His Own Where: June Jordan

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excerpt from

june jordan

* his own where

introduced by sapphire
you be different from the dead. All them
tombstones tearing up the ground, look like a lit-
tle city, like a small Manhattan, not exactly. Here
is not the same.
Here, you be bigger than the buildings, bigger
than the little city. You be really different from the
rest, the resting other ones.
Moved in his arms, she make him feel like
smiling. Him, his head an Afro-bush spread free
beside the stones, headstones thinning in the
heavy air. Him, a ready father, a public lover, pri-
vately at last alone with her, with Angela, a half
an hour walk from the hallway where they start
out to hold themselves together in the noisy dark-
ness, kissing, kissed him, kissed her, kissing.
Cemetery let them lie there belly close, their
shoulders now undressed down to the color of the
heat they feel, in lying close, their legs a strong
disturbing of the dust. His own where, own place
for loving made for making love, the cemetery
where nobody guard the dead.

His Own Where, published by the Feminist Press 1

* one
first time they come, he simply say, “Come
on.” He tell her they are going not too far away. She
go along not worrying about the heelstrap pinch-
ing at her skin, but worrying about the conversa-
tion. Long walks take some talking. Otherwise it
be embarrassing just side by side embarrassing.
Buddy stay quiet, walking pretty fast, but ev-
ery step right next to her. They trip together like a
natural sliding down the street.
Block after block after block begin to bother
her. Nothing familiar is left. The neighborhood is
changing. Strangers watch them from the win-
Angela looking at Buddy, look at his shoes
and wish for summertime and beaches when his
body, ankle, toes will shock the ocean, yelling
loud and laughing hard and wasting no sand.
Buddy think about time and the slowspeed
of her eyes that leave him hungry, nervous, big
and quick. Slide by the closedup drugstore, cross
under the train, run the redlight, circle past two
women leaning on two wire carts, and reach the
avenue of showrooms. Green, blue, yellow, orange

2 His Own Where, published by the Feminist Press

cars driving through, cars at the curb, cars be-
hind the glass, cars where houses used to stand,
cars where people standing now, and tree to tree
electric lights.
“Play the radio?”
Buddy turn it with his thumb. The plastic
handle strings around his wrist.

No moon no more
No moon no more
I want to see what I seen before.

Please no surprise
Please no surprise
I just want to see your lovin eyes.

Holding her hand in his is large and hers al-

most loose inside it. She feel visitor-stiff, but the
music make a difference, and his hand.
Cars make Buddy mad. Right now his father
lying in the hospital from what they call A Acci-
dent. And was no accident about it, Buddy real-
ize. The street set up that way so cars can clip the
people easy kill them even. Easy.
“What you say?” she ask him.
“Damn,” he answer her. “Another one. Another
corner. Street-crossing-time again.”
“You crazy, Buddy? What you mean?”
“I hate them. Corners. They really be a dumb
way try to split the people from the cars. Don’t

His Own Where, published by the Feminist Press 3

even work. Look how a car come up and almost
kill my father, minding his own business, on the
corner. Corners good for nothing.” Buddy frown
so bad that Angela start laughing. Buddy swing
around her waist.
“Show you what I mean.”
He jump back behind her. Walk forward like

“Here come the corner!”

Down. Buddy buckle at the knee for down.

When he really reach the corner then he drop to
one knee. Seem like a commando on the corner.
standing on his two feet urgent. Put his face an
roll the radio dial to loud yell over it. “Not clear!
Not clear at the crossing. On your mark,” (whis-
pering in her ear) “get set.” Buddy stop. “Green.
Where’s the green? You seen it, Angela?” He fold
his arms and spread his legs and hold every-
thing right there. “Well my Lookout Man is out to
lunch.” Buddy sitting on the curb, to wait.
Angela feel a question, but the radio so loud
she would have to scream. With him, she rather
not be screaming.

4 His Own Where, published by the Feminist Press

Angela not laughing and no smile. Buddy sit-
ting on the curb and she beside him, so he roll
the dial to soft.
“You see them signs. The curb-your-dog signs.
But the people be like slaves. Don’t need no signs.
Just do it. Curb-the-People. Step right up, then
baby. You be crucify like Jesus at the crossing.
be strictly D.O.A. for corners. Danger on Arrival.
D.O.A. Even dogs can smell that danger, smell it
just as good as looking at the lights. You tired?”
“No,” She is. But nothing they can do about
that. No bench. No sidewalk, walkway tables,
“Buddy, this no place to stop.”
Rises from the curb, his arm around her, mov-
ing on together, slower walking easy on the edge.
The sidewalk is a concrete edge.


blur. Windshield swiping windshield chrome and
autocolors. Hold her close, his side comes long
and close beside her.
At the intersection they will cross together. In-
tersection circus stunt for everyday.
“Angela, look out.”
She hear his shaking inner sound. She listen
to him. Coordination is together trial.

His Own Where, published by the Feminist Press 5

Matched to her to him out in the middle of the
mess machinery. He be strong enough and she be
fast enough to swerve it safely through, across,
around, ahead. Landed on the other edge, the
sidewalk opposite. She smell intoxicating leather
jacket, how he wears it, how he smells to her.


neck, its naked expectation.
“Buddy, this is a cemetery. Let’s go back.”
“No. Let’s go on.”
“I don’t like it here.”
“Why not?”
“You know why.”
“Angela, where can we go beside the cemetery.
What else is there?”
“We can go home.”
“Home.” The idea, the memories, the fact of
home straightens him away from her, from what
she probably mean.
leading them, both of them. Trees like a skinny
curtain start appearing. What they can see are
cemetery furnishings. Somebody leave a potted
store close to the scene of the absolutely dead.

They notice the one-by-one increasing trees.

She watch Buddy how he walk ahead of her, how

6 His Own Where, published by the Feminist Press

he seems a bit ahead of her. They come to a si-
lent place. The only sounds, the engine highway
They climb up sidesoil to a fence that stretches
high above their heads and out beyond arm-
Angela be blinded by the light wiggles blinding
just look and feel full. It be like a big open box,
sides of sloping stone, moss covered rainy dark
and, behind them, a little to the left, there be a
small brick tower room, a locked-up house where
no one ever live.

Buddy say, “This is the reservoir.” Angela be

thinking water and, over by the furthest rim of it,
they see the roof of streets and houses that they
know. Nobody close to them. Buddy and Angela
begin to make believe about the house next to the
reservoir. They see how they would open it up,
how they would live inside, what they would do
with only the birds, the water, and the skylight
fallen blinding into it.
“What they saving the water for? Who sup-
pose to use it.”
“Saving it for birds. This a bathroom for the
They laugh about the pretty water bathroom
for the birds.
“Be nice if we can swim here.”

His Own Where, published by the Feminist Press 7

“They not hardly let you swim in it. Unless
you be a bird.”
Go over to the doorsill of the house, sit down
for talking.
“Why you bring me here?”
“You don’t like it?”
“So quiet. I don’t know.”
“How come you always want some sound?”
“Real quiet bother me. But then again, when I
go to like the supermarket they be playing loony
tunes and you be looking at a can of soup, or
pork chops, but you have to hear dah-dah-blah-
blah and violins and mustard and potatoes dah-
dah-blah-blah-violins, it can make you feel really
“So what you want to hear with mustard and
“Well, could be somebody like that kind of mu-
sic, but I don’t. I rather be hearing other things.
Like if you play the radio and we decide what we
want to hear I mean at this very moment.”
“What you want?”
“You talk to me, Buddy. Tell me what you

They have to leave soon. Reservoir growing

dim. They have to walk back.
“What you doing tonight?”
“Study, can you stop by after you see your

8 His Own Where, published by the Feminist Press

“I don’t know. Might be really too late.”
“Is he better?”
“No. My relatives rap strong about insurance
and inheritance. I say he be dying, but not dead.
And at the hospital they be fooling with him. Half
the time I go, can’t see him. They exploring this
or that, testing him for what not. The other half,
he be sleeping, from the pills they give him. The
dude that knock him down, you know that dumb-
head driver? Last week he actually come by, call
himself paying some respects. I tell him that re-
spect don’t make him better, but I say well let him
come. Don’t make no difference. My father dying
Call it accidental but to him, to Buddy, was
no accident. Things set up like that. You cross
the street you taking chances. Odds against you.
Knock his father down, down from the sidewalk
stop, down from the curb, down bleeding bad,
ribs crushed. The lungs be puncture, and his fa-
ther living slow inside a tent.

His Own Where, published by the Feminist Press 9

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