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Juan Armond ACKA399 2018/19

City University London

Software Engineering
Final Year Project Report

Academic Year: 2018-19

AR Interior Design App


Juan Armond
Tel. 075 1578-9552
Email: [email protected]

Project supervisor: Dr. Ross Paterson

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Table of Contents
Abstract ................................................................................................................................... 4
Acknowledgements.................................................................................................................. 5
Chapter 1 – Introduction .......................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Project Overview ..............................................................................................................................6
1.2 Problem to be Solved .......................................................................................................................6
1.3 Project Objectives ............................................................................................................................6
1.3.1 Project Objectives .......................................................................................................................7 Database ............................................................................................................................7 Scan and Detect Objects ....................................................................................................7 Add 3D Objects ..................................................................................................................7
1.4 Applied Efforts for Objectives Completion ......................................................................................8
1.4.1 iOS Application ............................................................................................................................8
1.4.2 Scan and Detect Objects .............................................................................................................8
1.4.3 Add 3D Objects ............................................................................................................................8
1.5 Project Beneficiaries.........................................................................................................................9
1.6 Report Summary ..............................................................................................................................9
1.7 Summary of Chapter 1 .....................................................................................................................9
Chapter 2 – Outputs Summary................................................................................................ 10
2.1 Software Requirements Analysis Document ................................................................................ 10
2.2 Swift Source Code ......................................................................................................................... 10
2.3 iOS Application .............................................................................................................................. 10
2.5 Summary of Chapter 2 .................................................................................................................. 10
Chapter 3 – Literature Review ................................................................................................ 11
3.1 Analysis of Existing Software......................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Project Planning and Design ......................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Tools and Libraries for Development ............................................................................................ 12
3.3.1 Apple’s Developer Tools ........................................................................................................... 12
3.3.4 Firebase SDK ............................................................................................................................. 12
3.3.5 SimplePDF API .......................................................................................................................... 13
3.3.6 CocoaPods ................................................................................................................................ 13
3.4 Third Party Resources ................................................................................................................... 13
3.4.1 YouTube.................................................................................................................................... 13
3.4.2 Stack Overflow ......................................................................................................................... 13
3.5 Summary of Chapter 3 .................................................................................................................. 13
Chapter 4 – Method ............................................................................................................... 14
4.1 Scrum Methodology ...................................................................................................................... 14
4.1.1 Pre-Game Phase ....................................................................................................................... 14 Planning .......................................................................................................................... 15 High-Level Design / Architecture .................................................................................... 15
4.1.2 Development Phase ................................................................................................................. 16 Sprint Backlog List ........................................................................................................... 16 Sprints ............................................................................................................................. 17
4.1.3 Post-Game Phase ..................................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Summary of Chapter 4 .................................................................................................................. 21
Chapter 5 – Results ................................................................................................................ 22
5.1 Pre-Game Phase ............................................................................................................................ 22
5.1.1 Interview................................................................................................................................... 22
5.2 Development Phase ...................................................................................................................... 23
5.2.1 Firebase Database .................................................................................................................... 23
5.2.2 Scan, Detect and Add 3D Object .............................................................................................. 24
5.2.3 User Interfaces with Navigability ............................................................................................. 25

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5.2.4 Welcome Page Create Account, Login, Upload User Avatar and 3D Object file...................... 26
5.2.5 Browser, Refresh and Search/Filter Products List .................................................................... 27
5.2.6 Save and Share Photo ............................................................................................................... 28
5.2.7 Download Progression Bar ....................................................................................................... 28
5.2.8 Shopping List ............................................................................................................................ 29
5.2.9 PDF Invoice Generator ............................................................................................................. 30
5.2.10 Popup Messages ...................................................................................................................... 30
5.3 Post-Game Phase .......................................................................................................................... 31
5.3.1 Task Scenarios .......................................................................................................................... 32
5.3.2 Usability Questionnaire ............................................................................................................ 33
5.3.3 Evaluation Results .................................................................................................................... 33 Privacy ............................................................................................................................. 33 Simplicity ......................................................................................................................... 34 Technical Impact ............................................................................................................. 37 Free Form Question ........................................................................................................ 40
5.4 Summary of Chapter 5 .................................................................................................................. 40
Chapter 6 – Conclusion and Discussion ................................................................................... 41
6.1 Project Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 41
6.1.1 Database ................................................................................................................................... 41
6.1.2 Scan and Detect Objects .......................................................................................................... 41
6.1.3 Add 3D Objects ......................................................................................................................... 42
6.2 Future Work .................................................................................................................................. 42
6.2.1 Apple’s App Store ..................................................................................................................... 42
6.2.2 Capitalize .................................................................................................................................. 42
6.2.3 Support for Android Platform .................................................................................................. 43
6.3 Knowledge Gained ........................................................................................................................ 43
6.4 Project Management and Control ................................................................................................ 43
6.5 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 43
Glossary................................................................................................................................. 45
References ............................................................................................................................. 46
Appendix A – PDD .................................................................................................................. 49
Appendix B – Code Lines ........................................................................................................ 67
Appendix C – Software Requirements Analysis Document ....................................................... 68
Appendix D – Gantt Chart....................................................................................................... 83
Appendix E – Feedback Reports .............................................................................................. 84
Appendix F – Agile Methods ................................................................................................. 116

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The purpose of this project was to successfully implement an open platform concept to customers,
professionals and decoration companies. That will allow customers to scan, detect 3D objects and
place them into the real world by using AR technology.
The application was created to solve the current problem whereby customers needed to go into
showrooms and try to imagine how each furniture would fit into their houses. The application built by
the author attempt to solve the problem by creating an augmented reality application which allows
customers to insert furniture that looks lifelike into their homes before buying the actual furniture.
Also, decoration companies and professionals will be able to promote their collection and services.
The following documentation will discuss in more detail how the author carried out the different
phases involved in carrying out a project of this scope.

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Prima facie, I am grateful to the Lord our God for the strength, persistence and comfort that were
necessary to complete this dissertation.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Ross Paterson for the constant
encouragement and support throughout the project. The meetings permitted me to not only make a
continuous improvement with the project but also negated having to reconsider sections at later

I place on record, my sincere thankfulness to Aravin Naren, Teaching Support Team Leader of the
Department of Computer Science, for the continuous encouragement.

I am also grateful to Remilekun Basaru, colleague, in the Department of Computer Science. I am

extremely thankful and indebted to him for sharing expertise, and sincere and valuable guidance and
encouragement extended to me.

Furthermore, I appreciate all the assistance from Kiranjit Singh Jorge Dogva Ferre in proofreading my
final year project report.

Finally, I must express my very profound gratitude to my parents Luis Armond, Lucinea Armond, to
my wife Vanessa Armond and my daughters Giovanna and Rafaella Armond for providing me with
unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout my years of study and through the
process of researching and writing this project report. This accomplishment would not have been
possible without them. Thank you.


Juan Armond.

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Chapter 1 – Introduction
The AR Interior Design project involved creating an open platform application for the iOS platform [1].
This chapter of the report gives an overview of the project to the reader containing the reasons behind
the project and the original problem that the author wished to solve. It also clarifies the project’s
objectives, the beneficiaries of the project and a short review of the upcoming chapters.

1.1 Project Overview

The project involved creating an iOS application that would allow customers to scan, detect and place
3D objects into the real world by using augmented reality (AR) technology. The project was also
undertaken to allow decoration companies and professionals to publicize their collection and services.
Successful deployment of the concept application would allow customers to scan 3D objects and see
their description and price, contact professionals and decoration companies directly.

1.2 Problem to be Solved

According to 2016 Government statistics, 8,390 companies contributed £11.3 billion to the country’s
GDP (7.6% up on the previous year), £8.4 billion of this is from UK furniture manufacturing, which
equated to 1.6% of manufacturing output. There were 150,000 in specialist furniture and furnishings
retail and wholesale, 3,000 in repair, plus a proportion of the 52,000 registered specialist designers.
Consumer expenditure on furniture and furnishings in 2016 reached £16.7 billion [2].
Considering this vast market, I identified two problems; Firstly, consumers had a lack of seeing how
the furniture fitted in their homes before buying the product. Now days currently, customers go to
showrooms and try to imagine how each furniture would fit into their houses. Secondly, companies
and professionals have big difficulties to promote their products and services in this competitive
The motivation about this project was to make use of augmented reality technology to create an
application that connected customers to companies and professionals. Also, to create a completely
new shopping experience, by allowing customers to design their homes before buying the actual
product. Currently, there is nothing similar to which is being proposed by the author available to users
on the Apple Store. There were few applications that offered similar functionality available to users
as discussed further in this report, which was not open to other decoration companies or used the
augmented reality technology.

1.3 Project Objectives

This part of the chapter gives the reader the objectives that were outlined prior to beginning the
implementation of the application. Firstly, taken from the Project Definition Document (PDD), some

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modifications have been made to further improve them to suitable the requirements of the end user
after multiple discussions. The full PDD has been included with this report in Appendix A.

1.3.1 Project Objectives

The fundamental primary objectives of the project were to:

“Design and build a mobile application for the iOS platform that would permit customers to scan and
identify and place 3D objects into the real world by using AR technology. Also, decoration companies
and professionals will be able to promote their collection and services.” Database
To accomplish the main objective of the project, it was necessary to implement an account creation
and management system. Making all users of the application able to register an account with their
details and to login/logout securely. Also, it is important to manage the upload and download of image
files. Scan and Detect Objects

The implementation of the scanning and detecting 3D objects from the real world made use of Apple’s
ARKit 2 library to create a data map file of the object [3]. This was intended to create a new shopping
experience for the customers. Customers could go to showrooms and use the AR Interior Design app
to scan and detect furniture to display information about that specific furniture. Add 3D Objects

The implementation of adding lookalike furniture as 3D objects into the real world was the essential
feature that gave a great experience to customers. This feature also made use of Apple’s ARKit 2
library. This was intended to be the most fascinating aspect of the AR Interior Design app. The insertion
of 3D furniture into the customer’s room simulates the insertion of the actual furniture’s dimensions
into the desired space. That immersed the user into a new sense of reality. This project objective also
introduced the need to implement different types of features.

• Search / Filter – All customers could start typing the product name in the search bar and the
app would automatically filter and search for the correspondent item from the database.
• Pop Up Messages – The app displayed different types of quick messages to help users, like
inputting the wrong username and/or password, adding items to the shopping list, etc. This
will be covered in more details in chapter 4 and 5.

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• Download Bar / Percent numbers – After customers selected the product which they wanted
to “add” into the real world, the app would display a download bar and percentage numbers
that will increase conform the download progresses.
• Photos / Share – Afters customers had created a completely new interior design they could
save and/or share that picture. Interior design could use these pictures to promote their
services to all customers.
• Shopping List – Customers were able to add/remove item/s from the shopping list.
• PDF Invoice – After customers added items to the shopping list, they could generate a PDF
invoice and send it to the company.

1.4 Applied Efforts for Objectives Completion

Objectives were divided into three different types in order to outline the work performed to meet the
project objectives as follows:

1.4.1 iOS Application

Completion of this objective was accomplished by implementing the connection with the database
called Firebase [4]. This was done by researching documentation and installing the Firebase API. This
involved storing the data correctly, by dividing the data into two different categories: images and
strings. Images were stored in the Firebase Storage and strings were to in the Firebase Database. The
achievement of this objective could be measured by creating a user and log in. All the user details
were saved including their avatar.

1.4.2 Scan and Detect Objects

Completion of this objective was accomplished by implementing the pattern recognition of each 3D
object. This was done effectively through research the documentation and the on existing apps that
used Apple’s ARKit 2 library. This also involved constantly adjusting parameters to allow for the
accuracy of detecting the object. The achievement of this objective could be measured by determining
if the AR was displaying the correct information relating to the furniture which was scanned.

1.4.3 Add 3D Objects

Completion of this objective was accomplished by implementing the capacity to render a 3D object.
Similarly, to the previous objective, this required the research of existing apps that used Apple’s ARKit
2 library and its documentation. Also, additional modifications were needed in all parts to create a
seamless viewing of the 3D object into the real world. The achievement of this objective could be
measured by determining if the AR was displaying the 3D furniture into the real word. To complete

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the different features required the research of the Swift library documentation and involved adding
and editing the different constraints to visualize all the information correctly on the iPhone screen.
This could be measured by feedback received through users of the AR Interior Design app.

1.5 Project Beneficiaries

The outcome of this project would benefit consumers, decoration companies and professionals. The
AR Interior Design app would engage consumers through the use of augmented reality technology
which would increase the revenue of both, decoration companies and professionals. Consumers
would benefit from a completely new shopping experience by seeing how a piece of furniture would
fit into their rooms before buying it. Decoration companies and professionals would have an
additional platform to advertise their products and services.

1.6 Report Summary

Chapter Description
It is a brief introduction of the project describing the problem,
challenges and the motivation underlying this project. Also, it
1. Introduction
provides an explanation of all the project’s objectives and the
outlining of the work accomplished to meet these objectives.
A list of outputs produced in the development of the project’s
conception. This includes the type of output, a summary
2. Output Summary
description, usage, beneficiary and a link to the corresponding
output in the Appendix.
A review of important literature undertaken to support the
3. Literature Review accomplishment of the project. Also, it provides the
corresponding full and correct citations to the documents read.
Method in which project packages were undertaken. It describes
4. Method all the requirement analysis, design, implementation, test and
delivery process of the project in details.
Detailed all the results that were produced while undertaken each
5. Results
method described in the previous chapter.
An evaluation of the project’s achievement, future work
6. Conclusion & Discussion
opportunities and considerations.
Glossary Specialist language used within the report’s main text.
Reference Citations of external sources used.
Appendices Supplementary material relevant to the project.
Table 1 Report Summary

1.7 Summary of Chapter 1

Chapter 1 gives a concise introduction to this project and summarises what the readers should expect
in the rest of this report. It included the description of the problem, the project objectives,
beneficiaries of the project and a summary of the report.

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Chapter 2 – Outputs Summary

This chapter specifies all the outputs of the project, with their overview description, usage, beneficiary
and link. The project’s primary output will take the form of an iOS application that will provide an open
platform to customers, professionals and decoration companies, to virtually place furniture in their
space, promote their services and products. Presented on table format from 2.1 to 2.4.

2.1 Software Requirements Analysis Document

This is a software requirements document for the AR Interior Design Concept
project and uses user story cards to cover the requirements with the various
implementation constraints defined in the initial interview with from the end
This document was carefully and repeatedly used by the author to guide the
project in the appropriate direction.
Beneficiary Project Supervisor and Author.
Link Appendix C.
Table 2.1 Software Requirements Analysis Document

2.2 Swift Source Code

Source code. The total number of lines of swift code is 1988, of which 1933
Description were written by me and 55 were re-used. This was viewed and counted by
executing a specific command in Terminal inside of my XCode project folder.
Swift source code used to implement all functionality on the application and
Usage presentation layer. Also, it handles data manipulation from the database to it
being exhibited on the user’s device.
Beneficiary Project Supervisor and Author.
Link Source Code at Moodle and Total Number Lines at Appendix B.
Table 2.2 Swift Source Code

2.3 iOS Application

Successful implementation of the project will generate a compiled application
Description that can be uploaded to Apple’s App Store and consequently downloaded on
iOS platforms.
Usage Project Supervisor and Author.
Beneficiary Customers, Interior Designs, Decorations companies and other professionals.
Link USB.
Table 2.3 iOS Application

2.5 Summary of Chapter 2

Chapter 2 specified all the outputs of the project, Software Requirements, Swift Source Code and iOS
Application which included the overview description, intended recipients, how the recipients would
use the output and benefit from it and the link which can be found it.

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Chapter 3 – Literature Review

This chapter documents the research conducted during the development phase of the project. The
author analysed the existing software and was required to be familiar with the iOS environment, tools
(XCode) and programming language (Swift) available. The researched various sources used to support
each phase of the project lifecycle and intended to explain the reason behind the chosen approach
for the project to be successful.

3.1 Analysis of Existing Software

Was researched applications that already existed on Apple’s AppStore and offered comparable
functionalities to what the project aimed for. Below is an overview of two applications.
IKEA Place lets users to virtually 'place' IKEA’s products in their space. The app included 3D and true-
to-scale models of every furniture that IKEA sells. This app gave an accurate impression of the
furniture’s size, design and functionality into the users’ home. Though the application offered many
advanced features, it was a closed platform to only advertise and sell IKEA products. In contrast with
my project that would be an open platform concept that allowed more than one company to add and
sell their collection [5].
Houzz helped users to decorate their house and also connect users with architects, builders, interior
designers and repair professionals. Users could browse millions of furniture photos, find and hire
professionals and read articles from editorial staff and design experts [6].
The main difference between Houzz and my platform was the AR technology, Houzz only uses high-
quality images. Unfortunately, these images did not give the same experience as 3D images.
Table 3 below, displays a comparison of two applications which are available on Apple’s AppStore that
offer similar functionality to that of AR Interior Design application. The AR Interior Design column of
the table indicates whether the author desired to include these functions in the application.
AR Interior
Features IKEA Place Houzz
User Account - X Expected
Different Types of Users - X Expected
Browse Collection X X Expected
Search Item X X Expected
3D Object Augment Reality X - Expected
Scan and Detect Object - - Expected
User Avatar - X Expected
Upload 3D Object file - - Expected
Shopping List X X Expected
Save and Share X X Expected
Generate PDF Invoice - - Expected
Download Bar Progression - - Expected
Table 3 Tabular Comparison of Existing Software

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As shown in table 3, Ikea Place lacked the features to a create user account, type of users, scan and
detect an object, user avatar, upload 3D object file, generate PDF invoice and displaying a download
bar progression. Houzz had the feature to create a user account, different types of users, user avatar
but unfortunately, don’t have the option to visualize and upload 3D objects, generate PDF invoice and
display download bar progression. However, AR Interior Design was expected to include all the Ikea
and Houzz features plus the features that they did not have.

3.2 Project Planning and Design

Project planning and design followed the agile development methodology. Information on this
methodology was gained through the book Agile Software Development Methods [7]. This literature
provided a very thorough explanation on the different types of agile methods and how each stage
worked (process, role and responsibilities, practices, adoption and experiences, the scope of use and
current research). Some existing agile methods that this book explained can be seen in Appendix F.

3.3 Tools and Libraries for Development

These are all the tools and libraries used for the successful development of this project.

3.3.1 Apple’s Developer Tools

The XCode was the only Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to develop an iOS application.
Now in version 10, XCode offers all the required functionality to design applications for Apple’s
ecosystem [8]. iOS applications can be developed by two programming languages, Object C or Swift.
Swift was chosen because of the close resemblance to natural English, thus making it easier to read
and debug any errors that may occur. Swift required less code and was faster to compile when in
comparison to Object C, all of which would decrease the overall size of the application. Writing Swift
code was interactive and fun, the syntax is concise yet expressive, and Swift includes modern features
developers love. Swift code is safe by design, yet also produces software that ran lightning-fast [9].
The iOS Developer library offered developers reference documents that covered all their operation
systems (OS) and pre-existing libraries. Additionally, it offered sample code for all libraries and
frameworks and guides on how to make use of them within your own application. The site also
presented design documents consisting of constraints and styles that needed to be kept and followed
for the application to be approved and consequently released on the App Store [10].

3.3.4 Firebase SDK

The Firebase Real-time Database consisted of a cloud-hosted database. Data was stored as JSON and
synchronized in real time to every connected client. When you built cross-platform apps with iOS,

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Android, and JavaScript SDKs, all of your clients shared one Real-time Database instance and
automatically receive updates with the newest data.

3.3.5 SimplePDF API

SimplePDF was a wrapper of UIGraphics PDF context written in Swift that could add texts, images,
spaces, lines, tables, set up a page layout and adjust the content alignment to generate PDF files [11].

3.3.6 CocoaPods
CocoaPods managed library dependencies for owes XCode projects. It had over fifty-eight thousand
libraries and was used in over three million apps. The project’s dependencies were specified in a single
text file called a Podfile. CocoaPods would resolve dependencies between libraries, fetch the resulting
source code, then link it together in an XCode workspace to build the project. CocoaPods was used to
install the Firebase SDK and SimplePDF [12].

3.4 Third Party Resources

These are all the third-party resources used to assist in the development of this project.

3.4.1 YouTube
YouTube owned by Google, was the first large-scale video sharing site on the Web, and it is available
in nearly every country and in over fifty different languages. They have an extensive list of channels
that helped me to learn XCode, Swift and Firebase. These channels contain step by step video tutorials
along with the full code [13].

3.4.2 Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow was a forum community website where a user can search, post and respond to a
variety of questions regarding software development. They had an extensive collection of pre-existing
questions about Swift, XCode and Firebase that had been responded by different users. This forum
site was a valuable resource through the project [14].

3.5 Summary of Chapter 3

Chapter 3 summarises the literature research that was conducted to develop this project which helped
to form this chapter. It analysed the existing software and included a tabular comparison of the
existing software and the AR Interiors Design. The development methodology, the programming
language, specific tools and libraries were chosen and defined to support the author to start the
project lifecycle.

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Chapter 4 – Method
This chapter aims to give a detailed overview of the project lifecycle, from initial analysis to finalizing
and evaluating the application. It explains the techniques used to analyse, design, implement and test
the application.

4.1 Scrum Methodology

Scrum was chosen because it is simple, straightforward and easy to implement. It is a mature
development methodology and project management. This methodology embodies frequent iterations
(sprints) and continuous feedback, which helped to make sure that the delivered end product
achieved the user requirements. Also, has the capability to change requirements quickly, which ensure
the project was not delayed. These peculiar characteristics could be easily applied to this project
making simple to divide the amount of workload with sprints and delivering the product on time. The
following are the three phases of Scrum development in relation to the project.

Figure 1 Illustration of The Process of Scrum

4.1.1 Pre-Game Phase

The Pre-game phase includes two sub-phases: Planning and Architecture/High-level design.

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The planning of the project occurred in the early stages of the project which was stated in the Project
Definition Document see at Appendix A. The Product Backlog list was originated from an initial
discussion with end users’ as customers, professionals and manager of decoration company called
Sofa and More. This list contains all the requirements that were currently known. A work plan list was
produced based on the prioritized requirements and the assessed effort required for their
implementation. The Product Backlog list was constantly updated with new and more detailed items,
as well as the Gantt Chart attached with more accurate estimations and new priority orders, which
can be seen see at Appendix D. The work plan also includes the definition of the tool (XCode) and
other resources (APIs), training needs (learn a new language - Swift) and different types of user
interfaces and feature sets. High-Level Design / Architecture

The high-level design of the system was planned based on the items in the Product Backlog. This will
be useful in the future to allow the application for scalability in the sense another version (Android)
can be developed at later phases if required by designing a new front end at the same time as making
use of the pre-existent back end.

Figure 2 Illustration of AR Interior Design High-Level Design

Figure 2 shows the high-level design of the AR Interior Design app. It has three components: User
Interfaces, Controller and Cloud Database. The user interfaces main purpose is to translate the tasks
of the controller into something that the user can easily understand and present options for the user
to interact within the application. These options are buttons, text fields, shopping list, search items,
swapping up, down or left, etc. We can see that the user interacts with the app by touching the user

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interface. The controller, which was implemented using swift programme language, contains the
functional business logic decisions which process the application’s core commands. These core
commands are executing the user interaction through the user interface, download, upload images
and retrieving products and user details from the cloud dates. The controller moves and process data
between the user interface and cloud database. The cloud database stores all the data for the
application to execute and function. For AR Interior Design this comes in the Firebase Real-time
Database. Image, product and/or user data is inquired by the controller and passed back and forward
before eventually delivery to the user interface to display users. The user interfaces is a layer that
communicates with the controller and vice versa.

4.1.2 Development Phase

The development phase of the system was developed in sprints. Sprint Backlog is the starting point
for each sprint. It is a list of Product Backlog items that were selected, prioritised and goals set for next
sprint. Sprints are iterative cycles where the functionality is developed or improved to produce new
additions. Taking into consideration, the size of the project and the time constraints in place, each
sprint was planned to last from one day to maximum one week and includes the traditional phases of
software development: requirements analysis, design, implementation, test and delivery. Sprint Backlog List

Sprint Backlog List

Story Duration
Sprint User Story Card Priority
ID Day
1 15 As an application, I need to connect to database 1 High
As a customer, I need to virtually ‘place’ a
4 3 High
decoration item in ‘my’ room.
As a customer, I need to scan and detect a
6 3 High
decoration item.
As an authorized user, I need to navigate through
3 16 2 Medium
the user interfaces.
As an unauthorized user, I need to register for a
1 1 High
new account.
As an unauthorized user, I need to login and access
2 1 High
4 the options related to my privileges.
8 As an authorized user, I need to save my avatar. 1 Medium
As a decoration company/professional, I need to
9 1 High
upload a 3D image.
As an authorized user, I need to browse all the
3 1/2 High
5 decoration collection.
10 As a customer, I need to search/filter for a product. 1/2 Medium

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5 As a customer, I need to save a photo. 1/2 Low

7 As a customer, I need to share a photo. 1/2 Low
As an authorized user, I need to visualise the
7 11 1 Low
download progression of the 3D object.
8 12 As a customer, I need to create a shopping list. 1 High
9 14 As a customer, I need an invoice. 1 High
10 13 As an authorized user, I need to pop up messages. 1 Low
Table 4 Sprint Backlog List

At this stage all the user story cards were produced and added together to the analysis and
requirements document with a complete design (Storyboard) that can be found in Appendix C. Story
cards were a very high-level definition of a requirement, which included ID number, As a (role) I need
(desire/goal), So that (receive benefit) and Acceptance Criteria (when testing the story card that
should have been the expected result to passes the test) so that the developers could implement and
test it later to see if it offered all of the agreed functionality with potential end users. The Storyboard
was a visual representation of the user interface of the iOS application, showing screens of content
and the connections between them. A Storyboard was composed of a sequence of scenes, each of
which represented a view controller and its views; scenes were connected by segue objects, which
represented a transition between two view controllers [15]. Sprints
1. Sprint |Story Card 15| – The CocoaPods was installed to manage all the libraries’ projects
dependencies. The Firebase API was installed through the CocoaPods, so the app could connect
to the Firebase database. After following the Firebase documentation [16], the Google project
called AR Interior Design was created and associated with the XCode project. To initiate Firebase
into AR Interior Design, Firebase was imported and the configure method was used into the Swift
code. The test can be found in Appendix C, under the section Agile User Story Cards Figure 16 –
with the application running, the Firebase console showed one active user.
2. Sprint |Story Cards 4 and 6| – The main features scan, detect and add a 3D object into the real
world were implemented by using Apple’s ARKit 2 API. After following the ARKit 2
documentation, ARKit library was imported and used the related methods to scan and detect,
add a 3D object. However, one problem occurred when downloading the 3D object file. That file
couldn’t be found. This problem was overcome by researching the Stack Overflow forum [17].
The test can be found in Appendix C, under the section Agile User Story Cards Figures 5 and 7 –
with the application running, it was able to download and insert a 3D object file into the real
world and was able to recognize a previously scanned object and display the corresponding

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3. Sprint |Story Card 16| – All users interfaces with the necessary navigability between them were
implemented. These included, welcome, sign up, sign in, profile, company account, try AR, try
Scan, item library, item description, shopping list and a thank for shopping. The method segue
was used to define the flow between each user interfaces. The test can be found in Appendix C,
under the section Agile User Story Cards Figure 17 – with the application running, navigability
between all the user interfaces as mention above (go forward and back), images were loading
and the correct validation to each text field.
4. Sprint |Story Cards 1, 2, 8 and 9| – The create a welcome, account, login, upload the user avatar
and the 3D object file were implemented. After following the Firebase Cloud Firestore
documentation [18] to read and write data from the database and Firebase Storage [19] to upload
files to on iOS, the author initializes both libraries and inserted the correct methods so the
application could save the user details and upload the user avatar and 3D object file. I had a
problem when downloading the user avatar, the picture came upside down. After researching, I
found that Apple’s iPhone saves all images with EXIF data information to rotate the image to be
displayed correctly. But when uploading the file to Firebase storage, the image was uploaded
without the EXIF data information. This problem was overcome by reusing code that rotated the
picture before uploading it to Firebase. The test can be found in Appendix C, under the section
Agile User Story Cards Figures 2, 3, 9 and 10 – with the application running, the welcome page
shows up, the user details were created and stored in the database. That user was able to login
by using his details and go to the related page (as a customer after logging in to browse
decoration collection, as a decoration company/professional the ability to insert the products
details, upload and download 3D object files). Also, the entries in both Firebase Cloud Firestore
and Storage were manually checked.
5. Sprint |Story Cards 3 and 10| –The search/filter, refresh and browse all products were
implemented. A method was code to retrieve all 3D object files name, sort and store them in a
dictionary. This list was displayed as a table. By inserting a complete word or just a letter into the
search bar, the code started to narrow down all the products names and showed only the
products that matched in the table. Also, the ability to swipe down to get new items from the
database by using the user interface refresh control was implemented. The test can be found in
Appendix C, under the section Agile User Story Cards Figures 4 and 11 – with the application
running and, in the products list, was able to start typing in the search bar and the list started to
get short every time another character was added. Also, one product was manually added to the
database and by swiping down the application was able to refresh and show all items plus the
new item.

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Sprints one to five were successfully implemented the application’s connection with the database, the
AR features to scan and detect, virtually add 3D objects, all the interfaces needed with their
navigability, create a user account with their specific type, avatar and their login access. Figures 3
below shows the implementation code of adding a 3D object into the real world.

Figure 3 Add 3D Object Code

Figure 4 Scan and Detect Code

Figure 4 above shows the implementation code of the scan and detecting of a real object from the
real world.
6. Sprint |Story Cards 5 and 7| –the ability to save a photo of a 3D object in their desired place like
in their phone photo library and share it without leaving the application was implemented. After
reading the Quick Look preview documentation [20] from Apple’s Swift library, the method
QLPreviewController to save a photo and share it on social media was used. The test can be found
in Appendix C, under the section Agile User Story Cards Figures 6 and 8 – with the application
running and after selecting the 3D object, was able to take a picture and save into the photo
library and/or share it on social media without leaving the app.
7. Sprint |Story Card 11| – A download progression bar was implemented. The user interfaces
progress view from Apple’s Swift library was used and the method downloadTaks.observe from
the Firebase Storage library was called. This method allows on to observe the download file and
translate it into a percentage which was used to fill the download bar every time it increased. The
test can be found in Appendix C, under the section Agile User Story Cards Figure 12 – with the
application running and after selecting the 3D object, the progression bar got darker relative to
the download percentage of the file.

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8. Sprint |Story Card 12| – A shopping list to hold the selected items and to remove these items
was implemented. The selected item was saved into a dictionary and showed in a table view.
Also, the ability to swipe left to delete a row from the shopping list was enable. The test can be
found in Appendix C, under the section Agile User Story Cards Figure 13 – with the application
running, all selected items were shown in the shopping list and removed by swiping left.
9. Sprint |Story Card 14| – A PDF invoice generator from the shopping list was implemented. The
SimplePDF library was added and the respective methods were used to set paper size, name,
insert name, company details and logo and items from the shopping list to generate PDF. The test
can be found in Appendix C, under the section Agile User Story Cards Figure 15 – with the
application running and the generate PDF invoice selected after having selected to buy the
shopping list items, all the items were shown in the PDF invoice and displayed by Quick Look
Preview to be saved and/or shared.
10. Sprint |Story Card 13| – Different types of Popup Messages was implemented. These were the
popup messages; wrong username and/or password, creating an account without filling all the
relevant fields, creating an account with an email address which is already in the database,
confirming that an item was added to shopping list, updating item quantity in the shopping list,
checking an empty shopping list, trying to add a duplicate item into the shopping list,
automatically displaying the total price of shopping list, uploading a product which is already in
the database, uploading a product without filling all the fields and terms and conditions
description. The user interface alert controller from Swift library was used. The test can be found
in Appendix C, under the section Agile User Story Cards Figure 14 – inputting wrong username
and/or password, no item selected and trying to go to the shopping list, selecting an item to be
added to the shopping list, selecting the item that was already in the shopping list, updating item
quantity, creating an account with an email address already in the database, creating account
with blank fields, uploading a product with blank fields, uploading a product that is already in the
database and terms and conditions description.
Sprint six to ten were successfully implemented the ability to save and share a photo, displaying the
download bar progression, shopping list, PDF invoice and the different types of popup messages.
After passing each test, the function was delivered and was moved to the next item in the Sprint
Backlog list. This was repeated until all the items in the list were implemented. In total, were ten
sprints consisting of eight to ten working hours before the system was ready for “distribution”.

4.1.3 Post-Game Phase

This phase was entered when all items in the list were completed and no issues could be found, nor
new items could be added to the list. All the functions were integrated into the application and a

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system test was agreed with a decoration company called Sofa and More. This test was conducted
with eleven end-users, classified as customers, interior designers and the manager of the Sofa and
More, and involved using the application to carry out scenarios and also answering the usability
questionnaire. This group of end-users were aged from 20 to 55 years old, all of them knew how to
use a smartphone but had never heard about augmented reality which covers all the potential future
users of this application. Firstly, what augmented reality and how this interactive experience with
computer generated furniture could reside in the real world was explained, and then the consent form
which they needed to agree before taking part in the test was signed and finally, the questionnaire,
showing in Figure 5 below, that need to be answered after using the AR Interior Design application.
These answers were then gathered together and evaluated in chapter 5 Results in order to provide an
overall successfulness score for the project. After passing the final test the AR Interior Design was
ready to be released.

Figure 5 – Consent Form and End-User Questionnaire

4.2 Summary of Chapter 4

Chapter 4 provided detail and objective report of the work that was undertaken. It described the
scrum methodology with its three-phases Pre-Game, Development and Post-Game. The Pre-Game
phase discussed how planning occurred and the high-level design of the project. Also, how each sprint
in The Development phase was evolved including all the analysis, design, implementation and test
activities of the project in detail were explained. Lastly, how the Post-Game phase occurred, including
the system test in the decoration company called Sofa and More was described. How many end-users
took the test, their age, technology knowledge and the questionnaire answered at the end of the test.

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Chapter 5 – Results
This chapter presents detailed descriptions and outcomes gathered at each phase reported in the
previous chapter. Not only will It present an overview of the final application to the reader, but it will
also explicitly show the results of each of the three phases of the Scrum methodology.

5.1 Pre-Game Phase

The results of this phase are the initial gathering of the user requirements through interviewing the
end users.

5.1.1 Interview
As mentioned in chapter 4 section of the document, the Backlog List, see Table 5 below, was
originated from the initial discussion with the end users. This involved questioning customers,
professionals and managers of Sofa and More a sequence of unrestricted questions about their needs
which allowed them to respond without restrictions so that the author could collect a wide variety of
feedback relating to all components of the application including both functionality and design. Figure
6 below, shows the key points collected from this initial discussion.

Figure 6 Key Points

ID Backlog List
1 As an unauthorized user, I need to register for a new account.
2 As an unauthorized user, I need to login and access the options related to my privileges.
3 As an authorized user, I need to browse all the decoration collection.
4 As a customer, I need to virtually ‘place’ a decoration item in ‘my’ room.
5 As a customer, I need to save a photo.
6 As a customer, I need to scan and detect a decoration item.
7 As a customer, I need to share a photo.
8 As an authorized user, I need to save my avatar.

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9 As a decoration company/professional, I need to upload a 3D image.

10 As a customer, I need to search/filter for a product.
11 As an authorized user, I need to visualize the download progression of the 3D object.
12 As a customer, I need to create a shopping list.
13 As an authorized user, I need to display pop up messages.
14 As a customer, I need to generate an invoice.
15 As an application, I need to connect to the database
16 As an authorized user, I need to navigate through the interfaces.
Table 5 Backlog List

The Backlog list was the base to produce all user story cards which be found in Appendix C, under the
section Agile User Story Cards.

5.2 Development Phase

The results of this phase are all the features that were implemented in the AR Interior Design
application to be completed.

5.2.1 Firebase Database

The AR Interior Design app uses Google Cloud Platform called Firebase to store data. Firebase acts as
a real-time database where all users’ details and products’ details are assigned in a pre-defined design
following a set of rules. These pre-set rules limit the actions which can be carried out based on the
users’ type. Figure 7 below shows how Firebase was initialized into the application. The test could be
conducted by manually checking the Firebase Console website and seeing that was one active user,
which meant the application was connected with the database. Figure 8 below shows the successful
test result.

Figure 7 Firebase Initialization on AR Interior Design application

Figure 8 Test Result of Firebase Console showing one active user

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5.2.2 Scan, Detect and Add 3D Object

ARKit 2 is the library provided by Apple which permits the AR Interior Design app to perform
augmented reality. Once this library is initialized to scan and detect an object, it creates a scenic view
and allows the application to use the back camera so it can scan and detect an object from the real
world. This object has been previously scanned by using ARKit Scanner [21] and stored in the
application. Figure 9 shows the successful test result, the application successfully scanned and
detected the photo frame and displayed the product information (name, description and price). The
class ScanViewController.swift holds all the code to execute this feature.

Figure 9 Result of Scanning and Detecting Feature

The feature, add a 3D object, uses the same library, the ARKit 2, to place a 3D object into the real
world. After the user selects an item of the product list, the application downloads the file from the
Firebase database. The application gives three options to the user, to just see the 3D object, to use
the augmented reality to add the 3D object in the real world or to share that 3D object file. By selecting
the AR option, the users’ camera is open to see the real world and it asks to move the iPhone to start
the environment detection. This detection gets the depth of the surface where the item will be placed.
The first test was a fail. The application downloaded the file, but it was not able to save it in the correct
path location. It gave a null pointer error. After researching and implementing how to store its
temporary file in the correct iPhone path, can be seen in Figure 10 below, the following test was
successful. Figure 11 shows that the application could download the file, store it in the correct path
and display the options to the user. The user could select the AR option and virtually place the object
into the real world. The class ARViewController.swift holds all the code to execute this feature.

Figure 10 Correct Path to Store the 3D Object File

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Figure 11 Result of Adding 3D Object Feature

5.2.3 User Interfaces with Navigability

All the user interfaces were designed and implemented the capability to navigate between them (go
back and forth). This could be achieved by implementing a segue function to flow to the desired user
interface. Figure 12 below, shows code relating to how segue work from the welcome page to sign in
and create an account.

Figure 12 Segue Code

The test was managed by navigating back and forth from all user interfaces, starting at the welcome
page up to the ending thanks for shopping. The successful test can be seen in Figure 13 below.

Figure 13 User Interfaces with Navigability

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5.2.4 Welcome Page Create Account, Login, Upload User Avatar and 3D Object file
Once Initialized the database connection, the function to let users register for an account with their
specific type and avatar was written. The create account design can be seen in Figure 14 below. This
code can be found in the CreateAccountViewController.swift which gets the user name, surname
email, password and checks if the email is already in the database and if it is not it creates a unique
account. The next step was to submit the user avatar and specific account type which was handled by
the class TypeUserViewController.swift. This class got the user name, surname and email from the
database to be displayed and let the user choose the account type and upload an avatar. The avatar
could be sourced by either the user’s camera or photo gallery.

Figure 14 Design Process to Create a User Account

The test was managed by checking the database if the entries were correctly assigned to their pre-
defined location in the database. Figure 15 below shows the successful test result.

Figure 15 User Account created with all details and Avatar

After the successful result to create a user account, the welcome and sign in pages were design and
implement, below in Figure 16. The welcome page was just a small introduction of the app, which can

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be found in the class ViewController.swift. The sign in page connects to Firebase database to checks
if the email and password were correct, thus allowing the user to login to the application.

Figure 16 Design of Welcome and Sign In

The sign in process was held by the SignInViewController.swift class and part of the code to
authenticate a user can be seen in Figure 17 below. The test was conducted after the user touched
the AR Interior Design icon and the welcome page first showed up. The sign in only authenticated the
user when he/she inserted the correct details.

Figure 17 Code to Authenticate User

5.2.5 Browser, Refresh and Search/Filter Products List

The browser refresh and search/filter functionalities were located in the class SearchItemView
Controller.swift. Figure 18 below shows the design of these features. The browser function retrieved
all products names from the database and displayed them in a table format. The successful test was
done by matching the items displayed by the application to the items stored in the database. The
refresh function permitted the user to swipe down and refresh the product list. Figure 19 below,
shows the successful test result of the refresh implementations. The search/filter function started

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searching as soon the user started typing inside the search bar. The successful test result can be seen
in Figure 20 below.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 18 (a) Design of Browser, Refresh and Search/Filter, (b) Result Test of Refresh and (c) Search/Filter

5.2.6 Save and Share Photo

After the user inserted the 3D object into the real world, the button to capture the photo was
displayed and could be pressed to save a photo. After the photo was taken, the share interface would
show up with all the user’s social media. If the user did not wish to share at the time, the photo will
be automatically saved into their photo library. This feature could be found in the ARViewController
.swift class. The test consisted of the user pressing the capture photograph button and taking it, which
automatically revealed the share menu option after placed the 3D object into the real world. The
successful test result can be seen in Figure 19 below.

Figure 19 Result Test of Salving and Sharing a Photo

5.2.7 Download Progression Bar

The featured download progression bar code can be seen in Figure 20 below and was in the
ARViewController.swift class. After the user had selected the 3D object, all the information about that

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product was revealed and the download of the files started. As the download increased the progress
of the progression bar filled up by becoming darker and the percentage number increased. The test
involved selecting a 3D object file and watching the progressing bar fill by becoming darker until 100%
of the file was downloaded. The successful result test can be seen in Figure 21 below.

Figure 20 Download Progression Bar Code

Figure 21 Result Test of Download Bar

5.2.8 Shopping List

Following the selection of the item, the user could add it to the shopping list. This featured held all
the selected items the user wanted to buy which could be found in the ShopListViewController.swift
class. This feature leads to the implementation of the remove item from the list. The remove was
down by swiping to the left which revealed the delete button which the user could press. The test
covered that after the user added one item to the list, that item could be removed by swiping left,
thus making the delete button show up so that button could be pressed. The successful test result can
be seen in Figure 22 below.

Figure 22 Result Test of Adding an Item to the Shopping List and Remove it

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5.2.9 PDF Invoice Generator

When picking the option to buy an item, the application automatically generated a PDF invoice. The
implementation made use of the Simple PDF API which produced the PDF file. The invoice had the
date, the company information with logo and address, the customer’s name and email and the item’s
name, quantity and price. After seeing the invoice, the user could save and share it. The testing of this
feature consisted in to check if the layout contained all the correct information mention above. The
successful test result can be seen in Figure 23 below.

Figure 23 Result Test of PDF Invoice

5.2.10 Popup Messages

The featured popup messages were feedback alerts design to help the usability of the application.
These alerts contained a small text that informed the user about what was happening. To test included
a series of checks such as inputting the wrong password, trying to create an account without filling in
all the fields or with an email which already existed in the database, confirming that an item was added
to shopping list, updating an item’s quantity in the shopping list, trying to add an item that was already
in the shopping list, displaying the total price of the shopping list, uploading a product that had the
same name in the database, trying to upload a product without filling in all the fields and the terms
and conditions description. Figure 24 below shows all the successful tests results.

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Figure 24 Test Results of All Popup Messages

5.3 Post-Game Phase

The result of this phase was the final testing of the system. The testing was conducted at Sofa and
More and before testing the application, the project’s details were explained to each participant
through the consent form and signed. After was explained about augmented reality, how was used in

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the AR Interior Design app to virtually add furniture into their homes to improve the customer
experience. With all the information given, the testing was carried out and consisted of using the
application to follow through scenarios and later answer the usability questionnaire with a Likert scale.
A Likert scale is an approach to scaling responses with a level of agreement or disagreement in
questionnaire research which can be seen in Figure 25 below.

Figure 25 Likert Scale Used in the Feedback Report

5.3.1 Task Scenarios

Task scenarios were used to observe how each participant would use the application. This was
essential to gain qualitative insights to help determine if the design had been successful and/or how
it could be improved. The aim of tasks one to four was to explore the usability effect and tasks five
and six were aimed in discovering the impact of the augmented reality in the application. These
scenarios were carried out to simulate the real world as much as possible and with minimal input from
the person that was conducting the test. These were the six task scenarios:
The pre-requisite to perform all task scenarios was ensuring that there is was internet connection.
1. All the users were asked to create an account. They easily inserted all the details: name,
surname, email, password, upload an avatar and select their user account type.
The pre-requisite for tasks 2 to 5 was to have an account and to be logged to the application.
2. All the users were asked to buy the item/s. They effortlessly bought the item/s and without
hesitation clicked the button to generate the PDF invoice.
3. All the users were asked to log out and to log back in using the details they had created before.
They undoubtedly completed the task and reacted very positively when seeing their
respective avatar.
4. All the users were asked to add at least three items to the shopping list in different quantities
and to remove one of them. They simply navigated back and forth to add items with different
quantities from the product list to the shopping list and easily removed one item.
The results from task one to four were very positive. This mean that these tasks were performed
quickly in a very intuitive/spontaneous approach.
5. All the users were asked to browse the product list. They straightforwardly selected an item
from the list and were able to see the object, but some found it difficult to use the augmented

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reality. They asked how they could place the 3D object into the real world. The person
conducting the test intervened and explained how to use this technology.
6. All the users were asked to use the scan and detect an object. As mention before with the use
of augmented reality, some did not quite understand how to achieve this, but after a short
demonstration, they easily used this feature.
The result from task five and six was not too positive. This was pretty understandable because
some user did not comprehend augmented reality and all of them had never used before. This
mean that the process to use augmented reality to add or to scan and detect were not too intuitive
and could be improved in future versions.

5.3.2 Usability Questionnaire

After performing all the test scenarios above, the third part of the final testing was initiated. This
involved a usability questionnaire composed of several queries related to the project’s objective.
Almost all the queries in the questionnaire used a Likert scale because this qualitative method of
information gathering was known as very efficient in evaluating feelings towards a subject. This was
because the answer from participants was in the form of the amount to which they approved to a
query rather than just agreeing and disagreeing. Only the last question was a discursive answer. A
total of eleven participants carried out the final testing out of five which were a user client type and
three were user professional type and three user company type.

5.3.3 Evaluation Results

The following part contains the figure of the results obtained from the usability questionnaire
conducted at Sofa and More. Each query in the questionnaire will be outlined and results will be
explained. Privacy
To gain information about the permission request to use the camera was reasonable. The access to
the user camera was essential for the application to work properly, it is through the camera that the
application “sees” the world.

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I found the application permission request

(use the mobile camera) reasonable.
7 8
2 3
1 0 0 0
Strongly Agree Agree Uncertain Not Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 26 Result of the Permission Request to Access User Mobile Camera

Figure 26 above, shows the result of the question about the permission to request access to the user’s
mobile camera. This question was designed to measure how intrusive it was to ask for permission to
use the user’s mobile camera. All participants either agreed or strongly agreed to allow the application
to use the mobile camera being reasonable. See Appendix E query one of the Feedback Reports
section. Simplicity
These queries below were conceived to understand how intuitive to use the application’s interfaces
were. Intuitive user interfaces allowed the user to easily understand how the application could be
useful and create a great mobile experience.

I found the sign-up process simple.

8 9
1 2
0 0 0
Strongly Agree Agree Uncertain Not Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 27 Result of Sign-up Process

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Figure 27 above, shows the result of the question regarding how simple the sign-up process was. This
question was thought to measure how straightforward the sign-up process was. Out of all participants,
82% strongly agreed and 18% agreed that the sign-up process was simple. See Appendix E query one
of the Feedback Reports section.

I was able to read the description of the



1 0 0 0
Strongly Agree Agree Uncertain Not Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 28 Result of Able to Read the Product Description

Figure 28 above, shows the result of the question relating to how readable the product description
was. This question was made to measure how users efficiently read and take the product description.
Out of all participants, 91% strongly agreed and 9% agreed that the product description was readable.
See Appendix E query one of the Feedback Reports section.

I found the user interface to be intuitive.


5 5

1 0 0
Strongly Agree Agree Uncertain Not Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 29 Result of User Interface is Intuitive

Figure 29 above, shows the result of the question about how intuitive the user interface was. This
question was designed to measure how intuitive to use and navigate the user interface was. Out of

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participants, 45.5% strongly agreed 45.5% agreed and 9% uncertain/not applicable that the user
interface was intuitive. See Appendix E query one of the Feedback Reports section.

I found the upload process simple and

0 0 0 0
Strongly Agree Agree Uncertain Not Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 30 Result of Upload Process Simple and Sufficient

Figure 30 above, shows the result of the question regarding how simple and sufficient the upload
process was. This question was thought to measure how simple and sufficient the upload process for
3D object files was. The only user account with the type of professional and company can upload 3D
object files. Out of participants, 100% strongly agree that the upload process is simple and sufficient.
See Appendix E query one of the Feedback Reports section.

I could find the information I am looking

for with minimal effort.
7 8
2 3
1 0 0 0
Strongly Agree Agree Uncertain Not Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 31 Result of Find Information with Minimal Effort

Figure 31 above, shows the result of the question about finding the needed information with minimal
effort. This question was written to measure how intuitive the application was at finding the desired

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information. Out of participants, 73% strongly agreed and 27% agreed that they found the information
needed with minimal effort. See Appendix E query one of the Feedback Reports section. Technical Impact

These queries below were to understand how the application’s features impacted the user’s
experience. To be a successful application AR Interior Design should have delivered a robust user
experience like fast loading times and features that work as expected.

I found the login process to be fast.

0 0 0
Strongly Agree Agree Uncertain Not Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 32 Result of How Fast Login Process

Figure 32 above, shows the result of the question relating how fast the login process was. This
question was designed to measure how long the application would take to log in. Out of participants,
64% strongly agreed and 36% agreed that the login process was fast. See Appendix E query one of the
Feedback Reports section.

I could choose and insert a 3D object into

the real world.
7 8
2 3
1 0 0 0
Strongly Agree Agree Uncertain Not Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 33 Result of Adding 3D Object into the Real World

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Figure 33 above, shows the result of the question concerning adding a 3D object into the real world.
This question was thought to measure how successfully the feature functioned. Out of participants,
73% strongly agreed and 27% agreed that they could choose and insert a 3D object in the real world.
See Appendix E query one of the Feedback Reports section.

I could scan and detect 3D object from the

real world.
8 9
1 2 0 0 0
Strongly Agree Agree Uncertain Not Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 34 Result of Scan and Detect 3D Object from the Real World

Figure 34 above, shows the result of the question regarding scanning and detecting a 3D object from
the real world. This question was designed to measure how successfully the feature functioned. Out
of participants, 82% strongly agreed and 18% agreed that they could scan and detect a 3D object in
the real world. See Appendix E query one of the Feedback Reports section.

I intend to buy this furniture after “trying”

at my home.


1 1 0
Strongly Agree Agree Uncertain Not Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 35 Result of Intention to Buy a Furniture after Trying at Home

Figure 35 above, shows the result of the question concerning the intention to buy a piece of furniture
after trying it at their homes. This question was thought to measure how successful the whole

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experience of using the application was. Out of participants, 45.5% strongly agreed, 36.5% agreed, 9%
uncertain/not applicable and 9% disagreed that they had the intention to buy a piece of furniture after
trying it at their homes. See Appendix E query one of the Feedback Reports section.

I was able to buy an Item and generate an

invoice at the end.
6 7

3 4

0 0 0
Strongly Agree Agree Uncertain Not Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 36 Result of Buy an Item and Generate an Invoice

Figure 36 above, shows the result of the question about being able to buy an item and generate an
invoice at the end of using the application. This question was designed to measure how successfully
the feature functioned. Out of participants, 64% strongly agreed and 36% agreed, that they were able
to buy an item and generate an invoice at the end of using the application. See Appendix E query one
of the Feedback Reports section.

I was able to logout of the app.

7 8

2 3

0 0 0
Strongly Agree Agree Uncertain Not Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 37 Result of Able to Logout of the App

Figure 37 above, shows the result of the question about being able to logout of the application. This
question was thought to measure how successfully the feature functioned. Out of participants, 73%

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strongly agreed and 27% agreed, that they were able to logout of the application. See Appendix E
query one of the Feedback Reports section. Free Form Question

This part involved the last query in the questionnaire which consisted of leaving a comment. These
were the seven comments and can be found in Appendix E the Feedback Reports section.

“Perfect app. Very easy and fun.”

“Very good app.”

“Great app.”

“Thank you, I believe this will be extremely useful for our company.”

“I found the app very good and easy to use. I would definitely use it.”

“Very interesting and easy to use. I would like to have it available in the future.”

“Great experience to show, another type of channel (e-commerce) that you can see your 3D products
to share a real idea with customers.”

From these comments, we could conclude that the application was successful in fulfilling the project’s
objective which was to create an easy and useful mobile platform that connected customers to
companies and professionals by using augmented reality in order to promote their products and

5.4 Summary of Chapter 5

Chapter 5 displays all the results produced during every activity reported in chapter 4 Method. It very
clearly identified the results from each of the Scrum phases. The Pre-game phase was presented
together with the key points collected in the initial discussion with end users and the backlog list. The
Development phase was presented with all the features’ results that were implemented. The Post-
game phase was presented which consisted of the final testing results including the assessment

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Chapter 6 – Conclusion and Discussion

This chapter revisits the project’s objectives and requirements and evaluates its success by observing
all research carried through, the extent to which the project has accomplished all the objectives and
requirements. Also, it will discuss prospects for any future work and the knowledge gained from
undertaking this project.

6.1 Project Objectives

As mentioned in chapter 1 section 1.3.1, the fundamental primary objectives of this project were to
“Design and build a mobile application for the iOS platform that would permit customers to scan and
identify 3D objects and place them into the real world by using AR technology. Also, decoration
companies and professionals will be able to promote their collection and services.”
The AR Interior Design application achieved all the project’s objectives by delivering a mobile
application that uses AR to promote products and services of decoration companies and professionals
to customers. Also allowed customers to buy and share photographs of products. It is secure to say
that the application is robust and accomplished all the user stories criteria from the various testing
and assessment carried out whilst also attending the user’s usability requirements. All the expected
features of table 3 Tabular Comparison of Existing Software in chapter 3 section 3.1 were delivered.
The full source code is located on Moodle.

6.1.1 Database
An essential feature of the project was a robust and fast database connection, using Google’s Firebase
provided a unique real-time database allowing users to seamless upload and download files through
an Internet connection. The implementation is detailed in chapter 4 Method and chapter 5 Results of
the report. To measure the success of the implementation of this feature, a series of queries were
inserted into the questionnaire as followed: ‘I found the login process to be fast’, ‘I was able to logout
of the app’ and ‘I found the sign-up process simple’. By asking participants these queries a deduction
can be made as to whether the database connection was fast and robust. The given queries resulted
in participants giving an average of eight votes that strongly agreed and three votes that agreed out
of eleven participants. This implies that the feature was successfully implemented.

6.1.2 Scan and Detect Objects

One of the main features of the project was the implementation of scanning and detecting objects
from the real world. As mentioned in chapter 1 section this feature intended to create a new
shopping experience for customers. The implementation is detailed in chapter 4 Method and chapter
5 Results of the report. To measure the success from the implementation of this feature, a query was

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inserted into the questionnaire as follows: ‘I could scan and detect 3D objects from the real world’.
The query resulted in nine votes that strongly agreed and two votes which agreed out of eleven
participants. This implies that the feature was successfully implemented.

6.1.3 Add 3D Objects

The second main feature was the implementation of adding 3D objects into the real world. As
mentioned in chapter 1 section this feature intended to be the most fascinating aspect of the
AR Interior Design app. The implementation is detailed in chapter 4 Method and chapter 5 Results of
the report. To measure the success of the implementation of this feature, a query was inserted into
the questionnaire as follows: ‘I could choose and insert 3D objects into the real world’. The query
resulted in eight votes which strongly agreed and three votes that agreed out of eleven participants.
This implies that the feature was successfully implemented.

6.2 Future Work

The successful implementation of AR Interior Design helped to envision how the application could
evolve. Listed below are three majors’ deployments of future work that could be undertaken.

6.2.1 Apple’s App Store

Apple’s App Store is a digital distribution service that provides a great user experience with a fluid
interface and high security that shielding customers from viruses and malware [22]. Submitting the
application to Apple’s App Store would allow it to be download and installed by people around the
world. Apple’s App Store also permits free apps to make money from adverts, which discussed in the
following section 6.2.2 Capitalize.

6.2.2 Capitalize
The AR Interior Design could capitalize (on money) from advertising and sponsorship. In that case,
decoration companies and professionals could pay to promote their products and services. In the
application’s product list, their products and services would show up first. Also, the application could
add Search Ads [23] which is a banner usually at the bottom of the screen with advertisements. Search
Ads pay every time that a user clicks the banner and downloads that advertised app. Another way
could be that every time users finish using the AR feature, the application could show an
advertisement video, usually around 15 to 30 seconds.

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6.2.3 Support for Android Platform

Another way to increase demand and capitalize would be porting1 the AR Interior Design to Google’s
Android operating system (OS) [24]. Apps from this OS are published and deployed on Google’s Play
Store [25]. The Play Store is a digital distribution service operated and developed by Google which is
the official app store for the Android OS. Also, has a similar way to capitalize (on money) from
advertising called AdMob [26]. AdMob works almost in the same way as Apple’s Search Ads.

6.3 Knowledge Gained

After all the hard work of this project, the amount of knowledge and skills acquired are very extensive.
Initially, with no experience of XCode application or Swift as a programming language, the learning
curve was very steep, and information had to be learned quickly to successfully implement all the
application features. It involved hours of extensive research in learning Swift with its libraries and the
third-party APIs. Also, the knowledge gained from Scrum the agile development methodology used.
How to plan, to create product backlog list and turn it into sprint backlog list, the iterative cycles where
the functionality was developed and the system testing. Not only was technical knowledge gained but
also the soft skills such as time management, ability to work under pressure, problem-solving and a
very important skill that was appreciated is self-motivation.

6.4 Project Management and Control

By creating, following and updating the work plans whether needed such as the Gantt chart and
sprints made the project ran really smoothly. Some features took less time to implement than initially
thought which made the whole project be ahead of schedule. The project management and control
were very robust leaving no margins to fall behind the defined schedule.

6.5 Conclusion
The report started with a brief introduction of the project describing the problem to be solved,
challenges and the motivation underlying this project. Also, provides an explanation of all the project’s
objectives of and outlines the work accomplished to meet these objectives. It contains a list of the
outputs produced and a review of the literature undertaken to support the accomplishment of the
development of the project. This is followed by explaining the chosen method with all the
requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing and delivery process which the project
undertook. All the results that were produced while undertaking the project were presented in detail.
In the end, an evaluation of the project’s achievement, future work opportunities and considerations

1Port (verb) is to change an application program from an operating system environment in which it was
developed to another operating system environment so it can be executed there.

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are discussed. In conclusion, the project’s objectives were achieved, and the end users were very
pleased with the AR Interior Design’s functionalities. It has been a remarkable experience to learn a
new programming language and to apply all which had been learnt so far at university to develop a
project of this size.

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Term Definition
Set of functions that allows persons to access
API / Library
features of a third-party application.
Apple’s operations systems that run in iPhone
and iPad.
OS Operation Systems

AR Augmented Reality.
Set of software development tools that support
in the creation of applications.
JSON JavaScript Object Notation.

IDE Integrated Development Environment

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[1] Apple, 2018. iOS 12. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[2] BFC, 2018. British Furniture Confederation. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 9 October 2018].

[3] Apple, 2018. ARKit Framework. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[4] Google, 2018. Firebase. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[5] Apple’s App Store, 2018. App Store Preview. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[6] Apple’s App Store, 2018. App Store Preview. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[7] Palmer, S. R. and J. M. Felsing (2002). A Practical Guide to Feature-Driven Development.

[8] Apple, 2018. XCode 10. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[9] Apple, 2018. Swift 4. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[10] Apple, 2018. iOS Developer Library. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[11] Rewik, Nutchaphon, 2018. SimplePDF. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[12] CocoaPods Dev Team, 2018. CocoaPods. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

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[13] Google, 2018. YouTube. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[14] Stack Overflow, 2018. Stack Overflow. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[15] Apple, 2018. Cocoa Application Competencies for iOS. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[16] Google, 2018. Firebase. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[17] Stack Overflow, 2018. Stack Overflow. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[18] Google, 2018. Firebase Cloud Firestore. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[19] Google, 2018. Firebase Storage. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[20] Apple, 2018. QuickLook. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[21] Apple, 2018. Scanning and Detecting 3D Objects. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[22] Apple’s App Store, 2018. App Store. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[23] Apple’s Search Ads, 2018. Search Ads. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[24] Google, 2018. Android OS. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

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[25] Google, 2018. Play Store. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[26] Google, 2018. AdMob. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 February 2018].

[27] Beck, K. (2000). Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change.

[28] Schwaber, K. and M. Beedle (2002). Agile Software Development With Scrum. Upper Saddle
River, NJ, Prentice-Hall.

[29] Palmer, S. R. and J. M. Felsing (2002). A Practical Guide to Feature-Driven Development.

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Appendix A – PDD

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Appendix B – Code Lines

Figure 38 Total of Lines of Code

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Appendix C – Software Requirements Analysis Document

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Appendix D – Gantt Chart

Comparing Figure 7 Original Gantt Chart and Figure 8 Updated Gantt Chart, Phase 1 Documentation
PDD was completed on the estimated time, draft project report was initiated two weeks before
scheduling and final project report is expected to be ready on the scheduled time. Phase 2 Coursework
and Exams was completed on the estimated time. Phase 3 Work Pre-Package was delivered with four
weeks before the estimated time. Phase 4 Work Package 0 was started one week late but was
delivered three weeks early. Phase 5 Work Package 1 was implemented two weeks early and finished
seven weeks before planned. Phase 6 Work Package 2 was expected to endure nineteen weeks but
was delivered on three weeks. Also, Phase 7 Work Package 3 was delivered in three weeks.
The Author was expecting a comprehensive amount of work since he didn’t have the knowledge
required to programming an iPhone application, and to not take any risks in delivery the project
behind schedule, the initial estimate to complete each deliverable was planned to be lasting longer.
As soon the author started researching, watching tutorial videos and reading the library
documentation each interaction of the project was updated to a more realistic time.

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Appendix E – Feedback Reports

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Appendix F – Agile Methods

Extreme Programming (XP) – has developed from the problems caused by the extensive development
cycles of traditional development models. The term ‘extreme’ comes from taking these common-
sense principles and practices of the traditional development models to extreme levels [27]. Its life
cycle consists of five phases: exploration, planning, iterations to release, productionizing and death.
See page 20 of [4] for more details.

Scrum – development approach involves three phases (pre-game, development and post-game) that
provide methods, techniques and guidelines followed to release the system. It is an empirical
approach applying the ideas of industrial process control theory to systems development resulting in
an approach that reintroduces the ideas of flexibility, adaptability and productivity [28]. See page 29
of [7] for more details.
This was the chosen software development for this project. More details can be found in Chapter 4

Crystal Family of Methodologies – Crystal Clear and Crystal Orange are the two Crystal family
members that have been constructed and use. Depend on the project size each one is chosen. Each
member is marked with a colour indicating the heaviness of the methodology. Also, uses a scale to
indicates the criticality level: Comfort (C), Discretionary money (D), Essential money (E) and Life (L).
Criticality level C indicates that the system crash on defects causes a loss of comfort for the user where
defects in a life-critical system may literally cause loss of life. See page 38 of [7] for more details.

Feature Driven Development – is an adaptive approach for development systems as it covers all the
total software development process, but rather focuses on the design and build phases. It has been
designed to work with the other activities of software development and does not require and specific
process model to be used [29]. It consists of five sequential processes: Develop an Overall Model,
Build a Feature List, Plan by Feature, Design by Feature and Build by Feature. See page 49 of [7] for
more details.

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