Electroforce Load Frame and Testbench Instruments

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ElectroForce® Load Frames 2
ElectroForce TestBenches 4
ElectroForce Instrument Features 6
ElectroForce Linear Motor 8
Software 10
Load Frame Instruments – 3100 12
Load Frame Instruments – 5500 13
Load Frame Instruments – 3200 14
Load Frame Instruments – 3300 16
Load Frame Instruments – 3500 18
TestBench Instruments 20

ElectroForce® test instruments featuring patented linear motion technologies and WinTest® controls provide a Planar Biaxial Instruments 22
revolutionary approach to mechanical fatigue and dynamic characterization. The ElectroForce family of test Applications 24
instruments includes a full range of force and performance capabilities for a wide variety of test applications
Accessories 26
based on the most unique motor design in the industry. The end result is billions of cycles of unmatched
reliable performance in a dynamic test instrument with precision, accuracy, and ease of use for a wide range
Support 28
of applications. Specifications 30

3100 5500 3200 3300 Tabletop

3300 3510 3520/3550

Floor Standing

2 ElectroForce Test Instruments 3


Planar Biaxial TestBench Vertical TestBench

with Video Extensometer
3000 N TestBench Dual 3000N TestBench

200N TestBench Dual 200N TestBench 200N TestBench with Extended Stroke 200N TestBench with Torsion

4 5
Frequencies to
Dynamic 300 Hz...
Energy Reliable Forces
Efficient to 15 kN
For more than 20 years, ElectroForce test instruments have Environmentally
Friendly Maintenance-Free
been successfully utilized in a wide variety of mechanical
characterization and fatigue applications.

• Patented linear motor operates without friction, an important

feature for ultra-durable and high-precision testing
• Efficient, direct electromagnetic conversion to force results in
greater acceleration, high frequencies and high velocities

• Intuitive software design to simplify test setup and a flexible

hardware platform for changing test needs

• Powered from a standard electrical outlet, requiring no

additional infrastructure, air conditioning or water cooling

• Air-cooled, clean-room compatible and whisper-quiet

operation in a compact, space-saving package

• Energy efficient and environmentally friendly by using

pollution-free, non-toxic technologies and oil-free design

6 ElectroForce Test Instruments 7

The Most Dynamic & Controllable
Reliability that won’t let you down Linear Motor
The flexural suspension is engineered to guide the magnet assembly without
contact or lubrication. The magnet, coil and stators are designed to control
Flexural Suspension
in the Industry
temperatures to eliminate performance degradation over decades of use and
deliver maintenance-free operation that you can count on for your longest
running tests.

Unmatched waveform control and fidelity

Performance Comparison
Without the friction of rolling or sliding bearings, the ElectroForce ® motor
design provides the control required for the most sensitive of tests. The motor
converts even the smallest of increments of current precisely to specimen
force, displacement or pressure. This means applied forces can be controlled Moving Magnet ElectroForce Performance
to gram force ranges and displacements can be controlled to a micron.
Bandwidth for any Test:
Fast or Slow ElectroForce Dynamic Performance Advantage
Testing in a variety of environmental
ElectroForce® motors excel at the full spectrum of

Displacement (mm)
testing speeds, due to the low mass of the rare earth Competitive Electrodynamic Performance
With its efficient, quiet and bearing-free design, the ElectroForce motor is moving magnet and stationary coil design. Testing
engineered for use in a variety of diverse and challenging environments, speeds can range from static tests to one cycle per
including clean rooms, humidity chambers and even radioactive hot cells. day, and up to frequencies of 300 Hz.

Sized to meet your requirements

The architecture of the ElectroForce motor can be scaled to accommodate a
wide range of forces and displacements: Stationary Coils

• Maximum forces from 22 N up to 15 kN

• Maximum displacements from 5 mm up to 50 mm.
• Extended Stroke Options add 150mm displacement.
Design simplicity provides
unmatched performance & billions 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300

of maintenance-free cycles Frequency (Hz)

8 ElectroForce Test Instruments 9

WinTest® Tune IQ® (HADS) High Accuracy Displacement Sensor

The Most Flexible The Most Accurate Closed Loop Control Algorithms
Tune IQ software uses advanced proprietary algorithms to simplify the tuning process
The Most Accurate and Precise
Displacement Sensor on the Market

Control System • Provides excellent re-creation of desired waveforms, allowing for improved test control
and ultimately better test results
• 1 nanometer resolution and micron-level of accuracy
• Far exceeds Class A, ASTM E2309 calibrated accuracy
• Extremely low noise to eliminate the need to filter data
Available • Allows users to quickly and confidently tune controllers for dynamic linear motors and
torsion motors
• High responsiveness extends the dynamic performance of system
• Single displacement channel to provide both absolute and high-
Single comprehensive software with intuitive user interface for • Advanced methods that analyze the dynamic response of the system over a wide- resolution measurements
instrument waveform control and data analysis. range of frequencies, characterizing instrument, sensor and sample for optimal control.
• Linear HADS measurement is standard on 3200, 3300 and 3510
This patented multi-frequency approach is superior to a single-point measurement Instruments
• Comprehensive tool enables quick and easy generation of that fails to factor in specimen dynamics
periodic waveforms (fatigue), ramps (monotonic tests), and • Rotation HADS measurement is standard on 3200-AT and 3300-AT
more complex block-multiple waveform segments.

Sub-micron level noise and control precision, without data filters

• Integrated data acquisition algorithms provide for a variety WinTest DMA (Dynamic Mechanical Analysis)

Displacement (mm)
of data collection techniques including timed acquisition,
A flexible application for advanced viscoelastic 0.025
peak/valley capture, level-crossing, and others
property measurements, including: 0.024
• High speed real-time measurements enable dynamic and • Storage Modulus, E’ • Secondary Transitions 0.023
precise motor control and up to 10kHz data acquisition rates
of sensor and calculated channels
• Loss Modulus, E” • Viscoelastic changes during fatigue 0.022
• Tan Delta, δ • Hysteresis Loop Raw Data
• Advanced controls including multi-channel synchronization • Glass Transition 0.020
of phase and amplitude, and cross-channel compensation
• Advanced limit monitoring and conditional logic
TRIOS 0.02

Displacement (mm)
features enable users to monitor test performance and
automatically change test activity in response to real-time Most Versatile Analysis and Plotting Package 0.01
test measurements
for DMA:
• Additional options include: • Time Temperature Superposition (TTS) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

• Dynamic Mechanical Analysis

• Peak analysis -0.01
• External Waveform Input
• Dynamic Link Library Interface for External Applications
• Onset point analysis
• Peak integration
• User-defined Variables -0.03
0 Time (sec)

10 ElectroForce Test Instruments 11


The 3100 is a highly sensitive load frame that delivers the The 5500 is a unique single-beam support load frame system
reliability and performance of the ElectroForce linear motor in offering open architecture for adaptability to the broadest
a compact and portable package. range of applications. It offers a broad force range, durability,
and versatility in an affordable design making it an ideal
Features and Benefits:
choice for academic laboratories.
• ElectroForce linear motor capable of precisely controlling force, displacement
or strain over a wide range of frequencies in tension or compression Features and Benefits:
• Compact package with integrated power supply making it the smallest and • ElectroForce linear motor capable of precisely controlling force, displacement
most portable ElectroForce instrument or strain over a moderate range of frequencies in tension or compression

• Open test space, micro-adjust assembly and convenient fixturing interfaces • Compact package and clean operation for placement into small enclosures
provide flexibility for many specimen types and geometries such as incubators and glove boxes.

• Interchangeable force sensors and precise power amplifier enable force control • 3-sided test space access, micro-adjust assembly and convenient fixturing
from ± 0.002 N to ±22 N interfaces provide flexibility for many specimen types and geometries

• Optional 24-well Compression Fixture enables many specimens to be loaded

simultaneously in a common 24 well cell culture plate

• Interchangeable force sensors and a powerful amplifier enable force control

from ± 0.002 N to ±200 N
Specification Model 3100

Force Range 0.002 – 22 N Specification Model 5500

Force Range 0.002 – 200 N

Displacement Range 0.010 – 5 mm

Displacement Range 0.025 – 13 mm

Frequency Range 0.0001 – 100 Hz

518 x 292 x 172 mm Frequency Range 0.0001 – 20 Hz

Instrument Dimensions (HxWxD)
(20.4 x 11.5 x 6.8 in)
490 x 203 x 269 mm
Instrument Dimensions (HxWxD)
Instrument Weight 15 kg (32 lbs) (19.3 x 8.0 x 10.6 in)

Instrument Weight 16 kg (36 lbs)

12 ElectroForce Test Instruments 13

LOAD FRAME INSTRUMENTS 3200 Fluid Bath Accessory

The 3200 Series III load frames are the highest precision and
most versatile instruments in their force range. With the highest
technology sensors and most advanced frame features, they are
the premier choice for demanding test applications requiring wide
ranges of force, displacement and frequency.

Features and Benefits:

• 225 N or 450 N ElectroForce linear motor options capable of precisely controlling force,
displacement or strain over a wide range of frequencies in tension or compression

• A wide range of accessories make it one of the most versatile ElectroForce instruments
including numerous environmental accessories and motor options

• A tabletop frame that’s clean, durable and quiet allow it to be used in virtually any
space from office to lab to cleanroom to manufacturing floor.

• The optional torsion motor integrates a high-resolution optical encoder for control
and measurements up to 62 turns

• The optional extended stroke motor adds 150 mm of linear motion for high-elongation

• Interchangeable force sensors and precise power amplifier enable force control from
± 0.002 N to ±450 N

Specification Model 3220 Model 3230

Configurations Accessories Force Range 0.002 – 225 N 0.002 – 450 N

• 225 N or 450 N Axial Instruments • Ovens, fluid baths and bioreactors for
simulating a variety of environments Displacement Range 0.002 – 13 mm 0.002 – 13 mm
• Axial Torsion with 5.6Nm torsion motor
• Lower force sensors to improve data
• Axial with 150mm Extended Stroke quality for low-force tests Frequency Range 0.0001 – 300 Hz 0.0001 – 300 Hz
• Numerous grips and fixtures for a 1051 x 579 x 522 mm 1051 x 579 x 522 mm
• Multi-Specimen Fatigue variety of specimen geometries Instrument Dimensions (HxWxD)
(42 x 23 x 21 in) (42 x 23 x 21 in)

• DMA 3200 with integrated oven for the • DMA and other software options Instrument Weight
98 kg (215 lbs) 105 kg (230 lbs)
best DMA results Axial Configuration

Axial Configuration Axial Torsion Configuration

14 ElectroForce Test Instruments 15


Specification Model 3310 Model 3330

The 3300 Series III load frames are highly flexible offering multiple Force Range 0.02 – 1000  N 0.2 – 3000 N

loading ranges and frame configurations. The high performance

Displacement Range 0.005 – 25 mm 0.005 – 25 mm
motor and sensors combined with flexible and convenient frame
features make the 3300 the most widely used instrument for testing
Frequency Range 0.0001 – 100 Hz 0.0001 – 100 Hz
a broad of materials, components and devices.
Instrument Dimensions (HxWxD) 1283 x 686 x 555 mm 1283 x 686 x 555 mm
Features and Benefits: Tabletop Axial Configuration (50.5 x 27 x 22 in) (50.5 x 27 x 22 in)

• 1,000 N or 3,000 N ElectroForce linear motor options precisely control force, Instrument Weight
displacement or strain over a wide range of frequencies in tension or compression 185 kg (408 lbs) 185 kg (408 lbs)
Tabletop Axial Configuration

• Multiple frame, motor and environmental accessory combinations allow the

instrument to be tailored to a wide variety of applications and sample types.

• Test setup is quick and easy with convenience features of motor-adjustable test
space, crosshead locks, Micro-adjust and a T-slot baseplate.

• The optional torsion motor integrates a high-resolution optical encoder for control
and measurements up to 62 turns or the Extended Stroke motor option adds
150 mm of linear motion

• Interchangeable force sensors and amplifiers enable force control from

±0.02 N to ±3,000 N

Configurations Accessories
• 1,000 N or 3,000 N Axial Instruments • Ovens and fluid baths for simulating a
variety of environments
• Axial Torsion with 14Nm or 25Nm Axial Torsion Configuration
torsion motor • Lower force sensors to improve data with Oven Accessory
quality for low-force tests
• Axial with 150mm Extended Stroke
motor • Numerous grips and fixtures for a
variety of specimen geometries
• Multi-Specimen Fatigue
• DMA and other software options

Axial Tabletop Configuration

Extended Stroke Configuration

16 ElectroForce Test Instruments 17


The 3500 series includes the highest force electrodynamic load

frames available. With multiple force and frame configurations
they deliver up to 15,000N of force for strength and dynamic
characterization test of a wide variety of materials, components
and devices.

Features and Benefits: Configurations Accessories

• 7,500 N or 15,000 N ElectroForce linear motor options for reliably controlling force, • Upper motor 7,500 N (Model 3510) • Ovens and fluid baths for simulating a
displacement or strain over a wide range of frequencies in tension or compression variety of environments
• Lower motor 7,500 N (Model 3520)
• Multiple frame, motor and environmental accessory combinations allow the • Lower force sensors to improve data
instrument to be tailored to a wide variety of applications and sample types. • Lower motor 15,000 N (Model 3550) quality for low-force tests

• HADS displacement sensor is standard on the 3510 Series II for even higher • Axial Torsion with 49Nm or 70Nm • Numerous grips and fixtures for a
resolution and accuracy of displacement measurements. torsion motor is available for each variety of specimen geometries
• Torsion motors offer multi-turn capability with measurements up to 40 turns. • DMA and other software options

• Interchangeable force sensors and amplifiers enable force control from

± 1 N to ±15,000 N

Specification Model 3510 Model 3520 Model 3550

Force Range 1 – 7,500  N 1 – 7,500  N 1 – 15,000  N

Displacement Range 0.010 – 50 mm 0.025 – 50 mm 0.025 – 50 mm

Frequency Range 0.0001 – 100 Hz 0.0001 – 50 Hz 0.0001 – 50 Hz

Instrument Dimensions (HxWxD) 2510 x 979 x 813 mm 2498 x 861 x 756 mm 2498 x 861 x 756 mm
Axial Configuration (99 x 39 x 32 in) (98 x 34 x 30 in) (98 x 34 x 30 in)

Instrument Weight
1000 kg (2200 lbs) 644 kg (1420 lbs) 816 kg (1800 lbs)
Axial Configuration 3510 Axial Configuration 3550 Axial Torsion with Oven Accessory

18 ElectroForce Test Instruments 19


The TestBench series is a highly flexible mechanical test platform

built upon a breadboard that enables user to relocate and orient
motors and force sensors in multiple configurations. This offers a
uniquely open platform for demanding and creative test solutions 200N Multi-Station TestBench
across a variety of applications.

Features and Benefits: Configurations Accessories

• 200 N, 400 N, 3000 N ElectroForce linear motors capable of precisely controlling • 200 N TestBench with Optional 5.6 Nm • Numerous grips and fixtures for a
force, displacement or strain over a wide range of frequencies in tension or Torsion or 150 mm Stroke Extension motor variety of specimen geometries
• 400 N TestBench with Optional 5.6 Nm • Fluid bath and vertical mount legs
• Multiple motor combinations offering dynamic axial, long-stroke axial and rotational Torsion or 150 mm Stroke Extension motor available for 200 N and 400 N models
motions that can be oriented and synchronized in virtually any combination.
• 3000 N TestBench • Lower force sensors to improve data
• Interchangeable force sensors and powerful amplifiers enable force control from quality for low-force tests
± 0.002 N to ±3,000 N • Multi-Station configurations
• DMA and other software options

Specification 200N TestBench 400N TestBench 3000N TestBench

Force Range 0.002 – 200 N 0.002 – 400 N 0.2 – 3000 N

200N TestBench with 5.6 Nm Torsion

Displacement Range 0.025 – 13 mm 0.025 – 13 mm 0.025 – 25 mm

Frequency Range 0.0001 – 100 Hz 0.0001 – 100 Hz 0.0001 – 100 Hz

Instrument Dimensions (HxWxD) 267 x 1038 x 610 mm 286 x 1073 x 610 mm 425 x 1524 x 610 mm
Axial Configuration (10.5 x 41 x 24 in) (11.3 x 42 x 24 in) (16.7 x 60 x 24 in)
3000 N TestBench

Instrument Weight
64.4 kg (142 lbs) 69.6 kg (153 lbs) 212 kg (467 lbs)
Axial Configuration

20 ElectroForce Test Instruments 21


The Planar Biaxial instruments are special configurations of the

TestBench series designed for precise characterization of planar
samples such as membranes, textile, skin and pericardium. Multiple
motors can be synchronized in various control modes and phase
for almost unlimited combinations of planar loading.

Features and Benefits:

• Two or Four 200 N ElectroForce® linear motors arranged orthogonally for precise
quasi-static or dynamic loading of planar samples

• Direct control of each axes’ displacement or force plus phase enables a wide
variety of test methods

• The 4-motor configuration offers the additional capability of stationary specimen

center with each pair of motors acting equal-and-opposite.

• Interchangeable force sensors and precise power amplifiers enable force control
from ± 0.002 N to ±200 N 2-Motor Planar Biaxial 4-Motor Planar Biaxial

• Hook grips for isolating loading axes

• Fluid bath and bioreactor chamber Specification 2-Motor Planar Biaxial 4-Motor Planar Biaxial
• Lower force sensors to improve data quality for low-force tests
Force Range 0.002 – 200 N 0.002 – 200 N
• Digital Video Extensometer (DVE) for real-time strain measurements
Displacement Range 0.025 – 13 mm 0.050 – 26 mm
• Interface kits for synchronizing with 3rd party DIC solutions

BioDynamic® Bioreactor Chamber Accessory Frequency Range 0.0001 – 100 Hz 0.0001 – 100 Hz

Instrument Dimensions (HxWxD) 267 x 1000 x 1000 mm (10.5 x 39 x 39 in) 286 x 1086 x 1086 mm (10.5 x 43 x 43 in)

Instrument Weight 102 kg (225 lbs) 110 kg (243 lbs)

22 ElectroForce Test Instruments 23

The design of new materials and products requires a thorough assessment of material
properties and complete performance evaluation within the customer’s intended
end-use. A variety of basic and advanced testing techniques are available to meet this need.

Medical • Tension/Compression • Failure Testing

Devices • Bending • Fatigue
• Torsion • Dynamic Characterization
Electronics • Shear • Creep
• Pulsatile • Stress Relaxation

Elastomers • Multi-axial • Accelerated Life Testing

Your Success
our Mission™

Tissue Engineering

24 ElectroForce Test Instruments 25


ElectroForce® test instruments can be integrated with a variety of specimen

fixtures, sensors, environmental chambers, fluid baths, and optional software.

Grips/Platens Fixtures and

Tension/Torsion Grips Chambers
Wedge Grips Multi-specimen Fixture
DMA Grips Saline Baths
Tissue Grips: BioDynamic Chambers
• Thermal-Electrically Cooled Hot/Cold Chambers
• BioDynamic® Tensile Grips Furnaces
Compression Platens 24-well Plate Fixture
BioDynamic Compression Platens T-Slot
3- and 4-Point Bend

Upgrade Options
Sensors Axial Torsion
Force/Torque Extended Stroke
Displacement/Rotation Pulsatile
Strain Verical Mount
Pressure System Status Indicator (SSI) Lights
Acceleration Battery Backup
Submersible Force Sensors

26 ElectroForce Test Instruments 27

Sales & Support
TA Instruments’ leadership position results from the fact that we offer
the best overall product in terms of technology, performance, quality,
and customer support. While each is important, our demonstrated
commitment to after-sales support is a primary reason for the continued
loyalty of our customers. To provide this level of support, TA Instruments
has assembled the largest worldwide team of field technical and
service professionals in the industry. Others promise good service. Talk to
our customers and learn how TA Instruments consistently delivers on our
promise to provide exceptional service.

With direct support staff in 24 countries and

5 continents, TA Instruments can extend its
exceptional support to you, wherever you are.

28 29

3100 5500 3200 3300 3510 3520/3550 200N/400N TestBench 3000N TestBench

Linear Motor Linear Motor

Standard Standard
Peak/Max Sine ± 22 N ± 200 N ± 225 N ± 1000 N Peak/Max Sine ± 7500 N ± 7500 N ± 200 N ± 3000 N
Static or RMS (continuous) ± 22 N ± 140 N ± 160 N ± 700 N Static or RMS (continuous) ± 5300 N ± 5300 N ± 140 N ± 2100 N
High Force Option High Force Option
Peak/Max Sine — — ± 450 N ± 3000 N Peak/Max Sine — ± 15000 N ± 400 N —
Static or RMS (continuous) — — ± 320 N ± 2100 N Static or RMS (continuous) — ± 10600 N ± 280 N —
Displacement 5 mm 13 mm 13 mm 25 mm Displacement 50 mm 50 mm 13 mm 25 mm
Extended Stroke Option — — 150 mm 150 mm Extended Stroke Option — — 150 mm —

Linear Velocity 0.0025 μm/s – 1.0 m/s 0.0065 µm/s – 0.80m/s 0.0065 μm/s – 3.2 m/s 0.013 μm/s – 1.5 m/s [1] Linear Velocity 0.025 μm/s – 1.5 m/s 0.025 μm/s – 1.5 m/s 0.0065 μm/s – 3.2 m/s 0.013 μm/s – 2.0 m/s
0.013 μm/s – 2.0 m/s [2]

Frequency 0.00001 Hz – 100 Hz 0.00001 Hz – 20 Hz 0.00001 Hz – 300 Hz 0.00001 Hz – 100 Hzz Frequency 0.00001 Hz – 100 Hz 0.00001 Hz – 50 Hz 0.00001 Hz – 100 Hz 0.00001 Hz – 100 Hz

Torsional Motor Option Torsional Motor Option

Standard Standard
Peak/Max — — ± 5.6 N-m ± 14 N-m[3] / ± 25 N-m[4] Peak/Max ± 49 N-m ± 49 N-m ± 5.6 N-m —
Static or RMS (continuous) — — ± 5.6 N-m ± 14 N-m [3]
/ ± 25 N-m
Static or RMS (continuous) ± 42 N-m ± 42 N-m ± 5.6 N-m —
High Torque Option High Torque Option
Peak/Max — — — — Peak/Max ± 70 N-m ± 70 N-m — —
Static or RMS (continuous) — — — — Static or RMS (continuous) ± 50 N-m ± 50 N-m — —
Rotation — — Multi-turn Multi-turn Rotation Multi-turn Multi-turn Multi-turn —
62 revolutions 62 revolutions 40 revolutions 40 revolutions 40 revolutions
Thermal Chamber Option -150 to 315 °C Thermal Chamber Option -150 to 350 °C -150 to 350 °C — —
— — -150 to 350°C
-150 to 600 °C [5] Fluid/Saline Bath Option Ambient to 40 °C — Ambient to 40 °C —
Fluid/Saline Bath Option Ambient to 40 °C Ambient to 40 °C Ambient to 40 °C Ambient to 40 °C

— Not Available Notes:

Linear Velocity on ElectroForce® 3310
Linear Velocity on ElectroForce 3330
Torque capacity on ElectroForce 3310
Torque capacity on ElectroForce 3330
Temp Range for DMA 3200 with FCO Oven

Specifications are subject to change

30 ElectroForce Test Instruments 31

New Castle, DE USA Hüllhorst, Germany Shanghai, China



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Costa Mesa, CA USA Brussels, Belgium Guangzhou, China

Montreal, Canada Etten-Leur, Netherlands Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Toronto, Canada Paris, France Singapore

Mexico City, Mexico Barcelona, Spain Bangalore, India

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Copenhagen, Denmark


© 2019 TA Instruments. All rights reserved. L30016.001

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