Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Crush Welded Joints of Oxygen-Free Copper (C1020) Sheets

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Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol (13) No 3, 2020: 58-65

Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences

Journal homepage: https://en.enginmag.uodiyala.edu.iq/

ISSN: 1999-8716 (Print); 2616-6909 (Online)

Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Crush Welded

Joints of Oxygen-Free Copper (C1020) Sheets
Abduljabbar S. Joma1,* , Akeel D. Subhi1, Fadhil A. Hashim2
Department of production Engineering and Metallurgy, University of Technology, Baghdad-Iraq
Department of Materials Engineering, University of Technology, Baghdad-Iraq


Article history: Friction crush welding application (FCW) provides versatile applications in sheet metals
Received 28 April 2020 welding. In this work, different tool rotational speeds (220, 410, 920, 1500 rpm) and
Accepted 21 June 2020 feed rates (20, 43, 80,150 mm/min) were used to weld oxygen-free copper sheets with
flanged edges. Evaluation of Cu-Cu joints was performed successfully using optical
microscope, vickers hardness and tensile test. The results showed that the microstructure
Keywords: was significantly influenced by welding parameters used. Different defects were
Oxygen-free copper; Friction crush recognized in the welding zone. The highest hardness of 63 HV and tensile strength of
welding; Friction welding; Tool 105 MPa were obtained at tool rotational speed of 1500 rpm and feed rate of 115
geometry; Welding defects. mm/min.

1. Introduction tool rotational speed play an important role in

distributing the pressure in the contact zone,
Friction welding is used for joining metals Schindele P., 2012 [5]. Florian A. Besler et al.,
and alloys in a solid state where the resulting 2016 [6], conducted friction crush welding
heat is responsible for welding due to a relative using tool rotational speed of 18000 rpm and
movement between two components under feed rate of 250-7000 mm/min on three
pressure. Conventional friction welding materials namely copper DHP, aluminum
processes such as rotary, linear, and orbital AW5754 and steel DC01. They found that the
friction welding are categorized according to the yield strength percentages of welded similar
nature of the movement relative to their materials were 95%, 90 % and 62% of parent
interfaces. Friction stir and crush welding metals of (DC01), (AW 5754 H22) and (Cu-
processes are other group of friction welding DHP), respectively. They also found that the
categorized according to the relative motion welding region was characterized by fine grain
between a non-consumable tool and the structure. Florian A. Besler et al.,2017 [7], also
workpiece, Ranjan S. et al., 2007[1], Sandeep K. showed that the additional wire used to join
et al., 2012[2], Huda M. et al., 2013[3], Pulak aluminum alloy (EN AW-5754), steel (DC01),
M. Pandy, 2016[4]. In friction crush welding and copper (Cu-DHP) using tool rotational
(FCW), the coalescence among metals or alloys speed of 18000 rpm and feed rate of 2000-10000
is achieved mainly through two processes mm/min was enhanced the bond strength of
represented by friction-based heating, and welded joints. Moreover, they found that the
crushing mechanism where the feed rate and
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
DOI: 10.24237/djes.2020.13306

Abduljabbar S. Joma, Akeel D. Subhi, Fadhil A. Hashim / Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol (13) No 3, 2020: 58-65

highest bond strength percentages obtained rates of (20 - 150 mm/min). The microstructure
were 77, 69 and 98 of the parent materials of and mechanical properties of the friction crush
aluminum alloy (EN AW-5754), copper (Cu- welded Cu-Cu joint are studied in this work. The
DHP) and steel (DC01), respectively. G.S. Brar characterization of the defects formed in the
et al., 2017 [8], studied the effect of friction weld joints during welding is also achieved.
crush welding parameters like tool profile, tool
rotational speeds (220-740 rpm) and feed rates 2. Experimental work
(15-45 mm/min) on the bond strength of welded
Horizontal milling machine was used to
joint using Taguchi method. They showed that
conduct friction crush welding experiments in
tool profile is the major factor affecting the bond
this work. The rotating tool was mounted over
strength. G.S. Brar et al., 2017 [9], also
the arbour of machine as shown in Figure1. The
demonstrated that friction crush welding of 2
arbour was connected to the electric motor;
mm thick 6061T-6 Al alloy using tool rotational
hence different rotation speeds of tool could be
speeds of 220- 740 rpm and feed rates of 15-45
obtained. The tool in the form of disc was
mm/min was achieved by a specific tool profile
manufactured from high-strength low alloy steel
design. They also concluded that the maximum
(A514 R) with chemical composition illustrated
bond strength was obtained with increasing tool
in table 1. The copper sheets were properly
rotational speed and the feed rate.
clamped by suitable fixtures; thus, the gap could
The impetus for this work is to study the be maintained between copper sheets. The
possibility of achieving friction crush welding chemical composition of oxygen-free copper
of flange edged copper sheets using tool (C1020) sheet was illustrated in Table 2.
rotational speeds of (220 - 1500 rpm) and feed

Fig. 1. Horizontal milling machine used

Abduljabbar S. Joma, Akeel D. Subhi, Fadhil A. Hashim / Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol (13) No 3, 2020: 58-65

Table 1 Chemical composition of friction crush welding tool (A514 R)

Fe % Mn % Mg % Zn % Cu % Ni % Al% C% Cr% Si % Mo% Co% Ti% V% W%

97.3 0.894 0.009 0.003 0.111 0.39 0.028 0.246 0.567 0.254 0.167 0.018 0.005 0.007 0.025

Table 2 Chemical composition of oxygen-free copper (C1020) sheet.

Cu % Mn % Mg % Zn % Fe% Ni % Al% Be% Cr% Si % Ag% Co% Sn% Pb %

99.95 0.003 0.001 0.02 0.003 0.007 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.01

The friction crush welding tool was rotated at 20, 43, 80 and 150 mm/min. The copper sheets and
different speeds. These rotational speeds were friction crush welding tool with its dimensions
220, 410, 920 and 1500 rpm. In other side, the were illustrated in Figure 2.
different feed rates used in the experiments were

a b

Fig. 2. Photograph of (a) copper sheets, (b) FCW tool and (c) dimensions of FCW tool in mm

The dimensions of copper sheets of 150x75x2 𝐴=𝐺 + (4𝑡 – (𝜋𝑅²ℎ /4𝑡)) (1)
mm with 4.72 mm flange height and 1mm gap
were used. The gap among the two copper sheets where, (G) is the gap among copper sheets, and (h)
that filled by the additional material of flanged describes the height used in calculation of
edges during welding was determined accurately additional material volume.
through several experiments achieved. The height
The total height of flange (F) is given by the
of flanged edge was calculated by equating the
equation 2 [8].
volume of material required to form the weld to
the volume of material of flanged edges of two F = A+t (2)
copper sheets as shown in Figure 3. The formula
used for calculation of flanged edge height (A) can where, (t) is the thickness of copper sheet.
be expressed as in equation (1) [8].

Abduljabbar S. Joma, Akeel D. Subhi, Fadhil A. Hashim / Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol (13) No 3, 2020: 58-65

Fig. 3. Sketch of joint design of friction crush welding

Tensile test specimens were manufactured by according to the specification of DIN EN ISO
using CNC water jet machine. Tensile test of each 4136 [10]. The dimensions of tensile test specimen
FCWed joint was performed at room temperature with some of prepared tensile test samples are
using universal testing machine of WDW-200E shown in Figure 4.
model. The tensile test specimens were performed



Fig. 4. (a) Tensile test specimen dimensions, (b) A set of tensile test Specimens.

Abduljabbar S. Joma, Akeel D. Subhi, Fadhil A. Hashim / Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol (13) No 3, 2020: 58-65

Hardness test was carried out by using vickers three zones can be recognized. The first is the
hardness model HVS-1000. A 500g load was crushing zone distinguished in the middle of the
applied with holding time of 15 second during the weld joint. This zone, represents the gap between
test. The readings were taken across the welded the sheet metal parts, must be filled with additional
joint with interval of 1 mm distance. materials during the crushing process. Due to the
Microstructural investigation of the weld zone was intensive material deformation and high
conducted by preparing the surface using grinding temperature generation, this area is mainly
and polishing processes. Grinding process was affected by oxidation inclusions. The second is
performed by employing different emery papers. the thermodynamically-affected zone (TMAZ)
Polishing process was achieved using alumina recognized beside the crushing zone. TMAZ was
slurry followed by the use of diamond paste. The characterized by thermo-mechanical deformation
etching was achieved using (5 g FeCl3, 50 ml HCl, which results in a recrystallized fine - grained
100 ml distilled water) etching solution. The microstructure. The third is the heat-affected zone
microstructure was observed using optical (HAZ) which lies between the (TMAZ) and the
microscope model Optika-Italy. parent metal. This zone was exposed to thermal
treatment, but did not show any plastic
3. Results and discussion deformation, resulting in different microstructural
properties in comparison with the parent metal.
The macrostructure of cross-section of
FCWed copper sheets (Figure 5) illustrates that

Base metal TMAZ


Fig. 5. Macrostructure of FCWed copper joint at 1500 rpm tool rotational speed and 115 mm/min feed rate

The effect of tool rotational speed and feed incomplete filled gap and bad joining were
rate on the microstructure of cross-section of recognized. Increasing the feed rate causes a
FCWed copper is shown in figure 6. It is clear that decrease in the size of cracks. It was observed that
the formed crushing zone has several defects like the joint gap was completely closed at a feed rate
cracks and an incomplete filled gap between the of 115 mm/min (Figure 6-d). Therefore, tensile
two copper sheets. These defects can reduce the strength can be enhanced by increasing tool
strength of FCWed copper joint. Figure 6 also rotational speed and feed rate.
shows welding defects according to the FCW
parameters used. At low feed rate (Figure 6-A),

Abduljabbar S. Joma, Akeel D. Subhi, Fadhil A. Hashim / Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol (13) No 3, 2020: 58-65

Fig. 6. Microstructure of FCWed Cu-Cu joints at different tool rotational speeds and feed rates (A) 220 rpm tool rotational
speed and 20 mm/min feed rate, (B) 410 rpm tool rotational speed and 43 mm/min feed rate, (C) 920 rpm tool rotational
speed and 80 mm/min feed rate, (D) 1500 rpm tool rotational speed and 115 mm/min feed rate

The relationship between hardness and mechanical affected zone (TMAZ) and heat
distance along cross sectional area of FCWed affected zone (HAZ). This is due to frictional heat
copper joint is illustrated in Figure 7. It was and plastic flow generated during friction crush
noticed that the hardness decreased in crushing welding.
zone (CZ) compared with that of the thermo-

Fig. 7. The hardness distribution along a cross section of FCWed copper joint at various tool rotational speeds

The welding lines of FCWed copper joints at without knowing the microstructure and resulting
different tool rotational speeds and feed rates are defects in the FCWed joint. The smooth welding
shown in figure 8. The welding line means nothing line (Figure 8-A) indicated that the welding joint

Abduljabbar S. Joma, Akeel D. Subhi, Fadhil A. Hashim / Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol (13) No 3, 2020: 58-65

was good but when compared with the welding joint (Figure 6-D) showed that it was
microstructure as in figure 6-A, there was no doubt entirely solid. Therefore, this means that it is
to reject this welding joint. Contraversially, figure important to significantly control welding
8-D indicated that several layers of cracks formed parameters to reduce or prevent the formation of
on the welding line. The microstructure of this surface crack.

Fig. 8. Welding lines at different tool rotational speeds and feed rates (A) 220 rpm tool rotational speed and 20 mm/min feed
rate, (B) 410 rpm tool rotational speed and 43 mm/min feed rate, (C) 920 rpm tool rotational speed and 80 mm/min feed rate,
(D) 1500 rpm tool rotational speed and 115 mm/min feed rate

Figure 9 shows the stress-strain curves of of 115 mm/min and tool rotational speed of 1500
parent copper and FCWed copper joints. It is rpm. This value corresponds to 62% of the parent
obvious that the tensile strength increased with metal strength. The increased bond strength of
increasing tool rotational speed and feed rate. This FCWed copper joint may be related also to the
is attributed to the level of thermal heat input fracture of oxide layers presented at the interface
associated with a given feed rate. The highest between the two copper sheets due to deformation
strength of 105 MPa was recognized at a feed rate in the crushing zone generated by FCW.




Fig. 9. Stress-strain curves of parent metal and FCWed Cu-Cu joints

Abduljabbar S. Joma, Akeel D. Subhi, Fadhil A. Hashim / Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol (13) No 3, 2020: 58-65

4. Conclusions [9] Gurinder Singh Brar, Ajay Singh Jamwal, "Friction

crush Welding of Aluminium Alloy 6061 T-6",
The most important points related to the IJAMR, Vol.2, 2017, pp. 101-104.
assessment of copper joints manufactured by [10] International Organization for Standardization:
Destructive Tests on Welds in Metallic Materials,
friction crush welding can be summarized below: 2013, DIN EN ISO 4136.
1- The recognized cracks and an incomplete
filled gap in the weld joint were responsible
for reducing the joint strength.
2- Reduced hardness in crushing zone compared
with other zones was related to frictional heat
and plastic flow.
3- Control of welding parameters is extremely
important to reduce or prevent the formation
of surface cracking.
4- The highest hardness and maximum tensile
strength of FCWed Cu sheets were 63 HV and
105 MPa, respectively, obtained at a tool
rotational speed of 1500 rpm and a feed rate
of 115 mm/min.

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