Big Five Personality Test Report

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Big Five

test report
The Big Five Personality Test offers a concise measure of the five major factors of

personality, as well as the six facets that define each factor. Factor scores give a broad

global description of an individual. Facet scores describe, in more detail, the specific

traits of personality that make up the broad global description.

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Openness to experience







Natural reactions

Textual summary of your report

The Big Five Describing a Percentile Range Describing a

Factors low range high range

scoring scoring

person... person...
Openness to Traditionalist 33 Middle Imaginative •
• open-minded •

down-to-earth experimental •

• practical • prefers creative

conservative • conceptual

prefers problem-solvin

traditional g

outlooks and




Conscientiousness Spontaneous 81 High Conscientious •

(Work Ethic)
• disciplined •

disorganised efficient • well

• prefers organised •

flexible plans likes precise

• dislikes detail • strong

precise sense of duty •

details (Very High

scorers could

be described

as workaholics)
Extraversion Reserved • 71 High Outgoing •

formal • friendly •

serious • assertive • likes

quiet • prefers working with

working alone others • enjoys

• avoids direct direct

leadership leadership

roles roles

Agreeableness Hard-headed 46 Middle Compassionat

• sceptical • e • eager to

competitive • please • good

proud • natured •

prefers prefers

competition co-operation

over over

co-operation competition

and conflict
Natural reactions Not easily 4 Very Experiences

upset in low negative

stressful emotional

situations • reactions and

relaxed • feelings of

resilient • anxiety • prone

calm to worry •

easily upset

Understanding the scores

This report ranks your scores within a range from 'very low' to 'very high'. To enable you

to make a comparison the percentage of people* who normally fall within each range is

*Normal adult working population. Please note that distribution of scores may differ if

comparisons are being made against other cultural, demographic or specific

occupational groups.

Approximate distribution for normal adult working population:

Ranges Very Low Middle High Very

Low High

Cumulative < 7% 7% > 30% > 70% > > 93%

percentile 30% 70% 93%

Range size 7% 23% 40% 23% 7%

The Strongest Personality Factor

The Factor test score furthest away from 50 - above or below - indicates the person's

strongest personality trait. This personality trait is likely to have the greatest influence on

your overall behaviour, motivation, values and reactions to life and work situations. The

next furthest away from 50 - above or below - is likely to have the next greatest

influence and so on.

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