpAge International Moldova

Initiated HelpAge International (HAI) Moldova Office registration and established the HAI Moldova Country
Office. The management functions entailed implementation of EU-TACIS & Irish Aid funded programme, aimed at
improved coordination, capacity building and partnership between public sector entities and civil society
organizations to provide pro-older people social protection and assistance services. The programme delivery
involved active engagement with relevant ministries i.e. health, social protection, and CSO organizations.
Provided advisory support in legislative, policy and institutional services analysis and reforms to safeguard older
persons' interest and enable better assistance and protection services. Contributed to sector-wide planning by
ensuring participation of OP CSOs in sector/development planning forums including PRSP working groups.
Provided training and institutional capacity building support as part of technical assistance project to both public
entities and CSO partners. Took lead in setting up a local NGOs network (13 CSO members) and produced
lessons learned documents (as part of knowledge management component) – Guidebook on Supporting Older
Person Organizations. Developed Country strategy, initiated discussions with multiple donors for expansion
funding base for broadening Moldova programme portfolio, supported older person NGOs with micro-grants,
developed mechanisms for project design, grant disbursement and management, M&E framework/system
(guidelines, tools, training, indicators list), organized training for civil society development, supported researching
endeavours for evidence based advocacy/communication, lead review of MIPAA country review for Moldova for
global UNDESA publication.The role involved representation, financial and human resource management, security,
resource mobilization, networking, administration. Developed successful grant proposals for UNICEF, Irish Aid and
EU-TACIS and lead the process of nationalization of programme management functions.

Apr 04 – Jun 05 Project Coordinator/Head of Base Khatlon Merlin Tajikistan

The PC position entailed Base Management functions (Khatlon was the biggest Merlin operational base in
Tajikistan) entailing coordination/management of multi-million USD projects/grants primarily aimed at emergency
health response & recovery i.e. USAID, CIDA, ECHO, EC TACIS. The office has over 75 national staff besides 5
expats. The role involved design of project/s delivery approach, oversight of project implementation, new project
design, resource mobilization, donors coordination &compliance management, human resource management,
budget control and security management. The projects included regional/in-country and sub-national interventions
on emergency health preparedness, post-conflict health system recovery, and infectious disease control (malaria,
TB, & others). The position entailed partnership management with local authorities (Ministry of Health,
Oblast/Provincial Governors, Emergencies Dept., UN agencies and CSOs).Developed proposals and secured
funding/material support from WFP and Japan Embassy for ongoing programmes (food support for TB patients
and equipment for refurbishing lab equipment in Khatlon Province). Provided coordination and management
advice on new project development, produced periodic reports for HQs and donors. Introduced performance
system, re-organized management structure, adapted operational systems and designed and delivered a low
cost staff development plan whereby 11 courses organized (over 200 national staff trained) with in-house
resources &/or with collaboration of local and international agencies.

Oct 02 – Apr 04 Project Manager – Livelihoods/Drought Recovery Programme Oxfam

(GB) Pakistan
As PM, the role entailed management ofa small team of project officers to design an action research project
twined with OGB Drought Response/Recovery Project (1999-2002) to asses, analyze and document the
livelihoods means, patterns and options for economic recovery of drought affectees (including both IDPs and
Afghan refugees). Together with the team designed an assessment/action research strategy, coordinated with
OGB drought relief/recovery project team, academic and research institutions to apply PRA techniques to
document livelihood needs, options. Simultaneously designed/implemented multiple small scale and quick impact
projects as part of action research approach to gauge results, reactions and recommendations on potential
livelihoods/integrated development sectors, interventions and delivery approach. During project life undertook
multiple disaster response assessments, developed relief operations and secured funding from ECHO and SDC.
Contributed to sub-national partnership management, grants management, field monitoring and security
management along with Regional Programme Coordinator. The PM role entailed staff management, financial
and security management, logistics management.

Apr 00 – Oct 02 Programme Coordinator/Assistant Director– Disaster Management

Pakistan Red Crescent Socie ty Islamabad Pakistan
The role entailed institutional assessment, design of disaster management institutional development strategy and
plan. The most significant achievement remains the establishment of Pakistan Red Crescent Society‟s Disaster
Management Unit with devolved structures in provinces. The institutional development function continued through
the whole assignment. In addition, it entailed project/programme design, management, coordination with Red
Cross/Red Crescent Movement Partners (IFRC, ICRC, and PNSs), resource mobilization, contract management,
reporting and staff development. Developed first DRR programme for PRCS and secured funding for multi-year
regional programme on disaster preparedness (DFID). Developed and managed ICRC supported conflict
management programme. During the course of assignment undertook multiple emergency needs/recovery
assessments (floods-2001/2, drought-2000, earthquake-2002, Afghan refugees2001/2) developed multi-million
CHF and multi-sector response and recovery plans (shelter, WATSAN, food, health, NFIs etc). To mobilize resource
within the Movement, contributed to IFRC Flash Appeals, and country partnership strategy documents. Being lead
DRM person of PRCS, trained over 800 staff and volunteers in community based disaster
preparedness/management, IHL, first aid, hazard vulnerability and capacity assessment (HVCA), programme
design and management. The role involved oversight of DM unit operation functions such as staff recruitment
management, consultants‟ management, financial management, logistics and security management.

Apr 99- 00 Assistant Field Officer National Trust for Population Welfare Pakistan
NATPOW is a national funding body formed on trilateral partnership between World Bank, UNFPA and
Government of Pakistan. As regional manager key responsibilities included partnership selection, grants
disbursement & management, field monitoring of projects with civil society organizations/partners (80 local
partners), institutional development of local CSOs. The most significant achievements include development/up-
dation of partners database (MIS) for effective grant and partnership management, partners‟ performance
management, organized a regional symposium for potential organizations to guide them of funding mechanisms
and helped partners develop range of new proposals/secure funding from NATPOW.

Jan 98 – Apr 99 Assistant Director Projects Dept. of Social Welfare & Women
Development Pakistan Administered Kashmir
Being public sector focal person for joint project managed the women vocational training component (VET) of
UN/IFAD Area Development Programme Pakistan Administered Kashmir (1995-2000) to broaden opportunities,
reduce poverty and gender disparity. Coordinated and supported mobile and regular vocational education
training (VET) programme for women in Muzaffarabad district for economic uplift and empowerment of women,
organized exhibition of women handicrafts, provided post training support (grants, machines), worked on value
chain and developed market linkages.

 Gendering of Flood Early Warning Systems (2012) – Pakistan. The study was commissioned by UNWOMEN
Pakistan with financial assistance of GIZ
 Disaster Risk Management Plan(2008) for the Government of Pakistan Administered Kashmir (State Disaster
Management Authority) developed jointly with SDMA, NDMA Pakistan and UNDP Pakistan
 Disaster Risk Management Plan(2008) for the Government of Northern Areas of Pakistan – Northern Areas
Disaster Management Authority NADMA (currently Gilgit Baltistan) developed jointly with NADMA, NDMA
Pakistan and UNDP Pakistan (
 Disaster Risk Management Policy and Strategy for Pakistan Red Crescent Society, Pakistan 2008. The
documents available on
 Provincial Social Welfare and Special Education Department Strategic Plan (2013-17) for Government of
Sindh developed in consultation with provincial government, relevant departments and UNICEF Pakistan
 Provincial Social Welfare, Special Education and Women Empowerment Department Strategic Plan (2013-
17) for Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa developed in consultation with provincial government, relevant
departments and UNICEF Pakistan (2012).
 Provincial Social Welfare & Baitul Maal Department Strategic Plan (2013-17) for Government of Punjab
developed in consultation with provincial government, relevant departments and UNICEF Pakistan (2012).
 Social Welfare Department Strategic Plan (2013-17) for Government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir
developed in consultation with provincial government, relevant departments and UNICEF Pakistan (2012).
 Compiled an independent five year review report for Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing
(MIPAA 2002) for Moldova to feed into HelpAge International‟s independent report (Feb 07).
 Produced the “Guidebook to develop and support older persons‟ organizations” as part of resource
development component of HAI Moldova project (available online (
 Produced seven issues of project newsletters “Older peoples voices”, part of project information
management and dissemination component (available online
 M. Phil dissertation (unpublished), a descriptive and analytical research on politico-economic dimensions and
implications on US Pakistan foreign relations. The research title is "U.S. policy towards elimination of child
labor the world over: implications for Pakistan”.

 Practice Member of UNDP – BCPR Crisis Prevention and Reduction Global Networks. Management Network
 Disaster Management Trainer Roster/on call trainer for Pakistan Red Crescent Society‟s – Training &
Resource Centre.
 Member of IFRC South Asia Disaster Response Team (similar to UNDAC)
 Member of International Aid Workers Network
 Volunteer member of International Association of Business and Parliaments – Moldova Office.
 Member 1st cohort of McGill/LUMS Training of Managers Programme (SEMP).
Alumni Young Anthropologists Forum & Area Study Centre, Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad

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