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ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY, Oct. 2009, p. 4069–4079 Vol. 53, No.

0066-4804/09/$08.00⫹0 doi:10.1128/AAC.00341-09
Copyright © 2009, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

Comparative Efficacy and Safety of Vancomycin versus Teicoplanin:

Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis䌤
Shuli Svetitsky,1 Leonard Leibovici,2 and Mical Paul3*
Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel1; Department of Medicine E, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Hospital,
and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel2; and Unit of Infectious Diseases, Rabin Medical Center,
Beilinson Hospital, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel3
Received 12 March 2009/Returned for modification 6 April 2009/Accepted 6 July 2009

Vancomycin and teicoplanin are the glycopeptides currently in use for the treatment of infections caused by

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invasive beta-lactam-resistant gram-positive organisms. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis
of randomized controlled trials that have compared vancomycin and teicoplanin administered systemically for
the treatment of suspected or proven infections. A comprehensive search of trials without year, language, or
publication status restrictions was performed. The primary outcome was all-cause mortality. Two reviewers
independently extracted the data. Risk ratios (RRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were pooled by using
the fixed-effect model (RRs of >1 favor vancomycin). Twenty-four trials were included. All-cause mortality was
similar overall (RR, 0.95; 95% CI, 0.74 to 1.21), and there was no significant heterogeneity. In trials that used
adequate allocation concealment, the results favored teicoplanin (RR, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.63 to 1.06), while in trials
with unknown methods or inadequate concealment, the results favored vancomycin (RR, 3.61; 95% CI, 1.27 to
10.30). The latter trials might have recruited more severely ill patients. No other variable affected the RRs for
mortality, including the assessment of glycopeptides administered empirically or for proven infections, neu-
tropenia, the participant’s age, and drug dosing. There were no significant differences between teicoplanin and
vancomycin with regard to clinical failure (RR, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.81 to 1.05), microbiological failure (RR, 1.24;
95% CI, 0.93 to 1.65), and other efficacy outcomes. Lower RRs (in favor of teicoplanin) for clinical failure were
observed with a lower risk of bias and when treatment was initiated for infections caused by gram-positive
organisms rather than empirically. Total adverse events (RR, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.50 to 0.74), nephrotoxicity (RR,
0.44; 95% CI, 0.32 to 0.61), and red man syndrome were significantly less frequent with teicoplanin. Teicoplanin
is not inferior to vancomycin with regard to efficacy and is associated with a lower adverse event rate than

Methicillin (meticillin)-resistant Staphylococcus aureus teicoplanin (19, 30, 47). Teicoplanin is not approved for use in
(MRSA) infections are a serious and constantly growing public the United States, while in Europe it is as commonly used as
health concern. The incidence of invasive MRSA infections in vancomycin (2, 3, 69).
the United States was estimated to be 31.8 per 100,000 popu- The comparative clinical efficacies and toxicity profiles of
lation in the general population in 2005, with a fatality rate of vancomycin and teicoplanin are not established. In a previous
6.3/100,000 population (32). The percentage of MRSA isolates review, vancomycin and teicoplanin were found to be equally
among all S. aureus bloodstream isolates in hospitals was 49% efficacious, with teicoplanin causing fewer adverse effects than
in United States hospitals (1998 to 2005), with little variability vancomycin (76). Since then, the findings of more trials com-
in that proportion occurring between regions (68). In Europe, paring vancomycin and teicoplanin have been published. We
the proportions ranged from less than 1% in northern coun- performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of random-
tries to ⬎50% in southern countries (1999 to 2007) (17). Com- ized controlled trials that compared vancomycin to teicoplanin.
munity-acquired MRSA is now of growing concern, reaching The objectives of our review were to compare the efficacy and
rates of more than 80% of all community-acquired S. aureus safety of these glycopeptides.
infections in certain locations in the United States (5, 31, 37).
The first-line treatment of choice for invasive MRSA infec- MATERIALS AND METHODS
tions is a glycopeptide antibiotic (43). Vancomycin (a glyco- Inclusion criteria. We included randomized or quasirandomized controlled
peptide) and teicoplanin (a lipoglycopeptide) are naturally oc- trials that compared systemic treatment with vancomycin versus teicoplanin for
curring substances whose bactericidal activity is mediated suspected or proven infections in adults and children. We included both neutro-
mainly by the inhibition of peptidoglycan synthesis of the bac- penic and nonneutropenic patients. Additional antibiotic treatment was permit-
ted, provided that the same antibiotic and dose or the same rules regarding
terial cell wall. Their spectrum of coverage is similar except for additional antibiotics were applied in both study arms.
VanB vancomycin-resistant enterococci that are susceptible to Outcomes. The primary outcome assessed was all-cause mortality and was
preferentially extracted at day 30. Secondary outcomes included clinical failure,
defined as a nonresolved infection, treatment modification, or death due to the
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Unit of Infectious Dis- infection; microbiological failure, defined as the persistence or the reappearance
eases, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Hospital, Petah-Tikva 49100, of the initiating pathogen during treatment, as defined in the study (after day 3);
Israel. Phone: 972-3-9377512. Fax: 972-3-9377513. E-mail: paulm relapse, defined as the reisolation of the initiating pathogen after the completion of treatment; superinfection, defined as the development of a different infection

Published ahead of print on 13 July 2009. during treatment or within 1 week of the discontinuation of treatment; resistance


development, defined as the isolation of glycopeptide-resistant gram-positive addressed patients ⬎12 years of age. Patients with renal failure
bacteria; and adverse events, including adverse events requiring the discontinu- were excluded from 17 trials.
ation of treatment, nephrotoxicity (as defined in the study), red man syndrome,
and rash.
Four trials were performed prior to Eli Lilly’s launch of
Search strategy. We searched the Cochrane Register of Controlled Trials, purified vancomycin in 1990 (8, 11, 62, 72), and in one study
PubMed, and LILACS databases. Unpublished trials were sought in the refer- the purified preparation was introduced during the trial (71).
ences of all selected studies; the conference proceedings of the Interscience The standard dosing of teicoplanin for adults was 400 mg/day
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, the European Con-
for adults and 10 to 12 mg/kg of body weight/day for children,
gress of Clinical Microbiology of Infectious Diseases, and the Infectious Diseases
Society of America; trial registries; ongoing trial databases; and personal con- following a loading dose (Table 1); lower doses (200 mg/day)
tacts with the investigators of the trials included. No language or date restrictions were used for adults during the first part of the study in three
were imposed. The last search of all sources was performed in June 2008. The trials (45, 62, 71). The intramuscular administration of teico-
terms “glycopeptides” and “chemical” and the generic and trade names of van- planin was permitted in four trials. Monitoring of serum van-
comycin and teicoplanin were searched for, in combination with the use of the
Cochrane filter for randomized controlled trials in PubMed (28).
comycin and teicoplanin levels was explicitly stated in 12 and
Review methods. Two reviewers (S.S. and M.P.) independently applied the 11 trials, respectively. None of the trials stated the target serum
inclusion criteria and extracted the data. We identified the intention-to-treat level. The serum drug levels achieved during the trial were

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population of each trial (all randomized participants), all patients treated per reported in seven trials; median trough values for teicoplanin
protocol, and microbiologically evaluable patients. Outcomes were extracted
and vancomycin were 8.8 ␮g/ml (range, 4.7 to 15.9 ␮g/ml) and
preferentially or imputed for the intention-to-treat population. Whenever data
were missing, we contacted the authors and primarily requested data on the trial 8.2 ␮g/ml (range, 8 to 14.3 ␮g/ml), respectively.
methods used and the primary outcome. We assessed the risk of bias in the Adequate allocation generation and concealment were de-
studies included using domain-based evaluation. The domains assessed included scribed in 11 trials. Three additional trials described only ad-
sequence generation, allocation concealment, blinding, early stopping, selective equate allocation generation, and four trials described only
reporting, patient attrition, the number of patients excluded from the analysis,
and unit-of-analysis errors (recruitment of patients more than once or reporting
adequate allocation concealment. Two trials were triple
of more than one outcome per patient without adjustment for multiple testing). blinded, three were double blinded, and the remaining trials
Each domain was scored as adequate, unclear, or inadequate by using the criteria were open label. In eight trials, unit-of-analysis errors were
suggested in the Cochrane handbook (28). We judged that allocation conceal- detected (Table 1). The full data for one trial were provided by
ment for all outcomes and double blinding for outcomes other than mortality
the authors (1). Additional data on methods or outcomes were
carried the highest risk for bias and thus report on sensitivity analyses for these
domains. obtained for 11 trials.
Statistical analysis. Risk ratios (RRs) for individual studies were calculated All-cause mortality. Eighteen trials reported all-cause mor-
with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). RRs of ⬎1 favor vancomycin. Heterogene- tality at the end of follow-up (14 to 50 days). Mortality was
ity was assessed by the chi-square test (P ⬍ 0.1) and the I2 measure of incon- similar for teicoplanin and vancomycin (RR, 0.95; 95% CI,
sistency (I2 ⬎ 50%). Meta-analyses were conducted by using the fixed-effect
model, unless significant heterogeneity was present, in which case the random-
0.74 to 1.21) (Fig. 2). No significant heterogeneity was detected
effects model was used. The effects of risk of bias assessment are reported as for the overall comparison (P ⫽ 0.57, I2 ⫽ 0%). There were no
subgroup differences on the basis of a fixed-effect inverse variance meta-analysis statistically significant differences between teicoplanin and
(15). Small-study effects were assessed through visual inspection of funnel plots. vancomycin among neutropenic and nonneutropenic patients,
Analyses were conducted by using the RevMan (version 5) program (Nordic
by empirical treatment and treatment of suspected or proven
Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane Collaboration, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2008).
infections caused by gram-positive bacteria, for adults and chil-
dren, for different teicoplanin dosing regimens, for different
RESULTS types of vancomycin preparations, and with or without drug
level monitoring (Table 2). There was no statistically signifi-
The trial flow is depicted in Fig. 1. The search yielded 269 cant difference in mortality in the subgroups of patients with
publications, 61 of which were potentially eligible; and 24 in- bacteremia caused by gram-positive bacteria (RR, 1.84; 95%
dividual randomized controlled trials comparing vancomycin CI, 0.65 to 5.18; six studies and 158 patients).
versus teicoplanin fulfilled inclusion criteria (1, 4, 8, 10, 11, 14, When the results were stratified according to the method-
18, 20, 22, 33, 34, 40, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 60, 62, 71–72, 77). ological quality of the studies, divergent results were observed
The trials were conducted between 1986 and 2007 and in- (Fig. 2). With adequate methods for concealment of the allo-
cluded a total of 2,332 patients (Table 1). Twelve trials ad- cation sequence, the RR for mortality was 0.82 (95% CI, 0.63
dressed patients with febrile neutropenia, and the assigned to 1.06) in favor of teicoplanin, while unknown methods or
treatment was mainly empirical (Fig. 1). Twelve studies re- inadequate concealment resulted in an RR of 3.61 (95% CI,
cruited patients without neutropenia, and treatment was initi- 1.27 to 10.30) significantly in favor of vancomycin (P ⫽ 0.01 for
ated mostly for suspected or documented infections with gram- difference between subgroups). However, the studies with a
positive bacteria. Three trials recruited patients with MRSA higher risk of bias included more patients with S. aureus bac-
infections only or mostly, one trial recruited patients with me- teremia (median, 100%; range, 62 to 100%) than the low-risk
thicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) infections only, and the studies did (median, 45.5%; range, 20 to 100%). In four dou-
median prevalence of MRSA infections in the other studies ble-blind trials, the RR was 0.48 (95% CI, 0.22 to 1.07), while
reporting on MRSA was 2% (range, 0 to 26%). MRSA isolates in open trials it was 1.04 (95% CI, 0.80 to 1.36). There was no
were reported to be susceptible to glycopeptides, but the stud- evidence of the small-study effect overall (Fig. 3).
ies used various breakpoint definitions, depending on the year Secondary outcomes. No significant difference between
of the study. The median rate of bacteremia in 17 trials report- teicoplanin and vancomycin with regard to clinical failure was
ing on the number of patients with bacteremia was 50% (range, shown overall (RR, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.81 to 1.05; 21 trials and
12.5 to 100%). Children alone were assessed in four trials, and 1,729 patients). RRs tended to be in favor of teicoplanin for
adults and children were assessed in one trial; all other trials the nonneutropenic subgroup of patients, when treatment was

FIG. 1. Trial flow. RCTs, randomized controlled trials; CR, catheter related; IVDU, intravenous drug abuse. Three publications described two
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trials each (22, 55, 66).

initiated for a suspected or a proven infection with gram- 95% CI, 0.26 to 1.72; 5 trials and 73 patients), and bacteremia
positive bacteria, with higher doses of teicoplanin, and with (RR, 0.95; 95% CI, 0.73 to 1.24; 15 trials and718 patients).
adequate allocation concealment and double blinding (Table The microbiological failure rates were not significantly dif-
2). A modified intention-to-treat analysis, with the assumption ferent for teicoplanin treatment and vancomycin treatment
of treatment failure for all dropouts (excluding studies in which (RR, 1.24; 95% CI, 0.93 to 1.65; 12 trials and 716 patients). No
the number randomized was unclear), yielded an RR of 0.94 significant differences in the rates of relapse (RR, 0.61; 95%
(95% CI, 0.84 to 1.05; 17 trials and 1,679 patients). Clinical CI, 0.29 to 1.30; 8 trials and 330 patients) and superinfection
failure could also be assessed in the subgroups of patients with (RR, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.77 to 1.37; 10 trials and 1,083 patients)
documented S. aureus infections (RR, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.63 to were found. None of the trials reported quantitatively on the
1.51; 13 trials and 289 patients), MRSA infections (RR, 0.67; changes in the glycopeptide MICs for persisting gram-positive
TABLE 1. Characteristics of included trials

Author(s), yr of Daly dose (no. of participants) Allocation

Main inclusion criteriaa Participant’s ageb % MRSA Blindingd Unit-of-analysis errors
study (reference) Vancomycin Teicoplanin concealmentc

Akan, 2008 (1) 1 g two times for adults, 400 mg two times (three Febrile neutropenia, with solid Adults and children Unknown A Open
10 mg/kg four times doses) and then 400 malignancies; empirical over age 2
for children (97) mg once for adults; 10 first-line treatment
mg/kg two times (three
doses) and then 10 mg/
kg once for children
aged 2–16 yr (93)
Auperin et al., 10 mg/kg four times (34) 10 mg/kg two times (three Febrile neutropenia with solid Children; median age, 8 Unknown A Open

1997 (4) doses) and then 10 mg/ malignancies; empirical

kg times once (33) first-line treatment
Charbonneau et 12 mg/kg two times or 8 6 mg/kg two times (three Serious GP infection T, mean, 56.8 (range, Unknown B Open
al., 1994 (8) mg/kg three times doses) and then 6 mg/kg 18–87); V, mean,
(32) once (24) 56.4 (range, 20–79)
Contra et al., 1995 10 mg/kg four times (35) 10 mg/kg two times (three Febrile neutropenia; empirical Children Unknown B Open No. of patients randomized
(10) doses) and then 10 mg/ second-line treatment not stated; study
kg once (28) referred to evaluated
Cony-Makhoul et 15 mg/kg two times (35) 6 mg/kg two times (three Febrile neutropenia with T, mean, 51.5 (range, Unknown B Open Patients randomized more
al., 1990 (11) doses) and then 6 mg/kg hematological malignancies; 17–60); V, mean, 45 than once; no. of
once (24) empirical second-line (range, 16–80) patients randomized
treatment reported; clinical failure
reported per episode
D’Antonio et al., 15 mg/kg two times (77) 6 mg/kg two times in 48 h Febrile neutropenia with T, mean, 41.5 ⫾ 16.6; Unknown A DB
2004 (14) and then once (77) hematological malignancies V, mean, 37.2
and GP bacteremia ⫾ 15.6
Figuera et al., 1 g two times (85) 400 mg two times (three Febrile neutropenia with T, median, 35 (range, 0 B Open Patients randomized more
1996 (18) doses) and then 400 mg hematological malignancies; 13–68); V, median, than once; no. of
once (68) empirical first-line 39 (range, 13–68) patients randomized not
treatment reported; results
reported per episode
Fortun et al., 2001 500 mg four times (11) 24 mg/kg once (one dose) Intravenous drug abusers T, mean, 31 (range, 21– 0 B Open
(20) and then 12 mg/kg once (most with HIV), with 43); V, mean, 25
(12) right-sided MSSA (range, 18–31)
Gilbert et al., 1991 15 mg/kg two times (27) 6 mg/kg two times (three Trial I, GP bacteremia, except T, mean, 51 ⫾ 17; V, 0 A DB
(two trials) (22) doses) and then 6 mg/kg catheter-associated mean, 61.9 ⫾ 18
once (27) infection; trial 2, catheter-
associated GP bacteremia
Kureishi et al., 15 mg/kg two times (27) 6 mg/kg two times (three Febrile neutropenia with T, median, 40 (range, Unknown A TB
1991 (33) doses) and then 6 mg/kg hematological malignancies; 19–80); V, median,
once (26) empirical first-line 38 (range, 20–76)
Liu et al., 1996 500 mg four times (20) 400 mg two times (three Documented MRSA T, mean, 71 (range, 36– 100 C Open No. of patients randomized
(34) doses) and then 400 mg bacteremia 88); V, mean, 67 not stated; study
once (20) (range, 24–82) referred to evaluated
Menichetti et al., 15 mg/kg two times 8 mg/kg once (one dose) Febrile neutropenia with T, mean, 44 (range, 14– 2 A/B Open
1994 (40) (303) and then 6 mg/kg once hematological malignancies; 78); V, mean, 42
(332) empirical first-line (range, 14–72)
Nadal et al., 1999 40 mg/kg three times 10 mg/kg once (25) Children in pediatric/neonatal Children and neonates; Unknown A Open
(42) (22) ICU with suspected or T, mean, 39 wk; V,
proven GP infection mean, 52 wk

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Neville et al., 1995 1 g two times; for 400 mg once (5 patients Most patients with malignancy T, median, 38 (range, 3 A Open Patients randomized more
(45) patients weighing less received 400 mg once in with suspected or proven 18–71); V, median, than once; no. of
than 50 kg, 750 mg the first 24 h and then GP infection 32 (range, 18–69) patients randomized in
two times (29) 200 mg once) (28) trial reported; clinical
failure reported per
VOL. 53, 2009

episode only
Nucci et al., 1998 40 mg/kg/day divided 6 mg/kg two times (three Febrile neutropenia, T, median, 31 (range, 1 A Open Patients randomized more
(46) into four doses a day doses) and then 6 mg/kg hematological malignancies; 13–71); V, median, than once; no. of
(53) once (53) empirical first-line 37 (range, 12–72) patients randomized to
treatment each arm reported;
clinical failure and
adverse events reported
per episode
Pham Dang et al., Target drug levels 400 mg two times for 36 h, Postorthopedic surgery bone T, mean, 62 ⫾ 17; V, 70 A Open
2001 (48) between 20 and 30 followed by 400 mg infections caused mainly by mean, 64 ⫾ 23
mg/liter (15) once; target levels, ⱖ10 MRSA
mg/liter (15)
Rolston et al., 15 mg/kg two times 6 mg/kg two times (three Catheter-related or other T, mean, 50 (range, 19– 2 A TB
1999 (51) (122) doses) and then 6 mg/kg vascular access-related GP 80); V, mean, 50
once (118) bacteremia (range, 17–83)
Sidi et al., 2000 40 mg/kg in three 10 mg/kg two times (three Febrile neutropenia with GP Children; T, mean, 8 Unknown C Open Patients randomized more
(60) divided doses a day doses) and then 10 mg/ bacteremia (range, 2–14); V, than once; no. of
(21) kg once (24) mean, 8.5 (range, patients randomized
2.5–15) reported; clinical failure
reported per episode
Smith et al., 1989 1 g two times (35) For first 11 episodes, 400 Febrile neutropenic patients T, mean, 40 (range, 17– Unknown A Open Patients randomized more
(62) mg once (one dose) and with hematological 77); V, mean, 45 than once; no. of
then 200 mg once; for malignancy and catheter- (range, 26–78) patients randomized to
subsequent episodes, associated GP infections each arm not reported;
800 mg once (one dose) results reported per
and then 400 mg once episode
Van der Auwera 1 g two times (37) 400 mg once (three doses) Cancer patients without T, median, 59 (range, 5 A Open
et al., 1991 (71) and then 200 mg once neutropenia with 35–78); V, median,
and 400 mg once (37) documented GP infection 62 (range, 25–75)
Van Laethem et 1 g two times (10) 400 mg once (12) Documented MRSA infections T, mean, 56 (range, 23– 100 B Open Patients randomized more
al., 1988 (72) 85); V, mean, 69 than once; no. of
(range, 44–86) patients randomized and
evaluated for each
outcome reported
Vazquez et al., Variable, according to 400 mg two (three doses) Febrile neutropenic patients T, mean, 51; V, mean, Unknown A/B Open Patients randomized more
1999 (73) nomogram (38) and then 400 mg once with hematological 47 than once; no. of
(38) malignancies; empirical patients randomized to
second-line treatment each arm not reported;
results reported per
Zhao et al., 2003 1 g two times (34) 400 mg two times and then Documented GP infections T, mean, 41.9 ⫾ 16; V, 20 B Open
(77) 400 mg once (36) mean, 40.6 ⫾ 14.2
GP, gram-positive organism; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; ICU, intensive care unit; VAP, ventilator-associated pneumonia. Empirical treatment for febrile neutropenia given as first-line treatment (initial
empirical treatment) or second-line treatment (for persistent fever unresponsive to the first-line regimen).
Ages are given in years unless otherwise stated. T, teicoplanin; V, vancomycin.
A, adequate allocation concealment methods ensuring that intervention allocations could not have been foreseen in advance of, or during, enrollment; B, unreported or unclear methods; C, inadequate allocation
concealment methods whereby intervention allocations could be foreseen in advance of, or during, enrollment.
DB, double blind; TB, triple blind.

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FIG. 2. All-cause mortality for trials. Trials are subgrouped by the methods of allocation concealment used in the trial. M-H, Mantel-Haenszel.

bacteria. Seven trials reported qualitatively that no resistant of the differences were statistically significant among children
isolates were detected, except in 3/68 patients in one trial (18) alone (RR for any adverse event, 0.53 [95% CI, 0.24 and 1.18;
who acquired teicoplanin-resistant isolates following treatment four trials and 216 children]; RR for adverse events requiring
with teicoplanin. discontinuation, 0.66 [95% CI, 0.11 and 3.9; two trials and 147
Adverse events. The overall number of adverse events was children]; RR for nephrotoxicity, 0.31 [95% CI, 0.09 to 1.07;
reported in all trials except the unpublished trial (1). There three trials and 197 children]). Severe nephrotoxicity, defined
were significantly fewer total adverse events for teicoplanin as the need for hemodialysis, was reported only with vancomy-
than for vancomycin, when they were reported as the number cin and among adults (RR, 0.16; 95% CI, 0.03 to 0.86; eight
of adverse event episodes per patient episode (RR, 0.61; 95% trials and 341 patients [events were reported in three trials]).
CI, 0.50 to 0.74; 23 trials and 2,046 patient episodes) and when There were no cases of red man syndrome in the teicoplanin
they were reported as the number of patients experiencing at group, whereas there was a 5% incidence of red man syndrome
least one adverse event per patient (RR, 0.57; 95% CI, 0.45 to in the vancomycin group (RR of 0.21 and 95% CI of 0.08 to
0.72; 19 trials and 1,641 patients). There were significantly 0.54 for 10 trials and 756 episodes and RR of 0.24 and 95% CI
fewer adverse events requiring the discontinuation of treat- of 0.08 to 0.76 for 7 trials and 500 patients); this outcome was
ment with teicoplanin (RR of 0.54 and 95% CI of 0.33 to 0.87 assessed only among adults. The occurrence of other rash was
for 13 trials and 904 patient episodes; RR of 0.59 and 95% CI not significantly different between the groups (RR of 0.74 and
of 0.36 to 0.97 for 12 trials and 829 patients). There was 95% CI of 0.49 to 1.12 for 16 trials and 1,707 episodes; RR of
significantly less nephrotoxicity reported for teicoplanin (Fig. 0.65 and 95% CI of 0.41 to 1.03 for 12 trials and 1,398 pa-
4) (RR of 0.44 and 95% CI of 0.32 to 0.61 for 21 trials and tients).
1,992 patient episodes; RR of 0.33 and 95% CI of 0.22 to 0.50 Nephrotoxicity was less frequent with teicoplanin in trials
for 17 trials and 1,587 patients). Nephrotoxicity was defined with both purified and unpurified vancomycin (Fig. 4) and both
heterogeneously as creatinine levels above the normal range in studies that reported routine monitoring of vancomycin lev-
(1.1 to 1.5 mg/dl), by an absolute increase of 0.5 mg/dl or as a els (RR, 0.31; 95% CI, 0.18 to 0.51; 9 studies and 663 episodes)
50% to 100% increase from the baseline level. Similar RRs and in those that did not (RR, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.38 to 0.95; 12
were observed in studies that recruited children, although none studies and 1,329 episodes). In a further sensitivity analysis that

TABLE 2. Subgroup analyses for vancomycin versus teicoplanin 0.50), which translates into a number needed to harm (NNH)
RR (95% CI), no. of studies
of 14 (95% CI, 11 to 25) patients. This effect was not associated
Characteristic included in analysis with the year of the study or drug level monitoring. The effect
All-cause mortality Clinical failure
was similar when the analysis was limited to trials that used the
currently available purified preparation of vancomycin (RR,
Study population 0.44 [95% CI, 0.30 to 0.65]; NNH, 20 [95% CI, 14 to 33]).
Neutropenic patients 0.95 (0.68, 1.34), 9 0.98 (0.83, 1.16), 9
Comparative assessment for the development of resistance
Nonneutropenic 0.94 (0.66, 1.32), 9 0.84 (0.68, 1.03), 12
patients is of interest in an era of glycopeptide resistance, especially
Treatment when a policy of using one or another glycopeptide is being
administration considered. It is an important untoward effect of antibiotic
Empirical 0.92 (0.65, 1.30), 7 0.97 (0.82, 1.15), 8 therapy with implications for the individual treated and future
Semiempirical/ 0.99 (0.70, 1.39), 11 0.86 (0.71, 1.05), 13
definitive patients. Randomized controlled trials provide a well-con-
Age group trolled framework for its assessment. However, resistance de-
Adults mostly 0.92 (0.71, 1.19), 15 0.92 (0.81, 1.05), 18 velopment was poorly reported in all trials, both old and new.

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Children mostly 1.26 (0.48, 3.30), 3 1.27 (0.35, 4.62), 3 None of the trials compared quantitatively the changes in
Teicoplanin dose
MICs of the persisting S. aureus isolates. Qualitatively, several
Standard/high 0.96 (0.70, 1.31), 16 0.91 (0.79, 1.05), 18
Low 0.92 (0.65, 1.31), 2 0.96 (0.63, 1.47), 3 trials comparing teicoplanin to vancomycin reported that re-
Vancomcyin preparation sistance development was null. However, the definitions of
Purified 0.93 (0.68, 1.28), 15 0.90 (0.78, 1.03), 16 “resistance” have changed since the years that those studies
Unpurified 0.98 (0.69, 1.39), 3 1.02 (0.55, 1.91), 5 were conducted, following CLSI breakpoint definitions (70).
Drug level monitoringa
Yes 0.77 (0.55, 1.09), 9 0.86 (0.70, 1.05), 11 While susceptibility to vancomycin is currently defined as an
No 1.10 (0.77, 1.57), 9 0.97 (0.82, 1.15), 10 MIC of ⱕ2 ␮g/ml, the breakpoints used in the older studies
Allocation concealment ranged from 4 to 8 ␮g/ml. Thus, we do not have information on
Adequate 0.82 (0.63, 1.06), 13 0.88 (0.76, 1.03), 12 the emergence of S. aureus strains with MICs of ⬎2 ␮g/ml from
Unclear 3.29 (0.98, 11.05), 3 1.14 (0.88, 1.47), 6
randomized trials comparing vancomycin to teicoplanin. Re-
Inadequate 4.66 (0.57, 37.70), 2 0.73 (0.34, 1.56), 3
Blinding sistance to teicoplanin emerges sooner than resistance to van-
Double/triple blind 0.48 (0.22, 1.07), 5 0.86 (0.67, 1.10), 4 comycin in S. aureus strains in observational studies and case
Other 1.04 (0.80, 1.36), 13 0.95 (0.81, 1.10), 17 reports (38, 39, 50); however, the culprit antibiotic inducing
Monitoring of drug levels for both vancomycin and teicoplanin. glycopeptide resistance in clinical isolates was usually vanco-
mycin (61).
The main limitation of the available evidence is the paucity
excluded all trials published prior to 1994, the results were of patients with MRSA infections in existing trials. This limited
similar (RR for nephrotoxicity, 0.48; 95% CI, 0.32 to 0.72; 15 the ability of the primary studies and our analysis to assess
trials and 1,662 episodes), and there was no significant associ- clinical and microbiological efficacy for the treatment of
ation by meta-regression analysis between the year of the trial’s MRSA infections (the rate of mortality for patients infected
start and the total number of adverse events or nephrotoxicity with MRSA was reported in a single trial [72]), to stratify the
(P ⫽ 0.28 and P ⫽ 0.73, respectively). Similarly, there was no analyses by the baseline isolates’ susceptibility, and to ade-
association between trial size and effects (Fig. 3). quately assess the development of resistance. However, the
trials recruited mostly septic patients, who are commonly given
glycopeptides (at least empirically) in clinical practice. Data on
mortality were incomplete and were available for only 17/24
We compared the efficacy and safety of the glycopeptides trials; the authors could not supply further data since the trials
currently in use, teicoplanin and vancomycin. All-cause mor- were old. We noted a divergence in the results by randomiza-
tality was the primary outcome, since this outcome is the most tion method that can be explained by a true effect (the better
objective and its prevention is the primary motivation for the efficacy of teicoplanin) or by the association between studies
treatment of severe infections. with a higher risk for bias and sicker patients, as reflected by
There was no significant difference in all-cause mortality the higher percentage of patients with bacteremia in higher-
between teicoplanin and vancomycin overall. In studies report- risk studies (in this case, indicating the better efficacy of van-
ing adequate allocation concealment (thus ensuring appropri- comycin). Unbalanced randomization (allocating less seriously
ate randomization), there was a trend in favor of teicoplanin, ill patients to teicoplanin with inadequate methods for con-
while studies with unclear or inadequate allocation conceal- cealment) is another possibility, although we did not find a
ment showed a significant advantage for vancomycin. The lat- difference in baseline patient characteristics (data not shown).
ter studies recruited more patients with bacteremia. There Increasing MICs for vancomycin have been observed in S.
were no significant differences between teicoplanin and vanco- aureus isolates over the last decade and is termed “MIC creep”
mycin with regard to clinical failure, microbiological failure, (64). Increasing MICs, in turn, have been associated with van-
and other secondary efficacy outcomes. There were signifi- comycin treatment failures, even within the currently defined
cantly fewer adverse events with teicoplanin than with vanco- susceptible range (MIC ⱕ 2 ␮g/ml). MICs of 2 ␮g/ml and even
mycin, including events requiring the discontinuation of treat- between 1 and 2 ␮g/ml were significant and independent pre-
ment, nephrotoxicity, and red man syndrome. The effect dictors of treatment failure in observational studies (27, 35, 41,
estimate for nephrotoxicity was an RR of 0.33 (95% CI, 0.22 to 58, 63). This has led to recommendations regarding vancomy-

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FIG. 3. Funnel plots. (A) All-cause mortality; (B) nephrotoxicity. RRs are plotted against standard errors, as a measure of the study’s precision.

cin level monitoring and dosing. For complicated infections As these doses are associated with increased nephrotoxicity
(bacteremia, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, meningitis, and hos- (36), monitoring of trough serum levels is recommended (56).
pital-acquired pneumonia) and for infections caused by strains Similar data for teicoplanin are largely lacking. A mean daily
with MICs of ⬎1 ␮g/ml, trough levels of 15 to 20 ␮g/ml are dose of 4 mg/kg was associated with treatment failure when
recommended (56). The usual dosing strategies are insufficient compared to a mean daily dose of 6 mg/kg, but even the higher
to achieve these concentrations in patients with normal renal dose resulted in low mean trough levels of 7.8 ⫾ 4.8 ␮g/ml (24).
function, and doses of vancomycin up to 4 g/day are necessary. Doses of 6 mg/kg twice daily achieved serum concentrations of

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FIG. 4. Nephrotoxicity. Trials are subgrouped by the type of vancomycin preparation used in the trial: trials that used purified vancomycin and
those reporting on the use of unpurified vancomycin for part or all of the trial. Similar results were obtained when the results for one trial published
in 1991 were removed from the unpurified subgroup. M-H, Mantel-Haenszel.

⬎10 ␮g/ml by the second day of treatment. Thus, the admin- Given the similar efficacies teicoplanin and vancomycin and
istration of teicoplanin loading doses of 6 mg/kg twice daily for the lower rate of adverse events with teicoplanin, including
48 h has been recommended for all infections, and for com- serious adverse events, the use of teicoplanin for the treatment
plicated infections, continuation of the high-dose regimen is of infections caused by MRSA and other resistant gram-posi-
recommended (6). Notably, in our review demonstrating the tive organisms should be considered. Uncomplicated infections
similar efficacies of teicoplanin and vancomycin, once-daily permit once-daily dosing of teicoplanin and the possibility of
dosing of teicoplanin was used in all studies. intramuscular injection. Complicated infections probably man-
To resolve the remaining questions on the efficacy and safety date higher dosing strategies for both vancomycin and teico-
of vancomycin versus those of teicoplanin, a contemporary trial planin that should be accompanied by monitoring for renal
that uses adequate randomization methods and that recruits toxicity, especially with vancomycin.
patients with bacteremia (preferably MRSA bacteremia) is
needed. Such a trial is important, given the common use of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
these agents and the implication of a policy to use one or We thank the authors who responded to our mail and provided
another drug. New lipoglycopeptides targeting improved phar- additional data.
macokinetics, antibacterial activity, and spectrum of coverage We have no conflicts of interest to declare.
This work was performed in partial fulfillment of the M.D. thesis
against vancomycin-resistant enterococci and staphylococci requirements of the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University
have been developed. Telvancin, dalbavancin, and oritavancin (S.S.).
are currently undergoing clinical testing (Fig. 1). Trials assess-
ing both old and new glycopeptides should target patients who
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