Mathematical Association of America

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Problems and Solutions

Source: The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 118, No. 3 (March 2011), pp. 275-282
Published by: Mathematical Association of America
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Accessed: 31/03/2013 13:21

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Edited by Gerald A. Edgar, Doug Hensley, Douglas B. West
with the collaboration of Mike Bennett, Itshak Borosh, Paul Bracken, Ezra A. Brown,
Randall Dougherty, Tamás Erdélyi, Zachary Franco, Christian Friesen, Ira M. Ges-
sel, László Lipták, Frederick W. Luttmann, Vania Mascioni, Frank B. Miles, Bog-
dan Petrenko, Richard Pfiefer, Cecil C. Rousseau, Leonard Smiley, Kenneth Stolarsky,
Richard Stong, Walter Stromquist, Daniel Ullman, Charles Vanden Eynden, Sam Van-
dervelde, and Fuzhen Zhang.

Proposed problems and solutions should be sent in duplicate to the MONTHLY

problems address on the back of the title page. Submitted solutions should arrive
at that address before July 31, 2011. Additional information, such as general-
izations and references, is welcome. The problem number and the solver’s name
and address should appear on each solution. An asterisk (*) after the number of
a problem or a part of a problem indicates that no solution is currently available.

11558. Proposed by Andrew McFarland, Płock, Poland. Given four concentric circles,
find a necessary and sufficient condition that there be a rectangle with one corner on
each circle.
11559. Proposed by Michel Bataille, Rouen, France. For positive p and x ∈ (0, 1),
define the sequence hxn i by x0 = 1, x1 = x, and, for n ≥ 1,
pxn−1 xn + (1 − p)xn2
xn+1 = .
(1 + p)xn−1 − pxn
Find positive real numbers α, β such that limn→∞ n α xn = β.
11560. Proposed by Gregory Galperin, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL, and
Yury Ionin, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI.
(a) The diagonals of a convex pentagon P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 divide it into 11 regions, of which
10 are triangular. Of these 10, five have two vertices on the diagonal P0 P2 . Prove that if
each of these has rational area, then the other five triangles, and the original pentagon,
all have rational areas.
(b) Let P0 , P1 , . . . , Pn−1 , n ≥ 5 be points in the plane. Suppose no three are collinear,
and, interpreting indices on Pk as periodic modulo n, suppose that for all k, Pk−1 Pk+1
is not parallel to Pk Pk+2 . Let Q k be the intersection of Pk−1 Pk+1 with Pk Pk+2 . Let αk
be the area of triangle Pk Q k Pk+1 , and let βk be the area of triangle Pk+1 Q k Q k+1 . For
0 ≤ j ≤ 2n − 1, let
α j/2 , if j is even;
γj =
β( j−1)/2 , if j is odd.

Interpreting indices on γ j as periodic modulo 2n, find the least m such that if m con-
secutive γ j are rational, then all are rational.


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11561. Proposed by Cezar Lupu (student), University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Roma-
nia. Let f 1 , . . . , f n be continuous real valued functions on [0, 1], none identically zero,
such that 0 f i (x) f j (x) d x = 0 if i 6 = j. Prove that
n Z 1 n Z 1
f k (x) d x ≥ n
2 n
f k (x) d x ,
k=1 0 k=1 0

n Z n Z
X 1 X 1
f k2 (x) d x ≥ f k (x) d x , and
k=1 0 k=1 0
f k2 (x) d x
2 ≥ n .
0 2
0 k
f (x) d x

11562. Proposed by Pál Péter Dályay, Szeged, Hungary. For positive a, b, c, and z,
let 9a,b,c (z) = 0((za + b + c)/(z + 2)), where 0 denotes the gamma function. Show
that 9a,b,c (z)9b,c,a (z)9c,a,b (z) is increasing in z for z ≥ 1.
11563. Proposed by Vlad Matei (student), University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Roma-
nia. For each integer k ≥ 2, find all nonconstant f in Z[x] such that for every prime
p, f ( p) has no nontrivial kth-power divisor.


Explaining a Polynomial
11403 [2008, 949]. Proposed by Yaming Yu, University of California–Irvine, Irvine,
CA. Let n be an integer greater than 1, and let f n be the polynomial given by
n   i−1
X n Y
f n (x) = (−x)n−i (x + j).
i j=0

Find the degree of f n .

Solution by Nicolás Caro, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and independently by Cos-
min Pohoata, Tudor Vianu National College, Bucharest, Romania. The degree of f n
is bn/2c. This follows immediately from the stronger statement that the coefficient of
x r in f n (x) is the number of derangements of [n] with r cycles, since each cycle must
have at least two elements. Here [n] = {1, . . . , n}, and a derangement is a permutation
with no fixed points.
Let c(n, k) be the number of permutations of [n] with k cycles (the unsigned Stirling
number of the first kind). The well-known generating function for these numbers is
given by nk=1 c(n, k)x k = n−1 j=0 (x + j) (provable in many ways, including induction
on n). Thus
n   i n   n−`
n n
f n (x) = (−x) n−i k
c(i, k)x = c(n − `, k)x k
i k=1 `=0
` k=0
n   n n X r  
n ` n
(−1)` c(n −`, r −`)x r .
= (−1) r
c(n −`, r −`)x =
` r =` r =0 `=0


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The coefficient of x r in this expression is precisely the inclusion-exclusion formula
to count permutations with r orbits that have no fixed points. The universe is the set
of permutations with r orbits, and the ith of the n sets to be avoided is the set of
permutations in which element i is a fixed point.
Editorial comment. Let d(n, r ) be the number of derangements of [n] with r cycles.
The fact that the coefficient of x r in f n (x) is d(n, r ) can also be proved by induction
on n using Pascal’s formula and the recurrence d(n, r ) = (n − 1)[d(n − 2, r − 1) +
d(n − 1, r )].
O. P. Lossers (and others) gave a short proof of the degree statement by observ-
ing that f n (x) is the nth derivative (with respect to t) of the product e−t x (1 − t)−x ,
evaluated at t = 0.
This polynomial appears explicitly in An Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis,
chapter 4 section 4, pp. 72–74 by Riordan (Wiley, 1958). It is also mentioned in Ad-
vanced Combinatorics, chapter VI, section 6.7, p. 256, by Comtet (Reidel, 1974) with
some references to previous non-combinatorial appearances in articles by Tricomi and
Also solved by T. Amdeberhan & S. B. Ekhad, R. Bagby, D. Beckwith, R. Chapman (U.K.), P. Corn,
P. P. Dályay (Hungary), O. Geupel (Germany), D. Grinberg, J. Grivaux (France), S. J. Herschkorn, E. Hys-
nelaj (Australia) & E. Bojaxhiu (Albania), D. E. Knuth, O. Kouba (Syria), J. H. Lindsey II, O. P. Lossers
(Netherlands), Á. Plaza & S. Falcón (Spain), M. A. Prasad (India), R. Pratt, O. G. Ruehr, B. Schmuland
(Canada), A. Stadler (Switzerland), J. H. Steelman, R. Stong, R. Tauraso (Italy), M. Tetiva (Romania), BSI
Problems Group (Germany), GCHQ Problem Solving Group (U.K.), Microsoft Research Problems Group,
NSA Problems Group, and the proposer.

Mean Inequalities
11434 [2009, 463]. Proposed by Slavko Simic, Mathematical Institute SANU, Bel-
grade, Serbia. Fix n ∈ N with n ≥ 2. Let x1 , . . . , xn be distinct real numbers, and
let p1 , . . . , pn be positive numbers summing to 1. Let
Pn 3
Pn 3
k=1 pk x k − k=1 pk x k
S = P
n 2
Pn 2  .
3 p
k=1 k kx − p x
k=1 k k

Show that min{x1 , . . . , xn } ≤ S ≤ max{x1 , . . . , xn }.

Solution by Jim Simons, Cheltenham, U.K. Consider a probability distribution on the
real line that takes value x j with probability p j for 1 ≤ j ≤ n. Write µi0 for the ith
moment about 0 and µi for the ith moment about the mean µ01 . Now

µ03 − µ01 3 µ3 + 3µ01 µ2 µ3

S= = = µ01 + .
3(µ02 − µ01 2 ) 3µ2 3µ2
From this we obtain inequalities stronger than those proposed:
1 2 1 2
min{x1 , . . . , xn } + µ01 ≤ S ≤ max{x1 , . . . , xn } + µ01 .
3 3 3 3

Also solved by R. Bagby, R. Chapman (U.K.), M. P. Cohen, W. J. Cowieson, P. P. Dályay (Hungary), H. Deh-
ghan (Iran), P. J. Fitzsimmons, D. Grinberg, E. A. Herman, T. Konstantopoulos (U.K.), O. Kouba (Syria), J. H.
Lindsey II, O. P. Lossers (Netherlands), J. Posch, K. Schilling, B. Schmuland (Canada), R. Stong, M. Tetiva
(Romania), B. Tomper, BSI Problems Group (Germany), GCHQ Problem Solving Group (U.K.), Microsoft
Research Problems Group, and the proposer.


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A Circumradius Equation
11443 [2009, 548]. Proposed by Eugen Ionascu, Columbus State University, Colum-
bus, GA. Consider a triangle ABC with circumcenter O and circumradius R. Denote
the distances from O to the sides AB, BC, CA, respectively, by x, y, z. Show that if
ABC is acute then R 3 − (x 2 + y 2 + z 2 )R = 2x yz, and (x 2 + y 2 + z 2 )R − R 3 = 2x yz
Solution by Philip Benjamin, Berkeley College,Woodland Park, NJ. We first prove the

1 − cos2 A + cos2 B + cos2 C = 2 cos A cos B cos C.


Indeed, C = π − (A + B), so cos C = − cos(A + B) = sin A sin B − cos A cos B.

Isolating sin A sin B and squaring yields cos2 A cos2 B + 2 cos A cos B cos C +
cos2 C = sin2 A sin2 B = 1 − cos2 A − cos2 B + cos2 A cos2 B. This simplifies to
Let the side lengths a, b, and c be opposite angles A, B, and C, respectively, so
a/ sin A = b/ sin B = c/ sin C = 2R. The perpendicular from O to side AB bisects
AB, so we have a right triangle with side lengths x, c/2, and R. Since c = 2R sin C,
we conclude that x = R|cos C|. Similarly y = R|cos A| and z = R|cos B|. If 4ABC is
acute, then the three cosines are positive, so multiplying (∗) by R 3 produces the desired
result. Otherwise, say angle C is right or obtuse. Now x = −R cos C and the other two
cosines are positive. Again, multiplying (∗) by R 3 produces the desired result.
Editorial comment. A similar problem was proposed in Crux Mathematicorum with
Mathematical Mayhem, December, 2008, Problem 3395.
Also solved by A. Alt, H. Bailey, M. Bataille (France), D. Beckwith, R. Chapman (U.K.), L. Csete (Hungary),
C. Curtis, P. P. Dályay (Hungary), P. De (India), D. Fleischman, V. V. Garcı́a (Spain), M. Garner & J. Zacharias,
O. Geupel (Germany), M. Goldenberg & M. Kaplan, M. R. Gopal, D. Gove, J.-P. Grivaux (France), L. Herot,
J. G. Heuver (Canada), E. Hysnelaj (Australia) & E. Bojaxhiu (Germany), Y. K. Jeon (Korea), G. A. Kandall,
Y. H. Kim (Korea), L. R. King, B. Klotzsche, T. Konstantopoulos (U.K.), O. Kouba (Syria), K.-W. Lau (China),
J. C. Linders (Netherlands), J. H. Lindsey II, O. P. Lossers (Netherlands), J. McHugh, J. Minkus, J. H. Nieto
(Venezuela), P. Nüesch (Switzerland), J. Oelschlager, M. Omarjee (France), J. Posch, C. R. & S. Selvaraj, R. A.
Simon (Chile), J. Simons (U.K.), R. Stong, M. Tetiva (Romania), B. Tomper, Z. Vörös (Hungary), M. Vowe
(Switzerland), H. Widmer (Switzerland), S. Xiao (Canada), Con Amore Problem Group (Denmark), GCHQ
Problem Solving Group (U.K.), NSA Problems Group, and the proposer.

11449 [2009, 647]. Proposed by Michel Bataille, Rouen, France. (corrected) Find the
maximum and minimum values of
(a 3 + b3 + c3 )2
(b2 + c2 )(c2 + a 2 )(a 2 + b2 )
given that a + b ≥ c > 0, b + c ≥ a > 0, and c + a ≥ b > 0.
Solution by Jim Simons, Cheltenham, U.K. Call this big expression X . Since X is
homogeneous, we may assume a 2 + b2 + c2 = 1. The feasible region then consists
of a triangular patch on the positive octant of the unit sphere, excluding the ver-
tices (where one of a, b, c is zero), but including the interiors of the sides (where
two of a, b, c are equal). Using spherical polar coordinates, we may set (a, b, c) =


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(cos α, sin α cos θ, sin α sin θ), where, since a, b, c are positive, θ is uniquely deter-
mined and 0 < θ < π/2. Now

cos3 α + sin3 α(cos3 θ + sin3 θ )
sin2 α cos2 α + sin2 α sin2 θ cos2 α + sin2 α cos2 θ

cos3 α + sin3 α(cos3 θ + sin3 θ )
= .
sin2 α cos4 α + cos2 α sin2 α + sin4 α sin2 θ cos2 θ

If f (θ ) = cos3 θ + sin3 θ , then f 0 (θ) = 3 cos θ sin θ (sin θ − cos θ ). In the feasible re-
gion for θ , this is positive for θ > π/4 and negative for θ < π/4. Thus f , and with
it, the numerator of X for fixed α, is less at θ = π/4 than at any other feasible θ .
Similarly, if g(θ) = sin2 θ cos2 θ , g, and with it, the denominator of X for fixed α, is
increasing in θ for θ < π/4 and decreasing in θ for θ > π/4. Thus X is, for fixed α,
smallest at θ = π/4, and greatest at an edge of the feasible region. By symmetry, the
minimum value of X is 9/8, attained when a = b = c.
From the foregoing, the maximum value of X on the closure of the feasible re-
gion occurs at a point where, with respect to any translation into spherical coordi-
nates, θ is extremal. The only such points are the corners of the region. At (a, b, c) =
(2−1/2 , 2−1/2 , 0), X = 2. However, this maximum is not attained because these corners
are not in the feasible region.

Also solved by R. Agnew, A. Alt, R. Bagby, D. Beckwith, H. Caerols & R. Pellicer (Chile), R. Chapman
(U.K.), H. Chen, C. Curtis, Y. Dumont (France), D. Fleischman, J.-P. Grivaux (France), E. A. Herman, F.
Holland (Ireland), T. Konstantopoulos (U.K.), O. Kouba (Syria), A. Lenskold, J. H. Lindsey II, P. Perfetti
(Italy), N. C. Singer, R. Stong, T. Tam, R. Tauraso (Italy), M. Tetiva (Romania), E. I. Verriest, Z. Vörös
(Hungary), S. Wagon, G. D. White, GCHQ Problem Solving Group (U.K.), Microsoft Research Problems
Group, and the proposer.

Max Min Coordinate Difference

11450 [2009, 647]. Proposed by Cosmin Pohoata (student), National College “Tudor
Vianu,” Bucharest, Romania. Let A be the unit ball in Rn . Find
min ai − a j .

a∈A 1≤i< j≤n

Solution by Omran Kouba, Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology,
Damascus, Syria. Let Mn denote the desired maximum. p It is implicit in the statement
of the problem that n ≥ 2. We show that Mn = 12/(n(n 2 − 1)).
Let (a1 , . . . , an ) be an element of A at which the maximum is achieved, and
let Mn = min{|ai − a j | : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n}. There is a permutation σ of the set
{1, 2, . . . , n} such that aσ (1) ≤ aσ (2) ≤ · · · ≤ aσ (n) . Write for simplicity b j = aσ ( j) .
For j > i, we then have

b j − bi = (bk − bk−1 ) ≥ ( j − i)Mn .


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From this we conclude that |b j − bi | ≥ | j − i| Mn for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n. Therefore
Mn2 ( j − i)2 ≤ (b j − bi )2 = (a j − ai )2
1≤i, j≤n 1≤i, j≤n 1≤i, j≤n
= (a 2j + ai2 − 2ai a j )
1≤i, j≤n

n n
≤ 2n ak2 − 2 ak ≤ 2n,
k=1 k=1

ak2 ≤ 1 when (a1 , . . . , an ) ∈ A. On the other hand,

since k=1

n n
X X X n 2 (n 2 − 1)
( j − i) = 2n
2 2
k −2 k = .
1≤i, j≤n k=1 k=1
It follows that Mn2 ≤ 12/(n(n 2 − 1)), so Mn ≤ 12/(n(n 2 − 1)).
Conversely, if we consider (a1(0) , a2(0) , . . . , an(0 ) defined by
(0) 12 n+1
ak = k− , k = 1, 2, . . . , n,
n(n 2 − 1) 2

then (a1(0) , . . . , an(0) ) ∈ A and

min ai(0) − a (0) .

1≤i< j≤n n(n 2 − 1)
Thus Mn ≥ 12/(n(n 2 − 1)).
Editorial comment. Marian Tetiva (Romania) notes that a stronger form of this prob-
lem appeared as Problem E2032, this M ONTHLY 76 (1969) 691–692, proposed by
D. S. Mitrinović. See also Problem 3.9.9 in Mitrinović, Analytic Inequalities (Springer-
Verlag, 1970).
Also solved by A. Alt, R. F. de Andrade, M. R. Avidon, R. Bagby, D. Beckwith, J. Cade, R. Chapman (U.K.),
L. Comerford, W. J. Cowieson, P. P. Dályay (Hungary), A. Fielbaum (Chile), D. Fleischman, O. Geupel (Ger-
many), J.-P. Grivaux (France), E. A. Herman, A. Ilić (Serbia), T. Konstantopoulos (U.K.), J. Kuplinsky, J. H.
Lindsey II, O. P. Lossers (Netherlands), M. D. Meyerson, D. Ray, K. Schilling, B. Schmuland (Canada), J.
Simons (U.K.), R. Stong, M. Tetiva (Romania), E. I. Verriest, GCHQ Problem Solving Group (U.K.), NSA
Problems Group, and the proposer.

A Cauchy–Schwarz Puzzle
11458 [2009, 747]. Proposed by Cezar Lupu (student), University of Bucharest,
Bucharest, Romania, and Vicenţiu Rădulescu, Institute of Mathematics “Simon Stoi-
low” of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania. Let a1 , . . . , an be nonnegative
and let r be a positive integer. Show that
 2
X i r j r ai a j X n X i r j r k r ai a j ak
  ≤ m r −1 am .
1≤i, j≤n
i + j −1 m=1 1≤i, j,k≤n
i + j +k−2


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Solution by Francisco Vial,
Pn student, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santi-
ago, Chile. Let f (x) := i=1 i r ai x i−1 , so
Z 1 n
f (x) d x = m r −1 am ,
0 m=1
 
Z 1 Z 1 X X i r j r ai a j
f 2 (x) d x =  i r j r ai a j x i+ j−2  d x = , and
0 0 1≤i, j≤n 1≤i, j≤n
i + j −1
 
1 1
i r j r k r ai a j ak
f 3 (x) d x =  i r j r k r ai a j ak x i+ j+k−3  d x = .
0 0 1≤i, j,k≤n 1≤i, j,k≤n
i + j +k−2

The stated inequality is equivalent to

Z 1 2 Z 1  Z 1 
f 2 (x) d x ≤ f (x) d x f 3 (x) d x ,
0 0 0

which follows by applying the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality to f (x)1/2 and f (x)3/2 .

Remarks. Because a1 , . . . , an are nonnegative, f (x) is nonnegative and continuous
on [0, 1], so f (x)1/2 and f (x)3/2 are real and well defined. The parameter r need not
be an integer.
Also solved by M. R. Avidon, R. Chapman (U.K.), P. P. Dályay (Hungary), D. Grinberg, O. Kouba (Syria), O. P.
Lossers (Netherlands), J. Simons (U.K.), R. Stong, GCHQ Problem Solving Group (U.K.), and the proposers.

An Orthocenter Inequality
11461 [2009, 844]. Proposed by Panagiote Ligouras, Leonardo da Vinci High School,
Noci, Italy. Let a, b, and c be the lengths of the sides opposite vertices A, B, and C of
an acute triangle. Let H be the orthocenter. Let da be the distance from H to side BC,
and similarly for db and dc . Show that
1 2 3 1 1 1
≥ √ +√ +√ .
da + db + dc 3 abc bc ca ab

Solution by Michael Vowe, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Muttenz, Switzerland.

Let R be the circumradius, r the inradius, F the area, and s the semiperimeter. From
da = 2R cos B cos C, db = 2R cos C cos A, dc = 2R cos A cos B, we obtain
da + db + dc = 2R cos A cos B + cos B cos C + cos C cos A ≤ 2r 1 +
(see 6.10, p. 181, in D. Mitrinovic et al., Recent Advances in Geometric Inequalities,
Dordrecht, 1989). From Jensen’s inequality for concave functions (here, the square
root), we have
s   r
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6s
√ +√ +√ ≤3· + + = .
ab bc ca 3 ab bc ca abc


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From abc = 4R F = 4Rr s and s 2 ≥ 27r 2 (6.1, p. 180, ibid.) we get
  1/4 √ !1/4
2 3 1 1 1 2 3 6s
√ +√ +√ ≤
3 abc bc ca ab 3 (abc)3/2
√ !1/4
2 3 6 1 23/8 1 1
≤ · √ = · 3/8 · 5/8 .
3 (4Rr ) 3/2
3 3r 3 R r

Thus it suffices to prove

1 23/8 1 1
 r  ≥ · 3/8 · 5/8 .
2r 1 + 3 R r
Writing x = r/R, this means we must prove x 3/8 (1 + x) ≤ 3/(2 · 23/8 ) for 0 < x ≤
1/2. The function f (x) = x 3/8 (1 + x) is increasing on [0, 1/2], though, and we are
Equality holds only if x = 1/2, or equivalently, R = 2r , which makes the triangle
Also solved by P. P. Dályay (Hungary), O. Faynshteyn (Germany), K.-W. Lau (China), C. R. Pranesachar (In-
dia), R. Stong, GCHQ Problem Solving Group (U.K.), Microsoft Research Problems Group, and the proposer.

An Erroneous Claim
11465 [2009, 845]. Proposed by Pantelimon George Popescu, Polytechnic University
of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, and José Luis Dı́az-Barrero, Polytechnic University
of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain. Consider three simple closed curves in the plane, of
lengths p1 , p2 , and p3 , enclosing areas A1 , A2 , and A3 , respectively. Show that if
p3 = p1 + p2 and A3 = A1 + A2 , then 8π A3 ≤ p32 .
Solution by the Texas State University Problem Solvers Group, San Marcos, TX. The
problem as stated is false. Consider the following counterexample. Let the first curve
be a square of side 1, so p1 = 4 and A1 = 1. Let the second curve be a square √ with
p2 = 40 and√A2 = 100. Let the third curve be a rectangle with sides 11 + 2 5 and
101/(11 + 2 5 ) so that p3 = 44 and A3 = 101. These three curves fulfill the require-
ments of the problem, and yet 8π A3 > p32 .
Let us incorporate the additional requirement that p12 + p22 = 2 p1 p2 . Then the re-
quired inequality can be proved as follows. The isoperimetric inequality applied to any
of the curves is
 p 2
Ai ≤ π ,

and thus 4π Ai ≤ pi2 . Therefore
4π A3 = 4π A1 + 4π A2 ≤ p12 + p22 .
With the newly-added condition we get
8π A3 = 8π A1 + 8π A2 ≤ 2 p12 + 2 p22 = p12 + p22 + 2 p1 p2 = ( p1 + p2 )2 = p32 .

Also solved by G. Apostolopoulos (Greece), R. Bagby, B. Burdick, R. Chapman (U.K.), W. J. Cowieson, P. P.

Dályay (Hungary), J.-P. Grivaux (France), K. Hanes, J. H. Lindsey II, M. D. Meyerson, J. Minkus, J. Simons
(U.K.), R. Stong, and the Microsoft Research Problems Group.


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