Brookwood Elementary School Counseling Program

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Why School Counselors?

Our Mission: Our mission is to provide a comprehensive guidance

program that will assist all students in acquiring skills, knowledge, and
attitudes needed to become effective students, responsible citizens, productive
workers, and lifelong workers. The Brookwood Elementary Comprehensive
Counseling Program is an integral part of the school’s total program with a
Brookwood Elementary commitment to education; individually and helping students reach their
maximum protentional. With collaborative and cooperative relationships, the
School Counseling program strives to meet the academic, personal/social, and career needs of
every student. The program’s ultimate goal is for students to master the
Program competencies necessary to be able to make self-directed, realistic, and
responsible decisions and to be successful contributors to society.

What are the Benefits of a Comprehensive

School Counseling Program?
Educating students A Comprehensive School Counseling Program
for success in a positively impacts students, parents, teachers,
changing world. administrators and many others by:
 Preparing students for challenges of the 21st century through
academic, career, and personal/social development
 Assuring equitable access to educational opportunities
Contact Information/Referral Process  Enhancing students’ personal development and problem-solving
Contact Information:  Providing support for parents in advocating for their child’s
Samar Wahba academic, career, and personal/social development
Phone: 913555555
 Enabling parents to access school and community
Email: [email protected]
Website: [email protected] resources
 Providing
Referrals: Below are a list of ways a referral can be made if you are an interdisciplinary team effort to address
interested in making a referral for counseling services: students’ needs and educational goals
 Call or email Samar Wahba
 Assisting administration to use school counselors
 Contact child’s classroom teacher effectively to
enhance learning and development for
 Contact building principal all students
 Complete referral form available on school website or in the main
What do School Counselors Services: When, Where & How to The ASCA National Model
do? Receive them? ASCA’s Vision:
School Counselors are certified/licensed educators School Counseling Core Curriculum: Entails ASCA stands for the American School
who improve success for ALL students by providing students with lessons that are preventative and Counselor Association. It is a foundation that
implementing comprehensive school counseling developmental in design. School counselors are thought provides a framework for School Counseling
programs. School Counselors are vital members to of as “guidance,” however curriculum can actually be Programs. This model outlines the
the education team and maximize student success in taught through direct instruction or group activities. components of a program that is integral to
student areas of academic, social and emotional, and These activities are based on the three domains: the school’s academic mission and was
career development. created to have a significant positive impact
academic, career, and social/emotional development.
on attendance and discipline.
School Counselors believe all students have the Individual Student Planning: School Counselors The ASCA National Model guides School
ability to achieve success in the following areas: help students explore their passions, interests, skills, Counselors in the development of school
Academic Development: achievements, and abilities. With the information counseling programs that:
gathered, the student can work with the counselor to
 Set realistic academic goals and develop a plan create goals based on their academic, career, and  Are based on data-informed decision
to achieve them social/emotional development.
 Are delivered to all students
 Develop skills such as organization, time
Responsive Services: The School Counselor will systematically
management, and effective study habits  Include a developmentally appropriate
 Build self-confidence towards academics provide small group or individual counseling to students curriculum focused on the mindsets and
 Achieve school success that is focused on setting goals and short-term success. behaviors all students need for
The counselor will also assist parents and provide postsecondary readiness and success
Career Development: support to families who may be in a crisis or emergency  Close achievement and opportunity gaps
situation.  Result in improved student achievement,
 Set realistic career goals and develop a plan to
attendance and discipline
achieve them Indirect Student Services: With the student, the
 Identify and achieve set career goals School Counselor can provide support for the students
Social and Emotional Development: ‘success with educational stakeholders as well as work
with parents, teachers, administration, outside resources
 Overcome social and behavioral problems etc. to give the student support towards their
through individual and small group counseling achievement. Any student or family in need of outside
 Learn effective decision-making and problem- resources or seeking additional information will receive
solving skills help as well.
 Demonstrate self-respect as well as respect to
 Gain personal safety skills, self-knowledge, and
personal safety skills As school sounselors, it is our mission to protect all of our
student’s information and rights. To ensure the safety of our
students, staff and families, all information that is shared
with the school counselor will remain confidential unless a
students’ safety is in question.

American School Counselor Association. (2018). About ASCA. Retrieved from


Benefits of a Comprehensive School Counseling Program. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Counseling Program Pamphlet Example

Jesserannp. (2014, April 9). Lesson Plans for School Counseling Core Curriculum. Retrieved from

Role of the School Counselor: American School Counselor Association (ASCA). (n.d.). Retrieved from

School Counselor / Mission Statement. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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