Ga Vanessa May Quiz 2-Final Term

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Question 2 Final Term Succession

1. The deceased died intestate leaving his widow, 2 legitimate

children, and five (5) illegitimate Children. The intestate estate is
P10,000,000.00. Divide the estate.

Answer: The legitime of the legitimate children shall be computed

first which consist of the half of the estate. The Php 5,000,000.00
will be divided by the two of them, each will get Php2, 500,000.00.
Then the legitime of the surviving spouse which is the same as the
legitime of each children, a total of Php 2,500,000.00 which shall
be taken to the free portion thereof. The illegitimate children will
then divide the remaining Php 2,500,000.00 among the five of
them, each will get a total of Php 500,000.00 each.

2. “A” died without a will survived by: (a) his widow, “W”; (b) his
legitimate brothers, “B” and “C”; and (c) his nephews, “E” and
“F”, who are the children of a deceased sister, “D”. The net
remainder of his estate is ₱2,400,000.00. How shall such estate
be distributed?

Answer: Under the law, when the brothers and sisters or their
children with the widow or widower, the latter shall be entitled to ½
of the inheritance and the brothers and sisters or their children to
the other half. Thus, in the case given, estate shall be divided in
the following:

W must have Php1,200,000.00 in her own right;

B must have Php400,000.00 in his own right;
C must have Php400,000.00 in his own right;
E must have Php200,000.00 by right of representation; and
F must have Php200,000.00 by right of representation.
3. When A returned from the Visayas, he caught his wife, W,
committing adultery with his own brother B. the two were convicted
as a result of a criminal action brought by A against then for
adultery. A few days after, A died without a will, leaving
considerable properties. His only surviving relatives are: (a) W; (b)
B; and (c) C and D, first cousins. Who shall inherit from him?

Answer: W, alone shall inherit from A. Legally, the conviction of W

for adultery is not an act of unworthiness within the meaning of Art
1032 of the NCC. The only time when a guilty spouse is considered
unworthy to inherit from the other is when there is a decree of legal
separation. In the given facts, there is no decree of legal
separation. It is different in the case of B because he was expressly
disqualified to inherit in the provision of Article 1032 (5). In the case
of C and D, although there is no question about their capacity to
inherit, yet they are excluded by succession by the presence of W.

4. X has 3 legitimate children A, B and C. B has 2 children D and E. X

made a will giving each of his 3 children equal share in his estate of
P6M. If A attempts to kill X and is convicted. How the estate be

Answer: B shall receive Php2,500,000.00 on his own right. C shall

receive Php2,500,000.00 on his own right. The legitime of A which
is Php1,000,000.00 shall be accrued to B (Php500,000.00) and
C(Php 500,000.00) since A has no other descendants. Thus, B
shall now have Php3,000,000.00 and C shall have
Php3,000,000.00. D and E cannot inherit from X since their father
B is still alive and capacitated to inherit.

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