Printing Machinery Maintenance: L' Scheme Syllabus

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Printing Machinery Maintenance

‘L’ Scheme Syllabus

Prepared by
N.Sivaraman, Lecturer (SS)
A.Paramasivam, Lecturer (SS)

Department of Printing Technology

Arasan Ganesan Polytechnic College, Sivakasi
This book covers all the topics in a clear and organized format for the Second
year Diploma in Printing Technology students as prescribed by the Directorate of
Technical Education, Chennai, Tamilnadu. It is confidently believed that this book
furnishes the students the necessary study material. The topics covered were neatly
illustrated for better understanding of the students.
The book’s step-by-step lessons in large, eye pleasing calligraphy make it
suitable for both direct one-to-one tutoring and regular classroom use. The book is
prepared in normal everyday English and is free from professional jargon characteristic
of so many reading instruction books.
All of the lesson pages were carefully designed to eliminate distraction and to
focus the pupil’s full attention on the work at hand.

N.Sivaraman, Lecturer (SS) / Print. Tech.

A.Paramasivam, Lecturer (SS) / Print. Tech.
Arasan Ganesan Polytechnic College

Unit Name of the Topic Pages

I Maintenance Management
1.1 - Maintenance – Definition and types 1
1.2 - Planned maintenance and Unplanned maintenance 2
1.3 - Preventive Maintenance 5
1.4 - Safety Precautions and House Keeping 8

II Power Transmission
2.1 - Chain Drives 13
2.2 - Belt Drives 17
2.3 - Gear Drives 20
2.4 - Maintenance and Lubrication of Drive Systems 24
2.4 - Direct drive technology 25

III Mechanical and Electrical Elements

3.1 - Bearings 29
3.2 - Cams and Follower 31
3.3 - Springs 36
3.4 - Electrical Elements 38
IV Lubrication and Reconditioning
4.1 - Lubrication 44
4.2 - Methods of Lubrication 47
4.3 - Equipments and Tools used in Erection and Reconditioning 50
4.4 - Test Run 56
V Maintenance of Mechanisms
5.1 - Electrical Maintenance 58
5.2 - Pneumatic System Maintenance 60
5.3 - Hydraulic System Maintenance 63
5.4 - Mechatronics 54

The basic principle of maintenance is to extend the useful life of an asset. A
proper Maintenance will improve the production capacity with only existing capacity utilization.

Maintenance is usually viewed, as a repair function of maintenance is composite

in nature. A wide range of activities are involved in it. In fact maintenance keeps our entire
system to be reliable, productive and efficient. There is no definite maintenance procedure for a
particular plant. It varies from one plant to others.


The principal objectives of maintenance activity are as follows

1. To minimize the breakage and maximize the plant availability

2. To extend the useful life of assets by minimizing wear & tear and deterioration

3. To ensure the operational readiness of all equipment.

4. To ensure the safety of workers.

5. To establish a satisfactory working condition.

By systematic maintenance, it is possible to achieve Substantial savings in money,

material & manpower


· Restoration Maintenance

· Preventive Maintenance

· Prediction Maintenance

Restoration maintenance, also called repair and corrective maintenance, is the
most common maintenance performed. Restoration maintenance consists of repairing a broken
or damaged piece of equipment to restore necessary operation conditions. Another part of
restoration maintenance includes replacing abnormal or worn parts that are causing films,
plates, or production sheets to be out specification. Restoration maintenance is basically a fix-it-
when-it breaks function, addressing sporadic and sudden equipment losses, which are actually
unscheduled equipment downtime. The maintenance operators become fire fighters, fixing


equipment and waiting until something else breaks.

Preventive maintenance is naturally carried out before any interruption of
production and major breakdown. This maintenance is carried out in predetermined

Preventive maintenance will not only prevent the breakdown, but also it will improve the
output quality of the product, and condition of the machine. This preventive maintenance is most
successful one, and it is adopted in many organizations.

The best way to perform preventive maintenance consistently is to develop operational

checklists. The checklists should be designed with the maintenance-activity steps in proper
order for easy understanding. The checklists should be initialed and dated by the person
performing the maintenance. Establishing maintenance checklists and procedures for each
piece of equipment maximizes the preventive maintenance program, and helps accelerate
training as well.

Prediction maintenance takes preventive maintenance to a higher level. Prediction
maintenance utilizes more state of the art technology to predict when equipment components
will need maintenance before they fail. Major maintenance and overhaul intervals are now being
determined by scientific methods and accurate data analysis. Prediction maintenance requires
monitoring specific elements that could cause catastrophic failure of the equipment.

1. Scheduled Maintenance:

In this type of maintenance is done to avoid break down. A schedule is

framed for an instrument or machine. According to that all works like inspection,
lubrication, repair.

2. Predictive Maintenance:

Predictive maintenance is to recognize the cause of any change of

physical condition ofa system. Inthis method, sensing, measuring and monitoring
techniques are followed by using instruments like vibrations analyzer, axial
displacement monitors, optical devices, non-contacting sensor etc.The main
advantages of this system are to inspect the troubles of internal parts without

3. Preventive Maintenance:


Preventive Maintenance is naturally carried out before any interruption of

production and major breakdown. This maintenance is carried out in predetermined
intervals. Preventive Maintenance will out only prevent the breakdown, but also it will
improve the output, Quality of product, and contain of the machine. This preventive
Maintenance most successful one and it is adopted in many organization.

The repairs, which are carried out at a planned interval under preventive
Maintenance, can be broadly classified as four categories involving different volume
of work and each of which followed the other in a sequence. These categories are

 Inspection-I
 Small repair-S
 Medium repair-M
 Complete Overhaul-C

These repairs are carried out on the equipment in a sequence, which well
defined for the particular equipment.

For example the repair cycle of a center i.e.C-I1-S1-I2-S2-I3-M1-I4-S3-I5-S4-I6-

M2-I7-S5-I8-S6-I9-C-I1…… This means that after a plant interval (say 6 months on 2
shift basis). The volume of work to be carried out in each of these repairs–categories (I,
S, M, C) are indicated below in brief.

 External inspection for proper functioning of all the mechanisms at
all speeds and feeds.
 Regulation and adjustment of couplings, clutches, bearings,
wedges etc.
 Cleaning of oil and coolant filters, lubrications lubricating
distributors chip or dust removes from guides.
 Tightening of all bolts and nutsand replaced dam aging one.
 Replacing of oil.

Small repair-S
 All the operation of inspections.
 Disassembly of 2 to 3 units. Which are excessively worn-out /or
dirty, disassembly of those units completely part wise, washing out
parts and reassembly of units.
 Carrying out various regulations a mentioned at “Inspection” with
necessary repairs (if called for).
 Restoration of damaged parts, it necessary.


Medium repair-M
 All the operation of small repair but more number of units.
Stocks as compared to the small repair are disassembled part wise,
repair and re-assembled.
 Scraping/Grinding of the surface (if the wear exceeds of
permissible limit).
 Painting of external unmachined surfaces of the machines.
 The machine after repair is checked as per “accuracy test charts”.

Complete overhaul-C
 All the operations of the medium repair, but each and every unit is
disassembly part wise, most of the worn out parts replaced by new
ones and machine assembled.
 Unchecked and repaired, if necessary.
 Grinding/scrapping of the surfaces.

Advantages of Preventive maintenance:

 Major repairs can be avoided.
 Gives less production down time.
 Product rejection is minimum.
 Provide better quality control facilities.
 Lengthen the life of equipment.
 Provides safety to the workers
 Minimum inventory control.

The maintenance which is carried out immediately to avoid any serious

consequences or failure is called unplanned maintenance. Some time is called as
“Emergency Maintenance”

Break Down Maintenance:

This Break down Maintenance is only suitable for small scale industries,as it
involves less direct cost and labour whereas large scale industries does not depend on
this maintenance.
The Breakdown maintenance does not provide any guarantee of reliability to the
smooth production running. The maintenance work such as repairing, replacements are
performed only when breakdown occurs. So there is loss of production and extensive
damage to assists or equipment. It is better to avoid breakdown maintenance and go for


planned maintenance.

Contract Maintenance:

Using outside man power, tools, equipments or consultancy to maintain

printing equipment is called contract maintenance. Many of the printing plants utilize the
outside personal repairequipment, especially small scale industries, because they may
not have any skilled person or any other reason relates to cost. But contract
maintenance can be used by any industries of its size. Also contract maintenance can
be done yearly, monthly etc., according to the press owner desire.

Advantages of Contract Maintenance:

 Capital Expenditures towards maintenance is reduced.

 No need totrain or retain any workers.
 Control over the result.

Disadvantages of contract Maintenance:

 Possibility of a long delay in specialty arrival.

 More Expensive than integral maintenance.
 Problem with union, due to outride person service.
 Dependency upon the contracting company.


A maintenance system incorporates all functions like planning, scheduling, dispatching,
recording, analysis and controlling.

Planning means formulation of word in advance. A successful maintenance
depends on maintenance planning only. So “What should be done” and “ Where should be
done” are the major criteria of successful maintenance.

Maintenance planning may be effectively performed, if the past data regarding

inspecting etc, are available in the department. The best way is to have a “History card” for each
machine or instrument. Analysis of the past data can only enable the management build a
confident work-planning structure.

In case of a preventive maintenance, the total planning should be reflected in

master card. After preparing “Master maintenance schedule”, weekly schedule may also be
planned. But while planning, the activities required for an effective maintenance are to identify.


For example: cleaning, lubrication etc.

Scheduling is the time phase of the sequential activities. A maintenance schedule
generally include activities,

· Inspection

· Repair (Major/minor repair)

· Overhauling

All the above activities are performed repetitively and the activities between two
overhauling are termed as “repair cycle” and it is shown in diagram.

In this diagram, the activity is started in a clockwise direction. It is seen that at

first an inspection is scheduled, then a minor and a major is planned. Now again inspection is
done and a minor repair is performed. After the third inspection a major repairing takes place
and then next overhauling comes. That means completing one repair cycle. So from the above
repair cycle we can state three-Inspections, two-minor & major repair are performed in between
the two consecutive overhauling.


Now it is evident that the time period for a repair cycle is dependent on the time
intervals between the two activities. If the

Time interval is six month, and then the repair cycle is for four years.

The planning of time intervals may be considered by the past

Data of the machine, manufacturing instructions and complexities of the instruments etc

Once scheduling is completed, the next phase is dispatching, that is to issue order to
start work. So maintenance authority issues “work order”.

To evaluate the maintenance work done so far, a feed system is followed. In that system
a “Work report” communicates, “What has been done” against our planned work schedule of
“What to do” Analyzing of such report will enable the management to control and review the
“Maintenance planning”.

To enjoy the full planning, a effective control system should be maintained.

Whenever the plan deviates or does not occur as per schedule, a corrective measure is
to be followed. For this, monitoring of the total project is carried out which provides information,
if any change of action is to be made in course of work.

The maintenance work-order and work report may be checked and compared in course
of work, whether the work has already been done, or work need is waiting for any spare or is
facing any type of administrative of technical difficulties, are always to be monitored. The both
way information line should exist with the superior personnel. If the work has been done
satisfactorily, then it is recorded in equipment history card as shown in flow chart.


1. Major repairs can be avoided.

2. Gives less production down time.

3. Product rejection is minimum.

4. Provides better quality control facilities.

5. Lengthens the life of equipments.

6. Provides safety to the workers.


7. Minimum inventory control.


1. Exercise extreme care and precaution when working on any printing press.

2. Observe and practice all safety rules, regulations, and advice given in the press manual.

3. Head all verbal and written instructions before performing maintenance or operating the

4. Wear protective gear for eyes, ears, head, and feet where necessary to protect against

5. Stand clear of the press immediately when the run signal is given.

6. Make sure the press is completely stopped before touching any of its operating parts.

7. Check all safety devices on the press every day to ensure that they are reliable and

8. Never switch off safety devices or remove or otherwise bypass guards.

9. Before working on the press, check to make sure it has been put on “safe” using the
“stop (security)” push button and follow the proper lockout/tag out procedures where
necessary to ensure the safety of everyone involved in press maintenance.

10. Check that stairs, footrests, running bolts, gangways, plat forms, and other equipment
surfaces are clean and free of grease. Do not place tools and supplies on these

11. Grasp handrails securely when ascending the platforms, standing on the platforms, and
before leaving the platforms.

12. Only clean the ink foundations while the press is stopped to avoid injury and press

13. Do not work on moving rollers with rags, tolls etc., because of the risk of accident and

14. Reinstall guards immediately after removing the press washup devices.

15. Use the “reverse” button on the press only for plate removal-not for cleaning or gumming
cylinders, etc.

16. Do not operate equipment unless authorized.


17. Check that all guards and shields are in place before operating the press.

18. Never release a safe button that someone else has set.

19. Do not start a press that has stopped without an apparent reason.

20. Wear a gearing protection device when working in areas with noise levels.

21. Check that all guards, covers and swiveling footrests are securely fastened or
completely locked in place before performing maintenance or operating the press.

22. Check for persons, tools, or equipment between and around the press before starting it.

23. Remove all used plates, tools, and equipment from the press area and alert your co-
workers before starting the press.

24. Wear a hearing protection device when working in areas with high noise levels.

25. Do not permit people with jewelry, loose clothing, or long hair in the pressroom.

26. Do not lean or rest hands on the press.

27. Do not carry tools in pockets to avoid the possibility of dropping them into the press or
other hazardous locations.

28. When making press adjustments, use only recommended tools that are kept in good
working condition.

29. Keep clear of nips, slitters, and moving parts when performing maintenance or operating
the press.

30. To perform any cleaning process, use rags folded into a pad with no loose edges

31. Keep a complete and accessible file of all service manuals, instruction manuals, parts
lists, and lubrication manuals or charts for each piece of equipment in the pressroom.

32. Never make repairs and adjustments or perform maintenance and cleaning jobs when
the machine is running. Any work of on the press, under the infeed mechanism, around
the folder, on the motor, on the main control panel, or on the other electrical or moving
parts of the equipment must be performed only if the main switches on the control panel
are in the OFF position, and locked or tagged out.

In industry ‘housekeeping’ is not just a push-broom effort. Housekeeping


means much more than that. It means not only cleanliness. But also an orderly
arrangement of operations, tools equipment, storage facilities and supplies. It is a
practical method of increasing production, reducing accident and improving morale and
public relations.

Typical Accidents due to poor House keeping

The relationship between accidents and poorhouse keeping is very close
indeed as will be evident from a careful analysis of accidents in any factory. To often
accidents are reported because of:

i. Men tripping over loose objects on floors, starts, and platforms

ii. Men getting hit by article falling from overhead

iii. Men slipping on greasy wet or dirty floors.

iv. Men running against or projecting, poorly piled or poorly placed materials

v. Men getting trapped under materials falling from piles improperly built

vi. Men stepping on or tearing hands or other parts of the body on Projecting nails or hooks.

Typical Items of Unsafe Housekeeping

Good housekeeping cannot be attained by an occasional grand clean up
and setting in order. It must be planned for and continuously pushed. To plan effectively,
typical items, which render a work place, unsafe must be recognized. Some of the
common unsafe housekeeping items:

1. Excessive material, waste, or debris in the work area.

2. Congested aisles

3. Overloaded waste containers

4. Disorderly kept locker and washrooms

5. Dirty walls, ceiling &windows

6. Lint and dust on bearing or machines

7. Tools left on machines

8. Poor lighting

9. Acids in open containers

10. Electric wires, cables and hoses across aisles


11. Spillage of oil, grease, storage areas etc not properly marked.

Once the items, which are responsible for rendering a workplace unsafe, are
recognized, it becomes easier to plan for good housekeeping.

Aid to good housekeeping:

Achieving orderliness and cleanliness does not come from wishing. Certain
policies must be established and equipment necessary for good housekeeping must be
provided. In general orderliness and cleanliness in a plant pre supposes that management has
arranged for the following at least.

1. Proper layout of work area

2. The marking of aisles and storage areas

3. Cabinets and holders for tools and portable equipment

4. Storage and arrangements for materials

5. Efficient sequence of operations to avoid bottlenecks

6. Efficient transportation of the raw material, the finished product and the refuse

7. Efficient cleaning methods such as use of vacuum cleaners and scientific scheduling of
cleaners without interference with production schedule

8. Careful training of employees.

Many more items can be added to the above list. With these listed aids available,
it should not be too much of a problem to the foreman to keep his house clean can orderly with
a place for everything in its place.


The five steps of housekeeping, with their Japanese names, are as follows:

1. Seiri: Distinguish between necessary and unnecessary items in gemba and

discard the latter.

2. Seiton: arrange all items remaining after seiri in an orderly manner.

3. Seiso: Keep machines and working environments clean.

4. Seiketsu: Extend the concept of cleanliness to oneself and continuously practice

the above three steps.

5. Shitsuke: Build self-discipline and make a habit of engaging in 5sby establishing



In introducing housekeeping, Western companies often prefer to use English equivalents

of the five Japanese S’s as in a “Five-S’s compaign”.


1. Sort: Separate out all that is unnecessary and eliminate it.

2. Straighten: Put essential things in order to so that they can be easily accessed.

3. Scrub: Clean everything-tools and workplaces – removing stains, spots, and

debris and eradicating sources of dirt.

4. Systematize: Make cleaning and checking routine.

5. Standardize: standardize the previous four steps to make the process one that
never end and can be improved upon.


A positive transmission of power by the help of chain is very much common, especially
for light and medium drives. Chain drives consist of endless chain links over sprockets.
Sprockets are usually fitted on driving and driven shaft.

In printing industry chain is used for power transmission, speed conversion, and
elevating and conveying system. Some examples are given below,
A belt or a rope drive does not give a constant velocity ratio due to slip which may occur
due to overloads. In order to avoid slipping and to have a constant velocity ratio, steel chains
are used. The chains are made up of a number of rigid links which are hinged together by pin
joints in order to provide the necessary flexibility for wrapping round the driving and driven

· Pile feed boards for sheet fed presses.

· To drive water pan roller.

1. Roller chain drive

2. Silent chain drive

3. Ewart chain drive

4. Bead Chain drive

Roller chain drive

A roller chain, the most common type of chain, is made up of side plates with alternating


roller/bushing and pin-link assemblies. It is used for accurate and high-speed chain drives. This
type of chain is adaptable to widely varying needs, from small-stand drives for light applications
to large multiple-strand chains for heave-duty industrial applications. The following are the key
components of a roller chain mechanism:

· Roller chain, which consists of a finished steel roller, alternate assemblies roller,
and pin links.

· Link, which is hear-treated strip stock steel that has been perforated and blanked.

· Pin, which is hardened alloy steel that has been ground to specific tolerances.

· Bushings, which is a case-hardened core that prevents metal from rubbing metal

· Rollers made of heat-treated, high-carbon steel.

Silent chain drive

The silent chain, also known as an inverted-tooth chain, consists of a series of inverted-
tooth links held together by joint pins to which washers have been riveted. The silent chain,
while not exactly silent, is much quieter in operation than transmission chains.

Unlike a roller chain, the silent chain has a tooth engagement with gradual sliding
action. This chain “rolls” on its sprockets rather than riding on them. The straight sides of the
sprocket teeth mesh with the straight-sided working jaws of the chain links to move the chain
along. The chain is constructed of precision-formed leaf links that are perforated and blanked
from strip steel. Several different types of guide rails can be used tom prevent lateral movement
of silent chains.

Because of the high speed and whipping action of a silent drive, the chain must
be well oiled. The viscosity of the oil depends somewhat upon temperature conditions
and the chain speed, but an oil of about SAE 30 viscosity will surface.

A roller chain, the most common type of chain, is made up of side plates with alternating
roller/bushing and pin-link assemblies. It is used for accurate and high-speed chain drives. This
type of chain is adaptable to widely varying needs, from small-stand drives for light applications
to large multiple-strand chains for heave-duty industrial applications. The following are the key
components of a roller chain mechanism:

· Roller chain, which consists of a finished steel roller, alternate assemblies roller,
and pin links.

· Link, which is hear-treated strip stock steel that has been perforated and blanked.

· Pin, which is hardened alloy steel that has been ground to specific tolerances.

· Bushings, which is a case-hardened core that prevents metal from rubbing metal


· Rollers made of heat-treated, high-carbon steel.

Silent chain drive

The silent chain, also known as an inverted-tooth chain, consists of a series of

inverted-tooth links held together by joint pins to which washers have been riveted. The silent
chain, while not exactly silent, is much quieter in operation than transmission chains.

Unlike a roller chain, the silent chain has a tooth engagement with gradual sliding
action. This chain “rolls” on its sprockets rather than riding on them. The straight sides of the
sprocket teeth mesh with the straight-sided working jaws of the chain links to move the chain
along. The chain is constructed of precision-formed leaf links that are perforated and blanked
from strip steel. Several different types of guide rails can be used tom prevent lateral movement
of silent chains.

Because of the high speed and whipping action of a silent drive, the chain must
be well oiled. The viscosity of the oil depends somewhat upon temperature conditions and the
chain speed, but an oil of about SAE 30 viscosity will surface.

Ewart Chain Drive

The ewart chain is principally used for conveying and elevating equipment, althrough it
sometimes used to transmit lightweight loads at speeds under 400ft./min. Ewart chains are
generally constructed to malleable iron, though are made from steel.

Bead Chain Drive

A Bead chain consists of beads that swiel and turn in metal link or pins. Because the
beads are relatively delicate, the bead chain is used for light service. Sometimes special
situations such as misaligned sprockets, skewed shafts or nonparallel planes call for the use of
this type of chain.


· Drive efficiency is excess of 98%

· Uniform driven speed

· Low bearing loads


· Ease of installation

· Long drive life

· No deterioration

· Multiple drive shafts

· Repair on job.


· Noisy and more cumber some than gears and cams

· More dangerous than belts

· More lubrication requirements

· Lower speeds than gears

Advantages of Chain Drive:

1. Positive contact between the chain and the drive sprocket eliminates the
possibility of slips.

2. Chain drives are compact and occupies less space.

3. Has a wide range of driving power.

4. Useful for low speed and high torque transmissions.

5. It can absorbs shocks.

6. It can be operated under adverse temperature and atmospheric conditions.

7. It gives a high transmission efficiency.

8. Chain drives withstand heat, dirt and weather exposure when properly

9. It can be used where there is considerably large distance between the driving
and driven shafts.

Disadvantages of Chain Drive:

1. The Production cost of chain is relatively high.


2. For better efficiency, lubrication of its parts is necessary.

3. It is heavier as compared to the belt.

4. There is gradual stretching which leads to velocity fluctuations.


transmit power from one shaft to another by means of pulleys, which rotate at the same
speed or different speeds. The belts are made from leather, cotton, rubber and synthetic
materials. The belt is running over two pulleys as shown in figure. The pulley on the rotating
shaft is called as driven or follower. Varying the diameters of the two pulleys can vary the speed
of the driven shaft.

For an unscratched belt mounted on the pulleys, the order and inner faces will be
in tension will be in tension and compression respectively. In between there is a neutral section,
which has no tension and compression. Usually, this is considered at half the thickness of the
belt and the corresponding radius is called as effective radius of rotation.
The belt and rope drive system is widely used in power transmission system. The belts
are used to transmit power from one shaft to another by means of pulleys which rotate at the
same speed or at different speed. The belts are made from leather, cotton, rubber and synthetic
materials. The belt is running over two pulleys as shown in. The pulley on the rotating shaft is
called driver and the pulley on the shaft to be rotated called as driven or follower. The speed of
the driven shaft can be varied by varying the diameters of the two pulleys.

Based on the type of belt used:

1. Flat belt drive

2. V-belt drive
3. Circular belt or Rope drive


4. Ribbed belt drive

5. Toothed or timing Belt drive

Flat belt drive

A belt may be of rectangular cross section known as flat belt. It is mostly used in
the factories and workshops where a moderate amount of power is to be transmitted. In
the case of flat drive, the rim of the pulleys is slightly crowned which helps to keep the
belt centrally on the pulley rim. Generally the distance between the pulleys should not
be more than 10 meters apart.

Advantages of Flat belts:

1. It is simple and cheap.

2. It runs smoothly.

3. It is suitable for any arrangement of shafts.

4. It transmits power over considerable distance between driver and driven


Disadvantages of Flat belts:

1. The life is very short.

2. It requires comparatively large size.

3. Slip of belt will occur frequently.

Rope Belt Drive


The belt with circular cross section known as rope or circular belt. It is widely used where
greater amount of power is to be transmitted and the distance between the pulleys is more than
8 meters apart.

One of the main advantages of rope drive is that is any number of separate
drives may be taken from the one driving pulley. The rope drives are mainly employed in mining
and textile industries. Rope drives can be employed when there is a misalignment between the
pulleys with in limits and in fluctuating temperature and humidity. A typical arrangement of rope
drive is in single rope passes over the sheaves several times and the slackness being taken up
by a tension carriage.

The commonly used rope drives are 1. Fiber ropes and 2. Wire ropes. The
materials for ropes are operate successfully when are about 60m apart whereas for wire ropes,
the pulleys are up to 150m apart 150m apart.

Advantages of Rope drives:

1. These are lighter weight.

2. They give high mechanical efficiency.

3. The cast is low.

4. They are more double and more reliable as compared with others.

5. Frictional grip is more.

6. They can withstand shock loads.

7. It is more useful to transmit large amount of power over long distance from one
pulley to another.

V-belt drive:

V-belts are particularly suitable for short drives (I. e) the pulleys are nearer to each other.
A belt with trapezoidal cross section is known as V- belt. They are made endless and it used in


factories and workshops where greater amount of power is to be transmitted. Owing to the
wedge action between the belt and the sides of groove in the pulley, the V- belt is less likely to

The V-belts are made of rubber impregnated fabric with angle V between 30 to 40

Advantages of V- belts:

1. It is compact, so installation is possible in limited space.

2. Less vibration and noise.

3. Easy replacement and maintenance.

4. They are suitable for transmission of power for short center distance.

5. They transmit more power.

6. Slip between the belt and pulley groove is negligible.

7. Since the V- belts are made endless and there is no joint trouble. Hence the
drive is smooth.

Disadvantages of V- belts:

1. It is costlier.

2. The V- belt are not so durable as flat belts.

3. The construction of pulleys for V-belts is more complicated then flat belt

4. V-belt drive cannot be used for long distances. Because for long distance, the
weight per unit

Length is more.


A gear is a mechanism that transmits mechanical rotary power from one shaft to
another at shorter distance, smoothly and positively.

Gear drives are used to transmit power from one shaft to another shaft where
constant velocity ratio is essential.

To transmit a definite motion of one disc to another, projections and recesses on two


discs can be made, which can mesh with each other. This leads to the formation of teeth on the
discs and the motion between the surface changes from rolling to sliding. The discs with teeth
are known as gears or gear wheels.

Purpose of Gears
The gear drives are used to transmit motion from the driving shaft to the driven shaft to

 Change the velocity ratio

 Change the direction of rotation

 Get a Positive Drive

a. Spur gear

b. Helical gear

c. Bevel gear

d. Worm gear

e. Herringbone gear

f. Rack &Pinion gear

f. Rack &Pinion gear

Advantages of Gear Drives:

 It transmits exact velocity ratio

 It has high efficiency

 It transmits high power

 It has reliable service and compact layout

Disadvantages of Gear Drives

 It is costlier than others, as it requires special machine tools.

 It requires suitable and proper lubrication system, and hence maintenance cost is high.

Spur Gear


It has teeth parallel to the shaft, and used to transmit power toonly parallel shafts. Use of
spur gears will eliminate the end thrust and axial displacement at moderate speeds.

Helical Gear
Helical gear has teeth that from a helical angle around the center. Helical gears
are most accurate and stronger than spur gears. This type gears, eliminate the shock and
jarring under heavy loads. As these gears provide and thrust, it is recommended to use thrust

Bevel Gear

It has teeth cut on an angular face for transmitting power between shafts that are at an
angle to each other.

Bevel gears are not as precise as spur gears. They are only suitable for shafts at
right angles.

Worm Gear


Worm gears combines worm wheel and gear. They are used to connect the shafts in
parallel planes. Worm gears are used for high precision and high quality work.

Worm gears produce less noise and vibration also they handle high loads.

Herringbone Gear

They are called as double-helical gear. There are opposite angle helixes on the two
sides of gears. Sometime two opposite-angle helical gears are fastened together. These gears
are used to transmit heavy loads with a minimum of noise. Also minimized thrust.

Rack and pinion gear


The rack as teeth on a flat surface. Pinion is a gear wheel moves on the rack.


a. Scheduled lubrication should be employed to restrict wear.

b. It is advisable to adjust the alignment in regular intervals.

c. Whenever you replace the chain by new on, you must change the sprocket also.

d. Worn out sprocket sometime may be used in a reverse manner.


a. Belt drive is covered at the top to protect the belt from ant dust, metal particles to enter.

b. Excess load on belt should be avoided; otherwise it will stretch the belt.

c. Slippage if any in the drive, should be checked periodically to ensure the transmission of
the rated load.

d. Belts of different bands should not be mixed. When replacing belts, total set of belts is to
be replaced. New and used belts should not run together.

e. Belts wear results by the contact of pulley walls groove. So groove must be checked


1. Always use recommended lubricants and filter to avoid normal wearing.

2. To avoid abrasive wear, gear teeth should be scrapped and cleaned, and care to be
taken to use dust-free lubrication.
3. Ridging appears on gear teeth as diagonal lines due to heavy load and inadequate
lubrication use

3. Ridging appears on gear teeth as diagonal lines due to heavy load and inadequate


lubrication use extreme pressure lubricants.

4. Pitting (surface-fatigue) occur at initial stage should be avoided by gradual running.

Sometime, grinding and polishing of tooth surface is done.

5. Gears running in one direction may be reversed 180 degree to take the help of a non-
worn surface for better operation.

6. When a wear appears on both sides of the tooth surface, it may be seen that a
smaller meshing gear will wear more. New one may replace this.

Direct drive mechanism

Direct coupling of the payload to the rotor eliminates the need for mechanical
transmission elements such as gearboxes, timing belts, speed reducers and worm gear drives.
Unlike brushed rotary motors, there is no contact between rotor and stator; therefore there is
no mechanical wear resulting in excellent reliability and long lifetimes. Fewer mechanical parts
also minimize maintenance and reduce the system cost. The direct drive technology intrinsic to
a torque motor system results in an efficient and effective gearless assembly.

Direct Drive Motor Construction and Operation

Direct drive systems couple the system’s load directly to the motor without the use of
belts or gears. In some situations, brushed or brushless servo motors may lack adequate torque
or resolution to satisfy some applications’ needs. Therefore, mechanical means, such as gear
reduction systems to increase torque and resolution, are used to meet system requirements.
The Direct Drive can provide very high torque in a modest package size and solves many of the
performance issues of the gear reducer. All in a system that is as easy to use as a stepping

The gear reducer relies on large amounts of frictional contact to reduce the speed of the
load. This gearing effectively increases torque and resolution but sacrifices speed and accuracy.
The direct drive motor is brushless and gearless so it eliminates friction from its power
transmission Since the feedback element is coupled directly to the load, system accuracy and
repeatability are greatly The motor contains precision bearings, magnetic components and
integral feedback in a compact motor package. The motor is an outer rotor type, providing direct


motion of the outside housing of the motor and thus the load. The cross roller bearings that
support the rotor have high stiffness, to allow the motor to be connected directly to the load. In
most cases, it is not necessary to use additional bearings or connecting shafts.

Because of the flexibility and adaptability to retrofit situations, more and more direct drives are
being used in printing machines. This is the case for both sheet fed machines and reel fed
machines, whose system limits are steadily on the rise.
For quite some time, direct drive motor technology in printing applications has been new
standard. Because of the special design of motors, we are able to reduce the number of
mechanical components on the axes and even eliminate the need for gears. This reliable, effi
cient direct drive print unit keeps you on the top.


 Increased efficiency: The power is not wasted in friction (from the , chain, etc.,
and especially, gearboxes.)
 Reduced noise: Being a simpler device, a direct-drive mechanism has fewer
parts which could vibrate, and the overall noise emission of the system is usually
 Longer lifetime: Having fewer moving parts also means having fewer parts prone
to failure. Failures in other systems are usually produced by aging of the component
(such as a stretched belt), or stress.
 High torque at low rpm.
 Faster and precise positioning. High torque and low inertia allows faster
positioning times on permanent magnet synchronous servo drives. Feedback sensor
directly on rotary part allows precise angular position sensing.
 Drive stiffness. Mechanical backlash, hysteresis and elasticity is removed
avoiding use of gearbox or ball screw mechanisms.



 The main disadvantage of the system is that it needs a special motor.

 The slow motor also needs to be physically larger than its faster counterpart.

 Also, direct-drive mechanisms need a more precise control mechanism. Direct drives
in the print unit

Direct drive motor technology in printing applications

 Retraction and extension

 Synchronization
 Compensating motions
 Registration control and monitoring
 Belt tension control
 Winding and unwinding


 No redundant bearings
 Frame length is minimized
 No wearing parts
 Axial rotor movement possible

Improving Flexo Printing and Quality with Direct Drive Technology

Flexo printing quality is dependent upon maintaining extremely accurate synchronization

of the anilox roller and plate cylinder used in each print deck module. Traditionally, this has
been accomplished either by gearing the anilox roller and plate cylinder together and driving
both with a single AC induction motor or by using separate servo motors to drive each axis
through gearboxes. As press speed and printing quality requirements have increased, the
inevitable inaccuracies in the gearing system have become a limiting factor on press print


quality and speed.

Application Solution

Recent advancements make it possible to synchronize the anilox roller and plate cylinder to a
much higher level of precision without mechanical transmissions by using closed loop control
technology and driving both directly with independent, Direct Drive Rotary (DDR) servo motors.
The elimination of the mechanical transmission enables elimination of the gear backlash, thus
providing for higher speeds and accuracies for improved print quality.

Eliminating the Mechanical Transmission Advancements in control and motor technology over
the past decade now make it possible for the motion of the anilox and plate cylinders to be
electronically synchronized by a closed loop control system to a much higher level of accuracy
by eliminating the mechanical transmission system and creating a totally direct drive
configuration. The basic idea is that the anilox roller and plate cylinder are each driven
independently by separate DDR motors.

A feedback device such as a high resolution sine encoder provides the servo motors with far
more accurate position and velocity information that the controller compares to its programmed
motion profile and based on this signal sends velocity command signals to the amplifier that
drives the servo motor.

A motion profile defines the operation of each servo motor in terms of time position and velocity.
In practice, the anilox roller and plate cylinder are synchronized in both speed and phase,
ensuring that every point around the surface of the anilox roller is synchronized with the plate




Beartings are one of the most important machine elements. Bearings have contact with
rigid frame and movable parts.

1. Sliding bearings

2. Antifriction bearings

Sliding bearings may be used to support the rotating, reciprocation or oscillating shafts. Sliding
bearings may be classified in to three types.

a. Journal bearing

b. Thrust bearing

c. Guide bearing

These types of bearings are also called as sliding bearing or plain bearing. Journal
bearing is a most common type used in printing machinery (Ink oscillator roller, Ink feed
roller, web offset reel shafts etc.) This bearing is a bush made of copper, brass of
bronzes. This bearing is available in solid, split, etc. as shown in the figure.

Inside this bush journal or shaft rotates. This type or bearing allows the shaft rotate and


slide unlike antifriction bearing. Cost of this bearing and replacement is very easy one. This
bearing requires thin film of oil to separate the shaft from wear and friction.

Antifriction bearings are classified in to two types. They are,

a. Ball bearings

b. Needle bearings


Ball bearing in which a shaft or journal turns in contact with hardened steel balls usually.
These balls are placed between and outer race. This bearing is suitable for high-speed
operation and requires less maintenance. However load carrying capacity is somewhat low. It
produces too high noise. The common types of ball bearings are,

1. Deep groove ball bearing

2. Self-aligning ball bearing

3. Angular contact ball bearing

4. Duplex ball bearing

5. Thrust ball bearing

Needle bearing is a cage less bearing. This type of bearings has no cages. But the
needle is long and thin. So this of bearings is small in diameter and carries high loads with more


accuracy. Needle bearings also have a larger coefficient of friction than roller bearings. The
main advantage of needle bearing over ball bearing is less space it occupies.

Roller bearing is also one of the rolling contact bearing. These are similar to the ball
bearings where the balls are replaced by hardened short cylindrical rollers in order to carry
greater radial loads than the ball bearings.

All rollers are of equal size with their length equals to diameter. They are made of
chromium (or) chrome nickel steel with a ground polished surface. Roller bearings are relatively
rigid against radial motion and hence they carry heavier loads. This type of bearing will carry
only the radial loads or loads perpendicular to the axis of shaft. Cage or retainers are used to
keep the roller at a uniform distance apart.


To move the machine parts in precise way cams are used in printing machines.

Cam is a machine part that either rotates, move back and forth or remain stationary to
produce a prescribed motion by contacting a follower. The follower can be a round turning
bearing, a non-moving flat-faced surface, or a knife edged.

Cam-follower systems are particularly useful when the uniform the uniform revolving or
reciprocation motion of one part of a machine is to be converted to any kind of non-uniform
alternating, elliptical or rectilinear movement.


Following are the types of cams


a. Disk cam

b. Translation cam

c. Groove plate cam

d. Cylindrical cam

e. Eccentric cam

f. Tow & Wiper cam

The most common type of cam is the disk cam, which is a flat rotating plate with
a curved contour that usually rotates with a constant velocity to impart a desired, constrained
motion through the movement of a follower device riding on the cam.

A translation cam produces a vertical motion in the follower when the cam is moved
horizontally. In some translation cams the follower travels over the surface of a stationary cam.



A groove plate cam has the follower restrained within a groove cut in the cam plate. It is used
primarily for high-speed applications. With this design, springs are not required to keep
the follower in contact with the cam face, as the groove guides the follower along the

A cylindrical cam is a cylinder into which a contour has been grooved. The
follower is guided through a contour, which usually pushes or pulls the arm in a vertical or
horizontal motion to perform the work. A cylindrical cam is a very sturdy, accurate design.

An eccentric cam is a circular cam in which the rotating shaft is off-center.


A tow and wipe cam is a cam that rotes and imparts movement that lifts or lowers the
follower, depending on the direction of rotation.


Follower is a device that follows the contoured cam surface, producing a prescribed
motion of output. There are different types of followers,

a. Roller follower

b. Knife Edged follower

c. Flat edge


A roller follower, the most common type, is a roller mechanism that rides on the cam
face to impart linear motion. Its advantage is the reduction of sliding friction as the follower
travels over the cam face. The disadvantages of the roller follower are that weak points are
created at the pin axis and that steep cam cont9ours may jam the translation roller follower.



A knife edged follower is a pointed device that rides on the face to impart linear motion.
Because the sharp edge of the follower causes excessive wears on the cam face, its practical
use is limited to precision, light-load mechanisms.


A flat faced, or “mushroom” follower. The type used in automotive engines, is a
flat faced spherical surface mechanism that rides on the cam face to impart linear motion. There
are types of flat-faced follower: plain face and spherical face. Both of these designs perform well
with steep cam, contours. The plain face design, which has a flat surface in contact with the
cam, may give high surface stress to the cam because of deflection and misalignment. The
spherical face design alleviates this condition because of its rounded surface face.

In printing machine cams are used to precise the sheet transfer, ink doctor roller timing,
feeder mechanisms and oscillating roller mechanism etc.

Characteristics of cams and followers

a. It has limited speed

b. It is very expensive system

c. It is a précised component

d. It gives longer operation life

e. It carries high load

f. It requires minimum maintenance

g. It requires frequent lubrication


h. Follower contaminated with dirt or water should be replaced

i. It gives dependable operation only

A spring is defined, as an elastic body, whose function is to distort when loaded and to
recover its original shape when the load is removed.

1. Helical Spring

2. Conical & Volute Spring

3. Torsion Springs & Laminated Springs

Helical Springs

The helical springs are made up of a wire coil in the form of helix and are primarily
intended for compressive or tensile loads. The cross-section of the wire from which the spring is
made may be circular, square or rectangular.

Conical and volute Springs


Torsion Springs

These springs may be of helical or spiral type. The helical type may be used only in
applications where the load tends to wind up the spring are used in various electrical
mechanism. The spiral type is also used where the load tends to the number of coils and when
made of flat strip are used in watches and clocks.

Laminated springs


The laminated or leaf spring (also known as flat springs or carriages spring) consists of a
flat plates (known as leaves) of varying held together by means of clamps and bolts. These are
mostly used in automobiles.


Magnetic starter
MSB series electromagnetic starters are used in a power line, AC50-60Hz to stat,
stop and convert motors, and protect motors from overload and phase failure MSB9-MSB80
starters and convertible starters have two types. They are

o Open type

o Protective cover type

Magnetic starter switches are different from normal ON/OFF switches. They are used on
medium and larger power tools as a safety device. Among other features, they prevent the tool
from remaining in the “on-state” after it is unplugged or a power loss occurs (to test whether
your tool has a magnetic starter or not, turn the tool on unplug the tool and if the tool begins
running when you plug it back in, then it is “NOT” a magnetic starter). A magnetic starter uses a
spring loaded, self –sustaining relay

A contactor is a mechanical switching device, used to switch on and off the power circuit.

There are various is types of contactors available. There are

1. Electromagnetic contactors

2. Pneumatic contactors

3. Electro-pneumatic contactors

4. Latched contactors

Among the above contactors, electromagnetic contactor is widely used. This will


have contacts, some normally open (NO) and some normally closed (NC).

When the supply is given to the coil, it is energized. A strong magnetic field is produced
and it activates, the mechanism so the NO contacts are closed since, NC contacts opened.

We use this above magnetic contactor as a mechanical switching device

(magnetic starter) to start a motor.

STOP, START Push buttons are used to switch ON/OFF the magnetic contactor to

Normally open contacts (NO) are open when the contactor coil is de-energized
condition and they close when the coil is energized. Similarly (NC) Normally closed contacts are
in closed condition when the coil is de-energized condition and they open when the coil is

Separate push buttons are provided for energizing and de-energizing contactor.
For starting, a push-button with NO contact and for stopping another push-button with NC
contact is used.

1. Use of one push-button for both starting and stopping.

2. Use of separate push-button for starting and stopping.

3. Multiple push-button stations. (One start and many stop buttons.)

Switches of these types are generally used to limit or indicate the travel of some moving
part of the machine. The mechanism is equipped with either NO or NC contacts.

When the moving part touches the liver, which carries a small roller at the end
will move to a position where contacts in limit switches are either opened or closed.

Some of the applications in printing industry are safety doors, paper-lifting

mechanism, folder jamming, etc.

When the machine operation is more accurate, a micro switch is employed instead of
metallic contacts. This micro switch allows operation on very minute movements of external
lever of the switch.



Overload relay switches are normally used to protect the motor from various problems
like, low voltage, excessive loads, high temperature, etc. If any of the above factors causes, the
relay will trip the circuit and disconnect the motor from main supply. Overload relays are
classified are into types,

1. Thermal type

2. Magnetic type


This is most common type of overload relay. It has two bimetallic strips having different
temperature co-efficient, joined together either by rolling or welding. Due to over load current,
when heated the strips bend on account of differential expansions of two metals, which open the
contacts then the motor is disconnected from the supply.



In this relay the magnetic core and contacts are fixed as shown in fig. This relay has
movable magnetic iron core inside a coil, which carries the motor current. When the current
through this coil becomes high, a strong magnetic field is produced and pulls the magnetic iron
core up or down. So the contactor is opened and the motor is disconnected from the supply.

It is the supplying and monitoring units used in industries. Size of the panel and
its operation facility is depending on the nature of job we handle. Also it varies from one
manufacturer to other.

Usually panels are kept away from machine area (especially in a closed glass
chamber). In this room there should be proper ventilation or refrigeration.



Power supply from supplier is gut here and distributed sufficiently. Primarily the bus bar
is placed in top of the panel and function of supply points are noted and fed into distribution
chamber. Proper earth system is provided here. All the supply loads are connected with
distribution chamber through the instrument parameters like relays and measuring instruments


for proper monitoring and protection.


Lubrication is a procedure to separate the surfaces with a film of lubricant
to minimize friction and to restrict wear & tear. The substances used for purpose is called

1. It minimizes the friction, wear & tear of the surfaces.

2. It dissipates heat generated as a result of friction and acts as a coolant.

3. It prevents rusting and controls corrosion.

4. It prevents entry of moisture, dust and dirt between the moving parts and thus acting as
a seal.

5. It acts as cleaning agent.

6. It acts as electric insulator in transformers, switches, gears, etc.

7. It lengths the service-life of the components.


Following are the modes of lubrication, by which lubrication film is formed.

1. Boundary lubrication

2. Fluid film lubrication

3. Mixed lubrication.

On the basis of physical state the lubricants can be classified as follows.

1. Solid lubricants

2. Semi solid lubricants

3. Liquid lubricants

Solid lubricant are used either in the form of dry power or mixed with water or oil


so that they can stick firmly to the metal surfaces.

Solid lubricants are used in special condition. When a liquid or semi-solid lubricant film
cannot be maintained.

When the operating temperature and pressure are too high to use liquid lubricants.

Solid lubricants are used at low or high temperature also at very high loads.

Examples of solid lubricants: Soap stone, graphite, talc, chalk, mica Teflon, molybdenum
disulphide etc.

Greases and Vaseline are the most important semi-solid lubricants.

1. These lubricants are used for machines at slow speed and high pressure.

2. When bearing and gears to be lubricated at high temperature.

3. When sealing is required against dust, or moisture.

4. When oil-film cannot be maintained due to high load, slow speed, sudden jerks.


Grease, Vaseline and etc.

Since the liquid lubricants provide separation when correctly applied. They have
high cooling ability when circulated through bearing area. They also act as sealing agent and
prevent corrosion.


1. Animal and vegetable oils

2. Mineral oils

3. Synthetic oils

4. Blended oils

The following are the important properties of lubricants.


It is the measure of degree of fluidity of oil by which it can withstand high pressure or
load without squeezing out from the bearing surface. Viscosity decreases as the temperature
rise and viscosity increases as the temperature decreases. The degree of variation of viscosity
with temperature is termed as viscosity index.

2. Oiliness
Oiliness refers to a combination of wet ability, surface tension and slipperiness
(i.e. capacity of oil to leave an oily skin on the metal). The oiliness of lubricant oil should be high
to provide efficient lubrication.

3. Flash point
It is the lowest temperature at which the vapor is given off from the oil to support a
momentary flash without actually setting fire to the oil when a flame is brought within 6mm at the
surface of the oil.

4. Fire point
It is the temperature at which the oil catches fire and burns continuously. Fire
point of bearing lubricants should be high in order to avoid firing of lubricant while heat

5. Freezing point
It is the temperature at which oil will cease to flow when cooled.

6. Pour point
The temperature at which the lubricant is able to flow when poured.

7. Stability
It is the ability of oil to resist oxidation. Lubricating oil should have high stability.

8. Foaming
Foaming of a lubricant is the condition in which minute air bubbles are held in the
oil. The oil should be free from foaming trouble.

‘9. Emulsification and de-emulsibility

Emulsification indicates the tendency of oil to mix intimately with water to form a more or


less stable emulsion.

De-emulsibility the readiness with which subsequent separation will occur.

Lubrication Schedule
Manufactures will generally prescribe the schedule of lubrication, which should
be strictly followed as a maintenance measure, will clearly specify the lubricants to be applied
and the frequency. Lubricating is a regular being performed by the operators, attainders.

Lubrication chart
Printing plants should use lubrication charts, is the only way to be sure that the proper
types of lubricants have been used at the proper intervals.


Over the years, devices have been developed that through their dependability
and simplicity; have become standards-in the printing industry. These lubrication devices fall
into three categories: manual, semiautomatic, and automatic.

The manual devices ate those to which lubricants are applied with an oilcan or grease
gun. These are holes or grease fittings.

With semiautomatic devices the lubricant is applied by some sort of reservoir and fed to
the spot by some action on the part of the operator. A few examples are sight gravity-feed oilier,
bottom-feed wick, bottle-oilier, grease cup, siphon-type oilier and pad oilier.

Automatic devices, which are becoming more popular, use pressure to apply the
lubricant. These system varied and complex. In addition to being designed to apply the
lubricant, they are timed to give the right amount at the right time. Some systems are timed to
feed oil or grease on a regular schedule.

Methods of lubrication
The moving parts are likely to wear off due to continuous rubbing action of one
part with another. In order to avoid an early wearing, a proper lubrication arrangement should be
provided. The following methods are used for efficient lubrication.

Gravity feed method

a. Wick feed lubrication b. Oil cup and c. Drip feed lubrication

Force-feed or pressure feed method

a. Oil can b. Grease gun c. Grease & cup


Splash method
a. Ring oiler and b. Chain pump oiler

Ring oiler lubrication

A common method of employing splash lubricating is known as ring oiling. A simple

arrangement of ring oiler lubricating is shown in figure. This method works on the principle of
adhesion and it is used for horizontal shafts only. In this method, ring is used to lubricate the
bearings. Mostly brass rings are used. An oil ring is considerably larger in diameter than the
shaft and pass below the bearing and the bottom portion of the

As the shaft rotates, the ring, which is attached to the shaft, will rotate loosely and the oil
adhering to the ring is brought up and fed in to the bearing. Thus the bearing is lubricated. In
order to distribute the oil along the length of the bearing, the bearing is provided with spreader
grooves. Finally the oil drains back to the oil sump. When the length of the shaft is greater,
multiple rings are placed at specified distance along its length.

Drip feed lubrication


The gravity feed principle is employed in this method. An oil cup with central hole is fitted
into the bearing housing. When the cup is filled with lubricating oil, flows to the shaft surface
through the hole by gravity action. The flow of oil is observed through the glass and adjusting
the position of the valve controls it.

Grease cup lubrication

Grease cup lubrication falls under force feed lubrication system. In this method, a grease
cup which is made of two parts. The lower part with a central hole is threaded to oil hole in the
bearing housing. The cup is filled with grease and screwed with lower part. This will cause the
grease under pressure.

When the shaft is made to rotate, the grease will melt due to heat generated in
the rubbing surface and it will flow to bearing surface through the oil hole. The cup is tightened
for every interval in order to maintain force on the grease. When the level of the grease is
lowered, the cup is unscrewed and filled with grease. In spring type grease cup method, the
force on the grease is maintained by a compressive spring.



For installation and maintenance work, we use large variety of measuring tools,
gauges and instruments. We discuss a few of them.

Cranes and hoists are used to move materials through overhead space. There
are several types of cranes and hoists.

Fixed crane
This type of crane is fixed in one position. From this fixed position, the crane will
be handling materials. This type of cranes can be seen in ship yards and railway yards to
handle heavy and bulky materials.

Pillar crane
This may be for heavy and bulky materials in industries. The crane travels along
overhead rails and materials can be moved both longitudinally and crosswise along the bays.
An operator sitting in the cabin over head operates the crane. The materials will be loaded and
unloaded by the person on the ground.

Traveling crane
There are two types of traveling crane. One is mounted on the truck and in the
other type it is mounted on rails.



This is used for lifting materials vertically. The hoist is operated between fixed guide
rails. There are numerous types of hoists. The simplest type is chain hoist, operated by hand.
There are also hoists operated by electric power. The hoist is similar to overhead crane except
that a hoist does not carry the operator in it but operated from one or two other points.

It is a common instrument to test or adjust horizontal surfaces. In printing industry
machines are leveled by this equipment. Usually spirit level is kept on rollers and cylinders for
leveling purpose. It is simply glass tube, having the length of 200-300 mm filled with liquid. An
air bubble is present at the top of the tube. This glass tube has flat base at the bottom. When
the spirit level moved, the air bubble will move left to right, depending on the amount of tilting of
its base. The angle tilting can be calibrated. The work will be leveled, when the air bubble is
exactly centered on the center mark. The level may be moved in either horizontal or vertical



It has a feeler pin below the dial. A slightest pressure in its transmitted to the pointer
through a gear train drive in such the ratio that exact reading is shown on the dial.

In printing dial gauges are frequently used with “Block gauges” for checking the
parallelism of metal rollers and unit parallelism etc. Sometime it is used to measure the
difference between the actual dimensions with the designed dimension

One complete revolution of pointer indicates movement of 1mm and as the dial is
divided into 100 divisions. It gives a reading with an accuracy of 0.01mm.



The gap or clearance between the mating surfaces can be checked with feeler gauges.
They are simply precision steel blades. The thickness of which are 0.03to1mm pivoted together.
The thickness of the gauges is clearly marked on it. In printing this gauges are used to find the
clearance between bushes & bore wall, gap between plate and blanket, cylinder and bearing
wear etc.

It is a very much useful instrument for taking external dimensions up to an
accuracy of 0.01mm.

Here the job to be measured is placed between the anvil and spindle as shown in
the figure. By rotating the sleeve (threaded) spindle moves towards anvil, and tightens the job.
Now ratchet is tightened and the micrometer is taken out of job.

The dimensions now can be read primarily from the linear scale on the barrel
which processes (1mm, 0.5) and then circular readings to be noted. For each turn of the circular
scale, the thimble moves fractionally (slowly).

These micrometers are available in different ranges. Micrometer should be kept clean.
Error correction to be made properly if any error is there.



It may be noted that wrong selection of screwdriver, application of undue pressure. This
tool is used to tighten or loosen the nuts and bolts. Its may be single or double- ended spanner.
It may also be closed end spanner, where one of its end is closed completely to form hexogen
or square. This removes possibility of slippage.

T- socket wrench or box spanner may also provide greater leverage. Pipe wrenches are
used for connecting or disconnecting conduit pipes.


Vernier calipers consist of two steel rules, which slide among each other. One is called
main scale and the other is called vernier scale. Main scale is engraved on a L-shaped frame,
which contain the fixed jaw and measuring tip. Vernier scale slides on the main scale and it
contain the movable jaw and measuring tip. When the two measuring tips contact each other,
then reading will be zero. The design of measuring tip is in such as to measure inside and
outside features.

It is a common tool for maintenance and assembly work. Various types of screwdrivers
are available today. (Stand screwdrivers; offset screwdriver and cross- slot screws). It may
pressure, spoil both the screw head and screwdriver tip.



The purpose of a test run is to check the print accuracy and performance of the machine
whether it complies with the manufacturer specification. These test give you a general idea of
the quality of the machine without taking much time. So these tests are conducted at
manufacturing plant, during overhauling and even repair stage.

Following are the “Acceptance test” carried out now a days to know the present quality
of the machine.

1. Idle-run tests

2. Performance test under load

3. Accuracy tests

4. Rigidity tests

5. Vibration – resistance tests

This test is conducted at no load. In this Idle run, operation of all mechanisms in electric,
hydraulic ans pneumatic equipments and lubricating system are checked. Also machine is
operated in maximum speed.


In this above test machine will be run with full production capacity at high speed (all units
of the machine with ink and paper). During the test, power consumption of the drive motor is
also checked. This test will show how the machine is operating and what accuracy its print



It is used to check the geometrical accuracy of the machine (Parallelism,

alignment etc., for the above accuracy test feeler gauge sprit level, dial indicators, straight
edges are used.

his accuracy test also includes the print quality test. For the print quality we use,

i. GATF – Register test grid,

ii. GATF – Sheet fed test form,

iii. GATF – Digital sheet fed test form,

iv. GATF – Mechanical ghosting test form,

v. Solid printing test of all colours

The aim of the accuracy test is to compare the actual condition of the machine with
standard accuracy.

This determines the accuracy under load in steady state operation. If the
machine has no rigidity, then the product quality like registration, ink and water balance will
problem. Applying force and measuring the deflection test it.


When vibration developed in operation, it increases the wear in machine parts,
decreases the production rate, causes breakdown, and reduces life of machine. For this test a
glass of water is normally used.


The majority of equipment in the printing plant is electrically operated. Only
qualified electrical technicians should be allowed to work on the electrical systems, in order to
ensure safety and help eliminate electrical component failure.


One of the most frequently overlooked items in most plants is voltage
fluctuation, which can cause major problems in many areas of a printing plant. Perhaps
the most obvious example is changes in exposure density of a timed exposure due to
voltage fluctuation. Voltage fluctuation is also a problem in a plate making and can be
detrimental to computers and other solid-state equipment. Voltage fluctuation can be
overcome by the rather the simple combination of a voltage meter and audio transformer.
Computer equipment should also be equipped with uninterruptible power systems (UPS).

A critical factor leading to efficient electrical operation is the correct installation of
electrical components, which requires timely consultation with the equipment’s with the
equipment’s manufacturer prior to and during the installation process. Poor installation of an
electrical component could result in safety hazards, the component’s failure, and negate any
manufacturer guarantees and warranties. Correct wiring and grounding of equipment cannot be
stressed too much.

When a printer is looking for a mew building, one of the biggest

should be the power available in the building (or if and when the utility
company will bring in the power needed). Never assume that power is available.
Always check with your utility representative and make sure you have the right
power and, if not, when the utility will be able to schedule the installation. Never
sign a lease until this is clearly established in writing.

When bying new equipment, always check with the manufacturer as to its
electrical power requirements. Sometime, the purchaser of a new piece of equipment finds that
the voltage requirement to operative it is not same as the voltage level presently in the building.
This is not an infrequent occurrence. It can cost thousands of dollars to bring the proper power
lines to your plant –if the power company can even to it. The printing equipment manufacturer


and the equipment purchaser should never assume that there will be no problem with operating
voltages. Power requirements should be one of the first items checked before purchasing


Maintenance schedule of induction motors, as recommended by Indian Standard
Institution (ISI) are

Daily Maintenance
o Examine visually earth connections and motor leads

o Check motor windings for overheating (the permissible maximum temperature is about
that which can be comfortably felt by hand

o Examine control equipment

o In the case of oil-ring lubricated motors

· Examine bearings to see that oil-rings are working.

· Note temperature of bearings

· Add oil, if necessary

· Check endplay

Weekly Maintenance
· Check belt tension. In case where this is excessive, it should immediately be reduced
and in the case of sleeve bearing machines, the air gap between motor stator should be

· Below out windings of protected type motors situated in dust locations

· Examine starting equipment for burnt contacts where motors is started and stopped

· Examine oil in the case of oil ring lubricated bearing for contamination by dust, girt, etc.
(This can be roughly fudged by the color of the oil)

Monthly Maintenance
o Overhaul controllers

o Inspect and clean oil-circuit breakers


o Renew oil in high speed bearing of brushes of slip ring motors

o Check the grease in ball and roller bearings and make it up where necessary and take
care of avoiding overfilling

o Drain all oil from bearings, wash with lubricating oil and refill with clean oil.

Half-yearly Maintenance
· Clean winding of the motors subjected to corrosive ors their elements. Also bade and
varnish, if necessary

· In the case of slip -ring motors, check slip-rings for grooving on unusual wear

· Check grease in ball and roller bearings and make it up where necessary and take care
of avoiding overfilling

· Drain all oil from bearings, wash with petrol to which a few drops of oil have been added
flush with lubricating oil refill with clean oil.

Annual Maintenance
o Check all high-speed bearings and renew, if necessary

o Blow out all motor windings thoroughly with clean dry air. Make sure that the pressure is
not so high as to damage the insulation

o Overhaul varnish dirty and oily windings

o Overhaul motors, which have been subjected to severe operating conditions

o Renew switch and fuse contacts, if damaged.


Pneumatics is that branch of physics that deals with the properties of air and other
gases. In the printing industry we are concerned with compressed air, which serves in a number
of different capacities within the plant.

Some of the more common places that we see pneumatics at work in the printing
industry are the vacuum and air blast systems on sheet fed presses, air shafts and chucks on
Webfed presses, air tables in the bindery, vacuum frames in plate making, pneumatic
maintenance tools, and general cleaning aids.

A compressor is a machine that increases air pressure by compressing it,
i.e., reducing it’s volume. The discharge pressure from a compressor is higher than the
initial intake pressure. (A vacuum pump is compressor in reverse.) The printing industry


uses two distinctly different types of compressors. They are

The printing industry uses two distinctly different types of compressors. They are

o Reciprocating compressors

o Rotary compressors

A reciprocating compressor consists of a piston that compresses air from an inlet and
expels it through an outlet at an increased pressure. The air that is compressed and expelled for
short intervals, i.e., pulses, rather than as a continuous flow.

A disadvantage of this type of compressor is that it has a tendency to introduce oil vapor
from the cylinder lubricant into the air being compressed. Oil vapor can stain the paper or other
printing substrates and leave oil on flats, film, and plates.

A rotary compressor increases air pressure by compressing the air into an ever-
decreasing space (vane compressor) or by throwing air outward by centrifugal force through an
impeller (centrifugal compressor). Rotary compressors are most commonly found where a
consistent air blast or vacuum is required, as in vacuum frames. They are normally suitable only
for low compression ratios and for small amounts of compressed air or vacuum delivery.

When the impellor of a centrifugal compressor is well balanced there is a minimum of

mechanical vibration; however, there is sometimes an objectionable high frequency noise.
Friction and leakage losses are great with rotary compressors. Their parts are subject to higher
wear than those of reciprocating compressors, and they require precision machining. However,
these compressors do not introduce oil vapor into the air being condensed, because there is no
internal lubrication. The only lubrication necessary is to the bearings.

Rotary compressors are able to handle adequate volumes for most printing
operations where pressures are relatively low. As a rule. Single-stage vane compressors
are used for pressures up to 50 lb./sq. (psi). Because the air is supplied in a steady
stream from the compressor, a holding tank is not required.

Valves for pneumatics systems are most commonly designed for pressures
under 150psi if there is no other indication of pressure rating. Valves can be categorized


by three distinct functions.

o Direction control valve

o Pressure control valve

o Flow control valve

Direction control valve

Which is used to open and close sections of the air systems so that the air
can be directed where needed.

Pressure control valve

Which is used to reduce maximum line pressure where reduced pressure is
needed for printing equipment.


As explained earlier in the chapter, preventive maintenance is simply an
organized program of maintenance that will keep facilities and equipment in the best possible
condition to suit the needs of production, and a preventive maintenance program has four areas
of concern: lubrication, inspection, cleaning, and parts adjustment and repair. This section
describes some of the major preventive maintenance functions performed on the various
components of a web offset press.

Effective preventive maintenance programs must have various components for


1. All the press equipment’s operation manuals must be stored in a maintenance library for
the basis of maintenance checklist development.

2. Preventive maintenance checklist must be developed in a professional team

atmosphere. The team members must consist of press management, maintenance
management, press operators, and maintenance staff technicians. Everyone must
understand each step in the checklist and why they must be performed.

3. Develop a clear and concise malfunction report from and routing procedures for the
autonomous maintenance inspection activities carried out by the equipment operators.

4. Maintenance activity checklist must be based on different specified time requirements.

Flow control valve

Which is generally inserted directly into the air line to restrict the amount of
air flowing beyond that point. A butterfly flow control valve is also used in dampening of


high-velocity air in web dryers, and it should be noted that the control is only at the
extreme end of the closing cycle. Needle valves are more accurate for pneumatic
systems where throttle control to reduce volume is necessary.


The following maintenance checklist is intended to be general in nature
and should not be considered complete. More complete maintenance procedures are
contained in compressor maintenance manuals.

The importance of opening and draining moisture traps on a regular basis cannot
be stressed enough. Perhaps because it must be done regularly, it seems to be forgotten or
overlooked, but it is essential.

Before any maintenance work is done on a compressor, the electrical power to

the machine must he looked off or disconnected.


· Check for noise and vibration

· Drain all condensation traps

· Check oil level

· Clean air filter (if not self-cleaning).

· Check relief and safety valves for sticking

· Check entire system for leaks

· Check oil for contamination and change if necessary

· If there is a drive belt, check tension


Hydraulic is the use of liquids to transfer power from one area to another.
The word “hydraulic” was originally Greek and means “water pipe”. However, our
concern in the printing industry is with oil hydraulics as applied to force amplification.


Therefore, a hydraulic power system is a means of transmitting power by the use of a

relatively incompressible fluid. This system transfers energy from one location to
another and converts that energy to useful work.

Hydraulic systems are used in several areas within the printing plant, including
the clamp on paper cutters, plate and blanket impression units on large lithographic pressed,
and hydraulic lifts on presses, and roll handling trucks.


A planned preventive maintenance program minimizes operational failures.
Since, hydraulic fluid is generally a petroleum-based oil, refill drums should be
stored in a dry, cool place. The spout of the drum should always be cleaned before oil is
withdrawn, and portable filters should filters should be used when pouring fluid from the
original drum to the hydraulic reservoir. While the oil is in the hydraulic system, it must
be kept clean by filtration. Only filters of the correct mesh size for your operation should
be used, and they should be clean or replaced on a regular, predetermined schedule. The
reservoir and piping should be emptied, flushed, and thoroughly cleaned periodically.
Failure to follow such a maintenance program will bring unwanted problems. The system
can be expected to fail to deliver the proper volume of fluid at the required pressure and
noise will become apparent, indicating improper internal lubrication, a possibility of
excessive internal wear, and even the possible breakage of internal parts.

Sometimes the original reservoir is too small, a situation creating

excessive heat in the systems because there is not enough time for fluid to cool down
sufficiently between cycles. If this occurs, the reservoir should be replaced with a larger
one. Other caused of excessive heat are a poorly functioning air cooler (if the system has
one); leakage from pump, valves and cylinders; incorrect clearances between pump
parts; relief valve that is set for too high a pressure; clogged pipes or replacement pipes
that are too small; and oil of incorrect viscosity.

These problems can be solved by cleaning, checking and setting pump, valves
and oil pipes and by replacing oil with a more suitable one.

When bying new equipment, always check with the manufacturer as to its
electrical power requirements. Sometime, the purchaser of a new piece of equipment finds that
the voltage requirement to operative it is not same as the voltage level presently in the building.
This is not an infrequent occurrence. It can cost thousands of dollars to bring the proper power
lines to your plant –if the power company can even to it. The printing equipment manufacturer
and the equipment purchaser should never assume that there will be no problem with operating
voltages. Power requirements should be one of the first items checked before purchasing



Maintenance schedule of induction motors, as recommended by Indian Standard
Institution (ISI) are

Daily Maintenance
o Examine visually earth connections and motor leads

o Check motor windings for overheating (the permissible maximum temperature is about
that which can be comfortably felt by hand

o Examine control equipment

o In the case of oil-ring lubricated motors

· Examine bearings to see that oil-rings are working.

· Note temperature of bearings

· Add oil, if necessary

· Check endplay

Weekly Maintenance
· Check belt tension. In case where this is excessive, it should immediately be reduced
and in the case of sleeve bearing machines, the air gap between motor stator should be

· Below out windings of protected type motors situated in dust locations

· Examine starting equipment for burnt contacts where motors is started and stopped

· Examine oil in the case of oil ring lubricated bearing for contamination by dust, girt, etc.
(This can be roughly fudged by the color of the oil)

Monthly Maintenance
o Overhaul controllers

o Inspect and clean oil-circuit breakers

o Renew oil in high speed bearing of brushes of slip ring motors

o Check the grease in ball and roller bearings and make it up where necessary and take
care of avoiding overfilling


o Drain all oil from bearings, wash with lubricating oil and refill with clean oil.

Half-yearly Maintenance
· Clean winding of the motors subjected to corrosive ors their elements. Also bade and
varnish, if necessary

· In the case of slip -ring motors, check slip-rings for grooving on unusual wear

· Check grease in ball and roller bearings and make it up where necessary and take care
of avoiding overfilling

· Drain all oil from bearings, wash with petrol to which a few drops of oil have been added
flush with lubricating oil refill with clean oil.

Annual Maintenance
o Check all high-speed bearings and renew, if necessary

o Blow out all motor windings thoroughly with clean dry air. Make sure that the pressure is
not so high as to damage the insulation

o Overhaul varnish dirty and oily windings

o Overhaul motors, which have been subjected to severe operating conditions

o Renew switch and fuse contacts, if damaged.


Pneumatics is that branch of physics that deals with the properties of air and other
gases. In the printing industry we are concerned with compressed air, which serves in a number
of different capacities within the plant.

Some of the more common places that we see pneumatics at work in the printing
industry are the vacuum and air blast systems on sheet fed presses, air shafts and chucks on
Webfed presses, air tables in the bindery, vacuum frames in plate making, pneumatic
maintenance tools, and general cleaning aids.

A compressor is a machine that increases air pressure by compressing it,
i.e., reducing it’s volume. The discharge pressure from a compressor is higher than the
initial intake pressure. (A vacuum pump is compressor in reverse.) The printing industry
uses two distinctly different types of compressors. They are

The printing industry uses two distinctly different types of compressors. They are


o Reciprocating compressors

o Rotary compressors

A reciprocating compressor consists of a piston that compresses air from an inlet and
expels it through an outlet at an increased pressure. The air that is compressed and expelled for
short intervals, i.e., pulses, rather than as a continuous flow.

A disadvantage of this type of compressor is that it has a tendency to introduce oil vapor
from the cylinder lubricant into the air being compressed. Oil vapor can stain the paper or other
printing substrates and leave oil on flats, film, and plates.

A rotary compressor increases air pressure by compressing the air into an ever-
decreasing space (vane compressor) or by throwing air outward by centrifugal force through an
impeller (centrifugal compressor). Rotary compressors are most commonly found where a
consistent air blast or vacuum is required, as in vacuum frames. They are normally suitable only
for low compression ratios and for small amounts of compressed air or vacuum delivery.

When the impellor of a centrifugal compressor is well balanced there is a minimum of

mechanical vibration; however, there is sometimes an objectionable high frequency noise.
Friction and leakage losses are great with rotary compressors. Their parts are subject to higher
wear than those of reciprocating compressors, and they require precision machining. However,
these compressors do not introduce oil vapor into the air being condensed, because there is no
internal lubrication. The only lubrication necessary is to the bearings.

Rotary compressors are able to handle adequate volumes for most printing
operations where pressures are relatively low. As a rule. Single-stage vane compressors
are used for pressures up to 50 lb./sq. (psi). Because the air is supplied in a steady
stream from the compressor, a holding tank is not required.

Valves for pneumatics systems are most commonly designed for pressures
under 150psi if there is no other indication of pressure rating. Valves can be categorized
by three distinct functions.

o Direction control valve

o Pressure control valve

o Flow control valve


Direction control valve

Which is used to open and close sections of the air systems so that the air
can be directed where needed.

Pressure control valve

Which is used to reduce maximum line pressure where reduced pressure is
needed for printing equipment.


As explained earlier in the chapter, preventive maintenance is simply an
organized program of maintenance that will keep facilities and equipment in the best possible
condition to suit the needs of production, and a preventive maintenance program has four areas
of concern: lubrication, inspection, cleaning, and parts adjustment and repair. This section
describes some of the major preventive maintenance functions performed on the various
components of a web offset press.

Effective preventive maintenance programs must have various components for


1. All the press equipment’s operation manuals must be stored in a maintenance library for
the basis of maintenance checklist development.

2. Preventive maintenance checklist must be developed in a professional team

atmosphere. The team members must consist of press management, maintenance
management, press operators, and maintenance staff technicians. Everyone must
understand each step in the checklist and why they must be performed.

3. Develop a clear and concise malfunction report from and routing procedures for the
autonomous maintenance inspection activities carried out by the equipment operators.

4. Maintenance activity checklist must be based on different specified time requirements.


Basic Definitions

“The synergistic integration of mechanical engineering, with electronics and intelligent

computer control in the design and manufacturing of industrial products and processes”.

It is a design process that includes a combination of mechanical engineering, electrical


engineering, control engineering and computer engineering. Mechatronics is a

multidisciplinary field of engineering. A mechatronics engineer unites the principles of
mechanics, electronics, and computing to generate a simpler, more economical and reliable

Key Elements of Mechatronics

The study of mechatronic systems can be divided into the following areas of specialty:

1. Physical Systems Modeling

2. Sensors and Actuators

3. Signals and Systems

4. Computers and Logic Systems

5. Software and Data Acquisition


 Automation and robotics

 Servo-mechanics
 Sensing and control systems
 Automotive engineering, automotive equipment in the design of subsystems such
as anti-lock braking systems
 Computer-machine controls, such as computer driven machines like IE CNC milling
 Expert systems
 Industrial goods
 Consumer products
 Mechatronics systems
 Medical mechatronics, medical imaging systems
 Structural dynamic systems
 Transportation and vehicular systems
 Mechatronics as the new language of the automobile
 Diagnostic, reliability, and control system techniques


 Computer aided and integrated manufacturing systems

 Computer-aided design
 Engineering and manufacturing systems
 Packaging
 Microcontrollers / PLCs
 Mobile apps

Specific expertise areas can include:

 Artificial Intelligence Techniques

 Avionics Computer Hardware and Systems Control Systems
 Data Communications and Networks
 Dynamics of Machines and Mechanisms
 Electromagnetic Energy Conversion
 Electronics
 Embedded & Real-time Systems
 Fluid Power and other Actuation Devices
 Human-Machine Interface Engineering and Ergonomics
 Industrial Automation
 Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors
 Mechanical Design and Material Selection
 Mechatronic Design and System Integration
 Modelling and Simulation
 Motion Control
 Power Electronics
 Process Management, Scheduling, Optimization, and Control
 Process Plant and Manufacturing Systems
 Robotics
 Signal Processing
 Smart Infrastructure


1 Mark Questions
1) What is Maintenance?
2) What are the types of Maintenance?
3) What is Housekeeping?
4) What is 5’s?
5) What do you mean by Repair Cycle?
6) What is Minor Repair?
7) What is Major Repair?
8) What is Contract Maintenance?
9) Write any one safety precaution to be followed in Press area?
10) What are the advantages of Preventive/Planned Maintenance?
11) Write down the drawback of Emergency maintenance?
12) What is AMC?
13) What is downtime?

1 Mark Questions
1) What are the types of Maintenance? Explain in Detail.
2) What are the functions of Preventive Maintenance? Explain Detail.
3) Describe the categories of Preventive Maintenance?
4) Differentiate Preventive Maintenance from Breakdown Maintenance?
5) Explain all about Repair Cycle?
6) Write down the safety precautions to be carried in Press area?
7) Describe the 5’s method of Housekeeping?
8) What are the causes of Poor Housekeeping?


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