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Grow Your

ISV Business
with SaaS
Microsoft Practice
About this Playbook
This playbook is intended for the business and technical leadership of independent software
vendors (ISVs) that are considering building new applications, or transitioning existing
applications using a traditional licensing and delivery model to using a
software-as-a-service (SaaS) delivery mode.

Objectives How this Playbook was Made

The goal of this playbook is to help organizations that This playbook is part of a series of guidance that was
specialize in making and selling software, commonly written by Microsoft Partner Solliance, in conjunction
referred to as ISVs, build or optimize an Azure-focused with the Microsoft One Commercial Partner group and
SaaS practice. This guide will help you understand how other successful partners that have volunteered their
to define your practice strategy, hire and train resources, time to provide input and best practices to share with
go to market, and optimize and grow your practice. Our the rest of the partner community.
goal is not to re-write the existing body of detailed To validate the guidance provided in this playbook, we
guidance on how to perform any given worked with MDC Research to conduct a survey of 463
recommendation; instead, we point you to resources that global partners. In this survey, we gathered insights on a
will help you. range of topics, including how partners hire,
For the business side, this playbook provides valuable compensate, and train resources; their business model,
resources for driving new revenue opportunities, revenue and profitability; what practices and services
developing strategies for marketing, selling, and lead they offer; and what skillsets they have in place to
capture, as well as building differentiated and longer- support their offers. The results of this survey are
term engagements with your customers through new provided in line with the guidance found within this
service offerings like advanced data analytics, machine playbook.
learning and business intelligence.
This playbook also offers technical guidance on several
topics that range from key architectures and scenarios
for building your SaaS app, to the technical skills your
team will need and resources that you can use to
accelerate learning as you get started and grow your

Using the Playbook Effectively

Review the playbook to familiarize yourself with the layout and content. Each section
includes an executive summary and key actions for that specific topic. Review these
summaries first to decide which areas to focus on. Go over content several times, if needed,
then share with your team.


 Get your team together and discuss which pieces of the strategy each person is responsible for.
 Share the playbook with your sales, marketing, support, technical, and managed services teams.
 Leverage the resources available from Microsoft to help maximize your profitability.
 Share feedback on how we can improve this and other playbooks by emailing [email protected].

Table of Contents
About this Playbook ...................................................... 2 Hire, Build, and Train Your Team ........................................ 69
Partner Practice Development Framework ....................... 5 Job Descriptions for Your Technical Team ..................... 74
The $99.7B SaaS Marketplace Opportunity ...................... 6 Recruiting Resources ............................................................... 90
Define Your Strategy ...................................................12 Training & Readiness .............................................................. 92
Executive Summary ..................................................................13 Competencies and Certifications ........................................ 95
Define Your Practice Focus....................................................14 Operationalize ........................................................... 100
Understand the SaaS Practice ..............................................15 Executive Summary ............................................................ 101
Case Studies and Vertical Opportunities .........................23 Implement a Solution Delivery Process ....................... 102
The Microsoft Approach to SaaS ........................................27 Claim Your Internal Use Benefits ..................................... 103
Troubleshooting Resources ..................................................43 Define Customer Support Program and Process ...... 108
Define and Design the Solution Offer ..............................45 Manage and Support a SaaS Solution Deployed in
Assessing for Readiness .........................................................46 Azure ......................................................................................... 113
Support Ticket Setup and Tracking ................................ 115
Implement a Proof of Concept ............................................47
Implement Intellectual Property Offerings .................. 116
Understanding Intellectual Property .................................49
Setup Social Offerings ......................................................... 117
Define Your SaaS Pricing Strategy .....................................51
Go to Market & Close Deals ..................................... 118
Identify Partnership Opportunities ....................................55
Microsoft FastTrack for Azure ..............................................58 Executive Summary ............................................................... 119
Marketing Your SaaS Offerings ........................................ 120
Join the Microsoft Partner Network ..................................59
Define Engagement Process .................................................60 Guide: Go-to-Market and Close Deals .......................... 122
Optimize & Grow ...................................................... 123
Calculate Your Azure Practice Costs ..................................62
Executive Summary ............................................................... 124
Define Potential Customers ..................................................63
Continuous Delivery ............................................................. 125
Identify Solution Marketplaces ............................................64
Guide: Optimize and Grow ................................................ 126
Hire & Train .................................................................66
Executive Summary ..................................................................67 SaaS ISV Playbook Summary.................................... 127

September 2018

Partner Practice Development Framework

The partner practice development framework defines how to take a SaaS practice from
concept to growth in five stages. It is the foundation of this playbook, and each phase of the
framework is covered in a dedicated chapter in this playbook.

Define Define your offer, benchmark

your practice, and identify
required resources.

Hire & Train Hire talent, train resources,

and complete certifications.

Prepare for launch with

Operationalize systems, tools, and
process in place.

Go to Market Execute your sales and

marketing strategy to find your

& Close Deals first customers, and close deals

with winning proposals.

Optimize Collect feedback, identify

expansion opportunities, optimize

& Grow your practice, grow partnerships,

and refine your offer.

The $99.7B SaaS Marketplace Opportunity

SaaS represents an opportunity for independent software vendors (ISVs) to fundamentally
transform their business to deliver greater value and sell software to a broader range of
customers and streamline internal operations.
The evolution of SaaS, driven by advancements in cloud
technology, has fundamentally changed the software Forecasted size of SaaS marketplace by
industry, and how it operates. The promises of SaaS, 20201
lower development and support costs, streamlined sales
cycles, unified deployment environments, and new, data- 21% Estimated growth of SaaS marketplace1
driven insights into customer behavior, along with a
growing customer demand for cloud-based software
solutions are fueling the SaaS opportunity for ISVs. As Average revenue valuation for private
software buyers give more consideration to total cost of SaaS ISVs2
ownership (TCO), ease of use, and flexibility in their
purchasing decisions, the SaaS mode of delivery is Percent of ISVs to update pricing and
quickly becoming the preferred alternative to traditional, licensing in next 2 years2
on-premises software deployments across all industries
and business process categories, providing an
unmistakable opportunity for ISVs.

Whether you are a cloud-native start-up or an existing ISV with legacy on-premises software solutions, SaaS represents an
opportunity to deliver more value to your customers, while simultaneously increasing profitability and improving internal
operations through reduced cost and complexity. This appeals to customers because SaaS solutions are engineered to be
more purpose-built and are delivering better business outcomes than traditional software1. According to the Cisco Global
Cloud Index, SaaS applications will make up 74% of all cloud workloads by 2020, up from 41% in 2013 4.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Source: Cisco Global Cloud Index: Forecast and Methodology, editions 2013-2018 & 2015-2020

Additionally, interest in SaaS goes beyond changes to how companies deliver and license their applications. Bessemer
Venture Partners, a Silicon Valley-based venture fund, noted in its State of the Cloud 2016 study that legacy software
vendors are embracing the SaaS model aggressively. Legacy vendors are not only modernizing their applications but are
also spending aggressively to purchase SaaS ISVs to gain access to the technology and talent they need, spending over
$50B annually to acquire SaaS companies 3. Valuations for SaaS ISVs reflect the SaaS opportunity; while public legacy
vendors are valued at 3.5x annual revenue on average, public SaaS ISVs are valued at 4.9x and private SaaS vendors at

MDC Research survey participants have provided a list of the top factors influencing their decision to create a SaaS
offering, which you can consider as you evaluate creating your own SaaS practice. The top three reasons are:

• Creating new opportunities to acquire new customers

• More consistent revenue streams
• The ability to implement product innovations

Source: Microsoft ISV to SaaS Practice Development Study, MDC Research, February 2018

Key Benefits of the SaaS Model

The SaaS model allows you to deliver better experiences to broader range customers. According to a 2017 Keystone
survey6, ISVs who developed a SaaS version of their software were able to unlock new customer segments and deliver
significant additional value to their customers, including reduced complexity and lower TCO, expanded service offerings
through the integration of new cloud services, improved analytics and business intelligence gained by leveraging
aggregated data, shortened shipment cycles for updates and new features, and ease of maintenance and change

Unlock new Reduce complexity and Integrate new Leverage

customer segments lower customer TCO cloud services aggregated data

Lower customer adoption Reduce upfront Deliver fuller features Derive new customer
costs infrastructure costs and capabilities insights from usage data
Lower operating costs Eliminate ongoing Improve capabilities without Develop and optimize
Reduce technical requirements customer support costs diverting dev resources at scale

Lower cost to serve

75% 30% 50% 10%

installation time reduction savings on system costs integrated cloud-based improvement to algorithms
services into product
Source: Keystone, The Shift to SaaS: A High-Value Opportunity for ISVs, June 1, 2017


Among MDC Research survey participants, 66% cited creating new opportunities to acquire new customers as the top
factor in their decision to create a new SaaS offering. With SaaS, you can sell to a broader customer base, adding customer
segments that were previously unprofitable, due to the lower cost to serve and reduced technical requirements enabled
by operating SaaS on public cloud platforms. Adopting a SaaS model that runs on the public cloud also eliminates many
barriers to geographic expansion. In a traditional model, expanding geographically often requires setting up local
partnerships or sending a team of support engineers to client sites around the world, options that are expensive and time
consuming. By running your software on the public cloud, however, you can take advantage of your cloud provider’s
global infrastructure and support to offer higher performance and lower latency for end users. This global infrastructure
can support local data residency, sovereignty, and compliance requirements, as well.


One of the single biggest benefits of shifting to SaaS delivery is that customer hardware and infrastructure can be moved
into a single, unified infrastructure for application deployment. In most cases, the SaaS delivery model results in the
realization of significant savings for your customers, due to the reduction in the complexity and cost of underlying
infrastructure. On-premises applications often require customers to invest in a considerable amount of infrastructure to
host software. Depending on the size of the company and the performance level of the application, these costs can easily
spiral into the millions of dollars. The customer must continually invest in ongoing maintenance and support for these
assets. With SaaS, you can free your customers from many of these costs by taking on the responsibility for hosting
software through Microsoft or a PaaS/IaaS third-party partner. And, the benefits of a single application deployment

environment are not just for customers. A unified environment allows your development teams to focus more on high-
value product feature development, and less on maintaining system infrastructure.


The integration of value-added cloud services allows you to improve your service offering by providing capabilities that
previously would have been time and cost intensive to develop independently. Many of these services are available
through the cloud platform ecosystem with minimal integration and support requirements. Nearly half of the companies
surveyed reported integrating richer feature sets and capabilities into their SaaS product. Based on customer demand,
advanced data analytics, business intelligence, visualization and collaboration tools were among the top capabilities
companies added as they moved their software to the cloud. These services were incorporated either by integrating first-
party services offered by Microsoft Azure and other cloud providers, or by partnering with another SaaS company.


Cloud ecosystems facilitate easier collection of customer One of the primary business benefits you will realize by
usage data, providing you with more detailed insights switching to SaaS is a smoothing out of monthly
into customer needs and pain points. Insights generated recurring revenue streams. With a SaaS business model,
through application data collection enable you to focus customers typically pay recurring (monthly or annual)
product development efforts on the features most fees to access products, so as your customers are shifted
important to your customers, and to deliver those to SaaS subscription or consumption plans from
features faster. Keystone survey participants reported traditional licensing models, you will see your proportion
increasing the speed of product development by 33%, of recurring revenue grow, increasing the confidence and
contributing to a 50% reduction in their development reliability of financial performance. Software vendors
cycles6. using traditional software licensing often struggle with
unpredictable revenue streams, which can be hard to
Improve pace of plan around. If your ISV is seeking external funding,
product development
33% these unpredictable revenue streams can also be difficult
Leverage greater
visibility to customer
Improvement in to communicate to investors. Recurring revenue, on the
Speed time to time to market
market usage other hand, is much easier to forecast, even considering
Plan more structured customer turnover. New pricing models align your ISV’s
value with customers’ business needs, driving increased
Experiment in-market revenue. The flexibility of SaaS pricing models allow
and guide development 50%
Gather timely customer Reduction in pricing to be tailored to customer needs, allowing
Iterate faster with dev cycle
in-market pilots feedback revenue generation to be more closely tied to usage and
increasing the value you can capture across your
Source: Keystone, The Shift to SaaS: A High-Value Opportunity for customer base.
ISVs, June 1, 2017

By aggregating data collected across customers, you can

also perform benchmarking and analysis for conducting Reduce revenue risk 3-5 years
rapid improvement of products and algorithms. and unpredictability
Improve forecasting Avg customer
Aggregating data across SaaS customers can help you to Create recurring
revenue streams
identify inefficiencies in the customer experience, causes
of customer churn, and unmet needs. Perhaps more
importantly, these aggregated customer data sets allow Strengthen customer
you to develop and optimize your algorithms at scale. partnership through
Where you might not have access to this data in an on- Improve customer
Align pricing to Introduced
premises model, a SaaS model provides for these types purchase justification tied pricing changes
customer success to app usage
of scale effects.
Source: Keystone, The Shift to SaaS: A High-Value
Opportunity for ISVs, June 1, 2017


The SaaS model leads to accelerated sales by making it 6 months for an on-premises solution6. This increase in
easier for customers to find and access trials and explore flexibility lets you capture heavy users overlooked in
the potential value of your product offering. Cloud traditional licensing models, while adding new light-use
marketplaces provide a platform where you can customers who cannot justify a full license purchase.
showcase your software, helping you eliminate complex
software demos and environments. One of the biggest
Communicate directly with the SaaS
challenges facing traditional ISVs is getting customers purchaser – typically a business
over the hurdle of initial installation and up-front capital owner
Focus on user Expand sales and marketing efforts
costs. Traditional perpetual licensing models require experience to owners and end users
customers to pay for licenses and any required and business needs
infrastructure to run the application up front, which can
be a significant capital expense. If your software requires
specialized infrastructure to run, it can result in dramatic Eliminate complex software demos
limitations to your addressable market. and environments
Showcase software in cloud
By offering SaaS solutions, in contrast, you can get Shorten sales cycles marketplaces
with simple trials
customers set up more rapidly, since it requires limited and demos
infrastructure to set up and configure. A SaaS licensing
model reduces the large upfront investment traditionally
required and reduces the perceived risk in the buying
decision, thereby shortening the decision-making Maintain reseller reach by helping
them transition to managed service
process. A smaller monthly payment is also often easier Drive active provider networks
to fund than a large, up-front capital investment. usage through
Participants in Keystone’s survey reported up to 75%
reduction in installation time, cutting down the time Source: Keystone, The Shift to SaaS: A High-Value Opportunity for ISVs, June 1,
required to get customers running to 2-3 weeks from 3- 2017

The SaaS Market Growing Revenue with SaaS

SaaS has revolutionized how the software industry Creating a SaaS practice offers the opportunity to impact
operates and continues to be one of the leading drivers your top and bottom lines, allowing you to deliver
of change in the software industry, redefining how ISVs greater value to a broader range of customers while
are building and deploying software, and changing how simultaneously streamlining internal operations,
customers are consuming and purchasing software. The reducing costs and complexity. SaaS pricing models align
growing customer demand for scalable cloud-based pricing to customer success and improve customer
SaaS solutions with more robust features and purchase justification tied to application usage. Adopting
capabilities, which spans virtually all industry verticals, is monthly customer subscription invoicing or payment
not only attracting an influx of cloud-native startups, but plans makes it easier for you to report, analyze and
also forcing ISVs with legacy on-premises applications to identify business and customer trends, providing deeper
rapidly build robust cloud-based offerings, or risk insights that can be used to reduce customer churn,
obsolesce and shrinking market share. According to the increase customer lifetime value (CLV), and grow their
2017 State of the SaaS-Powered Workplace, 73% of business.
organizations say that nearly all (>80%) of their
MDC Research asked partners about profitability
applications will be SaaS by 20228.
associated with their first SaaS offering. Half of the
73% of organizations say that nearly all (80%+) of partners surveyed reported generating between $50K
their apps will be SaaS by 2022 and $1M in SaaS revenue during the last 12 months, with
78% predicting that their first SaaS offering would
78% 86%
73% 75% achieve profitability within 2 years, and 36% of the those
51% predicting profitability in less than 1 year.
38% 43%
Percentage of businesses estimating when 80% of
their apps will be SaaS

Already 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 After

80% or 2022

Likewise, IDC7 predicts spending on public cloud and

infrastructure across all geographies will reach $160
billion in 2018, an increase of 23.2% over 2017, with SaaS
being the largest cloud computing category, capturing
nearly two thirds of all public cloud spending in 2018.
SaaS spending will be dominated by application
purchases, which will make up more than half of all
Source: Microsoft ISV to SaaS Practice Development Study, MDC Research,
public cloud services spending through 2019. February 2018

Gartner, “Forecast: Public Cloud Services, Worldwide, 2016-2020, 2Q17 Update”, September 28, 2017
Flexera, “Software Licensing 2016: Seismic Shifts – Shaky Foundations”, July 26, 2016
Bessemer Venture Partners, “State of the Cloud Report 2016”, September 7, 2016
Global Cisco Cloud Index: Forecast and Methodology, editions 2013-2018 & 2015-2020
Keystone, The Shift to SaaS: A High-Value Opportunity for ISVs, June 1, 2017
IDC, Worldwide Semiannual Public Cloud Services Spending Guide, January 18, 2018
2017 State of the SaaS-Powered Workplace (Better Cloud); survey of 1800 US IT professionals; Featured in Competitive Update and Strategic Overview
by Kurt DelBene, September/October 2017


Define Your


Grow Your ISV

Business with SaaS

Executive Summary
Now that you understand the opportunity We will help you drill into how to price your offer base,
including what pricing strategy to use to drive adoption
SaaS represents, the first step is to define of your offer, and how to minimize your risk by
the strategy you will use to build your SaaS establishing up-front fees and payment terms. The
ultimate goal is to help you build a solid business plan
practice. Like the foundation of the house, that addresses your team, marketing, sales, and financial
thinking through your strategy is critical to aspects.
long-term success, and it will be time well Then we dive deeper into sales to help you define your
spent. pre-sales and post-sales engagement process, and how
to compensate sales executives.
We begin by providing an overview of the maturity If you are not yet a Microsoft partner, we will give you an
model for the SaaS practice, and touch on foundational overview of what you need to know about the Microsoft
concepts required to develop a successful and profitable Partner Network, the programs you can leverage to grow
SaaS practice. Your practice may have expertise in just your practice, how to earn competencies that yield
one of the areas, across multiple, or all areas. For each additional benefits, and how to maximize the benefits
area, we provide details about the nature of the business you get from the program.
opportunity, and the key Microsoft products and services
leveraged in delivering solutions that capitalize on the After that, we’ll give you a head start in how to identify
opportunity. potential customers when starting your practice, as well
as potential service offerings.
Then we will guide you through the process of defining
your offer and its value proposition. This is a critical We’ll conclude this section by helping you understand
piece of your strategy – specifically, the definition of support — how to support your customers, Microsoft’s
what you will sell and why customers will want to buy it. support offerings, and the support-related benefits you
We provide you guidance on what other successful get from establishing competencies in the Microsoft
partners are doing, as well as recommendations on what Partner Network.
to include in your own SaaS offerings. Let’s get on to defining your practice strategy.

 Define your practice focus

Top 5 things to do
 Understand SaaS practice requirements
Here are the top 5 things you should  Define and design the solution offer
absolutely do when defining the strategy
 Establish your pricing strategy
for your practice.
 Develop your engagement process

Define Your Practice Focus

This playbook focuses on the SaaS practice, and will help you transform your business using
a SaaS model to deliver greater value to customers, sell software to a broader range of
customers, and streamline your internal operations.



Build scalable, cloud- Deliver fuller features and Streamline Developer Gain greater insights into
based applications, capabilities for Operations (DevOps) with customer usage through
leveraging microservices customers, without a unified application application data collection
architectures and diverting developer deployment environment. and aggregation to drive
serverless computing – resources, by using Build, manage, and product improvements
enabling you to provide services available on continuously deliver great and innovation.
value-added services in Microsoft’s Azure solutions by leveraging
your offering, and platform. the powerful DevOps and
allowing customers to ALM features of
more easily adopt and Microsoft’s development
implement your platform.

Understand the SaaS Practice

SaaS defines a business and software delivery model which provides game-changing
improvements in efficiency, security, analytics, and flexibility, resulting in greater customer
value delivery and increased value capture for ISVs.
The demand for SaaS spans almost all industry verticals and business processes, providing you with nearly unlimited
opportunities to establish a SaaS practice. If you have not made the transition to SaaS, you should plan to adapt your
business model to reflect these changes, enabling you to sell your software more broadly and better monetize the value of
your IP.

The SaaS Maturity Model

Creating a SaaS practice may mean transitioning legacy software that started with traditional, perpetual licensing to SaaS
using an iterative approach, migrating a SaaS application started with a subscription business model using on-premises or
hosted platforms to the public cloud, or building a cloud-native SaaS application. Regardless of where your journey
begins, you will likely take an iterative approach to developing an offering. When designing a SaaS application, you must
carefully choose the model that best fits the needs of your application, business goals, and customer requirements. The
SaaS Practice Maturity Model outlines a general progression of models used in this process, with each level providing
greater access to the full benefits of SaaS. If you are looking to migrate a legacy application to SaaS, a hybrid model
leveraging virtualization, microservices, and cloud services may provide the quickest return on investment, and reduce the
complexity and time required to begin taking advantage of the benefits of SaaS. For many cloud-native ISVs, your SaaS
journey will begin with a multi-tenant SaaS application, and progress from there, allowing you to more quickly and fully
realize the benefits of SaaS. You may choose to start and end at any level of the model, based on your individual business
practices, needs, and customer requirements.


HYBRID MODEL This approach provides the greatest tenant and database
isolation, but the isolation requires that sufficient
At this level, you will maintain both traditional and SaaS
resources be allocated to each database to handle its
application models during a transition phase. According
peak loads. The use of containers or virtualization can
to the partners surveyed by MDC Research, the most
help simplify deployment and environment
common approach to SaaS is evolving an existing on-
standardization. At this level, you will realize many of the
premises or hosted application, so this will a common
benefits of SaaS, including reduced complexity and lower
starting point for many software vendors.
TCO, since applications live completely in the cloud. Due
to limited resource sharing, however, data-driven
insights into customer behavior are still difficult to

This level involves multi-tenancy concepts, with the same
applications serving multiple customers, but often uses a
The length of the transition phase is driven by product database-per-tenant model. Tenants can customize the
challenges, or end customer cloud readiness (size and application through a self-service tool. Scalability at this
rate of decline of their legacy business), and in some level is determined based on workload and is
cases may last years or until products are retired. An independent of the number or scale of the individual
example would be hosting functional aspects of an databases.
application on the cloud using Azure App Service and
Azure Service Fabric to host microservices, while
continuing to store data on an on-premises server or
hosted datacenter. A hybrid SaaS model can provide
some benefits of SaaS, such as improving capabilities
through the integration of new cloud services but will
typically not provide a reduction in complexity or lower
TCO and will not simplify DevOps activities.

When databases are deployed in the same resource
The single-tenancy level allows for all aspects of your
group, they can be grouped into elastic database pools.
application to run in the cloud. To maintain tenant
The pools provide a cost-effective way of sharing
(customer) isolation, the application is installed
resources across many databases. This pool option is
repeatedly, once for each customer (tenant). Each
cheaper than requiring each database to be large
instance of the application is a standalone instance, so it
enough to accommodate the usage peaks that it
never interacts with any other standalone instance. Each
experiences. Even though pooled databases share access
instance of the application has only one tenant, and the
to resources they can still achieve a high degree of
tenant has its own database.
performance isolation. By sharing the application layer
and enabling database pooling, you will recognize most
of the benefits associated with SaaS and can begin
collecting data across SaaS customers, but will still be
limited by database isolation.

MATURE MULTI-TENANCY workload of one overactive tenant impacts the

performance experience of other tenants in the same
At the mature multi-tenancy level of the model, you can
database. In general, multi-tenant databases have the
fully realize the promises of SaaS. By sharing all
lowest per-tenant cost.
resources across tenants, you can lower cost per tenant,
reduce application deployment complexity and easily AN EVOLUTIONARY SALES PLAY
collect aggregated data across customers. This pattern
Another way to look at the maturity model is to
also allows a hybrid model in which you can optimize for
understand how opportunities in the SaaS practice are
cost with multiple tenants in a database or optimize for
sold to customers. By incrementally transitioning your
isolation with a single tenant in their own database.
app, this can be an evolutionary play that gets your SaaS
practice in the door and expands your engagement with
the customer as the sophistication of your SaaS solution
deepens. This approach allows you to plan out and
incrementally change your business model to support
SaaS, picking complementary products or features to
develop for SaaS, deploying those to a subset of
customers to get feedback, experimenting with pricing
models, and deploying new features to improve
A multi-tenant database necessarily sacrifices tenant customer value. With each step in the maturity model,
isolation. The data of multiple tenants is stored together you can begin to capitalize on the benefits of the cloud
in one database. A multi-tenant database shares associated with SaaS, from reduced complexity and cost
compute and storage resources across all its tenants. to integrated cloud services and richer customer data
Therefore, the multi-tenant database carries an increased analytics.
risk of encountering noisy neighbors, where the

Simplify Key Challenges of Moving to a SaaS Model

If you are currently selling software under a traditional, perpetual licensing model, it may seem intimidating to think about
shifting to SaaS. It often requires a substantial change in how you create, design, deliver, and sell software, significant
technical investment, changes to pricing and contracts, and communicating these changes to customers. However, the
benefits of transitioning to SaaS, such as improved software performance and revenue predictability, and more efficient
product development processes outweigh these costs.

Source: Microsoft ISV to SaaS Practice Development Study, MDC Research, February 2018

Building a SaaS offering is an investment in both a new operating model and technology. 90% of ISVs reported that they
were able to complete deployment of their SaaS offerings within two years, with 50% reporting that it took less than one
year to deliver their SaaS offering.

Source: Microsoft ISV to SaaS Practice Development Study, MDC Research, February 2018

When transforming an application to a multi-tenant SaaS architecture, you must often rearchitect or rewrite your
application. This can take a significant amount of time depending upon the end application design and business model
complexities. If you have requirements for data or applications to remain on-premises, you must also overcome
unfamiliarity with deploying hybrid platforms. You may also have to deal with concerns around cloud data security when
looking at hosting applications and data on public cloud platforms.
Given the complexities and time often involved in migrating an existing application to SaaS, you may want to consider
starting with a hybrid model, selecting some products and features of your application to moving into cloud services,
while continuing to maintain other components on-premises or in hosted datacenters.


Converting from conventional licensing to usage-based can involve significant changes to your business model and
organizational structure. Without proper planning, is can be disruptive to ongoing business performance while the SaaS
transition is occurring. As you develop and apply new pricing and sales models for SaaS, you may also experience
challenges associated with the conversion from an operating expense (OPEX) to a capital expenditure (CAPEX) sales
model. The business areas involved in your SaaS practice may also be more diverse than might be expected. About half of
the ISVs MDR Research surveyed reported that more than 21% of their organization is involved in the planning, building,
and deployment of their current SaaS offerings, and most are projecting an increase in the next year.

Source: Microsoft ISV to SaaS Practice Development Study, MDC Research, February 2018

According to the partners surveyed by MDC Research, the business areas most often impacted by creating a SaaS offering
include engineering, customer support, sales, marketing, and operations.

For just under half of the organization surveyed, a SaaS As the first step in addressing the challenges of changing
business model required changes to their organization, business models, 49% of survey responders reported
mostly in the form of retraining or reassigning existing that they deployed a proof-of-concept (POC) or
employees into new roles to support the new business experimenting with pricing models.

While many customers are demanding SaaS, there can still be challenges around communicating pricing and contract
changes, as well as migrating existing customers to a new SaaS platform. If you are migrating a legacy application, it is
possible to migrate customers incrementally, based on their readiness, to lessen the operational impact and alleviate

Where Do You Begin?

Your journey to SaaS is likely to be unique, driven by your organization’s individual situation, but it is important to note
that most ISVs now see the transition to SaaS as a question of “when,” not “if.” While the key drivers influencing your
decision to create a SaaS practice will help define the path you take, other factors such as market services, your market
position, the nature of your application portfolio, and the competitive landscape of your target market can play a large
role in determining how you approach and build your SaaS practice.
The most common approach, however, is evolving an existing on-premise or hosted platform. More than two thirds of the
ISVs MDC Research surveyed are involved in transitioning existing on-premises or hosted applications to a SaaS model or
building a completely new SaaS platform for their product offering.

Proper planning for your SaaS offering can help to alleviate some of the problems experienced by other ISVs. Most SaaS
ISVs MDC Research surveyed reported that they did not do enough planning up front, possibly contributing the 50% of
responders also reporting spending more than predicted to implement their first SaaS offering. It is important for you to
consider the organization and business model impacts up front, and plan accordingly, prior to starting your SaaS
transition. How much time do you need for planning? Of the organizations surveyed, most (55%) reported spending six
months or less planning for the deployment of their first SaaS offering, which was, in general, not enough.

What Should You Sell?

With SaaS opportunities available in virtually every industry vertical, you should look at your organization’s core strengths
and competencies when deciding what market your SaaS offering should target. As you begin a SaaS practice, you can
take a phased approach, picking select products or features to develop for SaaS, and rolling those slowly out to
customers, so they can experiment with various pricing and value capture models.

Internally, you need to be preparing for operational changes, modifying sales practices, identifying cloud partners and
resellers who can support your SaaS transition and future growth, and shifting engineering resources to accommodate less
infrastructure support, and more development.

Case Studies and Vertical Opportunities

Partners have found opportunity in SaaS either by providing horizontal solutions that are applicable regardless of industry
vertical, or by focusing their solutions and growing their domain expertise within specific verticals. The following sections
introduce some of the possible vertical specific solutions as motivation for the types of solutions partners may choose to

Case Studies
One important avenue Microsoft provides is a track record of successful partner engagements. A track record of customer
success is an easy way to build confidence in the solutions your practice develops and helps win over customers. Microsoft
provides a Partner Stories website, which contains a collection of case studies highlighting how ISVs have made their
practices successful, including artifacts like case study PDFs, PowerPoint slides summarizing the key learnings and videos.
Use these case studies to help you position your offering to customers and to identify potential solution partners whose
practices may complement yours.

SaaS case studies can be found on the Azure website under Business SaaS apps, and other customer case studies are
available from the Microsoft Customer Stories website. It is recommended you check back periodically for new case
studies that empower your efforts as a partner.

Cross-Vertical Opportunities
MAKING EDISCOVERY MORE MANAGEABLE, 75% of the Fortune 500 and 98% of the Am Law 200 as
EFFICIENT, AND INSIGHTFUL users. In the old model, its software would often be
paired by clients with other software tools. Clients did
Electronic discovery (eDiscovery) refers to any process in
not have to use all Relativity modules (e.g. processing) to
which electronic data is sought, located, secured, and
provide a soup-to-nuts eDiscovery solution for end
searched with the intent of using it as evidence in a civil
users. Channel partners would stitch together these
or criminal legal case. The size of the eDiscovery market
software tools and offer implementation, consultation,
continues to expand, topping $10 billion in value
and support to their clients, often provided through
globally, as data volumes grow, and its forms proliferate.
proprietary platforms and/or as managed services.
Relativity built RelativityOne, its SaaS eDiscovery RelativityOne’s introduction threatened the ecosystem,
solution, with the assistance of Microsoft’s One specifically Relativity’s channel partners, by moving from
Commercial Partner (OCP) on Microsoft Azure, using a providing just software to services as well.
hybrid approach, with some resources still hosted on-
premises. During product planning they considered AWS
but decided on Azure due to partnership advantages DocuSign is a not-born-in-the-cloud SaaS application,
with Microsoft, including Build-with, co-marketing and with four datacenters, using SQL Server, in the United
co-selling with its field sellers. Relativity more readily States and Europe that they run themselves. Recently,
controls technology updates to end users. Predictable they have started to expand globally using Azure
revenue streams come in the form of subscription fees, services, due to regulatory and data sovereignty reasons
as well as through fees for hosting data. (Canada, Australia, Japan). They selected Azure due to
use cases for integration Office 365, and a good
RelativityOne’s introduction disrupted the industry. The
Microsoft partnership.
software is the 400-pound gorilla in the eDiscovery
software space, counting, according to the company,

The Content Management Opportunity

In 2011, Finland-based M-Files decided to migrate its • M-Files reported that the addition of updatable non-
enterprise content management (ECM) solution to the clustered columnstore indexes in Azure SQL
cloud, choosing Microsoft Azure as the foundation for its Database and in Microsoft SQL Server 2016 helped it
SaaS offering. Building its SaaS solution on Azure has to achieve over 10 times faster queries in critical
enabled M-Files’ developers to create new features to workloads without significant performance cost on
meet customers’ needs faster. Azure provides scalability online transaction processing. M-Files engineers
and availability features “out of the box” that would not were able to implement this solution with no
be economical for M-Files to develop internally. application code changes and provide an instant
Additionally, the money and headcount that M-Files performance boost to both its clients on-premises
saves by not building and maintaining on-premises and M-Files Cloud Vault users in Azure.
infrastructure can be channeled back into development. • Using Transparent data encryption, M-Files has been
According to a 2016 ECM Market Share Analysis able to encrypt all data without impacting database
published by Gartner, since switching to Azure, M-Files performance, keeping data storage for its customers
has grown six times faster than the pace of the ECM compliant with various regulatory requirements for
market. data security, such as the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or Food
Central to the M-Files architecture is Azure SQL
and Drug Administration (FDA) life-science data
Database, which has provided the following benefits:
regulations in the United States. Moreover, because
• Elastic database pools in SQL Database provides M- transparent data encryption happens at the I/O level,
Files a solution which is between three and 10 times M-Files can easily use it to enforce dynamic
less costly than standalone database instances, permission management in M-Files Cloud Vault.
helping them prevent over-provisioning and Transparent data encryption also eases the burden
enabling them to provide their customers with better for M-Files developers because they do not need to
performance and scalability at no additional cost. develop this security feature from scratch.

The Financial Services Opportunity

The financial industry is dictated by regulations that scalability using the Azure SQL Database platform.
change frequently, and customers need easier ways to Migrating to a cloud model also enabled SnelStart to fix
process financial records and collaborate with their bugs and provide new features rapidly, without
accountants and government to keep up with those customers needing to download and upgrade software.
changes. For SnelStart, the producer of popular financial-
Azure SQL Database enabled SnelStart to easily and
and business-management software for small- and
transparently move customers’ on-premises business-
medium-sized businesses in the Netherlands, the
administration data to Azure, while simultaneously
solution was to extend its services by becoming a cloud-
providing a convenient container that provides isolation,
based SaaS provider.
a boundary for authentication, authorization, and easy
SnelStart ran a successful software business for years, backup and restore capabilities. In addition, SnelStart
using a traditional development model: code, package, was a large-scale early adopter of elastic pools. Elastic
ship, and repeat. Over time, as the pace of change grew pools help the company limit costs and manage
faster and faster, and the costs of producing and performance requirements more efficiently. Using elastic
shipping software increased, they found they were pools, they have been able to optimize performance
limited in how frequently they could release software, based on the needs of their customers, without over-
making it difficult to meet their customers’ changing provisioning. Azure SQL Data Warehouse also plays a
needs. By moving from desktop software to a SaaS role in the SnelStart security and management story by
offering built on Azure, SnelStart was able to increase its helping the company gather telemetry data, such as
time-to-market for new features and updates, and intrusion detection, user activity logging, and
reduce the costs associated with software development. connectivity.
SnelStart accomplished this by making the most of built-
Since moving to an Azure cloud-based solution,
in services, automating management using a familiar
SnelStart has been able to support rapid customer
environment in C#, and optimizing performance and
growth while offering innovative features and services.

The Insurance Opportunity

Today's insurance marketplace requires that carriers be updates and maintains software upgrades,
faster, nimbler, and more creative than ever before. They maintenance and circular content
need systems designed to implement change quickly • Completely managed High Availability Infrastructure
and easily and to work elegantly with one another. Duck with SLAs – reduce operational costs while Duck
Creek Technologies introduced their open, flexible Creek manages environments, backups, recovery,
platform to bring liberating strategies like SaaS solutions, monitoring and security
codeless configuration and an open architecture to the • Comprehensive Support Management – completely
industry supporting a robust and growing set of APIs managed Level 1, 2 and 3 support including help
and RESTful services, providing all of the components desk, incident triage, and engineering SMEs
and capabilities carriers need to quickly move from • Pre-built 3rd Party Integrations – Duck Creek
concept, development and implementation to go-live Anywhere Managed Integrations provide out-of-the-
production while easing the burden of carriers so they box fully managed and maintain integrations to
can focus on bringing their next great ideas to life with popular 3rd party services such as geo-location,
newfound speed and gracefully intuitive input. MVR look-ups, data pre-fill, e-signature, analytics
and many more
Duck Creek OnDemand SaaS Solution has more than 5
years of production experience with its SaaS Solution. Duck Creek is the leading P&C SaaS solution provider
With a mission to help carriers focus more on their focusing on moving all customers to their SaaS Solution,
business and customers and less on cost, carriers but maintains on-premises products as well. The product
uniquely benefit from: runs entirely on Microsoft technologies (.NET, SQL
Server, Azure Cosmos DB, etc.).
• Up-to-date software and content allowing carriers to
focus on their business demands while Duck Creek

The Microsoft Approach to SaaS

IT organizations need to get back into the game by looking to new innovations that support
applications and services that drive the business forward. The good news is that Microsoft
has been delivering SaaS applications and services in this model in Microsoft Azure for
several years and has developed a series of innovations from that experience.
As you prepare for SaaS, it is important to select a cloud include access to its network of sellers and cloud
platform that can be a partner in growth. First, you partners who can package your software as part of a
should consider the infrastructure performance of a solution to other customers on the platform, support for
partner, starting with essential cloud services such as lead generation through marketplace promotion, and
compute and storage, as well as geographic reach and access to a wide range of enterprise customers.
security and reliability since customers frequently
The Microsoft Azure platform enables partners to better
consider the cloud platform SaaS applications run on as
serve and engage customers by providing an ever-
part of their vendor selection process. Second, you
expanding set of cloud services to help organizations
should explore the value-added services provided by a
meet business challenges. Use business insights and
cloud platform. This extends beyond the core cloud
intelligence from Azure to build SaaS applications that
services into areas like advanced data analytics and
provide operational efficiency, data security, and flexible
artificial intelligence (AI), business intelligence (BI) and
scale—while doubling revenue opportunity compared to
visualization, and communication and collaboration
traditional packaged applications (according to the AMI-
tools. You should also consider the breadth of services
Partners Global Model). Easily integrate with Office 365,
available from other SaaS vendors in the platform
Dynamics CRM, or leverage unmatched sales and
ecosystem that could facilitate the development and
marketing with co-marketing and co-selling partners
performance of your software. Finally, a good platform
through the Azure Marketplace.
partner should offer go-to-market support. This can

Monetize Innovate Expand

Grow your revenue by achieving Solve customer’s problems by developing Reach a wider customer base with
operational efficiencies, lowered risks, cutting-edge solutions using the latest in Microsoft go to market programs
predictable costs, easy scalability to Microsoft technology including marketplaces, co-selling and co-
capture new business, and high speed to marketing


Maximize revenue Reduce costs Scale easily Lower your risks

• Retain your customers by • Optimize your operations • Auto-scale services in • Rely on the most trusted
capitalizing on growing customer and drive down costs by Azure according to the cloud that offers
appetite for cloud-based moving to Microsoft Azure demands of your comprehensive compliance
solutions application coverage
• Realize simplified
• Profit from differentiated application development • Respond to customer • Safeguard your customer’s
offerings by using Microsoft with “build once” unified demands and easily scale data with state-of-the-art
Azure services to support mobile, applications for cross- solutions with a worldwide Microsoft Azure services
media services, IoT, machine platform deployment network of Microsoft-
learning, etc. managed datacenters


Focus on delivering value to Power decisions and apps Rely on first class development
Build your apps, your way
customers with insights tools and support

• Build, manage and deliver your • Use an open and flexible • Build more intelligent • Use world-class developer
applications quickly and simply platform that meets you applications by using tools to create applications
using the most advanced and where you are and adds artificial intelligence for including Visual Studio,
deeply-integrated cloud services value to your existing capabilities, cognitive Xamarin, Azure DevOps
investments services, and predictive Projects, and Azure DevTest
• Harness Azure’s secure,
analytics services such as labs
intelligent cloud services • Modernize your
Machine Learning
platform and tools to deliver applications across hybrid • Get support on your
differentiated applications to cloud environments, • Enhance your application application development
customers balancing flexibility and with access to productivity journey through the various
control data from Office 365 and partner programs offerings
business data from and trainings
Dynamics 365


Reach new customers through

Connect with Microsoft community Promote your applications
geographical expansion

• Market and distribute your applications • Benefit from exposure to the Microsoft • Grow your business with
on AppSource to reach business users sales force and some channel partners joint campaign planning

• Onboard your applications on Azure • Receive and share marketing and sales • Enter new markets with the go-to-
Marketplace to reach customers leads with Microsoft community market support from Microsoft

Why Build SaaS with Microsoft?

A trusted global leader. Committed to partners. A leading SaaS platform.

More than 90% of Fortune 500 companies use the Microsoft Cloud, which offers a fully integrated stack for any kind of
data from on-premises, hybrid, or fully in the cloud, with an open cloud platform that supports a wide variety of operating
systems and programming languages.

Source: Microsoft


In order to help organizations meet data residency, sovereignty, and compliance requirements, Microsoft has a worldwide
network of more than 48 Microsoft-managed datacenter regions. Microsoft also continues to make significant investments
in geo-expansion through our local and sovereign offerings in more than 10 unique geographic regions worldwide,
allowing your organization to continue growing globally.

Why Choose the Microsoft Cloud?

Microsoft offers the most connected, comprehensive set of cloud solutions (Azure, Office 365, Microsoft Dynamics), with
an unmatched breadth and depth of capabilities from platform to productivity applications to business solutions. Our
integrated portfolio of cloud services works across devices and is supported by one of world’s largest developer and
partner ecosystems. From a customer perspective, this means a lower cost and complexity associated with the
product/services integration, IT provider management, and support.

THE ONLY CLOUD: ENTERPRISE LEVEL, HYPER leading cloud productivity platform. Our customers can
SCALE, AND TRUE HYBRID access the productivity platform through the browser or
Microsoft is the only cloud provider that combines a through the Office application, used by one billion users
hyper scale cloud offering, a truly hybrid platform and worldwide.
enterprise-level support and SLAs for your cloud INTEGRATED BUT SEPARATED ENTERPRISE AND
COMPLETE SET OF INTEGRATED CLOUD Not all competitors in this space offer the consumer
OFFERINGS value Microsoft provides. Others have only one
Microsoft has a complete set of integrated cloud consumer platform that they extend to the enterprise,
offerings, from infrastructure as a service (IaaS), to mixing SLAs and involving the greater risk of sharing
Platform as a Service (PaaS) and all its Software as a private information in a public environment.
Service (SaaS) offerings. As an example, a PaaS ENTERPRISE MOBILITY
development can easily integrate with a VM on Azure
IaaS as well as application services like SharePoint and The Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) is the first
CRM Online. comprehensive offering in the industry to recognize that
success in enterprise mobility is not just about devices. A
BROADEST PARTNER ECOSYSTEM complete mobility strategy requires the cohesive
Microsoft Partner Network includes over almost half a management of data, identity, and devices. With an
million organizations worldwide. By working with this integrated platform for universal device management,
broad partner ecosystem, we can offer better solutions identity/access management, and data protection, EMS
and better services to our customers. reduces licensing complexity and makes it easier to
extend your existing productivity infrastructure to the

Being able to offer Single Sign On is key among multiple ANALYTICS AND BUILT-IN INTELLIGENCE
cloud services, and on-premises applications are key for Microsoft has a comprehensive set of services,
employee productivity and IT management. Microsoft infrastructure, and tools to build powerful, intelligent
natively offers SSO among its cloud services, REST API apps. Build intelligent solutions at scale using cognitive
for custom applications, and federation and directory APIs, bots, machine learning, and blockchain as a service
sync services with AD and other directories. (BaaS) capabilities that you’ll only find with Azure. Then,
BEST AND MOST INNOVATIVE ENTERPRISE turn your data into a competitive advantage using
CLOUD PRODUCTIVITY SOLUTION business analytics solutions, such as demand forecasting
No other cloud provider offers such a complete suite of and inventory optimization.
productivity services. Office 365 is recognized as the


Take advantage of Azure to reclaim the time you spend
managing hardware and updates. Consolidate your
customers into single multitenant installations that
reduce variety and complexity, reduce operating costs,
and scales with you. And use monitoring tools and
machine learning to create the operational environment
that your SaaS application requires.
Ensure consistent performance with reduced operating
costs. Gain insights into your business with real-time
analysis of usage patterns. Create an operational
environment tailored to your SaaS application.


Create the secure environment your customers demand,
with a built-in 99.99% high-availability SLA to ensure
consistent performance and intelligent layers of security
to prevent unauthorized access to your customers’ data.
Building your applications on Azure also gives you the
most comprehensive compliance coverage of any cloud
Detect threats and protect customers’ data with
detection and authentication tools. Secure the cloud
application environment with deeper visibility and
controls. Ensure operations with high availability and
disaster recovery.


Microsoft offers the most comprehensive set of compliance offerings of any cloud service provider. All of Microsoft's
services are independently verified to meet legal and compliance requirements, financially backed, and offer transparent
information on their availability. Microsoft was the first cloud provider to adhere to ISO 27018 and ISO 22301.


With Azure, you have choices. Choices that help you Azure App Service on Linux and Web App for Containers
maximize your existing investments. Get support for were designed with the intention of supporting OSS
infrastructure as a service (IaaS) on Linux and Java and workloads inside Azure App Service. Azure App Service
PHP Web application platforms. Develop and test your on Linux provides multiple built-in images, catering to
Linux and open source components in Azure. You bring developers who want to use FTP or GIT, deploy .NET
the tools you love and skills you already have, and run Core, Node, PHP or Ruby applications to Azure App
virtually any application, using your data source, with Service running on Linux. Web App for Containers
your operating system, on your device. Much of the provides developers more control over the packages,
Azure tooling and frameworks your technical teams use runtime frameworks, and tooling using custom Docker
is open source and hosted in GitHub. images.
Many cloud options do not offer the infrastructure to Web App for Containers was designed to leverage years
support OSS systems, but Azure’s support for and of Microsoft’s Azure App Service PaaS innovations and
integration with most open source solutions made the allows developers to just focus on composing their
company’s plan not only possible but also easy. Once containers without worrying about managing and
implemented, with open source software and the fixed maintaining an underlying container orchestrator.
cost of Azure, cost planning would become simpler, Container orchestration is obfuscated away from
which means business forecasting would become easier developers and handled as part of the managed services.
and much more accurate.

Looking Ahead
In addition to the accomplishments and accolades, it is important to look ahead to what is coming next from Microsoft by
using Microsoft’s Cloud platform roadmap. You and your customers can get a sense of the new technologies that are on
the horizon and be well prepared to launch innovative efforts in concert with new capabilities from the Microsoft Cloud.

Azure as the Platform for SaaS

A complete platform for SaaS developers
Microsoft Azure is an ever-expanding set of cloud services designed to help organizations meet their business challenges.
It provides the freedom to build, manage, and deploy applications on a massive, global network using your favorite tools
and frameworks. No other company has such a complete portfolio, from IaaS to PaaS and SaaS, from productivity and
social solutions to ERP, from smartphones to PPIs. The Microsoft Azure platform provides you with a customizable
application platform, data isolation without the overhead, global distribution of data and content to end-users, integrated
identity and access, and the option to easily embed business intelligence, enabling SaaS developers to efficiently and cost-
effectively deliver SaaS experiences through three main avenues:
1. Cost savings: Azure makes it easy for developer to
use existing code and tools to deploy their
applications onto the cloud. Applications can be
containerized and deployed. Hybrid approaches
present the opportunity to leverage existing data
and systems, while still benefiting from Azure
resources and services.
2. Reach and engagement: On-demand capacity with
serverless computing allows developers to quickly
add functionality to applications, with little to no
development work. Massive scale can be achieved
using microservices on Azure Service Fabric.
Breakthrough capabilities can be delivered using AI.
3. Talent availability and productivity: Microsoft fully
embraces open source, and Azure provides services
to accommodate any programming model, any
language, and any data.

Selecting the Right Azure Services

The range of services available to you when building your SaaS application on Azure is vast. The graphic below shows the
top services leveraged during SaaS implementation by partners surveyed by MDC Research.

Below, several Azure features and benefits are described.

Azure helps your developers to be more productive by providing much of the “plumbing” that they would otherwise need
to build themselves. With capabilities such as autoscaling and authentication/authorization tools, you can add advanced
features and functionality to your applications with little to no effort. You can integrate services like Azure Search or
Cognitive Services that will enhance your applications and please your users.
• Azure Functions – Azure Functions is a software that can automatically and
serverless compute service that enables you to autonomously interact with users.
run code on-demand without having to explicitly • Cognitive Services – Cognitive Services let you
provision or manage infrastructure. Use Azure build intelligent applications with powerful
Functions to run a script or piece of code in algorithms using just a few lines of code. Infuse
response to a variety of events. With Azure your applications, websites and bots with
Functions, you can write just the code you need intelligent algorithms to see, hear, speak,
for a solution, without worrying about building a understand and interpret your user needs
full application or the infrastructure to run it. A through natural methods of communication.
function is a unit of code logic that is triggered • Logic Apps – Automate the access and use of
by an HTTP request, an event in another Azure data across clouds without writing code. Azure
service, or based on a schedule. Using functions, Logic Apps simplifies how you build automated
you can build small pieces of functionality scalable workflows that integrate applications
quickly and host them in an elastic environment and data across cloud services and on-premises
that automatically manages scaling. You can systems. You can orchestrate business logic with
write Azure Functions in C#, F#, Node.js, Java, Logic Apps, automating a business process or
PHP, and a growing list of languages. integrating with SaaS applications. Like Azure
• Azure Search – Search is a common feature in Functions, Logic Apps can be activated by an
most applications, yet it has traditionally been a outside source, such as a new message on an
difficult function to implement. Azure Search Azure Storage Queue. You weave together API
provides a lot of the plumbing to do search. You calls to connectors to create a workflow that can
spin up an Azure Search instance, create an involve resources in the cloud and on-premises.
index that helps you search, and fill it with data – • Machine Learning – Azure Machine Learning
that’s it. Studio is a collaborative, drag-and-drop tool you
• Azure Bot Service – The Azure Bot Service can use to build, test, and deploy predictive
makes it easy for you to create a bot – a piece of analytics solutions on your data.


Azure offers a unique set of fully managed Platform as a Service (PaaS) offerings, that deliver these foundational elements
including: Azure App Service, Azure Service Fabric, Azure Active Directory, Power BI Embedded, and Azure SQL Database.
It is the only application development platform that delivers a comprehensive and integrated suite of fully managed
services and is recognized as a Leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Application Platform as a Service,
worldwide for the third consecutive year.

Azure App Service – Azure App Service is a collection of access management capabilities by combining directory
hosting and orchestrating services that share features services, advanced identity governance, a rich standards-
and capabilities, allowing you to build and deploy based platform for developers, and application access
powerful web and mobile applications, for any platform management. With Azure Active Directory, developers
and any device, that connect to data anywhere, in the can enable single sign-on to any SaaS application
cloud or on-premises. It offers auto-scaling and high developed on Azure. Azure Active Directory hosts almost
availability, supports both Windows and Linux. You can 9.5 million directories from organization all over the
develop in your favorite language, be it .NET, .NET Core, world and 600 million user accounts that every day
Java, Ruby, Node.js, PHP, or Python. You can run and generate 1.3 billion authentications.
scale applications with ease on Windows or Linux VMs
(see App Service on Linux). You can also take advantage Power BI Embedded – For developers looking to
of its DevOps capabilities, such as continuous transform the experience of their SaaS application,
deployment from VSTS, GitHub, Docker Hub, and other Microsoft recently introduced Power BI Embedded.
sources, package management, staging environments, Power BI Embedded allows application developers to
custom domain, and SSL certificates. embed stunning, fully interactive reports into customer
facing applications without the time and expense of
Azure Service Fabric – Azure Service Fabric is a having to build controls from the ground-up. This service
distributed systems platform that makes it easy to helps the end-user of an application seamlessly get
package, deploy, and manage scalable and reliable contextual analytics within an application. Application
microservices and containers. Developers and developers can choose from a broad range of modern
administrators can avoid complex infrastructure data visualizations out of the box, or easily build and use
problems and focus on implementing mission-critical, custom visualizations to meet the applications’ unique
demanding workloads that are scalable, reliable, and functional and branding needs. Power BI Embedded
manageable. offers consistent data visualization experiences on any
devices – desktop or mobile.
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) – For SaaS
applications that require seamless federated identity and
access, Azure Active Directory provides identity and

Azure SQL Database – Azure SQL Database is the intelligent, fully-managed relational cloud database service that
provides the broadest SQL Server engine compatibility, so you can migrate your SQL Server databases without changing
your apps. Accelerate app development and make maintenance easy and productive using the SQL tools you love to use.
Take advantage of built-in intelligence that learns app patterns and adapts to maximize performance, reliability, and data

• Tune and protect your database with built-in DevOps efficiency. Now, with the general availability
intelligence. As your application runs, SQL Database of SQL Database elastic pools, in addition to
continuously learns your unique application patterns, the intelligent capabilities built into the service,
adaptively tunes your performance, and developers can manage few to thousands of
automatically implements recommendations – databases as one while still maintaining data
freeing you to focus on your application. isolation. Elastic pools are an ideal solution for
multitenant environments as each tenant is assigned
• Protect and Secure Your Application’s Data. SQL
a database and each database in the elastic pool
Database helps you build secure applications in the
gets the computing resources only as needed –
cloud by providing built in protection and security
eliminating the complexity of developing custom
features - without implementing custom code. With
application code or over-provisioning and managing
Azure’s physical and operational security, Azure SQL
individual databases to isolate data. Elastic pools
Database can help you meet the most stringent
include auto-scaling database resources, intelligent
regulatory compliances such as ISO/IEC
management of the database environment with
27001/27002, Fed RAMP/FISMA, SOC, HIPPA and PCI
insights and recommendations, and a broad
performance and price spectrum to meet various
• Azure SQL Database Managed Instance. SQL needs.
Database Managed Instance provides the broadest
Since its preview of last year, many SaaS developers
SQL Server engine compatibility and native virtual
have adopted pools in their applications and are
network (VNET) support so you can migrate your
benefiting from the transition to elastic pools.
SQL Server databases to SQL Database Managed
Instance without changing your apps. Managed • Redefine multitenancy with customer isolation
Instance combines the SQL Server surface area with and greater efficiency. If you’re a SaaS application
the operational and financial benefits of an developer writing a multi-tenant application
intelligent, fully-managed service. Managed Instance servicing many customers, you often make tradeoffs
is best for migrating a large number of existing SQL in performance, management, security, and
Server databases from on-premises or virtual customer isolation. With Azure SQL Database Elastic
machines to SQL Database. Pools, you no longer have to make that compromise.
Elastic Pools help you manage and monitor
• Azure SQL Database Elastic Pools. Prior to SQL
multitenant applications and gain isolation benefits
Database elastic pools, developers were forced to
of one-customer-per-database.
make tradeoffs between database isolation and


Azure provides a platform built for hosting any data, on any platform, written in any language. Azure platforms such as
Azure App Service, Azure Service Fabric, Azure Container Service (AKS), and Azure SQL enable you to easily deploy your
applications onto the cloud and integrate with modern DevOps tools. Containers and AKS allow you to quickly modernize
your applications, and how them on the cloud. For new SaaS offerings, serverless technologies, such as Azure Functions,
and microservices in Azure Service Fabric, along with PaaS services, such as Azure App Service, eliminate the need for your
developers to maintain the underlying system software or virtual configurations. This burden is lifted from your developers
by shifting those responsibilities to Azure, freeing them to focus entirely on business value. SaaS brings you real business

• Azure Container Service – Azure Container Service (AKS) allows you to host containers. With this service, you can
scale and manage your containers using orchestrators like Mesosphere DC/OS, Docker Swarm, and Kubernetes.
This service is a great way to begin moving your containers to the cloud.
• Azure Cosmos DB – Azure Cosmos DB is Microsoft's globally distributed, multi-model database. With the click of
a button, Azure Cosmos DB enables you to elastically and independently scale throughput and storage across any
number of Azure's geographic regions. It offers throughput, latency, availability, and consistency guarantees with
comprehensive service level agreements (SLAs), something no other database service can offer. This geographic
distribution also provides controls to maintain data within geo-political boundaries, when required by regulatory

Azure Solutions for SaaS Requirements

SaaS applications have some basic, fundamental requirements, each addressed by existing
Azure services.
Azure offers a host of services for supporting rich, design experience. Easily integrate your logic with any
flexible, scalable, and secure multi-tenant SaaS mobile or web application via standard REST APIs. Build
applications. Many of these services where developed sophisticated enterprise application integration, B2B
based on Microsoft’s own experiences gained by solutions using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and
developing SaaS applications, such as Office 365 and business policies (rules engine).
Dynamics CRM. Azure is a platform which is secure and
compliant, offering the most comprehensive set of
compliance offerings (including certifications and Optimized for DevOps, with continuous integration
attestations) of any cloud service provider. support for Visual Studio Team Services and GitHub, so
you can focus on rapidly improving your applications
without worrying about infrastructure. Deploy
application updates with built-in staging, roll-back, and
in-production testing capabilities.


Azure App Service has full enterprise-grade security and
management. Provide delegated and role-based
administration; easily secure and manage data flowing to
your mobile applications; and protect your assets with
built-in backup and restore capability. Fully PCI-
compliant with dedicated environments, and the ability
to deploy across public and private clouds.

CONNECT TO ANY SERVICE & UNLOCK YOUR As a single integrated service, Azure App Service makes
DATA it easy to compose the above application types into a
single solution, allowing you to easily build applications
Connect your web or mobile application to enterprise
that target both web and mobile clients using the same
systems or SaaS in minutes with built-in connectors.
back end and integrate with on-premises systems as well
Azure allows you to choose from more than 50
as popular SaaS services.
connectors for enterprise systems such as SAP, Siebel,
and Oracle to popular enterprise SaaS services like MANAGE AT SCALE
Salesforce and Office 365 to popular internet services
Using built in monitoring tools your applications are
such as Facebook, Twitter, and Dropbox.
easily manageable at scale, with services such as Azure
INTEGRATE MORE EASILY Monitor, Application Insights, Log Analytics, and Event
Logic Apps lets you integrate data across clouds and
automate business processes in minutes using a visual

Azure Solutions for SaaS Automation and Orchestration

Automation and orchestration are extremely important functions to a successful Azure
Your ability to automate routine tasks allows you to Resource Manager templates as well as services like Chef
lower your delivery costs and offer superior SLAs – or Azure Automation DSC to enable configuration
driving a virtuous cycle of efficiency and repeat business. management for a stronger offering. With these tools in
Automation is the key to creating the right balance your toolbelt you can automate tasks normally done
between cost, reliability, speed, and time to market. through the Azure management portal and control large
Automation can also offer significant benefits to the amounts of resources with fewer people.
customer as it can optimize Azure spending and increase
reliability for workloads that have varying resource KEY SERVICES FOR THIS OFFERING
requirements. • Template and script authoring
Some of the key customer challenges and questions you • Automatic start and stop of virtual machines
may face include: (cost optimization)
• Automatic scale down of services
• Customer lacks technical expertise required to • Continuous deployment and Integration
efficiently manage PCs, servers, software, user
• Configuration management
access, and policies
• Customer lacks a unified toolset for RESOURCES
implementing an appropriate configuration In a dev-ops world, customers expect you to provide
management work stream continuous integration, deployment, and automation for
• Customer lacks a unified management plan and all their applications. Everything from code deployment
instead carries out changes on live equipment to testing, staging to release, can be automated. This is
on an ad hoc basis an opportunity for you to help your customers leverage
• Lack of resources and knowledge to maintain the full dev-ops experience of developing on Azure.
their own system and integrate automation
capabilities • Azure Automation
• Automation tools are perceived as too • Azure Automation DSC
complicated and too expensive to implement • Azure PowerShell
• Lack of familiarity with dev-ops approach to • Azure CLI
operations - or unable to bring the cultural • VSTS DevOps and ALM
change required to adopt dev-ops as a way of • Chef, Puppet, Docker and Linux VMs
doing things • Using Jenkins and Storage for Continuous
• Fear and uncertainty surrounding the loss of Integration
control associated with automation 3 RD PARTY RESOURCES
• IT environments are not mature or well defined
• Chef
enough to warrant automation
• Puppet
For Dev-ops on Azure it is important to have a strong • Ansible
understanding of the command line tools and Azure • SaltStack

SaaS Architectures Made Possible with Azure

A term you may have heard about cloud-based Microsoft has provided a sample SaaS application, and a
development is microservices. Microservices are an series of management scripts and tutorials that
application development and deployment approach demonstrate the range of SaaS-focused design and
perfectly suited to the agility, scale, and reliability management patterns that can accelerate SaaS
requirements of modern cloud applications. The term application development on Azure and SQL Database.
“microservice” emphasizes the fact that applications These patterns extend the benefits of SQL Database,
should be composed of services small enough to truly making it the most effective and easy-to-manage data
implement a single role. Each has well-defined contracts platform for a wide range of data-intensive multi-tenant
(API contracts) for other microservices to communicate SaaS applications.
and share data with it. Microservices must also be able to
version and update independently of each other. This
results in a fine-grained, loosely coupled application that
can easily be distributed across multiple host machines The discussion around patterns starts with the
for scale and reliability. This loose coupling is key to consideration of what data model to use to satisfy your
supporting rapid and reliable evolution of an application. business and customers’ requirements. Multi-tenant
What would have been a single tier of a monolithic applications have traditionally been implemented using
application decomposes into many discrete a multi-tenant database. While multi-tenant databases
microservices, each independent and isolated. remain effective for some applications, particularly where
the amount of data stored per tenant is small, many
Azure Service Fabric solves distributed systems
SaaS applications benefit from the isolation inherent in
problems, such as reliability, scalability, management,
using a database per tenant. The fully-managed nature
and latency, typically associated with the microservices
of SQL Database and the use of elastic pools have made
approach. It is a mature, feature-rich microservices
managing massive numbers of databases practical. Many
application platform with built-in support for lifecycle
ISVs are now running SaaS applications on SQL Database
management, stateful and stateless performance at
with tens of thousands of tenant databases in elastic
scale, hybrid deployments, 24x7 availability, and cost
pools. A database-per-tenant model allows these
customers to achieve levels of tenant isolation not
SINGLE-TENANT APPLICATIONS possible with a multi-tenant database, with
improvements in data security, privacy, performance
In single-tenant applications, the whole application is
management, extensibility, and more.
installed repeatedly, once for each tenant. Each instance
of the app is a standalone instance, so it never interacts
with any other standalone instance. Each instance of the
app has only one tenant, and therefore needs only one
database. The tenant has the database all to itself.

Learning from Customer Experience

By working closely with our partners, and learning from their experience, Microsoft has harvested a set of design and
management patterns applicable to any business domain that simplify the adoption of a database-per-tenant approach
and its use at scale. Based on these patterns, a sample SaaS application and a set of management scripts, backed by easy-
to-follow tutorials, is now available, with all code on GitHub and the tutorials online.
You can install the sample application in less than 5 minutes and explore the patterns first-hand by playing with the
application and looking at how it’s built using the Azure portal, SQL Server Management Studio, and Visual Studio. By
studying the application and management scripts, and working through the tutorials, you can jump start your own SaaS
application project.
The sample application is a simple event listing and ticketing SaaS application, where each venue has its own database
with events, ticket prices, customers, and ticket sales, all securely isolated from other venues’ data. The application uses a
canonical SaaS application architecture for the data layer. Each tenant is mapped to its database using a catalog database,
which is used for lookup and connectivity. Other databases are installed to enable other scenarios as you explore the
various tutorials.

SAAS SCENARIOS EXPLORED tuning, that optimizes tenant database performance

based on each tenant’s actual workload profile.
The application and management scripts address many
common SaaS-related scenarios, including: INTEGRATED WITH OTHER AZURE SERVICES FOR
• Tenant registration, including database provisioning AN END-TO-END SAAS SCENARIO
and initialization, and catalog registration Several other Azure services are also showcased as part
• Routing and connection from the application to the of the application, including Azure App Service and
correct tenant database Traffic Manager in the application layer, Log Analytics
• Database performance monitoring, alerting and (OMS) for monitoring and alerting at scale, SQL Data
management, including cross-pool monitoring and Warehouse for cross-tenant analytics, and Azure
alerting Resource Management (ARM) templates for deployment.
• Schema management, including deployment of
The application will be extended over time to include
schema changes and reference data to all tenant
more scenarios, from additional management patterns to
deeper integration with other Azure services, including
• Distributed query across all tenant databases,
Power BI, Azure Machine Learning, Azure Search, and
allowing ad hoc real-time query and analysis
Active Directory, to build out a complete E2E SaaS
• Extract of tenant data into an analytics database or
scenario. We also want to explore the same scenarios
data warehouse
with a multi-tenant database model in due course.
• Restoring a single tenant database to a point in time
These SaaS patterns are also informing planning for
A load generator simulates unpredictable tenant activity,
future improvements to the SQL Database service.
allowing you to explore resource management scenarios,
including scaling pools to handle daily or weekly RESOURCES
workload patterns, load-balancing pools, and managing
Wingtip Tickets application documentation
large variations in individual tenant workloads. A ticket-
generator allows you to explore analytics scenarios with Deploy and explore a multi-tenant SaaS application
significant amounts of data. Microservices architecture
Microservices reference implementation
The application also benefits from other SQL Database
Build your application business
features that are especially relevant in a database-per-
Multi-tenant SaaS database tenancy patterns
tenant context, including automatic intelligent index

SaaS APIs provide a mechanism for other SaaS and on-premises application to easily integrate and interact with data and
services. Azure makes implementation of APIs easy, using API Apps to provide focused capabilities for use by other SaaS
applications and applications for providing horizontal solutions (used across industries). In the MDC Research survey, 73%
of partner ISVs reported developing open APIs for application integration sometimes or always.

Troubleshooting Resources
Use these resources to assist with troubleshooting in your Azure-focused practice.


MSDN support forums are moderated by Microsoft staff Stack Overflow is the largest online community for
and others in the community. This is a great location for programmers to learn, share their knowledge, and
asking troubleshooting questions for Azure. advance their careers. This a great community-based
resource for assisting developers with troubleshooting
code-related issues on Azure.
Server Fault is a question and answer site for system and
network administrators. This a great community-based
resource for assisting IT Professionals with
troubleshooting infrastructure-related issues on Azure.



Troubleshooting RDP Connections Reset Remote Desktop Connections

Troubleshoot Creating a new VM Troubleshooting Specific RDP errors

Troubleshoot restarting or resizing a VM Troubleshoot Application Access

Troubleshoot Allocation failures on Windows Troubleshooting SSH connections

Troubleshooting Application Access on Linux Troubleshooting Allocation issues on Linux

Troubleshooting Resource Manager Deployment issues

Redeploying a Virtual Machine
with Linux

Troubleshooting ARM Template Deployment Errors Troubleshooting and monitoring Azure Storage

End-to-End Storage Troubleshooting

Define and Design the Solution Offer

Understand the SaaS Business it easier to think about pricing tiers and bundles. Many
companies find they have to revisit this over time and
Model change their strategies to match the needs of the

The SaaS business model encompasses A business plan is a critical asset that can help you
envision and think through the details of your practice,
two key elements: value creation and value identify gaps you will need to address, and explain the
capture. fundamentals of your practice to others. Leverage the
Develop a Business Plan guide for details, profitability
An ISV’s business model reflects strategic choices as to scenario overviews, business plan templates, and
how to compete in the marketplace, how to deliver a financial models.
differentiated product or service, and how to capture
It is also important to incorporate marketing, sales and
economic value. In Keystone’s research6, the business
channel strategy into the planning phase. As shown in
model encompasses two key elements: value creation
the chart below, 37% of partners surveyed started
and value capture. Value creation represents benefits the
planning marketing, sales, and channel strategy during
software delivers to end customers, such as the product’s
initial planning phase, almost two thirds (63%) of
feature set, its performance, and ease of use. Value
partners reported not starting planning for these early
capture represents how much of the value ISVs can
enough. The earlier in the planning phase marketing and
retain. An ISV’s value capture strategy is a product of the
sales are incorporated, the more likely the ISV is to see
company’s pricing model and its cost model in serving
success from these efforts.
its customers.
As you consider SaaS, you must consider market
position, service level, and customer satisfaction, which
means addressing:
• Where you will position yourself in the market?
• What kind of customers you want to attract?
• How many customers you want to serve with your
• What benefits will they get at different service levels?
• How long your customer lifespan will be?
• Whether you are service businesses (B2B), direct
customers (B2C), or both?
Thinking about these issues will enable you to
understand the value of your SaaS offering and will make

Assessing for Readiness

Start by offering a cloud readiness assessment.
2016 marked an inflection point for cloud adoption for both SMB and enterprise customers. Most customers today have
already started taking cloud seriously. However, not every customer is savvy enough to build a robust cloud strategy.
Many don’t have granular visibility into their IT infrastructure – and are not able to quantify the benefits in cost, agility,
speed, and time to market that cloud brings. Others, while aware of the benefits, don’t know where to start and are unsure
of how ready their staff, systems, tools, and processes are for public cloud. For ISVs with legacy, on-premises software it
may make sense to begin with a cloud assessment. A cloud assessment can help you identify the best approach to take in
developing your SaaS practice, determining which workloads are ready to move to Azure, and in what fashion (lift-and-
shift, re-platform, or replacement with a new deployment model). The cloud assessment can also help you to develop an
understanding of the readiness of your existing customers. Customers require a partner who can provide the proper
roadmap and guidance to optimizing their workloads in Microsoft Azure.


• What the estimated ROI for migrating workloads to
• How do I get more speed, agility and performance Azure would be
for my IT assets? • The readiness needs of the customer to support the
• How do I decide between hosted private cloud vs workload in Azure
public cloud deployments? • Which applications and workloads should stay on-
• How do I factor in both for my short to medium premises
term IT strategy? • Hybrid cloud connectivity requirements
• How do I decide the first applications to take to
• Do I need to train my staff again after a cloud • Azure Virtual Machines Readiness Assessment
migration? What other changes do I need to make in • Azure Channel Pricing Calculator
my IT staffing? • Operations Management Suite Application
• How do I control ‘shadow IT’, or ‘zombie Dependency Monitor
applications’ or workloads that are consuming more
resources than the value they are delivering?

Implement a Proof of Concept

One of the key services in your development arsenal is the Proof of Concept (PoC).
In our research, 49% of partners having a SaaS practice indicated that they deployed a proof of concept to start their SaaS

The key to developing a successful PoC is to avoid common traps, such as premature optimization, and spending too
much time hardening the application for rock solid performance and stability. The proof of concept is a level of complexity
and usability below a minimum viable product (MVP), as it is used to validate the customer requirements, and the
proposed solution. If you can start your PoC from an available template, such as a Visual Studio project template, or from
pre-existing code from another of your projects, this will be a great way to jump start your development process. Bear in
mind that the PoC lacks a lot of the functionality of the final delivered software. User interface elements, for instance, may
be there just for illustrative purposes and lack functionality. APIs may have desired endpoints stubbed out that define the
methods and functionality that it will provide, but the implementations are missing. Resist the urge to develop the final
product atop the PoC, as you will likely alter your use of technology, the requirements may change, and you will likely start
from a more stable development foundation.
The benefits of developing the PoC are twofold: it helps your development team fully understand the requirements of
building a SaaS application, instead of just reading through the documents, and it also helps the customer truly
understand what they want. Oftentimes, customers will have a concept in mind of what they want, but they aren’t aware of
what they don’t know, that can influence their concept later in the development process. The PoC helps identify these
issues early on. Having a PoC on hand gives you the opportunity to communicate to the user the look and feel of the final
product much more vividly than using design documents and design reviews. Seeing the PoC allows the customer to
adjust their requirements to match exactly what they want, and to better define their expectations for the final deliverable.


Why Perform a Proof

POC Execution
of Concept?

Proof of concepts (PoC) serve several purposes. One of the First, identify the technical resources needed for the PoC. This
primary aims is to overcome customer objections by will include the technical implementation team, as well as
demonstrating that the solution will solve the problem it’s project management for tracking the progress of the
being designed for. The PoC also can serve as evidence that engagement. Beyond identification of resources, ensure all
your practice can use for future engagements with the same members of your team and your customer’s technical team (if
customer or with new customers. Many times, the output of they are participating) are clear on responsibilities. During the
a PoC can be added to your practice’s intellectual property PoC it is important that the initial design follows best practices
list for demonstrations, or used to accelerate future and is designed for production (just scaled down) from the
solutions. Proof of concepts are one of the key tools when beginning. Communication is critical, so ensure that the
trying to displace the competition by rapidly showing value progress of the PoC is communicated to all stakeholders on a
and hopefully a quick return on investment. regular basis.

Define Scope Next Step

A proper PoC is defined with a clear and concrete At the end of the PoC, create a report that explains the
scope. Conduct an application design session (ADS) to overall status of the PoC and any issues identified
align business and technical requirements and set clear during the PoC. The report should elaborate on the
goals. This should include: pros and cons of the delivery and clearly explain the
• Identify workloads and features to demonstrate. value prop of moving forward with a real
implementation to the stakeholders along with
• Determine what you want to prove and which
expected production costs over time. Assuming the
objections need to be overcome.
stakeholders agree to move forward, put a plan into
• Clearly demarcate responsibilities and set up
place to deploy the PoC into production while ensuring
that the PoC is designed for production usage.
• Set up subscriptions, define payment, and perform
cost estimates of the PoC.
• Agree on the next step if success criteria are met.

Understanding Intellectual Property

Intellectual property (IP) includes the proprietary elements you develop in-house, own,
maintain and sell directly or as value add to project and managed services.
Productizing IP and creating repeatable processes has been a very successful strategy for many partners. Some partners
are achieving gross margins in excess of 70% by productizing IP and selling it to their customers on a recurring revenue
basis. Productizing IP helps you create stickiness with customers and opens opportunities to sell your solutions through
the partner channel. If you don’t want to create your own IP, you can also look to the partner ecosystem for incremental
solutions that can be bundled with Microsoft’s offerings to round out your total SaaS solution.

The Importance of Developing Intellectual Property

Implementing IP in your Cloud Offerings

Tips to get you started with productizing your IP and 3. Maintain rights to the IP. It is critical that you
going to market: maintain the IP rights to the solutions and get
customers to agree to the terms through your
1. Define your solution. Through our research
customer agreements
process, when we asked partners how they
4. Establish a recurring revenue model. The beauty
determined what IP they were going to build, we
of deploying IP in the cloud space is that you can
often got the same answer, which is that they
light up the recurring revenue model, which will have
realized most of their customers were asking for the
a positive impact on the valuation of your business
same thing or something very similar, and rather
and will help even out your cash flows in the future.
than continuing to do high-cost custom work for
5. Consider your channel strategy. One of the
every customer, they decided to productize what
advantages of productizing your IP is that it opens a
their customers were asking for. Bring your sales,
lot of doors to sell your solution through channel
marketing, technical and delivery teams together to
brainstorm and define what your solution will look
6. Consider sourcing strategy. In order to develop IP,
it is not necessary to build your own development
2. Determine what will differentiate your solution
organization. There are thousands of companies in
from others in the market. It is vital that you think
the world that do software development as a service.
about your differentiation strategy. What is going to
But remember to secure rights to your IP in this case.
make your solution better than other solutions like it
in the industry?
For an even deeper dive into cloud profitability, see Blue Rooster’s story on how they transitioned from a project services
to an IP focused partner in just nine months, and these additional resources: IP Development and Create Stickiness with IP.

Protect Your SaaS Intellectual Property

Microsoft’s Azure IP Advantage program represents the industry’s most comprehensive protection against intellectual
property (IP) risks, particularly revolving around IP infringement. The Microsoft Azure IP Advantage program includes the
following benefits:
• Best-in-industry intellectual property protection CONSIDERATIONS FOR YOUR SAAS IP
with uncapped indemnification coverage will
Fundamentally, in order to benefit from the Microsoft
now also cover any open source technology that
Azure IP Advantage program, some parts of an ISV’s
powers Microsoft Azure services, such as
solution need to run in Azure, such that minimal
Kubernetes or Docker used to power
spending requirements are meet. To be eligible for
containerized solutions in Azure.
Microsoft Azure IP, an ISV’s spending must meet the
• Patent Pick: Makes 10,000 Microsoft patents
following requirements:
available to customers that use Azure services
for the sole purpose of enabling them to better • For patent pick eligibility: (i) have an Azure usage
defend themselves against patent lawsuits of $1,000 USD per month over the past three
against their services that run on top of Azure. months; (ii) have not filed a patent infringement
These patents are broadly representative of lawsuit against another Azure customer for their
Microsoft’s overall patent portfolio and are the Azure workloads in the last 2 years; and (iii) show
result of years of cutting-edge innovation by our evidence of a current patent litigation that
best engineers around the world. occurred after February 8, 2017. Legal
• Springing License: Microsoft is pledging to Azure transactional costs apply.
customers that if Microsoft transfers patents in • For springing license eligibility: ISVs must have
the future to non-practicing entities, they can an Azure usage of $1,000 USD per month over
never be asserted against them. the past three months.
With these changes, Microsoft now offers our customers
industry-leading protection against intellectual property
risk in the cloud.

Define Your SaaS Pricing Strategy

Pricing your SaaS offering is no longer determined simply by cost plus margin.
Pricing SaaS offerings is different in today’s marketplace. Increasingly it is about return on value (ROV) — the added
benefits (e.g., better per-unit price, improved service characteristics) an ISV’s customer gets by being a better customer
(e.g., buying contracts with longer durations, making upfront payments, etc.). Customers will only pay as much as the value
they estimate they will get from the offering. With SaaS, pricing presents a means for ISVs to closely align pricing to the
value customers receive. Of the ISVs that changed pricing models, they reported an improved ability to capture net new
revenue from heavy users that previously represented value left on the table in a traditional licensing model (Keystone:
The Shift to SaaS, June 1, 2017).
Because price is part of an ISV’s value proposition and solution offer, pricing is something they can be proud of and share
early, removing any customer concerns. Pricing is now a result of the product, and it begins with the SaaS offerings value
proposition. To understand how to price an offer, let’s review the pricing strategies to see the benefit they bring to a
solution offer.

© 2016 Lemon Operations for Microsoft


Pricing is the consequence of the product and aligns to Virtuous pricing is about using the price as a sales
the accepted industry/application standard. Think of this weapon. The goal of virtuous pricing is to create a
as reference pricing; as in customers have seen similar virtuous sales cycle within your customers, where each
products sold for this amount, so you price your offer so sale encourages the next sale within the customer
that it is similar. What’s the standard price for a mobile organization. It fosters product adoption and
phone application? $0.99. If you charge more, you are proliferation. Let’s begin with a counter example of what
breaking from the industry accepted, standard pricing. is not virtuous pricing — a fixed price per user. For your
This is an old way to look at pricing. Buyers today will SaaS practice, this could be pricing per client that
accept this model, but they do not prefer it and it consumes your SaaS web service. Here, you have a
provides minimal help in getting your offer purchased. simple pricing structure (which is important), but there is
Let’s look at the other options that you should consider nothing to encourage more aggressive purchasing by
for your SaaS practice. the customer.

Enter digressive pricing, which drops the per-unit price outcome. Some customers may come close to (or even
with the purchase of more units. Your customers get a exceed) using the full value of what they pay - for
discount per unit price the more they buy. This can help example, they are the big box retailers who depend on
create a virtuous sales cycle within the customer because your custom web service to customize the consumer’s
now the customer is looking for way to bring their cost experience. The rest (the smaller chains and boutique
per unit (e.g., user, client, etc.) down. For example, online stores) are nowhere close (they have smaller
assume one line of business has already purchased 19 traffic, and as such each individually is making fewer
users from you at $49 per user for your SaaS web service. requests against your custom SaaS web service). A well-
Now, there are discussions within another line of crafted model identifies the average consumption across
business within the same customer organization to all your customers and creates a situation where over
purchase a similar product from a competitor or to 80% of the customers are using less than what they are
purchase yours. Your existing customer is incentivized to paying for (and ideally less than the average
lobby on your behalf because if the other line of consumption) and fewer than 20% are using more.
business purchases your product, their cost per user will
You set your price to be above the average
drop to $39 per user. And the cycle can continue as each
consumption. By doing so, clients in the 80% who use
new group evaluates your solution offering.
less than what they pay for (the smaller chains and
There is a way to adjust digressive pricing slightly to boutique online stores) generate your profit. The further
make it significantly more profitable — step pricing. This they are below the average consumption, the more
method sets the price for each step as the top number of profit they generate.
users in the range. Building on the example from
For the 20% who use more than they pay for (the big
digressive pricing, let’s say that the customer purchased
box stores), you might take a loss on them individually.
15 users. They would pay for the equivalent of 19 users
However, in the aggregate, the long tail represented by
since that is the price for this range of units. Why is this
the 80% of customers who do not fully use what they
more profitable? Because your customer is effectively
pay for more than covers the cost of your heavy
paying you for the 4 users they are not using (yet) —
consumers, and these heavy consumers are likely to be
which goes straight into your profits. What’s more is you
your biggest champions. So, there are tangential benefits
have amplified the virtuous sales cycle because the
to supporting their cost. Pricing models built around flat
customer wants to get as close to the maximum number
rate pricing have shown between 1.5 and 3 times as
of users for the step as possible to get the lowest
much profit as traditional models.
possible cost per unit within the step.


This is one of the most powerful business

pricing strategies.
You have probably already experienced it, although you
may not have realized. Flat rate pricing is leveraged by
banks, insurance companies, etc., every time you pay
premiums. While it can have varying levels of
sophistication (banks and insurance firms use
sophisticated versions of this based on significant work
by their actuaries), the model can be described and
implemented in a simple fashion. The basic idea is that
you provide a certain quantity of value for a set cost that
© 2016 Lemon Operations for Microsoft
all customers pay. Let’s say your SaaS practice built a
custom SaaS web service that helps predict a sales


Another consideration of your pricing strategy is whether to allow your customers to pay for
a subscription period upfront, usually for a discount.
Reasons for doing so, including providing some working capital to get resources going in the early days of your practice,
mitigate the risk that a customer abandons a project without any payment and ensure the customer is as invested in a
project as you are. It can also serve to minimize financial impact to your practice when the customer has requested longer
payment terms. A common approach is to offer discounted rates for annual pre-payments, where the customer pays for
the whole year upfront and in return gets a discount over what it would otherwise cost for the year if paying monthly.

How are SaaS Partners Pricing?

In our survey of SaaS ISVs, over two thirds of the partners surveyed utilize monthly subscriptions and tier pricing by user,
using mostly two dimensions: number of users or devices and the depth of features available.

72% of ISVs include support in as part of their subscription price, with another 26% including it as an add-on. However,
80% consider customizations to be outside the scope of support and charge an extra fee on a project basis for customer
requested custom modifications.


Identify Partnership Opportunities

Committed to Partners
Microsoft brings unique strengths around relationships and partnering.
From the diverse range of partner focused training Research shows this commitment to partners also
Microsoft produces on sales, marketing and technical appears in partner revenue. In a recent IDC study,
topics, to the business investment funds it makes partners reported earning $9.64 in revenue for every $1
available to help partners succeed in their customer of Microsoft revenue generated in 2017. This is expected
engagements, to unique programs like the FastTrack for to continue through 2022 and include a mix of software
Azure program that help you discover what’s possible, (45%), services (50%), and hardware (5%), that are sold in
create plans for success, and onboard new customers relation to Microsoft solutions.
and capabilities, Microsoft is committed to enabling
partner success in SaaS.

Source: IDC eBook, sponsored by Microsoft, The Microsoft Digital Transformation Series, Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity, 2018

Partner to Partner PARTNER FOR IP

When looking at a SaaS transition, and considering the
Building smart partner relationships lets Microsoft Partner Network, it is important to note that
you do not have to build everything in house. There is a
you focus on what you do best. vast network of providers who have existing IP they are
willing to share or license, so it is worthwhile to consider
It is tempting to want to do everything related to your partnering to acquire needed IP. 44% of the ISVs
business, but the fact remains you will never have surveyed by MDC Research include licensing of their IP
enough time. This is a primary reason to seek out with their SaaS offerings.
compatible partners that can help you to:
• Complete your solution
• Build credibility
• Partner for infrastructure
• Leverage joint marketing
• Add-on to sales
• Broaden your customer base

70% of the ISV partners surveyed by MDC Research

indicated that they have developed their own IP, and
44% of those include a license for that IP in their
With a SaaS practice, selling your SaaS solution to
Finding the right type of partnerships is key to finding
success in today’s competitive market. Some partner partners with expertise in other domains can be lucrative.
combinations meld together well to create success. To
help you find the right mix, here’s an example of a
partner recipe we know works:
ISV + channel-based MSP partners = international
Find out what’s in it for the Partners and customer and
the secret of success.

Make Connections with

It’s hard to beat the value of partner-to-partner conversations and networking. Luckily, there
are communities to help you expand your network and make an even bigger impact on
your business.
Dynasource is a global, two-sided marketplace that INCREASE DEMAND FOR YOUR RESOURCES
allows partners to connect with other firms that have
Business is not always predictable but retaining quality
complementary expertise and capabilities. If you have
staff is essential to your success. With Dynasource, you
excess capacity, increase your billability and profitability
can make your resources and capabilities available to
by finding partners that can drive utilization of your staff.
partners who can utilize them today, making your
If you lack the capacity, Dynasource can help you
workforce agile and billable.
connect with partners that have the expertise to enable
and expand your solutions. By connecting through GET STARTED NOW
Dynasource and working together, you can meet
In order to join Dynasource, all you’ll need is general
customer demand for needs across the Microsoft
information about your business. Once you create a
portfolio and grow your business.
profile, you can search for other resources and jobs, as
TRANSFORM THROUGH COLLABORATION well as create and post your own. You can control the
availability of your resources and what level of
After you’ve created a profile on Dynasource, you can
information you would like to share about your
search the Dynasource Microsoft Partner Community for
capabilities. With the Dynasource premium membership,
qualified resources that can collaborate with your team
you can request connections with other members and
on an opportunity. This allows you to transform your
cloud business and expand your offerings at a pace that
works for you.

Microsoft FastTrack for Azure

Microsoft FastTrack
FastTrack helps you discover what's possible, plan for successful rollouts, and onboard new
users and capabilities at your own pace.
FastTrack is Microsoft’s customer success service designed to help you realize business value faster with the Microsoft
Cloud. FastTrack for Azure provides direct access to assistance from Azure engineers, who will work hand-in-hand with
your team to help them build Azure solutions, quickly and confidently. FastTrack ensures that you have a full suite of best
practices, tools, remote assistance, and resources at your disposal during your SaaS transformation.

THE MICROSOFT FASTTRACK SERVICE CAN HELP By way of example, here is a summary of what a
YOU FastTrack engagement works like, in this case in an e-
• Define the business vision to plan and develop mail migration scenario.
Azure solutions successfully
• Assess your architectural needs
• Provide guidance, design principals, tools and
resources to help you build, deploy, and manage
your Azure solutions
• Periodically check in to ensure deployment is on
track and help remove blockers
• Match you will skilled partners for deployment
FastTrack engagements are adapted to your specific
requirements, but each leverages the same framework:

• FastTrack for Azure
• Sign in to the FastTrack portal

Join the Microsoft Partner Network

Partnering with Microsoft
The Microsoft Partner Network is the start of your journey. One of the first steps to partnering with Microsoft for your
Azure practice is to join the Microsoft Partner Network if you are not already a member. As a partner, you will gain access
to resources like training, whitepapers, and marketing material described in this playbook. It’s also where you will set up
your users to gain Microsoft Partner competencies and access to your partner benefits.


The Microsoft Partner Network provides three types of The goal of the Cloud Enablement Desk is to assist
memberships. Each type provides a set of benefits to partners in obtaining their first Silver Cloud Competency.
help you grow your business. As you achieve your goals, Partners will be assigned a Cloud Program Specialist
participate in the program at the level that suits your (CPS) for up to six months on their way to obtaining their
unique needs, so you can access more benefits and first Silver Cloud Competency.
develop your relationship with Microsoft and other
The Cloud Enablement Desk program requirements
Microsoft Partners.
• Network Member: Receive a set of no-cost
• Partner must have an MPN ID.
introductory benefits to help you save time and
• Partner must agree to and sign Conditions of
money. Use our resources to help build your
Satisfaction that state partner is actively trying to
business as a new partner and discover your next
achieve Silver Cloud Competency status and
include the name of the primary contact person.
• Microsoft Action Pack (MAP): This affordable
• Partner cannot have an existing Microsoft
yearly subscription is for businesses looking to
account management relationship.
begin, build, and grow their Microsoft practice in the
cloud-first, mobile-first world through a wide range
of software and benefits. Microsoft Partner Programs
• ISV Resource Hub: The ISV Resource Hub provides
a collection of resources specifically designed to Join the partner program designed for
help ISVs bring innovative apps to customers. From
an ISV Starter Kit to helping you find customers for
your SaaS practice.
your finished app, the resource hub can help you
The following program builds upon your membership in
take your app from an idea to a market-ready
the Microsoft Partner Network and provides you with
additional benefits and incentives as you prove you your
• Competency: Get rewarded for your success with
practice by earning competencies, passing assessments
increased support, software, and training.
and winning customers in your practice focus area.
As a competency partner, you can earn both gold and
FastTrack for Azure provides direct assistance from Azure
silver competencies in one or more areas. Earn a silver
engineers, working hand-in-hand with partners, to help
competency to help your business demonstrate its
customers build Azure solutions, quickly and confidently.
expertise or a gold competency to showcase your best-
FastTrack brings best practices and tools from real
in-class capabilities within a Microsoft solution area.
customer experiences to guide customers from setup,
Later in this playbook we’ll review the competencies
configuration, and development to production of Azure
relevant for launching a successful Microsoft Azure

Define Engagement Process

Pre-and Post-Sales
For your practice, you should define the technical effort required before the sale (pre-sales)
and required in support of a sale (post-sales). You will need to decide on the technical pre-
sales and post-sales requirements for your solution offer.

PRE-SALES For guidance with these sales efforts, consider the

Microsoft Partner University learning paths:
The technical effort required to make the sale involves:
• Web Application Solutions
• Discuss the customer requirements and address
• Hybrid Cloud Management and Security
their objections.
• Data Platform Solutions (SQL Server 2016)
• Develop technical pitch decks.
• Advanced Analytics
• Technical demo: This demo may be generic or
• Business Intelligence
may need customization to better meet the
requirements of the customer. The goal of the SUPPORT
technical demo is to inspire confidence in your
Microsoft also provides support for technical presales
ability to deliver the desired solution by
and deployment services. See the section Supporting
demonstrating you have “already done
your Customer for more information on available
something like it before.”
resources using Partner Advisory Hours.
The technical effort required after the sale includes:
Pitch decks and preparing your technical pre-sales is a
• Addressing follow-on customer concerns about critical factor with any successful delivery.
the technology or implementation.
• Furnish training to increase awareness of the • SAP on Azure Technical Pitch Deck
solution that will be implemented. • Microsoft Applications Technical Pitch Deck
• Providing a technical demo more customized for • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Pitch
the customer to better understand their needs Deck
before moving on to the next phase of the • Backup and Archival Technical Data Deck
project. • Disaster Recovery Technical Data Deck
• Following up with the customer to ensure
implementation is on track and meeting
In the resources section, you will find a list of
presentations designed for SaaS that can be used for
technical briefings or sales pitches. You should
customize each presentation to explain how your unique
offering makes the overall solution a true differentiator.

Identify Equipment, Services, and Tools

Equip your team for success. For your SaaS practice, the following tools are recommended:

AZURE SUBSCRIPTIONS your solutions will greatly benefit from telemetry and
testing tools such as Application Insights, HockeyApp,
You can add your team members as administrators to
and Xamarin Test Cloud.
your company’s Azure subscription. There are various
admin levels, depending on your needs. Make good use LINUX, WINDOWS OR MAC OSX
of resource groups to group Azure resources together WORKSTATIONS
for each solution, or even development phases. This
When you are developing solutions for the cloud, you
helps you keep track of costs, which resources are
have virtually unlimited potential to reach millions of
logically related for a solution/phase and implement
users around the globe. Coinciding with this great
role-based security for your administrators.
diversity of customers is a technically diverse set of
DEVELOPER TOOLS hardware and software platforms. Much of today’s
modern development consists of multi-platform native
Your developers, testers, database administrators, and
applications, or multi-browser web applications. The
even SE/SAs can make good use of development tools.
major development frameworks and languages, such as
Some of the most popular tools are Visual Studio, Visual
.NET, Java, Python, and JavaScript can target these major
Studio Code, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, etc. You will likely use
platforms. Whether you are developing for these
a combination of these tools, plus 3rd party plug-ins,
platforms natively, or testing your web or hybrid
depending on the breadth of technologies you employ,
solution, it is beneficial to have access to as many as
and the needs of your team.
your budget will allow.
VSTS is a great web-based resource that allows you to
Naturally, any work on cloud applications requires
manage your source code, track issues and milestones,
performant and stable internet connectivity.
and perform other useful functions like automated,
server-side load testing. You can use Team Foundation RESOURCES
Services (TFS) or Git repositories and integrate
One way you can acquire some of the listed tooling is by
automated build processes/CI as part of your
leveraging your Microsoft Internal Use Rights that come
development workflow.
as a benefit of your MPN Action Pack subscription or
APPLICATION TELEMETRY AND TESTING TOOLS Competency attainment. The complete list of cloud
service or on-premises product licenses granted by your
Whether you are distributing early builds of your mobile
MPN core and competency benefits is available in the
application to testers, collecting user telemetry and error
License Table for Competency Partners.
reporting, load testing, or tracking key user interactions
within your applications, the quality and usefulness of

Calculate Your Azure Practice Costs

Azure Practice Costs For example:
• Elastic: SQL Data Warehouse used only during
Your practice relies on Azure services to month end calculations. It can be paused the rest of
the month. Another example of elastic use is to
deliver customer success, so leverage auto-scale capabilities of the resource, such
understanding the Azure-related expenses as auto-scaling the number of Azure App Service
incurred in delivering a customer solution instances down in the evenings and back up during
the workday.
is critical. How do you calculate these • Fixed: Azure App Service hosting your website in a
Azure costs? Web App. This Azure App Service needs to run 24x7
because your visitors will arrive at all hours.
Using the Azure Pricing Calculator to estimate Azure
costs, you can build an estimate online and the export it Finally, if you don’t understand how much of a given
to Excel for further refinement and analysis. This tool will resource you will use, consider building a scaled down
give you the retail rates (also known as the Pay-As-You- proof-of-concept to get a first estimate.
Go option) for the Azure services, so treat it like the
“high end” of your consumption estimate. Cost Management
Become familiar with the discounted pricing and Azure Manage your cloud spend with
transparency and accuracy.
• Graduated Pricing: Services like Azure Blob storage
have tiered pricing based upon the volume used. For Cost Management licensed by Cloudyn, a Microsoft
example, if you use less than 50 TB per month it subsidiary, helps you make the most of Azure and other
costs $0.0184 per GB, but if you use significantly clouds by providing you the tools to monitor, allocate,
more it can drop to $0.017 per GB. and optimize your cloud costs so you can accelerate
• Enterprise Agreement: By making a 3-year future investment with confidence.
monetary commitment, Azure services are available
at a discount off retail rates. To learn more, see • Monitor and visualize cloud usage and costs
Enterprise Agreements. • Gain rich operational and financial insights
• Azure Credits: Microsoft Partners can receive Azure • Improve organizational accountability
credits as a part of their benefit. For example, • Optimize your cloud efficiency
partners with the Silver Cloud Platform Competency
receive $350 USD per month in Azure credits; those
with Gold Cloud Platform Competency receive $600
USD per month in Azure credits.
It can be helpful to identify items which are used
elastically versus items that have a fixed monthly cost.
Significant savings can be achieved via elastic use of
resource because you can turn them off (or pause them)
when they are not in use.

Define Potential Customers

Build your prospect hit list.
Your goal is to build the list of prospects that could potentially turn into customers. To
accomplish this, create an awareness campaign to draw attention to your practice, highlight
your product offerings, and use your success to earn additional business with your
customers and the industry at large.
Use these awareness activities to help generate new customers:


A great way to transfer knowledge, establish yourself as Leverage public relation efforts to drive publicity around
an expert, and pique the interest of potential customers. your technology, things your company is doing in the
market, and other topics of current interest.
Ask for referrals in email and phone calls when talking
with existing customers, partners, and vendors who Social media such as Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., is a place to
might know someone who is ready for your services. build awareness, reputation, and customer satisfaction —
and gain new customers.
These are a great way to build credibility with decision
makers. Technical staff often expect a white paper to If SaaS represents a new practice within a going business
help them understand underlying architecture and concern, the easiest way to acquire new customers for
technology of your solutions. your SaaS practice is to introduce the SaaS practice to
your existing customers.

Identify Solution Marketplaces

Microsoft provides two distinct Marketplace storefronts The Marketplace storefronts are aligned to audiences
that allow partners to list offers, enable trials, and and Microsoft cloud products to help customers find
transact directly with Microsoft’s customers and exactly what they need. Each storefront offers specialized
ecosystem: Azure Marketplace and AppSource. These publishing options, to help you maximize your
storefronts allow customers to find, try, and buy publishing investment summarized by the following
applications and services and help publishers grow their table.
businesses by increasing access to Microsoft’s customers
and partner ecosystem.


Line of Business Decision-Makers

IT Professionals, Developers (specialist
Target Audience (specialist roles include Procurement,
roles include DBAs, SecOps, DevOps, etc.)
Manufacturing, Accounting, etc.)

Azure, Dynamics 365, Office 365,

Built to Extend Azure
PowerBI, and Power Apps

Types of
Infrastructure Solutions and Professional Finished Line of Business Apps and
Solutions and
Services Professional Services

Contact Me, Consulting Services Offer,

Publishing Contact Me, Consulting Services Offer,
Trial, Virtual Machine, Solution Templates,
Options or Trial
and Managed Apps

In-app Office 365, Dynamics 365, Power BI,

Azure Portal and CLI
Experience Office client apps

Azure Marketplace is an online store that enables you to Azure Marketplace gives your solutions exposure
offer your solutions to enterprises and Azure customers through the marketplace page and the listings
around the world. Within a single, unified platform, integrated with the Azure Portal. For example, HDInsight
customers can easily search, purchase, and deploy your Applications are integrated into the steps users take to
solutions on Azure with just a few clicks. deploy an HDInsight cluster (so users could layer your
application atop their HDInsight cluster) but are also
Azure Marketplace is the source for thousands of
available via the Marketplace blade of the Azure Portal.
software applications and services certified by Microsoft
to run on Azure. Azure Marketplace supports offers that The process of getting your solution listed in the Azure
include virtual machines, developer services, and solution Marketplace is referred to as getting Microsoft Azure
templates. Certified. This comes with benefits, many of which
include select benefits from the MPN Silver Cloud
Platform Competency.


Increase your visibility
Solutions sold in the Azure Marketplace must be
Microsoft Azure Certified. This provides assurance to Once you identify and select the
your customers that your offers have been tested for
usability, readiness, and compatibility with Azure. marketplace to target for promoting or
• Access broad-reaching Microsoft marketing channels selling your services, follow these steps.
and receive co-marketing assistance and promotion
outside of your Azure Marketplace listing. Each marketplace is different in their approach to
performing the integration, but your organization will
• Leverage technical and business planning support to
likely need to go through the following:
help you maximize your ROI.
• Utilize a self-service portal that contains ready-to- CREATE THE COMMERCIALS
use marketing resources to enhance your
communications and messaging. This involves putting the basic contracts in place and
• Take advantage of resources, such as the Sales providing information about your company and the
Accelerator Toolkit and credits for display, and descriptions about the product or service you will list. In
search advertising to help drive customer adoption. some cases, you may need to wait to be approved and
onboarded before you can proceed.
AppSource helps users find and evaluate SaaS apps
unique to their industry and line-of-business role, built In this technical step, you will work with the marketplace
by ISV partners on top of Dynamics, Office, and the APIs to integrate your offering. At this stage you are
Azure platform. Users can also discover content packs typically able to test your marketplace offering and make
and add-ins for Microsoft business apps, like Dynamics sure everything works as expected and looks correct.
AppSource offerings range from complete applications Once your integration is complete, you will need to
to add-ins and extensions to Microsoft and partner submit your integrated package for review before it is
solutions. It is intended as a showcase for your made publicly available. You may need to iterate on this
applications that work with Azure, PowerBI, Dynamics, step as you get your package compliant with the
Office and more. Customers can try out your application marketplace requirements.
in a self-service fashion or enable them to request a trial
from you. As a partner, you can also be listed in the SHARE
Partner listing to market your practice services to A marketplace can help increase your visibility. But
customers. without additional effort to call attention to your listing
in the marketplace, a customer’s ability to find you in the
most popular marketplaces may be like finding the
proverbial needle in a haystack. Make sure you publicize
this offer, list it on your website, and ensure that your
existing customers are aware, so they can help point
others to it.
• How to Publish an Offer in the Azure
• AppSource Review Guidelines


Hire &


Grow Your ISV

Business with SaaS

Executive Summary

In the previous section, you evaluated the various A big focus of this section is the critical piece of ensuring
services your business can pursue as you set up or build all your practice resources are trained and continue to
your SaaS practice. Now that you’ve identified some receive ongoing training. We cover not just the technical
avenues of success, you may be wondering how to build training, but also sales and marketing training.
and train your team.
Additionally, we’ll give you details on the specific
First, we’ll help you define the members of your team and Microsoft certifications your technical resources should
the skills they should bring to the table. If you need to hire be working towards, both for their own professional
to fill gaps, we provide you with detailed job descriptions development and to earn your organization Microsoft
you can use, as well as ideas on where to look for resources, Partner Network competencies.
the factors you should look for in a candidate’s skillset, and
what you should expect to pay by role and region.

Top 5 things to do  Define the members and roles required

You’re crafting your game plan to build  Identify capability and skills gaps

your team, make sure you nail down  Decide which skills to hire and train

these 5 tasks before you move to the  Hire to fill gaps in your team
next section.  Train and certify your team

 Hire, train and certify your team

Top 5 things to do
 Setup Azure for your practice use and
You’re crafting your gameplan to build become the Digital Partner of Record on your
customer’s Azure Subscriptions.
your team and form partnerships. To

create your product or market your  Setup your CRM, project management,
collaboration and support tools

Create a Hiring Plan

Human resources are a critical asset to any
services-based practice. Starting a new Partner Skillsets
practice requires you to start with an
Referrals and LinkedIn are top sources for identifying
evaluation of your existing team members skilled labor. Once a candidate is identified, work
(if any) and then make the decision of history, cultural fit, and years of experience become
the important considerations.
whether to hire new employees or bring
Roles associated with cloud practices typically have at
your existing team up to speed. least 3 years of experience. Furthermore, most
companies engage in at least annual ongoing staff
The following sections describe the recommended
learning efforts like conferences/events and online
resources across sales, technical and support functions
training. A median of 8.5% of technical
that you will likely need. In many practices that are just
resource time is spent on training.
getting started you may not be able to fill all roles with
individual professionals. In this situation one person will
likely be required to fulfill the duties of multiple roles.

Hire, Build, and Train Your Team

All practices need a team to support technical and business functions. Given the interdisciplinary nature of SaaS, practices
delivering SaaS solutions need to be carefully structured to balance breadth of disciplines with depth of resources of a
particular discipline.

Technical Resources (Architecture, Infrastructure, and Development)

These roles form the heart of your solution. Hiring the right people can turn your vision into
The Cloud Architect (CA) drives customer initiatives in pilots. The Data Architect is proficient in distributed
collaboration with customers. The CA is a technical, computing principles and familiar with key architectures
customer-facing role that is accountable for the end-to- including Lambda and Kappa architectures, and has a
end customer cloud deployment experience. CAs own broad experience designing solutions using a broad set
the technical customer engagement, including of data stores (e.g., HDFS, Azure Data Lake Store, Azure
architectural design sessions, specific implementation Blob Storage, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Apache
projects and/or proofs of concepts. The ideal candidate HBase, Azure DocumentDB), messaging systems (e.g.,
will have experience in customer-facing roles and Apache Kafka, Azure Event Hubs, Azure IoT Hub) and
success leading deep technical architecture and data processing engines (e.g., Apache Hadoop, Apache
application design discussions with senior customer Spark, Azure Data Lake Analytics, Apache Storm, Azure
executives to drive cloud deployment. A computer HDInsight). The ideal candidate will have experience in
science or related engineering degree is required. customer facing roles and success leading deep technical
architecture and design discussions with senior
The Data Architect (DA) drives customer initiatives
executives. Five plus years of experience with deep
leveraging Azure data and analytics services (e.g.,
understanding of databases and analytics, including
ranging from SQL Server to SQL Database and SQL Data
relational databases, data warehousing, big data,
Warehouse to Cortana Intelligence Suite) to solve the
business intelligence and analytics. Five plus years of
biggest and most complex data challenges faced by
success in consultative/complex technical sales and
enterprise customers. The DA is a technical, customer
deployment projects. Technical BS degree in Computer
facing role, accountable for the end-to-end customer
Science or Math background desirable.
deployment and usage experience for Azure data
services. DAs own the Azure technical customer
engagement including: architectural design sessions,
implementation projects and/or proofs of concept and

The Senior Developer has a history of designing, The Automation Engineer is primarily responsible for
owning and shipping software, as well as excellent managing all aspects of DevOps, and is proficient in
communication and collaboration skills. With a focus on tools for source control, continuous integration, and
cloud-based application development, the candidate team management. This is a technical, customer-facing
must have demonstrable experience architecting and role, who must be comfortable collaborating with
deploying applications to cloud platforms, the ability to architects, developers, and other IT staff members to
effectively integrate disparate services as needed, and manage code releases. This person should be capable of
decide when to implement IaaS, SaaS, and PaaS assisting with all stages of testing, developing interface
components. As a mentor to junior developers, the stubs and simulators and performing script maintenance
senior software developer should have a solid and updates. Automation engineers build automated
understanding of the software development cycle, from deployments through the use of configuration
architecture to testing. They should have a passion for management technology, and deploy new modules,
quality and be a creative thinker. A senior developer will upgrades and complete fixes within the production
write secure, reliable, scalable, and maintainable code, environment. Routine application maintenance tasks are
and then effectively debug it, test it and support it live. an ongoing. They cross and merge the barriers that exist
This person should also be comfortable owning a feature between software development, testing and operations
and making decisions independently. Another aspect of teams and keep existing networks in mind as they
a senior software developer is that they can effectively design, plan and test. This person should have five or
gather customer requirements and ask clarifying more years of experience with modern DevOps tools,
questions when needed. This person must be able to such as Jenkins and VSTS. The ideal candidate has five or
translate these requirements to actionable tasks they will more years of experience in working with and
perform, or delegate to members of the team. automating the builds and deployments for enterprise
cloud solutions.
The Developer enjoys the challenge of building
applications that solve today’s business needs. This The Data Scientist is responsible for identifying the
person must be willing to keep up to date with the fast- insight opportunities present in the customer’s data and
moving cloud services landscape to remain an effective helping shape the data pipeline that deliver the insights
member of the development team. A software developer by applying advanced analytics (e.g., machine learning)
should work equally well on a team or independently, in collaboration with the customer. The Data Scientist is
given a set of project requirements or tasks. This requires a technical, customer facing role, who along with the Big
the developer to possess excellent communication and Data Engineer is accountable for the end-to-end data
collaboration skills. The developer should understand the pipeline envisioning and development that starts with
aspects of the software development cycle, from addressing issues of data acquisition and data sampling,
architecture to testing. This person will design, build, and data exploration and data quality assessment, data
maintain efficient, reusable, and reliable code. This wrangling to massage the data so it is better suited to
person should have experience with participating in applying advanced analytics, and visualizing or reporting
projects using agile methodologies, such as the Scrum on such data to make the insights available to the
approach to agile software development. customer’s business. The ideal candidate will have
experience in customer facing roles and has a cross-
disciplinary background consisting of statistics and
software development. A technical BS degree in
Computer Science or Math background is highly
desirable. Three or more years customer facing
experience desired.

The Data Engineer is responsible for helping to select,

deploy and manage the systems and infrastructure Sales Resources
required of a data processing pipeline in support of the
You have a vision for developing the next great cloud
customer requirements. Primary responsibilities revolve
solution, but even the best products need a sales
around DevOps and include implementing ETL (extract,
strategy to gain maximum market traction. Consider
transform and load) pipelines, monitoring/maintaining
hiring for the following sales positions for broad reach.
data pipeline performance. The Data Engineer is
The Solution Sales Manager (SSM) is a senior leader
proficient in distributed computing principles and
within the enterprise sales organization. The SSM leads,
familiar with key architectures including Lambda and
develops and manages a team of high performing sales
Kappa architectures, and has a broad experience across a
and technical pre-sales/post-sales resources to drive
set of data stores (e.g., HDFS, Azure Data Lake Store,
solution opportunity revenue and market share by
Azure Blob Storage, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Apache
leveraging the Microsoft cloud offerings. Ten or more
HBase, Azure DocumentDB), messaging systems (e.g.,
years of sales experience is required for this position.
Apache Kafka, Azure Event Hubs, Azure IoT Hub) and
Qualifications include people management, business
data processing engines (e.g., Apache Hadoop, Apache
development, competitive selling, and ability to thrive in
Spark, Azure Data Lake Analytics, Apache Storm, Azure
complex, ambiguous, and dynamic environments.
HDInsight). The ideal candidate has three or more years
of experience working on solutions that collect, process, The Cloud Solutions Sales Manager is a solution sales
store and analyze huge volume of data, fast moving data leadership role that is responsible for delivering
or data that has significant schema variability. sustainable new business growth across segments;
providing thought-leadership; and driving customer
The Identity Solution Engineer is responsible for the
acceleration to cloud across the enterprise sales and
design, implementation, integration, support, and
marketing teams. The Solution Sales Manager is a great
monitoring of enterprise identity and access control
sales coach and leader, has a challenger mentality, is
solutions, which is an important role given the need to
savvy in sales leadership practice, and contributes with
integrate SaaS solutions securely within the context of
vision and flawless execution of solution sales across
existing approaches to enterprise identity and access
workloads and solution areas.
controls. The ideal candidate should have a diverse
understanding of the current state of security best The Technical Sales Manager (TSM) is a senior leader
practices, including identity and access control, mobile within the enterprise sales organization. A TSM drives
technology, and best practices throughout a variety of revenue and market share by leading a team of technical
industries. In addition, this individual must have a strong sellers that provide customers with insights and
knowledge of identity standards and protocols, as well as solutions. The Technical Sales Manager will manage,
a deep skillet with Windows Server Active Directory and coach, and lead a team of solution architects and tech
industry security solutions. sales professionals to uncover and support the business
and IT goals of customers by driving the technical
The Information Security Analyst assesses and
decision and providing business value with the Microsoft
provides security advice on your cloud infrastructure,
cloud platform, thus securing long-term sustainable
including network, service, and application components.
growth. A computer science degree or related field is
This role conducts risk assessments, architectural reviews,
required for this role. Additional qualifications include
provides cyber security subject matter expertise, and
strategic insight, project management, analytical
assists in the building and design of secure solutions.
problem solving, customer/partner relationship building,
Additional duties may include network and application
and exceptional product and technical expertise.
penetration testing, and support for cyber security
investigations as well as on-call response for cyber
security incidents. A computer science or related
engineering degree is required, or the equivalent
combination of education, professional training, or work

Leadership Roles
Consider the following management
positions if your development effort will
involve eight or more technical staff.
However, in smaller teams, senior-level
employees sometimes take on
management duties along with their other
responsibilities, removing the need for
dedicated managers.
The Chief Data Officer (CDO) drives the definition of
balancing data governance, protection with data
discovery and analytics. This role establishes the
organization’s data analytics platform strategy, selection
of appropriate technologies and focuses on strategic and
timely talent acquisition. An important responsibility of
Marketing Resources the CDO is in creating a learning culture within the
organization by providing for and fostering an
Marketing is a key function of the environment for learning.
successful practice, and partners who The Data Protection Officer assesses and advises across
invest in marketing resources succeed to a the company group for data protection and privacy
matters related to security. This role is a subject matter
greater degree than those who do not. expert in the handling of personal data and ensures
The following is a key marketing position there are policy and compliance processes to comply
with local data protection legislation. Expert knowledge
you should consider for your practice.
of global and national data protection law and practices,
The Product Marketing Manager complements the as well as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Product Manager, executing on key campaigns and is a requirement, as well as the ability to fulfil the tasks
customer outreach. This Product Marketing Manager referred to in Article 39 of the GPDR. Experience in
creates the brand and accompanying messaging and conducting data privacy compliance, reviews, and audits
owns social media as well as traditional marketing is beneficial.
vehicles such as web sites, demos and data sheets. The Product Manager (or Product Management team)
Product Marketing Managers create the go-to-market establishes and sustains the business case for the project
strategy for the company and help set pricing. Launch and plays a key role in identifying and setting priorities
activities are orchestrated through this role as well as across the target audience. This includes ensuring that
technical and industry trade show attendance. Public business expectations are clearly articulated and
relations may be handled directly by the Product understood by the project team, and that the functional
Marketing Manager or the role may work with an agency specifications respond to business priorities. Product
or centralized group on this. Management owns the vision statement for the project.
The vision statement is an informal document that
communicates the expectations and assumptions on
which the project is based. Product Management is also
responsible for high-level project communications such

as business projections, project costing, and contract The Customer Success Manager is passionate about
negotiation. Product Management communicates the engaging your customers and helping them expand their
high-level milestones to the target audience and other use cases. They have excellent relational skills and can
team members. create win/win environments for all parties they work
with. In their day-to-day responsibilities, they own the
The Program Manager or Program Management team
overall relationship with assigned clients, by increasing
"owns" the specification for an application's features and
adoption and ensuring retention and satisfaction. They
functionality and coordinates the day-to-day
make a large impact on your cloud application
communication required to develop and deliver the
development business by establishing a trusted and
application effectively and consistently within
strategic advisor relationship with each assigned client,
organizational standards. Program Management has a
driving continued value of your products and services.
key communication and coordination role. With input
The Customer Success Manager will help drive sales by
from other team leads, Program Management assists
working to identify or develop upsell opportunities.
Product Management in articulating the vision for the
Additionally, they will advocate customer needs and
project. Using this vision, Program Management drafts
issues cross-departmentally, and program manage
the initial version of the functional specification and is
account escalations. Qualifications include prior
considered the keeper of the functional specification.
experience in Customer Success, or equivalent history of
Program Management is responsible for all activities
increasing customer satisfaction, adoption, and
associated with analysis, specification, and architecture.
Program Management is also responsible for defining
how the project will interoperate with external standards, The Quality Assurance (QA) / Test Technician is
maintaining external technical coordination and extremely thorough and detail-oriented and should work
communication, and managing the master schedule. well with established processes. The primary goal of this
role is to help avoid defects in your final product or
solution. This person will be involved throughout the
development process and use their intuition to problem
solve and identify technical, procedural, and ease of use
concerns. They must take meticulous notes, be
organized about recording process steps, and work well
with others, since they will be coordinating with your
technical and management teams to ensure that the
correct measures are put into place to align the final
product with the initial goal.
The User Support Specialist assists your customers who
Support Resources are having technical issues with your product, or who
need help realizing the full benefit of your solution to
A lot of effort goes on behind the scenes, help them deliver their cloud-based workloads. They will
likely be in a position to help customers navigate the
or in positions that involve post-sales operational challenges of cloud computing, so
customer engagement. To ensure long- thoroughly training them on both your product and the
infrastructure on which it is built is paramount to their
term success of your projects, consider
success, and ultimately, your customers’ satisfaction.
hiring some of these support roles. Qualifications include technical support experience and
great communication and interpersonal skills (soft skills).
Experience with cloud technologies is a major plus.

Job Descriptions for Your Technical Team

The following tables provides detailed job descriptions you can utilize to hire the key technical resources. All technical
skills, non-technical skills, certifications and technologies listed are potential items a candidate should have, but no
candidate will have all the items listed.

Cloud Architect
A Cloud Architect (CA) drives high-priority customer initiatives in collaboration with customers and your sales team.
The CA is a technical, customer-facing role that is accountable for the end-to-end customer cloud deployment
experience. CAs own the Azure technical customer engagement, including: architectural design sessions, specific
implementation projects and/or proofs of concepts. The ideal candidate will have experience in customer-facing
roles and success leading deep technical architecture and application design discussions with senior customer
executives to drive cloud deployment. Bachelor’s degree in computer science or related field preferred.

Technical Skills Solid understanding of modern authentication protocols and a background in cyber security.
Deep understanding of cloud computing tech, business drivers, and emerging computing
trends. Deep technical experience in enterprise mobile, identity & access control, and security
solutions. Working knowledge with AGILE development, SCRUM and Application Lifecycle
Management (ALM) with one or more of the following programming languages: PowerShell,
Bash, .NET, C++, Java, JSON, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
Responsive Web Design.

Non-Technical Proven track record of building deep technical relationships with senior executives and
Skills growing cloud consumption share in large or highly strategic accounts, driving decisions,
resolving conflicts & ensuring follow through. Presentation skills with a high degree of
comfort with both large and small audiences. Prior work experience in a
consulting/architecture position within a software/services company. Problem-solving
mentality leveraging internal and/or external resources. Exceptional verbal and written

Certifications MCSE Cloud Platform and Infrastructure, CompTIA Security+, CISSP, MCSA Cloud Platform
Solutions Associate, MCSA Linux on Azure Solutions Associate, AWS Certified Solution
Architect. Exam priorities: Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions 70-535, 70-398: Planning
for and Measuring Devices in the Enterprise.

Project 5+ years of architecture, design, implementation, and/or support of highly distributed

Experience applications (i.e. having an architectural sense for ensuring availability, reliability, etc.). 2+
Types / years of experience in “migrating” on premise workloads to the cloud. 5+ years of success in
Qualities consultative/complex technical sales and deployment projects (where necessary, managing
various stakeholder relationships to get consensus on solution/projects). Oversight
experience on major transformation projects and successful transitions to implementation
support teams.

Technologies Enterprise Mobility Suite, Intune, Azure Information Protection, Azure Active Directory, Octa,
Auth0, LDAP, OAuth, SAML, Cloud App Security, Firewalls, Office 365, Windows Server Active
Directory, Azure AD Connect, Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), Mobile Iron,
Airwatch, iOS, Android, Windows, Azure Virtual Machines, Virtual Networks, ExpressRoute,
Operations Management Suite, Azure Site Recovery, Azure Backup, Azure App Service, Azure
Storage, Azure Import/Export, Azure SQL Database, Azure Web Jobs, Azure ExpressRoute,
MySQL, SQL Server, SQL Server IaaS, SharePoint on Azure, AWS EC2, S3, AWS DirectConnect.

Data Architect
A Data Architect (DA) drives customer initiatives leveraging Azure data and analytics services (e.g., ranging from SQL
Server to SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse to Cortana Intelligence Suite) to solve the biggest and most
complex data challenges faced by enterprise customers. The DA is a technical, customer facing role, accountable
for the end-to-end customer deployment and usage experience for Azure data services. DAs own the Azure
technical customer engagement including: architectural design sessions, implementation projects and/or proofs of
concept and pilots. The Data Solution Architect is proficient in distributed computing principles and familiar with
key architectures including Lambda and Kappa architectures, and has a broad experience designing solutions using
a broad set of data stores (e.g., HDFS, Azure Data Lake Store, Azure Blob Storage, Azure SQL Data Warehouse,
Apache HBase, Azure DocumentDB), messaging systems (e.g., Apache Kafka, Azure Event Hubs, Azure IoT Hub) and
data processing engines (e.g., Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, Azure Data Lake Analytics, Apache Storm, Azure
HDInsight). The ideal candidate will have experience in customer facing roles and success leading deep technical
architecture and design discussions with senior executives.
Five plus years of experience with deep understanding of databases and analytics, including relational databases,
data warehousing, big data, business intelligence and analytics.
Five plus years of success in consultative/complex technical sales and deployment projects. Technical BS degree in
Computer Science or Math background desirable.

Technical Skills Advanced analytics, analysis services (tabular, multi-dimensional), application

architecture, application development, application lifecycle management (ALM), big
data, business intelligence, capacity planning, cloud archival, cloud data analytics,
cloud disaster recovery, cloud storage, cloud systems management, cloud systems
operations, cloud transformation, compliance (PCI, HIPPA, etc.), data architecting, data
cleansing, data migration (cross platform / upgrade), data modeling (physical and
logical), data movement, data potency, data transformation, data warehouse design,
database and server virtualization, database architecture, database design, database
lifecycle management, database management, database sharding, database tuning,
diagnostics, distributed application design, distributed application development,
distributed database design, event sourcing, HADR / replication, health checks, identity
and security, information architecture, information management, in-memory database
architecture, IoT, Kappa architectures, Lambda architectures, MapReduce, master data
management, mission critical DB design and architecture, modern applications,
monitoring, performance tuning, polyglot resiliency, predicative analytics, reporting
services design and deployment, resiliency (clustering, etc.), scalability (up and out,
high performance), security architecture, security compliance, technical migration
upgrades, technology architecture.

Non-Technical Consultative sales, collaboration, stakeholder management, relationship management,

Skills technical oversight, technical recommendations, problem solving, risk management,
architecture design session, program management, proof of concept design, technical

Technologies AML, Analytics, APS, AWS, AWS Athena, AWS Glue, AWS QuickSight, AWS RDS, AWS VM,
AWS Redshift, AWS S3, Azure Active Directory, Azure Data Catalog, Azure Data Factory,
Azure Data Lake, Azure Storage, Azure DocumentDB, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Azure
Import/Export, Azure HDInsight, Azure Machine Learning, Azure SQL Database, Azure
Search, Azure Stream Analytics, Azure Event Hubs, Azure IoT Hub, Azure Web Jobs, Azure
Cognitive Services, Birst, BizTalk, Business Objects, Cassandra, Cloudera, Cognos, Cortana
Intelligence, CouchDB, Data warehouse, Database, DB2, Docker, Excel, Flume, IBM Bluemix,
Google App Engine, Greenplum, Hadoop, HANA, HBase, Hive, Hortonworks, IBM, IBM
Teradata, Informix, IoT Solutions, Java, Kafka, Machine Learning, MapR, MapReduce, ML,
MongoDB, MariaDB, MySQL, Netezza, Networking, NoSQL, Oracle, Oracle Exadata, Oracle
SOA, PBI, Pig, Power BI, PostgreSQL, Python, QLik Tech, REST, Revolution R, Samza, SAP
HANA, SAS, Security, Spark, , SQL Server, SQL Server IaaS, SQL Server Integration Services,
Storage, Storm, Streaming, Sybase, Tableau, Teradata, TSQL, Virtualization, webMethods,
WebSphere, YARN.
Programming/Scripting Languages: C#, DMX, DAX, MDX, SQL, T-SQL, Java, Scala,
Python, PowerShell, R, Ruby.
Platforms: Linux (Red Hat, Ubuntu, Debian, etc.), Windows.

Certifications MCSE Business Intelligence, MCSA Cloud Platform Solutions Associate, MCSA Linux on
Azure Solutions Associate, MCSE Cloud Platform and Infrastructure, MCSE Data
Management and Analytics, AWS Certified Solution Architect, AWS Certified
Developer, AWS Certified Developer, Big Data, Certified Analytics Professional,
Certificate in Engineering Excellence Big Data Analytics and Optimization (CPEE),
Cloudera Certified Developer, Cloudera Certified Specialist, Data Warehousing, IBM
Certified Data Architect/Engineer, Mining Massive Datasets, Graduate Certificate
(Stanford), Oracle,, SAP, SAS Certified Big Data Professional.

Project Experience Advanced analytics (including machine learning), database modernization, coordinate
Types/Qualities and execute pilots, prototypes or proof of concepts, provide validation on specific
scenarios, document and share technical best practices, further customer investment,
hybrid solutions on premises or in the cloud, industry-visible, large project relative to
size of customer, lift and shift, migrations and upgrades (SQL, etc.), on-premises to
cloud, production environment, projects where data is born in the cloud, cross-
platform SQL Server migration, size of project team (complexity), significant
challenges, IOT – Connected Devices, IOT- Command and Control, IOT- Data Ingestion,
batch analytics, interactive analytics, real-time/streaming analytics.

Senior Developer
A Senior Software Developer has a history of designing, owning and shipping software, as well as excellent
communication and collaboration skills. With a focus on cloud-based application development, the candidate must
have demonstrable experience architecting and deploying applications to cloud platforms, the ability to effectively
integrate disparate services as needed, and decide when to implement IaaS, SaaS, and PaaS components. As a
mentor to junior developers, the senior software developer should have a solid understanding of the software
development cycle, from architecture to testing. They should have a passion for quality and be a creative thinker. A
senior developer will write secure, reliable, scalable, and maintainable code, and then effectively debug it, test it and
support it live. This person should also be comfortable owning a feature and making decisions independently, and
should have leadership experience with agile methodologies, such as the Scrum approach to agile software
development. Another aspect of a senior software developer, is that they can effectively gather customer
requirements, and ask clarifying questions when needed. This person must be able to translate these requirements
to actionable tasks they will perform, or delegate to members of the team. The ideal candidate will have experience
in customer facing roles and success leading deep technical architecture and design discussions with senior
executives. Eight plus years of experience with deep understanding of web technologies, API
consumption/development, full lifecycle application development, database development (relational and/or
NoSQL), and enterprise/cloud architecture. Technical BS degree in Computer Science desirable.

Technical Skills API development, Application architecture, application development, application

lifecycle management (ALM), caching, capacity planning, cloud archival, cloud disaster
recovery, cloud storage, cloud systems management, cloud systems operations, cloud
transformation, compliance (PCI, HIPPA, etc.), data architecting, data migration (cross
platform / upgrade), data modeling (physical and logical), data movement, data
transformation, database and server virtualization, database architecture, database
design, database lifecycle management, database management, dev ops, diagnostics,
distributed application design, distributed application development, distributed
database design, event sourcing, HADR / replication, health checks, identity and
security, information architecture, information management, IoC, mission critical DB
design and architecture, modern applications, monitoring, package management
(npm, NuGet, etc.), performance tuning, polyglot resiliency, reporting services design
and deployment, responsive design, RESTful services, resiliency (clustering, etc.),
scalability (up and out, high performance), security architecture, security compliance,
source code repository management (git, TFS, svn, etc.), technical migration upgrades,
technology architecture, testing / TDD, unstructured data formats (e.g. JSON),
structured data formats (e.g. XML), UI / UX

Non-Technical Collaboration, stakeholder management, relationship management, technical

Skills oversight, technical recommendations, problem solving, risk management, architecture
design session, program management, proof of concept design, technical
demonstration, excellent communication skills

Technologies AWS API Gateway, AWS EC2, AWS SWF, AWS, AWS RDS, AWS VM, AWS Redshift, AWS
S3, Angular, Aurelia, Azure Active Directory, Azure App Service Environment, Azure
Data Catalog, Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake, Azure Logic App, Azure Mobile
App, Azure Storage, Azure DocumentDB, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Azure Functions,
Azure Import/Export, Azure SQL Database, Azure Search, Azure Event Hubs, Azure Web
App, Azure Web Jobs, Azure Cognitive Services, BizTalk, Business Objects, Cassandra,
CDN, Cortana Intelligence, CouchDB, Data warehouse, Database, DB2, Docker, Excel,
IBM Bluemix, Google App Engine, HTML, IBM, IBM Teradata, IoT Solutions, Java, Media
Services, MongoDB, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Microsoft SharePoint, MySQL, MVC,
MVVM, Mobile Development, Networking, Node.js, NoSQL, Oracle, Oracle Exadata,
Oracle SOA, PostgreSQL, Python, REST, Security, SQL Server, SQL Server IaaS, SQL
Server Integration Services, Storage, Sybase, T-SQL, UWP, Virtualization, Web Services,
Programming/Scripting Languages: .NET (C#, F#, VB.NET), Java, Python, JavaScript,
Scala, Go, Ruby, PHP, SQL, T-SQL, PowerShell
Platforms: Linux (Red Hat, Ubuntu, Debian, etc.), Windows

Certifications MCSE Enterprise Devices and Apps, MCSE Business Intelligence, MCSA Cloud Platform
Solutions Associate, MCSA Linux on Azure Solutions Associate, MCSE Cloud Platform
and Infrastructure, Certified ScrumMaster, AWS Certified Solution Architect, AWS
Certified Developer

Project Experience API consumption and development, coordinate and execute pilots, prototypes or proof
Types/Qualities of concepts, provide validation on specific scenarios, document and share technical
best practices, further customer investment, hybrid solutions on premises or in the
cloud, industry-visible, CI / Continuous Deployment, large project relative to size of
customer, lift and shift, migrations and upgrades (SQL, etc.), on-premises to cloud,
production environment, projects where data is born in the cloud, cross-platform SQL
Server migration, server-side/desktop development, service architecture, size of project
team (complexity), significant challenges, source code repository management, team
lead / scrum master, web application development

A Software Developer enjoys the challenge of building applications that solve today’s business needs. This person
must be willing to keep up to date with the fast-moving cloud services landscape to remain an effective member of
the development team. A software developer should work equally well on a team or independently, given a set of
project requirements or tasks. This requires the developer to possess excellent communication and collaboration
skills. The developer should understand the aspects of the software development cycle, from architecture to testing.
This person will design, build, and maintain efficient, reusable, and reliable code. This person should have
experience with participating in projects using agile methodologies, such as the Scrum approach to agile software
development. Five plus years of experience with deep understanding of web technologies, API
consumption/development, full lifecycle application development, database development (relational and/or
NoSQL), and enterprise/cloud architecture. Technical BS degree in Computer Science desirable.

Technical Skills API development, Application architecture, application development, application

lifecycle management (ALM), caching, cloud storage, cloud systems management,
cloud systems operations, cloud transformation, compliance (PCI, HIPPA, etc.), data
architecting, data migration (cross platform / upgrade), data modeling (physical and
logical), data movement, data transformation, database and server virtualization,
database architecture, database design, database lifecycle management, database
management, dev ops, diagnostics, distributed application design, distributed
application development, distributed database design, event sourcing, health checks,
identity and security, information architecture, information management, IoC, mission
critical DB design and architecture, modern applications, monitoring, package
management (npm, NuGet, etc.), performance tuning, polyglot resiliency, reporting
services design and deployment, responsive design, RESTful services, security
architecture, security compliance, source code repository (git, TFS, svn, etc.), technical
migration upgrades, technology architecture, testing / TDD, unstructured data formats
(e.g. JSON), structured data formats (e.g. XML), UI / UX

Non-Technical Collaboration, problem solving, architecture design session, proof of concept design,
Skills technical demonstration, good communication skills

Technologies AWS API Gateway, AWS EC2, AWS SWF, AWS, AWS RDS, AWS VM, AWS Redshift, AWS
S3, Angular, Aurelia, Azure Active Directory, Azure App Service Environment, Azure
Data Catalog, Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake, Azure Logic App, Azure Mobile
App, Azure Storage, Azure DocumentDB, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Azure Functions,
Azure Import/Export, Azure SQL Database, Azure Search, Azure Event Hubs, Azure Web
App, Azure Web Jobs, Azure Cognitive Services, BizTalk, Business Objects, Cassandra,
CDN, Cortana Intelligence, CouchDB, Data warehouse, Database, DB2, Docker, Excel,
IBM Bluemix, Google App Engine, HTML, IBM, IBM Teradata, IoT Solutions, Java, Media
Services, MongoDB, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Microsoft SharePoint, MySQL, MVC,
MVVM, Mobile Development, Networking, Node.js, NoSQL, Oracle, Oracle Exadata,
Oracle SOA, PostgreSQL, Python, REST, Security, SQL Server, SQL Server IaaS, SQL
Server Integration Services, Storage, Sybase, T-SQL, UWP, Virtualization, Web Services,
Programming/Scripting Languages: .NET (C#, F#, VB.NET), Java, Python, JavaScript,
Scala, Go, Ruby, PHP, SQL, T-SQL, PowerShell
Platforms: Linux (Red Hat, Ubuntu, Debian, etc.), Windows

Certifications MCSE Enterprise Devices and Apps, MCSE Business Intelligence, MCSA Cloud Platform
Solutions Associate, MCSA Linux on Azure Solutions Associate, MCSE Cloud Platform
and Infrastructure, AWS Certified Solution Architect, AWS Certified Developer

Project Experience API consumption and development, coordinate and execute pilots, prototypes or proof
Types/Qualities of concepts, provide validation on specific scenarios, document and share technical
best practices, further customer investment, hybrid solutions on premises or in the
cloud, industry-visible, CI / Continuous Deployment, large project relative to size of
customer, lift and shift, migrations and upgrades (SQL, etc.), on-premises to cloud,
production environment, projects where data is born in the cloud, cross-platform SQL
Server migration, server-side/desktop development, service architecture, size of project
team (complexity), significant challenges, source code repository management, team
lead / scrum master, web application development

Automation Engineer (DevOps)

An Automation Engineer is primarily responsible for managing all aspects of DevOps, and is proficient in tools for
source control, continuous integration, and team management. This is a technical, customer-facing role, who must
be comfortable collaborating with architects, developers, and other IT staff members to manage code releases. This
person should be capable of assisting with all stages of testing, developing interface stubs and simulators and
performing script maintenance and updates. Automation engineers build automated deployments through the use
of configuration management technology, and deploy new modules, upgrades and complete fixes within the
production environment. Routine application maintenance tasks are an ongoing. They cross and merge the barriers
that exist between software development, testing and operations teams and keep existing networks in mind as they
design, plan and test. This person should have five or more years of experience with modern DevOps tools, such as
Jenkins and VSTS. The ideal candidate has five or more years of experience in working with and automating the
builds and deployments for enterprise cloud solutions.

Technical Skills API development, Application architecture, application development, application lifecycle
management (ALM), caching, cloud storage, cloud systems management, cloud systems
operations, cloud transformation, compliance (PCI, HIPPA, etc.), data migration (cross
platform / upgrade), data movement, database and server virtualization, dev ops,
diagnostics, distributed application design, distributed application development,
distributed database design, event sourcing, health checks, identity and security, modern
applications, monitoring, package management (npm, NuGet, etc.), performance tuning,
reporting services deployment, responsive design, RESTful services, security architecture,
security compliance, source code repository (git, TFS, svn, etc.), technical migration
upgrades, technology architecture, testing / TDD, unstructured data formats (e.g. JSON)

Non-Technical Collaboration, problem solving, architecture design session, proof of concept design,
Skills technical demonstration, good communication skills

Technologies VSTS, Release Management, Puppet, Docker, Kubernetes, Chef, PowerShell, AWS API
Gateway, AWS EC2, AWS SWF, AWS, AWS RDS, AWS VM, AWS Redshift, AWS S3, Azure
App Service Environment, Azure Import/Export, Azure Data Factory, Java, Python, REST,
Security, Storage, Virtualization, Web Services
Programming/Scripting Languages: .NET (C#, F#, VB.NET), Java, Python, JavaScript,
Scala, Go, Ruby, PHP, SQL, T-SQL, PowerShell
Platforms: Linux (Red Hat, Ubuntu, Debian, etc.), Windows

Certifications MCSE Enterprise Devices and Apps, MCSE Business Intelligence, MCSA Cloud Platform
Solutions Associate, MCSA Linux on Azure Solutions Associate, MCSE Cloud Platform and
Infrastructure, AWS Certified Solution Architect, AWS Certified Developer

Project Coordinate and execute pilots, prototypes or proof of concepts, provide validation on
Experience specific scenarios, document and share technical best practices, further customer
Types/Qualities investment, hybrid solutions on premises or in the cloud, industry-visible, CI / Continuous
Deployment, large project relative to size of customer, lift and shift, migrations and
upgrades (SQL, etc.), on-premises to cloud, production environment, projects where data
is born in the cloud, cross-platform SQL Server migration, server-side/desktop
development, service architecture, size of project team (complexity), significant
challenges, source code repository management, team lead / scrum master, web
application development

Identity Solution Engineer

The Identity Solution Engineer is responsible for the design, implementation, integration, support, and monitoring
of enterprise identity and access control solutions. The ideal candidate should have a diverse understanding of the
current state of security best practices, including identity and access control, mobile technology, and best practices
throughout a variety of industries. In addition, this individual must have a strong knowledge of identity standards
and protocols as well as a deep skillet with Windows Server Active Directory and industry security solutions. The
candidate must have prior experience formulating, planning, and implementing an identity and access control
strategy, including formulating policies for the “bring your own device” (BYOD) policy and remote access. The ideal
candidate will have a strong understanding of network infrastructure, such as firewalls, proxies, and cross-site
connectivity options. Bachelor’s degree in computer science or related field preferred.

Technical Skills Solid understanding of modern authentication protocols and a background in cyber
security. Deep understanding of cloud computing technologies, business drivers, and
emerging computing trends. Experience with Windows Server Active Directory and other
LDAP-based directory services. Experience with Azure AD and Azure Infrastructure as a Service
(Virtual Machines, Virtual Networks). Integration and migration experience with Skype for
Business, Exchange, SharePoint & Office 365. Experience with Windows, Linux, iOS,
Android, Blackberry. Experienced troubleshooter, analyzing log files, network traffic,
permissions issues, identifying problems with performance and scale. Developer
experience with .NET, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Non-Technical Skills Proven track record of driving decisions collaboratively, resolving conflicts, and ensuring
follow through. Presentation skills with a high degree of comfort with both large and
small audiences. Problem-solving mentality leveraging internal and/or external resources.
Exceptional verbal and written communication. Basic understanding and knowledge of
PCI and SOX regulatory standards.

Technologies Azure Active Directory, Office 365, Windows Server Active Directory Domain Services,
ADLDS, Rights Management Server, Microsoft Identity Manager (FIM/MIM), Active
Directory Federation Services (ADFS), Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS), Web
App Proxy, Site Minder, Octa, Auth0, WebSphere, Enterprise Mobility Suite, Intune, Azure
Information Protection, Azure Active Directory, OAuth, SAML, Cloud App Security, Citrix
XenMobile, MobileIron, Airwatch, Blackberry, Firewalls, Office 365, Windows, Linux, iOS,
Android, System Center Configuration Manager, Exchange, Skype for Business, SharePoint

Certifications MCSE Cloud Platform and Infrastructure, MCSA Cloud Platform Solutions Associate, MCSA
Linux on Azure Solutions Associate, CompTIA Security+, CISSP, AWS Certified Solution
Architect. Exam priorities: Identity with Window Server 2016, 70-533 Implementing Azure
Infrastructure Solutions, 70-398: Planning for and Measuring Devices in the Enterprise,

Project 3–5+ years senior (tier 3) level support with identity management as part of
Experience responsibilities.
Types / Qualities 5–8 years of experience with identity architecture and management.
3–5 years deploying, migrating, or managing an Office 365 environment.

Data Scientist
A Data Scientist is responsible for identifying the insight opportunities present in the customer’s data and helping
shape the data pipeline that deliver the insights by applying advanced analytics (e.g., machine learning) in
collaboration with the customer. The Data Scientist is a technical, customer facing role, who along with the Big Data
Engineer is accountable for the end-to-end data pipeline envisioning and development that starts with addressing
issues of data acquisition and data sampling, data exploration and data quality assessment, data wrangling to
massage the data so it is better suited to applying advanced analytics, and visualizing or reporting on such data to
make the insights available to the customer’s business. The ideal candidate will have experience in customer facing
roles and has a cross-disciplinary background consisting of statistics and software development. A technical BS
degree in Computer Science or Math background is highly desirable. Three or more years of customer facing
experience desired.

Technical Skills Advanced analytics, algorithm development, analysis services (tabular, multi-
dimensional), backpropagation. bagging, boosting, Bayes, big data, business
intelligence, classification, clustering, cloud data analytics, data architecting, data
cleansing, data migration (cross platform / upgrade), data modeling (physical and
logical), data movement, data potency, data transformation, data warehouse
design, database architecture, database design, decision trees, descriptive
analytics, forests, genetic programming, image processing, inverse deduction,
machine learning, neural networks, predicative analytics, prescriptive analytics,
recommendation, regression, rules, support vector machines, statistics, text mining.

Non-Technical Skills Consultative requirements gathering, collaboration, stakeholder management,

relationship management, technical oversight, technical recommendations,
problem solving, risk management, architecture design session, program
management, proof of concept design, technical demonstration.

Technologies AWS Machine Learning, AWS Lex, AWS QuickSight, AWS RDS, AWS Rekognition,
AWS Redshift, AWS S3, Azure Data Catalog, Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake,
Azure Storage, Azure DocumentDB, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Azure
Import/Export, Azure HDInsight, Azure Machine Learning, Azure SQL Database,
Azure Search, Azure Cognitive Services, Cassandra, Cloudera, Cognos, Cortana
Intelligence, Data warehouse, Database, DB2, Excel, Flume, IBM Bluemix, Hadoop,
HBase, Hive, Hortonworks, Machine Learning, MapR, Microsoft R, ML, MongoDB,
MariaDB, MySQL, NoSQL, Oracle, Oracle Exadata, Oracle SOA, Pig, Power BI,
PostgreSQL, Python, QLik Tech, Revolution R, SAP HANA, SAS, Spark, SQL Server
Analysis Services, SQL Server, SQL Server IaaS, SQL Server Integration Services,
Sybase, Tableau, TSQL.
Programming/Scripting Languages: R, Scala, Python, DMX, DAX, MDX, SQL, T-
SQL, Java
Platforms: Linux (Red Hat, Ubuntu, Debian, etc.), Windows.

Certifications MCSA in Machine Learning, having passed the following exams: 70-773: Analyzing
Big Data with Microsoft R, 70-774: Perform Cloud Data Science with Azure
Machine Learning
Other certifications include: Master or PhD in Data Science, Statistics or Probability
from accredited universities, Certified Analytics Professional (CAP), Certification of
Professional Achievement in Data Sciences, Cloudera Certified Professional: Data
Scientist (CCP:DS), edX Verified Certificate in Data Science Curriculum, EMC Data
Science Associate, MCSE Business Intelligence, MCSE Data Management and
Analytics, Revolution R Enterprise Professional, SAS Certified Data Scientist.

Project Experience Advanced analytics (including machine learning), automating data munging,
Types/Qualities building visualizations, machine learning modeling, distributed training, training on
large data sets, operationalizing models, significant challenges.

Data Engineer
A Data Engineer is responsible for helping to select, deploy and manage the systems and infrastructure required of
a data processing pipeline in support of the customer requirements. The Data Engineer is not typically a customer
facing role. The primary responsibilities include implementing ETL (extract, transform and load) pipelines,
monitoring/maintaining data pipeline performance. The Big Data Engineer is proficient in distributed computing
principles and familiar with key architectures including Lambda and Kappa architectures, and has a broad
experience across a set of data stores (e.g., HDFS, Azure Data Lake Store, Azure Blob Storage, Azure SQL Data
Warehouse, Apache HBase, Azure DocumentDB), messaging systems (e.g., Apache Kafka, Azure Event Hubs, Azure
IoT Hub) and data processing engines (e.g., Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, Azure Data Lake Analytics, Apache
Storm, Azure HDInsight). The ideal candidate has three or more years’ experience deploying, monitoring and
managing solutions that collect, process, store and analyze huge volume of data, fast moving data or data that has
significant schema variability.

Technical Skills DevOps and DataOps, Advanced analytics, analysis services (tabular, multi-dimensional),
application architecture, application lifecycle management (ALM), big data, business
intelligence, capacity planning, cloud archival, cloud data analytics, cloud disaster recovery,
cloud storage, cloud systems management, cloud systems operations, cloud transformation,
compliance (PCI, HIPPA, etc.), data architecting, data cleansing, data migration (cross
platform / upgrade), data movement, data potency, data transformation, database and
server virtualization, database architecture, database design, database lifecycle
management, database management, database sharding, database tuning, diagnostics,
distributed application design, distributed database design, event sourcing, HADR /
replication, health checks, identity and security, information architecture, information
management, in-memory database architecture, IoT, Kappa architectures, Lambda
architectures, MapReduce, master data management, mission critical database design and
architecture, modern applications, monitoring, performance tuning, polyglot resiliency,
predicative analytic pipelines, reporting services design and deployment, resiliency
(clustering, etc.), scalability (up and out, high performance), security architecture, security
compliance, technical migration upgrades, technology architecture.

Non-Technical Technical recommendations, problem solving, risk management, proof of concept design,
Skills technical demonstration, consultative requirements clarification and issue troubleshooting.

Technologies Azure Machine Learning, Analytics, APS, AWS, AWS Athena, AWS Glue, AWS QuickSight,
AWS RDS, AWS VM, AWS Redshift, AWS S3, Azure Active Directory, Azure Data Catalog,
Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake, Azure Storage, Azure DocumentDB, Azure SQL Data
Warehouse, Azure Import/Export, Azure HDInsight, Azure SQL Database, Azure Search,
Azure Stream Analytics, Azure Event Hubs, Azure IoT Hub, Azure Web Jobs, Azure Cognitive
Services, Birst, Business Objects, Cassandra, Cloudera, Cognos, Cortana Intelligence,
CouchDB, Data warehouse, Database, DB2, Docker, Excel, Flume, IBM Bluemix, Google App
Engine, Greenplum, Hadoop, HANA, HBase, Hive, Hortonworks, IBM, IBM Teradata, Informix,
IoT Solutions, Java, Kafka, Machine Learning, MapR, MapReduce, ML, MongoDB, MariaDB,
MySQL, Netezza, Networking, NoSQL, Oracle, Oracle Exadata, Oracle SOA, PBI, Pig, Power BI,

PostgreSQL, Python, QLik Tech, REST, Revolution R, Samza, SAP HANA, SAS, Security, Spark,
SQL Server, SQL Server IaaS, SQL Server Integration Services, Storage, Storm, Streaming,
Sybase, Tableau, Teradata, TSQL, Virtualization, webMethods, WebSphere, YARN.
Programming/Scripting Languages: C#, DMX, DAX, MDX, SQL, T-SQL, Java, Scala, Python,
PowerShell, R, Ruby.
Platforms: Linux (Red Hat, Ubuntu, Debian, etc.), Windows.

Certifications MCSE Business Intelligence, MCSA Cloud Platform Solutions Associate, MCSA Linux on Azure
Solutions Associate, MCSE Cloud Platform and Infrastructure, MCSE Data Management and
Analytics, AWS Certified Solution Architect, Big Data, Certified Analytics Professional, Certificate
in Engineering Excellence Big Data Analytics and Optimization (CPEE), Cloudera Certified Data
Engineer, Data Warehousing, IBM Certified Data Architect/Engineer, Mining Massive Datasets
Graduate Certificate (Stanford), Oracle,, SAP, SAS Certified Big Data Professional.

Project Advanced analytics (including machine learning), automated data pipelines, database
Experience modernization, further customer investment, hybrid solutions on premises or in the cloud,
Types/Qualities industry-visible, large project relative to size of customer, lift and shift, migrations and
upgrades (SQL, etc.), on-premises to cloud, production environment, projects where data is
born in the cloud, cross-platform SQL Server migration, size of project team (complexity),
significant challenges, IOT – Connected Devices, IOT- Command and Control, IOT- Data
Ingestion, batch analytics, interactive analytics, real-time/streaming analytics.

Recruiting Resources
Top 10 Sources to Find Skilled Labor and What to Look For
Sourcing skilled labor can be a challenge. In our recent survey with MDC of 1,136 Azure partners, we found that referrals
and LinkedIn rank among the top source of candidates. See the table below for the top 10 sources to identify skilled labor:

Total SMB Enterprise

(n=1136) (n=886) (n=250)
Referrals from employees or partnerships 70% 69% 73%
LinkedIn 59% 57% 66%
Posting on website 47% 45% 54%
Local Universities 38% 36% 46%
Local Technical Communities 36% 35% 43%
Recruit from competitors 30% 29% 36%
Meet ups 29% 29% 30%
GitHub 8% 8% 7%
Stack Overflow 8% 8% 7%
Other job posting sites 6% 6% 4%
Source: Microsoft Cloud Practice Development Study, MDC Research, November 2016

Now that you have an understanding of where to look, what are the most important factors you should be examining
about your potential hire’s skillset? In the Microsoft Cloud Practice Development Study, we asked the Azure partners this
question. What they told us was the top three most important factors were work history, cultural fit and years of

Total SMB Enterprise

(n=1136) (n=886) (n=250)
Work history 69% 68% 74%
Cultural fit 43% 40% 53%
Years of experience 42% 41% 47%
Professional certifications 32% 34% 22%
Referrals 28% 29% 26%
Professional training received 20% 21% 16%
Reputation through community 16% 15% 19%
Formal education 13% 14% 11%
Contract to hire or other means to test skills "hands-on" 13% 13% 13%
Publications 3% 3% 2%
Awards received 2% 2% 2%
Attitude 0% 0% 1%
Other 4% 4% 4%
Source: Microsoft Cloud Practice Development Study, MDC Research, November 2016

Training & Readiness

Preparing and Training Technical Staff for the Cloud
For technical staff to function as change agents supporting current and emerging cloud
technologies, their buy-in for the use and integration of these technologies is needed. For
this, staff need three things:
• An understanding of their roles and any changes to their current position.
• Time and resources to explore the technologies.
• An understanding of the business case for the technologies.
Use the following resources as part of your Azure onboarding for new and existing staff:
• Azure Training and Certification provides free Essentials provides IT implementers with hands-
online training options including online courses, on experience, targeted educational
learning paths, hands-on labs as well as opportunities, and access to experts in areas that
resources to help you find learning partners who matter most to increase knowledge and create a
can help you achieve your skills development path to career advancement.
goals using Microsoft Azure services. • The Microsoft IT Pro Career Center is a free
• Microsoft Azure Hands-on Labs provides free, online resource to help map your cloud career
self-paced labs to help you stay current with path. Learn what industry experts suggest for
Azure. The live environments are fully self- your cloud role and the skills to get you there.
contained. You do not need your own Azure • Microsoft Learning offers a wide variety of
subscription to complete the labs, just login with official curriculum on-demand, as well as edX
a remote desktop (RDP) client and get started. courses that are taught by Microsoft experts,
• Microsoft Virtual Academy offers training from and help you learn through hands-on
the people who helped to build Microsoft Azure. experiences with a broad reach of Azure
From the basic overview to deep technical technologies.
training, IT staff will learn how to leverage • The Microsoft Partner Network (MPN) Learning
Microsoft Azure for their business. Portal provides a centralized interface with
• Microsoft IT Pro Cloud Essentials is a free annual training opportunities and certification options
subscription that includes cloud services, organized by products, competencies,
education, and support benefits. IT Pro Cloud certifications, and job role.

Follow a learning curriculum at your own pace to build the skills you need most to stay relevant. Suggested resources to
help onboard your team for training success are available in this section.

General Technical Training

Whether you need to fill a skills gap or are looking to improve your team’s skill surface area,
technical training is critical to your success.

The Cloud and Enterprise Partner Resources Portal

provides a source of sales and technical training for
partner practices and key areas of specialization.
Resources include customer success stories, sales and
technical training, tools, engines, and resources available
to help build your skills around selling, deploying, and
architecting cloud infrastructure and management, cloud
application development, data platform and analytics,
and security and compliance solutions.


The Microsoft Partner Network (MPN) Learning Portal

provides a centralized interface with training
opportunities and certification options organized by
products, competencies, certifications, and job role.


Leverage the Cloud + Enterprise University Online to
build knowledge, stay sharp, and prove your expertise on
selling and supporting Microsoft cloud solutions through
our live and on demand webcasts and virtual, instructor-
In our research, we found conferences and paid online
led courses—giving you the flexibility to train at your
training are the most common learning mechanisms.
own pace.


Even if you missed the annual live event, the Microsoft
Inspire Conference provides many of its sessions as on-
demand recordings — no conference pass required.


The Microsoft Partner Enablement Blog maintains a
schedule of trainings available to partners. Visit often
and plan your training calendar.


Leverage the Microsoft Smart Partner Marketing site as
your starting point for training marketing resources.
Source: Microsoft Cloud Practice Development
Study, MDC Research, November 2016

Additional Resources
Microsoft Learning Partners are available worldwide to help enable your team for Microsoft Azure via live instructor-led
training. This can be scheduled as a dedicated delivery at your location or virtually using remote learning technologies.
Many courses are scheduled as open-enrollment courses, which doesn’t require you to schedule a dedicated class.
• Pluralsight is a key Microsoft partner that offers Azure training. Gain the know-how and confidence your job
demands through these free online courses, delivered in partnership with Pluralsight.
• Opsgility is a key Microsoft partner that offers Azure training. Find more than 70 online classes focused on Azure
with full learning paths for Azure certification. Opsgility also offers a full set of instructor-led Azure trainings that
focus on architects, developers, dev ops, operations, sales and decision makers.
• O’Reilly Safari provides subscription access to more than 40,000 books, videos, and interactive tutorials from over
200 of the world’s best publishers, including O’Reilly, Pearson, Harvard Business Review, and Packt. It also offers
live online training courses led by instructors from O’Reilly’s network of tech innovators and expert practitioners.

Competencies and Certifications

MPN Competencies
One of the next steps is to ensure you align the technical team to the MPN competency for
your practice.
The competencies most applicable to the SaaS ISV a gold or silver competency for the competencies
practice are: relevant to a SaaS practice. Some competencies have
• Application Development alternative options your organization can elect to meet
• Cloud Platform in order to achieve the competency. You only need to
meet the requirements of one option in any given
The following tables summarize the skill requirements competency.
needed by people in your organization to achieve either



Application Builder Two individuals must pass one of the Four individuals must each hold a current
Option following exams: version of the following certification:
Web and Mobile Client App Dev Focus: • MCSD: App Builder
• Exam 70-480: Programming in
HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3
• Exam 70-483: Programming in C#
• Exam 70-486: Developing
ASP.NET MVC Web Applications
Universal Windows Platform Focus:
• Exam 70-357: Developing Mobile

Azure App Dev Focus:

• Exam 70-532: Developing
Microsoft Azure Solutions
• Exam 70-533: Implementing
Microsoft Azure Infrastructure
• Exam 70-487: Developing
Microsoft Azure and Web Services



Azure Consumption One individual must pass one of the Two individuals must pass one of the
Option following assessments: following assessments:
• Technical Assessment for Cloud • Technical Assessment for Cloud
Platform Platform
• Technical Assessment for Remote • Technical Assessment for Remote
Desktop Services on Azure Desktop Services on Azure
• Technical Assessment for Using • Technical Assessment for Using
Azure for Data Analytics and Data Azure for Data Analytics and
Platform Solutions Data Platform Solutions
• Technical Assessment for Using • Technical Assessment for Using
Microsoft Azure for Application Microsoft Azure for Application
Development Development
• Technical Assessment for Using • Technical Assessment for Using
Azure for Internet of Things Azure for Internet of Things
Solutions Solutions
Or, one individual must pass one of the Or, two individuals must pass one of the
following exams: following exams:
• Exam 70-532: Developing • Exam 70-532: Developing
Microsoft Azure Solutions Microsoft Azure Solutions
• Exam 70-533: Implementing • Exam 70-533: Implementing
Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Microsoft Azure Infrastructure
Solutions Solutions
• Exam 70-535: Architecting • Exam 70-535: Architecting
Microsoft Azure Solutions Microsoft Azure Solutions
• Exam 70-473: Designing and • Exam 70-473: Designing and
Implementing Cloud Data Implementing Cloud Data
Platform Solutions Platform Solutions
• Exam 70-475: Designing and • Exam 70-475: Designing and
Implementing Big Data Analytics Implementing Big Data Analytics
Solutions Solutions

• MCSA: Linux on Azure MCSA: Linux on Azure

Increase readiness and marketability with MCSA, MCSD, or MCSE certifications.
There are numerous assessments and certifications your team should consider as motivation for advancing their skills,
creating proof points for your practice, earning certification badges, and enabling you to achieve Microsoft Partner
Network Competencies.



MCSA: MACHINE LEARNING • 70-773: Analyzing Big Data with Microsoft R

Demonstrate your expertise in operationalizing Microsoft Azure • 70-774: Perform Cloud Data Science with Azure
machine learning and Big Data with R Server and SQL R Services. Machine Learning

MCSA: CLOUD PLATFORM • 70-532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions

Demonstrate your expertise in Microsoft cloud-related • 70-533: Implementing Microsoft Azure
technologies to reduce IT costs and deliver more value for the Infrastructure Solutions
modern business.

MCSA: LINUX ON AZURE • 70-533: Implementing Microsoft Azure

Demonstrate your ability to design, architect, implement, and Infrastructure Solutions
maintain complex cloud-enabled Linux® solutions that leverage • Linux Foundation Certified System
Microsoft Azure open source capabilities. This certification also Administrator
validates your Linux system administration skills to show that
you are fluent in today’s cloud-native world.

MCSA: ANALYZING AND VISUALIZING DATA WITH • 70-778: Analyzing and Visualizing Data with
Demonstrate your expertise in analyzing data with both Power BI • 70-779: Analyzing and Visualizing Data with
and Excel. Microsoft Excel

MCSA: WEB APPLICATIONS • 70-480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript

Demonstrate your expertise at implementing modern web and CSS3
applications. • 70-483: Programming in C#
• 70-486: Developing ASP.NET MVC Web


MCSD: APP BUILDER Pre-requisites:

The Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD): App Builder • MCSA: Web Applications
certification validates that you have the skills needed to build • MCSA: Universal Windows Platform
modern mobile and/or web applications and services.
Choose one of the following Azure exams:
• 70-532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions
• 70-535: Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions
• 70-487: Developing Microsoft Azure and Web
• 70-488: Developing Microsoft SharePoint
Server 2013 Core Solutions
• 70-489: Developoing Microsoft SharePoint
Server 2013 Advanced Solutions
• 70-496: Administering Microsoft Visual Studio
Team Foundation Server
• 70-497: Software Testing with Visual Studio
• 70-498: Delivering Continuous Value with
Visual Studio Application Lifecycle



The Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE): Cloud Platform • MCSA – Window Server 2016
and Infrastructure certification validates that you have the skills • MCSA – Cloud Platform
needed to run a highly efficient and modern data center, with • MCSA – Linux on Azure
expertise in cloud technologies, identity management, systems • MCSA – Windows Server 2012
management, virtualization, storage, and networking.
Choose one of the following Azure exams:
• 70-532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions
• 70-533: Implementing Microsoft Azure
Infrastructure Solutions (recommended)
• 70-535: Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions
• 70-473: Designing and Implementing Cloud
Data Platform Solutions
• 70-475: Designing and Implementing Big Data
Analytics Solutions
• 70-744: Securing Windows Server 2016
• 70-745: Implementing a Software-Defined
• 70-413: Designing and Implementing a Server
• 70-414: Implementing an Advanced Server
• 70-537: Configuring and Operating Hybrid
Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack

MCSE: DATA MANAGEMENT AND ANALYTICS Pre-requisites (one of the following):

Demonstrate your broad skillset in SQL administration, building • MCSA – SQL Server 2012/2014
enterprise-scale data solutions and leveraging business • MCSA – SQL Server 2016 Database
intelligence data — both on-premises and in cloud Administration
environments. • MCSA – SQL Server 2016 Database
• MCSA – SQL Server 2016 Business Intelligence
• MSCA: Machine Learning
• MCSA: BI Reporting
• MCSA: Data Engineering with Azure
Choose one of the following Azure exams:
• 70-473: Designing and Implementing Cloud
Data Platform
• 70-475: Designing and Implementing Big Data
Analytics Solutions
• 70-464: Developing Microsoft SQL Server
• 70-465: Designing Database Solutions for
Microsoft SQL Server
• 70-466: Implementing Data Models and
Reports with Microsoft SQL Server
• 70-467: Designing Business Intelligence
Solutions with Microsoft SQL Server
• 70-762: Developing SQL Databases
• 70-767: Implementing a Data Warehouse using
• 70-768: Developing SQL Data Models
• 70-773: Analyzing Big Data with Microsoft R
• 70-774: Perform Cloud Data Science with Azure
Machine Learning
• 70-775: Perform Data Engineering on Microsoft



Grow Your ISV

Business with SaaS

Executive Summary

In the previous section, we reviewed how you should Whether you're building products, providing managed
hire, train, and equip your staff. In this section, we will services, or performing project work for customers, your
guide your through the steps to operationalize your success may be impacted by your ability to manage your
business plan. customer records, your projects, and your support
trouble tickets. We provide guidance on what tools and
We will walk you through the options for leveraging your
systems you should consider implementing.
internal use benefits. These provide you complimentary
software licenses and subscriptions for use within your We will also cover how you can increase visibility for
organization. We will also show you how to deepen your practice by reviewing the Microsoft marketplaces
relationships with your customer by re-selling these and how to get listed on them as well as provide
benefits as an overall package along with your custom guidance on the social offerings your practice should
software, creating a new revenue stream for your setup.
We conclude this section with checklists and templates
This section also provides guidance on how to operate you can use to standardize your customer engagement
your business, from how to build materials to support process.
your sales and marketing efforts to the key contracts you
will want to put in place.

 Implement processes
Top 5 things to do
 Claim your internal use benefits
Get your practice off the ground by
 Set up key contracts and tools
putting your plan into action. These are
the top 5 things you should do to get  Establish customer support process
the momentum going.  Standardize your engagements using

Implement a Solution Delivery Process

The process you follow in delivering your Create Repeatable Processes
solution to your customer is just as
Repeatable processes make for profitable practices. Use
important as the technologies you use to the following example checklist to kick start your own
deliver it. checklist to use when executing a new engagement.
❑ Hold initial requirements meeting
When it comes to delivering solutions for a SaaS
❑ Identify product owner/manager(s)
Practice, choose from among the following (or
❑ Follow-up meeting to clarify and establish next steps
incorporate the aspects from the below) that best fit
❑ Discuss MVP (minimal viable product) criteria
your needs and your team
❑ Establish development process (Agile, Scrum, etc.)
Scrum Process ❑ Identify milestones and tasks; share with customer
❑ Provide cost estimates for development, cloud
The Scrum process works great if you want to track
services, and ongoing maintenance/support
product backlog items (PBIs) and bugs on the Kanban
❑ Address customer objections to proposed
board, or break PBIs and bugs down into tasks on a task
technology and services
board. This process supports the Scrum methodology as
❑ Acquire data (or sample of data) for initial data
defined by the Scrum organization. Tasks in this process
assessment and proof of concept development.
support tracking remaining work only.
❑ Host project artifacts (issues, code, etc.) to share with
Agile Process internal team and customer (e.g. Visual Studio Team
Choose Agile when your team uses Agile planning Services)
methods, including Scrum, and tracks development and ❑ Follow up with customer and provide status/demos
test activities separately. This process works great if you on a regular basis (e.g. 2 week sprint)
want to track user stories and bugs on the Kanban ❑ Coordinate a final handoff to customer
board, or track bugs and tasks on the task board. You ❑ Conduct project debrief with customer
can learn more about Agile methodologies at the Agile ❑ Organize internal project post-mortem
Alliance. Tasks support tracking Original Estimate, ❑ Customer conducts acceptance test
Remaining Work, and Completed Work.

Claim Your Internal Use Benefits

A key benefit of being a Microsoft Partner of Office 365 E3 at the gold level from your core
is access to Internal Use Rights, providing
As a Microsoft Partner with the Small & Midmarket
your SaaS practice access to Cloud Solutions competency, in addition to your core
complimentary credits and licenses of benefits, you get 10 seats of Office 365 E3 at the silver
level and 25 seats of Office 365 at the gold level.
Microsoft products and services, including
Microsoft Azure, Office 365 and Visual As a Microsoft Partner with the Cloud Productivity or
Communications Competency, you get 25 seats to Office
Studio. 365 E5 and 100 seats with the Gold competency.


Providing access to Azure for your SaaS development If you have Visual Studio subscriptions, each one has a
team is one of the key first steps to preparing for a set amount of Azure credits built in that you can use. The
successful SaaS practice. Microsoft provides several ways amount varies depending on the type of subscription
for your organization to gain access to Microsoft Azure purchased. You can also use software available in your
for the development of new services, testing workloads, MSDN subscription on Azure Virtual Machines for
delivering services, or learning in general. For example, development and test at no extra charge.
use your credits to enable your team to use the Visual
Studio Virtual Machines or perform scale out training
$50 AZURE $100 AZURE $150 AZURE
using Azure App Service.
Members of the Microsoft Action Pack program receive
$100 monthly Azure credits.
• Visual Studio • MSDN • Visual Studio
Microsoft Partners with the Application Development Professional Platforms Enterprise –
Competency get Azure credits as a part of the Visual – annual annual
Studio subscription’s core benefit (see the next section • Visual Studio • Visual Studio
on Visual Studio). Professional Enterprise
Microsoft Partners with a Cloud Platform Competency at with MSDN with MSDN
the Silver or Gold level get even more — $6,000 per year • Visual Studio •
and $12,000 per year, respectively. Test • Visual Studio
Professional Enterprise
As a Microsoft Partner, your core benefits include access (MPN)
to the Microsoft Office 365 Demo tenant that you can
use to sell Microsoft Office 365, Power BI Pro, Microsoft
Dynamics CRM Online and Project Online. You also get
25 seats of Office 365 E3 at the silver level or 100 seats


You can also create a free trial with Azure and allow it to
There are a few ways you can purchase convert to a pay-as-you-go subscription. An Azure free
trial is valid for 30 days and allows up to $200 in Azure
Azure. credits. After the initial 30 days, any Azure usage is billed
directly to you on your credit card. You can start a free
trial by browsing and clicking
Another option for getting access to your technical the free trial link.
professionals is to purchase an Enterprise Agreement
(EA). This arrangement is ideal for larger organizations
that require the ability to create subscriptions for You can also purchase Azure through a reseller using the
different departments, and even implement charge-back Microsoft Open License Program. Open Value is the
based on the department. Azure subscriptions within an recommended program for small to midsize
EA agreement are managed through the Azure EA portal organizations with five or more desktop PCs who want to
and allow for delegated administration and the ability to simplify license management, manage software costs,
set quotas at the department or subscription level. For and get better control over their investment. It also
more information on how to get started with purchasing includes Software Assurance, providing access to
an enterprise agreement for Azure usage or adding valuable benefits such as training, deployment planning,
Azure to an existing EA, visit: software upgrades, and product support to help you boost the productivity of your entire organization. For
agreement/. more information on the Microsoft Open Licensing
program, visit:

Key Contracts and Tools for Visual Studio Team Services provides various tools for
tasks like running agile teams, providing support for
Your Practice Kanban boards, handling work item backlogs, scrum
boards, source control, continuous integration and
release management. Source control functionality
Practices need to use a set of legal provides Git support, which enables integration with
documents to ensure compliance and GitHub if such integration is desired.
deliverables, and an implementation process, While Visual Studio Team Services will help you manage
to track the progress of a project both in the technical aspects of your project, cost-containment
terms of progress against a project plan and requires a different set of tools.

project budget, as well as protect your IP. MICROSOFT DYNAMICS 365 FOR PROJECT
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Project Service Automation
Leverage the Key Contracts for Your Practice guide, to provides users with the capabilities required for setting up a
learn more about developing service level agreements, project organization, engaging with customers, project
master services agreements, a statement of work, and a scheduling and costing, managing and approving time and
mutual non-disclosure agreement. expenses, and closing projects. It is specially targeted to
address the needs of a Project Services based practices, as
it is designed for professionals who manage projects and
Microsoft Project Online is a flexible online solution for the associated customer engagement process end to end.
project portfolio management (PPM) and everyday work.
Delivered through Office 365, Project Online provides GITHUB
powerful project management capabilities for planning, GitHub provides the hosted environment for the SaaS
prioritizing, and managing projects and project portfolio implementation team to version control and share their
investments — from almost anywhere on almost any source code, notebooks and other artifacts both
device. Project Online can be used by administrators, privately (e.g., internally to a team) and publicly (e.g., an
portfolio managers and viewers, project and resource open source project) and collaborate on development
managers, and team leads and members. projects.


Collaboration Tools and File YAMMER

Yammer is an enterprise social network collaboration
Sharing offering to help teams collaborate and share files with
each other.
Collaborating with customers through the
lifecycle of a project or the duration of a
OneDrive for Business is an enterprise file sharing service
managed services agreement is critical. that is designed for automatic synchronization of files
There are several services that can help between your computer and the cloud. OneDrive makes
it easy to share files with your customers or partners.
you share project plans or set up lists for
Skype for Business is an enterprise online meeting and
JUPYTER NOTEBOOKS conference service designed for business
Jupyter Notebooks were introduced in the earlier section communications.
of the Team Data Science Process. These online, web-
based notebooks enable the SaaS implementation team
to share code and collaborate on data wrangling, data Microsoft Surface Hub is a Skype Online-integrated
understanding, data preparation, model training and collaborations device, or “meeting room in a box.” In
model evaluation. They also provide convenient addition to the built-in team experiences like Skype for
mechanism to share results (in the form of notebooks Business, Microsoft Office, and Whiteboard, Microsoft
that include rich text, tabular data and charts) with Surface Hub is customizable with a wide array of
customers and other stakeholders in a read-only fashion. applications. Universal apps built for Windows 10 shine
on Microsoft Surface Hub and scale to the large screen.
MICROSOFT TEAMS You can also connect apps from your personal device
Microsoft Teams is the latest collaboration tool from and drive them from Microsoft Surface Hub.
Microsoft and is designed to make your content, tools,
people, and conversations available in a single location.

Using CRM to Grow Your As a sales professional, you’ll be working

with the following types of records:
ACCOUNTS: Account records contain information
CRM solutions streamline processes and about the companies you do business with.
increase profitability in your sales,
CONTACTS: Contact records contain information about
marketing, and service divisions. the people you know and work with. Usually, multiple
contacts are associated with one account. Contacts could
A strong CRM solution is a multifaceted platform where include people responsible for making purchasing
everything crucial to developing, improving, and decisions or paying invoices, support technicians, or
retaining your customer relationships is stored. Without anyone you work with at the company.
the support of an integrated CRM solution, you may miss
growth opportunities and lose revenue because you’re LEADS: Leads are potential sales, and you or your
not maximizing your business relationships. Imagine company can get leads from many different sources. For
misplacing customer contact information, only to learn example, you can generate sales leads from marketing
that your delay pushed your client into the arms of a campaigns, inquiries from your website, mailing lists,
competitor. Or, picture your top two salespeople social media posts, or in person at a trade convention.
pursuing the same prospect, resulting in an annoyed
potential customer and some unfriendly, in-house OPPORTUNITIES: When you qualify a lead, it becomes
competition. Without a centralized program where your an opportunity, or a deal that you’re getting ready to
people can log and track customer interactions, your close.
business falls behind schedule and out of touch.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 can be customized, so you can
THE FUNDAMENTALS OF CUSTOMER also work with records relevant to your field and the way
RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT your organization does business, including sales,
CRM tools make the customer-facing functions of customer service, field service, project service
business easier. They help you: automation, and marketing.

• Centralize customer information

• Automate marketing interactions
• Provide business intelligence
• Facilitate communications
• Track sales opportunities
• Analyze data
• Enable responsive customer service

Running a successful business is no simple task. When

marketing campaigns, data analysis, meetings, customer
care, and more, all happen simultaneously, you need a
powerful CRM solution to bring all these functions
together in one place.

Define Customer Support Program and


Support Overview When it comes to support, there are two perspectives

you should consider. First, how will you support your
customers when they have engaged you for project
It has been said that an unhappy customer services, managed services, or are utilizing your
represents an opportunity to make a intellectual property. Second, where do you go for Azure
support from Microsoft for a solution you are building,
customer for life. Studies have found when or because you need assistance on behalf of your
a customer gets to the point of a customer?
complaint, they are very emotionally THE ITEMS YOU WILL NEED TO WORK THROUGH
engaged. If you can turn that negative INCLUDE:

around to a positive, you may just have a • Defining your support model
• Provisioning your support infrastructure
customer for life.
• Defining and implementing your escalation process
• Selecting and enabling your support options for
We cover each of these topics in the pages that follow,
and additional resources are available on the ISV
Resource Hub.

Supporting Your Customers

Let’s begin with the first scenario in which you support your customers directly. It should go without saying that one of the
most important functions for your MSP practice will be supporting your customer once their applications and data are
firmly in the cloud or sitting in a hybrid deployment. No matter how well a cloud or hybrid environment is planned,
provisioned, operated, or monitored, problems will arise — and those problems will need to be remediated. It’s your job
as an MSP to offer support to your customers to deal with outages, breaches, inefficiencies, and disaster scenarios. MSPs
need to consider the level of support that makes sense for their practice — in terms of resources and revenue — as well as
what makes sense to the customers they serve.

How do you package and sell your support? The typical options are to provide support either on a retainer basis (where the
customer pays a monthly fee for up to a certain number of “use it or lose it” support hours) or per incident (where the customer
pays a fee every time they utilize your support). You must also define your support availability so your customers have a realistic
expectation of when they can access your service.

How will you manage customer support requests and track them to closure? Many MSPs offer premium support offerings
such as a Technical Account Manager who is responsible for tracking, reporting, and escalating an issue.

How does a customer get help at the right technical level? For your support process to make economic sense, avoid having
your most skilled and most expensive resources (e.g., architects, senior developers, data scientists, etc.) answer every support
call. For your particular solution offering, consider implementing a tiered support offering of junior-level resources that are
equipped to handle common issues. These resources should be equipped to escalate a customer support case to a more
senior-level resource once the common issues have been ruled out. You will need to decide how many levels of tiered
support to offer, but two to three tiers are most common. When defining your escalation process, do not forget about the
basics. For example, how do customers get in touch with you for support in the first place? This could be a dedicated support
telephone number, forum or chat room, Twitter handle, email address, etc.

Support Options from

How do you receive support for your specific needs of Cloud Solutions Providers (CSPs), born-
in-the-cloud partners, and all other partners selling
implementation efforts or on behalf of Microsoft cloud services.

SIGNATURE CLOUD SUPPORT Microsoft Premier Support for Partners delivers a

managed support offering for you and your customers
Microsoft Signature Cloud Support is provided as benefit
— proactive support services for developing, deploying,
to Silver and Gold Partners. It primarily provides support
and supporting Microsoft technology whether on-
for issues occurring in Azure subscriptions you own or
premises, hybrid, or in the cloud. As the only partner
on which you are a co-admin. It is not intended for use
program with complete, end-to-end managed support
in supporting issues in subscriptions owned by your
across the full Microsoft platform, Premier Support for
Partners also provides a powerful marketing tool to gain
MICROSOFT ADVANCED SUPPORT FOR competitive advantage in the marketplace.
PARTNERS Microsoft offers a range of paid Azure support plan
Microsoft Advanced Support for Partners is the ideal options for customers from developers starting their
solution for partners who are growing their cloud journey in the cloud to enterprises deploying business-
business. Not quite ready for Premier Support, but need critical, strategic applications on Microsoft Azure. These
a higher level of service than the Microsoft Partner options are available in tiers — Premier, Professional
Network core benefits provide? The Advanced Support Direct, Standard and Developer Support Plans — that
program delivers the right level of support to meet you are available for purchase directly for those who are not
in the middle while your business grows. With Advanced Microsoft Partners. In addition to these paid plans, Azure
Support for Partners, you get cloud support at an offers core support, which is free and provides support
accessible price point, which helps you be a great ally to via forums, and help with account billing or management
your customers and grow your business faster. The questions.
program includes valuable proactive and reactive
services delivered by experienced Services Account
Managers and Partner Technical Consultants. Advanced Support requests need to be submitted using the Azure
Support for partners enables you to provide support on Portal. First you must log in to the subscription for which
behalf of your end customers, in addition to providing you want to receive support. Next, submit a support
support on subscriptions you own directly. Designed request. Once submitted, you can manage the incident
from the feedback of over 1,500 partners like you, from the Azure Portal.
Microsoft Advanced Support for Partners addresses the


Partner advisory hours are used as currency for technical presales and advisory services
offered by the Microsoft Partner Services team.
As part of your company’s Microsoft Partner Network membership, your organization receives partner advisory hours for
attaining a Microsoft competency, membership in Microsoft Cloud Accelerate, and subscribing to Microsoft Action Pack
Develop and Design.


LEVEL MEMBER PACK • Deploy the latest Microsoft technologies
0 hours 5 hours 20 hours 50 hours • Build skills and knowledge
(after first • Close deals faster
cloud sale) • Get expert advice
• Chalk talks



Signature Cloud Support Less than 2 hours

Microsoft Advanced Support for Partners Less than 1 hour

Microsoft Premier Support for Partners Less than 1 hour

Partner Advisory Hours N/A


Premier Less than 1 hour

Professional-Direct Less than 1 hour

Standard Less than 2 hours

Developer Less than 8 hours

Core N/A

Manage and
If you SaaS solution is deployed to Azure, there are a lot
of ways you can both forecast spend and keep track of

Support a SaaS your actual costs.

• You can get estimated costs before adding Azure

solution deployed in services by using the Azure Pricing Calculator. This

calculator includes all Azure services, including those

relevant to the SaaS practice like Azure App Service,
Azure Service Fabric, and Cognitive Services.
• Once you have resources deployed to Azure, you
should regularly check the Subscription blade in the
Support Resources Azure Portal for cost breakdown and burn rate. From
here, you use the Cost analysis feature to analyze the
Supporting an Azure deployment involves cost breakdown by resource.
• You can also report on your Azure costs
transitioning from deployment focus to
programmatically by using the Azure Billing APIs.
ongoing health and occasional There are two APIs available that when used
troubleshooting. Microsoft Azure offers together enable you to estimate spend by resource:
the Azure Resource Usage API enables you to get
several services to help manage and your Azure consumption data, and with the Azure
monitor workloads running in Azure, Resource RateCard API you can get the pricing
information for each Azure resource.
documentation for troubleshooting the
• There are other situations, such as for an EA, a
services for your practice, and the Azure sponsored Azure subscription, or subscriptions
Community where you can ask questions, acquired thru a CSP provider. These have their own
portals for analyzing consumption and costs. For
get answers, and connect with Microsoft details on how to monitor these, view this Azure
engineers and Azure community experts. billing and cost management article.


Azure Security Center helps you prevent, detect, and

respond to threats with increased visibility into and
control over the security of your Azure resources. It
provides integrated security monitoring and policy
management across your Azure subscriptions, helps
detect threats that might otherwise go unnoticed, and
works with a broad ecosystem of security solutions.
Azure Security Center should be part of any managed
service practice to assist with monitoring and support.

Security Center delivers easy-to-use and effective threat

prevention, detection, and response capabilities that are AZURE ADVISOR
built in to Azure. Some of its key capabilities are:
Azure Advisor analyzes your resource configuration and
• Monitor the security state of your Azure resources usage telemetry to detect risks and potential issues. It
• Defines policies for your Azure subscriptions and then draws on Azure best practices to recommend
resource groups based on your company’s security solutions that will reduce your cost and improve the
requirements, the types of applications that you use, security, performance, and reliability of your applications.
and the sensitivity of your data
• Uses policy-driven security recommendations to OMS LOG ANALYTICS
guide service owners through the process of Even if you are not offering OMS as part of your core
implementing needed controls offering, using Log Analytics for support and monitoring
• Rapidly deploy security services and appliances from can be a huge time saver. Log Analytics can help you
Microsoft and partners collect and analyze data generated by resources in your
• Automatically collect and analyze security data from cloud and on-premises environments. It gives you real-
your Azure resources, the network, and partner time insights using integrated search and custom
solutions like antimalware programs and firewalls dashboards to readily analyze millions of records across
• Leverages global threat intelligence from Microsoft all your workloads and servers regardless of their
products and services, the Microsoft Digital Crimes physical location.
Unit (DCU), the Microsoft Security Response Center
• Apply advanced analytics, including machine If you are a CSP or have sold support as part of your
learning and behavioral analysis managed services solution you are the front-line support
• Provides prioritized security incidents/alerts for your customer. At some point, you may need to
• Offers insights into the source of the attack and contact Microsoft to escalate an issue. Microsoft offers
impacted resources several options via forum support or via paid options as
• Suggests ways to stop the current attack and help discussed in the preceding Support Options from
prevent future attacks Microsoft section.

Support Ticket Setup

support teams. It provides licensed users with access to
core customer service capabilities for a significantly
lower price than comparable offerings from other

and Tracking vendors, including enterprise case management,

Interactive Service Hub, Unified Service Desk, SLAs and
Entitlements, and other service group management
Customer Support functionality.


Setting up tickets, tracking issue resolution,
and managing customer success are Provide the seamless service your customers expect by
meeting them where they are with the information they
fundamentals of your practice. need, every time.

Providing support to your customers from your practice • Give customers great service on their channel of
is a non-trivial, omni-channel effort. Consider using choice.
Azure Machine Learning to monitor the performance of • Make help easy by providing relevant, personalized
production deployed models. We suggest you service.
implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Service • Proactively address issues by detecting customers’
to help you quickly set up and start managing your intent and social sentiment.
overall customer support efforts.
Give your agents complete information — in a single
customer service software app — to make smart
decisions and provide great service.
• Reveal customers’ case histories, preferences, and
• Provide guidance on entitlements and service-level
• Display it all in a single interface tailored to their job
and skillset.


Respond quickly to customer and market changes within
an agile, cloud-based environment that has digital
intelligence built in.

MICROSOFT DYNAMICS 365 FOR • Adapt and customize easily using configuration, not
• Extend your functionality through a single interface.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Service is • Rely on advanced analytics and a trusted cloud
designed to manage the efforts of your customer platform.


Intellectual Property
It is important that you think about your differentiation
strategy. What is going to make your solution better
than other similar solutions in the industry?


Implementing IP in Your SaaS As partners make the transition from project or custom
services to packaged IP, it is critical they revise their
Practice Offerings customer agreement(s) so the partner can maintain the
IP rights to the solutions.
Consider these tips to start
productizing your IP and go to
As we mentioned in Understanding Intellectual Property,
market. you should engage legal counsel to help you protect and
maintain ownership of the IP you create. Key to partner
DEFINE YOUR SOLUTION success with IP is taking care with licenses, contracts and
terms of use and the acquisition of patents.
When we ask partners how they determined what IP they
were going to build, we often get the same answer,
which is that they realized most of their customers were ESTABLISH A RECURRING REVENUE MODEL
asking for the same thing or something very similar. And The beauty of deploying IP in the cloud space is that you
rather than continuing to do high-cost custom work for can light up the recurring revenue model, which will have
every customer, they decided to productize what their a positive impact on the valuation of your business and
customers were asking for. Bring your sales, marketing, even help your cash flows in the future.
technical, and delivery teams together to brainstorm and
define what your solution will look like.
One of the advantages of productizing your IP is that it
opens a lot of doors to sell your solution through
channel partners.

➔ Building IP to Drive Margins
➔ Create Stickiness with IP

Setup Social Offerings

Blogging, Meetups, and More help) or host your own. For more information, visit

Contributing to the technical community WEBINARS

can help you increase credibility for your Webinars are another resource to extend your teams
skills. Similar in scope to speaking at a meetup or user
practice. It has the side benefit of group, the webinar allows a much broader reach as
strengthening the technical acumen of attendees from all over the globe can attend.
your delivery team by having them focus MICROSOFT MVP COMMUNITY
on a specific subject for a public-facing For more than two decades, the Microsoft MVP Award is
deliverable. Below are some suggested our way of saying thank you to outstanding community
leaders. The contributions MVPs make to the community,
options to get started. ranging from speaking engagements and social media
posts to writing books and helping others in online
communities, have incredible impact. Among other
Technical blogging is a great way to increase the skills of benefits, MVPs get early access to Microsoft products
your technical team, as well as grow stature in the and direct communication channels with product teams,
community at large with your organization. Blog posts and are invited to the Global MVP Summit, an exclusive
should be well thought out and simple to digest. Visual annual event hosted in Microsoft’s global HQ in
aids such as diagrams or nicely formatted source code Redmond. They also have a very close relationship with
snippets go a long way towards readability. the local Microsoft teams in their area, who are there to
support and empower MVPs to address needs and
opportunities in the local ecosystem.
Speaking at user groups and association events is
Contributing to the Azure community not only helps the
another valuable tool to increase the skills of your team.
reputation of your practice, but it can also hone much-
Similar to blog posts, its great practice for honing vital
needed skills for your delivery team.
communication skills with your team, as well as a great
opportunity to dig deeper into a specific subject related
to your practice. For a SaaS practice, consider the
➔ SaaS Meetups
➔ Cloud Software Association – SaaS Connect
Each user group will organize their own one-day deep
dive class on Azure the way they see fit. The result is that
thousands of people get to learn about Azure and join
online under the social hashtag #GlobalAzure! This is a
great opportunity to attend, participate as a speaker
(reach out to your local organizer to see how you can


Go to

& Close

Grow Your ISV

Business with SaaS

Executive Summary
In previous sections in the playbook, we covered topics But marketing is only half of the story. Your sales team is
from how to build your practice by selecting products or the other half. Don’t forget how the two work together
services to specialize in, to building and training your and what marketing can do to support sales. The job of
team help turn your ideas into reality, to bringing your the marketing team is to build out not only customer
special offering to market and finding and keeping great facing materials, but also compelling materials that can
customers. So, what’s left to do? In this section, we’ll be used to train and arm your sales team.
discover strategies to compel potential customers that
The sales end of the bargain is to close the sale. One way
may be sitting on the fence to take action, from creating
to do this is by writing a winning proposal. Another way
a good value proposition to building marketing and
is to build a proof of concept or prototype of your
sales materials that tell your story.
product or service offering, which could help a prospect
It has been said that your current customers are your understand what it is you're offering or solidify their
best customers. Do you know who your best customers vision of what you can help make possible. Microsoft is
are? What do they have in common? And how do you committed to helping your business grow and provides
find more like them? We’ll start by helping you build both co-selling and co-marketing opportunities.
foundational marketing materials such as marketing
Finally, don’t miss the Microsoft resources available in
personas, points of differentiation, value propositions,
the Go-to-Market and Close Deals guide, which you can
and customer business needs.
leverage to help build your marketing materials and
Once you’ve built the foundation, we’ll look at how you campaigns, as well as resources to help your team close
can put these materials to work. We’ll go through the the deal.
different ways you can attract new customers and look at
best practices. How do you put it all together? We’ll
discuss why integrated marketing campaigns work the
best, and the tools you need to run them, such as a CRM
system and marketing automation.

Top 5 things to do  Identify your customer business needs

Add value to your practice and turn your  Write a compelling value propostion

prospective customers into lasting ones.  Leverage marketing to find customers

These are the top 5 things you should  Build marketing and sales materials
do to go to market and get deals done.  Collaborate with partners

Marketing Your SaaS Offerings

Plan your customer’s journey to buying
SaaS has drastically changed the way buyers are purchasing software. Trials and free
previews of SaaS applications often allow buyers to research and interact with products long
before engaging sales people. By the time they do engage with sales, they’ve often already
made some decisions.
To help illustrate this, just think about the way a buyer Marketing is not an option anymore. Marketing helps
might go about buying a new car. Before going to the you educate, identify, and engage with prospects earlier
car dealership, the buyer will likely read about various car in the sales process. By identifying prospects who
models on the internet, read reviews, and make some indicate interest in your products and services via their
decisions. When the buyer is ready to visit a dealership, behavior (website visits, clicks, downloads, etc.),
they already know what they want and how much they marketing can deliver high-quality leads.
are willing to pay for that car. This poses a challenge for
Inbound marketing techniques such as search engine
sellers. How can you get prospects to engage with you
optimization and pay-per-click advertising make it easy
earlier in the process? Through marketing.
for prospects to find you. Outbound marketing
Another way partner businesses are changing is that techniques, such as e-mail and telemarketing, enable
when selling cloud-based solutions, you can gain you to tell prospects about your company’s solutions.
recurring revenue streams. Recurring revenues provide
Marketing is the toolset that addresses all these changes.
business stability and confidence for business owners
Marketing today is digital and has the power to reach
and managers, allowing them to make business
more people. Again, it’s not to say that more traditional,
decisions that may not be as easy when revenues are
non-digital marketing is ineffective. But to be found by
irregular and lumpy. While these recurring revenues are
prospective buyers that you don’t have a relationship
smaller on a per-transaction basis than buyers’ large
with, you need to employ digital marketing techniques.
capital expenditures, you adjust for this. You’ll need a
Modern marketing is focused on the prospects’ and
higher volume of transactions. To support that, you’ll
clients’ views of the world.
need a higher volume of high quality sales leads
(through modern marketing techniques) coming in to
create larger sales pipelines. Clients who are buying on a
recurring basis represent great opportunities for you to
upsell and cross-sell additional products and services.

• ISV Resource Hub
• Planning your Cloud Business Transition: Sales Video
• Strategies for Unlocking Digital Transformation
• Smart Partner Marketing Resources

What is different about the SaaS buyer? Savvy SaaS buyers are aware of the benefits of SaaS and may have already made
up their mind about purchasing your product before ever approaching your sales teams. They are looking for partners to
help them solve a domain specific problem. It is up to the ISV to recognize the opportunity to leverage the differentiating
features of their product and sell SaaS.


DO target your existing customers with envisioning DO expect customers to ask for a SaaS solution
sessions and PoCs before marketing to win new
DO explain how SaaS might benefit the customer’s
digital transformation
DO emphasize how the solution augments human
DON’T describe the benefits solely in terms of the “cool”
technology (e.g., “Win with reduced infrastructure
DO lead with SaaS as the value proposition complexity and costs, predictive analytics, any-device
access and value-added features”)
DO help them envision the possibilities enabled with the
use of intelligent technology DON’T overpromise the capabilities of SaaS

Guide: Go-to-Market and Close Deals

Leverage the Microsoft resources available in the Go-to-Market and Close Deals guide, for details on marketing to the
cloud buyer, aligning marketing goals with business goals, developing value propositions, and marketing and sales assets,
resources, and best practices.



& Grow

Grow Your ISV

Business with SaaS

Executive Summary
So far, we’ve covered strategies for building your SaaS practice, finding and keeping
customers providing them with ongoing support.
In this section, we’ll focus on how to optimize your most of your renewal process, and how to get ahead of
practice, strengthen your relationship with customers, deadlines.
and evaluate your performance to help you continue to
We will help you learn how to grow your business by
delight prospects and customers.
identifying the best customer personas and creating
Are your customers delighted by your services and “look-alike” prospects, deepening your expertise in key
products? Delighted and not just satisfied? In this verticals and marketing that expertise, and collaborating
section, you’ll learn why customer lifetime value is so with other partners to offer your customers a more
important, and how to create more customers for life. comprehensive level of service and support.
We’ll share how to get to know your customers better by
We will end by discussing how important it is to create
following their journey with secret shopping and
advocates for your company. This includes turning a
analysis. We’ll also explore the use of a “land and
customer into a fan and collecting testimonials to create
expand” strategy and see how getting to know your
case studies that can be used in future marketing
customers better can lead to incremental opportunities
campaigns. Map your customer’s experience and ask for
to provide additional services.
feedback to ensure you are turning satisfied customers
You will also discover ways you can keep your solutions into delighted customers who cannot wait to tell your
top of mind for prospects and customers through story!
nurture marketing, and how to grow and improve your
Use the strategies we provide in this section and in the
lead generation practice through a well-planned referral
Optimize and Grow guide to optimize and grow your
marketing program. We’ll show you how to make the

Top 5 things to do
Learn from your customers and
 Gather feedback from your customers

experience to optimize your practice and  Nurture existing customers

expand to new markets through  Turn customers into advocates

strategic partnerships. These are the top  Generate referrals with marketing
5 things you should do to optimize and  Nurture strategic partnerships
grow your practice.

Continuous Delivery
Practice Continuous Delivery (of New Features).
Continuous Delivery (CD) is a great option for SaaS As product improvements are made to SaaS applications
projects that require multiple and frequent contributions based on customer feedback, data collection, or new
to be integrated. Azure DevOps Projects provides product or feature integration, CD provides a powerful
support to build any Azure application, on any Azure and easy way to quickly and seamlessly integrate those
service, with automatic full CI/CD pipeline integration. changes into your production environment. Using
CD in Visual Studio Team Services simplifies setting up a modern DevOps tools, and Azure functionality, it is
robust deployment pipeline for your application to possible to deploy to production without experiencing
publish the most recent updates to Azure App Service. any downtime for application users.
The pipeline can be configured to build, runs tests, and
It is also possible to use the CD process to conduct A/B
deploy to a staging slot and then to production. VSTS
testing with select groups of users, to test out new
also includes tight integration with other DevOps tools,
functionality, and act on user feedback before deploying
such as Jenkins, to provide similar capabilities to teams
the changes to all users.
running those tools.

Guide: Optimize and Grow

Leverage the Microsoft resources available in the Optimize and Grow guide, for details on building customer lifetime
value, executing nurture marketing efforts, optimizing and growing from feedback, refining your customer value
proposition, growing partnerships, and measuring results.

SaaS ISV Playbook

Thank you for taking the time to review
this playbook. We hope you have gained
new insight on building a SaaS practice,
and how to successfully grow your practice
by taking advantage of unique offerings
from Microsoft, engaging with your
customers, and forming strategic

Our goal, when creating this playbook, was to organize The fourth section, Go to Market & Close Deals,
resources and provide insight that you can use to quickly emphasized getting your practice off the ground by
accelerate or optimize your Azure focused practice. To defining your sales process, building materials to
this end, we laid out the practice's opportunity, then support sales and marketing, finding new customers, and
provided relevant information on business strategies and then nurturing and investing in them to build lasting
technical topics to capitalize on the opportunity, within relationships. We also provided you tells to help you in
five sections that you can review in order, or individually the sales process with the pitch and negotiation.
at any time. The final section, Optimize & Grow your Practice,
In the first section, Define Your Strategy, we helped you stressed the importance of learning from your customers
define the strategy upon which your practice will be and your experience in providing solutions to them to
built. The key actions we prompted you to take are: optimize your practice and expand to new vertical
identify your unique value proposition, define and price markets through strategic partnerships. The top five
your offer, build your business plan, leverage the actions we provided for you in this section were: Gather
Microsoft Partner Network, and plan your support feedback from your customers, learn from your project
options. successes and failures, create case studies and a
marketing plan to expand into new vertical markets,
In the second section, Hire & Train, we focused on the maximize your efficiency and profit to fuel growth, and
importance of hiring the right team, and then providing establish and nurture strategic partnerships.
appropriate and ongoing training and certifications.
In the third section, Operationalize, we suggested you
put your plan into action. Leverage your internal use Share feedback on how we can improve this and other
benefits to get your Microsoft licenses and subscriptions, playbooks by emailing
create your key contracts, setup your support process, [email protected].
setup your social offerings and organize your
engagement process into checklists.

© 2018 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

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