231 CE Casecnan Vs Nueva Ecija - Roxas

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ECIJA, et al.
G.R. No. 196278, 17 June 2015,

Jurisdiction over the subject matter is required for a court to act on any controversy. It
is conferred by law and not by the consent or waiver upon a court. As such, if a court lacks
jurisdiction over an action, it cannot decide the case on the merits and must dismiss it.


On June 26, 1995, petitioner and the National Irrigation Administration (NIA) entered
into a build-operate-transfer (BOT) contract known as the "Amended and Restated Casecnan
Project Agreement" (Casecnan Contract) relative to the construction and development of the
Casecnan Multi-Purpose Irrigation and Power Project (Casecnan Project) in Pantabangan, Nueva
Ecija and Alfonso Castaneda, Nueva Vizcaya. The Casecnan Project is a combined irrigation and
hydroelectric power generation facility using the Pantabangan Dam in Nueva Ecija. On
September 29, 2003, petitioner and NIA executed a Supplemental Agreement amending Article
II of the Casecnan Contract which pertains to payment of taxes. Article 2.2 thereof states that
NIA must reimburse petitioner for real property taxes (RPT) provided the same was paid upon
NIA’s directive and with the concurrence of the Department of Finance.

On September 6, 2005, petitioner received from the Office of the Provincial Assessor a
Notice of Assessment of Real Property dated August 2, 2005, which indicates that for the years
2002 to 2005, its RPT due was 248,676,349.60. Petitioner assailed the assessment with the
Nueva Ecija Local Board of Assessment Appeals (Nueva Ecija LBAA) which dismissed it on
January 26, 2006. Undeterred, petitioner filed a Notice of Appeal with the Nueva Ecija Central
Board of Assessment Appeals (Nueva Ecija CBAA). During the pendency thereof, respondents
collected from petitioner the RPT due under the said assessment as well as those pertaining to the
years 2006 up to the second quarter of 2008, totalling ₱363,703,606.88. Petitioner paid the
assessed RPT under protest; it also initiated proceedings questioning the validity of the collection
with respect to the years 2006 up to the second quarter of 2008. Thereafter, petitioner received a
letter dated July 9, 2008 from the Office of the Provincial Treasurer stating that it has RPT in
arrears for the years 2002 up to the second quarter of 2008 amounting to ₱1,277,474,342.10.
Petitioner received another letter dated August 29, 2008 from the same office clarifying that its
arrearages in RPT actually amounted to ₱1,279,997,722.70 (2008 RPT Reassessment). Again,
petitioner questioned this assessment through an appeal before the Nueva Ecija LBAA. While
the same was pending, petitioner received from respondents a letter dated September 10, 2008
demanding payment for its alleged RPT arrearages.

Hence, on September 23, 2008, petitioner filed with the RTC of San Jose City, Nueva
Ecija a Complaint for injunction and damages with application for temporary restraining order
(TRO) and preliminary injunction praying to restrain the collection of the 2008 RPT
Reassessment. Petitioner emphasized, among others, that it was not the one which should pay the
taxes but NIA.

Whether or not the CTA has the power to rule on a Petition for Certiorari assailing an
interlocutory order of the RTC relating to a local tax case.


YES. Jurisdiction over the subject matter is required for a court to act on any
controversy. It is conferred by law and not by the consent or waiver upon a court. As such, if a
court lacks jurisdiction over an action, it cannot decide the case on the merits and must dismiss

With respect to the CTA, its jurisdiction was expanded and its rank elevated to that of a
collegiate court with special jurisdiction by virtue of Republic Act No. 9282. This expanded
jurisdiction of the CTA includes its exclusive appellate jurisdiction to review by appeal the
decisions, orders or resolutions of the RTC in local tax cases originally decided or resolved by
the RTC in the exercise of its original or appellate jurisdiction.

Anent petitioner’s contention that it is the CA which has jurisdiction over a

certiorari petition assailing an interlocutory order issued by the RTC in a local tax case, the
Court had this to say: If this Court were to sustain petitioners’ contention that jurisdiction
over their certiorari petition lies with the CA, this Court would be confirming the exercise
by two judicial bodies, the CA and the CTA, of jurisdiction over basically the same subject
matter – precisely the split-jurisdiction situation which is anathema to the orderly
administration of justice. The Court cannot accept that such was the legislative motive,
especially considering that the law expressly confers on the CTA, the tribunal with the
specialized competence over tax and tariff matters, the role of judicial review over local tax
cases without mention of any other court that may exercise such power. Thus, the Court
agrees with the ruling of the CA that since appellate jurisdiction over private respondents’
complaint for tax refund is vested in the CTA, it follows that a petition for certiorari seeking
nullification of an interlocutory order issued in the said case should, likewise, be filed with
the same court. To rule otherwise would lead to an absurd situation where one court
decides an appeal in the main case while another court rules on an incident in the very
same case. Petition denied.

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