Blandford, Colour Series Tanks Other AFVs 1900-18 (1970) OCR 9.00 PDF

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Tanks wd Other Annourcd Fighting Vehicles
1900 18
Mechanised Warfare in Colour

and other
Armoured Fighting Vehicles
1900 to 1918


iIlU$tT:ltc:d hy
Nomun Oinnage

Abn Hallicby
Tony Mitchdl
AIkn ........

The drawings in this book arc ~ as the ~y Jimilu Ikiti~ u n"" an
fu IS potsible on COIltcmponry infor- also be COIlmUcd with typkal Frmch
Copyright C 1910 Bbndford Ptaa Lcd. and Gemun vehkh
mation. The eoIoun. ho~, depend
167 High J-101bom, LondonWelV 6rH on such meagre wrinen (xo IS eDsc: DO The author wisha 10 record bit
colour photographs arc of coone Inil- dunks to all h.iI mmy friends who
ISBN 07117 0700 1 wen
able-. arid paintings as an: rcknnl
(:II1UOI I" _. -prily be ~t«d to be
$hue hi! intm::K in the !tUtory of
armoured vehkks and wbo. over Ihe
aa:unle. 'Sundud' colour schc:1ikS did ~ luve greatly mricbcd hi! know.
~ in some ooontriet bul it is cbt ledge or tbc subject.
(rom bbck.and-white ohotoRnphs In C'OM('(.tion with this pMtirulu
Uul thc:te were ~ sudy ~,a:1 volume, '1"";'1 mention should be
An right! 1'tXI'ved. No put of this book Jn3.y be teptod<JO!'d or made or CcMond Robert J. Iw, who
tranlmitt.ed in any form or by any means, ekctronk or medJ-. A JCloction of tbc V'Chidc:s abown in Ius provided belp, mOll gmerowly,
anial, including photocopying, rooording or by any infOl'lmtion the colow-cd drawin!, is abo shown in from bit enormous fund of inform~
stonge and tttti..-valI)1Ce!11. without permjssion in writing &om Cle" :lCctioful viewl. Sinuru' Motor tion on annoural vehicles.
the Publisher. War Car of 19OJ. prO\'MJcs I COIItmt Graleful thanks Irc lbo due 10 the
with the Austin of 1917-18- typical (:unlor of the Ropl Annourcd Corps
IOnoured car of the 0111 World War. TiUlk Museum II Dovinglon in Dorset
The changes in mcclunical kyout of fm his helpful (:Oo(lpcnrion.

I. T. wllrr.
London t910
For FiOlla
(4 MardI '114-1 J-I!' 7 ,"i)

CokIur JCCt>Olh printed by Colour Rqlroduction ud, Billericay

Text printed in Gmt Britain by
Richard Clay (The Chaucer Pre.) Ltd. Bungay, SuffoIlr: ,
'J'be Iqinning of the nI"mtiem cmtury Skarn vehieks. although neither wen
hal ~ tdm :as J convmknr ~":'~ buUt. Then amc the Brimh Anny
point for mit volume for Fowler arlllOUKd road tnins of 19(10.
which intrOduce the ilhHmbont in
~ically propdled arrnoUmI this book.
road vehicles were employed in .1. ~ vdtkks mounted
~tde cam~ign for the firM time in the with .1. mdine-gun were kdgncd
, rwo yun before the tum of the cmtury
year 1900- TMx nuchincr 01... Fowler
ilI'1UOUmi rwd 1ococnoI:ivu cmplored both by Frederick R. Simms in
in South Mrn fumed out to be .1. Engbnd and CoIond R. P. DaYidtocI in
cbd end in me
cbdopm(rli of the the United SUfCS. Neimer Wtte
armoured fitbling vdIide but also, at H1IXIUI"ai (exa:pt (or a shield for the
the rom or the century. the arliesl: gun) but these \ochides really fXm-
uibuted more to the IlICC1lr}' of the
....m (~ p<U~-mgIDoI ~ .
vehicles wrn bring aeat«!. al :umoured flShting uhide than did the
these were not devdoped into Iy :umoured Kc:am 1ooomorivcs. The
Irmoured vehicles until a litlle bitt. pw-vssful. and compM3tiuly npid,
The potential of rnechmiaJ power dcvdopmmt of the intenul com·
for military usc in the field _ re2liled busrion engine following iu invention
alnlQM It the birth of the "urn ~ in 1886 by Gottlieb Daimler led to its
vehide iuelf, bccautC James Cugnot adoption for fighting uhicles almost
offered his JcCOnd MeIDl carriage of to the exclusion or steam after 19QO.
1710 10 the FrtTl(h authorities at <In CoIoncl DavKlson followed up his
arlillery IndOI'. The mam vehicle pctrokngined vehicle with a compact
iuclf _ far 100 wudiablc at mis lUge ~m-driven machine-gun Q r in 190(1
for any form of locomotion, whether which gau JOme indication of wh.n
civil or miliwy. bUl tome eiglny ~ might luve been done had IlCaII1 and
bitt, Hearn merion engines were able DOt penal engines bern the nuin line of
to be put 10 usc in the Crill'lC'm War. dcvdopmcnt of road mick David-
ProbIbly the finI: ~ fightiDg 1OIl' l 190(1 vdtic:1e is DOt inc/"dnl m
Yl:hit•••-oby modem ddiniboo-to Ix bcc:a~, like the 1898 rnxhino-p1
buill W'U desigDecl in 1861 by 0wIa c:m. it _ unumouml cxa:pt for a
S. Dickiruon, .1. Confcduate Rlpponu gun .hic1d. ThB oIf'......1 _ the Itading
in the Amu k:an Civil War, and con- pioaal of t.te 61lhring vtha in tht
liMed ofa cannon mowllcd (XI .1. pardy united Stata and 'Lis Cadtllac armouml
annowed ItCmI c:aniage. 1M pKxlOtCt CU" 1915 is shown in this book.
vehicle _ apruml by the f«Iaal F. R. Simms (oI1owcd up his
(Oi oe> before it oouId be tried out in 'quadiqde' nudtitJc..gun wbicle with
act ....... An Itdi.1n enginotr in 11$4. and a fuI1y annourtd 'Motor War Car' in
no. Ie. .1. penon.agc than the K2iter 19o' I ¥thick which probably de-
Wllhc:lm in Gcrtmny in 1397. abo rival lOme of its inspiration from
both cbgncd armed and artIlOlII'Cd dnwin8' nude by E. J. Pennington
in 1896, A Ou.rron, Girardot ec Italy prodllCCO:! few eJ:peri~ta1
.1. 10 ute motor ,·chicles offensively in Fnnox. Tboc hMl I quick-rtring gun of
Voigt ImlHnnourcd automitnilkute armoured can in 1911 - U and die was the Wu:-fau IOliring can were 41-mm. calibre. The ~. (~mm.)
(machine-gun ar) Wilt nhibi~ at the: the £in( eotmtry 10 UJc a~ tnlployailO carry riflemen ;n lighm~ IUlonulic wll-6.ring gun was aho
Paris Mocor Show in 191» and thl$ fighting can in I ampaign-dul altaeU on the adVUlCllIg filled on tome UriuVl armoured can
vdaide, as well as Simm', Mocor Wu against the Tum in Libya. Gcmwt Anny. BritUh cars of the (Iwcd on comnwon:w dwsu) for anti-
Car, albKtOci the wide intcr$ of the MOIl of the e<tpu;mmtal anJlOUf'C'd Royal Nav:al Air Service aeroplane atrenfi: Ute and the RUIoSians pttrdwcd
"'" .... ho'poI ~ _ "" vdtic:1es built in the yean bmr.ttn 19(10 .quadran baxd II Dunkiri;: "'Cle uxd tome feMeigli can equipped with thh
funha dcvdopll1C'Dl of such vdJicb. :and 1\1'4 were bad on orcfuu,ry in much the same way.
The British Wu Offioe VVC no pmenger c:;u- or mnunrrriaI c::has.n and
tuppM 10 5imnu but the Frent;h thq- were, as ~~. bntdy
Doth the British and the Bdgim wc.:l::ush
utcd the
armoured can could be
~cm Fronl, as W as
vehicles lcd, within I nuttet of wecb. (XI

miliwy authorities erowur.agcd elv: road-bound or to good &rd 10 the evolution of annourtd can. climatic. conditions allowed, thr0ugh-
e.G.V. finn to build an improved surf~ The ucal for I fighting vchidc: firstly through the artxhmcnl of OUt the wu on the WCMClh fronl the
vrbide. ThD .~ in 1900&. u the which c:ouId leave the roads :and inlpiovned armour, :and tbm through opportunities for the employment of
ume rime at the Ausuo-D.timler opence uo. 57 ::oumry _ DOC entirely ,UDre caref"uny thought out designs. armoured can grew Ie. and Ie. as the
.tnnOUred Ql' buill in Vienru. Thcte overlookcd,ooneitl. The 19004 Ausuo- By o rly 191,. lurmtd vmions of Getman ad\'Ula was JuIced :and both
two fuJ}y-.1rmoured and rurrdCd ars Daimler _ lDIuswl for its time in the armouttd an had been produced. sides dUgs?Eillg ttmch s)'SCam.
must share the crcdil f« antic:ipt- Juving fow-wheeI drive, so its per_ In Fnntt, unumourcd machine-g1Dl With the ccrion of thetc fonifx:a..
ing the layout of the osmlw.: of the formance oif roads moutd h:ave been automObiles designed by Captain tions and dtuming up of roads by
armoured a t in ia commonest form for beuet dun t1ut of irs contempor.uicl.. Genlf)' were e<tperirnmted with COIUWIt anilkry bomNrdnw:nt. the
me rJt1(t lwal )'nn (and. imkcd. in Anotha approach 10 the problem W2S
some of «XU. I designs. Not all sub- typified by the acUpt:llion as In
sequent vchit were ~lIy annoured. annourcd vdUcIe of the lvel agri-
boWever-dlc Hou:hl:iss of 1909 W2S cultural tnctor-with large studded
actively from 1906 onwards and three
sur;b cars were uxd in manoeuvres in
MorOttO in '9' 0; but, lilcc the otha
OOOlbU2lIts on the W~cm front, no
whole area near the &0111 lines lxame
Il.f"gelv impamble for wlw:dcd vehicles.
The fight armoured cars were liled
liule aftet" ,he Winle!" of ' 9'4- 1"
limib r to the fint (190l) C.G,V., and whor:1s 10 give good uxrion on poor armoured cars WCf'C in French 5CfVice although the heavy Ifmoored can with
Cclond DavMison', machine-gun can sutfac::es. The Annstrong- Whitworth at the beginning of Augwc 1\1' 4- thcir gIUU oflongcr r2lIgc continued in
of 1909-10 weft armoured, at the mosc, cat of 1906 Jud a powered winch 10 During t1ut month, 1}6 armoured an Iimiud employment, but as • form of
with a gun shidd. luul itself 001 or uoubL: and !he. were ordered to be fitted With im- mobile ligbt anilkry !\lither than in
~ early fighting vehicles wtte French 0wT0n of 19004 carried provDed armour---hlinJ.:w « 1-. their original mL: of suppon 10 the
at'l'lled with noming larger dun a folding bridRe dwmds 10 embL: it 10 In Britain, mno;r.
and Belgium, a light armoured can.
mx:hme-gun but the arlic:st af'TnOUl'd crost mWl ditdn. similar policy W2S adopted of using Tboc mndirions of mtic. warfare in
vehicle with a heavier weapon. the Despice the fairly widespread and powerful automObile dwsis of smt- whkh the Ii dieb Jystenu wet'e pro-
Ehrbanlc of 1906 with a J<In. gun. quice varied I. eneb inlO &nnoured ~rd design although, in mOIl Q<c1, the lected by bubcd wire mWlgL:menrs
coincickd with the c.maJeIXIC of a new vehicles dw had been carried OIU in
fXI6I in warl'uc-dIe ainnip. Capable Europe and in the United So[CS, the
susperaion W2S found to
sumgtbming 10 take the exua
'l:d and $UppocttJ by mx:hinc-pi em-
pbccments. made infanny ."ns very
of Itf'OUDd and antHin;nfi: fire, the RIM'i,n Imperial Government W2S imposed by the armour pbce. All three cmdy in caPJalties and more om:n than
Ehrftardr _ followed by otha
countriel equipped rlM·se can with noc abortive.. 'The Bmith Anny alone
vd........ in boch Germany and the uumine-guns. and the Ftcncb and JUlferai. ova 180,ooonsuahics in 191, .
United Sute5 equipped with A. A~ IIWl.ufacturing reIOUl'CC5 "'-ere limited, 8d. although noc the Brimh, also It bcnmc: incrclsingly dear 10 many
akbough .he.... wm: DOC in tidY cue R~ ~gnnumbcn of:announ:d ~porrion 6tted with J1-mm. t1ut a new apprnach W2S required co
annoumI.. The 1909 Daimler mounted can flOrn . counrrics and W2S the _00. bceak. the IUfcma~ of ttcnc:h warfare.
with a ,;-ern. gun waJ, however, only nation 10 have I qumrity already Heavy armoured can. inlended The IdC of artillery 10 JUPPO" the
fairty wen annouted and the gun. in terVioe when the FiIK WorM:! Wu: origirully to suppou the lighl armour- advana: W2S scepped up and new
unIi1c dul of the 19015 Ehriwdt, was broke 001 in '\1'4.
apablc of aH-round tnverx. Tbc Bdguru were probably !he fint
edcm., ~oduced in 191' on rom-
rncnUJ . dwsis by Brilain and
~ for iu UIC the
barnge for example-WClt
, )

A! the: ",me rime, leveral wggcuioN A moc.-up of a big wbeel 'bncbhip' ~Ipora and both the British :and the rided by. or for.lpecifiC Army uni_
were put forward foc Ci O. oountry (Ill the armoured uo 3' country Bdg LlllS in 191$ KIll armoured car and thc!e varied very widtly in the
armoured vehicln a~ble of tra~ machines wcre known 201 in England. (orca to ",ppon their :all;.:" on the dfecivmeJI of their design and
~~broken up by.hell hI\", CIlUing
barbed. wire and auting
h«awe of dxir dcvdopmem by the
Admin.lty). with I j-fl dwneler wheek,
Eurcm front. 1bc Royal Naval
Scrvw;:e Armouml Car Division, 6 -
The dcvdoprntilt of whal ~
umd1 s)'$IeIN and 10 bcolpmg 10 pres was buill in Englmd and tome CXpffl- panckd by nuO-I91j into ninetten known as 'bncWUpI' or elilln i'_r in
Uu:oush (f ufully the II\fmrry attxk..
UN mella Wft'e carried aul in Fnntt with a active JC!..1Udrom (although JOmC \O'eR Britain and Franc:e r~:!t WCrIt
h it impottibk 10 doxidc NIUf..aonly ~wI...ekJ In(Ior. II was decided ~UlpPC'd only with motor-cyde com- dUi:~f; 191$. The wae
who lint suggeted the ida of wlut in both COUIIlria WI a big-wheel blllaoom With machine-guns), sml able 10 . in the Hoh atcrpilbr
u1dnuotety bcc::amt: the cmk, bcc:ause the \-dUde ....-as impracti(:;al. buidn being l1l1I" dunng the )"eH .1 0 Egypt. ~~ daign oftncb, and the Sdmcickr and,
concept iuclC wu vtry old, and the 'ffr'/ vulncnblc 10 artilkry fire, WCSI Mm, ~ Afnca, and bter. the ~mt cmmond vdtida both
»me buic Pf~ were. put forwud although the Rnqi.1U, who indepen- The maID eqUipment of the R.N.A.S. U$ed this type of.uspc:mion. In 8nuin,
.11 around lhc: lame lime, qUIt!: in&- dently ~ building in Illlj armoured car tqwdrons was by now on the otha lund, :although Holt
pmdmdy. lit levenl counuics. I big-wba:1 machine with S)-~ (Ot1finc<I. 10 Rolr..Ro)"tt or 1.anchc:stcr Caterpilbr lr.ICtOn Wft'e m we with
WMouI examinins the contmdmg dialUC'lCl' wheck. ...."Clli OIl to complete armoured an With tome ~abrook and, the 8nrisb Army for artillery lOWing.
cuims, it is IlIIflCimt 10 uy WI iI in 11117 wben, aiin' Icsu, il was (ound. bta , Pso:rcr-Arrow heavy armouml the WH 0fIi0= would not make ;any
olflCAl aperimmts wac .ur1Cd arty to be UIWoIWactory. can (hued. like many othcn buill by avaibbk for bndship cxpnimmtl. AI
in 191) in both rhe United Kingdom Mxhincl buill on me 'milks. ud' or (or the AIUca. on Amcric:an com- a rauh. although the Holl Caterpilbr
and in Frana, with no cxdwlge of or 'mdLm nilway' principk wcre lhe mercial cJw.iI) for more spccUlized was rcg;uded as the bc$I uxkcd
Mbs bctv;ccn thc Allies. In Englmd. other :alttm3rive (or a crm..- .,.1'1 vehide and helped 10 inspire the idt~
tbc rtitirch was undtrukm under the counlry armoured vehicle: and experi_ ~w armoured car ddigns of the of a Ch I' OOWItry armoured lighting
aegis of the Admin-IIY and followed on, ments h«amc concrnlnled on this Fin! W orld WH departed (rom vehick. other types of commm:ial
fairly naturally, from the earlier type in both Briuin and Fnncc. The (e~IUI"d already tried OIlt in civilian. tnck I~enu Iud 10 be obuintd for
development by the Royal Naval Air cndleM 100 itsel( Iud been developed privi tt: c:an or commercial ,<thielcs, and experiment-first the lingle. wide
Service of armoured an, the Ule of nu.inly in Englmd :and lhe Unlled the only really revolutionary type was Pedrails and bIer. (rom America,
which ~ btCTI curtailed by the SUttS (rom the ble el5(a1th !;millry the Siuirc-Bc:rwid: 'Wind Waggon', Killen-Strait and 8 uUod. traaon.
changed rondiliotu in F\andm. onward!:and by 1914 reached IUCh :an expctimcn~I, prope!ler-drh·en None of tbcsc: measured up to the
Mcdwaic:r.Uy the linn of rew.lrch 10 a Wlgc WI quite early in the conflict I rmoured cat. Gennany was the only pcrfomu.ncc required and led to the
prodUC% an armoured ~hick to ova· uxked machines .....ttc in we as counlry 10 make birly wide tue of deUgn of I new type of tacit by
come wire, trmc:hcl., and mxhinc-suns. anilkry tnc1orS. The bc$I of theR were armoured Cirl with (our-wheel dri'lt, Mr W T riltcn

.oon moI~ itllO tWO main f)p;:l Holt CalCrpillin-A~ih nu- :although the United Stalel did wpply Brimh bndship dcsi was by mid-
the 'Irig-wbtd' \-chide and the uacked
\"thick. For the (ormcf. wh«1s of very
china dah"ed (rom earlia Brilill!
~1m1S (or Hornsby-Ackroyd In(Ion
10 8 riuin I quanlity of Jdfcry-Qwd
4 X 4 armoured can. More common
191j (ollowing K'Ual tc: of retcardt,
although the effort was COD-
brge dimw:lCI' W(i'C ~ to Ovtt- ---and they provided al bst JClIDE of WI$ the we of dupUc:a.te drivinlffi:J cmtnted on ;an articulated vchldc,
come the rollins Ii imACe in COVt'r1ng the iN · . (or the 8ricM bndsbipl troll to (xiliu&e getting out of · t Fly in Older to achieve I fCUOIU.blc
rough ground. 10 IUffilOUDI ~1ClI
obnvln, 10 ovcrhan& wire CIlWlgk-
:and t:'d the :ICIU1I mtduoial
buD o( the FreiC I3nh and bier, the
In hodt India and Irdand, locallr-
degree cl nu.nocuvrability in narrow
roads of a nuc:hinc of the length
1I'IC2l.ts, and 10 ,void dropping Irllo German A1V. built armoured an Wft'e produced to IpCCificd and pard bec:ttue eUting:
rm.all tttnchcs. Vehicles with wbeels
p, lOme way IOwanb the size
Rc.tlDug to O)IIvmbotW (wheeled)
armoured an, the bd: of opponun;..
help deal with internal d.i.turbanas.
akbough in India they ...."tTe also tHCd in
tDCk .ystems ::J not lltis£aaorily
be cxtmdcd to the length l"aJuired. So
nqwrcd had bo:en builr in the: put tin (or their usc en the Watan Front the country ;uounci the Nortb-W(il. Wt an xtu:al machine could be bad for
--«Irnc Fowler lDCtion tnginc:l in thc gave the irottnrive to find employmml Fronder (or borda ckf"cnct. In England, practic:al cxpcrimcnts and training by
UIC ninet:emth «tuury with 14-(t. (or them ehewhac. The RUDiuu JeVttaI armoured an wae built the Royal Nn·:al Air Scrvict, ordcu
wheels, (or e:umpk. rtuu.intd the greattSt usen of this unofficially 'W"Uy with funds pro- wac given for the (OIUUUI;tion o(

• ,
WI &mOUlluci to one luI( of an any nle. they lud -.M: advantages in but I higher .peed, were intJ'O. in. Britbh tanh afta their fint use, but
micubuci Ianchhip eqUIpped with !he dUpoiilion of their armament and r~ intO British ~ ~ 1~18 and even 10 the uench-aou;ing lbility of
Bullock lrub. This InXhinc _ armour. Their CfOSI-COUntry per- wcre intmcicd for the CXploltaoon role Marks II-V without taill was uillabout
known bttr IJ 'Little Willie' , The fonnantt was in no way comparable of lupponing the Clvalry when the 10 ft. In ~rd form the Muk V-
Bullod< ~ wu-e wwwfactory and to that of the Bnmn tanks with their mariy line was h«adlaI. and V .... oouJdaoa a , ..-ft£;;:'the
were replxat with the new type of overall tracb, a ckt.!pI whid! _ Suppoctllll typeS of ua.~ . I.'?D"~~m~tty ~ M:ar:k. vm" WIt . to
~lIy deNgnod axki rd"cm:d to a :lIl1mutd from the Mark I wllh lillie vch~ inr:Uucd in variety aJ the Wit D&k a ttcoch 01 DO kM rhm .1 ft.
3bo~.....hich wen: vert lUCC'alful and v;l.Ntl(lll exorpt for inac.ucs in ova- pioww. Self,..opdled. traded wido:. However. il was Mill ~ ... Pry
widemd the scope for J design bi all hull Iength--thfOUgh luc..... jve artillery was fCp'CK'fItod by the British to provide luiliary mcaru for I3nb to
hampnW by limiulionOfl tnlCk Imgth. Marb ulltll !he end of the War. This Gun c.rriet Mark I of 19t6. Therc CfOI;I the inaasingly wider obstlcies
H.M. LandWp 'CAntipede'. 'Big policy of introducing Improvements wuc tc:vcr.U modeb of French artillery dug by the mcmy and f:ucines (bIer
Willie' at 'Mother', all the vdtiek was step by $tCp limplifted the m.aJ$ pr0- of heavy c:alibru of up 10 180 mrn. on by gills). carried by ordirury
nriomIy known. was me S"w "ful duction of ranks by Bnwn. a OOImtry IClf-projJdled uadcd anUgcs. aud British tanh • were inlrod~ to ...itt
design Wludllll(l(\Cdtd 'Utde Winie' whok induscrial a~ WD aluady expcnmallil ~~ It of lillUlar type: m this way. The bridging of ~~~;
and used the new tncb. II wu I Kmched WIth produalOn of munitions, 10 the Ftov;h wac experimented with JO ft was to be undertaken by . -
brilliant conccfKion. which ac<rpted warWps. and acmp!arJc,. British. tanh by the United Staid.. Two of the ada td bridgeb ' T anb. Muk V'frl'.
the many limiudons imposed on it by were bta JUppliai to the French. and Amcrkan S.P.C.M. are mown in this tankJ oontnbu~ 1~1y victory
the power IInil lV)ibbk and the to the United Staid Anny wben book Obeob.. III British. tanh wen: for the Allies on the WeA:cm Front-
I~ of fundamental r~rd! on Amtric:a mtertd the Wit. ronvcmd into 1UPP/Y vehicles, and the the mire of WIt for whlcb they were
=y of . . """~, ....... miliwy The Getmm ~vy tank A7V lud a Tank Mark V*, ';'bin inlfOduoed., was de4;d but ehewhcn: tbq werc
problmu CfuNlltUtd. 11Je ,J-"dgu bctta power/ weight ntio but it intended alto as a pmonnd c:urier. uxdbanlly at all, although a bandful 01
ruthbsly and reaJisriaJIy COIlCmlratai shattd many of the dHadvanuga of the 80th .the IIIPM' and pelton .... h:arrying BritiZ heavy t· nh WIt
Utc:d agaimI:
on the eMeIItial, and 'Motber', the fint Sdtnci<lcr and Wt CIwnond tanh. functiolU were (J)~utd by the tank the Turb in 1917. Experimental nnks
true Wlk, WaJ J grt:I! achievement. Its fI'O>(oor A7V/ U followed the b;t Mark IX oIt918, wbich was tprciaIIy were produced by the ItllianJ (the Fiu
'Mother' went into production in out of the British. lanb • whi designed for this . Tipo 3000 is shown here) and the
great k(locr and from this the name aprured. 1Om"e used more wW;Idy by In the apbae :rc:::lmkariom. foe R..iaM, although they were DOt Utc:d
"Tw' was nooInd for this d- of the Grmwu: rhm machinn of tbrir ronraa beh.'CUt tank. in battle and in action.

~ :::tid
6gbling vdaide, :a an IPPopiUIl: their beadquarten, the F.mch inuo- Armoured can., however, continued
&Sprion to disguise ill ttue pwpose. of light tanU the Frmda duced the Chat T.S.F._ version 01 in tne over the nuio battlc fronu.,
Unfommaldy. the advantage of IUr· Renault WaJ the only eQmple to be the Renault gun-tank equipped with although in • very limited way in thc
prUe gained _Iugdy W;5CcU bcawc produced in large numbm: it was very "db and I Wnilar purpote was West. Gernuny, by 1918, had. over a
the Tanb, Mark I were fine. uted in a IllCh bful and rcpraeltttd the majof terved by modifiarioru 10 British doun JDUII armoured ear unia ea±
minor oKensivc in Sepcembcr 1916 oonttibution to tank devdopment by Tlnks, M:ar:k.I. of two, (II' torIIt'timr mre.e. armourt'Ci
without plan, or fUOUI't'a (or oploi- Fnnce. T1:te tne of a .andard Renault T1:te at 1 ing of obtllCla was I an. About half of t.......
units were
t2Don. This was agaiJul the wishes of automobile mgU>e and ocher welHried tnljot 6aoc in the design of ~Iy all pco.ided initially ~a'% rate, with
the FIUw:h High CoIlUlUtld whose oompom:nts contn'buted to the re- FiDt W orld W ar: tanh aud length was aprurcd British, , Jtali.n or
Wlh were nor then ready for usc and liability of the Renault FT 17. The one of the most important dimcntiOllll RU$Sian armoured can and the rat
who pcriu", more fully dun the Gcmun light tanh LK I and LK n to be taken into aa:oon.l by tank were equipped with Gcnnan-buill can
W M 0If1tt realized the value of I I!UIS walt further and employed complctc <kIigocn. EvCll the 6-ton Renaul. with of the Ebrhatd. type, wIrich bad
SWp'dc atudt with the new weapon. pmmger ar dwsis but this did DOC thc aid 01 iu 'tail' oouIcI. ~ I umcb w:w::zgod 60m the earlier ICItJ at the
The French bavy wW. Schno;ida prove to be a worhble p'OfIO'ition. 6 ft 6 in. wick and the interesting moK JUitable vebide
and~inl~.p~~J~ Mtdium tanks, which weu ...... hL American cxper1iI1C1ltal Skeleton Tank. Thc RlWians made. quite cxtauive
inferior 10 the Brilim in gm~l down equivalents of the heavies, with was 1S ft Ion!, although it weighed
only8101U. Tai wha:IsWtte1bandoncd
we of armoured can. but their most
dfmivtnCU, although. thwt tlialJy at the Mme armour protection. fewer lignific:ant oontnbution to armoured
, 7
fightinJ vdUc:1e dcPgn wu tlr.e inuo- ~ManhaI Lord Ritchmcr '""
ducrioi. of smU-crackcd annourc<i can tttUinly :&lone wbco be a~
which had wrui<kr.ablc: advanugc:s. in the opinion al " dernoostnllOll of
typic:al Ruuian lemill, over ceo- ' MothH' in February 1916, WI it wu
vcnlioru.l armoured eart. but without I 'puny mcchanieal toy', In November THE COLOURED ILLUSTRATIONS
the complication and other dnw'wk. 1917. afler the Ibllk of Camb~. in
of I fully-tracked ,-chide. which 476 tanks look PMI. (CW-41 A cb;ripcion of cxh coloural.
Armoured c:an, II has been men- leaN in the enemy unk' were in PUIC is ind~ brtv."C(ft pages
oo.-..d, tbowal iD ~ few real doubt If to the value of the un!. It 109 and 187_
adva..,.,.. in <bgn Juring the WII. pmcmlion of 10,000 yvds inlO me
Tanks, on tM othtt lund, where IDO£e Gcnnm ffOt1t was nude in twelve
fuM-menw probknu in ttachd houn-whaus an equmlml achieve-
vdUcb had co ~ ovacomc, ihowala ment II the Third Ibnk of YprcJ, •
Keady. if not alwaY' IPCCUCUW, line without tmh, had taken three montlu.
of mcdunial improvement in the Tank. look put in all theL~ltIa
design of power units. Inmmission and of ' Sill and this led GcncnI dorlf
Ilea illg ~ although perlups !ell 10 upon to the Reidutag on lnd
lumtion was paid 10 _pension 5ince C>oob«,
spttds "''tU in mo.c QJcI low. Some
r:t~B!=DOt~wa=-by 'The ""p'WIe Army Command
has bcen compdkd to take I terribly
Amcrian enginecn in their cksigns in gnyc dccWon and ckcbre WI there
1918. is 11(1 lange- any prospect or poui-
In the United Slice. there _ abo bility of compelling the enemy 10
wMk:r anm;iacion of the need co pt...... Above all, t WO f:lC!1luvc been
~I from the Malt foc flWI .v.;.ivc for this ~; lint the
.,nks ....

1900- U. K.

II iI regmttd tht, 011 colour pUle
No. J the: cbtc of the Frenda Au~
mitnilleute Chmon. Gitardoc n Voigt
should be: 19OJ., mel du.1 in the captious
to colour platts Nos.. I and )8, P<IlU'el"-
~ lw been Ipell wrongly.

I Fowler 8 5 Armoured Road Locomotive and Arl'l'lOtJred Road Train


U.K. -1902 1903- Fra n ce

Simms M otor War Car ,
Aut omi trailleuse Charron. Girardot at VOigt

Austrl a- 1904 1904- France

Au\omitrllilleuse Charlon
Daimler Panzerwagen

U .K. 1906- Germa ny

• •
Ehrhardt (5 em BAK)

ArmlIfOflg· Whil\h·onh Armoured Cars, 1906 ( lHfow) and 1913

- - •
GermanY - 1909 , 909- France

... .

5·7 em Flak auf Dalmlar PanzerdraitwlIgen

AUTomllrallleuse Hotchkiss
U .K. -c .1910 1911 - ltelv

Armoured Iv.1 Tracl or 11
AUlomiuaghawce lsona- Fraschim
- •

ltaly- 1912 1914- France

12 13
Autoblmdata Flat Camlon Protegldo Schneider
Belg ium _ 1914 1914 - U .K .

• •

"AUlomilralUeu58 Minerva "

Ar moured Car. ROUI-Roves - first R.N.A.S. pallern
U .K . -1914 1914- U .K .

Ar mou red Car, RoU.- Royce - first AdmIralty patteln (abo",)
,. Armour,d C.r, Wolseley- first Admirllty pat1lfn ( below)
Armoured l.G.O.C '6 ' Type chluls-R.NAS.
U. K.- 1914 1914- U .S .A .

18 AUiocar Armoured Car
Armoured Carl. Talbot- firlt Admiralty panero (.bov.) and modified
firsl Admllalty pattern (Mlow)

Belg ium- 1914 1914- Fra nc e

Autocanon 37 mm, Renault

Automiullilleuse SAVA
U .K .- 1914 1914- U . K .

Armoured Car, Rottl · Rovce - Admira lty turreted pattern
lsolta · Fraschlnl Armoured Car (built for Russia)
U.S .A. -1914 1914 - 15- U.K.

2' 25
Packard Armoured Car Ar moured CatS. Isolla· Flaschini (Weslmorland and Cumberland
Yeomanry). 1914 (.bo"e) and 1915 (below)

U .K .- 1915 1915- Belgium

Armoured elf. Unche"Stef - Adm if.lly p.ttern

AulOClnon Mor,
U.K. -191S 1915- U .K.

Armoo led Cat, Seabrook

ArmoUled CIl A.E C ' S' Tvpe- Wat OffIce pallern

U.K. -191S 1915- Russia

30 Gsrford ArmoU/ed Car
AIITloured Car, Delaunay· 8ellevllie-Admlrally pattern (abo",e)
Armoured Cal. Talbot - Admiralty turreted pattern (below)

U .K. -191S 191 5- U .K.

Armoured Cer, Plerce · Arrow (Inti ' llrCralt)

Sheffield· Simplex Armoured Car (built for Belgium)
U.K. -1915 1915- lndia

Armoured Car, Ca(lIIlac- lndla pallern
Armoured Car, ·A.C: (Auloc.mer)
India - 1915 1916- U .K.

,. Armoured Car, Sluire -Berwic k (Wind Waggon')
AIn'lOured Car, Fiat- India pallSIn (.bove )

Armoured Car (WOflI.snop), Fial- IOOia pellern (below)

Germany- 1915 1915 - Germany

Pan~erc raftwag8n Daiml8t'11 5 "
Panzertuaftwagen Ehrhatdl/15
Germa nv- 191 5 1915- lta lv

Panzeritlaltwagen Bussing/ IS

Autob!lnd8la Lancia IZ
U .S .A. - 1915 1915- Russ ia

Davidson - Cadillac Armoured Cal
, 43
Austin - Putilov Armoured Car

Russia - lglS 191 5- U .K.

Afmoured Car, Wolseley 'Cpo Type
Mgebrow· R&naull Armoull.d Car
1915- U .K .
U .K . -191S

4 47

KIt1en · StrllII Armoured Tractor
Pedr.i1 Landship- oOglnal de51gn and articulated dMign ( .bove )
and 81 first completed (below )

U .S.A.- 191S 1915- U .K.

Armoofed Caf. Jeffery Quad

4'Afmoofed Caf. Leyland

U.K. -1915 1915- France

AU lomtlrailieuse White
' UII!e Willie'
U.K . -1916 1916- U .K.


Sheffield · Simplex Armoured Caf (built lor Russia)

U.S .A.- 1916 1916 - Russia

Fiat Armoured Car ( Russia)

Mack Armoured Car (New York Nalional Guard)
Ireland - 1916 1916- France

Daimler Armoured Lorry I
Autocanon 47 mm, Renault

• •••

Germanv - 1916 1916- U.K.

Panzeritreftwagen Mannesmann · Mulag "
Armoured Car. Mercedes· Wolseley

ltal y - 1916 1916- U . K .

Autobllndata Bianc hi

Tank, Mart I
Fra ncG-1916 1916- France

Char Schneider

Char Sainl-Chamond
U.K. -1916 1916 - Russia


Packard Armoured Car (Russia)
Armoured Car. Pie«:e-Arrow (3pdr)
U .S .A . -1916-17 1917 - U .K .

King Armoured Car (,bove ) White Armoured Car (below)
Gun Carrier. Mark I
U .K.- 1917 1917- Germanv

ArrT'lOYred Clr, Ford- Admlfilly pallem
Blemltf Millen-Wagen Ubet~nzert (Voll Kenen)
Garmany - 1g17 1917- France

Panz8fkraftwagen Ehrhaldt! 17
Char Renault FT 17
Russia-1917 1917- U . K .

72 73
Auslln , Pulllov Hall · tracked ArmQtlled Car Tank, Mark IV-'Tadpole laIr eMperimenlal model (.bolfe) and
normal VIlfSlon. lemale (below)

1917 - U.K.
Germany-1917 •

Leicht... Kampfwagen 1
\ 7.
Tank, Medium, Mark A

Germany - 1917 1917- France

Schwerer Kllmplwllgen A7 V
Chllf Renllult TSF
1918- U.S .A.
U.S .A.- 1918

7'Sleam Tank (tracked )

Holl Gal-Electflc Tank

• ,
U.K.- 1918 1918- U .K.

Armoured Car, AuSlin- 1918 pattern
Tank, Mark V
Germany- 1g1S 1915- U .S.A.

Skeleton Tank

'2Schw6fet Kamplwagen A7V/ U

U .K. -1918 1918- U . K ./U .S.A .

Tank. Mark VII
Tank. Mint VIII
U.K. -1918 1918- U .S,A.

T.nk. Mark V" - male (.bove) and female (lHrlow )
Ford 3 ' lon Tank

Franc 8 - 1g1a 1915- Germany

Autocanon Peugeot (above)

Automitrailleuse Peugeot, 1918 (belaw)

Leichter Kamplwagen II

U.K. -1918 1918- U.S .A.

Sell· propelled Calerpilial Mounls- Mark I (.tbova) and Mark III

Tenk, Mark IX
U.K.- 19l8
19l8 - U .K.

92 93
Tank, Medium. Mark 8 Tank, Malk V"
U.K. -191S 1915- ltaly

Carro Fiat Tipo 2000



U .K. -191S
1 Fowkr B." Armound Ro-d B.j .... t l t four whcc:kn. thc: &oat
LocomCMive and Arnlowed Ro-d nit, which incotponted the: 1Ow-bar,
Train, 1900, U.K. bc:ins mounted on a tumQbIc. The ar·
mow on each side _ in thrc:c: a«iolls,
fowla- IttaIn uxtion engines ~ which could be hinged inwards iudtpc:n-
tll(IU ulC(c:I'(ully from War 0If1Qe drolly. Each lC'CCion alTicd a 1oopboIc:.
rri3u in 1&99 forengines co Ix employed 1'bc:re: wu no overhead armour pro-
in che Soulh Afrian war. 11.1 a con5C- eeaion. A 6c1d goo could, by mcaru of
q~, machines buill by John Fowla- IpcciaI dwux.!s, be hauled inlO a truck
oS: Co. Ltd of Leech rcprcxncc:d by far and carried, inscc:ad o( being lOwed..
the: b~ggut proportion of the: forty or 10 A loul o( (00f Fowler 8.}1 wu
Iraaion engines thai WCf'C in Souch umourcd-N06. 1894, '89s, '198 mel
Afm by mid-19QG. 1199. The 6n! twO armoured road
The 1~1OtI engines WC'rt uted for uainI were ant CO Bloemfontein 00
pulling tr1IIU of wppbcr alonglide atrinl, where the armour wu removed
OS(D or mule: tnnJpon-ot IOwlllg f'rorn both engmer and uucb and _
gwu CO dilferml positions. For proem- 10 make II1IIOIlf'ed nilway eniDI.
tioo againK aliatU 1)11 wpply oohmlllf 1;9Wl1rds thc: end o( 1901 the Gcr.... a1
by Sorr niding pmic:r some arIJll;lUCeci 0If1CC1' oomnwxIing the: Kimberley
traclion engines wc:re: ordered. and lhe: District alked (or runbc:r erucks co be
fin! of lhc:te vehiclc:s. eogc:chn wilh fieccd with amour 10 chat thc: croops
four bulke-proo( mlCkr., IlTived in nc:edcU (or road-convoy c:teort dutic:r
.0 Sotuh Africa in July 1900, followed could be reduced, and the: War Offiot
rank. Medium. Mark C by I K'Cond enin IWO wa:u blCf. _ rcqucsttd to IUpply cwo annourc:d
The atmOI.II't'd engines ",,-cre: Fowla- uuch RauembCl jllg that the lin! f'AI"O
model B.}I of 10 n.h.p. (DOminal Iml had :~~~d o( their armour
bonc-powc:r) or IIrns maximwn to make nilway tnins, it is
i.h.p. (indiated honc"'jX>on:r). The not surprising dUI thc: War Office did
bulkt-proo( pial., eomplcfdy mdotaI not meet chis rtqutR.
the: bocly o( .he madunc: in I sbb-tidnl The - g uud, meutiooed
$UUCUU'C, only the: chimncy~. above, ~Lieut.-CoIond von
Ae ehe: frone I hinged xmicitcular plalC layril, a prominenl German milinry the Iowcr p3n of the boikr, writer, 10 tuggest thai quick-Sring
and II lhe rcar lhe: amlOOf wal e:rttndtd gtu" lhouId be moullccd 011 Ihe wagons
DUe eithe:r Mdt, p3nly over ehe: driving 10 ICI at a IOn of mobik fon co procca
whcclt.. Thttc loopholtt (or ehe: IIfC of bridges and other imporwlC poino
the ctc:w'1 weapons were: provided in :lIJ2-imt Hying coIunuu of Boen. nus
c:x:b of thttc proj«lIoOl. ACO"M to the idel was !lOt adopctd, but if it had it
vcbick _ by mcaru of I door throush is inencsting to speculate: thae ie would
thc: Irmour It the rear. 11x: armoured
uucb wbich wnll ""ith !he Fowler
have antic:ipaccd Dr
of !be ekmtllu of !be
u:.r yean -

1 Simm. MotOl' War Car, 19Q1, quid:-firing gun ('porn porn') at one Canmun type and gave four speeds Horehkiss macbinco-sun wilb In Itm_
U.K. end and two Maxim mxh~ forward, COI"I"eSpOIldg 10 Ii,}. j and oured shield was mountod on a ptdc:sIll
II the otba. 'J'hae gWll Iud .hklds It 9 m.p.h. al 750 r.p.ln., and revenc:. Tbc mounting in the: IXIltre of this annourcd
Frederick R. Simms was I k~ chc: Press demonstntion, althougb al engine w.u duigocd 10 nm on either suuaure to thu it had an I~d
pioallCe:r in Engbnd not only of chc: other tirnQ the shiclds 'Nne 1bJc:t11. It petrol 01' heavy oil The bnkcs, it was 6cld of fire. The armour of thc circular
lutOmObile: .uc:lf bue ~~;;~ wal claimed tNl a1tamlivdy • 6-pdr.
,....u, "'"""', ""'"10 ..... body and also thc macbirw: gUll dUtld
vehich Asnull'quadricydc:', gun could be mounted; 01' dut the rnxhioe from lop 'IJC'C(! a baTt in"'"
• was .bout 6-7 mm. A........ fIX the
by I 1-4-h.p. en"nc:, and Ii wnh an normal aew offour «MIld be iouused yvdt. They worked on the rear wbcds mxhirJ("pnnc:r wu thtough I door
lir..coob:l MUllm rnxhirJe..sun, _ 10 lbout twelve men if the mxh.ioc in JWO stages by opc:mioo of a lund in the rar. No ptUlU::lioo II III 'Wall
dnignaI by Sunnu m 1898 for Vac:n, ~re required. [() XI as an a~ wbo:c:l fine through bands 00 the: bubs provided fOl' the driver and front. .. nt
Son &: MUml LuI. This little: 1In,1c:- pc:nonnd carna. and then, by further rotation of the: pastcngct or any other part of the
Jell mxh.1IIC' was fine publICly ohlbicc:d The umourcd hull of the MOCOI' War brake ""beel by appliatioa of cI,mpi =.
It Richmond, Sum:y, m June: 1899- . Car was built by Vam, Son &: Maxim 00 the tyrn of the "''kb. The ,.o-h.p. CG.V. dwais on which
Callc:d lhe 'moIor ICOUt', the oo1y 10 Sill1llll' dtlign, whereas manufacture Tbcdcmonsmtion ofSill1llll' MCMOl' this .rmoured body wu built was
procection of any ton-like: a bicycle, of the dussis wu arnngcd by Sinmu' Wlr Car at the Crysul Plbtt was ~n III oc'8ly inftucuocd by Panhlrd dc:sitn:
il Iud no bodywoct-wu I bulkt- own finn. The main cnomis fnune was utc:nded by the Pma, but no one from borb Clu.rron and Girardot had had

proof lbidd in front of the nudunc-
8c:farc: this, E. J. Pennington, an
constructed of heavy U-«CCM:ln Itttl
WI1nc:b. The engine Wli al"ried on •
wlHnmc: of sted lUbes mounlcd
the War Offiee WIll pluent, becalU(', it
waJ alkg«l by Simnu, a committee
mcccing preducltd the attendance of
del,: COIlI1tCtioot with panhmi can
btfore founding the C.G. V. company
in 1901. The rogine was a rour-
Amc:ria.n, had had draWlngt of an Iongiludirullyon the nWn frame. The lbe appropriate oIflttn. A conlem- cylinder type with .ulomatic inlet
armoured ar of his dnign publishc:d in wha:ls-woodcn lpoUs Ind rinu with porary jowmllUlt~ Ihat no daubl valvcs with I four~pecd gcar-box and
the Press. Although no yehicles of this Itttl 1)10 ~re Ipnmg on temi- the allention ora button die or the with side-dtain drive 10 the ren
IOrt sc:c:m to luyc b«:n built, they elliptical sprinS' at Ihe rear and coil design of I 'dustman's cap' for the w""~
appt'ucd to have inAue:nt:W F. R. IprinS' al the front. The reu wbeell Gu:udl wa, the more important lmtter The 1901 IUlomilnillc:ul<' e.G. v.
Simms in the: dc:sign of his 'Motor War ~re: of •• ft di;unacr and 6-in. in lund. Howc~r. Ibe bel. of iotereu \nl tested by the Frmcb military
Car' and aoo an annourc:d moIor nil width, whereas the front wheels ~re by the: War Offic:c aUted Sill1llll and autborities in 19O). The Wn Ministry
cu. The lauer Wli built in 1199 wei smalle:r_loft diameter Ind II in. wide. Voen, Son &: Mmm 10 abandon lhe did not order further an of thil IYpe,
Jc:nt in the following }'eu to Nairobi, The Irtl1()tII'(d 'skirt' of the hull, funha dn.::lopmcnt of this interadng but !hawed enougb intereu to en-
with the ultimate: dc:stirution of South o:;JIISU1JaOC!. of 6-mm. Itttl, was origin- vehick. coutagc the buildcn to develop a IUlly
Africa for c:mployltltnt in the Boc:r ally lixtd ri~i 10 the tubular su~ annourtd car with • revolving turrCL
Wu. &lOX', but vibration shook the } AUIOm ilnliUcuse <:harroa, Gir-
Nothing more: wu heard of the nil rivetS 1001<', and 10 I new method of . roa ! t ! Voil', 19Q1, frm<:e.
deviIord.. The armour • Daim ler Paaurwagtn, 1904,
car, but the 'Motor War Car', with the all Ammt _
sunc: form of boac-tluped hull with waJ mounted on Jc:mH:Dipti<: I~ An exhibit at the Paris c:xh.i'lri·
r.ImI al fronl and rar, wu dc:mon- which 'Nne fixed 10 the main &:1111£ by lion in Dtumhc:r 19Q1 which aroused 'I'lut glut pOICCI of thc mocor in-
"""ted 10 the Prets 00 .th Aprill9Q1 means of Itttl Q'Mt1c:s • ,m hive RlOfto- wick intcresr in the Pit. because it dusuy Goolicb c:sublMed I
II the Crysal Pabtt .. IOUlh Londoa, mc:nt brins prcveuted by link. ums. wu (IDe of the carIiuc annourcd can fxtory at Wic:ncr-Ne:lIsudl in Ai,ISU'U.
wbac: it Ita xll:d ccnsidc:nblc: inte[al.. This 'give' also inc:re:ascd the efttiti.-e- ICm mywbcre 'Wall this cu built in 1199 for the nunul'xture of an
The .-'rign was changed in tome dmit. I'lOl of the: armour .gainst pcojcailc:s by the So.='+'U Charron, Girardot C1 dnigncd II the parent W'Ofb in Get-
from the e:ulic:r drawiop. becallll:, fOl'
iruuntt, the twO IWlets, e:ach with (IDe
The c:agioc used WIll a four-c;ylioda
(9omm. bore X 110mDl.iI:rOU) l6--h.p.
Conaruaed fOl' the Fttor;:b Miaisuy
nuny, nc:a.r Slul]"'.
Paul Daimlcr _ of Gottlic:b) was
Maxim \nter-cookd mxh.ine-gun, Cannslan-Daim1er, mocmlcd IXIltn.Dy, of War, it wau ,.o-h.p. e.G.v. pallCn- chief c:ngirite:r the OsI:wdchadllUl
shown in the drawings wue rrpbo:d with final drive by chains to the: rar sa cal wilh I c:ircubr IUb-dupod arm- lhimlc:t Mocorm AG until 19O5, and
by open mountinl' with II-pdt'. Mnim whc:cls. The gcu~x 'Wall also of the: oured body ttpbcing thc ttU IClIIS. A il was under his supervision tNl the
outstanding Iitt1e Austro-Daimlet the lint annoured car WI wu in all 10 be the 6nr irutano: of !.his dcvia:; JPOked wbeds with IOIid rubber tyrd.
artnoured ear was buill. This vehide itJ ,.muls the pr()C()(ype of vehicles one which appc:a.kd 10 the Rmsiam which gne it a hi~h ground c1eatantt
h.d • , ..... jr.,..tN;m indudina fout- of the samc buic byour Kill being bcaUle IOmC arnngemtlll was and good. om.xle..... ..wng. a.FOty.
wbttl drive, an ....-:!.cd hull J curwd
!!:m:;;::J~~~ :!
built forty years or _bitt. Follow- !lied on neady all their annourtd em
shape: and I dome 'h'ped routing ing lhcir tcmi-o.rmoumI machine gun in the Fine WoOd Waf. Fof ute: in
<un«. car of 190%, the COnlpuly -.orUd on aaioll the dri~r bad a smaU .huttcm:l engine Mc';;Jlnels I/'( shown R.IUOKd.
Tbc: mgine WQ • l$-h.p. Daimh; the devdopment of a fully armourtd loopbole for vision., with a pmilar posdbly ialing cooling problems)
drive via wfo and dilfcleIllWs I' front ~hide, and tWO wttc: buill ill I~ loophole for the co-drivcr. Fof other bUI came little ,bow: lhe dri~r', ~i:st
aDd rnr _ to all four wbo:ck. The One of tbcx was triI:d out in r. w eh lima. however, the car had cxu:ptitw... level and oft"crcd no Ovttbc:ad protcc--
armour _ofonly }-l+ mm. rbici-. Army rnanocuvra mel tbnI 11m. 10 .Uy KOQCi v;";"'" facilities. bcaUle the tion al all. The arnwnml. intmdcd 10
:and thit up: tbt; Wdg;~1 down to Just MOtOttU, and dIe other was bougbl by whok plate in froot of the drivn be mountc'd witb I .h1C1d at the fi-oot
undtr 1 !OIlJ, and Kl COIItrioored to a the R....ion ImpttUl Government. by bmgtd upw:ordJ. and the::re wt're alto 10 the len of the dri~r. was a Vickers--
aeditable-in the: OrcumK..W" whom il was \Uled 10 bc:lp quell lhe two large apertum each side of the Maxim .-pdr. quick-firing aUloliulic
maximum spcttI of 11 m.p.h.. and I riots in SI PetcnbWJ whldi broU out bull. Othtr fcalum of the Charron car gllD--thc 'pom-pom'.
reabnbly good bilkhmbing ,mllry. from )anUlry 1905 on~rdt. An im- weK IClf_aIiug tym and Ma:1 An intcmcing £Calun of !.hit 11)06
The fix) wW live I ndtus of:action prod bu& encmally almost idcntic:al dunncls (arricd 0Vtt the rear wheels) ~hiclc Wit the drum of lighl Ma:I
orlSS mila. model of this type of car was buill fOt Ute in aoumg ditches or other able with which, Ibrougb PO'lVn m.e-
Scats for the driver and co-driver betwten 190(5 and 1901, and len of minor obsI:~1cs. off pullcp on either tide of the hull. it
Q)!.k1 be raeed or Iowtm:l by about Ibnc ~re ultinwcly ocdcfed by thc The lafter can differed from the could pull itJc:lf OUI of diffiCUlties in
11 ~ 10 we wben no( in acci..... Rlnpan GovanmrnL T .....o can in earlicr~ in luring H-b.P. inww of heavy going.
they couLl look CM:r the lOp of lhc rnmil throush Gcmw!y for delivery Jo-O..p. engines and an incrcallCd f'7- Althougb .ppe.ring 10 be totnCWbac
armour. Tbc: rurm as origina1ly built to the R'mllllS wuc impoun<kd by the fonnan<r, funbrr helped by a ~lShl mu&i~, tblt ar was. in faa. only
Iud I port (01" I single Muim wller_ c:usronu authorities and wed in the rcducrion from about li tom 10 just about la nlong. 5 fl wide aDd s ft bigh
cooItd machi:Do-gun; in 19O5 thit wu G:mun Anny maooeuvra of 1909- o~r 11 rons. Exlernally they appear to -much $lTUlkr than mOSI of the
Ill(l(\i&d and twO illghtly NlUlIu !, nlM can were delivucd to ha~ been the same, ULCpl WI mud-- armoured CI.ll uIICd in the fin! World
openings welt put in 10 WI IWO the RIIMhns by the oulbtnlt of wa.r in gumU were IMlC UJcd in the later can. Wu.
Mn;m. oouId be opuartd tide by Ndc. 1914- The Anmtron Whitworth lima did
The Austro-Daimler atrnOUl'ed car The CharTQO armoured car (the finn, 6 Amummg_Whitworth ~ not follow up til early dl"ort W1lil
was ckmonstnted II the: Gennan al Puleaux, Seine, beame a British mound Can, 190(5 and 1913. U.K. 1911, when !-hey were invited 10 build
Imperial Army manoeuvres of 190' limited com(»t1y in 1906, when Ginr_ an experimcntalannourcd car for the
and ar the Austro-Hungarian Anny ...... "" ,."......;p............. "" III 19D4 production of the Wilson- hnperi:aJ Run;'.. Govemmenl. Thit
IlWIOeUVTn in the folloWing yellt, II tide A\II01nobiks 0wT0n Ltd.) was Pilcher car was UDdertakm by the car was quit( uw,n. but fully annoum:I
was noc ~ by either country- hued on the wurin~r chusis with 6.mous armament firm of Sit W. G. with • cylindrical fCYOlvmg IWTCI
the automobile en iaclf WlIIS Kill :at too pne:u11Utie tym and the chanac....;C Annsttong, Whitworth &: Co. Ltd.. mounlins; a Maxim machine-gun. Likc
early a 5U~ for an advanced 6ghling undcnIung radiator. the c:oolins; air '1 Newc;ude-upon--Tync. It ~llhcre­ ,he 1906 design, il had IopOkte! wheels
vdUtk to have much dwx::c of p.',. Bowing through a recunguIar ben fore quile 'ppropriue WIlli annoured wi.h tolid rubber tyrt'S (dlUl at the
but. this car undoubcalJy bad an lIDmted low 011 the frOOt of the car should haw: been buill fWD )'Un rm) aod. high zmuod ~
inS.......... on bter dedgm. bo-lnet. The ~b.ide M..I completely 1a1C'r. designed by W. G. Wilson. The car is .hewn in the:: drawing
armoured, and the fC'VOIving turttt UnfortuNldy, few lC'Cbnial deuils of ~ring the winged wheels ud as a
rnowlted on the hull roof lowa.rd, the Ihe d\asW arc available, bUI it appean symbol by.he Russian m OlOr..uanspott
, AUlomitrailJeuJe Cbarroa , I~,
rear carried one HocchItia machine- 10 ha~ MIl the "ll-cylindcr four-liu-e 1r'OOp5-4 badge Itin in UIC by the Rte!
Fnntt. eneine with a fotu, lpeed cpic)"dic Amay al least until '9$1. The A,'mi'Ils
,..,. A ~paI """"', proj< "d
To the SociJti Charroo. Girardot: CI from the frool of thc turret to p'otla acar-box tbe fint of ia type. M:r( among the 6nr 10 real. the
Voigt must go lhc creelir foc producing the nuchine-g1lD barrel ebi< appears The car had Ia~r, wooden- pt'I' 1ltu.1 of armoured can, and the

Anrutrong-Whitwonh W31 one of ovn the Ehrhardt BA K of three ~an pined in 1909 and Wit gUNnlly vny either Aster OC' Pa)'llt and B~tes.. T fWlt-
nwly 10 be Rlpplil:d btC"r by Britlin before m two Important rt:Spccu limibr m layout ro the e.G.V. car of mISSion _ via ~ (riction
(although DOC, as it luppmcd, on Arm- first. the gun _ on a I'OUtlflg K'vetI yean carlEr. Mcdu.nw:aUy, how- clutches with hnal drive by I roller
Kroog-Whitworth daNis) and other mounling :and, ..llJOld. d~ vehick ev-cr, it had the adV1IItagn of tM ad- chaill to a dilf'ertntW on the b3dr: uk.
counma right up to the: Revolution in juelf wllh foor-wheel drive had gre~ler V1II(U in automobile design th .. t Iud There W2.' no vwble ~mng, the gear
1\'117. mobility. taken pbcc ~ the beginllillg of the dullge lever olf'ering three potitN:>ru
Thc Krupp 5'1~hi. L/lO ilIlt~ircnfl century, and featured shaft drive 10 the only-forwards, ncutnl, and leVC'IIC.
7 Pauurknfrwagea Ehrhard t U- gun w;u mountrd on a tumub!e on rear uk, in the dcveloptUC'!lt of which The driver. It in IlIOSI modern Igrlc:ul-
an. BAK). Ipo6, Cammy. the lorry pluform over tnc ~u uk tnc Hocchl:iss company Iud pbyrd a run! tnrlon, sat II the rear \J(tWfflt the
In ,be culy yon 01 d~ twmrinh and w;u mdotnI in a tylilldriol rurm lead..g pm.. large whttls. although in the !ve1 hiJ
cmtury the pcMrnual valuc of the wtth ~ curved, .loping &ce. Althougb The mocmring of the Hocchl:iss lICit w.u oI6ct 10 the right with I w..e
dingibk balloon, Of ainlllp. for mlllttr)' cramped. the gun could be tc'rved by rnxhine-gun and the mnour .mllge-- w.llcr coo!mg Wtk bcsidr:h im on die
f«OIU\:lUwx:r purflO'Cl WI' r«OgIIizcd the crew from imick tnc NrTI:f. The mcflt were much like that of the 19O1 ..-,.
in levenl counnics, not bit in Ger- m~in ammunition supply WH, how- C.G.V., although aarSI for the gunner The: Ivel tnc:cor WIJ ulicd u the basi,
many. the home of Count Zeppelin. ev~r. in OOJ in the Jide of the lorry, W2., by nxans of ~ door in the armour of a pioneer armoured vehick, which
iUld the German finn of Ehrlurdt was with cxttm~1 artnS only, 50 the gun on the k(t-hand side. The driVC'r and appc~rro about 1910. The "'Sine and
d)e fmc to Orvtlop an armoured anti- could 1M)( be OJkJ ..1C'd with tho: vehick OG--drivn were unprotected from the driVU'1 position were: compkkly
balloon vehicJe. completely c\oKd down. e.... IllY or tknW::llb. a~n from 3 IMtaI cnckwwl. Aalell WII from the rnr via
11x: Fhrlw-dl BAK (&lion Ab~hr The amKlUl' prottaion WIlli mm.. pbtt amcbcd ro the front of the foKling armoured doon. The purpcue
Kanonr). D the vehicle it ~11y Wt around the driver'J cab :'7~ armourtd body and Hll:llding over fOC' which thtl VC'hicle WIJ intcndc-d n
known, IWutd in 1906 and W2S arnnltrd 50 tlut the upper rn
buC'd OIl I coovcntioruJ light lorry be folded down to the driver J Jhouldtr
thtir beach. not known. although it might have hem
Four of thoc HocchkiJI armoured U 111 artilkry 10Wiug nuchinc. The
chauit with :I so/<io-h.p. engine with. height when out of action. can were ordered by the Sultan of Royal Marines .nowed JOlT\C inlerat in
chain drive to the rear wh«1s and The Daimkr lorry ch.."is WIJ of die Turkey and were deliverro in 1909. the !vd, ap~rmtly as an armoured
pncwn:uic tyro. Thc: armouml wp:r- type in which the reu uk WlIIJ carrird The Young Turk ~\-oIution broke out ambulance, although thn could only
structure wn only l~ nun. thick, and on .. JUb-fiamc. TmwnaUon WII by not long 1Itr;rwuds: the an were have hem in conjuncrion with I miler.
the whole vehicle weighed jus!: ovrr 1 t1ufU to front and rar We.. The &ont DUn oVC'r by the ~volutiomrid and One: feature of the Ivd \\'3' that it c:ouId
10nI Jnd had a speN of 19 m.p.h. The: lyrcJ wt:~ toIid rubber, the relr ODQ were uted bythmt in ovmhrowing the be mnocdy cootrolkd (for use with 3
gun. a s-nn. ~pon buill by Rhein-- pne:unutk. Sultm', govcmmcnt. binder fat cnmple) by IlltII1S of an
mcull, was mounit'd on the roof in a A JOIl'lC'Wlu,t similar Kmpp-Oaim1cr encnsion M«ring whttl and I rope to
find turm in approximately ,he vehick W2.J built in 1910, but this WllS 10 Armoured Ivel Tractor, r. 1910,
the gt:lr lever. 1'hiJ applntl1ll roukI
emil'\" of the vehicle. The 11I0UIltlng unumourtd, brause. following the
UK ronrciv .. bly have widrned the Jrope of
pennilled almost vcrtia.1 ckvuion for 1909 m:mocuvrcs in which the fim the IVC'I It a military \-dUc:k but, IS fu
ant~i«nft ~. With <kprnsion Kru~aimlcr BAK and ocher
.Iight1y below horizontal the gUll abo l~ \~hidcs took pan, it WII
11Ie tbrcc--wheded Inrlor, designed
Dan Albonc of Biggleswadc, IJcd{.
or7 u CII1 be uomained, it never went
beyond the apcrimcnl:ll JtaBC in its
had .orne pOlnllu! ag.aiJUc ground derided that armoured can Iud only mire, was the lint Wttnd'u1 agriruIrun.I warlike guile.
wp in the fidel, but for either pur- limitaI uses in JPCciaI1-inurions. trXtOt' opcurinj; 011 petrol to be pul 011
P<* the Hanu: of tnvtnC pbo:d :l the mukct in Brittin. Produred by!veI I I Automitragliatrice bocta-1Tu-
~I'C' limit on its usefulnm. Agriculrnn! Mocon &om 1903 on- dtini,I9lt,ltaly.
9 AutomitrailleUH: Hotdkia,
Wlrds, the lirtk tbrcc--whtden built up
I S'7-em. Flak auf Dlimler Pao- 1909.~. a great repul:ltion. for reliability and The clrlicJt Italian armoured car. tbe
u rknft,....gen. 1909. Gcnnany. The lint amW)Ured cu built by the hard wock. The !vd trac:tor WIJ driven 1J0u.... Fruchini of 1911, exhibited the
The Krupp-Oaimkr armoured anti- ttmous armaments finn of Hocehkin I by • two-cylindcr engine of around 1O laYOUI which during the DCXt thiuy-
lircnfi veLicJc was In impro\~ll)(Ilt el CM:, of St Denis, !kine, WII com-
... h.p. TbiJ \\'11 a proprietary make- fony ~Ul came 10 be ~udcd It c0o-
vmtMma! front engine:. fully enck«d uew in the Notth AfrieID Rlmrna-. The annament was UJW,Dy OIJC'
armoortd huD swmowued by I rout· The !TIl' companmml _ enclosed HOIchkisl nuchinc-gun mounted in the
ing IWTel. and _ for IlUUIIWUI ....i nMrly 1 toIU oew companmcnl_t 6rM wid:oul •
Daigned by the talmtcd algincer c:oukI be curled. .bicld although IItn' OIJC' was fitlEd.
Guistibo Caltanto (wbote dl, ... 1:Oi by Somc:~'curled in.......
1901) had raukcd. tlwW 10 _., • • I in
rac:ing. In n O{. of ~Fnxbmis
I" All10milniDleUM
MUi_. 191" of dr . a l7-mm. "PIlon.
A modificatioo of the normal type
being a:~. Iminly to the United was fiilly cnckwd and had the rear
Suld). ,(,e armoumi car .bowed frw Belgium wu tbr: lint counlf)' 10 suKcr poi titm of the buU raised in ~ Tbis
of me r~rutn of Itt '~ . n:bllVC'f. innsaon II the begllltling of thc Fin! part had omc.-ntion porta ani! dr car
11w:: bonnc1. ho_~r, ar_ World War bul lhe De/gUns ,,"re ::.r:.-ibly intended as a comnuud
1) CemiQa Pl'o(~ Schoeida-,
abo die lint 10 mne CXlnaiw we of
1914. mMe
of .........can
,he private "" and
V-«" carried""'"
d)C automobdn 10 .rike b.k. At fint The Minava c:IuU un foe Il:cte
ltocu-fntdua. moa( The hull armour This nw:sive armouad vdUde was IIIU.~ loutiog a.--Eu:clsion, armoured ntI U:kd Knigbl patton
was built up of4-mm. pbcc.- and includ- manufac:turC'd by dx: nad ImwneDt MbJI'rvu and othen-were ~V2lvc~andwcn:well-bwlt
ed prot:«Olioo (or the reu wheel.. Two finn of Schneider at I.e Creuseor. intO Kl'Vioe 10 arry sha ~n vchider; of good pcrfonnmcc.. The only
mvhi~ wen: cll1ied, ()IIC in the Twenty-fow were coo.suuctCd on .14- equipped wllh rilles or ne..gum major change 10 the Mandud cbs";' was
Nn'tt the exher in I mowning in <+0 b.p. ~ and wpplicd to the on lighmmg raids Iglilut tbeadvancing ia the introduction of dual rear wbee:1s
the I'm of the hull. Total -ishl of the SJWlM Army for employment in Gemw:I. I form of WlImre in which to take the extra weighl of the armour
car wu arotmd 1 lonl, and I lOp speed Moroo;o.. lb:y were inrcndcd for use the 8c:lgians-faM and aggl"a.Jivcmolot- and cquipmcm. This carly type of
of about J1 m.p.h. could be .naincd. II Dlobik blockhowcs and II such were Mil were weU IUited. NevenhdeK,lhc Minerva armoured. car _ U:kd
The I)~ (dul at the rcn) we're tolid libcnlly provided with pons for the: adVltlla~ of prou:ccion for thr crews throughoul the war on the Wcscem
rubbc::r, but 10 belp avoid wwgc in operation of Imall annl. (It is rather WlII qualy realized illld temporary From and Klme were abo with the
WId ()I" other 10ft ground the front amuling 10 note tim I picture postcard Irmour plalel were added only lhonly Belgian artnOtJrCd car ba~ whi<:h
wheels wen: fitted with K«I fIanan. anist of the: Fil1l: World War happened afterwardl 10 tome al'l. AI the same $UPpoired tbc: R"pjalll, until WIthdrawn
Sevenl of ,hctc an Wl:re built &lId to choose this vehicle: as the: basil of I lime,l lt2ndard pattern of annour was in 1917. Some: 191" Mlnerv. wm lIi1l
wert shipped 10 North Arrica in 1911 drawing of I typical armoured ar in devised and Ihe fint Minerva an fiued in kI'Vice in the Belgian Army almoo
for UK in the Iulo-Turldsh war. action and ' . cive~.:wtd, in with Ihis M)t1 of IrmDW ,,"re comins up 10 theoutbrealt oftbc: 5 , ..-wi World
addition 10 ':1:;:' . from the: ow of the AnI,,"'P fXlory by the w~.

11 AUiobliodrou. Fial, 1911, Italy.

more likely posiriom, I brge calibre third week of August 191f.
anno«1 pc$ting fiom the Pde and The designed for !he Minav2 IS Annoured Car, Rou...Royce
n.c fin!: Fiat annour-M car ~i built two ri&s sticking out of the: racWcor -s-mm. ptale w:u ~ of (me R.N.A.S. Jl'mra) 1914. U.K.
in 1911, IOWlrds the end ofthc Julo. ,nJIaQ I umpk opctHopPfd (."KW rompan-
Turkish wu. During this con/I.lCt tbe The hull of the vehicle was prot«ted menl With venial Pdes and I rouncJc.d TIr po!'ibility of ttriaI auack. Db L0n-
open 'pan'" of the Libyan an by s-mm. armour plale :mel. dx: in- rear cod. There was abo .... panle ~ don and toUtb-eaM Engbod by Gc:rman
pointed out the advantages of mocor terior WII divickd into three oompan- kCOliou for the radUlIW With IWO limO ainbips bu:d on the Gmnan COIJC and,
lnntpoc't_ _ this an:a in which
ficTee tl)Cdmllzed banb wttC 10 be
maJlS ")I'&001 OIJC' foc the driver and doon. 8Cf.idcs Mmcrvu, roughly the ......... lkigNm. _ ""'" by W;'"
swn QurcbiU fine Lord of the Ad-
officu in eommand. The mKldk leO- same form of amlOlU WIll applied 10
fought duny yean btet. and the fial, tion was foe dr ligbtin'l:: and here other RlihlMe louring 011' challis that miniI)'. With '~ mergy, II"
lOSethet with I few other typcl of tbcre ~ four wick box' rille 10 be IVlIilab~. including dnfttd lkiies of minUles in September
armoured can, wu JeIlI 10 North Africa lIilS on each _, (III two bek. The v. M(n:;edcs. Stowage was p«lvicled 0rI 191" whic:b lint 011k:..:d a Ro yal Naval
for ex~bl ute. shaped roof ova- both ttoal compart- the mudslUrds II eitbct- $ide:: aDd the aeropIaoc:: force to be ltatiootd Db the
Similu in gmm.1 bYOUI to lhc menlS was hinged and could be 0Jl(IJC'(i lpare wbccl wa, OIrrkG in I wtD over Frencb coall to m OUI and destroy
UisWy (.trUer I.totu-Fmchini, the
-no doubt a wdCNnr amenity (oc dr tIM: relr uk. Zqlpe:1in airWp hMcs and then fOf I
force cl zco...}OO mm with 100 :liiikd wa y was a 4j-jO h.p. MeraMs toom' moored and tIIW'mOUI'td-by Dfmtry on the: Iony platform and an :mti-ait-
mocor can 10 be nito:d 10 gr~ M1ppo«
to Inc aeropbncs and pl'OlC'Ct thar aer0-
dromes agailUl: manoLiding Germm
- f. R. Sanuon', own car-and th;,
..~ rollowed by a Rolls-Royce 4O/jO
h.p. Thn car, dtown in !he drawing"
could go righl in with the
can. an annoured lorry was
anicd in lome.. So ih31 the infantry
enfl gun mounling. The: l-pdr. Iony
mounting was dcliVtied by Forges n
CIwIlicn de fnn« on 16 Octobc:r
ClIvalry. wa' I Silva Ghott of the 'Alpine' type, Lieulenanl F. R. SamJOll, auislcd by 19t4, and was uxd in action fairly regu-
The "luadron of the Royal Naval with Largcr brakc drum, thin the w.nd- Commander C. R. Samson. larly in the Dunkirk aI'l:l Wltil the roadt
Air Service ~ at Eastchurch. Kmt ud model The armour wed for both The WJl( Imic principles uxd in the beame 100 bad by the third week in
_ tent to Dunkirk 10 ~onn this these can W2J only boiler plue, which dnigru for the armour for the 45- jO No\·ember. The lorry carricd96 round.
wIr. tmdcr the comnund of Comnwt- in tOb was found 10 be rroof IglllUl h.p. Mucuks and 4O/jO h.p. Rolls- of J-pdr. anlmWlirion and I ladder W;lI
ckr C. R. Sunson, R.N. A ~I EnglM nile bulktl only at sao yards Roy« IOIlring can 1'o'ttC asalll em- ~1Cf acquired and anicd for ob.u va-
and l8&JCAi~ oK1ttt, SamIOn quickly upwudt-thc procccrion it pvc 11m ployed 10 CUI down CXtn wrighl IS oon pw pc»"'
11Ut11Un-d mococ ('U p.ill'oh, nuny of tnOf( manl than ~al-and Cornman- fu as poaible, only fronu! proctction Another annoured car on I lorry
which he: IaI himself. The ()ftlr ground cltr SamJOO and his olftctn rcqU(Sted was ~ivm 10 the engme. The driver's chassis wbich Sanuon'. squadron de-
rnxhinc-gun availabk in the: Kju~ron ~pplics of ~al armour plate from Eng- position had backward sloping annour ,jgncd and Iud built wal a fiVNon
Wit mounted 0 11 one car (originally for Land and dl'l:w up designs for a proper and the 0 ]lfD body at the mor had in- MCiCroc, compleldy mnOllrcd and
antHircnft we but ~Icr modified for armOIlred (21'. ward .Joring annOllr which made the equipped wilh .u m.adUne-gUill. Un-
boruontal fire aha) and n.oo further This fint IlN.A.S. palltm of umour most df~-e use of the boiler plate common fcalura for the limo--and
rnadUne-guns. bOilowt'd frolll the was also applied to two or mo~ ar_ whic:b was the only 'armour' anibbk. tYPical of the Ihoughl that wenl inlO
fTmch , W~ fitted m otha an OIl j moured can wed by the I'mIdI. This, of counc, g:n~ proc«1ion only It the designs evolved by the: R.N.A.S. in
Scpu:mbcr '9'" Early Cl1COUnlcn with apparmtly DeLaumy-Bclkvilks.. Foe nngo of sao yards upwmk. Twelve fnna' were a conning 1Owt:f for the
!::c':J.Gcmun nv.alry) patrols 'I"CR:
J but Sanuon waJ quick to
whom thctc an wen: originally built
is uncauin (although it JeCilIl I few
Royal Marine rifIcmm could be c:uried
and loopholes 'IVttt provided 10 cmble
car ~ and an cxtn stt" ing
wheel for driving in rt'\·tnC in tOI(!'-
realize the vaili(' of armour proteCtion DeLaunay-Bclkvillc dwsis may have d!cm 10 use their weapons from the gm<y.
Ind penniWon was obtainrd from the been JetlllO the R.N.A.S. in mncc for vehicle.
Admiralty to MV" Irmour tilted 1oc2.11y cxperimental purpolC'S), bUI il is likely The work on these am~ an 17 AnllOured Can, Rolli-Ro yce
to IOOlC of the: an belonging to the Wt, IIh the Mc~and Rolls-Roy", was carried OUI by Forges n Cbanuen (finl Admiralty ptllena) and.
",...!roo. they wac ~ by Forga tt: de France al Dunkirk. Two vehicles Wobeley (fine Adminlty pllI~) .
This work _ carried out by lbe: Cbantm de Frana. FinaUy, Sanuon 'IVttt armoured in this W~t= cx- 1914, U.K.
Dunkirk ship}~d Forz" cr ctw.tkn included an AlIKt'O-Oaimler 17/10 h.p. LG.O.C. '8' typeomnibw . 'A'CfC
de Fnntt, 10 designs produttd by Lieu- dulSis dctaibcd as armoured in a ~ used.. This stUTdy and rdilble type of In puRlWK'C of Wirucon CIIurdWI'.
tcnanl F. R. SmlIOl1, R.N.V.R. (c. R. tum dated 16 Ou:cmber 1914. and this vehicle was ....~U capable of carrying the inwuctions to provide armed mocor
Samson'l brother and a mc:mba of may also have had the Arne paltern of weight of the armour bul it was found can 10 suppott tbe Royal Naval Air
the 5<jlUdron). In order to keep down armOllf. thoU d!cy were 100 1I0w 10 keep up Service aaopLanc force in frmc:,r;,
the ....-right. tilt armour waJ confined to with the m.achJne..sun ean in ao.ion. $Uitable ebwil were ordered or rcquW-
the radillor, in &on, of the driva-, and I Touring can with Iony badin were tioncd from Brimh motor manufao-
V~ped shidd al the I'W'. ,wept 16 Annound L.G.O.C. '8' Type IIliD used 10 carry the rilkmen on nucn - pcil~1y RoIJs.-Roycr.
upwe to increase preMedian for eNnit(R.N.A.S.), 19' " U.K. S1mson'. optlationJ and the IWO ar_ WoHdey. and T aU of whom had
the ~_ Maxim being • moured LG.O .C. '8' type vehida po'A-erf'ul touring at d ...." in pnxlue-
mounted IItU the rnr. TM design ga~ After Comuwukr C. R. S1mson', aClO- 10 have been uxd only for guard cion in 19'4- Following iepotli from
fairly good prot«tion from the front p,,", "'" '"""""" = ",...!roo Iud duties. Comnwxkr Sarmon in franu, the
Ind the rtar although the driver, in been ~infolced by I cktachmen, of:zoo Two funhtt fighling vchicles IUing Adrnirlllty Air Dcparuncnt (which
particular, was rlIther inadequately Royal Marinct on I September 19'4, it the: '0' type chassis were designed by controlled tbe R.N.A.S.) dnigncd
guudtd at the Mdes. WIS decided to Iry and provide support C. R. SatnJOO and h;, oK...c.. I J-pdr. armour 10 be litted 10 a ptopon;on of
The lint car 10 be IlI'fnOUrcd in this for the mxhinc-gun an-both at- Vieken lI!lnM.ulooutic gWl lnountcd the can lent 0111. Armoured can of tim
n' u,
fant AdminilY pattern were ucdved opmrioru (togechu with other ar_ II Armourtd CAn, Talbot (6ft! more armour pbtc ItfIt out about
by Sanuon during xplCInbcr and moured and unannoured R..N.A.S. Admirtlty pallcm and modifitd October 191. by the .... dmiralt)' 10
Oaobtt 1914- vdUda including. inciclmnUy, )0/ 40 fint Adminlty pattern). 19140 Sa,mJOfl', R.N.A.S. tquadron from
The armour t-",; • ...d for both Ro~ h.p. Wolseky 'wagoru'lIkd focdetadi- U.K. &gbnd.
Roya: and Woheky cars (the 40( SO h.p. man, of ROy<ll Marine rifkmcn) until Some of the Talhoa wert uttd with.
Silver GboII: aDd tb.: lof4D h.p. u~ aflC!' the middle of October. By arty TOScthcrwith RoIIJ.-RcryC!ti mdWoltc. QUt the drivC!'" head COVCl' and nd~tor
cylinder models rapt<J.dy-tbe c:.Uy Novanber ue ...... wufau had .n: in .,., dwW wppliol by CI""",,- prottt:tion plait and Mill 10 have been
major change 10 VJtld·rd ~uon and the force of Royal Mariocs man- Talbot Ltd., of North Kensington. emplo,uI on.Iy to cany .... ppJic,. Th..
bring the IDE of twV. rnr lyres) was on ning the can was ItII.I back to Englmcl. Loodon. wac used fOl" tbe fiN patttm ~y have only been pending conva-
vuy simple lines and of fuD lhc Wobdey can wen: iaI PM • • ' of annoured car cHg..~d by tbe Ad-- lIOn, bo....x.C!'. bccaUIC by the bea-
p«KtCrion for the cngm.-, and :a rmour fullhm !he otbcn and il is be~ WI mlralty Air ~t in ~ber ning 01 November a modified Ad--
rOC' the $ides mel bG. of the rear com- '9,4- lhc Clantnt- Talbor Com~ minIty-paltali Talbor armoured ar
partm(Ilt, wlUch _ open. The driver, ~~':ii=:IO~1 ~ was originally fonned 10 import was on the toad in Fnnc.c. ID thil type
~howna_~. was provided with an u- could be uttd :as Iendcn. lhc Rolls.- Climml an into the United Kingdom. the orijtina! annour was. in the 1tUm.
IlIOIlrCd bead conr. open It the !Tool, Royce du..;., on the other buId. wtf'r bul the J)/,o h.p. du.Io$is of 1914 wed ldi UIUIllered ~ that the rear wheel
1'hiI appc:an 10 have b«n intended 10 very rcliable mel SIOOd up 10 !he heavy fOl" die armoured can was CIltir~1y co,'C!'I and the driver', bead co'tCr were
give cbe driVe! tome prot«tion from work wen. and this make was used fof BritISh ddigncd and built. lhc lIandml removed. The artnOW" over the we..-
&:be noi$c in ao;Dou of the mvbino-sun. the marx ily of the blCl' Adminlty tooring car du.Io$is with a foor~lioda compamncnl Wall built up to the
whidl was mounted ova- hit head. In rw itllt(. ~ttCIlI armoured can. It is engine of tOI') tum. bore and 140 nun. Woulder bcisht of I member of me
both models mnottly cootrolkd It- believed wt the can with !he early ,trekc with foor-'lpctd gear--box was CI"CW It1ndin& up. It doped inwanh,
mourcd radUIOf doors WttC litted-in rypcs of amlOUf were Itrippcd down 00. the only imporunt change bcint but the roof was left opeD. The anna-
the Wolsdeys • Jingle door opmina and rebuilt. althougb before this one the Rlbtfirulioa of artillery..rypc whccIi malt c:arricd was either twO Maxim
upwards and in the RolI.. Royca tWO Rol~Ro}'« fint Admiralty ~ltem, at with Watland dual rinu and twin rcar machine-guns 01" one MllIim with
doors, open~ outwards. Some .Iight leaJI. was modified to a design by tyrtI for the usual Talboc detachable a ",icld. At Ieall Nx can of this tyl;"
frontal prot«tM)D wu glv(II 10 the lyres Comnwxlcr C. R. Samson in ronjune- wheell. were built: the conv~nion was akin
by plalC'S lltathcd 10 the front of the tioa with his brother, Urutcnant F. R. The armour designed fOl" these an 10 Ihat on the RollJ..Roycc J.pdr. gun
front mudguards. Sarrucm. R.N.V.R., and LieuCClWlt T. _ very Nmibr to WI of the Wolte- ~M .
Can armis typt. and similar Talbon, Warner, R.M.L.I., the tquadron uma- Icys and RoIls-Roycn. with the main ID addition 10 the above cars, NX
bad been delivered in hatches 10 Sam- ment oIflCCl". In this car, the dilfcTtncc WI the Talbots. :as delivered Talboa of completely new type wen:
100" IIfUJdrcc haw al Dunkirk in :armour ....... ldi intact. but the dri\'(1"" front the raaory, had I lute rcctangu-- built by Fa. gcs ct OUnricn de ftuIOf
IOmC quantiry by the md ofSepcembcr head COVtt was removed and the whole Iat annour plait in hoDt oltbc ndU.tOC. at Dunkin: undC!' the wpcm.ioa of
IS"4- 1'bc lonl iI diffio.tlt 10 asccnain
but ~ an: cm:ain/y publiWd refer-
..... " 10 hi........ of tf.rCc Ro~Royca
Cle..- compartment was completely
mcloecd with pynrnid.W.ped armour
with I Rat roor. 011 top of which WlII
This proj«tcd above the tOp IiDc of the Licutaunt F. R. Sanuon who bad
£,onnct and although it Uo helped 10 design them. Thoc can of the
MXnt slight frontal prote<tioo KCIOIlooi R.N.A.S. pattClll inooI'ponlcd
and six Wohdcy.; both makes prob- mounted I Le~ 11tis 10 die driver, it at the same tirnt: ob-- me n:wlts oJ the ape. kncc ,ained by
~l! ill8 Ie. numtfOUS dun Jbc: vcbklc was uxd :as the tnnOl" for I KUred I good dcaI of hit view of the the 1nIIOIlmi car crewt in ...t;"', and
)-pdr. naval gun wicb a Weld 011 I ar· road. HoW'tVCf, MXnt Talbot annourcd were fiilly cndc*G mel had 5Imn 1Uf·
The Adminlty p!tICrtI can ... ae DOC riasc 6Rtd with Rudge Whitworth an in UIC in Ftauct and Bdgium had, rcu. They were delivm:cl by the fine
very popubr wid! 5amJoa'. IIJCD, be- dual wire tpnktd wb«k. lhc gun imtcad, rwin sidcw:lyt-OpCIIing ar· ...'CCk of Novemba' t9'4. wbcn. UQo-
Clute, aput now the drivn, they gave mounting _ abo de rp:d by the mourcd ndiator doon a mud! btttcr fortunately, the opporrunirics fOl" their
lialc ~ 10 the new dM' lick R.N.A.S. tquadron oK, CIS. and otbcn design IS 1W1I :as fullt!:OfHted front employment had almost gone. U.
armour coming only to below WIiR of this type were built and uttd bta in whtch and it ImlU II poMibk dial d'(ll,gb I sccrioa of the newly tnnourccI
bel f« I $WIdins DUD. They wen, fnDcc, Gallipoli. and with the R",, 'an thctc can were IOIIlC of rbooc armoured can _ 5ti1t to the La Bark u t i to be
nevtttbcJe., used fairly alensivdy on apcdition. in frmoe with the wpply of BcanJ. tti<d~
19 AUIC)CaI' Annouud Car, 1914. arrival from ~, cxprascd the prolection ~I enhanced by the armour there WlS an air intake II the front of
U.S.A. opinion that the IIDil should prove very in fronl of Ihe dnver being a curved the bonnet.
mefuJ.--a view we did not eoinc:Kk plale, ~mg up from thc mginc Louis Renault was infuru.1C'd by htmg
The firM contingml of the Canadian with gmm1 military opinion II the bonncc 10 merge with lbe rooflinc. The IOId, after the fine 100 armoured can
Anny expeditionary force arrived in tiror. The Omadi.n moIOI' mxhJoe.. lurrcc ru\g foUowed the aarve of thc had been completed-with diffICUlty
~~ on 16 Daoba 1914. equip~ guns ~, bowcva, of greal value in rear of !he hull and the num ludf was beC:II.UC of a ~c of mnout' pblC·
wiilt a motor mxIunc-aun ax .. of Fnnce, fiOi" their mini in 191j to the dome thaped and open II !he rear. II 10 convcn them 10 amOOIancn I
""'mty armoured (V'L Thit formation end of the W)J' pll3.. al their besc in was eqwpped with DOC Hocchk.. air. Renault rdiucd and it appcan WI tbc
-die firM in the firM World War holding the German olI'(:IUive of March cooled machlOt-gU". Small $ide doon decision was a1~ Ind the conv""
dcsignrd and equipped righl from the 1918-in providing I mobile I CXh~ of III the hull bmath the rurret were sioru were DOl carried OUt.
sun as an armourtd for~was the firepower. proyldcd 10 81\'C KCt$S to the inlmor Lale m 1914 Ippeared lbe Remull
OUKOmc: of the mklpi iw:: shown by t Of the car. The equlpmml included a which, in bach Aulomimillnlle and
Raymond Brutind. Oruline! had terVtd large lpotlight on the 1d' side of AUIOClnoll forms. conrinued in !DC
in the French Anny and ba::ame (OJ)- lbe bonnC1 in ilddlllOilIO the IIsnal head.- throughout the war. Thil car was IcCOB-
lO AUlo mittailleuse S.AY.A ., 1914
rinccd of the value of the n~ Belgium. bmpo. mzably a Renault bccuuc the front
Living in Con>(!o al the oulbreaf cl 'l'hcte was al.. an endosa:l venion of portion of the bonnet WlS made as low
W)J' in 1914, he pmu>ded wealthy Some of the fine enclosed ~Uljo- .. of the Minern wllh I lu.lf-dome lurret as possible and the armoured grilles of
business rontanponn.:. led by Sir Bdgim armoured can were built by and armoured in I gcncnlly sill1ibr way the <Whboard radinOf' app«red be..
Clilford Slfron 10 join with him in r:ait- abool October 1914. including the to the S.A. V.A. hind il It the [ronl of the CKW coni·
ing and equipping I brig3de of mocor S.A.V.A. with Nrret 5hown in the puuntnl. Tbc hull was opm tOpped
mxhine-gWl" dr:awings. Thil Rep was to and ~ annamelll--cithcr an air.cooled
The can were ordered from Ihe ~ brought about by publio;: opinion • machiJlc..gun or a )~mm. gun-was
11 AUIDalilOn 37·mm. RCDlult. mounled here. A glln shield WlS fiued
Autoar ComlWlY, of Ardmore, in Belgium Ifter the diSlinguiihtd (]'CW 1914. FranCt'.
Pmruylvania. U.S.A. They were Sland·
ani commen:ial chaui, with JOlid tyres
amlO\lred with !--in. Wi-mm.) plale
of an open lOp annoured car. headed by
Prino: &udooin de Ligne. W.II ~
killed during a r:aiding apedilion 10
, Tbc greal Remuh t'OI"Im'lI al mlbn.-
coun. ncu Pari" which Wli rcspon· "'pol.
in rither casc:, Ihhough thae (or the
machine-gun Will r:a!her more V~

supplied by the Ikthkhem Sled Cor· dn!:roy a bridge behind the Gcnnan lIok for about one·,flfth of all pa!.Seuger The ciwsit with lhe Ii-h.p. four·
poneion. 11lc armour gave alJ..round lines. The impro\'unmt of enclosing can buill in Fnnce III 1914 was obv1. cylinder 9}/ 160 engine was again used.
pn:Mtt"tion 001 was wlUlIlal in tNl ie not the: o r and adding a Nrret was, in Illy ously an important unil in the French This had ttmi<Uipcic Iprings and de-
only off~ no head co,," for the tvml, a 1ogic:aI DOC and the AmC IiDc of war df'ott. Among its earlieR war IKhable woocIen-i;pokcd, pnennutio-
driver, but had no vision port in the dcvdopmtDl was follo....-ed :also in the: pmducrions was I preliminary order tyred wbcc:1s, dlUl at the rear.
~t:clt pbce. Ho~, ~can were?OC Brimh and French armoured can of \ ror 100 announ:d (V'L The earliest of France tneIed the W)J' with only )9
mcmdtd to go mtO acllon as fithune: u., , P<riod. thcx had improvised ;mnour-'blirJd... RcNull armoured can Itfl, 10 !-we
wbid'! but toxt asCli li.... for c&: two ~ was provided by the age de fomme'--built on the Ia.h.p. must have been beavy altbougb il mUlt
madUne-guno nonNlly pcovidcd in Socio!h! Anvenoisc pout Fabriation de Renault aDd other dw:sis witboul abo be roaN;! WI armoured car produo-
tx:b car. 1'hoe machine guns .....en VoitW'tS AUlomobilcs (S.A.V.A.) of map modiflCllrioru.. By November tion from !he end of 191) onwards was
oritimlIv lif-roo kd ~rmdc Annwelf a firm which was founded 1914, bowC¥Ci',' Mmda.rd pattern was eoncentnlC'd on White imported dw-
eoTa bUe bkl', wiili the Ytudian in 1910 and was bongl'! up by Minefvlo bring dcli-.ued in "itic:h dual rcac ~
Corp. in Fnna:. 0']0].in. Victcn in 19l). It vm a powerful ipOi~ whtc-ls were intrOduced. A truck-type
water·coclcd ~ wcre used ve hio;:le, suilC'd 10 c:any the wrigbl of the armoured body was fitttd mocmring a 11 IJolla·Fn... hjDj Annoured Car
invead. armour .....hich was comtrutted by the machinc--gun on a piVOI and pn:MfdUi (built for RuPia). 1914, U.K.
KiDg George V, when inspecting the Codmll firm of ScrainR, DCIl' Liege. In JOit'1e cr.n, 001 DOl all. by a luge fbt
lSI Canadian MDIOI' Machino-GWi The engine as weD as Jbe (]'CW com. 5hield. Tbc cngmc armour ~iscd C/u.rles JIft'OII. the f~mouo racing
Briple It AIdcnboc &hartly after their partmcnl was fu1ly mdosed The frontal the famous Rcmull ibsb~d radiator: dri,,", was inviled by the Imperial
Russian Government in '9'4 to design 1] Armoured Car, Rolli-Royce can although it is believed WI a few Royce armoured an was completed
and IUpply a prolOtype annourcd cu. (Admiralty turreted t-nera), 1!l14- can with the three lpeed gear- by the end of January 1915 but Maxim
JaITon cbme as the buD for his design U.K. box may also have hem among thotc Inadline-gWlS had to be obtained (rom
the: imponcd ItaJUn lsoua.. fraschinj convcrred to armoured carJ. ships ~ ~ Fkct 10 fully eq~ip thc:m .1.11
rClO-lzo-h.p. dum The byouc orM For many pcopk, the lUme Rolls-Royce Deign of the turreted pattern RolIs- Tramlng WCIIf ahead quickly, and in
vehicle IppwllONve been inspired by
the IIOttI-FraJcbini armoured c:r.r built
5til1 contr:
car', al
up the idea of ':armoured
as much as visions of the
Royce mnoured car was commenced
about October 1914, following discm-
March the lint two Iquadroru were
senl on active service ovef'le'l one to
in Italy in 1911 ;I.Ild the finished pro- utbane life associated with whal is 00ru as to how 10 provide: better ~ Frana; (and btcr to Egypt) and the
duce was, in fael', very like iu fore- cbimed to be 'the Bat Car in the l«tion dun WI oifcrcd by the early other to German South-Wcsr Afm
runtl(r in external appcannce in many World'. The ~ason is easy to find be- open top annourcd vehkles. A snull from whence in July a K'Ction went on
r~pcca. cause not only did Rolls-Roytt ar- comminer: was fonned in the Ad- 10 East Africa.. Early experience in
The armour protection was oompre- moured can serve on nuny fronts as miralty Air Depmmmt to conlider action in frm<:c $U\!e:ed the need for
hcruive, enclosing engine, hull, :and the far apart as Sooth-Well Africa and this probLem. Leading members w~ a pbte 00 the gun 110 prooxt the
back wheeb al~ the !TOOl wheds Russia from 1!l14 onwards in the First Squadron Commander W. Driggs and open mounting and thi, was fitced 00
were IlOI prov o even with mud- World War, but in a ra:ogllizably Flight Commander T. G. Hethering- many can later. In Africa the can won
guards. The hull armour was buill up s.imilar form we~ cmplo~ in the 1011 (both of the llN.A.s.) and they praise for their mcmanial reliability
on a wooden fnomc, to wbich the yo", British and other annics throughoul
were attached. On the hull roo was the: inter-wu years all over the world,
were ,"wed by Lord Wimbome and
Mr N. C. Mxnamara. A rough daign
(.1.Ithough conditiom in lOme: aras pr&-
eluded the use of the higha gean for
mounted a mullMided rurTtt with pr0- and again in action during the w-licr of car with, tun'Ct was worked OUI and clayson end), but the twin Rudge Whil~
vision for ODe mxhine.gun. Oddly yean of the Second World War. , model was made in three-ply wood. worth rear whed, filled with Rubbe. it)C
enough. although the: ar Iud sealing The foundation of this story of sue- This involved some curved armour (a puncture lealing substance) were
aa:ommOlUtion for no leu dwa nine cessfullongevity ruIly lies in the Lon- plata and Mr Scott of William Beard- often in urgenl need of ~plac:mlCllt
men, the only other weapon position, don-Edinburgh trials of the yeu 1911 more and Co. evolved a method of In April twO further squadl'Olll were
apan from the rulTd, W1' in the rnr when Rolls-Royce em atiblisbcd their
dOors, where a second machine-gun ~putarion for hiitb quality combined
could be mounted. with strength and rd~bility. Afler the
bending light armour plate.
After the: design was finalizal,
duction weIlt ahead and the lint
X: :t sent to Gallipoli where, however,
one m.ajor opportunity presented
. ffor armoured car action.
Unfonullucly. no perfomlmCt: fig- outbrcU of Wllr, early re~ flom Rolls-Royce :armoured can of the fTom August 1915 onwards the
ures are aw.ibble for thu annourtd Clf. Commander C. R Sanuon I RN.A.S. tun'eted ~ttem were delivered on 1 Roy.1.l Naval Air Service Armoured
In massh'c four-qlindcr engine of ;:tIme and :arm0lll't'd car force at Dt:a:mber 1914. 11Je complement fOl' Car Oivision was broken up and mOM
nearly 11,000 C.C. mllS! have given it a irk eonfinned WI mcdunicaUy the lint llN.A.S. ~u.adron of the of the equipment was lundcd over to
quite ropKuble speal on good road" the bell of his improvised armoured Armoured Car OivWon-lwelve ar- the Army. Some Ro1h-Royt:e:armoured
however, althoulth its wright and KlIid can were undoubtedly the Rolls- moured can-was ~!~lktcd during can were 11 Ihis time stripped of their
rubber tym pr0'6bly limited severely Royees. December and the Jq OIl was sent armour and converted inlO ambulances,
the car'l usefulness in Russia ouuicW: the In Sepcember 1914, aU Rolls-Royce 10 the East Com of England both for light lorries or tmden. Otben r~
main towns. clu.s!.is in the works at Derby, or in the triili and to guard agaiJut invasion. In nuined in JerVice in Light Armoured
The oolta-fruchini Irmoured car lunds of coacbbuildeo or agents, and service, heavier srupemion was found Motor Balteries of the Army, including
appean 10 have bcc:n ordn-ed about tome can completed with coO(hwork to be nn! "y and new JpringI.. con- the an in Egypt and Palarinc and the
September or October 1914: it was were requisitioned. TbC$C w~ aU of listing of thintcn kava al the front and 0Il('$ that tOOk- pan in Colonel T. E.

completed by the beginning of No\'" the 'Silver Ghost' modd whidl had fifteen leaves at the rear, were final. on Lawrence', campaign.
cmber by Jarrou'l lirm, Charles Jar- been sr.andardiud since 1908. The en- thetc can and sundardizal for all later Two Rolls-Royce armoured an
rott & Lcm Ltd., passed and aco:pted ~ was a Jix<ylindcr 74l.kc.. unit RolIs-Royce :arm0lll't'd cars. The new were in Russia with Comnunder
by RlllSian offl(:Cn in London and ibcd as 4O{50 h.p. and developing uk casings w~ also chmged for a Lcd.:er-LampKMI' J fOttt' (which remain-

~ ...
shipped to Archmgd in the Hill(' a maximum of around 80 b.h.p. The
geu-box was a four-speed type m 1914
heavier ~ttcnl.
A lotal of six Iquadrons of RolIs-
ed a Royal Naval Air Service detach-
menl) Imttl the Revolutioo in 1917-

'" "l
one of thcx was claimed to have done -ftOC.b1y with 1M Royal Tank Corpl aJ Armo ured Can, bolta.~ m..t it received proper maint~
$),000 miles over fa'1iblc roach or no in India and with the Ro)'ll,I Air Fo«:e c:hiai ( W a tmorla..d aad Cumber· after it w;u delivaed. and he wu duly
rOIds at.ll with only minot repair$. ArTnOUl'ed D.r Compnic:l in luq. Some Iud Yeo m1nry) , '\1'4 and 1\lIS. U.K. appointed driver of the ar as a priv;Jc
The Roth-Royce 1914 Adm:~:L of the R.A .f . can (IOmcwml moder. in the Wcwnorbnd and Cumberbnd
hlIl'ettd ~Item annoured ear niud) WttC still in anive we .1.1 H.1.b-- The Watmorbnd and Cumbcrbnd Y""""", ,
liltle d ', tiprio? : its Iwic LaYOUI with lwup as btus '906'. Yeomanry was a Territorial Army The iCcoud annourcd tar, whic:b was
a CEntral dr1va'l and fiahling compart- Clnlry unil with olf".a:n who, more abo buill It the end of 1\114 but a~
men. lOPped by I KV<ilvins rurrtt and dan IllO't of theU kind in 191" were peared in public apparently for the lit.
mel. opeD platform behind _ med for 14 Pacbrd Anuoand Car. '9''- QClIIJCiow of the buwJits dw might be time in arly 1\l IJ (and is ailed here,
other types of BriWb armoured cars obuintd from motor vcbida in coo-- for c:on~ distiaction, the 1915
;t~:~ :U~iy.dth:~~ "The second ~ OOtItingent fot -
junction with the avahy. This spirit modd) , wu !ltc; oed ~ Ucr.fI ....lnt..
showed iadf in rwo annourcd cars and Colonel Sir Bryan Lei roo.. or 1m-
OHhCti ~ WlI!I equipped. like
driva limns on the IIoof on I eu:sbion the 6nt oontingau. with American
and.. in • ,M.. the other two sunding armoured an. Unhlc the Autoan of
a wirde. van which were de!.ill;!ll:d and .$", ............. 1" ofbWl_
pm for OUI Of their own (unds by the rhomboidal side dcvation of the
10 _ the Vickcn mdine-gun lbe fint contingent, these wen: built on oIficen Of the regiment. fuse British tanh whidt appeared .1.bout
mOlUued in the IUfftt. Spaor; was puscnger eu m....e six<ylinder Ja.. "The wirebs vm, which w;u com. a ~ LuCl". The long ~ing front
limilcd imide: the ear. howevtt. and foc h..p. Pd=b, with wirMpol:c wheds pitted and litted OUt about the end Of glacis pble and the Jw-pIy undaCUI
this .case;w:. 50melUna the crew was only :and pnewmric lyres.. 11q were 1\114 w;u on a ~lS--b.p. Yulan rcar plale Of the hull were comcioos
two, in which ate the driV\"l' fed the ordered by the Dnadun Government cha";' The two armoured an were df"om to improve the clflClC}' of the
machine-gun. when driving, with one through the Onuria Motor Cu Co., on hOlu-Fmchini pusenger eu dwsis armour prOJeCtion. Act; .ibility 10 the
.""'. Toronto, from the: Packard Motor Cu
There were a few mooiflCltlonl and Comp.1.lly ofDctroit, Michigan.
imported from Milan (Iuly) by Guy engine was dilflCUlt_ problem Of ltWly
Lewin Ltd. Thu London firm also armoured vdUt~ ~ UOOC and
varianu of the 1m.ic type. One apai- The body of these em was fully en-- undenook. the nunufacture of these 1(0"$11 doon in the ,ide annour were
mental car lud the tUrret removed dosed by armour. The driver had a armoured an. provided to hdp oVCl"comc mil. The
and I l-pdr. aUlom.lic gun ('porn vUion port the: full width of the car and The lint of the: two armoured em, eu bad an armoured roor, but no lurrCl:
porn') filctd on an opm mounl- there wu aho an opening flap in the wbicb was complcttd by the end of 'lc:tler box' weapon slits were provided
ing. Some <:an wed in Egypt and roof ova his bead. UmwlJl triangulu November 1\1'" was built to the in.. in the bull Udcs.
Anbil !wi either the lOp pbtcl of the loop holes were provided in the hull .tructions of Mr Christop~ Lowther, Rau.rcb Iw not .hewn whcthct
luntt or the !u!Ttl it$C'1f ~ 10 sides. Thccnginc: WlI!Iabo fully prot«t. an oft"lIXi in the regiment. The d ....;. these two Innoured an I(lompanied
nuke the intcrioc moce btanblc in the cd: the armoured radialor docx rout.! was the lS--b.p. botta--Fnnini model the Wcsunorbnd and Cumberland
hot clinu(e. For cngagilD~ pulling be opened or doted fiom the driver', The bull was endo5ed. J.!IM'Igh the Y conu.nty when il wenl 10 Fn.nce in
1915. II teemS unlilcly, however, ~
away barlxd win: mung U, tome poWtion. A cylindrial IUITCI was
can in Fnncc}ud a pivoted book fitted mounted on the hull roof on ball bear· "'I!'" ~ 1'''''''''',:1
ndiator doon, adj by ~""""
Ie fiom the ClUIC the regiment was 'plil up into
II the flOOl--dlit idu apparently 0rigi-
iugs and W:..4:~with one: CoIl driver', teal. The best farum of the divisioNJ Clviliy IIJwdrons for infan.
nated at Gallipoli. where Turkish aif--eooled . The gutma" de!.ign thai the bull tides WttC tty division. anJ in 1917 was abtorbcd
into the 7th Ibtulioa "The Border
tl'mches wefC attacked in this way. To Sli on a bicycle wYle
prcxecc the Of comnunden a lOla"
SCjuu.: mnourcd cupob was added on
A contempcnry X03UDt of the
mobiliution Of the II!cohd Canadim
:t :&ttinotT.:n~:~,:.OI::
wNcb bad already IIleI1 a+ , -.. , iII Fn.nce
Rcgiment_ inf.1.ntty bmalioo..

the tufTCU of lOme Ro&-Royt:e oootingent in Dcc:embcr 1\1'" rd"m co and BdiPum 'Dd WI the drivct', 26 Armound Car, I •
tbm: ;armoured an and mcntioas an frmt pble was dfeaivdy ~ped to (Admiralty pilllenr.). 1\lIS, U.K..
"""""'" =
Some ~Roytt annoum:I cars of order for eight more from the Packm:I inauJc its &Ih. 1-· One: of Guy
this 1914 panem (lOSethtt with an of Motor Cu Company but, unfonu-- Lewin', mcdunia who bcIpcd buiJd The L..x:bcuer eu of 1\1'4 _ a wen.
the ~ limibt I pllO pattern) mruined rwcly, nothing futiher is known cl any
in tefVic:e (Of tIWIy yean alia the Waf Of Ibex armoured an.
the annourcd eu fdt it advisable to detigncd, beautifully
m1ist in the Army in ocder to ...."Jre mmy ways UDCOIlVCllI"
=::r' bul in
,,6 "7
Bued on the desi~ly
IUpponed rear . gt--«mi-dIipOc: IW squadrons of the R.N.A.S. All of tbac The tWl'Dl)' Lancbc:stn umoured
by_~-ofthegw:DtF. W. WCie du~ic:l[ed:mel. the &on'~?b;; sqw.drom W(I( in frmoe by May and can (.cf.. md 10 above) JCtlI 10 the
L.andvMC"f, the- an baring his ~~ ."P""'Mn was rdnfoooal by sftodr ooc of them Lun IC1'VCd wim the Bd- R""ilD'm 191j do not appc:at 10
wae munmtly Rlitable r()l' eonveniorl abtorbt. i ~ I>priDgs in vudcalcubcs., gianArmy. hem made avaUabk 10 the R.N.A.S.
fO annourcd an md., in ext. Lancha- !he IOpI of which were au.d.n:l to the laTer in 19.J. twmIy Lan............. force wbea it wuin RiM'" Somcor all
trn wen the only an. b 'I'<k the Rolls- upJlet' put of the maiD body fnmc ~ c:ar-.ppmndy me IrtJ.ttr of tbac can Iblr~ &om the od..... in
Royce. 0( the rurmcd ~ucm to be structul'e. The I and..oscer _PttUiOn put of the equipment of IWO sqwdrons WI they lacked the kden over the
buill in qlWltilY for the Royal Naval had the g~t merit of being very much whidt, bcausc of the nooch warfuc rnr whcc:. and had I umll square
Air Scrvke AmlOUl'«! Car Divi~iorl. easier on lyre WW' than Wt of the NlWlion, were by then iMctive-were cupola added on lop of the turret.
ScvctaI1S-h.p. and 38-h.P' ~ Rollt-Royce armoured can. JCtlt to the RUM.aru. II was propo$ed A few other Lam;heller armoured
let louring can were bunlil Dunkirk The mechanical layout of the ~_ that tbac can should lain be lJ.lo:m over can beyond the original. thirtr,ix
with Conunmder C R. Sanuon's fOl'OC cbeMer. wim the engine beside the by the Russian expediriooary force apptar 10 hav.: hem built. allhougI!. me
by Dcambcr 19'4 and also one 18-h.P. dmer', feet, made poMiblc I man: uncia the command of Commander deuilsan: unccruin. In December 1916
l..ancbcsI:cr announ:d car. unfonu-
natdy, mit vdlidc ius not hem MJmD..
sIopms and btlttr ptOI..... red bortnel in
the annoum:I car dun was practicable
Oliver LocIo:er-1
had as its nudtus
b:r' nu, fora:
in pt.KII1!ld and
bown'Ci', the l..:mchc:uer MOlar Com-
~y _ asked to give • qUOUDoa for
6ed-it nay luve been one of the urly with man: CIOIIvcntional em. The low equipment the: 13ocb..... sqwdron ",pplying I complete tel of a!'iJXIW' for
open top impm~ typtS-but ft is catuc of grarify a],o made tbnn ~ which had hem JUppoitii'8 the Bdgim ODe of !be armoured an damJ.ged ill
bkdy tIw all the UnchesI:en dood out
wrll in compari.'ln with most of the
subk. Tbt wnet and fighting com-
~I of Ihc' alN"hmer wefC a1_
wusupplcnxnrcd by I heavy
of 11M: R..N.A.S. and Ob.
the figblina in Roum.nia The: quota-
tion given (for £191 ~"Ijvery by the
othcT lOUring an and lillhl 10.. its in identical to !be turrcIeCI. Rolli-Royce. as uansport. OWly of me Jctvi« vehicles end of January 1911) had to be baso:d oa
d\C vaned coIkction of vdiides held by wac me rnr pbrfot iD and JtOwagc bcinr. on Lanchcstt:r du.ssis. Beardmore II-mm. plale for hai.a1
the R.N.A.S. at Dunkirk. boxes (although the btler do not a~pcar The opeditionary foro:: di~barked surfaces beaut< the original &lightly
Certain it is, howevtt, thai I proto- 10 have hem 6mxl to lOme of the at Alcnndrovsk (ncar the: North Cape) thicker type was no looser avaibbk.
type turreted p,attcm UncheIICf ar· carliest Lanchcsten). in Jan~ry 1916. After an immediate The l..ancheIIn armoured an stood
mourcO car was built by the early part
ofOc;ambcr 1914. Thisardote1y r~
Apart from the modifications mtn-
tioncd, the: 18-h.P' dwais used for !he
lCt-back. when the can had to be ICIIt
bad; to the United Kingdom for ~
up magnm;:;;r
:mel. 1Cat' im
to me Icrrific WW'
by the appalling roads
shado....-ed in .ppanna: the ~hides I..mcbocer annoum:I em was tancb.rd. to damage calUCXi by &oM: and a IlOnD __ ahKnce of them-ill the Russian
wbich wa-e to go into .... ice !:afti', The NX<ylinder. .·I-!im cnpw: I'Ii toIIIt, the armoured car bee opa .. campaign and gtove very little mcchan.i-
l'X«p' ~I it '.toed mudgumk and (R.A.C. firing 39 h.p.) cbelopcd 6, led in support of the Rllhims through cal tn)Uble. Some: of tbnc em must
equipment such as undirdUng boWs
......""" """'" live "'" ~
b.h.p. ac uoor.p.m.;thegear-Oox wall 1916 and 1911 until die RnoIution. aImo.t wimoul doubt have covered
and did nee have dccuic ligbrins.
1M pOnd".,................. only.
nujor dlange: nude ~ the ~
Iotype-whkh was built 011 I sunclud
nU.ion _ by VIU ill 10 the reu
uk. Al an armoured car weighing
bct:w~ four and five tofU me top
tenl down to the Ca .......•
from wbae dmchmcnts
From the Araic Circle, the force ....,
man: gro..nd on active k ••itt than any
odaer fighting vdtidcs of the Fin!:
world War.
into Tuncy and inlO Persia. With-
18-h.P. chassis :and the firM car of the ~ was about SO m.p.h. The acw drawn ITom mis a~, the !tN.A.S. 11 Autoeanon M on, 191J,lklgium
production .., iu which appeared about ooruiSied of thrtt or four men and the force was JCtlt Vg the north U!orc of the
Jan~ry or February 191j was in the amu.mcnl was onc Vid:~Muim Black Sea to support the R, in The SoiXa! Nouvdlcs des ... U~
RlipmPon. Rudie Whitworth twin nadUne-gun mounred in the turret, Roumania and in G.IiciJ. (soom mobiles Mon wu a French oom~y
wheeb were 6Hea at the rear ilul:cad of although a Lewis light machine-gun Poland) when: mey were in JCtion csublisbcd in PJ.rU in 119$ which, by
:!lies. Thex were detachable wire--
c wbteh with wide rims which ...
was usw.Uy alto c:uried. stowed inside
bd'oce the end of the year. They OM-
tinued to bohta me Russian armies
'9'4. oftUed I range of em most of
them ha'fing imported BcIgian
cmied two lyra as oW. J to the Thirty-tix I..anc:bester armoumi can IIDtiI the outbreak of me RcYoIution Minerva wcwc-V;1.lve ~dkS.
DOl which were IrilI fiual at Wl'rt completed by the end of Mm:b in November 1911 made funlxT JUp- The Men was., Ihc.nfore, • sui...bk

the front. The J anew 7 cantilever
t9" and used 10 equip chm:: port: of DO ani!. du";" Cot Belgim umourcd can to
.... ppkmcnt the productKxi of the »-h..p. mockl with a Minerva-buii, fOlDw::J good wOik in the two rem it of tbe.e an wu nther like a IIcaIcd
Minerva (..aory II Ant\\~ which wu, Knight type of 5kevc-valvc engine. was on the Fawm fronl. being seven! up venion of dut used for the lint
in any~. ~ to the Gcnmru IOG-mrn. bou and 14CHJlllI.. wokc. times ()()CIgnllilatcd for ib aaivities by Adminlty p.1tttm WoIxleys. 'The
when Anlwtrp fclloa 10 OctoIxr 1914- The nain modifit;:3rioou for armoured the Tw. It WD finally rcalkd in 3-pdt. guo WD mounted on a turnubJc:
Man can ~c fitted with improvised car use were dut the wheels (wida 880 August 191' when it ap~ un- JUS( forward of the: rear ule. It Mel. all-
armour in AUgust 1914 and ~ with X IlI>/tlm. lyrtJ) werc inund of likcly to be able to patorm funhtt round travene and the annoured MdeJ
Mioervti and othtrs by the Belgian! to lingle It the Tar, and 3 duplKatt It( of uscfullCrvice. of the body could be let down to form
ram the Gcnnm advance. 8y C'ady dutch and bnU pt'hls wat provXIcd a platform fOt' the gun acw. The hull
1915 .a fuDy mnourcd vcnion Iud for the usc of the co--driver in aliCf'o- l3 Atmound Car, Snbo ook, 191),
armour _ built up of S-mrn.. plitt:
.",""". guq. U.K. tome can, but nOt all, had a gun .hield
The Autcx:o_ MOl'S of 191' w.u In 191) 3 tdf<Oltt.ained unit 'Corps Four mountings for Vaen--Maxim
r.1.l00 better proccacd dwt the Miner· "=' Autof-Canom-Mitnillcuso R,w;'" Following their pM.. hi wida auchioe- machine-guns ... ue provided at the
vas and although W1lhoc!t .a rurt'tt, thc
_ fOIDA.'d for IU'Vice in R'wia Mon gun-vmed can, Comnundtr C. R.
large ~ Weld fot lhc annoumi an funned the ouin ~ and tome of his oIf.cer, of the
annon g.ave a1mo.t:as much procmion wcngth of dait unit, the othcn being btcbun:b Sqtudron R.N.A.S. de- QIdelivered by the Ponholmc

as the opcn-bx:lu:d dome ~ of the Is-b.p. Ptugrou which were lOme- signed a loay..mountcd l-pdt. VW;hn Aerodtomc Ltd., Huntingdon, on
Inn Minerva antJOUred an. The wlut simihr but Irked :any form of kDlHUt()tTUIric gun and had this buill. ) February 1915. The can wtl'e dUtri--
,·mm. pb.~ armour the huH proLxtioo for the engine and also a like lOme of the tquadrom. tal"1ier buled to the R.N.A.S. AnnotlI'"ed Ca.r
wu quite u.1I and ofI"acd adcqlUte
prota;tion to the crew sundin! up. The
.hkld for the 17-mm. gun. To
wpply problem the Peugcua
\:r the
designs. by foracs et Cltantitn de
france al DttnkiR:. The: lorry was de-
squadrons in FTanor; and Engbnd, dara:
per tqtudron. It was intended dut chey
roof was enclc:Kd on/rovt!" the driver'l me whtdt as the Mon. livered on 16 October 1914 and was ~!~~ppon to the Rolb--Roycc
head the remainder being open. No The fighlin~ of dais unit ton- flfSt taken into action in $Upport of the or armoured can in action,
,.,......" doon wac fined--dw: only ~ of 3 balta')' of two scctioru, txh 2nd Life Guards (lrd Cavalry DiVMon) although it was before long reali«d
trlNIlS of entry being through the top.
The mounting for the J?-tnm. cannon
was pivoted near the fell' of tnc open
of five armoumi can. MOll and Peu-
geot. In :wIdirion, the balltry eot1l-
rmnder and the two soaion COIIUtUD-
:une:rn:dalc:u~f!.. S::!7.iifu;c:;
dais car. even aflU' the machine-gun
clut the much Iowa' speed and man--
oeuvnbility of the Seabrooks made dail,
in most"'" im~bk.
(Omtm1ment and the .bidd ntached den txh had an umoum:l comm:and can hid been taken oot of acrion because ~'s j-pdr. lorry !tad given no
to it gave the impra&ion from lome: car. These vdtides were also MOll and of the dtanged sit\UUon brought about trouble but the al"lJ1OUrtd StIMook was
angles of a 1'lItN:r ull ~lar turn(. built on the w.nlt chassis as dae Auto- by ttench wufare and the onset of 3 much baviu- vehicle of_ IUlIOtU
An inlaesring fcarure of the annon canont but the buD was rather hi!lha- wintu" weathU'. right up to the time loaded weighl and the ings. the
was the provision for mounting a and was divi<kd intenully intO three due: SaIlUOll',aem.,ww, and armoumi wheels wida their tolid ro'tl: tyres,
Hocchltia rnxhine-gun ahem:: it 0:.. compartmulQ.. The driva' and c0- car force was withdnown Sum Fnna.. and back ules oftm pvc way. The
of the 00ieM c:nmplcs of .a max;.,1 driver were at the front and behind 'J'hlr; pufonnance led to the drrision weight of the an nude it "".. Iry to
mounlofrwodii1Ucl,ltypcsof weapoo.. lhun WZI I snWI OOOlpal w ....1t for the to aruth a )-pdr.-equippcd bavy UIII: the: specially carried p1anb for
The eogine eompMtmml W1S at- Imlt mounmder and ~ nun and armoured car to each _. liail of the: . even uu.all gulIcyt and this
~ only at the Adcs and the front.
The woIing through the armour was by
eoataining a Imp table and ruvigation
equipu.... t. 1his D)OlputmtDt had I
R.N.A.S. armoured car squadrons,
which ... ete fOlaw during the wintu"
fu:::I'... mobill . ""...._
abletodouscfUlworkl,wnu, and the
._ • • •
~ ~ L • nnl. .L
of 19141191). 'The th.-is (Iv;~ II was Commandu--Ct-Cbid" of the BritUh
meaJU of PJ: tquart: holes in the umour mwD -'1 ...... OK· I nDUD OJ - - on <lie
in front of the ndU.tOf, covered by six roof. equipped wida~ The the Seabnd: )-«111 1orry-4rl im- F.xpeditiooMy Foca:, Sir Jobo F" I ......
Ul,.II,pao:d annour pbln, Above and ported Aaaican vehicle built by the was $Ilffciatl y iml'f'OlO(l. .lda their
below ,Me. fOfWUd slopina sbidd. =...r:~W:o~wooC. n :..: Snudard Motor Truck Co. of Detroit performmO" Uound Ypres to uk the
helped to ddIea air throoih ~ aper-
-•,0 and UIW'1DOUI'aI and (:I)I,1d be used to wida a four-cylny"., Continental Adminlty to tend Q)(ft of them to
carry four mea or equiptDUlt. p·w.p.enginc with chain drive tnm- franO". Because of the diffICUlty of the

The dun" wed for ,....... can wu the The Belgian armoured car unit per_ mistion to the rear wbeeIs.. 'The armour Seabcoob working wida the light
armouKd can. and perhaps through type which devdop-.d about H h.p. al C. It SanlKWl oa a dmjbr dwsis wu like that of the R~Roy<lC was filled
Sir John Frmch's rtquetl. uuuuaionl I fXIO r.p.m.--trarumiuioo ~.!:r Mt urubk 10 k«p up WIth the machine- to a Talbot, only the Wuland amlkry
were given in May 11)15 for the btavy 10 !he reu azle. The (our gear- gun an whteh ~ the Imi~!ling rypc: whoxk and the: Ihghdy different
armoured can to be formed into "fl' box wall one of the beN ftarura of the VdUdes and whicb il was in to radiuor umout bring obviolaly dll-
r;u.c tquadronl of Nil: an each. Five vdlidc it was quice rurmioJ and (an Rippon. 11Ic SUl:«quml It port by the U!ICOve (e~l1U'u. The Roll ... Roycc and
such tqlAlirons ~re formed. moM of even , greater virwc) was:almotc (001- Admlnlty DO doubt inhibited the Lancbata' tu.rTaCd annourcd can Wttc
the mot( IilUthaory vehicles of their
whlch JeI"Vcd in Can of one ptOOf.
tqtudron wa ... howcvt!'. Knl 10 Egypt The armourul body dcsi«ncd and
in Novanbcr 1915 wbcn: they joined built II woolwich ArxnallOr the '8'
I developmenl of the A.E.c. 'B' type
~ cae although lben: iI DO evi-
dmc:c 10 wggoI that the War 0ff1cr;
kind and the Talbot Inodel was IlOf
produced in nllmbcn.ln fact. onlythrer
of rf t turreted Talbot. armoured an
the Westc", Fn:lnticr FOicc ... ope...- type ~I was ba·jolly I tioop carrier had pursuod thil or Ioimibr pn::ju:u
tiont against the SmUMI. They wtJ'e -It Iud I tou.l of reo potu (<< the nn- ~_lral cntrBy· 11Ic R.N.A.s. were built :and thq went 10 eqUip pari
insufficimdy mobile fuc L u wvUrt: pIoymenl of macIUnc-cum « rm.aU the value of II'1nOI.lttd an 00 of one: ~ (unblulunenl of fow
,bo..h. and bogged down In the And. amu but DO provisKJa lor a turret or le<iual fronu during 191$, but $iDa the an) of one: iljuaMon of the R.N.A.S.
:and in Fdmwy 1916 were Kplaoed by pemunmtly mounted weapons.. The Arm y absorbcd the R.N.A.S. AI· Armoured Car o;~isio...
a Light A~ Motor Bns- of armour was ."tic:aI or oeuIy 110 on aU mourcd Car Dlvl5KJII (19 Mjuadrons of 11Ic Fluoch Dclaunay-Ddlcvilk had
RoIh-Royer; armoured an.. lido with the ~ion of the driver'. lighl and ~vy armouruJ an and the ('!Iviable tcpUunon before the Fif'JI
poAtion ....·hich Iud a ilopai pl~tc. """~-<y<. ~) ;" "(urther
- world War of being one: o( the bat
can avaibbk anywlv:rc. ron:lik)il
19 Armoured Car, A.E.e. '8' Ihide the driver '"' ;& lIOmewN.t un- ber o( that year there was no
:among the OWllC'll of Delaunay-
'1$1 .. 1 crew po5irion with a did;., incr:ntive for the War OffICe to aD-
Type (War Office: pauC'm). 1915. shuua' (oc I rnachine-gUIL Thc driver I Bclkvillcs wu the Tsar of Russia, who
U.K. IMler the production of annoured can
cab was (ully end~ (induding the in any q~nllty. When (urther need:uosc poss=tttd I 511\.\11 fleet o( them. Dclau-.
The As.ocialed Equipment COlUpany bad) but the fW' body of the ydtide IWO yean btu'. AWI;n artllOlU'eCl em nay.lklkvillcs had been Inlported inlO
Ltd. was fonned in 1911 to build ml)«)r Iud an opett lOp. of lhe type built for Russia were mal. England from France in quile: respect·
omnibuses for the Loodon Genenl Early in 191j , the Admiralty Air There is lOme rcUOll to believe tholl ,ble: nUlllbcn by 19'4 and 10111(' were:
Omnibus Compmy. A lWIchrd mode:! Department was invited to smd one of more than one armoured car of thi, .u:scmbkd in a (actory at Mai<b Vak
was evolved II the walthanutow (Lon- their armoured car up"u to the War pattern was built-the only employ. (NOI'th London). Thil, lhen was a $nit.
deal factory whlch became known 11 OffICe. Flight Commandct T. G. ment was (or defence of the KlUth and able: chanl' (or adaputk>n as an
the '8' type and by 191) 1jOO of lbetc: H«Mrlngton. who bad Wen part in C'Ut ~o(England. armoured car and an armoured huD and
buses had been buill. Many were tUm apmmmu OIl anDOlU ptocecoou (or rurret (or the Ioix-cylinder, lS-h.P. 1914
over by the War Offa and UJCd ;tI the Royal Naval Air Service at'ITIOUI't'd model wert: designed by the R.N.A.S.
uoop ~ ti.... or fitted with lorry bodiu an. was that a· I' -"mined by Lotd }O Armoured C.r, Oela.~y.
Armoured Car Division. 11Ic dwsiI
.-round 1600 in all tct'\"C'd wim the Kitc::brna- and insttuctallO go 10 Wool- with iu lindrical radiator :and bonnet
British Anoy. wid! Aneoal and iJ.sptct and report on
BeIlt'ViUe (Admiralty pauern), and
Armoured C.r, T.U)Ot (Admiralty
(harking1':: 10 Inc Dclaunay-&11o-
It was an A.E.C. ' 8 ' type duslit WI this navy umoural CIt. Hrtberingtoll ville finn' I boiIu-mUing ongins) did
tufTeted pallenl), 1915, U.K.
the Waf 0fIicc used [Of itt fine ex- djKm"oo to his astonishmml tiPt the DOt Icod Il1df 10 the pallern of
peai....:nw armoured c:aI' in 1915- armour was ptw only aga.i:nK the It was quite nnun! that the lsfso-b.p. aonourtd hull mal (or the Ro/ls.-Roycc
me Royal Naval Aif Servic:e having Germm "'Ilk!: II I nnge of 100 yanb Talbot ch.... is, which Iud already btm and a IIOmtWhal diffCfU'it type WII
armoured a simibr type of d",,,;' upwards. wbucas the R.N.A.S. apui- IUeCI for various early Royal Nan! Air dc:signed-ntbc:r bentt, in (XI, hi>
le"u:aJ months earlier. The '8' type menu bad IalIO the use (or the Naval Sutice armoured can in Oaoba- caute: the sloping dover'l platt otfttcd
chaw" was tomeWhat old &sh;"... In arlllOlll'ai an of Ikardmore: plate ~tu' proccction. 11Ic turret 100, was
cksian. I timber &ame reinfo...:ed by which gave ptc.... ion against the IW1C:
November 191" should be used
upc:liulmally when the Admiralty diJfcru:lt fi.... the IBUal Admiralty
IIicdi pbtcS. The ~ ~ bulkt II point-bbnk r.vtgC. Abo, of NrrctOO panern II'1nOI.lttd an wert: pattc:m in that it wu I Simple cylinder
of Jcmi<llipric: bf s(l!inp. The engme courx, the R.N.A.S. bad (ound out that being designed in IAu:tuber. An Without the bevelled edges. The :anru-
was a four<ylindcr T-head Ado-vahoe the annoumI cae built by Comm,nder ~ body and turret vtty much malt, Iih the othef Admiralty turreted

'J' 'j)
armou~ an, comufC'd of one vickcn- a weighlof ahoul II Ions, which is type wilh ckuchabk rirm and litted wae fO«cd 10 ope:note It Ova" 10,000
Muim waltt.-c:ookd madtine-gun. likely 10 luve luudy limiled the with .alid rubber tyTCS. l~W lingb (eet, where they wne fir ks. cff'ective.
Only three ntI'mC'd Dclaumy. Gu(on!', mobility in RUMian eoncft.. al the front and 4O-inch fWiru 1I the During their umc in France, the
Belleville ulJl()tlred an wttt\ blllil and IJon" One did go down in h"'ory rear. The armour protcerion Wl$ s..uun.. guru wne frequently opcntcd (rom
tbac belped panly 10 eqUIp the NmC: howeVU', as bcinR. the: fin! R".im plale on thirty .. wo vcbidn and on the: the .-me poritions (or exlCnde:d pu ioIh,
R.N.A.S. tquadron WI }ud the lur· annoum:I ar 10 &: IttD in Td.uan, renwmng .atccn ,.." mae:ued to O'} and tIx 10k of spare: annoum:I an
rCled T alboa. One DtbWUoY"'Beibllk, PcnP, in 191). in. (7i mm.) With roofs of 0' 196--in. turned 0111 10 he fu in C')'(" • of tIx ro-
al bK. was Krippcd of iu anoour not plate (S DIDI.). In addition 10 the 'porn quircmmu of the BciRadc and 110 aM...
long afierwuch and oonvmtd inlO a J1 AnnottHd. Cat, Pi.Hce-Anow porn', OQC Maxim machitJc..gun ,.." of them wne hm&d over 10 the
light lorry uxd bla' by the R.N.A.S. (And. Airaaft) 19I5.. U.K. ~,foe wIUc:h there: wen: motmt· Royal Naval Air Service Armoured
Anti-Aircraft Mobile Brigade and an 11:18' on the side: and rear doon and at the Car Oivilion during 1915 and Me car,
~ hull from I DtUunaY'" An AnD-AircM: Bripic was (ormed fnio •. at leaK, 6ned with a 'porn porn' mde:d
Belkvilk armoured ar was wed on I by the RO)'llI Marine Artillcry in the Tbe: umoure:d an Wti'C: ddlvctai by up in R~ WIUt Lodtt-LamplOll',
Killen-Scml lnCIOC" dw!.iJ in tuly AUIUIM of 191" (or terVice m the 6dd. Wolsckys betwCCD l.brd. and JIIIIC' r~.
landsbip uperunenu in July 19lJ. The equipment c:basen (or this unil 191' but the: supply of ' porn poms' Sixteen other armoum:I an, V'CI')'
wruilled of the: vic::kcn Naval ~. could not k«p pxe and the an (or limilu in Ippurvt« 10 the Piuco-
J I <;ufOI'd ArmouTtd Cat, 19 1'
automatic rm UUJJUy Koown as only two bulCJics wae equipped with Arrows were buill by Wolscky Moton
'porn porn -mounted on Picf'ce.. guns by the end of April, wllm they m Peaks. chain-Jrive chll'is Thcx
Arrow , ..on lorry ch,Mis, UlIIOW'aI. wen: IICIIt 10 mOtt. Thc guns (or I were buill (or R~ lild ddivCTCd in
This rrwsive vehicle with upper workJ The aubliWI'I('nt 6xe:d for the: Ihird NIter)' were rt<:tived during 1916.
suggesting a me<ilacval rOlllarli is R.M.A. A.A. Bri!ade was (our Nt· Au~w: and the Drig2dc was DOC fuDy
believed 10 luve bctn built in the Puti. I~ each with our gun" together eqUl~ unlil September. Spara for 1l SMffield.sinlplu Annourcd
Iov umament work.. U Petrognd (now with $Upporting tnruport and a be*' the pam porns' Wti'C: in 5bort lupply Car (built for lklgium), 191$, U.K.
Leningrad) in 1915 . 1'hc clwsis wu an QIATlCr1. A IKl included wen: tW('IIty. and during the: Summer of 191 j there
imponal American JS.h.p. Gatford, (our molOf<ydc: rombinalions equi p- was a Utoruge of ammunition for the: The Army MOior Lorries /I{ Wasson
cmin driVCI on the rcar whttb.. ped with Maxim machine-guns. To guns. In spite of 1he:sC" diffICUlties, the: Co. Ltd.. was formed in England II the:
The annamclll was a.rrkd in one cnsur.: WI the Brigade wn highly R.M.A. A.A. Brigade did good .....ork. rod of 1914 to build and 10 re:~ir
turrCf and fWO 'poruoru. Thc turret, mobile, crampon was 011 a generous tbe firu airaaft claimrd to he Utot: down vchieb (or the: Belgian Army and
facing 10 the re:.u with tnvme of lea
thm I So de:greo, mounted a sbon 75·
1OIe, with thirty.(our Pittce-Arrow
"'"ia and two Picf'ce..Arrow work· unit w.
was on JO April, two <bys after the
lint m action, and in an
praniscJ al C~ho (London) and at
Hayes. MiddieJa wae acquired by
~ ;::tl;rw:t~O";t:palod.:
mm. gun with the: barrel pcorwtd by a w-op vehide" Although there wen: early 1915 (or dtiJ purp"4" The Cbdx.l
curiouI dwmel pc~tiilg (rom the
IUfftC (aa, and 10 the righl of it. a
only 10 be Iixtl:en gm:u. (orty-dghl
maw' ~(' ordcn:d for than. the
, rilllC' Wt the urriI _ I&Cquipped with
works wtre nuinly roncullcd with
repair and Ia:olldilioning work but the:.
Muim wlltt...cookd ~ In
(ront of the IUfftC and behind the
balance 10 he rminuiDcd as sp.ues..
Thc order foc the:.umoured an (aha
I l · indI A.A. guns (on diffa'ml 1'1101.1111·
inp) during thc: SUIIUlla of 1917 and
factory at Hayes buill (airly large:
numbcn of IfIC'Nlist vehida. _hiding
drivtt', ab wne nvo IopOnIOIIS. one
either _, each with 1 Maxim machine-
the: Piuu;-Arrow "'ilia and work.
mp.) _ I'laad with Wobde)' i the: porn porn' was withdr.llwn.
Tbc 'porn pomt' bad a Die of6re: of
armoured em.. 011 new cha."
'The: armoured an wue Sh. fI'.,Jd..
gun mounled with an an: of 6re: ,ide- Moron ud.. (3 sumidi.,)' of Vncn) four I'O'md· per ICCCCId and could put Simpb, the chop" wpp1icd by the:
ways and. although limiled by the ab, 011 JO Dccanha 1914- Tbc Pier«- up a rormidabk bamge. The:i:r range m..alr:cn from th.eir works II ilmlcy,
r~ .... AliOw ch'";,, (imported from the was sbon. qinaUy under 3000 yards., DCaI' SbcffIC'Id and the armoured bulk

'The: armour r.mged belwccn 7 mm. U.S.A.) uxd _ I 14·fOOC wbcclhax but by improvcmmu in IUscs and and turf'C'D. 10 Belgian IpC" if...,~
and 9 mm.; the dimensions of the type: with JMP. (our-cylinckr e:ogine ammunition this was ptogrmivdy were: buill 011 at Hayes.
ve:hkle were about 19 fl 1008, 7 Ii 6 in.
wide and 9 fi high. All this added up 10
and w(t tnnsmivion 10 the t n l wh£e:b..
Tbc wheels were thc: ,poked anillcry :n.a:cW~~~ =J A COI:IVCltionaI. bul well m;:,stlict
and Nnoocb..runnmg car, the Jd..
Simpkx. had • six-cylinder ~ine: Tenon why the War Offltt inviled }6 Anllourtil Car, Piac (lad;'
rartd .II )0 h.p. The tnmmiwon, Aut()(U'Ji,en ud. a few montN after pIIltH'D) and Am.oured Car (W(N'k_
through .I (O\l.....pccd gur-box. was by the outbreak of wu to $tIpply one light abop) Fiat (ladia pluuu), liltS,
sl:uft 10 an undcnIung ~-J)'pe antlOUl'OII car for apmmClltal pur- Indu.
wormbrluk. poK1 The cha-jo ~~ was r.hat of

of the COnlpKt
Simpkll: C"ngine
The bonncc armour rooIr; advUIl~
of the sbdfldd..
wu low and well
the tw~ter (foue-wheeled) light c:u
which Iud fint apptartt:! in protorype
form m 191). Tbjo mcd I four-cylioda-
The fint armoured car unit ror ~
in the 6tH as oppolCd co town-bad
inttnW ... urity uai_was the III:
Iohaprd and the: hull wu UIII$.UIJ \I) thoU I~C. propncurymgint: of Muleb Armoured MOCOI' Brisa&. acaled in
the ..des Noptd UlwarcU Crou. the lOp. .-'-<1'". < tIIt'"VeI
> . , with I good "._ r- Pabawar in the Spring of IS"$. Tbjo
The IUtm WIth the &onl rbtcS upnlng !Won for rdiability and light Wi wright was tquipped. 10 5Utt .....1th, with twelve
10 .I V was IOOJCWb'lI like du.1 uted on for 11:1 powa outpul, raled al 10 h.p. rtquisilk ...J !DUring can of6ve dill'a_
IOtnr of the r. cneb Pcupx arnlOUrtd Tha car jo bdJeVft! 10 luve been the 6nt eDt mako and mode.
H AnnowN Car, Cadillac (lodia improvixd IlmOIIZ" of boiler pbk. It
and 6t1Cd with
can of Inc wnc: period. although oKer.. 00 the rmrktt 10 \Itt me diK type of
pIIltfl'D), IIl I $,lndia.
ins JO"~WWiI greata' pt'O(<<UOn. dutch. To :d~ wright $lying rht was IlIbCd with early paltern Maum
Sevc21 of ~ ar~ em wal: dutMpc'Cd gear-bos was inaxponled In India in 1914. the outbrak or war O'04S-in. ~ bwcd al 6nt
built before the company nn InIO ddr~ in one' urUr: with the mr uk and and the txrd 10 tend both Brilish and 00 a scak of only one pc!' three cars.
rullies and w;n wound up In Jw\U.ty ,Iuminiwn CUlings wae used. lnd.lln IrOOpi OUI of the COUIltty ror This unil was bier tlI~ and was
1916, when the cm\IIOO ~Judtd In arly 191$, whct1 a was ItrVKf 011 the battkrronts, Kt"ftltualed jotned durins 191$-1916 by other
Cammd-Laird & Co. Lui.•who Iud 'I'"" raktn for usc as an amlOlll"td car, it was the cmccrn of the miliury and civil Arnloured MOIOC' Brigades (with be-
parcndy wpplitd armour pblt. and lhe IlTmgthtntd and tsttn<kd al the fC20 r .uthorities with the tWO probknu of twCtIl dme and Ioix Ilattaies each) with
ShclflCld.Siml'ieJ: Mo«Jr Worh Ltd. to mil stnl}.elliptic spring'! could be oWnt,ining inttnW tcCUrity and ~ be:adquanen in Labore and in B.I!lIlI1,
wed to repba the norm,l quarlCl' teCting the North-WCM Frontia. both alIo in tbe: nortb-wat part or
1" Armourtd Car, 'A.C: (Aulo-
dliptics. The rronl rnosytt1C iUSpen- The dcaeax in lhe number or troOpi India (now Pakisun). There were also
Non springs . wae rcinroroed. 11ae available nude il OUlltial 10 increase independent balkna (ww.lly of three
carTier), 191" U.K.
umoured body was narrow where it the mobility of thote rmuining and armoured can each) mualed in import-
Tbc finn now known :as A.C. Can (!IC~d the engine and lower pm of arm.oureclan were: built for mis pur- ilDt cities like Madru, Bombay, Ql..
Lcd., ofTlumcs DiUOCI, Sumy.lw the tbt hull, but Ihis was widened c:ocuider- pose. One or the ea.rliat can 10 be cuna, Seamdcnbad and Lucknow.
di~ion ofbring one of the very few ably inlO a ciralbr strucwre a, the rear annoured in India WIJ I Cadillac, the The total Dwnbtr'lIlOUrt'd can
comp.mies 10 provide fighting vdUda for the ~ rompartmem ror both ~ car shown in the dnwings. required by this wid q.. d organin-
10 the BritUh Army bdore: the First drift!" and gunners.. This circular part of 1'1tit car was butd in Ca1tu1U and was tiorI Will over dny vebidc:c and the
World War. 11.-x ~ hili .I dol:en the hull was 5UOUOUIl1ed by I large open mcd 10 help dtal with civil disturl»uo::s. DUjorityof thew: v.-erefoouwJ by acquir-
Of to of the lude 'Autot:arrkr' top routing IlUTtt of the $I1TlfO diameter, The formMbble anmmcnl of two ing touriDg can of the more powCrful
angle-cylinder. th~wbedr:d dc::livtry mounled on only dme rollet bearinp. Mnim rnxbinc-guns and lis or more and 6ning tbent with atmOUI'-
vehicles wbw;h ~ fiuai with 'f"'O,!
::t work to cany dtbn- .I Maxim
;- e gun wid. crew of thm: or
A mWl _chligh, could be arrird on
the rurre!:. Provmoo was made ror one
~ 10 be mounted.
rifta mown dtploy<d bert jo lmlikdy
ever 10 tun been wed ill opentio11l ;:r:.:~ tm:-: ~!:K~:
the car _ DO( brge and it would tuYe sundardizarion. The grealtt part of tb
"' ...... be gunamrnuniuonandtwomen. The A.C. AnnournI Car was given bem impoaiblt co m.a.e drub ve me work _ undtrtakCD by the East
n- Uarft'owbrekn ..... e uted by a atcmive taU by the Army in and of to DWly ~'ta.poru al once. 'The cat Indian Raihll'ly worbbops " Tilloooh
Territorial Amly cyc/ist hamlion on around Aidmbcx during 1111$. Tbcx ....... on.Iy usable: on ~p roads and ( Clkmta) and the North Watnu
~ .. 1910 and bier and ......... taD wen: both of the armour pbrc: its mnow wu only S mm. but was Railway workshops at lahore.
10 luve pM"OIDw:d well (bullets wat: fired .1.1 it rrom various ncY\"l1lx:Icu valuable ror we in the city In addition to privak can, tome a;xn-
This SU«'aIfW introducliod 10 the: ~o) and of the vthide iadf. The as ilD armoured pcrtoDDtl carrier durins mercia1 cha.." wen: Uo ;armoumI in
company'. producu WU DO doubt the u an: DOt known but it wouJei be rioa. India ill 191$ and the Fiatt .Dowa ben:

arc a good cnmplc. A numbtt of ;\lid (:Irried on kmi-clliptic ipiiugt. the .nope. One Vid:~Muim mxhiDe- llanga added. 11xR lianga were 10
armoured can was built on JG-cWI. Siuiro-Ikrwkk c/w:sis were buill in gun was mounled in the front of the help avoid linkage mJOft ~ but
(ba ..D The design waf ad.t.~ (rom fnn«, the bodYWOO: being adcW in bull btNdc the driver. 1'bere was DO did not nuintain contaCt With the: sue·
tNI mcd for th.e War Oftii::e A.E.e.
'8' type ~ Car which wu
consuucted in !he United Kinl::
En~bnd. II w~ ~ high qu.ality (:Ir, the
rxiiuOl' of which., per/ups DOl mtirely
unintnltiorWly, closely rcs(mbled thal
room for a N:rTtt which, in any (vent,
could NV( had only I limited fidd of
fire, and If""" for the crew mtam(:Ilt.
Cae uyl 10 aft'or;t sta:rins COIl normal

The large armoured body was com-

w-Iier in the )'W" and the Bur of the RoI1s-Roycc; thiI; wal beer equipment, and IUd was very cramped.
,Indy cylindrical
""""'" ....N:rTtt
with "(our•
irin. piau: mcd was specially IUpplial changed after the Derby company had t...ter in the war II w. found that Ron.. fiud
andlmltolndja taken kv1 :acboll- Royce annound em ...... ,Id be usa:! in mnic- gun JIOib with 'tuekoo dod'
Two FUI ~ Qf't in India Several Sizaire-Bcrwid:; em wat: the Anbim clOd! without spccW type done" Tbete pons allowed a
wac apcrimmully rquippcl Uta the purdwcd by the Admiralty in early cquiptuent, other than unditchina; mvene for !he mxhinc-guru of 40·
wu with Marconi tdcgnphflClcphouc 191 S and one of thctc W3S usa:! by the boards. altbousb their ~ had mucli and 1S· "'ui....1 movemcnL The huD
tttJ for communications over. djua ....... Royal N~nl Air Service Armoured b:ack-breWna work in digginl the had two mum.. gun JIOi Q am tide
Spc:cdI was found 10 be ponible be- Car Division for an UDlI$nal experiment em OUt of soil WId. and one at the: front and one &I the: reM.
lWIlaI the can tnvelling .1 lj m.p.h.. in the: Summer of Wt ye:lf. R.N.A.S. 'Three Mnim pattern MG'oI were
and, MOpped. using " .(1 acmis at Armoured Car squadrons were being 38 Paoudtraftwap Oaimlft'JI5 normally c:arried for '* in any of r.hne
disunc:cs of tm miles. witbdnwn from the WCltcm Front 101 alternative mountinp. A gc: ..t10U1
t9 1S,Gcrntany.
To help the mobility of the armoured because trtnch warfar( offcm:l few IClIe of observation and ri&: pons was
car haltcries. • few .rDlOUftd work- opponunitic, for their use and were The Gcmu.n Anny Iud DO armoured also provided in this al'lllOlln'd car. as
shop vchide:, were: buill. More than one em al the outbrcu of the First World C2f\ be KUI fiom the: dnwings, where
being Iml to Africa and countries of the
type was built, the vehicle on I Mat Ncar East where oflen the lernin War, but the High CollUlWld was very they arc Ihown both open and doted.
lorry chnsit, lhown htre, being lUp- auted grc~1Cr obsndcs dun thcmcmy. imPfCl$Cd with the pcrformmoc: of the The bonnet _ fully armoured and the
plied towards dle mel of 191 J by A. This Siuiro-Bcrwicl: was an experi- Alfied armowed em cncountcm:l in radiator was prottcted by horiwntal
Milton & Co. of Calcutta. 10 equip- mennl vdtide 10 try OUI ~ method of the adnnce through Iklgium and the armoured louvres which could be
ment indudtd I bthe:, a drill and III propubion over 10ft sand by mems of leading German motor nu.nufacturen opened and clo-ed by means of a lever
emery Rrinder. Power (Of that was an ain;r.aft propclkr. of Daimkr, E1ubardt, and missing wen: running through 10 the driver', poti.
IUppliJ by I pctrol-drh'm cl«tric The French-buill ~is was 3('.....rcl- instructed 10 each build a prototype tina. The equipment included unditcb-
guKi.tOt". The toOls for nuking 'fMC inglv litted with an ac:ro--.ongine I _ armoured car. ing boMds carried on the buD lidcI and
puts, wbcrcllClCl:SW'y. were viul ill an ItO-h:p. Sunbam with fout-bladed The three c:an were completed by spotligbu mounted on the roof.
armouralcar fora: which inc\"ded suth propc1kt-by the F. W. Berwrl: Co. the: beginning of 1916 and all c:xb.ibited The car was manned by I crew of
a variety of vehicles, lIWly of tIv:m LId. at Highgllc. This was rear...bcing. tdvanctd fatures for the time. The eight to nine men.
origimring from Europe2ll countrica inclined upwanfs slightly and was Daimler was built on I ooovcnrional Two more armoured em of aimilar
from which wpplics of spara were DO equipped with I cun-al propdlu chlUis layout with engine ~t the: fron t type w~ btu' buik bul pttOCXupaliorl
longer guard. An mnoured (:Ib for the crew- but it Iu.cI four·wheel drive and add).. with other fomu of war prod,,(' ioo
neither !he bonnet at !he front nor !he rional rear I cuing contrOls (whim. prevented funber efforts in thiI; di:rcc>
.... O-COlginc :at the rear were armoured bo....·c'tC'r. :acttd cnly OIl the front lion by the Daimlercompany.
17 Annoul'ld CAr, Swire-Bu-
-was :added after the: car was lunded w~) for use iD ~'l5mcy. The:
wick ('WiDd Waggoa'), 1\lIj, U,K cngme was I four-cy!i~ Io-b..p.
• ova 10 the Admiralty. The car, known 19 Pwnz.....luaftw.gen Ehtbudt/15
The Sizairc-Jknvick was a car spcciilly as 'Wind Waggon', was tatcd iD EDg- Daimler with I ga.r-boJ.: giviDg four 19 I 5. Gcrman y.
dcsigntd by Ma~ 5iuirc 10 the during !he SIlffirIItt of 1915 but lpeeds forward! and four in rcvmoe.
order of F. W. Bttwidc, the United was ne\'er Knt 10 a \VU theatre and no The whttls "'(le of Ka:l consm...oon The EbrIurdt 1915 protocype armoured
Kingdom agcJltfor Siuin>Naudin ocher em of this type were built. At an with webbed tpnkn and wae 6tted car was similar iD many mpcw 10 !he
an. ConventioluJ in de5ign, with I lO- armourfti ear the Sizaire-Bttwidt WIth JOli<! rubbtr ryres. Double wheels DmnJer model-it was abo a front_
b.p. (our-cylinder Ioide-vaIW! mgint. 'Wind W;agg<XI' was very limited iD 'A't'fe ~t the reM and the from 0QeI Iud engiood fout-whcel-drivc vdUdc with

'l' ."
dupliarc dri-riD8 COfIlfOI:I; ~I the reat. five 'F~ in ,utile.. Froal and fUI' DOfth..e.uc bexdcn ofluly. Some_ in the bade of the hull, facinl ~
1\c body and turret Ihie of Rmibr dri'lrdons, provided and all apcured by the GI:rnwts and uta! 10 Lancia IZ amloured (;11'1 _ Ions
form to dJe J>aunk,', but the EhrIu.uil four 11 IItCtit4 eqUIp tome:artnOl.lrC'd ar unia of their m iCrVW:e and )Orne wen: sull m ute by
1\11' model in gatcr;ll ptucnfai a tome- Three MG'oS pattern nucbil'll>8unt own, and l..anciI amlOUred an wne the lulian Amly m E.ut Ame:. In the
W~I cbner ck$ign and the ooping were nocmally arried and four altnna- used 10 lrain and equip Amel'ic:al! lroop' Second World War.
fronl and rar of the hull wal: r.uner dve positions in the rul'TC'l and WI in the in luly.
be.ttr-shaped and rve glUtei' prottc:- hull ....~rc provided for their tue'. The The basb of Thete can was the Lancia 41 o.vidlOO Cadillac: Armoured
The oWn point of dllf.... o.oe fiom
armour",.? mm.-prof«fion aglinM
~Ieu If about 100 yards.,
IZ IJ/Jj-h.p. Iighl truck dwsis with
JlQC'UlNlit tyTd. dUcal II the IW'. The
Cu, 1915, U.S.A.
the D:airnkr by It the froar. where the The BiiaiDg, D.aunltt, and Ehrhardt constructioII of the armoured can _ Major (later Colonel) R. P. Dlvidson,
radiatoc was procected by 'lEi liuJ 191j armoural an rogttbcr wllh two undmaken by the AnWdo engirw:u iug Comnundant of the Northwtstem
grin... improvucd vehlcb were formed mlO a finn, of Turin, and the vdlic:1es w~, Military and NlnI Academy at Lake
Ten ~tcnUlrive pons in turltt and unit-Pmter Knfnngen M:ucbincn ,n &ct, tomecimes Imown as AIU3Ido Gmo:va, WitcQnsin, W3$ the belmg
hull for the three '08 pattern machine- Gewdlr AbteiJung l-early in '916 and :annoured c:an. The laYOUI o( the dc:!;ign pioneer o( armoured fighting vehiclo
gUllS normally Clrried were provided
and in addirion 3 pintle (otherwise use.:!
~lIt 10 the Western Pmn'. A(l(r a
puiod in the Verdun area the unit w:u
WIS (airly ronvendoml, ,he onll
unu~UlII (ealure bring the "nal IUrTt!
in the United SUlCI. Ai arly as 1893 he
built I thrtt-whccled motor car mount·
for 3 lias) 011 the fronl of the bonnet mmferred 10 the eurem end of the lilV: (wilh one SainI Elienne water-cooled ing a Coil nudaioe-gun: this WIt mod ..
could be IISC'd for an Inwir=tf"t in AIsaoe and IV:M the Swiss borda but m.acbim--gun) wpcrimpotcd on the fled into a (ouc·wheclcd vcnion the
mounting by a dismounted aew static wWm was obvioWy unsullied larger turnt equipped wllh Saint
IWO (ollowmg year. In 1900 rwo (our.
member. to the unploynl(':l1l of armoured cars. Elienne machine-guns. The ground wheeled Mam powered can, am
Thit ~ ear utM the four- HoweRr, the an w(Je emp~ ~ claruv:e of the Lancia annoured ac motml1ng CoIl aUlOmatic we;&pOi1l,
cylinder, s,..b..p. Ehrlurdl ~ with cmfully II the ~Ide of Kromtadt was ~nicuLarly good (Of a or o( the wen: built 10 his designs by cadell of
I gear-box giving four speeds in both aglirut the Roumaniml and prr(onned JKiiod. the Northwestern Academy. Three
dim;tions. The arw coruistcd of the well in the Tnmytvaniall Alps. This A (ealurc aha wed in ~ Italian (;adilbl;: dutsis were purchased in 1909
oonunanckr, W: gunncn and one to two then led 10 ova-uie of the :annoured armoured can was the nils. incorporat. and 1910 and filled with Colt machine-
dri.= ac unil and if returned 10 Germauy (or 1111 wire CUllen, 10 cruMe the vclUclc 10 gunl, the I.uc two on ~Il and lOCket
reIt and refittmg in Da:emM 1916- JlIfII th=t wire c:J.tad~, wetched mountings (or '* against oO.crnllol1
The kWMu lamed in Roumanq wnt: aero. The Lancia armoured ac and dirigible hath_Ii .... bich. wen: thm
40 Panurluaftwa8"' BiiNiDg/15
uted in the design of Uter armoured b3d a roomy bull (of cftrome.-nickd appearing on the military lCCDe. Two
19 1"Gennmy.
can. Among thete were WI the (our· lICe~ and this was needed 10 ICJCI)IIlIDI> fU.tthtr CadJllac dmsis wen: filled with
The Bilssing finn whida IUpplied <400 wheel stee. ;"g :u final in the BOssing chte the brge ctCW cons.isting of the ac Colt guns in '9' 1 and 1911: Ihde wen:
omnibuses to London before d)e FirK was not an advmttge and thl! the tonUlW'Ider, driver, three gunncn 3nd equipped with both wirelaund power.
World War was the third German weight o( the prototype vehicles-the a mechanic. (ul ~archHlUlts. Following ahibilion
manufacturer IOId to ~Iop an BUuing being much the hearieM- The or weighed about J9SO kg. of one of dicsc can in New York, an
armoured ear prototype. The BUssing should be red ..•.....!, I.»ckd including l5,ooo rounds of Ofder (or (OUt ..mlw vehicles WIJ
design was in ...-veta! resp«tS !he IDOR ammunItion. The engirw: o( ahaul (j() plarxd by the Guncmalm Govemnl(lll
inremting of the wee prococypa and 4' AOloblindat. Jand. IZ, '915,
b.h.p. (Jj h.p. nominal) gave ;& nuri- and was Clfried OUf by the Cad.lIac
ccru.inly the !nOR imprcuivc in appc:u- laly. mum sJKCd of 70 k.p.h. and the car b3d MOlor Car CompMIy itsdf:
1M' • nwsive vehicle over 10 ft long a circuil o( aaiotl o( .haul jOO knu. NODe o( dX'JC euly can was :ann.
and compkttly J)'nImetricaI in appear- The Lancia was the moK imp unl The '9'7 mockl or the Lanci3 IZ ourcd except, in tome CI'e$, (or armour
=. IQUali armoum:! ac o( the first World 3nnourcd CIor \00'3$ limon identical in shields on the nuchine-gwu. II was
The 9O-h.p. six-cylinder BUssing War-il WoIS buill in tome numbm and appeanna: 10 the Ii", type except Ibl 11111,11':11 though trul D3vidson ihould
engine drove all four wheels; the gear_ wed agailUl the AIZKrian and uter lhe small lUrK! was elimiluted and lhe CVCTIIU;~ tum his altenlioo to a (u1ly
box provided five forwud If"Yd. and Gennm (Olea on the fronf on the third mKbine-gun '0\'2$ mounted instead annou Cat and one W:U included in

"" '.,
the live military lutomobib he: de- of the RUSSWl Imperial Government in Una the kMd appcan to have hem
signN in 1915. 1914. This ~-dllde met with approval ralb.:r htavy for the type of clu»u,
Thit t:lf like nllm orbi, earlier expffi- (AUMUI caR wen: aln:ady held in high which in lQ frcncb venion Iud only an
mental ",chICks wu a Cacillbc, a nuke eM«m by the upprr Mr.Ilum ofalUmn opcn-top hull and IlIngk weapon with
wluch was all'C'~y estIblWung IU repu- tw¥ly) and the fin! of nllfty comign- a shield iIuIead of twm rnrrctl. Jiow..
wion for h~ qualit), and which be- menQ of AUilin artnCItlnd can was eVet'. this RUAWl vehicle was an altrae-
came "",.tldy uttd m me Unlled Sutes produotd in October of In.:. ""me yw-. tivc--Iooking aDd weJl.pnMcacd am ...
Ann)' in the Fint World War. The AUMUI annourtd an "'~ buill oured car.
The 19''s Ih•.;dson-Cad.1bc Ann- on a modified vcnion of the lo-b:p.
ourtd Car-which !ud the: d$1II(tion 'Colonw' ch·.is and IS inaJJy
4' Armounci Car, Wobdey (CP
ollM::ing the fl11l fuDy armoured mcxor supplied Iud Vidm annou;w;tte of type), 1915, U .K.
vt'hidc 10 be buill in !he U.S.A.-was tptcifitd thicknas and twin IUrmJ
similu in layout 10 tomt: of the C2fly (od! wilh one: machine-gun) /.ide by The Lord Mayor ofLoadon in No~m­
Royal Naval Air Service armoured can lick. ACta delivery, however, the her 1914. opened a fund to nbc
built in Octoba 1914- AI'lJlOIJl'ed an RmaillU rell W I the plate was 100 dUn
44 Mgebro,.,.. Rmault Annound £10,000 for !he purc.b.uc of.u 'arm-
round wnh CClnuollabk ndialor doon, and IOffiC' or tbc: can ""ne .............dingly oured motor ('art with macbine-jwu'
rebuill with thicker armour at the Cu, 1915, Rmlia. for the Loadon MOWltcd Brigade. a
the rear pm Mel an open lop. what the
Cob ~inc>-gUII with :an armoured Putilov amu.mml worn It PetlOS' ad This armouml car a~ in Rt1S$U rornulion comprising three Territorb.l
shkld was nlOUnlcd jlUt bchmd the (now Lcninand). AI the same time, the in 1915. It was bOifl on I Fmtch ClV3lry rtgimenrs nid in the City and
annouJ'f'Ci hud COYn" (or the driver. Ioal;oo of lloc 100cu was rtdesigned- Rmault chassis wnila! in n~ ~ County of London-ut Coun!y of
The CacMbc was a much bella do- the cylindrial ~se bring $hor1cned and 10 llut ud for the Frmch aUll;&- London Yeomanry (The Middksc:x
ugnc:d vehick {han ,he R.N.A.S. can, !he 1urt'\"U were Ma~ in order to mltraillewo-canom. The antlOOJrof the Yeonunry). u t Cit y or London Yeo-
ho~ycr. (there W,1.1, of COOl'S(, lot improve tbc: field or~re. 11K: bst wu RunilD vehkle was bnla designed. manry and jrd Coullty of London
urgency in volvtd) wult a lower centfC pcrlupt an improvement, but the new however, and made the: bat usc of the: Yeonunry. The oom.niuee of lbe
of gnvity and although only. like them, armour was. unfortunately. badly dmbo;rd radb.lor IaYOUI of the Court or Common Council mlTUuai
a (I)Il\'CfItioml puKtlger t:lf dla»11 IiltM in IOnle cases and there Ire re- Renault 10 lbat the frontal armour was with dcddillg on I donation from the
wilh drive CO the rrar wh«:1s. Iud a conW instanco ofcan being put OUI of very effectively ~pcd from the &onl common funds Jeml 10 have adjoumed
better f;r'OU-a)Unlry pcrfomwx:e. action by bullw penetraling betwtcn wbtth right up to lhe roof of the hull the matta and JU~~ forgonen
The armoured car. WIth Colonel lbe annour and killing or wounding 011 which the!win IUrmJ were mounl· all lbout il. bul COl . fimu and
Davidson', otba- vehiclct. was drivm
long dutances by adeu of the Aadc:my ""~
The AUKin-Purilov aonoured OoR
ocl The IlIrmI were plactd diagonally.
in the IaYOUI favoured by the Rugi ....,..
private citizens rcs.ponded loyally, led
by Lady stmbcona and her bu~od
in a 191j cxncitc and bItt In the ycu
wUuitdOUI m U.S. Anny manonlVrei
II f:ailed TO arowe much mitteN. in the
retmined go.......Uy 5imilar in Ippw'·
ana: to their Brili$b-buill protolypes.
bul a~1 &001 the Maggm:d turTet$,
turret. the: Imrcl
pcoj«llng anns f,
One machine-gun w;u mounted in each
by the
011 Il10M arm--
Mr Howvd wlm £t 803. Roduduld'.
the bWas, Sit John EUcrItWl and
Lord MOWlI SlC}'hcn eac:h oontribuled
~tWilla of armoured an m:I ilicy could be identified by the bevdkd oured can in Rlmhn~. £.soo. and ocher donations made II
oIf.wJ enoou~1 of thll \\npon top tdga of the bull nmning ia full Ald!ougb the chm;' bclrvd 10 be poaible ror the Lord Mayor 10 place an
dunng the First Wocld War period was length, and the abscoa: or mudguards. the IS-h.p. four..cylinda 9j/ l60- order for two lrmoured can on 1c4
0Il1y ,pondlc.. This JmlC JDttem of armour was. inci- with tcnU<Uiptit tpring1 was gUluaily NO\"aJlbct. 'J'hc, order was wlm Vidtm
dentally. appliai also 10 other chassis, "mila! to that of tbc: Ftclleh-opc:.atcd ltd. for two armoumI can 011 welte-
41 Austin-Pulilov Annoured Car, iDduding, for eumpk, a caprumi armoured C2n, the wheeh of the Mge- ley CP type dnM, Wolsdcy Moron
Gennm Daimler 4D-h.p.lorry. brow.R.tmult WCI'e of the: disc type, Ltd. being I Vidmw}"idllry. Six days
1915. Russia.
The R,"!1lD armoured car ICrtm with ~Iic: 1)'TOo earlier, the War Oifltt Iud abo ordc"..d
A procotypt: annourrd car W1t built by iodudcd mmy IOIdien who wae 'J'hc, Mgebrow.Rcnault probably an armoured car 011 the iallIC t~ of
the Austill Motoc Co. Lid. to the ol'1kr among the bat in their army and the ....ffCll:tl from a lack of perf'ormantt. dwo~

'... ..,
The London Mounled Brigade can come the enemy trench J)'Slemt which nlC'iy. oollhe fint K.llcn.-Slmllncor COIllinUOOI ki iu of MeC'1 links. joined
~~ ddi~~ f)fI ~ ) uly IQ I,S and the: by men tud nude, 10 all intents and was fC«.ved ~I the Wormwood logctho:r With I·in. du.nKfCt pim of
Wlr OffIOC vehiCle m Ocrobcr 1915. pur~', most of the Ro)"al Nn201 Air Scrubs dtpot of the Roy:aJ Nml AIT ea.e·lu.rckncd MeC'1. The Ired were
The Wolxlcy type CP uxd for thcx Servi<:e annournI eu'S almosc usebs on Strvra:: Armoured Car Division by lu.rdwood bIoeks, mthed with heavy
annotIrtd ears was a 10<Wt Iony the Wcacm Front. Apn11 9 1S. 5lC'e1 dwmds and bolted on 10 the hnh.
dwais with l1--fl wbttlbue. The C'ft- 5om< of"~"",~h ~ 'The Ktllm-Smillnctor wu lUI ago. Colonel R. E. B. Crompton included
girlie was the four<y"lmdcr. )'1 hue (or modifia.lions oflraroon rulrunl macltme wItich had bten in KIILcD.Strait tncks in his bIer kigns
16/)0 h.p. mockl. II 1$ tIOl dru if the engmcs but a1cubriom or expo immtl production al Appkton, WiIcomin. for ~~t'. (iiWad of Pednil or
War OIf'a and London Mounttd 1000 dBpoocd of 'Iv.... and woO: "'" 5ince ~bout 1910. II was un~ Bulloek ru.
) and allo in projccccd
8ril'& vehicles ",,"c identical, but the colla::nmrcd on suggestions for 3 bnd- luving three tnck" the mam . '£mpbttmtnl Dtttroytt' k,iU ol1916.
car Ihown w was fitUd with ditc .blp With very large whcds and I tnck. ~Ir ac the rear and ~ JlDglc pivott<! . 'The: il10Il inlemtiug f",lure of the
....bttls, dual al the rear. ihod With bying Im<Uhip on me 'endless nilway' tnck 31 the fronl for itt.... iug. 1hc KiIJm..Slml trXCor w:u the upward
Dunlop lOCO )C 100 tolid rubber ryra principk as it w:u tomc:tinlU known 3t tngme "'" approxmuldy in the CttItrt: inclined rear of the main tneb wIuch
Pan(lIli dWns wue provided for UK the tune. w~Ukol figuru for of the vehrc:1c and the dm'U' PI bdUnd. (tUblcd it 10 f('\' ene Ovtf ~
em the rtar wbttls. the big wheel . 1000 proved w. The KIJIcn.Smit was I~ed OUI extcn-- which muld not be ta. I nl normally.
The annournI body ....~ built up realiscic :md this project w:u 1000 lively 3t Wormwood Scrubs, cul.- This facility wu clearly bad down in
{,om Vam 0'196 in. armourJ.~: ab·ndontd:after 3 mock.up with IS ft min.atmg in 3 demonstration before the Uniled Shies ~Iem taken out by
and a revolvin@: tIIl'm for one V' diuneta wh«. (~ to, Died down WUlSlon Churchill, Lloyd George and William Strait, the Inventor, in 1S)1l.
Maxim 'tuehlne-sun w;u provided in fiom the first proposah) wu buill :md <>then on }o June: 1915. 'The: .bow TMrt was IUbtequently mud! argu-
••,,00£ e1mly demonstnrcd WI it would be ineluded the lraccon overoomiug van. anenl:loS 10 who first thought of the UP'"
The O/fw;e car W31 Imrd intern- mud! 100 vulno:rable 3 hrgct for mttlly OUI minor obnxles sud! as piles of r:ail- turned bow design !Ik<i in •MOther'.
ally with ul;v=uos and wn equipped Ill'tillery. way Ikcpcn or r:ail, and, fitted with 3 There is no doubt II all WI the
with dectric (am, appnn to luve
10 One of the nuin problems with the lllval torpedo net cutter. CUlling R.N.A.S. Kilkn.Smil was the fint
hml deMined for OVa1eU service: in Ir3(khying bncUhip was 10 obhin through Nrbcd wire enlanglemmu. armoured vehicle with ttlal in this
tropia.1countriel.. The whole ddign of llIihblclraa. for experiment, without It W:loS known by III moa::rned Wt form and il seems more tIuu probable
tbcx an w.u neal in and engaging in the time-o:rruuming cxer· the Kille....Stnil Inctor in ilS exiKing WI the achptadoo of this idea in
c:arttul thoutthl wu given 10 the equip- Ox of daitning and building them form was not a ,uiable chassis for a 'Mother' had its origin in the dtll"1()lP
ment. UntOrtunlldy. 00 record of from 1Cra1&. Tbc Amo:ricm Holt lanchhip but the dnnorutnlion was a SInUoUS of the Kilkn-Smit.
~ arrnournI can ariel' delivery lC'CilU Caterpillac 1nct0l' bll('d on ~tmlS great JtWXUi bealliC il ihowed the
to IYve IUIV;,-ed and rtgimentalrttOrds xquired flOW Richard Hornsby k pot-sibilirif:s of improved tnekbying 47 Pednil I,a nd.hjp, 191~, U .K.
of the Londoo Mowlttd Bripdc do not Sons of Grantham "'" ODe of the mot! inachiocI and CIloCOUr:aitcd the au~
mention them when the: fomution wu suc... "fu] tncked vrhideo dw:n in tics 10 gift CUllinued IUpport 10 the The kigp of the Inckcd landship,
Iml to Egypt in 191j. Tbe &:sign of the cxhtentt, and was achpted by the Imdship cxperirnnru. Following the ~ ~or ~, togcdllCr with ~
~~!:=,::.:i:bu~ :ot
British Anny for towing be:avy gum. demomtnfion, dUmlg July the 6ght. bog whed Imdship, WCie put before
bul nooc: Wtte made lVl.ibb1e 10 the ttl! com~rtmenl (without me rurm) the LuKbhip COOlmin«, was entnutcd
Icy Mocon LuI. in 1916. Undship Commina:: for u:peritnc!lw
work. Work "'''011 Ihnd tkitfOfe
of a R.N.A.S. Ddauruy. Bdlcville 10 CoIood R. E. B . ~XOl1,
armoured car was pbccd 00 the J(jJlen... tinguishaI tngincu who
teen active

46 KjII_-Strait Annou.ted TRCo ..sing the PcdniI an which "'" the Strail chusis, thm ettating the first ICfVia:: in the Boer War in 19(10.
tor, '9IS. U.K.
only British type of an m.ibbk:md tnekcd armoured vdlicIc to be built. Before Crompton'l ~ppointmenl to
two American makes of tnaon, the This helped funhcr to show wiu.1 mu1d the Landship ConunitlC'c, which wok
The Admiralty Landship Committee Bullock Crttping Grip and the Killen. be done, a1tho'lgh it was ncvtf inlended ef&:u OIl 1 March 1915, tome mearch
_let up in Fcbnwy 1915 ~coruider Slmt, WCl't ocdatd. n.e outcome of iU~ klioutdcsign. had already bten un<knUen by Com--
ways and mew of pcoduans U( II the cxperimmu with the Pednil :md The Killm-Smit tneb were quite modorc Murny Sutter, R.N., Director

country armoured vehicles to over- the Bullock axU is ,1-o... ibcd Kfl good of lhcir kind and consisted of a of the Air I>epartmc:ot of the Admir:alty

which coatrollcd 'M Armouml Car one u .. pdr. gun. The Io.ded wright, although ,he R.N.A.S ......amed Bullock trdl, with I but or 9 (I wa,
Division of the R.N.A.S. wu worke<! OUI aIlS lOllS, wim a Ro1l .. lloyce tnglllCS beause of their ordc:ral from Amcnc:a III the loamc
In cumining the p<*ibility of build- grOUlld preMUre of u lb. per )(june accllcnt performance In annoural """'th. The Bullock tnc:tOn wen: found
ing a (ull-tnckalamKKJm:i vehicle for inch. 1bac drawiugs .....ere complr:ted a~ 10 be ulnf"Xlory moug.h operated 001"-
the R0)'11 Nav.1.l Air SnvICC 10 ftKOfC on z8 hbruary 1915 and wbmitted (0 Durmg tIx- IIIne that comtruClion of nu.IIy, but wbeD tWO wc:rc coupled
the mobility 10 the annourcd or Colonel Crompton ihortly afla- hD !he DUm du~n and mgJnC1; of the bnd- together for prchminary o:pr:nmenlS
i!jtudrons 011 the WeMem From II was appoiuunall to the Lmdshrp Comnm- slup was undct way, rcr.Irch "'"3S for the artic"ubted landthlps II wu lOOn
I0OI1 diM;o~th:d dw. Pednll trxb wue
the only ones available for ute. These
~ erom,...,,;r,~o." "" ......
whkh was bid en the fuJI Landsfll p
c:arned 011 mto dr:v1cn fOl" the elearance
of bl,rbed wire, umch CUllmg ploughs
e\·idr:nl thai the rwiMing IIrmel imposcd
on the: couplings anted comicknble
wtre evoh-.:d (or a 5Illall (It .. OOIUItty Commit!« on 4 MardI.. Some a1un-- to enable w lamblupi to dig thmt-- prob.~
bc:cw:-Jnwu truck. buil! by Pednil tions ouy have been incorpontcd. but a selves IZI and grmacIe mrowlng appan- CoJon,eI CromplOO w:as DOl dis--
Tnnspon LId. of Fulmm, London. model was c:omtruCtcd ;mel mil, when tuS ",·,th which II was fell W bndsIlip courascd. how.:vcr, and when new
These ~ Jingle WIde trxb with the shown 10 WinMOfi Churchill al the rcqUIranc:rtu WCl'C rtcClvcd from the:
.....M.. ",",,"""
trud; body suppomd OIl C'XlcnaI nils.. Adminlty on 2.0 Marth. ~ widl Crompton ell II tIC'" aT)' to go to War 0fIice al the bfgInnmg of July to
A .laigl' for to tnd:td Irmoured a model of the rh-al 'big w"kcl' bod- fnn«, folloWIng his appointmenl, to ab>ndon the infmtry carrying Iype and
or _ f'OIlgbed OUI by Commodon: wp dnign, dc:cidcd the Ant Lord 10 xc (or lunuclf the condil)oos under ~.r. I gun-cquiwcd lands.bip he ,ull
Suetcr using as a hDisJOmcofhis Imow- order nvclve landshipl ;mel six which w bndshipl would have to 51 10 the artiCuIaitd byout. The new
ledge of d~ design of wbnurinc5 'big wheel' bndmips. opcnlc and did to on 11 Aprj!. On his requirements wc:rc, in &ct, I rcvenion
and <bu on armour and amumem AI misstagc, a1lhough the mcdu.niaJ mum he rctbigncd the bnCWlIp as an to the origuul conccpc by SuetCr and
wrights of the R.N.A.S. currdCd specification and overall dimensionl do articulated vchidc $0 WI II would be: Diplock allhough thi, IU,1(' it docs nOt
(whttkd) umOtlrtd a.n. This worked IlOl SCC'm 10 fun been a11r:red, the laC- able to ,ltgOliatc iOlIlC of the nalTow 5CCfI1 10 fuvc been Iiru[]y dn:idcd
out al a bndship of Il"(ltlnd 10 (I long, lica! lUI: of the ~nchhips had evidently bends and comen in rCMds close 10 the: whether to use gUlls of J"pdr. c:ahbre
and minuted 10 weigh ~ Ions and be h«n sinn further consideralion, be- (ronl line. Two equal halves, each 11 fl (or bigger) 01" 'porn pom allIonulic
within the capacity of mOIl main ause they were IIOW S1ipulalcd 10 arry long and joined by a univm;1 coupling weapons. The overall heighl of 9 fl6 in.
bridges.. Thcse ideas were tumcU IntO I trench-awulling party of .eventy were proposed 10 that lhe 'Iccring radiw or the IiI1l of CrOInptOil" gun-c:arrying
genenl arnngemmt dnwlngs by Mr infantrymen (Uta- reduced 10 lifty) was reduced 1041 ft. lie abo rcdcsiRnCd bndslups wilh IWO nuTCU on each half
Diplock. OifCCCor of Palral] T U.IISJ'OfI with mxhine-guns and anwlunilion the: Jidc: armour to !luI it could be: Wll reduced to 7 (I 6 in. by eliminating
Ltd. n-: .oowed a lalld~u'p J' {, long and the Il--pdr. gun was omimd from 'wung OUIWMW in toClM»u 10 (IllIblc the top turl"ClS wd alto lowering the:
and 11 (, 6 in. wKk, nmnmg Oh IWO the design. the crew 10 remove bMbc:d wire CD-- tOial ",-eight (rom d tool 10 16 tons and
PngIe Pednil trW Ul undcm, smcc, Pbns "'-enl ahead for produerion of anglemeno (rom under cover. In the the: heighl was even (urther raluced to
although ~ up Irds could be buill, the t trde<! bndWps: Foden meantime, however, il appean WI only 6 (, in a bier daign ming apr:cial
ODe tnd: for a J~ fi nudullC was Ltd. .....ere appolllle<! :as oontDCIon and IJWIU(XlUfe of at bSI the: fant of the Killcn-Strail ttacb.
out of the question. .Eath I'«Inii tnd: Rol"'Roycc, ..... ho bad already recch·e<! tM:h-e ttxltcd bnclirups wml ahead 8y July most of the Ro&-Ro)·cc
was driV(D by .1. 46-b-p. Rol~Rortt a preliminary onler (or three tttS of 011 the buIs of the original design. tnglDC$ for the bnchhips had hem. (:OIlI-
engine mounted lO WI t3Ch unit- engines (two engines per u'Yhhip) It w:as known thaI the Pedrail ttxh plcted and JOme prostcM bad bem
mgiDe :mel trad: _ on a lU'enble were inwucted 10 go ahead and JII"~ were far from ideal IZI deaf; or con-- made with the: puts for the bndllllpi
lumuble and the atimaled turning dUct engiDC't (or aU Iwdvc vehicles. 5UUCtion for heavy m""jv:s and tbemscl\"a buI then the Mcuopolitan
ndius of the rnxbine was 6j fl, The The engina, inci<knully, wtrC b:asic- Americ2n Bullock Creeping Grip Carrugt-, Wagon & Finance Co., to
driver oocupiala ~ polnlOD in the aUy of the nomu.I 4O/so-h-p. Silver T rxton and Killco--SlnI1 U'XIon "'"a'C wborn W contl'X1 bad bem Ir.IM-
crntre of the vdaide: the lOp of hIS Ghott pallem and 10 noid (:OIlIplicatc'd ordered (or ul'c:rimmal pulP''''. (eiie<! from Fodcns in April, asked to be:
cupoU was nDr:d 1 fi: J m. above the ttdeJign o( the (:OIlIponcnlS .....cre wp- Crompton rcdctigncd his artlCUbted re!ir:\·cd of mlS work. The onginal
level of the rat of the huH roof, which plitd on ihortened. chag;' complecc bndship durmg May Wlth Bullock contDCI bad, in any e:asc, by th" lime
was 7 fi: J in. high. The enw was right WIth clued! and gear-boL "I'hU bad ,nadc uxb, ralUCUlg the rummg radiw to been reduced fron, the original nvcl\-e
men and the IllWImall Jll"opOlCd was them difficult 10 inrorponlC IIlto the 40 Ii. Also, a IpcciallCl oflcngthmcd to only one ror aperm1t:l1la! woR.

'.. '47
Also, by now Sutttt and Comrnanokr built by Suxhert (.( Pitt LId., of Bath, weapons) and elldod whec:ls; another there also, because identical annoured
F. L N. Boothby, his OffICer Com- using mostly p.>rts already made 10 the had a comp.1r.tuvdy low fbt-topped an to the Jeffery--Quad appeared
mlollding .... nnound Can, wen: be. origil1.1t OOIlIDd, although employing hull with I cirrular revolving t\lfTCt and before the end of 19" as
coming r:nhet impatiem with Colonel twO I ~.p. Aner engines instad of lhe third type, known as Annorcd ' RU$S('l1 armoural can',
Crompton. Thiry wae in urgent need RoII5-Ro),«: rngines and a innlC ron- Car No.1 10 the U.S. Onirwlce Carps From whatever JOUr" the United
of I madtine on which to rommtnCl:: suuaed by Masn William Armt. in 19t5, h.7.d a ull hull JUrmOUllted by a SUles Of ~ callie, the:
training the men of the three new Ap.m from this, the: c/us$i, built, and turret in the ttntre, with IlCCOIId turret Brilish Anny acquired I quanliIy of
~uulCOIU (Nos. 20, I I :and u) of the: mown here, was very much like: the: stepped down lower al the rear. The Jefferr-Quad J.ffiIOura:l can.. The e:oct
R.N .A.S. which bad been raistd 10 origirul rigid fnmc: oonecpt, With kCo"d a r men tioned above was used number CJ.JIIIOI be aJca"uincd. but in
operate the: bmuhips. They also fdt, JOme modiflCllltions this vc:hkk wu by the U.S. Anny on the Mexian late 1917 forty had. bern sent 10 the:
although rt$p«ting Crompton', COIl- rompkted for the Trench Warfare: border in 1916 during lhe rising by British Anny in India and there were
,iden.bk ability. WI not only _ the Dc:partnlCfll of the: Ministry of Muni- pancho v illa and also, possibly, the twemy...wo in Ireland in 1919. Tbc em
articulucd type of bndsbip, on which lions and was intended to any a fbme- third type. in India (reduced to about nineteen at
he was cona:mnling his drom, likely thrower. III fmal wcight was about J1 These an WCI'C' buill as experimental the end of the war) were used to equip
10 take a long time 10 pcrfea-par- tons and it achkved the: commC'lllh.bk vehicles only, bUI yet a fourth typ<', one: of the newly fOfDled Annoured
tkubrly the coupling problem but speed of IS m.p.h. on lrials on Salis- JOmething of a cross belWttrl the Car ComJnn1es of the Royal T:mk
was abo 100 rompliollffl and heavy. bury Plain. It was never used in :Ktion kCOIId and the third models, was Corps in October 1911 and Jome of
Mr E. Tmn yson d'Eyncoun. Director .and after the war was dumped 3t manufactured in JOme numbcn for the these were kept going-morc or k'l'
of Naval Corunuction and duirman Bovington Camp, where it was known Dritish Anny. until about Autumn I~. t.~ ~
of the untbhip Committcc, wu c0n- as the 'Porton Tr.tctor' and, iu hisloriol ThiJ armoured car h.7.d I single rota- in !bort supply, however an JOme can
vened to Ihi, point of view and agrcrd 'ignific:mc:e as an orlier COIICl'pt than ling turret in the ttntre, oot thiJ was had 10 be 'cannibaliud' to provide ~rts
10 give instrucrioIU for wlut .uTIOumc:d the M>CCtUful Wlh not properly appre- $Upplcmrnled by four mull 5('mj.. for the othcn. The pWlidling roadJ or
in dfect 10 onc half of an an icubred ciated, was broken up in 1913. cirOllar $pOIlIOIU (each with two loop- the: North-w C'St Frontier of India (as it
bncWtip with Bullock tracb 10 be built holes) on the bull sides.. The vehicle was thm wu.-now PakilWl) showed WI
for experimental purposes.. 'T1U, work 48 Armoured Car , Je ffe ry-Quad, provided wilh a duplicate steering the: Jcffery-Quads wcrc DOt wongly
was giVl'n al the rod of July 10 William 191 S, U.S.A.
wheel and driving OOIltrols at the: rear (IIOugh buill 001 Jomcbow or other the
foKcr &- Co., who Iud tuen ova- the: and there were raised armoured driVa"1 remaining can wen: Jold by auction in
tonlnCt for 11K: sok remaining lane\.. The Jeffcry-Quad was a four_wheel abs both in fron t of and behind the early 1915.
rohip of the original order for a drive truck with four-w~1 bnkes turret. Over tbe: <:ova' for the engine Tbc original models of the Jeffery
dottn. and stcuing on all wheels. Large num_ (which was in the nonnal poJirion al armoured an carried four or more
Although Colonel Crompton's ap- ben wen: built in lhe United St1tCS the front) were two OIr...ed ban to lkna-Mctcier mac:hitlC-Suns but the
poilllmcm with the Lanruhip Commit- during the Fint World War for the: engage and OIt wire ~aclcs.. The sus- an in Ireland and India nOfmally had.
tcc IfflllUutcd on )1 .... ugllN 191,5 he Allies for UJc: as Io:»d c:arricn and gun pension coruiMed of 5('mi~Uiptic leaf only one: 0'30)-in. rnxhino-
OOIltinucd to work, 00 his own, 00 tncton and, bIer, for the: u.s. Army, springs at front and rear and the wheels gun, mouDled in the turret.
further design, of articulated blKhhips, In 191., Jcrry Dc: Cou, factory iIlper- had JOlid rubber tyr('S., The can weighed
reaching a 'Mark VII' modd by OCIo-- intcndctll of the Thomas I). Jeffery Ca., about ~ tons and the . o--h.p. Buda
ber and only finally abandoning bnd- designed and built an armoured car on four-cylmdcr engine gave them a 11l.:lxt- .9 Armoured Car , Leyland, 191 5,
dlip work and tumin~ inste:ad to 'Em· the Jeffery-Quad elwsis. Following this mum ,pttd of about 10 m.p.h., both U.K.
pbmnent Desttoym ("·S-in. howitttr tWO other different types of amlourd forward and reverse.
annoured Clllk..) after the trials of an wen: also roruttuCIed, again with Jeffery annoured an of this p.1ttern Vehicles built by Leyland Moton LId.
'Mother' h.7.d c:vidently ptoved SW'CC''- annour provided by the Ikthkhem were imported inlO Carl.:lda by the: formed nearly 10 per aDl of all the
ful and led to the: :acttptan«: of Wi!- Steel Corporation. One of the thm: Canada Cycle /I( Motor Co. Ltd. of BrilUh Anny Ionics in scrviec at the:
son', dcsign. rypcs had an octagonal ttntr.ll super- Toronto (makers ofRU$S('U trucks) and rod of the Fin! World Wu. The ley-
One: Pedr.lil Landihip W2S fmally Mructure (with brge opening flap' for they may :Ktually have bec:n assembled land Ihroo-«Kwer was a sturdy and well
", ..,
built lorry (and one whICh remained The armamrnl was IWO Viektn O"JoJ- The CNinnan of the ~chhip from 11K in !'ostn'5 wheeled IracIOn,
popular with av.ban oper1l!Ol1 ronn~ny m. WlIler-c:ookd machine-guns, one Conumltce (Mr E. Trnn)'lOfl d'Eyn- wu uJCd 10 powa' the 'TriIlOli
reaR afen tbe ",.;u) and m•• type of mounla! ill a revolving IIIrrct on !he ooun) gave the ordc!' for the ~ri­ Mxhme'. TranSlnluion was 10 the
duM" WD fOC' the: four bNYY hull roof and !hc Other UI an apcnum mental vchx:k 011 19 JllIy 191j. Work centrc of the track (rames, which wen:
armoured an fonnm! the mrc of dlC ill the hull ra.r. 011 what was known al fin! as the piVOted, and dlan by dum dt!,'e 10
nt Annoura! MOlOf Hillery, MOIOC' EqUipment on the can meluded a 'TrillOli Mxhmc' was commenced the uadt Iprockca al the ren.
Mxbmc Cun Corps. whICh _ ratted ~hghr mounlai 011 !he tUJTct roof inilnediliely: a full Sized wooden mock.. ~ wu lillk data 011 full IOOed
lowlnk rhcmd or'9IS . and a Knupbore ami on the hull lOP. up wu mmpkccd by .16 August and the vducles 10 go OIl-mOst of the uackcd
'fht; (:011: of tim hanny, COIlllJWIded For :ud m genmg OUI of 10ft ground a machmc iClCIf ahortly mcrwa.nk. Fin! """",run! """'" of "" pmod, ~
by Map Sir John Willoughby, _ long ....."""'" """d ~ =..J. ma.Is look place tICM;oln CMly In Judrng the Bulkd.: uaaon wen:, m
borne by pnY.llC MlbKnPUon-11 _ aluchcd lO!be lefl $ide of the hull (On September 191j. mockru lCt'InS. 'half-uxb' With !be
formed for .:rvir;e III ~ ~ acuve servia, wide A..llga 10 belp The 'TnllOIl Machmc' was.. in C5- fronl end SIIpponed 011 wbttls. TnllOll
Afrita and _ U1lcndcd 10 be KIf- pn:vcnt lInbge wen: added 10 the fronl Kna:. like one ha.If of the aniCUlued nudc: pn)VWon for a lU't of wbttls
conwncd as fae as pouiblc and 10 Iud wbttls.) gun<qulPpcd bIWhlP WIth lJ.,lIock MIXObk on the Aa.ernunn pnnopk,
.1. gn.... OUl IUpply 0( mwpon, includ- The crew of the: Leybnd helvy Incb, ~gm foe wludt had a.It~y II the re.n of the machmc. These wheels
ing four Lq-bnd }-ton Ion!('$, a anllourtd can was lIX mcn. one of been drawn up by Colonel Crompton. "''en: Illtcnded 10 improve the ~bn«.
worbhop IorTY, about 1C\'m can OC' whom acted as second driVn-lO oper-lle The hull W31 a rectangular atlllOUrtd .umc in erO$iing rrtnehcs and aid 1111:
light lorrie's and lOme nghl«n Dougbs the duplicale ItCCring wbttl for driving box (holler pilic was. in facl, mcd) nomu.l Kecring of the vchl(k, whiCh

III reva1C III emcf'grncy. carned on tncks of shorter length than was by brakmg 011 cuber uadt.
used fOC" the mnoured The 1st AmlOUrtd MOIDr Ihllet')' the body and wrllloulllcd by a UIfTCI. The T nllon Mxbine wu the fint
can ~ ,he I) ft I I III. whttllmc 1"-'00 WU KIll 10 Gn-man UK Africa in 1916 The arm~mCtlI wu 10 be a l-pdr. gun ''ehicle lO be designed and eompktcd
model (which b«ame known as the bUl in country where eVctl the much and sevcralmachine-guns although the as I bndshlP, or Wlk, bul wu not
'R.A.F. Iype' because of its wide use ligh~r Rolis-Roya' iltlnoortd can Ill.. re~llurro:1 was never fillai, the cqui~;r. enrirely successful beauK lhe length-
by the Royal Flrmg Corps and bla the frequently WCIlt inlO lOp geu, the lent weighr bemg repracntcd by a tiled Bullock ,racks were found 10 be
Ropl Air Force) with ICnu..c1hpcic luf hc~vh!71and5 wcre helpless. Although dummy. of poor qwJny and wen: still 100 .non
springs at front and rear. they been designed with m(K"C care The 'Creeping Grip' IraW ordered and a Ircnch of OIIly ....fooc width
For the armoured can. projtaionl on and fomboughl dun mOst contl:m- 5pccUIly from the Bullock Tractoc Co. coukI bcel"OMed, whrn lhe currenl War
tbe I.ln.denick were lmuted to the IIllni- pora.ry heavy armoum:I can they only of Chicago wen: longer than !he nomu.l Oft'XJ: requIrement wu for I j-fooc
mum 10 WI they Iw:I a quite good. rarely CD«M1Iltcr"ed !he enemy, and
!bey had lillk inflllCJlCe on the cam..
type uJCd on the agrieultural lraaon """"-
ground c:iclnnIX. The (TIgine w;as .1. ,ned OUI in allier bndship apcri- These shortcorump were f",attn
four-cylinder UIlII developmg }o-40 IlICtlIS. They "''en: wpplicd as I unit and a ICCIJo'Id Iypc was drawn up by
P""" T rillon, ,"woe! by Wihon, even before
h.p. al 1,000 r.p.DI:..TrarwlIllwou wu comt:: with uadt frames and whech:
VU .1. gear-bcu; wilh fuu.I '" ' LiItH: Willie', 191j, U.K..
and tcven mull road whcds and the fint wu completed. 'J1ti!; bad im-
drive by wr, 10 I dilfermlw on the fi~e gUilk wbttls mmpucd WIth the proved II xL. lJI«Ia.IIy designed. and
uk. n.e whecll--che rear ODes illSlruCUOllS to Mr Willimt TriuOll of four t<Md wbttls an.! tIm:c guKld of the IlCW uack fralUClmt~b J fllon«cr) and

dual and of luger dull~CT !h.m the

&oat_wen: pit:ilt:d I&CCI dna and
William Fosta and Co. Ltd. of Lan-
coin, a"wed by LieulClWlt W. G.
No 'lIemf" wu mu co introduce
runmng gear,
IUrcS ramincd the arne.
the odia fa-
Kllid rubber I)'RS wen: final III round. WjIMXI of the Royal Naval Air SeMce. the Rolls-Roya' cngmcs on ibortmcd Alia Iru.Is, !be 'TnuOli Machine'
The annoum:I hull wu buill up of 10 cbgn a Kna.lllandsru p with BQllodt., car ch ...." tome of whx:h had already _ rebulll WIth the new uadt fnmcs
JkMdmore umour plato of "/\-in. and Il"aC1s wen: gl~m when the mam been compktcd (or the twelve Pcdr.ul and uvkl, and crncr-g«l U1 Its new form
!-m. dw;knca. The faa thai tillS wu SIl'CmI of IandWp dcvdopmmt and LmdWps: this woukt Iu~ mmplicalai -now wlthou, the dummy IUrrct-e.uly
rlr bcmg I mm preducuon order abo parallel experiments KUllCd un- the design and a 10j~.p. Oalmkr six.. in Ota:mber 191j. This Imtone vehide
is Wlown by Imlll <hffcn:nc:a III !be likely 10 bel to a .. .......wuJ cooclusion cylinder cngmt, geu-box and dlIferen- !u.s fornllu~ly been pcuu vcd in !he
fillmg of the atlllOw III all four vehICles.
UI playa U5d1ll fWl III the w;u-.
- ual of the type well known to TnllOli Royal Armoured Corp Tank Museum
al Bovinglon. i)or:l('t where cbe Frano:,like, to rrtJ,in RWly wu_ from cxh Ndc of the same: the wne for both R..."'" and
mamu\.uion will rewaI rnlun<bnl boll IlIne ann<JIlnd can in tervia: afta" the power Will as 'Lmle Belgian vehi<:1cs
w.u ro-
or nVeI bola anon.ucd with the arher ~r and 101l1C White armoured can. Wned. logcthet WIth the same type of This early 19'5 type was JUpnw:daI
cqwPfUOU. modcrtllmJ in dtuik but Slill q !IIU- tradr: and abo the ulI wbu:k by the generally Anuw but improved
The modified 'TriitOO Machine', or ally the JOIIDlC m appcaraDa, were m Tbc 'wihon MxIunc:' was buill by model which is shown in tbc dnwinp.
'Lillie Willie' as II then become known, acuoa in the ~ yean of the Second William ~ 6: Co. Ltd. al Lincoln This vdtidc probably went intO pro-
was much becter dun in ItJ origirW World War. and fin! ran on 16 January 19,6, only duaion for tbc Rlm;'n Govemnv:nl in
form but W;iS unable 100 mea new War just ovet a month afla- rbc rebuilt !he bua pan of 1915. CcruinIy, some:
OffICe omuclc-couing requirements, ja 'Mol bcl" , 1916, U.K. 'Littlc: Willie'. It easily exa:lkd its can of this newer type had been com-
which !wi been again revised, and was smaller relative in com~r1livc ,riall ofpleted by Jmuary 1916.
soon oy~wd by the: new At the lame time: lhal the 'TtiliOO both machines and at Hadicld Park, The 1916 RUM;'n Sheffield-Simple:.:
mxhi~, 'Big W illie'. ~ne' wu being re-designcd, Lku- armoured Cat usod the wdl proven 31>
Hcrtfordshirc JIt8OIu.ted without diffi.-
ttrwlt W . G. Wilion wu working on culty bathed wire entanglements and b.p. ch,ni. The w-licr armoured can
an ~tlrdy new modd of landvnp to ,eptucuuUom ofDrimh- and Gaman- had the sundard louring ear .at whtth
SI Automitnilkuse White, 1915.
no.... t tho: new War 0fIic:0: rcquiremc:nts
10 erou an &-foor wide Il'aKb and
type ~ wlUch were lpecially (alcbouah rbey ~ dwl II tbc rat)
bul in the t916 pattern brgu- dWneta-
c:OOsuuctcd 10 lest the nuchinc', ability.
~ French Government bctan rtttIV- cbmb a panpn -4 fi 6 m. high. In this Tbc 'Wihoo Machine', 'H.M.L.S. wboch wich ICUO )( lJO-mm. tyru
ing. in 191" supplocs of uuC.b built by Inxhine, known ar fint u 'Sig Will;e', Centipede' or 'Big Willie' (as it was ... oe Sued 10 cake the heavia- load of
the White Motor Co. of Clrvdand. "" &mo..1o=g<-Wp«! prof"' .... nicbwnc.d, in conlnSC with the Un- IDmI: S tonS. Tbuc: ~ alto dwlll the
Ohio and by the cod of the ,Wile ynr IracQ nmning round the top of the provaI.,.riltOll Machine1aho acquired rear and all were 6lled wich Rubbcrint.
the firK twenty armoured ar:s were hull w.u introduced for the firu time. rbc nkbwnc of 'Mother' and as tbt; The cIwsis mcd for !he armourtd can
COIUCructcd in Frana on While ~ It was laid that the lower curve of the progenitor of all the British havy differed from wndatd only in rbc
The White w» a fairly convcnliorul tOO was derived from a la;lion of lbe tanks. of the fir1t World War chis, wheels, although afta- tests with the
dwais wilh a H-b.P' four-qlindcr painll:la- of a big wha:1 of I d;anlCla- appcopriatciy, is the n:lme by which it prototype the propeller shaft &lid bad.:
w~ttf<OO1cd engine with drive 100 the lufflCient 10 cross the trench width is nearly alWIYS known today. nics wen: sttengthencd.
rear whccb, although in the amloutcd Slipulated by the War Oft"a. This data Tbc twin turreU, hued somewhat
cat dupliclllc iItt':!:!
fitttd tOr dnvlIIS
conuoa were
wuds in e"ler-
may couoeivably have dicmed !he:
hdght of rbc front Miler wheel and the
51 Sheffield-SimpLu: Armoured fat dkt forward than on the earlict
Rn.. im model. wcn:cquippcd wich one
Car (built for"), 19,6, UK
gcnc:y. The muimum $peed of tM ovenll length of the machine, but Mnim gun catb. 1'bt; gutmen At on
6-ton vehide was loS m.p.h. and lhc the usc of an upmmcd tnek profile f« An order was plaood early in the war by Brooks 1llOCOr.qde IaMb which
!'3diutolaction wu aboutt" miG. amsing obuac\n had already bttn the RIIMim Imperial Government for revolved with tbt; turRU. The: bull
The ~ crew c:arrird was four demonstr.ued in the Killcn-Smil m.> Sbdfdd-Simpb Jo-h.p. vehicles for armour oonwed of 1Ia:l pbrcs whkb
men and the :antWnf:flt c:omisttd of lor and in rbc design of the Nofidd- military me, including light 101lies, were ICrcWnI OIl. to a hi, (hwood
one )7'-Dlm. gun and ODe Hotchkiss McFic Lmdsbip, a model of which was unbubnca;md can. and the fin! con- fnmework arrvbc:d 10 the cb,.,iI.
nudJinc-gun. or wnutive:ly Inxhine- submilled to rbc Admiralty in June mawascompkled by thebeginning of Acx:eu to tbc engine _ good: the top
guns only. The two mountings were on ' 9IS. Ik this as it may, the 'Wilson November 19' '''' Abo ordered wen: pbte wu h.inpI upwards and both
oppotitc ,ida: of the IIInt1, which was Machine', or 'H.M. Landship Cetlli- some armoured can, which wen: prob- lide armour panek t:OU1d be removed
of diJlinaivc design and liberally pede' as il was also known, w.u an Iblycompleted in thecarly pan of 191}. completely. Vision pons were pcovidtd
equipped witbobservarion poe .... dl"tctivc and imprmive vehicle. n.ue armoured can were very for the drivet and !he ~VCf in the
By the end of the: Finl World War To avoid the high emlTe of gr.tvilY $hniW- to the Sbdfldd-Simpb: can front hull pbte 2nd a UDall JCafchlighl
the rnz:.::::r.
White I
had DO lea dun lOS
Cll'f-IllOI'e dun thra:
alltndanlon a rnrrct on tOp of the buD,
the mam amummt-lWO Naval 6-ixit.
built for Belgium, but itutod of a was mounted behind the Icfi-hand por-
5ingk rnrrct rbey had tbc twin runm tiM. Then: alto were twO potts in the
times the combined loW of R.tru.uln gum-wuanird in half-runttl (a1Jc.d faVOlll'Cd by the R'M'i,", Tbc mginc teat of the huB and one It citba side,
and Pcugcou. This large wpply led 1pO"00III I Naval mm) phljc:cciug and bull armour were in Dearly all near the &om. "The ODe OIl. the dd.a'i

'" "J
side (illGOrpor.nw. in Ute door) was bniaHy that of the Mack :t-ton, 1«· which at the rear were double.! to take itself in guerrilla activities all over the
fitted with a driving mirror on its imid.:. in. whed~ truck, with worm drive th~ increased weight. country. The nuin centre of fighting
AU projecting parts inside me hull were and dual rear wheels while the tyr~ The annour, which appan to have was, however, in the capiul, where
padded. In acrordmce with speciflCa- were formed of solid rubber blocks. A been fitrcd in Russb W:I.S broadly siffii.. snipen [~de tlu: streets of Dublin
rion, all irutructiOJu were prin(C(! in big vehicle, die Mack armoured ar wu Jar in laYOUt to that of the Purilov- dangerous for Britim soldia'! on patrol
Russim and the speedometer was cali- 19 ft 8 in. long, 6 ft 6 in. wide md 8 ft armoured Austin!, although the Fiat's and engage<! in convoying v:llwbla and
bnted in vents.. 4 in. high (to t0l' of gun shields) and shoner wheelbase appuently led to the supplies. The riling wa$ nearly over in
The work of armouring the Rmlia!l weighed 41 (short) tons. The equipmcnt right-hand turret being the one offset Dublill by 19 April but it was, never-
Sheffield-Simplex em W:l$ carried Out induded~ Gl1Iy and Davis [crin. se~rch~ to the rear, to give the driller more room theless, decided to construct an arm·
by Thomas Piggott & Co. Ltd. at ligh[. The Locomobile and White and also provide a door at till point. oure.! ar for convoy and parrol work.
Birmingham between 191j and 1917 armoured ears were very much die same The armamCllt, as with several other Authority W:l.S given on the morning or
until the Revolution broke out in RlWb as the Mack in ~ppea.ranee, although the Russim armoured can of the period, 30 April for the work to be done and
and 50 delivery of me last vehides was Locomobile, wing ~ six-cylinder pas.- consisted of one water-cooled n~iJlC. the lorry which had already been
withheld. senger or clwsis, had smooth (Call. gun in each rurret. To protect tlu: vul· chosen to be converted into :m :mn·
linuous) solid tyro and horizonul !la'lIble W::Oler jackcu on the banels of oure<! ar was driven to tlu: Grat
radiator grilles. The White was bucd tlu: wc:apons. the Fiat annoured cars Southern Railw::oy worb at Inchicore
14 Mack Armoured Car (New 011 a It-Ion auck ch.mis. The annoured usnally, but not always, had the charav- and tlu: job wa$ completed by 6.30 p.m.
York National Guard), 1916, U.S.A. hulb, from the radialor armour back· !criscie annour ':mns' projecting from on tlu: same day.
wards, were identical in :ill thra: can the rurrct face. The resulring vehicle was bizarre ill
This Mack armoured car, together with and were built by tlu: Carnegie Sta:l Later versions of Russian Fiat ann- appcal1lllCC and, as the drawings show,
two other similarvehides on White and Corporation. oured can had various changes includ- its origin in a locomotive engineering
Lowmobile chaJ.sis formed che nucleus Thc nt "mloced Motor Battery ing a different shaped rurret base and, works was app.1rent. The lorry it5elf
of the fighting strength of the ut was llsed on the Mexican border in later still, detachable type disc wheels was conunmdccrcd from Guinncss'
Armored MOlor .amery, New York 1916 but the can became well known were used instc:.d of the millery typo: brewery 1Ilid WlIS 1I Gcnllan-built
National GU.1rd. The whole equipmcnI ~rtcr the United SUII:S Clltered the war with detachable rims. "mong the Daimler 3·ton shart-driven vchide,
ofthi! battery, which was f:liscd on 18 again.ll GermallY ill the following April armoured cars pbccd at the disposal of Ilonnally JUM for arrying supplies of
Much 1916 and included sevenry-lwo by being used in demollSIDtiorn and the Brirish Royal Naval Air Service beer. The conversion was ~illlple-an
mOlor-cycla, two trucks :and a Itaff war parad(:$. However, the I st Armored armoure.! car force in July 1917, follow· 'armoured' body assembled from loco-
nt :u well as the three =noured can, MOlor Battery was disb;tllded in ing losses of equipment, were eight Fiat motive smokc-.boxcs W:lS mOUlllcd on
wu paid for by a group of wealthy 2fld November 191 7: it wa$ 1I0t absorbed armoured can and one of thc:5e, aticasr, the lorry platform; flat plates were used
patriotic New York citizens. into the regular army which, at that had disc wheels with pnCUUllltie ~ 10 pfO(ect tlu: radiuor and the sides and
The: Mack annoured car, oomttuctcd lime, had little me for armoured cars. and a modified hull with a large turret, front of the driver', Clb ;tIld a locomo-
by the Intcm~tiorul Motor Compmy apparently fixed. rive cab roof wu used for overhead
of New York, had a Itnightforward cover. Rifle loopholes were CUt in the
open top amloured hull, somewh~t
ss Fiat Armonn~d Car, 1916, RU5Si1. sides of the cylindrical body and, to
better ill design than IIlmy of its COIl~ Among the Illany makes of foreign
temporaries ill that the top half w.IS motor dlassis used for mili=y purp<»es
sloped inwards to improve its ballistic by the Rlissbns were ltaliall·built Fi~ts.
I $6 Daimler Armoured Lorry, 1916,
Many armoured cars of the First World
confule snipen, dummy loopholes
were painted ill othcr places. Tbe boiler·
plate used as Ull10ur was 1I0t proor
properties. Two Colt =hinewguliS This make was also one of the f~r lesser Wa were improvisations, but very few against riflc bullets at dale range (al.
with curved midds wen: mounted lIumber of models use.:! for Lhe bui! of can have been constructed as quickly as though the curvature of the cylinder
staggered in the rar pan whCTC they armoured cars. this vchide which appeared on tlu: made it more effective) but when the
had ~ good fidd of fire. The c:nginc air The Russian Fiat armoured car which 5trCClSofDublill in 1916. lorry did come under fire ;t gave at
intake at the front was protected by appeared in 1916 JUM a convenrional The rising in Ireland, which began on least some protcetion to its occupmts.
adjwuble shutlen.. The chassis W:lS tourillg car chassis with pneumarie tyrcS. the WtCt Monday of 1916, manifested Another lorry of the Ja!UC typo: wa$
'54 ."
,bo Irmoured in Dublin II lbour the light artillery to run up and down be-. ting the armour was undertaken by an open top vehicle, armed with two
gme time---thU one again UIed loco.. hind the lines. artxking such targetS as Wolsdey Mocon Ltd., and it is notia- watcr~ machine-guru. one in a
motive boiler pbtc but arrllnged as a presenled thenudves. able dat the design of the: revolving r:cnlrally pivoted mOUllting with a
single n'CtaIlgular $[ructun: covcrin~ turret is idenric:&! to that of the 11)Ij weld, and the other projecting through
both the lorry pluform and me drive'!" S j8 Paaur luaftwagc'n MaWl~ W olseley CP type armoured can. the rear of the hull.
abo m a nn_Mulag, 111l6, (;ennmy. Nothing Ippean to have hem ro- The hull wat, 10 just above the
When the emergency was over it is corded concerning the employment of driver', Woe level, ideotic:a1 with that
believed the lorries wen returned to the The Mannesnunn-Mulag, built by the: this armoured ar, but, although it is of the earlier model with a turret. The
brewery and their armour to the IncIU- Aachen finn, was a &irly conventioNI unlikely to have been SCIlt o~euiCU. it CUtting down of the bull in this way,
core ~ilway WOtbhops for usc again Iony supplied 10 the GemWl Army as a may weu have been inlended for either and eliminating the turret oonsidenbly
in constructing 1oromotivcs. ~d carrier in the 11) 14-18 War. The cIecrutod the weight and improved the
the Hampshire Canbinien Yeomanry
drive was by iliaft 10 a dilfetelltial on or the Donet Ywmanry, with which performance of the 11)16 model To
the rue axle and the: wbeels, .dmd wilh Territorial regiments Mr J. H. Ismay dear road obsuuctions like wire an
11 AutoeanolJ 47 mm.-Rm.a u1t. solid rubber tyreJ. were carried on semi-
1916. France. let'Vedin 1\1I4-US. angle sted frame was carried riglu over
elliptic springs at fronund rear. the cat from low down in front of the
This ciw3is was used for a heavy •
1be £inc lorry-mounted gun to go into 60 Aatoblindata Biaachi, 11)16,
front wbccl. 10 beyond the rear bull
action in Fnna: in the First World armoured car built about 11)16. The machine-gun. Equipl1l(:llt carried in-
War \Val probably the British Com- vehicle W;lS, in lila, an armoured per_ Italy.
duded Wldilching boards OIl the right-
nundcr C. R. Samson's J pdr. on .1. sonnel carrier rather than a !roe fighling S. A. Automobilee Velocipedi Eduardo lwuI 'ide of the hull and-a feature of
L.G.O.C. '8' type, which was vehide because it lad DO turret or pro- Bimchi, ofMibn, was fOllIlded in 18\)9: Italian armoured ar uni~ folded
oorulructcd to Royal Naval Air Ser. vision for the pel1lWl(flt mounting of by the rime of the: Fin! World War bicycle.
vice desigru by the French shipyard armament, although pons were pro- which Italy joined 011 the side of the
Forges eI Chanrien de Fnnce at Dun- vided at sides, front, and rear for the usc Western AUies in Il)lj, Bianchi can
of acw weapons-machino-guns or 61 Tank, Mark I, 1916, U.K.
lUrk in October 1914. had establUhed a reputation as well-
The Frtnch equivalent of this weapon small arms. Like most other German built orthodox vehicles of good quality. 'Mother's' perform,nce on demonstra-
appeMCd during the COlIne of 1916 and armoured ClI'l, the: Mann(:$/nann_ A, in other countrieJ. a car of thlt kind tions in January and Febnwy 11)16
l;OllJistcd of a gun of the WIle calibre as Mulag was fully equ~~d. induding was the obvious choice for the basis of convinced the military and Govern-
$3mson's on a Renault lorry dDssis with powerful spotlights at t and rue. ment spectators of the potential value
an armoured car.
tolid ryres. Wherels the R.N.A.S. The lint Bianchi armoured car WH of this new weapon and forty machines
51) AnnOUftd Car, Merced~ Wol_
vehicle was UIW'ItIOUt'C'd and the gun .vey, 11)16, U.K. built about 11)11 and was ,imilar in were ordered carly in Febrmry, an
mounted f:llrly high 00 the lorry pbt- most respects 10 the slightly carlkr order which was shortly afterwards
form the French Autocaoon 47 mm. Tbis armoured cat started life H a pri- OOtra-Frasehini. About three yean inaeascd to 100. 'Mother was built of
was fully :umouttd and the gun was vate motor cat--4 'limousine with de- bter an up<bted version of the Bianchi boiler pbre (and is identifiable in pio-
mounted low betwem. the ~ wheel taduble brougham IOp'-belonging 10 armoured car with revUcd armour and tures by the dOH' pilch rivers) but the
arches in the body of the vehicle. The Mr James Hainsworth Ismay, onwcme equipment was built. This model had prodllction nudUncs were, of course,
only disadvmuge of this lower mount- Minster House, Dond. The cIwsis was pneumatic;: ryres. dual at r.Iie rear. The to be of armour plate varying from u
ing was that the gun did not mvc a a 11)11 modeI4j-n.P. MercedeJ with a back wbce:1s wen: covered and, man: mm. 10 6 mm. in thickncu, although
forwud fidd orfire because the driver's 4'1-lirre, four-cylinder Knight lIccve- nnU5:c!r: the front wheeb abo were OIberwi~ identical 10 their prototype.
cab was in the way. valve engine. prot , by dosc-fitting tCnU- However, it was decided 10 ehange the
n- Autoc:anons, like their Brilish In July 11)16 the: convenion to an circular gumts which moved with armament in half of the macbines pro-
equivalents (following Sarruon', p~ armoured car was elfocted. The them. This cat was experimental only duced 10 maehino-guru only 10 eruble
type. built on Seabrook dussis) were dungc: to the: clwsis was in the intro- and in 19t6 was built the: modified them to attad: infmtry mOTe effectively
manned by ~va1 pcnonnel-Fusilieo duction of dual rym al the rear to take venion iIlustnted here. -rw oocs Iud a toW of fOUf Vickers
Mmn5-and were also U5ed as mobile the increased wright. The work. or fit- The Autoblirnbta Bianchi (11)16) was water-oookd machino-juru in the side
", ."
tporuoru and one ~ ~ ed the invmrioa in France, as in Eng- firm. He _ abk to place his own iden other aide. Ninety rounds of ammuni-
I'"'- bnd, of dcvicu to OVUIX>I1X mxf,ine- and pranieal cxper......-.::ofwMUte at the tIOn were c:amcd for the gun and 4'"'
8y this rime the name 'unk' had gtIDI and barbed wire.. RolIen and dispw'1 of Monsieur Brillihnd dnngcs rounds (Of the nuehine-gvns. Six mea
c:ome iIlIo gwcaal currmcy. This had wha:1cd U "'''Wn of tbc agricultun.l wal: intrOduoed mto the designs. made up the crew, the Qll"wu in c0m-
in origin in the code name 'Water
Carrier foe Maopoumj. ' wed in
:I: for <rmhins Of wttins duough
vies were rricd out and in January
Two prototype Sdmnda mxhina,
including the one with a madrine-
mand bdna: abo the driVC'.
nullS wludJ becomco appm:m in the
William Fos&a & Co'. works fOC' ' SlIS lhc um.unet1a: finn of Sc1ncidet gun. whkh also had cxCCDdcd ttacb, Sc.hndder tanh in tnining me!. lata in
'Momer'-thit 5OOt1 became sbonened eI Cie. of I.e CreulOC obtained two Vet- were demonsmted It Vincmna 00. 11 action-rot the finl time on 16 April
to 'Wlk', lela revealing of its ~ lions of the ulCO'SSfui Amaicua tna- ~bnwy 19 16. BoIh did well in cr0ss- 1917-induded poor venwrion and
than 'landship', this mime was later laying Holt ttaCCor. One _ the IoeJnt- ing trenches and barbed wire and -400 viOOtl ~menlS and irwIeqU:lote
olflCially adopted, the fltK productioo ttacknI ..u:t more common type of .imilar type 10 the nudUne-gun- umour, ~ in action offire in the
nuchina becoming Tanks, Mark I. already in II$C by the BritUh Anny for annod model W~ ordcn:d on l j intemal pc:.. 01 wW and lack of egress
'The mac:hb= gun armed ',nks were gun towing-with uxb at the rear hbrwry, delivery 10 be nude before on the kfi·hand side. Changes 10 add
then coIled ·F....Ilk'. the ODCI wid.
:t'!~'!k~t ':~t~wi~ =~~ia;r;:
lS November. At this.ugc the inclu-
Tbee b<mo'M,",'.
Oiela foc ank. was divided
bc:... tu. WiDi.m fosta & Co. to
tnoW only. The was found to be
InOC'C handy for USC :as I aCIl ccwmuy
sion of I 75-mnl. gun in the armament
was evidently decided 00..
The6ntbudJofw bickl '~
mainvenical~{w '
mm.. at the Ucla) 10 giw pnx'" ......
build rwcmy-6n and die Mmopoliun vehicle. A dcmoounotion w:l'Wen Fsrinme', later knowu I I 'Oan against the Gcnnaa 'K' bulIct wae
Carriage. Wagon&- fin'n«> Co.,.Wcd- bd'oce the P'rnid....t of the Fr ~ d'lIDult' or limply 'Chan' were de- ra:ommcndcd but wen: carried OUt at
ntJburr-tevtllty-fi\'C. This order for public: 011 16 June (9Ij; the SeM.eider liwml in kptcmbcr 1916, in the Amco best only Newly aod tpa'mDdnliy and
100 was increued in April 1916 to JjO. otJOCCm were enoJUZ'38ec:\ to prepare month Wt DrilUh wW wen: fine usa! DOt all tanU rcttived all ot indeed my
1M battle in which the !:mks, desiF (oc an armed and armoured in action on the Sommc. The Schneider modificatioN.
IJUJ1DCd by the newly nHa:l Heavy Vmlon (tncteur anru! ct blind4. wtk rewiRed. essentially, of m ann- The defCCII in the French heavy wW
Section, Machine Gun Corps. lint look Eugme Brillil was the designer em- oured box with a pointed OOIC plxN led CoIooeI Estktmc 10 advOClte the
pm was unfOC'tUlU.tcly an ill-c:ho.m ployed on this work., md be wu re. on a kngthened Holt Cacapilbr acquisition of Dtituh Mark V Of later
ODe, with unsuitable ItfOUDIi and wben lponsibk (or the intrOductio.. o( the maW. The smpc:nsion was nude up model wW in exchange (oc Renault
numbcn were inu.aVim. to tUc fuD DOte piece and the tail skid lata wed in of two bogie unilS (thue whedJ and Iigh....... whkh _lUghly •• ~~'~
:wIvanagc of the danm. of IUiplilC. the production mx:hines.. ODe of the r~ wbtt" """'""'y) "'" """ fuI and in quantity production. nu.
This was the banlc of fIcrs.Courcd- annouted Hoh ....ton was finai with ~ 00. ooiI 5prinp. The engine was was dooe and K ......I)' teven Tanh,
kttt, pan of the great Sommc offensive a machinc-t:vn 1M the idea was chat the a 7!>h-p. (our-cylinder type mounted Mark VI' "'(le icWVed by the Ftmch
which was rhcn failing. when forty- main funcbon of .be.,.. vehich ....... ,Id oear the fronl, 10 the left of the centre before the Armistioe, 1M _ Selma_
nine Tanks, Mad: I wmt into acdoll 00 be to dcwoy and aOII barbed wire and line, with the radU.tor in (ront ofiL An den were.un in ...... ice wlK:n the war
IS September 1916 altboughonly 1 (~ it was intmdcd that ~ IhouJd be air intake griUe _ inc:orponted in the mdol
reached their oIljcclivcs. Despite the
inexpc. iena: of the crews, brcaldowm at the front with a wire-cutting
device invented by J. 1.. Bmon, a mml-
_ gIxU po". n" """"''''''_-
box was at the rear and the tnek driving 6) a.a.. SaillC-CbamOnd, 1916,
through mcc:hmical trouble or ~
ground. the results achieved were en-
counging enough to bring orden for
her of the Clwnbrc des DlpUtb.
An official order for ten machines was
given to Schndden on I j Deambcr
, were al the rear o( the trad.:.
11JC muirnum ,peed was j
m.p.h. and Ittuiug was by the dutdt
"""". Sdmeider
The Chat was intended to be
further tank production. 191j. At this time: Colonel Baptiste aDd brake method. One dlorc 7j-mm.. the JI',ndnd I'lud heavy tank md m
Estimne, who for over a F had been fa~was fitted in a.poruon 011 cheright- order _ pl>Ced fot 400 of them ()Illj
urging the FnDch G.Q.G. to dmJop Pdt of the hull with one Hoccb- February 1916. However, Monsieur J.
:lnDOUftd tneklaying vehich to ova- Us mamir= gun (urther bd: on the L. Ddt..... of the French Gowrnmeol
The dcvdopment of ttmcb ...mare 011 corne the saJmwc of amch warfve. AIDe side and one Hotrhkiu machi-e departm(Dt responsible (Of war invm-
the WO&cnIITon. in 1914- 15 1"OIODpl- was put in UM ..... with the Schn--wr gun m the middle of the hull 011 the lions, gave autbonl)' (Of the firm Foagcs
.,1 ."
ec Ad ' ies de II MariDc et d'Hom6- lint time: on J May 191,. nciIiac. for Ocher ~Iura of !he Ow- Saint- t:be earlier an bad J-in. or 9-mm. pble.
cowt, at Saini CIumond DW' Lyoo, crew exit in m .... gc:nq wtre poor. Clwnond ~ tho:- fOW' Hocchki51 The origin of m. datI" is unccmin
codesign ......bcrnnk, brgaand bma-- \'Won atrang""""tJ wae inadcqlMI.I: marhine gtmI (one ada _, one II the btli it IC!CIl1I tIw. a prototype nu.y have
at."cd than the Sdmeider. BodI dqwt- and the jri)Nl cylinder of the ,,-DUD. fronl. ODe It the back wilh ..... rOlllldl beeP ~ for LockO'~Lampon
mental and iodusaial. jca100sy wal: gun 91)1 found to I:w; nalDenbk 10 earricd) in addlOoa 10 !he main ~poo by I Frmch shipped II D.. nkirk in
involved beaux this tkp was taken enemy lire. (foe which 106 I'OUlIds were ItIPplicd) 1915. Two,:md probably ochen, of !be
wilhout full knowkdge of the Army The Sainl-Clumood Iud an dearie mounced in the frool pble; its CKW of cm JCIlI 10 Ruuia in 1\116-17 were.
and ocitba JoSn:. die Commander-in- tnnJ.Il\Wioo-;I panlw-d four-qlinder nine: mm, and ia weighl (due mainly 10 bowcva. Innomed by W . G. Allen k
Chief, nor Estiennc, the biinl!; military petrol engine of 8o-9c>-h.p. opcnttd I ia heavy Ir.InJ.Il.iuion J)'Man) of 1.4 Soru II Tipton, SWf'ordshirc, althougb
expert on the wbjccc wue (XVI",1ted jlo-kw dynamo wbich in lum supplied .~. !be flImubks for the 3.opdn. were made
uwl ~ was no co-opcntion with the IWO dearie mocon. ODe 10 eadJ lracle. None of !he modificalions irllrod~ by John Sliurman k Co.'1 Mlipyaro
This system diminaced the gear dung~ oou1d make tho:- Sainl-Chlmond mlO a " Newpon, Monmouthshire.
The designfum. of the Ou.r Sainl- ing dif6nalties ,nbmt in ocher early
Olllnood, .. it was known, _ under-
"ken by eow.el p;;mailho ofFAM.H
lanb :md &implified MCCring
which (XXIaols were provided al ei
t good link and. aftn- !he French bad
givUl romidentioa 10 ocher ckUgm 10
rcpbot il and t:be Schndda- c. . . .. il was
R«OI'ds t«m to indic:ue thll five
Pierce-AfTOW Irmoured can were wim
Locrtt-LampiOll'l expedition in RUBia
who look _lWtirI&-poinl almatbeoed end of the wbick) but il was compli- d.,idcd 10 aco:pt the oIfa- of Briti:!.h mel anochcr dwait was IdII 0111 ftom
Holt Cao:rpi11u ch; ii, which had hem caced aad delicate :and, unfomIDJlcly, heavy nnb for employment in t:be the U.K. withoul annow, pOI'Iibly
apec:ialIy buill up &om para of three IIIlrdiabk :md added 10 .ill !he ocher oIferujvc planned for 1\119- with t:be inu~nrioa tbac armour 5bou1d
Holt IntlOn for IXIIIlpLt ioou with the trOUblc:I with chis tlOk be fitted afier urinl. One _ lost in
y,...,.nr-bui!t chum in uWs Ie In an df"ort 10 00Il'e(% II lew somr: of
64 Armoured Car, Piei ee Arrow action during the fighting and !he last
Vi ... , h/ICI(lO 1l February 1916. d,..... (aulu. w od i6cuioOl wen: inuo- ear _ POt lUll until Septtiiibcr 1\117,
duccd both in !he coune of p"od1lC~ u -pdr.), 1\116, U.K.
The procorype vdtidc of Saint- ~bIy :u I replacemmt. Two of
Ownond design _ compkttd by and reuotpectivc1y, After the fint 16S Tbc Pierce-Arrow bc:avy armCltlKd the an were origina.lly 'pom-pom'-
September 1916. and it was in its essen- wW (of !he 400 ordcttd) wer.. buill, an with J.pdr. gun UJCd in Russia in equipped vebicles belonging 10 the
tials • brga version of the Sdmdder; !he 7j~mm. Sainl-Ciwnond T.R. 8Wl 1916-17 by !he British Naval armoured Royaf Marine .... niJIery .......... Brigade
but althoUgh the tncb woe Ionatt the was repl,=I by !he Nandard 75-mm. car for« kd by Commander Oliver and wa-e Imong the bacch ofumourtd
much brF bull led 10 a consiJen,bIc Model 1197 6dd gun. The fLu roof Loder-LampiOll were."" ,,~rs 10 the an surplus to requ.iremenb whlc:h bad
o~ It from and rear which, it was with twO circubr cupolas of !he early Seabrook. }-pdr. can of !he R.N ......S. been handed o~ 10 !he R.N .A.S.
toOl! found, raulted in poor U' 77 tanko _ modi6cd 10 a new ~Item .... rmoured Car Division. In pboc of the ....rmoured Car Divi5Ion about ....
oonnuy perfonna"O" and handlins higbel- at the from 10 give more bewL open }-pdr. mounling of !he ~brook 1\lI S. One of IW two ~
~i .. in It is Inte... :,,' to DOCe roocn 10 !he DeN ±re was one !he Piuoo-.... rro .... was fitced with a origiNl :unammt in Russil. " m.,

ten! ~.;t: :ra. t~~

which M,Id have comidenbly im-
.quare cupoU. at . tbc Idi CD mott IInko
Tbc rrac.b, which were 100 IWfOW,
wele repIaI;ed with wider oacs wich a
roIaring, fully mdottd turret, just
forward of t:be I'W' whee.h.. The driver'l
cab _ only half the width of!be body
.hboogh .... wu 'PI"""~ht"""
later 00. II is more ibm Of JUl.
in fxt, all of Loder-Laml*-'s 3-pdr.
prod the climbUtg ability of the chevron uead pattern 10 give more :md was !he only inlcrruption 10 all- Pieroo-.... rroWi (wim !he potsibk ex-
machine, although it would :aho have Incrioo and 10 accommodate thoc the round Invn1C of !he gun. The drivO". ceprion of the lui) were convened
oo::enllUCed its note-beavinc:ss.. Pro~ bu1l1~!blC~' over the uacIu bad 10 be vision pon was proI:tcied by a 3-in. R.M.A. vchicks. The engine armour
ably for the latter reuon and abo, modlili6cd.i<d. thick Triplex bu1let-proof glass block, wu identical in both !he 'pom-pom'
doubtlcu, to simplify production, this It WaJ rcco~ thai which was rcplaoeablc. Behind tbc uod!he J.-pdr. can.
feature was nor ioc:fuJod in the wtb Il-mm. plates mo..1d be added 10 the turret,:md with lide pbiCI only, was an Allhougb the Piaoo-Arrows wen:
b"'Ie ~ plates (which wac" basic It mm.) opco compmmenl fot' the arriasc of ud widely in the actIOIU in which t:be
10 ~ 10 the Iundlina. faults. the '" p~ NJj r.~'!"" "" ""- ilOI'CIi ot' men. The:umour pUle Ihic:k- Bricnh umourccI car for« in Russil.
Saiot-Ownond was f~ 10 have man 'K' buIkt. altbougb this modi6.. naI vvicd between t:be ~ buill- lool: pm, !bey wele POt always popu-
br mUle that Io.dal weight of over
further dd'cca wben in action for the ation was POt carried ow in full. in 1\117 S-mm. phle _lDCd,althougb
9 lOllS notinfrequently c:aU5e'd them to King. designed by Captain W . A. Rots put forward by M2jor Gng of the ment led to difficultiet with mud col-
get bo!utcd down, and they were alto and ~ by the Armored MocO!" Mcuopoliun Carriage. Wagon and I«ring at these poinb.
cri~ u beina ollOp-heary dnign. Car Co. of Dcuoit,. _ nma rem.init- Finantt Co., wbo wcnI the buildm FOll 1-cight Gun Carricn "tie built

~artl ;:':i~Ca::~
In OIK cu, at bsc, the weigh! was ~ o:Dl of the British Royal Naval Air (two similar madUDa were completed
~;~.~bythea J-pdt.
turm being ~ and
Service 'UilCted annoum! can += as »lnge Tank,),the majority of them
on an open mount... rCkmbbnce ~ by the UJe of a in July 191t111M1 the procotype:, built by by Kiuon &: Co. II tee i., by July 1917.
iDs with I fbi IhkId. The g'pi in the luntt with bc'i edges. The King Wall the MeuopoIitan CartUge, Wagon In 1Tanoe, they wen: used Gr Ie. for
IicIa left by mnonl of the tutm "'-crt (,idy smalJ (or an annourtd car, bow- and filu,nce Co., was running II the carrying artillery than ammumtion.
filkd in with !be mel pbtC'S. ever. Wire ~ aI
rnr-Wlft fitteci, and equipped with
* begiuDil1l of 1917.
11M: Gun Carrier, Mark I, as it ~
The vehicle _ <bgncd 10 du.t the
6o-pdt. &un or the ti-1Il. howilzer toUld
pnrumaric ryra. 1bc King Iud an arne: drsignued. lIICd the aWn be bred from ii, although from a pnc-
R..m, cigbt-cybndcr a.gme, was pf~ by mccbmica1 comp... .,..a of Tank, Mark tical point or view only the ~in. hoWII-
!-Cn. pJab:, Iud a Cft'W Of three and I, including the ~ _uil wbWs zer toUld be used In this way. Thete
The Vdcn quick-6ring ~m . • u~ \\"rigbcd jusr over 2i (sbon) tons. Two (whlcb were later discarded). The pur- weapons 'llll'eft anployed in this rubion
marie: gun W1S mounrN in a turm with u-in. wide wooo:kn UDdi'cbing pI.nh 1"* for which the GIm Carrier was :at niglu on a fewoccositvuand ad.ic,ed
a wide an: orlin: to nuke the most of iu
pottDtWitiel in the Ru.;'n pw,rd
(-.el tnmd) conld be carried on designed. bowevn, nn-nsiuled a ..
tome taaiol ......., but the Gun
in each side. 11m ar, and anocbcr changed arrang<:nw.:nl and resulled in an Carrier companies Vme tventWllly
heavy artnOUl'td car of 1916- Iligbdy diffamt va»oa, wen: tcItcd by entirely dilferent Ippcarmc% fiom the COIl~tittd into tupply tompaniCI and
The history of this vehick is noc dar the U.S. Marine Corps. lank. The layout compiled an open carried other supplies as well as ammu-
but il Ippan 10 love bem armoured The Whib: shown in the dnwings lpace at the nont in to wbich the artil- nition. When tranSporting a medium
in Engbnd by the Woltdc:v subsidiary _ built in 1917 and _ gencn1ly lery piece (usually a 6o-pdr. gun or a ~ gun or howitzer, sixty-fout rounds of
of Vickm lfd. during 191' and similu to lbe King layout but had dUe in. howitzer) toUld be winched up a ammunition could be atricd or, with-
ddivtred by the following yeat. The wheels fitted with solid rubber ryrcs I7Imp, and behind this spx:c an arm- OUt the weapon 130 rounds, or approxi-
cha"is was an Americ;lIl--built l-tOll and I Mraighlforward cylindriallurm oured box which fXIfIuined a crew mately tevm toIU of supplies. It was
lorry type with I Il ·ft wbrelbur and with I flu top. compartment and the engine and tnm- tsrinuttd thana GIIP Ca •• itt i their
jl'.-h.p. engint. The fuu.1 dri\OC wal by 11Ere was an earlier version with I miwon. In the prototype, the driver combined CTt'WS of rwenty-four men
du.i1U 10 the fW' wheels. The tyra, higher hull wlUch _ used in 1916 on and brakcsnun lilt in the open over toUld caff)' a load which would other-
were.olid rubber, twin at the rear. the Maican border, bul the 1917 model either tnd: in fronl of the rear com- wUt rtquin: 1741 men-the only pnc-
The cae (only one toe1IU 10 have bem _ purdy experimental. partmenl, but in produaio... machines ticablt alltrmtive form of (T1 II oountry
buill) appean to been modi6e..! in two armOlolffli c:abs. either side of the ~pon.
RII«j, : whffi dj,Q were removed
67 GUll; Carrier, Mark J, 1917, U.K. breach oftbc gun. "oe fined. 11m lay-
(pedups in :aD atternpc to QlI down 1m- out ~uired the engine (a 10S-b.P.
nco "y "'.> although the rcat
body :armour was rUN in height. One
1bc Gun Carrier _ Rlgg:acd as I Daimler) to be pboed at the rear (unlike
68 Annour'fii Car,Ford (Ad m iral-
cy palltnll), 1917, UK
com~ machine to Tank, Mark I the Tank Mad: I) wlth "'{'..;
of the dnwings.howl it in this form.. 10 arT)' forward medium an:ilkry md
ammunition over mdI-com ground
wfl Icat,'l
altUI w
forwmh to
was Ioeattd !leU the
The Ford was designed as 111 ultn-
light armoured ar to complemenl the
66 King AnnOllJ"f<l Car aud Whi le covered with old and IICW tim ,.,.. fronl of the armoured com~t. Pic:;c.... Arrow heavy armoured (:In IIMI
Annourcod C&r.191~17. U.S.A. tcmS. It _apparent by mid-t916 dut the laucbesta 'lighl' armoured an
The IinaI dnvc duins thm led back
The King MocOl" Car Co. of Detroit oIfi:tuiveJ on boch Ades (and. DOUbly to dnvc Ipnxha II the rnr of the with the Royal Nanl Armoured Car
and The While MotOr Co. J ~ the: Gcnnan amelt aI Verdun in Fcbru- tI ........U1bly. 0vcnII traCk', as in forc:e in R'l$Iia By 1916 the Ford',
Imd, Oluo both supplied dm';' for ary-July 191~ lost tbc:ir drive the heavy wW, were not provided for rugged rtpUution and abililY 10 go
armoured can in 1916-17lO the United through the · Of bringing up in the Guza Carm and the faa du.1 the alil10K anywbcrt In dv,lian \IX had
Scares OrdJunce Deputrn(lli. artillay 10 nuinuin suppa«. tncb went through lunneb under the been reinforced by outllanding ten'ice
The cvlia- of the rwo types, the The idea of a gun-a.tryirlg WIk _ front crew cab! and the rnr compan- wllh Light Car PallOls In the Middle
QW Ford appc:annce 10 JOene e:xtent- ,rmoured huD and twTct of an Ehr_
but ~ omitted 011 the otha an hardt armoured car. This WllI only :an
buib. The :all up WCIItb. couapktt _ upenmo:ntal v.:h1Ck. but .. lIuc:raung
11 cwt., of which 1& 3flDOl:a" ......... in forabadowiog theextullive dev~
tented II c:wt. ment by the Gmmns of mnoolfed JuIf.
The work of .6tring the acn_n was U'lCb in rbc Second Work! War.
c:wied out by W. G. AUen ac S,w"
111'1011. Swt'onIsbire. although ~ 70 Paaurkraftw'ra Ehrbardrjl7.
finishing touehcs 10 the: an, including 1917, Ciemwly.
p.1Iinting. wen catried OUt by .he
R.N.AS. al Newport. Nine fords were When it w)1 form fUrtha-
artnOW"fCi m this way durina; 1916, aI- Ciemwl amlOl.lUd car uni .. a produc-
thoutb it appcan that not aU were tion order foe new can was gi...-.:a to !he
lClWI1ty Iml to Russia. Six an. at my Ehrhardt firm alone because both
rate, n -Mel the British fon:c by Daimler and were fuUy en-
Ota-mber and were dispmhtd wida to ~ withochct war ... l.
detachment to the Rounu.nim (tool. The fine twelve Ehdwdt armoured
Ahho.!JI 'ike Fordt genenUy ±-y can buih in 1917 were uxd to aeac.:
were reprded tomCWlw humorously. 'p:mlC'r Kraftwagen MG Ziigc 1, 1, 4. J
dx: FortI. armoured an DC"iu'bclm and 6'----.maIkr uni .. than the lint
gave I good., .... mt of tbenudva and apcrimenu.1 ODe, ~ equipped with
ttminly ma.ugaI to stay more mobik
dun the huvicr vehicles
~ ".,...,.,
tnnSpon. = "'"
Twenty more
wfC t
NO( long befOIl: the Raolution in annoured can were ocdeted lata in
Russia in 1911. Chjd" Petty Ofhc.:, 1917·
Gutteridic. who by then had joiDed the 11lesc new can were very similar to
R'mian (0: of dx: ILN.A,S. .II Kursk the 191J prototype bul if'OlC'JlOflted
• unwncrn _ oac: Mu;m ~ter­ -
.....'ivAl al1""Wii6cd ford lI'lDOUr'ed ar
with .I sboncncd body to any a LewiJ
tome of the I 1lI .. 1camed fi ...... opera-
rioml \lie of aU three m''''' of apui- •
(Del H mvhine guo ~7.~ Ilac 9- m. gun and be opcntC'd by .I ~ of two mental vehicle. MOlt imp tailt was

.mrld attxhcd to dx: on to tripod men only, The car _ alraod and the that the ""4,1 _ ruhw:::ed by neatly
wbich, with spcciaI slidinI!; fee«. was aning ror dx: lewis gun mountina If tom. Undemeach p ...."'ion _
clamped to the Boor of t& body. II. made. akboetgb thc oulbceak of the added) provision was mode fOf the
quid: rdeue ~ enabled !he gun 10 Revolution rMdc: it Un ibk to finish tutm 10 meac.: imrnd ofbcins fixed ;
be removed euUy for use ouukk the the I" ojc:ct. M !he ~ combat and and the vWon pons wcre better pr0-
vehick. a bd: of lparts !he Nn'lIl armoured car tected. The miuor vrnour was re-
Other ~uiplUellt for the ford ann- unit was wlfering a 5CVcn: 5horuge of vised, with horizontal griUes 5imilaf to
oured or included to ,peri'! l~aUon vehicles by the middle of 1917 and the thoec: of the Daimler 191J model,
petrol tank; .I c:wier for I S~pocy armour from a wnded Ford annoured adjtmed by a boer from the driver's
w~a spare wbffi which could be car w:u fitted. d~ round !he SCot, and the hcadbmp were (D("~
.I to the ou.Ade of the DOiuW body of a Fiallony and this improvixd in UlIlOlIZ"ed bozel. The rear wbtth
rim as .I 'gee you home' dc-.ioe) aDd acmourcd car was uxd ill action in aha were mdoted. wirdea: equipment
wbed dUes. Tboe We were ud au the IU~ of the Ru.. i,D ~ Cavalry trith I tall estenJI"bk aaiaI_ included.

prncot)'PC: 'lid dnguisoed its djscjpc.. Divj,"" This appanlUl, which ""Ild only be
UKd when the cat wu ltaliorury. wu
gtfttQJJy unpopul....r with me aews
supcrvlllC'd tbe
the protocype
and himself drove
for the lint tune
featureS whtch ame 10 be ~ m
many POSI ~ WoOd War ranks and
nnll'. DOl In large numbc:n '" lbc:
fhltch had allnY' hoped. bul to help
1KaU5C il tool!: up val!.Dble 'P'" ;n·i<k. when " was rady (or triak 011 1l the ! t i ki al Iayoul is Kill widdy uxd KCm lbc: German oKcmive. N~
Although ~ em. the inca it:w _ fil:bnw-y 1917. today. The hull corubI:ed of:aD armour b.. their mobiliry surpritcd the a ....ny.
ntber cramped when carrying the ~ bad been considerable indeci- boI, withoul chaW!!. with the driver al During the AlllCd olicruiva hctw~
nornul crew ol8---9 men. sion in circles during the p~ the: fronl. the gunner bdtind him and JIIJIC and Nonmbc:r they 'A'Cre used in
Some' of the C1l1 were used with suc- ttding cillhl months, bur by this ti~ the engine at the ~ar. increasing numbm and 1Wmty-seven
COlon the Ul: ranian fronl in 1918. a finn order for I ,SO Rcnaull taw \Val Tbc: engine used was an atbpUJiOll of battaliont were equipped with them al
After the war, with inlcnul UIlIftI pbced:!he inlention being at this stage lbe: Renaull 18--h. p. touring at model, lbc: lime of the AnniMitt.
and <lmg"" on the Eastern frontiers, WI lbe lighl Wlb .nook! be used as lhe four-cylindcr 951160, which cJc.- Afler the war lbc: Renault continued
twenty mOil: CUI of this type were con- OOltUTUnd tanks with the be:avy bu· vdoped H b.h.p. The ux of a lUndard in usc with the FrendI Anny for many
Mruaed in Gcnnany in 1919- 'J'bc"e tallom. IndccitiM prevailed, however, eIl&ine which was alteady in PlUS pro> years and into the Second World War.
..... ere almoM Mlanieal to the 1917 and the order \Val wspmded beaux of ducrion gready limplift«! the ~ and \Val ~ by many other
model, with only minor extem~1 diffiaJllM:s over the Ibgn of the tun'CI. lion of large numbm of tanb. T~ COUDtries, in itt original form and in
dwIga. but the run-down Gcmu.n IlCd In May the p«Jdu<:tioo ordct' \Val rrin- mission 10 the trds was vi:a rear fordgn-buill developments.
industry CO\I1d on.Iy provide artnOUf of Stated and greatly ioaeur:d by 1000 10 lpr'OChts; tndlUSpcnsion wall ....irv-
poor qIDlity which oIfded inferior a toW of II SO and blCr-in the Au. cd by Leu 5prings curyio the: wboIc
"....".... rumn-by a fWdlU asao. The order
now romp'ixd tanks equipped with a and bcake method.
tnd frames. Slaling was the dutch ~ Austin-PlItiJo. HalI·Trackcd
AnnOUJ'C'd Cu, 1911. RIlSli:a.
31-ffim. a.nnon and sigml rmks. :as Thc: Renault was the fint tank 10 go
l' a..1' RltDlluh FI' '1. ISH7.
well as the original machine-gun. inlO m:us production with a revolving The half-tndcd vehidc. in which the
"'-. armed vehicles, IUnct and diffocullio OVtt this feature rear wbtth ate ~plxcd by lrackl, was
Finl ordered in 1916on1y:as a command The new order w:as beyond even lbe: aused delaY' in prod\lClion. Mounled developed in the early daY' Tminly in
ychick to Oper.1llc with the heavy roouro:s of the Renaule concern alone on a 1»11 ratt it WI1 of rounded cast ,be: U.S.A., where w:vrnol pmol.
Schneider and Sainl-Clu.mond was, and production was lben allocaled a, COIlSIt\Iaion in ebe prOtOlYpe, bue re- engined rommcrcial types were pI'!>
the Rmaulr light tank by the summer 18 SO tanh 10 be: produced by the ~rene pbcd by an oaag()ll.l[ buill-up wuc- duo:d and used between 1900 and 1914-
of ' 911 tCp'ctdlced the F~ Frmch company, 800 by Ber~ 600 by lUte in lbc: flI'$l 100 prod\lCllon vehicles.. Thc: half-tl'3d.: I I an armoured ar was.
dfort in umoured lIghting vehicle Schil·-idcr (."bamaxted 10 SOMUA) later production wOO had improved however. lint developed in Russia
productIOn and a butaHan of Renault and 180 by DebUlll.y--Bdkville. The: lerPoiu of rounded and mulli--$idcd Anupuimmw type was built aboul
Wttk (7S) wen: being de-
by "up 1918.
ckcision 10 include other manufao-
IUJ'm w:u innoitabk, but: kd 10 dil&-
wrreu. The fin!: vdUcles had an 8--nun.
HotdtkiIJau-<ookd machine-gun. but
1915 on a Lombard tractor (nwnben of
whlcb had bern supplied in qumtiry by
louIS Renault wu lint uk~ in 11k culM over muon hmgtabiliry of tpare wbt:n the J7mm. Puncau:a: cannon had the U.S.A.) and kno"''11 :as the Gulke-
19 " 10 undenU:e WIk production but pam Ialer on beaux, with FmIdJ. indi- bern modified 10 ~UIOllUtic opera- vitcb anrJOUI't'd ar. This had ua:1 fronl
at thn time declined 10 do 10, because vidualism. the: other £inns used the:lr rion 50 dw: il could be: fired by one man wheels, with wire spokn Another.
his (:.c1Ofy was aUndy fully cxr;upitd own methods in Tmnufxt\lr'e r.lllher I proportion of the later tanks were larger, vrhicLe also with a turm (aI-
with worl on producing other arnu- wn 1CCl:p' Rmault'sKandard! in deWl. equipped with this ..... eapon. In fac;!, in thoullh cylindrical with a Rat lop un-
menU and had Iud no experience of 11Ic: annour plaec for Renaull tanks was febtUM}' 1918 lbc: production orden like the bevdled roof turret of the Gul-
traded. vdUcb. ~plicd from thc United Kingdom \\'Crefor looonuchine-s;un-arnt«! tanks kevilch) had dilC-(ypc fronl wheels
When at.ked again. in July 1916, to (The Miris Sleel Company, Sheffield, and 18Jo with lbc: )1-mm. gun; ligna! with solid rubber lyres.
lbgn and produtt I wUt-lolighllypc was the: main C'Olluxtor) and u fint the: links and I('lf.propdkd 7s· mm. gun Much ~ 'UC'C'CI'ful lhan dICsc:
10 ~lize in ~~~a;:r IUppor>- lJualiry was unsari~aclory and dclivay mountings on Renaule duM forming were the vehicles designed by Adolphe:
Renault milume and immc- dateS WCf'e uoccna.m.. the~bnce. IUgreuc who was the IccbniaI man-
dutdy fUI his meccoric cnm1Diurn and Thc: Renaull rank included 1'- .. 1b: Rtruult wOO wtre !lied in ager of the Tur', gangt in PCllog"d..

a .... gy mlO the P'ojcct. Rauull cbdy fully for the lint time many of the action on Jl May 1918, for the firM Tbctc had thctr ortgm in the J}'Itml

evolved fO DnptOYe tnc.tion in IMW, The: K~ cIevicc Wall ~ suo. ful when UJed in Wtlu beawc the cool-
where light rubk ltd. Wml first aafui :mJ for Ruui:w. ccnditlOnl a ing jacket: C()UJd mol be protected and
fined in 1910 to repboe the rut wbedt great ad~ over ordllUry wheeled was very vulner:abJe 10 amaIl anN nrc,
on IQDle of the Tw', motQI" can. In vdUcles and lOO Jets wcre .. dCiu:!_ and the I.ewiI'I molina tyKCm tuCked
1917 ilic KilT : ryKCm W::h~ied Dry of thctc wal: in""""""d for we on duttinlOthegun......·,eyn. ThemouD~
co AWlln umoum:I can and . of Ausrin or Austio-Putilov armoured ins was IfICn liable 10 pwcn.rioa than
boch the oriJinal Britilb type and chc ean. AItn the Revolution the gruta WI of the HotchItiss and ia tome tanh
AusciD-Putilov rypc were c:oavened to put of dus order renni......! "ncom- a Hotthkia was substituled for the
1uIf-<n<kL ~ bul ~ few wac built by K~ Lewis in ~J!:.1e between the
10 rbc: CODy"..i...... the rear wh«1s LDrudf bd'ore be Icfl RussU. and: il is dover and . In later tanh
wtU reanoved and rtpbccd by Kqra- believed. some more ·RIder the Soviel the Hocchkia (in a modi6rd form with
x ', bacb whlcb conWtcd of, eac:h_. Govem.mellf. Some of lhac half.aaci belt feed and piaoI grip) was ~U"O­
I froot idler ....bed. fow mWI double
road wheels. sprung iD pain and a rear
drivin@; wbcd. Thr; rubba melt with I
mnowed can wac: uacd in 19l(I
Poles, who apmred a few
duenl ill place of all the Lewis gum.
The aew condition, were improved
by the iIItroduaioa. olbetca- en.... gmq
ribbed pattern to ioaeuc adhesion _ escape hwhp. bma- .ision unnp
a c:oarinuous bond Trarumiuion was ments and a more df"caive coolin@; and
l1ken &om pinioN on the cud of the 11 Tw,MuII: rv, 1917. U.K. ventila;:~m.
origiml ...1... (which were in the cenm: The supply for the .cnsine wu
of tbc uxk ammbly) by Covmuy On 19 Scpcembtr 1916-four days now by mean, 0(. vacuum fm:I system,
duinl 10 sprockets on the utcnliofll of after the: lint •• nln wenl into Xlion_ which obvialed !he: disadvantage in the
the rut driving wheels. Drive 10 the the: British Comrnmda--in-Chid; Sir Mark 1'1gnvif}' reed. whicb frequendy
Ird iuelf WI' tnnImim~d by fricdon Douglas ibig. gave an orckr for 1000 cca....u 10 work when the lank Wl,
only. Each tnd unit WII pivottd about rurtherWtlu 10 be const~ im- dilched. The petrol was carried in an
the drivinl! :uk. permittins an upward medialdy. (This occkr wu rescinded armoured oonlainer al the rcat outsick
Of downward movemalt Of over I I in. wee weeks hler by the Ann y Council, !he main bull ill the Muk IV whm; il
citherend. but immediately reinsuJal by Mr Lloyd was leis of a fire risk. The exhaust 'Y'-
The artillery ry~ from whods with GeorKe. Scac:ury of Stale ror Wu, IeQl was litted with • siknoer-which
pnewnatic ryrcs 0( the OOOIuJ arm- ,.,.bo Iiad more=:"1"1). ScvenI faults was ill the earlier tanh. SlCering
oured an wetC rcpl'«(i in thc b.alf. had revealed va in the Tank, tail wheels were D(l( uted in Mark IV-
a.... model by _ wheels with Ibnses Mark I and il was cksirtd 10 improve they bad been dropped in Math 11-111
011 eima side of the ruhbet' ryns. An the design 10 dirnwle tome of thoe
inlCic:£ng method of p«'O'(:Iltins di~ bd'uae going inlO lIUJI prod.acrion of
ina or 'bdlyina;' (the yehp JroIlIIdin the: 100 DCW tanh. A small bridging
..... ,.
and "9i ti e al.., lemoved C-VUltually from
1"he 10S-b.h.p. Daimler engine was
011 its ch,.;. becweeo the !fool wboe:e order for 100 lanln of the origiNllype, (DIltinucd in II:X for the: Mark IV 10
mel. the traeb) w:u adopccd in the in wbich _
Ausrin-Purilov vmioI:I (althouab it doa:
impro~ailUits ...,..Id be jr!1 production, ald·onsh it -:as
noc appear to have been u.ed ill the :::..~W:" D!.: •.:br of~~ thai the: tank WI!I "".e.....
powered. All Upr:lled ~eiliOiJ. 'POCdcd
AlIKm modcQ. This coniliud of two Georze This onJa would UISUl"e WI up 60111 1000 r.p.m to lljO r.p.m. and
pivoccd sprung amu projtuing ia froot the &W.. iu, wbicb wac: thm still giving IJS b.h.p. was IDlroduccd and
of the 1;aI". each carrying a rolla. A
.borler arm. of the Arne 10ft alto ~
::Ltktins the hst; of the Mark I..
be kepc going lDIol the new
_ _ for the laler Mark IV.. It was
found unrdilbk in the bands of thc:
jtc:1Ied in front of and behind ~ .:....Iud IUltcm was scttIcd. trOOp$. bowever. and ror this I"mOiJ the
a ack.
The interim vehicles, desigNJCd unb 6tted with this type of engine
"(Ie lmong thole I(b:u<i £01' 00IIvt!'·
sion 10 unl: emden supply-ea.trylD8
pole Tail'_ mild sud atcrISion ofthc
I'W' horns which incnued the I
armour procectic.. was'
mm. and the
UJIWtltII,t earned in the un.aU revolving
wen: avaiLsble {oc- tank UIe and at the
wnc time avoid the eumbenomc gear
wW. wbicb coWd be tr::avcnod &om 10 if: tIlrm was one wucr-<OOled machine- dwtae and KU;I inti: :an-angcmeobof
To OVetCOIUC the t"'oblem cE the about t" It. This dcvioe laded rigieLty, gun. with mothn-. unmounted. in the ~\'ie$, rwin Tylor eonunen:iaI
Wlk ditdtins. 'torpedo spuds' wen however, and was dropped in favour of lCiCi .'Co A vasiM of the 1-K. I with a vch.idc: engines. corn ktc: with their
de,itcd I cylin.dtia.l beun attached ex«ndmg the num hUll of the tml:, as
W)J done ill the Muk V". A 'Tadpole
3"7-on. gun was p1mned but was never
buill beaUIC danommtioa of the pro-
own dutch and gearl:x. were UIed.
to each tnck, which live the ttack. I The twO rystcnu were joined al the
Mler f"rdux on the ground :and Tail', Mark IV was lata fined with a totypeI led the ~Wcrium to Qtll Wft from whcno:: fuuJ driw: to
helped It to pull the tank out of the 6-in. umch mortar bccwem the rear i _ a new apecific:ation for a lilhl the tracks was by du.ins 10 ,prockcu on
110ft. This W2S only panly succusful horns to uperiment with doK' support tank which DrCc'JSitaled a complete dther tide. For Itcuing the dutches
and was replacnl by I Wigle wide beam for tanh in the attack. .edaign. joining the Q"( I' .tuft were rekued
Iltacbod to boch tnds by dujnl Twin and one or the otbea- enli", apetdcd up,
nih ova the lop of the hull carried the 14 lAic:hcltI' Kampfwagea I, 1917, 7S Tank, Mt<dJum, Mark A, 1911. the tum brine: on the side opposite to
bum dar of the driver'. cab. This de- Gmmny. U.K. that of the Wttt running engine The
vice worked well :and was coatinucd in sttuhi~«t could be ina, .Jed by me
SU~uenl patterns of wartime be.-lvy Many powerlW ~ can wele A military ~ui.ullcnt for I liBhta of the Ci on one engine Of anotbtt.
bnh Wd up in Germmy by 191' bcalde :and fulca- mnine than cbc tbm nand- This unngemutt had the advantage of
1M ordc:r for MMk [VI the 1000 Deitbea- peDol nor ryra were avaibble :ani. Tank, Marl; 1 was formulated to- brina eoarroUed by one IIW1 only but
to keep them running. The attnctive wards the end of 1916. It was cnvisagui ic c:afled (Of I grOt dcaI of skill on cbc
idea was ccncrived of ruming Ii...... into dul sw;b a mnine .houId be able to pan of cbc driver, bcaUJe one or both
lotypc and approximaldy one mird of light .. nks by using the aisting engine apIoil a breakthrough of the enemy of the enlirld could be ltalk.! if ~
the: prod~ machines were buil, by and cbaab :md adding tnck fralDQ :and dclcnccs by the heavy tankl and D)- was not esc.. ' cd. To aid pctfonnancr
William Fosler ~ Co., and the rest by cncks :and building up :an annoui'd. opeiltC wilh the cavalry. For this rok by ~I track friction, rollm to
the MaropoliWl Carmge WagOQ I.: hul!:l~ of the mMorear body. the great length of the lIandud heavy any the top run of the track and a
Financ:e Co. Some of the Females were J Vollmer, a k.ding Gcrm:an tanh needed to facilitate umch crossing ki ks of mulU a:J. the sides 10 cleu
Ialer coavmod into 'H=n.aphrodites' military autotnOfive engineer, was was not quite to important, to light_ mud were iZlIJod
by having the nv.t machine-gun iruttucted to produce a design and the iIC:SIcould be ~ by I reduction in The armament consHtcd of0t:Je Lewis
lporuotl exchanged tOl" I M1Ie 6-pdr. LK.I..I.cicbta Kampfw.agen. Modell ti.:e and aha, ic was II 6nt decided, by I machine gun---dicn cemponrily hi fav-
sporuon. This was to give than I I-W)J the: 6nt experimental type to dcawe in :umou:r thick-. out {Of wW--tnoullled in a rrvolving
wnpoa to ute against enemy ranks, appear. The moror ear layout W)J al- Sir Willi'm Tritton olWilli.m Fot- tIlrm of rbc: pattern I.IIed in Austin
fotlOwing chc lint engagement with tered as link as po"'bIc, JO the engine ta '" Co.. Ltd. ofl inroIn \!lvI., toOk armoured can.. The runtt was olf-tCl
<A-mun tanks in April 1918. was at the: front with Ihe 6gluing com- the decign and llWIufanure of a pr~ on the left-hand lick of the bull (the
Mark IV. wm: lint used in action in panment at the leu. The COIlventional totype yehicle to mctt thue require- driver', cab was lower and 00 the right)
JUDe 1917 and by NO\'ember fanned the moror car cnnsmissioo necmihttd the: ments and this. known as 'Tritton'l and had all-round mvcne and I c0m-
grnler pMt of the wength of me Tank drive Iprod:rts being at the: back Light MniDe' or 'Tritton Chaser', manding fic:1d of fire-the lun mount-
Corps II the ~ttIc of Cambra; rom- Steering was by dilfuenrial brillnl- was f;OOlpleted in euly February t9' 7. ing was approximately 9 ft above
memorated :as the line rt2.l1y succcuful perhaps the lint use of mil; system for a 11Je more (ompat1 dimen~, of lround level.
lnnle for the unb. Some continued in cncked vdticle. T~inl con- 'Tritton', Light Machine' led him to A production order was given for
we until the end of the wn, although IKIcnrioru no doubt denunded the p\aoe the new behind the power pbnl lOCI vehides hued on 'Tritton's Light
by then later modeh with bmer mber disproportiolute length of I' fl which was, however, in roughly the MM;hine' and desiBJllted Tmh, Medi--
medwUr:aI perfornunce and trench- (the cnck frama were extI:nded well in ~ rdariw: position in the vchide as urn Mark A. Several changes wen: rmde
cmning ability lad btcn prodUttd. Ai trent of tbc: at c:lw5it}-width ",-u in the buvy tanh. with drive to the in the producrim machinel, rbc: most
an a:~1 in treDCb trOUillg. how- 6 fl 1 in. and hciBht • ft ~ in. and weight reart:ack sprod:en. .In~ton~ prominent being the replamnent of the
eva,l MMk IV was 6ued with I 'Tad- just under 7 rom. The mnimum ""fti.-nJ1 powu- WIth cnguld which revolvmg tunn by a fixed IU\I(tufe

". '7'
with four baD mountings for Hotthkiss 7<1 Schwaw Kt.mpfwt,gea A7V, (the origuw propoult for one ~I~ gun _ :also a bcncr feature than tbt
madaine:-aunJ. This dwlge WD nude 1917. Gertnan y. h.p. engine being recognized u inade- 'PD'UOfl mounringl of the British tanh.
10 limpllty production. "l'bt armour quace) and. fined with a wOQ<'..m mock~ The dc:Ue:n of cbc A7V _ btcta' than
Wt of clic British m.iclct in tome of
~ '~~~b:-h =:d:~ ~
Ibjcknal Viat increucd from ~ 9-mm. up of an armoured huD, Wall line
muimum ofTriuoo'1 procotype 10 me dcmomlnted in the Sprirag of 1917. chcdmils lpCWIgcndsfOftxampk>-
I.-mm. standard of the heavy tanh. whoc:kr' were IUbmincd 10 the Ger· 1'bcre ""CI C tome dungcs in the ori~ and in JOmc: of cbc wider ('(IQ(rptioos.
The pttrol Wlk wbid. was unarm- IIWl Hia:h CoIlUtWld both bcfate dw: at ~UlICIh(nb Wd down fOf armour sud. u thicker armour and a hightr
oured in the origI:W mockl, _1llIJftd waf and rilthl up to the ri~ dw: firsa: and m~mcnl bco.use the proa:ctiou powerfweight nrio. Over:all, boWC'Vtt,
!Tom bctwCCt'I rhc reM bonu 10 tbt British ranIs wall mto aaKln on I , _ inlatdc:d co be }!Hnm.. thicinca the A7V _ 1M lets lUfXCllfuJ II a
frorll, wbr:n- II Wat d III an arm-
oured box. ~ wm: Uo ochI:r minor
Scpccmbcr 1916. The monJ elMc of
this alUd: _ out of :all proportion co
ovt"nll, but thil ~ uta' altcrtd, 10
reduce lou! weight, to 30 mm. ac the
batt1c: vehick The IDOIt knous nult
w» m u , !1limtry md
adJustmcnll ~I other poUlb indudmg iu ~ 1UCuss, which _ small. md fronc only, the remabdcT vvyins be- ttcncb-aos'ing ability wbicb were poor
the c:xIu.l.1K .yuert'I :and dinunarion of led Gcnn.m Army comnundcn on the n; cu. IS mm. and .w mm. FoI' the bcau.c: of the hiltb CDitre of grniry
!he feat mud c:hutcS on each side, which Waccm Proal 10 pros for a Gcmun main atnUmmt, dilf"aiC gum _ and low tncL with the bWl ovcriung-
were replaced by round inspect:1Cm equinknc. The Hilth Comnund had lesud and the cboir;:e eventually fell 011ins al froal and rear. The Sokol guns
pbra. AU these mcrea'C4 the already had tome ~ing of what was the n<.... Sokol, I (:aprurcd Rlmj." bad a Iowa nce of fire chan cbt British
weight of the Medium Mull: It. 10 ' . gomg 011 m England but DOW look ",,.apon, of whicb I mull IUpply _ 6-pdn. Early wW bad moc:lwUcal
lont, com~rcd with approximately 11 aaion for dw: fine time to promore the avail:ablc:. Howcwc:r, only one gun _ faulb aod the armour puce _ badly
1001 for the 'TriitOll (lu5Cr' , although devdopmmc of a German bodship by filted and in tome cateI of infuior
filled (at the fiuiI) jru.rad of the origin-
performance doa not appear 10 luvc appoinling a commiltCC composed of .1 inlUirion of lining a shell-firing qUllicy. n- nulb were corrcaed
b«n alfa:tcd. engineering cxpms ITom leading heavy weapon al both mds. In addition IiI lacer (some tanks had aingle large side
"l'bt line Medium Mark AJ wcre engineering and automocivc £inns to wlta'-c:ooIcd machine-guns (MG '01) places imccad of .even! JeCtions, for
buill in October 1917 :and they were RUdy this qUClrion. TIle commillcc was were carried--<wo 011 each Pdt and txample) but tht basic design could 00(
being delivered in quantity 10 the Tank known fOf security purpo$CS as 'AIle- twO lllhe rear. be alta'cd. The Germans nude: u much
Corps in the field by March 1918. They gc~inc Kriegsdepanemcnt 7, Abtcll· TIle cksign Wall accepted and the canl 1ISe:as possible of apcurcd tanh and the
firM wenl into action on 16 March 10 ung Vcrkdtnwctm' Of 'Gcncnl War (known :as A7V from a oootrxtion of A7V'S .,10)'-'01' wu modelled on the
bc:lp Han the Gernwa offeruivc when Depuuncnt 7. TnlflC S«tion'. the !bign commiltCC'l tidt) w:as put layout of the Briri!h machines.
twelve 'Whippcu' (as the Mabum A gencnJ ,peci6calion wu bid down ifilO ked production. the ooo~
bcamc widcty known) IlW" Colin- md u a lint step cowards design the Iuving lirudy been awarded. One 77 Gar RtmIwt TSP, 1917. France.
amp' sutpritrd and pul 10 flight twO committee obtained I HoIl lrXIof hundred vdUc:1ct were «dtred, of
infanuy Nw.l1OIU. from A~ : this which ooly (Wally WCfe finally com- The Rtnault sigwl WIk or Ow TSF
An onIer for a further 18 S Medium caterpillar trvtnr (buill wwJa IUII« pklCd '" wW. the fir'll of theK bring ~ SIllS iii) WD (:ailed for by
Mark lu was subtcquendy commurcd III BU<b~:1;:u at th:n ti~ the ooly rndy in Ocobrr 1917. Estiumc whtn cbc big «dtr
to one for Mm: BI. which promucd lUiuble ying v..bide IV1.IubIc to The lint ~Dou in wbicb chc A7V, fOf asoo Ruu.ults was plattd in chc
to be I btc~ daign.. &pcrimcnul Germany for apcrimcnl. It is ml~~ cook pare wu at St Qumrin 011 II Aurumn «1917. It was intended u a
modifiarions by the Tank Corp ing to note here WI the Holl had aha Match 1911; tht fin!: Wik venus canl command vchicIc 10 providt COIItad
Cmml Worbhops .. frm/xtol Mark IlUpired Cok-<I Swintoo's bndship atriOll on 14 April. This encounter between Ullin and with cbcir had-
It. Ddudcd thc addilMln of bf iprings propon\,; put berate the War Off"" in showed 0IIt fundammcal adnnagt of qu.uten .or IUf!" ting: arms Of u an
10 the ~ and lJler the IUbsO. Britain md:also fUamcd the 1wiI for the cbc Gtmwt unb in dw :all "''m: oboe. nDOll vdUdc.
rurion of I R~b-Royo: )6Q.b.p. am)
mginc for the T lor . 11Jae """'" "".,. ......
After trUk of the Holt trvtnr, a
equipped wid!. gun, d~ BriliJt"!"ann Tht number of siltfU.,l Dnh required
Marie· IV, Fnnalt « ...00, equipped was oriKinalIy lOO but this Wall laler
chango illclI' ..cdJ:
1;;::£the rank Icngchenc:d ,,-cnion of the ma.... Wall with mvbine-guul ooIy, bring bd~ iocl"?v1 in any 1911 to 470.
&om about • m.p.h. to no kill than ""'s;;::rvoU~, pow"'" by lets agairut the j"7-<m. gun of cbc A7V. AU cbc: rnocbmic:al dmilt oftbc Ow
10 m.p.h. tWO . eng;. CI of 100 b.p. cadi The cenlral pbcins of the A7VS main TSf WCfe tht same u choec: of the
." '"
Rauull gun-unb. In the JignaI vrhide V-thaped II the front wb I ,,·mm. !-in. thiclness and the ilrttUImml mo- abo :mnour~ or modified in R"";a , :u
We crew was incraJcd &om twO 10 mounum hoWlaa VI» mOUIII~ low sistcd of (OW' O"}cMn. machinc-gum shown cbcwbctc in this book) bctwcm
~ nrT driver. radio 01*' alor and down, JUK above the !nCb In add).
*. ver/commmdrr and the l\lntt
wu repIaad by I 6ud :armoured
lion thtre ..-en JeVn'lI mOUll!mp-
two of them in 5ponsoru drhtt SIde-
:aDd. of rou:ne, the fhme..throwa. ThiI
weapon. as finally built, UIIed a H-h.P'
pnrol engine to rompres. the oil fbmc
191. :and 1911 which finilly resulted in
the type adopted by the Tank Corps.
Lighl Armoured Motor Baneries
IUpmuuo:lure:, equipped with a cupola (or O>}O m. m~izlc..t:WIS, although fud 10 I prC$SUre o( 1600 Ibs. per square ....·crc being (ormed (or tcrvlCC in PcnU
011 top. an oba. vation window in hom llOflJ131Iy only two o( these were cu- inch and project ii, ignited, through a in carly 1911 and .ome of the AURin
and I pcriscopc. and bowed the DIlio rled. Tbc ~ ronsi5(~ o( ,ill men. mla]] nonIe. AI a nnge of 90 yanh this Armoured Dn diverted (rom the
let. In the prororypt vdtida the supa· Tbc Holt I2J\k W:U 16 (I 6 in. long, produced. a ball o( flame 10 £1 in dia- Ruuians were inti OUt 10 equip these.
llrud.urc overhung the hull sides but in 9 (I 1 in. wide and 7 (, fl in. high, bul meter wbich wu inlmdcd 10 put ron .. However, the German Spring off'msive
productIOn IIOb-as Wown in the wdghal as (short) loni beauk or !he crete IIrongpoinl1 OUI of action. left no 1an.U aV)ilabk 10 equip the 17th
dnwinv--thl1 "''lIS modified.o thai the wdglll of lhe: IDmmtssion and the Complct~ in BoICotI, where it was Batulion Tank Corps which was in the
hull iudf did not have to be modified. muimum ,peed was only 6 m.p.h. fin! demonstral~ in April 1918, the pnxUl of formalion in M;uch 1918,.0
Only a pr()(otype was bui It- ~ (and only) Sicam Tank sixteen Austin Armoured Can wlUch
" Holf c;u..ElKuk Tw, 1911, (Tracked) was the "cood wU: 10 be 9o-en ready to be IICIlI 10 the Middle
U.s.A. 79 StN m Tank (Tl'Kk~) , 1918, buill in the U.S.A. It ihould IJOI be coo- ~ were handed over 10 the Tani::
U.S.A. fUlled with the Ialer Iteam tank buill by Corps. The only chanF made ill these
The 6f1l unk cbgncd and buill in the the Ho!I Manufxtwiug Co., which an was 10 ~Iaa: the mountings (or
Unll~ SralOo-lS opposed 10 the nn.. Tbc Secam Tank of 1918 was Ipcritlly was a thr«-wbcckd vehick. Viden mxhine-t:um W1th ball mounl-
OUJ mock-ups and models which pre- buill :u a vchKlc: to a.ny intO llClion a ings 10 takc the IIIIIdard Tank Corps
crded ii_ the Holt c.Electric Tank llUtt'CSSful type of Ilame-thrower de-
was the product of to-Operatioo be- signed by an oIflttr of the U.S. Army 80 AnnCKIr~ Cu, AUllin (lpl8 pattern HotchkiN gun" In all, aboul 80
pauero), 1918, U .K. Austin Armoured Can ....-en supplied
fWf'(fI the Holt M.tnubccuring Com. Engin«r Corps. Tht ,upportcn o( Ihis 10 the British Army.
pmy and theGmtnI ElectricCompmy. proj«I were General John A. JohnlOn, The 17th (Armoured Dr) Dallalion, Some other features of these an
The vehicle, which was built during ~~ somewrut improbably by the Tank Corps lwI the dillinction oflead- were the dual rnr whee), (the Ruuians
1917 and completed early in 1918, con- Endirou and Joluoon Shoe Company ing the Brimh. Army inlO Cologne on prcf'erred singks all round 011 their
Wtcd of.simpk armoured boll: huD on and Phelan and RatrWy, the 8oIIon 6 Occanber Ipl8 afler the Armistice armourcd an), the Rubb"il = filIc.d
Imgthcncd and mOOjfwl ~
"""'~ and of carrying the red, hrown and tyra and ~~ ,IUring gear al
(with pivoted tnd frames) of the The modd (or the gUleal design f« greallbg of the Tank Corp atrOI$ the: the rear, a.I only lbe rronl wbrh
~lap,lIn IUSpcmion uxd fOl" the HoI! this wU: was a BritUb Tank, M;uk IV Rhine. wouoo.. Some of the earlier an for
1rXt0l1 employed. a.teru.ivdy in the which was then in the U.S.A., bul KC:am The equiptll('Ul of the balulion m0- RwWlwI dw.l ","(I ing, though only in
War roc gun haulin&:. The engine wu Ulgino were choten :u the morive Wed of Austin Am~ Can of the the 15111-18 model 11'» proper peori-
a Holt four-qlmder petrol type with pown b«:ause the fLlllnC'..iliroWl:l', pauern shown in the drawings. Tbcse a made in the armour design for •
foccc:d wattt cooling, developing 90 around which the wU: was 10 be buill. were of the final type 10 be built on the convenient rear driver', P'*rion. An
b.p. This opcntcd a G.E.c. genuator w:u originally planned to be 5In1Il Austin lo-h.P. 'Colonyl' d~ during intttating poinl aboul all Austin
which provided the currenl 10 drive driven. The tank engines were twin the fits( World War. All the carlier Armour~ Dn w;u the uowlF for
tWO (karic moron, one mOlO!" for two-cylinder sceam unil1 one 10 each an we«: built f«, and delivered 10, the 'pare whee), in the bate of thc 1UfTCU.
each tnd:. The unk wa' Itffi"ed by uxE-QCtivated by two kerosenC'- Russian Imperial Govcmmenl and The Austin foor-cylinder engine used
varying the CWTmt to either mOlO' in burning boilen. The toUI outpul was supplies werc terminated only when the in the armoured an develoF. aboul
~WKtion with I bnlc 011 m mOlar JOG h.p. Wdghing $0 (5bon) 10m and Revolulion occurred in NOVWlber jO b.h.p. and givc the \'CbKIe a top
t-for a lurn the melt was braked being 14 (, 9 in. long and with rigid 1917. Although all the wartime Awtins spc:cd of H m.p.h. 'The armour mo-
on the oppmite Udc 10 the tnd drivtD. _~ the maximum 5pccd W:U 4 wa'C of the lime &WCl.lappcanncc, sisted of I-mm. plate on vmic:al IUr-
The hull, ...1Ucb was atmOUf'Cd 10 I ~p.h. thtre were pM·.·. !five ImptofclDents in (ICC$, with 4 mm. on lMxizonul IUT-
thane. ~ 6 mrn. and Ij mm. 'The armCIW' was to a maximum of the Britisb-buill an (lOme du.;' 9o'ere faces. Operated by a crew of 6ve, the
,,. ' 7l

dimensions of thc: Austin Armoured parcia. The competins tnJUmll$lOl'l rcMiily di~inguishes the Mark V from apomoru. The British mxhirM:I wnc
Car (191' rype) wen: length 16 fl, lystcDlJ (or tbc heavy wtk Ihown wat the Mark IV. dnigocd only (or a short li((' and (or
width 6 ft 7 in..hdgbt 7 ft 10 ill. the WiUiaa~Janncy Hydraulic, WII. All Mark V, used Hotchkiss mxhine-- cutof prodUC'llOn, bown'(f. and lacked
The Austin Armoured Un pa--
forM useful work with the British
IOD Epqdic, Daimler Peuol.-Elcaric:.
Wc:sti-lIghousc Peuol--El«tric and Wil.-
Army in Me,opOClmia and ~ as kin'l Mulliple CluICh. All wen linked
eoues~,,-Jd with that of Man. IV
Mak and Female rapccllvdy.
gum.. but, othnwisc the aruwnc:nl rdincmcnu and did DOC nm have

It was al fir$( propottd thai an UKI

well as in Fnnoe where the 17th Bal· with dM: Daimler six-cylmder engine: Four hundred Mark V, cqually copy of the Brilish Tank, Mark IV
talion Tank CorpIKhievN tome out- although in the cue of the Daimler dIvided bttWeetl Male and ~male­ Wtould be pul illto proclUC'liorl in Ger.
.. ,.,ding ft,IU bdli:nd the enemy liDt$ Pttrol--Elect:ric: il Iud alwrunium pit- ,,"'ere buill during 191 B and the fir$( many wherc drawings could hnc been
in Aupu 1911. However. the AUJtIlll Ions, I lighler 8ywbcd and nn al 1400 lime thty were III xtion was m July of made up from dimcmioos tum from
wen: tIOI Darly 10 robust IS .he r.p.m. 1ft.. - cd ... _r 1000 r.p.m. ""'-
• nc- Uut feat". To hdp Mark V, tad:lE the captured vdUelcs.. This IUlinuOil was
R.N.A.S. Rolh-Royces and Lanchelltn engine with the Westillgbousc Inn... wide trtnebes o( the Hindmburg Line impracticablE. fir$( because of thc: diffi-
and thrir bad: ukI WttC I connam missMxI nn ailloor.p.m. in the attack al the md of SqMcmber cullY in many eases of manu(Kluring
toWceor_bh~ All the J)'SWlU could be r~ by , _~
191 • , ' aiDS
' L,' ..... ,.
WClt earn~u . HUI was a idmtic:al eomponenu and, la;:oudly,
ODe mall bul Majot" W_ I ~lic bt aa:d cylindrial fnmework which. would have been wiUltful of dfort in
was the mot! p.' ful and it was dropped in thc trtDCh from the _ of Uul tnOIl if DOC an of tbc maltria&
II Tank, Mark V, 1911, U.K.
adopccd for Mark V, the heavy tank to the tank IS a wun of stepping Mont, already in proclueuon r", the A7V could
The WOnt faull in the early Tanks, follow Mark IV. helped the machine 10 trOIS il. Cribs ooc continue 10 be used.
Marks I-lV by in the dumsy and in- The Mark V was link changed in JcrVa:l tho WIle purpose IS the (a$(iIlCi 'The best JOlulion (or the A7V rom-
dficicnt drivi:nt syaem. which r«jUircd atcma!aspcct, bul inlernally in addi- (large bundIcs of chcotnul palings) minee: was 10 dcsiJtn I IIC'W tank on the
the C,W 011)0 leu than four m7 tion 10 the new lTIIUmiuioa it had a which bad bcm IIItd in the arne f 1 .nion Iincs of the Britisli Dllb, bul ulilizing
tbc driVtt, me unk commander (who new engine ,pecially designtd for t.ank I ( Cambni in 1917. Howrver. Whcieal IS many of the original A7V compo--
acted JS bnkesman) and two other use by Mr H. Ricardo. Thil was a six~ the f.srinc weighed 10 ewt. the crib nmts IS ~ible. The raull WIS kl)()wn
men, ont OIl each side, who otg)gcd cylillder unil, devdopillg I~ b.h.p. al weighed only u ewt. One of the dra",,'- II A7VfU-thc lUiflX denoting 'um·
"" """""" gnn (~_. 00 "" 11)0 r.p.m. It proved very reliable in ingt show, a alb being c:anicd. lauftudc Kettell', or ovahcad track,
instructions of the driVtt. Sltui.., for "'" vice and was for mOlt of the This link. the prot«ype of which
tumI of about 60 yank radius ill good OIher British tanh built during the W2f. appeared in June 1918, was gt:DUalIy
conditions could be =gcc! by use of The inaeucd power gave the Mark h Sc:hWfl'" x.mpfwa.p A7V/U, Wnilar to the British tank, in aPfW:.
the tail wheels alone, but ,bese wm V a higher spttd of 40(\ m.p.h. The 1918, G.:mlaIlY. ana, although the ,ide IpoiUOCI' {ea<:h
omitted afttr the Mark I beaux of avenge lpeed Of the Mark V was, how. wilh one S"1-Cm. Sokol gun), 11(........
W1um in the mud of Fra.oo:. Oilier- ever, CVCII greattf du.n the .~~ of 'The V(I'}' inknor em" coonuy pa. sllaled by the !IX of ovcnIl u ads were
~. tumI wae made by the ute of the the: Mark. I-IV beaux the ditbcuky of (ormance of the MV was appuml at pbad radM:r further 10 the rcu. The
bnkes on ooe Of the other "* or the changing gear in the earlier tanh meant
use of high or low gur on tither aide tNl ofiOi Ihis was neglecled IIld an
an eat"1y the ClPlurc of British tKl thai the tnekl were sprung and tht
Man. IV WIkt al Cambrai in Novem- rclati\·cly high power of the twin
or by • combination Ofbr.altcs and gem. inferior petfonnmtt felUlted. ber 1917 enabled the German cngincaJ Daiotler engines upntcd 10 a 10DI of
ben before the Mati: IV _ built, Although performance was Ixtter 10 euminc the British madJincs in loo h..p, gavc the MV/U (l1li niaIs a
ic _ molim! WI • bmer form of and driving euier and the: armour &:tad and better apprtc:iUc tbc good maxiUlum .JpeaI of about 7) m.p.h.-
~i"~i was "«0 nary and expc:ri- Ihi- •• i£A inc:tastd 10 14 DlDl. not aU points o( thttr tk,ir ;as wcD IS lbc:ir around twice thaI of the British heavy
mOlls were put in hand to dctenninc: progress is upwards and the Marl: V we~ The greal fealurc of the tmb. ImprovCIIIWU ova tht A7V
the best of a1tenUtive X:=MI~ was lea Wl:D ventilated du.n earlier British tank. was their ability 10 movc indudtd ~ascd armour profCClion
mote likdy of .1....... wen ted wW. Thc louvres IX! the bull Adcs near Xi.,. wl!-tom and mttenebcd ground and better venlilation.
at Oklbury 00 1 Mucb 191 1-wba. the rear are a feature whicb, together
the Mark lV was ahndy inJioducrion with the additioo of I fixed (XInDios
before a large audimce ~Iaellcd tower in the centre of the hull, most
tradt and low ttDtre o( s;.:x
- I f(:llure owing much 10 the overall The trials of the A7V/U.bowed thai
helped its heavier ~ (nearly 40 Ions) made

,,. by the armament being in side If clumsy in action and limited it:s
tactiat ~ploymenl and, (unnennore, 8..t T.nlc, Mark VII, 19t8, U.K. 8, T.nlc, Mark Vnt. 1918, U.k., ment at I slightly higher atmospne.ic
the track was Iiabk to be 5hed by ,be U.S.A. pressure and 10 prevented fUllIes or hc:lt
de!.ign of tbe guide nib.. These: faula The WiUianu-Janney hydnu1ic trans- from the engine emering.
could be. OYn'COme, however. and mission which was teSted in a Tank. Min" the United SUtes enlani the war The annour prottction was incrtatcd
twenty A1V! UI were ordered on u Mark IV in Marth t917, was intro- against Gcmuny in April 1917, arrangD-- -compued with earlkr British ranks-
September IS'II8 although the end of the duced into I new tank darined for II1(tltS werc put in lund 10 that the greal to I l6-mm. nuximwn, although the
war put a "OP 10 thcir production. series producrion in t918. This wu the manufacturing rC:IOUrces of the U.S.A. arnUtnCtl t, tWO 6-pdr. guns and SC"Ven
Mark VII, which extemally wu very could be linked with British experience machine-guns, WIS com~nbk. The
8) SkelelooT.nlr..1918, U.S.A. much like in~, the Mark V, in tank design and operation to pro- trmd of increasing length to meet ever
although the hull length was extended duce tanks in quantity for the use of wider trenehes and tank obstacles was
The aplly named Skeleton Tank built by Klme l ft in order to improve the both OOWltrlcs. continued in the Mark VIII, which WIS
in the United Siales in 1918 WiU m trench-crouing ability 10 important in The 'Allied' or 'Liberty' unk or, H fl l! in. long and could cross a gap
elfpcrimcm to ~~ the maximum heavy tanks of tbeen. more prosaially, Tanl:, Mark VIII was ofabout 15ft.
lrendH:rossing performance consiuenl In the Mark VII the pown- from the the result, although the intervention of Although lhe Mark VIII at 37 tons
with a weight around 8 (short) Ions. engine (a t5~h.p. Ricudo, u in Mark the Annistict put an end to the plans was sevenl tOtlS heavkr than previous
Buill by the Plon«r Tractor Com~ V) was wen through reduction spur for mm ptoducrion. tankl, pctformance wu improved by
pany. of Winona, Minnesota, the Skele- gem to two hydnulic variable speed A broad specificalion for the heavy the use of a loo-h.p. power unil and
Ion Tank included many structural gean and thcnoe via inckpendmt cross tank likely 10 bto needed for lhe ballles ckt;reI$C in tnck ground prasure
membcn of ordinary iron pipe joinn! Wfts and duim to the track drive 011 the Western Front in 1918-1919 was through the adoption of l6!-in. wlde
by standud plumbing connections. sprockets at the rear of the tank.. The produced in Fnnce and given 10 an ,,,,,"-
The hull, which was a r«Unguln gmn advantage of this system was that Anglo-Ametian tank commiuec under The engine intended for we in Mark
box armoured to a ~in. 'Wldard, WQ the tank could be controlled by one the joinl duinnanship of Ucut.-CoI. Villi wu the American 'Uberty' aero
supported OOwcen the lradt and cu· man throullh twO hand whccll, one for Albert Stem (U.K.) and Major J. A. engine, with the a1ternativc of a new
ned the driver at the front. The otMr each variatle speed gear unit. This Drain (U.S.A.) and comprising Sir joo-h.p. Ricardo, although an epicyclic
crew member, the gunner, was behind raulted in a high degr~ of manoruvn-- Eus~ d'Eyncourt and Captain A. tnnsmitsion and steering l}'StCm WIS
hinl and opc-ratcd the lingle 0' jo-in. bility and, through the infinite VlIOety Grttn (a Tank Corps offl(V) al British employed in either case.
machine-gun mounted in a qlindrical of ratios availabk, a good crou-countty memben and Major H. W. Alden, A. mentioned, the Armisl:ice put an
turret:. The enginn (two Deaver four- perfonnance. U.S.A. Unckr the guidance of this end ro the large ,ark ptoducrion plam
cylinder WJ.let-Q)01ed units, toul h..p. The protOf}'pC Tank, Marl: VII was rommittt'e, Licutrnant G. I. IUckham, for the Mark VIIl, the fim of whidt
1(0) in the hull, droft ,proel:ea at the built by Brown Bros. ofEdinburth and then at the beginning of a aistinguishcd had been completed OIIly just btofore
reu of the tnd: through I drive daft or
completed in the ICCOnd half 1918. career in A.F.V. and more gmen.l auto- fighting .....sed. This WIS I hull shipped
to a differential arried in a separ:l.le Large delays wn-e encountered in motive engineering, produced the de- from England inJuIy 1918 ro the United
wulI boll betwetn the ~ar horns of the production of the rnnsmission uniu and pi1cd dnwings for the Mark VIII. Statts wnere a 'Liberty 'engine: and the
,,,,-,,. 00 further Mark Yilt wen: produced The new tank WIS n-rogn;zably an rnnsmission were added. The lint tank
The Skeleton Tank could do a ,pet<! by the rime of the Annisrice, when extension in daign of earlier Bririili 10 be. rompleted in Britain (where only
of ~'een a and j m.p.h. Cit II the production order wu cana:Ued. tanks in layout and general appearance SC"Ven in all wen: built--by the Nonh
country; for its weight of only 8 tOlU An earlkr project, Tw, Mark VI, but il inc:luded nuny improvements British Locomotive: Co. Ltd., Glasgow)
it was ~ 5 (I long 2nd presumably sali$- which had its main amument of suggested by earlier experience. The -was at first fitted with a Rolb-Roya:
fied the performance one 6-pdr. gun mounted between the most fundamental of these was the aero engine. All the later tanks (and
requited of it, but with the end of the front horns, wu also intended to we complete separation of the engine: com- subseq\lCtltly the first one abo) wen:
Fine World War, this ceased 10 be wdt the Willianu-Janney m.rumission, al- partmCflt from the crew rompartment powatd by the 300-h.P' Ricardo
an impomnl chanaerisric: and there though this model reached only the by a bulkhead. This reduced the: fire risk twel~lindcr engine, whlch WIt
~ 00 further development of this mocl:-up suge and, unlike the Mark for the crew and furthermore the venti- mack up of twO six')'linder units.
interesting vehicle. VII, nor even a prototype was built. lating S)'$ttm kept the crew compart- In the United Stales it was decided

'7' '"
10 complete 100 tanks and thne ~ in August 1915 at the !bilk of AI no Mliuble design ror the: inf"antry bone powa or the two : ; 2linder
billl, during 'lUll by tbt U.S. Ordnmce Amitns and ('XID nuchine-gunncn arria- uiuc:d. Ih¢ U.S. Onbuncc: De- walCT-cooicd (l~giilU""'as'; wand
!kp;aruu('nt. ODe of 1M- Amcric:an wac taken up in the- way pt'Of"17ed. panmenl a;HIIIIlCI>eW work on this the maximum speed of Inc Ford J-ton
tmL is shown in the drawings. This The Mark V· had the impcrtoctiom of P'ojcCt III IJl.ld-191'. It was intended tank was 8 m_)'-h.
ditr~ eslCmaUy (rom the BI"imh wntibrioo of the ordinary Muk V. that the vehicle ~Id be mw ~ The: ir.tUiOt was aamped: the
Wlks in the armoured jdtts for the ho ....·eva. and the unfommate P"'o- dum!. by the- FoI"d MororComp.aay (an algincs II the bd. the drivtt IItting
Browninl madtirJc.suns ..d inKed p . by fu.met: and hat. _ OUtput 01100 I !by was pI.n.....d) and in tbc: ctOlre with the gUlUlU" in rront
olrhr Houhl.~ used by the Tank unfit 10 be of much imm.:diue we wbc:II 10 ~rd Ford lutomobilc: com- of rum. The .nnlmun II .bown in the:
Corp. MIl in details. IIOl3bty In d;,c:mmrkc:d. pOhUla "(Ie:. as rar as J*SIbk, inllO- drawings OOOSlltc:d 01 one O'J~in..
the n.itcd COIrunmder'I/drivn'l IUptt- The Mm V· wa, moxb.nicaDy IfIt duccd intO the: L 'P" machine-gun, whidJ 100 0Dly limitcO
-=. same as Mark V, 1p3" rrom the: n_ A prorory~ was comp~ and movemmt-ll dc:grc:c tnVCIX and

86 Tw, Mark V· . 1918, U.K. :r

tended tnn'lDli$sion, !IO the iDt:rwcd
and wdght (j tom havia)
tatcd m france \0 Ot:tobc:r with sa~
laaory raulu, bc:aux Amcrir:aa
II ckpc:c in the ,utial pIanc. A
simple: ball mou:ariag was It first pr0-

G.H.Q. cabled &om Fnncc to orckr vided for dx: BWl but tbiI was bfc:t
ane of me oIwiow mtaIU ofClDWItn'- 11M: 1,,000. Variola UId were ~ dunged to an aimourcd rube mounq
ing tank anu' was to inanx me similar to thai or the SW1danI Mark V, bnidn the original role: of ~ l aunbliag a gun orhavier calibce.
width of ~ To DlCd: this con- uccPf that, in bodI Male: and Fmuok gun (::Irria. mcluding cargo carria with A larger tbr~1llII1 tank with • turret
tinpcy. intraJing Ienstb--and,hcnoc:. vcniom, an c:lItn Hotchkiss machine:- 1500 Ibs. ca.......ity. Idf.-propcllcd infm- abo built by dx: Font Mocor Co.
btUt. trench-aoaing ability-bcomt gun was introdum!.. try howilttt" and tractor, in uilugcncy, appeared in 19 1' but this wu IlnAtif..
a Irmd in the heavy was buil, towards Sbl hundred and thi" y-two Mark for the n -mm. fidd BWl. The: Arm;"" (:aaory in IeVCrII WI)'l and went no
the rod of lite wn. The 'Tadpole Tail' V· , we:~ built. or which only aoo wen: rice followed abortly Ifl(fWUdl, how- further than the protorypc.
tried on T ankl Mark IV and Mark V Mala, the: main OOIltnttor-zl ror the ever, the big order was canalled and
was niX rclly succosful and a much Mark V being dw:: Metropolitan Car- only f.rteen vehides were co~~ 88 AutOULOOo P eugeot and Auto-
bella' alternarive way of modifying riage:. Wagon & Finance Co. although The Ford ] -toa lank, as little mitniUeuw Peugeot, 191', Fnncc:_
~dard IlnlllS WQ worktd OUI in dw:: fin!: f"cw dozen sa:m to haw been vehidcs gmcnlly came 10 be known.
~bruary l!iolll by the Central Work- constructed, like: the: proIOtype, in wcigbed just ...der 1 toni h' l 5bort The peugeot cooccm-S.A. des Auto-
shops ofthc Tank Corps in fnntT. Thil Fnncc by the: Tank Coq». They lOOk toal). was I] fl 8 in. long. , It 6 in. mobiles c:t Cycles Peugeot-with iu
was, in dfca, to CUI I Mark V in half part in DIOSI: tmIc actionl until the: war'l wick and j ft 1 in. high. It owed lOme thrc:c fxtoriu WI$, with Renault, the:
and insert three txln Pdt pmeb ~ end. 11M: Amc:ric:an lOlit Tank &'t_ ofiu dcJIga byoutto dx: Ruuult tank earliat 10 produce IfIJIOUI"d can in
hind ,be This incre.aJrd the talioo WIll partly equipped with tbc:m but it Iud no IIlIttt and the: tran5Ql~ France alter the outbrtalt 01 the Fint
Imgth of r:k by 6 ft and its length
ovcnllro }l (, ,in. The uaOOud Mark
and rrved with the: Brimh T mit Corps. sioa I)'$ICOl _ mtirely dilfuent from World War. Some Il-h.p. Pcngc:ot
that or the r. coldl vehick. Two Ford mud· WCIC armoured by the: BcIgims
V COI,Id a'OM' trench about 10 ft wide. 8, FonIl-too Tank, 1918, U.S.A. Model T enginrs Wc:K employed. each m19 1j and the first armoured car ror
but the modified type drigNted
Tank, MM"k V* couU deal with I
By the: SWDfDCI" 01 1918, the United
Statts bad c:mbultc:d on I tank prnduc-
OOIllpicte with ill own (keuic 1Wta,
Ford plmcwy mnsm",- (twO !pCcds
rorward, one speed It iClk), ardan
French UIC appcan 10 bc:c:n built
at about the same: nmc. ffi was I
OOIlValtiorul vehicle: with the BWl or
Tbe inae:ued length of the Mark V· tioo prognmrnt hurd on the ~:1: Mt and worm drivm baJf'-uIe. By ~ mountcO with I -bide!
nude tOe I more roomy hull and il ,.·u Tank, Muk VW, wIDth was of B .. varying tht gear ratios for each engine, lICIt the: rc:u of the hull. 11M: cugine
propnd 10 arry iolO the .lIack four design, and a IiJtbt tank which was an IUppkihentc:d by the: foot bnItc:s "",hm bonnet (which may m\"C been Irm-
'Pre madUne-sun LI C" i in wtb of this adaputioa or dit rneum RtnaulL In nw "'y, slow. rut or skid rums in outed only at the radiator c:od) was
J)'pt. the idea bring WI the mxhine- addttion 10 that tbcn was a require- either dlf«tiott could be achieved.. This rounded in this model
gunnen could be let do_ ia forward mmt ror an ultra-Iiglll vehicle: coact as a I~I _pcilliitted Cal)' 1lWIOC\Ivn.g. LaICt in the wu 1/1 improved model
poIirions 10 WPPOn the cavalry .d- machine-itun or ammunition carrier Ikbough controlling the tWO mgincs of the 191$ type was produocd. Tbis
wana:. Mark V' I Wefe lin!: used in ror the infaoU'}'. wu not I simple wk. The combioc:d _ distiaguisbc:d by I sq~l"C. fully
, 10 ,I,
armournl engmc, comp;uUiw:m and our wu thiclr;"'-1 4 nun. nuximnm- duaion for the Swedish ... rmy from on the Muir. V. 10 order to give: a lart:e
win: lpok-t wheels (dwl 3t the rar) in 10 rntSt ~ rifk fire (as SUE- 1921 fonevenlyears onwnck. dar I~ in the middk of the tank, die
place of the am1kry .....beds of the bloCd) and Jbc 'Iurm' was fixed, hk~ Rianlo '''''.p. .,...., _ p"""
immcdiatt:ly bdUnd the drivu'l/com_
carlier model. Two types weft pr0- due of Jbc BritHh M~um Mark "', 90 Taak.Mark (X,lljlll,U.K.
duced. AUiomimilkust, with:l Hcxch- which i, believed 10 have inAl.ICfK'ed the mander', compuuncnl a1thou~h the
kiss machine-sun and AUIOCIIIOfI with
a )7-nlm. gun. The btter was USUlltly
IImlmmt was a S·?-<m- gun,
The need for armoured cro5t-COWItry
IIOOp aod IUpply Q4 ,im was rta:JS-
gear-box and, of COUl1C, fmal dnve was
al the reu of the t:anIr.. This left the
mounted in :I dt:cpc:r ihitold with :I lUI although a n-on. gun of higher velo- nbed when the fim tank, W(1"e built. cenlre companmmt (I) (I 6 ill. long
faa, irulcaci ofthc V...!uprd wdd of cily was mtmda:! for produrooo In practice this was carried OUI by :and S fl 1 in. wide) c.Icar acepc for the
eM m:achine-gun or. Thoc: lnnOlIl'ed
an werT I1$U.IIIy ~lCd in JCUioil1 of
models, tome of ... bich wen altcma-
lively 10 be armed with rnxhinc-gum
aundard or slightly modi6cd heavy
Imln Arisf;lClorily in Jbc c:ase of tbc
ardan .hafi
Tbc Mm rx
nmt':! throu2h the c:mtte.
I IoadCd wrighl of
three cars, two mnrd With mxhme- only. IUpply artie.. which were converted 11 10111 and the wne engine &J the
gum and one with the cannon. The L.K. II weighed about Ii 1011_ Tanh Marb I-rv or GUll CaniUf. but Mark V to, not lurpmingly, the top
Twmty-cight Peuvot annoum:l dightly ov'" ipKifid wcighl_nd its very uruuccosfully for c:arrying men speed was low (only 4 m.p.h.) com-

an remained in French servitt at the Irngth wu 16 fIB in._shonntlunL.K. unaocuSlOmN 10 travelling in the con- pared with contemporary British heavy
end of the Waf and lOme wen: supplied rmcd, poorly ventibted iand nxl:ing tanh However, il would ha~ played
to the Poleufkl' die RUMO-Polish War. 6 in. lrench as bid down
I, bul wffdent to be able to crotI a 6 fi

miniMmum rcquircmenn.
in the
"'n order
inlet iot of.. tank.
It was d«ickd in 1911, thuefou. 10
I ~ul part bad the war continued

"-' .... """~p""'u of ... "'" of

for S80 productioo \-cbida was plm produc::e I tank 'pe.-jolly as .. supply or maChme-wbich _ ocgIa;ted for Jbc
89 lAcicbtu Kampf_ p n. 191', in June 191' bul the end of the war infultry' anicr. n.c h ·W' was en- DOt rwmty yun-would bave: b«o
prtVcnttd the completion of any of tnmcd 10 Lieutenant G. 1- Rackham: folio .....
The Lridlla- Kampf"wagtn II was """- work was in Sqxcmbtt An expetimcntal amphibious venion
evolved dirmly from the LX I In onkr 10 overcome Un53rid"3CtOI)' and the ptouxypt o( Tank. Mark IX of the Mark DC, fined with long cylin.
following expu knee with WI machine fealures of the engine and tnnmIi5sion completed by Sir. W. G. "'mulrotlg, dric:al air drunu each side. was tim uicd
which helped fonnulare oIf'lCial Ipcri- ofLK. III new version, LK. III, wu Whitworth lie Co. in the following OUlon the Welsh Harpal Hendon, ntlIr
fiations and penOfllWla: dnidcnou designed which went CY01 funher away ~u. F"'lsrk produclion (whldt was London. on "'rmistice Day. 1911.
(OC' alight tank. from the origUw avvcpc of ums I ""'okm by MonIWI .... ~ Co. of
Like its prcdcCCSkIf, the: L.K. II was
imenckd 10 mUc ute of the a-nibble
supply of redmdmt heavy moIOI" ar
mocor ar dwsis onIyJightlymodiW
In this the engine. a gnr-box and final
driv~ (whldt was attircly rcdcsignal)
Ga......~. T incoInohire) MartnI
100 ble for Mark IXs to be uxd in
ac:tic:wo, altbough thirty-b~ wet"e c0m-
.' ..If."''''''....
MOIIDtt, Mark l aad Muir. m . 1911,
duaiJ wilbout cucui~ modifiarion wen all concmtntcd in the rnr, the pleted bythemd of 1918.
and 10 the design waJ again {oreal into fighting compartment being tranS- 1be Tank, Mark lX could carry up ... "Ii.:s of experimental ..If-propelled
the (ront engint. rear crew comparl- fUled 10 the front. The LK. III would 10 fifty infanuymcn or ItfI IOIU of In("ked mountings (or heavy artillery

~= of~ h~_:; ;'bk~~

mt!It layout. with tradt drive from bav~ wppbrucd L.K. II in productioo was buill in the United StalC$ betwttn
,prodtu attocbM 10 the rear ub. in 1919 but the Armistioe put an end 10 1911 aod 1921. 1be arliat of that
The two prorotypct of L.K. II pro- tbcK plans before enn I prococype was Mark. V, etC. bul without the '1'011......" were either hued fairly do.ely on
dum! in the JUmmct of 1918 by lhe built and .... bJcqume work. was pre- wbich were repIaad by rwo lu-ge oval Mud Oc:dgru 01" were. in 'Orne can,
Daimler finn "ClC genu ally Uma.. vented by the Trea.ry ofVenailb. doon on each tide. Tbc Iixcd amnmatt Iltne:* "XI oopiu of the Mud 0rigin-
mcdu.nicaUy to the L.K. I but in plxe Devdopment of the LK. II was, coosisted only of twO Hcvbkn. als and the weapons tnOUDted ~
of the direct drive: the raJ" I I.... boW'C'Yfl", continued in Swcdctt when: madUn~ bul .. row of Ioopbob U$UIlly Scbncidcr long-nngc gum 01"
an exm gear min 'Nat incrodua:d and :I the designs were taken afler the war. wat provided on each Iidc or the ~ulIIO heavy howirzcn.
JOmewhal higher ckgra: of xcruibility "'n improved. venion with .. revolving allow infantry being ClITied 10 use their n- vehicles were dWgnaled 'Self-
for nuin~X:u..l.arly of the
tuITtf, bUI in moo Ie$pects very liIt~ the Propdled Calerpilla:r MOUDlJ' bct:ause
tndt l)'StCn-WU mduded. The ann- G:rmm prototype, was put inlO pro- M . • the Mark IX was based the -h·.is were arnw HoII Caterpillar

," <I,
designs or in the ax of the French lmlamet1t WU, howcver, carried in a to equip the Tanh CoqIt after 1919 and, after the Amlistke, only a few
procotypo were derived (rom them. rectangular lUpttStrUCtUre raised above ucept thai some were used for Inining were rompleced in 1918-1919. Thae
80th the Sdmci.;kr and Saint-Ch;unOlld the lOp line of the trW: ;ond find with ~t the Bovinglon Depot for a few yean. were used for several yan after the war
lanln and Idf-propelled ilftillery cha$$il five ball mountings for Hotchkiss for variou$ experimmu with equip-
wen: based on U.S. Holt Calcrpilbr nuc:hine-gWlS. Adv;ontage was taken of 9) Taak, Mark V*·, 1918, U.K. nlCllt luch al tank bridges.
the high hull 10 include a fonn of 'pon.
"""'~ 50rt with one ball mounling on IIx: door
The Self-Propelled CaI~iJbr Mount The Tank Mark V" wu a fundarnmtal 94 Tank, Mark V" Bridgelayu,
Mark I mounted the 8 in. (lO)'l mm.) tach sick. A 'mak' version of the rede!.ign by Major W. G. Wilson ofhis 1918, U.K.
howitzer. This ~ nonml elevation Medium Mark '8' wu abo planned, basic Mark V 10 product: the same
but <:Jn1y very limited tnlvene wu with a :-.pdr. gun included in the an~ tn:ndt-aossing ability u the Mark V· During the balUa kading up to the
available, OI'ICC the vthick wu posi- mall, but none of thc:Jc were buill. hut al the same time 10 inlroduce 00· ArmiKice in 19 18, the German Anny
tioned. It mull crew was canico:l to The engine used was a four.cylinder provemenu and eliminate the: faults nude exten~ve ute of nalun.1 oosudes,
h~ the shelb for the howiacr. RJcart!c a smaller edilion of that which had shown up in triak of the web as snull riven and canals, as do-
The S.P.C.M. Mark III was for the deJigncd for the Ix:avy Tank, Muk V. e.trlier machine. fence agaUw advance by 8ritish tanh.
;J.4I>mm. Scbndda howitzer : it was a It wu pbccd totUeWlul funh« bad. The overall length of the MMk V* * This situation bad, in faa, been antjci..
much Iarga vehicle for the heavier than in earlioer tanks ;ond lefl nther loon:: wu identic2.1 to thaI of the Mark V*- ~ted by tbe: Tank CoqIt General Staff
weapon. which was centrally mounted room for the crew romputrncnl al the )1 fl S the gap it could 'pan by the end of 1917 and in the: e-uly pa"
and Iwl only a slight amount of tnvene. frOllI. This engine, linked with a four. w:u Un aboul 14 ft. The genc:nl of the following yar an experimental
The United SI.nes Anny abandoned spcai epicyclic ge-u.boJ: made the appcar.mce wu also much the same, bridge to CfOI,J a w-ft gap-the exlent
d.evdopmelll of these heavy self-pro. machine relatively easy 10 «mlro), but although tbeehief external diff~ of matt of the L nr water obstacb-
pdlcd mountings during the 19205 il wu underpowcm:l for a tank wriIth- the: commander', fixaI turrtt imme<fi. wu dnigned and built by Tank Corps
when the emplwis came to be p!~ ing 18 IOIU and the lop speal or 6 aiel, behind ;ond raised above the drt. workshop'- The worbbops in France
00 the mobility of ligbtCf weaporu and m.p.h. wu not ronsidcred good enough ver $ position-gave the due 10 the wen: unable to consuuct tank bridges
il wunoc revived until 19041-44. during for a medium. main feature of the incernal rearrange-- in the numbers required and the DirCCl-
the Seotmd World War. A new featun: in this unk was a malt. The al8ine wu placed further lOr of Forti6catiol\$ and WCl'U al the
means of producing :I IIffiOke JCfeftl by bad.:, permitting the command tum:t War Office wu uked 10 help. Majoc
introducing sulphonic acid into the to be brought forward and also im- C. E. Inglis. Royal Engineers. was IeOt
9.1 Tank, Medium, Mark B. 1918,
engine: ~USI. proving the babnce and the lransmis- OUIIO frarw;:e and 2.fter diJcussion of the
The initial orda for Mediulll Mark lion am.ngemem. probkou with the Tank Corps mff.
The Medium Mark A, which $Hem'- n', wu increased 10 4jO in the Summer The engine used was a 1ix-cylindeT recommended thai three types of
fully ckmoruttued the value of this of 1918 but the end of the ~r broultht Ricardo bllt Ilpmed to produce 11} h.p. bridge ..hould be COlUtruct.ed for tank
cUss of tank, had I number of JJorl-
comings. the ~~o( which wu the
about a cancdlation of the Older arter
only forty-five tanks had been com. I and this gave a better lOp lpeal of }'2
m.p.h. Handling qualities, compued
Ill( 2.lx:avy ponloon bridic for C!'OJto-
ing rivns wider than 100 (\; " IUbular
diff!rulry of ' . The Medium pIeted by the Metropolitan Carriage, with Mark V*, were abo improved as bridge w.iubk for gaps up to 100 fl;
Marl: B wu dmgncd to ovcn:ome this Wagon &:;:e Co. and the North a «:stili of the better balance and I reo- and a bridge carried by tanks for gaps
rault and at the Plllt: time inoorponte British Locomotive Co. The Annistice de<ign of the hull contour which, up 10 20 fl.
other &2.tutes which by 1918 the coo- fXCUrred before then: wu time to tnin among other things, gave about 6 in. Three BridgiJls Ibualions. R.E. wen:
lidenblc experience of the Tank Corps and equip units of the Tank Corps to longer tnck. CODtac1 with the ground. fonned jU$t before the Annistice, aj..
in :action showed were dcsir;1.blc. we the Medium Mark B in aaion but The ventilation J}'lteIn w:u rearranged though the end of the war resulted in
The Iozmgc-sluped silhournc of the IOfl\C were tem to RIUIi..J with the and the grilles in the hull,idcs, ~ their dilhandmml. leaving only 2. Com·
heavy tmks was adopttd petNps British upalition in 1919 and othen 10 teristic of Marb V and V· , were dimi- pany 10 c;;arry OIlt post-war experiments.
(rom c:oruervatism in Major W. G. Ireland in the wnc year. 'The: Medium
Mark 8's performance w:u inferior 10
Large onku for Tanks, Muk V*'*
The ao-fl tank bridge of the type
that would have been wed in action is
Wilson the: designer, bcausc il was not
strictly' ...y. 'The: main pan of the that of the Mark C and 10 w:u DOC wed wcn: cancelled at the: end of the war shown in the dnwings. carried by 2.
.8, .8,
Tw, Mark V... It is hing«! at the the reu) was dcc:ked Ova' in!.ide the o( Armlet &: Wonky of Letdl. and pdr. gun wu planned, bill none wac
fronl of the vehide and is niJcd IlIId bull aaxu from one: cod of the W1k to were sulHcqumdy IItUC'Cf 10 the Tank buill and all of rhote WI wac W't"n
IoWtted by maru of a m«:IwUeaI theodKr was polSible fOt the crew. The eo.,.. 'females', annal Wlth four HOIChltiM
winch 1oc:aled behind the driver's ab. unl was mmncd by tal film. includ- Trilloo was able 10 bnng 10 the mach.i~1. Detail rtfinemcnlJ-
The wbolt Opeiliion ofbridging a »fl ing right gwmers.. 11le ~ al the design of tbe Medium Mark C his wide mmy of them suggC$lCd by ballkhtld
gap lOOk emly !wo minulC$. Experi- fronl was provided Wlth a periJCOP<' apcr'ima of carlia' tanb indudmg the ClIpelia<! ....dudN improved MOW-
ments with this type of tquipmtDl w~re (Ot normal vi5ion. Medium Marlr. A, I08ctber with in- IF arnngemcnll (or rbt crew's tquip-
nrried on for 5CVtrlI yean Ulft' the wv A Fill AlI-cy1inder W3ler-oooicd (omuuon guned (rom offir:ers of the menl and spare pam for the vdUclc and
with the 'R.E. Tank'. mgine of 140 h.p. poweitd Inc lank Tanlt COtpt ba.cdon their ape.iun in provi:$lon (Ot an mtHlm;lfl mowlIing
and produced a m.ximum sptcd of action. The MedlulII Mnlt C. allhough for a nuehmc-gure. For tht firM IIIn(' tbe
only d DLp.h., allbough the vehicle bunng a bier dtsIgwuon, was in faa !.lIl1t commandtr was 8lY(ll a rcvolvmg
9S C.n o Fb i Tiro 2000, 191', July. I CODlcmponry of Major W . G. Wa.
WIll ntha bcary- at <40 toni. Tbc IIJIo. ropob, maunled 00 the lOp of the lUred
A FreodI Sdmridet W1k _ ;acquired
by lOlly in 1917 and il was 31 fioI pro-
pension ~ed of ten road wheds
eadi side, righl of than grouped in
5On'S Med,um Man B, bul it avoided
the maID faults o( WI unIc and was, in """'.
Medium Mnlt C. wen $Cm aroutld
ped WI copid of this vdJide 5bOu1d pa~ in basey uniu JP'U"g on Iea( IIWlY w.I,'J., one cllhe best wmimc for K'\'cral yean afler the WM until by
be manufactured in Italy for the Italian 'P""\' des..gns. For one thmg the tundard Iix- 1915 most had bmI rcpbced m the
Anny. This tchtmc: proved 10 ~ im- Only the two tmkt origituJIy cylinder RiC2rdo engine (as fined m !he Tanlt Corps by Vickers Light Tanh
pncticable for various rtaJOI\S and en- onkrrd ~ built-the KC"wI of nn...,. Tanh. M3rki V, VII and [X) (larer Itnown as Medium.). Evm u UIC
coungemenl WIt given 10 the Fial these differed in details, including a R.u_ wu used and m a 19}-ton W1k pr~ as .9)1, however, there was) propoal
company, of Turin, 10 COOlinue the lOpped IWTet irutead of the dome- duced ) fair power/weighl ntio rcptc- 10 modify Inc Med,um Mark C as a
design of a btl...,. OInk, whk:h they had Klaped one in the firM model, iIlus- iCIIung a speed of nearly 8 m.p.h. S31vagc Tlnk although, oor surpris-
already besun, and authority for the tnled here. A male vcnion of the W1k with a ~ ingly, this idea WI! nor aa;epred.
comlrvaion of IWO prototype ve-
11le Fill company Iud no previou, 96 Tank, Medium, Mark C. 1918,
c:xpeli.:'rltt in mck.byins ~hicb 3nd U.K.
the IWO tanh Carro ArmalO Fill
Tipo lIJOO ~ tIOI completed until O$incd 10 be the mainsuy o(!he poo-
ntJf the end of 19'" war T w Corps (Ot several ynn, !he
Approximudy the lime Jena;th as Medium Mar~ C ....·as cksigned in
the British Mult IV tW, the Fill was Duembtr 1917 bul produttion wu 100
ruM mor~ roomy imide bcause of bte foe any of Ib.-e "Db 10 w:e part
!he OIlier bull, MJJmOUnrcd by a revoho- in the war. Sir William Tritton's design
ftg nnm. This was the bt In...,. was approved OIl 19 April 1918, and
13n1t. in fXl, 10 mount I cmllCJlt.V!ncd Laler an irUriaI lOCI Medium Marlr. Cs
rurm : this laYOUI had been rejwto by .....ere ordered, with the idu dw they
the BritDb. ... aoth and German de- would play a Ie~ p.m in !he ClI-
sipk'S bcallK i! pmhcd upwards the pIoibrion of the breal-duough cl the
cmlre of gnvity. In addJrion 10 the German line: pWmcd for 1919- Tbc
6,-mm. gUll in the rum!,..even mount- AnnislK:e interVened, however, when
ingI for RewUi madUne-guns were thin)-....iJ: unh were OoCIfly complctcd
provided in the hull t)Dt 3t tad. cor- by William Foster &: Co LId. II Lin-
ner, one eadi $ide and one in thecmttc coln. 'Thoe ~hicles were completed.
of the tcM pute. 8et:ause the engine (at logether with 3 few more)1 the works

,16 •

.5 ~

Fig. I Simms Mococ Wu Car, 1901, U.K.-length l8 ft • '"

'""" ~

~ }

• "•••


• ~

"~ •


-if .


Fig. l Armouttd Car, Austin (1911-18 pattern), U.K.-length 16 ft

- -'"•
'"" '"~
. .


J :i


.; -







~ ~ ~

~ 1 ~

. .

Fig. II Tw. Mark. V '-~ .1911, U.K.-length 31 rl.s in.

fig. 14 Ow- Rctu.ulc fT 17. 1917. fnnce-Imgth 16 rt , in.

Ms. 11 Tw. Mark. IX. 1911. U.K..-kngth 31 ft 10 in.

Fig. I} Ow- Sdmeidet. 1916. frar-.a J ·up 19 ft 1 in.

<~ n I
p~ no.

..!~ 1J
C>. _ .:
I ARMOURED CARS (Wheeled and fblf-mcked)
0.- Colout

E ~ rfi E ... .-
~ jsi~1
g6:..... ! ~il

~ 2'~ 'A.C· (Autoorrin)
A.E.C. 'B' ~ (War Qfi'1CC Patu:m)
AfmMroog- 'rworth
191 5
19 15
1906.19 1)
S< ",
;\i •_ .•... ~"
~ .B ;\itt
Amlin (1\117-11 ~ncm)
191S .,,.
175, 1&8

-u:. Austin-Purilov I-bJf~ktd
19 14 m
~ Bianchi
Cadillac (Ind ia ~Ilcm)
19 16
19 15
'" ' 57
Charron, G'nrdoc er Voigt ''''' ",
,,.. '"
Daimler/15 ''''' •
1915 '"
Daimler b'7<In. Fbk)
''''' "• ".'"
Daimler Armoured I..on'y
Delaumy-Bdkvilk (Admin-It)' pallem)
Ehrlurdl (.s-on. BAK)
Ehrhardt/! 5 1915
Ehrlurdt/17 19 17 "'" '",6,
19 16 " ,"
Fial (India pancm) 19l5 ",6
Ford (Adminlty pancm
Fiat (Worbhop) (India

Fowler B.S Armoured Rcwl toromorive

19 15
1917 .., '"
Garford 19 15 'S<
OOna-Fmchini '''''
1911 u u,
Isoua-Fmchini ~ill for Russia) 1914
Isorta-Fmchini estmorbnd and '"
Cumberland Yeomanry) 1914. 19 15 "7
"" u,
lvel TrxtOr
KiUen-Smir Armoured T~or
t. 1910
19 15
1915 ".. ,"
lOng 19 16
'" '"
JbliprillnJ JMJtriptiofu
"'. ., T".
"'. CO/OIl' mw..Jrctioru)

Holt Gn.. Ekcuic 1918
,." .,.
Lancbeuer (Adminlty ~utm)
L.G.O.C, '0' ~ clussil (R.N . A.S.)
, Lei<:hter Kampfwagen I
Lcichter JUmpfwagen n
'Linle WiUie'
..,0 .,..,0
181, 19S

Mad: (New Y National Guard)

1916 "" ." ' 54
Pednil wWhip
19 16
1915 .," ..,
.., .,..."'",
59 Renault IT 17
19 11
19 17
19 16

166, 19S

' 59
19 15
19 14 ,." .., """"""
SchwC'l'el'lWnpfW)gen A7V
IS8, 194
111, 196

Schwcrct Kampfwagm A1VfU 1918
19 16
.,. ••• SeIf-propelkd Catttpillu Mounts. Mark I ",. In, 196
Picrco-ArTOW (AntHircraft)
Pierce-Arrow b -pdr . )
Renault !11 mm.~
.."" '" •••
and Muk III
Skelcton Tank
S~ml. Tank (Tncked)
1918 79 " .".,.
Renault 41 mm. 57
.,.." Tank. Mark I
Tank, Mark IV
19 16
••13 151,189
168, 189
Rolls-Royce !Admiralry turreted p,Jnern)
Rolls-Royce fin!. Adminlty pattern)
., ", Tank, Mark V 1918
..•• 176, 190

Rolls-Royce (Finl R.N.AS. p,Jttcm) Tank, Mark V· 1918 180,190

.... '"
S.A . V.A . 19'4
>U Tank. Mark V" 1918 9l 185, 194

ShdflC'ld-Simpkx (built (oc Belgium)
1915 II
Tank, Mark""'" Bridgcbycr
Tank, Mark VII
Tank, Mark VIII
SbclflCld-Simplex (built (or Russia) 19 16
."" " , ."
110, 188
Tank, Muk DC
Tanir., Medium, Muk A

.. ...
Simnu Motor War Car 7S
Siuire-lkrwid: ('Wind WaggonJ 1915
,0 ." Tank, Medium, Mark B 19 18 184, 19)

.•• ......
T;llbot !Adminlty tun«ed p,Jtttm) 1915 Tank, Medium, Mark C 1918
Talbot Fint Adminlty p,Jltern) 1914
Talbot (Modified lint Admir:alty p,attern)
,. ".
., .•••,
While 19'1 66
Wolsclcy (CP type) 1915

II TANKS (and other FuIJ....trrled vehicles)

Bmna-Maricn-Wagen Ubt"rpmUrI
Fial Tipo lOOO
19 18
.. '"...
Ford )-«ID
Gun Carrier, Mark I
1917 .,
" .80
." .,.

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