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Review on Energy Storage System Application, Allocation and

Pawan Sainia,b , Lata Gidwanib
a Nuclear Power corporation of india limited, Rawatbhata, via-Kota, India
b Deptt. of Electrical engineering, RTU, Kota, India


Keywords: In recent one decade, application of battery energy storage system (BESS) increased not only for
Battery energy storage devices (BESS) integration of renewable energy sources to grid but also it plays a vital role for energy storage at user
PV Penetration end side. Energy storage system application not only limited to renewable energy integration with grid
Distribution Network but also its vital application in rural micro-grid & electric mobility. A new era of energy transformation
Distributed generation through battery energy storage begins, as crude oil price plummets into negative zone for the first time
in history during COVID-19. The demad of oil depended industries decreased. World’s most countries
utilize energy storage system to reduce CO2 emission and achieve their decarbonization target up to
2030. It is predicted that in near term worlds transportation sector and other sector would dependent
either BESS or other Energy storage system (ESS) with PV generation as a cost-effective means of
reducing pollution and greenhouse effect. The study in this paper provides a comprehensive review
energy storage system techniques, comparison, benefits and brief tabulated summary of research on
ESS allocation in distribution system.

1. Introduction hanced over the next years. Usually, these energy storage
systems (ESSs) are employed together with the distributed
In present scenario energy storage system (ESS) specially
generation (DG) or renewable energy sources (RESs). This
battery energy storage system (BESS) have become a very happens in order to provide the consumer a certain indepen-
important tool for integration of distributed energy resources dence. Although the most important advantage of the RES
with electric grid. The increasing trend of photovoltaic (PV) is the mitigation of the use of hydrocarbons for electricity
penetration in distribution networks has attracted much at- generation and thus of the pollutant emissions, the situa-
tention worldwide. Due to high PV penetration in distribu-
tion becomes worse in terms of energy independence and
tion system causes reverse power flow and several adverse
power quality when the DG and the RES combine. In order
effects in power system. As market price of PV projects to cope with this problem, the employment of appropriate
decresed in past year and Battery energy storage systems storage technologies can prove a reliable solution. On the
(BESS) provide promising solution to mitigate this prob- other hand, there are cases when the ESSs are needed when
lem and attracted much attention worldwide due to their en- the consumer is connected to the main grid. Generally, the
vironmental benefits and applicaion towards green energy.
choice of the type and capacity of such a system is made
The storage systems can be used either as power sources or
based on costs, short circuit power level, and demand re-
they can perform other important functions such as [1]-[2]: sponse [6]. For instance, the operation of a generator driven
load leveling, power variation damping or transmission, and by a gas or a steam turbine can be expensive when there is no
power quality improvement. storage element in the network. This is because the generator
is run at a lower or higher capacity, depending on the needs,
Another important aspect related to the adoption of stor-
and this is equivalent with more fuel consumption, voltage
age technologies is represented by the air-quality concerns variations as well as low efficiency of the generator. The an-
[3], which lead to the minimization of the hydrocarbon use swer to this problem could reside in a low capacity storage
for electrical energy transportation and distribution [4]. A system. It has been determined that the outage probability in
relatively new problem arises when connecting the electric an SG with distributed energy resources (DRESs) decreases
vehicles (EVs) to the main grid. Their storage element aims
exponentially with the square of the storage capacity [7].
at mitigating the pollutant emissions and improving the grid
stability as well. Although the technology for grid stability As climate change and global warming pose a threat to
improvement through EV battery is not very efficient, cur- our environment and health and are growing in significance
rently, the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) capacity being estimated due to the increase of greenhouse gas emissions [8]- [9]. Re-
at a global level at less than 9 MW in 2013 [5], will be en- newable energy resources (e.g. wind and photovoltaic etc.)
∗ Corresponding author are gaining attention due to their low emissions and abun-
Email address: [email protected] dance. However, the intermittent nature of renewable re-
[email protected] (P. Saini); [email protected] (L. sources like wind and solar energy also brings new issues
regarding the grid’s reliability, flexibility and power qual- (L. Gidwani)
ORCID (s): ity. Therefore, energy storage systems (ESSs) are being in-

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Figure 1: Energy Storage Technologies

troduced to address these issues. Smart grid technologies gories of ESSs and technical characteristics for different en-
make it possible to reduce and shift loads and support re- ergy storage systems are compared in Table 1 [1-20].
newables [10]-[11]. The ESSs in a smart grid are able to
improve grid reliability, flexibility and power quality by pro- 2.1. Study of Energy Storage Technologies:
viding grid support functions such as ancillary services and 2.1.1. Electrochemical energy storage
peak load reduction [12]. Based on energy storage technolo- Electrochemical Storage includes various BESS technolo-
gies, ESSs can be divided into five categories: electrochemi- gies that use different substance to store energy. Each battery
cal, electromagnetic, mechanical, chemical, and thermal [8]- technology has slightly different characteristics and are used
[11]. Each storage system has distinctive characteristics in to store and then release electricity for different durations
terms of power rating, discharge time, power and energy ranging from a few minutes to several hours. There are two
density, response time, self-discharge losses, life and cycle main categories of batteries: (1) traditional solid recharge-
time, etc. , [12]-15]. These features should be taken into ac- able batteries where the chemical energy is stored in solid
count to determine their suitability for different grid support metal electrodes, and, (2) flow batteries where chemical en-
functions, such as peak shaving, energy arbitrage, integra- ergy is stored in varying types of flowing liquid electrolytes
tion of renewables, voltage and frequency regulation, har- kept in tanks separate from the actual electrochemical cells.
monics compensation, spinning and non-spinning reserves, BESS stores energy electrochemically, where the stored
and black start [16]-[75]. chemical energy can be converted into electrical energy dur-
This paper presents an extensive review of different roles ing discharging while the reverse mechanism for charging
ESS can have in the system and the methodologies used to process. The main elements of BES include batteries, con-
obtain ESS size and location. In addition to this, various trol and PCS. Batteries are made of cells with series and
type of ESS technologies, the benefit of ESS, comparison parallel electrical connections so as to obtain the required
and case studies of ESS application in different part of the voltage. Some examples for different types of BES are lead-
world are included in this paper. The paper is organised as acid, sodium sulphur (NaS), lithium ion (Li-ion), metal air
follows: Section 2 present the various type of Energy storage and flow batteries. Furthermore, flow batteries can be fur-
system (ESS) technologies, ESS comparison and benefits. ther categorize into regenerative fuel cell, vanadium redox
Section 3 provides challenges in siting and sizing of ESS. (VR) and zinc bromine (ZnBr)[8].
Section 4 Case study and reviews various proposed methods Batteries charge based on an internal chemical reaction
for solving problems of placing and sizing ESS. Section 5 generated by a voltage applied to the battery terminals and
provides conclusions. discharge when this internal reaction is reversed. Currently,
high capacity batteries are used for power grid or EV storage,
one of the most efficient being the lead–acid battery.
2. Energy storage system (ESS) technologies Among all the aforementioned BES, lead-acid is con-
The market of ESSs for utility applications has been de- sider as the earliest and most mature technology and has been
veloping rapidly and still dominated by pumped hydro stor- utilized in the majority of power system applications [70].
age (PHS) systems . As a result of technology develop- The lead-acid battery is suitable for bulk energy storage as
ment, new forms of ESSs, such as electrochemical ESSs, well as fast charging and discharging applications, and it is
have grown significantly in last decade. In this section, sev- a cheaper option for some applications where large storage
eral types of technologies for energy storage system are dis- capacity is required. Nevertheless, lead-acid offers poor en-
cussed which include superconducting magnetic energy stor- ergy density and has short life cycle [68]. Li-ion and NaS
age (SMES), flywheel energy storage (FES), supercapacitor, BES technologies are well known with high power density.
and battery energy storage system (BESS). The various cate- Li-ion is an expensive technology due to the specialist cir-

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Table 1
Taxonomy of the reviewed ESS Technique
Technique of energy storage Formstorage
ergy of en- Power rating Storage pe- Lifetime
(years) Eciency Cost
($/kW) Cost
(MW) riod/duration (%)
storage magnetic energy Electromagnetic0.1-10 Minutes-hours 20+ 95-98 200-300 1000-
Supercapacitor Electromagnetic0-0.3 Seconds-hours 10-30 84-97 100-300 300-2000
Lead-acid Electrochemical 0-20 Minutes-days 5-15 63-90 300-600 200-400
NaS Electrochemical 0.05-8 Seconds-hours 10-15 75-90 1000-3000 300-500
Li-ion Electrochemical 0-0.1 Minutes-days 5-15 75-97 1200-4000 600-2500
Metal air Electrochemical 0-0.01 Hours-months - 50-55 100-250 10-60
VR Electrochemical 0.03-3 Hours-months 5-10 65-90 600-1500 150-1000
ZnBr Electrochemical 0.05-2 Hours-months 5-10 65-85 700-2500 150-1000
Pumped hydro energy storage Mechanical 100-5000 Hours-months 40-60 65-87 600-2000 5-100
Compressed air energy storage Mechanical 5-300 Hours-months 20-60 50-89 400-800 2-50
Flywheel energy storage Mechanical 0-0.25 Seconds-minutes ~15 85-95 250-350 1000-5000
Liquid air energy storage Thermal 10-200 Hours-months 25+ 55-80 900-1900 260-530
Hydrogen energy storage (fuel cell) Chemical 0-50 Long-term 5-15 20-66 10000+ -

cuitry that is required to protect the battery, and NaS has voltage across the plates. Supercapacitors, which are also
some safety hazard issues as pure sodium explodes instantly called ultracapacitors, are dual layer capacitors where the
when it comes in contact with air [67,70]. For the flow bat- storage capacity has been increased as a result of the larger
teries, they have the advantage of long duration storage as a surface area by means of a porous electrolyte [69]. Com-
result of the non-self-discharge capability. They offer high pared to a conventional capacitor, super capacitors have higher
power, fast response and low maintenance. However, the energy density, at around a hundred times larger than the
flow batteries are costly and not acceptable for small scale typical electrolytic capacitors [67]. Supercapacitors have ad-
storage application [67,70].BES can be a highly profitable vantages such as the capability to charge and discharge regu-
energy storage technology in the distribution network due to larly without degrading, high efficiency and longer life span
the range of applications including power system regulation, [67]. Due to the high daily self-discharge rate and the high
power system protection, spinning reserve as well as power capital cost, supercapacitors are recommended only for small
factor correction [68]. The BES technologies that are widely scale, short term storage usage [65]. In term of applications
used for distribution networks include lead acid, Li-ion and in distribution networks, supercapacitors are commonly used
NaS [65]. in energy smoothing and momentary load devices, supply-
ing the power system during voltage sags and momentary in-
2.1.2. Electromagnetic energy storage terruption, and are also applicable in some scenarios where
Electromagnetic ESSs can store energy in either electric high peak power and low energy are required [66,68].
fields (e.g. supercapacitors) or magnetic fields (e.g. super-
conductors). 2.1.3. Mechanical energy storage
A Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) sys- Mechanical ESSs transform energy between mechanical
tem has installed storage size of up to about 10 MW [66]. and electrical forms. Surplus electricity is taken from the
The magnetic field is used to store the energy where the mag- grid during off-peak hours and stored mechanically (by grav-
netic field is created by a large superconducting coil that itational potential or rotational energy) until it is needed; it
has been cooled cryo- genically to a temperature which is is then released back to the grid [7]. The most common sys-
lower than its superconducting critical point. One of the tem is pumped hydro, which has a high power and energy
most important parts in SMES is the super- conducting coil rating, long lifespan, and practically unlimited life cycles.
which can be either solenoid or toroid. Of these two types However, the dynamic response is slower than some other
of coils, the solenoid is simpler in controlling the electri- ESSs. pumped hydro storage (PHS) also has a large geo-
cal power. However, a toroid produces lower stray fields, graphical footprint and specific topographical requirements.
which is crucial in SMES applications [67]. A power condi- In Pumped Hydro Storage (PHS) system stored water po-
tioning system (PCS) is utilized to charge and discharge the tential energy is used to generate the electricity. This pro-
coil. Two types of PCS, the current source converter and the cess involves water pumping into reservoir which is located
voltage source converter, are frequently used. Even though at higher elevation. This reservoir generally located at top
the SMES has high efficiency and rapid response capability, of the hill. This stored water is used through hydroelec-
the system requires high cost for its superconducting wire tric turbine located at lower elevation to generate electricity.
[67,68]. The SMES is not widely used in the distribution Pumped Hydro Storage often utilized store energy for long
network currently. How- ever, in the future it is expected to period for its future use. World PHS capacity is 180MW.
play a crucial role in supporting power system stability and Compressed air energy storage (CAES) systems store en-
power quality as the penetration of re- newable power gen- ergy in the form of intermolecular potential energy. It fea-
eration in the distribution network increases [65]. tures a large capacity and medium geographical dependency.
Capacitors store the energy between a pair of charged However, the round-trip efficiency is low because of heat
plates. The energy storing capacity can be improved by in- dissipation [8]. Compared with other mechanical ESSs, fly-
creasing the capacitance of the capacitor or increasing the wheel energy storage (FES) systems have the highest power

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density and lowest geographical dependency. However, the bility is inflexible, especially during summer months or in
primary disadvantage is that the friction between rotor and hot regions where limited hot water or heat is needed [1]-
shaft affects the system efficiency, in addition to the high [10].
A flywheel FES stores energy through the acceleration 2.2. Study of ESS Comparison
of the rotor, and retains the energy in the system at a very Different ESSs are compared in the following in terms
high speed using the concept of inertia [67]. In spite of the of power density, energy density, power capacity, discharge
fact that the operation principle is known from antiquity, the time, cycling times, and efficiency etc. The technical char-
first important flywheel applications have been introduced in acteristics for different energy storage systems are compared
the 1950s when gyrobuses have been adopted in Switzerland in Table 1.
and Austria. These are buses which do not use electricity
from overhead lines but store it in a flywheel. Practically, fly- 2.2.1. Power and Energy Density
wheels store the kinetic energy of a rotational mass. When Power and energy density ranges are two different terms
a mechanical load (usually an electrical generator) is con- for ESSs. It is found that most batteries and flywheels en-
nected to the flywheel, the discharge process begins. Con- ergy storage have relatively moderate energy and power den-
versely, when a torque is applied to the flywheel, the system sities. As compaired, Li-ion batteries have higher energy and
is charged [1]. FES stores energy for power systems when power densities than LA batteries. Also, the energy density
the flywheel is attached to an electrical machine. The energy of the VRB flow batteries is low. Mechanical ESSs (PHS
will be transferred to the flywheel from the power system and CAES) have low power and energy densities, since large
when the machine runs as a motor and the other way round reservoirs are required. Supercapacitors have high power
if the machine functions as a generator. A power converter densities but low energy densities and in comparison, SMESs
is usually utilized with the electric machine in order to offer have a lower power density. The energy densities of the hy-
a broader operating range [68]. Meanwhile, FES has the ad- drogen and SNG ESSs are relatively high[1]-[6].
vantages of lower maintenance rate, longer life cycle, higher
efficiency and is unrestricted by depth of discharge effects. 2.2.2. Power Capacity and Discharge Time
Nevertheless, the idling losses become the main concern for Power Capacity and Discharge Time are two important
feasible flywheel construction because of the external forces parameter to measure performance of ESS. Based on pre-
[67]. The FES can deliver fast response frequency regula- vious work, it can be seen that electromagnetic ESSs, such
tion to the distribution network for short term and medium as SC and SMES, have short discharge times of several sec-
scale application [65]. Therefore FES is normally operated onds. This makes them useful for short-term grid support
with other ESS or generators instead of providing standalone functions. On the contrary, mechanical and chemical ESSs
power backup. have long discharge times in the range of hours, which can
be applied for long-term functions such as load shifting [1]-
2.1.4. Chemical energy storage [10]. The PHS and CAES mechanical ESSs are suitable
Typical chemical ESSs are hydrogen ESS and synthetic for high-power applications, as are the hydrogen and SNG
natural gas (SNG) ESS. A hydrogen ESS decomposes water chemical ESSs. Electrochemical and electromagnetic ESSs
(H2O) into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) with electricity. generally have a lower power capacity, but their applications
Then, H2 can be stored in high-pressure tanks and fed into in the distributed energy systems secure them a decent mar-
a fuel cell to produce electricity. This is an effective way of ket share [1]-[10].
storing a large amount of energy for a long period, which
can be applied for long term or even seasonal applications 2.3. Study of ESS Benefits
[1]-[10]. However, the main limitations are the high costs ESS are characteristics by some distinctive parameters
for obtaining hydrogen and full cell equipment and the safety like power capacity, energy and power density, losses due
risk of storing pressurized H2. Another method of long term to self discharge, discharge time, life-cycle, response time
electricity storage uses SNG. For the same amount of energy etc. These important parameter define the applicability and
storage, the pressure of a SNG tank is lower due to the higher suitability for different advantages and power grid support
density of SNG. However, compared with hydrogen ESS, the functions like arbitage benefit, integration of renewables re-
conversion losses of SNG ESS are higher and the round-trip sources, harmonic mitigation, V/f regulation, peak shaving
efficiency is lower [1]-[10]. , black start, spinning and non-spinning reserves. In order
to be useful for grid support functions, ESSs are required to
2.1.5. Thermal energy storage have the both fast power response and high energy capacity.
Water storage tanks can be adapted for use as thermal
ESSs. They work for load shifting functions, where the tem- 2.3.1. Benefit due to Peak Shaving
perature of a water tank is raised during off-peak hours so ESS store excess power from grid when generation is
that hot water and warm air can be provided during peak high and supply stored power to load during peak load con-
hours without drawing as much electricity. However, this dition. So utilizing the stored energy during peak load is
scenario is essentially load control and the regulation capa- known as Peak shaving. This function also reduce the CO2
emission during peak load condition.

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Many research focuses on four aspects [1]: 1) Optimal be integrated with primary grid support functions. IEEE
scheduling of ESS; 2) Optimal sizing and siting of ESS; 3) 1547 specifies the maximum harmonic current distortion for
Assessing cost benefit analysis for customers and utilities; 4) DERs [1]. Energy storage system improve the power quality.
Installation of distributed ESSs rather than large-scale ESSs.
2.3.6. Reserves
2.3.2. Benefit due to Energy Arbitrage When a contingency occurs and is large enough to af-
Energy arbitrage is attempting to earn a profit by charg- fect the power system frequency, the spinning reserves in-
ing the ESS at a lower electricity rate and selling the stored stantly respond as when it require. Then, the spinning and
energy at a higher price. Traditionally, this function is im- non-spinning reserves are normally relieved by replacement
plemented by pumped hydro storage (PHS) systems. With reserves within 30 minutes [1]-[15]. Therefore, the reserves
the wide application of EVs, numerous charging schedul- are an important resource that can safeguard power systems
ing are proposed for energy arbitrage. The large quantity without involuntary load shedding. Currently, battery en-
of EVs in the near future could contribute to a new concept ergy storage systems are being gradually applied for spin-
of the energy market. Energy arbitrage research is similar ning reserve to replace conventional generators which are
to peak-shaving functions; which includes the optimum ESS slow for grid synchronization due to startup issues. Increas-
scheduling for maximizing the profits, ESS sizing, economic ing the grid reserve size can increase the system reliability,
assessment, and implementation of distributed ESSs, espe- but with higher costs. Numerous approaches have been pro-
cially EVs. posed to determine the optimum spinning reserve size as a
compromise between reliability and costs. Currently, with
the increasing penetration of EVs, some research is also con-
2.3.3. Renewables energy sources Integration ducted on evaluating the spinning reserve ability of EVs [1]-
The intermittent nature and integration of renewable en- [8].
ergy sources to grid introduces new challenges for power
system operation. The main issue arises due to unpredictable 2.3.7. Black Start
PV penetration in distribution system results power imbal- ESSs can provide black start capability, which helps a
ance between generation and demand . Therefore, ESSs play system startup from a shutdown. An example is the Huntorf
a important role to balance the intermittency. In addition, CAES plant that provides black-start power to nuclear units
ESSs can be used to smooth out fast load fluctuations, regu- located near to the North Sea [5]. Also, ESSs can provide
late frequency, etc. Integration of renewable energy sources support for following the load demand changes [1]-[15].
to grid requires more system resources to provide ancillary
services (seconds and minute-levels) and energy dispatch
(hour-level). The ESSs are charged in the daytime, when 3. Challenges in siting and sizing of ESS
PVs generate power, and are discharged at night when PV There are various challenges encountered for in siting
power is unavailable. As a result, the system power is bal- and sizing of Energy storage in distribution system. Many
anced and the reliability is enhanced [1]-[9]. efforts made by researchers in optimization and selection
technique of ESS. Energy storage are generally identified by
nine characteristics (power capacity, energy capacity, ramp
2.3.4. Voltage and Frequency (V/f) control rate, location, response granularity, response frequency, con-
Energy storage system can be used to absorb real power trol/communication, response time and implementation re-
when the grid frequency is higher than nominal and inject quirements), where only the first six are physical character-
real power when the grid frequency drops below nominal istics. According to literature, most of ESS are selected by
[1]-[2]. By doing this, they help to stabilize the grid’s fre- their energy capacity (MWh), power capacity (MW) and sit-
quency. Similarly, ESS can contribute to voltage regulation ing in distribution network. Another important selection cri-
by injecting or absorbing reactive power. The various en- terion is round circle efficiency of ESS. Simultaneous de-
ergy storage technique like SCs, FESs, and batteries are nor- termination of ESS location and size is a non-deterministic
mally adopted for frequency and voltage regulation because polynomial-time (NP) hard problem and up to now has not
of their fast response. UL 1741 specifies the voltage and been solved efficiently for large-scale problems. A number
frequency ride-through requirements for distributed energy of methods have been developed in the literature for deter-
resources (DERs)[1]-[10]. mining the size and siting of ESS. Moreover, for the purpose
of better analysis a Taxonomy of the reviewed ESS alloca-
2.3.5. Harmonic reduction tion research papers are clustered and summarised in Table
Due to the increasing presence ofinverters and nonlinear II.
loads and power electronic converters, the grid power quality Due to an unbalanced installation of PV plant at different
is deteriorated significantly. To compensate grid harmonics, phases in 3 phase distribution LV feeder, so PV plant invert-
numerous active and passive filtering techniques were devel- ers allocation on a feeder are varied by the category of cus-
oped [1]. However, installing additional filters is not favor- tomers. This may deteriorate the existing voltage unbalance
able due to extra costs. An alternative is utilizing ESSs to factor of the distribution network. Hence, Due to unbalanced
compensate harmonics where harmonic compensation can penetration of PV plant operation of voltage-controlled de-

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Table 2
Reviewed ESS allocation research papers
Year Reference Objective function Optimization Method Variable Application of the ESS Test system
2009 [38] Maximize net present value Control algorithm based Size Spinning reserve; fre- Simulink model us-
on adjustable state of quency support ing LFC power system
charge limits simulator
2009 [52] Minimize the installation cost Sensitivity analysis; GA Number & Location Power losses reduction 69-bus distribution sys-
and the real power losses tem
2010 [29] Minimize the spilled wind power Wind curtailment indexed Size & Location Peak shaving; power losses 41-bus rural distribution
and annual electricity cost OPF reduction system
2011 [33]  Decomposition method, Location Reverse power ow mitiga- Simple residential distri-
Voltage prole analysis tion bution system
2011 [44] Minimize the rated power ca- Simple control; fuzzy; Size Smooth output generation 100MW wind farm
pability and energy capacity of simple ANN; advanced
2012 [37] Minimize the area control error DFT Size Load following WECC system imbalance
power model
2013 [34] Minimize the cost related with Self-computed algorithm Size Peak shaving Typical residential and
the purchasing (or selling) of commercial loads
energy and the storage loss
2013 [47] Minimize the hourly social cost GA enhanced market- Location Peak shaving IEEE 24-bus system
based POPF
2013 [50] Minimize the cost considering GA; SQP based inner al- Size & Location Peak shaving; power losses 17-bus MV balanced 3-
the price arbitrage and the gorithm reduction phase system
power Losses
2013 [58] Maximize the voltage index and Weighted minimum mod- Size & Location Peak shaving; voltage sup- Test feeder with 21 nodes
the active power adjustment ule ideal point method; port; active power control and 3 RE sources
Capacity PSO
2014 [24] Minimize the annual cost Cost-benet analysis Size Voltage support; peak Modied General Electric
shaving distribution system
2014 [53] Minimize the total cost function FPSO Size & Location Energy arbitrage; power Modied IEEE 15-bus
and the power losses losses reduction distribution system
2014 [54] Minimize the total MG cost MADS; IPSO Size Voltage support; frequency MG with MT, FC, WT,
support PV and BESS
2014 [61] Minimize the bus voltage devia- EOFA Size Voltage support 69-bus distribution sys-
tion and the BESS inactive hour tem
2014 [62] Minimize the voltage deviation BFA Location Voltage support 69-bus distribution sys-
2015 [36] Minimize the ESS cost, trans- Algorithm based on Size & Location Voltage support IEEE 14-bus system
mission losses and additional WPTS
2015 [39] Minimize BESS current as a Improved impedance ma- Size & Location Voltage support IEEE 14-bus system
function of solar current trix analysis
2015 [48] Minimize the NPV associated GA Location Peak shaving; power losses IEEE 33-bus system
with power losses reduction
2015 [55] Minimize the total expected op- HMOPSO Size & Location Voltage support IEEE 30-bus system
eration cost of the power sys-
2016 [30] Minimize the total storage size Clustering and sensitiv- Size & Location Voltage support Randomly generated ra-
and line losses;minimize the to- ity analysis; multi-period; dial network
tal cost OPF convex relaxation
2016 [31] Minimize the generation cost Benders decomposition Size & Location Grid congestions mitiga- CIGRE LV benchmark
and storage investment method tion grid
2016 [35] Minimize the frequency devia- Power spectrum density Size Frequency support Transmission system
tion analysis model
2016 [40] Minimize the distribution sys- Interior-point algorithm Size Grid congestions mitiga- IEEE 33-bus system; LV
tem cost tion; voltage support; peak distribution system in
shaving; loss reduction Western Australia
2016 [45]  PNN Size Peak shaving Distribution system in
2016 [46] Minimize the cost CVNN Size & Location Frequency control; peak Grid in Maui island
2016 [59] Minimize the distribution sys- Loss sensitivity based al- Size & Location Power losses reduction Distribution network in
tem losses gorithm; PSO Ontario
2016 [60] Minimize total operation cost Improved BA Size MG management Low voltage 16-bus MG
test system
2016 [63] Minimize the total AOC IHSA Size Spinning reserve PV-BESS connected grid
2016 [64] Minimize the total installation Hybrid Tabu Search/ PSO Size & Location Peak shaving; voltage sup- 21-node distribution sys-
and operation cost port; tem
2017 [25] Minimize the net present cost Financial evaluation Size UPS Medium size commercial
method building in Mashhad
2017 [28] Minimize the cost and LOLE constraint optimization Size & Location Peak shaving 33-bus microgrid with
method; fuzzy technique 3 wind turbines and 4
2017 [41] Maximize the revenue of distri- Modied PSO Size & Location Network support Radial 30-bus distribution
bution company system
2017 [49] Minimize the voltage deviation QBFA; EOFA Size & Location Voltage support 69-bus radial distribution
at PVDG bus; Minimize the system
BESS o-Time
2017 [56] Minimize voltage uctuation GA based bi-level opti- Size & Location Voltage support IEEE 8500-Node test
mization method feeder
2017 [57] Minimize the deviation between Variable-interval reference Size Voltage support 90MW wind farm in
the reference and actual output; modulation; improved Shandong Province,
maximize the annual income PSO China
2018 [26] Minimize the total microgrid Cost-benet analysis Size Load support Microgrid with three dis-
cost patchable wind DG
2018 [27] Minimize the total of generator Cost-benet analysis Size Solve intermittency Power system with wind
operation cost and ESS invest- generation
ment cost
2018 [32] Minimize the ESS related cost Conditionally exact con- Size & Location Voltage support; grid con- 70-bus test case
and daily operation cost vex OPF; Benders gestions mitigation
2018 [42] Minimize the costs for grid, DG, Self-computed two stage Size & Location Network support; smooth IEEE 33 bus radial system
BESS and controllable loads algorithm output generation
2018 [43] Minimize the total installed Two-stage stochastic al- Size Voltage support IEEE 37-bus system
storage capacity gorithm
2018 [51] Minimize the voltage deviation GA Size & Location Voltage support; power IEEE 34-bus system
and the power losses losses reduction
2019 [74] Minimize Power Loss and Oper- Allocation Methodology Size & Location Voltage support; power IEEE 33-bus system
ational Costs (AM) 1 and 2 losses reduction
2020 [75] Minimize Power Loss and cost GA Size & Location power losses reduction Distribution sysyem
2020 [76] Maximizing loading margin MINLP; VSC-SOBA Size & Location Minimize the voltage devi- T&D 16-bus; 62-bus;
ation & maximizing LM 286-bus and large scale
1142-bus test systems
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Table 3
Energy Storage Projects in India (2017 - 2019) : Case study [77]
Project Name Capacity of Project Location and Year

PGCIL 3 x 500 kW, 250 kWh BESS Puducherry in 2017

NLC 2x10MW Solar PV + 8MWh/16MW BESS Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands in 2019
NTPC 2MWh BESS Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands in 2019
NTPC 17MW Solar PV +6.8MWh/6.8MW BESS South Andaman, Andaman &Nicobar Islands in2019
NTPC 8MW Solar PV3.2MWh/3.2MW BESS South Andaman, Andaman &Nicobar Islands in2019
TPDDL 10MWh BESS Sub-station Delhi in Feb-2019
SECI 10 MW/20 MWh BESS for 160 MW Wind + Solar Hybrid Andhra Pradesh in 2019
SECI 2 MW Solar PV Project + 1MWh BESSKaza Himachal Pradesh in 2019
SECI 2 x 1.5 MW Solar PV +2 x 2.5 MWh BESS Leh District, J&K in 2019
APSE 5 MW Solar PV Project +4MWh BESS Makkuva, Andhra Pradesh in 2019

vices also affected in MV network. Foe example, voltage flow reverses, results high power losses along the feeder.
regulators operation is influenced by overvoltage caused by Daily power loss may vary due to the variation of PV output
reversal of power in distribution system. Energy storage sys- throughout the day.
tem siting and sizing is a complex problem and for optimal
solution consider the following challenges arises due to PV 3.6. Effect due to Voltage unbalance
penetration in distribution system Due to an unbalanced installation of PV plant at differ-
ent phases in 3 phase distribution LV feeder, so PV plant
3.1. Effect on voltage inverters allocation on a feeder are varied by the category
If PV plant electricity production is more than the load of customers. This may deteriorate the existing voltage un-
on low voltage (LV) feeder, the extra power will create over- balance factor of the distribution network. The unbalance
voltage on the feeder. If PV installation is done by cluster- factor may vary from time to time due to the variations of
based approach then overvoltage impact may propagate to solar irradiance and PV output.
upstream medium voltage (MV) network.
3.7. Effect on Tap setting
3.2. Cloud effect The overvoltage due to high PV penetration may require
The output power of PV module is uncertain and depend the voltage regulators to operate during midday to keep the
on irradiation level., ultimately it depend on whether con- node voltage below the upper limit. Hence, Voltage regula-
dition. PV power output ramps up and down at high rates, tors keep voltage within a bandwidth of voltage limits.
due to this voltage fluctuations arises on LV feeder. Inverter
functionality also get effected form this. Voltage level at in- 4. Case studies of ESS application
verter side may increase beyond certain limit, which may
result tripping of inverter at PV side. As wide range of ESS applications have been proposed
in the literature, not all are applicable in terms of cost ben-
3.3. Effect on neutral current efit and efficiency. This section discusses some case studies
Due to an unbalanced installation of PV plant at differ- of ESS application in different parts of the world. Table 3
ent phases in 3 phase distribution LV feeder, during reverse Shows the list of BESS project w.r.t. india.
power flow high neutral current flow at peak load in day The case study done for CAES plant located in MaIntosh
hours. High neutral potential appears due to neutral ground- Power Plant site was de- clared commercial in 1991 [73]. It
ing resistance (NGR) in circuit. was the only CAES plant in the U.S., with 110 MW gen-
eration capacity [71]. This CAES plant provided support
3.4. Effect on power factor to peak demand where the air was pumped into the cavern
Due to PV plant installation near at Unity Power Factor using cheaper, off-peak energy in order to generate energy
(UPF) load, it is detected that some LT circuits produces ac- during peak demand and higher price periods The flywheel
tive power. This power factor produces power quality issues. energy storage (FES) was employed by Max Planck Insti-
So, along with PV installation, there is a requirement of re- tute Power Supply System, Germany to supply on-site power
active power compensation or power factor improvement de- which is required for high energy fusion experiments. Three
vices. flywheels were brought into operation in 1973, 1977 and
1987 respectively. The fly- wheels have capacities of 155
3.5. Effect on feeder power loss MW, 124 MW and 108 MW [71].
In general after PV plant installation losses decrease due In year 2009, a BESS unit using lithium ion battery tech-
to less power flow through line, power is supplied locally. nology was employed in the AES Gener’s Los Andes sub-
But if PV penetration increase from certain limit the power station, Chile, to assist in achieving critical grid reliability

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and enable the power system to supply more power to other ramp rates of a 23 MW wind farm [71]. The BESS pro-
important regions of Chile. The BESS with capacity of 12 vided a capacity of 11 MW/4,300 kW h and man- aged to
MW and 4 MW h provided a portion of the requirement for maintain the stability of the local power grid by restricting
primary and secondary reserve. The BESS was developed feed- in variability of the wind farm. A project in New Mex-
to operate in both dispatch and autonomous mode where it ico, United States employed BESS to smooth the ramp rate
responded promptly to significant frequency deviations ac- in output from a solar PV re- source. The lead-acid BESS
cording to the boundaries given by the system operator [71]. was supplied by Ecoult to the utility PNM, where the BESS
In 2011, a BESS module was developed for a 544 MW was able to deliver 500 kW of smoothing capability and 250
thermal power plant in Mejillones, Chile, by a subsidiary of kW/1 MW h of energy shifting for a 500 kW solar PV plant
AES Corporation to satisfy the critical needs of the indepen- owned by the utility. The installation of BESS also offered
dent system operator of the Northern Chilean electric grid. better alignment of Other case studies shown in the IRENA
In this case, the storage capacity of 20 MW and 5 MW h pro- report described similar applications of BESS including en-
vided reserve capacity functions for grid support [71]. The ergy time shift, smoothing of renew- able sources output,
BESS observed the status of the power system and reacted to frequency response and spinning reserve. For these appli-
any significant frequency deviations arising for example due cations, in Rokkasho, Japan, 34 MW/204 MW h of sodium-
to a fault. The BESS was able to supply adequate and imme- sulphur BESS capacity was provided by NGK Insulators and
diate power response to support the grid until the fault was was connected to a 51 MW wind farm in Japan. The BESS
cleared or other resources were redispatched. A BESS has assisted wind integration by charging with electricity pro-
been installed in 2011 for a 98 MW wind power gen- eration duced during low demand periods at night, which was then
plant located in Belington, West Virginia. The BESS of 32 sold during the day with periods of higher demand. Simi-
MW and 8 MW h with lithium ion battery technology was larly, in Texas, United States, 36 MW/24 MW h of advanced
developed by AES Energy Storage for frequency regulation lead- acid BESS was integrated into the Notrees 153 MW
and to assist with wind energy integration onto the network wind farm in West Texas by the utility Duke Energy With re-
by managing ramp rates and other problems [71].. gards to compressed air energy storage case studies, the old-
A project using vanadium redox batteries (VRBs) was est operating CAES plant was completed in 1978 in Huntorf,
launched in Oxnard, California in 2012 for the purpose of Germany [73]. The plant was utilized mainly for peak shav-
peak shaving. The electric utility in California, SCE, charges ing for hydroelectric storage facilities and at the same time,
higher rate for the energy used during peak periods which the plant enhanced the ramp rate of the coal plants. The rated
normally falls during a six hour period in the afternoon. This power for the plant was 321 MW [5]
led to a company known as Gills Onions to install the BESS.
The BESS was charged at night and then discharged during
the peak periods in the afternoon. This helped in reduce the 5. Conclusion
electricity cost for the company, as well as protect against This paper presents a review of energy storage systems
power fluctuation during the start up of large equipment. The techniques, type, comparison, benefit, challenges and op-
vanadium redox BESS were made up of three 200 kW mod- timal placement and control strategy method. In the first,
ules which could supply six hours of storage during the ex- a review of the energy storage techniques, comparison and
pensive on-peak utility rate period, or respond to spikes in benefit is presented, where different energy storage systems
usage with the full 600 kW [71]. are detailed and assessed. Then, challenges in ESS siting
In year 2011, The International Renewable Energy Agency and sizing are presented after that some case studies pre-
(IRENA) has published a report with case studies on BESS sented. The main objective of this paper is to provide an up-
and their ability to integrate renewable energy sources into dated reference regarding optimal allocation of energy stor-
the power grid [72]. The first case study is a BESS which age systems in distribution system for utility applications to
aimed to integrate additional 4.5 MW wind generation into researchers. The application of ESS is to provide system se-
an island system in Alaska. The base load and the peak load curity, reliability and flexibility to respond changes which
of the utility KEA system were about 11 MW and 27 MW still difficult to accurately forecast. In present scenario in-
respec- tively, while the existing power capacity included creasing trend of PV penetration in distribution networks has
23 MW hydropower and 33 MW diesel generation. In this attracted much attention worldwide, such lower cost energy
project, the 3 MW/750 kW h ad- vanced lead-acid battery so- is a critical component in reducing peak power demands with
lution was employed to maintain the fre- quency response, proper utilization of energy storage systems techniques.
reducing the need for diesel generator spinning re- serve.
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