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Lin Zhang · Xiao Song

Yunjie Wu (Eds.)

Communications in Computer and Information Science 644

Theory, Methodology,
Tools and Applications
for Modeling and Simulation
of Complex Systems
16th Asia Simulation Conference
and SCS Autumn Simulation Multi-Conference
AsiaSim/SCS AutumnSim 2016
Beijing, China, October 8–11, 2016, Proceedings, Part II

Part 2

in Computer and Information Science 644
Commenced Publication in 2007
Founding and Former Series Editors:
Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Dominik Ślęzak, and Xiaokang Yang

Editorial Board
Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio),
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Phoebe Chen
La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
Xiaoyong Du
Renmin University of China, Beijing, China
Joaquim Filipe
Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Setúbal, Portugal
Orhun Kara
TÜBİTAK BİLGEM and Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Igor Kotenko
St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
Ting Liu
Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Harbin, China
Krishna M. Sivalingam
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India
Takashi Washio
Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/7899
Lin Zhang Xiao Song

Yunjie Wu (Eds.)

Theory, Methodology,
Tools and Applications
for Modeling and Simulation
of Complex Systems
16th Asia Simulation Conference
and SCS Autumn Simulation Multi-Conference
AsiaSim/SCS AutumnSim 2016
Beijing, China, October 8–11, 2016
Proceedings, Part II

Lin Zhang Yunjie Wu
Beihang University Beihang University
Beijing Beijing
China China
Xiao Song
Beihang University

ISSN 1865-0929 ISSN 1865-0937 (electronic)

Communications in Computer and Information Science
ISBN 978-981-10-2665-2 ISBN 978-981-10-2666-9 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9

Library of Congress Control Number: 2016946015

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

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AsiaSim/SCS AutumnSim 2016 (the 2016 International Simulation Multi-Conference)

was a joint conference of the 16th Asia Simulation Conference and the 2016 Autumn
Simulation Multi-Conference. The Asia Simulation Conference (AsiaSim) is an annual
international conference started in 1999. In 2011, the Federation of Asian Simulation
Societies (ASIASIM) was set up and the AsiaSim became an annual conference of
ASIASIM. The SCS Autumn Simulation Multi-Conference (SCS AutumnSim) is one
of the premier conferences of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International
(SCS), which provides a unique opportunity to learn about emerging M&S applications
in many thriving fields. AsiaSim/SCS AutumnSim 2016 was the first conference jointly
sponsored by ASIASIM and SCS and organized by the China Simulation Federation
(CSF), Science and Technology on Special System Simulation Laboratory (STSSSL),
and Beihang University (BUAA). It was also co-sponsored by the China Simulation
Federation (CSF), the Japanese Society for Simulation Technology (JSST), the Korea
Society for Simulation (KSS), the Society for Simulation and Gaming of Singapore
(SSAGSG), the International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simula-
tion (IMACS), the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI), China
Computer Federation (CCF), the China Electrotechnical Society (CES), the China
Graphics Society (CGS), and the China Ordnance Society (COS).
This conference is a big event that provides a unique opportunity to learn about
emerging M&S research achievements and applications in many thriving fields,
focusing on the theory, methodology, tools and applications for M&S of complex
systems; it provides a forum for the latest R&D results in academia and industry.
The papers contained in these proceedings address challenging issues in M&S
theory and methodology, model engineering for system of systems, high-performance
computing and simulation, M&S for smart city, robot simulations, M&S for intelligent
manufacturing, military simulation, as well as cloud technologies in simulation
This year, AsiaSim/SCS AutumnSim received 639 submissions. Submissions came
from around 15 countries and regions. After a thorough reviewing process, 267 papers
were selected for presentation as full papers, with an acceptance rate of 41.8 %. These
papers are published in the proceedings in the four volumes, 643–646. Volume 643
mainly addresses the issues of basics of M&S theory and methodology. Volume 644
discusses M&S for intelligent manufacturing and military simulation methods. In Vol.
645, cloud technologies in simulation applications, simulation and big data techniques
are covered. And Vol. 646 presents M&S applications and simulation software.
The high-quality program would not have been possible without the authors who
chose AsiaSim/SCS AutumnSim 2016 as a venue for their publications. Also, we
would like to take this opportunity to thank the ASIASIM Federation for allowing us to
host AsiaSim 2016 in Beijing.
VI Preface

We also thank the members of the Program Committee for their valuable effort in
the review of the submitted papers. Finally, we would also like to thank our technical
co-sponsors and sponsors. Your contributions and support have helped to make
AsiaSim/SCS AutumnSim 2016 a memorable and successful event.
We hope that you enjoy reading and benefit from the proceedings of AsiaSim/SCS
AutumnSim 2016.

October 2016 Lin Zhang

Xiao Song
Yunjie Wu


Federation of Asian Simulation Societies (ASIASIM)

The Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SCS)


China Simulation Federation (CSF)

Japanese Society for Simulation Technology (JSST)
Korea Society for Simulation (KSS)
Society for Simulation and Gaming of Singapore (SSAGSG)
International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (IMACS)
Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI)
China Computer Federation (CCF)
China Electrotechnical Society (CES)
China Graphics Society (CGS)
China Ordnance Society (COS)


China Simulation Federation (CSF)

Science and Technology on Special System Simulation Laboratory (STSSSL)
Beihang University (BUAA)

Honorary Chairs

Chuanyuan Wen, China

Robert M. Howe, USA
Yukio Kagawa, Japan
Sadao Takaba, Japan
Sung-Joo Park, Korea
Tianyuan Xiao(†), China

General Chairs

Bo Hu Li, China
Qinping Zhao, China
VIII Organization

Deputy General Chair

Agostino Bruzzone, Italy

General Co-chairs

Satoshi Tanaka, Japan

Jonghyun Kim, Korea
Axel Lehmann, Germany
Zicai Wang, China
Xianxiang Huang, China

Program Committee Chair

Lin Zhang, China

Program Committee Co-chairs

Bernard Zeigler, USA Ming Yang, China

Tuncer Ören, Canada Xiaogang Qiu, China
Ralph C. Huntsinger, USA Satoshi Tanaka, Japan
Xiaofeng Hu, China Jin Liu, China
Soo-Hyun Park, Korea Min Zhao, China
H.J. Halin, Switzerland Shiwei Ma, China
Kaj Juslin, Finland Francesco Longo, Italy
Roy E. Crosbie, USA Agostino Bruzzone, Italy

Program Committee

Anxiang Huang, China Wenhui Fan, China

Yoonbae Kim, Korea Bernard Zeigler, USA
Yu Yao, China Mingduan Tang, China
Fei Xie, USA Long Wang, China
Toshiharu Kagawa, Japan ChaoWang, China
Giuseppe Iazeolla, Italy Doo-Kwon Baik, Korea
Mhamed Itmi, France Shinsuke Tamura, Japan
Haixiang Lin, Netherlands Pierre Borne, France
Henri Pierreval, France Ratan Guha, USA
Hugh HT Liu, Canada Reinhold Meisinger, Germany
Wolfgang Borutzky, Germany Richard Fujimoto, USA
Jong Sik Lee, Korea Ge Li, China
Xiaolin Hu, USA Jinhai Sun, China
Yifa Tang, China Xinping Xiong, China
Organization IX

Changjian Bi, China Yongsheng Ding, China

Jianguo Cao, China Huimin Fan, China
Yue Dai, China Ming Chen, China
Minrui Fei, China Javor, Andras, Hungary
Chen Guo, China Nabendu Chaki, India
Fengju Kang, China Koji Koyamada, Japan
Guoxiong Li, China Osamu Ono, Japan
Jin Liu, China Yunjie Wu, China
Shiwei Ma, China Beiwei Guo, China
Jipeng Wang, China Ni Li, China
Zhongjie Wang, China Shixuan Liu, China
Hongjun Zhang, China Linxuan Zhang, China
Qinping Zhao, China Fei Tao, China
Guomin Zhou, China Lei Ren, China
Gary S.H. Tan, Singapore Xiao Song, China
Francesco Longo, Italy Xudong Chai, China
Hong Zhou, China Zonghai Chen, China
Shin’ichi Oishi, Japan Yuhao Cong, China
Zhenhao Zhou, China Guanghong Gong, China
Beike Zhang, China Zhicheng Ji, China
Alain Cardon, France Weidong Jin, China
Xukun Shen, China Bo Hu Li, China
Yangsheng Wang, China Ma Ping, China
Marzuki Khalid, Malaysia Shaojie Mao, China
Sergio Junco, Argentina Zhong Su, China
Tieqiao Wen, China Jianping Wu, China
Xingsheng Gu, China Min Zhao, China
Zhijian Song, China Huizhou Zheng, China
Yue Yang, China

Organization Committee Chair

Yunjie Wu, China

Organization Committee Co-chairs

Shixuan Liu, China Beiwei Guo, China

Zaijun Shi, China Xiao Song, China
Linxuan Zhang, China Weijing Wang, China
Ni Li, China Lei Ren, China
Fei Tao, China
X Organization

General Secretaries

Shixuan Liu, China

Xiao Song, China

Special Session Chairs

Ni Li, China
Linxuan Zhang, China

Publication Chairs

Shiwei Ma, China

Xiao Song, China

Publicity Chairs

Fei Tao, China

Baiwei Guo, China

Awards Committee Chairs

Lin Zhang, China

Axel Lehmann, Germany

Awards Committee Co-chair

Yifa Tang, China

Awards Committee Members

Sung-Yong Jang, Korea

Wenhui Fan, China
Xiao Song, China
Contents – Part II

HMI & Robot Simulations

Model-Free Adaptive Iterative Learning Control Based on Data-Driven

for Noncircular Turning Tool Feed System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Zhao Yunjie, Cao Rongmin, and Zhou Huixing

Vibration Characteristic Analysis and Optimization of Heavy Load High

Voltage Circuit Breaker Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Aibin Zhu, Wencheng Luo, Jianwei Zhao, and Dayong He

Gait Planning and Simulation of Four Rocker-Arms Inspection Robot

for Fully-Mechanized Workface in Thin Coal Seam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Jianwei Zhao, Deyong Shang, and Qu Yuanyuan

Self-balancing Robot Design and Implementation Based

on Machine Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Yingnian Wu and Xinli Shi

M&S for Intelligent Manufacturing

Energy Optimization Characteristic Analysis of Electromechanical

Actuator on More Electric Aircraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Liang Liu, Zheng Cao, Lirong Sun, and Yuanjun Zhou

Reliability Analysis of Multi-state System from Time Response . . . . . . . . . . 53

Weihua Zhang, Yongfeng Fang, and Kong Fah Tee

Simulation Optimization of Manufacturing System Including Assemble

Lines and Material Handling Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Li Xiang, Chen Qing-xin, Yu Ai-lin, and Zhang Hui-yu

A Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Solving Job Shop

Scheduling Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Qiaofeng Meng, Linxuan Zhang, and Yushun Fan

A Chaotic Differential Evolution Algorithm for Flexible

Job Shop Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Haijun Zhang, Qiong Yan, Guohui Zhang, and Zhiqiang Jiang

Modeling and Simulation for Super Large Twin-Propeller Twin-Rudder

Ship and Its Course ADRC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Chen Guo, Demin Wang, and Yongzheng Li
XII Contents – Part II

Aircraft Takeoff Taxiing Model Based on Lagrange

Interpolation Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Meng Zhang, Yiping Yao, and Hong Wang

Precise Geometrical Alignment of Assembly Design from Tolerance

Simulation Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Muhammad Kashif Nawaz, Lihong Qiao, and Jianshun Wu

RUL Prediction of Bearings Based on Mixture of Gaussians Bayesian

Belief Network and Support Vector Data Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Qianhui Wu, Yu Feng, and Biqing Huang

Military Simulation

Decision-Making Modeling of Close-In Air-Combat Based on Type-2

Fuzzy Logic System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Hua-xing Wu, Wei Huang, Peng Zhang, and Fengju Kang

Research on Multi-dimension and Multi-view Integrated Modeling

of Operational System of Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Li Kou, Lili Yin, and Wenhui Fan

An External Rendering Algorithm for IR Imaging Simulation

of Complex Infrared Scene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Peng Wang, Ge Li, Xibao Wang, and Dongling Liu

An Improved Genetic Algorithm in Shipboard Power Network Planning . . . . 167

Zhi-peng Hui and Xin Ji

Modeling and Simulation of Four-Point Source Decoying System . . . . . . . . . 180

Bai Fu-zhong, Cao Fei, and Tang Jun-yao

The Optimized Design on the Tails of a Miniature Guided

Rocket Projectile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
XiaoQian An and JunFang Fan

The Customized Human Body Modeling and Its Application in Damage

Model Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Yidi Gao and Xiajun Jiang

Research on Image Stitching Algorithm for UAV Ground

Station Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Hou Jinmeng and Su Zhong

Improved Clonal Selection Algorithm Optimizing Neural Network

for Solving Terminal Anti-missile Collaborative Intercepting
Assistant Decision-Making Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Jin-ke Xiao, Wei-min Li, Xin-rong Xiao, and Cheng-zhong Lv
Contents – Part II XIII

Optimal Controller Design and Simulation Analysis of Inertially Stabilized

Platform for Airborne Remote Sensing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Delin Zeng and Kai Xiao

Cooperative Task Assignation for R/S UAVs Based on Binary Wolf

Pack Algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Yonglan Liu, Weimin Li, Husheng Wu, and Chengzhong Lv

A Filtering Method of Laser Radar Imaging Based on Classification

of Curvature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Xin Yuan and Qing Li

The Database Architecture Design of the Satellite Simulation Platform . . . . . 271

Guannan Sun, Qipeng Hu, and Xin Lin

Cooperative Searching Strategy for Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Based on Modified Probability Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Qiwang Huang, Jian Yao, Qun Li, and Yifan Zhu

Design of Target Aircraft Auto Air-Combat Tactics Decision System . . . . . . 288

Kungang Yuan, Dengdi Liu, Daogang Jiang, Zhiwei Zhang,
and Xiang Lei

Matching Suitability of Geomagnetic Aided Navigation Based on Spectral

Moment Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Ting Li, Jinsheng Zhang, Shicheng Wang, and Zhifeng Lv

Approach for Intelligent Rival-Air-Plane Threats Evading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306

Xiang Lei, AnXiang Huang, YuQiang Su, Chuan Ren, HuiMin Cao,
and XiaoWen Fen

Research on Construction and Evaluation Methods of the Operation

Simulation Environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
Hui-min Cao, An-xiang Huang, Lei Xiang, JinSong Li, BaiGang Sun,
and PeiHua Ye

The Development of Complex and Large System Based

on Simulation Prototype. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
Zhiming Song and Xin Zhao

Model Simulation of Melting Layer Based on Wind Profile Radar Data. . . . . 336
Zhengyu Zhang, Zhengang Xue, Liren Xu, and Taichang Gao

Modeling of the Guidance and Control System for the Guided Ammunition . . . 345
Peng Wang, Ge Li, Dongling Liu, Xibao Wang, Xiaodong Zhu,
and Kedi Huang
XIV Contents – Part II

Research on the Maximum Allowable Advancing Step of a Distributed

Flight Control Simulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
Yuhong Li, Chan Guo, Xiao Song, Ni Li, Guanghong Gong,
and Yaofei Ma

A Two-Stage Decision Model Based on Rough Set and Fuzzy Reasoning

with Application to Missile Selection for Aerial Targets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
Shanliang Yang, Chuncai Wang, Mei Yang, Ge Li, and Kedi Huang

Algorithm Research for Function Damage Assessment of Airport Runway . . . 374

Guangping Zhang, Zhiwen Jiang, Yiping Yao, Bin Gan, Wenjie Tang,
and Cifeng Wang

A New Learning Method Study of Military Simulation Data . . . . . . . . . . . . 385

Liang Tian, Shaojie Mao, and Shiqing Sun

An OODA Loop-Based Function Network Modeling and Simulation

Evaluation Method for Combat System-of-Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
Zhe Shu, Quan Jia, Xiaobo Li, and Weiping Wang

Ontology Based Semantic Interoperation in Warfare Simulation . . . . . . . . . . 403

Chunguang Peng, Jianhui Deng, and Bo Zhang

An Efficiency Evaluation Model of Combat SoS Counterworks Based

on Directed and Weighted Network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Tian Zhang, Zhiyong Huang, Handong Wen, and Zhenfeng Bao

Modeling of Underwater Terrain Aided Navigation and Terrain

Matching Algorithm Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
Shen Jian, Shi Jing, and Xiong Lu

An Integrated Simulation System for Air-to-Ground Guided Munitions . . . . . 433

Xiaodong Zhu, Ge Li, Peng Wang, and Xibao Wang

Modeling and Simulation of Missile-Satellite Co-location System . . . . . . . . . 441

Jia-zhen Duan, Fei Cao, and Fu-zhong Bai

Behavior Modeling of Air to Ship Fighter Based on Context-Based

Reasoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
Ying-tong Lu, Liang Han, Xiao Song, and Jiang-yun Wang

Pilot Behavior Modeling Using LSTM Network: A Case Study . . . . . . . . . . 458

Yanan Zhou, Zihao Fu, and Guanghong Gong

The Accuracy Enhancement of Angle Measurement for Compact RF/IR

Compound Target Simulation System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
Li Yanhong, Chen Dong, Tian Yi, Pang Xudong, and Zhang Li
Contents – Part II XV

Credibility Evaluation Index System Research of Optical Multi-mode

Compound Guidance Simulation System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
Qi Li, Tuo Ding, Ping Ma, Haisheng Zhao, Zhenhong Zuo, and Wei Li

Perceptual Modeling of Virtual Soldier in Military Game Based

on Attention Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
Jianjian Zhang and Long Qin

A Model on Airborne Radar in Look-Down Search Mode Based

on Clutter Spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
Dazhi Qi, Hucheng Pei, and Jinchang Tian

Trajectory Modeling and Simulation of Anti-missile Interception

of Warship Based Missile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
Yunbo Gao, Liang Han, and Jiangyun Wang

An Air Combat Decision-Making Method Based on Knowledge

and Grammar Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
Duan Yang and Yaofei Ma

Simulation Research on Missile Tracking Under the Guidance

of Online Real Radar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
Honglin Xu, Weibo Chen, and Xiaolei Ning

Study on Battlefield Situation Assessment Model of Simulation Entity

Based on Stacked Auto-Encoder Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
Ou Wei, Guo Sheng-Ming, Liu Shao-Jun, and He Xiao-Yuan

Methods of Analyzing Combat SoS Coordination Pattern Based

on Temporal Motif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544
Wenfeng Wu, Xiaofeng Hu, Shengming Guo, and Xiaoyuan He

Test Data Fusion Based on Importance Sampling Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . 555

Xiaolei Ning, Yingxia Wu, Hailin Zhang, and Xin Zhao

Inspiration for Battlefield Situation Cognition from AI Military Programs

Launched by DARPA of USA and Development of AI Technology . . . . . . . 566
Zhu Feng, Hu Xiaofeng, Wu Lin, He Xiaoyuan, and Guo Shengming

Intelligent Behavior Modeling on Information Delivery

of Time-Sensitive Targets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578
Chi-Jung Jung and Il-Chul Moon

Design and Application of Exterior Ballistics Simulation and Data Analysis

Tool for EMRG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
Dongxing Qi, Ping Ma, and Xiaobing Shang
XVI Contents – Part II

Inverse Modeling of Combat Behavior with Virtual-Constructive

Simulation Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597
Doyun Kim, Do-Hyeong Kim, and Il-Chul Moon

Visualization and Virtual Reality

Human Action Recognition Based on Angle Descriptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609

Ling Rui, Shiwei Ma, Lina Liu, Jiarui Wen, and Bilal Ahmad

Research on Satellite Simulation for Mobile Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618

Qi Su, Xin Lin, and Qipeng Hu

Viewpoint Scoring Approach and Its Application to Locating Canonical

Viewpoint for 3D Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625
Li Che and Fengju Kang

Self-collision Detection Optimization Method in the Arm

Clothes Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634
He Bing, Lv Yue, and Jing Mi

3D Finite Element Modeling and Simulation of Nonlinear Ultrasonic

Evaluation for Steel Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642
Yanyan Liu, Linwen Zhang, Haojie Yuan, and Shiwei Ma

Research on Simulation Scenario Entity Transform Based

on Visually Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651
Xin Wang and LaiBin Yan

A Motion Segmentation Based Algorithm of Human Motion Alignment . . . . 660

Meng Zha, Zhigeng Pan, and Mingmin Zhang

Research on Virtual-actual Design Environment of Command

Compartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 671
Shengxiao Zhang, Wenyuan Xu, Hao Li, Li Guo, and Dongmei Zhao

Analysis on the Deviation of the Position and Color Based on Kinect

Scanning Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680
Shan Liu, Shiying Cui, Zhengliang Zhu, and Guanghong Gong

The Framework of Inspection Layers of CT and MRI Human Brain

Datasets by Bimanual Gesture Interaction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691
Yiyi Deng, Zeqing Fu, Xin Jia, Bin Gao, and Yanlin Luo

Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701

HMI & Robot Simulations
Model-Free Adaptive Iterative Learning
Control Based on Data-Driven for Noncircular
Turning Tool Feed System

Zhao Yunjie1, Cao Rongmin1(&), and Zhou Huixing2

School of Automation, Beijing Information Science
and Technology University, Beijing 100192, China
[email protected]
College of Engineering China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China

Abstract. In practical applications, noncircular turning tool feed system repeat

the same control tasks over a finite time interval. But it does not have the ability
to improve the tool position error from past repeated operations. This paper will
use Partial Form Dynamic Linearization based Model-Free Adaptive Iterative
Learning Control (PFDL-MFAILC) algorithm in noncircular turning tool feed.
PFDL-MFAILC is a data-driven iterative learning control algorithms. The
design of noncircular turning tool feed controller is just rely on input and output
data. Simulation of PFDL-MFAILC algorithm show that the noncircular turning
tool feed position error is improved as the number of repetitions increases. By
contrast with PID control algorithm, position tracking accuracy of PFDL-
MFAILC algorithm is significantly better than traditional PID control algorithm.
After 60 iterations, the steady-state error of PFDL-MFAILC algorithm is much
lower than the steady-state error of the PID algorithm. PFDL-MFAILC algo-
rithm achieve the goal that improving position precision of noncircular turning
tool feed and making noncircular turning tool feed have self-learning ability
from past repeated operations.

Keywords: Model-free adaptive control  Iterative learning control 

Noncircular turning tool feed system  Linear motor servo system

1 Introduction

Shipbuilding is an important industry in development of marine resources and national

defense construction. With increasing demand for maritime transport, technology of
shipbuilding has been rapid developed [1]. Diesel is the power part of ship. Coopera-
tion of piston and cylinder can determine the performance of diesel. Improve accuracy
of piston will increase diesel’s power and reduce its fuel consumption.
Piston is typical noncircular component and it have complex surface. Currently,
noncircular turning is an effective way to machine the piston in high precision. Linear
motor is an important part of noncircular turning tool feed system. However, the
traditional algorithm such as PID control can not learn from the past repeated opera-
tions. As a result, although the noncircular turning tool feed system runs many times,
the position error would be same without any improvement.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 3–10, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_1
4 Z. Yunjie et al.

MFAILC is a data-driven algorithm. The basic idea of the approach is shown as

follows [2–4]: First, the data model with a simple incremental form is given by
introducing the concept of PG along the iteration axis. Then, the data model based
MFAILC scheme is designed. Theoretical analysis show that the tracking error con-
verges monotonically to zero along the iteration axis although the initial errors are
randomly varying with iterations [5].
Therefore, this article will apply partial form dynamic linearization based
model-free adaptive iterative learning control(PFDL-MFAILC) to noncircular turning
tool feed system.

2 Partial Form Dynamic Linearization (PFDL) Data Model

in the Iteration Domain

SISO nonlinear discrete-time system that operates repeatedly can be written as follows:

yðk þ 1; iÞ ¼ f ðyðk; iÞ; yðk  1; iÞ. . .; yðk  ny ; iÞ; uðk; iÞ; uðk  1; iÞ. . .; uðk
 nu ; iÞÞ ð1Þ

Where uðk; iÞ is control system input and yðk; iÞ is control system output at sam-
pling time k of the ith iteration, ny ; nu are two unknown positive number, and f ð  Þ is
an nonlinear function.
Denote UL ðk; iÞ as a vector consisting of all control input signal within a moving
time window ½K  L þ 1; K of the ith iteration. The integer L is called control input
linearization length constant [5].

UL ðk; iÞ ¼ ½uðk; iÞ; uðk  1; iÞ    ; uðk  L þ 1; iÞT

PFDL data model in the iteration domain is done in the following two assumptions.
Assumption 1. Nonlinear system (1) partial derivative respect to the variables from the
ðny þ 2Þth to the ðny þ L þ 1Þth, namely, uðk; iÞ; uðk  1; iÞ;    ; uðk  L þ 1; iÞ, are
Assumption 2. When jDuðk; iÞj 6¼ 0, system (1) conforms the generalized Lipschitz
condition along the iteration axis, that is,

jDyðk þ 1; iÞj  bkDUL ðk; iÞk ð2Þ

where Dyðk þ 1; iÞ ¼ yðk þ 1; iÞ  yðk þ 1; i  1Þ; DUL ðk; iÞ ¼ UL ðk; iÞ  UL ðk; i  1Þ;
b [ 0 is a finite positive constant.
Consider nonlinear system (1) satisfying Assumptions 1 and 2. If kDUL ðk; iÞk 6¼ 0,
then there exists Pseudo Gradient (PG): UL ðk; iÞ. PG is a vector, which contains a
number of time-varying parameters. Therefore the system (1) can be transformed into
the following PFDL-MFAILC data model:
Model-Free Adaptive Iterative Learning Control Based on Data-Driven 5

Dyðk þ 1; iÞ ¼ UTL ðk; iÞDUL ðk; iÞ ð3Þ


UL ðk; iÞ ¼ ½U1 ðk; iÞ; U2 ðk; iÞ;    ; UL ðk; iÞ; T

DUL ðk; iÞ ¼ ½Duðk; iÞ; Duðk  1; iÞ;    Duðk  L þ 1; iÞT

3 Controller Algorithm

Given a desired trajectory yd ðkÞ, The goal is to find a series of appropriate control input
signal uðk; iÞ, so that with the number of iteration i increase, the tracking error
eðk þ 1; iÞ ¼ yd ðk þ 1Þ  yðk þ 1; iÞ continues to decrease.
Consider the cost function of the control input as follows:

Jðuðk; iÞÞ ¼ jeðk þ 1; iÞj2 þ kjuðk; iÞ  uðk; i  1Þj2 ð4Þ

where k [ 0 is introduced to restrain the changing rate of the control input.

Using the optimal condition ð@J=ð@uðk; iÞÞÞ ¼ 0, we have

U1 ðk; iÞ X
uðk; iÞ ¼ uðk; i  1Þ þ ½q1 eðk þ 1; i  1Þ  qj Uj ðk; iÞDuðk
k þ jU1 ðk; iÞj2 j¼2
 j þ 1; iÞ ð5Þ

where q 2 ð0; 1 is added to make the CFDL-MFAILC algorithm (5) more general.

4 PG Iterative Updating Algorithm

Since UL ðk; iÞ is not available, controller algorithm (5) cannot be applied directly.
Thus, we present a cost function of PG estimation as
JðUL ðk; iÞÞ ¼ Dyðk þ 1; i  1Þ  UTL ðk; iÞDUL ðk; i  1Þ þ U
^ L ðk; iÞðk; i  1Þ2

where l [ 0 is a weighting factor.

Minimizing (6) with respect to UL ðk; iÞ according to the optimality condition and
using the above matrix inversion lemma give

^ L ðk; iÞ ¼ U
^ L ðk; i  1Þ þ gDUL ðk; i  1Þ ^ T ðk; i
U 2
ðDyðk þ 1; i  1Þ  U L
l þ kDUL ðk; i  1Þk
 1ÞDUL ðk; i  1ÞÞ ð7Þ
6 Z. Yunjie et al.

Where the parameter g 2 ð0; 2 is added to make the Pseudo Gradient (PG) esti-
^ L ðk; iÞ is the estimation of unknown PG UL ðk; iÞ.
mation algorithm more generic. The U

5 PFDL-MFAILC Algorithm Simulation of Noncircular

Turning Tool Feed System

In noncircular turning tool feed system, the structure conclude current loop control,
speed loop control and position loop control. The current loop and speed loop are
achieved by linear motor driver, position loop is achieved by controller [1]. Therefore,
the controlled plant in this paper are linear motor driver and linear motor.
From reference [1], control input is voltage signal, control output is linear motor
position signal. After system identification, linear motor and its drive transfer function
is written as follows:

7437:7769ðs  928:2Þ
GðsÞ ¼
ðs þ 474Þðs þ 474Þðs þ 6:404Þ


0:001811z2  0:00363z  0:002546

GðzÞ ¼
z3  2:239z þ 1:625z  0:385

Set sampling time interval is 1 ms, the differential equation is written as follows:

yðkÞ ¼ 2:2386yðk  1Þ  1:6246yðk  2Þ þ 0:385yðk  3Þ

þ 0:0018uðk  1Þ  0:0036uðk  2Þ  0:0025uðk  3Þ

To facilitate the operation, formula (8) is written as follows:

yðk þ 3Þ ¼ 2:2386yðk þ 2Þ  1:6246yðk þ 1Þ þ 0:385yðkÞ

þ 0:0018uðk þ 2Þ  0:0036uðk þ 1Þ  0:0025uðkÞ

5.1 PID Algorithm Simulation of Noncircular Turning Tool Feed System

PID algorithm is a traditional control algorithm and it is widely used in industrial
control. Setting sinusoidal signal as linear motor’s desired output position curve [6–9].
The sinusoidal signal’s amplitude is 2 mm, frequency is 0.5 Hz. System step:
k 2 ½1; 4000. Step interval is 1 ms. Figure 1 shows tracking performance of PID
algorithm after tuning PID parameters to the best and position error of PID algorithm.
Where yd ðkÞ represents the desired output position curve, yðkÞ represents the actual
output position curve. As can be seen from Fig. 1, the maximum position error is about
60lm. With the increase of sampling time, the Steady-State Error is about 27lm.
Model-Free Adaptive Iterative Learning Control Based on Data-Driven 7

Fig. 1. Tracking performance of PID algorithm

5.2 PFDL-MFAILC Algorithm Simulation of Noncircular Turning Tool

Feed System
Setting sinusoidal signal as noncircular turning tool feed desired output position curve
[10–12]. The sinusoidal signal’s amplitude is 2 mm, frequency is 0.5 Hz. System step:
k 2 ½1; 4000 step interval is 1 ms. The parameters in PFDL-MFAILC are set to
L ¼ 2; k ¼ 1; g ¼ 1; q1 ¼ q2 ¼ 1; l ¼ 1. In order to compare with PID algorithm, set
the voltage signal value in PID as PFDL-MFAILC algorithm input in the first iteration.
Set the initial output position value as yð1; iÞ ¼ yd ð1Þ; yð2; iÞ ¼ yd ð2Þ; yð3; iÞ ¼ yd ð3Þ
Where yd ð1Þ; yd ð2Þ; yd ð3Þ represents desired output position value in sampling time
1, 2, 3, where yð1; iÞ; yð2; iÞ; yð3; iÞ represent set initial output position value at time
instant 1, 2, 3 of the ith iteration.
Figure 2 shows tracking performance in PFDL-MFAILC algorithm after iterating
60 times. Where yd ðkÞ is desired output position curve, yðkÞ is actual output position
curve. Figure 3 shows maximum position error and partial view of maximum position
error as iteration number increase. From Fig. 3, the maximum position error of the
linear motor is gradually decreased and converge to 20lm as iteration number increase.
Figure 4 shows noncircular turning tool feed position error after iterating
20,30,40,50 times. From Fig. 4, the maximum position error occurs in initial sampling
time, and as iteration number increases, the Steady-State Error decreases rapidly.
Figure 5 shows position error curve and partial view of position error after iterating 60
times. From partial view of Fig. 5, the Steady-State Error can be converged to 13 nm
after 60 iterations.

Fig. 2. Tracking performance in PFDL-MFAILC algorithm

8 Z. Yunjie et al.

Fig. 3. Maximum position error in PFDL-MFAILC algorithm

Fig. 4. Position error after 20,30,40,50 iterations

Fig. 5. Position error after 60 iterations

Model-Free Adaptive Iterative Learning Control Based on Data-Driven 9

6 Conclusion

Due to noncircular turning tool feed does not have self-learning ability to improve its
position error, this paper use PFDL-MFAILC algorithm in noncircular turning tool feed
system. After simulating linear motor position error in PID algorithm and
PFDL-MFAILC algorithm, the results show that maximum error is about 60lm in PID
algorithm and Steady-State Error is about 27lm in PID algorithm. Linear motor
maximum position error is about 20lm in PFDL-MFAILC algorithm. The steady-state
error is just about 13 nm in PFDL-MFAILC algorithm after 60 iterations. From result
of simulation, PFDL-MFAILC algorithm position error is much lower than PID
algorithm as iteration increase. It achieve the goal that improving positional accuracy of
noncircular turning tool feed system and making noncircular turning tool feed have
self-learning ability.
In the future, PFDL-MFAILC algorithm will be used in practical applications.
Robustness of noncircular turning tool feed system will be enhanced in order to deal
with practical interference.

Acknowledgment. This work is supported by Beijing Natural Science Foundation of China

(4142017), International Cooperation Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China
(61120106009) and The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61261160497).

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5. Hou, Z.S., Jin, S.T.: Model Free Adaptive Control Theory and Applications. Science Press,
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7. Yanhui, W.: Study on Model Free Adaptive Control for Nonlinear Systems. Yanshan
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8. Cao, R.M., Zhou, H.X., Hou, Z.S.: Synthesis iterative learning control for noncircular
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9. Lei, W.: Design and Experimental Study of Poly Magnet Linear Voice Coil Motor. China
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10. Hou, M.: Research on high-precision high-speed high-frequency linear motor control
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11. Zhang, Y.: The research of the error compensation and the technology of feedforward control
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Vibration Characteristic Analysis
and Optimization of Heavy Load High Voltage
Circuit Breaker Contact

Aibin Zhu1(&), Wencheng Luo1, Jianwei Zhao2, and Dayong He1

Key Laboratory of Education Ministry for Modern Design & Rotor-Bearing
System, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
[email protected],
School of Mechanical Electronic and Information Engineering,
China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China
[email protected]

Abstract. The steady and rapid action of contact directly determines the overall
performance of high voltage circuit breaker robot in closing and opening pro-
cess. The current high-voltage circuit breaker robot reveals obvious contact
vibration during use. In order to alleviate the ablation of contact due to the
electric arc which is caused by the contact vibration, this essay establishes a
forced vibration model of damped three degrees of freedom system through
citing a new high-voltage circuit breaker, and analyzes the impacts of the mass
and equivalent stiffness proportion among static contact, moving contact and
support frame on the contact vibration frequency and amplitude by adopting
Dunkerly and matrix iteration methods. Through adding vibration measuring
instrument in the contact for experimental verification, the results show that
appropriate and reasonable optimization of the mass proportion and equivalent
stiffness proportion among static contact, moving contact and support frame can
effectively reduce the amplitude of the first order of the main vibration mode,
thus significantly alleviating the ablation of contact under the premise of
effectively ensuring the opening speed to meet the conditions. The study results
can remarkably reduce the vibration of high voltage circuit breaker contact, and
then improve the overall performance of high voltage circuit breaker robot.

Keywords: High voltage circuit breaker  Three degrees of freedom system 

Equivalent stiffness  The first order vibration mode  Opening speed

1 Introduction

High voltage circuit breaker (hereafter referred to as HVCB) is an important control

and protection robot in the power system, its main role is to effectively control and
protect power transmission lines and electrical apparatus [1–3]. In order to meet the

A. Zhu, W. Luo, J. Zhao and D. He — Co-first authors: they contribute equally to this research.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 11–19, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_2
12 A. Zhu et al.

kinetic characteristic of contact, the closing speed must be quick enough to decrease the
arcing time of pre-breakdown, so as to alleviate the ablation of contact surface [4, 5].
But on the other hand, excessive closing speed will cause contact vibration which also
can leads to the ablation of contact surface. Therefore, the vibration characteristics
simulation of HVCB contact can help to ease the closing elastic vibration, opening
bounce [6], and improve the working life of HVCB robot.
In terms of reducing the contact vibration of HVCB robot, the domestic scholars
have done some preliminary studies. Yang-Wu carried on the theoretical analysis and
simulation of hydraulic operating mechanism opening buffer [7]. Xu-Jian Yuan
established the relationship among the speed characteristic, contact overshoot and
rebound amplitude, and achieved effective inhibition of contact overshoot and bounce
through calibrating the default value [8]. Qian-Jia Li analyzed the impact phenomena
and calculation methods of moving component of HVCB operating mechanism during
processing, and analyzed the best mass ratio of the two colliding part under the dif-
ferent requirements [9]. Lin concluded that increasing contact spring stiffness coeffi-
cient can limit the closing vibration [10]. Zhang et al. [11], Fu and Hao [12] researched
the fault diagnosis methods based on vibration signal.
The above research results are effective for simple operation system, especially for
low-voltage circuit breaker mechanism motion characteristics where opening speed is
not seen as important. However, it is dramatically difficult to obtain good vibration
damping effect for HVCB robot with intricate mechanical structure and numerous
mechanical components. Besides that, this method will prolong design cycle and
augment the product cost. Especially for heavy load HVCB robot researched in this
paper, the structure is shown in Fig. 1, and the comparison parameter with the tradi-
tional CT20 HVCB is shown in Table 1. It can be seen from the Table 1 that the new
type circuit breaker can endure 550 kV voltage level or higher voltage level, and the
closing spring operating power is nearly 6KN, which is almost twice what the

Table 1. The parameter comparison between CT20 HVCB and new type HVCB
Parameter Opening Closing Opening Closing Applied
comparison power/KN power/KN speed/m/s speed/m/s voltage
CT20 1.8 3.2 4.5*5.5 2.5*3.5 40*252
New type 3.8 5.9 7.8*9.2 3*4 550*800

Fig. 1. The structure of high voltage circuit breaker

Vibration Characteristic Analysis and Optimization 13

traditional CT20 HVCB can provide. Additionally, the new type HVCB has more than
300 components and fast closing speed, it needs to endure bigger closing impact with,
so the method of adding buffer almost has no effect on the new circuit breaker.
Given that the contact vibration condition, this essay establishes a forced vibration
model of damped three degrees of freedom system based on vibration mechanics
theory, and analyzes the impacts of the mass and equivalent stiffness ratio among static
contact, moving contact and support frame on the contact vibration frequency and
amplitude by adopting Dunkerly and matrix iteration methods. Through adding
vibration measuring instrument in the contact for experimental verification, the results
show that reasonable optimization of the mass and equivalent stiffness ratio among
static contact, moving contact and support frame can effectively reduce the amplitude
of the first order vibration mode, thus significantly alleviating the ablation of contact.

1.1 The Establishment of Vibration Mechanical Model

Motion differential equation of damped multiple-degree-of-freedom system is Eq. (1):

M€x þ C x_ þ Kx ¼ PðtÞ ð1Þ

Where mass matrix M, stiffness matrix K, damping matrix C are all n  n square
matrices, x, x_ , €x and PðtÞ are all n-dimensional vector. The specific form of reaction
equation as the following:
2 32 3 2 32 3 2 32 3 2 3
m11 m12  m1n €x1 c11 c12  c1n x_ 1 k11 k12  k1n x1 P1 ð t Þ
6m m  m2n 76 €x 7 6 c c22  c2n 7 6 x_ 7 6 k k22  k2n 76 7 6 7
6 21 22 76 2 7 6 21 76 2 7 6 21 76 x2 7 6 P2 ðtÞ 7
6 . . . .. 7 6 7 6 .. . . .. 7 6 7 6 6
.. . . .. 76 .. 7 ¼ 6 .. 7
7 7 6
6 . .. 76 . 7 þ 6 . 76 . 7 þ 6 . 7
4 . . . . 54 .. 5 4 .. . . . 54 .. 5 4 .. . . . 54 . 5 4 . 5
mn1 m2n  mnn €xn cn1 c2n  cnn x_ n kn1 k2n  knn xn Pn ð t Þ

Where cij in the matrix C is called the damping influence coefficient, its meaning is
the corresponding force applied on the i-coordinate to make the system generate unit
speed only on the j-coordinate.

x3 x2 x1 P ( t )
k3 k2 k1 k0
m3 m2 m1

Fig. 2. Forced vibration model of damped three degrees of freedom system

In Fig. 2, the paper establishes a forced vibration model of damped three degrees of
freedom system. In the process of collision, the moving contact m1 under the force
14 A. Zhu et al.

P1 ðtÞ collides with the static contact m2 , the support frame of the static contact is m3 .
Respectively, the equivalent spring stiffness between moving contact and static contact
is k1 , between the stationary contacts and the support frame is k2 and between the
support frame and the ground is k3 .
Combined with the Eqs. (1) and (2) to obtain the specific form of the forced
vibration model’s motion equation, the matrix form of the differential equation as the
2 32 3 2 32 3 2 32 3 2 3
m1 0 0 €x1 c 0 0 x_ 1 k1 þ k2 k2 0 x1 P 1 ðt Þ
6 76 7 6 76 7 6 76 7 6 7
4 0 m2 0 54 €x2 5 þ 4 0 0 0 54 x_ 2 5 þ 4 k2 k2 þ k3 k3 54 x2 5 ¼ 4 P2 ðtÞ 5
0 0 m3 €x3 0 0 0 x_ 3 0 k3 k3 x3 P 3 ðt Þ

To solve the first-order vibration mode’s natural frequency by adopting Dunkerly

and matrix iteration methods [13], the completed method is demonstrated as the fol-
lowing. First, record n  n square matrix A as the dynamic matrix of the system, which
is defined as A ¼ FM ¼ K 1 M. In order to prevent elements of the iteration vector
become too big or too small during the iterative process, the vector needs to be
normalized after each iteration step, i.e., replaces the last element with 1. The concrete
calculating steps of matrix iterative method as the following:
(1) Select the initial iteration vector X1 , replace the last element with 1;
(2) Iterate matrix X1 , and make new vector Y1 normalization;
(3) Repeat Eq. (4) iteration equation

Yr ¼ AXr ; Xr þ 1 ¼ Yr ð4Þ
ð Yr Þ n

If there is Xr þ 1 ¼ Xr within the permissible error range, take Xr þ 1 or Xr as the

first-order vibration mode. Therefore, the first order natural frequency is shown as the

ðYr Þn ðYr Þn 1 1
k1 ¼ ¼ ; x1 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ pffiffiffiffiffi ð5Þ
ðXr Þn 1 ðYr Þn k1

2 The Analysis of Contact Vibration Mechanical Model

Based on the previous analysis, the vibration mechanics characteristics of the contact is
determined primarily by the mass of static contact m1 , moving contact m2 and support
frame m3 and equivalent stiffness ratio k1 , k2 , k3 between them. However, how will this
six parameters affect the vibration characteristics of the contact and the influence extent
need to be further explored and analyzed.
Vibration Characteristic Analysis and Optimization 15

Barkan has made some discussion on dynamical processing of contact closing

bounce [14]. He proposed a three degrees of freedom energy transmission model for the
analysis of contact collision. The main result obtained from the model is that when
k2 =k1 ¼ 1 ¼ m3 =m1 , the kinetic energy associated with the collision can be transmitted
and retained to the support frame to the full extent during the collision. On the basis of
Barkan’s work, the author further analyzes the impacts of the mass ratio m3 =m2 and
equivalent stiffness ratio k3 =k1 on the contact vibration frequency and amplitude.

Fig. 3. The mass ratio influence Fig. 4. The equivalent stiffness ratio influence

In order to quantitatively analyze the impact of the collision parts mass ratio on the
first order of the vibration mode’s natural frequency, this essay gradually increase the
mass ratio m3 =m2 from 1 to 10, and then calculate the natural frequency for each mass
ratio. In Fig. 3, in the course of the mass ratio m3 =m2 increasing step by step, the first
order natural vibration frequency decreases first quickly, then slowly and finally levels
off. The vibration frequency varies in a larger range from 52 Hz to 18 Hz. From the
above analysis, it can come to the conclusion that through appropriately increasing the
mass ratio between support frame and static contact, the vibration impact can be
quickly transmitted to the support frame so as to weaken the contact vibration.
Similarly, in order to quantitatively analyze the impact of the equivalent stiffness
ratio k3 =k1 on the first order of the vibration mode’s natural frequency, this essay
gradually increase the equivalent stiffness ratio k3 =k1 from 1 to 12, and then calculate
the natural frequency for each equivalent stiffness ratio. In Fig. 4, in the course of the
equivalent stiffness ratio k3 =k1 increasing step by step, the first order vibration fre-
quency increases first quickly, then slowly and finally levels off. The vibration fre-
quency varies in a small range from 32 Hz to 37 Hz. From the above analysis, it can
come to the conclusion that through appropriately decreasing the equivalent stiffness
ratio, the vibration can be reduced. And the impact of the equivalent spring stiffness
ratio on the main vibration frequency of the first order is less than the mass ratio on the
vibration frequency.
Considering the double contact structure of the new type HVCB, it is measured by the
physical prototype of HVCB: m2 ¼ 22:174 kg , m1 ¼ 37:392 kg , m3 ¼ 67:764 kg.
Through increasing or decreasing the mass of non-critical structural components, the
author readjusts the mass ratio among static contact, moving contact, flange plate and
support frame. After optimization, m1 ¼ 64:428 kg , m2 ¼ 21:276 kg , m3 ¼ 66:391 kg.
Taking the optimization of the flange plate mass as an example, the author reduces the
16 A. Zhu et al.

a Before optimizatio b After optimization

Fig. 5. The comparison of flange plate mass before and after optimization

flange plate overall mass through cutting holes in non-critical structural position as shown
in Fig. 5. However, taking the real situation of mass ratio and material stiffness into
account, the author finally determines m3 =m2 ¼ 3 and k3 =k1 ¼ 10 as the best approach.

3 The Results and Analysis of Contact Vibration Model Test

3.1 The Settings of Test Apparatus

In order to verify the accuracy of three degrees of freedom vibration model, the author
conducts experiment research on the physical prototype of HVCB robot by using
vibration analyzer. Through installing vibration sensors on the HVCB contact, the
author respectively measures the contact vibration situation before and after the mass
and equivalent stiffness optimization of static contact, moving contact, flange plate and
support frame. And the author simultaneously records X direction transverse vibration
of the contact in the process of opening and closing. Physical prototype and mea-
surement method is shown in Fig. 6. Measuring principle is shown in Fig. 7.

Vibration Measuring Vibration Display

sensor circuit analyzer recorder


Power Signal
amplifier generator

Fig. 6. Measurement methods Fig. 7. Measuring principle

The author first sets 10 as the gradient for the range of 0 Hz to 100 Hz and 100 for
the range of 100 Hz to 1000 Hz. Then under the different excitation vibration fre-
quency, the author records the first order vibration frequency of contact and compares
the experiment result with the model simulation result.
Vibration Characteristic Analysis and Optimization 17

3.2 The Analysis of Experimental Results Before and After Optimization

The vibration response which is motivated by the external vibration in X direction is
shown in Fig. 8. Before optimization, in the process of the excitation frequency
gradually increasing from 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz, the amplitude increases slowly, then from
10 Hz to 30 Hz process, the amplitude increases rapidly, and there is a very remarkable
peak at 31 Hz, from 31 Hz to 100 Hz, the amplitude decreases rapidly, and from
100 Hz to 1000 Hz, the amplitude slowly decreases to its original level. After the
optimization, in the process of the excitation frequency gradually increasing from
0.1 Hz to 10 Hz, the amplitude increases slowly, then from 10 Hz to 20 Hz, the
amplitude increases rapidly, and there is a very remarkable peak at 23 Hz, from 23 Hz
to 100 Hz, the amplitude decreases rapidly, and from 100 Hz to 1000 Hz, the ampli-
tude slowly decreases to its original level. Through the above analysis, it comes to the
conclusion that the contact first order resonance frequency decreases from 31 Hz to
23 Hz after the optimization. The analysis shows the experimental results is consistent
with the theoretic simulation results, and the maximum relative error is less than 5 %.

a Before optimization b After optimization

Fig. 8. The comparison of simulation and experiment results before and after optimization

Table 2. The comparison of simulation and experiment results before optimization

Performance parameter Simulation Experiment Absolute error Relative error/%
Frequency/Hz 22.74 23.61 0.87 3.67
Amplitude/mm 1.67 1.81 0.14 8.38

Table 3. The comparison of simulation and experiment results after optimization

Performance parameter Simulation Experiment Absolute error Relative error/%
Frequency/Hz 31.65 33.18 1.53 4.83
Amplitude/mm 30.89 28.46 2.43 7.87
18 A. Zhu et al.

As shown in Table 2, before optimization, the resonance amplitude measured by

experiment is 28.46 mm and by simulation is 30.89 mm. Therefore, the simulation
results agree with the experimental results essentially, and the maximum relative error
of the average amplitude is less than 10 %. In Table 3, after optimization, the reso-
nance amplitude measured by experiment is 1.81 mm and by simulation is 1.67 mm,
and the maximum relative error of the average amplitude is less than 10 %. In con-
clusion, given that the experimental result curves agree with the simulation result
curves better before and after optimization, the experiment results can prove the
effectiveness of the forced vibration model simulation of damped three degrees of
freedom system. In addition, after optimization, the ablation of the contact surface is
greatly reduced and finally the service life of HVCB robot is improved.
Compared with the conclusion in Qian-Jia Li’s essay [9], the kinetic energy
associated with the collision can be transmitted and retained to the support frame to the
full extent during the collision. Additionally, the mechanical transmission efficiency
has been improved by 5 %.

4 Conclusion and Future Works

A forced vibration model of damped three degrees of freedom is proposed to achieve

the contact vibration frequency and amplitude. Dunkerly and matrix iteration methods
is adopted to calculate the first order vibration frequency. Both the simulation results
and calculation results are verified by experiment. Experiment results show that the
resonance amplitude of the physical prototype can be reduced from 28.46 mm to
1.67 mm after the optimization of the mass and equivalent stiffness proportion among
static contact, moving contact and support frame, and the maximum relative error of
average amplitude is less than 10 %. In conclusion, the study results can effectively
reduce the amplitude of the first order of the main vibration mode, thus significantly
alleviating the ablation of contact, and finally improve the overall performance of
HVCB robot.
The future works of this study will continue the theoretical research on contact
vibration model to further promote the performance of the heavy load HVCB.
Meanwhile, the future works will concentrate on the ablation time to strengthen the
approach of alleviating the ablation of contact.

1. Dai, Y., Zhang, M., Fan, K., et al.: Investigation of series-connected IGBTs in fast
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Gait Planning and Simulation of Four Rocker-Arms
Inspection Robot for Fully-Mechanized Workface
in Thin Coal Seam

Jianwei Zhao, Deyong Shang ✉ , and Qu Yuanyuan

( )

School of Mechanical Electronic and Information Engineering,

China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing, China
[email protected]

Abstract. A inspection robot with four rocker-arms was designed adapting to

the environment of fully-mechanized workface in thin coal seam. The walking
mechanism and relevant parameters were determined according to the function
requirements of the robot. Two sets of walking gaits were planned specifically
for the four rocker-arms and were simulated virtually using ADAMS. By
observing the behaviors of rocker-arms and analyzing the centroid displacement
of the robot during the movements, both of the two sets of walking gaits were
verified to be reasonable, one of them is recommended based on its better stability.

Keywords: Thin seam · Inspection robot · Simulation · Gait planning

1 Introduction

The thin coal resource, with great economic exploitation value, is abundant and distrib‐
utes widely in china. However, due to the narrow space of thin coal seam workface,
installation, operation and maintenance of equipment manually become more difficult.
The typical environment of thin coal seam workface was shown in Fig. 1. The mainte‐
nance workers squat and examine the working condition of shearer group, hydraulic
supports and other equipment [1]. While some workface is so narrow that workers have
to crawl through, which harms the health of maintenance workers obviously, especially
when they have to work for a long time under this harsh environment.
In order to alleviate the labor intensity of maintenance workers, it is urgent to design
a kind of inspection robot, which can adapt the environment of fully mechanized work‐
face in thin coal seam, and replace or accomplish the inspection work auxiliary. The
desired inspection robot, whose structure is shown in Fig. 2, can adapt all kinds of terrain
environment of the working face with better obstacle crossing ability. It is composed of
walking mechanism and operating arm. The walking mechanism is driven by crawler
and consists of four rocker-arms assembled in front and rear respectively which mainly
assist crossing obstacles.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 20–28, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_3
Gait Planning and Simulation of Four Rocker-Arms Inspection Robot 21

Fig. 1. Workers overhaul equipment in thin coal seam workface

Fig. 2. The structure of the inspection robot

2 Performance Indicators

In view of particularity of the environment of thin coal seam workface, the aforemen‐
tioned inspection robot must satisfy the performance indicators shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Main performance indicators of inspection robot

Item Performance indicators
Boundary dimension l × b × h(mm) rocker-arm fully extended 750 × 340 × 160
rocker-arm shrinkage 540 × 340 × 160
Total mass 31 kg
Working speed 0.5 m/s
Maximum permissible gradient 30°
Maximum height of surmountable obstacle 180 mm
Rotation angle of front and rear rocker-arm ±360°
Endurance 2h
22 J. Zhao et al.

3 Structure of Walking Mechanism

The inspection robot consists of three parts, including robot body, left and right master
drive tracks,as well as front and rear rocker-arms tracks. As shown in Fig. 3, The inspec‐
tion robot has six DC motors in total, which two of them drive the two rear-wheels
respectively to realize the function of going forward and differential turning. The other
four DC motors drive the four rocker-arms respectively to assist the inspection robot get
through a variety of complicated terrains [2–4]. The employ of four rocker-arms modular
design in this case is based on its conveniences for maintenance and replacement.
Symmetrical structure layout [5, 6] is applied to make the centroid of the robot coincide
with its geometric center, so that to improve the robot’s stability when crossing obstacles.

Fig. 3. The structure design diagram for inspection robot

4 Four Rocker-Arms Gait Planning

Generally, there are at least three driven joints in each leg for the omni-directional
quadruped robot. Unlikely, the four rocker-arms of the designed inspection robot in this
paper are driven by four DC motors separately, which means they can only revolve
around the main body of the robot. The expected walking manner as any quadruped
robot does is realized through reasonably planning the rotation angle and swinging
sequence of the four rocker-arms.

4.1 The Assumption of Gait Planning

When planning the static gait for the four rocker-arms robot, the following assuming
conditions are proposed [7, 8].
• The structure of inspection robot is symmetrical, the centroid of robot is located on
the body geometric center; the influence to the robot’s centroid position by the rota‐
tion of the rocker-arms is neglected.
• The step length of four swinging legs are equal and the time that one step takes is the
same, that is to say, two-side swing is symmetrical.
• There is no relative sliding for the contact point between swinging leg and the ground.
• Assume an initial state of the inspection robot when walking.
Gait Planning and Simulation of Four Rocker-Arms Inspection Robot 23

4.2 The Gait Figure

In order to keep robot’s walking stability in one gait period, not only the revolving
sequence and rotation angle of each rocker-arm need to be planned reasonably, but also
their positions against to the robot’s main body are necessarily adjusted at the same time.
Thus, the sufficient stability margin could be guaranteed during the proceeding.
The gait figure is used to describe the walking manner of the inspection robot in one
motion period, it reflects the revolve sequencing of each rocker-arms and their position
against to robot’s main body. Assumed that the inspection robot left front rocker-arm
as rocker-arm 1, then the rocker-arm2, rocker-arm3 and rocker-arm4 respectively
according to clockwise direction, In order to keep the robot moving stably, the four
rocker-arms rotate and move forward in turn according to the gait planning. We must
ensure that at least three rocker-arms support the robot simultaneously, Define that the
gait 3-1-4-2 refers to the rotation sequence of the rocker-arm that the rocker-arm 3 rotate
at first, then the rocker-arm 1, rocker-arm4, and rocker-arm2 rotate respectively. The
gait 3-1-4-2 diagram is shown in Fig. 4. This set of gait adjusts the centroid location
only once in one period when the robot proceeds, which is simple to control, easy to
realize and of high walking efficiency.

Fig. 4. The motion diagram of the gait 3-1-4-2. The gait marked as 1-4-2-3 was planned and is
shown in Fig. 5. In one gait period, the robot adjusts the location of centroid position twice a
period when the four rocker-arms supporting robot body simultaneously.
24 J. Zhao et al.

Fig. 5. The motion diagram of the gait 1-4-2-3

4.3 The Virtual Simulation

In order to verify the rationality and validity of the gait planning, the two sets of gaits
were virtual simulated using ADAMS. To display clearly, the rocker link was hidden
during the simulation. The front view of simulation of the two sets of gaits are shown
in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively. And the simulation results show that both the two sets of
gaits were reasonable.

a b c d

e f g h i

Fig. 6. The simulation diagram of gait 1-4-2-3

Gait Planning and Simulation of Four Rocker-Arms Inspection Robot 25

a b c d

e f g h

Fig. 7. The simulation diagram of gait 3-1-4-2

4.4 Sequence Diagram for Control Rocker-Arm

The duty ratio of the both planned gaits is 85/100 = 0.85, the move distance of each step
and the motor rotary angle are related to the initial position of the robot. In order to
ensure the movement stability, set the initial position of the robot arm randomly to rotate
The gait 1-4-2-3 sequence diagram of the robot is shown in Fig. 8(a), and the 3-1-4-2
gait is shown in Fig. 8(b), horizontal solid line represents the rocker arm in the supporting


Arm3 Arm3

Arm4 Arm4

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time s Time s

(a) gait 1-4-2-3 (b) gait 3-1-4-2

Fig. 8. The gait sequence diagram for one cycle

4.5 Analysis on Simulation

The two sets of gaits planning were virtual simulated in three cycles using the ADAMS,
the centroid displacement curve diagram of the robot in the walking direction (X orien‐
tation) is shown in Fig. 9. Simulated result shows that the robot displacement in the
horizontal direction is 225.6 mm under the gait 3-1-4-2 by one cycle, and the horizontal
displacement is 225.6 mm for the gait 1-4-3-2. Meanwhile, the gait 3-1-4-2 shows more
smoothly than gait 1-4-3-2.
26 J. Zhao et al.

Fig. 9. The displacement of robot centroid on X orientation

The centroid displacement curve in the vertical direction (Y orientation) of the robot
is shown in Fig. 10. The amplitude value of both two sets of gait are the same and the
maximum value is 12.1 mm, while the fluctuation number of the 3-1-4-2 gait is obviously
less than the gait 1-4-3-2.

Fig. 10. The displacement of robot centroid on Y orientation

The centroid displacement curve in Z direction is shown in Fig. 11. Gait 3-1-4-2
offsets from the initial position further than the gait 1-4-3-2 does, and it turns to deviate
gradually from the planned route after moving several cycles.

Fig. 11. The displacement of robot centroid on Z orientation

Gait Planning and Simulation of Four Rocker-Arms Inspection Robot 27

4.6 Stability Margin Calculation

Generally, the stability margin of the robot depends on the distance between the centroid
location and the supporting side boundary in forward direction [9, 10], as the distance
denoted by ‘S’ illustrated in Fig. 12. The size of the margin is an important indicator to
judge the stability performance of the robot.

Support leg

d2 d1 Up leg
Walking direction
C0 S
C0 Centroid

A2 A3

Fig. 12. Stability margin of the robot move direction

By exporting the tangency points data of four rocker-arms from ADAMS, The robot
stability margin curve in three gait cycle is plotted and shown in Fig. 13. The results
indicate that within the 65–80 s, the minimum stability margin of the gait 1-4-3-2 was
11.40 mm, and the minimum stability margin of the gait 3-1-4-2 was 35.91 mm.

Fig. 13. Stability margin of the robot with the (a) gait 1-4-2-3 and (b) gait 3-1-4-2

5 Conclusions

The structure of this inspection robot cannot achieve omnidirectional walking, and its
stability and flexibility were not as good as the quadruped robot. For the robot-arm
structure, we planned the gait 3-1-4-2 and gait 1-4-2-3, and two kinds of three walking
gait cycle had been virtual simulation. The centroid of the robot’s displacement in the
X, Y, Z direction and the stability margin had been analysed, the results showed that the
gait 3-1-4-2 was more stable and easy to control. The planning gait can realize the robot
body posture adjustion and obstacle crossing function in fully mechanized workface,
which put forward higher requirements to the control system of inspection robot.
28 J. Zhao et al.


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7. Elshamli, A.: Mobile Robots Path Planning Optimization in Static and Dynamic
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Academic Publishers, Amsterdam (1996)
Self-balancing Robot Design
and Implementation Based on Machine Vision

Yingnian Wu(&) and Xinli Shi

School of Automation, Beijing Key Laboratory of High Dynamic Navigation

Technology, Beijing Information Science & Technology University,
Beijing, China
[email protected]

Abstract. Self-balancing robot based on machine vision with two wheels

sometimes can be more flexible and saving space than four wheels. We present
design scheme and experiment implement of self-balancing robot based on
machine vision in the paper. The robot can get road information by CCD
camera, then process the image by algorithm to get the road path information
and the robot can safely and reliably auto-drive along the road. Based on
machine vision the self-balancing robot does not need person to control it, and it
can reduce the human disturbance which can greatly improve the efficiency and
safety of the system. The system needs to deal with lots of tasks under CPU
resource limitation. We have considered the task scheduling under CPU
resource limitation through experiment and theory prove. It is proved that the
system has good intelligence and anti-interference ability by experiments and

Keywords: Self-balancing robot  Machine vision  Task scheduling

1 Introduction

With the development of new information technology, more and more robots have been
used in factory. Self-balancing robot based on machine vision with two wheels some-
times can be more flexible and saving space than four wheels. It has the function of
automatic driving, and automatic identification of road information. It can get the envi-
ronment around itself based on the camera. There are black lines in both edges of the road.
The robot can safely and reliably auto-drive along the road. Based on machine vision the
self-balancing robot does not need person to control it, and it can reduce the human
disturbance which can greatly improve the efficiency and safety of the system [1–4].

2 System Model and Stability Discussion

Figure 1 is the real system of the self-balancing robot. We can take the robot as a
physical pendulum model which centroid weight is m and pendulum length is L, and
take the motor and its driver system as coil spring model. We can discuss the pendulum
stability from the perspective of the potential energy curve.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 29–37, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_4
30 Y. Wu and X. Shi

Fig. 1. Real system of the self-balancing robot.

Suppose the system satisfying Hooke’s law, which assumes that the restoring force
of the motor and the tilt angle is proportional to the actual situation. In the real system,
when there is a deviation between the setting angle and the real angle of the robot, the
motor will timely correct the angle. So we assume the angel between setting angel and
real angel of the robot is less than 5 degree. The restoring force of the motor is
proportional linear relationship to the inclination angle.
Set the motor torque of the robot inverted pendulum model:

Lb ¼ kh ð1Þ

The elastic potential energy is

h 1
Epb ¼ khdh ¼ kh2 ð2Þ
0 2

The gravitational potential energy is

Epg ¼mgLðcosh  1Þ ð3Þ

The total potential energy is

Ep ¼ kh2 þ mgLðcosh  1Þ ð4Þ

Balance position is corresponding to the extreme value of the potential energy

curve, so set Ep ¼ UðhÞ, we can get the possible existing equilibrium position by
derivative of h.
Self-balancing Robot Design and Implementation 31

dU k
¼ kh  mgLsinh ¼ mgL h  sinh ð5Þ
dh mgL

Set ddUh ¼ 0, there exist 3 cases, case 1: mgk L [ 1, only if h¼0, there exists a
stationary point; case2:mgk L \1, there exist 3 stationary points, h¼0 and h¼  h0 .
case3: The critical state between the case 1 and case 2.
The stability of the equilibrium position is decided by ddhU2 .

d2 U
¼ kmgLcosh ð6Þ
(1) When mgk L [ 1 and h¼0, ddhU2 [ 0, Ep ¼ UðhÞ exists minimum value, equi-
librium is stable.
(2) When mgk L \1 and h¼0, ddhU2 \0, Ep ¼ UðhÞ is corresponding to the potential
energy maximum value, equilibrium is unstable.
(3) When mgk L \1 and h¼  h0 , ddhU2 \0, which can prove, equilibrium is stable [5].

3 Hardware System Design

There are 6 modules in the self-balancing robot based on machine vision systems:
micro-controller module, wireless communication module, machine vision module,
inertial sensing module, power module, and motor drive & control module (Fig. 2).


Communi- Inertial
cation Sensing

Robot Based on
Machine Vision

Motor Drive
& Control


Fig. 2. Robot system scheme

32 Y. Wu and X. Shi

3.1 Power and Motor Drive & Control Module

The main functionality of the power module is to supply power for the micro controller,
all sensors and motor driver modules. The robot uses Ni-Cr battery for power supply,
which has good specialty for big electricity discharging. The specified voltage for the
battery is 7.2 V, which can be up to 8.4 V with fully charging. The deceasing voltage
under load is small, which makes benefit for the robot to move stably.
The CCD camera, micro controller, encoder, blue tooth, accelerometer and gyro-
scope module are all powered at 5 V, hence the regulator module is only made up of
LM2940 regulator chip, which is relatively simple and has small effect on the gravity
center of the robot.
The motor drive & control module is made up of BTS7970B double circuit using
light coupling, so that it can be isolated from the power supply on CPU and effectively
protect the CPU. The drive circuit has a small size and leads to good driving ability and
effective braking.

3.2 Micro-Controller Module

The micro-controller is the brain of the intelligent robot. It controls the robot to perform
various actions as pre-settings, receives the information gathered by all sensors, pro-
cesses all received information, and transfers the processed information to corre-
sponding actuators.
The robot uses the 16 bit MC9S12XS128 MCU as its control core. The main
frequency is 16 MHz, which can be frequency doubling increased to 96 MHz by the
phase locked loop inside the MCU. The interrupt of MCU has seven priorities and its
kernel supports priority dispatching, which can access the whole memory space up to
8 MB.
MC9S12XS128 is a 16 bits MCU, which has a limitation on processing speed and
resource comparing to 32 bits MCU. We optimized the program and system during
research and applied simple and effective methods to implement expected functions.

3.3 Wireless Communication Module

The main function of wireless communication module is to transmit the data from
MCU to the superior workstation. The blue tooth is the protocol for short distance
communication. Generally, the communication distance is about 10 meters at the open
area and the communicating speed gets lower and lower upon longer distance. The
system applies the blue tooth to transmit the data from the robot to the superior
workstation so that debugging and status monitoring can be performed.

3.4 Machine Vision Module

The robot applies CCD camera to get the road information during moving. There are
black border lines on both sides of the road. According to the road border lines
Self-balancing Robot Design and Implementation 33

information gathered by the camera, the robot can move automatically between the
border lines. The CCD camera OV7620MVA applies self-adoption power supply at
5 V/3.3 V, no need to increase the voltage to 12 V, which makes the regulator circuit
simple, the regulator module lighter, and the gravity center lower. Also, the camera
uses 2.8 mm/95 wide lucid lens to ensure a high quality for the images.

3.5 Inertial Sensing Module

The robot controls the motor speed by gathering and processing the data from inertia
sensing module, hence controls its balance and moving speed. The inertia sensing
module consists of accelerometer, gyroscope and encoder.
The accelerometer and gyroscope module uses MMA7361 and ENC03 chips, a
triple axis accelerometer and a single axis gyroscope module. This module applies a
hardware Kalman filter. The Kalman filter can merge the signals from accelerometer
and gyroscope.
The encoder is 512 lines triple axis MINI incremental rotating encoder with small
size. When the disk with optics graphic pattern and rotating axle rotate at the same
time, the corresponding light getting through the two aperture will appear as passing
through and intercepting status, hence the angle displacement can be transformed to
corresponding pulse signal [6], and then figure out the moving speed of the robot.

4 Software System Design

The software system of the robot consists of main function module, one-millisecond
interrupt system module and video field interrupt system module.
The main function module is the frame of the whole program and the base for both
one-millisecond interrupt system and field interrupt system module. The
one-millisecond interrupt module is a program based on MC9S12XS128
one-millisecond interrupt hardware, and millisecond interrupt will occur every mil-
lisecond. The field interrupt system is used to process image information from the CCD
camera. During the idle time for CPU to process the main program, it will process the
one-millisecond interrupt program or field interrupt program at regular intervals. If
there is any conflict for the two programs, process the field interrupt program as higher

4.1 Main Function Module

Figure 3 illustrates how the main program works. It starts to wait for interrupt right
after initialization. MC9S12XS128 totally has 55 interrupt with different priorities, and
the one with highest priority is reset interrupt. The robot only uses two different priority
interrupt, i.e., field interrupt and one-millisecond interrupt. That is, the core board will
run the field interrupt, or one-millisecond interrupt, or stay idle right after the
34 Y. Wu and X. Shi



Waiting for interrupt

Fig. 3. Main function module diagram

Flag==0 Get speed value

Get accelerometer and
gyroscope value
Complementary filtering,
Self-balance control
Y Speed Control, Get
Flag==3 accelerometer and
gyroscope value
Complementary filtering,
Self-balance control



Fig. 4. Millisecond interrupt diagram

4.2 One-Millisecond Interrupt Module

Figure 4 illustrates the one-millisecond interrupt module. One-millisecond interrupt
means one interrupt at every millisecond, that is, it will process interrupt regardless of
whether the interrupted task is completed or not. It requires that the tasks assigned
during each interrupt could not last longer than one millisecond, otherwise, the CPU
could not dispatch the tasks well. Flag is the flag specified for millisecond interrupt.
Getting the robot speed, the value of accelerometer and gyroscope, complementary
filter, self-balance control and speed control are all corresponding sub functions.
Self-balancing Robot Design and Implementation 35

4.3 Field Interrupt Module

The field interrupt has higher priority than the millisecond interrupt. The module
consists of function to capture video and process the image and function for direction

4.3.1 Video Capture and Image Process Function

Firstly, the camera will capture one frame image of the road track. Then the CPU will
process the 128 pixel point on the first line of the frame image and make it bina-
ryzation. The reason to get the value of the first line is because we found it can make
the robot perspective with less disturbance point from many tests on the image con-
trolling. After obtaining the 128 binaryzation data, it will retrieve the data of this line
from both left and right sides to find the junction of the black line on left and right sides
and the white track, and return a value. After that, it will figure out if the track is
straight or curve even sharp curve according to the range of returned value, then get a
middle value corresponding to different processing algorithm. Moreover, to remedy the
deviation caused by getting a single line, the algorithm applies fake multiple lines
processing method, that is, to store the middle value, superpose multiple middle values
with different proportions according to straight or curve track, and get the final middle
value. All these proportion values are the optimized values after many tests.

4.3.2 Direction Control Function

The direction control function gets the middle value from the Video capture and image
process function. Then it figures out whether current track is straight or curve even
sharp curve by checking if the difference is big between current middle value with the
next one. By combining the middle value with PID parameters and adjusting the PID
parameters, it can adjust the stability of the direction control function.

4.4 The Task Scheduling Under CPU Resource Limitation

To save the cost, the system applies a lower main frequency CPU. As the system is
composed of multiple sub systems, we must arrange the task scheduling reasonably to
ensure the system running reliably. So we measured the actual tasks execution time by
experiments after system designing. We measured the execution time of each function
and figured out whether a CPU static task scheduling can be performed by setting a pin
to high level at the beginning and setting it to low level at the end of the function, and
using dual-trace oscilloscope to measure the high level time of each function. The
actual execution time of each task was obtained by averaging the ten times measure-
ment results.
According to the setting, the polling interval for above five tasks is 5 ms. Above
tasks will be executed within the millisecond interrupt function periodically by
sequence. The field interrupt has higher priority than millisecond interrupt, so the CPU
will pause the millisecond interrupt immediately and start the field interrupt if the field
interrupt comes. It costs less than 7 ms to read one image data, and the interval between
reading each frame image is 16.67 ms (Table 1).
36 Y. Wu and X. Shi

Table 1. Task execution time

Task Measure value(µs) Average
no. (µs)
0 Speed_Read 20 19 20 18 22 20 23 17 21 19 19.9
1 Get_ADResult 165 152 148 162 150 156 158 142 150 164 154.7
2 Datehandle 18 23 15 19 20 22 16 21 17 20 19.1
Stand_Control 162 149 154 157 142 160 162 145 152 155 153.8
3 Speed_Control 13 17 22 25 18 15 21 24 16 18 18.9
Get_ADResult 157 162 150 162 158 165 148 152 160 156 157.0
SpeeedControlOutput 20 15 22 26 18 25 16 22 15 19 19.8
4 Datehandle 16 14 18 22 25 20 15 24 25 17 19.6
Stand_Control 160 155 162 164 158 148 142 145 152 152 153.8

There are 6 tasks including 5 polling tasks and one field interrupt task. According to
optimal RM task scheduling theorem [7, 8], the occupancy of the tasks is,


19:9 154:7 19:1 þ 153:8 þ 18:9 157 þ 19:8 19:6 þ 153:8 7
¼ð þ þ þ þ Þ  103 þ
5 5 5 5 5 16:67
1 1
¼ 0:5632 \ nð2n  1Þ ¼ 6  ð26  1Þ ¼ 0:7348

The system tasks can be scheduled.

To realize the goal as much as possible and avoid the impact among internal
interrupts in MC9S12XS128, we only transformed 182 columns per line during image
data transformation. Although to obtain the road path information by gathering only
one line data will lead to more errors, we have to keep doing like that as we found the
robot cannot self-balance when reading more than one lines of image data. Fortunately,
we can remedy it by increasing fault tolerance and adjusting PID parameters during
direction control.

5 Conclusion

The auto-balanced robot based on machine vision has been designed and experimented
in the paper. Based on machine vision the self-balancing robot does not need person to
control it, and can reduce the human disturbance which greatly improves the efficiency
and safety of the system. The system needs to deal with lots of tasks such as getting the
robot speed, getting the value of accelerometer and gyroscope, complementary filter,
self-balance control and speed control, capture video and process the image and
direction control etc. We have considered the task scheduling under CPU resource
limitation through experiment and theory prove. The works in the paper has attended
Self-balancing Robot Design and Implementation 37

the national robot competition based on machine vision won the second prize. It is
proved that the system has good intelligence and anti-interference ability by experi-
ments and competition.

Acknowledgments. This work is supported by the BISTU Graduate Education Quality Project
(5111623305),BISTU Course Construction and Teaching Reform Project (2014KG22,
2015KGZD06, 2016JGYB15, 2014JG08).

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6. Wen, M., Hong, Y., et al.: Application of incremental encoder in impulse measurement with
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7. Shouping, G., Wei, Z., et al.: Networked Control Systems and Application. Publishing House
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M&S for Intelligent Manufacturing
Energy Optimization Characteristic Analysis
of Electromechanical Actuator on More Electric Aircraft

Liang Liu1, Zheng Cao2 ✉ , Lirong Sun1, and Yuanjun Zhou2

( )

601 Aircraft Design Institute, Shenyang, China
School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. As the concept of more electric aircraft is mentioned, electrical power

on aircraft can gradually replace hydraulic energy, pneumatic energy and other
secondary energy, in order to achieve the purpose of saving energy. This paper
is illustrated by the example of electromechanical actuator, analyzes the energy
consumption of equipment and power loss of energy transmission. Appling in
multi-domain modeling, it compares power loss with the traditional hydraulic
actuator. As well as, it analyzes power loss of the secondary energy transformation
device system including generator and hydraulic pump. The results of simulation
show that aircraft actuator with electrical energy optimize energy utilization,
especially for large passenger aircraft.

Keywords: Energy optimization · Electromechanical actuator · More electric


1 Introduction

The power of modern aircraft has two forms: the main power and the secondary power
[1]. The main power is produced by aviation engine, and the secondary power is mainly
electrical energy, hydraulic energy and pneumatic energy provided by aircraft equip‐
ments and control systems. Compared with other forms of energy, electricity is easy to
transport, distribute, and transform. Therefore, the concept of more electric aircraft is
put forward [2, 3], which uses electricity to replace hydraulic, pneumatic and other
secondary power. The typical system of more electric aircraft is the flight control system,
and the power equipment is electromechanical actuator belonged to transient high-power
consumption equipment [4]. Multi-domain modeling is widely adopted, it solves
problem between different physical domains [5–7]. The energy management is
mentioned [8], however it don not compare with other different energy. The transient
behavior is shown in aircraft dynamic systems and its influence [9]. This paper is taken
electromechanical actuator energy consumption system and energy transformation
device system as examples. Compared with traditional hydraulic actuator and hydraulic
pump, the power change and loss of energy consumption of equipment and transmission
are analyzed by multi-domain modeling.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 41–52, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_5
42 L. Liu et al.

2 The Energy Consumption of Actuator in Flight Control System

The typical system of more electric aircraft is flight control system. The flight control
system which is composed of energy transmission device and energy consumption
device applies electrical energy or hydraulic energy to drive actuator.

2.1 The Structure of Electromechanical Actuator Energy Consumption System

The electromechanical actuator is mainly made up of power electronic device, motor

and mechanical device. The energy is produced by airborne power, transmitted by cable,
through inverter, motor and reducer, eventually sent to aircraft rudder surface. The
power flow of electromechanical actuator energy consumption system is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. The power flow of electromechanical actuator energy consumption system

2.2 The Structure of Hydraulic Actuator Energy Consumption System

The structure of hydraulic actuator energy consumption system is relatively simple, and
the hydraulic actuator is mainly composed of hydraulic actuator cylinder. The energy is
produced by hydraulic source, transmitted by oil pipeline, and sent to aircraft rudder
surface. The power flow of hydraulic actuator energy consumption system is shown in
Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. The power flow of hydraulic actuator energy consumption system

Energy Optimization Characteristic Analysis 43

3 The Power Loss Analysis of Electromechanical Actuator

According to the power flow of electromechanical actuator energy consumption system,

power loss mainly has two parts: one is power transmission part, the other is electro‐
mechanical actuator part. On the basis of electromechanical actuator structure, the loss
of the second part mainly includes power loss of power electronic device (inverter),
motor and mechanical transmission device.

3.1 The Power Loss of Electricity Transmission

The power loss of electricity transmission refers to power loss of transmission cable,
and formula is:

Δpcs = I 2 R (1)

where heat loss of transmission cable is related to current through cable and resistance
of cable.

3.2 The Power Loss of Electromechanical Actuator

1. The power loss of electronic device (inverter)

The power loss of electronic device (inverter) includes conduction loss Δpon and
switching loss Δpsw of power switching devices, namely

Δpiv = Δpon + Δpsw = Kiv IC (2)

The loss factor Ktv is related to power voltage, switching frequency, conduction
voltage drop, and rise time and fall time of switching device which depends on type
of IGBT.
2. The power loss of motor
The motor is usually permanent magnet brushless dc motor, loss of which mainly
includes copper loss, iron loss, and mechanical loss. The power loss is:
( )
Δpmot = Δpcu + Δpfe + Δpm0 = 2ra Ia2 + kfe + Tm0 𝛺r (3)

where ra is phase winding resistance, Ia is phase winding current, 𝛺r is rotor angular

velocity, Tm0 is no-load torque, and kfe is for iron loss coefficient of motor.
3. The power loss of mechanical transmission device
The mechanical transmission device is made up of speed reducer and screw. The
loss is produced by friction. Assuming that friction of reducer and screw is constant
under different speed, the power loss is
44 L. Liu et al.

Δpdr = Tf 𝛺a = Tf (4)

In Eq. (4), Tf is friction torque, 𝛺a is rudder angular velocity, 𝛺r is rotor angular

velocity of motor, and k𝛺 is reduction ratio of gear.

3.3 The Simulation of Electromechanical Actuator Energy Consumption System

For the power consumption characteristics of electromechanical actuator, it applies

multi-physics region modeling. The electromechanical actuator is position servo control
system, and the output power with 25° deflection control of rudder surface is shown in
Fig. 3. The actuator needs large torque when it starts and forms larger pulse power. As
the hinge torque of rudder load changes, the output power gradually increases.
1. The power loss of electromechanical actuator
The power loss of electromechanical actuator is shown in Fig. 4. Due to large pulse
current when actuator starts, it forms pulse copper loss and when actuator brakes, it
forms small amplitude pulse copper loss.
2. The power loss of transmission cable
The transmission cable is selected with density of 5 A/mm2, and length of 10 m. The
power loss is shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 3. The output power of electromechanical actuator energy consumption system

Fig. 4. The loss of electromechanical actuator

Energy Optimization Characteristic Analysis 45

Fig. 5. The loss of transmission cable

4 The Hydraulic Actuator Energy Consumption System

For the characteristic analysis of power loss, electromechanical actuator energy

consumption system could compare with hydraulic actuator energy consumption
system. Similar to the power flow of electromechanical actuator system, the power loss
of hydraulic actuator system is divided into two parts: the first is transmission loss of
oil pipeline, the second is power loss of hydraulic actuator.

4.1 The Power Loss of Hydraulic Transmission

The hydraulic transmission uses oil pipeline. The oil is sticky and has resistance in
process of flow. In order to overcome the resistance, transmission should produce energy
loss and the main performance is pressure loss. The pressure loss in hydraulic system
could be divided into two types: one is frictional pressure loss, the other is local pressure
1. The frictional pressure loss
When oil flows in the straight tube, due to friction force between liquid and pipe
wall or turbulent flow, the collision between particles leads to pressure loss. The
pressure loss is:

l 𝜌v2
Δp𝜆 = 𝜆 (5)
d 2

Where Δp𝜆 is frictional pressure loss, l is pipe length, d is pipe diameter, v is fluid
flow velocity, 𝜌 is liquid density, and 𝜆 is frictional resistance coefficient.
2. The local pressure loss
When oil flows through local obstacle (bend or joint), due to suddenly changes in
direction and speed of fluid flow, in local part it forms vortex which is produced by
collision and friction between hydraulic oil point or particle and solid wall, and
generates pressure loss, the formula is:
46 L. Liu et al.

Δp𝜁 = 𝜁 (6)

In Eq. (6), Δp𝜉 is local pressure loss, 𝜉 is local resistance coefficient, v is fluid flow
velocity, and 𝜌 is liquid density.
Therefore loss of oil pipeline transmission is:
(∑ ∑ )
ΔPcs = Δps q = Δp𝜆 + Δp𝜁 q (7)

Where q is for liquid flow through pipeline.

4.2 The Power Loss of Hydraulic Actuator

The traditional hydraulic actuator directly uses hydraulic source. The servo valve
controls the size of liquid flow rate to drive piston movement and aircraft rudder surface
movement. The cylinder of hydraulic actuator mostly makes input hydraulic energy
become output mechanical energy, however, there is small part loss with the form of oil
leakage and mechanical friction loss.
1. The oil leakage loss
The differential pressure of hydraulic actuator cylinder causes internal leakage and
leakage flow is proportional to working pressure difference, thus the oil leakage flow
Δqa is:
( )
Δqa = 𝜆c p1 − p2 = 𝜆c Δp (8)

Where 𝜆c is leakage coefficient which is related with equivalent diameter and length
of leak oil, as well as dynamic viscosity of oil, and Δp is pressure difference on both
piston sides.
Therefore, the oil leakage loss ΔPa1 is:
( )
ΔPa1 = Δqa p1 − p2 = 𝜆c Δp2 (9)

2. The mechanical loss

The mechanical loss is friction torque loss produced by relative motion between
artifacts of hydraulic actuator. Generally friction Ff is constant, and the mechanical
loss is:

ΔPa2 = Ff va (10)

Where va is movement speed of piston.

Energy Optimization Characteristic Analysis 47

4.3 The Simulation of Hydraulic Actuator Energy Consumption System

Based on the above theoretical analysis, the multi-physics region modeling should be
established, simulated and analyzed. In order to compare with electromechanical
actuator, movement requirement of aircraft rudder surface should be in accordance with
electromechanical actuator, namely control surface deflection is 25°. The output power
of hydraulic actuator system is shown in Fig. 6.
1. The power loss of hydraulic actuator
As is shown in Fig. 7, the hydraulic source pressure of hydraulic actuator basically
remains unchanged, due to the constant loss caused by leakage. The mechanical loss
which is proportional to speed mainly changes.
2. The power loss of transmission oil pipeline
The transmission oil pipeline is selected with diameter of 5 mm and length of 10 m.
The number of bend is 2: one is 90° and the other is 45°. The power loss is shown
in Fig. 8.

Fig. 6. The output power of hydraulic actuator energy consumption system

Fig. 7. The loss of hydraulic actuator

48 L. Liu et al.

Fig. 8. The loss of transmission pipeline

5 The Power Loss Analysis of Energy Transformation Device

The transformation devices of electrical energy and hydraulic energy on the aircraft are
generator and hydraulic pump driven by the engine. The devices transform mechanical
energy to secondary energy.

5.1 The Power Loss of Generator

The 270 V DC generator is composed of the synchronous generator and rectifier. The
power loss of generator includes copper loss, iron loss and mechanical loss.
1. The copper loss
The copper loss contains generator resistance loss and conduction loss of rectifier
diode. The loss formula is:
( )
ΔpCu = Δpa + Δpd = m Ra + 2Rd Ia2 (11)

Where m is winding phase number, Ra is phase winding resistance, Rd is the equiv‐

alent resistance of rectifier diode and Ia is current RMS of phase winding.
2. The iron loss
The iron loss of generator is related to magnetic flux density and magnetic field
frequency which is proportional to motor speed. The aviation generator could adjust
voltage by excitation, further regulate the output voltage to keep stability. The iron
loss is:

ΔpFe = kn (12)

In Eq. (12), n is motor speed and k is related proportional coefficient.

3. The copper loss of generator excitation
In 3-levels aviation generator, the flux of main generator is provided by exciter and
the loss should be defined as the excitation loss. The loss of exciter also has copper
loss and iron loss, but far less than copper loss and iron loss of main generator.
Energy Optimization Characteristic Analysis 49

The iron loss is similar to the main generator, which is proportional to speed, and
usually ascribes to iron loss of main generator. The copper loss is decided by the
excitation current of main generator. The exciter copper loss of exciter is:

ΔpCuf = Rf If2 (13)

Where Rf is resistance of excitation circuit including winding resistance of main

generator excitation, winding resistance of excitation armature and equivalent
winding resistance of rotated rectifier diode.
4. The mechanical loss of generator
The mechanical loss of generator is friction torque loss, which is proportional to
speed of generator, as follows:

Δpm = ΔT𝛺 = ΔTn (14)

Where ΔT is friction torque loss which has constant torque characteristic and n is
speed of generator.

5.2 The Power Loss of Hydraulic Pump

This section discusses modeling method for hydraulic pump. The hydraulic pump should
be able to produce large enough power and form stable hydraulic pressure source. The
hydraulic source applies controllable variable pump with closed-loop control to ensure
pressure stability. The power loss of hydraulic pump could be divided into two parts:
volume loss and the mechanical loss.
1. The volume loss of hydraulic pump
The volume loss refers to internal leakage caused by pressure difference of hydraulic
pump, which is proportional to the working pressure difference and inverse propor‐
tional to liquid viscosity. The formula is:

Δpvp = Δqpp = (15)

In Eq. (15), R is liquid volume which is decided by oil viscosity, equivalent diameter
and length of leak oil, and generally it is constant in actual system. The pp is pressure
difference of hydraulic pump.
2. The mechanical loss of hydraulic pump
The mechanical loss is friction torque loss caucused by relative motion between the
inside components. The loss expression is:

Δpmp = 2𝜋nΔT (16)

50 L. Liu et al.

Where n is rotated speed of hydraulic pump, and ΔT is equivalent torque of mechan‐

ical loss which is constant.

6 The Performance Comparison of Energy

6.1 The Comparison of Actuator Power Loss

According to analysis of results in Sects. 3 and 4, the power loss data of actuators with
different energy is summarized in Table 1. The average power of energy consumption
is average of actuator movement time. The data from the table reflects that power loss
energy of hydraulic actuator is 54 % more than electromechanical actuator, however
power loss of transmission with pipeline is 8 times. The total loss of hydraulic actuator
is almost 80 % more than electromechanical actuator.

Table 1. The comparison of equipment energy consumption

Equipment Loss Peak power (kW) Energy loss (kJ) Average power
Electromechanical Actuator 2.12 0.31 0.07
actuator Cable 0.05 0.012 0.003
Total 2.17 0.322 0.073
Hydraulic actuator Actuator 1.7 0.48 0.12
Pipeline 0.51 0.1 0.025
Total 2.21 0.58 0.145

Therefore, the power loss characteristics of energy consumption system with elec‐
tromechanical and hydraulic actuator are:
(1) In the same flight mission, energy utilization of electromechanical actuator does
not have obvious advantage. According to results of flight control system, it is almost
the same in terms of power consumption.
(2) The transmission loss of electricity which is copper loss depends on resistance
of cable. However, the transmission loss of hydraulic energy which is pressure loss
depends on resistance of pipeline, and structure of transmission system is more complex,
leading to a lot of loss. Therefore, in the long distance transmission, energy loss of
electricity transmission is much lower than hydraulic transmission, namely the efficiency
is much higher.

6.2 The Comparison of Transformation Device

According to analysis of Sect. 5, the power loss characteristics of generator and hydraulic
pump system are:
(1) The power loss of generator includes copper loss, iron loss and mechanical loss.
The copper loss is main loss which is proportional to the square of output current,
meaning that the loss is small when generator works with the light load, therefore the
efficiency of generator is higher.
Energy Optimization Characteristic Analysis 51

(2) The power loss of hydraulic pump includes volume loss and mechanical loss,
which has little relationship to output power, meaning that the efficiency is highest when
hydraulic pump works in the rated power. Due to constant loss in light load, the efficiency
is very low. Obviously, the actuator is short-time working equipment. With hydraulic
energy, the output power is low in most of time, and the loss basically remains
unchanged, which is not beneficial to energy utilization.

7 Conclusions

This paper analyzes the energy consumption characteristics of electromechanical

actuator on more electric aircraft and compares with the hydraulic actuator. For the
actuator which is transient power consumption equipment of flight control system, in
the same flight mission, electromechanical actuator compared with hydraulic actuator
does not have obvious advantage on energy utilization. However, actuator with electrical
energy has large advantage on transmission. The transmission distance of cable is longer,
the loss is smaller compared with oil pipeline. Therefore, the advantage of energy trans‐
mission makes EMA realize optimization of energy utilization for large aircraft.

Acknowledgement. This research was financially supported by Aeronautical Science

Foundation (2014ZC01002).


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3. Weimer, J.A.: The role of electric machines and drives in the more electric aircraft. In:
2003 IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference, IEMDC 2003, vol. 1,
pp. 11–15, 1-4 June 2003
4. Botten, S.L., Whitly, C.R., King, A.D.: Flight control actuation technology for next-generation
all-electric aircraft. Technol. Rev. J. Millennium Issue, Fall/Winter 55–67 (2000)
5. Beater, P., Clauss, C.: Multi-domain systems: pneumatic, electronic and mechanical
subsystems of pneumatic drive modeled with Modelica. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International
Modelica Conference, Linkoping, Sweden, pp. 369–376 (2003)
6. Georigou, I.T., Romeo, F.: Multi-physics dynamics of a mechanical oscillator coupled to an
electro-magnetic circuit. Nonlinear Dyn. Eng.: Model. Anal. Appl., Int. J. Non-Linear Mech.
70, 153–164 (2015)
7. Bechmann, B., Wiesman, H.: Advanced modeling of electromagnetic transients in power
systems. In: Proceedings of the Modelica Workshop 2000, Lund, Sweden, pp. 93–97 (2000)
52 L. Liu et al.

8. O’Connell, T., Russell, G., McCarthy, K., Lucus, E.: Energy management of an aircraft
electrical system. In: The 46th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference &
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Reliability Analysis of Multi-state System
from Time Response

Weihua Zhang1(&), Yongfeng Fang1, and Kong Fah Tee2

School of Mechanical Engineering,
Guizhou University of Engineering Science, Bijie 551700, China
Department of Engineering Science,
University of Greenwich, Kent ME4 4TB, UK
[email protected]

Abstract. In this paper, firstly, it is discrete the engine output and constructed
the Markov random process with the discrete state and continuous time. Sec-
ondly, we constructed a model of the multi-state Markov model and determined
the transition intensity. Thirdly, we computed the expected of the engine
capacity deficiency and the forced outage by the method.

Keywords: Reliability  Multi-state  System  Time response  Markov

1 Introduction

In the engineering practice, most systems are acted on their works under the kinds of
their units, which units is limited, additional, the state of these units are diverse, so a
system is shown a multi-state by these reasons, that such the system is called a
multi-state system (MSS) (Levitin and Lisnianski 2001). The MSS is widely used in the
reliability evaluation of the power systems, engine systems and electronic products
systems (Mosleh 1991). The reliability of the MSS have been studied, the basic research
methods were provided, but these studies have some limit and is start. In addition,
because of the complexity of the MSS, the studying has some difficulties, therefore, the
articles about the reliability of the MSS is little for now. Recently, the multi-state
reliability of the engine is assessed by using the two-state system (Fang et al. 2014), but
the assessment result of the engine is error if the reliability of the engine unit has special,
or at least limited. The contents of Markov chain and semi-Markov chain become rich in
research, theory is quite perfect, gradually. The reliability of the system was studied by
using the Markov chains (MC) and semi-Markov Chain (SMC) (Trivedi 2001, Zhang
and Wu 2012), reliability of system, availability of system, average operating time of
system may be obtained. People studied the reliability of the of the coal-fired generating
to be used a single Markov model (Hamoud and Yiu 2015, Jmamal et al. 2015). The
reliability problems of the system with the discrete state (DS) and the time continuous
(TC) was studied by using the Markov model (MM) with DS and TC (Shnurkov and
Ivanov 2015, Atchade 2014). The DS and TC Markov models have been used to assess
the reliability of other systems (Fang et al. 2013). The reliability of the multi-state

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 53–62, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_6
54 W. Zhang et al.

(MS) elements generator system were studied by using the DS and TC Markov model,
The result that was predicted has a good effect for the short-term forecasting.
In this paper, we studied the MS random process of the engine unit according to the
DS and TC MM and the SMM from the actual reliability of the engine system, we
established the multi-state Markov model (MSMM) and accessed the MS the reliability
of the engine from time response using the method. Finally, the method is shown by
using an engineering practical case.

2 The Multi-state Markov Model

T is the Service deadline of an engine unit, we used the interval ½0; e to indicate the
output energy of the engine, e is the engine’s maximum output energy in the time t. It is
shown that the random process is continuous time and the continuous state, we used the
discrete state to substituted it whom is noted as EðtÞ.
(1) We noted two special state of the engine as 1, N they are corresponding to e1 ¼ 0
the engine is failed complete and eN ¼ e that the engine is outputted normally,
(2) We divided the interval ½0; e to N  2 sub-interval, the every sub-interval’s length
is De ¼ N2e
(3) If EðtÞ 2 ðði  1ÞDe; ði  1ÞDe; i ¼ 2;    ; N  1, we noted the state of EðtÞ is
iði ¼ 2; 3;    N  1Þ in t, gi is its output energy.
(4) The work energy gi in state i is the average of the interval ðði  1ÞDe; ði  1ÞDe.
Through about quantitative processing, the continuous state and the continuous of
the original random process EðtÞ is translated to the DS and TC of the random process
ED ðtÞ, the random process ED ðtÞ has N(N ¼ 1; 2;    ; N) different outputting level gi ,
while the random process ED ðtÞ is expressed by using the Markov stochastic process
(MSP), its transition stats is shown as Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. The generation unit is established to MSMM

Reliability Analysis of Multi-state System from Time Response 55

It is shown as Fig. 1, ai;j is the state i translating to the state j, aN1; N2 is the state
N  1 translating to the state N  2, the other and so on. Each state i are corresponding
to the output energy gi of the engine. Tim is the mth sojourn time at the state i of the unit.
ð1Þ ð2Þ ðk Þ
fTi ; Ti ;    ; Ti i g is the sample of the unit service period. kij is the unit number
from state i translating to the state j, ki is the sojourn number in the state i of the unit.
We can obtained the transfer intensity ai;j using the real number that will be observed
from the discrete state and time continuous stochastic process.

3 The Transfer Intensity of the Engine Unit Will be


ED ðtÞ is a DS and TC Markov process, we neglected the translation time of the unit
state from i jði 6¼ jÞ, the transfer moment only is interested, so ED ðtÞ is considered as a
DS and time discrete (TD) random process, it is noted as EDi ðnÞ; n ¼ 0; 1; 2;   , its
transition probability of one step is noted as pij ; i; j ¼ 1; 2;    N.
The unit from state i translating to the state jði 6¼ jÞ whose The cumulative prob-
ability distribution function is as follow.

Qij ðtÞ ¼ 1  eaij t ð1Þ

The probability of the first transfer of the unit state from i to j before the moment t
is noted as Hij ðtÞ; i; j ¼ 1;    ; N, the random process ED ðtÞ whose the nuclear matrix
HðtÞ of will be consisted by all Hij ðtÞ.

Hik ðtÞ ¼ ½1  Qi1 ðuÞ    ½1  Qik1 ðuÞ½1  Qik þ 1 ðuÞ    ½1  Qik1 ðuÞdQik ðuÞ

From Eqs. (1) and (2), it is obtained as follow.

 aij t
Hik ðtÞ ¼ P
n ½1  e j¼1

The unit sojourn time Ti whose cumulative probability distribution function in the
state i is as follow.

N  aij t
Qi ðtÞ ¼ Hik ðtÞ ¼ 1e j¼1
56 W. Zhang et al.

From Eq. (4), the Ti is obeyed to the exponential distribution, Qi ðtÞ mean is follow.

1 1
Timean ¼ P
n ¼ ð5Þ

Where A ¼ aij .
The mean that is obtained by using the observation samples is noted as follow.

T^imean ¼

It is obtained by using Eqs. (5) and (6) as follow.

^¼ 1 ki
A ¼ k ð7Þ
T^imean P i

We can obtain the transition probability of one step to use the embedded Markov
random processing.

pij ¼ lim Hij ðtÞ ð8Þ


On the formula was simplified as follow.

pij ¼ ð9Þ

It is obtained by using the above equation.

aik ¼ pij aij ð10Þ

The single transition intensity in the state i can be obtained by using Eq. (10).
We can obtain the transition probability of single step of the embedded Markov
chain (EMC) using the unit work energy which can be observed in the random process.

^ik ¼
p ð11Þ
Reliability Analysis of Multi-state System from Time Response 57

We can compute the transition intensity by using Eqs. (7), (10) and (11).

^¼ kik 1 kik
^aik ¼ pik C ¼ k ; i; k ¼ 1;    ; N ð12Þ
ki T^imean P i

For the MSM system that has N states, it has as follow.

aij ¼ 0 ð13Þ


^aii ¼  aij ð14Þ
i 6¼ j

Above all, there is an algorithm for model of the MSM system that has N states.
Step 1. The system will be quantitative processed by using the method in the 2nd
part content.
Step 2. The unit in the every state i total sojourn time is computed.

TP ¼
Ti ð15Þ
i m¼1

Step 3. The transition intensity of the state from i to state j can be computed by
using Eqs. (16) and (17).

^aij ¼ P ; i 6¼ j: ð16Þ

^aii ¼  aij ð17Þ
i 6¼ j
58 W. Zhang et al.

4 The MSMM and the Engine Short Time Reliability

4.1 The Transition Intensity Will be Computed
Commonly, a fuel engine output power of is 288 kW, its service deadline is T ¼ 5
years, the Markov will be established by using the above algorithm.
e1 ¼ 0 kW, e4 ¼ 288 kW can be computed by using the method.

De ¼ ¼ 144 kW ð18Þ

Then the output energy of the engine can be divided to two intervals as ½0; 144 kW,
½144; 288 kW.
The remainder two output level is e2 ¼ 123 kW, e3 ¼ 241 kW, respectively. The
state transition intensity ^aij from state i to the state j as follow.
2 3
0:0933 0:0800 0:0133 0
6 0:0294 0:3823 0:3235 0:0294 7
6 7 ð19Þ
4 0 0:0288 0:3846 0:3558 5
0:0002 0:0001 0:0007 0:0010

The number of the transition and the sojourn time is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. The transition number, residence time

States 1 2 3 4 Work Accumulation time TP
energy (kW) i

1 0 6 1 0 0 75
2 1 0 11 1 123 34
3 0 3 0 37 241 104
4 6 4 28 0 288 40711

4.2 MSS Model of Four-State

The state transition for four state of the MM is as the follow figure. The state 1, 2, 3 and
4 steady state probability is respectively shown as follows (Fig. 2).

P1 ¼ 0:0018; P2 ¼ 0:0008; P3 ¼ 0:0025; P4 ¼ 0:9949 ð20Þ

The probability Pi ðtÞ; ði ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4Þi is computed after the differential equations

(21a)–(21d) is solved.

dP1 ðtÞ
¼ ða12 þ a13 þ a14 ÞP1 ðtÞ þ a21 P2 ðtÞ þ a31 P3 ðtÞ þ a41 P4 ðtÞ ð21aÞ
Reliability Analysis of Multi-state System from Time Response 59

Fig. 2. Engine unite is divided to four-state MSS

dP2 ðtÞ
¼ a12 P1 ðtÞ  ða21 þ a23 þ a24 ÞP2 ðtÞ þ a32 P3 ðtÞ þ a42 P4 ðtÞ ð21bÞ
dP3 ðtÞ
¼ a13 P1 ðtÞ þ a23 P2 ðtÞ  ða31 þ a32 þ a34 ÞP3 ðtÞ þ a43 P4 ðtÞ ð21cÞ
dP4 ðtÞ
¼ a14 P1 ðtÞ þ a12 P2 ðtÞ þ a13 P3 ðtÞ  ða41 þ a42 þ a43 ÞP4 ðtÞ ð21dÞ

The probability of the state i can be obtained by solving the differential equation
(21) under the special initial conditions in any time, the reliability of the engine can be
computed too.
According to the probability of the state, the engine stability probability when its
state is the state i can be obtained by using the follow equation.

pi ¼ lim Pi ðtÞ; ði ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4Þ ð22Þ


4.3 The Engine Reliability from Time Response

For the engine system, the evaluation for the rate of the work outage (ROW) of the engine
is an important. ROW is a whole failure probability for the engine, that is to say the engine
work energy is zero, its function about time that is stopped at the state one as follow.

ROWðtÞ ¼ P1 ðtÞ ð23Þ

Of course, the result of ROW(t) depend on the initial conditions.

It is clearly, the initial conditions can be preset as follows.

P1 ð0Þ ¼ 0; P2 ð0Þ ¼ 0; P3 ð0Þ ¼ 0; P4 ð4Þ ¼ 1 ð24Þ

60 W. Zhang et al.

The result computed is shown in the Fig. 3. It is shown that the engine will be gone
to stability after 81 h, the stability probability at the state 1 is as follow in this time.
p1 ¼ lim P1 ðtÞ ¼ 0:0018 ð25Þ

If the initial conditions can be preset as follows.

P1 ð0Þ ¼ 0; P2 ð0Þ ¼ 0; P3 ð0Þ ¼ 1; P4 ð4Þ ¼ 0 ð26Þ

ROW(t) is shown as Fig. 4.

Fig. 3. ROW(t) under the initial condition Fig. 4. ROW(t) under the initial condition (26)
(24) in the 1000 time in the 1000 time

If the initial conditions can be preset as follows.

P1 ð0Þ ¼ 0; P2 ð0Þ ¼ 1; P3 ð0Þ ¼ 0; P4 ð4Þ ¼ 0 ð27Þ

ROW(t) is shown as Fig. 5.

If the initial conditions can be preset as follows.

P1 ð0Þ ¼ 1; P2 ð0Þ ¼ 0; P3 ð0Þ ¼ 0; P4 ð4Þ ¼ 0 ð28Þ

ROW(t) is shown as Fig. 6.

It is shown in Figs. 3, 4, 5 and 6, the ROW of the engine is stabilized 0.0018 under
the initial conditions (24), (26), (27) and (28). It is also shown in the four figures, the
maximum for ROW under the initial conditions (26)–(28) is larger more than the
maximum for ROW under the initial conditions (24), it is because the engine will be
more happened malfunction. Obviously, the engine has been turn to the fault state
while it is begun to run under the Eq. (27), it is confirmed to the actual situation.
When W ¼ 200 kW at the 1000th h, the state would transits to the state 2, the work
energy could not reach to 123 kW, it is to say, that the deficiency capacity (DC) will
Reliability Analysis of Multi-state System from Time Response 61

Fig. 5. ROW(t) under the initial condition Fig. 6. ROW(t) under the initial condition (28)
(27) in the 1000 time in the 1000 time

DC2 ¼ ðW  123Þ ¼ 76 kW ð29Þ

If the state become to the state 1, the work energy can not reach the required, it is to
say, that the DC) will produce as follow.

DC1 ¼ ðW  0Þ ¼ 200 kW ð30Þ

The expected deficiency capacity (EDC) is too a function from time response, it is
shown as follow.

EDCðtÞ ¼ P2 ðtÞDC2 þ P1 ðtÞDC1 ð31Þ

The EDC is shown in Figs. 7, 8, 9 and 10 under the initial condition (24), (26), (27)
and (28).

Fig. 7. EDC(t)4 under the initial condition Fig. 8. EDC(t)3 under the initial condition
(24) in the 1000 time (26) in the 1000 time
62 W. Zhang et al.

Fig. 9. EDC(t)2 under the initial condition Fig. 10. EDC(t)1 under the initial condition
(26) in the 1000 time (28) in the 1000 time

5 Conclusion

For the MS engine system, we discrete the engine system and quantization processed,
we constructed the multi-state Markov model. We given the algorithm of transition
intensities according to the observed data. The ROW and the EDC of the engine
changing over time can be calculate by the method. This method can be applied to
calculate the generator system failure rate changes from time response and the output of
the energy deficit expectations. Finally, it is shown that the method is feasibility,
effectiveness and practicability by using an engineering practical example.

Acknowledgments. The work was supported by the Foundation from the Excellent Talent of Bijie
University (G2015003), the Science Technology Foundation of Guizhou Province, China ([2014]
2001), projects Department of Education of Guizhou Province, China (Qian Jiao Ke he KY zi
[2014] 238) and the Fundamental Research Funds for Southwest University (XDJK2014C108).

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transformers. IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 3(1), 1–6 (2015)
Shnurkov, P.V., Ivanov, A.V.: Analysis of a discrete semi-Markov model of continuous
inventory control with periodic interruptions of consumption. Discrete Math. Appl. 25(1),
414–420 (2015)
Atchade, Y.F.: Estimation of high-dimensional partially-observed discrete Markov random fields.
Electron. J. Stat. 8(2), 2242–2263 (2014)
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particle swarm optimization. J. Aerosp. Power 27(9), 2147–2154 (2012)
Simulation Optimization of Manufacturing System
Including Assemble Lines and Material Handling Systems

Li Xiang1,2, Chen Qing-xin1, Yu Ai-lin1 ✉ , and Zhang Hui-yu1

( )

Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Computer Integrated Manufacturing System
Guangdong, University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China
[email protected], [email protected]
College of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Xiangnan University,
Chenzhou 423000, Hunan, China

Abstract. Customized equipment manufacturing enterprises use cellular

manufacturing system, material handling system transfer material between the
units. It is difficult to obtain this type of manufacturing system accurate solu‐
tion of optimization problem by traditional mathematics methods. This paper
establish simulation model about process-assemble and material handling
system based on computer simulation. Because the model has much variable
and coupling influence, this paper uses sensitivity analysis method based on
orthogonal experiments, determines the parameters optimization direction and
the influence discipline between parameters, proposes a heuristic optimiza‐
tion method based on the optimization goal and practical constraints. Anal‐
ysis shows that the proposed optimization method, which can be effective and
reasonable configuration enterprise resources.

Keywords: Assemble unit · Material handling system · Computer simulation ·

Sensitivity · Simulating optimization

1 Introduction

Most custom equipment manufacturing enterprise in accordance with the request of a

customer order, production process with the method of process oriented manufacturing
unit, unit through the material handling system between materials handling system
(MHS). This kind of production structure, it will encounter all sorts of problems in
practice, from the perspective characteristics of unit itself, by more than one processing
unit of former level assembly unit jointly determine their own work; in terms of the
structure of production system, the traditional way of manufacturing cell based on group
technology without considering load balance, a single level before and after the produc‐
tion situation of manufacturing unit has greatly affected the production situation of
manufacturing unit, and high intensity of logistics makes the scale manufacturing unit
performance before and after the volatility increases, logistics transportation strength
too low can cause resource waste logistics system, for mechanical parts piled up in front
of the manufacturing unit. So, analysis manufacturing unit and try to eliminate the
bottleneck constraint function, the rational allocation of logistics resources, considering

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 63–70, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_7
64 X. Li et al.

the complex production system and logistics system, the regularity of internal cooper‐
ation can with smaller cost significantly increase the productivity of the whole.
Previous studies single focus on the production process or logistics performance
characteristics of the process, ignore the tight coupling effect on each other. The litera‐
ture [1] of logistics system simulation were discussed and related research areas, logis‐
tics system simulation was divided into production logistics system simulation, Logis‐
tics distribution system simulation and supply chain simulation. Traditional simulation
methods of applied mathematics model, using the analytical method to calculate system
steady state performance. For example Srinivasan and Bozer [2] have used mathematical
model to analyzed the influence of the production process and logistics system to the
WIP; Li et al. [3] have used Markov stochastic process theory to establish a multi-level
queuing network node status model of flow shop and buffer capacity optimization
heuristic optimization algorithm is put forward. Another kind of simulation method
using computer simulation technology, for example Wang et al. [4] compared the math‐
ematical analytical method and computer simulation to study the characteristics of
logistics system and its advantages and disadvantages; Huang et al. [5] have used Plant
Simulation software realized the Simulation of the assembly line optimization; Zhou [6]
have used Plant Simulation software to establish a general MTO enterprises mixed flow
assembly line material distribution system simulation model, optimization of distribu‐
tion system of transport cars and cache area.
Summarizes related literature study, mathematical model set scenes often differ with
the actual situation is larger, and the present stage can only be used for small problem
can solve, as the problem size increases NP - Hard problem. In this paper, application
of computer simulation technology, the establishment of containing between unit and
unit assembly material transportation system simulation model, the sensitivity of param‐
eters calculated by using the orthogonal experiment method, to determine the parameters
optimization sequence, analysis the influence law of MHS system on the production of
the whole system, and then based on the optimization goal and practical constraints, a
heuristic optimization method is proposed.

2 Assembly Production Logistics System Simulation and Analysis

2.1 Scenario Description

Consider a processing scene: contains processing unit, a manufacturing enterprise logis‐

tics transportation system between unit and unit assembly, the cache in a unit of area is
limited. Materials processing unit respectively according to certain material buffer
before rate achieve unit, processing is completed in the workpiece buffer waiting for
transportation to the special workpiece cache area before the assembly unit, leaving the
system assembly in the finished product after the completion of the cache area. In this
kind of manufacturing system, both the production - cooperation relationship: assembly
unit assembly unit must satisfy variety for assembly artifacts exist at the same time, the
different types of artifacts in independent processing unit manufacturing; and material
transportation system between the units and production units to cooperate relationship:
transport the car will be completed machining unit of artifacts to the workpiece buffer
Simulation Optimization of Manufacturing System 65

before the assembly unit, the car may be in place waiting for processing after the
completion of the loading processing units, may also be in the assembly cache area
waiting to unload all the goods, it shows that the car work status is affected by the
working state of the two levels before and after the production unit, and the car transport
needs certain time which affects the level before and after work. Processing unit of the
workpiece cache area, for example, the car did not timely dislodged artifacts, machining
center is blocked; the car without the piece to assemble unit in time, lack of certain kinds
of workpiece assembly unit will not work, causing hunger assembly unit. So for this
kind of complex production system, we need to production, the assembly unit and trans‐
portation system simulation at the same time reflects the strong coupling among, get
more in line with the actual situation of data.
A simple production system model is set up as follows in Fig. 1. It contains the parts
of A and B are independent of each other processing unit; to assemble part A and part
B of the assembly unit; the processing unit to complete parts transportation to the trans‐
portation system of assembly unit.

Fig. 1. Contains processing and assembling production logistics system diagram

2.2 The Simulation Model

According to the diagram shown in Fig. 1 of the manufacturing system, set up based on
Tecnomatix Plant Simulation 8.2 Simulation software of the Simulation model, as
shown in Fig. 2, the basic hardware configuration is as follows: 2.0 GHz dual-core CPU,
4 GB of memory hardware environment.
Simulation model of the assumptions are as follows:
Hypothesis 1. The processing unit of workpiece A and B all ave a workbench.
Processing stage belongs to the first come first service type can be processed at a time
and a workpiece. Processing time obey exponential distribution.
Hypothesis 2. The Poisson distribution is subject to the same material to material
limited buffer before the processing unit.
Hypothesis 3. The assembly unit has A workbench, work stage, there are two artifacts
limited buffer, hold A part respectively, B parts. Assembly bench only when at the same
time have A & B parts to assembly, assembly time obey exponential distribution. After
completion of assembly in infinite buffer after assembling unit, sign the whole machining
process is complete.
66 X. Li et al.

Hypothesis 4. Unit between transportation systems consists of two car, the car
according to the principle of load balancing transport artifacts, each transport number
of artifacts between 1 to maximum loading capacity C. Loading and unloading time, run
a circle time obey negative exponential distribution.
Hypothesis 5. In order to ensure the production line balance, the processing rate of
assembly unit > machining rate of unit; logistics transportation system does not become
the bottleneck of the whole system, set up the car transport equivalent (speed x maximum
capacity) is greater than the unit before and after the treatment rate; two parallel lines,
cache before assembly area, two car parameter Settings are the same.

3 Simulation Optimization Method

3.1 The Simulation Optimization

As the research model contains a lot of uncertain factors, relationships between factors,
so the simulation method and optimization method to optimize the combination of the
principle is shown in Fig. 3. Mainly includes two parts: the optimization evaluation
algorithm and simulation model, simulation model is first get the system performance
index, the optimization evaluation algorithm to get the performance index of validation
constraints, modify the system parameters, the simulation model using the modified
system parameters to get a new performance index, so repeatedly, until the expiration

Fig. 2. Simulation model

Fig. 3. The principle diagram of the simulation optimization

Simulation Optimization of Manufacturing System 67

of the optimization evaluation algorithm to satisfy certain conditions, the system param‐
eters is the optimal solution.

3.2 Heuristic Optimization Methods

Productivity is finished in manufacturing system per unit time the number of artifacts,
task rejection rate is the ratio of manufacturing system refused to new orders, reflecting
the comprehensive utilization rate of the system and line balance. Results found from
Table 2, output, WIP and production cycle were increased with increase buffer, on the
other hand, reduce the cache area will make productivity, WIP, production cycle is
reduced. Enterprises in order to improve competitiveness, on the premise of guarantee
the productivity should try to shorten the production cycle.
Above calculation shows that the sensitivity of variables will influence the perform‐
ance of the system, the greater the sensitivity value shows that the impact on the
performance of the system, the more obvious, at the same time also shows that the
influence of other variables is bigger also, so these variables should be optimized first,
the rest of the variables can quickly get optimal value.
To sum up, the cycle for production optimization goal of heuristic optimization method
as shown in Fig. 4. Simulation initial value is set to a larger value (right now), the maximum
capacity of 1 C car, according to the above calculation, the sensitivity of value from big to
small in turn choose need to modify the buffer zone, and then according to set the param‐
eters of the simulation, to evaluate the performance index, productivity, rejection rate is
greater than the preset constraints, I, the sensitivity higher number of buffer zone of the
constraint is loose, because the need for a buffer zone which smaller sensitivity numerical
optimization allowance. If meet the constraint conditions will reduce the choice to opti‐
mize the cache area, a new simulation; otherwise restore to the last parameter Settings and
to choose to optimize the cache area. In order to get the optimization results quickly, after
the system level cache area initial size set for the first level cache area optimization results
of 1.5 times. All of the cache area after the optimization, record the results of simulation

Fig. 4. Heuristic optimization method

68 X. Li et al.

with a set of car capacity and buffer size optimization results. Increase the car volume 1,
according to the same steps to obtain a set of optimization results, until five car capacity
optimization results, the experiment ended.

3.3 Instance Analysis and the Experimental Results

Through the optimization method, the final performance of the system output is not less than
90 % and rejection rate is not more than 10 % as constraint conditions, optimize product
average production cycle and the system average captain. System set order input rate of
λ = 0.9/h. Processing rate = 1/h, assembly processing rates = 1.1/h, MHS transporta‐
tion system as a whole processing rates = 1.2/h, if enter the orders cannot be rejected.
The part of results of simulation was shown in Table 1, ordinal optimization cache
area according to the sensitivity value. From the results can be found that after the
optimization of the first buffer, the average 15 % to 15 % drop in production cycle; after
optimization of the second buffer, fell to 85 % average production cycle, on average the
captain and the improvement of the production cycle a lot; optimize the third cache area,
average captain and production cycle basic has not changed. This is because the first
cache optimization, constraint condition is relatively loose, not optimized buffer still in
a state of excessive input, to the work pieces piled up in wireless buffer, causing average
captain and production cycle is too large, the optimization of the second buffer zone,
because the latter is MHS transportation system, batch processing way can make the
level before and after the coupling relationship in the buffer zone, the optimization, the
coupling relationship between enhancement obviously improved the optimization, on
average, captain, the third end of a buffer in the system, after the class without blocking
phenomenon, so the optimization of the cache area to improve the system performance
is not obvious. Summary data found that from infinite buffer to the final optimized buffer,
the system average captain fell 86.5 %, production cycle is reduced by 89 % on average,
a 8 % drop in productivity at the same time, rejection rate rose 9 %, significantly improve
product production cycle and other performance degradation in the acceptable range,
the optimization effect is better.

Table 1. The simulation results

The car max capacity Buffers Throughput Leading time Average length
1 ∞,∞,∞ 99 % 161.38 312.74
1 8,∞,∞ 93 % 138.94 244.76
1 8,10,∞ 91 % 18.04 40.32
1 8,10,15 91 % 18.01 40.31
3 ∞,∞,∞ 98 % 182.79 353.98
3 8,∞,∞ 93 % 167.62 295.78
3 8,10,∞ 90 % 20.39 48.25
3 8,10,15 90 % 20.1 47.75
5 ∞,∞,∞ 99 % 181.05 359.21
5 8,∞,∞ 93 % 147.49 268.10
5 8,10,∞ 89 % 22.89 55.25
5 8,10,15 89 % 23 55.14
Simulation Optimization of Manufacturing System 69

Figure 5 is the tendency of the system performance index for the experimental
process. Each curve represents the use of a specification of the car, the optimization of
buffer effect the average production cycle and rejection rate of the system. Can be found
from the figure, each curve trend is basically the same, every time optimization of index
system of influence range is similar, but the curve between don’t coincide.

(a) The average production cycle optimization trend chart (b) Rejection rate change trend

Fig. 5. Performance of the system change trend chart

Table 2 is the set for different car capacity conditions, in turn, according to the
optimal buffer and the sensitivity value of the final optimization results. Can learn from
the results, the performance of the system such as the sensitivity calculation the conclu‐
sion is the same, with the decrease of the maximum load car, system performance
improvement. But consider from the actual situation, the car capacity of 3 when overall
system performance in the acceptable range, and MHS set reasonable, overall is in a
better balance.

Table 2. The optimization results of different capacity of the car

The car max capacity Buffers Throughput Leading time Average length
1 8,10,15 91 % 18.01 40.31
2 8,10,15 91 % 19.12 44.23
3 8,10,15 90 % 20.1 47.75
4 8,10,15 90 % 21.56 52.08
5 8,10,15 89 % 23.00 55.14

4 Conclusions

In this paper, through the establishment of both assembly unit and simulation model of
MHS, the sensitivity analysis of the orthogonal experiment method, calculating the
sensitivity of parameters on the performance of the system to determine the optimization
direction, and then use the heuristic optimization method to optimize system parameters.
This optimization method using the sensitivity optimization direction, from the choice
of empirical formula optimization parameter, improve the efficiency of optimization, on
the other hand reveals the influence law of manufacturing system between the internal
parameters, especially the MHS transport system parameter is set to total system can
70 X. Li et al.

influence law. From the experimental results in this paper, the rational allocation method
of resources for the enterprise has been provided effectively.
This project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation (No.
51375098; 61573109; 71572049) and Aid program for Science and Technology Inno‐
vative Research Team in Higher Educational Institutions of Hunan Province china.


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2. Srinivasan, M.M., Bozer, Y.A.: Which one is responsible for WIP: the workstations or the
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3. Li, X., Chen, Q.-X., Mao, N.: Buffer allocation optimization for multistage flow shop based
on queuing network model. Comput. Integr. Manuf. Syst. 20(4), 890–897 (2014)
4. Wang, Y., Cai, L.-N., Yue, X.-J.: The development of the logistics system design using
simulation. Manuf. Autom. 09, 5–8 (2004)
5. Huang, F., Zhu, W., Bai, B., Li, B.: Research on assembly line modeling and simulation
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A Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
for Solving Job Shop Scheduling Problems

Qiaofeng Meng ✉ , Linxuan Zhang, and Yushun Fan

( )

State CIMS Engineering Research Center at Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
[email protected]

Abstract. This paper proposes a new hybrid PSO optimization algorithm, which
fuses GA and simulated annealing (SA) into the PSO algorithm. The crossover
and mutation mechanism of GA algorithm make the new hybrid algorithm keep
the diversity of population and retain the good factors in the population to jump
out of local optimum. The sudden jump probability of SA also guarantees the
diversity of the population, thus preventing local minimum of the hybrid PSO
algorithm. This new hybrid algorithm is used to minimize the maximum comple‐
tion time of the scheduling problems. The simulation results show that the
performance of hybrid optimization algorithm outperforms another hybrid PSO
algorithm. The hybrid PSO algorithm is not only in the structure of the algorithm,
but also the search mechanism provides a powerful way to solve JSSP.

Keywords: Job shop scheduling problem · Particle swarm optimization ·

Simulated annealing · Maximum completion time

1 Introduction

Job Shop scheduling problem (JSSP) is demonstrated to be a classic NP-hard combi‐

natorial optimization problem [1] which plays an important role in computer integrated
manufacturing system and has vital effect on production management and control
system. As one class of typical production scheduling problems, JSSP has attracted many
scholars to study this field for last decades. It consists of a finite jobs set, Ji (i = 1, 2, …, n)
to be processed on a finite machine set Mk (k = 1, 2, …, m) [2]. According to its produc‐
tion routine, each job is processed on machines with a given processing time, and each
machine can process only one operation for each job [3]. JSSP can be thought of as the
allocation of resources over a specified time to perform a predetermined collection of
tasks [4].
Many different heuristics algorithms are developed for this problem in last decades.
With the development of intelligent technology, more and more evolutionary algorithms
have been applied to JSSP and have got many good results.
Phanden et al. [5] present a simulation-based genetic algorithm approach for JSSP,
with and without restart scheme. Meng and Zhou [6] put forward immune genetic algo‐
rithm adopting timely dynamic vaccination and the shutdown criteria. Sun and Xiong
[7] introduced the Metropolis sampling criteria in simulation annealing algorithm into
algorithm, and proposed three kinds of hybrid PSO algorithms integrating simulation

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 71–78, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_8
72 Q. Meng et al.

annealing to solve part of FT problems and LA problems. Bank et al. [8] studies a
permutation flow shop scheduling problem with deteriorating jobs. Gao et al. [9] designs
a hybrid intelligence algorithm based on Particle Swarm algorithm and the Taboo Search
algorithm (TS-PSO). Through particle swarm and Taboo search algorithm combined,
the results show that this algorithm has very good accuracy of convergence, and
embodies the obvious superiority compared with the traditional scheduling algorithm.
The simulated annealing (SA) is a generic probabilistic meta heuristic to solve global
optimization problems. This algorithm can be applied in discrete spaces and combina‐
torial optimization problems. The simulated annealing method successfully solves the
problem of classical Shop Job [10, 11], which guarantees the optimality, but the compu‐
tational efficiency is poor.
Through the latest literature review, we found that hybrid approaches have effective
performance than single one. We combine PSO with GA and SA not only making use
of the fast research ability of PSO, but also increasing the individual diversity of popu‐
lation by utilizing the global search ability of GA and SA, which guarantees that the
PSO algorithm could effectively jump out of the local optimal solution. The PSO
convergence rate is fast but its accuracy is inferior. SA is of powerful generality and
easy to be realized. Nevertheless, its computational time is long and efficiency is lower.
Taking complementarities between PSO algorithm, GA and SA algorithm may have an
advantage than each single algorithm. In this paper a new hybrid PSO algorithm
(NHPSO) combined with GA and simulated annealing algorithm is developed to solve
JSSP with minimization of the maximum completion time.
The paper is organized as follows. Next section is problem definition in which the
formulation and notations used in the paper are described. In Sect. 3 a hybrid PSO
algorithm is proposed including the main idea, the key steps and the whole procedure.
In Sect. 4, a comparison between the results of our NHPSO with another HPSO is
examined. Finally, Sect. 5 is devoted to conclusions and recommendation for future

2 Problem Formulation

The job-shop scheduling problem considers how to determine the time of beginning
processing, the time of finishing processing or the processing order of all the work pieces
in order to optimize the processing performance index on the prerequisite of meeting
the process constraint [12]. In general, the job shop problems can be described as follows.
There are a set of jobs J = {1, 2, . . ., n} and a set of machines M = {1, 2, . . ., m} to be
scheduled. Each job consists of a predetermined sequence of task operations, each of
which needs to be processed without preemption for a given period of time on a given
machine. The required machine and the fixed processing time characterize each opera‐
tion. There are several constraints on jobs and machines: Each job must visit each
machine exactly once; There are no precedence constraints among the operations of
different jobs; Each operation cannot be commenced until the processing is completed,
if the precedent operation is still being processed; Tasks of the same job cannot be
processed concurrently and each job must visit each machine exactly once.
A Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm 73

The mathematical model of the JSSP can be described as follows.

{ }
min max max Cik (1)
1≤k≤m 1≤i≤n

( )
s.t. Cik − Tik + M 1 − aihk ≥ Cih i = 1, 2, ⋯ , n, h, k = 1, 2, ⋯ , m (2)
( )
Cjk − Cik + M 1 − xijk ≥ Tjk i, j = 1, 2, ⋯ , n, k = 1, 2, ⋯ , m (3)

Cik ≥ 0, i = 1, 2, ⋯ , n, k = 1, 2, ⋯ , m (4)

aihk = 0or1 i = 1, 2, ⋯ , n, h, k = 1, 2, ⋯ , m (5)

xijk = 0 or 1 i, j = 1, 2, ⋯ , n, k = 1, 2, ⋯ , m (6)
1, if machine h processes workpiece i earlier than machine k
aihk = (7)
0, others
1, if workpiece i processed by machine k earlier than workpiece j
xijk = (8)
0, others

Where, (1) defines the objective function is to minimize make span. (2) defines the
machining sequences of all the processes of every work piece, that is each operation
can't be commenced until the processing is completed, if the precedent operation is still
being processed. (3) represents the sequences of the machines processing every work
piece determined by the process constraint conditions, which is a machine can only
handle one job at a time. Among them, Cik and Tik respectively represent the time of
finishing processing and the processing time of the work piece i on machine k, and M
is a enough big positive number in order to ensure the inequalities of (2) and (3) can be
established. In this model, using M we can get different constrain conditions. The
constraint of aihk and xijk is defined in (5), (6), (7) and (8).

3 The Hybrid PSO Algorithm to Solve JSSP

Particle swarm optimization algorithm is one of the latest evolutionary optimization

techniques which are developed by Kennedy and Eberhart [13]. PSO algorithm is based
on communication and interaction between the members which is named as particle
determines its position by combining the history of its own best location with those of
other members of the swarm. The efficiency of PSO is so much higher than other algo‐
rithm that it has a large number of applications in recent years. However, PSO also has
some disadvantages such as easy to fall into local extreme point, late in evolution slow
convergence and so on. Therefore, this paper produces a new hybrid PSO (NHPSO)
algorithm which importing the idea of genetic algorithm and SA to overcome the short‐
comings of the particle swarm algorithm. The crossover and mutation operators explore
new regions of search space to keeping some of the current information at the same time.
74 Q. Meng et al.

We use SA to enhance the local search capability [14] of the NHPSO. The hybrid algo‐
rithm will not only retain the advantages of GA, PSO and SA but also desert the defects
of the three approaches.
The idea of PSO algorithm is adopted in the main frame of hybrid algorithm. Each
particle in the swarm represents a solution to the problem and it is defined with its
position and velocity.
The new hybrid algorithm started from a set of randomly generated initial solution
to search for the global optimal solution, followed by mutation and crossover operation
to generate a new set of particles, and then used the SA algorithm to search in local
solution space. The evolutionary process repeated over and over again until the termi‐
nation condition is satisfied, and the performance of the algorithm is greatly improved.
The process of the hybrid algorithm is as follows.
Step1 Initialization. Randomly generated initial particle swarm, initial mutation rate,
simulated annealing initial temperature and other parameters.
Step2 Calculate the population fitness value.
Step3 Adjust the individual optimal fitness value.
Step4 Perform mutation, crossover operations and local search operations.
Step5 If the algorithm reaches the maximum algebra, then the algorithm is over,
otherwise go to Step2.
The main components of the hybrid algorithm are introduced as followed.

3.1 Randomly Generated Initial Population of Particles

The hybrid algorithm begins with randomly generating particles of population according
to the matrix of work piece and procedure, which represents all possible solution of a
problem that are considered as candidate solutions. In order to increase the randomness
of the initial group of particles, the strategy of exchanging position inside the particle is

3.2 Individual Optimal Particle Variation

The algorithm carries on mutation operator according to the mutation rate. Each particle
randomly generated two mutation positions, and exchanged the individual of the two
random position of the particle. The particle variation diagram is shown in Fig. 1. For
example, the algorithm sets three times variants and randomly generates 3 pairs of the
locations for the best individual particle pbest, such as 3 and 5, 7 and 10, 11 and 15. Then
it exchanges the position of the corresponding process, namely the exchange 4 and 3, 1
and 6, 6 and 1, resulting in variation of the optimal particle.
A Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm 75

Fig. 1. The particle variation diagram

3.3 Cross

Using the idea of preserving the good gene in the genetic algorithm, a fragment of the
individual optimal particle is retained in the next generation of particles, i.e., the particle
crossing, as shown in Fig. 2. Specified a stochastic fragment (4)–(8) in an optimal particle
pbest, that is, the procedure sequence (2, 4, 3, 6, 5). Firstly we delete the procedures
successively in the individual particles which equal to the procedure of the fragments,
i.e., remove (2, 4, 3, 6, 5) on position (1, 2, 5, 3, 4). Then we insert the sequence (2, 4,
3, 6, 5) into the individual particles in the rest of the sequence corresponding to the
position, the retention position of (2, 4, 3, 6, 5) in the optimal particle, so as to produce
a new generation of particle.

Fig. 2. The particle cross diagram

3.4 Local Search by SA Operator

The hybrid algorithm (NHPSO) runs SA operator after it finds an optimal solution. With
the initial temperature declining continually, the algorithm search in the neighborhood
of the optimal solution. If the solution searching by SA operator in the neighborhood of
the current optimal solution is better than the current solution, it will replace the optimal
solution according to a certain probability. The algorithm repeats this process until the
temperature drops to a specific temperature.
76 Q. Meng et al.

4 Simulation

We simulate the effect of the important parameters on the performance of the hybrid
algorithm, which is helpful to set up the appropriate parameters in the application of the
algorithm to obtain better results. Mutation rate is an important parameter in the hybrid
particle swarm algorithm because it plays an important role in maintaining the diversity
of the population. Mutation rate is too big, the search direction easy to deviate from the
previous search results. While mutation rate is too small, the algorithm will fall into
local optimum easily. In order to test the effects of different mutation rate to the target
value, we run a simulation which set up 10 mutation rate, that is MutPSO = [0.35 0.4
0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8]. The simulation results show that the maximum
complete time reached the minimum value when the mutation rate is 0.5. The cross
frequency is another important parameter in the hybrid particle swarm algorithm. More
crossing, the next generation of particles group changing more than current particle
swarm, then the algorithm will jump out of local optimum more easily. However, if
cross frequency is too big, the particle swarm of the algorithm will lose some excellent
characteristics. In order to find the appropriate crossover frequency, we set 10 crossover
frequencies, that is CrossPSO = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]. From the simulation results, we
knew that the algorithm reaches the minimum target value when crossover frequency is
3 or 4. Therefore, the parameters in the NHPSO are set as follows. The particle swarm
size swarmNum = 120, the initial temperature initT = 1000, and the temperature cooling
coefficient a = 0.97, CrossPSO = 3, the Mutationrate MutPSO = 0.5.
We also perform experiments to compare our proposed new hybrid PSO (NHPSO)
algorithm with another hybrid particle swarm optimization (HPSO) proposed by Sha et al.
[15]. Table 1 summarizes these results for different sizes of benchmark problems obtained
from the OR-Library [16]. As can be seen from the table, the new PSO(NHPSO) is signif‐
icantly better than HPSO to solve JSSP problems of different scales.

Table 1. The computational results

Benchmark n m Makespan (HPSO) Makespan (NHPSO)
ft06 6 6 58 56
ft10 10 10 1045 998
ft20 20 5 1196 1175
abz5 10 10 1341 1275
abz6 10 10 1026 988
abz7 20 15 689 664
la01 10 5 712 703
la16 10 10 1045 981
la17 10 10 890 823
la35 30 10 1906 1893
la36 15 15 1297 1275
la20 10 10 951 920
orb01 10 10 1095 1062
orb05 10 10 996 973
A Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm 77

The solution to ft10 is shown by Gantt chart in Fig. 3. The magenta blocks in the
figure indicate the operation arrangement, the numbers below which represent the
specific operation, such as 20 represents the first operation of the second job, and the
109 represents the tenth operation of the tenth job.

Fig. 3. The optimal solution of the FT10 10 × 10 problem

5 Conclusion

To improve the disadvantages for particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm such as
easy to fall into local optimal solution, slow convergence speed in the late evolutionary
and poor accuracy optimization and so on, this paper puts forward a novel PSO algorithm
(NHPSO) which fuses GA and SA into PSO to solve the problem of JSSP. The new
hybrid PSO incorporates the crossover and mutation mechanism of GA to increase the
diversity of particles and retains the excellent factor of each generation of particle swarm
to help the algorithm to escape from local optimal value, using property of probabilistic
jumping of SA algorithm to avoid falling into the local optimum value, which facilitates
the new algorithm extend the search scope to unexplored region, and enhances global
search ability. In order to verify the performance of the new algorithm, we compare the
maximum completion time of the new hybrid PSO algorithm (NHPSO) with another
HPSO. The simulation results show that the maximum completion time of the hybrid
PSO algorithm proposed in this paper has obvious advantages. The algorithm proposed
in this paper can be applied to all sizes of job shop scheduling problem and effectively
avoid trapping in local optimal solution. With some modification, the NHPSO can be
applied to solve the flexible job shop scheduling problem. We will attempt to apply
NHPSO to deal with multiple objectives JSSP in future research.

Acknowledgements. The work was supported by the Aviation Science Fund of China No.
78 Q. Meng et al.


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A Chaotic Differential Evolution Algorithm
for Flexible Job Shop Scheduling

Haijun Zhang1(&), Qiong Yan2, Guohui Zhang2, and Zhiqiang Jiang1

School of Mechatronics Engineering,
Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics, Zhengzhou, China
School of Management Engineering,
Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics, Zhengzhou, China
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. To solve the flexible job shop scheduling problem (FJSP), a chaotic
differential evolution algorithm (CDEA) is proposed with makespan minimiza-
tion criterion. In the CDEA, logistic mapping is used to generate chaotic numbers
for the initialization, because it is helpful to diversify the CDEA population and
improve its performance in preventing premature convergence to local minima.
A compositive operation-machine-based (COMB) encoding method is employed
to reduce computational burden. Meanwhile, a self-adaptive double mutation
scheme and an elitist strategy in the selection operator are introduced to balance
the population diversity and the convergence rate. The performance of schedules
is evaluated in terms of makespan and relative error. The results are compared
with different well-known algorithm from open literatures. The results indicate
that the proposed CDEA is effective in reducing makespan because the small
value of relative error and the faster convergence rate are observed.

Keywords: Flexible job shop scheduling  Chaotic  Differential evolution

1 Introduction

With the market diversification and global competitiveness, modern manufacturing

enterprises face increasing challenge with opportunity of complex products and the
changeable market. Flexible production is an effective mode of production to meet the
challenge, which has the ability to switch rapidly from the manufacture of one product
to another. This mode can increase the economic efficiency of enterprises through the
rational allocation and the efficient use of resources. There are often conflicts between
the artificial scheduling and the actual production. Although the flexible production can
enhance the flexibility and responsiveness of enterprises, shorten the production cycle,
improve equipment utilization and product quality, the production planning and control
of the enterprise has made a very high demand. FJSP is a key issue of resource
optimization allocation, which plays an important role in the entire production process.
FJSP is an extension of the classical job shop scheduling problem (JSP), which is one
of the most difficult problems proved to be a NP-hard problem [1]. At present, the
solution strategy of FJSP includes the hierarchical approach and the integrated approach.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 79–88, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_9
80 H. Zhang et al.

In the integrated approach, the assignment on the machines and the sequencing of the
jobs are treated simultaneously. For example, Yazdani et al. proposed a parallel variable
neighborhood search (PVNS) algorithm for FJSP [2]. Xing et al. proposed a
knowledge-based ant colony optimization for FJSP [3]. Wang et al. proposed a
bi-population based estimation of distribution algorithm for FJSP [4]. Zhao proposed a
hybrid algorithm mixed with bilevel neighborhood search and GA for solving FJSP [5].
Zhong et al. proposed a method based on niching and particle swarm optimization
algorithms for multi-objective FJSP [6].
Many researchers have been active in the study of FJSP, which made great
achievements. With the development of swarm intelligence algorithms, differential
evolutionary algorithm (DEA) is an evolutionary algorithm introduced by Storn and Price
[7] for optimization over continuous spaces. Since its invention, DEA has been applied
with high success on many numerical optimization problems outperforming other more
popular population heuristics including GAs [8]. In this paper, the use of a new method
based on DEA called the chaotic DEA (CDEA) is investigated for solving FJSP.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: The FJSP formulation is introduced
in Sect. 2. Section 3 illustrates the method encoding and decoding of CDEA indi-
viduals. In Sect. 4, the proposed CDEA is described in detail. Computational results
over known test instances and discussion are presented in Sect. 5. Finally, the con-
clusion and future research of this paper are given in Sect. 6.

2 Formulation of FJSP

A general FPSP may be formulated as follows: there is a set of NJ jobs to be processed

on NM machines. Each job consists of a predefined sequence of operations. The
execution of each operation requires one machine out of a set of given machines with
the different processing times. Thus, FJSP consists of assigning an operation to a
machine, aiming to obtain a feasible sequence of jobs on the machine to optimize a
certain objective. A typical objective of this process is to minimize the total completion
time (makespan) required for all jobs. The following notations are used for the for-
mulation of FJSP:

Min CTmax ð1Þ

Subject to:
CTmax  CTijm 8i; j ¼ NOi ; ð2Þ

STijm  0; CTijm  0 8i; j; m; ð3Þ

CTijm ¼ STijm þ Pijm  Vijm

; ð4Þ
A Chaotic Differential Evolution Algorithm 81

Vijm ¼ 1 8i; j; ð5Þ

STijm  CTiðj1Þm 8i; 8j ¼ 2;   ; NOi ; ð6Þ
m2Mij m2Miðj1Þ

SThgm  CTijm if Vijhgm

¼ 1: ð7Þ
NJ Number of jobs
NM Number of machines
Oij The jth operation of job i
Mij Set of available machine is assigned to operation Oij
NOi Number of all operations of job i
PTijm Processing time of operation Oij on machine m
STijm Start time of operation Oij on machine m
CTijm Completion time of operation Oij on machine m
i; h Indexes of jobs i; h ¼ 1; 2;   ; NJ
m Indexes of machines m ¼ 1; 2;   ; NM
j; g Indexes of operations j; g ¼ 1; 2;   ; NOi
1 Decision variable 1, if operation Oij was performed on machine m, it is set to 1,
otherwise 0
2 Decision variable 2, if operation Oij precedes operation Ohg on machine m, it is set to
1, otherwise 0

In the mathematical model, the expression (1) is the objective of the model to
minimize the makespan. The constraint (2) determines the completion times of the jobs.
The constraint (3) states the starting and completion times of operation on machine m
equal to 0 if operation Oij is not assigned to machine m. The constraint (4) calculates
the completion time of operation Oij . The constraint (5) ensures that an operation is
performed on one and only one machine. The constraint (6) ensures that no precedence
relationship is violated, i.e. the operation Oij on machine m is not started before the
operation Oij1 has been completed. The constraint (7) ensures that operations Oij and
Ohg cannot be done at the same time on any machine.

3 Representation of FJSP

The individual in the CDEA population is corresponding to the solution of the

FJSP. Decoding and encoding of the individual are very important to the CDEA. This
paper employs a novel compositive operation-machine-based (COMB) method.
In this paper, a real number encoding system is proposed. For the example, con-
sider an instance of the problem with 2 jobs and 4 machines given in Table 1. The
position of individual is represented by a real number. The integer part is used to assign
the operations of each job to the machine and fractional part is used to sequence of the
82 H. Zhang et al.

operations on each machine. In the following we show the above instance with a
permutation of ∏ = {0.25, 3.64, 2.12, 2.44, 3.14}, which is generated using logistic
map function:
Step 1: Calculate the number of machine Mij  which is available to operation Oij ,
as shown in the last column of Table 1.
Step 2: Sequencing of available machines for an operation according to the
increasing order of processing time. That is the machine priority matrix. If a
machine cannot process the operation, the corresponding processing time is set to
Step 3: Each real number in the permutation ∏ are separated by the fractional part
and the integer part, as shown in the 2nd and 3rd row of Table 3.
Step 4: Calculate
 remainders when the above integer values are divided by the
corresponding Mij .The remainders are as the priority levels, as shown in the 4th
row of Table 3. Then according to Table 2, the available machine is selected cor-
responding to the priority level, as shown in the 5th row of Table 3.
Step 5: The process order of operations to be scheduled on the same machine
depends on the value of the fractional values.

Table 1. An example of jobs and processing times

Table 2. A machine priority matrix

A Chaotic Differential Evolution Algorithm 83

Using the COMB method, each individual in the population is guaranteed to be


Table 3. An example of individual encoding and decoding

4 Chaotic Different Evolution Algorithm (CDEA)

4.1 Chaotic Initialization

The initialization of population has a great impact on the quality and efficient of
evolutionary algorithms. Chaos is a kind of characteristic of nonlinear systems, which
is a bounded unstable dynamic behavior that exhibits sensitive dependent on initial
conditions and includes infinite unstable periodic motions [9]. The purpose of chaotic
numbers as a substitute of random numbers in CDEA is a powerful strategy to diversify
the CDEA population and improve its performance in preventing premature conver-
gence to local minima.
The logistic map illustrated in Eq. (8) is used instead of random number generator
in the CDEA, as it is one of the simplest dynamic systems which demonstrate chaotic
behavior where Zn is the value of chaotic variable in nth iteration:

Zn ¼ l  Zn1  ð1  Zn1 Þ ð8Þ

where l is the bifurcation parameter of chaotic system.

From Fig. 1, it can be observed that chaotic numbers have higher degree of disorder
which facilitates high diversity in the individuals and thus helps the algorithm to
converge rapidly towards the solution.

4.2 Self-adaptive Double Mutation Operator

An effect of mutant individual is to perturb the target individual in order to avoid being
stuck in the local convergence. Therefore, this paper defines the diversity of individual
position (DIP) of population:
84 H. Zhang et al.

Fig. 1. Comparison between random numbers and chaotic numbers

u I
1 XN u X
DIP ¼ t1 ðgÞ
ðx  xbest;k Þ2 ð9Þ
N n¼1 I k¼1 n;k

where I ¼ NOi ,g is the generation index, N is the size of population, n ¼ 1; 2; . . .; N
is the index of individual, j ¼ 1; 2; . . .; I is the index of individual dimension,  best
denotes the current best individual Xbest ¼ xbest;1 ; xbest;2 ; . . .; xbest;j ; . . .xbest;I .
As shown in Eq. (10), if DIP  e(e: a user-defined threshold), CDEA employs
either DE/rand/1/bin scheme (Eq. (10.a)) as the mutation operator, otherwise
DE/best/2/bin scheme (Eq. (10.b)).
( ðgÞ ðgÞ ðgÞ
ðgÞ xa;k þ F  ðxb;k  xc;k Þ DIP  e ðaÞ;
xn;k ¼ ðgÞ ðgÞ ðgÞ ðgÞ ðgÞ ð10Þ
xbest;k þF  ½ðxa;k  xb;k Þ þ ðxc;k  xd;k Þ DIP [ e ðbÞ:

4.3 Crossover Operator

The crossover operator is applied to form a trial individual Un against a target indi-
vidual Xn . In the case, either a dimension of the target individual or that of the mutant
individual X n is adopted, with a user-defined probability CR, as the corresponding
dimension of the trial individual.
( ðgÞ
ðgÞ xn;k randð0; 1Þ  CR or k ¼ rand½1; I;
un;k ¼ ðgÞ ð11Þ
xn;k otherwise:
A Chaotic Differential Evolution Algorithm 85

4.4 Elite-Selection Operator

The traditional selection operator is replaced here by the “elite-preserving mechanism”
proposed by Deb et al. [10] in this paper. This mechanism is applied to CDEA as follows:
without taking any decision based on a pair of a target individual and its trial individual
only, all the target and trial individuals are first combined, and then the combined indi-
viduals are sorted according to their qualities (makespans). Finally, the first 15 % of the
best individuals of the combined individuals are extracted as the population in the next

5 Numerical Experiments and Discussion

5.1 Experimental Setup
The proposed CDEA procedure was coded using C# programming language and run on
an AMD CPU 2.29 GHz PC. To illustrate the effectiveness and performance of the
CDEA, the benchmark instances [11] from other papers are adopted in the experiment.
These instances include 10 open problems for FJSP. After much experimental effort
with the combination of settings, and taking into account both the convergence speed,
as well as, the diversity of population, the threshold of DIP:e ¼ 0:30, the scale of
population N ¼ 100, the scaling parameter F ¼ 0:90 and the crossover rate CR ¼ 0:50.
To be fair with the stochastic behavior of the heuristics, it was decided to run each of
them 10 times over each instances of the benchmarks problems and report the best
result. The proposed CDEA terminates when the number of iterations reaches to the
maximum value 200 or the algorithm finds the known optimum results. The relative
error (RE) is employed to evaluate the quality of results from the algorithms. The
formula of RE is as follows (13):
CTbest  LB
RE ¼  100% ð13Þ

where CTbest denotes the best result by the algorithm, LB denotes the present known
lower bound value of optimum results.

5.2 Results and Discussions

In Table 4, comparison of makespan obtained by CDEA to the results of the GA [12],
PVNS [2] and BBO [13] on the instances is made. Table 4 indicates that CDEA
produces better results for 9 out of 10 problems, where CDEA produces better than
other heuristics for problems MK06 and MK10. Most heuristics give better solution
than CDEA for problem MK07. Table 4 also illustrates the comparisons the RE results
of heuristics. The 11th row shows that the RE of CDEA is smaller than those of other
heuristics. It illustrates that the results by CDEA are closest to the optimal values in
86 H. Zhang et al.

Table 4. The experimental results of heuristics

Fig. 2. Gannt chart of problem MK09 (makespan = 307)

Gantt chart of the obtained solution for MK09 by CDEA is illustrated in Fig. 2
(makespan = 307). The convergence curve is drawn for problem MK09 set in Fig. 3.
Figure 3 illustrates the comparison of the performance of initialization method. It is
conceivable to note that CDEA algorithm improves the makespan, and the best
makespan, equal to 307, is reached after 104 iterations. It can also be observed from
Fig. 3 that the objective value converges towards the optimal value faster when the
A Chaotic Differential Evolution Algorithm 87

Fig. 3. The convergence curves of DEA and CDEA for problem MK09

chaotic numbers are used for initialization of the individual. This is because of higher
degree of disorderness of the chaotic number s which facilitates high diversity in the
individual and helps the heuristics to converge rapidly towards the optimal value. The
computational results validate the proposed CDEA’s effectiveness.

6 Conclusions

In this paper, we solve the flexible job-shop scheduling problem with a novel differ-
ential evolution algorithm that is based on chaotic numbers of initialization and a
compositive operation-machine-based (COMB) method of encoding. Numerical
experiments with the proposed heuristic were performed for ten instance of FJSP to
find the optimal solutions. The results show that the proposed CDEA obtains better
solutions for instances, while comparing with the existing algorithms that solve the
same instances. One can also verify that, the chaotic number of initialization can
improve the proposed CDEA converge towards the optimal value faster.

Acknowledgements. This paper is partially supported by Aviation Foundation of China

(2015ZG55018); Soft Science Research Project of Henan Province (132400410782); Key Sci-
ence Research Project of Higher Education of Henan Province (15A630050); Technological
Development Project of Zhengzhou City (20140583).

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7. Storn, R., Price, K.: Differential evolution – a simple and efficient heuristic for global
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8. Kaelo, P., Ali, M.M.: A numerical study of some modified differential evolution algorithms.
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9. Wong, K., Man, K.P., Li, S., Liao, X.: More secure chaotic cryptographic scheme based on
dynamic look-up table. Circ. Syst. Sig. Process. 24(5), 571–584
10. Deb, K., Agarwal, S., Pratap, A., et al.: A fast and elitist multi-objective genetic algorithm:
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11. Brandimarte, P.: Routing and scheduling in a flexible job shop by tabu search. Ann. Oper.
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Modeling and Simulation for Super Large
Twin-Propeller Twin-Rudder Ship and Its
Course ADRC

Chen Guo, Demin Wang(&), and Yongzheng Li

Information Science and Technology College,

Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, China
[email protected],
[email protected]

Abstract. Taking a super large twin-propeller twin-rudder container ship as

research object, according to mechanism of MMG modeling, a mathematical
model of ship motion for a super large ship with twin-propeller and twin-rudder
is established. The validity of the ship model is verified by completing turning
test. The maneuverability of the ship is discussed under several working con-
ditions when left propeller and right propeller have the same speed and different
speed. The active disturbance rejection control algorithm is adopted in the
design of ship course controller and simulation calculation is accomplished.
Fuzzy control algorithm is used to improve conventional active disturbance
rejection controller (ADRC), which is applied to above ship course control. The
simulation results show that the improved ADRC has better control perfor-
mance, fast response and better control accuracy obtained.

Keywords: Twin-propeller twin-rudder ship  Ship motion mathematical

model  Ship maneuverability  Active disturbance rejection control  Fuzzy

1 Introduction

At present the trend of container ship maximization and intelligence is becoming more
and more obvious. With the advent of Maersk’s Triple E container ship with
twin-propeller and twin-rudder, some new issues of steering and control for super large
container ship are proposed. The super large twin-propeller twin-rudder ship could take
advantages of flexible operation to overcome problems of manipulation and control.
The super large twin-propeller twin-rudder ship can turn in the smaller water area.
However, there is not too much research works for this super shape and equipage
container ship. Many new issues are worthy of being studied. Simulation researches on
modeling and control for this type super large ship with twin-propeller and twin-rudder
have important theory value and practical significance.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 89–99, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_10
90 C. Guo et al.

2 Maneuvering Mathematical Model of Twin-Propeller

Twin-Rudder Ship

In this paper, the study is focused on the problem of ship motion in the horizontal
plane. The plane motion coordinate system for the twin-propeller twin-rudder ship is
shown in Fig. 1.

N x

u r


Fig. 1. Ship plane motion coordinate system

The mathematical equation of the ship motion with three degrees of freedom is
written in the following equations [1]:
mðu_  rvÞ ¼ XH0 þ XP þ XR þ Xwind þ Xcurrent > =
mðv_ þ ruÞ ¼ YH0 þ YP þ YR þ Ywind þ Ycurrent ð1Þ
Izz r_ ¼ NH0 þ NP þ NR þ Nwind þ Ncurrent  Y  xC

Where, subscripts H0 , P, R, wind and current refer to bare hull, propeller, rudder,
wind and current respectively. Y  xC is N’s revision of the ship’s center of gravity.

2.1 Hull Hydrodynamic Forces and Moments

The hydrodynamic forces and moments acting on the bare hull include inertia force and
viscous force. Inertia forces and moments are expressed as follows:
XI ¼  mx u_  my vr >
YI ¼  my v_ þ mx ur ð2Þ
NI ¼  Jzz r_ þ my  mx uv
Modeling and Simulation for Super Large Twin-Propeller 91

Where, mx and my represent the added mass of x axis and y axis respectively, Jzz is
the added moment of inertia of ship around Z axis. Above parameters are calculated by
Zhou Zhaoming regression formula [2].
In this paper, the main study is ship course control in ocean going, which belongs to
the ordinary-speed field motion state. Kijima model is used to calculate viscous forces
and moments as follows [1],
XH ¼ XðuÞ þ Xvv v2 þ Xvr vr þ Xrr r 2 >
YH ¼ Yv v þ Yr r þ Yjvjv jvjv þ Yjrjr jr jr þ >
Yvvr v r þ Yvrr vr
2 2
NH ¼ Nv v þ Nr r þ Njvjv jvjv þ Njrjr jr jr þ >
Nvvr v r þ Nvrr vr
2 2

2.2 Mathematical Model of Twin Propellers

In MMG model, hydrodynamic term of propeller includes longitudinal force XP ,
transverse force YP and transverse moment NP .
Longitudinal forces XP is calculated using the following equation,
XP ¼ 1  tp ðTl þ Tr Þ ð4Þ

Where, tp is thrust deduction factor, Tl is left propeller thrust, Tr is right propeller

The research object of this paper is an inner-rotating twin- propeller twin-rudder
container ship, the transverse force generated by left and right propellers is almost
offset, which can be neglected. The transverse moment is expressed as follows,

NP ¼ 1  tp ðTl  Tr Þ ð5Þ

Where, b is the distance between two propellers.

In this study, the mathematical model of twin propellers is shown as follows [3],
XP ¼ 1  tp ðTl þ Tr Þ =
 b ð6Þ
NP ¼ 1  tp ðTl  Tr Þ ;

2.3 Mathematical Model of Twin Rudders

The mathematical model of twin rudders is shown as follows [4, 5],
92 C. Guo et al.

XR ¼  ð1  tR Þ FN ðlÞ sin dl þ FN ðrÞ sin dr >
YR ¼  ð1 þ aH Þ FN ðlÞ cos dl þ FN ðrÞ cos dr =
NR ¼  ðxR þ aH xH Þ FN ðlÞ cos dl þ FN ðrÞ cos dr >
b   >
 ð1  tR Þ FN ðlÞ sin dl  FN ðrÞ sin dr ;

Where, tR is rudder resistance coefficient, FN ðlÞ is left rudder pressure, FN ðrÞ is right
rudder pressure, dl is left rudder angle, dr is right rudder angle. This twin-propeller
twin-rudder ship is equipped two steering engines driving two rudders, so the math-
ematical model of left steering engine and right steering engine is established as below:
TE d_ l ¼ dEl  dl
TE d_ r ¼ dEr  dr

Where, dEl is left command rudder angle, dEr is right rudder

  angle, TE is steering
engine time constant. The range of the rudder angle is dfl;rg   35 , dual steering
engines: TE ¼ 2, d_   3 =s [6]. Because the course control is studied for the ocean
voyage, two rudders operated jointly and two propellers are at same speed.

2.4 Turning Test

Simulation result of full load right turning is shown in Fig. 2. Each parameter is set as
follows, Initial ship speed V ¼ 23kn, left propeller revolution n ¼ 76:5r=min, right
propeller revolution n ¼ 76:5r=min.
The comparison between simulation result and real data is shown in Table 1.

2000 Tr

Advance [m]



0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

Transfer [m]

Fig. 2. Simulation result of right turning test

Modeling and Simulation for Super Large Twin-Propeller 93

Table 1. Comparison of right turning test result

Turning parameters Real data Simulation result Error
Advance Ad (m) 1979 1987 8 (0.02Lpp)
Transfer Tr (m) 774 868 94 (0.24Lpp)
Tactical diameter DT (m) 1746 1727 19 (0.05Lpp)

According to the comparison between simulation result and real ship data in
Table 1, the error of advance Ad is 0.02 Lpp, the error of transfer Tr is 0.24 Lpp, the
error of tactical diameter DT is 0.05 Lpp, each error is in a reasonable range. Maneu-
vering mathematical model of twin-propeller twin-rudder ship can meet simulation test

2.5 Maneuverability Study Under Multi-operating Conditions

The super large twin-propeller twin-rudder ship is designed with twin engines, twin
propellers and twin rudders. Two propellers not only can be operated jointly, but also
can be operated independently, so the ship with twin-propeller and twin-rudder is able
to have more operation modes.
In the conditions of two rudders operated jointly, two propellers at different speeds,
the analysis and research on the maneuverability of the ship during right turning motion
are shown in Tables 2 and 3.

Table 2. Turning parameters when the rudder angle is 35

Left propeller Right propeller Rudder Steady Turning
revolution (r/min) revolution (r/min) angle ( ) diameter period (s)
76.5 76.5 35 1254 298
76.5 65 35 1095 281
76.5 51 35 910 256

Table 3. Turning parameters when the rudder angle is 25

Left propeller Right propeller Rudder Steady Turning
revolution (r/min) revolution (r/min) angle ( ) diameter period (s)
76.5 76.5 25 1799 367
76.5 65 25 1521 336
76.5 51 25 1228 300

According to the above simulation data, the right turning experiments are carried
out at two different rudder angles (the left propeller is inside propeller and the right
propeller is outside propeller). Compared with the situation which two propellers have
the same speed, the situation which outside propeller speed is greater than that of inside
one can achieve smaller steady diameter and shorter turning period.
94 C. Guo et al.

When the speed difference between the left and right propellers increases, the
steady diameter reduces and the turning period decreases. But the difference is not as
bigger as better, and this study find that the turning quality can keep good performance
only the speed difference in a certain range.
During the process of turning and the speed difference between the inside and
outside propellers changing in a reasonable range, when the outside propeller speed is
greater than the inner propeller speed, the turning quality is improved. Speed difference
of inside and outside propellers can increase the effect of turning moment, which is
equivalent to add the effect of rudder and it is conducive to reducing the load of rudder.
So, the independent operation of twin propellers can have more flexible

3 Ship Course Active Disturbance Rejection Controller

The active disturbance rejection controller (ADRC) is composed of tracking differential

(TD), extended state observer (ESO), nonlinear state error feedback control law
(NLSEF) and disturbance compensation. Its structure is shown in Fig. 3, the dashed
part is ADRC [7–9].

v1 e1
v − y
• • u0 u
TD •

1/b object
vn − en

zn +1



Fig. 3. Structure diagram of ADRC

3.1 Design of Nonlinear Active Disturbance Rejection Controller

The nonlinear active disturbance rejection controller (NLADRC) algorithm is designed
as follows,
x_ 1 ¼ x2
TD ð9Þ
x_ 2 ¼ fhanðx1  v; x2 ; r; h0 Þ
Modeling and Simulation for Super Large Twin-Propeller 95
> e ¼ z1  y
< z_ 1 ¼ z2  b01 e
ESO ð10Þ
> z_ 2 ¼ z3  b02 falðe; a1 ; dÞ þ bu
z_ 3 ¼ b03 falðe; a2 ; dÞ
e1 ¼ x1  z 1 ; e2 ¼ x2  z 2
u0 ¼ b1 falðe1 ; a3 ; dÞ þ b2 falðe2 ; a4 ; dÞ
u0  z 3
u¼ ð12Þ

3.2 Design of Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Controller

There are many parameters need to be adjusted in the NLADRC and it also uses a large
number of nonlinear functions, which makes the changes of parameters have great
influence on the control effect. In addition, the parameter tuning can only be achieved
by experience. In this paper, a linear active disturbance rejection controller (LADRC) is
The LADRC algorithm is designed as follows.
> e ¼ z1  y
< z_ ¼ z  b e
1 2 01
> z_ ¼ z  b 02 e þ bu
2 3
z_ 3 ¼ b03 e

u0 ¼ b1 ðv  z1 Þ  b2 z2 ð14Þ
u ¼ u0  ð15Þ

3.3 Simulation of Ship Course Active Disturbance Rejection Controller

In order to verify control effect of two controllers designed in front, simulation
experiments of course control are carried out under interference condition.
Ship parameters are set as follows, initial ship speed is V ¼ 23kn, left propeller
revolution and right propeller revolution are n ¼ 76:5r=min, draft is 16 m, initial
course angle is 0 , target course angle is 20 .
Wind and flow parameters are set as follows, wind speed is 15m/s, wind direction is
30 , flow velocity is 2m/s, flow direction is 10 .
Simulation results of LADRC and NLADRC are shown in Fig. 4.
96 C. Guo et al.

25 25
Course/Rudder angle [deg]

Course/Rudder angle [deg]

20 20

15 15
Course angle Course angle
10 10

5 5
Rudder angle Rudder angle
0 0

-5 -5
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Time [sec] Time [sec]

Fig. 4. Simulation results of LADRC and NLADRC under interference condition

Conclusions can be drawn from Fig. 4, under interference condition, LADRC

and NLADRC can reach the specified course, and achieve the control of ship course.
But these two kinds of conventional active disturbance rejection controllers reach the
target course for a little long time. The rudder angle of LADRC at the initial moment
changes quickly and there is a small steady-state error in NLADRC.

4 Design of Improved Fuzzified Active Disturbance Rejection


In order to improve the quality of controller and enhance the adaptability of controller,
fuzzy control algorithm is introduced to improve the conventional ADRC. The
parameters b1 and b2 of NLSEF in ADRC could achieve automatic adjustment [10].
The structure of fuzzified ADRC is shown in Fig. 5.
As shown in Fig. 5, the inputs of fuzzy controller are error e1 and the change of the
error e2 , and the outputs are correction coefficient Db1 and Db2 of NLSEF.

v1 e1
v − u0 u y
1/b object
v2 −
Δ β1 Δβ 2 b


Fig. 5. Structure diagram of fuzzified ADRC

Modeling and Simulation for Super Large Twin-Propeller 97

4.1 Simulation of Fuzzified Linear Active Disturbance Rejection

Under interference condition, the simulation results comparisons of fuzzified linear
active disturbance rejection controller (FLADRC) and conventional LADRC are shown
in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6. Simulation results of FLADRC and LADRC under interference condition

From Fig. 6(a), the FLADRC has shorter time than the conventional LADRC to
reach the target course and does not produce overshoot. From Fig. 6(b), the maximum
rudder angle of the FLADRC is obviously reduced than that of conventional LADRC.
So FLADRC could avoid the drastic change of the rudder angle at the initial time, and
the rudder angle curve is more stable and smooth. The improved LADRC can realize
the ship course control more quickly and almost without overshoot.

4.2 Simulation of Fuzzified Nonlinear Active Disturbance Rejection

Under interference condition, the simulation result comparisons of fuzzified nonlinear
active disturbance rejection controller (FNLADRC) and conventional NLADRC are
shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7. Simulation results of FNLADRC and NLADRC under interference condition

98 C. Guo et al.

From Fig. 7, the maximum steering angle is almost the same. When the FNLADRC
achieve stability, there is no static error, and the response speed is accelerated. The
improved NLADRC achieves good control effect under interference condition.
From all the above simulation results, we can come to conclusions that the intro-
duction of fuzzy control algorithm could overcome shortcomings appeared in the
process of ship course conventional ADRC. The response speed is further accelerated,
the output of rudder angle is smoothed and the static error is eliminated. The ADRC
improved by fuzzy control algorithm has excellent features of fast response, no over-
shoot and strong anti-interference ability. The fuzzified ADRC has a more significant
effect on ship course control.

5 Conclusions

In this paper, the simulation research is focused on modeling and course active dis-
turbance rejection for super large twin-propeller twin-rudder container ship. The
mathematical model of ship with three degrees of freedom for super large
twin-propeller twin-rudder ship is established and verified. In the representative ship
turning test process, the ship maneuverability is calculated and analyzed in the con-
dition of two propellers have different rotating speeds. The results of simulation prove
that the large ship with twin-propeller twin-rudder has more flexible maneuverability.
Conventional LADRC and NLADRC for above ship course steering are designed and
the simulation calculations for demonstrating the validity are performed under inter-
ference conditions. The authors put fuzzy set algorithm into use to improve ADRC and
get fuzzified ADRC. The simulation results show that the fuzzified ADRC has faster
response speed, higher control precision and stronger robustness. It is effective and
feasible for such super large size ship course control.

Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of
China (Nos. 51579024,61374114) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
Universities (DMU no. 3132016311)

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4. Khanfir, S., Nagarajan, V., Hasegawa, K., et al.: Estimation of mathematical model and its
coefficients of ship maneuverability for a twin-propeller twin-rudder ship. In: Proceedings of
MARSIM 2009, pp. 159–166 (2009)
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5. Lee, S.K., Fuiino, M.: Assessment of a mathematical model for the manoeuvring motion of a
twin-propeller twin-rudder ship. Int. Shipbuild. Prog. 50(01), 109–123 (2003)
6. Du, L.-H.: A study on the maneuverability of twin screws and twin rudders vessel. Dalian
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7. Han, J.-Q.: Active Disturbance Rejection Control Technique—The Technique for Estimating
and Compensating the Uncertainties. National Defense Industry Press, Beijing (2013)
8. Han, J.-Q.: Active disturbance rejection control technology. Front. Sci. 1, 24–31 (2007)
9. Ruan, J.-H., Li, Y.-B.: ADRC based ship course controller design and simulations. In: 2007
IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, pp. 2731–2735. IEEE (2007)
10. Gai, J.-T., Huang, S.-D., Huang, Q.: A new fuzzy active-disturbance rejection controller
applied in PMSM position servo system. In: 2014 17th International Conference on
Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), pp. 2055–2059. IEEE (2014)
Aircraft Takeoff Taxiing Model
Based on Lagrange Interpolation Algorithm

Meng Zhang(&), Yiping Yao(&), and Hong Wang

College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology,

Changsha, Hunan, China
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. Research on aircraft takeoff taxiing model has a great significance

upon evaluation of aircraft performance, design of airport runway and warfare
simulation. Because the aircraft takeoff taxiing is a complex nonlinear process,
existing numerical calculation models are ordinarily based on the energy method
or assumption of moment equilibrium, which leads to complex modeling pro-
cess and low precision. In this paper, we establish a takeoff taxiing model by
numerical integration method which is easy to implement, and obtain the
parameters of running distance calculation formula based on Lagrange inter-
polation algorithm [1]. At the end of this paper, we use the characteristic
parameters of a specific aircraft as model inputs to validate the correctness and
accuracy of this model by comparing the model output and actual flight data.

Keywords: Takeoff taxiing model  Warfare simulation  Lagrange

interpolation algorithm  Numerical integration

1 Introduction

Takeoff taxiing is the first step of flight and a process of aircraft continuous acceleration
on the runway until leave ground [2]. Aircraft takeoff taxiing model can imitate the
taxiing course in different environmental conditions, according to the given engine
thrust parameters and aerodynamic parameters [3]. Developing aircraft takeoff taxiing
model is very meaningful: (1) it can calculate aircraft takeoff performance [4],
including takeoff distance, taxiing time and takeoff speed, these are very helpful to the
development of aircraft and the design of airport runway; (2) it can also be used to
estimate the survival probability of aircraft during takeoff period, through combat
Takeoff taxiing is a complex acceleration process. Aircraft will be affected by
gravity, runway support force, friction, air resistance, lift and engine thrust at each
moment, and these forces will even change with the velocity. And the aerodynamic
parameters of aircraft, such as instantaneous thrust, lift coefficient and drag coefficient,
will also be affected by different of state of the aircraft. According to the characteristics
above, we first use Lagrange interpolation algorithm to calculate the instantaneous
thrust, lift and drag coefficient of taxiing distance calculation formula. Then we
determine the takeoff speed through iterative method with high-precision termination

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 100–108, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_11
Aircraft Takeoff Taxiing Model Based on Lagrange Interpolation 101

conditions. Finally, we use numerical integration method to establish the aircraft

takeoff taxiing model based on the running distance calculation formula.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, the related work is
shown. In Sect. 3, the key algorithm used in the model is introduced. In Sect. 4, the
process of modeling aircraft takeoff taxiing is described. In Sect. 5, the correctness of
this model is proved by an experiment. In the last section, a summary is made for this

2 Related Work

As the takeoff taxiing is an important part of aircraft flight and the modeling of takeoff
taxiing is important for aircraft development, runway design and warfare simulation,
many researchers have proposed lots of schemes and technologies.
At present, there are many methods to establish the numerical model of the aircraft
takeoff taxiing, such as look-up table method, analytic method, numerical integration
method, energy method [5] and so on. Using table checking method to establish the
takeoff taxiing model can accurately simulate aircraft takeoff taxiing process, but
creating tables of different parameters for looking up needs a lot of flight tests, resulting
in high modeling costs. Analytical method builds takeoff taxiing model based on the
assumption of moment equilibrium [6] and needs to consider the force of the aircraft at
every moment, and they will lead to complex modeling process and large calculation.
In addition, the output data of aircraft takeoff taxiing model established by energy
method [7] is rough and users cannot get the exact location of the aircraft during takeoff
taxiing process. Numerical integral method combined with the advantages of energy
method and analytical method, can be very convenient to build takeoff taxiing model.
Using numerical integral method to build takeoff taxiing model can have a good
practical effect. But the selections of dynamic parameters, aerodynamic parameters and
movement parameters of existing models are based on the fixed engine performance
and aerodynamic characteristic curves or some fixed values, so the precision of models
are not high. In literature [8], Johnson gets instantaneous thrust of aircraft by modeling
aircraft engine using the similarity method, but the method is not universal and the
modeling process is complex. In literature [7], the author uses empirical data to cal-
culate the lift and drag coefficient of taxiing model, which results in low precision.
The establishment of takeoff taxiing model using numerical method needs to
determine the takeoff speed of aircraft. The literature [9] points out that iterative
method can be used to determine the takeoff speed, but the iterative process and the
termination conditions are not specified. The literature [7] generates the formula of
takeoff speed based on the assumption that the lift force is equal to the gravity at the
moment of leaving ground, but the assumption does not take into account the rising
acceleration of the aircraft.
In this paper, we first use Lagrange interpolation algorithm to calculate the
instantaneous thrust and lift and drag coefficient. Then determine the takeoff speed of
aircraft using iterative method. Finally, we use numerical integration method to
establish the aircraft takeoff taxiing model based on the running distance calculation
102 M. Zhang et al.

3 Key Algorithm

Establishing aircraft takeoff taxiing model according to running distance calculation

formula needs to know the instantaneous thrust of engine under actual air pressure and
temperature of airport. However, the general aircraft performance specification only
gives a few thrust curves of engine in the international standard atmosphere, as shown
in Fig. 1. Therefore, we use Lagrange 2D interpolation algorithm to determine the
actual instantaneous thrust of engine. Its basic principles and procedures are as follows:

Fig. 1. Thrust curve of engine F100-PW-200

Let n þ 1 distinct interpolation points (nodes) x0 ; x1 ;    ; xn , be given y0 ; y1 ;    ; yn ,

together with corresponding numbers, which may or may not be samples of a function
y ¼ f ðxÞ. Let Pn denote the vector space of all polynomials of degree at most n. The
classical problem addressed here is that of finding the polynomial y ¼ pn ðxÞ 2 Pn that
interpolates y ¼ f ðxÞ at the points x0 ; x1 ;    ; xn , i.e.,

pn ðxk Þ ¼ yk ; k ¼ 0; 1;    ; n

The problem is well-posed; i.e., it has a unique solution that depends continuously
on the data. Moreover, as explained in virtually every introductory numerical analysis
text, the solution can be written in Lagrange form:

pn ðxÞ ¼ f ðxi Þli ðxÞ ¼ f ðx0 Þl0 ðxÞ þ f ðx1 Þl1 ðxÞ þ    þ f ðxn Þln ðxÞ ð1Þ
Aircraft Takeoff Taxiing Model Based on Lagrange Interpolation 103

And li ðxÞ is Lagrange basic polynomial:

ðx  xj Þ
l i ð xÞ ¼ ; i ¼ 0; 1;    ; n ð2Þ
j¼0; j6¼i i
 xj Þ

Let n ¼ 3, the Lagrange interpolation polynomial is:

ðx  x1 Þðx  x2 Þ ðx  x0 Þðx  x2 Þ ðx  x0 Þðx  x1 Þ

p3 ð x Þ ¼ y0 þ y1 þ y2 ð3Þ
ðx0  x1 Þðx0  x2 Þ ðx1  x0 Þðx1  x2 Þ ðx2  x0 Þðx2  x1 Þ

2D Lagrange interpolation is actually a surface interpolation of a

two-variable function; it can be realized by the ideal of dimension reduction [10]. Let
two-variable function z ¼ f ðx; yÞ, calculate estimated value z at point ðx; yÞ, the specific
method can be carried out according to the following steps:
1. Find three nearest interpolation points xi ; xi þ 1 ; xi þ 2 to x;
2. Let x ¼ xi , find three nearest interpolation points yi ; yi þ 1 ; yi þ 2 to y, calculate esti-
mated value z1 ¼ p3 ðyÞ at points ðyi ; zi Þ, ðyi þ 1 ; zi þ 1 Þ and ðyi þ 2 ; zi þ 2 Þ with formula
3. Let x ¼ xi þ 1 and xi þ 2 , get z2 and z3 by the same way;
4. Calculate estimated value z ¼ p3 ðxÞ at points ðxi ; z1 Þ, ðxi þ 1 ; z2 Þ and ðxi þ 2 ; z3 Þ with
formula (3).

4 Modeling Process

By consulting the open literature [9] we can know that in a small period of time, the
distance increment Ds and the velocity increment DV have the following relationship:

ðV  Vw ÞDV 1
Ds ¼    ð4Þ
nPs ðHp ;M Þ cosða þ uÞ ð x yÞ s
C fC q SV 2 g
mg f h 2mg

In formula (4): m is aircraft mass; g is gravitational acceleration;

 Vw is the
wind-speed along running direction; n is the number of engine; Ps Hp ; M is instan-
taneous thrust of one engine, which is related with airport pressure altitude Hp and
instantaneous Mach M; a is angle of attack; u is installation angle of engine; f is
friction coefficient of airport runway; h is average slope of airport runway; Cx is lift
coefficient; Cy is drag coefficient; qs is air density; S means wing area.
To establish aircraft takeoff taxiing model using numerical integral method, we
must determine all parameters in the formula (4). Parameters: m, n, a, u, S can be
found in aircraft specification; VW , f, h can be assigned according to the actual situation
of airport. According to the laws of thermodynamics, qs can be determined by the
following formula:
104 M. Zhang et al.

Ps T0
qs ¼ q0   ð5Þ
P0 Ts

In formula (5): q0 means standard atmospheric density; P0 is standard sea level

atmospheric pressure; T0 is Kelvin temperature 273.15 K; Ps actual atmospheric
pressure at the airport; Ts airport actual Kelvin temperature.

4.1 Instantaneous Thrust

The instantaneous thrust of the engine Ps is related to the pressure altitude of the
aircraft Hp and the instantaneous Mach M. Referring to the thrust characteristic curve in
the international standard atmosphere given by aircraft specification, we can know the
instantaneous thrust PðHi ; Mj Þði ¼ 1; 2;    ; s; j ¼ 1; 2;    ; tÞ at some typical height
and Mach points ðHi ; Mj Þ. As long as we know the pressure altitude of airport Hp and
instantaneous Mach M, we can calculate the instantaneous thrust using 2D Lagrange
interpolation introduced in Sect. 3 of this paper. The airport pressure altitude Hp is
related to the actual atmosphere of the airport Ps , and the relationship is:

1  ðPs =P0 Þ1=5:25588

Hp ¼  105 ð6Þ

Instantaneous Mach M is the ratio of aircraft instantaneous velocity V and actual

sound velocity vs , and the calculation formula of vs is as follows:
vs ¼ 1:4  287  Ts ð7Þ

4.2 Lift and Drag Coefficient

The lift coefficient and drag coefficient are related to the angle of attack of aircraft, and
the relationships are generally expressed by lift curve and polar curve. According to the
characteristics of lift curve and polar curve, the lift coefficient and drag coefficient can
be calculated by Lagrange three-point interpolation method. The approach is, finding
the lift coefficient CyðiÞ ði ¼ 0; 1;    ; pÞ corresponding to angle of attack ai from the lift
curve given by the aircraft specification, then calculating lift coefficient Cy about a
using the following formula:
82 3 9
> >
>6 >
r þ 2>
X <6 rY þ2 7
6 a  a j 7  CyðiÞ
Cy ¼ 6 7 ð8Þ
i¼r >
ai  aj 5 >
> >
: j¼r
> >
j 6¼ i
Aircraft Takeoff Taxiing Model Based on Lagrange Interpolation 105

ar , ar þ 1 , ar þ 2 are the nearest points of a. Similarly, we can find the drag coefficient
CxðiÞ ði ¼ 0; 1;    ; qÞ correspond to lift coefficient CyðiÞ from the polar curve, then
calculate drag coefficient Cx about Cy using the following formula:
82 3 9
> >
>6 lY 7 >
lXþ 2< 6 þ =
Cy  CyðjÞ 7
Cx ¼ 6 7  CxðiÞ ð9Þ
i¼l >
4 j ¼ l CyðiÞ  CyðjÞ 5 >
> >
: ;
j 6¼ i

CyðlÞ , Cyðl þ 1Þ , Cyðl þ 2Þ are the nearest points of Cy .

4.3 Takeoff Speed

As the lift equals to gravity when the aircraft leaves ground, we can know that:

Cy2 qs SVt2 þ nPs Hp ; Mt sinða2 þ uÞ ¼ mg ð10Þ

In this formula, Cy2 is the lift coefficient at that moment; a2 is the angle of attack;
Mt is the instantaneous mach. From formula (10), we can get takeoff speed Vt :
2 mg  nPs Hp ; Mt sinða2 þ uÞ
Vt ¼ ð11Þ
qs SCy2
As Ps Hp ; Mt is the actual instantaneous thrust corresponding to the takeoff speed
Vt when the aircraft leaves ground and Vt is unknown, we can use iterative method to
solve it. The iterative equation is as follows:
2½mg  nPs ðHp ; MtðkÞ Þsinða2 þ uÞ
Vtðk þ 1Þ ¼ ð12Þ
qs SCy2
; termination condition is Vtðk þ 1Þ 
And initial condition is Vtð0Þ ¼ qs SCy2
VtðkÞ j\106 . The speed Vtðk þ 1Þ at the end of iteration is what we want.

4.4 Takeoff Taxiing Model

Aircraft takeoff taxiing can be divided into two phases [11], in phase I aircraft will run
with three wheels. With the increase of speed, aircraft will lift the front wheel, running
with two wheels, this is the phase II. The speed of the aircraft to lift its front wheel is
Vr , which is 0.8 times the takeoff speed Vt . Now we take phase I as an example to
establish its numerical integration model; we assume that in this phase, the aircraft
106 M. Zhang et al.

angle of attack is a1 , and the corresponding lift and drag coefficient are Cy1 and Cx1 .
Divide velocity interval ½Vw ; Vr  into l identical cells with size DV1 , and in each cell we
assume that velocity V and engine thrust Ps ðHp ; MÞ remain unchanged, and is the
estimated value corresponding to the velocity at the left endpoint of the cells. Using
numerical integration method we can get:

Vr  Vw
DV1 ¼ ð13Þ
ðVi  VW ÞDV1 1
DSi ¼    ð14Þ
nPs ðHp ;Mi Þcosða1 þ uÞ ð x1 y1 Þ s i g
C fC q SV 2

mg f h 2mg

Vi þ 1 ¼ Vi þ DV1 ; V0 ¼ Vw ð15Þ

Si þ 1 ¼ Si þ DSi ; S0 ¼ 0 ð16Þ

ti þ 1 ¼ ti þ ; t0 ¼ 0 ð17Þ

According to the above formula, we can get the speed Vi and the distance Si at time
ti in phase I. The modeling method of phase II is the same as phase I, but the angles of
attack are different and the initial state of phase II is the termination state of phase I.
Aircraft takeoff taxiing model is the combination of the this two phase models.

5 Validation

Based on the modeling process above, we developed aircraft takeoff taxiing model using
C++ programming language. This program can simulate the takeoff taxiing processes of
various aircrafts under different environmental conditions. In order to prove the cor-
rectness of this model, we take the characteristic parameters of a certain aircraft as the
model input, and compare the output data of the model and the actual test data. Figure 2

Fig. 2. The velocity curves of the model Fig. 3. The aircraft taxiing distance curves of
output and flight test model output and flight test
Aircraft Takeoff Taxiing Model Based on Lagrange Interpolation 107

shows the velocity curves of the model and aircraft. Through analysis, we find that the
maximum absolute error of the output data and the actual flight data is approximately
2.5 m/s, and the maximum relative error is about 4.7 %. Figure 3 shows the aircraft
taxiing distance curves. Through the comparison of the two curves we can find that the
calculation results and actual measurement are very close. The calculation running
distance is 1263 m, and the actual measurement is approximately 1257 m. Thus, we can
say that the aircraft takeoff taxiing model is correct and high-precision.
The physical characteristics of this aircraft as shown in Table 1. Airport environ-
mental data as shown in Table 2. Aerodynamic characteristics and thrust characteristic
as shown in Tables 3 and 4.

Table 1. Physical characteristics of aircraft Table 2. Airport environmental data

Mass 60  10 kg
Air Pressure 96525 Pa
Number of Engine 2 Temperature 22:3 C
Wing Area 164:5m2 Wind Speed 2:0m=s

Installation Angle 0 Gravity 9:8m=s2
Stop AOA 4

Average Slope 0:0011

Takeoff AOA 8 Friction 0.025

Table 3. Aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft

AOA/ Lift coefficient Drag coefficient
0 0.459 0.052
2 0.623 0.058
4 0.908 0.069
6 0.967 0.080
8 1.171 0.097
10 1.316 0.122
12 1.422 0.151

Table 4. Thrust characteristic of aircraft

Height/m Mach Thrust/N Height/m Mach Thrust/N Height/m Mach Thrust/N
0 0.0 93133 1000 0.0 85762 2000 0.0 77196
0 0.1 88303 1000 0.1 80556 2000 0.1 72793
0 0.2 84870 1000 0.2 77959 2000 0.2 71102
0 0.3 82980 1000 0.3 76244 2000 0.3 69514
0 0.4 82005 1000 0.4 75705 2000 0.4 69423

6 Conclusion

This paper shows the detail process of establishing aircraft takeoff taxiing model by
numerical method. First of all, we summarize the limitations and the low-precision
problems of the existing modeling methods. Then we introduce the principle of
108 M. Zhang et al.

Lagrange interpolation algorithm, as well as the steps of solving the 2D interpolation

problems with Lagrange three-point interpolation algorithm. After that, we expound the
method of determining the parameters in distance calculation formula and the process
of establishing aircraft takeoff model. Finally, we prove the correctness and accuracy of
the takeoff taxiing model, by comparing the model output data with the actual flight
data of a specific aircraft.

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for an aircraft. Flight Dyn. 19(4), 70–74 (2001)
7. Fang, Z.-p.: Aircraft Flight Dynamics, p. 6. Beijing University of Aeronautics and
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8. Johnson, S.A.: A simple dynamic engine model for use in a real-time aircraft simulation with
thrust vectoring. NASA Technical Memorandum 4240 (1990)
9. Song, H.-y., Cai, L.-c., Zheng, R.-h.: Numerical value integral improvement algorithm of
aircraft take-off running distance. J. Traffic Transp. Eng. 7(2), 24–28 (2007)
10. Xiao, B., Zhang, H., Zhang, C.-z., Heng, J.: Multi-dimension interpolation algorithm and its
simulation application. J. Syst. Simul. (2008)
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AIAA-2009-1258 (2009)
Precise Geometrical Alignment of Assembly Design
from Tolerance Simulation Perspective

Muhammad Kashif Nawaz1,2, Lihong Qiao1,2 ✉ , and Jianshun Wu1,2

( )

School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Beijing, China
[email protected], [email protected]
Engineering Research Centre of Complex Product Advance Manufacturing System,
Ministry of Education, Beijing, China
[email protected]

Abstract. Precision geometry alignment with rigorous deviation is one of the

key assembly issues to be designed in product development. Propagation of toler‐
ances causes large misalignment in assemblies leading to a cast-off and undesir‐
able product functionality. There is always an imperativeness to calculate the
assembly characteristic with tighter tolerances for functionally critical dimen‐
sions so that geometry imperfections can be compensated. Tolerance analysis and
simulation techniques have been utilized by designer supporting such problem
solving process. In this paper, a precise geometrical alignment of assembly design
has been performed with the help of tolerance simulation. Both worst case and
statistical tolerance analysis approaches are applied to provide design alterna‐
tives. In this research, a two-component thin walled alignment assembly structure
has been chosen to present the design by tolerance simulation procedures. Toler‐
ance ranges have been calculated and recommendations have been provided
comparing the worst case and statistical analysis results.

Keywords: Tolerance simulation · Product design · Assembly

1 Introduction

As the technological developments effloresce, performance requirements are becoming

tighter and tighter and the need for precision assemblies also increases. This ongoing
evolution of precision assemblies demands the need to have a quantitative design tool
for tolerance specification. Tolerance analysis merges engineering design with manu‐
facturing capabilities by providing a quantitative evaluation of tolerance specifications
vis-à-vis design and manufacturing [1].
Development of mathematical models and methods of tolerance analysis has been
an engrossing problem for the researchers during recent times [2–5]. In this regard,
there has been much focus, too, on precision assembly tolerance analysis for coupling
slots of thin walled assemblies [6]. It has been pointed out in the literature that with
respect to the performance of precision assemblies, sometimes there is a degradation
on account of systematic and random errors where the later includes machining errors
and assembly/adjustment errors. Hence, some mechanical errors compensation is

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 109–117, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_12
110 M.K. Nawaz et al.

inherently included in the design. However, it is not known at design stage that what
will be the magnitude of these errors for critical dimensions and what is going to be
the exact variation so the quantifiability of this problem demands a definite level of
cogitation. This generates the need of tolerance simulation for such products.
In this paper, tolerance analysis for a two-component assembly with functionally
important alignment slots has been performed using 3DCS tolerance analyst. It is hoped
that this study is going to provide a quantifiable effect of individual tolerances upon
critical dimensions and hence, it will be a useful information to design reasonable toler‐
ance ranges for functionally important dimensions of such assemblies.

2 Tolerance Simulation Assisted Product Assembly Design

2.1 The General Framework of Tolerance Simulation Assisted Product Assembly

Tolerance analysis has been at the heart of precision assembly design process during
recent times. Figure 1 elaborates the process where part geometries are created in CAD
packages with tolerance ranges and assemblies are developed using mate relationships.
To quantify the accumulated effects of individual tolerances as well as prediction of
significant contributors, tolerance analysis plays an indispensable role. It uses worst case
scheme considering extremes of dimensions as well as statistical distributions. For a thin
walled assembly design which has demanding requirements of alignment, a customized
tolerance analysis process flow has been elucidated with the help of a flow chart beneath.

Conceptual Design
SINGULA3D/ANSYS... Dimensions

Engineering Design GD&T

Component Assembly
Design Design

Variation Analysis
Worst-case Statistical Tolerance Assembly
3DCS/CETOL... Tolerance Analysis Analysis Tolerance

Verified Tolerance

Feasible Design

Fig. 1. Flow chart of precise assembly tolerance simulation

Precise Geometrical Alignment of Assembly Design 111

The structure can be modeled and simulated using various simulation tools such as
HFSS, CST studio, Ansys etc. Depending upon the design requirements; shape, size and
geometrical features are calculated and simulated. Each geometrical feature has to
perform a specific role in the overall structure and its inaccuracy, dislocation or misalign‐
ment can degrade the product’s performance a great deal, especially, at higher frequen‐
cies. Since at this stage, quantifiable information is not available for cumulative effect
of variation in the final assembly, the tolerances are assigned based on experience and
structure is simulated to obtain simulation results. After this as shown in Fig. 1, solid
modeling of individual components and assembly is performed using a CAD package
and tolerances are allocated considering the machining capabilities. After the develop‐
ment of CAD solid model, it is imperative to obtain a quantifiable information about
individual tolerances impact on critical dimensions of final assembly hence 3DCS varia‐
tion analyst comes into play.
Using 3DCS, both worst case and statistical tolerance analyses have been performed
and results are compared. The reason for utilizing 3DCS variation analyst is its robust‐
ness and unique capability to provide a quantifiable comparison for an under consider‐
ation case study using both worst case and statistical approach. This approach has not
only validated the idea behind this research but also provided a logical background for
the given recommendations. Results of feasible design output for target assembly
dimensions have been interpreted and data is sent to designer to add design compensa‐
tions. Hence, a feasible tolerance range has been achieved which is not arbitrary but is
based upon facts and figures.

2.2 Assembly Design of Precise Geometrical Alignment Components

Suitable tolerances are considered to be one of the key parameter during the product
development of precision assemblies. It further helps preventing remanufacturing and
achieving slot position and dimensions with desired accuracy. In this regard, a slotted
structure assembly has been selected for tolerance analysis and simulation. For such
kind of structures, a slight variation in alignment can lead to rejection of the assembly
resulting a catastrophic failure to the project. A detailed view of components and critical
dimensions has been shown in Fig. 2 below.
For such assemblies, slots are cut in the metallic walls using CNC milling and wire
EDM respectively for functional requirements. It is imperative to develop the assembly
in such a way that slot positions, angles, offsets and dimensions are extremely close to
design limits with minimum possible variations in terms of tolerances. One of the
components is fitted at front face of assembly having radiating slots and the other is
assembled behind having feeding slots as shown in Fig. 2(b).
In this assembly, there are two critical dimensions to be achieved with ultimate
accuracy. Firstly it is the structure height and then it is the angular symmetry or paral‐
lelism of both plates as shown above as Target-1 and Target-2 respectively in Fig. 2(c)
and (d). It is desired to calculate the feasible tolerance ranges for Target-1 and Target-2
dimensions so that necessary adjustments can be done in structural design process.
112 M.K. Nawaz et al.

(a) Slotted High frequency structure (b) Individual components

(c) Target 1-Assembly height (d) Target 2 -Angular alignment of components

Fig. 2. Assembly model of high frequency structure

3 Procedure of Tolerance Simulation

3.1 3DCS Variation Analysis Process

3DCS has been widely utilized for precision assemblies in aerospace industry for toler‐
ance analysis and simulation [8], that’s why it has been used in this paper to streamline
assembly tolerances. Process flow of 3DCS variation analyst is elaborated in Fig. 3. This
kind of simulation model has five input elements namely Component geometry,
Assembly sequence, Tolerances, Measurements and simulation explained beneath:
Step 1: First of all, part Geometry defines the various features being analyzed. There
may be a feature not affecting assembly tolerances, however, to have a comprehensive
analysis, all geometries under consideration are selected.
Step 2: Another step during tolerance simulation is the selection of sequence of
assembly. It defines how parts locate to one another and in which order parts are
assembled called “Moves”. Moves are added to the model to represent all steps during
build process. Similar assembly with different components assembly sequence
provides different tolerance analysis results. Hence, it is considered as an important
step in the process.
Precise Geometrical Alignment of Assembly Design 113

Step 3: Tolerances define the variation from nominal geometry within specified limits.
It may be unilateral, bilateral or geometric tolerances. Tolerances of individual compo‐
nents are linked through assigned moves. Through moves, tolerances of individual
parts combine and lead to variation in overall assembly.
Step 4: Measurements are taken which track the assembly variation. In fact, measure‐
ments will quantify the tolerance range.
Step 5: Simulation is run to obtain and analyze the results, which concludes the process.

Fig. 3. 3DCS simulation process diagram

3.2 The Simulation Model for Tolerance Simulation of Precision Assembly

During the simulation, it is imperative to break down the specifications and translate
into a form that can be used in tolerance analysis so following are the dimensions with
tolerances that were taken into account as inputs for moves for both parts as shown below
in Fig. 4 and Table 1.

Fig. 4. Input surfaces for moves

114 M.K. Nawaz et al.

Table 1. Input surfaces tolerances

Part Feature Tolerance
Front plate Group surface profile-X1 ±0.04
Front plate Surface profile-X2 ±0.04
Back plate Surface profile-X3 ±0.04
Back plate Surface profile-X4 ±0.04

After setting the inputs for moves to assemble both the components, the measure‐
ments were taken to quantify a range of tolerance for both target measurements. Details
of measurements are as follows in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Measurement for Target 1- assembly height

Likewise measurement was done for Target-2 to quantify a range of tolerance for
angular alignment of both plates as shown in Fig. 6(a) and (b):

(a) Angular measurement for Target-2 (b) Parallelism of both plates

Fig. 6. Measurements for Target-2 dimensions

4 Analysis Results

Sensitivity report for worst case scenario suggests that for Target-1 i.e. the height of
assembly, surface profile X2 and surface profile X4 have equal and significant effect i.e.
44.44 % while surface profile X3 has relatively low influence of 11.11 % as shown in
Table 2 below:
Precise Geometrical Alignment of Assembly Design 115

Table 2. Sensitivity report for worst case analysis

Index Tolerance Part Range Percentage
1 Surface profile X2 Front plate 0.08 44.44 %
2 Surface profile X4 Back plate 0.08 44.44 %
3 Surface profile X3 Back plate 0.08 11.11 %

This means that these two surface profiles are the significant variation contributors
towards achieving the accurate assembly height.
Similarly, for Target-2 i.e. angular alignment of both plates, the GD&T of back plate
has contribution of 100 % and no other measurement has a contribution towards this
target angular alignment.
Figure 7(a) gives a clear understanding of worst case simulation for Target-1
showing a probability distribution and range of tolerance for assembly height in the
assembly. Similarly, Fig. 7(b) shows worst case simulation for Target-2 highlighting a
probability distribution and a tolerance range for angular alignment of plates.



Fig. 7 (a) Target-1- Worst case simulation results. (b) Target-2- Worst case simulation results

Considering Fig. 7(a), nominal size was 4.00 mm and mean value is also 4.00. The
distribution spread is from 3.87 minimum to 4.13 maximum showing an estimated
tolerance range of 0.25. Similarly, Fig. 7(b) shows the simulation results for Target-2.
It shows that for this angular measurement, variation is from −0.06° to 0.07° hence an
estimated range of tolerance for angular variation is 0.12° for worst case.
Figure 8(a) and (b) highlight the statistical tolerance analysis results respectively for
Target-1 and Target-2. In Fig. 8(a) above, normal distribution shows that estimated
116 M.K. Nawaz et al.

lower range is 3.94 mm and higher range is 4.06 mm, highlighting a total range of
0.13 mm for nominal size of 4.00 mm. For worst case, this range was 0.25 mm. This
highlights that in case of statistical tolerance analysis, the range of tolerance is almost
half of the worst case tolerance range. Figure 8(b) shows that for this angular measure‐
ment, variation is from −0.02° to 0.03° hence an estimated range of tolerance for angular
variation is 0.05°. For worst case, it was 0.12° so this shows that for angular measure‐
ment, a much closer tolerance range has been obtained using statistical tolerance analysis



Fig. 8 (a) Target-1- Statistical tolerance analysis results (b) Target-2- Statistical tolerance
analysis results

5 Conclusion

A logical approach towards a precision assembly tolerance was presented based upon
tolerance analysis. For this, both worse case tolerance analysis and statistical tolerance
analysis were performed using 3DCS variation analyst. The results show that for height
and angular alignment of the under consideration assembly; statistical tolerance analysis
provides feasible tolerance range providing much accuracy which is required for such
dimensionally sensitive assemblies. Since both analyses have been performed using
3DCS, it is quite obvious to compare and conclude about the optimal tolerance analysis
scheme. Similarly, for multiple arrays, there is a scope of research to perform three
dimensional tolerance analysis as well.
Precise Geometrical Alignment of Assembly Design 117

Acknowledgments. This work is supported by the National Science Foundation of China (Grant
51575031), National High-Tech. R&D Program of China (No. 2015AA042101) and Beijing
Municipal Education Commission. The authors would like to express their appreciation to the


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5. Chen, H., Jin, S., Li, Z., et al.: A comprehensive study of three dimensional tolerance analysis
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6. Liu, J., Jiang, Y.J., Yang, C.S., Sun, W.F.: Tolerance analysis of coupling slot of WG slot array.
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RUL Prediction of Bearings Based on Mixture
of Gaussians Bayesian Belief Network
and Support Vector Data Description

Qianhui Wu, Yu Feng, and Biqing Huang(&)

Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

[email protected]

Abstract. This paper presents a method to predict the remaining useful life of
bearings based on theories of Mixture of Gaussians Bayesian Belief Network
(MoG-BBN) and Support Vector Data Description (SVDD). Our method
extracts feature vectors from raw sensor data using wavelet packet decompo-
sition (WPD). The features are then used to train the corresponding MoG-BBN
and SVDD model. Genetic algorithm is employed to determine the initial value
of training algorithm and enhance the stability of our model. The two models are
combined to acquire a good generalization ability. The effectiveness of the
proposed method is verified by actual bearing datasets from the NASA prog-
nostic data repository.

Keywords: Wavelet packet decomposition  Mixture of Gaussians Bayesian

Belief Network  Genetic algorithm  Support Vector Data Description 
Remaining useful life

1 Introduction

Bearings are one of the most commonly used components in mechanical equipment.
Due to their high failure rate, the working condition of bearings directly affects the
safety of the whole equipment. RUL prediction of bearings plays a key role in con-
dition based maintenance (CBM) [1], as it can effectively anticipate bearing failure,
reduce the maintenance cost as well as increase the productivity.
Since the condition monitoring data is available, this paper focuses on the
data-driven methods [2]. Under this framework, a variety of previous researches about
bearings prognostic and RUL prediction has been conducted, including artificial net-
works [3–5], hidden Markov models (HMM) [6, 7], support vector machines [8–10],
etc. Huang et al. [5] trained the back propagation neural networks which focus on ball
bearings’ degradation periods by the MQE indicator obtained from SOM, then applied
WAFT technology to make RUL prediction. Tobon-Mejia et al. [6] proposed a method
based on the Mixture of Gaussian Hidden Markov Models, in which hidden states are
used to represent the failure modes of bearings. The RUL can be estimated straightly by
the stay durations in each state. Shen et al. [8] took the fuzziness of degradation into
account and proposed a damage severity index (DSI) based on fuzzy support vector data
description (FSVDD), which can indicate the growth of degradation with running time.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 118–130, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_13
RUL Prediction of Bearings Based on Mixture 119

In addition, Zhang et al. [11] constructed a Mixture of Gaussians Bayesian Belief

Network (MoG-BBN) to characterize the degradation state by the condition monitoring
data from sensors. However, the initial values of the parameters used in model training
have a great impact on the accuracy of the RUL prediction. Hence, the stability and
generalization of the model are reduced. To overcome this deficiency, this paper
proposed a RUL prediction method based on the MoG-BBN and SVDD. The novelty
of this paper lies in two respects. First, genetic algorithm is used to find the optimal
initial value when training the MoG-BBN model so that the stability of the model
enhances significantly. Second, a method based on SVDD are presented to estimate the
RUL when the MoG-BBN model does not work well, which improve the general-
ization capability and the prediction accuracy.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 introduces the
methodology proposed for remaining useful life prediction of bearings. Section 3
carries out experiments on actual bearing data from NASA to examine the effectiveness
of the proposed method. Section 4 concludes the work.

2 Methodology

The framework of the methodology is shown in Fig. 1. It can be divided into two
phases: the off-line phase and the on-line phase. During the off-line phase, the raw data
is processed to extract features, and then these features are used to train the MoG-BBN
model and the SVDD model. During the on-line phase, the processing of the real-time
vibration signal from sensors to extract features remains the same. Then, the features

Fig. 1. Framework of the proposed method

120 Q. Wu et al.

are fed into the MoG-BBN model to characterize the degradation state. Some measures
will be taken to determine whether the trained MoG-BBN model matches well with
current component. If matching well, it comes to the RUL prediction step directly.
Otherwise, the features will be fed into the SVDD model to get a better model per-
formance and robustness. Finally, the RUL estimation will be implemented.

2.1 Feature Extraction

Wavelet packet decomposition (WPD) is an effective technique in signal analysis. It
has sufficient high-frequency resolution, which contains the most useful fault infor-
mation of bearings [12]. WPD can be considered as a tree, and its root is the original
signal. By recursively applying the wavelet transform, WPD can automatically choose
the appropriate frequency scale according to the characteristics of the analyzed signal,
further decompose the high and low frequency data, and divide the spectrum band into
several levels [7].
Based on excellent properties described above, WPD method is used to extract
features from the raw vibration data of bearings in this paper. Assume that the
decomposition level is l, then there will be L ¼ 2l nodes on the last level. Let fit
represent the ith node of the last level, the feature vector at time t can be described as

f ¼ ðf1t ; f2t ; . . .; fLt ÞT ð1Þ

Note that a normalization process based on the mean and standard deviation of the
raw data should be applied to the result of WPD before training the model in order to
improve the generalization capability.

2.2 The Mixture of Gaussians Bayesian Belief Network

Structure. Figure 2 illustrates the MoG-BBN structure where D and M are discrete
variables, and O is a continuous variable. In this structure, D represents the degradation
states which cannot be directly observed, D 2 f1; 2; . . .ag. a is the maximum degra-
dation state number. In this paper, a is set to 3, representing healthy, sub-healthy, and
faulty states. M represents the distinctive Gaussian distributions for each state D,
M 2 f1; 2; . . .bg, where b is the number of components in mixed Gaussian distribution.
O represents the observation vector corresponding to a degradation state.
Note that M is the connection of the degradation state D and the observation O,
which makes MoG-BBN a suitable tool, because it transforms continuous observations
from monitoring sensors to discrete degradation states of physical components. From
the above definition, once the probability PðDjOÞ is known, the degradation state can
be recognized, and then RUL of bearings can be estimated.
Let o be a realization of O. According to Fig. 2, the definition of conditional
probability and the total probability formula, the value of PðDjOÞ can be calculated as
RUL Prediction of Bearings Based on Mixture 121

Fig. 2. Mixture of Gaussian Bayesian belief network.

PðDÞ PðMjDÞPðO ¼ ojD; MÞ
PðDjO ¼ oÞ ¼ P M
P ð2Þ
PðDÞ PðMjDÞPðO ¼ ojD; MÞ

Note that, the values of PðDÞ, PðMjDÞ and PðOjD; MÞ must be inferred by EM
algorithm shown below.
EM Algorithm. A declaration of the variables used in the estimation procedure is
given first.

• pd : the initial distribution of degradation state D, and pd ¼ PðD ¼ dÞ for

d 2 f1; 2; . . .; ag.
• Cdm : mixture coefficient of the mth Gaussian distribution for degradation state d,
where Cdm ¼ PðM ¼ mjD ¼ dÞ, for d 2 f1; 2; . . .; ag, m 2 f1; 2; . . .; bg.
• ldm : mean vector of the mth Gaussian distribution for degradation state d.
• Rdm : covariance matrix of the mth Gaussian distribution for degradation state d.
To compute PðOjD; MÞ, suppose Od is the distribution of an observation O gen-
erated by degradation state d, then

Od ¼ Cdm Nðldm ; Rdm Þ; 1  d  a ð3Þ

The statistical values of the above parameters can be inferred via training data sets
and the EM algorithm. Given an observation sequence o ¼ foð1Þ ; oð2Þ ; . . .; oðNÞ g, where
N denotes the length of the sequence, the EM algorithm is divided into the
Expectation-Step and the Maximization-Step.
• Expectation-Step: for each pair of ðd; m; nÞ, with n 2 f1; 2; . . .; Ng,

xdm ¼ PðDðnÞ ¼ d;M ðnÞ ¼ mjoðnÞ ;pd ;Cdm ;ldm ;Rdm Þ
PðoðnÞ jDðnÞ ¼ d;M ðnÞ ¼ m;ldm ;Rdm ÞPðDðnÞ ¼ d;M ðnÞ ¼ m;pd ;Cdm Þ ð4Þ
a Pb
ðnÞ ðnÞ ðnÞ ðnÞ ðnÞ
Pðo jD ¼ d;M ¼ m;ldm ;Rdm ÞPðD ¼ d;M ¼ m;pd ;Cdm Þ
d¼1 m¼1
122 Q. Wu et al.

• Maximization-Step: update the above parameters as follows,

1X N X b
pd ¼ x
N n¼1 m¼1 dm
1 X N
Cdm ¼ x
Npd n¼1 dm
xdm oðnÞ
ldm ¼ n¼1 ð5Þ
xdm ðoðnÞ  ldm ÞðoðnÞ  ldm ÞT
Rdm ¼

Let k ¼ ðp; C; l; RÞ. The process is repeated until Pðojkt Þ  Pðojkt1 Þ\n or
iteration number exceeds the maximum value set in advance. The threshold n ¼ 104 is
used in the experiment section of this paper.
Initial Value Optimization Based on Genetic Algorithm. The initial value of p and
C can be generated randomly from a uniform distribution, while l and R can be
acquired through clustering methods for training samples. Due to the fact that the initial
values of p and C have a great impact on the model obtained by training, in this paper,
an initial value optimization method based on genetic algorithm is proposed.
Encoding. According to what is proposed in [13], encoding methods of GA can be
classified into two main approaches: binary encoding and float encoding. Taking into
account the convenience and accuracy, floating encoding is adopted in this paper.
Suppose that the maximum degradation state number in the MoG-BBN model is a, and
mixed Gaussian distribution number for each state is b. The numbers of total param-
eters to optimize related to p and C are a and a  b, respectively. Then there are
a  ðb þ 1Þ decimal floating numbers constituting an individual.
Fitness function. Corresponding to the fitness of the individuals to the environment,
the value of this function reflects the fitness of the individuals in terms of measurement
indicators. In this paper, the fitness function depicts the accuracy of the models gen-
erated by different individuals when identifying the degradation states.
Selection. According to each individual’s fitness, the strategy of RWS is to calculate
the probability that the gene is inherited from the individual by the offspring, and based
on that probability, the offspring population is randomly selected in the parent gen-
eration. The higher the fitness of the parent is, the greater the probability that its genes
will be selected to be inherited to the offspring will be. Let the fitness of the ith
RUL Prediction of Bearings Based on Mixture 123

individual be fi , and the population quantity be pop. The probability that this individual
will be selected is

Pi ¼ pop ð6Þ

A method based on Roulette Wheel Selection (RWS) is used in this paper: let the
first to the kth individuals be a part of the next generation directly on the basis of the
fitness sorting (from large to small). And the rest pop  k individuals can be generated
by genic recombination and mutation of pop  k pairs that are selected from the current
population by RWS method.
Crossover. This paper use Arithmetic crossover to produce a new individual. Assume
that two individuals of the parent are XA and XB , then the new individual generated by
arithmetic crossover operator is as following, where c is the parameter, which is
commonly set to 0:5.
( 0
XA ¼ cXB þ ð1  cÞXA
0 ð7Þ
XB ¼ cXA þ ð1  cÞXB

Mutation. Mutation is a genetic operator which is used to maintain genetic diversity.

To ensure the convergence, the mutation operator used in this paper adds or subtracts a
small random number to the original floating number. This random number is called
step width. Bigger step width leads to faster evolution speed at the beginning. How-
ever, it will be more difficult to converge at the end. In order to speed up the evolution
and ensure that the genetic algorithm can be more accurate when converging to the
optimal solution at the same time, a method that the step width changes dynamically is
The steps of float coding genetic algorithm for the optimization of the initial values
of p and C can be summarized as following.
(a) Randomly generate the initial population consisting of pop individuals.
(b) Calculate and sort the fitness of each individual in the current population, from
large to small.
(c) Let the first to the kth individuals be a part of the next generation directly on the
basis of the fitness sorting. Generate the rest pop  k individuals by genic
crossover and mutation of pop  k pairs that are selected from the current pop-
ulation by RWS method. Note that the step width in the mutation process
decreases gradually with the iteration. Besides, if necessary, additional measures
should be taken to ensure that the values of float genes related to p and C are
significant after crossover and mutation, respectively.
(d) If the resulting solution tends to be stable in a certain range or the number of
iterations reach the maximum value, exit and the optimal solution is gotten.
Otherwise, turn to step (b).
124 Q. Wu et al.

2.3 Support Vector Data Description

Assume a training set containing n vectors of objects fxi ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; Ng. The opti-
mization objective of the SVDD method is to find the minimum-volume hypersphere
containing all or most possible target data points in feature space, and it can be
described as following:

min R2 þ C ni
i¼1 ð8Þ
s:t:ðxi  cÞ ðxi  cÞ  R þ ni ; ni  0; i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; N

where c is the center of the hypersphere, and ni is slack variable, cooperating with the
penalty constant C to make the trade-off between the radius R and the number of data
points that lie out of the hypersphere [14]. Construct the Lagrangian:

N   XN
LðR; c; ai ; ni Þ ¼ R2 þ C ni  ai R2 þ ni  ðx2i  2cx þ c2 Þ  c i ni ð9Þ
i¼1 i¼1 i¼1

Where ai  0 and ci  0. Set the partial derivatives of Eq. (9) to 0.

@L X
¼ 0; ) ai ¼ 1
@R i¼1

@L X
¼ 0; )c ¼ ai x i ð10Þ
@c i¼1
¼ 0; )C  ai  ci ¼ 0

With Eqs. (9) and (10), the objective function can be reconstructed:

maxLðaÞ ¼ ai ðxi  xi Þ  ai aj ðxi  xj Þ
i¼1 i¼1;j¼1
s:t: ai ¼ 1; 0  ai  C

In practice, the inner product ðxi  xj Þ is replaced by a kernel function Kðxi  xj Þ that
satisfies Mercer’s theorem. In this paper, the RBF kernel function is used, and then
Eq. (11) is transformed to the following form:
RUL Prediction of Bearings Based on Mixture 125

maxLðaÞ ¼ ai Kðxi  xi Þ  ai aj Kðxi  xj Þ
i¼1 i¼1;j¼1
s:t: ai ¼ 1; 0\ai \C

The value of ai can be obtained by solving Eq. (12). Target data points corre-
sponding with 0\ai \C are support vectors. Then the radius R of the hypersphere can
be acquired by any support vector xsv .

R2 ¼ Kðxsv  xsv Þ  2 ai Kðxi  xsv Þ þ ai aj Kðxi  xj Þ ð13Þ
i¼1 i¼1;j¼1

2.4 RUL Prediction

To predict the RUL in the on-line phase, two curves (the degradation state curve and
the radius curve) must be obtained first in the off-line phase.
Degradation State Curve. By EM algorithm, the parameters p, C, l and R of the
MoG-BBN are estimated, which allows us to obtain the state sequence of the training
data through Eq. (2), and the degradation state curve (Fig. 3). The time duration for
which the component in the off-line phase has been in each state can be computed
based on the curve, as Eq. (14),

Fig. 3. The degradation state curve of the MoG-BBN.

TðSd Þ ¼ TðSdx Þ ð14Þ

where TðSd Þ stands for the total time duration of the state d, X represents the number of
consecutive visits.
126 Q. Wu et al.

Radius Curve. Suppose that the training set contains N vectors of objects
fx1 ; x2 ; . . .; xN g, and the objects fx1 ; x2 ; . . .; xn0 g correspond to the healthy state at the
beginning. The SVDD models are trained sequentially with each sub data set
fx1 ; x2 ; . . .; xn g, n 2 fn0 ; n1 ; . . .; Ng, to get the corresponding SVDD hypersphere’s
radius Rn . Then we obtain the radius change R ¼ fRn0 ; Rn1 ; . . .; RN g with the time
evolution, as shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Radius curve and the Sigmoid function fitting.

RUL Prediction. To predict the remaining useful life of the component in the
real-time signal in the on-line phase, first we characterize the degradation state of the
component by Eq. (2), then we determine whether current state of the component
match the trained MoG-BBN model. Concretely, supposed that the characterized
degradation state is s at time t while the degradation state is s according to the right part
of Fig. 3 (obtained by training data). If s is equal to s, it matches the model, otherwise it

Denote LðtÞ as the prediction of remaining useful life at time t. If s is equal to s, LðtÞ
can be computed as following.

LðtÞ ¼ PðD ¼ dÞLd ðtÞ
! ð15Þ
a X
¼ PðD ¼ dÞ TðSi Þ  Td ðtÞ
d¼1 i¼d

In Eq. (15), Ld ðtÞ denotes the RUL when the component is in the degradation state
d, and Td ðtÞ denotes the past time for which the component has been in the degradation
state d.
When s is not equal to s, the Sigmoid function curve fitting will be implemented by
the radius curve obtained by SVDD. Figure 4 illustrates how the RUL at time t is
RUL Prediction of Bearings Based on Mixture 127

3 Experiments and Discussions

The RUL prediction method of bearings proposed previously is tested by the condition
monitoring data from NASA’s prognostics data repository [2]. During the experiments,
raw data of bearing 1 and bearing 4 in the test #2 are used, and both of them can be
considered failed at the end.
First, wavelet packet decomposition was applied to the data, where the number of
decomposition levels is set to 3 and the wavelet base is db4 (Fig. 5). Then two
experiments were implemented: in experiment #1, the raw data collected from bearing
1 was divided into training data and test data, in experiment #2 the dataset of bearing 1
was used to as training data and the dataset of bearing 4 was used as test data.
A detailed discussion of the experiment #1, and the results of both experiments are
given as following.

Fig. 5. WPD is applied to raw signal of bearing 1.

In the off-line phase, the sojourn time of each state of the trained MoG-BBN model
is shown in Table 1, the radius curve is shown in Fig. 6. The reason why the radius
curve starts at 4500 min is that the former data was collected when the bearing was in
the healthy state. And the SVDD model was first trained at 4500 min with all the
former data. Sigmoid function was used in the curve fitting of the radius curve, for the
bearing has been in the healthy state for a long time according to Table 1, and in this
period, the radius growth of the hypersphere is slow, while at the end of bearings’ life
cycle, the slack variable ni in the objective function of SVDD makes the radius grow
slow, too. From Fig. 6, we can observe that the radius curve fits well with the Sigmoid

Table 1. Sojourn time of each degradation state in Expt. #1

Degradation state 1 2 3
Sojourn time (min) 5090 1890 2870
128 Q. Wu et al.

Fig. 6. Radius curve generated by the training data.

(a) Probability of each degradation state. (b) Degradation state characterization result.

Fig. 7. Degradation state characterization in Expt. #1.

In the on-line phase, Fig. 7 depicts how the degradation states are characterized
after the validate data are fed into the MoG-BBN model. We could observe that the
bearing had been in the healthy state for almost 50 % of its whole lifetime, which
matches the result in Table 1. It can be explained that the training data and validate data
is collected from the same bearing.
The RUL prediction results of the method based on MoG-BBN without GA and the
method proposed by this paper are compared in Figs. 8 and 9.
From Figs. 8 and 9, we can observe that the predicted remaining useful life con-
verges at the end of predictions. With the optimization of the initial value by genetic
algorithms and the combination of the SVDD model, our method has an excellent
performance in the RUL predictions of bearings. It has higher prediction accuracy, and
better generalization ability and robustness as well.
RUL Prediction of Bearings Based on Mixture 129

Fig. 8. RUL prediction result of experiment #1.

Fig. 9. RUL prediction result of experiment #2.

4 Conclusions

A method based on the MoG-BBN and SVDD for RUL prediction of bearings is
proposed in this paper. WPD is chosen to extract features because it has sufficient
high-frequency resolution, which contains the most useful fault information of bear-
ings. The MoG-BBN model is a useful tool to predict the RUL with high accuracy
when the work condition of bearings in on-line phase is very similar to the training
data. However, different initial value may lead to different performance, the genetic
algorithm is used to overcome this deficiency and acquire good stability with randomly
generated initial parameters. And, an appropriate combination of the MoG-BBN and
the SVDD model could improve the generalization capability and ensure the accuracy
of the prediction at the same time.

Acknowledgement. This work was supported by the National Hig-Tech. R&D (863) Program
(No. 2015AA042102) in China.
130 Q. Wu et al.

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5. Huang, R., Xi, L., Li, X., et al.: Residual life predictions for ball bearings based on
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6. Tobon-Mejia, D.A., Medjaher, K., Zerhouni, N., et al.: Hidden Markov models for failure
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7. Tobon-Mejia, D.A., Medjaher, K., Zerhouni, N., et al.: A data-driven failure prognostics
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491–503 (2012)
8. Shen, Z., He, Z., Chen, X., et al.: A monotonic degradation assessment index of rolling
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Military Simulation
Decision-Making Modeling of Close-In
Air-Combat Based on Type-2 Fuzzy
Logic System

Hua-xing Wu1,2(&), Wei Huang2, Peng Zhang2, and Fengju Kang1

Marine College, North Western Polytechnical University,
Xi’an 710072, China
Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering Institute of AFEU,
Xi’an 710038, China

Abstract. To increase the credibility of decision-making model for close-in

air-combat, a type-2 fuzzy logic system (FLS) based approach is introduced into
its production rule base, which traditionally neglects the uncertainty of human
cognition. By defining its interval type-2 Gaussian membership function for its
inputs and outputs, and renovating the traditional production rules into type-2
fuzzy rules, the type-2 FLS model is quickly built. The model employs interval
type-2 fuzzy sets to simplify the fuzzy operation and type-reduction while
keeping the uncertainty of experiential knowledge. Simulation results show the
feasibility and credibility of this approach.

Keywords: Type-2 fuzzy logic system  Uncertainty  Close-in air combat 

Decision-making model

1 Introduction

To simulate the decision-making behavior of computer generated force (CGF) in the

domain of close-in air-combat, one common method is building a production rule base
by knowledge and experience from experts of matter [1]. However, a pilot’s situation
awareness (SA) is usually uncertain due to the violent dynamics and antagonism of
close-in air combat. A pilot often makes decisions intuitively and indefinitely, and his
decisions are not always optimal. Thus, CGFs using fixed production rules defined with
clear bounds will decrease its credibility [2].
So, fuzzy logic (FL) that can reason under uncertainty is widely introduced by the
decision-making area of air-combat. In [3, 4], FL is combined with Petri nets to
represent tactical decisions of air-combat. In [5, 6], FL is integrated into Bayesian
network to model situation awareness and decision-making of air-combat. In [7, 8], FL
is also introduced into Neural networks for decision-making of air-combat. But all
these methods aim at optimal decisions and rely on traditional rule base. They require
rigorous rules and parameters insides their network architecture, leaving out of con-
sideration for variety and flexibility of human’s cognitive behavior, and making little
use of knowledge of different air-combat experts. That leads to incredibility and
extensibility of CGFs and limits the range of application of FL.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 133–143, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_14
134 H. Wu et al.

In [9, 10], a tri-level decision-making model is proposed to represent the

dog-fighting behavior of pilots in consideration of ambiguity of expert’s experience.
But its FL rules are based on type-1 membership functions, and are mainly applied to
flight control and section of tactics maneuver.
As shown in [11–13], type-1 FL based on type-1 membership functions is insuf-
ficient for representation of rule’s uncertainty which evidently exists in pilot’s cognitive
behavior and experiential knowledge, J. M. Mendel extend type-1 FL into type-2 FL
which is based on more ambiguous rules. Type-2 FL can describe uncertainty of
human’s cognition by adding another dimension to fuzzy rules. However, type-2 FL is
more computably complex than type-1 FL, and it is less used in real-time simulation
domain so far.
In this paper, we proposed a simplified type-2 FL method to represent the uncertain
of decision-making model of air-combat while improving the computing efficiency.

2 Decision-Making Model of Air-Combat Based

on Traditional Rules

In the process of one vs. one close-in air-combat, a pilot decides what kind of tactics by
his judgment on attacking situation for own-ship against the target, which mainly
depends on two angles between own-ship heading, target’s heading and line of sight
(LOS) [14], as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Angles between LOS and headings of both aircraft

Where xA is angle between LOS and own-ship heading, hB is angle between LOS
and target’s heading. For traditional CGF simulation, these two angles are used along
with maneuverability of both ships, to select the proper tactical maneuvers, which can
be defined by the following pseudo-codes:
If A 1 and B 1, Then tactics 1;
Elseif A > 2 and B> 2, Then tactics 5;
Elseif A + B , Then tactics 2;
Elseif A+ B , Then tactics 3;
Else tactics 4.
Here, 0  h1 \p=2\h2  p; 0  x1 \p=2\x2  p.
These simplified rules originate from practice and are easily implemented and
widely applied. But they have no consideration about the uncertainty of experiential
Decision-Making Modeling of Close-In Air-Combat 135

knowledge, and neglect the indeterminacy of awareness of space position and attitude
angles. So it leads to lack of tactical variety, and makes people easily perceive that the
adversary is a CGF and not a human pilot. This shortcoming heavily degrades the
credibility of trailing simulation [2].
So, to fully use original rules and extend its ability to handle uncertainty, type-2 FL
is applied to enhance air-combat decision-making.

3 Modeling Air-Combat Decision-Making Based

on Type-2 FLS
3.1 Type-2 FLS
e is expressed by type-2 membership function l ðx; uÞ [15], that is:
A type-2 fuzzy set A e A
n  o

A ðx; uÞ; le ðx; uÞ j8x 2 X; 8u 2 Jx ½0; 1 ð1Þ

Where, x is the membership value of element x that belong to input universe X. Its
range Jx is called primary membership of x, which is a limitary set. le ðx; uÞ is the
membership corresponding to value of primary membership u, also called secondary
membership, subject to 0  le ðx; uÞ  1. Secondary membership represents the further
uncertainty of input x belong to fuzzy set A.
As shown by Fig. 2, type-2 FLS is similar to type-1 FLS. It is consist of input
fuzzifier, rule base, inference engine, type reducer and defuzzifier [11].

Crisp outputs
Crisp inputs Rules Defuzzifier y
Type-2 Type-2 Type reduced
Fuzzifier Inference Fuzzy Sets Type reducer
Fuzzy Sets Sets

Fig. 2. Components of type-2 FLS

Unlike type-1 FLS, the inputs of type-2 FLS can be crisp number, type-1 fuzzy
number, or type-2 fuzzy number. The antecedent and consequent of rule is represented
by type-2 fuzzy sets, so it can handle the input noise and the uncertainty of rules.
Type FLS also reason by “if then” sentences, that enables it not only can inherits
experiential knowledge from traditional rule base but also can add ambiguity of lan-
guage from experiential experience.
The inference of type-2 FLS is as follows: first translates the inputs into type-2
fuzzy sets, synthesizes the inputs and antecedents of rule to form firing sets, then takes
fuzzy operation between firing sets and consequent of rule, outputs type-2 fuzzy sets
which will be type-reduced into type-1 fuzzy sets, and finally produces crisp outputs
via defuzzifier [16].
136 H. Wu et al.

Given that X ¼ ½x1 ; x2 ; . . .; xp , the output of the first rule is a type-2 membership
(" #
Y a Y 
lB~ l ðyÞ ¼ lG~ l ðyÞ lX~1 ðx1 Þ lF~ l ðx1 Þ
x1 2X1
" #) ð2Þ
Y Y a Y 
 lX~p ðxp Þ lF~pl ðxp Þ ; y2Y
xp 2Xp

where, lG~ l ðyÞ, lX~p ðxp Þ, lF~pl ðxp Þ is type-2 membership functions of consequent, input,
and antecedent respectively. The sign indicates intersection between
‘ fuzzy sets,
which usually employs minimal or multiple operation. The sign indicates union
between fuzzy sets, which usually employs maximal operation [17]. The firing inten-
sion by input xi against rule l is a type-1 fuzzy set, described by:
a Y 
lFil ðxi Þ¼ lX~i ðxi Þ lF~ l ðxi Þ ð3Þ
xi 2Xi

e will be:
If there are M rules, the membership function of type-2 fuzzy set B
le ðyÞ¼ l¼1
lel ðyÞ ð4Þ

As shown by the above formulas, the computation of common type-2 FLS is very
complex and inefficient. That drives us to simplify the membership function of both
antecedent and consequent. An available approach is to employ interval type-2
membership functions and construct interval type-2 fuzzy sets.
If 8x 2 X; 8u 2 Jx ½0; 1, while le ðx; uÞ ¼ 1, a type-2 membership function is
called interval type-2 membership function, thus fuzzy set A e becomes an interval
type-2 fuzzy set [16].

A 1=ðx; uÞ; Jx ½0; 1 ð5Þ
x2X u2Jx

The secondary membership of interval type-2 fuzzy set is equal to 1, which makes
primary membership become one interval set and indicates the same uncertainty of
primary membership. Interval type-2 fuzzy set simplifies the complex type-2 fuzzy set
while keeping the uncertainty of knowledge and language at the time [18].

3.2 Inputs and Outputs of Decision-Making Model for Close-In

In a certain time of air-combat, a pilot is usually unsure of real inputs about xA and hB,
which make it hard to depict by crisp numbers. Here, we use type-1 fuzzy number to
Decision-Making Modeling of Close-In Air-Combat 137

Fig. 3. Membership function of inputs

represent them, assuming that their membership function are both Gaussian, as shown
by Fig. 3.
The mean and standard deviation for input Gaussian membership function can be
adjusted if needed. Usually evaluated deviation of hB will be bigger than that for xA,
and will increase as hB increases. It provide an approach describing random noises of
sensors and uncertainty of spacial awareness by pilots.
Consider that both xA and hB is divided into 4 intervals in traditional rules, we
define both input antecedents by 4 interval type-2 fuzzy sets, each of them is described
by type-2 Gaussian membership function with uncertain standard deviation. As shown
by shaded areas in Fig. 4, the type-2 fuzzy set corresponding to xA includes 4 interval
type-2 fuzzy sets: A e 2, A
e 1, A e 3 and A
e 4.

Fig. 4. Interval type-2 fuzzy sets for the antecedents of xA

138 H. Wu et al.

The same approach can be used to obtain interval type-2 fuzzy sets for the ante-
cedents of hB, B.
For close-in air-combat question, the consequent sets for deciding rules are tactical
decisions that only can be described with discrete values(such as 0,1,2,3,4). These
discrete outputs can be converted into type-2 fuzzy sets. As shown by Fig. 5, the
e 1, C
consequent is divided into 5 type-2 fuzzy sets: C e 2, C
e 3, C
e 4 and C
e 5.

Fig. 5. Interval type-2 fuzzy sets for the consequent

3.3 Rules for Decision-Making Model of Close-In Air-Combat

As proposed by above, the fuzzy rule used for air-combat decision making includes
two antecedents and one consequent. Every antecedent includes 4 type-2 fuzzy set. The
consequent includes 5 type-2 fuzzy set. So the rule base can maximally embrace 16
rules. Thus, type-2 fuzzy rule base for the question can be built quickly in the following

Rule1 If ( A is A1 ) and ( B is 1 ) then (y is C 1 )

Rule2 If ( A is A4 ) and ( B is 4 ) then (y is C 5 )

It is comprehensible and similar to traditional rules that carry forward the traditional
experienced knowledge. The type-2 fuzzy outputs of these rules must be type-reduced.
Commonly used methods include centroid type-reducer, height type-reducer and
Decision-Making Modeling of Close-In Air-Combat 139

center-of-sets type-reducer. Here, we used center-of-sets type-reducer to compute the

output, as shown by the following formulas:

#,P y h
Z Z "
N   i¼i
i i
Cl ¼  fyi ðhi Þ ð6Þ
h1 2Jy1 hN 2JyN PN
i¼1 hi

where, Cl is the centroid of the consequent set for the lth rule, and it is a type-1fuzzy set.
Since Cl is irrelevant to actual inputs, it can be computed ahead.
For type-2 interval fuzzy set of the consequent as shown in Fig. 5, their secondary
membership fyi ðhi Þ is equal to 1. So we can calculate their type-reduced sets, as shown
by the following Table 1.

Table 1. Type-reduced result for the consequent sets of the type-2 fuzzy rules
Consequent set Type-reduced C l Centroid of the set
C [0.1562,0.3700] 0.2631
C [0.7970,1.2066] 1.0018
C [1.7935,2.2065] 2.0000
C [2.7934,3.2030] 2.9982
C [3.6300,3.8438] 3.7369

3.4 Computing Approach of Output for Decision Making Model

On the basis of inputs, outputs and consequent sets defined above, type-2 FLS can be
built quickly to model the decision-making for close-in air-combat. The type-reduced
outputs of type-2 FLS is an interval fuzzy set that can’t be provided by traditional
type-1 FLS. It is an important tool that can be used to model uncertainty of rules. We
used center-of-sets defuzzifier to compute the type-reduced output, as shown by the
following formulas:
C l
lFil ðxi Þ
Ycos ¼ l¼1M  p   ð7Þ
lFil ðxi Þ
l¼1 i¼1

Where lFil ðxi Þ is the firing set in formula (3).

Because we use type-1 Gaussian membership function to process the inputs of
interval type-2 FLS and simply the firing operation between inputs and antecedents, so
the firing sets can be simplified into interval sets, whose bounds can be expressed as the
following formula [19]:
140 H. Wu et al.

8 0 1
> ðm x Þ
f l ¼ exp@  k k A

< k 2 r2X þ rl2
0 1

> f l ¼ exp@ ðmk xk Þ A
l 0
: k 2 r2 þ rl2 Xk k2

Where x0k and rXk is the mean and standard deviation of input Gaussian membership
function respectively. mlk , rlk1 and rlk2 is mean and standard deviation of antecedent
type-2 Gaussian membership function respectively, subjected to rlk1 \rlk2 .
The interval ½f lk ; fkl  is also the firing set for input set Xk against the lth rule. By
minimal operation among all firing set, we get the firing set as follows:

½f l ; f l  ¼ ½minðf l1 ; . . .; f lp Þ; minðf1l ; . . .; fpl Þ ð9Þ

Where p is the counts of antecedents. Then, formula (7) can be simplified into the
following formula (10).

,P yi f i
Ycos ¼ ½yl ; yr  ¼ ...  1 ð10Þ
y1 2½Cl1 ;Cr1  y1 2½ClM ;CrM  f 1 2½f1 ;f 1  f M 2½fM ;f M  PM

Where M is the number of rules, ½Cli ; Cri  is type-reduced set of the lth rule
pre-computed by via formula (6). Formula (10) can be calculated by classical KM
algorithm that is detailedly described in Ref [19]. Not only the interval set Ycos can be
used as output of type-2 FLS, but also the centroid of Ycos ,which is replaced by
ðyl þ yr Þ=2.

4 Simulation and Analysis

We built a type-2 FLS by computing approach described above, to make decisions for
close-in air-combat at variable conditions. For example, when xA and hB is represented
by different crisp number, we have computed the output values of type-2 FLS, as
shown by Fig. 6.
As Fig. 6 shows, the upper curved surface represents the upper bounds of the
output of type-2 FLS, the bottom curved surface represents the lower bounds, and the
middle represents the centroid. Different from traditional rule base whose decision
output is fixed at certain condition, but the decision output of type-2 FLS may be
variable at a range even at the same condition. It can output decisions like type-1 FLS
using the middle centroid. It can also output decisions randomly between the upper and
lower bounds.
Decision-Making Modeling of Close-In Air-Combat 141






0 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

0 0.5 1

Fig. 6. Decision outputs when inputs are crisp numbers

For another example, when xA and hB is fuzzy sets as show in Fig. 4, the output
interval of Type-2 FLS is [1.2380, 1.9638], the crisp output of its center-of-sets
defuzzifier is 1.6009. That means the decision-making output has uncertainty between
consequent fuzzy set C e 2 and C
e 3 . If we select maneuver tactics only by crisp output, we
may get results similar to those in Refs. [3, 4]. But we can make decisions with some
preference that reflects the subjectiveness of pilot, such as courage and skill, etc.
Because the output of type-2 FLS includes a interval, it provides the availability to
various selection, which make it more flexible and human-like than traditional type-1
On the basis of variable selection of Type-2 FLS, a aircraft CGF can employ
corresponding flexible maneuvers to control the flight model [10], that produce suitable
trajectory against the target. Here, we omit the production from decisions to maneuver
(that is not the topic in this paper) and just present the example trajectories of two
aircraft in 1vs1 close-in air-combat, as shown in Fig. 7. Among them, one is the

red aircraft(use traditioanl rules)

blue aircraft(use type-2 FLS)


5000 3
x 10
0 2

0.5 1
2 0
4 2.5
x 10

Fig. 7. Demonstration of 1vs1 close-in air-combat simulation

142 H. Wu et al.

trajectory of blue aircraft that make decision by type-2 FLS; another is of red aircraft
only using traditional fixed rules.
Figure 7 show that blue aircraft selects maneuvers more flexibly and suitably than
the red one. Moreover, many results from our 1vs1 close-in air-combat simulation
show that blue aircraft prefer to select aggressive maneuvers than red aircraft at various
initial conditions when it uses the upper value of interval output of type-2 FLS. That
shows that the rules based on type-2 FLS is more flexible and credible than traditional
fixed rules, and type-2 FLS can extend the variety of decision-making model of CGFs.
Furthermore, simplified interval type-2 fuzzy rules greatly improve the computing
efficiency, which enables the model to run in about 15 ms in MATLAB.

5 Conclusion

Because of the computing complexity of type-2 FLS, its application in real-time CGF
simulation is extremely scanty. In this paper, we use interval type-2 FLS as the
decision-making model of close-in air combat, taking full consideration for the
uncertainty of sensor inputs, experiential knowledge and human’s preference. The
results demonstrate that type-2 FLS is an efficient and credible approach to model
decision-making in air-combat simulation.

Acknowledgment. In this paper, the research was sponsored by the National Nature Science
Foundation (Project No. 61472441, 61573373).

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Research on Multi-dimension and Multi-view Integrated
Modeling of Operational System of Systems

Li Kou ✉ , Lili Yin, and Wenhui Fan

( )

Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

{Koul13,yll15}@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn, [email protected]

Abstract. The construction of joint operational system had become the impor‐
tant content of military modernization and preparations for military struggle.
Comprehensive and accurate model of Operational System of Systems (OSoS)
had become the key fundamental work. The most OSoS models which were
constructed in single view had a weak integrated degree and could not accurately
describe the system capacity. According to this problem, the framework and
method of Multi-dimension and Multi-View Integrated OSoS Modeling was put
forward. The OSoS was described in terms of lifecycle, generality, multi-view
and multi-dimension. These models were integrated effectively. The emergence,
dynamics and openness of OSoS were well reflected.

Keywords: Multi-dimension and multi-view · Integrated modeling · Operational

System of Systems

1 Introduction

Under the current conditions of informatization, the widespread use of information

technology has subverted the traditional concept of Operational System of Systems. The
battlefield is also extended to the sea, land, air, sky, electromagnetic and other multi-
dimensional space. Confrontation is also showing more and more obvious systematic
feature. Ron Johnson, the deputy director of Boeing Advanced Systems Engineering
and Technology Department, defined the system as: the system of systems (SOS) [1],
namely “super-system”. The elements constituting this “super system” is a complex,
independent system, they interact with each other to complete a mission together.
Therefore, OSoS can be defined as a dynamic complex system, which can adapt to the
dangerous environment. It is composed of sensors with independent characteristics,
command control, communications, fire, security and other systems (entities, nodes,
elements, sub-network) [2]. And these component systems have relatively independent
functions, they can self-administer, self-operate for their own purposes. Because of the
emergence property, OSoS is able to show some features that other component systems
don’t have. OSoS is also loose coupling, each component system, function and behavior
can be dynamically added or removed during the operation of the system.
OSoS modeling and simulation is aimed to reveal the law of true OSoS’s construc‐
tion, evolution, against in the informative conditions, and improve the effectiveness
evaluation of OSoS. It has been one of the extremely urgent research topics in the

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 144–157, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_15
Research on Multi-dimension and Multi-view Integrated Modeling 145

military sphere. Based on this background, the establishment of a comprehensive and

accurate description model of the OSoS has become one of the most critical basic works.
At present, there are many researches about modeling theory and methods of OSoS in
the overseas and in the domestic.
The theories and methods for OSoS modeling all describe the OSoS in a few aspects.
And they are in the conceptual modeling stage of demand analysis and system design,
can’t fully reflect the characteristics of OSoS in terms of OSoS’s dynamic modeling and
the mapping with simulation models. For example, Zachman, CIM-OSA, DoDAF and
C4ISR framework lack the modeling for the OSoS’s emergence, dynamics and open‐
ness; The description for the OSoS’s property, procedures and resource models based
on the complex network approach is not detailed enough. Therefore, we put forward an
integrated method for OSoS modeling based on the integrated enterprise modeling
theory [7] proposed by professor Fan Yushun in Qinghua University, which combines
with the advantages of all theoretical approaches. This method uses the multi-view and
multi-level description form, giving a description of the OSoS structure and component
function based on the complex network’s multi-Agent modeling theory, and correlating
each view through a process view. This paper finally analyses the key indicators in
system-of-systems efficiency based on the knowledge associated graph mining method.

2 Integrated Modeling Framework of OSoS

The integration of OSoS is the coordination of OSoS’s each component system and each
function. Only the organic integration could share information, could make the right
decisions in a short time. Therefore, integration is the main method to constitute the
whole, to constitute the system. Similarly, achieving the integration of OSoS’s descrip‐
tion in different aspects, in different dimensions and in different views, to form the

Fig. 1. The integrated modeling architecture of OSoS

146 L. Kou et al.

integrated OSoS model is also a key method to improve the model description’s compre‐
hensiveness and accuracy. The system architecture of OSoS integrated modeling is
shown in Fig. 1. It is a three dimensional cube structure consist of view dimension,
universal level dimension and life-cycle dimension.

2.1 Life-Cycle Dimension

The introduce of the life-cycle dimension into the OSoS modeling framework, can be
divided into four stages according to the implementation process of the combat missions:
trend analysis, system-of-systems construction, effectiveness evaluation, and opera‐
tional maintenance. According to the different demands of each stage, use different
modeling methods to build models with different purposes, views and granularity.
In the life cycle of modeling, the relationship between the views in different stages
uses the modeling method of deriving from the upper to the lower step by step. But in
practice, because the understanding of the system is gradually mature and the various
models are constantly changing during the system confrontation process, there are still
relatively frequent iterative process in the system modeling during the different stages
of the life cycle. The OSoS model is evolving constantly.

2.2 Universal Level Dimension

OSoS is a large system composed of a lot of operational units. Each operational entity
is organized and managed according to the categories in practice. So the object-oriented
method can be used in modeling through the classified description of the models
according to their degree of universality, which is better for the analysis and management
of the operational entity model. Thus constitute one dimension in the modeling frame‐
work, namely universal level dimension. In the universal level dimension, the opera‐
tional entity models can be divided into three layers: universal model layer, reference
model layer and special model layer.

2.3 View Dimension

In the view dimension, OSoS model takes the operational process view as the core,
including operational missions, target system-of-systems, organizational structure,
operational resources, component functions, information interaction, sys-tem-of-
systems efficiency and the multi-view model of environmental situation view. Each
view, created by establishing and improving gradually, describes the OSoS character‐
istics and behaviors from different angles. They are interrelated, mutually referenced,
mutually influenced and take the process view as the core to control and maintain the
consistency with models. Operational mission view: OSoS is composed of the opera‐
tional systems to complete a certain operational mission. Operational missions, the basis
of the construction of the OSoS, determines the composition and operation of the OSoS.
Research on Multi-dimension and Multi-view Integrated Modeling 147

3 Integrated Modeling Method of OSoS

3.1 Modeling Method of Life Cycle Dimension

The life cycle of the OSoS can be divided into four stages, including situation analysis
stage, system-of-systems construction stage, efficiency evaluation stage, operation and
maintenance stage, as shown in Fig. 2. In the situation analysis stage, it is mainly carried
out to assign operational missions, analyze environment situation and analyze the target
system-of-systems to select the hit target according to the missions and environment. In
the system-of-systems construction stage, it is mainly carried out to build the organiza‐
tional structure, component function, information interaction and operational resources
used according to the operational missions and selected targets, and on the above basis
to describe the operational procedures. In the efficiency evaluation stage, it is mainly
carried out to analyze the system-of-systems efficiency to help making decision, such
as the topology structure of each component unit of OSoS, system-of-systems
complexity, component system’s critical level and so on. In the operation and mainte‐
nance stage, it is mainly carried out to record the resulting data provided for the follow-
up stage’s analysis by running the OSoS model.

Fig. 2. The life cycle dimension of OSoS modeling

3.2 Modeling Method of Universal Level Dimension

Universal level dimension is the space dimension of the integrated modeling framework
of OSoS. Its modeling method is similar to the object-oriented approach, taking the
entity existing in operational system as an object to manage; The objects can be
abstracted as classes according to their properties, and the objects are the examples of
these classes. So they can be divided into universal model, reference model and special
model according to the universal degree of each component model of OSoS. By
constructing the basic building blocks of the OSoS modeling at different stages, different
148 L. Kou et al.

modeling view can establish the basic model component library. On this basis abstract
the reference model of OSoS according to the model’s category, and then inherit and
modify the reference model to form a specific model, as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. The evolutionary process of universal level dimension’s model

3.3 Modeling Method of View Dimension

3.3.1 Modeling Method of Operational Missions

The description of operational missions uses the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
method. First divide the operational missions into different stages according to the time,
and then schedule the sub tasks in every operational stage expressed in the form of the
“task tree”, as shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. The AHP method of operational missions modeling

Research on Multi-dimension and Multi-view Integrated Modeling 149

The formal description of operational missions can be abstracted as the following


Task =< TID , TName , TDes , TSTime , TETime >

Stage =< SID , SName , SDes , SSTime , SETime , TID >

STask =< STID , STName , STDes , STSTime , STETime , SID ∖STID >

“Task” representing operational missions, is described by the task code, task name,
task description, start time and end time; “Stage” representing operational stage, is
described by stage code, stage name, stage description, start time, end time and task
code it belongs to; “STask” representing subtasks, is described by subtask code, name,
description, start time, end time and the stage/task code it belongs to.

3.3.2 Modeling Method of Operational Resource

Operational resource view mainly describes the classification and structure of opera‐
tional resources, resource quantity and quality. It also has extensive relations with the
organization structure, component function and information interaction view, which will
be described in detail in the following chapters. As a part of military system, operational
resources have a complete classification method and encoding rules, so it can be modeled
in the form of “resource tree” according to the category that the operational resource
belongs to, as shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Modeling method of operational resource

The formal description of operational resources can be abstracted as the following


Resource =< RID , RName , RType , RAtt , RNumber >

150 L. Kou et al.

ZResource =< ZRID , ZRName , ZRType , ZRAtt , ZRNumber , RID >

“Resource” representing resource entity, is described by number, name, type,

attribute, quantity, etc. “ZResource” representing combined resources, is described by
number, name, type, attribute, quantity and number of sub resource.

3.3.3 Modeling Method of Component Function

The main purpose of component function modeling is to describe the function of OSoS,
that is to explain the specific activities which is must carried out to complete a task.
These activities consist of operational entity or the basic functional unit of operational
resource. These basic function units can be abstracted as an action of the entity. This
action completes the processing of the input information in a certain constraint (control),
mainly through the occupation and consumption of certain operational resources (mech‐
anism), and finally get the output information. These basic functional units are combined
together to construct the function of the OSoS. The modeling of component function
can use IDEF0 modeling method, which is a graphical model established by structured
analysis method, and can be decomposed and combined to describe the logical structure
of the system-of-systems function according to the hierarchy, as shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6. The function activity diagram of IDEF0

The formal description of component functions can be abstracted as follows:

UnitFun =< FID , FName , FPar , RID , TID , Condition >

SysFun =< UnitFun1 , UnitFun2 , ⋯ , UnitFunn >

“UnitFun” representing the basic function unit, is described by function number,

function name, function parameter, implementation object of function activities,
resources used and implementing condition. “SysFun” representing the system function,
is composed of the ordered two tuple of the basic function unit. This kind of represen‐
tation method can describe the autonomy and interactivity characteristics of each
component system of OSoS, which provides a framework for the modeling based on
Research on Multi-dimension and Multi-view Integrated Modeling 151

3.3.4 Modeling Method of Organization Structure

From the perspective of topology, this article abstracts operational unit as sensing, fire,
commands and communication system node, and abstracts the information (or material,
energy) interaction between these systems as edge. Thus the OSoS is abstracted as a
OSoS network. The connection diagram of the OSoS network is shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7. The connection diagram of the OSoS network

This network can be expressed by a n × n matrix M, where n is the number of nodes

of OSoS network. The matrix element Mij = 1 represents there is a connection between
node i and j. Mij = 0 means there is no connection between node i and j. This matrix is
a symmetric matrix. It can be expressed in two-dimensional array in data structure. It
also can be expressed as a linked list when it is a sparse matrix.
The formal description of the organization structure contains two types of view:
component view and structure view, separately representing the operational unit nodes
and the node network between them, which is described as:

Organization =< U, UR >

U =< C21 , C22 , ⋯ , C2n , I1 , I2 , ⋯ In , S1 , S2 , ⋯ Sn , C1 , C2 , ⋯ Cn >
1 i to j connected
URij =
0 i to j unconnected

⎡1 ⋯ 0⎤
UR = ⎢ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣0 ⋯ 1⎦

U represents the collection of entity nodes in the OSoS, which is respectively

composed of charge nodes, sensor nodes, fire nodes and communication nodes. UR is
the matrix of the directed graph of the hierarchical network. The entity unit nodes can
be associated with the operational resources and component function nodes, which will
be described in the following chapters.
152 L. Kou et al.

3.3.5 Modeling Method of Information Interaction

Information interaction model mainly describes the underlying data structure and the
information flow condition. The information flows between each network node of OSoS
are generally classified as information sharing, information reporting and order making.
These three kinds of information flow can be respectively realized by the method of
broadcast, multicast and P2P, which forms the directed graph of information exchange
in the network structure of the OSoS.
The underlying data structure of the information interaction model describes the
logical relationship of the related data in the database, generated in the running process
of each view model of OSoS. It provides a standard and framework for effective
recording and management of data model. It is an important foundation for the estab‐
lishment of the information systems and the implementation of information integration
of OSoS. It can be described by the IDEF1X or ER diagram method, as shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8. The example of information model

On the basis of the underlying data structure, the operational entity will share or sent
its own or other’s property value to update other’s or its own property value when the
information exchange occurs between the operational entities, in order to complete the
information exchange process. The formal description of information exchange view
can be also divided into two parts: the underlying data structures and information
exchange model, which can be abstracted as follows:

Entity =< EID , EName , EAtts >

Relation =< RelationID , RelationName , EIDi , EIDj >

Info =< InfoID , InfoName , InfoType , M >

“Entity” representing operational entity, is respectively represented by entity

number, entity name and attribute set. “Relation” representing the relationship between
entities, is respectively represented by the relationship number, name and related entity’s
number. “Info” representing the interactive information, is composed of the information
Research on Multi-dimension and Multi-view Integrated Modeling 153

number, name, type and interaction matrix M. Interaction matrix M is established based
on organization structure model. The information interaction between the nodes also
can be represented by matrix. When Mij = 1, it represents that the information of entity
i interacts with entity j, and entity j updates its own attributes according to the value of
interaction matrix at the same time.
Information interaction matrix:

⎡0 ⋯ 1⎤
M = ⎢⋮ ⋱ ⋮⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣1 ⋯ 0⎦

3.3.6 Modeling Method of Environmental Situation

Operational entity is running in a certain battlefield environment. It can be affected by
environmental factors, and it also has an impact on the battlefield environment at same
time. In different battlefield environment, the operational effect achieved is completely
different. The new operational styles that gradually develop in the modern war reinforce
the importance of the environmental situation, such as the electronic countermeasure
and electromagnetic interference. It can play a key role sometimes. Therefore, the
modeling of environmental situation should also be included in the OSoS model, and
should be described as a separate view. The environmental situation view only describes
the natural and artificial environment that don’t have the subjective initiative. The
description of operational target is detailed in the target system-of-systems view. In this
article, the environmental situation is divided into the natural environment and the
battlefield situation, as shown in Fig. 9. The natural environment can be divided into
geographical factors, meteorological factors, etc. The battlefield situation can be divided
into land situation, sea situation, air situation and space situation.

Fig. 9. The categories of environmental situation model

The formal description of the environmental situation view can be abstracted as:

Env =< EnvID , EnvName , EnvAtts , Area, Time, Entities >

EnvAtts =< AttID , AttName , AttValue >

154 L. Kou et al.

Area =< Point1 , Point2 , ⋯ , Pointn >

“Env” representing environmental situation model, is respectively described by

number, name, attribute set, function area, reaction time and perceptive object. Attribute
set is described by attribute number, name and attribute value. Function area is described
by the closed spaces composed of a series location points.

3.3.7 Modeling Method of Operational Process

Operational process is the core view of the multi-view modeling, and is also the link to
build the model of OSoS. Through the operational process view model, the other scat‐
tered, independent view models can be associated and integrated. The complete descrip‐
tion of the OSoS is formed finally, as shown in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10. The integrated relationship between views

In the operational process of the OSoS, select the target from the target system-of-
systems view according to operational mission view, and plan the operational process
according to the target; Organizational structure view provides the executor of the activ‐
ities to operational process view; Resource view provides resources used in activities to
operational process view; Each activity in the operational process is a realization of a
component function of the system. Therefor an operational process can be described
through a combination of functions. And it reflects the logical relationship between the
operational entities’ function domain at the same time; Operational process should also
reflect the execution relations and conditions between the functions of each component.
During this process the information is generated and interact with each other; In the
operational process, it is important to fully consider the influence of the environment
situation and system, and calculate the system-of-systems efficiency of the OSoS
according to the data of OSoS such as the organization structure, information exchange
and operational resource.
The main method of operational process modeling is the scientific deployment of
operational resources based on operational missions, operational targets and system
constraints, in order to make operational units organize together tightly and play their
respective functions at an ordered time and in a reasonable place. And the data and
information generated is recorded in the process. Its basic unit is action, and action is
Research on Multi-dimension and Multi-view Integrated Modeling 155

also a bridge associating and integrating other view models. This paper uses “5W1H”
method to describe the operational actions, respectively including the six aspects of
operational missions and targets (what), operational units (who), operational time
(when), operational area (where), operational constraints (why), operational mode
(how), thus setting up a one-to-one relationship with other view models. And the opera‐
tional process can be described by the action network diagram. The action network
diagram is a directed diagram composed of nodes and connecting arcs. The nodes repre‐
sent actions, and the connecting arcs represent the order relationship between the actions,
thus forming a sequence diagram composed of the operational actions, as shown in
Fig. 11.

Fig. 11. The schematic diagram of operational process model

The formal description of the operational process view can be abstracted as:

Process =< Act1 , Act2 , ⋯ , Actn >

Sequenceij =< Acti , Actj >

Acti =< Conditioni , Functioni , actTi , actPostioni >

actT =< actT1 , actT2 , ⋯ , actTn >

actPostion =< actPostion1 , actPostion2 , ⋯ , actPostionn >

Condition =< Condition1 , Condition2 , ⋯ , Conditionn >

“Process” means that operational process is composed of a series of activities. These

activities are connected by the connecting arcs (“Sequence”); Activities should perform
the corresponding function under certain condition (“Condition”) and in the corre‐
sponding position (“actPostion”) and the corresponding time (“actT”). Trigger condi‐
tions “Condition” can be divided into automatic trigger, manual trigger, message trigger
and time trigger. Activities execute time only when the time is triggered. The other
activities can calculate their executed time according to the activity triggered by the
156 L. Kou et al.

3.3.8 Modeling Method of System-of-Systems Efficiency

With the increasing maturity of data mining technology, the related knowledge of effi‐
ciency evaluation of OSoS can be got from the perspective of data, by mining the data
generated during the process of OSoS operation or simulation. The main method is to
construct knowledge association diagrams (“Knowledge Map”) using the sample data.
Data mining method based on knowledge association diagram is mainly to calculate the
joint entropy and the number of connections of each parameter by finding the correlated
parameters of the OSoS. It can describe the whole system’s uncertainty and complexity
and recognize the key variables and the uncontrollable variables of the system, and thus
find the key elements of the OSoS. Due to limited space, the specific method will be
introduced in another article.

3.3.9 Modeling Method of Target System-of-Systems

Because the system structure and system function of the target system-of-systems are
consistent with the OSoS, the target system-of-systems can be modeled with the same
method. The modeling of the target system-of-systems can also be described from life
cycle dimension, universal level dimension and view dimension. After completing the
description, the confrontation exercise of the OSoS and the target system-of-systems
model can be achieved by the simulation method, to test the effectiveness of OSoS

4 Conclusion

OSoS model is the media via which people understand and know the OSoS, is the bridge
between operational research experts and military personnel. The integrated modeling
method fully describes the evolution of the OSoS in its life cycle from the perspective
of multi-dimension and multi-view. These can help study the operational rules of the
OSoS. This paper also puts forward a method to analyze the efficiency of the OSoS from
the perspective of data mining.
The next work mainly includes the following aspects: The first one is studying the
mapping method between integrated OSoS model and executable model; The second
one is studying the component modeling method based on Agent based on the correlation
between organizational structure, operational resources and component function view;
The third one is designing the system-of-systems confrontation simulation based on the
integrated OSoS model to verify the model’s correctness and efficiency index from the
perspective of simulation data.


1. Johnson, R.: Dynamic Complexity in System of Systems. Engineering and Technology,

Advanced Systems. The Boeing Company, Chicago (2007)
2. Wei-xin, J.I.N.: Complex Network Modeling and Simulating of the OSoS of Systems.
Electronic Industry Press, Beijing (2010)
Research on Multi-dimension and Multi-view Integrated Modeling 157

3. Zachman, J.A.: A framework for information systems architecture. IBM Syst. J. 26(3), 276–
292 (1987)
4. ESPRIT Consortium AMICE: CIMOSA: Open System Architecture for CIM. Springer, Berlin
5. C4ISR Architecture Working Group. C4ISR Architecture Framework Version 2.0. Department
of Defense, USA (1997)
6. DoD Architecture Framework Working Group. DoD Architecture Framework Version 1.5
Volume I: Definitions and Guidelines. Department of Defense, USA (2007)
7. Fan, Y.-S.: Integrated Enterprise Modeling Method and System. China Electric Power Press,
Beijing (2007)
An External Rendering Algorithm for IR
Imaging Simulation of Complex Infrared Scene

Peng Wang1(&), Ge Li1, Xibao Wang1, and Dongling Liu2

National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, Hunan, China
[email protected]
Liaoning University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China

Abstract. The performance of Infrared System is mainly determined by tar-

gets’ infrared radiation characteristic, ambient complex environment’s infrared
radiation characteristic and the infrared radiation contrast between them.
Meanwhile these factors are also influenced by geography location, weather
condition, season and the time of a day. The IR imaging simulation system has
the advantage of convenience, safety, lower cost etc. Using computer to simulate
complex infrared scene has been more and more popular. In this paper, a new
external rendering algorithm is proposed. This paper focuses on the designment
and implementation of the external rendering of the complex scene for the IR
imaging simulation. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is
validated through an example.

Keywords: Infrared scene synthesis  External rendering  Complex infrared

scene  IR imaging simulation

1 Introduction

In the IR imaging simulation of the complex scene, the conditions of the targets,
background and atmosphere are complex. The infrared imaging sensor creates the
infrared radiation image by receiving the infrared radiation signals from the scene. The
radiation of the atmosphere and the atmospheric attenuation of radiation transmission
both have impacts on the infrared radiation image [1]. To create the imaging model of
the complex scene, we should not only consider the characteristics of the physics,
radiation of the targets and background, but also need to consider the complex char-
acteristics of the environment, atmosphere and some other objects [2, 3]. This paper
presents a new external rendering algorithm for IR imaging modeling of the complex
infrared scene. We give a detailed description of the implementation of the external
rendering and the various ways of establishing an infrared scene using the proposed

This work is supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61374185).

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 158–166, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_16
An External Rendering Algorithm 159

2 The Proposed External Rendering Algorithm

The external rendering algorithm proposed by this paper is implemented by using the
infrared environment model. This algorithm also needs the sensor objects and the
emitter/reflector objects. The sensor object is mainly used to convert the received
infrared signal into a displayable image signal. It needs the information of the targets
and background provided by the infrared environment model. The target object rep-
resents the concrete instances of the targets existing in the simulation system, such as
fighters, ground vehicles, missiles, clutters and so on. The infrared environment model
is mainly used to respond to the requests sent by the sensor objects. It also manages and
calculates the signal sent by the target objects. Ultimately it provides the accurate
information to the sensor objects. The infrared environment model is in charge of the
generation, transmission and collection of the infrared signals emitted by the targets
and background.
When the infrared environment model receives the request messages from the
sensors, it would firstly determine which objects are in the sensor’s field of view by
calling the spatial service interface. Then it sends the request messages to all the objects
in the sensor’s field of view to request their infrared signals. After receiving the infrared
signals from all the objects, the infrared environment model synthesizes the signals in a
suitable way, and applies the atmospheric effects by calling the atmosphere service
interface. After all the processing, the infrared environment model returns the infor-
mation of the images to the sensor. The communication flow and data flow of the whole
infrared simulation system is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Data communication flow chart of the proposed infrared simulation algorithm
160 P. Wang et al.

2.1 The Segmentation and Aggregation of Targets

For the imaging of the complex infrared scene, the main deficiency of the external
rendering is the modeling and processing of the optical interactions between the targets
[4, 5]. So only with the reasonable segmentation and aggregation of the targets in the
scene, we can create the synthetic infrared scene with sufficient fidelity to meet prac-
tical requirements [6]. There are many different ways to do the segmentation and
aggregation of the targets for external rendering. We enumerate and analyses four main
kinds of these methods.
1. Every Object a Separate Model
In this method, we regard each emitter or reflector in the scene as an independent
model and treat each target as an independent emitter/reflector. This method has the
lowest inherent fidelity, but it can satisfy the requirements of most IR imaging simu-
lation applications. This method can’t model the shadow of the ground or targets
caused by the other targets.
2. Targets as Separate Models and Other Objects as a Single Model
In this method, we divide the objects into two classes: target objects and non-target
objects. The non-target objects are defined as the any objects except the targets, such as
interference, clouds and background. We regard each target objects as a separate
model, and all the other objects as a single model.
3. EO Critically Coupled Objects as a Single Model
In this method, we regard the critical coupling scene objects as a single model. It is
necessary to build the correct model of the optical interactions of the separating objects
in the space. If we aggregate these objects to be a single model, we should build the
model of the optical interactions, because these optical interactions will affect the total
radiation energy.
4. Entire Environment as a Single Model
In this method, we regard all the targets in the scene as a single model. The
requirement of the fidelity for this method is very strict. This enables us to take any
necessary heat and optical interaction into account when modeling the entire scene.
The Fig. 2 summarizes the generation mechanism of the infrared images. This
figure shows us the kinds of infrared signals that can be aggregated by the four methods
mentioned above. We can see that even in the worst case, most of the light sources can
be modeled.

2.2 The Synthesis of IR Images

The targets are always in the midst of a certain background. It is necessary to do the
synthesis of the infrared radiation images of the targets and background [7]. Only in
this way can we analyze the infrared radiation contrast of targets and background [8].
The main characteristic of the proposed external rendering is that it can synthesize the
An External Rendering Algorithm 161

Fig. 2. The energy generation mechanism of the external rendering algorithm

feature images of many objects in the right way when the atmospheric transmission
effect of infrared radiation is taken into consideration. The information related to
performing this function is as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. The schematic diagram of the rendering algorithm

After rendering the emitters and reflectors in the sensor’s field of view, the infrared
environment model requests the feature images of these emitters and reflectors. Every
emitter/reflector will transmit its own four rendering images or two-dimensional
matrixes to the infrared environment model, including radiance image, transparency
image, truth image and range image.
162 P. Wang et al.

The radiance image is a pixel array which has a unit with photo flux rate of
radiation. The transparency image is an image of the sensor’s field of view which is
closed by the given emitters or reflectors. It is mainly used to consider the occlusion
between the targets. The truth image is a coded image similar to the transparency
image. It describes the types of the target objects which are founded in the sensor’s
field of view. It is a kind of coding for the emitters/reflectors, and we can use it to
distinguish all the objects in the imaging simulation system. The range image is an
array of distance values. It describes the distance between the sensor objects and the
emitters/reflectors. The infrared environment model uses these distance values to
operate the atmospheric effect on each pixel [9]. All the images are all stored in the
form of two-dimensional arrays, and the sizes are determined by the sample sizes of the
sensor in the azimuth direction and the pitching direction.
The IR image synthesis process finally exports one radiance image, one trans-
parency image, one truth image and one range image. These images contain all the
objects in the sensor’s field of view. The specific calculation process is shown below.
1. Define the radiance images, transparency images, truth images and range images
returned by the emitters/reflectors as fSi g  fRi ; Fi ; Di ; Ti g; 1  i  n. Then we
should determine the minimum distance values of every range image RMð1Þ ; RMð2Þ ;
. . .; RMðiÞ ; . . .; RMðnÞ :

RMðiÞ ¼ min1  k  x;1  l  y ½Ri ðk; lÞð1  i  nÞ ð1Þ

Here k and l mean that the pixel is located at row k, column l; Ri ðk; lÞ is the distance
value of the pixel at the position ðk; lÞ of ith range image. Then sort the minimum
distance values in descending order. The sorted minimum distance values are as fol-
lows: RMðL1Þ  RMðL2Þ      RMðLiÞ      RMðLnÞ , here 1  Li  nð1  i  nÞ. The
order of the range images, radiance images, transparency images and truth images
corresponding to the minimum distance values also need to be adjusted as follows:
fSLi g  fRLi ; FLi ; DLi ; TLi g; 1  Li  nð1  i  nÞ.
2. Then take a pixel point Pðk; lÞ of the rendering image as an example, here k and
l denote the position of the pixel in the image. So the distance value, radiance value,
transparency value and truth value at this position of each rendering image are

RPðiÞ ; FPðiÞ ; DPðiÞ ; TPðiÞ ; 1  i  n. Here the definitions of RPðiÞ ; FPðiÞ ; DPðiÞ ; TPðiÞ are
as follows:

RPðiÞ ¼ RLi ðk; lÞ ð1  i  nÞ ð2Þ

FPðiÞ ¼ FLi ðk; lÞ ð1  i  nÞ ð3Þ

DPðiÞ ¼ DLi ðk; lÞ ð1  i  nÞ ð4Þ

TPðiÞ ¼ TLi ðk; l) ð1  i  n) ð5Þ

An External Rendering Algorithm 163

Then we sort the distance values of the pixels at the given position with the bubble
sort algorithm and make them sorted in the descending order. The sorted distance
values are RPðL1Þ  RPðL2Þ      RPðLiÞ      RPðLnÞ , here 1  Li  nð1  i  nÞ.
 we adjust the order of the radiance values, transparency values and
truth values SPðLiÞ  RPðLiÞ ; FPðLiÞ ; DPðLiÞ ; TPðLiÞ ; 1  i  n. Finally, all the pixels
are traversed by this method in order to adjust the radiance value, distance value,
transparency value and truth value of each pixel.
3. Once the final order of the pixels is determined, the radiance value of each pixel of
the final synthetic image can be calculated. The calculation of the radiance value at
any position of the synthetic image should begin from the top-level pixel, then
propagate the radiance value of the second top-level pixel in turn forward, and end
at the bottom-level pixel. Now the details are as follows: firstly we should calculate
the synthetic radiance value of the far pixel and the near pixel at the given position.
The synthetic value can be determined by follows:

Radsyn ¼ Radfar  Tran þ Radpath  Dnear þ Radnear ð6Þ

Here Radfar represents the radiance value of the far pixel, and Radnear is the
radiance value of the near pixel. Tran and Radpath are the ratio of atmosphere trans-
mission and the path radiation between these two pixels. Dnear is the transparency value
of the near pixel and Radsyn is the synthetic radiance value of these two pixels. Then the
result Radsyn is assigned to Radnear which can be used in the next step of the synthesis
of the radiance value, namely the synthesis of the radiance value of the pixel next to the
near pixel. Repeat this process until the pixel is the bottom pixel. Finally the distance
value, transparency value and truth value are respectively equal to the distance value,
transparency value and truth value of the bottom-level pixel.
4. When the final synthetic image of the emitters/reflectors is got, the atmospheric
effects should be added to each pixel of the synthetic image. The specific calculation
method is as follows:

0 0
 0 0

Radafter ¼ Radsyn  Tran þ Radpath þ Dsyn  Radsky  Radpath : ð7Þ

Here Radsyn and Dsyn respectively represent the radiance value and transparency
0 0 0
value of the pixel in the synthetic image. Tran , Radpath and Radsky respectively rep-
resent the values of the ratio of atmospheric transmission, path radiation and sky
radiation from the pixel point to the sensor object. Radafter is the radiance value that has
been added the atmospheric effects.
164 P. Wang et al.

3 Simulation Example

We take the infrared imaging simulation of the helicopter as an example to verify the
effectiveness of the proposed external rendering algorithm. As it is shown in Fig. 4, a
reconnaissance plane equipped with an infrared sensor is monitoring the helicopter. In
this infrared imaging simulation, we should take the terrain object, tree objects and
atmospheric effects into account.

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of the simulation scenario

3.1 Simulation Implementation

We take advantage of the CAD technology to create the 3D geometric models of the
targets, trees and terrain. The geometric profile uses the mixed surface structure with
the element of triangles and quadrangles. In the process of generating the target, we
generate these unit structures with the mixed surface structures and generate the
complete target’s geometry shape by the combination of these unit structures. Then we
process the hidden line block of each surface structure by the coordinate transformation
according to the viewing angle, height and the distance between the surface structure
and the sensor. In this way we can get the geometric view of the target. We use the
Z-buffer algorithm to generate the geometric view of the target.
After generating the 3D geometric models of the target, we assign the radiation
brightness values to the model to represent the infrared radiation characteristics of the
target. But the radiance images haven’t considered the atmospheric transmission
effects. We store these infrared radiance images in the infrared image database. The
whole process is as shown in Fig. 5.

3.2 Simulation Result

We store the simulation results in a database and we use the tool called SigView
provided by JMASE to display the results [9]. The results are as shown in Fig. 6.
From Fig. 6 we can see that there are four kinds of objects (target object, terrain
object, tree objects and environment object) to be simulated. The radiance images,
range images, truth images and transparency images are regarded as the inputs for the
infrared sensor object. The infrared environment object’s outputs are synthetic radiance
images, range images and truth images.
An External Rendering Algorithm 165

Fig. 5. The process of creating the target model

Fig. 6. The result of the infrared imaging simulation

From this example, it can be seen that the design and implementation of the infrared
environment model can correctly simulate the infrared imaging of the target and
background. The relationship of the radiation intensity and interaction between the
targets and the background can be clearly seen in the infrared images.
166 P. Wang et al.

4 Conclusions

In this paper, we propose an external rendering algorithm for IR imaging modeling of

the complex infrared scene. We study the segmentation and aggregation of the targets
in the complex scene, and enumerate four applicable methods. We also propose a
practical method of the synthesis of the IR Images. We also analyze and implement the
external rendering algorithm with a case. Finally, we validate the effectiveness of the
proposed method through case study. The future research work includes the distributed
algorithm of the external rendering to improve the fidelity and the scalability.

1. Accetta, J.S., et al.: The Infrared and Electro-Optical Handbook. SPIE Optical Engineer Press,
Bellingham (1993)
2. Balfour, L.S., Bushlin, Y.: Semi-empirical model based approach for IR scene simulation. In:
Isral (1997)
3. Zhang, J.-Q., Fang, X.-P.: Infrared Physics. Xidian University Publishing House, Xi’an
4. Fan, J., Yang, J.: Development of infrared imaging detecting technology. Infrared Laser Eng.
41(12), 3145–3153 (2012)
5. Dobbs, B.M.: The Incorporation of Atmospheric Variability into DIRSIG. Center for Imaging
Science Rochester Institute of Technology, USA, 16 January 2005
6. Crow, D.R.: High fidelity phenomenology modeling of infrared emissions from missile and
aircraft exhaust plumes. SPIE 2741, 242–250 (1996)
7. Tofanl, A.: Absolute and contrast infrared signature from missile nose. SPIE 1362, 231–242
8. Bushlin, Y., et al.: Variance properties in IR background images. In: SPIE, vol. 1967 (1993)
9. Liang, S.: Research on EO/IR Environment Simulation System. National University of
Defense Technology (2005)
An Improved Genetic Algorithm in Shipboard
Power Network Planning

Zhi-peng Hui(&) and Xin Ji

Naval Armament Academy, Beijing, China

[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. In order to optimize the survivability of shipboard power system, a

bi-level programming model was proposed. The master programming model had
the topological structure of shipboard power network and electric nodes layouts as
decision variables and optimal power system survivability as the objective
function. The slave programming model was to minimize the total length of
power cables in order to optimize the layouts of them. The standard genetic
algorithm was improved to be the solving method of shipboard power network
planning. Two genetic operators, which are repairing operator and equivalence
operator respectively, are proposed and added to genetic algorithm. The repairing
operator was proposed to deal with the infeasible solutions such as isolated nodes,
isolated islands and loops, and the equivalence operator was proposed to optimize
the scale of electric nodes. A computational example verified the validity and
practicality of the improved genetic algorithm and the programming model.

Keywords: Shipboard power system  Power network planning  Power

system survivability  Bi-level programming  Genetic algorithm

1 Introduction

Shipboard power network planning can improve the survivability and power supplying
continuity of shipboard power system (SPS). As for the SPS with small capacity and
scale, quantity of alternative design plans meeting the requirements of total design and
stability is relatively small. Therefore, with traditional design methods which utilize
basic experience and check of industrial experience, the designers can work out the
proper design plan for it. However, modern SPS is becoming more and more complex,
from the prospect of capacity, load type and network structure. It would be a time
consuming and laborious task, and the optimality of plan worked out in terms of
survivability, stability, reliability and economic cannot be ensured, if designing power
network of large SPS with traditional methods.
In terrestrial power system (TPS), power grid planning is usually separated into
power transmission network planning [1, 2] and power distribution network planning
respectively [3, 4], because of the separation of electric market. In power grid planning,
economic indicators are treated as the main evaluating indicators, such as costs on
network investment and operation, equipments depreciation, and line loss. Meanwhile,
some planning models have the minimum economic loss as objective function, which
is usually caused by power shortage and interruption.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 167–179, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_17
168 Z. Hui and X. Ji

Because of the differences existing between SPS and TPS in terms of operating
ambient and mode, the power transmission network and distribution network of SPS
should be in combination to ensure the global optimality of planning solution achieved,
and decision variables should contain both of topological structure and elements lay-
outs of power network. Additionally, for SPS of warships fulfilling battle efforts, the
performance of its survivability is in direct relation to its maneuverability and the
ability of combating and self-defense. Therefore, in power network planning of SPS,
requirement on SPS survivability should be taken into great account [5–7], whereas the
economic requirements of it should be treated as secondary ones.
The genetic algorithm (GA), as an adaptive algorithm for global optimization and
probabilistic searching, can simulate the behaviors of inheritance and mutation of
natural species. With prominent features of implicit parallelism, global optimality,
adaptivity and high robustness, GA is extensively used for terrestrial power grid
planning at the present [8, 9].
In this dissertation, the standard GA is improved to be the solving method of
shipboard power network planning, which make sure the algorithm converge into
feasible solutions and scale of power nodes be optimized. A computational test of a
typical SPS verifies the validity and practicality of the solving method proposed.

2 Programming Model for Shipboard Power Network


Shipboard power network programming is to plan the topological structure and layouts
of electric nodes and power cables to ensure the optimal survivability of SPS, with the
known conditions as follows:
• Layouts and usage of cabins;
• Layouts, quantity, capacity and load distribution of power plants;
• Layouts and electric parameters of loads known.
The decision variables are not mutually independent of each other. The layouts of
power cables cannot be worked out before the network topological structure and lay-
outs of electric nodes are planned. Therefore, a bi-level programming model is
established to plan the shipboard power network. The master programming model has
the power network topological structure and electric nodes layouts as the decision
variables, and the optimal power system survivability as objective function. The slave
one has the layouts of power cables as decision variables, and the minimum total length
of power cables as objective function.

2.1 The Master Programming Model

The requirements on SPS survivability are to ensure the power supply of loads in
combating ambient, the maximum running loads with power system regionally dam-
aged while under attack and power supply continuity of vital loads with power system
heavily damaged. Consequently, under the consideration of the importance of loads,
An Improved Genetic Algorithm in Shipboard Power Network Planning 169

the minimum mathematical expectation of loads out of service with power system
damaged is set as the objective function of master programming model.
In order to calculate the value of objective function, the shipboard electrical loads
are classified into vital ones and normal ones. Accordingly, the objective function of
master programming model can be demonstrated as

X Pmax
minV ¼  pL;i  PL;i þ pL;j  PL;j ð1Þ
li 2Lg1
g1 lj 2Lg2

where, Lg1 and Lg2 are set of vital loads and normal loads respectively; PL,i is the rated
power of load li; pL,i is the non-operating probability of load li; Pmax
g2 is the maximum
value of rated power of normal loads; Pmin
g1 is the minimum value of rated power of vital
As is shown in Eq. (1), with the same non-operating probabilities of loads, con-
tribution of the outage of a vital load to V is not less that of an arbitrary normal load,
even if its rated power is minimal. Obviously, the lower the value of V is, the better the
survivability of SPS is.
The constraints of master programming model can be classified into types as
• Constraints to the topological structure of power transmission network;
• Constraints to the topological structure of power distribution network;
• Constraints to the capacities of power cables;
• Constraints to the quantities of outlets of distribution boards;
• Constraints to the hierarchies of power distribution.

2.2 The Slave Programming Model

As the decision variables of slave programming model, layouts of power cables mean
the laying routes of power cables. In this programming model, the minimum total
length of power cables is set as objective function. To simplify the procedure of
calculation, basic assumptions are proposed as below:
• Laying route of each power cable passes the geometric center of each related cabin;
• The laying direction of horizontally laid cables should parallel to or be across the
• The laying direction of cables penetrating decks should be across the decks.
Let the cabins that cable No. i passes through in turn be {ci,1, …, ci,k, …, ci,S} and
coordinates of geometric center of cabin ci,k be ðxci;k ; yci;k ; zci;k Þ, according to the basic
assumptions, the length of the cable section (ci,k−1 $ ci,k) can be demonstrated as
li;k1 ¼  xci;k1  xci;k  þ  yci;k1  yci;k  þ  zci;k1  zci;k  ð2Þ
170 Z. Hui and X. Ji

Now that the length of cable ci is

li ¼ li;j ð3Þ

Then the total length of cables is

X S1
LT ¼ li ¼ li;j ð4Þ
i¼1 i¼1 j¼1

where N represents the quantity of power cables on the ship. Therefore, the objective
function of slave programming model can be presented as

X S1
minLT ¼ li;j ð5Þ
i¼1 j¼1

3 Improved GA in Shipboard Power Network Planning

3.1 Framework of Shipboard Power Network Planning
The standard GA serves as the solving method of slave programming of shipboard
power network and the improved one is applied to solving the master programming.
Flow chart of GA used for shipboard power network planning is shown in Fig. 1.
Methods of coding [10] and coping with constraints [11] of programming models are
pivotal techniques in the application of GA, which are expounded in detail vide infra.

3.2 Coding Mode for Master Programming

Shipboard power transmission network is composed of main distribution boards,
jumper power cables, and intermediate electric nodes as well. As for the intermediate
electric nodes, they not only transmit electric energy but also increase the number of
connecting paths between arbitrary two distribution boards. Obviously, the quantity of
intermediate electric nodes should be confirmed before running master programming.
Assuming that connection between arbitrary two distribution boards can only be carried
out through intermediate electric nodes and letting the number of distribution nodes be
N, the number of intermediate electric nodes can be confirmed under circumstances as
• N = 1: the number of intermediate electric nodes is 0;
• N = 2: the number of intermediate electric nodes is 2;
• N  3: if the distribution boards can be connected with each other directly, according
to the assumption proposed, the number of intermediate electric nodes is CN2 .
An Improved Genetic Algorithm in Shipboard Power Network Planning 171

Generate initial
topological structure
and nodes layout
Master Programming

Optimize network
topological structure
and nodes layout
Slave Programming

Generate initial layout

Improved GA
of power cables

Standard GA
Optimize layout of
power cables

Optimal layout of power

cables with current
network topological
structure and nodes layout

Optimal network
topological structure, layout
of nodes and power cables

Fig. 1. Flow chart of power network planning process with GA

The coding of topological structure of power transmission network and interme-

diate electric nodes layouts are conducted with three types of matrices defined:
• Matrix A: This matrix is defined to describe the adjacent relationship between main
distribution boards and intermediate electric nodes. Matrix element ai,j = 1 if main
distribution board No. i is connected to intermediate electric node No. j, and ai,j = 0
if not. Apparently, dimension of A is N  CN2 .
• Matrix B: This matrix is defined to describe the adjacent relationship between
intermediate electric nodes. Matrix element bi,j = 1 if intermediate electric nodes
No. i and No. j are connected by power cable, and bi,j = 0 if not. Obviously,
dimension of B is CN2  CN2 and B is symmetric. Thus, just the upper triangular zone
of B can describe the adjacent relationship between intermediate electric nodes
• Vector C: This vector is to describe layouts of intermediate electric nodes. Vector
element ci represents the number of cabin where intermediate electric node No. i is
laid. Therefore, the dimension of C is CN2 .
Figure 2 shows the zonal shipboard power transmission network and parts of its
coding scheme. There are 6 intermediate electric nodes in this network, where inter-
mediate electric node No. 5 and No. 6 are not drawn in this figure because they are not
connected to any nodes.
Shipboard power distribution network is a typical radial network, where each
sub-distribution board has only one other distribution board above it electrically. It is
assumed that the quantity of sub-distribution boards equals to that of cabins, and
172 Z. Hui and X. Ji

Fig. 2. Sketch map and partial coding of zonal shipboard power transmission network

sub-distribution boards and cabins are of one to one correspondence. Thus, when
topological structure of power distribution network is planned, the planning of layouts
of sub-distribution boards is also completed at the same time.
Let the quantities of sub-distribution boards, loads and vital loads be Nd, Nl and Nv
respectively, the topological structure and sub-distribution boards layout of power
distribution network can be described by three types of defined vectors:
• Vector D: This vector is defined to describe the connective relationship between
sub-distribution boards. Vector element di represents the number of sub-distribution
board that is electrically above sub-distribution board No. i, and is of the dimension
of Nd. Thus, matrix D related to power distribution network shown in Fig. 3 is

Fig. 3. Sketch map of radial shipboard power distribution network

• Vector E: This vector describes the power supply of normal loads and regular
power supply of vital loads. Vector element ei represents the number of
sub-distribution board that load No. i is connected to. The dimension of E is Nl.
Thus, the corresponding E of power distribution network shown in Fig. 3 is
• Vector F: This vector indicates the setting of backup power supply of vital loads,
and has the dimension of Nv. Vector element fi represents the number of the
sub-distribution board as the backup power supply of vital load No. i.

3.3 Repairing Operator

The mutation operator and crossover operator in GA may generate plenty of infeasible
solutions that disobey constraints to topological structure of shipboard power network.
An Improved Genetic Algorithm in Shipboard Power Network Planning 173

Penalty function method is the traditional method to solve this problem. However, if
the penalty term is set too weak, there still will be some infeasible solutions generated.
If the penalty term is set too strong, the competiveness of superior individuals will be
weakened, thus operational efficiency of GA will decline. As a result, this method does
not fit for shipboard power network planning. Therefore, the repairing operator is
proposed and added to standard GA in order to deal with infeasible solutions. This
operator has no additional requirements on coding mode and operation of crossover
operator and mutation operator.
In shipboard power transmission network, main distribution boards are connected
to each other via intermediate electric nodes and jumper power cables. Two kinds of
following infeasible solutions will be generated due to the operation of crossover
operator and mutation operator:
• Isolated node: This kind of nodes represents the non-reference main distribution
boards which are not connected to any other intermediate electric nodes.
• Isolated island: The connected domain that does not contain reference main dis-
tribution board.
The reference main distribution board mentioned above represents the main dis-
tribution board that is labeled beforehand. Operational procedures of the repairing
operator are as follows:
• Repairing the isolated nodes: Connect the isolated node searched out to an arbitrary
intermediate electric node to turn it into isolated island or make it interconnected
with reference main distribution board. Run this step repeatedly until there is no
isolated node in the power transmission network;
• Repairing the isolated island: Select one intermediate electric node randomly in the
isolated island found and connect it to any node in the connected domain containing
reference main distribution board. Run this step repeatedly until there is no isolated
island in the power transmission network.
Procedures of repairing the infeasible solutions in power transmission network are
shown in Fig. 4, where main distribution board S0 is the reference one.
In Shipboard power distribution network, each sub-distribution board has a cor-
responding distribution board related to it. That is to say, each sub-distribution board
has a corresponding feeder line related to it. Assuming that there be NS distribution
boards, there will be NS − 1 feeder lines in power distribution network. As for the

Fig. 4. Operational procedure of repairing operator acted on intermediate electric nodes

174 Z. Hui and X. Ji

domain that does not contain main distribution board, it will contain Nd feeder lines,
assuming that there be Nd distribution boards. It means this domain must contain a
“loop”. Procedures of repairing loops are as follows:
• Search for the domain containing main distribution board in the power distribution
network, and let this domain be represented as T;
• Search for the loops in the network. Randomly select one distribution board in the
loop searched out, and connect it to an arbitrary distribution board in T and return to
the step 1). If there is no loop found in the network, it means repairing of power
distribution network is finished.
This repairing procedure is shown in Fig. 5, where distribution board No. 0 is the
main distribution board.

Fig. 5. Operational procedure of repairing operator acted on sub-distribution boards

3.4 Equivalence Operator

According to the assumption proposed above, quantity of intermediate electric nodes
and sub-distribution boards are set beforehand. It means they will not vary throughout
the whole planning process if there is no additional operation is conducted, which goes
back on the aims of shipboard power network planning. Therefore, the equivalence
operator is proposed and added to GA to solve this problem.
As for the power transmission network, equivalence operator acts on three kinds of
intermediate electric nodes as follows:
• Intermediate electric node that is not connected with main distribution board. This
kind of nodes takes no efforts, so the equivalence operator removes them directly.
• Intermediate electric node that is connected to only one jumper power cable. This
kind of nodes does not play a part in transmitting and redistributing electrical
energy, so the equivalence operator removes them directly.
• Intermediate electric node that is connected to only two jumper power cables. This
node equals to one jumper power cable, so the equivalence operator remove this
node and connect the two nodes connected to it with one jumper power cable.
The operational procedures of equivalence operator acted on intermediate electric
nodes are shown in Fig. 6.
As for power distribution network, equivalence operator acts on two kinds of
sub-distribution boards as follows:
An Improved Genetic Algorithm in Shipboard Power Network Planning 175

Fig. 6. Operational procedure of equivalence operator acted on intermediate electric nodes

• The sub-distribution board which has no normal loads and sub-distribution boards
connected to it and is not set as the regular power supply of vital loads. If there
exists vital load having it as backup power supply, the equivalence operator will set
the distribution board that is electrically above the sub-distribution board mentioned
as the backup power supply of this load and remove this distribution board.
• The sub-distribution board which has only one sub-distribution board below it
electrically and no normal loads connected to it, and is not set as the regular power
supply of vital loads. If there exists vital load having it as backup power supply, set
the distribution board that is electrically above the sub-distribution board mentioned
as the backup power supply of this load, interconnect the distribution boards above
it and below it respectively, and remove this board.
The operational procedures of equivalence operator acted on sub-distribution
boards are shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7. Operational procedure of equivalence operator acted on sub-distribution boards

3.5 Coding Mode for Slave Programming

According to the network topological structure and nodes layouts worked out in master
programming, layouts of terminals of power cables can be known. Rest on the con-
straints of slave programming model, search for backup layout plans of each power
176 Z. Hui and X. Ji

cable and coding them with binary code. Combine the related binary code of backup
layouts of each power cable together in sequence and the coding of power cables can be

4 Computational Test

A computational test is conducted on a simplified existed warship. This ship has the
length of 195 m, width of 30 m, 3 decks with 5 m deck height and contains 39 cabins
among which cabin No. 12, No. 21 and No. 36 are not allowed to be laid with power
cables. Each cabin is cuboid and tridimensional measurements of cabins- length(L),
width(W) and height(H), are shown in Table 1. This power system contains 2 power
plants, and the generators in the two plants are laid in cabin No. 13 and No. 34
respectively. The two plants all have the capacity of 1.6 MW. There are 52 loads in this
power system, where load No. 20, No. 26, No. 32 and No. 44 are vital ones, and the rest
loads are normal ones. Rated power(P) and layouts of loads are shown in Table 2.
As is shown in Fig. 8, in the optimal design scheme of this shipboard power net-
work, the two main distribution boards are connected together with two jumper power
cables, which are laid along cabins of starboard and larboard respectively.
Vital loads have the nearby distribution boards as regular power supplies and the dis-
tribution boards under the other plant as backup power supplies, as is shown in Table 3.

Table 1. Tridimensional measurements of cabins

Cabin 3-D size/m Cabin 3-D size/m
1 15.00 20.00 5.00 21 20.00 15.00 5.00
2 20.00 22.00 5.00 22 10.00 30.00 5.00
3 20.00 22.00 5.00 23 25.00 25.00 5.00
4 27.00 22.00 5.00 24 45.00 15.00 5.00
5 24.00 11.00 5.00 25 30.00 15.00 5.00
6 24.00 11.00 5.00 26 15.00 15.00 5.00
7 25.00 25.00 5.00 27 20.00 30.00 5.00
8 30.00 15.00 5.00 28 11.00 15.00 5.00
9 30.00 15.00 5.00 29 9.00 15.00 5.00
10 15.00 30.00 5.00 30 20.00 15.00 5.00
11 20.00 15.00 5.00 31 20.00 30.00 5.00
12 20.00 15.00 5.00 32 10.00 15.00 5.00
13 10.00 30.00 5.00 33 10.00 15.00 5.00
14 10.00 30.00 5.00 34 10.00 30.00 5.00
15 20.00 30.00 5.00 35 15.00 30.00 5.00
16 10.00 30.00 5.00 36 9.00 15.00 5.00
17 10.00 15.00 5.00 37 11.00 15.00 5.00
18 10.00 15.00 5.00 38 20.00 15.00 5.00
19 15.00 30.00 5.00 39 10.00 30.00 5.00
20 20.00 15.00 5.00
An Improved Genetic Algorithm in Shipboard Power Network Planning 177

Table 2. Rated powers and layouts of loads

Load Cab P/kW Load Cab P/kW Load Cab P/kW
1 1 27 19 14 43 37 28 49
2 2 31 20 14 65 38 29 50
3 2 40 21 15 51 39 30 50
4 3 20 22 15 35 40 30 61
5 4 32 23 16 48 41 31 45
6 4 35 24 17 51 42 31 23
7 5 32 25 18 26 43 32 46
8 6 38 26 19 65 44 33 43
9 7 36 27 20 50 45 34 53
10 8 42 28 21 53 46 35 49
11 8 50 29 22 43 47 35 37
12 9 44 30 22 41 48 36 43
13 10 59 31 23 35 49 37 53
14 10 21 32 24 46 50 38 30
15 11 25 33 24 51 51 39 55
16 12 51 34 24 39 52 39 44
17 13 47 35 25 47
18 13 35 36 27 37

Fig. 8. Sketch map of optimal shipboard power network

Table 3. Normal and backup sources of vital loads

Load Regular source Backup source
Distribution board Cabin Distribution board Cabin
20 1 13 10 15
26 11 19 1 13
32 7 24 13 31
44 2 34 8 28
178 Z. Hui and X. Ji

As is shown in Table 4, compared with the best scheme in initial species group,
performance of power system survivability of the planned scheme is optimized
prominently. The mathematical expectation value of loads out of service is reduced by
32.0 %; total length of power cables is reduced by 40.8 %, and the scale of distribution
boards is optimized to a certain extent. Additionally, in the iterative process of GA,
72.3 % of the individuals disobey the constraints in average and the repairing operator
transforms them into feasible solutions totally.

Table 4. Indicators comparison of planning schemes

Schemes Indicators
V/kW LT/m Quantity of distribution boards below Plant No. 1 &
No. 2
Before 204.37 2132.0 19 & 20
After planning 138.97 1261.5 6&7

5 Conclusion

A bi-level model for shipboard power network planning is proposed, which has the
optimal performance of power system survivability as the objective function. The
master programming model has the topological structure and electric nodes layout as
decision variables, and the minimum mathematical expectation of loads out of service
with power system damaged as the objective function. The slave programming model
has layout of power cables as decision variables and minimum total length of power
cables as objective function.
Solve the problem of shipboard power network planning with GA and have it
improved. Repairing operator is proposed to deal with infeasible solutions generated by
traditional genetic operators, and equivalence operator is proposed to optimize the scale
of electric nodes in the network. The computational test on an existing shipboard power
network verifies the practicality and effectiveness of this planning method.

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Modeling and Simulation of Four-Point Source
Decoying System

Bai Fu-zhong(&), Cao Fei, and Tang Jun-yao

Rocket Force University of Engineering,

No.2, Tongxin Road, Baqiao District,
Xi’an 710025, China
[email protected]

Abstract. This paper first analyzes the principle of four-point source decoying
system to confront passive radar seeker (PRS) of anti-radiation missile (ARM).
Then by establishing the decoying system model, the amplitude and phase of the
compound electric field of various radiation sources in the PRS dynamic process
are calculated and simulated, the simulation conclusion is analyzed. Finally the
coordinates of the intersection point between the normal line of the synthetic
wavefront with the ground are derived, and a quantitative simulation based on
the system model is given. The simulation results show that the four-point
source decoying system can not only protect the radar target, but also effectively
avoid the bait attack.

Keywords: Four-point source decoy  Anti-Radiation Missile (ARM)  Bait 

Compound electric field

1 Introduction

With the rapid development of modern science and technology, high-tech war has been
an indisputable fact. ARM as a set of discovery, tracking and destroying radar in one of
the hard-kill weapons is particularly important to win electromagnetic airpower in
modern warfare, which plays an active role in the Vietnam War, the Gulf War and the
Kosovo War, and it has been ground air defense radar “nemesis” and “killer”. To
survive and to play its effectiveness, radar must take measures to defend the ARM.
Active decoying system is a widely used and widely recognized as the effective
method. Two-point source decoying system is generally used for theoretical analysis,
which is not reliable and safe in practical application. Three-point source decoying
system is a more practical active decoying system, that the safety performance of it than
two-point source decoying system has increased, and easy to control, low cost.
Four-point source decoying system is a good system to protect radar. With the distance
of radiation field to ARM decreasing, the radar is easy to break away from the field of
view of ARM, and ARM will track the three decoy synthetic field. So radar is in a safe
area. Therefore, this paper mainly analyzes the four-point source decoying system.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 180–187, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_18
Modeling and Simulation of Four-Point Source Decoying System 181

2 Introduction to the Four Point Source

Four-point source decoying system is built on the basis of two inherent defects. One is
low resolution that is aroused by the diameter limit of PRS. The other one is difficult to
correct the flight attitude that is aroused by high speed in short distance. So, first of all,
the principle of ARM passive radar seeker is analyzed.

2.1 Passive Radar Seeker (PRS) Principle

The main function of PRS is through carrier frequency, pulse width and pulse repetition
frequency, signal modulation characteristics, pulse arrival time, pulse arrival charac-
teristics of the radiation source signal determine signal sorting and target position. Once
the ARM is launched, the effect of tracking and destroying the target is largely
dependent on the direction finding capability of the seeker. PRS direction finding
system is generally used in a monopulse system. PRS in order to meet the real-time
performance, it is generally used in a monopulse direction finding system which does
not require long integration time or demodulation processing 2. The methods of
direction finding mainly include amplitude comparison monopulse direction finding,
phase comparison monopulse direction finding, phase-amplitude comparison mono-
pulse direction finding and holographic direction finding.
Amplitude comparison direction finding system precision is low, generally only do
coarse system. Phase comparison direction finding system has the advantages of simple
structure, high precision, good real-time performance, strong ability to adapt to the
signal form. However, there is a contradiction between direction finding accuracy and
direction finding angle ambiguity, namely the baseline is long, precision is high, but
more prone to fuzzy point. Due to the limitation of the arm of the projectile diameter
size, long baseline antenna can not be installed in the seeker. So generally the
phase-amplitude comparison direction finding system is used to solve the problem of
multi-valued ambiguity of phase comparison direction finding and the low accuracy of
amplitude comparison direction finding. It is also widely used in ARM radar seeker.
Spatial spectrum estimation is in vigorous development and research phase. Each
finding methods have different advantages and disadvantages, and also depend on the
specific circumstances in practical applications.

2.2 Four-Point Source Decoying System Analysis

The four-point source decoying system is the target radar signals and the three bait
signal to interfere with the incoming ARM, so that the tracking and pointing point of
ARM is located at a certern point of the target radar in the range of four-point source.
So as to protect the function of radar target. Before PRS distinguishes each radiation
source, the aiming direction of ARM toward the power centroid of four-point source
decoying system. When the opening angle of ARM that reach each radiation source
relative to itself is more than PRS minimum resolvable angle Dh(Dh ¼ 0:9DhR ,DhR is
the angle of resolution of PRS antenna, DhR ¼ 0:9Dh0:5 , is the width of the antenna
182 B. Fu-zhong et al.

beam of PRS), ARM enters a stable state and PRS begins to deflect a radiation source.
Because the missile at a high speed maneuvering flight conditions is not only difficult
to timely adjust the attitude, but also can not aim the radiation source before touching
the ground, which leads to be decoyed.

3 Four-Point Source Decoying System Model

The four-point source decoying system model is establishing shown in Fig. 1, X-axis
points north, Z-axis perpendicular to the ground up, Y-axis is determined as the right
guidelines. Target radar is located at the origin of coordinate O(0,0,0), the coordinate of
the bait 1 is O1 (x1 ; y1 ; z1 ), the coordinate of the bait 2 is O2 (x2 ; y2 ; z2 ), the coordinate of
the bait 3 is O3 (x3 ; y3 ; z3 ), and ARM is located at A(xA ; yA ; zA ). The radar signal
received by the PRS is:

E0 ¼ E00 cosðx0 t  R0 Þ ð1Þ

The bait signal received by the PRS is:

Ei ¼ E0i cosðxi t  Ri þ ui0 Þ ð2Þ

In the formulas (1) and (2), E00 is the intensity peak of electric field of radar, and
E0i is the intensity peak of electric field of the i-th bait. x0 is the angle frequency of
electric field of radar. xi is the angle frequency of electric field of the i-th bait. k0 is the
wavelength of electric field of radar. ki is the wavelength of electric field of the i-th bait.
R0 is the distance from the radar to the PRS. Ri is the distance from the i-th bait to the
PRS. ui0 is the initial phase difference of the electric field between the i-th bait and the
radar. R0 and Ri can be calculated as:


O O′


Fig. 1. Four-point source decoying system mode

Modeling and Simulation of Four-Point Source Decoying System 183

R0 ¼ ðx2A þ y2A þ z2A Þ1=2 ð3Þ

Ri ¼ ½ðxA  xi Þ2 þ ðyA  yi Þ2 þ ðzA  zi Þ2 1=2 ð4Þ

The phase of each radiation source at the PRS for the synthetic field is:

E0i sin ui
u¼ arctan 3 ð5Þ
E0i cos ui

The amplitude of each radiation source at the PRS for the synthetic field is:

3 X
E ¼ ½ð E0i sin ui Þ2 þ ð E0i cos ui Þ2 1=2 ð6Þ
i¼0 i¼0

In Eqs. (5) and (6), ui ¼ xi t  2p

ki Ri þ ui0 ði ¼ 0; 1; 2; 3Þ, u00 ¼ 0. The normal
equation of synthetic wavefront is:
x  xA y  yA z  z A
¼ ¼ ð7Þ
u0xA u0yA u0zA

u0xA ; u0yA ; u0zA in the Eq. (7) is the partial derivative at point A ðxA ; yA ; zA Þ.
According to Eqs. (1) to (7) can be obtained:

3 P
E0i E0k xk zRA x
k kk
A zk
cosðui  uk Þ
i¼0 k¼0
x¼ ð8Þ
P3 P3
E0i E0k zRA x
k kk
cosðui  uk Þ
i¼0 k¼0

3 P
E0i E0k yk zRA y
k kk
A zk
cosðui  uk Þ
i¼0 k¼0
y¼ ð9Þ
P3 P3
E0i E0k zRA y
k kk
cosðui  uk Þ
i¼0 k¼0

Because the monopulse seeker of ARM tracks the normal direction of the elec-
tromagnetic wavefront, so Eqs. (8) and (9) can determine the tracking direction of the
ARM flight at every time.
Assuming that the effective receiving area of PRS for each radiation signal is 1m2,
the impedance of the receiving antenna is 1 X. A(xA ; yA ; zA ) is 3:
184 B. Fu-zhong et al.

Ei ¼ 60Pi Gi Fðhi Þ Ri ði ¼ 0; 1; 2; 3Þ ð10Þ

In Eq. (10), Fðhi Þ is the normalized antenna function of the radiation source,hi is
the angle between the line of ARM and the radiation source and the Z axis. Pi is the
power of each radiation source. Gi is the antenna gain of each radiation source.
When the three baits radiation antenna is an ideal omnidirectional antenna, namely,
the direction function Fðhi Þ ði ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ is 1. The sinc function model is used to target
radar antenna pattern:
8 sinðah=Dh0 Þ
< ah=Dh0 j hj  h0
FðhÞ ¼ g  sinðaðh þ h1 Þ=Dh0 Þ
h0 \jhj  h2 ð11Þ
1 ðaðh þ h1 Þ=Dh0 Þ
g2 j hj [ h2

In Eq. (11), h0 ¼ Dh0 is the right zero point of the mainlobe of unbiased beam,
h1 ¼ Dh0 þ Dh1 is the center of first sidelobe on the right side of unbiased beam.
h2 ¼ Dh0 þ 2Dh1 is the zero point of first sidelobe on the right side of unbiased beam.
When the parameters is set to a ¼ 2:783, Dh0 ¼ 2  , Dh1 ¼ 1  , g1 ¼ 20 dB,
g2 ¼ 40 dB. The antenna pattern is shown in Fig. 2.









-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 2. Target radar antenna pattern

Suppose the distribution of the four-point source decoying system is as follows:

target radar is located at the origin of the coordinate O(0,0,0), the coordinate of the bait
1 is O1 (100,300,0) (the unit is m, the same below), the coordinate of the bait 2 is
O2 (0,500,0), the coordinate of the bait 3 is O3 (−100,300,0), ARM is located at A
(400,20000,300), the wavelength of each radiation source is 3 cm, the initial phase of
the radiation signal is 0 °, 30 °, 45 °, 60 °, respectively. The radiation power of target
radar is 50 kW, and the gain is 30 dB. The radiation power of each bait is 45 kW, and
the gain is 32 dB. So the synthetic amplitude and phase of PRS in the flight process of
ARM can be gotten in a four-point source decoying system. As shown in Figs. 3 and 4.
Modeling and Simulation of Four-Point Source Decoying System 185




amplitude /dB


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
distance/m 4
x 10

Fig. 3. Amplitude of the synthetic field at PRS





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
distance/m 4
x 10

Fig. 4. Phase of the synthetic field at PRS

The amplitude of the composite field increases slowly with the decrease of the
distance, and jumps once every 600 m. The phase of the composite field changes
roughly between −1.5–1.5 rad. The effect of this change on the decoying system needs
to be further studied.

4 Simulation Analysis of Effect for Four-Point Source

Decoying System

In the case of the above model, the formulas (8) and (9) are simplified. So the coor-
dinates O0 of the intersection point between the normal of synthetic wavefront and the
ground are getted.
186 B. Fu-zhong et al.

B þ xK2 b22 C þ xK3 b33 D

x1 b1

x0 ¼ K1
A þ Kb11 B þ Kb22 C þ Kb33 D

B þ yK2 b22 C þ yK3 b33 D

y1 b1

y0 ¼ K1
A þ Kb11 B þ Kb22 C þ Kb33 D


A = 1 þ b1 cos Du01 þ b2 cos Du02 þ b3 cos Du03

B = cos Du01 þ b1 þ b2 cos Du12 þ b3 cos Du13

C = cos Du02 þ b1 cos Du12 þ b2 þ b3 cos Du23

D = cos Du03 þ b1 cos Du13 þ b2 cos Du23 þ b3

,bi ¼ EE000i ði ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ, Ki ¼ RR0i kki0 ði ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ, cos Duik ¼ cosðui  uk Þ

ði; k ¼ 0; 1; 2; 3Þ.
When ARM is far away from the target radar and the bait, it can be considered
E01 ¼ E02 ¼ E03 , k0 ¼ k1 ¼ k2 ¼ k3 , R0  R1  R2  R3 . So b ¼ E01 =E00 ¼
E02 =E00 ¼ E03 =E00 , K ¼ K1 ¼ K2 ¼ K3 ¼ 1. Assuming that cos Duik ði; k ¼ 0; 1; 2; 3Þ
obeys the uniform distribution in the range of 0 to 2p, so the value of x0 and y0 can be
gotten. The calculation results are shown in Figs. 5 and 6.
From Figs. 5 and 6, the x=x1 changes basically near zero, namely bait 1 and bait 3
in a safe area. When b > 0.43, x=x1 increases with the increase of the b, namely the
target radar farther away from the aiming point. Then it can be explained that the effect
of the four-point source decoying system is obvious, so that the target radar and baits
are safe. The model and layout of the active decoying system designed by the above
mentioned are reasonable.










0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 5. Change of x=x1

Modeling and Simulation of Four-Point Source Decoying System 187










0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 6. Change of y=y2

5 Concluding Remarks

Through the above analysis, the establishment of four source decoying system model
need to consider the radiated power, antenna gain, antenna pattern, wavelength, phase
difference and distance etc. from the radiation source to the PRS. In order to effectively
reduce the hit probability of ARM to the target radar, the design and layout of bait can
be optimized by modeling and simulation, and a more effective four-point source
decoying system can be constructed. The research of this paper provides reference for
the development of decoying system and the improvement of equipment.

1. Xiao, B.-L., Yang, L.-D., Zhang, C.: Method of decoy setting in two-source decoy radiation
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PRS under coherent decoys. Przeglad Elektrotechniczy (2012)
3. Liu, K., Xu, S., Liu, M., Zou, N.: Study on compound electric field of four-point source decoy
anti-radiation missile. J. Projectiles Rockers Missiles Guidance 30(4), 244–246 (2010)
4. Li, X., Yuan, Z.-W., Yang, B.: Design of antiradar missile decoy system arrange project and
decoying effect analysis. Syst. Eng. Electron. 27(3), 439–445 (2005)
5. Zheng, M.-s., Ying, Z.-a.: Embattling mode simulation and evaluation of enticing system of
multi-points sources for disturbing anti-radiation missile. Comput. Simul. 23(6), 16–19 (2006)
The Optimized Design on the Tails of a Miniature
Guided Rocket Projectile

XiaoQian An and JunFang Fan ✉

( )

Beijing Key Laboratory of High Dynamic Navigation Technology,

Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100101, China
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. From local war fares in recent times, miniature guided munition is
playing an increasingly important role in modern wars. This paper proposed a
miniature guided rocket projectile which is portable by a soldier. In order to study
the influence on the aerodynamic characteristics of the projectile effected by its
tails, this article carried on a numerical simulation on the projectile under different
kinds of tails, knife edge rear tails and large area flat rear tails, and the lift coef‐
ficients, drag coefficients and pitching moment coefficients of the projectile aero‐
dynamic shape are obtained as well as flow field characteristics and the surface
pressure distribution when the angle of attack changes. The results showed that,
compared with the knife edge rear tails, the flat rear tails have effective enough
windward area and wing surface shape which has a good resistance effect. The
projectile has a good static stability and good aerodynamic characteristics with
enough high lift within a small scope of angle of attack. This research will perform
as the theoretical basis for the choice of miniature guided rocket tails and the
analysis of its flying stability.

Keywords: Miniature guided rocket projectile · Knife edge rear tails · Large area
flat rear tails · Aerodynamic characteristics

1 Introduction

In the recent massive high-tech local wars, such as the Gulf War, the Afghanistan war
and the Iraq war, in order to destroy some fixed or moving armored targets, earthworks
and some valuable point-targets, as a highly efficient precision-guided weapon, minia‐
ture guided rocket projectile can more meet the need of modern battles [1]. In addition,
with the development of new materials, new technology and electronic information and
precision guidance technology, some small load platforms have emerged, such as
unmanned aerial vehicle and stealth aircraft, etc. Due to the limit of load capacity and

This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation (NNSF) of China under Grant
(61201417), the Beijing Nova Program (Z151100000315073, xxjh2015B041), the Importation
and Development of High-Caliber Talents Project of Beijing Municipal Institutions
(CIT&TCD201504055), and Outstanding Young Talents of Beijing (2015000026833ZK03).

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 188–195, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_19
The Optimized Design on the Tails 189

mobility, miniature guided munitions with strict size and weight requirements are devel‐
oped [2]. The structural design of miniature guided rocket projectile is simple, which
have some advantages, such as small volume, light weight, low cost, high precision as
well as small collateral damage and man-portable. When conflict occurs in the low
intensity asymmetric warfare mountains, cities and other complex environments, mini‐
ature guided rocket projectiles can destroy armor protection system with a low cost and
suppress enemy fire rapidly, which has become a decisive assault weapon in short-range
With the same space size constraints, this paper proposed a miniature guided missile
and completed its aerodynamic shape with knife edge rear tails and large area flat tails.
Through fluid mechanics simulation, this article analyzed the aerodynamic characteris‐
tics within the scope of small angle of attack. The experimental results showed that, the
axial folded flat rear tails can provide enough effective tail surface area and the wing
surface can well increase the resistance, which can provide high overload for projectile
and the projectile has good static stability. The results provide an important reference
for the tail structure design of miniature guided missile.

2 Aerodynamic Layout Design

The shape layout design of missile is very important in the process of overall designing.
According to the configuration and control characteristics of tails and rudders along the
missile body, there are some typical layouts, such as tail type layout, koala type layout,
normal type layout and duck type layout, etc. [3]. Considering the demand of launch
system, this paper used the duck type which has a high control efficiency, and proposed
a miniature guided rocket projectile with two kinds of tail structure, the radial folded
knife edge rear tails and axial folded large area flat rear tails, as shown in Figs. 1 and 2.

Fig. 1. The projectile model with knife Fig. 2. The projectile model with large area flat
edge tails rear tails

From the figure above, the overall structural design of missile is simple, compact
and slender. Along the longitudinal axis, the body is followed by Seeker, Electric
steering engine (including four slices duck rudder), Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU),
Bomb onboard computer system and On-board recorder cabin, Batteries, Warhead, Two
levels of engine and Tail section. The projectile is launched by a launching canister,
which can not only increase the reliability of the system and firing accuracy, but also
can make it easy to transport, extend the storage period and reduce the space require‐
ments. Especially, based on the emission requirements the slender projectile shape can
effectively reduce the flight resistance, get a higher speed and have a wide firing range.
From the development point of view, the design of the semicircle warhead has more
190 X. An and J. Fan

advantages in subsonic flight conditions. Four slices duck tails can be embedded into
the body at ordinary times and a certain sweepback design can not only improve the lift-
to-drag ratio of missile moderately, but also increase firing range. After the engine
working, the four canards can cooperate the four rear wings to provide balance and high
lift for the projectile [4].

3 Aerodynamic Simulation

3.1 Pneumatic Geometric Modeling

The rear tails proposed in this paper are fixed by base, connecting shaft and the torsional
spring and stay in folding state at ordinary times. In order to optimize the tail structure
design, it needs analyzing the flight characteristics of the projectile with two kinds of
tail structure. Within a small scope of angle of attack, the air flow field around the missile
is very complicated and the accurate aerodynamic parameters are very difficult to obtain
though theoretical analysis method. At the same time, the traditional wind tunnel test
has a long cycle and a high cost in many flight conditions. In recent years, with the rapid
development of computer technology, it is possible to study such problems using
computational fluid dynamics numerical simulation method [5].
First of all, according to the geometry size of basic structure components of the
missile, import the corresponding geometric point, connect the each section point into
line, and then rotate the line into surface and expand surface to body, Finally, though
the Boolean operations a miniature guided missile model is realized. The three-
dimensional model of missile body with the knife edge rear tails is shown below. (The
missile body model with large area flat rear tails is in the same way) (Fig. 3).

3.2 The Meshing

We assume that the flow field around the projectile is steady and invariable under
different flight conditions. In order to describe the flow field around truly, it is very
reasonable using the unstructured grid method. Based on the aerodynamic shape and
flow field characteristics the grid density is set. As the key parts to provide the aerody‐
namic force of missile, the tails shape is more complex, thus we can moderately increase
grid density to improve the calculation accuracy [6]. The boundary of the entire outer
layer flow field is 10 times long the body model and the meshing is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 3. 3-D modeling Fig. 4. The flow field grid

The Optimized Design on the Tails 191

3.3 The Numerical Simulation

3.3.1 Flying Conditions

• The Mach number Ma = 0.5, 0.7;

• The canard deflection angle δ = 0°, 4°, 6°, 8º;
• The angle of attack α = 2°, 4°, 6°, 8°.

3.3.2 The Simulation Method

The simulation uses density solver, explicit format finite volume method and relatively
simple Spalart-Allmaras single equation turbulent model. When we carry on the calcu‐
lation, the default Roe-FDS flux difference method and Second Order Upwind to discrete
space method are introduced. At same time, the Aerodynamic Monitor is used to calcu‐
late residual error and discriminate the convergence of the solution [7].

4 The Simulation Results

4.1 The Static Stability Analysis

The miniature guided rocket projectile proposed by this paper is fired by two levels of
engine. The first level engine is used to send the missile out safely, and then the missile
opens its canard fins and flies into a safe distance with no control. A moment later, the
secondary engine is started which it is used to push the projectile reaching top speed and
then the canard fins are expanded. In this phase, the projectile stays in low stability. Thus
choosing the state (δ = 0°, α = 2°) and the simulation results are as follows,

Table 1. The aerodynamic characteristics of missile under two wing structure when δ = 0°,α = 2°
Wing type Lift Drag Pressure Pitching Static stability
coefficient coefficien center moment
t coefficient coefficient
Knife edge rear tails 0.2636 0.4792 0.4526 −0.0079 The static stable
(case 1) missile (1.3 %)
Large edge flat rear 0.3614 0.5063 0.4726 −0.0146 The static stable
tails (case 2) missile (3.5 %)

According to the simulation results, we can see that pitching moment coefficients of
the missile under two kinds of rail structure are negative, thus the missile is static stable
and the static stability of the missile under two rear tail structure were 1.3 % and 3.5 %
respectively. It is easy to conclude that, compared to the knife edge rear tails, the flat
tails are helpful to make pressure center back and improve the static stability. According
to the theoretical research and engineering practice experience, the static stability of the
missile directly affects the stability and mobility of the missile. Generally, the missile
with bigger static stability will have better movement stability and poor mobility. On
the contrary, the missile with smaller static stability will have poor movement stability
and better mobility [8]. Therefore, from Table 1, within the same spatial structure launch
192 X. An and J. Fan

tube, the large area flat wing structure can provide projectile with high lift and high static
stability that could satisfy the requirement of mobility and maneuverability.

4.2 Lift and Resistance Characteristics

The lift and drag coefficient change curve of the projectile under two kinds of tail struc‐
tures are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. It can be seen that, within same Mach number and
different canard deflection angles, the lift and drag coefficients of the rocket projectile
are sensitive to angle of attack increasing with the increase of angle of attack.

case1,δ = 6deg 0.9
1.8 case1,δ = 8deg
1.6 case2,δ = 6deg
1.4 case2,δ = 8deg 0.7
Ma=0.5 0.6
Cx 0.5
Cy 1.0
0.8 0.4
case1,δ = 6deg
0.6 case1,δ = 8deg
0.4 0.2 case2,δ = 6deg
0.1 case2,δ = 8deg
0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

α/deg α/deg

Fig. 5. The lift coefficient change curve Fig. 6. The drag coefficient change curve

At the same time, within the same flight condition, the lift-to-drag effect of flat tails
is higher than that of the knife edge tails. Combing with the principles of missile flight,
it can be concluded that the windward area and the surface shape of tails have great
influence on the lift and drag produced by the missile. The bigger the exposed effective
area, and the stronger the lift and drag coefficients [9].
In addition, the surface flow field and pressure diagram of the projectile under two
kinds of tail structure are shown below.
From Figs. 7 and 8, as the structure of knife edge tail is complex, when the missile
flies in the subsonic speed, the mutual influence between tail blade and body will make
the flow field around projectile more complex, and the shock wave generated by the air
flow congestion will make the lift coefficient small; while the missile under the flat tail
structure almost has no choked air flow, so this tail structure can provide high enough
lift for the projectile.

Fig. 7. The longitudinal flow field under two kinds of tail structure
The Optimized Design on the Tails 193

Fig. 8. The longitudinal constant pressure diagram under two kinds of tail structure

4.3 Pitching Moment Characteristics

From what has been discussed above, the flat tails is superior to the knife edge tail
structure. Therefore, we selected the flat tail structure for further analyzing the aero-
dynamic characteristics, and the results are as follows:
From Fig. 9, we can see that the pitching moment coefficients of the missile under
the flat tails reduce with the increase of angle of attack, and the values are sensitive to
angle of attack varying from positive to negative, which clearly shows the changing
process of projectile from unstable into stable state.

case2,δ = 2deg
0.15 case2,δ = 4deg
case2,δ = 6deg
0.10 case2,δ = 8deg

Mz 0.00




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 9. The change curve of pitching moment coefficient under the large area flat rear tails

From the Fig. 10, within the same Mach number, the balance angles of attack increase
linearly with the increase of the rudder deflection, while they tend to be same under the
same canard deflection angle and different Mach number. It can be seen that when
δ = 8°, then the maximum of balance angle of attack is about 5.6°, and the missile still
has a good control effect. According to the flight mechanics and the lift coefficients
resulted from the simulation, when the missile flying at zero meter altitude and Ma = 0.5,
the maximum available overload is not less than 2.5 g, while the missile flying at 5000
meters altitude, the maximum available overload is about 1.2 g. So within a small scope
of angle of attack, this miniature guided rocket projectile has high mobility, which can
meet the needs of guide control in the entire shooting.
194 X. An and J. Fan




αΒ 4.5

case2,Μa = 0.4
case2,Μa = 0.5
case2,Μa = 0.6
case2,Μa = 0.7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 10. The change curve of balance angle of attack under the large area flat rear tails

5 Conclusion

This paper completed aerodynamic shape design of a miniature guided rocket projec‐
tile under two kinds of tail structure. Though analyzing its aerodynamic characteris‐
tics by means of the aerodynamic simulation calculation, we can draw the following
(1) The axial folded flat tail wings can provide enough effective tail surface area, which
can not only increase the resistance but also can provide a high overload for projec‐
tile. At the same time, with the rear rail structure, the projectile has good static
(2) Due to the folding way limitation, the radial folded knife edge rear tails is relatively
close to the missile body, which leads that it is difficult to design the wing surface
shape. At the same time, the missile has low stability for the strong interference
among the wing surface, and the missile has low resistance effect.
This research will have a certain guiding significance on the optimized design of the
miniature guided rocket projectile rear tails.


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The Optimized Design on the Tails 195

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characteristics of without umbrella end sensitive. J. Nanjing Univ. Sci. Technol. 36(5), 739–
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The Customized Human Body Modeling
and Its Application in Damage Model

Yidi Gao and Xiajun Jiang(&)

College of Computer Science and Technology,

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China

Abstract. Human body customization is an important task in computer

graphics and computer simulation recently. The existing human body modeling
methods may generate distorted model or generate a human body model that
does not match the target measurements. These shortcomings are improved in
this paper. This human body modeling module includes two parts: analyzing the
linear relationship between human body shapes and measurements, and human
shape modeling according to the target measurements. Instead of analyzing the
linear relationship between measurements and the whole human body shapes,
we segment each model into 16 rigid parts, and learn the mapping between 3D
body shapes of each part and their measurements. By using the above method,
we can obtain a new human body model with the control of target measure-
ments. The reconstructed human models are used as infantry battle formation in
the damage simulations.

Keywords: Human body modeling  Anthropometry  Damage model

1 Introduction

In recent years, with the continuous development of the theory and technology in
virtual reality field, the 3D human body modeling has become an important task in
animation and computer graphics. Virtual human is the representation of the geometric
characteristics and behavior characteristics of human in the virtual environment (space
generated by computer), 3D human body has become more and more deeply and
widely used in many fields, such as sports, fashion design, animation and game pro-
duction. Therefore, the need for customized 3D human body model has been increased.
Since human body modeling is used more and more in different applications, many
methods have been proposed consequently to customize human body models. How-
ever, it is still nontrivial to quickly and easily generate high-quality body models with
simple specifications. The main content of this paper is to propose a method that can
easily generate personalized human body model with 7 human measurements, and
these generated models are used as infantry battle formation in the damage model
simulations. According to the human body measurements, our method generates a
human body model based on a scanned human body example dataset, which improves

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 196–206, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_20
The Customized Human Body Modeling and Its Application 197

the accuracy of the generated human body model. We segment each example model
into 16 parts to increase the diversity of the training dataset of human body model
greatly, because these body parts from different examples can be combined into one
body model. The method in this paper can also be used to generate the human body
model in a more precise way.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We firstly review the related work in
Sect. 2. And secondly we introduce our method and its application in Sects. 3 and 4.
We demonstrate the experimental results in Sect. 5. Finally the conclusion of this paper
and discussion of the future work is given in Sect. 6.

2 Related Work

In this section, we describe the details and limitations of the existing methods for
generating customized human models in different applications.
In the garment computer aided design (GCAD) field, it is necessary to have a model
that represents the individual customer’s body shape and dimensions [1]. In the late
1980s, whole body scanner system was introduced to the clothing industry [2]. After
that, the human body measurement technology has developed from manual method to
automatic method, contact type to non-contact type. Anthropometric sizing surveys
have been carried out world-widely using body scanners. There exist a lot of human
body example datasets, such as SizeUSA dataset and CAESAR dataset. The accuracy
of the scanned customer’s human body is high, but it needs expensive professional
equipment and customers must go to a specific spot to have their bodies scanned. So
researchers proposed example-based human body modeling method, which is wildly
used in recent years. This kind of method usually constructs human body by analyzing
the distribution of real human body shapes scanned by scanner systems. Zhu et al. [1]
proposed a human body customization method based on orthogonal-view monocular
photos. They used two customer’s orthogonal-view images to extract the measurements
of user. And then they built RBF networks to learn the mapping from 2D size features
to 3D shape features. Finally a developed deformation algorithm was used to build a
high-resolution model. Zhang et al. [3] also used example-based human body modeling
method. Based on the scanned example meshes, they created an initial 3D model using
the example-oriented radial basis function model that maps the set of 30 measurements
estimated from several input measurements to the body shape space. And this initial 3D
model was refined by constrained optimization to create the target model.
3D human body model also has been wildly used in the applications of motion
simulation and animation. A human body model in these kinds of applications needs to
model the human body’s shape and posture variation at the same time. The SCAPE model
is a popular framework for modeling human body in different shapes and poses. It aligned
a template model with each mesh in the training dataset and then modeled the rigid and
non-rigid deformation component. Shape deformation component using principal com-
ponent analysis (PCA) modeled shape differences across different individuals [4].
But SCAPE model still has drawbacks, it only considers a single subject in different
poses, which means the non-rigid deformations are only considered as a function of pose
without taking the physique differences from person to person into account. Therefore,
198 Y. Gao and X. Jiang

visual artifacts may occur when transferring deformations from a masculine to a

non-masculine person. To solve this problem, Hasler et al. [5] proposed a statistical model
that encode both shape and pose in the rotation and translation invariant surface encoding.
As a result, people in different shape may cause different deformation when their poses are
the same. These two popular methods can estimate the poses and shapes of naked meshes,
which are not wildly used in virtual reality applications. Based on Hasler’s work, Neo-
phytou and Hilton [6] proposed a three layered model of human body and garment
deformation. This kind of modeling method is able to model human shape, pose and
garment. Firstly, they used 3D human body models obtained by scanning human subjects
in tight clothes in a variety of poses to train the shape and pose deformation. And then they
used animated mesh sequences of dressed actors to train the garment deformation. It
considered garment deformations as the residual transformations between a naked mesh
and the dressed mesh of the same subject. Finally they synthesized new dressed meshes
with the information of pose, shape and garment of new subjects.
Human body modeling also plays an important role in anthropometry and ergo-
nomics. As mentioned above, anthropometric sizing surveys can be done using body
scanners. Koo et al. [7] selected 63 anthropometric landmarks and manually extract the
3D position of these landmarks from each example model. They were able to extract 13
anthropometric measurements with the help of landmarks and reshape human body
model through these measurements. Lai et al. [8] proposed a method that extracts body
size based on point cloud data. This method segmented the de-noised human body in
standard coordinate into 6 parts and automatically recognized three kinds of human
landmarks: the global extreme points, the local extreme points and the points that do
not have obvious characteristics. The human body measurements can be calculated
based on the identified relative landmarks. Tsoli et al. [9] proposed model-based
anthropometry method to estimate the measurements of 3D body models in both
standing and sitting poses. They extracted features including limb lengths, circum-
ferences, and statistical features of global shape from the registered models rather than
from the scanned models. They also learned a mapping from these features to mea-
surements using regularized linear regression. They proved that the global shape fea-
tures of human body model are good for predicting linear measurements with

3 Human Body Modeling Method

In this section, we introduce the human body modeling method in our application. In
order to improve the existing human body modeling methods, we propose a new
method that is able to accurately and fully reflect the human body shape characteristic
to build customized human body model. And the steps of this method are summarized
as follows (Fig. 1):
The Customized Human Body Modeling and Its Application 199

Fig. 1. Outline of our modeling methodology

1. We extract 26 measurements from each registered 3D human body example and

then segment each example mesh into 16 parts. According to the definition of the
“China adult human body size” (GB10000-88), we manually extract 35 anthropo-
metric landmarks on the scanned surface. So that the set of 26 human body mea-
surements can be extracted from each mesh model automatically based on these
landmarks. By calculating convex hull length and breadth of cross sections which
contain the landmark points and are perpendicular to the skeleton, we are able to
obtain the full measurement set. According to the landmarks and key measure-
ments, the models are divided into 16 rigid regions: head, breast, waist, hip and two
thighs, calves, feet, forearms, upper arms and hands. The landmarks and mea-
surements are shown in Fig. 2. After obtaining the full measurement set, statistical
analysis on these measurements is done to model the linear correlation between
different kinds of human measurements via Pearson correlation coefficient:
 i  !
1 Xn mk  m i mkj  mj
ri;j ¼ ; ð1Þ
n1 k¼1 smi smj

where ri;j is the linear correlation between measurement mi and mj , s is the standard
deviation of each measurement and n is the number of examples in training dataset.
We choose the pairs of measurements with strong linear relationship as the input and
output pairs, and use linear regression to model their correlation. While selecting the
input measurements, we need to guarantee that the linear relationship between the
input measurements is weak and the input measurement should be easy to measure
from people. After obtaining the measurements that have strong linear relationship
with the input measurements, we use BP neural networks to build the non-linear
relationship mapping between the input measurements and other measurements.
200 Y. Gao and X. Jiang

The set of measurements extracted from examples and input measurements in bold
type are shown in Table 1.
2. Statistical information analysis of shape features on each rigid body part of example
meshes is done to build a mapping from measurement parameters to human shape
parameters. We firstly determine the type of control measurement parameter for
each rigid region in a way similar to [10] and obtain the deformation parameters of
all regions. A template model is used as a reference model to obtain the parametric
representation of each rigid part of examples. Our method is similar to Hasler’s
encoding pattern: we encode each triangle as a transformation Ui and then split up
the transformation into a rotation Ri and a stretching deformation Si. To construct a
relative encoding for the rotation matrix Ri, we use the relative rotations between
pairs of adjacent triangles: Ri;j ¼ Ri  R1
j . Then we convert relative rotation matrix
and stretching deformation matrix to one 15  1 vector di for triangle i. The shape
deformation Dk is parameterized by combining all the vectors of triangles in part
k. Then we use principal component analysis (PCA) to analyze the shape features of
each part. Linear regression is used to learn the linear mapping between the mea-
surements of each part and local shape features.
3. Customized model generation. Users can input 7 measurements to generate a
customized human body model. Firstly, we use trained BP neural network and
linear function to estimate the full set of 26 measurements from 7 input measure-
ments. Secondly, through the linear mapping learned from step 2, the deformation
parameters of the human body are calculated, and the initial model is obtained
according to the measurement set. Finally, we modify the generated new model
with a non-linear optimal method. The generated model is projected on 3D space,
and adjustment is done to reduce the measurement error by changing the position of
landmarks and the corresponding points on key measurements.

Fig. 2. Landmarks and anthropometric measurements extracted from each model. Red dots
represent landmarks at the back of model. (Color figure online)
The Customized Human Body Modeling and Its Application 201

4 Application in Damage Model Simulation

We adapt the customized human bodies generated by the proposed method into the
damage modeling for a kind of grenade. In the simulation, hundreds of fragments of
the grenade scatter from the explosive point, and some fragments can hit the bodies in
the generated battle formation.
The simulation process of the damage model using customized human bodies is
shown in Fig. 3. Firstly, we input 7 anthropometric measurements for each human
body, and they are: height, shoulder girth, breast girth, waist girth, hip girth, arm
length, neck girth. Then, we use our human body modeling algorithm to generate
customized human bodies. The process of this step is shown in Fig. 4. These generated
bodies consist of triangular meshes and surfaces. Next, we generate the infantry battle
formation needed by the damage simulation. Each triangular battle formation includes
three customized human bodies. Finally, the triangular meshes of each human body are
used to calculate whether a grenade fragment hit the corresponding body or not.

Fig. 3. Simulation process of the damage model using customized human bodies.

In the damage simulation, the fragment trajectories are defined as rays, and the
origin of the rays is the explosive point. When a fragment hits the human model, a
collision between the trajectory ray and a triangular mesh of the human model can be
tested. Figure 4 shows such collision detection. A triangular mesh is composed of three
vertices: P0, P1 and P2. P is any point in the interior or edge of the triangle. Parameters
u and v satisfy the following conditions: (1) u >= 0, (2) v >= 0, (3) u + v <= 1.
The equation of point P is defined as follows.

P ¼ ð1  u  vÞP0 þ uP1 þ vP2 ð2Þ

The equation of the point P on the ray is also defined as follows.

202 Y. Gao and X. Jiang

Fig. 4. Customized human body modeling based-on 7 selected anthropometric measurements

P ¼ O þ Dt ð3Þ

When the two equations are equal, the ray intersects with the triangle. Figure 4 and
Eq. 4 show such condition. Moore and Wilhelms [11] provided the details of the above
algorithm (Fig. 5).

O þ Dt ¼ ð1  u  vÞP0 þ uP1 þ vP2 ð4Þ

Figure 6 shows the 9 reconstructed human models of the infantry battle formation
in a damage model simulation. The simulation space is a 110 m *110 m rectangle.

Fig. 5. Collision detection between a triangular mesh and a ray

5 Experiments and Results

In this section, the results of the human body modeling method proposed in this paper
are presented. We use the data set proposed by Hasler et al. [5], and use the scanned
male body models as the training data set. We select 9 scanned male models as the test
dataset, of which the height ranges from 165 cm to 190 cm and the body mass index
(BMI) is in normal range.
The Customized Human Body Modeling and Its Application 203

Fig. 6. Three triangular battle formations and one explosive point.

Table 1. Measurements for 9 selected humans.

No1 (mm) No2 (mm) No3 (mm) No4 (mm) No5 (mm) No6 (mm) No7 (mm) No8 (mm) No9 (mm)
Height 1904.51 1869.96 1834.76 1805.79 1776.92 1735.26 1797.38 1755.51 1654.04
Shoulder 1134.11 1091.87 1102.08 1097.3 1082.51 932.886 1078.34 1081.42 1064.56
Shoulder 1582.32870 1533.87378 1504.88352 1481.02422 1457.24727 1432.93664 1474.09785 1439.61427 1356.04492
Shoulder 466.29171 459.15661 445.92630 452.92458 443.45280 429.40440 441.75303 437.05897 425.64242
Breast 962.942 958.81 974.812 958.571 958.222 876.562 977.607 1000.97 959.665
Breast 1431.37151 1404.29076 1376.70053 1353.99346 1331.36476 1308.71110 1347.40159 1314.58332 1235.04977
Breast 330.50205 327.32279 325.72604 322.18856 313.47444 311.39047 321.89570 335.22897 323.64797
Waist 769.388 736.562 799.406 741.654 783.835 673.584 827.464 782.172 778.975
Waist 1276.61046 1231.59106 1206.10096 1185.12232 1164.21609 1154.04798 1179.03221 1148.71203 1075.23246
Waist 274.43162 276.82518 290.44958 265.88938 289.98506 272.89103 294.20184 280.86097 289.57779
Hip girth 1038.67 984.403 1055.17 937.895 997.137 964.834 938.939 987.979 982.75
Hip height 1040.44620 998.41155 1007.60757 938.52252 941.59264 954.21309 993.75871 911.86835 861.76822
Hip 372.22356 352.26192 378.29295 335.15435 356.94601 345.06363 335.53838 353.57732 351.65388
Arm 525.583 603.044 514.781 539.2 503.022 568.525 571.901 507.36 486.748
Upper arm 166.81468 209.06052 160.92346 174.24115 154.51032 190.23448 192.07569 156.87618 145.63477
Forearm 224.61470 231.03777 212.56596 208.83882 207.84972 230.07382 223.87937 207.89608 207.42927
Elbow 294.96242 277.17756 279.68419 282.81227 284.53809 254.95813 277.85929 284.58559 240.99314
Wrist girth 173.40220 160.79773 170.36896 169.33249 169.23567 146.45120 161.93521 169.24983 159.06299
Leg length 908.84967 877.33973 855.42512 837.38914 819.41543 813.47899 832.15329 806.08611 742.91351
Thigh 433.44130 421.99051 410.32429 400.72286 391.15457 397.34733 397.93556 384.05872 350.42886
Calf length 365.09482 357.36251 349.48474 343.00123 336.54011 327.21658 341.11907 331.74854 309.03950
Thigh girth 609.31982 575.73586 619.53110 546.95368 593.61649 563.62529 547.59977 577.94892 574.71288
Knee girth 370.53497 351.71399 364.62219 348.09762 359.53762 328.17741 352.72164 359.58088 347.14100
Ankle girth 224.56414 214.94443 219.06553 216.11802 216.15413 201.89986 212.99711 216.17274 215.56027
Neck girth 373.424 361.925 385.785 364.167 386.147 308.011 346.783 389.713 358.777
Head girth 540.53802 527.95929 537.71059 533.84011 532.87318 477.07299 509.38161 532.91311 532.71002
204 Y. Gao and X. Jiang

Table 1 includes 26 anthropometric measurements for 9 test human models. The 7

key measurements are in bold type, and we use them as input data shown in Fig. 4.
Table 2 shows the relative errors between the measurements of reconstructed model
and the measurements of the test models. The relative errors are calculated by the
following equation:
mr  mt
relative error ¼  100 % , ð5Þ

where mr is the measurement of reconstructed model, and mt is the corresponding

measurements of the test model.
The maximum absolute value of the relative errors is 9.82 in Table 2, which is
shown in bold type. The experimental results indicate that our method can achieve
good accuracy.

Table 2. The relative errors between the measurements of reconstructed model and the
measurements of the test model.
No1 No2 No3 No4 No5 No6 No7 No8 No9
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Shoulder 0.65 1.32 0.74 −1.02 −1.18 0.76 0.58 −0.16 0.87
Shoulder −0.89 −1.63 0.54 −0.20 −0.23 0.88 −1.57 1.14 1.34
Breast height 1.63 1.75 1.31 −0.77 −0.59 1.67 0.93 −0.30 0.83
Breast breadth 0.44 0.12 −1.33 2.12 −0.72 −1.82 −0.57 −0.23 0.75
Waist height 0.87 0.57 0.68 −0.57 −0.91 1.05 1.62 −0.24 0.21
Waist breadth 0.267 0.14 0.38 1.38 −0.49 −1.38 0.27 −0.18 −0.26
Hip height 1.69 1.69 1.96 0.59 −1.55 1.35 0.65 −1.24 −2.27
Hip breadth 0.40 2.26 3.01 −0.15 2.00 2.06 1.37 −2.88 −0.48
Upper arm −9.46 0.051 1.96 2.36 5.86 5.65 2.27 −3.45 −0.09
Forearm length −0.34 4.59 −5.81 6.25 −0.31 −0.05 2.60 3.73 −0.79
Elbow girth 5.18 −0.77 −3.54 −7.07 −6.13 −7.45 −1.02 −2.97 4.14
Wrist girth 6.04 6.36 1.17 −5.66 −6.84 −4.92 −2.62 2.73 −9.82
Leg length 1.50 0.30 0.48 −1.45 −0.19 2.64 1.17 −2.91 −0.91
Thigh length 2.23 1.23 1.04 −2.91 2.71 3.07 0.24 −2.65 −5.07
Calf length 1.81 −0.95 −1.60 4.99 0.01 2.89 1.75 −3.17 −1.38
Thigh girth −1.05 −2.87 1.07 1.93 1.45 −1.12 0.80 0.97 0.97
Knee girth 2.52 −3.18 3.12 −4.71 3.89 −5.01 1.86 −4.87 −3.62
Ankle girth 6.76 2.70 6.06 −5.84 1.36 −4.56 −0.54 −1.89 −8.68
Head girth −1.96 0.35 1.78 −0.73 −1.34 1.21 −2.40 1.45 −0.76
The Customized Human Body Modeling and Its Application 205

6 Conclusion and Future Work

In this section, we introduce the advantages and disadvantages of our method and give
applications of our method. The main contributions of our paper are listed as follows:
(1) we cut down the number of input measurements when generating new customized
human body model, (2) we proposed the segmented human body modeling method,
and (3) we give a damage modeling application using the realistic human body model.
Our application can be used in battlefield environment simulation and animation
games. But our generated human body models are all in a standard standing pose,
which makes the simulating environment unconnected to real-world situations in some
way. Our future work will tackle this problem, to model human body in multiple poses
and postures. Combined with the model of soldier’s behavior pattern on the battle field
[12] and complex and realistic crowd behaviors [13], we can carry out the overall
visual simulation of battlefield environment and riot controlling in city environment.

Acknowledgments. This paper was supported by Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province
(No. BK20140826) and Collaborative Innovation Center of Novel Software Technology and

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Research on Image Stitching Algorithm
for UAV Ground Station Terminal

Hou Jinmeng1,2 ✉ and Su Zhong1,2

( )

Beijing Key Laboratory of High Dynamic Navigation Technology, Beijing, China
[email protected], [email protected]
Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing, China

Abstract. With the development of small UAV, the ground station system is
gradually improving. In order to realize the large field of view and wide angle
detection of multi targets in the reconnaissance area, the image stitching module
is integrated into the terminal of the ground station. Therefore, studying a real-
time and efficient image matching algorithm is particularly important. This paper
puts forward an improved algorithm based on SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature
Transform) feature matching, which joins the UAV aerial parameters to estimate
the overlapped region of the aerial images to reduce the sampling time, and adopts
gauss quadratic D2OG feature detection operator instead of DOG operator to
simplify the structure of the pyramid. Finally, we use the RANSAC algorithm to
complete the precise image matching. Through the simulation results we can see
that the proposed algorithm can reduce the complexity of data processing,
simplify the area of feature matching, and meet the needs of the system on time.

Keywords: Ground stations · Image stitching · Overlapping domain calculation ·

Feature extraction

1 Introduction

UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV) mounted photoelectric pod can get sequence
of reconnaissance video sequence of image frames, in order to achieve ground station
terminal easy observation aerial images and obtain information about the target area,
we need to further expand the field of view range. While ground image captured by the
imaging device UAV due to its shooting distance is much greater than the ups and downs
of the ground itself, so that the imaging device can be approximated on the drone
captured the scene on the same plane, which makes image stitching as possible.
Image stitching mainly using existing equipment such as computers will have over‐
lapping areas of two or more images for a large seamless image stitching technology [1].

This work is supported by The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant NO. 61261
160497); Beijing Science and Technology Project (Grant NO. Z131100005313009); Beijing
Municipal Commission of Education (Grant NO. TJSHG201510772017).

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 207–215, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_21
208 H. Jinmeng and S. Zhong

It breaks through the traditional limitations of image capture device, and is widely used
in aerospace, medical image analysis, computer vision, video surveillance and other
fields, which is a very important field of image processing of the current branch. So the
development of UAV image stitching has received more and more attention at home
and abroad, and has become a hot spot of image processing [2].
Image matching criterion is the most important part of the whole UAV image
stitching system, which is the basis of pattern recognition, motion monitoring, computer
vision and other image processing techniques. The core of image registration is to deter‐
mine an optimal transformation, so that we can get spatially aligned at different times,
different perspectives of the same scene taken. There are some common registration
methods such as based on gray information, based on transform domain and based on
feature [3]. According to UAV Ground Station problems such as low efficiency in the
process of image stitching and workload complex, study on a geometric calibration
method on the basis of image stitching algorithm SIFT, which can directly use the UAV
flight state parameters to correct the original image, and then using the improved feature
matching algorithm based on D2OG feature points. The algorithm used D2OG zero
crossing detection to replace the DOG extreme point detection, simplifies the structure
of DOG Pyramid, optimizes the process of stitching, and meets the requirement of real-
time performance in the premise of ensuring the quality of stitching [4–6].

2 Image Stitching Review

The UAV image stitching includes image preprocessing, image registration and image
fusion of three parts. Image preprocessing is deal with deformity, distortion, low
contrast, in the process of image acquisition and transmission, and make the image united
to a coordinate system, so that to measure the coordinate information of the target [7].
The pretreatment methods commonly used histogram processing, image smoothing,
image enhancement, and Fourier transform and so on. Image registration refers to the
match between the images to extract information, to find the best match in the extracted
information, and to complete alignment, image stitching success mainly to see the image
registration. Fused image refers to the registration after the image stitching and smooth
boundary, so that the image natural transition. Image stitching process is shown in Fig. 1.

Image Geometric Image

Start stitching
acquisition correction preprocessing
Feature Feature
Image fusion
matching extraction

Stop stitching

Fig. 1. Image stitching process

Research on Image Stitching Algorithm 209

3 Overlapping Area Calculation

Due to the relatively small size UAV, and the poor stability and the ability to resist the
wind, in the process of taking pictures will inevitably tilt, shake, and the camera itself
are geometric distortion of the lens, so first of all is to make image geometric correction
for UAV [8]. The UAV flight attitude angle including pitch angle α, roll angle β and
yaw angle γ, which uses UAV body coordinate system P-XPYPZP relative to the ground
coordinate system E-XEYEZE to measure the rotation of the relationship, the attitude
Angle coordinate system are shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Position coordinate system

Through analysis, we can know that UAV aerial image angle variation is mainly due
to UAV flight advance distance and flight steering, whereas the sequence of frames for
stitching images in rotation angle of the aircraft is not a short time too. Considering
height, pitch, yaw, roll, and other aspects of parameter information, you can create
geometric correction model is as follows:

⎡ x ⎤ ⎡ x∙ ⎤
⎢ y ⎥ = R(H)R(𝛾)R(𝛽)R(𝛼)⎢⎢ y∙ ⎥
⎥ (1)
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ −f ⎥
⎣ −f ⎦S ⎣ ⎦S

Where, f denotes a focal length of the imaging, R(𝛼), R(𝛽), R(𝛾) and R(H) are rotation
∙ ∙ ∙
matrix parameters for each flight, (x, y) is an original image pixel p coordinates in the

image coordinate system, (x, y) is the point p coordinate after the point p geometric
correction in the coordinate system.
Through geometric correction, two images can be converted to the same plane coor‐
dinates using the image information center. Among them, the positive direction of the
y is the direction of flight, and then we use the coordinates of the center of the image
and the image size information, determine the coordinates of the four corners of the
210 H. Jinmeng and S. Zhong

image, and through the center of the direction of displacement r judge the trend of the
image, at last used img2 two vertex coordinates of point and parallel to the x line to
determine the starting position of the overlapping area of the img1. Then just finding a
match within the overlapping area characteristics can realize the whole image registra‐
tion. The overlap region Calculation algorithm flowchart is as follows (Fig. 3):

Flight parameter Geometric

acquisition correction

Central Vertex coordinate Image coordinate
judgement calculation transformation

Fig. 3. Overlapping region calculation flowchart

4 Feature Matching Based on D2OG Algorithm

4.1 Scale Space Construction and Feature Point Determination

In 1984, Koendetink proved that the only transform nuclear scale conversion is Gaussian
convolution kernels, then Lindeberg et al. further demonstrated the Gaussian kernel is
the only nuclear [9]. Two-dimensional Gaussian function is defined as follows:

1 −(x2 +y2 )∕2σ2

G(x, y, σ) = e (2)
The original image is defined as I(x, y), make it convolution with a Gaussian convo‐
lution kernel, we can get the Gaussian scale space.

L(x, y, 𝜎) = G(x, y, 𝜎)I(x, y) (3)

Wherein, (x, y) representative image corresponding to the coordinates of the pixel
space, 𝜎 is the scale factor space.
Based on Gaussian scale space sampling, the establishment of Gaussian pyramid,
and then Gaussian pyramid of the adjacent layer is presupposed get DOG pyramid, as

D(x, y, 𝜎) = L(x, y, k𝜎) − L(x, y, 𝜎) (4)

The DOG function making difference operation once again, you can get the second
order differential of Gaussian pyramid function is as follows D2OG.

D2 (x, y, 𝜎) = D(x, y, k𝜎) − D(x, y, 𝜎) (5)

The details of the construction process D2OG operator is shown on Fig. 4.

Research on Image Stitching Algorithm 211

Fig. 4. D2OG pyramid construction

By Eq. (5) we can know D2OG is a second order differential of Gaussian functions,
we find the corresponding zero point guide function is to solving a function of demand
DOG algorithm extreme points as:

𝜕D D(x, y, kσ) − D(x, y, σ) D (x, y, σ)

≈ = (6)
𝜕σ kσ − σ kσ − σ
Because kσ − σ not zero, so = 0 ⇔ D2 (x, y, σ) = 0. Zero is the image to be
matched feature points of D2OG.
The feature points is to determine the characteristics of the detection D2OG second
order Gaussian pyramid pixel difference absolute value close to zero. First, you need to
set a suitable threshold T, and compared the second order Gaussian pixel absolute
difference with the threshold value, if within the threshold range it is recorded as a feature
point, and also we should store the cover point scale. Select the threshold value T is a
key, if T too big, may lead to an increase in the number of feature points result in a false
match, in contrast, it is not enough to express the feature point distribution information.
So it is need to make several trials comparing select the optimal value. In this paper,
through a number of large number of experiments we found that the value of T in
200–500 when you can get better results.

4.2 Feature Point Matching

Via the above methods we can calculate the feature point,then use SIFT algorithm to
realize feature points matching. First, in order to ensure the consistency of the key points
212 H. Jinmeng and S. Zhong

in its neighborhood, we have introduced a feature descriptor, Axis direction of the image
will be adjusted to be consistent with the main direction of the feature point. Then make
the feature point as the center, and choose a nearby region of 8 × 8, as shown in Fig. 5
on the left side.

Fig. 5. The generation of feature vector

Statistical respectively modulus and gradient direction of each pixel by eight direc‐
tions (0° to 45° to 360° per direction), and then calculated the accumulated value to form
a seed point, shown on the right in Fig. 5.
After generating the SIFT feature vectors, we use the Euclidean distance of a key
feature vector as the similarity measure. Take frame image of a critical point, and find
the nearest top two key points in the image to be matched with the nearest, In these two
key points, if the most recent close distance divided by time distance is less than a certain
percentage threshold, the acceptance of this pair of matching points.

5 Simulation and Analysis

In order to verify the improved feature matching algorithm stitching effect, we conducted
a series of simulation experiments using MATLAB on PCS. In experiments I select a
set of resolution of 582 * 337 of the original image, and then use geometric correction
for matching overlap area of images, where we use D2OG feature detection operator for
feature point extraction, description, and matching. The following Fig. 6 gives the orig‐
inal images, coarse matching rendering, precise matching effect, and the final image
stitching effect.
According to the results, after the original image preprocessing and feature points
extraction, we can get the coarse matching image as a1, then get the precise matching
image as b1 after using RANSAC algorithm, finally obtain the stitching image as shown
in figure c1.
In addition choosing an another scenario picture of resolution of 600 * 450, I do the
same with the pictures, where we get the feature points throw pretreatment, then
Research on Image Stitching Algorithm 213

Original image (First)

38 97 14
116 4
140 108
7837 130 57145
24 139
96 56 94 112
129 24 98
55 5 9310710234 75
104 35128 13957476144
541236113 140 38
789737 14
108 79 1415 2 3 4
72 11 73122
92 101 64
80 55 5 5796 77 101 95 1
4 22 147
87 17
71 72 11 93105
104 94
7554 123613
1127492 1 14 15 2 3
53 4 70110 123 237335113 144
5251 33 10
33 10
32121 109 22115 99
100 8 8
111 1 130 53134
46 56142
50 9190 70
49 118 91 9 7
46 85 127 6 5090116
126 128 122 30 8
147 29
45 6731 68
137 48119
21 2189
143 2
2 19145
86143 88 66 3614218
114 125 20 136 6983 16 13
39 1676 12459 44
40 131 9 10
45 100
146 1558 25 41 2660
65 135
43 62 13363 28 88 5 11 12 6
63 136
1964134 3 18114
2098 17118
84 2843442762 135
142 65 7
138 6 11 12
42 132
124 2660133
1316 5
123 16 110
6 10
82 39 58 257 9

a1 (Coarse matching) b1 (Precise matching)

c1 (Stitching effect chart)

Fig. 6. Stitching image (1)

we obtained transformation matrix, and finally achieved the image stitching. The same
as above, all kinds of rendering images are shown in Fig. 7.
We analyzed the experimental results from the aspects of the feature point detecting
time, the matched number and the correct rate, where the feature point detecting time is
the sum of the time to be matched two radiation image feature detection, the matched
number means for matching the number of the fine after the match, and the correct rate
refers to the proportion of fine match after match correctly. The above stitching effect
shows, while maintaining the original sift algorithm precision, scale and rotation invar‐
iance, etc., this algorithm can meet the practical requirements of the time. On the one
hand, due to the overlap region is calculated during preprocessing, matching feature
214 H. Jinmeng and S. Zhong

Fig. 7. Stitching image (2)

points on the scope make relevant points less than the original algorithm involved in
matching, so the overall time will reduce. On the other hand, the improved D2OG algo‐
rithm needs to calculate the zero on the feature point layer, which simplifies the
complexity of the process data, reducing the joining together of the time.

6 Conclusion

Based on the sift algorithm, considering the extraction of feature points and the regis‐
tration time and so on various aspects factor, we improved the extraction region and the
determination of the extreme points. By introducing motion parameters and the zero
Research on Image Stitching Algorithm 215

point of first order differential instead of extreme value point method, we achieved good
effect for image stitching, and is suitable for the real-time system. In the following
system design, we can consider using the method of long scale image, and reduce the
amount of data processing, so as to improve the time of feature points extraction.


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Improved Clonal Selection Algorithm
Optimizing Neural Network for Solving
Terminal Anti-missile Collaborative
Intercepting Assistant Decision-Making Model

Jin-ke Xiao1(&), Wei-min Li1, Xin-rong Xiao2, and Cheng-zhong Lv1

Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710051, China
[email protected]
South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China

Abstract. Programming terminal high-low collaborative intercepting strategy

scientifically and constructing assistant decision-making model with self-
determination and intellectualization is one key problem to enhance operational
efficiency. Assistant decision-making model has been constructed after analysis
on collaborative intercepting principle; then Improved Clonal Selection Algo-
rithm Optimizing Neural Network (ICLONALG-NN) is designed to solve the
terminal anti-missile collaborative intercepting assistant decision-making model
through introducing crossover operator to increase population diversity, intro-
ducing modified combination operator to make use of information before
crossover and mutation, introducing population update operator into traditional
CLONALG to optimize Neural Network parameters. Experimental simulation
confirms the superiority and practicability of assistant decision-making model
solved by ICLONALG-NN.

Keywords: Terminal anti-missile system  Collaborative intercepting 

Assistant decision-making  Clonal Selection Algorithm  Neural network

1 Introduction

Ballistic Missile (BM) fight course consists of boost course, middle course and terminal
course according to its fight phase, therefore constructing multi-layer Ballistic Missile
Defense System (BMDS) has already been inevitable and intercepting in terminal
course is the last chance [1, 2]. In order to improve terminal interception probability, on
one hand, we should carry research on how to exploit the operational capability of
terminal anti-missile intercepting systems; on the other hand, we should design ter-
minal collaborative intercepting strategy of high-low intercepting system including
recombining intercepting resource to maximize intercepting efficiency [3, 4].
Collaborative intercepting in terminal anti-missile system is combination inter-
cepting mode against BM according to some collaborative regulation implemented by
terminal high and low (high-low) intercepting system [5, 6]. In addition, terminal
high-low intercepting system intercept Middle-Range Ballistic Missile (MRBM) at
firstly and Short-Range Ballistic Missile (SRBM) secondly mostly and respectively,

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 216–231, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_22
Improved Clonal Selection Algorithm Optimizing Neural Network 217

therefore the collaborative intercepting could increase intercepting chance and enhance
operational efficiency greatly. Then, how to program terminal high-low collaborative
intercepting strategy in limited time interval scientifically is the real military
decision-making problem which is urgent to be solved.
There are military collaborative applications at present including air combat [7–9]
and multi-sensor cooperative planning [10–13]. These applications give us some
inspirations for collaborative intercepting in terminal anti-missile system. However,
there are few literatures on collaborative intercepting in terminal anti-missile system
except midcourse guidance design for collaborative intercepting [14]. Therefore, col-
laborative intercepting assistant decision-making model with self-determination and
intellectualization is constructed in this paper from the view of advancing integrative
terminal high-low collaborative intercepting operational efficiency.

2 Related Principle

Firstly, command control, battle management and communication (C2BMC) system

programs firepower plan [15–19] based on operational information including accurate
missile early-warning information, object defense grade information and intercepting
system status information, then distributes customizing intercepting assignment into
high-low intercepting system. Secondly, high-low intercepting system launch inter-
ception missiles and put combination interception in practice considering intercepting
capability and intercepting chance. Thirdly, the killing evaluation report is fully
assessed based on ground-based radar information, which mainly includes killing BM
operational process of interception missile launched by intercepting system. High-low
collaborative intercepting process is demonstrated in Fig. 1.
Five operational validity principles of Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense
(THAAD) and PAC-3 collaborative intercepting are proposed by American army,
which represents typical terminal high and low intercepting system. Five operational
validity principles clarify the probability of every operational scene at length, stan-
dardize basic theory of launching pattern and ascertain the launching quantity during
THAAD and PAC-3 collaborative intercepting. Detailed theories are described as
Grade 0 is no defense grade, that is to say no interception mission is launched
against BM.
Grade 1 is low defense grade, that is to say single interception chance pattern
including THAAD or PAC-3 launches one interception missile.
Grade 2 is middle defense grade, that is to say two interception chances pattern
includes (A) high interception pattern: high intercepting system launches two inter-
ception missiles; (B) low interception pattern: low intercepting system launches two
interception missiles; (C) high-low collaborative intercepting pattern: high-low inter-
cepting system launches one interception missile respectively and collaboratively.
Grade 3 is higher defense grade, that is to say three interception chances pattern
includes (A) high priority collaborative intercepting pattern: high-low intercepting
system launch two and one interception missiles respectively; (B) low priority
218 J. Xiao et al.

Ground-based BM
tracking and
tracking and

missile controlling

killing evaluation
ptio second interception
inte issile
st e

n killing evaluation

interc ile


inte issile
m low firepower interception

low intercepting system

Fig..1. Process of terminal high-low collaborative intercepting

collaborative intercepting pattern: high-low intercepting system launch one and two
interception missiles respectively.
Grade 4 is highest defense grade, that is to say high-low intercepting system launch
two interception missiles collaboratively.
Terminal high-low intercepting system will intercept with highest efficiency usually
for that BM has high destruction and anti-missile system has the last intercepting
chance in terminal course.
Whereas terminal high-low intercepting systems locate in different geography, then
how to program high-low collaborative intercepting grade for assigned BM to maxi-
mize collaborative intercepting operational efficiency is almost the most important
decision-making problems with the limited interception missile resource.
Some decision-making approaches including Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP),
fuzzy multiple attribute decision-making are applied in similar problems. However,
these approaches should calculate attribute weight, which results in two problems: one
problem is how to calculate attribute weight and the other problem is how to make use
of experience from a great deal of historical data. Artificial Neural Network is proposed
from simulation on information processing approach of brain information process and
information memory. Here Improved Clonal Selection Algorithm Optimizing Neural
Network (ICLONALG-NN) is proposed to solve terminal high-low collaborative
intercepting assistant decision-making problem based on collaborative intercepting
experience database provided by domain expert, which will provide collaborative
intercepting online with decision-making support.
Improved Clonal Selection Algorithm Optimizing Neural Network 219

3 Formulation Design
3.1 Model Formulation
While terminal anti-missile collaborative intercepting assistant decision-making should
choose collaborative intercepting grade with self-determination and intellectualization
based on the BM threat assessment degree, perfect collaborative intercepting assistant
decision-making need support from other database. Then some decision-making
indexes are selected according to comprehensive, pertinent and comparable principles.
At first, three indexes including range, penetration capability and arriving time, are
selected, which describe BM threat from different sides. Then, the index distance from
BM falling point is used to decide different collaborative intercepting strategy when the
distance from BM falling point is different.
Terminal anti-missile collaborative intercepting grade is divided into Grade 2,
Grade 3 and Grade 4 by many domain experts considering that C2BMC system dis-
tributes interception missiles comprehensively and intelligently.
Collaborative intercepting decision-making logic flow is demonstrated in Fig. 2.

Grade 2
penetration capability collaborative collaborative
intercepting assistant intercepting Grade 3
arriving time decision-making grade
distance from BM falling point Grade 4

Fig..2. Collaborative intercepting assistant decision-making logic flow

Terminal anti-missile collaborative intercepting assistant decision-making model

takes range, penetration capability, arriving time, distance from BM falling point as
inputs and takes collaborative intercepting grade as outputs. Furthermore, the measures
to solve assistant decision-making model can been seen in the following Sections.

3.2 Model Quantitative Inputs and Outputs

3.2.1 Quantitative Inputs
Range: early-warming information includes BM range information and the range is
restricted below 3000 km [1, 20] for that terminal high-low intercepting system mainly
intercept MRBM and SRBM.
Penetration capability: penetration capability is an index measuring the warhead
capability of penetrating anti-missile intercepting system anti-block area without scathe
and penetration capability is lead by warhead maneuverability [21], electromagnetism
interference [22], some fake warhead [23] and otherwise ways and means. The more
the penetration capability is, the larger threat degree of warhead to defense object is and
vice versa. Penetration capability p 2 ð0; 1Þ can been acquired from integrating
220 J. Xiao et al.

intelligence and early-warming information. p ¼ 0:6 means the probability that war-
head penetrates anti-missile intercepting system anti-block area without scathe is 0.6.
Arriving time: arriving time is the time interval between time of C2BMC system
receiving BM early-warming and time of BM falling point. The more the arriving time
t is, the larger threat degree of warhead to defense object is and vice versa.
Distance from BM falling point: the distance h from defense object to BM falling
point reflects shoot precision. The smaller h is, the higher threat degree is, the higher
collaborative intercepting grade is and vice versa.

3.2.2 Quantitative Outputs

Model output results will select particular collaborative intercepting grade and one
vector L ¼ ðl1 ; l2 ; l3 Þ is taken to describe collaborative intercepting grade, which is
defined as follows in Eq. (1):
1; collaborative intercepting is Grade ði þ 1Þ
li ¼ i ¼ 1; 2; 3 ð1Þ
0; collaborative intercepting is not Grade ði þ 1Þ

Where l1 , l2 and l3 subject to li ¼ 1, For example, L ¼ ð0; 1; 0;Þ is collaborative
intercepting Grade 3.

4 Model Solution

4.1 Neural Network

Back Propagation (BP) Neural Network [24–26] with input layer, hidden layer and
output layer is demonstrated in Fig. 3 as follows:
Where X ¼ ½xi1 ; xi2 ; . . .; xin T 2 Rn i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; n is n network input data, Y ¼
½y1 ; y2 ; . . .; ym  is network output, h is the  number of hidden layer, W1 ¼
½wi1 ; wi2 ; . . .; wih  and W2 ¼ wj1 ; w2j ; . . .; whj , j ¼ 1; 2; . . .; m is weight from input
nodes to hidden nodes and weight from hidden nodes to output nodes respectively, B is

modify weight

error E
x1 1
2 y1
x2 2
y. training
xN N O

Fig..3. Principle of BP neural network

Improved Clonal Selection Algorithm Optimizing Neural Network 221

neuron threshold vector, f ðÞ is activation function of hidden layer, then output matrix
from input layer to hidden layer is X ¼ f ðW1  X Þ and output matrix from hidden layer
 0 Pm
to output layer is Y ¼ W2  X ; E ¼ Y  Y  ¼ 12
0 0
ðyk  ^yk Þ2 is network output
error function and the training of neural network is the searching W1 , W2 and B to
minimize E.

4.2 ICLONALG-NN Illustration

Slow convergence phenomenon often appears during training neural network with tra-
ditional gradient descent algorithm. Clonal Selection Algorithm (CLONALG) [27, 28]
is a optimization algorithm with distinguishing, self-adjust and immune memory
capability inspired from immune phenomenon that antibody in biological immune
system eliminates invading antigen. Improved Clonal Selection Algorithm (ICLO-
NALG) introduces crossover operator to increase population diversity and introduces
modified combination operator to make use of information before crossover and
mutation, therefore ICLONALG is proposed to optimize neural network leading to the
birth of ICLONALG-NN model.
Here objective function E is considered as antigen in ICLONALG and full neural
network parameters are considered as antibody in ICLONALG, the optimization pro-
cess is searching the best objective function f ðÞ through eliminating invading antigen
and producing antibody with high affinity through selecting operator and other immune
The complex nonlinear optimization relation between every evaluate index and
collaborative intercepting grade could be described by ICLONALG-NN, which enjoys
super nonlinear management capability with precision and speediness and will enjoys
applausive applications in multi-input and multi-output terminal anti-missile collabo-
rative intercepting assistant decision-making model.
Furthermore, the basic solving process is demonstrated as follows:
(1) construct terminal anti-missile collaborative intercepting assistant decision-
making model, this model takes evaluation indexes as inputs and takes collabo-
rative intercepting grade as outputs;
(2) design executing steps of ICLONALG-NN;
(3) train and test ICLONALG-NN with samples.
The network parameters
 to be optimized
 are W ¼ ½W1 ; W2 ; B, where W1 ¼ ½wi1 ;
wi2 ; . . .; wih , W2 ¼ wj1 ; w2j ; . . .; whj , i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; n, j ¼ 1; 2; . . .; m and B is neural
neuron threshold vector. Then the ICLONALG-NN flowchart is demonstrated in
Fig. 4.
Executing steps of ICLONALG-NN are undertook priority analysis as follows:
Step 1: initializing population
Full neural network parameters W ¼ ½W1 ; W2 ; B are coded in floating-point format,
which is the
222 J. Xiao et al.

Fig. 4. ICLONALG-NN flowchart

corresponding problem space, therefore antibody population P is initialized with

population scale pop.
Step 2: calculating fitness Fitð jÞ
Fitness Fitð jÞ is set to reciprocal of objective function Ej according to Eqs. (2) and
objective function
 k 2
XT X m
yi  ^yki
minEj ¼ ð2Þ
k¼1 i¼1

Fitð jÞ ¼ ð3Þ

Where j is the jth individual in population,yki and ^yki is the expected outputs and
practical outputs in kth training mode respectively; m is the number of neuron in output
layer; T is the number of training samples.
Step 3: producing memory population
Memory population M is produced through selecting the best popm antibodies from
antibody population P according to their fitness.
Step 4: clone operator
Improved Clonal Selection Algorithm Optimizing Neural Network 223

Population C is produced through cloning memory population M.

The higher the antibody fitness, the more cloning antibody population, the pro-
portional cloning operator is in Eq. (4).
f ð jÞ
clonej ¼ Int clone  P ð4Þ
f ð jÞ
Where clone is the antibody population cloning scale, clone ¼ clonei and IntðÞ
is the elements to
the nearest integers which can be seen in Matlab 7.11.0.
Step 5: crossover operator: population Cc is produced from population C through
crossover operator.
Select crossover point randomly in every antibody and set variable x and x as
before and after crossover operator, which are produced through linear crossover in
Eq. (5).
( 0
x1 ¼ rx1 þ ð1  r Þx2
0 ð5Þ
x2 ¼ rx2 þ ð1  r Þx1

Where r 2 ½0; 1 is a random number.

Step 6: mutation operator: population Cm is produced from population C through
mutation operator.
Select mutation point randomly in every antibody and set variable x and x as before
and after mutation operator, which are produced through nonuniformity mutation in
Eqs. (6) and (7).
0 x þ D½gc ; r ðkÞ  x; sign ¼ 0
x ¼ ð6Þ
x  D½gc ; x  lðkÞ; sign ¼ 1
Dðgc ; yÞ ¼ yr 1  ð7Þ

Where D is calculating variable function, y is the distance from x to lower or upper

bounds, gc is evolution iteration at present, T is the maximum iteration, r is the
coefficient with an nonuniformity adjusting function. The larger evolution iteration is,
the larger probability Dðgc ; yÞ converges at 0. Therefore, algorithm could search the
problem space at the evolvement early stage abroadly and algorithm remains local high
search precision at the evolvement later stage.
Step 7: population update operator
Combine population C, population C c and population C m into C new in Eq. (8) to
make full use of antibody information before crossover operator, mutation operator and
inject new antibody information into population.
224 J. Xiao et al.

C new ¼ ½C; C c ; C m ; D ð8Þ

Firstly produce antibody population P by selecting pop antibodies from population
according to their fitness, then produce antibody population P by replacing the
lowest fitness antibodies in population P with population D, which is produced ran-
domly with population scale d.
Step 8: repetition
Repeat Step 3*Step 7 until the maximum iteration T.

4.3 Applying ICLONALG-NN to Solve Decision-Making Model

Here BP Neural Network is adopt in ICLONALG-NN and takes four indexes including
range, penetration capability, arriving time and distance from BM falling point as inputs,
collaborative intercepting grade including Grade 2, Grade 3 and Grade 4 as outputs.
Furthermore, BP Neural Network has single hidden network, the neuron number is set to
be 9 according to “2N þ 1” method proposed by Hecht-Nielsen [29, 30] and transferring
function is Sigmoid function in every neuron. Therefore topology structure 4-9-3 BP
Neural Network with 4 inputs, 9 hidden layers and 3 outputs is demonstrated in Fig. 5,
which is also applied in experimentation 1.

input layer hidden layer output layer

penetration capability Grade 2
arriving time Grade 3
distance from BM falling point Grade 4

Fig. 5. BP neural network in experimentation 1

And the BP Neural Network parameters include w1 , w2 and b1 , b2 , which are

weight from input layer to hidden layers, weight from hidden layers to output layer and
every neuron threshold of hidden layer, output layer respectively. These parameters
could be optimized by ICLONALG.
Improved Clonal Selection Algorithm Optimizing Neural Network 225

5 Analysis on Simulation Results

5.1 Experimentation 1
Collaborative intercepting data information provided by terminal anti-missile collab-
orative intercepting domain expert is considered as training samples and testing sam-
ples. Three group row data are testing samples including data from row No. 30 to row
No. 32, the other row group data are training samples in Table 1. ICLONALG-NN,
CLONALG-NN are adopt to solve the problem and the network parameters are set as
follows: T ¼ 300, pop ¼ 50, popm ¼ 20, clone ¼ 100, d ¼ 5.Firstly, the network
input data is in normalization processing according to Eq. (9).

Iij  minIj
Iij ¼ ð9Þ
maxIj  minIj

Where Iij is the input data in Table 1, i is row serial number, j is column serial
number, maxIj ,minIj are the maximum and minimum of the jth column data
Then, train the Neural Network with the data in Table 1 and draw the global error
curve figure demonstrated in Fig. 6.
Global network error comparison of ICLONALG-NN and CLONALG-NN could
be found in upper subfigure in Fig. 6, the network error comparison in first half training
process and latter half training process are demonstrated in lower left subfigure and
lower right subfigure respectively. The convergence speed of ICLONALG-NN is faster
than that of CLONALG-NN, for that ICLONALG-NN already appears convergence
before 50 iterations while CLONALG-NN almost appears convergence after 200
iterations. In addition, the global network error precision of ICLONALG-NN almost
reaches 106 while that of CLONALG-NN could reach just 102 , therefore, the
optimization capability of ICLONALG is higher than that of CLONALG obviously.
The experimental results confirms the higher optimization capability of ICLO-
NALG than that of CLONALG, for that ICLONALG amends the defect of lower local
optimization capability and prematurity convergence through the modified crossover
operator, modified mutation operator and modified population update operator which
leads to improve optimization capability. Furthermore, testing results of
ICLONALG-NN with training samples and testing samples confirm the consistency
between expectation outputs and practical outputs with minimum network error.
In conclusion, the response speed and the evaluation precision of ICLONALG-NN
are better than that of CLONALG-NN, the trained ICLONALG-NN could better reflect
the correlativity between input samples and output samples, which could enjoy
applausive application in terminal anti-missile collaborative intercepting assistant
decision-making model.
226 J. Xiao et al.

Table 1. Collaborative intercepting data provided by domain expert

Serial number s p t h Expectation Practical outputs Remarks
1 2700 0.95 61 50 (0,0,1) (0.0000,0.0000,1.0000) Training
2 800 0.55 152 79 (0,1,0) (0.0004,0.9996,0.0000)
3 1100 0.58 69 55 (0,1,0) (0.0000,1.0000,0.0000)
4 2400 0.55 111 65 (0,1,0) (0.0000,1.0000,0.0000)
5 800 0.55 99 352 (1,0,0) (1.0000,0.0000,0.0000)
6 800 0.55 199 123 (1,0,0) (1.0000,0.0000,0.0000)
7 900 0.60 73 66 (0,1,0) (0.0001,0.9999,0.0000)
8 800 0.60 75 118 (1,0,0) (1.0000,0.0000,0.0000)
9 800 0.56 179 93 (1,0,0) (0.9996,0.0004,0.0000)
10 800 0.58 108 115 (1,0,0) (1.0000,0.0000,0.0000)
11 800 0.55 380 400 (1,0,0) (1.0000,0.0000,0.0000)
12 1000 0.60 70 57 (0,1,0) (0.0000,1.0000,0.0000)
13 800 0.59 71 63 (0,1,0) (0.0000,1.0000,0.0000)
14 800 0.64 280 400 (1,0,0) (1.0000,0.0000,0.0000)
15 1000 0.60 64 54 (0,1,0) (0.0000,1.0000,0.0000)
16 800 0.55 143 101 (1,0,0) (0.9997,0.0002,0.0000)
17 800 0.55 179 101 (1,0,0) (0.9999,0.0001,0.0000)
18 1000 0.68 71 51 (0,0,1) (0.0000,0.0000,1.0000)
19 1500 0.90 75 51 (0,0,1) (0.0000,0.0000,1.0000)
20 900 0.55 280 79 (0,1,0) (0.0001,0.9999,0.0000)
21 800 0.55 280 163 (1,0,0) (1.0000,0.0000,0.0000)
22 1100 0.63 66 54 (0,1,0) (0.0000,1.0000,0.0000)
23 800 0.58 135 98 (1,0,0) (1.0000,0.0000,0.0000)
24 800 0.55 139 172 (1,0,0) (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)
25 800 0.55 199 170 (1,0,0) (1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)
26 2500 0.61 135 303 (1,0,0) (0.0000,0.0001,1.0000)
27 1700 0.66 115 55 (0,1,0) (0.0000,1.0000,0.0000)
28 1500 0.60 60 54 (0,1,0) (0.0000,1.0000,0.0000)
29 1300 0.55 63 314 (1,0,0) (1.0000,0.0000,0.0000)
30 900 0.65 60 53 (0,1,0) (0.0000,1.0000,0.0000) Testing
31 1200 0.80 62 51 (0,0,1) (0.0000,0.0001,1.0000)
32 1000 0.55 63 314 (1,0,0) (1.0000,0.0000,0.0000)

5.2 Experimentation 2
Comparing with traditional air defense command automation system, high-speed
characteristic BM sets a still higher demand on the rapid reaction capability and
autonomous operation speed of C2BMC system; these requirements also sets a still
higher demand on collaborative intercepting design in C2BMC system.
Improved Clonal Selection Algorithm Optimizing Neural Network 227

Fig. 6. Network error comparison of ICLONALG-NN and CLONALG-NN

Table 2. Terminal anti-missile collaborative intercepting grade

Evaluation index Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4
Range/kilometer <600 600*1000 1000*2000 2000*3000
Arriving time/second >150 128*150 72.0*120 <72.0

Here the experiment 2 is designed to validate the universality of ICLONALG-NN.

Operational system designers usually simplify assistant decision-making model con-
sidering the BM high-speed, which will put high real-time characteristic requirement
forward for terminal anti-missile collaborative intercepting assistant decision-making.
Here range and arriving time are the model inputs and collaborative intercepting grade
1, grade 2, grade 3 and grade 4 are the model outputs, which are demonstrated as
ð1; 0; 0; 0Þ, ð0; 1; 0; 0Þ, ð0; 0; 1; 0Þ and ð0; 0; 0; 1Þ respectively.
Terminal anti-missile collaborative intercepting grade determinant criterion is in
Table 2 according to domain expert and the training samples are randomly produced in
Table 3. Critical value of all the collaborative intercepting grade in Table 3 are used
once while the collaborative intercepting grades relative to critical values are 0.5 and
the other collaborative intercepting grades are 0.
Terminal anti-missile collaborative intercepting assistant decision-making model is
constructed according to ICLONALG-NN designing criterion. Topology structure 2-5-4
BP Neural Network with 2 inputs, 5 hidden layers and 4 outputs is demonstrated in
Fig. 7, whose neuron number of single hidden network is set to be 9 according to
“2N þ 1” method proposed by Hecht-Nielsen and transferring function is Sigmoid
function in every neuron.
228 J. Xiao et al.

Table 3. Neural Network training samples produced randomly

Serial number s t Expectation outputs Practical outputs
1 300 181.0 (1,0,0,0) (0.9999,0.0001,0.0000,0.0000)
2 350 172.7 (1,0,0,0) (0.9985,0.0013,0.0000,0.0000)
3 380 168.1 (1,0,0,0) (0.9833,0.0155,0.0000,0.0000)
4 400 160.7 (1,0,0,0) (0.9817,0.0146,0.0000,0.0000)
5 500 155.5 (1,0,0,0) (0.9746,0.0283,0.0000,0.0000)
6 600 150.0 (0.5,0.5,0,0) (0.5217,0.4912,0.0000,0.0000)
7 650 147.2 (0,1,0,0) (0.0147,0.9947,0.0000,0.0000)
8 700 143.9 (0,1,0,0) (0.0011,0.9999,0.0000,0.0000)
9 780 139.8 (0,1,0,0) (0.0002,1.0000,0.0000,0.0000)
10 860 135.5 (0,1,0,0) (0.0000,1.0000,0.0003,0.0000)
11 900 130.3 (0,1,0,0) (0.0000,0.9983,0.0114,0.0000)
12 1000 128.0 (0,0.5,0.5,0) (0.0000,0.5003,0.4941,0.0000)
13 1100 120.6 (0,0,1,0) (0.0000,0.0000,0.9994,0.0000)
14 1300 107.4 (0,0,1,0) (0.0000,0.0000,0.9999,0.0000)
15 1500 95.9 (0,0,1,0) (0.0000,0.0000,1.0000,0.0000)
16 1700 86.5 (0,0,1,0) (0.0000,0.0000,0.9999,0.0000)
17 1900 75.9 (0,0,1,0) (0.0000,0.0000,0.9958,0.0000)
18 2000 72.0 (0,0,0.5,0.5) (0.0000,0.0000,0.5126,0.5117)
19 2200 67.0 (0,0,0,1) (0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,1.0000)
20 2300 53.8 (0,0,0,1) (0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,1.0000)
21 2500 35.0 (0,0,0,1) (0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,1.0000)
22 2700 29.5 (0,0,0,1) (0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,1.0000)
23 2900 21.0 (0,0,0,1) (0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,1.0000)

input layer hidden layer output layer

Grade 1
range Grade 2
arriving time Grade 3
Grade 4

Fig. 7. BP neural network in experimentation 2

Training ends when the global network error precision of ICLONALG-NN almost
reaches 103 after 300 iterations. The training results are in the right practical outputs
column in Table 3 and the trained Neural Network could reflect the relationship
between the sample inputs and the sample outputs. Therefore, terminal anti-missile
collaborative intercepting grades are determined by ICLONALG-NN model, which are
demonstrated in Table 4.
The test samples evaluation results that are consistent with terminal anti-missile
collaborative intercepting grades criterion include serial number 1, serial number 2,
Improved Clonal Selection Algorithm Optimizing Neural Network 229

Table 4. evaluation on test samples

Serial number s t Practical outputs Grade
1 500 161.3 (0.0002,0.9998,0.0000,0.0000) Grade 2
2 980 138.7 (0.0000,0.9558,0.0769,0.0000) Grade 2
3 1400 125.6 (0.0000,0.0000,0.9999,0.0000) Grade 3
4 1200 114.4 (0.0000,0.0000,0.9999,0.0000) Grade 3
5 2800 61.9 (0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,1.0000) Grade 4
6 1900 110.6 (0.0000,0.0000,0.9955,0.0022) Grade 3
7 950 69.7 (0.0000,0.0000,1.0000,0.0000) Grade 3
8 2200 34.8 (0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,1.0000) Grade 4
9 1100 106.7 (0.0000,0.0000,1.0000,0.0000) Grade 3

serial number 4, serial number 5, serial number 6, serial number 8 and serial number 9.
Then the evaluation results of serial number 3 and serial number 7 should be analysed
as follows at length for the reasons that their range and arriving time belong to different
collaborative intercepting grade.
(1) range 1400 km belongs to Grade 3 and is almost in middle interval ½1000; 2000,
which are the lower and upper bounds of range in Grade 3 considering serial
number 3. However, arriving time t ¼ 125:6 belongs to Grade 2 and is nearer to
128, which is both the upper bound of range in Grade 3 and lower bound of range
in Grade 2, therefore, the evaluation result that collaborative intercepting grade
belongs to Grade 3 is reasonable.
(2) range 950 km belongs to Grade 2 and is nearer to 1000, which is both the upper
bound of range in Grade 2 and lower bound of range in Grade 3. However,
arriving time t ¼ 69:7 belongs to Grade 4 and is nearer to 72, which is both the
upper bound of range in Grade 4 and lower bound of range in Grade 3, therefore,
the evaluation result that collaborative intercepting grade belongs to Grade 3 is
more reasonable.
ICLONALG-NN could evaluate terminal anti-missile collaborative intercepting
grades, whose results are reasonable completely. The method could reflect the rela-
tionship between the multi-indexes and collaborative intercepting grades for that this
method could solve different indexes evaluation result incompatible problems
appearing in multi-indexes evaluation system.
Furthermore, ICLONALG-NN model are constructed to evaluate terminal
anti-missile collaborative intercepting grades practically based on the training samples
provided by domain experts and the model could be easily updated through increasing
new training samples or increasing some evaluation indexes. Therefore, the model is
practical and applicable in common currency. The more complex model, the more
training time, therefore the operational time limit requirement should be considered
before designing practical ICLONALG-NN. In conclusion, ICLONALG-NN will
enjoy high applause in the future application.
230 J. Xiao et al.

6 Conclusions

Terminal anti-missile collaborative intercepting assistant decision-making model is

constructed and ICLONALG-NN is proposed to solve the model. Crossover operator
and population update operator are introduced into ICLONALG to produce antibodies
with high affinity in large probability. Then experiment results demonstrate algorithm
remarkable effectiveness in the application. In practical missile defense operational
process, the proposed model parameters in paper are fixed to collaborative intercepting
software module. C2BMC system could program collaborative intercepting after target
assignment automatically based on collaborative intercepting programming, which will
satisfy real-time collaborative intercepting requirement.
To promote the development on the theory and application of ICLONALG-NN, our
future research will focus on the two points below.
(1) The basic theory of the ICLONALG-NN. Biology immune theory and Neural
Network theory should be explored at length to enhance the optimization capa-
bility, in addition, control parameters play an significant role in algorithm per-
formance, therefore, relative research should be carried on through theoretical
analysis and experiments.
(2) ICLONALG-NN application in classification. Apply ICLONALG-NN to some
engineering problems including pattern recognition, threat assessment, cluster

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Optimal Controller Design and Simulation
Analysis of Inertially Stabilized Platform
for Airborne Remote Sensing

Delin Zeng(&) and Kai Xiao

College of Aerospace Science and Engineering,

National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China
[email protected]

Abstract. In order to isolate interference and, keep the line of sight of imaging
load in inertial coordinate system, applying an inertially stabilized platform as a
joint between aircraft and load is best choice. But it is difficult to design the
controller of inertially stabilized platform for airborne remote sensing, because
of its large mass and volume, which results low structural resonance interfer-
ence. Based on the complex frequency domain analysis of various disturbances,
a novel optimal controller design method is put forward. Firstly, the dual loop
control structure is obtained by modeling main interference and ignoring the
inessential disturbance. Secondly, the configuration of controller is determined
considering the complexity and tracking performance. Moreover, constraints
conditions are designed after analyzing the nyquist stability criterion and the
influence of structural resonance. Finally, objective function about the evalua-
tion index of anti-interference ability is proposed and, the controller optimal
design is completed by using genetic algorithm. Simulation experiment is
implemented based on a realistic prototype system and, the optimal controller
design method is proved simple, effective and practical for engineering using.

Keywords: Complex frequency domain  Dual-loop control system  Optimal

controller design  Genetic algorithm  Disturbance-rejection

1 Introduction and Background

In order to isolate interference and, keep the line of sight of imaging load in inertial
coordinate system, applying an inertially stabilized platform as a joint between aircraft
and load is best choice. The structure of the tri-axial inertially stabilized platform for
airborne remote sensing is shown in Fig. 1. Imaging load is installed in the internal
gimbal, namely, the azimuth gimbal in Fig. 1, as well as POS, gyro and other sensors.
Sensors measure the attitude and angular velocity information and, feed back to the
control system, after calculating, control signal is input to the motor by power amplifier
circuit and then, control torque is generated to achieve high precision control [1–5].
The Inertially stabilized platform for airborne remote sensing always has a large
volume and quality, because of the high resolution imaging load installed in it, and
needs large control torque, which complicates the structure of system and introduces
the exceeding interference. Therefore, we must apply the gear transmission mechanism,

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 232–247, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_23
Optimal Controller Design and Simulation Analysis 233

Fig. 1. Typical structure of tri-axial inertially stabilized platform for airborne remote sensing

to achieve high precision control, leading to a significant reduction in the structural

resonance frequency of the system. However, the toque disturbance-rejection capability
is approximately proportion to the bandwidth of the stabilization loop, which is limited
by the structural resonance. The increased pressure, caused by the large quality,
deteriorates the lubrication condition between bearing contact surfaces, resulting in a
great increase of friction interference. The application of the large reduction ratio gear
increases the counter electromotive force disturbance. In addition, the elastic force,
which is come from non-rigid structure of the system, such as cable, the circuit noise
interference, and so on, making disturbance-rejection property of control system par-
ticularly important [6–10].
The structure of control system of Inertially stabilized platform for airborne remote
sensing is usually the dual-loop control structure, namely, the speed stable loop and the
position stable loop. The control bandwidth of the velocity stabilization loop is, as a
rule, far greater than the one of position stabilized loop, furthermore, except for
tracking the input signal, generated by position loop controller, speed stable loop must
acting to suppress interference. Therefore, velocity stabilization loop controller design
is most important. Due to inertially stabilized platform parameters cannot be obtained
accurately in actual engineering application, the controller design mainly uses the
frequency domain analysis and PID method. This method has very strong practicability
and reliability. However, these two methods are relatively rough design and, usually,
cannot obtain optimal controller parameters, furthermore, cannot explain the
anti-interference performance exactly. Adaptive control, fuzzy control, robust control
methods are researched, in order to deal with the unknown parameters condition, and
are gotten some achievement. However, the control system, come from advanced
design methods above, are always complex and, in actual engineering, will bring new
problems [11–16].
Based on the analysis of the complex frequency domain and considering the
influence of the structure resonance, this paper proposes a novel optimal controller
design method, which transforms the controller design problem to multi-objective issue
234 D. Zeng and K. Xiao

and, considers the disturbance-rejection ability as an optimal target, using genetic

algorithm to complete the design. The paper is organized as follows. The analysis of
disturbance, system modeling and simplification are illustrated in Sect. 2; the main idea
of the optimal design method of controller is described deeply in Sects. 3 and 4; in
Sect. 5 simulation studies of the characteristic of a more realistic system is performed;
finally, the effectiveness of the optimal design method is investigated through simu-
lation studies.

2 Analysis of Disturbance and Modeling and Simplification

of System

2.1 Negligible Disturbance

In practical engineering applications, there is a lot of interference, whose influence is
very small to control accuracy, to highlight the main interference, this interference
should be ignored. In aerial remote sensing work, due to the effect of control system,
tri-axial gimbals are moving small around the inertial equilibrium position and, because
of the small angular motion of aircraft, the angle and angular velocity between gimbals
are keeping very small. Accordingly, the coupling effect can ignore, for that they are
come from the high order terms of small quantities above, and the controller design of
each axis can be separately carried on. Processing and installation error is unavoidable,
but after careful design, processing, assembling and, the latter debugging and dynamic
balance experiment, can limiting the disturbance to a very small rang, thus, we can
ignore these disturbances in controller design. Noise of control circuit and sensor is
also a factor affecting the control accuracy, while, in aerial remote sensing task, better
performance of devices are usually selected and, the using of filter, so that the impact of
noise can be not considered. By the analysis above, we can greatly simplify the factors,
which need to be considered carefully in controller design.

2.2 LuGre Friction Model

Friction torque of inertially stabilized platform with large load is considerable, usually
in few Nm and, and due to the low frequency interference caused by the angular motion
of aircraft makes the low-speed friction effect particularly distinctness. At present, the
research on the friction model has a lot of work, in which the LuGre model represents
the highest level of the current, which fully reflects the low-speed friction effect,
strict-back effect and zero-speed dynamic performance. The LuGre friction model has
been applied to the inertial stabilization platform [17].

z ¼ xr  rg0ðjxxrrÞj  z ð1Þ
Mf ¼ r0 z þ r1 z_ þ r2 xr
Optimal Controller Design and Simulation Analysis 235

Where xr is relative angular velocity between gimbal and the base, z is internal
friction state, which indicates the mean displacement of contact bristle, and usually has
the follow formulation.

gðxr Þ ¼ Mc þ ðMs  Mc Þeðxs Þ

xr 2

The formula uses the exponential form to reflect the zero-speed friction dynamic,
Mc is coulomb friction torque, Ms is the greatest static friction torque and, xs is
strict-back constant, which can represent the negative slope of strict-back property
combined with exponential form. Mf is friction torque, composed of three parts, first
part is proportional to the internal friction state and r0 is scaling factor, stand for
stiffness of bristle; the second part is caused by the change of internal state and r1 is
micro-damp factor; the last part is viscous friction torque, and the coefficient is r2 .

2.3 Motor Drive Model

The disturbance, caused by the counter electromotive of motor, amplified by large
reduction ratio, causes greater impact to the control system accuracy, which needs
analysis deeply. We can establish the model:
< Uc  Ue ¼ LI_ þ RI
Tc ¼ IKi N ð3Þ
J x_ ¼ Tc  Md

Where Uc is control input voltage, Ue ¼ Ke Nxr is counter electromotive of motor

and, Ke is the coefficient, N is gear reduction ratio. I is motor current, L is motor
inductance and R is motor resistance. Where Tc is motor output torque, which is
proportional to current and, the scaling factor is Ki . x_ is absolute angular acceleration,
Md is interference torque, mainly caused by friction [18].

2.4 Structural Resonance Model

The introduction of gear transmission system greatly limits the bandwidth of the
control system, which is a great threat to the stability of the control system. In order to
consider the influence of the structural resonance, usually, a second order transform
function is used to replace the structural resonance.

Gr ¼ ð4Þ
s2 þ 2fxn þ x2n

Where xn is free frequency, which can be used to represent the structural resonance
frequency, f is damp ratio, which can represent the influence of structural resonance.
Based on the modeling and analysis above, we can complete the design of control
system with the block diagram as shown in Fig. 2 [19].
236 D. Zeng and K. Xiao

Fig. 2. Structure block diagram of control system

3 Optimal Design Method and Controller Design of Velocity

Stable Loop

In the dual- loop control structure of Fig. 2, in addition to tracking the input signal, the
speed stabilization loop must restrain the interference, so it must be carefully designed.
Gr is represent the structural resonance as shown in Fig. 2, However, the second order
transmission function increased two order of the system, greatly complicating the
system. In order to simplify the control system and make the controller much easier, we
can replace Gr by a constraint condition about closed-loop bandwidth, which is dis-
cussed in detail in follow sections. So, we can complete the optimization design of the
speed stability loop controller with block diagram 3.

Fig. 3. The sketch map of optimal controller design of speed stability loop

3.1 The Structure of Controller Gv

From Fig. 3, we can get transfer function of output angular velocity versus input
control signal:

Ki NKpwm Kg Gv
Gx0 =xc ¼ ð5Þ
JsðLs þ RÞ þ Ki NKpwm Kg Gv

Transfer function of tracking error to input angular velocity:

Optimal Controller Design and Simulation Analysis 237

JKg sðLs þ RÞ
Gex =xc ¼ ð6Þ
JsðLs þ RÞ þ Ki NKpwm Kg Gv

The change of output angular velocity caused by counter electromotive disturbance


Ki N
Gx0 =Ud ¼ ð7Þ
JsðLs þ RÞ þ Ki NKpwm Kg Gv

And the change of output angular velocity caused by equivalent interferential

torque is:

ðLs þ RÞ
Gx0 =Md ¼ ð8Þ
JsðLs þ RÞ þ Ki NKpwm Kg Gv

From (6), we can get steady state error of signal tracking is:

JKg s2 ðLs þ RÞxi ðsÞ

exss ¼ lim ð9Þ
s!0 JsðLs þ RÞ þ Ki NKpwm Kg Gv

In order to achieve the effective tracking, tracking error should be keeping zero or
as small as possible. Formula (9) indicates that the speed loop can’t achieve effective
tracking if the input signal is accelerated or even higher order signal. It is not allowed
for system. To solve the confliction, the controller Gv must contain integral term, and
the higher order the integral term is, the better tracking performance the system has.
However, the higher order integral term can complex and reduce the stability of the
system. From (7), we can get steady state output caused by counter electromotive

Ki NsUd ðsÞ

xUd ss ¼ lim ð10Þ
s!0 JsðLs þ RÞ þ Ki NKpwm Kg Gv

Formula (9) indicates that control system can absolutely suppress the impulse and
step interference but not the ramp or higher order disturbance if Gv without integral
term. When Gv has first order integral term, the system can suppress the ramp inter-
ference, and when Gv has second order integral term, the system can deal with the
higher interference. (Analysis about equivalent disturbance torque is the same as the
counter electromotive interference.)
Based on the analysis above, fully considering the simpleness of the speed stabi-
lization loop, tracking and disturbance-rejection performance, we let Gv be:

K v ð s þ aÞ ð s þ bÞ
Gv ¼ ð11Þ

Where Kv ; a; b 2 R þ .
238 D. Zeng and K. Xiao

3.2 Optimal Design and Determination of Controller Parameters

3.2.1 Analysis of Stability and Stability Constraint Condition
Taking the formula (11) to Fig. 3, we can get open-loop transfer function:

Kpwm Kg Ki NKv ðs þ aÞðs þ bÞ

Gvopen ¼ ð12Þ
Js3 ðLs þ RÞ

The nyquist curve is shown in Fig. 4, when taking the general numerical values of
the parameters in the model.

Fig. 4. Open-loop Nyquist curve of speed stabilization loop

According to the nyquist stability criterion, the control system is stable when point
P is on the left side of point ð1; 0Þ. In order to ensure the control system stable and
with enough stable margin, the point P should be on the left side of point ð2; 0Þ. Put
s ¼ jx into formula (12), we can get the stability constraint condition.
h i
C1 Kv Lab  ða þ bÞR  Lx2p
   2 ð13Þ
Jx2p L2 x2p þ R2

3.2.2 Constraint Condition of Structural Resonance

To ensure the normal operation of the system not excite the structure resonance and,
having enough margin of control system, ordinarily, have the inequation xvb  xn ,
where xvb is the control closed-loop bandwidth of velocity stabilization loop, xn is the
structural resonance frequency. (The detail illustration of the advantage of the
inequation is in the Sect. 5.) Taking the inequation into (5), and using the 3 dB
bandwidth definition, we can get the constraint condition.
Optimal Controller Design and Simulation Analysis 239

JL2 x4vb  2LC1 Kv ab  x2vb  JR2 x2vb þ 2RC1 Kv ða þ bÞ  0 ð14Þ

3.2.3 Analysis of Disturbance-Rejection Ability and Optimal Object

In order to analyze the influence between the value of Kv ; a; b and the anti-interference
ability of system, put s ¼ jx into formulas (7) and (8), and we can get exceeding output
response signal’s amplitude caused by disturbance.
8 rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
>   C22 x4
< Gx ¼
o =ud ½JLx4 þ C1 Kv ðabx2 Þ2 þ ½C1 Kv ða þ bÞJRx3 2
  qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð15Þ
: Gx ¼ L2 x6 þ Rx4
o =Md 2
½JLx4 þ C1 Kv ðabx2 Þ þ ½C1 Kv ða þ bÞJRx3  2

For a certain frequency interference signal, the smaller the Gxo =ud  and Gxo =Md  is,
the better the ability to suppress the interference
 is, thus, we can put forward an
evaluation index S, which is composed of the Gxo =ud  and Gxo =Md , to represent the
ability to suppress the disturbance of system.
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
x¼x  Xd 
S¼ Gx =u 2 þ Gx =M 2 ð16Þ
o d x o d x
x¼0 x¼0

Where x, xd are disturbance frequency and max disturbance frequency, respec-

tively. They are determined by the actual conditions. If in an actual system, interference
of some frequency or frequency domain is more than ones of residual frequency
domain, we can add more weight to the amplitude response of S in these frequencies.
The smaller S is, the better ability to suppress disturbance is.

3.2.4 Design of Controller Based on Genetic Algorithm

Based on the analysis above, we can transform the issue of controller design into
multi-objectives optimal problem. Genetic algorithm, because of its high efficiency and
global optimality which is widely applied to multi-objective optimization problems. So,
we can use genetic algorithm to get optimal design of controller. Let S be the objective
function, formula (13) and (14) be the nonlinear constraint condition, and Kv ; a; b [ 0
be the linear constraint condition. After programming and calculating, we can obtain
optimal controller.
At the end of this chapter, we get the optimal controller design flow chart 5
(Fig. 5).

4 Controller Design of Position Stable Loop

Control system of position stabilization loop is shown in Fig. 6.

Unlike the speed stability loop controller design, the main function of the position
stability loop is to track the input signal without the need to consider the interference
240 D. Zeng and K. Xiao

Fig. 5. Optimal design flow chart of controller of speed stability loop

Fig. 6. Control system block diagram of position stabilization loop

suppression. Furthermore, design of Gp is based on the design of Gv , thus, the design of

Gp is much easier.
Like the design of Gv , first is to determine the controller configuration. Considering
the simpleness and tracking performance of position stabilization loop, let the con-
figuration of controller Gp is (the detail discuss is similar to the determination of
configuration of Gv ):

K G ð s þ cÞ
Gp ¼ ð17Þ
Optimal Controller Design and Simulation Analysis 241

Where KG ; c 2 R þ . The selection of controller parameters must ensure the stability

requirements and control bandwidth constraints. From Fig. 6, formula (5), (11) and
(17), open-loop transfer function of position stability loop can be obtained.

C1 Kv KG Kp ðs þ aÞðs þ bÞðs þ cÞ
Gpopen ¼ ð18Þ
Js5 ðLs þ RÞ þ C1 Kv s2 ðs þ aÞðs þ bÞ

Bringing Gv , whose parameters are known, and numerical values of related

parameters, the nyquist curve of Gpopen is shown in the Fig. 7.

Fig. 7. Nyquist curve of open-loop transfer function of position stable loop.

According to the nyquist stability criterion and enough stability margin require-
ments, point Q, in Fig. 7, should be on the right side of point ð0:5; 0Þ, namely

QRe   0:5 ð19Þ

To ensure the tracking and disturbance-rejection performance of the controller Gv ,

the control closed-loop bandwidth should satisfy the inequation:

xp  xvb ð20Þ

Where xp is the closed-loop bandwidth of position stability loop.

The values of the Gp have little influence on the system anti-interference ability,
furthermore, there are only two parameters in Gp , thus, we can use simple search
method to complete design.
242 D. Zeng and K. Xiao

5 Simulation and Analysis

5.1 Simulation Parameters and Controller Design Results
Based on the technical parameters of a practical principle prototype, the simulation
parameters, that are need in control block diagram 2, are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Simulation parameters of a practical principle prototype

Parameter symbol Value Parameter symbol Value
Motor inductance L 8.6 * 2.2e-4 (H) Second order Damping f 0.1
Motor resistance R 8.6 (X) Counter electromotive Ke 0.01
Current torque Coefficient Ki 0.181 Coulomb friction torque Mc 1.71 (Nm)
Reduction ratio N 120 Maximal static friction Ms 3.42 (Nm)
Moment of inertia J 1.65 (Kg▪m2) Strict-back coefficient xs 0.03
Gyro scale factor Kg 2 * 0.694 * 219/20 Bristle stiffness coefficient r0 1500 (N/m)
PWM coefficient Kpwm 28/937 Micro-damping r1 11 (Ns/m)
Structural response 30 ðHzÞ Viscous coefficient r2 27 (Ns/rad)
frequency xn
POS scale factor Kg 180/p Interference frequencies x 0*20 rad/s

In genetic algorithm, let population size 300, crossover probability 0.8 and the
Mutation probability 0.2. The fitness function is based formula (16). Putting all sim-
ulation parameters into the optimal controller design method, we get that
Gv ¼ 0:02ðs þ 2Þðs þ 2:735Þ=s2 . The closed-loop control bandwidth of the speed sta-
bilization loop is xvb ¼ 5:98 ðHzÞ, which is very close to xn =5, ensures the structural
resonance constraints, responsive velocity and disturbance-rejection performance.
Bring Gv in the nyquist curve, we can get that the point P is ð28:45; 0Þ, indicates that
control system has large stability margin. Put Gv into the position stabilized loop, using
the design method in Sect. 4, we can get Gp ¼ 0:05497ðs þ 0:1Þ=s. And closed-loop
control bandwidth of position stabilization loop is 0:5714 Hz, which satisfies the
bandwidth constraint condition and is close to the ultimate value, namely,
xpb xvb =10. Point Q, as shown in Fig. 7, is ð8
104 ; 0Þ, indicates that system
has large stability margin.

5.2 Simulation and Analysis

In order to illuminate the effectiveness of the optimal design method, the contrast
controller is designed by the traditional method such as PID and Frequency Response
Optimal Controller Design and Simulation Analysis 243

method. The speed stability loop controller Gv has a great influence on the performance
of the system, thus, the simulations as follows are mainly in the speed stability loop.

5.2.1 Stability and Closed-Loop

Introduce the second order structure resonance term to the speed stability loop, as
shown in Fig. 2, and put into different controllers, that satisfy the nyquist constraints
but make system with different closed- loop bandwidth, we can get the step response as
shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8. Step response with different closed loop control bandwidth. In plot (a),
xn ¼ 60pðrad=sÞf ¼ 0:1, as in Table 1, While xn ¼ xn  Dx and f ¼ f  Df in plot (b).

From Fig. 8(a), we can know that system is stable when xvb  xn =5, and the
system is unstable when xvb  xn =4. Figure 8 also shows the condition, when xvb is
slightly greater than xn =5, although system is stable at the beginning, system will lost
the stable because of slightly changes of the structural resonance parameters such as xn
and f, as shown in figure (b). As a result, controller Gv must satisfy the inequation of
xvb  xn =5.

5.2.2 Tracking Error and Configuration of Controller Gv

Based on the simulation model, using traditional controller design methods, remaining
all conditions unchanged, we can get various types of contrast controllers: type-0
contrast controller Gv0 ¼ 0:01, type-1 contrast controller Gv1 ¼ 0:01ðs þ 5Þ=s and
type-2 contrast controller Gv2 ¼ 0:01ðs þ 5Þ2 =s2 . Let velocity stabilization loop
tracking step, ramp and acceleration signal, respectively, with different types of con-
trollers, we can get the response curves as shown in Fig. 9.
Figure 9 indicates that: Tracking performance of type-2 controller is much better
than the type-0 and type-1 controllers. Compare the tracking performances of the
optimal controller Gv and contrast type-2 controller Gv2 , the former is better.
244 D. Zeng and K. Xiao

Fig. 9. Responses of different input signal of controllers with different configuration. Plot
(a) shows response of step input and, in (b) illuminates the response about ramp input, while in
(c) is talking about the case of accelerated input signal.

5.2.3 Disturbance-Rejection Performance

Put optimal controller Gv and contrast controller Gv2 into formula (15), respectively, we
can get the response plot of disturbance as shown in Fig. 10.
Figure 10 indicates that the ability, to suppress disturbance, of optimal controller is
much stronger than the one of contrast controller. Introduce second order structural
resonance term, models of counter electromotive interference and LuGre friction
model, whose parameter is in the Table 1. And using chirp signal, whose frequencies is
0 20 rad/s, as angular motion of aircraft, we can get the step response curves as
shown in Fig. 11.
The optimal controller design method improves the anti-interference performance
of system about 20 %.
Optimal Controller Design and Simulation Analysis 245

Fig. 10. Responses of disturbances with different frequencies of two controllers

Fig. 11. Simulation plot of responses of disturbance about two controllers

Fig. 12. Simulation of disturbance suppression of actual sensing working

246 D. Zeng and K. Xiao

5.3 Simulation of Position Stabilized Loop

Bring designed controller Gv and GG in control system as shown as Fig. 2, keep all
simulation condition is the same as above, let the input signal 0, and the angular motion
disturbance of aircraft is a sine signal with 1degree and 1 Hz, then we can get Fig. 12.
Figure 12 shows that, in aerial photography, control system can keep the line of
sight of the optical load in a small rang, less than 0.05 degree. In summary, the
proposed optimal controller design method is simple and effective, which is suitable for
engineering application.

6 Summary and Conclusions

Based on the complex frequency domain analysis of disturbance about inertially sta-
bilized platform, modeling the interference of motor counter electromotive, friction and
structural resonance, respectively, a novel optimal controller design method is devel-
oped, which is designed with the target of the strongest ability to suppress disturbance
and proved effective. Combined with a practical prototype system, some conclusions
are got by simulation. The proposed type-2 configuration of controller has more
advantages, considering the complexity of the system and the tracking performance of
the signal; the constraint conditions of bandwidth and stability, that are put forward
after analyzing the open-loop nyquist stability criterion and the influence of structural
resonance, ensure the stability and robust performance of system; the optimal controller
with best disturbance-rejection performance is obtained, by applying the genetic
algorithm, which is implemented by proposed objective function about the evaluation
index of anti-interference ability. Finally, Contrast simulation, which is implemented
between optimal controller and conventional controller, indicates that the
anti-interference performance of system is improved about 20 % by using the optimal
controller design method.

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Cooperative Task Assignation for R/S UAVs
Based on Binary Wolf Pack Algorithm

Yonglan Liu1(&), Weimin Li1, Husheng Wu2, and Chengzhong Lv1

Air and Missile Defense College,
Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
[email protected],
Armed Police Force Engineering University, Xi’an, Shannxi, China
[email protected]

Abstract. Reconnaissance and Strike Integrated Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

(briefed as R/S UAVs) have operational capabilities of performing many kinds
of missions. Aiming at its cooperative task assignation problem, Binary Wolf
Pack Algorithm (briefed as BWPA) is proposed to solve the problem. Firstly,
model of task assignation is built on the degree of threaten and the degree of
hard to attack that time-sensitive targets have. Secondly, basing on Wolf Pack
Algorithm (briefed as WPA) and taking binary coding as entry point, BWPA is
introduced, which abstracts a productive rule for leading wolf, a renewable
mechanism for whole wolf pack, and three intelligent behaviors of scouting,
summoning and beleaguering. Lastly, through flexible dealing with task list of
time-sensitive targets and coding of R/S UAVs, BWPA is adopted to solve the
problem of task assignation. Simulation results show that proposed model is
verified, and BWPA has astringency and global optimization capability, is
effective to solve the problem of cooperative task assignation of UAVs.

Keywords: Task assignation  Reconnaissance and strike integrated unmanned

aerial vehicles  Binary wolf pack algorithm

1 Introduction

With rapid development of information technology, unmanned aerial vehicles’ capa-

bilities are improved and extended, whose application in military field is paid high
attention. As the main developing direction of unmanned aerial vehicles’ technology,
R/S UAV integrates reconnaissance platform and strike platform, has many capabilities
such as reconnaissance, surveillance, target acquisition, and real-time striking, greatly
shortening the time from detecting target to destroying [1]. It is expected to carry out
surprise striking effect to high value and time-sensitive targets. Problem of cooperative
task assignation is still a hot topic in the study field of UAVs at present [2, 3]. Methods
of cooperative task assignation that more often used are dynamic programming, branch
and bound, intelligent optimization algorithm, task assignation based on contract net,
and so on [2, 4]. Dynamic programming, and branch and bound, are applied to the
problem of small scale and simple task assignation. The method of task assignation

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 248–261, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_24
Cooperative Task Assignation for R/S UAVs 249

based on contract net has a simple principle, but is limited to that each bargaining must
be dependent and linear [5], and always conflicts with personal benefit in pursuing the
optimal whole operational effectiveness. Intelligent optimization algorithm does not
rely on specific model, and is easy to be implemented, has a low computing complexity
and a superior performance, and so on. WPA, belongs to intelligent optimization
algorithm, realizes the global optimization through simulating hunting behaviors of
cooperative searching based on job distribution of the wolf pack and distribution mode
for prey, and has better computational robustness and global searching ability [6, 7].
This paper will adopt the discrete form of WPA, that is BWPA, to solve the
problem of cooperative task assignation for multi-R/S UAVs.

2 Simulation Models

2.1 Problem of Cooperative Task Assignation for R/S UAVs

Problem of cooperative task assignation for UAVs, belongs to complex combinational
optimization problem, aimed at achieve task efficiency as high as possible at the cost as
low as possible. Problem includes task set that each UAV performs, sequence and time
of performing task.
Background of the research is that multi-R/S UAVs cooperatively perform air to air
(land) tasks. Assuming that there might appear many time-sensitive targets in an
operational airfield (land field), which is transpired through intelligence means.
According to the degree of threaten, time-sensitive targets can be divided into three
types of light degree of threaten, medium degree of threaten, and serious degree of
threaten. According to the state of time-sensitive targets, that is the degree of hard to
attack, those targets can be divided into three types of easy to attack, medium, and hard
to attack. Some of time-sensitive targets can be attacked directly; some of them may
need to be confirmed before being attacked, some important targets may need to be
damage evaluated after being attacked. Aiming at important time-sensitive target, three
tasks of confirming, attacking and damage evaluating need to be done in an order.
Accordingly, operational task can be resolved into tasks that one R/S UAV can per-
form, gaining a series of task set.
Typical characteristic of time-sensitive target is that motion state of target will
change over time, thus leads to the change of degree of threaten and degree of hard to
attack. This determines that for time-sensitive target, cooperative task assignation is not
suited for long time planning, should be partitioned into many short time segments for
planning, to ensure the validity of cooperative task assignation. Model of assignation
that built is applied to each time segment, but only thing to note here is that the degree
of threaten and the degree of hard to attack of target change, which means that the
priority degree of task assignation changes.
Evaluation index of cooperative task assignation scheme is that in any time seg-
ment of planning, the income that R/S UAVs gain is largest.
Related parameters in the problem of cooperative task assignation for multi-R/S
UAVs can be represented as:
V ¼ fV1 ; V2 ; . . .VNV g is the set of R/S UAVs, NV is the quantity of R/S UAVs.
250 Y. Liu et al.

G ¼ fG1 ; G2 ; . . .GNG g is the set of time-sensitive targets, NG is the quantity of

time-sensitive targets.
T ¼ fDt1 ; Dt2 ;    DtNT g is the set of time segments for task assignation. In different
time segment, state of time-sensitive targets will change. NT is the quantity of time
segments for task assignation. In any time segment, a time-sensitive target will be
 to a R/S UAV. 
Mgi ¼ Mgi1 ; Mgi2 ; . . .MgiNm is the task set of time-sensitive target Gi that R/S
UAVs will perform, Nm is the quantity of tasks.
xgi ;Vj ;Dtk 2 f0; 1g is that if in Dtk segment, time-sensitive target Gi is assigned to R/S
UAV Vj , then xgi ;Vj ;Dtk ¼ 1; else xgi ;Vj ;Dtk ¼ 0.
fDtk ðgi ; Vj ; Mgi;m Þ is the income that R/S UAV Vj gains through performing Mgi;m to
time-sensitive target Gi in Dtk segment. Revenue function is:

fDtk ðgi ; Vj ; Mgi;m Þ ¼ kfT;Dtk ðgi ; Vj ; Mgi;m Þ þ ð1  kÞfA;Dtk ðgi ; Vj ; Mgi;m Þ ð1Þ

Thereinto, k is the weight, fT;Dtk ðgi ; Vj ; Mgi;m Þ is the income that R/S UAV Vj gains
according to the degree of time-sensitive target’s threaten, through performing Mgi;m for
time-sensitive target Gi in Dtk segment. fA;Dtk ðgi ; Vj ; Mgi;m Þ is the income that R/S UAV
Vj gains according to the degree of hard to attack, through performing Mgi;m for
time-sensitive target Gi in Dtk segment. Value of k is among the interval of (0, 1), if the
value is close to 1, then income that is gained through performing task for
time-sensitive target with serious degree of threaten, takes up a great portion, meaning
that time-sensitive target with serious degree of threaten tends to be attacked; if the
value is close to 0, then income that is gained through performing task for
time-sensitive target with easy to attack, takes up a great portion, meaning that
time-sensitive target with easy to attack tends to be attacked. According to dividing
types of the degree of threaten and the degree of hard to attack, the income that is
gained through attacking the type of target, can be represented in form of segmented
function, as follows:
<3 light degree of threaten
DT ¼ 6 medium degree of threaten ð2Þ
9 serious degree of threaten
<8 easy to attack
DA ¼ 5 medium ð3Þ
2 hard to attack

Thereinto, DT represents that divided by the degree of threaten; DA represents that

divided by the degree of hard to attack. Both of them represent the income of per-
forming reconnaissance for time-sensitive target.
For time-sensitive target, task is performed in the order of reconnaissance con-
firming, fire attacking and damage evaluating. Only if time-sensitive target is detected
Cooperative Task Assignation for R/S UAVs 251

and confirmed, the following fire attacking and damage evaluating can be performed.
Therefore, income that gained through performing the task of reconnaissance con-
firming is largest, then following by performing the task of fire attacking, last by
performing the task of damage evaluating. So revenue function is:

Nm m þ 1
fT;Dtk ðgi ; Vj ; Mgi;m Þ ¼ DT;Dtk  ð4Þ

Nm m þ 1
fA;Dtk ðgi ; Vj ; Mgi;m Þ ¼ DA;Dtk  ð5Þ

Thereinto, values of DT;Dtk and DA;Dtk depend on the state of time-sensitive target
Gi ; value of m depends on the type of task that R/S UAV Vj performs for time-sensitive
target Gi .
In conclusion, problem of cooperative task assignment of many R/S UAVs can be
depicted as:

max F ¼ fDtk ðgi ; Vj ; Mgi;m Þ i 2 NG ; k 2 NT ; m 2 Nm ð6Þ
i¼1 j¼1 m¼1

s:t: xgi ; Vj ; Dtk 2 f0; 1g j 2 NV ð7Þ

ð xgi ; Vj ; Dtk Þ \ ð xgi ; Vj ; Dtk Þ ¼ 1 ð8Þ
i¼1 j¼1

xgi ; Vj ; Dtk ¼ gi; Nm ð9Þ
k¼1 j¼1

Thereinto, formula (6) represents that in Dtk segment, the income that R/S UAVs
gain is largest. Formulas (7), (8) and (9) are constraint conditions. Among, formula (7)
represents the constraint of integer decision variable; formula (8) represents in any Dtk
segment, only a time-sensitive target Gi will be assigned to a R/S UAV Vj , and a R/S
UAV Vj only can perform one task; formula (9) represents that for each time-sensitive
target Gi , there are gi;Nm tasks that are performed, ensuring that task set of each
time-sensitive target can be completed.

2.2 Binary Wolf Pack Algorithm

Here only briefly introduces the principles of WPA, places great emphasis on the study
of applying BWPA to the problem of cooperative task assignation.
Fundamental Principles of WPA. Wolves, as a social animal, have specific job
distributions, and maintain the survive and development of whole wolf pack through
unity and cooperation. As described in Fig. 1, wolf pack has three types of leading
252 Y. Liu et al.

Fig. 1. Hunting model of wolf pack

wolf, searching wolf and savaging wolf, taking on separate different job distribution.
WPA adopts design method of bottom to top based on the artificial wolf and path
structure of cooperative searching based on job distribution of the wolf pack [6, 8]. It
carries out whole hunting process of the wolf pack, through individual perception of
prey’s smell, searching of environmental information, sharing and interacting among
different individuals, and making decisions by oneself based on job distribution of

From whole hunting process of the wolf pack, WPA abstracts three intelligent
behaviors of scouting, summoning and beleaguering, a productive rule for leading wolf
that the winner can dominate its all, and a renewable mechanism for whole wolf pack
that named survival of the stronger. Detail description of three intelligent behaviors, a
productive rule for leading wolf and a renewable mechanism for whole wolf pack in
continuous space, refers to doctrine [6]. These won’t be explained here.
Principles of BWPA. Transform from continuous space to discrete space can be
carried out by special coding. On the basis of WPA in continues space, WPA in
discrete space, that is BWPA, can be obtained by introducing the concept of binary
coding and doing some modification of related definitions. Three intelligent behaviors
and survival mechanism in discrete space will be described at length in the following.
Parameter Meanings and Basic Definitions. For convenient to describe, some
parameter meanings and basic definitions in discrete space are given in the first
place [7].

Discrete space, also named European space, denoted as DNm ; N is the quantity of
artificial wolves; location Xi of artificial wolf i in discrete space is expressed by
ðxi1 ; xi2 ;    ; xij ;    ; xim Þ in the form of binary coding, where i ¼ 1; 2; . . .;
N;j ¼ 1; 2; . . .; m; m is the length of binary coding of artificial wolf’s location; value of
element xij among Xi only can be 0 or 1. Density of prey’s smell that artificial wolf
perceives is the objective function value, expressed by Y ¼ f ðXÞ.
Definition 1: Distance. Distance between artificial wolf p and artificial wolf q is
Manhattan distance, that is:
Cooperative Task Assignation for R/S UAVs 253

Lðp; qÞ ¼ xpj  xqj  p; q 2 f1; 2;    ; Ng ð10Þ

Definition 2: Reverse. Reverse of element xij among Xi , is that turn original value of
xij into its reverse value 0 or 1, that is:

1; xij ¼ 0
xTij ¼ ð11Þ
0; xij ¼ 1

Definition 3: Motion operator [7]. M is the location set of coding that reversed, and
can not be none, which represents motion range of artificial wolf in discrete space; r is
the quantity of coding location that reversed, which represents motion step; motion
operator CðXi ; M; rÞ represents that randomly choose r coding location from M and
reverse the value of r coding location.

Xi ¼ f1; 0; 0; 1; 1; 0g M ¼ f3; 5g r¼1

Then CðXi ; M; rÞ ¼ f1; 0; 1; 1; 1; 0gor{1,0,0,10,0}

Related Description of Intelligent Behaviors and Rules. BWPA is developed on the
basis of WPA, including a productive rule for leading wolf, a renewable mechanism for
whole wolf pack, and three intelligent behaviors of scouting, summoning and
(1) A productive rule for leading wolf. In initial solution space, artificial wolf with the
optimal objective function value will be seen as leading wolf. Taking notes
objective function value of the optimal wolf after each iteration, if it is superior to
the objective function value of leading wolf in previous iteration, then the location
of leading wolf is replaced with location of the optimal wolf. If there are many
wolves with optimal objective function value, then leading wolf is produced by a
random choice of these wolves. What needs to note here is that leading wolf
directly enters into the next iteration, without joining in the three intelligent
(2) A renewable mechanism for whole wolf pack. According to the natural law of
survival that survival of the fittest, R artificial wolves with worst objective
function value in the algorithm will be deleted, meantime, new R artificial wolves
will be added randomly. Value of R affects the diversity of whole wolf pack, if it
is large, the diversity can be maintained well; but if it is too large, BWPA tends to
random searching. Therefore, value of R should be random integer among the
interval ½2b ; b , b represents the renewed ratio factor of whole wolf pack. New

artificial wolves may go beyond the limit of task constraint, so artificial wolf’s
location Xi¼ ðxi1 ; xi2 ;    ; xij ;    ; xim Þ without meet the conditions, should repeat
to carry out motion operator Xi ¼CðXi ; M; 1Þ, until meet the conditions. Value of
M is:
254 Y. Liu et al.

j; k ¼ k þ 1; j ¼ j þ 1; xij ¼ 1
MðkÞ ¼ ð12Þ
null; k ¼ k; j ¼ j þ 1; xij ¼ 0

Thereinto, j ¼ 1; 2;    ; m, initial value of k is 1; null represents the none; final

value of k is the quantity of elements that the set M includes.
(3) Scouting behavior. Objective function value of searching wolf i is Yi . If
Yi [ Ylead (objective function value of leading wolf), then let Ylead ¼ Yi ,which
means the searching wolf i becomes leading wolf. If Yi \Ylead , then searching
wolf i tries to move one step toward h directions for scout, and its location Xi
carries out motion operator CðXi ; M; stepa Þ for h times. In the meantime, taking
notes objective function value Yip of searching wolf i in each trial move, and
comparing the objective function value before move with that after move, the
decision of whether to move can be made. If searching wolf i moves, then it
moves one step toward the p direction with largest value of Yip and its location Xi
is updated. Until Yi [ Ylead , or scouting times T go beyond the limit Tmax , the
process will not be repeated. Among, taking diversity of searching wolves into
consideration, value of h may be the random integer among the interval
½hmin ; hmax ; M ¼ f1; 2;    ; mg; stepa is scouting step of searching wolf; p 2 H;
H ¼ f1; 2;    ; hg.
(4) Summoning behavior. When heard of the summoning of leading wolf, savaging
wolf will spontaneously move quickly toward leading wolf’s location Xd at a
bigger raiding step stepb . Updating formula of location Xi of savaging wolf i is

X0i ¼ CðXi ; M; stepb Þ ð13Þ

Value of M in formula (13) is:

j; k ¼ k þ 1; j ¼ j þ 1; xdj 6¼ xij
MðkÞ ¼ ð14Þ
null; k ¼ k; j ¼ j þ 1; xdj ¼ xij

Thereinto, j ¼ 1; 2;    ; m, initial value of k is 1; null represents the none; M is

the set of coding locations where savaging wolf’s location Xi is not different from
leading wolf’s location Xd . If M is none, then motion operator CðXi ; M  ; 1Þ is carried
out randomly for one times, here M  ¼ f1; 2;    ; mg.
Assumed that objective function value of savaging wolf i is Yi . Similar to the
behavior of searching wolf, if Yi [ Ylead , then let Ylead ¼ Yi , which means savaging
wolf i becomes leading wolf. If Yi \Ylead , then savaging wolf i won’t continue to raid,
until the distance between savaging wolf i and leading wolf dis is less than the judging
distance dnear , and turn into beleaguering behavior. Among, dnear ¼ dm=xe, x is the
distance judging factor, de represents round up to an integer.
Cooperative Task Assignation for R/S UAVs 255

(5) Beleaguering behavior. Savaging wolf and searching wolf obey the command of
leading wolf and beleaguer the prey. View leading wolf’s location Xd as location
of the prey, updating formula of location Xi of artificial wolf i that carries out the
beleaguering behavior is:

X0i ¼ CðXi ; M  ; stepc Þ ð15Þ

Thereinto, f1; 2;    ; mg; Xi ¼ CðXi ; M; stepc Þ, the method of set the value of M
refers to formula (14); stepc is the beleaguering step of artificial wolf i. Specific
meanings of motion operator CðXi ; M; stepc Þ and CðXi ; M  ; stepc Þ, along with M are
referred to doctrine [7].
Comparing objective function value of artificial wolf before carrying out belea-
guering behavior with that after carrying out beleaguering behavior, then greedy
decision can be made.
Scouting step stepa , raiding step stepb and beleaguering step stepc are integers,
which mean elaborate degrees of searching the optimal solution, when artificial wolves
have different job distributions. These steps’ relationship in the coding space where
length is m, is:

dm=10e  stepb  stepa  stepc ¼ 1 ð16Þ

2.3 Process Design of Cooperative Task Assignation for Multi-R/S UAVs

Based on BWPA
Aiming at any Dtk segment, problem of cooperative task assignation for multi-R/S
UAVs can be expressed as:

maxF ¼ fDtk ðgi ; Vj ; Mgi;m Þ
i¼1 j¼1 m¼1
¼k fT;Dtk ðgi ; Vj ; Mgi;m Þ þ ð1  kÞ fA;Dtk ðgi ; Vj ; Mgi;m Þ
i¼1 j¼1 m¼1 i¼1 j¼1 m¼1


As formula (9) is the constraint of completing task in the whole time, so it can be
resolved into any time segment, and considered through updating the initial task set in
iteration. Here focuses on task assignation of the current time segment, and mainly
considers the constraints (7) and (8).
Due to special performance, R/S UAVs can be thought to carry out any of three
tasks of reconnaissance confirming, fire attacking and damage evaluating. Inspired by
doctrine [9] and [10], a kind of one dimensional binary coding Xi is designed to
express the scheme of task assignation.
256 Y. Liu et al.

Y ¼ ðY1 ; Y2 ;    YGD ; YGD þ 1 ; YGD þ 2 ;    YGD þ GA ; YGD þ GA þ 1 ; YGD þ GA þ 2 ;    YGD þ GA þ GV Þ

X ¼ ðX1 ; X2 ;    XGD ; XGD þ 1 ; XGD þ 2 ;    XGD þ GA ; XGD þ GA þ 1 ; XGD þ GA þ 2 ;    XGD þ GA þ GV Þ

Xi ¼ ðxi1 ; xi2 ;    ; xij ;    ; xim Þ

Thereinto, GD, GA 和 GV among the subscript of X separately express the sorties

of UVAs that demand to carry out tasks of reconnaissance confirming, fire attacking
and damage evaluating to all targets. X represents the total set of all tasks after being
resolved, that is total sorties of R/S UAVs that demand. According to relations of one
to one corresponding, location of X can be coded in binary, noting that length of coding
takes the largest as a standard. When the length of coding is short, invalid 0 can be
added before the coding, For example X1 ¼ 2, X2 ¼ 4, then those binary coding are
(010) and (110). Coding scheme of Xi may be obtained by corresponding binary
coding to location coordinate of artificial wolf. Meantime, there is a group of target
numbering vector Y that corresponding with X, which is determined by task table of
battle targets.
In order to understand the meaning of the coding, an example is inducted to
explain. Assumed that 4 R/S UAVs will carry out battle tasks to 3 time-sensitive
targets, task table of target G that waited to attack is shown in Table 1. In model of task
assignation, numbering of target Gi is i ¼ 1; 2; 3; numbering of Vj is j ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4;
k ¼ 1; 2; 3 separately is reconnaissance confirming, fire attacking and damage evalu-
ating. Coding of UAV V is shown in Table 2.

Table 1. Task table of target G that waited to attack

Numbering of target G Type of task
Sorties of Sorties of Sorties of
reconnaissance attacking evaluating
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
3 1 1 1
Sorties of single type of 3 3 3

Then the target numbering vector Y of battle task can be obtained, as shown in
Fig. 2. Values of GD, GA and GV separately are GD ¼ 3; GA ¼ 3; GV ¼ 3.
If binary coding of location Xi ¼ ð0; 0; 0; 1; 0; 0; 0; 1; 1; 0; 0; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 1; 0;
0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0Þ is numbering of UAVs that will perform tasks, scheme of
task assignation can be achieved from the Fig. 2. According to transforming process of
binary to decimal, X ¼ ð0; 4; 3; 1; 0; 2; 0; 0; 0Þ be obtained by transforming with three
of Xi as a group, expressing that UAVs with numbering 4 and 3 will carry out the task
of reconnaissance confirming to time-sensitive target 2 and 3; UAVs with numbering 1
and 2 will carry out the task of fire attacking to time-sensitive target 1 and 3.
Cooperative Task Assignation for R/S UAVs 257

Table 2. Coding of UAV V

Numbering of UAV V Binary
1 0 0 1
2 0 1 0
3 0 1 1
4 1 0 0

Fig. 2. Sketch of coding

Process of cooperative task assignation of many R/S UAVs based on BWPA is

designed as following:
Step 1: Preparing for data. Attributes of time-sensitive Gi (i ¼ 1; 2;    ; NG ) in the
planning time segment Dtk are confirmed, including degree of threaten and degree
of hard to attack, along with task set that waited to carry out. Referred to Table 1,
target numbering of task table is done and vector Y is obtained, whose length is LY .
Referred to Table 2, binary coding of UAV Vj ðj ¼ 1; 2;    ; NV Þ is done, and the
length of coding is LV . Therefore, the length of coding of artificial wolf’s location
Xi is m ¼ LY  LV .
Step 2: Initializing related parameters. Setting the size of wolf pack N, artificial
wolf’s initial location fXi g, largest iteration times kmax , scouting step stepa , raiding
step stepb and beleaguering step stepc , largest scouting times Tmax , distance judging
factor x, renewed ratio factor of whole wolf pack b.
Step 3: Scouting behavior. Objective function value of artificial wolf can be
obtained through formula (17). Artificial wolf with the optimal objective function
value becomes leading wolf, others become searching wolf, and carry out scouting
behavior. Until Yi [ Ylead or T [ Tmax , scouting process won’t be repeated.
Step 4: Summoning behavior. All artificial wolves except leading wolf are seen as
savaging wolf, raiding toward location of the prey according to formula (13). If
Yi [ Ylead in the raiding process, then savaging wolf i becomes leading wolf, and
carries out the summoning behavior; else, savaging wolf i continues to raiding, till
dis \dnear , and turns into beleaguering behavior.
Step 5: Beleaguering behavior. According to formula (15), location of artificial
wolf i that joins into beleaguering behavior is updated. Comparing objective
258 Y. Liu et al.

function value of artificial wolf before carrying out beleaguering behavior with that
after carrying out beleaguering behavior, then greedy decision can be made.
Step 6: Renewal of wolf pack. According the productive rule of leading wolf,
location of leading wolf is undated. Meantime, according to the renewable mech-
anism for whole wolf pack, the whole wolf pack is renewed. And new added
artificial wolf’s location that does not meet the conditions of constraints is
Step 7: Judging whether task assignation in current time segment is over or not.
Making a judgment of whether objective function value meets the demand of
optimum precision or reaches the largest iteration times kmax . If meets, optimal
solution of cooperative task assignation, which is location of leading wolf, can be
output; else turns to step 3.
Step 8: Judging that whether to start task assignation of next time segment or not.
Combined with the real situation of completing task in current planning time
segment, task set of next time segment can be judged. If task set is not none, then
turns to step1, the whole process of task assignation in the above is repeated; if task
set is none, the whole tasks are completed, and task assignation is over.

3 Simulation and Discussion

An operational scene is produced randomly, consisting of 5 time-sensitive targets. For

each time-sensitive target, tasks of reconnaissance confirming, fire attacking and
damage evaluating are carried out. Distribution of time-sensitive targets is shown in
Fig. 3, attributes of targets in current planning time segment is described in Table 3.
Assuming that there are 3 R/S UAVs responsible for carrying out tasks in current
planning time segment, binary coding of which are (01), (10) and (11). So the length of
coding is 2, value of weight k is 0.6.



Distance unit(km)

3.5 G3

2.5 G4 G1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Distance unit(km)

Fig. 3. Distribution of time-sensitive targets

Cooperative Task Assignation for R/S UAVs 259

BWPA is adopted to solve the problem of cooperative task assignation in opera-

tional scene. Setting the size of wolf pack N ¼ 100, largest iteration times kmax ¼ 100,
largest scouting times Tmax ¼ 10, judging distance dnear ¼ 6, stepa ¼ 2, stepb ¼ 3,
stepc ¼ 1, renewed ratio factor of whole wolf pack b ¼ 3. Target numbering vector
Y ¼ ð1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5Þ that corresponding with each Xi can be
obtained directly from the Table 3, expressing that the total sorties of tasks needed to
carry out are 15, the former 5 sorties are targets that corresponding to task of recon-
naissance; in-between 5 sorties are targets that corresponding to task of attacking; the
last 5 sorties are targets that corresponding to task of damage evaluating. Artificial
wolf’s location Xi is expressed by binary coding ðxi1 ; xi2 ; . . .; xij ; . . .; xim Þ,
i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; N, j ¼ 1; 2; . . .; m, N ¼ 100, m ¼ 15  2 ¼ 30, besides xij 2 f0; 1g. By
using BWPA to solve the above problem in current planning time segment, the evo-
lution curve of income be achieve, as shown in Fig. 4.
Known from Fig. 4, after iterated for 16 times, the algorithm converges on the
optimal solution. The optimal solution obtained is Xbest ¼ ð0; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 1; 1; 1;
0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0Þ, optimal value of function F is 22.6.
Result of cooperative task assignation in current planning time segment is achieved, as
described in Table 4.

Table 3. Attributes of time-sensitive targets in current planning time segment

Numbering Degree of Degree of Task list that waited to carry out
of target G threaten hard to attack Reconnaissance Fire Damage
confirming attacking evaluating
1 Serious Hard 1 1 1
2 Medium Medium 1 1 1
3 Light Easy 1 1 1
4 Serious Medium 1 1 1
5 Serious Easy 1 1 1


Income from task assignation





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Iterations of envolution

Fig. 4. Evolution curve of income from task assignation

260 Y. Liu et al.

Table 4. Task assignation in current planning time segment

Numbering of target G Type of task Numbering of UAV V (binary
Reconnaissance coding)
1 1 1(01)
4 1 3(11)
5 1 2(10)

Known from Table 4, 3 R/S UAVs prefer to carry out the task of reconnaissance
confirming to those time-sensitive targets with serious degree of threaten, in order to
carry out the task of fire attacking in next time segment, according with the actual
conditions basically. Therefore, model that built and solution method can provide
helpful reference for task assignation and to solve other related problem.

4 Conclusions and Future Work

In studying the problem of cooperative task assignation for multi-R/S UAVs, model of
cooperative task assignation is built, and BWPA is adopted to solve the problem.
Simulation proves the validity of the model, and that BWPA has good astringency and
global optimization capability, suitable for combinational optimization problem. Study
of this paper is expected to provide a extensive thought and method for solving
problems that are similar to resource allocation problem. Shortage of the study is that
load problem and continuation of the flight that R/S UAV faced with are not taken into
consideration, which will be the important contents of next study.

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5. Ye, Y.: Cooperative task planning method for multi-UAVs. National University of Defense
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6. Wu, H., Zhang, F., Wu, L.: New swarm intelligence algorithm-wolf pack algorithm. Syst.
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8. Ye, Y., Yin, J., Feng, Z., Cao, B.: Wolf-pack algorithm for business process model syntactic
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December 2014
A Filtering Method of Laser Radar Imaging
Based on Classification of Curvature

Xin Yuan(&) and Qing Li

Beijing Key Laboratory of High Dynamic Navigation Technology,

Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing, China
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. A point cloud data filtering method of laser radar imaging based on
classification of curvature is investigated to resolve the deficiencies of the massive
3D point cloud data model filtering using single method. This method divides the
region of point cloud data model by the average Gaussian curvature value in
neighbor of the sampling point, and then the adaptive median filtering and
adaptive bilateral filtering method are used for different region types. Static and
dynamic targets are adopted respectively in simulation experiments, experiments
show the method can effectively remove the noise of targets under the different
motion states, it can also keep details of point cloud data models, and this method
has better filtering performance compared with the single filtering method.

Keywords: Radar imaging  Classification of curvature  Adaptive median

filtering  Dynamic targets

1 Introduction

With the development of 3D imaging techniques, 3D laser radar with quick acquisition
to massive 3D coordinate data [1] of the scanned area is widely used in the environ-
ment, communications, aerospace and other fields. Laser radar can get the point cloud
data of probe target fast, with high precision and high distribution [2] with no contacts
with target. But compared to the laser radar hardware updates [3], processing method of
point cloud data is not mature, systematic.
The key step of point cloud data processing is the data preprocessing, which can
provide reliable point cloud data to the model reconstruction, and provide a good
foundation to build a high precision model [4].

2 Point Cloud Data Filtering

Filtering of point cloud data model is the significant part of 3D point cloud data
preprocessing and modeling, it’s used to eliminate scattered point cloud noise points
effectively, smooth the point cloud model surface and keep the original details of the

Supported by The National Nature Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61261160497).

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 262–270, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_25
A Filtering Method of Laser Radar Imaging 263

geometric feature of the sampling surface at the same time, it can also avoid any bad
influence of noise on the subsequent processing [5]. Therefore, it is particularly
important to maintain the characteristic information of the model while filtering.
The point cloud data is a spatial discrete geometric point set obtained by 3D
scanning equipment, and it is represented by a series of spatial point data on the object
surface. The point cloud is represented by a set P ¼ fpi gi2indexðPÞ , where pi 2 R3 ,
i 2 indexðPÞ means the index of the spatial sampling point in the 3D point cloud model
(usually expressed in ½1; n, n is the number of sampling points in the set P). Points and
its related surface characteristics is the basic unit of point cloud, there are a various
forms of point cloud due to the different principles of different scanning equipment (as
shown in Fig. 1): scattered point cloud, scanning line point cloud, array point cloud and
grid point cloud. The scattered point cloud is mainly studied in this paper.

(a) Scattered (b) Scanning line

point cloud point cloud

(c) Array point (d) Grid point

cloud cloud

Fig. 1. The arrangement form of point cloud

At present, the filtering algorithm of point cloud data has been widely studied at
home and abroad. Desbrun [6] proposed a method based on the mean curvature flow, it
solved the problem of vertex drift, but this isotropic method makes target feature
inevitable bending; Alexa [7] established a mobile minimum quadratic surface
(MLS) for point cloud surface model, but this method needs large amount of calcu-
lation, and it’s difficult to maintain the detailed features of the point cloud model. In
this paper, a filtering method based on the classification of curvature is adopted, it
divides the region of point cloud data model by the average Gaussian curvature value in
neighbor of the sampling point, and then the adaptive median filtering and adaptive
bilateral filtering method are used for different region types.

3 A Filtering Method Based on Classification of Curvature

Studies about scattered point cloud data filtering is mainly divided into two categories
at present, one is to turn scattered point cloud data into grid model, and then use the
filtering method of grid model to filter the point cloud data; another is to filter the point
264 X. Yuan and Q. Li

cloud data directly. The main filtering methods include: Laplace filtering, mean cur-
vature flow and bilateral filtering.

3.1 K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)

K neighbor is a kind of adaptive neighbor estimation method, which can deal with the
irregular sampling surface with high reliability.
Definitions: assuming a given point cloud P ¼ fpi gi2indexðPÞ , pi 2 R3 , for any one
of these sampling points pi 2 P, then the k - points which are nearest in space with this
point are called the KNN of point pi . Recorded as Nðpi Þ. As shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Point cloud neighbor

If ^ is an arrangement and satisfies the condition

kp^  pk [ 0; p^ðkÞ  p  p^ðk þ 1Þ  p; k 2 ½1; n  1 ð1Þ

Then, the KNN of Nðpi Þ is

Npi ¼ f^ð1Þ; ^ð2Þ;    ^ ðkÞg ð2Þ

Where the neighbor radius is

rpk ¼ max p^ðkÞ  p ; k 2 ½1; n ð3Þ

The KNN of each sampling point in the point cloud model is only related to the
sampling point, and independent of the neighbor of the other sampling points in the k-
point cloud model.
Kd-tree and spatial grid method are widely used in KNN search algorithm at
present, and the kd-tree is adopted to search k nearest neighbor points of points cloud in
this paper.
A Filtering Method of Laser Radar Imaging 265

3.2 Overall Plan

By comparing the Gauss curvature value of the sampling point and average size of the
Gaussian curvature values in the sampling point KNN, the whole laser radar point
cloud is divided into smooth neighbor region and sharp characteristic neighbor region.
Average Gauss curvature k- nearest neighbor is:
K jKi j ð4Þ
k 1

Where the Ki means the Gauss curvature value at each point in the KNN.
 then we can make the decision
If the Gauss curvature at point p, K is less than K,
that the point p is a point in smooth neighbor regionals, otherwise, If the Gauss
 then this point is determined as a point in
curvature at point p, K is greater than K,
sharp characteristic neighbor region.
A general method for laser radar filtering based on curvature classification is: using
the average Gauss curvature value in the neighbor of the sampling point as the dividing
criterion of the smooth neighbor region and the sharp characteristic neighbor region,
the adaptive median filtering method is used to model the laser radar point cloud data in
the smooth neighbor region and the adaptive bilateral filtering method is used to model
the laser radar point cloud data in the sharp characteristic neighbor region (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. The overall process

266 X. Yuan and Q. Li

3.3 Adaptive Median Filtering

Median filter is a kind of nonlinear signal processing technology can restrain the noise
effectively, which is based on the theory of order statistics. For the median filter, as
long as the spatial density of impulse noise is small, the performance would be very
good (pa ; pb should be less than 0.2 based on experience). Adaptive median filtering
can be used to process the impulsive noise with greater probability. It depends on
certain conditions to change the value of Sxy in the filter processing. The output of the
filter is a single value, which is used to replace the pixel value of the point (x, y). The
point (x, y) is a special point after the given time window Sxy is centered. Adaptive
median filtering algorithm works in two layers, defined as the layer A and the layer B.

Layer A : A1 ¼ zmid  zmin ; A2 ¼ zmid  zmax

If A1 [ 0 and A2 \0, then turn to layer B, otherwise increase the size of window
 Smax , if the size of window \Smax , then repeat layer A, otherwise export zmid .

Layer B : B1 ¼ zxy  zmin ; B2 ¼ zxy  zmax

If B1 [ 0 and B2 \0, then export zxy , otherwise export zmid .

As the zmin means the minimum value of gray level in Sxy , zmax means the maximum
value of gray level in Sxy ; zmid means the mean value of gray level in Sxy ; zxy means the
value of gray level at point (x, y); Smax means the maximum allowed size of Sxy .

3.4 Adaptive Bilateral Filtering

The bilateral filtering algorithm was propose by Tomasi and Manduchi in 1998, this
algorithm process the image noise by combining the spatial neighbor information and
gray similarity value, it controls the motion of current point in the normal vector to
prevent the excessive contraction of the point cloud.
Firstly, calculate the local neighbor of each point, secondly, estimate the normal
vector according to the local neighbor, and then represent the geometric feature
information of the point cloud surface according to the changes of normal vector
between neighbor point, determine the degree of impacts of the points in the neighbor
to current point by the degree of similarity of the normal vectors. The more similar the
normal vectors are, the greater the impacts are. Filtering values can be calculated
according to the normal value and the value of distance factors weight. Bilateral
filtering operator can be expressed as below:
P  0   
Wa pi  p  Wb \!
pi 2NðpÞ n [  1 \~
ni ;~ n; p  pi [
d¼ P  !  ð5Þ
0  n [  1
pi 2NðpÞ Wa ðkpi  p kÞWb \ ni ;~

Where NðpÞ means the point set of the neighbor of p and pi 2 NðpÞ . p means the
projection of p on s. Wa and Wb mean the Gauss filtering functions in space domain
and in frequency domain in bilateral filtering function as the Gaussian filtering of the
A Filtering Method of Laser Radar Imaging 267

local neighbor tangent surface where the sampling points are located and the Gaussian
filtering on the normal height field respectively, they can be expressed as below:
W a ð xÞ ¼ e 2r
1 ð6Þ
W b ð xÞ ¼ e 2r
2 ð7Þ

r1 ; r2 mean the Gauss filtering coefficient in space domain and in frequency

domain separately, they reflect the area of influence of Gauss filtering function on
tangential and normal directions when calculating bilateral filtering function values of
the sampling points.
The maximum value of the distance between points in KNN and the sampling point
is taken as the value of r1 :
r1 ¼ maxpi  p ; i 2 ½1; k ð8Þ

The standard deviation of the height between points in KNN and the tangent plane
is taken as the value of r2 :
1 Xk
r2 ¼ i¼1 i
ðe  eÞ2 ; n; p  pi [
e ¼ \~ ð9Þ

The adjustment function of the sampling point location is shown below:

P ¼ p þ dn ð10Þ

Where P means the location after adjustment, d means the distance that pending
points adjusted in the direction of the normal vector, n means the normal vector of
sampling points at p.

4 Simulation Experiments and Results Analysis

In the simulation experiment, the filtering method, proposed in this paper, based on
median filtering and curvature classification is used to deal with the static target reality
scene and the dynamic target reality scene, the results of experiments are compared in
this paper (Table 1).

4.1 Static Target Simulation

An office laboratory is used as a static scene in static target simulation experiment, and
the results are shown in Fig. 4.
268 X. Yuan and Q. Li

Table 1. Configuration of experimental environment

Name Parameter
Radar Velodyne VLP-16
CPU Core(TM)[email protected]
RAM 8.0G
Hard disk 240G
Debugger Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

Fig. 4. Simulation experiment 1 (147783 data points)

4.2 Dynamic Target Simulation

The experimental scene of the dynamic target is shown in Fig. 5: the Traveler IV is
moving from the radar to the far side in the direction of the arrow.
The laser radar point cloud models during the whole movement process of Trav-
eler IV are shown in Fig. 5, there are 11 frames point cloud data in the whole
movement process, each single frame data is filtered respectively, 4 frame processing
results selected randomly are shown in Fig. 6.

4.3 Results Analysis

The simulation experiments above are carried out under static and dynamic scenes
separately, the environmental characteristics of experiment 1 are more complex, and
the number of points cloud is huge, when it comes to experiment 2, the amount of data
point cloud is greatly increased because of the presence of moving objects. There are
many redundant points and noise points in original point cloud which is derived from
the original image in simulation experiment, some of them do not belong to the object
A Filtering Method of Laser Radar Imaging 269

Fig. 5. Simulation experiment 2 (349458 data points)

Fig. 6. Each single frame data and filtering (The first column represent the original point cloud
of No. 1, 4, 7, 11 frames, the second column represents the results of the medium filtering, the
third column represents the results of filtering proposed in this paper)

and there are also some noise caused by the external environment, the discreteness of
laser beam or some other factors.
Compare and analysis of the results of the median filter and the filtering method
based on the curvature classification of original point cloud data model:
For median filter: It’s obviously that the edge is blurred, sharp features fade and
filtering effect is not ideal in the complex environment characteristics of experiment 1
(Fig. 4 d, e). In experiment 2 (Fig. 5 d), although part of the redundant points do not
270 X. Yuan and Q. Li

belong to the object are removed, but this leads to a clutter of point cloud model, the
filtering effect is poor.
The simulation results of point cloud model filtering method based on the classi-
fication of curvature compared have been greatly improved compared with the median
filtering method in edge and sharp features remain, details can be shown well and
filtering effect is quite ideal.
The filtering process of the single frame point cloud data model in Fig. 6 is in fact
equivalent to the processing of the static target in different position of the Traveler IV
in the movement process. The simulation results show that the method is also suitable
for filtering the dynamic object.

5 Conclusions

The filtering method of laser radar imaging based on classification of curvature pro-
posed in this paper realize the processing of massive 3D point cloud data filtering well,
edge characteristics are kept while the details are shown well, this filtering method is
applicable to both the static object and the dynamic object process. It plays an
important role in the preprocessing of 3D point cloud data, besides, it can be extended
to the carrier detection, SLAM and other fields.

1. Yan, J.-F., Deng, K.-Z., Xing, Z.-Q.: 3D laser scanning point cloud filtering based on least
squares fitting. Bull. Surveying Mapp. 05, 43–46 (2013)
2. Chai, G.-B., Zhang, J.-Q., Zhang, X., Guo, B.-T.: Study of dynamic scenes model for laser
imaging radar simulation. J. XiDian Univ. 41(2), 107–113 (2014)
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4. Wang, X.-K., Li, F.: Improved adaptive median filtering. Comput. Eng. Appl. 46(3), 175–176
5. Zhang, X.-M., Xu, B.-S., Dong, S.-Y.: Adaptive median filtering for image processing.
J. Comput. Aided Des. Comput. Graph. 17(2), 295–299 (2005)
6. Desbrun, M., Meyer, M, Schröder, P., Barr, A.H.: Implicit fairing of irregular meshes using
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Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 9(1), 3–15 (2003)
The Database Architecture Design of the Satellite
Simulation Platform

Guannan Sun, Qipeng Hu ✉ , and Xin Lin

( )

School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering,

Beihang University, Beijing, China
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. The database architecture is classified as database, database manage‐

ment system and users. The database management system is composed of several
core modules named as internal mode, external mode, and mapping relations.
Database design is discussed as conceptual model design and physical model
design respectively. Important technologies such as database connection pool and
ORM mapping framework database in database access layer are discussed
specially. At last, design validations are presented.

Keywords: Distributed simulation system · Satellite simulation · Database

management system

1 Introduction

The development of simulation has been deeply influenced by computer and network
technology, and led to the application of distributed simulation system which consists
of lots of network nodes and subsystems to realize complex simulation tasks. Distributed
simulation standards, such as SIMNET, DIS, HLA [1] has been developed and used
widely in simulation field. With the development and application of network database
architecture in cooperation level distributed systems [2, 3], the program architecture
base on network database has been also applied in distributed simulation system in recent
years which is ideal for mass data system design [4, 5].
As we developing satellite simulation platform [6], network database architecture is
adopted to store mass data produced in simulation process and coordinate all application
terminals in simulation system.

2 Database Architecture

Database architecture is designed as a pure object-oriented paradigm. The database server

is concerned as a core node in the architecture, provides data storage and data distribution
services for other simulation nodes. Simulation nodes act as database terminals, and
exchange data with database directly. Communication among simulation nodes is disabled.
All data exchange among terminals should be transferred through database server. Because

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 271–278, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_26
272 G. Sun et al.

coordination works among terminals are reduced significantly, system scalability and cross-
platform capability are improved greatly.
The database architecture design rules of distributed simulation system are as shown
(1) Entity data models are divided into two levels, respectively static data model and
dynamic data model. These two levels interact by certain data structures, such as
trees, hash tables, and so on;
(2) Entity initialization and its algorithm calculation are allocated to different terminals
to reduce system coupling;
(3) Entity static data and dynamic data are processed in different ways to reduce the
data redundancy and improve the hit rate.
As shown in Fig. 1, database is the foundation of architecture and provides the
abstraction and storage of various types of simulation data. To meet simulation task and
system requirements, we chose relational database MySQL as the underlying database.
The database management system is composed of several core modules which respon‐
sible for important functions such as data sharing platform management, data storage
and data interaction. These core modules include: internal mode, external mode, and
mapping relations.

User1 User1

External mode

Mapping Database Management

relations system

Internal mode

Fig. 1. Database architecture

Internal mode module is the interface to operate and access the underlying database.
For example, SQL language is a typical internal mode interface. The internal model
allows application program manipulate the database directly, meanwhile developers
should master the internal mode interface language. Internal mode limits system scala‐
bility, portability, and the secondary development of the system.
External mode module is the interface provided to user to access the database and
has characteristics of clear and easy to understand, and allows users to access the data‐
base without mastering professional database knowledge.
Mapping relations module is a bridge between external and internal mode module.
It converts external commands to internal commands through mapping rules, and
converts internal mode search results to acceptable data type of external mode.
The Database Architecture Design 273

3 Database Design

3.1 Conceptual Model Design

The conceptual model design of database concentrates on consolidating users’ require‐

ments and analyzing the mutual relationship among real world entities. First, entity
initialization data were sent to satellite simulation platform, then the model should be
resolved, computed and stored by simulation platform. At last the results would be
presented to users in 2D/3D map windows. In addition, simulation platform would store
real-time entity state information to data sharing platform. Figure 2 shows the ER
diagram which describes the logical relationship between simulation system and scenes.




contain contain

1 1
Operating state of Operating state of
each terminal each terminal

Fig. 2. Simulation system ER diagram

3.2 Physical Model Design

One of the main features of relational database is the ability to set primary key and
foreign key constraints, to make a table field dependent on primary key or foreign key,
which can reduce data redundancy, avoid erroneous data to some extent. Database
architecture described in this paper uses a normalized database relation form (Normal
Forms: NF) called 3NF to design database, and each table in the database has a unique
indivisible primary key, each non-primary attribute in the table is strictly depend on the
primary key.

4 Database Access Layer

4.1 Database Connection Pool

When access database, creating a database connection requires a lot of resources, and
the time consuming is even more than the time required for database query. While the
274 G. Sun et al.

system is running, creating and shutting down of database connection frequently will
lead to inefficiency and waste of resource. To solve this problem, we design a database
connection pool to reuse database connection which can greatly improve the efficiency.
Database connection pool model is shown in Fig. 3. When a user requests access to
database, connection pool will assign a connection to the use. When the user no longer
access the database, the connection will be released to connection pool, then the connec‐
tion pool decides to keep idle connection or destroy it. Connection pool does not limit
the number of users. However it controls the total number of connections. When connec‐
tion application exceeds the total number of connections, the application thread would
enter blocking state until some connections are released. Thus the efficiency of existing
connections can be guaranteed.

Get Release
connection connection



Fig. 3. Database connection pool model

The main tasks of database connection pool include:

(1) Pre-distribution management. The database connection pool initialize several idle
connections when initialization and set the default number.
(2) Idle connections management. Connection pool always maintains a certain amount
of idle connections. When the user issues a connection request, connection pool
will assigns an idle connection to the user directly. Time consumption wasted in
creating a new connection is avoided. If user release a connection to connection
pool, the connection pool would keep it as idle if the maximum number of idle
connection is not exceeded, otherwise directly destroy it.
(3) Create new connection. At runtime of database connection pool, sometimes new
connection should be created. After creation completed, the child thread which
creates new connection would enter blocked state, and would wake up again when
next new connection should be created.
(4) Close connection. The connection pool has the ability to close connections to avoid
memory exhaustion caused by excessive idle connections.
(5) Connectivity test. Database connection pool can judge whether the connection is
turned on.
The Database Architecture Design 275

4.2 ORM Mapping Framework

Because MySQL database adopts relational data model while application program uses
the object-oriented design methods, ORM (Object Relation Method) [7] was introduced
to map between object-oriented model and relational model. In ORM framework, we
can manipulate relational databases through object-oriented interface.
ORM mapping acts as a bridge to deal with the data type conversion issue between
object and relation model. The ORM framework design references Hibernate framework
which is a commonly used framework in lightweight Java EE application development,
takes some adjustment and simplification as need.
The object-oriented models are developed by using program language C#, and the
relational database using MySQL. Except for basic data types, mapping methods are
designed for custom data types. Each custom data type represents an entity in the
scenario. Besides database mapping functionality, custom data types also assumed
complex simulation tasks.
In the system design process, template methods are adopted to implement simulation
entities and program codes for the reason that most of them are very similar.
Program developer need not to master database knowledge if database administrator
(DBA) provides suitable mapping mechanism under ORM framework. ORM frame‐
work is advantageous to decouple the system mission and suitable for team works.
However ORM framework also constrains developers on accessing database. So
MySQL statement interface is provided to access database directly, improves system
scalability and flexibility. Developers can access the database in internal mode
command. In this case the data retrieved from database are also the internal mode data
type which needs to convert to corresponding external mode.

5 Operating Validations

5.1 Database Operating Validation

The underlying database uses relational database MySQL and operate in windows
system. The basic configuration of MySQL is saved in the My.ini file. When configu‐
ration completes, we could set all data tables in satellite simulation platform. Setting
results are shown in Fig. 4.

5.2 ORM Mapping Mechanism Validation

Figures 5, 6 and 7 shows the ORM mapping between custom data type and relational
database. First, Fig. 5 shows all tables in the database, and queries the records in the
ScenarioInit table.
276 G. Sun et al.

Fig. 4. Database entity table design

Fig. 5. Database display

Next, open the parameter input terminal.

Click the “open” button and pop out “Select Scene” window, select the scenario
which named “ScenarioInit” and open it, as shown in Fig. 6. The sub-window at the left
side of main window “Scene Structure” displays all scenario entities. Move the mouse
to the scenario entity in “scenarioStructure” window, and the “Properties” window at
the right side of the main window will appear all the configuration parameters of the
entity. As a example we change the author property from ScenarioInit into mrsun and
The Database Architecture Design 277

click the “Save Changes” button, complete the mapping from memory to database. Then
view the ScenarioInit contents, we can see the authorproperties are modified which
means data mapped successfully.

Fig. 6. Parameter window display

6 Conclusion and Prospect

The design and implementation of database architecture supports well the development
of satellite simulation platform, reduces the coupling of each simulation terminal,
improves system stability, facilitates the expansion of system, and accomplished corre‐
sponding simulation functions. In the foreseeable future, the storage and analysis of
mass data produced in simulation process will be a trend in distributed simulation. Our
further works include: transfer current relational database to non-relational database,
migrate existing servers located on the PC to server with mass data processing capabil‐
ities, explore data mining algorithm with simulation characteristics and so on.


1. Pedrielli, G., Sacco, M., Terkaj, W., Tolio, T.: An HLA-based distributed simulation for
networked manufacturing systems analysis. J. Simul. 6, 237–252 (2012)
2. Grad, B., Bergin, T.J.: History of database management. IEEE Ann. Hist. Comput. 31(4), 3–
5 (2009)
3. Stonebraker, M., Brown, P., Zhang, D., Becla, J.: SciDB: a database management system for
applications with complex analytics. Comput. Sci. Eng. 15(3), 54–62 (2013)
4. Huang, Y., Gannon, D.: A comparative study of web service-based event notification
specifications. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing
Workshops (ICPP) (2006)
278 G. Sun et al.

5. Chandy, K.M.: Towards a theory of events. In: Processing of the DEBT, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada (2007)
6. Sun, G., Su, Q., Lin, X.: Distributed simulation system framework designed based on STK.
In: China Simulation Conference 2015 (2015)
7. Li, D., Yi, Z., Wang, H.: The ORM framework of Java EE based on hibernate. Electron.
Technol. 2(25) (2010)
Cooperative Searching Strategy
for Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Based
on Modified Probability Map

Qiwang Huang, Jian Yao, Qun Li, and Yifan Zhu(&)

College of Information System and Management,

National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, Hunan, China
[email protected]

Abstract. Cooperative target-searching of multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

(UAVs) in uncertainty environment is an important research area in multi-UAVs
cooperative control. The objective of multi-UAVs searching is to obtain the
information of the searched area, decrease the uncertainty of this area and find
the hidden targets as fast as possible. This paper introduces a new framework for
UAV search operations and proposes a new approach to solve multi-UAVs
cooperative searching problem. Aimed at the characteristics of the multi-UAVs
cooperative searching problem, the modified probability map based cooperative
searching strategy was discussed in detail. Based on the existing algorithms, the
cooperative strategy was divided into three key parts, which are probability map
initialization, probability map updating and the rules of UAV transfer. The
search effectiveness of the Multi-UAVs system in the condition of Multi-target
was analyzed based on the method of ABMS (Agent Based Modeling and
Simulation). Simulation results demonstrated the effectiveness of the algorithm.

Keywords: Unmanned aerial vehicle  Searching  Cooperative control 

Probability map

1 Introduction

With the development of technology and information age war, UAV (unmanned aerial
vehicle) become the best choice to accomplish boring and dangerous tasks [1]. In recent
years, UAV is widely used in battlefield reconnaissance, maritime search and rescue.
Researchers are devoting significant attention to the study of autonomous unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAVs) working cooperatively to accomplish an objective [2–6].
Cooperative control of multiple UAVs applies to settings where teams of UAVs
cooperate to accomplish a common objective. It has been shown that a collaborative
team of autonomous aerial and ground vehicles can provide more effective operational
capabilities to accomplish hard and complex tasks than are available through inde-
pendent control of each individual vehicle [7–9]. A critical problem in realizing such
multivehicle systems is to develop coherent and efficient coordination and control
algorithms to maneuver each vehicle so that the team as a whole can produce complex,
adaptable, and flexible group behaviors.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 279–287, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_27
280 Q. Huang et al.

Multi-UAV cooperative search problems are typically formulated by gridding the

environment into a set of cells [10–14]. Each of the cells contains some information
that a target exists in or not that cell. The search problems are then solved with the
information about each of the cells. However, there will be uncertainty in the infor-
mation, due to poor intelligence or noisy sensors. Traditional probability map cannot
accurate represent the probability of a target in or not in one cell. To solve that problem,
this paper extends the traditional probability map into three dimensional data structure.
This paper focuses on the multi-UAV cooperative search problem where a team of
UAVs moves in an environment of known extent seeking targets of interest and
gathering information about the environment. The UAVs only have limited or
nonexistent a priori information about the target distribution in the environment.
The structure of this paper is as follows. Section 2 introduces how to representation
the dynamic environmental. Section 3 discusses how to initial and Update the modified
probability map. Section 4 then describes the case study, demonstrates the benefits of
the approach with several numerical simulations. Section 5 summarizes the conclu-
sions and future work.

2 Environmental Representation

We represent the environment using M  N probabilistic maps divided into rectangle

cells, Cj, j2(1,2…M  N). The value of a cell records the probability that a particular
event is true at that cell location. Our model uses two types of maps, depicted in Fig. 1.
UAV occupancy maps record the probability (called UAV occupancy probability
(UOP), that a teammate UAV occupies a particular cell. Target occupancy maps record
the probability (called target occupancy probability (TOP)), that a target occupies a
particular cell. Since these probabilities occur in two-dimensional Cartesian space, they
represent probability mass functions (PMFs). The PMF values for a given map,
summed over all map cells, equal unity.

Fig. 1. Probabilistic maps

Cooperative Searching Strategy for Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 281

3 Modified Probability Map Method

3.1 Probability Map Initialization and Updating
Before Multi-UAVs system searches the targets, probability map must be initialized. If
the search area is totally unknown to us the target exist probability, environment
certainty probability and UAV occupancy probability were initial as
pj ð0Þ ¼ vj ð0Þ ¼ oj ð0Þ ¼ 0.
• Target exist probability updating:
Let us first describe how a UAV updates its TOP map based on sensor readings. As
a UAV flies, its sensor scans the cells within the sensor’s FOV. The sensor’s FOV
covers M cells. The sensor registers either detection or no detection at each time
step. Since the sensor’s FOV covers multiple cells, a detection event may be triggered
due to a detection event in one, some, or all cells within the FOV. We use the following
definitions in our TOP map update equations:
(1) event that a target is in cell Cj : Aj ;
(2) event that a target is not in cell Cj : Aj;
(3) event that detection occurs in FOVi : BFOVi ;
(4) event that no detection occurs in FOVi : B  FOVi ;
(5) event that detection occurs in cell Cj : Dj ;
(6) event that no detection occurs in cell Cj : D j ;
detection probability: Pd , Pd ¼ PðDj jAj Þ, Pd ¼ 1  Pd ¼ PðD  j jAj Þ;
false alarm probability: Pf , Pf ¼ PðDj jAj Þ; Pf ¼ 1  Pf ¼ PðD  j Þ;
 j jA
(9) The prior probability: TOPj , TOPj ¼ PðAj Þ;
(10) The posterior probability: TOP0j , TOP0j ¼ PðAj jeventÞ; event 2 fBFOVi ; B  FOV g.

TOP update when detection is declared: For this event, we want the probability that
a target is in a certain cell given detection is declared. We write Bayes rule as follows:


TOP0j ¼ PðAj jBFOVi Þ ¼ ; j 2 f1; 2; . . .; M  Ng
> ð1  P d  P
 fN1 ÞPðAj Þ
> P P
> d  P
ð1  P  N1 ÞPðAn Þ þ  N ÞPðAn Þ for j 2 FOVi
ð1  P
< n2FOVi f f ð1Þ
>  Nf ÞPðAj Þ
ð1  P
> P P
: d  P
ð1  P  N1 ÞPðAn Þ þ  N ÞPðAn Þ for j 62 FOVi
ð1  P
f f
n2FOVi n62FOVi

TOP update when no detection is declared: For a no detection event, we write

Bayes rule as follows:
282 Q. Huang et al.

 FOVi Þ ¼ PðBFOVi jAj ÞPðAj Þ ; j 2 f1; 2; . . .; M  Ng
TOP0j ¼ PðAj jB
> d  P
P  f  PðAj Þ
> 0
> P   N1
> P N
  PðAn Þ for j 2 FOVi
> P  P  PðA Þ þ P ð2Þ
< n2FOVi d f n

> P Nf  PðAj Þ
> P P N
: d  P
P  N1  PðAn Þ þ   PðAn Þ for j 62 FOVi
f f
n2FOVi n62FOVi

Therefore, Target exist probability Updating equation as follows:

pj ðt þ 1Þ
8 d  P  N1
> ð1  P f Þpj ðtÞ
> P P for j 2 FOVi and BFOVi
> ð1  Pd  P  N1
Þpj ðtÞ þ ð1  P  N Þpj ðtÞ
> f f
> n2FOV i n6 2FOV
> ð1  P  Nf Þpj ðtÞ
> P P for j 62 FOVi and BFOVi
> d  P  N1 Þpj ðtÞ þ  N Þpj ðtÞ
> ð1  P ð1  P
< n2FOVi f
> d  P
P  N1  pj ðtÞ
> P f
>     pj ðtÞ for j 2 FOVi and B
> Pd  Pf  pj ðtÞ þ
n2FOV i n6 2 FOV i
>  Nf  pj ðtÞ
> P
> P P N for j 62 FOVi and B
: Pd  P  N1  pj ðtÞ þ   pj ðtÞ
f f
n2FOVi n62FOVi

Environment certainty probability and occupancy probability updating

In order to direct the search for targets, it is important to quantify the degree to
which each cell’s TOP is based on knowledge rather than ignorance. We do this by
defining a certainty variable vj ðtÞ, for each Cj . Each observation by a UAV in Cj
updates the certainty as:

g  vj ðtÞ for j 62 FOVi
vj ðt þ 1Þ ¼ ð4Þ
vj ðtÞ + 0:5  ð1  vj ðtÞÞ for j 2 FOVi

Each cell Cj UAV updates occupancy probability as:

1 for j 2 FOVi
oj ðt þ 1Þ ¼ ð5Þ
0 for j 62 FOVi
Cooperative Searching Strategy for Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 283

3.2 UAV Transfer

UAVs move autonomously in the environment, searching, cooperating with other
UAVs via the Probability Map, making decisions, and performing tasks. At time, t,
every cell in the environment has the information of target exist probability, envi-
ronment certainty probability and UAV occupancy probability. UAVi choose path
according the following object function:
Gi ðtÞ ¼ x1 pij ðtÞ þ x2 ð1  vij Þpij ðtÞ þ x3 ð1  oij ðtÞÞ ð6Þ
Cj 2Si Cj 2Si Cj 2Si

Where x1 , x2 , x3 is weight coefficient, pij ðtÞ, vij and oij ðtÞ is target exist probability,
environment certainty probability and occupancy probability. Si is the path that UAVi
transfer at a time step, depicted in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. UAV transfer rule

4 Case Study

The search area is 280 km  160 km divide into 280  160 cells。There are 20
targets in the search area. There is a team of 4 identical UAVs moving synchronously
in discrete time and continually sensing the environment using their sensors. The
initialization scenario depicts in Fig. 3. The vehicles are assumed to be equipped with
reliable communication capabilities so that they can exchange sensing information
among the group without any error or delay. The team of UAVs use modified prob-
ability map (MPM) strategy, greed strategy and random strategy to search the task area
in different simulation runs.
The simulation model is developed by MASS (Multi-agent Simulation System)
based on the method of ABMS (Agent Based Modeling and Simulation). MASS is an
agent-based, time-stepped, stochastic, multimission-level model specifically designed
to help evaluate the military utility of C4ISR systems. Figure 4 shows the simulation
interface. The weight coefficient in every scenario was W¼ ½x1 ; x2 ; x3  ¼
½0:4; 0:4; 0:3 for each UAV. To avoid the random number influencing the simulation
results, each scenario will be run 100 times, and we use the average of the 100 times as
the result of each scenario.
284 Q. Huang et al.


0 280

Fig. 3. UAV initial location and search area

Fig. 4. Simulation of multi-UAVs

On the basis of the simulation, we get the results. The performance of different
strategy in each scenario was measured with the found targets along simulation time.
Figure 5 shows the comparison of found targets in the condition of static targets
between probability map (PM) strategy and modified probability map (MPM) strategy,
and Fig. 6 shows the comparison of found targets in the condition of dynamic targets
between probability map (PM) strategy and modified probability map (MPM) strategy.
Figure 7 shows the comparison of found targets in the condition of static targets
between three different strategies, and Fig. 8 shows the comparison of found targets in
the condition of dynamic targets between three different strategies.
By Figs. 5 and 6 we can note that, modified probability map (MPM) strategy can
find more targets than probability map (PM) strategy. MPM extend the traditional PM
by add occupancy probability avoid UAVs searching the same cell, so that UAVs can
find more targets in the same searching time.
Cooperative Searching Strategy for Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 285

Fig. 5. Comparison of PM and MPM in the condition of static targets

Fig. 6. Comparison of PM and MPM in the condition of dynamic targets

Fig. 7. Comparison of MPM and other algorithms in the condition of static targets
286 Q. Huang et al.

Fig. 8. Comparison of MPM and other algorithms in the condition of dynamic targets

By Figs. 7 and 8 we can note that, modified probability map (MPM) strategy can
find more targets than greed strategy and random strategy. MPM update the TOP and
MOP map while the targets information change, it has consider the targets state’s
dynamic so that MPM’s performance is better than greed strategy and random strategy
especially in the condition of dynamic targets.

5 Conclusions and Future Work

This paper introduces a new framework for UAV search operations and proposes a new
approach to solve multi-UAVs cooperative searching problem. We testify our model
and algorithm based on ABMS (Agent Based Modeling and Simulation), the result
proves that the TOP and MOP map is effective for the Cooperative target-searching of
multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles problem. This method was then compared in
numerical simulations to Random and Greed Algorithm, and was shown to be more
successful in the condition of dynamic targets than static targets. Future work will
extend this approach to the case of limiting communication and the influence of the
communication capability.

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Design of Target Aircraft Auto Air-Combat Tactics
Decision System

Kungang Yuan, Dengdi Liu, Daogang Jiang, Zhiwei Zhang, and Xiang Lei ✉
( )

Air Force Command College, Beijing, China

[email protected]

Abstract. Aiming at the air-combat simulation training, refer to tactics that pilot
use in actual air-combat, integrated air-combat knowledge and rules from
BVR(Beyond-Visual-Range) to WVR(Within-Visual-Range) were established
according to air situation, threat environment and airborne weapon performance.
An expert system for target aircraft air-combat tactics decision was designed and
developed by using Maneuver Sequence Automation (MSA) method based on
basic flight maneuvers, an autonomous air-combat tactical simulation system was
also established by using Visual C++ and Open Scene Graph (OSG). This study
provided a high fidelity virtual opponent for simulation combat training, early-
warning and detection, target recognition, information fusion etc.

Keywords: Target aircraft · Auto Air-combat · Tactical decision

1 Introduction

High fidelity virtual opponent aircraft is becoming more and more important in simu‐
lation combat training, early-warning and detection, target recognition, information
fusion etc. moreover, as virtual opponent of air combat simulation, the target aircraft
need to execute many behaviors automatically in acute variety air conditions, such as
offensive/defensive maneuver flight, weapon eject, electronic jamming and so on [1].
In this paper, according to the characteristic of air combat that it usually begin from
beyond-visual-range(medium range) to in-visual-range(short range dogfight), consider
the air condition, threat environment and airborne weapon performance of target aircraft,
integrated air-combat knowledge and rules were established and an expert system was
adopted to develop typical tactical maneuvers select an decision. Meanwhile, these
tactical maneuvers of target aircraft were decomposed into basic flight maneuvers using
Maneuver Sequence Automation (MSA) method.

2 Auto Air Combat Tactics Decision of Target Aircraft

2.1 Main Framework

In modern times, air combat involved with many elements, knowledge and rules such
as information disposal maneuver flight, weapon use and so on. Thus the expert system

This research is sponsored by Aeronautical Science Fund (NO. 20115189003)

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 288–296, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_28
Design of Target Aircraft Auto Air-Combat Tactics Decision System 289

was selected to develop the auto air combat tactics decision; the main framework of this
system is shown as Fig. 1.

Degree of threat Air situation

Information form
airborn radar
Information in Illation Tactical
eyesight machine maneuver
Maneuver chain

Knowledge and maneuver
rule library
Maneuver control
Airborne Missile algorithms
Model library
dynamics Flight parameters
Data library
Flight parameters

Fig. 1. The auto air combat tactics decision system framework based on expert system

Typical expert system [2] includes leastwise knowledge library, database, model
library and reasoning-machine. In this paper, the knowledge library deposits air combat
situation information and corresponding tactical maneuvers in those air situations. In
tactical maneuvers, the fire control behaviors like weapon ejecting were included. The
database saves performance data for both sides of countermeasures, such as aircrafts,
airborne radars, medium range interception missiles, dogfight missiles and so on. The
model library includes all kinds of models for calculating air situations, radar detect
range, eye range, medium missile, dogfight missile, threat judgment, target distribute
and so on. These information from database and current calculated state parameters were
input into reasoning machine, and the reasoning machine matches these information and
the preconditions of integrated air-combat knowledge and rules, then reason and output
tactical maneuvers of target aircraft. The purpose of tactical maneuvers is to create
advantage offensive situations and break away from disadvantage situations for target
aircraft. Tactical maneuvers are integrated use of basic flight manuevers airborne equip‐
ments and weapons.

2.2 Establishment of Integrated Air Combat Tactical Rules

In many papers, the beyond-visual-range(BVR) air combat and within-visual-

range(WVR) air combat were researched separately when built air combat rules.
However, it is not very accord with fact, because air combat usually begins with BVR,
through many complex conversions and decisions it goes to WVR air combat. Mean‐
while, in some situations, the BVR and WVR air combat exist at the same time, in these
situations, the aircraft can use medium range interception missiles to attack its opponents
as well as use dogfight missiles, it also maybe in face of threat from medium missiles
and dogfight missiles. So it is important to consider BVR and WVR air combat together
290 K. Yuan et al.

and establish proper knowledge and rules that integrated from BVR(Beyond-Visual-
Range) to WVR.
According to air combat process, a parameter method [3] was adopted to describe
knowledge and rules from BVR through medium conversion to WVR, these rules were
described by “integrated situations of air combat” and “tactical maneuvers”. The inte‐
grated situations of air combat include many elements such as relative position of any
aircrafts, information from radar/eye, and weapon performance. By doing these, the
tactical decisions are running through the full process of air combat. Typical “integrated
situations of air combat” can be described as Table 1.

Table 1. Parameter describe of integrated situations of air combat (I)

ID Radar/medium missile information ID Eye/dogfight missile information
1 Opponent is out of the radar detect range A Opponent is out of the eye sight
2 Radar find opponent, but not yet track and B Opponent is in the eye sight, but out of
acquisition the dogfight missile’s attack range
3 Radar acquisition, but opponent out of
medium missile’s attack range
4 Radar acquisition, and opponent in C Opponent is in the eye sight and in the
medium missile’s attack range dogfight missile’s attack range

In Table 1, the radar, eye sight and the medium, dogfight missile range are integrated
to form the “integrated situations of air combat”, and using parameter I to describe these
situations, the value of I includes A1–A4, B1–B4, C1–C4 (totally 12 situations), the
value of I contains almost all situations that a target aircraft faced and is considered as
one input parameter of reasoning machine in tactical decision expert system. The inputs
of reasoning machine also include the threat degree and the weapon loaded. The threat
degree can also be considered in the “integrated situations of air combat” of opponent
aircraft that the target aircraft faced, using parameter D, it can be described as Table 2.

Table 2. Parameter describe of threat degree (d)

ID Threat situations faced Threat degree
1 In A1–A3, B1–B3 of opponent aircraft light
2 In A4 or B4 and enter the medium missile’s attack range of opponent medium
3 In C1–C4 and enter the dogfight attack range of opponent severe
4 Opponent’s medium missile is ejected Very severe
5 Opponent’s dogfight missile is ejected Fearfully severe

As for the factor of weapon loaded by target aircraft, considering that aircraft loads
two kind typical weapons in general condition, namely medium interception missile and
dogfight missile, the remained number of missiles can be used as a parameter to describe
the influence of weapon loaded as an input of reasoning machine. See Table 3.
Design of Target Aircraft Auto Air-Combat Tactics Decision System 291

Table 3. Parameter describe of the number of remained missiles (M)

ID Remained number of airborne missiles
1 Remained number of medium missiles/dogfight missiles are n/x
2 Remained number of medium missiles/dogfight missiles are n/0 (no dogfight missile
3 Remained number of medium missiles/dogfight missiles are 0/n (no dogfight missile
4 Remained number of medium missiles/dogfight missiles are 0/0 (no missile remained)

Corresponding to parameters I, D and M, there are 240 conditions for each target
aircraft, for each condition, a confirm tactical maneuver can be executed. Typical tactical
maneuvers and their conversions can be formed from basic tactics in real air combat.
For offensive tactics, the basic process such as search, find, attack, etc. these typical
tactics and corresponding I and M are shown in Fig. 2.

B2 B3 x/n B1 0/n B4
T3sWVR head-on

n/0 0/n n/x

A2 A3 A1 A4
T2BVR head-on T1search and find T4medium
missile attack

n/0 n/0 n/0

C2 C3 C1 C4
x/n x/n
T5dogfight missile

Fig. 2. Offensive tactical maneuvers and conversions based on air combat process

It can be shown in Fig. 2 that air combat usually begin from situation A1 (that is,
opponent is out of the eye sight and radar detect range, in Table 1), in that situation, the
tactical maneuver T1 (search and find maneuver) should be executed, during the
reasoning process, the air situation are changed and corresponding tactical maneuvers
are executed according to conversions shown in Fig. 2.
In these tactical maneuvers, five typical offensive tactical maneuvers are:
T1: search and find tactical maneuver, executed in situation A1
T2: BVR head-on and encounter tactical maneuver, executed in situation A2, A3
T3: WVR head-on and encounter tactical maneuver, executed in situation B1
T4: medium missile attack tactical maneuver, executed in situation A4
T5: dogfight missile attack tactical maneuver, executed in situation C1
In other air situations, combined with the parameter M, these five tactical maneuvers
can be confirmed using arrowheads shown in Fig. 2. take situation B4for example, in
292 K. Yuan et al.

this situation, it can be seen in Table 1 that “Opponent is in the eye sight, but out of the
dogfight missile’s attack range” and “Radar acquisition, and opponent in medium
missile’s attack range”. Using arrowheads in Fig. 2, we can see if “Remained number
of medium missiles/dogfight missiles are 0/n (no dogfight missile remained, M = 3, see
Table 3)”, tactical maneuver T3 can be executed; If “Remained number of medium
missiles/dogfight missiles are n/x (M = 1)”, tactical maneuver T4 can be executed. So
one offensive tactical maneuver can be matched in every I and M.
Besides offensive tactical maneuvers, four defended tactical maneuvers were
designed according to parameter D for target aircraft as follow:
T6: breaking away from the medium missile’s attack range of opponent, executed
when D = 2
T7: breaking away from the dogfight missile’s attack range of opponent, executed
when D = 3
T8: evading the medium missile’s attack, executed when D = 4
T9: evading the dogfight missile’s attack, executed when D = 5
When parameter M = 4, namely “Remained number of medium missiles/dogfight
missiles are 0/0 (no missile remained)” in Table 3, the target aircraft cannot attack
opponent any more, then a tactical maneuver should be obtained as:
T10: return back and exit combat, when M = 4, D = 1
These ten tactical maneuvers obtain elements of information, weapon use and
maneuver flight in any air situation and can satisfy decision needs in auto air combat
simulation. □

2.3 Reasoning and Development of Air Combat Tactical Decision

According to the logic relation of tactical maneuver T and the “integrated situations of
air combat” I, The threat degree D and the remained missile M, an expert system using
forward inference rules, namely “matching conditions -> conclusions (IF-THEN)”
pattern [1]. Here matching conditions contains the input of reasoning machine of I, M,
D, and conclusions are tactical maneuvers (T). The reasoning machine catches current
I, D and M in air combat simulation, then touches off the matching rules in these condi‐
tions and searches corresponding “conclusions” T.
A rule in the rule library can be described by character as follow:
If [Opponent is out of the radar detect range, opponent is out of the eye sight, the
aircraft is in A1–A3, B1–B3 of opponent aircraft, and Remained number of medium
missiles/dogfight missiles are not zero]
Then [search and find tactical maneuver would be executed]
This rule can be described using parameter method in this paper as:

IF(I = A1&D = 1&(M = 1||2||3)) → THEN(T = T1).

Design of Target Aircraft Auto Air-Combat Tactics Decision System 293

3 Development of Target Aircraft Tactical Maneuvers

3.1 Design of Tactical Maneuvers

Due to tactical maneuvers obtain elements of information, weapon use and maneuver
flight, they can be executed based on flight maneuvers, situation judgment and weapon
control. In order to execute tactical maneuvers, many models should be established and
taken into the model library for use.
Take the search and find tactical maneuver T1 as example:
Maneuver conditions: Opponent is out of the radar detect range; opponent is out of
the eye sight; Target aircraft is out of opponent’s medium missile’s attack range; Oppo‐
nent’s airborne air-to-air missile has not ejected; Remained number of medium missiles/
dogfight missiles are not 0/0.
Maneuver executed: first, the level straight flight maneuver of target aircraft is
executed; the airborne radar and the eyesight search model are run at the same time; if
the opponent aircraft is nod find for several minutes, take the level turn maneuver model
of target aircraft and go on searching.
It is obvious that search and find tactical maneuver can be combined from level
straight flight and level turn maneuvers, which integrated with airborne radar and eye
search models.

3.2 Development of Tactical Maneuvers

In order to develop the tactical maneuvers in simulation system, the fundamental

maneuver flight model [4] should be established first. The diagram of air-combat target
aircraft’s fundamental maneuver flight model is as follow (Fig. 3):

Maneuver Maneuver control Overloads, Bank parameters
Motion equations
command algorithms angle

Aerodynamic Limits of
data Flight AOA,
coefficients overloads and
Thrust data roll rates

Fig. 3. Diagram of target aircraft’s maneuver flight model

According to the maneuver needed to be simulated, the model implements relevant

control algorithm to get commanded over-loads and bank angle, then puts them into
flight dynamic equations [5] to calculate state parameters of target aircraft.
The flight motion equations module includes several modules to calculate state
parameters, such as data processing module (to get current aerodynamic coefficients),
force calculation module (to get aircraft lift, drag and thrust), and module to enumerate
dynamics and kinematics equations (to get state parameters).
294 K. Yuan et al.

14 control algorithms are designed for needs of target aircraft’s maneuvering move‐
ment, including level flight, climb maneuver, dive maneuver, S-turn maneuver,
Immelman turn maneuver, flip maneuver, etc. Each control algorithm is calculated in
term of entry phase, implement phase and quit phase of each maneuver according to
control rules of pilot.
The tactical maneuvers can be executed using maneuver-chain based on these flight
maneuvers, the maneuver chain can be described by finite state machine [6], the finite
state machine also called Maneuver Sequence Automation(MSA) [7], which can be
described as:
(∑ )
MSA = Φ , 𝜀, Mini, 𝛴f

Here Σ and ε rely on air conditions and target aircraft flight dynamic characteristics;
Mini can be understand as current flight maneuver; Σf can be understand as all flight
maneuvers that may be taken. The MSA can be expressed using finite state machine as
Fig. 4.


Mi Ci_s
Cini_i a d
Cs _fin
b g
h Ci_j M fin
M ini

Mj Cs _j

Fig. 4. Description of maneuver sequence automation

In Fig. 4, every node means the base flight maneuver of target aircraft, every arrow‐
head means connection to next flight maneuver, these arrowheads link relative flight
manures and form chains. The initial flight maneuver is expressed as Mini; the last flight
maneuver is expressed as Mfin. Take the flight maneuver Mi in Fig. 5 as example, when
Mi is executed, all possible maneuvers linked with Mi are ready to touch off, when Ci_j
is satisfied with executed condition, current flight maneuver become to Mj. By this way,
the tactical maneuvers are successfully developed.
Design of Target Aircraft Auto Air-Combat Tactics Decision System 295

Fig. 5. Air combat simulation scene (Color figure online)

4 Simulation and Results

A simulation system was established by using Visual C++ with a scene system was also
developed based on Open Scene Graph (OSG). In simulation conditions, red side is a
simulator manipulated by pilot; blue side is a target aircraft using tactical decision expert
system expressed in this paper. The simulation system can run in any air conditions.
Supposing the largest detection range of both sides are 100 km, the aircraft of red
side loads 2 medium range interception missiles and 2 dogfight missiles; the target
aircraft (blue side) loads no missile. The initial distance of each aircraft is 80 km; two
aircrafts are head-on to each other. The countermeasure simulation process is shown in
Fig. 5.
It can be seen in Fig. 5 that blue side (target aircraft) executed the “turn back and
exit combat” (T10) tactical maneuver. Despite the opponent aircraft (red side)
entered the detect range of its airborne radar, it does not execute other offensive
tactical maneuvers such as BVR head-on and encounter (T2). This tactical maneuver
decision is up to the actual behavior of pilot. It also can be seen that the “turn back
and exit combat” (T10) tactical maneuver is executed by MSA to form maneuver
chain “level straight flight – level turn – level straight flight” for target aircraft, and
then run maneuver control algorithms and flight motion equations of target aircraft
to implement air combat simulation.

5 Conclusion

Aiming at the need of reality target aircraft in air-combat simulation training, refer to
tactics that pilot use in actual air-combat, integrated air-combat knowledge and rules
296 K. Yuan et al.

from BVR(Beyond-Visual-Range) to WVR(Within-Visual-Range) were established in

this paper. The simulation results show that the target aircraft air-combat tactics decision
and maneuvers are in reason, This study can provide a high fidelity virtual opponent for
simulation combat training, early-warning and detection, target recognition, information
fusion etc.


1. Zhou, S.-y., Wu, W.-h., Zhang, N., Zhang, J.: Overview of autonomous air combat maneuver
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2. AO, Z.-g.: Artificial Intelligence and Expert System, p. 6. China Machine Press, Beijing (2007)
3. Gao, S.-y.: Multi-aircrafts air combat expert system and decision support system. Syst. Eng.
Theory Pract. 8, 76–80 (1999)
4. Yuan, K.-g., et al.: Development of air-combat target maneuver flight scene simulation system
based on OSG. In: Second International Conference on Electronics, Communications, and
Control, Zhoushan, China, pp. 1346–1349 (2012)
5. Gao, H., Zhu, P.-s., Gao, Z.-h.: Advanced Flight Dynamics, p. 6. National Defence Industry
Publishing House, Beijing (2007)
6. Sun, P., Tan, Y.-x., Tang, L.: Visual modeling of combat entities behavior model rules based
on finite state machine. Command Control Simul. 37(2), 27–30 (2015)
7. Wan, L.-j., Yao, P.-y., Sun, P., Zhang, Y.-q.: Real-time evaluation method for flight
manipulation in air countering. Fire Control Command Control 37(7), 32–35 (2012)
Matching Suitability of Geomagnetic
Aided Navigation Based on Spectral
Moment Characteristics

Ting Li(&), Jinsheng Zhang, Shicheng Wang, and Zhifeng Lv

High-Tech Institute of Xi’an, Xi’an, China

[email protected]

Abstract. A novel matching-area suitability assessment method for geomag-

netic matching aided navigation is proposed, which is based on spectral moment
characteristics. With the analysis of profile spectral moment and the surface
spectral moment, parameters of both homogeneity and isotropy are employed to
analyze the effect of direction on geomagnetic three-dimension surface topog-
raphy. Finally, simulations are made with the computing result of spectral
moment parameters. Compared the matching effect of the Inertial Navigation
System (INS) indicated path and the real path in the geomagnetic field contour
map in different directions, a conclusion is reached that there is a good agree-
ment between flight path and directions. Simulation results prove the proposed
assessment method is effective.

Keywords: Matching suitability  Geomagnetic aided navigation  Spectral

moment characteristics

1 Introduction

Geomagnetic navigation has become a popular aided navigation method in recent

years, which uses the inherent properties of the geomagnetic field [1]. It is a supple-
mentary navigation positioning by comparing the magnetic field data measured by
geomagnetic sensor in real time and the reference map stored in computer. The geo-
magnetic navigation has desirable features of passive, non-radiation, all-time,
all-weather, all terrain and low energy consumption, and it performs a good navigation
capability while the vehicle is flying over the ocean, desert and plain, where there are
little terrain features. Study found that matching precision is not only related to the
matching algorithm, but also closely linked to the adaptation of selected matching area
of a geomagnetic map [2].
Suitability of geomagnetic map is one of key technologies of geomagnetic aided
navigation system. Selecting an area with significantly performance, good adaptability
and high matching probability contributes a lot to real-time and location precision.
Methods on geomagnetic suitability are usually taken example by researches of
scene suitability and terrain suitability. There are amounts of research papers about
scene suitability abroad, but little about geomagnetic suitability. In China, in view of
the problem of one-sided appraisal when using single character parameter to evaluate

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 297–305, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_29
298 T. Li et al.

geomagnetic map suitability, Wang et al. [3] applied the analytic hierarchy process to
overall evaluation of geomagnetic suitability. Wang et al. [4] applied a multi-attribute
decision making method based on maximum deviation and maximum entropy to the
overall evaluation of suitability. Zhu et al. [5] proposed a comprehensive evaluation
method based on multi-index fusion. Liu et al. [6] proposed a multi-characteristic
parameter fusion selection method combining information entropy with project pursuit
theory, which is presented in view of the disadvantage of one-sided appraisal for the
selection method based on single geomagnetic characteristic parameter. Chen et al. [7]
presented an improved algorithm for matching of multiple characteristic parameters.
Kang et al. [8] proposed a selection based on geomagnetic entropy and magnetic
variance entropy. Reference [9] presented a selection method of the geomagnetic
adaptable matching area based on the geomagnetic co-occurrence matrix. Through the
analysis of the profile spectral moment and the surface spectral moment, Li et al. [10]
proposed a quantitative evaluation method, which is based on the application of fractal
geometry theory. The second order spectral moment is employed to the research on the
direction effect of three-dimension surface roughness grain this paper. A matching
suitability method based on spectral moment characteristics is proposed, which has
been proved effectively by simulations.

2 Description of Geomagnetic Field

Geomagnetic field is a vector field, any point in space can be described with seven
geomagnetic elements, shown as Fig. 1.
Take the observation point as the ordinate origin. X, Y, Z stand for geographic
north, geographic east and vertical component respectively. Geomagnetic field vector B
in rectangular coordinates is projected into north component, east component and
vertical component. H is the horizontal component of B, which points to geomagnetic
north. F is the amplitude of B and is regarded as measure component in this paper.
D and I are the two angles of magnetic field.
The main relationships among these components are as follows:

F2 ¼ X 2 þ Y 2 þ Z2; H2 ¼ X2 þ Y 2

Geographic Geomagnetic north

X D Geographic


Fig. 1. Geomagnetic field characteristics

Matching Suitability of Geomagnetic Aided Navigation 299

3 Three-Dimension Assessment Method Based on Spectral

Moment Characteristics

Two-dimension stochastic process parameter and spectral analysis is widely used to

demonstrate 2-D surface irregularities with the development of data processing tech-
nology. Power spectrum was employed to research since nineteen sixties and seventies
[11, 12], which has been proven effective to present surface roughness.

3.1 Spectral Moment Characteristics of Geomagnetic Field

In rectangular coordinates, three-dimension surface is shown by two-dimension
stochastic process function z(x, y). (x, y) represent the rectangular coordinates and z
represents corresponding total intensity of geomagnetic field. The Fourier transform of
z(x, y) can be written as:
Z 1 Z 1
Fðfx ; fy Þ ¼ zðx; yÞe2pjðxfx þ yfy Þ dx dy ð1Þ
1 1

In Eq. (1), fx, fy represents spatial frequency in vertical directions. In reality, the
length of area of geomagnetic contour map and sampling points are limited to a certain
number. Assume that sampling points obtained at a certain interval Dx in X direction,
and Dy in Y direction. Besides, the number of two directions is M and N respectively,
so we can get the discrete spatial frequency:

fu ¼ u=ðMDxÞ; u ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .; M  1 ð2Þ

fv ¼ v=ðNDxÞ; v ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .; N  1 ð3Þ

two-dimension discrete Fourier transform:

1 X X
N 1 M 1
Fðfu ; fv Þ ¼ zðxj ; yk Þe2pjðxj fu þ yk fv Þ ð4Þ
NM k¼0 j¼0

fu, fv represent spatial frequency in vertical directions.

Three-dimension surface can be composed of limited sampling points, and the
corresponding discrete power spectrum density can be represented as:

jFðu=ðMDxÞ; v=ðNDyÞÞj2
Gðu=ðMDxÞ; v=ðNDyÞÞ ¼ ð5Þ

In Eq. (5), u = 0, 1, 2 …… M − 1, v = 0, 1, 2 …… N − 1. For a discrete sampling

surface, the zero and second order spectral moment of surface can be transformed as:
300 T. Li et al.

M=2 X
X N=2
u p v q u v
mpq ¼ ð Þ ð Þ Gð ; Þ ð6Þ
u¼1 v¼1

M=2 X
X N=2
u v
m00 ¼ Gð ; Þ ð7Þ
u¼1 v¼1

M=2 X
X N=2
u 2 u v
m20 ¼ ð Þ Gð ; Þ ð8Þ
u¼1 v¼1

M=2 X
X N=2
v 2 u v
m02 ¼ ð Þ Gð ; Þ ð9Þ
u¼1 v¼1

M=2 X
X N=2
u v u v
m11 ¼ ð Þð ÞGð ; Þ ð10Þ
u¼1 v¼1

Zero surface spectral moment m00 describes the height position displacement of
points and can be regarded as height variance. The second order surface spectral
moment m20, m02 is the slope variance in the direction of coordinate axis X and Y. m11
represents covariance of both directions. When coordinate systems change, along with
the change of surface spectral moment.
The second order surface spectral moment not only reflect amplitude distribution,
but also reflect frequency characteristics, what’s more, it is strongly dependent on grain
direction of the measured surface. Consequently, the difference of directions of rough
surface can be expressed by the second order surface spectral moment. Equations (8)–
(10) are just several special cases, it is written as follows at any angle (assume it is a
angle down from the positive X-axis):

m2 ðaÞ ¼ m20 cos2 a þ 2m11 cos a sin a þ m02 sin2 a ð11Þ

3.2 Three-Dimension Evaluating Parameters

3.2.1 Homogeneity
Homogeneity of surface is defined as: distribution probability along the height, which
is independent of measure position. It is considered poor homogeneous if some surface
is uneven, for the opposite side, homogeneity is good if the surface is in at same height.
According to Longuet-Higgins’s equation mn ðhÞ ¼ mpq  Cnq cosp h  sinq h, we can
know that the zero order surface spectral moment is equal to profile spectral moment.
Matching Suitability of Geomagnetic Aided Navigation 301

m00 ¼ m0 ðai Þ i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; n ð12Þ

Equation (12) demonstrates the homogeneity of surface clearly, that is to say,

profile fluctuation variance is equal to height variance in all directions. Zero order
surface spectral moment can reflect the height distribution variance of surface, and it is
unequal to inhomogeneous surface. So we can evaluate the homogeneity of
three-dimension surface in the following way.

jminfm0i gj
Hm0 ¼ i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; n ð13Þ
jmaxfm0i gj

Hm0 is the homogeneity of the height distribution and m0i stands for several
translating profile spectral moments with zero order.
The second order surface spectral moment expresses slope distribution character-
istics, and the homogeneity of three-dimension surface slope distribution can be
defined as:

jminfm2i gj
Hm2 ¼ i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; n ð14Þ
jmaxfm2i gj

Hm2 is the homogeneity of the slope distribution and m2i stands for several trans-
lating the second order profile spectral moments.

3.2.2 Isotropy
Isotropy of random surface is the probability distribution of random surface’s profiles
remain unchanged in height direction when measuring coordinate-axis rotates. We get
to know that isotropy of uneven surface can be expressed by the second order profile
spectral moment. If the surface is isotropic, m2(a) must have nothing to do with the
angle a, that is

m2 ðaÞ ¼ m2 ¼ constant ð15Þ

a = 0.5*arctan(2m11/m20 − m02) is the first derivative of the Eq. (15) versus a,

besides, m2max and m2min can be obtained:
m2max ¼ ðM2 þ M22  4D2 Þ ð16Þ
m2min ¼ ðM2  M22  4D2 Þ ð17Þ

M2 ¼ m20 þ m02 , D2 ¼ m20 m02  m211 , M22 ¼ 4D2 can be inferred by m2max ¼ m2min .
Above all, isotropy coefficient K is reached to describe the surface with anisotropy:
302 T. Li et al.

2 D2
K¼ ð18Þ

If m11 = 0, m20 = m02, K = 1, the three-dimension surface is totally isotropic, on

the contrary, m11 = 0, m20 or m02 = 0, K = 0 when the surface is not isotropic at all. So
K ranges from 0 to 1, and the closer the value is to 1, the better the isotropy is. When
we evaluate the anisotropy of three-dimension surface, for the same surface, not merely
three profiles are measured, isotropic parameter can be get by the mean value of all:

1X n
Kaverage ¼ Ki ð19Þ
n i¼1

4 Simulation and Discussion

The geomagnetic reference map A is composed of high-density measurement data from

the area of south sea in China. Taking total intensity F as matching characteristic and
the data is stored as grid form. The 3-D and 2-D surface model is established in Fig. 2.

x 10 45

Y grid

40 10
30 40
20 30 5
10 10
Y grid 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
X grid
X grid

Fig. 2. Three-dimension and contour map of Geomagnetic field

From part 3.1, the second order surface spectral moments of all directions can be
plot in Fig. 3.
Figure 3 shows the strong difference of geomagnetic field surface, the maximal
value can be got at the angle 87 and 267, and the minimum value can be get at 177 and
357. A random surface can be regarded as vast sine curves, which consist of various
amplitude, different frequency and different phase. To a certain pure sine curve, height
variance depends on the amplitude and slope variance equals to the product of
amplitude and frequency. The second order spectral moments just represent the slope
variance, furthermore, the second order surface spectral moment can reflect slope
variance of surface, the second order profile spectral moment reflects slope variance of
profile as well.
Matching Suitability of Geomagnetic Aided Navigation 303


X: 87 X: 267
Y: 0.4538 Y: 0.4538


spectral moment value






0.05 X: 177 X: 357

Y: 0.0008871 Y: 0.0008871
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Fig. 3. The second order spectral moments

The calculations Hm0, Hm2 ! 0 can be got from Eqs. (12)–(14), which indicate the
poor homogeneity of reference map A. In addition, m2(a) is not a constant but varies
with the changing angle. Above all, A has anisotropy. Isotropy coefficient K = 0.0871
indicates the isotropy is poor as well. That is to say, navigation performance is closely
related to directions. Directions would have great influence on matching effect. Sim-
ulation work would be done with ICCP (Iterated Closest Contour Point) method in the
area A.
Parameter settings:
Vehicle’s speed: 0.6 Mach;
Sampling frequency: 1 Hz;
Grid spacing: 200 m;
Magnetic measurement noise: white noise with mean value 0nT, r2 = 20 added to
uniform noise range between −10nT and 10nT.
Matching sequence length: 10;
Maximal iteration number: 20.
When the angle between flight path and X-axis is 90, simulation result is shown in
Figs. 4 and 5 show the result when the angle is zero.
Figure 4 shows a successful matching with error in one grid unit, while Fig. 5
shows that ICCP path fails to match the real path. It is proved again the direction has
influence on matching effect. The second order spectral moment can provide reference
for matching suitability analysis, with this method can improve path planning system
preprocessing efficiency a lot.
304 T. Li et al.









real path
5 INS path
ICCP path
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Fig. 4. Matching result when a = 90°









real path
5 INS path
ICCP path
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Fig. 5. Matching result when a = 0°

5 Conclusions

An assessment method related to geomagnetic field suitability is proposed based on

spectral moment characteristics by means of roughness assessment method of
machining surface. Transformed the discrete data of geomagnetic field with Fourier
method, then computed some parameters of 3-D magnetic field surface, such as power
spectral density, the second order surface spectral moment and profile spectral moment.
The isotropy has been proved poor by computing 3-D assessment parameters, and
simulation results show that the area is sensitive to the direction, thus the proposed
method is effective.
Matching Suitability of Geomagnetic Aided Navigation 305

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Approach for Intelligent Rival-Air-Plane
Threats Evading

Xiang Lei(&), AnXiang Huang, YuQiang Su, Chuan Ren,

HuiMin Cao, and XiaoWen Fen

Air Force Command College, Beijing, China

[email protected]

Abstract. In the “man-aircraft” air combat simulation, the combat training of

the intelligent Rival-Air-Plane may advance the pilots’ tactics. The intelligence
is represented in the two aspects: the intelligent attack and the intelligent evade
for the missile threats. This paper aims to use the shortest time when the
intelligent aircraft arrives the nearest boundary of the weapon attach zone as the
constraint condition, and further to plan out the optimal evasive route and
enhance the evasive intelligence. As well, a set of sample data validates the
simulation experiment, which is the scientific and feasible approach. Obviously,
it not only achieves requirements of the strong real-time combat simulation, but
also provides a reference of the actual combat missile to evade for the pilots.

Keywords: Weapon attach zone  Intelligent evasion  Real-time route


1 Introduction

The air combat is fierce, agile and high-cost, it effectively uses the Air-Fight simulation
to improve the quality operations of the pilots. Whether the pilots in the Air-Fight
semi-simulation in the loop, or the fighters in embedded simulation, it is necessary to
assemble a certain intelligent virtual rival aircraft for the man-machine confrontation
training. That can increase the verisimilitude of the confrontation, as well as, improve
the operational capability of the pilots. The intelligence of the virtual aircrafts are
reflected in the intelligent attack and intelligent evade. I have preliminarily discussed
the trajectory planning when the intelligent aircrafts attack in the literature [1], the
detected probability as a weighting function is further used to plan out the optimal
attack trajectory, in a certain extent, the problems about how the virtual intelligent
opponents intelligently attack have been solved. While, this article is studying the
problems about how the virtual intelligent opponents intelligently evade. In recent
years, the relevant researches are mainly summarized as follows:
Literature [2] systematically expounds the defensive tactics maneuver strategies of
the multi-aircraft combat tactical expert system, which is based on the tactics theories
of the air combat summarized from the application of the basic theories and methods in
the expert system, and the actual experience of the air combat achieved by the experts.
Literature [3] proposes a solution of the closed loop that is based upon the multi-model
predictive control of the non-linear model, specifically, it adopts the maximum
© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016
L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 306–314, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_30
Approach for Intelligent Rival-Air-Plane Threats Evading 307

likelihood approach to identify the guidance parameters and aerodynamic parameters of

the attacking missiles, and deal with the problems of missile’s unknown parameters, at
the same time, the closed loop solution of control instructions enhances the robustness
of control strategy. Literature [4] uses the maximum miss-distance as an index, adopts
the direct multiple shooting method to solve the problems in the three-dimensional
space. In Literature [5], Karelahti explains the optimization algorithm of the missile
escape trajectory that is based on the optimization rolling time, and further adopts the
approach of variable step length to extend the time window. At the same time, it also
limits the growth of decision variables and processes the optimization calculation in the
maximum miss-distance, intercept time, approximate speed, missile control energy, the
off-axis Angle of missile seeker, Angle of sight rate etc.
From above, the literatures are generally based on the thoughts of the expert system
and the trend prediction to determine the evasive strategies, but those do not effectively
solve the problems of confrontational air combat. Additionally, the man-in-the-loop
combat simulation training system is required a large amount of computation and
strong real-time, so it is necessary to consider the project implementation of the
algorithm and the time complexity of the algorithm when the algorithm is designed.
This paper aims to use the shortest time when the intelligent aircraft arrives the nearest
boundary of the weapon attach zone as the constraint conditions, then to adopt A star
algorithm to identify the optimal position in the next simulation time, final to
real-timely project the optimal route to evade, as a result, it will validate the effec-
tiveness of the approach by simulation.

2 The Weapon Attach Zone Model

The objective of an air combat is to destroy the enemy air target. For that, it needs to
ensure that there is an enemy target in the weapons attach zone [6], that is to say, there
exists threats only when the target is in the weapons attach zone, and the optimal
evasive route is away from the weapons attach zone as far as possible. The weapons
attach zone of the missile refers to a space around the target area. In the weapons attach
zone, the missile launched by the aerial carrier can meet the requirement of
miss-distance, and destroy the target at a certain probability. There are many factors
influence missile attach zone, including the missile maneuverability, the flight range of
the missile, the guidance law of the missile, the target maneuverability, and the payload
fighter’s flight altitude and speed, etc. In practice, it generally adopts the polynomial
fitting method for the calculation, which is introduced in literature [7]. When the target
launches missile in the weapons attach zone, the missile will hit the target just as the
target does not evasive maneuvers. While, if the target is evasively maneuvering, it is
possible to escape from missile tracking.
The weapons attach zone is related to the target maneuver characteristics. It means
that when the air-to-air missile launches, the weapons attach zone will change as with
the changes of the target, and this zone is known as the dynamic attack zone of
air-to-air missile. Specifically, the zone refers that the air-to-air missile is launching
along the trajectory of the intercepting target for a period of time, and then hit the target
of four-dimensional space zone with a certain probability, which is considering various
308 X. Lei et al.

constraints, such as the flight state of missile (fight’s position vector and velocity
vector, etc.), the working state of the engine, body mass, guidance navigation and
control system, or other each subsystem [8]. Here are some changes of attach zone
when a type of missile attacks in these two different ways [9] (Fig. 1).

the attack zone at launch moment the attack zone at launch moment
the attack zone after 10 seconds of being launched the attack zone after 10 seconds of being launched
×104 the attack zone after 20 seconds of being launched the attack zone after 20 seconds of being launched
the attack zone after 30 seconds of being launched ×104
2.0 6
the attack zone after 30 seconds of being launched



0 0


-2.0 -60
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
X/m ×10 4
X/m ×10
a the attack zone under tail attack after b the attack zone under Head-on attack
missiles being launched after missiles being launched

Fig. 1. The variable maps of the attach zone when the air-to-air missile launches

3 Approaches Description

In general, the area outsides the attach zone is non-threat. In the current situation, the
virtual intelligent opponent aircraft escapes the attach zone of air-to-air missile as far as
possible, and the optimal escape position is the boundary point of the maximum attach
zone closed to the position of current aircraft. As shown in Fig. 2, it assumes that T is
the time of air combat, O is the missile position, the elliptical area is the maximum
attach zone of air-to-air missile, P is the target flight position, J is the closest point from
P on the ellipse, the dotted line is the aircraft flight path from P to J. Obviously, at the
time T, the virtual intelligent opponent plane needs to plan the optimal evade trajectory,
and it needs to solve three major problems: first, how to quickly identify the boundary
of attach zone at the time T? Second, how to determine the closest point from the
boundary of attach zone? Third, on the basis of this point, how to project the optimal
flight position in the next time?

Fig. 2. The maximum attach zone to escape

Approach for Intelligent Rival-Air-Plane Threats Evading 309

There are three steps to solve these problems:

Step1: simplifying the model of the maximum attach zone.
In the air combat simulation system, if the information of any target can be
obtained, and the maximum attach zone of missile in any time will be identified, this
method is described by the literature [8]. While, due to the complexity of the calcu-
lation, the method can be reasonably facilitated for a quick solution in the simulation
system. It assumes that at the time T, the maximum attach zone in actual is an irregular
zone Gðx; y; zÞ in the three-dimensional space, and the irregular zone could be con-
tained in a regular three-dimensional sphere, namely: Gðx; y; zÞ 2 Sðx; y; zÞ, that is, if
the virtual intelligent opponent aircraft escape successfully in Sðx; y; zÞ ,and it will
success in Gðx; y; zÞ.
In the actual combat, the maximum attach zone is real-time changing. The missile is
an energy body when it launches, its energy is constantly reduced in the flight process,
and the scope of the maximum attach zone is reduced as well. As a result, it only
considers the major factors in the simplified model Sðx; y; zÞ, such as the relative
position and relative velocity between missile and aircraft at present, entry Angle and
azimuth Angle, etc.
Step2: identifying the closest position to escape.
The shortest distance between one point and the curved surface: assuming that the
current position of the virtual intelligent opponent aircraft is Pðxi ; yi ; zi ; hi ; pi ; ri Þ, the
distance from P to the maximum attach zone is D ¼ Pðxi ; yi ; zi ; Þ  Sðx; y; zÞ, so the
corresponding coordinates of the shortest distance can be calculated:

¼ Pðxi ; yi ; zi ; Þ  Sðx; y; zÞjx ¼ 0
¼ Pðxi ; yi ; zi ; Þ  Sðx; y; zÞjy ¼ 0 ð1Þ
¼ Pðxi ; yi ; zi ; Þ  Sðx; y; zÞjz ¼ 0

The three simultaneous equations will determine the closest coordinates ðx0 ; y0 ; z0 Þ
of the largest attach zone away from the current position.
Step3: identifying the optimal position in the next time.
For the intelligent opponent aircraft, the flight parameter in the next time is to evade
missile tracking. Firstly, it is necessary to determine the alternative course angle and
pitching angle, and they are related to the status and performance of the aircraft. The
variation range of the aircraft’s course angle is affected by the minimum turning radius
of the aircraft, so the formula of the minimum turning radius is described in [10]:
. qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Rmin ¼ v2min g n2ymax  1 ð2Þ

hhead max ¼ arcsinðS0 =2Rmin Þ ð3Þ

Formula (2): vmin is the minimum speed of the aircraft, ny max is the maximum
normal overload of the aircraft, according to the minimum turning radius and the step
310 X. Lei et al.

length of route planning, the maximum angle hhead max will be calculated when the
course changes.
Formula (3): S0 is the step length of route planning.
In the range of course angle ½hhead max ; hhead max , Dhhead is a unit, the current
course angle is the initial value, and then A star algorithm is adopted to determine the
closest position from the maximum attach zone, that is the optimal course.
The pitch angle’s maximum range of variation depends on the climb rate of aircraft.
During the application, the maximum average rate of climb can be used when the
altitudes are different (Fig. 3).


head max

Fig. 3. Calculation of the maximum change angle of course

It is assumed that the plane’s speed is constant, and the flight distance of the aircraft
in a step is vD t, so the next point coordinates are explained in the formula (4):
< xDt ¼ xAO þ vDt cosðhpitchi Þ  cosðhheadi Þ
yDt ¼ yAO þ vDt cosðhpitchi Þ  sinðhheadi Þ ð4Þ
zDt ¼ zAO þ vDt sinðhpitchi Þ

Formula (5) shows the attitude parameters:

hheadDt ¼ hheadAO þ hheadi

hpitchDt ¼ hpitchAO þ hpitchi

The roll angle has little influence on the position, which can be neglected here. The
flight parameters in the next time will be calculated as PðxDt ; yDt ; zDt ; hheadDt ; hpitchDt Þ. In
the actual, the adjustment of exploration step will cycle in the next time.

4 Example Application

Air combat process is extremely complex, the simulation is not able to fully take all the
factors into account. In a hardware man-in-the-loop simulation system is an effective
way to improve the operational level. The man-in-the-loop combat simulation systems
can validate this approach. Trainees launch missiles based on the position of intelligent
opponent aircraft, the intelligent opponent adopts the proposed approach to plan its
evasive route, and uses kill probability of missile as the evaluation function to review
the effectiveness of evasive route.
Approach for Intelligent Rival-Air-Plane Threats Evading 311

The simulation condition is assumed as follows: “one-on-one” is used as the most

basic air combat style, the missile uses the proportional guidance rate in the
three-dimensional space to guide. Maximum acceleration of missile is 5 g, the initial
speed is Vm = 300 m/s, the target travels at a constant speed Vt = 300 m/s; and then
confrontation on the similar height (Hmissile − Htarget < 500 m) in an ideal external
environment where regardless of the wind, temperature, electromagnetic interence etc.
For a certain type of missile, a regular ellipsoid is assumed to fit the maximum
attach zone, the range of the dynamic attach zone after launching and its speed are
2 2 2
positively proportional relationship, the equation ax2 þ by2 þ cz2 ¼ 1 is using the ellipsoid
for fitting, furthermore, a, b, c are related to the boundary of the maximum attach zone,
so in order to facilitate the calculation, the relevant variables of the speed is represented
in the simulation process.
The simulation process is described in Fig. 4, that is, when the system is ready, the
first thing needs to judge if there is a missile in simulation environment. If no, keeping
the current status of flight; if yes, judging further whether their distance is in the far
field of the missile’s maximum attach zone. When it is not in the maximum attach zone
of missile, keeping the current status of flight; when it within, identifying the closest
position of maximum attach zone. And then, the next position and posture will be
calculated and adjusted on the basis of current position and posture. Therefore, conduct
this calculation again and again until escape the maximum attach zone or is hit by a
The deduction process of simulation in the air combat simulation is simulating, the
simulation cycle is 40 ms. Through using The SAS’s JMP software, the simulation data


To judge if Keep the current
there is a missile state of flight


To judge Whether
within the boundaries No Keep the current
of the maximum attack state of flight

Yes Calculate the optimal

To calculate the closest pitch angle and heading
boundary point angle to adjust the
current posture

To judge Whether No
within the boundaries Whether it was hit
of the maximum attack by a missile

No Yes
Keep the current
state of flight End

Fig. 4. The simulation process

312 X. Lei et al.

fragments are recorded to draw the three-dimensional trajectory scatter diagram of the
intelligent opponent aircraft and the missile, which can facilitate the analysis and visual
display. Commonly, there are the evasive routes of intelligent opponent aircraft in the
three attack ways.
In Fig. 5, when the intelligent opponent is lateral attacked, it will rise its altitude
and turn flight, that aims to consistent with the direction of the missile.

Fig. 5. The evasive route of lateral attack

In Fig. 6, the intelligent opponent will directly rise its altitude when it is tail
attacked, that aims to consistent with the direction with the direction of the missile.

Fig. 6. The evasive route of tail attack

Figure 7 shows that when the intelligent opponent is head-on attacked, it will rise
the altitude, and turn around to the opposite direction.
These simulation experiments explore that the two parameters Dhhead max and
Dhpitch max play a decisive role in the maneuverability of the aircraft, that is, the better
maneuverability, the greater the two parameters. In a certain period of time, the large
changes of aircraft position and attitude is conducive to evade the missile.
Approach for Intelligent Rival-Air-Plane Threats Evading 313

Fig. 7. The evasive route of Head-on attack

5 Conclusion

This paper aims to use the shortest time when the intelligent aircraft arrives the nearest
boundary of missile’s non-escape zone as the constraint condition, and to plan out the
optimal route to evade. First of all, it studies the concept and the calculation method of
the dynamic attach zone when air-to-air missile launches; second, it identifies the
shortest distance of the aircraft away from the boundary based on the current situation;
and then, it plans out the optimal azimuth angle and elevation angle in the next time, so
as to determine the optimal position to avoid in the next time. In the simulation process,
in order to reduce the overhead, the missile launch attach zone is simplified as a
dynamic three-dimensional ellipsoid, at the same time, the program can be used to
calculate the boundary points of the attach zone nearest aircraft, real-time deduction
and simulation is carried out in air combat simulation system, it not only satisfies the
requirements of the real-time air combat simulation system, but also effectively avoids
the opponent missile, it embodies the intelligence of the opponent aircraft at a certain
extent. Additionally, in the multi-machine war, the same way can be adopted as well to
track the more missiles, identify the closed boundary points of their comprehensive
attach zone to escape.
Improve the intelligence of the simulation target is of great significance to carry out
an air combat training. When the missile launches, there is a large probability of being
tracking if without any evasion, in another word, the evasion will reduce the probability
of be tracking and to escape, therefore, so the reasonable evasion is necessary. While,
how to evade is still a difficulty. In general, any model is designed by some rules and
algorithms, but due to the process of air combat is extremely complex and strongly
random, it is hard to establish an accurate model for simulation, which means, it is
impossible to calculate with the consideration of all factors. So the approach proposed
in this paper is largely simplified and assumed. For example, it usually decelerates and
changes the sideslip angle to reduce the flight turning radius in actual flight, but the
aircraft sideslip angle and the speed are not considered here. Likewise, the rage of
attach zone is simplified. The application of this approach will be more effective if the
maximum attach zone of the specific missile type can be accurately identified. But in
actual combat, it is difficult to acquire the performance of enemy missiles, but the
missile’s velocity, direction and position.
314 X. Lei et al.

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3. Li, F., Yu, L., Zhou, Z., Fu, Z., Zhang, T.: The nonlinear model predictive control avoidance
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Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit Proceedings, AIAA Paper: 2002-4947
5. Kamlaht, J., Virtanen, K., Raivio, T.: Near-optimal missile avoidance trajectories via
receding horizon control. J. Guidance Control Dyn. 30(5), 1297–1298 (2007)
6. James, S.M.: Real-Time Maneuvering Decisions for Autonomous Air Combat. Mas-
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7. Wu, W.-H., Zhou, S.-Y., Gao, L., Liu, J.-T.: Improvements of situation assessment for
beyond-visual-range air combat based on missile launching envelope analysis. Syst. Eng.
Electron. 33(12), 2680–2685 (2011)
8. Wu, S.L., Nan, Y.: The calculation of dynamical attack zone of air-to-air missile after being
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9. Zhang, A.-K., Kong, F.-e.: Calculation and function of attack zone of air-to-air missile after
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10. Zhu, B.-L.: Effectiveness Evaluation of Combat Aircraft. Aviation Industry Press, Beijing
Research on Construction and Evaluation Methods
of the Operation Simulation Environment

Hui-min Cao, An-xiang Huang, Lei Xiang ✉ , JinSong Li,

( )

BaiGang Sun, and PeiHua Ye

Air Force Command College, Beijing, China
[email protected]

Abstract. With the rapid development of computing science and the new
military revolution, the concept of the battlefield environment has experienced
a developing process from the “battlefield” to the “operation space” and to the
“operation environment”. Nowadays, the operation simulation environment is
still mainly based on one or some certain aspect, and the construction haven’t
satisfied the need of operation training enough. This paper analyzed the process
of operation simulation environment construction covering the aspects of geog‐
raphy, electromagnetic, information and meteorological, and further discussed
the construction process of the operation environment in systematically.
What’s more, in view of the operation simulation environment elements, a
comprehensive evaluation method was proposed to evaluate the operation
simulation environment.

Keywords: An operation simulation environment · The construction ·

A comprehensive evaluation method

1 The Introduction

An operation environment refers to the land-based, the ocean, the sky, the space, and
the contents of terrain, hydrology, weather and other natural conditions, as well as,
the enemies’ forces, facilities, weather, terrain, the electromagnetic spectrum and
information environment. The research on an operation simulation environment is to
provide the necessary data and models of battlefield environment for the operation
simulation training, at same time, to improve the cognitive efficiency of the opera‐
tional personnel, which final to provide a realistic possibility about the operational
analysis, assessment and evaluation. In the United States, Europe and other coun‐
tries, the battlefield environment simulation is considered as one significant content
of the modeling and simulation in national defense and military domain. For
instance, during the period of NATO strikes on Bosnia and Herzegovina, the U.S.
Defense Department used the high resolution images taken by reconnaissance satel‐
lites and bureau of surveying and mapping provided the digital map of Bosnia and
Herzegovina area, which are aim to simulate the environment of Bosnia and Herze‐
govina, and to apply the operation simulation for the flight training. These pilots who
received the training have greatly improved their adaptability and operation success

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 315–324, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_31
316 H. Cao et al.

rate. The United States MAK company developed operation simulation platform,
including VR-Link, VR-Forces, Data-Logger and other major modules, which
provide not only the battlefield environment but also the force generated environ‐
ment. At present, most of the operation environment simulation remains one element
or a few elements of the main building. MAK battlefield simulation platform is based
on operation mission training simulation, it mainly describes the entity behavior in
the battlefield environment of the specific simulation task, however, the description
of some elements of the operation environment such as meteorological elements is
not detailed enough, nor the construction of cultural environment involving politics,
economy, and some other soft environment [4]. The Skyline Company in the United
State developed a 3D battlefield environment that was mainly based on topography
and surface construction. Using satellite images, digital elevation model (DEM) and
the corresponding proportion of topographic map were to achieve the display of
static battlefields natural environment, but it is lack of the complex dynamic
environmental factors, such as meteorological environment and electromagnetic
environment [5].
Based on the characteristics of modern warfare and the requirements of operation
training, this paper sufficiently studied the factors, like the land, the sea, the air, the sky,
the electricity and the network information, which are on all aspects of the overall
comprehensive construction of operation simulation environment, and to improve the
environment campaign simulation fidelity and applicability.

2 The Overall Design and Construction of the Battle Simulation


2.1 The Natural Geographical Environment

The natural geographical environment contains a variety of natural elements in the

actual, such as topography, hilly vegetation, and soil water. The natural environment
model is a wide range and a complex structure, in other words, the natural environment
on expression of the information relative to the purpose of simulation in terms of the
degree of importance is different, likewise how much influence the amount of informa‐
tion on simulation credibility are not the same. Therefore, with the premise of main‐
taining a certain credibility, each part of fidelity of the natural environment models shall
be reasonably determined, which as far as possible to reduce the burden of operation
simulation environment. At the same time, we should pay more attention to avoid
providing the operators with the important information that is more than a prototype
system environment provided in modeling. From above, the correct evaluation of the
natural geography environment simulation effect has become the most important issue
in the demonstration and design. Meanwhile, the simulation model of the dynamic envi‐
ronment (such as topography, the destroyed object and rivers) is reality, real-time, and
dynamic continuous change, which is integrated with the static visualization model, and
to form a comprehensive and dynamic natural geographical environment finally.
Research on Construction and Evaluation Methods 317

2.2 The Electromagnetic Environment

The present warfare has become the joint operations of the “sea, land, air, sky, electro‐
magnetic”, and any military action must be in the electromagnetic environment. In the
actual operation, the compound electromagnetic environment of battlefield is often
formed by the interaction of several electromagnetic interference sources. Considering
the various kinds of electromagnetic interference sources, they are divided into the
natural and the man-made; the intentional and the unintentional; the radiation and the
conduction. The battlefield electromagnetic environmental effects include electrostatic
discharge, electromagnetic compatibility, electromagnetic sensitivity, hazards of elec‐
tromagnetic radiation, lightning effect, electromagnetic countermeasure, interference
and blocking, electromagnetic interference, electromagnetic vulnerability, electromag‐
netic pulse, radio frequency threats and so on [6]. Electromagnetic environment simu‐
lation mainly make use of computer to simulate the electromagnetic environment of
arbitrary space-time in the realistic environment, it coordinates with geographical envi‐
ronment and weaponry of two confrontation sides, which ensures the troops to carry out
vivid military exercises in complex electromagnetic environment. Due to the electro‐
magnetic environment is changeable, it is very difficult to simulate by accurate mathe‐
matical model, but it can be described by establishing the statistical properties of math‐
ematical model. Currently, the abroad have some mature software used to simulate
electromagnetic environment, but it is still limited to a large amount of computations
and storage requirements, as well as, the frequency range of the simulation is narrow,
and electromagnetic distribution area is small.

2.3 The Meteorological Environment

The meteorological environment will directly affect the entire operational process,
during which the use of tactics and selection of weapons and equipment are closely
related to the meteorological conditions. For example, these photoelectric weapons,
cruise missile, over the horizon radar and so on, are not only always influenced by
conventional meteorological elements (like rain, cloud, snow) and macro weather envi‐
ronment, but also are sensitive to the influence of the atmospheric environmental factors
(like cloud particle, aerosol, low-level wind shear, atmospheric electric field, atmos‐
pheric refraction, atmospheric turbulence and so on) and micro scale weather phenom‐
enon [7]. The meteorological environment simulation is the comprehensive utilization
of atmospheric environment model, weapon platform and weapon system simulation
model and its environment model, it studies the impact of the atmospheric environment
on the operational process and weapons, furthermore, the battlefield meteorological
environment as the background analyzes the operation scenario and environmental
impact, which is to realize the virtual reality expression of the battlefield meteorological
environment, including graphical simulation data pretreatment, visualization of mete‐
orological factors and weather system, battlefield situation analysis, image integration
and interactive display.
318 H. Cao et al.

2.4 The Frequency Domain Environment

The frequency domain environment covers all of the battle fields, like the sea, the land,
the air, the sky, the cyber space. The frequency domain environment is a significant
channel of battlefield information transmission, and it is also a material basis of the
operational task executions (a battlefield command and communications, early warning
and detection, weapon guidance, information investigation, force deployment, and
maneuvering) and implementation prerequisite for action. The frequency domain envi‐
ronment simulation can be employed to train the troops whenever and wherever possible
to use the crowded electromagnetic spectrum, even to seize or destroy the enemy elec‐
tromagnetic spectrum. As well as, it is able to respond to the enemy’s electromagnetic
spectrum challenges, extend bandwidth, expand the available frequency band, contend
electromagnetic spectrum rights, quickly adapt to the complex and volatile electromag‐
netic environment. The use of any electromagnetic wave need occupy a certain spectrum,
the same frequency electromagnetic waves will interfere with each other, and that is to
say, the power of electromagnetic waves will repress the smaller one. Electromagnetic
in frequency domain is directly expressed as the electromagnetic spectrum map. It is to
establish the mathematical model of frequency domain system simulation that has tran‐
sient and steady-state characteristics to consistent with the simulation system. The
corresponding differential equations and the larger step size, even and the reasonable
accuracy of the simulation model are utilized for the modeling and simulation. Currently,
the substitution method and matching method [8] are the common ways for the mathe‐
matical derivation, which take advantages of Matlab to convert the time domain signal
into frequency domain, or use FEKO and HFSSD, the frequency domain electromag‐
netic simulation software, for the construction of the frequency domain electromagnetic
model. In accordance with the requirements for battlefield environment simulation will
finally provide a corresponding frequency domain environment.

2.5 The Electronic Information Environment

With the increasing upgrade of electronic warfare, the electronic warfare equipment and
weapons for the confrontation between the two sides are becoming more and more. The
distribution and status of the electronic warfare equipment and weapons of the categories
of troops have their own characteristic. The arbitrary battlefield and spatio-temporal face
with the signal density is from the tens of thousands per second to millions per second
[8]. Each electronic warfare of the categories of troops has the different characteristics,
the implementation of distribution covers all area of the land, the sea and the air. The
simulation system of electronic warfare is achieved by the establishment of the simu‐
lation model library of electronic warfare equipment and weapon system, the aim is to
simulate the basic working principle and working process of these equipment and
weapons. Electronic warfare system simulation is currently using the functional simu‐
lation and signal simulation in these two ways.
Research on Construction and Evaluation Methods 319

2.6 The Infrared Environment

The infrared environment in the operation simulation environment contains the solar
infrared radiation, the infrared radiation of the weapons and equipment, and some
other background infrared radiation. In abroad, the research infrared simulation tech‐
nology began in 1980s [9]. Using the computer to simulate the infrared environ‐
ment, especially the infrared weapon system. So far, the common simulation plat‐
form has the joint modeling and simulation environment (JMASE), which can simu‐
late the model of infrared radiation’s mainly effect model based on the system
requirements of the platform. The modeling method is also used to develop a model
that is to calculate the infrared radiation effect of atmospheric transmission, or to
model the infrared target, such as the target and the sensor. However, it is necessary
to study the problems about how to link between these modules for the infrared envi‐
ronment modeling [10].

2.7 The Battlefield Threat Environment

The battlefield threat environment includes not only a variety of weapons platforms and
the deployment of forces on the area of ground, air and sea, but also the internet
connecting to the ground threats environment, the air threats environment, and the back‐
ground interference environment. The battlefield threat simulation environment is oper‐
ated by the computer that is generated by the manipulation forces and the computer
intelligence forces. Actually, it is hard to encounter the tactical environment generated
by the formation of operation maneuvers, what is more easily generated. The static
elements in the threat environment can adopt the method of natural geographical envi‐
ronment for modeling and simulation. Generated force is able to adopt computer gener‐
ated forces modeling based on the Agent. The method of modeling and simulation can
generate a semi-autonomous force, intelligence forces and command forces. The first
two models research has made some achievements, but for the generated model of
command forces, it is complex and difficult to design and implement, which need further
infiltration and development on it [11].

2.8 The Culture Environment

Modern warfare involves the military strength, the political, economic, diplomatic,
cultural history and other aspects of the various countries. Particularly, the international
community develops a war bill that is to prohibit attacks on the non-military targets or
objects to operation. Therefore, during the establishment process of a operation simu‐
lation environment, it is required to accurately distinguish between the military targets
and civil cultural facilities, especially for the churches, the schools, the hospitals, the
charitable education institutions, DAMS, the embankments, and some other important
civilian facilities. On the other hand, it must pay attention to the operational process to
avoid the damage to the natural environment and social cultural environment [12]. The
cultural environment mainly refers to the static objects with the single attribute that
almost keep the unchanging position in operation. Hence, when processing the computer
320 H. Cao et al.

simulation, the targets’ geometrical characteristics, attributes, and 3d rendering methods

are setting out to build the digital model of the cultural environment, the complex
geometric shape and surface texture [13] (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The construction block diagram of operation simulation environment

3 Research on the Evaluation Method of Operation Simulation


3.1 Analysis of the Characteristics of the Operation Simulation Environment

Currently, the existing evaluation methods generally include the AHP evaluation
method, the subjective qualitative evaluation method and the feature analysis method
[14]. The operation simulation environment relates to the computer simulation, the
visual computing, the multimedia, the mathematical modeling, the graphics and the
image processing technology, in view of the characteristics of the different environment,
the different technologies are applied to build. When to evaluate the operation simulation
environment, the utilization of quantitative methods for some environment module are
carried out to accurately assess, and some other modules only depend on human’s
subjective feelings to evaluate, it cannot give a precise evaluation of the results. So the
various methods should be adopted to evaluate it in accordance of the characteristics of
the module. This paper puts forward a comprehensive evaluation method that is suitable
for the simulation system based on the design and construction of operation simulation

3.2 The Evaluation Method of the Operation Simulation Environment

As with the fidelity of simulation is required higher and higher, each element of the
operation environment is considered more and more important. However, the simulation
model of each element is complicated. A long time and the difficulties of the imple‐
mentation of all elements will bring great burden for the entire simulation.
The various information of elements in the operation simulation environment has
the different influence on the importance degree of the simulation purposes, like that
the impact of the information quantity on the simulation credibility is not the same as
well. Therefore, a very important issue in the operation environment simulation is to
Research on Construction and Evaluation Methods 321

correctly evaluate the simulation effects of each element in the operation simulation
environment, further to guide the whole simulation process.

3.2.1 The Quantitative Evaluation Method [1]

Assume that V is the operation simulation system that is composed of K elements, the
system R is composed of l elements, there exists the similarities n between the system
V and R, which constitute similar elements n, and then the value of each similar element
is . Impact weight of each similar element on the system is ( is normalization),
as a result, the Quantitative fidelity of system V and R is , it is defined as:


There are numerous technology and disciplines- involved in the operation simulation
environment, the configuration of the simulation environment is different according to
the different requirements of the operation training. While the operation simulation
system is a very complex system composed of many elements, if using the formula (1.1)
for each module in the simulation environment calculate the impact on the overall envi‐
ronment, the amount of calculation is quite large, the entire battlefield environment is
divided into multiple levels and modules at once.

3.2.2 Hierarchical Division of the Operation Simulation Environment

The division of the elements of the operation simulation environment into modules is
to reasonably evaluate the entire system. Specifically, the whole operation simulation
environment will be divided into three layers [10].
1. The overall index layer
According to the general requirements of the task, the operation simulation envi‐
ronment is designed.
2. The subsystem layer
The constitution of the operation simulation environment is divided into the physical
module and the functional module, there are eight modules in total, including the
natural environment, the electromagnetic environment, the meteorological environ‐
ment, the acoustic phonetic environment, the electronic information environment,
the infrared environment, the cultural environment and the threat environment.
3. The subsystem index layer
Refining each module. For instance, the electromagnetic environment is divided into
the natural electromagnetic environment, the man-made electromagnetic environ‐
ment, as well as the electromagnetic radiation of a variety of electronic equipment.

3.2.3 Multi-layer Weighted Evaluation [1]

Follow the three layers analysis, the whole operation simulation environment is evalu‐
ated by the method of multi-layer weighted evaluation. It assumes that the fidelity of the
operation simulation system is , and then to choose subsystem layer index to
322 H. Cao et al.

calculate the impact of each subsystem on . The set of subsystems is assumed as

, the weighted value of each subsystem is , so the fidelity


For each subsystem, the impact of each performance index on the fidelity of each
subsystem is also evaluated. The detailed index of each subsystem is assumed as
, so the fidelity is:


In formula (2.3), and are the weighted value of each index of

the subsystem, which use the experts scoring and fuzzy mathematics methods to calcu‐

3.2.4 The Weighted Value of Each Index of the Subsystem Calculation

The weighted value of each subsystem is calculated by the expert scoring and fuzzy
evaluation methods. Assumed to invite experts to give the scores of each index of the
subsystem, in accordance of {very important, important, more important, in general, not
important} and fuzzy reviews, so the numerical fuzzy matrix is:


The average value is taken from the opinions of several experts, which will acquire
the weighted value of each index of the whole operation simulation environment.


Next, calculating the realistic and similarity system of each index: with N experts to
evaluate the MIG index, in accordance of {like, more like, in general, not much, unlike},
so the numerical fuzzy matrix of the comments is:

Research on Construction and Evaluation Methods 323

Combining matrix with the weighted value is to calculate the comprehensive eval‐
uation value of Q


Each person’s subjective feeling on the same thing is not the same, or even
completely opposite, that is the reason to carefully select experts, as soon as possible to
expand the scope of the investigation, which is to judge the conclusion as objective as

4 Conclusion

Modern military training and exercises are more highly relied on the simulation, the
fidelity of the simulation system is becoming more required, especially for the operation
environment simulation, its elements are increasingly complicated, the simulation
constructing is more difficult, and the methods are more diverse. In this case, the diffi‐
culties of the simulation environment evaluation have gradually improved. This paper
puts forward a comprehensive method to evaluate the operation simulation environment
in modeling, which provides a feasible method for the evaluation of the operation simu‐
lation environment, as well as improves the credibility of the simulation system to a
certain extent.


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The Development of Complex and Large
System Based on Simulation Prototype

Zhiming Song(&) and Xin Zhao

Systems Engineering Research Institute, CSSC, Beijing 100036, China

[email protected]

Abstract. The characteristics of traditional methods for complex and large

system development were analyzed, in view of the deficiencies, a kind of
engineering development method based on simulation prototype was put for-
ward, and the implementation content, steps and keys during the whole product
development process were described. Some key techniques such as the con-
struction of simulation framework, complex object modeling, virtual experiment
and simulation evaluation were analyzed, and the solutions are put forward.
Practice has proved that the method deepens and optimizes the design of product
significantly, excavates potential demands effectively, reduces the development
cycle and development cost.

Keywords: Simulation prototype  Complex system  Development

1 Introduction

With the rapid development of the world science and technology, the development of
modern industry product are more and more complicated, such as new aircraft, large
ship, etc. This kind of product is complex and large system, which is on large scale,
involves many professionals, uses new technologies. The traditional system develop-
ment technologies and methods have been more and more difficult to meet the demand
of modern engineering. The current information and digital technologies are promoting
the innovation and progress of the engineering methods, especially the modeling and
simulation technology have been gradually extensively and deeply applied to the
development of complex system, used to display the image of product, validate the
engineering design, etc. [1–3]. In the mid of 1990s the United States Defense
Department established the SBA (Simulation -based Acquisition) as main technical
route in the field of equipment development [4, 5]. In recent decades, great progress has
been made in the field of simulation technology research and application in china. But
compared with the international advanced, the gap is still large. Based on the theory of
system engineering, exploring and establishing advanced research mode and methods
have become the focus of the development for the high technology enterprise [6]. In a
domestic major project, we have successfully explored and practiced a kind of
development method based on simulation prototype, not only efficiently and success-
fully completed the research tasks, but also systematically established a new set of
system development methods.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 325–335, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_32
326 Z. Song and X. Zhao

2 The Analysis of Traditional Development Method

Traditional industrial product development takes the waterfall approach, the process of
which is shown in Fig. 1. The essential feature of this method is based on the tests of
“physical prototype”. The main process included system designing based on special
tools or even just based on document, making real prototype according to the design,
testing the real prototype and founding insufficient, and then modifying the design, so
loop iteration until the prototype meets the customer’s requirements. Obviously, there
are many shortcomings in this method: (1) Due to the complexity of the product
system, the developers and even the users can’t completely, correctly and accurately
put forward demand in the early development phase. During the whole development
process, with the deepening of the project the requirements of product will be added
and changed. Especially after the real prototype production coming out, through the
real tests, a lot of design defects will be exposed, or earlier demand have to be
significantly modified and supplied. This development mode cannot adapt to the
product which requirements may frequently change. (2) Each subsystem of the product
is designed using the specific tools, the work is relatively isolated, a large number of
problems of integrated interaction between the subsystems cannot be revealed and
solved in time; Some professional lacking of appropriate tools even can only be
designed based on the “document”, the design of the system is “figurative” after all, the
design depth and quality depends on the designer’s mental perception, couldn’t be
perfect. Only when the physical prototype has been produced, many design errors are
exposed. So the development cycle is greatly extended and the cost is increased.
(3) The development of complex system generally involves much coordinated work
between different profession. The traditional method is difficult to achieve the optimal
combination of multiple subsystems. Even the parallel development unit finally cannot
be integrated. (4) The characteristic of the traditional development mode is carrying out
real tests on the physical prototype. However, the tests of complex systems will gen-
erally be constraint by many factors such as geography, time, weather, economic and
even political, and the development cycle, found and quality are seriously affected.

3 The Simulation Based Development Method

3.1 Summary of Method and the Development of System Engineering
In the whole process of product development, along with the designs gradually
refinement, the corresponding granularity simulation system of the product is estab-
lished, namely the simulation prototype, and the external environment of the product
are modeled and simulated too, and then through dynamic simulation experiments, the
design of the product can be verified. At the end of engineering design, the above
simulation prototypes are very similar to the final product, almost all the functions, and
even some performance of the product have been reflected. Project management
organization and the users can evaluate the simulation prototype to confirm that the
design of the product is correct or meet the requirements, equivalent to “virtually
The Development of Complex and Large System 327

Fig. 1. The process of traditional method

delivery of products”. Afterwards, the real physical prototype can be directly made
according the final design, and real test still need to be carried out, in which some new
defects may been found. But the product changes are certainly very little because that
most design defects have been eliminated through a large number of simulation tests.
Hall model explained the principles of system engineering from three dimensions
such as time, logic, knowledge [7], as shown in Fig. 2. The method of this paper
emphasizes on developing corresponding simulation prototype and carrying out sim-
ulation test during different development phrase. It means that in the phase of planning,
protocoling and development at the time dimension of the Hall model, simulation based
design, development, test and verification are carried out after the traditional steps at
the logical dimension. So three small “V” processes are amplified in time-logical
dimensions plane, as shown in Fig. 2. Therefore, the method make a new development
for the Hall model and the principle of system engineering by applying the simulation
technology to system development.

3.2 Simulation in the Project Demonstration Phase

In simulation development mode, according to the preliminary argumentation and
scenario of the future product, the simulation demo or deduction system are set
up. Generally 3D modeling tools such as Creator are used to build high realistic entity
shape model, high level real-time visual simulation platform such as VegaPrime are
used to develop simulation demonstration system. The target image, working process
and core characteristics of the future system are displayed in the form of 3D visual
simulation. According to the complexity and fidelity of the simulation entities and
scene, the computer can be single high-performance graphic workstation or distributed
graphics workstations system, the display system can be one display screen or
328 Z. Song and X. Zhao

Fig. 2. Hall model

multi-channel projection. In the case of multi person interactive deduction, the simu-
lation system need to be developed in the form of distributed interactive system, and
each person in the simulation loop will operate a simulation node through the inter-
action equipment, meanwhile, the man-machine interface display and some visual 3D
scenes are constructed for the persons. For the demonstration of the complex large scale
system, the simulation record, playback, and evaluation nodes are needed to be con-
structed to record all the simulation process, playback conveniently and support the
expert group assessment.
Through the auxiliary of the above simulation methods, the project demonstration
report can be intuitively, conveniently and fastly deepen and improved. The user,
project manager and developer can fully and deeply discuss, agree with each other
based on the intuitive demonstration platform. The 3D entity models, behavior model
and so on constructed in this stage can be used as the simulation resources for the
subsequent stages.

3.3 Simulation in the Scheme Design Phase

After product demonstration the project enters into scheme design phase. In this phase
the summary design of whole system is carried out, including the composition, main
function, performance, working process and so on. In the early stage of this phase, the
simulation prototype and the simulation running environment can begin to been built.
Main work includes the following aspects: (1) Based on HLA distributed interactive
simulation technology and standards, taking the preliminary reports and drawings of
scheme design as input, the simulation system of prototype is directly developed in the
HLA development environment according to the system composition, functions,
working process and so on. The simulation system is named federation in HLA. The
main work includes federal members modeling by using Simplicity tool [5], and
integrating and operating in the RTI software environment. Each subsystem of the
product can be simulated by independent federal members (named federate). The
function, man-machine interface, interactive mode, work flow, etc. of each federate are
The Development of Complex and Large System 329

as far as possible consistent with the real product. (2) By analyzing the working
environment of the product, the federate which simulate the environment factors are
constructed, such as synthetic natural environment (SNE), other entities interacting
with the product system and so on. And then the simulation prototype can dynamic run
by the support of these federates. (3) The simulation management node is built in the
federation. It has two main functions. First it is used to initialize the simulation
parameters, set up simulation conditions and model, etc., such as weather conditions,
working conditions, the federal members joining or leaving federation, real-time or
super real-time simulation, mode of people in the loop, etc. Second it is used to take
controls in the process of the simulation, such as starting, pausing, recording, accel-
eration and so on. (4) The simulation recording and evaluation system is built in the
federation, which is used to record the real time data of simulation process, playback
the simulation process, show the simulation scene with arbitrary Angle of view through
multi-channel projection system, and so on. All these effectively support expert group
evaluation. Usually expert system and evaluation model are important parts of the
simulation evaluation system. (5) For the products being operated based on visual, such
as the air traffic control system, real-time visual simulation federate need to be con-
structed by using visual simulation technology. They receive simulation data from
other federates and generate real-time working scene for the persons in the simulation
loop to carry out the simulation test.
Above all, the simulation prototype of future product and the complete simulation
test environment are available in the scheme design phase. People operate the simu-
lation prototype just like operating the real product. So they can directly evaluate the
merits and inadequate of system design, and find the potential demands. Then these
comments and suggestion are submitted to the designer for optimization and modifi-
cation. After the design improvements, the simulation federation can be conveniently
and quickly modified because of the reusable and interoperable technical advantages of
HLA. So the simulation federation always consistent with the design. Once again the
simulation test is carried out to validate the new design. The above process is operated
repeatedly and iteratively, as shown in Fig. 3, promotes the deepening and optimization
of the design, until the result meets the desired level.

Fig. 3. The simulation method in the scheme design phase

330 Z. Song and X. Zhao

3.4 Simulation in the Project Development Phase

The main work in the project development phase includes carrying out the detailed
design of each subsystem, parts manufacture, component testing, system integration
testing, and the real product testing and verification in real work environment. A natural
way of thinking is that the simulation prototype of the scheme design phase will be
constantly refined closely following the technical design, and the simulation test will be
timely carried out to verify and optimize the design.
At this stage the subsystems of complex product generally need special tools to be
designed, such as by using the EDSA tools to design power system, by using FLUENT
tools to design fluid system, and so on. But the design results by these tools cannot be
directly transplanted into federation based on HLA. This is also the main problems in
multi-professional collaboration design and simulation. At present, Germany ITI
company has developed the SimulationX simulation platform based on Modelica
unified modeling and simulation standard, and it is compatible with the typical CAD,
CAE tools such as CATIA, Pro/E, Adams and Simulink, etc. But it is only applicable to
mechanical and electrical product development.
In view of this situation, the simulation prototype is refined by indirect mapping
method. The design results by professional tools is extracted, and according the
composition, function, operation process, etc., the simulation prototype of the scheme
design phase is continued to deepen. For some common tools, data converter between
the tools and federation can be developed to make professional design automatically
convert to federate of the HLA side, as shown in Fig. 4. The simulation test is still
carried out around the simulation prototype. When defects are found, the optimizing
design is done in the tools environment, and the design results pass to the HLA system,
and the simulation is run again, so loop iteration, until the result meets the final
qualification. Finally, when the simulation prototype have reflects all the product
features, the “virtually delivery” can be carried out. The project management group and
the user evaluate the simulation prototype, finding insufficient and then the developers
making batch correction, until the product pass the “acceptance”. So the design state is
cured down, and then enter manufacturing stage.
The manufacture and testing of product components, the system integration, and
the product testing in real working environment can no longer rely closely on simu-
lation prototype. Because most defects and hidden troubles have been eliminated and

Fig. 4. The simulation in the project development phase

The Development of Complex and Large System 331

most implicit demand have been mined through large number of simulation experi-
ments in the scheme and technical design phase, the improvement works for the
product will be little at this stage. However, all changes must be recorded, and the
simulation prototype will be adjusted accordingly.
For the testing of component, subsystem integration and real product, the simula-
tion running environment can be used in whole or part as the supporting simulators.
There are two key points in the implementation. First the real product will be joined the
HLA federation to get support of running. Second the unified time system will be used
in the whole system to ensure that each node is at the same time, and generally the
timing equipment of real product is adopted. So the experiment in which virtual sit-
uation is combined with actual situation can be conveniently carried out and the real
product integration tests are effectively aided.

3.5 The Simulation in the Maintenance Phase

The product maintenance stage begins after the product is delivered to the users.
Because the simulation prototype is highly consistent with the real product, the
developers can repeat the application problems of the product based on the simulation
prototype system, and then research solutions to solve the problem quickly.
In general, the quantity of complex products are little but the operators are many.
Almost all the operators need to be training because of the higher operating demands.
The high-fidelity simulation training can be carried out by using the simulation fed-
eration. Not only the training time is significantly reduced compared with real training,
but also the operator’s operating skills and disposal ability for unexpected situations are
be significantly improved, because the work conditions can be arbitrarily set up.
At the same time, the improvement requirements of product are deeply excavated
through the large number of simulation running such as the simulation training, fault
analysis and so on. They provide the important evidence for product improvement.

4 The Key Technology

4.1 The Overall Structure Design of Prototype Simulation System

The prototype simulation system of complex product is generally very large. Besides
the prototype simulation of product, there are simulation support environment, simu-
lation management nodes, evaluating nodes and so on in the federation. The Simulation
prototype and support environment simulate different object, and the simulation nodes
will deeply communicate and interact with each other during the simulation test. How
to connect and integrate these nodes seamlessly is the basic problem of overall structure
design. In addition, each node needs to be continuously refine and modify along with
the deepening of the engineering design. And how to ensure that the simulation system
and nodes are flexible and extensible is another important issue.
In view of these, the HLA distributed interactive simulation technology and stan-
dard are adopted to construct the overall system framework in the proposed method.
The reasons are as follows. (1) At present, HLA is one of the best engineering
332 Z. Song and X. Zhao

standards to realize “reusable” and “interoperate” for the distributed interactive system.
Complex systems are generally coordinately developed by different units, and there are
large number of modification works during the development process. The multi people
paralleling design and multi specialized subsystem integration are best supported by the
HLA technology. So the simulation prototype can be constructed quickly, then through
the simulation test and evaluation, the design is quickly improved. (2) Simulation
prototype based on HLA only includes the main features of the real product, such as the
functions, interfaces and so on. The details such as exception handling, handling of
illegal input, the system stability index and so on are not considered. So the entan-
glements in unnecessary details are avoided in the early stage of design and the
development cycle is greatly accelerated. (3) The development environment for HLA
application is familiar to most developers, such as the Windows operation system, C++
language, large number of mature commercial tools and so on. Most importantly,
because the communication is encapsulated, the large amount of underlying commu-
nication based on such as TCP/IP, CAN bus and so on are avoided, and the simulation
prototype can be constructed quickly. (4) The particular business model can be pro-
grammed and tested in the simulation prototype, and the final results can be directly
applied to the real products. When the simulation system and the product adopt the
same language such as C, the model in simulation system can even be directly
transplanted into the product.
In the method of this paper, pRTI1516 is adopted to build distributed simulation
system. First the SOM table of each federate is established according to it’s external
data interface. Second the FOM table is set up by integrating all the SOM table. Third
the framework of the overall federation and each federate are built by using Simplicity
tool. During the simulation system design and development process, each node will
strictly follow HLA standard, especially the simulation time strategy and data distri-
bution rules.
In practice, some entities are too complex to be precisely model using digital
method, or to be simulated in real time, in this case the physical effect devices are often
adopted to simulate the entities. So the federal framework should be compatible with
semi-physical simulation mode. In this method, the adapters connecting the HLA
federation with physical effect device are developed. They communicate with physical
devices based on the special mode such as CAN bus, etc., and communicate with the
federation based on HLA rules. To solve the problem of time unity and synchro-
nization, the time synchronization signal and time code of the timing equipment can be
directly transported to every nodes in the form of a serial port, Ethernet, etc., and time
is tested and synchronized in every simulation step.

4.2 Modeling of Complex Objects

In the development process of complex system based on simulation prototype, the
difficulty includes two aspects: one is the simulation of the product itself. Due to multi
professions and refinement, it is very difficult to establish a high precision model. The
simulation prototype can be developed by using the mature, suitable auxiliary tools
such as instrument tools, GIS tools, etc. The other is the simulation of external
The Development of Complex and Large System 333

environment of the product. The running of product tightly couple with the external
environment such as other related systems, synthetic natural environment and so on.
The different conditions will lead to different work process and results. So, in order to
achieve correct and effective test results, simulation credibility of the external envi-
ronment need to be correspondingly guaranteed. In general, the external environment
involves different professions, such as mechanical, electronic, electromagnetic, natural
environment, etc. They should be modeled and simulated by professional developers
[8], and the simulation granularity is depended on the requirements of the simulation
prototype in different phase. Many factors have a huge impact on product operation,
but it is difficult to be modeled, such as the sea state, air flow field behind the sailing
ship, etc. They are quite changeable, and associated with each other, they have always
been difficult problem in the field of modeling. For the synthetic natural environment,
the model can be similarly built through extracting the change regulation of specific
areas and time based on the statistical method. For the complex mathematical models
such as radar model, the calculation are usually difficult in real time, and the physical
equipment such as DSP can be adopted to simulate the complex object. For the large
and sophisticated equipment such as aircraft, the whole simulation system can be
developed by professional manufacturers and then integrated into the federation
through the adapter. So the credibility of whole simulation system is guaranteed.

4.3 The Simulation Experiment Method of Virtual and Real

On the traditional development mode, the test of complex system should generally
follow the relevant test specification, and the test planning, test preparation, test
implementation and solving the problems are carried out in turn.
When simulation experiment take place of the real experiment, the standards,
methods and experience of real experiment should be thoroughly referenced. For the
characteristics of “virtual”, the key is to solve the following problems. (1) The simu-
lation prototype and test environment need to be validated before the test to ensure that
they meet the requirements of technical indicators and can reflect the working char-
acteristic of real system. (2) It is necessary to demand professional person to operate the
professional simulator to ensure the credibility of the virtual test. (3) The frequent
iteration of “simulation running -modifying the product design and simulation
system-simulation running again” is the main characteristic of simulation development,
and the design, development and experiment need to be carefully coordinated and
arranged. (4) The simulation test provides a convenient, intuitive and in-depth evalu-
ation mean and it should be pay great attention to and fully used, so the optimization of
product design can be deepened and speeded up.

4.4 The Evaluation Technique

There are two kinds of evaluation in the process of construction and application of the
simulation system. One is the simulation credibility evaluation of the simulation system
itself, another is the evaluation of product design through the simulation tests.
334 Z. Song and X. Zhao

Simulation prototype and environment cannot be exactly the same as the real product
and the environment. In the engineering practice, the model scope, granularity and
credibility index of the simulation object need to be researched and determined. The
models, simulation nodes and the whole simulation system should be Verify and
validate by using VVA technology to ensure the validity of the simulation prototype
and virtual experiment.
The virtual tests of simulation prototype include all aspects of the product design
and application, such as equipment deployment, equipment function, interaction rela-
tions, the work flow, ability index, man-machine engineering and so on. It is necessary
to establish special evaluation system to make quantitative analysis of the test results.
The main work includes building evaluation model for relevant content and recording
the appropriate data of test process.
For complex system, the evaluation model of comprehensive performance index
should be established, and overall efficacy can be evaluated. Meanwhile, the experts in
the evaluation system and the persons in simulation loop can also intuitively make
subjective evaluations during the testing process. Especially when the users take part in
the simulation tests, their opinions and suggestions are very important for the opti-
mization of product design.

5 Conclusions and Future Work

The core characteristic of simulation prototype method is that the highly realistic
“simulation prototype” is developed, and virtual tests are carried out, and then the
product design is gradually and iteratively optimized according to the test results. So
the modification work of physical prototype are reduced greatly. Meanwhile, just
because the tests, evaluation, and modification are carried out based simulation pro-
totype instead of the real physical prototype, the design ability and quality are also
greatly improvement, and the development cycle, funds and risk are greatly reduced.
This method of digital engineering development will surely replace traditional design
method based on “physical prototype”. The proposed method has been successfully
applied to some domestic major project, the development cycle was significantly
shortened, the cost was greatly reduced, and the product quality was effectively
improved. Practice shows that this method is correct and feasible. Application level of
foreign digital technology has reached the state of no drawings and full virtualization
[3]. Based on the method in this paper, we will continue to increase application scope
and depth of the digital simulation technology, and set up a set of rules and standards to
unify the digital development program.

1. Sun, H.-J.: The modeling and simulation of digital technology application in the weapon
equipment development abroad track. Digit. Mil. Ind. 2, 47–51 (2011)
2. Xiong, G.-L., et al.: Collaborative Simulation and Virtual Prototyping, pp. 11–20. Tsinghua
University Press, Beijing (2004)
The Development of Complex and Large System 335

3. Huang, N., et al.: The current situation and trend of development of military product virtual
design technology. Digit. Mil. Ind. (1), 26–29 (2011)
4. Chen, X.-C., et al.: Equipment System Engineering, pp. 53–54. National Defence Industry
Press, Beijing (2005)
5. Zhou, Y., et al.: HLA Simulation Program Design, pp. 30–35. Publishing House of
Electronics Industry, Beijing (2002)
6. Xiao, S., Xudong, C., Li, Z.: Modeling framework for product lifecycle information. Simul.
Model. Pract. Theory 18(8), 1080–1091 (2010)
7. Li, H.-B., Zhang, C.-X.: Systems Engineering and Application. China Machine Press, Beijing
8. Li, B.-H., et al.: Some focusing points in development of modern modeling and simulation
technology. J. Syst. Simul. 16(9), 1871–1878 (2004)
Model Simulation of Melting Layer Based
on Wind Profile Radar Data

Zhengyu Zhang1,2(&), Zhengang Xue2, Liren Xu2,

and Taichang Gao1
Institute of Meteorology, PLA University of Science and Technology,
Nanjing 211101, China
[email protected]
Beijing Institute of Applied Meteorology, Beijing 100029, China

Abstract. Based on the wind profile radar data during stratiform precipitation
processes in Beijing, a model of melting layer which describes the spectral
parameter features has been presented. This model is applied to the simulation of
WPR FFT data using Gaussian distribution. The simulated WPR FFT data
proved to be effective for presenting the echo signal of precipitation particles
compared with real data. The application in WPR terminal software test indi-
cates the practicability of this melting layer model in software improvement.

Keywords: Wind profile radar  Melting layer  Modeling  Simulation

1 Introduction

The melting process of ice particles in melting layer contributes to the sudden
enhancement of radar reflectivity, which became known as the ‘bright band’. Bright
band is an important feature of stratiform precipitation, reflecting the evident ice-water
transformation process in melting layer (Kain et al. 2000). In the past few decades,
detections and studies of bright band have been gradually conducted using wind profile
radar (WPR), which could provide full spectrum information of return signal (Ruan et al.
2002) and precise structure of melting layer (Shi et al. 2014) with higher resolution than
Doppler weather radar. Acquiring accurate profiles of spectral parameter in melting layer
and improving the capability to identify bright band could provide technical support for
the study of eliminating the overestimation or underestimation of precipitation (Smith
et al. 1986) and the recognition and forecast of stratiform precipitation (Kain et al. 2000),
which has become one of the key concern in wind profile radar applications.
Through processing the power spectrum (FFT) data to calculate profiles of spectral
parameters, various types of WPR terminal software are designed mainly for the
purpose of acquiring physical quantities and real-time monitoring. Practices have
proved that WPR terminal software can provide reliable and detailed wind field fea-
tures. However, since the echo signal of precipitation particles is much greater than that
of the turbulence (William et al. 2002), there still lacks effective testing measurements
for the ability of software to effectively obtain realistic spectral parameter features in
precipitation conditions.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 336–344, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_33
Model Simulation of Melting Layer Based on Wind Profile Radar Data 337

This paper proposes an improved model of spectral parameters in melting layer, the
original version of which was introduced by author in previous paper (Zhang et al.
2016). More realistic WPR FFT simulation data is established by this improved model
based on Gaussian distribution and then applied into a WPR terminal software test.

2 Spectral Parameter Features of Stratiform Precipitation

During July to October, 2014, the boundary layer WPR in Beijing has detected 32
obvious precipitation episodes. In order to establish the melting layer model based on
features of spectral parameters, FFT data in eight typical stratiform precipitation epi-
sodes has been chosen to be pre-processed and analyzed. Figure 1 gives an example of
stratiform precipitation episode in 12th Sept, 2014, which describes the average profiles
of echo intensity, vertical velocity and spectral width during this stratiform precipita-
tion. The profiles clearly reflect the phase transformation process of precipitation
particle, thus the height space can be separated into solid area (I), upper melting area
(II), lower melting area (III) and liquid area (IV), as Fig. 1 shows.

Fig. 1. Average WPR echo, vertical velocity, spectral width profiles during precipitation time in
12th Sept, 2014

Echo intensity has obvious variation in different phase region. In solid area, echo
intensity increases slowly since ice particles have little change. In upper melting area,
the melting of ice particle changes the permittivity, causing the increase of refractive
index, which gives rise to echo intensity. In lower melting area, the collapse of ice
structures contributes to the reduction of scattering cross-section. Additional, the
acceleration of raindrops will form a divergence area of concentration, causing the
decrease of the echo intensity. In liquid area, echo intensity changes little since the
concentration remains stable when raindrops reach the terminal velocity.
For rain clouds body which has the presence of bright band, the height
where maximum echo intensity value exists is usually defined as bright band height
338 Z. Zhang et al.

(Huang et al. 2011). Generally, for stratiform precipitation, bright band height (Hbright ) is
located within the range of 2300 * 4400 m height, and both the top and the bottom
height of melting layer (Htop , Hbottom ) are no more than 600 m away from bright band
height. The echo intensity at bright band height (Zbright ) is generally greater than 20 dBz,
and that at the top of melting layer (Ztop ) is usually 28 % less than Zbright . Also, the echo
intensity at the bottom of melting layer (Zbottom ) reduces usually 20 % less than Zbright .
The falling velocity of precipitation particles changes insignificantly in solid area
and liquid area, while increases sharply in melting area. The vertical velocity at bright
band height (Vbright ) is generally greater than 2 m/s, and that at the top of melting layer
(Vtop ) is averagely 43.6 % less than Vbright . Also, the vertical velocity at the bottom of
melting layer (Vbottom ) increases averagely 80.1 % compared with Vbright .
Spectral width increases with the decline of height, reaching an maximum at the
height of about 200 * 300 m above the bottom of melting area, then gradually
decreases. Spectral width value at bright band height (Wbright ) is usually around
1 * 1.5 m/s. and that at the top of melting layer (Wtop ) is averagely 30.9 % less than
Wbright . Also, the vertical velocity at the bottom of melting layer (Wbottom ) increases
averagely 14.7 % compared with Wbright .

3 Simulation of WPR Data

3.1 Model of Spectral Parameters in Melting Layer
Based on the introduction of melting layer spectral parameter features in Chapter 2, a
simulation program for model of spectral parameters in melting layer is established as
following steps:
(1) The division of the height space
The height space has been already separated into four particle phase areas in
Chapter 2. According to the height resolution and the maximum detection height
of the Boundary Layer WPR, the height space can be further divided into 59 range
gates with a unit of 100 m.
(2) Assignment for spectral parameters
In the original version of melting layer model which is proposed by author in the
past, the spectral parameters were approximately viewed as linear variation with
height in each area. In this improved model, the assigning method of spectral
parameters has been modified: the spectral parameters in solid particle area (I) and
liquid particle area (IV) can be viewed as linear variation with height, while those
in the melting area (II, III) will be simulated by trigonometric functions for more
realistic and accurate simulation output, as Fig. 2 shows.
Spectral parameters of every range gates can be assigned as following steps:
① Type initial values of melting layer spectral parameters: Hbright , Htop , Hbottom ,
Zbright , Vbright , Wbright , the meaning of which has been mentioned in Chapter 2.
Define GðHðjÞÞ ¼ j as the range gate number at the height of H(j), j =
Model Simulation of Melting Layer Based on Wind Profile Radar Data 339

Fig. 2. Simulation in melting area (II, III) using trigonometric functions

② Calculate spectral parameters in melting area (II,III) using trigonometric


Zbright ½a1 cos b1 ðj  GðHbright ÞÞ þ c1 ; Hbright \hðjÞ  Htop
ZðjÞ ¼ ð1Þ
Zbright ½a2 cos b2 ðj  GðHbright ÞÞ þ c2 ; Hbottom  hð jÞ\Hbright

Vbright ½a3 sin b3 ðj  GðHbright ÞÞ þ c3 ; Hbright \hðjÞ  Htop
VðjÞ ¼ ð2Þ
Vbright ½a4 sin b4 ðj  GðHbright ÞÞ þ c4 ; Hbottom  hð jÞ\Hbright

Wbright ½a5 sin b5 ðGðHbottom Þ þ 3  jÞ þ c5 ; Hbottom þ 300\hðjÞ  Htop
W ð jÞ ¼
Wbright ½a6 sin b6 ðj  GðHbottom Þ  3Þ þ c6 ; Hbottom  hð jÞ\Hbottom þ 300
Where a, b, c are introduced in Table 1.

Table 1. Coefficient a, b, c of trigonometric functions (1) * (3)

No. a b c
1 0.14 p=ðGðHtop Þ  GðHbright ÞÞ 0.86
2 0.10 p=ðGðHbright Þ  GðHbottom ÞÞ 0.90
3 0.44 p=½2ðGðHtop Þ  GðHbright ÞÞ 1.00
4 0.81 p=½2ðGðHbright Þ  GðHbottom ÞÞ 1.00
5 0.87 p=½2ðGðHtop Þ  GðHbottom Þ  3Þ 1.50
6 0.30 p=6 1.50
340 Z. Zhang et al.

③ Calculate spectral parameters in solid phase area and liquid phase area (I,
IV) using linear gradient K given in Table 2,

ZðGðHtop ÞÞ  KZI ðhð jÞ  Htop Þ; hð jÞ [ Htop
ZðjÞ ¼ ð4Þ
ZðGðHbottom ÞÞ  KZIV ðhð jÞ  Hbottom Þ; hðjÞ\Hbottom

VðGðHtop ÞÞ  KVI ðhð jÞ  Htop Þ; ð jÞ [ Htop
VðjÞ ¼ ð5Þ
VðGðHbottom ÞÞ  KVIV ðhð jÞ  Hbottom Þ; ðjÞ\Hbottom

WðGðHtop ÞÞ  KWI ðhð jÞ  Htop Þ; ð jÞ [ Htop
WðjÞ ¼ ð6Þ
WðGðHbottom ÞÞ  KWIV ðhð jÞ  Hbottom Þ; ðjÞ\Hbottom

Table 2. Gradient K of spectral parameter in area (I) and (IV)

Area KZ (dBz=100m) KV (m  s1 =100m) KW (m  s1 =100m)
I 0.500 0.050 0.038
IV −0.070 0.020 −0.001

For stratiform precipitation simulation of other season or even other region,

statistics of local detecting data should be analyzed to reset the coefficients in Table 1
and Table 2 based on the variation of spectral parameters. The selection of initial
values should be accordant with local practical situation as well.

3.2 Output of Simulated Power Spectrum Data (FFT)

Since vertical airstream in stratiform precipitation is weak and the echo signal of
precipitation particles is much greater than that of turbulence, the power spectrum data
can be approximately viewed as the echo signal of precipitation particles. According to
previous studies (Wang et al. 2012 and He et al. 2014), the echo signals of precipitation
particles can be fitted by Gaussian distribution. In order to simulate FFT data, the
power spectrum distribution Sðvi Þ can be expressed using Gaussian equation as,
"   #
v i  bi 2
Sðvi Þ ¼ ai exp  ; i ¼ 1; 2; 3; . . .; N ð7Þ

where N is FFT points, a, b, c respectively represent peak height, peak position and half
peak spectral width of power spectrum distribution Sðvi Þ, which can be obtained from
the melting layer model.
For intuitive display and understanding, Sðvi Þ could be further transformed into
echo intensity spectral distribution,
Model Simulation of Melting Layer Based on Wind Profile Radar Data 341

Zi ðvÞ ¼ CR2 Si ðvÞ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; N: ð8Þ

where R represents the distance from radar to scattering object,

1024ln 2k2L  is a radar constant determined by radar performance.

 2 2
p3 Pt csG hu m2 1 
m þ2

4 Case Analysis
(1) Set performance parameter values of WPR as Table 3 gives.
(2) Set 20 groups of initial values of melting layer parameter as Table 4 gives.

Table 3. Performance parameters of wind profile radar

Parameter Value Parameter Value
Radar wavelength k 231 mm Pulse width s 2.67 ls
Horizontal beam width h 9° FFT points N 128
Vertical beam width u 10° Coherent integration points J 120
Antenna gain G 24 dB Pulse repetition frequency f 25000 Hz
Feeder loss L 26.5 dB Peak power Pt 2 kW

Table 4. 20 groups of initial values of melting layer parameter

Group Hbright Htop Hbottom Zbright Vbright Wbright
1 3600 4000 3200 28.72 3.2 1.0
2 3500 3800 3200 31.04 3.3 1.2
3 3500 3900 3100 33.32 3.6 1.4
4 3500 4000 3100 33.65 3.4 1.1
5 3600 4000 2400 33.16 3.1 1.8
6 3600 4000 3000 33.78 3.4 1.2
7 3500 4000 3000 34.92 3.6 1.2
8 3500 4100 2800 35.63 4.0 1.1
9 3500 4000 3100 36.08 4.2 1.5
10 3400 3900 2900 36.43 4.3 1.3
11 3400 3900 2900 36.74 4.4 1.3
12 3400 3900 2900 36.74 4.4 1.1
13 3400 3800 2900 36.02 4.3 1.2
14 3500 4000 3000 34.73 3.9 1.2
15 3500 3700 3000 33.55 3.6 1.1
16 3600 4000 3100 32.66 3.4 0.9
17 3600 3900 3100 31.48 3.2 1.0
18 3600 4000 3100 30.21 3.1 1.0
19 3600 3900 3200 28.98 3.0 1.2
20 3600 4000 3200 27.52 3.0 1.3
342 Z. Zhang et al.

The values in Table 4 are acquired from real data in a stratiform precipitation in
1st Oct, 2014 using bright band identification algorithm designed by author in the
past, making it possible to form contrast between simulated data and real data.
(3) Run the program. Figure 3 gives examples of group 1 and group 4, presenting the
comparison between simulated data and the real data. Figure 3 shows that two
groups of spectral parameter profile model are well related to real data. The
simulated and the real-detected FFT data have similar features; both reveal the
phase conversion process of precipitation particles in melting area

Fig. 3. Comparison between simulated data and the real data of group 1 (a) and group 4 (b)

The melting layer model has been proved to be of good effectiveness and reliability
through the correlation test of 20 groups of simulated and real data as Fig. 4 shows.
The average correlation coefficient of echo intensity, vertical velocity and spectral
width in 20 groups of simulated and real data are respectively 0.8751, 0.9535 and
Model Simulation of Melting Layer Based on Wind Profile Radar Data 343

Fig. 4. Correlation coefficient of echo intensity (a), vertical velocity (b) and spectral width (c) in
20 groups of simulated and real data

5 Application in WPR Terminal Software Test

The simulated data is applied into a capability testament for data processing and bright
band identification of a WPR terminal software (Aeolus V1.6, designed for LC-WPR).
A sequence of continuous detecting data during stratiform precipitation has been
fabricated using those 20 groups of simulated data in Chapter 4.
Import the simulated FFT data into the directory. Figure 5 shows the data pro-
cessing results of the software.

Fig. 5. Data processing results of echo intensity (a), vertical velocity (b) and spectral width
(c) of simulated FFT data by WPR terminal software

Through processing the power spectrum (FFT) data to calculate profiles of spectral
parameters, the WPR terminal software can effectively identified the bright band.
However, the variation of spectral parameter values in several range gates under the
melting layer is irregular to a certain extent. Besides, the values of vertical velocity and
spectral width are slightly higher. These consequences might be related to the
pre-processing algorithms for clutter suppression and signal scaling designed based on
the standard of clear air turbulence echo, indicating the demand of further improvement
for the adaptation of precipitation particle echo signal.
344 Z. Zhang et al.

6 Conclusions

This paper develops a melting layer model based on WPR data of stratiform precipi-
tation in Fangshan, Beijing, during July to October, 2014. Using Gaussian equation, 20
groups of simulated WPR FFT data were established as samples, each of which proved
to be reliable compared with real WPR FFT data. The simulated FFT data could be
effectively applied into the testament for bright band identification capacity of WPR
terminal software, which indicates the practicability of this melting layer model in
software improvement.

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Shi, H.R., Li, F., et al.: Analysis on observations of precipitation phase changes using wind
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Smith, C.J.: The reduction of errors caused by bright bands in quantitative rainfall measurements
made using radar. J. Atoms Ocean. Technol. 38, 1214–1228 (1986)
Wang, S., Ruan, Z., Ge, R.S.: Simulation of return signal spectrum of wind profile radar. J. Appl.
Meteorol. Sci. 23(1), 20–29 (2012)
Williams, C.R.: Simultaneous ambient air motion and raindrop size distributions retrieved from
UHF vertical incident profile observations. Radio Sci. 37(2), 1024–1029 (2002)
Yu, L.J., Yao, Z.Y.: Studies on the microphysical characteristics of a stratiform cloud and its
response to aircraft cloud seeding. Meteorol. Mon. 35(10), 8–25 (2009)
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Chin. J. Stereol. Image Anal. 21(2), 173–182 (2016)
Modeling of the Guidance and Control System
for the Guided Ammunition

Peng Wang1(&), Ge Li1, Dongling Liu2, Xibao Wang1,

Xiaodong Zhu1, and Kedi Huang1
National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, Hunan, China
{wangpeng_nudt,geli}@nudt.edu.cn, [email protected]
Liaoning University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China

Abstract. The guided ammunition is a kind of ammunition that has the precise
guidance system and high hitting probability. It has the advantages of low price
and high precision. It is more and more widely applied in the combat. There are
some differences of the working principle of the guidance and control system of
the guided ammunition and the missile, so we need to model the guidance and
control system of the guided ammunition individually. We built the guidance
model and control model for the guided ammunition. Then we verified our
model by running the digital simulation program. The simulation results prove
the accuracy and effectiveness of our model. The model built in the paper can be
used to model the guidance and control system for many other guided ammu-
nitions. They can also be used in the computerized warfare simulation that the
guided ammunition involved in.

Keywords: Guidance and control system  Guided ammunition  M&S 

Digital simulation

1 Introduction

The ammunition is very important for the weapon system to destroy the targets. It has
the advantages of low price, user convenience, violent firepower and so on [1].
However, the conventional ammunition has the limits of large dispersion area, poor
precision and poor effectiveness [2]. The missile is a kind of precisely guided
ammunition. It can make up for the limits of the conventional ammunition, but it also
has the limit of high price [3]. If we replace the conventional ammunition with the
missile, it would cause huge costs. Recently, the guided ammunition is more and more
popular, and it can be used to fill the gap between traditional ammunitions and the
missiles [4]. The guidance of the ammunition will be the main development tendency
of the ammunition.
In this paper, we give the guidance and control model for a certain type of guided
ammunition, and we use the digital simulation program to verify the accuracy of the
model. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we give the
dynamic model of the guided ammunition. We present the sight line axis system in
Sect. 3.1. The computation of rotation rate of sight line and guidance command
acceleration is given in Sect. 3.2. Section 3.3 details the computation of the control

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 345–353, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_34
346 P. Wang et al.

signals for slipping turn. In Sect. 3.4, we describe the structure of the autopilot in details.
Section 4 verifies the models by running the digital simulation program. Section 5
concludes our work.

2 Dynamic Model of the Guided Ammunition

As the guided ammunition doesn’t have any engines, it uses the four actuators to
control the all-moved control surfaces in the tail. The control forces and control
moments are created by the rotation of the control surfaces [5, 6]. The mass center
motion equation and the attitude motion equation in the emission axis system are as
2 3 2 3
x_ vx
6 7 6 7
4 y_ 5 ¼ 4 vy 5 ð1Þ
z_ vz
2 3 2 3 2 3
v_ x GB  ðFxb þ Fxc Þ þ Fkx þ Fex gx
6 7 16   7 6 7
4 v_ y 5 ¼ 4 GB  Fyb þ Fyc þ Fky þ Fey 5 þ 4 gy 5 ð2Þ
v_ z GB  ðFzb þ Fzc Þ þ Fkz þ Fez gz
2 3 2 3
x_ xt Mxb þ Mxc þ Mxd þ Mxi þ Mjx
6 7 6 7
4 x_ yt 5 ¼ I 1 4 Myb þ Myc þ Myd þ Myi þ Mjy 5 ð3Þ
x_ zt Mzb þ Mzc þ Mzd þ Mzi þ Mjz
2_3 2 3
/ sin c
xy cos cos c
þ xz cos
6_7 w w
4 w 5 ¼ I 1 4 xy cos c  xz sin c 5 ð4Þ
c_ xx þ xy sin ctgw þ xz cos ctgw

Here Fxb , Fyb , and Fzb are aerodynamic forces. Fxc , Fyc , and Fzc are control forces.
Fkx , Fky and Fkz are Coriolis inertia forces. Fex , Fey and Fez are centrifugal inertia forces.
GB is the transition matrix from the missile body axis system to the emission axis
system. gx , gy and gz are the acceleration of gravity. Mxb , Myb and Mzb are aerodynamical
moments. Mxc , Myc and Mzc are control moments. Mxd , Myd and Mzd are damping
moments. Mxi , Myi and Mzi are inertia tensor torque. Mjx , Mjy and Mjz are hinge moments.

3 Guidance and Control Model of the Guided Ammunition

The guidance and control system of the guided ammunition is usually a multi-loop
system, as well as a closed-loop control system. The larger closed loop at the outmost
layer is the guidance loop including observation tracking device, instructions forming
device, execution device and the projectile body. The attitude stability loop is the
closed loop including the instructions forming device, execution device and the
Modeling of the Guidance and Control System 347

projectile body [7]. We usually name the devices in attitude stability loop except the
projectile body as an autopilot [4].
The guided ammunition that we are studying uses the proportional navigation
guidance method as its guidance law. The schematic diagram of the guidance signals is
as shown in Fig. 1. Because the guided ammunition doesn’t have any seeker, the
rotation rate of sight line can’t be obtained directly. But the guided ammunition is
usually equipped with a navigation system, so we can get its position and velocity.
With these values, we can obtain the equivalent rotation rate of sight line by using the
mathematical methods. Now we will give the detailed description of the computation of
the rotation rate of sight line and the guidance signals.

Fig. 1. The schematic diagram of guidance law in the pitch profile

3.1 Sight Line Axis System

By using the sight line axis system, we can expediently describe and compute the
command acceleration. As it is shown in Fig. 2, the sight line axis system can be
obtained by rotating the emission axis system. Here kp is the azimuth angle, and kt is
the elevation angle. The axis transformation matrix Sg is given by Eq. 5.
2 3
cosðkt Þ cosðkp Þ sinðkt Þ  cosðkt Þ sinðkp Þ
  6 7
Sg kt ; kp ¼ 4  sinðkt Þ cosðkp Þ cosðkt Þ sinðkt Þ sinðkp Þ 5 ð5Þ
sinðkp Þ 0 cosðkp Þ

From Eq. 5, we can see that the azimuth angle and the elevation angle should be
computed at the first step. We define the sight line vector ~
Rs as the vector begins at the
current position of the guided ammunition and ends at the position of the target.
2 3 2 3
Rx xt  xx
Rs ¼ 4 Ry 5 ¼ 4 yt  yy 5
~ ð6Þ
Rz zt  zz
348 P. Wang et al.

Fig. 2. The schematic diagram of sight line axis system

We can compute the azimuth angle with kp ¼ tg1 ðRRxz Þ, and the elevation angle
with kt ¼ tg1 ðpffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2 Rx þ Rz

3.2 Rotation Rate of Sight Line and Command Acceleration

We decompose the guided ammunition’s velocity vector into components V1 , V2 and
V3 respectively along the Xs , Ys and Zs axis in the sight line axis system. The guided
ammunition’s velocity at arbitrary point in the sight line axis system is as shown as
Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. The decomposition of guided ammunition’s velocity

From Fig. 3, we can get the Eq. 7.

2 3 2 3
V1   Vx
4 V2 5 ¼ Sg kt ; kp  4 Vy 5 ð7Þ
V3 Vz
Modeling of the Guidance and Control System 349

Here Vx , Vy and Vz are the three components of guided ammunition’s velocity in the
emission axis system. Now we can decompose the motion into the pitch plane and the
yaw plane. Here the pitch plane is the plane denoted by O  Os  Xs , and the yaw
plane is the plane denoted by Xg  Os  Xg . We calculate the corresponding command
acceleration based on the proportional navigation guidance law on these planes.
The rotation rate of sight line in the pitch plane is q_ f ¼  jVR2s j. By using the pro-
portional navigation guidance law, the rotation rate of the velocity vector in the pitch
plane is h_ f ¼ Kf  q_ f , here Kf is the navigation ratio; h_ f is the Z component of the
angular rate vector of the velocity direction in the sight line axis system.
From the dynamic law a ¼ V  h, _ we can get the expected command acceleration
(control force) in the pitch plane as it is shown in Eq. 8.

apecf ¼ jV1 j  h_ f ¼ Kf  jV1 j  q_ f ¼ ays ¼ Kf  jV1 j  V2 jRs j ð8Þ

Similarly, we can get the rotation rate of sight line in the law plane as q_ p ¼ jVR3s j. The
expected command acceleration (control force) in the yaw plane is shown in Eq. 9.

apecp ¼ azs ¼ Kp  jV1 j  V3 =jRs j ð9Þ

Now we have got two components of the command acceleration in the sight line
axis system. In order to control the guided ammunition, we need to transform these
signals in the sight line axis system into the signals in the body axis system. So we have
Eq. 10.
2 3 2 3
xb xs
4 yb 5 ¼ B S  4 ys 5 ð10Þ
zb zs

Here BS is the transition matrix from the sight line axis system to the body axis
We can get the acceleration of the sight line by Eq. 11. Here BN is transition matrix
from the geocentric axis system to the body axis system.
2 3 2 3 2 3
axb axs 0
4 ayb 5 ¼ BS  4 ays 5  BN 4 g 5 ð11Þ
azb azs 0

3.3 Control Signals for Slipping Turn

In the Eq. 11, ays and azs are the known guidance signals. There is no clear require-
ments of axs , and it can be determined based on some specific needs. The apparent
acceleration axb can’t be controlled, but it can be measured. For the control of slipping
turn, we make cp ¼ 0, ayb and azb are the control signals.
350 P. Wang et al.

In order to get the control signals, we need to make ays , azs , kp , kt , axb , up and wp as
known quantities obtained by computation or measurement. We should calculate ays
and azb under the condition of cp ¼ 0. Here axs can be got as an intermediate variable.
From the first component equation of Eq. 11, we can get the Eq. 12.
2 3
axb ¼ ½ 1 0 0   BS  4 ays 5 ð12Þ

Here we denote BTN1 ¼ ½ 1 0 0   BN ¼ ½cos /p cos wp sin /p  cos /p sin wp  .

We also denote the following variables as it is shown in Eq. 13.
2 3 2 3
cos kt cos kp  sin kt cos kp
6 7 6 7
Kxs ¼ BTN1  Ng  4 sin kt 5; Kys ¼ BTN1  Ng  4 cos kt 5;
 cos kt sin kp sin kt sin kp
2 3 ð13Þ
sin kp
6 7
Kzs ¼ BTN1  Ng  4 0 5
cos kp

We can calculate axs by Eq. 14.

axb þ gxb  Kys  ays  Kzs  azs

axs ¼ ð14Þ

Here gxb ¼  sin /p  g. wp ; /p ; cp are the 2-3-1 ordered eulerian conversion

angles from the body axis
 system to the 0geographic axis system.  
We denote Bs1 ¼ Sg /p ; wp  Ng  Sg kt ; kp , and BN1 ¼ Sg up ; wp . So we
can get Eq. 15.
2 3 2 3 2 3
ax1 axs 0
4 ay1 5 ¼ BS1 4 ays 5 þ BN1 4 g 5 ð15Þ
az1 azs 0

Based on cp ¼ 0 and the second component and the third component of Eq. 11, we
can get ayb ¼ ay1 and azb ¼ az1 .

3.4 Structure of the Autopilot

The autopilot consists of three parts, namely the inertial device, the control circuit and
the actuator system. The design of the autopilot is mainly based on the control theory.
The structure of the autopilot is shown in Fig. 4. The autopilot has two important
functions, one is executing the guidance orders sent by the guidance system, and the
other one is keeping stability of the projectile body while flying.
Modeling of the Guidance and Control System 351

Fig. 4. The structure diagram of the autopilot

Usually the control signals of the three-channel rudder need to be transited into the
control signals of the four-channel rudder. The transition method is shown by the
Eq. 16.
> d1 ¼ ðdx  dy þ dz Þ=4
< d2 ¼ ðdx þ dy þ dz Þ=4
> d3 ¼ ðdx þ dy  dz Þ=4
d4 ¼ ðdx  dy  dz Þ=4

Here dx , dy , and dz are the output control signals of the three-channel rudders. d1 ,
d2 , d3 and d4 are the output control signals of the four-channel rudders.

4 Digital Simulation

We use the digital simulation program to simulate the guidance and control system of
the guided ammunition, including the control model, guidance model and actuator
model. We simulate the control model and the guidance model taking the time delay
into consideration. The program also contains the model of the projectile body. The
simulation cycle is 2 ms. The control cycle is 10 ms. The guidance cycle is 20 ms. The
time delay of the control and guidance system is 20 ms.
The initial position of the guided ammunition is (0, 0, 10000), and the initial height
is 10000 m. The initial velocity is 250 m/s. The position of the target is (50000, 0, 0).
The simulation results of the guided ammunition are as follows (Figs. 5, 6, 7 and 8).
352 P. Wang et al.

Fig. 5. The simulation result of the three-dimensional flight path

Fig. 6. The simulation results of the angles

Fig. 7. The simulation result of the mach

Modeling of the Guidance and Control System 353

Fig. 8. The simulation result of the control signals

5 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, we create the model of the guidance and control system for a certain kind
of guided ammunition. And we verify our model by running the digital simulation
program. The simulation results prove the validity of the models. This model can be
used in the digital simulation of other guided ammunitions such as airborne dispensers.
At the current stage, the running of the model mainly depends on the digital simulation
programs. In order to combining the model and the practical use of the weapons, we
should put the model in the computerized warfare simulation, and test the operational
effectiveness of the guided ammunitions in the combat system.

Acknowledgements. This work was supported by Grant 61374185 from National Natural
Science Foundation of China. The authors thank the reviewers for their comment.

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Research on the Maximum Allowable Advancing
Step of a Distributed Flight Control Simulation

Yuhong Li, Chan Guo, Xiao Song, Ni Li, Guanghong Gong ✉ , and Yaofei Ma
( )

School of Automation Science, Beihang University (BUAA), Beijing 100191, China

[email protected]

Abstract. To finally guarantee the stability and real-time data transmission of

network-induced distributed systems, the study of the maximum allowable
advancing step of a constructive flight simulation is carried out. Firstly, time
performance indicators of the flight dynamics model and the closed control
system model are obtained by analyzing their dynamic characteristics in time
domain, respectively. Then, the advancing step is calculated based on theory
analysis. Finally, several groups of comparative experiments on standalone and
distributed systems are conducted to demonstrate the control effects under
different advancing steps. To apply the conclusions of this paper to distributed
simulation systems can help to solve the unstable problem of distributed models
and enhance the distributed simulation performance.

Keywords: Flight simulator · Distributed simulation · Maximum advancing step ·

Dynamic characteristics

1 Introduction

A distributed simulation system (DSS) is a computer network-based system. It connects

computers and other simulation devices distributed in various locations through
networking technologies to constitute an integrated whole, which is consistent in time
and space [1].
As a typical DSS, a flight simulator enables to provide real-time flight simulation
training with high fidelity, such as flight operations test flight, and risk monitoring and
detection, etc. A simulator system includes many different high performance processing
sub-systems that need communicating in real time [2], which has a rigorous requirement
of the communication delay between these sub-systems. However, as a distributed
system becomes more time-critical, the implementation spending is also higher. Simu‐
lator systems are getting larger and increasingly distributed in modern days to meet some
demands, e.g., extensive application in large-scale [3]. As the result, the performance
and the solution issues influenced by network latency have been increasingly prominent.
The problem of network communication time delay brings great limits for designs
and applications of these distributed software systems, in which, the delay between
nodes equals to the advancing step. When the step is not properly configured, a distrib‐
uted system with independent simulation models running on each distributed node may

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 354–362, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_35
Research on the Maximum Allowable Advancing Step 355

show the inconsistency of time and space [2]. This may lead to causal order violation,
understanding ambiguity [4], unstable numerical algorithms [5] and fluctuant solutions.
For distributed simulator systems, existing literatures have mostly focused on their
extensive application [6] and delay compensation [7]. However, little work has been
documented in detail on the effect of the advancing step on system performance and
how to determine the maximum step. The paper aims to explore a method for roughly
determining the maximum advancing step of a flight simulator to guarantee the system
stability based on analyzing dynamic characteristics of the system model.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the considered flight simula‐
tion problem. Dynamic characteristics of the flight model and its closed-loop system on
the longitudinal and on the lateral are analyzed in Sect. 3 from time domain, separately.
On this basis, the maximum time performance indicators of the system are achieved.
Section 4 presents theory analysis of the advancing step value. Then several groups of
simulation comparison between the standalone and the distributed systems are
conducted under different time steps. Section 5 concludes the paper with future prospect.

2 Problem Definition

The problem we discuss is derived from a flight simulator system shown in Fig. 1. The
simulator runs a high-fidelity nonlinear model of the F-16 fighter aircraft. Its motion can
be observed on a graphics terminal and pilot-in-the-loop simulations are supported. The
simulation management platform, the visual system, the instrumentation system, and
the consolidated natural environment module, as shown in the dashed sections, only
send or receive data, and there is no two-way data interaction. The solid portion repre‐
sents the flight dynamics and aircraft avionics system, completing the simulations of
aircraft entity, navigation, guidance and control functions.

Fig. 1. Sub-models of flight simulator

356 Y. Li et al.

Data transmits between the sub-models with solid lines, which form a closed loop
in the overall structure in accordance with the feedback principle of the control system.
In order to improve the overall efficiency of its distributed system, it’s better to balance
the load on computers as far as possible. The flight dynamics and the aircraft avionics
systems in two separate computers share the demanding computational load in a
synchronized manner.
Simulation results show that the distributed simulation results are worse than those
of the standalone simulation with the same numerical algorithm. Similar problems also
appear in other distributed systems, whose common feature is that each part of the
simulation model is connected to form a closed loop via network. In order to solve the
numerical algorithms divergence problem in distributed systems, we will take the above
flight simulator system as an example to analyze essential reasons of the problem. And
we will try to seek a general approach for the maximum advancing step of a distributed
simulation system.
Factors that affect the performance of a DSS vary, we must first figure out the uncer‐
tainties of its performance deterioration caused by an intervention of network. It is
summarized as network delay, packet loss and multi-packet transmission, etc. And
network delay is one of the major problems as it determines the stability of a distribution
system to a certain extent.
Network delay acting on DSSs with the result of divergent solution is in essence
reflected by the stability of systems’ delay differential equations. A generalized delay
differential equation is
ẏ = f (t, y(t), y(t − 𝜏1 ), y(t − 𝜏2 ), … , u(t)) t ≥ t0
y(t0 ) = y0 (1)

The data in the distributed flight simulation interacts by means of the UDP broadcast.
Once the simulation management node sends and receives data, other computers push
forward their models by an advancing step respectively. Therefore, the data delay time
of each model from its preceding connected node is one advancing step. The impact of
step on the simulator can be represented by

X(t) = AX(t) + BU(t − 𝜏) (2)

Where 𝜏 represents the delay time, and the system performance gets worse as 𝜏
becomes lager [8]. If we do not properly configure the advancing step, the performance
of the distributed system will be sharply declined, and even falls into instability [9]. The
faster the system state X(t) and the control input U(t), the greater the influence of the
step. Therefore, the dynamic performance time indicator of the system is an important
parameter of delay differential equations.

3 Dynamic Analysis

Dynamic characteristics of the flight dynamic model and the closed control system
model from time domain are analyzed, respectively. Time performance indicator which
Research on the Maximum Allowable Advancing Step 357

mostly reflects the effect of the advancing step between two connected simulation nodes
in the distributed flight simulator is concentrated upon.

3.1 Dynamic Analysis of the Flight Dynamic Model

For the nonlinear aircraft model, the aerodynamic parameters change with altitude and
Mach number, which bring much inconvenience to our analysis. An effective and widely
used linearization partitioning approach is employed in analyzing the flight simulator
model [10].
(1) Determination of the flight envelope and the operating points
Building a model of the 6-DOF nonlinear aircraft in MATLAB™ [11], the flight
envelope through flight simulation tests is achieved. Through a series of horizontal
straight flight tests, we record the minimum and the maximum level flight speeds in
different heights. The determination of the ceiling and the maximum Mach number
should consider some integrated factors such as structural strength and safety, so we
select 18,000 m and 2 M as the maximum limits according to relevant technical docu‐
mentations [12]. And operating points are uniformly selected throughout the flight
Taking the operating point (5000 m, 0.4 M) as an example, we will try to obtain the
time performance indicators of the model in the following.
(2) Time domain analysis in the longitudinal mode
The small perturbation linearized model in the longitudinal direction is [13]:

⎡ Xu Xw Xq ⎤ ⎡ XΔ𝛿T XΔ𝛿e ⎤
⎢ m −g cos 𝜃0 ⎥ ⎢ m
m m m ⎥
⎡ Δu̇ ⎤ ⎢ Z Zw Zq ⎥⎡ Δu ⎤ ⎢ ZΔ𝛿 ZΔ𝛿e ⎥ [ ]
⎢ ẇ ⎥ ⎢ u −g sin 𝜃0 ⎥⎢ w ⎥ ⎢ T
⎥ Δ𝛿T
⎢ q̇ ⎥ = ⎢ m m m +
⎥⎢ q ⎥ ⎢ m m ⎥ (3)
⎢ ̇ ⎥ ⎢ Mu Mw Mq ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ MΔ𝛿T MΔ𝛿e ⎥ Δ𝛿e
⎣ Δ𝜃 ⎦ ⎢ 0 ⎥⎣ Δ𝜃 ⎦ ⎢
I Iy Iy I Iy ⎥
⎢ y ⎥ ⎢ y ⎥
⎣0 0 1 0 ⎦ ⎣0 0 ⎦

There are two inputs in the vertical, elevator and throttle, and four state varia‐
bles, airspeed, angle of attack, pitch rate and pitch angle. Although the time-domain
analysis needs not linearization on the operating point, trimming at the reference state
is necessary.
It has been known that the trim values at operating point (5000 m, 0.4 M) are −4.781°
of elevator, 9.039° of attack angle, and 0.819 of throttle.
Select the peak time tp of vertical step responses as the time indicator, and eliminate
the start time 10 s on the basis of the values in timeline. Time indicators in time domain
are shown in the left column of Table 1.
(3) Time domain analysis in the lateral mode
The small perturbation linearized model in the lateral direction is [13]:
358 Y. Li et al.

⎡ Xu Xw Xq ⎤ ⎡ XΔ𝛿T XΔ𝛿e ⎤
−g cos 𝜃0 ⎥
⎡ Δu̇ ⎤ ⎢ m m m ⎡ Δu⎤ ⎢ m m ⎥
⎢ ẇ ⎥ ⎢⎢ Zu Zw Zq ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ZΔ𝛿 ZΔ𝛿e ⎥ [
⎥ Δ𝛿T
⎢ ⎥=⎢ m −g sin 𝜃0 ⎥ ⎢ w⎥ ⎢ T

⎢ q̇ ⎥ ⎢ Mu
m m ⎥⎢ ⎥+⎢ m m ⎥ (4)
Mw Mq ⎥ ⎢ q⎥ ⎢ MΔ𝛿T MΔ𝛿e ⎥ Δ𝛿e
⎢ ̇⎥ ⎢ 0 ⎥ ⎣ Δ𝜃 ⎦ ⎢ I
⎣ Δ𝜃 ⎦ I Iy Iy Iy ⎥
⎢ y ⎥ ⎢ y ⎥
⎣0 0 1 0 ⎦ ⎣0 0 ⎦

There are two inputs in the lateral, aileron and rudder, and four state variables, side‐
slip angle, roll rate, yaw rate and roll angle. Through Lateral responses in time domain,
time domain indicators are shown in the right column of Table 1.

Table 1. Dynamic time performance indicators of the aircraft model in time domain (tp/s)
In the longitudinal In the lateral
State 𝛿e input 𝛿T input State 𝛿a input 𝛿r input
variable variable
V 33.545 14.060 𝛽 0.225 0.39
𝛼 0.635 13.880 p 0.690 0.445
q 0.195 15.320 r 6.085 0.175
𝜃 15.760 32.285 𝜙 - 38.400
where, 𝛿e is elevator angle, 𝛿T is throttle deflection, 𝛿a is aileron angle, 𝛿r is rudder angel, V is airspeed, 𝛼 is
angle of attack, q is pitch rate, 𝜃 is pitch angle, 𝛽 is sideslip angle, p is roll rate, r is yaw rate, 𝜙 is roll angle.

Since the roll angle cannot reach a steady state when ailerons deflect continuously,
the roll angle response has no peak time. But it is clear that direct consequence of the
roll torque acting on the flight is the roll rate, to which the roll angle is subject. Therefore,
the dynamic characteristics are related, and the time indicator of the roll angle is larger.

3.2 Dynamic Analysis of the Closed-Loop Flight Control System

Dynamic analysis method of the closed-loop flight control system is the same with that
of its open-loop system in Sect. 3.1. There are 6 control modes including pitch angle
(𝜃) control, height (H) control, lifting speed (Ḣ ) control, airspeed (V) control, roll angle
control (𝜙) and yaw angle (𝜓 ) control.
From step curves under each control mode, the corresponding time performance
indicators which have excluded the balancing effect are shown in Table 2. In order to
fully understand the time indicator of the flight system, we should also study the dynamic
characteristics of control surfaces and the throttle lever, which are the interface data of
the control law and flight dynamics. The corresponding time indicators are shown in
Table 2 in the last row.
In the closed-loop system, the controlled variables of the height control and the yaw
angle control share a lower fast indicator while those of the roll angle control and pitch
angle control are higher. The time indicator of roll angle control is the same with that
Research on the Maximum Allowable Advancing Step 359

of the yaw angle control in control variables, while the yaw angle control requires a
longer time to come to the control effect.

Table 2. Dynamic time indicators of the closed-loop flight system in time-domain (ts/s)
Control mode 𝜃 control H control Ḣ control V control 𝜙 control 𝜓 control
Controlled variables 2.42 16.45 4.71 1.80 1.27 26.09
Control variables 1.33 2.98 0.83 0.33 0.065 0.065

The above two tables present the time performance of the flight dynamics model and
its closed-loop simulation model. In the control effect, the time indicator of the pitch
angle control, the lifting speed control, the airspeed control in the longitudinal and the
roll angle control in the lateral are faster. Control surfaces responds are more quickly in
the lifting speed control, the airspeed control, the roll angle control and the yaw angle
control. The fast performance of controlled variables and that of control variables are
inconsistent, but the control variables are where the network delay takes effects directly.

4 Simulation Study

The flight simulator system includes continuous signal components (such as devices the
pilot directly manipulates and the actuators), while the input and output signals of digital
computers are in a digital format, so sampling is required before processing. The
Shannon sampling theorem [14] points out that if the sampling frequency satisfies the

𝜔s ≥ 2𝜔max (5)

Then the sampled signal sequence can be restored to the original continuous signal
without distortion.
Considering the stability of a practical closed-loop system and other design factors,
the required sampling frequency should be higher than the theoretical minimum value.
The rules of selecting a sampling frequency in engineering applications are as follows
[15, 16].
If the controlled process contains a pure lag time τ, the sampling period T usually

1 1
T<( ∼ )𝜏 (6)
4 10
If the closed-loop system has a homeostatic regulation time ts, or a closed-loop
natural frequency 𝜔n, it usually require

T< t,
10 s (7)
𝜔s > 10𝜔n
360 Y. Li et al.

Based on the obtained dynamic characteristic data in Table 2, the sampling period
of the flight simulation system in the case of zero delay time is

1 1
T< t = ∗ 0.065 s = 6.5 ms (8)
10 s 10
When using a fixed-step solver, to ensure that the numerical algorithm can give a
numerical solution on each sampling time, the sampling time must be an integer multiple
of the fixed step size, so the advancing step time satisfies

h= ≤ T < 6.5 ms (9)

Fig. 2. Control effects of standalone (a) and distribution (b) under advancing step of 1 ms

Fig. 3. Control effects of standalone (a) and distribution (b) under advancing step of 5 ms

According to the above theoretical results, four groups of comparative simulation

experiments between standalone and distribution are carried out under the roll angle
control mode, which is the fastest in system control variables. The simulation results of
Research on the Maximum Allowable Advancing Step 361

altitude angle (roll and yaw) and control surface deflection under the four advancing
steps of 1 ms, 5 ms, 10 ms and 15 ms are shown in Figs. 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively.

Fig. 4. Control effects of standalone (a) and distribution (b) under advancing step of 10 ms

Fig. 5. Control effects of centralization (a) and distribution (b) under advancing step of 15 ms

It can be observed that the maximum step size of the standalone simulation is 10 ms.
While in the distributed simulation with the same step, the control variable shows a
strong fluctuation at beginning and still keeps fluctuating at its steady state, resulting in
a high-frequency oscillatory in the aircraft’s roll angle. When the step size increases to
5 ms, the distributed response is stable, but the control variable has a tendency to oscil‐
latory. These simulation results show that the empirical formula (7) contains a certain
amount of threshold. Moreover, the distributed simulation’ threshold step is concluded
to be a little smaller than half of the critical step in the standalone one.
362 Y. Li et al.

5 Conclusion and Future Work

Based on dynamic characteristics analysis of the flight simulator model, several compa‐
rative simulation experiments are conducted by different advancing step. Results show
that the critical step in the distributed simulation is a little smaller than half of that in
the standalone condition. More work is expected to do as follows:
(1) The critical step could be worked out in the form of a theoretical formula although
it is very difficult;
(2) Other ways to achieve the threshold time step such as applying a system partitioning
approach could be tried.


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A Two-Stage Decision Model Based on Rough
Set and Fuzzy Reasoning with Application
to Missile Selection for Aerial Targets

Shanliang Yang1(B) , Chuncai Wang2 , Mei Yang1 , Ge Li1 , and Kedi Huang1
College of Information System and Management,
National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, Hunan, China
[email protected]
Naval Academy Armament, Shanghai 200436, China

Abstract. Appropriate missile selection for hostile aerial targets is con-

ceived as an important issue in military operations research. However,
both roughness and fuzziness may exist in military data simultaneously
due to the complexity of situation and subjectivity of human knowl-
edge. Therefore, this paper presents a two-stage decision model based
on rough set theory (RST) and fuzzy inference system (FIS) for missile
selection. The LEM2 algorithm in RST is applied to derive decision rules.
Next, a Mamdani fuzzy inference system is formed to identify the proper
missile type depending on the Gaussian membership functions. Some
experiments with respect to some practical parameters are performed to
validate the proposed model. The computational results indicate that
the proposed model is capable of producing high-quality solutions and is
convenient to be incorporated in a military decision support software.

Keywords: Missile selection · Rough set theory (RST) · LEM2 algo-

rithm · Mamdani fuzzy inference system · Gaussian membership function

1 Introduction
A proper missile selection for aerial targets is a very important issue in military
operations research because improper missile selection would negatively affect
the overall performance of the defense system [1]. Since the decisions on missile
system are regarded as crucial to the outcome of battles, the selection process
of missile system is a critical choice for military decision makers. With the rapid
development of military technologies, it makes missile selection problem even
more sophisticated and complex [2]. Selecting the appropriate missile system is
a difficult and time-consuming process, requiring deep experience and advanced
In previous researches, most scholars modeled the missile selection process as
a multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem because the performance
evaluation of missile systems has multi-level and multi-factor features. For exam-
ple, Metin et al. [3] developed an evaluation model based on the analytic hier-
archy process (AHP) and the technique for order performance by similarity to

c Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016
L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 363–373, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9 36
364 S. Yang et al.

ideal solution (TOPSIS), to help the military commanders for the selection of the
optimal missile system among a set of available alternatives. Wang [4] proposed
a novel mathematical model based on the response surface method (RSM) and
the grey relational analysis (GRA) to address the missile selection problem.
However, these publications have been concentrating on the features and
performance ratings of missile systems, and ignoring all the associated infor-
mation about the aerial targets. The selection methods for missile evaluation
should pay more attention to the features of aerial targets. It is worth noting
that both roughness and fuzziness may exist in military data simultaneously due
to the complexity of situation and subjectivity of human knowledge. Therefore,
this paper proposes a two-stage decision model based on rough set theory and
fuzzy reasoning for missile selection. The LEM2 algorithm is applied to gener-
ate decision rules, and a Mamdani fuzzy inference system is formed to identify
the appropriate missile type depending on the Gaussian membership functions.
A case study is given to demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the
proposed model.

2 The Framework of Proposed Two-Stage Decision


In this section, we will present a two-stage decision model for tackling missile
selection problem against aerial targets. The framework of proposed decision
model consists of two phases: (1) Rules extraction based on rough set theory. (2)
Missile evaluation based on fuzzy reasoning. The flow diagram of the proposed
model is illustrated in Fig. 1. First, the training data are imported into the rough
set model in order to obtain the necessary decision rules. In this process, various
algorithms in database could be employed to execute rule learning [5]. Next,
the missile data could be identified by using a Mamdani fuzzy inference system
(FIS). Detailed information of the model framework is given hereunder.

Fig. 1. Flow diagram of the proposed two-stage decision model.

Two-Stage Decision Model for Missile Selection versus Aerial Targets 365

The knowledge for missile selection include the basic properties of targets and
missile systems. At the beginning of the proposed model, the original training
data should be acquired from military experts. Although we may obtain massive
amount of information about the application of missile systems, however, little
valuable knowledge can be extracted from these rough data. Therefore, it is
necessary to adopt rough set theory for achieving concise decision rules. The
concise decision rules for missile selection are inducted by using LEM2 algorithm
from military experts’ original decision data. Finally, the extracted rules should
be checked for compatibility and completeness.
After we getting the decision rules for missile selection, the next step is
to identify the appropriate missile type for given target information. Generally
speaking, there are countless aerial targets while organizing a large-scale battle.
Hence, it is difficult to assign proper missiles for interception by using utilization
of manpower. Accordingly, an evaluation methodology based on fuzzy reasoning
is introduced in this procedure.

3 Rough Set Based Rule Induction for Missile Selection

The rough set theory (RST), which is introduced by Pawlak [6], is a power-
ful mathematical tool that can be utilized to help extract logical patterns and
knowledge hidden in massive data. Rough set theory is very valuable in decision
support systems for dealing with uncertain and vague information in classifica-
tion problems, and has been widely applied in many fields, such as image analysis,
supply chain management, fault diagnosis, network security, and financing risk
credit evaluation [7]. In the context of the military domain, the primary advan-
tages of RST are that it (1) identifies relationships that could not be discovered
by using statistical approaches; (2) generates sets of decision rules from original
data. Next, we will introduce the concept of decision rules defined in RST.

Definition 1 (Decision Rules). Decision rules are induced so as to cover objects

from probabilistic lower approximations of sets being classes or unions of deci-
sion classes. In general, a decision rule is a combination of the values of some
attributes such that the set of all objects matching it is contained in the set of
objects labeled with the same class [8]. Below, we define the syntax of a decision
rule for the non-ordinal classification problem:

Rk : (x1 = M1,k ) ∧ (x2 = M2,k ) ∨ · · · ∧ (xn = Mn,k ) → (y = Ck ) (1)

in which M1,k , M2,k , Mn,k and Ck are the value contents of the attributes; the
set {∨, ∧, →} of connectives represent disjunction, conjunction and implication,

In order to obtain the decision rules for missile selection, some rule induction
algorithms have to be applied in RST. Decision rules are always induced from a
given decision table that is subsequently transformed into a minimal set of rules
[9]. Rough set rule extraction algorithms were implemented for the first time in
366 S. Yang et al.

a LERS (Learning from Examples based on Rough Set) system. In this study,
the rough set LEM2 (Learning from Examples Module, version 2) is employed
to generate decision rules for missile evaluation problem.

4 Missile Evaluation Based on Fuzzy Reasoning

Fuzzy reasoning finds applications in various areas, because it is much reliable
and stronger than most of the classification methods. The idea of fuzzy reasoning
is to map the input space to output space with the aid of set of “If-Then”
statements called rules.

4.1 Selection of Input-Output Parameters

Missile evaluation procedure involves lots of parameters at a time. However,
the most significant variables which affect the process are the features of aerial
targets: Radar Cross-Section (RCS), horizontal velocity (VH ), vertical velocity
(Vv ), flying height (H), and accelerated speed (As ). Therefore, we select these five
parameters as the input variables of our two-stage decision model. Meanwhile,
the purpose of this model is to determine the appropriate missile type in order
to intercept with the hostile aerial targets successfully. So, we choose the missile
type as our output variable.

4.2 Mamdani FIS Model

Two main types of fuzzy modeling schemes are Mamdani and Takagi-Sugeno-
Kang (TSK) models. The primary difference between them is the form of con-
sequent part [10]. In this paper, the Mamdani FIS model is employed to select
correct missile to fire against aerial targets. The framework of Mamdani-type
fuzzy inference system used in this study is depicted in Fig. 2. The Mamdani
fuzzy inference system includes three components: a rule database, which con-
tains a set of fuzzy rules; a database of membership functions used in the fuzzy
rules; and a reasoning mechanism, which performs the inference process [11].

Fuzzification. The procedure of determining proper membership functions for

fuzzy variables is called as fuzzification. A membership function (MF) is a curve
that plots each point in the input space to a membership value between 0 and 1.
Various types of curves are available for MF such as trapezoidal, generalized-bell,
triangular, Gaussian, sigmoidal etc. [12]. In the fuzzification step, the Gaussian
function was exploited to define the fuzzy sets. The Gaussian membership func-
tion could be expressed as
(x − c)2
μA (x) = exp − (2)
2σ 2
where σ and c are adjustable parameters, denoting the width and centrality of
the membership curve. In the fuzzy sets, linguistic variables of the uncertainties
such as “Very High (VH)”, “High (H)”, “Medium (M)”, “Low (L)” and “Very
Low (VL)” are represented mathematically with the aid of MFs.
Two-Stage Decision Model for Missile Selection versus Aerial Targets 367

Fig. 2. The typical Mamdani-type fuzzy inference system used for missile selection.

Inference of Fuzzy Rules. If-Then type fuzzy rules convert the fuzzy input to
the fuzzy output which in the defuzzification step are transformed into crisp data.
In order to perform the fuzzy reasoning in the Mamdani FIS model, the logical
“AND” and “OR” operators were handled as the “min” and “max” operations on
the corresponding membership functions respectively [13]. Then, the aggregation
of the rules was implemented by using the “max” operation on the consequent
of the corresponding rules. These two operations could be defined as
μÃ∩B̃ (x) = min μà (x), μB̃ (x) (3)
μÃ∪B̃ (x) = max μà (x), μB̃ (x) (4)

Defuzzification and Thresholding. The final step of Mamdani FIS model

is defuzzification in which the fuzzy output of inference engine is converted to
crisp value using membership functions [14]. There exists many techniques to
execute the defuzzification operation. Center of Area (COA) is the most common
defuzzification technique among these approaches. In this study, COA method
is exploited to make the crisp value for the output variable. In the COA method,
the crisp value is obtained as follows:

xμA (x)dx
xCOA = x (5)
μ (x)dx
x A
368 S. Yang et al.

where xCOA denotes the crisp value of output, and μA (x) represents the aggre-
gated output membership function. The output of the model represents the
appropriate missile type among various missile systems. The crisp output value
itself however does not determine the missile type. Therefore, a thresholding
module is developed to determine the proper missile type:

M1 if output  threshold
MissileType = (6)
M2 otherwise

5 Application Case Study

The validation of proposed two-stage decision model is initiated by taking the

practical data from military experts. The Rough Set Exploration System (RSES)
software toolset is introduced so that it is convenient to analyze the tabular
datasets utilizing LEM2 algorithm. Meanwhile, the Fuzzy Toolbox of Matlab is
indulged to execute fuzzy reasoning in the simulation of the proposed framework.

Table 1. Training data for missile selection versus aerial targets [15]

No. Target RCS (m2 ) VH (m/s) VV (m/s) H (m) As (m/s2 ) Missile

1 TBM 1.5 2180 370 28500 40 M1
2 AGM 1.7 1650 250 5000 22 M2
3 CM 1.4 370 22 500 2 M3
4 SA 0.8 1400 17 12000 2.5 M4
5 SA 1 1650 19 20000 2.2 M4
6 SA 0.3 800 18 7500 1.7 M4
7 SA 0.4 1000 16 24000 3 M4
8 SA 1.6 560 12 300 1.8 M4
9 SA 0.75 600 30 16000 2.1 M4
10 TBM 0.87 1650 450 28500 40 M1
11 AGM 0.22 1700 500 650 25 M2
12 AGM 1.64 1400 50 5000 19 M2
13 AGM 0.8 1550 200 12400 22 M2
14 CM 0.11 450 27 570 2.1 M3
15 CM 0.33 150 18 700 5 M3
16 CM 1.45 280 27 4800 4 M3
17 SA 1.11 1900 30 9000 1 M4
18 SA 0.76 1350 25 5000 1 M4
19 SA 0.5 750 20 28900 1.5 M4
20 SA 0.25 320 19 18000 2.2 M4
Two-Stage Decision Model for Missile Selection versus Aerial Targets 369

5.1 Background and Problem Description

Selecting the optimal missile system among a set of alternatives is an unstruc-
tured, complicated problem with lots of factors that need to be considered. For
a proper and effective evaluation of missile system, the military commanders
may need a large amount of information to be analyzed and many elements to
be taken into account. The training data in this paper is adapted from Lei’s
research [15], and the original tabular data is presented in Table 1.
As we can observe, the hostile aerial targets could be categorized into four
classes: Tactical Ballistic Missile (TBM), Air-to-Ground Missile (AGM), Cruise
Missile (CM), and Stealth Aircraft (SA). Each type of aerial target owes its
unique features and needs different types of missile system to intercept, which
are denoted by M1 , M2 , M3 and M4 . The purpose of this study is to determine
the appropriate missile type based on the detected information about the aerial

5.2 Computational Results

The experimental studies have been carried out on a personal computer, and the
computational results are discussed in the following sections.

Data Preprocessing. The proposed framework concerns with a selected group

of military data from field experiments. Before handling the original data it is
necessary to execute a series of preprocessing techniques to eliminate noise, and

Fig. 3. Membership functions associated with the input and output parameters.
370 S. Yang et al.

highlight information of interest. For the continuous data in this study, it is

considerable to perform discretization operation on the raw data.
The input variable RCS could be divided into three regions based on its
value (m2 ): L([0,1]), M([1,2]), and H([2,3]). In the same manner, the input para-
meter VH can be categorized into six regions (m/s): VL([0,200]), L([200,400]),
M([400,600]), MH([600,1200]), H([1200,1800]), and VH([1800,2200]). With
respect to the output variable, the missile type could be identified by using
four intervals: M1 ([0,0.25]), M2 ([0.25,0.5]), M3 ([0.5,0.75]), and M4 ([0.75,1]). In
this paper, the input and output variables are expressed with linguistic values.
Meanwhile, simple Gaussian membership functions are employed for estimating
the fuzzy membership degrees for the input and output parameters (see Fig. 3).

Rule Learning Using the RS LEM2 Algorithm. In general, it is ratio-

nal to perform the attribute reduction operation before extracting decision rules
from the data table. However, considering that there exists few data lists in our
training data source, we will extract decision rules directly for missile selection
from the original data table. The RS LEM2 algorithm is commonly included in
the family of induction methods because it determines a minimal discriminant
description. Therefore, the LEM2 algorithm is exploited in this paper to con-
struct the decision rules set according to the discretized dataset. The partial
decision rules for missile evaluation induced by LEM2 method are presented in
Table 2.

Table 2. The partial rules extracted by LEM2 algorithm for missile selection

No. Decision rule Support

1 IF (VV =VH) & (H=VH) THEN MissileType=M1 2
2 IF (RCS=M) & (VH =H) THEN MissileType=M2 2
3 IF (RCS=L) & (VV =L) & (H=VL) THEN MissileType=M3 2
4 IF (RCS=L) & (H=VL) & (AS =L) THEN MissileType=M3 2
5 IF (VH =H) & (VV =L) THEN MissileType=M4 3
6 IF (VH =H) & (AS =L) THEN MissileType=M4 3

Mamdani FIS-Based Missile Selection Modeling. Since there are only five
input parameters and one output variable, it is considered preferable to construct
a Mamdani type fuzzy inference system. Therefore, a FIS with 37 fuzzy If-Then
rules is built based on the research production of rough set theory. Figure 4
shows the input-output mapping for some pairs of the linguistic variables. In the
discussed surface views the colours change according to the output values. As we
can see, the surfaces are more or less smooth, implying that the rules database
we built is reasonable.
Two-Stage Decision Model for Missile Selection versus Aerial Targets 371

Fig. 4. Input-output mapping surface views for missile selection.

Table 3. Testing data for missile selection against aerial targets

No. RCS (m2 ) VH (m/s) VV (m/s) H (m) AS (m/s2 ) Target Missile

1 1.25 2000 480 27500 35 TBM M1
2 0.39 500 16 14000 5 SA M4
3 0.65 340 14 300 3.6 CM M3
4 0.72 1800 390 9000 24 AGM M2
5 0.51 300 15 11000 3 SA M4

The implication operation between two fuzzy sets is performed by taking

the minimum value of the two membership functions. The Max aggregation
operator is utilized to combine the fuzzy decision rules, while the COA method
is used to estimate the crisp output value. Then the output values are mapped
to generate the assigned missile type. The testing data is presented in Table 3
and the reasoning results are accordance with actual circumstances.
Take the first target for example, the input parameter vector could be identi-
fied as I1 = [RCS, VH , VV , H, AS ] = [1.25, 2000, 480, 27500, 35]. We handled this
vector as the input of Mamdani fuzzy inference engine, and the crisp output
value equalled 0.248 (see Fig. 5). Based on the predefined threshold values, the
target could be determined as a TBM and M1 type missile will be launched to
intercept with this target.
372 S. Yang et al.

Fig. 5. The fuzzy inference result for TBM-type aerial target.

6 Conclusions and Future Work

This paper deals with the missile selection problem versus hostile aerial targets.
In this study, we have presented an effective two-stage decision model for missile
evaluation. In Stage 1, the training data are imported into the rough set model in
order to obtain the necessary decision rules. In this procedure, LEM2 algorithm
is exploited to carry out rule learning operation. In Stage 2, a typical Mamdani
fuzzy inference system is constructed to execute fuzzy reasoning in order to
determine the appropriate missile type for special aerial target.
In a word, the two-stage decision model consists of rule generation process
by using rough set, and classification process through fuzzy inference. However,
only Gaussian membership functions are utilized for the inference engine in this
paper and other membership functions may also perform equally well. The future
work may be concentrated on improving the developed model by making it into
a versatile system that adapts itself to any kind of military data.

Acknowledgments. This work was supported by National Natural Science Founda-

tion of China under Grant No. 61074108 & 61374185. The authors thank Zhonghua
Yang and Rusheng Ju for their insightful comments which led to significant improve-
ment of the manuscript.

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Algorithm Research for Function Damage
Assessment of Airport Runway

Guangping Zhang1(&), Zhiwen Jiang1, Yiping Yao1, Bin Gan2,

Wenjie Tang1(&), and Cifeng Wang3
College of Information System and Management,
National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China
[email protected], [email protected]
Science and Technology on Complex
Land Systems Simulation Laboratory, Beijing, China
National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Abstract. For airport runway, the specific battlefield target, the damage model
is established. Based on damage data, this paper also proposes a method for
airport runway damage assessment based on grid network scanning. It includes
looking for the smallest aircraft landing window in the runway area, making up
for the issue of identifying oblique landing window of the traditional algorithms,
deciding the damage level of the airport runway, and assessing the function
damage of airport runway. By computer simulation, the block situation of the
airport caused by two different types of ammunition is analyzed. The paper
makes airport runway damage assessment using different minimum landing
window searching algorithm, and studies the significance of the oblique landing
window on the assessment.

Keywords: Airport runway  Damage assessment  Minimum landing

window  Grid network  Minimum ammunition consuming

1 Introduction

In modern warfare, “control of the air” is the key factor to achieve victory. The foreign
armies usually see the airport as the focused target of the strategic air raid during the
beginning of the war. Attack the airport runway, the main is to destroy the plane,
destroy the runway, effective suppression of enemy air force to win the “control of the
air” [1]. Because of the large area and the exposure, the airport runway is always the
first and the most likely to get attacked.
At present, algorithms for searching the minimum landing window of the airport
runway are studied both in the country and abroad. There are window scanning
algorithm, two-point-comparison algorithm, grid matrix algorithm and regional
searching algorithm [2–4]. These algorithms for choosing the minimum landing win-
dow of the airport runway are mostly focused on the cases that windows are paralleled
to the runways. Very few of them considered the oblique landing window. Even if
taking the oblique situation into consideration, they failed to give the detailed algorithm

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 374–384, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_37
Algorithm Research for Function Damage Assessment 375

because of the complexity of the oblique landing window. Therefore, it is urgent that
related algorithms are to be studied.
In this paper, the damage model of airport runway is established, and a grid
network scanning algorithm searching for minimum landing windows on the runway is
proposed, making up to the oblique landing window identifying issues of the traditional
algorithms, which is useful to the exploration of the function damage assessment
method of the airport runway as a target.

2 Airport Runway Damage Model

Fixed-wing aircraft generally glides a certain distance on the runway before its landing
or launching. The minimum landing window MLW) is the minimum area required for
the landing or launching of the aircraft [5]. With the development of economy and
construction industry, the area of the airport has been growing. Also, with the devel-
opment of the space (military) technology, the performance of the aircraft has been
improving, and the landing window is becoming smaller and smaller, which increases
the difficulty of damaging the airports.
Aircraft generally land and launch along the longitudinal direction of the runway.
The width direction of the runway is not suitable due to the limited width. Therefore,
once the airport is attacked, there are two patterns of landing and launching [6]. One is
along the runway direction, shown in Fig. 1(a), and the other is in a certain angle,
shown in Fig. 1(b).

Fig. 1. Landing mode

Blocking the airport runway does not mean complete damage on every spot of the
runway, but no intact area satisfied to the landing and launching requirements of the
aircraft after the attack to the runway, which is seen as the success of blocking. On the
contrary, the blocking is failed, and further attack is needed [7]. This model is mainly
used to calculate the firepower distribution of the integral ammunition and cluster
warhead attacking the runway. The compute process of the model is shown in Fig. 2.

2.1 Determine the Direction of Attack (Distance/Direction Partition

(1) When the projection of the airport runway rectangle on the direction of the
attachment wire between the fire unit and the geometric center of the runway
376 G. Zhang et al.

Fig. 2. Damage model compute process


larger than its projection on the direction that is vertical to the ATCT, the hit is
called forward attack, and the parameters for the firepower distribution can be
calculated as follows:

t ¼ round ðl=lmin Þ; n ¼ round ðw=wmin Þ; h ¼ l=ðt þ 1Þ; I ¼ w=ðn þ 1Þ ð1Þ

(2) When the projection of the runway rectangle on the ATCT direction is less than
the vertical direction, the hit is called lateral attack. The parameters can be cal-
culated as follows:

t ¼ round ðw=wmin Þ; n ¼ round ðl=lmin Þ; h ¼ w=ðt þ 1Þ; I ¼ l=ðn þ 1Þ ð2Þ

where t is the partition number of distance, n is the partition number of direction, l

is the length of the airport runway, lmin is the length of minimum landing window,
w is the width of the airport runway, wmin is the width of the minimum landing
window, h is the distance-difference, I is the direction-difference, and round
means rounding up to the nearest integer.

2.2 Calculate the Minimum Ammunition Consuming

The minimum amount of ammunition needed to attack the runway and successfully
block the airport, making it unable to land or launch aircrafts is called Minimum
Ammunition Consuming. In order to block the airport, all runways that are wider than
wmin need to be destroyed. When the equation Ncw ¼ round ½ðw  wmin Þ=ð2rÞ is sat-
isfied, the airport is successfully blocked on the width-direction.
(1) Calculate the hitting probability of the integral ammunition
(i) Guided integral ammunition. Calculate the hitting probability of single
rounds of ammunition.
Algorithm Research for Function Damage Assessment 377

p1 ¼ 1  2ð0:5w=CEPÞ ð3Þ

(ii) Unguided integral ammunition. Calculate the hitting probability of single

rounds of ammunition.

^ q0:5l
p1 ¼ Uð ^ q0:5w
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiÞ  Uð ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiÞ ð4Þ
D Ed þ Bd
2 2 D E2f þ B2f

Where r is damage radius of the integral ammunition (cluster warhead), CEP is the
guidance circular error probable of the integral ammunition (cluster warhead), Ed is the
distance firing data error of the weapon, Ef is the direction firing data error of the
weapon, Bd is the intensity for the ground distance of the integral ammunition (cluster
warhead), Bf is the intensity for the ground direction of the integral ammunition
(cluster warhead), D is shooting distance.
In the equation, the simplified Laplacian function is:
^ ð xÞ ¼ 1 
U 1þ ai ð0:476936xÞ i
ð x  0Þ ð5Þ

Where a1 ¼ 0:0705; a2 ¼ 0:0423; a3 ¼ 0:0093; a4 ¼ 0:0002; a5 ¼ 0:0003; a6 ¼

(2) Calculate the hitting probability of the cluster warhead
(i) Guided parent warhead. Calculate firing data error and ground density:

Ed ¼ 0; Ef ¼ 0; Bd ¼ Bf ¼ CEP=1:75 ð6Þ

(ii) Unguided parent warhead. Correct firing data error and ground density:

Ed0 ¼ Ed  D; Ef0 ¼ Ef  D; B0d ¼ Bd  D; B0f ¼ Bf  D ð7Þ

The hitting probability of single rounds of the cluster warhead:

q2 R2
p1 ¼ 1  exp 2 ð8Þ
Edd þ B2dd þ E2ff þ B2ff þ ld lf =p

In the equation,
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1 1 02
Edd ¼ Ed02 þ B02 ; Eff ¼ Ef02 þ B ð9Þ
Pg d Pg f
378 G. Zhang et al.
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1 02 pR2 1 pR2
Bdd ¼ ð1  ÞBd þ 0:152  ; Bff ¼ ð1  ÞB02 þ 0:152  ð10Þ
Pg 4 Pg f 4

Where P is the number of launcher that involved in the shooting, g is the channel
number of each launcher, and R is the scatter radius of the child warhead, q ¼ 0:4769.
To sum up, to calculate the minimum ammunition consuming for blocking the
runway is as follows:

t; forward attack
Nmin ¼ round ðNcw  K=p1 Þ; K¼ ð11Þ
n; lateral attack

2.3 Calculate the Position of the Aiming Point

Assuming the airport runway as an even rectangular target, a Cartesian coordinate
system can be established with the two adjacent sides of the rectangle being the X axis
(length) and the Y axis(width). When an ammunition satisfies the blocking condition
on the width-direction, i.e. Ncw ¼ 1, the forward blockade aiming point is cen-
trosymmetrical to ðx; yÞ, the central of the runway and evenly distributed on the
length-direction at equal intervals. Then coordinates of the aiming point is:

xi ¼ x þ dx  ði  ðK þ 1Þ=2Þ
; i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; K
yi ¼ y

When an ammunition cannot block the runway on the width-direction, i.e.

Ncw [ 1, the lateral blockade aiming point is symmetric to the forward blockade
aiming point ðxi ; yi Þ and evenly distributed on the width-direction at equal intervals.
The coordinates of the aiming point is:

xcwj ¼ xi þ dz  ðj  ðNcw þ 1Þ=2Þ
; j ¼ 1; 2; . . .; Ncw ð13Þ
ycwj ¼ yi
t; forward attack h; forward attack I; forward attack
Where K ¼ , dx ¼ , dz ¼ .
n; lateral attack I; lateral attack h; lateral attack

2.4 Calculate the Ammunition Point of Fall

(1) Calculate the point of fall of the unguided integral ammunition (parent warhead)
Convert firing/aiming error, ground density (scatter error), and other intermediate error
into mean square error, according to the following equation:

r ¼ 1:5  E  D ð14Þ

we can calculate rEf ; rBf ; rEd ; rBd .

Algorithm Research for Function Damage Assessment 379

Where r is mean square error; E is intermediate error, Respectively corresponding

to Ef ; Ed ; Bf ; Bd .
When the number of firing ammunition for once shooting is n, firing/aiming mean
square error rEd ; rEf is sampled one time according to normal distribution, and scatter
mean square error rBd ; rBf is sampled n times according to normal distribution. The
ðnÞ ðnÞ
landing error of the nth ammunition is: rf ; rd .
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ðnÞ ðnÞ2 ðnÞ ðnÞ2
rf ¼ r2Ef þ rBf ; rd ¼ r2Ed þ rBd ð15Þ

ðnÞ ðnÞ
Project rf ; rd onto the X axes and Y axes from the distance-direction and the
ðnÞ ðnÞ
vertical-direction, so that we get rx ; ry . (The distance-direction is the direction of
the attachment wire between the fire unit and the target, and the vertical-direction is the
one that is perpendicular to it.)
(2) Calculate the point of fall of the guided integral ammunition (parent warhead)
Convert the circular error probable (CEP) into mean square error, then,

rx ¼ ry ¼ 0:9CEP ð16Þ

When the number of firing ammunition for once shooting is n, scatter mean square
error rx ; ry is sampled n times according to normal distribution. The landing error of
ðnÞ ðnÞ
the nth ammunition is: rx ; ry .
To sum up, the coordinates of the nth ammunition is:
xn ¼ x0 þ rxðnÞ ; yn ¼ y0 þ ryðnÞ ð17Þ

Where ðx0 ; y0 Þ is the aiming point.

(3) Calculate the point of fall of the child warhead
If the type of ammunition is cluster warhead, then the point of fall of the child
warhead can be calculated according to the point of fall of each parent warhead.
(i) Calculate the point of fall of the guided child warhead.
The point of fall of child warhead is distributed straightly along the direction
of ATCT with a scatter interval of 2rzdsb , which is the scatter diameter of
child warhead. The starting point is the point of fall of parent warhead.
(ii) Calculate the point of fall of the unguided child warhead.
The child warhead evenly distributed in a square with an edge of przdsb ,
which takes the point of fall of parent warhead as a center.
380 G. Zhang et al.

3 The Algorithm for Assessing the Functional Damage

Impact of the Airport Runway
3.1 Basic Idea
Assuming the airport runway as a uniform rectangle, the Cartesian coordinate system
can be established with two adjacent sides of the rectangle as the X and Y axes. We can
build a grid network that can cover the runway. When the four vertices of the grid
window which makes up the grid network are all inside the runway, go through all the
point of fall of the ammunition. If there are no points of fall of ammunition in one grid
window, then it is an effective landing window. Find the effective landing windows. If
there is none, the runway is blocked. Otherwise, the blockade has failed, and the
number of effective landing windows should be recorded. Assessment process is shown
in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Assessment process

3.2 Assessment Process

(1) Determine the minimum converting angle Dh of the landing direction
Set the length of airport runway L, and the width of it W. Also, set the minimum length
of landing window n, and the minimum width of it x. The damage radius of ammu-
nition is r. The length and width of the grid window are: GridLong ¼ n þ 2  r,
GridWide ¼ x þ 2  r. Set the cycling flag m ¼ 1 (m is a positive integer), the initial
number of the runway windows nck ¼ 0. Build the Cartesian coordinate system with
Algorithm Research for Function Damage Assessment 381

two adjacent rectangular side as the X and Y axes, then the vertex coordinates in the
clockwise direction of the airport runway is ð0; 0Þ, ð0; WÞ, ðL; WÞ and ðL; 0Þ.
According to the point of fall of every ammunition, the coordinate of the points of
fall in the runway can be determined as ðx1 ; y1 Þ; . . .; ðxn ; yn Þ. Calculate the slope
y y
between any two points: kij ¼ xii xjj ; i; j 2 f1; . . .; ng.
The accordingly inclination angle is hij ¼ arctanðkij Þ, then hij 2 ð p2 ; p2. Sort the
angles in a descending order: hð1Þ ; . . .; hðmÞ ; fm ¼ nðn1Þ
2 g. Calculate the difference of
the two adjacent inclination angles after sorted, and denote the minimum difference as
Dh [ 0.
(2) Build the grid network
Consider the two perpendicularly intersecting lines of the grid network. Denote the
angle between the X-axis positive direction and one set of the lines (denoted as line J)
as hJv , and also denote the angle between the other set of the lines (denoted as line I)
and the X-axis positive direction as hIv ¼ p2 þ hJv . According to the minimum differ-
ence Dh , we can determine the inclination angle of the line J as hJv ¼ p2  m  Dh .
Line J takes hJv as the inclination angle to build the first grid line, with the point
ð0; WÞ being the reference point, and builds the second grid line shifting to the right
bottom with GridWide as an interval and so on. When the lines cover the airport runway
area completely, the J lines are successfully built. The line I takes hIv as an inclination
angle, point ð0; 0Þ as reference point, and GridLong as an interval to build grid network
lines. It works like how we build line J. The grid network is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Grid network

(3) Searching for effective landing window

Go through all the grid windows, When all of the four vertices of the window rectangle
are in the airport area, see whether there are points of fall of ammunition in the window.
If there is none, plus one to nck , and continue searching.
382 G. Zhang et al.

(4) Scanning along the line I

Move line J with an offset of r in the opposite direction of line I. Plus one to the offset
number J Advance. When J Advance [ x=r þ 1, skip this step. Otherwise, rebuild
the grid network and go to step (3).
(5) Scanning along the line J
Move line I with an offset of r in the direction of line J. Plus one to the offset number
I Advance. If I Advance [ n=r þ 1, skip this step. Otherwise, make J Advance ¼ 0,
rebuild the grid network and go to step (3).
(6) Change the landing direction
Make m þ 1. If m [ 2Dh , skip this step. Otherwise, go to step (2).

(7) Swap the length and width of landing window

Swap the minimum length n and the minimum width x of the runway landing window.
Repeat the process above and sum the amount of landing windows of the two calcu-
lations, so that the damage situation of the runway can be determined and leveled. The
level of damage is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. The level of damage

Amount of landing windows Damage situation Level of damage
0 Complete damage 4
1–4 Severe damage 3
5–10 Moderate damage 2
11–15 Minor damage 1
>15 No damage 0

4 The Results and Analysis of the Experiment

4.1 The Result of Simulation with Monte Carlo

Suppose that the airport runway is single-runway, with a length of L ¼ 3000 m, and
width of W ¼ 50 m. The length of the minimum landing window is n ¼ 400 m, and the
width of it is x ¼ 25 m. The distance between the firepower units and the airport
runway is D ¼ 4800 m.
Option one: Block the runway with guided cluster warhead. The CEP of the parent
warhead is CEP ¼ 50 m. The number of child warhead is 30. The damage radius of
child warhead is r 0 ¼ 2 m. The scatter radius of the child warhead is rzdsb ¼ 40 m.
Option two: Block the runway with guided integral ammunition. The CEP of the
integral ammunition is CEP ¼ 50 m, and the damage radius is r ¼ 40 m.
Use different options to conduct the simulation experiment for 1000 times. Use
traditional minimum landing and launching searching algorithms (considering only the
Algorithm Research for Function Damage Assessment 383

paralleled landing windows) and the grid network algorithm to assess the damage
situation of the airport runway. The results are shown in Tables 2 and 3.

Table 2. The grid network algorithm

Times Level of damage Blocking probability
4 3 2 1 0
Attack option One 926 30 39 2 3 92.6 %
Two 7 7 18 25 943 0.7 %

Table 3. Traditional searching algorithm

Times Level of damage Blocking probability
4 3 2 1 0
Attack option One 988 7 3 1 1 98.8 %
Two 72 93 98 119 618 7.2 %

4.2 Analysis
When using different options to block the airport runway, we can find out that for the
ammunition that owns almost same capability of damage, the blocked effect is better
when using the cluster warhead than the integral ammunition. Blocking the airport
runway by cluster warhead is more efficient, while the consuming of the ammunition is
lower. So it reduces the economic cost and can avoid duplication of hitting.
Using the traditional landing and launching searching algorithm to assess the air-
port runway may cause excessively high level of damage assessment due to large
amount of oblique effective landing windows are not successfully identified. So the
probability of the blockade is raised and the fidelity of the simulation is lowered. By the
grid network scanning method, the oblique landing windows are quite identified,
making up for deficiencies of the traditional window scanning algorithms not being
able to recognize the oblique landing window. The grid network scanning algorithm is
more strict in theory with higher precision, easier usage. And the fidelity of the sim-
ulation is improved.

5 Conclusion

According to the damage principle of the airport runway, this paper built a damage
model of airport runway, and proposed a damage mechanism when attacking the
airport runway. Focused on the issues that the traditional algorithms cannot quite
identify the oblique landing windows, this paper proposed a minimum landing window
searching algorithm based on grid network scanning. Through a series of experiments,
we can see that this algorithm can precisely identify the oblique landing windows, and
improve the fidelity of the simulation. Conducting experimental simulations by Monte
Carlo method, this paper also analyzed damage situation about the airport runway
384 G. Zhang et al.

destroyed by different types of ammunitions with the same damage ability. The results
of the study provide as reference for the war.

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A New Learning Method Study
of Military Simulation Data

Liang Tian(&), Shaojie Mao, and Shiqing Sun

Science and Technology on Information Systems Engineering Laboratory,

Nanjing, China
[email protected]

Abstract. In the paper, a new learning method is presented based on rough set
(RS) and extreme learning machine (ELM) for military simulation system
application. ELM is a recently proposed algorithm, which can random choose the
parameters of hidden neurons and analytically determines the output weights of
single-hidden layer feedforward neural networks (SLFNs). Multivariate dis-
cretization method is implemented to convert continuous military simulation data
into discrete data firstly. RS is then employed to generate simple rules and to
remove irrelevant attributes. Finally, ELM is used to evaluate the performance of
the reduced data set. The experimental results demonstrate that with the help of
RS strategy, our method can produce good enough generalization performance.

Keywords: Military simulation  Extreme learning machine  Rough set 


1 Introduction

In the future information based war, it is known that in the systems of all the services
and arms an enormous potential of extractable information can exist. Information
superiority and knowledge dominance are key points to win the future war. There has
been a substantial growth in the amount of stored information in military systems,
mainly due to the rapid development of military information construction. However,
the large amount of stored data becomes impracticable for specialists to analyze
through conventional methods.
We start this paper with a brief review of literatures related to research military data in
Sect. 2. A description of the integrated methods is given in Sect. 3. Military simulation
data preprocessing method is discussed in Sect. 4. Section 5 presents the experimental
setup and details the results arrived at. Finally, Sect. 6 gives the conclusion.

2 Literature Review

Military data research has gained great importance and interest in recent years, espe-
cially in operations areas. To provide decision supports for commander, it is worth
studying on how to effective learn massive data emerging in the operations. The data
used in the equipment war gaming system are classified on the basis of introducing the

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 385–392, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_38
386 L. Tian et al.

terms about Verification, Validation, Certification (VV&C), sort criterion of Authori-

tative Data Sources (ADS) is also put forward, as described by Wang et al. [1]. Li et al.
[2] analyzed the characteristics of military data, according to the difference in data
characteristics and functions for combat simulation, the methods to classify data based
on their characteristics and functions were put forward, and the data sources for combat
simulation were also discussed. Gao et al. [3] introduces a military simulation data
aggregation framework of the extraction, transformation, transportation and loading
(ETTL) based on MOM. As in [4], preliminary study on simulation data mining by
rough set (RS) theory was done. RS enables finding the dependencies and the reduction
of the number of attributes contained in military simulation data. Valuable results can
be obtained by mining the battle simulation data, and the attributes which make a
strong impact on performance of datasets learning can be found. However, given newly
generated battle data, one cannot predict the classification results according to the
method of [4].
Primary research of military simulation data has been done in the above literatures,
and this paper will present deep research of military simulation data by integrated
machine learning method: Extreme learning machine (ELM) and RS.

3 Integrated Methods

ELM [5–7] is a recently proposed machine learning algorithm to train neural network
(NN) with only one hidden layer and the input weights and biases of the threshold
networks in theory can be assigned randomly with continuous distribution probabili-
ties. ELM algorithm can obtain good performance with high learning speed in many
applications. In this work, RS theory is adopted to reduce the redundant attributes of
military simulation dataset, and then ELM algorithm is employed to train this new
dataset with optimal attributes subset.

3.1 ELM Review

For N arbitrary distinct samples fxi ; ti gNi¼1 , where xi ¼ ½xi1 ; xi2 ; . . .; xid  2 Rd and
~ hidden nodes and activation
ti ¼ ½ti1 ; ti2 ; . . .; tim T 2 Rm , a standard SLFNs with N
function gðxÞ are mathematically modeled as:

~ ~
bi gi ðxj Þ ¼ bi gi ðwi  xj þ bi Þ ¼ oj ; j ¼ 1; . . .; N ð1Þ
i¼1 i¼1

Where wi ¼ ½wi1 ; wi2 ; . . .; wid T is the weight vector connecting the ith hidden node
and the input nodes, bi ¼ ½bi1 ; bi2 ; . . .; bid T is the weight vector connecting the ith
hidden node and the output nodes, and bi is the ith threshold of the hidden neuron, The
standard SLFNs with N ~ hidden nodes and activation function gðxÞ can approximate
these N samples with zero error means that N oj  tj  ¼ 0. In this way there exists
the parameter vector bi such that:
A New Learning Method Study of Military Simulation Data 387

bi gi ðwi  xj þ bi Þ ¼ tj ; j ¼ 1; . . .; N ð2Þ

and all N equations can then be written as the following matrix form:

Hb ¼ T ð3Þ


Hðw1 ; . . .; wN~ ; b1 ; . . .; bN~ ; x1 ; . . .; xN~ Þ

2 3
gðw1  x1 þ b1 Þ    gðwN~  x1 þ bN~ Þ
6 .. .. 7 ð4Þ
¼6 4 .  .
gðw1  xN þ b1 Þ    gðwN~  xN þ bN~ Þ NN~
b ¼ ½b1 ; . . .; bN~ T 2 RNm ; T ¼ ½t1 ; . . .; tN~ T 2 RN ð5Þ

For given parameters ðwi ; bi Þ, to train the SLFN is simply equivalent to find a least
^ of the linear system Hb ¼ T such that H^b  T ¼ minkHb  Tk.
squares solution b
The smallest norm least squares solution of the above linear system is:

^ ¼ Hy T
b ð6Þ

Where Hy is the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse [8].

Thus a new learning method ELM can be summarized as follows:
388 L. Tian et al.

3.2 Rough Set

The notion of rough set (RS) theory was first introduced by Pawlak [9], which has
become a popular pattern recognition tool for generating logical rules for prediction. It
is widely recognized that rough set application have a great importance in various fields
over the past decades, such as data mining and approximate reasoning, especially in the
case of uncertain and incomplete data. Attribute reduction is one of the core contents in
RS theory which means to find out the most informative attributes, remove the irrel-
evant or unimportant attributes with minimal information loss.
RS is the approximation of an uncertain set by a pair of precise concepts called
lower and upper approximations. The lower approximation comprises of elements
belonging to it, whereas the upper approximation of the set includes elements which are
possible members of the set.

4 Data Preprocessing

The performance of the integrated method was evaluated on countermeasure simulation

data of tank formation [4], which is exercised on medium undulating ground, hills, and
Taiwan highland for digital armored battalion simulation system. The specification of
the dataset is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Parameters of simulation data

W1 T1 S V W2 T2 F P R
1 Fine Flat Fast More Small Short Pool Normal High
2 Fog Flat Slow Less Small Long Better Normal High
3 Fine Undulating Slow Less Big Long Better Normal High
4 Fine Flat Slow More Small Short Better Nervous High
5 Fine Undulating Fast Less Big Short Better Nervous High
6 Fine Flat Fast Less Small Short Better Normal High
7 Fine Undulating Slow More Small Short Pool Normal Low
8 Fog Flat Fast Less Big Long Better Nervous Low
9 Fine Undulating Fast Less Big Short Pool Nervous Low
10 Fog Flat Slow More Small Short Pool Nervous Low
11 Fog Undulating Fast Less Small Long Better Normal Low
12 Fog Flat Fast More Big Short Pool Normal Low

From the Table 1, items ‘W1’, ‘T1’, …, ‘Rc’ represent ‘Weather’, ‘Terrain’,
‘Speed’, ‘Vegetation’, ‘Wind’, ‘Time’, ‘Formation’, ‘psychology’ respectively. ELM
algorithm can be applied only to data sets composed of categorical attributes but
attributes in Table 1 are continuous variables. Discretization process is important for
char variables because it is less prone to variance in estimation from small fragmented
data and it provides better performance for rule extraction. The main discretization
process methods are: supervised [10], Hierarchical [11], Top-down [12] and multi-
variate [13]. The last one is employed in our work.
A New Learning Method Study of Military Simulation Data 389

Multivariate discretization quantifies simultaneously multiple features. In the

pre-processing phase, attribute ‘Weather’ is converted into two new attribute ‘fine’ and
‘fog’, which is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Converted attribute of ‘Weather’

Attribute Fine Fog
Weather = fine 1 0
Weather = fog 0 1

Based on examples shown in Table 2, other attributes are converted in Table 3.

Table 3. Discretization data set

W1 T1 S V W2 T2 F P R
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0

5 Performance Evaluation

In our simulation study, sigmoid function is chosen for ELM algorithm with 6 hidden
neurons. All the simulations are running in the MATLAB 6.5 (Windows version)
environments with Intel 3.0 GHZ and 2G RAM. 20 repeated trials have been con-
ducted for ELM on both original military simulation data set and reduced data set using
RS strategy. The training data and testing data are randomly generated at each trial. For
this problem, 50 % and 50 % samples are randomly chosen for training and testing at
each trial, respectively. Correct classification rate (Testing accuracy) is used to evaluate
the performance of all simulations.

5.1 Original Data Set Simulation

In this section, we first evaluate the performance of ELM classifiers on original military
simulation data set, which is shown in Table 1. The simulation results are presented in
Fig. 1.
390 L. Tian et al.

Fig. 1. Simulation results on original data set

From Fig. 1, in original data set simulations ELM can reach the testing accuracy no
less than 50 % at 18 trials, and nearly half trials achieve 50 % testing accuracy. Generally
speaking, the generalization performance of ELM on original data set is not so good.

5.2 Reduced Data Set Simulation

According to the RS strategy in [4], the number of attributes is reduced from 16 to 8 on
military simulation data set, which is shown in Table 4. The simulation results are
shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Simulation results on reduced data set

A New Learning Method Study of Military Simulation Data 391

Table 4. Reduced military simulation data set

W1 T1 S F R
1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0

From the Fig. 2, in the reduced data set simulations ELM can reach the testing
accuracy no less than 83.33 % at 6 trials, which is better than 4 times obtained on
original data set. The average testing accuracy over 20 trials is 66.667 %, while ELM
classifier only achieves the average testing rate 60 % on original data set. This
demonstrate that RS theory can significant improve the generalization performance of
ELM algorithm.

6 Conclusions

This article has introduced an integrated learning method of RS and ELM for military
simulation data set. ELM randomly chooses the input weights and analytically deter-
mines the output weights of SLFNs. Different from other learning algorithms,
parameters in ELM classifier need not be tuned. The learning phase of ELM can be
finished in less than seconds, and it can be used efficiently in real-time application.
Significantly better results for the reduced data set are obtained by employing ELM
classifier over crisp discretization. This method has the potential for further military
application because it can provide real-time decision supports for commander in the

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An OODA Loop-Based Function Network Modeling
and Simulation Evaluation Method for Combat

Zhe Shu1 ✉ , Quan Jia2, Xiaobo Li1, and Weiping Wang1

( )

College of Information Systems and Management,
National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China
[email protected]
Nanjing Artillery Academy, The Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Nanjing, China
[email protected]

Abstract. In this paper, we present a function network modeling technique and

two capability evaluation indicators for combat system-of-systems (CSoS) based
on OODA loop. The function network mainly describes the weapon entities and
the function interaction between them, such as can-be-observed, can-orient, can-
be-decided and can-act. After discussing the CSoS function network model and
its generation algorithm, two indicators are proposed to evaluate CSoS capability.
A case study on air strike CSoS modeling and simulation analysis is presented to
validate proposed method and the indicators. Results show that the number of
OODA loops is positively relevant to the CSoS capability, and entropy reflects
the distribution of OODA loops covering enemy targets.

Keywords: OODA loop · Combat system-of-systems · Function network ·

Simulation · Evaluation indicator

1 Introduction

Under the condition of informationization, lots of information has penetrated to military

actions so that different services, different combat units and different platforms on both
sides of the campaign will be effective through information and become an effective,
optimized integration. Neither will the Combat be a confrontation between a single
branch of the military, nor between one combat unit or element any more. The future
combat has almost all the characteristics of system-of-systems.
To understand the essence of the war, Boyd [1] defines a conceptual model as an
“OODA” loop, which is short for observe, orient, decide and act. The OODA loop is
deemed as a basic model to reveal the mechanism of combat system-of-systems (CSoS),
and used widely in all levels and aspects of the war. Besides the OODA loop can not
only describe and analyze the internal operational combat units’ behavior, but also can
be used to describe the interaction relationship between combat units. While OODA
processes are neither described in detail nor formalized in any of Boyd’s writings, and
there is no precise introduction how to evaluate OODA loop.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 393–402, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_39
394 Z. Shu et al.

The function network mainly describes the weapon entities and the function inter‐
action between them, such as can-be-observed, can-orient, can-be-decided and can-act.
Combined with OODA loop, the function network can formalize CSoS to serve the
system-of-system configuration design, evaluation, optimization, and other similar
In this paper, a function network model is proposed based on OODA loop. According
to the OODA loop concepts, there are presenting precise definition of CSoS function
network model and three evaluating indicators to appraising the CSoS capability. A case
on air strike is demonstrated to validate the application efficiency of the evaluating indi‐
cators in supporting the appraisals of CSoS capability.

2 Related Works

The OODA Loop was first proposed by U.S. Air Force Colonel John Boyd in the
mid-1950s. Boyd took from his study the lesson that faster detection of the enemy’s
actions, assessment of their implications, and decision on how to respond could convey
a significant combat advantage. This idea resonated with military thinkers around the
world and there go a lot of follow-on models to modify OODA loop. This section reviews
most modified OODA models and divided them into two categories, cognitive OODA
model and combat OODA model.

2.1 Cognitive OODA Modeling

The cognitive OODA models pay more attention to decision making and C2 progress,
with particular emphasis on extending the OODA model, including:
Keus [2] extends OODA to cooperative team working by embedding team func‐
tioning processes such as information distribution, task allocation, task balancing,
authorization (of actions), and team assessment.
Bryant [3] considers OODA outdated as a model of human cognition. Based on
advances in the cognitive sciences, such as goal-directed cognition, constructivist theo‐
ries of understanding, mental models, and critical thinking, Bryant proposes the
Critique-Explore-Compare-Adapt (CECA) as a better descriptive model.
Rousseau and Breton [4] modify the OODA based on three principles: modularity,
explicit feedback loops, and provision for team decision-making. Each module is a task-
goal directed activity formed of Process, State and Control components.
Breton and Rousseau [5] expands each of the four processes in the M-OODA model
to increase the level of cognitive granularity. Expansion incorporates theories and
models from SA and RPDM, resulting in a Cognitive OODA (C-OODA) model of indi‐
vidual decision-makers.
Brehmer [6] proposes an amalgamation of Boyd’s OODA model and the cybernetic
approach, called Dynamic OODA (D-OODA). Brehmer notes that discussion of speed
in the context of OODA focuses on one aspect: fast decision-making5. By contrast,
cybernetic models include a representation of the environment that is affected by the
decision-maker’s actions. D-OODA preserves the prescriptive richness of the cybernetic
An OODA Loop-Based Function Network Modeling 395

approach in that it represents all the sources of delay in the C2 process. Moreover,
D-OODA adds planning and sense-making to the original four OODA processes.

2.2 Combat OODA Modeling

The combat OODA models care more about the behavior of the whole, with particular
emphasis on extending the OODA model, are including:
Jeffrey [7, 8] presented an information age combat model, which classified the forces
in the battlefield into sensors, decision organs, influence organs and targets. And then
he established a network model describing the relationships between these four parts in
terms of information flow. Finally it made matrix analysis and operational evaluation
of its system structures and their dynamics. Among them, the existed loops in the
network in divided into four types.
Dr. Santiago [9] in Georgia Institute of Technology proposed a Digraph Modeling
for Architectures on the basis of Cares’ model. The model was established on the
following two assumptions: the spectrum signature of system function diagram is rele‐
vant to the capacity of accomplishing a specific task; the centrality of the entity in func‐
tion charts is relevant to the importance of modeling. The importance here refers to the
contribution that the entity made on the overall structure. The impact of the changes in
such entity behaviors on the architecture capacity is huge.
Michael points out that one of the difficulties in establishing the measurement of
NCW [10–12] is the fact that NCW is a multifaceted issue involving technology, organ‐
izational structure, allegations and human factors (such as cognition and decision-
making). A useful and comprehensive NCW measurement should not only be able to
capture the degree distribution of the network, network topology and communication
mode, but also includes situation communion levels and the quality of decisions which
depend on the information provided by the network.

2.3 Summary

The modeling methods described in this section are pioneer and model of quantitative
analysis in OODA modeling and evaluating. Based on the comparison of OODA with
other process models and other authors’ extensions of OODA, we could conclude that
these models portray OODA loops from various dimensions, while they also have some
limitations like that modeling methods can only model CSoS, but rarely analyze CSoS
based on models.

3 Function Network Model and Evaluating Indicators

3.1 Function Network Modeling Based on OODA Loop

The modern combat loop theory deems that combat operation is an OODA loop
involving observation, orientation, decision and action. Each combat side has a number
of combat entities, such as sensor entity, control entity and engagement entity in Fig. 1.
396 Z. Shu et al.

• Sensor Entity: Weapons and equipments that carry out reconnaissance, monitoring
and early warning missions, such as reconnaissance satellites, radar and etc.
• Control Entity: Weapons and equipments that carry out control and command
missions, such as C4ISR, control vehicles and control centers etc.
• Engagement Entity: Weapons and equipment that carry out fire attack and electro‐
magnetic interference missions, such as fighters, frigates, missiles and tanks etc.

Fig. 1. A schematic diagram of CSoS

Then we can define four functions referring “can be observed”, “can orient”, “can
be decided” and “can act” within these entities.
• Can Be Observed: Function that one side entities can be observed or detected by the
other side sensor entities.
• Can Orient: Function that the same side sensor entities gather information to control
entities or the communication between control entities.
• Can Be Decided: Function that the same side engagement entities can be ordered by
control entities.
• Can Act: Function that one side engagement entities can attack the other side entities.
So we can abstract CSoS into a function network, which is delivered as
, where is the set of nodes, and is the set of functions between nodes.
Furthermore, we can divide the set into sensor nodes set, control nodes set and
engagement nodes set, such as:


where is short for red side, is short for blue side. Then represent sensor, control
and engagement nodes. While mean the numbers of nodes. The set
is a directed function set which exhibits the function relationship between different
function nodes.
In the real world, a CSoS consists of thousands of entities and the interaction between
entities is complicated and various. In order to study the law and rules hided in the CSoS,
An OODA Loop-Based Function Network Modeling 397

we make an algorithm of generating a CSoS function network as Fig. 2 showed. Since

the OODA loop is studying the problem of CSoS against combat, the CSoS function
network model should combine both side of red and blue in order to researching the
against process.

Fig. 2. A generation algorithm for CSoSFN

3.2 Number Measurement of OODA Loop

Doctor Santiago [13] has mentioned in his dissertation that the spectrum signature of
system function diagram is relevant to the capacity of accomplishing a specific task,
proved the capability of eliminating the enemy unit can be estimated by measuring how
many activity loops there are for the blues versus the reds through calculating the largest
eigenvalue of its adjacency matrix, and demonstrated through the use of an agent-based
simulation developed in NetLogo. Whereas, when applying this method to computing
the capability of an architecture is to avoid overestimating the significance of the non-
contributing loops, he pointed out that the contributing loops are determined by calcu‐
lating the net , , as described in Eq. 2, where is the contribution to the
from the joint communication and order networks, since by themselves loops of these
functions can exist, but produce no capability.
398 Z. Shu et al.


After testing this method in Matlab, the conclusion is that there is just a positive
correlation between and loops, no linear correlation. The method of linear subtraction
is not suitable for calculating the loops. Furthermore, the spectrum analysis of the adja‐
cency matrix is just on a single time section, but the CSoS, which is evolving itself during
the interaction, will have different adjacency matrix.
Therefore, based on the CSoS function network an algorithm is proposed to counting
out the loops of both reds and blues, filtering the contributing loops and distinguishing
the side with the simulation time step, as Fig. 3 showed.

Fig. 3. A measurement algorithm for OODA loops

3.3 Load Balanced Analysis of OODA Loop

Measuring loops can get the situation that the red side weapons systems fall into the
blue side OODA loops, while the number of some loops may be more and others are
little, which led to redundancy or inadequate of the loops. Therefore it’s need to make
load balanced analysis to determine whether the number of loops is distributed evenly.
In this study the distribution of entropy is proposed to measure the distribution of OODA
An OODA Loop-Based Function Network Modeling 399

Give the blue side loop length of up to , set as the number of the red side weapon
systems, set as the number of the blue side OODA loops which the red side weapon
system falls into, set as described in Eq. 3.


Therefore the distribution of entropy is calculated in Eq. 4.


where the more entropy goes, the better OODA loops’ load is evenly distributed.

4 Case Study on Air Strike

The validity of two evaluation index as a measure of the ability of architectures to achieve
a capability was studied by comparing the networks’ index to an agent-based simulation
created in MASS, which is short for multi-agent simulation system. MASS is driven by
the time step and random multi-task oriented layer model for the evaluation of the use
of C4ISR. And then, each agent runs commands in parallel threads of execution and
follows the encoded cognitive code to control its behavior.
Based on MASS, an operation simulation scenario is proposed as an air strike
happening in Iraq 2003 [14]. As shown in Fig. 4, the blue side is consisted of US - led
multinational coalition, and the red is Iraqi air defenses. There is the force attachment
for both in Fig. 5.

Fig. 4. A map of combat scenario situation. (Color figure online)

Due to the probabilistic nature of the modeling methodology, its ability to capture
indicators cannot be studied by analyzing the CSoS function network, but a large number
of function networks must be generated and analyzed to obtain statistical significance
on the number of OODA loops. This means that the number of OODA loops for a given
force structure are not a single value, but a distribution and therefore, when comparing
400 Z. Shu et al.

Fig. 5. A map of force attachment

the capability of a series of competing forces, it is not a trivial comparison between a

handful of values. Meanwhile, for each function network, the entropy is unique.
In this case, recording the simulation process data and results, we can analyze the
data to make some meaningful and interesting results. As shown in Fig. 6, comparing
the number of OODA loops for the red and blue, the blue loops get earlier to the top
than the red, and the number of blue loops is much higher than the red. In the end, the
result shows that the red goes none and the blue survives, which is validated by the
simulation result.

Fig. 6. A comparison of OODA loop of two side. (Color figure online)

An additional observation worth mentioning is shown in Fig. 7. We compare the

results of different function networks, which have different target distribution for OODA
loops, and the number of OODA loops. There are little singular points, which have
OODA loops less than 10 in the picture, meaning that the less entropy comes into
the decrease of the number of OODA loops.

Fig. 7. A distribution of entropy

An OODA Loop-Based Function Network Modeling 401

5 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, we propose the function network model for CSoS based on OODA loop.
The function network is modeled within the Boyd’s OODA conception in order to benefit
from the capacity of representation of complex and dynamic situations and to keep
explicit the notion of control inherent to the OODA loop model.
Meanwhile, a methodology to efficiently estimate the capability of CSoS has been
described and demonstrated using a military proof-of-concept. The methodology incor‐
porates OODA products and requires minimum effort to implement and execute the
models, making it ideal to precisely evaluate a CSoS. The validity of using the number
of OODA loops as a measure of CSoS’s ability to achieve a capability has been demon‐
strated through the use of an agent-based simulation developed in MASS. Also, we have
found some meaningful conclusion with the entropy .
As a final note, there may exist a calculating problem when the node of CSoS makes
exponential explosion. Research efforts indicate that more information about the figures
are contained about the relationship between indicators. This provides a large set of
possible future avenues of research. Future work will focus in mining the relationships
on the simulation process data.


1. Boyd, J.: A discourse on winning and losing. Maxwell Air Force Base, Air University Library
Document, No. M-U, 43947, AL (1987)
2. Keus, H.E.: A Framework for Analysis of Decision Processes in Teams. TNO Physics and
Electronics lab Hague (Netherlands) (2002)
3. Bryant, D.J.: Critique, Explore, Compare, and Adapt (CECA): A New Model For Command
Decision Making. Defence Research Development, Toronto (2003)
4. Rousseau, R., Breton, R.: The M-OODA: a model incorporating control functions and
teamwork in the OODA loop. In: Proceedings of the 2004 Command and Control Research
Technology Symposium (2004)
5. Breton, R., Rousseau, R.: The C-OODA: a cognitive version of the OODA loop to represent
C2 activities. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Command and Control Research
Technology Symposium (2005)
6. Brehmer, B.: The dynamic OODA loop: amalgamating Boyd’s OODA loop and the
cybernetic approach to command and control. In: Proceedings of the 10th International
Command and Control Research Technology Symposium, pp. 365–368 (2005)
7. Cares, J.R.: An Information Age Combat Model. Produced for the United States Office of the
Secretary of Defense, USA (2004)
8. Cares, J.R.: The use of agent-based models in military concept development. In: WSC 2002.
IEEE (2002)
9. Robinson, S.B., Li, Y., Nixon, J.N., et al.: Model Development of Large-Scale DoD System-
of-Systems (2008)
10. Kilicay-Ergin, N., Dagli, C.: Executable modeling for system of systems architecting: an
artificial life framework. In: 2008 IEEE 2nd Annual Systems Conference, pp. 1–5. IEEE
11. Kleijnen, J.P.C., Sargent, R.G.: A methodology for fitting and validating metamodels in
simulation. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 120(1), 14–29 (2000)
402 Z. Shu et al.

12. Starbird, S.A.: A metamodel specification for a tomato processing plant. J. Oper. Res. Soc.
41, 229–240 (1990)
13. Balestrini, R.S.: A modeling process to understand complex system architectures (2009)
14. Biltgen, P.T.: A methodology for capability-based technology evaluation for systems-of-
systems. Georgia Institute of Technology (2007)
Ontology Based Semantic Interoperation
in Warfare Simulation

Chunguang Peng(&), Jianhui Deng, and Bo Zhang

Navy Arming Academe Postdoctoral Workstation, Beijing, China

[email protected]

Abstract. Interoperation in warfare simulation actually represents that between

the military field and the simulation field. The key problem in warfare simu-
lation is that how military users can interact with simulation systems “naturally”,
namely how to realize the semantic interoperation. An ontology is a formal,
explicit specification of a shared conceptualization, which can be used to resolve
heterogeneous problems in information systems. First, three ontology-based
interoperation approaches was evaluated and compared. Then, a new approach-
Ontology based Online Semantic Interoperation was proposed. At last, an
example was given to illustrate the approach.

Keywords: Interoperation  Warfare simulation  Ontology  Semantic

1 Introduction

As an important part of interoperation in warfare simulation, information interactions

between the military field and the simulation field bridge military users and simulation
systems. Currently, information interactions haven’t employ natural languages com-
pletely, but adopt a type of middle language in terms of the real needs, such as
HLA-SOM/FOM, ENA-LROM and so on. Semantic processing is taking a more and
more important role, while syntactic processing is dominant currently. Ontology plays
an important role in the process and provides a common and middle language for
various interactions (human-system interactions or system-system interactions) [1, 2].
According to same ontology models, experts in different fields can come to an
agreement on domain concepts and understand each other more easily, which provides
the necessary condition for the cooperation of human and systems.
Interoperation in warfare simulation actually represents that between the military
field and the simulation field. On this base, we brought an ontology based semantic
method for warfare simulation interoperation. Section 2 describes the concepts of
ontology. Section 3 describes three different ontology interoperation approaches.
Section 4 presents two semantic interoperation methods based on ontology mappings.
Section 5 gives an example to illustrate the method in Sect. 4. Finally, Sect. 6 con-
cludes and presents the future research.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 403–412, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_40
404 C. Peng et al.

2 Ontology Based Semantic Interoperation Approach

The popular definition of “ontology” is described by Studer in [3]: An ontology is a

formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualization. In nearly all ontology–
based information systems, ontologies are used for the explicit description of the
information semantics. But the way, how the ontologies are employed, can be different.
In general, three different directions can be identified: Single Ontology Approaches,
Multiple Ontology Approaches and Hybrid Ontology Approaches [4]. Therefore, there
are also three different ontology-based interoperation modes in simulation systems,
which can be used to solve problems of different levels.

2.1 Single Ontology Approaches

Single Ontology Approaches use one global ontology providing a shared vocabulary
for the specification of the semantics (Fig. 1a). All information sources are related to
one global ontology, which provides a uniform domain view for users.

Fig. 1. Single ontology approaches

The global ontology based on shared domain information sources provides a global
vocabulary and semantic specification for users in both military and M&S(Modeling
and Simulation) domains. Users interact with system in the “same languages” (Fig. 1b).
The construction of Single Ontology Approaches is simple but not adaptive dynami-
cally. For example, if each domain view is different from each other, it’s too complex
to construct a common and minimal ontology commitment.

2.2 Multiple Ontology Approaches

In Multiple Ontology Approaches, each information source is described by its own
ontology (Fig. 2a). Each local ontology interacts with each other through ontology
The advantage of Multiple Ontology Approaches is that no common and minimal
ontology commitment about one global ontology is needed. Each source ontology can
be developed without respect to other sources or their ontologies. This ontology
architecture can simplify the integration task and supports the change, i.e. the adding and
Ontology Based Semantic Interoperation in Warfare Simulation 405

Fig. 2. Multiple ontology approaches

removing, of sources. For example, we can use CPR(Core Plan Representation) [5] and
DeMO (Discrete Event Modeling Ontology) [6] to describe concepts in military and
M&S domains, which will reduce the development and management work of ontology
(Fig. 2b). The key of Multiple Ontology Approaches is to define the inter-ontology
mapping. The inter-ontology mapping identifies semantically corresponding terms of
different source ontologies. In practice the inter-ontology mapping is very difficult to
define. It often depends on the quality of each domain ontology and mapping methods.

2.3 Hybrid Ontology Approaches

To overcome the drawbacks of the Single or Multiple Ontology Approaches, Hybrid
Ontology Approaches were developed (Fig. 3a).

Fig. 3. Hybrid ontology approaches

Similar to Multiple Ontology Approaches the semantics of each source is described

by its own ontology. But in order to make the local ontologies comparable to each other
they are built from a global shared vocabulary. The shared vocabulary contains basic
terms (the primitives) of a domain which are combined in the local ontologies in order
to describe more complex semantics. Sometimes the shared vocabulary is also an
ontology. There are ontologies in military and M&S domains respectively, but these
ontologies are based on the global vocabularies including shared and essential con-
cepts, which can simplify inter-ontology mappings (Fig. 3 b).
406 C. Peng et al.

Recently, various ontologies have been developed in different fields. However,

none of these fields has been able, on its own, to construct a standard, upper-level
ontology. SUMO [7] (Suggested Upper Merged Ontology) is sponsored by IEEE SUO
Working Group. The SUMO provides a foundation for middle-level and domain
ontologies, and its purpose is to promote data interoperability, information retrieval,
automated inference, and natural language processing. The SUMO consists of
approximately 4,000 assertions (including over 800 rules) and 1,000 concepts.
There are some distinct advantages of the SUMO. First, developers need not start
building specific ontologies from scratch, but they based on common and standard
ontologies-SUMO. Second, they can build ontology mapping easily. SUMO may
facilitate the matching level of models, and eliminate the heterogeneity of ontologies.
In general, Single Ontology Approaches need application fields associate with each
other closely, which are not flexible and can’t adapt to large and open environment.
Once new sources are added, the global ontology should be changed. Nevertheless, the
knowledge in application fields is not so restricted in Multiple Ontology Approaches
and Hybrid Ontology Approaches. The approaches need effective ontology mappings.
In addition, if ontologies are built based on common ontologies (SUMO), ontology
mappings can be simplified.

3 Ontology Mapping Based Semantic Interaction Approach

This section introduces two types of semantic interoperation based on ontology map-
pings: Ontology Driven Simulation (ODS) and Ontology based Semantic Interopera-
tion Online (OSIO).

3.1 Ontology Driven Simulation

ODS suggests a technique that establishes relationships between domain ontologies and
a modeling ontology and then uses the relationships to instantiate a simulation model as
ontology instances [8]. Techniques for translating these instances into XML based
markup languages and then into executable models for various software packages are
also presented.
ODS can be considered as an offline process of semantic interoperation. By using
ODS, modelers can build simulation models effectively. The whole process can be
divided into three phrases, as depicted in Fig. 4.
1. Mapping Phrase
In this phrase, developers can create mappings between domain ontologies and
modeling ontologies (e.g. DeMO). While these mappings are, on a technical level,
similar to the mappings that often occur between domain ontologies, their purpose
is different. The mappings that occur between domain ontologies are typically used
to establish relationships (such as equivalence and subsumption) between two or
more concepts. The concepts being mapped in ODS do not necessarily have
obvious relatedness. In this case, relatedness will often not produce equivalences or
subsumptions but rather connects concepts as analogs. These mappings are not
Ontology Based Semantic Interoperation in Warfare Simulation 407

Fig. 4. Process of ODS

typically created during model composition but are created as a collaborative effort
between domain experts and simulation experts prior to the development of models.
While the primary purpose of these mappings is to facilitate ODS, they also have
the side benefit of providing formalized documentation of the model development
2. Transformation Phases
In this phrase, instances from domain ontologies are translated into instances that
are used to represent a simulation model. Take an example for DeMO, instances
from domain ontologies should be translated to DeMO instances based on different
simulation strategies (e.g. Petri or Markov models).
3. Generation Phases
After the transformation is complete, these instances generated can be used generate
an executable simulation model, which is related with special simulation engines.
The benefits of ODS are concluded as below:
1. Model developers and users have an agreed upon set of terms and concepts
available throughout the development and use of a simulation model. This facili-
tates good communication between all of the entities involved in a simulation study
and reduces the incidence of ambiguities.
4. DES(Discrete Event Simulation) models targeted for various simulation software
packages or developed using various simulation world views can be represented in a
common language.
5. Since models can be represented in a Semantic Web enabled language, the possi-
bility exists for Web based DES model repositories.
408 C. Peng et al.

6. Since much of the knowledge needed to develop a simulation model exists in the
domain and the modeling ontologies, ODS is able to speed up model development
by allowing the developer to assemble ontology components to create a model.

3.2 Ontology Based Semantic Interoperation Online

ODS can be considered as an offline process of semantic interoperation. Similarly,
based on their advantages, ontologies can also be used in online semantic interoper-
ation (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Process of OSIO

OSIO works in both military and M&S fields. First, in the military field, some
interaction templates are generated in terms of military ontologies. Decision-makers
should fill in templates within the interface to generate ontology instances which can be
validated according to their ontologies. Second, similar to ODS, military ontology
instances are transformed to modeling ontology instances by ontology mappings. At
last, in M&S field, modeling ontology instances should also be validated according to
their ontologies. It is optional that ontology instances can be transformed to XML data
with Ontology-Schema algorithms. Then XML Schema can be used to validate XML
data. After that, the correct interaction data can be input to the system.
Ontology Based Semantic Interoperation in Warfare Simulation 409

In OSIO, domain experts in both fields can use their own terms and concepts,
which may reduce different meanings of the same thing and facilitate the reuse of
domain models. Within the ontology reasoning, interaction data can be validated
automatically, which is more efficient than checking manually.
It is noticed that modeling ontology instances can be transformed to XML data. The
reason is that an ontology is different from a database schema. The differences are:
2. A language for defining ontologies is syntactically and semantically richer than
common approaches for databases.
7. The information that is described by an ontology consists of semi-structured natural
language texts and not tabular information.
8. An ontology must be a shared and consensual terminology because it is used for
information sharing and exchange.
9. An ontology provides a domain theory but not the structure of a data container.

Fig. 6. Definition of ConvoyActionEventType in XML schema

4 Example

As an example, a model named Convoy Action is provided to illustrate OSIO.

Decision-makers input an order (Convoy) to some unit in the simulation system. The
Convoy Action class consists of a series of data properties, such as ID, name,
410 C. Peng et al.

start_longitude, goal_latitude, goal_ID, executive_unit and so on. There is also an

object property-“has path”. The domain of the property is Action, and the range is
another class-FlightPoint. Properties of FlightPoint include properties as below: ID,
longitude, latitude and height.
Decision-makers set values of these properties to generate the ontology instance.
Since tasks in military domains can be considered simulation events, the ConvoyAction
ontology is mapped to ConvoyActionEvent class (a subclass of Event in DeMO). We
suppose that ConvoyActionEvent has same properties with ConvoyAction ontology,
which will not affect the result. The ConvoyAction instance is described in A
Figure 6 describes the XML Schema of ConvoyActionEvent generated by its
ontology model. The Schema can remain the whole concept construction. Then the
ontology instance is transformed into XML data (A Appendix).
It is obvious that the interaction data in XML format eliminate redundant terms in
ontology languages, which is more concise, human-readable, and efficient to transfer.

5 Conclusions and Future Work

This paper represents the semantic interoperation in warfare simulation. By analyzing

three different Ontology-based interaction approaches: Single Ontology Approaches,
Multiple Ontology Approaches and Hybrid Ontology Approaches, we present the
semantic interoperation method based on ontology mappings: Ontology Driven Sim-
ulation and Ontology based Semantic Interoperation Online. In the end, an example is
discussed to describe OSIO method.
Future work includes the research on the ontology reasoning. The problem is how
to use the ontology reasoning to validate the concepts and relations in domain

A Appendix

The ConvoyAction instance is described as below:

Ontology Based Semantic Interoperation in Warfare Simulation 411

<ConvoyAction rdf:ID="Action0201">
<ID xml:lang="en">0201</ID>
<start_time rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#datetime">2016-
<FlightPoint rdf:ID="FlightPoint_01">
<ID xml:lang="en">01</ID>
<FlightPoint rdf:ID="FlightPoint_02">
<ID xml:lang="en">03</ID>
<FlightPoint rdf:ID="FlightPoint_03">
<ID xml:lang="en">03</ID>
412 C. Peng et al.

The ConvoyActionEvent in XML is described as below:

<ConvoyActionEvent executive_unit="001" goal_longitude="110.38"

start_latitude="22.06" ID="0201" goal_ID="Airspace6" name="Convoy"
goal_latitude="22.43" start_time="2016-02-24T15:14:11" start_longitude="110.49"
<FlightPoint ID="01" longitude="110.16" latitude="22.25" height="8000"/>
<FlightPoint ID="02" longitude="110.05" latitude="22.09" height="8000"/>
<FlightPoint ID="03" longitude="110.58" latitude="22.45" height="8000"/>

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2. Peng, C.: Research on semantic interaction and dynamic reconfiguration based wargaming
system concept framework and its key technologies. Ph.D. thesis, National University of
Defense Technology, pp. 49–50 (2010)
3. Studer, R., Benjamins, V.R., Fensel, D.: Knowledge engineering: principles and methods.
Data Knowl. Eng. 25(122), 161–197 (1998)
4. Wache, H., Vogele, T., Visser, U., et al.: Ontology-based integration of information - a survey
of existing approaches. In: Proceedings of IJCAI 2001 Workshop on Ontologies and
Information Sharing, Seattle, WA, pp. 108–117 (2001)
5. Pease, A.C.: The JTF ATD core plan representation: request for comment. Armstrong Lab:
AL/HR-TP-96-9631, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, pp. 95–99 (1996)
6. Miller, J.A., Baramidze, G.: Simulation and the semantic web. In: Proceedings of the 2005
Winter Simulation Conference, SWC, USA, pp. 2371–2377 (2005)
7. Niles, I., Pease, A.: Toward a standard upper ontology. In: Proceeding of the Second
International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information System, Ogunquit, Maine, USA,
pp. 2–9 (2001)
8. Silver, G.A., Hassan, O.A.-H., Miller, J.A.: From domain ontologies to modeling ontologies
to executable simulation models. In: Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference,
WSC, USA, pp. 1108–1117 (2007)
An Efficiency Evaluation Model of Combat SoS
Counterworks Based on Directed
and Weighted Network

Tian Zhang(&), Zhiyong Huang, Handong Wen, and Zhenfeng Bao

Air Force Command College, Beijing, China

[email protected]

Abstract. To meet the military requirement of reconfiguration for optimization

of combat SoS, the main purpose of this research is to propose an efficiency
evaluation model of combat SoS counterwork based on the directed and
weighted network. Firstly, combat SoS is proceed by a network description,
according to the nature, state and interaction mechanism of the combat units, to
judge whether it can form a link between two nodes, and ascertain the link
weight. Secondly, set up the network evaluation index of combat SoS, and
establish an efficiency evaluation model of combat SoS counterwork. Lastly,
design an experiment for the test of model. The results show that the model
could efficiently discriminate and estimate the change of effectiveness in
Combat SoS counterworks which caused by the microscopic state change of
combat units.

Keywords: Combat SoS counterworks  Directed and weighted network 

Efficiency evaluation

1 Introduction

Informationized warfare is counterworks between combat SoS. The capability of

combat SoS has become the basic form of informationized warfare; the efficiency of
combat SoS counterworks directly determines the result of the war. Therefore, study on
the inherent mechanism of combat SoS counterworks, which has important theoretical
and practical significance.
Informationized combat SoS counterworks has many of the important problems,
such as comparing the importance of different combat units in combat SoS, and
reconfiguration for optimization of combat SoS, etc., which all need to use the effi-
ciency of combat SoS as the basis and judgment standard. To this end, this paper
proposes an efficiency evaluation model of combat SoS counterwork based on the
directed and weighted network. The basic idea is described as: first of all, combat SoS
is proceed by a network description. We regarded two confrontation sides in combat
SoS as an integrated whole, and judge whether it can form a link between two nodes,
and ascertain the link weight, which according to the nature, state and interaction
mechanism of the combat unite; secondly, on the basis of the network description
model of combat SoS, the network evaluation index of combat SoS is to be set up,

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 413–423, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_41
414 T. Zhang et al.

those are different from the general network performance metrics; finally, the utiliza-
tion of network evaluation indexes of the combat SoS is to establish an efficiency
evaluation model of combat SoS counterwork, and designs an experiment for the test of
model. The results of experiment explain that due to the change of macro counter-
measure effectiveness caused by the microscopic state change of the combat unit, so the
model will realize the efficient distinction and evaluation, which has good application

2 Related Works

In recent years, fruitful results about the study of combat SoS and the combat SoS
effectiveness have been achieved by the application of complex networks, there are
some representations: in June 2012, Liu Gang proposed a process and an algorithm for
evaluating the complexity of architecture information flow. In May 2013, Qi Yanbo
explained the network performance indicators of a new quantitative combat SoS, which
are taking the quantitates of nodes and links to participate in the combat rings as
indicators [10]. Additionally, Li RenJian designed a prototype tool framework that is
based on the effectiveness and visualization analysis of system with weapon equipment
system simulation test bed [3], and so on.
Based on the above research, many researchers have noted that the ‘combat loop’ is
a basic unit of the efficiency of combat SoS, and its quantity has an important influence
on the efficiency of the combat SoS counterworks; combat units of SoS cannot be
abstracted into undifferentiated nodes which need to be appropriate to distinguish; as
well as, it needs considered the operational time of combat represented by the combat
loop. However, there are several issues mostly ignored in the previous researches:
firstly, the efficiency of the SoS counterworks should be studied as a whole, whether
the link is established between the combat unit and the target that depends on the two
items; Secondly, the efficiency of the SoS counterworks should not only consider the
quantity of combat loop, but the efficiency and distribution of the combat loop are also
considered. Even if the combat SoS is equal to the number of combat loop, one party
with the high efficiency will quickly achieved victory when it relies on the initial rapid
attack; the combat SoS with the distribution of the combat loop that is more concen-
trated in the key objectives, its efficiency will be higher in the confrontation; Thirdly,
the importance of nodes in combat SoS depends on many factors, so it cannot directly
give weight for the modeling, etc. From the above, this paper indicates an efficiency
evaluation model of the combat SoS based on directed and weighted complex network.

3 The Efficiency Evaluation Model

3.1 The Relevant Definitions of the Network Model

In order to facilitate the following discussion, the two sides of combat SoS counter-
works is known as the Red and the Blue. Their combat SoS are known as the Red
combat SoS and the Blue combat SoS, the perspective of modeling is based on the Red
combat SoS.
An Efficiency Evaluation Model of Combat SoS Counterworks 415

Definition 1. Define GðN; L; f ; w; gÞ as the network model of combat SoS, and:

1. Define N as a set of network model nodes, N ¼ ½v1 ; v2 ; . . .; vn ;
2. Define L as a set of network model edges, L ¼ ½e1 ; e2 ; . . .; em ;
3. Define f as a mapping function that the edge is mapped to nodes in network model,
it determines the structure of the network, f : L ! N  N; Define f ðv1 ! v2 Þ as a
directed edge from node v1 to node v2 , v1 is called the tail node, v2 is called the head
4. Define w as a mapping function that the weight is mapped to the edge in network
model, wðv1 ! v2 Þ represents the weight of the directed edge from the node v1 to
the node v2 ;
5. Define g as overall correction parameter.

Definition 2. Define Tðv1 ! v2 Þ as the time required for combat operations that is
represented by the edge from the node v1 to the node v2 .
Definition 3. Define FNode ¼ CðNodelabel ; Nodeattribute ; Node statusÞ as the describing
function of node, then:
1. Node label ¼ fID;Class typeg is defined as the tag set of nodes, and:
(1) ID is defined as identification badge of nodes, ID ¼ f1; 2; 3. . .:ng, n represents
the total numbers of combat units;
(2) Class type is defined as a type tag set of nodes, and:

Class type ¼ fSred ; Dred ; Ared ; Sblue ; Dblue ; Ablue g

Then Sred ; Dred ; Ared refer to information acquisition node, command and
control node, and attack node of the Red; and Sblue ; Dblue ; Ablue refer to the
nodes of the Blue, and the number of all kinds of nodes
0 0 0
Sred ; Dred ; Ared ; Sblue ; Dblue ; Ablue are s; d; a; s ; d ,a .
2. Define Nodeattribute is an attribute set of nodes, due to the attribute parameters of
different types of combat units are not the same, so the elements of the collection
Nodeattribute are relevant to Class type of the collection Node label, the specific
rules are as follows:
(1) while Classtype ¼ fSred ; Sblue g,
then : Node attribute ¼ fRange; Tranceform; LCapability . . .g
(1) Define Range as the detection range of information acquisition nodes;
(2) Define Tranceform as the time when Information acquisition node will
obtain the information processing and return to the command and control
nodes; TranceformSred is the capability of specified node Sred .
(3) Define LCapability as ability matrix of information acquisition nodes,
LCapability Sred refers to the ability of information acquisition that the
information acquisition nodes for the Red (Sred ) acquire the target
Ored ¼ fSblue ; Dblue ; Ablue g. According to the number of various types of
nodes, it knows that LCapability Sred is a matrix with the ranks number s  b,
sij is the element of a matrix, therefore, if the element i in the set of
information acquisition nodes of the Red has not detection ability to the
416 T. Zhang et al.

element j in the target set Ored , so sij ¼ 0. Otherwise, if the element i in the
set of information acquisition nodes of the Red spend some time t to
discover and locate the element j in the target set Ored , and sij ¼ t. In a
similar way, ability matrix of information acquisition nodes for the Blue
can be defined as LCapability Sblue .
(2) while Class type ¼ fDred ; Dblue g,
then : Node attribute ¼ fMaxNumbeA ; Tdecision ; Range; . . .g
(1) Define MaxNumbeA as the nodes that can command and control the
maximum value of the attack node simultaneously;
(2) Define T decision as the time spent by the command and control nodes starts
from receiving information to make decisions;
(3) Define Range as the range of charges for the command and control nodes in
movement class;
(3) while Class type ¼ fAred ; Ablue g,
then : Node attribute ¼ fRange; LCapability . . .g
(1) Define Range as combat range of nodes in attack class;
(2) Define LCapability as the ability matrix of combat unit in attack class,
LCapability Ared refers to the attack ability about the set of attack notes Ared to
the targets set Ored ¼ fSblue ; Dblue ; Ablue g, according to the number of var-
ious types of nodes, it knows that LCapability Ared is a matrix with the ranks
number a  b, aij is the element of a matrix, therefore, if the element i in the
set of attack nodes for the Red has not attack ability to the element j in the
target set Ored , so aij ¼ 0. Otherwise, it is aij ¼ 1. In a similar way, the
ability matrix of attack nodes for the Blue can be defined as LCapability Ared .
3. Define Node status as the state set of nodes, the state of nodes mainly
include the position, the speed, the subordinate command relations and so
on, so:

Node status ¼ fLocation; Velocity; Relationship. . .g

(1) Define Location as physical location of nodes, so:

Locationðx; y; zÞ ¼ gðtÞ

And x; y; z in the formula are the physical coordinates of the nodes in

three-dimensional space.
(2) Define Velocity as the speed of nodes,
(3) Define Relationship as command relationship of combat SoS.

3.2 The Construction of Model

The key to construct the network model is to determine the edge mapping function f
and the weight mapping function w, and these two functions is related to the node
description function FNode , they are described as:
An Efficiency Evaluation Model of Combat SoS Counterworks 417

f ðv1 ! v2 Þ ¼ f fFNode ðv1 Þ; FNode ðv2 Þg
wðv1 ! v2 Þ = wff ðv1 ! v2 Þ; FNode ðv1 Þ; FNode ðv2 Þg

The edge mapping function f and the weight mapping function w are modeling in
the following. Since the two functions are the judgment rule in the essential, the model
is adopted by pseudo code description.

3.3 The Description and Determination Methods of the Edge

Arbitrary two combat units of the Red and the Blue combat SoS are recorded as the
node v1 and the node v2 ðv1 6¼ v2 Þ, when f ðv1 ! v2 Þ is the value of 0,it means there is
no link from the node v1 to the node v2 , or when f ðv1 ! v2 Þ is the value of 1, it means
that there are links between these two nodes. The edge mapping function f of the node
v1 to the node v2 can be determined in accordance with the following methods:
Step 1. The classification parameters Class typeðv1 Þ and Class typeðv2 Þ are
extracted separately from the node v1 to the node v2 .

Step 2. The state parameter Relationshipðv1 Þ is extracted for the node v1 , and to
determine f ðv1 ! v2 Þ ¼ 1 or f ðv1 ! v2 Þ ¼ 0;
else if Classtypeðv2 Þ ¼ Sblue ; and turn to step 3.
Step 3. The state parameter Locationðv1 Þ is extracted for the node v1 , and the
attribute parameter Rangeðv2 Þ and LCapability ðv2 Þ, and The state parameter Locationðv2 Þ
are extracted for the node v2 , so:
418 T. Zhang et al.

Step 4. The state parameter Relationshipðv1 Þ is extracted for the node v1 , and to
determine f ðv1 ! v2 Þ ¼ 1 or f ðv1 ! v2 Þ ¼ 0; else if Class typeðv2 Þ ¼ Sblue ; then
Repeat Step 3;

Step 5. The attribute parameter Rangeðv1 Þ, LCapability ðv1 Þ and the state parameter
Locationðv1 Þ are extracted for the node v1 , as well as, the state parameter Locationðv2 Þ
is extracted for the node v2 , so:

Step 6. The link of Ared ! Sblue (the similar situation for Ablue ! Sred ) can rep-
resents a reconnaissance from the Reconnaissance node Sblue to the Attack node Ared ,
and also can represents an attack from the Attack node Ared of the Red to the
Reconnaissance node Sblue , so it needs to discuss by two cases:

3.4 The Weight Determination Method of the Edge

Arbitrary two combat units of the Red combat SoS and the Blue combat SoS are
recorded as the node v1 and the node v2 ðv1 6¼ v2 Þ, the weighting function wðv1 ! v2 Þ is
the weight of the edges from the node v1 to the node v2 , in accordance with the
following methods, it is to determine the weight mapping function w of two node edge:
An Efficiency Evaluation Model of Combat SoS Counterworks 419

the classification parameter Class typeðv1 Þ and Class typeðv2 Þ are respectively
extracted from the node v1 and the node v2 , take the Red as example, from the above,
the set of f ðv1 ! v2 Þ value could be 1 as follow:

fSred ! Dred ; Sred ! Sblue ; Dred ! Ared ; Dred ! Dred ; Dred ! Sblue ;

Ared ! Sblue ; Ared ! Dblue ; Ared ! Ablue g

The following rules are determined by the 8 kinds of link weight from the above.
Rule 1: T ðSred ! Dred Þ ¼ TranceformSred
Rule 2: T ðSred ! Sblue Þ ¼ sij ; sij 2 LCapability Sblue
Rule 3: T ðDred ! Ared Þ ¼ Tdecision
Rule 4: T ðDred ðv1 Þ ! Dred ðv2 ÞÞ ¼ Tdecision ðDred ðv2 ÞÞ
Rule 5: T ðDred ! Sblue Þ ¼ sij ; sij 2 LCapability Sblue
Rule 6:
(1) while Ared ! Sblue expresses that Ared attack Sblue , then

Locationðt0 ÞAred Locationðt0 ÞSblue

T ðSred ! Dred Þ ¼
vfVelocityðtÞAred ; VelocityðtÞSblue g

In a similar way, the weight of link between Ared ! Dblue and Ared ! Ablue will
be acquired.
(2) while Ared ! Sblue means that Sblue reconnoiters Ared , then
T ðAred ! Sblue Þ ¼ sij ; sij 2 LCapability Sblue
Take the Red as an example, it studies the methods of determining the link weights
in the above analysis. As their statuses of the Red and the Blue are equal in information
warfare system countermeasure, the above rules are also established when the Red and
the Blue exchange their logo.
To sum up, quintet GðN; L; f ; w; gÞ is a network model of combat SoS, in detail,
The attribute of the element of the node set N is represented by the node description
function FNode , then:
> FNode ¼ CðNode label; Node attribute; Node statusÞ
 label ¼ fID; Class typeg
> Node attribute ¼ Range; LCapability ; MaxNumbeA ; Tdecision ; . . .
Node status ¼ fLocation; Velocity; Relationship. . .g

3.5 Networking Evaluation Index of Combat SoS

Base on the network model of combat SoS above, we put forward networking eval-
uation index of combat SoS as follow:
1. The number of network closed loop: The path starts and ends in the same node,
which is known as the loop in the network, and the paper is defined as the closed loop
420 T. Zhang et al.

in the directed network, the number of the closed loop in network refers to a sum
number of all closed loop network.
2. The loop degree of node: The loop degree of a node is the number of closed loop
which is composed of nodes. In the combat SoS, the node loop is one of the important
indicators to measure the node’s function.
3. The loop degree distribution of node: Define the loop degree distribution of node
PðkÞ as a number of nodes formed with combat loop k participating in the network.
4. The weight of the closed loop in the network: A sum of the weight of all links
formed in a closed loop in the network.
5. The weight distribution of the closed loop in the network: The weight distri-
bution of the closed loop in the network refers to the distribution of the weights of all
the closed loop in the network, define QðkÞ as a number of the weight of closed loop k
in the whole network.

3.6 An Efficiency Evaluation Model of Combat SoS Counterwork

From the above, the key indicators of an efficiency of information combat SoS
counterwork, take the Red as an example, are sign convention:
1. N red : The number of combat loop in the Red combat SoS;
2. N blue : The number of combat loop in the Blue combat SoS;
3. Pred ðiÞ: The efficiency distribution of combat loop in the Red combat SoS, Pred ðiÞ
refers to the total number of efficiency of combat loop when the efficiency is i;
4. Pblue ðiÞ: The efficiency distribution of combat loop in the Blue combat SoS, Pblue ðiÞ
refers to the total number of efficiency of combat loop when the efficiency is i;
5. T bluej : The target’s total number of efficiency of combat loop when an important
degree is j in the Blue combat SoS;
6. T redj : The target’s total number of efficiency of combat loop when an important
degree is j in the Blue combat SoS;
7. Ered : The efficiency of the Red combat SoS;
An efficiency model in this formula:
  X   X  
Nred n Pred ðiÞ m Tblue ð jÞ
Ered ¼  i   j  ð1Þ
Nblue i¼1 Pblue ðiÞ j¼1 Tred ð jÞ
and: ni¼1 Pred ðiÞ ¼ Nred ; m j¼1 Tbluej ¼ Nred
It can be known from the above formula, under the circumstance of the two sides
have the equal strength, Ered ¼ 1, which can use 1 as a reference:
When Ered [ 1, the Red side has good post in the system confrontation;
When Ered \1; the Red side has bad post in the system confrontation;
An Efficiency Evaluation Model of Combat SoS Counterworks 421

4 Design an Experiment
4.1 Ideas of the Experiments
Considering network model has the characteristics that the actual situation is highly
abstract, and an amount of information is limited, the credibility will reduce when it
tries to use the network model to simulate the complete process of combat. Therefore,
this paper is based on a “combat scenario” in effectiveness evaluation of both Red and
Blue combat SoS (Fig. 1 shows the network graph of both Red and Blue combat SoS in
different operational stage), and to use the results of assessment as a benchmark. Then,
when other factors remain unchanged, observe and compare their influence on the
effectiveness of combat SoS by adjusting the values to variables. The principle of this
method is described as: based on the construction of combat SoS network model, the
different scenario variables is corresponding to the different input parameters of the
model, which will change the structure of the network and the weights of corre-
sponding link, and thus have an impact on the efficiency of combat SoS counterworks.
This method will achieve more reliable results when the problems are large-scale and
complex, furthermore, the experiments can be designed flexibly according to the
various characteristics of other problems.

Fig. 1. The Network graph of both Red and Blue combat SoS (Color figure online)

4.2 The Background of Experiment

For A and B air combat platforms of the Red combat SoS, under the assumption that
there are differences in capability of the mobility, situational awareness, command and
control, it is to respectively use the number, different capabilities, deployment scheme
of combat as the scenario variables, and study the effects of A and B combat platforms
in different conditions on the efficiency of combat SoS counterworks.
1. Comparing the impact of combat units with different numbers. The confronta-
tion state between the Red and the Blue are imaginary in a “scenario”, when the number
of combat units A and B are on the increase respectively, and the variations of combat
efficiency will be observed in the Red combat SoS. Figure 2 (1) shows the results:
422 T. Zhang et al.

Fig. 2. (1) Comparing the impact of combat units with different numbers, (2) Comparing the
impact of different combat abilities of combat units (Color figure online)

2. Comparing the impact of different combat abilities of combat units. The effi-
ciency of the combat SoS are further analyzed on the combat platform A and B, under
the circumstance where other conditions are unchanged, it is to assume that the
maneuver abilities of combat unit A and B are respectively one half of the normal state,
and also assumes the situations of whether they can interact information with other
combat units, the results are shown in Fig. 2(2).
3. Comparing the impact of different deployment scheme of combat units. In order
to investigate the effects of different deployment scheme of combat units, we compared
the efficiency of the combat SoS in the three deployment scheme of combat unit A and
B, this is in the circumstance where other conditions are unchanged. Figure 3(1)
describes the deployment scheme. Figure 3(2) shows the results.

Fig. 3. (1) Different deployment scheme of combat units, (2) Comparing the impact of different
deployment scheme of combat units
An Efficiency Evaluation Model of Combat SoS Counterworks 423

5 Conclusions

The results of experiments indicate that the different combat units have various effects
on the efficiency of combat SoS counterworks in the case of the same increase in the
number. This is related to the combat abilities of the combat unit, and the ability to
communicate with other combat units is more important than the maneuverability.
Moreover, the different combat units have various effects on the efficiency of combat
SoS counterwork with the different deployment schemes.
As a result, an efficiency evaluation model of combat SoS counterwork built in this
paper is able to distinguish the changes of microcosmic state of combat units, which
realize the requirements of complex network modeling with macro properties through
by the micro rules. In addition, this model has good scalability and extensive appli-
cation, that is, on the basis of the different problems, it is to select the different sets of
variables, and to evaluate an efficiency of combat SoS counterwork in the different

1. Cares, J.R.: An Information Age Combat Mode. Office of the Secretary of Defense
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3. Li, R.-J., Si, G.: Visualizing analysis for effectiveness of system of systems based on
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6. Deller, S.: Applying the information age combat model: quantitative analysis of network
centric operations. Int. J. C2 3, 1–25 (2009)
7. Wang, Z., Ma, Y.C.: Research on network modeling of battle system of systems based on
complex networks. Fire Control Command Control 08, 40–47 (2011)
8. Hu, X.: On War System Engineering: Methodology Towards Information Age’s War, 04
9. Zhu, J., Liu, D.: Hyper-network model of combat system and use case. Command Control
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Fire Control Command Control 05, 66–69 (2013)
Modeling of Underwater Terrain Aided
Navigation and Terrain Matching
Algorithm Simulation

Shen Jian1(&), Shi Jing1, and Xiong Lu2

Naval Academy of Armament, Beijing, China
[email protected]
Wuhan Ordnance N.C.O Academy, Wuhan, China

Abstract. In order to make an improved algorithm of good environmental

adaptability and practicability, the simulation of three terrain matching algo-
rithms were done on the condition of typical underwater navigation. Firstly, the
differences of terrain aided navigation between on land and underwater were
researched. Secondly, the underwater terrain aided navigation models were
established as well as the underwater terrain aided navigation simulation of
TERCOM, SITAN and ICCP. Finally, the influence of INS errors, measurement
accuracy, and digital map resolution to algorithms performance were studied.

Keywords: Terrain aided navigation  Matching algorithm  TERCOM 


1 Introduction

Underwater terrain aided navigation has the advantages of concealment, autonomy and
weather resistance. It can provide the AUV with accurate position information without
floating to surface which avoids voyage waste and location exposure. It is one of the
popular underwater autonomous navigation technologies for civilian and military
applications. At present, the research in developed countries, such as the United States,
Britain, Sweden, Norway [1–4] has entered the experiment phase.
TERCOM, SITAN, ICCP are three kinds of typical terrain matching algorithm, of
which the first two algorithms has been successfully applied in aircrafts [5–7]. Because
of the marine environment is more complex than on land conditions, as compared with
on land aircraft, the speed, measurement accuracy, data update rate and varying degrees
of AUV is low. These negative factors restrict the underwater application of terrain
matching algorithms. Therefore, Xin Tinghui, Zhang Li, Wang Dong, use different
kinds of combination methods to enhance the applicability of the matching algorithms
[8–10]. These combinations improve the performance of the algorithm, but the impact
of underwater applications conditions are not considered which makes improve algo-
rithm unstable. In order to make the improved algorithm has better environmental
adaptability and practicability, the simulation of three terrain matching algorithms were
done on the condition of typical underwater navigation.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 424–432, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_42
Modeling of Underwater Terrain Aided Navigation 425

2 Comparative Analysis of on Land and Underwater Terrain

Aided Navigation
2.1 Movement Characteristics Analysis
Typically AUV navigation velocity is less than 10 kn, which means that the aircraft can
get far more effective terrain profile data than AUV during the same period of time.
Thus, a higher matching frequency on land conduces matching result convergence in a
short time. In addition, the INS position error over time grow into a third power, since
the vehicle speed is faster, the INS drift error can be assumed unchanged in each
matching process. For AUV, due to the slow velocity, the INS drift error changes
obviously in the initial matching process, which increases the complexity of the
research problem to some extent.

2.2 Measuring Equipment Analysis

Aircrafts typically use radar or laser altimeter to get the terrain data with high accuracy
and timeliness, while AUV use sonar to get the underwater topography. The speed of
sound is low than electromagnetic waves and the sound beam is affect by water
temperature, salinity, etc. which will reduce the real-time and accuracy of measure-
ment. So the underwater terrain matching algorithm should have greater robustness and
adaptability compared to the algorithm on land.

2.3 Digital Map Analysis

Due to influence of tides, sea conditions, ambient noise, sound velocity and silt
deposition, underwater topographic survey is difficult, and the accuracy of the map is
also lower than that on land. Generally digit map resolution measured by satellite and
aerial plane is from 1 m to10 m, while the underwater digit map resolution measured
by sonar is from 10 m to 500 m. Digit map accuracy of shallow areas or the coast is
about 30 m, while the map accuracy of ocean areas is even up to 500 m or more.

3 Underwater Terrain Aided Navigation Model

Simulation model of underwater terrain aided navigation usually contain SINS model,
measurement error model and underwater terrain DEM. In order to get an intuitive
simulation results, models of underwater terrain aided navigation will be supplicated
under the premise of validity.

3.1 SINS Simplified Model

SINS is the mainly navigation equipment of AUV, and during the terrain matching
process, the depth and velocity are fixed. Since SINS can be regarded as an accurate
426 S. Jian et al.

dead reckoning system, the navigation system model can be simplified into a
two-dimensional plane dead reckoning model [10] when studying the performance of
terrain matching algorithm. The model is represents below:
8 !
> X
n1 X
n1 Xni
> 0
xn ¼ x0 þ 0
Dxi ¼ x0 þ 0
vi  DT  cos h0 þ 0
xi  DT
i¼0 i¼0 i¼0
< X
n1 X
n1 X
y0n ¼ y0 þ Dy0i ¼ y0 þ v0i  DT  sin h0 þ x0i  DT ð1Þ
> i¼0 i¼0 i¼0
> 0
> vi ¼ vi þ uvi
: 0
xi ¼ xi þ uxi

Where ðx0 ; y0 Þ and ðxn ; yn Þ represent the position of AUV at t0 (Initial matching time)
and tn ðn  1Þ, Dx0i and Dy0i are the displacement of AUV in the direction of X and Y.
v0i and x0i represent the velocity and angular rate provided by SINS at ti . uvi and uxi are
the navigation deviation. vi and xi are the actual speed and angular rate of AUV. h0 is
initial heading angle of AUV. Since TERCOM algorithm requires stable course during
matching process, in order to facilitate comparative analysis of the three algorithms, we
set x0i ¼ 0. Equation (1) can be simplified as fellow:
> X
n1 X
> x 0
¼ x þ Dx 0
¼ x þ v0i  DT  cosðh0 Þ
> n 0 i 0
< i¼0 i¼0
n1 X
n1 ð2Þ
> y0n ¼ y0 þ Dy0i ¼ y0 þ v0i  DT  sinðh0 Þ
: 0
i¼0 i¼0
vi ¼ vi þ uvi

The simplified SINS model above is the basis of matching calculation which
provides velocity and location information of AUV when giving the initial position and

3.2 Simplified Measurement Error Model

The error of measurement system were caused by bathymetric sonar and pressure
sensors on AUV [11].

h 0 ¼ h r þ h l þ lr þ ll ð3Þ

Where h0 is the terrain elevation of AUV position, hr and hl are the distances from
AUV’s position to surface and bottom respectively. lr and ll are the measurement
errors of the pressure sensor and bathymetric sonar. ll is caused by sound beam
Modeling of Underwater Terrain Aided Navigation 427

bending, beam angle and relative motion which is the major error. lr is mainly caused
by the tidal and surge. In this article, we assume that lh ¼ lr þ ll approximates normal
distribution, the formula (3) can be expressed as:

h 0 ¼ h r þ h l þ lh ¼ h þ l h lh  Nð0; r2h Þ ð4Þ

3.3 Underwater Topography DEM

This article use real underwater depth data to establish the digital map which will be
used for the follow-up matching simulation. Since the underwater terrain data is not
based on the grid sampling, we will use interpolation method to product standard DEM
model. The equation is expressed as follow:

n h i
^hðx; yÞ ¼ kj hM
j xj ; yj ð5Þ


Where ^ hðx; yÞ is the depth of interpolation points, hM xM ; yM is the depth set
corresponding to the DEM grid which are surrounding the interpolation points. k is the
interpolation weights. Nearest neighbor interpolation, bilinear interpolation and bicubic
interpolation are used generally. As a reference of [12], we use bilinear interpolation to
establish the underwater DEM in order to avoid topographical variation overestimate.

4 Underwater Terrain Matching Algorithm Simulation

The Algorithm model of TERCOM, ICCP and SITAN can be found in references[4–9]
which will be not descripted here. In the simulation, the matching sequence of TER-
COM and ICCP is calculated with mean square difference (MSD):
1 2
MSD(sx ;sy Þ¼ ½TR ðx; yÞ  TM ðx þ sx ; y þ sy Þ2 dx ð6Þ
L L2

The ICCP iterative objective function is the minimum Euclidean distance between
the depth date sequence and the nearest depth equal contour. Each measurement point
in SITAN algorithm will be performed a matching operation, and 9 point neighboring
measurement points is used to linearize the terrain. Underwater bathymetric maps and
underwater terrain on simulation route is shown in Fig. 1:
428 S. Jian et al.

Fig. 1. Underwater bathymetric maps and underwater terrain on simulation route

As can be seen from the figure that the upper half region is shallower and the terrain
is diversification significantly while the lower region is deep and flat.
The simulation parameters are shown as Table 1:

Table 1. Simulation parameters setting

Auv velocity 2 m/s Initial position (50 m, 50 m)
Initial velocity 0.2 m/s Measurement 0.01 m2
error variance
Initial heading 0.2o Measurement 5s
error interval
SINS variance (0.02 m/s, 0.02 m/s)2 Initial position ð80mÞ2 0
(east, north) (0.1 m/s, 0.1 m/s)2 variance 0 ð80mÞ2

4.1 The Influence of Navigation Error

The simulation parameters are shown in Table 1 and the resolution of underwater
digital map is 6 m. 100 times of Monte Carlo simulation was done and the average
error was calculated. The simulation results are shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. The matching error of the three methods in different navigation deviation
Modeling of Underwater Terrain Aided Navigation 429

As can be seen from the Fig. 2, the SINS error affects the matching results of three
algorithms to a different degree. For TERCOM and ICCP algorithm, the error accumu-
lation exists in the depth data cache periods. Since each match process is in batch mode, the
impact of SINS error is throughout the whole course. For SITAN algorithm, the matching
method is based on recursive filtering, error cumulative can be inhibited effectively. The
influence appears in the initial convergence stage. When it converged, SINS error devi-
ation (within the afford scope of the EKF) had little effect on the matching result.
The figure also shows that TECOM performance is better than ICCP when SINS
deviation increasing. This is mainly because the rigid transformation (rotation and
translation) of ICCP algorithm cannot change the track shape. The difference between
indicate track and real track is due to SINS deviation which affects the Iteration effect.
In contrast, TERCOM’s matching sequences are continuous map grid units. If the error
is small compared to the grid resolution, TERCOM can still provide with better
matching result.
As it can be seen from the curve trend, when the AUV enter into the flat area,
matching errors of three algorithms is increasing of different degrees; TERCOM’s
matching error grows fast while SITAN is slower. The reason is that TERCOM only
use measured depth sequence to estimate the position information while SITAN use
both priori information and actual measurement for estimation.

Fig. 3. The matching error of the three methods in different measurement accuracy
430 S. Jian et al.

4.2 The Influence of Measurement Accuracy

The AUV navigation deviations of east and north are both (0.02 m/s)2. measurement
variance are 0.05 m2, 0.2 m2, 0.4 m2. The remaining parameters are shown in Table 1.
The simulation results are shown in Fig. 3.
As can be seen from the Fig. 3, ICCP matching error is increasing faster than the
others. This reason is that the nearest equal depth sequences of ICCP are determined by
indicate track depth sequences, if each measurement is not accurate, the nearest equal
depth contours are also inaccurate. It will affect the rigid transformation process of
indicate track and lead to an increasing matching error.
TERCOM is different from ICCP. Although TERCOM algorithm uses measure-
ment sequences as the matching objects, the correlation operation of measurement
sequence and terrain profile within the search area are calculated one by one. The batch
processing calculated is an error average procession actually, which suppresses the
influence of data error to some extent. Compared to TERCOM and ICCP algorithm, the
influence to SITAN algorithm is minimal, but the convergence speed of matching result
is slow and the error curve fluctuation significantly. This is mainly because EKF uses
the posterior state to correct the priori estimate, in the early match, each state variables
and their corresponding variance is large. The measurements with large observational
error will impact the EKF convergence effect to a certain extent.

Fig. 4. The matching error of the three methods in different map resolutions. (a) The map
resolution is 3 m, (b) The map resolution is 12 m, (c) The map resolution is 24 m
Modeling of Underwater Terrain Aided Navigation 431

4.3 The Influence of Map Resolution

The digital map resolutions are 3 m, 12 m, 24 m. The measurement of TERCOM and
ICCP were taken at intervals of 3 s, 10 s, and 18 s while the interval of SITAN is 5 s.
The east and north navigation error of AUV is (0.02 m/s) 2 both. The measurement
variance is 0.05 m2. The other parameters are in Table 1. The simulation results shown
in Fig. 4.
The matching result of TERCOM and ICCP become better when using the digit
map of low resolution. The reason is that large distance of each measurement positions
can reflect a better characteristic of topographic profile which reduces the influence of
similar terrain in matching area. Thus, TERCOM and ICCP algorithm is suitable for a
wide range ‘rough search’, while SITAN algorithm is more suitable for small-scale
‘fine match’.

5 Conclusions and Future Work

SITAN has higher accuracy, less susceptible to bias and navigation Gaussian mea-
surement noise. ICCP is influenced by navigation and measurement obviously, the
match result is depends on the depth difference of measurement sequence and contour
distribution to a great extent. The research above can provide us a comprehensive
understanding the performance of typical terrain matching algorithms and improvement

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2. Nygren, I.: Terrain navigation for underwater vehicles using the correlator method.
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3. Mcphail, S.: Autosub6000: a deep diving long range AUV. J. Bionic Eng. 6, 55–62 (2009)
4. Anonsen, K.B., Hagen, O.K.: An analysis of real-time terrain aided navigation results from a
HUGIN AUV, Seattle (2010)
5. Tian, F.: Research on underwater terrain navigation model solving and navigation cell.
Harbin Engineering University, Harbin (2009)
6. Liu, Y.: Technology study on seabed terrain matching navigation. Harbin Engineering
University, Harbin (2009)
7. Yang, H.: Research on terrain matching algorithm based on ICCP for underwater vehicles.
Harbin Engineering University, Harbin (2009)
8. Xin, T.: The research of terrain-aided underwater navigation. Northwest Polytechnical
University, Xi’an (2004)
9. Zhang, L., Yang, H.: Research on assembled underwater terrain matching algorithm based
on ICCP and TERCOM. J. Proj. Rockets Missiles Guid. 28(3), 230–232 (2008)
10. Wang, K., Yang, Y.: Method and equipment of terrain aided navigation, China (2008). CN
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11. Meduna, D.K.: Terrain relative navigation for sensor-limited systems with application to
underwater vehicles. Stanford University, America Stanford (2011)
12. Rees, W.G.: The accuracy of digital elevation models interpolated to higher resolutions. Int.
J. Remote Sens. 21(1), 7–20 (2000)
An Integrated Simulation System for Air-to-Ground
Guided Munitions

Xiaodong Zhu ✉ , Ge Li, Peng Wang, and Xibao Wang

( )

School of Information System and Management,

National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China
{zhuxiaodong,geli,wangpeng_nudt}@nudt.edu.cn, [email protected]

Abstract. This paper proposes an integrated simulation system for air-to-ground

guided munitions. Functionality and operating modes of the system are discussed.
The structure design along with detailed analysis is given to illustrate its support
for the whole process of simulation experiments. The simulation system
comprised five subsystems, including experiment management system, data
management system, mathematical simulation system, visual generating system
and hardware-in-the-loop system. We propose a case study to illustrate the
system’s feasibility and advantages in terms of full flow of operating process
simulation in real battlefield environment.

Keywords: Integrated simulation system · Air-to-ground guided munitions ·

Hardware-in-the-loop · Mathematical simulation · Visual generating

1 Introduction

The military mainly use air-to-ground guided munitions to accomplish air-to-ground

precision strike missions. The hitting accuracy and damage effect of air-to-ground
guided munitions, which is influenced by numerous factors, can affect air sorties directly
and eventually cause impact on overall effectiveness of combat systems [1].
Battlefield environment have an influence on the performance of air-to-ground
guided munitions. For instance, it reduces the accuracy of air-to-ground munitions when
the military conduct shooting tests on the sea than on the land due to more complex
conditions. In real battlefield environment, which is even more complex, the hitting
accuracy will go further down. Besides, although most current air-to-ground guided
munitions are human-in-the-loop missiles, the pilots who control those weapons are still
lacking of effective training especially in battlefield environment. Limited live-fire
experiments make it hard to get hold of the real performance of the munitions in complex
battlefield environment.

Xiaodong Zhu—This work is supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China
(Grant No. 61374185).

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 433–440, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_43
434 X. Zhu et al.

So we present an integrated simulation system for air-to-ground guided munitions.

There have been many related researches on air-to-ground simulation systems, but most
of them focus on specific details, such as the architecture of certain mathematical models,
the FOM/SOM design of HLA based simulation systems and so on. Besides, air-to-
ground munitions simulation system is highly related to the certain type of the munitions.
There is a lack of related works on the whole architecture of integrated simulation system
for a certain type of air-to-ground munitions.
The system we proposed joints mathematical simulation system, hardware-in-the-
loop simulation system, visual generating system, and management systems together
through networks. It can be used during the development stage and after. When the
munitions are in the development stage, the simulation system can use engineering-level
simulation models and other critical components to conduct full flow simulation of the
operational process in real combat environment to identify the disadvantage of the tech‐
nical solution and critical components. When the munitions are handed over, the simu‐
lation system can conduct plenty of experiments to test the performance of the munitions.
With enough experimental data, we can arrange live-fire experiments more effectively
which will save much time and funds. In addition, in order to provide pilots an effective
training environment, the system can simulate typical targets and situations on the
battlefield such as terrain environment, marine environment, false targets, and electro‐
magnetic interference, etc. In general, the simulation system is designed for the military
to get hold of the operational performance of the air-to-ground guided munitions
precisely and to accelerate the fighting capability formation of new equipment.
This paper is structured as follows. In Sect. 2, we discuss the structure of the simu‐
lation system. Section 3 describes system operating modes. Section 4 presents detailed
design of the system. Section 5 uses a case study to test the performance. Finally, we
draw conclusion.

2 System Structure

The system should be capable of running trajectory simulation, controlling simulation,

environmental simulation and damage simulation of air-to-ground television guided
munitions to evaluate performance and effectiveness of the munitions in battlefield
environment [1, 2]. To satisfy those needs, we design the structure of the system as
shown in Fig. 1. The system comprises five subsystems including experiment manage‐
ment system, data management system, mathematical simulation system, visual gener‐
ating system and hardware-in-the-loop system.
• The experiment management system is used to make the simulation mission plan,
monitor the simulation running and provide post-mortem analysis of the experimental
• The data management system builds simulation experimental database which stores
the process data and results data of simulation experiments.
• The mathematical simulation system builds mathematical models of variety of air-
to-ground guided munitions, aircrafts, battlefield environment and typical targets.
An Integrated Simulation System for Air-to-Ground 435

It can run real-time and faster than real-time simulation to evaluate the
effectiveness of the munitions.
• The visual generating system builds global terrain environment and interference
environment. It builds detailed model of critical area near the target and along the air
route by generating vivid 3D scenes.
• Hardware-in-the-loop simulation system builds real simulation environment of the
critical components of the air-to-ground guided munitions and aircrafts such as seeker
and missile attitude simulator.

Fig. 1. Structure of integrated simulation system

Those five subsystems are connected to each other over a double-net structure,
reflective memory network and infiniband network, so that the system can satisfy the
need of low latency and high bandwidth.

3 System Operating Modes

In order to conduct diversified experiments, we design four kinds of operating modes

for the simulation system. They are hardware-in-the-loop simulation for single weapon
system, full digital simulation for single weapon system, Monte Carlo simulation for
single weapon system, and joint simulation for multiple weapon systems.
• Hardware-in-the-loop simulation. Human controller and the critical components of
the missile are linked into the system. With the help of mathematical models of the
aircraft and environment, we build a real-time simulation system in this mode.
• Full digital simulation. This simulation is based on hardware-in-the-loop simulation.
We use the physical units of missiles to adjust mathematical simulation models in
436 X. Zhu et al.

proper accuracy range. After adjustment and appropriate simplification, we can run
real-time resolution of all mathematical simulation models of the missile on single
• Monte Carlo simulation. After we have enough experimental data from human-in-
the-loop simulation, we can turn human controlling activities into proper mathemat‐
ical models in order to build full mathematical model for all operating process of the
air-to-ground guided munitions. We can then conduct Monte Carlo simulation with
full digital model which means we can complete large scale simulation calculation
in a short time to improve the confidence of the simulation results.
• Joint simulation. The three kinds of simulation mentioned above can all be used in
the simulation experiment of multiple weapon systems firing multiple targets. All the
models of aircrafts and missiles share the same simulation time and space, and all
simulation nodes are under unified management from the main control computer.

4 Detailed Design of the Simulation System

The simulation system comprises five subsystems. Due to limited space, we describe
three of them including mathematical simulation system, hardware-in-the-loop simula‐
tion system, and visual generating system.

4.1 Mathematical Simulation System

The mathematical simulation system is the core of the whole simulation system. It
provides the operating framework, takes control of the whole simulation process, and
manages data exchanging among subsystems.
We design mathematical simulation system in two ways [3, 4]. On the one hand, it
can run real-time resolutions of the missile system model and calculations of signal
transmission which is related to the environment such as image transmission and satellite
positioning. Besides, it simulates the prelaunch management action and controlling
missile flight in human-in-the-loop way. On the other hand, the mathematical simulation
system makes simulation plans, controls simulation process, and manages signal
synchronizing and data exchanging among subsystems. In addition, it collects and stores
simulation experiment data and is certainly capable of data analysis.
Based on the analysis above, we design the mathematical simulation system as shown
in Fig. 2. The main control computer makes simulation plans, controls simulation
process, and manages signal synchronizing and data exchanging. The mathematical
simulation computer runs aircraft-missile weapon system model and environment
model. Each mathematical simulation computer simulates one single weapon system
and deals with environment signal transmission. We use reflective memory network to
transfer the state data and target image of different simulation nodes while infiniband
network is used to transfer monitoring command and data copies.
An Integrated Simulation System for Air-to-Ground 437

Fig. 2. Mathematical simulation system structure

4.2 Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation System

The hardware-in-the-loop simulation system mainly focuses on identifying the mathe‐

matical simulation model of the given physical units, or adjusting the existing mathe‐
matical model with the help of physical units. It attaches missile units to the integrated
simulation system to simulate the real working state of the missile. Besides, it can simu‐
late the human interface and controlling process of the aircraft flight and weapon system
to accomplish human-in-the-loop simulation.

Fig. 3. Hardware-in-the-loop simulation system

438 X. Zhu et al.

The hardware-in-the-loop simulation system consists of real-time simulation

computer, missile attitude simulator, weapon controlling device and other parts [5, 6].
All parts are connected over reflective memory network and infiniband network as
shown in Fig. 3.
The simulation computers take participant in the I/O management of all simulation
devices and resolve and calculate the mathematical simulation model of the other parts
of the missile in real time. The missile attitude simulator simulates the attitude of the
missile and optical axis. All simulation nodes are linked over real-time network, and
time synchronized under management of the main control computer.

4.3 Visual Generating Simulation System

The visual generating simulation system can build a 3D global scene with global terrain
database which can truly reproduce natural environment like ocean, land, weather, etc.
Besides, it can also truly reproduce the battlefield environment. For instance, the system
shows how sunlight and atmosphere affect the seeker of the missile and provides visual
scene of the interference factors like smoke, dust, flame, etc. In addition, the system
provides a 3D image of the movement of the aircraft carrier, missile and target. The
structure of the system is as shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Visual generating system

The system comprises two parts, one is hardware platform, and the other is software
platform. The system uses high-performance graphic station to generate smooth 3D
views and display/projection device to show them. Besides, it uses terrain/model base
to provide visual support and simulation driving/scheduling to create real-time interac‐
tive virtual environment rapidly.

5 Case Study

In this case, we tested the performance of the integrated simulation system in full digital
simulation mode with the missile flying by the pre-set waypoints. The main control
computer initialized all simulation subsystems and controlled all systems during the
process of simulation. The missile attacked a stationary target and we showed informa‐
tion on the moving trail and attitude angle of the missile.
An Integrated Simulation System for Air-to-Ground 439

5.1 Scenario Description

A fighter plane flew along the preset course carrying a certain type of the air-to-ground
guided missile. When it reached the waypoint (−76000, 4000, 0), it fired the missile to
attack the stationary target at the coordinate (0, 8, 0) on the ground. The missile used
TV guidance during the flight with its seeker processing all the video images continu‐
ously and outputting control information after target recognizing.

5.2 Simulation Results

Here below are the coordinates of the waypoints, {(−76000, 4000, 0), (−45000, 2500,
0), (−40000, 2500, −1000), (−35000, 1000, −100), (−20000, 1000, 0), (−8000, 2000,
0), (0, 8, 0)}. The simulation results are shown in Figs. 6 and 7.
Figure 5 shows the moving trail of the missile. From the figure, we can see that this
missile moved by all preset waypoints smoothly and hit the target eventually. Figure 6
shows information on the space attitude of the missile including the pitch angle, rolling
angle, pitching trajectory and horizontal trajectory.

Fig. 5. The moving trail of the air-to-ground guided missile

Fig. 6. The space attitude of the missile

440 X. Zhu et al.

From the two figures, we can see that this certain missile possessed a qualitative
aerodynamic performance. In addition, we have proved the validity of the mathematical
simulation model of the missile. The integrated simulation system can conduct all those
kinds of simulation experiments by providing mathematical modeling, visual gener‐
ating. However, it is still a primitive version and there is too much work left like
promoting the visual effect, testing hardware-in-the-loop simulation, and so on.

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we proposed an integrated simulation system for the air-to-ground guided
munitions. How to build the system is one of our main concerns. We designed the struc‐
ture of the system consisting of five subsystems and presented details in three of them,
mathematical simulation system, hardware-in-the-loop simulation system, and visual
generating simulation system. We conducted a simple simulation experiment to test the
performance of a certain missile and the results proved a primitive success in building
the whole system.
However, in order to provide a reliable method to test the performance of the air-to-
ground guided munitions in real battlefield environment, we still need to go further. In
future work, we need to improve the quality of the visual generating system to make it
seem more real. Besides, we need to test the hardware-in-the-loop simulation system
and run more experiments on the whole system to perfect our design.


1. Mao, Z., Sun, L.G., et al.: Design and realization of air-to-ground TV-guided weapon
simulation system. Syst. Simul. Technol. 6(2), 140–146 (2010)
2. Zhang, Q.Z., Liu, J.Y.: Study of weapon system simulation on TV telecontrol missiles. Opt.
Tech. 33, 92–94 (2007)
3. Zhang, W.P., Wang, C.P., et al.: Analysis on simulated and tested system of countermeasure
against laser guided weapon. Infrared Laser Eng. 35, 353–357 (2006)
4. Li, P.B., Zhang, X.P., et al.: Using flight test data to validate the digital simulation model of
homing guidance missile. J. Syst. Simul. 11(3), 205–209 (1999)
5. Fan, S.P., Lin, D.F., et al.: Design and achievement of hardware-in-the-loop simulation system
for guided shell based on laser semi-active seeker. Infrared Laser Eng. 2, 394–397 (2014)
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Modeling and Simulation of Missile-Satellite
Co-location System

Jia-zhen Duan(&), Fei Cao, and Fu-zhong Bai

Rocket Force University of Engineering, Xi’an 710025, China

[email protected]

Abstract. In order to improve the localization precision of airborne electronic

reconnaissance equipment, Missile-satellite cooperative location method is
proposed. First of all, the principle of this method is analyzed. Then the structure
and process of location system is explained. At last, the feasibility of the system
is proved and simulation is implemented in STK.

Keywords: Modeling and simulation  Cooperative location  STK  DOA

1 Introduction

With the development of electronic warfare (EW), it plays increasingly important role
in modern warfare. Efficient attack of anti-radiation missile (ARM) depends on its
precise position for enemy radiation source [1]. However, ARM is decoy easily when
hit enemy radiation source. While building a anti-decoy system needs large cost and
long time, electronic reconnaissance satellites can be used to help ARM get precise
position of enemy because of their wide reconnaissance range and stability. Therefore,
missile-satellite co-location technology is one of the effective way to improve the target
position accuracy, it has a very important significance in actual combat [2].

2 Principle of Missile-Satellite Co-location

The DOA [3] method is used in missile-satellite co-location system. This method is
finding direction of radiation source target on two or more platforms by
direction-finding equipment which own high precision. Then establishing equation
with known direction message of target and position message of platforms, solution of
this equation is coordinates of radiation source target.
As shown in Fig. 1
x  xi
tan hi ¼ ; i ¼ 1; 2 ð1Þ
y  yi

According Eq. 1

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 441–449, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_44
442 J. Duan et al.

Fig. 1. Sketch map of direction finding cross localization

xi  yi tan hi ¼ x  y tan hi ð2Þ

In the case of n platforms, Eq. 2 can be simplified as Eq. 3

C ¼ DX ð3Þ
2 3 2 3
x1  y1 tan h1 1;  tan h1 " #
6 x2  y2 tan h2 7 6 1;  tan h2 7
6 7 6 7 x
C¼6 .. 7, D ¼ 6 .. 7, X ¼ , So the coordinates of
4 . 5 4 . 5 y
xn  yn tan hn 1;  tan hn
radiation source is:

X ¼ D1 C ð4Þ

3 Structure of Missile-Satellite Co-location System [4, 5]

As shown in Fig. 2, the positioning system consists of missile, satellite and enemy
target. Supposed the missile can communicate with satellite as long as the satellite is in
missile’s vision field and communication process is not affected by other factors.
Missile receive real-time messages of enemy radiation source from satellite during its
flight process, these messages can help missile to track target more accurate and
achieve precision hit. Specific processes are as follows (Fig. 3):
As the initiator, missile leads the whole process of co-location. The satellite has
been running on its own track and keep continuous reconnaissance on the target area.
The missile is launched at designated location at appointed time. The satellite sends
real-time message of target within the time window given by missile. After that, the
missile carries out the fusion of the target information provided by own seeker and
satellite, then it calculates the target area, which provide favorable condition for the
realization of precise strike (Fig. 4).
Modeling and Simulation of Missile-Satellite Co-location System 443

Fig. 2. Sketch map of missile-satellite co-location

Fig. 3. Flow chart of missile-satellite co-location

Fig. 4. Sketch map of missile-satellite co-location

444 J. Duan et al.

4 Feasibility Analysis of Missile-Satellite Co-location

4.1 Communication Time Between Missile and Satellites Under Ideal
Conditions [6]
4.1.1 Model of Satellite Motion
The position and velocity of the satellite are determined by six roots of satellite orbit
(Fig. 5):

Fig. 5. Model of satellite motion

r ¼ aðcos w  eÞe0 þ a 1  e2 sin wP0 ð5Þ

a2 n a2 n pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2ffi
v¼ sin we0 þ 1  e cos wP0 ð6Þ
r r
2 3 2 3
cos X cos x  sin X sin x cos i i
eo ¼ 4 sin X cos x þ cos X sin x cos i 5 4 j 5 ð7Þ
sin x sin i k
2 3 2 3
 cos X sin x  sin X cos x cos i i
P0 ¼ 4  sin X sin x þ cos X cos x cos i 5 4j5 ð8Þ
cos x sin i k
w  e sin w ¼ tP ¼ ntP ð9Þ
Modeling and Simulation of Missile-Satellite Co-location System 445

4.1.2 Model of Missile Motion

Only consider the longitudinal motion of missile, the equations of motion can be
written as:
> m dv ¼ P cos a  X  mg sin h
> dt dh
> mV dt ¼ P sin a þ Y  mg cos h
> dz ¼ Mz
Jz dx z
> x ¼ V cos h
> d
< dy

dt ¼ V sin h ð10Þ
> dt ¼ xz
dt ¼ ms
> a ¼#h
> e ¼0
: 1
e2 ¼ 0

From above, there are 10 equations and 10 unknown parameters in this equation
group, so it is consistent and can be handled independently.

4.1.3 Communication Condition Judgement Between Missile

and Satellite [7, 8]
The initial judgement conditions are as follows (Fig. 6):

Fig. 6. Judgement condition1

The distance from earth’s center to the straight line between missile and satellite is
not less than the radius of earth R, d  R, but there is a special case (Fig. 7):
446 J. Duan et al.

Fig. 7. Judgement condition2

Therefore, the judgement condition is modified as (Fig. 8):

Fig. 8. Judgement condition3

> h1 ¼ arccosðR=Rrs Þ
< h ¼ arccosð R Þ
h ¼ h þ
h ð11Þ
> max 1 2
: h ¼ arccosð rm rs Þ
jrm jjrs j

As a result, the communication time period of the missile and satellite can be

5 Simulation in STK [9]

Parameter setting
Electronic reconnaissance satellites LD-1, LD-2, LD-3, LD-4, QS-1, QS-2, QS-3
are orbiting as designed. Missile launch site (108.985E, 19.176 N). Target ship
(T) starting position (94.6031E, 51.74 N). Missile launching in Apr 5 2016 04:25:20
(Fig. 9).
Modeling and Simulation of Missile-Satellite Co-location System 447

Fig. 9. Sketch map of missile-satellite communication

The simulation result shows that there are two satellites meet the communication
requirements, and communication time is 673 s and 1037 s (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10. Communication time of missile and QS-1

Under the condition of known satellite orbit, as long as the time is determined, the
position of the satellite can be obtained, then the coverage of the satellite is known
(Fig. 11).

Fig. 11. Communication time of missile and QS-3

448 J. Duan et al.

The simulation result shows that only QS-3 can detect the target area, and the time
period is overlapped with the missile’s flight time, so only the QS-3 meets the con-
ditions of missile-satellite co-location (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12. Sketch map of satellite reconnaissance area

6 Conclusion

This article in view of insufficient localization accuracy of the anti-radiation missile.

Principle, structure and process of missile-satellite co-location system under ideal
communication condition is introduced, and proved the feasibility [10] of this method,
the simulations is conducted in STK. However, actual battlefield is complex,
achievement of missile-satellite co-location must depends on the rich resources of
satellite and reasonable task scheduling. Believe that with the development of China’s
military modernization, large-scale, cross-platform joint operations can be implemented
soon (Fig. 13).

Fig. 13. Time of satellite reconnaissance target area

Modeling and Simulation of Missile-Satellite Co-location System 449

1. Haworth, D.P., Smith, N.G., Bardelli, R., et al.: Interference localization for EUTELSAT
satellites - the first European transmitter location system. Int. J. Satell. Commun. 15(4),
155–183 (1997)
2. Ho, K.C., Chan, Y.T.: Geolocation of a known altitude object from TDOA and FDOA
measurements. IEEE Trans. AES 33(3), 770–783 (1997)
3. Rieken, D.W., Fuhrmann, D.R.: Generalizing MUSIC and MVDR multiple noncoherent
arrays. IEEE Trans. SP 9(52), 2396–2406 (2004)
4. Zhou, Z.: The Modeling and Implementation of Electronic Reconnaissance Simulation
System. Xidian University
5. Zhang, R.: Satellite Orbit Attitude Dynamics and Control. Beihang University Press, Beijing
6. Zhang, S.: Modeling and simulation of passive radar system. Master thesis, Xi’an Electronic
and Science University, Xi’an (2011)
7. Xu, Z., Wang, G., Jiang, F., Zhang, R.: Application research of UML in electronic warfare
simulation and modeling. Command Control Simul. 31(5), 1 (2009)
8. Jingjuan, Z., Lifen, T., Juncheng, J.: New missile cooperative localization technology.
J. Beihang Univ. 38(9), 1149–1153 (2012)
9. Peng, R., Wang, G., Shi, J., Yuan, J.: Two bombs and collaborative localization feasibility
study. J. Syst. Simul. 18(5), 1118–1122 (2006)
10. Hu, L.: Passive Location, pp. 31–79. National Defense Industry Press, Beijing (2004)
Behavior Modeling of Air to Ship Fighter Based
on Context-Based Reasoning

Ying-tong Lu ✉ , Liang Han, Xiao Song, and Jiang-yun Wang

( )

School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China
[email protected]

Abstract. With the development of military intelligence training system,

behavior modeling becomes the core technology in Computer Generated Forces
(CGF). The Context-based Reasoning (CxBR) Framework facilitates building
behavior model of Computer Generated Forces because of its visualization, main‐
tainability and non-predetermination. However, it is limited in its ability to
support models that include affective reasoning. In order to imitate human
behavior more realistically, human affect comes to be considered. By adding two
abstract classes to the original framework which are analogous to the Mission and
Context classes, representing Mood and Emotion, improved CxBR framework
can remedy this limitation and consider the affect. This paper validates the feasi‐
bility of the improved CxBR framework by building air to ship fighter system
structure using conversion logic of production representation.

Keywords: Computer Generated Forces (CGF) · Behavior model · Context-based

Reasoning (CxBR) · Air to ship fighter

1 Introduction

In the air-sea combat training system, the CGF (Computer Generated Force, CGF) is
used mainly for pilots’ tactical training. In order to improve pilots’ strain capacity, the
behavior model should be multivariate and uncertain. The introduction of artificial
intelligence technology greatly improves the autonomy and authenticity of behavior.
Main artificial intelligence technologies used in behavior modeling are Intelligent
Agents, Soft Computing and Case Based Reasoning (CBR). Context-based Reasoning
belongs to CBR. It is founded on the premise that humans make decisions based on a
sub-set of their knowledge, which is referenced according to one’s current environment
or context. In other words, for any given situation, there are but a limited number of
expected occurrences: therefore, one’s actions and reactions are chosen from expected
experiences based on past history [1]. Because of its visualization, maintainability, non-
predetermination and high searching efficiency, CxBR is widely applied in behavior
In order to suit diverse engineering requirements, many kinds of modified frame‐
works have been put forward in recent years. Barrett described a Formation Class to
allow modeling teamwork and collaborative behaviors in CxBR [2]. Stensrud and
Barrett presented rigorous definitions of all terms and components applicable to CxBR

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 450–457, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_45
Behavior Modeling of Air to Ship Fighter 451

models along with a discussion on how and where these models store and execute tactical
knowledge [3]. Liu and Huang integrated CxBR with professional system, fuzzy
reasoning and database [4]. Stensrud et al. added emotional impact of context reasoning
to improve the traditional CxBR framework [5]. In 2011, Chen applied the improved
CxBR model to anti-submarine helicopters, and carried out the preliminary investigation
on feasibility of the framework [6]. For a detailed explanation of CxBR please review
[7]. For a detailed explanation of the CxBR framework prior to the improvement to
facilitate affective modeling, please see [8].
This paper introduces an improved context-based reasoning framework which
considered the affect, and applied it to air-ship fighter CGF. Using conversion logic of
production representation, air-to-ship fighter CGF system structure is established.
Finally, the feasibility of the theoretical framework gets a validation.

2 Traditional CxBR and Improved CxBR

This paper introduces traditional CxBR framework and improved CxBR framework
with affect.

2.1 The Principle of Traditional CxBR

The basic idea of CxBR is that when an Agent tasks, it always experiences orderly
through several different states. Agent requires a certain skill and action in each state.
In general, the states change suddenly rather than gradually.
In CxBR, three levels of Context are defined: Mission Context, Main Context and
Sub-Context, as shown in Fig. 1.


Main Main
Context1 Context2

Sub-Context1 Sub-Context2

Fig. 1. Levels of context

Mission Context is the highest level and defines the tasks of Agent, including rang
of mission, objects, plans and constraints (time, weather, rules of engagement) when
performing specific tasks.
Main Context is the next lower level and is an essential element to control Agent,
including functions, rules and a list of all Main Contexts that can be reached from the
452 Y.-t. Lu et al.

current Main Context. Main Contexts can transform between each other, for example,
when plane detects the object, cruise state should be transformed to the state of tracking
Sub-Context is the lowest-level tactical process that usually occurs in a very short
time, for example, in the state of attacking object, there are such actions as tension
loading, climbing, missile release and glide. Sub-Contexts are mutually exclusive at the
same time, but can be reused by different Main Contexts. Sub-Context is activated by
rules defined in current Main Context and cancels its active state after completing the
Context can be seen as a representation of case knowledge, and it is the synthesis
containing entity behavior, objects, characters, environments and knowledge of logic.
Context can be abstracted to the implication body of relative information. Context has
the following properties:
• Constraints: define all constraints restraining the Agent. Such as wind speed and
atmosphere density of the battlefield environment, limitation of the force and the
affect of the Agent.
• Mission: defines goals of the Agent. Such as Weapons such as warship launch hit
probability reaches the specified array bit time.
• Mutual exclusion: defines exclusive events with the same level. Such as cruise and
missile release. When the Agent is in the state of cruise, it is impossible to carry out
actions of missile release.
• Transformation: defines exclusive events can transform with each other. Such as
cruise and missile release. If the Agent detects the target and satisfies the condition
of releasing missile in the state of cruise, the Agent can change the state to missile
In the Fig. 2, the traditional CxBR contains four abstract classes: AIP (Autonomous
Intelligent Platform), Mission, Context and Inference Engine, which create an API
(Application Program Interface) to facilitate modeling human behaviors. The AIP class
provides an interface for modeling agents. The Mission and Context class provide the
means for an agent to react and plan within a given scenario. The Inference Engine is
used for simulate the process of matching facts.
Every agent is assigned a mission before simulation begins. The mission defines the
high level goal the agent is expected to pursue for a given scenario, and specifies the
contexts that will be applicable to the agent. Contexts provide the planning and reaction
abilities of the agent and specify all the conditions to control the AIP’s behavior in
tactical simulation. Contexts also provide any other possible contexts which can be
reached from the current active context. The current active Context searches for the next
possible Context when the state changes. Once finds the next Context, the current
Context will set it invalid and activate the new Context. AIP can be controlled intelli‐
gently by continuous conversions of Contexts. The relationship between contexts,
missions and agents is shown in Fig. 3.
Behavior Modeling of Air to Ship Fighter 453

AIP Mission Context Engine

Agent1 mission1 context1

Agent2 mission2 context2



Agenti missionj contextk

Fig. 2. Class structure of traditional CxBR framework


context1 Agenti

context2 context3


Fig. 3. Conversion diagram of traditional CxBR

CxBR packages process behavior and cognitive behavior in a particular state action,
and reflects human skills and experience collection to control AIP.

2.2 The Principle of Improved CxBR

In a real human behavior, motivation and emotion have an important impact on cognitive
behavior process. It will make CGF behavior modeling more realistic and increase the
uncertainty of CGF behavior by considering affect impacts. This framework is suit to
affective agents, such as pilots, drivers and athletes.
454 Y.-t. Lu et al.

Most of the emotional upheaval human experience can be called affect. Two specific
manifestations of affect are mood and emotion. Emotion can be induced by some certain
reasons and its duration is short. For example, a pilot will have an emotion of happiness
when he hits the target. However, if he cannot hit the next target, he will have an emotion
of frustration. Six basic emotions include anger, fear, sadness, joy, nausea and surprises.
Compared with emotion, mood cannot be induced by some certain reasons and its dura‐
tion is longer. For example, a pilot maybe impatient in a rainy day, but we cannot find
a certain reason case the mood. In majority, humans have two moods: positive and
Improved CxBR framework is enhanced by adding the additional abstract classes to
the traditional CxBR framework. The Improved CxBR framework includes Mood and
Emotion. Relationship between mood and emotion is similar to that of the mission and
context. In the same way, a mood specifies all possible emotions that an agent maybe
experience. The class structure of improved CxBR Framework is shown as Fig. 4.

Mood Emotion AIP Mission Context Engine

mood1 emotion1 Agent1 mission1 context1

mood2 emotion2 Agent2 mission2 context2






moodm emotionn Agenti missionj contextk

Fig. 4. Class structure of improved CxBR Framework

The conversion relationship between contexts, missions, agents, mood and emotion
is shown in Fig. 5. As a mission must specify all contexts possible for that mission, a
mood must specify all emotions possible for that mood.

missionj Moodm

context1 Agenti emotion1

context2 context3 emotion2 emotion3

context4 transition emotion4

Fig. 5. Conversion diagram of improved CxBR

Behavior Modeling of Air to Ship Fighter 455

3 Air-Ship Fighter Behavior Model Based on Improved CxBR

3.1 Context Definition of Air-Ship’s Fighter CGF

Air-ship fighter’s behavior can be divided into five levels: the mission context, task
context, subtask context, mood context and emotion context. Mission context is an
overall goal in a tactical scenario, such as convoying, attacking ship with missiles,
attacking ship with bombs and so on. Task context is a stage task taken to achieve the
overall goal in a tactical scenario, such as cruise, tracking the target and missile release
in the mission of attacking ship with missiles. Subtask context includes relatively inde‐
pendent and low-level tactical sub-actions, such as level flight, rising, missile, unloading,
downthrust and rolling in the task context of missile release. Mood context is similar to
mission context, and represent the mood state of the agent. Emotion context contains all
emotions under the mood state. Mission context includes corresponding task context,
and task context includes corresponding sub-task context. Similarly, mood context
includes corresponding emotion context. Actions between these contexts are mutually

3.2 Conversion Logic of Contexts

In the decision on attacking ship, current active context and sub-context control behavior
of CGF. Context conversion is completed by the corresponding matching rules. When
a context is activated, its corresponding rules are traversed all through in the simulation
until a rule is matched then the conversion process is carried out, as a result, a new
context is activated and its initialization function is called.
Rules’ matching is used to realize relative recognition. This paper adopts production
representation to achieve CxBR conversion logic.
The basic form of production representation is P-> Q or If P Then Q. Where P is the
premise of production, and it is used to indicate whether the production is available; Q
is a set of conclusions or operation, and it is used to indicate the deserved conclusion
and operation when premise conditions P indicates are satisfied.
In the CxBR, P = {Context-Relative, Emotion} and Q = {Context-Action}.
For example, if the pilot find a destroyer in cruise with an emotion of fear, he might
choose escape. On the contrary, if the pilot is in an emotion of confidence, he maybe
chooses attack directly.

4 Architecture of Air-Ship Fighter CGF System

As shown in Fig. 6, architecture of Air-ship fighter CGF consists of two main parts:
physical model and behavior model. Physical model and behavior model are realized
with the development tool named Visual Studio 2010.
456 Y.-t. Lu et al.

Physical model


decision Relative


Improved CxBR

Behavior model

Fig. 6. Architecture of air-ship fighter CGF

4.1 Physical Model

Physical model reflects CGF’s external capabilities, such as the performance of motor
apparatus, fire system and detection equipment. Physical model consists of airplane
model, weapon models and radar detection model. Among them, airplane model adopts
limit parameter model which includes only six degrees of freedom kinematic equations.
The advantage of using the limit parameter model is that dynamic model of the aircraft
can be built without aerodynamic parameters. In another words, in order to describe
movements and attitudes of aircrafts, building six degrees of freedom kinematics module
is sufficient. There is no need to design the complex control law based on control
surfaces, due to which, modeling complexity and workload can be greatly simplified.

4.2 Behavior Model

Behavior model reflects CGF entity’s inherent “mental activity”. In another words,
behavior model describes the decision capability of the agent. Behavior model includes
detection module, battlefield relative module, decision module based on improved
CxBR and act planning module. According to the analysis of the battlefield relative,
decision can be made based on improved CxBR which considers the influence of affect.
Finally, action can be made according to the decision and physical model implements
the action.
Behavior Modeling of Air to Ship Fighter 457

5 Conclusion

This paper introduced the traditional CxBR and adopted the improved CxBR adding
affect module frame to build behavior model of air-ship fighter CGF, and applied
production representation to achieve the context conversion logic, finally established
the air-ship fighter CGF system structure to explore and verify preliminarily the feasi‐
bility of improved CxBR in air-ship fighter. This article battlefield environment in this
paper is relatively simple, so the feasibility of the theory in a more complex environment
has yet to be verified.


1. Guo, Q.-S., Yang, L.-G., Yang, R.-P.: Introduction of CGF. National Defense Industry Press,
Beijing (2006)
2. Barrett, G.B., Gonzalez, A.: Modeling collaborative behaviors in context based reasoning. In:
Working Report: Intelligent Systems Laboratory, University of Central Florida, Orlando
3. Stensrud, B.S., Barrett, G.C.: Context-based reasoning: a revised specification. In: Seventeenth
International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (2004)
4. Liu, J., Huang, W.-B.: Research on decision modeling of antisubmarine warship based on
CxBR. Comput. Simul. (2006)
5. Stensrud, B.S., Barrett, G.C., Lisetti, C.L., Gonzalez, A.: Modeling affect in context based
reasoning. ResearchGate (2015)
6. Chen, T., Li, Z.-S.: Behavioral modeling of antisubmarine helicopter in the simulation of naval
battle. Command Control Simul. (2011)
7. Gonzalez, A.: Context-based representation of intelligent behavior in training simulations.
Trans. Soc. Comput. Simul. 15(4), 153–166 (1998)
8. Norlander, L.: A framework for efficient implementation of context-based reasoning in
intelligent simulation. Master’s thesis, ECE Department, University of Central Florida,
Orlando (1999)
Pilot Behavior Modeling Using LSTM
Network: A Case Study

Yanan Zhou1, Zihao Fu2, and Guanghong Gong1(&)

School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University
(BUAA), XueYuan Road No.37, HaiDian District, Beijing 100191, China
[email protected], [email protected]
Alibaba Group, Beijing 100022, China
[email protected]

Abstract. Traditional behavior modeling methods rely on the knowledge

representation derived from the induction and abstraction of subject matter
experts, leading to the high barrier and long modeling period. To tackle this
problem, we focus on a new behavior modeling approach, which extracts
behavior knowledge from behavior data using recurrent neural network (RNN).
A case study, take-off behavior modeling using long short-term memory
(LSTM) network, was carried out in three phases: the data recording phase, the
offline model training phase and the online model execution phase. A three-layer
neural network was constructed to learn the pattern of take-off manipulations.
The resulting take-off behavior model performed well to ‘pilot’ an airplane in
the real-time test.

Keywords: Behavior modeling  Flight simulation  LSTM  RNN

1 Introduction

The importance of behavior model in the area of constructive simulation has been
widely accepted [1], while it faces great challenges to build authentic behavior models.
One of the major difficulties is the obstacle to access and represent the domain
Deep understanding of the domain knowledge is pre-requisite for the modelers to
utilize most of the present behavior modeling methods, including classical methods
(e.g. rule-based method [2], finite state machine [3], etc.) and cognition-based methods
(e.g. SOAR [4], ACT-R [5], etc.). As a consequence, the knowledge from subject
matter experts (SMEs) is crucial to the quality of behavior model.
The present behavior modeling methods rely on the knowledge representation
derived from SMEs’ induction and abstraction. In this way, the threshold of behavior
modeling becomes higher, and the modeling period becomes longer.
Besides, some kinds of behavior are difficult to model using traditional methods.
For instance, the behavior knowledge of pilot behavior refers much to the pilot
experience, which is beyond the representation ability of present modeling methods. To
model pilot behavior, the SMEs have to firstly segment the behavior into several
elementary stages, and describe the process and features of each stage; secondly, the

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 458–465, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_46
Pilot Behavior Modeling Using LSTM Network: A Case Study 459

modelers would build the behavior model of each stage according to the knowledge
described by the SMEs; at last, the modelers are able to join up the stages using
modeling techniques such as flow diagram or finite state machine (FSM).
We focus on a new approach to model behavior, which extracts behavior knowl-
edge from behavior data rather than relying on SMEs. Considering that pilot behaviors
are mainly recorded in the form of sequence data, we adopt LSTM network, a kind of
recurrent neural network, to learn the knowledge in the behavior data.
LSTM is able to process sequence data and handle the long term dependency in
sequence data [6]. The state of art progresses of LSTM are mostly applied in the frontier
domains of machine learning such as natural language processing (NLP) problems [7–9],
speech recognition [10], handwriting recognition [10], polyphonic music modeling [10],
text categorization [11], action recognition [12], automatic diagnose [13], etc. In this case
study to model sequential behavior, we attempt to apply LSTM on pilot behavior
modeling area.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives a brief review of RNN and
LSTM, and introduces the method of modeling pilot behavior using LSTM. In Sect. 3,
the detail of a case study to model take-off behavior using LSTM is demonstrated.
Finally, a discussion is given in Sect. 4, and the future work is also introduced.

2 Method

2.1 Background: RNN and LSTM

RNN is a kind of neural network that process sequential data inputs. Different from
ordinary forward Neural Network (NN), RNN can preserve part of the past information in
the sequence, thereby discovering the long-term dependencies and sequence patterns [14].
Figure 1 is the structure of a typical RNN [14], and the equivalent structure which
is unfolded in time. The RNN module’s input comes from external input and the
module state from the last time step. In this way, the output of RNN (ot ), depends on
not only the input of present step (xt ), but also all the inputs of previous steps (xt0 ,
where t \t).

Fig. 1. The typical structure of RNN

Among all the variants of RNN, LSTM is one of the most widely-used one, which
remedies the original RNN’s defect of long-term memory by eliminating the gradient
vanishing problem [6]. The unit module of LSTM is called the cell, illustrated in
460 Y. Zhou et al.

Fig. 2. The inside structure of a LSTM cell

Fig. 2 [15]. Each cell contains 3 filtering gates: the forget gate, the input gate and the
output gate, corresponding to the three sigmoid layers in Fig. 2. The circles with ‘+’
mark or ‘’ mark represent pointwise operations. The meanings of variables in Fig. 2
are as follows: xt and ht denote the input and output of the cell in time step t; Ct is the
cell state; ft , it and ot are the outputs of forget gate, input gate and output gate
respectively. Variables in Fig. 2 are updated according to the following formulas:

ft ¼ r Wf  ½ht1 ; xt  þ bf
it ¼ rðWi  ½ht1 ; xt  þ bi Þ
~ t ¼ tanhðWC  ½ht1 ; xt  þ bC Þ
Ct ¼ ft  Ct1 þ it  C ~t
ot ¼ rðWo  ½ht1 ; xt  þ bo Þ
ht ¼ ot  tanhðCt Þ

where r denotes the sigmoid function, Wf ; Wi ; Wo and WC are the weight matrices, and
bf ; bi ; bo and bC are the bias vectors.
The state of art progresses of LSTM are mostly applied in the frontier domains of
machine learning such as machine translation, speech recognition, etc. Gradient descent
approach can be used to train the parameters of LSTM network, and RMSProp method
is recommended in practice [16].

2.2 Pilot Behavior Modeling Using LSTM

Pilot behavior is the manipulations performed by airplane pilot in various flight situ-
ations, which is highly depended on the pilot’s flying experience. For example, in the
take-off stage (assuming that all the pre-take-off operations are finished), the pilot
releases the parking brake at first, and pushes the throttle to increase thrust and begin
the take-off run; when the running speed exceeds the rotation speed1, the pilot gently

Rotation speed is the speed at which the pilot begins to apply control inputs to cause the aircraft nose
to pitch up, after which it will leave the ground [17].
Pilot Behavior Modeling Using LSTM Network: A Case Study 461

pulls back the control wheel to raise the elevator which causes the airplane’s nose to
pitch upward slightly and the lift increases; as the airplane lifts clear of the runway, the
pilot manipulates the control wheel to maintain the best rate-of-climb airspeed and the
corresponding pitch angle; at last, as the desired altitude is reached, the airplane pitches
downward to a level flight state. Analogously, the pilot behaviors in the course flight
stage and landing stage are also series of sequential manipulations.
To model sequential behavior, traditional approaches normally use flow-based
method or FSM, segmenting the behavior into several basic states and modeling the
behavior state by state. However, profound understanding to the behavior is required.
In fact, pilot behavior can be modeled as a typical sequence to sequence learning
model. Shown in Fig. 3, the LSTM module reads the flight state data as input at each
time step, and outputs the corresponding manipulation data at the same time. As a
consequence, the pilot behavior is represented as a mapping which maps the flight state
sequence to the manipulation sequence. The output manipulation data depend on not
only the present flight state, but also the history states, for the LSTM module is able to
‘remember’ the past flight states.

Fig. 3. Pilot behavior model with LSTM, which is a sequence to sequence learning model

3 Case Study: Aircraft Take-Off Behavior Modeling

To verify the pilot behavior modeling method, we conducted a case study that models
take-off behavior using LSTM network. The configurations of the experiment are
illustrated in Fig. 4. FlightGear, an open source flight simulator [18, 19], was adopted
to provide authentic flight scenery and flexible control interfaces. The experiment was
carried out in 3 phases: the data recording phase, the offline model training phase and
the online model execution phase.
In the data recording phase, 10 sets of take-off flight data, which were produced by
a pilot, were recorded from FlightGear at the frequency of 8 Hz. Listed in Table 1, the
recorded data consists of flight state data and pilot manipulation data.
In the offline model training phase, a three-layer neural network was constructed.
Shown in Fig. 5, the neural network contains two stacked LSTM layers and one dense
layer (forward neural network layer with no recurrent connections). The 18-dimensional
462 Y. Zhou et al.

Fig. 4. The procedure of the experiment to model take-off behavior with LSTM

Table 1. Data recorded in the first phase: flight state data and pilot manipulation data
Flight state data Pilot manipulation data
Name Unit Name Unit Name Unit Name Unit
Altitude ft Airspeed kt v_ ft=s2 Normalized aileron –
Roll angle deg Vertical ft=s w_ ft=s2 Normalized elevator –
speed control
Pitch deg u ft=s Normalized elevator – Normalized rudder –
angle position control
Heading deg v ft=s Normalized flap –
angle position
Sideslip deg w ft=s Normalized aileron –
angle position
Attack deg u_ ft=s2 Normalized rudder –
angle position

flight state variables are fed into the first LSTM layer, which has an 80-dimensional
hidden layer; analogously, the second LSTM layer has a 30-dimensional hidden layer;
the dense layer receives the output of the second LSTM layer, and maps it to a
3-dimensional output, which represents the pilot manipulation data.
It should be noted that the number of layers and the sizes of the hidden layers are
determined empirically as a compromise. On the one hand, the more complexity the
problem has, the more layers and larger hidden layer sizes will be preferred. On the
other hand, large layer number and hidden layer sizes lead to slow convergence and
more demand for training data. In general, the network structure is the result of several
trial and error tests.
Using the flight state data as feature samples and flight manipulation data as target
samples, the above network can be trained in the manner of supervised machine
Pilot Behavior Modeling Using LSTM Network: A Case Study 463

Fig. 5. Structure of the three-layer neural network

learning problem. We used mean squared error function as the objective function, and
adopted the RMSProp method to optimize the parameters. After 100 episodes training
with 10 sets of take-off flight data, as shown in Fig. 6, the elevator control output was
able to fit the expected manipulation pattern. It should be noted that the aileron control
output and the rudder control output were approximatively zeros all the time for the
take-off scenario assumed no crosswind at the airport.

expected output
predict output of LSTM model

normalized elevator output




0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Fig. 6. The expected elevator control curve and the output curve after 100 episodes training with
10 sets of take-off flight data
464 Y. Zhou et al.

After the offline training, the LSTM network can be used in the online model
execution phase as the take-off behavior model to drive the flight model in FlightGear.
The take-off behavior model was linked to FlightGear using generic I/O protocol of
FlightGear via socket connection.
The profile of the online take-off flight is illustrated in Fig. 7. In order to evaluate
the performance of the take-off behavior model quantitatively, 5 index parameters of
the 10 sample flights and the online model execution flight are listed in Table 2. The
index parameters are: the rotation speed (Vr ), the maximum climb angle (hm ), the
average climb angle (ha ), the level-off altitude (hl ) and the climb duration (tc ). As
shown in Table 2, the index parameters of the online model execution fall in a rea-
sonable area which is correspond to the sample flights.

Fig. 7. The profile of the online take-off flight driven by the LSTM model

Table 2. The index parameters of the 10 sample flights and the online model execution flight
Groups Vr /kt hm /deg ha /deg hl /ft tc /s
Sample flights 1 193.0 23.8 15.6 3078.7 26.5
2 198.9 23.7 15.8 3215.5 31.1
3 186.7 24.0 14.0 3047.5 30.2
4 188.4 24.5 15.7 3098.0 27.7
5 194.9 21.7 10.8 3056.7 37.4
6 190.9 21.8 14.6 3077.0 27.9
7 183.7 24.4 16.5 3195.0 26.7
8 187.0 23.2 15.2 3101.9 26.3
9 191.4 21.1 14.6 3063.9 27.0
10 188.4 22.4 13.0 2946.3 31.0
Average 190.3 23.1 14.6 3088.1 29.2
Online execution flight 192.6 22.5 14.9 3176.1 27.8

4 Discussion and Future Work

The resulting take-off behavior model performed well to ‘pilot’ an airplane in the
real-time test. However, it is still far from a mature approach to model behaviors.
Firstly, the design of neural network structure depends on the experience, which means
amount of time-consuming attempts. Secondly, the recorded samples are extremely
Pilot Behavior Modeling Using LSTM Network: A Case Study 465

important for the quality of the resulting model. As a consequence, great effort should
be made on the data recording phase. Last but not least, the computational efficiency of
the neural network model should not be ignored to ensure the control without delay.
The future work aims to improve the pilot behavior model by collecting more
behavior data samples in various flight environments and different types of airplane.
Furthermore, more complex pilot behaviors, e.g. air combat maneuvers, will be
modeled in the following research using the approach in this paper.

1. NATO Research and Technology Organisation: Human behavior representation in
constructive simulation. Technical report RTO-TR-HFM-128 (2009)
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The Accuracy Enhancement of Angle Measurement
for Compact RF/IR Compound Target Simulation System

Li Yanhong1 ✉ , Chen Dong2, Tian Yi1, Pang Xudong1, and Zhang Li1
( )

Shanghai Electro-Mechanical Engineering Institute, Shanghai, China
[email protected]
East China Normal University, Shanghai, China

Abstract. MMW/IR compound target simulation system can provide realistic

millimeter and infrared signals in the occasion of performance verification for
MMW/IR compound guidance missile. A reflector antenna arrangement with
MMW/IR bispectral window is proposed for the MMW/IR compound target.
Well, the edge diffraction of reflector which can cause angle measurement error
seriously influences the uniformity of electric field. In order to enhance the accu‐
racy, two reflector edge processing methods were given in this paper. Through
the numerical calculation and comparison, the accuracy of angle measurement
can be to 0.032° at 35 GHz. The edge processing can well oppress the edge
diffraction and improve the uniformity of MMW field. And the edge processing
can be used in the engineering of compound target simulation system design and
development for HWIL simulation.

Keywords: Compact range system · Edge processing · Accuracy of angle


1 Introduction

Compact range system is widely used in the measurement of antenna field and RCS for
the advantage of short distance and high efficiency [1]. Here we design an MMW/IR
compound target simulator based on the compact range system. That is to open a metal
grid window in an offset parabolic antenna compact system for adding an infrared simu‐
lator. The window designed on the reflector can transmit IR radiation, and reflect MMW.
Normally, compact range system including feed source, reflector and performance opti‐
mize. The main method for performance optimize is edge processing which can reduce
the system edge diffraction. In engineering, serrated edge is normally used. The energy
is reducing from root to tip gradually [2–4]. And curly edge is also another edge
processing method. Here two edge processing method was given, and accuracy of angle
measurement is compared, too.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 466–472, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_47
The Accuracy Enhancement of Angle Measurement 467

2 MMW/IR Compound Target Simulator Based on Compact

Range System

MMW/IR compound target simulator based on compact range system is seen in Fig. 1.
An off-set reflector is intercepted by its parent reflector. The phase feed source is still
on the point of parent reflector’s focus. The max radiation direction is next to the center
of off-set reflector, which can avoid blocking on the way of wave propagation for feed
source and supports. In the center of reflector, there is a hole overlayed by metal grid
which can transmit infrared radiation and reflect millimeter wave at the same time.

Fig. 1. The schematic diagram of a compact range system

In the rectangular Cartesian coordinates, the equation of the parent parabola is got
by rotated of Z axis, that is

x2 + y2 = 4fz (1)

Limited by five-axis table in the HWIL simulation system, the focal length is
400 mm. The aperture of parabola is a 500 mm side length of the square.
In order to measure the static electric field distribution in the quiet zone, we choose
950 mm from the center of reflective surface, 200 mm * 200 mm square observation of
the electric field on the two axes to analyze amplitude and phase distribution. The hori‐
zontal axis and vertical axis are parallel to the X and Y axes, respectively. The geometric
center of quiet zone is (0 mm, 0 mm, 950 mm).
In order to optimizing the performance of compact range system, reflective surface
edge must be treated. The phase angle measurement is selected in order to calculate the
angular accuracy in quiet zone closed 850 mm < z < 1050 mm by 5 mm as an interval.
5 mm is stepping to the quiet zone near field are applied to solve the electric field, thus
41 * 41 * 41 matrix will formed in the quiet zone for electric field analyze.

3 Electric Field Performance After Edge Processing

The infrared transmitting metal grid and ontology MMW reflective surface mix design
was used in this paper. For the square reflector, curly edge and serrated edge processing
structure designed as shown in Fig. 2.
468 L. Yanhong et al.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 2. Without edge processing reflective surface (a), the curly edge processing reflective surface
(b) and serrated reflective surface (c)

The main polarization direction of feed source is y axis. The hierarchical fast multi‐
pole algorithm was used to calculate amplitude and phase of the electric field. The
amplitude and phase on the two lines of vertical axis and the horizontal axis in the electric
field is shown below (Figs. 3 and 4).

Fig. 3. Amplitude and phase on horizontal axis of quiet zone electric field

Fig. 4. Amplitude and phase on vertical axis of quiet zone electric field
The Accuracy Enhancement of Angle Measurement 469

Results show that the horizontal axis in the quiet zone, the phase peak-to-peak value
of without edge processing reflector, curly edge processing reflector, and serrated
processing reflector, is 2.91°, 0.77° and 1.29° respectively. The vertical axis in quiet
zone, the phase peak-to-peak value of without the edge processing reflector, curly edge
processing reflector, and serrated processing reflector, is 2.7°, 1.19° and 1.17° respec‐
tively. Results show that phase characteristic of edge treated reflector in quiet zone was
optimized compared to reflector without edge processing apparently.

4 The Theory of Angle Measurement of Phase Comparison

4.1 Angle Measurement of Phase Comparison

Ideal far-field electromagnetic waves for the plane wave (the phase variation in the
mouth of the receiving antenna faces less than 22.5º, the same to amplitude). The prin‐
ciple of angle measurement by phase comparison is shown in Fig. 5. Q1 and Q2 are the
center of the seeker antenna, which are symmetrical about O’ point. O’ for the receiving
antenna axis, the distance between the two receiving antenna is 2L. θ is target deviation
angle (deflection angle for seeker antenna). The Phase difference of antenna receiving
point is calculated by angle. Two receiver phase difference is

Δ′ = 2L sin 𝜃 (2)



(a) (b)

Fig. 5. Plane wave oblique incidence (a) equivalent of plane wave oblique incidence (b)

In the equations, Δ’ is the output phase difference of seeker antenna, λ is the working
According to the formula (2), the formula of calculating the accuracy of angle meas‐
uring by phase characteristic in quiet zone is

Δ′ × 𝜆
𝜃= arcsin( ) (3)
360 × 2L
470 L. Yanhong et al.

4.2 Phase Estimation

For quiet zone sampling in the area of {(−100 < x < 100), (−100 < y < 100),
(850 < z < 1050)}, the 41 × 41 × 41 matrix is got. A is 1 × 41. A is estimate sample as
axial plane wave phase value. The value of A is from −180° to 180°, take modulus to
0° to 360°.
For 35 GHz millimeter wave, the first axial plane wave front estimated P located in
the axial direction 850 mm from reflector. Every 5 mm take a sampling point, there will
be 41 axial sampling points, each axial plane wave front will vary as

5 mm
× 360= 210.14◦ (4)
𝜆 (mm)

Among them, the speed of light is 299792458 m/s in the calculation. If relative
dielectric constant of the air is changed, the small speed changes of light in the air
will occur. B as axial wave front estimated vector = [P, P−210, …, P−(n−1)210,
…, P−(41−1)210]. Again take modulus to B, make it into a range of 0° to 360°.
To construct the objective function

(A(n) − B(n))2 (5)
n = 1:41

Taking the minimum, get the estimate Psudo at P.

5 Analyze of Angle Measurement After Edge Processing

The compound reflection model by serrated processing is established. According to

the formula (4) get Psudo(1) = 12.77° at quiet zone z = 850 mm plane. According
to Psudo(i)−Psudo (i + 1) = 210.14°, the phase estimate for each plane was known.
The difference of 41 wave planes sampling average and estimated value as shown
in Fig. 6. It’s a linear decrease curve. The difference of first plane estimate and
sampling average is 0.29°. The total 41 plane cumulative error is 0.58°. Average to
each error between the two flat is 0.014°.

Fig. 6. Difference of plane sampling average and estimated value

For error as shown in Fig. 6, it may be caused by calculation process and calculation
parameter values. The wavelength of this calculation using the speed of light is
The Accuracy Enhancement of Angle Measurement 471

299792458 m/s as the international standard under vacuum. Well the calculation is in
free space, if free space using air as the background medium, the speed will be slow. If
the calculated using the speed of light is simplified the value of 300000000 m/s, the
cumulative error of 41 plane is 5.2°. Average to each error between the two planes is
0.12°. So the impact of cumulative error caused by value factor would be greater.
For 41 planes, the difference between maximum sampling and estimated values in
each plane as shown in Fig. 7(a), the maximum difference are within 1.83°. The differ‐
ence between minimum sampling and estimated values in each plane as shown in
Fig. 7(b), the maximum difference is within −1.93°. Sampling value of peak-to-peak
each plane is less than 3.42°, the difference between the maximum sampling value and
minimum sampling values in each plane as shown in Fig. 7(c). The standard deviation
of sampling values is within 0.56° as shown in Fig. 7(d). The sampling values variance
of each plane is squared by standard deviation, and the variance value is within 0.32.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 7. Statistics of each plane

Known by the data above, from the analysis of phase, the millimeter wave in quiet
zone has a certain error. But for the entire area it is a flat plane wave, and it can be used
for phase sensitive unit test.
According to the sampling phase peak-to-peak values with the formula (3), the
accuracy of angle measurement in each plane is shown in Fig. 8. The accuracy is within
The same method to get curly edge after processing of static field accuracy of angle
measurement by phase is 0.025°.
The table below gives the accuracy of the results about the serrated edge and curly
edge processing (Table 1).
472 L. Yanhong et al.

Fig. 8. Accuracy of angle measurement

Table 1. The accuracy of serrated edge and curly edge processing

Frequency Accuracy of angle measurement/°
Serrated edge processing Curly edge processing
34 GHz 0.038 0.027
35 GHz 0.032 0.025
36 GHz 0.032 0.028

6 Conclusions

MMW/IR compound target based on partial feedback structure is affected by environ‐

ment, size of the structure greatly. So the edge treatment of the reflector improves the
performance of quiet zone to a certain optimization. The accuracy of angle measurement
is compared of electric field of two kinds of edge treatment. Through the calculation and
analysis of angle measurement, the accuracy of angle measurement is within 0.032° at
35 GHz, which can achieve the purpose of engineering application. Follow-up it can
guide dual-mode compound guidance hardware-in-the-loop simulation system to
project implementation.


1. Jiong, Y.-Y.: Study of array antenna and millimeter wave CATR antenna. Xidian University
dissertation, April 2011
2. Hui, Q.-S., Yu, H.-G., Bin, X.-H., et al.: High performance single reflector compact range. J.
Beijing Univ. Aeronaut. Astronaut. 29(9), 767–769 (2003)
3. Yaping, C., Houjun, S., Xin, L.: Optimization design method of electromagnetic characteristics
for a novel infrared/millimeter wave co-aperture object simulator. J. Infrared Millimeter Waves
28(5), 350–352, 366 (2009)
4. Bing, G.: Research on MMW/SMMW objects radiation characteristic and detection
technology, Nanjing University of Science & Technology (2009)
Credibility Evaluation Index System Research of Optical
Multi-mode Compound Guidance Simulation System

Qi Li1 ✉ , Tuo Ding1, Ping Ma2, Haisheng Zhao1, Zhenhong Zuo1, and Wei Li2
( )

Shanghai Institute of Mechanics and Electricity Engineering, Shanghai, China
[email protected]
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China

Abstract. Optical Multi-mode Compound Guidance Simulation System is

developed for optical compound guidance system HWIL simulation application
in lab environment. In order to appraise the HWIL simulation reliability, this
paper analyses some influence factors of evaluation objects, and founds an index
system of the Optical Multi-mode Compound Guidance Simulation System for
credibility evaluation.

Keywords: HWIL simulation · Credibility evaluation · Index system · Optical

Multi-mode Compound

1 Introduction

The Optical Multi-mode Compound Guidance Simulation System (OMCGSS) is a

Hardware-In-the-Loop (HWIL) simulation system established for the demand of the
development and test of optical compound guided missile. OMCGSS is used to simulate
the whole target interception process of optical compound guided missile in a laboratory
environment, to test the design validity and compatibility of the unit under test (UUT).
As the credibility of HWIL simulation system direct decide the validity and authenticity
of testing and simulation, so it should be properly analyzed for OMCGSS.
According to the requirement of the OMCGSS’s credibility evaluation, and consid‐
ering the composing and operational principle of OMCGSS, the credibility evaluation
index system of the OMCGSS is founded, offered sustentation to evaluate the
OMCGSS’s credibility degree.

2 General Planning of Credibility Evaluation

OMCGSS consists of the real time simulation control system, the five-axis flight/target
motion simulator (FMS), the target/decoy simulation subsystem, interface devices and
the unit under test (UUT). Figure 1 is the composing and operational principles of

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 473–482, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_48
474 Q. Li et al.

Fig. 1. OMCGSS’s composing and operational principle

The OMCGSS’s closed loop working principle is as follows: in the simulation frame
time, firstly, the simulation computer acquires the helm-control order output from the
guidance section, then substitutes the helm-control order into the missile body mathe‐
matical model to integrate, resolves the dynamic and kinematic model of the missile,
and exports all kinds of parameters of the missile and the target, and then drives the
optical compound target simulator to simulate the target’s energy and release IR decoys,
at the same time, drives the FMS to simulate projectile’s attitude motion and LOS rate.
The FMS follows the projectile’s attitude motion order from the simulation computer,
creates physical effect of movement for the gyro and the UUT, the UUT’s tracing loop
deals with the target radiation information it received, forms tracing order to control the
UUT to track the target, the HWIL simulation is closed. Figure 2 is a general planning
of the OMCGSS’s credibility evaluation.

Fig. 2. OMCGSS’s credibility evaluation general planning

Credibility evaluation of complex simulation system is noted for integrity, hierarchy,

objective correlation and so on, for complete the credibility evaluation work better, an
elaborate credibility evaluation process should be constituted, to definitize relative work
in every phase of simulation system’s credibility evaluation, to assure the credibility
evaluation accomplished orderly and favorably. Figure 3 is the credibility evaluation
Credibility Evaluation Index System Research 475

Fig. 3. Credibility evaluation process

3 Credibility Evaluation Index System

3.1 Evaluation Object

Evaluation object is the key of scope demarcation and range confirmation of credibility
evaluation. To ascertain the evaluation object is the premise of analyzing credibility
evaluation influencing factor of OMCGSS and establish credibility evaluation index

Table 1. Evaluation object decomposition of OMCGSS

Level 1 object Level 2 object Evaluation object
Target/decoy simulation subsystem Target simulation system Target radiation characteristic model
Target simulator and controller
Decoy simulation system Decoy radiation characteristic model and
motion model
Decoy simulator and controller
Attitude simulation subsystem 5-axis FMS Attitude simulation equipment (5-axis FMS)
Host computer(FMS control computer)
Real time simulation control system Simulation model Missile body model
Target motion model
Missile target relative motion model
Simulation computer Digital simulator
Interface device and communication Signal acquisition card UUT output signal→simulation computer
equipment HWIL facility drive Simulation computer→simulation equipment
Computer communication Simulation computer→FMS host computer
Simulation computer→target/decoy control
476 Q. Li et al.

system. OMCGSS is a complex simulation system, it is difficult to carry through system-

level evaluation directly for it. In order to make the evaluation maneuverable, system-
level evaluation object should be decomposed.
According to composition and specific conditions, OMCGSS can be decomposed,
and the evaluation object is determined. For whole OMCGSS, subsystem-level evalu‐
ation object contains target/decoy simulation subsystem, attitude simulation subsystem
(5-axis FMS), real time simulation control system, body model, target motion model,
missile target relative motion model, etc. Table 1 is the evaluation object decomposition
Aimed at the evaluation objects, their influence factor is presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Credibility influence factor of OMCGSS

Evaluation object Credibility influence factor
Target radiation characteristic model Relationship between missile target relative
distance and target radiation energy
Target simulator and controller Target point size and energy simulation
Decoy radiation characteristic model and Relationship between missile target relative
motion model distance and decoy separation angle or decoy
radiation energy
Decoy simulator and controller Decoy point size, position and energy simulation
5-axis FMS 3-axis tracing error, 2-axis tracing error, 5-axis
error, response speed, load capacity
FMS control computer Control signal precision, signal transmission speed,
signal conversion precision
Missile body model Displacement, speed in 3 directions of missile body,
pitching angle, yaw angle, rolling angle, angle of
attack, angle of side slip, etc.
Target motion model Target position, speed, etc.
Missile target relative motion model Angular altitude of LOS, azimuth angle of LOS, etc.
Digital simulator Calculation speed, calculation precision, multi
threading capability, interrupt handling
capability, dada capacity, stable running time
Computer data transmission equipment Transmission speed, transmission precision,
reliable running time
UUT output signal→simulation computer Acquisition speed, acquisition precision,
conversion speed, conversion precision,
transmission speed, transmission precision
Simulation computer→FMS host Transmission speed, transmission precision
computer interface
Simulation computer→target/decoy Transmission speed, transmission precision
control computer interface
Credibility Evaluation Index System Research 477

3.2 Evaluation Index System

The most broadly used evaluation index system is the Two-Dimensional Index System
(TDIS), which has two types of structures, multi-layer tree-structure and net-structure.
Although establishing net-structure index structure is more complicated than the tree
structure, its result on credibility is more convincing. Given the complexity of
OMCGSS, the net index structure is more suitable in solving the credibility evaluation.
On the analysis basis of the OMCGSS credibility influencing factors, we use the
Multiple Attribute Decision net to establish credibility evaluation index system. The
definition of MAD net index system is as follows:

K is MAD net, N is node set, V is value set, B is the set of directed edge, W is weight
set, C is condition set, M is threshold set. MAD net is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. MAD NET

The steps of establishing the index system of sub systems of OMCGSS are as follows:
• Target/Decoy simulation credibility evaluation index system
Target/Decoy Simulation System (TDSS) is used to simulate the compound optical
feature of both targets and decoys. The credibility of TDSS can be obtained according
to the consistency of simulation results and reference results. It is affected by target
radiation model, decoy separation motion model, decoy radiation model and host
computer missile/target relative motion model, etc. The evaluation index system is
shown in Fig. 5.
478 Q. Li et al.

Fig. 5. Compound target/decoy simulation

The target radiation characteristic model, decoy motion and radiation characteristic
model can be verified by the UUT output data. The simulation performance target/decoy
simulator and decoy separation motion can be evaluated using simulator test data and
expert experience.
• 5-axis FMS credibility evaluation index system
5-axis FMS is used to simulate the attitude of missile (3 DoF) and target (2 DoF),
which is one of the core sub-systems of OMCGSS. The credibility of FMS is influenced
by host computer missile body model/target motion model/missile target relative motion
model and FMS tracing precision/tracing speed/load capacity, etc. The evaluation index
system is shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6. 5-Axis FMS

Missile body model is used to drive the host computer digital simulation model,
while target motion model is used to drive 2-axis FMS host computer digital simulation
model. Missile/target relative motion model assists to drive 5-axis FMS host computer
Credibility Evaluation Index System Research 479

digital simulation model. The positioning error and speed of 3-axis FMS/2-axis target
FMS and the load capacity can be calculated by using bool type.
• Real-time simulation control system credibility evaluation index system
Real-time simulation control system includes simulation computer and reflective
memory network (RMN). OMCGSS linked all the HWIL facilities together though the
VMIC RMN. Real-time simulation control system is used to deal with host computer
model calculation, data recording, data conversation of OMCGSS. Figure 7 is the cred‐
ibility evaluation index system of the Real-time simulation control system.

Fig. 7. Real time simulation control system

For the evaluation of simulation computer’s calculation speed, calculation error,

acquisition speed, acquisition error and RMN’s transmission precision, transmission
speed, we can give out evaluation result directly rely on whether or not the facilities’
actual capability satisfy the simulation requirement.
• Missile body credibility evaluation index system
Through some analysis to the guidance system simulation process, we established
the missile body credibility evaluation index system showed in Fig. 8.
The missile body model uses the general missile centroid/around centroid motion
dynamic/kinematic model, put these twelve initial value into the dynamic/kinematic
formula, includes X axis position, Y axis position, Z axis position, velocity, flight path
angle, flight path azimuth angle, pitching angle, yaw angle, rolling angle, around X axis
angular velocity, around Y axis angular velocity and around Y axis angular velocity,
through numerical integration and simulation time advancement, these twelve variables’
whole process simulation curve can be solved. Based on the missile body model calcu‐
lation process, in credibility evaluation process, we usually do some consistency analysis
of these twelve variables between the output curve and actual flight curve (or the
specialist experienced curve), we can use the TIC method, grey correlation method, etc.
• Target motion model credibility evaluation index system
Through some analysis of the target motion model calculation process, we can
establish the target motion model credibility evaluation index system showed in Fig. 9.
480 Q. Li et al.

Fig. 8. Missile body model

target motion model

Uniform horizontal straight

line motion

target X axis target Y axis target Z axis

position position position

Time T0 target X axis Time T0 target Y axis Time T0 target Z axis

X coordinate velocity Y coordinate velocity Z coordinate velocity

Fig. 9. Target motion model

Target motion model includes two sub-models, which are uniform horizontal move‐
ment and maneuver movement. Their weight is determined according to the ratio in simu‐
lation process. We use TIC method and grey correlation method to analyze the consis‐
tency of both simulation data and field measuring data on target motion speed and position
in three directions. The consistency of target elevation angle , target azimuth angle ,
flight path normal load ny, nZ, etc. can be analyzed by time-domain analysis. The coordi‐
nation X, Y, Z during initialization should be consistent before simulation process.
• Missile/target relative motion model credibility evaluation index system
The missile/target relative motion model credibility evaluation index system, as
shown in Fig. 10, is established by analyzing the calculation process of missile/target
relative motion model.
Missile speed V, flight path angle , flight path azimuth angle , missile flight path
(x, y, z), etc. are already evaluated in missile body model, while target speedVT, target
elevation angle , target azimuth angle , target flight path (xT, yT, zT), etc. are
evaluated in target motion model. The index of missile/target relative motion model
includes LOS azimuth angle qH, LOS elevation angle qv, LOS angular velocity q, and
can be evaluated by TIC method and grey correlation method.
Credibility Evaluation Index System Research 481

missile target relative

motion model

missile target
relative distance

missile target LOS rate

relative velocity

missile velocity LOS elevation LOS elevation LOS azimuth

angular velocity angle angular velocity

target velocity
missile velocity missile velocity
flight path angle
target Y missile Y
target velocity coordinate coordinate target velocity
flight path azimuth angle
flight path angle missile target relative flight path angle
target elevation angle
flight path azimuth flight path azimuth angle
target azimuth angle missile target
position position
target elevation angle target elevation angle

flight path azimuth angle target azimuth angle

LOS azimuth angle LOS azimuth angle

target Z missile Z target X missile X

coordinate coordinate coordinate coordinate

Fig. 10. Missile target relative motion model

• System credibility evaluation index system

According to the working mechanism of all sub-systems, we combine the evaluation
index system of all sub-systems to establish OMCGSS credibility evaluation index
system, as shown in Fig. 11.

Fig. 11. Credibility evaluation index system of the OMCGSS

482 Q. Li et al.

Based on MAD net, we analyze the influencing factors of OMCGSS credibility.

According to the results, we established the credibility evaluation index system of
missile body model, target motion model, 5-axis FMS and target/decoy simulation
system, etc.

4 Summary

According of the characteristic of OMCGSS, the credibility evaluation index system is

established, which provides an effective and feasible method for credibility evaluation


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Perceptual Modeling of Virtual Soldier
in Military Game Based on Attention Theory

Jianjian Zhang(&) and Long Qin

College of Information System and Management,

National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
[email protected]

Abstract. An intelligent perceptual model is an essential component for a

virtual soldier to simulate the attention mechanism in military games. Attention
mechanism plays a critical role in the process of human evolution, enabling
human beings to deal with information more efficiently by focusing on prefer-
able objects and, at the same time, filtering the others. In this paper, we built a
novel perceptual model for virtual soldiers based on attention theory. This model
includes visual model and audial model. What’s more, we designed the attention
controller to decide virtual soldier’s focus. The simulation tests show that by
employing the proposed model, virtual soldiers gain more reasonable and effi-
cient attention behaviour.

Keywords: Virtual soldier  Perceptual modeling  Attention  Military game

1 Introduction

In recent years, more and more military games appeared, which makes it very
important that virtual soldier’s perceptual model must be reasonable and believable.
Virtual soldier’s perception model directly affects the efficiency of simulation and the
behavior of soldiers. In traditional military simulations, virtual soldier’s perceptual
models are relatively simple. Most of them use a whole perception of the environment,
which does not meet the real battlefield situation. Under normal circumstances, more
than 80 % of the human perceptions are acquired from the visual perception [1]. But on
the real battlefield, other stimulates such as the gunfire et al. also has a great impact on
soldier’s attention. We proposed a suitable model for virtual soldier’s perception in this
paper, considering the special nature of military rule and battlefield environment
Much work about attention theory and virtual human perception model has been
done. For example, Itti and Koch proposed computational model of visual attention [2–
4]. This model calculates the saliency map, helping the attention theory get into the
engineering filed for the first time. Tu in her research established a “focus attention”
model for an artificial fish, enabling it to direct the senses and efficiently access to the
most important information according to their action preferences and intentions [5].
However, the artificial fish model is too simple to simulate human attention mecha-
nisms. Randall W. Hill has done a lot of work about attention theory [6–9]. He proposed
a perceptual model combining bottom-up and top-down attention mechanisms, which
© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016
L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 483–491, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_49
484 J. Zhang and L. Qin

was used in the US military training system for a helicopter. This model is worthy for
reference, although it’s too simplex to only focus on tank and process information about
tank. The models mentioned above cannot be directly used for virtual soldiers, so we
built one in this paper.
In Sect. 2, we introduced attention theory and its development. In Sect. 3, we
designed the attention model for virtual soldier. This is the main work done by us.
Section 4 is the simulation part, we designed the experiment to improve our model’s
efficiency. In Sect. 5, we concluded our work.

2 Attention Theory

Visual attention mechanism is one of the most important feature in human visual
system. In our daily life, the amount of information around us exceeds the maximum
amount that our brains can handle. In order to handle the information efficiently, the
human visual system evolved a mechanism, which was called visual attention mech-
anism, to filter and screen the information [10]. Attention mechanism can balance the
perception and cognition, so it is an important result of human evolution. James studied
the attention theory at the very beginning in the 1850s. At that time, this theory was
regarded as one of the field in psychology. The study shows that, some stimulations can
get our attention more easily, such as unfamiliar stimulation, strong stimulation and the
expected stimulation [11]. The attention caused by scene is bottom-up attention, and
caused by human’s preference is top-down attention.
To explain the attention theory, psychologist proposed many attention models, like
Broadbent’s filter model [12], Deutsch’s reacted selection model [13], Shiffrin’s
two-process theory [14], Treisman’s spotlight theory [15], Treisman’s feature inte-
gration theory (FIT) [16] and Wolfe’s guidance search model [17]. The filter model and
the reacted selection model have different view about the time when attention happens.
The two-process theory describes the autonomous control of visual stimulus.
Treisman’s searchlight theory believes that the visual attention is based on space.
However, another theory considers that the visual attention is based on object. Drawing
on two-process model, Treisman’s feature integration theory divides the data pro-
cessing into two stages: pre-attention stage and attention stage.
Most of the previous modeling research has been focused on the bottom-up
component of visual attention. While previous efforts are appreciated, the field of visual
attention still lacks computational principles for task-driven attention [18]. In this
paper, we did a research on virtual soldier’s perceptual model on the battlefield. In this
case, virtual soldier has his tactical purpose, so his attention is considered by top-down
Top-down attention can be classified into at least three levels: spatial-level,
feature-level, and object-level. People are more likely to notice the movement and close
objects, which is the psychological foundation of spatial-level. Feature-level show that
colorful and bright objects can attract attention easier. In the object-level, the objects
being identified, human will focus on the things based on his acknowledge. Seif and
Daliri [19] evaluated the potential signals of visual attention in feature-level. Shen et al.
[20] did a research about visual working mechanism in object-level. In a virtual
Perceptual Modeling of Virtual Soldier 485

battlefield environment, the virtual soldiers should be able to recognize the objects, so
we should use the object-level.

3 Virtual Soldier’ Perceptual Model

In this section, we introduced the main frame of this model in first part. In part 2 and
part 3, we built a visual model and an audial model for virtual soldier. In part 4, we
designed the attention controller to decide virtual soldier’s focus, which was our

3.1 Main Frame of the Perceptual Model for a Virtual Soldier

In the virtual battlefield, the virtual soldier can percept the environment and identify the
objects from the database. The visual attention and audial attention are included in
attention controller, which accepts the tasks and the identified objects. The memory
model will accept the results provided by attention controller. After reasoning, a
sequence will be produced to guide the action.
Figure 1 shows the procedure of a virtual soldier’s perception: (1) Accept the
mission, percept the virtual battlefield environment; (2) Attention controller process the
mission and the identified objects; (3) The processed results guide the action after the
reasoning model, and produce a feedback signal at the same time.

Fig. 1. Main frame of the perceptual model

3.2 Visual Model of the Virtual Soldier

Human’s visual scope is limited because of the physiological characteristic. Generally
speaking, our visual scope is an area of sector, whose angle in horizontal direction is
about 60° and the same angle in vertical direction. In this paper, we simulated the
486 J. Zhang and L. Qin

visual limitation according to the visual model of geometry. The information of bat-
tlefield was obtained by inquiring the database. Figure 2 shows the human’s visual
model in geometry.

Fig. 2. The human’s visual model in geometry

In Fig. 2, R is the effective radius of our visual scope and r is the best radius; A is
the effective visual angle and a is the best visual angle. The objects in the visual field
can be processed.

3.3 Audial Model of the Virtual Soldier

Under normal circumstances, our perceptual information is mainly from our vision, so
most perceptual models ignore the audial perception. However, gunfire play a very
important role in the battlefield. Different from vision, audition affected by the length
and the intensity of sound. Hearing the sound, virtual soldier can identify the object’s
type and direction.

Audial model : V ¼ k  v/d ð1Þ

V is the intensity of sound heard by virtual soldier, v is the real intensity of sound,
d is the distance between virtual soldier and the place where sound come from, k is the
factor of audition. In this paper, we set a threshold T. If V < T, virtual soldier will
ignore this sound; if V >= T, virtual soldier will dispose it according to his mission.
This audial model enable virtual soldier to be more intelligent.

3.4 Design the Attention Controller

Controlling the attention of virtual soldier, attention controller is an essential module in
this perception model, because its decision is the foundation of virtual soldier’s action.
Perceptual Modeling of Virtual Soldier 487

In this paper, we set a value VAL to every object that can be detected by virtual soldier.
Every objects’ VAL is a dynamic value, which depend on the mission. The exact VALs
are set according to the military rules and the experts’ views in the military field.
Every time having accepted mission, virtual soldier will filtrate the objects that not
in his visual field through spotlight-model. After that, the attention controller will
inquire VAL of every object that in virtual soldier’s perception according to the
mission as Table 1 shows. Then, the attention controller will figure out virtual soldier’s

Table 1. Object in different missions has different VAL

Mission 1 Mission 2 Mission 3 Mission 4
Object 1 VAL(1,1) VAL(1,2) VAL(1,3) VAL(1,4)
Object 2 VAL(2,1) VAL(2,2) VAL(2,3) VAL(2,4)
Object 3 VAL(3,1) VAL(3,2) VAL(3,3) VAL(3,4)

However, if there are two same type objects in the vision, he will choose the one
closer to him. After the mission is done, virtual soldier will wait for next mission.
Figure 3 shows the process flow of virtual soldier:

Fig. 3. The process flow of virtual soldier

488 J. Zhang and L. Qin

4 Simulation

We simulated this model to test its feasibility and intelligence. With the help of Vega
Prime, the simulation was showed as follows. Figure 4 shows the virtual battlefield,
including hills, tanks, enemies, teammates, landmines and so on.

Fig. 4. The virtual battlefield

Mission 1: wipe out enemy. Because of the visual model, he only can see the
objects in his view. Figure 5 shows that he found two tanks, an enemy (the green one),
hills and many trees after the visual filter. What’s more, he heard gunfire not far away.
Table 2 shows the objects’ VAL in this mission. Then, the attention controller calculate
his focus according to his mission and work out that he should focus his attention on
the enemy. After reasoning, he made his action to accomplish his mission. Figure 6
shows the enemy being killed.

Table 2. Different objects’ values in Mission 1

Object Enemy Tanks Trees Hill Gunfire
VAL 10 5 1 1 9

Fig. 5. Virtual soldier’s vision (Color figure Fig. 6. The enemy was killed
Perceptual Modeling of Virtual Soldier 489

Mission 2: get into the trench. In the soldier’s vision, there are a tank, six team-
mates, a trench, a hill and many trees. Table 3 shows the objects’ VAL in this mission.
He worked out to choose the trench as his focus and get into it. Figure 7 shows virtual
soldier’s vision. Figure 8 shows he get into the trench at the bottom right.

Table 3. Different objects’ values in Mission 2

Object Tank Teammates Tree Hill Trench
VAL 2 2 3 5 10

Fig. 7. Virtual soldier’s vision Fig. 8. Virtual soldier in the trench

Mission 3: hide beside a tank. In the soldier’s vision, there are two tanks, many
trees, a hill and a house. Then, he inquire the objects’ VAL according to this mission.
The result was showed as Table 2. According to the rule, he chose a tank that closer to
him as his focus. Figure 9 shows virtual soldier’s vision, and Fig. 10 shows he hide
beside a tank (Table 4).
The results show that this perceptual model enable the virtual soldier to be more

Table 4. Different objects’ values in Mission 3

Object Tank 1 Tank 2 Trees Hill House
VAL 10 10 1 2 3

Fig. 9. Virtual soldier’s vision Fig. 10. Virtual soldier hide beside a tank
490 J. Zhang and L. Qin

5 Conclusion

In this paper, considering the characteristic of the battlefield, we designed a perceptual

model based on attention theory for virtual soldier. This model mainly consist of visual
model and audial model. We put forward a method of attention control for virtual
soldier that distribute different value for objects according to the mission. Finally, we
simulated this model, and the virtual soldier showed more intelligent behavior.
There are two weaknesses in our model: 1: The VAL for each object is not so
precise. 2: Memory model and feedback controller are simple in the simulation. Further
aspects that are envisaged for future research concerns: 1: Do more investigation and
give each object a more realistic VAL. 2: Optimize the memory model and feedback

Acknowledgement. This work is sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of

China under Grants No. 61473300 and No. 61573369.

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12. Broadbent, D.E.: Perception and Communication. Pergamon Press, London (1958)
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A Model on Airborne Radar in Look-Down Search Mode
Based on Clutter Spectrum

Dazhi Qi ✉ , Hucheng Pei, and Jinchang Tian

( )

Beijing Electro-Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Beijing 100074, China

[email protected]

Abstract. An effective model on airborne radar based on clutter spectrum is

proposed in this paper. According to the simulation test, the calculating speed of
the proposed model is close to that of the functional level radar model, and the
simulation results of the proposed model are almost the same to that of the signal
level radar model. The calculated quantity of the model proposed is much less
than that of the signal level radar model. The model could be mainly used in
simulation system with many airborne radars. In this paper, a simplified antenna
model and a clutter spectrum model are proposed. The clutter spectrum is divided
into four districts. The calculated quantity is further reduced since just one
district’s clutter energy will be computed. The effective model could be applied
to some huge simulating systems, especially in multi-radar and multi-target
scenarios where calculating speed is a significant factor.

Keywords: Clutter spectrum · Effective model · Airborne radar

1 Introduction

Clutter is a term used to define all unwanted radar returns. The nature of clutter neces‐
sarily varies with applications and radar parameters. Clutter in one scenario can be a
desired target in another. The term “surface clutter” refers to surface echoes from a
surface district illuminated by the radar. Airborne radars in look-down search mode is
critical because the strong ground clutter echo, received both on antenna main beam and
side lobes, usually increases the number of false alarms.
The process of calculating the surface clutter that returns to the airborne radar is
complicated. Elaborated clutter models have been developed owe to the study of surface
scattering and the characterization of clutter returns [1].
In the last few years, the availability of extremely fast workstations allowed compu‐
tational models to be established on the foundation of enormous quantity of calculations
performed in relatively short times. Consequently approximations and complex theory
can now be displaced by mathematical model which are theoretically simple but compu‐
tationally intensive.
In this paper we shall introduce such an airborne model which calculates faster with
the simplified clutter spectrum. Its speed is close to that of the functional level airborne
model and its detection result is nearly the same with that of the signal level airborne
radar model. The model is applied to some huge simulation system with several airborne

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 492–499, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_50
A Model on Airborne Radar in Look-Down Search Mode 493

radars and aircrafts. The simulation system needs models calculating in real-time and
performing as the signal level airborne radar model.

2 Clutter Spectrum for Airborne Radar

In the design of the low altitude target detection, the clutter is the key factor of a simu‐
lation model. To detect a small target in the strong surface clutter, it is better to use the
pulse Doppler radar. The pulse Doppler radar usually adopts frequency domain filter to
suppress the clutter, because the frequency domain filter suppresses specific frequency
signal. Mostly, the radar equation is commonly used in the functional level radar model.
However, the functional level radar model reflects the Radar Cross-Section (RCS) and
signal to noise ratio, without the clutter. Although the signal level radar model reflects
the influence of the clutter, its speed of calculation is far away from the real time oper‐
ation. So it is necessary to develop a simulation radar model which calculates fast enough
with the influence of the clutter. It can be mainly used in the simulation system, which
contains many airborne radars and a lot of targets, and runs in real-time.
Clutter spectrum is broadened due to the moving of the airplane and the fluctuation
of terrain. The clutter spectrum is made up of three parts: the first part is the signal
reflected from the surface where is irradiated by the antenna main beam, the second part
is the signal reflected from the surface where is irradiated by the antenna side lobe, and
the last part contains the signal reflected vertically from the surface and leaked from the
emitter (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Airborne radar in look-down search mode

The spectrum of the clutter generated by airborne radar is shown as blow. In the
clutter spectrum, the power nearing f0 frequency is much higher, because the power of
the height clutter and the power leaked by the emitter make the signal power around the
f0 frequency reaches peak; due to the high gain of the radar antenna main beam, the
494 D. Qi et al.

energy of the main beam clutter is consequently much higher. Therefore, the power of
target Doppler frequency in the main beam reaches another peak; the side lobe clutter
is much lower because of the lower gain of the radar antenna side lobe, but, as the radar
antenna side lobe covers a great width, the frequency range of the side lobe is conse‐
quently broadened (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. The clutter spectrum

In order to simplify the character of the frequency domain of the clutter spectrum,
the function f(x) can be used.

⎧ Ch , f2 < x < f3
⎪ C , f < x < f5
f(x) = ⎨ m 4 (1)
C , x < f1 or x > f6
⎪ n
⎩ Cs , x ∈ others

where x stands for frequency, domain [−fr/2, + fr/2], and fr means pulse repetition
frequency, f1 < f2 < f3 < f4 < f5 < f6. Ch is the height clutter, Cm stands for main beam
clutter, Cs as side lobe clutter and Cn the inside noisy power in the airborne radar. The
airborne radar model is established on the function f(x).

3 A New Model Based on Clutter Spectrum

Taking advantage of the frequency spectrum characters of the clutter, and using the time
and frequency domain information, a model is proposed to reflect the influence of the
clutter on airborne radar, meanwhile run in real time. The flow diagram of the model is
shown as below. First of all, the model calculates the distance and Doppler frequency
inspected by airborne radar based on the location and speed of the airplane and target.
Secondly, the model judges the specific clutter spectrum district where the target falls
in according to the Doppler frequency shift. The model mainly processes the clutter
energy in the specific field instead of time domain clutter energy of all the fields. More‐
over, as the radar antenna model is simplified, and the calculation quantity of the clutter
A Model on Airborne Radar in Look-Down Search Mode 495

energy in the correlated clutter fields is low as known, the proposed model will be further
speed up (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. The flow-process diagram

According to the flow diagram, the model has to collect the energy of the target signal
and meanwhile judge the Doppler frequency of the target. The echo energy of the target
can be calculated by using the following function.

Pt 𝜆2 G21 𝜎t
S= (2)
(4π)3 R4

Where, Pt is the transmitted power, λ is the wavelength of the transmitted radiation,

G1 is the antenna gain in the main beam, 𝜎t represents the target RCS and R the distance
between radar and target.
496 D. Qi et al.

The following function can be used to calculate the Doppler frequency shift of the

fd = (3)
Where Vr is the radial velocity, λ is the wavelength of the transmitted radiation.
According to the target Doppler frequency shift and the clutter spectrum, one can
judge where the target echo falls in. The signal level radar antenna model usually estab‐
lished in the function sinc(). Here, a more simplified antenna model is proposed. The
gain of the airborne radar is divided into three parts. The first one is G1 the main beam
gain corresponding to the main beam clutter; the second one is G2 the first side lobe gain
used for the calculation of the side lobe clutter energy; the third one is G3 as other side
lobe gain. The antenna is simulated by the function g(x) as below.

⎧ G , |θ| < 𝛼 ′
⎪ 1
g(x) = ⎨ G2 , 𝛼 < |θ| < 𝛽 ′ (4)
⎪ G , β < |θ| < 𝛾 ′
⎩ 3

where α′ stands for main beam angle, β′ is the first side lobe angle, γ′ represents other
side lobe angle. According to the antenna model above, the clutter energy can be calcu‐
lated based on the district of the clutter where the target Doppler frequency shift falls.

3.1 The District of Height Clutter

Pt 𝜆2 G23 𝜎0
P1 = (5)
(4π)3 H4

Where P1 stands for the height clutter power. σ 0 is the backscatter coefficient. The
backscatter coefficient could be deducted by some backscatter model. The typical back‐
scatter models, such as Ulaby model, GIT model and others, are not to be discussed in
this paper.
Besides, part of the energy comes from the emitter; therefore, the clutter power can
be calculated as blow:

C = P1 + P0 (6)

Where P0 represents the power from the radar emitter.

The Signal to Clutter Ratio (SCR) can be obtained. The detection result can be judged
after comparing the SCR and SCR gate.

3.2 The District of Main Beam Clutter

According the radar equation, the clutter power per scatter cell can be calculated by
A Model on Airborne Radar in Look-Down Search Mode 497

Pt 𝜆2 G21 𝜎0
dP2 = (7)
(4π)3 R4

The shade of the airborne radar antenna main beam is ellipse. And the long axis of
the ellipse is

a= (8)
where β is the antenna man lobe width, α is the angle between the main beam and the
The short axis is

b = R𝛽 (9)

The district reflected on the surface is

S = πab (10)
Therefore, the main beam clutter energy is,

E= SdP2 (11)

Since the clutter energy is obtained, the detection result can be judged after
comparing the SCR and SCR gate.

3.3 The District of Side Lobe Clutter

According to the radar equation, the clutter power per scatter cell in the side lobe can
be calculated by

Pt 𝜆2 G22 𝜎0
dP3 = (12)
(4π)3 R4

According to the simplified antenna model, the side lobe shade is an ellipse ring. It
is calculated by

S′ = S2 − S1 (13)

Where S2 is the elliptical shade of the main beam and first side lobe, S1 is the elliptical
shade of the main beam. The reflected district of the side lobe is

E= S′ dP3 (14)

498 D. Qi et al.

After the clutter energy calculated, the detection result can be judged after comparing
the SCR and SCR gate.

3.4 The District Without Clutter

According to the simplified radar equation, the max range is calculated by

R′ = Rmax ⋅ 4
𝜎 (15)

The detection result can be judged after comparing the max detection range and the
actual range.

4 Simulation Tests

A comparison test is done among the functional level model, the signal level radar model
and the proposed model as mentioned above. The result of the test is shown as below
(Table 1).

Table 1. A comparison test

Functional level radar Signal level radar Model proposed in
model model this paper
Radial velocity is Found Lose Lose
close to Zero
Radial velocity is low Found Lose Lose
Radial velocity is Found Lose Lose
close to the surface
relative speed
Radial velocity is high Found Found Found

Setting consistent parameters in the three simulation model, a comparison test of

calculating speed is done among the three kinds of model developed in Matlab. The
result is shown in the following table (Table 2).

Table 2. The results of calculating speed

Functional level radar Signal level radar Model proposed in
model model this paper
Calculating speed Run in real-time Far away from Run in real-time
calculating in real-

Even though using the C Program, the calculating speed of the signal level radar
model is far away from the real time operation. The results above show that the perform‐
ance of the model proposed in this paper is approximating the signal level radar model,
and the speed of the model is close to that of the functional level simulation model.
A Model on Airborne Radar in Look-Down Search Mode 499

It is appropriate for the large simulation systems, such as tactical simulation system with
many airborne radars and targets.

5 Conclusion

An effective model on airborne radar based on clutter spectrum is proposed in this paper.
Its calculating speed is close to that of the functional level radar model, and the simu‐
lation results are almost the same with the signal level radar model according to the
simulation test. The calculation quantity of the model proposed is much less than that
of the signal level radar model. The model could be generally used in simulation system
with many airborne radars. In this paper, a simplified antenna model and clutter spectrum
model are proposed. The clutter spectrum is divided into four districts. The quantity of
calculation is further decreased since just one district’s clutter energy is computed. But
some value, such as signal to clutter ratio gate and clutter spectrum frequency gate, are
not discussed in detail in this paper. The effective model could be applied in some huge
simulating systems, especially in the multiple radars and targets scenarios where calcu‐
lating speed is a significant factor.


1. Diani,M., Corsini, G., Berizzi, F., Calugi,D.: IEE Proc. Radar, Sonar and Navig. 143(2), 113–
120 (1996)
2. Goldstein, H.: Sea echo. In: Kerr, D.E., (eds.) Propagation of Short Radio Waves. MIT
Radiation Lab. McGraw-Hill, New York (1951)
3. Trunk, G.V., George, S.F.: Detection of targets in non-Gaussian sea clutter. IEEE Trans.
Aerosp. Electron. Syst. 6, 620–628 (1970)
4. Fay, F.A., Clark, J., Peters, R.S.: Weibull distribution applied to sea clutter. In: Proceedings
of the IEEE Conference Radar, London, vol. 155, pp. 101–104. IEEE Conference Publication
5. Goldstein, G.B.: False alarm regulation in log-normal and Weibull clutter. IEEE Trans. Aerosp.
Electron Syst. 9, 84–92 (1973)
Trajectory Modeling and Simulation
of Anti-missile Interception of Warship
Based Missile

Yunbo Gao(&), Liang Han, and Jiangyun Wang

School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering,

Beihang University, Beijing, China
[email protected]

Abstract. Air defense combat is one of the important parts in the research of
surface ships. In the long-range missile intercepting maneuvering targets is a key
link of warship air defense systems. Especially, in this paper, we mainly study
for air defense intercept combat mission in CGF (Computer Generate Force)
system, we study the designing and simulation of the ballistic of ship based-
missiles adopt vertical launching mode. Aiming at the maneuver of the target,
we do modeling and Simulation of interception trajectory model by using
assumed target method. Finally, through the debugging operation with other
CGF simulation against node, the feasibility of the model is verified.

Keywords: Vertical launch  Trajectory model  Interception strategy 

Proportional guidance  Assumed target

1 Introduction

Surface ship formation air defense includes the systems of plan, organization and action
in order to guarantee that warship formation intercept air target in full fire [1, 2]. With
the emergence of high-tech weapons and equipment such as advanced mobile elec-
tronic warfare system and ship based unmanned aerial vehicle, constitute a new threat
to the warship from the air. Especially, the development of stand-off launching and low
altitude penetration concealment makes the depth of the ship to air detection and
combat airspace compressed greatly. Therefore, the research on the key technology of
warship air defense system to enhance the efficiency of air defense combat urgent
References do corresponding research on some of the key issues of the problem.
Some references aim on a part of air defense combat process. Such as early warning
tasks in air defense operations discussed in paper [2], Duan considers on spatial grid as
a unit of the corresponding effect of early warning and threat degree evaluation method;
and then through the analysis of the actual demand, put forward to achieve alert
succession mission patrol strategic planning model and, respectively, for the proposed
multi master from the structure of a variety of group parallel genetic algorithm to solve
the model. In paper [3], according to the fire strike rule, a multi-objective function
model is set up by Wu, and a distributed genetic simulated annealing algorithm is

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 500–507, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_51
Trajectory Modeling and Simulation of Anti-missile Interception 501

proposed to solve the model. The single target serial search method becomes a multi
object distributed search method. In paper [4], according to the present situation of
Integrated Support Engineering (ISL) of surface ship, Feng regards ship combat
readiness as the research target, give out a cost effective rate of established fleet spare
parts optimization model, and the fleet and spare parts cost constraints of operational
requirements. These studies propose a large number of models and algorithms are all in
strong pertinence. But what mostly they ignore macroscopically is the complete process
of the combat operations. Although these references realize the model design of the
whole process of warship formation air defense operation, they lack of quantitative
analysis of the model.
Air defense combat system based on the task of intercepting new type of anti-ship
weapons discussed above, has the characteristics of influencing factors, large amount of
information, complex model and a wide variety of processes. The results of the tra-
jectory planning of missile influence the interception capability. To propose a scheme
for reference solving the phenomenon of “shipborne missile seasickness”, we study on
an interception strategy for vertical launching missile based on assumed target in this

2 Vertical Launch Mathematical Model

The advantage of vertical transmission is that it can cover the whole range, get fast
response and be simple to transmission. In this section, we give the ballistic model
based on missile motion model.

2.1 Coordinate Systems Definition

There are two coordinate systems used in the whole process, geographic coordinate
system and missile body-fixed coordinate system (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Coordinate systems definition

• Ground coordinate system

The ground coordinate system Sg -Og Xg Yg Zg is fixed on the earth.Og is randomly
chosen on the ground,Og Zg axis is downward along the direction of gravity direction;
Og Yd to south, and Og Xg to east;
502 Y. Gao et al.

• Missile coordinate system

Missile coordinate system Sb -Ob Xb Yb Zb is fixed on the body of the missile. Ob is at the
missile centroid, Ob Xb is in the symmetrical plane of missile, pointing to warhead,
Ob Yb is vertical to the symmetrical plane of missile, pointing to the right. Ob Zb
perpendicular to the plane of the OXs Zs .
• Coordinate system conversion

Sb ¼ B33 Sg
2 3
cos h cos w cos h sin w  sin h
6 7
B ¼ 4 ðsin / sin h cos w  cos / sin wÞ ðsin / sin h sin w þ cos / cos wÞ sin / cos h 5 ð1Þ
ðcos / sin h cos w þ sin / sin wÞ ðcos / sin h sin w  sin / cos wÞ cos / cos h

h; w; / in the formula respectively indicate pitch, yaw and roll angle, which are the
attitude angle of the missile.

2.2 Relative Motion Relationship

The target line of sight rotation speed in the ground coordinate is expressed by:
* *
R  TVd
xR ¼  * *  ð2Þ
R  R 

* *
R; TVd in the formula respectively indicate relative position and speed vector in the
ground coordinate between missile and the target.

2.3 Interceptor Missile Theoretical Model

Although a total of six degree of freedom system describing the missile motion can be
obtained with high accuracy, it requires a large amount of computation as well as stores
a large number of aerodynamic parameters. System consists of mass trajectory of
missile dynamics equations, around the centroid rotation dynamic equation group,
missile motion of the center of mass of the kinematic equations, around the dynamical
equations of motion of the center of mass, quality variation equation, geometrical
equations and control equations, a total of 20 equations [6]. So it is not suitable for the
general warship CGF system. In fact, the system uses a simplified five degree of
freedom model. Five degree of freedom model of the simplified method is to ship
blanks of flight trajectory procedure for ejection and guiding section, ignoring missile
roll angle changes, considering only the yaw angle and pitching angle changes in the
deregulated. Missile dynamics equations simplified using the limit parameter models
are shown below.
Trajectory Modeling and Simulation of Anti-missile Interception 503

F  mg  sinh
V_ xb ¼  xy  Vzt þ xz  Vyt
Y þ mg  cosh  cos/
V_ yb ¼  xz  Vxt þ xx  Vzt ð3Þ
Z þ mg  cosh  sin/
V_ zb ¼  xx  Vyt þ xy  Vxt

In this way interception missile in the process can be established as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Structure diagram of interception missile

Interceptor with vertical launching rose to a certain height, then keep flight in
accordance with the established trajectory; while entry guidance stage, combined rel-
ative motion relationship, forms guidance law. The guidance law controls the missile to
change the flight state, and to modify the trajectory according to the target’s motion
information until it meets the explosive conditions. In the guidance section, the attitude
angle velocity is proportional to the rotation angle of the target in the flight process.
Meanwhile considering the different models of the missile, and the differences
between different kinds of targets, each link of the ballistic model is set up.

2.4 Assumed Target Interception Strategy

The vertical transmission mode determines the operational mode of the missile to
intercept the target after launch to a sufficient height. As for the super low altitude sea
skimming flight target, due to the interference of the sea clutter and multipath effects,
only can relatively accurate target location information be obtained. With the contin-
uous improvement of the flight speed of the anti-ship missile, the time for the inter-
ceptor is getting shorter and shorter. Therefore, we study the method to improve the
interception ability.
In this paper, we adopt the following strategies to solve the problem of the initial
segment movement direction, so that the missile has been approaching to the target
before entering the guidance stage. After the missile launches to the established alti-
tude, an assumed target which is located on the line between the warship (detecting
device on the warship) and the real target is introduced. The assumed target moves in
the direction of the real target along the line of the detection line. The distance between
the virtual target and the missile is kept in a small range. In this stage, the direction of
missile’s acceleration is pointed to the virtual target. In this way, missile can be pushed
504 Y. Gao et al.

Fig. 3. Assumed target interception strategy sketch map in vertical plane

closer to the true target as the simulation advances without detecting detailed motion
information of the target. As shown in Fig. 3.
T0  T3 are points on target trajectory. Correspondingly, M0  M3 are points on
missile trajectory at the same time. A1 ; A2 are set to indicate the assumed target’s
position when target and missile are at the position of T1 ; M1 or T2 ; M2 .
The location of an assumed target every moment can be calculated by formulas
from the development of paper [7].
The distance between the assumed target and the missile is D. According to the
relationship of mathematics, obtain XAl on the detection axis along the line between the
warship (detecting device on the warship) and the real target.
XAl ¼ XMl þ D2  YMl 2  Z2
Ml ð4Þ

The location of the assumed target in the ground coordinate can be calculated as
shown below.
2 3 2 32 3
XA cos#cosl sin#cosl sinl XAl
4 YA 5 ¼ 4 sin# cos# 0 54 0 5 ð5Þ
ZA cos#sinl sinhsinl cosl 0

#; l in the formulas indicate the altitude angle and the direction angle from the target to
When target moves from point T0 to point T2 , it keeps all the time that

jA1 M1 j  jA2 M2 j ð6Þ

When the assumed target moves along the line of motion, it is bound to rendezvous
with the target. Meanwhile, the missile will detect and track with the target, and then
the system transferred into proportional guidance section to intercept the target.
Trajectory Modeling and Simulation of Anti-missile Interception 505

Guidance command in proportional guidance section satisfies

xg ¼ nxR ð7Þ

* * * *
Where xg ¼ ðxgx ; xgy ; xgz Þ. Then let
* * * * *
xb ¼ Bxg ¼ xx ; xy ; xz ð8Þ

Substitution (8) into (3), constitute guidance loop. The guidance system can guide
the missile approaching to the target.

3 Simulation Results

• Simulation Approach
The ballistic model is embedded in the CGF system of surface ship while simulation
processing. The workflow of the system is shown in the following figure.

Fig. 4. Full set of simulation model

• Result Analysis
The interception process lasted 18 s. Miss distance takes less than 20 m.
Three dimensional trajectories, in horizontal plane and time variation curve of
attitude angles are shown in Figs. 5 and 6.
In Fig. 7, as the pitching angle time curve shows, due to initial launching pitch
angle cannot meet the needed overload of unloading phase. So the control system for
the control of the missile quickly bows and keeps to the steady flight near the target. In
Fig. 8 the yaw angle in the initial stage of rapid change, and then back again.
During the guidance process, the target is always in the range of the missile seeker.
Seeker can intercept and track the target. Therefore, the missile has a large probability
of intercepting target.
506 Y. Gao et al.

Fig. 5. Three dimensional trajectory

Fig. 6. Trajectories in horizontal plane

Fig. 7. Time variation curve of pitch angle

Trajectory Modeling and Simulation of Anti-missile Interception 507

Fig. 8. Time variation curve of yaw angle

4 Conclusion

In this research, a mathematical trajectory model of warship-based missile adopting

vertical launching is given. By the ballistic simulation, the long-range ballistic missile
can be used in the terminal guidance to achieve the target of effective attack. Through
the coupling simulation with other CGF nodes, verifies that the use of assumed target
method in Interception stage can achieve the desired of anti-ship missile interception
system. Although the anti-ship missile interception system designed in this way pos-
sibly has the disadvantages or shortcomings which we are not considered, this method
values the prospect for deeply studied. This method plays a certain role in improving
the accuracy of interception for vertical launching missile system [8].

1. Cheng, S.L., Wang, Y.A.: Research on the key technology of cooperative guidance air
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2. Cui, J.: Research on multi Agent based cooperative air defense intelligent planning. National
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3. Duan, X.W., Gao, X.G., Li, B.: Research on the control strategy of air defense warning of the
carrier based early warning aircraft in the comprehensive operational area. Syst. Eng.
Electron. Technol. 1, (2015)
4. Wu, K.H., Zhan, S.X.: Optimization of firefighting target assignment based on distributed
genetic simulated annealing algorithm. Institute of Military Operation Analysis Research, The
Academy of Military Science (2016)
5. Feng, S., Yang, Z.C.: Monte-Carlo simulating method for the spare parts allocation model
centered availability of the single part system on naval ship. Ship Build. China (2005)
6. Wang, y., Liu, Y.L.: Evaluation method of path planning for six degree of freedom trajectory
simulation. Trans. Beijing Inst. Technol. 4, 2010
7. Zhou X F. Guidance strategy of air to air missile for carrier based anti-missile interception.
Electron. Opt. Control 1 (2014)
8. Zhao, N., Si, X.C., Chen, T.: Research on the maneuvering target trajectory of long range
missile attack in vertical launch. Appl. Sci. Technol. (2011)
An Air Combat Decision-Making Method
Based on Knowledge and Grammar Evolution

Duan Yang(&) and Yaofei Ma

School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering,

Beihang University, Beijing, China
[email protected]

Abstract. The problem of decision-making in autonomous air combat is widely

studied in domains like military training, UAV operation, computer game
intelligence, etc. In this paper, the Grammar Evolution (GE) approach is applied
to derive proper tactics strategy in air combat. GE approach finds solutions in
the form of structured programs based on evolution principles, and thus being
possible to bridge domain knowledge with generic evolution process to form a
general approach for decision-making problems. In our work, the basic GE
approach is first tested with a problem-related BNF grammar, which regulates
the mapping between the genotype and the programs (phenotype). We firstly test
some simple situations to prove that GE can search for a right solution. Next,
however, when combat with the enemy with the Min-Max strategy, we find it is
inefficient to get robust strategy in the dynamic environment of air combat
because the derived strategy often cover only a small portion of the whole
decision space. To this problem, we propose some improvement measures in the
next work.

Keywords: Air combat decision-making  Knowledge  Grammar Evolution 

Combat simulation

1 Introduction

At present, the air combat has become a very important part of the modern warfare.
With the transformation of modern air combat mode and the development of flight
technology, the aircraft plays a more and more important role in the air combat. When
both sides have equal equipment, the air combat decision will become the key factors
for the combat outcome. And now, the aircraft and airborne weapons are increasingly
advanced and the air combat space become more complex so that it’s difficult for the
pilot to make the optimize choice quickly. To reduce the load of pilot, improve the
efficiency of the decision, to formulate a set of intelligent decision making plan is
particularly important.
In many military simulations, the human-like decision making is critical to the
credibility of the simulation results. The computer generated forces (CGF), which are
usually used as alliance or opponent in simulated battlefield, are expected to behave
like real human beings or be coincidence with military doctrines, to produce high
confidence outcomes of the simulated scenario. Moreover, since the unmanned vehicles

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 508–518, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_52
An Air Combat Decision-Making Method 509

are becoming important roles in the future battlefield, the human behavior modeling
received more and more attentions and different modeling approaches are being
explored aiming at high intelligent behavior that can handle complex missions
The “traditional” approach to describe human behavior in military simulation is
based on doctrines, or more generally, domain knowledge. The knowledge is integrated
with different formulizations like production rules [1], finite state machine [2], and
graph chart [3] etc. Some simulation platforms integrated comprehensive decision
frameworks, for example the TacAir-Soar [4], BDI [5], Agent-fly [6],etc. These
frameworks provide facilities to help the users to code, debug and compile the
knowledge for available human behavior models. However, the lack of adaptability
make these manually crafted models cannot adapt new knowledge automatically by
self-learning. It has been proved that such models are difficult to be maintained when
their sizes grow. Another consequence of non-adaptive is that the performance of
behavior model is static and determined completely by the modeler. The continuous
improvement based on historical data cannot be obtained in such case.
In order to overcome the disadvantages of the traditional approach based on domain
knowledge, we will adopt an approach that is based on the domain knowledge, at the
same time, combined with Grammar Evolution [7]. The Grammar Evolution, which is a
branch of Genetic Algorithm, is based on Context-Free Grammar so that we can
integrate the air combat decision-making knowledge into the Grammar Evolution. GE
approach can generate air combat decision automatically and optimize it continually.
GE can make connection between the Grammar, the domain knowledge, and the
evolution progress so that with the evolution, new domain knowledge can be adapt
automatically. And since the knowledge from GE is generated by computer, people
don’t need to design the strategy artificially. So the GE approach promises to be a
general method.

2 Grammar Evolution

Grammar Evolution was originally put forward by O’Neil and Ryan [8]. It is a kind of
Genetic Algorithm in essence. The core idea of GE approach is that user defines a
context-free grammar (usually, the context-free grammar is based on Backus-Naur
Form, BNF). The grammar can be used to establish the mapping relationship between
genotype and phenotype. Here, the genotype usually consists of a series of digit while
the phenotype, the decision knowledge, is usually a string. After the mapping process
(i.e. the creation of the phenotype), the fitness score is calculated and assigned to each
individual (phenotype) according to the given problem specification. These fitness
scores are sent back to the evolutionary algorithm which uses them to evolve a new
population of individuals.
One of the most unique feature of GE approach is that the GE is based on a
context-free grammar, usually a BNF grammar, so that it provides convenience for us
510 D. Yang and Y. Ma

to combine the evolution with domain knowledge (the knowledge can be presented
easily by context-free grammar).

2.1 The BNF

The Backus-Naur Form (BNF) is a set of symbols used to describe the rules [9].
A complete BNF should contain terminal nodes and non-terminal nodes. The non-
terminal nodes will expand by the rules user defined until all the non-terminal nodes is
expanded to terminal nodes. The non-terminal nodes are expressed by “<>”. The string
in quotes represent the string itself. And the string without any symbol represent the
terminal nodes. Either item should be selected on both sides of the “|”. “:=” equals “is
defined as”.
In air combat decision, the BNF we design should be able to expand into the form
we need, just like mentioned above, that there are many “IF-ELSE” and they can nest
with each other. The terminal nodes should contain the current situation and the action
to perform. Besides, the BNF we designed should have good expandability so that the
generated solution can cover more situation state. Now you can see a valid BNF as
shown in Fig. 1.

<prog>::= <code>
<code> ::= <condition>
<condition>::="if("<expressions>") {"<line>"} else {" <line> "}"
<line> ::= <condition> | <op>
<expressions>::= expression1 | expression2 | expression3 | expression4
<op> ::= action1| action2 | action3 | action4 | action5

Fig. 1. Simple BNF to describe air combat decision

2.2 Grammar Evolution in Air Combat

Now we need to apply Grammar Evolution to the air combat. We design the program
with the help of GEVA. GEVA is an open source implementation of Grammatical
Evolution in Java developed at UCD’ s Natural Computing Research & Applications
group. GEVA can achieve the basic operation of Genetic Algorithm and the process
genotype trans into phenotype. We design a BNF and use it to generate knowledge, the
air combat strategy and then we perform a combat simulation experiment with the
strategy to compute the fitness of this. This strategy is an individual in the evolution. In
this way, we have lots of individual, in other word, we have one population here. So
next, we do genetic operations to the population such as crossover, mutation, selection
and so on, to search the optimal strategy. The flow of this method is shown in Fig. 2.
An Air Combat Decision-Making Method 511

Fig. 2. Flow chart of GE method

3 Combat Simulation
3.1 Simulation Model
The air combat simulation in this article contains red fighters and blue. We are red and
the enemy is blue. The aircraft three-dimensional motion equation is shown in the

x_ ¼ v  cosh  sinw ð4:1Þ

y_ ¼ v  cosh  cosw ð4:2Þ

h_ ¼ v  sinh ð4:3Þ

h_ ¼ fðL þ g  Tmax  sinaÞ  cos/  mg  coshg ð4:4Þ
w_ ¼ ðL þ g  Tmax  sinaÞ  sin/ ð4:5Þ
mv  cosh
v_ ¼ ðg  Tmax  cosa  DÞ  g  sinh ð4:6Þ

Where x, y and h is the fighter’s space position. h is the flight path angle, w is the
yaw angle, and v is the velocity. L, D and Tmax is the lift force, the drag force and the
512 D. Yang and Y. Ma

maximum thrust force respectively; g is the thrust control factor. a is the attack angle;
/ is the bank angle. m and g is the mass and the gravity acceleration, which are
assumed as const. The coordinate system is East-North-Up.
The aerodynamic force L and D is associated with multiple factors such as the
aerodynamic coefficient, the attack angle, the air density, the equivalent cross-sectional
area, etc. To simplify their computation, the follows are assumed:
• L ¼ mg  fn , where fn is the vertical overload of the fighter and is used as the control
• a ¼ m1 ðg  Tmax  cosa  DÞ, where a is the axial acceleration and is used as the
control variable.
• a  0, g ¼ 1. Then we have the approximations of Eqs. (4.4)–(4.6):
h_  ðfn  cos/  coshÞ ð4:7Þ
g  fn
w_   sin/ ð4:8Þ
mv  cosh
v_   g  sinh ð4:9Þ

The bank angle / is controlled by the roll rate w, which takes either the maximum
or the minim allowable value of w.
Both aircraft’s goal is to occupy the advantageous position, to create conditions for
shot down goals. The air state space is shown as the following type:

x ¼ fxb ; yb ; hb ; /b ; wb ; vzb ; xr ; yr ; hr ; /r ; wr ; vzr g ð4:10Þ

Here, the subscript r and b represent red and blue respectively, x is a state. The air
state transition function is shown in the following:

s0 ¼ f ðs; ub ; ur Þ ð4:11Þ

This equation means that when state is s, the red and blue respectively perform the
action ur ; ub , then the state trans into s0 . The actions are summarized for:
Action ¼ turnleftup ; turnright up; turnleft down; turnright down; maitain ; ð4:12Þ

The aimed state is the advantageous situation for us to shoot down the enemy. The
aimed state should follow [10]:
jAAj\p=3, AA is the separating angle, it’s the angle between the attachment of our
plane and the enemy and the direction that the enemy moves towards. In this range, the
kill probability our plane shoots from the tail is high.
jATAj\p=6,ATA is the Radar Angle that is the angle between our plane’s direction
and the radar’s direction. In this range, it’s difficult to escape from our target for the
An Air Combat Decision-Making Method 513

R is the distance between the enemy and us.

When one meet the above conditions, that’s to say, it occupies the advantage
situation. And if the time it occupies the advantage situation add up to a certain length,
that means the combat end up with its victory.

3.2 BNF
Now we need to design the BNF grammar according to the give air combat model. First
we need to determine the terminal nodes that contain the actions and the situation
states. The BNF should contain five kinds of actions. They are {turn up and left, turn up
and right, turn down and left, turn down and right, maintain}. And the situation state
mainly involve these parameters, the separating angle AA, the radar angle ATA, the
distance R, and the height difference Hd . At the same time we should consider the
“IF-ELSE” form of the decision knowledge. So we can design the BNF just like Fig. 3:

<prog> ::= <code>

<code> ::= <condition>
<condition>::="if("<expressions>") {"<line>"} else {" <line> "}"
<line> ::= <condition> | <op>
<expressions>::="AA="<range1>" ATA="<range1>" R="<range2>" Hd="<range3>
<op> ::= turnleft_up | turnleft_down | turnright_up | turnright_down |

Fig. 3. A valid BNF for air combat simulation

3.3 Fitness Function

GEVA adopt adjusted fitness function, that means, the fitness must be positive and the
smaller value corresponds to the better individual. At the same time, the fitness should
be able to reflect the result of the combat. So we can design the fitness function like
( 1
E ðifwinÞ
fitness ¼ P1 ð4:7Þ
1þ Ri

Here, the fitness is a piecewise function that depends on whether it wins victory.
E is the left energy when the combat ends. Ri is the reward value [10] of every state.
We can get the result of the combat by judging whether the fitness is less than 1.
514 D. Yang and Y. Ma

4 Experiment Result and Analysis

Here, we firstly performed experiments for some simple situations to test this method’s
viability. We choose two conditions (Fig. 4):

1 2

Fig. 4. Two simple initial conditions of air combat (Color figure online)

To simplify the progress, we make the blue fly along a straight line so that the time
of simulation can be shortened and we can get the strategy quickly. What’s more, by
this way we can test whether the strategy we get is right more intuitively.
After the simulation, we get the strategies shown in Fig. 5:

1 2
if( AA= 90_180 ATA= 90_180 R= 3_5 Hd= -1 ) { if( AA= -180_-90 ATA= -180_-90 R= 1_2 Hd= -1 ) {
turnleft_down if( AA= 0_90 ATA= 90_180 R= 10_ Hd= -1 ) {
} else { turnleft_up
maintain } else {
} turnright_up
} else {
if( AA= -90_0 ATA= - 90_0 R= 1_2 Hd= -1 ) {
} else {

Fig. 5. The strategies of the two simple conditions

And the track of the planes if shown in the Figs. 6 and 7.

As we can see from the above figures, obviously this method can get the right
strategies for the simple conditions. Now we will test if it can get the strategy for the
complex condition. We make the blue plane act with Min-Max method [10] to test if
the strategy generated by GE approach can beat it. Here is the track of the combat.
Here, we set three different types of initial situations (Figs. 8, 9 and 10):
In this experiment, considering that the velocity of both side is equivalent, to make
it possible for that the red can beat the blue, we make the red a few superiority that the
max of bank angle is larger than the blue’s. As we can see from the above figures, when
An Air Combat Decision-Making Method 515

Fig. 6. The two dimension and three dimension track of the first conditions (Color figure online)

Fig. 7. The two dimension and three dimension track of the second conditions (Color figure

the blue acts following Min-Max method, the red, with the GE method, can beat the
blue successfully. Because the red has some degree of advantages of property, the
experiment can only prove that this method is valid. Whether the decision-making
quality is stronger needs a further research. In fact, the strategy we’ve got so far is not
so strong enough. Here are some possible reason. On one hand, the BNF grammar is
too simple to describe the situation state accurately. To simplify the decision knowl-
edge model and to shorten the simulation time we designed a simple BNF so that the
strategy generated by it would not be powerful enough, or in other words, the
knowledge base is perfect enough. On the other hand, in Grammar Evolution, the
length of the genotype or the chromosome is limited so the length of the phenotype will
be limited. This results in that the final strategy has difficulty in covering all the
situations, so, it may not make the best choice in some specific situations.
516 D. Yang and Y. Ma

Fig. 8. The track of the combat of which the initial situation is the red occupying the advance.
(Color figure online)

Fig. 9. The track of the combat of which the initial situation is balanced. (Color figure online)

Fig. 10. The track of the combat of which the initial situation is the blue occupying the advance.
(Color figure online)
An Air Combat Decision-Making Method 517

To this problem, we have to improve our existing BNF grammar to make it be able
to describe the combat state more accurately. For instance, the existing BNF grammar
is only include the separating angle AA, the radar angle ATA, the distance R, and the
height difference Hd . Next we can add the plane’s attitude information. Also we should
segment the states more accurately. At the same time, since the length of the genotype
is limited, we must select the critical states artificially and evolve these states separately
to make the final strategy cover the critical states as more as possible. So far we have
proved that comparing with the traditional knowledge approach, GE has a certain
degree of adaptability. But how to enhance the effect of decision should be further

5 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, through the research we can find several advantages of GE approach. GE
approach is a general method so that it can be combined with lots of problems in the
field to search the optimal solution. In air combat problem, by designing different BNF
grammar, the GE approach and combine with different aircraft model to make simu-
lation of the air combat. Besides, through this way, the decision knowledge is generated
by computer automatically so that it becomes more convenient for users because they
don’t need to design the knowledge by themselves. What’s more, the knowledge
generated by this way will be more complete and accurate. In addition, because of the
universality of this method, when the type of plane or the parameters change, user only
need to redesign the BNF and the related code rather than redesign the whole
knowledge base. The GE approach will generate the new Knowledge according to the
new BNF.
But we should find out that this method also has some disadvantages. If the aircraft
model or the spatial becomes complex, in other words, more terminal nodes in BNF
and related parameters is contained, the calculated quantity will be huge and the run
time of the program will be very long accordingly. So how to promote the efficiency of
the GE approach will be worth studying next.

1. Burgin, G.H., Sidor, L B.: Rule-based air combat simulation. No. TITAN-TLJ-H-1501.
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Simulation Research on Missile Tracking
Under the Guidance of Online Real Radar

Honglin Xu(&), Weibo Chen, and Xiaolei Ning

Key Laboratory of Guided Weapons Test and Evaluation Simulation

Technology, China HuaYin Ordnance Test Center, Huayin, China
[email protected]

Abstract. Aiming at the requirement of test and evaluation (T&E) on precision

of missile target tacking under the guidance of radar, a virtual-real mixed
simulation system is built up based on Xsim simulation platform. In the process,
it involves some real equipment, such as radar and target. It solves some key
technologies, including time-space consistency, data transmission and missile
tracking trajectory modeling. In project, the test method of multiple virtual
samples computing in a real time system running has been studied.

Keywords: Missile target tracking  Mixed virtual-real simulation  T&E

1 Introduction

During the flight initial and middle sections, the missile tracks a target using radar as
guidance system. Once the missile closes to target, its optical-electronic seeker guides it
to intercept the target more accurately. Therefore, research on missile flight under
guidance of radar has great significance to weapon system analysis.
In the joint test of radar-reconnaissance and missile flight, it always brings the
organizational complexity, huge cost and high safety risk. For example, it is impossible
to conduct a missile attacking test with a manned aircraft target. Therefore, the missile
flight simulation was applied in that test. Moreover, some difficulties exist in the process
of modeling and simulation (M&S). For example, the error of radar-reconnaissance is
especially uncertain. As shown in Fig. 1, the error curve of radar-reconnaissance is
In a sense, it is difficult to describe the above error with traditional models.
Therefore, it’s insufficient to evaluate the influence of reconnaissance error in the flight
process using digital simulation. In this paper, a virtual-real mixed simulation system is
studied, based on Xsim simulation platform involving some real equipment, such as a
radar and a helicopter (that is, a target). It breaks some technologies, such as time-space
consistency, data transmission, the modeling of guiding flight trajectory. In practice,
the performance of inconstant and the reliability of system both meet to the application
In the mixed simulation test, we applied a creative sampling method, that is,
multiple samples of virtual missile flight were computed in a single running of real
radar reconnaissance. Finally, the missile tracking precision was evaluated and some
problems were discovered.
© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016
L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 519–531, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_53
520 H. Xu et al.

Fig. 1. The error variation curve under different distances

2 The Composition of Simulation System and its Running


Test system involves real equipment, virtual-real simulation resources, and some
supplementary resources, and so on, as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Equipment and resources of testing system

Index Equipment and resource Amount
1 Real radar 1
2 Real C2 1
3 Missile target tracking model 1
4 Target helicopter 1
5 Measuring system 2
6 Simulation platform 1
7 Testing network 1

There are two information links in the testing system, as shown in Fig. 2.
• In the first information link, radar firstly sends target information to the real
intelligence network, then command and control (C2) system filters and analyzes
the information. Subsequently, it will be injected into the missile control model
through fiber high speed network. Of course, it is able guide the flight simulation
under the XSim platform. In the process, the delay time of information link equals
to real equipment network.
• In the second information link, the test data is gained from the GPS/infrared
instrument. It records the target route, which is always viewed as the true value of
target. Subsequently, these data will be injected into the evaluator.
• In our study, the main task of evaluating is to judge whether the target appears in the
missile seeker field of view or not at the appropriate time. Considering the radar
reconnaissance error, the missile is possibly committing to misdirection for the
Simulation Research on Missile Tracking 521

duration of the flight. At the same time, it is impossible for the seeker to detect the
target, as shown in Fig. 3.

3 Support Technology of Time-Space Consistency

3.1 Time Alignment

To ensure the credibility of the virtual-real testing system, it’s necessary to keep the
time-space consistency of real equipment, simulation system, testing system and their

Fig. 2. The information link of system operation

Fig. 3. Target outside the field of seeker view

4 Support Technology of Time-Space Consistency

4.1 Time Alignment
To ensure the credibility of the virtual-real testing system, it’s necessary to keep the
time-space consistency of real equipment, simulation system, testing system and their
Generally, it’s always not synchronize among the real equipment, system simulation
and testing system, under the condition of combination operation. The phenomenon is
caused by time base, which are always different among these systems. Therefore, it’s
necessary to keep the synchronization of data before starting an experiment. Generally,
522 H. Xu et al.

in virtual-real system, time alignment of physical data contains two parts: the alignment
among different sensors, and the alignment among different systems. Meanwhile, the
process of time alignment contains two steps.
Time alignment among different sensors in the same system.Each testing station
uses IRIG-B receiver decoder to receive GPS signal, and trigger pulse of target heli-
copter will be sent to central station. Subsequently, it will be sent to sub-stations, which
is viewed as the trigger signal to other equipment.
There are two main factors to affect the time alignment: one is the synchronization
accuracy of IRIG-B decoder receiver, and the error is less than 5 ls in a second sync
pulse; the other one is sync accuracy of the trigger signal in testing station, because the
delay time is always different among different testing stations. Generally, the error is
always less than 10 ms, which can be revised by continual tests.
Time alignment among different systems
Usually, it’s difficult to use a unified clock among different systems. Therefore, it’s
necessary to view a high-precision clock as the base time. Generally, the system mainly
contains several sub-systems, such as real radar, real C2, simulation platform, and
testing system. Especially, real radar, real C2 and center station are installed with GPS.
Therefore, it only needs to install a GPS in the simulation platform, and the syn-
chronization of the platform is achieved by the GPS signal of each sub-system.
There is a main factor to affect the time alignment. It is the transmission error of
GPS among different systems, which is also less than 50 ls. Of course, it also meets to
the alignment requirements of base time.

4.2 Space Alignment

The essence of space alignment is to choose a reference coordinate system, and it
unifies the sensor data of different platforms to this coordinate system. As for the
differences in the categories and locations of sensors and their coordinate systems, the
observation values of the same object are also different. Therefore, it’s necessary to
unify the sensor data of different systems in space. Subsequently, all data will be
unified to a same coordinate system, using the same measurement units.
In the process of space alignment, it contains several steps as follows:
• Firstly, a launching coordinate system is selected as the reference coordinate system
in the process of space alignment;
• Secondly, the data format of the sub-systems is converted to the style of public
reference coordinate system;
• Finally, experimental data are converted to the launching coordinates again.

5 Data Transmission

Generally, virtual-real experiment system mainly consists of real equipment, simulation

model, and testing equipment. Meanwhile, the steps of data transmission include data
capturing, filtering, analyzing and transmitting. For example, the experimental system
Simulation Research on Missile Tracking 523

is composed of real equipment, real target, real C2, simulation system and testing
system, while the simulation system contains the models of launch vehicles and mis-
siles. According to the experimental schema, target information will be sent to the
intelligence network once the target is scouted by radar. Then real C2 will distribute
task to the launch vehicles after ranking the danger of target information. Finally,
launch vehicles gain the real-time coordinates from the intelligence network.
Therefore, in the process of transmitting target information from scout radar to
simulation system, the first step is to intercept and capture data from intelligence
network, the second step is to filter the target information of launch vehicle, the third
step is to analyze encrypted information and convert it to usable information according
to special rules, and finally launch vehicles receive the information which is able to
support simulation. The process of data transmission and data transformation is shown
in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. The process of information transmission and transformation

5.1 Capturing Information

Capturing information is the process to gain messages which are sent to real C2 from
radar. Under the premise of common communication, real C2 captures the target
information by invoking capture function.

5.2 Information Filtering

Information filtering is the process to remove the useless information and save valuable
information according to simulation requirements. In the interaction process, there are
all kinds of messages, such as C2 information, data, orders, and target information.
524 H. Xu et al.

According to the requirement of simulation system, most of information will be fil-

tered. Finally, only target information is reserved such as time stamp, target velocity
and target location, while other useless information is removed in the end. As shown in
Fig. 5, it outlines some key codes of this algorithm.

Fig. 5. Key codes of information filtering

5.3 Information Analyzing

Generally, information is always encrypted in the real system. Therefore, it’s necessary
to analyze the target information based on special rules, and then the target information
will be identified by simulation systems. Actually, the main task is to analyze the data
which are sent to real C2 from radar. Usually, these data conforms to a certain protocol
in binary format. Luckily, data transmitting software is able to analyze the message
according to the protocol, and gain the desired target information. As shown in Fig. 6,
it outlines some key codes of this algorithm.

5.4 Information Distribution

The main task of information distribution is to transmit the decrypted information to the
simulation system through real-time network. Target information is distributed in the
form of socket message, and the process conforms to a protocol. Additionally, key
codes of this algorithm are shown in Fig. 7.

5.5 Information Receiving

The main task of information receiving is to receive real-time target information
according to the network protocol, which is accepted by senders and receivers. Part of
the program code is shown in Fig. 8.
Simulation Research on Missile Tracking 525

Fig. 6. Key codes of information analyzing

Fig. 7. Key codes of information distribution

Fig. 8. Key code of information receiving

526 H. Xu et al.

5.6 Space Alignment

Space alignment is to verify the location parameters of target information. Finally, the
location will be converted to the launching coordinate system. Part of the program code
is shown in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9. Key codes of space alignment

5.7 Conclusion
Our experiment results show that the system response error in the time and space
domain is less than 1 ms and 0.5 m respectively. The delay time of virtual-real system
keeps consistent with the real system. Additionally, the reliability is also guaranteed by
dozens of runs.
Finally, target information, verified by time-space alignment, will be used to guide
the flight of missiles. Then target information, gained from the testing system, will be
viewed as the real location of the target, which is also used to judge the success or
failure of the missile tracking target.

6 Modeling on Flight Simulation

6.1 Modeling of the Tracking Flight

During the flight initial and middle sections, the missile flies to the target under the
guidance of radar. The flight equations are follows:
dt ¼ V cos c cos w
dt ¼ V cos c sin w
dt ¼ Vm sin c

dt ¼ ðnv  cos cÞðg=V Þ
dt ¼ ðnh = cos cÞðg=V Þ
Simulation Research on Missile Tracking 527

Where,x; y; z are missile flight parameters. g is gravitational acceleration.nv ; nh is cal-

culated respectively by autopilot of missile, based on xt and yt ,which are the target
coordinates given by on-line radar and coordinates given by INS fixed to missile.
hT hm
qv ¼ sin1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2 2 2
ðxT xm Þ þ ðyT ym Þ þ ðzT zm Þ

qh ¼ tan1 yxTT y

K qh v
nh ¼
g cos c

Where, K is proportional coefficient. xm ; ym ; hm are acquired from x; y; h by adding

measuring error of INS. The optical-electronic seeker amounted the head of missile
detects the target during flight period. If the target appears in the field of seeker view in
appropriate distances, the missile tracking should be judged a success under the
guidance of the radar.

6.2 Simulation on Multiple Sampling in a Single Test

With the Xsim simulation platform, the model of guided flight is built under the online
guidance of radar, as shown in above equations. The missile will fly according to the
three-dimensional equation of navigation. Combined with the information provided by
sensors, such as the locations of target (by radar) and the positions of missile (by INS
fixed to the missile), key parameters of flight can be calculated, such as nv and nh. It is
able to calculate the Line-of-Sight angles of the missile relative to the target, and judge
the precision of the missile tracking target under the guidance of radar.
Meanwhile, simulation tests also consider some important factors, such as the
location of missile launch vehicle and the launching distance, INS error. The action of
multiple affecting factors can be evaluated in a single virtual-real mixed simulation test.
• Distributed simulating multiple launch vehicles in different locations is used to
evaluate for adverse effect of entry direction of the target.
• Sequential simulating launching missiles at uniform time interval for the duration of
target moving are used to evaluate for the different effect of the launching distance.
• In a single Simulating launching, multiple trajectories of the missile flight are run
based parallel computing in order to evaluate the missile tracking precision statis-
tically. In the process, INS errors are input sampling based on amount of prior data.
By above strategies, it becomes a reality that we can obtain large sample data in a
single virtual-real mixed test.
528 H. Xu et al.

7 Case Study
7.1 Schema Description
In the schema, red force contains the radar and a C2 vehicle and 2 launch vehicles (each
with some missiles). Blue force has a helicopter which always flies at a low altitude.
In this experiment, reconnaissance radar, C2 vehicle and helicopter are real equipment,
while launch vehicle and missiles are simulation models. As shown in Fig. 10, the
battle begins from red battlefield. Subsequently, reconnaissance vehicle tries to search
and identify the target, capture and rank the danger, and issue target information by
intelligence network. The real C2 distributes the firepower according to the intelli-
gence. Finally, launch vehicles open fire to the target according to the received order.

Fig. 10. The deployment diagram of scenario

7.2 Initialization
The initialization of simulation includes the parameters configuration of members and
the layout of experiment schema.
The configuration of performance parameters is determined by the condition of
experiments, such as ground temperature, humidity, wind, altitude and visibility. It
needs to query the property database, gain the performance parameters under different
condition, and initialize the simulation members. As for the real equipment, the
parameters of models are gained from the testing values.
The editing work of experiment scenario is to initialize the categories and amount
of weapon according to the experiment schema. The edit window is shown in Fig. 11,
which allows users to add new members or modify existing information.
Simulation Research on Missile Tracking 529

Fig. 11. Configuration and deployment of experimental scenario

7.3 Simulation Process

As shown in Fig. 12, a helicopter flies according to the scheduled flight route, and the
radar keeps the real-time reconnaissance on the moving targets. Radar sends target
information to the intelligence network once the target enters into the reconnaissance
range. Then, these messages are filtered and analyzed by real C2, which will be injected
into simulation models and guide the missile flight. Meanwhile, the moving route
provided by GPS/infrared measuring system will be viewed as the real values, which is
able to judge whether the simulation is successful or not. In our design, we assume that
the target will be found by seeker once the guidance is successful.

Fig. 12. Target entering into the reconnaissance range

As shown in Fig. 14, if a target enters into the effective range of missiles on the
launch vehicle No.1, then it will launch missiles to attack. And the other is the same
(Fig. 13).
In the simulation, two launchers are designed to launch multiple missiles. They aim
at the same target, and the interval is 10 s. In this experiment, we will examine the
tracking success rate under different launch either distances or directions.
530 H. Xu et al.

Fig. 13. A target enters into the effective range of missiles

Fig. 14. The tracking success rate varied with launching distance, launch vehicle No.1

Fig. 15. The tracking success rate varied with launching distance, launch vehicle No.2

8 Conclusions

Based on the simulation outcomes, we obtained the tracking success rates to vary
launching distance. It is presented in Figs. 14 and 15, corresponding to the launch
vehicle No.1 and No.2, respectively.
Simulation Research on Missile Tracking 531

To conclude, the tracking success rate keeps dropping as the launching distance
either increasing or decreasing. Entry direction of the target has adverse effect on the
tracking success rate.

1. Montgomery, D.C.: Design and Analysis of Experiments. Posts & Telecom Press, Beijing
2. Chen, B., Li, J., Shi, K.: Application of robust estimation in coordinates change between
referenced-centric and GPS geocentric system. J. Kunming Univ. Sci. Technol. (2005). (SCI
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coordinate errors in two coordinate systems. J. Tongji Univ. (2011). (Natural science Edn.)
Study on Battlefield Situation Assessment
Model of Simulation Entity Based on Stacked
Auto-Encoder Network

Ou Wei1,2(&), Guo Sheng-Ming1, Liu Shao-Jun1, and He Xiao-Yuan1

Department of Information Operation and Command Training,
NDU, Beijing 100091, China
[email protected]
Urumqi Border Cadre Training Unit, Urumqi 830002, China

Abstract. Constructing the intelligent situation assessment model of entities

based on deep neural network (DNN) according to simulations of human cog-
nition and reasoning mode, is significant for improving the ability of quick
response and scientific decision-making of entities in the virtual battlefield.
Stacked auto-encoder (SAE) is a commonly used deep learning (DL) model, and
its feature extraction process is similar to the way of commander when they
assess the battlefield situation. Therefore, we construct the intelligent situation
assessment model of the simulation entity based on SAE algorithm. Both the
initial feature collection and coding method for the model input, and the
knowledge encapsulation and pattern parse method for the model output are
proposed to construct the datasets. Then, the proposed situation assessment
model based on the SAE is trained by the training datasets. Comparing with the
models based on multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and logistic regression classifier
(LRC), the convergence and accuracy of the proposed SAE is much better than
MLP and LRC, indicating that the battlefield simulation assessment model based
on SAE is an effective intelligent model.

Keywords: Deep learning  Stacked auto-encoder  Simulation entity 

Battlefield situation assessment  Feature representation

1 Introduction

Wargaming is known as “magic director of war” [1]. Since the 20th century, wargame
system has developed from the traditional manual wargame into computer system with
the development of information technology and military modeling and simulation
technology [2]. Computer wargame system needs to construct lots of simulation entities
with autonomous decision-making ability, to simulate human’s perception, reasoning,
decision-making behavior in battlefield and enhance the antagonism and immersed
sense of wargaming. Therefore, it is significant for improving the quick-response and
scientific decision-making ability for entities in the virtual battlefield by constructing
the intelligent situation assessment model for entities based on deep neural network
(DNN) [3].

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 532–543, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_54
Study on Battlefield Situation Assessment Model 533

At present, the commonly used situation assessment algorithms mainly include

bayesian network, case based reasoning, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm, D-S evidence
theory, rough set theory, etc. Although these methods have achieved successes in some
applications for battlefield situation assessment, there are still some limitations, such as
the difficulty of knowledge acquisition, weak reasoning and self-learning abilities [4].
Artificial neural network(ANN) technology, with strong learning, association and
distributed information processing functions, can effectively overcome the knowledge
acquisition “bottleneck” of these above methods [5]. However, the traditional shallow
layer ANN has the disadvantages of slow convergence rate, low calculation accuracy,
high difficulty of feature extraction and network training. Deep learning (DL) network
inherites traditional ANN but improves the feature learning ability of the model by
building deep neural network (DNN) with multiple hidden layers, and reduces the
difficulty of training the DNN by using layer wise pre-training method [6].
Stacked auto-encoder network (SAE) is a commonly used deep learning frame-
work, and the auto encoder neural network (AENN) is the basic unit of SAE, which
takes reconstruction error minimum as the optimization objective. Based on SAE
algorithm, the intelligent assessment model of battlefield situation is constructed, the
key information hidden in the input signal is extracted, and the redundant information
of battlefield data is removed by layer-wised feature abstraction. The core idea of SAE
is similar to the commanders’ reasoning procedure when they assess the battlefield
situation. Therefore, in order to improve the intelligent level of entities in virtual
battlefield, we propose the basic framework of intelligent situation assessment model
based on SAE. We further promote the method of initial feature collection and coding
for input signals, and the mechanism of knowledge encapsulation and pattern parse for
output signals, to construct the datasets. Finally, lots of contrast experiments are carried
out to verify the proposed model’s validity.

2 Problem Description

The interpretation of situation assessment (SA) is first appeared in the “art of war”, and
the meaning is to calculate and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the enemy
and us, so as to create a favorable military situation [7]. Situation assessment is the key
chain of operational decision-making, and also the primary problem of constructing
intelligent decision model of simulation entity. Situation assessment of simulation entity
is to extract the key features automatically from the massive battlefield data by simu-
lating the commander’s thinking mode based on analysis, comparison and reasoning
with real-time data in the virtual battlefield. The battlefield situation is usually highly
uncertain and rapidly changed, entities need to draw conclusions with high dynamic,
incomplete, even faked information by analyzing the type, status, behaviors of the
entities in the local scope of time and space within a very limited time, to provide a
reliable presupposition for planning its next operations and maneuvering direction [8, 9].
Therefore, the conceptual model of battlefield situation assessment can be described as
formula (1).
534 O. Wei et al.

BS ¼ fADjT; S; At; St; Ac; Rl; Eng ð1Þ

In formula (1), BS is the current situation assessment results; T and S represent the time
and space domain respectively; St is the attribute information of the entity, such as entity
type, communication ability, killing ability, detection radius etc. St represents the state
information of the entity, including the location, direction of movement, moving speed
etc. Ac is the current behavior of entities, such as mobility, fire and defense; Rl is the
relationship information between entities, including subordination relationship and the
relationship between tasks, such as shield, support and cooperation; En represents the
battlefield environment information, including topography, meteorology, hydrology,
electromagnetic environment etc. AD represents the assessment conclusion based on the
above information.
For a given entity, battlefield situation assessment requires a comprehensive con-
sideration of the battlefield environment, entity’s attribute, status and behaviors, as well
as the relationship between entities in certain battlefield. These information are usually
real-time, multi-dimensional and extremely complex. Therefore, the evolution law of
battlefield situation is often seen as mysterious equations which can only be sensed but
inexpressible, and it is difficult to be described, deduced or induced by quantitative
methods with an explicit mathematical formula. This paper try to construct a standard
formatted input signal to describe the entity’s situation information, build a DNN
model to simulate the thinking and reasoning mode of human, and then train the DNN
to learn the commander’s cognitive experience. Finally, the well-trained DNN is
applied to assess the new battlefield situation and output the evaluation results for
corresponding entities.

3 Basic Framework of Model

3.1 The Principles of Situation Assessment Model Based on SAE

A deep SAE network is formed by stacked AENN layers by feeding the latent rep-
resentation found on the layer below as the input to the current layer, and lastly adding
a logistic regression layer in the top layer [10].
The basic structure of SAE is as shown in Fig. 1. As shown in Fig. 1, each AENN
unit includes an encoder and a decoder, and is pre-trained by minimizing the recon-
struction errors of its input. Each layer of SAE is trained as an AENN independently by
minimizing the reconstruction errors of its input (which is the output code of the
previous layer). Once all layers are pre-trained, SAE is fining-tuned by minimizing
prediction error on a supervised task, in which the logistic regression layer classifies the
input signal according to labels. Then, the hidden relationship between the input signal
and high-level abstraction features could be built.
Situation assessment is a reasoning process, in which the dross are discarded, and
the essential are extracted, and the false are eliminated, and the truth is retained [11].
The feature extraction process of SAE is a procedure of feature extraction from the low
level to high level and from the specific to the abstract, which is similar to comman-
ders’ reasoning mode when they assess battlefield situation. Therefore, in this paper,
Study on Battlefield Situation Assessment Model 535

Fig. 1. The network structure of stacked auto-encoding

we construct the entity’s situation assessment model based on the SAE algorithm,
which combines unsupervised feature extraction and supervised network training
method. The situation assessment model of entity can not only capture the deep
characteristics of the evolution of battlefield situation, but also simulate the rule of the
behavior and cognition of human in the war.

3.2 Technology Framework of Situation Assessment Model Based on SAE

The situation assessment model based on SAE is shown in Fig. 2, which mainly
includes two tasks. One is to construct a deep SAE network, which consists of a lot of
AENN units and is trained by sample dataset extracted from battlefield data. And the
second is to integrate the trained situation assessment model into simulation entities’
model to make entities in virtual battlefield imitate what human does in real battlefield.
Then the entities would have the ability to assess the battlefield situation in local
temporal domain by self-learning and self-adapting.

Fig. 2. The framework of situation assessment model based on SEA

536 O. Wei et al.

As shown in Fig. 2, the situation assessment model based on SAE uses both
unsupervised feature extraction and supervised knowledge learning methods. Firstly,
we use layer-wise unsupervised method training SAE network with a lot of unlabeled
sample dataset collected from battlefield situation data, to optimize the parameters of
the network; Secondly, we fine-tune the whole networks by supervised method with
parts of labeled sample dataset, where the labels are added according to human cog-
nitive experience. The main process is briefly described as follows:
Build standard sample sets followed by data collection, normalization, consistency
check and data dimension reduction in sequence with the historical battlefield situation
data generated by the wargame system.
Select samples randomly from the standard sample sets, and add labels according to
human cognitive experience, to build labeled sample datasets.
Optimize the parameters of SAE with unsupervised layer-wise training method
through minimizing the reconstruction error using the unlabeled sample set.
Fine-tune the parameters of SAE with supervised training method by minimizing
prediction error with labeled datasets.
The left part of Fig. 2 describes the battlefield situation assessment process of SAE
model. The model includes several steps, collect and pre-process data from the virtual
battlefield data sets, evaluate battlefield situation by training SAE, and then parse the
pattern and output the assessment results. In the above framework, AENN model, data
abstraction and encoding method, knowledge expression and pattern parse mechanisms
are key technologies of this intelligent situation assessment model. In the next section,
we will briefly introduce those technologies.

4 Design and Implementation of Key Technologies

4.1 Design of Auto-Encoder Neural Network [10, 12]

AENN is the core component of the SAE, and its function is to extract the main feature
of the input signal by minimizing the reconstruction error. The core idea of training
AENN is as follows: firstly, the input signal is encoded to get the output feature, which
is the implicit expression of the main characteristics of original signal. Secondly, the
output features are used to reconstruct the original signal.
For each sample xðiÞ in sample set x1 ; x2 ; . . .; xðmÞ , the latent representation yðiÞ ¼
f xðiÞ is firstly calculated by sigmoid function, as shown in the formula (2):
f xðiÞ ¼ 1 1 þ eðWx þ bÞ
ði Þ

Then use the decoder to reconstruct the original signal from the latent represen-
tation, as shown in the formula (3).
f 0 yðiÞ ¼ 1 1 þ eðW y þ b Þ
0 ðiÞ 0
Study on Battlefield Situation Assessment Model 537

In the formula (3), W and W 0 respectively represent the weights matrix of input
layer and hidden layer, which usually satisfy W 0 ¼ W T ; b and b0 denote the bias vector
of the input layer and the hidden layer, respectively. W and W 0 , b and b0 is the main
parameters of AENN, denoted as h ¼ fW; W 0 ; b; b0 g.
In this paper, we use the Log-Likelihood Negative (NLL) function to define the
reconstruction error eðiÞ ¼ L xðiÞ ; zðiÞ ; h , as shown in the formula (4).

ðiÞ ðiÞ ðiÞ ðiÞ
eðiÞ ¼  xk log zk þ 1  xk log 1  zk ð4Þ

Here, d represents the sample dimension, and eðiÞ represents the reconstruction error
of a single sample. Average error is used to measure the reconstruction cost of the
sample set, as shown in the formula (5).

c ¼ eðiÞ ð5Þ
M i¼1

M is the number of samples in a sample set.

5 Stochastic Gradient Descent Algorithm

Gradient Descent (GD) [13] algorithm is a simple, effective training algorithm of ANN
and is widely used in machine learning and numerical optimization. GD algorithm
measures the reconstruction cost by the average error of sample set, which is calculated
as formula (6).

r h J ð hÞ ¼ rh L xðiÞ ; yðiÞ ; h ð6Þ
M i¼1

Since GD algorithm needs to calculate the gradient of each sample, the computa-
tional complexity is OðM Þ. Because the size of sample set of battlefield situation
assessment is very large, calculating all samples’ gradient will consume a lot of
computing resources, resulting in low efficiency. Therefore, stochastic gradient descent
(SGD) algorithm [12, 13] is introduced to overcome this issue. The core idea of SGD
is to extract a small subset of samples from the whole sample set, calculate the average
gradient (denoted as g) of this subset, and then use it to estimate the gradient of whole
sample set, as shown in the formula (7).

1 X
g¼ rh L xðiÞ ; yðiÞ ; h ð7Þ
MB i¼1

Here, MB is the number of samples in subset, which is denoted as B ¼ xð1Þ ;
xð2Þ ;    ; xðMB Þ g.
538 O. Wei et al.

g will represent expectation gradient of the entire sample set commendably as long
as the distribution characteristics is guaranteed because this subset is sampling from the
entire sample set randomly. Usually, it satisfies MB \\M, it will greatly reduce the
computational complexity by using SGD algorithm.

5.1 Feature Representation and Sample Coding

In order to train the deep SAE model, we need to address two key issues: the first is
feature representation, namely how to describe the state space of input signal. In other
words, what information should be extracted from battlefield data, and how to encode
samples to construct standard sample space; the second is knowledge expression and
pattern parse, which are how to determine the SAE solution space, or the mean of
classification pattern in battlefield situation assessment.
For feature representation, the more information extracted from the battlefield data,
more comprehensive the description of the battlefield situation will be, and the higher
the dimension of corresponding input signal will become. However, if the dimension of
the input signal is too high, it will increase the difficulty of constructing the sample set
and the difficulty of training the DNN, which will lead to more storage occupation and
more time consuming. Therefore, we should take the storage space, processing time
and other limits into account when constructing the sample set.
For these reasons, a situational data extraction and encoding method for simulation
entity is presented in this paper. When extracting information from battlefield data, we
mainly consider the battlefield environment, the attributes and real-time state of current
entities, as well as a certain number of entities who are interacting or will interact with
current entity (such as 10 friends and 10 enemies, the specific quantity needs to be
determined according to the actual situation), then these information is encoded as a
unified format, as shown in Fig. 3.
In Fig. 3, the encapsulated information for each entity primarily includes the
entity’s types (xk ), attributes (xat ), state (xst ), behavior (xac ), and the distance (xd )
between the entity and its interacting ones. The dimensions of xk , xst , xac and xd are all
equal to 1, and the length of xat is denoted as Lat (Lat [ 1). In the virtual battlefield, a
sample in samples set corresponds to a set of input signals of SAE, and represents
situation information of an entity’s. Therefore, the length of a sample is
L ¼ LB þ ðNe þ 1Þ  Le , where Le ¼ 4 þ Lat , Ne is the number of correlative entities,
and LB is the length of code which describes the battlefield environment. In this paper,
we take LB ¼ 12, Lat ¼ 5, and Ne ¼ 16, hence Le ¼ 9, and L ¼ 12 þ ð2  8 þ
1Þ  9 ¼ 165.

5.2 Knowledge Expression and Mode Parse Mechanisms

In this paper, we use the approach of layer-wise feature abstraction to simulate the feature
extraction and reasoning process of human when they assess the battlefield situation. At
the same time, in order to learn cognitive experience of human, we use the labeled samples
to train the situation assessment model based on SAE by supervised method. Therefore,
Study on Battlefield Situation Assessment Model 539

Fig. 3. The structure of input signal

how to represent the human cognitive pattern as the sample’s label, and explain the
classification mode represented by this labels in situation assessment, are the key issue of
SAE when apply it to actual situation assessment.
When a commander assesses the situation, he usually extracts key features from
battlefield data firstly, and then combines them with his cognitive experience, and
finally draws the conclusion of the merits and demerits of the battlefield situation. And
commander’s cognitive experience mainly implies in the past evaluation results.
Therefore, we need to convert these cognitive experiences into knowledge, and
package them as sample’s labels. Here, we divide the result of battlefield situation
judgments into several levels and labeled from 0 to 7. The corresponding knowledge
expression and mode parse mechanism is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Knowledge encapsulation and mode parse

540 O. Wei et al.

As shown in Fig. 4, the situation judgment conclusion of entity is divided into eight
levels, including absolute advantage, great advantage, slight advantage, evenly mat-
ched, slight disadvantage, great disadvantage, absolute disadvantage and no threat in
the local area etc. When building a labeled sample set, we should set the assessments
conclusion of human as the label of those samples. Whereas the intelligent model based
on SAE is applied to judge the actual battlefield situation, the situation assessment
result will be mapped automatically by mode parse mechanisms from the output of
SAE. For example, if the output value of current SAE is 2, the corresponding result of
situation assessment is the current entity holds a slight advantage in the local time and
space domain. Therefore, under the support of the above knowledge encapsulation and
mode parse mechanism, the well-trained SAE model not only holds the ability of
simulating human’s reasoning mode for situation assessment, but also own the
knowledge of human being.

6 Experimental Analysis
6.1 Data Preparation and Parameter Settings
Battlefield situation samples are randomly generated by the wargame system, including
80000 training samples, 2000 validating samples and 2000 test samples, which are
corresponding to the training datasets, validation datasets and test datasets. In addition,
according to the experience of people’s cognitive, we add labels (In order to avoid
arbitrariness, we adhere to certain principles) for all validation and test samples, and
parts of train samples (randomly selected 8000 in train set).
In order to verify the validity of the algorithm, three groups experiments were
carried out. The first group is to use multi-layer perceptron (MLP) [12], logistic
regression classifier (LRC) [13] and the SAE algorithm proposed in this paper to assess
the intelligent situation respectively, and then compare and analyze the results. The
second group is to try different parameters of hidden layers of SAE model to optimize
the structure of the model. The third group is to test the above models with datasets
from virtual battlefield. The parameters of these algorithms are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Parameters Setting of SAE, MLP and LRC

Algorithm Parameter settings
SAE Pre-train epochs ep1 ¼ 100, pre-train learn rate f2 ¼ 0:02, train epochs
ep2 ¼ 2000, fine-tune learn rate f1 ¼ 0:02, batch size NB ¼ 200, hidden
layers number HN ¼ 1, hidden layers sizes HLZ ¼ ½512
MLP Learn rate f1 ¼ 0:02, train epochs ep02 ¼ 2000, batch size NB0 ¼ 200, hidden
layers number HN 0 ¼ 1, hidden layers sizes HLZ 0 ¼ ½512
LRC Learn rate f002 ¼ 0:02, train epochs ep002 ¼ 2000, batch size NB00 ¼ 200
Study on Battlefield Situation Assessment Model 541

6.2 Performance Comparison Between SAE and Other ANN

In order to facilitate comparison, MLP and SAE are only include one hidden layer, the
number of neuron nodes are set to 512, a number of experiments are conducted
respectively, the validation errors are counted when those ANNs are trained, the sta-
tistical results are shown in Fig. 5.


validate errors





0 500 1000 1500 2000


Fig. 5. Comparison of validation errors of different algorithms

As shown in Fig. 5, when training these ANNs, all these algorithms can quickly
converge, where the decline rate of validation error of SAE is the fastest. From the
overall performance, after 2000 times iteration, the validation errors of SAE, MLP and
LRC algorithms are 19.6 %, 23.1 % and 27.8 %. Obviously, the performance of SAE
is better than that of MLP and LRC, the proposed SAE holds a higher accuracy and a
faster convergence rate than MLP and LRC.

6.3 The Influence of Different Network Depth on Performance

In order to analyze how the depth of network influences the performance, we set up
different depth for the proposed SAE: (1) Single hidden layer with the number of
hidden nodes 512; (2) 2 hidden layers with the number of hidden nodes [256, 256];
(3) 3 hidden layers with the number of hidden nodes [256,128,128]. All the sums of
hidden nodes number are set to a constant value (512), and the other parameters keep in
accordance with 5.1 section. The statistical results were shown in Fig. 6.
Seen from Fig. 6, the validation error of SAE network with two hidden layers is
significantly decline faster than the SAE network with only one hidden layer. Identi-
cally, the validation error of the SAE network with three hidden layers is less than two
hidden layer SAE network, while the rate of validation error decline faster. Therefore, it
will effectively improve the convergence speed and computational accuracy by
increasing the depth of SAE network appropriately while the number of hidden nodes
keeps unchanged.
542 O. Wei et al.



validate errors




0 500 1000 1500 2000


Fig. 6. The performance of SAE with different depth

6.4 Test Performance Comparison Between Different Algorithms

In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed SAE, we construct the intelligent
situation assessment model of simulation entity using the well-trained ANNs which
mentioned above respectively, and then test the reliability of the corresponding algo-
rithms. These experiments are based on the same sample set (which contains 2000 new
samples) for testing, and the statistical results are shown in Fig. 7.

Logistic Regression
0.30 MLP With 1 Hidden Layer
0.276 SAE With 1 Hidden Layer
0.25 SAE With 2 Hidden Layers
0.227 SAE With 3 Hidden Layers
test errors




different algorithm models

Fig. 7. Comparison between test errors of different models

Figure 7 shows the statistical errors between the assessment results by manual and
ANNs mentioned above respectively. This figure shows that the test error of LRC,
MLP and SAE are all less than 30 %. All of these algorithms manifest a good per-
formance, but the performance of SAE is much better than that of MLP and LRC. In
addition, the SAE model with 3 hidden layers holds the best performance, whose test
error is about 10.1 %, showing a high accuracy and reliability in the application test.
Study on Battlefield Situation Assessment Model 543

7 Conclusion

Situation Assessment is a key step of autonomous decision-making, and it is also the

basis for entities to plan the future actions. Therefore, it is significance for improving
the quick response and scientific decision-making ability of entities in the virtual
battlefield by constructing intelligent situation assessment model based on DNN to
simulate human’s cognitive experience and reasoning mode. SAE is a commonly used
architecture of deep learning, and the feature extraction procedure of SAE is similar to
the commander’s reasoning process when they assess the battlefield situation. As
illustrated above, an intelligent situation assessment model based on the SAE is con-
structed, and the effectiveness of this model is verified by lots of experiments. Our
future work will continue to focus on how to improve the calculation accuracy of SAE
and how to collect initial feature of battlefield situation.

Acknowledgment. This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of

China under Grant No. U1435218 & 61403401 & 61374179 & 61273189 & 61174156 &
61174035 and the Project supported by military graduate students under Grant No. 2015JY035.

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Methods of Analyzing Combat
SoS Coordination Pattern Based
on Temporal Motif

Wenfeng Wu(&), Xiaofeng Hu, Shengming Guo, and Xiaoyuan He

Department of Information Operation and Command Training,

National Defense University, Beijing 100091, China
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. In this paper, a temporal network model of system of systems

(SoS) coordination is constructed and an algorithm of detecting corresponding
temporal motif is designed according to the dynamics and evolution of SoS
coordination. By the use of war gaming data, four methods including contrary
analysis of temporal motif density in the whole process, the evolution analysis of
temporal motif’s density, the analysis of correlation between motif density and
operational task measure, generation analysis of SoS coordination pattern are
used to analyze the characteristics of SoS coordination pattern, which will be a
helpful reference for research in dynamics and evolutionary of SoS coordination.

Keywords: Temporal motif  SoS coordination  Coordination pattern

1 Introduction

Network sciences have been extensively studied with diverse empirical datasets
ranging from manmade to natural systems since the discoveries of small-world [1] and
scale-free networks in 1990s [2]. This has led to better understanding of interactive
patterns and dynamics behind the great amount of behavior data. However, traditional
researches mostly focused on the static network analysis with measures such as node
degree, length of shortest path, efficiency [3], etc. while most empirical systems show
dynamics and evolution in temporal dimension [4]. Some alternative methods to study
dynamics and evolutionary of complex system recur to aggregated static network or
multi time slice network, which reveal topologies’ dynamics only. But recent resear-
ches have witnessed that many human activities have the feature of non-Poissonian
temporal bursts [4], which shows that temporal transitivity and reachability among
interactive activities have strong correlation to social contagion and immunization
strategies. So a key issue to understand the dynamics and evolution is to research a
system from both topological and temporal perception. We use temporal network
approach [4–6] and measure of temporal motif to study the combat system of systems
(SoS) coordination.
The whole confrontation between opposed combat SoS has become the main form
of joint operation in information warfare, while SoS coordination is the source of

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 544–554, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_55
Methods of Analyzing Combat SoS Coordination Pattern 545

generating the whole capability and also the main form of SoS constitutes’ networking
interactivities [7]. We define SoS coordination as the coordinated actions of constitutes
including diverse combat units, elements, and systems according to the purpose and
goal of higher headquarters with shared battlefield situation information. Since SoS
coordination has the property of whole emergency and dynamic evolution which are
typical complex characteristics, its description should consider both temporal evolution
and networking interactive relations.
A temporal network characterize both topological and temporal dynamics of a
complex dynamic system by appending time label to edges, e.g., an edge ei ¼ ni;1 ;
ni;2 ; ti ; di Þ means an coordination between node ni;1 and node ni;2 during the time
interval from ti to di . Since the coordination activity is mutual and its value is derived
from more than one operation activity, we suggest that the edge has no direction and
one node can simultaneously participate in more than one event, and this article mainly
focuses on undirected temporal network, which is not consist with the research in [5].
Temporal network has been widely used in Scientific Collaboration Network [8],
biological network [9], email network [10], disease protein networks [11], etc., and has
uncovered some networking interaction and dynamic evolution properties which can-
not be described with static network only, and provide beneficial references for
studying the evolution process of SoS coordination.
Different measurements of temporal network represent different aspects of network,
and general measurements are extended from static network directly, e.g., degree,
temporal path lengths, temporal connectivity, degree centrality, betweenness, effi-
ciency, etc. this paper mainly analyze SoS coordination patterns based on temporal
motifs. SoS coordination pattern is the feature of several coordination activities showed
simultaneously in temporal and topological dimension, which can help to find the
mechanism of SoS capability generation and provide criterial to predict activity of SoS

2 Temporal Model of SoS Coordination

Since entities in SoS always have more than one attributes, the coordination among
different entities have different forms in different combat domains, e.g., observation in
information domain, orientation and decision in cognitive domain, action in physical
domain, and cross-coordination across different domains. Since commander is domi-
nating in the contrary of combat SoS, we regard that the coordination in information or
physical domain is the reflection of decision coordination in cognitive domain, and
action coordination in physical domain is the final effect of the other two domains. By
analyzing the coordination in physical domain we can somewhat detect the dynamics
and evolution of other two domains.
From the view of combat effect, relationships between two operational actions can
be divided into temporal and spatial. A temporal relationship means sequence existed
in time, while a spatial relationship means the position relationship between two
actions. For the convenience of studying, we assume that if the time interval between
two combat actions is not greater than DT and the distance of their targets is not greater
than DD there is a coordination.
546 W. Wu et al.

One operational action has 6 attributes, such as the operation unit name Unit, start
time Starttime, end time Endtime (Endtime  Starttime), and target name Target,
target latitude LAT, target longitude LON, which can be expressed in a 6-tuple as

ActionðUnit; Starttime; Endtime; Target; LAT; LONÞ ð1Þ

So, if Action1 and Action2 meeting the following requirements:

kStarttime1  Starttime2 k  DT
kðLAT1 ; LON1 Þ  ðLAT2 ; LON2 Þk  DD

Then, we conclude that there is a coordination Coordinate between Action1 and

Action2. A Coordinate has four parameters including two combat units Unit1 and Unit2,
the start time of beginning the coordination Starttime = min (Starttime1, Starttime2),
and the end time of coordination Endtime = max (Endtime1, Endtime2). So, Coordinate
can be expressed with a 4-tuple as following:

Coordinateð Unit1 ; Unit2 ; Starttime; EndtimeÞ ð3Þ

The construction of SoS coordination temporal network in physical domain of one

side based on operational data is listed in Fig. 1.


Red1 Blue1
T2 ( LAT1 , LON1 )

Red2 ( LAT2 , LON 2 )

⎪⎧ T1 − T2 ≤ ΔT

⎪⎩ ( LAT1 , LON1 ) − ( LAT2 , LON 2 ) ≤ ΔD

Starttime = min (T1 , T2 )
Endtime = max (T1 , T2 )


Fig. 1. The construction of SoS coordination temporal network in physical domain

By the criterion of Eq. (2), we can build a temporal network of coordination from
magnanimous war gaming data. Unlike the edge in static network or real operational
coordination order, the coordination is constructed from operational action data. The
node in the coordination temporal network represents the combat unit in a coordination,
the edge represents the relationship of coordination, and the time labels represent the
start time and end time of the coordination.
Methods of Analyzing Combat SoS Coordination Pattern 547

3 Definition of Temporal Motifs

Motifs are defined as classes of isomorphic subgraphs in static network and have been
used in protein networks [12], software networks [13] and brain network [14] to
capture the relationship between mesoscopic structure and specific function. Connec-
tion is the basis of static motif, while its definition in temporal network is different and
relevant to topology and temporal sequence both, so we should redefine related con-
ceptions in temporal networks before defining temporal motifs.
• Temporal Adjacency
We consider two coordinations temporal adjacent if they have at least one common
operational unit and their happen time durations have intersection. This definition is
not consist with [5] which require the time difference between the end time of the
first edge and the start time of the second edge is no longer than Δt. The reason is
that an operation action always take a long time, and temporal adjacency means the
two coordinations are performing the same task, e.g. firing at the same target.
Figure 2(a) is a temporal network with an event sequence {e0, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5}.
Since e0 and e1 have a common node B, and the end time t0e of e0 is later than the
start time t1s of e1, the two events are temporal adjacent. Similarly, e0 is temporal
adjacent to e1, e2, e3. But e0 is not adjacent to e5, because the end time t0e of e0 is
earlier than the start time t5s of e5. With regard to e4, though the end time t0e of e0 is
later than the start time t4s of e4, e0 is not temporal adjacent to e4 for they have no
common node.
• Temporal connected
If there exists an event sequence between two coordinations, and every two
neighbor events are temporal adjacent, we regard them temporal connected. In
Fig. 2(a), e3 is temporal connected to e5 because e3 and e4, e4 and e5 are all
temporal adjacent, and e3, e4, e5 are obey the time order.
• Temporal connected subgraph
We call a temporal subgraph is connected when its two arbitrary events are temporal
• Valid Temporal subgraph
If there exists at least one temporal connected path between arbitrary two events in a
temporal connected subgraph, the subgraph is a valid temporal subgraph. An
additional requirement is that all the events relevant to the node within the time
boundary of the path should be included1. Figure 2 shows the valid temporal
subgraph example, (d), (e) and (f) are valid temporal subgraphs, while (b) and
(c) are not. The reason to (b) is that the relevant event e2 to B is not included in the
subgraph, and with regard to (c), though the events relevant to D are all included in
the subgraph, e2 is not temporal connected to e4 or e5. We can get the number of
various classes of subgraphs by counting isomorphic valid temporal subgraphs.
• Temporal Motif

This is the same as the definition taken by Kovanen et al. [5]
548 W. Wu et al.

e0 e0 e2 e0 e2
e1 e1 e1
B C e3 e4 e5 e3 e4 e5
e2 C E C C E
(a) (b) (c)
e4 e0 e2 e0
e5 e1 e1
D E e3 e3 e4 e5
t1e t2e t0e t3e t4e t5e
(d) (e) (f)
t0s t1s t2s t3s t4s t5s

Fig. 2. The definition of valid temporal subgraphs

There are at least two different definitions of temporal motif [5, 15], this paper
defines temporal motif as classes of isomorphic valid temporal subgraphs, and the
isomorphism means the two networks have both similar topology and identical
temporal order of edges, but name, type, direction and real time label of edges or
nodes are neglected.
This paper concentrated on 3-event temporal motifs, which may have 2, 3 or 4
nodes in one motif. Taking no account of the node types and direction, there are 22
classes of motifs, and their structure and relevant ID are listed in Fig. 3.

2 1 1 1
1 1 3 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 2
2 3
2 3 2 1 3 3
3 3 2
ID=1 ID=2 ID=3 ID=4 ID=5 ID=6 ID=7 ID=8 ID=9

1 1 1
1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
1 3 2 2 2
1 3 3 1
ID=10 ID=11 ID=12 ID=13 ID=14 ID=15 ID=16 ID=17 ID=18

1 2 1 1 1 1
1 1
2 1 1
ID=19 ID=20 ID=21 ID=22

Fig. 3. The structure and relevant IDs of different temporal motifs

From the definition of temporal motif, it is easy to find that if two events share a
common node, it is apparent that the two coordinations are attacking the same target.
That is to say the time sequence label depict the transmission of coordinations, e.g. the
labels of three edges in No.1 motif represent the time sequence, and four nodes means
four different operational units. The topology of No.1 is a typical star structure, which
means the transmission of coordination is sequential and shows a centrality. In No.12
motif, it is evident that earlier two coordinations happened at the same time, while the
third coordination is the closest neighbor to the earlier two coordinations. We can
conclude that earlier two coordinations induced and triggered the third coordination or
coordination transmit from the earlier two to the third and three events construct a link
Methods of Analyzing Combat SoS Coordination Pattern 549

4 Algorithm for Detecting Temporal Motifs

Obviously the first task of detecting temporal motif is to find valid temporal subgraphs
according to the definition of temporal motif. Then we can calculate the quantity and
density of different temporal motifs by mapping valid temporal subgraph to temporal
motif. The full algorithm includes 3 parts, the first part is to identify the valid temporal
subgraph, the second part is to find valid edges to a given edge, last part is to identify
the isomorphism of a valid temporal motif and a temporal motif. 3 parts are accom-
plished by three algorithms shown below.
Algorithm 1: Find all the valid temporal subgraphs in temporal network G and use
start time of the edge to mark all the edge. The parameter Edge_max denotes the
number of edges that a subgraph should have, and Valid_subgraph_list is a list for
storing all the detected valid temporal subgraphs.

Algorithm2: Find valid edges(earlier nearest, later nearest, and simultaneous) in the
edge list elist of temporal network G to each edge in each subgraph of the detected
subgraph list graphlist_found, and append the valid edge to each subgraph to construct
a new subgraph with one more edges. Then substitute and renew the subgraph list
graphlist_found. Iterate the process until the number of edges reach Edge_max in
550 W. Wu et al.

Algorithm 3: Classify valid temporal subgraphs by mapping them to all the tem-
poral motifs. First we should convert the time label of each edge to temporal sequence
for the same format as temporal motif. Then call graph isomorphism algorithm to
determine which temporal motif is isomorphic to temporal subgraph and calculate
quantity and density of the temporal motifs. The isomorphism algorithm we use is vf2
[16]. The parameter temporal_motif_dict is a dictionary with the keys of temporal
motifs, and the values are the IDs.

5 Experiment on War Gaming Data

This article uses war gaming data as the basis to analyze SoS coordination patterns for
the real operation data is always hard to get. War gaming data is the most similar as to
real data, because it not only simulates all the dimensions and full time of a whole war,
it also incorporates great amount of commanders’ commanding and controlling data
which reflect human actions and autonomy in real world. Based on the action data we
can construct the SoS coordination temporal network.
The task in the scenario of certain example war gaming data is joint fire attacks with
a combat time of 10 h. We mainly consider coordination of firing actions including
artillery and missile.
Methods of Analyzing Combat SoS Coordination Pattern 551

5.1 Contrary Analysis of Temporal Motif Density in the Whole Process

Statistical data of temporal motif density of both red and blue sides are listed in
Table 1. It is easy to find that the characteristic of red side is prominent for the top 5
classes occupies 71 % of all the temporal motifs, while the characteristic of blue side is
not highlighted with the proportion of only 45 %. The top 5 temporal motifs of red side
are {12, 16, 20, 1, 2}. From the view of motif structure, 12, 16 and 2 are all “Link”
structure which occupies 48 % of all the motifs, while 20 and 1 are “Star”. We classify
these structure into two as the “group-influenced effect” (multi simultaneous coordi-
nations induce a new coordination) and “trigger effect” (one coordination leads to more
than one later) based on temporal sequence. The top 5 classes motifs {2, 1, 12, 8, 6} of
blue side show different topologies (link, star, and triangle) which have similar density
but sequential transmission pattern from the view of temporal sequence because these
top 5 motifs are all temporal sequential, so we call this is “sequential transmission

Table 1. Temoral motif density of both sides in the whole time(top = 10)
Red Side Blue Side
1 0.2318 12 0.1081 2
2 0.1596 16 0.0996 1
3 0.1201 20 0.0910 12
4 0.0952 1 0.0853 8
5 0.0945 2 0.0754 6
6 0.0810 15 0.0697 16
7 0.0449 21 0.0597 7
8 0.0446 10 0.0583 5
9 0.0381 14 0.0526 14
10 0.0239 3 0.0441 18

5.2 Evolution of Temporal Motif’s Density

Table 1 provide a view of the whole process, but if the whole operational process is
divided into several time slices, we can see the evolution of each temporal motif,
shown in Fig. 4. The 12 and 16 motifs which are the top class in Table 1 are not always
prominent, their proportions of density changes over time, shown in Fig. 4.
No.12 is the most popular between 4:30 and 5:30, No.1 is the most popular
between 5:30 and 7:30, No.12 and No.16 are both the most popular between 7:30 and
9:30, No.1 reoccupies the top position after 10:00. If we regard the process to their
structures, the prominent coordination pattern experiences a process from Link to Star
and return to Link.
552 W. Wu et al.

0.6 1


04:30 06:30 08:30 10:30 12:30 14:30
Combat Time

Fig. 4. The evolution of red side’s temporal motifs. (Color figure online)

5.3 Analysis of Correlation Between Motif Density and Operational Task

The purpose of analyzing temporal motif is to capture insight into the operational
process, so we instinctively resort to task measure. The most general measure is combat
success, which means the achievement of one side’s operational action to the other,
such as the declination of enemy’s strength, or people and weapon loss. In this article
we use the declination of blue strength for red side.
By calculating the correlation of the motif density and red combat success, we find
the most matched two motif IDs are 12 and 1 with the correlation coefficients −0.779
and 0.654, shown in Fig. 5. We can conclude that these two motifs reveal the
prominent coordination patterns, as they show best correlation to task measure.

1 (corr= 0.654)
12 (corr= -0.779)
Red combat success




04:30 06:30 08:30 10:30 12:30 14:30


Fig. 5. Correlation of red side’s temporal motifs and combat success. (Color figure online)
Methods of Analyzing Combat SoS Coordination Pattern 553

5.4 Generation Analysis of SoS Coordination Patterns

Complex system theory regards that the property in higher levels of a complex system
are the emergency of behaviors in lower levels. So if we regard the motifs with less
edges are lower levels and the motifs with more edges are higher levels, we conclude
that motifs with less edges generalize the motifs with more edges. By analyzing the
generation process, we will gain deeper insight into the rule of SoS coordination.
Table 2 lists the top 4 classes of 4-edge temporal motifs and their possible generation
relationship with 3-edge motifs (the classes are so many that the result is not full).

Table 2. Density of red side’s temporal motifs and their generation (top = 4)

Motifs of 4-edge Components 3-edge Motif Density

1 1 3 3 1

3 0.0664

2 1
2 2 1 2 0.0466
1 1 2



1 3 1 3
2 1

The motif densities listed in Table 2 are not high enough as to too many classes.
But from the view of possible generations of 3-edge motifs, No.12, 16 and 20 are the
dominant motifs, which are also dominant in 3-edge motifs.

6 Summary

SoS coordination is a kind of typical interaction, which is inherently dynamic and

evolving with time. Temporal motif takes into account both the topology and temporal
sequence and can depict SoS coordination more accurately and comprehensively and
help people insight into the dynamical and evolutionary mechanism of SoS. In this
paper, we propose a new approach for detecting recurrent patterns by temporal motifs,
and give four different methods to analyze temporal motif based on war gaming data,
which demonstrates the validity of the approach.
Four methods reflect different roles of temporal motifs respectively, and should be
selected according to specific issues. The first method is mainly used to detect certain
554 W. Wu et al.

temporal motif closely associated to certain combat mission throughout the whole
period, but it is likely to ignore the dynamics in time dimension. The second method is
mainly used to find such temporal motifs which have high relations to certain actions in
the whole process, and the disadvantage is that it will take a lot of time analyzing the
relation between events data and motifs data. The third method is always used in
mining the key coordination pattern, but the diversity of combat mission performance
metrics will reduce the efficiency. The fourth method can be used to find the mecha-
nism of certain behavior mode, but it will also neglect the dynamics just as the first.

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Test Data Fusion Based on Importance
Sampling Mechanism

Xiaolei Ning1(&), Yingxia Wu1, Hailin Zhang1, and Xin Zhao1,2

Key Laboratory of Guided Weapons Test and Evaluation Simulation
Technology, China, HuaYin Ordnance Test Center, Huayin, China
[email protected]
Shang Hai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

Abstract. Flying test and simulation test are the main means in weapon test
range to estimate the performance of equipment. Flying test has a high credi-
bility while the sample size is too small, which is contrary to simulation test. It is
an effective method to use the two data to estimate collectively. In this paper, we
put forward a new test data fusion method based on importance sampling
mechanism, which treats the flying test distribution as the true distribution, and
the simulation test distribution as the proposal distribution. So we give a new
frame and strategy on how to fuse the two different kinds of test data. Numerical
computations show the feasibility of the improved method.

Keywords: Data fusion  Flying test  Simulation test  Bayesian estimation 

Importance sampling mechanism

1 Introduction

Weapon test and evaluation aims at checking the qualification of equipment during its
development time mainly by the means of equipment flying test traditionally. However,
as the price of the single weapon becomes more expensive and the usage profile of the
weapon system becomes more complex, the flying test reveals the following short-
comings. Firstly, big size flying test costs a lot; secondly, the limited flying test cannot
cover all the usage profile of weapon system; thirdly, the test can’t be accomplished
under the boundary and extreme conditions. Besides the flying test, simulation tech-
nique is the only test method that can describes the closed-loop characteristics of
missile weapon system, which has already been parallel to the flying test as its rapid
development in ordnance test field. Comparing with the flying test, simulation test is of
flexibility, economy, repeat ability and indestructibility. More importantly, the simu-
lation test can get more test information than flying test and its operation is not
restricted by the test environment, test time and test space which are the major factors
that influences the flying test efficiency.
Considering the above advantage, the range test engineers show great interests in
simulation test, because it can make up the deficiency of flying test. While on the way
of the population and application of simulation test in checking the performance of
weapon system, they find two main technical difficulties which are the evaluation of the
credibility of the simulation test system and the fusion of the flying test data and the

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 555–565, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_56
556 X. Ning et al.

flying test data. For the latter one, we put forward a test data fusion method based on
importance sampling mechanism, which admits the flying test distribution as the true
distribution, and the simulations one as the proposal distribution. So we give a new
frame and strategy on how to fuse the two different kinds of test data.

2 Mathematical Description of Test Data Fusion

Let x1:M as the flying test data and y1:N as the simulation test data, where M, N are the
sample size respectively. Normally, M is small while N is big.
What need to do is to find out a good method to get more accurate performance
evaluation based on x1:M and y1:N , that is how to estimate more precise numerical
characteristic of the true distribution with x1:M and y1:N . As is shown in Fig. 1.

The flying
test data
To fuse
the two Fusion result
The data
test data

Fig. 1. The conduct procedure of test data fusion

3 Problem Analysis and Procedure Determination

Sample size over 30 is treated as large one. The procedure for fusing both flying and
simulation test data interactively is the below, and shown in Fig. 2.

Flying test simulation forecast based

sample size model on simulation
over 30 examination test,

based on
and efficiency
flying test data

Fig. 2. The conduct procedure of big sample size flying test data and simulation test data fusion

Step1. Use the flying test data to assess the index of reliability and hit probability
Step2. Use the flying test data to examine the validity of simulation model
Step3. Use simulation test to forecast the equipment performance

When the flying test data sample size is under 30, especially the minimum sample
size, the statistics based on the limited samples will lead to the risk of inaccurate
evaluation. Simulation test data then can be used for amendment to lessen the esti-
mation error and raise the evaluation confidence. As is shown in Fig. 3.
Test Data Fusion Based on Importance Sampling Mechanism 557

4 Test Data Fusion Based on Importance Sampling


Fig. 3. The conduct procedure of small sample size flying test data and simulation test data

4.1 Importance Sampling Mechanism

The most successful case of importance sampling is to solve the complicated integral
problems. The integral problem is stated as
I ¼ hð xÞdx ð1Þ

Where hð xÞ is a non-linear and transcendental function. To solve formula 1, we need to

transform it into formula 2 according to importance sampling method.
hð x Þ
I¼ gð xÞdx ð2Þ
gð x Þ

It is easy to sample from gð xÞ which is usually called importance distribution

function or proposal distribution. Using Monte Carlo method, the computation of
formula 2 can be indicated as
  X X
hð x Þ N
hð x i Þ N
I¼E ¼ xi ¼ wi ðxi Þxi ð3Þ
gð x Þ i¼1
gð x i Þ i¼1

Where wi ðxi Þ ¼ hðxi Þ=gðxi Þ is called importance coefficient.

Actually, the difficulty of importance sampling is how to find an accurate proposal
distribution. If the distribution is not good, wi ðxi Þ will be zero. Then the samples will be
useless and have no contributions to the estimated results.

4.2 Feasibility Analysis of Test Data Fusion Based on Importance

Sampling Mechanism
Test data fusion problem is that we can obtain data from the flying test and simulation
test on which we can estimate the true distribution of product performance that is
558 X. Ning et al.

unknown based. Where simulation test data sample size is big and we can get stable
distribution. And also the simulation test system usually has certain credibility, so we
can take the simulation distribution as proposal distribution in importance sampling
mechanism and choose samples from simulation distribution to estimate the unknown
product performance.

4.3 Test Date Fusion Mechanism Based on Importance Sampling

Let pð xÞ be the true posterior distribution, p1 ð xÞ be flying test distribution and p2 ð xÞ be
simulation test distribution. Based on the importance sampling, pð xÞ can be treated as a
series of weighted sampling ðwi ; xi Þ; i ¼ 1; 2;   . Where xi is the sample from the
proposal distribution; wi ¼ pð xÞ=p2 ð xÞ is the importance coefficient. In this way, we
avoid the key problem of importance sampling and choose the simulation distribution
as the proposal test distribution. Whereas, the difficulties only lies in the computation of
wi ð xÞ ¼ pð xÞ=p2 ð xÞ.
Here are some feasible solutions to calculate importance coefficient.
(a) Approximate computation using p1 ð xÞ

p1 ð xÞ
wi ð xÞ ¼ ð4Þ
p2 ð xÞ

(b) Approximate computation using the weighted results of p1 ð xÞ and p2 ð xÞ.

rand  p1 ð xÞ þ ð1  rand Þ  p2 ð xÞ
w i ð xÞ ¼ ð5Þ
p2 ð xÞ

The test data fusion of flying test and simulation test based on importance sampling
mechanism is thus given by the following.

Step 1. Inspect the consistency between the flying and simulation test samples.
(a) Method one: Check whether the flying test sample lands within the
interval estimation of the simulation test.
(b) Method two: Check the consistency of the parameters between the flying
test distribution and the simulation test distribution.
a. Check the consistency of variance.
Using F test method, the criterion for the consistency of variance is

F1a2 ðn1  1; n2  1Þ\F\Fa2 ðn1  1; n2  1Þ ð6Þ

 2  2
Where F ¼ S1 = S2 .
It should be illustrated about variance. Since P ¼ R dy
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
R R2 y2 R R R2 y2
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi f ðx; yÞdx ¼ 4 0R dy 0 f ðx; yÞdx, the change of polar
 R y
2 2
Test Data Fusion Based on Importance Sampling Mechanism 559

coordinates x ¼ R cos a and y ¼ R sin a, and then P ¼

R n h  2 io
2K p=2 R2
2 dy 1  exp  2r2 cos a þ K sin a
1 2
p 0 cos a þ K sin a
2 da where

K ¼ rx =ry .
The final formula is
K R2
P ¼ 1  exp  2 R2 ¼ 1  exp 
2rx 2rx ry

Use mean-value theorem and condition as PðR ! 1Þ ¼ 1.

The drop point of missile is decided only by the parameters rx ; ry .
The smaller the parameters rx ; ry are, the larger the possibility of the
missile landing within the circle of radius R is. For the fixed rx ; ry ,
R ¼ 2rx ry lnð1  PÞ can be used to computer the maximum
radius of missile drops. When rx ¼ ry ¼ r, then CEP ¼ Rmax ¼
2 lnr ¼ 1:177r. CEP is the radius of half of samples dropping in
the circle, which means the hit rate lower than 0.5. To raise the hit
rate to more than 0.5, then r ¼ CEP=1:177.
For the given target, the size is 2.3 m  2.3 m, and the hit proba-
bility is 90 %, then r ¼ Rmax =½2 lnð1  PÞ1=2 ¼ 0:5359.
b. Check the consistency of mean value.
Accepting mean value consistency, the difference between the two
test data should be not more than
1 1
jx1  x2 j\ta2 ðn1 þ n2  2Þ þ s ð7Þ
n1 n2

Pn P n
Where s ¼ n1
xi  n xi .
i¼1 i¼1

a full figure b detailed drawing

Fig. 4. The impacts of sample size on acceptance region

560 X. Ning et al.

Figure. 4 shows the flying test sample size and the simulation test
sample influence the region of acceptance. X-axis shows the quantity
of flying samples. The red variable curve shows quantity of simu-
lation test samples which are large ones.
Step 2. Use importance sampling strategy to approximate the posterior distribution.
Conclusion: Considering variance s and ta2 ðn1 þ n2  2Þ n11 þ n12 together, if con-
sistency check goes well, then the mean difference should be no more than 1, which is
influenced by the flying test sample size most.

5 Numerical Calculation

5.1 Test Method

Take sample set xi from the true distribution normrnd (ZM, ZF, N, 1). ZM is the mean;
ZF is the variance; N is the sample size of flying test. Take sample set from proposal
distribution normrnd (ZM + dZM,ZF + dZF, M, 1) which has certain errors, then
simulate the simulation test distribution. dZM and dZF are the difference between
simulation distribution parameter and real distribution parameter.

5.2 Comparative Method

Method 1: point estimation
Method 2: bootstrap method
Method 3: randomly weighing bootstrap method
Method 4: mean value
Method 5: Bayes estimation
Method 6: estimation based on importance sampling strategy

5.3 Criterion on Performance Estimation

Same sample data are tested in different methods for 100 times individually. Assess
superiority of each method with estimation error
1 uX
Error ¼ @t ð^zi  ZMÞ2 A ð8Þ
Monte i¼1

Where Monte is test times and equals to 100. Obviously, the smaller the error is, the
better the method. ^zi is the estimate value of different method.
Test Data Fusion Based on Importance Sampling Mechanism 561

5.4 Test Procedure

Case one:
The true distribution is N (0.86, 1);
The flying test distribution: X*N (0.85, 1), Sampling size is M (3–50);
The simulation test distribution: N (0.9, 0.9).
Table 1 shows the estimation of the true distribution using different methods.
According to Table 1, it is obvious that the estimation accuracy of the proposed method
is higher than Bayes method. Figure 5 plots estimation error changes of different
methods as sampling size. The yellow line is the Cramér-Rao lower bounds.

Table 1. Estimation of the true distribution based on different methods

Algorithm 1 1’ 2 3 4 5 6 7
M=3 0.4975 0.0816 0.6519 0.5087 0.2482 0.3501 0.2544 0.0305
M=5 0.3353 0.0900 0.4121 0.3386 0.1741 0.2686 0.1762 0.0221
M = 10 0.2596 0.0772 0.2978 0.2641 0.1295 0.2291 0.1260 0.0234
M = 20 0.1756 0.0821 0.1980 0.1792 0.1046 0.1661 0.1050 0.0244
M = 30 0.1615 0.0845 0.1815 0.1616 0.0924 0.1550 0.0907 0.0288
M = 50 0.1178 0.0893 0.1235 0.1180 0.0772 0.1152 0.0949 0.0245
notes 1’ stands for the mean of simulation test data;7 is the limitation of 6.

Fig. 5. Plot of evaluated error - sample size

Case two:
The true distribution: N (0.85, 0.6);
The flying test distribution: X*N (0.85, 0.6), Sampling size is M;
The simulation test distribution: N (0.4, 0.75).
562 X. Ning et al.

Table 2 shows the true distribution estimation based on 6 different methods.

According to Table 2, it is obvious that the estimation accuracy of the proposed method
is higher than Bayes method. Figure 6 plots estimation error changes of different
methods as sampling size. The yellow line is the Cramér-Rao lower bounds.

Table 2. Estimation of the true distribution using different methods

Algorithm 1 1’ 2 3 4 5 6 7
M=3 0.2633 0.3414 0.3411 0.2601 0.1948 0.1956 0.2336 0.0634
M=5 0.2145 0.3525 0.2623 0.2095 0.1906 0.1765 0.2289 0.0551
M = 10 0.1697 0.3562 0.2978 0.1916 0.1765 0.1479 0.2085 0.0617
M = 20 0.1020 0.3434 0.1096 0.1023 0.1638 0.0957 0.1984 0.0713
M = 30 0.0874 0.3482 0.0956 0.0874 0.1801 0.0847 0.1982 0.0606
M = 50 0.0597 0.3455 0.0638 0.0593 0.1740 0.0582 0.1914 0.0568

Fig. 6. Plot of evaluated error - sample size (Color figure online)

5.5 Results Analysis

From the above numerical computation, we can conclude
(a) For case 1, the estimation precision of simulation test is better than point esti-
mation of the flying test data. And the new method gets better estimated accuracy
than Bayes method;
(b) For case 2, the estimation precision of simulation test is bad. Under the condition
of small sample, the new method gets better estimated accuracy than point esti-
mation method, bootstrap method. But with the sample size gets larger; the
accuracy of new methods is lower than other methods.
Test Data Fusion Based on Importance Sampling Mechanism 563

6 Further Improvement of the New Method

The reason why the estimation effect of new method goes bad as sample size raising
in situation 2, is originally the absence of variation about sample size N in Gaussian
sum distribution (the algorithm is rand, 1-rand) to simulate true posterior distribution.
So putting the sample size into the fusion cage can improve the new method to
approximate the posterior distribution. Besides, according to analysis, estimation error
is also related to the credibility of the simulation models. The improvement strategy is

wi ð xÞ ¼ ðrand; p1 ð xÞ; p2 ð xÞ; N; CÞ ð9Þ

Where C is the credibility. When N gets larger, the weight of p1 ð xÞ gets bigger;
C gets bigger, the weight of p2 ð xÞ gets larger. A feasible way is

zh1 ¼ ð1=Ds  Ds=NNÞ=ð1=Ds  Ds=NN þ 1=0:4=0:4Þ;

zh2 ¼ rand; ð10Þ

zh ¼ zh1  ð1  gamaÞ þ zh2  C;

However, formula 10 is a simple procedure; better strategy would be the core of the
improvement. We take two examples to exam the improvement.
For above case 1, set C = 0.9. The results are shown in Fig. 7. The estimation error
curve waves for different sample size ranging 3 to 50 in different methods.

a Sample size =3 b Sample size=50

Fig. 7. Plot of sample size - estimation error

For above case 2, set C = 0.2. The results are shown in Fig. 8.
From above numerical computation, we can conclude:
(a) From Figure 9 and 10, the improved method overcomes the shortcoming of big
estimation error that originated from the poor credibility to some extent.
(b) The improved method is the best estimation way to the small sample size test.
564 X. Ning et al.

a Sample size=3 b Sample size=50

Fig. 8. Plot of sample size-estimation error

7 Conclusion
(a) The limited estimation error of the new method is nearest to the Cramér-Rao
lower bound which is the minimum estimation error based on samples.
(b) The new method especially fit small sample estimation problems. It gets more
accurate estimation results than point estimation, bootstrapping method, randomly
weighing bootstrap method and Bayes Bootstrap.
(c) To increase the credibility of the simulation model can improve the estimation
accuracy of Bayes method and importance estimation algorithm. For the two
methods, importance estimation algorithm is more sensitive to the credibility. And
to add the quantity of flying test samples can improve the estimation accuracy of
all estimation algorithms. When the flying test samples size is over 30, all the
estimation results are close to the numerical characteristics of the true distribution.
(d) Besides, it is a question worthy of deep thinking that if the credibility of the
simulation test system is quite high, the result of simulation test is most accurate
of all, so why we need the fusion method?Because any fusion method finally leads
to a sub-optimal estimation result, according to the test data analysis.
At last, we emphasize that the difficulties are how to compute the samples weight so
that it can approximate the true posterior distribution. The computing strategy is rather
simple in this paper. If we can develop more subtle weighing methods, it is possible to
be close to the Luo-cramer lower bound for estimation error. We expect senior experts
proficient in Monte-Carlo sampling strategy carry out in-depth theoretical research and
exploration, which are worthy of further follow-up studies.
Test Data Fusion Based on Importance Sampling Mechanism 565

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Inspiration for Battlefield Situation Cognition
from AI Military Programs Launched
by DARPA of USA and Development
of AI Technology

Zhu Feng1,2(&), Hu Xiaofeng1, Wu Lin1, He Xiaoyuan1,

and Guo Shengming1
The Department of Information Operation and Command Training,
National Defense University, Beijing 100091, China
[email protected]
No. 93682 Unit of PLA, Beijing 101300, China

Abstract. Battlefield situation intelligent cognition is very important for the

warfare, but this kind of technology is very hard for breakthrough. ‘Deep Green’
program which is launched by DARPA of USA to study military intelligent
command and operation for modern warfare is unsuccessful. The key problem is
that the technology of battlefield situation intelligent cognition is no break-
through. Later on, USA pays more attention to the AI technology applied in the
military filed, especially in the cognition intelligence aspect. The supported
money from DARPA is increased apparently year by year. As some new
technologies, such as Big Data and Bayesian Deduction, especially Deep
Learning technology, are presented, and these new technologies are applied in
the wider and wider range of domains, the development of the AI technology
takes a big step forward. We also find some researches on the Deep Learning
technology is applied in the situation cognition. Therefore, some significant
inspirations for battlefield situation cognition in the military domain can be
brought to us. In the paper, the main AI military programs launched by DARPA
are combed and analyzed. Big Data, Bayesian Deduction and Deep Learning
contained by the AI technology are introduced. Especially, the research status of
Deep Learning and its applications in the situation cognition are generalized. On
the basis of that, the researches on the military battlefield situation cognition
based on the AI technology are prospected according to some relative

Keywords: Battlefield situation cognition  DARPA  AI  Deep learning 


1 Introduction

In 2007, ‘Deep Green’ program was launched by DARPA (Defense Advanced

Research Projects Agency) of USA, in order to study military intelligent command and
operation for modern warfare [1, 2]. However, this program is unsuccessful. The key
problem is that the battlefield situation intelligent cognition is no breakthrough. As well

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 566–577, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_57
Inspiration for Battlefield Situation Cognition 567

known, the battlefield situation intelligent cognition is very important for modern
warfare. In fact, the cognition contains several steps, such as awareness, comprehen-
sion, assessment, prediction and so on.
Later on, USA pays more attention to the AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology
applied in the military filed, especially in cognition intelligent aspect. They consider the
AI technology as the disruptive technological force in the future warfare and the one of
the best weapons for keeping the advantage in the next turn of the military competition
all over the world. The Defense Department of USA firstly proposed the ‘Third Offset
Strategy’ for keeping their hegemony and chairman position [3–5]. In their declaration,
they point out that the AI technology is the key drive of this strategy and it is also the
‘High Tech Holy Grail’ of the whole strategy. Hence, DARPA have be launching lots
of the relative programs to explore the key technologies and the application prospects
of the AI technology applied in the military domain, especially in intelligent cognition
aspect. According to the reports, the supported finance and force are increased and
enhanced apparently year by year. In recent years, the whole supported finance from
DARPA is closed to the 10 billions, where the budget of the program about cognitive
system is over 5 billions.
Nowadays, the battlefield has been in the Big Data age. The plenty of complex
information can be contained in the battlefield. The non-linear, unsure and emergence
characteristics are shown sufficiently. Hence, we must consider the battlefield situation
as the complex system [6–8]. However, the traditional AI technology based on the
simple or linear method is not suitable for researching the complex battlefield situation
intelligent cognition. It will bring the quite difficulty for the technological breakthrough
of battlefield situation intelligent cognition. It needs to explore and study to this
technology as soon as possible.
As the development of the AI technology is greater and greater. Big Data [9],
Bayesian Deduction [10–12], especially Deep Learning technology [13–15], are pre-
sented one by one. At the same time these new technologies are applied in the wider
and wider range of domains. It can be seen that the development of the AI technology
takes a big step forward. These technologies are not the traditional method, but can be
suitable for those complex questions. At the same time, we also find some researches
on the AI technology, especially the Deep Learning technology, is applied in the
situation cognition. Hence, we can say that the progress of the AI technology can bring
the valuable chance to research the complex military questions, especially for the
battlefield situation intelligent cognition. However, it still needs a lot of efforts and a
long time to gain the breakthrough.
Aimed at the analyzed above, in the paper, the main AI military programs launched
by DARPA are combed and analyzed in Sect. 2. The Big Data, Bayesian Deduction
and Deep Learning contained by the AI technology are introduced in Sect. 3. Espe-
cially, in this part, the research status of Deep Learning and its applications in the
situation cognition are generalized. On the basis of that, the researches on the military
battlefield situation cognition based on the AI technology are prospected according to
some relative knowledge in Sect. 4. Last, some conclusions are given.
568 Z. Feng et al.

2 AI Military Programs Launched by DARPA

In 2007, ‘Deep Green’ program which is the one of the important AI research programs
was launched by DARPA [1, 2]. The main idea of this program is that the autonomous
assistant decision-making system is attempted to exploit. By using this system, the
function of autonomous intelligent assessment and decision-making based on the data
can be realized. However, battlefield situation cognition is the precondition on the
assessment and decision-making. No battlefield situation effective cognition is
impossible for the assessment and decision-making. In fact, ‘Deep Green’ program is
not successful faced on the bottleneck problem about intelligent processing of Big
Data, especially about battlefield situation intelligent cognition. The main unsuccessful
reason of ‘Deep Green’ program is that the comprehension and processing capability of
computer for the battlefield data is further poorer than the human’s cognition level.
Aimed at this problem, several relative research programs about the AI technology
applied in the military domain are launched by DARPA step by step. In order to
support the application technology, some research programs in the basic field are
launched firstly. These programs are stated generally as follows [5].
In 2008, ‘Machine Reading’ program was launched to address the prohibitive cost
of handcrafting information by replacing the expert and associated knowledge engi-
neer. And some systems are exploited to “read” natural text and insert it into the AI
knowledge bases especially encoded to support subsequent machine reasoning. Later
on, this program is improved, adjusted and renamed as ‘Machine Reading and Rea-
soning Technology’. It is developing the enabling technologies to acquire, integrate,
and use high performance reasoning strategies in knowledge-rich domains. In 2009,
‘Deep Learning’ research program was launched. The main purpose of this program is
that more hidden and valid features are attempted to extract from lots of un-supervised
sound, video, sensor and text datum obtained from the battlefield. At the same time,
these extracted features will be utilized for the pattern recognition and feature classi-
fication to perform the abnormal surveillance, to describe the associated relationship
especially the time relationship of the events. In 2010, ‘Insight’ program was launched
to develop the new capabilities for automated exploitation and collection management.
It will emphasize several areas, mainly including model-based correlation, adversary
behavior modeling, threat network analysis tools to automatically combine data across
sources and manage uncertainty, and tools to integrate human and machine processing,
including visualization, hypothesis manipulation, and distributed social intelligence.
In 2012, ‘XDATA’ program was launched to develop computational techniques
and software tools for analyzing large volumes of data, both semi-structured and
unstructured [16]. It also will develop open source software toolkits that enable flexible
software development supporting and users processing large volumes of data in
timelines commensurate with mission workflows of targeted defense applications. In
the same year, ‘DEFT (Deep Exploration and Filtering of Text)’ program was launched
to enable automated extraction, processing, and inference of information from text in
operationally relevant application domains. A key DEFT emphasis is to determine the
implied and hidden meaning in text through probabilistic inference, anomaly detection,
and disfluency analysis. In 2013, ‘Probabilistic Programming for Advancing Machine
Inspiration for Battlefield Situation Cognition 569

Learning (PPAML)’ program was launched to create an advanced computer pro-

gramming capability that greatly facilitates the construction of new machine learning
applications in a wide range of domains. The key enabling technology is a new pro-
gramming paradigm called probabilistic programming that facilitates the management
of uncertain information. The research results of these program above can be benefit for
the research on the of the AI technology applied in the military domain, especially in
the important aspect of the battlefield situation cognition.
Furthermore, some research programs about the AI technology applied in the
military domain. The key questions occurred in these programs are all that the bat-
tlefield situation intelligent cognition and autonomies decision-making are expected to
attempt to realize breakthrough by using the AI technology, the complex network and
system-of-system analysis technology, and so on. The detailed demonstrations can be
expressed generally as follows.
In 2013, ‘Afanda’ plan program was launched. The main purpose of this program is
that some armies consisted of lots of the robots are established. These robots, as the
human’s simulation, can be controlled by human’s brain like Afanda in the film. They
can act instead of the officials and soldiers of human for emerging in the real battlefield,
in order to realize zero-casualty indeed in the future warfare. In 2014, ‘Distributed
Battle Management (DBM)’ program was launched to develop distributed
mission-driven architectures, protocols, and algorithms for battle management (BM) in
the contested environment. The architecture will enable rapid reaction to ephemeral
engagement opportunities and maintain a reliable BM structure, despite limited com-
munications and platform attrition in continuously evolving threat environments. This
program also will incorporate highly automated decision-making capability while
maintaining vital human-on-the-loop operator approval. In the same year, ‘Plan X’
program was also launched. This program will develop technologies to enable com-
prehensive awareness and understanding of the cyber battlespace as required for
visualizing, planning, and executing military cyber warfare operations. It will extend
operationally meaningful measures to project quantitatively the collateral damage of
executed cyber warfare missions. In 2015, both the deputy secretary of Defense of
USA Robert Work and the DARPA director Arati Prabhakar have ever announced that
‘human-machine collaboration (also informally named as semi-Sagittarius)’ program
will be attracted and launched. This program will develop an organic symbiosis whole
produced by the fusion of human and machine deeply. This organic symbiosis whole
can have the advantage of the precision of machine and the sharp of human at the same
time. By using this whole, the cognition speed and quality of human can be improved
apparently to make decision and action rapidly and validly. It is valuable to noticed that
this pattern of ‘human-machine collaboration’ is considered by Defense Department of
USA as the ‘High Tech Holy Grail’ of the ‘Third Offset Strategy’ which is adverse for
the development of China and Russian. Later on, Arati Prabhakar also has announced
the other important ‘Cognition Electronic Battle’ plan. This plan attempts to identify,
examine, classify and counter-check captured enemy radar signal autonomously by
using the Deep learning technology.
Although so many supported finance and force are cost for researching the AI
technology applied in the military domain, the advanced effects are not apparently due to
570 Z. Feng et al.

these programs are difficult, especially the battlefield situation intelligent cognition and
autonomous decision-making being very complex resulting in still no breakthrough.

3 Advanced Development of AI Technology

The AI technology is one branch of the subject of Computer Science. Its main purpose
is that the intelligent behavior will be realized through exploiting and producing
intelligent machine and system to analog and extend human’s intelligence by using the
artificial method and technology [17]. The AI subject mainly contains the Machine
Learning, Data Mining, Knowledge expression, Autonomous Deduction, Brain-like
Intelligence, Expert System, and so on. The further purpose of the AI technology is that
the human’s intelligence level will be reached by artificial method and technology.
Hence, this technology will be faced on the large challenge.
Recently, the development of the AI technology is greater and greater, especially
Big Data, Bayesian Deduction, Deep Learning technology and so on are proposed and
applied in a wide range of domain. These technologies can bring the valuable chance to
perform intelligent military researches; especially can bring the wishes for the break-
through of the battlefield situation intelligent cognition.

3.1 Big Data Technology

Big Data is not only the data column is large, but has the more important value.
Usually, Big Data has the ‘4 V’ characteristics [18–20]. Firstly, it has the large volume.
Its orders of magnitude can be reached to TB, PB even over EB. Secondly, it has the
apparent variety, which contains the many kinds of information with different struc-
tures, and it can be existed with different information carriers. Thirdly, it has the high
velocity data flow, resulting in the processing speed should be in the reasonable time.
Fourthly, it has the high value or veracity. In fact, the noise is usually within Big Data.
Hence, Big Data will be shown as high value and low density and the value contained
by Big Data is real. In addition, the other definition of Big Data from processing
method aspect is given by Wiki. That is Big Data is a kind of particular data. The cost
time of capturing, managing and processing this kind of data by using the conventional
methods and tools will be over the acceptable limit.
Big Data not only is shown as ‘4 V’ characteristics, but also bring the novel
research thought and approach to us. The revolutionary advances can be stated as
follows. Firstly, the local data analysis is transformed to the global research. Secondly,
the pure data analysis is transformed to the complex research due to Big Data is very
complicated and has lots of unsure information. Thirdly, the causality analysis is
transformed to the correlation research. Fourthly, the simple analysis is transformed to
deep and indirect research. We can say that the most important contribution of Big Data
is science research thought and approach for us.
Nowadays, Big Data is popularly attracted and applied in many fields, such as
internet, news and image research and so on. Most of famous companies, such as Baidu
and Alibaba, have built Big Data structure to supply services for users. In the military
Inspiration for Battlefield Situation Cognition 571

domain, Big Data have the other particular features, such as the strong confidentiality,
confusion, and jamming and so on, besides ‘4 V’ characteristics. Hence, several more
strict requirements will be suggested for these Big Data in the military domain.

3.2 Bayesian Deduction Technology

Despite remarkable advances in machine learning, two aspects of human conceptual
knowledge have eluded machine systems [10]. Firstly, for most interesting kinds of
natural and manmade categories, people can learn a new concept from just one or a
handful of examples, whereas standard algorithms in machine learning require tens or
hundreds of examples to perform similarly. Secondly, people learn richer representa-
tions than machines do, even for simple concepts, using them for a wider range of
functions, including creating new exemplars, parsing objects into parts and relations,
and creating new abstract categories of objects based on existing categories [21].
It needs to use the Bayesian Program Learning (BPL) framework, capable of
learning a large class of visual concepts from just a single example and generalizing in
ways that are mostly indistinguishable from people. This framework brings together
three key ideas, i.e., compositionality, causality, and learning to learning. As programs,
rich concepts can be built “compositionally” from simpler primitives. Their proba-
bilistic semantics handle noise and support creative generalizations in a procedural
form that naturally captures the abstract “causal” structure of the real-world processes
that produce examples of a category. Learning proceeds by constructing programs that
best explain the observations under a Bayesian criterion, and the model “learns to
learn” by developing hierarchical priors that allow previous experience with related
concepts to ease learning of new concepts [22]. In short, BPL can construct new
programs by reusing the pieces of existing ones, capturing the causal and compositional
properties of the real-world generative processes operating on multiple scales.
The Bayesian Deduction technology can provide the new and valid thought and
theory for the development of the AI technology.

3.3 Deep Learning Technology

A. General Introduction. In 2006, the new research field which is Deep Learning was
proposed in the AI subject [13–15]. The origin of Deep Learning is a kind of the
classical artificial NN (Nerve Network) technology. The deep network obtained by
using Deep Learning has the same net structure feature as the artificial NN. Hence, we
can call the deep network as DNN (Deep Nerve Network). Essentially, DNN has the
multi-layer sensor structure, due to it simulates the process of analysis and study
process of human’s brain [23].
It is helpful for enhancing the precision of the data identification and classification
by using the Deep Learning method to find the descriptions of the essential features of
the data, through compressing layer by layer after multiple combining and mining for
the data at the low layer. The main advantages of Deep Learning are stated as follows.
572 Z. Feng et al.

Firstly, it has the strong non-linear processing capability to solve those problems which
are hardly to describe reasonably by the several simple linear method. Secondly, lots of
hidden information behind the Big Data can be mined deeply by using the Deep
Learning due to this technology has some characteristics of comprehension layer by
layer and autonomous analysis or extraction. Thirdly, Deep Learning also has the well
memory characteristic, which can offer potential support for those cognition problems
needed prior knowledge.
Nowadays, Deep Learning has brought the disruptive revolution in the many fields,
such as the image, sound, voice, vision processing and natural language comprehension
and so on. At the same time, it has also brought some breakthroughs about the intel-
ligent decision-making and society behavior analysis [24–26].
B. Applied in the Situation Cognition. Abroad, on the basis of the 49 kinds of Atari
video games, especially Super Mario game, are concurred successfully by using the
Deep Learning technology [27, 28], the program AlphaGo of DeepMind of Google
company has beaten South Korean professional Lee Sedol, considered by many to be
the world’s strongest player [29–31]. That is to say the computer with the AI tech-
nology plays the Go equivalent of a world champion. The key technology of AlphaGo
is Deep Learning. In this technology, the Go situation comprehension and awareness
can be realized to complete every decision-making. In Araki Shoko’s research, the
real-world sound environments can be aware to comprehend its situation and to sep-
arate the useful sound and the noise effectively by using the Deep Learning model [32].
The robustness of the useful sound mixed with noise is analyzed by Yoshioka T. and
Gales M.J.F. using the acoustics Deep Learning model [33]. There are also some
relative researches such as taxi route prediction [34], autonomous drawing [35], and
editing news draft [27] and so on.
Interiorly, the traffic situation based on the big traffic data is aware to research the
traffic flow prediction problem by Yisheng Lv and his accompaniers [36]. The pre-
diction method based on the Deep Learning technology which considers the spatial and
temporal correlations inherently is proposed by them to achieve the superior perfor-
mance. The unified speaker-dependent speech separation and enhancement system
based on the Deep Learning method is researched by Gao Tian and his accompaniers
[37]. The indoor scene recognition method for mobile robots combining global and
saliency region features is researched to propose by NIU Jie and his accompaniers [38].
Aimed at the problem of network situation awareness with Big Data, the feature
extraction algorithm based on the Deep Learning method for dimension curse to
comprehend situation is proposed by CHEN Zhen and her accompanies [39]. In [40],
some general conclusions about research on cyberspace situational awareness are
These elucidations above are not only shown as the advanced development of the AI
technology, but also the some valuable gifts for the researches on battlefield situation
cognition with the AI technology.
Inspiration for Battlefield Situation Cognition 573

4 Inspiration for Battlefield Situation Cognition with AI


In the military domain, the battlefield situation can be defined as the statuses, changes
and development trends of all kinds of elements of all sides in the war [41–43]. The
battlefield situation cognition can be described as three steps. Firstly, a piece of visual
graph is achieved which is consisted by combat action, event, time, position, force and
so on, according to the battlefield situation at that moment. Secondly, the distribution of
the combat forces, battlefield environment and combat intention and maneuverability of
enemy which are obtained from the visual picture of battlefield are effectively com-
bined together to analyze and deduce the reason of occurred event in the war. Thirdly,
the force structure and employment character of enemy are evaluated, according to
deduced results. Aimed at the battlefield situation cognition with the AI technology,
some inspirations with are shown as follows.

4.1 Research Thought Based on Data Analysis

In the Big Data age, the conventional research approach with math model for battlefield
situation considered as the complex system will be not competent, due to some especial
characteristics of Big Data, such as non-linear, unsure and emergence characteristics
and so on. Hence, the research approach will be transformed to data analysis.
According to the different research thoughts and methods of the Big Data technology,
some other important characteristics of battlefield situation data, such as the integration,
correlation, complexity and deepness and so on, should be more regarded. At the same
time, some conventional processing methods for battlefield situation data such as local,
causality, purity and simplicity analysis and research and so on should be used as the

4.2 Tactical Level Cognition Based on Bayesian Deduction Technology

In the battlefield, the confrontation on the tactical level is a kind of combats with a
narrow range and a low layer, such as whether the different capabilities of combat
entity are valid, or how well are these capabilities, containing the capabilities of
awareness, attack, supplement, jamming, early warning and spying and so on. It can be
said that the confrontation on the tactical level usually is the comparatively explicit
combat action, where those compositionalities, causalities and relative elements are
generally sure. Therefore, the Bayesian Deduction technology can be considered as the
effective tools to analyze battlefield situation on the tactical level to achieve cognition
results. When the Bayesian Deduction technology is utilized, the statistic methods
orienting Big Data should be applied to obtain the relative probabilities.
574 Z. Feng et al.

4.3 Campaign Level Cognition Based on Deep Learning Technology

The researches on the campaign level cognition can be carried out, on the basis of
researches on the tactical level cognition. The campaign level battlefield contains so
many kinds of different systems with the different combat missions, and the compli-
cated interaction of these different systems will bring lots of unsure, complex and
emerging features to the campaign level battlefield. Hence, the campaign level bat-
tlefield must be considered as the complex system to research. When the researches on
the campaign level battlefield situation cognition are executed, the Deep Learning
technology with some especial advantages can play the important role to mine and
describe the hidden and emerging information and to complete the complex processing.
The deep neural network constructed by using the Deep Learning technology is con-
sisted of plenty of basic elements, i.e. neural units, and their connections, i.e. synapses.
Those tactical level cognition results and their some interactions can be considered as
the basic elements and their connections, respectively. Based on these conformations
and a mass of trainings, the battlefield situation cognition on campaign level can be
attempted to explore.
As stated above, the schematic sketch of the research inspiration of the battlefield
situation cognition with the AI technology can be described in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Sketch of inspiration of battlefield situation cognition with AI technology

Last, we refer to the views of Professor HU who is the chief engineer of War Game
system in China [30]. The rapid development of the AI technology has brought the
wishes of the intelligent warfare to us. Although, there is the long distance between the
intelligent warfare and us and there are lots of unknown or unimaginable things, we
must get ready for orienting its coming. It is the inevitable formula of the development
and revolution of the warfare.
Inspiration for Battlefield Situation Cognition 575

5 Conclusions

In the paper, some key issues and helpful inspirations are embroidered on the important
military problem about the battlefield situation cognition with the AI technology to
discuss. The main contents can be stated as the following these aspects. Firstly, the
main AI military programs launched by DARPA are combed and analyzed. From these
we can find that the researches on the military problem with the AI technology have
been high-regarded by USA, where the key problem of the battlefield situation intel-
ligent cognition is still no breakthrough. Secondly, Big Data, Bayesian Deduction and
Deep Learning contained by the AI technology are introduced. Especially, the research
status of Deep Learning and its applications in the situation cognition are generalized.
From these we can see that the advanced development of the AI technology can bring
the important wishes for the researches on battlefield situation cognition with the AI
technology. Thirdly, the researches on the military battlefield situation cognition based
on the AI technology are prospected. The relative schematic sketch of the research
inspiration is given. This paper can provide some lessons and thoughts for researches
on the development of the AI technology applied in the military domain of USA, the
advanced development of the AI technology and the problem of the battlefield situation
intelligent cognition.

Acknowledgement. The authors would like to thank the associated editors and the anonymous
reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions. This work is supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61374179 and U1435218).

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Intelligent Behavior Modeling on Information
Delivery of Time-Sensitive Targets

Chi-Jung Jung and Il-Chul Moon(B)

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering,

KAIST, Daejeon 305701, South Korea

Abstract. This thesis introduces a case study of utilizing the decen-

tralized partially observableMarkov decision process (DEC-POMDP) in
modeling information delivery behavior under the network centric war-
fare settings. The deployed troops are modeled as bounded rational
agents, and they have different communication success possibilities in the
long range and the short range. Our DEC-POMDP model indicates how
to deliver time-sensitive target information from the monitoring agent to
the headquarter through multiple bridging agents. The bridging agents
should intelligently decide which information to transmit through the
long range or delegate the transfer to other agents via short range com-
munications. Our models shed light on the improved information delivery
behavior that are inferred from the DEC-POMDP model with simula-
tion based experiments. We expect that this research would play a role
in improving Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP) in the field

1 Introduction
Deep infilteration scout units conducting enemy area survelliance should main-
tain the minimum communication as well as ensure the information delivery to
a distant headquarter. This information is considered high reliability and plays
an important role in influencing the quality of determined strategy. On the bat-
tle field, there are many factors to lower the success rate of the communication
equipment, and terrain factors make up a large proportion of the diruption fac-
tors. For instance, there is a place that reduces the success probability of the
communication; and an opposite situation also exists. Traditional approach is
always trying to use the long-range radio communication for the information
delivery to the headquarter, and the team which is situated in such challenging
position would not be able to deliver the information on time.
This paper suggests an alternative approach compared to the traditional one
by adopting an emerging network structure with a short-range communication
radio. In particular, while an AM radio set for long-range communication is influ-
enced by external factors; a FM radio set for short-range has a short distance
range but is robust to external disrupting factors, such as the terrain. This paper

c Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016
L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 578–587, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9 58
Intelligent Behavior Modeling on Information Delivery 579

proposes a communication model where a unit with an adverse AM communica-

tion condition delivers a information via the adjacent unit with good reception
for AM communication using FM communication. The proposed model can help
increase the amount of gathered information in order to ensure a quick tempo
of the surveillance operation.
The purpose of this study is to derive an optimal policy through the proposed
communication model and analyze whether it is actually effective. We model (1)
the scout units as agents and (2) the success probability of the communication as
environments. These agents operate in the bounded situational awareness phase,
and the agents are decentralized and independent.
To reflect the process where agents obtain partial observations from the envi-
ronment to improve the level of situation awareness and select the optimal action
using observations, the partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP)
is used. [1,2] However, the sole application of POMDP does not model the sep-
arated agents’ context. Therefore, decentralized agents act with the other oper-
ational agents in mind wihtout their actual context. This leads us to adopt the
decentralized partially observable Markov decision process (DEC-POMDP). The
agents behave by following DEC-POMDP models, and the team performance of
the agents were measured in the agent-based simulation environment [3].

2 Previous Research

Markov decision processes (MDPs) provide a foundation for much of the work
on stochastic planning. [4] Researchers in this area have studied the extensions
of the basic model that are suitable for multi-agent systems. In multi-agent
systems, agents have their own policies, and there are two perspectives of multi-
agent policies: centralized ones and decentralized ones. While the centralized
policies specify the decision of the agents according to the global system state,
the decentralized policies, which correspond to the decisions of situated agents,
must assume only a partial knowledge of the system in each agent and must deal
with the communication explicitly. [5] Fig. 1 shows the key difference between a
centralized policy and a decentralized policy. A centralized policy assumes the
global state as the starting point, but in a decentralized policy, the global state
is not automatically observed by the agents. [6]
Our simulation scenario requires that agents are placed in a decentralized sit-
uation and are generally autonomous. Bernstein [8] extends the POMDP model
to allow multiple distributed agents to each receive local observations and base
their decisions on these observations. Becker [9] studied one way to avoid this
complexity obstacle, which is to exploit the structure of the domain offered by
some special classes of DEC-MDPs. In that model, two agents operate indepen-
dently but are tied together through a reward structure that depends on both
of their execution histories. Goldman [10] proposed DEC-POMDP with commu-
nication (DEC-POMDP-COM). In that study, he presents an analytical model
to evaluate the tradeoff between the cost of communication and the value of
the information received. Becker [11,12] also studied a class of DEC-MDPs that
580 C.-J. Jung and I.-C. Moon

Fig. 1. Figure (a) shows the way to solve the problem under such a policy in a two-
agent system with agent X and Y. The expected utility of the next state in Figure (a)
can be calculated using a standard policy evaluation algorithm for Markov decision
processes. It can be handled as a big state simply composed of each agent’s states.
[7] However, Figure (b) shows the process of problem solving under a decentralized
environment. At any time step, each agent decides what local action to take and gains
some observations from it (if any). Using those observations, local knowledge is updated
and the agent enters the next state with it.

restict the interactions between the agents to a structured, event-driven depen-

dency. He focused on the property that the number of dependencies is much
smaller than the number of states for many problems.

3 Methodology
This section describes how to implement the two models that move under the
various input variables from the combat environment. Specifically, we describe
the planning process, which can offer a policy to each agent using DEC-POMDP
with prior settings from the information of the combat environment. Figure 2
shows the concept map of this research.

3.1 Rational Behavior Model

DEC-POMDP is a formalism when a rational agent with bounded situation
awareness behaves in a decentralized situation [13]. Here, we formalize the ten-
agent control problem as a cooperative and decentralized decision problem.

Tuples of Model. The inference on our DEC-POMDP model on communica-

tion provides an action policy on how to create such an emergent communication
network. Our DEC-POMDP model is defined by a tuple < S, A, Ω, P, O, R >,
where S = s1 × s2 × ...sN is a finite set of world states. A = a1 × a2 × ... × aN
is a finite set of actions that consist of the AM communication attempt and
request to another agent using FM. Ω is the set of all observations for each of
the agents, P is a transition function, O is the observation function, and R is a
reward function.
Intelligent Behavior Modeling on Information Delivery 581

Fig. 2. Concept map of this research

State. In order to consider information of another agent’s state, we define si

as si =< Ei , C AM,i , CiF M,j , C AM,j , Ready j , W aitj > where si is the state of
agenti , Ei ∈ {DecisionM aking, Operating, Success, F ailure} is the mission
state of si , CiF M,j is the success probability of communication between agenti
and agentj . So CiF M,j is influenced by terrain properties. Ready j is the readi-
ness condition of agentj to relay agenti ’s request. So Ready j is the binary
value and Ready j = 1 when agentj ’s mission is accomplished. And W aitj is
the information whether agentj is already relaying another agent’s requests.
The agent has exact knowledge on ti and Ei , but a probabilistic belief on C i,j ,
Ready j , and W aitj . Therefore, we use belief states with partial observation
about C AM,i , CiF M,j , C AM,j , Ready j , and W aitj after actions.

si =< Ei , C AM,i , CiF M,j , C AM,j , Ready j , W aitj >, i = j, j ∈ N =

{index of agents}
Ei ∈ {DecisionM aking, Operating, Success, F ailure} = {E d , E o , E s , E f }
C AM,i = AM communication probability of agenti
CiF M,j = FM communication probability between agenti and agentj
C AM,j = AM communication probability of agentj
582 C.-J. Jung and I.-C. Moon

Ready j = binary value whether agentj already accomplished the

mission(i = j)
W aitj = binary value whether agentj ’s AM equipment is already used by

E, which is the initial letter of engagement, means the state of operation that
the agent currently behaves in. So the agent has one of 4 state of E, including
decision making, operating success, and failure state. Decision making means
a moment where the agent makes a decision to choose one action among vari-
ous options. Operating means that after decision making, the agent takes some
action and waits for observation. So the agent stays in this Operating state until
observation is obtained. Success is a state where the agent obtains a observation
where the AM communication is successful and report is delivered to HQ. And if
the agent cannot obtain successful observation until the time is over, the agent’s
E makes a transition to failure regardless of any other condition.
C is the initial letter of communication probability. Its subscript is the sender
of the action, which is placed on the first superscript. The second superscript
means the receiver of the action. So CiF M,j means the short range radio commu-
nication between agenti and agentj using FM radio equipment. This value of C
is important because it is used in the process of state transition and determines
the expectation value on next reachable state.
Because every agent basically provides priority to its own mission, the agent
that has already succeeded can handle another agent’s request. Ready is the
probability of whether the agent of the superscript is ready to relay for another
agent’s request. Ready j has a binary value, which is 1 or 0 so if agentj succeeded
at once, and Ready j is updated as 1 and never changes because the agent’s
success state never changes.
W ait means the probability that the waitline of the agent, which can handle
another agent’s request has no user and is thus available. Agenti recognizes that
agentj ’s waitline is empty and agentj can help agenti at once, and so the value of
W aitji is updated as 1 and never changes. The reason that value is never changed
is different from the value of Ready, because the agent that firstly recognizes
that W aitji is 1 has priority to use agentj .
An agent has exact knowledge on E, but a probabilistic belief on C, Ready,
and W ait. Therefore, the agent should update its belief on C, Ready, and W ait
until E is updated to E s or E f to make a rational decision at the most. So
ˆ j , Wˆaitj > as
we need the belief state bi =< Ei , Ĉ AM,i , ĈiF M,j , Ĉ AM,j , Ready
ˆ j does not mean the binary value but the
belief on state si . In this tuple, Ready i
probability that agenti already accomplished the mission. This is also true with
Wˆaiti . It means that agenti ’s equipment is already used by someone. In this
context, there might be some gap between the real value and the conjecture.
And the agent’s conjecture can be changed according to the observation of the
next state after taking action because the agent uses Ĉi ,Ready ˆ j ,and Wˆaitj as a
transition probability instead of Ci ,Ready j ,and W aitj ; the accuracy of them is
important to make a right decision.
Intelligent Behavior Modeling on Information Delivery 583

Belief State Update. Because C is not deterministic and the information

about C is partially observable, we require belief states on its estimation. Belief
states about the success probability of a communication equipment are contin-
uous, and we can present it as a distribution form. Among these tuples, the
update of the conjecture C is a very important part. So Ĉi can be defined as the
conjecture of success probability of the related equipment. Ĉi can be presented
as the distribution form of belief on the success probabilities of communication,
which has the value of 0 to 1. Hence, C can be expressed as probability density
function (PDF) form on continuous probabilities. From the property that the
vector of belief state has the value from 0 to 1, the PDF of the Beta distribution
is suitable because the Beta distribution has an x axis, which has a value of 0 to
1, and the total area under the density curve equals a probability of one. Then
the belief state update is as follows:

b(C) ∼ beta(α, β)
 P (o|C , a) 1 
bao (C ) = (P (C |C, a)b(C)) dC
P (o|b, a) 0
 1  1
P (o|b, a) = (P (o|C , a))( (P (C |C, a)b(C)) dC) dC
0 0

And to calculate the state transition probability, the values of the vector
should be converged to one value. That expectation value can be obtained as
follows:  1
Ĉ = (bao (C ) × C ) dC
After the update is done, the agent can use C value as the transition probabil-
ity in the transition function. Initial vector values of belief state are defined from
a distribution that has a communication success probability of the equipment as
the mean value and value of 0.005 as the variance value.

4 Results
Figure 3 shows some of the experimental cases from a visualized tool during a
specific period of simulation. Agents’ behavior can be explained well by Fig. 3.
After beginning operation, all agents try to communicate with AM. After 10 min,
every agents gets messages of success (agents 5, 6, 7, 9 : mission accomplished),
but the rest have failed. First, because the AM trial has failed, agents 1, 2, 3,
4, 8, and 10 should act to maximize their probability of success. At the same
time, agents 1, 3 and 4 take action with AM as soon as they receive negative
messages, but agents 2, 8, and 10 try to connect to adjacent agents, which may
be succeed. After three minutes, agent 2’s FM attempt is successful but agent
1 is not ready to relay. Agent 8’s FM try is successful and agent 7’s mission
is already done. However, agent 10’s FM try has failed. Thus, agent 2 who
thinks agent 1 cannot help agent 2 to try to communicate by itself. So agent
8 asks agent 7 to relays information so that agent 7 relay it. Agent 10 tries to
584 C.-J. Jung and I.-C. Moon

Fig. 3. The screenshots of the virtual experiment in arbitrary area of Gangwon-do.

Red spot represent agent, and HQ is represented as one point of outer area of the
map. Yellow line is attempt at AM communication, FM and Relay. Red line is nega-
tive observation from trying (yellow line). On the contrary, green line is the positive
observation from trying (yellow line). Thus, after the related time of trying is passed,
the red or green line is followed after the yellow line. One simulation tick correspond
with one minute. (Color figure online)

engage in FM communication again. Then, agent 10 gains a positive observation

from it after three minutes and asks agent 9 to relay. After three minutes, the
agents who try to do AM communication 10 min before gets the observation that
agent 1 has succeeded (agent 1 : mission accomplished) but agents 3 and 4 have
failed again. Thus, agents 3 and 4 try AM one more time. Three minutes later,
agent 2 and agent 7 obtain a negative and positive observation in the AM trial
respectively (agent 2 : mission failed, agent 7 : mission accomplished). Agent 7
shares these contents with agent 8, which is waiting to use FM (agent 8 : mission
accomplished). At 27 min, agent 9 has a negative observation about the AM trial
at 14 min and share this with agent 10 (agent 10 : mission failed). At 31 min,
agent 3 is finally succeeded (agent 3 : mission accomplished), but agent 4 is not
Intelligent Behavior Modeling on Information Delivery 585

(agent 4 : mission failed). In this one experimental case, agents 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8

and 9 are accomplished; their missions finally succeed, but those of agents 2 and
4 have failed. Agent 8 has succeeded using relaying, but agent 10 has failed in
spite of using relaying.

Table 1. Standardized coefficient for the regression analysis by the success rate of
operation after simulation against experiment variable factors. (††: p < 0.01, †: p <

Experiment variable name Standardized

Regression on success rate AM success probability 0.102
of operation of agent with good
AM success probability 0.644
of agent with bad
Ratio of teams located 0.699
at good reception in
a group
Degree of −0.585
Adjusted R Square 0.714

Regression analysis in metamodeling is used to analyze which factors con-

tribute to the performance measure. Table 1 shows the meta-model from the
results of simulation. The table entries indicate standardized coefficient values
by the number of successful operations against experiment variable factors. This
meta-model shows that all of four variables, i.e., AM success probability of agent
with good reception, AM success probability of agent with bad reception, ratio
of teams located at good reception in a group, and degree of over-estimation, are
independent variable. No relay method in relay decisio-making is meaningless to
investigate the effect of the degree of over-estimation; for the fourth independent
variable, relay method with DEC-POMDP is used only. However, AM success
probability of the agent with good reception has less of an influence on the result
than the others do. According to this analysis, the ratio of teams located in good
reception in a group and the AM success probability of an agent with bad recep-
tion are the most influential factors. It means that helping the agent who has
no or short waitline is advantageous to agent which needs to help, and the AM
success probability of one’s own equipment is always important for robust and
flexible correspondence. The sign of the fourth variable means that the smaller
the overestimation is the better the operations.
586 C.-J. Jung and I.-C. Moon

5 Discussion
In this study, we made a solver named rational behavior model using DEC-
POMDP formalism. In addition, when we follow the policy created in this solver,
it was confirmed that this has better performance than current doctrine in var-
ious given environments. From this research, we hypothesize that this quantita-
tive analysis and the action policy could be our improved Tactics, Techniques,
and Procedures (TTP) in the field operation. Also, this method can be applied
not only to an enemy area operations in depth but also the whole theater, which
consists of an ad-hoc network. This proposed model in this paper has a number
of limitations. Firstly, the improved method of applying a more complex system
will be necessary. It will be possible using the features of the domain, as shown
in this study, but it has the disadvantage that it can be applied only in spe-
cial cases. A more general and improved approximation or heuristic algorithm is
required. Secondly, as mentioned, the research on the agent’s belief state update
model requires more.

Acknowledgment. This research was supported by the Korean ICT R&D program of
MSIP/IITP (R7117-16-0219, Development of Predictive Analysis Technology on Socio-
Economics using Self-Evolving Agent-Based Simulation embedded with Incremental
Machine Learning).

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Agents and Multiagent Systems: part 3. ACM (2002)
7. Bellman, R.: A Markovian decision process. No. P-1066. RAND CORP SANTA
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8. Bernstein, D.S.: The complexity of decentralized control of Markov decision
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9. Becker, R., et al.: Transition-independent decentralized Markov decision processes.
In: Proceedings of the Second International Joint Conference on Autonomous
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multi-agent systems. In: Proceedings of the Second International Joint Conference
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Design and Application of Exterior Ballistics Simulation
and Data Analysis Tool for EMRG

Dongxing Qi, Ping Ma ✉ , and Xiaobing Shang

( )

Control and Simulation Center, Harbin Institute of Technology,

Harbin, People’s Republic of China
{Qidongxing01,shangxiaobing1}@163.com, [email protected]

Abstract. The general structural design and operation process of the existing
electromagnetic railgun (EMRG) simulation tools are defective. Aiming to solve
the problems, including functional singleness, poor extensibility and inflexibility,
the EMRG exterior ballistics simulation and data analysis tool is designed and
developed in this paper. Firstly, in order to realize its functions, the requirement
analysis of exterior ballistics simulation and data analysis is presented and the
overall structural design and operation process of this tool are obtained. Secondly,
this comprehensive tool is developed by Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, and based
on the modularization theory, the tool realizes exterior ballistics simulation
according to the six-DOF model, applications in various data analysis methods
and report generation, etc. Finally, the application case shows that the tool can
meet the requirement of the simulation and data analysis of the EMRG exterior
ballistics and it is easy to operate. Therefore, the tool has significance to the study
of the EMRG exterior ballistics.

Keywords: Electromagnetic railgun · Exterior ballistics simulation · Data

analysis · Sensitivity analysis

1 Introduction

Electromagnetic railgun (EMRG) is a typical representative of the electromagnetic

emission weapons. As a new concept of weapon-system, it has the advantage of faster
response and higher damage [1] compared with conventional guns. The simulation of
exterior ballistics and data analysis are the two important components in EMRG
research. The former part, simulation of exterior ballistics, not only play a wide and
important role in the design of EMRG, tabulation and compilation, but also in model
validation, combat and equipment simulation [2]. And the other part, EMRG data anal‐
ysis, it refers to process of depth analysis and conclusion of data produced from the
simulation of EMRG system in advance with the appropriate method [3]. The data anal‐
ysis methods, specially, include sensitivity analysis [4–7], linear regression analysis [8],
variance analysis [9, 10], principal component analysis [11] and typical correlation
analysis [12]. Therefore, EMRG exterior ballistics simulation and appropriate analysis
method selection will be valuable for the whole system construction and evaluation.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 588–596, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_59
Design and Application of EBS and DA Tool for EMRG 589

Nevertheless, the problems at present mainly exist in two aspects. Firstly, researches
in this field are still limited to the exterior ballistics simulation, experiment design and
its data analysis. Furthermore, it’s difficult to complete the integrated exterior ballistics
simulation and data analysis research [13–15]. Secondly, the lack or the inappropriate
design for overall design in the exterior ballistics simulation and data analysis tools,
leads to awkward ability in extension and reoperation for the software. According to the
two aspects, on one hand, for the improvement of efficiency of exterior ballistics simu‐
lation and data analysis, so as the management in distribution of simulation resource,
it’s a very must to design auxiliary tool. The tool should be designed from two aspects
of functional structure and running process to support corresponding research. And on
the other hand, with the deep research of the exterior ballistics simulation and data
analysis, the tool’s general and comprehensive requirements of the users are becoming
more and more strictly. Thus, in order to simulate the exterior ballistics of the electro‐
magnetic gun easily and efficiently, as well as analyze the simulation data accurately
and effectively, it’s very essential to develop a comprehensive tool.
This paper aims at the research status of EMRG system and the problems which exist
in exterior ballistics simulation and data analysis tools. A comprehensive tool is drawn
up and developed based on requirement analysis of exterior ballistics simulation and
data as well as modularization theory, using Visual Studio 2010. This tool makes up of
database management, exterior ballistics simulation, experimental design, data analysis
and analysis report generation, and other functions. Finally, the application case results
show the feasibility and effectiveness of the tool, and the tool can provide a foundation
for EMRG weapon system research.

2 Requirement Analysis of Exterior Ballistic Simulation and Data

Analysis Tool

As the first part of software development, requirement analysis aims to determine

the specific tasks of software design and performance requirement based on the target
of clients. According the problems existing in the field of exterior ballistics simulation
and data analysis at present, the tool should include the functions as below.
• Exterior Ballistics Simulation
Firstly, to deal with the enormous data produced from the simulation, it demands on
unified database in EMRG ballistics simulation for effective utilization and storage,
which stores the data from experiment for its query, addition, deletion, so as its
writing and reading, display, etc.
Secondly, Established on the basis of theory of probability and mathematical
method of statistics, experiment design is supposed to be a kind of economic and
scientific techniques. Due to both outside and inside inevitable effect, suitable plan
for the experiment should be set in advance for researchers to achieve the best result.
In the last, the model of EMRG exterior ballistics describes the process of projec‐
tile’s movement after leaving the railgun with a high speed in the atmosphere. It is
the foundation of exterior ballistics simulation and the characteristic analysis of
590 D. Qi et al.

ballistics. Researchers need to consider EMRG’s shooting range, high altitude flight,
the variation of the earth curvature and gravitational acceleration. Supported by the
Six-DOF model of projectiles, the simulation of exterior ballistics is realized.
According to the initial input, the simulation can get the accurate result of the output,
so as to be convenient for the firing accuracy analysis of the exterior ballistics and
the evaluation of the whole system.
• Data Analysis
Due to enormous data produced by the simulation experiment with various
parameters, researchers need to analyze the effect to results produced by the different
factors, like effect on firing accuracy. And it demands on the tools of exterior ballistics
simulation and data analysis for data’s introduction, standardization, analysis method
choose, process and analysis.
• Report Generation
In the last step, after the exterior ballistics simulation and data analysis, all data
from the simulation and data analysis need to be stored for query and filing, which
demands the tool can support automotive report generation.

3 Design of Exterior Ballistics Simulation and Data Analysis Tool

Overall design is a very important step in the process of completing the development of
software tools. After the requirement analysis of the exterior ballistics simulation and
the data analysis tool of the EMRG, it is essential to design the tool from many aspects.
So this section will describe the problem from two aspects which are the tool’s design
of the functional structure and the running process.

3.1 Design of the Function Structure

According to the demand of users, the exterior ballistics simulation and data analysis
tools are mainly divided into exterior ballistics simulation module, data analysis module
and report generation module. In the tool, each module is closely related to the database.
Users can manage the database through the interactive interface of each module and
transfer the corresponding data and parameters to each module, and then the simulation
data analysis results are got. There are two aspects in exterior ballistics simulation
module which are database connection and exterior ballistics simulation. Various func‐
tions have been well implemented in this module, such as database management,
configuration of parameters, aerodynamic configuration, test design management and
model calculation. Data analysis module is composed of three parts that are data statis‐
tical analysis, data preprocessing and sensitivity analysis. In this module, firstly, the
function of data statistics analysis includes variance analysis and regression analysis.
Lately, the function of data preprocessing consists of singular point elimination, normal
Design and Application of EBS and DA Tool for EMRG 591

test and correlation analysis. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis function includes sensi‐
tivity analysis method selection and sampling method selection. The function of the
specific module is shown in Fig. 1.

Database management data

Developer U M Configuration parameter parameter libraries
N A Aerodynamic parameter
parameter libraries
users C I
O O Experiment design Method labraries
U Model solving Method labraries
R Data preprocessing Test of outlier normality test
Database D
A Variance analysis
E Statistic analysis of data
A Regression analysis
I Multiple methods to choose
I Sensitivity analysis
Sampling methods
F P Simulation experiments data
report E T
G Analysis report generating

Fig. 1. Function structure of exterior ballistics simulation and data analysis tool

3.2 Design of the Running Process

Based on the function of each module in the tool, the corresponding running process is
designed. Firstly, based on the requirement analysis, the content of the two aspects which
are exterior ballistic simulation and data analysis is confirmed. Secondly, the database
is established by using different EMRG simulation parameters in the parameter library
and factor library. And then choose the reasonable and effective experimental design
method to get the experimental design of the exterior ballistic simulation model solving.
So we can get the simulation data for the data analysis through model solving. The data
are preprocessed, and the singular value is removed. In the same time, the normality of
the data is tested, and the correlation is analyzed. Based on the processed data, the
analysis is carried out, such as investigating the effect of some input to output, and the
credibility of the model dynamic output. Furthermore, choose the appropriate analysis
592 D. Qi et al.

method, which are statistics analysis or sensitivity analysis. Finally, the useful data
generated in the analysis process is saved into the resource database and the data analysis
report will be generated according to the requirement. The specific flow is shown in
Fig. 2.

Model for Exterior


Database management

Experiment design
Model solving Ballistics

Data preprocessing

Data analysis functions

Statistic Sensitivity
analysis analysis

Sobol method
Variance analysis FAST method
Regression analysis EFAST method
Morris method

Data analysis

N Analysis results meet

requirement ?

Data analysis
report generating

Fig. 2. The flow of exterior ballistics simulation and data analysis tool

4 Application of Exterior Ballistics Simulation and Data Analysis


According to the requirement analysis and design scheme of the exterior ballistics simu‐
lation and data analysis tool, this section modularizes the comprehensive tool for exterior
ballistics of EMRG by Visual Studio 2010 platform of the ribbon interactive interface
in every stage. Then the tool is applied in the case of EMRG’s firing accuracy analysis.
In the case, with the purpose of researching the influence of model output according to
the uncertain input factors of the model, firstly, six factors determinedly have an impact
on ballistic range are extracted based on the prior knowledge. In the last, the influence
of each input factor on the firing accuracy is obtained by the tool. The following are the
Design and Application of EBS and DA Tool for EMRG 593

analysis and instructions of exterior ballistics simulation, data analysis, Generation

report management which are all key module functions respectively.

4.1 Exterior Ballistics Simulation

Two main functions of database connection and exterior ballistic model simulation are
realized well in exterior ballistics simulation module. The database connection includes
new database establish, existing databases connection and database login, in order to
make it more convenient for data import, storage and output. Exterior ballistics model
simulation includes configuration parameters, aerodynamic configuration, test of
designing management and model calculation function, users can adjust the environment
parameters, projectile parameters and aerodynamic parameters as desired. After setting
the environment variables and other factors, the user can choose the reasonable design
method and the solution in exterior ballistics simulation interface, and the corresponding
output results can be obtained by solving the model.
The experiment design methods include Monte Carlo Sampling, Latin Hypercube
Sampling and user-defined methods. And the simulation model is based on Six-DOF
model of projectiles. Those motion equations are dynamic equations of projectile’s
centroid, dynamic equations around the centroid, kinematics equations of the centroid,
kinematics equations around the centroid, etc. The relevant equations are shown in
reference [16], and the interpretations are omitted here due to the limitation of paper’s
number. The database connection and management interface is shown in Fig. 3. And in
Fig. 4, which is the exterior ballistics simulation interface, we choose the Monte Carlo
experiment design method, set the sampling times are 100. Then model solving is
completed and the scatter diagram in two directions is drawn.

Fig. 3. Database connection and management interface

594 D. Qi et al.

Fig. 4. Exterior ballistics simulation interface

4.2 Data Analysis

The key module for data analysis includes three functions, data statistics analysis, data
preprocessing and sensitivity analysis. The data statistics analysis includes data infor‐
mation, analysis of variance and regression analysis and other functions. This module
uses the traditional statistical methods to analyze the fluctuation of simulation data series
which is defined the discreteness. Data preprocessing is a way for the user preprocess
the simulation data through corresponding data validation method to ensure the simu‐
lation rationality of data. This module implements the outlier test of simulation data,
normality test and correlation analysis. On one hand, sensitivity analysis method can
find out the most significant effect on the output of the model parameters, in order to
correct the model parameters quickly. On the other hand, depending on the experimental
results, it can find the significant factors and its percentage of the simulation output
through the sensitivity analysis, namely, the influence degree of the uncertainty of simu‐
lation system parameters on output indexes. Sobol’ method, FAST method, EFAST
method Morris method and SRCs method are implemented to solve the sensitivity of
the parameters in this module. The relevant equations of the previous sensitivity analysis
methods has been already showed in reference [16, 17], thus they are omitted here. As
showed below, take firing accuracy analysis by Sobol’ method as an example, assuming
the gained sample , from LHS, where is sample size, is the factor number,
some equations are given like that

Design and Application of EBS and DA Tool for EMRG 595


where under the condition of A is unchangeable, change the i’th column of B into
A to get , and the same method to get . Thus the first-order sensitivity and total
sensitivity of the parameter can be written as


Firing accuracy analysis by Sobol’ method interface is illustrated in Fig. 5. Set the
sample size is 500, and factor size is 6, and then the simulation results can be obtained
in the table. Analyze the sensitivity of longitudinal dispersion and lateral dispersion,
respectively. The experimental results are viewed in the table and histograms.

Fig. 5. Firing accuracy analysis by Sobol’ method interface

4.3 Report Generation

According to the data obtained from the simulation, visual simulation results, assessment
of the shooting and hit probability calculation results, the user, by calling Microsoft
word for the report generation, can achieve corresponding report generation by user-
defined or default method to make them convenient to check and record.

5 Conclusion and Future Work

This paper aiming at the problems, which include the single-functionality, as well as
unreasonable structural design of existing exterior ballistics simulation and analysis
596 D. Qi et al.

tools, divides whole tool into a number of modules, reduce the coupling among each
module, and guarantees the close of the internal relations in each module. This tool
comprehensively considers each part from the whole process, including data manage‐
ment, exterior ballistics, experiment design, data analysis and report generation, etc. The
application case indicates that the tool can fulfill the researches requirement of exterior
ballistics simulation and data analysis of the EMRG system. Furthermore, its operation
is convenient, and it plays a very important supporting role in the research of EMRG.
Though the tool has realized the functions above, it is still defective in some fields. And
in the future, it seems to be a promotion to make its expansion in data analysis, enhance‐
ment in auxiliary tools interface and visualization, etc.


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Inverse Modeling of Combat Behavior
with Virtual-Constructive Simulation Training

Doyun Kim, Do-Hyeong Kim, and Il-Chul Moon(B)

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering,

KAIST, Daejeon 305701, South Korea

Abstract. Modeling combat behavior is an important, yet complicated

task because the combat behavior emerges from the rationality as well
as the irrationality. For instance, when a soldier confronts a dilemma on
accomplishing his mission and saving his life, it is difficult to model his
ongoing thoughts with a simple model. This paper presents (1) how to
reconstruct a realistic combat environment with a virtual-constructive
simulation, and (2) how to model such combat behavior with the inverse
reinforcement learning. The virtual-constructive simulation is a well-
known simulation application for soldier training. Previous works on
this virtual-constructive simulation focuses on a small number of entities
and mission phases, so it was difficult to observe the frequent behavior
dilemma in the field. This work presents a large scale and a complete
brigade-level operation to provide such synthetic environment to human
player. Then, our second work is observing the com-bat behavior through
the virtual-constructive simulations, and modeling the behavior with the
inverse reinforcement learning. Surely, we can observe the descriptive sta-
tistics of the observed behavior, but the inverse reinforcement learning
provides calibrated weights on the valuation on hypothetical rewards
from conflicting goals. Our study is the first attempt on merging the
large-scale virtual constructive simulation and the inverse reinforcement
learning on such massive scale.

1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
Modeling behavior of combat entities is a challenging task because of their com-
plex reasonings as well as instinctive reactions. Firstly, the reasonings and the
reactions becomes the latent dynamics of behavior that is only to be observed
as a resulted mixture of the two separate dynamics. Secondly, the drivers of
the reasonings and the reactions are diverse, and the drivers consist of intrinsic
information, such as the states of the combat entities, the task assignment, as
well as external contexts, such as the formation of the friendlies and the detec-
tion of the opposition forces. These two challenging factors require the combat
entity behavior models to incorporate both probabilistic aspect and guidance by
human experts.

c Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016
L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 597–606, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9 60
598 D. Kim et al.

The most recent and popular approach on this problem is using the Markov
decision process, or MDP, in the behavior modeling. MDP [1] provides a prob-
abilistic framework on the behavior modeling, and a modeler can provide a
guidance by modifying the rewards per the state and the action of the combat
entities. The role of MDP is maximizing the reward by choosing an action to
make a state transition toward a state providing further reward. To adopt this
in the combat entity modeling, a modeler should enumerate (1) the possible
state list, (2) the action list of the combat entity, (3) the probabilistic transi-
tion of the states through the actions, and (4) the reward for each state. While
MDP provides the natural framework for the probabilistic behavior modeling,
the hurdle is not removed, but transformed. The previous problem of moderat-
ing the intrinsic reaction, the rule-guided behavior, and the rational behavior is
just becoming the reward design of the MDP formulaton. Therefore, using MDP
does give a niche start on modeling the combat behavior, yet it does not provide
a complete answer.
One way of modeling this complicated reward in MDP is learning from the
observations on the subject-matter experts’ behaviors. This approach is called
as inverse reinforcement learning, or IRL. IRL maintains the utilization of MDP,
but the reward structure is supervised by the human training examples [2,3]. The
result of IRL, which is the estimated reward function of the experts, becomes
a soft guidance to the autonomous agent in the simulation. The IRL approach
is generally used in a simple context, such as a scroll action game, and this
approach is not used in a complicated defense simulation as in this paper [4,5].
This paper applies the IRL based behavior modeling to the logs of virtual-
constructive simulation, or VC simulation [6,7], that is a human-in-the-loop
combat simulation. A tank in the VC simulation is operated by a human, who
can be either subject-matter experts or non-experts, and we learn and contrast
the reward functions from the two different groups of operators. This provides a
deeper understanding in what would be the rational of individual combat entity
behaviors, and this understanding will contribute the combat behavior modeling
of autonomous agents with the MDP framework.

2 Problem Formulation

IRL is a technique to derive an estimated reward function from the observed

entity behavior [3]. This paper formulate and apply to the modeling on a tank’s
combat behaviors through IRL. The below is the definition of MDP and IRL
before we apply the framework to the combat domain.

2.1 Markov Decision Process and Reinforcement Learning

MDP is a probabilistic framework to model a sequence of behavior, or a plan

[1]. This has become the fundamental building block of reinforcement learning
and stochastic control theory [8]. MDP assumes that an agent makes a rational
Inverse Modeling of Combat Behavior with VC Simulation Training 599

decision based upon the perceptions on environments and the available actions
given the agent’s state. MDP is defined with the below five tuples.

< S, A, T, R, γ >
Here, S is a set of states that an agent’s full information is described at the
temporal moment; A is a set of actions that are available to the agents; T is
the state transition probability given the agent’s current state and the executed
action at the moment; R is the reward function per the visited state; and γ is the
discount rate of the future reward. The transition probability and the reward
function is formally defined as the below.

T (s, a, s ) = P r(St+1 = s |At = a, St = s)

R(s, a) = E[Rt |St = s, At = a]

Solving a MDP model is finding the most optimal policy, which is π ∗ (s) = a,
that yields the highest cumulative reward over time. The optimal policy can be
obtained through either value or policy iterations that are the approximation
method for the optimization. During the MDP problem solving, the cumulative
value on each state given the policy, V π (s), is useful information to derive.

V π (s) = maxa [R(s, a) + γ T (s, a, s )V π (s )]
s ∈S

Now, reinforcement learning releases the assumption on the prior knowledge

of the transition, T and the reward, R. Then, the reinforcement learning should
estimate the transition and the reward, and the learning should optimize as
the estimation becomes mature. Given that agents have bounded rationality on
the situated world, the reinforcement learning becomes a closer depiction on the
world. Basically, the estimation on the transition and the reward requires the
exploration phase of the agents, and the agents start developing its policy as
the perceived world becomes complete. We can apply the maximum likelihood
estimation, or MLE, or the maximum a posteriori, or MAP, to estimate the
distribution of the transition probability. The reward can be recorded per a
state visit.

2.2 Inverse Reinforcement Learning

Inverse reinforcement learning, or IRL, is the opposite problem of the reinforce-

ment learning. IRL estimates the reward function by observing the expert’s
behavior while reinforcement learning estimates the reward from the percep-
tion. This is called an inverse problem because reinforcement learning ultimately
derives the behavior policy from the estimated reward, but the policy is assumed
latently given in the IRL setting. In contrast to reinforcement learning, IRL
derives the reward function from the behavior of experts who are considered to
behave optimally.
600 D. Kim et al.

In notations, one of IRL is solving a MDP\R model. MDP\R consists of

the same tuples in MDP. However, compared to MDP, there are three different
aspects that are (1) no information on T and R, (2) R as a linear sum of modeler
defined feature functions, and (3) the available observation on (St , At ) from
R(s, a) = wφ(s, a) = w1 φ1 (s, a) + w2 φ2 (s, a) + · · · + wd φd (s, a)
The above formula indicates the structure of the reward function, R, and
the feature functions, φi (s). The linear-sum weights of the feature functions,
wi , are the targets of learning in the IRL setting. The feature functions are the
factors contributing to the determination of rewards, and the modelers supply
such factors in conjunction with the action and the state in MDP\R.
The inference on wi utilizes the linear programming for the optimization.
The below formula is an objective function of the linear programming.

maximize π∈Π p(V
(s0 ) − V π (s0 ))

subject to |ŵi | ≤ 1 i = 1, 2, · · · , d
The objective function maximizes the difference between the cumulative value
function of V πE (s0 ) and V π (s0 ) by indicating that V πE (s0 ) should be the most
optimal in any given π ∈ Π because πE is given by the expert. Now, this becomes
an iterated problem because the compared policy set in the linear programming
has huge possible cases of policies. One approach is bootstrapping the possible
policy by turning this into an iterative problem. We setup a simple policy at
the start, and we infer the ŵ from the linear programming. Then, by using the
inferred reward function, we solve the MDP model to find an additional policy
to maximize the reward. The additional policy and the previous policy becomes
a combined set of policies for the next iteration. This approach is applicable
when we only observe the expert’s state-action pairs, a M sequences actions and
each sequence with H state-action pairs, without knowing the expert’s policy,
πE , because we only need V πE in the below.

1   t 1   t
M H−1 M H−1 d
V πE (s0 ) = γ R(sm m
t , at ) = γ wi φi (sm m
t , at )
M m=1 t=0 M m=1 t=0 i=1

3 Virtual-Constructive Simulation and IRL Application

This section introduces the virtual-constructive simulation that produces the
expert behavior sequences. Firstly, we provide an overview on the combat simu-
lation interoperating virtual and constructive models. Secondly, we describe how
to apply the inverse reinforcement learning to the simulation.

3.1 Virtual-Constructive Combat Simulation

The virtual-constructive simulation, or VC simulation, is an interoperating sim-
ulation with a constructive model and a virtual model. The constructive model
Inverse Modeling of Combat Behavior with VC Simulation Training 601

Fig. 1. DEVS hierarchy of constructive simulation

describes the behavior of various and diverse combat entities. The combat enti-
ties in the constructive model behaves autonomously in the decentralized fash-
ion, so our constructive model follows the paradigm of agent-based modeling.
While there are multiple approaches in modeling agents, our simulation uses the
descriptive and rule-based approach. Particularly, we use the DEVS formalism to
explicitly formalize the behavior rules [9,10]. The DEVS formalism has two dif-
ferent types of models: coupled models and atomic models. The coupled models
collectively creates a hierarchy of simulation models by coupling the inputs and
the outputs of models. The atomic models become an individual state-transition
model that becomes the basic building blocks of the hierarchy. Figure 1 is the
602 D. Kim et al.

Fig. 2. (Top-Left) Constructive simulation screen-capture, (Top-Right) Operation pic-

ture for command and control, (Bottom-Left) Virtual tank simulation, (Bottom-Right)
Virtual helicopter simulation

DEVS model hierarchy of our constructive simulation. The hierarchy has three
major components: the blue mechanized brigade, the red fortified battalion, and
the combat environment. Each component except the environment has (1) com-
mand and control models, such as brigade, platoon, company models, etc. and (2)
combat entity models, such as BIFV (blue infantry fighting vehicle), BTank, etc.
The virtual simulation is a detailed simulation of entities controlled by a
human in a well-described virtual environment. For example, Fig. 2 shows the
virtual simulation of a tank and a helicopter. As the figure shows, the tank and
the helicopter are controlled by a human who can be subject-matter experts.
This virtual simulation alone can be a good model for individual combat exercise
or gaming. However, when the virtual simulation becomes a single simulation
interoperating the constructive simulation, the virtual simulation becomes an
interface of interacting with agents in the constructive model, and this is the
critical aspect of the VC simulation.

3.2 Inverse Reinforcement Learning of Combat Behavior

Now, we model the IRL problem of the tank behavior learning in our VC simu-
lation. The inputs are the observed multiple sequences of state-action pairs from
the VC simulation operated by a human subject. Then, we need to define the
MDP\R formulation. The most basic information to define is the state of the
agent. The below is a state variable that represent the combination of various
information in the simulation context.
S = (DirGoal , DirCompany , IndN orth , IndEast ,
IndSouth , IndW est , IndF ire , IndHit , IndDamage )
Inverse Modeling of Combat Behavior with VC Simulation Training 603

Table 1. Reward feature function of IRL in our VC simulation

Binary feature Binary condition Description

φ{1,2,3,4} (s) ind{north,east,south,west} = ture Detection of an enemy entity in
{north, east, south, west}
φ{5,6,7,8} (s) ind{north,east,south,west} = ture Detection of an enemy entity and a
indF ire = true weapon fire in {north, east, south,
φ{9,10,11,12} (s) dirGoal = The assualt objective location is in
{north, east, south, west} {north, east, south, west}
φ{13,14,15,16} (s) dirCompany = The center of affiliated tank company
{north, east, south, west} is in {north, east, south, west}
φ{17,18} (s) indHit = {f alse, true} Enemy hit by our weapon fire is
φ{19,20} (s) indDamage = {f alse, true} My hit by an enemy’s weapon fire is

DirGoal indicates the relative {north, east, south, west} of the final assault
location by setting the heading of the controller tank as the exact North. We
discretize the direction into four category to reduce the problem complexity. Sim-
ilarly, DirCompany indicates the relative {north, east, south, west} of the center
of the affiliated tank company. Ind{north,east,south,west} indicates the detected
enemy location. IndF ire is a boolean of the weapon fire. IndHit is a boolean
case of striking enemy with my fire. Finally, IndDamage is a boolean case of
being hitted by enemy fires. This state definition is correlated to the reward
features in Table 1. This is total 4 × 4 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 211 = 2048
Now, we define an action set with five actions: moving forward, turning right,
turning left, moving backward, and weapon fire. After defining the action and
the state, we can estimate the transition probability as the below. The transition
probability is factorized into four different components to model the conditional
independence. Each probability component is a simple maximum likelihood esti-
mation on the observed sequence.
T (s, a, s ) = P r(S(t+1) = s |At = a, St = s)
= P r(dirGoal , dirCompany | a, dirGoal , dirCompany )
× P r(indN orth , indEast , indSouth , indW est
| a, indN orth , indEast , indSouth , indW est )
× P r(indF ire | a) × P r(indExact | a)
× P r(inddamage | a, indN orth , indEast , indSouth , indW est )

Finally, we have to define the reward function for the learning. We modeled
the reward function as a linear combination of feature functions in Table 1. The
below formula is the articulation of the linear combination. What we expect
604 D. Kim et al.

Fig. 3. Analysis process of using Virtual-Constructive simulation and Inverse Rein-

forcement Learning

from the mixing IRL and VC simulation is the key reward feature of the subject-
matter experts’ planning. Figure 3 illustrates this analysis process of IRL and
the VC simulation.

R(s) = w · φ(s) = (wk φk (s))

4 Experiment Design and Result

We experimented the behavior of combat entities with two categories of human
operators: military experts and civilian. The number of subjects are three for
each side, totaling six subjects. For the meaningful simulation operation, we
provided a significant monetary reward for the subjects per each replication.
The subject takes one tank of the blue side and assigned to complete the object
assigned to the battalion that the tank is assigned. The objective is the battalion-
level, so the single tank cannot achieve the goal, which means that the subject
should work with the autonomous simulation combat entities. We changed the
assigned battalion for three times. Each subject ran the simulation for 24 times.
Figure 4 shows the difference between the reward feature function weights
in four different aspects. The displayed feature functions were selected based
upon the largest difference between the civilian and the military. This could be
considered as the reward difference coming from regarding the VC simulation
as either a game or a training simulator. The military personnel chose to stay
away from the engagement when the civilians are indifferent because the feature
function on the enemy detection in the north and the weapon fire is much lower
in the military compared to the civilian. However, this does not mean that the
military personnel are not located at the spearhead of their company because
the military prefer to put the center of the company behind of his tank, see
Table 2.
Inverse Modeling of Combat Behavior with VC Simulation Training 605

Fig. 4. Weights on the feature function on the engagement at north, east, south, and
west. (Top-left, Top-right, Bottom-left, Bottom-right). The engagement is defined as
detecting an enemy and firing a weapon.

Table 2. Five reward feature functions with the top five difference between the civilian
and the military

Feature Feature label Weight difference Civilian average Military average

1 Indication of Enemy 1.944 −0.063 ± 0.927 −2.007 ± 1.526
- North
15 Direction of 1.369 0.093±0.948 1.462±1.909
Company - South
16 Direction of 1.271 −0.099 ± 0.838 −1.370 ± 0.915
Company - West
12 Direction of Goal - 1.259 −0.392 ± 0.428 −1.651 ± 0.618
2 Indication of Enemy 1.148 −0.279 ± 0.521 −1.427 ± 1.273
- East

5 Conclusion

To our knowledge, this study is the first study of explaining a subject-matter

expert behavior with a large-scale VC simulation and IRL. Previously, IRL is
used in a simple setting, for instance an arcade game, a simplified highway
driving, etc. Or, IRL has been used to teach a limited number of instructions,
606 D. Kim et al.

such as flipping a helicopter and hovering. Participating in a battle field with a

military training is different from gaming or following a simple set of instruc-
tions. There is a rational part as well as an instinctive part, and sometimes a
mandatory part, in the combat behavior. This research tells how to unfold such
mixture of behavior by learning the subject-matter experts behavior in a virtual

Acknowledgment. This research was supported by the Korean ICT R&D program of
MSIP/IITP (R7117-16-0219, Development of Predictive Analysis Technology on Socio-
Economics using Self-Evolving Agent-Based Simulation embedded with Incremental
Machine Learning).

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Visualization and Virtual Reality
Human Action Recognition Based
on Angle Descriptor

Ling Rui1, Shiwei Ma1(&), Lina Liu1,2, Jiarui Wen1,

and Bilal Ahmad1
School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation, Shanghai University,
NO.149, Yanchang Rd., 200072 Shanghai, China
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, Shandong, China

Abstract. A simple and effective method for 3D skeleton based action

recognition is proposed in this paper. Instead of taking the whole skeleton joints
as the input, we select several active joints to represent the entire action which
motion ranges are relatively large via evaluating their variance and give them
different weights. Then by calculating the angles between these joints and the
center joint in their three projections produces a feature set at each frame which
is applied in a bag-of-words to form the 2D array. The final features are cas-
caded by these 2D arrays. During this process, the feature numbers can be
reduced effectively. The random forest is utilized to classify different actions.
Experiments on MSR-Action3D dataset demonstrate that our approach is able to
achieve the state-of-the-art performance with high recognition rate and com-
putational efficiency.

Keywords: Action recognition  3D skeleton joints  Angle descriptor 

Random forest

1 Introduction

Human action recognition has been a popular research filed of computer vision due to
its wide applications in human-computer interaction (HCI), robot vision, game control,
video surveillance, and so on [1]. Despite the significant research efforts over the past
decades, it remains a challenging problem considering of intra-class variation, occlu-
sion and some other factors.
At the beginning of the action recognition research area, traditional studies mainly
focus on the recognition from video recorded by 2D cameras. Unfortunately, the 2D
data is sensitive to illumination changes, occlusions and background clutter. Moreover,
2D cameras cannot fully catch the human motion in 3D space. Recently, depth sensor
such as Kinect can provide us 3D depth data of the scene. Unlike the wearable devices,
none of the landmarks are required to wear in order to capture the 3D locations.
Besides, it is cost-effective and robust to illumination changes which can also offer
reliable 3D joint coordinates using estimation algorithms. So there are more attentions

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 609–617, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_61
610 L. Rui et al.

are paid to the skeleton based action recognition. Raviteja et al. [2] consider the human
skeleton as a connected set of rigid segments and represent actions in the lie group by
special Euclidean group. Similar idea is proposed in [3], which divide the K-best
estimated joints into five body part for the spatial-temporal structures. Yong et al. [4]
tanning the hierarchical recurrent neural network for each part of the body to obtain five
subnets. The final representations of the skeleton data are fed into a single-layer per-
ceptron to make the decision. In [5] histogram of oriented displacements (HOG) is
computed in all frames of one action. Each displacement in the trajectory votes with its
length in a histogram of the orientation angles. Human skeletons are represented in [6],
covariance descriptors are addressed using the 3D joint locations and the joint trajec-
tories are modeled using a temporal hierarchy. In [7], a histogram of 3D joints
descriptor in a frame is computed, a dictionary is built and the temporal modeling is
done by HMM.
In this paper, we exploit the skeleton joints 3D locations to develop an interpretable
action recognition approach. Five key joins are estimated by evaluating the stan-
dard deviation of each joint of an action after normalization. In order to represent the
actions, angle descriptor is used to calculate the angles between the key joints and the
center joint in each frame in their three projections. The angle range is divided into
8 bins to account the number of the corresponding angles. The final action features are
cascaded by these angles of five key joints and random forest is applied to classify the
actions. We demonstrate the advantages of our method by our experiments. The results
show that our proposed method outperforms various skeleton based human action
recognition approaches.

2 Angle Descriptor

Our proposed method is based on the skeleton joints from MSR Action3D dataset
containing 20 joints which is shown in Fig. 1. The data contain three streams which
represent the 3D point(x, y, z) where X is the horizontal axis, Y is the vertical axis and
Z it the distance between a joint and the sensor. The angle descriptor is proposed to

Fig. 1. 20 skeleton joint locations and names

Human Action Recognition Based on Angle Descriptor 611

represent human actions in this paper. The three dimension skeleton joints are projected
on three orthogonal Cartesian planes (XY, YZ and ZX).
The angle between the vector of key joint to the center joint and X-axis on three
projections is calculated. Figure 2(a) shows the angle h of vector OJ and X-axis on XY
plane, where J is one key joint of one frame and O is the center joint. Value h ranges
between 0 and 360 which is divided into 8 bins, and each bin cover 45 degree. The
bag-of-words model is utilized to accumulate the number of angle in each bin to
achieve the histogram. Every angle descriptor of one key joint contains three his-
tograms of three projections, as shown in Fig. 2(b). The final angle descriptor is
cascaded by all the histograms of the key joints.

X-Y Plane Y-Z Plane Z-X Plane

30 30 30

25 25 25

20 20 20

15 15 15

10 10 10

5 5 5

0 0 0
12345678 12345678 12345678

(a) Joint J in bin 1 (b) Histogram of joint J cascaded in three projections

Fig. 2. Angle descriptor of joint J

Among the 20 joints, the motion range of five vertex joints including head, right
hand, left hand, right foot and left foot is relatively large. So they are chosen to be the
key joints. As we can see in Fig. 3, the standard deviation of the right hand and right
elbow is much larger than others which indicate that the movement of these two joints
is larger. Since these two joints are very close to each other, choosing one of them is
enough for us to describe the motion change.
For different actions, the motion range of these key joints is different from another
one. So we give the angle descriptor F different weight.
The final feature is defined as followed,

F ¼ fa1 f1 ; a2 f2 ; a3 f3 ; a4 f4 ; a5 f5 g: ð1Þ

Here, f1 to f5 refer to the key joints: right hand, left hand, head, right foot and left
foot respectively, and a is the corresponding weight. As shown in Fig. 3, the standard
deviations of right wrist and right hand are relatively higher than those of other joints.
So we set a1 1 and other weights 0.
612 L. Rui et al.





standard deviation 60






2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
joint number

Fig. 3. Standard deviation of 20 joints in high wave action

The angle descriptor obtains the spatial changed of the key joints which has a clear
physical meaning. It shows how much angle the key joint moves from one frame to

3 Proposed Method

A new skeleton feature angle descriptor is proposed in this paper. Figure 4 shows the
overview of our action recognition system. Before feature extraction, normalization of
the row data is used to make the 3D joint locations invariant to the camera parameters.
We subtract the hip center joint Jh from the other joints by the following equtations,

Jo ¼ ½J1  Jh ; . . .; JN  Jh  ð2Þ

Ji ¼ ðJx ; Jy ; Jz Þ: ð3Þ

Where i 2 f1; . . .; Ng, and N is the total number of skeleton joints.

Skeleton Data
Joints Preprocessing

Angle Training data Forest
Test data

Fig. 4. Overview of the proposed method

Human Action Recognition Based on Angle Descriptor 613

3.1 Feature Extraction

After data preprocessing step, angle descriptor for each action is calculated and fed to
the bag-of-word model.
The bag-of-word model is employed to account the number of angles in each bin.
Since the lengths of actions are different from the others, the following weight factors
are used as below:
tfw;d ¼ P ð4Þ
j nj

idfw;d ¼ log ð5Þ
jfd : w 2 dgj

where P fw;d refers to term frequency, nw is the frequency of words in the action
sequence, j nj is the number of whole words in the document, and idfw;d refers to
inverse document frequency, |D| is the number of all documents, jfd : w 2 dgj is the
number of documents containing word w. fw;d can eliminate the different length of
actions. idfw;d can re-determine the weight of different words according to their
importance. The importance for a word in an article is proportion to the frequency in
this article and in inverse proportion of the frequency in all articles.
In order to capture the temporal evolution, a temporal pyramid is applied. In the
first level, the entire sequence is used to construct a part of the feature. In the second
level, the entire sequence is divided equally into three parts and each of them is used to
obtain the second three parts of the angle descriptor. The final feature is the concate-
nation of the four parts as shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. 2-level temporal pyramid of the feature

3.2 Action Classification

Random forest has excellent performance in classification tasks, especially in
multi-classification. In a random forest, each node is split using the best among a subset
of predictors randomly chosen at that node. This counterintuitive strategy turns out to
perform very well compared with many other classifiers, including discriminate anal-
ysis, support vector machines and neural networks. It shows strong robustness with
respect to large feature sets and has good predictive performance even when most
predictive variables are noise. Since our feature is linearly independent in this paper,
the randomly choosing subsets can train the forest well. Besides, it is very user-friendly
614 L. Rui et al.

in the sense that it has only two parameters needs to train: the number of variables in
the random subset at each node and the number of trees in the forest, and is not very
sensitive to their values. In this paper, random forest is applied for classifying the
proposed angle feature and the experiment results show the efficiency of this classifier.

4 Experiments

We first evaluate the performance of the proposed approach on the public

MSR-Action3D dataset and compare our results to some exist methods to demonstrate
the advantages of the proposed approach.

4.1 MSR-Action3D Dataset

MSR-Action3D dataset [8] is used in this paper which includes 20 actions by 10
subjects and each subject performs one action 2 or 3 times. We use the 20 joints
positions shown in Fig. 1 which are available in [9]. The actions are divided into
3 action sets as shown in Table 1. Each set has 8 actions with some overlap between
action sets. Figure 6 shows some key frames of three actions including high arm wave,
hand clap and side kick in the MSR-Action3D dataset.

Table 1. Classification accuracy on MSR-Action3D using 3-fold method

Set Accuracy(%)
AS1 92.6
AS2 95.4
AS3 96.2
Mean 94.7

Fig. 6. Some key frames of three actions in MSR-Action3D dataset which are high arm wave,
hand clap and side kick
Human Action Recognition Based on Angle Descriptor 615

4.2 Results and Discussion

In order to compare the effect of different characteristics of the algorithm,
Leave-One-Out method (LOO) is used to evaluate the experiment result. The experi-
ments are conducted for 10 times, excluding one subject in each run. Using this method
allows us utilize as much data as possible for training. At the same time, it can help us
find problematic subjects and analyze the reason of the classification errors.
Table 2 shows the recognition rate on MSR-Action3D dataset for the three subsets
AS1, AS2 and AS3. We can see clearly that the accuracy of three subsets is relatively
high and the average accuracy is up to 94.7 %. Subset AS1 is a little lower may
because of the similarity of the right hand action. Better performance on subset AS3
indicates that the proposed representation is better in modeling complex actions.
The confusion matrix of the 20 actions is shown in Table 3. The misclassifications
mainly occur among several very similar actions. For example, the action “hammer” is
misclassified to the action “forward punch”. Some of the “forward punch” actions are
not horizontal but slant which may cause the angle descriptor of these two actions some
resemblance. The action “draw tick” and “draw” have some overlap parts of some
frames. Despite all this, there are 14 actions completely classified. Among the 20
actions, we can see that the more complex actions which involve more motion changes
in different body part have higher accuracy rate is due to the weight of factor a. The
weight factor gives the active joint heavier weight which enhances the angle descriptor
to represent the actions better. At the same time, it can eliminate some of the noise of
the data.

Table 2. Confusion matrices of the proposed approach on MSR-Action3D dataset (%)

high arm wave 100

horizontal arm wave 100
hammer 70.4 22.2 7.4
hand catch 11.1 85.2 3.7
forward punch 18.5 74.1 7.4
high throw 3.7 7.4 88.9
draw x 3.7 7.4 77.8 11.1
draw tick 100
draw circle 100
hand clap 100
two hand wave 100
side-boxing 100
bend 100
forward kick 100
side kick 100
jogging 100
tennis swing 3.7 96.3
tennis serve 100
golf swing
pickup & throw
h oriz

p icku
two h
Hig h

fo rw a

ten nis
fo rw a

ten nis
h an d

h ig h

d raw

g olf s
on tal

h an d
d raw

side k
h amm

jog gin
d raw

b en d

p & th

r d pu
rm w

th row

r d k ic

sw in g


w in g
serv e
d w av


rm w


in g
n ch

ro w

616 L. Rui et al.

Table 3 summarizes the state-of-art perfomance on the MSR-Action3D dataset. We

achieved 94.7 % accuracy and outperform the [5] over 2 %. The results calidate the
applicability of the angle decriptor of the actions on this dataset. It contains more
information of the action sequence and recovers the key joints both temporally and
spatially. With the random forest, it can trainning and testing in a very short time.
Therefore, the effictiveness of our approach is forested by its simplicity compared to the
other method, which shows its practical advantage. For the weakness of the arm-hand
action part, more information should be used to classify.

Table 3. Classification accuracy comparison for MSR-Action3D dataset

Method Accuracy(%)
Hidden Markov Model [10] 63
Eigen Joints [11] 81.4
Action Ensemble [12] 88.2
HOD Descriptor [5] 91.26
HOJ3D Feature [7] 90.9
Proposed Method 94.7

5 Conclusion

In this paper, the angle descriptor framework for action recognition based on 3D
skeleton joint is presented. Cascade of the angle descriptor in three projections can
effectively reduce the dimension of the 3D row data. Moreover, the use of temporal
pyramid can capture the temporal evolution. The combination of the whole feature
contains both spatial and temporal information which can represent the action well. The
normalization of the data before feature extraction ensures the scale-invariant.
Recognition accuracy employing the proposed feature with random forest outperforms
some published method on the public MSR-Action3D dataset. Experimental results
have clearly shown the promising performance of the proposed method and also the
advantages of using 3D skeleton joints which is physical interpretable, compact and
computationally efficient.
Rotation invariance is very important in action recognition. The proposed approach
is view dependent. However, with the help of 3D skeleton locations, new reference
coordinate can be redefined, for example, choosing the line of left and right shoulder in
X axis as the new X axis to correspondingly transform the coordinates of skeleton

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Research on Satellite Simulation for Mobile Terminals

Qi Su ✉ , Xin Lin, and Qipeng Hu

( )

School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China
{suqi2014,lx}@buaa.edu.cn, [email protected]

Abstract. With the development of Internet+, developing an application of

satellite simulation which executes on mobile terminals has an important signif‐
icance for engineers to get visual knowledge of spaceflight. The application
design and implementation method of satellite simulation software are discussed.
A framework of satellite simulation system is presented, the modules and work‐
flow of the satellite simulation system are described. Approaches to create the
starry background of the satellite operation, environment lighting of the earth and
the orbits of satellites in the software are presented in detail. The software uses
Unity3D platform to create 3D simulation environment, uses SGP4/SDP4 orbit
prediction models to calculate orbits of satellites, and uses databases to store TLE

Keywords: Mobile terminals · Satellite simulation · Unity3D

1 Introduction

The research of simulation is one of the effective ways to reduce the risk and cost of
production. Since the beginning of the aerospace industry in 1950s, simulation tech‐
nology has been widely used in aerospace engineering. Up to nowadays, the devel‐
opment of spaceflight simulation has experienced the following stages: physical
simulation, analog machine simulation, digital machine simulation, multimedia simu‐
lation and visual interactive simulation, etc. In recent years, with the deepening of the
scientific research and the breakthrough of the technology of computer hardware and
software, the development and application of the simulation technology has been
promoted to a new stage, and plays an important role for the development of space
Nowadays, concept of “Internet+” affects deeply on technology research. Tradi‐
tional industries are undergoing significant changes when fusing with the Internet tech‐
nology. As intelligent mobile terminals has got a very big development on data storage,
computing capability and the image processing ability, some spaceflight simulation and
scenario demonstration executed on computers originally can be realized on mobile
terminals. The research working on applying spaceflight simulation on mobile terminals
has an important significance for aerospace engineering.
This paper researches application design and implementation method of the satellite
simulation software. A framework of satellite simulation system is presented, modules
and workflow of the satellite simulation system are described. Approaches to create the

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 618–624, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_62
Research on Satellite Simulation for Mobile Terminals 619

starry background of the satellite operation, environment lighting of the earth and the
orbits of satellites in the software are presented in detail.

2 Application Design

The satellite simulation application system for mobile terminals uses Unity3D platform
as the foundation of the development and implementation and is intend to be applied to
Android platform. The Unity3D platform has cross-platform features. Applications
developed on the Unity3D platform can be planted to multiple platforms, such as
Android, iOS, Windows and so on [1]. Therefore, different from the general develop‐
ment of the Android applications, the design and implementation of the satellite simu‐
lation application system for mobile terminals are carried out according to the Unity3D
platform [2, 3].

2.1 Framework Design

With consideration of maintainability, reusability and extensibility of the system, the

satellite simulation application system for mobile terminals uses a four-layer framework
which introduces a service layer into the classical three layers framework: presentation
layer, business logic layer and data access layer (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The software framework

The functions of the four layers in the software framework include,

Presentation Layer: Gets input information and operations of user, and returns the
specific business data to user. The purpose of the presentation layer is to accomplish
interaction between the system and user.
Service Layer: Provides business logic entry to presentation layer, defines interface
service forms and completes services by calling the interfaces. It also needs to manage
interactive behaviors of all business logic objects.
Business Logic Layer: Accepts data transfer object (DTO) transferred through the
service layer, processes the incoming DTO according to the business rules, returns the
processed data to the service layer and provides business logic behaviors for business
logic objects.
Data Access Layer: Provides access interfaces to local data and remote data.
620 Q. Su et al.

The relationships among four layers are listed as below.

The presentation layer collects input information of user and transfers the informa‐
tion to service layer by calling the interfaces. The service layer analyzes the information
to get required services of user. For services that service layer can react directly, such
as the rotation and scaling of the scene, service layer provides them to presentation layer
and responds to the user’s operations. For services that business logic layer and data
access layer need to participate in, the service layer gets relevant data from data access
layer, or feeds back some related data to presentation layer directly, or transfers data to
the business logic layer by DTOs to perform relevant business rules. The business logic
layer processes DTOs according to the corresponding business rules and sends the
processed information back to the service layer. The service layer processes the feedback
data and updates data in the presentation layer, and then responds to user’s operations.

2.2 Modules Design

The satellite simulation application system for mobile terminals is composed of three
main modules, the satellite simulation environment module, the satellite orbit prediction
module and the satellite simulation database module. The modules of the software are
shown as Fig. 2.
(1) Satellite Simulation Environment Module
Satellite simulation 3D environment is the window that shows to user and matters
a lot to user’s experiences. To some extent, it is the most important part of the
satellite simulation application system. The module is designed based on Unity3D
platform [4]. It is composed of several modules: UI module, to get user’s input data
and show corresponding data of satellites to user; skybox module, to create starry
background of 3D environment; lighting module, to create lighting effect of 3D
environment; dynamic model load module, to load 3D models of satellites
according to user’s input; satellite orbit draw module, to show satellite orbit in the
3D environment; scene control module, to control the scene demonstration reacting
to user’s operation.
(2) Satellite Orbit Prediction Module
Satellite orbit prediction is the core function of the satellite simulation application.
The calculation accuracy and speed of the orbit prediction algorithm have a direct
impact on the accuracy of orbit simulation and experiences of the user. Because
calculation accuracy is inversely proportional to calculation speed, the orbit predic‐
tion algorithm should take balance between these two indicators. The module is
designed to adopt NORAD two-line element(TLE) data as the data input of orbit
prediction, and SGP4/SDP4 orbit model, which can produce very accurate results
when used with current NORAD TLE data, as the core algorithm solution to calcu‐
late satellite position and velocity in earth inertial coordinate system [5].
(3) Satellite Simulation Database Module
The satellite simulation databases are an important part of satellite simulation
application system for mobile terminals. The databases store satellite orbit data,
two-line element(TLE) data, and provide data support for satellite orbit prediction.
Research on Satellite Simulation for Mobile Terminals 621

The module is designed to develop three databases: SQLite database, LAN data‐
base, and Cloud database. The SQLite database is designed to install on the mobile
terminals. When using SQLite database, users can accomplish satellite simulation
within mobile terminals independently, and there is no need to connect internet.
The LAN database is designed to be laid in the LAN. When using LAN database,
users need to connect to the database through WLAN to get orbit data and accom‐
plish satellite simulation. The Cloud database is designed to be laid in the Cloud.
When using Cloud database, users need to connect to the database through Internet
and accomplish the satellite simulation dependent on the orbit data stored in the
LeanCloud database.

Fig. 2. The software modules

All above three modules are dependent on each other and work together closely to
make sure that satellite simulation application system for mobile terminals executes

3 Application Implementation

The satellite simulation application system for mobile terminals is developed on

Unity3D platform. Unity3D is developed by Unity Technologies and allows the user to
easily create 3D visual simulation, architecture visualization, real-time 3D animation
and other types of interactive content. It is a multi-platform integrated virtual reality
development tools and a fully integrated virtual reality engine. The visual editor features
of Unity3D are what you see is what you get. The developer can create the relevant
scenes according to the real needs [6].
622 Q. Su et al.

3.1 Starry Background

The starry background is developed on the basis of a component called Skyboxes. The
thought of the skyboxes is putting the whole scene in a large cube and every plane of
the cube is a square with the texture mapping. When the scene camera is put into the
large cube, the scope of the field looks like in the real scene environment.
Methods as shown below are adopted to create the starry background,
(1) Get the coordinates of celestial body at a given moment through the ephemeris and
map the coordinate data in the universe to the surface of a celestial sphere;
(2) Set a viewpoint at the center of the celestial sphere and divide what is seen at the
viewpoint into six same-size seamless images;
(3) Import the prepared starry background images into Unity3D platform as assets
which are used to construct starry background and change the images’ properties
to meet the needs of starry background to be constructed.
(4) Create a material in the Unity3D platform and set the material created in the skybox
mode. Add reference assets to the skybox cube material at the right position and
render the starry background environment in 3D scene.

3.2 Scene Illumination

Lighting is an important part of a scene and determines the color and atmosphere of 3D
environment. There are four standard types of light source: directional light, point light,
spot light and area light. Each light source has its unique properties, and developers can
adjust position and direction of the light to construct an actual scene illumination.
The scene illumination is mainly developed to simulate the diurnal variation of the
lighting on the Earth’s surface. When satellites operate in the 3D environment, use scene
lighting to reflect the satellites are operating in the sunlit side or the sunless side of the
Earth. Generally the light from sun to earth is treated as parallel light. Considering that
the directional light is close to parallel light, use the directional light to simulate the sun
light and set the origin position of the light to infinity and the direction of the light
orientation to the Earth in the scene. Add the sun lens to the light to simulate the sun
and use the technology of dynamic shadows in the scene to realize the sunlit side and
the sunless side on the Earth’s surface (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. The simulation environment

Research on Satellite Simulation for Mobile Terminals 623

3.3 Scene Control

The application development based on Unity3D platform is using object-oriented
method and modular modeling method. Every GameObject created in Unity3D platform
has at least one Transform module. Through the Transform module, position and posture
of the entity model in 3D environment can be obtained, changed and updated. If Rigid‐
body or Collider module was added to a gameobject, the gameobject could support rigid
body features or collision detection.
Entity model features in 3D environment are organized by modules. Through
modules, develop the scene control effect in 3D scene. Create an EmptyObject at the
original point of the scene and drag the scene mainCamera object onto it in the Hierarchy
View to create a Parent-Child relationship between the two objects. On the basis of the
Parent-Child relationship, update the posture of the EmptyObject to realize the scene
rotation control. Based on the field of view of the cameras, develop the scene scaling
control. The field of view for the cameras represent the scope that the cameras can see.
The larger the field of view, the larger the area of the scene the observer can see. At the
same time, the smaller the object is in the scene. When Transform module added to the
Camera gameobject, we realize the rotation and scaling of the scene, changing view‐
points and fields scopes. When Transform module added to satellite gameobjects, we
realize the simulation of satellite operation in 3D scene.

3.4 Model Loading

For the 3D models created out of Unity3D platform, when they are imported into
Unity3D platform, the engine will automatically create Prefabs for them. The prefabs,
similar to the public class in object-oriented languages, can be loaded directly into
different scenarios in the project. Using the prefab in project development can improve
the efficiency of scene management and production.
Make 3D satellite models outside Unity3D platform and transform them to the format
that Unity3D supports. Import satellite models into Unity3D and organize them in the
form of prefab. If need to load a satellite model into the 3D scene, Unity3D engine would
create an instance of the prefab assets. Most of work that we should do is writing scripts
to control the process of instantiation.

3.5 Orbit Drawing

We choose SGP4/SDP4 orbital model as the core algorithm solution to calculates satel‐
lite location and velocity in the earth orbit [7]. In accordance with the SGP4/SDP4 model
published by NORAD, program and realize it in the project in C/C++ programming
language. To use it in the mobile terminals, compile the model as. so shared library and
use the orbit model to produce the latitude, longitude and altitude of the satellites in the
ECI coordinate system and transform the LLA data to the coordinate data of the scene
coordinate system. Use a structure array to store the solution result and transmit the
structure array to a third-party plug-in which is compatible for Unity3D platform to draw
the orbit of the satellite operating in the scene (Fig. 4).
624 Q. Su et al.

Fig. 4. Satellite simulation scene

4 Conclusions and Future Work

We study the framework and the modules of the satellite simulation application system
for mobile terminals and elaborate the implementation method of some key modules.
This paper is an explore for the spaceflight simulation carried out based on mobile
terminals and make sure that it is possible for more complex spaceflight simulation task
to be developed for mobile terminals. There are a lot of work to do in the future.


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Viewpoint Scoring Approach and Its
Application to Locating Canonical Viewpoint
for 3D Visualization

Li Che1,2(&) and Fengju Kang1,2

School of Marine Science and Technology,
Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China
[email protected]
National Key Laboratory of Underwater Information Process and Control,
Xi’an, China

Abstract. In this paper, a novel viewpoint scoring method based on multi-

attribute fusion is proposed. The perceptual model of viewpoint preference is
explored from geometry and visual perception aspects. Modified mesh saliency
entropy is presented as the crucial intrinsic geometric attribute. Several digital
image factors which have influence on human visual perception form the
viewpoint perception attributes. Evolution algorithm is utilized to select the
canonical viewpoint automatically and intelligently. Experimental results
demonstrate that the canonical viewpoint obtained by the proposed method
contains more visible salient features and better conforms to human visual per-
ception characteristic. Moreover, the method has high efficiency and requires no
user interaction.

Keywords: 3D visualization  Canonical viewpoint  Viewpoint attribute 

Visual perception  Particle swarm optimization

1 Introduction

The criteria for viewpoint quality estimation in existing literature can be classified into
two categories: geometric information based criteria and visual information based
criteria. Geometric information based viewpoint quality estimation criteria use geo-
metric information, such as project area of surface [1], geometric area [2],
distance-histogram entropy [3]. etc. to measure the goodness of the viewpoint. These
algorithms are simple and have high efficiency. The main drawback is that the best
viewpoint depends on the polygonal discretization. The attention of the measure will be
heavily attracted by a high discretized region. Visual information based optimal
viewpoint selection algorithm emerged in recent years. Evaluation factors mainly used
in the current literature are curvature [4], mesh saliency [5], shape/detail view
descriptor [6], relief saliency [7] and Skeleton-Based [8]. These evaluation factors can
extract visual features of the objects in the scene and better conform to human visual
habit. The disadvantage is that ignoring geometric information and the calculation is
more complicated. During the last few years, researchers explored artificial intelligent
(AI) techniques in visualization to accelerate the computing efficiency. Particle Swarm
© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016
L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 625–633, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_63
626 L. Che and F. Kang

Optimizer (PSO) [9] was used to select the optimal viewpoint intelligently. The
modified PSO algorithm GA-PSO [10] was used to select the optimal combination of
resolution levels of objects for 3D scene. Other algorithms such as shuffled frog leaping
[11] and ant colony [12] were integrated into the process of best viewpoint selection.
In this paper, we explore the viewpoint attribute from not only geometry infor-
mation perspective, but also visual perception perspective. The combination of the
viewpoint attributes form a novel viewpoint scoring approach named viewpoint per-
tinence with the aim of finding the canonical viewpoint. Such a combination inherits
the strengths of each attribute while compensating for their individual disadvantages.
We place the viewpoints on the viewpoint sphere, the problem between the size of
viewpoints set and the efficiency of algorithm is balance by utilizing evolution algo-
rithm in the process of viewpoint optimization. By graphics processing unit
(GPU) acceleration, algorithm efficiency is greatly improved.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Viewpoint attribute and mathematical
models are given in Sect. 2. The novel viewpoint scoring method is given in detail in
Sect. 3. In Sect. 4, intelligent viewpoint selection framework is presented. Experi-
mental results and comparison studies to verify the capability of the proposed method
are shown in Sect. 5. Conclusion and future work are given in Sect. 6.

2 Viewpoint Attribute

In this section we describe a set of viewpoint attributes from visual perception and
computer graphics perspective, and we combine these attributes to form a more
effective and accurate viewpoint quality evaluation metric than any one or a few
measures taken alone. In Table 1, we enumerate the viewpoint attribute, each attribute
is selected from the previous literature which is generally recognized by most scholars
or inspired by former presented one.

Table 1. Viewpoint attribute

A1 Surface curvature attribute Mesh saliency entropy
A2 surface area attribute Viewpoint entropy
A3 Visual perception attribute Luminance
A4 Chrominance
A5 Texture Details
A6 Spatial Location
A7 Scene information attribute Image information entropy
A8 Object weight attribute Object Visible Priority

2.1 Surface Curvature Attribute

A1: Mesh saliency entropy. Local structural features information of 3D model depends
on the mean curvature, because the mean curvature tensor field can express the visual
characteristic of 3D model. We combine the information entropy theory and face
curvature to build a novel viewpoint quality metric named mesh saliency entropy.
Viewpoint Scoring Approach and Its Application to Locating CV 627

We use the Gaussian-weighted mean curvature of vertices proposed by Lee [13] to

calculate mean curvature.
Face curvature of 3D object is determined by the average curvature of its corre-
sponding vertices. Assuming that the Gaussian-weighted mean curvature of vertices
v is f(v), we define the saliency of the triangle Ti as follows:

fðTi Þ ¼ fðvÞ ð1Þ
3 v2Ti

To reflect the change in projected area of the triangle due to perspective projection,
we use the angle between surface normal vector and the line of sight as adjustable
parameters, the modified saliency is defined as follows:

f0 ðTi Þ ¼ fðTi Þ  Pf ð2Þ

Where Pf = abs(Vd  Nf), it represents the projection weight of triangle face f in the
visual plane. Vd is the view vector and Nf is the normal vector of triangle face f.
The saliency entropy for a given viewpoint is defined as follows:

f0 ðTi Þ f0 ðTi Þ
SðT; pÞ ¼  P 0 log P 0 ð3Þ
i¼1 T2S f ðTi Þ T2S f ðTi Þ

2.2 Surface Area Attribute

A2: Viewpoint entropy. Introduced by Vazquez [1], this attribute combines probability
distribution of projected areas of mesh faces and Shannon entropy to qualify the
information of a viewpoint. Among the metrics that have been introduced for mea-
suring the object visibility in the 3D scene from a camera position, the viewpoint
entropy is the most valid metric up to now.

2.3 Visual Perception Attribute

A3*A6: From the perspective of visual psychology, the vision is a kind of positive
feelings behavior, not only relates with the physiological factors, but also depends on
psychological factors. The research on human visual system shows that several digital
image factors (luminance, chrominance texture details, spatial location factor, etc.)
have strong influence on human visual characteristic. So we use these four visual
perception factors as the viewpoint attributes and mathematic model of attributes A3 to
A6 refer to literature [9].

2.4 Scene Information Attribute

A7: Image information entropy. Image information entropy is a statistical form of
character, which reflects the average amount of information in the image. Color
628 L. Che and F. Kang

histogram of image is seen as the probability density function. In [14], image infor-
mation entropy was used to evaluate viewpoint quality. We use image information to
measure the information richness of the corresponding viewpoint.

2.5 Object Weight Attribute

A8: Object Visible Priority. This attribute gives the visible priority to each individual
model in the 3D scene. In conformity to the weight of objects, the viewpoint position is
controllable. Thus attribute A8 is useful to express the detailed part or recognition of a
certain object. A8 expresses the importance for each object in the scene, the value is
determinate either by user or LOD level of the object in the scene.

3 Viewpoint Scoring Method

In this section, a novel criterion for viewpoint goodness measurement named View-
point Pertinence is proposed. The definition of the novel metric contains not only
geometric criterion, such as visible projected area, surface curvature, but also
non-geometric criteria such as, visual perception, scene information are taken into
account. In our precious work, a novel viewpoint quality evaluation metric named
Region Weighted Information Entropy (RWIE) [9] was proposed. The novel criterion
combines visual perception and information entropy theory which make viewpoint
quality evaluation result more conform to human visual habits. So, we use RWIE to
represent viewpoint attribute A3 to A7.
We use the attributes enumerated in Table 1 to formalize the Viewpoint Pertinence
as expression (4), thus the viewpoint quality can be quantified. An adequate combi-
nation of these attributes could give a good measure of viewpoint quality.

VpðS; pÞ ¼ w1 Si ðT; pÞ þ w2 Vi ðS; pÞ þ w3 pi þ w 4 Wj  EðRj Þ ð4Þ
i¼1 i¼1 i¼1 j¼1

Where wi is the weight of each attribute of Viewpoint Pertinence which is determined

by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) algorithm. N presents the number of models

Fig. 1. Implementation process of Viewpoint Pertinence

Viewpoint Scoring Approach and Its Application to Locating CV 629

contain in a scene, M presents the number of equal sized regions that the viewpoint
image is divided. Figure 1 presents the implementation process of Viewpoint
According to Fig. 1, the overall computational process of Viewpoint Pertinence Vp
for the given viewpoint Vpi is showed by Algorithm 1.

Algorithm 1: Computing the Viewpoint Pertinence Vp for the given viewpoint (S,p)
M:The number of image segmentation regions with equal size
N:The number of object in scene
W j ←0, E ( R j ) ←0, Vi ( S , p ) ←0, Si (T , p ) ←0, Pi ←0
[ w1 , w2 , w3 , w4 ]←Attribute weight determination using AHP
For (i=0; i<N; i++ )
Compute mesh saliency entropy S(T, p), viewpoint entropy V(S, p), Visible Priority P;
End for
For (j=0; j<M; j++ )
Compute the perception factors (L, C, T, S ) and image information entropy E(R);
Compute the weight Wj for each region after normalization;
End for
Vp ( S , p ) ←Attributes value accumulate;

4 Viewpoint Selection Using PSO Algorithm

In order to eliminate the number of viewpoint quality evaluations, thus improve the
efficiency of the optimal viewpoint searching process, we adopt we adopt the random
weight PSO to select the canonical viewpoint intelligently and automatically. In the
previous literature, viewpoints are located on the viewpoint sphere [9], which have a
fixed distance from the center of the sphere. Differ from previous method, we define the
view distance R as a variable within a certain range. The viewpoint set contains
different view direction and distance, these viewpoints can be represented by
multi-resolution hierarchy.
The standard PSO algorithm can easily drop into local optimum and has the low
convergence speed, we use random weight PSO to overcome these shortcomings. In
modified PSO, velocity and position of each particle is updated by Eqs. (5) and (6).
vim ¼ w  vkim þ c1  RandðÞ  ðpkim  xkim Þ þ c2  RandðÞ  ðpkgm  xkim Þ ð5Þ

xkimþ 1 ¼ xkim þ vkim ð6Þ

630 L. Che and F. Kang

Where c1 and c2 are the learning factor. w is weight coefficient. The random weight w is
defined as:
w ¼ l þ r  Nð0; 1Þ
l ¼ lmin þ ðlmax  lmin Þ  randð0; 1Þ

Where N(0,1) represents a random number of standard normal distribution. lmax is the
maximum value of the mean value of the random weight, lmin is the minimum value. r
is the variance of the mean value of the random weight.
The basic process of the algorithm is as follows:
Step1. Enter the initial viewpoints candidate set, random weight PSO parameters and
the viewpoint sphere parameters, then encoding viewpoints into particles in
Step2. Update particle velocity and position by random weight PSO algorithm to
achieve particle evolution;
Step3. Decoding particles to obtain the corresponding viewpoint coordinate, render
the scene for each alternative viewpoint respectively;
Step4. Evaluating the viewpoint image quality by using Algorithm 1 to calculate the
fitness value of each particle, then update the pBest and gBest;
Step5. If the iteration termination condition is reached, then output canonical
viewpoint, otherwise return to step 2), update the particles, into a new round
of iterations

Iteration termination condition is stable residuals or the maximum number of


5 Experimental Results and Analysis

We use three models (aircraft, ship and sea) to form the test scene. Through the AHP
analysis, the weight of four attributes is w = {0.2053 0.2594 0.1137 0.4216}. View-
point distance R has 4 resolution levels, angle h has 30 resolution levels, d has 10
resolution levels. So the number of the candidate viewpoints is 4*10*30. The view-
point image is 800*600, and divided into 48 blocks with equal size of 100*100 pixels.
The initial viewpoint location covers the top, front, back, left and right direction of the
viewpoint sphere, but the viewpoint distance is randomly selected. Table 2 shows the
corresponding parameters setting of adaptive weight PSO in the process of viewpoint

Table 2. Parameters setting of random weight PSO

Population Dimension Maximum iterations number lmax lmin r C1, C2
6 3 50 0.8 0.5 0.2 2, 2
Viewpoint Scoring Approach and Its Application to Locating CV 631

Fig. 2 a shows the change of fitness value of six particles in the iterative process.
The average fitness and optimal fitness curve of the six particles is showed in Fig. 2 b.
From Fig. 2, we can see each particle gradually close to the optimal solution in the
evolutionary process, the entire process is toward the better solution program, and the
viewpoint quality is getting better and better. The canonical viewpoint is obtained by
the fourth particle in the 22nd generation. The rendered image of obtained canonical
viewpoint is showed in Fig. 3 b.

Fitness Curve Fitness Curve

30 30

Fitness Value (Viewpoint Pertinence)

Fitness Value (Viewpoint Pertinence)


15 20
Optimal fitness
Particle 1 Average fitness
10 Particle 2
Particle 3
Particle 4
5 Particle 5
Particle 6
0 10
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Iteration Generation Iteration Generation

(a) Fitness curves (b) Average fitness and optimal fitness curves

Fig. 2. The fitness curves of six particles

In the same experimental environment condition, we compare the canonical the

viewpoint selected by the proposed algorithm with the algorithm in [14]. Fig. 3 a is the
optimal viewpoint selected by method in [14] and Fig. 3 b is by our algorithm.

(a) (b)

Fig. 3. Optimal viewpoint selection by algorithm in [14] and proposed algorithm

Image information entropy is used in graphics area to represent the information

richness of an image. We can see although viewpoint image contains more information
of the scene but it does not conform to human observation habits. The selected
viewpoint distance is too far to see the objects of the scene clearly and the small object
(aircraft) is submerged in scene background. So the canonical viewpoint obtained by
image information entropy can easily affected by scene background.
The proposed algorithm considered not only geometric information, human visual
perception characteristics are taken into account. From Fig. 3 b, we can have a more
comprehensive understanding of the scene than Fig. 3 a. The canonical viewpoint
632 L. Che and F. Kang

selected by our algorithm contains enough geometric information to understand what

are the objects and the shape. Meanwhile, the definition of Viewpoint Pertinence
contains chrominance and luminance information, so we can see the bright part of the
aircraft and the left ship. From geometry and visual perception aspects, the canonical
viewpoint selected by our algorithm is superior to algorithm in [14].

6 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, we present a novel viewpoint scoring method based on multi-attribute

fusion. The perceptual model of viewpoint pertinence is formalized as a combination of
viewpoint attributes which are believed to be significance for viewpoint selection.
Random weight PSO is introduced to eliminate the reluctant viewpoint evaluations, and
by GPU acceleration the efficiency and speed of algorithm is improved. The canonical
viewpoint obtained by the proposed method contains more visible salient features and
better conforms to human visual perception.
There are many potential attributes of viewpoint preference described in the liter-
ature, we will explore and enrich the classes of viewpoint attributes. Moreover, we will
use this method in a number of applications, such as trackball controls and extensions
and camera orbits optimization.

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Self-collision Detection Optimization Method
in the Arm Clothes Simulation

He Bing, Lv Yue ✉ , and Jing Mi

( )

School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China

[email protected]

Abstract. This paper implements the self-collision detection optimization

during the clothes simulation, including the high-level and low-level tailoring
optimization. During the high-level tailoring stage, this paper firstly imple‐
ments the basic high-level tailoring in combination with the hierarchical
bounding box algorithm and continuous normal vector cone information. On
this basis, this paper implements the high-level tailoring optimization based on
the radiation angle. Finally, this paper implements the high-level tailoring
optimization based on the isolated set. During the low-level tailoring stage, this
paper firstly implements the low-level tailoring optimization based on the
characteristic distribution. In addition, this paper also implements the low-level
tailoring optimization based on the non-coplanar filter. Experiment result
shows that the two level tailoring optimization method in this paper can effec‐
tively cut off the redundant and non-collision primitive pair and further
improve the efficiency of self-collision detection.

Keywords: Cloth simulation · Low-level tailoring · Self-collision detection ·

High-level tailoring · Algorithm optimization

1 Introduction

Collision detection is the most time consuming part in the dynamic simulation of clothes.
In order to implement optimization of self-collision detection, the researchers propose
a series of optimization methods, including the high-level tailoring optimization and
low-level tailoring optimization methods.
High-level tailoring is made on the triangle plane to obtain all candidate triangle
pairs (PCTPs) possibly occurring collision through cutting off the area and triangle pairs
which will not occur collision, and the most common method is the hierarchical
bounding box algorithm. As for self-collision tailoring, Barbic and James [1] proposed
a subspace culling method for reduced deformation and Zheng and James [2] use energy-
based certificates for arbitrary deformation. Volino [3] judged the self-collision state of
meshes through the profile test. Provot [4] proposed the normal vector cone method to
effectively cut off the non-collision area, and this method is only applicable to the
discrete collision detection. Tang [5] expanded the normal vector cone method to the
continuous collision detection to calculate the continuous normal vector cone informa‐
tion in the whole time step. Low-level tailoring is made on the primitive pair plane to

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 634–641, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_64
Self-collision Detection Optimization Method 635

cut off the redundant and non-collision primitive pairs and obtain all candidate primitive
pairs possibly occurring collision. Many techniques have been proposed to reduce the
number of elementary tests between the triangle primitives [6]. Hutter and Fuhrmann
[7] proposed the primitive bounding box method to effectively cut off the non-collision
primitive pairs. Curtis [8] proposed the representative triangle to eliminate the redundant
primitive pairs through uniquely distributing each primitive feature to a triangle
containing it. Tang et al. [9], proposed the filter method to filter out the non-coplanar
primitive pairs.

2 High-Level Tailoring Optimization

This paper firstly implements the basic high-level tailoring in combination with the
hierarchical bounding box algorithm and continuous normal vector cone information
On this basis, this paper implements the high-level tailoring optimization based on the
radiation angle and cuts off the non-collision triangle pairs in cluster through the radi‐
ation angle test. Finally, this paper implements the high-level tailoring optimization
based on the isolated set and cuts off the adjoining triangle pairs in the candidate triangle
pairs through establishment of isolated sets, so as to further improve the efficiency of
self-collision detection.

2.1 Basic High-Level Tailoring

During the self-collision detection, this paper implements the basic high-level tailoring
by combining the hierarchical bounding box algorithm with the continuous normal
vector cone information. During the traverse process of hierarchical bounding box, this
paper firstly uses the continuous normal vector cone information to cut off the non-
collision areas, implements the intersection test of bounding box in remaining area and
cuts off the disjoint area and triangle pairs in bounding box, so as to obtain all candidate
triangle pairs possibly occurring collision. In order to use the continuous normal vector
cone information in the hierarchical traverse process, each node in the hierarchical
bounding box contains two additional attributes: semi-cone angle and cone axis vector

2.2 High-Level Tailoring Optimization Based on the Radiation Angle

The tailoring idea based on the radiation angle is: if there is an observation point in the
given closed manifold mesh and all triangles in this mesh is completely visible to this
point (namely, the connection line from the observation point to each triangle will not
intersect with other triangles), then this mesh will not occur collision.
This paper improves the skeleton-driven radiation angle tailoring method proposed
by Wong [10], and implements the high-level tailoring optimization based on radiation
angle in combination with the hierarchical bounding box algorithm and continuous
normal vector cone information.
636 H. Bing et al.

This paper arranges two observation points at the center of upper arm and lower arm
in accordance with the structural features of the arm clothes meshes, and the initial
location of observation points shall be determined in accordance with the boundary
points on the upper and lower end faces of the arm mesh. The mesh is divided into two
clusters in accordance with the relative location of the center point on the connection
line between the triangle and two observation points, and each cluster corresponds to an
observation point. This paper defines two cross sections at the initial location of obser‐
vation point to cut out loops in the arm meshes and obtain two section loops. In each
time step, the location and speed information of observation point can be obtained by a
group of vertex interpolation of the corresponding section loop.
During the pre-processing stage, we determine the observation points, implement
clustering of meshes and construct the hierarchical bounding box for each cluster of
During the collision detection stage, we firstly update the hierarchical bounding box
of each cluster, update the location and speed information of the observation points and
make classifications of observation points for the triangles in each cluster of mesh. Then,
implement the detection in and among clusters to obtain all triangle pairs possibly
occurring collision. Detection in cluster is to detect the self-collision state in cluster by
performing radiation angle test on each cluster of mesh. If all triangles in the cluster are
the positively directed triangles, this cluster will not occur collision and shall be cut off.
If there is negatively directed triangles or non-directional triangles, detect the collision
status of triangle to obtain all triangle pairs possibly occurring collision in the cluster.
Detection among clusters is to use the algorithm based on the hierarchical bounding box
to obtain all triangle pairs possibly occurring collision among clusters through the inter‐
section test of hierarchical bounding box.

2.3 High-Level Tailoring Optimization Based on the Isolated Set

As the bounding boxes of adjoining triangle pairs always intersect with each other, the
efficiency of high-level tailoring is low. During the final step of high-level tailoring, this
paper implements the tailoring optimization based on the isolated set [5] and cuts off
the adjoining triangle pairs in the candidate triangle pairs.
Establish the isolated set during the preprocessing stage. Only the upper and lower
end face of the arm clothes mesh are not closed, boundary element is a few and the
quantity of primitives in the isolated set is also a few. During the collision detection
stage, cut off all adjoining triangle pairs during the high-level tailoring process to ob-
tain all non-adjoining triangle pairs with intersecting bounding boxes, so as to form the
candidate triangle pairs. If the bounding boxes of two leaf nodes intersect with each
other during the intersection testing of hierarchical bounding box, judge whether two
triangles are adjoined (namely whether they contain the common vertex). If only two
triangles are not adjoined, one candidate triangle pair can be formed; otherwise, cut off
this triangle pair.
After the high-level tailoring optimization on the basis of the isolated set, the candi‐
date triangle does not contain adjoined triangle pairs. The primitive pair distributed by
Self-collision Detection Optimization Method 637

the candidate triangle pair and the primitive pair in the isolated set for the candidate
primitive pair together and can be used for the subsequent basic intersection test.

3 Low-Level Tailoring Optimization

During the low-level tailoring stage, this paper firstly implements the low-level tailoring
optimization on the basis of characteristic distribution. Cut off the redundant primitive
pairs through the characteristic distribution, implement the intersection test of primitive
bounding box when distributing primitive pairs to the candidate triangle and cut off the
non-intersecting primitive pairs of the bounding box. In addition, this paper implements
the low-level tailoring optimization based on the non-coplanar filter, filter out the non-
coplanar primitive pairs in the time step through the non-coplanar test, further reduce
the quantity of candidate primitive pairs and improve the efficiency of self-collision

3.1 Low-Level Tailoring Optimization Based on the Characteristic Distribution

As the vertex/edge of mesh is shared by several triangles, the primitive pairs have
redundancy. In order to eliminate the redundant primitive pairs, Curtis [8] proposed the
idea of representative triangle and uniquely distributed each vertex/edge of mesh to one
triangle containing it.
The primitive hierarchical bounding box method proposed by Hutter and Fuhrmann
[7] can effectively cut off the primitive pairs not intersecting with the primitive bounding
box. The tailoring efficiency is high, but the requirement of maintenance of several
primitive hierarchical bounding boxes affects the simulation efficiency. In order to make
use of the advantage of high tailoring efficiency of the primitive hierarchical bounding
box method, this paper implements the low-level tailoring optimization based on char‐
acteristic distribution in combination with the representative triangle mechanism and
primitive bounding box during the low-level tailoring stage. This paper firstly imple‐
ments the characteristic distribution and use the representative triangle mechanism to
cut off the redundant primitive pairs. When distributing the primitive pairs to the candi‐
date triangle pairs containing the compatible characteristic pairs, calculate the bounding
box of primitives, implement the intersection test of primitive bounding box and cut of
the non-intersecting primitive pairs of the primitive bounding boxes.
The low-level tailoring optimization method in this paper implements the intersec‐
tion test of primitive bounding box during the distribution of primitive pairs and cuts
off the non-intersecting primitive pairs of the primitive bounding box, which further
improves the efficiency of low-level tailoring. Comparing with the primitive hierarchical
bounding box method, the low-level tailoring optimization method in this paper does
not need to maintain several primitive hierarchical bounding boxes and has high simu‐
lation efficiency. The low-level tailoring optimization method in this paper is imple‐
mented as follows:
638 H. Bing et al.

Pre-processing stage:
Add two attributes in the data structure of each triangle to respectively record the
quantity of characteristic vertexes and characteristic sides distributed to this triangle.
Implement the characteristic distribution of mesh by using the greedy algorithm and
traverse each triangle in order. If there is undistributed primitive (vertex and side) in this
triangle, it shall be distributed to this triangle. During the characteristic distribution
process, the vertex list and side list of each triangle shall be re-arranged so as to make
the distributed characteristic primitive in the front part of the vertex/edge list.
Collision detection stage:
In each time step, distribute the candidate primitive pair which will implement the
subsequent basic intersection test to the candidate triangle pairs obtained through high-
level tailoring. The distribution process is as follows:
Step 1: firstly judge whether the candidate triangle pair contains compatible charac‐
teristic pairs. If at least one triangle is distributed to one or several vertexes or two
triangles are distributed to one side or several sides, then this triangle contains the
compatible characteristic pairs and continues the step 2. If these two triangles don’t
contain compatible characteristics pairs, skip these triangle pairs.
Step 2: implement the intersection test of primitive bounding box when distributing
the primitive pairs.
(1) Each vertex represented by the triangle A implements the VF primitive bounding
box intersection test with the triangle B. If the primitive bounding boxes intersect
with each other, it will form a VF candidate primitive pair;
(2) Each vertex represented by the triangle B implements the VF primitive bounding
box intersection test with the triangle A. If the primitive bounding boxes intersect
with each other, it will form a VF candidate primitive pair;
(3) Each characteristic side represented by the triangle A implements the EE primitive
bounding box intersection test with each characteristic side represented by the
triangle B. If the primitive bounding boxes intersect with each, it will form an EE
candidate primitive pair.

3.2 Low-Level Tailoring Optimization Based on the Non-coplanar Filter

Continuous self-collision detection. Basic intersection test consisting of 6 VF primitive
pairs and 9 EE primitive pairs shall be implemented for each candidate triangle, and
each basic intersection test shall be divided into 2 steps: coplanar test and internal test.
The coplanar test shall involve 4 vertexes no matter for the VF primitive pair or EE
primitive pair, and the primitive pairs will possibly have collision only when 4 vertexes
are coplanar. Provot [4] proposed that univariate cubic equation shall be solved for the
coplanar test of 4 vertexes. If it can be judged in advance that the 4 vertexes will not be
coplanar within the time step, the primitive pair will certainly not have collision and can
be cut off, so it is unnecessary to solve the univariate cubic equation to implement the
coplanar test.
If the vertex is always at the same side of the triangle during the whole time step for
the VF primitive pair, this VF primitive will not have collision. This is because the vertex
Self-collision Detection Optimization Method 639

and triangle during the whole time step will not be coplanar and will not have intersec‐
tion. Thus, if the two sides have not intersection during the whole time step for the EE
primitive pair, this EE primitive pair will not be coplanar. Tang [9] proposed the non-
penetrating filter method which is to implement the non-coplanar test of primitive
through calculating the projection distance and filter out the non-coplanar primitive pairs
within the time step.
At the final step of low-level tailoring, this paper implements the low-level tailoring
optimization based on the non-coplanar filter and cut off the non-coplanar primitive pairs
within the whole time step through the non-coplanar test, so as to further reduce the
quantity of candidate primitive pairs and improve the collision detection efficiency.
During the collision detection stage, implement the non-coplanar test of the VF primitive
and EE primitive within each time step through calculating the projection distance of
primitive pairs.

4 Experiment Result

In our experiments, we use a PC with a Intel Xeon CPU and 4G of memory. There are
693 vertexes and 1,345 triangular facets used for arm clothes mesh here. Taking one
gesture for example, the quantity and simulation frame rate of the candidate triangular
pairs (PCTPs) see below.

4.1 Experiment 1: High-Level Tailoring Optimization

In the high-level tailoring stage, we firstly implement the basic high-level tailoring in
combination with the hierarchical bounding box algorithm and continuous normal vector
cone information. In order to improve the tailoring efficiency, we implement the high-
level tailoring optimization based on the radiation angle to obtain all candidate triangle
pairs possibly having collision. Final step: implement the tailoring optimization of the
isolated set to cut off all adjoining triangle pairs in the candidate triangle pairs through
establishment of the isolated set, so as to further improve the self-collision detection
The basic high-level tailoring experiment result is shown in the Fig. 1(a), and the high-
level tailoring optimization experiment result is shown in the Fig. 1(b). The high-level
tailoring optimization experiment result based on the isolated set is shown in the Fig. 1(c).
Red triangles are used for marking the triangle in the detected candidate triangle pairs. We
can see that comparing with basic bounding box method, the quantity of candidate trian‐
gular pairs tested by our high-level tailoring optimization method is much smaller. The
simulation frame rate is improved by 14 times in fact. We improved the skeleton-driven
radiation angle method of Wong and cut off adjoining triangle pairs. The simulation effi‐
ciency by our method is 6 times higher than that of Wong and moreover, the candidate
triangular pairs are much less. Comparing the tailoring method of Tang which only employs
orphan set, since we processed self-collision tailoring to each cluster through radiation angle
test, the candidate triangular pairs tested by our method is only a half of that tested by
Tang’s method, with simulation frame rate similar to that of Tang’s.
640 H. Bing et al.

Fig. 1. Experiment result of high-level tailoring optimization method in this paper (Color figure

4.2 Experiment 2: Low-Level Tailoring Optimization

During the low-level tailoring stage, this paper firstly implements the low-level tailor-
ing optimization based on the characteristic distribution. On this basis, this paper imple‐
ments the low-level tailoring optimization based on the non-coplanar filter and respec‐
tively analyzes the experiment results.
Table 1 shows the comparison of quantity of primitive pairs and simulated frame
rate. We can see that, comparing with basic low-level tailoring method, the quantity of
candidate primitive pairs tested by our method decreased sharply and simulation frame
rate has been improved by 3 times. Comparing with the tailoring method based on
representative triangular mechanism of Curtis, since our method has filtered out non-
coplanar primitive pairs and tested even fewer candidate primitive pairs, with high-level
culling efficiency. Our low-level tailoring optimization method is lower than Tang’s in
terms of simulation frame efficiency. But since our method has cut off redundant prim‐
itive pairs that do not intersect with primitive bounding box, fewer candidate primitive
pairs have been tested. Thus, it is better than Tang’s method in terms of culling efficiency.

Table 1. Comparison of different low-level tailoring optimization methods

Quantity of VF Quantity of EE Frame rate
Basic low-level 1122 2056 12.70
2008 Curtis 74 45 32
2011 Tang 44 338 37.54
Method in this 31 137 34.22

5 Conclusion

During the high-level tailoring stage, this paper firstly implements the basic high-
level tailoring in combination with the hierarchical bounding box algorithm and
Self-collision Detection Optimization Method 641

continuous normal vector cone information. On this basis, this paper implements the
high-level tailoring optimization based on the radiation angle. Finally, this paper
implements the high-level tailoring optimization based on the isolated set. The high-
level tailoring optimization method of this paper can greatly improve the self-colli‐
sion detection efficiency. During the low-level tailoring stage, this paper firstly
implements the low-level tailoring optimization based on the characteristic distribu‐
tion. In addition, this paper also implements the tailoring optimization based on the
non-coplanar filter. The low-level tailoring optimization method in this paper can
further improve the self-collision detection efficiency.

Acknowledgement. This work is supported and funded by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (61272346).


1. Barbič, J., James, D.L.: Subspace self-collision culling. ACM Trans. Graph. (TOG) 29(4), 81
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6. Govindaraju, N.K., Knott, D., Jain, N., Manocha, D., et al.: Interactive collision detection
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7. Hutter, M., Fuhrmann, A.: Optimized continuous collision detection for deformable triangle
meshes. In: Proceedings of WSCG07, pp. 25–32 (2007)
8. Curis, S., Tamstorf, R., Manocha, D.: Fast collision detection for deformable models using
representative triangles. In: Proceedings of the 2008 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics
and Games, pp. 61–69. ACM (2008)
9. Tang, M., Manocha, D., Tong, R.: Fast continuous collision detection using deforming non-
penetration filters. In: Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, pp. 7–13. ACM (2010)
10. Wong, S.K., Lin, W.C., Hung, C.H., et al.: Radial view based culling for continuous self-
collision detection of skeletal models. ACM Trans. Graph. 32(4), 96 (2013)
3D Finite Element Modeling and Simulation of Nonlinear
Ultrasonic Evaluation for Steel Damage

Yanyan Liu, Linwen Zhang, Haojie Yuan, and Shiwei Ma ✉

( )

Shanghai Key Laboratory of Power Station Automation Technology,

School of Mechatronics Engineering and Automation, Shanghai University,
Shanghai 200072, China
{yyliu2014,masw}@shu.edu.cn, [email protected],
[email protected]

Abstract. This research develops a theoretical method to evaluate the creep

damage in a 91 steel with ultrasonic nonlinear technique. A three-dimensional
finite element model is built to simulate the creep damage of steel P91 and the
ultrasonic wave propagation through the degraded material. The nonlinear param‐
eter is calculated from the amplitude of the second harmonic component of ultra‐
sonic waves which is caused by the micro-structural changes of the material. Both
the experimental and theoretical results show that the nonlinear parameter
increases with the increase of temperature. The results show the feasibility of the
model to evaluate the early stage of the degradation of materials by using ultra‐
sonic nonlinearity.

Keywords: Nonlinear ultrasound · Finite element model · Creep damage · Steel P91

1 Introduction

Recent studies are demonstrating the potential of nonlinear ultrasound to quantitatively

detect and characterize the micro-structural changes in metals, such as incensement of
crystal size, slip and dislocation of the intercrystalline. In this technique, high amplitude
ultrasonic wave of a particular frequency is excited to propagate through the material.
The harmonics which are due to the interaction of ultrasonic waves with the micro‐
structures are used as the indication of the degradation of materials. The nonlinear
parameter is calculated by the ratio of the second harmonic amplitude to that of the
square of the fundamental amplitude [1–5].
To date, many researchers have applied nonlinear ultrasonic technique to detect and
characterize the creep damage in metals under laboratory conditions [6–15]. Hurley
experimentally found that nonlinear ultrasonic parameter increases and ultrasonic longi‐
tudinal phase velocity remains the same, with the increase of carbon content for a series
of quenched martensitic steels. These results show that the observed increase in
nonlinear parameter can be attributed to dislocation-related effects in the material. Deng
analyzed the nonlinear effect of primary Lamb wave propagation for assessing accu‐
mulated fatigue damage in aluminum sheets and experimentally found that the effect of
second harmonic generation by Lamb wave propagation is very sensitive to the

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 642–650, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_65
3D Finite Element Modeling and Simulation 643

accumulation of fatigue damage of solid plates. Ehrlich experimentally characterized

the creep damage in a welded steel pipe section using a nonlinear ultrasonic technique.
Matlack used the nonlinear ultrasound to measure microstructural changes due to the
radiation damage in steel. Studying the above listed researches, it is found that most of
them measure the damage in metal by using nonlinear ultrasonic techniques experi‐
mentally. There has been no systematic work reported on the theoretical model of using
ultrasonic nonlinearity to examine the microstructural creep damage and the stage of
creep for steel P91.
This research proposes a three-dimensional finite element model to simulate the
ultrasonic wave propagation through the creep damaged P91 steel. The nonlinearity
parameter is used as an indicator of the thermal damage of the material, which is calcu‐
lated from the amplitudes of the fundamental and second harmonic wave.

2 Experiment and Analysis Method

2.1 Experiment Setup

The experiment is conducted by the nonlinear ultrasonic measurement system (RITEC

RAM-5000 SNAP) with longitudinal wave probes of 5 and 10 MHz. The diameter of
the probe is 1.27 cm. The schematic of the system is shown as Fig. 1, which consists of
an amplifier, attenuator, filters, transducers, and a dual channel digital oscilloscope
(Tektronix DP04032). One of the transducer acts as a transmitter, and the other acts as
a receiver. The transmitter (T) is a narrowband p-wave Lithium Niobate transducer with
a center frequency of 5 MHz, and the receiver (R) is a broadband p-wave Lithium
Niobate transducer with a center frequency of 10 MHz. ULTRAGEL II was used as the
couplant. In the experiment, the transmitting and receiving transducers are always on
the same axis to avoid the energy loss. A 5 MHz single-frequency sinusoidal pulse with
cycles of 5 and width of 1 μs is used as excitation, as the pulse width of the excitation
signal should be less than the travel time of the ultrasound through the sample in order
to reduce the disturbance from equipment and random noise. The sample is made of
steel 91 (9CrMoVNb), which has a size of 4 cm × 4 cm × 2 cm.

2.2 Nonlinear Ultrasonic Theory

It is well known that ultrasonic wave interacts with the micro-structural changes and
micro-cracking, and as a result of this interaction, part of the wave is converted into
harmonics. As damage increases, larger amplitudes of harmonics are generated.
Assume that the nonlinear constitutive relationship of the material is described by
Eq. (1):

𝜎 = E𝜀(1 + 𝛽𝜀 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅) (1)

where E is Young’s modulus and β is the higher order nonlinear elastic coefficient. For
small strain deformation, the equation of motion can be written as
644 Y. Liu et al.

Fig. 1. Schematic of ultrasonic measurement system

𝜕 2 u 𝜕𝜎
𝜌 = (2)
𝜕t2 𝜕x
where ρ is the density of material in the unperturbed state, x is the propagation distance
of sound wave, u is the displacement. For the small strain deformation considered here,
the normal strain in the x-direction is 𝜀(x, t) = 𝜕u(x, t)∕ 𝜕t, Eq. (1) can be written as

𝜕2u 𝜕2 u 𝜕u 𝜕 2 u
𝜌 = E 2 + 2E𝛽 +⋅⋅⋅ (3)
𝜕t 2 𝜕x 𝜕x 𝜕x2
To solve the above equation, the displacement u is assumed to contain two parts: the
initial wave and the first-order perturbation solution, as follows:

u = u0 + u′ (4)

Assuming u0 is a single frequency sinusoidal wave,

u0 = A1 cos(kx − 𝜔t) (5)

where k is the wave number, ω is angular frequency, and A1 is the amplitude of wave.
The perturbation solution up to the second-order is

u = u0 + u′ = A1 cos(kx − 𝜔t) − A2 sin 2(kx − 𝜔t) (6)

𝛽 2 2
Where A2 = A k x.
8 1
The second term in the above equation represents the second harmonic frequency
component. It is seen that the magnitude of the second-order component A2 depends on
β, which represents the nonlinear characteristics of degraded material. For constant k
and x, β can be normalized as
3D Finite Element Modeling and Simulation 645

𝛽k2 x A2
𝛽′ = = 2 (7)
8 A1

In this study, β’ is defined as the nonlinear parameter.

2.3 3D Finite Element Model

Based on the above theory, a 3-dimensional finite element model is developed by
COMSOL Multiphysics. The simulation is conducted in two steps: (1) the creep evolu‐
tion of a material by using the transient analysis of Nonlinear Structural Materials
Module, which is based on the Norton Law; (2) the ultrasonic wave propagation through
the creep-damaged material by using the transient analysis of Acoustic Module, where
the displacement of material calculated from step (1) is used as initial conditions.
Figure 2 shows the mesh of the system in 3-D. It’s know that the finer the mesh size,
the more accurate the simulation results. Because of the limitation of our computer’s
addressable memory for calculation, the maximum mesh size is around 15 % of the
wavelength. The larger rectangular block represents the steel sample with a size of
4 cm × 4 cm × 2 cm, while the small cylinders at two sides represent the transmitted
and received transducers with a diameter of 0.9 cm and thickness of 0.1 cm, respectively.

Fig. 2. Mesh of the structure which consists of two lithium niobate transducers and a rectangular
block sample of P91 steel.
646 Y. Liu et al.

In this study the simulation is focused on the sound wave propagation through the
damaged material, which is computed by the Acoustic Module (the second step). For a
time-harmonic wave, for which the pressure varies with time as

p(x, t) = p(x)ei𝜔t (8)

The 2nd-order Westervelt equation is used as the nonlinear wave equation to solve
the wave propagating in the steel sample as follows:
( )
1 𝜕2p 𝜕p 1 𝛽 𝜕 2 p2
− d + ∇ ⋅ − (∇p) = 2 4 2 (9)
𝜌c 𝜕t
2 2 a
𝜕t 𝜌 𝜌 c 𝜕t

where p is the ultrasonic pressure, c is the speed of sound, da is the damping term due
to the wave attenuation, β is the nonlinear parameter.
The boundary conditions of the 3D model are: the interface between the transducer
and steel sample is pressure boundary, and the rest of the sound field boundaries are
plane wave radiation boundaries. The excitation conditions for the transducer are: a 5-
cycle sine pulse with the frequency f of 5 MHz and the amplitude of A0 = 105 Pa. And
the density of and sound speed in steel P91 are 7780 kg/m3 and 6087 m/s. The displace‐
ment of material calculated from the Nonlinear Structural Materials Module is used as
the initial conditions for the nonlinear wave propagation equation in Acoustic Module.
Because when ultrasonic wave propagates in the solid, the propagation velocity not only
depends on the sound velocity in the material, but also depends on the displacement of
material and its nonlinear characteristics.

3 Results and Discussion

The sample P91 exhibits the creep behavior under a thermal treatment of one hour at
970 °C. The distribution of the ultrasonic wave propagation in the steel sample at time
of 4.4e−6s after the thermal treatment is analyzed. Figures 3 and 4 shows the distri‐
bution of acoustic pressure field inside the sample and at the central cross-sectional
surface, respectively. It is seen that the ultrasonic waves decay very fast during the
propagation in the steel sample because of high attenuation. The frequency spectrum
of the received ultrasonic wave at transducer R is analyzed, as shown in Fig. 5. It is
seen that a second-order harmonic component is generated at the frequency of
10 MHz, where the fundamental wave with a frequency of 5 MHz. The harmonic
component indicates the material’s nonlinearity after the thermal treatment. This is
because the micro-structural changes in the damaged material cause the distortion in
the ultrasonic wave, and this material’s nonlinearity leads to the generation of the
second- harmonic wave component.
3D Finite Element Modeling and Simulation 647

Fig. 3. Distribution of acoustic pressure field in the sample.

Fig. 4. Distribution of acoustic pressure field at the central cross-section of the sample.
648 Y. Liu et al.

Fig. 5. Frequency spectrum of received ultrasonic wave.

The experimental and theoretical relationships between the normalized nonlinear

parameter and temperature for steel P91 is presented in Fig. 6. The measurement was
conducted on five different samples under one hour thermal treatment at five different

Fig. 6. The experimental and theoretical relationships between the normalized nonlinear
parameter and temperature.
3D Finite Element Modeling and Simulation 649

temperatures of 970 °C, 1020 °C, 1080 °C, 1150 °C and 1200 °C, respectively. 16
measurements on the nonlinear parameter of each sample were averaged to improve the
signal-to-noise ratio. The theoretical calculation is based on the same conditions. It is
observed that the nonlinear ultrasonic parameter increases with the increase of temper‐
ature for both the simulated and measured results. This is because when temperature
increases, the speed of the movement of dislocation and sliding of grain boundary
increases, and the diffusion coefficients increase as well, all of these microstructural
changes attribute to the nonlinearity of the creep-damaged material. Therefore, it can be
expected that the degree of material degradation can be evaluated by using the nonli‐
nearity of the ultrasonic wave.

4 Conclusions

In summary, a method to theoretically determine the creep damage of steel P91 by

nonlinear ultrasonic technique is proposed. A three-dimensional finite element model is
built to simulate the creep evolution and ultrasonic wave propagation through the
degraded material. The propagation of ultrasound through the creep-damaged sample
causes the generation of the second-harmonic component of wave. The nonlinear
parameter is calculated from the amplitude of the second-harmonic wave. Both the
experimental and theoretical results show that the nonlinear parameter increases with
the increase of temperature. As the damage increases, the magnitude of the nonlinear
interaction also increases. Thus the nonlinear ultrasonic parameter can be used to express
the relative change of the material’s nonlinearity in order to evaluate the early stage of
the degradation of mechanical properties and micro-damage of the materials. Although
more experimental and theoretical work are needed to develop a general method for the
evaluation of the early stage degradation, the feasibility of using this finite element
model by nonlinear ultrasound for such purpose is clearly demonstrated in this study.

Acknowledgement. This work is funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China

(61171145) and Shanghai Young Eastern Scholar (QD2015030).


1. Shui, G., Wang, Y.: Ultrasonic evaluation of early damage of a coating by using second-
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SUS306 stainless steel. Tech. Acoust. 27(2), 206–209 (2008)
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5. Shui, G., Jacobs, L.J., Qu, J., et al.: A Rayleigh wave technique to measure the acoustic
nonlinearity parameter of material. AIP Conf. Proc. 975, 1267–1274 (2008)
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fracture toughness of CrMoV rotor steels based on ultrasonic nonlinearity. Ultrasonics 41(7),
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Lamb wave approach. Appl. Phys. Lett. 90(12), 121902 (2007)
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a welded steel pipe section using a nonlinear ultrasonic technique. AIP Conf. Proc. 1430,
292–298 (2012)
10. Matlack, K.H., Kim, J.-Y., Wall, J., et al.: Using nonlinear ultrasound to measure
microstructural changes due to radiation damage in steel. Proc. Meet. Acoust. 19(1), 045023
11. Barnard, D.J., Dace, G.E., Buck, O.: Acoustic harmonic generation due to thermal
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Research on Simulation Scenario Entity Transform
Based on Visually Mapping

Xin Wang ✉ and LaiBin Yan ✉

( ) ( )

College of Information System and Management,

National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, Hunan, China
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. Simulation scenario is the data base of simulation system. The current
simulation scenario can often be applied to single simulation system. There are
problems like the low reusability of old simulation scenario, long time when the
large number of entities are created and so on. This paper studies the mapping
relationship of simulation objects between different specifications, visually
saving this mapping relationship to the data dictionary, and through the simulation
object instantiation and data query to transform old entities to new entities that
simulation system is able to identify. In MAXSIM Simulation System Develop‐
ment, this way greatly reduce the simulation scenario development time and
ensures the accuracy of the data.

Keywords: Simulation scenario · Visually mapping · Entity transform

1 Introduction

Simulation scenario is the digital base of simulation system which makes system run
smoothly. It’s also the key part of the simulation system. The present simulation scenario
is firstly set by the military technical personnel after they make a good military scenario,
and then technology personnel according to certain standards, cost a lot of time to convert
it into data simulation scenario data. However, due to the various groups of the simu‐
lation scenario description, development methodologies and final data format is not
exactly the same understanding, making big difference between simulation scenarios.
To achieve the simulation system you want to reuse the given data and avoid devel‐
oping simulation scenario authoring software when simulation rules transform, we need
to do the research on the simulation scenario conversion technology and by this simu‐
lation scenarios of different standardized descriptions can be quickly transformed.
Simulation entity as the key part of simulation scenario is the core of this paper. This
paper will focus on different simulation scenario type set of entities, attributes, and the
same simulation entity mapping relation dictionary under different description specifi‐
cations, and then by querying the mapping dictionary, the old simulation entities will
be converted as new simulation entities that can be identified by simulation system.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the related work.
Section 3 introduces how to get the correspondence between the entity classes and their

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 651–659, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_66
652 X. Wang and L. Yan

attributes and save as dictionary. Section 4 uses the mapping dictionary to quickly
generating simulation entities. Section 5 concludes the whole work of this paper.

2 Related Work

Recently, there is a lot of research on the simulation scenario conversion. Chao-yang

Liu et al. come up with the conversion technology based on MDA. This technology can
well realize the transformation of independent model in different scenarios, but for the
“heterogeneous” problem with different description specification (Due to the description
of the simulation scenario, development methods and the understanding of the final data
format are from different groups, it makes database are different from each simulation
member’s database and storage modes) it is not a very good solution. The transformation
of heterogeneous object classes is unrealizable. Meiyan Zheng etc. want to set the data
conversion interface based on HLA, it implements from military scenario to simulation
scenario, together with the method of mapping, convert military conceptual entity to
simulation data entity. It has a good reference for how to transfer different simulation
entities under different description specification. Wenzhen Li etc. present an air force
scenario description based on the Agent, used to generate scenario quickly. But this
scenario generation was more by simulation personnel through contrast military scenario
in manual configuration software, cannot realize quickly generate of scenario entity.
The present scenario transformation research mainly exist the following problems:
(a) Can’t solve the “heterogeneous” problem due to different description specification
and different entities in different simulation scenario.
(b) In the process of simulation scenario transformation, object instantiation can only
be made by time-consuming manual configuration.
This paper takes MAXSIM simulation system as the background, study on the simu‐
lation object visualization mapping technology under different description specification,
form a mapping dictionary which can store the same simulation object under different
specification mapping relation. By querying the mapping dictionary, converts the old
simulation scenario entity to new simulation entities that system can identify, to realize
the transformation of the simulation scenario entity.

3 The Simulation Object Visually Mapping

“The simulation object visually mapping” is to achieve visually configuration simulation

object classes and their attributes and to form the corresponding “dictionary”. To provide
a data basis for simulation scenario conversion, this chapter will introduce simulation
object visually mapping technology from three aspects:the implementation principle,
implementation method and software implementation. Its work mode is shown in Fig. 1.
Research on Simulation Scenario Entity Transform 653

Fig. 1. The simulation object visually mapping

3.1 The Principle of Implementation

Under the description of the different specification, the same simulation objects such as
aircraft may have different names, like “aircraft”, “plane”, “airplane” etc. The structure
may be different as shown in Fig. 2. Two different scenario describe plane using XML
data format specification.

Fig. 2. The same plane at different specifications

You can see that all are an instance of the plane but their names are different and
attributes of organizational relationships are also different. The left side call it “aircraft”,
and the right side is “plane”. The sensor suite of left side is directly mount on Sensor
List, the right side is mounting on Sense List in equip List. This different specification
makes left side of the aircraft cannot be used directly by the right side of the simulation
scenario. But we can see that they have the same physical meaning—
“airplane”,mounting on the same sensor—SPS-10 SIR and if they have other properties,
they are also the same.
654 X. Wang and L. Yan

What we need to do is to save the “same physical meaning” and form a data docu‐
ment. When the computer reads the document, it will know “aircraft = plane”. When
the computer reads Sensor List, knows is “my sense list”.

3.2 Implementation Method

Figure 2 as an example, realize visualization of simulation object mapping must solve
the following problems:
(a) How to make the computer know the aircraft and the plane are equivalent.
Technicians know both are the same when they see name, but the computer doesn’t
know, so you need to “tell” computer “aircraft = plane”. Because of storage and
query difficulty, name as the matching characters is not available. We can see, no
matter use which description, if you want the simulation scenario data can be read
by the simulation system, each kind of simulation object has a unique identification
code, so what we have to do is to get the identification code as a symbol of the query
(b) How to make the computer know corresponding relations between properties of
aircraft and plane.
Such as “speed” in aircraft may be defined as “cruising speed” in plane, we need
to do is to find the corresponding relations. Due to the different description in the
specification, the attributes of simulation object maybe is different under the XML
data structure. Some may be as a class of child nodes, others may be the properties
of the nodes. In order to improve the speed of the query, we read its name as a
match. Although there will be repeated in the data (“Speed”, “weight” and other
general properties), but querying speed will get a lot of ascension.
(c) How to save this mapping relationship, to form a data document that can be iden‐
tified by the computer.
Use tree data structure to store the mapping relationship. The mapping relationship
of object classes as the parent node, the corresponding relation of attributes as child
node. When the simulation entity generator query “dictionary”, by iterating through
the parent node to find the simulation object, and instantiation, find the corre‐
sponding relation of attributes from child nodes quickly.
The specific work process is shown in Fig. 3:

3.3 The Simulation Object Mapping Dictionary Builder

According to the above design, this paper designs generator software of simulation
object mapping dictionary. It contains the following functions:
• Read two kinds of description specification: class A and class B. And displayed in
the form of tree.
• Can easily match the simulation object types, properties under two description spec‐
ifications, and generate the corresponding matching data.
It’s working interface as shown in Fig. 4.
Research on Simulation Scenario Entity Transform 655


Read A, B simulation object class set of two descriptions


simulation object class Set A is empty End

Select and remove one simulation object class from set A

Is there a corresponding simulation object in N

Set B?

Pairing identifier is stored in the dictionary

Read the object class attribute set

Is the object class attribute set empty?

Select one attribute and remove from the attribute set

Is there a corresponding attribute in Class B?

The matching relationship is stored in the dictionary under
the child node of the class relationship

Fig. 3. Simulation object visually mapping technology processes

Fig. 4. Simulation object class mapping dictionary builder interface

656 X. Wang and L. Yan

Firstly, it will read the two specifications A and B. In the right and left sides, entity
classes are displayed as tree structure. Secondly, double-click the entity class on the left
side and then double-click the corresponding entity class on the right. Click the “Type
Endure” button. It indicates that these two classes is the same entity. After that, attributes
of these two entity classes will be shown in the middle. And then, select the corre‐
sponding properties in the drop-down menu B. If the attribute you do not need, you can
select “null”. In the end, click the “Attributes Endure” button.

4 The Simulation Scenario Entity Conversion

The simulation scenario entity conversion is by querying the mapping dictionary,

instance initialization, achieving quickly convert the old simulation entities to new
simulation entities.


all entities conversion is
completed ?
Reading simulation entities of the old
simulation scenario

Error, and prompts the Find the corresponding simulation object

class unpaired class in the dictionary

N Is there a class corresponding to

the dictionary

Create initial simulation entity ,

Read the attribute data of the class,
Find the corresponding attribute in
the dictionary, and Modify the data

Is there carrying items Y

Fig. 5. Create entity process

Research on Simulation Scenario Entity Transform 657

4.1 Implementation Method

Entities in the simulation scenario mainly consist by types, properties, carrying rela‐
tionship, etc. To transform all entities in the simulation scenario, we need to do the
following works:
• All entities can find the corresponding simulation object instantiation.
• All entities after conversion are not lack of attributes. (Can run in a new simulation
Format stored “simulation object mapping dictionary” can satisfy the demand for
the first item, when you read the class A primitive entities in the simulation scenario
data types, querying the dictionary to find the corresponding class B simulation objects
and then instantiate it.
Because of the different description specification, there may be some properties exist
in new scenario but not in the old scenario, so meaningful initial values are needed to
meet the needs of the new scenario. When the first creation is instantiation, by coping
built initial instance, then read the corresponding attributes to modify it.
Its working process is shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 6. Quickly generating simulation entities builder

658 X. Wang and L. Yan

4.2 Software Implementation

According to the above design, this paper designed simulation scenario entity conversion
based on different description. Figure 6 shows the scenario entity conversion interface.
By reading the simulation object mapping dictionary, initialize the instance data of
new simulation object, the old data simulation scenario, etc. Enter new name of the
entity, click start conversion.

4.3 Validation

The process of making scenario data in MAXSIM simulation system, 17 kinds of 367
entities, costs 22 min to finish transformation. Visually mapping relationship of entity
and attributes costs about 16 min. Generating entities only cost 3 min, and other 3 min
are for operating software, inputting names of files and other things. The proportion of
each part is shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7. Time distribution

5 Conclusion

Through the research of simulation scenarios conversion technology based on different

description specification, we can make the original scenario entity quickly generated
under new description specification and ensure the correctness of the data, enables the
simulation technology personnel to focus on the development of simulation system,
regardless of the specific military technologies.
Research on Simulation Scenario Entity Transform 659

This technology has been practiced in MAXSIM simulation system. In making a

new simulation scenario, fully use the existing simulation scenarios, save much time of
making scenario, improving the progress of research and development.

Acknowledgment. We appreciate the support from State Key Laboratory of High Performance
Computing, National University of Defense Technology (No. 201303-05) and Research Found
for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (No. 20124307110017).


1. Liu, C.-y., Chen, W.-t., C., Zhang, W.: Research on simulation scenario transform based on
model driven archite. Control Autom. 27(4) (2011)
2. Liu, Z.-w.: Research on standard description method of simulation scenario. Inf. Technol. (7)
3. Mei, Y.-z., Yao, Y.-p., Yang, J.-y., Peng, Y.-w.: Research on HLA-based scenario data
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A Motion Segmentation Based Algorithm
of Human Motion Alignment

Meng Zha1, Zhigeng Pan1(&), and Mingmin Zhang2

Digital Media and Human Computer Interaction Research Center,
Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, China
[email protected], [email protected]
School of Computer Science and Technology,
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
[email protected]

Abstract. As a classic method of human motion alignment, original Dynamic

Time Warping algorithm may cause poor effects while applied in the field of
human motion blending, such as motion pause and motion distortion. To address
this problem, we propose a motion segmentation based method of human
motion alignment. We first make use of Isomap which is a classic algorithm in
manifold learning to reduce dimensionality of all the motion frames in the
original motion samples. Then we can obtain the segment of different motion
samples by making use of the extreme point of all the corresponding
low-dimensional coordinates of motion frames. Finally we apply Dynamic Time
Warping method in the corresponding segments of different motion samples
respectively to achieve refined alignment results. We conduct contrast experi-
ment between our algorithm and traditional method, the result shows that our
method can eliminate motion pause and motion distortion phenomenon caused
by traditional method and make significant improvement in the application of
human motion blending. The generated motion samples have a high degree of
both fidelity and fluency.

Keywords: Motion alignment  Motion blending  Dynamic time warping 

Isomap  Motion segment

1 Introduction

The control and synthesis of 3D human motion have been one of the hot spots in the
research field of computer graphics all along. And with motion capture technology
being widely used in the field of digital entertainment and system simulation, data
driven human motion technology has increasingly become an important research topic
in the field of computer animation. Benefiting from many large-scale 3D human motion
database been established, the importance of mining the value of existing motion
capture data and make good use of them is becoming increasingly prominent.
Motion data pre-processing has always been the previous step of reuse of motion data.
Motion data pre-processing also includes a variety of forms, such as: motion denoising,
motion space warping, motion alignment, etc. The major purpose of motion denoising is

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 660–670, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_67
A Motion Segmentation Based Algorithm of Human Motion Alignment 661

to eliminate the generated noise data which are caused by the defects of motion capture
equipment, the commonly used methods include linear time invariant filter [1, 2], the
Kalman filter [3–5] and some data driven filter [6, 7]. Motion space warping is mainly in
order to adjust the spatial coordinates of the moving segment or the whole direction, so
that the data can be processed in a unified coordinate space [8].
Motion alignment aims to find the temporal correspondence between different
motion clips. After that, different motion clips can have a high degree of similarity in
logic, and it has been the crucial step of much follow-up work, such as motion blending
[9], motion synthesis [10] etc. Dynamic time warping [11, 12] is the most common
algorithm used in motion alignment, and there are also some variants of this algorithm,
such as iterative DTW [13] and incremental DTW [14] etc. All these DTW based
motion alignment methods that mentioned above have a common characteristic, they
all aim to seek overall corresponding relations between different motion clips. And
furthermore, they calculate the matching path with minimum weight value to achieve
the correspondence relation between two motion samples. But all these above methods
also have a common drawback. Most of the time the original motion samples contain
multiple motion segments, it means that the original motion samples may contain
multiple cycles or a periodic motion inside can continue to be subdivided into different
phases of movement. In these cases traditional motion alignment methods may not get
good performance. While applied in motion blending, traditional DTW based align-
ment algorithms often result in apparent motion pause phenomenon and serious motion
distortion due to the unsatisfactory motion alignment results. In [15] the original DTW
algorithm is also adjusted and it achieves great improvement in the application of
motion retrieval.
Due to the high dimensionality of 3D human motion data, it is difficult to deal with
them directly. Dimensionality reduction technology is often used as a key step, and has
been widely used in the field of human motion synthesis and human motion control. In
[16], the application of different data dimensionality reduction techniques in the field of
data driven human animation is reviewed. Generally speaking, dimension reduction
techniques can be classified into two categories: linear dimensionality reduction and
nonlinear dimensionality reduction. While linear dimension reduction technique mainly
includes PCA [17] (Principal Component Analysis) and ICA [18] (Independent
Component Analysis). [19] uses PCA to reduce the dimension of motion capture data,
and interpolation operation is implemented in low dimensional space to control the
movement of avatar. [20] proposed a method that could automatically calculate the
weight of the principal components, thus it can effectively generate new human ani-
mation which does not exist in the original database. All these methods mentioned
above are to reduce the dimensionality of original motion data through PCA, and then
synthesize high dimensional target motion by optimizing the low dimensional
parameters. The advantages of these methods are that the calculation is easy to
implement, but due to the linear assumption, the effect is not good enough when they
are applied to complex motion types. While the ICA method aim to find the demo-
graphic independent components, in order to achieve the purpose of reducing the
dimension. The effectiveness of this method depends on the assumption that the low
dimensional signals extracted are as independent as possible [21] uses ICA technology
to decompose the motion, make it break down into the stylized component so that the
662 M. Zha et al.

user can choose the appropriate stylized component to realize the motion editing. In
[22], motion data is decomposed into several sub spaces to express the movement style,
in order to generate stylized motion. But due to the high spatial and temporal corre-
lation within human motion data, the application of ICA method is often limited, and it
is used commonly in the field of stylized motion synthesis.
Taking into account that the complexity of real human motion data are always very
high, and often exhibiting a significant nonlinear characteristics, linear dimension
reduction technology may not achieve good results. For this reason, the nonlinear
dimensionality reduction technology represented by manifold learning has been
introduced into the field of 3D human animation in recent years. Manifold learning is a
typical nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques, it is based on this hypothesis:
high dimensional data are not distributed in flat Euclidean space, but are distributed in
low dimensional manifold which embedded in high dimensional space. Manifold
learning can reveal the essential characteristics of the original motion data, and it can be
used to obtain a simple and intuitive expression of the original data. In [23], the SOM
method is used to obtain the low dimensional representation of high dimensional
motion data, and the inverse mapping is obtained by RBF function training, which can
generate high dimensional motion data from the low dimensional samples. The dis-
advantage is that when the number of original samples is sparse, it may cause distortion
in the reconstruction of high dimensional motion. In [10] Isomap [24] is implemented
to reduce the dimension of the original high-dimensional motion data and to construct a
low dimensional semantic motion parameter space. Then users can specify some
sample points in the low dimensional space and weighted coefficient will be imposed
on the original high dimensional samples so that new high dimensional human motion
can be synthesized.
In this paper we combine with manifold learning algorithm and traditional motion
alignment algorithm. Firstly, we use Isomap algorithm to map the original motion data
with high dimensionality into a low dimensional space, and then we can achieve
motion segmentation based on low dimensional distribution of mapped motion frames.
Finally we conduct DTW algorithm between segmented corresponding motion clips to
fulfill motion alignment. The motion alignment results are applied to motion blending
and comparison experiment with traditional alignment method are conducted. Exper-
imental results show that our algorithm can effectively eliminate the phenomenon of
motion pause and motion distortion which are caused by traditional alignment method
when applied in motion fusion. The final motion samples synthesized by our alignment
method are of high degrees of both fidelity and fluency.

2 Isomap Based Motion Segmentation

2.1 Construction of Low Dimensional Embedded Manifold by Isomap
The motion capture data used in this paper is composed of a series of discrete and
ordered sequence frames. Each single frame is composed of 31 nodes, including the
root node, which form a skeleton model of human body. The root node has three
translational motion components and rotational motion components which control
A Motion Segmentation Based Algorithm of Human Motion Alignment 663

position and orientation of the whole model. While the non-root nodes have at most
three rotational degrees of freedom, which represent the rotation angle in the local
coordinate system that is bound to its parent node. The formula is expressed as follows:

Motion ¼ fFrame1 ; Frame2 ; . . .Framem g ð1Þ

FrameðtÞ ¼ fPosroot ðtÞ; Oriroot ðtÞ; R1 ðtÞ; R2 ðtÞ; . . .Rn ðtÞg ð2Þ

As indicated earlier, the dimension of each single frame of human motion pose
sequences are very high, there are usually more than 60 dimensions. The high
dimensionality of the original motion sample frames has brought great inconvenience
to our analysis and process. And meanwhile it is not conducive for us to dig out the
essential characteristics of motion sequences. But on the other hand, despite the high
dimension of the original motion data, for many types of motion, we can always
abstract simple semantics to describe and summarize the complex 3D human motion
itself. Taking two walking samples with different stride-length for example, despite the
complexity of these two motion sequences, we can extract the essential semantic
features from them through observation, namely, the amplitude in which avatar swings
arm and the stride-length with which avatar walks. Furthermore, taking into account
that both of them have a high degree of consistency, we can even describe these motion
samples by even one single dimensional semantics.
The existing manifold learning algorithm is designed to find the potential low
dimensional manifold structure and related parameters. Isomap [24] is a typical non-
linear manifold learning algorithm, which can find the potential low dimensional
parameter space embeded in the high dimension space. The main idea is to calculate the
geodesic distance of the sample points on the manifold to take the place of Euclidean
distance, the purpose of which is to preserve the inherent manifold structure in the
original data. And then MDS algorithm is utilized to solve the low dimensional
coordinates. With respect to LLE [25] algorithm which aims at keeping the relationship
between neighboring point, Isomap can keep the global characteristics of the sample
points and its effectiveness has achieved validation in many fields such as face images,
gestures distribution and 3D object detection. In this paper, we apply Isomap algorithm
to map the the original motion frames to a low dimension parameter space, and the
specific algorithm steps are as follows:
(1) Extraction and representation of motion data. Firstly, a corresponding motion clip
with the same period is extracted from the two original motion samples respec-
tively, which is used as the original data. The motion data is represented as
mentioned before, each sample frame data contains root node’s POSroot vector
representing position and ORIroot vector representing direction, as well as Ri
vector representing the rotational degrees of freedom of various non-root nodes.
(2) Constructing the original distance matrix of motion frame data Mdisc. Calculate
the distance between any two frames from the extracted motion data frame by
664 M. Zha et al.

Disc framei ; framej ¼ Rik  Rjk   Weightk ð3Þ

Where n represents the number of non-root nodes, and considering that different
bone nodes have different weight values for the whole movement, so we should
also take the corresponding weight coefficient values into account while calcu-
lating the frame distances. The general rules are: the closer to the root node, the
higher is the weight coefficient value, and vice versa. After we achieve the dis-
tances between frames, we will get the original distance matrix:

Mdisc ði; jÞ ¼ Discðframei ; framej Þ ð4Þ

(3) Construct geodesic distance matrix Mgeodesic based on the original distance matrix
Mdisc. Firstly we get the solution of corresponding weight matrix Mweight
according to the original distance matrix Mdisc:
Mdisc ði; jÞ; if framej 2 Nkth ðframei Þ
Mweight ¼ ð5Þ
MaxDisc; if framej 62 Nkth ðframei Þ

In this step, the minimum Kth nearest neighbor algorithm is used to get the local
neighborhood of every single frame. Then Dijkstra algorithm is used to solve multiple
sources shortest path between every sample frame, and the geodesic distance is sim-
ulated by the distance of path, finally the geodesic distance matrix Mgeodesic can be
obtained, and the first half part of the Isomap algorithm is completed:
(4) MDS algorithm is then used to get the final low dimensional manifold coordinates
of all the original motion frame data. Assuming that the n*n matrix D is obtained
from the original high dimensional motion data, and this distance matrix is
actually the matrix Mgeodesic which obtained in the 3rd step. We aim to achieve the
solution of the n*q matrix X in the low dimensional parameter space after pro-
jection. Here we use a n*n matrix B as a intermediate, let matrix B = XXT, and as
a result:

bij ¼ Xik Xkj ð6Þ

dij2 ¼ Xi  Xj  ¼ Xi2 þ Xj2  2  Xi  Xj ¼ bii þ bjj  2  bij ð7Þ


dij2 ¼ T þ n  bjj ð8Þ
A Motion Segmentation Based Algorithm of Human Motion Alignment 665

dij2 ¼ T þ n  bii ð9Þ

n X
dij2 ¼ 2n  T ð10Þ
i¼1 j¼1

(Among these T is the trace of medium matrix B, that is T ¼ bii , and we can
constrain Xik ¼ 0), From the above formulate, we can get result as follows:

dij2 =n ¼ T=n þ bjj ð11Þ

dij2 =n ¼ T=n þ bii ð12Þ

n X
dij2 =n2 ¼ 2  T=n ð13Þ
i¼1 j¼1

Also we can get this result from formula (7):

" #
h  i X
n X
n n X
X n
bij ¼ 0:5 dij2  bii þ bjj ¼ 0:5 dij2  dij2 =n  dij2 =n þ dij2 =n2
i¼1 j¼1 i¼1 j¼1


Since dij is already known, then matrix B can be obtained. And because the matrix
B is a real symmetric matrix, it is bound to be able to be orthogonal, assuming that
B = V*A*VT, then the X ¼ V  A is just what we seek. In this paper, we let q be 2,
that is, the low dimensional projection space is a plane.

2.2 Motion Segmentation

Motion sequences tend to show periodic variations, and they often have the same or
similar high dimensional motion poses at the same stage of different periods. Besides,
in a internal movement cycle, the poses sequences also presents the difference. After
dimensionality reduction by Isomap algorithm we expected the distribution of low
dimensional sample parameters should be consistent with the original motion seg-
mentation in semantic level.
In this paper, we use the extreme points of low dimensional distribution curves to
divide the motion. Table 1 shows the comparison result between artificial segmentation
666 M. Zha et al.

and automatic segmentation by our method. We can see that these two kinds of results
are quite close, and therefore it confirms the validity of our method.

Table 1. Performance comparison of different motion segmentation methods

Motion semantics Right foot step forward Left foot step forward Right foot keep-up
Automatic 0–52 53–104 105–150
Artificial 0–55 56–112 113–150
Motion semantics Right foot step forward Left foot step forward Right foot keep-up
Automatic 151–231 232–313 314–350
Artificial 151–237 238–311 312–350

3 Motion Alignment

As mentioned before, motion alignment aims to find the temporal correspondence

between different motion clips and then different motion clips can achieve a high
degree of similarity in logic. DTW algorithm is one of the most common time sequence
alignment algorithm, and it is designed to find an optimal path between different time
series. It has already been widely applied in the field of speech recognition, computer
vision, etc. Each point in the path represents the matching relationship between the
sample sequence points. This matching relationship obtained by the path can ensure
that the distance between those two sequences is minimum, in other words, any dis-
tance calculated by other corresponding relationship must be greater.
In this paper, we apply DTW algorithm to the corresponding motion clips which
have already be segmented, aiming to seek the corresponding relationship between
them, and the algorithm steps are as follows:
(1) Two motion clips are expressed as follows:
Motion1 = {Framea1, Framea2, …, Framean}; Motion2 = {Frameb1, Frameb2, …,
Framebn} Firstly, we calculate the frame distance between the two sequences
frame by frame. The process of calculation is similar as formulas (3) and (4), but
the difference is that here two different motion data are never mixed together but
separated. In other words, we calculate the distance between the frame from
motion 1 and the frame from motion 2, and then Mdisc is obtained.
(2) Then we obtain the solution of DTW weight matrix Mdtw_disc through the distance
matrix Mdisc, details are as follows:
A Motion Segmentation Based Algorithm of Human Motion Alignment 667

< Mdtw disc ði - 1, jÞ þ Mdisc ði, jÞ
Mdtw disc ð i; jÞ = min M ð i, jÞ ¼ min Mdtw disc ði - 1, j - 1Þ þ k Mdisc ði, jÞ
: dtw disc
Mdtw disc ði, j - 1Þ þ Mdisc ði, jÞ


(3) Finally we solve the path matrix Mpath to get the final matching relationship. In the
last step, during the process of building the DTW weight matrix, we need to
record all the selected path obtained from the formula (15). As a matter of fact,
there are only three possibilities for the path between the elements in the matrix:
(I–1, J) ! (I, J); (I, J–1) ! (I, J); (I–1, J–1) ! (I, J). After we get the path of all
the elements in the DTW weight matrix, it means we obtain the final path from the
starting point (1, 1) to the ending point (m, n). Every single point in this path
represents the corresponding matching relation between two motion frames.
The experimental results of motion alignment are shown as below, in which the
length of 1st motion sample is 150, and the length of the 2nd motion sample is 200.
Figure 1 shows the motion alignment result using original DTW algorithm while Fig. 2
shows the alignment result using our method, which combines DTW algorithm with
motion segmentation. From the experimental results we can see that using DTW
algorithm along can result in that many different frames mapped into the same frame of
the other motion in the final alignment results, which will lead to motion pause and
motion distortion phenomenon in the subsequent motion fusion. While by combining
the DTW algorithm with motion segmentation the alignment result we get is much
better. We can see from Fig. 2 that the situation of one frame corresponding to n frames
has been improved a lot compared to Fig. 1. Although in the situation that two motion
samples to be aligned having different lengths, the final alignment results will surely
appear some n:1 cases, but as long as n is not that big, it will cause much smaller
negative impact on the subsequent motion fusion.

Fig. 1. Alignment result using original DTW Fig. 2. Alignment result using our method
668 M. Zha et al.

4 Experimental Results

Motion blending refers to that utilizing the existing motion capture data samples as
input, weighting different original sample data with different values and then generating
a new motion that owns a fusion of different styles inherited from different original
samples, the specific formula is as follows:

Motion new ¼ f ðxi ; mi Þ ¼ xi mi ð16Þ

In order to verify the effectiveness of our method, we take the motion blending
result as a evaluation rule of motion alignment algorithm. We conduct motion blending
on two walking motion with different stride-length, and comparative experiments are
also implemented between original DTW algorithm and our method. The original
motion sample m1 is a series of walking motion sequences with normal stride, and the
sequence length is 150 frames; the other original motion sample m2 is a walking
motion sequences with exaggerated stride, its sequence length is 200 frames. Finally, in
order to analyze experimental results more carefully, we conduct comparison experi-
ments with different weighted fusion coefficients as follows: (1) x1 = 0.8, x2 = 0.2;
(2) x1 = 0.5, x2 = 0.5; (3) x1 = 0.2, x2 = 0.8.

Table 2. Performance comparison of different motion alignment methods in motion blending

Weighted Index DTW Our method
(0.8, 0.2) Fidelity Serious distortion during Very high
Fluency Serious pause during Slight pause during
171st–221st frames 25th–34th; 94th–113rd frames
(0.5, 0.5) Fidelity Serious distortion during Very high
53th–127th; 134th–194th
Fluency High Slight pause during 29th–33rd,
105th–116th; 193rd–200th
(0.2, 0.8) Fidelity High Extremely high
Fluency Serious pause during 22nd– No pause at all
58th frames

Table 2 presents the motion blending comparison result between two algorithm
with 3 groups of different weighted fusion coefficient. From the experimental results we
can see that while applied in motion blending, original DTW alignment algorithm can
cause serious motion distortion phenomenon, including:feet be off ground, slide, etc.,
besides the motion pause phenomenon is very serious. On the contrary, the visual effect
A Motion Segmentation Based Algorithm of Human Motion Alignment 669

of the motion samples generated by our method has greatly improved. The fidelity of
motion is very high, and occasionally there is slight movement pause phenomenon yet.

5 Conclusions and Future Work

Original DTW motion alignment algorithm can result in motion pause and motion
distortion when applied to human motion blending. To address this problem, this paper
proposes a new motion alignment algorithm based on the segmentation of human
motion. We first utilize Isomap algorithm to projected the original motion sample
frames into a low dimensional parameter space; then with the help of the extreme
points in the low dimensional space, we can obtain motion segmentation; finally we
conduct DTW algorithm on the corresponding motion segment respectively to achieve
the final alignment result. Experimental results show that our method can simply and
effectively overcome the defects caused by traditional alignment method, and can
achieve significant improvement in the visual effect of final generated motion samples.
Nevertheless, there is occasionally slight movement pause phenomenon yet while
using our method, and we will step forward to improve our algorithm to seek a higher
degree of fluency and fidelity in the final result.

Acknowledgement. This project is supported by Key Project of National Natural Science

Foundation of China (Grant No. 61332017); Project of National Science and Technology Sup-
porting Plan (Grant No. 2015BAK04B05).

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Research on Virtual-actual Design Environment
of Command Compartment

Shengxiao Zhang ✉ , Wenyuan Xu, Hao Li, Li Guo, and Dongmei Zhao
( )

China Shipbuilding Industry Systems Engineering Research Institute, Beijing, China

[email protected]

Abstract. The design environment of command compartment is developed

based on the physical compartment and virtual scenes, and can be used for design
and simulation training for command and control systems. The characteristics of
the traditional virtual cabin are analyzed. A cost-effective hardware architecture
is designed according to the construction target of the semi physical command
cabin. A design method of the design environment of command compartment
based on virtual reality is presented. And the key technologies of multi-channel
virtual scene generation are analyzed and studied.

Keywords: Virtual-actual · Command compartment · Multi-channel · Virtual


1 Introduction

Ship is moving offshore structures. Due to the requirements of the sea voyage and task,
taking into account the special requirements of various dynamical systems, command
and control system, weapon system, platform system, many compartments are designed
inside the ship and the structure is quite complex. With the continuous development of
large ships, its internal complexity is also increasing, and the importance of design of
cabin environment and related system is gradually highlighted. Especially for the
command cabin, the deployment of equipment and the interaction with the external
operating entities are the key issues to be considered in the process of system design.
By traditional design method based on text and pictures, the comprehensive design view
can’t be provided, so there are difficulties in the demand communication. The virtual-
actual technology can be used to build an effective platform for the design visualization
of the command cabin, and it is of great significance for the design, test, training and
assessment of the ship command and control system [1, 2].
The virtual reality combination of the command compartment design is to build an
environment of the command ship’s operation, with high sense of immersion and inter‐
action, based on the relevant physical and computer. Digital design and simulation
training of the conductor can be carried out in the realistic environment of approximate
actual combat and the design level of the cabin command system can be enhanced. It is
also great helpful for the improvement of the training command personnel in the complex
operation situation of the disposal and decision-making ability.

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 671–679, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_68
672 S. Zhang et al.

2 Related Research and Analysis

On the research of virtual design environment, MTI Lincoln Laboratory in the United
States as early as 1960s has begun the application of virtual reality technology
research and developed the HMD system. The US Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency has been working on a virtual battlefield environment known as
SIMNET since the 1980’s. The “virtual naval warfare command center” developed
by the US Navy can realistically simulate the environment which is almost
completely similar to the real ship combat command center and trainees can be
immersed in the “real” battlefield. The British navy has begun to use the virtual ship
for technical demonstration, design improvement and interface verification since
2000. In China, the application of virtual reality has become more and more exten‐
sive. For example, the virtual display and simulation of the cabin can be completed
in the “ship cabin environment simulation lab” of Harbin Engineering University,
using the virtual 3D simulation technology.
But there are some problems that can’t be ignored in the existing system. On the one
hand the real world is isolated by the virtual reality, and is conflict with the way humans
perceive the outside world. On the other hand, the existing systems are generally imple‐
mented using high-end graphics workstations for graphics rendering, and a high reso‐
lution multi professional projector fusion for three-dimensional scene display, so the
Implementation and maintenance costs are high. In order to overcome the above prob‐
lems, the virtual reality technology is used to superimpose the virtual object or non-
geometric information about the real object generated by computer onto real-world
scenarios, enhancing the real world. Because the link between the real world and the
real world is not cut off, the interaction is more natural. At the same time, the use of
commercial personal computer and large screen display to achieve the generation and
display of the three-dimensional scene, the cost of the system can be greatly reduced.
The design and implementation of the semi physical command compartment based on
the technology is introduced in this paper.

3 Application Scenario Analysis

Compared to a fully digital virtual cabin, designers do not need to wear glasses and other
external devices in the semi physical command compartment based on the virtual-actual
technology. So the interaction is more natural, causing no dizziness and discomfort, and
is able to meet the needs of a long time interactive design, supporting multi station design
and evaluation of personnel and training. In addition, the use of commercial personal
computers and monitors instead of high-end graphics workstations and projection
display devices, greatly reducing the cost of the realization of the virtual design envi‐
ronment. A variety of application purposes can be achieved based on the combination
of the actual situation and the semi physical command cabin.
Research on Virtual-actual Design Environment of CC 673

Generally, there are three main aspects.

• The design and evaluate environment of command and control system
According to the ship cabin structure design and command console layout, the design
evaluation environment of command and control system is built. In the process of
system design based on the environment the designers and users can design together,
provided a visual communication platform. Designers can quickly build command
and control prototype system in the environment, so that users can evaluate the func‐
tion and application process of the system in a virtual environment which is consistent
with the application scenario. The demand can be cured in the early stage of system
design, which avoids the progress lag and cost waste caused by the change of system
• Construction of command and control simulation training system
Command and control system operator plays a very important role in the process of
the system. The semi physical command cabin can be used in the construction of
command and control simulation training system. Through computer realistic repro‐
duction of the environment, users are immersed in the digital environment. The scene
in the real cabin environment that is not easy to meet and the executive control
command can be simulated so that the special emergency disposal ability can be
• Construction of a test environment for command and control prototype system
The ship command and control system needs to be carried out on the land before the
delivery of the real ship. In this stage, the semi physical command cabin combined
with the actual situation can provide a virtual scene for the system, similar to the
field test environment. According to the external interface of the command and
control system, the operation of the related entities is simulated. A visual test method
for the assessment test is provided, especially is of great significance for the test
evaluation of relative position of real space.

4 Architecture Design

A perfect cabin design environment should be composed of the hardware and the soft‐
ware with a high degree of simulation as a supporting architecture, and should be
extended. The hardware equipment is composed of semi physical compartments, image
rendering equipment, display equipment and network equipment. The software system
is composed of three dimension scene system, scenario database, command system
prototype, communication middleware and so on. The multi-channel visual system with
large field of view is developed, which is used to run on the multi graphics computer,
being able to provide the command personnel with a sense of immersive cabin scene.
So the operation process and the spatial position information of the relevant entities can
be obtained. In this paper, a ship borne aircraft cabin tower is an example and the struc‐
ture of the system is as shown in Fig. 1.
674 S. Zhang et al.

Fig. 1. General structure of semi physical cabin

The shipboard aircraft cabin tower design environment is based on the steel phys‐
ical cabin structure. The liquid crystal display is hung on the window of the cabin,
and is used as a display terminal of the virtual scene. Three dimensional scene is
synchronous rendered by the four computer distributed in the compartment. Each
computer is connected to two LCD monitors, and each channel is responsible for the
rendering of the virtual scene of the two windows. Command station and data server
is communicated through the LAN network, and the simulation program running on
the data server based on command and scenario is to generate entity state informa‐
tion. The information is send to the graphics computer through the network, driving
the movement of the entities of the virtual scene. Its system operation flow is as shown
in Fig. 2.
In the process of system design, multi-channel visual rendering is achieved by
dividing a large angle of view scene into a plurality of continuous parts of each other
and each section is rendered, then a complete picture is formed. The design of display
parameters of multi - channel scenes is the key to the realization of this system.
Research on Virtual-actual Design Environment of CC 675

Fig. 2. System operation flow

5 Mosaic and Display of Multi-channel Three-Dimensional Scene

5.1 Setting for Line of Sight in Single Channel

According to the projection screen types, the display types of the multi-channel large
FOV are divided into three categories, such as a flat screen, a curtain, a column, or a
ball [4]. It is as shown in Fig. 3.
In addition to the middle channel, it is necessary to go through the shear transfor‐
mation in the generation of visual images by imaging computer in other channels, when
using plane screen in the multi-channel visual system. Then the image is correct when
projected onto the plane screen. The imaging computer of the multi-channel system and
the multi-channel system of the curtain is used to generate the visual scene in the same
way. All objects need to be projected onto a plane that is perpendicular to the line of
sight. Therefore, when the image is displayed on the screen, the geometric correction of
676 S. Zhang et al.

Fig. 3. Projection type

the image is needed to ensure that the image is not deformed. In this paper, the display
hardware in the semi physical command cabin is a combination of plane and fold, no
curtain. So the planar liquid crystal display with the function of non-geometric correction
can meet the requirement of system design. But it is needed to calculate the line of sight
direction of each channel according to the cabin structure diagram to ensure the matching
of the image of each channel.
Perspective projection is usually used to observe the scene in the visual simulation
system. In perspective projection, the view frustum is truncate table vertex in the center
of the projection of the pyramid that is a parallel to the bottom surface of the plane cut
off at the top of the pyramid. In perspective projection, the line of sight direction should
be the line between the point of view and the intersection point of the straight line across
the bottom rectangle. The vertex position of the visual body is consistent with the view
point, and the view point of each channel of the multi-channel visual system is exactly
the same. Therefore, the best viewing position of the observer in the multi-channel visual
system development must be first determined. In the design of the ship borne aircraft
cabin tower, according to the cabin structure layout and use of demand, the intersection
(x, y) of the L1 edge and the L2 edge is selected as the initial viewpoint position of the
multi-channel scene, as shown below.
The length of L1, L2, L3 and L4 is known, and the length of the window is a, the
window spacing is d, the edge distance is d1 and the two angles are α, β. So x = L2/2,
y = L1/2.

Fig. 4. Definition of coordinate of field of view

Research on Virtual-actual Design Environment of CC 677

Set the direction of the line of sight forward L1 side is 0°, the counter clockwise is
positive, then L2, L3, L4’s direction of the line of sight respectively is:
The direction of the L2 side line of sight is 90°;
The direction of the L3 side line of sight is 90 + γ degrees, which can be solved by
the following formula to obtain the γ angle value.
γ = 270−α−δ;
b/sinγ = c/sin(α−α1);
b2 = (L2/2)2 + y2;
c2 = b2 + (L3/2)2−b*L3*cos(α−α1);
sinα1 = y/b;
The direction of the L4 side line of sight can be obtained by solving the equations
using the classical formula of plane geometry in the same way, and it is not repeated.

5.2 Calculation of Field View Angle Parameters of Single Channel

In OpenGL, there are two ways to set up the single channel field of view, which are
symmetric field of view and asymmetric field of view, as shown in Fig. 5. For multi-
channel visual system, due to the limitation of the cabin structure, viewpoint can only
be located in a small number of symmetric line of sight. Therefore, the unified field
of view angle parameters of each single channel is set up by using the non-symmet‐
rical field of view, including four parameters such as, left field angle, right field
angle, top field angle and bottom field angle. Based on the coordinate definition in
Fig. 4 and the known length and angle, the value of top, right, bottom and left can be
obtained by using the knowledge of triangle geometry. The setting of single channel
field of view can be completed by the function glFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, 1,
35000). In this example, the VegaPrime software is used as the generation engine of

Fig. 5. Definition of symmetric and asymmetric field of view

678 S. Zhang et al.

3D scene, its line of sight direction and field of view angle parameter value can be
directly set in FOV Angle and offsets in Lynx Prime.

5.3 Display of Multi-channel Three-Dimensional Scene

For the multi-channel visual system composed of a plurality of computers, each
computer is rendered as a part of the scene. It is relatively independent, so it is needed
to set up the mechanism to coordinate the scene drawing of each computer. Most existing
visual drivers uses the server - client mode to solve the problem, setting a microcomputer
as the control center of the visual display client. Shipboard aircraft cabin tower design
environment is taken as an example. The four computer number is set to 1 to 4, No1 is
set as the central control server, used to connect the data server, receiving the control
command, related job entity trajectory and state data. The microcomputer 1 simultane‐
ously will need to synchronize the entity information and the scene command to send
to other visual clients through the radio, and control the synchronous update display
after receiving the feedback information.
In actual engineering practice, due to the unavoidable factors such as the mechanical
machining error, the calculated field angle parameters according to the theory will exist
certain deviation, such as inter channel coherence of scene geometry line. It is needed
to be further fine-tuned. For ship cabin design environment, the pitch angle and the upper
and lower field angle can be adjusted by the sea level line to ensure the continuity of the
actual 3D scene.

6 Conclusion

The common PC cluster and the liquid crystal display as the generation and display of
the virtual scene is used in the design method of the semi physical command cabin. With
the 1:1 physical structure of the actual command compartment, a multi-channel visual
simulation system with high immersion and high cost is set up, and a new method is
provided for the engineering realization of the virtual design environment. The overall
structure of the design environment is designed in this paper and the basic concepts and
key technologies of multi-channel scenario generation are analyzed. It is of guiding
significance to the realization of the digital design environment of the ship command
and control system.
In view of the movement situation in the next, the relative position of the observer
in the cabin can be obtained by using the position locating device. And a dynamic
computing library for single channel field of view is developed in order to make the
best view position of the multi-channel scene consistent with the observer position.
Research on Virtual-actual Design Environment of CC 679


1. Song, Z.-M.: Application of VR technology in development of shipborne C2 system. J. Syst.

Simul. 23(08), 1729–1733 (2011)
2. Qiao, C.-L.: Study of synchronization technique for multi-tiled display system. J. Syst. Simul.
19(15), 3437–3439 (2007)
3. Gong, L.: Virtual warship compartment environment design. Comput. Digit. Eng. 42(4), 725–
727 (2014)
4. Zhang, W.-M.: Research on division of three-dimensional scene in multi-channel visual
simulation system. J. Inf. Eng. Univ. 09(02), 153–155 (2008)
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underwater vehicle in deep sea. J. Harbin Eng. Univ. 26(04), 435–439 (2005)
Analysis on the Deviation of the Position
and Color Based on Kinect Scanning Modeling

Shan Liu, Shiying Cui, Zhengliang Zhu(&), and Guanghong Gong

School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering,

Beihang University, Beijing, China
[email protected], [email protected],

Abstract. Kinect is an instrument that can interpret specific pictures with rel-
atively high precision. In this paper, we utilize proper mathematical methods
based on the point cloud data from Kinect 2.0 we tested before to analyze the
deviation of Kinect scanning. By using Pearson Correlation Coefficient,
regression model and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method, we manage to
analyze the deviation from both the position deviation and color deviation. Our
work suggests the important parameters of Kinect—Elevation and Vertical
Dimension. When searching for ways to reduce deviation of the color of the
measured object, we should not only be concentrated on the optimized com-
bination of the two parameters but also take the relation between vertical
dimension and position accuracy into consideration.

Keywords: Kinect  Vertical dimension  Elevation angle  RGB  Chromatic


1 Introduction

Kinect is an instrument that can interpret specific pictures with relatively high preci-
sion. The deviation of the point cloud mainly comes from two aspects: the position
information and the color information. In this paper, we utilize proper mathematical
methods based on the point cloud data from Kinect2.0 we tested before.
First we use plane fitting to analyze the position deviation. By measuring the
standard deviation of axis y toward different vertical dimension, we get the quadratic
relation between vertical dimension and plane coordinate.
Then we consider the deviation of Kinect from color information perspective.
In the first step, we use Pearson Correlation Coefficient to reach the correlations
among the value of R, G and B. The value of R, G, and B have strong correlations
separately between each other.
As it cannot fit to the randomized procedure, we build a regression model and set
elevation as argument and the value of R, G, B separately as dependent variable. From
the regression equation sets, we can safely draw the conclusion that elevation has
strong influence on RGB.
Furthermore, by using Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method, we consider the
RGB value from both elevation and vertical dimension. We work out that the important

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 680–690, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_69
Analysis on the Deviation of the Position 681

color of the measured object and the miscellaneous color have the same affected extent.
Thus, higher accuracy of the object’s own color surely means the higher deviation of
miscellaneous color.
Therefore, our work suggests the important parameters of KINECT—Elevation and
Vertical Dimension. When searching for way to reduce deviation of the color of the
measured object, we should not only be concentrated on the optimized combination of
the two parameters but also take the relation between vertical dimension and position
accuracy into consideration.

2 Model Building

2.1 Model Preparation

1. When studying the measurement error of Kinect, our modeling is based on pre-
ceding tests. Using Kinect, we manage to measure the RGB values and position
information of three different papers, which are red, blue and green respectively, all
of them with peak brightness (255) in ideal condition. In the measure of each paper,
three data sets are collected featured with different vertical dimensions.
2. Due to the large quantity of the collected point cloud data, Lewitt Criteria is adopted
in preprocessing the point cloud data. In a specific data set, for example, the R value
data set, when the difference between some value and the arithmetic mean value of
its data set is three times larger than the data set’s standard error, it becomes
doubtful and should be rejected.
Standard deviation r is calculated by the formula as.
PN 2
i¼1 ðxi  lÞ
r¼ ð1Þ

Where l is the mean value of the value x1 to xN , and N is the number of samples.
After the preprocessing of the data sets and filtration of irrelevant ambient point
cloud information, the number of valid data in each data set is controlled from 30000 to
40000 (Fig. 1).
The Coordinate System of the Kinect. The internal coordinate system is shown in
Fig. 2. X, Y, Z are the three coordinates the Cartesian coordinate system.

2.2 Model I: Analysis of Vertical Dimension and RGB Deviation

The Relation Between the Precision of Point Cloud and Horizontal Scanning
Distance. In our experiment, we find that, from 0.8 meters to 4 meters, with the
increase of the horizontal scanning distance, the precision of the scanning imaging
682 S. Liu et al.

Fig. 1. Rebuilding object surface in meshlab

correspondingly declines, other things being equal. In order to quantify the relation
between the object’s positioning information and the linear distance from the object to
Kinect, the object surface with a fixed vertical distance to the Kinect is measured
repetitively, and that distance is altered many times to avoid accidental error. Then,
standard deviation r is introduced, whose specific relation with the horizontal distance
is calculated. For data processing, calculation and analysis, we employ Kinect for
Windows SDK 2.0 as the driver, utilizing Meshlab to acquire image and transform it to
point cloud data. Then, the data sets are dealt with plane fitting by Matlab. Finally, the
relation is figured out with statistical methods in modeling.
The objects of the experiment are papers with great surface smoothness. We mea-
sure with Kinect every 0.1 meters in the range from 0.8 meters to 4 meters. Thus, we
come up with the variation relation of the standard deviation to the distance. The plane
fitting is performed using least square method on Matlab, coming up with a certain
functional relation. In addition, to avoid disturbances arising from ambient light and the
surface’s color itself, we conduct the experiment in darkness and three different-colored
papers are measured.
The relation between the standard deviation and the horizontal distance of the
coordinate Z is shown in Figs. 2, 3 and 4 below.

f(x) ¼ p1  x^ 2 þ p2  x þ p3 ð2Þ

Fig. 2. The coordinate system of Kinect

Analysis on the Deviation of the Position 683

Fig. 3. The relation between the standard deviation and horizontal distance Z (Red) (Color
figure online)

Fig. 4. The relation between the standard deviation and horizontal distance Z (Green) (Color
figure online)

RMSE is Root Mean Square Error. Analyzing the relation between the horizontal dis-
tance and the standard deviation of the plane axis, we can get the strong quadratic relation
between vertical dimension and plane coordinate (Fig. 5 and Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4).

Fig. 5. The relation between the standard deviation and horizontal distance Z (Blue) The
consequence of the plane fitting is as follows. (Color figure online)
684 S. Liu et al.

Table 1. The consequence of the plane fitting

Coefficients Red Green Blue
p1 1.525 1.148 −0.008438
p2 −2.457 −0.5772 1.166
p3 2.318 0.5148 −0.3888
RMSE 0.7309 0.8499 0.7298

Table 2. Correlation of RGB values of the blue paper

B1 B2 B3
R&G correlation 0.9243 0.9809 0.9196
G&B correlation 0.7727699 0.81285166 0.64181676
R&B correlation 0.52 0.72889 0.375672
Number of data 32576 39765 37282

Table 3. Correlation of RGB values of the green paper

G1 G2 G3
R&G correlation 0.740908 0.3757 0.595429
G&B correlation 0.942179 0.846523 0.8515
R&B correlation 0.866846 0.701404 0.866777
Number of data 34814 38672 36884

Table 4. Correlation of RGB values of the red paper

R1 R2 R3
R&G correlation 0.380184 0.414257 0.22789
G&B correlation 0.955662 0.935964537 0.916591
R&B correlation 0.417651 0.454978 0.228453
Number of data 33068 38075 36032

2.3 Model II: Correlation Study of RGB Values Based on Pearson

Correlation Coefficient
We incorporate Pearson Correlation Coefficient by SPSS to calculate the correlation of
different RGB values. The consequence is as follow:
For the sample xi ði ¼ 1; 2;    ; NÞ, N is the number of samples. The Pearson
Correlation Coefficient can be calculated as follow.
i¼1 ðxi   xÞ  ðyi  yÞ
cðx; yÞ ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Pn ffiqffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Pn ffi ð3Þ
i¼1 ðxi   xÞ 2 i¼1 ðyi   yÞ 2

Where, x and y is the mean value of the samples.

Conclusions can be drawn:
Analysis on the Deviation of the Position 685

1. When color A is predominant in a paper, color B and color C appear to be strongly

correlated. For example, if the R value is the highest when measuring a paper, the G
value and the B value are likely to be strongly correlated
2. The correlation between the value of G and B is strong in all the experiments.
Referring to paper concerning color production of KINECT, we know that it will
compare the real color to its own pattern by choosing the nearest value of the gray
grade. The gray grade of green and blue are nearer than that of red and each of
them. Thus the much strong correlation between green and blue should better be
neglected if we have other alternatives when making statistical analysis. Basically,
there is no correlation between the number of collected data and the RGB values,
which means their correlation is random.
It is shown above that the correlation between every two of the three RGB values
cannot be neglected. Therefore, the three RGB values cannot be studied separately.
Since our research focus on Kinect is the chromatic aberration when scanning plane
figure, we do not take depth measurement into consideration.
Error Analysis of Elevation Angel and RGB Values. We study the correlation
between elevation angle and the horizontal distance Z between Kinect and the mea-
sured point in this part.

We use SPSS on preprocessed data to calculate the elevation angle and the Distance
between Kinect and Collected Point.
The elevation angle h and the standard deviation r are as follows.
h ¼ arctanðpffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiÞ ð4Þ
x þ y2

PN 2
i¼1 ðxi  lÞ
r¼ ð5Þ

Where x, y, z are the coordinates.

It is demonstrated from the data analysis that the y value remains basically the same
with very small oscillation, and now y can be preliminarily determined as vertical
Using SPSS, we calculate the Pearson Correlation Coefficient and the analysis is
shown in the following Table 5:

Table 5. The pearson correlation coefficients

B1 B2 B3
0.954922 0.875502 0.940529
G1 G2 G3
0.938499 0.880586 0.943017
R1 R2 R3
0.942679 0.892383 0.943964
686 S. Liu et al.

It can be seen from the table that the distance and elevation angle is strongly
correlated. Therefore, we deem that they bear identical statistical characteristics, so we
can choose only one independent variable – elevation angle.
Regression Analysis of Elevation Angle and RGB Deviation by SPSS. Because of
the strong relevance between each two of the RGB values, RGB value cannot be an
independent variable separately in multiple regression, or it will lead to poor fitting

We take elevation angle as the independent variable to solve the regression

equation of the three RGB values respectively.
For blue paper, its RGB value is (0, 0, 255) in ideal condition, and the result
displayed is (37.5877, 68.1969299, 180). Due to the deviation brought by display cards
and other factors, we cannot acquire relatively accurate RGB value of a paper.
Assuming the standard value is (a, b, c) and the real value is (A, B, C), their deviation is
the absolute value of simple subtraction. Attributing to the translation invariance of
linear regression, we can conduct the regression using the real value (A, B, C) directly.
If the original data is not processed, the F test value F will be found to be 0, which
means they have no obvious characteristics. After browsing all data, we found the
deviation among every hundreds of data to be very small with upper or lower distur-
bances. To deal with that, every 1000 data is combined in a data group, and the mean
value of each group represents the whole group. Then, we conduct F test and T test on
new data groups, and the results from SPSS are eligible, so we can build linear
regression function for simulation (Table 6).

Table 6. Results of regression analysis by SPSS

Linear regression equations
Blue paper Red paper Green paper
y = 0.14x + 0.027 y = 0.35x + 0.009 y = 0.29x + 0.031
y = 0.23x + 0.015 y = 0.28x + 0.014 y = 0.34x + 0.022
y = 0.18x + 0.019 y = 0.44x + 0.001 y = 0.38x + 0.041

The regression equations above show that the elevation angle is strongly positively
correlated with RGB values regardless of the color of the paper.
The Distribution Feature of the Deviation of RGB Values and Elevation Angle. In
order to analyze the distribution feature of the deviation of RGB values, we use
function H to quantify the deviation of RGB values. The function H is defined as.

H ¼ ðR  RÞ  2 þ ðB  BÞ
 2 þ ðG  GÞ  2
Analysis on the Deviation of the Position 687

Where, R, G, B and R,  B
 G,  represents the value and the mean value of R, G, B,
Similar to what we have done in the Error Analysis of Elevation Angel and RGB
Values, every 1000 data is combined in a data group, and the mean value of each group
represents the whole group.
Then, we use Matlab to plot the relation between the deviation of RGB values
H and the elevation angle of different groups of the collected data and use curve fitting
to figure out the distribution pattern. We choose two groups of the distribution figure to
display as follows (Figs. 6 and 7).

Fig. 6. The distribution of the value of H (Group 1)

Fig. 7. The distribution of the value of H (Group 2)

The distribution of deviation well follows the quadratic distribution. The conse-
quence of the plane fitting is as follows (Table 7).

f(x) ¼ p1  x^ 2 þ p2  x þ p3 ð6Þ

RMSE is Root Mean Square Error. As we can see, the deviation of RGB values
reaches its minimum in a certain degree range. Although the certain degree range varies
in different groups of data, the distribution feature, which is, quadratic distribution,
remains the same. We can use this feature to diminish the chromatic aberrance of
Kinect in our future study.
688 S. Liu et al.

Table 7. The consequence of the curve fitting

Coefficients Group 1 Group 2
p1 21.23 7.346
p2 −812.6 −175.5
p3 7781 1056
RMSE 37.18 49.86

2.4 Model III Analysis of Kinect’s Distance and Elevation Angle Based
on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
We have known in Model II that the elevation angle and vertical dimension have
certain influence on the error of the RGB values, so Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
can be adopted for analysis. Take the blue paper for example, the existence of negative
correlation between vertical dimension and the range of elevation angle is significant.
However, we analyze the certain degree of elevation angle rather than the range of it,
which does affect or be affected by the vertical dimension, so they can be considered
Alternative Object Set. Paper of different color has different alternative object set. For
the blue paper, since we have concluded in Model I that the value of R and the value of
G are strongly correlated, we can approximately determine that the deviation of color is
only influenced by the value of B and the value of R. The value of G is not considered
because of the strong correlation between the value of B and the value of G, which will
definitely effect experiment result.

Thus, the alternative object set X = {X1, X2} = {The Value of B, The Value of R}.
Determine the Factor Set. The set of various decision factors affecting the alternative
objects is called the Factor Set, denoted by U. After the preliminary analysis in
Model II, the distance between Kinect and the measured object and the elevation angle
are chosen as the major influencing factors to assess its operation stability, constituting
the factor set U = {U1, U2}, where U1 and U2 represents the vertical dimension and
elevation angle respectively.
Determine the Weight Vector. The weight set demonstrates to which extent different
factors influence the accuracy of the coloring of Kinect. The weight vector is featured
by polarity and nonnegative:

aij  0; Qij ¼ 1; j ¼ 1; 2. . .. . .n

Obviously, from the correlation analysis in Model II, the elevation angle is sig-
nificantly more influential than the vertical dimension to the deviation of RGB values.
Therefore, the corresponding weight set is A = {0.7,0.3}.
Analysis on the Deviation of the Position 689

Determine the Evaluation Set. The assessment of stability is classified into two
types: high (H) and low (L). That is V = {V1, V2} = {H, L};

We firstly study the value of B:

A fuzzy mapping is drawn from the above (Table 8):

Table 8. Membership degree of each index

Index B X1 R X2
Membership H L H L
U1 0.65 0.35 0.8 0.2
U2 0.7 0.3 0.7 0.3

U1 ! dðVX1) = (0:65; 0:35Þ ð7Þ

U2 ! dðVX1) = (0:7; 0:3Þ ð8Þ

Then, the evaluation matrix is drawn:

0:65 0:35
R¼ ð9Þ
0:7 0:3
Using the M ( , ) model, we calculate B:

B = AoR = (0.65,0.35), ð10Þ

There is no need of normalization processing here.

The evaluation set V is quantified in 1-score-sysytem and C = (0.9, 0.1).
Then, the comprehensive evaluation value Y is calculated in the formula:

Y ¼ B  CT ¼ 0:62 ð11Þ

For the value of R, it can be calculated in the similar procedure:

Y = (0:7; 0:3Þ  CT ¼ 0:66

Result of Model III. From the period of building and testing the Fuzzy Compre-
hensive Evaluation Model, we can safely draw the conclusion that when combining the
influence of elevation angle and vertical dimension, the comprehensive evaluation
value of the important color (Blue) and the miscellaneous color is the same. Thus, it
means that the smaller deviation of important color will lead to the bigger deviation of
miscellaneous color.
690 S. Liu et al.

3 Conclusion

From the mathematical methods based on real result to KINECT experiments, we can
draw two basic conclusions as follows:
• The regression equations in Model II can vividly show the strong positive quadratic
correlation between the elevation angle and the value of RGB, named the deviation
of RGB. The parameters of the quadratic function varies with the change of the
horizontal distance Z.
• The random deviation of the surface position will get larger along with the longer
vertical dimension, and the deviation is proportional to the square of vertical dis-
tance. The optimal vertical dimension that can reach a respectively accuracy varies
from 0.8 meters to 2.3 meters, under which the standard deviation of the surface
smoothness is constricted under 1 cm.

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The Framework of Inspection Layers of CT and MRI
Human Brain Datasets by Bimanual Gesture Interaction

Yiyi Deng, Zeqing Fu, Xin Jia, Bin Gao, and Yanlin Luo ✉
( )

College of Information Science and Technology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
[email protected]

Abstract. We proposed methods for 3D visualization and inspection of different

layers corresponding to different tissues. First, we give pipeline of extraction the
MRI human brain datasets. Then we present the design of trapezoid opacity
transfer function and present the framework of visualization for the CT and
segmented MRI datasets, based on CUDA-based real-time volume ray-casting.
Furthermore, we inspect its inner layers via virtual lenses by intuitive bimanual
gesture interaction, achieving the focus+context visualization. Finally, the
performance of our framework verified effective by our experiments.

Keywords: CT (Computed Tomography) · MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) ·

Volume visualization · CUDA- based volume ray-casting · Bimanual gesture

1 Introduction

MRI and CT are two powerful techniques for assessing the brain. MRI can provide cross-
sectional and longitudinal high-resolution images of soft tissue in brain with obvious
contrast, while CT can display the cross sections which are perpendicular to the body
long axis and present bone and muscle better. What’s more, MRI is more time-
consuming and costly than CT. Therefore, they differ in functions for medical study,
and their datasets are always processed in different methods.
3D visualization and inspection of the human brain volume dataset is the further
critical step, which is also essential to the modern medicine and its application. It helps
users efficiently understand both the shape characteristic and the internal geometry
structure of the volumetric datasets [1]. Currently, most studies for volume visualization
focus on real-time rendering algorithm, which achieved particularly rapid development
as the GPU innovation [2].
In volume rendering it’s difficult to simultaneously visualize interior and exterior
structures, and it’s necessary to design layer inspection to show each organization indi‐
vidually. Rezk-Salama et al. put forward an opacity peel rendering algorithm basing on
depth peeling [3]. This algorithm solved the problem of occlusion in volume data. Basing
on this algorithm, Liang Ronghua et al. put forward a delamination volume rendering
algorithm. Liang’s algorithm improved the accuracy of stratification and got great draw
peeling effects [4, 5].

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016

L. Zhang et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2016/SCS AutumnSim 2016, Part II, CCIS 644, pp. 691–699, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2666-9_70
692 Y. Deng et al.

In the meanwhile, rendering performance alone is not sufficient to ensure that users
understand volume visualizations intuitively [6]. Actually providing effective interac‐
tion techniques to ensure that users understand volume visualizations intuitively has
become a hot research topic [7]. There are two basic fashions for volume interaction.
One employs a 2D or 3D controller device, the other is touchless fashion which allows
the user to manipulate on the display with their bare hands. Touchless interface is a
primary paradigm of natural user interface and quantities of application need it to support
the specified scenario, by which users apperceive and interact with volume data in a
more natural and intuitive way.
In this paper, we mainly make four contributions. First, we present method of the
extraction of human brain MRI dataset. Second, we design the framework of visualiza‐
tion of MRI and CT respectively. Then, we propose layer inspection of the MRI and CT
datasets by intuitive bimanual gesture interaction via virtual lenses. Finally, some
experiments are conducted to analyze the differences of visualization and inspection
results between MRI and CT. The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 describes
our method. Section 3 shows our experiment result. Section 4 gives some conclusions
and ideas of future work.

2 Methods

There are several differences of visualization and interaction methods between MRI and
CT. The first one is that CT datasets don’t need to be processed from NIFTI dataset into
RAW dataset. According to their differences we propose the following methods to
achieve our framework for two kinds of datasets.

2.1 The Extraction of MRI Human Brain Datasets

We apply the FSL (FMRIB Software Library v5.0) to automatically extract the brain
tissues and divide the brain image. The extraction method consists of following four
Step 1. Extract the brain from the whole dataset
We used automated brain extraction method for human brain MRI data by BET
method (Brain Extraction Tool)in FSL, which deletes non-brain tissue from an image
of the head after inputting T2 images.
Step 2. Segment the brain into different tissues
The extracted brain images are spatially normalized using FAST method (FMRIB’s
Automated Segmentation Tool), which segments the 3D image into different tissue
types, whilst also correcting for spatial intensity variations. Thus the human brain was
segmented into some tissues such as grey matter, white matter and CSF (cerebrospinal
fluid). The density threshold of these brain tissues are overlapped in some intervals.
The Framework of Inspection Layers 693

Step 3. Take linear transformation

By statistics of the three tissues, we get the density of cerebrospinal fluid ranging
from 1 to 1892, the grey matter ranging from 16 to 1129 and the white matter ranging
from 286 to 1361. Hence we took linear transform for the density values of three tissues
with non-overlapping region. The density values of CSF remain in [1,1892], the grey
matter mapped from [16,1129] to [1900,3013] and the white matter mapped from
[286,1361] to [3020,4095].
Step 4. Merge
After the linear transformation, we merge the data of three tissues into a result of the
brain and finally input the data into MIPAV by which converting the MRI volume NIFTI
dataset to MRI volume RAW dataset.

2.2 Transfer Functions Designed for the CT and Segmented MRI Volume
In direct volume rendering, it’s essential to show different part of volume dataset, by
build a mapping relationship from voxel to the corresponding optical characteristics.
This critical step is implemented by transfer function, which might be simple slope,
piecewise continuous function, or in any other forms. The transfer function affects the
final quality of output image directly. Meanwhile, intuitive transfer function improves
the efficiency of adjusting parameters.
In the early transfer functions, scalar threshold was used as the basis for dividing the
materials, mapping to different color and opacity value. This early method is simple and
particle, but doesn’t perform well in boundary, because the scalar threshold of some
different materials too close to be categorized. To make up for this imperfection of one-
dimensional tracker function, some researchers proposed multi-dimensional transfer
function, which is based on scalar value, gradient value, curvature, and spatial associ‐
ation information. However, as the dimension increasing, it can cause high complexity
and heavy computation. So we propose an improved one-dimensional transfer function,
a trapezoid-shaped function which has a better performance for layer control.

Transfer Function Designed for CT Datasets. In CT scalar datasets, materials can’t

be divided precisely only based on single scalar threshold, and there must be the scalar
threshold coincidence of several data. As for the trapezoid transfer function, the trape‐
zoidal waist corresponds to the overlapping threshold interval of multiple materials. To
study the different expression in linear form in accordance with the actual distribution
of material in the region is the key to solve the problem.
We described the transfer function as multiple trapezoid, and each one represents
one classification such as boon, skin, and muscle. Assume that the number of categories
[ ]
is K, and the trapezoid is expressed as Bj = bj,0 , bj,1 , bj,2 , bj,3 with color value Cj and
maximum opacity Aj. In fact, there’s an overlapping area between two neighboring
materials, as we illustrated in Fig. 1.
694 Y. Deng et al.

Fig. 1. Illustration of overlapping area

Take a ray V starting from viewpoint as an example, let fi be the scalar value corre‐
spond to sampling point pi on V, f i ∈ Bm(m = 1, 2, … , K − 1), the weight wi is defined
by the following equation
( )
⎧ fi − bm,0
⎪ g , fi ∈ [bm,0 , bm,1 ]
⎪ bm,1 − bm,0
wi = ⎨ 1, ( ) fi ∈ [bm,1 , bm,2 ] (1)
⎪ fi − bm,2
⎪1−g , fi ∈ [bm,2 , bm,3 ]
⎩ bm,3 − bm,2

where g(t) is the cubic function of the value in [0,1], g(t) = t2 (3 − 3t).
According to Eq. (1), we can get the opacity value αi of pi
( )
⎧ fi − bm,0
⎪g Am , fi ∈ [bm,0 , bm,1 ]
⎪ bm,1 − bm,0
⎪A , ( fi ∈ [bm,1 , bm,2 ]
αi = ⎨ [ m fi − bm,2
)] (
fi − bm+1,0
) (2)
⎪ 1−g Am + g Am+1
⎪ bm,3 − bm,2 bm+1,1 − bm+1,0
⎪ , fi ∈[bm,2 , bm,3 ]
⎩ Am + Am+1

where the last part is the opacity value of the overlapping [bj,1 , bj,2 ].
As supposed the color ci of pi can be got from the color of Bm, ci = αi Tm, so we can
get accumulated value of its opacity and color according to conventional ray-casting
algorithm by the following equation
c∗i = c∗i−1 + (1 − α∗i−1 )αi ci
𝛼i∗ = 𝛼i−1

+ (1 − α∗i−1 )αi (3)

where α∗i , c∗i are the accumulated opacity and color corresponding to one viewing ray
through the pixels into the field volume implemented by one thread in CUDA.

Transfer Function Designed for the Segmented MRI Volume Datasets. For MRI
datasets, we illustrated it in Fig. 2 in which one trapezoid expresses one band or layer
for the segmented human brain MRI data. Each band has no overlapping region. There
are three bands corresponding to CSF, the white matter and the grey matter.
The Framework of Inspection Layers 695

Fig. 2. Illustration of three bands

Bj is defined as above. Because different bands are corresponding to different sepa‐

rated tissues, so Bj and Bj+1 (j = 1, 2, … , K − 1) has no overlapping region. The opacity
αi of pi is defined by the following equation
( )
⎧ fi − bm,0
⎪g b −b Am , fi ∈[bm,0 , bm,1 ]
⎪ m,1 m,0
αi = ⎨ Am , ( ) fi ∈[bm,1 , bm,2 ] (4)
⎪ fi − bm,2
⎪ [1 − g ]Am fi ∈[bm,2 , bm,3 ]
⎩ bm,3 − bm,2

We can get the accumulated opacity and color α∗i , c∗i according to conventional ray-
casting algorithm by the Eq. (3).
We use the above transfer function in which more details are shown to get better
effects of volume rendering and effective layer control when performing volume explo‐
ration using the layer filter interaction tool.

2.3 The Framework for Visualization of CT and MRI Human Brain Datasets
The framework for visualization is described in Fig. 3. As for the MRI datasets, we
process it as Sect. 2.1 and then input the volume datasets into data cache. As for the CT
data, we can input the dataset into the data cache directly.
The framework for visualization is similar to our previous work depending on
different transfer function design [8], and here we integrate the CT and segmented MRI
datasets. It exploits the CUDA framework and the hierarchical structures such as octree
for both compression of volume data and speed optimization of ray casting process. In
the beginning of raycaster, we need to determine the thread index in CUDA, and then
resample in the volume if it intersects with the viewing ray. Data mapping means from
data properties to optical properties specifying the RGBA. We adjusted the opacity and
color according the tools specification if it is inside the ROI, else take data mapping
from our transfer function defined in Sect. 2.2. Phong illumination model is used for
shading before accumulating the color. Because all threads run at the same time and
process the data, the performance is greatly increased and real time.
696 Y. Deng et al.

Fig. 3. The framework of visualization

2.4 Inspection by Bimanual Gesture Interaction via Virtual Lenses

In order to achieve better inspection of human brain structure by our visualization
framework mentioned above, we design bimanual gesture to manipulate the volume
model with layer filter tool.

Layer Filter Tool. For facilitating inspection of interior and exterior tissues, we define
the virtual lenses as layer filter for 2D inspection. According to above simplified model,
the volume dataset is divided into two parts including 3D ROI described as shaded parts
in Fig. 4 which is the intersection of a cone with the window of virtual lenses as base
and the viewpoint, and the whole volume datasets. In ROI, we modify the opacity αi of
pi in (0, 1] for selected band and 0 for others bands before compositing as Eq. (3). Outside
ROI and inside the view frustum the conventional CUDA-based volume rendering is

Fig. 4. Diagram of virtual lenses

The Framework of Inspection Layers 697

Bimanual Gesture Design. In order to simultaneously visualize interior and exterior

structures and get the region of interest, the layer filter and intuitive hand gestures are
need to manipulate the human brain volume datasets directly. We develop natural and
intuitive exploring fashion. The concept of natural means various, intuitive, memorable
and practical, which is argued through mimicking aspects of the real world or drawing
on our existing tendencies in the areas of communicative, gesticulate, deictic, and
manipulative behaviors and actions [9].
We propose the bimanual gesture for operating human brain volume model and the
interactive tool simultaneously. Using an open hand pose as shown in Fig. 5(a). The user
can rotate and move the left hand as the non-dominant hand with natural hand pose to
achieve a 6DOF motion of the human brain volume model. The right hand is regarded
as the dominant hand to control an interactive tool as shown in Fig. 5(b), and can change
the visible layer by moving in a circular motion. When interacting with both hands, the
working space is limited, so finger movements are considered as much as possible to
achieve the manipulation of the volume datasets.

(a) (b)

Fig. 5. Bimanual gesture interaction for both volume model and layer filter. (a) Natural open
bending pose for 6DOF manipulating the volume model. (b) Point pose to control the layer filter

3 Experiment Result

We get the human brain CT and MRI T1 imaging using a Siemens Trio Tim scanner at
Beijing MRI Center for Brain Research. It is a 168 × 206 × 128 with 16 bit volumetric
dataset. We have implemented our algorithm on an Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q9400 @
2.66 GHz equipped with 4 GB of RAM on Windows 7 using OpenGL and CUDA 3.0.
The graphics card is a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 with 1 GB of RAM memory. We
use a Leap Motion sensor to track hand motion data and provide 3D object coordinates
with millimeter accuracy at 120 Hz.The system is written in C++ using SDK V2.3.1
for Windows provided by Leap Corporation and uses CUDA parallel architecture to
accelerate calculation for real-time rendering of the volume dataset.We can maintain an
interactive frame rate with an average of 100 fps.
Figure 6 are the results of using virtual lenses for inspection of different layers of
CT datasets in (a) bones, (b) muscle, (c) skin of the brain structure (d) in ROI. Figure 7
are results of using virtual lenses for inspection of different layers of MRI human brain
in (a) CSF, (b) the grey matter, (c) the white matter and (d) the image of brain with three
698 Y. Deng et al.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 6. Virtual Lenses for inspection of different layers of CT dataset

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 7. Virtual Lenses for inspection of different layers of MRI dataset

We use our designed bimanual gestures as shown in Fig. 5 to operate the volume
model and the interactive tool simultaneously by Leap Motion sensor, with two different
cameras for touch-free motion sensing. The Leap Motion system detects and tracks hands
and fingers. The device operates in an intimate proximity with high precision and tracking
frame rate. But it cannot identify a specific static gesture directly. As shown in Fig. 8, we
used a spot as a metaphor of layer filter in order to explore different structures of volume
dataset. A point pose (see Fig. 5(b)), with index finger pointing to the screen, provides a
convenience greatly to using the tool. The user can change the position and the size of this

Fig. 8. Bimanual gesture interaction with the MRI human brain volume model
The Framework of Inspection Layers 699

region by moving index finger in the physical space. In addition, our system can achieve
different layer exploration as shown in Figs. 6 and 7(a)–(c) by moving index finger in a
circular motion, based on our transfer function design described in Sect. 2.2.

4 Conclusions and Future Work

We combine the human MRI brain extraction and the trapezoid functions with non-
overlapping region to display its different layers. The segmented MRI dataset and non-
segmented CT can be efficiently and easily adapted to CUDA-based volume ray-casting
in our framework. The results strongly depend on our trapezoid opacity transfer function
design, in which the different trapezoid functions are designed. By intuitive bimanual
gesture interaction via virtual lenses, the inner layers are inspected in focus region with
semi-transparent out parts by focus+context visualization.
Although the original data we used are not from the same person, our methods and
framework can be applied to CT and MRI datasets from the same person. One of our
goals in future is to extend to our methods to other MRI and CT volume dataset with
more bands. Also we hope to expand to projection based virtual environments toward
a more natural interface for cooperative inspection supporting multi-modal interaction
and multi-user.

Acknowledgements. This work is supported in part by a grant from the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (No. 61472042), the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (4152028) and the
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. 2013YB70).


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Author Index

Abdollahian, Mark IV-311 Chen, Zengqiang III-98

Ahmad, Bilal I-17, II-609 Chen, Zhengsheng III-585
Ai, Chuan IV-282 Chen, Zhimin III-265
Ai-lin, Yu II-63 Chen, Zonghai I-568
An, Rong I-336 Chengzhou, Huang I-485
An, XiaoQian II-188 Cong, Zilong IV-493
Cui, Jin III-13
Bae, Jang Won IV-358 Cui, Naigang III-367
Bai, Bing IV-263 Cui, Qifeng I-672
Bai, Fu-zhong II-441 Cui, Shiying II-680
Bai, Xiaomin III-392 Cui, Weiting III-468
Bai, Yichong IV-282
Balaraman, Vivek IV-378 Deng, Jianhui II-403
Bao, Sirui IV-172 Deng, Li III-164
Bao, Zhenfeng II-413 Deng, Xiuquan IV-263
Becerra Fernández, Mauricio I-622 Deng, Yiyi II-691
Bi, Jing III-615, IV-92 Di, Yanqiang I-377
Bing, He II-634 Diao, Guijie III-324
Bonacic, Carolina IV-180 Ding, Dan III-223
Brown, Theodore IV-368 Ding, Gangyi III-356
Bruzzone, Agostino G. III-25 Ding, Tuo II-473
Bucchianica, Luca III-25 Ding, Yongsheng IV-73, IV-149
Dong, Chen II-466
Cai, Jun I-281 Dong, Weijie III-392
Cao, Fei II-441 Dong, Zhenzhen I-694
Cao, Hui-min II-306, II-315 Dong, Zhihua I-377
Cao, Zheng II-41 Dou, Yiwen IV-73
Chang, Xu III-503 Dovì, Max-Sebastian IV-255
Che, Li II-625 Du, Dajun III-431, III-441
Chen, Bin I-165, III-574, IV-271, IV-282 Du, Guang-xing III-183
Chen, Chenghao III-451 Du, Yiman I-475
Chen, Dong III-333 Duan, Guijiang III-624
Chen, Gang IV-140 Duan, Hong IV-201
Chen, Guanghua I-398 Duan, Jia-zhen II-441
Chen, He I-577 Duan, Kaiwen III-412
Chen, Huilong IV-172 Duan, Shouhui IV-330
Chen, Jie I-643 Duggirala, Mayuri IV-378
Chen, Long III-585 Duinkerken, Mark B. III-344
Chen, Pengfei IV-500 Dun, Xinchi III-484
Chen, Runqiang I-281
Chen, Tie III-121 Fan, JunFang II-188
Chen, Weibo II-519 Fan, Wenhui II-144
Chen, Xiufeng III-477 Fan, Yushun II-71
Chen, Xuchao I-555 Fang, Ping I-146, III-245
702 Author Index

Fang, Yongfeng II-53 Hasegawa, Kyoko III-3

Fei, Cao II-180 Hayatnagarkar, Harshal IV-378
Fei, Minrui III-164, III-431, III-441 He, Dayong II-11
Fen, XiaoWen II-306 He, Lingnan IV-282
Feng, Yu II-118 He, Shiwei I-555, I-633
Feng, Zhu II-566 He, Xiao-yuan II-544, IV-319
Fu, Lei IV-432 He, Yuxin IV-500
Fu, Rong I-463, III-154 Herrera Ramírez, Milton Mauricio I-622
Fu, Zeqing II-691 Hong, Gang III-315
Fu, Zihao II-458 Hong, Hai-li IV-38
Fujihara, Masayuki III-190 Hou, Baocun I-3
Fu-zhong, Bai II-180 Hu, Manfeng III-402
Hu, Qipeng II-271, II-618
Hu, Teng-fei I-356
Gan, Bin II-374
Hu, Xiao-feng II-544, IV-319
Gao, Bin II-691
Hu, Xiaolin IV-48, IV-508
Gao, Dehua IV-263
Hu, Yanjuan I-663
Gao, Taichang II-336
Hu, Yun IV-191
Gao, Wenjun IV-161
Hua, Dandan III-273
Gao, Xiaopeng I-237, I-585
Huai, Wenqing I-156
Gao, Yidi II-196
Huang, An-xiang II-306, II-315
Gao, Yunbo II-500
Huang, Biqing II-118
Ge, Chenglong I-377
Huang, Chengzhou I-514
Geng, Huapin IV-524
Huang, Kedi II-345, II-363
Gil-Costa, Veronica IV-180
Huang, Qiwang II-279
Gong, Guanghong I-156, I-387, II-354,
Huang, Shujuan I-67
II-458, II-680, IV-102
Huang, Song I-603
Gong, Zhi I-613
Huang, Tianyu IV-396
González La Rotta, Elsa Cristina I-622
Huang, Wei II-133
Gu, Hao III-114
Huang, Xiaoming I-613
Gu, Xing-Sheng I-186, I-643, III-308, IV-57
Huang, Zhiyong II-413
Guanghua, Chen I-208
Hui, Zhi-peng II-167
Guo, Ai-ying IV-21, IV-293, IV-304
Huixing, Zhou II-3
Guo, Chan II-354
Hui-yu, Zhang II-63
Guo, Chen I-77, I-694, II-89, III-174
Guo, Gang I-165
Jang, Seong Yong IV-445
Guo, He III-253
Ji, Hang IV-92
Guo, Li II-671, III-566, IV-455, IV-463
Ji, Lingyu III-422
Guo, Liqin III-35, III-540
Ji, Xin II-167
Guo, Shengming II-544
Ji, Zhicheng I-101, I-110, I-367, I-603,
Guo, Shuai III-367
Guoxiang, Fu III-602
Jia, Jun IV-319
Jia, Li I-127
Han, Chao I-127 Jia, Lian-xing IV-30
Han, Feng III-422 Jia, Lili IV-420
Han, Junwei I-296 Jia, Quan II-393
Han, Liang II-450, II-500, III-493 Jia, Xin II-691
Hanjun, Gao III-602 Jia, Yuhan I-475
Hao, Kuangrong IV-73 Jiahua, Zhang I-485
Hao, Wenning IV-140 Jiajia, Zeng I-539
Author Index 703

Jian, Shen II-424 Li, Hao II-671, III-566, IV-455, IV-463

Jiang, Chuanlin III-484 Li, Hongmei IV-140
Jiang, Daogang II-288 Li, Hui I-227
Jiang, Xiajun II-196 Li, JinSong II-315
Jiang, Xiao-bin I-325 Li, Kun I-281
Jiang, Zhiqiang II-79 Li, Li I-347
Jiang, Zhiwen I-96, II-374 Li, Lianpeng I-47
Jianjun, Xu I-485 Li, Ligang III-68
Jianning, Lin I-419 Li, Limin I-497
Jie, Ma I-57 Li, Ming I-672
Jin, Congjun III-333 Li, Ni I-156, II-354, IV-102
Jin, Jiang I-485 Li, Qi II-473
Jin, Shan IV-38 Li, Qing I-546, II-262, IV-235, IV-245
Jin, Weidong I-216, I-227, IV-131 Li, Qiyuan IV-349
Jing, Jiang I-419 Li, Qun II-279
Jing, Li III-503 Li, Ruiqi I-568
Jing, Shi II-424 Li, Tianlin IV-172
Jing, Song III-530 Li, Ting II-297
Jinling, Zhu I-485 Li, Wangpei III-431, III-441
Jinmeng, Hou II-207 Li, Wei I-176, II-473, III-392, IV-82, IV-112
Jung, Chi-Jung II-578 Li, Wei-min I-25, II-216, II-248
Jung, Da-Woong IV-445 Li, Xiangchen IV-396
Jun-yao, Tang II-180 Li, Xian-shan III-121
Li, Xiaobin III-49
Li, Xiaobo I-316, II-393
Kagawa, Toshiharu III-143
Li, Xiaocui I-245, III-130
Kang, Fengju II-133, II-625, III-114
Li, Xiaoling III-422
Ke, Sun III-530
Li, Xingbing IV-271, IV-282
Kelly, Robert E. III-451
Li, Yan I-3
Keyan, Liu I-255
Li, Yanlei III-484
Kidane, Nahom III-451
Li, Yinghua III-557
Kim, Do-Hyeong II-597
Li, Yongzheng II-89
Kim, Doyun II-597
Li, Yue III-540
Kim, Sun-Hong IV-445
Li, Yuezong I-514
Kong, Wen-hua III-484, IV-524, IV-533
Li, Yuhong II-354
Kou, Li II-144
Li, Yulun III-68
Kumar, Suman IV-378
Li, Zeng I-485
Li, Zhang II-466
Laili, Yuanjun IV-508 Li, Zhaoming III-223
Lee, Hwa-Mok IV-445 Li, Zhen I-165, IV-271
Lei, Jing IV-516 Liang, Yongjian I-685
Lei, Xiang II-288, II-306 Liao, Tianjun I-316
Lei, Yonglin I-316 Liao, Ting I-504
Li, Bo Hu I-3, III-35, III-615 Lin, Ting Yu I-3, III-35, III-540, III-615
Li, Dawei III-78 Lin, Wu II-566
Li, Fa-zhong I-347 Lin, Xin II-271, II-618
Li, Gai III-493 Ling, Rui I-17
Li, Gangyan III-143 Liqin, Guo I-431
Li, Ge I-287, II-158, II-345, II-363, II-433, Liu, Bin I-25
IV-3 Liu, Bo IV-30
704 Author Index

Liu, Chao III-457 Lv, Pin IV-191

Liu, Dengdi II-288 Lv, Shujuan I-245
Liu, Dong I-613 Lv, Tao IV-406
Liu, Dongling II-158, II-345 Lv, Zhifeng II-297
Liu, Fei III-49
Liu, Haodong I-227 Ma, Haibo I-37, I-409
Liu, Jiankun I-463 Ma, Jian III-98
Liu, Jing-jing I-325, I-398 Ma, Jing I-452, III-333
Liu, Jun I-186 Ma, Jun III-183
Liu, Kai I-146, III-245 Ma, Liang I-165, IV-271
Liu, Laiyang III-356 Ma, Ping II-473, II-588
Liu, Li III-253 Ma, Shiwei I-398, II-609, II-642, IV-216,
Liu, Liang II-41, IV-282 IV-225
Liu, Lina II-609, IV-216, IV-225 Ma, Xiaoshan III-68
Liu, Pengpeng I-577 Ma, Yaofei II-354, II-508, IV-102
Liu, Rongrong I-67 Ma, Yun-teng IV-553
Liu, Shan II-680 Mao, Ru-quan I-272
Liu, Shu-Ping I-546 Mao, Shaojie II-385
Liu, Taotao III-624 Marin, Mauricio IV-180
Liu, Tingzhang I-146, III-245 Martini, Carlo III-25
Liu, Wanquan I-398 Massei, Marina III-25
Liu, Wen I-526 Matsuoka, Daisuke III-57
Liu, Xiaokun I-262 McKenzie, Frederic D. III-451
Liu, Xiaoliang III-35 Mei, Zheng I-452
Liu, Yanyan II-642 Meixi, Wang I-17
Liu, Yimin IV-389 Meng, Dong I-356
Liu, Ying IV-48 Meng, Jun III-356
Liu, Yonglan II-248 Meng, Qiaofeng II-71
Liu, Zeting I-245, III-130 Mi, Jing II-634
Liu, Zhenghua I-136 Mohamed, Zaharuddin I-652
Liu, Zhi Kun I-347 Moon, Il-Chul II-578, II-597
Liu, Zhizhao I-176, IV-82
Liyang, Sun I-419
Nawaz, Muhammad Kashif II-109
Lodewijks, Gabriel III-344
Neal, Patrick deWerk IV-311
Long, Xiang I-237, I-585
Negenborn, Rudy R. III-344
Longo, Francesco III-25
Ni, Hong III-324
Lu, Chang I-504
Ni, Ming I-463
Lu, Junjie III-324
Ni, Shu-yan III-223, IV-38
Lu, Ming-fang III-121
Ning, Xiaolei II-519, II-555, IV-543
Lu, Xiong II-424
Niu, Qun III-273
Lu, Ying-tong II-450
Luo, Haijun I-672
Luo, Weihua I-694 Obeid, Mohammad F. III-451
Luo, Wencheng II-11 Okamoto, Atsushi III-3
Luo, Xiaoyan I-585 Oouchi, Kazuyoshi III-57
Luo, Yanlin II-691
Luo, Yuyu I-165, III-574, IV-201 Paik, Euihyun IV-358
Lv, Cheng-zhong II-216, II-248 Pan, Shuai I-25
Author Index 705

Pan, Yanchun III-265 Shang, Xiaobing II-588

Pan, Zhigeng II-660 Shaojie, Mao I-419
Pang, Honglin III-164 Shao-Jun, Liu II-532
Pang, Xudong III-290, III-300 Shao-ning, Zhang III-503
Pei, Hucheng II-492 Shen, Dong-yang IV-21
Peng, Chunguang II-403 Shen, He-long III-89, III-547
Peng, Jiehong III-143 Shen, Ruofan III-451
Peng, Youyun III-585 Shen, Yanxia I-526
Peng, Zhilong I-672 Shen, Zhipeng I-694
Piao, Zaiji I-77 Sheng, Kai IV-201
Pu, Ruiying III-511, III-521 Sheng, Lijian III-154
Sheng, Wang III-3
Qi, Chen IV-330 Sheng-Ming, Guo II-532
Qi, Dazhi II-492 Shengming, Guo II-566
Qi, Dongxing II-588 Shi, Bin III-333
Qi, Fu I-17 Shi, Guoqiang I-3, III-511, III-521
Qi, Yuehui III-324 Shi, Li III-233
Qian, Bao-liang III-183 Shi, Liangwen IV-493
Qian, Xiaochao IV-112 Shi, Xiaoli III-468
Qiang, Zhang III-282 Shi, Xinli II-29
Qiao, Lihong I-685, II-109 Shi, Yang III-210, III-217
Qin, Long II-483 Shi, Yi-ang IV-553
Qing, Duzheng I-86, I-452, III-632 Shi, Zhenwei I-110
Qing-xin, Chen II-63 Shiwei, Ma I-17
Qiong, Wu III-602 Shu, Zhe I-316, II-393
Qiu, Sihang IV-271 Shuang, Yi-Fan IV-57
Qiu, Xiaogang I-165, III-574, IV-201, Shuqi, Zhang I-57
IV-271, IV-282 Si, Youwei I-643
Qiyuan, Luo I-208 Singh, Karandeep IV-358
Qu, Huiyang III-511, III-521 Singh, Meghendra IV-378
Qu, Zhiyong I-296 Song, Rui I-633
Quan, Hongyan III-540 Song, Shuyuan III-624
Song, Xiao II-354, II-450, III-615, IV-92,
IV-340, IV-349
Ramli, Liyana I-652 Song, Yangyang IV-420
Ran, Feng IV-293, IV-304 Song, Zhichao IV-201, IV-282
Ren, Chuan II-306 Song, Zhiming I-336, II-325
Ren, Hong-xiang I-325 Soto, Rafael IV-180
Ren, Lei III-13 Su, Bing III-457
Ren, Lihong IV-149 Su, Qi II-618
Ren, Luquan I-663 Su, Xingtao I-281
Romero Quiroga, Olga Rosana I-622 Su, YuQiang II-306
Rong, Xiaofeng I-67 Su, Zhong I-47, IV-235
Rongmin, Cao II-3 Sun, BaiGang II-315
Rui, Ling II-609, IV-216, IV-225 Sun, Guannan II-271
Sun, Haiyang I-281
Sam, Yahaya Md I-652 Sun, Jihai IV-396
Scalzo, Davide III-25 Sun, Jun III-154
Shan, Siqing I-685 Sun, Lirong II-41
Shang, Deyong II-20 Sun, Quan IV-191
706 Author Index

Sun, Shiqing II-385 Wang, Qi IV-304

Sun, Shurong IV-500 Wang, Qian III-557
Sun, Xiuwen III-422 Wang, Shan-ming I-272
Sun, Yong III-154 Wang, Shengyou IV-330
Wang, Shicheng II-297
Tadano, Kotaro III-143 Wang, Shuang IV-406
Tan, Bin IV-493 Wang, Tianmeng III-379
Tanaka, Satoshi III-3 Wang, Weikai IV-149
Tang, Guojin III-367, III-379 Wang, Weiping I-316, II-393
Tang, Peng I-216 Wang, Xiashuang IV-102
Tang, Qiuyan IV-191 Wang, Xibao I-287, II-158, II-345, II-433,
Tang, Wenjie I-37, I-96, I-409, II-374 IV-3
Tao, Fei III-233 Wang, Xin II-651
Tao, Wei IV-161 Wang, Xue-ren IV-553
Tee, Kong Fah II-53 Wang, Yan I-101, I-110, I-367, I-603,
Tian, Jiabin III-477 III-402
Tian, Jinchang II-492 Wang, Yao I-663
Tian, Liang II-385 Wang, Yingkang IV-524
Tian, Na I-101, I-367, I-603 Wang, Yongqing III-468
Tian, Yi III-300 Wang, Yu III-308
Tingyu, Lin I-431 Wang, Yuheng IV-493
Wang, Yunfei III-108
Wang, Zhongjie I-199, I-442
Unami, Koichi III-190
Wang, Zhonglin III-98
Wang, Zhongsheng I-497
van Tol, Maurits C.M. III-344 Wei, Fenqing IV-432
Villanueva, Jonathan III-25 Wei, Jinli IV-330
Wei, Ou II-532
Wan, Han I-237, I-585 Weijie, Dong I-255
Wang, Bin I-86, III-315 Wen, Handong II-413
Wang, Chao III-273 Wen, Jiarui II-609, IV-216, IV-225
Wang, Chuncai II-363 Wen, Nuan I-136
Wang, Cifeng II-374 Wen, Zongzhou I-497
Wang, Demin II-89 Wu, Chao III-308, III-315
Wang, Fusheng IV-13 Wu, Dinghui I-526
Wang, Haiying IV-112 Wu, Hua-xing II-133
Wang, Hong II-100 Wu, Husheng II-248
Wang, Hong-gang III-183 Wu, Jianping I-475
Wang, Hua III-367, III-379 Wu, Jianshun II-109
Wang, Jiang-yun II-450, II-500, III-493 Wu, Qianhui II-118
Wang, Jiaxian I-199, I-442 Wu, Qicai IV-472
Wang, Jing IV-191 Wu, QiCai IV-482
Wang, Jin-jin IV-553 Wu, Qiong III-585
Wang, Ling III-164 Wu, Shengxi I-643
Wang, Liquan III-290, III-300 Wu, Shu-Yuan IV-368
Wang, Pan IV-121 Wu, Wenfeng II-544
Wang, Peng I-287, I-568, II-158, II-345, Wu, Wenqi IV-516
II-433, IV-3 Wu, Yingnian II-29
Author Index 707

Wu, Yingxia II-555, IV-543 Yang, Chen III-35

Wu, Zhidan IV-131 Yang, Duan II-508
Yang, Fan III-143
Xia, Xiaokai III-457 Yang, Gengjiao IV-508
Xiang, Lei II-315 Yang, Guangxun I-685
Xiang, Li II-63 Yang, Hongyong IV-13
Xiao, Jin-ke II-216 Yang, Kunde III-210
Xiao, Kai II-232 Yang, Long III-217
Xiao, Luhao I-387 Yang, Mei II-363
Xiao, Peng III-217 Yang, Ming I-176, IV-82, IV-112
Xiao, Xin-rong II-216 Yang, Shanliang II-363
Xiao, Yingying I-3, III-35 Yang, Taicheng III-431
Xiao, Zhanpeng I-398 Yang, TaiCheng III-441
Xiaofeng, Hu II-566 Yang, Wenge III-223
Xiaohui, Song I-255 Yang, Xiaolong III-114
Xiaoli, Meng I-255 Yang, Xiaoyuan III-130
Xiao-Yuan, He II-532 Yang, Yi-Ming III-282
Xiaoyuan, He II-566 Yang, Yinxin III-210
Xiaoyun, Deng I-308 Yang, Yiqing III-108
Xie, Ziping IV-349 Yang, Yixin III-217
Xing, Chi III-35 Yang, Zhen III-68
Xinyue, Liu I-57 Yang, Zining IV-311
Xu, Benzhu I-504 Yanhong, Li II-466
Xu, Binzi III-402 Yao, Jian II-279
Xu, Honglin II-519 Yao, Yi I-356
Xu, Jiangtao III-367 Yao, Yiping I-37, I-96, I-409, II-100, II-374,
Xu, Jianguo I-577 IV-172
Xu, Jianjun I-514 Yao, Yu I-262
Xu, Jun I-452 Ye, PeiHua II-315
Xu, Liren I-281, II-336 Yi, Tian II-466
Xu, Luo III-457 Yidu, Zhang III-530, III-602
Xu, Mei-hua IV-21, IV-293, IV-304 Yin, Chao III-49
Xu, Weiwei I-613 Yin, Lili II-144
Xu, Wenyuan II-671, III-566, IV-455, Yin, Xiaoming I-186
IV-463 Yin, Yong III-89, III-547
Xu, Xianghua III-477 Yingxi, Zhang I-431
Xu, Yan IV-263 Yoshioka, Hidekazu III-190
Xudong, Pang II-466 Yu, Nana I-199, I-442
Xue, Zhengang II-336 Yu, Simiao I-296
Xueshun, Ye I-255 Yu, Yu III-108
Yu, Yuehai IV-432
Yaegashi, Yuta III-190 Yuan, Cheng-Wei III-282
Yajie, Li I-255 Yuan, Haibin IV-472, IV-482
Yan, Changshun III-615 Yuan, Haitao III-615, IV-92
Yan, Hui-peng IV-553 Yuan, Haojie II-642
Yan, LaiBin II-651 Yuan, Kungang II-288
Yan, Qiong II-79 Yuan, Qingqing III-290
Yan, Wang I-592 Yuan, Xin II-262
Yang, Banghua III-412 Yuanyuan, Qu II-20
708 Author Index

Yue, Feng IV-406 Zhang, Tian II-413

Yue, Lv II-634 Zhang, Weicun IV-48
Yuezong, Li I-485 Zhang, Weihua II-53
Yun, Gao I-592 Zhang, Xuejun IV-92
Yunjie, Zhao II-3 Zhang, Yidu III-585
Zhang, Yijie I-120, III-201
Zeng, Delin II-232 Zhang, Yonghuai III-412
Zeng, Fan-zheng III-183 Zhang, Zenghui IV-340
Zeng, Jun III-265 Zhang, Zhengyu II-336
Zeng, Li I-514 Zhang, Zhili I-577
Zeng, Qi III-451 Zhang, Zhiwei II-288
Zeng, Weimin I-398 Zhang, Zhuo I-136
Zha, Bai-lin IV-553 Zhanpeng, Xian I-208
Zha, Meng II-660 Zhao, Dongmei II-671, III-566, IV-455,
Zhai, Xiaoming III-547 IV-463
Zhai, Yanjie I-526 Zhao, Haisheng II-473
Zhai, Yanlong I-86, III-632 Zhao, Hongwei I-663
Zhan, Bin III-431, III-441 Zhao, Hui I-262, IV-161, IV-245
Zhang, Beike IV-420 Zhao, Jianfei I-146, III-245
Zhang, Bo II-403 Zhao, Jianwei II-11, II-20
Zhang, Chuang III-174 Zhao, Jingbo I-463
Zhang, Guangping II-374 Zhao, Qing I-262
Zhang, Guohui II-79 Zhao, Wei III-632
Zhang, Haijun II-79 Zhao, Xin II-325, II-555, IV-543
Zhang, Hailin II-555, IV-543 Zhao, Xu III-49
Zhang, Han I-86, I-452, III-632 Zheng, Changwen IV-191
Zhang, Hongjun IV-140 Zheng, Kun I-227
Zhang, Jiahua I-514 Zheng, Liping I-504
Zhang, Jian III-615 Zheng, Min I-120, III-201
Zhang, Jiang IV-30 Zheng, Shutao I-296
Zhang, Jianjian II-483 Zhicheng, Ji I-592
Zhang, Jiaxun III-557 Zhong, Lianjong I-67
Zhang, Jinsheng II-297 Zhong, Su I-539, II-207
Zhang, Ke I-120, III-201 Zhou, De-jia I-272
Zhang, Letian III-273 Zhou, Jing IV-340
Zhang, Licai IV-389 Zhou, Leilei III-98
Zhang, Lin III-13, III-20, IV-48, IV-508 Zhou, Longfei III-20
Zhang, Linwen II-642 Zhou, Meirong III-265
Zhang, Linxuan II-71 Zhou, Ming III-265
Zhang, Liqiang IV-235 Zhou, ShuangShuang III-540
Zhang, Meng II-100 Zhou, Wanmeng III-367
Zhang, Ming I-101 Zhou, Yanan II-458
Zhang, Mingmin II-660 Zhou, Yuanjun II-41
Zhang, Ning I-694 Zhou, Yuying III-253
Zhang, Peng II-133 Zhou, Zhaofa I-577
Zhang, Qing III-98 Zhou, Zhenghao III-484
Zhang, Rui III-356 Zhou, Zhenkai I-463, III-154
Zhang, Shengxiao II-671, III-566, IV-455, Zhu, Aibin II-11
IV-463 Zhu, Jinling I-514
Zhang, Tao III-412 Zhu, Lixin III-78
Author Index 709

Zhu, Ning I-316 Zhu, Zhengliang II-680

Zhu, Shouzhen III-392 Zhu, Zhengqiu IV-271
Zhu, Shouzheng III-300 Zhu, Zhong-xian III-89
Zhu, Weihua III-290, III-300 Zhuang, Ya-ping I-272
Zhu, Xiaodong I-287, II-345, II-433, IV-3 Zou, Yang I-96
Zhu, Yifan II-279 Zuo, Ying III-233
Zhu, Yuanchang I-377 Zuo, Zhenhong II-473

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