Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: - A Toolkit For Providers
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: - A Toolkit For Providers
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: - A Toolkit For Providers
Institute of Medicine committee releases report on ME/CFS; CDC archives CFS Toolkit
On February 10, 2015, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Committee on Diagnostic Criteria for Myalgic
Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome released a report titled “Beyond Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome: Redefining an Illness.” The IOM Committee’s work was supported by the Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS) Office on W omen’s Health and other HHS agencies.
The website of the HHS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee includes the following comment about
the IOM committee report: “With their recommendation of a streamlined, yet evidence-based set of diagnostic
criteria, the IOM committee has taken a critical step toward assisting medical providers in making a diagnosis for
those with this serious and debilitating illness.” The website also states that the HHS agencies are committed to
working with partners, stakeholders, experts in the field, and CFSAC to review the report’s recommendations and
appropriate next steps.
In 2011, CDC posted the CFS Toolkit on its website to provide an easy-to-use resource for clinical care. During
recent months CDC scientists had been working with CFSAC and others to revise the CFS Toolkit. After
publication of the IOM committee report, CDC decided to archive the CFS Toolkit. Those interested in reviewing
the CFS Toolkit in its entirety can view the document below.
Because there is no specific A clinician should consider a ••Unrefreshing sleep
test to diagnose CFS, the diagnosis of CFS if these two ••Muscle pain
diagnosis is made through criteria are met:
clinical and laboratory
••Multi-joint pain without
1. Unexplained, persistent swelling or redness
examinations to exclude
other conditions. A detailed fatigue present for 6 ••Headaches of a new type
patient history and thorough months or more that or severity
physical and mental status is not due to ongoing ••Sore throat that’s
examination will help in exertion; is not frequent or recurring
making the diagnosis. A substantially relieved by
rest, is of new onset (not ••Tender cervical or
series of laboratory tests will axillary lymph nodes
help identify or rule out other lifelong) and results in a
possible causes of symptoms. significant reduction in
A diagnosis of CFS-like illness previous levels of activity
could be made if a patient 2. Four or more of the
has been fatigued for 6 following symptoms are
months or more, but does not present for six months or
meet the symptom criteria or more:
the rest or activity criteria of ••Impaired memory or
fatigue for CFS. concentration
••Postexertional malaise
(extreme, prolonged
exhaustion and sickness
following physical or
mental activity)
If identified conditions are adequately treated and CFS symptoms continue, the patient could be
considered to have CFS. This should not prevent continued medical monitoring of the patient.
Treatment and
Managing chronic fatigue The management of CFS may
syndrome can be as complex require working with a team
as the illness itself. There is of doctors and other health
no cure yet, no prescription care practitioners, which
drugs have been developed might include mental health
specifically for CFS, and professionals, rehabilitation
symptoms vary considerably specialists, and physical or
over time. exercise therapists, to create
an individualized treatment
program. This program
should be based on a combi-
nation of therapies that
address coping techniques,
symptoms and activity man-
agement. If a team approach
is not practical, primary care
providers can address the
individual’s needs.
Non-drug therapies
••Consider complementary therapies like acupuncture, gentle massage, deep breathing,
relaxation therapy, yoga, or tai chi to increase energy and decrease pain.
••Suggest stretching and light exercise before bed.
••Help patients cope with memory difficulties by suggesting the use of organizers and
schedulers. Puzzles, word games, and card games are other options to help increase focus.
Coping Skills for CFS
Adjusting and coping 1 A supportive counselor Because chronic illnesses like
with the realities of CFS can help patients cope CFS impact the entire family,
are important to feeling with the diagnosis of long not just the patient, family
healthier. There are three term illness, as well as the education and counseling
ways that a person with CFS anxiety, depression, grief, may be helpful in talking
can strengthen their coping anger and guilt that often about changes in family
skills with emotional and accompany chronic illness. dynamics related to living
psychosocial issues: with CFS.
2 CFS support groups can
serve as a positive resource
and social outlet for people
with CFS.
Adjusting and coping with the realities of CFS are important to feeling healthier. There are three ways
that a person with CFS can strengthen their coping skills with emotional and psychosocial issues.
1. Professional counseling. Get professional counseling, which can help people with CFS cope
with their illness. A counselor can help people address their feelings of anxiety, depression,
grief, anger, and guilt with problem solving techniques, standard psychotherapy, and
counseling methods. Combined medication and psychotherapy may be appropriate in some
2. Support Group. CFS support groups can serve as a positive resource and social outlet for
people with CFS. Support group members share tips and experiences for living with CFS.
Going to group meeting can also get people with CFS out of the house and connected with
others who understand their situation.
3. Working/not working with a disability. For those who have enough energy to work, they
should find employment that is favorable to their condition and live as independently as they
For people with CFS who are severely impaired and unable to work, it is important for them to
accept and cope with the fact that they are temporarily unable to work and must utilize disability
benefits. Doctors can help these persons with CFS by keeping good notes and using simple
assessment tools to track health status for documentation purposes.
Cognitive Behavioral
Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT has been shown to be
or CBT, is an individualized, effective for some patients
structured, goal-oriented with CFS, but it must be paced,
form of therapy often personalized, and tailored to
prescribed to help chronically the individual’s level.
ill patients cope with illness
and develop behaviors and
strategies that help improve
Graded Exercise
Therapy (GET)
Graded exercise therapy Activities need to be spread
(GET) has shown to be very evenly throughout the day
helpful to some CFS patients. and should not make symp-
Graded activity and exercise toms worse. If activities are
is defined as starting from not spread out, patients will
a very low, basic level of “push” themselves too much
exercise and/or activity and and “crash”.
gradually increasing it to a
level where people can go
about their daily life. NOTE:
the level of activity may not
be the same as before the
CFS diagnosis.
CFS Sleep Issues
The majority of CFS patients Health professionals can help watching TV, reading, or
experience some form of people with CFS adopt good working on a computer
problems with sleep. Most sleeping habits. Patients ••control noise, light and
CFS patients experience should be advised to practice temperature in the
non-restorative sleep as standard sleep hygiene bedroom
compared to their pre-illness techniques:
••avoid caffeine within 6
••schedule regular sleep hours of bedtime, and
and wake times—try to alcohol and tobacco
get up at the same time within 2 hours of bedtime
everyday ••light exercise and
••establish a regular stretching earlier in the
bedtime routine, which day, at least four hours
may include a warm bath before bedtime, may also
or shower, or listening to improve sleep.
soothing music When sleep hygiene is
••avoid napping during not successful, the use of
the day pharmaceutical drugs may be
••incorporate an extended
wind-down period
••use the bedroom only
for sleep and sex; not for
other activities such as
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