"Things" Are Taking Over The Internet.: Enterprise Mobility Management

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“Things” are taking

over the internet.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is here. It has surpassed the Internet of People
(IoP) in size and complexity. Soon, there will be billions of new devices
and endpoints connected together to form complex business solutions
that run without human interaction or awareness. In this new world of
“things” talking to “things”, management and security is more challenging
and more important than ever.
the evolution of business mobility.
the Internet of Things goes mainstream.
from hub and spoke to massive mesh networks.
more everything
more devices.
more diversity.
more networks.
more protocols.
more machine to machine.

bringing it all together.

top five considerations for managing the IoT.
security is more important than ever.
IoT in the Air.
SOTI secures and manages the IoT (UEM).
the evolution of business mobility.

3rd Wave
Unified Endpoint Management (UEM)
Endpoints, People & Processes

Enterprise mobility has changed significantly over the last decade. 2nd Wave
A few years ago companies were focused on deploying mobile Enterprise Mobility
Management (EMM)
devices to their workers to facilitate basic voice communication. App & Content
Then, as smartphones were introduced and device capabilities grew,
mobile applications and content became more important. Companies
recognized that the smartphone was a viable application platform
that could be integrated into business workflows to enhance worker MDM
productivity from any location. Now with the arrival of the Internet
1st Wave
of Things, the market is changing yet again. In a few years, we Mobile Device
can expect to see billions of new devices, “things,” and endpoints Management
(MDM) Device
connected together transferring Exabytes of data to each other and
to back-end systems.

the Internet of Things
goes mainstream.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is not new. The concept was

first introduced in 1999 by Kevin Ashton. He foresaw a
future with massive numbers of connected sensors, devices
and endpoints. These devices would be everywhere; in our
home, our place of work and where we shop and eat.

The IoT is very different from the internet that we are used
to – the Internet of People (IoP). The IoP uses a PC, tablet
or smartphone running an application that connects to a
remote server to get something done. Browsing the web,
sending email, shopping online and watching Netflix are
common examples of the Internet of People. Over the
years, many new applications and even whole application
categories have been launched, but the basic query/
response paradigm of the IoP, and its hub and spoke
topology have not changed.

from hub and spoke to
massive mesh networks.

The Internet of Things is very different. It is vast networks of

devices, endpoints, sensors, controllers and systems. In the
era of IoT, systems of endpoints and computers can sense
for themselves and use analytics and business intelligence
to respond faster and better than a human. The reactions
and adjustments will happen without any human
intervention, and often without any human awareness.

The idea of complex networks of sensors and devices

operating autonomously is also not new. Smart and
dumb devices (aka “things”) have been used in industrial
automation and process control for decades. The ‘Industrial
Internet’ uses devices that range from tiny, single-purpose
sensors and pumps to large, complicated systems such as
AGVs and robotics. The devices connect, communicate their
status and transfer data to each other, and to controllers
using standardized messaging protocols. The IoT functions
almost exactly the same, but at a much larger scale and
wider scope. Millions of devices, endpoints and systems
connected together to deliver an automated solution.

more everything - more devices.

It is only within the last few years that the IoT has entered
the mainstream and received fervent media attention
and public awareness. Industry experts agree that the IoT
is going to grow exponentially over the next few years.
They project that by 2020, in addition to 7.3 billion mobile
devices (smartphones and tablets) there will be over 26.5
billion connected IoT endpoints. Some analysts even claim IoT
there will be as many as 100 billion connected endpoints 26 billion
within that timeframe. Within a few years there will be 10
to 100 times more “things” using the internet than people.

Billion connected
26 IoT
5 billion

Mobile Devices
3 billion

Mobile Devices
7.3 billion


IoT endpoints by 2020*

Source: Gartner 2013

more everything - more diversity.

The IoT will see a lot of connected devices,

endpoints and “things” with a diverse range of
capabilities. Simple “things” like wireless sensors
for temperature, pressure, light and motion;
more complicated devices like digital signs, BLE
beacons and wearables; all the way up to complex
systems like robots, connected cars and drones.
In the future, connected cars and autonomous drones
will be as common as the microwave in your kitchen.

Think about your smartphone – even devices from

different manufacturers have very similar features
and functionality. They include screens, speakers,
microphones, radios (4G, Wifi Bluetooth, NFC),
batteries, cameras, and storage that work together
to run apps, send messages, browse the web, etc.
Now compare the features and functions of your
smartphone with a temperature sensor, or an
industrial robot – not very similar.

more everything - more networks.

The IoT will also see increased complexity in the area 5G

of wireless communications. Over the last several years, range
we have connected to the Internet of People via WiFi
and cellular (2G, 3G & 4G). These wireless wide area
network (WAN) protocols offer the best range, data
throughput and power consumption for the everyday *IEEE
use of smartphones and tablets. However, most of
the new IoT endpoints require ‘IoT-Ready’ network v5
technologies that are optimized for low power devices
that need to operate for years without replacing the
battery. Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE), Bluetooth 5.0, and new
network technologies based on the IEEE 802.15.4
standard have been designed for constrained devices,
smaller payloads and relatively short range networking.

IoT Ready

data rate

more everything - more protocols.


In addition to new networking technologies,
the IoT is seeing an explosion of new standards
and messaging protocols optimized for constrained
devices and networks. They produce a much smaller
data overhead; tens of bytes as opposed to the hundreds
or thousands of bytes used for conventional web application
traffic via HTTP(s), DASH and SMTP/POP/IMAP etc. DDS
It is likely (hopeful) that over the next few years, there
will be some consolidation or attrition of IoT standards.
However, in the interim, some of the most popular
protocols to investigate are:

• MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport)

• CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) AMQP
• LWM2M (Lightweight Machine to Machine)
• XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol)

DDS (Data-Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems)
AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol)
• SMQ (Simple Message Queue)

* Click icons for more information

more everything - more machine to machine.

One to One One to Many Many to Many

Presentation, speech, Social media,

The Internet of People was mostly Normal conversation,
broadcast, webinar, article, commodities, trading,
hub and spoke connections, or a star email, chat, SMS
Person to Person (P2P) RSS, blog, surveys/polls cocktail party, torrents
topology, where many clients connected
to one functional server which could
comprise numerous physical servers. MMO/Coop games, creating
Games, geo-fencing, e-voting,
The IoT will see many more endpoints software and applications,
personal alarms/alerts search engines, Netflix
connected to each other point to point Person to Machine (P2M) security alarms

and in a mesh. Each device, endpoint or

IoT Ready
“thing” will communicate; one to one, Thermostat/boiler, sensor/ Smart garbage cans to
Automatic security Smart garbage cans to
one to many and many to many, and they pump, ie. continuous smart garbage trucks,
lockdown, nuclear reactor smart garbage trucks,
will communicate machine to machine, glucometer and automated anemometer, report wind
scram anemometer, report wind
Machine to Machine (M2M) insulin pump conditions to airplaines
machine to person or person to person. conditions to airplaine

bringing it all together.

When business mobility consisted of rugged devices and

smartphones, device management was easy. Standards
were mature and the variability between different phones
and operating systems was manageable. Now with the
arrival of the IoT, companies are going to be deploying
thousands, or tens of thousands of diverse devices and
endpoints. They will connect over different types of
networks, using different messaging protocols, and the
majority of connections in the IoT will be machine to
machine – the data will never reach a human.

top five considerations for managing the IoT.

Even for IT professionals, the IoT can be a bit intimidating. It is going to be bigger,
more complex and complicated than the internet that they are used to. The IoT is
creating new challenges around scale, interoperability, security and management.

What are the most important issues that companies need to consider when planning
for the IoT?

1. Economies of scale should apply – managing ten thousand devices should

be just as easy as managing ten devices.

2. Device diversity is an opportunity, not a challenge – Embrace the new

devices and endpoints as they offer the potential to transform your business.

3. Security by design – Consider the potential risks of your IoT deployment

during the initial stages – plan for the worst and hope for the best.

4. Avoid proprietary ecosystems – Open standards are not always better,

but consider the long-term ramifications of locking-in to a closed ecosystem.

5. Future-proof your investment – The IoT is just taking off and new
standards and protocols are showing up every month. Don’t be left behind.

The IoT has the potential to change the way your business works. You need to
embrace this change, because if you don’t, your competitors certainly will.

security is more important than ever.
Over the next few years, as the IoT explodes and new devices and endpoints enter the marketplace, security becomes more important than
ever. The scope and potential of the IoT will see millions of new endpoints being used in business. Unfortunately, for many of these new
devices security was not a consideration during their design and is only being considered reactively as issues are identified in the field.

Wearable devices and smart watches Increasingly, non-secure IoT endpoints

with accelerometers and gyroscopes are being hacked and co-opted as bot-nets
can be blue-jacked and hand/arm in Tera bps DDoS attacks against internet
movement analyzed to detect door and infrastructure companies, security organizations
ATM PIN codes at almost 80% accuracy. and key government services.

A popular smart thermostat has been The FBI has sent out a warning that motor
found to be rootable and hackable; vehicles are increasingly vulnerable to remote
easily becoming a client on a botnet. exploits. Using on-board wireless, Bluetooth or
Equally as disturbing, configuration WiFi, researchers were able to hack into vehicle
information, usage statistics and electronic control units (ECU) and manipulate
location information is transmitted the vehicle remotely, including shutting down
in the clear to the company’s cloud, the engine, disabling the brakes or overriding
telling someone where you live and the steering.
when you go on vacation.

Use mPOS to make
food, beverage and
duty-free sales

Pilot navigation
and flight itinerary

Monitor equipment
sensors and indicators
on airplane
Track and identify luggage
Dispatch and locate
and cargo location in real-time.
autonomous luggage/cargo vehicle

Track flight data

and performance
for refueling

Remote check-in and Track staff and Automate ground

predictive customer personnel movements navigation and
service around facility equipment status

Expedite maintenance at the gate

using augmented reality

IoT in the air.

Many industries have embraced the potential of the IoT, and none more so than the
airlines. They are integrating mobile devices and endpoint into their workflows to
improve customer service, streamline operations, and reduce costs.
SOTI secures
and manages the IoT.

As a pioneer in the Mobile Device Management (MDM) industry, SOTI managed companies special
purpose mobile devices before smartphones were even introduced. Then as mobile application
and content became more important, SOTI expanded their solution to deliver Enterprise Mobility
Management (EMM) – to secure and manage all of these important enterprise assets. Now, SOTI
is leading the way to Unified Endpoint Management (UEM); securing and managing all of the new
devices, endpoints and things that are arriving with the IoT.

SOTI is committed to making your adoption of the IoT as painless as possible. SOTI’s R&D is focused
on understanding the IoT and how it impacts our customers now, and in the future. We make it easy
for companies to use the IoT to transform your business and create endless possibilities.

the IoT requires Unified
Endpoint Management (UEM).

SOTI has managed mobility for two decades.

SOTI managed purpose built mobile devices before smartphones were introduced, and now we are leading the way to
UEM. Mobile devices, IoT endpoints and connected peripherals empower workers and allow the company to transform their
business and create endless possibilities. SOTI is uniquely positioned to secure and manage the company’s mobile devices
and IoT endpoints to empower employees and streamline operations.

170+ Countries
2000+ Partners
16k+ Enterprise Customers
20+ years Experience Managing Mobility
of Devices Managed

Copyright 2016© SOTI Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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