Pyrolysis of Wood-Biomass For Bio-Oil A Critical Review-2

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Pyrolysis of Wood/Biomass for Bio-Oil: A ReView Energy & Fuels, Vol. 20, No.

3, 2006 857

Table 6. Characteristics of Bio-oil and Methods for Modificationa

characteristic effect solution
contains suspended char Leads to erosion, equipment blockage, Hot vapor filtration; liquid filtration;
combustion problems due to slower rates of modification of the char for example by size
combustion; ‘sparklers’ can occur in reduction so that its effect is reduced;
combustion leading to potential deposits and modification of the application
high CO emissions
contains alkali metals Causes deposition of solids in combustion Hot vapor filtration; processing or upgrading
applications including boilers, engine of oil; modification of application; pretreat
and turbines; in turbines the damage feedstock to remove ash
potential is considerable, particularly
in high performance
low pH Corrosion of vessels and pipe work Careful materials selection; stainless steel and
some olefin polymers are acceptable
incompatibility with some polymers Swelling of destruction of sealing rings Careful materials selection
and gaskets
high-temperature sensitivity Liquid decomposition and polymerization on Recognition of problem and appropriate cooling
hot surfaces leading to decomposition and facilities; avoidance of contact with hot surfaces
blockage; adhesion of droplets on surfaces >500 °C
below 400 °C
high viscosity High-pressure drops in pipelines leading to Careful low temperature heating, and/or
higher cost equipment and/or possibilities addition of water, and/or addition of cosolvents,
of leakage or even pipe rupture. Higher such as methanol or ethanol
pumping costs.
water content Complex effect on viscosity, lowers heating Recognition of problem; optimization with
value, density, stability, pH, homogeneity, respect to application
etc. Can lead to phase separation.
inhomogeneity Layering or partial separation of phases; Blending with methanol or ethanol
filtration problems
a Data taken from ref 21 with permission from Elsevier.

Table 7. Typical Properties of Wood Pyrolysis Bio-oil and Heavy Table 8. Typical Properties of Bio-oil, Compared to Those of Light
Fuel Oila and Heavy Fuel Oila
Value BioTherm light heavy
property bio-oil fuel oil fuel oil
physical property bio-oil heavy fuel oil
heat of combustion
moisture content (wt %) 15-30 0.1
BTU/lb 7100 18200 17600
pH 2.5
MJ/L 19.5 36.9 39.4
specific gravity 1.2 0.94
viscosity (centistokes)
elemental composition (wt %)
at 50°C 7 4 50
C 54-58 85
at 80°C 4 2 41
H 5.5-7.0 11
ash content (wt %) <0.02 <0.01 0.03
O 35-40 1.0
sulfur content (wt %) trace 0.15-0.5 0.5-3
N 0-0.2 0.3
nitrogen content (wt %) trace 0 0.3
ash 0-0.2 0.1
pour point (°C) -33 -15 -18
HHV (MJ/kg) 16-19 40
turbine emissions (g/MJ)
viscosity, at 500 °C (cP) 40-100 180
NOx <0.7 1.4 N/A
solids (wt %) 0.2-1.0 1
SOx 0 0.28 N/A
distillation residue (wt %) up to 50 1
a Data taken from ref 106.
a Data taken from ref 59 with permission from the American Chemical
8.1. Chemical Nature of Bio-oil. Wood pyrolysis causes
bond cleavage and produces fragments of the original polymers
of three key biomass building blocks: cellulose, hemicellulose, (cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin). Most of the original
and lignin, as previously discussed. Perfect reproduction of all oxygen is retained in the fragments that collectively comprise
the bio-oil processing conditions can produce varying bio-oils, bio-oil. A small amount of CO2 and CO is formed, along with
because the feed composition (biomass or wood) influences the a substantial amount of water. Bio-oil contains 45-50 wt %
nature of the final product. The physical properties of bio-oils oxygen,68 but the oxygen content is dependent on the bio-oil’s
are well-described in the literature.59,70 The lower heating value water content. Proximate analysis of the bio-oil gives a chemical
(LHV) of bio-oils is only 40-45 wt % of that exhibited by formula of CH1.9O0.7, which corresponds to ∼46 wt % oxygen
hydrocarbon fuels.59 The LHV of bio-oils on a volume basis is (versus ∼42 wt % oxygen in wood). The difference in oxygen
∼60% of the heating value of hydrocarbon oils,59 because of content present in the feed versus that in the bio-oil is related
the high oxygen content, the presence of water, and the higher to the oxygen content in the gases and the amount present as
bio-oil density. A typical heating value of bio-oil is ∼17 MJ/ water in the oil. Oxygen is present in most of the more than
kg. Bio-oil is miscible with ethanol and methanol but immiscible 300 compounds that have been identified in bio-oil.11 The
with hydrocarbons. Bio-oil can be stored, pumped, and trans- compounds found in bio-oil have been classified into the
ported in a manner similar to that of petroleum-based products following five broad categories:63 (1) hydroxyaldehydes, (2)
and can be combusted directly in boilers, gas turbines, and slow- hydroxyketones, (3) sugars and dehydrosugars, (4) carboxylic
and medium-speed diesel engines for heat and power applica- acids, and (5) phenolic compounds.
tions.59 Basic data for bio-oils and conventional petroleum fuels The phenolic compounds are present as monomeric units and
are compared in Table 7,59 whereas typical properties of bio- oligomers derived from the coniferyl and syringyl building
oil, light oil, and heavy oils are compared in Table 8. blocks of lignin. Oligomer molecular weights range from several
858 Energy & Fuels, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2006 Mohan et al.

Analysis is especially difficult because complex phenolic

species from lignin decomposition can have molecular weights
as high as ∼5000 amu. A variety of these fragmented oligomeric
products exist with varying numbers of acidic phenolic and
carboxylic acid hydroxyl groups as well as aldehyde, alcohol,
and ether functions. They exist in a variety of hydrogen-bonded
aggregates, micelles, droplets, gels, etc. Thus, GPC analysis can
overestimate the molecular weights, because of aggregation.
During HPLC analysis, the combination of polarity differences
and molecular-weight differences interact to produce broadened
envelopes of peaks that are difficult to analyze by subsequent
MS analysis.
8.2. Physical Properties. Bio-oil’s physical properties are
Figure 7. Typical portions of the important fractions in bio-oil. well documented in the literature60-62,72-80 Thus, only limited
comments are added here.
hundred to as much as 5000 or more, depending on the details Pyrolysis liquids contain compounds that self-react during
of the pyrolysis process used. These phenolic compounds are handling at ambient temperatures to form larger molecules.
derived from lignin. A more-detailed classification organizes Oasmma and Peacocke81 discussed various physical and chemi-
compounds under following categories: acids, alcohols, alde- cal properties and their methods of estimation. The various
hydes, esters, ketones, phenols, guaiacols, syringols, sugars, methods81 necessary for the characterization of bio-oil fuels and
furans, alkenes, aromatics, nitrogen compounds, and miscel- the sample sizes required for each analysis are provided in Table
laneous oxygenates.63,71 The highest concentration of any single 9.
chemical compound (besides water) is hydroxyacetaldehyde (at Oasmma and Meier26,82 presented the results from 12
levels up to 10 wt %), followed by acetic and formic acids (at laboratories that participated in a round-robin test aimed at
∼5 wt % and ∼3 wt %, respectively).63 This accounts for the comparing the accuracy of chemical and physical characteriza-
acidic pH of 2.0-3.0 that is exhibited by bio-oil. tion methods. Four laboratories performed chemical character-
The chemistry of bio-oils can be manipulated by changing ization. Four different types of pyrolysis liquids were provided
the thermal conditions of the process or by conducting pyrolysis from different producers. The analytical methods used in the
in the presence of catalysts. Increasing the cracking severity round-robin test are presented in Table 10.
(time-temperature relationship) lowers the molecular weight The round-robin tests led to the following recommenda-
distribution in the resulting oils and produces more gas. At very tions.26,82
high temperatures, dehydrogenation/aromatization reactions can
(1) The homogeneity of the sample should be verified by
eventually lead to larger polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and,
water distribution and/or by microscopic determination.
eventually, increases in carbonization. Elliot72 described the
(2) Karl-Fischer titration is recommended for analyzing
relationship between the types of compounds in the products
water in pyrolysis liquids. Water standards and water addition
and the temperature to which the vapors were exposed before
method are suggested for calibration.
quenching. That relationship is described as
(3) pH determination is recommended and the pH level should
mixed oxygenates phenolic ethers alkyl phenolics be reported to one decimal place. Accurate determinations of
400 °C
500 °C
600 °C
acidity changes are needed and require frequent calibration.
heterocyclic ethers polycyclic PAH larger PAH
700 °C
800 °C
900 °C
(73) Fagernas, L. Chemical and Physical Characterization of Biomass-
Based Pyrolysis Oils. Literature ReView; Technical Research Centre of
As the temperature is increased, alkyl groups cleave from Finland, Espoo, Finland, 1995.
aromatic compounds. Eventually, the aromatic compounds (74) Standard test methods to water using volumetric Karl Fischer
condense into polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at the Titration, ASTM Standard E203. In 1996 ASTM Annual Book of Standards;
American Society for Testing and Materials: Philadelphia, PA, 1996.
higher temperatures. (75) Standard test methods for instrumental determination of C, H, and
8.1.1. Chemical Characterization Methods. Complete chemi- N in petroleum products and lubricants, ASTM Standard D5291. In 1992
cal characterization of bio-oil is difficult (or impossible). The ASTM Annual Book of Standards; American Society for Testing and
bio-oil contains higher-molecular-weight species, including Materials: Philadelphia, PA, 1992.
(76) Determination of ash from petroleum products, DIN EN 7, DIN
degradation products of pentoses, hexoses, and lignin. Only a Deutsches Institut fur Normung e.V.: Berlin, 1975.
portion of the bio-oil can be detected via GC, even using robust (77) Standard test method for kinematic viscosity of transparent and
columns and high-temperature programs. In addition, the bio- opaque liquids (and the calculation of dynamic viscosity), ASTM Standard
D445. In 1988 ASTM Annual Book of Standards; American Society for
oil contains polar, nonvolatile components that are only acces- Testing and Materials: Philadelphia, PA, 1988.
sible by HPLC or GPC analysis24 (Figure 7). Whole pyrolysis (78) Tyson, K. S.; Bozell, J.; Wallace, R.; Petersen, E.; Moens, L.
liquids can be analyzed by GC-MS (volatile compounds), HPLC Biomass oil analysis: research needs and recommendations. Technical
Report No. NREL/TP-510-34796, National Renewable Energy Laboratory,
and HPLC/electrospray MS (nonvolatile compounds), Fourier Golden, CO, 2004.
transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy (functional groups), gel (79) Radovanovic, M.; Venderbosch, R. H.; Prins, W.; van Swaaij, W.
permeation spectroscopy (GPC) (molecular weight distributions), P. M. Biomass Bioenergy 2000, 18, 209-222.
and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) (types of hydrogens (80) Standard test methods for pour point of petroleum oils, ASTM
Standard D97. In 1993 ASTM Annual Book of Standards; American Society
or carbons in specific structural groups, bonds, area integrations). for Testing and Materials: Philadelphia, PA, 1993.
(81) Oasmaa, A.; Peacock, C. A Guide to Physical Property Charac-
(71) Amen-Chen, C.; Pakdel, H.; Roy, C. Biomass Bioenergy 2001, 79, terization of Biomass DeriVed Fast Pyrolysis Liquids; Technical Research
277-299. Centre of Finland, Espoo, Finland, 2001, VTT Publication No. 450.
(72) Elliot, D. C. Analysis and comparison of biomass pyrolysis/ (82) Oasmaa, A.; Meier, D. Characterization, Analysis, Norms and
gasification condensatessFinal Report, No. PNL-5943, Pacific Northwest Standards. In Fast Pyrolysis of Biomass, A Handbook, Volume 3; Bridg-
Laboratory, Richland, WA, 1986. water, A. V., Ed.; CPL Press: Newbury, U.K., 2005; pp 19-60.
Pyrolysis of Wood/Biomass for Bio-Oil: A ReView Energy & Fuels, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2006 859

Table 9. Analytical Methods for Wood-Based Pyrolysis Liquidsa

analysis method sample size
water content (wt %) ASTM 203 1g
solids content (wt %) ethanol insolubles 30 g
methanol-dichloromethane insolubles 30 g
particle size distribution microscopy + particle counter 1g
Conradson carbon residue content (wt %) ASTM D189 2-4 g
ash content (wt %) EN 7 40 mL
CHN content (wt %) ASTM D5291 1 mL
sulfur and chlorine content (wt %) capillary electrophoresis 2-10 mL
alkali metals content (wt %) AAS 50 mL
metals content (wt %) ICP, AAS 50 mL
density, at 15 °C (kg/dm3) ASTM D4052 4 mL
viscosity, at 20 and 40 °C (cSt) ASTM D445 80 mL
viscosity (mPa s) rotational viscometry 40 mL
pour point (°C) ASTM D97 80 mL
heating value (MJ/kg)
calorimetric value, HMV DIN 51900 1 mL
effective value, LHV DIN 51900 1 mL
flash point (°C) ASTM D93 150 mL
pH pH meter 50 mL
water insolubles content (wt %) water addition 5 mL
stability 80 °C for 24 h 200 mL
40 °C for 1 week 200 mL
a Data taken from ref 81.

Table 10. Analytical Methods for Round-Robin Testa

property method units
water content Karl-Fischer titration wt % water based on wet oil
viscosity capillary or rotary viscosimeter, two temperatures (at 20 and 40 °C) cSt at 20 and 40 °C
solids insolubles in ethanol, filter pore size of e3 µm wt % based on wet oil
pH use pH meter pH units
stability78 store samples for (i) 6 h at 80 °C, (ii) 24 h at 80 °C, and (iii) 7 days at 50 °C cSt, wt % water based on wet oil
viscosity at 20 and 40 °C and water by Karl-Fischer titration
elemental analysis elemental analyzer (complete oxidation) wt % C, wt % H, wt % N, wt % O,
based on wet oil
pyrolytic lignin add 60 mL oil to 1 L of ice-cooled water under stirring, filter and dry wt %, based on wet oil
precipitate at <60 °C
gas chromatography, GC column type DB 1701, with dimensions of 60 m × 0.25 mm;
film thickness: 0.25 µm; injector: 250 °C, split 1:30; FID detector: 280 °C;
oven program: 45 °C, 4 min constant, 3 °C/min to 280 °C, hold 20 min;
sample concentrated: 6 wt %, solvent acetone
a Data taken from ref 26 with permission from Elsevier.

(4) The kinematic viscosity at 40 °C is accurate for (1) Pyrolysis liquids produced from industrially important
homogeneous pyrolysis liquids. The Newtonian behavior should biomass feedstocks should be included.
be checked for extractive-rich liquids, using a closed-cup (2) Water, solids, homogeneity, viscosity, stability, water
rotaviscotester. insolubles, average molecular weight, and GC/MS should be
(5) Stability tests should be performed each time, in exactly included as analyses.
the same manner. If the weight loss is >0.1 wt % during the (3) Detailed and clear instructions on the handling, pretreat-
test, the results should be excluded. Stability testing is recom- ment, and analysis of needed reference samples should be
mended for comparison of pyrolysis liquids from one specific provided.
process. The best comparisons can be obtained when the
differences in the water contents of the samples are small. The 9. Methods of Bio-oil Preparation
viscosity is measured at 40 °C, where the measuring error is
smaller. Fast pyrolysis is the leading method for producing liquid
(6) The sample size for elemental analysis should be as large biofuels.83-86 The advantages include low production costs, high
as possible, and analyses should be performed at least in thermal efficiency, low fossil fuel input, and CO2 neutrality.
triplicate. Pyrolysis to a liquid offers the possibility of decoupling (time,
(7) Ethanol (or methanol) can be used for the solids place, and scale), easy handling of the liquids, and more-
determination of white-wood pyrolysis liquids. For new feed- consistent quality, compared to any solid biomass. A liquid
stocks, such as bark and forest residue, the solubility of the intermediate is produced for a variety of applications by fast
liquid should be checked using solvents of different polarity. pyrolysis. The typical yields obtained by different modes of
(8) Definitions and reliable determination methods for “water pyrolysis of wood are presented in Table 11.
insolubles” and “pyrolytic lignin” are necessary. (83) Oasmaa, A.; Kuoppala, E.; Gust, S.; Solantausta, Y. Energy Fuels
(9) It might be necessary to calibrate the gas and liquid 2003, 17 (1), 1-12.
chromatographic systems, using standard solutions of known (84) Oasmaa, A.; Kuoppala, E.; Solantausta, Y. Energy Fuels 2003, 17
amounts of compounds during chemical characterization. (2), 433-443.
(85) Oasmaa, A.; Kuoppala, E. Energy Fuels 2003, 17 (4), 1075-1084.
The following measures were recommended for future round- (86) Oasmaa, A.; Kuoppala, E.; Selin, J.-F.; Gust, S.; Solantausta, Y.
robin studies.26,82 Energy Fuels 2004, 18, 1578-1583.
860 Energy & Fuels, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2006 Mohan et al.

Table 11. Typical Product Yields (Dry Wood Basis) Obtained by Different Modes of Pyrolysis of Wooda
Product Yield (%)
process liquid char gas
fast pyrolysis (moderate temperature and short residence time) 75 12 13
carbonization (low temperature and long residence time) 30 35 35
gasification (high temperature and long residence time) 5 10 85
a Data taken from ref 25 with permission from Elsevier.

Several fast pyrolysis processes have been developed. Ex- radiation, and reaction heat for the process to proceed to
amples include the Tech-Air process,12 Waterloo fast pyrolysis,87 completion. The heat of reaction for the fast pyrolysis process
Ensyn rapid thermal pyrolysis,88 Georgia Tech entrained flow is marginally endothermic. It has been well-documented19 that
pyrolysis,89 NREL vortex ablative pyrolysis,90 Pyrovac vacuum heat fluxes of 50 W/cm2 are required to achieve true fast
pyrolysis,27,28,91-105 and Dynamotive’s fluidized bed.106 A fast pyrolysis. The two important modes of heat transfer in fast
pyrolysis process includes drying the feed to a water content pyrolysis are conduction and convection. Depending on the
of typically <10% (although up to 15% can be acceptable), to reactor configuration, each one can be optimized or a contribu-
reduce the water content in the product oil (http://www- tion from both can be achieved. In a circulating fluidized bed, The feed must be ground (to ∼2 mm, in the case the majority of the heat transfer is achieved from the hot
of fluidized-bed reactors) to give sufficiently small particles to circulating sand, typically at a sand-to-feed ratio of 20-25. This
ensure rapid heat transfer and reaction ( requires an effective sand reheating system. On the other hand,
After pyrolysis, the solids (char) must be separated and the in a conventional fluidized bed, sand requires an external heat
vapors and aerosol are quenched. The liquid bio-oil then is source, which can be obtained from char in an integrated system.
collected. Free moisture in the biomass feed should not be Slow pyrolysis produces ∼30% liquid, ∼35% char, and ∼35%
removed entirely, because it assists in high heat transfer upon gas, whereas in fast pyrolysis, the liquid, char, and gas contents
rapid conversion to steam. This assists in rupturing the biomass can be 75%, 12%, and 13% respectively.91 The total heat
particle structure, thereby enhancing pyrolysis. required to obtain a bio-oil yield of 62% (including radiation
9.1. Heat-Transfer Requirements. High heat-transfer rates and exhaust gas losses) is ∼2.5 MJ/kg of bio-oil produced107
are required to heat the feed particles quickly. The heat required for a prepared feedstock. The net heat required from an external
for pyrolysis is the total amount to provide all the sensible, fuel source, such as natural gas, is only 1.0 MJ/kg of bio-oil
produced. This applies when produced non-condensable gases
(87) Scott, D. C.; Piskorz, J.; Radlein, D. Ind. Eng. Chem., Process Des. are directly injected into the reactor burner. This represents
DeV. 1985, 24, 581.
(88) Graham, R. G.; Freel, B. A.; Bergougnou, M. A. The production of approximately 5% of the total calorific value of the bio-oil being
pyrolysis Liquids, Gas and char from wood and cellulose by fast pyrolysis. produced.107
In Research in Thermodynamical Biomass ConVersion; Bridgwater, A. V.,
Kuester, J. L., Eds.; Elsevier Applied Science: London, 1988; pp 629-
641. 10. Bio-oil Production from Various Feedstocks
(89) Kovac, R. J.; Gorton, C. W.; O’Neil, D. J. Presented at the
Thermochemical Conversion Program Annual Meeting, Solar Energy It is difficult to divide bio-oil feedstocks into different
Research Institute, Golden, CO, 1988, Paper No. SERI/CP-231-3355; pp categories, because such classifications are dependent on the
(90) Diebold, J.; Scahill, J. Production of Primary Pyrolysis Oils in a
species, age, portion of the plant selected, and many other
Vortex Reactor. In Pyrolysis Oils from Biomass: Producing, Analyzing, variables. We have selected some very general feedstock
and Upgrading; Soltes, E. J., Milne, T. A., Eds.; ACS Symposium Series categories. Readers may compare the difference in bio-oil
No. 376; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1988; pp 31-40. properties obtained from these different feedstock groups. These
(91) Bridgwater, A. V., Ed. Progress in Thermochemical Biomass
ConVersion, Volume 2; Blackwell Science: London, 2001. categories are bark, wood, agricultural wastes/residues, nuts and
(92) Murwanashyaka, J. N.; Pakdel, H.; Roy, C. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis seeds, algae, grasses, forestry residues, cellulose and lignin, and
2001, 60, 219-231. miscellaneous.
(93) Murwanashyaka, J. N.; Pakdel, H.; Roy, C. Sep. Purif. Technol.
2001, 24, 155-165. 10.1. Bio-oil from Bark. Bark is removed from wood in
(94) Garcia-Perez, M.; Chaala, A.; Roy, C. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 2002, lumber manufacture and in many papermaking processes. Thus,
65, 111-136. bark is often available where wood is not prepared for the
(95) Garcia-Perez, M.; Chaala, A.; Roy, C. Fuel 2002, 81 (7), 893-
907. generation of secondary products, such as bio-oil. Furthermore,
(96) Ba, T.; Chaala, A.; Garcia-Perez, M.; Roy, C. Energy Fuels 2004, bark has different heat-transfer characteristics, different moisture
18 (1), 188-201. contents, and, in most cases, a higher lignin content than the
(97) Ba, T.; Chaala, A.; Garcia-Perez, M.; Rodrigue, D.; Roy, C. Energy underlying wood. These differences must be considered when
Fuels 2004, 18 (3), 704-712.
(98) Darmstadt, H.; Garcia-Perez, M.; Adnot, A.; Chaala, A.; Kretschmer, the fast pyrolysis of bark to bio-oil is undertaken. It is possible
D.; Roy, C. Energy Fuels 2004, 18 (5), 1291-1301. that the pyrolytic lignin fraction from various bark feeds may
(99) Chaala, A.; Ba, T.; Garcia-Perez, M.; Roy, C. Energy Fuels 2004, exhibit different properties than the pyrolytic lignin fraction from
18 (5), 1535-1542.
(100) Pakdel, H.; Roy, C. Bioresour. Technol. 1996, 58, 83-88. wood or other forms of plant biomass. It should be noted that
(101) Pakdel, H. et al. Phenolic Compounds from Vacuum Pyrolysis of wood and its bark are often copyrolyzed.
Biomass, Bio-oil Production & Utilization. In Proceedings of the 2nd EU- The development of the vacuum pyrolysis process was an
Canada Workshop on Thermal Bioenergy, February 1996; pp 124-131.
(102) Amen-Chen, C.; Riedl, B.; Wang, X.-M.; Roy, C. Holzforschung important contribution that was made by Roy and co-
2002, 56 (2), 167-175. workers27,28,92-105 at Universite Laval, Canada. Vacuum py-
(103) Amen-Chen, C.; Riedl, B.; Roy, C. Holzforschung 2002, 56 (3), rolysis is typically performed at a temperature of 450 °C, under
273-280. a pressure of <20 kPa. This enables the production of very large
(104) Amen-Chen, C.; Riedl, B.; Wang, X.-M.; Roy, C. Holzforschung
2002, 56 (3), 281-288.
(105) Amen-Chen, C.; Pakdel, H.; Roy, C. Biomass Bioenergy 1997, 13 (107) Fast pyrolysis of bagasse to produce biooil fuel for power
(1-2), 25-37. generation. Presented by Dynamotive Energy Systems Corporation at the
(106) 2001 Sugar Conference.
Pyrolysis of Wood/Biomass for Bio-Oil: A ReView Energy & Fuels, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2006 861

Table 12. Physicochemical Properties of the Upper Layer, Bottom Table 13. Elemental Compositions of Bio-oil from the Vacuum
Layer, and the Whole Bio-oil from Softwood Bark Vacuum Pyrolysis of Bark: Whole Bio-oil, the Water-Soluble Fraction, and
Pyrolysisa Water-Insoluble Fractiona
Value S+ C/H molar
sample C H N ash + O ratio
upper bottom whole
property layer layer bio-oil water-insoluble fraction, WIF 72.7 7.1 0.7 19.5 0.85
water-soluble fraction, WSF 51.7 6.3 1.2 40.8 0.68
water content (wt %) 3.5 14.6 13.0 whole bio-oil 62.6 7.0 1.1 29.3 0.74
density at 28 °C (kg/m3) 1089 1222 1188
kinematic viscosity (cSt) a Data taken from ref 97 with permission from the American Chemical
at 50 °C 88 66 62 Society.
at 80 °C 14 11 11
at 90 °C 21 15 15 Table 14. Molecular Weight Distribution (MWD) of the
gross calorific value, anhydrous basis (MJ/kg) 34.3 26.4 27.9 Water-Insoluble Fraction (WIF) of Bio-oils from Vacuum Pyrolysisa
methanol insoluble materials, MTM (wt %) 1.30 0.6 0.7
solid content, CH2Cl2 insoluble (wt %) 0.28 0.58 0.55 Molecular Weight
Conradson carbon residue, CCR (wt %) 14.3 22.2 20.5 weight number
pH 3.03 2.98 3.00
average, average, polydispersity,
acidity (NaOH g/100 g oil) 3.51 5.00 4.77
elemental analysis, anhydrous basis (wt %) lignin Mw Mn Mw/Mn
C 74.1 61.3 62.3 WIF (softwood bark residues) 1163 577 2.0
H 8.5 6.5 7.00 Biomass Technology Group (BTG) 1317 592 2.2
N 0.3 0.6 1.1 (mixed softwood)
S 0.05 0.07 0.07 MWL (spruce) 5720 3270 1.8
ash 0.1 0.3 0.3 a
oxygen content (by difference) 17.0 31.3 29.0 Data taken from ref 97 with permission from the American Chemical
a Data taken from ref 96 with permission from the American Chemical

Society. (XPS) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES).98 The bio-oil

was very acidic (the bottom layer was more acidic than the upper
quantities of pyrolysis oils and a charcoal product with specific layer) and contained significant amounts of water. This caused
properties. Solid wastes must be shredded and dried (via air extensive aluminum corrosion and a smaller degree of copper
drying, steam drying, or flue-gas drying) prior to pyrolysis, corrosion. The austenitic steel was not attacked. Chaala et al.99
depending on the nature of the waste to be pyrolyzed. The solid showed that vacuum-pyrolyzed bio-oil from softwood bark
wastes are first introduced into the reactor using a vacuum- residues can be stored at 50 °C for 1 week without any
feeding device. Wastes are then transported into the reactor in significant increase in viscosity and solids content. However,
horizontal plates heated with molten salts. The heat is supplied the viscosity, solids content, and average molecular weight of
by the noncondensable process gas, which is burned in place. the bio-oil increased considerably at 80 °C. The bio-oil’s thermal
The reactor temperature is maintained at 530 °C. Heating stability was linked to the thermal stability of the bottom layer’s
decomposes the feedstock into vapors that are rapidly removed compounds. The upper layer components were less thermally
by means of a vacuum pump. The vapors are condensed in stable and exhibited a dramatic increase in viscosity during the
towers, where the pyrolytic oils and the aqueous phase are first 65 days.
recovered. The aqueous phase is then treated before being Roy and co-workers27,28 also obtained bio-oil via the vacuum
discarded. The solid residue (charcoal) is cooled and recovered. pyrolysis of softwood bark residues.27 The vacuum pyrolysis
This group’s recent contributions are further discussed in the condtions were the same as those previously discussed.96-99 The
subsequent paragraphs. alkali metal content, viscosity, solid content, heating value,
Roy and co-workers vacuum-pyrolyzed softwood bark and surface tension, moisture content, and density of the bio-oil were
reported the properties of the bio-oil in different articles.96-99 investigated. The effect of methanol addition and/or a pyrolytic
Various vacuum pyrolysis conditions were described.94,95 TGA, aqueous phase on the physicochemical properties of the bio-
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and rheological evalu- oils was also investigated. The pyrolytic aqueous phase is the
ations of the colloidal properties of softwood bark bio-oils were sum of the water contained in the form of moisture in the
performed. The bio-oil was separated into top and bottom layers, feedstock plus the water formed during pyrolysis. This bio-oil
and their storage stabilities were studied.96 The upper layer appeared to be valuable as a gas turbine fuel, because it has a
represents ∼16 wt % of the total. The properties of the upper relatively low Na/K/Ca content (21 ppm), a low viscosity (5.3
layer, bottom layer, and whole bio-oil are given in Table 12. cSt at 90 °C), a high net heating value (32 MJ/kg, on an as-
Microstructures (e.g., waxy materials) were present in the bio- received basis), and a low solids content (0.34 wt %). The
oil matrix and were, in part, responsible for the high viscosity addition of methanol to the oil was beneficial. Adding the
and non-Newtonian behavior that is observed at <50 °C. pyrolytic aqueous phase had no significant effect on the
Newtonian behavior was observed at temperatures above the viscosity, but its “flowability” effect was beneficial for other
melting point of these three-dimensional structures. Ba et al.97 properties. The addition of 10%-15% aqueous phase to the bio-
also characterized the water-soluble and water-insoluble frac- oil seemed to be optimal.
tions of the same oil. The generic composition was obtained The stability and aging of bark and vacuum-pyrolyzed bio-
by extracting water-insoluble materials (i.e., mostly the lignin- oil and mixtures thereof were further evaluated.28 The samples
derived compounds). The yield of these lignin derivatives was were stored at 40, 50, and 80 °C for up to 168 h and at room
29 wt % The chemical composition of the water-soluble temperature for up to one year, after which the phase-separation
materials, as well as the molecular weight distribution of the time, viscosity, solids and water contents, and average molecular
water-insoluble components, was determined (see Tables 13 and weight were measured. The properties of the bio-oil were
14). significantly altered when the bio-oil was heated at 80 °C for
The corrosion of aluminum, copper, and austenitic steel by 168 h, but the changes after heating at 40 and 50 °C for 168 h
bio-oil obtained via the vacuum pyrolysis of softwood bark were not critical. The molecular weight increase after heating
residues was studied by using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy the bio-oil for one week at 80 °C was equivalent to keeping
862 Energy & Fuels, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2006 Mohan et al.

Table 15. Bio-oil Yield from Pyrolysis of Beech Trunkbarks, as a Table 16. Char Yields from Beech Trunkbark Pyrolysis as a
Function of Temperature and Heating Ratesa Function of Temperature and Heating Ratea

temperature Bio-oil Yield (wt %, daf basis)b temperature Char Yield (wt %, daf basis)b
range (°C) 2 °C/s 5 °C/s 10 °C/s 20 °C/s 40 °C/s 100 °C/s range (°C) 2 °C/s 5 °C/s 10 °C/s 20 °C/s 40 °C/s 100 °C/s
25-277 24.2 27.4 27.8 28.5 29.1 31.0 25-277 58.6 53.7 51.0 48.7 46.5 43.2
25-327 26.1 28.8 29.9 30.8 31.4 33.7 25-327 53.2 49.0 45.8 44.6 43.1 39.6
25-377 27.4 29.9 31.5 32.0 33.2 35.1 25-377 48.8 43.2 42.0 41.1 38.9 35.8
25-427 27.8 30.7 32.2 32.9 33.7 35.8 25-427 47.1 41.4 40.2 39.2 37.0 34.2
25-477 27.5 30.1 31.7 31.0 32.1 34.0 25-477 43.2 37.8 34.6 33.7 32.0 30.2
25-527 26.7 29.6 29.8 30.4 31.0 32.6 25-527 41.9 36.4 33.5 32.6 31.3 28.9
a Data taken from ref 108 with permission from Elsevier. b The term a Data taken from ref 108 with permission from Elsevier. b The term

daf represents dry ash free basis. daf represents dry ash free.

Table 17. Mean Nitrogen Velocity in the Empty Tube, Resultant

the sample for one year at room temperature. The addition of Gas Residence Time, and Mean Heating Rate of the Bed in the Test
an aqueous phase pyrolysate to the bio-oil lowered its thermal Facility at Various Temperaturesa
stability significantly. Rapid phase separation occurred at 80
mean gas velocity nitrogen mean heating
°C. Therefore, researchers concluded that the total aqueous phase temperature, in the empty tube residence time rate in the bed
concentration in this oil should be limited to 15%. Aging of T (°C) (m/s) in the tube (s) (K/min)
the raw bio-oil at room temperature resulted in a dramatic 200 0.064 1.7 3
viscosity increase during the first 65 days, after which point a 300 0.077 1.4 4.5
400 0.091 1.2 8.5
plateau was reached. The addition of methanol to the bio-oil 500 0.104 1.0 9.5
improved its properties and increased its stability and that of a Data taken from ref 110 with permission from Elsevier.
its mixtures. Methanol dissolved some structural components
of the bio-oil, reducing the rate at which the viscosity increased.
3-10 °C/min by a flow of hot nitrogen. The mean gas velocity
Moreover, methanol delayed the phase separation of bio-oil/
and residence times are provided in Table 17. The loss of mass
pyrolytic aqueous phase mixtures. The rate of heating and the
versus time during decomposition was recorded. Also, the
pyrolysis temperature exert complex and interdependent effects
temperature field inside the beds was measured continuously.
on the products obtained.
The yields of char, tar, and gas were quantified. Higher
Demirbas108 determined the high-heating values (HHVs) of temperatures led to an increased carbon content in the char
biochar (33.2 MJ/kg) and oils (34.6 MJ/kg) from the pyrolysis fraction. This resulted in an increase in the calorific value of
of beech trunk barks. The effects of both the heating rate and the char. The pyrolysis onset was observed at temperatures of
pyrolysis temperature on bio-oil and char yields and their ∼190 °C. From the temperature measurements inside the bed
characteristics were investigated. It is important that the heating pores, exothermic reactions were observed to occur above 300
rates indicated are “external” heating rates and not necessarily °C. From 300 ° to 400 °C, most of the mass loss occurred. At
the heating rates within the particles. Temperatures of 277, 327, 500 °C, neither the product yields nor elemental compositions
377, 427, 477, and 527 °C were applied at heating rates of 2, and calorific values differed greatly from the experiments at
5, 10, 20, 40, and 100 °C/s. The oil yield increased from 24% 400 °C. The time-resolved loss of mass in addition to the
to 27%, using a heating rate of 2 °C/s, and from 27% to 34% temperature distribution provides a useful tool for validating
for a heating rate of 100 °C/s when the temperature is increased solid bed pyrolysis models.
from 277 °C to 427 °C.
Branca and co-workers111,112 studied the thermal behavior of
A maximum pyrolysis oil yield of 36% was obtained at 427 bio-oils obtained from conventional pyrolysis (40-mm cylinders
°C and a heating rate of 100 °C/s. However, by increasing the exposed to different radiative heat fluxes of 33-80 kW/m2,
pyrolysis temperature from 427 °C to 527 °C, the bio-oil yield corresponding to steady pyrolysis temperatures of 427-677 °C).
decreased to 32.6 wt % at a heating rate of 100 °C/s. The char These were compared to bio-oil formed by the updraft gasifica-
yield decreased from 59% (at 277 °C) to 42% (at 527 °C) for tion of beech wood. Thermogravimetric curves in air showed
a heating rate of 2 °C/s. Similarly, the char yield decreased from two main reaction stages. The first (at e327 °C) involved the
43% to 29% going from 277 °C to 527 °C at a heating rate of evaporation, formation, and release of gases and formation of
for 100 °C/s. Clearly, the char yield decreased as the heating secondary char (coke). At higher temperatures, heterogeneous
rates increased over the entire temperature range of 277 to 527 combustion of secondary char occurred. A reliable procedure
°C. Table 15 summarizes the pyrolysis oil yields from beech was developed to perform the first stage at a specified
bark at different heating rates and temperatures, whereas Table temperature. The temperature did not affect the weight loss
16 shows the char yields at these same heating rates and dynamics and amount of secondary char significantly (∼20%
temperatures. of the liquid on a dry basis). The thermogravimetric curves were
10.2. Bio-oil from Wood. Beaumont109 described the qualita- predicted well by a global mechanism that consisted of three
tive and quantitative compositions of the volatile portion of parallel first-order reactions (with activation energies of 66, 32,
pyrolytic oil from the fast pyrolysis of beech wood. The and 36 kJ/mol).
pyrolytic oil contained more than 50 compounds. The products
Branca et al.113 characterized the liquids generated from the
that formed were compared to the pyrolytic products from
low-temperature pyrolysis of wood by GC/MS. Conventional
cellulose. This study indicated the origin of each product formed
beech wood pyrolysis was conducted at a temperature of 327-
from the wood pyrolysis.
627 °C, reproducing the conditions of interest in counter-current
Fixed beds of 10-mm beech wood particles were slowly
pyrolyzed110 to a maximum temperature of 525 °C at rates of
(111) Branca, C.; Blasi, C. D.; Elefante, R. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2005,
44 (4), 799-810.
(108) Demirbas, A. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 2004, 72, 215-219. (112) Branca, C.; Blasi, C. D.; Russo, C. Fuel 2005, 84 (1), 37-45.
(109) Beaumont, O. Wood Fiber Sci. 1999, 17 (2), 228-239. (113) Branca, C.; Giudicianni, P.; Di Blasi, C. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.
(110) Schroder, E. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 2004, 71, 669-694. 2003, 42 (14), 3190-3202.
Pyrolysis of Wood/Biomass for Bio-Oil: A ReView Energy & Fuels, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2006 863

Table 18. Product Yields from the Stepwise Pyrolysis of Birch birch bark followed a similar trend. The most active zone was
(Birch Bark and Birch Sapwood), as a Function of Increasing observed to be within the range of 275-350 °C. Guaiacol
derivatives result at low temperatures, followed by syringol
stepwise Yield (wt %, Anhydrous Feed Basis) derivatives. Their transformation to pyrocatechols occurs at high
pyrolysis (°C) solid residue pyrolysis oil gas water phenols temperatures. The evolution of phenols was determined to occur
1. 25-200 93.96 6.02 0.02 5.91 0.00 in the following order: methylguaiacol, ethylguaiacol, guaiacol,
2. 200-275 70.46 18.14 5.36 6.19 0.40 propenylsyringol, phenol, and catechol. The maximum rate of
3. 275-350 37.85 27.28 5.33 6.95 2.18 evolution was observed at 275-350 °C. Phenols were converted
4. 350-450 25.67 9.47 2.71 0.70 1.83
5. 450-550 23.25 1.48 0.94 0.41 0.01 sequentially into catechols by demethylation of the methoxy
cumulative 25.25 62.39 14.36 20.16 4.42 groups at 350-450 °C. The pyrolysis is almost complete at 450
(steps 1-5) °C. The total phenolic yields obtained by stepwise and one-
one-step, 25-500 24.79 63.43 11.78 19.79 2.51 step pyrolysis were 4.43 and 2.51 wt %, respectively, on an
a Data taken from refs 92 and 93 with permission from Elsevier. anhydrous feed basis.
Murwanashyaka et al.93 also conducted a vacuum pyrolysis
fixed-bed gasification. A wood layer was exposed to thermal on 116 kg of a mixture of birch bark (Betula papyrifere) (ca.
radiation by means of a stainless steel mesh screen, whose sides 46%) and birch sapwood (ca. 54%). Syringol was separated from
were wrapped on two titanium rods (the uniform heated zone the pyrolytic oil. The total pressure inside the reactor was <3
is ∼2.6 cm in the axial direction of the reactor). Aluminum kPa, the final temperature was 500 °C, and the heating rate was
supports connected the sample holder to a precision (0.1 mg) 100 °C/min. The pyrolysis was held at a temperature of 500 °C
balance. A continuous nitrogen flow at ambient temperature (1 for at least 30 min. The pyrolytic oil obtained was stored at 4
× 10-3 m3/min, nominal velocity of 3.0 cm/s; residence time °C to prevent aging. The products yields included 53.9%
of 14 s) established an inert environment, reduced the residence condensates (i.e., 45.9% anhydrous pyrolysis oil and 8% of
time of vapors inside the reactor, and cooled both the gas-phase miscible reaction water), 24.0% gas, and 22.1% wood charcoal
environment during pyrolysis and the solid residue after (on a weight-percent feedstock moisture-free basis). The mass
complete devolatilization. Liquid yields (water and tars) increase
balance accounted for 96.8% of the feed. Steam distillation of
from ∼40% to ∼55% of dry wood mass with increasing
the oil recovered the phenols at various steam/pyrolysis oil
temperature. Approximately 90 product species were identified.
ratios. A volatile fraction (14.9 wt %, based on the total feed
GC/MS identification of 40 compounds from the pyrolysis
oil) was recovered at a steam:oil ratio of 27. The distillate
liquid, corresponding to 40%-43% of the organic fraction (tars),
analyzed by GC/MS after acetylation contained 21.3 wt % of
demonstrated that this analysis reflects the combined thermal
phenolic compounds. The distillate was then vacuum-distilled
responses of holocellulose and lignin. The holocellulose leads
at 0.7 kPa. Sixteen sub-fractions were recovered. The steam-
to the formation of furans and carbohydrates, whereas the lignin
distilled fractions were observed to be chemically and thermally
generates phenolics. The high number of liquid compounds
stable, when subjected to further purification. The 2,6-dimethoxy-
quantified represents a significant advance in the current state
phenol (syringol)-rich fraction was separated and purified.
of the art. This analytical approach can be used to improve
Syringol was obtained in a purity of 92.3 wt %.
reactor development/optimization and to formulate detailed
reaction mechanisms. Syringols and guaiacols, originating from Amen-Chen et al.105 isolated phenol, cresols, guaiacol,
primary degradation of lignin, reach their maximum levels in 4-methylguaiacol, catechol, and syringol from Eucalyptus wood
the bio-oils during pyrolyses at ∼477-527 °C. In contrast, pyrolysis tar. The approach included a primary conversion of
secondary degradations continuously increase production of the raw wood tar into lighter oil. Phenolic compounds were
phenols with increasing temperature. Conventional pyrolysis and further separated from the oil by liquid-liquid extraction, using
fast pyrolysis exhibit enhanced levoglucosan and hydroxy- aqueous alkali and organic solvents. GC/MS analysis of acetyl-
acetaldehyde formation at faster heating rates with lower yields derivatized phenolic compounds was used to evaluate the
of carboxylic acids. separation method. The primary conversion allowed the isolation
Both stepwise and one-step vacuum pyrolyses of birch- of lighter oil without causing major chemical changes in the
derived biomass (birch bark and birch sapwood) were conducted original wood tar. Liquid-liquid extraction by alkali and organic
by Murwanashyaka et al.,92 to monitor the evolution of phenols. solvents produced a phenolic fraction. Removal of phenols was
The feedstock was shredded to fibrous particles with the longest efficient under highly alkaline conditions.
dimension ranging between 5 mm and 20 mm. Before pyrolysis, Few papers have discussed pyrolysis under irregular heating
the sample was split into two parts. One portion was pyrolyzed rates. Demirbas55 pyrolyzed beech wood in the absence of
in one step and the second was pyrolyzed in stepwise modes oxygen in a stainless steel horizontal cylindrical reactor inserted
under a 0.7 kPa vacuum. Dry ice in limonene condensers were vertically into an electrically heated furnace. Irregular heating
used to trap the pyrolysis vapors at -72 °C. A stepwise pyrolysis rates were used from 25 °C to 502 °C. The average heating
of the birch feed was performed by increaing the temperature rate was higher than 6 °C/s from 60 s to 90 s for three samples
from 25 °C to 550 °C. After heating to a selected temperature with particle sizes of <0.063 mm, 0.060 mm, and >0.150 mm.
and holding for 1 h, the reactor was cooled to room temperature The average temperature increase was low, from 170 s to 350
and kept under nitrogen until the next step. Before each s. The temperature increase was highly regular, in periods of
subsequent temperature step, the liquids formed in the previous 450-600 s. The time to complete pyrolysis decreased when
step were collected. The residual solids were weighed and placed the particle size increased from <0.063 mm to >0.150 mm and
back into the reactor for further pyrolysis. Table 18 lists the then increased as the particle size increased. The completion
different pyrolysis steps and product yields obtained. time was lower (445 s) at 397 °C for >0.150 mm particle size.
The stepwise thermal decompositions of birch bark and birch Important variables affecting the yield are the biomass species,
sapwood under vacuum at low temperatures were less destruc- chemical and structural composition of the biomass, particle
tive.92 The evolution of pyrolysis oil and phenols during the size, temperature, heating rate, atmosphere, pressure, and reactor
stepwise vacuum pyrolysis of a mixture of birch sapwood and configuration.
864 Energy & Fuels, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2006 Mohan et al.

Table 19. Char Yields, Elemental Compositions, Surface Areas, Micropore Volumes, and N, C, and H Yields (Relative to the Amount of
Eucalyptus Sample) of Chars Obtained at Low (LHR) and High (HHR) Heating Ratesa
LHR Char HHR Char
property 600 °C 700 °C 800 °C 900 °C 800 °C 900 °C
char yield (wt %, dbb) 24.0 22.9 21.8 21.4 18.5 18.3
C 87.4 87.99 88.23 89.54 81.85 81.22
H 1.22 0.87 0.71 0.52 1.55 1.25
N 0.52 0.62 0.74 0.95 0.55 0.64
O 11.0 10.52 10.32 8.99 16.05 16.89
surface areac (m2/g) 570 588 589 362 528 539
micropore volume (mm3/g) 218 224 225 138 202 206
nitrogen yield (%) 44.6 50.7 57.6 72.6 36.4 41.8
carbon yield (%) 43.1 41.4 39.5 39.4 31.1 30.6
hydrogen yield (%) 4.8 3.2 2.5 1.8 4.7 3.7
a Data taken from ref 116 with permission from Elsevier. b Dry basis. c Surface areas were measured from the CO adsorption isotherm at 0 °C, using the
Dubinin-Radushkevich method.

Table 20. Bio-oil Yields Obtaineda at 550 °C from Pyrolysis of

Şensöz and Can114,115 pyrolyzed bark-free Turkish red pine Pterocarpus indicus, Cunninghamia lanceolata, and Fraxinus
(Pinus brutia Ten.) chips in a laboratory-scale fixed-bed reactor. mandshurica and Rice Straw with a Maximum Feed Rate of 3 kg/h
Pyrolyses were performed at temperatures of 300-550 °C with
biomass particle bio-oil heating value water in
slow heating rates of 7 and 40 °C/min. The sweep gas (N2) species size (µm) yield (%) (kJ/kg) bio-oilb (%)
flow rates were 50, 100, 200, and 300 cm3/min. The char, gas,
F. mandshurica 74-154 40.2 22 000 39.6
and liquid yields obtained were in the ranges of 23-36 wt %, C. lanceolata 74-154 53.9 19 000 31.4
11-23 wt %, and 21-30 wt %, respectively. The highest liquid P. indicus 250-355 55.7 19 000 24.6
yield was obtained at 500 °C and a heating rate of 40 °C/min. rice straw 154-250 33.7 19 000 53.5
Chemical fractionation showed that the oxygenated and polar a Data taken from ref 118 with permission from Elsevier. b Water in bio-
fractions dominated. The empirical formula of bio-oils obtained oil determined using the Karl-Fischer method.
in a static pyrolysis atmosphere and in a nitrogen atmosphere
are CH1.32O0.54N0.0014 and CH1.38O0.37N0.002, respectively. Oil heterogeneous combustion experiments was performed on the
heating values from pyrolyses at 300 and 500 °C varied from secondary char, to temperatures of 600 °C. Although the details
23.1 MJ/kg to 25.4 MJ/kg. The H/C and O/C molar ratios were of the rate curves are dependent on which commercial process
1.38 and 0.37, respectively. (BTG, Dynamotive, Ensyn, Pyrovac) was applied to produce
Guerrero et al.116 reported eucalyptus pyrolysis at 600-900 the oil, the same general features are always observed. Second-
°C in a fixed-bed reactor at a low heating rate (LHR) (∼10 ary char formation and sample modification begin at 187-217
°C/min). A fluidized-bed reactor was also used at 800 and 900 °C. The secondary char exhibits weight-loss curves from a
°C to prepare chars at a high heating rate (HHR). The elemental thermal gas evolution (devolatilization) stage and a combustion
composition, pore volume, and surface area of the chars were stage occurs similar to that of primary char produced during
also determined. The surface area was determined via CO2 wood fast pyrolysis. Secondary char has a lower reactivity,
adsorption at 0 °C, using the Dubinin-Radushkevich method. because it completely lacks micropore networks.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis of the chars Luo et al.118 conducted the fast pyrolysis of wood feedstocks
probed the differences in the macroscopic morphology obtained such as Pterocarpus indicus, Cunninghamia lanceolata, and
using LHR versus HHR. Various properties are given in Table Fraxinus mandshurica and rice straw in a fluidized-bed reactor
19. (at a maximum feed rate of 3 kg/h) with an inert atmosphere.
Commercial wood pellets are increasingly used for residential The 80-mm-diameter reactor had a height that varied over a
heating in Sweden. Therefore, the oxidative pyrolysis of integral range of 700-1200 mm. The reaction temperature varied over
softwood pellets was studied by Olsson et al.117 The major a range of 500-700 °C. The nitrogen flow for fluidizing the
primary semivolatile compounds released during flame burning sand bed was in the range of 3-6 Nm3/h. Bio-oil production
were six lignin-derived 2-methoxyphenols with antioxidant was greatest at 500 °C. Using the yield, heating value, and low
properties and 1,6-anhydroglucose from cellulose. water content as evaluation criteria, Pterocarpus indicus pro-
The combustion behavior of bio-oils derived from wood fast duced the best bio-oil, followed by Cunninghamia lanceolata
pyrolysis technologies (BTG, Dynamotive, Ensyn, Pyrovac) has and Fraximus mandshurica. Rice straw was the worst (see Table
been investigated by measuring weight-loss curves in air under 20). This was mainly due to the higher water and ash content
controlled thermal conditions.112 Two separate sets of experi- in the rice straw.
ments were performed: (1) devolatilization (evaporation and Pakdel and Roy100,101 reported the large-scale vacuum ther-
cracking reactions) at 327 °C with the formation of secondary mochemical conversion of several common wood species.
char, and (2) heterogeneous combustion of secondary char at Various conditions for vacuum pyrolysis have been described
600 °C. A heating rate of 5 °C/min was applied. Heating only by Garcia-Perez et al.94,95 The separation and quantitative
to 327 °C caused evaporation/cracking of the oil and secondary analysis of steroids were studied and steroid distributions in
char formation. The process involved swelling and solidification. softwood and hardwood species were compared. Fifty steroids
After the char was collected and milled, a second set of were identified with significant abundances. Most of the
compounds detected had not been identified earlier in biomass-
(114) Şensöz, S.; Can, M. Energy Sources 2002, 24 (4), 347-355. derived vacuum pyrolysis oils and rarely reported in plants.
(115) Şensöz, S.; Can, M. Energy Sources 2002, 24 (4), 357-364.
(116) Guerrero, M.; Ruiz, M. P.; Alzueta, M. U.; Bilbao, R.; Millera,
Steroid concentrations were observed to be higher in softwoods
A. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 2005, 74, 307-314.
(117) Olsson, M.; Kjallstrand, J.; Petersson, G. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis (118) Luo, Z.; Wang, S.; Liao, Y.; Zhou, J.; Gu, Y.; Cen, K. Biomass
2003, 67, 135-141. Bioenergy 2004, 26, 455-462.
Pyrolysis of Wood/Biomass for Bio-Oil: A ReView Energy & Fuels, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2006 865

than hardwoods. Steroids were present in trace amounts in Table 21. Properties of the Bio-oil Produced by Fast Pyrolysis from
tropical woods. Hybrid Poplar in the NREL (Run 175) Vortex Reactora
Paris et al.119 investigated the pyrolysis of spruce and pine Value
softwood in the temperature range of 25-1400 °C. The wood pyrolysis oil, pyrolysis oil,
sections were sandwiched between two alumina plates, to property dry basis wet basis
prevent warping, and placed in a Heraeus furnace that was empirical formula CH1.3O0.47 CH1.3O0.47 + 0.27H2O
equipped with a quartz tube that was continuously flushed with analysis
nitrogen to ensure a non-oxidizing atmosphere. A 2°C/min C 57.3 wt % 46.5 wt %
heating rate and the use of thin wood sections allow full H 6.3 wt % 7.2 wt %
O 36.2 wt % 46.1 wt %
preservation of the original cellular wood structure without the S 0.02 wt % 0.02 wt %
formation of cracks. Thermal degradation of the wood biopoly- N 0.18 wt % 0.15 wt %
mers and the evolution of the carbonaceous material’s molecular ash <0.01 wt % <0.01 wt %
and mesoscopic structure was studied by wide-angle X-ray moisture 0 wt % 18.9 wt %
high heating value, HHV 22.3 MJ/kg 18.7 MJ/kg
scattering, small-angle X-ray scattering, and Raman spectros- low heating value, LHV 21.2 MJ/kg 17.4 MJ/kg
copy. Formation of an isotropic and almost structureless material specific gravity ∼1.25 ∼1.15-1.2
occurs in a clear transition region between 307 °C and 347 °C. flash point 64 °C
Here, the cellulose microfibril crystal structure is completely potassium content 2.7 ppm
degraded. The scattering contrast, based on the density difference sodium content 7.2 ppm
calcium content 2.2 ppm
between cellulose microfibrils and polyoses/lignin, has fully chlorine content 7.9 ppm
disappeared. After this decomposition of the wood’s nanocom- aluminum content 2.6 ppm
posite structure, charring commences. Aromatic structures form titanium content <0.2 ppm
and a strongly increasing scattering signal, at small angles, vanadium content 0.002 ppm
manganese content 0.063 ppm
confirms the formation and growth of nanopores. Developing
a Data taken from ref 121 with permission from the American Chemical
graphene sheets show a slightly preferred orientation, with
respect to the oriented cellular structure of the wood. The unique Society.
cellulose microfibril orientation in the native wood cell wall
might affect the carbonaceous material. at 10 wt % of the pyrolysis oil. This methanol-modified biocrude
Stamatov et al.120 derived bio-oil via slow pyrolysis process was still a single-phase liquid and it met the ASTM No. 4 diesel
of two indigenous Australian tree species: red gum (Eucalyptus fuel specification for viscosity, even after 96 h of exposure at
camaldulensis) from the Murray basin in Victoria, and blue gum 90 °C.
(Eucalyptus globulus) from the region of Mount Gambier, South Elliott122 studied pyrolysis oils obtained from three sources:
Australia. The bio-oil was blended with ethanol and burned in a hardwood (oak), a softwood (southern pine), and a high-
a circular jet spray at atmospheric pressure. Bio-oil flames were growth-rate herbaceous biomass (switch grass). All the bio-oils
shorter, wider, and brighter than diesel fuel flames under the were produced at ∼520 °C in a residence time of <1 s in the
same conditions. Adding flammable polar additives (e.g., Vortex flash pyrolysis reactor at the NREL in Golden, CO, using
ethanol) to bio-oil improved some of the undesired properties a feed particle size of 105-250 µm. The bio-oils were analyzed
of the fuel such as poor atomization, low calorific value, and and compared with others reported in the literature. The
high NOx emission from the flame. inorganic components include the alkali metals, which are
Diebold and Czernik121 studied the fast pyrolysis of hybrid distributed throughout the oil, in both the homogeneous oil phase
poplar in the vortex reactor (high heat transfer rate, moderate and the char.
temperature (450-550 °C), and a short (<1 s) vapor residence Nilson et al.123 pyrolyzed small (15-150 mg) samples from
time in the reactor) at the National Renewable Energy Labora- eight different birch (Betula) species at 550 °C and analyzed
tory (NREL). Vapor generation was followed immediately by the products using GC, direct injection with GC/FTIR/FID
hot gas filtration. The properties are listed in Table 21. Additives (where FID denotes flame ionization detection), and precon-
to reduce and stabilize the viscosity during storage were also centration with GC/MS. Aldehydes, acids, ketones, substituted
studied.121 Additives were selected on the basis of their cost furans, and methoxylated phenols were formed. The chromato-
and their potential to shed light on the relative importance of grams were similar for all eight wood species, both with direct
the several types of chemical reactions thought to contribute to injection and preconcentration. Larger amounts of products were
aging. These reactions include esterification, transesterification, formed in the molecular-weight range of 60-130 from birch
phenol/aldehyde condensation, aldol condensation, and etheri- wood than in similar studies on pine and spruces. Conifer
fication. Methanol and water were added in varying amounts pyrolysis oils had more peaks, with a molecular weight above
to the pyrolysis bio-oils as part of an extensive evaluation of 200 amu. A thermogravimatric study of the pyrolysis of three
these two additives. Ethanol, acetone, methyl isobutyl ketone, different types of wood (viz., forest wood, old furniture, and
and the methyl ester of soybean oil were also chosen as used pallets) using dynamic and isothermal techniques was
additives. These represent three chemical families that all reported.124 Both dynamic and isothermal pyrolyses were
demonstrated the ability to drastically reduce the aging rate of performed. Isothermal runs were conducted at two different
biocrude. The additives reduced the initial viscosity at 40 °C temperatures. The low-temperature range (225-325 °C) was
by half and also reduced the aging rate (viscosity increase) of chosen, where the main degradation processes of pyrolysis
hybrid poplar hot-gas-filtered pyrolysis oil by factors of 1:18, occur. The remaining residue pyrolyzed in the range of 700-
compared to original pure oil. Methanol was the best additive 900 °C. Five different heating rates were used in the dynamic

(119) Paris, O.; Zollfrank, C.; Zickler, G. A. Carbon 2005, 43 (1), 53- (122) Elliot, D. C. Biomass Bioenergy 1994, 7 (1-7), 179-185.
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(121) Diebold, J.; Czernik, S. Energy Fuels 1997, 11, 1081-1091. (1-2), 161-167.

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